#The first post still had the original post there
books · 17 hours
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Writer Spotlight: Rose Sutherland
Rose Sutherland @rosesutherlandwrites is a Toronto-based writer who grew up a voracious reader with an overactive imagination in Nova Scotia (where she once fell off a roof trying to re-enact Anne of Green Gables!). She's been to theatre school in NYC, apprenticed at a pâtisserie in rural France, and currently moonlights as an usher and bartender—in between writing queer folktales, practicing yoga, dancing, singing, searching out amazing coffee and croissants, and making niche jokes about Victor Hugo on the internet. She's mildly obsessed with the idea of one day owning a large dog, several chickens, and maybe a goat. A Sweet Sting of Salt is her debut novel.
Keep reading for more about character arcs in A Sweet Sting of Salt, Rose's favorite fanfic tropes, and some excellent reading recs 👀
Can you tell us about A Sweet Sting of Salt and how you came to write it?
A Sweet Sting of Salt is a queer (f/f) historical reimagining of the classic folktale of the selkie wife, set in 1830’s Nova Scotia. I call it a “reimagining” because while it draws on the folktale, it’s not a retelling of that tale so much as a story playing out in relation to that mythology. I’d wanted to write something centering a love story between two women for a while, but the initial spark came from a Tumblr post! It suggested the idea of selkies testifying before the UN as victims of human trafficking, which reminded me of all the things I disliked about the original folktale and its inherent darkness that is generally glossed over, starting me down the rabbit hole toward finding my own story.
How did you approach research for A Sweet Sting of Salt, and what is a favorite historical fact you learned?
I joke that I did a lot of research by osmosis: I already had a lot of base knowledge about the location, having grown up in Nova Scotia, and then set the story in a period that I’ve been absorbing information about in a low-key way for ages—1832 is also the year of the student rebellion in Les Mis, so I’ve been gleaning tidbits about this era since I first got into the musical and book back in high school. However, I had to do more specific research into things like British divorce law, period midwifery, and animal husbandry. I also visited some small, hyper-local museums on the South Shore that gave me an invaluable glimpse into daily life. I also did some fun practical research into things like “How long does it take to walk from x to y?” and “How cold IS a plunge into this body of water in March?” (Spoiler: Very.) 
A fact that fascinated me but didn’t make it into the book was that some early European settlers in the area were granted lands by luck of the draw, pulling from a deck of playing cards: Each card was assigned to a specific 50-acre lot, and whatever you pulled, you were stuck with it.
When we meet them, Jean and Muirin are isolated for different reasons. What do you hope readers still searching for their people take away from A Sweet Sting of Salt?
That there’s always hope. It’s valuable and important to keep reaching out to the world around you, to be open, and not cut yourself off—the biggest reason for Jean’s loneliness at the beginning of this story is the way she has come to keep everyone around her at arm’s length, shutting herself away out of fear, and refusing to let anyone truly get to know her because she thinks that’s the best way to protect herself from being hurt again. Reaching out to others can take a real act of courage, especially if you’ve had bad experiences in the past, but “your people” will reach back to you.
Found family elements play a strong role throughout the novel, within supernatural and mundane settings and across species. Was this something you intended from the beginning, or did this grow out of writing the relationship between Jean and Muirin?
I always intended for Jean to have a found family of this type, which is something that a lot of queer people identify with, but those bonds also got stronger and more meaningful as I wrote, especially once Jean and Muirin began growing into their own family unit—their new relationship and the real danger that comes along with it put pressures on Jean’s other relationships that I hadn’t originally considered. Disagreements with Anneke and Laurie over Jean’s choices arise from their deep concern and love for her, and her own love and care for them, reflected in her responses, is a big part of what made them feel like a real family, for me. Jean and Laurie always having each other’s backs while also being the first to call one another out on their bullshit ended up being one of my favourite dynamics in the whole book.
The selkie myth carries an inherent element of transformation. What is a character transformation you most enjoyed writing, and why?
On a character level, the change in Jean’s worldview following a conversation with her childhood sweetheart meant a lot to me—it heals an old wound for her. I love how grounded and self-assured she is afterward, in spite of the daunting task still ahead of her. But my favourite transformation to write was the antagonist’s mask-off moment, where they directly threaten Jean for the first time. It’s so sly and coded so that only she will understand the menace behind it, a real dun-duh-dunnn moment, which was a lot of fun for me—I also enjoy the foreshadowing elements in that exchange.
This is your debut novel. Did anything surprise you about getting it from manuscript to published book?
Oh my gosh, how LONG it took! After I finished the original draft and decided it was worth attempting to publish, I spent over a year revising based on my own thoughts, input from beta readers, critique partners, and my mentor, Maureen Marshall (whom I connected with through the now defunct Author Mentor Match program, and whose book, The Paris Affair—about a young gay engineer attempting to help Gustave Eiffel secure the funding to build a certain celebrated Parisian landmark— is coming out in May). After that came a full year of querying agents and getting rejected. A lot. People loved Salty but weren’t quite sure what to do with her or where the book would fit in “the market,” which was hard to deal with at the time but is hilarious in retrospect: Salty was snapped up less than a month after she finally went out on submission! But that was back in 2022, and the book is only coming out now. Publishing can be painfully slow.
You’ve written fanfic in the past—do you have a favorite fanfic trope?
I’m not sure either of these counts as a trope, but I adore a character that’s “pure of heart, dumb of ass”, and love a truly unhinged Fanon Explanation For Canon Object. As a longtime Les Mis stan, I ship Tholomyes/Getting Punched. If you know, you know.
Do you have any favorite queer retellings of folktales you can recommend?
Right here on Tumblr, I’m a huge fan of @laurasimonsdaughter, who writes delightful riffs on classic folktales, truly inventive urban fantasy spins on old lore, and her own original folktales. 
I’m currently reading Spear, an amazing queer, gender-bent, Arthurian novella by Nicola Griffiths. Anna Burke’s books Thorn and Nottingham are up next on my TBR. Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of brilliant queer historicals that aren’t retellings (I recently loved Suzette Meyr’s The Sleeping Car Porter and Heather O’Neil’s When We Lost Our Heads) and wonderful historical retellings that aren’t queer (I highly recommend Molly Greeley’s beautiful, heartbreaking Marvelous, about the real-life couple that inspired Beauty and the Beast). Queer, historical retellings aimed at adults seem to be considered quite niche, still, and can take some digging to find! So, throwing this out to Tumblr: Do you have recommendations for me?
Do you have a writing routine? Is there a place/state of being/playlist you find most conducive to your writing practice?
My routine is chaotic at best, but I find I do my best work earlier in the day, so I usually scribble in my journal while I have breakfast, and then progress to working on my current project as I drink my second cup of coffee. I’m lucky—my day job is an evening gig, which mostly allows me to write on my preferred schedule… but I’ve also been known to have a bolt of inspiration strike at 10pm and dash home to write until well past midnight on occasion. Nothing quite like the hyperfocus zone!
What’s next for you? Are you working on anything you can tell us about?
No official news yet, but I’m currently working on a story set in 18th-century provincial France based on a true unsolved mystery of the past. It has me delving into a very specific branch of French folklore, and I hope future readers will pick up on common threads with one popular fairytale in particular. I’m really excited about where this one is headed, but keeping the details close to my chest for now!
Thank you Rose for taking the time to answer our questions! If you love queer fantasy and old folktales, grab yourself a copy of A Sweet Sting of Salt, and be sure to share your queer folktale reading recs with Rose on @rosesutherlandwrites!
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yoru-no-seiiki · 17 hours
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tagging @onyanjune and @h0ly-l3mb for giving me the idea/motivation to do this lol
link to original post here
tw/cw: MDNI or you WILL be blocked, DDDNE, (skip for spoilers) yandere! reader, mentioned non/dub con, mentioned filming of said non/dubcon.
yan! cool kid has two siblings, your upperclassman and underclassman respectively. and it hella irritates him how close you are to the two.
ofc yan! reader’s intentions have and will always be depraved yearning. they only befriended the pair for the sake of “getting close to the in-laws.” after all you wouldn’t be a good future spouse if you weren’t somewhat involved in the family side of things.
but your tunnel vision sort of . . . backfired.
“quite a bunch of lunches you’re packing.” he mumbled, raising his head from his arms after a thorough nap through class. he had already studied everything that subject had to offer and thoroughly memorized it thanks to his notes that were covered in photos of you.
“oh these? these aren’t just for me, silly.” you answered. he already knew what you were planning, and you already knew that he knew, but keeping this façade of normalcy was a game you two liked to play, “you haven’t been bringing food to school recently i’ve noticed. so i made some more to share.”
“just one?”
you blinked at him, confused. laughing after you realize where his eyes were focused on. you explain that the rest will be going to his siblings, since you thought it may be a household / financial problem.
soon after that you took off, trying your best to hide the giddy feeling in your body threatening to spill unto your facial expressions.
yan! cool kid stares at his brand new lunch and wonders if you also cut out heart shaped potato for their curries, planning out ways to torture yan! loser later
yan! loser who’s yan! cool kid’s younger brother. they look so different, their demeanors even further apart. the only way you knew they were related was cause you stalked the latter on his way back home and almost killed the former before you found out.
you dropped by his class with a smile. his classmates staring at you with wide eyes as those in higher levels rarely ever go to this section of school.
“i hope you don’t mind, but i made lunch for you. is that okay?”
“is ThaT okAy?” he parroted back at you, his voice cracking, nerves on edge at all the people staring at the situation. he was going to eat lunch alone in the bathroom again like always but was occupied with erasing the marks left by his bullies on the table.
you laugh at his response, and set the lunch you prepared on his table.
you stare blankly at the brutal remarks written across. silently you walked outside before coming back with a spare table. you frown as the food you left remained untouched.
“you should eat first. lunch won’t last forever.”
you pat the poor boy’s back and left.
one last delivery til you were done.
you breathed in, knocking the door to the student council’s room. “mr. president, it’s me.”
“come in.”
yan! school president doesn’t even raise his head to look at you. his focus remaining on the papers in his hand and table. “leave the lunchbox there.” the bespectacled man points to your table in the room.
you set it down obediently and walked out. at least, you tried to until he stops you. “before you go, tell me why i shouldn’t report your actions to the faculty.”
you don’t turn around from the door, but still you answer, “hm, actions?”
“you, using school funds to pay for my youngest brother’s harassment.”
“…mmm…” you turned around, placing a hand on your chin in feigned deep thought “because . . . you love love love me?”
yan! president sighed. you hear paper shredding.
“you may go.”
you giggled. stepping outside of the stuffy room to go finally see your beloved again in class.
you put a hand in your pocket and fished out your phone. briefly smiling at the home screen wallpaper of yan! cool kid and quickly tapping out the password.
you then delete the video of yan! president tying you up as his unclothed hips slammed into yours. your skin covered in bites and slap marks all over. your eyes converging fear as tears fell and your mouth was gagged and unable to voice the feeling. the once prim and proper man man groaning in ecstasy and yelling words of degradation as he defiled you.
but you could only cringed at the words “i love you.” escaping his lips.
“a little reward for mercy i suppose.”
you stuff your phone back into your pocket. wondering if you should also warn him about the laxatives.
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yuurei20 · 2 days
Hello! I hope your day is going well! I'm not sure if this has been addressed before, but do students have to apply to go to NRC and then receive a letter of acceptance? Or is it just an invitation randomly sent to people with sufficient magical merit? I can't imagine Lilia applying to NRC 500 years before the current game time lol. Thabk you for any insight you can provide!
Hello hello! ^^ Thank you very much for this question!
Yes yes, NRC's acceptance system might be something of a mystery still 👀
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Malleus was presumably already one of the world's most powerful mages prior to NRC, while Riddle was already at the top of all his classes.
It seems like these achievements would have influenced their selection by the Dark Mirror, except: they both attend NRC alongside students like Ruggie, who describes himself as "a middling mage" and had never attended any school at all before receiving his letter of admittance.
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Crowley says that characters like Ace, Deuce and Grim are such low-level mages that they don't have to worry about overblotting, while Lilia says the only thing a person needs in order to enroll is "some magical ability."
If the size of your magic pool and past academic achievements are both irrelevant to one's enrollment, then what conditions are there?
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I think "the nature of one's soul" might be the only one we have heard of as of this post, which is conveniently vague for just in case someone was looking to create a specific combination of students in order to achieve something 👀 (theories abound!)
To the original question of what the catalyst for these invitations even is: I am not sure!
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Kalim says that he just "suddenly got" his letter of acceptance, and while we have heard mentions of this letter from Deuce, Silver and Sebek, no one ever mentions actually applying in the first place.
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As you say, Lilia's letter arrived 500 years in the past and it seems he was insulted by it: there is no hint that he ever wanted it at all. The same goes for Leona, with both characters ignoring their letters only to enroll belatedly later on (after Lilia became a very different person from who he was when his letter was first received).
So it seems that the mirror decides on a mage's behalf that they ought to attend NRC, whether or not the mage in question actually agrees. And the mage is free to ignore the mirror's summons, or delay their enrollment until such a time as they change their mind? ^^ I believe this may be all the information available to us at this time!
(A separate question: with Malleus' various issues to do with not being invited to anywhere by anyone, has he ever mentioned receiving an invitation to NRC? 👀 memo: must check)
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user211201 · 3 days
Ape boy
--- Originally posted on 2017-01-10 on realhankmccoy ---
“Just don’t make me dumb, man, I want to keep everything about my mind totally intact,” I told my friend at the lab.
I was totally willing to go through the procedure but I didn’t want it messing with my intellect any – my job and lifestyle were too important to me.
They promised me a whole new masculine experience, that they could bring out the man in me in ways that were easily accessible through epigenetic therapy.
I’d be fitter, more energetic, more attractive and just altogether healthier. It was in the beta testing process and they said they’d throw in $3000 if I signed off, too. I’d only need to take a few weeks off work for an outpatient trial.
“That didn’t seem so bad,” I said after the doctor finished up removing the slow drip from my arm and the infusion was complete. Took two different bags of fluid but I mostly felt fine, if a little faint at first.
I got home and realized I was pretty tired so I stripped down and went to bed. I started noticing the changes the next day already. I did have more energy. My face seemed handsomer, just a tad. After two days I was feeling pretty into this.
It was the third day when I started noticing that I was getting beefier.
That was cool, I thought, but then I noticed I was feeling hornier, too. I ignored it at first, but by the end of the day I was jacking off in my bedroom, hard. I got up off my bed, still stroking my dick, to check myself out in the mirror.
“Looks hot,” I thought, stroking it slowly. If this stuff made my sex drive a little stronger, that was fine with me.
I started getting obsessed with checkin’ out the changes in the mirror, and I had so much energy that I started working out. I’d be doing pushups on my hardwood floor and getting excited over how I was going to flex in front of the bathroom mirror after I finished a set of 50.
I went back to the lab and they didn’t seem to think it was a problem.
So I figured, what the hell, I might as well enjoy this. Pretty soon I was hanging out in just my underwear all the time. That didn’t make me dumb, I knew, it just felt good. I might as well get into it, I figured.
Only problem is I got used to it pretty quick. I hate wearing clothes now, dudes.
I looked in the mirror one day and I just looked so fucking good with these thick pecs and the thicker stubble on my face. I figured I should have fun with a haircut so I got kind of a high and tight, cut real short though, and that just turned me on. Even my facial structure has changed from this shit they’re doing to me. My ears look like they stick out more, like some dumb ape or something, and that just makes me hard. I’ve hot this thick abdomen and these beefy deltoids. I feel like I look more like a football dude, even, and I started watching football even. Might as well have fun while I’m stuck in outpatient anyhow.
They told me it wouldn’t alter my mind any but it’s like I’m addicted to working out, flexing in the mirror, taking selfies, hooking up – with dudes – I just find em on my phone. I stopped reading. I look at these hairy legs and I get hard just touching em, I rub a hand across my pecs and my nipples are hard right away and I feel my cock jump up wanting a piece of the action. All I can think about is my goddamn cock, man.
So I took another week off work because I’m not ready to go back, and told myself on Monday I’d start getting ready to get my life on track. I just procrastinated the whole day, jacking off in bed, mostly, slowly stroking it. I guess my new bod’s so awesome that it’s just depressing to think of going back to the office.
My alarm goes off on Tuesday, and I throw it against the wall and say fuck it. One more day of fun’s not gonna hurt. Dudes, I look so fucking good. At least I’ll be productive today, I tell myself. So I start off the day with a ton of pushups, make myself a protein shake, and I look so ripped in the mirror that I figure I’ll score myself a hookup off Grindr. Guy comes over, and his hairy, hard pecs crushed against mine – my rubbing the short beard I’ve got started all up on his asshole, and that turns him on enough that he’s letting me lift his legs and plow the shit out of him..
After he’s gone, I’m back in front of the mirror saying “you fucking stud. Yeah you fuckin’ ape boy. Fuckin’ just want to fuck with dudes, don’t you, gay boy. Yeah you jocked up fuck. Just want to get naked and fuck, don’t you?”
Still hard, still horny, so just stroking my dick slowly while I put the game on for ambience. I don’t know how Thursday’s gonna shake out but today I just went out and bought a basketball hoop for the driveway so I could burn off some of this energy. Felt fuckin’ great, too, goin’ out in the sun in just some shorts and Nikes working on my game. Soon as I was back indoors though, man, just stripped back down to my underwear – I can’t stop admiring this body. Gotta get another dude over here to mess around with. Fuck work, man, you only live once, right?
Think I’m gonna pick up a big screen for the bedroom because that’d be pretty cool, and I just found out gay dues have their own hockey leagues you can join so I’m thinking of that. How hot would that be – those dudes are fuckin’ built, man, and I could pick it up pretty quick I bet.
Fuck, let me know if – oh, fuck it, I’m gonna order a pizza and see if I can find a hot hookup for tonight. Some dude with pecs as thick as mine and who’s like me slapping this cock all over his tongue for a couple of hours while I tease the shit out of his hot jock ass. Yeah man. Fuckin’ hot, man, I could pump a full load into some dude’s muscle butt and be ready to score again two hours later. That’s how good I feel. Friends with benefits, whatever you want to call it as long as it’s none of that lovey-dovey or dramatic shit – I’ve got em on the phone. Sex, muscle, good food and workin’ out, so glad I met those lab rats.
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Random thought popped into my head but it's about vampire Kate x reader. What if reader was a witch of some sort who got her heart broken because Kate is an fboy and became terrified and left when she realized how much she loved the reader but came crawling back a year later because she needed reader's witchy help and they ended up casually flirting because they clearly still have feelings for each other and stuff
ain't that the kicker [K.Bishop]
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pairing: vampire!kate x reader
summary: the morning after your late-night encounter with kate doesn't go quite as planned...and neither does the day after that or the day after that. [aka you and kate have way more issues than you thought]
warnings: none, i think?; did somebody order angst?; so much tension, you need more than one knife; i rob you of a longer wanda scene; cliffhanger ending because this got too long; weird vampire powers that are badly explained; very long dream sequences; a surprising lack of actual vampire stuff [i badly need to rewatch first kill]; idiots in love but emphasis on the idiots!
wodcount: 3.2k
a/n: hey everyone, my motivation was pretty dead for a while but, unsurprisingly, vampire kate brought it back! and before you all freak out, YES! THERE WILL BE ANOTHER PART! and maybe it'll be less sad and more spicy, who knows? anyway, thank you so much for sticking with me and my constant disappearing act. my second year at university is wrapping up so hopefully you’ll see more of me this summer ;) that's all i have to say, hope you enjoy <3
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Saying going home with Kate Bishop had been a bad idea would be a massive understatement.
You knew being alone with the heir of Bishop Security would come with problems but the problems all seemed relatively small compared to the continuous waves of pleasure you had been under all night.
To be fair, though, you never expected a grainy picture of you on Kate's lap to be part of that list of problems. You had expected some awkwardness from the charming brunette, the usual "we can't do this again" speech while actively making out in some random storage closet, maybe even some weird looks from your co-workers to further complicate things.
Your original plan had featured everything except you going viral overnight and waking up to the biggest PR disaster to ever hit Bishop Security. (Which is saying a lot considering the many one-night stand scandals Kate always finds herself wrapped up in)
You had so many ideas of what the morning after would be like but none of them included you waking up to an empty bed and a large pit in your stomach that tells you you fucked up big time.
Maybe it had been your fault, maybe you had been too naive for thinking you could really have it all.
Or maybe Kate was right. Maybe she had a longer list of enemies than you had been willing to entertain.
There were far too many “maybe’s” in your mind, an overwhelming amount of notifications on your phone, and you had no idea where Kate had gone.
You’re not sure how long you spend scrolling through Twitter and avoiding all the texts filled with unanswerable questions from your co-workers but eventually, you manage to regain control of yourself and get up from the archer’s ridiculously comfortable bed. You do your best to ignore how shaky your legs are as you get dressed, your mind unfortunately drifting to the night before.
You manage to find your way to the kitchen where there's a full spread of, slightly burnt, breakfast waiting for you. Your heart swells as you read the messy handwriting on the post-it note next to the biggest stack of pancakes you’ve ever seen.
Morning, sunshine. I didn’t know what you were in the mood for so I made a bit of everything. Eat as much as you can, you’ll need a lot of food and water to recover from last night ;) - Kate
It’s impossible to stop the wave of relief that crashes into you after reading that.
As impossible as it feels, you allow yourself to believe things will be fine. That Kate will stick by your side after opening up to you about her supernatural abilities.
But the fantasy doesn’t last long.
You’re halfway through your breakfast when you hear the front door slam shut with so much force you briefly wonder if the hinges came off. It takes no more than fifteen seconds for the archer to appear in front of you, her shoulders tense and an unreadable storm in her eyes.
Her posture already tells you the answer to the question forming on your lips but you ask anyway. “Everything okay?”
She seems almost startled by the sound of your voice as if hearing you makes you real.
It makes the mess you’re both in real.
“No,” she sighs. “I have some shitty news.”
“Shittier than being called a slut by all of New York?” You reply, unable to stop the urge to make her smile.
Kate doesn’t fully smile but she does let out a small chuckle, her shoulders dropping into a less tense position as the sound escapes her. “Yeah…shittier than that.”
You should’ve known where the conversation was headed. Should’ve realized there was no way you’d be able to have it all. No way for you to continue with your life as if nothing had happened.
Maybe you are too naive because you truly didn’t see her next sentence coming.
“y/n…I have to fire you and we...we can’t do this again. This has to be goodbye.”
Everything crashes into you at once.
The realization of what you’ve actually done, the stupid ease with which Kate is cutting you out of her life, the betrayal of her practically kicking you out onto the streets. You’re not an idiot, you know there’s no way you’ll be able to keep your apartment, your humble yet expensive life in New York, without your job.
Without her.
“You…you’re serious? You’re throwing me out just like that?”
“It’s not easy for me either-”
“It looks pretty damn easy, Kate.” You scoff.
“You’re not the one who spent her whole morning getting chewed out by her mom.” Her words come out like an afterthought, like she knows just how badly she’ll fuck up if you hear the annoyance behind them.
Unfortunately for her, you hear her loud and clear.
“Oh, come on. That’s your excuse? You had one bad conversation with your mom and suddenly I don’t mean anything?”
She doesn’t reply and her silence only serves to stoke the flames of fury and resentment rising within your chest.
“Do you know how many death threats I’ve gotten in the last hour? How many coworkers have tried to blackmail me already? Do you understand just how much of my life this has ruined? And you have the audacity to act like you have it hard?”
“Don’t pretend like you know anything about my life,” she spits back. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it, Katherine. If I didn’t know you, if you didn’t care, why the hell did you tell me your dirty little secret?”
She blinks, taken aback by the hard-hitting truth you throw her way.
If you didn’t know her, you wouldn’t notice the way she nervously fidgets with her fingers or the way she bites down on her lower lip while she tries to come up with something to say. If you didn’t know her, you wouldn’t know she’s hurting underneath.
You do know her, though, but knowing her isn’t enough if she’s not willing to let you stay.
So, because you do know her…you walk away.
It feels like giving up in the most infuriating of ways but it’s the only thing you can do. If Kate’s mind is made up, there’s no amount of reason that will get her to change. That’s another thing about her you’ve learned the hard way.
So you swallow your pride and walk away with no plan, no job, no way of supporting yourself. If you were a more spiteful person, you would have applied for a job at Stark Industries but instead, you do the second hardest thing you’ve ever done.
You restart.
It’s a bitter defeat and still, you pack up your things and pay an old friend a visit.
You had left Wanda behind after the Westview fiasco but she’s the only person you can think of running to after your entire life went up in flames. All it takes is one quick spell and the realization that a life without dark magic isn’t one you can live before you’re standing on the porch of her small cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Saying she’s disappointed would be an understatement, especially since she explicitly warned you not to fall in love with Kate Bishop. It’s hard to believe the witch knew about Kate’s vampire secret but you also wouldn’t be surprised if she knew what awaited you the second you left for New York.
Unfortunately, you had to learn things the hard way.
You could write multiple books on everything you’ve learned the hard way.
At the top of that list, though, is the true extent of a certain archer’s vampire powers.
It takes less than a month for Kate to reach you again…through your dreams. Dreams that feel far too real and leave you a tad bit more breathless than you’ll ever be willing to admit.
The first time it happens, you assume it’s one of Wanda’s new tricks, maybe it’s her way of helping you cope with what (or rather who) you’ve left behind. You think it’s weird but maybe a tad bit sweet and you make a mental note to ask her about it in the morning.
It’s not until you realize that you’re actively thinking that you start to worry.
To make matters worse, you’re inside Kate’s apartment…and she quite literally stumbles out of her bedroom to see you standing in the middle of her living room.
“Oh, shit.” She groans.
Your heart skips a beat at the sound of her voice. You know you’re just dreaming and yet it all feels so real. It’s like you can feel her eyes on you, hear the way your heart won’t stop pounding in your ears.
Your confusion must be written all over your face because she answers your question before you can even ask it.
“Yes, you are dreaming but this isn’t like a normal dream.”
“What the fuck happened to you not being a mind reader?” You blurt out.
You wait for that stupid smirk of hers to appear, maybe with a half-assed shrug and a semi-charming joke, but it never comes. “My dream, my rules, I guess.”
“That still doesn’t explain what’s going on.”
A beat of silence goes by before she sort of gives you an answer. “I can explain but you might hate me afterwards.”
The look in her eyes says more than you can possibly handle right now. You’ve never known Kate to be particularly insecure but all you can see in those blue depths is fear and insecurity. Fear that your feelings for her have changed, that you already hate her and never want to hear from her again.
Too bad you’ve never been good at lying.
“Try me.”
The corners of her mouth quirk up into a small smile. “Long story short, we’re bonded. That’s why we’re in each other’s dreams.”
There’s a bigger question to be asked but you’re still a little freaked out by how real this all feels. By how intense your feelings for her still are.
“But this isn’t like a normal dream, is it?”
“Nope, perks of having vampire powers.”
“So, you can do everything except read minds?” You can’t help but tease her like all the times before. “That sucks.”
“Shut up,” she says with an over-dramatic roll of her eyes.
A calm silence falls over both of you and you hate how normal it feels. How just like that, you forget your anger and the betrayal you’ve felt every minute since the day you left New York in favor of falling for her stupidly enchanting self all over again.
It doesn’t help that with every second, the distance between you gets smaller and smaller.
You don’t know who takes the first step, all you know is you blink and suddenly she’s standing right in front of you, those soft blue eyes of hers searching for the truth you can’t hide.
“y/n,” she murmurs, her hand tentatively reaching out to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “I’m sorry, I know this isn’t what you wanted.”
She’s technically not wrong, leaving because of her incapability to deal with her feelings was the last thing you wanted, but it’s not like you had any other choice.
She didn’t give you any other choice.
And now she’s here, staring at you with that wounded puppy look she so effortlessly embodies.
“I wanted you,” you whisper in response. “When are you going to get that through your thick skull?”
She chuckles, the sound warm but nervous. Her hand moves to cup your face and her touch is so soft, it leaves you breathless for a moment. “Never, I’m too stubborn for that, remember?”
You can’t help but tease her as the atmosphere shifts into something more affectionate than you’d like. “How could I forget? It’s your worst trait.”
“Ouch. Is that how you treat your favorite vampire?”
“Aw, poor little vampire baby.”
You wait for her to make one of her usual jokes but she doesn’t.
Instead, her eyes drift down to your lips and your mind instantly goes blank.
There’s an endless list of reasons why you shouldn’t do it. Just because it’s a dream doesn’t mean it isn’t a bad idea. Then again…when has that ever stopped you from being with Kate Bishop?
It’s subtle but you lean forward just enough to give her the invitation she’s too much of a gentleman to ask for. Her eyes widen the slightest bit before she meets you in the middle, the space between your lips becoming nonexistent in the span of a few seconds.
You try your hardest to hold on to your self control, to not seem as desperate as you’ve felt since that first night, but it’s useless. Your hands grip the front of her shirt in an attempt to pull her closer despite how insane everything is.
You’re simply dreaming and yet you can feel every touch, every breath, every desperate effort to make your desires a reality. You would feel embarrassed if Kate wasn’t acting the same way.
Her lips leave yours only to trail down to your neck, her fangs instantly teasing the sensitive skin she finds. The anticipation builds inside your chest as she toys with you and it’s all you can do not to beg for more.
“Kate.” Her name leaves your lips in the form of a whisper that disappears just as fast as it formed.
All you hear is her sharp intake of breath before it all fades to black.
Your eyes snap open and you’re greeted with the absolute silence you’re starting to associate with Wanda’s cabin. All you can do is lay there in the darkness, your heart pounding in your ears while your fingers trace the spot Kate’s lips had just been on.
It had all felt so real and now you’re all alone again. It shouldn’t be surprising at this point and yet you still hold on to the hope Kate will come looking for you.
But she doesn’t.
All she does is haunt your dreams in the most literal way possible. She doesn’t come to find you and fix your many, many issues, instead, she simply appears in your dreams long enough to send your mind reeling without offering any solutions.
You wish you could hate her for doing this to you but you can’t.
You love her.
Worse than that, you love her more and more each night. Even though it’s not nearly enough to heal any of your wounds, and maybe it only serves to hurt you more, it’s definitely addicting.
Wanda offers to help you sever the connection between you and Kate, something about a spell she read in the Darkhold being her only assurance that she knows what she’s doing. You don’t fully trust her on that but you do consider the option for longer than you want to admit.
You reason with yourself that there are much worse things to deal with on a daily basis than highly realistic dreams, though. That being bonded to a vampire isn't the worst thing in the world.
And maybe that would be true…if the vampire in question wasn't Kate Bishop.
You don't know what possesses you to ask but the question slips out in the middle of another midnight rendezvous. It’s been a little over two month since you moved away from New York, a little over two months since you've shared these weird dreams with Kate, when you finally ask.
“What exactly did you do for us to be bonded to each other?”
The question must catch her off guard given the way her eyes widen in panic. “What?”
“You said these weird dreams happen because we’re bonded or something but you never explained how that happened.” You watch the brunette from your spot on the couch and impatiently wait for a response, for something that will help you make sense of everything.
She swallows back her nervousness but gives herself away due to the way she fidgets with the rings on her hand. “Oh, yeah, that…it’s because I bit you that night in my apartment…remember?”
Her awkwardness would be endearing if her response wasn't so damn suspicious.
“Yeah but you're a vampire, biting people is kind of your thing. You're not automatically bonded to every person you bite, right?”
A beat of silence passes before she answers, her voice shaking the slightest bit. “No that…that only happens when there are…certain feelings involved.”
It takes a second for her answer to click in your brain. For her sudden nervousness to hold real meaning.
The answer hits you like a train and it makes your blood boil like nothing else.
“Kate, tell me that doesn't mean what I think it means. Tell me you didn't fire me because you were too afraid of having feelings for me.”
“For fuck’s sake, Kate!”
The sudden frustration in your voice makes her jump, hundreds of meaningless explanations forming on the tip of her tongue.
You don't hear a word she says.
You can't hear anything besides the pounding in your heart and the devastation that threatens to swallow you whole.
You always knew being with Kate would be impossible but this was something else entirely. This wasn't a lack of feelings between you two, this was too many feelings and too many miles of distance and not one ounce of regret from her.
You're not sure when you stood up from your spot or when she approached you, you simply feel her hand on your waist and the unmistakable sound of her breathing.
“y/n,” she tries again. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m so tired of hearing you say that.”
“I know.”
The last thing you feel is her lips on the back of your neck before you wake up. Alone. Again.
Wanda must catch on to your desperation because she brings up the idea of cutting your connection with Kate that same morning.
“It’ll only be temporary,” she assures you. “No offense but you need sleep more than you need Kate Bishop.”
“I’m a little offended,” you grumble in response.
Despite your reservations, and the voice in the back of your head that tells you running away again is a bad idea, you go along with her plan. She's right, after all. You definitely need some time away from Kate Bishop and her never-ending messes.
The spell is simpler than you expect and it, thankfully, requires pretty much no effort on your part and no weird liquids.
It does also bring the best sleep you’ve had in months so you can’t complain…even when you wake up missing the sound of the archer’s voice.
You still miss her every day and you're sure that won't change any time soon but you welcome the peace with open arms.
Wanda spends her time teaching you random spells while you help her build a nice flower garden in the backyard. It's weird but…comforting.
You could even get used to life out here someday.
At least, that's what you keep telling yourself as the weeks go by.
Until Kate shows up unannounced and flips your world upside down again with those same soft eyes you fell on love with all those months ago.
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chaos-in-deepspace · 10 hours
LNDS Xavier: Pinned Up (18+)
This fic is an amalgamation of like three different inspirational outlets, okay. I didn't want to write this. I was forced to. First freaking @nati-cutie-patootie was like "Hey, this song is so Xavier, right?", then the Xavier brainrot began. Then I woke up and saw THIS POST by @ellereath and was like "Well I'm a writer and I was already planning on doing something for Xavier so why not?" but then I saw THE IMAGE that they linked to and anyway there is no space in heaven for me because I am an irredeemable whore who can only sin...so anyway enjoy the smut!
Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+. Warnings: Smut, Penis in Vagina Sex, Reader implied having breasts, Gender Neutral Terms but AFAB anatomy, Wall Sex, Oral (Receiving), Multiple Orgasms, Creampie, Unsafe Sex, Squirting Synopsis: You couldn't help but stare at your boyfriend, whether it was when you two worked out or just at home. How someone so sweet and soft looking could be so strong was a mystery to you, but you certainly wouldn't complain when he lifts you up and pins you to a wall with ease. Word Count: 4.8k
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Pinned Up (18+) Xavier x Reader
You sighed, wiping your brow with the towel you had wrapped around your neck. The cool breeze cooled off your overheated skin as you turned to Xavier. He looked to be perfectly fine as he also wiped down his own brow.
You both had only done a light workout, one of those that you don’t sweat too much during it, but it takes forever for your body to cool down afterwards. It didn’t help that you two had to walk a mile to the apartments since the gym at your complex was closed down for maintenance.
“How you feelin?” You asked, breaking the silence between the two of you. Xavier, who had been focused on just making it home, turned to you with a soft smile.
“I’m a bit tired, but it’s not too bad.” He admitted and you couldn’t help but chuckle. When wasn’t this man tired, after all? It was one of those things you had found particularly endearing, especially because you knew if you ever wanted to take a nap, he wouldn’t judge you and join you in the activity.
You finally arrived at the complex, both of you groggily getting into the elevator. Xavier put in his floor number and you smiled, knowing it was a subtle invitation for you to join him. After a few minutes the door finally opened to his floor and you both got out. You trailed after Xavier as he unlocked the door, opening it and letting you go inside first.
You knew his apartment like it was your own with how often you came over. After taking off your shoes you walked over to the kitchen, standing on your toes to reach one of the higher shelves to grab the cups. You filled it with ice cold water and you silently sat on the bar stool; you slid Xavier a glass of water while you sipped on your own.
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you as you enjoyed the refreshing drink gliding down your throat. That was until you turned over to Xavier. He had made it into the kitchen and grabbed the water you had prepared for him.
He greedily drank from the cup, finishing it almost in one go. You watched his throat bob as he swallowed, and how some of the water crept down the side of his mouth and dripped down onto his chest. He was still covered in a subtle sheen of sweat that you wanted to lick off of him.
Xavier stopped as he finished his glass, noticing your stare and he shot you an almost knowing smile. He always seemed so innocent that you sometimes forgot that he was a wolf in a bunny disguise. The things he’s not only done to you, but has said to you were now clouding your mind as you bit your lip and tried focusing on something else.
“Something on your mind?” Xavier said, using his arm to wipe away the bit of water that had escaped.
You cleared your throat, avoiding eye contact with the man, “Ya, I’m totally fine.” You took another sip of the water and tried getting your head out of the gutter. Your muscles were already protesting, it was best to not poke at the beast and have him fold you like a pretzel. 
Xavier walked over to where you were, placing his cup in the sink. He made sure to subtly graze your arm as he did so, looking over to gauge your reaction. 
You couldn’t help the involuntary shiver running down your spine. You swore his libido was rubbing off on you somehow. He managed to always rile you up way too easily and you were in a  constant state of wanting him to be buried in you. 
You tried distracting yourself, knowing that Xavier always had an assortment of snacks at the ready since he was so used to you being here (not to mention the man could eat). You stood up, looking around the pantry. Xavier’s gaze followed your form the entire time, his eyes half lidded as he gave a lazy smile at seeing how comfortable you were at his place.
It wasn’t hard to find something appealing in his pantry since he always kept your tastes in mind. A box of chocolate pocky sticks stood out and you happily took them; you opened the box and placed one of the sticks in your mouth with a satisfied hum.
As you walked back over to Xavier you couldn’t help but think of that one incident on the bus when you two went on vacation. The way he had subtly kissed you in public when you two hadn’t even started dating yet had made your heart flutter. It was around that time you had sworn you’d confess your feelings, because being with him like that had been torture. You had wanted to drag him into another kiss that day…but that was all in the past as you stared over at your cute boyfriend.
Xavier noticed the snack in your hand, taking one of the sticks and started to nibble on it. You seemed to have cooled off as you looked over at Xavier again, the content look on his face as he enjoyed the sweet treat.
“Since you’re here, would you like to borrow the shower?” He asked, glancing over at you once he noticed you staring at him again.
“Yes please…do I still have a change of clothes here?” You asked, taking another pocky stick in your mouth as you leaned over the counter.
“I think so, but if not you can just borrow some of my clothes.” He said with a shrug and you smiled.
“Sounds good to me.” You paused for a moment, “I’ll shower after I rest a bit though. I don’t want to make the commitment yet.” Even if the thought of a shower was tempting, you knew if you hopped in like this, you might not want to get out.
“We could always watch a movie together.” Xavier commented and you shook your head.
“No way, we’re all sweaty and stinky from working out, I don’t want to rub it off on the couch.” You said and Xavier stared at you with the most confused look in the world.
“But we’ve sweat on the couch before…?” You almost choked on your pocky at his blunt response. You slowly looked at him and then huffed a bit. He then walked over to where you were relaxing on the counter. He leaned his body over you, pressing his nose against your neck and smelling, “And you certainly don’t stink right now.”
You let out a small squeak as you leaned away from him, “Hey, hey, hey!” You said, pushing his face away from you as he chuckled, “You can’t do that to me right after I work out!” You whined, but couldn’t help the chuckle coming from you as well.
“I’m telling you, we both stink from sweating.” You claimed then stopped at your sudden realization. He had been really close to you a moment before and you didn’t notice any smell from him. There was no way…you turned around, grabbing his wrist and pulling him closer to you as you did exactly what he had done moments ago. Your nose pressed against his neck as you sniffed.
He had the slightest musky smell, but overall he smelled like fresh spring water, linen, and a hint of birch. Just like he always did, the scent calming you like a pavlovian response as you blinked. 
“Oh this is unfair…” You grumbled, “You still smell like you’re fresh out of the shower.” You complained and Xavier chuckled, placing his hand against your hip.
“And I’m telling you that you smell fine, so let’s go relax on the couch.” Xavier said, tugging at your tank top as he tried getting you to come with him. You knew the moment you two were on the couch he was probably going to pass right out.
You hum as though thinking over your decisions before smiling, “Nope!” You said, popping the ‘p’. You grab another pocky stick and put it in your mouth then place the box down. Perhaps you should just take a quick shower and then cuddle with him on the couch; that seemed like the best compromise.
You start walking off, but Xavier’s grip on your hip tightened as he spun your body around until you were chest to chest with him. He leaned in, grabbing the end of your pocky stick and nibbling on it until your lips met in a sweet and short kiss.
You couldn’t help the small smile spreading across your face as he pressed against your lips again in a series of soft kisses. Xavier brought a hand up to adjust the angle of your face to where he wanted it, intent on enjoying this moment to the fullest.
You lean back, but Xavier was quick to pull you closer and finally pressed his lips back to yours with a purpose. His lips molded with yours perfectly and you could feel him nibbling on your lower lip, his warm hand going under your shirt to caress the skin there.
You open your mouth for him, tasting the sweet pocky that lingered there as he tilted your head. Your hands grasped at his shirt, dragging him into you as he grabbed you until your pelvis was pressed against his. You groaned into his mouth, loving how just his kisses could get your entire body feeling light.
When Xavier finally parts from your lips he can’t help but press his forehead against yours, painting slightly, “Maybe we should save that shower for later?” He said, implying what was to come.
You chuckle and lean up, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, “Is this why you wanted to drag me to the couch?” You asked, looking up at him through your eyelashes. His brilliant blue eyes sparkled with mischief and the smirk he wore sent a shiver down your spine.
“It hadn’t been the initial intention.” He said, going to place a kiss on your cheek, moving down your jaw and then your neck, “But I started to think about how you were looking at me earlier and figured you wouldn’t mind.” He said, nipping at your exposed neck. You let out a small gasp, your hands grasping the fabric of his shirt.
“Oh, so you noticed that?” You chuckled as his hands played with the band of your shorts. He was leaving wet kisses along the column of your neck and right behind your ear, and once again you felt a small nibble but this time it was on your ear.
“How could I not? First at the gym, and then when I was drinking water. It’s pretty obvious what was going through that pretty head of yours.” He said, nuzzling his face into you. You chuckled, “Now can I please take these off?”
One of your hands went over to his shoulder, while the other began threading through his hair, “Go right ahead.” You said, giving him the permission he was waiting for. He wasted no time, pulling your tight shorts and underwear off, letting them pool around your ankles. You stepped out of them, kicking the articles of clothing to some random corner of the apartment.
Xaviers fingers slowly pressed against your slick folds, feeling how wet you had gotten just from kissing him. You groaned, feeling one of his fingers easily slipping into your heat without an ounce of resistance.
“All this from just watching me?” Xavier murmured, adding another finger and curling them. You gasped, feeling him hitting your sweet spot. Xavier knew how to play your body so easily that he could make you cum within minutes of toying with your body.
“Only for you, Xav.” You whispered, spreading your legs a bit to give him a better angle. Xavier groaned at your words, using his free hand to cup your face and dragging you in for another heated kiss. His tongue played against your own and you whimpered, feeling his fingers were intent on making you cum all over them.
“Fuck…” Xavier can’t help but groan, his fingers leaving you for a moment. You let out a whimper at the loss of something inside you. His hands wrapped around your thighs as he hoisted you up. Your legs immediately went to hook around his torso. Your pelvis pressed right against his and you groaned at feeling his cock straining in his pants.
It was effortless on his part as he casually walked over to a wall, pressing your back against it and rutting his hips up into yours. You gasped at feeling how he ground into you, your walls clenching around nothing and you were tugging at his shirt, “Xav…” You whined his name out and he chuckled.
“I know, my star, but I need to do something first.” Xavier said as he seemed to struggle for a moment to stop grinding against you. You just felt so good against him even with a layer of fabric blocking him from you. Your cunt soaked into the fabric of his pants and he could feel every twitch of your pussy through them.
You let out a startled gasp as he managed to hoist you up higher, adjusting your legs until your legs were hooked around his shoulders, his hands firmly holding you up by your ass. He gave the flesh a teasing squeeze as he looked up at you.
He began peppering kisses along your thighs, enjoying how your thighs tensed for a moment under every small touch on his lips, “Xav, what are you planning?” It was damn obvious what he wanted, but you couldn’t help but flush at the thought.
“I just want a small taste.” Xavier said, his lips slowly trailing closer to your folds. You groaned, pushing his head away from you with a blush coating your cheeks and neck.
“N-not without a shower first, geez.” You said, but Xavier was on a mission. He looked up at you, utilizing his puppy eyes and making you groan in annoyance. You tried not looking at him, but he gave your ass another firm squeeze and your eyes snapped down.
You swore those sapphire eyes should be illegal. Just that look was enough to get you to fold every time…sometimes literally. You looked away again with a small pout before admitting defeat.
“F-fine…but I warned you…” You murmured, feeling positively embarrassed at your current position. However, that was all Xavier needed to hear as his tongue left his pink lips, slowly licking up your sopping cunt.
You let out a groan, your hand threading into his hair and tugging a bit as his tongue began working its magic on you. He really did know how to unravel you as his tongue went into your tight heat, curling up. His nose brushed up against your clit as he enthusiastically ate you out. The obscene wet noises made you close your eyes and bite your lip.
His mouth went to suck on your clit, making you moan loudly and your grip on his hair tightened. You could feel him groaning against you as your hips rolled into his face. He grabbed your ass, giving it a tight squeeze as he dragged you in impossibly closer, loving how you began grinding in earnest on his face.
Your thighs began shaking and you knew you were close with that familiar coiling in your stomach, “F-fuck Xa-Xavier!” You managed to squeak out, “C-close.” You said, before the tension inside of you snapped.
Your thighs clamping down on his head as you rode his face, loving how his tongue fucked you through the entire thing. He couldn’t help but watch you the entire time, your facial expression as you used his face for your own pleasure made his cock twitch.
After you rode it out, his tongue just made lazy circles around your clit until you were flinching away and relaxing your thighs so his head was no longer in a vice grip. You were panting as you stared down at him.
Xavier parted from your folds, your release dripping down from his chin as he licked his lips and smirked at you, “Thanks for the meal.” He said, pressing another kiss against your thigh. You flushed, looking away and covering your mouth with your hand. He chuckled at the bashful look you had as he readjusted you again.
It was too easy for him to lift you off his shoulders and place you back against the wall with your legs securely around his torso. He began leaving kisses along your face, rolling his hips back up against you. Despite having just comed, you groaned and rolled in time with him.
Your hand trailed between your bodies, pushing down his pants until his cock was free. The head was a bright red with precum dribbling from the tip freely. You used it to help lube up your grasp, giving him a few strokes and making his groan as he rolled in time with your hand.
You couldn’t help but lick your lips at the thought of having his length down your throat. While he didn’t taste like candy, he had this certain, subtle taste that you could only describe as Xavier. You craved it and Xavier easily caught how your pink tongue darted out of your mouth as you looked down at his cock.
He leaned against you, his mouth against your ear, “You can suck it some other time, my star, for now I need to be inside you.” He said, making you shiver from the proximity. 
You let out a small whine of disappointment as he shifted you. You grasped his cock and lined it up with your pussy, groaning as he rutted his hips against your slick folds and bumping against your sensitive clit.
“Wouldn’t this be easier if we were on a couch?” You asked, worried about his arms. You knew he was strong, hell him casually lifting you up and down was testament to that, but you didn’t want him to tire out.
“Aren’t you the one who claimed we were too ‘stinky’ to lay on the couch?” He teased, pressing a kiss behind your ear, “Besides, our workout today was too light. I didn’t work on my arms at all.”
You chuckled despite feeling his blunt cock head pressing into your opening. Your chuckled slowly turned into a drawn out moan as he slipped inch by inch into your core. You could feel every bit of him, the one vein on the underside of his cock grazing against your walls and driving you insane.
He was guiding your hips onto him until you were finally settled fully on his cock, your pelvis flush against his own. He gave you a moment to adjust to his girth, taking his time to mark up your neck properly while you gripped at his shirt.
“Starlight?” Xavier murmured after a moment. You hummed in response, feeling how his cock twitched in response to just your voice, “Take your shirt off for me, please.” He said and you nodded.
He lifted his head, watching as your hands went under the edge of your tank top as you slowly took it off. You tossed it across the room before doing the same with your sports bra. The moment your chest was free, Xavier’s cock strained inside of you again. You groaned, rolling your hips on him and he bit back a groan of his own.
At the angle he was at, he could really only stare at your chest, so you decide to tease him. You leaned your back against the wall fully as your hands went up to cup your breasts, squeezing them together as you pinched your nipples.
Xavier groaned, finally thrusting up into you at seeing how you played with your own breasts. You gasped, your arms going around his shoulders quickly so you wouldn’t feel like you’re about to fall off him.
Your body was still leaned back so Xavier could watch how your breasts bounced with every thrust up into you. He couldn’t decide where he wanted to look. His eyes going to your face, your breasts, then finally where you two were connected. Your eyes trailed over his form, whimpering as your hands tugged at his sports tank.
“X-Xav…” You grumbled, wanting to feel his skin fully on you. Your hands tugging some more before wandering underneath to feel his hot skin. His abs flexed under your touch and you began rolling your hips with him.
“S-sorry Bunny, but I can’t take it off right now. Just bear with me.” Xavier grunted at seeing how upset you were about not being able to see him fully. If he went to take it off it would mean he’d have to set you down, and he didn’t want to be apart for even a moment. Not with how your hot walls seemed to suck him in.
You stopped putting up a fight, your hands moving to grab onto his exposed biceps as he began bouncing you on his cock. You were moaning without reservation; the sound of skin on skin slapping almost drowning it out. 
You felt Xavier pull his cock out until just the head remained before slamming back up into you. Your nails dug into his biceps at the sensation as you let out a high pitched mewl, leaning back into his body. He groaned at feeling how tightly your pussy clenched as he repeated the motion, angling his hips until he was slamming right into your sweet spot.
You could feel yourself being built up again, that tight and uncomfortable coil in your stomach threatening to burst at any moment. It didn’t help that you were angled just right so every thrust had your clit grinding against him.
Xavier could feel how your walls pulsed around his length as he leaned over, “Go on, starlight, cum on my cock for me. Can you do that, beautiful?” He asked, not letting up his pace as he brutally abused your sweet spot like his life depended on it.
You felt that euphoric coil snap as your entire body tingled as you came, your walls becoming like a vice grip on Xavier’s length to the point where he could barely pump his cock in you. Your nails dug angry crescent shapes into his arms, stinging him and making Xavier groan. 
He continued fucking into you, his grip on your thighs just a bit tighter as he guided your cunt on him repeatidly. You were coming down from your high, already feeling another wash of arousal coursing through you.
You gasped, placing your head in the crook of his neck as you laid sloppy, wet kisses on anything you could reach, panting his name right on his shoulder.
Xavier’s dick twitched in response to hearing your wanton moans right up against his ear, “Just a little bit more, my star, almost there.” He grunted out, his hips rolling into yours until he could pick up his pace again.
You felt so overstimulated, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you let him use your body like a toy. You leaned back against the wall again, your body bouncing delicious to every thrust of his. Xavier watched where he entered you, a creamy white ring forming around the base of his cock as evidence of your release.
He groaned, “Where can I cum, starlight?” He said, not even knowing if he’d have the strength to pull out at this point.
Your entire body was buzzing and you could barely hear him with the blood rushing in your ears, “I-inside please, fuck Xav so close.” You murmured, your words coming out slurred as you felt a different tension in you. It wasn’t how you normally felt when you came and you squeezed your eyes, the pleasure getting to almost be too much.
Xavier let out an almost guttural growl as he bucked his hips into yours a few more times, his cock twitching with every rope of cum he shot into your tight heat. It was too much for you, your walls clamping down again as warm tears fell down your cheeks.
This time you felt a rush leave you, liquid squirting out of your cunt as you soaked his abs and lap in your juices. Xavier just watched, absolutely mesmerized by your release, his eyes widening as he continued pumping into you a few more times until he could see your legs shaking and you began mumbling something about it being too much.
He pulled out of you slowly, your combined release dripping onto his pants and the floor as he grabbed your legs tighter once he realized they were going slack. He leaned in, peppering kisses all over your face and neck.
“Did so good for my, my star, my galaxy, my love.” Xavier said, helping you come down from your high. You didn’t even realize the tears that had come out as you stared at him with glassy eyes.
“How are you feeling?” He asked once you started to look a bit more coherent. You murmured something, leaning in to nuzzle against his neck.
“M’fine…” You said, letting out a yawn. You felt absolutely spent and Xavier chuckled. You felt the cool wall leaving you as he began walking. You could hear him kicking off his pants that had probably been falling off his hips midway through your session.
You flinched at the fluorescent light as he flicked the switch on in the bathroom. He sat at the edge of the tub, turning on the water and feeling it to make sure it was the perfect temperature. You felt content, resting in his lap as the rushing water wanted to lull you off to sleep.
“Hey, come on, wake up. I don’t need you drowning in the bath.” Xavier teased, his soft voice wasn’t helping but you did open your eyes to look at him. You felt your breath being taken away at the look in his eyes, it was such a soft gaze that you knew was reserved just for you.
“Not gonna drown.” You said with a small pout and Xavier couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped him as he leaned in and gave you a quick kiss. You instinctively went to follow his mouth and he shook his head.
“Careful, I don’t know if you could handle another round if you get me riled up.” He said, a hand going to cup your cheek and wipe away the dried tears there. You were still pouting so he sighed, leaning in to kiss your forehead.
“You’re joining me in the bath so it’s not like we have to worry about me drowning either way.” You pointed out to him.
“Who said I’d be joining you?” He couldn’t help but tease you. You just seemed so adorable at the moment.
“I did, obviously.” You said, then you tugged at his shirt, “Can we finally take this off?” You asked, noticing the bottom edge seemed to be absolutely soaked.
“That seems like a good idea.” Xavier said, going to take it off of him. You easily balanced on his leg as he ripped the sports tank off and threw it over to the laundry basket he kept in the bathroom. You looked down to see the thin happy trail he had was also soaked and you gave him a confused look. You two had fucked a lot, and you hadn’t seen his pelvis this wet before.
“Why are you dripping?” You said, glancing at the droplets glistening off his abs.
Xavier smirked, “You don’t remember squirting all over me?” He asked, his innocent demeanor was crushed by his words. How someone could look like an angel while saying that was a mystery.
As his words settled in you felt embarrassed, your hand going to cover your mouth, “Say sike.” You finally uttered.
“It’s the truth, Starshine.” He teased, “I’ll have to figure out how to recreate it another time so you can remember.” You groaned in despair and looked away.
“Can we forget that ever happened?” You murmured.
“No can do, it’s engraved in my mind. I won’t bring it up though if you’d prefer.” He said and you huffed before pushing him a bit towards the tub.
“Fine…now let’s get cleaned off…and then watch a movie on the couch.” Those demands seemed good with Xavier as he dragged you into the warm water below, content to have you snuggled against his chest as he worked on getting you both cleaned.
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daman19942 · 1 day
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TSR CC Recommendations: TS2 Lot Builders
Nobody asked for this but I have a little time on my hands and I said I might do it, so here is a list of some TSR lot builders who I recommend checking out. A few notes under the cut before we get started (all details under the cut, as well, in case you aren't interested in my preamble):
This is not meant to be paid promotion for TSR. I believe TSR asking users to pay for their CC is ridiculous, especially for a 19 year old game they haven't supported in 7 years. But I spent many years uploading there during the peak-TS2 / pre-TS3 era and know there is great CC in their archives that newer players may not know about. And unlike TheSims2.com, which has sadly shuffled off this mortal coil, TSR's content is still available to freely download (assuming you can stomach the pop-ups and wait times)
This post will only be about lot builders because that was what I was primarily uploading and downloading in this era. I was friendly with some of the creators I am about to list, but none of them are still active members of the TS2 community.
The preview pics might be a little rough and the architecture styles will likely feel very dated compared to the most popular styles these days, which are more colorful, cluttered, and use 3t2 and 4t2 conversions. Re: the previews: too many of us were using free trials of PaintShopPro back then, and TSR limited us to 2 previews, so we did our best. Re: the styles: unlike pre-2010's CAS CC, which was full of hand painted and "realistic" textures (LOL), these are the same objects you can find in the game today, just being used in different ways! Sometimes for the first time! And, yes, while some of these creators used CC, it was mostly Homecrafter walls and floors, as you'll see below.
This was also the hey-day of CFE lot building, which has certainly fallen out of favor to more traditional builds (in part because graphics cards have improved and these types of builds don't look as good in 2024, and also because the great CFE experimenters, builders, and tutorial writers are no longer part of the community and their original discoveries are gone as well - I am happy to go down a massive rabbit hole on this piece of TS2 history if anyone else cares, but trust me, you don't have to care).
Alright that is enough caveating, here are some recs! (Links are in the creator's names and they take you to their Lots, though many of them have other creations, too).
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Lord Tiko Speaking of great CFE builders! Lord Tiko built spaceships, boats, pagodas, domes, windmills and bridges, oh so many bridges before retiring mid-TS2 because of health issues. He was one of the first builders to take Daihtnaoz7's single and double bridge tutorials and apply them to really big lots. I'm still not sure how he built the Venice Rialto Bridge, or his other European water lots. Overall, a massive inspiration to me when I was prioritizing CFE builds.
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Hatshepsut My favorite "traditional" home builder, and someone I considered a friend. She specialized in English and American builds, and I had many of Hat's houses in my old saves and was impressed by her range and decorating style which was (for the time) more varied than many of her peers. Knew how to take great preview pics of her houses, too.
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Tigerblue Another builder I corresponded with, Tigerblue was probably the least prolific uploader on this list for sheer number of uploads, but she also crossed a range of styles. Her builds leaned way into specific styles (see the previews, these were all part of consistent sets of 3,4, or even 10 lots), but this was also what happened when a new EP dropped and everyone raced to uploaded builds using as many of the new objects and styles as possible. Tigerblue just happened to be better at it than most of us.
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Cyclonesue Do current TS2 players know Cyclonesue? Because it's hard to think of someone who had a bigger impact on building and decorating of the era, first with her English and Tudor builds and later with her extremely distinct grunge creations. Seriously, check out her Urban Renewal series and the corresponding objects. Iconic stuff that surely now feels frozen in time. I probably only played 20% of her lots that I downloaded, but they still make for great hood decor. Like Tiko, someone who happily experimented with CFE.
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Illiana The creator who inspired me to make this list is, ironically, the one on it who I know the least about (she is a Featured Artist but not in the Hall of Fame, whatever that means). I just started playing her Tri-Annyas fraternity house and have a few other lots floating around my game. She built in a range of styles, from classical to modern to Twikki Island to grunge. Revisiting some of them in-game, the TSR previews do not do them justice.
*EXHALES* If you made it to this point, kudos to you. I'm sure there are creators I've forgotten, and houses I haven't linked to, but this is a good starting point for digging into some of the eclectic builds the TSR(chives) have to offer (I just coined that, is it clever? It is not). Maybe I'll do a Part 2 if people like this.
If you have any favorites of your own, let me know what I missed! And as I do with my old Exchange re-uploads, I am tagging @sims2packrat and @oldasscustomcontent for general TS2 history awareness!
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misskattylashes · 2 days
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Okay, I’m going to do it. I have been holding back and just telling my closest fandom friends my crazy theory, but what the hell. Most of you think I’m batshit anyway.
Here we go.....
What if we have been on the receiving end of a long played out psyop and Louise has been a way to make the public want Milex?
Okay, hear me out...
It’s 2017/8 Alex has abandoned Miles after EYCTE. He has gone to France to write and record TBHC, having realised their little TLSP bubble could never last (see Star Treatment). Without Alex, Miles is a little lost and lonely in LA. His reputation is also at rock bottom after the journalist incident. Miles decides he wants to move back to England, and Alex decides he wants to move back to, as we know they can never be more than a few minutes away from each other
Taylor either wouldn’t or couldn’t leave LA, so she and Alex break up. But they need a new girlfriend to keep up the straight image (especially with the new badly-received album and a world tour about to begin). On the original version of OPP as seen on the AM in Mexico video, over the turtle segment Alex sings ‘One More Year I’ll Call It Quits’ maybe the plan was to give it all up,but he had signed a contract to do another album and tour after TBHC, and with Miles’ reputation so bad, if they were together then they would both be cancelled.
So a European girlfriend is found and this is where the subterfuge begins. We start with old Instagram posts with tags like #alexturnerwillyoumarryme, then we get professionally shot videos of her backstage at AM’s concert (all the time Alex is ‘still with’ Taylor) so as soon as they launch, the first image of Louise the public get is a negative one, as a fangirl who has set out to get Alex, not caring if he cheats in his current girlfriend.
Before I list the reasons why I think she is fake, can I say this idea he has stayed with her as punishment for cheating on Taylor is absolutely ridiculous. Men who are serial cheats aren’t known for wearing hairshirts. Especially when you’re a handsome, wealthy rock star who could easily get another girlfriend.
So, the idea is, Louise is the most unpleasant person who makes Alex miserable, and if most people are honest, they want Alex to be happy..
So, let’s look at the evidence..(where there is a * it means there is a Miles counterside)
Louise doesn’t work. She claims to be a feminist, but her job seems to be being Alex’s girlfriend.
She openly copies selfies posed by previous girlfriends, making her look like she has no personality of her own
She boasts in her IG posts ie the ‘we just fucked’ pic and the panties on the piano.
She claims to be a musician but we rarely see her writing or recording anythjng.*
She writes embarrassing things about itAlex on social media (beautiful dick).*
Openly takes a neutral stance on Palestine.
Claims to wear vintage clothes but they rarely are*
When Alex was ill after the third London show, it is publicised that he leaves the Emirates with his parents, no sign of Louise. She’s too busy taking pics in the hotel with Matt and Amanda
Meanwhile Miles has worked hard on his public image. He has shown he is a hard worker. He rarely mentions Alex on social media and when asked about him in interviews, whilst admitting they are good friends, is insistent they are not working together. Which is good because he has always been accused of riding on Alex’s fame.
He frequently gives updates when he his writing and recording, treating us to little snippets, something Louise never does.
Is it a coincidence that holiday gate is the same as the week One Man Band’s release. Alex looking miserable with Louise Vs Miles being charming and hard working.
Not long after Louise starts going on about her fake vintage, Miles posts a whole real of him going proper vintage shopping so he looks authentic.
Even in Dublin there is no duet with Alex. Miles not using Alex’s,fame,but also those who monitor social media can see how hungry they are for Milex interaction.
The river Mersey comment – another way of guaging public opinion. Finally the legion of doom 😍😍 comment on the NY recent. The fandom went crazy at Milex acknowledgement.
His face..Alex is a pro. He has had twenty years of faking smiles after arguments with the other Monkeys, girlfriends, even Miles. He could fake a smile with Louise if we wanted to when they call their friends at Backgrid to take pap pictures. But instead he chooses to look like someone either on the verge of tears or else being held hostage. And in the latest set of pics, Louise looks the same.
The Taylor tattoo....it looks like he thinks so little of her he has kept that tattoo.
‘I don’t wanna be hers, I wanna be yours’ quite often at gigs where Louise is in attendance.
Not one song on the car written about her.
And now of course with the tour over, a lot of people return to watching TLSP videos. Happy, muscly, healthy looking Alex having fun with Miles as opposed to skinny, miserable Alex trapped with Louise.
Apart from Louise’s most ardent fans, most people want to see him away from her and would be overjoyed at a TLSP reunion, and for us Milexers, a declaration of their love.
So, has this been a long game? A way of making the people think they want Milex? I told you it was crazy, but just remember the world of public relations is completely underhand and insane.
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ataraxiasflame · 2 days
what was your least favorite part of acosf
Good question, anon! And my answer is probably going to be an unpopular one. There are several scenes that I can point out as contenders for least favorite but there are actually two characters that made ACOSF very difficult for me.
The first was Amren. Amren’s agenda to put Rhysand on the throne despite his insistence that he doesn’t want to conquer Prythian. Amren’s suggestion that Nesta use the mask and the weapons that she made with her power to make Rhys King (when at this point, there was every indication that the mask could kill Nesta). And then when Nesta went down on her knees to beg forgiveness from Amren who had previously called Nesta a pathetic waste of life, I literally threw my book at the wall.
The narrative that Nesta hurt so many (see: Feyre) and needed to earn their forgiveness still pisses me off to this day especially when every single member of the inner circle is still given the luxury to behave in other destructive manners, and none of them are held accountable or had their lives threatened if they didn’t toe the line.
My second issue with ACOSF was Feyre. I don’t tend to discuss it much given that she’s a pretty popular character. Feyre was my least favourite character in the original trilogy, and she remained my least favourite after ACOSF but for different reasons.
I take major issue with the fact that she was handed a (pretty powerful) title which can only be passed on through magic, but that’s something I’d need a whole other post for…in ACOSF, her character did nothing with that power. Yes, the plot was focused on Nesta, but we saw enough of Feyre because of the baby plot, and she was watered down to a pregnant trophy wife who was given a title so that she can feel important. She could have done so much for the females of the Night Court (the Hewn City females; and the Illyrian females which she frequently likes to take the form of so she can fly around and screw Rhys with the wings that they cannot use)…I just feel SJM really took a massive misstep by not making Feyre at least earn the respect of a High Lady with the people of her court through her actions, not because Rhys told them to respect her because they are mates.
Instead, she was decorating mansions and painting portraits. She was being a trophy wife, pregnant or not. And this was further confirmed by the fact that not a single member of her found family (who Feyre places on a pedestal over her own sisters) defended her when the time came.
I can still handle the minor issues I had with Nessian and the so-called ‘intervention and Rehab’ for the sake of the plot but I did not enjoy Amren and Feyre in this book, unfortunately.
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randomgzy · 19 hours
One year since the end of generation 1, (almost) one year of being convinced this guy was brainwashed and manipulated into being the villain✋
Rahh, this is technically my first animation (stop-motion? Idk), I had so much fun making this actually.
I didn't really know what to post as a "special" for the genloss-anniversary-week, so I decided to simply publish the theory I've been most interested in (and convinced of); That Hetch really meant well and truly is a good guy🙏
I originally planned on writing a whole analysis on this since it gets REALLY deep, but lost motivation halfway through. Still, I wanted to put it out there that I am a Hetch defender (or apologist, idk what you'd call it these days lmao), so here we are.
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miscellaneoussmp · 2 days
My love letter to qsmp and qsmpblr.
I saw other people doing this, so I might as well too!!!! I like the positivity of it all!!!
My story with qsmp is kind of a sad one, so sorry, but warning for the death of a loved one is mentioned in the second paragraph.
Originally, I was very excited about qsmp from the day it was announced. Quackity had been one of my favorite content creators for years at that point. Although, the day it started, I was on vacation with my mom and grandma for my little sibling's birthday. I didn't have time to watch day 1, so I just didn't get into it. I got updates through a friend of mine (Hi Warren!!!) meaning I had some idea of what was going on. Plus, I watched clips here and there. (Also, fun fact!!! I voted in the elections for Bad even though I didn't know what was going on!!)
Okay, here's the sad part. In early July of 2023, my grandfather on my mom's side died. It sucked. I was closer with him when I was little, so I didn't know what to feel. It hurts, I think. Everything about that situation sucked, from getting there to the mess that is my big ass family. Though on my last night there, I was thinking about the qsmp for whatever reason. I decided that I wanted to get into it there and then. I sat in the airport waiting to get on an airplane to go home watching qsmp compilations to get caught up. It was amazing. I felt better, just a bit.
I made my first post with the qsmp tag on July 13th, 2023, and y'all have been stuck with my ass ever since.
Now!!! It's time to shout out the lovely people of qsmpblr!!! (Under the cut cause I think this is getting long)
@kadextra Kade!!!! You're the first person I ever followed in qsmpblr and the person who inspired me to keep writing. I can never ever thank you enough for that. Your art is wonderful!!! Please keep creating!!!
@disfrutalakia Kia!!!!! You literally mean the world to me!!!! You were my full introduction to the Brazilians of the server, and I can't thank you enough for that!!! You say my characterization of Pac and Mike is amazing? Well, I couldn't have done it without you!!! Also, thanks for letting me live in your inbox for literal months!!!
@thesmpisonfire Des!!!! Hi bestie!!!! Before we were friends, whenever you were in my notes, I would get so excited!!! I thought you were the coolest person and still do!! Thank you for letting me ramble to you endlessly!!! I love everything we've made together!!!
@ultra-raging-ghost Ghost!!!! King!!!! The beloved ghostie on my dash!!!! And my beloved coauthor of Freaks and Their Tapes!!!! There's a lot I couldn't do without you!!! Thank you for being an amazing friend!!!!! Love you /p <3!!!!
@factorialsotherfandoms Factorial!!!! Beloved!!!! You're an amazing writer and kind friend!!!! I think about your fics all the time!!!! Please keep writing forever and ever!!!!! Please!!!
@iridescentpull Aynée!!!!! My fellow demigod Pac enjoyer!!!!!! I literally screamed when I saw we became mutuals!!!! You're so fucking cool and your writing is amazing!!!! I created demigod Pac content for us only tbh!!!!
@fitpacs Tumblr user fitpacs!!!!! The light on my dash!!! Please keep being so bright!!! I love seeing whatever you post!!!!!
@wsdanon wsd!!!!! The #1 Felps writer in my eyes!!!!! Your writing is beautiful, and characterization is everything!!!!! Adore seeing you on my dash!!! Please keep being you!!!!!
And to any mutuals, anyone in my notes, or just in the community in general!!!! This place would be nothing without y'all!!!!!
Thanks again!!!!!
- Misc, the most annoying qsmp blog ever <3
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lotusarchon · 2 days
I'm gonna take a break from Tumblr for a bit to focus on my AO3, but I'm also gonna lay this all out because I've been in the Lego Monkie Kid fandom for a year and...
Y'all suck so fucking bad it's embarassing.
a huge ass rant down below and fyi, my account my posts smt if you don't like it 🎺
If it's not the disgusting mischaracterization of characters, it's ATTACKING people who don't agree with your 'headcanons', bullying and doxxing people who are actually trying to spread accurate information for shit just because it doesn't fit with YOUR headcanon and soooo much fucking more.
I swear to fucking god, I thought JJK had spoiled and selfish pieces of shit but LMK fandom is winning the award for being the most god awful fandom in existence. You guys are so awful there are times when even I, who usually mind my own fucking business, think about being mean and have to remind myself that I don't associate with you freaks.
Y'all are so disgusting and annoying. Like, don't get me wrong; I do have friends in the fandom who are nice and sweet. And I am glad I joined LMK because if I hadn't, I wouldn't have met them.
Keep in mind; I really do not associate with any fandom I'm in unless it's to read fics or catch up on what I miss. The only reason I actively became aware of the fandom was because some BITCH called me a proshipper for writing stuff for Nezha and Tang Sanzang. I won't deny though; I actually did write nsfw stuff for Bai He, the Bone Demon's host and I do actually regret it to the point I erased ANY fic I had with her because I felt disgusted with myself. Don't get me wrong, I was a piece of dog shit myself back then, but surprise! I learnt from it!
Sadly. The LMK fandom doesn't. At all. Half of you guys are getting offended for culture that's not even your own. Half of you guys are out here crying about the age of a decades old god when there's a literal genocide going on.
Dawg I shouldn't even be stressing myself out but it's come to the point I actively find myself hating this fandom more and more. You guys just SUCK.
It's so bad that I legit want nothing to do with making friends with anyone in this fandom anymore. I've met some people who are really, really sweet and obviously, I don't regret them at all and I'll stay their friend anyway, but the rest of you guys need to take some serious time of the internet and stop being fucking selfish, whiny little bitches.
"But then why are you still in the fandom-" because I like the characters. I like the show. I like the storytelling. I'll still love it regardless of how season 5 looks. I'm not a disgusting, selfish fan that wants to quit just because the animation has changed from a TRAILER VIEW ALONE. And at least I'm not going out of my way to send death threats to anyone, you fucking dipshits.
I've been in so many fandoms but god. God LMK makes me so mad. Thinking about you guys legit drives me insane because again; do any of y'all really give a fuck or do you just decide to watch the show because you sexualize the characters, have zero understanding of the story or the characters themselves, and decide that just because you're read Journey to the West, you're suddenly a HUGE expert in Chinese mythology.
Y'all cannot be serious. I've had people tell me, "W-well, you shouldn't write about the Monk that's disrespectful 😖". Okay then stop writing for Sun Wukong, you're being hella disrespectful too don't you think?? What about some of you who'll lose your shit because an OC, AN ORIGINAL CHARACTER is inspired/heavily references by an actual god because it's "disrespectful" my brother in Christ in what way is it disrespectful it's a reference and it's not the first time people have referenced deities for shows and other pieces of media. I get it if someone refers to the actual deities and figures of a religion and sexualize them, I can understand that. I grew up in a Hindu home and if someone told me Kali or Sita is sexy and doesn't refer to any piece of media but the actual deity themselves I'd be disgusted too (even if I'm atheist tbh).
But like. Duh. It's obvious people are separating the characters in the fucking show from the guys in the original. Shut the fuck up. If someone who's actually part of that culture isn't offended, then why the fuck are you?? What gives YOU the right to tell someone "well, you shouldn't reference this [god] for an oc it's not okay, and also it's not really accurate at all 😖" like. Dude. Let people have fun. Mind your fucking business and move on.
I'm not even gonna start on the Nezha age bullshit, nor even how everyone just sexualizes Wukong and especially Macaque and sees them (specifically Macaque) as these innocent uwu boys who did NOTHING wrong.
And don't even bring in the fact I write nsfw about them too, because news fucking flash; at least I try to understand their characters properly instead of fucking dumbing them down to basic sexy guy and nothing fucking else.
This fandom is so bad I feel like I've become toxic BEING around y'all. Dudes it wouldn't kill any of you to touch some fucking grass, eww.
I seriously cannot try to befriend anyone else on this fandom anymore because I know I'm going to run into someone who acts like this and I personally do not have the mindset to deal with them one bit. I actually have, in fact, run into people like this as a matter of fact which is why I genuinely got rid of some of them because; I'm gonna be honest. We will never see eye to eye, and I'm not that horrible I'd hate on you for your weird ass views. I'm blocking you and moving on, that's all there is to it.
At this point, I'm staying because the only good thing about this show IS the fucking show. The fandom is a bunch of sore losers probably over the age of 20 who need to actually do fact chects and understand media literacy before deciding they're suddenly fucking know it alls. I probably don't really care for anyone younger than that because I'm certain some of you just get influenced easily and well 🧍 not my responsibility, idc.
And I'm not really sorry when I say I really do hope there comes a point where you fucking freaks are the only ones left of humanity and an AI puts you all through hell and back out of the immense hatred for you because that's what you guys deserve.
FUCK you guys. All of you in this fandom. I don't like AM from IHNMAIMS but when I think of the LMK fandom I wonder if being a robot isn't such a bad idea after all.
I really tried giving this fandom a second chance. I really did. Inevitably. Y'all are horrible. God awful people that seriously should get off the internet and touch some grass smh
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Every Instance of Dazai's Ability Being Used, and the Few Times it Doesn't Work
Because I really wanted to look into the logistics of Dazai's ability, I decided that I wanted to look through every source of media (barring BEAST) I could for when his ability has been used. This includes:
Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen (Light Novel)
DEAD APPLE (Light Novel, pre-manga)
Dazai Osamu and the Dark Era (Light Novel)
Dazai Osamu's Entrance Exam (Light Novel)
Bungou Stray Dogs Manga
DEAD APPLE (Light Novel)
55 Minutes (Light Novel)
This list does not include:
The Day I Picked Up Dazai
The Untold Origins of the Detective Agency (no instances)
BEAST (Did not use)
Any instances in the anime
Any instances with general descriptions ('a guy who used his ability to nullify', 'he used his ability', etc. Was looking for instances with explicit explanation/visuals of what he does)
Spoilers ahead for all the above, and the manga through Chapter 101. Read at your own discretion.
The First Time we See it Used (Chronologically) - Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen
The first instance that Dazai's ability is ever used is on Nakahara Chuuya in Phase.01, as written below.
(Dazai) placed a hand on Chuuya's neck. "Sorry, but gravity is no longer yours to control." Dazai's skill also activated when he touched his target. He had the power to halt and nullify all skills. It was the ultimate anti-skill, no exceptions.
Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen, Phase.01, Page 23
This is a classic example of Dazai's ability working traditionally, where he has direct skin-to-skin contact with Chuuya. Since Chuuya's ability is internal, as long Dazai touches him, he cannot use it.
Then, near the end of the novel, he uses his ability to nullify Arthur Rimbaud's ability against Nakahara Chuuya.
In (Dazai's) left hand was a piece of fabric: a garland he'd used as decoration for Chuuya's fake party. The long garland dragged along the ground, cleverly hidden in the shadows of floating debris. One end of the cloth was stuffed inside Chuuya's clothes. "I told Chuuya to pick up this garland when you destroyed the nearby building," Dazai said with a child-like grin. "Then I tied it to myself using my skill," Chuuya added with the scythe still piercing his arm. "I wrapped it around my entire body and made sure it was hidden underneath my clothes." "After that, I simply touched the other end." Dazai held up the cloth. "Want to guess what happened then?" "The skill affecting the cloth you touched... was nullified."
Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen, Phase.04, Page 115
For that instance, instead of physical contact with the ability user, Dazai extended his ability across an object to Chuuya. This made the object nullified against Rimbaud's ability, forming a shield of sorts to block his skill from attacking further.
The First Time it's Used On a Singularity - STORMBRINGER
NOTE: I own a copy of STORMBRINGER, but at the time of making this post, I was loaning it out to a friend. With that said, I used a translation that I have read previously. If you wish to locate it, go to bsd-bibliophile's Tumblr and search from there. I don't want to directly link it for obvious reasons.
Dazai's ability is seen twice in STORMBRINGER. The first instance is near the beginning of it, as written in the translation below.
(Dazai) casually grabbed Chuuya's arm and lifted it up. At that moment, the abnormal gravitational field that surrounded them immediately disappeared, along with the insufferable pain Chuuya had felt.
Like before, we have yet another example of Dazai using direct skin-to-skin contact to nullify. However, in this instance, it is used to nullify a partial singularity, as Corruption has not been fully unleashed here. (At least, that is how I am interpreting it.)
Then, near the end of STORMBRINGER:
Chuuya limply drifted in the air for several seconds before the black wings on his back slowly lowered him. Dazai caught his body. The minute he touched his body, Dazai's ability nullification activated. The self-contradictory singularity energy that sustained him retracted in on itself as the singularity's power outlet decreased. He eventually returned to normal and his gate closed. The red marks plaguing Chuuya's body pulled away. The field of gravity disappeared and the stillness of night was restored.
Yet again, nullification through direct skin contact. This instance doesn't provide an exact idea of where they touched, but it's reasonable to assume he touched Chuuya on his back or something.
This is the first time Dazai's ability has been used related to a singularity.
Singularity Time - DEAD APPLE Prologue
Dazai continues to use his ability to nullify Chuuya's singularity as seen in the prologue of DEAD APPLE. Though this is not shown in the light novel or in the movie, it can be seen in the manga, as shown here:
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DEAD APPLE Manga, Volume 3, Chapter 10
Dazai touches Chuuya's face to nullify corruption.
Other Instances Before Dazai Joins the ADA - The Heartless Cur and BSD Manga Chapter 12
The Heartless Cur is a short story provided in the sixth volume of the Bungou Stray Dogs Manga, which tells of how Akutagawa and Dazai first met. Akutagawa attempts to use his ability on Dazai as written below:
Akutagawa turned his own sleeve into a wide blade, and thrust it into the boy's neck without a shred of hesitation. "Not bad," Dazai said, quietly. Akutagawa was stunned. He was sure the boy should have died. However, Akutagawa's blade had vanished like mist right where it would have touched the boy's neck.
The Heartless Cur, Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #6
Then, a flashback is shown from when Dazai was mentoring Akutagawa. During that, Akutagawa attempts to use his ability against him.
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Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #3, Chapter 12
As seen here, Dazai directly touches Rashoumon with his hand, nullifying the ability upon contact.
Dazai Gets Tested and Tests Others - Dazai Osamu's Entrance Exam
Dazai gets to use his ability a whopping four times in this Light Novel, which can also be seen in the remarkably inaccurate two-episode Azure Apostle arc in the anime.
It's used twice on Kunikida in a short period of time, as shown below:
The bullet tears through the air until it hits (Dazai) right between the eyes.
Dazai Osamu's Entrance Exam, Chapter 3, Page 127
I take the pistol I shot earlier and toss it at Dazai. He catches it, and almost instantly, it transforms back into a piece of notebook paper in his hands.
Dazai Osamu's Entrance Exam, Chapter 3, Page 129
Since the bullets were also created using my skill, they were nullified and vaporized by Dazai's own skill on contact.
Dazai Osamu's Entrance Exam, Chapter 3, Page 130
Again, direct contact with Dazai's skin gets rid of the bullets, vaporizing them, while turning Kunikida's pistol back to its original state. This is interesting to me in how Dazai's ability impacts them differently. Because the bullets were created with the pistol, the bullets vanished. However, when Dazai touched the pistol, it reverted back to notebook paper with whatever Kunikida wrote on it.
This is also the second instance where Dazai touches an object and uses his ability on it.
Then, his ability is used twice on the numbers terrorist.
"Why...?! Why won't any numbers appear?! I can't accelerate, either! Why, why, why is this happening?!" "You should've done your homework. Skills don't work on me."
Dazai Osamu's Entrance Exam, Chapter 3, Page 150
What I find interesting about this is that he isn't touching an object or the ability user here. I'm assuming that since it would require to impact Dazai's skin, that is where the nullification occurred. If the ability didn't show up on his skin, would it still have been nullified? We shall never know.
However, him nullifying the ability against himself does not nullify it against anyone else. This is further encouraged by the below:
Dazai's right fist connects with the young man's face, spinning him a full 180 degrees.
Dazai Osamu's Entrance Exam, Chapter 3, Page 150
(Kunikida's POV) Then I look at my body to find that the numbers have vanished. Dazai must have defeated that skill user.
Dazai Osamu's Entrance Exam, Chapter 3, Page 151
It appears that if Dazai wants to end an ability user's ability on everyone at that moment, he has to touch that ability user physically. So, to be clear, Dazai's skin can nullify the effect of an ability on himself. Dazai touching skin-to-skin with an active ability user nullifies the effect of their ability on everyone.
Examples We See in the Present - Bungou Stray Dogs Manga
Dazai uses his ability quite a few times at the beginning of the series, but it begins to be many more chapters between once we finish with the Guild Arc. It goes from less than twenty to twenty, then, fifty. The last time (as of posting this) that Dazai has used his ability was in Chapter 101. Make of that what you will.
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Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #1, Chapter 1
Direct skin-to-skin contact. Atsushi returns to his original human form.
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Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #1, Chapter 4
ATSUSHI - Direct skin-to-skin contact. Atsushi returns to his original human form.
AKUTAGAWA - Skin-to-ability-infused-object contact. Rashoumon vanishes.
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Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #3, Chapter 9
Skin-to-ability-infused-object contact. Rashoumon vanishes after cutting through Dazai's bandages to his neck.
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Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #7, Chapter 25
Skin-to-ability-infused-object contact. Q's doll disintegrates, and the ability deactivates against Atsushi.
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Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #7, Chapter 29
Skin-to-ability-infused-object contact. Q's doll disintegrates, and everyone affected by the ability is released from it.
Note: Touching those affected by the ability would not nullify its impact on them. He would actively have to touch the catalyst of the ability (the doll) or Q themself.
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Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #8, Chapter 30
Skin-to-skin contact. Because Steinbeck's vines are in the middle of being created and used by him, Dazai touching him on the neck nullifies them and causes them to disintegrate.
I explain this because there is an instance in the future where Dazai touches Steinbeck's vines and they don't disintegrate, which I will attempt to explain.
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Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #8, Chapter 31
Skin-to-skin contact. Dazai nullifies Chuuya's Corruption.
We Will Now Take a Break From Our Scheduled Programming - DEAD APPLE
Dazai uses his ability three times during DEAD APPLE.
The moment his fingers touched the crystals, their hard gem-like surfaces cracked, and they melted away. Drip. Trails of light suddenly transformed into a liquid-like blood, swirling around and mixing together in the air. The two lights melted into one and spun until they formed a single sphere.
DEAD APPLE, Interlude-3, Page 126
In this, he is touching Shibusawa's ability-infused objects. At least, that is how I'm interpreting it. It doesn't change the fact that the users behind them are dead, but it means they are no longer being contained.
Then, in a classic instance that I'm sure everyone will recognize:
The viscous liquid slid down Dazai's throat until eventually, long, slender fingers touched Chuuya's ghastly, corrupted face. When they made contact, it instantly nullified his skill.
DEAD APPLE, 5-4, Page 154
The next instance, however, is considerably interesting to me.
"Get off me," he demanded, but Dazai kept him still. "Don't move." "The hell?" Chuuya grimaced as Dazai held his head down. While glancing around, Dazai admitted, "Looks like the fog hasn't completely cleared yet, and I'd rather not have to protect you from your skill right now."
DEAD APPLE, 5-4, Page 155
By maintaining skin-to-skin contact with Chuuya, Dazai prevents Shibusawa's ability (the fog) from affecting Chuuya. Since Chuuya's ability is nullified, there is none to steal in that moment.
And Back to the Manga! - Bungou Stray Dogs Manga
This instance is not a very explicit one, but it is heavily implied that he is using his ability in this moment.
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Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #12, Chapter 51
As per usual, skin-to-skin with Atsushi, and skin-to-ability-infused-object with Akutagawa (well, potential, as it's not active at that moment).
The next instance is in Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #22, Chapter 101. There's no specific panel or image of how exactly it works, because it's not tangible.
To be clear, Dazai nullifies the cat burglar's time control ability's effect on him. The reason for this is assuming that if it affects a certain amount of space (as stated, a few kilometers within her radius), it is technically tangible, and therefore can be viewed as touching everyone within that space. If it touches Dazai's skin, it won't impact him.
I had to think about this a lot more than I thought I would. Initially, I thought, 'it has no corporeal form or anything, it's not as if he's touching her... there's no rational explanation for why he can nullify it.' This thought was further encouraged by the fact that Fukuchi turned back time repeatedly, and Dazai couldn't have been not impacted by that.
Then, I realized that Asagiri specifically stated that there is a limited space in which her ability can take effect. By giving it a spatial limit, it is implied that it has to make some sort of barely visible contact to freeze everyone in time, as it doesn't do that for everyone else.
Asagiri, you clever son of a bitch. For fuck's sake.
These are all the instances where Dazai's ability has been successfully used. However, there are times where it fails to work. I want to explore those moments and explain why. Some are more self-explanatory than others.
He's Only Human - Dazai's Entrance Exam, BSD Manga, and 55 Minutes
There are six different points where Dazai's ability doesn't activate. I think it's important to look at them, because it shows exceptions to his ability.
The first instance is in Dazai Osamu's Entrance Exam. You're going to laugh at me for putting this example in, but I feel it is necessary.
"Heh-heh. What surprised me the most was the fact that Ranpo's 'skill' isn't actually a skill at all." ...Huh? "Don't be ridiculous. As if someone without a skill could really do something like that." "That's what makes it so amazing! Listen to this. When Ranpo was thinking, I sneaked up behind him and pinched some of his hair."
Dazai Osamu's Entrance Exam, Chapter 3, Pages 110-111
It goes without saying, but Dazai's ability can't impact an ability that doesn't exist. Ranpo's Super Deduction is imaginary, and thus, Dazai can't nullify it.
Next is a few instances in the manga.
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Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #2, Chapter 7
Because Kyouka purposefully does not touch Dazai's skin, she could activate her ability, Demon Snow. Now, could it be said that theoretically, Dazai could've blocked this by extending his ability to his coat? Maybe. Considering previous examples, it's fair to say that if Dazai didn't want to get abducted here? He probably could've avoided it easily. Just some food for thought.
There's no visual of it in the manga, but I brought this up earlier. In Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #8, Chapter 31, Dazai and Chuuya go to rescue Q. They are entrapped by Steinbeck's roots, and Dazai has to cut them out of it. Please keep in mind that when I say this, this is based off theory alone and no direct proof, panel, animation-wise or otherwise. I believe that when Dazai is cutting Q out of the roots, odds are, he probably brushes against them with his knife-holding hand a little. Since these roots were all created together, wouldn't it be reasonable to think that they would disintegrate under Dazai's touch? Which brings up another point: why wouldn't Dazai just touch the roots if that was the case? That would be far easier than cutting them all away, unless he's intentionally trying to annoy Chuuya (which is incredibly possible but time-consuming). This makes me think that Dazai's ability can stop ability-created objects if they are still actively being made or used by the ability user, but if they are no longer attached to the user (activity-wise) and were not created from an object (like Doppo Poet or Dogra Magra for example), they remain existing.
Anyways. Sorry about the rant. Back to actual examples.
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Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #8, Chapter 31
As Dazai will clearly state himself after recovering from this, Lovecraft's tentacles are not an ability. If it's not related to an ability, he can do nothing against it.
Then, we have 55 Minutes, which introduces this fascinating tidbit:
(Wells) "Skills that nullify other skills will not activate if the user is dead. In other words, Dazai--or rather, his body--won't be nullifying any skills since his heart has stopped."
55 Minutes, Page 186
First, when Dazai's heart came to a stop, the blood supply to the brain would cease, and Dazai would die. When this happened, his skill would cease to exist, and other skills would start working on him again. Therefore, his wounds needed to be swiftly treated, and he'd need immediate resuscitation afterward--even the kind of resuscitation they perform at any ordinary hospital through electric stimulation. And if that worked, Dazai would going from being "dead" to being "on the brink of death." After that, Yosano could use her skill to completely heal his wounds. In other words, it should be possible to heal Dazai as long as he was on the brink of death.
55 Minutes, Page 186-187
Yeah, so if he's dead-ish? Abilities will work on him. Albeit, it's a very, very short time-frame, but it does in fact exist.
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Bungou Stray Dogs Manga #21, Chapter 95
In this panel, Nikolai uses his ability, The Overcoat, on Dazai. This shows that yet again, as long as the ability does not touch him directly skin-to-skin, it will work as intended.
Dazai's ability can be used against anyone or anything that he can touch. Examples being:
Ability users he is touching skin-to-skin with
Objects he is actively touching and willing his ability into
Abilities that are infused into external objects (ex: Rashoumon in Akutagawa's jacket, a gun created from a sheet of paper in Kunikida's notebook)
Abilities that would have direct contact with his skin (ex: the numbers skill from Dazai Osamu's Entrance Exam)
Dazai's ability cannot affect:
Skill users he is not touching skin-to-skin (ex: Kyouka grabbing his jacket when abducting him so she can continue using Demon Snow)
Objects that are no longer actively a part of an ability (ex: Steinbeck's vines on Q) [ASSUMPTION]
Not abilities (Ranpo, Lovecraft)
Abilities he is not touching with his skin (ex: Nikolai's ability)
Abilities when his heart isn't beating/he's dead
So. Do with this information what you will.
Also, for shits and giggles, here's a running tally of how many times his ability has been used on an individual, and who it has failed to impact.
Nakahara Chuuya: six
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke: five (one time implied)
Nakajima Atsushi: three (one time implied)
Kunikida Doppo: two
Numbers Guy from DOEE: two
Q: two
Shibusawa Tatsuhiko: two
John Steinbeck: one
Arthur Rimbaud: one
Cat Burglar: at least once
Edogawa Ranpo
Izumi Kyouka
John Steinbeck [ASSUMPTION]
Yosano Akiko
Nikolai Gogol
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lunarthecorvus · 13 hours
Inej Ghafa parent's fanficiton reccomedations part of Lunar's soc fanficiton rec series
what a mother was by @cameliawrites
Wordcount: 62k Chapters: 8/8
Characters: Inej Ghafa's Mother, Inej Ghafa's Grandparents, Inej Ghafa's Aunt, Inej Ghafa's Father, Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker
Tags: Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Family, Romance, Coming of Age, Prequel, Time Skips, Suli Culture & Religion, Canon Compliant, Original Character(s), Canon-Typical violence, Period Typical Racism, Sick Character, Grief/ Mourning, Attempted Sexual Assault, First Love, Implied/ Referenced Homophobia, Eating Disorders, Bittersweet, Angst, Eventual Happy Ending
Author's summary: "She could recount every detail of the day she married Kolhat: the geraniums her sister had embroidered along the sleeves and hem of her dress, one of her father’s old handkerchiefs tucked into her pocket, her mother’s silk veil draped over her hair. She could recall the day she met him, when she was all of twenty years old. Inej was not yet twenty. Shanta still felt as young as all that, and she felt far older." . . . Before she was Inej’s mother, Shanta Ghafa had a mother too. or: ten years and six suitors in the life of Mama Ghafa. My summary/notes: A beautiful retrospective of Mama Ghafa's past, the life she has lived, and all she has loved and lost. Camelia is just an amazing writer and every part of this fic was beautfully written. You can feel the grief and joy of Shanta's life and it added levels and depth to her character that I never would've expected. While reading this I couldn't believe that this wasn't canon and its own book. I would kill to read this for the first time again.
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Sankta Margaretha and Other Tales of Sorrow by @oneofthewednesdays
Wordcount: 18k Chapters: 8/8
Characters: Inej Ghafa, Inej Ghafa's Mother, Inej Ghafa's Father, Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck
Tags: Post-Book 2: Crooked Kingdom, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Angst, Implied/ Reference Rape/ Non-con, Canon Typical Violence, Graphic Description of Corpses
Author's summary: When his daughter was stolen from beneath his nose on the outskirts of Os Kervo, Samir Ghafa lost his faith in the saints. After a letter arrives bearing the insignia of the Lantsov double-eagle, he finds his hope rekindled. But when he learns of the demon of Ketterdam, he begins to fear once more… My summary/ notes: I'm not sure how to write this without directly spoiling it.. but a certain opinion Inej's father has about someone is surprisingly uncommonly found in fics and its so interesting to read how the opinion is formed and how Samir acts because of it. Then consequently how the others act and feel because of Samir's actions. (I was laughing my ass off while writing this so vaguely)
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Ten Minutes in the Life of a Pear by @oneofthewednesdays
Wordcount: 8.9k Chapters: 4/4
Characters: Inej Ghafa, Inej Ghafa's Mother, Inej Ghafa's Father, Kaz Brekker, Asha, Hanzi
Tags: Panic Attacks, Healing, Implied/ Reference Rape/Non-con, Canon backstory, Pre-Canon, Pre-Relationship, Post-Canon
Authors summary: Four glimpses into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert with the Ghafa Family. My summary/ notes: A heartwarming fic reflecting on the pain and the way relationships both platonic and romantic can develop and grow throughout the different points in life.
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Runs in the family by DopamineAddict
Wordcount: 99k Chapters: 16/18
Characters: Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa's Mother, Inej Ghafa's father, Wylan Van Eck, Jesper Fahey. Tante Heleen, Specht, Roeder, Anika
Tags: Revenge, Family Reunions, Canon-Typical violence, Coming of Age, Inej Ghafa needs a hug, Past Rape/ non con, Post-Book 2: Crooked Kingdom, Kaz is scared of Inej's parents he knows hunger for revenge when he sees it, the Ghafa's might be a bit non canon but we only see them from Inej's pov in canon so..
Author's summary: As the Ketterdam harbour grows closer, Priya and Devnand Ghafa steel themselves for the truth of whatever their daughter had been through over the past two years. And for what they might do about it. My summary/ notes: Priya and Devnand meet their daughter again after years, they learn about her and what's she's been doing, but the other question that will be answered is what have they been up to since Inej has been taken. (This fic is just incredible, it changed how I saw her parents)
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Sometimes my own ideas haunt me
Inspired by this post and the tags on it
It was strange, to look at himself in those sumptuous, regal robes, a perfect copy of the ones he wore that fateful day – he had grown much too used to his simple, white robes, a modest look that contrasted far too sharply with his current appearance. Every single detail was incredibly accurate, etched with such care and precision that, if Xie Lian had to pick between this outfit and his original one, he would not be able to tell which was which. 
The details on the embroidery, the colors, the way the robes draped over his body, the weight of the golden hairpiece, the feel of the material against his skin – it was identical to the point of nostalgia, a testament to the way his image had etched itself into his beloved’s mind to the finest of details. 
The only thing missing – the matching earring to a beautiful pair of coral beads. 
That had been the premise behind the reason why Xie Lian was staring at the image of his past with eyes eight centuries older – and he still wondered how he had allowed Hua Cheng to talk him into this.  He really spoiled his husband too much, doing all sorts of shameless things for him – but roleplaying something like this definitely had to be the most shameless of all! 
He had to pretend to have found the culprit behind one of his earrings being stolen and “punish” him for his crime against the Crown Prince of Xianle – just thinking about it had Xie Lian flush with shame.  It was a rather funny scenario to think of, outlandish and perverted, the kind of plot one would read in cheap erotica – but Xie Lian agreed because he had never been able to say no to his beloved, and a small part of him found the idea rather interesting.
Despite his centuries long abstinence, he had found himself quite amenable to trying out new things in the matters of intimacy, and he had grown quite the imagination for it. 
That did not mean, however, that he did not feel the bittersweet sting of nostalgia, of wondering how different things could have been if only fate had been kinder to him. If the things that happened never came to be, and the things that shouldn’t have happened never did.
He tore his eyes from the mirror as he made sure to look as presentable as possible, taking his place on the very carefully decorated chair that was to be his throne for the night. He could only hope the careful work had been Hua Cheng’s doing and poor Yin Yu had not been made to decorate the room in such a way for the purpose it would be used. 
(The man really deserved a raise.)
A wraith butterfly floated into the room, and Xie Lian let it settle on his hand, the signal that their little game for the night was about to start – and Xie Lian did his very best to pretend to be angry, a royal having had his belongings stolen. 
Hua Cheng had to play the part of the impoverished peasant that dared commit the crime, so his luxurious robes were replaced with a plain set, the many accessories that jingled with every one of his steps abandoned for the night. 
He walked into the room looking every bit the guilty part, eyes downcast as he bowed his head deeply, remorseful for his “crime”. Xie Lian had to hand it to him – his acting was impeccable. 
“Theft is a crime in itself, yet you dare steal from me of all people?” Xie Lian asked, surprised at the harsh tone of his own voice. He did not expect an answer, as custom was that the guilty would not be allowed to speak in front of royalty.
“Look at me.” He ordered, eyes sharp as he tried his best to portray his character, standing up from his throne as if ready to exact punishment. 
But the moment Hua Cheng’s gaze raised to meet his, a look of shock, wonder and fondness settling on his features. He couldn’t find words to speak, the image on front of him identical to the one he had first fallen in love with eight centuries ago, the same man looking at him now with a look of concern – even the way his eyes sparkled with worry was the same. 
If he could still breathe, Hua Cheng would have choked on air, and if he still had a heartbeat, it would have stopped. 
For perhaps the millionth time, reality hit Hua Cheng like a rush of adrenaline, the magnitude of his love and devotion having led him to this moment again – and it was with that realization that he felt the ground run from beneath his feet, almost ready to collapse with it.
But, precisely like before, a pair of gentle, strong arms caught him when he had expected it the least, and the man that stared down at him was the same too. 
“Your Highness…”
“San Lang.” He replies softly, cradling Hua Cheng in his arms, “Are you alright? Did I do something wrong?”
Hua Cheng shook his head, his one eye still staring up at Xie Lian with love, wonder and worship all the same, tears blurring his vision for a moment before he blinked them away. Xie Lian’s expression softened, gently caressing the side of his husband’s face in silent understanding, wiping them away. 
Neither said anything, but the words hung in the air still. 
It has always been you. 
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Well, yeah, I know about Bad Eggs, Professor… I’ve seen them before.
I just- I-I’m so sorry if this is insensitive or rude, Professor, but… why do you keep it here? It, uh… it seems important to you…
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[This post contains a rapidly flashing/glitching image.]
"... The circumstances in which I aquired the egg are not something that I want to talk about, but as an academic, transparency is important to me, so... I'm willing to explain."
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"You are right. It is important to me. This BAD EGG... This was the very first anomaly that fell into my possession- honestly, perhaps the first I ever encountered."
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"... It was not originally my Pokemon. It was the sole partner of a dear friend of mine. An Absol. It always kept her safe- she was far more adventurous than me, hah..."
"The phenomenon of what this is, and why it occurs, isn't something well understood by the scientific community. It certainly wasn't when I first... acquired this."
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"I desperately wanted to learn why it had happened. How I could undo it. I- I needed to. But there was no information, other than the few recounts of other trainers out there who had fallen victim to this exact same phenomenon. None of us knew what was happening, nobody knew what to do- the only advice was to quarentine it, as many found keeping it near other Pokemon caused it to spread."
"... I was a budding academic, at the time. I'd always had interest in the field of Pokemon research and was beginning a path to become a Professor, at the time. I- I can't even remember what I'd originally planned to study, but..."
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"As I searched desperately for information on this that just didn't exist, I stumbled on recounts of more and more similarly inexplicable oddities. They piled up, with not a single one understood, answered, or fixed."
"They consumed my attention, and... Finally, I made a decision."
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"Nobody else had given these anomalies the light of day. All of them, simply passed off as urban legends, or the ramblings of madmen gone off the deep end. So I decided- I wanted to be the one to understand. I wanted to approach this properly, academically, so I could be the one to give hundreds- perhaps thousands- of unheard cries for help the answers that they needed."
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"... Including my own."
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"Years later, well... Here we are. I've a lab, and hundreds- thousands, perhaps- of notes, essays, papers full of analysis and theory, and an entire lab's worth of hard proof on the existence of these in my possession."
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"... I understand the BAD EGG much better, now. But despite everything, the way to undo it still evades me. At the very least... I've procured a lot more knowledge in the meantime. I hope that's worth something, at least."
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