#the lab
heartandsoulcomic · 4 months
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Fellow prisoners.
(Sans slips automatically into comedian mode when others are around, even if they’re asleep.)
Beginning of Part Five
First Page
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rachell-redacted · 18 days
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I made a Fetchbot plushie!
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themissingnumbers · 15 days
Well, yeah, I know about Bad Eggs, Professor… I’ve seen them before.
I just- I-I’m so sorry if this is insensitive or rude, Professor, but… why do you keep it here? It, uh… it seems important to you…
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[This post contains a rapidly flashing/glitching image.]
"... The circumstances in which I aquired the egg are not something that I want to talk about, but as an academic, transparency is important to me, so... I'm willing to explain."
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"You are right. It is important to me. This BAD EGG... This was the very first anomaly that fell into my possession- honestly, perhaps the first I ever encountered."
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"... It was not originally my Pokemon. It was the sole partner of a dear friend of mine. An Absol. It always kept her safe- she was far more adventurous than me, hah..."
"The phenomenon of what this is, and why it occurs, isn't something well understood by the scientific community. It certainly wasn't when I first... acquired this."
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"I desperately wanted to learn why it had happened. How I could undo it. I- I needed to. But there was no information, other than the few recounts of other trainers out there who had fallen victim to this exact same phenomenon. None of us knew what was happening, nobody knew what to do- the only advice was to quarentine it, as many found keeping it near other Pokemon caused it to spread."
"... I was a budding academic, at the time. I'd always had interest in the field of Pokemon research and was beginning a path to become a Professor, at the time. I- I can't even remember what I'd originally planned to study, but..."
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"As I searched desperately for information on this that just didn't exist, I stumbled on recounts of more and more similarly inexplicable oddities. They piled up, with not a single one understood, answered, or fixed."
"They consumed my attention, and... Finally, I made a decision."
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"Nobody else had given these anomalies the light of day. All of them, simply passed off as urban legends, or the ramblings of madmen gone off the deep end. So I decided- I wanted to be the one to understand. I wanted to approach this properly, academically, so I could be the one to give hundreds- perhaps thousands- of unheard cries for help the answers that they needed."
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"... Including my own."
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"Years later, well... Here we are. I've a lab, and hundreds- thousands, perhaps- of notes, essays, papers full of analysis and theory, and an entire lab's worth of hard proof on the existence of these in my possession."
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"... I understand the BAD EGG much better, now. But despite everything, the way to undo it still evades me. At the very least... I've procured a lot more knowledge in the meantime. I hope that's worth something, at least."
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linktdm · 29 days
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A DanTDM project I did in Art class !! The project was to draw a keyhole and make a little world inside of it and I picked my fav YouTuber ofc🤗 im pretty proud of it so :3 be nice lols. we have another project and i might do dan again👀
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- link
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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Commission for @skitteringjunbug ☆ Thank you so much for your support!╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Mixer & Suave from NightsongTale by skitteringjunbug
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jimkinnz · 9 months
homunculus facts¡
despite some similarities' neither the korok nor the chao is a true homunculus' as they lack a truly perforate acetabulum•
if you dip my little fingers in paint' they function as brushes {i made you a finger painting}•
recent batches of homunculi in master,s lab display the rare ability to remove the scent from a scented candle completely with a single sniff• this is considered a defect' and collectors are already storing them up for later sale•
my summer tan is already starting to fade• ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ
last night i dreamt i was in the refrigerated compartment at the deli• master forgot to light the burners in the lab for the night•
we stay silly• ¯⁠\⁠(⁠◉⁠‿⁠◉⁠)⁠/⁠¯
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scrawlingmouse · 6 months
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There's a man down the well. Generations ago, the people of Scraptown made a deal with him, that as long as they provided the best scrap harvested from the derelict ship that had crashed before any of them were alive, they would have water.
And, now, the ship has dried up along with the well.
"The Well" is a short story set in the post-apocalyptic weird west setting of The Starslinger Tales, where the ghosts of the past are just as real and deadly as the dinosaurs of the present.
Coming this month to the Yard Lab Magazine:
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Mock poster piece done for @skitteringjunbug of her Undertale Au characters Suave and Mixer! This was a very fun and different piece to work on but the challenge was exciting!  Hope you all like it! 
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satureja13 · 8 months
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Greg's Story - Part 2 Part 1 is -> here. Greg's whole story - including Prequels - starts -> here (It's highly recommended to read in chronological order 🐺)
Noxee: "The Council brought Greg to their Lab in Strangerville." (It's the same Lab where they held Jack and Saiwa captive many years later ö.Ö')
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Noxee: "The Council tried to breed a kind of super soldier from his genes. Greg had been kept under narcotics. He only has blurry memories of all these months he had been held captive at the Lab."
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"Their first trials with plants went well..."
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Noxee: "And so they proceeded with human genetics..." Saiwa: "What? But haven't they learned from the failed Cowplant experiments? The war lasted years! So many lost their lives and even the Magical Realm got destroyed!" Noxee: "The Council was determined to keep the upper hand. And the loss of Vampires and Werewolves didn't affect them anyway. They only gained from this war."
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"Eventually Greg evolved a certain resistance against the narcotics and woke up. Mei Prescott: 'Help?' "
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"Even in this blurry state he knew he couldn't kill her for what she'd done. This would rise another war they couldn't win. So he knocked her out and went to the research division. To be honest - she fell unconscious from fear before he could knock her out! Hahaha!"
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"Needless to say the lab assistants went for a little nap too."
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"Before he destroyed everything in the Lab - the plans for the weapon, his blood samples, all the documents, twitching plant parts and all the other samples - he found the plans for the Super Soldier. They apparently already cloned one from his genes! And they gave it medics to grow faster! Were they completely out of their mind? How did they plan to keep such a soldier at bay - let alone more of them? Were they so determined to erase the Supernaturals? Luckily he also found the counter meds to stop the growth before an unmanageable abomination came to run loose!"
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"In a corner of the division Greg eventually found the Super Soldier - caged up! Though, it was smaller than Greg expected ^^' "
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"When the Super Soldier heard Greg approach, it stood up in fear and recoiled to the wall."
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"Greg told the child not to be afraid. He'd just quickly set it's growth back to normal so it won't become an unmanageable, abhorrend abomination and then they would leave this horrible place." (Very reassuring, Greg... ö.Ö`)
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"But the Super Soldier looked back to the cage. It seemed to refuse to leave without its comrade and its 'gear' (the blanket it slept on/used as shelter)." Greg: "Very well then."
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"Greg shifted shape to not gain unnecessary attention on their flight, grabbed the blanket - and then he and the Super Soldier (and his comrade) left the Lab."
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But where to go?
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
The 'Disbandment of the Group' Chapter from the beginning -> here
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akookminsupporter · 11 months
The lab x BTS has literally never disappointed I am so in
NEVER! Sienna is s goddess!
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heartandsoulcomic · 4 months
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(Time to set the jokes aside.)
Beginning of Part Five
First Page
Thanks again to my brother elderwyrm for the wonderful line art of Memoryhead!
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ninebaalart · 10 months
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At The Gates of Hell
Don't go down.
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de-sire-blog · 3 months
i know we’re on the berlin angel high right now, but the lab will forever be my fav fic of all time ❤️
Thank youuu ❤️ The Lab is just less loud than Berlin Angel, if you know what I mean :D
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themissingnumbers · 2 months
Welcome to your new job!
You're working as an assistant for some obscure... eccentric, Pokemon Professor. That's what you've heard about them, anyways.
You're not sure how you ended up in this position. You're not sure of... Anything, really. You haven't even heard of this Professor until you found out they were looking for an assistant... But, hey. Work is work.
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... Did it have to be at the base of a mountain, though? This building is far from any society. The remote location makes it idiotic to turn back, and regardless, you're already here. You may as well see how this goes.
Knock, knock.
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... You can hear a thud, sounds of things getting knocked over, then footsteps rushing towards the entrance.
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"Ah, hello, hello! I'm so sorry, I- I'd forgotten you'll be here! Please, don't mind the mess- we need to get started right away."
The Professor invites you inside.
Professor Ace Maple is now available for questions.
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the44th · 6 months
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I"m sorry what? Is this is a thing where like, it was free, and then because it somehow went on sale it looped around like some sort of Gandhi hate crime?
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cosmotropic · 10 months
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Doctor prescribed more WIPs so heres a little somethin from a punk zine im working on. Featuring new OCs, Crinkle, Shaz, and Fuknut!
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