scrawlingmouse Ā· 1 day
People should probably learn the difference between ā€œplot holesā€ and ā€œthings I didnā€™t likeā€ or ā€œthings the franchise plans to explain in the futureā€ or ā€œthings film makers didnā€™t think they needed to explicitly explain because they thought you had critical thinking skillsā€
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 2 days
me writing the worst paragraph of my life knowing that a sexier, more hydrated version of me will fix it later
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 2 days
So true
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 3 days
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 4 days
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Telling myself this every day here's a meme
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 4 days
Yay, unsolicited advice time! Or, not really advice, more like miscellaneous tips and tricks, because if there's one thing eight years of martial arts has equipped me to write, it's fight scenes.
Fun things to add to a fight scene (hand to hand edition)
It's not uncommon for two people to kick at the same time and smack their shins together, or for one person to block a kick with their shin. This is called a shin lock and it HURTS like a BITCH. You can be limping for the rest of the fight if you do it hard enough.
If your character is mean and short, they can block kicks with the tip of their elbow, which hurts the other guy a lot more and them a lot less
Headbutts are a quick way to give yourself a concussion
If a character has had many concussions, they will be easier to knock out. This is called glass jaw.
Bad places to get hit that aren't the groin: solar plexus, liver, back of the head, side of the thigh (a lot of leg kicks aim for this because if it connects, your opponent will be limping)
Give your character a fighting style. It helps establish their personality and physicality. Are they a grappler? Do they prefer kicks or fighting up close? How well trained are they?
Your scalp bleeds a lot and this can get in your eyes, blinding you
If you get hit in the nose, your eyes water
Adrenaline's a hell of a drug. Most of the time, you're not going to know how badly you've been hurt until after the fact
Even with good technique, it's really easy to break toes and fingers
Blocking hurts, dodging doesn't
Just thought these might be useful! If you want a more comprehensive guide or a weapons edition, feel free to ask. If you want, write how your characters fight in the comments!
Have a bitchin day <3
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 5 days
i think as a writer, the older you get and the more you read, the more you realize there are very few actual truly bad ideas. which is a relief. but! the other thing you learn is that stories live and die on the execution and ha ha. lemme tell you. unfortunately. there are lots and lots of bad ways to execute an otherwise fine idea
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 5 days
How fucking annoying is it when you feel so restless with creative energy but you canā€™t decide what to do with it and when you finally try to create something it comes out shit so you just give up and sit there being all creatively annoyed and jittery.
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 5 days
Being kink positive makes it really hard to be a hater of media rip. I used to love watching ā€œthe WORST book Iā€™ve read this yearā€ booktube videos but now its like I hear them ask, ā€œWho is this werewolf smut even for?ā€ Omegaverse fans, next question. ā€œWhy would you write this?ā€ Because they find it sexy, can we stop focusing on the ewie yucky kink part and focus on the fact that the author used the word knot five times in a single scene? Itā€™s bad werewolf erotica, but itā€™s not bad because itā€™s werewolf erotica like come on
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 6 days
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I've had this little idea in my head for a while now, so I decided to sit down and plot it out.
Disclaimer: This isn't meant to be some sort of One-Worksheet-Fits-All situation. This is meant to be a visual representation of some type of story planning you could be doing in order to develop a plot!
Lay down groundwork! (Backstory integral to the beginning of your story.) Build hinges. (Events that hinge on other events and fall down like dominoes) Suspend structures. (Withhold just enough information to make the reader curious, and keep them guessing.)
And hey, is this helps... maybe sit down and write a story! :)
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 9 days
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This hit home, and I think it will resonate hard with all my creative friends, here. You are amazing and brilliant and I BEG YOU to keep creating!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 9 days
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 10 days
Tips for writing those gala scenes, from someone who goes to them occasionally:
Generally you unbutton and re-button a suit coat when you sit down and stand up.
Youā€™re supposed to hold wine or champagne glasses by the stem to avoid warming up the liquid inside. A character out of their depth might hold the glass around the sides instead.
When rich/important people forget your name and theyā€™re drunk, they usually just tell you that they donā€™t remember or completely skip over any opportunity to use your name so they donā€™t look silly.
A good way to indicate you donā€™t want to shake someoneā€™s hand at an event is to hold a drink in your right hand (and if youā€™re a woman, a purse in the other so you definitely canā€™t shift the glass to another hand and then shake)
Americans who still kiss cheeks as a welcome generally donā€™t press lips to cheeks, itā€™s more of a touch of cheek to cheek or even a hover (these days, mostly to avoid smudging a womanā€™s makeup)
The distinctions between dress codes (black tie, cocktail, etc) are very intricate but obvious to those who know how to look. If you wear a short skirt to a black tie event for example, people would clock that instantly even if the dress itself was very formal. Same thing goes for certain articles of menā€™s clothing.
Open bars / cash bars at events usually carry limited options. Theyā€™re meant to serve lots of people very quickly, so nobody is getting a cosmo or a Manhattan etc.
Members of the press generally arenā€™t allowed to freely circulate at nicer galas/events without a very good reason. When they do, they need to identify themselves before talking with someone.
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 10 days
seconding the "something to catch the reader's attention." I find a good opening line is something that makes the reader immediately ask questions-- what's going on? How did the character get into this situation? What's the context?-- and from there you can do a number of things, from explaining the situation and stakes in the first page, leaving it as a mystery the characters and narrator know but the reader doesn't yet, or even leaving the character in the dark as much as the reader.
Lately I've found variations on "there once was a [blank]" very stylistically satisfying.
"There was blood caked on the hands of Nuri Ashlung."
"There was a hole in Xal's head. A clean shot, too."
For me I find it fun to start with the most interesting part of the scene and then elaborate on the rest of the scene. Gets things going without spending too much time on things that don't need as much emphasis. (And sometimes that most interesting part is a line of dialogue!)
Thats just me though, and I encourage you to play around! See what feels good, what gets you excited both to read and write what happens next c:
HEY FIC WRITERS!!!!! iā€™m seeking random writing advice. how do you like to start your fics? for some reason i feel like lately all my fics start with someone entering a room. and i know thatā€™s not inherently bad but iā€™m getting annoyed by it and iā€™m struggling with how to change it up. feel free to reblog and put in the tags or just comment, how do you start your fics!!
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 11 days
Worldbuilding tip for aspiring fantasy authors! Give that swordsman a bigger ass
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 12 days
For the last goddamn time...
"Kill your darlings" means "if something is holding you back, get rid of it, even if it sounds pretty."
That's it! That's all it means! It means if you're stuck and stalled out on your story and you could fix the whole block by removing something but you're avoiding removing that thing because it's good, you remove that thing. That's the darling.
It does NOT mean
That you have to get rid of your self-indulgent writing
That you should delete something just because you like it (?wtf?)
That you need to kill off characters (??? what)
That you have to pare your story down to the absolute bare bones
That you have to delete anything whatsoever if you don't want to
The POINT is that you STOP FEELING GUILTY for throwing out good writing that isn't SERVING THE STORY.
The POINT is that you don't get so HUNG UP on the details that you lose sight of the BIG PICTURE.
Good grief....
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scrawlingmouse Ā· 14 days
legendary quote from Eoin Colfer
ā€œIā€™m going to tell you something now. When I wrote (and this is quite embarrassing), when I started to write Artemis Fowl, I got the words ā€˜centaurā€™ and ā€˜satyrā€™ mixed up. So, I intended to write a satyr like Mr. Tumnus, uh, but I wrote the word centaur. And so for the entire book, I had written centaur, but meant satyr, and then I was too embarrassed to admit that. Uh, and so I just left it. And so I had to put in references to four legs and everything. So thatā€™s why Foaly is a centaur. Because I mixed up, and people say to me ā€œoh, itā€™s very clever the way you did the Foaly pun, since heā€™s a centaur,ā€ and Iā€™m like ā€œthat was a total fluke.ā€ I was so lucky. So then I had to keep it, basically.ā€
this was during the livestreamed author chat q+a session for Fowl Twins 2 at Books Of Wonder on October 17, I think the vod is still up
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