#Marginalized People
pansexualdemic · 2 months
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audhd-space · 8 months
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Screenshot of tweet from user @/hi_its_annaleah here :
less telling marginalized ppl to "Find your community"
more telling society in general to "Cultivate safe spaces"
less telling struggling ppl to "Reach out for help/support"
more telling society in general to "Provide meaningful, affordable, informed, accessible help/support"
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
people don't have to be good in order to be allowed to exist. i say people "deserve" things a lot not because you need to be moral to have it, but because you need it - just because you exist. just because you're here. your rights, your wellbeing - you need that because you're alive, and that's all there fucking is to it. you need support. shelter. safety. care. love, if you want it. because without your wants and needs met, you suffer and you die.
i say people "deserve" these things, because despite what i just said, this society puts conditions on marginalized people's mere right to life. and they're wrong. they're fucking wrong.
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fanemag · 3 months
The inaugural volume of Queer Noise Terror is finally here. Featured are 30 underground LGBTQIA+ artists showcasing the more abrasive and subversive sides of queer music and culture. Circuit party anthems have been traded in for circuit bending experimentation here (we kept all the filth and sleaze, though!). We’ve got lots of noise, power electronics, metal, industrial, ebm, dark ambient… almost 3 hours of audio warfare!
Featuring: STRAIGHT PANIC, Mictain & Mørk Verden, SUGARPIE, False Maria, Burial Woods, No Tuesdays, Hydra, THRESHOLD, HYPERECLUSE, Garden Angel, WELTSCHMERZ, Farrah Faucet, VÆPORS, Chv.Volk, Bratislavská Krutosť, Gyna Bootleg, Destitute Mirror Children, The Cost ov Living, MITH-XX, Quivering / Nausia, Mono Theory, Morerose, Salò Mentale, Tiefling, Walter Campbell, A.S. Valentino, Density Creep, Sk​ú​š​ka Sir​é​n, Robert Ferent, and V.I.L.E. (Desdemona Ill, Richard Ramirez, Sean Ramirez).
A warning for the uninitiated: Noise, as the name suggests, can at times be incredibly distorted, intensely bass heavy, and can genuinely wreck your speakers (and your ears) if not treated with respect. Proceed with caution, for you are now “at your own risk”.
You may freely share this digital compilation with others via the internet so long as the compilation remains whole and unedited. Any commercial use of any part of this compilation is strictly prohibited. Please contact the artists directly with any licensing requests or questions. Now, go get your face melted off!
Download/Stream on Bandcamp
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One of the reasons that babying allies and holding their hands through everything does not work is because it encourages a framework where allyship is conditional.
"You have to be extra-special-nice to them or they will join the other side! You can never be angry with allies or they will join the other side! You need to be inhumanly approachable, patient, and willing to educate, or else they will join the other side!"
Do you think allies will never find extremist ideologies or extremist individuals? Do you think that these placated faux-allies won't see calls for change or understandable expressions of pain as extremists?
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rachelspoetrycorner · 11 months
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A Litany for Survival (1978) by Audre Lorde
In Episode 140, Rachel brings a poet who described herself as, quote, "a black lesbian mother warrior poet."
Griffin: [after hearing the poem] Jesus Christ.
Rachel: [laughs] Isn't that incredible? That is—is such... a beautiful expression of the experience of being marginalized. Right? Like—
Griffin: I mean, in a way that you and I could never fully comprehend, for sure. That is like—I am struggling for words over here.
Rachel: I—there are moments in that poem that I just think are so succinct and brilliant. This idea of, "so their dreams will not reflect the death of ours" I find incredibly powerful. And she talks a lot about this idea of, y'know, when you are in a group of marginalized people, you are often told to be silent. To kind of adapt to the culture so that you can get along. And Audre Lorde oftentimes said like, that is not a way to success for us.
If you’d like to hear more -and honestly, why wouldn't you?- you can do so here: The Atomic Collage, from 26:50 - 34:08
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crazycatsiren · 9 months
White queers and white neurodivergents being some of the most racist people I've encountered in my life is just so disheartening on so many levels.
Why wouldn't you want to have the people of color's backs in your communities? All of our existences are literal slaps in the face of white supremacy. Why wouldn't you want to take this and fight with us?
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disasterhimbo · 7 months
Being marginalized, especially in multiple ways, is just learning most people don’t give a shit about your happiness, health, or safety. It hurts the worst imo when even people in one marginalized group you’re a part of don’t give a shit about you bc you’re part of another marginalized group they don’t care about. And they’re not even honest about it, they pretend to care, and they think they’re good people as they’re hurting you.
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cjoatprehn · 11 days
At @poetryorchard orchard’s Invisible Illness Creative Writing Workshop…I wrote this poem. And I hope it resonates with y’all as much as it did the attendees and facilitators of this workshop.
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I also wrote another poem after and before this. But I don’t think I should post either right now. I’m having a lot of pain in my headaches at the moment. I’m not having a good time either with my mental state. I thank you for your patience. Hopefully I’ll be able to pay my bills as well as mentioned on @mars-da-volcanic-elemental.
I hope everyone has a good weekend.
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Other Pride Flag
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Othered: someone who belongs to the socially subordinate category of the Other.
Within LGBT+ perspective, people represented by the plus in the acronym are usually considered the "others" (it can be a reclaimed slur), but queer people as a whole can be othered, as well as any sociopolitically marginalized people as anomie in biopolitics.
Otherness, othering and alterity are also conceptualized in philosophy and psychology. Similar to subalternization in postcolonial studies and critical theory.
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careforacacia · 3 months
Acacia is in urgent need of funds by this coming Friday February 2, to be able to stay housed.
❤️‍🩹 raised so far $345 / $2,850 => $2,505 remaining <= they have just 3 days to raise $2,505 ! . ❤️‍🩹
Context: Because of Acacia's complex and extensive accessibility needs, suitable living spaces are extraordinarily rare; 99.99999% of the property market is completely inaccessible, and any accessible properties usually have a higher-than-average monthly rent ( which is part of why they've been unhoused for so long ).
They moved into this property just two weeks ago after never having a safe, stable, accessible place to live that meets their complex needs, and after fighting every day for their survival, all alone, while severely marginalized and extremely vulnerable, for over a decade.
This is the first time they've been safe, had a home, had stability, been comfortable, and had their complex array of accessibility needs met.
They need to be able to stay here so they can stay housed, rest and recover from the extensive harm they've endured, generate income and serve their peers.
Acacia shall reach their goal if:
5 people donate $500 10 people donate $250 25 people donate $100 50 people donate $50
by Friday February 2
HOW TO DONATE Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/care4acacia PayPal: https://paypal.me/mxpapaya
Include "housing" in the message.
No donation is too small. All donations of all sizes welcome.
Care for Acacia is a collaborative project between vulnerable peer-in-need Acacia and peer supporter Asa'.
The aim of the project is to meet Acacia's most basic and essential needs, provide them with a baseline quality of life, create a pathway out of poverty, and build the foundations they need to generate their own income.
Acacia is very severely marginalized and extremely vulnerable. Their life has been a daily fight for survival in poverty, alone, navigating violence, in a perpetual and desperate search for safety, community and belonging.
Acacia is in great need of the care, love and support of their communities and to have their most basic and essential needs met. Let's give Acacia the care and quality of life they deserve.
Together we thrive ... one act of community care at a time ❤️‍🩹
Due to Acacia's high support needs and burnout, this blog is ran by an anonymous volunteer on Acacia's behalf.
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djmunden · 1 year
An amazing review of my novel, Dusk Mountain Blues. If this doesn’t convince you to read my book or support my Kickstarter, I don’t know what will!
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fanemag · 9 months
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A Post: Bigots should not be coddled.
The Notes: Some people join hate movements to cope!
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colorsoundoblivion · 9 months
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(Original post about this permalink here)
[Status August 3rd 2023: I have roughly 39 pages in various states of design/completeness.]
{Contributors/contributions per category for current issue: Art (2), Photography (0), Interviews (1), Music (1), Print (0), Articles (0), Random (1), Letters (0)}
FANE is a digital & print zine with the intent to lift up artists of all kinds and expose them to new audiences. In every issue I hope to feature Musicians, Photographers, Illustrators, Poets, Painters, etc., along with life testimonials from marginalized peoples (are you a gender non conforming POC in the Crust Punk scene? I wanna know what that’s like. Are you transitioning in a rural area and want to share your experience? I want to help you do that. Do you love transgressive writing and like picking it apart? I wanna read those book reviews.). I am actively seeking out creatives in the LGBTQIA+ community who make the kinds of works that don’t get the attention or respect of mainstream queer culture. That said, FANE is all encompassing and we welcome submissions from peoples of all different walks of life (from CisHet to TransQueer, and everything before, in between, and after).
FANE is 100% volunteer. Everyone involved is donating their time and content. The digital version of the zine will be available completely free. The print version will be a lo-fi print-on-demand option priced to cover cost. Any kind of profits made or donations received will go towards building an online presence for the zine and further promoting the zine.
Examples of what we’re looking for:
Music Reviews, Live Show Reports, Photography, Painting, interviews (both interviewers and those willing to be interviewed), indie film makers, queer activists/artists, anything that defies convention, short stories, poetry, anyone willing to share honestly their struggles with mental health or other health issues, anyone into body modification, anyone with an unconventional body structure comfortable showing their body and discussing it, anyone willing to share terrifying personal experiences they’ve overcome, comedic works as prose or illustration, sex workers willing to share what their lives are like. Anything & anyone who deserves their “15 minutes” currently denied by surface culture. Contributions don’t have to be small, and you don’t have to do any page layout/framing (we can set up the pages from your content/files).
Examples of what we’re NOT looking for:
Pornography, edgelord shit for the sake of edgelord shit, right wing/conservative bullshit, Racists, animal cruelty, white nationalist propaganda, Nazi sympathizers, homophobes, transphobes, sexists, and other generally shitty human garbage. This doesn’t mean journalistic articles about such things can’t find inclusion, just that I don’t want to print the actual things themselves.
All submissions to FANE must be your original work or works you have the legal right to use. When submitting, you give FANE the right to reproduce your material in perpetuity within the context of zine print runs, website/blog postings, publishing collected editions of the zine, etc. (we’re not going to sell your works as prints or shirts or mugs or any kind of similar shenanigans). You are NOT giving us exclusive rights to anything, and your works will always be yours to do with as you wish outside of the zine.
As of writing this, the print edition will be black & white only (to keep price as low as possible, and honor xerox culture), but the digital edition will be full color. Please keep this in mind when choosing any visuals you may want to include. I think I can get the price down to $4 for b&w, but color would be $8 or $9 just in cost which I feel is a lot to ask (maybe I’m wrong). The goal here is simply to make it as accessible as possible.
Questions? Suggestions? Contributions? You can contact me here on tumblr or use FANEmag at gmail. I’m working on other communication methods as well, but I’m an Elder Millennial so please be patient with me :)
Feel free to reblog/spread far & wide.
Here are some visuals to give you an idea of what the overall “vibe” of the zine is. Nothing here is final… it’s all in progress/template/mock-up type stuff. I will update this post with changes, additions, etc.
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I’m again tagging creatives at random. Don’t feel obligated to participate, but obviously I’d love to have ya:
@annaxmalina @ad-wills @blaue3 @conkerart @equinoxes @ericpenington @florian-93 @ghostribbons @jogoraz @justizpalast @rnarccus @rmtrl @st-nothing
Asked & Answered
Hey! What does the name FANE mean/stand for?
It’s a noun. It means a church or temple. I’m not a religious person, but the most spiritual I feel is when I’m submersed in the arts, hence the name choice. Major world religions aren’t exactly friendly to the LGBTQAI+ community, so the zine, in my head at least, is an alternate experience where people can find community, inspiration, and acceptance.
I’m a self deprecating sarcastic asshat too, so the fact it rhymes with “feign” as in “to feign interest in this boring zine” is absolutely intentional. As is the fact that it’s a four letter “F” word :)
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