#Ivy didn’t know Danny had kids
dclovesdanny · 28 days
Clockwork moved Danny and de aged Dan and Ellie to Gotham, pulling a favor from Lady Gotham to make sure no one (ie the fentons and the GIW) would find them. He erased them from all media records, and Tucker created decent fake records, enrolling the kids into daycare and Danny into a job at Arkham as a guard who quickly became loved by most of the staff(and inmates). (Danny was one of the few people who treated the inmates like human beings, never being scared of them, joking with them, genuinely being interested in them.) (they were 100% willing to kill for their new guard)
Unfortunately, the batfamily noticed the new security guard who had amazingly forged records(if anyone else had looked at them, they wouldn’t know they were forged.) Which lead to Batman paying them a visit.
Half an hour after Batman went to visit, Batman was viciously researching a group called the GIW, and Danny showed up at the door of Ivy’s garden with his kids in toe, begging for sanctuary.
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt.4
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3][Pt.5][Pt.6][Pt.7]
Danny was sitting in the back, his backpack obnoxiously taking up the seat next to him, when the door to the lecture hall creaked open near silently.
“What are you in here for?” Danny asked the guy who crept into class. He sympathetically took his backpack off the Seat of Shame and allowed the guy to sit down. Funnily enough, they had the same hair and eye color.
“Gen Ed. Undecided. You?” The guy grunted quietly back.
“Environmental studies. I’m Danny.”
With the implicit understanding of two people in a required class they could not give less than two fucks about, Tim and Danny tuned back into the lecture. When the class was assigned group work, Danny looked over to see Tim softly snoring, head slammed down on the table.
“Tim. Wake up, dude.” Danny poked his shoulder.
“Huh? Class over?”
“Nah, we got group work. Discussion board.”
“Oh shit, thanks for waking me up. Wanna team up?”
Danny shrugged. “Sure. We should aim to post it in the middle so the professor doesn’t read our answers to the class.”
“Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Any idea what we’re talking about?”
“Kind of?”
“Good enough for me.”
Tim Drake kept seeing Danny Fenton around on campus.
“Danny! Dude, what are you doing?”
Danny turned, gloved hands full of crumpled trash. “Picking up after the student population, apparently.”
“Didn’t think environmental studies was that serious.”
“Global warming is very serious, you jerk,” Danny smirked at him, crossing the grass to put the trash into the trash can. “Reduce, reuse, oil shouldn’t be spilled in water and all that.”
“Basic stuff,” Tim grinned. Nice, he basically had a friend past Bernard now!
They were friends, right?
“And yet humanity fails to comprehend it. Incredible. Incredibly stupid that is.”
“They get it. Major corporations just don’t care.”
Danny sighed. “True that. You on your way to your next class?” He took off his biodegradable gloves off (nitrile and nylon, baby!) and chucked them into the trash.
“I’ve got free time, actually. Prof cancelled for his daughter’s surgery.”
“Oh, shit, that’s rough! You wanna go downtown and join the strike?”
“A strike? What for?” Even as he asked, Tim hiked his bag higher onto his shoulder, ready to go. They fell into step as the two left campus.
“Apparently, Quillan Pharma was doing some shady shit at their manufacturing plants. I think it’s like killing kids, and pouring toxins into the ground.”
“Oh, shit.”
“Yeah. Oh! Poison Ivy’s gonna be there!”
Tim blinked. He casted a sideways look at Danny. Sure he’s been here long enough to know… but it couldn’t hurt to check. “You know she’s an eco-terrorist, right?”
“Okay, but like… people suck sometimes. And all she’s asking for is like don’t kill the planet. And she doesn’t do that whole mind control thing too much anymore! The Sirens are so cool. Plus, one of my best friends at home might actually kill me if I don’t try to get her autograph. Poison Ivy is like, Sam’s personal hero.”
Tim snickered. “Yeah, okay. Mind if one of my friends join? His name’s Bernard.”
“The more the merrier,” Danny nodded. “Ooo! Hot chocolate. Want some?”
Danny bought three drinks as Tim trailed behind, texting Bernard.
“He said yes.”
“Cool! We should meet up somewhere before the drinks get cold.”
Well, Danny got the autograph. Tim got a new friend, and Bernard got a drink from his crush.
“Oh, you’re the glowing dude that Batman always talks about!”
Danny blinked, eyes scanning the wing-like cape and the yellow emblem on the hero’s suit. Danny was indeed glowing, stars and nebulas freckling across neon green skin, and glowing hair the color of a white dwarf star, tinged with the blue from his ice core.
“I… have absolutely no idea who you are,” Danny lied, like a liar. He’s found a surprising niche of entertainment in messing with the local vigilantes and he’ll be damned if he missed this opportunity.
He heard a snicker from the comm lines as Red Robin visibly brushes it off.
“I’m Red Robin. Why are you picking up trash?”
“Picking up after you humans, apparently.”
The both of them blink, feeling a weird sense of déjà vu. A moment of awkward silence passed before they both shook it off.
“Are you here to help? No offense, but the track record for you people is terrible.” Danny strode over and grabbed a bag. He opened it, and shook it at Red Robin’s face. “See? Batarangs, these odd bird looking ones, the R’s. Seriously, pick up after yourselves!”
“Oh, woah, can we have these back?”
Danny yanked the bag back before Red Robin could get close. “Pay me. These were incredibly tedious to pick up. Especially the batarangs. I mean, I even found a whole bunch of old rusted ones in the middle of the bay. What did you do, dump an entire bag in there from the air?”
Red Robin sighed and took out a wad of cash, with tracking fluid all over it. Danny grimaced, smelling the odd scent on the money. “That’s not real cash. It smells off. Are you trying to give me counterfeits because you’re broke?”
Red Robin gaped, oddly offended. “No! They’re real!”
“Doesn’t smell like it. It’s stinkier than the trash. Go get the one with the money, the litterer. Tell him I’ll be back the next full moon. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” Danny grumbled, disappearing on the spot to watch Red Robin flounder with the stack of cash and the piles of dead bodies on the shore.
“What the fuck even is my life these days?” Red Robin wondered out loud, stuffing the cash back into his pocket. He looked over the plastic wrapped bodies and slumped, sighing.
Oddly enough, Danny felt a sense of sympathy. Well, he’s not getting paid for sympathy. He’s not getting paid at all tonight, actually. Danny flew off, plunging once more into the depths of the significantly cleaner waters, and used his ice to scoop out oil stains.
Danny glanced around and sighed. He had a lot of work to do.
“So you’re saying he’s like a werewolf mermaid fae child immortal god thing, right?”
Bruce grunted.
“B, what the hell are you smoking these days? You know drugs are bad, right? Do we need Superman to give you that PSA?” Jason snickered.
Tim, massaging his arms from having to haul an ungodly amount of dead bodies, grunted. He’s so similar to Bruce that it gave the people currently in the cave hives.
“He said full moon. I don’t think we can track him with regular stuff. The bugs kept shorting out.”
“Oh boy,” Dick sighed. “Don’t fall off the spiral cliff, Tim. You’ve got midterms to think about so no stalking the guy.”
“Yet,” Tim shot back, changing out of his suit.
Bruce grunted, setting aside a huge stack of cash.
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call-me-strega · 5 months
Dc x DP Prompt #8: Best Friend’s Brother
Preface: this prompt can be used with different characters but I’m writing it as Dead on Main bc that’s my favorite. Also the colleges I mention are real colleges from the DCU
Danny Fenton was 18 when he moved to Gotham for college.
It was the only place with a half decent engineering program that would take a kid with his record; drop in grades, unexplained absences, missing class, a disciplinary record, etc. Plus there was a decent saturation of both magic and ectoplasm in Gotham’s air. After he got accepted he decided to tell his parents he was Phantom. They reacted surprisingly well all things considered. They were horrified to learn they’d been hunting their son but it quickly turned into acceptance to listen to what he had to tell them. Now they turned their obsession from hunting ghosts to learning more about ghost more humanely. He also managed to get his former rouges to agree to call off any major shenanigans in favor of less destructive outlets. (He got Ember a TikTok and a YouTube channel, he set up a drag racing circuit in the realms for Johnny and Kitty, let Technus enter the internet as long as he stayed within Amity’s grid or help Ember manage her stuff, allowed Desiree grant wishes for Make a Wish Foundation kids so long as she didn’t horribly twist them, etc.)
Now with the town not at constant risk of danger and his parents agreeing to really handle any rouge ghosts, Danny could leave Amity with a clear conscience. His friends were also growing up and heading to their own colleges. Tucker was heading to Ivy University in New England, which rivaled MIT in terms technological prestige, and Sam decided on Vandermeer University in Pittsburg, which had a reputation for being a very liberal, anti-authority campus. Although their trio would be spread out, Danny found comfort in the fact that they’d all moved from the Midwest to the Northeast.
With promises to stay in touch a visit. Danny got set up in GCU’s dorms, ready to move into the next chapter of his life.
Danny Fenton was 20 when Tim Drake (age 19 but nearing 20) officially became one of his best friends.
They had been introduced to each other by their mutual friend Sebastian Ives for a new Warlocks and Warriors campaign. Their friendship extended beyond WnW when they ended up on the same Applied Physics and Mechanics class. It was cemented when they got pair up for a project in class and had to spend lots of time around each other.
Danny didn’t mind that Tim tended to be a bit flaky and Tim didn’t mind that Danny was possibly not 100% human. They didn’t ask each other too many questions about that stuff. They knew the other had something odd about him and that was fine with them. It was nice to have a causal friend they could be normal with, without being questioned about their more peculiar behaviors.
They officially became best friends when the built a Rube Goldberg machine with a working trebuchet within an hour of the three they had to complete it for their Applied Phys-Mech final. Danny introduced Tim to Sam, Tucker and Jazz. Tim introduced him to Steph, Tam, and Cass. They texted and hung out fairly often. They truly did consider each other one their best friends.
Danny Fenton is 22 when he meets Tim’s family.
Tim’s 21st birthday is coming up and he has plans with his family the day of and is going out with his friends, including a couple from out of town, that night. They want to take him out for his first drink and it’s fortunate timing since it’s the weekend so nobody has to worry about classes. Everyone who was going was already informed that Tim would be spending most of the day with his family before Steph and Cass would bring to the club everyone was meeting up at. Which is why it’s purely a coincidence when he runs into them at BatBurger during the lunch rush.
Danny had just picked up the part-time job to earn a little extra cash to pay for his hobbies. Tim new about it but didn’t know the exact location he worked. That’s why they were both presently surprised when they heard each others voices in the drive through. When they pulled up to window Danny saw his friend leaning over a tired looking black-haired man, trying to stick his head out of the drivers window to give Danny a maniacal grin.
He quickly introduced the other passengers of the car as his dad, Bruce, and three of his brothers Dick, Jason, and Duke. He mentioned he had a fourth brother, Damian, who was still at home. Danny couldn’t really see everyone all that well on account of they were inside a car but he happily greeted them as well. They laughed and Danny wished Tim a happy birthday saying he’d see him at his celebration later tonight before handing them their food. He could the rowdy boys ribbing their brother as the car drove away and Danny resumed his work.
That incident seemed to have opened a gate because now Tim felt more comfortable inviting him over when his brothers were still around the house. He occasionally talked about his family more and Danny returned the favor letting snippets of his own family spill a little more. Occasionally, he’d see Tim’s family outside of his interactions with Tim.
He’d run into Damian, and sometimes Bruce or Dick was with him, at the museum or in the park while the younger had been walking his dog and stopped to say hi a couple of times. He chatted with Dick a couple of times when they were both in line to get coffee at a cafe. He saw Duke on a college tour once and waved at him.
The family member he probably saw the most other that Tim (and by extension Cass) was actually Jason. He’d ended up ditching BatBurger to get some more practical experience at an apprenticeship at the auto shop Jason went to to get his motorcycle serviced. The two of them got along pretty well and would often make conversation when Jason was waiting on his bike to be ready or to get his bill.
At first is was small talk about little things like how he and Tim were doing in class or how their days were going but they soon grew to have genuine interests in each other. Jason let Danny talk about space and mechanics and even gave his own thoughts sometimes, once helping Danny realize he was over complicating the circuit board of the device he was building. In return Danny let Jason ramble to him about literature, even taking the initiative to read a book Jason mentioned so he could talk to him about it better. Their conversation tended to be on the briefer side but were always enjoyable to both parties.
Danny actually liked being around Jason a lot but didn’t really bring that fact up a lot around Tim as it didn’t seem necessary. Tim was pretty glad that Danny got along with his family but he preferred to keep them in separate places in his mind. Danny knew and respected that, only really mentioning that he’d seen them recently and that they’d told him to say hi on their behalf (or die in Damian’s case occasionally).
Tim Drake was 22 when he came to a horrific realization.
Well, perhaps horrific was a bit of an exaggeration. Tim wasn’t necessarily horrified by the revelation. In all honesty he didn’t know how to feel. He felt an odd mixture of protectiveness, possessiveness, confusion, and optimism(?).
You see, Tim and Danny had been hanging out in the campus center, studying and goofing off when he got a text from Jason saying he was coming to pick him up for family dinner at the manor since he was closest and Dick was busy picking up Duke and Damian from their after school clubs.
“What’s up?” Danny asked him curiously.
Tim set his phone on the table and started putting his stuff away. “My brother is coming to pick me up for family dinner so I gotta head out soon.”
“Ah well I should probably get going too. Tell Dick I said hi.”
“Actually, it’s Jason. Dick is picking up Duke and Damian,” he said shoving his textbook into his bag.
“Oh? That’s nice of him. Hey do you wanna just head out together?” Danny asked, fidgeting with his hoodie strings.
Tim noticed a slight strain in Danny’s voice at the mention of Jason but didn’t comment. He just nodded his head sure and walked outside with Danny. They got out to the street when Tim realized he’d left his phone in the library. He faced palmed and asked Danny if he could hold his stuff so it wouldn’t slow him down as he ran back to the campus center to get his phone. Danny agreed to and hold his stuff and wait for Jason while Tim went back.
After getting his phone Tim started heading back to where he left Danny when he saw that Jason had arrived that Jason had arrived and was talking to Danny. He was about to call out to them when he noticed several things in quick succession. Danny was fidgeting with his hoodie, something he tended to do when nervous. The tips of Danny’s ears were a light shade of pink (it isn’t cold out yet?). Danny looked deeply absorbed in his conversation with Jason in a way that reminded Tim of how he talked about space. And Jason seemed just as absorbed in the conversation as well.
The gears in Tim’s head went into overdrive and he realized ‘Ah- Danny has a crush on Jason’. His eyes widened as his head whipped around to examine Jason again. He saw a look of genuine fondness in his eyes. Thus Tim was confronted with the aforementioned horrific realization and complicated feelings. Tim didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or both.
‘My dumbass best friend has a crush on my brother. And worse(?), my idiot brother returns those feelings.’
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star-girl69 · 4 months
As much as I love overprotective Clarisse which believe me I DO😍😍 am I the only one who kinda wants to see a protective reader if something happens to Clarisse or even Ivy?!
I feel like Clarisse may just sit back and be Yh that’s my girl 🤭
Literally kicking my feet and giggling while writing this
Also I love your writing so much it’s so goodddd I check my phone for any new posts all the time and scream when you do
TYSMMMMM BAE ILY!!!!!! been in a writing slump recently. someone else please write a mind bogglingly good clarisse fic to inspire me again. lord give me strength…
forget the fact this is 2 days late. thank y’all 🙏🙏
anyways officially adding danny to the perfect family bc I DO WHAT I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!
ok so imagine this
clarisse is participating in some sort of contest
idk roman gladiators LMAOOOO
but basically it’s like a big tournament? and yk she’s destroying eating it up cooking, whatever you will
finally she gets to like the semi-finals and atp everyone kinda knows she has it in the bag
her opponents are scared
(trust an underground betting ring was formed. everyone who bet on clarisse is thanking the gods and everyone who didn’t is shaking in their boots)
clarisse is happy bc you and the twins (danny and ivy)
are sitting right in the front row cheering her on
and she got a wonderful good luck kiss from you
so not only is she happy and thinking about that but also she’s convinced that she’ll win just bc she got a kiss from you
so the fight starts, ivy is genuinely SCREECHING at the top of her lungs she’s so me she can’t be normal about anything ever
and you and danny are just regularly cheering for her 😭
eventually someone behind you tells ivy to shut up
harshest death glare in the universe. like even zeus would be a little scared.
ivy doesn’t even notice she’s chill
the other person quickly shuts the fuck up.
then you turn back to watch clarisse and the fights just starting, the other dude is scared and knows his ass barely stands a chance
she’s having fun pummeling him
ugh fight scenes are hard to write
so eventually she tosses his ass to the floor
and this dude, who’s laid on the ground, who knows he’s cooked, decides the best option is to grab some dirt and throw it in clarisse’s face
and no one was prepared for this
like clarisse was standing over him with her spear at his throat, smile on her face, everyone knew he was done for- THEN HE DECIDES TO PLAY DIRTY AND DO THIS???
like everyone thought clarisse had it in the bag
the rules for this competition were that you’re not allowed to use anything but your person and/or pre-approved weapon(s)
whispers in the crowd… “oh bro is cooked…”
(sorry i’m obsessed w saying cooked rn)
and he is cooked
but by someone unexpected.
clarisse is wiping the dirt off of her face swallowing her shame she can’t believe she got distracted and let herself fall she should have saw it coming but suddenly she hears someone screaming
she opens her eyes and sees you menacingly walking towards this dude, who’s still on the ground and scrambling away
and what’s funny it you’re yelling at him like a mother would
the crowd is giggling…
clarisse is literally sitting there mouth dropped open when you grab his ear and he HOWLS
dragging him back towards clarisse, he’s kicking and screaming and literally CRYING
one of the apollo kids who organized the event is looking around (kinda enjoying it) but mostly very scared
“technically you did break the rules… sorry pal…”
obviously, this is the hottest thing clarisse has ever seen in her life.
she’s sitting back on her palms, watching in utter amazement, trying not to bite her lip
someone loving clarisse… that gets her going
someone loving clarisse enough to PROTECT HER??? she’s about to explode. EXPLODE. she’s never needed you so bad in her life LMAOOOO 😭
and this bitch is STILL refusing to apologize
like damn it’s not that hard… it’s not like you have any pride left to speak of you just got dragged around by the ear 😭😭 bro you’re cooked just apologize and get out while you can
“hey, dumbass, why don’t you look at the stands?”
you point, and everyone follows your finger.
ivy is a literal cartoonish whirl of her pink t-shirt and the white shorts with the little trees on them
danny is holding her back (with ease, might i add he’s strong as fuck 💪)
“i’ll let her out.”
he barely escapes that attack.
when you finally call ivy off of her attack, she stands next to clarisse, literally growls at the dude, before hugging clarisse
clarisse is still on the ground in utter shock.
she can’t keep her eyes away from you and ivy. she can’t get rid of the GLOWING feeling in her chest
is this… what it’s like… to be loved?
danny eventually walks over and helps her up
then they all watch as you smile sweetly at this very traumatized dude and ask if he’s ready to apologize
(i’m sorry oh gods im sorry i’m sorry”
then you walk over to clarisse, rolling your eyes and mumbling about bad parenting, girl she pounces on you.
kisses you so hard in front of everyone
ivy and danny are hugging each other and shielding each other’s eyes, screaming, begging for you two to stop
“y/n” she breathes as she pulls away “you are… the most amazing mother, the most amazing girlfriend, and literally the love of my fucking life.”
literally twirling your hair “omg baeeeee you’re too sweet 🤭”
(y’all don’t end up leaving her cabin for a LONG time.)
after this clarisse definitely sort of realizes a whole new side of your relationship. seeing you publicly defend her like that, publicly care about her, love her, omg she is going crazy for you!!!
after this incident she definitely stops calling you her gf.
gives you a really pretty ring she got one of the hephaestus kids to make, starts calling you her wife
and nobody better have a problem w that lol or else they got two ares killing machines, one feral attack dog, and a literal mother who is not afraid to drag you by your ear.
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss @ravisinghs-wife @marsconer @evangelinexo @randomhoex @luvrrish @rebecca37 @saltair-and-palemoonlight @ace-spades-1
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aprocessionofthoughts · 8 months
Investigations are attempted
whumptober2023 day 12- red fandom- Danny phantom x batman TW- none summary- Bruce and his kids continue to look into Daniel Nightingale.
ao3 whumptober23 materlist Part 4 of ITR
Bruce stared at the file again.
Name: Daniel Nightingale Family: Unknown Previous employment: Nasty Burger cashier Magical ability: can sense spirits and magical artifacts, can see some mid-level spirits
He frowned. He’d already tried looking up Nasty Burger but no results had come up. He’d tried looking more into Daniel but everything seemed to be in place. Everything was almost too perfect.
It felt like a cover up, like a fake identity. But it was done so well, he was having trouble finding anything else. He’d already had Tim and Barbara try, but Tim didn’t get much further, only discovering that Daniel was his real name but Nightingale had been what was changed. Barbara had agreed and added that she recognized the signature of the hacker who had done the job, but that she had no idea who the hacker was except that they were on her level of talent.
Bruce closed that file and pulled up his search for Manson.
He turned aside to take a drink of his coffee, and when he turned back there was a message displayed on the Batcomputer.
Bruce stared at it before reaching up to his comm. “Oracle.”
“What’s up, B?” he could hear the clicking of keys in the background.
 “I need you to run a check on the Batcomputer.”
“I’m kind of busy at the moment, is this something that can wait?”
“I think we may have found the Manson we’re looking for.”
“But I only know because the name started blinking across the screen.”
Oracle was silent for a moment before he heard her curse, then the clicking of keys continued at a much more frantic pace.
Bruce waited, the message had disappeared already and so he started looking up Samantha Manson. From what he found she reminded him of Ivy, and he could only hope she wasn’t some kind of villain as well. Manson was an avid protester against meat farms and deforestation along with several other environmental issues. She was also heir to the Manson company and fortune. When he looked into her background he found that she came from Amity Park, Illinois. But when Bruce looked the town up, he came up blank. He wanted to bang his head agaisnt his desk in frustration.
“What did you find?”
“I don’t know where exactly the message originated from, but it has the same signature as whoever made Nightingale’s files.”
Bruce grunted in acknowledgement and frustration.
“I’ll keep looking but I've never been able to find this hacker before and I’m not sure I’ll be able to unless they let me.”
“Keep me updated.”
Bruce could practically feel her eye roll as she answered. “Of course, B.”
Bruce really hoped Samanthat Manson was the one they were looking for. But why would the hacker tell them? Regardless, it was worth looking into. It had been a month since Daniel had been taken and if this went on too long, Bruce wasn’t sure if Daniel would still be alive.
He looked up Manson’s whereabouts and his suspicions increased when he found that she had arrived in Gotham the day before.
He spoke over the comms again, “I need a volunteer to go with me to investigate Manson.”
“You finally found them? Who are they?” said Nightwing.
“Took you long enough, old man.”
“Did you or Oracle find them?” Tim asked.
“Neither. Someone hacked the Batcomputer to send the message.”
There was silence on the comms for less than a second before a flurry of overlapping voices made Bruce wince. 
“Quiet.” Thankfully they listened and Bruce was able to continue. “Oracle is looking into it, but I want one of you with me to approach Manson.”
“I need to wrap a case up in Bludhaven.”
“I’m busy.” Jason said.
“I’ll go.” Robin responded.
“Not you, Robin. Agent A informs me you have a project to work on.”
“But, Father–”
“Do you want to take it up with Agent A?”
Damien grumbled but didn’t say anything else.
“Red Robin?”
Tim sighed, “I guess I can go. Whoever this Manson is probably knows our hacker, and I’d really like to meet the person who can hack the Batcomputer. Who is it?”
“Samantha Manson.”
Tim spluttered. “What! Sam Manson, heir to the toothpick company!”
“You know her?”
“Do I know her? She’s the only reason I volunteer for the annual Baymont’s Gala, you know, the owners of that meat packaging plant. Her family always attends, and she always does something to make the gala more interesting. Last year she somehow put laxative in all the champagne. It was hilarious!”
He could hear Dick cackling over the comms.
“That’s ridiculous. Surely something like that would be in the news?” Damien said.
“I don’t think she’s ever been caught.”
“Then how do you know it was her?” Jason asked.
We’ve been going to that gala for years and she’s always very vocal about her opinions of the Baymonts and their company. And once I saw her slip a fake mouse into Avery Bellmonts dress.”
“I think I heard about that incident.” Dick said. “If she turns out to be good, we should invite her to the next Wayne gala; they are always so boring. No offense, B.”
“I agree, except full offense. And no names in the comms, Dickwing.” Jason said.
“It’s not my fault you–”
“Boys.” There was silence and Bruce sighed. “Red Robin, I’m sending you the address of her hotel. Meet me there in an hour.”
“Will do, B.”
Bruce silenced his comm and got up to get changed into the Batsuit. If Samantha was anything like Tim said, he was in for a long night.
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elizabethemerald · 29 days
Summon the Cat: Part 6
Master Post
Danny crouched, looking down at the McMansion from a neighboring roof. The house was ostentatious to a fault. He wasn’t much of an expert on architecture in general but he had studied this building’s design extensively. It had been built to one up its next door neighbor that Danny was currently waiting upon. Due to trying to get the most of the available acreage the mansion pressed up against its neighbors, rather than the extensive topiary gardens the rest of the rich mansions had. 
The house Danny was on had a pool house that once had a beautiful view, except the garage of the McMansion now overshadowed it. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes. All rich people were fruit loops. The continued drama with Bruce just proved him right. 
According to Selina (his new mom!!) Bruce had thrown seven kinds of fits about the Kyle family moving in next door. He had tried to bench Red Robin for selling Drake Manor, but Tim just moved out to his penthouse in Gotham proper and had the occasional sleep over at the Kyle House when he was feeling lonely. 
The kids all seemed happy to have the Kyles and the Sirens so close. Jason and Dick were over every other week, Jason to experiment with his cooking, Dick to train Danny and Jazz in gymnastics. Danny loved Jason’s skill in the kitchen and was paying avid attention so he could learn how to cook, because he certainly didn’t want the Fenton’s terror in the kitchen to infect him. Jazz was content to know that they were both eating nutritious food that they didn’t have to fight. Also, she had apparently always wanted to be in gymnastics but the Fentons considered it less important than ghost hunting and she couldn’t afford the lessons on her own. Danny of course used the lessons during his training with his mom to be a cat burglar. 
Jazz spent a lot of time with Stephanie and Cassandra. Bruce had tried to bench them as well, except Steph had laughed in his face while Cass had stolen any equipment they needed and the pair moved into the Kyle House, more specifically into Jazz’s bedroom. He wasn’t stupid, he knew exactly what the three girls were up to in there, the love bites on Jazz’s shoulders made it obvious, but he didn’t want to think about his sister’s love life, though he was happy that the two girls made her so happy. 
He stuck out his tongue in disgust at the reminder of the one time he had a nightmare and almost walked in on the triad, then groaned quietly as he had licked the inside of his mask. Danny, Selina and the rest of the Sirens worked together to design his new costume. His nose and mouth were covered by a rigid mask and respirator shaped into the rictus grin of the Cheshire Cat. Selina had bemoaned not thinking about covering her face more with her costume. Harley had recommended leaning into his creepy factor, with the grin and slit eyes on his goggles. He could make both glow when he wanted to up the creep factor even more. 
Danny had enjoyed crafting the character he wanted to portray with his mom and his two aunts. He would allow his giggles to get caught on cameras, or the glow of his eyes to be seen. It was fun to be spooky without also getting chased by either his parents or the GIW. He had chosen the name Chesire as his thief name as an homage to his mom’s name of Catwoman. He had heard that there was apparently a villain named Chesire already, but he hoped that considering they were interested in such different crimes she wouldn’t be mad. 
His outfit was equipped with top of the line tools. Some he had made himself, some he had pickpocketed from the bats, including his own father. He made certain that he kept a clear division between when he was out as Chesire and when he was hanging out with the Waynes as Danny Kyle. He didn’t want them to worry about his intentions when he was with them. Harley had sewn his costume and the reinforcements necessary to tangle with the Justice League and the Bats. Ivy had given Danny some toys as well, his respirator could filter out any plant based toxin, and he had some pollens, spores and toxins of his own to knock out guards. 
On top of the mask and goggles he had a loose cowl with cat ears on top that completed his look. The cowl hid his identity without hampering his movement like the stiff ears Batman had would. He loved the spookiness of allowing his eyes to glow through his goggles from the depths of the hood. 
Danny tilted his head as a click sounded in his ear piece. He grinned and jumped across the high fence to their target. Selina was used to working by herself so she kept any conversation to a minimum, relying on small signals to show him when it was time to move. 
He landed lightly on an air conditioning unit, using just a touch of flight to slow his landing and eliminate the sound. He stood on his tiptoes and pulled a screwdriver from his kit. He had rebuilt the small tool himself, making it whisper quiet. Even the small sound of the tool was covered by the whir of the AC unit as he unscrewed the vent above his head. He gently pried the vent cover off, then hooked a cord through the vent itself so it dangled from the opening. 
Danny levered himself up and into the small opening. He couldn’t imagine his mom squeezing through the small gap, even though she had to do that herself when she was younger. Fortunately, he was skinny as a twig and had his ghost strength to lift himself up. Aunt Harley called him wiry. Jason called him a shrimp, though he changed his tune when Danny dead lifted him. 
He crept across the ductwork above the garage, looking down on the cars after he pulled the vent cover back into place with the cord and secured it with a bit of plain Blu tack. Mom insisted that you could have the best tech in the world, but sometimes simple solutions were the best. They had considered stealing the fancy showpiece cars, but cars were much easier to track and they already had Bruce breathing down their necks so they weren’t worth it. That didn’t mean they couldn’t cause some chaos, just for fun. 
Danny hooked his ankle around one of the duct supports and leaned down until he was upside down and took careful aim with a grapple he pickpocketed from Nightwing only this past week. He had been practicing this shot for hours every day for weeks. He took a deep breath, then triggered the grapple. The hook bounced off the concrete under a fake Model T at the perfect angle to hook the top of a storage rack against the wall. The rack was filled with tools and parts so the rich prick who owned the McMansion could pretend he actually worked on the cars himself. 
He reeled in the grapple until the shelf was on the verge of tipping forward, the cable straining against the bottom of the Model T, and he couldn’t help his namesake Cheshire grin. He hooked the grapple gun onto the duct support and playfully tapped the taut line like a piano string. This would make a delightful mess to cover his exit. 
Another click in his ear reminded him that they were on a time clock. Selina had bought them a couple of hours free of the Bat and that time was closing steadily. He finished making his way into the house proper. He found the central control for the house’s security system easily enough. He broke the cover off the panel and quickly bypassed the security. 
Selina had been surprised by his ease with bypassing electronic systems. Danny had learned a lot from Tucker and repeated encounters with Technus, but he had been dealing with the security systems of the Fentons for as long as he could remember. He could rewire and bypass most security systems in his sleep, and they wouldn’t even shoot him if he failed. 
He tapped his ear piece sending a single click and after a few moments he was joined by his mom as she walked in the front door, bold as brass. She smiled at him and rubbed his head, causing Danny to preen and his core to thrum in his chest. 
“Well done, kitten.” She said, practically purring in pride, before she glanced around the ground floor of the McMansion. “Now, Cheshire. You picked this mark, let’s get away with everything we can.” 
The mother-son duo made quick work of the mansion’s valuables. Art pieces and statues were slipped into a bag that Danny had connected to the Infinite Realms. The ectoplasm would short out any electronics or trackers and they wouldn’t have to worry about fleeing while loaded down. He would be able to recover the larger goods later when the heat had all but disappeared. He didn’t have perfect control over his portal abilities, but it was enough to get back and forth from the Realms. Training his powers with Selina and his aunts had really improved his skills. 
The two of them worked in tandem, flawlessly stripping valuables, cracking a safe in the bedroom, and taking everything they could get their claws on. Danny felt flushed with happiness. He was working alongside his mom, stealing from a rich prick who stole from his workers, he felt amazing. 
A click sounded in both of their ears, causing them to pause. Their window of Bat free time just closed. They slung their collection of valuables over their shoulders and began to race back through the house. Selina split off, her whip cracking as she swung off to another building. Danny made his way back into the garage as Robin and Red Robin landed behind him. Danny smiled, and allowed his eyes and mouth to glow for the full Cheshire effect. 
He activated the grapple gun as he passed and with a whir and an almighty crash the storage rack collapsed down onto the vintage vehicles. Red Robin yelped as he tried to follow but was forced to dodge a bouncing tire. Robin was far more nimble making his way through the mess, but he was still delayed enough by the wreckage for Danny to dive through the vent and jump to get back to the roof of the pool house next door. As soon as he was out of range of the cameras he vanished and lifted up into the air, flying silently and invisibly. He carefully moderated his body temperature so he was exactly the same temp as the surrounding night air. He didn’t want to risk showing up on heat sensors used by the Bats. 
Danny followed another crack of his mom’s whip to where she was running just ahead of the Bat himself. He scowled as Bruce threw a pair of Batarangs at her, though he was relieved as she nimbly dodged them. Danny may have had numerous problems with the Fentons, but at least he never had to be afraid of one of them hurting each other. Seeing his mom in danger from the man who should be his dad filled him with a cold anger. He tapped his ear piece to let her know he was free of the mansion and that he was close. 
Selina stopped running and turned, to saucily sashay towards the heavily armored Batman. He had considered making his costume super flirty and evocative like his mom’s but it made him uncomfortable, like ants were on his skin to have people stare at him like that. Jazz had reminded him that he didn’t have to do everything exactly like Selina did, and that it was important for him to carve his own path forward. 
“Catwoman. Enough is enough. I need you to submit to testing. You are being controlled.” Batman growled, and Danny struggled not to growl right back. He wasn’t controlling her! And how dare this jerk growl at his mom!
“Submit? To you? That’s not how our arrangements usually work.” Selina said with a coy smile as she swished her whip across the rooftop, not even acknowledging the rest of his words. Apparently after the past couple of months she had grown bored with trying to argue with him, and she was refusing to be tested for mind control just to antagonize him. 
Also, gross. 
That was another reason he was glad he didn’t copy her flirty persona. His mom was very comfortable with her body and her sexuality and she admitted she got a thrill when she used either to control people around her. Danny, who was still coming to terms with possibly being ace and had all the body issues of a bullied teen, only felt anxious when he tried to flirt. 
He crept through the air towards his mom, pulling strongly on his intangibility and control of his own temperature to make himself completely undetectable. He carefully watched the Bat for any sudden moves. 
“Don’t you ever get tired?” Selina asked, still playfully swishing her whip across the roof. “You’re so certain you’re right, even after months, even in the face of all evidence. Honestly you’re just like the Fentons. I know you’ve looked into them, think about that the next time you want to have me submit to your battery of tests.” 
Bruce tried to keep his emotions locked down, but Danny could see the micro expression even with the heavy cowl. The small twitch would have been a full flinch in a lesser man. Danny’s scowl deepened as he realized just how similar he was to the Fentons. He just hoped this time wouldn’t end with him strapped to a table. 
His voice had softened, but Danny saw his mom move her arm to the side, the signal they had agreed on. He grabbed her, passing his flight and intangibility to her as he allowed his invisibility to roll back enough to reveal his grinning mask. Bruce stiffened, his lips tightening in fury. He reached for some tool from his belt, but Danny wasn’t going to stay around to see what it was. He lifted his mom effortlessly from the roof, and let himself giggle as he rocked his head side to side as his invisibility rolled over him until just his smile was visible, before vanishing completely. 
He flew with his mom in his arms, finding themselves on the other side of Gotham close to Selina’s old penthouse. He set her down and pulled his invisibility back so they both appeared out of thin air. He knew the rictus grin on his mask and the cat’s eyes on his goggles were glowing brightly as his core flared in delight. 
“Amazing job, Chess.” Selina said fondly, pulling him to a hug before she pushed his cowl back so she could kiss his head. Danny held her tightly and let his core purr wildly to show his delight. She pulled back her own cowl, revealing her face and her tight black curls. She looked him over closely to make sure he was uninjured. “Cheshire, you and I are a team made in thief heaven. I look forward to watching your perspective as you went in.”
Danny smiled widely, and pulled his own goggles over his head, and lowered his mask. 
“It was great! I even made that trick shot I was practicing, brought the whole rack down onto his stupid fake vintage cars. Of course if they were real, they would basically shrug it off, but they crumpled! Ruined his whole collection.” 
Danny had started floating as he laughed through his retelling. He transformed with a thought, his ghost form matching his Cheshire costume more and more as the months went by. His tail whipped back and forth through the air as he excitedly paced back and forth above the roof they were on. 
“Danny…” He paused at the solemn tone in his mom’s voice. She had a sad tilt to her eyebrows that he had noticed she had occasionally when she looked at him in his ghost form. 
“Y-yeah?” His voice cracked a little, he was more trepidatious than he wanted to admit. 
“Danny, would you like a grave?” Selina asked. 
He felt like the word thundered through his head, and he found himself landing on the roof next to his mom, his mouth open.
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nerdpoe · 1 year
Of Kindness and Empathy part 3
Danny all but collapsed in his and Tucker's hotel room, just as the sun was peeking over the horizon.
After he had removed the neck brace and ice, he’d made himself scarce. The…Wayne family, and wasn’t that a wild piece of knowledge, would need time to themselves for a bit. Besides, it wasn’t like they didn’t know how to contact him. After that, deciding that the local vigilantes would be a…little preoccupied, he decided to stay invisible and do sweeps of Gotham.
Gotham, as it turned out, was painfully huge.
He’d done what he could; stopped a few muggings, messed up a bank robbers plans so he’d set off every single alarm in the building and then locked him in the vault, talked down Poison Ivy and Harley (which was pretty easy, he just had to reveal himself and say that the Batman Brigade had almost suffered a pretty bad loss and needed a night), stopped a few jumpers, stopped some really rude guy from shooting ketchup and mayo at fast food workers, and overshadowed Joker in the middle of him about to kill a bunch of hostages, turned him around, and marched him down to the local precinct.
That last one had been extraordinarily difficult. Joker had a good grasp on who and what he was, and did not take kindly to being taken over and diverted away from his activities. 
He felt like he needed to take a shower after that, but he was just so tired he’d deal with it later.
Oh, right, before he went to sleep he had to, uh…the thing. He had to do the thing.
Danny quietly lifted Tucker’s phone off of the bedside table and unlocked it, shooting a text to himself.
‘Hey, it’s Danny. This is my friends phone, and I don’t know if my parents will let me have another one since I keep losing or breaking them, so if u wanna talk just get Tuck to call me out. Hope you-know-who is healing up! :) :)’
Done and done.
Danny collapsed on the bed, eyes closing blissfully. There was nowhere to be and nothing to do, a true vacation if he did say so himself.
As he was falling asleep, he missed Tucker’s phone going off.
‘Thank you for your hard work, we saw the results. He is healing. Sleep well.’
Bruce was idly scrolling through the documents on Phantom and Daniel Fenton he’d pulled up on his tablet, leaning against Tim’s bed as Tim got into a logistical argument with Damian about whether or not Phantom could see when he went intangible.
Phantom was called a menace, apparently. Not quite a villain, but definitely a rule-breaker and a danger to public property.
There was page after page of news reports about him fighting other ‘ghosts’ and laying waste to the town, unable to hold in his need for conflict. Ghost hunters named him target number one, and there were multiple traps laid out for the kid.
But what Bruce saw was an entirely different story.
Bruce saw a kid who barely knew how to control his powers trying to defend the town against opponents who did know how to use their powers.
Bruce saw that every fight had less and less property damage.
Bruce saw that this kid, with no mentor in sight and all alone in fighting apparent interdimensional beings, was slowly improving and doing the best that he could with what he had.
Against all odds, with almost everything against him, Daniel had managed to keep the town safe. Not a single one of his fights had resulted in a casualty. He had never fallen to hatred or revenge as far as Bruce could tell.
One instant of cheating on a test not-withstanding, but it looked like he’d fessed up and retaken it.
He clearly needed training, and looking at his grades he definitely needed help keeping the ‘ghosts’ at bay.
But then Bruce had come across something disturbing.
“Anti-Ecto Acts?” He murmured, pulling it up and getting his mind into the proper place to understand legalese.
This…was horrible.
How had Daniel been living with this hanging over him?
It had probably only passed because most politicians didn’t believe in ghosts, so they didn’t bother to look into it, but the problem was it had passed. This was literally a downward slope into getting meta rights removed.
This…was something that needed news coverage.
How lucky Bruce was that he happened to know a fantastic reporter.
“Hello?” Clark answered his phone without checking who was calling, too busy editing his last story to meet the fast approaching deadline.
“Bad time?”
Oh. That was Bruce. Whelp, the story was good enough Clark supposed.
Stretching his arms above his head, the Super leaned back in his office chair.
“No, not at all. Something I can help you with?”
What followed was a bombshell. 
There was a law that was passed to practically legally obligate people to discriminate against ‘ghosts’, and it would be very, very easy for that to roll down to metas. A town called Amity Park had the worst of it, and if he wanted to drop the story to bring attention to it he’d have to see if Lois would want to go there for interviews, as if there really were ghosts a possessed superman was the last thing they needed.
“Uh, this sounds pretty serious. I mean Meta rights are…yeah, sure, I can ask Lois-”
“Ask me what?”
Clark jumped, lost balance, fell over with the chair, broke the arm off of it, and broke his desk when he reached out to catch himself.
The entire office went quiet.
Clark had no idea how his completely normal human manager managed to sound scarier than Darkseid.
“My office.”
Clark sighed, stood up, handed the phone to Lois, and dragged his feet into the office.
“Why yes, he did break his desk again,” Lois said into the phone, her smile in her voice as she waved goodbye to him, “Now what’s this about Meta rights violations?”
Danny was woken up by Tucker rubbing his face with his ridiculously teched-out phone with one hand and loud smacking noises as said techie ate a rotisserie chicken wing with the other.
“Wake up dude, it’s for you.”
Danny just laid there with the phone precariously balanced on his face, trying to come to terms with being awake, before managing a guttural and slurred greeting.
There was a pregnant pause on the other end.
“Daniel Fenton?”
Oh shit that was Bruce Wayne.
“Yes, sir?” Danny shot up, eyes wide and looking at the time.
It was about three, so he’d slept for a pretty long time.
“I believe you dropped your phone. Would you like for me to drop it off at the Orchard for you?”
“Oh, um you don’t have to, I can just come pick it up if you want to tell me where-”
“That’s a pity then, because I’m in the lobby.”
Danny blinked, bewildered.
“I…guess I’m on my way? I just need to get dressed real quick.”
“I’ll be in the Tiki Breakfast Bar.”
The line went dead, and Danny decided to use the next thirty or so seconds to question reality.
Then it was a whirlwind of finding his clothes, putting them on, hoping that the Mansons didn’t see him in his ratty everyday wear (suits had been part of the agreement), and bolting out the door.
He barely noticed Tucker jogging after him, plate full of rotisserie chicken now occupying both hands.
He did completely hear Sam’s parents' shocked gasps and even locked eyes with her dad as he slid into the elevator and slammed on the button for the second floor. 
Sam used their momentary distraction to dart in after him and Tucker as the doors were closing.
So. Danny had his friends in the same elevator as himself.
And they didn’t know he was about to meet The Bruce Wayne.
Sam and Tucker stared at him expectantly.
Danny caved with a put upon sigh.
“So long story short I saved one of Mr. Wayne’s kids last night and gave him my phone because he needed an Emotional Support Jazz.”
There was no way he’d out Mr. Wayne's secret identity. No. Freakin. Way.
“Wait so that playboy idiot knows who you are?” Sam immediately snapped, glaring at Danny.
“So I don’t think he’s actually that ditzy-”
“The owner of Wayne Industries is indebted to you?” Tucker asked with stars in his eyes, the gears in his head already turning for potential experimental tech he could get his hands on.
“No, I don’t intend to use the man’s kid’s life as a bargaining chip-”
“Wait,” Sam interrupted, staring at the ground. No, not the ground. She was….
“Tucker, where are your pants?” Danny whispered in horror.
The world seemed to stand still as the plate full of chicken was dropped on the floor.
“Go back up go back up!” Tucker wailed, slapping the button for the floor with their rooms and trying to hide his Aquaman boxers from the stares of any of the other patrons through the glass walls of the elevator. Sam, meanwhile, started repeatedly punching the button for the second floor.
“We can’t go back Tucker, my parents won’t let us leave again if we do! Just suck it up!”
Danny started reaching between them to hit the elevator stop button.
“Guys I don’t think we should-” the elevator gave a horrific shutter, a grinding noise, and then came to a complete stop between floors, “Do…that.”
“Dude why would you stop the elevator?” 
Never before had Tucker looked so betrayed as in that moment.
Danny slowly turned his head to meet Tucker’s eyes.
“I didn’t actually get to push the button.”
“I…think we’re actually stuck?”
“Are you kidding me right now?”
Danny was not.
This is now on AO3
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
Life on the farm pt 6 its pointless to resist
Jazz was PISSED! She left for a college tour and came home to her brother missing, Vlad having a breakdown because an object of his obsession is missing, Jack and Maddie ranting about phantom killed their son, and clockwork sitting on her bed.
“Care to explain what’s ACTUALLY going on. Because Vlad is in crisis and Jack and Maddie think Phantom killed Danny, which would be pretty hard to do considering he is phantom, Sam and tucker are no help, they haven’t really been on speaking terms since the break up.” She says with a glare.
Clockwork is a primordial being, the personification of time itself, he is no fool.
“Danny is safe in another universe, he has found parents that fully accept him for what he is… and he misses you very much.” He says with a soft smile stroking his beard. “The friends he makes in that world will help him become one of the greatest ghost kings of all time.” Jazz gave him a very unimpressed look.
“My brother already is the greatest ghost king you’ve ever had, the last one subjugated the residents of the infinite realms for years, try again.” Clockwork laughed.
“That may be so but there, he will be happy, and he will help others in ways that will prevent great tragedy from befalling that universe.” Clockwork grinned “would you like to join him. You can always return through the infinite realms once your brother masters portals. It’s shouldn’t be too long now”
Jazz weighed her options, on the one hand she would be with her little brother, on the other hand she would have to leave her entire life behind. She hears a crash from down stairs. “Let me pack my things. There are a few things I’ll need if I’m entering a new world.”
Clockwork shifted into his middle aged form, “but of course”
“New world or not I’m finishing my education, Danny may have all the tutor in the infinite realms to teach him what he needs to know but I’m going to be a psychiatrist not a ghost king. I’ll need records so I can go to school. Danny has a family all set up and that’s all well and good, I’ll be visiting him on holidays but I am going to college. I’ll need some college brochures, I’d like to find a tutor in that world as well so I can get up to date with any new practices from that world.” Clockwork gave her a wide grin and with a slight hum he said “I know the perfect person. It will all be handled.”
Jazz gave the primordial god of time a grin “alrighty then let’s get going. The sooner I get settled the sooner I get to go find my little brother!”
Clockwork grinned and thought to himself ‘this is going to be fun, perhaps I should introduce her to my granddaughter, that would be most amusing’
Jazz finished packing and the two headed into a whole new world after permanently decommissioning the portal.
Wouldn’t want any unwanted visitors
Pamela Isley is a reasonable woman, true she was a little, Enthusiastic about her plants, but ever since she got together with Harley she can concede that she’s calmed down a reasonable amount. So when she walked into their living room to find her girlfriend staring at a red headed teen sitting on their couch with a man eating plant on one side and a hyena on the other, typing away without a care in the world, she didn’t immediately kill the girl. She did give an exasperated sigh when Harley asked if the girl was her secret love child, but no she didn’t kill the kid. When the girl looked up and gave the two a unexpectedly sharp grin, (were her eyes glowing?!) and introduced herself as Harley’s new student and how she wanted to learn psychiatry from the best Ivy turned around. She needed coffee for this.
When she returned Harley had all but adopted the girl. They decided they needed to get the girl supplies to be a proper protege. Ivy put up with the girl for weeks, asking probing questions, lurking about the apartment. She was fed up with it. The three of them are headed out to eat when Ivy decides to confront Harley about the girl. Unfortunately this was Gotham and dinner is never peaceful. Of course who would they run into but Harley’s disgusting ex Joker. Before the fight can even start however Joker is shot with a green blast. There’s the annoying red head holding a weird gun standing across the room.
“Yknow, repeated exposure to ectoplasm can have unforeseen side effect. I once saw a man who was hit with too many blasts grow a third arm from his forehead and lose another limb between his legs. I’d be interested to see how it affects you Mr. Joker, Ṣ̵̡̲̻͓̲́͌̕͜h̴̡͎̼̬̮̳̲̳̤͙͑ͅa̶̦̟̭̱̝͑̌͒̎͗͐̏̋͑͘͝ͅļ̴̡̗͕̲͎̞̩̚ͅͅḻ̵̛͆͒̌́̐͗̐͝͝ ̶̛̞͚̄̆̇͆̈́̃̈͆̽͐̓͠w̷̡̮͔͖͍͇̞̳͖͍̺͍̅̀͜͜e̷̻̠͕͕̲̼͔̫̲̓͐̉̈́͑̓͋̚̚?̷̨͖̝̥̙̮̪͚̺̦̫̫̺̝͌̈́̏̆̎̍̑͛͐̈́̇͋͗̊”
While he was distracted Harley knocked him over the head with her bat and the three ran out of the restaurant laughing.
Maybe having Jazz Fenton around might be fun after all.
The next morning she found what appeared to be a Wayne child sitting on her couch. She turned around, she needed coffee for this.
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q-gorgeous · 1 year
You’re Dead
word count: 919
AU - Jazz had always been gifted. So gifted she was the only one in her family who could see ghosts and help them move on. (Danny can still become Phantom if you want) @summerssixecho
Jazz had always been gifted. 
And not just in the way that everyone thought. Sure, she was smart. She did all sorts of presentations and speeches at school and she tutors a couple different kids. She even had her eyes on the Ivy League schools. But no, that’s not what she means by gifted. 
Her parents studied ghosts for a living. They’ve been at it for twenty years, still going strong even though they themselves had never seen a ghost before. It was something they believed so fully that no matter how much Jazz tried to convince them otherwise, they would never budge. 
She just didn’t want her parents to know they were right. 
Jazz had been able to see ghosts all her life. It was some innate ability she had been born with. She never, ever wanted her parents to find out about it though. 
They always told her and Danny stories about what they’d do to the ghosts if they ever caught them. About how they’d perform all sorts of tests, tear them apart molecule by molecule. It had scared Jazz growing up. It scared Danny even more. 
So she resolved to never let her parents find out that ghosts were real. All the ghosts that Jazz saw on a regular basis were all nice. They usually wanted to be left alone. She didn’t know where her parents were getting these ideas from, that ghosts were inherently bad. They were supposed to be scientists but didn’t seem to wait for any proof before they came to their conclusions. 
They continued to work on their life project, the ghost portal. It didn’t work the first time they tried turning it on. But one day when they went down to the lab to look over their schematics again, it had miraculously been turned on. 
It’s the only machine Jazz can say with total certainty actually worked. 
Ghosts were coming out of the portal left and right. Most of them went right back into the ghost zone once they found out how hard it actually was to interact with the living world. There were some that came and managed to find ways to cause trouble though. 
It had been months since the portal opened and everything had been pretty normal. Her parents still didn’t find proof that ghosts actually existed beyond the ghost portal being on. 
She was walking home from school one day when she saw something that made her heart nearly stop in her chest. 
There was a ghost across the street that looked suspiciously like her little brother. 
What could have possibly happened to him? He was alive and well this morning when they left for school. What could have possibly happened since then? What could have gone wrong in such a little amount of time?
She ran across the street towards him, ignoring the cars that had been driving down the road. He made eye contact with her and looked confused before looking down at himself. When he looked back up at her he looked panicked. 
She never told him that she could see ghosts. It was a secret she kept only to herself, if only to keep it away from her parents. 
“Danny! What’s going on? What happened to you? Why are you…”
She was out of breath and was breathing hard. She could tell he’s trying to think of something to say. He looked away from her and scratched the back of his neck. 
“I, uh, nothing. I’m fine! There’s nothing wrong.”
“But you’re… you’re…” Jazz didn’t want to say the words. Didn’t want to speak them out loud. 
“I’m what?”
Tears welled up in her eyes. 
“You’re dead!”
Danny stared at her for a moment. His fists clenched and unclenched. “No I’m not.”
“Look at you!” She gestured at him, his white hair and green eyes. “You’re not the same. You’re different. You’re a ghost!” 
“No I’m not. Ghosts don’t exist, Jazz.”
“Yes they do! I’ve been able to see them all my life! That’s why I know you’re lying to me!”
Shock crossed his face before he schooled his expression again. “Whatever… Whatever prank you’re playing on me isn’t funny, Jazz. I’m gonna go hang out with Sam and Tucker.”
He started walking away from her and she didn’t have the strength to follow after him. 
How hard was he in denial? What had even happened? 
She didn’t go right home that day. She meandered her way through town until it was time to be home for dinner. She wanted to put off the news soon enough. Surely her parents must’ve been told what had happened already. 
She walked in through the front door and dropped her backpack on the floor solemnly. She made her way toward the kitchen where she could hear her parents shuffling around and talking together. Why didn’t they sound upset?
Jazz raised her head to look at them and her eyes widened in shock.
Standing in front of her was her brother, alive and human looking, setting the table. 
“Danny?” She squeaks. 
“Jazz?” He says back to her, mockingly.
They get ready for dinner. When Jazz sat down to eat, she sat in stunned silence. 
She didn’t know what was going on. She didn’t know how her brother could be both alive and dead. But that didn’t matter to her. At least he was still sort of alive. 
No. The only thing that mattered to her was her parents. 
They could never find out ghosts were real.
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auroralightsthesky · 2 years
Top Gun Gang/Family Headcanons (Because I fucking need this in my life right now)
Some OCs were involved in the making of this list, major feels ahead people!!! (Note: I will be doing face claims for the OCs somewhere along the line so bear with me)
Penny and Mav
Maverick’s basically been Amelia’s dad ever since she was born
Amelia’s biological dad basically walked out on Penny when she told him she was pregnant
But Maverick promised her that he’d go to whatever lengths he could to help, even if it meant legally adopting Amelia
And when she was born?? Oh holy shit, the man who we’ve never really seen cry, bawled like a little girl
From day one he had that girl wrapped around his finger like an out of control ivy vine
Penny and Maverick were together for about twelve years
And that’s when they got a call that changed their lives for the better
Maverick had recently lost one of his brothers and his sister-in-law was out of control and had gotten arrested
But they had two three-year old twin boys, Danny and Thomas
Maverick and Penny took them with no questions asked and since Mav was a Navy Captain, the paperwork went through quicker than they could blink an eye
The boys were flown right to the base. Bob, Rooster, Hangman, Coyote, Phoenix, Fanboy and Payback all came to greet the newest members of the family
The boys bolted away from the social worker who had brought them and ran right to Mav, screaming “UNCLE PETEY!!!” at the top of their lungs
Mav and Penny scooped them right up, laughing the entire time
Finally, after years and years of waiting
Penny and Maverick made it official
They got married at the base with like half the Navy in attendance
Plus Maverick looked hot as ever in those Navy dress blues
He loves taking the boys up in the planes
Because it reminds him of when he used to do it with Rooster when he himself was their age
Penny can’t imagine life without her boys
Because the day Danny and Thomas were adopted, life was complete
Rooster and Rusty
Rooster and his girl, family call sign: Rusty, have twin boys as well, Nicky and Pete
Nicky is almost exactly like Rooster and his grandfather/namesake
Rooster will stick the two boys on top of the piano when everybody comes over
And he’ll play Great Balls of Fire of course
Whenever he looks at the boys they finish the verse
And those cute little voices singing “goodness gracious, great balls of fire!!” has everybody laughing and melting at the same time
Don’t even get me started on the painted brothers incident
One day Rooster came home to find his boys a painted mess and Rusty exasperated
“Whose idea was this? Who got into the paint without askin’ Mommy?” 
The boys just shrug
And Rooster was a laughing mess. He didn’t care if Rusty was giving him dirty looks
Because it was kind of hard to discipline the kids and not laugh at the same time
Maverick and the other guys saw the video Rooster took of Nicky and Pete and couldn’t stop laughing for hours
And they know that they’ll still be laughing about it many years from now
Hangman and Gretchen
Let’s face it, Hangman’s a girl dad all the way
And Gretchen with her thick Georgia accent, gives him a run for his money, just like their daughters
Molly is the one who will willingly play football with her dad and her uncles on the beach
And she’ll wear his aviators when he brings her to the base, she even has a little American flag tank top and a tiny flight suit she loves to bring with her when daddy flies
Missy tends to stick close to her mom and Aunt Penny
And her Aunt Natasha. Whenever Daddy’s up in the air with Molly, Missy gets to wear the headset and talk to them from the ground while Phoenix has her on her shoulders
Even though hangman does want a boy someday in the family
He’s pretty content with the girls, his queen and his two princesses
Because God only knows that whatever boys he and Gretchen have one day are going to be the worst kinds of troublemakers
Bob and Moira
Bob and Moira had always wanted kids
But Moira was a bit on the twiggy side and had been prone to health issues over the years
So when Bob found out she was pregnant he couldn’t have been happier 
But the baby came early.....like scarily early
Their son was immediately taken to the ICU where the nurse had put him in an incubator
Moira and Bob were both terrified that he wouldn’t make it 
Bob didn’t even want to go back to work because he was terrified to leave them 
Until Maverick stepped in and gave him a reason to go back
Bob worried every day about Moira and his son who they had named August Peter Floyd
One day Bob was coming back from a flight practice with Phoenix, Hangman and Coyote
And Maverick came running up with his helmet in his hands
Bob saw the look on his face and panicked
So the five of them rushed to the Navy hospital 
Bob was still scared when the nurse told him that August was having trouble with his heart
So she let Bob hold him
Bob was super shaky when he took his shirt off and held August against his chest
Because Auggie was still really tiny
But lo and behold, he let out a tiny, shaky cry and looked right up at his father, mother, uncles and aunts
There wasn’t a dry eye there that day and later on, Bob and Moira had the Navy chaplain come in to have Auggie baptized
The little bean grew up with hardly another issue after that
He loves to go flying with his Daddy
Good God the two are carbon copies of each other
And Bob and Moira are forever grateful that they were blessed with their son and his siblings who came after
Coyote and Raquel
Coyote met Raquel after the fam went to Rio de Janeiro while they were on leave
Next thing you know everything fell into place and soon they were married with a family
But being a Navy wife wasn’t easy at all, there were nights where Raquel had called Penny in tears, wishing Coyote was there with her
But their kids, Paloma, Carla and Tiago gave her a reason to keep going while Coyote was away
Tiago has told his dad time and again that he wants to play football for both America and for Brazil, which makes his mom happy to no end
Coyote even keeps a picture of the four of them on the dash in the cockpit and in his pocket at all times
Because just like Raquel, seeing his loved ones gives him a reason to keep going
Phoenix and Cole
Both are military which is really difficult for their son, Gabe
Cole is a Navy SEAL and sometimes he’s away on super dangerous missions
Which leaves Gabe to have to stay with Penny or Cole’s dad half the time
Every day Phoenix makes it a point to call him and talk to him, especially since he’s only in first grade
Gabe tag teams alot with Bob’s son, August, they’ve even picked their own call signs already
Gabe made his uncles laugh when he said his call sign was “Tater Tot” 
And August’s was “Mr. Potato Head” 
Phoenix and her husband all live for moments like this
Because when they’re out on a mission they remember what they’re fighting for
Fanboy and Jewel
Fanboy, like Coyote, met his wife in a foreign country, in fact in his family’s native Colombia
Jewel’s a bit of a hippie, like not in a bad way, just that she knows alot about nature 
Isabella is their princess, she always brings flowers from her mom’s garden to Aunt Penny when they bring her to visit The Hard Deck, but Rodrigo and Sebastian are always running around with their little matchbox planes
And after Fanboy came back from a mission they all ran to him and cried
Because they missed him so much while he was gone and so didn’t Jewel
It was actually the first time Fanboy had cried too
Because he realized what family really meant to him
Payback and Aasha
Aasha is a girls’ softball coach and sometimes brings Payback and their daughters along
They love wearing their Navy jerseys to the Army/Navy softball games 
Payback has literally carried them onto the tarmac to see their aunts and uncles, Geneva on one shoulder and Nevaeh on the other, loudly announcing “I’ve got my trophies with me!!!” while the girls are giggling
One day the daughter of another officer was acting like an entitled brat
And the girls threatened her with payback
Until their dad stepped out from around the corner
“No, this payback!” Nevaeh proudly announced pointing to her dad
The girl saw who he was, got scared and ran away
And every time someone is mean to them, they threaten whoever is being mean to them with “Payback” 
Needless to say Payback laughs
Because they’re “his little bugs” and nothing is ever gonna change that
Sorry the headcannons were so long guys there was alot to fit in here (lol)
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gilbirda · 2 years
Can’t have shit in Gotham
Part 3 of my Danny is an Arkham Security Guard AU (og tumblr post)
[Read on AO3][Read on FF.net]
<< Prequel - Employee of the month  || How to confuse a Bat - Sequel >>
Jason knew the situation was dire when Bruce called for an emergency family meeting. The fact that his presence wasn’t only encouraged, but requested, told him that it was bad as fuck.
He didn’t expect to see Bruce losing his goddamn mind, hair sticking everywhere, a forgotten tea mug in his hands as emotional support. After he parked his bike in 'his spot' in the Cave, he carefully walked to the table set up close to the batcomputer, which was showing the profile documents of the Bat’s rogue gallery.
Damian turned to look at him, but there wasn’t his usual scowl in place. The kid had bags under his eyes, as well as Replacement and Dick, who was sipping his tea in silence, frowning at the table.
“Ok, I’m here. What’s up.”
Nobody commented on him being late. That was the second red flag. 
Duke patted his shoulder when he sat on the only free chair, between the meta and Cass.
“Something’s bad.” Cassandra signed, looking a bit tired.
“Bad? The streets have never been this quiet!” Jason was confused. 
“Precisely, Jason.” It was Bruce who answered him. No witty remarks, no passive aggressiveness. Third red flag. “It’s been too quiet. For months.”
The man counted on his head. It had been months already? He had been wondering these days why he hadn’t heard about any dangerous plots or villainous machinations in Crime Alley. But again, he was grateful for the break. And the extra hours of sleep.
But Bruce was right. In Gotham, no news was bad news.
"Any leads?"
Bruce nodded solemnly. He turned and typed a little bit on the Batcomputer and more photos and files appeared spread on all the giant monitors.
“We’ve checked everyone - Penguin’s operations are pretty self-run and he didn’t have any big things coming, so it is not that rare for things to be quiet on his end.” Another bit of typing and on the screen Jason saw Two-face’s thugs chilling on the street. “Dent’s people didn’t reveal anything, even after a proper interrogation.”
“They kept their kneecaps, don’t worry.” Dick leaned into Jason’s field of vision, with a tired smile on his face.
“Selina is on vacation and she says she hasn't heard anything from Ivy or Harley in a while. This is the longest that either of them had been in Arkham without escaping.”
“Riddler is still at Arkham as far as we know.” Tim said, looking at his tablet. “Croc, Bane and Freeze we couldn’t find anything on them, it’s like they had vanished.”
There was silence for a moment. Jason swallowed the knot in his throat and asked what someone had to ask.
“Joker is still at Arkham.” It wasn’t a question. If the clown had escaped, they would know.
Bruce nodded. “Two whole weeks since we put him there last time. Not a peep from him.”
The ones sitting on the table looked at each other, uncertain. Joker never stayed put that long, at least not without someone dying.
“Arkham is the key.” Cass signed, looking hopefully at Bruce. The man tilted his head.
“Yeah, they are either missing or still there.”
“A trap?” Jason leaned and tried to steal Tim’s tablet, but the brat pulled at the last moment. “Hey!”
“If it’s a trap, they are hiding it too well. And don’t touch my tablet. You’ll break it.”
“It was one time, Timothy.”
The younger sibling narrowed his eyes.
Bruce cleared his throat. “Arkham does seem to be the key,” he acknowledged, “but apart from this new streak of peace, there hadn’t been any substantial changes.”
Duke, who had been silently watching them talk, lifted his hand to speak. “Maybe nothing on the inmates’ side, but what about the personnel? Any new doctors?”
Bruce clicked his tongue. He knew he was forgetting something - doing background checks for the doctors and guards of Arkham was something he stopped doing when more important things started piling up. He turned, typed a little bit, pulling the records of new Arkham personnel and growling when, indeed, an unfamiliar face appeared on the screen.
“Name: Jasmine Fenton. Twenty six years old, licensed therapist, graduated with honors. No criminal records whatsoever.”
Damian snorted, murmuring something like yeah right. 
Bruce continued reading. “Her first choice for interning was Arkham.” Bruce opened a document, by the title it probably was her motivation letter. Jason caught words like ‘mind of the criminal' and ‘obsession’. He pulled up more papers written by Jasmine Fenton. “Her work revolves around the idea that redirecting the criminally insane’s obsessions into a healthier alternative is the key to curing them.”
“She has her work cut out for her, then.” Tim mumbled, already downloading the files into his tablet so he could take a closer look.
“Ok so it’s very suspicious that there is a new doctor just when things are calming down. Then that’s good, right? It means that whatever she’s doing-” Jason really wanted for this to be nothing.
“She’s been assigned to treat the Joker.”
“- Motherfucker.”
“Language.” Bruce said by autopilot, but didn’t turn to look at Jason. “She has been seeing him thrice a week since he was admitted, starting the same day we put him there.”
There was a heavy silence. This was too much of a coincidence, and the bats didn’t believe in coincidences.
Jason looked up at the profile picture of this doctor, trying to picture her sitting in front of Joker. She was too… fresh. Her face was on the rounder side, her smile sincere and her eyes bright with hope. A person like her didn’t fit in Arkham at all. Jason decided he didn’t like any of this.
“You think she could be working for him?” Dick didn’t specify who ‘him’ was, but he didn’t need to.
“Impossible to discern. We have too little data from her background.”
“Yeah,” Tim pitched in, “she’s from a little town in the middle of nowhere, Illinois. Amity Park. Sounds like a knock-off Amityville tourist trap. Parents -” he snorted, controlling the giggles. “Her parents are ‘ecto-biologists’ and self-proclaimed ghost hunters.”
“At least they commit to the theme.” Jason tried to laugh. Dick smiled tiredly.
"One younger brother, who barely finished highschool and didn't go to college. No criminal records either."
Without either of them touching the computer, a photo appeared on the screen. Two people, one man and a woman, shaking hands with people wearing white suits.
"B, check this out.” Barbara’s voice filled the Cave. “The parents have contracts with an ex-government military agency. The GIW, or the Ghost Investigation Ward, also known as the Guys in White, at least on the internet.”
“What kind of name is that?” Damian scrunched his nose in distaste.
“Also, GhostInvestigation Ward?” Tim rolled his eyes. “More crazy people leaning into the theme?”
Documents, classified and mostly redacted documents, started to appear on the screens as fast as Oracle could extract them from very illegal sources. 
“Say whatever you want, but this is big. Big money, a lot of very influential faces, and most importantly-”
Schematics popped on the screens. 
“- Weapons.”
Jason leaned in and looked carefully at the weapons. Some of them were familiar, others were too far removed from normal guns to really discern what they even were. Whatever the case, they were a problem.
He also noticed that half of the schematics had ‘Fentonworks’ written on the side, identifying its creators.
“Since they were cut off from the Government, they went into private security, accepting contracts from the likes of Lex Luthor.”
“And the Fentons work for these people?” Jason still wasn’t sold into this ‘ghost’ concept, but working with Luthor or any of those billionaire whacks was enough to get into his shit list.
“They sell their weapons to them.” Oracle clarified. There was a pause, as if she were trying to choose her words. “And have collaborated with them in some… morally dubious scientific experimentations.”
Before anyone could ask what she meant by that, a video started playing on the screen. It didn’t have any audio, which was something they were grateful for when they quickly identified the Fentons and one of the people in white suits leaning into an examination table. A table where a person was screaming. Jason felt nauseous when he saw the smiles on the elder Fentons’ faces.
Jason fumbled with his helmet in a rare display of nervousness. 
His head was filled with fury, uneasiness and a million questions. How could people torture someone like that? Did the Fenton kids share their parents’ ideas? What was he going to find once he confronted the doctor? Was she here in Arkham searching for more subjects to bring to her parents? 
He remembered her face from the profile picture. She looked so young and nice, not at all someone you’d expect finding cutting open someone in a creepy basement laboratory. But he was well aware that appearances could be deceiving, and a pretty face could hide a deranged personality.
“Ok, Little Wing.” Dick’s voice brought him back to the present. “If you need backup just say the word and we’ll be there.”
Jason grumbled but put on his helmet, the little click of the clasps resonating in the quiet night. He nodded at where Damian, Tim and Dick had set up camp close to the Asylum, just in case they were needed. 
He hoped he didn’t need their help - not because he thought he was capable of dealing on his own with a whole ass prison filled with the worst Gotham had to offer; but because he didn’t want to make this into an open brawl with a whole ass prison filled with the worst Gotham had to offer. 
It was supposed to be a simple infiltration and recon mission. Get in, try to get intel on the Fenton doctor, get any incriminating (or absolving, he hoped) proof of shady activities, get out. If the opportunity presents itself, try to kidnap her for interrogation.
“Why do I have to do it? Aren’t the midget or the demon child more suited for crawling in vents and shit like that?” 
“It’s not my fault that you are built like a fucking tank-”
“Because we need information, and the prisoners won’t talk to any of us.” Batman interrupted Red Robin. 
Jason rolled his eyes. The benefits of being the black sheep of the family, he guessed. Now everything surrounding any shady parts of Gotham was run by him first, as if he was some kind of crime lord who had fingers in all the pies.
Wait. He is a crime lord. Most of the time.
Red Hood checked one last time that his comms was operating and open (Yes, B, comms open at all times, I heard you the first three times) and jumped over the outer wall of the Arkham Asylum complex. Getting in was the easy part - escaping was going to be a bit more tricky. But that was for the Jason of the future.
“The guard change is going to happen in five minutes.” Dick’s voice filled his helmet. 
It took four minutes to infiltrate successfully into the low risk wing of the Asylum, the part where most of the Blackgate relocated prisoners were in, and where he planned to get a big chunk of the information.
Just as the guards left the wing for the shift change, he dropped into the hallways of the prison, smiling when the cameras shut down just in time.
“You have ten minutes.” Oracle informed him.
He cracked his knuckles. It was more than enough.
He walked down the cells, looking for familiar faces, keeping his steps light and inaudible like he was trained to do. It couldn’t have been more than a minute when he saw a familiar mohawk.
“Billy! My buddy! My brother from another mother!”
The henchman jumped and turned from where he was talking with four more inmates in the corner of the classic square cell with barred walls. 
“Hood? What are you doing here?” the man said, but didn’t approach. All conversation from the other five inmates on the other side stopped to see the exchange.
“Just a bit of sightseeing, Arkham is nice at this time of the year.” He crossed his arms, knowing the effect his broad shoulders and beefy arms had on people. “What the fuck you think I’m doing here?”
“But there hasn’t been any trouble here…?” Another inmate stood up.
“Precisely. I need to know what’s going on.” It wasn’t a question. He looked at each one of the inmates nervously looking at him, waiting for any of them to speak first.
Bill sighed and approached the bars. “There have been some… changes around here.”
“So I’ve been told.”
The henchman lifted an eyebrow. “Then what do you want to know?”
“The new doctor. Fenton. Tell me what you know about her.”
The inmates were taken aback by his request, and while Bill thought about what to say, the rest whispered between themselves.
“She’s amazing? I mean, we don’t get treatment here, since we are not insane-”
“Speak for yourself!” Bill flipped the bird at whoever interrupted him.
“- But I heard she’s super nice and treats the inmates as, y’know, people. Even the crazier ones.”
“Yeah, I overheard Two-Face talking about her the other day.” Another inmate approached them. “He had tears in his eyes. Well, the not-fucked-up eye. Apparently they had a breakthrough in therapy and he was reconsidering some stuff about himself.”
“Ask about any suspicious experiments.”  
Jason wanted to bite back the comment that he knew how to get information on his own, thank you very much, but they were on a tight schedule.
“Have you seen any kind of suspicious activities? People disappearing? Anything?”
“Why, you think she’s into some kind of shady business?” Bill was shaking his head. “Nah, man. She’s the real deal.”
“Yeah!” The man who approached them made a face, as if it was stupid to think she was involved in things like that. “Dr. Fenton is a real sunshine.”
“The other day some dude tried to grab her ass and Riddler almost broke his hand. It was epic!”
“I didn’t know Edward cared about anything more than his riddles.” Jason was honestly surprised.
“He said some stuff about the benefits of keeping her around, but nobody bought it. Dr. Fenton is just super nice and kinda intimidating? The crazies love that.”
“Two minutes.” Barbara said as a warning. 
Jason sighed. ‘She’s super nice’ wasn’t enough to rule out her collaboration with the Fenton parents.
“Okay then. Thanks for the info!” He turned to walk back to where he had an entry to the vents prepared.
“Hey! Get us out of here!” Bill flatted himself against the bars, trying to keep Red Hood in his line of vision. “We did what you wanted!”
“I never said I would let you out.” Jason saluted with one hand, but kept walking.
Okay then.
Next on the list was searching her office for any incriminating documents. Jason followed the stream of instructions from Tim from the comms, guiding him through the serpentine ventilation system of the building, honestly fed up with the cramped space.
He cursed everything as he made his way to the other side of the low risk building, out into the inner patio, hid from the guards and sneaked into the main building, where the administrative part of Arkham was located, including the offices of the doctors.
“Remind me to never do this again.” He grumbled, absolutely done with crawling in cramped spaces while being careful of not banging his equipment and his guns against the metal.
“Maybe stop eating so much garbage, you idiot.”
“I will end you, little brat.” He scoffed softly. “And it’s Dickie who has a sugary cereal based diet. Why is it me who gets shit for my weight?”
“Names.” They heard Batman’s voice cut through the argument. He, Steph and Cass were on standby in case back up needed back up. Still it was as a last resort - they didn’t want to bring attention to this and alert whoever was behind this that Batman was investigating.
“Shut up, I’m almost there.” He cut whatever Dick was going to defend himself with, and the comms became quiet once again.
Once he got to the correct vent, he almost clicked his tongue in disappointment. The Fenton girl was in her office, sitting at her desk reading some documents. Jason watched carefully for any useful information; the knick knacks on the table, a family photo he couldn’t see from this angle, any bags where she could be hiding weapons. 
He quietly opened the vent cover, wincing when the rusty metal protested a little. He stopped, controlling his breathing, but the girl turned the page and continued reading. Good. 
His feet didn’t make a noise as he landed on the concrete, right behind her. Maybe he couldn’t investigate the office but he was in the perfect position to silently drug her and kidnap her. 
“Making an exit route right now.” Tim’s voice was low, so the doctor wouldn’t hear it. “Hold on.”
But the more they waited the higher the probability that she would turn around and see him, or that someone would enter the room. No, he had to drug her now.
He took a silent step, one hand opening the little pouch with the syringes-
“Stop right there.” 
Jason almost didn’t see her turn around, or where the gun came from, but his heart skipped a beat in surprise. If he had been expecting her to be armed or that she was trained, he wouldn’t have been caught like this; but no one told him that the doctor girl could move like that. 
He looked up from the barrel of the strange looking (and green?) gun, to the blue eyes of Dr. Fenton, finding a shocked face, as if she had been the one jumped on with a gun.
“You are not…” The murmur was low, but in the quiet room he heard it perfectly.
Jason ignored the screams and the demands for him to abandon the mission and get the hell out of there via the comms, and put a gloved hand on the gun, lowering it.
“Dr. Jasmine Fenton?” His voice betrayed nothing, specially not with the modulator in the helmet. “I’m-”
“The Red Hood!” Jasmine shrieked, dropping the gun on the desk and putting her hands on her mouth. Her eyes were bright. “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!”
“What on earth is going on?”
I wish I knew, Jason thought, but he was unable to articulate a word to answer Nightwing’s question.
“Please, sit!” Jasmine grabbed his arm and pulled hard, making him stumble towards the chair on the other side of the desk. “This is going to be amazing!”
Danny had a feeling of being watched for a while, like something was out of place in Arkham. He had noticed a new and unfamiliar presence in his haunt the moment he stepped inside, but it didn’t feel particularly strong or menacing, so he decided to keep working as normal but keep an eye out for abnormalities.
And so, he had come for his shift, hoping he could catch his sister before his rounds and chat with her about the weird feeling; but the universe once again worked against him when he got the message that the inmates from Blackgate were making a ruckus and if he could check what was going on.
Once he got there, he didn’t expect to be directly addressed by a group in cell number four.
“Hey, Danny!” A guy whose name he was positive he knew… Bill! Yeah. Bill called for his attention. “Your sister!”
Danny’s attention zeroed on the inmate.
“What’s wrong?”
Bill swallowed.
“Red Hood was here. He was asking around, trying to get dirt on her.”
Red Hood was here.
Red Hood.
One of the Bats.
The local furry crime fighters.
Danny felt like his ice core overloaded, his body frozen in place for a second. Then, he booked it out of there without a second glance. He didn’t even register that he didn't thank the guy for the info. He was on a mission.
“Hey!” Danny vaguely heard his fellow guards complain as he zoomed past them as fast as it was humanly possible. He sometimes looked down to make sure that his sneakers were still touching the floor - it wasn’t the time to blow his cover, if he ever had to. 
The Red Hood. Of all the freaking bats and birds, the gun guy was the one investigating them. Danny had made fun of his sister for psychoanalyzing the local superheroes, but he had also looked into them and how they operated, just in case.
In case of what? He still wondered why he did it. Gotham barely had any ectoplasmic energy, it couldn’t maintain a full ghost. Phantom was not needed here anyway, not that he wanted to go back to being a superhero. But he still had looked them up.
(Paranoia, Jazz would say.)
And Red Hood was the one he had circled in red marker as to NOT interact with, on top of his do-not-engage list, right under the Batman himself. Not because he thought he couldn’t take them out in a fight, but because getting on the radar of either the Justice League or the crime underworld were equally bad options.
Red Hood was looking for his sister.
What did he want? Had he learned about Danny’s ghostliness and was trying to kidnap her for leverage? Did he disagree that inmates could be cured? Was this about the Joker?
Whatever the case, he was approaching the offices floor of the main building, his focus only in the energy signature he knew well. Jazz was still at her office. He didn’t feel her soul leave the Living Plane, so at least there’s that.
He was ready to break some rules if something happened to her, balance be damned.
“Jazz!” He shouted, pushing the door open and finding her sitting at her desk-
Red Hood sitting in front of her, jumping in the chair at the sudden interruption. His hands were on his lap and the guns still secured against his legs. The man turned to look at who entered the room, freezing when he saw Danny.
“Just a sec, Danny. I think we are finally going somewhere.” Jazz smiled from ear to ear, her hand furiously writing on a notepad. She looked back at the hero. “So, Mr. Hood, you were talking about your dad?”
“He’s not my dad!”
“Father figure, then.” She bit her smile and wrote something on the paper. Red Hood bristled in place.
“For the last fucking time, I don’t have daddy issues!” 
“Nobody would blame you if you did.” Jazz circled something on her notepad. “It’s more common than you think, especially among people in your field of work.”
Red Hood grumbled something, putting his head between his hands, completely done with the conversation. 
Danny sighed, realizing he had stopped breathing for a moment. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah!” His sister’s smile was refreshing. Hood didn’t seem to agree with her. “This is such a golden opportunity Danny! I had dreamed of getting to interview one of the bats, but the one I really wanted was Red Hood!”
The man looked up from his hands. “You do?” His voice sounded hopeful even with the modulator.
“Yes! The theatrics, the dramatic theme! Taking one of Joker’s previous aliases as an identity before remaking Gotham’s crime ecosystem!”
“But didn’t he, like, cut some dudes’ hands or something?”
“Heads. I cut their heads.” Red Hood took a deep breath and stood up, towering over the siblings. “Look, I didn’t come here to be psychoanalyzed. You guys are coming with me.”
Danny tensed. 
“It wasn’t a request.”
Jazz sobered, eyes going to the guns on the man’s thighs. “Why? Are we in trouble? We haven’t done anything!”
“Also you are trespassing private property.” Danny straightened his back. “I should be sounding the alarm and kicking you out of the window.”
The siblings glared at the hero, jaws set, bodies tense and ready to fight. Danny’s hand twitched towards the baton strapped to his waist, knowing it wouldn’t do much against the body armor, but one hundred percent ready to bonk the red helmet with some ghostly strength. 
Red Hood relaxed, probably giving up on using brute force, but the siblings couldn’t see his expression.
“Okay, everybody calm down.” Danny heard voices coming from inside the helmet, and he assumed he had some sort of communication device. Was Batman listening in on the conversation? “We just want to ask a few questions. About your parents.”
Danny and Jazz shared a look. 
“You are not in trouble.” There was more chatter from the other side of the comms. “We just want to talk.”
Somehow it wasn’t really reassuring. 
Danny considered their options here: 
The first one was to knock the man out, grab Jazz and run like bats out of hell (ha) from Gotham. They would anger Batman and he could sic the Justice League on them, making them run for the rest of their (after) lives, making Jazz leave her dream behind. Danny had less to lose here, he could simply hide in the Ghost Zone until Bats gave up - but his sister would have to throw her life dreams away.
(Like he did, once, a long time ago.)
The second option was to go along with them. Hood said it was about their parents, but he wasn’t exactly sure what could possibly ruffle Batman’s feathers enough to bully their children, who wanted nothing to do with whatever the elder Fentons were doing. If they played their cards well, no one would know about Danny’s half dead condition and they could quickly clear any misunderstanding. Danny would go back to being a simple security guard, protecting his haunt, and Jazz could continue doing her thing. And who knows? Maybe a bat or a bird would feel bad enough for bothering them and volunteer to be Jazz’ guinea pig or something.
There was no doubt which option was better. Not really.
He refused to listen to the part of his mind that reminded him that with the second option things could go real bad real fast. That the risk of his secret being out was greater, that these guys were very good at their jobs and any wrong word or facial expression could make them even more suspicious.
He exchanged another look with Jazz. He nodded. She nodded back, eyes wide.
“Our shifts end in the morning. Then, we’ll talk.”
<< Prequel - Employee of the month  || How to confuse a Bat - Sequel >>
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helloblobbyblobfish · 2 years
My writing masterpost
I am reblogging so many things, I had comments about doing a masterposts allowing people to find my writing more easily. Sorry.😓
A bit unsure how to sort the many different things I wrote, the posts will probably be updated not only with new stories but also get re-organized.
Big romance 2: abandonned oc x tadashi story. Should At least clean it. My first story. God it is full of faults. T.T
DC comics
The bat and the pencil: A batman x the eraser fanfic where Lenny gave amnesia to bruce. One chapter up on Tumblr. In need of transportation from A03.
Chapter 1
Blooming red: An AU where Jason Todd’s a meta with powers similar to Ivy’s. Chapters can go individually from crack to pure angst.
Jason the wannabe flower-boy: At first, Jason didn’t want to know what his powers were.
Jason the sprout: Jason doesn’t quite grasp his new powers and suffers a traumatic encounter
A plant boy in space: Much later down the line, Dick gets Jason admitted on the JLA.
A snake in the nest: Attempt at Timber. Mixed together with my love with obscure characters to make a story where Danny Temple comes asking Tim for help to keep Kobra in check, and Bernard needs to really learn about his boyfriend’s secret life.
Life with Tronzler the cat: Sam is out of the grid, and now has a weirdly behaving program as an unwanted guest. Wait, is he acting like a feline?
Linked Universe
E.E.F.K (Edy!Eldritch!Knigk!Four) : Me showing all my weird Four headcannons in one story.
Chapter 1 The fall: Sky and Four fall into a underground labyrinth. Four has a way of lighting up the path, but...
Chapter 2: Incoming! Being Written! Wind and Four talk magic! Fire!Earth! Water! WIND!: Wind is bored and decides to train his magic. Four joins him.
Original work (Mostly hypno-stuff, horror is starting to show up.)
Safety in coils : About a Naga who decides to study humans and becomes sort of an unintentional dad for some kids.
Safety in coils: The diary of the naga as he meet those kids, and especially abused Noah.
Obliviousness is contagious and my dad is a safety hazard: A day in the life of  Noah
Chapter three who needs to be tweaked! Not a priority ion my work list. :( (Edit: that’s done. Should post it soon)
Lovely melody: Inspired by a somnefarious drawing on Twitter, a French teen get a romance with a merman.
The testament of Henry Branson: A young man learned he is one of the heirs to his great-uncle fortune. He and his more direct family go to the deceased’s mansion, and conflicts arises over the heritage. While everyone is out for themselves, strange deaths start to occur. Need to put latter chapters that are already written on Tumblr.
Welcome to Branson Manor! We hope you won’t stay: Meet the players!
Sins of the father: After the reading of the will, the family starts to rip itself apart immediately. Maybe they should notice the disparitions a little more...
Matai : A Salmoan sorcerer build himself a family. (Might go into the hornies later.)
Chapter 1: Fetu Lanuola  “welcomes” Ace West into his household
THE HORNIES (not necessarily NSFW, just me trying to be sure you don’t get anything trying to be kinky 🙈 . Mostly original, but I started a supernatural fic)
Captions: Plenty of hypnosis-themed little (and slightly bigger) stories. Link towards the tag, or else they would be taking too much place.😮‍💨. Amongst the most notable series or individual captions around, we have:
Special hearing : A hard of hearing teen uses audio subliminals messages to get his revenge on his bullies. one caption for now, working on a second.
The champ : A teen uses a voice-based mind control to take control of the family of a rival after he is kicked off the team for being gay. 3 stories uploaded, I think a fourth is somewhere on my files...
The perfect wedding: A most beautiful and totally normal laos wedding, we swear! Might get a sequel if i have an idea. Someone had asked if there would be a sequel, back when that story was new... A one-shot for now.
The Hello series: Mostly a thing in my head, with only one caption published. A man with powerful brainwashing pheromones goes around turning people to his point of view
Phone haze: A teen discover his brother put a mind-control app on his phone and goes on a rampage. I should be able to find the second caption somewhere in my docs.😐
A Mediterranean date: While waiting for his date, Eracle is accosted by a strange guy
Thank you: A jock tries to interrupt a DnD (actually Call of Ctulhu) session a frat brother is having. Bad plan.
Coming Out Party: written for pride month 2022. A mysterious strange has an effect on the people he meets on the way to a pride parade.
The Full-blown series
A ghost of a memory: Series I really should remember exist. One chapter isn’t a lot. 🙈 A migrant mourning his dead boyfriend learn the boyfriend is kicking around as a ghost, possessing the clients of the hotel they work/used to work at.
The clock : Collab with @mathhypnostories about a boy finding a old watch with hypnotic powers! Four chapters for now!
Sasquatch and candies: Supernatural fic, post-series, Sabriel focus. Sam meets Gabriel, who has survived (again), and is planning on using a strange artifact to make Sam his.
Chapter 1: Gabriel uses a hunt to attract his love. originally a one-shot.
I dream of angel: Waking up after a dream he can’t remember, Sam get himself in a zombie apocalypse. Strange visitors come to the near-by hospital.
Do flesh drones dream of roboticlight toys? (Place-holder name. Basically, hypno/mind-control/brainwash one-shot about sciences that I headcanon as being set in the same-verse)
Shoppy’Slave: A man shops for his first slave.
The leather pet doctor: A new pet needs to be examined to figure out what  kind of animal he is.
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raineydays411 · 3 years
So warm and tender
Tony Stark x Daughter!reader
A/n: Hello! finally the last part of Ember. I hope you guys like it and sorry for making y’all wait so long for the confrontation lol)
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Y/n’s POV
“Aunt Pam?!” you say in shock as you stop struggling against the vine wrapped around your body.
“Y/n, is it really you?” your aunt said as the vine loosened its grip and gently lowered you on the ground. “ Where have you been? Everyone has been going crazy looking for you”
You don’t answer as you look at your aunt. You didn’t realise you missed her as much as you did but now all you want to do is throw yourself in her arms. So you did.Pam, sensing you needed comfort rather than an interrogation, wrapped her arms around you. “I missed so much my Petal.” 
With those five words, all the hurt and pain you bottled up came out. and you cried.
As you cried, your aunt looked at the girl she hasn’t seen in eight years, and wondered what she’s been going through and if she did the right thing by giving you to your father all those years ago.
“Petal, I think you need to explain what’s going on”
You look up and sniff, “ Yeah, i think an explanation is well in order.” and you tell her everything. From the years of being ignored by your father, your last argument, the two weeks you spent in captivity, and your new powers. 
“ And that’s when I found you.” You finish looking at the grim faces of Pam and the other woman, who now that you think about it looks really familiar. 
“Oh, you poor puddin’!” you found your face being squished between two ands and then you were comically pressed against a body in a tight hug. 
“Don’tcha worry bout a thing, me and Pammy will take care of everything, you just sit here and---”  This seems familiar...
“ Harley, I don’t think she can breathe.” “Oh right, now you remember, it the blonde woman who used to sneak into the apartment”. You think to yourself as you struggle to get loose from her grip. You hear someone snicker and see Danny looking at the commotion. 
“ Shut up Danny, where have you been?” You say, forgetting that you’re the only one who can see him. 
“Exploring, do you thing she could hug me like that too?” 
“ If you weren’t already dead, I’m sure they would kill you for that comment”
Pam and Harley look at each other in concern as it seems like you’re talking to yourself. 
“ Hey kid, if you’re gonna talk to yourself, try an’ do it when other people can’t see you, like me.”  The blonde says as if someone talking to themselves was a daily occurrence for her.  You explain that with your powers, you were basically dead and can speak and see other dead people. Hearing that, Pam’s expression darkened
“He let you die?” she said in a grim tone. All the vines and plants in the room started whipping around angrily as if they were looking for the person who wronged you. It was then when you realized it wasn’t your Auntie Pam who taught you how to plant petunias you were looking at, this was Poison Ivy. 
“ Men, you can never trust em’. Well, whadda say little flower, ya up for a little premeditated murder?” and that was the infamous Harley Quinn. 
“ It would’ve been nice to know that you’re related to scary criminals y/n....” Danny said in a fearful voice. And if you were being honest you just found out that your aunt Pam was also the Poison Ivy but to be fair you haven’t seen her since you were like eight. 
“I don’t want to kill him” you finally say. “ I don’t want anything to do with him. Nor his precious Spiderling.” The plants calm down as Ivy calmed down and was your aunt Pam again. “ What do you want to do?” she asks.
You think to yourself and say,” I want him to know how he made me feel, and then I want to stay with you.”  Your aunt and Harley froze when you said that. 
“Petal, there is nothing I want more than for you to stay with me again,” She started, “ But it isn’t safe for you to stay.” Your eyes started to water
“But I-I have powers now, I can defend myself! I won’t be any trouble, it’ll be like I’m not even here” At this point, anything was better than going back to being invisible. “Please...I don’t want to go back...” 
Hearing the desperation in your voice broke Pams, Harleys, and Danny's heart. Pam because this was the daughter of her closest friend. She vowed to protect you from anything the day you came to her after losing your mother. Seeing you like this just reminded her how she, in her mind, has failed you. Seeing you so desperate to get away from the man who broke your heart reminded Harley of herself. The nights she would sneak into the tiny apartment you shared with Pammy, in hopes of escape only to get drawn back with empty promises. So yeah, she had a small soft spot for you. And Danny, you were the only person who saw him after months of being invisible. He felt like he needed to help you in your mission to get your father regret ignoring you.
“Hey Pammy...maybe we should call him...” Harley started to suggest. 
“NO, I’d rather drink weed killer than go to that...orphan collector for help.” the red head spat. “ No. We’ll figure it out but she can stay here for now.”
Hearing that you had a place to call home now, gave you the motivation to go and confront your father. Not only for ignoring you, but for leaving you in that..cell for two weeks. He didn’t even attempt to look for you as far as you knew. You’d have thought at least one of the other Avengers would have came to save you. But no one came. After all those years, no one came.
“Y/n.. your eyes” Danny whispered, his cold hand touching your arm snapped you out of your mind. The neon glow of your eyes faded to your normal e/c. 
“ Aunt Pam, Harley is there any way you guys can get me to New York and back?” You ask, finally ready to confront your father. 
“ Well....” Harley say as with a smirk
~~~~~~~~~one terrifying ride on a stolen batplane later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Upon arriving to New York you made Pam and Harley wait a few blocks away from the tower, as you really didn’t want the Avengers to find out your aunt was a wanted criminal. You “went ghost” as Danny like to call it and snuck into the Tower with ease. You then snuck into your room, seeing everything covered in a layer of dust as no one has been in there for over two weeks. You packed a bag and filled it with some clothes, books and a picture of you and your mother. You took that bag and walked to the door, looking around at the room that was both you prison and safe space. It was decorated with multiple trophies, medals, and ribbons all from the multiple sports and clubs you joined to impress your father. Not like that ever happened. Danny wander around looking at the multiple teams photos you had hung up.
“ You’re a volleyball girl?” he said, “ Huh. I’d never have had guessed.” 
You rolled your eyes as you finished packing. “ Hey I have a job for you.” you say turning to him. “ I need you to go to the control room and turn off the power for thirty minutes. Then turn it back on and come find me in the common room.”
“ Yes ma’am” Danny says, saluting and disappearing through the wall before he comes back. “Ummm, wheres the control room?” 
You roll your eyes and explain how to get to the control room and wait. When the lights go out and you’ll make your move. Your father would have to pass through the common room to get to the control room from his lab, which you assume he’ll be. There you’ll be waiting for him. 
The lights go out. It’s showtime.
Tony's POV
The team spent three more days searching for you. They followed every lead and half of the team even flew out to the building that collapsed an hour ago. Tony, Steve, and Natasha stood behind to look at more clues. It was a little past midnight, and both Steve and Natasha went to bed leaving Tony to tinker in his lab. Tony was making improvements to a certain spider suit as he thought about what his daughter said to him before she went missing.
“Sir, there seems to be someone in Y/--” FRIDAY started to say when the power cut out.
“FRIDAY??” Tony questioned as he walked out to check the control room, making sure to get his nano bracelet just incase. As he walked down the hallway he thought about waking up Steve and if he was brave enough to wake Natasha when he heard it.
“Hi daddy.”
Tony stopped dead in his tracks as he looked up in disbelief. The lights turned back on to reveal his daughter. Wearing a black halter top, spandex leggings, grey boots with elbow length gloves. She looked skinny, as if she hadn’t had a proper meal in the weeks she was gone. And for some reason the air was cold in the room. But there she stood.
‘Y/n” Tony said breathlessly. 
Y/n pov
As you wait for Tony to walk in,you look around the common room and reminisce. You think about the time when you first moved in, and you got lost trying to find the bathroom and accidently walked into Natashas room. YOu thought she was going to kill you but ended up walking you to the restroom and back to your room. Or when you made the volleyball team way back in eighth grade, and you ran home to tell your dad but ended up telling the whole team, who were rarely all together, and they all took you out to get ice cream, minus Tony. You had to admit, even though your dad didn’t pay attention to you, Nat and Steve did. As well as the whole team, but those two really became the parental figures in your life. That’s why it hurt when not even they came for you. Even they had forgotten you.
“Hi daddy” you said in a mocking voice. Your father stopped dead in his tracks, as he looked you over in disbelief.
“Y/n”, he said in a breathless voice. 
“Oh, you remember my name?” You say in an sarcastic tone. “ Didn’t seem like you did when you left me in a hydra cell for two weeks.” 
Hearing that you were a prisoner of Hydra made Tony’s blood freeze. 
“Hydra? Oh Y/N are you okay? What did they do to you?” He asked frantically as he walk towards you with the intent of checking if you were injured. You jerk away from him, avoiding his touch and say
“ Oh, I’m wonderful. Just so fucking fantastic. I was just experimented on and injected with various liquids that caused excruciating pain. No big deal” 
“ Y/n..we spent days trying to look for you. Me and the team--”
“You and the team what Tony? I was there for two weeks. TWO WEEKS I WAS POKED AND PRODDED. I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE.” You scream, anger filling your heart as you remember the agony you went through. You think about the scratches on the wall of the cells, the taunts from the guards, and screams of the undead.
“ You have no idea what I went through. What I’m going through.” You say, feeling your body grow colder as you lose control and start to shift. “ You don’t care about me. If I were Parker, you would have saved mem within SECONDS.”
“That's not true. Y/N you have no idea how much I love you.” Tony tries to say. He’s filled with the need to tell you everything he didn’t tell you before. “I know I haven’t always been the best father. Trust me I know that now. But if you give me a chance, I want to make everything right. Please.” 
You didn’t think it would go like this. In fact you were not at all prepared for Tony to say this. You expected to walk in on him continuing his life as normal, tinkering in his lab and such. You had always yearned to hear him say those words to you. But now, they just fill you with anger.
“You think you could just tell me what I want to hear and what? I’ll just act like nothing happened?? I know you’re not that stupid.” You spit, the room growing colder as you get angrier. “ It’s too late for all that Tony. I’m not the same girl i was two weeks ago.i won;t take it any longer.” 
“Y/n..your eyes” Tony says as he slowly starts to put his gauntlet bracelet on, realising that you are becoming a threat. 
“ Oh do you like them?”, You ask “ This is what happened when they injected me. I can also do this.” You shift, shades of blue taking over brown skin. Tony stared at you in awe and a bit of fear. 
“ Y/n this isn’t you. I know you’re angry but--” “ Isn’t me?” You interrupt.” You don’t know me. You don’t know what I’m like. And even if you did the old me died in that cell. Literally I died” You and Tony stared at each other. and that's when you heard the doors open. Two sets of footsteps started rushing to the commotion. 
“Y/N some red head and beefy blonde are on their way” You hear Danny say as you realize you had to wrap it up. If anyone can convince you to stay, it’s Steve and Nat.
“ It doesn’t matter anymore Tony.” you say as you start walking to the window. “ I can’t stay here anymore. There’s nothing for me. You win. Peter can be the child you always wanted cause from now on, consider me dead.” and with that, you phase threw the window and let yourself fall, knowing that you won’t actually fall as you can fly. 
Tony freaks out and calls for his suit, only to see a blue blur shoot up and across the sky. Then he just sits there and stares. The footsteps reach the common room and he hears someone ask 
“ Stark..what was all the yelling. What's going on?” 
“she's gone” He says, and that's when he truly realizes his mistake. He became what he never wanted to become. He became his father. And now you were gone.
Taglist: @vxidsti1es @big-galaxy-chaos
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tumbling-darkling · 3 years
Midnight Hang-Outs
This is a small crossover between Danny Phantom and DC! (Specifically Danny and Harley Quinn!) Following the prompts from Day 11 and 12 - Midnight and Scars (more of mentioned than revolving around it) Harley might be slightly ooc because I don’t read a lot of DC comics but maybe consider it more of like AU Harley Quinn. Mother hen. She feeds the vigilantes of Gotham on slow nights.
Harley glanced over to the boy sitting next to her on the rooftop of the Gotham Bank, she had been planning to break into it to draw out some fun with any nearby vigilantes but instead she had spotted the scrawniest looking glowing teen she’d ever seen. Well he was the only glowing teen she’d ever seen, but the poor kid was struggling against some freak in a white suit.
He had already devoured about 10 of the breakfast sandwiches she bought from a nearby 24 hour fast food joint, she couldn’t remember the name but her pal, Jeremy, always worked late shifts and gave her most of the grease filled wraps for free. Which she got a total of 20 and was beginning to worry that it wasn’t enough for this endless void. She thought she could calculate this kind of thing better based on Batsy’s kids, then again none of them had powers. That must be the factor throwing her off.
She glanced over him again, taking in his features for probably the hundredth time since she spotted him. White hair that gently wisped around his face like he was constantly underwater, pale blue-green skin with neon green freckles that sparkled like stars in the night, toxic green eyes that matched the freckles, flecks of blue hidden within the irises that shone in the right light. He hand pointed ears and little baby fangs, and his suit itself reminded her of the superheroes she’s faced before, but the material seemed all wrong when she got a closer look. It wasn’t spandex, or that thick armour like fibre that Batsy likes to use. She didn’t know what it was made out of. That flaming looking D was enough to hint at a superhero gig, like Superman and that ‘S’ on his chest. She didn’t care that it was supposed to be a symbol for hope, his name was Superman and that thing was an S, end of conversation.
The kid had taken off those gloves in order to eat, she didn’t blame him though, eating with gloves on was weird, and those white gloves would stain like a motherfucker. What caught her attention about it was the scars. Little one littered this kid's hands, and then there was a ligament scar coating his left hand. It was the brightest of all the scars, glowing slightly a wicked green as if he was still being electrocuted.
She turned her gaze back to the streets below, “So, what are you doing out this late?” She asked, avoiding sensitive topics like the scar. “It has to be way past midnight at this point.”
The kid glanced over to her, then shrugged, “had to chase Boxy all the way out here, the dude flies fast for a ghost obsessed in boxes.”
Harley glanced back over, noticing the kid now had finished the last of the sandwiches as he looked in the bag for more, shoving the garbage into it once he confirmed there was nothing left, “Boxy? Was that the freak in white?”
The kid shook his head, “nah, that was a government agent. G.I.W, or the Guys in White. Must’ve followed me, cornered me after I was already exhausted from chasing Boxy all over town. Boxy is the Box Ghost, blue ghost dude in overalls, fairly harmless but he can be a pain in the ass when he wants to be.”
“Want me to blow the rest of those agents up for you?” Harley asked, leaning closer while flashing a sinister grin.
The kid jerked back, “no! No it’s fine, just caught me off guard! I can handle them just fine, you don’t need to blow anyone up!” He squeaked out quickly, wildly waving his hands around. Harley couldn’t help but grin at the display, he reminded her a lot of Batsy’s kids. Energetic, good hearts (most of the time), think they can handle the world.
“So are you one of Batsy’s kids? Harley voiced her thoughts.
The kid blinked owlishly at her, “Batsy’s… you mean Batman? The Batman?”
Harley shrugged, “yeah, Batsy. He has quite a lot of them so I like to try and stay updated when he gets a new kid. You almost fit the bill, young teen, dark past, though the powers would be new.”
“How do you know I have a dark past?”
“Well, you said you were a ghost, right? Meaning you died and judging by your age, died before you even finished high school. I’d call that a dark past,” she kept out the lingering question of how he died, that wasn’t something you exactly ask someone when you first meet them. “So you aren’t one of Batsy’s kids?”
The kid shook his head, “nope,” he popped the p, “never even met the dark knight before. I barely visit Gotham, well anywhere if I can help it, I try to keep my problems in my home turf.”
“I see, you know what, I should’ve known better. Batsy would never let his kids run around this late anyway,” she hummed. “I did once see him chew a Robin out for fighting crime past his curfew, it got me arrested for sticking around to watch but boy was it worth it!” She laughed. She was surprised that Batman hadn’t gotten to this kid yet, anyhow. He didn’t always stick around Gotham ever since he joined that hero club, but that just meant that this dude had even more of a chance to find this kid. Must be dumb luck or something.
“Batman puts curfews on his sidekicks?” The kid asked, mouth agape.
“Well duh, the guy is all about the well-being of his kids. He has a no killing rule but he gets close to breaking it when one of his kids gets almost killed. He keeps them well fed, makes sure they sleep, I know because I can hear him from across rooftops at times and I fight enough of his kids to notice they aren’t skin and bones like you.”
The kid looked down at his ungloved hands, and she noticed him tracing the pattern of the ligament scar lightly with his other hand. His expression changed as he seemed to run through a series of thoughts before he spoke again, “why did you help me?” He asked, not looking up to meet her eyes, “you are a villain, right? You fight Batman and Robin, and other superheroes too if they face you. You know I’m not a villain, you said so yourself. So why help me? Wouldn’t it be better to just let a vigilante kid get knocked off so you don’t have to deal with him in future crimes?”
Harley felt her heart shatter, who the fuck hurt this kid like this? “I’m not some heartless bitch,” she said in a matter of fact tone, “you and all the teen sidekicks or vigilantes out there are still fucking kids. I have morals, and some villains don’t have the same morals as me, but seeing you getting kicked around by some freak in an alley where no one could see you? That kind of shit rubs me the wrong way. I fight teen heroes from time to time because I know they can handle it, they can fight back and I myself won’t stoop so low as to kill them if I manage to get in a few lucky hits.” She lightly nudged his shoulder, “and it’s not like you’ve personally wronged me or anything. I felt like being nice, helping out. You seem like a good kid, so why not help you out? Maybe one day I can call a favour and you can distract Bats while I kidnap the president?” She joked.
The kid looked up suddenly, sending his hair in rippling waves as he was giving her a wide eyed and the most worried look imaginable. She couldn’t help but let out another laugh, “I’m joking!” She clarified. “But I think we could have some pretty interesting game nights with Ivy. Not illegal game night, more like Uno or something. Maybe just a little gambling.”
The kid relaxed again, “well… uh… thanks. For helping me. And the food. And talking,” he rubbed the back of his neck, looking up at the sky.
“No problem, be sure to come visit again. Hey, maybe I can even introduce you to Bats at some point! Make a big show and pretend you are a villain and then BAM! Just kidding he’s just a glowing vigilante I helped out once!” She stood up, stretching her arms a little, “be sure to take it easy on your way to your home by the way, maybe take a nap or something on the way there.”
The kid nodded with a smile and stood up with her, then paused as shock filled his eyes and he spun quickly towards Harley, “Wait- how do you know I sleep-?”
Harley laughed, “well, I don’t think ghosts normally eat, so I’m assuming you sleep too,” she offered a soft smile, “just take it easy, and hey, if you ever find yourself in trouble.” Harley then pulled out a business card she usually kept for shits and giggles, handing over the poorly designed card to the kid, “know that you have a friend in Gotham who’s ready to help. And who knows how to get Batsy’s attention the fastest.” She winked.
The kid took the card, a confused grin tugging at his lips, “thanks. Hey, uh. I go by Phantom. Since I never really introduced myself.”
“Well Phantom, nice to meet you,” Harley grinned back.
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tsrookie · 3 years
Always In My Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Alyssa Brooks)
A/N: On today’s episode of ‘I have no idea wtf I’m doing’, we have something that I cooked up because I had terrible WiFi and no other app but Google docs would open up.
Trope: Fluff, but a tiny bit of angst?
Rating: General
Word Count: 2.3K
Warning(s): Mentions of character death
Summary: Their son has a very important question to ask.
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The delicious aroma of chicken and rice wafted through the Brooks-Ramsey household. The couple worked side by side in the kitchen as they had all those years ago, the only difference being that it was now a dinner for five and not just two.
Allison Dolores Brooks-Ramsey came into their lives nine years ago, and while it was earlier than they would have wanted, they didn’t regret a second of their lives ever since they first heard her voice.
The twins on the other hand, were planned, but nothing had prepared them for the chaos that Nathan and Natalie would bring. A new broken object every week, a dozen fights for the TV every day, and yet were nothing short of tiny tornadoes when they joined forces.
It couldn’t be more perfect.
“What time did Jackie and Emilia say that they would bring the girls back?”
“6:30, I think.”
“Ah. So we have time till 7:00.” They shared a knowing smile. Two aunts taking their nine and six year old nieces to the mall meant a complete raid of the toy store, and a new guitar.
“You need to stop letting everyone spoil the girls just because you have a soft spot for them, Ethan. Ally’s grown old enough to understand that she has her daddy wrapped around her finger, and we don’t need Nat coming to that realisation as well.”
“I don’t- I can’t believe you would accuse me of not loving all my children equally!”, he exclaimed in mock offense.
“Mhmm. So why did I have to come up with an explanation to tell Nathan why his dad wasn’t on board with ordering dessert when he asked for it, but relented once his sisters kept bugging him for another five minutes?”
He opened his mouth in protest, but decided against saying anything for his own good. “Well what can I say? They’ve inherited their mother’s persuasiveness. And I can’t really say no to you, can I?”
Alyssa’s lips curved upwards at that. The playful look in her husband’s eyes caused her to finally break into a grin. “At least you’re self-aware.” Stuffing the rice into the bird she added, “But I can’t exactly tell our son that his dad is too in-love with his mom that he sees her in his daughters and hence can’t say no to them. He’d gag in disgust.”
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, resting his head in the crook of her neck. “That he would. Alright I’ll try a little harder to resist their charms. Wouldn’t want my only son to end up hating me.” He said it without a hint of worry over it becoming true someday. Over the years, he’d learned to put aside his fears of not being a good father, and with the help of some therapy, and Alyssa’s unwavering love and support, he’d locked up his insecurities in a box and let it sink to the bottom of the ocean.
They took the stuffed chicken and put it in the oven, washed their hands and plopped down on the couch for some rare downtime.
“Everything okay?”
“Fred’s mom got called in, so she’s dropping Nate off on her way to work.”
Ethan sighed. “There goes the hour I planned to spend with my wife, who I barely get to spend enough time with these days.”
“I swear, you were never this busy when you were chief. I have no idea why my workload’s ten times bigger.”
“I do.” Ethan smiled with pride. “One usually does have a lot of work when they’re at the front lines of the battle for making free healthcare accessible for every single person in the country. My brilliant wife, though she could choose to leave most of the work to her very competent team, opts to take it all upon herself. So that’s probably the cause behind all the extra workload she complains about.”
She smirked and perched herself onto his lap. “Well your very brilliant wife also knows that you called my team very competent just to avoid hurting my feelings, and that you and I both know that they’ll be running around like headless chickens without me taking care of things.”
“I know, love. But you can still make them do a little more instead of working yourself to the bone while still making sure that you have at least one meal with the kids every day.”
She sighed. “Yeah, to make sure that they don’t forget what I look like.” She leaned in closer. “Besides, are we really going to spend our last few minutes of peace talking about work?”
Just as she uttered the words, the door burst open, and Nathan kicked off his shoes and jumped onto the couch as Alyssa slid down from Ethan’s lap. She shot him a look that very clearly meant What did I just say?
Ethan gave her an apologetic look and ruffled his son’s hair. “Hey buddy. How was your day at Fred’s? I know you wanted to spend more time with him.”
“I did, and we were just about to open his new LEGO set when Mrs. Watson told us that she had to run up to her office for some emergency meeting.”, he pouted. “But it was a nice day. We watched Thor: Ragnarok and Luca, and we would’ve watched another movie if his dad didn’t tell us that two movies were enough for a day.”
Alyssa shot him a mildly stern look. “Well he was right. You’re too young to have movie marathons just yet. Two are more than enough, unless you want to have a headache.”
“But mom, I’m not too young! I’m a big boy! I can swing along the monkey bars at the park faster than Natalie, and soon I’ll swing across buildings just like Spider-Man!”
“Well Spider-Man got bitten by a yucky spider before he swung across buildings. Do you want to be bitten by a gross and poisonous spider?”
“Mommy, not all spiders are gross and poisonous. Dad told me that when I was four and got scared of them at the zoo.”
She rolled her eyes. Leave it to her husband to convince her kids that insects were anything short of creepy and disgusting. In reality, they were, but as someone who ran a mile away at the sight of a butterfly, she wasn’t going to accept that.
“That’s right, Nate. Some of them are certainly very poisonous and dangerous, but that doesn’t mean that you should be scared of them. If you maintain your distance and admire them from afar, there should be no problem at all.”, he said with a pointed look at Alyssa, who just huffed in annoyance.
Nathan giggled, his brown eyes lighting up with amusement. He loved watching his parents playfully bicker. It was way better than seeing them- ugh, kiss.
“We were pretending to be superheroes and Fred used his full name for his pretend name cause it sounded cool, and it is. Fredrick Anthony Watson sounds like something from that show you and mom watch with the guys in the stuffy suits.”
“When did you see us watching the show with the guys in the stuffy suits?”, asked Ethan with a slight hint of concern. Whatever he and Alyssa watched on their free nights was definitely not kid-friendly.
“I don’t remember. Maybe a few months ago.”
Their year old puppy, Ivy, woke up from her nap and bounced into the living room to jump onto her favourite person. Nathan squealed with joy as the fluffy hair of the dog tickled his nose.
Ethan and Alyssa smiled at each other. Getting another dog after Jenner was a decision that took a lot of convincing, but their kids were responsible enough and it was impossible to say no after two years of constant pestering.
“Fred told me that he was named after his great-grandfather William, and that he was this really cool guy who saved a bunch of guys from getting mugged in a dark, dark alley.” He turned to look at his parents as Ivy snuggled into his lap. “Who was I named after mom?”
The question caught her off guard, and she glanced at Ethan for backup.
When they knew that they were having a boy, they immediately knew what to name him. They hadn't, however, anticipated Nathan Daniel Brooks-Ramsey to ask such a question this soon.
Seeing his wife at a loss for words, Ethan spoke up. “C’mere Nate.” He pulled him closer and pressed a kiss atop his head. “We once had a friend named Daniel. He worked at the hospital as a nurse, and he was close to your mom and Aunt Sienna when they were interns.”
Having found her voice, Alyssa joined in. “He was an amazing friend. He was the only nurse in the hospital who helped me out when things got messy, and cheered up Aunt Sienna when no one else could. He’d join us for picnics and movie nights, and you could always count on him if you needed something at the hospital.” She took a deep breath, and Ethan nodded. “Things were going well, but then in my second year, something really bad happened.”
“Oh no.”
“There was this bad guy, who wanted his revenge on another bad guy, and he was ready to risk his own life, and the lives of everyone around him to do so.”
“That’s horrible! Who would want to do something like that?”
Ethan smiled wistfully. “A lot of people in this world actually do. You’re a good person, so you know that it’s wrong. But some people aren’t, and they don’t care about other people getting hurt because of their actions. That night at the hospital, Danny tried to tell the bad guy that it was wrong, and to think things through. But he didn’t listen, and did something that hurt both himself, Danny, Uncle Raf, another friend of ours, and your mom.”
His little eyebrows creased with worry, Nathan asked, “What happened then?”
“He… he died. Along with our other friend, Bobby. Do you remember what we once told you about an autopsy?” Nathan nodded his head. “Well Danny asked for his body to be autopsied, and thanks to him, we were able to find out what was wrong with mom and Uncle Raf.”
He fell silent for a moment, remembering the horrors of the day, and how eternally grateful he was to Danny for being the reason he didn’t lose everything. He couldn’t imagine a life without the love of his life and his children, and he wouldn’t have either if not for the sacrifices that were made.
He looked up at Alyssa, and she squeezed his hand in support. “We’ll tell you more when you’re older, but to make it short, you’re named after a hero too. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have you, your sisters, or mom here with me.”
Nathan wriggled out of his dad’s arms, and set Ivy down so he could hug his mom as tightly as he could.
“Well… if you can hear me Mr. Daniel, I just wanna thank you. Thanks for saving my mom. I love her so much and I’m so thankful that I got to meet her because of what you did. I wish I could’ve met you, you sound like a really cool person, and I’m sure you were. So yeah, thanks. A lot.”
Alyssa’s eyes glimmered with unshed tears, and she held her son as she expressed her silent thanks along with Ethan.
What they had was precious.
Fifteen years had passed since they first met, and yet each day they fell in love a little more like they did when they held hands for the first time in the dim light of the NICU watching over little Ethan, or when she finally got to see the real him the first time she visited his place; the first time in years he let someone know a little of the worries residing deep in his heart.
With all the odds against them, it was a miracle that they survived, even more so that they managed to raise three perfect children who had more love to share than they could ever comprehend.
And they’d never forget all the reasons that made it possible for them to survive.
The timer on the oven went off, and they got to their feet to get the chicken.
“Was he a good cook dad?”
“I… don’t really know, Nate. Your mom knew him better than I did.”
“Well there was this one time where he helped Aunt Sienna bake an amazing cake, so I guess he knew his way around the kitchen.”, Alyssa recollected fondly. It was for Jackie’s birthday, one of the few nights where the competition was completely forgotten about.
Nathan’s face melted into a glowing smile. “I love cake. So I guess I really would’ve loved him.”
She mirrored his radiant expression. “You definitely would’ve.”
“Why don’t you go play with Ivy while mom and I get the food ready? You can help us with the dessert later.”
“We’re having dessert?!”
Ethan grinned at his son’s excitement. “You bet we are.”
“Yay!” They watched as Nathan ran off to go play fetch with Ivy in their enormous backyard.
Ethan pulled Alyssa in for a sweet, lingering kiss as soon as he was out of sight.
“You’ve been wanting to do that for a while now hmm?”
“Something like that.”, he murmured as they broke apart.
She could see the ever-increasing strands of silver in his brown hair, and the faint wrinkles along the sides of his forehead, but his clear blue eyes were just as loving and devoted as she remembered from over a decade ago.
“We have a pretty good life, don’t we?”
Ethan kissed her again. “No, we have the perfect life.”
A/N 2: Aaaand I’m going MIA again. Honestly though, to everyone who’s read so far, thank you so much for sticking around. Means the world💙
P.S: I finally chose Chyler Leigh as my face claim!
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elizabethemerald · 1 year
Gala Daze DPxDC
“What a great idea Vladdie!” 
“I don’t know Jack…” 
“Oh I assure you, my dear Maddie that Daniel will be perfectly safe with me. I won’t let him out of my sight for a moment.” 
“Come on Maddie, it would be a perfect opportunity for our Danno to bump elbows with some rich bigwigs!” 
“Well maybe he can talk to them about getting some funding for ghost extermination. Very well Vlad. You can take Danny to Gotham.”
Danny was disassociating. While not entirely a new state of being, a dissociative episode had never lasted this long for him. He had been fully checked out from his body ever since the flight from Amity Park to Gotham. He had been thinking about turning intangible and just letting the plane fly through him so he could go home, when Vlad had leaned over to him to whisper in his ear. Vlad said if Danny stepped even one toe out of line, or did anything to embarrass him, Vlad would overshadow as many people as it took to ensure that Jazz was turned down by every college she applied to. He would ruin her entire future if Danny did even one thing wrong. 
Danny had started disassociating after that. 
His parents had done a lot to hurt him and Jazz. Usually the harm the elder Fentons did to their children was either accidental or unknowing. Like when Jazz was sick for days after the Thanksgiving dinner where Dad tried to fry the turkey in ectoplasm or like when they shot Danny when he was out as Phantom. 
However this time there was no excuse for them hurting their kids. If they ever listened to their children they would know that Danny hated Vlad and Jazz didn’t trust him. The kids had said over and over again for years that they didn’t like Vlad, but no! Uncle Vladdie could do no wrong! Danny and Jazz were just making things up for attention. 
Ancients, Danny hoped that he could keep his nose clean for the trip, he didn’t want to be responsible for Jazz having to give up her dreams of getting into an Ivy League school. He had lost huge swaths of time. He barely remembered leaving the airport and the next time he was cognizant they were heading to the gala in the tailored suits Vlad had ordered. 
Fortunately Vlad loved nothing more than the sound of his own voice, not even Danny or his mom. So he was more than happy to talk to the people around them about Danny and any time someone asked Danny a question he would be the one to answer instead. Vlad kept his hand either on Danny’s shoulder or on the back of his neck at all times so he couldn’t even slip away. 
Now he was talking to some rich fruitloop who kept trying to engage Danny in conversation. Brucie? Wait? Bruce Wayne? Yeah the guy was rich but why would Vlad go out of his way to introduce Danny to this airhead? 
“Well, yes, my son Damian does have many interests, but I can’t say that any of them have to do with NASA's latest satellite.” Mr. Wayne was saying in response to something Vlad had said. Ah. That made sense. Vlad wanted to brag, shove his superiority into Mr. Wayne’s face. Brucie turned to address Danny. “Tell me Daniel, what do you know about NASA's deep space satellite?”
“Uh, I prefer Danny actually, Mr. Wayne.” Danny said. Mr. Wayne’s eyebrows rose marginally considering those were his first words during this conversation. “And I-”
“Yes, Daniel really is attached to that childish nickname, isn’t he?” Vlad spoke up again. “Really Brucie, you would think children would grow up at some point. We should discuss this more over a game of golf next week…”
Danny let Vlad’s words wash over him again. The worst thing about Vlad was he really knew how to push Danny’s buttons. Of course he would bring up the new satellite only to show off to his rich rival, then not even let Danny talk about it. And then insulting him for his name! Prick!
He tried to avoid looking at Brucie’s concerned face. Obviously he was a socialite and knew all about the proper behavior for galas, and Vlad probably wasn’t meeting those social rules. There was a small part of Danny’s chaos-gremlin brain that wanted to say something seemingly innocuous but super sus if you thought about it. Nothing would make Danny happier than getting Vlad investigated for something stupid like tax fraud, but he couldn’t risk Jazz’s career just for spite. Or gremlin urges. 
Vlad moved his hand from Danny’s shoulder down to his lower back. Danny did everything he could to keep the snarl he wanted to make at that action from coming out. He still couldn’t help the full body shudder that shook his frame for a fraction of a second. Vlad shot him a look filled with malice and promised pain so Danny reigned himself back in and put his attention firmly on the floor in front of him. 
Danny clenched his fists, driving his nails into his own palms. He was sure he was bleeding, but he couldn’t stop. He couldn’t do anything. He hated feeling powerless. You would think that after the portal accident and him gaining actual real powers the feeling would be far more rare, except it happens far too often and he hated it. His hands were shaking with rage and suppressed desire to punch Vlad right in his smug, manipulative, fruit-loop face. 
He chanced a glance up just in time to see a girl melt out of the shadows near the wall. If he didn’t know better he would say she was a ghost with how easily she was able to appear. But she definitely wasn’t a ghost. Perhaps a touch liminal, but not a ghost. And she was watching him. 
Danny tilted his head slightly to get a better look at her and she tilted her head to match. Her eyes flicked to the two adults for only a fraction of a second to confirm they were still engaged in whatever conversation they were having, then her hand came up and she signed for letters in what Danny recognized as ASL. 
“R U O K.” 
She merely looked the question at him. He risked a peak at Vlad, but he was focused on trying to strong arm Brucie into meeting for a golf match and some private drinks. Other than his thumb rubbing circles into the small of Danny’s back he wasn’t paying any attention to him. Danny looked back at the girl who was watching him intently. He gave the smallest shake of his head he could, hoping that Vlad wouldn’t notice. The girl nodded and slipped effortlessly back into the shadows, all but disappearing from view. 
Several more minutes went by of mindless conversation with Mr. Wayne seemingly had given up on trying to get Danny to answer questions. He let his mind drift again to his beloved stars as he began naming the stars in biggest constellations visible in the night sky. 
For a while Danny thought that nothing would come of the mystery girl who had checked on him, until a crash echoed across the hall from the entrance of the gala hall. Vlad finally released Danny’s shoulder to whirl to face the noise. Then to his surprise, Mr. Wayne turned as well to put himself in between Danny and the crash, effectively hiding him from Vlad. At first he thought that was just serial adopter Brucie Wayne’s first gut instinct in a crisis, putting his body between a threat and the nearest black haired kid. 
However, immediately after Mr. Wayne stepped in front of him, two kids appeared out of the crowd, grabbed Danny’s shoulders and started to drag him away. He recognized the asian girl who had signed to him, and the other was, even more surprisingly, Damian Freaking Wayne! That meant that the other girl must be Cassandra Wayne! Sam had made sure Danny knew all the Waynes before the topic of the gala had even come up. Apparently the Waynes were the only people who made the events her parents dragged her to worth it. 
Damian and Cassandra maneuvered through the crowd so effortlessly Danny had to take a moment to check if they were using intangibility. The trio weaved through as the noise behind them got even louder until they pulled him into a back room of the hall where a very tired looking Timothy Drake-Wayne was already there on his laptop. He looked up at Danny in confusion for a second before returning his attention to the computer in front of him. 
“Don’t worry, that noise was just the chandelier in the entrance hall falling. Apparently it couldn’t take Dick’s weight.” Timothy, actual real CEO of Wayne enterprises said. Tucker would be losing his mind right now. 
Cassandra settled Danny into a chair while Damian marched up to Timothy. Danny could finally take a moment to look properly at the Waynes. All three of them wore elegant, likely name brand suits. Timothy was wearing a plain white shirt under his suit jacket while Cassandra and Damian wore black on black suits, though Damian’s did have some green highlights at the lapels and pockets. Timothy looked like his eye bags had eye bags, which Danny could relate to. 
“Father ordered you not to work for the night of the Gala.” Damian snapped. When Timothy didn’t dignify that with a response the youngest Wayne turned back to face Danny. “Vladimir Masters escorted you to the gala tonight.” 
Danny couldn’t help but snort. 
“What a polite way of phrasing that.” He said with a dark chuckle. 
“Would it be more accurate to call you his hostage?” Timothy asked from his chair, where he was still focusing on his computer screen and whatever it was he was working on. 
That brought Danny up short. He tried to stutter out a denial, but Damian quickly spoke over him. 
“Has he hurt you? Threatened you or someone you care about?” Damian demanded. 
“N-no!  He would never lay a finger on me!” Danny was quick to say, trying to project as much confidence as possible. Cassandra moved her flat hand in line across her face. Damian glanced at her and his eyes narrowed at Danny. 
“You don’t have to lie to protect him. We can protect you, our family has resources.” 
Danny shook his head over and over again. 
“I can’t talk about it. I can’t talk about it. I can’t talk about it.” He had to repeat himself, the phrase trapping themselves in his mind as he kept saying it over and over again. 
If he told them what Vlad had done to him, Vlad would ruin Jazz’s entire life. He already regularly tried to kill his father, but there was no telling what he would do to Jazz. Danny couldn’t tell them about being thrown into walls during his fights with Plasimus, or the clones Danny had watched melt in his arms under Vlad’s uncaring eye. He almost jumped out of his skin when a hand came to rest on his shoulder. 
While he was panicking, Damian had withdrawn, visibly uncertain about how best to approach him. Cassandra and Timothy had come closer, Cassandra had her hand on his shoulder providing a calm, steadying presence. Timothy had closed his laptop and scooted forward his attention now fully on Danny. He made some motion to the others that seemed to symbolize that he was going to be taking point. 
“You’re not from Gotham originally, is that right?” When Danny nodded he continued. “We have some heroes here in Gotham. Believe it or not, we Waynes get kidnapped a lot, get rescued a lot. We know some of the Bats, they could help you.” 
Danny was already shaking his head again. 
“No, no no! That’s even worse. The worst thing that can happen if you Waynes help me is Brucie gives Vlad WE for pennies on the dollar and Vlad gets even richer. But if you get Batman involved, then he could have a man inside the JL. He could turn them against the people, use them as a tool to take over whatever he wants. He could overthrow the Ghost King…”
Now Danny was really panicking. He had muttered the last bit, terror carving its way through him. It would be like the absolute worst of the fight with Pariah Dark and Dan all over again. Danny would have to fight, and maybe kill the Justice League to stop him. If he won, he would have to eradicate Earth’s heroes, and if he lost Vlad would become King of the Infinite Realms. 
“You are talking about mind control.” Damian said, his eyes wide.
“No! Not mind control. Overshadowing. Humans call it possession.” Danny was rambling now. Desperately trying to convince these silly rich people not to get involved. Danny was a lost cause, he couldn’t be helped. All he could do was keep his head down long enough for Jazz to get into her college of choice. The Waynes glanced at each other nervously for a moment and Damian pulled his phone from his pocket. 
“I think I need to make a call.” 
Danny snapped his head up, his attention on the far wall as his breath came out in a foggy puff, like he had just walked into a freezer. He didn't know it but his eyes were blazing green at that moment. 
“It’s too late now.” 
The Waynes all step back or slouch against their chairs. Only a second later the door to their room snaps open, Vlad furious, his once spotless suit now covered in red wine and assorted finger foods. His eyes burned red with rage as he locked onto Danny. Timothy immediately stood to his feet. 
“Ah, Mr. Masters.” Vlad pulled himself back from his rage with difficulty to acknowledge the young CEO. “We were just coming out to look for you. Your ward was grabbed by our security team. Small case of mistaken identity. It's standard procedure during these sorts of events to get my brothers and sister to safety in the event of another terrorist attack. Or worse a Joker attack. Thankfully it seems everything is under control. You may take your charge now.” 
Timothy brushed past Vlad without another comment. Damian glared at him, but he glared at everyone, while Cassandra just stared at Vlad, unblinking, like some kind of demonic cat. Her complete lack of reaction obviously weirded Vlad out even more than Damian’s aggression. 
“Oh I’ll do that.” He grabbed Danny’s arm hard enough to bruise. “Come Daniel. We’re leaving.” 
Danny turned away from the Waynes as he was dragged out the door. He didn’t want to face their pity. At least he did a good enough job convincing them that they can’t help him. Now he just had to last long enough to get back home again. He let himself checkout, ignoring Vlad’s crushing grip on his arm as he dragged from the gala and back to the hotel. 
When Danny next checked in with his body it was to Vlad screaming in his face and burning pain in his body. In Vlad’s furious race out of the Gala after his humiliation he had pulled Danny’s arm out of his socket. And to emphasize his points Vlad would hit him with ecto fire, each hit destroying more of his once nice suit and leaving burns on his body. 
“You think you can just toy with me in front of these richest elite? I will make your life hell! I will make your sister’s life hell! She’ll be lucky to make a living on the street corners of a shit hole like this!” He gestured out to the window, which Danny belatedly realized was open. “I just don’t understand why you make me do this to you, Daniel. Little Badger, you are forcing my hand and I-”
He shrieked as a batarang whipped from the open window. The lights in the hotel room flickered for a second and Batman, Robin and Orphan were standing in the room when the lights returned. Vlad turned to them, furious that they would interrupt. 
“Vladimir Masters. We have some questions for you.” Batman growled. 
“No! I think you’ll find Batman, that I have some questions for you!” Vlad’s eyes flared red. Danny tried to stop him but he was backhanded away
Vlad floated into the air as his ghost transformation rolled over his body. He reached out to grab Batman but before he could several things happened at once. First and most shockingly, Robin drew a katana and cut off Plasmius’ hand at the wrist. Then several voices shouted out at once.
“Azarath Metrion Zinthos!”
“Dnib siht tirips ot sti ydob!” 
“Puer iste spiritus maxime!”
Chains of gold, purple and blazing fire wrapped around Plasmius again and again. The chains dragged him down to the ground even as he snarled and swore at them. A man in a trench coat, a woman in a long black cloak and an actual stage magician appeared in the room, magic sparking at their fingertips. Cassandra had bypassed the battle completely to come to Danny's side, though she did still have her weapons in her hands. Batman turned to address him, ignoring Vlad’s continued vitriol in the middle of the arcane trap. 
“You’re safe now Danny. You don’t have to worry about him hurting you ever again. This I swear.” Batman said, his voice just as serious as it ever was, and for the first time in his life, Danny felt like he could actually believe it when someone told him he was safe. He collapsed to his knees, shuddering sobs shaking his body. He was safe, Jazz was safe from Vlad’s machinations. Maybe this nightmare could finally be over. 
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