#Danny thinks Batman agrees with the GIW
dclovesdanny · 29 days
Clockwork moved Danny and de aged Dan and Ellie to Gotham, pulling a favor from Lady Gotham to make sure no one (ie the fentons and the GIW) would find them. He erased them from all media records, and Tucker created decent fake records, enrolling the kids into daycare and Danny into a job at Arkham as a guard who quickly became loved by most of the staff(and inmates). (Danny was one of the few people who treated the inmates like human beings, never being scared of them, joking with them, genuinely being interested in them.) (they were 100% willing to kill for their new guard)
Unfortunately, the batfamily noticed the new security guard who had amazingly forged records(if anyone else had looked at them, they wouldn’t know they were forged.) Which lead to Batman paying them a visit.
Half an hour after Batman went to visit, Batman was viciously researching a group called the GIW, and Danny showed up at the door of Ivy’s garden with his kids in toe, begging for sanctuary.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 19 days
An Unwelcome Guest (part 5)
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Thank you to mossycobblestonewrites for betaing for me!
Something was off with Danny, he had been twitchy since earlier that day. Jason wondered if it had something to do with the meeting with Batman he’d agreed to tonight, but he didn’t think that was it. Batman didn’t scare Danny, Jason getting hurt might, but Jason was ready for this and with Danny there he wasn’t going to get hurt. 
As much as Jason wanted to let Danny talk about this when he was ready, they needed to be at their best, and on the same page. “Fox, in my office,” he demanded, using the false name Danny still went by in public after Danny had twitched one too many times. The goons around them cackled and nudged Danny with their elbow or slapped him in the shoulder, probably expecting them to go fuck which… it was a fair assumption, they did that a lot, but not today. 
Still, Danny smiled at them in a way that gave nothing away before sliding into the office after him. “So, are we here for you or me?” Danny asked, slipping past Jason to lean against the edge of the desk, smiling at him a little. 
“You,” Jason stated. It could have been him. He was pretty stressed about the meeting and he wouldn’t have minded taking it out on someone. Not today though, not when Danny was already upset. “What’s got you so twitching, Moonlight?” Jason questioned gently, stepping forward to rest his hands on Danny’s waist, forcing himself to be a calming and caring presence right now. 
“It’s nothing, Jason, really,” Danny reassured, giving Jason a small smile. 
“It’s not,” Jason argued, brushing Danny’s bangs out of his face. “I’ve never seen you this twitchy. What’s got you spooked?”
Danny looked down, unable to meet Jason’s eyes as he fought with himself, conflicted about what, or how much to say. Jason waited patiently. Danny sighed and looked back up at him. “You know I haven’t told you everything. You’ve been really good about letting me keep my secrets, and I appreciate that. I told you I wasn’t human and you didn’t push to know what I was. I appreciate that, and I’m still not ready to talk about it, But… I felt a new presence in Gotham this morning. I mean, people come and go all the time, I wouldn’t think anything of it really. But they tried to See us. I blocked their vision, but I’m worried about why they tried to look at all.
“I think that Batman might have something to do with it. I got angry when Batman tried to insist on meeting with you alone before and slipped a little. I’m worried they clocked me as not really human and if they did… what if they contact the GIW or something? I’m not ready to face them again,” Danny admitted with a small shudder. It was a very good reason to be jumpy really.
“I won’t let anyone hurt you. I won’t let them have you. We don’t have to go to the meeting if you don’t want to, or I can go alone,” Jason offered softly, but he knew Danny wouldn’t agree.
“No,” Danny snarled, grabbing onto Jason’s shirt. “No, I'm not letting you go alone! We’ll go, but it’s… Jason, if they try to get me I need you to run okay? Don’t try to save me. I can save myself, but not if I have to worry about you getting hurt. I just need permission to defend myself if it comes down to that. I can’t promise there won’t be collateral damage, it’s been a long time since I did anything full strength. I don’t know how… explosive it’ll be.” 
“You don’t need my permission to defend yourself,” Jason told Danny disbelievingly. “But you have it anyway,” Jason added immediately when he saw the dubious look on Danny’s face, deeply relieved when he felt his boyfriend relax slowly.
“Alright,” Danny said with a little smile, “then we’ll be fine. Let’s go ahead with the meeting,” he encouraged, stretching up to kiss Jason sweetly before they went back to work.
That night Jason and Danny went home a little early. Cooking and eating a quiet dinner together, letting the calm brace them for the meeting that night. Once they were finished and cleaned up they suited up again and headed out to the meeting spot they’d arranged with Batman; a warehouse just inside their territory. They had it staked out all day so there was no chance for a trap and arrived just before the time of the meeting so they would be there first. 
Both Red Hood and Hyena were leaning against one of the pillars together, Hyena tucked under Jason’s arm when Batman and Robin came down from the rafters. Those two could never use a fucking door! Jason rolled his eyes in irritation, irritation that turned to anger when he realized they weren’t alone, shooting to stand up straight and face the newcomer. Someone was with them, a blond man in a brown trenchcoat. Constantine. 
The temperature in the room dropped nearly ten degrees. Jason shivered, looking back at Danny for an explanation. Danny’s eyes were entirely green, no whites or pupils to be seen as he stared at Constantine, who at this point, was visibly cowering. Even Batman looked shocked by the shift in the air. 
“You do Not have permission to enter My Haunt, Hellblazer,” Hyena hissed, his voice echoing oddly as he stepped forward, in front of Jason, his arm half out as if to shield him. 
“I’m so sorry! Batman insisted I come, I promise I wouldn’t have come anywhere near your turf if it was up to me!” Constantine insisted, holding his hands up placatingly. 
“Were you at least polite enough to bring an offering?” Danny questioned, his glowing eyes narrowed. 
Constantine looked panicked as he quickly patted down his pockets. It seemed like the only thing he had was a pack of cigarettes. Danny laughed at him but considered the offering anyway, cocking his head. “They’re the brand Red Hood smoked, I’ll take them,” he decided. He held out his hand and Constantine tossed the pack to him, unwilling to get closer to a potential threat.  Danny caught the pack easily and passed it off to Jason, who pocketed it. 
“You smoke?” Batman asked Jason, sounding betrayed for some reason. 
“Really!? That’s what you’re worried about right now?!” Constantine squeaked at Batman indignantly. 
Danny cackled, shaking his head at them before looking at Batman with a thoughtful expression. “I’m assuming you brought him because you have questions and suspicions,” Danny asked with some disdain. 
“And here I thought this meeting was because you wanted to see me,” Jason put in, holding his hands to his chest as if he was hurt. 
“It is! I do! I’m just worried about you, this isn’t like you and if-” Batman started, sounding more and more like Bruce before Jason interrupted. 
“If what? If he's manipulating me?” Jason scoffed, and shook his head. “He’s not, and you don’t fucking know me!” 
Danny looked back and forth between all parties present before shrugging. “Do you know what I am, Hellblazer?” He asked curiously, looking back at Constantine, who hesitated, and then shook his head. “Do you have any skill with magic?” Danny continued. Constantine hesitated again, and then nodded. “Good. I will let you cast One spell, for honesty. Not to be forced to answer, not to bind me, but One spell circle to ensure I won’t lie. Then you,” he said looking at Batman defiantly, “can ask me your questions.” 
“Sweetheart, are you sure?” Jason asked, reaching out to grab Danny’s arm gently. “You don’t have to, you know it doesn’t matter what he thinks.” Ya, Jason was a little freaked out by the change in Danny here, but it didn’t really matter right now. They could talk about it later. 
“I know it doesn’t, but there are some things I want to tell you too, and this will make it easier,” Danny reassured Jason, clearly smiling behind his mask. 
“Um, if you’re sure?” Constantine hesitated, reluctant to piss Hyena off. 
“Yes, I’m sure. I’ll watch you make the circle,” Danny confirmed, stepping forward as Constantine started to draw the circle. “You were the one who tried to spy earlier today, huh?” Danny asked and Constantine flinched.
“Ya, sorry about that,” Constantine apologized, his hands remaining steady as he drew, despite the nervousness in his voice
“Don’t worry about it. I’m relieved to know who it was,” he admitted with a casual shrug. “Just don’t try that again,” Danny added, shooting Constantine a glare. 
The silence was heavy as Constantine finished the circle. Danny gave a satisfied nod as he stepped inside. The signs activated, glowing gold and then green. Danny seemed relaxed and comfortable again. “Right, spells’ active. I won’t answer everything but I can’t lie. Ask away,” Danny said smiling at Jason and spreading his arms a little. 
It was Batman who managed to ask first; “What are your intentions with my Son?”
“To fuck him on every flat surface from here to Star City,” Danny stated, completely seriously, making Jason burst out laughing, Constantine choke, and Batman look like he’d bitten a lemon. “And to love him, truly and unconditionally,” he added, his expression softening as he looked back at Jason. 
“I love you too, Cub,” Jason said fondly. He switched his attention to Batman with a frown, “I am Not your son. Fuck you.” 
The lemon-bitten expression on Batman’s face got worse. 
“What are you?” Constantine asked hesitantly and Danny shrugged. 
“I’m a myth. If I told you what I am you’d probably think the spell failed rather than thinking I was telling the truth. I am an impossibility and a fact. That’s as much as I’m willing to say,” he declared, glancing at Batman. 
Jason bit down another laugh at how dramatic and romantic Danny made it sound. Though it did make him wonder What exactly Danny was. 
“Are you human?” Jason asked. He knew the answer, but he wanted Batman to hear it. 
“I was human, not that long ago, and I’m not Not human now. I am as much human as I am anything else.” Danny mused, giving Jason a look that told him Danny knew he was being a little shit, and he was enjoying it. Honestly, that he had ever been fully human was news to Jason, he thought Danny had always been half. Had it been the tests that made him Something Else? Some new version of those chemically induced Metas?
“How powerful are you?” Batman, again.
“I don’t entirely know, it’s been a few years since I’ve really tested my limit,” Danny admitted with a little frown, “I do know the last time I was measured, I could have theoretically fought Superman and won without much trouble.” Behind him, Jason whistled softly, impressed. “I don’t use them because I’m not great at pulling my punches and I don’t want to damage Red Hood’s city.”
Constantine was glaring at Batman and making a quite clearly telegraphed ‘See?! I told you so!’ motion. Batman did not look pleased. 
Hood stepped a little closer to the edge of the circle, drawing Danny’s full attention, turning more towards him. “That was why you asked me for permission to defend yourself if you needed to before we came here?” Danny nodded, looking a little bashful. “So you’d use them if I asked you too?” Red Hood asked. Danny hesitated, then nodded again. 
“I’d do anything for you,” he confessed. The honesty was ragged, it dropped heavily into Jason’s chest as he realized the true weight and responsibility of that. 
“Do you have a deal with him?” Constantine asked Danny, gesturing at Jason.
“No, no deal, no contract. I can’t be bound by such things,” Danny said, shaking his head. 
Constantine looked a little green at that, though the non-magically inclined people in the room don’t know why. “Then why…”
“Because I love him. Because he gave me purpose and Home when I had none. Humanity ripped my haunt away from me and desecrated my grave. I don’t want to think about what I could have become if he hadn’t found me,” Danny admitted with a little smile, looking down almost bashfully. 
“Your grave? So you are dead?” Constantine asked. Batman had fallen silent, probably pretty lost.
“There are many ways to be dead or undead, and having died is not the same thing as being dead,” Danny said loftily. 
Jason was pretty sure he was enjoying being cryptic and mysterious, it made him snort an inelegant laugh. That made Danny’s mysterious composure break and he cackled as well, grinning back at Jason from behind his muzzle, so familiar and wonderful. Jason loved him, no matter what he was. 
Danny’s eyes were back to normal as he looked back at Constantine and Batman. “What you need to know is that I am not a demon or a monster. I am not controlling or manipulating anyone, though I probably could if I tried. I have Claimed Crime Alley as my haunt on Red Hood’s behalf because I am loyal to him. I have no interest in the rest of Gotham, or in the rest of the world for that matter. Stay out of our way and you have nothing to fear from me.” Danny splayed his hands in a peace gesture. 
After a few moments of silence, with no more questions, Danny steps out of the circle and ducked back behind Jason. He could feel Danny press against his back, leaning against him a bit more heavily then he normally would, betraying how much this had taken out of him. 
“I think that’s enough for today,” Jason said, crossing his arms and glaring at Batman. 
“But-” Batman started, sounding startled. “No! Next time, maybe try meeting in good faith without any uninvited guests. If you pull any shit like this again there won’t be any more chances,” Jason warned before turning away, wrapping an arm around Danny’s shoulders and ushering him out. Making a hand gesture to the waiting goons and gunmen as they left, signaling them to make sure Batman and Constantine left as Jason took Danny home. Not that it was needed, Constantine practically ran as soon as he got the chance.
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didherodown · 10 months
Okay so I dont think I've ever done this before, so here it goes
didherodown's Phandom fanfic recs
(if the author has a tumblr I tagged them :) )
*quick note, most of these are ao3, however some of them are ff net*
Ghosts in the Closet by @myaibou
an excellent post cannon fic, that deals with grown-up Danny and his family and everything slowly falling apart
Cold Hands by @tourettesdog
a DP x DC of Danny/Tim, reveal fic. short and sweet (with a lil trama and angst dashed in there)
Face to Face by @dp-marvel94
Danny gets separated by the ghost catcher and has to deal with the side effects of being literally split in two
Treading Water by @breynekai-tfc
a mer!danny fic, you don't understand guys this is soooooooooo amazingly done
Heroes About by @healthysharkshealthyocean
a DP x Marvel crossover that features Spiderman, Deadpool and of course, Danny, based on the comics by @the-stove-is-on-fire
Vacation Crashers by @impyssadobsessions
a DP x DC in which the Fentons are camping when Batman literally crashes onto the scene
Shift by @captain-ozone
AU where the Fentons are Chicago-based, and everything up to the Pariah Dark incident happens there, but after the battle (and an unwilling identity reveal) the "thin" spot in the ghost zone shifts to Amity Park, and the Fentons move there to deal with the ghosts, and Danny meets Sam and Tucker for the first time
Phantom of Truth by @haikujitsu
a classic Danny is captured by the GIW, and who do they get to study this high-level specimen? The leading Doctor in her field Madeline Fenton (mind the tags, it's a dark one!)
Shadow of a Doubt by Haiju
a direct sequel to Phantom of Truth
Trust Your Instincts by @peachdoxie
in which someone is placing ectoplasmic bombs around the city, and Maddie turns to an unlikely ally to figure out what exactly is happening
the all too literal ghosts of your past by @glowstick-blood
in which adult Danny gets shunted back in time to exactly one week before the portal accident (dun dun dunnnnnnn)
Maybe We'll Find Each Other by DP_Marvel94
a one-shot of full ghost Danny getting turned half-human by the portal opening
Robin's Egg by @arzuera
a DP x DC in which Damiean while on patrol finds an injured Danny about to retreat into his core, and agrees to keep his core safe
Exposed by ADraconicScribe
in which someone anonymously submits a story to the local news that the ghost boy is in fact only half ghost, and is hiding among the students at casper high
Danny Phantom and Astro Boy Crossover By: Jaylina
as the title suggests, its a DP x Astro Boy crossover. There have been odd tears appearing in the ghost zone, and Danny gets sucked into one and trapped in another dimension where the ghosts have been taking over robots and wrecking havoc (I know this one is a lil niche, but I love it so much I had to include it)
Roughing It By: Haiju
Danny and Maddie go camping, but after a ghost attack (and some Vlad shenanigans) Danny is stuck in ghost form, Maddie is injured and they find themselves in a tenuis alliance
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acadjonne · 11 months
so hear me out
tim drake and danny fenton are twins
jack drake really did have a brother named eddie, once upon a time. eddie drake also had a wife, and she was expecting twins, but of course gotham is gotham. right before the twins would be born, eddie died, but his wife was brought to the hospital and lived long enough for the twins to be born.
jack and janet drake adopt the older twin, tim, because people knew that eddie and his wife were going to have a baby, and they had been considering having a kid themselves. but no one knew the drakes were expecting twins, and jack and janet don’t want two babies, so they arrange for the younger twin to be anonymously given up.
well, through some insane miscommunication, the other twin ends up in illinois, where he’s adopted a few months later by jack and maddie fenton. of course, because danny was given up anonymously, there’s no information whatsoever about his birth family
tim finds out he’s got a twin when he’s eleven or twelve by finding his birth certificate and an ultrasound print in his father’s safe. he starts looking for his twin, but doesn’t find a whole lot on his own.
(even when tim becomes robin, he never thinks of mentioning his twin to bruce.)
when they’re 14, tim meets sam manson at a gala in gotham. she’s originally from gotham as well, but moved to amity park as a kid, so this was her first time back in a long time. danny had just recently found out he was adopted, so of course when sam sees tim and he looks exactly like danny, she puts two and two together and approaches tim.
once sam gets back to amity, she puts danny and tim in contact. they agree that it sounds super unlikely on paper since danny was found in a hospital in chicago, while tim was born in gotham, and danny’s birthday is a couple days off from tim’s because no one knew exactly what day he was actually born, but they also look way too much alike for it to be coincidence.
of course, before they can get a dna test done, danny’s portal accident happens, and he gets super squirley about it after that whenever tim mentions it. plus they’re both minors and the drakes are never around to actually consent to it so it would be kinda weird for tim to insist on a dna test at that point.
but they stay in touch for the next few years, both expertly dodging any mention of their hero activities, and even manage to meet up for their sixteenth birthday. they hang out for a weekend in cleveland because it’s neutral ground, pretty much right smack in the middle between amity park and gotham. then, a few weeks after the events of d-stabilized, shit hits the fan.
valerie knows vlad is also plasmius, and after giving (dani) ellie a good head start, she starts going after him, outing him to the whole town in the process. of course, vlad assumes danny is the one who told valerie, so he outs danny as phantom as well. vlad manages to shake valerie, the fentons, and the giw, but danny isn’t so lucky, and gets captured by the giw.
of course, once they find out he’s been captured, sam, tucker, and jazz start planning to break him out and get him somewhere safe. obviously they can’t take danny to either the manson or foley houses, the giw would check there first, and they can’t take him to jazz’s college dorm either. gotham has a lot of ambient ectoplasm though, and the giw (probably) wouldn’t go anywhere near batman’s territory even with the anti-ecto acts, so sam calls tim and asks if they can take danny to him once they rescue him.
of course, tim had no idea about anything going on in amity park, not that team phantom knew that. turns out the giw have been covering things up forever, and the extremely high ectoplasm leaking from the fentons’ portal doesn’t help either. but of course sam assumes he knows because most of amity park is actively protesting against the giw and demanding danny’s release and it’s about to start getting violent any second now, and if it’s such big news in amity then of course tim knows danny is phantom by now, right?
but tim’s able to keep hold of himself long enough to let sam know that yes, danny can come to gotham, all of team phantom can come to gotham once they’ve rescued him, and once he’s let her go he immediately goes to the other bats and sounds the alarms
so queue the justice league showing up in amity park to deal with the giw, and inquiries about the legality of the anti-ecto acts and how they overlap with meta protection laws get raised, and danny gets rescued, and team phantom is evacuated to gotham.
once things have calmed down, tim tells danny about being red robin and they bond over hero stuff. danny fixes jason’s pit-induced anger problems because holy shit dude your ectoplasm is rancid. bruce of course takes on look at danny and decides to adopt him.
anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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nerdofspades · 2 years
Okay. DP x DC idea. What if the League met Fenton before they met Phantom. Not in a ghost fight. Not doing anything particularly weird. Just Danny Fenton trying his best.
When they first notice the ghosts of Amity Park they all get a little worried about it, but no one can beat out Batman's paranoia. Ghosts may not have caused too many problems outside of Amity yet, but he doesn't trust that to stay that way. So he researches.
He, of course, finds out about Phantom, but shelves his usual just-in-case-he-turns-evil plans until after he can get some ghostly experts to brief the League. He does some cursory research into Phantom's history and abilities, which of course drags up everything in the Amity News cycle and some references in both Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome. (So Batsy gives up on the idea of finding out a human civilian identity. Kid's dead and his "life" has been lost to time until he decides to say something.)
But, more importantly, there are no good options for who to ask for lessons in ghost hunting.
First option: the GIW. Absolute morons who have never caught anything stronger than an ectopus, cause more damage to property than the ghosts, and have security so lax it doesn't even take Batman ten seconds to get in. Absolutely not. Not for the watch tower.
Second option: Vlad Co. Owned and operated by billionaire Vlad Masters who runs in the same social circles as Lex Luthor. He has better security than the GIW but the question with him is not whether or not he *could* keep the secret, but whether or not he *would.*
Third option: Dr.s Fenton of FentonWorks. They have the most cutting edge ghost hunting technology and the most published papers. But. Well. A brief survey of the town makes it very clear they are biased at best and bigoted at worst. Not something the League wants to associate with, but they are still the best of the bad options.
Or so they think until Bruce Wayne goes to open contact with them and notices the Fenton children. He knew about them before coming of course. Jasmine Fenton, top of her class with a full ride to Harvard and plans to major in psychology. Has historically been vocal about her distaste for her parent's work. Likely because of Danny. Daniel Fenton is a trouble maker barely scraping by in his classes that had an accident in his parents lab a year ago. Not the brightest and not well behaved, but by all accounts he's got a good heart.
And neither of then are very enthused about his presence in their home. Neither of them seem to care for their parents anti-ghost rhetoric either. Jazz tries to reason with them and Danny just rolls his eyes behind their back. And casually takes apart and fixes one of their inventions.
Bruce quickly makes a minor investing deal with the elder Fentons as cover and a quick way to keep and eye on their research and finds an excuse to get the kids out of the house to talk. Once out, he extends the Justice League's request for training with ghost hunting gear and a project to install anti-ecto security measures in their base(s). Danny is hesitant but agrees.
And Danny is so tired and so done with this crap when he's in the Watch Tower. (He's enamored with the space station for several minutes, but once he gets on track, the League think he's a mini Bruce. All business and telling them not to be idiots.)
He gives them a basic run down of what each item is and how to use it. Common ghostly abilities and power scaling. (Do not call him to consult on a blob ghost, ectopus, or other weak ghostly animal. But they are not to try and fight several of the stronger ghost. A fair amount of this tech will make their afterlives miserable, but won't actually do much beyond annoy them. Superman in particular should stay away from anything strong enough to overshadow. No one wants to fight a possessed Kryptonian.) He gives them plenty of thermoses, guns, nets, and specter deflectors plus some odds and ends for them to test out. And then he starts working on the shield, which he worked on with Tucker to upgrade so it would recognize his ecto signature as friendly (and a couple others like Clockwork, Pandora, Frostbite, and Wulf) so it wouldn't shoot him on the spot.
It would probably take several trips to get everything working properly, by which point Danny has likely made friends with a few League members. And a few of them have probably noticed something weird about him, but they ignore it cause he's a good kid and it's just a little weird. Won't hurt anything.
Constantine takes one look at the kid and is not seen again until months after he finally leaves.
But now they have working ghost defenses and they can protect people if a ghost tries to attack anywhere outside of Amity! (Yes, several ask Danny to install a shield at their personal hideouts as well. Batman tries to figure it out on his own and decides to just ask Danny for now. He'll figure it out eventually, but Fenton schematics are a pain and the power source doesn't look like anything he's ever seen before.)
Eventually everything is done and Danny goes back to his life with a large chunk of cash in his new bank account and a secure line just incase the league needs to consult with him again. Danny thinks that's the end of it until Batman shows up decked out in Fenton gear looking for Phantom.
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(Well this is surprising. Not really sure if this idea will make any sense, but here we go.)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Just me building off of other ideas
Danny, as Ghost King, gets summoned by the Legion of Doom(?) to help end the Justice League. Except for this summoning fic, they literally summon him off of a GIW lab table where he was being experimented on. Danny is bleeding, barely conscious, and having a really horrible time. This garners a split reaction. Some villains, while surprised, are indifferent. Others are horrified. Not really sure which villains would be which except maybe Lex Luthor(1).
When Danny gets patched up, Lex learns later on that day that he's one of the people responsible for helping pass the Anti-Ecto Acts. However, he only helped passed it to get the people who kept sending it to finally desist, thinking it was all a hoax/big joke and that it wouldn't really matter in the long run. Now he knows it wasn't just a big joke and now that he sees the results of that decision, he regrets it.
While the Legion of Doom isn't short on medical supplies, it's not a great environment for healing, villain or not. Plus, he's kinda useless for the reason he was summoned if he's this seriously wounded. So, he does something he's never done before. He tips off the Justice League about the injured teenage monarch and skedaddles back home and out of the way where he can also start figuring out a way to take down the Anti-Ecto Acts.
Meanwhile, Team Phantom (Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and Valerie. Maybe Wes too for extra humor? 👀) finally have a lock on Danny's location now that he's no longer in a GIW facility--they have ecto-signature blocking technology. They all suit up and get there way before the Justice League and have already taken out the villains still in the LoD HQ by the time they show up and are in the process of trying to transport Danny. The League are a combination of surprised, impressed, and concerned. They invite Team Phantom back to the Watchtower so they can help treat Phantom's injuries.
It's here that the League learns about the Anti-Ecto Acts and what had happened to Phantom to put him in such serious condition. Outraged, a team is organized to hit any GIW facilities and free any citizens of the Infinite Realms while Batman and a few others stay behind to help dismantle the Acts. Team Phantom manage to get the League to agree to have at least one of them on each team they send out, since they have more experience dealing with the GIW and ghosts alike.
With the combination of the League and Lex Luther (unknown to them), the Anti-Ecto Acts are dismantled and the captured ghosts are freed and Danny is all healed up, though still traumatized. His friends help him deal with it--Jazz plus Black Canary are especially invaluable in his psychological healing process. Meanwhile, the JL are incredibly impressed with how knowledgeable and well-trained they are for having no mentors to teach them. Even more so once they hear all the battles they've fought along side Phantom.
The JL come to a decision. They invite all of Team Phantom to join Justice League Dark, the JL subdivision for magic/the occult. After talking it over, they all agree to join.
Thats where it ends unless you wanna continue it from there.
(1) Which villains do you think would be sympathetic to Danny's condition? I don't know any of them well enough to pick. Do you think Lex Luther would actually feel sympathy for Danny? Small redemption arc? Do him and Danny meet again at some point on somewhat good terms?
(*) Maybe continue it with reactions from the Team from Young Justice? Maybe they're upset that some out of town teenagers got a JL invitation before they even got theirs? In response the JL have Team Phantom meet and train with Team YJ to get them to realize why exactly they were invited to join.
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Sephiroth is accidentally summoned to Amity Park by the GIW who were trying to summon Phantom to capture him.
Phantom comes to his aid. Thinking he's a ghost due to his ghost sense activating due to all the mako in Sephiroths body. The silver haired psycho was at first amused by all of this up until the people in white started going on and on about how they are with the government and going to capture Phantom and do awful painful experiments on him and possibly make an army out of him and Sephiroth had heard enough. For a spit second, he saw himself in that child.
By the time he calmed down the only sound around him was the sizzling of half melted rubble and the crackle of downed live electrical wires. Phantom was staring at him in shock from the large glowing cage he was trapped in. The silverette was prepared for a lot of responses to the slaughter the child had just witnessed. Cheering, tears of gratitude, people calling him inhuman, a monster, but nothing like this kid. He simply asked, "Are you okay?"
This child was an enigma. Even after freeing him from his prison with a single swipe of Masamune he made no moves to flee. No matter how many insults or threats he made the white haired boy stayed. Appearently he had defeated the child in one on one combat and as a unattended ederich child spirit, Sephiroth was now his legal guardian. Usually he would be apposed but Mother was whispering to him in the back of his mind, cooing over her new grandchild and praising her son for getting such a good catch. If he were a lesser man he would have sighed.
Phantom soon revealed he had no where to go and certainlycouldn't return to his biological parents. His parents were evil mad scientists that attacked him once they learned what thier experiments had done to thier son. They wanted to study him in perhaps the cruelest ways possible. The "ghost zone" or "Infinite Realms" as its truly called was filled with his enemies and had no way to nourish his living half, but the living world had no way to nourish his ghost half aside from portals and harvesting ectoplasm. Aside from portals being both rare and fleeting, harvesting ectoplasm is no easy task especially when dodging evil government groups.
Phantom would have to find a new dimension to live in. One with ectoplasm readily available for harvest, but first they needed to tie up loose ends here. Phantom went into hiding on Sephiroths orders and the child quickly obeyed. The silver General on the other hand went on a warpath, destroying the laboratories and portals and the people who made them.
Phantom, now in his living form was saying goodbye to his friends and sister giving them wierd PHSs he had modified so they can communicate with him beyond dimensions (impressive) and portal guns he had made (again Sephiroth was impressed) so that they could visit him from time to time. He promised to send them the dimensions coordinates once they got there.
It wasn't long until they were in a dimensions they both liked floating above an outright filthy mako pool in some soft of cave system. Danny wasted no time busting out machinery and hooking it up to the Mako pool and purifying it.
This is, of course, when Batman gets a camera notification that someone is messing with Gothams Lazarus Pit.
Fic featuring: Sephiroth becoming a father mentor for Danny, Bruce being adoption blocked, Sephiroth agreeing to abide by Batmans "ridiculous" no killing policy and them making him pseudo regret it by carving the Joker up like a Christmas turkey. Hood got it on his helmets visual recording and he sent Sephiroth flowers, Danny casually vibing with the bats and birds until he does something blatantly eldrich, Danny asking his new mentor "if I grow out my hair will you teach me how to take care of it?", Sephiroth and Phantom just vibing, ptsd representation, Sephiroth seeing himself in this kid and deciding to be the savior that never came for himself.
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millylotus · 1 year
“You Taunt Me, I Chase You” “You Catch Me, Then Let Me Go” They Do It Again The Next Day
Bat x Cat
Catwoman has a Kitten following her around, and that Kitten just so happens to like messing around with Batman's Sunshine Birdy.
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Maddie and Jack decide that Danny is spreading himself too thin between school and dealing with Ghosts and the GIW, also the excessive bullying is not helping at all. So they decide to send him to live in Gotham with Jack's cousin Selina Kyle. Danny's not extremely happy about this arrangement, but at least Jazz is going to Gotham University, and Sam and Tucker promise to visit during breaks. Selina is unsurprisingly, really cool and it gets even better when she's fine with the whole half-dead thing Danny has going on. One night Danny catches her coming back from a hunt and begs her to take him with her. After a few weeks of training Danny takes his first night on the town, and immediately bumps into Signal, who he may or may not have called hot once.
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BLOCK 1 | MR.LOGGE - Algebra 2 Teacher : Riko
BLOCK 5 | MRS.WILLIAMS - Spanish 3 Teacher  : Darcy
BLOCK 6 | MR.LE'STROD - P.E. Coach : Izzy, Troy, Dre
BLOCK 2 | MS.KITSON - CP Physics Teacher : Izzy
BLOCK 3 | MRS.O'BRIAN - AP US history Teacher : Dre
BLOCK 4 | MR.CHAKRABORTY - AP English Teacher : N/A
BLOCK 2 | MX.REAGAN - US history Teacher : N/A
BLOCK 3 | MX.LERROY JENKINS - AP Chemistry Teacher : Darcy
BLOCK 4 | MS.CHAU - English 3 Teacher : Troy
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Jack and Selina are cousins on their moms’ side, they're parents were siblings, Selina's mom drifted away from the family.
They’ve never really talked to each other beyond a family gathering or two
Jack is vaguely aware that Selina isn’t really on the right side of the law, but who’s he to judge The Fenton family has never really been on “The Right Side” of the law
But Selina is surprised when she gets a call from Jack asking her to watch out for his daughter who’s going to Gotham U that year
And even more surprised when he calls her a week later asking if she could take care of his son while he stays in Gotham
Selina ends up agreeing but is definitely scepticall
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[AN: The script kinda cuts off at the end so warning]
The sun is setting and DUKE has had a long day of patrolling Gotham under the sunlight.
DUKE sighs as he stretches near the ledge of a building, they need to get back to cave soon, do some homework, sleep. God Sleep would be wonderful.
DUKE’S shine golden for a second, and the vigilante moves quickly to the side baton up and ready to strike the person who’d attempted to attack him.
Whoa, okay no sneaking up on you then.
DUKE stared at the other boy. He wore a cowl that looked exactly like SELINA’S, the same with the rest of his outfit. Although it was accented with a more neon green then SELINA’S dark emerald green.
Who are you
What you can’t tell, I think it’s pretty obvious
His voice was light and teasing, he flexed his hands and claws popped out of his fingers.
Some wannabe Catwoman fanboy.
DUKE says sarcastically. The Catboy made an offended sound similar to a hiss even.
I’m not a wannabe!
The Catboy grumbled before calming himself.
I’m actually working with Catwoman I’ll have you know. I’m her apprentice.
Oh really, so she’s just got you up here talking to me for no reason?
The Catboy grinned, DUKE did not like that one bit.
I actually do have purpose for being here.
DUKE immediately started looking around the area, and spotted SELINA crouching a few buildings away with a duffle bag over her shoulder and one next to her.
As a distraction
The Catboy kicks DUKE in the chest when he isn’t looking. Quickly moving away from the vigilante now on the ground.
By the way, the names Kitten, nice meeting you Babe
KITTEN runs quickly over to SELINA and takes the duffle bag next to her, he turns back and waves tauntingly at DUKE, sticking his tongue out at him.
The two Cats run off into the distance.
Oh mother fucker
BRUCE is so going to scold him for letting that happen and, DUKE just knows his siblings are going to endlessly tease him about KITTEN.
The Vigilante gets up and begins his way back to the Batcave.
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SELINA  and DANNY return to SELINA’S apartment through the window. DANNY collapse on the couch, surprising the cats, SAPPHIRE, a blue eyed fluffy white cat, jumps on top of DANNY’S back. DANNY groans.
SELINA picks up SEKHMET, a dark grey Lykoi cat with big ears.
Hello my baby, did you miss you mama?
SEKHMET meows at SELINA happily.
Hon could you got put our hunt away please.
DANNY groans loudly but gets up and moves the duffle bags into SELINA’S bedroom then behind the secret bed door into the vault room. He began to pull out the jewelry from the duffle bags, laying them out carefully on top.
As he works SELINA walks in, holding SEKHMET and with SAPPHIRE following and winding between her legs.
So... How was your little chat with Signal
Pretty normal I guess, he’s jumpier than I thought he’d be
Didn’t I warn you about that
SELINA laughs, and DANNY grumbles.
Notice anything... nice?
DANNY’S face flushes.
Nope, nah, everything was just normal!
Oh really
Yupyup, oh would you look at that! Finished laying out the jewels, better got to sleep!
DANNY gets up and walks stiffly out of the vault blushing aggressively. SELINA smirks playfully.
As you said Auntie sleep is important!
It’s alright if you think he’s pretty Danny! I’ll put in a good word with Bats for you!
SELINA yells after DANNY as he retreats to his bedroom.
Goodnight Selina!
Who knows, maybe I’ll have a nephew-in-law by the time you graduate!
DANNY slams the door behind him as SELINA cackles.
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DUKE drives back into the Batcave, propping up his bike on its kickstand, pulling off his helmet. He dejectedly walks over to lockers where TIM is still getting ready to go out.
So how was patrol?
DUKE groans loudy, hitting his head against the locker.
Damn that bad?
DUKE lifts his head and nods.
Catwoman has an apprentice now.
TIM pause and stares at DUKE in shock.
He calls himself Kitten and he’s a fucking asshole
TIM raises an eyebrow
An asshole you saw? What was he like?
Checky, he got me distracted long enough for Selina to steal like a third of the Jewels on Rock Street. Then he kicked me and then just ran off, can you believe that!
TIM grins, as DUKE rants about KITTEN not paying attention to his brother.
Uh huh, what else?
He had this stupid smile and was all snarky and he looked sooo proud of himself for getting one over me. Then he called be “Babe '' before he ran, and just AUGH!
TIM smiles widens.
Oh you’re down bad.
TIM turns away from DUKE and to the rest of the cave.
Selina’s got a kid and Duke has a crush on him!!!
DUKE’S face morphs into betrayal and he tackles TIM who’s laughing.
The others in the cave start yelling about the whole situation.
Say sike right now!
Thomas your standards!
Selina has a what now!
DUKE whines and lets go of TIM. TIM gets up and drags DUKE to the center platform of the Batcave at the Batcomputer.
I got him!
The others had gathered in the central platform, half dressed for patrol.
Duke, could you explain please?
DUKE stands up properly and walks over to the Batcomputer and attaches his cam footage to it.
I was getting ready to finish up my last round of patrol when Kitten tried to jump me.
DUKE forwards the footage to the moment, pausing on a clear from of KITTEN’S face.
He said something dumb, I called him a “wannabe Catwoman fanboy” he got offended and said he’s Catwoman’s apprentice. I ask him what he’s doing, I realize he’s a distraction, next thing I know I’m on the ground and he and Selina are gone.
As DUKE speaks he fast-forwards through the footage to the last clear frame of KITTEN and SELINA running off.
Did he just call you Babe?
That is completely unimportant
Oh I think it’s important
TIM slips past DUKE and rewinds setting the footage to it’s proper speed.
By the way, the names Kitten, nice meeting you Babe
Damn Duke, didn’t know you’d be the one to inherit B’s cat thing
I do not have a “Cat Thing”!
Keep lying to yourself Tommy, we all know how that ended for Bruce
I don’t have a “Cat Thing”
Father don’t lie, you’re not very good at it
Ten bucks says we find them somewhere they shouldn’t be in two weeks.
I say four, deal
Stop betting on my relationship with the Catboy!
When did we ever say we were talking about you and Kitten?
Thinking about your Catboy that much ‘ey Tommy?
The rest of the sibling begin to laugh and DUKE groans in annoyance. BRUCE pats his son’s shoulder in condolences.
It’s alright, just remember to clean your clothes regularly, cat hair is difficult to get out of Kevlar.
DUKE looks up at BRUCE in both disgust and betrayal. Before stomping away to the lockers
I hate you all!
The rest of the family laugh as he leaves.
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DANNY stands outside of Middletown High staring up at it’s front building before sighing and making his way inside. There aren't that many people, just the front desk lady MS.CARTER. DANNY walks up to her.
Uh Hi,
I’m, I’m the new student. Or like one of the new students I’m not sure.
(Awkward Laugh)
Alright, what’s you’re name?
Daniel Fenton.
MS.CARTER opens the filing cabinet under her desk. Moving some things around before pulling out a small folder.
It’s a gold day so you have 1st 2nd and 2rd block today. Tomorrow is a gray day when you’ll have your last three blocks.
MS.CARTER hands DANNY his schedule and a school planner, DANNY stares at his schedule, reading through everything.
Since you’re an Outsider you’ll have to attended the safety seminars, and read through this pamphlet.
MS.CARTER pulls out the procedure pamphlets.
How long have you been living in Gotham?
About five weeks now, why?
Did you get all your vaccines for Gotham specific aliments?
Yup, I got the Ivy ones, the smaller doses for the Fear gasses. Much smaller ones for the Laughing gasses. Bunch of the other I can’t name.
You’ll want to know their names, understand.
MS.CARTER gives DANNY another pamphlet.
This has everything you’ll need to know about the vaccine you could need and even some you might not.
Is that everything I’ll need to know?
If need be you can change your schedule within the next few days, but you won’t have much freedom with it considering that you came in later in the school year.
Also your first class is on the second floor in the green hallway. And your locker and password are on your schedule.
Okay, thank you Ma’am!
DANNY leaves the front desk area and goes through the door into the school. Nobody was there either, which was great for him, he didn’t want to bother having to deal with new people.
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DANNY sits near the back of the classroom. The Algebra 2 teacher MR.LOGGE had put him in one of the empty seats once they got to school and opened up the classroom. A few other kids are already in the classroom and more are in the hallway outside. DANNY had found his locker, and after struggling for a while he got it open and stored his things.
People start to file in talking to each other, the bell rings and the class quiets down. MR.LOGGE stands up at the front of the classroom.
Good morning class, hope you’re all doing well. We just got back from fall break so lets do some introductions. Everyone up and around the room please.
The class moves and everyone stands back to the walls.
Your name and pronouns, favorite movie, and favorite food. Who wants to volunteer?
No one says anything
Alright, volun-told then
He pointed to a short Asian girl by one of the windows.
How bout we start with you
The girl sighs but speaks anyway
Riko Sheridan She/Her, my favorite movie is “The Devil Wears Prada”, and my fave food is chicken alfredo.
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brainrotdoberealhuh · 9 months
brain vomit
hi so i was thinking "wouldnt it be cool if there was a dpxyj comic and then my brain started to vomit idea so i'll just leave em here
AU where danny’s parents finding out he’s  ghost dosnt go too well and he ends up running away and ends up joining the young justice team or just a general crossover between dc and the young justice
*phantom planet isn’t canon at least not until later
*danny probably gets adopted by bruce
*there is also the route of them not hurting him but telling him to leave, maybe the GIW convinces them to work with them and haunt him later on or they help save him from the GIW but he decides to stay with the team since they are his family now and the fentons still hurt him and did hunt him like the GIW
*if we go the reveal dosnt go well route then danny probably wont be very trusting especially with the heroes since they work with the government and the anti ecto acts exist, he’ll probably meet them ad help them the disappear after
>danny runs away with his bags and after flying for a long while lands on a random roof cuz he’s drained and tired, he just collapses and wakes up some hours later (its night) he flys again and looks for abandoned buildings till he finds a place, he takes his essentials out then phases the bags into the roof so they’re hidden and finally it sets in and he breaks down for a while till the fenton-phone he has rings and he gets surprised then answers and immedietly sam and tuckers swarm him with questions if he’s okay and what happened so he tells them and now that you mention it he has a wound from before that he’s yet to treat, he’s been so emotionally and mentally drained he forgot about it, they ask him and he says he honestly dosnt know he just flew as fast as he could and tucker says its probably for the best if he dosnt say just in case the call is spied on and sam tells him to take care of his wound and to rest and to check back with them and danny agrees and they tell him they’ll update him on how things go with his parents and amity and with that the call ends with cyas and take cares, after the call ends danny just sighs and gets up to grab a bag from the seilling and takes his medical supplies and starts to take care of his wound then decides to sleep
>danny meets the young justice while they are on a mission fighting near a warehouse with a part of it having collapsed from a explosion which is what caught danny’s attention while he was flying around to clear his head even tho he’s supposed to be resting since he’s still healing, he floats there watching while invisible for a little bit before seeing one of the team members in a very tight spot and he freezes the goons which surprises everyone then he goes on to freeze some more goons, the team is confused and the goons are confused so they start shooting frantically and randomly yelling for whoever it is to show themselves and danny gets hit with one of their attacks which surprises him and knocks him out of invisibility for a bit (maybe a energy or electricity based gun), he quickly goes back into invisibility saying “that was uncalled for” and he freezes them then says “cya” to the team before flying away while someone from the team calls for him to wait
>danny goes back to his hiding place and lays down “man I probably shouldn’t have done that”
>somethings happen and danny meets some justice league members (batman-superman-flash-wonder woman-martian manhunter), usually he would be very excited but he was very nervous. What if they decided he’s a threat or worse handed him over to the GIW and they notice his nervousness, for a while he’s a honorary member and is hesitant about joining the team but after a bit he opens up abit and tells them about the ghosts, anti ecto laws and the hunters and ofc batman hears about this and begins investigating and talks to danny about them to get more details (the team and JL think danny Is a full ghost at this point)
>danny gets captured by the GIW (his parents either help capture him or help save him, maybe by giving the GIW location or info to the team or just busting the place with the help of jazz and sam and tucker, tucker would probably hack the JL\ team computer to give them the info) danny getting saved by his team shows him that they genuinely care about him and he accepts them as his new family, after recovering he’s abit nervous but he tells the team about the fact that he’s half human too and his parents, they tell him they understand and that they cant wait to meet him other half
>the JL come to check on danny and how he’s doing and to give him an update on how things are going with taking the acts down, they’ve arranged a conference which superman will be taking care of and they want danny to be there to represent the ghosts and answer at least some questions to at least shut some mouths and satisfy some minds which danny reluctantly agrees to go to, he lets superman talk before joining him on stage and talking aswell, after its done superman puts his hand on his shoulder and tells him he did well which calms danny’s nerves abit >in the end the acts get taken down, danny joins the team and smiles sadly at the place he’s bee crashing him throughout all of this before taking his bags and flying to his new home. Then maybe a special with the phantom team meeting the YJ team or at least them visiting danny since its been a while and also danny chewing out superma cuz of how he treats conner at the start and the team meets dani :D (that is a very important part idc >:D 2 in 1 gremlin backage baby)
note : idk if i'll expand on this but i really hope i do xD maybe even draw a comic of it myself if my self confidence dosnt get in the way or at the very least turn it into a fanfiction.
also english isnt my first language so uuh sorry for any spelling mistakes
any ways.....what do you guys think of the idea of a comic crossover between dp and yj or dc in general
(i did not reread this before posting it :'>)
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alphalavenderstar2 · 2 years
So i've seen. An au on this site, forgot who posted it (It had batman in it, I know. Loved that post.) but they gave me inspiration. Listen to me when i say. All halfa trio. All half. Dead. Halfas. Danny, Tucker, and Sam all going into the portal-- HC where it's more of a tunnel than a portal, actually--and each gaining different ghost powers.
The idea on the three of them being halfas is so cool to me. It has so much potential. So much bonding and angst. Random shananagins. More powers to play with, Danny probably having more time to persue his space hobbies. It's a win win.
Y'all can scrap over if they put on matching hazmat suits or not, (with or without the hazmat hoods/covers) but I wanna explain how if the Halfa Trio used masked hazmat suits, it would be halarious.
Like, actual hazmat suits with the hood covering thingies on them. Because it'd be so funny to see 3 ghost vigilantes in matching hazmats. Amity thinking that there's a ghost vigillante, but BOOM. Suddenly three (half) ghost vigillantes. Complete Ghost Busters vibes. They'd steal Fenton Works Ghost Flamethrowers for the asthetic. Ghost busting vaccums, too. Removable hoods on the hazmat suits, because Tucker dislikes the stuffyness, but Sam (and Danny) insists that they do good deads without putting their identities into the spotlight. (In case someone recognises them) Even if it is pretty stuffy. It'd make Danny think of an astronaut suit so he'd obviously be more comfy than the other two. They'd have shared powers like intangibility and flight, but also have personal powers like Sam's plant power. (I'm gonna use this as an excuse to put more space themed Danny in, admitably.)
Oh, also under the cut here is a more detailed bit about this au, from the POV of a GIW agent or something, writing a report to their superior. Idk, whatever y'all wanna imagine.
Amity was at war with itself over the first one. It's citizens believing that the different acounts were wrong. When one described their encounter with the ectoplasmic being, a few agreed, while others claimed that they had seen something different. The same suit, but a different being inside. That it sounded more feminen, not masculine. Or that they had short white hair that floated within the suit, not that they had a close shave. The being appeared more often, changing seemingly each time to one of it's three forms. theories that the ghost was a shapeshifter under the suit spread.
But then the second one showed up. And the third. All present at the same time. The citizens were baffled by the sudden change. The conclusion to my findings about the newfound 'hazmat ghost' is that there is actually three different ectoplasmic beings wearing identical hazmat suits, possibly purposely putting citizens under the guise that only one existed.
It's hard to tell which one is which--unless they are in close proximidy to you, (which is highly unadviced) or by studying their vocals; unique eldritch sounding voices, muffled by the suits. But still somehow understandable when they need it to be. To us. Their chirps, trills, and what could only be described as something between growling and rocks being grinded together. Loud, heavy huffs.
While they can speak english to residents, they tend to speak to other ectoplasmic beings in "Ghost Speak". However, they don't verbally talk much to each other. A sort of mental connection could be at play between the three--that or they're obsurdly good at reading body langauge. It wouldn't be surprising, considering how.... close, they act.
"Ghost speak" in this case is unlikely, as while some pronounciations in "Ghost Speak" are several octaves lower and higher than any normal human's hearing range, static and several pronounciations are still heard. No such static or mumbling is heard when they interact in this way. The three entities seem to get most points across despite any worded context.
Attempts at recording their voices have all backfired, the requred technology unable to work properly around them (?).
They each seem to have different powers as well, a personal touch to their afterlife (?). One might come across an 'ecto fight' and place bets on vines cracking out of the ground and attacking the rival ghost, only to guess wrong; to ice spreading violently towords the perpretrator.
Spikes that shine in some places and pale in others; clear, a bright sky blue, a deep azure, or a dull, misty hue that holds the same cold as the void of space, or mercury at night. A poular yet idodic challenge between Amity youth is to touch said ice. Many reports of hospitilized teens with frostbite in the middle of summer have raised a few eyebrows between health officials. It's adviced to snuff out this trend when one comes across it.
The town acknoledges it as 'Phantom's' cyrocinetics, having seen the being with "fluffy (?) hair and pale as hell skin" ([REDACTED] witness report) blast freely on multiple occations. For reasons unknown, he (?) struck the hearts of many children (?) attending the local highschool, Casper High. Witnesses state that he (?) is fequently seen stargazing when Amity's gravity goes topsyturvy. The entity is able to lift objects when concentrating without physically touching them, and can manipulate the speed and direction of said object, seeming to defy Newton's laws. His (?) floating white hair appears to brush into his eyes a lot. Unnaterally pale skin, but a different shade than the hair. The green of his (?) eyes are the color of ectoplasim. The Fentons theorize on his possible obsession about space (?).
'Banshee' is the being which controls vines and various other living and non-living plant species. She (?) was nicknamed after seen loudly advocating against global warming and the removal of trees in Amity Park's playground. Many people fell into a sort of heavily ecouraged state after her (?) speech, racing to plant saplings in the middle of town. A popular misconception is that the being was named so because of her (?) 'ghostly wail', but the other ectoplasmic beings dawning hazmat suits also have shown the ability to retch a hollowing, painful scream. Her's, (?) however, seems to be slightly more powerful due to the 'encouraging' power behind it. She (?) is suspected to keep updated on human political views for unknown reasons (?). Pale skin. She (?) seems to have shortly cut white hair, around a couple inches from her shoulders. Green eyes. Possible obsession on spreading awareness, or plants. The expance of either obsession is unknown, however.
'Poltergeist' is rarely seen, seeming to be more of a support figure behind the scenes. It was noted in one particular scuffle, however, that he (?) had electric based powers. It's assumed that he (?) also has an advantage over tech, simular to 'Technus', an ectoplasmic revnent obsessed with human technology. The two seem to have a special sort of rivalry. Specialists brought in to observe their battles state that they butt heads through many different places physically in the internet, infecting the other's code with different viruses, bugs, and cyber attacks. Several well known games, apps, websites, and forums often fall prey to the duo's crossfire, causing momentary shutdowns. His (?) head is closely shaved, dark skin and a notably wide nose. His (?) eyes are green, same as the other two. Likely a tech obsession.
Ectoblasts, body manipulation, transparency, intangibility, flight, and their ghostly wails are all shared powers between the three ectoplasmic beings, along with the hazmat suits and stolen Fenton Works tech (?). Their blood runs green, ectoplasim in their veins. No other autonomy studies have been done on these particular beings.
It's obvious the relationship between the Fenton family, or the parents, at least, and the paranormal is a spiteful one. Even while wearing the Fenon's appearale, and often spotted with their weaponry. This tends to upset Drs Fentons. The Fenton's theorize that ectoplasmic beings are unable to possess feelings, and form from and by ectoplasim, sometimes apearing more humane than others. The Fenton's hypothesis is quite biased, but it makes our job easier in the long run.
Ok ok, so I named Tucker 'Poltergeist' because He and Danny's last names both start with 'F', and how 'P' can sound just like 'F' on certain pronounciations. I thought it would be a neat little comparison. That and it sounds like a name a paranormal person(nerd) would correct someone about all the time if they called it a ghost. I'm a bit hesitant to name Sam 'Banshee', because I know that while Sam can be a bit over enthusiastic about stuff, but it seems a little harsh, maybe? From amity's POV it makes sense, but I'm not sure. Let me know in the comments on Her and Tucker's names, and what you all would name them. I'd love to hear y'all's opinions. (Dani would go by Wraith, I think. That's what the phandom usually nicknames her, right?)
I also have an au with them wearing normal clothes. Basically, they have to do a lot of expirimenting with different clothes and how the colors invert after going ghost, and eventually figure out the right colors to pick for specially made hero suits.
Technically kinda not my au tho cause it was based on this one halfa trio au I saw and loved. (And made a dumb comment on but im going to ignore for my sake.) But if you see their post make sure to spread the love on there too.
Hhhhhhhh too lazy to spell check just gonna send this out now gonna ignore any mistakes throwing this post at y'all like im feeding sharks.
im am rotating them in my brain like they are in a mini microwave. Im sorry it's too late for me to turn. back. Would love to see more of this stuff.
But Idk, let me know in the comments about anything. How you like the au, how you think things would go, add ons.
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phantomposting · 2 years
Honestly been thinking about making a lil au but also I kinda don't trust myself to write the characters correctly. So I'm gonna instead share my ideas here :D if anyone likes them feel free to use them! Just let me know so I can see your awesome work.
This au is a DP x DC au I've been plotting out an entire plot line for this for months now. It's another Batfam oriented one cause I'm absolutely obsessed with this dynamic
Also warning this is super angsty this contains implied Experimentation/Torture, Dissection, and some major character death
It starts with Jason getting discovered by the GIW for having an ectosignature courtesy of the Lazarus pit. Jason ends up getting kidnapped and Batman catches onto this development. Batman has already failed Jason in the worst possible way and no matter what he's not gonna let there be a repeat of it. Batman is on the case! He's going to hunt down whoever kidnapped Jason and save his son no matter what! Jason wakes up in a glass cell where he notices a small thin kid with white hair sitting hugging his knees in the corner of a cell next to Jason's. The kid doesn't look to be doing so hot which ticks Jason off. Soon the two get acquainted and bond over the whole getting kidnapped and experimented on thing. Phantom is managing to keep his secret from the GIW so he's a bit worse for ware especially since the poor kid is starving cause what ghosts need to eat right? Jason is only in there for a week but he and this kid who calls himself Phantom have absolutely bonded and he would go to hell and back for him. Near the end of the week though Jason overhears the GIW scientists talking about Phantom (who has been there longer than he has) they say that Phantom isn't looking too good and that they expect him to soon destabilize. The Scientist plan to get in one last bit of data while they still can which means its off to the dissection table for Phantom. This absolutely ticks Jason off and this guy is absolutely determined to do whatever he can to stop this. Though he isn't successful. However this is the same day Batman manages to find the GIW hideout and raid it with Robin, Red Robin, and Nightwing. They split up to cover more ground. Phantom is the first to be discovered by Red Robin and Nightwing in one of the labs. Phantom is awake enough to manage guiding the two to Jason and they all proceed to break out. Promptly after being free of the GIW Phantom accidentally reveals his secret to the bats by passing out and reverting back to human. They rush to get the kid help opting to take him to Alfred since the kid is clearly some meta with lots of inhuman things going on and absolutely cannot be discovered or else he risks ending up with the GIW again. After some recovery time it's discovered that Danny is a halfa and his parents were killed in an accident (which involved the GIW and actually is what landed him in the facility). Jason has a sit-down with Bruce and asks the guy to please take the poor kid in and help him. Jason has an internal struggle wanting to take the kid in himself but not feeling like he himself is the best option. Bruce can tell Jason cares a lot about the kid and though he hasn't known the meta long and has a strict no metas rule (in which he has absolutely already broken) he decides to agree to take the kid in. Someone needs to protect the poor kid from their messed up government (in which he is totally gonna have to talk to the Justice League about this one) and it might as well be him. And well by the end of everything Danny ends up with a caring family who wants nothing more than to help him and keep him safe.
Hope you guys enjoy my little rant! I've had a few more ideas but for now I'll live it off on this lil rant/prompt
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phantoms-lair · 3 years
While I know this won't happen due to killing dramatic tension, how do you think the GIW and Fentons react if Batman called in the entire Justice League to protect Danny? Alternatively, Danny becoming a Ward of the League and living on the Watchtower 24/7, taking him out of their jurisdiction. I assume they wouldn't take either option well at all. (Danny probably wouldn't agree to the last one, but this is hypothetical.)
Honestly the only reason Batman doesn't call the Justice League before the Siege of Gotham is he's trying to keep the fallout as controlled as possible. It's why he didn't want Jim and the GPD to be more involved, initially, though he knew he needed the help.
Because the GiW is still a branch of the US Government at this point and those action could be seen as sedition or treason. Likewise the Justice League mobilizing against a branch of the Government would be something they could likely never come back from.
That being said, there's a world of difference between acting against an active branch of the government and a rogue one. Calling in the League after the GiW has refused orders to stand down is a different story all together.
As for the Fenton's, they'd be furious because they still think their actions are helping Danny. They need to save their son from the bad ghost living inside him. The GiW understand ghosts are bad, and what has to be done to save Danny. (They're so lost in their own mindset they don't realize the GiW has no intention of saving Danny, only to use him for their experiments)
And while the other League members are going to love Danny, Batman knows keeping him on the Watchtower isn't viable. Danny could just leave unless he turned it into a ghost proof prison and Danny would never trust anyone again after he did that.
That's not to say Danny won't end up visiting, after all he's going from Batman's foster kid to Superman's little brother. Flash has all of the 'joining of the families' jokes to make.
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strawberrycamel · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
tagged by: @aj-itated <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 30!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 46,254 words
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? based on my Ao3 and my old ff.net account: 3 - Fairy Tail, BNHA, DP (though I haven't written for Fairy Tail or bnha in years)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? in order, that would be How to Take Out a Ghost by TooFineFoley, Bad Luck Tuck: The Sequel, ignorance is your new best friend, What Could Have Been, and, surprisingly, A Connoisseur of Fine Art (all DP or DP crossover fics)
5. Which of your fic do you want more attention for? both they're siblings, your honor and Big Boy Tucker. i can't choose, they both need love
6. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? i used to respond to them as often as I could at the start, but i kinda slacked off sometime around the beginning of summer classes. I used to respond to them because they made me really happy and i wanted to let the commenters know I did actually read it and am very grateful for their comments, but after a while it became... idk, draining? I felt bad about leaving the same response to each commenter and got caught up in my own head so I just kinda,, stopped all together. I wanna start responding again at some point, but uh, probably not anytime soon.
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
oh definitely One More Time; I think that's the only fic I've written without some kind of happy ending (anything in the Not Your Son series doesn't count since it's not finished yet :3) and I can't tell you how much it pained me not to make it happy. Don't get me wrong, I loved writing that for going angst week but hole-y shit did it fuck me up
8. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you’ve written? I do write crossovers! The craziest, I think, is my Strange vs. Work: Wife Swap AU, it's not done because I'm seriously stumped for it right now, but it's essentially a DP Marvel crossover where Clockwork and Dr. Strange are forced by a TV host ghost to switch bodies and mentor the other person's 'apprentice'. Peter and Danny have to help them get adjusted to their new environments/bodies and they all have to figure out how to turn things back to normal. This whole series is meant to be based off the show 'Wife Swap'. I have fun making Stephen suffer >:)
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic? not that i can remember? like i think it was more grammar and dialogue punctuation nitpicking on my old ff.net fics, never hate
10. Do you write smut? if so what kind? not really, but i have a singular wip that im working on that's definitely spicy
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? no? (i was working on something a while ago but we havent finished so, I'm going with no)
13. What’s your all time favorite ship? i don't think I really have one. Usually I just read whichever fics have cool summaries or tags and just dive right in, ships be damned. Lately I've been reading a few TimKon fics and I've been thinking about Dark Ages, UFS, and Gray Ghost stuff a lot over the summer
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? oh, oh god. I'm going to say it and I'm going to feel real shitty about it because it's such a good fucking concept, but I can't bring myself to write anything more than what I already have written and all the notes I just randomly add onto it every once in a while. It even has a title: "Ectoplasmic Pudding".
It's a DP DC crossover fic wip and the plot is about Danny being called by Batman to help with a kidnapping case he suspects to involve ghosts; he needs Danny's expertise and help to capture the ghost. Danny agrees and he meets Batman and Robin (Dick Grayson) on the roof of the police station (after dropping face first onto it because he got blinded by the bat signal). They go by Batmobile and arrive at the scene of the crime where Danny confirms a ghost is involved. A bunch of different scenes of Danny and Robin having a blast while Batman's trying his best to stay on task and then, eventually, they find a warehouse where the box ghost is interrogating a bored looking Mr. Trand, the victim, about some fancy box commissioned by Vlad.
Danny figures out this guy is Bertrand in disguise and since Bertrand's essentially on vacation, they both agree to lie about how they know each other. And then I got stuck around here, but I imagine it just ends up being a series of dumb events where Batman, Robin, and Danny have to 'protect' Bertrand until they catch Boxy and throw him back into the Ghost Zone while the disguised ghost tries to make the most of the rest of his vacation.
Batman and Robin definitely don't believe whatever lie Danny came up with to explain how he knows Mr. Trand, but they go along with it until it's revealed in probably the worst way possible and leads to both of them trying to take the former kidnapping victim to the GIW while also trying to keep Danny from stopping them and barely listening to a word he says (maybe they think he's being threatened somehow or being controlled or smth, idk). Absolutely no clue how that whole fight goes, but in the end Danny kicks Box Ghost into the Zone and Bertrand is told very explicitly never to bring Spectra to Gotham.
15. What are your writing strengths? evoking emotion in my writing? yeah i'm going with that
16. What are your writing weaknesses? planning out plot ahead of time. I can write outlines and write a bunch of notes about what i want to include, that's not the problem. My problem is that all my motivation to write just drains away the moment I have a somewhat concrete plot planned out for a fic- this applies to one-shots and longfics exactly the same. And past that, sometimes I'll make one change to the planned plot and feel like tossing the whole thing out the window and going freehand without the 'constraints' of an outline or anything ..........
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? try not to offend anybody? like, look at good examples of how others have done it and do a lot of research and stuff. Also, be aware that not everything will translate perfectly from the original language you wrote the fic in and whatever language you're translating it to.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Fairy Tail
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Hellbent. A few others come close, but I seriously cannot express the joy i felt writing that first chapter (and when I'm done my minibang fic, I literally cannot wait to get back to it)
20. What fic are you most proud of? that's a tough one, there are a bunch i fucking adore but i think it's tied between The Big Dipper and ignorance is your new best friend
Tagging: @guardianrex, @shinygoldstar, @cleanlenins, @princessfanonanona, and @ghost-pasta!
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