#It was actually really annoying trying to show that they were hovering but I think it came out okay in the end
gumdropgamespot · 8 months
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October 4: A Bite in the Air
Day 4 of Not-So-Simstober
Halloween poses: Vampire Victim by @helgatisha 🧛🏻‍♀️
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xzhdjsj · 1 month
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By Your Side
Isaac x Reader
Isaac comforts you.
Reader is on their period and frustrated with work.
Anyone ever had cramps so damn bad it made you throw up? Cuz that was me last week and istg i was gonna die
Also this was supposed to be entirely fluff but idk what happened and now we have this😭 It all works out in the end though!
And there it is again, that discomfort in your lower abdomen and back, a tell-tale sign that your period was on its merry way to ruin your week. With a hand across your stomach, you quickly tapped your phone, checking the date. Who knew a month of cramp-free frolicking would be over that quickly. You mentally curse yourself for not keeping track again and head off to the bathroom.
It's been a day since then, and as you’d expected you feel no better. It'd take a miracle for that to happen anyways. Periods are horrible, it makes your mood sour and your body ache. Not to mention it's annoying and a hindrance to your work. That doesn't mean that Isaac lacks understanding and thinks it a hindrance too, quite the opposite actually. Isaac insists you don't lift a finger if you're not feeling well, and if you do, he's always close to keep an eye on you.
Though, that doesn't always translate well in your mind.
You sat opposite him in his office, hovering over a document you've read at least 10 times but still can't seem to grasp. Each time you feel like you understood, you realise your mind had wondered off in the middle of it or you got distracted by the throbbing pain in your lower abdomen.
Isaac's gaze would find you every minute or so. He'd flip a page, then look up. Or he'd type a sentence and glace at you before continuing. It was his little system of ensuring you weren't struggling.
This time his eyes find you in a frantic state. You let out a deep sigh, flipping the page over to start reading from the top all over again. The frustration was evident, knitted in your eyebrows and the frown on your face. Your eyes were unfocused, and you kept shifting your body every few minutes.
"Are you okay?" Isaac broke the silence.
"What?" You look up at him confused by his sudden question, and a little annoyed your focus was once again broken.
"I asked if you were okay."
You rubbed the side of your neck and sigh.
"Oh, yeah. I'm fine." You dismiss him, returning to the words on the page in front of you. Adamant to get it right this time.
"Are you really? You look a tired Pickle." His voice knocks your focus again.
"I'm fine Isaac." You tell him again. this time sternly.
"Are you sur-"
Your fingers massage the bridge of your nose, and your patience runs thin.
"God Isaac, I said I'm fine! I'm perfectly capable of working right now! It's literally just a period, I'm not bed ridden or something!" The words pour from your lips before you could think them through and instantly, you regret it.
"Right, I'm sorry dear. I was just worried." He's a little surprised, had you looked at him while speaking you'd see the way his eyes reflected it.
To be honest, you’re a little surprised at yourself too, but all you could think of right now was how the FUCK do you respond to that? You open your mouth to say something, anything really, but when you finally looked over at him, he's already shifted his focus to the screen in front of him. There isn't a single thing you could think of to say to him anyways.
You bend your head again, looking at the page you deemed so important earlier. Now it was just insignificant, and part of the reason for your outburst.
'How foolish' you thought to yourself, getting upset at him for showing concern over a matter he had little experience with. And despite his inexperience, he was only trying to help. It wasn't like you got any work done in the 30? 45 minutes? an hour? you were sat here. That only meant that he was right, you were clearly having a difficult time and he was observant enough to had noticed it.
The regret crashes into your chest like a tsunami. You wondered how he was feeling right now. You were considerably rude, surely that would hurt him. What if that gave him the impression that he was annoying? Because he most certainly was not! What have you done?
The thoughts swirled around your head like a brewing storm, threatening to explode at any moment. It didn't help that various parts of your body were still in pain and the only sound in the room was papers being shuffled and the clicking sounds of his keyboard. The pain gnawed at your flesh and the silence burgeoned your thoughts. There’s a lump in your throat and you’re not quite sure if you need to throw up from the pain or cry your eyes out. It was only when a single teardrop dripped onto the page below you that you realised you didn't want to be in the room anymore. You swiftly lifted your body from the chair and Isaac looked over at you right away. You couldn't return the notion; the bubbling pot of shame and regret wouldn’t let you.
"I uh,” your voice cracked and you're still unsure of what to say. "Excuse me."
You quickly push past the desk, rushing out the door. You were able to hold yourself together in front of him, but once outside, your emotions came tumbling over. The tears flowed freely down your cheeks, and you ran up the stairs to your room.
You threw yourself onto the sheets, your face buried into a pillow as your body folded into itself like an armadillo. It hurts so much. Your body, your mind, it all hurts. You sobbed into the pillow, squeezing it tightly against your chest for what felt like an eternity.
Eventually, there was a gentle knock on the door, then a soft call of your name as the door slowly swung open. You didn't hesitate, discarding the pillow quickly to sit up and voice your scrabbled thoughts.
"Isaac I'm so sorry! I- I didn't mean to yell at you- I know you were just concerned and I should’ve listened to you when you said I could rest for today-"
He takes big steps towards the bed, immediately taking you in his arms.
"Shhhhh, calm down my love. It's okay."
You're gripping onto his shirt for dear life, sobbing into his chest but he doesn't care, he pulls you even closer engulfing you fully into his body. His arms were secure and protective around you as he whispered sweet nothings into your hair. His voice is so gentle and soothing, and when combined with his hand caressing up and down your back, your choked sobs were simmered down to deep breathing in no time.
"Are you feeling better?" He asks and you nod.
"I'm sorry I was so rude to you." You were barely able to murmur.
"Are you still worried about that? I won't lie, I was taken by surprise but only because this has never happened to me before. I know you aren't feeling your best today, so I understand why it happened." He explained, leaning down to place a tender kiss on your forehead. "Now, are you in any pain?"
You sigh, "Yeah, I think my cramps are extra bad this time."
"Do you want me to get you something to eat? Maybe I could make you some tea and I'll get you some painkillers."
"No!" You suddenly move and the pain stabs you sharply in your side. "Ah shit!"
"Careful, Pickle" Isaac helps you, guiding your body down onto the bed. "I'll go get you those pills, hold on for me okay?"
"Isaac, can't you just stay? Please?"
"I'll be back before you know it, just stay here for a couple minutes. You’re very strong, I’m sure you can handle just that right?"
He disappears out the door, but as promised, returns after a few minutes.
"This is all I could find." He presented a single pill to you with a glass of water. "I'll need to make sure we get some more and find other alternatives to help you. I've read that heating pads are very common, so I ordered you one."
You take the pill from his hand, washing it down with some water.
"When did you do all that?"
"Just now, before I came up here."
"So, I yelled at you and you were researching and ordering a heating pad for me? Now, I feel even more awful!" You body falls back down onto the bed.
"Don't. It happens to the best of us, I'm well aware frustration isn't easy to handle." He casually spoke while getting into bed next to you. He reached for the blanket while you nuzzled closer to him, pulling it over your bodies.
“Am I disturbing your work?” You ask.
“No, it can wait.” He was quick to dismiss the idea of work. “I was thinking, what should I make you for dinner?”
He rubs circles in your back, from top to bottom. The warmth from his hands and the effects on the painkillers relaxed your body and made your eyelids heavy.
“You’re gonna cook for me?” You yawn.
“What? Is my cooking not good?” He teased playfully.
You giggle at his response. “Hmm of course not, I love your food. But I don’t know, hmmm how about mashed potatoes?”
“Just mashed potatoes?”
“Yeah, that’s all I want.”
“Sounds easy enough.” He kisses the top of your head. “You should get some rest now.”
“You’ll stay with me, right?” You yawn again.
“Of course my love, and when you open your eyes again, I promise I’ll still be here.”
His gentle hand against your back, and comforting scent made your body heavy and lulled you to sleep in no time. You dreamt of him, and when you woke up again, he was still there with you, eyes closed and mellow breathing as he slept.
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derangedanomaly · 6 months
how about Bad sanses x Artist male reader?
Yay! Sure thing :D
(Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror, Cross, Error)
Nightmare was the last one to find out about your hobby, and that's just because he's too busy to notice. :(
He was about to tell you about some important mission, when he bumped into you drawing a portrait of him.
He couldn't even speak at that time, he was so... confused. But also felt prideful you were drawing him.
Definitely takes it to his room so he could stare at it longer.
"You have a great talent Y/n, such a beauty should be hanged so it could be admired by many." Himself. He was talking about himself. "Do you mind if I took it with me on the way out?"
If you answer positively, he'll just take it. No questions asked. But if you answer negatively... he'll just steal it behind your back. 💀
Look, he just really likes whatever stuff you draw, and the fact you drew him, awoken something in him. He needed to take the portrait with him! (Bro is thirsty as hell 😂)
In all seriousness though, he really admires your skills. Even though he never really says it.... The portrait you drew of him is his motivation, which he also won't admit. Since positivity doesn't do him any good....
Loves to watch when you draw. But wait...you thought he was looking at what you're drawing? Nah.. he's looking at YOU.
In his words, he finds you more breathtaking then any artwork. But it's not like he doesn't like your drawings! He loves them, he just loves you more. ;)
He thinks your face looks really mesmerizing while you're drawing.
Sometimes likes to give you 'some tips'. (Don't listen to him, his tips are actually really bad 😨)
"Use black for shading, it's gonna look amazing! I'm speaking from experience." He's not. Literally has zero experience, just said that so he would impress you. 💀
Sometimes sneaks up on you and runs away with your art supplies. (Annoying as hell.)
Overall a pain in the ass most of the time, but he's your ass. 😂
Admires your talent, and wants to know everything about it. 'What things do you usually draw? What type of artist are you? Can you show him some of your artwork?' he's actually so cute...
After he learned about your talent, he returned day after to your sleeping quarters, and showed you his new knowledge, about your hobby, last night.
Also gives you tips, but unlike Killer, Dust's are actually useful.
You actually learn many new things/tricks that you never knew about!
He's a total sweetheart, keeps checking on you to make sure you won't get lost in your hobby too much. He knows how easy artist's get taken lost in their artwork and don't sleep or eat.
If you'd ask him to model for you, he would in a heartbeat. But it would probably be the most boring pose ever.
Hands in his pockets and shit. 😂
Gets irritated by Killer's wrong tips, and immediately leaves the room once he starts spitting them. He just can't stand the stupid bullshit Killer says every time. 💀
"Oh, you can draw? Can you draw food too?" Was his first question when you told him about your hobby.
He's always hovering over you when you draw, which can be nerve-wracking at times...
So to get him distracted, you suggested that he could draw with you. After thinking your question over, he decided to try it out, so he agreed.
After this, he found out that drawing with you made him relaxed....so he made it his daily activity with you!
He doesn't mind how his drawing looks like a child drew it compared to yours. He isn't really competitive when it comes to these type of things.
He just likes spending time with you ^^
Likes to ask tons of questions. (He finds your voice soothing)
Overall, he just found his excuse for spending time with you! (And a way for him to relax)
Your hobby reminds him of Ink... which he shudders at and... avoids you for awhile. 😢
But you could always sense that he, more than once, glanced at your art.
After getting over his emo sappy phase, he finds the courage to talk to you again.
Wants to compliment you so bad, because it actually looks great, but he's just...shy.
He doesn't know much about your hobby, so he won't give much tips. But if you ask him for an honest opinion, then you can count on that!
He's just a sweet little guy 🥰
His immediate response to your hobby is just: "Oh great...another Ink!"
He isn't exactly 'thrilled' about it. But he doesn't mind it, as long as you don't bond with Ink over it. (Jealous)
Doesn't know much when it comes to creation, but he likes to knit next to you while you draw. It brings you two closer! ^^
Definitely defends you though when someone insults your artwork. Deems that it's just cause you both enjoy artistic hobbies. (Knitting and drawing) but he's really just a big fan of you and your awesome abilities!
If you need any art supplies, they would already be waiting for you on your desk by tomorrow morning. (Stole them from Ink 💀)
Doesn't like it when you're being pessimistic about your skills. He thinks you're awesome as hell!! Why're you bringing yourself down?
He's overall just happy to be able to peacefully enjoy his hobby next to someone he can trust. (Cutie patootie ❤️❤️)
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kawataslvr · 2 months
I loved!!
Could you make a reader who is Hanma's younger brother and started secretly dating Rindou? do the craziest thing you can imagine
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Rindou Haitani
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A/N : Had no idea if i should’ve placed this under Hanma or Rindou..
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Hanma wasn’t very controlling of your life, letting you do whatever really.
As long as you didn’t get hurt physically or emotionally, Hanma didn’t care what you went and did.
What he was slightly controlling of was who you dated, Hanma might be care free about most things but he hated the idea of you dating someone from a delinquent background. Ironic.
Hanma especially didn’t want you with a Haitani, knowing they had a reputation for being “fuck boys” like Hanma had told you.
But you just wouldn’t help it whenever you had actually met them, especially the younger Haitani. With a twist a fate you two actually started hanging out, and somehow Rindou and you had started dating.
Of course, because of Hanma.. Rindou had agreed to keep it a secret.
Even Ran didn’t know, well.. not immediately.
Ran always finds out.
Rindou had accidentally scrolled on his gallery while showing ran an image and it was a picture of you two together with Rindou kissing your cheek.
The older had never gasped louder and snatched the phone out of the youngers hand.
Ran finding out wasn’t a big deal, he wasn’t going to snitch on you and Rindou.
But he for sure was gonna tease him. and you
But because you and Rindou started hanging out so often and constantly being together.
Rumors had spread, and they quickly got to your older brother.
At first, he just thought you were friends with Rindou. Hell, he didn’t even think you were gay really.
Then again he never gave it much thought.
“Hey, Hanma.” Kisaki handed the piss eyed tall figure a photo
It was in a private area , you couldnt really see Rindou’s or your face but Hanma recognized the two-toned hair and your (h/c) from a mike away.
Especially how you two were kissing, how Rindou had his hands on you.
Hanma had never been angrier.
It wasn’t because you got in a relationship without telling him, he’s done that to you before. It was the fact it had to be a Haitani.
At least it wasn’t Ran, but he still was mad at his ignored warnings.
Telling you more than once to avoid even flirting with one of the two, you were still his little brother.
He didn’t want you getting hurt by some fuck boy who was only there to play around with you, he’d hate that.
Calling you to meet him at home so you two could talk, you knew you were in trouble. Hanma always did that whenever you did something to piss him off.
You got home and opened the door, only to see Hanma sitting on the living room table like an angry mother.
Sitting down in front of him you waited for him to speak. “(name).” “Hanma.” you said nervously, trying to calm down your beating heart.
Everything you did this entire month running through your head. Confident that Hanma didn’t find out about Rindou, there was nothing else you’d really done
Your heart sank again Hanma’s next words..
“Didn’t I warn you about dating a Haitani?”
You tried to act confused but Hanma called your bullshit without missing a beat. “Don’t play dumb with me (name).” It had been a while since you heard his voice so irritated.
He honestly wouldn’t have been so mad if the Haitani’s were the one people he didn’t specifically tell you not to get involved with romantically.
Hanma walked over to you, grabbing your phone out of your pocket.
“Hey—!” You yelled out and stood up to snatch it from him. Hanma pushed you down and clicked around on your phone, hovering over Rindou’s contact.
‘Rin💕’ He held the phoen over you, knowing better than to stand up and try to snatch it from him.
“I’ll call him if you don’t shut up.”
You sat down and kept quiet, looking at the ground with a pout on your face.
“when did this start?” you didn’t respond to Hanma, annoyed with your older brother. He sighed, “I’m sure Rindou won’t mind answering then.” You stood up again and he made sure you sat back down quickly.
“When you took me to go pick up something you left at a meeting!” Hanma nodded, he honestly couldn’t care less. But he wanted to see you stressed because you disobeyed him.
“Right, how does he treat you?” you responded so quick Hanma didn’t even have a chance to blink.
“he treats me amazingly!” Hanma still wasn’t convinced, he wanted you to break up with Rindou immediately.
Eventually you convinced him to at least let you and Rindou date.
But everytime he came over, even if it wasnt for long periods of time or to just pick something up.. he showed his obvious dislike for Rindou.
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whetstonefires · 2 months
Hello! For the reverse tropes writing prompts (if this catches your fancy) — murderbot diaries with fake amnesia and Really nice guy who hates only you
this is really not in the spirit of that second inverse trope, but for mb this was the only thing i could think of, and it was very funny.
"Gurathin," said Gurathin. "SecUnit, you know it's me."
"I don't think I know that," it said, pleasantly, in an okay but not excellent imitation of its creepy canned dialogue options. "Please present some identification, and we'll see."
Gurathin didn't bother sending his data over the feed again. Murderbot walked away, but left a drone eyeballing him. He resisted the urge to flip the drone off. "Come on," he told it, knowing SecUnit was paying attention. "Let me in."
He watched the SecUnit bend forward slightly to show two of Mensah's kids that it was paying attention to whatever they were saying, and then bend over further to help the toddler up onto a chair. It was just fucking with him now. On the other hand, if the prickly bastard started letting children hug it just to piss off Gurathin, who was the real loser?
It finished spoiling the children and moved over to smoothly de-escalate a brewing disagreement over the punch bowl. Gurathin tried to catch Pin-Lee's eye; she did not cooperate. Gurathin tried to walk through the open door; the hovering security drone took a potshot at him.
SecUnit got roped into conversation with Bharadwaj and her media colleagues. It said something that made everyone laugh. It wasn't scowling. It was faking looking people in the face pretty well; that was just creepy.
It went on like that; Gurathin had never seen it go this long interacting without pissing someone off. Presumably it was venting all of that impulse on him. Ratthi introduced it to his favorite cousin; zi was visibly charmed.
Gurathin goaded the drone into firing two more warning shots before the SecUnit circulated back over to him.
"SecUnit. Come on. You have known me for actual years. I helped you rob a place once."
"I don't recall."
"We met on that planetary survey mission, don't tell me you don't remember that one, it's the reason you're even here." That came out maybe a little harsh, but everyone was letting the SecUnit abuse the power of being entrusted with party security to bully him, he was allowed to be annoyed.
"Oh, were you there? That data must have been lost in a corrupted filetree," it said, with incredibly cutting blandness.
Gurathin groaned. "Okay! Okay. I'm sorry."
It technically counted as a reward when SecUnit stopped giving him the customer service face and switched to the hairy eyeball, which just showed how stupid this whole situation was. It was clearly not satisfied with just that.
"I'm sorry for using your personal name without permission. I wasn't trying to weaponize it or anything, it just slipped out, but I know that's not an excuse and it was a really inappropriate disrespect for your boundaries."
SecUnit kept looking at him. Gurathin knew two other SecUnits now, neither of whom was as supremely weird as this one; that was why he'd started mentally tagging it with its personal name, just to keep things tidy. Of course, if anyone else had done that and made the resulting mistake, SecUnit probably wouldn't have been half so mad.
Gurathin sagged.
"I'm sorry for going through your personal files and using your name against you back during the survey," he mumbled, wishing he kept drones around to control with his brain so he could watch SecUnit's extremely expressive face without having to look at it. "That was really shitty. Rim paranoia isn't a good enough excuse for refusing to see you as anything but a tool of the Company. Okay?"
SecUnit was looking as pained as though Gurathin had stripped naked in its presence. "Yes, fine, you can come to the party just stop having feelings," it said, in its normal voice.
"Great!" said Gurathin. "The spinach puffs had better not be all gone."
"I don't pay any attention to the things humans consume," it said, moving out of his way and taking its drone with it.
"I know," Gurathin acknowledged, rolling his eyes and trooping after it. Ratthi waved enthusiastically at him and Pin-Lee raised her cup in a welcoming toast. Apparently SecUnit's relenting returned him to the ranks of people who existed again. "Believe me, I remember this about you."
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fanfiction4sooya · 2 months
Request: Jessica Jung x reader: first time together(smut of course) thank you
ya'll have no idea how much I LOVE snsd asks!!! Sorry for taking so long, sweetheart 💖💖
cw: smut, +18, fingering, humping, oral sex, lots of praises, 69,not proofread etc.
You two met at a party her sister threw a few weeks prior. You were with a couple friends and she couldn't stop staring at you the whole night. Of course you thought she was annoyed at you, Jessica naturally has a serious face when she is relaxed.
But after you told your friends you weren't feeling very well (an excuse to leave her sister's party since you thought she was annoyed at you) she actually stopped you from getting your uber, explaining she didn't wanted to seem annoyed but interested.
Of course after that you two went out a couple of times until you two decided to take it to the next level. Dating her was exceptional, she was gentle and much more kind than she looked, always willing to listen and to reassure you, she was also very secure but well you were a bit anxious about one thing...
You two haven't had sex yet.
Of course you two wanted it to happen, you wanted it to happen but the thought of having sex with literally the Jessica Jung was getting you insane like... How many of the hottest women in the world hasn't she had sex? Another thing... she is older and way more experienced and-
"Honey?" Her voice took you out of the anxious daydream when she kissed your knuckles over the restaurant table.
She took you out to dinner on a beautiful and quite expensive restaurant, caring not only for your outfit but everything else. She picked a wine red dress that showed your curves and black heels. You looked stunning, you felt stunning but that little sting of anxiety wouldn't go away for nothing.
"yes?" You weakly smiled, feeling caught.
"Are you alright? What's wrong?" You were met with caring brown eyes. You heavily sighed, deciding to talk to her about it.
"Can we go home?" You asked in your most stable tone, trying not to alarm her.
"Of course we can, sweetheart" She caressed your knuckles.
After paying you two left, hand in hand out of the place to her expensive rolls royce and after that her house. She sat in her bed and you started to talk in a quiet, ashamed tone:
"I know I might be acting... Strange" you paced around her master bedroom, trying to find a way of not dying of embarrassment. "I think I'm a bit scared..." You spoke more to yourself than to her.
"scared?" Her pretty voice sounded secure and stable and honestly that was so sexy of her. "Of me?"
"No! Not of you I mean yes, a bit but like not in a like 'she's gonna hurt me' way, not that-" You started to ramble and she got up, holding you by the shoulders, making you stop pacing and rambling.
"Honey, take a deep breath" She caressed your face, pulling you to straddle her on the bed. You lowered your head to her shoulder, embarrassed because you thought you were acting dumb. "Keep going whenever you feel like it" Her arms circled your waist, holding you and her lips hovered over your temple, gently kissing there.
Her breath was calm; you noticed that she had this thing where she wouldn't rush you at all, always ready to wait as long as it'd take for you. You wondered how the thought of her being a mean girl ever crossed your mind.
"You are Jessica Jung" You said, looking into her eyes. She had a curious, amused expression. "I mean, like... You could have anyone, you probably had anyone you wanted" You sheepishly said. "I am scared I have nothing much to offer" She furrowed her eyebrows a bit and then, when you really thought she was going to laugh at your concern she took a deep breath and her eyes softened.
"Honey" She started, caressing your back in an up and down motion, sending shivers down your spine. "I want you since you entered Krystal's house with your friends" Her hand made contact with your cheek. "I want you so bad that I literally had you thinking I was mad at you due to my not so subtle stare" You chuckled a bit. "Of course I have a past and it might seem intimidating at first but you also have one, as long as I hate admitting it" She rolled her eyes. "Everyone I had, everyone you had... it's past" You bit your lip and you saw her eyes trace them.
She made a pause, leaning her forehead against yours.
"You make me crazy" She took in your scent, opening her eyes to stare at your position straddling her like that. "I am here because I want you, only you" You felt the slight shift on the way she held you: not careful anymore but more tight, a bit more passionate now, pulling you in even more. "I want you so fucking bad, baby" Her lips hovered over yours. "But I'll wait until you are ready for me..." She hushed and you nearly fainted.
Your heartbeat was fast and erratic, your insides felt warm and your cheeks were burning hot. She didn't expect your next words and honestly, neither did you.
"Take me" You whispered, eyes glued to hers and lips hovering hers as well. "Please Sica..." Her eyes darkened and her hands gripped your waist, her lips aching to meet yours. "I want you to do to me everything you've been thinking of"
"Are you sure?" Damn. How could she be so attractive only asking you if you were sure? You felt your mouth dry and finally you connected her lips and yours in a chaste motion, that could barely be called a kiss but somehow it was enough answer for her.
In a quick motion your back was touching her soft mattress and her perfectly shaped lips were in yours. You didn't fight for any dominance, you really didn't even try; fighting Jessica Jung for dominance was a lost battle and of course, in that case, you didn't wanna win at all.
Her tongue slid against yours in a slow yet urgent pace. It made your pussy ache in despair as her hands held your thighs apart so she would be between them, slightly grinding down. You moaned when she traveled her tongue to your neck to lick then bite the piece of flesh, your skin hot against her lips.
"Jessica" You moaned and she smiled against your skin.
"Fuck, I was aching to hear you calling my name like that" She said, rolling your dress up and off your body. You felt a little self conscious for a moment and she realized it, quickly taking her dress off as well. "Come here, pretty girl" She pulled you to sit, attaching your lips one more time and making you shiver when she grazed one of your nipples with her thumb. Soon her kisses were to that exact spot, ripping a deep moan out of your throat.
You closed your eyes, gently holding her head in place as you felt slick between your thighs, clenching hard around nothing.
"Please" You mewled, swallowing hard when her eyes met yours and you felt her smile against your skin. Her lips went back to yours and her hand traveled to your covered pussy, the back of her fingers lightly grazing your engorged clit.
You held her shoulders with both hands, trying your best to anchor yourself as your legs trembled ever so lightly. Pulling your panties to the side, she dipped her middle finger in your slit and you whined as Jessica pulled it out, stopping your kiss to welcome her finger inside her own mouth. She purred feeling your taste and you almost fainted, entranced by that divine being upon yourself.
"You taste so fucking good, honey" She husked, licking your lips next.
Jessica softly pushed your back to touch her expensive mattress one more time, not wasting any second on ripping your panties off of you and lying on her stomach, both arms hooked under your thighs. She kissed your mound, appreciating the view of your swollen glistening pussy; soon she kissed your inner thigh, never stopping the eye contact as your eyes followed hers. When she kissed your clit, oh god, you finally let out the breath you were so desperately holding.
"Oh god" You whined, trying your best to keep your eyes open. You didn't wanna lose sight of her actions, blinking only when you absolutely had to.
How come someone seem expensive by eating pussy? Her movements were elegant and precise, not rushed by any means.
Slowly in a upright motion she licked from your slit to your clit, her tongue flat on your drenched cunt; Jessica let out a gutural moan upon tasting you, her eyes rolling a bit back, her arms squeezing your thighs as you arched your back.
"So good- oh" Was all you managed to say, biting the back of your hand to stop yourself from screaming. Your eyes went back to hers, her lips enveloping your clit to steadily suck. You cussed yourself out for losing so much time, completely forgetting why you and her were having sex just now.
That was the best head you've ever had. Her tongue was skillful, dipping in and out of you and making you see stars as her nose bumped against your clit over and over.
Your scalp started tingling and your hand automatically went to the back of her head, your thighs trapping her head between your legs as you felt the hot and cold sensation of an orgasm wash over you.
You lost track of time trying to control your shaky legs, eyes closed and limp body. You felt the bed dip beside you and her wet lips touch yours, pulling your body on top of hers to hug you so passionately, kissing your bare shoulders and cleavage.
"Take a deep breath, princess" She said right by your ear, kissing your neck next. You did your best to do as she told you, blindly kissing her lips next.
Yes you just came but you were still aroused as ever, but this time it wasn't only for your own pleasure. Your knee pressed between her legs and you witnessed her hiss, biting your lower lip.
"please let me taste you... I need you Sica, please" You whined and she smiled against your lips.
"So polite..." She guided you to be on top of her, your bare cunt above her face as you faced her own. Your mouth absolutely watered when pulling her underwear to the side, revealing her slick coated pussy.
"You are so pretty..." You whispered, sticking your tongue out to lick her. Feeling her tremble under you, you throbbed hard, moaning when you felt her pull your hips down to fully envelope your clit with her lips. "Fuck" You cried out, blindly attaching your lips to her cunt once again.
This time it felt even more electrifying because of her mouth on you too, lapping up your juices in a hungry and quite needy way; her nails dug in your skin, her moan muffled by your intimacy.
She tasted divine, felt divine under you. Not wasting any time you dipped one finger in her entrance and she held your thighs with blunt force, clenching when your whole finger entered her.
"god baby, I am going insane" She humped up ever so bossy, to guide your mouth with more force to her reddened pussy. "Yes just like that, honey" She said, attaching her mouth to your pussy once again.
Your middle finger kept hitting the same spot while her clit throbbed against your lips, your mouth wet with her slick while you kept humping her, swiping your drenched cunt all over her face to cum once again.
"D-don't stop baby, keep going just like that-" Her sentence was cut short when you felt her tense under you, her toned abs moving ever so slightly from how hard she came, followed by you once again.
You kept sucking her off trembling above her face, completely deaf to her pleas as she tried really hard to pull you off of her because you were overstimulating her almost to the point of tears.
Completely pussy drunk you let go of her with 'pop', turning to face her as she smiled at you, pulling you in for an obscene kiss, cleaning your dripping chin with her tongue.
"You did so good, baby" She whispered against your lips, a bit out of breath and you blushed hiding your face on her shoulder. She turned you over, now your back pressed against the mattress once again, getting you off guard. Jessica straddled your waist, pulling both your arms above your head to kiss your lips once again, her pussy humping yours ever so sligthly.
"Jessica" You cried out.
"yes baby, keep calling my name like that" She sucked a dark spot on your neck. "I need to have you over and over for all those weeks without being able to touch you, honey"
Her lips hovered over yours and you rolled your eyes, your body completely at her mercy once again...
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Fake it Till You Make it
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18+ minors dni
Bucky x female reader 
*** indicates a time jump or change of location. 
I love this trope, I started and couldn’t stop 🥺
Warnings: some suggestive themes, A little angst? (Bucky can be a little shit, swearing) FLUFFF,
Word count: 4.5k oops 
“For fucks sake” You hissed under your breath, wedging yourself behind a pillar to avoid the newest training recruit who had a massive crush on you. You were great as an avenger, just not so great when it came to social interactions. Therefore instead of just telling him upfront, you were not interested, you’d taken to beating around the bush and straight up hiding from him.
You let out the breath you were holding, continuing to make your way to the gym while mentally scolding yourself. You had a talent for attracting guys you weren’t into, along with the flirting skills of a fish. A fantastic combination which kept you single.
“The hell were you doing?” Bucky had seen you shimmy out of your hiding spot, giving you an odd look as you opened the doors to the gym. “Were you really just hiding there to avoid that guy?”
“What does it matter to you” You countered, uninterested in whatever patronizing remark he’d have for you. Bucky was nothing but grumpy and sassy from the day you met him. At first you tried to look past it but he made it impossible.  Bucky found you annoying. He couldn’t even pin point why. Your presence alone irked him. So picky with the guys you dated, seemingly never good enough for you.
Bucky groaned, plastering a smile on his face through it looked more like a pained grimace.
“Hi Janice” Dear God. Not today.
“Do you think you could spot me with my squats?”
“Buckkkyyyyyyy” Zola was less irritating than this.
“Uh, I’m actually just finishing my-
“Please?! Just my last set, I’m almost done” She grabbed his arm, dragging him over to the squat rack. For fucks sake, put me back in cryo.
Bucky awkwardly shuffled behind the new recruit, his hands hovering under the barbell, trying to keep as much distance from her as he could while she worked through her set.
“Am I doing okay?” Janice batted her eye lashes, staring at Bucky’s shitless form from the mirror.
“Yup” Bucky offered a tight lipped smile, taking a few steps back as she tried to push her ass onto him. “I- I need to grab some water”
Bucky took his very full water bottle over to the fountain, cursing under his breath when he saw Janice wave at him, clearly waiting for him to come back. He always hated the training month where SHIELD recruits got to use their gym and tour the compound. It happened every year but this was the worst, specifically because of the one recruit that was heavily crushing on him. Most girls took his moody brooding as a sign to walk away.  
“What’s got your balls in a knot” Sam snorted, watching Bucky huff, over filling his water bottle as you came over to fill yours.
From the corner of your eye, you could see Janice staring at you both, her eyes glaring daggers into you.
“Aww, somebody’s got a crush on the new recruit” Sam teased, wiggling his eyebrows, smirking at the disgust on Bucky’s face.
“Shut up” Bucky grumbled, reluctantly closing his water bottle. “She likes me, I don’t like her”
“Man, why don’t you just tell her you’re seeing someone. Maybe she’ll finally back off”
“Because I don’t do relationships and I don’t date” Bucky avoided dating like the plague. God bless the 21st century for casual hook ups and porn because aside from that, he didn’t commit to anything. You rolled your eyes, scoffing. Of course he didn’t do relationships.
“I don’t think that matters, she’s been obsessed with you” Sam cocked an eyebrow, watching the way Janice made a show of stretching her legs, bending over while looking around to see if Bucky was watching.
“Dear God” Bucky rolled his eyes, debating on if he should just run around the compound with Sam on his shoulders for his workout. He made his way back his bench, hoping she’d pick up on the hint he wasn’t interested. She didn’t.
“Is that your girlfriend?” Janice made her way over, interrupting Bucky mid way through his set. Bucky’s eyes grew wide, he may have been brain washed for 70 years but this girl had more issues than he did.
“Huh, who?”
“Uh, the girl that was behind you when you were filling your water bottle. Are you dating her?” There had to be a way out of this.
“Yup. That is my girlfriend” What the fuck Buchanan. You’re a trained assassin for fucks sake; there were 100 other ways you could have done this.
“Oh” Janice’s face fell, leaving Bucky alone without saying another word though she looked unconvinced. He mentally face palmed, happy she had left him alone (for now) but now he had a different problem on his hands.
“So, how’s Paul” Wanda smirked from her place on the couch. Everyone had gathered around the living room for a movie but now their attention was on you. Fantastic.
“He’s…persistent” You played with the hem of your sweater, internally retching.
“You’re really going to turn down the one guy that’s shown interest in you?” Bucky cocked an eyebrow, his arms crossed on his chest. You wanted to smack his gorgeous face.
“I’ll have you know, I’m just waiting for the right person. Where’s your girlfriend if you’re so desirable”
“I don’t do relationships” Bucky shrugged, his lips in a stupid perfect pout.
“Sounds like an excuse, have you ever considered that maybe no one wants to date you” You rolled your eyes, finishing the last sip of your beer. “Anyway, it’s not like I want to stay single for life, I just don’t like Paul” I like you.
“Maybe if you stopped playing so hard to get y/n” Nat sighed; she’d tried to set you up on a few blind dates but they never worked out. It wasn’t that you played hard to get, but putting yourself out there was easier said than done.
“She’s not playing hard to get, she’s hard to want” Bucky snorted, dodging the cushion you flung at his head.
“I’m just selective you prick”
“Sure you are” Of course you are, with your perfect eyes, perfect nose, perfect lips. Too good for anyone including m- no Bucky, bad Bucky.
“Drop it before I call Janice on you”
Bucky choked on his beer, coughing as he sat up. He forgot Janice was no longer the only problem he had.
Bucky tucked himself into the corner of the bar, sipping on whiskey that did absolutely nothing for him. Tony had insisted on having a mix and mingle for the agents in training (it also gave him a chance to get some good PR), therefore everyone had to attend.
You slipped through the crowd, finding a stool in the corner near Bucky. Having to sit with the moody super soldier wasn’t ideal but at least it was dark. You ordered two shots, hoping to ease some of your nerves; Paul had been trailing after you like a shark.
“What are you doing here” Bucky watched you shuffle onto the seat, downing your drinks within seconds.
“Same as you” You shrugged, “Hiding from someone who can’t take a hint” Paul was the male version of Janice.  Bucky snorted, looking at the crowd, gawking when Janice locked eyes with him.  
“Oh fuck…”
She watched you both like a hawk, speed walking over as if she was on a mission to find out if you were actually together. Bucky put his arm around you, pulling you close to him as you started at him wide eyed.
“What the hell are y-
“ Janice, this is my girlfriend y/n” Bucky looked down at you, his eyes pleading, silently screaming help me. You choked for a moment, before smiling, nuzzling into Bucky’s side. He smelled so….good.
“Oh. How long have you been together for?” Janice narrowed her eyes, waiting for one of your to slip up.
“Couple weeks” You felt goose bumps at the way Bucky’s hand softly stroked your waist, holding you close to him. His lips brushed your temple pressing a soft kiss onto your skin. You couldn’t control the way your face heated up, hiding your face into Bucky’s chest.
“Okay. Well I’ll see you around then” Janice swallowed thickly, giving you a glare before walking off. Paul saw you in Bucky’s arms and walked the opposite way without looking back or saying a word. Bucky let out the breath he was holding, coughing awkwardly as he let go of you.
“Sorry, I-” His face flushed as you crossed your arms, looking at him with a smirk. “She assumed we were dating and I went along with it to get her to leave me alone. I panicked”
“And you’re the trained assassin” You snorted, shaking your head “You’re a fucking idiot”
“Shut up” Bucky grumbled, going back to his whiskey.
You noted the way Paul had stayed away from you the entire night, refusing to even look your way, all because he had seen Bucky holding you. It wasn’t a secret most people were scared of Bucky. Except maybe Janice. Aside from giving you a number of dirty looks, she also kept her distance.
You made your way down to the kitchen to make a cup of tea, only to run into the brooding super soldier who was making a cup of coffee.
“You owe me, I could have thrown you under the bus Barnes” You hopped up, sitting on the counter waiting for the water to boil.
“Please, don’t act like you didn’t like it, Paul left you alone all night” Bucky scoffed; he also noticed you were left alone in peace after he put his arm around you. You thought for a moment, he wasn’t wrong.  You also liked how his arms felt around you but he didn’t need to know that.
“What if…what if we pretended to be a couple?”
“Why would I do that” Bucky’s face scrunched up in disgust.
“Ugh, we don’t have to actually date you idiot. Just pretend for a while and they’ll lay off, they’ll be out of here in a month or so anyway. Just when they’re around”
Bucky thought for a moment. It wasn’t the worst idea. At this point, he was ready to do anything that would keep Janice away from him.
“How’s this going to work?”
“Just…I don’t know, act like a couple when they’re around” You shrugged. What’s the worst that could happen?
“And what about the others, what do we tell them?”
“Just tell them we’re pretending, didn’t Sam tell you to do exactly that?”
“Fine, but one rule, don’t fall in love with me” Bucky smirked, stupidly handsome cocky little shit.
“Why the hell would I- you know what, never mind. I’m not even going to dignify that with a response, you can’t fall for me either”
“Won’t be a problem” Bucky scoffed, making his way back to his room.
You shook your head, wondering what the hell you got yourself into.  
“Hi y/n”
You closed your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath in before turning around to find Paul shuffling awkwardly at the door of the briefing room.
“ I-I’m not sure if you’re seeing anyone but I was wondering-
“Hey baby” Bucky pushed past Paul, coming over to hold your waist and kiss your cheek. You gasped as he pulled you down to sit on his lap, reading over the file you were reading.
“H-hi” You giggled, feeling Bucky’s beard tickle your neck as he rested his head on your shoulder. Paul gawked for a moment before running away without saying anything. As soon as Paul was out the door, Bucky shoved you off his lap, going back to reading over a mission assignment as if he wasn’t just nuzzling his face into you.
“What the-
“We leave in 5, lets go”
You remained frozen on the spot, while Bucky walked off to the jet, completely unfazed.
“Hey soldier” Janice strode over to where Bucky was sparring with Steve, making a show of stripping her sweater off, leaving her in her sports bra.
“Mind if I cut in Cap?”
“Uh, actually- Janice ducked under the rope, ignoring Steve’s protests, sauntering over. “Think you could train me for a bit Bu-
You pushed past Steve and Janice, smirking when you could hear her gasp in offence behind you.
“I missed you bub” You draped your arms around Bucky’s neck, resting around his thick shoulders, pulling him close to you. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest when he wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling your nose.
“Hey babydoll” Bucky kissed your cheek, resting his forehead against you, “I missed you too, I’ll see you later tonight?”
You nodded, giggling and biting your lip, trying to ignore the way your body felt like it was on fire under his touch. Janice rolled her eyes, storming off without another word or looking back. Steve’s jaw was on the floor, confusedly watching Bucky look at you with heart eyes.
“What in God’s name…”
“Ew, you’re so fucking sweaty” You pushed Bucky off, wiping your hands on your shorts before leaving towards the showers.  
“So are you” Bucky scoffed, snorting when Steve looked like he was going to pass out looking at you both. “Relax punk, it’s nothing. It’s just to get her and that other weirdo Paul to leave us alone”
“And there was no other way to figure something out?” Steve cocked an eyebrow, smirking at the way Bucky’s face blushed.
“Shut up”
You heard a knock at your door, putting your book down, surprised to see a nervous looking Bucky.
“Can you be ready in 5 minutes?” Bucky awkwardly scratched the back of his head, looking down the hall before looking back at you.
“Explain” You smirked, learning against the door as he shuffled around, looking at the floor.
“Uh, I said we were going out tonight, if it helps, Paul over heard the conversation”
“Hmm, fine” You turned around to get ready, while Bucky stood at your door. “Ugh, just come in and sit, I’ll be ready soon”
Bucky sat at the edge of your bed, twiddling his thumbs, trying to ignore the way he wished this was real.
“Where did you say we were going?”
“I didn’t specify, just wear anything”
You couldn’t help but feel a tinge of disappointment it wasn’t a real date. You rummaged through your closet, slipping on your classic little black dress and heels, throwing on a black leather jacket on top in case it got cold.
“Aren’t you over dressed?” He sassed, pretending he didn’t want to rip that dress right off you and take you on the bed-
“You’re making me leave the comfort of my bed for this, we might as well actually go somewhere” You rolled your eyes, linking your arm in his as you both left your room.
Bucky had his arm around your waist as you both walked through the common room. Thankfully Steve had filled everyone in therefore they were laying it on extra thick. You were immediately met with wolf whistles from the team as they smirked watching Bucky make a show of holding you close to him, and kissing your jaw.
“Have fun you two” Sam winked, with a shit eating grin on his face. Janice rolled her eyes, ignoring you both while Paul sunk down on the couch, hiding behind the others.
You both walked over to the garage, passing by all the cars, stopping at Bucky’s bike.
“We’re taking my motorbike” Bucky handed you a helmet, waiting for you to climb on.
“For fucks sake Bucky, can’t we just take the car” You pouted. Not that you didn’t trust Bucky but his bike made you nervous.
“Suck it up princess, hold on tight” Bucky smirked, feeling your body pressed against him, arms snaking around his waist gripping onto him for dear life. You were too scared to ask where he was taking you, hugging onto him tightly as he sped through the streets. You felt the bike come to a stop, your eyes screwed shut, still clinging onto him.
“You can let go now”
You opened your eyes, gasping up at the bright sign of the ice cream shop you had been dying to go to, though never getting the time between training and mission.
“Oh my God!! I wanted to come here for so long!” You squealed, hopping off the bike, jumping up and down while Bucky rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smile.
“I know, you’re such a kid” Bucky shook his head, holding the door open for you. You grinned, looking at all the flavours, deciding to get a double scoop of your two favourite flavours on top of a waffle.
“What are you getting” You looked up at him with bright eyes still bouncing on your heels.
“I’m okay”
“You have to get something” You pouted, smirking when you thought of a way to change his mind. “Janice will probably ask you what we did…sooo”
Bucky groaned, settling on a scoop of vanilla. You took your ice cream, dragging Bucky over to sit on a bench nearby, moaning at the way the warm waffle nearly melted on your tongue. Bucky looked at our curiously, smirking at the way your eyes rolled back.
“It’s that good?” I could make you moan like tha- shut up Bucky.
“Soo fucking good” You nodded, stuffing down the rest of your waffle in two bites. “How long have we been out for?”
“Like half an hour?”
“Is that long enough for a date?” Bucky shrugged, thinking for a moment. He didn’t specify it had to be a long date but the longer you were out; the better it was for you both, right?
“We could go by the lake side, kill an hour over there before we head back? Unless you can’t walk around in those heels” Bucky snorted.
“Then it’ll be your turn to suck it up and carry me Barnes” You rolled your eyes, making your way back to the bike and slipping the helmet on. You felt a tad more comfortable this time around, keeping your eyes open while you stayed glued to him.
You both made your way over to the docks, sitting near the edge, overlooking the lake. You’d been to the lake plenty of times but never this area. It was more secluded, further away from where most people visited.
“How’d you know about this place?”
“Come here to think” Bucky shrugged, looking at the way the moon reflected off the water.
“What do you think about?” You looked at him with curious eyes, noticing him shift for a moment. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. We can just watch the water too” You smiled softly at him, looking back to the water. Bucky hesitated for a moment. He really only opened up with Steve…what’s the worst that could happen?
An hour passed. Then 2 hours. 4 hours later, Bucky checked the time, his eyes growing wide when he realized how late it was. He started to get up, surprised to find his hand comfortably resting in yours. At some point during the night, your hands intertwined. You looked down, quickly pulling your hand away, mumbling a sorry before standing up with him.
“Should we head back?” Bucky shuffled awkwardly, looking at the ground. You nodded, thankful for the cool night air because your heart was racing and you felt like you were sweating. You felt your heart break a little; you’d both spent hours sharing some of your deepest fears, thoughts and dreams with each other but he just saw you as a friend. He didn’t date or do relationships. Soon, there wouldn’t be any need to pretend.
You rested your head on Bucky’s shoulder, wrapping your arms tightly around him. You loved how it felt to hold him, the warmth of his body, the scent of his cologne. Bucky pulled up to the garage, parking the bike. You groaned, setting your feet down, feeling the soreness from your heels finally setting in.
Bucky wordlessly picked you up in his arms, playfully rolling his eyes. You giggled looking up at him, snuggling into his chest. He carried you through the compound, all the way to your shared floor, setting you down once he reached your room.
“It wasn’t the worst” You smiled shyly, “Didn’t know you knew how to be so sweet Buck” you teasingly poked him, noting the way his cheeks flushed.
“Yeah, I don’t date, doesn’t mean I don’t know how” Bucky scoffed in fake offence. You both gazed at each other, leaning a little closer. You swallowed thickly, stopping yourself before it went any further.
“Good night Buck” He doesn’t date and all this is fake.
“Good night y/n” This is fake and she doesn’t see you that way.
The team gathered around for another movie night, sans the trainees. Your heart sank a little, when you realized you wouldn’t have to pretend to date for the night and things could be like normal. You stood on your tippy toes, huffing when you couldn’t reach the mug on the stop shelf.
Bucky made his way to the living room, stopping for a moment when he saw you reaching for your tea mug. He couldn’t help the pang of disappointment he was feeling, getting to have a normal night.
“Here, I’ll get it” Bucky easily reached up, from behind you, his hand gently resting on your waist as he grabbed it, placing it in your hands. You could feel your heart racing again as you turned to look at him, his hand still holding your waist. His eyes flicked to your lips before looking up again, his other hand tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
You could feel his hand pulling you closer to him. You could feel his breath fan on your face as he leaned in, his perfect lips nearly brushing yours…
“Movie’s starting- Woah- am I interrupting” Tony wiggled his eyebrows with a shit eating grin while you pushed Bucky away from you.
You quickly resumed your tea making while Bucky sped out of the kitchen. He couldn’t help the little flutter he felt in his heart at how perfectly you fit in his arms. He loved the way your arms clung around him on his bike, the way you listened to him for hours, how soft and kissable your lips loo- what the hell are you doing. Stop. She doesn’t like you.
You made your way over to the living room, pausing for a moment when you realized the only free spot left was beside Bucky on the couch. Stop over thinking y/n. You sat down beside him, ignoring the way the rest of the team eyed you curiously.
You started to fall asleep half way through, your head resting on Bucky’s shoulder. He looked down at you softly snoring, your body tucked against him, the cutest thing he’d ever seen- control yourself, she’s just tired.
“Hes….smiling. Do y’all see that?! Did you see that?!” Sam loudly whispered, grinning, watching Bucky softly smile at you. The rest of the team shared knowing glances with each other, watching the super soldier quickly try to wipe the smile off his face, failing miserably.
“Who are you pretending for now Barnes” Tony smirked, noticing the way you nuzzled yourself into Bucky’s side, sighing contently in your sleep.
“You know, the program ends soon, at least you two won’t have to pretend for much longer” Steve smirked at Bucky, narrowing his eyes to watch his reaction. Bucky silently nodded, shrugging like it was obvious he didn’t care.
But he did.
“We don’t have to fake it any more” You said lightly, hoping to hide the disappointment in your voice, watching the recruits leave the compound. Janice and Paul hadn’t approached you since you date night but you had made sure to keep things up for appearances.
“Yup. I can finally stop having to run and save you each time lover boy walks by” Bucky chuckled, shuffling beside you, keeping his distance.
“And I don’t have to keep a look out for you stalker” You smiled, swallowing the burn you felt in your throat. No more quick pecks on the cheek or lingering hugs. He’d go back to being happily single and you’d be back to watching him longingly from a distance.
“and we both stuck to the rules” I didn’t. They were pointless, I’ve always liked you.
“Yup. We followed the rules” You quickly made your way back to your room, blinking back tears.
You didn’t want to cry but you did. You never admitted it to yourself before but you’d always had a crush on Bucky and now it was more than that. You had an easier time containing your feelings when Bucky was just a dick to you most of the time. You scolded yourself; you shouldn’t have suggested the fake dating in the first place.
Bucky made his way to the gym, taking his frustrations out on a punching bag. He’d no longer get to randomly pull you into his arms. Hear your giggle when he nuzzles his face into your neck. Sure, you were friends now, but it’s not like you saw him differently…unless…no. Maybe? Fuck it.
You heard a knock at your door, pulling you out of your crying session. You quickly wiped your face, surprised to find an out of breath, dishevelled Bucky looking at you, his knuckles bloodied and bruised.
“Bucky? What hap-
“So. I broke a rule” He cut you off before you could finished, stepping close to you. You breath hitched as he hesitantly put on hand on your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Hm. And what’s that?” Your hands found their way to rest on his chest, both of your hearts beating erratically. Bucky cupped your face, hold you close to him, his lips brushing against yours as he spoke.
“I did the one thing I told you not to do” Please tell me you feel the same.
“and that is?” Your voice was hardly above a whisper, slowly standing on your tippy toes, brining your lips even closer to his.
“I fell in love with you” Bucky pressed his lips onto yours, kissing you deeply, pouring every ounce of his feelings into you. You ran your fingers though his hair, pressing your body onto his, letting his tongue lace with yours. Bucky picked you up without breaking his lips away, wrapping your legs around his waist, carrying you over to your bed.
He laid on top of you, kissing every inch of your face while you wrapped your arms around him, holding him close to you. Bucky smirked to himself, remembering the exact moment he fell in love with you. When he decided to be a little shit, just to feel your arms around him.
“I have another secret”
You looked at him quizzically as he came down to whisper in your ear.
“I could have just taken a car”
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed! (also this is an 18+ blog, I can’t tag nameless/ageless blogs)
Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyes @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchy-whore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan @buggy14 @whimsyplaty92 @sergntbarnes @needybabygirlstuff @goldylions @inkedaztec @pono-pura-vida​
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mykoreanlove · 5 months
heyyy i’ve been missing taemin sm lately and ur latest fic has me wanting more domestic taemin 🥹
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Your boyfriend was a little rascal.
Showing you love and appreciation were his favorite things to do but annoying the fuck out of you came second.
„Babe, I’m sorry“, Taemin laughed, „it’s just, you look way too cute when you get irritated. I have to tease you a bit. Have to.“
His mischievous acts were always followed by his shiniest smile, which made him resemble a child.
He loved teasing you while cooking or reading but especially when you tried to meditate.
The first few times he just observed, not really understanding what you were doing.
„Not now, Taem. I’m meditating.“
He used to sit next to you and simply watch, observing your breathing pattern and the peaceful look on your face. It didn’t take long for him to gaze at you intensely, he always was mesmerized by your unique beauty.
You let out a chuckle and waved your hand at him. „Stop staring at me. It’s distracting.“
His cheeks changed colors as you were able to detect his fondness for you, even with eyes closed.
You didn’t move for several minutes, so he got bored. Suddenly, you felt his plush lips on you - he plastered sweet, little kisses all over your face.
„Taem, I swear to god“, you laughed out loud. Your eyes were still closed but you felt him hovering over you. His musky scent filled your nose and his silver chain dangled on your chest.
„Don’t mind me, baby. Do your thing“, he teased as he left kisses on your neck.
„That’s it“, you exclaimed boldly and put your arms around him, pressing his body close to yours. He was lying on top of you and had no chance of escaping now.
„Just lay here and breathe“, you commanded.
He relaxed into the pose and smiled happily. Taemin was beyond grateful to have you in his life. He loved being close to you like this, hearing your heart beat underneath his ear.
„Why do you like it so much?“, he whispered.
„Why don’t you actually try it?“
He rolled off of you and lay on his back next to you.
„What do I do?“
„Just observe.“
„Observe? Observe what?“ He thought this was a peculiar activity.
You chuckled as you answered. „Your breath baby. Just focus on your breath.“
He did his best but struggled a lot at first. The most random thoughts came into his awareness: did he put on the dish washer? what’s for dinner? why was he so bad at math? how did his knee heal so quickly? should he buy you a present? Ah shit, focus on your breath.
„I don’t think I can meditate baby. Maybe I’ll just leave you to it.“
Taemin was already halfway up as you grabbed his hand, stopping him.
„Just a couple more minutes, babe.“
He laid back down and held your hand, relaxing again.
This time it was actually nice as he felt some tingling in his fingers.
„Do you feel it?“
He was surprised that you noticed it, too.
„The tingling?“
„Yeah, that’s energy.“
He thought about it for a minute. „So, you and I are exchanging energy?“
„More like sharing energy.“
He smiled soundly.
„Just like how we share our love then.“
Finally you opened your eyes and turned to look at him, he was smiling peacefully like a kid on Christmas.
„I love you Taem.“
His eyes were still closed as he brought your entangled hands up to his lips, placing a chest kiss on them while agreeing. „I love you more, y/n.“
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chronically-ghosted · 10 months
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First Base.
rating: 18+
pairing: max phillips x f!reader
word count: 5212
summary: you agree to his every precaution. he's not going to kill you, just bite you, a little bit. You hope a lot.
warnings/tags: making out, talking in bed while half-naked, max comes with his own warning, blood but only a lil, the discovery of a new vampire ability (this is so self indulgent), established friends with benefits situation but not a relationship, #pedrostories1k, @pedrostories
a/n: i've only got two parts written. lemme know if you'd like more!
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The instant he heard the term, Max was obsessed. He’d whisper it in your ear in the hallways. He’d growl it into your throat as he split you open on his mattress, fingers wrapped like iron around your wrists – those were times he had to be especially careful. He’d leave notes addressed to you at your desk, or in the apartment kitchen, with it written across the top. He’d even occasionally put “my” before it. Hell, it was your name in his phone’s contacts. 
Monster. Fucker.
His little monsterfucker. 
My monsterfucker.
Does my monsterfucker like that?
You’re being so good for me, little monsterfucker. 
I’m gonna come on your chest now, you monsterfucker. 
Was it an unhealthy nickname that he said far too often around the office and dangerously close to your coworkers? Yes. Did you regret showing him that tweet and explaining what it meant? Absolutely not. Because you were. His. And a monsterfucker. 
Unfortunately, outside the truly staggering stamina he displayed, an occasional nip at the kitchen counter after a particularly long bout of mind-blowing sex, and a flash of a toe-curlingly long tongue he gave you only after you’d begged for it for hours at a time . . . Max was often more an annoying, smug fucker than a monster to fuck. Which is to say, the fangs rarely made an appearance. Only recently had he started leaving bags of blood in your apartment’s refrigerator and even those were wrapped up in special bags that prevented freezer burn, as if to say, nothing special here. He still wouldn’t eat in front of you, always more eager to pick up dinner and watch you eat, as if the memory of human food alone would satiate him. 
He resolutely hadn’t let his fangs out anywhere near the bedroom. 
And that monsterfucker in you was finally starting to be annoyed by it. You’d done everything you could think of, short of drawing a bullseye around your jugular vein. For being a vampire with enhanced peripheral senses, he really couldn’t quite take a hint.
“Can I ask you for a favor?” 
“Sure, baby, what is it?”
“I want you to bite me during sex.” 
His fingers pause in their path along the curve of your waist, over the knots in your spine. You face away from him, having just woken up, and you hope that by posing this question so early in the morning and so bluntly, it might unsettle him enough to at least consider it. His hand hovers just above your ribs, before sliding forward into the soft skin between your bones, and he chuckles.
You scowl and sit up, glaring down at him over your shoulder. Shit, maybe asking him first thing in the morning was a bad idea. Hair perfectly tousled in a deadly combination of post-sex and sleepy morning bedhead, Max grins up at you, his right arm tucked up behind his head, giving you a full display of his solid biceps and carved chest. You’d never seen him once lift anything heavier than a stapler. Well, except for the one time he picked up your couch with one hand because your earring had rolled underneath it. 
And whoever said vampires don’t sleep was only partially correct. Max didn’t sleep, he went unconscious. Trying to wake him up before he was ready was like trying to crack open a boulder with a rubber hammer. 
You twist your mouth down to perhaps look more serious than you actually are to hide your recklessly ogling. But the instant he sees your naked torso and your tits he is the one staring shamelessly. 
“Why not? We’ve been dating for almost a year now and you hardly even let me see your fangs, much less feel them.” 
“I bit you last week on the couch when we watched that one movie.” 
“You bit me to scare me and didn’t even break the skin.” 
Max’s eyebrow jumped. Arching slightly, he settles deeper into the pillows, a small smirk dripping across his lips. His hand skims up your knee, over your thigh, his intention very clear. 
“And you want me to break your skin, baby?” He purrs.
“Max, stop. I’m serious.” 
“What were we talking about?”
“Max!” You toss his hand off your thigh and he chuckles again, far too pleased with himself. With a big sigh, he stretches, long arms spearing through the slats in your headboard, toes curling under the sheets, before dropping his hands over his stomach, shivering. He reminded you so much of a cat sometimes, it was sinful. You wouldn’t be surprised if one day you blinked up at him and his eyes were yellow. 
The sheets are frightfully low on his slim hips.
“Baby, look, that kind of shit is dangerous. It’s not that I don’t want you to see that side of me – you’re welcome to look as much as you want –,” he lifts his hands as if to demonstrate his own personal work of art, “but it’s not a joke. It’s called bloodlust for a reason. I’ve worked hard to control it, it’s not always that simple.”
Softly, he drags his fingernails over your knee, more affectionate than sultry. 
“And despite my cool and aloof exterior, I would be pretty bummed if anything ever happened to you.” That easy, devil-may-care smile fades from his face and his wide palm flattens across your knee. When he looks up at you, his eyes are soft, concerned. You rarely get Max’s vulnerable side and when you do, it makes you immediately go gooey on the inside. “Especially if it was me who hurt you.”
You sigh and thread your fingers through his. “And that’s exactly my point, Max. I know you would never hurt me. This is about trust as much as it is about the . . . bloodlust, or whatever. I feel safe with you. Safe enough to try this.”
Together, the two of you had tried pretty much every other kink, toy, or play out there and to you, this was no different. Double penetration would take on a new meaning. You didn’t let yourself even consider triple. One thing at a time.
Max’s thumb rubs thoughtfully over the meat of your hand. “We’d have to work up to it, if we’re going to do this. Make sure I remain in control.”
Your heart picks up speed. “Yes, of course. Same rules as always.”
Max pouts. 
“But I’ve been wanting to change our safe word for a while now.” 
You bring your knotted hands up to your lips and gently kiss every one of his knuckles. “If we do this, you can pick our next safe word.” 
Quick as you can, you slip the nail of his thumb into your mouth and nip him just a bit. His eyes go dark.
“That’s cheating. You’re manipulating me.” 
“Just helping my case along. But what were you saying about working up to it?” You can tell he’s losing focus, that it’s only a matter of minutes before he pulls you into his lap, but this is when he’s most pliable. He had the manic attention span of a dog tempted with a squeaky toy. You kiss the back of his wrist. “Max, c’mon.”
“We’d have to start slow. I’m talking high school, baby leagues. Making out. Light petting, then maybe heavy petting.” 
You shift closer to him, breaking your hands apart as you put an arm over his chest to the other side of the mattress. Instinctively, his hand slides up your inner thigh. His gaze watches your breasts as they swing in movement. 
“Damnit Janet . . . but okay, then we’ll go through the bases.”
“Mhmm hmm . . .” 
You brush his hair back from his forehead and he puts both hands on your hips. You have seconds now. “So, we start with first, go up to second, which is under the clothes stuff. Then third. Oral. But that’s for both of us, right?”
His thumb traces your nipple. “Totally.”
“So that just leaves home plate, right, baby? That’s it then.”
You’ve got your hand around his cock and you stroke once. His mouth parts and his eyes flutter. “What’s it?”
You laugh out your nose.
“You’re impossible, Max Phillips.”
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First Base.
“Is this entirely necessary?” 
“I’d prefer you in a snowsuit or nun’s habit, but this will have to do.” 
“At this point, I’ll take the Bugs Bunny onesie you wore for Halloween.” 
Max smirks, lighting the last candle in your bedroom. He shakes out the match until it smokes and he turns back to you. You’re pouting in the middle of the bed. 
“I’m gonna sweat my tits off in all of this.” 
As part of his rules, he made you put on thick woolen socks under your straight-legged jeans. In addition to a black bodysuit as the base, he told you to wear:
A long sleeved turtle neck
A sweatshirt
A jean jacket
And a scarf
His aim was to minimize any open and available skin except the bits you intended to use or for him to bite, but the scarf you refused. It was the middle of summer for god’s sake!
But in the end, he had agreed. He was going to bite you during sex so if you had to roll around naked in a giant bubble for two weeks to get to that, you were more than willing to forgo some comforts. In addition to all but wrapping you up in a burlap sack, Max also insisted on a few extra precautions. 
The first one being that a chain of silver is within reach, next to the bed. Max drained a bag of blood about thirty minutes ago so the hunger wasn’t all consuming. A box of Chips Ahoy cookies sat on your dresser for afterwards, along with a bottle of Gatorade, a brown bottle of disinfectant, a bag of cotton balls, and some bandaids. 
“Are we making out or am I donating blood?” you teased. 
But Max only shrugged. “A bit of both, actually.” 
He also laid out an enormous white towel on your bed. You’d offered to do this in his apartment, but he wanted you as comfortable as possible, to which you frowned.
“You weren’t anywhere near this nice to me when we did anal for the first time.”
He hadn’t even dignified that with a real response but just a swat on your ass. 
But, to your enormous surprise, Max Phillips was a romantic at heart. The candles were to set the mood. 
“Plus,” he says as he crawls onto the bed with you, “it’s very gothic, isn’t it?”
“What, porking by candlelight?” 
He rolls his eyes and swoops in to kiss you on the mouth. 
“No, you little slut. Biting you. Feeding on you. So very Dracula.” He playfully raises an eyebrow. 
“Like you ever once picked up the Bram Stoker novel.” You blink owlishly at him. “In fact, I didn’t know you could read.” 
He wrinkles his nose at you and pinches your cheek.
“Of course, I didn’t read it, but I did see the Coppola film strictly for Winona Ryder. What a babe.”
“Would you make her wear five layers of clothing in the dead heat of summer?” 
“Nah, I’d just eat her outright.” Max snaps his teeth just under your jaw. He is only playing, but it sends a shiver down your spine. He chuckles at your reaction. 
“It’s too easy, baby. Sometimes I think you only like me for my fangs.” 
You bite your lip in thought, as you lean forward, draping your arms over his shoulders. His hands cup your waist.
“Well, not only. The Jag’s a nice perk too.” 
You bend your head to kiss him again, but he draws back, his hand against your cheek, gently stopping you. His dark eyes are serious. In the candlelight, they look almost gold. Despite the almost stern expression, you see something else, but you so rarely see it on him, you aren’t sure you recognize it at all. Fear. Max is genuinely fearful he was going to hurt you. 
“What are the rules again?” 
“Use the silver if and only if you don’t stop when I use the safeword.”
“Anywhere as long as it touches your skin.” Your stomach knots. You know it would hurt him, burn him, and you can’t imagine doing that. But he wants you to have that kind of power over him.
“Keep going.” 
You huff, knowing exactly what he’s after, that verbal confirmation. That agreement on your end as much as his. 
“We’re only going to make out. No groping, licking, or grinding.” 
“That’s right, missy, and you better be home by nine.” 
You bend over and tug his ear lightly with your teeth. But that same sincere look is on his face when you settle back again. He taps your chin with his thumb, eyes watching your lips. 
“What else?”
“After you bite me, if I start to feel dizzy or lightheaded, I also say the safe word immediately. 
Max nods, his thumb moving to anxiously skim against your cheek. “I’ll be taking less than what you’d donate to any blood drive, but it might be faster than you’re used to, so I’m not sure how you’ll react.” 
His gaze searches your face as if you are about to crack and crumble under him. The mere suggestion that the boardroom-schmoozing, bad-boy-batman, bloodsucking bastard Max Phillips is this apprehensive over a little bite is almost mesmerizing to you. He’s never been one to handle you delicately and this is the first and only time you’ve seen him so ill-at-ease.
“Baby, we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” You scratch your nails into his hair just above his neck, a place that usually has him oozing into relaxation, but not this time. 
He frowns.
“No, I want to. I really, really want to. It’s just . . .” He swallows, further separating you from him and only letting his hands touch your knees. He seems to be on the verge of something and he can’t quite look you in the eyes. “It’s just . . . it can be harder to control it, for a vampire, when they have a connection with the person they’re feeding from.”
You huff. “Max, of course, we have a connection. You’re my boyfriend. We’ve been dating for months now and –,”
“An emotional connection.” If he could blush properly, he would. “A deep emotional connection.”
Is he really saying what you think he’s saying? And he’s telling you now? 
Sometimes it’s rather shocking. That an immortal creature of the night can have the emotional intelligence of a six year old. 
With a gentle sigh, you inch towards him and hitch your leg across his thighs. His eyes widen momentarily before you sit down on his lap. You card your fingers through his hair. His hands hover just over your hips. 
“Do you trust me?” 
He nods without hesitation.
“Well, I trust you too. Quite literally with my life. This is just the first step, Max. But it can be the only step if it’s too much. I won’t bring it up ever again, I promise. You’re not alone in this.”
It’s like your words are a balm to a sunburn. He nods again, closing his eyes. 
He goes up to your neck with his hand, but waits for you to initiate. Your heart threatening your throat with swelling emotion, you fold over him and gently, with care, press your lips to his. 
The hand at your neck pulls you in closer and you turn your head to deepen the kiss. 
It stays like that for a minute. Your hands just resting on his shoulders, his fingers cradling the back of your head, and the other hand sitting contently on your knee. The kisses are almost innocent in their sweetness, curious, as if you’ve really never touched each other before. They smack of puppy love and cotton candy and necking under the bleachers. They’re lettermen jackets and prom-posals. Carving names in trees and promising forever with cheap rings in the shape of hearts and hands. 
But sweet is not what you came here for. 
At the first nip of your teeth, his mouth parts instantly, and all but sucks your tongue against his. You take him in long, rich, wet swipes, tasting the heat gathered in the cup of his mouth, in the muscle of his tongue. You think you taste the faintest hint of copper and you do your best not to shiver under his palms. You remind yourself to not let your tongue go searching for sharper things.
Your hips hitch forward and down, off your knees and into his lap. You’re already warm and despite the layers, you know he can feel it. He groans, air rushing out his nose, the hand in your hair tightens down, and his arm curls up against your lower back to pull you even closer. Your fingers knot into his hair, nails scraping against his scalp just the way you know he likes, your heart already pounding, your thighs clutching his waist. He claws at your back, pressing you harder against him, but beneath the layers, you can barely feel his touch. You whine at the growing heat between your legs and the lack of sensation. You have to feel him. 
With a tug, you jerk off the denim jacket, sweat already sprouting against the valley of your spine. He whines, this time a sound of protest. 
“Baby, don’t–,” he pants, your mouth inches from his. He claws at you and the jacket, needing you nearer and distant all at the same time. “It’s for your own good–,” 
“Just one layer. Please, I’m burning up,” you beg. He relents, letting out a breathless frustrated noise. You hurl the jacket off your arm and onto the floor.
He lifts you both then, hands digging into the back of your thighs, your hands going to his collar to keep the seam of your chests pressed together, and he turns to bury you in the mattress. Despite the countless times you’ve been in this exact position, it somehow manages to feel like the first time you made out with him. That same frantic heat, that buzzing energy, that need to touch and explore but not wasting a second to linger. A pulsing warmth swells between your legs and your hips jerk up a fraction of an inch, but they keep from making contact with the seam of his jeans. He’d never do this again if you broke his rules. 
Showing him where you want him to go, you nip his earlobe as he pries your thighs apart with his hands around the back of your knees, out of habit more than anything. You suck down on the back of his jaw, the smell of his hair and aftershave scratching against the rough of your insides to burn you a little bit hotter. Your teeth worry his skin just to the right of the knot in his throat and he jerks, moaning. He shifts his weight down, his pelvis tilting into the cradle of your hips and you eagerly receive him. You’ll go as far as he’ll willingly allow, but you want him to know this isn’t all on him.
“Color?” You tear your mouth away from his, hands nestled around the backs of his ears, you push back to look him in the eye. 
He answers you a second before he lunges in to kiss you again. “Green.” 
“You wanna keep going?” Don’t grind, don’t grind, don’t grind. 
He nods, eyes closing for a second. “‘m okay, I’m okay. Put your hands up my shirt.”
You blink up at him, chest still heaving. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” So you do. You rub your palms up under the lip of his shirt, smoothing them against his sides, his chest, his stomach, which tenses as if your hands are cold. With a gasp, he drops his head into the curve of your shoulder, his breath hot, almost burning. You wonder if his fangs are out. He shifts, pressing up against your chest, deeper into your neck, rocking his hips once, and he sucks on that soft place beneath your earlobe, making you keen.
“Can I see them?” You blurt out. “B-before–,” your voice catches and you swallow the desire in your throat. “Before you bite me.” 
Max’s shoulders still. You’re both breathing heavily and you stare up at your ceiling, afraid to meet his horrified face. Maybe you’d gone too far. Asking to be bitten was one thing, but maybe he didn’t want you to actually watch when he –
He peels back from you, his elbows locked out on either side of your head. He meets your gaze with trepidation and . . . awe.
You nod frantically. “Yes. Yes, please. I even want to–,”
He’s staring at your mouth like if he thinks hard enough, exactly what he wants to hear will come out. 
“You wanna what?” His voice is deeper than gravel, lower than the graves of the earth.
“I want to touch them, Max.” You’ve never felt more exposed beneath him as he stares down at you. His hair is mussed, as if as shocked as he is. 
You think his jaw drops in surprise, but in the glint of the candlelight, you see them shine. White, glistening fangs. Slowly, he parts his mouth even more, jaw opening, and his upper lip raises a quarter of a fraction of an inch. 
In the far back of your mind, in your undeveloped lizard brain, the thing that squeezes out primal, dripping fear when confronted with things unknown, it’s pumping adrenaline. It’s working overtime. It’s going to catch fire. It’s screaming, begging, sobbing at you to run. To run fast and as far as you can because this? This thing that has you pinned beneath him – is a predator. It’s an apex monster at the top of the food chain, a precise killing machine designed specifically to prey upon your weaknesses. You can feel your muscles tighten, adrenaline roaring in your veins, you actually see his face better in the dark light as your pupils dilate, every fight-or-flight instinct you’ve ever possessed knotting together in a snarling, hissing, petrified void, all saying one thing:
Run, you idiot, run. Run. Run! 
But you don’t. You can’t. 
When you first discovered that Max was a vampire you asked him if he’d ever hypnotized you and he said no. And then you made him swear on point of stake that he would never, ever do that to you. 
You wondered vaguely if now he had broken his promise. Because you cannot look away. 
You exhale shakily, blinking up to his glistening wet mouth. With a trembling hand, you reach for his cheek, sliding it along his jaw, over the top of his upper lip, and then down. Down a single white fang, an obscene mockery of your own canine teeth. You’re surprised to find it smooth, just as hard as any of your own teeth, but you continue your thumb down to the very point of it. 
“Careful–,” he warns, the sound garbled, and a second too late. 
You prick your thumb on the razor edge of his fang. He shudders, head dropping between his shoulders. 
Wide-eyed and mortified, you immediately suck your thumb into your mouth at the first well of blood. 
“Max, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t thinking! I–”
“No,” he says gently, but his voice is hoarse. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”
He lifts his head, eyes unreadable, but the candlelight brings color back to them, as if they had been consumed by shadow. “It’s okay.” Gently, he wraps his fingers around your wrist, easing your thumb out of your mouth. Watching you for any hint of rejection or fear, Max guides your thumb, wet with your spit and a dribble of blood, between his lips, between his fangs, and smears his tongue across the wound. He tries to maintain eye contact, but he groans, eyes fluttering, his hips swinging down. The noise he makes sends static directly into the pit of your stomach like a hot flare. You can’t fight it; you clench down on nothing. 
Holy fuck, maybe this was a bad idea. 
“Max,” you whine softly. He hums around your thumb, tongue lapping at the tip, eyes still closed as though he was drunk and trying to get the room to stop spinning. Finally, he parts his lips and removes your finger from his mouth. You can feel his rock-solid erection pressing into your pelvis. 
He breathes, slowly, as though he was focusing on every molecule of air entering and leaving his lungs. Finally, Max lifts his eyes to you again and, again, you feel that white hot spark down between your legs. His fingers around your wrist loosen, thumb and forefinger catching around the cuff of your sleeve and slowly push it down. 
“Color?” He husks, his breath coasting over your exposed wrist.
“G-green,” you stutter out. You know it can’t be helping him but your heart is pounding, rushing, vibrating behind the thick wall of your sternum. That same adrenaline that told you to run before has now locked you flat on your back, a different kind of instinct taking over. Your thighs ache to drop open around him. Take me take me take me.
He lowers his head to your blue, pulsating vein and lets the skin rub against his smooth incisor. Your back arches just off the mattress as if he’s fucking you with his tongue. 
“Is it going to hurt?” 
He’s not looking at you now, every sense within him entirely anchored to your wrist. But he shakes his head steadily, as if staving off sleep.
“I won’t let it.” 
A prick. Nothing more. Nothing more hideous or crude than a shot in the arm. And yet you know it’s deeper, closer to bone, through flesh and sinewy muscle, into the deep thready vein. You know it’s deeper because a red ribbon of blood trickles down the flesh of your forearm. You watch it with fascination, your vision going a bit blurry as a sense of peace and ease rises up and greets you. You’re not lightheaded, but there is an ease, a delight, as if something had dulled your senses to the world. Your face breaks into a smile, even though you don’t feel your cheeks moving. 
His licks are gentle, curious, tongue a little cold against your flesh. With your other hand, you stroke his neck, then tangle with his hair. You scratch him like you would the family dog.
“Good boy, Max, you’re such a good boy.” 
And then the noise that’s been hovering at the edge of your awareness ratchets so loud you can’t ignore it any more. A buzzing, a humming, as though a thousand heartbeats were all racing in sync with one another. You don’t know where it’s coming from or what it is, but you don’t mind it – it’s soothing, sweet, peaceful. You ease your hand from his hair, back down his neck, to the knot of his spine and –
“Max, are you purring?” It’s undeniable. His entire chest is vibrating as if powered by a jet engine. 
He muffles a response into your wrist, tongue more forcefully pressing into your skin. 
“Oh my god, you are! Vampires purr?” You giggle. “If we do nothing else, figuring out you’re capable of purring has been entirely worth it.” 
Again a muffled grunt. Your heart beat skips for a moment – what if he doesn’t stop – and then another pinch and you hear the faint chunk of his fangs retracting. The humming from his chest softens, quiets smoothly, fading to silence, as he wipes his mouth on the back of his sleeve. You giggle louder, that pleasant, sweet feeling still cradling you like a cloud, as he sits up from the bed. 
“Okay, now I’m kind of offended you never purred when I sucked your dick. Or that time I put on that strap-on! Or –,”
“Quiet you,” he grumbles with a bit of a smirk as he kneels down beside the bed and using the white towel beneath you, he wipes your wrist clean. Then, with his head hung down, he swipes his thumb against his mouth again. 
“What are you–,”
The pad of his thumb bright red, he gently brushes his blood over the two pin-prick holes and, to your utter shock, the skin knits itself together. You watch, transfixed, as any evidence that he ever bit you slowly disappears. With the wounds sealed and gone, Max presses a kiss to your wrist. He stands up and goes to pour the disinfectant on your dresser into one of the cotton balls. You sit up and you emerge instantly from that cloud of serenity. You’re clear headed and awake, that adrenaline rush gone. You rub your wrist, the dried blood making the skin there tacky and sticky. 
“That was . . .” You swallow. You know you didn’t orgasm but you still feel that lingering pleasantness, that almost syrup-y haze. 
“How are you feeling?” Max asks over his shoulder, his frown serious. He sits back on the bed and gently takes your wrist from your fingers. His gaze keeps flickering from the dried blood to your face as he cleans your wrist and forearm. “Any pain? Dizziness? Nausea? Do you want to eat something – or drink –,”
“Max.” His mouth snaps shut, his brown eyes open and pleading and concerned. Something dislodges from your chest and pricks your eyes. This is only the first step in getting to what you really want, but you feel infinitely closer to him, like you’ve peeled back a layer and found something as warm and as comforting as sunshine. “Max, honey, that was perfect.”
You all but fall into him, your hand tugging on his collar to bring him into your atmosphere, your orbit, and you kiss him with fervent urgency. He groans in relief, in surprise, his hand cradling your jaw. You pull back, actually a little dizzy, but you’re quite sure that has nothing to do with blood loss. 
“Yeah?” he murmurs against your lips and you nod before kissing him again. He smiles, his thumb petting your cheek as if to calm you. “Good. That’s really good, baby. You did so well.” 
You scoff. “I don’t think I’ve ever been less of a participant in something so sexual.”
His eyebrow arches. “You got off on that?”
“Fair question. I guess you have to ask . . . since I wasn’t the one literally purring with delight!”
He rolls his eyes, huffing. “That’s actually the reason I didn’t want to do this. You’re never going to let this down.” 
You pout at him, tilting your head. “Aw, poor pussy.” 
He plucks a kiss from your cheek and snags the cookie box from your dresser. You realize how starving you are and you nearly tear open the box.
“So you’re really good, with everything?” 
You nod, waiting until another time to ask him about that rather orgasmic haze you found yourself in. 
He bites his lip as he watches you lick chocolate from your bottom lip.
“Then it’s off to second base we go.” 
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princelylove · 6 months
i am slowly getting more and more annoyed with mr zeppeli himself i ate my fingers as i read your response to my ask AJAJHSUSH. thank you so much your highness i am burning my whole house rn.
actually, which yanderes do you think would be the most ANNOYING. like, not violent or anything but just plain annoying. the kind of people that make you wanna tear your hair out or commit a slow and painful murder.
(inspired heavily by narancia because i have a feeling he would be the most annoying little shit to deal with)
-🌸 anon
What an adorable thing you are. Don’t bite too hard, it’ll hinder your ability to compliment me. 
Oh, God. Most annoying to me, personally? Not in any order in particular, I feel as if this one would change depending on my mood:
Bruno hovers too much, and he tends to both infantilize and put a lot of responsibility on his darling. He expects his darling to parent Narancia but won’t let them handle a knife by themself. I’m doing a character study on him right now, so that’s all I’ll say, but just know that he is God’s punishment for whatever you did in a past life to deserve him.
Narancia is annoying- he’s a young guy who never got taught how to deep clean, spends his free time on his pull up bar, expects you to cook for him since he’s literally never been tasked with it, whines when you try to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of your six hours minimum long cuddling session, doesn’t know how to properly take care of an entire human being so just throws junk food at you and hopes you don’t starve, the list goes on. He loves you, he really does, he just doesn’t know what he’s doing. For someone as prissy as myself, I would die the first day. He doesn’t understand why I put those rollers in my hair- he just watched me straighten it, doesn’t that cancel out??? That’s stupid, oh, and another thing, what’s the point of owning five different versions of the same color of nail polish? It’s all red! Just have one, that isn’t crazy expensive! On top of Narancia being the worst roommate ever- he’s very irritable, and doesn’t really have a problem pulling a knife on you to get what he wants. He’s not as quick to snap as people think, but that doesn’t mean he won’t. Show signs of liking something more than him and he’ll maul it. 
It’s hard to set Cioccolata and Secco away from each other, they’re basically inseparable, but Cioccolata is capable of using logic, and Secco is not. If you’re on the ground in pain, obviously you’re going to have a hard time answering the little puppy’s questions. Secco doesn’t understand why you won’t play with him- he’s shoving his toy right in front of you, are you blind?? Play! With! Him! Throw it, play tug of war, SOMETHING, COME ON. There’s an interesting dynamic depending on who exactly you’re intended for- Cioccolata, Secco, or both. Let’s just talk about Secco alone, since Cioccolata isn’t annoying, he’s just a bit too affectionate sometimes. Secco’s forgetful, rude, jumps to conclusions, and you don’t even know what he looks like since he’s always wearing that bitch suit-esque thing. He nudges you to throw his toy- he probably thinks of you as human rather than another dog, and doesn’t understand why you aren’t behaving like Cioccolata does. If you were Cioccolata’s darling alone, or a shared darling, he’d probably think of you as another dog. But he was here first, so he’s got dibs on the good dog bed, AND cioccolata’s lap. As if you’d want that. Secco begs and begs and begs for you to give him as much attention as you possibly can- and somehow, you’re never doing it right. It’s like talking to a child who has surpassed the ‘Why?’ stage and has moved on to greater conquests- annoying you so badly that you ask Cioccolata if it’s fine to have a sip of his ‘not for dogs’ drink. Or two. Or three. Or the entire bottle. 
Rohan doesn’t ever shut the fuck up. He quite literally always has something to say, despite wanting to “observe.” He read an article this morning, let’s go visit the place it mentioned even though it’s a three hour train ride and supposed to rain for the rest of the week. He always wants to go explore- even when he promised that you could both stay home today and do something you want to do. It doesn’t make sense to Rohan- why wouldn’t you want to go see what the world has to offer? Probably because this is the fourth temple he’s wanted to visit this week and you don’t feel like going up two hundred stairs. (If his darling cannot walk, he makes sure it’s accessible beforehand. You’re not getting out of coming with him.) Rohan’s big on healthy living, and he feels a sense of superiority for eating right, and working out very consistently. He wants his darling to be perfectly well as well- how can he push you to your limits if you’re not at your best? You’d probably sleep better if he stopped talking for three hours past his initial ‘goodnight.’ 
Hazamada… is… he’s certainly a character! The literal only reason why he isn’t forcing himself upon his darling is because he’s too much of a coward- and that’s not my interpretation, that’s canon. His hobbies include bullying kittens and small animals, not showering, collecting manga, stalking idols, and tennis! Isn’t that nice, he does sports, he’s only a basement dweller half of the time. It isn’t even somewhat attractive when he tries to get it on with his darling, he’s like a dog humping your leg. He’s the type to call you a stupid bitch because you politely suggested he should wear deodorant before he hits on you. He’s canonically an exhibitionist- imagine sitting in class and looking over to check the clock and he’s just staring back at you while adjusting his pants. I’d switch schools. 
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galaxyquakeflakes · 2 months
A Daughter for a Daughter (2)
*The fact that I got any notes on the 1st post makes me very happy! Thank you!!*
Pairing: Neteyam x fem|human OC
Summary: Neteyam and Pixie sneak out for a late night flight around Pandora and get an unexpected surprise.
Word Count: 3840
Links: (Previous) (Next)
They landed back in the village followed shortly by Kiri and Lo’ak. The villagers congratulated the younger kids on getting their ikran. Neytiri especially was pleased to see her kids returned safely and presented them with their own visors.
The other kids and Jake returned with their ikran a little later. By then Pixie was sitting down in a weaving circle, putting together baskets. Tuk was sitting beside her trying to copy Pixie’s work.
“Over and under like that.” Pixie showed her. “You’re getting really good at this. You been taking lessons on the sly?”
“Maybe I’m just that good.” Tuk replied cheekily.
Pixie smiled and ruffled her hair. “Maybe you are, kiddo.”
“Pixie.” Jake came over and knelt down next to her. “I got a message from your parents that they want you home.”
“Oh come on! It’s not even close to eclipse! Why do I need to go back now?”
“Don’t know what to tell you, sweet pea.” he shrugged, “They just said you needed to come home and you needed to do it now. You want a ride?”
“No. I’ll be fine walking.” Pixie sighed. “Tuk, can you finish this for me?” she handed her half done basket to her.
“Sure thing! See you tomorrow, Pixie.” Tuk waved and went back to work.
Well this was annoying! Why did her parents want her home so early? It wasn’t like it was a movie night or anything. She had actually told them that she was probably going to be back late. So what was with the rush? At least she could take her time going home. She wouldn’t be able to hang out with everyone but it was less time cooped up in the lab.
“Pixie!” Lo’ak saw Pixie leaving. “Where you going?”
“Parents called me back to the lab. I gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She told him and continued into the forest. She hadn’t gotten very far before she heard someone following her. “Lo’ak? That you?”
“No. Just me.” Neteyam emerged from the foliage. “He told me you were heading back to the labs. I can give you a ride if you need it.”
“I want to walk. But thanks.” Pixie wasn’t exactly in the mood for a ride with Neteyam right now.
“I’ll escort you home then.” he fell into step next to her, matching his strides to keep pace with her.
“That’s not necessary. I am more than capable of getting back on my own.”
“I know. I guess what I really wanted was a chance to talk to you.”
“Why you got all distant from me earlier?” he nudged her slightly, “Was it because I flipped us upside down on Mekul?”
“No. I didn’t really care about that.”
“Then what’s going on?” he flicked Pixie’s braid over her shoulder. “I promised myself I wouldn’t push you for an answer but you’re my friend. I want to know what’s upsetting you.”
“It’s nothing. Seriously, don’t worry about it. You worry about everyone else enough, you don’t need to be hovering over me too.” Pixie crossed her arms over her chest. She didn’t want to get into things right now. It was all too complicated and she wasn’t even sure herself what it was that was bothering her. She needed time to think.
“Is it…is it because of what Lo’ak said? He kept teasing us. Did his comments upset you?”
Pixie paused for a moment before continuing on, her heartbeat a touch quicker than before. “Don’t be ridiculous. Since when has Lo’ak’s teasing ever been a problem for me?”
“Maybe it hasn’t been a problem for you but I didn’t appreciate it.”
“We really don’t need to talk about it, Neteyam.”
“I think we do.”
“Because…” he looked down at her. Sometimes he forgot just how small she was compared to him. The growth spurt he hit last year didn’t help matters. There used to be a time when the height difference was a lot less dramatic. He missed those times. He missed how simpler things felt back then. He didn’t need to contend with these new thoughts and feelings.
“Because you’re my best friend. I care a lot about you and I want to make sure you’re comfortable.” he said.
Pixie’s shoulders relaxed. “I appreciate that. I really do. But I’m fine. I swear.”
“If you are sure.” he stopped walking, “I’ll let you go if you want to be alone.”
Pixie sighed and held out a hand. “You’re already here. You might as well escort me the rest of the way like the good golden boy you are.” He smiled before taking it, her small five fingers locking with his longer four.
The walk from the village to the labs was not long and it was only a matter of time before they had arrived. Pixie let go of his hand as they got closer. “Millie!” her dad was outside, arms crossed. “And Neteyam. Good, I need to speak to both of you.”
That wasn’t a good sign. “What’s up dad?” Pixie asked.
“Get inside and I’ll show you.” His mustache was quivering. He was really pissed about something.
Neteyam and Pixie ducked inside the lab. She took off her mask and took a deep breath of air she could actually breathe. Neteyam grabbed one of the packs that let him breathe and followed Pixie’s dad into the main hub. Pixie’s mom was waiting for them there. The situation was looking worse for them and she had no idea why. What was going on?
“Oh Millie,” her mother tsked, “Your hair is a mess! Get over here, I’ll fix it.”
Pixie rolled her eyes but followed and plopped herself down in a chair. Her mother started undoing the long braid down Pixie’s back and used her hands to card through the many knots and tangles that had accumulated. “Sorry. We were out flying today.” Pixie said.
“Yes. We know.” her dad went over to one of the screens and pulled up a video. It looked to be drone footage. They fast forwarded a bit, and on the screen was someone flying an ikran. Oh wait, it wasn’t just someone. It was Pixie and Neteyam this morning. “Care to explain what in the hell happened here?” he pointed as video of Pixie falling off the ikran and being caught by Neteyam again played.
“Oh uh I…”
“I’m sorry. It was my fault.” Neteyam stepped forward. “We were flying and she slipped off. I hadn’t checked to make sure she was tethered before we took off.”
“And why is it that you didn’t make sure you were tethered before take off, Millie? You’re smarter than that. It’s not his job to make sure you’re staying safe.”
“Sorry dad.” Pixie didn’t like Neteyam taking the fall for her but she also recognized that simply slipping off was a lot more forgivable than telling them she intentionally dropped off. “I’ll be more responsible in the future.”
“You will be. You are grounded for a week. I mean that literally. No flying at all and no leaving the labs.”
“But dad!”
“I said what I said, Millie. I know you’re a smart kid so you gotta learn the consequences of what happens when you behave stupidly.”
“Mom?” Pixie turned around to look at her mom. She had combed out the worst tangles and picked out the little bits of leaf and twigs that had gotten knotted in her hair.
“You heard your father. No flying.” her mom gave her a hug, “You could have seriously gotten hurt, pumpkin.”
“But I’m fine!”
“Millie. Stop arguing.” her dad snapped. “Your friends can come visit but you are restricted to the lab for the next week. Now go wash up and do some of your school work. You’re falling behind in your earth history studies.”
“Earth history is so boring and sad!”
“It’s your homeworld. You need to learn about it.”
“Pandora is my homeworld! I was literally born here!” Pixie huffed but meandered back to her room. Neteyam followed her back.
“Pixie? You okay?” Neteyam asked, hovering in the doorway.
“I’m fine.” she sighed. She motioned for him to come in and close the door. “You know you didn’t have to take the blame like that.”
“Used to it.” he shrugged.
“That’s another thing. You need to stop taking the blame for Lo’ak when he does stupid stuff too. He’s not gonna learn anything if you keep trying to protect him.” Pixie looked around at the state of her room and attempted to do some cleaning, which mainly consisted throwing food wrappers in the trash and straightening the covers on her bed. Neteyam was used to it but she always got a little sheepish about the state of it considering he was always so neat and tidy with his stuff.
Neteyam followed her around with the garbage can, holding it out for her. “I’m his older brother, I’m supposed to keep him safe.” he said.
“Keep him safe? Yes. Keep him from getting in trouble for doing stupid shit? No.”
“So I should go back there and tell your parents that the real reason you fell was because you jumped off?” he smirked at her.
“Don’t you dare! I’ll never step foot outside of these labs for the rest of my life if they hear that.” She chucked a crumpled botany note at him. It rebounded off his chest and fell into the trash can.
Neteyam grabbed one of her books and reclined on her bed as she stepped into the bathroom for a shower. While she didn’t mind being a little grimy and dirty out in the jungle there was a rule that she needed to be clean and orderly when in the labs. That meant clean skin and brushed hair and no jungle ravaged shorts and tanktops.
She pulled on a pair of lounge pants and an old university t-shirt of her dad’s. She was towel drying her hair as she walked back into her room. Neteyam had discarded the book he had picked up and was instead wrapping something around in his hands. She noticed what he was holding and threw the towel over his head. “Stop looking at that!” she shrieked.
“Ah! Why?” he tore the towel off. Pixie was reaching to grab the chord back but he held it high above his head and out of her reach. “It’s just a songchord. Why are you being so defensive about it?”
“Cause it is mine! Give it back!” she tried jumping but it was a good four feet above her and even her best vertical leap couldn’t get that high.
“I didn’t even know you kept a songchord.”
“Well yeah. I didn’t think people would appreciate me making one for myself since I’m not…” she trailed off. “It’s stupid. Just put it away. It’s basically junk.”
“It’s not junk. It’s your chord.” Neteyam smoothed his hands over the beads. “You took a lot of great care making this chord.”
“Not everyone would see it like that. Cultural appropriation is more like it.” Pixie muttered.
“Appropriating your own culture? How does that work?”
“It works when it isn’t my culture.”
He sighed and gave the chord back to her. “Pixie, you said so yourself. You were born on Pandora. You spend more time hanging out with us then you do spend time here. This is how you were raised, it’s just as much your culture as it is ours.”
“But I’ll never be one of the People. You and I both know that much. I speak like you, I move like you, I follow the tenets of Eywa and respect the land and creatures, but at the end of the day I am human. I can’t even breathe the air. There’s no changing that.”
There was a time in her life that Pixie had held out hope that she could become Na’vi. She hoped that she could get her own avatar body and become permanently linked to it like Jake was able to do. To be fully embraced by the people she was raised with and loved like family. But that was a pipe dream. Even if they had the resources to do it they were not going to waste on her.
She bowed her head. A familiar grief settled along her skin like morning dew. “I will always be the outsider.”
“You’re not an outsider though.”
“Neteyam! Look at me!” Pixie snapped.
“I am looking at you, Pixie. And you know what else?” he crouched so he could be eye level with her. “I See you.”
“With my eyes.”
She shoved him away. “Sorry. Sorry.” he grabbed her and pulled her back. “I’m sorry. But I mean it. You are my oldest friend. My best friend. I don’t care that some of the others in the village think you are alien. I don’t care about any of that. What I see when I look at you isn’t just what you look like. Blonde hair, black hair, white skin, blue skin, brown eyes, yellow eyes. Those are surface level. What I see when I look at you is the girl that used to wrestle me to the ground even though I was a foot taller than her. I see the girl that was fearless and calm when we got cornered by angtsik and suggested we go cliff diving to avoid it. I see the girl that is the single smartest person I have ever met.”
“I think Norm would be offended by that last statement but thank you.”
“You know what I mean.” he tucked some of her damp hair back behind her ears, “I see a girl who is kind and fun and smart and brave. So you’re not as tall as us and you can’t breathe the air. That has never stopped you from being one of the fiercest people I know. That is what I see when I look at you. I See you, Pixie.”
Her eyes grew wet with unshed tears. “I wish the others saw me as you do.”
“They do, they just won’t admit it.”
Pixie slumped and gave him a hug. He hugged her back tight, as if he was intent on squeezing all the air out of her.
There was a knock on Pixie’s door followed by her brother Ian’s voice. “Yo, Mils, your interspecies booty call is over. Mom says you have to come help make dinner.”
“I swear I am going to skin him alive.” Pixie grumbled. She pulled out of Neteyam’s arms. “Thanks for saying all that, Neteyam. It means a lot. More than you know.”
“Wait a second,” Neteyam blocked her from going out the door. He bounced on his feet a little and scrunched up his face. “Do you think you can sneak out of here tonight?”
“What? Sneak out?”
He dropped his voice to a whisper. “Well, if you are going to be grounded for a week I thought it would be nice to go on one last little flight around the jungle. The last one I took you on kind of ended in a dour way. Love to make it up to you.”
“Golden boy is suggesting a lot of rule breaking.” Pixie grinned. “I suppose the worst my parents can do is ground me even longer so, yeah. I’ll meet you out where we met this morning.”
“I’ll see you then.” With that he took off and Pixie left to go help with dinner.
That night she laid awake in bed waiting for her parents to finally fall asleep. For several minutes she waited in the darkness, straining her ears for the slightest rustle. Once she was sure all had gone to bed she slipped out, donned her exopack, and snuck outside. There was a childish, rebellious rush of glee coursing through her as she rushed into the forest. The moss under her feet glowed where she stepped and various flora and fauna around her did as well. It did not matter how often she had seen it, she was always put into a state of amazement when she wandered around Pandora at night.
She got to the spot she had met Neteyam at earlier that day and he was already waiting there. “Hey.” she greeted. “I forgot to tie my hair up before I left, can you do it real quick? Just braid it back.”
“I got it.” he took the bit of leather from her hands and motioned for her to turn around. “You know I’m not as good at this as Kiri. You could probably do a better job doing it yourself.” he said as his hands started to card through her hair and twist the long dirty blonde locks around in a tight but messy braid.
“I don’t need it to look nice, I need it out of my face and I can’t braid it tight enough on my own.” her head was tugged back a little as he wrestled her hair into obedience. Neteyam finished tying it off and flipped it over her shoulder.
“Good enough?”
“Indeed.” She got to her feet. Like they had earlier that morning Neteyam boarded Mekul first and pulled Pixie up in front of him. They soared up through the tree and out into the air. Down below the world was dark but it sparkled and glowed with the magic Pandora offered.
Neteyam was in full show off mode as they flew. Doing flips and rolls in the air. Pixie was hanging on tight, smile wide and heart thundering loud in her chest as they flew across the star filled sky. The stars were so bright that night.
They decided to stop and settle on one of the floating mountains for a bit to give Mekul a break. They stretched out on a soft bed of leaves and moss as they stared up at the sky.
“Hey Pixie,” Neteyam rolled over to look at her, “What did some of the beads on your songchord represent?”
“Oh please don’t mention that.” she threw an arm over her face. “I thought we were done talking about it.”
“I’m curious though. Here,” he pulled his own songchord out and handed it to her. “I’ll tell you about mine. Like, this first bead here, is the first lullaby I can remember being sung to me. And this one here, is from when I killed my first talioang during a hunt.”
“Fine.” Pixie sighed. She hadn’t brought hers with her but she remembered what was on it. “I have a bead from the first time I remember going to the village on my own. There’s one for when Mo’at let me sit in on lessons about healing and Eywa with Kiri. I have a tassel on it for that day that we got cornered by that angtsik and I had that insane idea to jump off a cliffside waterfall to save us.” she chuckled a bit as she listed them off.
“I have one for the first time we went flying.” Neteyam pointed to one of the tassels on his songchord.
“You mean the day you got your ikran?”
“No. The day that dad let me take you on a flight on Mekul. Remember? I had only been flying for a week but we kept pestering him to let me take you.”
“And he finally did but he made me wear that harness thing that was tied to Mekul just in case I fell off.” Pixie shook her head at the ridiculous getup she had been forced into. “I looked as if I was being strapped in like a baby.”
“Then we spent hours up in the sky.”
“I got sunburnt we were out so long.”
Neteyam laughed as well. His expression softened. “Do you have any beads specific to me on your songchord that don’t involve us almost being trampled?”
“I have one but it’s stupid.”
“What is it?”
“No. I can’t tell you.”
“Why not? Was it our first flight too? It’s okay if we recorded the same memory.”
Pixie did indeed have that flight on her chord but that was not what she was thinking of. She was thinking of the night after Neteyam’s first hunt when he felled his first talioang. There was a big feast that night to celebrate the hunt and, more specifically, honor Neteyam for passing his rite to be recognized as coming of age. Normally such functions Pixie didn’t attend. She hadn’t felt right about being there but Neteyam had insisted. He wanted her there to celebrate with him.
She had been sticking to the sidelines. Watching from a distance and not getting in anyone’s way. Then, Neteyam had found her and started talking to her. Without warning he had pulled her by the hand out towards the bonfire to dance. She had been so nervous the entire time trying to match the steps of those around her. She had been acutely aware of the eyes watching them as they danced.
But it had been fun. So much fun. She remembered the warmth of the fire setting Neteyam’s yellow eyes alight with fire. She remembered her feet skipping along the ground, barely skimming the dirt as Neteyam all but carried her through the dance. She remembered how her cheeks hurt from smiling so wide.
“It was the night we--” Pixie stopped talking as she sensed Neteyam’s focus slide from her back to the sky. “What is it?” she looked to where he was staring and saw stars. No. Not stars. They were brighter than stars and they were getting bigger. “Neteyam?”
“We need to go. Now!” he grabbed her and all but threw her back on the ikran. He pressed a hand to his coms. “Mom! Dad! Do you read me?”
“We read you. What’s wrong?” Jake’s voice came over the coms.
“The sky. There are ships in the sky!”
“We know. Where are you?”
“Up in the mountains with Pixie. What do we do?”
“Get back to the village. Tell everyone to evacuate immediately. Those ships are going to be touching down by daybreak, we need to get everyone to safety now. Move!”
“Yes sir!” They were already flying as fast as they could back to the village. Pixie borrowed the coms to contact her parents back at the labs. They were pissed at her for sneaking out but more grateful that she was safe. They were packing up what they could move from the labs as they spoke.
The village was in a similar state of disarray as everyone began scrambling and gathering what they needed and counting heads. The ships were getting closer already. They may not have had till daybreak to get away.
Something heavy weighed down in Pixie’s stomach as she kept looking to the sky to see the ships descending. It didn’t matter what Neteyam said or what she thought. This is what everyone thought of when they saw Pixie. This is what she represented.
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the-owl-tree · 3 months
What about My Pride? The uh YouTube series, I think the writer was problematic somehow but that might be a thing to mention and also I’d like to see your thoughts
It's on the list! My shorter, more concise thoughts are that while I appreciate it as very much a labor of love with some talented artists and voice actors on the team, the actual story and writing is disappointing, tone deaf, and downright infuriating at times.
I guess rattling off my issues (spoilers included):
I found the central handling of disability and Nothing's character to be poorly thought out. Needing multiple abled bodied characters to get her moving, it feels like there was little research done in trying to depict a character like her.
I hate that her name stays as "Nothing" and that an abled bodied lion lectures her about accepting it. Terribly thought out scene. I'm a she should've changed her name to Everything truther.
The central gay lion romance that the series is based off is pretty poorly written with very few sprinkles of endearing and fun moments between them unfortunately. Hover is...mean? She's a terrible partner and I was genuinely upset that her not sticking up for her girlfriend all because she missed idk a lion recital (something Hover?? canonically should not give a shit about???) was scummy. it would be one thing if Hover was meant to be in the wrong...but she's not depicted as that?
The two spend so much time apart, you start to get kind of annoyed at how much gay lions were part of the marketing and then the gay lions! weren't there!!
Didn't care for it!!
I actually liked the world and premise. I enjoy unfair and cruel societies, I like the idea of someone working to change the system (though I very rarely see the execution of that I like, very rarely will stories depict the actual necessary actions for confronting a society like this: tearing it down entirely and building something better).
I hate Feather. Them pulling their punch and not killing him was lame.
Nothing's brother being the twist villain should have been set up better, it doesn't hit the same way it could have had the series planted the seeds earlier on. We have no reason to understand why he would act this way, he was doing just fine better? Why not set up tensions when we meet the group of young male lions?
I don't like that the only real importance Nothing holds isn't because of something about her in the present, but the importance of her able bodied past life. Her ending with her wanting to die is...bleak because I don't believe she has recognized her own worth.
Poor handling of abuse. I disagree with the notion that trying to give depth to abusers is in itself apologia, but the show is trying to like....idk how to say this properly but it wants to "both sides" Nothing's mother's treatment of her, ya know? I found it really icky.
Uh I think I could say more but you'd have to give me a specific topic to bite onto or I'll keep meandering lol but I didn't care for the show but I do feel for fans of the show who are stuck on a cliffhanger. I hope the creator releases the rest of the story plan at the very least.
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justatypicalwizard · 1 year
Wants Within | S. Shinazugawa | Chapter 7
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✦ Sanemi Shinazugawa x femReader!, college au, reader is adult
✦ Synopsis: You're a college student taking classes with a very strict lecturer- professor Shinazugawa. Because of an unfortunate even you got on his bad side so now you're trying everything to regain in his eyes. Well, you most certainely didn't expect that kind of attention.
✦ Word count: 1,1k
18+, minors do not interact
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The trip came to an end and you found yourself back at the dorms. After hearing the fight between the Kochou sisters and Shinazugawa, you thought about it a lot. He seemed so hurt back then. You still didn't know the other part of the story, maybe he did some bad things though. Well, you will most likely never know. There was also one more thing that crossed your mind many times. During the fight, Shinazugawa mentioned him being an orphan. That was some deep shit. In your eyes, he only looked more intimidating and somehow powerful. Achieving all that he had, while growing up with no parents and taking care of a brother. Damn, that man must be made out of stone.
All of that came back to you while you were getting dressed for the science fair. It was an annual party that your university held for all of its workers and students, as well as anybody who would be willing to come. They showed the biggest achievements of the previous year, some new projects, student work and so on. You felt like coming because Shinazugawa would be giving a free lecture.
After realising you may have a crush of your professor you felt kinda dumb but at the same time kinda good. It was just so nice, thinking about him, imagining scenarios and talking to him when you met him in the corridor or after lectures. No, you did not plan to hit on him, obviously. Yet, your small crush was not hurting anyone, was it?
You found the class that Shinazugawa was supposed to give his lecture in. It was a big one with many seats and a huge blackboard. There was also a small exhibition with student work, mostly from Shinazugawas classes. Stepping closer to it, you spotted something familiar. It was your research, the additional one that you did some time ago. Reading through the text you reassured that it was, in fact, your piece of work. Looking around you spotted Shinazugawa looking at you. You pointed to the piece of paper, hanging on a board and grinned. He nodded your way with a small smile. The white haired man was just about to stand up from his seat when professor Rengoku came to him.
''What are you looking at, lady?'' You heard an unfamiliar voice behind you.
Turning around, you saw a tall man hovering upon you. He had a very classy suit that had many extravagant details about it. Some crystal looking things, red boots and fancy glasses chains. He had white hair, tied up in a ponytail.
''The work here.'' You spat out, not sure what to do.
''Hmm, I see.'' he hummed, looking at the piece of paper. ''And what's so interesting about it?''
''It's mine actually.'' You answered bluntly.
''Oh wow, how flamboyant.'' What?
Leaning over your shoulder, he took a look at your work.
''So your name is Y/N L/N? Truly pretty, suits a pretty girl like you.'' He grinned.
''Ah... thank you?'' Your voice didn't sound convincing.
''I guess, you're a student here, aren't you?''
''What a pity, then asking you out for coffee gets slightly more extravagant. Yet, a sweet girl like you makes my doubts go away.'' He flashed you a smile.
Meanwhile, Rengoku and Shinazugawa talked by the desk.
''See, I told you giving her more time would benefit.'' The blonde felt victorious.
''Yes, yes, you're always true. Now drop it'' Shinazugawa got annoyed.
''Did she come out that bad?''
''Why do you ask?''
''I've heard she was the only student that came to your field trip lecture. You two must have talked.''
''No, she was quite okay. A regular student.''
''Really, because you're glancing at her all the time. Usually, you would sit with your nose in your laptop.'' Rengoku wasn't convinced.
''What are you suggesting?''
''Nothing.'' The blonde waved his hands in front of his friend's angry face. ''Just so you know, it's nothing wrong. She's an adult, you're also one. She'll just have to take different classes, with some other professor.''
''Are you out of your mind?''
''No, I think I'm not.'' Rengoku shrugged. ''So if you're really not interested in her it won't bother you that Tengen is just talking with her, you know, his way.''
Shinazugawas head shot your way instantly, he didn't even think much about it.
''There you go.'' Rengoku sweatdropped.
''Shut up.'' With that, the white haired man stood up and went your way.
''So what do you think? Coffee later, maybe you could tell me something about that research, what motivated you to do it, how do you feel about it?'' The unknown man was still trying to pursue you.
''Tengen, cut the crap.'' Shinazugawas voice ringed in your ear as he reached you.
''Welcome professor.'' You greeted him happily.
''Hello, hello dear Shinazugawa.'' Tengen looked at him with a slick smile. ''How are you today?''
''Very good, I would be even better if I knew you were not hitting on my student, in my class, in front of everyone without any qualms.''
''Oh, okay mister grumpy.'' Tengen laughed. ''I'm just interested in our today's youth.''
''Of course. Miss L/N, don't treat this too seriously, he acts like that with every woman he meets.'' Shinazugawa turned your way.
''No need to worry, I'm sorry Mister Tengen but I was not actually considering your offer.'' You laughed awkwardly.
''Too bad, was this too sudden?'' He didn't drop the topic.
''No, it's just...'' You really wanted to end this part of the conversation and you had to think about something that would shut him for good. ''I'm already interested in someone else.''
''I see, then I must not ruin this, please forgive me.'' He made a funny, shocked look. ''I must leave now for my lecture, sorry to end such an interesting conversation in the middle, we may meet again at the university sometime. Adios.'' The man bowed before you and walked away, with that slick smile still plastered on his face.
Wait, was he a professor here? That was so weird! A professor just hit on you.
''Seriously, don't take it as anything special. He's... just like that all the time.'' Shinazugawa sighed.
''I get it, it was still weird though.'' You let out a small laugh. ''And kinda funny. Anyway, did you want something from me, professor?''
It struck the white haired, he didn't have any business for you. He just saw Tengen doing Tengen things and he didn't feel right knowing you were hit on by someone. Why did he do that? Why did he feel the urge to go and get Tengen off of you? Shit, he was doing weird things.
''Just wanted to tell you about the work that I posted here.'' He came up with an excuse.
''Oh, thank you so much. I appreciate it. It feels great to see that your work actually means something.'' You grinned, happy with yourself.
''That's true.''
Looking at the time, he excused himself and went back to his desk, the lecture was about to start. One thought clouded his mind and he couldn't stop to think about it.
You said that you were interested in someone already. Who was that? 
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selfox · 1 month
Friend gave me the best idea to live blog my reactions on reading fics.
This one is rtod by @gothicthundra ^^
Ngl I've never did life reactions on a broadcast level. But at least it's gonna save people's dms bdjdjd sorry for intruding if you, guys, found it annoying OTL
Currently I'm on gauntlets ark and already finished it ^^' . In case to avoid spoilers and not make anyone sit through it (unless, they want to see my ramble tdvdfd), I'll put my reactions and overall thoughts under the cut
This break up was one of the most gut wrenching out of all of them. Yes it is break up you two *points at Shego and Drakken*
Those 2 shouldn't be separated otherwise some Armageddon occurs. But they do need some elaborate couples therapy, and individual therapies OTL
Ok, so I'll back up a bit to chapter Sorry and go up till Changing Tides (I've managed to gulp those chapters in one go)
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I have never felt such desire to comfort a character. Such a clear subtext as he, deep inside, wanted to be a dad and Erik was, in a way, his child. Wish it come up more ^^'
Bad times and rumors
One of the interesting chapters where Shego's insecurities shine the most. Calling out future chapter: Pandora is so right about Shego. just wow. And the "accessory" line that will be eventually used by Ed.
So hurt to see her spiral like this. "I am no one's friend, I am no one's side-kick" ;;;;^;;;; Nooooo Shego nooooo ;;;;^;;;;
Breaking Point (s)
I love the format of seeing the same event showed by thier perspectives.
Props to Drakken not killing Lucre. Seriously......... Eddie, I will forever curse your ability to make people use this word AND hearing it in your voice.
Nah, Dr. D, that rap was amazing XD heh, kinda love that mirror with them, when Shego's mind repeaded it. Yes, ma'am, it is very catchy. Just shows how close those two really are even when they aren't together.
"What was the harm in having two helpers?" oh, baby boy OTL Next moment was OYL so sorry Drakken.
Why does it feel like Avengers Civil War? OTL Sorry Shego I'm on Drakken's side OTL I know when you smirked you were thinking how sweet he was because he returned after you OTL (literally have those 2 chapters open to see with one eye Dr. D's pov and with the other Shego's)
Interesting how he didn't hear her yelling at him. OTL
;-; singing in the hover car and wine floats.
Ma'am... your green is showing. But also her worrying about him is precious
OTL ough that all hurts
The Gauntlets
Opening scene is actually pretty badass and .... made me very concerned with how many times Drakken must have done putting back the bone into its socket as ... you don't actually supposed to do that on your own or at least without professional help.
;-; the heist ark mention
I assume Kim saw him glowing red from gauntlets? Tho I'd be surprised too if I just got fried with laser gun. ..... Yep, dude's glowing.
"I was just trying to help" "Nothing ever changes with you, does it?" oh boy OYL
Double Crossed
The concept of The Company i got to know from this fic, along with other villains that hadn't been used in the actual show. And I say what a shame that it wasn't incorporated. Want to know more about them.
Overall the idea behind it with elder hardcore villains ... It has so many mysteries especially concerning Shego and Drakken... and who knows who else. I've read Lipsky's family shorts and other tales and I adored the past snippets with Estelle and Theo. Both of them are such beans.... ngl really wish to see/read more about them and overall how those lived, assuming that Theo and Bart had double life. What was it like?
And the relationship between Shego and Estelle gives me so many fluffy emotions. Girl you do love her ;-;
Honestly, I don't know who creeps me out and intrigues me more in the olden villains cast. Every single one of them deserve their own tier label.
With Botox... thinking about this person I doubt that they were showing the fear...?
Stormy Tides
Loved the shift between Dr. Taxley he/him and Dr. Botox they/them ^^ nice touch 👌 agender approved fjdvnkd
Shego you really gotta think what exactly you teach others OTL especially with the whole idea of what villain is OTL I understand that you are trying to make yourself believe that but girl c'mon OTL
Side notes: Hermes and Pandora, both are so right about their exes, it's incredible how well those 2 can read Drakken and Shego. Despite how much everyone claimed it was brief and unserious relationships were, of course it wasn't the case at all. Can't wait to read the "flashback" chapter (yes, I spoiled myself plenty with this fic, I'm not sorry)
And again in Villains Inn.
Shego he is indeed your friend and close confidant OTL
Aaaaand she is on a drinking spree......... How in the all hells she didn't fried her liver?
side note.... to see my rl name being used twice in the fic still makes me jump XD first it was Drakken and Eddy's cousin and now bartender ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Shego and henchmen are something precious. Those guys in general are precious beans. YES, SHEGO YOU MISS HIM. Your thoughts almost exclusively filled with him, or things around him (like his mom).
;;-;; The questionable Chinese food.
Poor dr D OTL those gauntlets are something else, DR D WHY DID YOU HAVE TO STICK YOUR FINGERS THERE??? that's what she said I'm not sorry.
"The rain obscuring her aim" yeah, right, rain. Salty rain I'm sure of it.
OTL now dr d's side. I guess one of the scariest things about the gauntlets for me that .... It wasn't always certain for me where were his own thoughts and where those gauntlets were speaking... well apart from obvious "we".
It's so scarry to get how many days he had spent awake. Awake, hungry, alone and with those things... and to what length he was trying to go to remove them before Shego got here. Heck he was afraid for others - his henchmen ;-; Shego
OTL scalpel OTL
OTL just OTL for the rest of the chapter
Changing tides
Him barricading himself from her to make sure she was safe from him OTL
Shego, just wish it was a minor inconvenience OTL
hwsbfajh Shego, girl OTL he loves you OTL man ... is it he or the gauntlets or both? I understand it's a more chaotic ... heh... khaotic... form of moodulator? More like the amplifier to Drakken's anger, loathing and many more things.
OTL she fried those things off of his arms omg...
Babies with sameish sense of humor ;;;-;;; I missed your banter, guys.
Fighting bad thoughts with work jdvfbdfv I get that OTL
That uncertainty is so palpable with both of them. ;-; brushing his face absentmindedly.
Pancakes ;-; hehe like I've said I've missed your banter. And I love those little teasing pet names Shego uses.
Last note: F Cleo
Well, If you got there, thank you and sorry that you have to put yourself into ^^' Hope that some things were a bit entertaining. I do hope to do this again as I continue reading it.... Especially with Bed Time Stories approaching ^^
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fairys-dream · 5 months
"They're given a 4 day special pass. And Creed has a plan on how to most efficiently spend it."
EVERYBODY WAKE UP CHAPTER 3 IS FINALLY OUT smut happens. emotions happen. things? happening.
i also slightly rewrote chapter 1 cuz i realized i got the interior of the truck wrong lol...its still mostly the same tho.
read it under the cut too if u want⤵️⤵️⤵️
A 4 day special pass.
And it was just gonna be Creed ‘n Logan.
North was off on a special mission, Fox was off doing God knows what, nobody gave a enough of a shit about Wraith to hangout with him, and Logan had this new thing goin’ on where he actually bothered to think about Creed's intentions instead of just jumpin’ straight to evil conclusions. 
He had 4 days... to make this guy fall head over heels in love with him.
Should probably start with gettin’ him back as a friend first.
At least it was better than the regular 3 day pass. 4 days might actually give him a genuine bonafide chance at pulling this off. 
It’s now or fuckin’ never.
Logan could feel Creed was planning something. 
Sure, he was a bit clingy sometimes, but he didn’t usually hang around to this extent. 
As the 1st day of the break began, Logan went through his regular daily routine. He could sense Creed hovering in the background, just out of view, for everything he did. 
The 2nd day, Creed actually showed his face, occasionally helping with little things in Logan’s routine, like it was normal for him. 
3rd day was much of the same thing, Creed hanging around, except he was now blabbin’ on about anything and everything. A mix of bragging about old op missions and a seemingly endless amount of film trivia. Every so often, Logan would reply if he brought up something that interested him, but he mainly just listened. 
He didn't mind listening, though. 
He thought it'd be annoying, but this seemed sort of…familiar to him. 
That evening, Creed was out for a bit, so Logan had some time to himself. 
He spent it trying to peace together his emotions from the past couple ‘o days. The emotions he’d been reading from Creed, they felt new. But also felt oddly normal. Like a part of him recognized the way he was acting, and had just been blocked off till now.
Soon, Creed returned with a bottle of fairly expensive alcohol, and shared it with him in the kitchen. Not many words were exchanged between them, but that didn’t bother Logan in the slightest. It felt good not drinking alone for once. 
Come the 4th day, it felt like they'd always done this.
As it came to an end, Logan donned his leather jacket, one of the only things he owned to his name, and went out for his nightly smoke. Creed followed soon after. 
He invited to take him out to a nearby bar. And as tempting the idea was, since Stryker basically kept him locked up like a house cat, Logan declined. 
So, they trekked out deep into the woods that surrounded the base.
The 2 of them sat on the damp ground, passing a cigar back and forth. 
Logan wondered who’d been the last person he shared a cigar with, if he ever did. He got the notion something like this was a fairly rare situation for him.  
Even long after the cigar had been finished, they both stayed seated, and got to talking about each of their hypothetical fantasies regarding what they'd do after all this.
Logan didn’t remember much of where he came from, so he described where he would like to live. 
“A cabin, rustic and wooden, somewhere deep in the mountains of northern Canada.”
“Why Canada? ”
Logan shot him a look.
“Cuz I’m Canadian? ”
“Right, right, keep forgettin’ that. ‘Ya just don’t seem like the canuck type…why a borin’ ol’ cabin, then?”
“Dunno, just feels familiar. Saw a picture in a calendar once, and I guess somethin’ in my brain felt like it clicked.”
“Heh, they really fucked ya up, huh pal?”
Logan gave a hard punch to the other’s shoulder.
“Unf- hey, I’m just joshin’. Sounds nice. Like a sweet little fairytale.”
A fairytale…right. That’s all it was. 
Then, as Creed then started a long dramatic explanation about his own fantasies, some based on some crazy shit he claimed to have already done before, Logan felt his mood perk up again. 
He hadn't remembered the last time he felt like this. Feeling so calm and...comfortable. 
He'd never thought it were possible, but he’d found himself actually enjoying Creed's excessive company these last few days. 
There’d been a change in the other feral, one he hadn’t expected, he might even- 
Holy shit Creed was kissing him. 
And holy shit, Logan found himself kissing back.
He felt he didn't even need to think about it, letting himself be lifted into Creed's lap, straddling his legs, getting comfortable against him. 
Creed moved his head down to kiss and lick at his neck, sandpapery tongue lapping up the taste of his skin. 
Logan shrugged off his jacket, feeling Creed’s hands immediately descend onto his back, claws pricking through his shirt as he caressed him. The attention was exhilarating. Logan didn’t know what to do with his hands in return, so he opted to grip at the others shoulders as he got lost in Creed’s never slowing touches. 
Creed's plan had worked. 
Shockingly well. 
His plans were always pretty good, but it was still a bit of an adrenaline rush that Logan was actually going along with it.  
All it took was some researching and convincing the boss to put North out on a mission, and doing some slight threatening to Logan's fake girlfriend. She didn't even need that much talkin’ to, which honestly made him feel a little bad, knowing how Logan felt for her. 
Only a little. 
But then.... 
Wolverine's body was shaking. 
He didn't deserve this. He didn't understand. 
His mind went to Silver Fox. Her touches feeling forced, but Logan taking them anyway, just to have something . 
He tried to think of past lovers, but couldn't remember. He remembered touches, but no faces to go along with the feelings. Were they even real?  
Bottom line was, no one felt for him like this. So why should he trust that Creed was really feeling anything towards him?
He's making fun of him. He's toying with him. No, it's pity. 
"Logan, hey..." 
lying lying lying lying lying- 
"I can tell yer thinkin’ too hard about this." 
The touches stopped. Creed's voice felt far away. 
His instincts were screaming that there was something else he was doing. Something else he was planning. That he was manipulating him for some reason he hadn't come to realize yet. 
Guys like Creed were supposed to go for pretty girls; legs, body, and attitude. Hell, even his taste in men should have higher standards for someone with a pretty face like Creed’s. 
He wasn't supposed to like Logan. Not supposed to like a man like him. 
But it was hard for Logan to doubt what his senses were picking up. 
"Why? " 
His voice sounded so small he was almost convinced it was someone else's. 
Creed sighed, wrapping his large hands around Logan's shaking wrists, rubbing soft circles onto his palms with the pads of his thumbs. 
Creed's hands felt warm. 
And surprisingly soft. 
Why the hell is he doin’ this fer me…
Creed wasn't the best at words when it came to explaining his emotions, but he had to give it a shot. 
He couldn't keep assuming Logan knew what he was trying to say all the time. 
"Cuz I like you." 
Logan stared blankly at him. 
"A lot." 
The runts expression didn’t change. 
"C’mon, say somethin'?... please? " 
Logan stayed quiet. 
But then, he sniffed. 
Closer and closer, right up against Creed's neck, causing his breath to hitch at the feeling. 
Logan pulled back, with a soft look on his face as he looked into Creed's eyes. 
"You...actually like me." 
Creed chuckled.
"Dang runt, who hurt ‘ya?" 
"Dunno. Can't remember." 
"Yeah, well, it ain’t gonna be me, alright? I mean it. I'm full truthin’." 
Logan gave him a cocky look of disbelief. 
Creed gave him his usual toothy grin in return.
"Yeah, well, emotionally I won't hurt ya. An' I don't gotta hurt ya physically all the time, I got more skills t’ offer than that…”
The blonde leaned in close, speaking in a low seductive tone.
“Could even make ‘ya feel pretty good. Physically. If yer up for it." 
Logan found himself leaning back against a tree, pants pooled around his ankles
With Creed down on his knees in front of him. 
Creed was gently pressing his teeth down onto Logan's dick, giving little nips down its length, grinning ear to ear. 
"My dick ain't a chew toy, bub." 
Runt’s attitudes back. Good. Means he’s startin’ to calm down…
Creed removed his mouth, caressing his claws up and down the others length 
"Yeah, you like it though. Can feel yer dick throb whenever I..." 
He slowly grazed his teeth up from its base alllll the way to the tip, causing a full body shudder and drawn out groan from Logan, his hands gripping into the bark of the tree behind him. 
Creed finally seized his playing and eased Logan's cock into his mouth, the tip pushing down his throat as he effortlessly swallowed the whole thing. 
Logan breathed out a relieved moan. 
Damn, either he’s had tons of experience or this guy simply lacks a gag reflex…
Though, Logan didn’t have much of one himself either, so there’s a chance it had something to do with their mutation. 
Creed held it there...savoring it. The scent, the taste, the fact that it was Logan’s.
He then looked up at Logan, a wild look in his eyes. He took the other’s hand and placed it on the back of his head. 
Logan, immediately getting the idea, pulled Creed's head back a bit in order to make space as he began rocking his dick back ‘n forth into Creed's awaiting mouth. 
Creed relaxed as he let Logan take control. 
He loved it when Logan took control. Only from him. 
Only ever from him. 
Clawed fingers groped and kneaded Logan's ass, the slight pain from their sharpness sending pleasurable tingles up his spine. 
Creed's tongue swirled along with the thrusts. 
God, that tongue is somethin’ else…how the hell is he doin’ that? 
The blonde stared up at Logan, gaze never faltering, unable to look away from the reactions he was managing to pull from him.  
He wanted to memorize every one of these pleasure filled expressions, every small twitch of his face. If they ever tried that memory erasing shit on him, he'd kill them. 
No way in hell am I gonna lose this. Not again.  
Logan's panting and thrusts sped up, now desperately jack hammering into Creed's throat. 
A mix of drool and precum dripped down Creed’s chin as he continued to take it.
"nn... nggh.... fuck .... Creed .....grhh...ungh..." 
The noises and growls Logan was making, overshadowing the sloppy obscene sounds of Creed's mouth getting railed, was like a sweet melody to Creed’s ears. He'd record a tape copy if he could. Maybe he would someday, if he got the chance. Logan's normal voice already made him feel all kinds of mushy things, but hearing him like this , hearing him let into the side of himself he tries so damn hard to keep locked up, it made Creed’s heart melt like butter.
"nghFUCK fuck fuck fuck.... please ...grrh CREED- more more- "
And made his dick hard as a rock. 
Damn, it was so hard it startin’ to hurt . 
Part of him wanted to see if he could climax just from the feeling of Logan's dick down his throat. 
Yeah, a weaker man would be jacking off… and boy howdy was he the weakest man on the damn planet. 
He'd prove that sappy stuff later, but right now he couldn't stop himself from pulling his neglected cock free. 
The sight of Creed stroking himself with such ferocity, being so genuinely aroused by him, for him, pushed Logan to the edge. 
Logan slammed himself down deep with a growling shout , gripping Creed’s hair and smothering his face against groin, which brought out a low groan from the other feral. He rode out the rest of his orgasm in close quick thrusts, gradually slowing down, as Creed’s hand sped up. 
Creed's mouth slid to the tip of Logan's dick, panting heavily and lapping up the remaining drops of cum. 
“F-UCK! ”
He let out a loud roar of a moan as he came. 
“hah… Logan ….”
Their heavy breathing sounded harmonically together, both in a dreamy post orgasm haze. 
Suddenly, Creed pulled Logan down, Logan dropping down fairly easily due to his legs feeling like pure jelly, and into his lap. Creed wrapped his large arms around him and nuzzled his face into Logan’s.
Then flopped them both down onto the ground with a thwump , pulling Logan close against him. 
With his ear against Creed's chest, Logan could hear, and feel, a low rumbling... 
Creed was purring. 
Logan felt like purring himself, if he could. 
Could he? 
He tried replicating the sound- 
Hm. That weirdly disappointed him. 
Meanwhile, Creed was thinkin’ about what to do next. 
He'd just confessed his feelings and sucked him off, now what? Ask for his hand in marriage? 
Nah, that'd be a dumb move to make so soon. Gotta keep goin’ with the small stuff. 
"Feelin’ better?" 
"This whole time you coulda been givin’ me mind blowing head instead of kickin' my ass?" 
"Shit, am I gonna have to give one of those up? Not gonna let me keep both, are ‘ya?" 
"Depends, how often wouldya be willin’ t’ suck me off?" 
"Oh, anytime, just gotta ask. I'm at yer beck ‘n call, babe." 
Logan laughed into his chest, Creed chuckling along with him.
‘S nice bein’ able to talk like this again…
Propping himself up on his arms, Logan looked down at Creed's content expression. 
"Lemme think about it, alright?" 
Those words made Creed's face immediately fade from joy to fear. 
Shit. I’m losin’ him. 
"Good thinkin’ or bad thinkin’?" 
"...regular thinkin’." 
Creeds hands shot up to grip Logan's shoulders 
"Logan. " 
Logan struggled against his hold, and Creed instinctually tightened his grip. 
"Why's it so hard fer you t’ like me?" 
"You used t’ fuckin’ like me, I KNOW ‘ya did." 
Logan gave up on struggling, his shoulders sagging. 
"What the fuck do I have to do, Logan? What the FUCK do you want me t’ DO ?" 
Logan let out an exhausted sigh. 
"I do like ‘ya." 
Creed stared at him, breathing hard. In his panicked state, he didn't really seem the most convinced.
"Look, there's somethin’ there, I’m just…I just ain’t...I ain’t sure-" 
"God, ‘ya ain’t sure- " 
"I ain't sure how to handle this yet! I don't know what I'm supposed t’ be doin’ either, alright?! This constant mind wiping is takin’ a bit of a big toll on my emotions, bub. Fer Christs sake , I don't know what I’m feelin’ half the time, and other times I know I should be feelin’ somethin but I ain’t. I don't even know if I wanna stay here or not." 
He looked out at the woods surrounding them 
"But it ain't like I got much of a choice, do I…" 
Creed didn't know how to convince him to stay. 
Didn't have the slightest clue on knowin’ where to even start.  
But those words made him realize that if he wanted Logan to stay with him, then… Logan couldn't stay here. 
Which meant they both couldn't stay here. 
And just the thought of leaving his safety net terrified Creed. 
Here, he could kill without consequence, show the animal without havin’ to worry, be free to let out all that constant never ending pent up anger and rage. 
This is what he was good at. 
What he was best at. 
He'd been deemed a failure at everything else…he was safe to exist here. 
He'd spent his whole life convinced that if he wasn't hurtin’ others, others would be free to hurt him. He wasn't safe out in the normal world. They were out for him even if he was doin’ nothin’.  
Though maybe...if he had Logan around...Logan could be a safety net too. 
He'd still be a freak, 
But at least I'd be a freak with a friend. 
He knew what he had to do. 
But he was just gonna hold him for a bit longer. 
Creed wrapped his arms around Logan, burying his face into the other's neck. 
Just a little longer.... 
God, he was so freakin’ scared. 
Creed’s breathing picked up. 
He knew Logan could easily sense his fear...and for once, part of him felt good about him knowing. 
Creed let out a shaky sigh, leaning in close to Logan’s ear to whisper–-
"...’m gonna get ya outta here." 
Even outside the base, he couldn't be too careful about someone eavesdropping. Logan picked up on this, whispering back—
" Just me?" 
"Both ‘o us. Hell, I can leave anytime I want, they don't suspect a damn thing from me. But I’m already riskin’ a whole lot gettin’ close to ‘ya again, an’ they're probably gonna be tight on yer ass as soon as this breaks over an’ done with." 
"So…yer sayin’ it's now or never." 
Creed loosened his embrace to comb a hand through Logan's hair. 
"Yup, pretty much." 
Logan breathed out a mix between a sigh and a laugh, letting himself relax again, slightly, in Creed's hold, trying to process the urgency of just what they were about to do.
Just a little longer…they could have some peace for just a little longer. 
But, if they got lucky, they could get that peace for a lot longer. 
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Want To Keep Your Wedding Dress Hidden Before Your Wedding ~ NCT 127 Reaction
“I’m just upstairs,” you called out to Taeil as he shouted through to let you know he was home.
“Alright,” Taeil loudly replied to you, beginning to make his way upstairs, not realising what it was that you were doing.
He soon was made to jump though as a shout came from you in response to the sound of the bedroom door opening. “Whatever you do, do not come in here.”
“How come?” Taeil asked, quickly closing the door again, hovering just behind it, “what are you doing in there?”
Your eyes looked up, smiling softly at what was before you. “I’ve got my wedding dress out in here and you’re not allowed to see it.”
“What if I come in and close my eyes Y/N?”
“I’m not risking it at all.”
“I wanted to see you though,” Taeil huffed, stepping even further back from the door, “are you going to be much longer in there? I can’t wait forever to be able to see you.”
You grabbed the zipper for the bag of your dress, “I’ll only be a couple of minutes putting it back and then I’ll be out Taeil.”
“Alright, be careful with your dress.”
“I am not showing you any photos,” you told Johnny once again, hiding your phone away from him.
“Don’t be like this,” Johnny grumbled, pouting across at you, “you don’t even have to show me one with you wearing it.”
Your head carried on shaking as Johnny got more and more frustrated beside you. “There is no way that I’m showing you my wedding dress, it’s a secret from you Johnny.”
“I won’t tell anyone, are your friends telling you that you have to keep it a secret from me?” He continued to push at you.
A sigh came from you as his innocent eyes met yours, “no one is telling me to keep it a secret, this is my decision to do it.”
“What can I do to change your mind?”
“Absolutely nothing will.”
“This is so annoying,” Johnny sighed, folding his arms in front of his chest, “I really thought you’d come home and show me your wedding dress, not do this.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle back at him, “you really thought that I would just cave and show you my dress?”
“It works for everything else.”
“I can feel you watching me,” you told Taeyong, looking through your wardrobe for the perfect spot.
“I’m just making sure that you hang your dress up as you want to,” Taeyong defended, chuckling away to himself.
Your eyes glanced back to where he was sat on your bed, “you’re looking in the hope that maybe I accidentally reveal a little bit of my dress and show you some of it.”
“That’s not true, I’m being helpful,” Taeyong gasped, but as his voice faltered, you knew just how much he was lying.
Your head shook back across at Taeyong, “I can read you like a book, I don’t need an assistant to hang my wedding dress up.”
“I thought you might want company.”
“I’m still not believing you.”
“Can’t a guy just keep his fiancée company without being up to something?” Taeyong asked you. “I know I won’t get any spoilers; you’ve already made that clear.”
Your head nodded at Taeyong, “you can sit there all you want too, but you still won’t be getting any spoilers.”
“This is so unfair you know Y/N.”
“What’s wrong?” You asked Yuta as you made your way up the stairs after being shouted by him.
“Is this what I think it is?” He quizzed, watching you walk into the bedroom, holding up the dress bag that he had found.
Your eyes widened, rushing across the room and snatching the bag out of his hand. “Were you snooping to try and find this? Why’ve you got it out of my wardrobe?”
“I wasn’t going to have a look, don’t panic,” Yuta assured you, “I just wanted to know if this is, well, the actual dress.”
Your head nodded as you went to hang your dress back up again, “yes, it’s my wedding dress, yes, it’s a secret, yes, I am changing where I hide it.”
“You can put it back where it was.”
“I’m not risking it now.”
“I promise that I won’t look, I was just intrigued,” Taeyong continued to try and defend, “I wouldn’t ruin the surprise that I know you want to keep from me.”
Your eyes looked suspiciously back across at Yuta, “I know what you’re like, I just don’t think you’d be able to stop yourself.”
“You should trust in me more Y/N.”
“I’m not giving you any clues,” you told Dongyoung as yet again he tried to plead with you.
“Surely you can at least just tell me what the pattern of your dress is like?” Dongyoung challenged, but your head shook.
Your smile was wide as you saw how desperate he was to find something out, “I don’t want you to know a single thing about my dress, that’s why it’s a surprise.”
“I can tell you about my suit,” Dongyoung offered, “I mean you even helped me to choose the suits for my best men.”
Your shoulders shrugged in reply to Dongyoung’s point, “there is zero tradition about keeping the best men’s suits a secret.”
“Traditions are pretty old anyway these days.”
“Not this one, this isn’t.”
“Oh, come on,” Dongyoung groaned, throwing his head back in disbelief. “Isn’t there one detail that you can share that you feel won’t end up revealing anything?”
Your head shook without even having to think. “Ask, beg, plead, do whatever you want, the answer will always be the same.”
“Why do you enjoy torturing me?”
“You really don’t want to see my dress?” You asked Yoonoh in surprise as he made his confession.
“I know that you don’t want to show me a single thing about it, and I appreciate that,” he smiled back to you.
You hummed in surprise, bringing a laugh out of Yoonoh too. “I was expecting you to plead with me to show you my dress, I didn’t think you’d make things so easy.”
“Don’t get me wrong, if you offered to give me a hint, I wouldn’t say no,” Yoonoh quickly reminded you.
Your head shook back across at him, “my lips are sealed until our wedding day, I want every last detail of the dress to be a surprise.”
“I’m excited to see it, it won’t be long.”
“It’s only a little while to wait.”
“Can you believe it?” Yoonoh smiled with a grin, “I remember all the months you spent telling me about all the dream dresses that you wanted to browse.”
You nodded in agreement back at Yoonoh, “trust me, all those dresses I used to look at, my one is perfect for me.”
“I don’t doubt that at all either.”
“I’ve never seen you this pouty before in my life,” you teased across at Jungwoo.
“That’s because I’ve never wanted to find something out as much as I want to find out about your dress,” he frowned.
Your hand reached across, pinching both of Jungwoo’s cheeks together. “You’ve only got a month to wait until you have to see it, that’s not long to wait at all.”
“It’s a month too long for me to wait,” Jungwoo protested, trying his best to get you to feel sorry for him.
You didn’t at all though as you continued to laugh at him. “You’ve just got to tough it out, like how I wait a month for your tours.”
“You can’t compare tour to a wedding.”
“This time I think I can.”
“Stop having an answer for everything,” Jungwoo whined, staring across at you with wide eyes. “Why can’t you just give me something to work with?”
Your head finally nodded in agreement with Jungwoo, “I’ll give you something to work with, I know that you’ll like it.”
“That’s nothing for me to work with.”
“This one is cute,” you noted as you turned the page of the magazine and looked at the dress.
“Is that kind of like your wedding dress?” Mark asked as he leant across and took a look at the dress too.
Your eyes shot a glare across at him as soon as he asked the question. “You know that I’m not going to reply to that, it’ll end up giving something away.”
“Just tell me if it’s like a little bit similar,” Mark tried to tell you, but your head shook, refusing to cave to him.
You turned the page of the magazine again, earning a groan from Mark. “Is this how it’s going to be until our wedding day? You pestering me constantly?”
“I’m not pestering you in the slightest.”
“Mark, you’re a nuisance.”
“That’s so unfair,” he chuckled to himself, “you’d hate me more if I didn’t take any interest in the wedding, you’d be telling me to pay more attention.”
Your hand poked against him, “you can care about any other detail about our wedding, but the dress is off limits for you.”
“Fine, I guess I’ll focus on something else.”
“My hoodie is in that drawer,” you told Donghyuck, asking him if he’d be able to grab it for you.
“This one?” He quizzed, placing his hand on the handle to the drawer, looking back at you to be sure before opening it up.
Your head nodded, however just as Donghyuck went to open it, you called out his name. “You can’t go in that wardrobe,” you quickly told him, beginning to panic.
“Why not?” Donghyuck asked, placing his hand back down by his side again, “you can’t be that cold then.”
Your head shook as you stood up to get what you wanted yourself, “this is the drawer that has my wedding dress, you can’t see it.”
“You remembered that pretty last minute.”
“That was a bit of a close call.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to get your hoodie and to give me a sneak peak?” Donghyuck teased, but your hand quickly slapped him away before he could.
You opened the drawer, shielding Donghyuck from it. “I told you that you’d get no sneak previews, and I’m sticking to that too.”
“I can’t believe you’re giving me nothing.”
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