#Is Keith angst called anything?
salaciousdoll · 9 months
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꒷︶ ̇ ̟ ෆ ‿︵‿ The Salacious Exploits ‿︵‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ︶꒷
You’re a girl who was brought into this world with riches. Many thought that you had it all but the act of abandonment done by your father says otherwise. Don’t get it misconstrued though, your father is still alive and in your life just doesn’t even glance your way even when you broke into the famous stadium near your house with your friends, leading to sending you away to boarding school. Boarding School was an experience. Getting through that obstacle only to end up at a nice 4 year University. Easy-peasy for you right? except two and a half years later you’re sent to Private College. You hated your mother for thinking what’s best for you but “The Kaizen of Maria” Private College was a risqué experience, way better than boarding school, am I right? Am I? See how you deal with being with the social classes you don’t usually be in. Hardships, flowing red and orange leaves hitting the ground in the opening season of fall, volleyball practices, majors, sexy instructors and classmates, and finally realization of issues.
Be apprised of the warnings before you read below: smut, heavy smut, plot build-up, angst, heavy angst at the end chapters and maybe beginning too, chubby reader in mind but everyone could read, age gap, reader is in her early 20s( 21-23), tw.taboo, teacher/student relationships, reader could be considered hyper feminine and Bimbo/ditzy, very different and wrong depictions of boarding school( just for the plot), trauma( heavy and light), power dynamic relationships, sex with no relations on one side( yours), large age gaps so please be aware, written with black reader in mind but again everyone could read, volleyball player!reader, fashion major!reader, chubby reader in mind but everyone could read, daddy issues are high here but this in no way to describe it in a sexual manner only( this also goes into depths of it), heavy drug use! But the reader is not doing it just watching + dark content!, threesomes, classroom fucking, under the desk, Pervert reader and some characters, size kink but not major, false!corruption kink, reader is very seductive without even doing anything, body fluids( squirting, creampies, cum on body), mention of the younger cast of each series( not everyone though), Fem!reader, the men and Hange are between the ages of (30-50, so exit out this series if you’re uncomfortable), some fluff here and there, a little self indulgent, small descriptions of body parts( cocks, pussy, hair, etc.), heavy body worship, oral( f & m receiving), mentions of alcohol/parties off campus, strict teachers( Nanami, Erwin, and Levi), toxic!relationships, unrequited love( male wise), modern!au, joint modern au, crossover au!
Characters: Erwin smith, Levi Ackerman, Onyankopon, Hange Zoe, Miche Zacharias, Gojo satoru, Geto suguru, Nanami Kento, Toji Fushiguro, Shiu Kong, Hiromi Higuruma, Keith shadis, Kishibe, Eren Kruger, Principal Yaga, Zeke Yeager, Atsuya Kukasabe, Grisha Yeager, Kenny Ackerman, and Choso Kamo
Wc: tba ( tie it up at the end of the series)
ෆ ‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ┈•゚Note from Salaciousdoll: Thank you to Deja for the pictures/headers, I adore you so much for this because you did this for free and just for your own entertainment, I was so scared to ask you but we up!! 😭 read the warnings carefully everyone. As always, MDNI; 18+ only
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。゚•┈୨ CHAPTERS ୧┈• 。゚
i. The opening of Fall 9/19/23
ii. Friends? 10/1/23
iii. You can’t always get what you want 12/16/23
IV. I wouldn’t do a thing like that, that’s for sure! 1/16/24
V. Be my Daddy(1/24/24)
VI. Ridin’
VII. I put you down because I want you
VIII. Slut Pop
IX. Strawberry Pound Cake
X. Thee Five Star Bitch
XI. Cherry Cola
Xll. Ten men on my line tryna fuck me, your daddy’s the biggest spender
XIII. He calls me lavender
XIV. Just wanna have fun’
XV. Holding hands with an bad old man
XVI. Allure
XVII. Wanna know how red taste?
XVIII. Blood Rush Slut
XIX . Candy Necklaces
XX. French Restaurant
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1. Boarding school- Lana Del Rey 2. Party Girls- Victoria Monet
3. Love Language- Sza 4. Open Arms- Sza ft Travis Scott
5. Mermaid Hotel-Lana Del Rey 6. Girl that got away- Lana Del Rey
7. Go Go Dancer- Lana del Rey 8. Off to the Races- Lana del Rey
9. I’m that girl- Beyoncé 10. Rocket- Beyoncé 11. You can be the boss- Lana del Rey
12. French restaurant- Lana del Rey 13. Fucked my way up to the top- Lana del Rey
14. Attention- doja cat 15. Daddy issues- The Neighborhood
16. Older- Isabel larosa 17. Naughty Girl-Beyoncé 18. Valley of the doll- Marina
19. What was I made for- Billie elilish 20. Baby doll- Mariah Carey
21. The roof- Mariah Carey 22. Body Electric- Lana del Rey
23. All Up In Your Mind- Beyoncé
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Tagging: @chosoist @honeybleed @emomanswhore @simpingfor-wakasa @happygoluckyalexis @mastermindenoshimaalicia @angelshub and if anyone else wants to be tagged in future chapter, fill out the taglist form.
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。゚•┈© all right reserved to salaciousdoll, she does not give permission to steal, plagiarize, and translate.
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joekeeryswife · 1 year
Clingy - e.m
hello loves i hope you’re all okay. angst to fluff with Eddie- shitty ending with a lot of mistakes but other than that- enjoy x
taglist (feel free to add yourself🤍): @eddieamoremio @theshireisonfire @livsters
your love language was physical touch. touching them in some sort of way always put your mind at ease. whether it was holding hands or resting your head on your lovers shoulder, that was enough for you. from what you saw, Eddie didn't mind you being affectionate with him, in fact it seemed like he loved you being affectionate.
if you didn't hold his hand he would softly grab ahold of your wrist and lace your fingers together. whenever you were at his trailer and it was just the two of you and you'd be in his bedroom, cuddled closely together. you being clingy and cuddly never ever seemed to bother Eddie.
you'd never heard him complain to anyone about how clingy you were and Robin would say 'you guys make me sick' from how close the two of you were, every second you were together you were touching in some sort of way. but you always knew she was joking, it was never said with malice or spite.
it was Friday and school had just finished. Fridays meant hellfire. you were still coming to terms with the game so when Eddie said you could sit next to him you didn't think anything of it. he was always willing to help you and he didn't seem to care if you asked a question during the game, until you heard him speaking to whoever was in the drama studio. the drama studio door was slightly open, meaning you could hear every little thing he said.
"no man, i just can't do it anymore. it's every single day she's there clinging onto me. i understand she's an affectionate person but jesus christ it's like i can never catch a break. even when i'm here doing hellfire, the one time i do have a break she's here pestering me about how to play. she's just so fucking annoying. i don't know, maybe i should say something to her. she needs to learn boundaries. just for one day i'd love some space, just one day with her leaving me alone."
your breathing stuttered as your eyes filled with tears, Eddie found you annoying? if you'd known you would of stopped but hearing him speak about you like this just broke your heart. the last time you heard someone speak about your clingy-ness in a bad way was your ex, he hated you being touchy and his last words to you before you broke up were "you don't know when to leave someone alone. your affection isn't needed or wanted. it's weird, you touching me all the time is weird"
"i don't know man, you know how she is. she's just showing you love-" Dustin. Dustin was always the one to stick up for you and you appreciated it. "no. her love is too much. i don't think i can do it anymore honestly." Eddie interrupted. you couldn't help me choke on a sob before deciding you'd heard enough and left them to their conversation.
how could you have been so blind, Eddie didn't want the affection you were giving him and you should of realised that. you made your way through the halls of Hawkins High and realised Eddie was your ride home. there was no way you were going back there to ask him for a lift so walking it was.
you opened one of the double doors and held your books closer to your chest as a sob escaped your throat. you would have never ever thought Eddie would speak about you in that way. he was always so loving and hearing him call you annoying hurt. a lot. now you knew how he really felt, you were 100% going to distance yourself. if Eddie felt like this imagine how your friends felt? did they all speak about you like Eddie did? starting today there would be no more affection coming from you.
it was now Saturday meaning you had work. work with Steve and Robin which was fine, it was better than working work Keith. a lot better actually. but you were getting nervous. Eddie had been calling your home phone non stop and leaving voice mails. most of them were asking if you were okay and why you didn't turn up to hellfire. he had called you at least 40 times and when you didn't answer he drove to your house and begged to see you but your mum wouldn't let him in.
you hadn't told her what Eddie had said but you had hinted to her that if anyone did turn up at the house asking for you to not let them in because you wanted to be alone. you knew Eddie would turn up at your work, he always did and never missed a shift. but you just prayed that something would distract him enough so he didn't turn up.
facing Robin and Steve was hard. usually you'd greet them with a hug and a kiss on the cheek but not today. you'd just walked to the staff room and put your stuff away. you'd obviously said hello, you weren't that rude, but you just didn't want to annoy them like you were annoying Eddie. 
you were sat on the counter, picking at your nails as you listened to Steve and Robin complain about how boring it was because the shop was so quiet. about three hours after you'd all started work Robin decided to go on break, leaving you and Steve alone. you hadn't realised but both Robin and Steve had been taking sneaky glances at you and mouthing to each other trying to figure out the problem.
"honey" you heard Steve say. he never called you by your first name. it was just something you both never used. you looked up from your nails and saw him staring right at you. "is there something wrong?" you shook your head and looked down at your lap. you didn't really want him to know you were worried about being annoying but there was something about Steve that made you never able to keep a secret from him.
"'m not stupid honey. you can tell me, i won't tell anyone" you looked up at him again and sighed, feeling your chin quiver and your lips downturned as you tried to stop yourself from crying. you knew if you cried Steve would take you in his arms and hug you until you couldn't breathe but you didn't want that, you didn't want to receive or give affection.
Steve frowned as he watched you try not to cry, what the hell had happened? "do you think i'm annoying?" his frown deepened as he listened to you speak, where the hell had this come from? "what? absolutely not. who the hell called you-" Steve was cut off by the bell above the door ringing, indicating someone had entered the store.
you looked over and saw it was Eddie. shit. "i'm gonna go on break" you whispered to Steve and made your way to the back quickly. "hey sweetheart where are you going?" Eddie had just got here and now you were leaving? no kiss? no cuddle? he was frowned. you were going out of your way to purposely ignore him. "what the hell is the matter with her?" Eddie asked, annoyed. Steve sighed "i honestly have no idea."
Monday rolled around quicker then you would have liked and waking up for school gave you the worst anxiety. you'd have to face Eddie. you were semi popular in school so it wasn't like you had no where else to sit but you liked sitting with Eddie and his friends, they were all nice to you and that was a bonus.
but today was different, you were definitely not going to sit with them and decided to sit with Robin instead. but it also wasn't as simple as just sitting with Robin. you had a lot of classes with Eddie so you couldn't avoid him. maybe in the corridors but not in class, you were stuck in one place and that was with him.
you had asked Steve if he could take you to school and he was more than happy to pick you up before he got Robin and you were grateful he agreed. usually Eddie would pick you up but you didn't even want to face him. maybe what you were doing was wrong and maybe you should just speak to him about it. but you were scared, you were giving him what he wanted right? he said he wanted space and that was exactly what you were giving him.
Steve had picked you up a lot earlier than Eddie would even arrive at your house which meant you didn't have to face him. once Eddie did finally arrive at your house he was confused. every morning without fail you'd be sat on your porch steps waiting for him but today it seemed like you were no where to be seen.
Eddie saw your mums car in the drive way which meant she hadn't taken you to school so he quickly made his way up your drive and knocked on the door. your mum answered with a smile and a reciprocated confused look. "hi Eddie. what can i do for you?" were you not coming to school today? "is y/n home? she's usually out here because i take her to school" your mum frowned, you had left for school ages ago.
"oh uhh i thought she would have told you. she left for school early, she told me she had to catch up on some extra school work" Eddie frowned but nodded. "she must of forgotten to tell me. thank you anyway" he replied as he made his way back to his van. now he knew for certain you were avoiding him. but he had no idea why. what had he done for you to ignore him like this?
he arrived at Hawkins high pretty quickly and made his way to your locker, seeing you speaking to Robin with a huge smile on your face. he hadn't seen you smile in what felt like years. he approached you cautiously, not wanting you to run away from him before he could talk to you.
"hey" he said as you took your English book from your locker. "hi" Robin had found out what Eddie had said and was fuming. you being an affectionate person was one of your best qualities, you always made new people feel welcome (if they were new to the friendship group) by giving them a reassuring hug and a smile.
the fact he had called you annoying pissed her off so she quickly left the two of you before she said something she'd regret. Eddie sighed before running a hand through his hair in annoyance "i went to your house this morning. you weren't there" he took ahold of your hand and rubbed his thumb on the back of it.
"oh sorry. i forgot to say, Steve drove me here. i had to catch up-" you let go if Eddie hand quickly, making his hand drop. "why are you lying to me? you've been avoiding me for days. just stop lying to me y/n, im your boyfriend i'm meant to know how you're feeling" you looked in his eyes and saw his were full of confusion and anger. you definitely should have said something.
"Eddie you are one to talk, you can't say you're meant to know how im feeling if i have no clue how you're really feeling" you snapped back, to be honest you didn't mean for it to come out so harshly. "what are you on about?" you sighed, you didn't want to do this now in front of everyone. people were starting to stare.
"im not gonna get into this with you now. i've got to go to class" a class which Eddie was in unfortunately. "okay fine. i'll come with you" you shook your head and his frown deepened. "i wanna walk on my own" and with that you closed your locker and made your way to your English class. Eddie needed to know what was going on with you because it was like something in you had switched. you let go of his hand which you never ever did.
at lunch it was the same, you had made awkward eye contact with him after ignoring him in English and quickly put your head down and rushed over to where Robin was sat, thank god she saved you a seat. Eddie groaned as he watched you walk over to Robin instead of him.
"what's got you all grumpy Ed's?" Jeff said as Eddie put his head in his hands. "y/n is completely avoiding me. i have no idea what i've done wrong" Dustin swallowed and turned to Eddie. "you don't think she heard what you said before hellfire do you?" Eddies head shot up as he quickly remembered what he had said.
"what?" Dustin looked down at his lap, and guilt filled Eddie's body. "oh god. she's probably heartbroken" he wanted to slap himself for being so stupid. what he said before hellfire was just a spare of the moment thing and he wanted nothing more than your love and affection, it was killing him honestly. "maybe she's just worried about 'annoying' you Eddie. i did tell you what you said was harsh. you wanted to break up with her" Dustin quoted.
"i would never. i'm such an idiot" Eddie quickly got his lunch box and started making his way to you. he saw you laughing with Robin and a few kids from band and just the thought of hurting you killed him. "y/n" he said as he got to your table, making you look up at him. "hi Eddie" Robins smile turned sour as soon as he approached the table. "can i speak to you?"
Eddie knew about your last boyfriend and what he had said to you before you broke up and Eddie promised he would never be like him. but he realised he turned out just like him. you sighed but knew you probably should speak to him. you grabbed your bag and followed Eddie. it seemed like he was taking you to his van so you could speak in private. now there were three ways Eddie could approach- he could just come out and ask if you heard him or he could let you talk to him about it or he could ask in a discreet way and hope you tell him.
he didn’t know what he was going to do until you were both settled in the van. you were silent, waiting for Eddie to speak. you didn't want to be the first to talk because it was Eddie who was in the wrong, not you. you were giving him exactly what he wanted. the silence was awkward. very awkward. you could honestly cut the tension with a knife it was so awkward.
"so" Eddie finally broke it. but he was met with the same silence. how were you meant to respond to that? "i didn't mean to snap at you earlier. i am just worried about you. you never avoid me like this" Eddies voice was soft and filled with love but also worry. you'd never done this before. Eddie sighed when you stayed silent. he really fucked up. "did you hear what i said to Dustin?"
you looked down at your lap and nodded your head. you felt your eyes fill with tears as a relief was taken off of your shoulders. you heard Eddie whisper a small 'fuck' as he realised his fear of you hearing him came true. "baby you know i didn't mean it. i would never-"
"you know what happened when i was in my last relationship Eddie and you promised you'd be nothing like him. if my affection was making you uncomfortable you should of said it to me, not to Dustin" Eddie knew you were right, now you were looking directly at him. he shifted uncomfortably under your gaze. "i know i know and i'm sorry. i was just having a rough day" you scoffed through your tears.
"what you said hurt me Eddie don't you get that? you can't blame it on a rough day. the way you said it was enough for me to know you meant it. you said i was annoying and that 'you couldn't do this anymore' and if that's how you feel Eddie then i don't want to be with you" Eddies heart dropped as he looked at the mascara lines streaking down your cheeks. he knew he'd fucked up and he hurt you.
he sighed and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, bringing you into him so he could just hold you. he didn't mean anything he said and if he could take it all back so you would be affectionate with him again he would. you let him hug you, you missed him. he kissed your forehead as you cried into his hellfire shirt. “i’m really sorry sweetheart”
your crying was silent. a sincere apology was all you wanted to hear. “i don’t know why i said it, i think maybe it scared me a little that you love me so much to even show me affection but it’s not an excuse for the way i spoke about you. i really am sorry, i love your affection and i missed it so much when you were ignoring me” he rubbed his hand up and down your back as he tried to calm you down.
you looked up at him with bloodshot eyes and tear marks on your cheeks. even though he hurt you, the sympathetic look on his face almost melted you. “promise me if it’s too much for you you’ll come to me” Eddie lent down and place a small kiss on your lips before rubbing his hand over your cheeks to clear any stains away. “i promise”
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hawkinsquarry · 1 year
❝  please don’t go—  i need.  i need someone—  i need you.  ❞ and ❝  it doesn’t have to mean anything,  i just don’t wanna feel lonely tonight. and i want to feel good for once.  ❞ is making me feel things. honestly needy steve begging to not be lonely sounds lovely but either way ❤️
how could i say goodbye? - steve x gn!reader
no pronouns for reader used; fluff, angst; hurt/comfort; sharing a bed; friends to lovers; love confessions; steve cry :(; brief mention of p*rn section at fam video but nothing in depth!
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You’ve seen Steve like this before. Beaten up, bruised, a bit bloody. You’ve seen him wear the scars after. Borrowing Robin’s concealer for a cut lip and making up lies about being a klutz. You’ve bandaged him up, grabbed an ice pack and a handful of ibuprofen and sat them down on his bedside table, taking in his sleeping face before shutting off the light and going home.
This time, he’s scared. Everyone is. The world’s up in smoke and fire and tens of people are missing or dead. You’d wrung your hands the entire walk to Steve’s at 2 am, just as big military vehicles are pulling in. You couldn’t sleep, not knowing what’s become of him, and you’re relieved when his big, dumb house is in view, intact. A warm light on in his bedroom window. His car in the driveway, his dad’s car not.
Steve’s terrified when he opens the door, but his features soften immediately. His shirt’s off. You notice the lacerations on his torso immediately, but Steve’s pulling you in and locking the door before you can ask.
“Did you walk here?” is the first thing he says. You shrug, and he sighs loudly before wrapping you up in his arms. He smells like earth. “I’m sorry I didn’t call.”
“Lines are down anyway,” you mumble into his shoulder, trying not to kiss the skin as much as you want to. “What happened?”
He sighs again. “Not an earthquake.”
“I know.”
“Guess you could tell I needed a nurse, huh?”
You don’t think it’s very funny, but you lead him to the bathroom, picking out the first aid kit you’d last restocked in July. “Think you’ll need to lay down,” you say, gently kicking the cabinet under the sink shut. “Bedroom.”
You work gently and diligently on his stomach. He’d sworn to you it was already disinfected by the same people who partially cleaned him up after Starcourt. You still apply alcohol, much to his dismay. But even when he’s wincing, he’s quiet. Steve’s not known to be quiet. Your anxiety nearly gets the best of you, almost screaming at him when you ask again, “What happened?”
He stares at you for a long time, brown eyes starting to wet. “Not tonight,” he says.
“She’s alive, too. Almost -“ and he takes a deep breath, pauses when you dab some more isopropyl on his spent skin. “Eddie.” It’s all he says. You bite at your cheek. You didn’t know Eddie well, and you’ve still got a lot of questions - but it’s a confirmation that those you know who usually get into these kinds of messes are okay.
You’re not unaware of the pointed use of the word alive and not okay. He was okay after 1984, and okay again after 1985, but 1986 only brings the word alive.
You use gauze to wrap the cuts on his stomach before taking another once over of him. He’s still so beautiful, even caked with mud and dirt and some weird thick gross slime that he’d only moaned a little don’t ask about. “Your neck,” you whisper, brows furrowing.
He nods a bit. “Hurts.”
You disinfect it, too, gently dabbing him with a cotton pad. “Hurts to swallow? To talk?”
“That’s okay,” you soothe, “I’ll stop askin’ questions now.”
“Don’t,” he whispers, suddenly grabbing your wrist. “Keep talking. Please.”
You swallow and nod before continuing your work. “My house is fine. It looks most bad in downtown - I guess you already know that? The phone lines - I said that already. Guess what I did today?”
A hint of a smile. He shrugs a shoulder.
“I finally checked out the porn section at Family Video.”
His smile grows.
“Which I guess was really good timing. But Keith was there - something about how his employees didn’t show up? Do you know anything about that?”
“Nothing,” he mouths.
“I didn’t rent anything,” you continue, “I just wanted to look. And I guess - I guess I just wanted to see you, too.”
His big eyes get all soft again. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry.” You dab away the last remnants of blood from his neck and pull back to throw the cotton pad in the trash. “Shouldn’t apologize for saving the world.”
You’re prepping a band aid for a cut on his head when he whispers, “We didn’t this time.”
You look back at him in a little bit of shock. Yes, the things always come back. But he’s never come back and said “yeah, we really dropped the ball this time.” He’s always been relatively confident, giving it “an eighty to eighty-five percent chance” that this was the last time.
“Zero percent,” he says, like he’s reading your mind. “We didn’t.”
“Let’s worry about that tomorrow, okay? I saw those big government vehicles - they’ll help.”
He makes a face that tells you everything. They won’t. They don’t know how.
“I’m sorry,” you say, leaning back towards him and resting your hands on his chest.
You see his adam’s apple bob. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it safe for you.”
Steve has never cried before in front of you. He’s gotten close, but just walked away, pinching his nose and coming back a few minutes later like nothing ever happened. But now, he’s crying. It’s soft, a few tears riding down his cheeks.
“Steve.” Your voice cracks. “None of this is your fault. None of it. You can’t save the world. I’m - I’m so happy you’re safe.” You press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, trying to fight off a sob. “I’m just glad you came home.”
He closes his eyes and bites his lip. You move away with your kit, placing it on his desk before moving back to him. You push his hair out of his face softly. “Get some sleep. Okay?”
Steve’s eyes shoot open and he looks scared again. Panicked. He shakes his head and grabs your hands, pulling you into him so far that you almost trip and fall on top of him. “Please don’t go. I need - I need someone. I need you.”
Your heart jumps up to your throat and you swallow thickly. He’s never asked you for this before. And he’s genuine - his eyes are wild and still wet and he looks so, so scared. Scared of losing you.
“Okay,” you whisper. “I’ll get some blankets and -“
“Here,” he says, tugging you in again. “I - look, I know. But it doesn’t have to mean anything. I just don’t wanna feel lonely tonight. I want to feel good for once. I - goddammit. I want you. Please.”
I want you. It rings in your head. I want you.
You move to the other side of the bed and slide under the covers, cuddling up close to him. Steve turns onto his side as best as he can - you’d chosen his good side to lay beside. You wrap him in your arms as he rests his head on your chest. His grip on you is tight and it has to hurt. His muscles have to be screaming at him to stop and rest. But he holds you like you might get taken, too, along with all the others.
And he cries. You feel the tears soaking through your shirt. He tries his best not to make any noise, but he still sniffles and clears his throat. You rake your hand through his hair and hold him as tight as you can, too.
“Steve,” you whisper. “I love you. I just - I had to say it.”
There’s a pause, a shaky breath, before he pushes himself up to kiss you. It’s small and otherwise insignificant, but warm and sweet and what you’ve wanted for years. You’re surprised when he pulls back, but you melt as he whispers, “I love you, too.”
He settles into your chest again, and you resume combing his hair, heart pounding. “I’m here. Okay? I’ll take care of you. Just rest. I love you.”
He sighs and relaxes. “I love you, too.”
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callmelyc · 10 days
Part 2 of this the Lance loosing a leg Langst
Less angst in this one bc I'm a sucker for a happy ending. Again copy and pasted from Twitter ignore typos and grammar 🥰
Keith can still hear it, the moment the coms clicked back to life ringing static in his ears where there was once only silence.
From shiro demanding checks ins all the way to Lance's line remaining silent.
Everything from that mission was a blur, a nightmare.
Keith's throat burns from the way he'd yelled through the coms for lance. His eyes ache from the tears he'd finally allowed to fall once they'd learned why he'd been so quiet.
Keith can still feel Lances dead weight collapse into his arms, can still feel the blood drenching him as he rushed lance to Coran hoping and praying to whatever God exists to please
Please don't let lance die
let him be fast enough
And he was, if ever so slightly
Lance had lost too much blood, Coran had said. Had Keith been any slower....had lance not managed to- God Keith can't even allow himself to finish the thought
It makes him feel sick to his stomach to know lance had been corned alone..
And now Keith stands outside of his pod next to the entire team looking at a battered lance that isnt nearly as whole as the one they'd last seen. They’d cut off his leg, it wasn’t clean nor did Coran have to tell them it was quick. They all knew it wasn’t. Couldn’t have been with how jagged and rough the slices appear to have been if the marking left on lances thigh were anything to go by. They’d butchered him alive making sure with every slice he’d suffered.
What their enemies failed to account for was that lance was a paladin of voltron, a master sniper and a damn good soldier good at getting himself out of just about any scenario and all the tight spots.
From the footage Pidge was able to scrape from that cursed vessel he’d done just that while laying in a pool of his own blood thanks to pure will power alone. He’d survived where they - the enemy- hadn’t. In doing so Lance discovered something none of them knew possible, not even Allura and Coran thought it a possibility. He’d turned his bayard into a temporary prosthetic.
Lance was the first paladin to ever manage turning his bayard into anything other than a weapon. The first to ever turn his bayard into something the likes of what hed managed.
“It’s unheard of” Allura murmured “for the bayard to become something as such- I cannot fathom how he managed such a feat.”
“Didn’t you once say the bayards would take the form of what the paladin needed?”
“Wouldn’t that, in theory, mean we could make them anything we needed? Tools, equipment, or like Lance did- a new limb.” Pidge continues.
“I suppose so…” Allura says, pensive with her glance towards lances pod “we will have to revisit this one he can tell us how he did so.”
Keith looks away from the two, staring at the pod, at how unmoving lance is and thinks: It doesn’t matter how he did it, only that he’s ok after the fact.
Lance woke two weeks after the mission that plagued Kieth with nightmares.
In his sleep hed see lance bleeding out alone, hed see lance draggging himself desperately across the floor calling out his name….so now, now Keith waits outside of lances pod day and night. He sleeps curled up next to the pod that way when he wakes from these nightmares Keith can glance up and see lances moving chest. He can see the healing pods progress on lances damaged flesh with his own two eyes and calm every bit of turmoil resting in his veins.
Lance wakes to Keith once again holding out his arms, and once he falls, holding him in them.
Keith had waited to catch lance, had refused to let anyone else stand where he was so hed be able to do so. And he’s glad he had, Lance didn’t joke. Didn’t smile or make any random comments or say any questions. He was so unlike himself in that moment that right then and there they all realized just how hard this journey would be for not only lance but the rest of them.
Lance buried his face into Keith’s shoulder with a shaken exhale. Keith only pulls him in closer, more secure, because he knows that sound, Lance is holding back tears.
“It’s ok, I’ve got you.” Keith whispers softly, sliding up a hand to pet lances hair comfortingly “we’ve all got you.”
The team joins their embrace as lance finally allows himself to sob, the pain wrenching through his throat, the tears soaking through Keith’s shirt. But finally, finally lance allows himself to feel it all. To feel the fear, the relief he never lets himself have during that mission and they’d all be there as he worked thorough it.
Keith places a soft kiss to lances nape “I’ve got you sweetheart, I’ve got you.”
It’s Keith that holds lance through the night after that with the entirety of the team sleeping nearby to remind him that when he wakes from those nightmares he isn’t alone.
It’s Keith that lance responds the most too first.
Lance tells him everything he can remember, how the ground felt so cold, how everything was spinning so fast. The silence being loud and deafening and the burn of his leg being cut off being unlike anything hed ever felt before.
“I can still feel it.” Lance says one night as they look out at the stars “the ache from the first slice, the nerves being cut…”
Keith chances a glance at the blue paladin, he takes in his hallowed eyes, the way he looks so far away.
“Coran said it was normal, the phantom pains. I just want it to stop…” lance turns to look Keith in the eye, the emotions he feels finally showing in them “will it ever stop Keith?”
“I don’t know.” Keith replies, knowing Lance doesn’t need white lies. He squeezes lances hand in comfort “but, regardless, we’re all here for you lance. You don’t have to do any of this alone, no matter how long it takes.”
After that night they were inseparable.
Anytime anyone looked for lance all they had to do was look for Keith.
They did lances physical therapy together, they did his checkups together, training, meals, sleeping….you name it.
Shiro even talked Lance through the emotions and traumas that deal with looking such a permanent part of yourself and Keith stayed near the entire time.
It wasn’t that he was trying to be overwhelming or suffocating, Keith swears he isn’t trying to be too much. Every-time he even thinks about letting lance out of his sight he remembers that look in his eye, the one on his face filled with pain and fear and- Keith just can’t do it. He can’t leave lance alone. Not until he’s better.
Lance should be happy! Should have light in his eyes that make them brighter than the sun, should have a laugh that reverberates through the room like a song. He should be picking fights with Keith, arguing with Pidge, starting challenges that get them all to take care of themselves indirectly so he doesn’t ruin his cool guy image.
And Keith will be dammed if he doesn’t make sure lance get to that point again.
It’s Pidge that make the new prosthetic with the help of hunk and the olkari. Lances new leg is made to be lightweight, agile, waterproof, similar in feeling to his human leg for balance with the flexibility to match so that he can still swim and bend to his hearts content. They make sure it could disguise itself with “flesh’ that matches his skin so that is he wished to conceal his loss more privately or for certain occasions he could do so through his healing process and beyond.
“And anything you want added we’ll do it.” Pidge adds as she goes through the list of all the things his prosthetic can do once attached “any enchantment at all. You can even ask for us to make it glow in the dark or play pit bulls Mr worldwide every time you touch down on a new planet. We’d never say no to you.”
That gets a small smile from lance as he runs his fingers ever so lightly across the alien metal surfaces. Keith watches him do so, watches him be so gentle and lost in his touch. It’s nice to see him trying even if they all know this is difficult for him still.
“What if I want it to kick Keith’s ass?” Lance jokes lightly trying to keep the mood from going too south.
For the first time in weeks they see lance laugh, they see him crack jokes and send jabs at comments Pidge gives in reply. The entire conversation with the two mad scientist of the team is full of wisecracks and laughter about all the crazy enhancements they could possibly add to the leg.
“What if you make multiple and one is a cannon—“
“Why a cannon?”
“So I can bust a kneecap and still blow everyone away with my presence!”
Keith will find shiro later and thank him for talking lance through what its like to loose a limb, how to handle it, how the prosthetic healing process will feel once attached. And all shiro will do is clap Keith on the shoulder and say “you aren’t giving yourself enough credit there kiddo. If anyone is pulling weight here its you, you’re keeping him grounded and I can tell it means the world to him.”
That sentiment sits with Keith as he goes through the day, as he gets lance and himself ready for bed, as he lays down next to lance, sharing their covers, and whisper goodnights. It sits with him as he holds lances hand through the attachment surgery that he’d insisted he stay for. They’d tried everything to get Keith to leave but lance looked so woefully upset at the thought that they allowed Keith to stay so long as he was thoroughly and properly sanitized.
He ran a thumb across lances hand from his bedside until he woke up after the fact and kissed his hand with a gentle “good morning” when those blue eyes met his own.
Lances weak smile in response was still a smile that Keith would hold like a trophy.
The healing journey that followed was rough as expected, with many ups and down as no healing is linear.
Lance would get frustrated at his balance, at the leg, at the loss. He’d be angry he couldn’t feel things like he used to, couldn’t feel the ground, couldn’t run like he could before.
Shiro built his training regimen to mirror what hed wished he had when hed gotten his arm and it helped but not nearly as much as the pep talks and brutal honesty Keith would provide during his spirals.
At a certain point Keith even resulted to doing what lance used to do to him, taunt and utilize the rivalry card.
“Giving up already?” He’d say and lance would snarl in response and rise to the challenge if not to win out of sheer petiteness. “That all you got?” “This is the paladin that unlocked more about the bayards?”
Lance would come at Keith like a lion, one out for blood and fierce in his movements. He went from sloppy to more graceful, from a tilt-a-whirl to a proper fighter. Lance was able to swim again, not as strong as before but hed get there and all of them noticed the progress flourish around Keith.
Keith and the rivalry, the challenger, the one that figured out he could use lances own tactics against him. It all worked like a charm.
Through it all lances bayard never once veered from a weapon. Allura had watched closely hoping and praying that he could do it again that he could turn the bayard in to anything else so that they could all learn how to do so too. But no matter the efforts they all fell flat.
Lance couldn’t remember how hed done it, much too delirious from the blood loss, pain and hallucinations. And all through the weeks hed lacked a prosthetic at all hed still never managed to do the transformation a second time.
Keith blocks a sharp kick form lances new leg and rolls away before a second lands “a kick like that wont get you anywhere McClain!”
Lance pushes on attempting to knock Keith off balance with his leg “if you think I’m done you’ve got a big storm coming kogane!”
The spar goes like a dance, twirling and yielding, dodging and gliding. Two halves of a whole, red and blue.
Lance spins around to dodge Keith and just as Keith goes to follow Lance knocks him off his feet. Keith doesn’t care one bit but for lances triumphantly whoop, that’s the best prize in the world.
It’s not until the next major mission they go on, the first since lances injury, that everything is brought back full circle.
They get cornered by space pirates and they take their bayards away. Lance and Pidge both mouth off at the crew who bite back with pride that they’ll get quite the bounty for them all.
Thrown into prison cells beneath the deck they sit and wait attempting to come up with a plan to unlock the cell doors.
During the midst of the arguments, the back and forths, Pidge challenges lances ideas. Everyone was frustrated, tired, all in disagreement. It was bound for insults to arise that were not truly meant.
“Why don’t you just unlock the door then Einstein!”
Lance gasps in offense “FINE! I WILL!”
And before their very eyes lances hand summons forth his bayard “you just can’t handle that I might have some good ideas sometimes can you?!”
“I can think too ya know! I went to the garrison too!” Lance shouts, flailing his arm around and the bayard transforms into a key.
“Lance!” Pidge laughs in awe but he continues on as if they aren’t all starting at him in their amazement.
He turns sharply to unlock the door, throws it open with a huff, and turns to put his hands on his hips. “SEE! My plans aren’t so bad—“
“LANCE!” They all yell, but not in anger, no…they yell in joy. He’d finally figured it out, Lance did it again and this time they’d seen it with their own eyes.
Keith just smiles on, taking lances hand to run “we can talk about this later, we need to get off this ship.”
“Talk about what?!” Lance asks, breaking into a run right alongside Keith, his hand lacing together with Keith’s.
It’s not until they jump ship (literally) and run to their lions that Keith finally gives Lance a response “ how amazing you are.”
If the two stand hand in hand during the debriefing, well, no one bats n eye nor speaks a word of it.
Turns out it was due to high emotions, Lance being able to use his Bayard as a true tool rather than a weapon. Lance feels so much naturally, so freely, that when his emotions went beyond anything he’d felt before, his bayard heard him through the paladin bond and that formed an entirely new connection. After that relating the use was easier.
Now Lance needed any emotion to turn his bayard into a tool so much as he willed it to be. The downside being that the transformation was much more draining than the usual weapon call would be. Never the less it remained a usual advantage for a variety of possible scenarios and situations that allowed it.
Training for how the others could do so, however, was deemed much too risky due to the circumstances behind the discovery. Allura and Shiro both agreed the risk far too high.
“It’s best to allow it to happen naturally…we’d not want to damage you to make it possible. You all go through so much already.” Allura tells them with a small smile “but—“ she glanced over to Lance, beaming with pride “I know that all of you are strong, and thanks to Lance we now know it to even be a Possibility. We can be prepared for anything.”
Keith slides a hand around lances waist, resting his head on his shoulder “ told you so.” He says softly so that only Lance may hear it.
Lance glances down at him “told me—?”
“You were amazing, are amazing”
Lance just sniffles, trying his best to hold back the tears “ only as amazing as you make me.”
Keith hugs him, pushing all his love into it. When Lance returns the embrace he knows his message was heard loud and clear. This is how voltrons sniper learns he is so much more. More than a weapon, more than a soldier. A tool perhaps, but also an inspiration to his peers, a part of a family, and most of all: someone to love.
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theladybarnes · 6 months
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" You know, you're not what I thought you'd be like ”
▸ summary: winter ends and so do relationships ▸ characters: robin buckley, eddie munson, & steve harrington 💕 (ft. dustin henderson and jonathan byers) ▸ word count: 13.7k         ▸ warnings: SEMI-SMUT (18+MINORS DNI) handjob, & angst ▸ series masterlist
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 “You’re kidding me.”
 “I am not, Jonathan!” you hissed, looking down the hall. When there was no sign of anyone else coming out of their rooms, you continued on. “I just..left.”
 “But why would you just..that doesn’t make sense! Tell me from the beginning again.”
 Sighing, you sat down in the chair by the kitchen phone. It had been over an hour now of venting to Jonathan and because he’s currently hopped-up on whatever his friend Argyle supplied him, it’s taking longer to explain everything to him. 
 “Fine, but this is the last time.”
 “Last time, promise.”
 You go over the events that happened at the end of the night you spent at Steve’s. It was a bit painful to explain it in detail again but you really needed some advice from your friend. “..And when I looked back, he was standing there. Note in hand and everything.”
 “Christ.” he sighed, “And since then you two haven’t talked?”
 “I called him when I got home that afternoon. Other than that we’ve been thankfully busy. Mostly just school and then work. But I’ve switched with Keith a couple of times to avoid the long hours.”
 “You really know how to put on the theatrics, don’t you?”
 “Seriously?” you gaped, looking at the receiver as if it insulted you and not your friend on the other line. “I’m doing anything for theatrics. I’m literally trying to get out of possibly another fight.”
 “Yeah, which surely won’t happen the next time you see each other again.”
 “I’m sort of hoping it'll resolve itself by then.” he went silent for a moment and you knew that he was possibly coming to his own thoughts on it. “Don’t you think?”
 “I’m thinking you’re not gonna like what I have to say.”
 “I’m sure I can handle it. Just give it to me.” 
 He sighed softly, seeming to be more nervous at your request. But he spoke up either way. “I think you’re in the wrong for asking that much from Steve.”
 “..you’re right. I’m hanging up.” 
 “Would you let me finish?” Jonathan chuckled before he turned serious again. “I get where you’re coming from. I know that in your head it’s just logical for the guy with no official ties there to just leave and go with you.”
 “Good, you get it.” 
 “But,” he continued on. “I also think it’s wrong for you to assume it'd be easy. Steve Harrington has lived in Hawkins his whole life and despite any complaining he might have done to you at some point, a small part of him is gonna be scared shitless to just leave the comforts of home.”
 You frowned at your friend’s words. Hating that a small part of you felt like what you were hearing was right. “But I left home. I haven’t lived there in almost three years..”
 “And I’m sure if your parents asked you to come back you’d tell them no, right?”
 “I—“ the answer died on your tongue. At this point you weren’t sure what you’d actually say to a question like that. While Hawkins the place wasn’t your home, the people that inhabited it were. And you didn’t think you could give up any one of them. Especially Steve.
 “I know it sucks not to have things go your way. But sometimes you gotta take the curveballs life throws at you and do something else.”
 “Something else?” you frowned. “But..what about the relationship? The feelings we worked on getting out..all that was just for nothing? All because we let fear get in the way of progressing it?”
 Jonathan sighed and you can practically envision him with his hand on his hips right now. “Who says you guys are supposed to progress together? What if there’s changes along the way?..Look this is definitely something you should talk to Steve about. But, if this were me in the situation. I’d just do what my heart thinks is right. Even if it’s to the disappointment of others. Just do what makes you happy, you know?”
 The thought about what makes you happy was easy to answer. It was Steve. He was the only thing these days that made you the most happy. But Jonathan was right, if you truly went with what you wanted, some people along the way might get hurt. 
 “Henderson? You still there?”
 “I’m here I’m just..”  you sighed. You were about to ask about his thoughts on taking a gap year when the sound of a car engine cut you off. Dragging the phone and long cord with you, you peeked through the window to see Steve parking in your driveway. “Shit.” you whispered. “Can I call you back later?”
 “What? Why? Is Steve there?”
 “Yes,” you muttered, looking as he seemed to be talking to himself in the car. “I think he must have heard you lecturing me.” 
 “Good. The two of you need to seriously sort your shit out. Anyway, Argyle is gonna come over tonight. He has this new album he wants to show me.”
 “Fine, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
 “All right, sounds good. And look..just hear him out. Maybe he’s going through something we don’t know about, okay?” 
 The two of you muttered out a quick goodbye before dropping the phone back down. Grabbing your thick coat off the coat rack, you quickly made your way out the door. Closing it up behind you with a swift thud as Steve had just made his way out of his car.
 “Oh, hey.” he said nervously. “Guess you heard me coming in.”
 “Yeah.” you said plainly. “I was by the door anyway..”
 The two of you slowly moved towards each other. His usually confident demeanor faltered as he approached. His eyes, usually warm when looking at you, had a dull shine. Snow crunched beneath your boots as you both met in the middle of the driveway. It made your stomach twist to know that the two of you were not only nervous but awkward with each other. Even when you hated Steve you never felt this bad.
 “I missed you.” He said softly, reaching a hand out to place on your arm. “I missed you all week actually.” 
 “I missed you too.” you said softly, not even realizing that amidst the trouble, there was the need to see him again until he was before you now. Your eyes caught sight of a little patch of green peeking out from his shirt. Reaching forward you pull down his coat to expose the familiar tacky vest from work. “You came from work..”
 He chuckled a bit, nodding his head before he unzipped his coat, exposing the rest of the vest to you.“Yeah, I did. Would have come sooner, but I was sort of building up the courage.”
 That tugged at your heart a bit and you reached out to cup at his cheek. Rubbing with your thumb soothingly. “You should never be afraid to talk to me..”
 He reached up to place his hand on top of yours, a small smile on his face. “Never. I’ll always want to talk to you..it was getting you to talk to me that made me nervous.”
 Sighing, you look down to the ground. Not sure how the two of you were going to approach this. But things couldn’t continue this way. Turning your attention back to Steve, you give him what you hope came off as reassurance. “I’m listening..”
 Changing your hand to lace together, he led you over so that the two of you could lean against your Aunt’s car. Shading you under the roof of the parking spot and also placing you closer to his side. 
 “I have a small confession.” he murmured, moving his other free hand into his pocket. “I did come with other intentions than just talking.”
 You watched as he dug out a small box from his pocket. The size was oddly too familiar with something else but he quickly opened it up before you could question it. Peering down, you looked inside to find a beautiful gold necklace. 
 “Steve,” you softly gasped. “It’s not even Christmas yet.”
 “Humor me.” he said before reaching in. He pulled at the chain until he was able to dangle the center of the necklace to you. A small letter ‘S’ shined back at you. Nudging at your shoulders, he gently turned you around so that he could place the necklace around your neck, quickly locking it on. 
 Turning back to face him, the two of you glanced down at the accessory. It was a perfect fit. And though you’ve never been one to have your boyfriend’s name be proudly displayed for others to see, the small little S made your heart beat faster.
 “I've, uh, wanted to give that to you for some time now.” he said, clearing his throat. Almost nervously. “That box has been sitting in my sock drawer since the summer, honestly.” 
 “The summer?” you asked, “Why?”
 “Remember that night before we were stuck in the elevator?”
 You couldn’t help but smile a bit at the memory. It was the night that cemented your feelings for Steve. “Yeah,” you nodded. “There was that mess on the roof, then I got upset and you came over to cheer me up..it was perfect.”
 Steve smiled at that, nodding his head in agreement. 
 “That night changed everything for me.” He reached up to cup the side of your face, eyes boring down to yours when he suddenly turned serious. “I wanted to tell you I loved you a thousand times that night. But seeing as we weren’t there yet, I settled for trying to make a grand gesture sort of thing.”
 “You’ve loved me since that night?”
 “I’ve loved you since Prom, Honey.” 
 Your jaw slacked at the small confession. Unsure how you could have missed at all that Steve’s feelings for you had been that serious then. Prom had been the first time in months since the two of you kissed and he felt that strongly then?
 His hand reached out to hold the necklace, brushing his fingers lightly over the letter before he let go. “I got this the next day. Right in Starcourt.” he said, voice tinged with some sort of fondness. “Was gonna give it to you right when you entered the store, but then..”
 “I came from Billy’s attack.” you finished, reaching up to hold onto the necklace. “You wanted to give me this since then?”
 “I wanted to give it to you as a way to ask you to be my girl,” he looked down at the ground sadly. “But I guess now I’m giving it to you, to ask if you’re still my girl?” 
 You breath hitched at his words. It would seem leaving didn’t just prevent a fight from happening, but also put in a whole new worry for Steve. “I’m always gonna be your girl, Steve.” you said softly, reaching over to grab hold of his hand. 
 “Then why does it feel like I’m about to lose you?” 
 “You don’t have to lose me, Steve.” You sighed, letting go to lean back against the car. “In fact, I think me asking you to come with me proved otherwise.” 
 He straightened his composer, lips pursing at your words before he glanced up at you. “I told you, I can’t go with you. Not when I feel like I still need to be here.” 
 “I don’t get it, Steve.” You scoffed, pushing your hair away from your face. “How can you easily give me this necklace, talk about loving me for so long only to let me leave without even thinking about coming with me.” 
 “I can love you and know where I want to go, Trouble. It’s pretty easy to do both things.” He frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. “What I don't get is how you can love me back but be upset that I want to stay here. Why is long distance out of the question?”
 “Because long distance isn’t feasible for us, Steve!” You moved to stand before him, peering up at his face better. “How can you and I, the same two people who sneak into each other’s houses in the dead of the night, the very people who are constantly touching each other, suddenly just deal with the next four years without seeing each other.”
 “We’d see each other,” he pointed. “We’d have holidays, birthdays, and surprises. There’s ways we’d work things out.” 
 You sighed, meeting his intense gaze. "Those are only if we even get the chance to see each other. You’re forgetting that there are going to be nights where the both of us are tired from either work or school and we wouldn’t even have the comfort of having each other.”
 He shook his head, running a hand through his hair. "I know but Hawkins is... it's my home. There's something here I can't just walk away from."
 “But you’re willing to walk away from us? From me?” you asked, trying to keep your voice steady from the sudden ache in your throat. “I thought we were a team. I thought we'd want the same things..”
 He paced back and forth, unable to meet your gaze as he suddenly became torn. "My friends are here, my family is here.”
 "Why do you insist on staying stuck in Hawkins? You have so much potential, Steve. You could go anywhere, do anything, but you're choosing not to."
 The word slipped out before you could see the impact cut across Steve’s hurt face. It was the same word that Tommy had used just the other month and from Steve’s furrowed brows, you could tell it struck a nerve again. 
 "I'm not stuck, okay?” He gritted. “This is where I belong right now. I've got responsibilities here."
 "Responsibilities? What about your own dreams, Steve? What about your future?" you pressed again, exasperated at the fact that almost a week later and he still wasn’t seeing it. 
 "I've got people here who rely on me here, despite what you want or think." he countered, a hint of defensiveness in his voice.
 "But what about you? Have you ever thought about what you want?" you shot back, feeling the weight of the disagreement hit again. 
 He hesitated for a moment, eyes cast down on the ground before he could meet your gaze again. "Maybe I've never really thought about all of it. But I can't just up and leave everything behind.”
 "It's not about leaving everything behind, Steve. It's about growing, exploring, finding your own path," 
 There was a life for Steve outside of Hawkins. Outside of you, and though your main point was to have him explore that life with you, it was hurting to see that he didn’t want that for himself. 
 “Look, I know it’s new for me to not agree to what you want, but this isn’t by choice. Even when I was with Nancy, I told her the same thing. I’d stick around, make sure she was okay and work here. I wanna do that for everyone.” 
 Bringing up Nancy brought up a sour feeling that you shoved down. Knowing that in some way, this was Steve’s poor excuse. “I’m not Nancy Wheeler. Okay? I’m not gonna sit back and let the boy I love waste potential in a place that doesn’t deserve him.” you glared. “And in case you can’t tell, the others are all grown up now. They’re in high school, Robin is following up right after me in graduating. What happens when they’re all gone, Steve? Is that the time you figure out you wanna be with me?”
 Steve circled back towards you, finger pointing over at you. “That’s not fair for you to say. You know I want you, God, it’s literally the one thing that’s been consistent since I met you. Why can’t you understand that me being here doesn’t mean I’m not with any plans of my own, huh? Why is it automatically your way or nothing?”
 Tears welled up in your eyes the longer you stared at Steve. “Then tell me!” you cried out. Frustrated that you pushed him into thinking things had to go your way. “Tell me what it is you want! Because as far as I know it just sounds like excuses to not be with me!”
 “I thought I made that clear a while ago. I want you, dammit!” he yelled, moving to gently place his hands on your shoulders. “Please, can we just pause this? I need some time to figure this out. Can we... can we take a break from this?"
 You held your breath. Not quite ready to have Steve be so suddenly upset from all this. You couldn’t help but think back to what Jonathan warned you about. Steve wasn’t ready to leave this place. Even if you didn’t understand, it didn’t change how he felt. No matter how much you wished it would. 
 “What’s gonna change in the next six months, Steve? We fall even harder for each other and break up then? When are we finally gonna stop going in circles over this and realize we’re on different paths?”
 “Different paths?” he asked softly, confusion over his face. 
 “Yeah,” you sniffled. “Different paths..” 
 His jaw slacked a bit and you tried to keep your composure tough but the realization is hitting harder than you thought it would. Before you know it, your vision of Steve is suddenly blurred by your tears and you’re swaying in place to keep from running back in the house to burst into a sob.
 “I think we want different things, Steve. I want to explore, grow, and I thought we'd do that together. But if you can't leave Hawkins..then I need to understand that I can't ask you to." Wiping at your eyes, your sight cleared up to catch his expression mirrored the same anguish you felt inside.“I never meant to push this choice onto you. Not when you weren’t ready. I want you to want things with me. But if you aren’t ready then I need to let you go..”
 “Please,” he pleaded, “I love you.”
 "I love you too," you whispered, ignoring the ice that was gripping onto your heart at the moment. "But if we keep this same argument months later..who knows what might happen. We might even grow to hate each other..”
 He reached for your hand, desperation in his eyes as he pulled you closer. "We can work this out. We've been through so much worse than this."
 "I know, but this is different," you said softly, pulling your hand away gently. "I feel like we both need to figure ourselves out.”
 "I don't want to lose you," he pleaded, voice cracking. 
 "I don't want to lose you either," you admitted, tears streaming down your cheeks. "But I need to move forward. And I don’t think I can do that when I know there’s going to be pain in the future.”
 He looked broken as he watched you take a step back. Hand twitching out to you before he brought it down to his side. "What... what do you want me to do?"
 The words felt like knives, but they needed to be said. "I need you to let me go too, Steve..”
 His eyes glistened with unshed tears, his silence speaking volumes. "So this is it?" he finally whispered. “After everything we’re just..over?”
 “Please, Steve.” you pleaded softly. “Let me go too.” 
 his hand reached up to cup your cheek, his gaze searching into yours. "This is what you really want?" You nodded, feeling a lump form in your throat. 
 His lips met yours in a tender, bittersweet kiss, filled with all the love, and heartache that lingered between the two of you. It was a goodbye in itself, a lingering moment that you wished would go on for an eternity.
 When you pulled back, you carefully reached up to return the necklace, feeling like you were the person least deserving to wear his sign of love. But Steve quickly reached out to stop your hands. Shaking his head as he carefully readjusted it on you.
 “I’m– it’s yours. Regardless if we break up or not.” 
 Tears welled up in your eyes as you clutched the necklace tightly. "Steve..."
 "Please," he insisted softly. "You wanted me to make some decisions for myself? You keeping that is one of them.” 
 With a heavy heart, you watched as Steve stepped away from you. Hand reaching up to pinch at the side of his nose as he tried to conceal his emotions from coming through. It took everything in you to let him return back to his car. 
 You thought back to what Jonathan had said about doing what your heart thought was right. Even if it was to the disappointment of others. 
 Little did you know it’d be you who was disappointed in the end.
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 It had been a long dead night over at Family Video. The soft radio playing from the speakers was the only noise between you and Robin for the past hour. Something you were a little grateful for considering the awkwardness that came in when you first clocked in for your night shift.
 It was three weeks since that night in the driveway and things within your small group of friends had turned painfully stagnant. Whether it be from your three week reclusive approach, or Steve’s avoiding one. No one knew how to handle the break up. Hell, neither one of you would so why would your friends be able to?
 But along with the sadness between you and Steve came the awkwardness with Robin. Stuck between being friends with the both of you. It wasn’t until a couple of days ago that she had slipped up about knowing the details of everything that happened. Causing your walls to momentarily come up around her. 
 But that happened over a week ago and you were really trying not to push away one of your newer friends all because of a bad breakup. Robin was nice to you before even knowing Steve personally. So with that in mind, you tried your best the whole night to be friendlier. Or as friendly as you could be. But that didn’t mean it was going to be easy.
 Robin had restocked the snacks, you organized the return tapes, and then lastly the two of you worked together to set up a promo spot for tomorrow’s movie selections, All in record timing. Once Robin noticed you were slowly opening up again, she seemed to be keen to make up for the few awkward hours before. 
 “I don’t know how I feel about Weird Science.” Robin sighed, looking over the stack of movies facing the door. You set down the clipboard with the list of things to order for tomorrow to go join her on the other side of the counter.
 “I know. But, considering we’ve got Fright Night and Teen Wolf up, it’s at least keeping with the whole sciencey-horror theme.”
 “There’s absolutely nothing horror to do with Weird Science.” Robin scoffed as she adjusted one of the boxes, scrunching her nose over at the mini poster for Teen Wolf. “Keith’s gonna kill us.”
 “It can be considered scary if you’re bad at Science?” you tried, looking back over to her. She had a knowing look on her face that had your confidence in the set up crumpling. “Okay, he might. But just say I did it.”
 “Right.” she snorted. “It’s not like he’d ever tell you anything anyway.” 
 Reaching back for the stock list, you go over all the candies once more before sighing. It’s been a slow night and you weren’t looking forward to another hour here. But this was the life of a working teen and you were oddly still putting up with it. 
 Robin, who was quietly tidying up around the register, suddenly let out a loud gasp. “Oh no!” she said, reaching down the counter for her bag. You quickly left the candy area to join back at her side. Looking at her worriedly.
 “What’s wrong?”
 She pulled out a miniature calendar from her bag. Flipping through the pages rapidly until she landed on one with scribbled notes on it. “I completely forgot to write up the assignment needed for the Terminator’s class.” 
 The familiar name amused you momentarily before you glanced over her shoulder to see the circled date. “Shit.” you frowned, “How many pages do you need?”
 “Just three, but I barely had my notes put together yesterday.” she looked through her bag for another notebook before flipping through them for a certain spot. “God I’m gonna have to pull an all-nighter after this.”
 Glancing at your watch, you wince at the late hour. “You need more time.” 
 She ignored you momentarily to push back the notebook and calendar into her bag before coming back up. Biting her lip in worry. You couldn’t help but feel bad for your friend. Feeling the familiar panic of academic stress. Pushing the phone towards her, you nudge for her to take the receiver. “Call Steve to pick you up. Then at least you can get started sooner.”
 “What?” she gaped, looking at the clock on the back wall. “No, I-I can’t do that! You’d be by yourself.”
 “It’s fine, Robin.” you reassured her, pushing the handle into her hands. “Steve will get here fast, and you’ll at least get a big enough head start and maybe catch some hours of sleep before school.” 
 “No,” she shook her head. “I wouldn’t feel right leaving you by yourself. What if some creepy guy comes in and murders you?”
 You stood still blinking over at her. Wondering why she’d mention something so creepy at a time like this. “Not that I needed that new fear, but I’ll be safe. I’m a big girl.” You take the base of the phone, dialing the number practically engraved in your mind before pushing it to her ear. “What I do need is for you to study. So get to begging.”
 There’s a moment of worry on her face before the sound of Steve’s voice perked up through the phone. She thankfully gets the idea of you not backing down from your offer and asks Steve to come take her home. You give her a thumbs up and get the area ready to close off. Needing the distraction from the inevitable moment of seeing Steve again for the first time in days.
 Robin helped too. Making sure the windows and backdoors were all checked and locked before joining you back in the front. It was only a couple of minutes before the headlights of Steve’s car shined through the store.
 A part of you hated the idea of being alone. It was going to be creepy. But the sight of Steve stepping out of his car, hand combing through his lush hair, made you want more than ever for Robin to get out of here. The sound of the door ringing open snapped you into averting your gaze from the boy and you quickly meddled with the few papers in front of you to keep your focus on.
 “Hey, you guys ready to go?”
 “Uh, it’s just me, actually.” Robin said, grabbing her bag. “Henderson is gonna wait out till closing and for her Aunt to pick her up.”
 Without even having to look up, you knew that Steve’s eyes were on you now. It was like a magnetic pull that he still had on you. But you couldn’t look up just yet. Not when you knew what kind of face he’d be giving you right now. “Is that true?” he asked softly. 
 “Uhh, yeah, I was gonna call her in twenty minutes and let her know.” you coughed, face down. The sound of his keys jingling was oddly loud, but not as loud as the sound of your heart beat. 
 Before you knew it, Steve moved to stand in front of you at the counter. Forcing you to finally make eye contact with him. His eyes were etched with the same worry that looked at you the night in your driveway. You tried not to visibly recoil from the ache that burst into your chest.
 “I could come back for you.” he offered softly. A small bit of confidence in his voice. 
 “That’s fine, Steve. I’ll get home.”
 “I’m serious,” he frowned. “I could just come back. You’d be able to close up and maybe get some–”
 “NO.” you said quickly, having to physically take a step back. There’s a flicker of hurt over Steve’s face and he’s balled up the fist holding onto his keys. You can’t help but feel like how it was that second year here when you were cruel to him on purpose. Pushing him away from having still been mad at him. 
 You didn’t feel good then and you don’t feel good now.
“I’ll be fine,” you said more nicely after a minute of awkward silence. “You should take her home..she really needs the extra time.”
 He glanced over at Robin, giving her a questioning look, but all she did was mouth a please to him before he nodded his head. Backing away from the counter almost defeatedly. “Be safe.” he said softly, shuffling over towards the front door. 
 Taking that as a leaving cue, Robin picked up her bag from the counter. Reaching over to place her hand over yours as she threw you a sympathetic smile. “I owe you a million for this. Call me later so I know you’re okay?”
 “A million and one.” you said softly, trying to smile back. But with Steve’s presence there you’re sure it’s more wincing than you wished. “I’ll call you.” you added.
 The two make their leave after that agreement. Quietly making their exit from the store while you stayed over at the counter. They quickly enter the car, leaving you and family video alone for the rest of the night.
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  Thirty minutes later and you’re done with the store being dead. If Keith wanted to get mad at you for closing early, then he could pout about it in the office tomorrow. Right now, all you wanted was to get into your bed and try not to think about the haunting brown eyes that looked at you with such concern tonight. 
 Picking up the phone, you made an attempt to reach out to someone at home. But with your Aunt possibly still out and Dustin most likely hanging out with your friends, there’s no one there to answer your call. You’re suddenly filled with panic of how the hell you’re getting out of here. 
 A part of you thinks it might be fine to just call Steve. It’s not like he’d be upset since he was so adamant before. But even the short car ride home would be long enough for that horrible pain to come back in and you didn’t think you could handle that. Nor did you want to put Steve through that either.
 Looking at your watch, you realize you’ll at least be able to make the last bus for the night if you close up now.
 Rushing to the back, you make a move to grab your jacket and purse, ready to lock up and get the hell out of here. But before you could grab the keys, you could hear the sound of the door’s bell jingle. 
 “Dammit!” you whispered to yourself. Of course tonight you’d still have to deal with annoying customers. Turning off the light in the room, you grab the keys and slowly enter back into the front. “Uh hey, sorry but we’re actually closing up–”
 The sight of an empty front desk killed off your words instantly.
 “Hello?” you called out. Taking a small hesitant step, you enter the counter booth and try to peer out into the store. There isn’t a soul in the place. 
 Biting your lip, you reached over to the phone on the counter. Unsure of who’d you’d even cal-
 “Lovely night, isn’t it?” 
 You let out a small yelp, grabbing the clipboard near you and swatting it to the direction of the mysterious voice. 
 Peeking your eyes open, you’re welcomed to the sight of Eddie rubbing the side of his head. A glare on his face as he looked over at you. 
 “Is that how you greet all your customers?” he chided.
 Setting down the clipboard, you use your hands to lean against the counter. Getting in some air to help calm you down before you looked back up at Eddie again. This time you used your hand to slap at his arm.
 “OKAY! Really?!” he asked as he moved to rub his hand. 
 “Yes, Eddie, really! Why the hell did you come in and scare me like that?”
 “Scare you?” he scoffed. “I said it was a nice night!”
 Frowning, you crossed your arms over your chest. “Oh yeah? And so sneaking up behind me as I called out to a totally empty store didn’t make you think I’d freak out?”
 “I thought you’d enjoy a different kind of greeting.” 
 Sighing, you turned away from Eddie, ignoring his presence momentarily so that you could finish up all that you needed before you’d eventually push him out. Even if you were about to have a heart attack, you’d still make it in time to catch that bus.
 “So I’m bored tonight.” Eddie yawned out, moving to stand in front of the counter before you. Unaware that you’ve moved on to closing up rather than waiting around. 
 “How fun.” you replied back, collecting the inventory papers together. 
 He tapped his hands against the counter, looking over the place before the VHS display caught his attention. “None of these go together.” he snorted, picking up one of the tapes. “Weird Science wasn’t even scary.”
 “I wasn’t going for scary.” you muttered, reaching out to grab the tape from his hands to set out on the counter. “I was going for..sciencey-horror..ish.”
 “Ish?” he smirked. “When did they bring in that genre?”
 “They brought it in just for Family Video, didn’t you know?” you shrugged. 
 He reached over for the copy of Fright Night next. Reading the back description out loud to himself before his gaze returned back on you. “Got a thing for vamps?”
  “Nah, but that Chris Sarandon is kinda hot.” you said quickly as you grabbed the tape and scanned it into the checkout before Eddie could change his mind. “Will that be all tonight?”
 He finally caught on to how rushed you were making things. Dramatically, he spun around to look around the store as if he had a line of people waiting behind him. 
 “Are you trying to kick me out, Princess?”
 “Yes!” you laughed, waving your hand out for him to pass over the rental fee. “If I close the store now I can catch the last bus home.”
 Reaching into his pockets, he pulled out a couple of crumpled up dollar bills for you. “Why the hell are you taking the bus this late? It’s not safe.”
 You want to tell him because a giant flesh monster scrunched your car up into a ball last summer. But since that wasn’t an option, you settled for the semi truthful answer. “Because I have no car and need to get home.”
 He watched in silence as you flattened out the crumbled money before adding it to the registry. You noticed that he’s given more than needed and figure he’s already prepaying for his inevitable late fee. 
 “So..why don’t I just give you a ride home?”
 You waited until you closed the register before looking over at him. There was a bit of pink to his cheeks and you wondered how someone who had this usual odd confidence could be nervous about offering a ride. 
 “You know, Robin warned me about creepy guys coming in tonight.” you teased, watching as his face turned from nervous to shock. 
 “Offering a ride constitutes me being creepy now?”  
 “Probably.” you laughed as you watched Eddie cross his arms over his chest. “Besides, I wouldn’t want to be a bother to your night anyway. You were probably coming in to grab a movie and head home.”
 “It’d be an honor to drive you home, Henderson. Lord knows I gotta work on doing the whole nice friend thing.”
 “Oh and we’re friends suddenly?”
 “It’s what I’d call us.”
 Quickly, you closed up the computer, shutting it down so that you can end the night finally. “You kinda have to know a thing or two about each other before you can say you’re friends.” you pointed out before reaching down to grab your stuff. 
 “You know a lot about me.”
 He tapped at the cover of the tape smiling at you. “That I got a thing for vamps too.” he winked, making you roll your eyes. “Besides, what better way to get to know each other better than with a nice ride home?”
 You let out a small sigh, unsure what the hell you were just about to agree to. But if he was cool enough to hang out with Dustin and his friends. Then you shouldn’t dwell too much on the simple favor. Right? 
 “It wouldn’t be trouble for you?”
 “You’re trouble, that’s for sure.” he chuckled. “But the ride isn’t.”
 The words sound all too familiar to you and you can’t help but blink a couple of times over at him. He’s not aware of the history of that nickname, and you hold back on telling him in favor of nodding your head. 
 “Let’s head out then.” you said instead.
 The next five minutes are left with you closing up the store with Eddie closely behind you. Talking about his recent venture out to Indianapolis for the weekend and how he’s excited to finally finish up the school year, again. 
 Oddly, you found yourself actually enjoying his company. It was sort of light spirited and completely free of problems. Something you haven’t had in a while. The only downside was playing down events that took part in the time you’ve dealt with the upside down. Like how you became close to Nancy and Jonathan. Or why Billy’s break up with you was a bigger deal and the fight he had with Steve. Or the damn mall fire. Everything had to be vague, but Eddie didn’t seem to mind. He actually enjoyed talking less about the heavy stuff and focusing instead on the more fun. 
 It was nice not to really think of the stresses you were bound to have this year and focus on silly things. Like what sort of bands Eddie listened to. 
 “So Iron Maiden isn’t a cool rock band led by girls?”
 “It’s like you’re musically inept outside of pop.” Eddie laughed as he parked his car just on the street of your house. You couldn't help but laugh at his reaction before you shrugged your shoulders. 
 “It’s not all pop. I like rock too.”
 “Really? You like rock. Like who?”
 “Joan Jett.��� you said simply after thinking it over for a second. “She’s got killer makeup, great voice, good music. I love her songs. ” He raised a brow at you, almost waiting out to see if you were fibbing or not. 
 “She is pretty cool.” he agreed eventually before slapping gently at the wheel. “All right, that settles it. The Henderson family is officially a lot cooler than I expected.”
 “Oh?” you laughed. “You’re just figuring this out now?”
 “Not to mention you’re all so humble too.” 
 You playfully slapped his shoulder. “Don’t you forget it.” you smirked, reaching down to grab your bag from the floor. “Thank you for the ride and music lesson. I guess that means people from the Munson family are a lot nicer than I expected.”
 “Ahh, that stings a little.” he laughed, shaking his head. “But honestly, I think you should just say that the Munson family are nice to people like you.”
 “People like me?” you frowned, unsure what he meant exactly by that. “Care to elaborate?”
 “I would,” he said as he glanced towards your driveway. “But it’s late and a gentleman should never keep a lady from getting some sleep.”
 “Suddenly you’re a gentleman?”
 “Get out of my van.” he deadpanned, waving you off. “Here I am trying to charm you and you’re throwing me off with your quips.” 
 With a giggle you climbed down from the seat, ready to close the door after you when suddenly a thought came into mind. “Maybe we can hang out again?” you said softly, unsure of where you were going with this offer. “You can tell me what kind of person I’m like and maybe show me more of those groups you wouldn’t shut up about?”
 Eddie’s chest rose as he quickly sucked in some air. His brown eyes widened in shock before he quickly changed his face back to his familiar smile. “And you’d be okay hanging out with a creep like me?”
 “Wouldn’t be my first time.”
 He seemed to question that answer before he shrugged his shoulders. “You got a deal. I’ll uh, see you soon then.” He held up the VHS tape with a small smile. “That is if Chris Sarandon doesn’t get me.”
 “Oh that’s terrible.” You laughed, finding humor in his cheesy words. But instead of being embarrassed, he only grinned wider. Like that was the reaction he was looking for.
 “As long as it’s gotcha laughing.” He winked before changing the gear in his car. “Till next time, Princess!”
 You waved him off, waiting until he was turned around and back on the street before making your way up the driveway to your house. It’s odd but you found that you’re smiling genuinely about something for the first time in weeks. And it’s because of Eddie Munson of all people. Making a new friend must have been the thing you needed right now. Especially when you thought about how much you’d be laughing when you got to hang out with him again.
 “Your Aunt’s car looks a lot like Eddie Munson’s van.” said a voice suddenly, disrupting your thoughts. 
 It scared you a bit. Causing you to let out a small gasp as your head snapped towards the direction of the noise. 
 At your house stood Steve. Back resting against the front door with his head hung to keep his gaze downward and off from you. The gravel beneath your feet was the only noise as you slowly made your way over.
 “What are you doing here?” you asked slightly out of breath. Your composure was calm but the sight of Steve standing there had you feeling anxious. 
 “I drove by your house and noticed no one was home..was worried you’d still be stuck at the store.”
 He pushed himself off the wall, closing the rest of the gap that kept you two apart. On his face was a look you weren’t quite place. Was it anger? Disappointment? Worry? Jealousy? 
 “I could’ve come back for you.”
 “Steve..” you sighed. He held up a hand, shaking his head as he seemingly tried to calm himself down. 
 “We wouldn’t have had to talk. It could have been just a ride. You’d have never needed to talk to Eddie Munson or get a ride from him.” 
 There’s a hint of disdain the way he dragged out Eddie’s name and you couldn’t help but sigh again. This was something you had worried about when Dustin had started to hang out with Eddie. The two were close these days. With how long that ridiculous game took, it’d be crazy for them to not have bonded by now. And while you knew deep down that your cousin could hold strong friendships with everyone. Steve did not.
 For a short while, Dustin was the closest thing he had to a best friend before Robin came into the picture. But the very idea of Steve hating a simple ride from Eddie threw you off.  
 “He came to rent a movie right when I tried calling home. Okay?” you crossed your arms, tilting your head a bit. “He’s a nice guy..he offered the ride when I told him I didn’t have a car.”
 “But I could have come. I would have.”
 “I didn’t want you to come.” You said slowly watching again as the bitter truth caused the hurt cut across Steve’s face. “We haven’t been alone in weeks. The silence would only make things..painful.”
 His head dropped quickly to look back to the ground while you wrapped your arms around yourself. This wasn’t the kind of shit you wanted to add to Steve’s list of problems. The break up was hard..period. But no matter how you go about things, you can’t stop this pain from coming in. 
 “I just wanted to make sure you were safe..” 
 “I know..thank you.” 
 He looked back up and raised a hand. Almost like he was going to reach out for you. And while you were dying to feel the touch of his skin again, doing that would probably only make things harder on the two of you. So without another thought, you took a step back from him. 
 His hand dropped quickly, stuffing into his pocket while he covered up his face with his other hand. Rubbing at the corners of his nose before he turned his gaze back towards the road. There was a glazed sort of look in his eyes. 
 “Right, so you’re here. I’ll just uh, head back home.” 
 You’re about to nod your head, but Steve didn’t even get the chance to see as he quickly turned and dashed away from your side. Moving towards the direction of the driveway. The sight of his retreating figure only hurt your chest even more as your thoughts were plagued with all the things he must be thinking right now. 
 The night of Tina’s Halloween party came into mind. The way he looked driving you home after hearing the truth from Nancy’s drunken confession. Before you know it, you’re chasing after him. 
 “Steve?” you called out when you reached close to his backside. He spun around quickly, almost bumping into you and causing you to fall back. But he quickly reached out to catch you. Cradling you close to his side until you were able to get your footing right.
 “Are you alright?” He asked, checking over you before he let go. His eyes were red and even if it weren’t cold you’d know it was from how he was probably feeling right now. 
 Reaching out, you couldn’t help but cup at his cheek. Watching as his eyes slipped close from the relaxing touch. It’s been weeks since either of you have been able to share this kind of comfort. An intimate moment that you shouldn’t be having with him. Not when things were already so hard. But just because things were over doesn’t mean the need to make sure Steve was okay could go away so easily. Especially when in moments like this, when he still meant the world to you.
 “I need time.” you said quickly, ignoring the worried voice in your head. 
 “Time?” he asked softly, eyes opening slowly to look down at you. The pad of your thumb brushed over his cheek and you could feel the warmth underneath. Your mind replays a supercut of all the moments you’ve felt that cheek. Kissing, against your own, against your body.
 God this was a mess. You were a mess.
 “I need time to feel comfortable around you again..I need to get over you, Steve. But I can’t do that if you’re still trying to be my hero..”
 “Hero.” he chuckled sadly, shaking his head from your gip. The brim of his eyes were red and he looked suddenly tired. “Never really did a good job of that, huh? Guess I’m supposed to be just your coworker now?”
 For a second you couldn’t speak. Only shaking your head no as you tried to reassure him that what he was thinking wasn’t true. He was everything to you. He could never be anything as casual as a coworker. But at the moment, you didn’t know what you could call Steve. He wasn’t your boyfriend, nor your enemy, and friend felt wrong. 
 “You’re just..Steve.”
 His throat bobbed. Like that was the worst answer he was expecting. And though you wanted to reach out again and pull him close, you couldn’t. Because this was just how things had to be. Just the two of you stuck in this limbo of love and loss. 
 “Right,” he said after a minute. “Just..Steve.”
 You opened your mouth, ready to apologize if what you said came off worse than you thought. But Steve quickly caught onto that and held a hand up, waving you off a bit. “I get it.” he said a bit curtly. “I’ll see you around, Hone–Troub– Henderson.”
 Again he’s gone from your side without a proper look at your reaction. He practically sprinted over to his car across the street, not once turning back. It was only a second after he pushed himself into his seat that his car was revving to life and leaving the block. 
 You waited out until you couldn’t see the taillights of his car before you forced yourself inside the house. 
 The usual warmth of your home wasn’t welcoming at all. All it reminded you was how cold you were feeling and no matter what, nothing could thaw out this permafrost that surrounded your heart. The empty house taunted you with the loneliness you were feeling. 
 That’s because you’re alone now. (Tick)
 “I’m not alone.” you whispered softly, making your way to your room.
 You will be. (Tock)
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 It’s four weeks after that night in front of your house that you found yourself with Eddie Munson again. The two of you have changed simple hang outs into make outs,then into something else you couldn’t quite place. This night in particular, you found yourself knocking on his trailer door after work. 
 “Fuck, don’t stop.” Eddie groaned.
 The two of you were sitting on the dingy couch. Some loud tv show playing in the background as you straddled Eddie’s strong thigh. It’s been like this for a while now. What was originally just a chance to makeout with someone you trusted on Valentine’s day. Turned into Eddie flirting with you and you eventually feeling the need to make up for his lack of dating life. 
 It was Valentine’s day and you had unfortunately worked the night shift over at Family Video. Something you would have been pissed about last year. But considering the current changes in your love life, you didn’t have the room to be too upset. Especially when you found out you worked with Robin. That gave the two of you five hours to complain about how complicated love was. 
 Kind of like how your relationship with Eddie had turned from friends to..complicated.
 “God, you’re so whiny.” you smirked, pausing the movements of your hands. You glanced down to his lap, getting another look at the size of Eddie’s cock. It was red and hard against the base of his stomach. Weeping from the tip from the few strokes you had given him. It was only the second time you’ve done this with Eddie and you’re still stunned by how he gets from a simple handjob.
 “Shut up.” he gritted, letting his head sag back against the couch. “If you’d have any idea how good you are at this, you’d be just as desperate too.” The ego boost does something to you, and you quickly lean in to press your lips roughly against his. Causing the boy to let out a loud groan before he fought back. 
 The kiss was so different from your past boyfriends. Billy had always been so dominant, taking what he wanted without thinking too much if you liked it or not. Steve’s was sweet, hot, and romantic. As if it were the last kiss on Earth. And Eddie’s was fierce. Like he wanted you to remember him hours later.
 The tip of his tongue poked through your lips, brushing against yours as he deepened the kiss. His hand went down from your neck to grab at your hips. Pulling you closer into his lap. It made your head spin a bit but you pulled back enough to tighten your grip around his cock. Picking up the pace with your wrist. During times like this, Eddie never lasted long. He was already riding high from just kissing, and with the added teasing he’d never make it long.
 His other arm moved to grip at your thigh. Digging his fingers with every jerk that his hips gave as he reached closer to his climax. He jerked his leg up, giving you a slight sensation between your legs as you straddled him. While small, the touch was stimulating enough to have your eyes fluttering a bit. It’s been a while since you’ve really let anyone get you this aroused but you’re finding it hard not to roll your hips.
 “That is, princess.” he cooed, making your face get a hot flush. “Let me make you feel good.”
 The dirty words had your head spinning a bit and you pulled back enough to stick your face into his neck. Sucking lightly against the vein on his neck while continuing to jerk your wrist. Eddie’s breathing began to grow louder. 
 “Yes, fuck, please don’t stop.” Eddie rasped, letting the wrecked voice send a chill up your back. It pleased you to know you had this boy at the mercy of your hands. Moving your hand and wrist faster now in order to work him over. You made sure to use your long nails at the sensitive skin of his cock, causing Eddie to whimper whenever it was dragged closer to his slit.
 He moved to rest his face against your neck, pressing soft kisses at your skin while his other hand moved to cup at your breast. The only material keeping him from touching your warm skin being the bra you managed to keep on during his fondling earlier. 
 The gentle squeezing plus the ridge on his thigh you were rolling on hit just the right spot to have you letting out a moan yourself. Unfortunately, with how close Eddie was, there wasn’t going to be a chance for you to come with him. 
 “Come for me, Ed.” you whispered into his ear, another shudder falling from him. Stopping your rolling, you gave the base of his cock one good squeeze before jerking at a quicker pace. 
 The base of his member twitched in your hands and when Eddie let go of your breast, you watched in awe as he gripped to your hips, focusing down at your movements before he let out a loud guttural moan. 
 Ropes of white hot cum began to shoot out from the slit of his cock, coating your hand as you carefully continued with the jerking motion. It wasn’t until you watched as Eddie’s head fell back from ecstasy that you gently let go of him. 
 The mess before you doesn’t help with your sudden unattended arousal, but you remove yourself anyway. Quietly letting him know you were going to clean yourself off. The water quickly washed away all the remnants of your night and you quickly glanced up to fix up your appearance. The sight of your necklace quickly stole your attention.
 The small single ‘S’ sitting on the middle of your chest brought a pang of guilt to your chest. You hadn’t taken off the necklace since the night Steve gave it to you. Something that was probably wrong considering what you were just doing with Eddie. But wearing it brought you a sense of comfort that you couldn’t bring yourself to give up. 
 After you got yourself together, you emerged from the bathroom to find Eddie was still on the couch. He was tucked back in his pants but still with the belt unbuckled as he continued to catch his breath. A small snicker fell past your lips and you quickly covered your mouth when his eyes turned to look over at you. 
 “It’s not funny.” he frowned, trying not to smile at your amusement. “I’m literally a mess and you’re looking over at me with that goofy grin on your face.”
 “My face is never goofy.” you said as a matter of fact, hand reaching up to gently hold onto the necklace. “If anything, it’s your position that’s goofy.”
 Eddie held a hand up, pretending to mimic your voice through his hand while you moved towards the couch. It was a struggle to find your sweater amongst the mess of the room, especially when you just threw it behind you earlier. But before you could bend over to pick up the item, Eddie had climbed up from the couch to you. 
 Placing his hands gently at your hips so that he could have you face him. “Let me make you feel good, Princess. I know you didn’t get to come.” he said softly, rubbing his thumbs on the bare expanse of your stomach. 
 It hurt to look up into Eddie’s eyes. They were warm and so full of a genuine interest in you. Like you were the only person he cared to look at. It made moments like this confusing. Where your mind knew that this would make you feel right and move on, but something in your heart made it hard to follow through it. 
 Letting go of the necklace, you reached out to cup the side of Eddie’s face. Letting your thumb brush across the apple of his cheek before you gently pressed a kiss. “I’m fine.” you said softly, getting out of his grip to reach for the sweater. From the side of your eyes, you could see that Eddie was watching you as you pulled the material over your head.
 From his calmness you knew where this conversation was going to go. It’s not the first time Eddie’s pointed out an offer nor would it likely be his last.
 “Hey,” he coughed softly, shuffling awkwardly closer so he could rest a hand against your arm. “I didn’t mean to put you off.” Calmly you moved over to place yours on top, rubbing soothingly in hopes to get that worried look off his face.
 “It’s okay.” you said softly, not really having the courage to tell him what you were thinking. “Like I said, I’m fine with what we’re doing now.”
 Eddie reached out and gently brushed a hair away from your face. “Are you?” he asked slowly. “Or..are you I don’t know, nervous? I mean shit, I’m more than grateful for what we do now..and labels are shit. But if you’re wanting to be something more official in order to feel comfortable doing more then I’m more than happy to–”
 “I like us being friends, Eddie.” you cut in. Scared for what words might come out next. You weren’t ready for that kind of talk. “Even if what we’re doing is not the most normal thing friends do. I like just hanging out and having fun.”
 There’s a flicker of something in Eddie’s eyes. Like he might have wanted a different answer. But he threw you his signature goofy smile and leaned in to press a mushy, rough kiss to your lips. Causing you to laugh against his hold. 
 “Sounds good to me, Princess. Now I’ve kept you stuck in this dump long enough. You should probably head off home.”
 You turned your watch over, noting that while it was a little bit late, it wasn’t the worst you’ve come home at. But since Eddie’s Uncle might be coming home soon, it’d probably be easier to leave now than stick around and dance around the friends with semi benefits relationship.
 “I’ll see you later, Eddie. You rest up.” you smiled, taking a step back from him. He chuckled at that, waving you off as you quickly made your way out the trailer door. The residents of Forest Hills trailer park were quiet that night. A dark and eerie chill going up your spine as you made your way over to your Aunt’s car. Across the way you glanced towards Max’s trailer. 
 The majority of her lights were all off aside from one flickering light from the main front window. Things had been rough for her lately. Ever since her stepdad took off and her Mother started working two jobs just to keep a roof over their heads. Things haven’t been the easiest. Especially with the sudden downsizing in lifestyle.
 You wished you could make things easier. But honestly, you didn’t have much you could say to Max that you thought would make her feel better. The events of the summer battle caught up to her and she began to close everyone off. Including you. 
 She was protecting herself from others. Every approach was met with a cold wall that you couldn’t crack. No matter what you or her friends did, she was a different girl now. She was here in Hawkins but her mind was somewhere else. And if you were being honest, you’d say that you were starting to feel the same.
 Your mind was busy focusing on other things like school, work, and your new thing with Eddie. But your heart wasn’t in it. Not the way it should be. It was permanently stuck in a loop of being unable to enjoy the new life you were making for yourself. All because of a boy in Loch Nora who still had power over it.
 Which was where you were now.
 Through the lush houses of the neighborhood and up the driveaway of the path that led to the Harrington household. You’ve been there so many times, but for the first ever you’re nervous to be there. You shouldn’t be here. 
 And you definitely shouldn’t be getting out of the car to walk to the front door. And you really shouldn’t be knocking..
 It only took Steve about a minute to come up to the door. He was more cleaned up since the last time you saw him. His hair was a little shorter, and there was a noticeable little bit of stubble on his lips. Almost like he’s debating whether or not to grow a mustache or not. It’s kind of nice..
 “Hey, you okay?” Steve asked worriedly. His brown eyes looked over your body, almost like he was checking to make sure you weren’t hurt. It was a little embarrassing. You didn’t mean to make him come down to the door, let alone be suddenly worried about you. 
 “I’m sorry…I just ended up here.” you whispered finally. Not really able to think of a better excuse to say. “I should go.” 
 He quickly stopped you by reaching out for your hand. It’s almost like an electric shock to have such contact from him again but you don’t dare let go of his warmth just yet. 
 “What’s wrong?”
 “Nothing.” you shook your head. “I just wanted to–”
 “See me?” He asked softly.
 You look at him for a long time. Feeling such an overwhelming amount of unsurety. Steve was someone who managed to wedge himself into your trust again. He earned it. But right now you were finding yourself struggling to be fully open to him. The thoughts running through your head were leading to a place where you two couldn’t go down. Not when things were so different now. 
 “It’s Valentine’s day,” you said lamely, wincing a bit at the dumb words that quickly came into mind. “D-did you go out?..”
 “You drove all the way over to my house to ask me that?”
 “..yes.” you lied, not needing him to know it was more like an impulsive need to see him tonight than some random inquiry.
 Steve looked a little bit taken back. Probably not quite believing the answer, but eventually went ahead and nodded his head. “Yeah,” he said honestly, to your heart’s dismay. “Uh, with Molly Stevens. I knew her from school last year.” 
 Nodding your head, you tried to control the jealousy that started to fill up in your throat. You have absolutely no right to feel this way about Steve. None whatsoever. But the very idea of him out with another girl brought up such a venom to your throat. 
 “Did you guys..” you waved your arms in front of you in a mindless motion. Stupidly unable to speak the words you’re dreading to hear. Steve looked only slightly amused as he crossed his arms over his chest like he’s caught you in your lie. The dark green shirt looked tight on his biceps, distracting you from that fact very quickly. 
 “No.” he answered simply. “Didn’t feel right.”
 “Right.” you nodded, letting out a small sigh of relief. “That’s um..good. I mean, not good but it’s um—“
 “And what about you?” He interrupted, raising a brow to you. “Did you go out?”
 “I worked tonight..” 
 He turned his wrist over, frowning down at the time his watch displayed to him. “It’s eleven thirty. Store closed at ten.”
 “I may have..gone to hang out with a friend.”
 “With Eddie.” he corrected.
 His lips pursed a bit before he took a step closer to you. Pushing your back to rest against the threshold of his door. “And did you guys..?”
 “No, not that.” You said evenly, gauging his reaction. “..but something like it.”
 For a moment Steve looked stunned. Like the words froze him in place. Now that previous venom is turning into guilt. He didn’t even do anything besides go out on an innocent date and here you were ready to burn Hawkins to find her. Meanwhile you were the one actually doing more with another guy.
 For someone that didn’t want to hurt Steve, you sure did so easily. 
 “I’m sorry.. I should go.” You whispered, feeling like you’ve put the guy through enough as of lately. Before you could fully turn around Steve had already reached out for your hand, keeping you in place. 
 The look on his face isn’t the same sad one you saw flicker moments before. It was determined now. Like he was fully trying to understand what you were saying before him. Carefully, he leaned down to press his face inches before yours. The small fan of his sigh brushed over your face. 
 The closeness should make you nervous. It should make you want to step back. But you’re curious to what he would say next.
 “So you mess around with Munson and still end up at my doorstep?” He asked softly. There’s a slight darkness in his tone that should warn you how bad an idea this is. But again, you ignored it. “Did he not make you feel good?”
 “He made me feel..fine.” you whispered back. Not sure how much you want to deep dive into whatever it is you and Eddie were doing. Turning your head up a bit, you peered up at him, placing your hand to rest gently on Steve’s chest to both keep him from getting closer and to get a chance to feel his heartbeat. 
 “Just fine? Not good?”
 “Steve,” you sighed. “We shouldn’t be talking about this.”
 But your words only encouraged him to pull you inside of his home. Keeping an arm hugging at the side of your waist as he pressed your back against the closed door. The personal space is gone out the window now that he’s able to wedge himself between your legs. 
 It’s painfully embarrassing how your body is instinctively trying to wrap around him. But you managed to keep your flat back against the door and legs unwrapped from his waist. But Steve seemed to be aware of your inner dilemma, moving to press himself even closer. 
 “He doesn’t make you feel good, honey?” He said finally, moving his face down your face to your neck. 
 The old nickname had your body shuddering. It’s been too long since you’ve heard it. This was definitely not the way you thought the conversation would go. But you’re struggling to find a way out of it. 
 “What I’m feeling isn’t your concern anymore..” 
 “Oh, it definitely is”. His hand slid down your waist, down to your hip, the tip of his fingers nearly diving past the waistband of your jeans. He casually rubbed his thumb underneath the hem of your shirt. “I want you feeling better than just fine.”
 “Yeah?” you asked softly, moving your hands to place against his shoulders now. They were itching to wrap around his neck, but you reminded yourself to keep from making things messier. Not that Steve seemed to care as he slid closer into the small space you had before. 
 “I want you to feel great.” he leaned down to your ear, pressing a kiss to the spot beneath your earlobe before he finished. “Actually, I want you feeling so fucked out of your mind that you wouldn’t dare go to another man’s house after fooling around with me.”
 There’s a darkness in Steve’s words but not one you’re afraid of. In fact, you’re excited. It had your heart racing and core growing so hot that you had to slightly rub your thighs together from the excitement. “Is t-that all?” you managed to ask, unable to think of a better response. 
 “That's all I want right now.”
 It’s hard not to feel that familiar spark that fires up your body when around Steve. You were feeling embarrassingly desperate for it at this point as you pulled him down towards you. “We shouldn’t be doing this. We’re broken up for a reason..”
 “It’s a bad idea.” he agreed, brushing his lips carefully down your neck. He seemed to catch the sparkle of the gold chain around your neck and followed down the line to where the S laid on your chest. He then gently placed a soft kiss against it.
 “We’re being so incredibly stupid right now.” you gasped, feeling his lips graze up again. 
 Though the tender touches were setting a blaze to your skin, it wasn’t quite satisfying the ache growing inside of you now. In fact, it was setting your whole body into a desperate, needy, frenzy. 
 “I gotta be honest with you, baby.” He said calmly.
 “Honest?” you gulped, failing to get yourself to cool down.
 “I really don’t care if we’re being stupid.” 
 Something took over you and you moved your hands up to grab hold of the hair at the nape of his neck. Pulling back so that you could get a good look at him. The browns in his eyes were gone and he looked at you with such a desire that you could feel yourself get embarrassingly aroused. 
 You should stop this. You should push him away and leave his house. Because there had to be something more important in life than having sex with Steve Harrington right now.
 But you really couldn’t remember what.
 “Fuck it.” You sighed shooting forward to press your lips against his. He didn’t waste his chance at all and wrapped his arms around. Using the palms to push down your lower back to press your chest closer to him. 
 At some point there’s a struggle with moving past the door and breaking the kiss apart. When air was needed, Steve quickly pulled back, pressing quick pecks to your lips before he turned to drag you up the stairs. Each step had your heart beating faster as you focused your sights on the warm glow coming out his bedroom door. Anticipation washing over you for whatever was going to happen next. 
 Once the two of you were in, he quickly shut the door behind him with the kick of his foot. Only giving you a second to catch your breath before he rushed over to capture your lips again.
 “Tell me,” he said against your lips. His hands were already working on your clothes, shedding them off with no problem. “Tell me you want this.”
 “I want this.” you said pulling back, moving to cup the sides of his face. “I want you.”
 For a second it looked like Steve wanted to say something else, but you pushed to press your lips back together. Capturing up any words he had in order to get back into the greedy need that had been building up. 
 Then after that, there’s nothing else left. Just you and Steve.
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 The clock besides Steve’s bed ticked softly as you lay in his arms. It’s only been a short amount of time since the two of you had your fun and you can feel how Steve is easily relaxed against you. Letting his hands rub over your bare skin while he held you close. 
 It should make you worried. Things between you two were over. You both made it that way. But the soft kisses he was pressing against your arm and neck were too distracting. The feeling of completeness was too good to give up so quickly. And with the way Steve keeps pausing to give you looks, you think he might be thinking the same. 
 What could either one of you do? It’s been such a long attempt to get over him but all you can feel is yourself falling again with every touch. If anything, you think you might be even more in love with him after this. 
 You think back to the night where Eddie dropped you off. It felt like Steve was done with you. But like yourself, one night of giving into each other’s needs seemed to fill you both with an urge neither of you could quite get rid of just yet. 
 His hand reached out to cup at the side of your face. Bringing your attention back to him again before he kissed you.
 “Stay.” he said in between kissing you and down your cheek. No part of your face or body was left unscathed from his pink plump lips. You reveled in the sensation. Melting into his hold and allowing your body to relax again. It’s all you’ve missed these past few weeks. But even in Steve’s affection care, the worry of the real world sets in quickly with you. 
 “I can’t.” You said sadly. “It’s getting late.”
 “Who cares? It’s Friday night.” he replied, kissing even more now that he realized it has some sort of effect on your emotions. “You don’t even work tomorrow, I do.”
 “Your parents will be home soon, won’t they?”
 “They love you. Might even wanna take you out for breakfast.” You pulled back to give him a knowing look. He smirked a little bit before he rolled his eyes. “Okay, they’d freak out, but we’ll be quiet.”
 “I drove in my Aunt’s car..” you laughed, but turned to shuffle closer to him in the bed. He reached over to grab the back of your leg, moving your thigh now to drape over his waist. It brought your bare body dangerously close to his but he kept things tame for now. Moving to rub the palm of his hand on the round of your behind.
 “She can get it towed.”
 Rolling your eyes at his convenient answer, you pushed at his chest lightly. Attempting to get out of his warm hold but he changed to bring his arm back up to wrap around your waist, locking you in place. 
 “I’ll call the shop myself.”
 Not wanting you to continue with the inevitable truth, he pressed his lips back onto yours. Shutting up the conversation and forcing you both to enjoy this fluke of a night. You give in to him, if only for a moment.
 It’s unfair how this is the most comfortable you’ve felt in days and it’s because you’re in his arms. But as soon as you begin to wonder why it’s like this, you remember how it felt to be in his arms that night. And how incredibly crushing it felt when you pulled away. So you made the kiss count until you eventually pulled away.
 His lips turned down into a pout. Which you forced yourself to ignore as you rolled out of the bed. A shiver hitting over yourself when you left the comforts of his warm side. Reaching down on the ground, you gather up the forgotten pieces of clothing you two discarded when you came into the room. 
 By the time you’ve got your outfit presentable and ready to go, Steve has moved to sit on the edge of his bed. Only a pair of boxers covering up his body now. He extended a hand out to you and you find yourself easily slipping it inside his. You hate how it feels perfect there. 
 “I want you..” He said, low and soft. Like he was almost afraid to say the words out loud.
 “I know,” you sighed, pulling the hand up towards your lips to press gentle kisses at his fingertips. “You always wanna go again.” 
 A frown flickered over his face, like he wasn’t quite looking for that answer. But he doesn’t say anything else, choosing instead to take your hand and lead you out the room and back downstairs to the front door again. 
 “Can I ask you something?” He asked nervously once the two of you were at the threshold. 
 “Yeah, of course.” 
 He paused for a second, looking deep into your eyes before he spoke again. “Did you come over on the pretense of having sex? Or because you really wanted to see me?” 
 A small pang of guilt began to build up in your chest again tonight. Reaching for his hand, you reached out to place it against your chest. Almost hoping that he’d feel the sincerity of your words through your heartbeat.  
 “I was thinking about you on the drive home.” you said trying not to reveal just how much you were actually thinking about him. He didn’t know the pathetic way you were still in love with him. “I didn’t even realize I had shown up here until I was at your door. It was like I needed to see you tonight.” 
 A small creeped on his face at your reply. He took the words as permission to press his lips against yours once more. Like always, it made your mind foggy and breath short. “Then tell your thoughts to think of me again tomorrow? Maybe after work?” he said, pulling away to return his gaze.
 You should say no and remind him that tonight was a fluke. A misstep on your attempts to move on from each other. But your body is unwilling to listen to your logic and instead chooses to nod your head. Making Steve’s small smile turn into a grin that has you trying to remember when was the last time you saw it.
 “Goodnight, Trouble.” He said softly, holding the door open for you.  
 “Goodnight.” You mumbled still a bit love-struck. 
 He waited at the door until you were in your car and waving off. The enticing view of Steve’s house eventually faded and you managed to get your brain working again in order to get home. The tv is playing some romance film for your Aunt and you bashfully wish her a goodnight as you floated to your bedroom. Still on the Steve induced high. It wasn’t until you flopped over your bed, brushing your fingertips over your kissed lips that Dustin decided to come in. A similar goofy grin on his face as he held out a Hershey’s kiss to you. 
 “Happy Valentine’s Day.” 
 “You’re in a good mood.” You snorted, taking the candy. “What were you up to tonight?”
 “Just got off the radio with Suzie.” He said with a dreamlike sigh. “She read out sonnets to me.” 
 “That’s sweet. You rode all the way up to that hill to talk to her?”
 “Hill?” He snorted before he remembered. “Oh! That hill. No, Steve spent most of the night helping me set up this new ham radio in my room.” 
 You shot up from your bed, looking at your cousin with a confused frown. “Wait, Steve was here?” You asked. “In our house?”
 “Yeah,” he confirmed. “He came around the time you left for work. Hung out with me all night until like an hour and a half ago. Didn’t even get to thank him before he dashed out of here.”
 Your mind was suddenly wrecked with a thousand thoughts. Why would Steve lie about going out? Why would he invite you in after hearing about Eddie? He didn’t have to lie about going out on a date, not with you. It’s not like you’d have judged him for taking things slow. Lord know you didn’t have the right to. Was he waiting to see if you’d come home from work all this time? Did he know you’d go to his house? So many questions without any chance of an answer came to you.
 “That was really nice of him...” you said softly, looking down at the candy.
 “Yup. That’s Steve for ya.” he replied matter of fact. “Makes you maybe wanna consider things, right?”
 Dustin’s attempt to mend the two of you hasn’t gone unnoticed these past couple of weeks. He wasn’t too aware of all the details. You and Steve never dived into it with him. Not wanting to ruin the relationship with the boy for either one of you. He was uncharacteristically neutral for the most part, but you knew that he was secretly hoping for some sort of reconciliation. 
 “Goodnight, Dustin.” you said instead, cutting the conversation short. He let out a big sigh before nodding his head, waving over at you before he closed up the door behind him. You kicked off your shoes, laying back onto your bed with only one thought running through your mind. 
 What were you going to wear tomorrow night?
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A/N: HI GUYS I MISSED YOU. So sorry for the long awaited update. I struggled so hard to make this break up real but also angsty and drama filled? I don’t feel too confident in it, but there’s so much left in the season to work with so I hope you guys enjoy this. 
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hellowhisperingstars · 8 months
I See you
Summary: Maisie has a bad day at daycare and you talk to Steve and Robin about your worries.
Pairing:  Ghost!Eddie Munson x Mommy!Reader x Psychic!Daughter
Words: 5K
Warnings: 18+, no y/n used, fluff, angst, ghosts, cussing, bullying, mentions of things from S4. Let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Part two! This one is still sad, so I apologize for that! Let me know what you think and please let me know if you have any requests! My inbox is open!
You can find more of my stories on my Stranger Things Masterlist!
You can also read this series on AO3!
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That night you had a long conversation with Maisie about her dad and how he passed in an accident. You never want your little girl to know the terrors of the Upside Down so you danced around the subject. When she’s older… way older… like fifty, maybe then you’ll tell her. 
You also asked her to not let anyone else know that Eddie was still around and to be extra careful about talking to him in public. The town didn’t need to know that she was special. You didn’t want anyone to look at her the way they looked at Eddie. Plus, you were already a social pariah because you had a child out of wedlock in a small town. Not to mention she was the child of the so-called “cult leader” who everyone believes destroyed the lives of half the town. You knew he wasn't, his friends and family knew he wasn't but you still explained to Maisie that people will say mean things about her daddy but she shouldn't listen to them. They didn’t know him. 
But her dad was a hero. 
It's been at least a week since she dropped the 'your late boyfriend was haunting your house and he wants his Garfield mug' bomb and to say you were on edge was a little too on the nose.
You didn't know what to do. You had never raised a child before and for that kid to be a psychic, well that was just the tip of the iceberg. Both of you were learning how to walk down this path you were on, you just hoped the ground didn't fall out from under you as you went. 
It took a bit of fighting with yourself but you were finally able to muster up the courage to talk to Steve and Robin about this while Maisie was in daycare. Pushing the door open you looked around the Family Video for your two friends, usually one of them was at the front. Over the years they had been promoted to Manager and Assistant Manager so they ran the place now that Keith was gone. “Hello? Guys?”
The sound of crashing tapes caught your attention, a quiet “Oh shit..” was heard as Steve muttered to himself. Your head snapped to the right as you slowly started to move around the rental counter towards the horror section. 
“Welcome to Family Vide- oh! Hey!” He smiled as he walked out of the aisle and over to you engulfing you in a hug before he stepped back to look at you. When he noticed your pensive look his smile fell and he got worried. “What happened? Why aren't you at work? Is Maisie okay?”
“Maisie's fine.” You say holding your hand up. “I took the day off. But there is something about her I need your help with... Where is Robin?” 
Looking at his watch Steve frowned. “She’s on her break. Went to grab some coffee. Should be back soon.” 
“Cool,” You said, with a nod. Moving towards the counter you leaned against it. 
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked as he went around the counter to lean on it next to you. 
“It’ll be easier if I tell you both at the same time.” You mumbled turning when the bell above the door rang. Hoping it was Robin you looked over your shoulder only to come face to face with Mrs. Cunningham who was sneering at you. Slowly you stood up and moved away from the counter so she could return her videos, licking your lips you wandered over to the kids section looking for anything Maisie would be interested in watching. She really liked The Little Mermaid.
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Maisie sat alone on the swing set of her daycare, her little Mary Janes kicking the sand below her to make a small pile. She didn't like daycare. She was alone a lot and none of the other kids wanted to be her friend. Plus the old lady inside was mean. Looking up she glanced at the window of the building to see the stern looking old woman staring back at her. Maisie didn’t understand why she didn’t like her, she always left some of her lunch and her afternoon snack for her when the other kids didn’t, always made space for her at the table so she could join them when they colored. All the other kids didn’t seem to even notice her which confused Maisie since the lady was always there. She asked Miss Britney about her once but she told her that there was no lady.
Maisie looked over her shoulder when she felt a cold set of hands on her back giving her a gentle push on the swing. 
“Hey kiddo,” Eddie said as he smiled down at her.
“Hi. Mommy said I can’t talk to you outside of the house.” She muttered as she looked at the ground again kicking her legs out as he pushed her back again so she could go higher.
“Yeah, your moms smart like that.” He said as he pushed her once more. Looking over his shoulder at the other kids making sandcastles in the sandbox he turned back to her. “Why aren’t you playing with the other kids?”
“They don’t like me.” She shrugged with a sad pout. “They say mean things.”
“Well don’t listen to them okay,” He said as he moved to lean on the pole of the set as she swung back and forth. “You’re worth a hundred of them.”
“Mommy said you were my daddy.” 
“Well, your mom doesn't lie.”
“Why can't she see you?” Maisie asked as she looked up at him as she continued to kick her legs back and forth. Going higher and higher.
“I don't know, bug.” Eddie shrugged as he watched her. “Don’t go too high. I can’t catch you if you fall out here.”
Or maybe he could…Nah, better not test it, it took a lot of energy just to push her on the swing. 
Giving a quiet okay she let her legs dangle as she started to slow down. The two of them sat in silence for a while, Eddie watching her from his spot leaning against the swing set. It was strange to know that he had a daughter, that she was sitting on this swing. He was so proud of you for bringing this little girl into the world, but he was also incredibly sad he couldn’t be here to help you raise her like he wanted too. Glancing up at the school he narrowed his eyes at the old lady in the window for a moment as she glared at Maisie, you would think she would be more polite to the only living person that could see her. He watched her for a few more minutes until the daycare attendant walked from the building as she looked at her watch. 
“Time to come inside!” Miss Britney called as all the other kids started running to her. Giving a quick headcount she looked up and waved her hand giving the little girl a smile. “Maisie! Come on!” 
“Watch this daddy!” She said as she jumped from the slow moving swing landing in the sand about a foot in front of where she was before.
“Woah!” Eddie laughed as he followed her towards the house. “You're cooler than I am. You know that?”
Maisie giggled as she ran to the group and walked into the house. Turning she smiled at Eddie as he followed them inside. 
The old lady glared at him. “You're not supposed to be here. You take that devil child and get.” 
He narrowed his eyes at her his protective side coming out. No one was going to pick on her when he was around. Alive or dead. "Don't you dare call her that. She's just a kid, my kid. So if you have anything nasty to say you say, you say it to me, got it you old hag?”
The woman huffed in indignation before she disappeared. She'd be back. She was the old owner of this home before it was turned into the daycare, not like she could go anywhere. Eddie knew it was rude but he didn’t like the lady. Turning he gave Maisie a little wink as she sat down to color and he sauntered over to the long bench of cubies to perch on top of it. He'd be right here in case she needed him.
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Once Mrs. Cunningham left you peaked around the shelf to see Steve glaring at her back as she walked to her car. 
“Why don't you ever stick up for yourself?” Steve asked, looking over at you. “What happened to Chrissy wasn't yours or Eddie's fault. It was Vecna.”
“Do you really think anyone would believe me? Trust me if I had the money I would just leave this place and never come back. But I don't want to leave you guys or take Maisie away from Wayne. She's all he's got.” 
Sighing, Steve gave you that look that said you were being stubborn. 
“No need to rock the boat when the boat's already capsized. I'm just the girl who dated the devil, remember?” 
The bell rang again and Robin walked in. “They didn't have any mocha so I got you vanill- hey!”
“Hey Robs.” You waved with a small smile. 
“I just saw Mrs. Cunningham walk out… you okay?” She asked as she handed Steve his coffee and leaned on the same side of the counter as you.
“Yeah. She just glared.” You wave it away. No point in being upset about it. 
“Great, now that Robins here you can tell us what's up with Maisie.” Steve said as he took a sip of his too hot coffee. He made a face when he burnt his tongue. 
“Is she okay? Is she hurt? Sick? I can run to the store to get her medicine if you need me too.” Robin asked quickly. Maisie was the first baby of the group and the need to protect her was strong in everyone. This little girl sure did have a lot of loving Aunts and Uncles. It made your heart swell. 
“She's fine.” You soothed, taking a breath you looked at them both. “But I think Maisie's a psychic.”
“She's what?” Steve blinked, rolling his sore tongue on the roof of his mouth to try and get the pain to stop. It didn't help.
Steve gave you a confused face as he looked between you and Robin. “You think she's… crazy?”
“That's psycho dingus.” Robin said, rolling her eyes at him. “Mai is like El or something.” 
“So she has powers?” 
You shrugged a little bit. “Well, she doesn’t have telepathy or anything like that. She's a medium. She can see and talk to ghosts.”
“But, I mean she's four… it could just be her imagination. Like an imaginary friend.” Steve said, taking another drink of his coffee.
“An imaginary friend who is named Eddie and looks just like her dead dad?” You argued as you looked up at him.
Steve choked on his coffee. You watched him sputter as he tried to breathe. “E-eddie?”
“That's what she said.” Wiping at your tired eyes you looked sadly at them. “She knew things that I never told her. Like that I called him Teddy. The jerk even opened every cabinet and drawer in my kitchen because he wanted that damn Garfield mug at his Uncle's. Twice now.”
“Did you or Wayne ever say anything about him in passing?” Robin asked as she fiddled with her coffee lid. “Maybe she picked up on something, you know? Or seen a photo?”
You shook your head. “No, we are very careful about what we say right now. She's already getting hate for being his kid. We don't want her being a bigger target for the town to go after cause she won't stop talking about him. I only told her that his name was Eddie after she mentioned he said she could call him Teddy. I have one photo in my room of him but it's at the top of a shelf that she can’t see."
“Can you… see him?” Steve asked quietly. Weirder things have happened here in Hawkins. “Eddie… I mean?”
You shook your head and looked down at the counter pushing a box of Mike and Ike’s across the counter. You would give anything to see him again. “No. Just Maisie. She described him perfectly, you guys. She told me about his hair and that damn green vest he was wearing when he died. Is this my fault? I didn’t know I was pregnant when we went into the Upside Down. Do you think the spores we were breathing did this?” 
Robin and Steve looked at each other before they both sorta shrugged. Steve crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned on the counter closer to you. “I don’t know. But I know it’s not your fault. This might not have anything to do with the Upside Down, it might just be a Maisie thing.”
Nodding you sighed leaning your forehead against the counter top. A Maisie thing… 
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After your talk with Steve and Robin you tried to go about your day like normal, grabbed some groceries, a coffee, and when the time came you picked up Maisie from her daycare. 
She wasn't her normal bouncy self when she ran over to you. Her arms going around your neck as you pulled her into a hug. “Hi baby. Have a good day?”
Shaking her head she shoved her face into your neck as you held her close. 
“What's wrong? What happened?” Looking up at Britney as she walked over to you both. “What happened?”
“We had a little incident today.” Britney said as she gave you a sad smile. “I walked away to change one of the smaller kids and one of the boys called Maisie something mean and they got into a fight. Maisie has a few scratches but she gave that boy a black eye.” 
“What did he say?” You asked, trying to keep in your anger as you pulled Maisie away from your neck to check on her. She was a little banged up, nothing that wouldn't heal in a day or two. Her eyes were a little red around the edges from her crying.
Britney hesitated a bit before she took a deep breath. “He said his dad told him that her dad was a murder and that you were a witch... He also said that she was a freak, and his dad said he should stay away from her.”
Anger boiled hotter under your skin as you looked around for a kid with a black eye so you could give his parents a matching set. “Where are they? I would like to talk to them.”
“They're already gone.” She said holding her hands out to soothe you. “I told them that since he started the fight that he wasn't allowed back for the rest of the week. He needs to learn that he can't speak to someone that way. But in turn… Maisie is also suspended for the rest of the week since she hit him.”
“Shit…” You mutter, pulling her close to you again. You have to go back to work tomorrow. Would Hopper mind if she came with? You could have her color at your desk... or one of the teens could watch her… “Okay. I’ll.. I'll figure it out.”
“I’m sorry.” Britney frowned. “She can come back next week.”
“See you next week..” Sighing, you picked Maisie up and started towards your car. Maybe Wayne could take her since he has days off… no he needs to sleep since he hasn’t been able to switch to the day shift yet. Once at your car you helped Maisie into her seat you crouched down next to the car so you could be almost eye to eye with her. “Are you okay baby?”
Sniffling Maisie nodded her head as she looked down at her hands. 
Nodding, you brushed your hand over her head and gave her a quick kiss to the forehead before you closed her door and got into the driver's seat. Pulling away from the old house you turned on her favorite cassette and made your way through town towards home. It didn’t take you long to get back to Forest Hills and as you pulled into a spot by your house you looked back at Maisie through the rearview mirror to see her looking out her window, her breathing a little fast. “You see something?” 
She nodded her head and looked away from whatever she saw, “She has a scary face.”
“It’s okay,” You soothed as you unbuckle your belt. You were trying really hard not to freak out so you didn't panic her. Sometimes her sight scares you. “Just close your eyes and I’ll let you know when it’s okay to open them. Okay?”
You watched her nod again and shut her eyes tightly in that kid way like when they faked being asleep and you quickly grabbed your keys from the ignition and threw your purse over your shoulder as you got out of the car. Looking around you tried to see something, anything, that could be what your daughter saw but as usual there was nothing. Taking a deep breath you moved to her door and went through the paces of getting her out of her carseat before you lifted her into your arms, closing the door behind you and walking up the steps to your home. Unlocking it you moved to the side so the door could swing open and you closed it behind you, quickly you moved to the couch and set her down. “Okay, there we go safe inside. No more scary lady.”
Maisie slowly let one eye open as she looked around the living room, seeing it was safe, you saw her relax. 
“I still need to get the groceries from the car,” You said, helping her out of her jacket. “Why don’t you get comfy and then you can help me make dinner. That sound good?”
“Yeah!” She smiled, completely forgetting about the ghost outside the house, as she bounced off the couch and then down the hall to her room to change out of her day clothes. Maisie loved helping you make dinner. 
Smiling after her you left the trailer for just a few minutes to grab the bags from the trunk and locked up your car for the night and moved up the small steps to the front door. Turning you give one more sweep around the empty area, your eyes narrowed, and you square your shoulders. “I don’t care who you are or what you want but you leave my baby alone. You’re not welcome in this house.”
Turning you enter your home, closing the door behind you just in time for Maisie to run from her room in her home clothes. It was just a little dress that you made from an old set of curtains and a sewing machine from the goodwill but she loved it. “What’s dinner?”
“I was thinking of grilled cheese and tomato soup.” You said as you put the bag of food on the counter and started pulling out the cans of soup. “That sound good?”
“Yeah!” She smiled as she ran into the kitchen to pull the step stool out of the corner and up to her usual spot at the counter. She was a good little helper and you let her butter the bread as you started on the soup. The knife she used was a kids learner one so there was nothing sharp to hurt herself with. You smiled at her as you handed over four single wrapped things of cheese to open. 
Grabbing a pan from under the counter, you cleared your throat and started a second burner. “You wanna tell me what happened at daycare today?” 
 Maisie stopped peeling the plastic from the cheese to look up at you. “Tony was being mean about daddy and me. He was saying mean things that his daddy told him. I didn’t like it. I told him to stop but he didn’t.” 
You listened as you stirred the soup. Letting her tell you in her own time, you had learned from being around Eddie as long as you had that sometimes pushing for an answer would just make the other person feel cornered so you nodded your head giving a little ‘mhm’ as a cue to continue.
“I told him I would tell Miss Britney,” She said as started to open the cheese again. “But he pushed me and called me a tattle tale and a fr-freak. So I got up and I hit him.”
“Gave him a black eye.” You said, looking over your shoulder at her. “Who taught you how to punch huh?” 
“Uncle Steve.” She shrugged as she handed over the pieces of buttered bread now that you turned the burner for the soup off to cool. 
“Okay,” You’d have to talk to Steve about that. He taught a four year old to punch when he could barely win a fight? “How’d you get those scratches?”
“He put his hands on my face and he scratched me.” She pouted.
“While I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself and your daddy, you can’t hit people, baby.” 
“I know,” She sighed as felt a zing up her spine and she looked around the kitchen to see Eddie standing at the kitchen door staring at you sadly. “Hi daddy.”
“Hi sweetpea,” Eddie smiled at her before he looked back up at you. Five years older but still just as beautiful as the last time he saw you. 
Your back went ramrod straight as you looked over to where she was looking and just saw the empty doorway. “He’s… um… here?”
Maisie nodded and pointed her little hand to where he was standing. “Right there.”
Your eyes moved around the empty space before you gave him a little smile. “Hi babe.”
He smiled as he took a step towards you. “Hi pretty girl.”
Maisie giggled behind her hand as she looked up at you. “He said you were pretty.”
“As he should!” You said smiling back at her before you finished making your dinner. 
The two of you sat at the table and ate your dinner chatting lightly about what's going to happen the rest of the week. You'd have to call Hopper later tonight and see if you can bring her down to the station. She had plenty of books she can read, pages to color, little toys she can play with. She'll be fine. You stared at her in awe as she told you about the rest of her day. You had to remind yourself that she was four, but she spoke so well for her age, guess that comes with having no one but adults for friends. She picks up on words and habits like a sponge. 
After dinner you set her up with The Little Mermaid and a puzzle as you washed the dishes. After a while you caught yourself staring at your daughter as she sang along with the movie a puzzle piece in her little hand as she watched Ariel sing “Part of Your World” and you wished you could be like her. Seeing so many scary things, dealing with people being rude for the hell of it, and taking it all in stride with only a few bad patches here and there. Really you wished you could see what she sees. Help her learn how to shut the bad things out. How were you supposed to protect her from the things you can't see? You could barely protect her from the things you could. 
So lost in your thoughts you jumped as you felt a cold spot grow on the small of your back. Like someone had placed their hand there. It was comforting. Eddie. It was like he was saying that everything would be okay. Looking over your shoulder you watched as a small puff of air left your lips in a little cloud like it did when it was winter. "Eddie, that had better be you or I swear to God…" You mutter trying not to get Maisie's attention. 
The feeling left a few seconds later, but that spot stayed cool for a while after that. You finished the dishes quickly and moved to your room to change into your pj's. Looking up at the photo you had of Eddie in your room you smiled sadly. You loved that photo. Eddie was sitting on his Dungeon Master throne in the drama room of Hawkins High, his arms wrapped around your waist as you sat on his lap, his nose was buried in your hair as you laughed at something he said. Pulling on one of Eddie's old band shirts that Wayne gave you after Eddie died you left your room and got comfy on the couch to finish the movie with your little girl as she pointed out things you never noticed before. 
You watched her yawn as the movie came to a close and you looked up at the clock to see it was time for her bath and then bed. Together you moved into the bathroom so you could give her her bath, the tub filled to the brim with bubbles as she played with her toys. Once you had scrubbed your girl clean, you wrapped her in a fluffy towel, and dried her off as you got her ready for bed. Tucking her into her little pink princess bed you kissed her forehead as you sat on the bed next to her. “Goodnight baby. I'll see you bright and early in the morning. Do you need anything before you're off to slumberland?”
She shook her head. “No.”
“Do you remember what you say if you see something scary?”
“You’re not welcomed here. Get out!”
“Atta girl!” You smiled as you pushed her curls from her forehead. 
“Night mommy. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled as she got comfy in the bed, making sure to grab her stuffed bear, Mr. Noodles, that Joyce bought her when she was born, before you stood up and left the bed leaning down to switch on her nightlight before you moved to the door turning off the overhead room light. You stood in the doorway for a moment watching her in the dim purple light of her little nightlight before you left the room leaving the door open just a crack in case she needed you. 
You took a few minutes to turn off the TV and clean up her puzzle pieces making sure not to lose any so she can continue it later. Moving into your kitchen you grab the phone off the wall and by heart you hit the buttons for Hopper and Joyce's home. You listened as the phone rang and rang before Jonathon answered. 
“Hello?” He said into the phone. 
“Jon!” You smiled as you leaned on the wall. “How are you?! Back from college already?”
“Hey!” You heard him smile as he said your name. “Yeah, got in this afternoon. How are you? How's Maisie?” 
You caught up with Jonathon for a couple of minutes before you got the courage to ask for Hopper.
“Everything okay?” Jonathan asked.
“Maisie got into a fight at her daycare and now she's not allowed back until next week. I just needed to ask Hop if I could bring her with me to work.” 
“Bring her here. I'll watch her.” Jonathan said as he pulled the phone away for a moment to say something to his mom about watching Maisie at their house. 
Joyce jumped at the chance to see the little girl and through the receiver you could hear her say “Of course! She's always welcomed here, you know that!”
Your eyes stung with tears as you laughed a little. The love you felt for your found family was otherworldly. “Jon, are you sure? I don't want to mess up any plans you have with Nancy.”
"Yeah!" He said, "Yeah it's fine. Nancy has to work tomorrow so it'll be okay. Plus I'm sure she'd love to see her."
“Thank you guys. I'll bring her by on my way to work. Is eight o'clock okay?”
“That’s perfect!”
Letting out a sigh of relief you thanked him again before you let him go for the night and grabbed your book from the counter. You liked to use the time that Maisie slept to read uninterrupted. Moving back into the living room you got comfy on the couch and opened the book to your saved spot. You had just started to get into the story when the lights started to flicker. Looking at the lamp next to you your heart started to race. Eddie said that the lights flickered when Chrissy was killed by Vecna. It couldn’t be… 
Slowly getting off the couch you dropped your book as you stared at the lamp as it continued to flicker randomly before you realized… It was morse' code. S.O.S. Eddie. Looking around the room you jumped letting out a little scream before you clamped your hand over your mouth to keep from waking Maisie as your TV turned on by itself. The static white noise was all you heard before you looked around for the remote that seemed to be missing. You needed to turn it off by hand. Slowly you moved towards it and got down on your knees so you could turn it off. The powering down sounds happened and you breathed a sigh of relief when the world went quiet again. Looking up at the TV your eyes went wide as in the reflection of the screen was Eddie. Sitting behind you so close you could feel the cold. You had been so preoccupied by the lights and the TV you didn't even notice the drop in temperature. Tears collected on your lower lashes as you looked over your shoulder at your empty living room and then back into the TV. "Eddie…"
He smiled at you. Looking as handsome as he was before the demobats attacked him. He looked healthy and whole. You couldn't hear him but you saw his lips move. "Hi baby."
"How…" Shaking your head you smiled at him with a watery laugh, you didn't care. Your daughter wasn't crazy and Eddie was here watching over you both.
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robinsvoid · 2 years
Ok so its me again and im currently bombarding you with requests but this is one that has been just COMPLETELY taking over my brain atm.
Robin and reader getting into an argument and making up a few days later! And its just all brainrotting fluff and kissing and ugh ;(
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༺ ˖࣪ all i need to hear
pairing. robin buckley x f!reader
content warnings. angst! with a happy ending. long post ahead! light makeout session.
note. sorry again for the late reply :sob: i hope u like it anon, i wrote it as fic than a blurb bc i thought it fit hehe
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robin is amazing. the sweetest girlfriend you could ever ask for. she takes care of you, makes you happy, and loves you endlessly. you’re always on her mind, just as she is on yours. but it’s hard being together in this predominantly small-minded town, always having to hide your love for each other. you wish you could show the world how incredible she is, how happy she made you. but maybe in another time, you suppose.
and you miss her. even though you see her everyday at school; fleeting gazes during classes you shared with each other, hiding in the corner of the library on different occasions, meeting in the bathroom to share a few secret kisses when no one’s there. but then after school, she gets busy.
it bothers you, how robin seems to have enough time to hang out with everyone but you. she always meets you at lunch, and by your locker right after the last bell, then leaves for band practice and works right after. it’s nice hearing her voice when she calls at night right after she gets off work, but you can’t help but miss her still. you need to see her, be with her, touch her, hold her, kiss her.
luckily, you’ll be able to do all of that tomorrow on saturday before the sun sets, out in some field far from everybody on a picnic blanket you bought at joyce’s store. you had spent days preparing, making all the food robin likes, and cakes, and sandwiches. you couldn’t wait.
that’s why you walk up to robin when she’s packing her things from her locker, after the last bell when everybody rushes out to leave, to tell her all about your excitement. but she looked tired, stressed even, and you wish you could fix it. she’s busy all the time, and you wonder how well she is doing mentally. she also seemed to be rushing a little faster than she usually does, making you wonder what was going on inside her pretty little head.
“hey, rob,” you smile brightly at her, clutching the strap of your backpack a little tighter as she continues to pack, “no band practice? headed to work?”
“uh, no and yes.” she says rather quickly.
robin sighs and turns to look at you, her lips curving into a feeble smile. you looked pretty today, she wishes she could spare a minute to just stare at you, tell you all about how beautiful you are, but she couldn’t. not with the sound of steve’s horn blaring just past the school doors, when it seemed to get louder after each honk.
“is that steve—“
“yeah, we can’t be late to work or else keith’s making us work the morning shifts on the weekend and steve has plans on the weekends and, you know, i won’t get up early on the weekends, so we really have to go now,” robin rubs your shoulder with her hand and smiles. “but i’ll call you later!”
she mouths an ‘i love you’ and quickly rushes past you before you could say anything back. you turn around, slightly troubled, as you watched robin run through the school doors. you see steve in his car, waving briefly at you with a smile before driving off as soon as robin gets in.
a sigh escapes your mouth as you lean against the lockers, already missing your girlfriend’s presence. it’s fine, though, you tell yourself. she’ll call. and you’ll see her tomorrow. everything’s going to be okay.
at least you hoped it would be.
because, well, she didn’t call. it was almost midnight and robin usually calls you before eleven and she didn’t call. you sigh as you lay in bed, still waiting. maybe she fell asleep the moment she got home, because she does that sometimes. and she’ll tell you about it the morning after. that was probably the case.
you fall asleep waiting, shutting your eyes before the clock strikes one. the next morning you wait for her call again.
your phone never rang.
you hoped for the best, assuming that she was preparing for today, maybe she was already on her way to your house, the thought making you jump up from your bed, running down to the kitchen, packing all of the food into a basket your mom bought for you before running back up to dress up and make yourself all pretty for robin.
you do everything with all possible haste, checking the time and deciding that it was still a little bit early. laying in your bed, hoping you don’t mess up your hair too much, you wait and wait. and it was a lot waiting.
where was she? it was already three in the afternoon and it takes a while to get the field. you want to get there before it gets dark, but you also want enough time before the sun sets so that it wouldn’t be as hot as it was at noon. you pick up your telephone and dial her number. she doesn’t answer. where are you, robin?
you spend the next two hours glancing out the window repeatedly, hoping to see robin riding up on her bicycle, fluffy hair ruffled by the wind, a big jacket hanging loosely on her shoulders. but no one was there.
it had gotten partly dark already and your eyes brimmed with tears, threatening to smudge your eyeliner and the rest of your make up. you hated everything you were feeling; lost and dejected and stood up. you decide to get yourself out of your nice clothes and back into your pajamas, wiping all of your make up off afterwards. and just as you were about to get into bed, you hear a some shuffling past your window, then a multiple taps, pebbles clattering against your windowpane.
there was only one person who would do that. and it’s your girlfriend. you see robin looking up at you with a shameful smile, her bicycle laid flat in your lawn, her hair ruffled, her chest rising and falling rather quickly, panting as if she had just ran a mile as fast as she could.
after basically pleading, motioning you to come down, you mustered up all of your courage, still heated from earlier before running down the stairs of your house. stepping out the door, you tugged on your shirt watching as robin reluctantly walked closer. you could tell she had a lot on her mind, a lot of guilt sitting in her chest.
she opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. and you can’t help but bite your lip, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“why didn’t you call?”
robin flinched slightly at the tone of your voice. it was quiet. faint. like you’ve been crying. and she already knew that after seeing the way your eyes puffed up, nose a little red and stuffy.
“last night. i-it was really, really busy, i don’t know why. it was like the the whole town was in to have movie night or something and i-i got home and i just passed out the second i stepped into my room. i was tired, a-and i meant to call, but i fell asleep first! (y/n), i was just—“
“and this morning?”
robin answered truthfully, fingers playing anxiously with the hem of her denim jacket, “i-i was at work this morning. keith ended up giving us the morning shift anyway and i- i was rushing again earlier, didn’t have the time to call because steve was already in the driveway so—“
“you could’ve called me while you were at work, robin. it only takes a second.”
“i know! i know. i should’ve. (y/n), i’m so sorry i didn’t—“
“then, why didn’t you?” you say slowly, folding your arms and tears threatening to stain your cheeks once again as you watch robin fidget in distress. “you… you forgot, didn’t you?”
robin’s shoulders slump, eyes falling to stare at the cold ground. she didn’t mean to. she remembered before, but she had gotten so busy with work, practice, and everything else, stressing her out daily. her heart breaks as she watches the look on your face. she wants to take it all away from you; to hold you, to make you smile.
“i feel like you never have time for me anymore, robin. we haven’t done anything together in weeks and the day of the date we planned, you don’t show up. do you know how much i miss you? do you even miss me?”
“yes! of course, i miss you. i miss you everyday—“
“but not enough to remember me?”
robin swears she can hear her heart crack as she opens her mouth to speak, voice straining obscurely, “(y/n), please don’t—“
“just go home, robin.” your voice breaks.
and you don’t say anything else. instead, robin watches you rub your face hurriedly, wiping the tears that you didn’t even give the chance to roll down your skin. she watches as you step away from her, flinching softly at the sound of you slamming the front door. and she stands there for a while, just staring up at your window, hoping you would come to watch her leave like you always do.
but you don’t.
so she bikes all the way home, cries all the way home, misses you all the way home. she wants to go back, to see you again, to tell you how much she loves you. and she calls tonight, but you don’t answer. and she calls again, but you don’t answer.
it’s been happening for three days now; you avoid her during class, you pack your things and leave early after school, you don’t pick up the phone. she wonders what it’ll take for you to notice her, to talk to her. she missed you. she’s been missing you. she wants to hear your voice, wants to feel your skin against hers, wants to kiss you. she misses you so dearly. she loves you so dearly.
on the fourth day, you pick up when she calls you after school. it surprised her when the phone stopped ringing, when she was finally able to hear your voice at the other end of the call, leaving her speechless. in fact, you almost ended it when she went on for so long without saying anything.
“can i come over?” she was hesitant, you could tell by the sound of her voice. it was shaky and she talked slow, almost breathlessly.
you sat on your bed, holding the telephone to your ear for a couple moments, thinking about your decision. you missed her, too. dearly. you wanted her with you. even if you were mad at her. it was one of the many reasons you said yes.
robin bikes over in less than twenty minutes, surprisingly, as it usually takes her a little over thirty minutes to get to your house. she knocks on your door with a rhythmic pattern only you know of and gives you no less than a second to react to the hug she pulled you in for, stumbling a couple of clumsy steps into your house. you breathe her in, still hesitant to hug her back, but you can’t help but give in and wrap your arms around her waist. she smelled of grass and flowers and soon, you figure out why when you pull away from her. she held a flimsy bouquet of flowers that she obviously picked out herself, dirt slightly stuck between her fingernails, petals of yellow and white in her hair, and some of the stems were broken, flowers hanging on for their dear life.
“um, i-it’s for you.” robin, stretches her arm out, handing them to you nervously.
“thank you,” you reply. you could feel her hands shaking when you take them from her. “i’ll go put them in the kitchen. and… it’s just me here, so you don’t have to worry about my family...”
it has her in a daze, seeing you walk away. you were still in the clothes you wore to school, no shoes on, hair down. you look pretty. it’s a thought that often resides in robin’s brain, but you really do. you always do. she mindlessly follows you into the kitchen, watching your every movement. but you did everything to avoid her eyes, and it hurt her.
“are you hungry?”
robin’s eyes widen, your voice pulling her out of her daydream. you placed a tiny mug full of the flowers robin picked out for you onto the kitchen table. she stared at you, unable to formulate the words she wanted to say to you, not knowing if she should answer yes or no, questioning all of her decisions like her life depended on it.
“the cake i made you is still in the fridge. i don’t know if it’s as good as it was before but—“
“yeah! i’m hungry.”
and robin eats it all. not caring if she gets sick from eating too much cake. the only thing that mattered to her was the way you tried to hide your smile when you see some of the icing sitting at the top of her nose, the way you shifted to turn away from her, trying to escape from her.
her hand lands on the leg of the chair you sat in right next to her, dragging it across the tile floor, pulling you closer. she then uses it to lace her fingers between yours, bringing your hand up to her mouth, pressing her lips against your knuckles.
“i love you, (y/n).”
your heart pulsed wildly while she continued to press light kisses on your fingers, repeating the three words again and again against your skin as she watches you bite your lip. your eyes welled up rather quickly; the sound of her voice, her name in your mouth.
robin wanted to cry at the sight knowing how much she hurt you. and she hated herself for it. she wished she could reverse the time, do everything over, just so that you wouldn’t feel the pain you were feeling. now, all she could do was hold you, if you let her. tell you how much you mean to her. how sorry she was.
“i-i took the week off. steve said he’ll cover for me. and…i know i’m… i’ve been a pretty shit girlfriend lately. i know how much you were looking forward to our date. how hard you worked for it. all for me to just forget about it like the stupid idiot i am. it really sucks, and i am so, so sorry, (y/n).” robin’s voice trembles as she rubs her thumb against the skin your hand. “you didn’t deserve that. not from me, or anyone. especially not from me. i was just—“
robin stopped herself, not wanting to keep building up lame excuses to help her dig a deeper hole for herself.
“i know you were stressed, rob,” you tell her, staring down at your intertwined hands. “you were just tired and—“
“no. it doesn’t matter because what i did was not okay. i shouldn’t have done that in the first place. seriously, (y/n), what kind of person am i to forget that sort of thing? i’m honestly an idiot. a complete, total idiot,” robin scoffs at herself, free hand running through her hair in exasperation.
your can’t help but give her a weak smile, holding her hand tighter. it had been a while since you held hands, one of your favorite things as it is one of hers. her hands are a little rough, calluses at the palm of her hand, most likely from all that biking she does, and light cuts along her fingertips, probably from when she picked out the flowers.
“you are an idiot,” you mumble.
robin smiles, scooting her chair even closer, hands holding yours even tighter. she brings her face close, and for a moment, you thought she was going to kiss you. instead, she rests her forehead against your shoulder, nuzzling lightly into your neck.
you can feel her breath against your skin and you were almost positive she could feel how fast your pulse was beating at the moment.
“i can… i can kiss you now, right?” robin sighs when you don’t answer, pressing the crook of her nose against your neck, desperate to feel your lips after basically a week away from you. “please?”
you stare up at the ceiling and let out a breath. you missed the way robin felt against you, the way her skin felt against yours, and her lips, and her scent, and her hands, and everything else. you missed robin. you just missed robin.
you nod lightly, hoping she could feel it, but your thoughts clear as soon as she presses a gentle kiss to your collarbone, your eyes fluttering shut almost immediately. it trails up alongside your neck, then underneath your jaw, her lips ending up towards the skin behind your ear. all of her kisses leaving you weak, moaning as quietly as you could. robin absolutely melts when you lean your head slightly, giving her more room to do her work, as she places her free hand underneath your sweater, rubbing at the skin of your waist.
“robbie,” you moan as robin hums into your skin as a reply.
after long moments of sloppy but delicate kisses, her lips finally lands against your mouth, soft and plump. truthfully, robin’s heart hammers in her chest, butterflies invading the depths of her stomach. when she kisses you… it feels amazing. they’re delicate and caring, always leaving you wanting more.
robin carefully pulls you closer until you’re seated directly in her lap, hands palming at your thighs as yours dig into her shoulders, squeezing tightly. she takes her time, teasing you with her tongue, pulling away briefly to speak against your lips
“i love you,” she pecks your lips, pulling away to say it again. “i love you.”
and she does it again. and again. and again. and again. and again. until you say it back.
“i love you, robin.”
and she wants to cry. so she does. her hands leave your thighs and wraps her arms around your waist, hugging you as tight as she could, shoving her face against your chest, forehead resting on your shoulder. she whimpers when she feels your hands run through her hair, soothing her, comforting her with your soft hands.
you feel robin’s kisses along your neck once again, making you tug her hair lightly, silently warning her to not leave any marks. but she never listens anyway. she kisses your lips again and again as you smile against her, giving her the chance to open her mouth while your copy her movements, until your tongues touch, leaving you moaning at the contact. your tongues slide slowly while you kiss, wet and sloppy. she hums at your reaction, your moans, god, she could do this all day. it’s fucking amazing how good this all feels, how right it feels.
you place a last kiss to her lips, making her pout slightly when you pull away from her, still seated on her lap.
“i’m still mad at you,” you tell her, all the while running your fingertips against her scalp, playing with her hair in a way that made her stomach flutter.
“i know, baby. i’ll make it up to you. i’ll make it up to you, i promise.”
and evidently, she does.
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✦ navigation. © ROBINSVOID
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
may I request some angst, then some smut.
It’s Steve and singlemom!reader’s first fight and she cries because Steve hurt her feelings, he feels so bad, he goes to the couch and tries to sleep in the night, but reader misses him and wants him back to bed with her. When he gets back, the makeup sex is amazing!!
Omg I know different times calls for different measures but I can imagine that make up sex with Steve would be so gentle and loving and especially in this scenario because he’d feel so bad for making her cry 🥺 okay okay I’m on it! Thank you for requesting, 🦋 anon. Love ya! 🥰
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Steve x SingleTeenMom!Reader (part of this universe, you can find the rest of the series if you’re interested in it, on my MASTERLIST)
Warning: Smut (in case it isn’t your thing)
They say the first fight between a couple is never a big deal.
Obviously, at some point two people are going to disagree on something. There might be a heated discussion, maybe shouts and screams, sometimes even words thrown at one another that aren’t meant to come out; these are the kind of words that thrive in an argument, only coming out in the heat of the moment, their only job to wound the other party.
What causes a fight can be a multitude of things. But, some of the worst fights can come from stress.
A child—especially one that’s not your significant other’s—can be stressful on any relationship. No matter how much they might possibly love them.
It wasn’t Abbie’s fault that you and Steve argued, not really, no. She obviously didn’t put the words in both of your mouths, that was on you two.
You both were overtired, Steve overworked at Family Video lately, you exhausted from a day at home with Abbie. Little snips turned into a bigger argument. In hindsight, it was a stupid argument, one that blew way out of proportion.
Steve had had a bad day, Keith being hard on him during his shift. It was the stupidest thing to fight over, forgetting milk at the grocery store when you’d went shopping earlier.
Steve had a tendency to sleep late before his shifts, shovel a bowl of cereal in his mouth and then head to work. Without milk, he wouldn’t be able to eat breakfast at home tomorrow and a few snippy comments turned into a full blown argument.
Abbie was already fast asleep in her crib, in the nursery, so your heated argument was exchanged in fierce whispers.
“I’m sorry I forgot the milk, okay? You don’t have to bite my head off!”
“Whatever, it’s fine. I’m tired, I just want to sleep,” he mumbled.
“You think you’re tired? I have been chasing an 18 month all day, trying to keep her from putting anything and everything in her mouth, running the errands—which by the way, she tries to grab anything and let it fall into the grocery cart, so I had to be hypervigilant about that—so I’m sorry if I forgot one thing. I have been a walking zombie today.”
“Jesus, you don’t have to lecture me, Y/N. She’s kept us both up lately refusing to go to sleep, you know,” he grumbled, folding his arms.
“Which is why I always tell you to go back to sleep!” you hissed.
“Well excuse me if I actually want to try and be a fucking good boyfriend! But apparently you don’t need my help.”
“You don’t have to sound like me and Abbie are a burden,” you said, sounding hurt.
“I didn’t, but you said it, not me.”
“What? You wish you’d never met us?”
When he didn’t say anything, you felt your heart crack a bit.
“I can’t deal with this right now,” you said, turning your back to him.
“Fine,” he grabbed his pillow, “I’m sleeping on the couch.”
When the bedroom door slammed behind him, you winced, waiting for the tell-tale cries of your wakened daughter. But they didn’t come.
Instead, your tears did.
You sat against the headboard, face buried in your hands as you cried.
You don’t sleep at all that night.
It’s amazing how cold the bed feels without Steve. All you want is for him to come back.
You decided against going to wake him to apologize, he’d just be cranky from being woken.
Not only do you feel like a zombie, you feel like a zombie that’s been zapped dry of moisture. You’d cried so hard, you can’t seem to produce any more tears.
2:00 a.m. turned to 3.
You watched the digital clock, miserably, when 3:59 a.m clicked over to 4:00 a.m.
By 5 a.m. you’d had more than enough. You’d spent all night staring at the ceiling, the wall, the empty space next to you and the clock. You were going to apologize, no matter what.
When you opened the bedroom door, Steve was there, fist raised as if getting ready to knock. He looked as bedraggled as you did.
“I’m sorry,” you blurted, the same exact moment he said, “I want to apologize.”
You chuckled, the tension between you two lightening immensely.
“I wanted to apologize hours ago, I just didn’t want to wake you,” you said, sheepishly.
“I was already awake. I tossed and turned all night,” he admitted, hand running through his hair, “I’m so sorry for walking away angry, for letting you think all those bad things.”
“I’m sorry for assuming them,” you sighed, “Also I’m sorry I forgot the milk. I’ll go out and get some when the sun rises.”
“Baby, it’s okay. It’s not a big deal,” he whispered, bringing you close, “I promise.”
He kissed you and you let him, his foot pushing the door closed behind you.
“I missed you,” you admitted, feeling a bit silly even admitting it, even if it was the truth, “The bed’s not the same without you.”
He laid you back on the bed when you’d both reached it.
“Well, I’m an idiot for leaving you alone like that. For making you cry.”
His face was as soft and tender as his touch, his thumb brushing softly over your brow bone, down the bridge of your nose and finally, brushing over your lips.
“You and Abbie have never been a burden, I hope you know that.”
“I do,” you nodded solemnly, “And I always need your help.”
“I know,” he smiled.
Your kissing resumed, clothes shed until you were both bare, Steve nestled deep in you.
It was sweet, gentle and amazing. He murmured his apologies to you as he moved against your body, telling you that you were perfect. You told him how much you loved him and he reciprocated, quiet moans in your ear.
If you knew you’d get make up sex this tender, yet this amazing, you might’ve fought with him long ago. Your hands clawed at his back, legs wrapped around him as you pushed him deeper, chasing the high that was building.
His hips staggered just the slightest the action sending you careening, your moans muffled into his neck as you came, the pleasant feeling warming your body from inside out. His groans matched your own as he finished in you with a muttered curse.
“Fuck, I love you,” he whispered, kissing your forehead, then the tip of your nose then your mouth.
“I love you, too,” you whispered against his lips.
It was only after 5:30 when he untangled from you, moving the covers over you.
“Go to sleep, sweetheart. I’ll take care of Abbie when she wakes up.”
“But you have to work,” you protested.
He shook his head with a smile.
“I’m calling in sick. I may have to stay in bed all day because I’ve got a lot more apologizing to do.”
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kidge-planet · 2 months
TW! death
50 years had passed. It had been 50 years since they shared their first kiss, and they had never left each other's sides.
During those 50 years, their love had only grown stronger with each passing day.
Now, she was 70.
As she lay in her bed next to her husband, Katie felt a strange sensation. Both she and her husband had been worried lately; she had been feeling weak and breathless for almost a month now, and doctors couldn't find anything wrong.
She took a deep breath and rested her head against her pillow. Keith knew exactly how she felt. He knew her so well that just one look in her eyes was enough to tell that something was wrong.
But he also knew that if he asked, she would simply answer that she was fine. So, he asked, and as expected, she said that she was okay. He insisted, and so did she.
Deciding to give up, knowing how stubborn she was but also trusting that she would confide in him later if something was truly wrong, he kissed her forehead as they wished each other a good night.
As he closed his eyes, Keith instantly fell asleep. But no matter how much she tried, Pidge couldn't.
As she grew older, it became harder for Pidge to fall asleep at night. She and Keith had lost everyone:
The first to go was Baebae, Pidge's dog. It had been complicated for her, but she stayed strong.
Then came Sam. It was years after Baebae, and it was possibly the worst day of her life by that time.
Sam was followed by Colleen, who couldn't bear losing her husband for the second time. She was an old woman who had been through so much, but her heart could not handle more. She died, drowning in sadness, and no matter how much Matt and Pidge did to save her, it wasn't enough...
After Colleen, Shiro followed. It devastated everyone, especially Keith. But with Pidge by his side, he healed faster.
Hunk died years later. A heart attack was the reason...
The only ones remaining in their lives were Lance, Matt, Krolia, Kosmo, and their kids. Some other people remained, but they were less important in their lives.
And all this kept Pidge awake at night. She remembered the old times, hurting herself by allowing her thoughts to dwell on all the happy moments. And then, she remembered that it was over, that she would never again be hugged by her father or laugh with her mother... That she would never get to hug Baebae to sleep or have nice Paladin hangouts with her friends... And, of course, she would never gossip with Allura again.
She missed Hunk's cookies and his presence when she was feeling down. She missed Shiro's advice and how reassuring he was.
She just wanted to go back in time, start everything over, and reclaim the beauty that she thought she had lost.
And she was happy with Keith. She always had been, and she felt so grateful that he was still by her side today... But she missed how they used to love each other back then, those nights when they wouldn't sleep and would share every piece of passion. She missed discovering his touch, his body; it all felt new back then, and now, it just seemed routine. She knew his touch by heart... And not that she thought it was bad, but she did think that it was better before... Because everything seemed better when they were younger.
She used to fight for peace, she used to be a model for so many people and have an important purpose. Today, she felt worthless. Just an old lady. A grandma, certainly, but then what was next?
Death. And she would feel guilty admitting that she actually waited for it every day now.
She knew that she would leave her kids behind, along with her remaining friends, her brother, and her husband.
But her kids were grown adults now, with their own families and lives that she wished she could still have. They didn't need her anymore...
As for her friends, she only really had Lance and a few acquaintances. But she rarely saw them, if ever. She called Lance often, but that was about it.
She saw Matt often. Same old Matt. And when thoughts of ending her life crossed her mind, she tried to push them away, knowing that she was his only family left.
And then there was her husband. How she loved him. He was the only reason she hadn't tried to end it herself. The only thing tormenting her now was deciding whether she wanted him to die before her or after her... Whether she would hurt him or herself.
She didn't really have a choice.
Lost in thought, her eyes closed, and she felt her body's weight growing heavier with each passing second. She understood. Summoning all her strength, she opened her eyes one last time to look at him. The only man who had ever loved her, the only man she had ever loved.
Oh, how beautiful he looked in the moonlight, she thought to herself, finding the strength to reach for his cheek...
She caressed his cheek, feeling her hand grow too heavy, and she rested it in his.
If only she could tell him how much she loved him... But she didn't want to see him cry. She didn't want him to take her to the hospital or try to "save" her.
She wanted to silently pass away in the bed where they had shared their love for years. In the room where they had once been young together. In peace.
A tear rolled down her face: she was feeling greatful in this moment to have had such a beautiful life.
And she silently hoped that she'll find him again, in another life.
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(there you go and I hope this made you feel the emotional turmoil you wanted lol :') )
Let me know your thoughts about that one!!!!!!!
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Playing the Game Part 7 (Steve X Plus size reader)
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Warnings: Daddy/ Dom Steve and all that that implies (I regret nothing!), The reader suggestions they try some of the more rougher stuff and the aftermath is talked about in detail. More so Steve's feelings about it. There's no actual smut in this one. More angst and feels than anything.
Word Count: 3008
Steve stares at the ceiling as you sleep softly beside him replaying the night in his head. He had come over to your place extremely frustrated after having the worst day of his life. While at work his ex and her new boyfriend decided to drop by to rent some movies. He subtly watched them out of the corner of his eye as they moved about the store. When they finally walked up to the counter Rebecca had painted fake surprise on her face. 
“Oh my god, Steve. I had nooooo idea you worked here.”
“I worked here when we were together, Rebecca.”
“Hey!” Her boyfriend pointed his boney finger at Steve. “Don’t be rude.”
After work, his dad decided to surprise him outside of his store and invited him to dinner. He spent the entire meal berating him about getting his life together.
“Steven, it’s time to grow up. You need to get a real job, make some real money, find a good woman.”
“I have a good woman.”
“Pffft, not the way I hear it.”
“I know. I know. You think you’re in love but…”
Steve chugged the liquor in his glass and gestured to the waitress for another.
You moaned slightly as you rolled over on to your back. His head turned to look at you, noticing you wince as your skin moved against the sheets. He scooted over to you and pulled down the material to look at your body. Your wrists were starting to bruise from where he held you down. Your stomach, arms, and legs had little welts and teeth marks from where he sucked and bit. Your inner thighs had imprints his fingers and hands left. Steve reached over and delicately turned your head to face him. Your cheek was bright red still from where he smacked you.
He felt like an asshole. 
Your fingers run through his hair as you listen to his slightly inebriated babbling. 
“Gah! And what pisses me off the most is how her boyfriend and my dad talk to me. Shut the fuck up! I’m talking. I’m in charge of my own life. You know?”
“I know, baby. I understand.”
He leans his head against the back of your couch. “I just hate feeling out of control.” You don’t respond and his eyes scan your frame. He reaches his hand out and glides his fingers up your spine. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m just venting.”
“Do you want to feel in control?” Steve sits up straighter as you push your hair behind your ear and turn to face him. “We’ve never really talked about it. You being…MORE dominant like that.”
Steve looks at his shoes. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“No, Daddy, I know. I just think it might help you. We can create a safe word and if I’m uncomfortable then I can say it and we stop. I’ve never tried anything like THAT before but I DO feel safe with you.” You reach for his chin and turn him to look at you. “I want to help.”
You never once used that safe word so he didn’t stop. He let out all of his aggression and you took it. Hell, he even made you cum more times than he could count. But looking at you now… it killed him. Steve couldn’t take this anymore. He covered you back up with the blankets after getting out of your bed, quietly dressed and left your apartment. 
“Where is he, Robin?!”
“Y/N, for the one thousandth time, I don’t know. Keith said he was using some vacation time so he wouldn’t be coming in. I’m surprised you don’t know where he is.”
“So am I!” You huff out a breath as you try and regulate your tone. “I’ve called him but he doesn’t answer. I went to his apartment and waited outside. He never showed up. I ask around and no one has seen him. I’m worried.”
“Let’s think this through. I’m Steve. I don’t want anyone to know where I am especially my girlfriend who knows me better than anyone. I won’t be at my usual spots because, of course not. So, I would want to hide where no one would expect to ever find me. The last place I would ever want to be.”
“I know where he is.” You give Robin a big hug as you run out the door.
You bang on the gigantic door but no one answers. 
“Someone open this door or I swear to god I will camp outside here until someone does!”
You start beating on it again until the door swings roughly open and Mr. Harrington stares down at you angrily. 
“Young lady!”
“Bill.” You push past him into the house. “Where is he?”
“Where is who?”
“Your son. Steven Harrington, you come out here right now!”
“Miss, from what I can tell he wants some time apart so you should respect his wishes.”
You start power walking through rooms, banging open doors. “Oh, what like you do? And my name is Y/N. Not ‘Miss’ or ‘Young Lady’. Steven!” You were purposely calling him by the name he hated hoping it would get enough of rise out of him to face you. 
“Maybe it’s time for you to accept that this fling you have with my son has come to end.”
“Steven! Steven Harrington, you fucking coward! Face me like a real man and make your daddy proud!” You turn to face his dad. “Not that it will matter because nothing he does for you is ever good enough.”
The last door at the end of the hall opens and Steve stares at you with a vacant expression. The relief you feel at finally finding him is replaced with fury now that you have found him. “Well look at that, Bill. Here he is.”
“I’m calling the police.”
“No, dad! I got this. Just finish getting ready for your flight.”
“And holy shit, he can speak!”, you say sarcastically as you enter his room, grabbing his shirt by the collar, and closing the door. 
Steve folds his arms as he leans his back against the wall while you stand in the middle of what you assume was his bedroom when he used to live at home. 
“I’m going to try and remain as calm as I can but I furious with you, Steve. When I asked you if you wanted more control, I didn’t mean this. I have been looking for you everywhere and I find you here of all places.”
He doesn’t move or even look your way and you feel your blood start to boil. 
“I woke up and you were fucking gone. Not only were you gone but you disappeared. What? Did you get what you wanted from me? Were you like ‘Hey I finally got to rough her up. I guess I’m done now.’” He flinched at your words. “Steve, talk to me, god damnit!” 
He pushed himself off the door, grabbing your arm, and pulling you in front of his full-length mirror. He pulled your turtleneck sweater over your head, bringing your shirt with it. “Look at this!” Steve points to your neck before his hands run down your arms holding them up for you to look in the reflection. “Look at what I did to you!”
“Steve, that’s what the safe word is for. I didn’t use it.”
“Why?! You should have.”
You’re eyes open wide with shock. “Oh my god. This type of relationship and dynamic requires trust. It’s not just me trusting you and trusting you’ll stop when I say the word but that you trust I know when to use it! You’ve known me for almost 8 months. What makes you think I would allow you to do this to me and me not be okay with it?!”
“Did you enjoy it? Me fucking destroying your body like this.”
“Yes! Until you left me!” You put your hands on your hips. “Part of this relationship, Steve, is aftercare. You’re so good with taking care of me after we play. But the one time I really needed you to be there, you weren’t.” You grab your shirt and pull it over your head, turning your face away from him so he doesn’t see the stray tear that fell. “Look, um, maybe we should take some apart and then when you’re ready we can talk about us and, um,” You try to walk past him but he reaches out for your hand. You pull away roughly.
“Do you see the difference? This right here is fucking destroying me.”
Two a.m. that morning you heard a small knock on your door. The tears hadn’t stopped since you got back home and sleep never came. You drag yourself out of bed, opening your front door to find Steve leaning his hands on either side of the frame. 
You say nothing as you let go of the door and walk back into the apartment. He follows you in, closing the door behind him. He stares as you kick a box towards him with your feet. 
“Here’s your stuff you’ve left here. Just take it and go.” You voice was gravelly from crying. Steve wasn’t sure if you were aware but you were wearing one of his shirts. Seeing you like this, in his clothes, in so much pain… NOW he was being an asshole. 
“Y/N, I—”
You hold your hand up to stop him. “Steve, I can’t. I can’t hear it right now. It just hurts too much. Just leave, please.”
He presses his lips together as he nods his head. “I, um… okay.” Steve picks up the small box without looking at you. He starts to leave but stops halfway as he turns his head in your direction, his tone low as he speaks. “You have every right to be mad at me. I fucked up, baby girl.” Your bottom lip trembles at the name as a tear escapes your eye. You hug your arms tighter to you. “I’m sorry.”
With that, he power walks out your door, down the hallway to the elevator. His body starts to shake with anger at himself. He hated seeing you that way, seeing you so small. Steve understood what you meant now. When you two were playing the other night you never once looked at him the way you looked at him just now. 
He wanted to scream but he was in your complex. Steve threw the box in his hand violently against the adjacent wall. He stomped on the contents, his toothbrush, clothes, and other essentials, with his foot until they were unrecognizable. 
His head shot up, looking towards where you were standing outside your door. He watched as you ran towards him, jumping into his arms as he caught you, wrapping your legs around his waist. Steve carried you back into your apartment, slamming the door with his foot. He leaned his back against the wood, sliding down to the floor, bringing you with him. 
He gently lifted your head from his shoulder, pressing his forehead to yours as he wiped your eyes with his sleeve. “I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I will never, do you hear me? Never hurt you like this again.” Your heavy eyes looked into his knowing he meant what he was saying. 
Steve leaned his head back, hitting your front door with a loud thud. “Ow.” He softly smiles as an exasperated chuckle leaves your lips. He takes your hands in his as he rises off the ground, pulling you up with him. “Come on, baby.”, he whispers as he guides you to your bedroom. 
He lifts you off your feet placing you under your covers into your bed. Steve starts to head for your living room when your panicked voice stops him. “Where are you going?”
“I was just…going to sleep on the couch here.”
“You don’t want to lay with me?”
“Of course, I do.” Steve looks down at the floor in shame. “I didn’t think I deserved to.”
“Please, Daddy.” Your voice comes out so tiny it breaks his heart. He takes off his shoes, crawling under the covers beside you. You pull him tighter to you with your arms and he feels his heart crack open even further. Steve knows part of the reason you’re clinging to him is because you’re afraid he won’t be there when you wake up. 
Steve wakes up to the feeling of you lightly pushing at his chest. “Baby, your dad is calling.” His eyes open wider, completely confused. 
“What? How did he get your number?”
“Take one guess.”
His head falls back against the pillow as he rubs his eyes. “I’m going to punch Ben in the face again. I swear to God.”
“I tried to tell him you weren’t here but…”
Steve takes the phone from your hand, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Your eyes are still kind of puffy from last night and your voice is raspy. He gives you a reassuring smile before he brings the phone to his ear. 
“Steven, I am not a young man. I can’t handle all this bullshit. You came to me saying you needed a break. I let you into my house before that girl came causing a scene—”
“She can’t cause a scene in front of one person.”
“DON’T interrupt me. This has to stop now.”
“What are you trying to tell me here, dad?”
“I’m telling you that either you end this little romance now or I’m cutting you off!”
You heard every word as his dad shouted it into the phone. You hugged your knees under your chin as you waited for Steve to respond. 
“Well, I guess that’s that then.”
“Good. You’ll see, son, that this is for the best. There are plenty of better fish in the sea.”
“But none like her.”
His dad grows silent and you stare at him with your mouth open. “Steve…”
“Steven. I want you to really think about this.”
“I don’t need to. I love her and there’s no dollar amount that can replace her.”
He leaned over your side of the bed and hung up the phone. You watched him as he got up, pulling his shirt over his head and flinging it to the floor. Steve came up behind you and lifted you, snaking his arms behind your back and under your knees, carrying you into your bathroom. Setting you on your feet, he gently removes your garments before turning on the shower. It isn’t long before the room is filled with steam. Steve takes off his pants and boxers. He holds his hand out to you and you take it as he helps you step into the tub. You close your eyes as the warm water hits your head.
You let out a sigh when you feel Steve’s long fingers massage your shampoo into your scalp. His hands cup your face as he gently tilts your head back into the waterfall emitting from the shower. You open your eyes again when you sense a sudden change in the atmosphere. You glance down to see Steve on his knees in front of you, focused as he runs the soapy washcloth along your body. 
His eyes trace along the faint bruising still imprinted on your skin. He leans forward, softly placing kisses over every mark he finds. You reach down and run your fingers through his damp hair.
“Steve, you didn’t have to do that. With your dad.”
He rises to his feet as he continues gliding the cloth along your body and up your arms. You search the eyes staring at your body but the only emotion you see is care; care for you. You grip his face with your hands. That familiar fire slowly starts to blaze through.
“He can cut me off. I don’t care. I’d rather live in a box on the street than a fancy upscale place without you.” You start to open your mouth but he gives you a look of stern warning. He’s made his choice. A small laugh leaves his lips. “Plus, I’ve never met someone who talked back to my dad the way you did.” He mimics your voice. “It’s Y/N. Not Miss or Young Lady!”
You playfully punch his chest as Steve laughs a bit harder. “There was a part of me that wanted him to call you ‘Little Girl’ to see how you’d react.” Out of habit an annoyed growl escaped your throat. Suddenly a thought hit you. 
“Steve, oh my god. I was shouting ‘Steven’ hoping it would get you to come out. I know you hate it but—”
He cut you off by bring his mouth down on yours. “I know. I didn’t make things easy for you. I don’t blame you. No punishment required.” He smiles down at you mockingly.
“Maybe just a little bit?” He chuckles as he pulls you to him wrapping his arms around you. “Maybe,” you tilt your face up to meet his gaze. “Maybe Daddy needs to punished.” Your teeth bite on your bottom lip as you feel his cock press up against your thigh. “For running away and hiding. Making this little one worry.”
Your fingers glide up his arms and down his chest. “I think your right. I do need to be reprimand.” Steve leans behind you and turns off the shower. “I am a practice what you preach kind of guy.” He steps out of the tub, extending his hand for you to follow. Placing a towel over your head he shakes it through your hair eliciting a giggle from you. 
“If the tables were turned, I know you would expect me to do the same so,” Steve dries himself and throws the towel you two used on the floor. He makes a sweeping gesture with his arm towards your bedroom. “Baby Girl, if you please. Teach me lesson.”
@eddiethesexy @sammy-is-not-smiley @spungen-tirxie
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spideyharrington · 2 years
summary: you’ve been friends with steve harrington since freshman year in highschool. and you’ve also been in love with him since then. but you realize he would never love you back, so you decide to put some distance between the two of you without explanation.
warnings: cursing, self esteem issues, attachment issues, abandonment issues, emotional angst to fluff !
A/N: ignore nancy in the gif 💔 this is not proofread cuz i’m tired and lazy. also it’s been quite awhile since i’ve written but i’m feeling extremely attached to steve still and also needed to get some of my own emotions out lol
word count: 3.3k exact :)
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It was yet another sleepless night. Your brain too wrapped up in anxious thoughts to even let you think about closing your eyes for more than a few seconds. So you listen to the rain hitting your window and let the thoughts take over, deciding you needed to stop pushing them away. You weren’t sure how long you’d been staring at your ceiling for, but you were shaken out of your thoughts by the phone ringing. It’s one in the morning who the hell is calling? You thought as you went to answer the loud device.
“Hello?” You sounded drained.
“Couldn’t sleep either huh?” Steve sounded almost as drained.
“Nope. Why’d you call?” You hadn’t meant to sound so short but you’ve had quite a rough day at work and didn’t feel like talking. Usually Steve would make you feel better immediately but lately being around him, even hearing his voice, has just made your heart hurt.
“Figured if I was awake you probably would be too.”
“Okay… So why call? Just to test your theory?” You joked but there was hardly a joking tone present.
“I guess I just wanted to hear your voice. Helps me clear my thoughts sometimes,” he ignored your joke, “are you alright?”
“Yeah Steve. Just peachy.”
God why am i being so rude to him? He didn’t do anything?
“Was work bad today?” He knew better than to take your tone personally.
“Yeah. Nothing new though. Just people being assholes.” You didn’t feel like talking about how your day at the video store went. You’re pretty sure you even scared Robin with how irritated you were getting, considering Robin was silent half the shift and she always has something to say.
“I’m sorry princess. Anything specific-“
Princess… A name he initially used a joke, to call you dramatic or pretend like you were asking for so much as if you believed you were royalty, that he’s been using on a more regular basis lately. God you hate that name.
“Steve I’m really tired. I gotta go.” You felt bad for cutting him off but you couldn’t pretend to give a shit about work right now. Not when you knew that’s not what was really bothering you.
There was a beat of silence, Steve being surprised at you cutting him off and the tone you had, “okay. I hope you sleep well. I’m here if you need me.” He knew you weren’t sleeping soon.
“Yeah you too. Goodnight.”
When Steve hung up he couldn’t shake the awful feeling he had that he had done something wrong. Usually he doesn’t worry about that with you. You’re always so kind to him and reassuring, knowing he blames himself easily for really anything he can. But tonight just now, that was new. He hated it. He hated not being able to make you feel better.
After falling asleep sometime around four in the morning, your alarm went off at six thirty for work. Needless to say you ended up flipping off your alarm clock and going back to bed. You woke up again to the phone ringing, but you decided to ignore it, completely forgetting why your alarm went off. About your shift at Family Video.
To say Steve was anxious when he arrived at work to see Keith instead of you, was a huge understatement. Not even because he hated working with him, but because you were weird last night and now you didn’t show up to work. You haven’t missed a day since you started there.
“Hey Keith. Where’s y/n?”
“Thought you would know Harrington. She decided not to show up today.”
“She didn’t say why?”
Keith laughed, “she didn’t even call.”
Steve’s anxiety only grew. He immediately went to the phone in the back, calling you. If rang for what felt like an eternity. No answer. He called again. Okay, he called a few more times.
Your phone wouldn’t stop ringing. You looked to your clock, it was twelve pm. You reluctantly got up to answer.
“What?” You already knew it was Steve. He was the only one who would call that many times in a row.
“Y/n what the hell?” You could hear the panic and slight relief mixed with a hint of anger.
“Mind telling me what i’m being yelled at for?”
“Yelled at? I’m not-“ you heard him inhale, you knew he was pinching the bridge of his nose, “does your shift at work today ring a bell?” You couldn’t even tell which tone he had that time.
“Shit. Sorry. Slept in.”
“…That’s it? That’s all you got?”
“Jesus Steve I’m so sorry you had to work with Keith. I’ll get ready and head over there, calm do-“
“I don’t give a shit that I had to work with Keith, y/n. I thought- I was worried something happened.”
Shit. Now you were really being an asshole. You know how anxious he gets when someone isn’t where they’re supposed to be and don’t give a reason. Not after all the scary shit you’ve been through. He immediately assumes the worst. Even if it does seem slightly irrational, neither of you are sure what exactly is rational anymore.
“I’m sorry. Seriously I just went to bed so late and i stopped my alarm without thinking. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’m really sorry.” You felt like crying. You know the panic he was feeling when he didn’t see you and when it took ten calls for you to answer. Steve could hear that through the phone.
“It’s okay. Sorry I got a bit too anxious over nothing. Take your time, yeah? I’ll be alright with Keith for a little longer.” His voice was much softer again.
“I get it Steve. Please don’t apologize, I think you’re allowed to feel that way after everything you’ve been through.” Steve felt himself relax a bit, your reassurance made him feel better after worrying all night about doing something that had pissed you off.
You arrived at work thirty minutes later somehow. Steve smiled when he saw you and you tried to smile back but you knew it wasn’t very convincing.
“You’re lucky you’re good at knowing what movies customers would like. Otherwise you’d be kicked to the curb y/l/n.” Keith pointed at you, sounding surprisingly less angry than you’d expected.
“Sorry Keith. Won’t happen again I swear.”
“Better not.” He mumbled and walked through the back door to his car.
“Hey. Would you rather sort and restock or check out customers and rewind these?” Steve held up a handful of tapes.
“Doesn’t matter to me.” You shrugged. Steve knew you preferred to sit and rewind the tapes when you were tired and / or anxious. So he stood up and gestures towards the chair he was previously on.
“the rewinding is all your princess.” He did a funny bow and attempted to sound british. Though it was definitely Australian. It actually would’ve been really impressive if Australian is what he was going for.
“Do I get a koala too?” You smirked and it took Steve a second to realize the jab at his accent.
“Wow ok I see how it is I do something kind and you repay me with a snarky comment.” He put his hand over his heart and pretended to be offended. But his grin gave him away.
“Oh I’m sorry. Thank you Steve Harrington! My savior!” You put your hands together and pretended to fawn over him, laughing.
God Steve loved your smile and your laugh. He’d sell a kidney to see it 24/7.
When Steve was away stocking the romance section, your thoughts came back. Your depressing mood resurfacing. You were trying to keep your distance a bit, but he kept pulling you back in with his warm smile and his stupid Harrington charm.
You joked every now and then for the rest of your shift, but Steve could tell your mood had changed again. You knew he knew by the look on his face. A weak smile that you knew was the same you were giving him.
“Try to get some better rest tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“No promises. And yeah.” You lied. You had already decided halfway through your shift that you wouldn’t come in to see him on your next days off, including tomorrow, like you usually did. You were going to make it four days without seeing him. You were going to try not to call him too, but you knew better than that. You knew he’d end up calling you. If not to talk then to check you’re alive.
You waved goodbye and drove home. Deciding to watch a comfort movie before falling asleep earlier than you thought you would. Probably from the lack of sleep from the previous night.
Steve looked up every time the bell on the door rang, waiting to see you. The highlight of his day. Except every time he looked, it was never you. Robin noticed of course.
“Alright Steve. This is getting a little pathetic. Even for you.”
He gave her a confused look.
“I know you’re waiting for y/n to walk through the door. We have fifteen minutes till we’re closed. I don’t think she’s coming in today dingus.”
“She just- She usually comes in.”
“Steve you saw her yesterday. She’s probably busy. Maybe Eleven is making her build a fort with her again.”
Steve just shrugged and worked on rewinding the last few tapes. It was oddly a comforting thing for him to do when you weren’t there. It reminded him of you.
When Steve got home he called you just like you thought he would.
“Hey Steve. Sorry I didn’t stop in today. I am alive and I’m fine. Just had a lot of shopping to do.”
“No it’s okay. You have a life outside of that store.”
It was silent. Neither of you having much to say. Then you spoke up, “You okay?” You could hear something off with Steve.
“Yeah. I just hope you’re okay. You know you can tell me anything.”
“I know Steve. I’m okay. Just in a bit of a rut I guess.”
“If you need anything just call. Please.”
You swear your heart cracked at the way his voice sounded. You know he hates not being able to help, “I will. Promise.”
The third day you didn’t show up to say hi to Steve and Robin, Steve decided to not call. He decided to leave you alone, assuming you needed distance or something. Even Robin was confused and a bit worried. Mostly worried for Steve.
“Steve?” He jumped a little when Robin put her hand on his shoulder, jolting him out of his thoughts.
“Yeah? Sorry, was thinking.”
“I can see that. What’s going on?”
“Y/n’s been… weird. She’s been quiet. Which is normal for other people who are around her, but not for me. She’s always making so many jokes when we work together and she always comes in on her days off just to mess with me and pick a new movie to watch. She always calls too. To tell me about whatever movie she watched. But she’s basically been ignoring me. Did I do something? Please tell me if I did something stupid Rob.”
Robin felt her heart sink when he looked up at her searching for answers. He looked like a kicked puppy. She couldn’t find it in herself to tease him.
“She hasn’t said anything to me bud. I’m sorry. I can talk to her though if you-“
“No!” He cleared his throat, “no, it’s okay. I don’t want her to think we’re talking about her when she’s not here.”
“But we are-“
“You know what I mean. Just… Maybe see if she’s okay. But don’t bring me up.”
“I’ll drop by her place tonight then I’ll call you. I’m sure she’s just stressed or something.” She gave him a reassuring smile.
You were surprised to hear a knock on your door at ten that night.
You opened the door to see Robin.
“Robin? What are you-“
She barged in.
“Okay just come on in then…” You mumbled confused.
“What’s wrong with you?” She didn’t sound angry, but she didn’t sound happy.
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh come on. That shit doesn’t work on me. You know what I mean. Why are you avoiding Steve?”
“Avoiding Steve? I’m not-“
“Almost not showing up to work when you worked with him, making your phone conversations hours shorter than usual, not coming in to say hi,” she was listing evidence on her fingers.
“Okay, okay I get it.” You threw your hands up in surrender.
Robin raised an eyebrow waiting for your explanation.
“Look, you know I have feelings for him. I’ve just been… Thinking about it lately and how I need to move on.”
“Move on? Why?”
“He obviously doesn’t feel the same wa-“
You were cut off by Robin’s laughter.
“What is so funny to you?”
“You really think that dingus isn’t head over heels in love with you too?”
“Woah woah woah first off I never said I was-“
“Oh you don’t have to.”
“Can you please stop cutting me off?”
“Can you please stop being so oblivious? Steve has been sitting there for the past three days sitting there rewinding tapes and watching that front door line a goddamn hawk. He misses you y/n.” This was probably the softest you’ve ever heard Robin talk.
“I know he cares about me. I know we’re close. And I don’t wanna lose him. But I’m tired Robin. I’m tired of reading into every little thing he does and trying to make my feelings obvious to him when I know he doesn’t feel the same way!” You spoke softly at first, but then your voice betrayed you. Cracking at the end as you raised your voice unintentionally.
“I think you need to talk to him. Seriously.” Robin was still speaking softly but she was more stern this time.
“Fat chance.” You mumbled.
“Y/n, I love you, but if you hurt Steve I swear to god… He’s been through enough as it is and you of all people know that. Too many people have left him. I genuinely don’t know what would happen to him if you left him too. He trusts you more than anyone. More than me. More than any of the kids, even Dustin. Don’t fuck this up. Don’t fuck him up.”
And with that, she left. Left your house and left you to think.
On your fourth and final day off you were planning on how to talk to Steve when you worked with him tomorrow. Unfortunately you didn’t get too far when you heard an aggressive knock on your door. You opened it expecting to see Robin.
“Robin I get it I’m going to-“ You stopped as soon as you saw Steve. A very upset looking Steve.
“Y/n I didn’t wanna bother you but this is killing me. I can’t stand not being able to call you and rant about whatever Dustin or Robin did to piss me off that day. I can’t stand not listening to you rant about whatever movie you just watched. I can’t stand not being around you everyday. I don’t even know what I did and I’ve been trying so hard to figure it out but I can’t. I’m sure I did something really fucking stupid per usual, but please tell me what it was so I can fix it.”
“Stevie you didn’t do anything wrong.”
He looked so lost and confused. You gestures for him to come inside. Your parents weren’t home yet.
“Then what- What happened?”
“Fuck.” You muttered and Steve looked so anxious you just wanted to hug him and tell him everything is fine.
“Would you just trust me if I said it’s me and my brain and has nothing to do with anything you did?”
“Y/n that’s not a good enough reason and you know it. Why can’t you just talk to me-“
“I couldn’t stand being so close to you all the time knowing how strongly I’m in love with you okay! And knowing you don’t feel the same.” You didn’t mean to blurt it out like that. But there it was. And you couldn’t take it back.
“How would you know that i don’t feel the same?”
“Because why would you?” You laughed like he just offended you, “you could have any girl you want. Why on earth would you choose me?”
“Because you actually give a shit about me. You’ve been there for me when my so called friends weren’t. When my parents weren’t. Hell, you were there for me when Nancy wasn’t. You stuck with me even when I was a total asshole-“
“You were never an asshole Steve. Not to me. You know that.”
“And that’s what I love about you. You always see the good in people even when literally everyone else knows- thinks they’re an asshole.”
You couldn’t hold back the tears welling up at this point, “You know how much I hate everyone who made you feel like that right?” You weren’t even upset about exposing your feelings, you were upset over the fact that Steve still sees himself like that sometimes.
“I know. And if it weren’t for you I’d probably never forgive myself for how I was. But you showed me that I’m really not that guy. I’m not that “King Steve” everyone talked about in highschool. If you weren’t there for me throughout that time up until now, I’d still be such a mess.” He chuckled a little. You didn’t find it humorous however.
“Please don’t give me the credit for that. I just pointed out what you already knew was behind those walls. Fuck! I’m so sorry Steve. I know everything you’ve been through I know about all of the assholes who left you and here I am avoiding you for such selfish reasons!” You were fully crying at this point. How could you do what you hated so many others for doing?
Steve just quietly walked up to you and out your face in his hands, wiping the tears, “It’s okay y/n. I’m okay. I didn’t think you were abandoning me. I just thought I’d done something stupid to upset you.”
“I’m still sorry for making you anxious about it. For the record I don’t think you could ever upset me. at least not for more than ten minutes tops.” He laughed which made you smile.
“You know how much I look up to you yeah?”
“Y/n you don’t have to-“
“I know. But I need you to know. I mean I already blurted out that I love you, so I might as well keep going,” you paused to look into his beautiful dark eyes, making sure he absorbs your words, “you’re the most selfless person I know. You’ll do anything from letting someone rant to you for hours over something silly that upset them, throwing yourself into portals to hell. You pay such close attention to people you care about that you know every little tell-tale sign that somethings wrong. You know I get quiet when I’m anxious, you know what songs to play to help Max when she’s in a mood, I think you’re the only person Mike has ever gone to for advice. You’re so-“
Steve must’ve understood your point because suddenly he was cutting you off with a kiss that took you by surprise, but you quickly reciprocated.
“God I love you so much y/n.” He smiled against your lips.
“I love you so much too Steve.”
“Yeah you made that pretty clear.” He chuckled and you playfully slapped his arm.
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icypantherwrites · 5 months
Was hoping to be able to ask this on anon because I’m shy haha, but my favorite character was Pidge and I absolutely love your writing and was wondering if there was a compilation of any of your Pidge-centric works anywhere? I was super into Voltron years ago and now there are. A lot of fics to sort through 😅 no pressure or anything, just curious to know if there is something like that!!!
Sorry about the anon asks, but I had to turn them off as too many people used them to send me really awful messages (as you can see below they still do it on AO3 >>) and I just couldn't deal with that any more.
To your query though, I actually used to try to keep an updated archive of all my works sorted by character on Tumblr and embarrassingly I cannot find it (but it hasn't been updated since at least 2021 so it's super outdated), so I've done my best to remember all of my Pidge-centric works (most she's the whumpee, but some she's just heavily involved in the story/Pidge emotional angst or character-centric or Pidge&another character relationship moment) but I hope this might help. There's a few unmentioned type "snippet fics" from my Patreon that exist but are not listed as no summary for them. If you check any of them out and have a moment would love to hear from you in the comments on the fic what you thought ♥
In no particular order:
Human Nature -- this is a series of the following three works:
What it Means to be Human: Pidge had always taken pride in the fact she’d been told her mind was like a machine. She just… Never expected to find out that it actually was. Or; Alternate Universe Fic where Pidge discovers she’s an android and begins a journey to find what being human really means.
Interlude: What Makes Us Different (But Also Human): Where Pidge and Keith discuss what about their heritages of android and Galran are the same, different, and discover how truly human they actually are.
Made With Love Pidge has come to terms with the fact she is an android, but she still has questions. And the only people that can answer them are the ones who have known her for her entire life. It’s time to find both Matt and her dad and learn the truth about what happened to her.
"I Am a Fighter"
Summary: The Galra capture Pidge and present her with a choice. Either she makes the weapon they want… or someone dies. Pidge prides herself on her genius, on her logic. But this? This is not a choice. This is torture. She’s being forced to decide if the universe’s fate outweighs the lives of a few individuals and no one, no one, should be allowed to make that call. She has to though. Again and again.
But when a familiar face is dragged before her she can feel her resolve crumbling. Because Keith is not a nameless prisoner. He is her friend, her family. And yet his blood is already dripping from her hands.
A Broken Arm For a Broken Soul 
Summary: Shiro is breaking. Pidge can see it: the exhaustion, the pain, and the growing, splintering cracks. And while Pidge doesn’t know how to fix broken people she does know how to fix broken things. And Shiro’s prosthetic arm the Galra forced upon him is a broken thing. She doesn’t know how much it will help, but… but maybe, if she can fix that then Shiro won’t be quite so broken anymore.
A Needed Distraction
Summary: Mini fic of Lance giving gifts to each team member, Pidge's chapter :)
Koala Hugs (Patreon Exclusive)
Summary: They’d been told that the guest houses were supposed to keep them safe from the deadly low temperatures of the planet. And while for Pidge that is indeed the case, she learns it’s not so for Lance as she’s awoken by a projection of pure terror from the Blue Lion, who can sense her Paladin dying. And now as Pidge hurries to Lance’s guest house and finds him so so cold and still, she can only hope she’s not too late.
Battle Scar
Summary: Scars can cut deep and not just physically into the skin. Pidge finds herself forced to confront a memory when Lance catches sight of a scar she had previously kept hidden. But maybe… maybe this is for the best.
Summary: Pidge and Lance are on an undercover mission to retrieve supplies they desperately need for their journey back to Earth. Despite the odds everything seems to be going in their favor; Lance is charming the local gang and Pidge is hidden away as backup and they are this close to calling it a success.
And then everything goes wrong.
Not only are the gang members now hunting them, Lance has been poisoned and its affecting his memory. Pidge somehow has to keep them both alive until rescue comes, a feat made more difficult by the minute as Lance forgets first short term details, then the mission, and now... now he’s forgotten her. But no matter what happens Pidge knows she’ll protect Lance and he will protect her. Always.
Pidge + Stitches (Patreon Exclusive)
Summary: “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
The question came out shriller than Pidge wanted but she wasn’t able to ask it any other way as Keith lit a fucking huge metal needle on fucking fire that he planned to put through her skin next to her.
Stardust:  In You and In Me (Patreon Exclusive)
Summary: Pidge is so tired. She can’t sleep though, not until she finds something. Her family is out there, but no matter how hard she tries, no matter how hard she searches, she can’t find them. The universe is just too big. Coran gently disagrees.
Crash and Burn 
Summary: Lance and Pidge crash the supply pod following a freak asteroid storm. And Lance... Lance is hurt. Badly. He's bleeding out and there's no time to wait for rescue. Pidge has to save him. And the emergency flare... Well, it's the only thing she's got.
Red Where it Belongs (Patreon Exclusive)
Summary: How much blood, Pidge faintly wondered, had she lost now? What percentage? The human body couldn’t lose more than forty percent of its blood before death occurred and hypovolemic shock symptoms started around fifteen percent.   She stared at her blood covered hands, at the puddle growing around her, feeling the way everything was going numb and made her guess.   At least twenty percent.   Twenty percent more to go.
Ready to Be a Dragon - (Patreon Exclusive)
Summary:  Lance is a Shifter. He’s familiar with many forms, has his favorites, but there’s one that stands above the rest: a dragon. And with Pidge’s magic that dream has now come true. But what should have been a perfect day of soaring through the skies with Pidge to celebrate his new form comes to a screeching halt when a band of soldiers spots them and wants the glory of slaying a dragon. And even though Lance isn’t technically a dragon… they aren’t going to take no for an answer.
Birthday Wishes
Summary: Pidge blinked. She blinked again. The date remained the same. Today… today Matt would be twenty-five. Her eyes widened with horror. Was, she frantically corrected herself. Matt was twenty-five today. Because he was alive. He had to be.
A Day at the Beach 
Summary: A day at the beach takes a terrifying turn when Pidge falls victim to a deadly allergic reaction. Now the only question that remains is what will kill her first: anaphylaxis or the ocean?
Break It 
Summary: Don’t be scared, Pidge told herself. That was the most important thing. The constant clanking and tugging and crying all around her was very detrimental to that plan. So too were the shackles digging into her ankles and wrists, linking her to every other person on the chain of slaves, that sent her constantly stumbling as they abruptly stopped and started.
Chase Away the Nightmares
Summary: Pidge is hurt. She’s hurt bad. And yet there’s nothing much Lance and Hunk can do. They’re stranded in the middle of a warzone on a hostile planet and help isn’t coming for a long while. No matter what though they will protect Pidge. They’ll keep her from further harm; from the aliens, from injury and even from her own nightmares as her head wound blurs reality and fiction. And maybe, hopefully, soon the nightmare will be over for them all.
Summary: They’re dangling off of a cliff where falling means certain death. And while Shiro’s grip is strong on Pidge’s hand the cliff face is weak. And now time has finally run out.
Scavenger Hunt
Summary: The team has returned to the Space Mall but shopping isn’t what’s on Lance and Pidge’s minds. They’ve got something better planned: a scavenger hunt. It’s a battle of the stealthiest and Lance is the cool ninja sharpshooter so he’s got this in the bag. Right…?
As the World Falls Down Around Us 
Summary: Ever since Pidge revealed she was a girl her team seems to have become a bunch of overprotective, overbearing idiot males and it’s pissing her off. She’s still the same person and more than capable of taking care of herself. But in her determination to prove herself independent she winds up injured. Badly. She can handle it on her own though. She doesn’t need their help.
But hiding her injury has dire consequences and now it’s not just her freedom at stake but her life.
And Lance’s.
The world is falling down literally and figuratively around them and Pidge realizes she can’t save him alone. She needs help. Lance’s help. And as dire as the situation is there’s almost something optimistic about being trapped at the bottom: the only place to go is up.
Now if they can only reach it before time runs out.
Finding the Light (series of following two fics, TW for rape)
Sit Beside You: "I'm fine," Pidge repeated, as though trying to convince both herself and Lance. "I am. Nothing's wrong. I'm okay. I…" Her hands were trembling and she tucked them beneath her arms in the most pathetic looking hug Lance had ever seen. "I'm fine. It's over. I'm fine. Not a mark. So nothing happened. I'm fine." / Pidge is not fine. None of them are. But hopefully, eventually, they will be.
Right, Wrong and the Normal In Between: Pidge didn’t want to think about it. She knew better now than to deny that it had happened or that she was fine but all she wants is for things to be normal again. But normal is a concept that keeps getting further away. Pidge realizes just how far out of reach it is when she freezes in battle and memories distort reality. Everything is wrong. Nothing is right. But Allura doesn’t think it’s so black and white. There are a lot of steps in between and she’s going to help Pidge walk that path and find her way once more.
Rivers Stain the Ocean - (Patreon Exclusive)
Summary: When Lance messes with Pidge’s color coding system the only thing to do is retaliate in kind.   So she dyes him completely blue.   It’s harmless though, will wear off in a few days, and the experience will teach Lance to never touch her stuff again. A win-win if Pidge does say so herself.   Except for the part where the planet they visit the following day to form an alliance has this whole thing about a prophecy and being cursed and deceived by a being of blue. And in order to save both their planet and Voltron...   They’re going to kill Lance.
What Makes a Team
Summary: Lance has been feeling a little lonely of late. Allura’s off with Lotor, Shiro’s been keeping busy on his own and Hunk and Pidge are wrapped up in this whole “Team Punk” concept that has them holed up for hours in the lab. So when he’s invited to accompany the two geniuses on a resource gathering mission he couldn’t be happier and plans to make the best of it.
And then everything goes wrong.
They’re trapped, injured, and if blood loss doesn’t get Lance first then suffocation definitely will. They need a plan but Hunk is down for the count and Lance knows he’s no good for coming up with something of that caliber. But his team needs him and he’s got to think of something. Otherwise… this cave is about to become a tomb.
Inches From Death
Summary: Being captured by the Galra is a lot less frightening than Pidge thought it would be. It’s boring, really. Well, until Lance slowly starts suffocating to death inches from her and she can do nothing to save him. Now… Now it’s terrifying.
A Squeak in the Code 
Summary: Despite the late hour Pidge has no plans to sleep until she finishes running her current algorithm. Four determined little space mice have a very different plan in mind.
Crimson Shock 
Summary: What should have been a routine mission takes a terrifying turn when Pidge is injured. She’s trying not to be scared because it’ll make Hunk more so and she needs him not to be but it hurts so much and the world is growing dark and she is so so scared.
Give Me a Sign
Summary: Matt isn’t sure why he was targeted for a ransom request. He wasn’t a nobody in the Rebels but he wasn’t a somebody either. What did these aliens think the Coalition would offer for him? But as the transmission turned on Matt got his answer. Because those weren’t Rebels on the screen. It was Katie.
Heavy is the Toll of War (series of following two fics)
The Cost of Winning: "The Blue and Green Paladins serve no purpose to the Empire," the Galran commander smirked at his bound captives. "And as such you have no use except as arena fodder." He chuckled. "Give us a good show before you die." / Lance is determined to protect Pidge and save her from the arena. She will not die here. Over his dead body. Hopefully it's not quite that literal of a promise.
The Price of Peace: They may have escaped the arena but things back home are far from all right. Keith is struggling. Shiro is hiding. Lance is suffering violent flashbacks and she's having nightmares too. It's wrong. It's all wrong. Pidge hates it. She wants her space family back. Not this broken version of them. It looks like she's just going to have to fix it. And Lance is going to help.
Over the Edge (my very first VLD fanfic ever :))
Summary: It was supposed to be a simple nature hike. What it turned into was anything but. And now Pidge and Lance are just hoping they can make it back alive.
"Pidge!" came a scream. And before she could even process that she was falling, that she was going to die, a dark hand shot over the edge and wrapped bruisingly about her wrist, but she had never been so grateful to be in pain. Lance's panicked face met hers, although there was a steely glint of determination that so, so many overlooked. "I've got you," he panted, throwing his other arm forward and grabbing even more of her arm. "It's going to be okay."
A Sister In (My) Arms
Summary: Pidge is fevered, fatigued, and yet somehow here she is climbing almost a thousand stairs for the good of the Coalition. But she isn’t doing this stupid ceremony for the stupid Coalition. She’s doing it for Allura. And Allura will be there to catch her when she finally falls.
Trick or Treat 
Summary: Pidge (gently drags) Keith with her to go trick or treating at the Garrison sponsored Halloween event. But what is supposed to be all in good fun takes a dark turn when they realize that someone is following them…
Burnt French Toast
Summary: Every Mother’s Day per tradition Pidge and Matt make their mom practically inedible French toast and are then saved by the local bakery. But there’s no bakery this time. Just burnt French toast. And after three years of missed Mother’s Days, of leaving without answers and causing their mom even more pain, Pidge is horrified that this was all they could do.
Stabbing Pain 
Summary: Where Shiro jumps in front of a spear to save Pidge, gets impaled, and insists he is all right as he’s very painfully bleeding out.
Follow You Home 
Summary: Voltron is heading home. Except, for Keith, the destination of Earth isn’t his home, not really. There’s no one waiting for him there. And, he tries to tell himself, that it’s not like the space family he'd made up here with Voltron would abandon him as they go seek out their own loved ones on Earth. But he’s so used to being left behind, forgotten, why should this time be any different? Fortunately, Pidge is right there to remind Keith just how much he belongs with all of them.
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vldsideblog · 1 year
Ok so since I posted the Desert Days fic I can now share my favorite excerpt
Warnings for‼️mentions of foster care and abuse, death, fire, general angst‼️
Keith was angry. 
He’d spent his whole life angry. 
Angry at his mother for ditching him and his dad. Angry at the kids at school who shunned and called him names. Angry at the teachers who told him to calm down when he was upset, pushing him aside in favor of his cheerful classmates. 
He was angry at his pop for leaving him that night, knowing full well that Keith needed him. Angry at his dad’s coworkers who found him alone and scared, with smoke and the scent of burnt flesh still lingering on their clothing. Angry at his relatives for signing him away to a flawed government system without a second thought. 
Angry at his social worker for never believing him when he tried to explain the bruises on his face. Angry that she just said he’d gotten them in fights, knowing full well he hadn’t, but it meant less work for her. The anger had boiled over, he figured that if he was going to be labeled a problem child anyway, why not defend himself. Become a problem. 
Every insult and barb thrown his way sent him into a fury. He lashed out, kicking and punching, teeth gnashing in a way that sent everyone screaming. Eventually most people learned to leave him alone. He was angry at how they called him a monster, a demon with evil in his eyes. Angry at the people who kicked him down when he couldn’t fight back. The people that tossed him to the curb like a broken machine. 
That’s what he was after all. Broken. 
An angry, delinquent that had no future, a teenager who was destined to die young and alone. A child who would most likely end up a statistic. 
And he was angry. 
The Galaxy Garrison was better, it had Shiro and Adam and Matt. People he could call friends. But the anger still sat in his stomach, waiting to strike. And it always did eventually. When Griffin brought up his parents, when the older kids tried stealing his food like back at the group home, when Iverson berated him for the smallest of things. The anger was definitely still there, but it was manageable. 
Then everything exploded all at once. 
The Kerberos mission was presumed dead. Pilot error. Adam wouldn’t leave the house, locked away and falling to pieces. The Holt family was in shambles, mourning the loss of their loved ones. They had all tried to talk to Keith, but the roaring in his ears was too much. 
He had marched himself into Iversons office and demanded answers. Shiro was the best pilot of his generation, he would never make a mistake. Iverson told him to leave, and every fiber of his being retaliated. 
The voice in the back of his head that sounded suspiciously like Shiro was overwhelmed by the crackling flames that engulfed his senses. 
Keith lunged at his commanding officer, putting all his pain, anger, and loss into the punch heading directly for the man’s eye. 
Even as he was told to pack his things, that his social worker was on her way. He felt a hint of vindication knowing that Iversons eye would never be the same. A reminder of the child he failed.
But the anger was still waiting just beneath his skin, ready to strike at any moment. He could feel it just behind his eyes as he fled. Aiming for the desert where no one would find him. He couldn’t be labeled a statistic if they didn’t find him. 
Keith was angry, standing alone in the back of a gas station. The family in line ahead of him was full of joyous laughter and smiling faces. Kids holding close their drinks of choice and parents looking at them like they were the lights of their lives. Keith left without buying anything. Stomping outside with tears forming in his eyes. It didn’t matter, the wind would dry them away eventually.
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shadesofnavy · 4 months
Howdy, I’m a goofy lil chicken farmer who loves soda and napping🥤
I’m VERY unprofessional and inconsistent with writing and art in general, but I love doing it, even if it takes me ages to get things done lol. I do traditional and digital drawings, may or may not open commissions someday in the future, who knows! 📝
Here's my AO3, and my art tag
I come up with [too many] AUs about my take on the FNF Funky Trio, each of them have their own tags, if interested check ‘em out. Here are my current verses
Burlington Bounty: Pico's School AU where everyone went to the same high school. Keith later becomes a wanted bounty known for ruthless murders, and he somehow manages drag his old friends in too. BFxGFxPico.
The Crooked Kind: Fantasy world AU where Keith is a reaper and Cherry is a guardian angel. Life seems okay before their school is shot up, and several other close lives are completely changed forever. BFxDarnellxNenexCherryxPico.
Mixtape : Swap AU where Keith, Darnell and Nene went through the shooting. Cherry is a rising rapper dating Pico the prosecutor who struggles to handle both his job and danger-magnet girlfriend. BFxDarnellxNene, GFxPico.
Animatronic : FNAF-based AU where Keith, after having became a successful musician and running a hit family entertainment restaurant, gets murdered and spirit now possesses the animatronic mascot of his restaurant. GFxPico
Prototype [ON-GOING FIC]: Regular Take AU where Keith's life spirals downhill. BFxPico, DarnellxGF (Be mindful of this fic's tags)
If you have any questions about them, feel free to ask : )
I try to answer as many asks as I get, just don’t bet on it. I also try to keep away from anything seriously controversial to avoid any kind of drama
My main obsession currently is Friday Night Funkin', but sometimes I'll reblog about other stuff I like. Here's some of my favorite kinds of media
Games: Sonic the Hedgehog, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019), Battlefield 4, Cuphead, SSX Tricky, Undertale, Sonic the Hedgehog
TV shows: Arcane: League of Legends, Ninjago, Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia, While You Were Sleeping (K-Drama), Inborne Pair, Fermat's Cuisine, Avatar the Last Airbender, I Will Be Your Bloom, The Little Woman (K-Drama)
Movies: Trolls, Nimona, G-Force, Ice Age (the first one), The Lion King (I cannot deny it)
Books: Warriors, Survivors, Bravelands
I'm mostly kid-friendly, (excluding my AO3 though, I suggest you back off if you're not into steamy fics) but I sometimes post about heavy topics, so just keep that in mind. I make sure to tag whenever it gets quirky. Expect to see a lot of angst now and then 🚬
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Let's Rewind! Toast Watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 39: The Captive Comet Season 1, Episode 40: The Little Prince
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Opening with Haggar dishing out some lore, yes please universe started with a big bang and that apparently created a comet that acted like a black hole that at some point Voltron banished to a far corner of the universe inch resting
this was a fairy tale for drule children? i wonder how that story would've gone
"take it easy zarkon, eaaaasy" Haggar smokes weed for sure
she sacrificed a star fleet to be able to control the comet, another thing that feels so similar to a plot point in vf
did they just pull Romelle out of her cell just to let her freak out about the omega comet heading to arus 😭 what a petty move lotor
smart cookie, she found a way to contact the team before getting found out
"human on arus" so is arus like a colony of earths that slowly became its own governing body? Inch resting, they will still be aliens to me though
how does Coran know about the secret plan that happened before voltron split into lions if he only found out voltron after it was split into 5?? I'm gonna make this lore make sense by the end of the episode I swear
early voltron formation, shits about to get real
oh man they already got to the comet? also why did Allura look so young in that scene?
Keith: maybe your right Lance: I know im right! get his ass lance
oh man voltron is trapped trapped for realises this time, he can't even get out of the comet's gravity
ofc they contacted the alliance for help, and they'd rather let Voltron die instead of giving any help "ill see what i can do" literally i want the alliance broken
PRINCE BANDOR COMING IN TO HELP THE TEAM LETS GOO again i need to make this lore make sense and by the end of this show i fucking will
and now an entire fleet of doom (lol) is heading towards Arus IS THAT THE END OF THE EPISODE HOLY SHIT
/episode end
Episode 40: The Little Prince TWO PART EPISODE LETS GO
recaap time since this was a weekly premiering show
literally starting off with an invasion of Arus now that Voltron is gone, this is wild especially because it's not even the season finale
"Coran made the situation worse by calling Prince Bandor for help" I HATE THE GARRISON I HATE THE GARRISON I HATE THE GARRISON BARK BITE SNARL
"little fella" bandor you're only taller than pidge by a head shut up LMAO
Coran actually doing work for once and helping out, he's becoming a dependable person slowly but surely
Lotor is yelling about this next robeast being the most powerful there is,, my guy you say this every time just pick one of them to back and stick with it
"sorry we shouldve helped you when you asked earlier but now we're fucked and we genuinely can't do anything now <3" FUCK THE GARRISON I HATE THE GARRISON RAAA
what heroes, they chose to end up going to hell if it meant being able to save the universe IMMEDIATELY NOTING THIS DOWN FOR FUTURE ANGST EVEN THOUGH I ALREADY KNEW ABOUT IT
back to romelle and now she's chained up, what did they do to you bestie
there he is! voltron to save the day and destroy that robeast with blazing sword!
i'm sorry couldn't follow lotor to planet doom? what bullshit
/episode end
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peachchipss · 8 months
Losing The Starboy
// VLD, Klance, angst, violence, blood, death, descriptions of panic attack like scenarios, strong language (reminder that this story was an older written one!)
7315 words
It was dark. It was really dark, he couldn’t see anything even with his paladin armor glowing the way it always does. He tried to summon his bayard but his hand was still empty. Nothing was working, he felt like he was suffocating, his body was heavy. He took a deep breath though he still felt like he could not get enough air in his lungs, he began to panic. ���Keith?! Sh-shiro?!! Allura! Hunk! Anyone p-please!” Lance called, his voice echoing back in his ears. His head hurt, the echo of his own words became ringing in his ears. The Cuban winced in pain, falling to his knees as he clasped his hands over his ears. Tears welled in his eyes, threatening to spill down his face. He gasped for air again, squeezing his eyes shut as the salty tears fell down his cheeks and stained his face.
The male gasped, coughing as his eyes shot open. Frantically he looked around, seeing Keith on his digital screen in his corner. “Keith? Wh-what’s happening?” Lance asked, his voice strained as he wiped the tears from his face. “You tell me man, you weren’t responding. We’re supposed to be training, sharpshooter.” The taller said through the comms. “Oh..uh, sorry” He muttered in response, placing his hands back on his lion’s controls. “It’s alright Lance, just try to focus” Shiro’s voice sounded and Lance nodded. “Right, you got it team leader” the blue paladin forced a chuckle, putting on his usual facade.
No one asked any further questions for the rest of the training sessions, Lance was left to focus on the other’s voices calling out for backup or planning to take down the bots. After a varga or two, the paladins returned their lions to the hangars and sat at the table to eat what Hunk had made with the space goo. Lance hardly touched his food, even though it was incredibly tempting to eat and smelled absolutely delicious. “I’m going to go eat in my room” Lance said softly, lifting his plate and walking down the dimly lit hallway.
“Hang on, Lance,” Keith called after him, following him to the door of his room. Lance didn’t notice his presence though, nor did he hear the other’s voice. “Lance-” Keith said again, placing his hand on Lance’s shoulder to get his attention. It had the opposite effect though, as Lance fell back into the illusion of pure darkness. The plate of food fell from his grasp, splattering all over the floor as Lance backed himself up against the cold wall. His vision was gone, he couldn’t hear anything but his own voice and heavy breathing. He blinked a few times in an attempt to regain his sight, hoping to be back in the hallway in front of his room. “..Keith?” he muttered out, feeling a slight warmth against his arms. But he heard no response. Lance began to panic again, lifting his arms to feel in front of him. “K-Keith is that you?” he tried again, feeling the rough fabric that covered what felt like a toned chest. A few moments passed again before he finally could hear a faint voice.
“-’m here, I’m right here Lance..I got you” Keith said.
Lance let out a sigh of relief, but that was a mistake. Once again, just like the first time, he couldn’t breathe. It scared him how close the previous blackout was to this one. Was it a blackout? He didn’t know what else to call it. “Keith- h-help-” Lance managed out, gripping onto Keith’s shirt desperately. He didn’t know what to do, he was gasping for air as his body trembled. He couldn’t hear Keith anymore, his ears ringing like the last time as he leaned his weight against the wall. He felt like if he didn’t, he might fall. A sudden warmth enveloped him, the tingly feeling of hair against his neck. Keith must’ve hugged him or something..because that was definitely what it felt like. “..-nce, I got you. Breathe” he heard, Keith’s voice so low in a whisper. Lance took a deep breath and let his eyes close, doing his best to relax in Keith’s arms as he regained consciousness. He opened his eyes again, the lights so bright it caused his vision to blur. “I can see..” Lance muttered, but he didn’t pull away from Keith”s comforting embrace. “Thank you..” the boy said as Keith squeezed him tighter. “I’m just glad you’re okay,” the other admitted.
Keith was almost never vulnerable with Lance out in the open like this, but he could hear the raw truth in the taller man’s voice and it made Lance smile. Keith finally let go and stepped back, a squishing sound filled their ears as he did. “Wh..? Oh- Food goo” Keith groaned, “I almost forgot you dropped it.” he chuckled.
“Leave it for Coran?” Lance asked, a playful smile on his face knowing full and well that he would clean it up when Keith left. “Sure.” The red paladin shrugged, taking hold of Lance’s hand gently to pull him into the younger’s room. Lance laughed as he stumbled forward and spun to land on his back on the soft mattress. Keith took a seat next to him, looking down at him with a glint of something he’d never seen in Keith’s eyes. He looked so sweet, so kind, like he had a whole universe of one emotion on his face. “..Keith..?” Lance spoke cautiously, his voice soft and gentle as he sat up; leaning back on his hands to hold up his weight. “Yeah?” Keith responded, tilting his head slightly. His face was so close, it made Lance’s cheeks light up with a soft pink hue of blush. “Uh- N-nothing..” Lance shook his head, moving back slightly.
“Why did you leave dinner so suddenly?” Keith quizzed, turning his body to completely face the other paladin. “I felt uneasy,” Lance told him, it was all he could come up with. He really didn’t actually know why he left, his mind was blank when it happened he almost didn’t remember it. He just felt compelled, like he would suffocate if he didn’t leave the room of other paladins. “Lance.”
“Why did you leave dinner?”
Lance sighed, Keith had a way that he spoke or looked at people that made Lance nervous. He always knew when the blue paladin was lying. It frustrated Lance, he couldn’t lie to Keith even if he just wanted to lie to protect him or so he wouldn’t worry. “I..don’t know. I felt like I had to, I guess..I don’t know how to explain it.” The shorter mumbled, glancing away from the other in an attempt to run from his gaze. “Is it because of the panic attacks you had earlier today?”
“They aren’t panic attacks..It’s something else, it’s different than a panic attack. It feels like there’s someone behind it, like someone is doing it to me on purpose.” Lance admitted. Keith raised a brow at him, “Like who? Who could do something like that?” he asked, placing a hand on Lance’s thigh. “I don’t know..Maybe the Galra? Some other kind of aliens?” the other shrugged.
“Whoever it is better stop messing with my favorite sharpshooter.” Keith scowled. “Keith, I’m the only sharpshooter.” Lance hummed, his playful tone returning slightly as he smirked just the slightest. “But, you’re still my favorite one” Keith argued, giving Lance a very light shove to the shoulder. “I’m glad you followed me back here, you always know how to make me feel safe..you make me feel better,” he smiled at him.
A few movements had passed now, and Lance had only had a few more of those “blackouts”, but Keith was always there to comfort him after it. They were all mostly the same; vision gone, breathing gets hard, he can’t hear, but he can still feel if someone touches him. Almost every time it happened, he fell to his knees crying and gasping for air, and then Keith would pull him back to reality with a hug or a squeeze of the hand. It had been about 3 quintants since his last one, it was short and didn’t affect him all too much compared to some of the other ones. Now, they were alone, just Keith and Lance, on the training deck doing the drone exercise.
“Keith, on your left!” Lance called to him, aiming his gun and shooting down the round drone. “Thanks starboy” Keith chuckled, slicing one drone in half when it was just about to shoot Lance. “No problem, Mullet. Thanks for the save too,” He smiled.
Just as he was about to shoot down another drone, his vision blurred. “Wait- K-Keith, cover me. I can’t see.” Lance spoke frantically, his gun turning back into just a bayard now. “Copy that.” Keith nodded, slicing down three more drones before pulling Lance against him in a side hug to protect him better. The warmth flooded Lance’s senses as he regained slight vision. “I need to take a break, like now-” The shorter breathed, leaning weakly against Keith. “End simulation.” Keith called, watching as the drones powered off in front of him and disappeared back where they had come from. The red paladin helped Lance over to the bench on the side of the training deck, Lance’s breathing rigid now as everything got dark. He could still faintly see, it just looked like a really dark filter was over his eyes.
“God I can’t believe how weak you are.”
The stern words coated in venom as he looked up at Keith, eyes wide. “What..?” Lance mumbled, shaking his head. Why would Keith say something like that? He and Lance were friends..and even then, he wasn’t weak, it was the creature seemingly controlling these blackouts. “I asked if you were okay” Keith repeated, a look of confusion on his face. “Uh- Yeah” Lance nodded, taking hold of Keith’s hand carefully. Keith sat down beside him now, the hand that wasn’t holding onto Lance’s was now placed around his shoulders. Lance leaned into him slowly, closing his eyes in attempt to rid himself of the invisible filter.
But unfortunately, it only made things worse. Everything now pitch black, his surroundings now gone only to be replaced by fake ones. Back out on the battlefield, sat inside his lion with his hands gripping the controls as the other lions and their paladins lay unconscious on the rough ground before him. They had visible damage done to them, dents in the sides of the lions or scratches along them. But the red lion..it was the worst of them, one leg gone as well as the tail detached and discarded several feet away. Lance got up quickly, hurrying out of his lion to check on Keith. “Please-!” he cried out, eyes landing on the open jaw of the ship. He made his way to the cockpit of the lion ship, looking around frantically for Keith. But it was empty. Lance panicked, rushing out of the lion again only to trip over his feet and fall to the ground. “Get up.”
Lance groaned in pain as he lifted himself on his arms, craning his neck to look up at the other paladin. “..Keith! You’re okay!” Lance sighed in relief, forcing himself up on his feet. Keith didn’t look happy to see him though, he looked mad, his eyes filled with hatred for Lance. “Keith?” he asked softly, reaching out for him. The taller batted his hand away, scowling at him. “You left us Lance! You betrayed us and for what?! Only to come back and kill the other paladins?!” He yelled, making Lance stumble back. “What..? K-kill..?” Tears welled in his eyes and he turned to run to the other lions to check on the others. They all sat limp against their chairs, their bodies cold by the time he reached them. “No..” Lance sobbed, pulling Hunk’s lifeless body to his chest.
“You did this to him. To all of them. Allura, Coran, Pidge, Shiro. You killed them without a second thought. Why did you attack them? What did they do? I thought we meant something to you..” Keith huffed, grabbing Lance by the shoulder. “And now you act all innocent. This is all your damn fault. At least own up to it you coward! You killed my friends!” Keith lifted Lance by the shirt, raising his free hand like he was going to punch him. “No. I should kill you like you killed them.” Keith scoffed, dropping the Cuban as his bayard materialized in his hand. He raised the weapon, Lance could feel the cold of the blade’s tip against his throat.
“Lance. Lance, can you hear me? Hey..hey buddy, welcome back.” Keith said softly as Lance opened his eyes, his cheeks stained by tears. His chest felt tight, like he couldn’t breathe again. He leaned further into Keith’s warmth, reminding himself that what he saw wasn’t real. “Lance?” Keith spoke softly, moving the hand around his shoulders to his hair. Lance still said nothing, he just pulled his hands away from Keith as he looked down at his shaky hands. His eyes went wide, the sight of Hunk’s blood still coating his palms and fingers making tears well in his eyes again. Keith followed his gaze down to his hands, only they seemed perfectly clean to him. “What’s wrong?” The taller asked, leaning forward slightly in an attempt to look at Lance’s face. “I..killed him..” Lance’s voice wavered, tears falling onto his hands to fade the color of the deep crimson color.
“What?” Keith furrowed his brows, making Lance look him in the eyes.
“Who? Who did you kill?”
“Hunk..Shiro, everyone..You told me that I was the one who..killed them..”
“What are you talking about Lance? Everyone is fine?” Keith shook his head, trying to understand what he meant. “Hunk was dead in my arms..” he said softly, clenching his fists as he roughly slammed them down against his thighs. “It wasn’t real Lance, Hunk is alive. Your hands are clean.” Keith reassured him, pulling the smaller back into a tight embrace. “Everything is okay.”
They stayed like that for a while, until the shaking of Lance’s body died down. When they finally pulled apart, Lance looked back down at his hands and they were, in fact, clean now. He could no longer see the blood, the dark filter was gone, he could breathe again. He could see Keith better, feel his warmth, smell his strong cologne..it was comforting, like it always was. He could never understand why these things made him feel so safe, only Keith had this effect on him.
“Let’s hit the showers, I feel gross from all that training,” Keith chuckled, standing up before stretching his arms. Lance stood after him, nodding as the two left the training deck together.
Lance sighed as the warm water rolled down his back, closing his eyes as he tilted his head back into the stream of water. He felt his body relax again, the way it always did when Keith held him. The warmth of the water on his skin soothed his bruises and sore muscles. He stepped forward after a few doboshes and turned the knob of the shower to make the water come to a stop. He got out of the shower, lazily drying himself off and putting on his everyday clothes before he left the washroom. He saw Keith walking a bit further down the hall, a towel around his neck and his t-shirt in his hand.
“Hey” Lance smiled, walking faster to catch up with the older boy. “Oh- Hey Lance” Keith hummed, “What’s up?”
“Nothing, I just saw you and thought we could walk to the sleep hall together,” Lance spoke, voice soft as if giving Keith the option to say no. “Alright, sure.” Keith smiled at him. The two made the quick walk together, playfully insulting each other and lightly shoving each other. “Your mullet looks terrible when it’s messy- I hope it dries like that” Lance laughed as Keith smacked his arm softly. “You’re one to talk! You look like you were caught in an explosion or something-” Keith huffed with a quiet chuckle. “No, I look like I just woke up. You look like you’re having a really bad hair day,” Lance said as he ran his fingers through Keith’s hair closest to his neck.
Keith flinched at the contact, and Lance immediately pulled his hand away. “Sorry-” Lance muttered, looking down. “It’s okay.” Keith shrugged, “I just wasn’t expecting it. People never really mess with my hair.” Keith explained to him. The shorter of the two nodded in understanding and turned to face his room door. “See you at dinner?” Keith quizzed, hoping that maybe Lance would actually come eat. He missed jokes at dinner, sometimes it broke into food fights or seeing who had the best insults or even just who was the funniest (spoiler: Lance had always won the title of funniest paladin). Keith missed that, even though he spent most of his time with Lance, he always missed seeing him at night.
He missed how after dinner, they would go to the control room to stargaze..or how they would race each other around the castleship or chase each other around for whatever reason. Those things could only happen after dinner. They never had time at all before everyone ate, but now they didn’t have time at all because of Lance hiding away in his room until everyone (even Keith) passed out. It made Keith kind of sad, that their only guaranteed alone time to goof off without anyone yelling at them, was being replaced by Lance’s own alone time. He understood that he needed time to himself with these blackouts constantly bugging him, but Keith thought that maybe returning to how they were before would help distract him and make him feel happier.
“Yeah, I’ll be there.”
And Keith looked up to see Lance smiling, he was smiling about having dinner with the others. “Stargazing after?” Keith asked, and Lance nodded. Keith was so happy that he pulled Lance into a hug before he disappeared down the hall to his room for a while. Lance’s face flushed a hue of light pink as he backed up into his room and shut the door. He spent the next varga or so to just look back at all the pictures and videos on his phone of himself and the other paladins, as well as the few physical photos he had on his dresser or on his walls. He missed that too, before everything got bad, before Zarkon gained more power..when they were just getting used to paladin stuff.
Lance kept his promise, he walked into the dining hall for dinner and took his seat beside the red paladin. “Lance?” Pidge questioned, and the boy in question looked up to see all the other paladins were surprised that he showed up. The only one who wasn’t in minor shock was Keith, a sweet smile painted his features and he reached over to grab hold of Lance’s hand under the table. “Thank you,” Keith whispered to him, and Lance only smiled at him as Hunk disappeared into the kitchen only to return with an extra plate of food for Lance.
Lance smiled and thanked him, quickly beginning to eat his food. He wasn’t really hungry, he hardly ever was, but he had to pretend for now so he could spend time with Keith in the control room. Keith hummed as he copied Lance, just not as quickly. When the two of them had both finished their food, Lance stood, hand still intertwined with Keith’s, and pulled him up as well. “C’mon!” Lance laughed softly as he dragged Keith behind him, Keith laughed as well as he followed close behind the shorter boy.
The stars shone bright through the glass of the castle’s windshield. Lance stopped as soon as the lights came into view. He wished he could say that they twinkle like they do on earth, but it’s just not true. In space, the stars never twinkle. It was times like these that he wished the castle of lions had an atmosphere like the earth did, he so badly craved the twinkling stars. A sigh escaped Lance’s lips as he let go of Keith’s hand and walked to sit in front of the glass. Keith sat beside him, looking up at the little dots of light.
“I wonder if all those planets have been taken over by the Galra..”
“Who knows..But look, right now let’s just enjoy the view okay? We can worry about them tomorrow morning, Lance” Keith told him, leaning back against the front of Coran’s control station. “Okay..” Lance nodded, laying down with his head in the older boy’s lap. Keith gently played with Lance’s hair, a smile on his face.
“Hey Lance?”
Keith paused, hesitant to continue as the other paladin looked up at him expectantly. “I like spending time with you like this..It kind of feels like we’re a couple,” he muttered, looking away as the red hue dusted over his cheeks. A few ticks passed in silence before he heard Lance let out a quiet giggle.
“What? Why are you laughing?”
“You’re cute, mullet,” Lance hummed.
“Wha-?!” Keith blushed way more now, and when he looked back down at Lance the other could see just how flustered one little comment made him. That proved Lance’s point. “But yeah, we do feel like a couple sometimes. It’s nice,” Lance shrugged as he shifted to look better at the stars.
“Maybe..” Keith started, “We should be one.”
This caught Lance’s attention, it was his turn to be flustered now. He sat up and turned to face Keith. “We uh..we should.” Lance nodded, smiling at the other as they intertwined their hands
again. “Wait really?” Keith asked, eyes wide slightly as he looked at the boy in front of him. “Yeah,”
The two paladins looked at each other in silence for almost a full dobosh before Lance finally decided to lean in and kiss Keith. The action took the taller of the two by surprise, he took a few ticks to process what was happening before he kissed back, smiling against Lance’s lips.
Keith broke away first, though they were both smiling like idiots at each other. Lance moved forward to lean against Keith’s chest happily, looking back out at the stars.
“I don’t mean to interrupt the two of you, but Coran and I will be in here for a while..” Allura spoke, standing in her usual spot in the center of the room as Coran made his way to his control area as well. Lance frowned but he stood, taking hold of his boyfriend’s hand to lead him out of the room now. “Race you to the pool?” Lance asked with a huge grin. “You’re on.” Keith chuckled, and Lance took off running down the hall. Keith laughed and hurried down the hall after him, “Hey! You got a head start, you little cheater!” Keith huffed playfully. He knew he was faster than Lance and could easily catch up, but he didn’t.
Lance smiled as he got into the pool room before Keith did, looking up at the water. They couldn’t swim, obviously, but they could still look at the water or try to find rock shaped items to skip on the water. Keith walked into the room, hugging Lance from behind. “Boo.” The taller chuckled as Lance flinched, turning to give him a ‘really?’ look. The two let go of each other as Lance looked around the room for something to throw into the water.
With no luck, Lance turned to Keith with a small frown on his face. “There’s nothing to throw” he pouted, walking over to Keith for a hug. “I wanna shoot drones again,” he mumbled into Keith’s shoulder. Keith chuckled and nodded, “Race you there then?”
“If you want to”
“Be fair this time.”
Lance rolled his eyes playfully at that, “Never!” he shouted as he ran out the door. “Lance!” Keith shouted after him, quickly following him again. Only this time, Keith actually ran and caught up to Lance. He grabbed hold of him, effectively stopping both of them so he could lift Lance up into his arms. “Okay, let’s kill some bots.” Keith hummed happily as he carried Lance onto the training deck.
“Wait, we don’t have our suits and bayards” Lance realized, “We can try to focus on calling our bayards to us like our lions. I’ve done it once before.” Keith suggested with a shrug. “But what if we get hit by the drones or something?” Keith grabbed his face, “It’ll be fine sharpshooter. Just don’t let ‘em hit you.” he challenged. “I won’t. I’ll shoot all of them down.” Lance smiled.
They began the simulation once they got their bayards, standing back to back to protect each other. Lance hadn’t missed a single shot so far, and Keith had cut down every drone he saw in his peripheral vision. Lance was happy, he could actually focus for once and it was because Keith was the one beside him. Lance raised his gun again, shooting down one more drone.
“Tomorrow, we should mess with the settings. Make it harder,” Lance suggested, risking a glance back at Keith before focusing back on the drones that flew in his direction. He shot down three more before he finally heard Keith’s response. “Alright, sure-” The taller said as he stabbed one of the small drones. “This was getting kinda easy anyway.” Keith said softly as he stepped forward to cut two more drones in half. “Yeah,” Lance agreed.
Lance and Keith practiced for almost a varga before Lance got tired, going to sit down on the bench to rest while Keith kept training a little longer. Lance’s bayard de-materialized in his hand as he leaned back against the cold wall, watching his boyfriend destroy the drones. `
“How do you still have stamina? Damn-” Lance laughed, a little breathlessly. “Y’know what? Fuck you-” Keith rolled his eyes playfully. Lance gave him a look, a look like he was about to make another dumb joke, and Keith had to cut him off. “It’s because I train so much.” Keith told him, slicing down a few more drones as he turned away from Lance. The shorter watched happily from his spot on the bench, silently cheering on his lover.
“End simulation.” Keith breathed with a small smile, his bayard dematerializing as he walked over to greet the blue paladin with a kiss on the cheek. Lance chuckled, smiling up at him. “You’re hot when you train.” he hummed. “Only when I train? Wow Lance,” Keith teased as he sat beside him. “No! You’re hot all the time! Just especially when you train..” Lance complimented with a visible amount of blush on his face, intertwining his fingers with Keith’s. The other laughed at how defensive and flustered Lance got when he teased about anything.
“Lance,” Keith smiled, making the paladin in question look up at him. “Yeah?-” Lance was cut off by Keith’s soft lips connecting with his for a quick, gentle moment. The shorter was surprised by this action but he smiled once Keith pulled back. “Awe, you’re so cute..” Keith chuckled softly, getting up shortly after. “I’m going to shower,” He said before turning away, leaving Lance sitting there with a dumb, lovestruck smile.
“Paladins! Wake up, we need you out here.” Allura said through the comms of the castle, effectively waking the paladins. Lance stood from his spot on the floor, quickly putting on his armor before hurrying to meet Allura, Coran, and the others in the main control room. Lance took his usual spot, he and Shiro were the first there but Keith, Hunk, and Pidge hurried out a few ticks later. “We’ve encountered a Galra enslaved planet up ahead. Be prepared to get out there and fight. They do not seem friendly.” Allura informed the paladins, her hands over the pedestals to pilot the ship. The paladins stayed in their seats as Allura and Coran did most of the work checking the planet’s stats.
“Lance, Keith, you two are the fastest. Go down there and make sure no one is hurt, find out what’s going on.” Shiro commanded them, a stern look on his face. “On it.” Lance hummed, standing from his chair to make his way to the hangar without hesitation. Keith nodded in understanding and ran off towards the hangars as well. They made it to their lions and out of the hangars at roughly the same time, Lance opening up video comm to smile at Keith. “Don’t look so worried, cariño. We got this, we’re just scouting right now anyway.” The blue paladin assured him, blowing him an air kiss. “I know but..What if these soldiers are more dangerous than the others? We’re facing very fortified looking bases, and what looks like..advanced Galra tech. It looks like they’re making more and more progress here–”
Keith was cut off by a shot being fired towards the two lions, he pulled up and out of the way. He trained his gaze on the canon that the shots came from, focusing on dodging the shots. “I’m going in.” Lance said over the comms, and before Keith could object, the other paladin was fading away into the distance, his lion becoming smaller the further from Keith he got until he landed and Keith could no longer see him.
Lance hid his lion, carefully climbing out and sneaking around the corner to see a lot of Galra soldiers patrolling the area, there had to be hundreds of thousands of them. Lance furrowed his brows at the sight. His bayard materialized in his hands, prepared to go into battle if he were found out. The blue paladin pressed his back up against the cold metal of the wall to the base, watching as patrolling soldiers made their way past the small area Lance had been hiding in. “Lance, what’s it looking like in there?” Pidge asked over his helmet’s communication system. “It’s packed. Soldiers everywhere, security is tight. I’m willing to guess whatever it is that’s on this planet is really important.” Lance responded.
“My prince, the preparations are almost complete.” A calm voice spoke, like a woman’s voice. She sounded familiar, but he didn’t know from where. He risked a peak around the corner to see who it was, a tall half-Galra looking girl with short blue hair. And beside her, the “prince”..Lotor?
“We have an issue.” Lance whispered frantically into his helmet as he pulled back to hide again. “Lotor is here.” He elaborated, clutching his gun in his hands.
“You should get out of there. We need–” Shiro started, cut off by Lance speaking again. “I’m going to find out what it is they’re doing here.”
“Stop acting like me, you idiot! Get out of there.” Keith scolded. The younger froze for a second, thinking over his options. “Sorry love, I have to. This could determine our next move.” Lance sighed, tuning out the audio in his helmet as he waited for the two Galra to leave. He took that opportunity to sneak inside the heavily guarded alien base, looking around at his surroundings cautiously. Not once did Lance let down his guard, trying to be as quiet as he possibly could. He made sure to hide when soldiers came close, eventually knocking out one of the guards to take his uniform and mask, hiding his own paladin armor to come back for on his way out.
He was much less suspicious this way, not many soldiers even batted an eye in his direction as he made his way to the data center. He reached into his pocket to retrieve an empty hard drive he’d brought with him from his armor just in case, downloading the information off the computers for Pidge to look at later.
“Lieutenant?” a voice called, causing Lance to hesitantly turn and face the other soldier. He looked familiar, like they had met before. “Yes?” Lance quizzed, imitating a deeper voice. The soldier looked him up and down, as if reading him, but he didn’t ask any further questions. “You’re needed in the 3rd hall in 10 doboshes.” The soldier spoke, to which Lance nodded. The Galra soldier left the room after that and Lance finished his download, shoving it in his pocket before making his way out of the room. He definitely didn’t want to go to the 3rd hall (wherever that was), he could get found out if he went. So, he looked around a little longer just to have more intel for himself since he hadn’t looked at what was now on the hard drive.
He turned to leave, finding the spot he’d hid his armor and quickly changing out. He was in the clear, having only interacted with one enemy who didn’t seem to figure him out. Or at least he thought he was clear but..when he stood and faced towards his lion, he was face to face with the prince of the Galra, Lotor. “..Crap.” Lance sighed, holding his hand out at his side for his bayard. “Hello, paladin.” Lotor hummed, a creepy smile on his face. It made Lance feel uneasy, he needed to leave and he needed to do it soon. “Heyyy Lotor- I was actually just leaving!” Lance chuckled, trying to walk past the prince to his lion. A swift motion stopped the blue paladin in his tracks, sharp cold metal pressed lightly against his neck. “Oh, are you now? I thought you might want to stay for a snack. Or perhaps..forever?” The prince smirked.
Uh oh. If Lance moved an inch, Lotor would attack him. He was stuck here in a dark hallway lit by fuchsia lighting, with fucking Lotor. This had to be somewhere on the scale of hell for sure. “Uh- Sorry man, I got stuff to do haha-” Lance muttered, bringing up his hand to gently move the blade away after turning his comms back on. “I won’t even attack you, your highness. I just gotta—”
Lance was cut off by a sharp pain in his leg, the black fabric covering his thigh had been sliced open just as easily as the soft skin of his leg. Blood trickled down his thigh, wetting the fabric of his armor with the liquid. The paladin groaned in pain, leaning on his good leg in an attempt to take some pain away from the deep gash. “Whoops, Sorry” Lotor hummed, moving to slice the skin on Lance’s arm after cutting more of the thin black bodysuit under the heavy armor plates.
“Dammit-” Lance huffed, taking a step back as he raised his gun to shoot at Lotor’s chest. He missed due to the injuries on his arm and leg, and the gun was heavy for just one hand. He stumbled back with the force of the shot, and Lotor took that as an opportunity to strike again. The paladin was lucky to dodge it as his bayard changed from a heavy gun to an Altean master sword. It was easier to maneuver the light meatal, surging forward he swung the blue sword at the prince as hard as he could, effectively cutting through his chest plate but not harming him too much. Lance groaned again, this time in annoyance at the fact that it hardly did any real damage to Lotor himself.
“Lance, do you copy?” Keith’s voice sounded through the helmet’s communication system, and Lance immediately responded. “Your favorite paladin is alive but not so well. Could use some help down here- agh- I’m wounded and trying to fight against the prince with daddy issues.” he chuckled, stepping out of the way when Lotor swung again. “Watch your mouth, earthling. You aren’t in such a position to mock me.” The prince scowled. Lance rolled his eyes at that, going in for an attack. It hurt to move, his whole body felt like it might give out at any second but he couldn’t give up, he just needed to aim for the spot on Lotor’s chest where his armor was broken. “I’m on my way for you, Lance” Keith spoke, and the paladin let out a sigh of relief when he heard it. His moment of distraction was what allowed Lotor to strike him again and make his state worse. The action sent him into another blackout, he couldn’t see or hear anything anymore. Fear filled him as he frantically looked around. “Wha.. Keith? Lotor?!” he called, how could he go into another stupid blackout in the middle of a battle? When Lotor had just moved in to attack. The paladin armor covering his own chest cracked, having been pierced by the Galra prince’s sharp blade..but not only that, it pierced through Lance’s skin and left a deep stab wound.
Lotor drove the sword further into the human’s chest, causing him to cough out a large amount of blood. The crazed prince watched as the thick red trickled down Lance’s chin and dripped onto the floor as the blue paladin fell to his knees. Finally he snapped out of it, once again able to see and hear and feel more than just sharp pain. “Your comrades won’t be able to save you, Lance.” Lotor laughed, “You’ll die before they arrive.”
He didn’t want to believe that, he wanted to believe he could make it. He needed to believe that he could spend more time with his boyfriend after this. He can’t die here, he still had to marry Keith and save the universe! He can not afford to die now at the hands of some stupid banished prince. Lance tried his best to stay standing, but when Lotor pulled the sword out from the wound..he fell to his knees and coughed up more blood as it also gushed out of his wound.
“Should I behead you too?” Lotor mused, raising his sword to place it gently under Lance’s chin. “You don’t need that dumb helmet now,” He scoffed, walking forward to remove it from the paladin’s head. “Please..” Lance managed out just as the red lion came into view from above. “Pathetic. Human’s truly are such weak creatures.” He hummed, squatting down to the other’s level.
“Lance!!” Keith shouted as he hurried out of his lion, bayard in hand. The other paladins had made it into view as well now, but only Shiro landed to assist Keith and Lance. It was the black paladin who drew Lotor’s attention away from the lovers, so Keith could help Lance. But the sight of his boyfriend that way..Keith couldn’t bear it. He fell to his knees beside him, clutching Lance close to his chest. He could tell his lover was weak, he couldn’t survive all the way back to the castle of lions to get to a healing pod, he was close to death already. Keith did all he could to suppress the bleeding as tears welled in his eyes. He watched as tears pricked the corners of Lance’s eyes as well, and he tried to speak but the taller shushed him. “Save your energy baby..” Keith sniffled, cupping the Cuban’s face lovingly.
“Stay with me, okay? Stay awake.” He said softly, “You’ll..you’ll be okay.” he sobbed out.
“I love you..” Lance muttered out, weakly lifting his hand to place it over Keith’s hand holding his face. “I-I love you too, Lance. Don’t leave me..” He pleaded. Keith didn’t know what else to do now, other than lean down to kiss his partner in fear it would be their last. Keith’s tears fell onto Lance’s face as they hesitantly pulled back from each other briefly. Lance opened his eyes one last time to see his boyfriend’s beautiful face, smiling up at him weakly.
Keith hugged him close as the blue paladin took his final breath and went limp in the taller’s embrace, his hand falling to rest idly against the floor. Keith felt him go limp and immediately clutched him closer, clenching his jaw as he cried. “Dammit! Wake up Lance..Come back. You stupid..handsome man.. Come back to me, I need you.” Keith sobbed, his knuckles turning white with how strong his grip was. He couldn’t believe he was actually gone..Lance was gone forever, he couldn’t come back..
For a while, Keith struggled to get over Lance. He kept thinking about him, kept thinking he heard his voice or saw him but he knew it wasn’t true. Shiro helped him through the phoeb that he was struggling, even directed him to writing letters to Lance even though he would never read them. Keith kept a notebook of letters written to his deceased lover, and it weirdly did bring some sort of comfort.
And now, voltron had a new blue paladin, Princess Allura. Keith wasn’t too happy about the fact that they chose a new pilot so quickly, but they did need all five lions to form voltron so he couldn’t be too upset about it either. It was definitely quieter without Lance running up and down the halls, or training with Keith until midnight, or starting play fights, or playing video games with pidge. Everyone seemed to miss him a lot, the whole team’s spirits were dampened by his passing..but they seemed to all be doing better than Keith.
He stood in the middle of the training deck, bayard in hand, but no simulation going. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he remembered the way he and Lance would stand back to back while they fought off Altean drones. He couldn’t go anywhere in the castle without being reminded of the Cuban boy. He let out a heavy sigh as he wiped his tears and started up the gladiator simulation. He gripped his sword tight in hand and swung harshly, nearly missing though he did manage to scratch the bot up a little. His training always started like that now, missing the first swing and coming back to take down the gladiator as quickly as he could. He hoped if Lance was anywhere, he could see him and be proud of him for not giving up on what made him happy and helped him focus.
Every time he was in here, he let himself forget about everything for a while. He let all his attention and focus be on the simulation. That’s how he kept going for vargas at a time, sometimes he went until breakfast time. He never just trained for a little while, it was always a bit too long for the other paladin’s liking. After he was done, he’d always go shower and then sit in the main control room to stargaze.
Shiro even came to join him this time, and he thanked him for being there. “Are you doing okay?” Shiro asked, placing a comforting hand on the other’s shoulder. “Yeah. I just miss him.” Keith responded with a small smile, both paladins looking back out at the stars. “He’s still with us, he’s really our star boy now.” Shiro chuckled softly. “Yeah, I guess so..” Keith nodded in agreement, “I’m sure he’d be very happy to know that.” he added. Shiro and Keith sat there for a few doboshes in silence, before the team leader finally stood up. “Let’s go get you something to eat,” Shiro offered his hand out to Keith, who took it with minor hesitance.
Everything would be okay.
He missed Lance, but it would all be okay.
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