#I’ve had it all week and it’s giving me anxiety <3
classical-vanity · 1 year
How does one even get over existential dread
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dreamescapeswriting · 5 months
The Baby Blues ~ MYG
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GENRE: established relationships, husband and wife, first time parents, worrying about not being good enough, Yoongi comforting reader with her postpartum depression, helping each other
PAIRING: Yoongi x Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - January 2024
A/N: I hope that I did this justice for you! Please let me know if I did anything wrong, I’ve never been a parent so i tried to do as much research on this as I could! <3 I love you and I bet you’re the best parent a kid could ever ask for!
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of postpartum depression, depression, parenting anxiety, feelings of not being good enough, not connecting
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Water slushed around in the tub as Yoongi picked up some more bubbles and blew them into the air, a gummy smile plastered itself all over your daughter's face and he couldn't help but smile. God, he was so lucky to have you in his life as well as the little angel the two of you had created together. It was hard to believe that she was already three weeks old, it felt like just yesterday that the two of you took the test and found out you were going to be expecting.
"Who's the cutest little baby in the world?" He cooed, his voice slightly higher which was something he'd always teased Namjoon for but now couldn't help but do whenever it came to his own child.
"You are! Yes, you are, yes you are," He cooed as he blew some more bubbles off his hand and watched as they rained down all over your child. All of the worries that Yoongi had experienced before your daughter was born had melted away the second he held her tiny body in his hands. Sure, he was still scared of everything that came with being a parent but some part of him knew that he had this all under control. That no matter what happened he was doing a good job and he was going to be a good dad. 
As soon as you'd heard him in the bathroom you'd slipped out of bed, wrapping yourself up in the warmest dressing gown that you owned and you stood in the door watching him. How was this so easy for him to do?
From the moment that your daughter was born, it was like something had clicked inside of Yoongi and he was the most terrific father you'd met. There was nothing that worried him, he and your daughter clicked with one another and all it seemed to petrify you. While everyone around you seemed to be bonding well with your daughter you couldn't feel it, did that make you a terrible person?
Before your daughter was born you felt ready, you'd studied all there was on babies, you'd been to every single mum class that the hospital offered - sometimes even twice - but as soon as you gave birth all of that went away.
It was replaced with doubts, were you good enough to be a mum? Why weren't you able to connect with your little girl when everyone else seemed to manage it fine. The more you thought about it the worse it got, you found it hard to get out of bed every day, but you did it. Every day you forced yourself out of bed and tried to connect with your little girl, you did everything the books and internet told you but nothing worked.
Whenever she was with you it felt as though she was someone else, that she didn't want to be near you only Yoongi.
"Hey look, it's mummy." Yoongi cooed, interrupting you from your thoughts, as soon as he noticed that you were watching them together. He took hold of your daughter's tiny hand and gently moved it in a waving motion, the small action made your eyes burn and your throat dry up as you stared at them together. The vision of the bathroom began to blur thanks to the tears that were welling up in your eyes and you tried to swallow the lump in your throat but all of a sudden it was as though your throat was the size of a straw.
"I was just giving her a bath and I was going to come and wake you up. We figured mummy needed her rest," He told you but with his back to you, tears began to roll down your cheeks silently as he gently washed your daughter's body making her smile even more. You'd never been able to make her do that, you'd only ever made her cry when you spent time with her.
"Babe?" Yoongi called out, glancing over his shoulder at you to see you sobbing into your hands and he sat there stunned for a second.
"Baby? What's wrong? Did I use the wrong shampoo? I thought I got the right stuff?" He looked down at the bottle and then at your daughter, everything was right or at least he thought it was.
"The temperature was perfect-"
"E-Everything is for you, you do all of this right." You cut him off with a sob and he let out a sigh instantly knowing what this was. A few nights ago he'd heard you get up for the night feed and heard you crying and begging for your daughter to take her food but she wouldn't until he came in and your tears only grew harder that night. Things were finally clicking into place and he let a small smile onto his face,
"You're doing everything so well and I...I-I can't even feed her without you there," Sobs were erupting out of you, everything you'd been holding back all this time was now erupting out of you like a volcano.
Yoongi instantly rinsed off your child, wrapped her up in her small bath dressing gown and made his way over to you. 
"Let's go and sit down." He whispered as he walked with you and your daughter into your shared room, making you sit down on the edge of the bed as you continued to cry.
"I'm such a bad mum-"
"Don't you even finish that sentence," Yoongi grumbled as he gently swayed your daughter in his arms while standing in front of you. He knew that there was not going to be much he could say or do but he was going to be there for you no matter what. And he was also going to knock all of those feelings of doubt straight out of your head.
"I'm a failure as a mother, I can't even hold her without crying...I-I can't connect with her," You whimpered, sniffling a little as Yoongi stopped swaying and stared at you. How could you ever think something like that?
The whole time you'd been pregnant you'd been a rock for a very unsure and nervous Yoongi and now it was his turn to return the favour. Whenever he would get scared you'd remind him how ready the two of you were for this, that no matter what his head was telling you the two of you were going to be great parents.
"Baby, you're an incredible mother," He started but it was quickly met with a scoff from you. How could you be an incredible mother when you couldn't even hold your daughter without feeling nothing but guilt? Or Nothing at all. There was no in-between, there was only guilt or no feelings whatsoever. All you wanted was to hold your daughter and love her because you did, you loved her but there was just nothing there.
It was even getting to the point where you didn't want to hold her because you were so scared that you were going to break her. Everything made you panic, no matter what you did, or how you researched it. Everything was made worse.
"I'm serious, you birthed and created an entire human inside of you, don't you dare say that." He kneeled down in front of you, your eyes landed on your child who was staring up at you with her big eyes and you swallowed the lump in your throat. Your daughter was staring at you, you were supposed to feel something, anything, but once again there was nothing there.
"I-I don't feel anything, there's something wrong with me," You whimpered before the tears started to roll all over again and Yoongi looked at you. All he wanted to do was shake you and tell you how amazing you were but he knew it wasn't going to work, he needed to be there for you, emotionally and physically.
"There's nothing wrong with you, this is normal. Plenty of women go through this," It was true, you'd done your research on it but it didn't make it any easier to accept.
"Look out our baby, she's here with us and she's incredible because of you," He gently poked your arm making you smile weakly, 
"You gave her such a good home inside of your body and now here too. You're already an incredible mother for growing her inside of your body, for being able to create such a beautiful person." You nodded a little, doing your best to listen to him,
"Why don't you try talking to her? She loves it when we talk to her...She understands you," He tilted himself a little so you could see your daughter's face more,
"She loves it when you talk about everything. She listened to me talk about work the other morning," He chuckled weakly and you nodded a little, sitting up straight and nervously playing with the sleeves of your shirt. 
Why did this feel so hard for you when everyone else seemed to be a master at it? Talking to kids seemed so easy but when it came down to it, you had no idea what to do or what to say.
"Hey baby," You whispered a little, running your thumb gently over her chubby cheeks as she showed off her gums with a smile.
"S-She's smiling!" You whisper yelled excitedly to your husband who couldn't fight the tears in his eyes from seeing you so excited,
"You know, your dad used to run me baths like that," As soon as you started talking to her the words were flowing out of you. All doubts of not being able to talk to her were being melted away the more you spoke and Yoongi couldn't have been happier.
"I have to pee, can you hold her?" Yoongi questioned, he didn't actually need to go but he needed an excuse to get you to hold your child - at least for a minute or two,
"What? N-No. What if I do it wrong? We should put her in her crib," You rushed out, doubt creeping its way back into you as though it was a grey cloud on a bright day,
"Then we'll get her dressed together," Yoongi stated as he stood up, you quickly followed him toward the nursery with your eyes tracked onto your daughter.
"What if I hurt her?" Your voice began shaking as he gently laid your daughter down on the changing table and you looked down at her, she looked so happy and peaceful. Like a little doll, you almost didn't want to touch her in case she broke from a small touch.
"You won't," Yoongi reassured you, gently rubbing your back softly as he watched you anxiously staring at your daughter. 
You hadn't gotten your daughter dressed since the first day in the hospital, you'd always asked Yoongi to do it - or one of the boys if they were around because you'd been so scared to touch her but he was going to help you.
"But, all of the forums are different on how to change your baby. They all say you should do it in different ways, which is the right one?" Your eyes shot over to Yoongi as he took some clothes out of the wardrobe and laid them down next to your girl. It was a pyjama set you'd picked out when you first found out you were pregnant, there were little Shooky's all over them and you knew you'd needed them for her,
"T-Then your mum said something different than mine, what if they're both wrong?" Yoongi smiled weakly, it didn't matter what people online said, what doctors or trained professionals said there was always going to be someone with a differentiating opinion on the matter and no person was ever right or wrong about it.
"Everyone tells us what to do...W-What not to do, what if I'm doing it all wrong?" Without realising it you were already drying off your little girl and applying some baby powder to her, it was like your body was working automatically without your mind catching up.
"Baby, even if you got it all perfect there's going to be people who don't agree with the way you do it." Yoongi rubbed your arms gently as you stared down at the clothes in your hand, you nodded a little and took in a deep breath.
This was nothing, you used to change your cousin's clothes all of the time with no problems so this was going to be a walk in the park,
"You're a great mother, the best I know. Remember all that research we did. All of those classes and you were always on top of it all," Yoongi spoke as you carefully - very carefully - changed your daughter for the second time in her life. 
"There's no one better for this job than you baby," As soon as your angel was dressed you stared down at her,
"Pick her up,"
"I can't," Yoongi nodded his head, he wasn't going to push you too far tonight,
"I'm proud of you," He whispered, kissing your cheek softly before gently scooping up his little girl and walking her over to her crib, while he laid her down you gently wound up the mobile that the boys had made for her. All of the toys that were hanging from it were all BT21 members - the mini versions - and your daughter was the only girl in the world to have one of these.
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"I text the boys, they're going to watch her tomorrow for us," Yoongi stated as he gently used the sponge to rub body wash into your back. The two of you were sitting inside your huge bathtub, candles surrounding you with soft music playing in the background. The baby monitor was pointed so that the two of you could easily see your daughter and it was relaxing. Watching her sleep was helping your body relax and it wasn't just you that was noticing it,
"What? Why?" You shifted in place, craning your neck to look at your husband who smiled at you. It was like he was looking at a different person than he was an hour ago, your bags were still there but there was a sparkle in your eyes that wasn't there before,
"Because you need a little time and I'm going to help you," He smiled, rinsing off the soap suds from your body and then putting the sponge away, leaning you back so that you were laid against his chest and he could feel you close to him.
"She will be fine, and when she's back I'm going to try something with you both." You arched an eyebrow at what he had in store for you and he gently ran his fingers up and down your skin,
"We're going to go back to basics, hospital basics, skin to skin with her." You remembered having to do that for the first few days of being in the hospital, she was laid against your bare chest and it was one of the times you'd felt closest to her.
"We'll keep talking to her, spending more time with her together and then when you're ready, you'll do it alone." The thought of doing it with Yoongi was calming but alone? Dread was already worming its way inside of your chest,
"How will I know if I'm ready?" Your voice cracked a little but Yoongi smiled rubbing your cheek with his thumb. You were ready, you just didn't know it or see it yet.
"You already are, we just need to remind you of it." He whispered before gently kissing the top of your head.
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"Yn," Yoongi groaned as he rolled over in the bed, feeling around in the sheets to try and find you but you weren't there. In a second he sat up in the bed looking around for you and then to the bedside crib for his daughter but it was empty.
"YN?!" He called out louder, getting up and running into the bathroom but there was no sign of you in there and he sprinted across the hall to the nursery. The door slowly crept open and he let out a breath finding you on the rocking chair gently rocking your daughter back to sleep,
"She started fussing so I took her away so we wouldn't wake you," You told him as he made his way toward you. It had almost been a week since the two of you started working on your relationship with your daughter, having her sleep in a crib beside you had been a massive help.
"You did it alone." He whispered proudly of you as you glanced up at him with a giant grin on your face, you knew that there would have been no way you could have done this without Yoongi by your side and everyday you were grateful to have him.
"I had a great teacher," He blushed, leaning down and kissing you softly. He couldn't have been any prouder than he was right now.
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lynxiesblog · 10 months
It’s been almost a year since my last upload, so here’s a list of things I manifested since then 💖
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Hii my luvs <3 here’s a list of things I manifested in the past 11 months ! Hopefully this helps you stay motivated about your desires because everything will work out .
This is also inspired by @youalreadyhavefullresults
・an iPhone 13
・money being given to me just because — literally got 160$ last week in CASH 🥰
・straight A’s in all my classes
・people complimenting me a LOT more — like every time I go out someone is either complimenting : my scent (my perfume), my makeup, my face, body (in a good way and non-creepy way), etc.
・braces — I had my braces at the time when I posted my 3dolc X Roe challenge but I’m still going to say I manifested them 🙄
・more friends — so many people that were in my grade and class last year that I didn’t talk to became my friends. My overall friend circle grew bigger
・more guy friends — most of my friends were girls which I love but I wanted to have some guy friends too and I got some 🤭 many of them added me to their close friends on Instagram and we hung out a lot during school (low key miss them)
・multiple people having a crush on me — I don’t know how to word this without it sounding weird but yeah😭. I had 4 dudes tell me they had a crush on me and they were low key attractive but my parents are kinda strict so no boyfriend for me (yet)
・my teachers liking me / being one of their favourite student — one of my teacher boosted my grade on my final report card, I didn’t even do any work that could give me extra credit.
(Pro tip : always be nice to your teachers like it’s so beneficial on the long run. Even when they’re low key assholes don’t hold a grudge)
・my anxiety whenever I have to present a presentation or speak out loud — I used to be so scared whenever I had to make a speech or just talk in front of people at school but I my fear went down. I’m still kinda nervous but so many subliminals helped me get over it.
・HUGE GLOW UP - OH MY GAWD, you guys I became so much prettier since I was last year no joke. I’ve had so many people stare at me in awe and compliment me. Like two weeks ago I was going grocery shopping alone since I have a store really close to me and I had to take the bus (I don’t have my drivers license yet 😔) and this lady that I sat next to full on turned and kept staring at me. When I looked at her she just smiled like kanaosj’akah!/&/$/78[•\*£\’s pls 💞
・acrylics — my mom wouldn’t let me get acrylic nails unless it was for a special event but she’s been letting me get one every month and I’m so so grateful
・a better relationship between my mom and dad — they have gotten so much nicer to one an other like my dad started buying gifts for my mom. It doesn’t happen very often but it’s a start
・my mom’s health
・a fun summer — compared to last year this summer has been way more exciting, even though I took summer classes for the month of June I still had so much fun and I still have a whole month to go
・finding lost items — you have no idea how many times I lost my AirPods because I sleep with them on overnight and whenever I wake up they are no where to be found 😭😭.
・getting a second ear piercing on each ear — my mom told me I could only get a 2nd piercing when I’d be 18 but I didn’t feel like waiting that long so I manifested she let me get them and she did 🙈. I got them last year during the time I posted my last post
・getting a KITTENN and a CATT — I’ve been wanting one so so badly and I’m finally getting one
・getting more clothes — I already have so many clothes and my mom said she would stop buying me some for a while , but she still bought me some and they are on the way 💞
・my parents finally getting their dream house 😩
・cute moments between me & my crush 🤭🤭
・greener eyes — my eyes have been getting lighter and look more green
・prettier 😽 (iykyk 😭😭)
・toxic people out of my life — specifically my old “friends”
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writingsfromhome · 6 months
If you Love Something II
A/N: okayy I’m finally going to stop overthinking and just post this one. Please note the tw in part 1. Thank you all SO much for the comments and love on the original…hope this one meets ur expectations. It’s definitely more focused on the lost daughter relationship rather than you and Harry so p dense but...here it is 🫣
Age 36:
“Dinner’s almost ready,” Harry informs me over the phone. “I went with chicken noodle soup.”
“Mmm,” I close my eyes. “I could use something hot and hearty right now. I’m freezing my ass off.”
“I didn’t need to make dinner for that.”
“So come here, warm me up,” I crane my neck to the left again. “Stupid delays.”
“I can come get you."
I’d mapped it out before calling Harry, it would take him too long to get here. “That’s alright. Doesn’t make a difference.”
The screen on the platform showed 6 minutes…for the past 15 minutes.
“I’ve either been living in the longest minute of my fucking life,” I mutter. “Or this line is taking the piss out of all of us.”
Two dozen of us had gotten off the last train when it announced it was out of service. Now the number on the platform had tripled waiting for the next one.
“Patience,” Harry says. “Is a virtue.”
“Easy for you to say in the warm flat with the chicken noodle soup.”
“It’ll be yours soon.”
Soon. I sigh and try to release the anxious energy with it. “Thank you for taking care of dinner.”
“Of course.” He replies. Like it was that simple. But being with Harry was like that nowadays.
Despite all the catching up we had to do with the 17 years we had lived separate lives, emotionally it’s like we picked up where we last left off.
I’d be lying if I said it was smooth sailing the whole year we’d been together. There had been a hard few first months where both of us felt unnerved by the peacefulness of the relationship. We weren’t used to such an easy quiet.
I’d tried to self-sabotage first by going awol and working longer hours than I needed to. I think I was scared Harry would wake up one day and realize too much time had passed and he didn’t like who I’d become so I minimized our time together. Until Harry called me out for it.
But then he went off the rails, and for a few weeks I’d been an even bigger ball of anxiety. Ultimately I had to give him the hard truth even though the last thing I ever wanted was to convince someone to stay with an ultimatum. But I’d told him, he had to at least attempt sobriety if he wanted us to work.
There were a few sleepless nights, I didn’t know if we were going to make it. But one morning he asked me to go to an aa meeting with him.
Going together, being in the same boat as a group of people gathered in the back room of a dusty church finally gelled us together. For good. He’d been sober since.
We moved in together 7 months ago. Even though it doubled my commute time—tripled with delays, I had never been more sure that I was exactly where I needed to be.
We held space for each other. Even the heavier bits; we knew what they were. What it was like to hold them on our own. We always joked about how our loads had halved despite taking on half of the other’s. Because just like our venn diagram of love, our venn diagram of hurting was the same.
“Oh god, I better not be hallucinating.” I nearly jump up and down when the twin headlights of the next train peek in the distance. The platform board still says 6 minutes.
“You’re cutting up what?”
“Nothing! Train’s here!”
“I’ll pick you up from the station.” Harry says before I hang up.
I spend the remaining 15 minute ride going over the lecture I’d given tonight.
3 years ago when I applied to be a lecturer I didn’t actually think I’d get it. But in the 10 years of my career I had collected, I had done exceptionally well. It was ironic with all the bullshit life threw at me, I had somehow channeled it into a determined work ethic. After failing many math tests in high school I had found a love for it in uni—it made me work hard, get out of my head with its constant thoughts. Harry now took to calling me a masochist for teaching something mathematical.
In reality it wasn’t that mathematical. I taught Management Econ which was a snorefest on paper but I tried to be engaging and include a whole host of ways to teach—I knew not everyone excelled with a textbook.
It had made the course popular, it went from being offered once a semester to 3 times this year because the waitlist spoke for itself. It was one of my proudest accomplishment—getting students motivated and interested. And because it was mostly first and second year students, they were still eager and not jaded by the uni system.
That was how I spent my evenings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Otherwise I worked for the city the same hours Harry worked his creative exec job at a major firm in the city. Sometimes we met up for lunch. It was the little things like that, making time to see each other in the middle of the day even though we woke up and fell asleep to each other, that made this relationship feel so secure.
It felt like coming home each time I caught sight of his face, and knew his smile was just for me.
My thoughts drift to our daughter. She would have celebrated her 18th birthday a few weeks ago. I always lit a birthday candle for her, this year Harry and I bought a cake and a symbolic drink for her. Our baby was old enough to drink.
“Do you think she takes after her parents?” Harry had asked.
“I think she grew up alright.” I always imagined her to have. “I hope she has no reason to drink herself silly.”
“Being 18 is reason enough.”
We talk about her often. She slips into conversation as easily as inhaling. It keeps her with us.
When I spot Harry’s car at the station I nearly weep.
“Your cheeks are so cold,” Harry says after a peck hello. He holds them both in his heated hands and plants exaggerated kisses on each cheek.
“Please sir,” I kiss his mouth and continue in what Harry called my Oliver Twist accent. “Take me to the chicken noodle soup. I hunger.”
Harry responds in the same accent (although it wasn’t as good as mine) and pretty soon I’m forgetting the 20 minute delay, the lecture with 100 technical difficulties, and anything in between.
After dinner and completing my 20 step night time routine I crawl into bed beside a cozy-looking Harry.
“Whatcha reading?” I peek at his book. I can’t believe he was the reading-before-bed type. In a way it was so different from the 17 year old guy I knew. It was also a reminder that even though we knew each other through and through, there were still so many habits and stories and quirks to discover.
“It’s a boring as hell sci-fi novel, don’t ask.”
“Then why are you reading it?”
“I accidentally joined a book club at work!?”
He tells me the story of how he told some people he enjoyed reading, and then being unable to say no when they bought this month’s book for him and presented it to him a week later.
“I bet you that’s their ponze scheme. It’s like an MLM, the latest recruit has to guilt the next joinee. You’ll be doing it soon.”
Harry laughs and holds his book out to me. “That actually brings me to my next question with this very generous gift, do you like reading?”
“Nope.” I push the book away. “I also don’t like book clubs.”
He tosses the book down lightly. “Damnit!”
We laugh. I cuddle into his side and lay my head on his chest as he finishes his chapter. His heart beat is steady, like the life he’s helped me create as we committed to each other. I listen to it as it lulls me to a calmer place.
“So how was work? How’s your students this semester?”
“Work’s good. Same old right now. Teaching was interesting. It’s the second week of classes so still seeing a lot of people come and go. You start to see the regulars by week 3.”
“Full class?”
“Almost,” I tell him. “A few empty seats. There was one girl who was obviously watching tv the whole time, another guy that fell asleep halfway, and this other kid kept looking at the door like he was physically trying to decide whether he would stay. Weird lot.”
“They won’t be there next week.”
“You think she’s starting uni? I wonder what she’s decided to study.”
“Mmm, I always think it’s something creative like you.”
Harry squeezes his arm around me. “I think she’s a masochist like you.”
We talk more about her, about the upcoming weekend, and as sleep visits we drift away still intertwined like most nights.
“Does anyone know why?” I ask the lecture hall. Just like I predicted, most of the people I knew wouldn’t make it were gone. Now there were just under 60 students in total. What had surprised me was the guy who looked nervous the second week stayed. He’d been joined by two friends who only showed up in week 4. He was probably the designated note taker.
A girl to the left puts her hand up and I point to her. “The growing gap between upper and middle classes?”
“Yes.” I give her a reassuring smile. Until I started teaching, I forgot that most answers they gave were questions. “Anyone else?”
The girl beside nervous guy puts her hand up. “The ageing population, it skews the demographic from what was initially projected?”
“Exactly,” I try not to show favourites but that was beautifully said. Maybe she didn’t need to come to all the classes.
“That would also affect the workforce,” a guy sitting in the front pipes in. I smile, pleased that a discussion was forming.
A few others join in and I nod at each point. I loved this job.
After class is over I always got a few stragglers asking questions. The nervous guy comes up to me.
“Um professor,” he hitches his backpack and glances back at his friends. “For the assignment due next week, can groups of 3 be okay?”
I glance at his friends, it was supposed to be in pairs but what the hell. “Sure. But I’ll need extra stuffing in the assignment to make up for it.”
I say it with a joking tone but he’s so wound up that he takes me seriously.
“Of course. We’ll increase the citations and make sure to include more research-“
“Philippe,” one of the girls is suddenly a few feet away.
“Thank you.” He says, finally meeting my eye. I smile and he relaxes. I turn to his friends, to acknowledge them but they stare at me like I’d grown a second head. One of the other students asks her questions and I turn my attention away—weird.
“Mid-terms?” Harry asks. I’m reading a textbook while I stand over the simmering pot. We had accidentally ordered 4 times the tomatoes on our online order last week and with three still left I’d decided to batch make spaghetti sauce. It had been a long time since I made it from scratch.
“Kind of.” I push the book aside. “Someone in the department wants to update the textbooks and they left notes in the old one for what needs updating. They asked me to take a look.”
“That’s cool,” Harry walks over to me. He smelled like cologne and outside, the way he usually did right after he came home on chillier days. “That he wants your opinion?”
“She actually,” I poke him. “And it is! I can’t believe I get paid to lecture about one of my passions.”
“Economics,” Harry makes a face like he smelled something bad.
“Makes the world go round,” I smile sweetly.
“Remember when you liked things that were cool like Harry Potter and Coldplay-“
“I still like them! If I recall you’re the one who motivated me to do well in maths.”
“I did?” Harry looks off into the distance but his slow smirk is evident that he was remembering. He tilts my chin up and brushes my lips. “You’re right. So how about now? Would that still work?”
“Do you want me to stroke your ego right now?”
“Amongst other things,” he muses, his hands drop down to my hips and then lower, giving my bum a squeeze.
“Cut it out,” I scold him but it’s cancelled by the smile on my face. I shake my head and go back to the simmering pot.
“Is that tomato soup?” Harry’s suddenly distracted by the pot. We’d been having a lot of it this week because…well tomatoes.
“Nope, I’m making spaghetti sauce. From scratch.”
“Hey, didn’t you make that one time? When we were kids.”
“Hm,” I think back. It felt like so long ago but something niggles at me. “I think? I used to help my mum—it’s her recipe. Maybe you had dinner on a night we made it?”
“Yes. Dinner at your place, around Easter.”
I remember that Easter clearly but not for dinner. It was a night Harry and I had talked our lives all out.
“Aw. We were so young then.” I wrap my arms around Harry.
“I’m still young,” Harry says. “I’m in my prime.”
I pat his cheek. “Of course you are love.”
“Taylor I can’t really do this right now!” I tell my sister as she whines to me. No matter how old we got we were always somehow 17 and 12.
“C’mon just call mom! Tell her you met him and he’s really awesome.”
“I’m not lying to mom so you can invite your newest loser boyfriend to dinner. Anyway I can’t talk. I have to get to class!”
“I know.” She says weirdly. And I understand why when I walk into class and see her sitting in the front row. Ugh she knew I would try to blow her off!
My sister had somehow taken up the bad habit ever since her mid-20s of having a string of shitty boyfriends. We all blamed it on her longterm bloke breaking it off around her 26th. I don’t think she ever fully let herself heal from that.
After two separate guys were invited to two separate family dinners and both ended in mum or dad exploding over something, they were banned. This new guy, as she insists, was different. Mature. He deserved an invite.
She holds up 9 fingers and mouths, 9 months! That’s a long time!
I shake my head and start setting up my laptop.
“Hiya,” one of the students, Kim, walks up to me as I do so. “Sorry I was just wondering when we’re getting our assignments back? Will it be before midterms?”
Midterms were in 2 weeks for this class. The assignments were in my bag, marked and ready. I tell her and watch the relief spread through her.
I spend the next hour teaching, and before we break at the hour I announce I’d return assignments. As I call them out student walks down to me and pick them up, leaving with a smile or a frown.
“Philippe?” He had stuck to his word and his group had gone above and beyond. It was a beautiful paper, albeit overly-sourced. But I appreciated it.
“He’s not in,” one of his friends comes down to get it. She looks at me in that same way again, with just as much fear as curiosity. It’s odd.
“C’mon then,” I shake the paper I was holding out. “I don’t bite.”
“Oh sorry,” she grabs it from me in a rush I nearly get a papercut. She doesn’t even look at the grade, turning quickly away before halting, pivoting halfway, changing her mind, and running back up the steps to her seat. That group of kids were weird. Maybe they were on drugs.
I catch eyes with Taylor and she raises her brow. I shrug and continue handing out the papers.
I don’t expect the girl to come up to me after class. Her friend stays hovering behind, close to my sister who I know must be desperate to have sat here the whole lecture.
“Um ‘scuse me. Professor?”
“Yes?” She was the last person in the small line that had formed after class.
“I had a question about the assignment? You um, you said we missed the equations for our answers but they’re um-“ her hands are shaking as she flips the pages to the last page. “They’re on the bottom here.”
“Oh,” I did remember they were missing it but my pen marks were all over the back of it. “I must have missed that, bloody hell sorry about that!”
“Yeah um, do we get the extra points?”
“Of course but I-“ I glance back at Taylor. She’s talking to the friend. I had to get her out of here before she said something ridiculous. “I have office hours after my Monday class. I’ll have it remarked by then and you can pick it up?”
“Um, okay?”
I quickly shut my things down and grab my sister, getting her out as quick as possible.
“I’m a professional,” she reminds me. “Jeez. Anyway Y/n listen it’s the longest I’ve been in a relationship since, well y’know. 9 months! It’s different with this guy. He works like you! A cushy office job. He’s serious. Please!?”
I hadn’t seen Taylor since last month’s dinner when she had tried to convince me to get on board with this guy. She’d been pleading for a month. “Fine.”
“Oh I love you!” She squeezes my arm. “Text me when mom gives the okay.”
I sigh. I’d really got myself in the middle again.
I retell this to Harry when I get home.
“She’s persistent. But 9 months is a new record.”
“I know!” Harry knew all about her string of boys, I’d caught him up months ago. “Anyway I can’t believe she sat through the whole lecture.”
“Maybe this is the guy. The One.”
“You don’t believe in that do you?”
“Yeah?” He squints at me. “Of course I do?”
“So I’m The One?”
“Baby do I even need to say yes? I knew it as soon as I saw you when we were 14. You confirmed it when you kissed me on the roof that day.”
“I can’t believe I did that. I had my first drink that day by the way so I might’ve been drunk.”
“You were not drunk when you kissed me,” Harry points his fork at me.
“Look at you getting all worked up,” I tease.
“I’ll get you all worked up,” he mutters into his plate. I grin as I stretch my leg out under the table and run it up his leg. He grips my ankle when it gets too high and the look he gives me across the table sends my heart racing.
“Oops,” I drop my foot and go back to eating.
We put on a movie after, something we can zone out to. It doesn’t take Harry long to get bored and nuzzle into me, and it doesn’t take much longer after that before the movie is just for show and we’re tangled in our sheets.
There were 17 years of experience Harry showed up with now, and it was another one of those things that made catching up on lost time all the better.
In the first half hour of my office hours, the girl walks in. I should remember her name but I just associated her group with Philippe. I was surprised he wasn’t here actually. He seemed to be their spokesperson.
“Hi come in!” I wave her into the tiny cubicle-like room I borrowed for a few hours every Monday. “I’ve got your assignment here all done.”
“Thank you,” she hovers over my desk and I hand it over. Her fingers fidget with the strings of her hoodie and I seriously consider the drug angle. Or maybe her and her friends had serious anxiety issues. I didn’t miss that part about being a teen.
“You wanna flip through one more time? I try not to make mistakes twice but…”
She sits down tentatively and buries her head in the paper as she flips through.
“It’s alright,” she says. Her expression is so serious it nearly makes me laugh. She had pretty hair—blunt cut bangs that I remember rocking in my early 20s, but on her they hide the expression in her eyebrows. Maybe that’s why she always looked so sullen. Her lips are painted a pretty mauve colour and it complimented her green eyes.
“I really um…your class is really interesting.”
Kids saying that was like injecting pure joy right into my veins.
“I’m so glad you’re enjoying it,” I smile at her. But it still doesn’t crack a smile on her end. “It’s dense material but that’s nice to hear.”
“Yeah, I didn’t know if I was gonna keep the class.” It’s subtle but she inches back in the seat. The more she talks the more she relaxes back. “But I heard it was worth taking. And people were right.”
“Are you in your first or second year?” I ask.
“First,” she tucks her hair behind her ear. It’s covered in piercings.
“How are you liking uni so far?”
She meets my eyes for a second before they shift away. “Yeah it’s nice? I’ve never lived away from home but I have some friends here that I’ve known since before so it helps. It’s really different, less structure but I like the freedom.”
Wow, she really spoke a lot more when she was comfortable. But I find it endearing.
“That’s really nice. It’s good to have a support system, especially with such big change.”
“Yeah,” she agrees. Her eyes dart around the desk as she goes silent. I wait for her to get up and go but a minute passes and the room starts to feel even smaller.
I could ask her if she needed anything else, or maybe continue the conversation? Did she want me to ask about her? No, that would be weird.
“So um, was that your sister in class last week?”
Okay, didn’t see that coming.
“It was! My baby sister, although she’s not really a baby. Did she tell your friend that?”
She nods again. “She was talking to her.”
“You have any siblings?”
“An older sister yeah.”
“So you get it,” I say. “You love them, they get under your skin, you’d do anything for them, and the cycle continues.”
For the first time she smiles and my breath catches. For a moment…no. No, I was imagining things.
“Yeah. My sister and I were close growing up, but she’s the one person that really knows how to get under my skin. I swear she does it on purpose sometimes.”
“Probably,” I want to say something funny again. I just want to see her smile.
Back off, my inner voice says. Don’t do this again.
Some years back, when I was still in the throes of alcohol, I had followed a girl at the mall for nearly an hour. She had looked so much like my sister but with brown curly hair. I could have sworn it was her—my daughter. But after an hour of drunk stalking she had met up with her mum, a direct clone of her.
I couldn’t be obsessive again. Nobody knew about that phase. Not even Harry.
“D’you have any kids?” She asks. I don’t expect the question and it throws me off what with the thoughts looping in my head. She watches me, waiting for an answer.
“Um,” I usually answered no. To anyone who had asked in the last 18 years. But for some reason I nod today. “Yeah. One.”
I imagine it, I must have. Her face draws in for a second before she looks down. “Does she ever come to your lectures?”
“Oh no,” I feel the prick of tears and try to blink them away without being too obvious. “I’m not sure she’d find them interesting.”
“Oh.” She finally stands. “Maybe when she’s older…but I’ll see you on Thursday I guess?”
“Yeah,” I watch her go and realize she’d forgotten something. “Don’t forget your paper hon!”
She stiffens by the door before coming to get it.
“Sorry, it probably makes me a bad prof but there were two female names on the paper. Which one’s yours?”
“Bridget,” her voice cracks.
“Bridget,” I try to match the name to her face. It fit. “That’s lovely.”
She scurries out and I hear someone say “well!?” Outside followed by a “shh!”
I shake my head and try to focus back on my work, my heart racing an unusual amount.
It takes a couple days but I confess to Harry. He’d decided to meet up with me after class on Wednesday to eat out. We didn’t go far from the uni, a pub a few roads down. I actually spotted a couple former students there and they’d waved at me warmly.
“You’re not crazy,” Harry holds my hand on the table. “A few years ago I realized the volunteer interns we took on from the nearby school? They were the same age as her, teens? And I used to check up on them all the time, make sure they were feeling comfortable, until one of the guys on the team told me to quit being so weird and find someone my own age. I don’t know if it came across that way but…I got lost in that.”
“Oh Harry,” I squeeze his hand. “I didn’t know that.”
“I’ve never told anyone.”
“Me too,” I pop another chip into my mouth. “But really I’d kind of pushed those memories out of my head until the other day. I can’t explain it, when she smiled it just felt like I knew her.”
“Yeah. Maybe she just looks like Taylor?”
We finish dinner while Harry tells me about a story about some friends of his I knew. We reminisce about our old friends as we wrap up and head out into the brisk November air.
We’re near the station when I gasp and clutch Harry’s arm. Standing outside one of the nearby pubs, smoking with her friends, was Bridget.
“Harry! That’s her!”
“What? Who?” He’s so oblivious as he whips his head around.
“Hushhh!” I nod towards the northwest side. His eyes scan the group. “Red beanie. We have to walk past just look at her okay? Tell me if you see it.”
Harry laughs to himself, “This feels like we’re in high school walking past a crush.”
“Is that how you walked past me?” I tease.
“I did.” He looks at me in that way that still gives me butterflies. It never got old.
“Stop making me want to jump your bones out here. I have a reputation to uphold!”
“Hey I’ll still have a job to support us,” he whispers as we near closer to the group. “Feel free to do whatever you feel.”
“You’re a bad influence.” I whisper back. By now we’re a few feet away and I sense Harry slow down beside me.
Bridget’s nodding to whatever her friend is saying. Philippe is waving his drink around as he responds. We almost pass by unnoticed when someone completely different calls my name.
“Hey professor! Can we buy you a drink?”
I turn and spot a group of students I taught last semester. They were all friends, always battling out their wits during group discussions. It made my class lively, even distracting at times. But I tried going with the flow of whatever group of students I got.
“Hey kids!” I say. Then I have no choice but to acknowledge Bridget and her friends. “And more kids! Is this the new spot to be at?”
I sounded so lame but shite! We weren’t supposed to get caught.
“It’s always been popular,” one of my old students says. “Can we pick your brain? Buy you a drink? We can buy one for your friend too.”
“I uh,” I glance at Harry but he’s frozen solid. I look to what he’s looking at and it’s Bridget. They’re locked in some silent conversation and her friends eye each other. “Harry?”
“Huh?” He focuses on me, flushed and just as confused as I had looked on Monday.
“We’ve gotta get him home,” I pat Harry’s arm. “Our alcohol metabolizes differently at our age.”
“You’re not that old,” Bridget says. She seems to be surprised she said it at all and her eyes widen. “I just mean you look younger than my parents.”
“We’ll take that as a compliment.” I smile up at Harry who still looks a little lost.
“Miss aren’t you going to introduce your male friend?” One of my old student goads.
“Don’t assume,” the other chides.
“Aren’t you a nosy lot after a few drinks.” I missed dishing it back in class with them.
“Oops!” They laugh.
“Anyway. This is Harry.”
“You can call me Mr. Professor,” Harry jokes and it’s a crowd pleaser. God they were drunk. Harry leans into me, “I can see why you like teaching. They’re an ego-booster.”
“Not in a 6pm lecture on a Thursday night.” I whisper back. He hides his laugh.
“Are you guys heading home?” Now it’s Philippe. I’m surprised he was getting involved in the conversation. He was usually the quiet nervous type.
“We are. Need a good night’s rest so I’m not falling asleep in your lecture tomorrow.”
“We wouldn’t mind,” Philippe goes for joker but his face flushes. It’s cute.
“Philippe you take way too many notes during class for me to believe that.”
His two friends, Bridget and the other girl, look at each other wide-eyed before losing it. And I watch Bridget’s face transform again and I get the same feeling. I look up at Harry and he’s transfixed.
I tug his sleeve and he looks at me, swallowing like he was parched.
“Weird right?”
“Yeah,” he whispers but his mouth turns down ever so slightly.
The girls are too busy cajoling Philippe to say goodbye to so we make our exit quietly. We don’t talk much on the train ride home but Harry simple holds his hand out on my thigh, palm up, and I lock my fingers into his. Even when we didn’t have words, we never stopped staying in touch.
It’s exam and holiday season before I know it.
I was actually looking forward to Christmas this year. It was the first that Harry was going to join with my family. Taylor’s bloke was also showing. He had been a hit with my parents and even I could admit he was the better of all the guys she’s every brought over.
It’s the last 30 minutes of the last exam I was facilitating this year. I announce the time left to the group. There were only about 15 kids left.
Bridget is one of them. I watch her tuck her hair behind her ear and bite her lip. She’d been pretty quiet the remainder of the semester, and I tried not to let my eyes wander to her too much.
After that night, bumping into her with Harry, we hadn’t spoken much about it. The hope that was initially so buoyant turned crushing as we faced the reality that the odds were slim to none. That our wishes were just pennies tossed in a fountain, sinking to the bottom of the pool.
Dreary winter days pass by and Harry and I try to keep the seasonal depression away with regular outdoor dates, cozy nights in bed, and seeing friends as often as we could.
On Christmas we go to my parents’. It’s a loud affair as my grandparents and a few cousins join us. After dinner I go up to my childhood bedroom, it’s now a guest room but some of my things still lay around. I open the window, it was cold so I drag a blanket out and sit outside. The street is quiet, I see families in a few open windows and I watch the festivities through them. I feel a mix of nostalgia and an ache that goes even beyond that, like I was missing something.
“Y/n?” Of course Harry would find me even though I’d left the door closed and the window tilted.
“Here,” I say.
“Ah,” he struggles to hoist himself out. “Some things never change.”
“You need help?” I watch him climb on all fours.
“I’m steady,” he grins as he crawls to me. I open the blanket and he gets in.
We sit in silence for a bit.
“It was getting really loud downstairs wasn’t it?” I ask.
“I think your grandma’s in love with Taylor’s guy.” Harry says so bluntly that I burst out laughing. He joins in.
“I feel like old people get to flirt with whoever they want because it’s always harmless.”
“Maybe that’s the case with older women,” Harry grimaces. “Can’t say the same thing about old men now can we?”
“Jesus!” I laugh and then laugh even harder when Harry says: “it is his day.”
By the time I wipe my tears Harry’s gazing down at me.
“Sorry,” I lean my head against his shoulder. “You have to stop being so funny.”
“Nah,” he kisses my head. “Have I never told you how much I like your laugh?”
He had. On a night many years ago on a roof like this.
I go to remind him but he’s pulling away. I watch as he shifts to face my slowly. He pulls something out from behind him and my brain only connects the dots as he starts talking.
“Y/N, this is something I wish I could have done 18 years ago but only feels incredibly right to do now. Especially out here.”
“Harry,” I gasp. When did he get the ring? When had he planned this?
“We somehow found our way back to each other again y/n, and you know I love you more than ever before.” He clears his throat as it clouds with emotion. “Some 18 years ago I told you I knew you, because the first time I ever laid eyes on you my heart knew. You were something special. And I never ever want to spend another moment apart again. So Y/N Y/L/N, will you do me the honour and finally be mine? Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” If I wasn’t sitting on a roof I would launch myself at Harry. I settle for pulling his face down to mine and kissing it. “I’ve always been yours Harry. But yes, of course yes!”
He slides the ring on and it fits perfectly.
It was perfect.
When we go back down my mum knows right away, and if it was loud before it’s absolute chaos as everyone descends on me and demands to know how he proposed and how the ring looks.
“On the roof? When there’s a perfectly pretty tree here?” My grandma asks. Harry and I exchange a look then, trying not to laugh all over again.
We ring in the New Year with friends, as fiancés. I can hardly believe it. Apparently most of our friends knew Harry was going to propose and they all toast to us and our happiness.
Somewhere in mid-January, I drop by my parents’ house to drop off some groceries. That’s when my dad hands me a letter that had been mailed home.
“It came for you, I dunno who thinks you still live here but it looks handwritten.”
I take it from my dad as I say one last goodbye. I barely make it to the tube with wobbly legs. Because somewhere inside I know.
It’s a long and agonizing 2 hours that I wait for Harry to come home. He finds me sitting in the dark; the sun had set while I waited, and I’d been too busy staring at the feminine scrawl on the front of the letter to turn on the lights.
“Hello-y/n, what are you doing in the dark?”
Harry drops his things where they are when I look at him. “Y/n are you alright? Say something.”
I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I just push the letter forward.
He walks towards it. It’s like he hits a brick wall when he puts the pieces together, he halts a foot away.
“What is that?”
“Is was…” I try to swallow so my voice doesn’t sound so hoarse. “My dad gave it to me. It was sent to the house.”
“Is it…”
“I was waiting for you.”
Suddenly he’s in motion. He puffs his cheeks out and lets out a noisy sigh. Then he paces the floor one, two, three, four times before standing in front of the couch.
“We should read it.” I say.
“Yeah,” he deflates into the couch. I want to join him but it feels like my arse has been glued to the chair.
I inch it towards me and Harry nods. He wanted me to read it.
My mouth is parched. I can barely make out any sounds as I open it up. It’s three pages folded in two, the paper itself isn’t anything very special, it’s typed up so it’s literally just ink on paper. And yet it’s worth a whole goldmine.
“Y/n and Harry,” I read before my voice breaks and I bury my face in my hands. Our baby girl had written to us. She had reached out.
“C’mon love,” Harry’s suddenly beside me and his hand squeezes my neck. The touch gives me enough strength to stand with him. He sets me down where he just sat and leaves again, returning with water and the letter.
“Can you read it?” I ask.
He settles in beside me, we touch along every edge of us. The letter sits in between us like our love, our hurting—it’s where it belongs. He begins to read in his soothing voice.
“Y/n and Harry,
I hope it’s okay I’m calling you that. I don’t know if it’s proper but ever since I found out about you two last year that’s what I’ve been calling you.”
Harry lets out a shaky breath and I intertwine my arm through his. He kisses my temple and continues.
“When I turned 15, I asked my mum about you. I started to wonder where I came from. I knew I was adopted for as long as I could remember but it didn’t mean much to me for a long time—I had a mother, a father, and a sister. I had a family so why did I need to know where I came from?
But over the last few years it’s been like an itch I couldn’t get to. See when I was 15, what set it off is that my sister decided to look into her birth parents. They were separated, her father lived in Tokyo and her mother lived in Wales. It took her a year to convince our parents to go to Wales. I went with and I found myself in the home of a woman who looked just like the girl I grew up with. The whole time it ate away at me. I wanted this ending too.
I asked my mum and dad when I turned 15 but they were weird and evasive. I turned my skills to the internet but I didn’t really know where to start.
I felt the missing part more and more as I turned 16. I used to fall asleep thinking about you two, if you were alive, what you looked like, where you were, what you did.
I love my parents. They’re wonderful and amazing, they are supportive and never made us feel like we were anything but theirs. But I wanted to know my background.
On my 17th birthday my parents gave me a letter like the one I write today.” Harry stops reading and takes in a deep shuddering breath. “She got the letter.”
His shoulder shake and he pinches the bridge of his nose. I clench my teeth so I wouldn’t cry too. I wanted to finish this letter. I wrap my arms around him and hold him.
This was unbelievable, what we’d dreamed of. Her words, in our hands.
“Here.” I take the letter from him and continue. “Let me read it.”
Harry stays hunched over, so with my hand on his back I continue, “in it you told me how much you loved me. How much you loved each other, your families, where I came from. And Why you had to give me up. For a better life. I saw the picture of you, and I felt broken and complete at the same time. I realized I was the same age as you in the photo, I had to meet you but I was terrified. And I didn’t know how.
I spent a year agonizing and looking through every google page I could find about you. I learned a lot! But I needed to meet you.
I don’t know how to do this. I’ve made decisions that may not have been the best but I’ve left my number and a picture of me when I was 5 in the envelope.
I hope you call.”
With shaking hands I turn to the third page that has one of those polaroids taped to it and a phone number in the same handwriting as the envelope.
“She’s beautiful,” Harry says while tears continue streaming down his face. I can’t even hide mine anymore.
She was beautiful indeed. She had his eyes, and her curly locks in a deep brown frame her chubby face. She had my nose, she looked a little like my sister as a baby. A scatter of freckles over her cheeks confirm it. She was ours. Our baby had reached out. We knew what she looked like.
“We need to call her,” I say. “We need to meet.”
“Yeah,” Harry wipes his face. “We…we need to do this carefully. It’s delicate right?”
I wanted to call her right now but what would I do but cry into the phone? No, I had to wrap my head around this. Harry was right. “Right.”
“She’s out there,” Harry turns to me. “She wants to know us. Y/n she wants to meet us! She saw the picture I-“
“I can’t believe it,” I whisper. “Our daughter wants to—did she leave her name?”
We open the letter and flip over every piece of it but her name is nowhere.
“Maybe she didn’t want us looking her up?” Harry offers.
“Maybe she has an awful digital footprint.”
Something about it makes us laugh and we can’t stop. But pretty soon it shifts back into tears and we’re left holding each other on the couch, tender and content and anxious.
Our daughter had made contact. Would she like us? Would she be mad at us? What did this mean for us?
The thoughts continue to spiral the rest of the evening. We don’t make much of an effort, we reread the letter and try to get dinner in us. We face each other as we try to fall asleep, whispering questions into the darkness. The darkness doesn’t answer, it grows heavier as does the night, and we fall asleep for the first time in our lives knowing the weight of a decision so long ago was a tiny bit lighter.
It’s a few days later. All I’d been thinking about was the letter, when I woke up, at work, during my commute, during breaks, when I went to bed.
It sits on our dining table, we glance at it as we pass by. It becomes part of the decor, three pieces of paper and an envelope. It’s so much weightier than that.
I come home from my lecture on Wednesday, a slight buzz of anxiety humming in the background. It wasn’t unusual for Harry and I to get busy at work and not talk the whole day but today Harry had been radio silent. He hadn’t answered my texts or phone calls in a very un-Harry way.
I walk in to Harry sitting on the couch in the dark, staring at the coffee table. On it sits the letter.
“Hey,” I don’t even take off my jacket. I slide next to him. “Is everything alright?”
“Hey,” he whispers. He stays frozen sitting forward, elbows on his knees, head cradled in his hand.
I wait for him to speak, to say something about what was going on. I rub my hand over his back and he glances up. I tip forward until our foreheads touch. “What’s going on in that brain of yours? Let me help you.”
“It’s a lot,” he whispers. It tears me in two.
“Hey,” I remind him. “Just one day at a time. Let’s just talk about today.”
“I want to call her so bad,” he leans away and buries his head in his hands. I wanted to call her too, I’d been waiting for Harry to give the cue since I knew I could be rash and impulsive about something like this. But something was going on with him.
“We will.”
“We gave her up. What if she hates us?”
“She wouldn’t have written us that beautiful letter, or sent a photo, or left her number if she did.”
Harry sniffles and then asks what he really wanted to, “what if she hates me.”
“Harry look at me,” He unfolds slowly and I make sure he’s looking at me. “You’re her father, you’ve carried her with you for the last 18 years. You love her. She wants to know you. Why would she hate you?”
“I’ve fucked up so much!”
“You’re not your mistakes.” I remind him. I get teary eyed as I feel the echoes of his insecurities. I’ve thought about it too: what if I didn’t meet her expectations? “She’s not going to see you and see every good and bad decisions you’ve ever made. She’s just going to see her father—her biological father, and see where she got her eyes from and her hair from and every other quirk she has.”
“You’re not worried?” He asks, looking at me with grief.
“Of course I am,” I confess, tears leaking out of my eyes damnit. “I’m so fucking worried. But my curiosity overtakes that, my love for her is what I’m focusing on.”
“I love her,” he says.
“That’s all that matters.” I cup his face and press a reassuring kiss to his lips. “That’s all she’ll care about.”
Harry untangles himself from me and my heart sinks. He paces the length of our living room a few times, running his hand through his hair.
“We really should talk about the letter,” he says.
“Yeah. I know. I want to call. Badly.”
He pauses. It’s like all the anxious energy drains out of him at once. He sits back down beside me.
“What do we do?” I ask
“How about Saturday? She’s probably going to be home then right? No school—if she’s in school.”
Two days. Two more days of agonizing over the letter.
At this point the letter is memorized, seared into my brain like I had an exam on it. I want to know the person behind it.
When we wake on Saturday it’s a cloudy day. I don’t take it as a bad omen.
We sit with our phones out after breakfast, just staring at everything before us.
“You should do the talking,” I tell Harry. “I’m too nervous.”
“I think you should.” Harry says. “She sent the letter to you.”
“Only because that’s the address my mum gave…gave her mum.”
It hits me again in another wave I try not to drown in. She was eighteen, she’d lived a whole life with a whole family. There was everything of her we’d missed out on.
“Please Harry?” I was already overwhelmed with the realization. I just couldn’t.
He watches me, must hear the desperation in my voice, and slowly pulls his phone forward.
It rings, and rings a few more times. When it goes to voicemail he turns it off.
“I didn’t think that was an option,” Harry says and we laugh. It feels good.
“It’s only 10 maybe she’s asleep. Try one more time?”
He pulls my phone and tries again but it still goes to voicemail.
We sit there, unsure of what to do. We agree to try again later, in the afternoon.
But around half past 12, while Harry’s working in our spare room and I’m scrolling through my phone, it rings. I don’t think much of it and pick it up automatically.
“Hello?” It’s silent on the other end. “Hello?”
I wait, but as I do it dawns on me. Who called me?
I check my phone screen and swipe through as I say hello again. I match the number. It was her.
I run to Harry but the phone is still silent. I wave the paper with the number saying hello again.
“Is this…well you never gave us your name. But we got your letter. We’re so gl-“
The line goes dead and so does my heart.
“You called her again?” Harry whispers, his brows furrowing as he stares at the phone.
“She called.” I think about calling her back but that was pushy. She was backing out of this.
All of a sudden I feel myself giving out. I catch myself against the wall and slide down.
“She’s backing out. It must be…too much for her.”
Harry stares at a spot on the ground, a million thoughts flickering through. Finally it settles on acceptance. He sighs.
“We can’t force her to talk to us,” he says softly what I already know. But his words are like a saw to my resolve and I just start crying. He gathers me in his arms but the grief feels endless. It felt like she was slipping away again; I’d lost so much and I lost her again. She had been so close. How could she do this? Why did she reach out if she wasn’t ready?
Questions without answers. More of them piled on top of the lifetime of questions I’d built for her.
I know Harry feels the weight of them too. We carry them together. That’s the only reason I hadn’t broken yet.
But I come close to it that day. We don’t hear back from her. And we don’t try to call her back. It didn’t feel right.
It killed me she was so close. And something changes inside.
For weeks I feel like I’m on autopilot. It’s like my first semester of uni all over again.
Harry tries his best to keep me together but he struggles too. It makes me feel worse I was taking the bigger hit, not being there for him as much as I wanted. But life feels like a a million blankets covering me.
I try to keep my usual momentum for my classes, but I’m always exhausted after. It pulls me deeper into my sadness, something I loved made me so tried.
It’s a Thursday at the end of the semester and I’m marking exams during my study hours when there’s a light knock on the door.
I’m surprised to see an old student.
“Bridget,” I wave her in. “Come in, what can I do you for?”
“Hi professor-“
“Call me y/n, I’m not teaching you anymore am I?”
“No,” she says with a stiff smile. The last time I saw her was in February, I’d spotted her with Philippe and a few other friends at a local coffee shop. She had been explaining something to one of her friends from a textbook.
Now her hair was short and more pronounced with waves. I wonder if she styled it, her longer hair had been pin straight.
“I had a question?”
You already asked it, I want to joke. But she was usually wound up so I knew it wouldn’t land well.
“What’s that?”
“Um, well.” She perches on the chair and I wait patiently for her to continue. “Are you taking any applications for TA next year?”
I wasn’t expecting that. She always found a way to take me by surprise. I stare at her for a few seconds, trying to remember what year she was in.
“Aren’t you in first year? If I do TAs they’re usually 3rd or above.”
“I know,” she tucks her hair behind her ear. “But seeing that one of my majors is in econ and my gpa is really high, and I did well in your class, I wondered if you would consider me?”
I hadn’t done TAs since my first year of teaching. I found I liked the work because it got me more familiar with the class.
“What’s your other major?” She had said one of them was econ.
“Sociology, I’m pre-law.”
Ambitious. “Why TA for my class?”
She balks as she meets my gaze. There’s something that flits through her face that I can’t quite read before she drops eye contact.
“Um, I really enjoyed it. I did really well. I think you’re super smart and would learn a lot by TA-ing for you.”
“I don’t give special lessons to my TA,” I let her know. “You’d typically attend some of the classes, mark assignments, and maybe teach exam tutorials, and have office hours of your own for students.”
“I’m okay with that.”
“Why should I pick you?”
She pushes her shoulders back, “I’m responsible, dependable, I submit all my assignments on time and have experience teaching.”
“I used to tutor when I was in high school. I didn’t really get an allowance so I found a way to support my hobbies.”
“What are your hobbies?”
She blushes a little, was she still nervous? “I love reading, books are expensive.”
I nod. For Harry’s birthday I’d told him he could get any books from Waterstones and it had been over £100 for 3 only.
“I also enjoy cooking. And um, it’s been a while but my friends and I sometimes go to like. Do you know comic con?”
“Yes,” I’d seen things online.
“Yeah we liked to dress up for that sort of thing. We used to make our own outfits and usually the cost varies depending on what you’re making and how realistic you want it and…” she trails off as I smile. She was really enthusiastic about it. I couldn’t help it.
“Tell you what. Leave your number with me and I’ll think about it. I haven’t had a TA for the last few semesters but I am going to take this into consideration.”
I laugh. “Yes. Really.”
“Um…” she starts to fidget again. “Can I leave my email? I’m getting a new phone soon so I-“
“Sure. Anywhere I can reach you.”
I expect her to get out a pen but she says it verbally and I type it out.
“Um, are you alright?” She asks out of the blue after I type in the last letter.
“Alright?” I raise my brow.
“I mean, you seem…I just heard, um.” She tries to backtrack but I ask her again and she spills. “Some people just said your last few classes seem scattered. Not that people don’t like you. I just…that’s what they were saying. And I don’t know if having a TA would help? And I just wanted to ask if you’re okay sorry I shouldn’t…it’s none of my business.”
God, this girl was so awkward. But she was sweet for caring, I think. “You’re not applying for the role because you feel bad that I seem…scattered right?”
She blushes. “Sorry. I think I said too much.”
I want to laugh but it strikes me that my students had noticed. I’d let it affect their learning. It didn’t feel very good.
“Life’s hitting me hard recently,” I tell her simply. “But I’m alright. Thank you for reaching out Bridget.”
As I finish up the semester I think about her. It wouldn’t hurt to have her TA for one of my lectures, see how she does. I didn’t care for TAs as a lecturer but something about her is compelling and I find myself emailing her in the middle of the night in June. She responds back a few minutes later,
Thank you!!! You’re the best. I’ll do whatever you need just tell me I can do anythingggh
Sent from iphone.
I laugh to myself as I put my phone away and go back to bed. My guesses were she was drunk at a party.
Harry’s asleep beside me and I reach out to touch his back but think better of it. He’d been busy at work with a project nearing its deadline and I didn’t want to accidentally wake him.
I turn around and try to drift off, thinking about my daughter, about how Harry and I hadn’t really talked much in the last two weeks, about my teaching, and my new TA.
Age 38:
It’s a depressing summer. The air of dashed hopes still hangs around Harry and I. It’s less thunder clouds and more of a fog.
One weekend morning, it’s one of those mornings that start off heavy. I can’t get out of bed, but I hear Harry pattering about doing his weekend morning thing. I hear the dishwasher turn on, and soon after he walks in with our laundry folded in a basket. I feel awful as I normally do, but not awful enough to get up and do anything about it. I think I’d have to feel less awful, to do that.
I don’t expect him to get in beside me once he’s finished putting everything away. He smells like laundry and shampoo, I must smell like rot and decay.
“Y/n,” he says gingerly. I just look at him in response. I felt too heavy to even reply. He sits up and calls my name again.
“Mm,” I say.
He sighs. Despite months of this Harry’s been nothing but understanding but this morning seems different.
Suddenly I’m being pulled up by my shoulders and I find myself sitting up in bed.
“Y/N,” Harry says again. I fold my arms as the duvet slips down and the cool air raises goosebumps. “I love you, which is why it’s so hard seeing you like this. You have to get on, my love. We have to move forward. It’s been months.”
All I could remember after our daughter hung the phone up on us was when I almost got to hold her. Right after she was born, I almost got to hold her but they took her away. And that piece of me that followed after her was nearly returned. It was that almost that was a death blow.
“It’s hard,” I feel myself tear up. It was hard not to these days.
“I know baby,” Harry scoops me into him. “I know. It’s hard for me too but we have to get better. We have to live our lives. She’ll come back to us, I just know it. She’s scared, we’re hopeful. Fear’s gonna keep her away. Hope keeps us patient.”
I cry into his shirt and he rocks me.
“I’m sorry,” I say into his shirt.
“It’s alright,” he grips the back of my neck.
So for Harry, for us, I try to get back to myself. I start to pick up my outdoor hobbies, I try to keep conversations going with Harry, I reintroduce my multi-step night routine. I look forward and re-light the candle of hope, even though I ache to blow it out before it can burn down to its wick.
My wounds inside stay tender.
We had booked our wedding for November and as the days approach we find ourselves with one thing on our mind.
Harry and I finally talk about it.
“I always thought she’d be there at the wedding once she reached out.”
We’re sat in an outdoor space near King’s Cross, coffees in hand as we people watch. We’d just come back from a cake tasting and neither of us felt like going home with such a glorious August day. Kids splash in the water sprinklers and couples sit around arm in arm. I touch shoulders with Harry unconsciously.
“Me too. I think that’s what’s kept me from mentally committing to the fact that the date is coming closer.”
“It can’t be forever,” Harry says. “She reached out. She just needs time. She’ll call again one day and we’ll meet her.”
“I know.” I lean my head on his shoulder. This was a realization I’d also been slowly digesting. I’d waited 18 years, what was a few more months, another year? Her baby picture lived on our fridge, at least we were one step closer.
And the love, I had to remind myself in these moments. Hold onto the love.
“I can’t stay for this class,” Bridget tells me. It’s the second week of classes and there were still 10 minutes until it officially started.
“Is everything alright?”
“Not really,” that’s when I notice her nose is red and her eyes are too. “My um, my parents had to put my dog down. She…she wasn’t feeling well yesterday and the-they found cancer? And she was in a lot of pain but she never showed it? And-“
I put my hand on Briget’s shoulder and lead her to the exit. There was no reason for the whole class to see this.
“Sorry. I’m-“
“Don’t apologize.” I rub her shoulder. “I understand. Take the time you need I have this covered.”
True to her word, Bridget had been a loyal TA over the summer. I considered it a trial run not expecting much but she had shown up, aced marking, and I’d gotten good feedback from the students at the end of the semester.
I’d also taken to her. She’d join me during my 2 hours every Monday and when no students would come she would loosen up. She’d told me all about the dog she grew up with, she showed me costumes her friends and her made, I’d asked her about the books she was reading and the classes she was taking. It was like having a younger sister again, except I was mature enough to appreciate her.
“I didn’t even get to say goodbye,” Bridget says and this statements seems to be the breaking point. She curls in on herself, shoulders shaking. I don’t even think, I just pull her into me like I would for Harry, for Taylor, for any of my friends.
“You have a lifetime of memories with her,” I hold her. At first she stiffens up and I almost let her go but she only breaks down further and wraps her arms around me. Tighter than I expected.
“I wish I said goodbye,” she says into my shoulder.
“I know hon,” I squeeze her against me, something maternal washing over me. “I know.”
After a minute or so she regains her composure, wiping her face with her sleeve. When she looks at me she looks so much younger, her face grief-stricken and regretful.
“I’m sorry-“
“Don’t be.”
She seems to want to say something more but whatever it is, she swallows it and takes a step away.
I don’t see her for two weeks and I miss her.
When she walks into the lecture the first week of October I try not to rush her but I’m overjoyed seeing her face. It had become so familiar to me.
She smiles shyly when she walks up to me and I pull her into a hug. This time she doesn’t stiffen.
“How are you?” I whisper. Students were still trickling in so I use the time to catch up.
“Okay. Better than that day I cried all over you sorry again. I went home last week, thanks for letting me take it off.”
“Of course. You forget I’ve been doing this without a TA before you. I can hold down the fort.”
She cracks a smile, her dimple making a rare appearance.
“By the way, week 10’s lecture is supposed to be cancelled.” I tell her later during office hours. “But I wondered if you wanted to hold a tutorial that week for some of the material?”
“Really?” A light comes on in her eye. It’s fiery and bright with excitement.
“Yeah! You know the material! I’ll leave you with slides and you can go about teaching them.”
“I’d love to!” She grips her laptop close to her. “Wait why is it cancelled?”
“I’m getting married that week!”
The light dims. Or maybe I imagine it.
“Oh! I thought you were married already?”
“No,” I’d referred to Harry as my partner any time he was brought up. “We’re getting married in November. You’ve met him actually, kind of, that night we ran into you and some students at the pub. Last year?”
“Oh yeah I remember,” she says but her eyes are somewhere else. “So you’re getting married?”
“Yes Bridget,” I laugh. “Married. Tying the knot. You alright?”
“Yeah,” she blinks and she’s back. “You never mentioned the wedding. Do you have a dress?”
“Yeah! Just finalized the tailoring last week. Most things are ready, we’re just finalizing the rings!”
“Cool!” She fidgets with the hem of her shirt. “Is it in London?”
“Yeah, it’s not too big but we didn’t want people travelling too far. This is where Harry and I were born and raised so this is where we want to marry too.”
“Wow,” she seems lost in thought and she stays pretty quiet the rest of the time. I didn’t realize my news was that surprising.
Maybe I still didn’t have Bridget completely figured out.
“Harry I can’t pick them up! I need to get home and then head back out to class!”
“Y/n it’s on your way home!”
“Not really! It’s a 30 minute detour. Why can’t you do it?”
“Because you can still get to him right before he closes. I won’t be done here until after he closes. I’m sorry love!”
“Agh and why can’t he do tomorrow?”
“He’s off until Saturday! We need it today.”
It’s the Wednesday before we marry and our rings are still at the jeweller’s. He’d finished them last weekend but we’d been so busy with other things we hadn’t had time to pick it up. And now it was either today and be late for class, or the day of the wedding.
I had gotten delayed at work and missed Harry’s texts explaining the situation. I’d only responded while on the tube, but going out of my way for 30 minutes meant I’d be 30 minutes late to get back to class. And since I’d left marked assignments at home that the kids needed for next week’s tutorial, I had no choice but to head back.
The idea hits me at once.
I hang up on Harry and ring Bridget. She picks up right away.
“Bridget, I’m on a crazy tight schedule. I’m going to be late to class by half hour at least.”
“Oh no. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah it’s just wedding thing but can you do something crazy? And feel free to say no okay?”
I explain to her that if she rode to my flat, Harry would be there by then and she could pick up marked assignment. She can delay class by taking them up.
She’s silent but eventually I get a yes. “Okay. Can you text me your address?”
“Yes! Yes. Thank you Bridget. I owe you your trip fare and lunch or something. I’ll text you now, leave as soon as you can!”
I call Harry again and confirm he’d be home by the time she arrived. Everything works out.
I get the rings, and have to head home so Harry can try his on. The jeweller was expecting both of us, and let me know he couldn’t do adjustments if I didn’t text him by today. Just my luck!
When I get to the flat I tell Harry not to read his inscription but to try it on and thankfully it fits.
“Hey,” Harry calls out as I try to rush back out the door.
“What?” I was out of breath and frantic.
“Slow down,” he pulls me into a lingering kiss and despite being breathless before, I get some air into my lungs when we part.
“Sorry, so hectic.”
“I know I’m sorry,” he strokes my cheek. “I would have gone if I could make it. Also don’t be mad.”
“Be mad?” I let go of the door handle. “What did you do?”
“Your TA stopped by, Bridget. I forgot she was coming so I didn’t have your papers ready. I invited her in and she was in the living room looking at our pictures and she stopped in front of the baby picture. Of our daughter.”
“Okay,” did Harry tell her our history? I get antsy. “And?”
“Well she asked if that was our daughter. And I didn’t know what to say, if you’ve said anything to her? I panicked?” Harry runs his hand through his hair. “I just changed the subject.”
“Okay, that’s not bad. What’s the bad part I don’t get it?”
“Well. I changed the subject and told her she should come to the wedding.”
My jaw drops. “Harry.”
“I know! I know I’m sorry! I know she technically works for you, she was a student, all that! You’re so fond of her though maybe it’s not a bad thing?”
“Harry that’s…she was my student! I’m a prof at that school I…is that even allowed?”
“Yes? I panicked and googled it.”
I groan, “I swear you’re getting worse the closer we get to the wedding.”
The other week he had tried to buy out a whole bakery in case there wasn’t enough cake for our guests.
“You can tell her we have a full guest list? I don’t know what came over me! She just looked at me with those puppy eyes and she asked about the picture and I tried to talk about something else but the only thing on my mind-“
I kiss him. Just to shut him up. I was getting really late.
“This is like that book club you were tricked into joining all over again-“
“Hey I really like that book club now! It might be a good thing!”
“We’ll talk later.” I shake my head at him. “It’s fine, it’s not a big deal. It’s weird but what’s one more guest?”
“I also said plus one.”
I let out a long exhale and then kiss Harry again. I didn’t want him spiralling while I was gone.
“Baby don’t worry, it’s okay. I’m fine with it. We’ll talk when I get home?”
I mull over it on the ride to uni. But I can’t find a way to uninvite her without it being awful. I text our wedding planner if we could squeeze in two more seats and she gives me the thumbs up.
I did have a soft spot for Bridget, and technically I’ve known her for over a year now.
During office hours, we get a few people in for the first half hour. Then we’re back to just the two of us.
“Thanks for taking over today,” I tell her. “I really appreciate it.”
“That’s alright. Happy to help out.”
An awkward silence slithers in.
“So my partner invited you to our wedding.”
“Yeah! I didn’t know if that was serious am I…?”
She looked so hopeful I couldn’t shoot her down. “Yes! I have a couple people from the faculty coming. And some colleagues from my day job. You’ll probably have to sit with them but?”
“That’s fine!” She’s chirpy Bridget again. “I’d love to. That would mean a lot.”
I watch her as the smile stays on and she gets out her phone, typing away. Maybe her friends, her plus one.
I realize I’m not entirely against it. It had happened, and I was okay.
I stare at myself in the mirror, smoothing down my dress in a nervous habit. I never thought I’d get married twice, I always thought after Tatum I was done with marriage, but Harry would always be the exception.
I feel a flutter of nerves thinking about him. Walking down the aisle to him. We started talking on a rooftop one day, we had just been two kids.
“You better not cry,” Taylor threatens as she walks into the room. She had gone to fetch lash glue after my teary eyes loosened an edge.
“I’m not,” I say weakly.
She stands beside me in the mirror, “They’re all waiting downstairs.”
Just 30 minutes ago this room had been a chaotic mess. From my mum, to my friends, to the wedding planner. I’m kind of glad my lash came loose, I’m able to ground myself in these few minutes of silence.
Taylor talks about our family downstairs as she fixes my face. I get up with her help and she beams, but her eyes look misty.
“What is it?” I ask.
“Why do you look sad what happened?”
“Oh my god calm down, I just can’t believe you and Harry are getting your happy ending! I’m just…emotional.”
“Aww,” I cup her face even though I want to squeeze my baby sister against me. But my white dress, although not entirely traditional, would be ruined for the ceremony.
A ping on her phone—mum. We rush out. It feels like getting caught when we were younger and quickly getting away from the scene of the crime. I grip my sister’s hand until I stand in front of the doors leading down the aisle.
I don’t remember walking, it felt more like floating. Even if there was a chimpanzee and a talking dog in the pews I wouldn’t have noticed. My eyes are locked on Harry’s teary ones, they anchor me as I glide towards the man I’ve never stopped loving. Who always saw all of me.
When he reaches for my hand I grasp it and I know I made the right decisions. Even the painful ones. After all, I wanted to be nowhere but here.
“Y/N,” Harry reads his vows to me and I try not to cry as he sweeps me away with his delicate words about our love story.
“To be so deeply known by another, without even saying a word, shouldn’t make sense and yet with us we have a language that goes beyond words. A brush of your hand or a look in my direction, it can be enough to unload whatever burden I’d just been carrying. I promise to do the same for you, and to never end this dialogue between us. To love you and to cherish you forever.”
Harry couldn’t keep the tears in and they slide down his cheeks as he reads his words out to me. I reach out instinctively and brush his tear away and he laughs because I was doing it again.
“You’re can’t make me cry in my makeup,” I tell him and our guests laugh.
I had sat and thought so hard about my own vows. In the end after 50 versions, I’d settled on short and sweet.
“Harry, when we first spoke on the rooftop of that party in high school,” I say at my turn. “You told me everything you wanted. One of them was to make the world a better place. And I don’t know if you still want those things as much now as you did then, but one thing is true. You’re made my world a better place. I can’t imagine doing life without you. I love you with all of my heart, there’s no equation that could calculate how much.”
Harry grins at me and my breath catches. My man, he was my Harry.
We finish our vows with a kiss and a lot of noise from the crowd. When we turn to everyone I’m struck by how lucky we were.
The absence of our daughter was tough but when it came to love we had an abundance of it. I see it in every smiling and shiny face in the crowd. It’s like photographing a sunny day with one of those old school films, the sun is covered by a dark spot but the rays still wash everything in gold.
Harry squeezes my hand and I look up to him. He’s already looking at me.
He holds his hand up and lets out a whoop before he pulls my face towards him again for an even longer and borderline inappropriate kiss. I feel myself start to blush in front of the crowd.
We start down the aisle and this time I beam at every guest I catch eyes with.
My mum and Harry’s wave with tear-streaked faces. My friends from high school shout out, always the biggest supporters of our relationship. I catch eyes with Bridget, forgetting for a second she was here. Philippe is beside her, but what’s surprising is her blotchy face. I didn’t take her for someone who got emotional at weddings. I throw her a wave and she smiles through the tears.
Whoever ordered weddings to have a small break between the ceremony and the reception deserved a billion dollars. Harry and I spend the quiet moment doing our outfit change but afterwards we hold each other and let the moment sink in. The day sink in.
“We’re married,” Harry whispers when I tell him we should get going so we weren’t late.
“We took the long way to get here didn’t we?”
“Yeah,” he tucks me under his chin again and even though we would be late we just sway together for a little while. Our own private first dance, before the one for our family and friends.
“We did it all quite backwards actually.” I look up to him.
“Yeah, but we were never ordinary.”
“No, and I don’t think anything we’ve ever done is either.”
“Including our kid. I really wish she were here.”
“We’ll tell her all about it one day,” I promise him. His face eases into a loving smile, the fact that we’d made it to a place again where I can comfort him about this said a lot. Said we’d make it through everything, despite.
“I don’t want to do life with anyone else y/n, I have everything I need right here.”
“Remember that day at Whole Foods?” I remind him. “The first time we bumped into each other.”
“It’s a core memory,” Harry remembers. “I feel like the sun never set on that day. Getting to see you after all those years…it’s cheesy but it felt like coming home.”
“Yeah,” I nod. “Me too. I recognized you by the back of your head did I ever tell you that?”
“Stared at it enough in maths, of course you did.”
“That’s probably why I did so poorly that year remember,” I laugh. “Just staring at the back of your head.”
“That’s why I never sat anywhere but in front of you.” He swipes lightly down my nose and I smile. “Now I get to see every angle of you whenever I want.”
“Oi,” I slap his chest. “Save it for tonight.”
He brushes my cheek. Under his gaze I’m stripped naked. There was nothing to hide with him, ever.
“I understand how long it took you to get ready,” he says in his deep silky voice. My stomach flips. “So I can’t do anything right now. But y/n, our wedding night will turn into a wedding dawn, and then to day again. I promise you.”
I tip-toe, even in my heels, and brush my lips along his cheek. In his ear I whisper, “I don’t expect anything less.”
I step away, feeling unravelled by the look of desire in his eyes. I’m sure I had the same look of want. But before we can give in to what we wanted to do, I open the door to our suite and embrace the gust of cool air.
“You should get some air too,” I say and he laughs, following me behind.
“Bitch!” Taylor comes up to me on the dance floor later that night. We had dinner, Harry and I had our first dance, there’d been toasts and tears in between. I was finally letting loose as the wedding party crowds the dance floor. We had been taking pictures all night, after this next glass of champagne I was going to call it quits on photos lest anyone captures anything that’s not an elegant bride.
“What?” I turn away from Harry to face Taylor. She’d been running around all day making sure my wedding day was perfect and seeing her just warms me with love. I squeeze her against me despite her protests. “I love you Taylor. Thank you for everything!”
“Ugh c’mon,” she wriggles out. She’d never been very affectionate.
“Where’s your bloke?” I look out for him.
“He taking a call. Anyway don’t change the fucking subject!”
“What subject!?” I ask as someone dances past me, fluttering their fingers in my direction. I blow them a kiss.
“C’mere,” she’s annoyed I’m distracted. She drags me off to the side and I hold a finger up to Harry as he watches us. “When the fuck were you going to tell us about her? And you invite her to your wedding and everything and nobody knows anything!?”
“What?” I was drunker than I thought or Taylor was making no sense. “Wha?”
“The girl you just took a photo with? Don’t act stupid Y/N jeez I can’t believe it. You hid it from me when it happened but why are you still hiding…”
My sister grows more upset as she talks, I realize it was serious. Taylor rarely allowed herself to get this worked up in public.
I put my hand on her shoulder but she shakes it off. I think hard about who she was talking about. Who had I just taken photos with?
Some of Harry’s friends took a picture lifting us up, then there was a photo with my cousin but that can’t be who Taylor was talking about. There was Andie, a few other friends and their partners, then Bridget and Bridget and Philippe.
“Wait what are…who do you think that is? Taylor I work-“
“Your daughter! Why are you still acting fucking clueless!”
“What’s happening?” Harry walks in mid-way into the conversation.
“God you too!” Taylor turns to him and hits the back of her hand on his chest. He rubs the spot and stares at her like she’d gone crazy.
“Me too what?”
“Harry?” His mum walks up to us, her brows pulled together the same way Harry’s does when he’s confused.
“Who’s that girl? With the brown hair? Purple dress?”
She’s eyeing Bridget who’s laughing with Philippe.
“Bridget?” Harry glances at me and Taylor grows more pink.
“Bridget? That’s her name?” Taylor blinks away tears. “Really y/n? I get when it happened I was a child, you and mom kept it from me. But she’s, you invite her to you-“
“Invite who?!” I shout. What the hell did Taylor think.
“Y/n,” Harry puts his hand on my lower back in warning.
“Your daughter?” Taylor says with teary eyes and a look of betrayal on her face. “That’s your daughter isn’t it? She looks just like…”
“Jesus I thought the same thing,” Anne looks at all of us. “Harry?”
“That’s not-“ he stops talking and we all look over at her. I had to say, right now she really could be. With her hair curled and wearing what she’s wearing. She could be family.
“She’s my TA. I’ve known her for a couple years guys I’ve bloody taught her. That’s not our daughter. She wasn’t even supposed to be here tonight? Harry invited her last minute.”
They all turn to look at me. Taylor looks miffed, she bites her lip as she looks at her one last time.
“That’s weird. Nevermind.”
She leaves like she didn’t just make a big scene. Anne covers her hand with her mouth and shakes her head. “I’m sorry loves, I didn’t mean to upset anyone-“
“You didn’t do anything,” I reassure her. Taylor did. And she couldn’t even say sorry.
“Don’t worry mum,” Harry pays her arm. She fades into the crowd and Harry stands in front of me so all I see is him. “She’ll get air, she’ll be fine.”
“But how could she just cause such a big scene like I’d hide something like that from her? On my wedding day! And then leave without even apologizing ugh! She is still such a brat sometimes!”
“I know, she’ll apologize later just let her be.” He knew Taylor enough. He knew her at 13 and he knew her now. That’s exactly what she would do. “We’re getting you a shot.”
“That’s the last thing I need! I’m already kinda tipsy Har.”
“This won’t tip you over c’mon. Shake it off.”
He leads me to the bar and we take a shot. I nearly spill half of it, it was awful whatever it was. I lose Harry as we get back to the dancing and end up behind Bridget instead. Philippe noticed me first and slows his dancing, which signals Bridget to turn around.
“Y/n!” Her smile is so bright it hurts to look at. It dims as I just stare at her.
It would be crazy. It was a big fat coincidence. She had a mum, a dad, a sister, she told me all about them. Her childhood dog and the time she twisted her ankle playing football in year 4. She wasn’t who we wanted her to be.
“Are you alright?” I read her lips. There’s only ringing in my ears. “Hey! Y/n!”
Philippe is suddenly on my other side and I’m being led to a chair. He disappears and Bridget pulls a chair beside me.
“What’s,” my voice sticks and I clear my throat. “What’s going on between you two? He’s your date?”
“Philippe?” Bridget’s brows draw together and I can’t stop looking at where they meet. I knew her. I didn’t know her. I was too afraid to ask. “No just friends.”
“That’s not the way he’s looking at you.”
“What?” She tucks her hair back. “No we’ve been friends since high school. It’s not like that?”
“What would you do if he got a girlfriend?” It was a random conversation to have, here and right now but it helps me from tumbling anywhere else. Especially into a pool of what-ifs.
“I’d,” she shrugs but a flicker passes through her face, for a second her jaw clenches. “Be happy for him.”
“I’m not! Why are you asking?”
“You two like each other. I see the way he looks at you when you’re not looking. Why did you invite him tonight?”
She shrugs, picking at something on her arm. “I dunno. He’s good at being a plus one. He always supports me? He’s always been there for me.”
“Sorry,” he shows up with a glass of water. “I swear the guy behind the bar was ignoring me.”
“Thank you Philippe,” by now I didn’t really need the water but I hold the icy glass in my hands. “Let’s see the pictures you took. I want them in my inbox or something soon. We don’t get our official photos for months.”
“Oh yeah here,” Phillipe hands over his phone after opening the photo. There are a couple of all of us, and then a few with just Bridget standing between Harry and I smiling.
I look between all three of us and feel something in my gut. But it’s too scary and big to unpack right now. I shove it away. I couldn’t do this. Not today, not tonight.
“You look beautiful Bridget,” I touch a lock of her hair. “Did I already say that?”
“Yeah,” she smiles awkwardly. “You said that before the photo.”
“You do. And so do you Philippe. Thank you for attending my wedding.”
“Thanks for inviting us,” Bridget looks at me wide-eyed, like she’s about to say something but when Philippe’s hand lands on her shoulder she looks down.
“What?” I ask anyway. Her eyes dart like prey to me, to Philippe, and down to her hands. I grab her hand and force her to look at me, like I could read something in her eyes. Like I would know. “Bridget.”
She looks up and her eyes well with tears as we look into each other’s eyes. My throat feels tight like I was having an allergic reaction, it travels down to my chest, I inadvertently feel myself squeezing her hand.
“I’m so-“
“Bridget,” Philippe’s voice cuts through whatever Bridget was going to apologize for. I look up at him and he’s burning a hole staring at her that hard. Over his head I see Harry.
“Oh look I see my husband,” Harry’s spots me too, relief in his features. His eyes stay on my face as he walks towards me and his eyes keep my steady. I want to tell him something, but everything that just happened was so non-verbal and unreal that I think I made it all up. I must be because this was insane and there was no explanation other than I was drunk, and sadder than I realized. “Gotta go kids. Have fun. I think I need another shot.”
I remember the rest of the night in snapshots. I forget myself later, giving myself up to Harry after that. We actually make it to dawn in a mixture of love and declarations, filthy words and I love yous, laughter and deeper conversations. It’s everything we were. It’s just like he promised.
Life moves on and I don’t bring anything up to Harry. I couldn’t, either I’m wrong and get his hopes up, or he thinks I’d gone insane in my sadness.
I feel like Bridget avoids me the week after, I return to class and she sits there, even takes questions after class, but she makes an excuse of studying during office hours and I barely get a few words with her. The week after she has an exam and she skips out after class.
I’m antsy. I want to know more about her; from her. I’m tempted to find a way to access her profile, get more info via the school. But I wait.
Harry notices, as we prep for our honeymoon booked over the holidays, he continues to ask if I was alright. And I try to convince us both I was.
About 3 weeks after the wedding, it’s a Saturday afternoon. Harry’s making lunch and I’m sitting in a pile of our books trying to decide what can be donated.
“Can you get that?” Harry asks.
“The door?” He says just as there’s another knock. I’d been so entranced in the book I’d randomly started reading a passage of I hadn’t even heard.
I scramble to get it before the next knock and nearly stumble back when I find Bridget at the door.
“Hiya,” she says with an awkward wave.
“Hi…Bridget. What…come in what’s going on?”
“Sorry? Now that I’m here I should have called first.” She comes in and I go further in, waiting for her to follow. She hesitates before peeling her wet boots off.
“Harry? We have a guest,” I announce as I take her further into the home. I guess she’d already been here once before. “Bridget what can we do you for? Did you need something?”
“Bridget!” Harry pops out of the kitchen into the adjoined living room when we get closer. “Nice to see you again! I’m nearly done lunch, did you want to stay?”
What was it with Harry randomly inviting Bridget to things that were not pre-discussed.
“Um, I no. I probably shouldn’t. I just, came by to talk?”
“Sure,” I lead her to our dining table. “Is it about school? Did something happen?”
I sit across from her and Harry mumbles something, turning the dials down on the stovetop before sitting beside me.
Bridget’s eyes dart everywhere, from me to Harry, to the pictures on the wall, the kitchen, the books all over the floor.
“I was just doing a clearout,” I say to fill the silence. “Hey you like books right? Look through that pile there later if you want any of ‘em.”
“Actually,” she tucks her hair behind her ear. I feel Harry tense beside me. “I have a book for you.”
She leans down to where her tote rests and pulls something out. She lays it on her lap first, where we can’t see it. When she looks up to us she has tears in her eyes and her chin quivers.
“Please,” she whispers before pausing. My stomach drops as I take her in. Her face is blotchy and her hair hangs around her face, hiding half of it. She’s definitely cried before coming here, and I almost feel like deja vu as she places the book on the table. “Please don’t hate me.”
She slides it across to us. It’s just a simple leather hardcover, about 30cm by 30cm. The thing in my gut, the suspicion or the intuition, it turns into a cackling ball of energy and moves up to my sternum. I put my hand over it, and then move it to Harry’s leg. He’s frozen like a statue, staring at the book.
“Please open it?” Bridget says with tears streaking her face.
When Harry doesn’t make a move I pull it the rest of the way towards us. I open the first page to a few baby pictures.
I’d never held her in my hands, never even saw her. I’d pushed her out into this world, into another’s arms. But somehow I know who this is.
“Bridget,” I don’t even look at her. I start to frantically flip through the pages. The baby grows, 2 months, 6 months, 1 years old. Another girl joins in some photos, she always has an arm around the other child. I flip and flip and flip and even though I’m expecting it the photo stops my breathing.
I stare at the clone, or the original, of the photo on my fridge.
I’m frozen until another photo is slid towards us. It comes into view: two teenagers on Halloween night. The guy is dressed like the girl, the girl is dressed like the guy.
I throw my chair back and in the time it takes to walk to Bridget she stands too.
“I’m so sorry,” she sobs but I just do what I wanted to do the second she was born.
I hug her. I hold her to my chest the way I never got to over 19 years ago. She belonged here. She never got to be here.
She was finally home. My daughter.
“Bridget,” I cry into her hair. Harry’s hair. She had Harry’s hair, his eyes. She got my nose and everything else. I was holding my daughter. She was in my arms, finally.
She really did look like Taylor as a baby.
“I’m sorry,” she cries again. “I was so scared and I screwed up and-“
“No.” I say fiercely. I push her out of the hug so I can grab her face. I wipe her tears and I nearly cry again. How many tears had I missed? Over skinned knees, playground taunts, first crushes and friendship breakups. How many tears had I missed? “Don’t say that. You’re here. You’re—Harry!”
I turn to him, why wasn’t he here?
He’s sat exactly where he was before. Frozen, staring at a spot between the picture of us and Bridget.
I let go of Bridget and move back to him.
“Baby,” I touch his arm and he springs up. Tears coat his lashes.
“‘Scuse me,” he brushes past me and heads out into the hall. Away from us. I want to go after him but I don’t want to leave Bridget—our daughter, alone.
“I’m sorry I knew I would ruin things I-“
“Please,” I want to go after him so bad but I go to Bridget and pull her into a gentler hug. When we part I keep hold of her shoulders. I never wanted to let her go. “He’s just processing it. He’s fine. He’s not mad at you I promise. Promise.”
She bites her lip, it reminds me of Taylor. She was a bit of everyone I knew and loved. She was the love that Harry and I always had. She was ours.
“I just got so scared when I tried to reach…I didn’t mean to deceive you. I didn’t. I felt terrible every day.”
“It’s okay,” I tuck her hair behind her ear. “There’s nothing to be sorry about-“
“But I saw you,” she cuts me off. “After I finally called you back and then just like, ghosted you. And every time I saw you at school it was like…I knew I was to blame. And it made me want to tell you even more but I got more scared any time I came close to it. I almost said it at your wedding—it would have been so stupid. Philippe stopped me.”
“I understand,” I did. I also didn’t care about any of it. She was here. That’s all I cared about. I wanted to know everything about her, I needed Harry here though. “Look Harry…your…Harry. I’m just going to check on him. You stay here and just…”
I trail off and leave. I had to be sure he was okay.
He’s not in the bedroom, or the office. I try the door to the toilet and it opens, he’s sitting on the edge of the tub with his head in his hands.
“She leave?” He asks in a hoarse voice.
“Oh baby,” I crouch in front of him. “No. She’s still here but I just wanted to check on you.”
“I’m pathetic,” he buries his hands in his hair. “I’ve been waiting my whole adult life for this and all I do is freeze. Her first impression is of her dad just freezing and then running away.”
I try not to laugh at his dramatic retelling. “Har you know that’s not true. She’s known you before this. It was a shock-“
“You were fine.”
“You know I…always suspected. Especially after the wedding.”
He looks up at that, finally. “You never said.”
“Harry, I felt crazy. Saying it out loud would have forced me to check myself into the psych ward. We all react differently, it doesn’t matter though. Our baby girl is here. The day we talked about!”
He takes a deep breath, and then another one. I guide him to stand and he looks so limp and sad that I squeeze him in a hug. “She doesn’t care how you reacted. She just wants to know you.”
Harry sighs again, he splashes his face with water and we walk out. I was nervous for him.
We walk back into the living room and my heart sinks when Bridget isn’t there. But her things are?
A few steps further and she’s at the stovetop, stirring a pot.
“Oh sorry,” she steps back and nearly throws the spatula into the pot. “It was boiling a lot and-“
“Bridget,” Harry ignores most of what she’s saying and she freezes at the sound of her name. He’s a foot away from her now. I watch him raise a hand to her face and then drop it. His face is a cross between heartbreak and awe as they drink each other in. I wait in anticipation.
“Hi,” she finally says shyly. But it breaks the ice. Harry pulls her into a hug and she returns it tenfold from the looks of it. I can’t tell who’s crying, but I give them their moment as I turn the dials off on the stovetop.
It was just a regular Saturday, except it wasn’t. Our worlds exploded with our past and was putting itself back together again, all the old broken pieces were being mended back together with love. My chest drowns in it, I can barely breathe. In Harry’s arms, there’s no denying she’s ours.
“Thank you,” Bridget says as we tuck into dinner. Harry’s lunch prep had gone cold as we’d all sat down and talked about how Bridget found us (looking me up, finding out I was teaching a course she was interested in, forcing her friend Philippe to take it to see if I was who she thought I was), and going through her album. I found out more about her sister Louisa and her parents. It was weird seeing pictures of them, in my mind they were the people that took my baby as their own and for Bridget they were mum and dad.
We finally decide to do something about food when our stomachs rumble. Harry goes back to cooking, showing Bridget what he’s doing until she leaves to take a call. I recognize Philippe on the caller ID.
I take Bridget’s place but I’m more of an extra weight tied to Harry’s back as I hug hun from behind. We don’t even have words on what this all means to us. For now, just touching each other keeps us grounded, it keeps is in what was happening together.
Bridget comes back from the call when we’re nearly done.
“I just want to say I am sorry—and I know you said not to be,” Bridget says quickly before I can get a word in. “But I never meant to deceive the both of you. My plan was to take your class, leave the letter and then talk. I Googled you so much it felt like I knew you. Yet when we spoke in your office that day, you felt familiar but In a different way than the person I studied. I just liked you so much, and I wanted you to like me. I was scared maybe you wouldn’t. So I just screwed the plan and messed up everything.”
“Hey,” Harry hands her a tissue and she takes it. Under the table he squeezes my hand. “It’s in the past.”
“I know. Still made me feel awful. And I couldn’t tell you but I also couldn’t stay away. I applied for TA and, it felt like having a friend and a sister and a mentor all in one. And I…I screwed up. I took it too far. And then you invited me to your wedding—I got to attend my parents’ wedding! It was so absurd. I couldn’t stop crying.”
Sounded like me. But I don’t say anything. We listen to her attentively.
“I only told my sister. I wanted to tell you two before I told my parents.”
I think about my parents. Harry’s. I didn’t want to overwhelm her but I couldn’t wait to introduce her to everyone that already loved her.
“I just hope…no, I know I hurt you two a lot. I didn’t mean to. I am really sorry about it all.”
“Bridget,” Harry’s hand comes down on hers. “What’s done is over. There are so many things we wish we did differently but ultimately it’s all done. All that matters is you’re here, now. You’re our daughter we never got to meet and you’re finally here.”
Harry’s voice cracks on the last word and he sits back and laughs away the tears. “Sorry. I’m a mess today aren’t I? Your first impression of me is a crying mess.”
“That’s not my first impression,” Bridget laughs but her eyes also fill with tears. “That night at the pub. When I saw you two together I nearly bloody fainted! When I looked you up y/n, there’d been an old wedding registry with another bloke. But then seeing you two together?! I just couldn’t believe it—I thought I dreamed it. And then I nearly cried because my bio parents were somehow together?? And the way you just stared into my soul it felt like you knew who I was.”
I laugh, remembering but also knowing exactly what look Bridget was talking about. “He does have a piercing look doesn’t he?”
“Yeah. It could gut someone!”
“That makes it sound awful!” Harry laughs. “Don’t say that.”
“It nearly gutted me! I really thought oh shite—“ Bridget freezes and looks between us like we were gonna scold her for swearing and I nearly leap across the table to hug her again then. “I uhm, I thought you knew who I was.”
“We thought it then,” I let my eyes roam over her. I realize I’d always been a mother, despite not having my daughter. Holding her earlier had awoken an instinct in me and now every time I look at her I feel a rush of love and something fierce. I wonder if Harry felt it too. “But we thought we were mental!”
Her phone chimes as we laugh. She flips it around and then tucks it into her purse.
“You need to take that?” Harry asks.
“No it’s just Philippe. He was at the wedding? I was just talking to him, I hadn’t texted him in a while he wanted to know how it went.”
“Philippe,” I say with a knowing smile. Bridget blushes and Harry asks what he’s missing out on so I fill him in.
“He sounds like a good lad,” Harry comments.
“A good lad?” I repeat. “Are you hearing him?”
Bridget laughs behind her hand and I can’t stop staring at her. I have to force myself to go back to eating.
“He is. I might have told him about how I felt?”
“Wow,” I put my fork down. “You’re confessing an awful lot lately.”
She blushes even deeper. And suddenly I’m grateful of the weird and layered way she’d come into our lives. Despite hiding the truth, it had allowed us to get to know each other as people first. Without any baggage or give me any inclination to fit who I thought she should be onto who was in front of me.
I got to know her for the young woman she was first, so did Harry in a way. And I would be forever grateful for that despite all the pain in between.
“Sorry,” I get up. The affection was overflowing from my cup. “I’m going to give you another hug because I just can’t believe all this.”
“Ohh,” Bridget stands to meet me and we wrap our arms around each other. Here was a girl I already knew, here was my daughter waiting to be known.
“God, she really is our daughter.” Harry quips from his side of the table. He explains when Bridget looks over at him, “y/n is known to be a big touchy person, I’m kinda like that too.”
“Oh my god,” she smiles at us. “I’m like that too! My sister hates hugs. My dad’s 2 pats on the back man, 3 if he’s feeling a lot. I always wondered if…”
She trails off. It seems to hit all of us all over again every so often. For me it’s when she talks about her mum and dad and it’s not Harry and I. The reminder that she went 19 years becoming her own person that we now were catching up on.
For her, it seems it was realizing all the parts of us that were in her.
“You got Harry’s hair, and eyes.” I comment.
“I did! I realized that as soon as I saw a photo online. But I do look a bit like you.”
“You do! I should show you some younger pictures of us and our families. You’ll see more similarities.”
“Wow. So you have a younger sister. How about you Harry?”
“Older sister. Seems we all have sisters.”
Bridget and I make eye contact, remembering a conversation we had what feels like ages ago about having sisters.
We continue our dinner, swapping stories and filling her in on anything she wants to know. She leaves after, claiming to have to get back home, she had an exam on Monday to study for.
When she leaves Harry and I can’t stop talking about her. Or gushing would be more accurate.
“Did you see the way she laughs?” I’d tell him. “Pure you!”
“The way she tucks her hair back,” he would retaliate. “Just like you. You did that especially back in secondary.”
We talk until we’re exhausted, crawling into bed just staring in wonder. There were still so many details to figure out, so many things to cover, it could drown a person thinking of it all.
But like an anchor in the sea, Harry and I fall asleep with hand clasped together. We keep each other buoyed amidst it all.
It was going to take time for this all to sink in but all I’ve ever had was time, and questions. I think I was finally getting time and answers.
Age 39:
Harry’s pov: Having our daughter in our lives is simple and complicated at the same time. At first there were a lot of things to untangle but as time went on, the knots loosened until our lives became their own knots, tangled into each other.
Meeting her parents, the people I met once many years ago, was likely the strangest part. They already felt so familiar as soon as they greeted us in a warm embrace, as if we were there own children. I guess the last time they saw us we were.
“Oh look at you,” Bridget’s mum had squeezed us tight. Her dad had pat us three times and we took it to mean as much as a hug.
In my mind they were always the age they had been then. They were probably around the age we are now. Seeing them sport greys and fine lines, it was like stepping into a time portal.
Lou, Bridget’s sister, eyes us for the first little while before warming up and sharing all kinds of stories—especially the embarrassing kind with us.
When Bridget meets Y/n’s family, I can tell they’re loud and overwhelming at first but we’re all surprised when Taylor embraces Bridget and takes to her immediately.
She brings out old pictures they had of Y/N and I, but every time she says, “your mum and dad…” when she talks about us through the pictures, I notice y/n protesting less and less.
It makes me feel funny, I keep thinking I was going to wake up and find out it had all been a dream.
“This feels very full circle to me,” y/n’s mum says. She’s watching Taylor talk about her baby bump—she was 3 months along. “I saw Bridget as a wee baby when they handed her over to her parents. I remember running late to hospital and making it to the room just in time to see it. I blinked and now she’s in my living room!”
“Sometimes I feel the same way,” I confess.
My family is slightly quietier but they all fuss over our daughter. They ask a million questions and when it’s all over we take Bridget for ice cream. It’s a pseudo-recreation of a life we never had.
Bridget eases into it too. At first she had bouts of disappearing on us. No more than a couple days. But we give her space, understanding it was overwhelming.
Every time I see her, I see her mum—y/n. I was never there when y/n gave birth. We had to drive up from London when we got the news and by the time I got there the dust had settled.
I never even had the potential of seeing her. I’d always been more sympathetic of y/n; her loss had been physical, mine was slightly more abstract.
Even though I’d spent every year since regretting that I wasn’t there to at least glimpse her, I’m glad now I hadn’t been there to see her. If I had to live the last 18 years with this feeling in my chest I don’t think I could have lasted that long. I don’t know how y/n did it. It’s a concoction of deep unconditional love, and tenderness, and recognition, wrapped in a shell of protectiveness. It took me a while to sort through it all but I had a conversation with my parents one night at dinner Y/n and I had visited. And they’d laughed because they had told me that was simply what being a parent was.
“Maybe she regrets it,” I had said the second time she ghosted us. Really it had just been over a day where she hadn’t gotten back to us. But I couldn’t help the overthinking, being tuned into any potential of loss with our daughter.
Somehow, y/n was the cool headed between us two in these moments. Maybe it was being a mum, maybe it was knowing Bridget beforehand, but she was very in sync with her.
“She needs space. The last thing we want her to be is overwhelmed too. Now don’t overwhelm yourself love, at least she’s in our lives.” She’d say.
It takes us the start of the summer and all those meets later for Bridget to finally feel at ease.
We invite her on a road trip, we were renting a place in the Cotswold for a few days and told her to bring Philippe. When she doesn’t even hesitate to say yes Y/n tells me we’d done it: she was finally more comfortable than overwhelmed.
“Y/N made me a better man,” I say after a couple drinks. We’re all sat around a fire outside the house. Despite it being a warm day of hiking the night had cooled significantly and we’d decided that boozy hot cocoas was the way to go. “I’ve lost my ways a lot of times as an adult. But she’s always been my north star. Even when we got back together she led me to being sober and getting my shite together.”
“Oh…” Philippe looks down at his drink. “Are you…”
“No,” I laugh, Philippe was the most-conscientious teen I’d ever met. “I got sober to get my life in order. But…it’s in order now. I haven’t done anything crazy for over a year now.”
A little before our wedding I decided I wanted to end my sobriety. It had been a thought for months, and I had waited before giving in. But I really felt more in control of my life. I faced my life decisions head on, I confronted my past with y/n’s help, and I didn’t think I’d lose control again. It had been a shaky first week but I was right. It was a proud moment for me.
“You two really have something special,” Bridget comments.
“They do,” Philippe adds. “I can’t believe you got your happy ending after so many years!”
“Yeah,” y/n says as I lay my hand on her thigh, palm up. “Y’know what they say about loving someone and letting them go.”
“I guess you did that with me,” Bridget says so quietly we almost don’t hear her. But out here in the countryside we do.
“We didn’t want to,” I remind her.
“No I know.” She smiles, it’s a bit sad. Philippe tugs her closer. I could see how much he cared for her in that small gesture. “I’m not saying it like that. I hear your story and I just imagine how different my life would have been if I was raised by my, by you two. I wouldn’t have this life. And I really like this life.”
She looks at Philippe and I feel y/n squeeze my hand. She often said they reminded her of us when we were younger; the kind of love you’d do anything for.
“But you two loved me enough to let me go. To let each other go. It’s fucking sad but it’s beautiful. Life’s weird.”
“Here here,” Y/N raises her nearly empty cup of hot cocoa. “Life’s weird, sad, beautiful, but lately my life’s been full of so much love. I wish I could sell all the excess, I think I could solve a lot of world problems with it.”
“Wow,” I lean over and kiss the top of her head. “That’s one hell of a speech.”
“I have a speech,” Philippe stands, a little tipsy, and clears his throat. Bridget rolls her eyes but they shine for him. “Bridget you’re the love of my life. Since we were 13. But Harry and Y/N, I think I love you too. Ever since we were 15, I’ve watched Bridge struggle for answers about her past. And you two have given her all the answers, welcomed her—and me actually, into your lovely life. I’ve watched her become old Bridge but even more confident. I’m falling harder for her these days. And I can’t thank you guys enough.”
“Aw Philippe come here,” y/n lets of my hand to walk around and give him a hug. How quickly strangers became family.
Bridget grumbles about being left out and joins the hug. Soon I join in too. I want to create a mold of this moment, I think as I squeeze them against me, I’d make it out of plaster and let it dry. Any time we wanted, we could always find our way back to this moment here.
Age 40:
Y/N and I watch our daughter cross the stage. Beside us are our parents and in front of us sits Bridget’s parents and her sister. She has a whole army cheering for her. This was the first milestone event we could all really show up for, and show up we did.
“I can’t believe this,” I was so proud of her. I know the kudos went to her parents, and herself, but I beam with pride. Honestly Bridget could spin in a circle in front of me and I would be a proud dad.
“We need to get photos,” mum leans over and says so seriously, as if we hadn’t planned on getting a million already.
We have a framed picture in our hall, Y/N and I on our wedding day, our daughter in between us. Her graduation photo is definitely making it. She makes fun of this wall, calls it the Styles hall of fame, and I never mention it but she always lingers a few second longer in front of the photo of the three of us.
I do too.
“It makes me so sad you won’t be so close to me anymore,” my mum tells Bridget later. We’re all piled in our flat, drinks and celebratory cake in everyone’s hands.
It reminds me of mine and y/n’s 40th birthday, we had gathered our family and friends here and it was some of their first times meeting our daughter. Today is more intimate, and focused on Bridget.
“I know it makes me sad too, but I’ll be here often, visiting Philippe.”
“Only visiting Philippe?” I raise a brow.
“Is there someone else I’m supposed to be visiting?” She mirrors my raised brow.
As Bridget’s gotten more comfortable, me and her could banter for hours if you let us, it’s one of those things that brought us closer together—having the same sense of humour. It’s allowed us to have just as deep heart-to-hearts, a handy joke always close to the surface.
Y/N always says seeing me like that, thoughtful and silly, reminds her of the boy she fell for. I can’t deny that I’ve been feeling closer to my 20 year old self than my 40 year old self lately.
“She’s too cheeky,” Bridget’s mum says. “But I have to say I’ll be glad to have her back.”
Lou, Bridget’s sister, was moving to Wales. Apparently she wanted to know more about her background, and take a trip with her bio mum to visit her bio dad.
I think Bridget was moving back to Coventry to keep her parents’ loneliness away; she said she would commute to Birmingham for school. Even though she got accepted into law schools in London, going to a uni close to her parents just showed me how close she was to her parents. It was a bittersweet feeling.
“I’ll have somebody to watch cricket with again,” her dad says.
“Ohh,” Bridget throws her sister a side-eye. “I love cricket…”
We all laugh at her complete lack of concealing her true feelings.
Later that night, it’s just Bridget’s parents and us. The kids are on the balcony talking.
“I know we’ve said it before,” I say after a long silence. We’d just been watching the kids talk and laugh outside. “But I want to say thank you again.”
Bridget’s dad shakes his head. “It was the greatest pleasure of our lives getting to raise those two girls.”
He looks over at his wife and they smile at one another. Seeing them interact, I’m grateful that somehow fate had led us to them. While Y/N and I were figuring life out, while I fucked up a lot of things, she was raised on a steady and stable foundation.
“She’s incredible,” I murmur. “She’s gonna be a lawyer. She’s going to change the world.”
“She sure will,” her mum says. “We should be thanking you two. For giving us Bridget. I know it wasn’t easy, you told me you thought about her nearly every day. But we can’t imagine our lives without her.”
We sit in a comfortable silence, looking out at the kids until they notice and start to ask questions through the glass.
“She’s happier,” her mum says smiling at Bridget and Lou exaggerating their words through the glass. “She stopped being like this before she left for uni. We thought we lost her but…I think everything worked out for the best.”
Y/N glances at me. Her eyes crinkle when she finds me looking at her first, her eyes steady me as she says what I was thinking, “I think so too.”
Age 45
Your pov: “When did she say she would be here?”
“6?” Harry says for the tenth time.
“It’s 6:20 do you think something happened? She hasn’t texted has she?”
“My love,” Harry puts down the cutlery he was arranging on the table and holds my face in his hands. “They’re driving from Coventry, they probably hit some traffic.”
“Maybe I should call her?”
Harry sighs and squishes my face.
“Don’t! You’ll make more wrinkles.” I warn.
“I love your wrinkles,” Harry kisses my forehead right where the pesky wrinkles had been growing deeper over the last few years despite the additions to my night routine.
Harry always said our wrinkles were just the stories of our lives showing through. I told him to get himself undereye cream.
“You don’t think I’m aging handsomely?” He strokes the moustache he started growing last year. At this age, even I couldn’t deny it made him even more attractive.
“Well it’s no good if you’re ageing handsomely and I age like a troll.”
“I will love you if you age into a troll.”
“But will you love me if I turn into a worm?”
“Do you even have to ask? I’d buy you the best soil and keep you in a beautiful pot.”
“You wouldn’t take me fishing?” I ask. He sighs. Last year while we were taking a trip up north for Lou’s wedding, we’d gotten into a fight and when I asked him the question while he was still stewing he said he’d take me fishing. It had, ironically, broken the iciness of his anger and we’d laughed about it so hard he’d nearly had to pull over.
“I wouldn’t do that to you,” he wraps me into his chest nearly suffocating me.
I’d spent half my life with a lot of difficulties, but life now felt easy compared to it. I had the privilege of getting older with the man I adored, got to watch my daughter flourish as an adult and a lawyer, watch her get married to the love of her life, and all the while live comfortably in the heart of this city I called home.
When Bruno starts barking though, I gasp and push myself off of Harry, “that’s them!”
Bruno continues to bark as I rush to the door. We’d got him a couple years ago as a pup and I can’t believe it had taken us that long to get a dog. He filled our lives with laughter and long walks. We loved him.
“Down.” I say to him. I open the door and hold my hands out while Bruno runs in circles beside me.
“Ahhh sorry we’re late!” Bridget steps into my hug and I tug Philippe’s hood so he can join. Bruno goes for Philippe when they walk in, he’d gotten obsessed with him after Philippe took care of him while Harry and I took an anniversary trip last year.
“Where are my hellos!?” Bridget says to Bruno and he barks, standing on his back legs to paw at her leg.
I hadn’t seen the two of them since March, that was 6 months ago. It had been their wedding, and they’d gone on a month long honeymoon after that, after which Harry and I had taken time off to road trip around Europe with Bruno, and then time had just zipped by.
After a hearty dinner, Harry and I carry out the birthday cake we’d been hiding.
“You didn’t have to do this!” Bridget fans her face but we treat it like we do any special occasion, plus making up for all the ones we’d missed. We get photos and exchange presents, she cries reading the cards and the whole time she says she had a present for us.
It’s a small bag, Harry and I guess that it was something for Bruno but when we take out a box it doesn’t sound like much when we shake it.
“Is this a prank gift? There’s nothing in it?” Harry asks.
“Open it!” He was making me antsy.
“You open it,” he hands me the box. Bridget and Philippe stare intently at my hands.
I undo the bow and slowly open the box. There’s a small square of tissue paper, and then a piece of paper. I remove both but something catches my eye.
I flip the paper over and stop breathing.
“Is that-“ Harry stops talking too. We stare at the piece of paper in our hands. It looks so much like one I had held 28 years ago. But it’s not.
“Bridge,” I look up at the couple. The parents-to-be.
“We’re having a baby,” Bridget says. Philippe and her are gripping hands and I throw everything off of me to launch myself at her.
“A baby!” I hear Harry say and joining us. “You’re having a baby! Y/n!”
“I never thought we’d be grandparents,” I look up at Harry.
“Those wrinkles were coming in for a reason,” he teases.
We never did have any other kids. Quite frankly, neither of us wanted any. When we first got together we were just starting to get comfortable with the reminder that we had a daughter out there and we could talk about her freely with each other. It felt like having a third person in our little family.
After Harry proposed, while we planned our wedding, we talked about it but we never thought it felt right. We both had first marriages where a lack of conceiving had just put a strain on the relationship we didn’t think we needed. We’d also felt like it was betraying something, before we met our first child.
When Bridget did reach out, it became about catching up on lost time. And then with her in our lives we knew what we suspected all along. We had each other, and that was enough. Bridge was our bonus. And getting to be aunt and uncle to our nieces and nephews it was enough. It was a full enough life.
We never even dreamed in our 20s we’d get to be parents and now we would get to be grandparents! I never realized until this moment that I wanted this. Really wanted it.
“Do you know the gender?” Harry asks.
“No,” Philippe answers. “We were thinking of doing one of those reveal parties? But not for a couple months.”
“Wow,” my hands drift down to Bridget’s belly and I remember I had something. I leap away from the group and find the box in my closet, it’s painted pink with random collages from old magazines. It hosts old diaries, photos, a hospital bracelet, and an ultrasound.
“This was you once,” I show her the picture when I get back. “I carried you like that once upon a time.”
She takes it with teary eyes, holding it close to her face to make out the shape of her. She hands it to Philippe and grabs my hands.
“I’ve thought about it before, but when I got pregnant I couldn’t wait to tell you-“
“She kept telling me I had to make a trip out to London just so she could give you the news.” Philippe interrupts, eyes scanning the ultrasound still.
“No really,” Bridget laughs. “I did. It’s like I got this new perspective.”
She puts my hands on her belly and covers mine with hers. I feel everything at once then, all the heartbreak I ever went through to get here.
“I can’t imagine giving this baby up. And it’s barely 3 months. What you were willing to do to give me a better life-“
She breaks off and Philippe squeezes her shoulder. I watch my daughter try to gain control of her emotions. I remember when I was pregnant with her, anything would set me off.
“It must not have been easy. After carrying me like this for 9 whole months. Thank you-“ she looks up to where Harry’s standing. I barely register his hand on my shoulder. “Thank you as my mum and dad, for making the hardest decision I can imagine ever making, so I could have something you knew you couldn’t provide.”
I reel my tears in, save them for later that night in bed while Harry holds me tight against him.
Right now I kiss my daughter and tell her what a good mother she will make. I tell her and Philippe how proud I was of them, how excited, how wonderful this was.
Age 46
The day we meet our granddaughter is seared into my brain. We get the call at 8:35pm, Harry and I were staying in a B&B in Coventry despite Bridget’s mum insisting we stay with her. We’d been here all weekend, booked it all week, not wanting to miss Bridget’s delivery date.
“Y/N she’s here,” her mum whispers into the phone. Her voice is filled with joy and giddiness. “She’s here.”
“We’re coming,” I say. Harry’s already at the door and we rush out into the night to see our granddaughter.
She has the perfect little face, and when she finally wakes up I gasp when I see Harry’s eyes looking back at me. I turn to him, to see if he noticed, but he’s teary-eyed and gazing at the baby in awe. I soak it in for a second, imagining this exact look if we’d kept our baby so many years ago.
Bridget’s parents had given us the room, to give us a moment alone, and I can’t be more grateful. Bridget encourages us to hold her and as her soft body is pressed into my body I let out a sob and hand her over to Harry. I excuse myself and step outside the room.
Lou’s kids sit on the floor outside, playing with whatever toys are spilling out of a miniature backpack. I focus on the flashy colours, trying to calm down, counting the number of toys falling out.
My life was a 180 from 10 years ago. This moment would go down in our history books as one of the best days of our lives.
But I can’t deny the bittersweet. The experience threatens to push me into the bitter past of not even getting to hold Baby Bridget. But with it comes an undeniable sweetness of getting to experience this now.
I take a deep breath and walk back in. Harry and Bridget stop mid-sentence and turn to me. Bridget’s face is streaked with tears, Harry’s looks concerned but I smile. He sits with the pink bundle to his chest and I ache.
“Don’t look so obvious you were talking about me,” I try a joke.
“Are you alright?” Bridget asks.
“May I hold her?” I ask in return.
I sit on the edge of the bed and she’s placed in my arms; she’s perfect. Just as perfect as Bridget must have been.
“She’s got Philippe’s hair,” I gently stroke the wispy blonde strands.
“She’s got my eyes, her grandpa’s eyes.”
I look at Harry. And he catches the stricken look on my face when Bridget tips forward and whispers to her baby.
“Look baby, this is your mumma’s mum, and your mumma’s dad. You’ve got his beautiful eyes. Say hi to grandma!”
My throat tightens. “Bridge.”
She leans away, her eyes dart between us. “I know I call you Y/N and Harry. It made it easier at first but…you are my mum and dad. Even though I have another pair. You are my mum and dad. And I want her to know you like that.”
“Oh love,” Harry leans down and kisses the top of our daughter’s head. She keeps her green eyes trained on me, grasping my hand that’s wrapped under her baby’s.
I mouth a thank you, my voice couldn’t pass through the block in my throat. She squeezes my hand and it sets the baby off. Remembering when my nephews were this young, I just hand her back to Bridget knowing she only wanted her mum.
Harry and I stay in the waiting room. We couldn’t go home, even though we had spent our allotted time we had inside the room, we stay there.
We watch Lou’s kids as Bridget’s family gathers in her room. We stay as they fall asleep, draped over us. I remember when Taylor’s kids were this small, they would fall asleep anywhere.
We talk in whispers, I don’t remember what about exactly. Mostly how excited we were. How there was so much to look forward to. How different our lives looked a decade ago.
“One day we’ll tell our grandkids,” I remember Harry saying. “We’ll tell them all about us, how we met, how our love burned so bright it shone in the sky. We lost each other but our love was always there to guide us back home.”
“We’ll see them grow up, all the memories we missed.”
“We’ll change diapers.”
“We’ll change diapers,” I giggle, half-delirious by the lack of sleep. It was probably 2am and I was tired.
When I gaze up at Harry I remember him holding our granddaughter. I replace her with Bridget. For a minute I allow myself to imagine how that would have been.
“I think you would have made an amazing mum if we did things differently,” Harry whispers into my hair.
“You too.” I whisper back.
“An amazing mum? You think?” The edge of his lips tug upwards.
“Harry,” I warn. We had kids sleeping on us we were trying not to wake.
“I love you.” He says in response. “To the stars and back.”
On our drive home I can’t stop looking at him. I always wondered how it would be like to grow old with someone; when I was younger and watch my own parents celebrate anniversaries. And then when I was older and my first marriage was so rocky.
But thinking about it now is like a simple mathematical equation. You take two lives, two individuals, and you bracket them in love. You add an exponent—the decision to continue choosing each other. And you get a lifelong commitment. No matter the situation, no matter the challenges or the changes, you choose to choose each other.
His side profile lights up by an oncoming car. For a second he’s the same boy I feel in love with, a few more gray hairs, a few more wrinkles, and a moustache. But he’d always be the boy I followed out to the roof, who held my hand in our high school hallway, the one who turned an I into a we when I got pregnant, I see the man I had coffee with after a run-in at the Whole Foods, I see the broken heart from a harsh life sitting on the steps of a church, I see a bookworm, I see a father, a husband, and now a grandfather. I see the one person who knows me like the back of his hand. The one I am home with always.
“What is it?” Harry asks as we pull into our b&b. “Have you been asleep this whole ride or have you been staring at me?”
“Staring at you?” I ask. “You think I was staring at you the whole ride?”
“Well you were really silent. And facing me
“I was thinking.”
“About me?”
“Why are you so desparate!? Do I not show you enough love regularly?”
“I could always use more,” Harry looks half asleep as we reach our door.
“The people are right: you give someone a hand and watch as they take the whole arm,” I tease.
“When you gave me your hand, I made you a wife.” Harry retorts.
“Ooh,” I poke him. “I have to say that’s a good comeback for being half-asleep.”
Harry grins back. “You keep me sharp.”
“And you keep me happy. Now open the door so I can stop freezing out here!”
We walk into the warmth of our b&b.
For so much of our lives, our past decisions haunted us. We let so much go. Now life was repaying us, returning it all back, with interest.
In a small b&b in the middle of a town called Coventry, two lovers crawl into bed. They’d just become grandparents and they carry an exhausted buzz about them as they try to fall asleep. They’re both thinking of the other, of their daughter, of the tiny bundle they held in their arms today.
Some 20 minutes away their daughter lays in a hospital bed, an exhausted buzz putting her to sleep. She dreams of her mother who gave her up, how she had found her parents in the end, and dreams about the kind of mother she’ll be.
A few doors down lay her newborn daughter, she doesn’t dream of much, not yet, but she’s in for a lifetime of love.
Most of life is what we made it. Y/N and Harry loved deeply enough to make it.
TAGLIST: @quinnwritezz @unknownnbihh @dilfhrrys @umadirectioner @hermionelove @anonymous-91 @meganxfddf
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itsangelll · 3 months
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ℳℴ𝓋ℯ𝒹 ℴ𝓃?
angst to fluff
2010 era!
A/n: I wanna give huge credits to @bunniesthoughts thank you for helping me with this me and her made this together we hope you guys enjoy <3
minors can interact
word count:1k
“GET OUT THEN” I said my voice getting louder by the minute, Tom’s eyes were getting more teary and with that Tom pushed past me and stormed out of the house. Hours pass by Tom hadn’t come back yet “shit pick up pick up please” I tried calling him but no answer my mind was overclouding with thoughts my anxiety was getting worse no text no calls at all.
-time skip
It’s been weeks and tom still hasn’t come back, I’m trying not too overthink anything but it keeps creeping up in the back of my mind. So to take my mind off things, I go sit down and turn on the tv to mtv and I see pictures and videos of Tom and some girl named Anna “what the fuck” I feel tears sting the corner of my eyes, all of the overthinking came true, it wasn’t just a thought it was all real life. I need to talk to him asap.
and the best way was to show up to their concert it took me ages to get there but I made it finally, people were crowded fans screaming and yelling. They came out of the tour bus, my life flashed before my eyes, The rumours were true his arm snug around her waist her beautiful eyes he moved on already?
I felt sick to my stomach, Tom saw me his face was shocked but I didn’t care I ran not daring to look back I could hear him yelling my name and running after me. My eyes were perking up with tears I felt like I was going to collapse. I ended up falling over my knees were bruised my hands were shaking Tom finally caught up and he kneeled down infront of me, “Y/n I didn’t want you to find out like this.” His voice was trembling it sounded like he was about to cry, “You never really loved me did you” my voice was breaking I couldn’t help it, he cupped my face in his hands his dark brown eyes staring into me “I’m sorry but after that fight I didn’t know what to do I thought we were broken up” he said his voice with unbreakable emotion I looked away. We just sat in silence not even saying a word till his twin brother and the rest of the band started calling out to him he got up and walked off.
-time skip
A few weeks had passed me and Tom haven’t spoken at all I see photos of them everyday together, but today I got invited to a interview with Tom to talk about why broke up and how it happened. I didn’t feel like going because the media would’ve twisted my words but then I changed my mind I mean it’s best to get my feelings out? After I got ready I left my apartment and went to the interview. When I got there the interviewer was really nice and told me how what was going to happen, I looked around and I didn’t see Tom anywhere which was off cause he’s never shows up late.
The Interviewer sat me down she asked me a couple of questions about how I knew Tom how we started dating, asked me about their music and everything. Then she asked this “Y/n I know this must be hard for you but would you ever want to try and works out thing with Tom?”
I swear I couldn’t hear her for a second I felt sick, I took a deep breath “I hope I can, him and I instantly click and at the end of the day I miss him heaps”. I said my voice cracking a bit, she nodded after a little while of what seemed like hours the interview was wrapped up and I was on my walking home till I heard someone yelling out to me.
I turned around. It was Tom he came up to me catching his breath it looked like he was gonna collapse Christ “Y/n I saw your interview and there’s so much I wanna say but I can’t say it here”. “Huh? What do you me-“ he put a hand over my mouth and handed me a piece of paper he smiled at me then walked away.
I watch tom walk away, as I grip the piece of paper in my hand once he’s out of sight I open the paper “meet at the lake at 6”- tom I look at the note confused as why he wanted to meet, I mean I’ve seen he has a girlfriend, but I shrug and I get into my car driving to our old spot.
I see Tom sitting on the hood of his car lighting up a cigarette. I park and get out walking up to him “hey” I say softly trying not to startle him “hey.. I wanna talk with you if that’s okay”, he says as he gets off the hood of his car throwing away his cigarette I nod letting him know that I’m listening. “listen I know you saw me with her but truly I didn’t want that to happen, I miss you I don’t know why I didn’t come back and went to go with her. I thought we were done but I miss you.” Tom says as his voice starts to crack.
I go to speak but Tom stops me, “I broke up with her..I wanna give us another try, you were my everything” he says as his eyes start to go glossy and so do mine. “alright I’ll give us another chance” Tom looks at me and a smile forms on his face as he grabs me and pulls me into a tight hug, putting his face in my neck.
“I love you so much meine liebe I promise this will never happen again” I nod as I listen to him pulling away as a tear drips down my cheek “I love you too” I whisper softly as I lean up and softly kiss his lips and lay my head on his chest.
A/n: i hope you guys enjoyed me and @bunniesthoughts loved making this go check her out!! once again thank you for helping me make this I couldn’t have done without you. Anyways bye cuties mwah <3
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lace-coffin · 1 month
hope your day/night is going well! may i request jason's s/o telling him she wishes they could get married and jason ends up making or finding rings (or something else to symbolize their love, doesnt need to be rings!) and they basically just decide that they're married now?
Jason Vorhees x fem!Reader who wants to get married but knows it’s not possible
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Requests are open!
Jason sits perched on the edge of the cabins beaten up sofa, back rod straight and on edge, thick fingers fiddling with themselves in an attempt to sooth. You’d told him you wanted to talk. Jace wasn’t exactly an expert on relationships but that doesn’t sound like a good sign…
“Jay?…Jason? Are you ok honey?”
Whipping his head up as if splashed by cold water he’s back at your attention, ready to listen despite how bad he wants to bolt out the front door. Picking up on his anxiety you scooch closer and take his larger hands into yours, you can feel the clamminess on them, only slightly masking the roughness of his work hardened palms.
“I’m not angry at you, so I don’t want you to worry ok? Can we take some breaths together before we start?”
You pause for a second, cogs turning in your head.
“Come to think of it I’m not sure your lungs actually uhh....function but we can still try, maybe it’ll be therapeutic?” You giggle, patting Jason on the chest. slightly visible curled ears flush a darker shade at the tips behind his mask.
Squeezing his hands in encouragement you take the lead.
“Ok! We’ll try 3 in, hold for 3 and 3 out, is that ok?”
After a moment of hesitation Jason nods, squeezing your hand back, careful not to use too much strength. You start to guide the pair of you through the exercise. You would be lying if you said you weren’t ogling his chest, trying to see if it actually rose as he ‘breathes’ in and out. Unfortunately you couldn’t see through his baggy top and plaid shirt. He never fails to amaze you, everything about him new and interesting. You would never think less of him for things he could or couldn’t do due to his undead status, it was all so perfectly Jason.
Exercise over you let out a breath and decide to start the convocation.
“So, like I said I’m not angry and I still want to be with you, just getting that off the table so you can stop worrying yourself” Jason lets out a (maybe, you still don’t know) simulated sigh of relief. You continue.
“I’ve been thinking…we’ve been dating for a long time and..I know you’re the one I want to be with, you’re the one for me, forever. I just.. wish we could make it official you know?”
Visibly perking up at the praise Jason nods excitedly, making it perfectly clear the feeling is mutual. Getting married had always been something he’d seen for himself as a child, remembering the times his mother would read her romance novels to him before bed if he insisted he couldn’t sleep. He had assumed that once he met his unfortunate end that being wed was out of the realm of possibility, maybe it didn’t have to be that way.
“I would give anything to be yours and have you as mine but i’m pretty certain we can’t get married due to you being..uh… dead”
Even after all this time the words still stung, if only he wasn’t like this or if he was stronger during the accident he could’ve made you his bride. Jason hangs his head in both apology and shame.
Realising this you carefully move to hold the chin of his mask, tilting his head up to meet your eyes.
“Aww don’t beat yourself up jace, I love you undead or not and I wouldn’t have you any other way, it wouldn’t be right. Besides not everyone gets to have a big hunky zombie boyfriend” you tease, guiding the pair of you so you’re cuddling into his side.
Jason huffs a laugh and leans down to bump his mask against your forehead in a makeshift kiss, he knows you love him the way he is, it’s just hard to believe it after enduring so much ridicule in his younger years.
“Love you, big guy”
Jason signs the same back.
Weeks pass and Jason has been taking himself straight to his room after turning in for the evening, checking traps and slaughtering whatever unlucky people enter his property must take a lot out of a guy.
At first you think he’s napping, sure he doesn’t really need to sleep exactly but he’s not excluded from feeling that bone deep exhaustion after a long day, so a nap is usually deserved. He’s especially partial to one if you’re the one coaxing him to come cuddle during it.
That was before you’d checked in, the first couple days you let him be, not wanting to wake him considering he didn’t get much good sleep in general, however,a few days later dinner time rolled around and you needed to wake him. You could always reheat it if he’s still sleepy but it was a pain in the ass with the cabins barely lighting cooker. You knock softly and enter the room, not wanting to spook him from sleep, only to find he’s awake and sat up, crafting something on his makeshift work bench.
Before you can even get a word out he’s shooting up from his chair and practically crowding you out the door , only sighting “one minute” before slamming it closed again, leaving you shocked and confused on the other side.
After a few days of this something finally comes to fruition, unbeknownst to you at the time. Returning back from town to grab a few household items you kick your shoes off and wash your hands, sighing in relief to be home. Jason pops his head out from the bedroom, waving and making his way over to you.
“Dinner is being made, go shower” he signs, hands a little shaky for some reason.
“aw thanks jay! Sure you don’t wanna join?” You chuckle seductively, landing a kiss on his mask. You can’t see the way his deep green skin flushes but you know it’s there.
“I would love to but I have a surprise” he signs out timidly.
“Oh! A surprise! Thats so cute!, ok, I’ll go freshen up and you do whatever you need to ok? I’m sure whatever it is I’m going to love it honey.”
With one last peck you make your way upstairs.
Ok, food is just about done and ready to be served, the table is set, and it sounds like you’ve left the bathroom to get dressed so you should be done soon. Pacing the room Jason tries to make himself busy, setting the record player to play soft music as you dine, a nice touch he’s proud off.
Before he can collect himself you walk downstairs , flowey sundress complete with some light makeup and lipstick to accentuate your pretty lips. You know he goes crazy for that, to be fair he goes crazy for you in a stained t-shirt and underwear but that’s beyond the point.
The hulking man walks quickly to join you at the bottom of the stairs, drinking in your appearance appreciatively.
“You’re gorgeous” he signs and cups your face, running his thumbs across your blushed cheeks.
Gently letting go he takes your hand and leads you to the table, pulling out the chair for you like a proper gentleman and making you giggle. Food is served and it’s amazing. You suppose he would have to learn to cook at some point when living alone all this time. A small frown settles on your face. You hate to think of him being alone all those years. No point worrying about it now, you’ll personally make sure he’s never lonely again.
Dinner passes easily and enjoyably, convocation mostly one sided since Jason needs his hands to hold the cutlery but he’s more than happy to listen. After a brief rest to let the food settle Jason rises again, offering his hand.
“Where we going, handsome?”
“Lake..if you’d like to?”
Your face brightens, he knows you love it down there, you had been there the first time you met. Deciding to watch over the ripples and leave some flowers by the dock. Despite this it’s hard to get Jason down there a lot of the time, rightfully anxious about being around the lake considering what happened. After double checking he’s happy to go you set off to leave. As if struck by something Jason raises a finger to ask you to wait a moment, before retreating back into the bedroom.
After some shuffling around on the other end Jason reappears outside the door, taking your hand and leading you outside.
The sun is just beginning to dip over the lake, orange hue reflecting in the water. You and Jason sit side by side on the dock, your head resting on his shoulder, fingers tracing patterns along Jason’s bigger hands.
“Time for your surprise, close your eyes please?” The way he signs it comes off as more of a plead. You laugh and pat his hand, letting him stand you up and turn you around, placing your hands over your eyes.
“I’m ready, no peaking I promise” you tease. A gentle tap lands on your arm to say “I’m ready” and you open your eyes. The smile instantly drops off your face.
Kneeled below you on the dock is Jason, holding a wooden ring with carved floral details in a dainty jewellery box. Jason had whittled it himself. Albeit painstakingly, his strength wasn’t really built to make small fragile items, but he’d do it for you.
Jason shifts nervously, catching on to your now shocked face, fearing the worst. Seeing this you realise you actually need to react instead of internally celebrating.
Dropping to your knees on the hard wood you practically tackle him, smothering his mask in kisses. You can’t believe he would go this far for you, it’s so sweet and thoughtful it makes you a little teary eyed.
“Of course I’ll marry you Jay!!” You practically shout into his chest, hoping to hide the tears before it turns into an ugly cry. After returning your affections he carefully peels you away from his chest.
“Augh no I look so gross right now” you laugh, wiping a tear away.
Jason shakes his head in disagreement, sliding the ring out of the box and taking your hand into his own. Looking at you for permission.
“Go ahead” you say in awe, eyes tracing over the intricate patterns in the wood and the colour of the glaze. Once the ring is settled comfortably on your finger he produces his own, handing it to you.
“Let’s make this official hm?” You grin, gently placing the ring onto his fingers then placing a kiss on the palm of his hand.
“I know it’s not a “real” marriage but I love you and want you to stay with me until the end” he signs.
“This is more than real to me honey, I love you so so much and I’m absolutely calling you my husband at any given chance now” you laugh, intertwining your ringed fingers.
“Now come one, we gotta do that whole ‘carried bridal style into the house’ thing you see in movies!”
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angelst4re · 1 year
heyy!! so I was wondering if you could do a like a oneshot of being enemies with jace and him teasing you about liking him and then it ending with him eating the reader out?? IM SO SORRY ITS VERY SPECIFIC LMFOOAOAOAOOA 💀💀
hi love!! ahh i had so much fun writing this!! i was tired when i wrote this so i got a bit carried away at the end and kinda turned this into an enemies to lovers... but i hope you like it!!
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Heavenly Fire- Jace x Fem!Reader (he has too many last names.)
summary: in the request!
warnings: NSFW!! smut! porn with minimal plot... oral (f recieving)(jace is the king of giving head), fingering, first time(?), but no actual sex </3
notes: i couldn't think of a title for this :( fun fact: my shower isn't working right now that is what inspired me to write this! also i feel like i nailed jace's personality in this one, i always find it hard when i'm writing for jace because of his personality but this one...
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
“God! Do you ever shut up?!” You turned around to Jace, who was following you towards the kitchen as Isabelle had just made lunch. 
“Now, I know I’ve been called heavenly, but a God? I’ve not heard that before.” He teased, earning an evil stare from you. 
“What are you talking about?” Isabelle asked, placing some bowls on the table of what appeared to be soup? 
“Jace is being a-“
“Y/n confessed her everlasting love to me, we’re getting married next week, I better go and inform Alec and Magnus-“ 
“Oh shut up, Jace! You know I don’t like you!” You gave Jace a shove before you sat down at the table. He snickered as he sat down opposite you, clearly happy with your reaction. 
“Keep telling yourself that, love.” He said under his breath before Isabelle joined the two of you at the table. 
There was no denying Jace was attractive, it was almost annoying how he always looked perfect. His perfect blonde hair and his perfect eyes and his perfect smirk and his perfect body- But that wasn’t why you hated him. You hated him because he was such an asshole all the time. He knew he was good looking, and he was overly confident- or so it seemed to you. He never had an issue when it came to one night stands, but you noticed he could never hold down a relationship. You would never see him with the same girl more than once, sometimes twice on the odd occasion. Even you had longer relationships than that (although Isabelle would say being together for 5 days didn’t count as a relationship.)
After finishing the soup Izzy had made, you gave Jace one last glance before standing up and placing your bowl by the sink. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
After a long day of training, it was no surprise that you were sweaty and needed a shower. So, naturally, you headed to your bathroom, locked the door and began to undress. But there was a problem. 
Your shower wasn’t working.
You sighed and stepped back out, taking your robe which was hanging up by the door and slipping it on, tying it up, and unlocking the bathroom door again. 
You hoped that Isabelle would let you use her bathroom, as the spare bathrooms were tiny and quite frankly disgusting. But as you got closer to her room, you could hear music being played, and as you put your ear to the door you heard not only Isabelle’s voice but also Simon’s. You quickly dismissed this idea. 
But that meant you only had one more option. Jace. 
Alec was most probably at Magnus’ apartment, so you could use his shower- but you wouldn’t want to do so without asking him first. So you had no other choice. 
You felt a strange buzz of anxiety in your belly as you knocked on Jace’s door, all you wanted to do was have a shower, there’s nothing to be anxious about!
As he opened the door, you were met with a shirtless Jace, his hair damp and slightly wavy, his-
“Come to discuss our wedding, love?” He teased you, eyeing you up and down, trying to figure out if you were actually wearing anything beneath your robe. You let out a breath you didn’t realise you were holding and shook your head. 
“Jace, look, my shower isn’t working and Izzy has Simon over. I didn’t want to have to bother you but-”
“You want to take a shower with me? Without taking me to dinner first? Wow-”
“No, no! I meant, I- You-” You suddenly became quite flustered, unable to think of anything other than the sight of him in the shower, hair dripping, the way the water would fall on his body- Stop! You were sure you were blushing now, and as you looked back up at him, he confirmed it with a devilish smirk. 
“What’s got you so pink in the face, sweetheart? I thought you hated me?” He taunted you, and you couldn’t take it any more. The throbbing between your thighs was becoming almost painful as you wrapped your arms around his neck and captured his lips with yours in a needy kiss. You couldn’t help but think about what this would do to his ego. He was going to become unbearable to live with, but in the moment you couldn’t help yourself. He was so fucking hot, you could never truly hate him. 
You pushed him backwards a little, so you were both in his room with the door shut. If Isabelle saw the two of you right now, she would never shut up about it, telling you I told you so. You always denied your feelings towards Jace, hiding them with hatred, and he always expressed his feelings through teasing you, causing you to ‘hate’ him even more. 
Quickly, you pull away from Jace before he had the chance to rest his hands on your waist. 
“Oh, fuck!” You hid your face with your hands, turning away from Jace. You were such an idiot. 
“What is it? Did I do something wrong, I-” Jace genuinely seemed confused, and quite panicked by your sudden change in attitude. 
“No. Well, actually, yes you have. You’re such an asshole, Jace. But I can’t help every time I see your perfect fucking face, or your… What I’m trying to say is this was a mistake. I-” You were shut up by lips crashing into yours once more, this time more passionate than the last. His hand cupped your face as the other held your waist, leading the two of you closer and closer towards the bed. He must have seen the way your eyes were so lust-blown only a few moments ago, as his hand creeped towards the place where your robe was tied, and within seconds it had fallen to the floor. 
You would have felt nervous, even anxious about your body being on display like this, especially in front of Jace as he pulled away from the kiss, but as soon as you saw the way he was looking at you, your worries disappeared. His lips were slightly parted, his eyes half-lidded, his chest rising and falling as his breathing became heavier. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, his hand gently placed on your shoulder. He slid it down your body, touching you for the first time. He gently caressed your breasts, massaging the soft flesh as small whimpers left your lips and your eyes fell shut. He took a moment to toy with your nipples, and that was when you let out an almost pornographic moan. At that, he dropped to his knees, his hand sliding down your torso until it rested just above your cunt. 
He placed kisses along your thighs before looking up at you, as if asking for permission. You eagerly nodded your head, you desperately needed him to touch you. 
He moved slightly and took one of your legs, lifting it over his shoulder to put your slick pussy on full display for him. He parted your lips with two fingers, before leaning in and swiping his tongue along your clit. The action was so sudden that your knees buckled beneath you, so he moved once more and pushed you down onto the bed. As your back fell onto the mattress, he pulled you closer to him so your knees were hanging off his bed. Then, he resumed his attack on your clit. 
“Oh fuck! Jace!” You groaned, slapping one hand over your mouth and tangling the other in his hair as he ate you out. 
He sucked you clit between his lips, earning a string of moans to fall from your lips, and that’s when he decided to trace his finger over your hole, before replacing it with his thumb. He eased the tip of his thumb in before pulling it out again, watching as your hole pulsed, begging for more. 
Without any warning, he slipped his middle finger into you and curled it upwards in a ‘come here’ motion as he continued sucking, lipping and nipping at your clit. Your back arched and your legs wrapped around the man between your thighs, pulling him impossibly closer to you. 
“Shh, it’s okay, angel. Think you can take another one?” He teased, bringing a second finger to your entrance. 
Jace had assumed you were a virgin, and he was right. However, he knew you had touched yourself before. Occasionally, you would think you were home alone and your hand would travel between your thighs, small moans and whimpers would fall from your lips as Jace passed by your room. It took all his strength to simply walk past, especially when you would moan his name.
He slipped the second finger in, and you felt that familiar feeling in your belly. However, this time it felt ten times stronger. You were worried that you would actually explode when you reached your high. 
“I know you’ve been wanting this, angel. Coming undone on my fingers, my tongue. Pretending you hate me, but I could see straight through you. I knew all along you were just a little slut, isn’t that right? I knew just how jealous you would get whenever a girl would come home with me, just how angry it would make you. But it’s okay, they never meant anything,” his thumb replaced his mouth on your clit as he spoke, and his words went straight to your core, “I knew all along you wanted to be my girl. Cum for me and I’ll make your wish come true, cum on my fingers, darling, I know you’re close. 
Just as your orgasm washed over you and your thighs began to tremble, Jace leaned down and captured your lips with his. You couldn’t help but moan against his lips, followed by strings of profanities as his fingers continued to pump inside you, working through your high. You had never felt so… wonderful. You were gasping for air but Jace’s lips were still on yours, you could even taste yourself on his tongue. 
You wrapped both of your arms around him and held him close, hoping he would lie by your side when you finally came back to reality. However, he escaped from your arms and went into the bathroom to retrieve a soft, damp cloth to clean you up with. 
“Stay still for me, darling.” He chuckled as he spread your legs to clean up your messy cunt, but your thighs kept pressing together. However, he managed to clean you up and threw the cloth to the corner of the room, to a pile of clothes that needed washing. 
He helped you up the bed, so your head was against the pillows, and lied beside you, pulling you close to him in a warm embrace as your head rested on his chest. 
He stroked your bare back, causing you to shiver slightly as it tickled, which seemed to amuse Jace. 
“So what does this mean?” You asked, moving your head to look up at Jace who was sitting against the headboard, one arm behind his head. 
“What does what mean?” 
“Everything you said, about being yours?”
Jace took a moment to think, and you were filled with a sudden panic that he didn’t mean what he said, that it just felt right in the moment. 
“You can use my shower, sweetheart. When you’re finished, get changed into something nice, or not- but I don’t think you’d want to wear leggings and a hoodie on your first date.” He said, a smirk creeping up on his lips. 
“Are you, the Jace Herondale- who never dates- asking me out on a date?” 
“No, I’m not asking you,” he chuckled, playing with your hair, “darling, I’m telling you.”
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 4 months
Run Free - Alpha!Ari Levinson x Omega!Reader (Part 3: It's Nice To Have A Friend)
Summary: As an Omega you knew your place in the world, however when the opportunity arrives to escape you take it... only to find yourself face to face with another Alpha
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Light Angst! Fluff! Talk of Captive Situation!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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Chapter 3: It's Nice To Have A Friend
For the first couple of days, you stayed with Ari he decided it was best to stay home and make sure you were okay. Rachel was more than happy to cover the bar, Max even offered to help out too. All the work Ari needed to do himself he could do from home anyway.
Every day he would help clean your wounds and redo the bandages around your wrists and ankles. When he first did it he could see how anxious you were, flinching whenever his fingers touched your skin. But the more he did it the more relaxed you seemed
He could tell you were still nervous around him though. So for a large portion of the day, he just let you get on with whatever you wanted to do. Making sure not to crowd you and to give you your own space.
The first couple of days you barely left your room. Occasionally he’d check in on you, offer you food or something. Usually finding you reading a book or curled up napping. You did start to spend some more time outside of your room.
Once, when Ari went downstairs to grab himself a coffee to help him through the paperwork he had to do. He found you reclined on the couch reading, you’d even given him a warm smile when you looked up. When Ari returned to his office he found it really hard to focus, not because paperwork was dull but because he was so happy to see you smiling.
It was about a week into your stay that Ari left the cabin for the first time. He was running low on groceries, he was already pretty low before you came along but now he had two mouths to feed. 
He let you know exactly where he was going and when he’d be back, double and triple checking that you were okay alone. Asking if you wanted to come with him. You politely turned him down saying you would be fine.
He chose to believe you, despite the niggling voice in his head that said you were lying. He could sense you were a little uneasy but hoped you be okay once you realised there was nothing to worry about.
He wasn’t expecting to open the door and instantly be hit with the feeling of anxiety and fear. It made him stop dead in his tracks. In all his life he’d never been able to sense an Omega’s feelings so strongly. He glanced around the living room not spotting you anywhere. 
He quickly dropped the groceries in the kitchen before rushing up the stairs, taking two at a time. The feeling of your fear and anxiety grew stronger as he approached your room. Peaking when he knocked on your door.
“Y/N, it's me, Ari, you okay?” He asks poking his head in.
He spotted you sitting on the bed knees brought up to your chest. When your eyes met his he could see a flash of fear before suddenly they calmed. The feeling of relief crashed over Ari as you suddenly calmed down.
“Hey is everything okay?” Ari asked walking into the room, sitting down at the end of your bed.
“Yeah sorry, just-“ you said, shaking your head and taking a shaky breath.
Ari could feel the embarrassment rolling off you in waves “It's okay you don’t need to explain, I’m sorry I was gone so long” Ari apologised realising your biology was taking over, he knew omegas felt uneasy whenever an Alpha wasn’t around.
“No, I’m just tired I think, I’ve never slept well” you admitted, dismissing Ari’s suggestion that it was his absence to blame, even if you knew that was the case.
“Have you not slept well since being here?” He asked furrowing his brows slightly.
He had seen you napping often, but had always put it down to you being comfortable. Not that you weren’t sleeping at night. 
“No, but I never have, maybe I did before but I can’t remember” you admitted shrugging your shoulders.
Ari furrowed his brows glancing down at your bed. It was the same as his, it was perfectly comfortable for him. He hoped it was just where you were getting used to it. 
“Okay, I’m just gonna go put the groceries away, Do you need anything?” Ari asked as he stood up.
“Um no I’m good thanks” you said with a small smile.
You watched as he left the room. Letting out a deep sigh trying your best to get your emotions in check. You hated how freaked out you’d gotten with Ari gone. You moved your knees from the chest, revealing Ari’s shirt that he’d given you on that first day. No matter how much you wanted to give it back, you couldn’t bring yourself to. The scent of it calmed you down.
The next day Sammy came over to the cabin to check on how well your recovery was going. The three of you sat in the kitchen while he examined your burns giving a hum of approval.
“They’re looking good, clearly keeping on top of it” Sammy said glancing over at Ari.
“How’s everything else? Are you feeling physically stronger” Sammy asked you.
“A little bit yeah” you said nodding your head gently.
“That’s good, it’s not going to be a quick fix so don’t be worried about slow progress” Sammy reassured you.
“Have you been taking the vitamins? And getting enough sleep” Sammy then asked, Ari’s interest peaking wondering what you’d say.
“Yeah I take them every morning,” you said dodging the sleeping question.
“But she hasn’t been sleeping well” Ari added looking over at you as you dropped your gaze.
“Well, I’m sure it’ll take you a while to get used to it, rebuild your nest the way you want it” Sam offered glancing between you and Ari.
“Nest?” You questioned.
At that moment Ari realised exactly what the issue was. His guest bed, like his own, was built for purpose not comfort. There was nothing there except what was necessary. Of course, you’d feel unsettled without a proper nest, especially as an unbonded Omega.
The next thing that hit him was the fact you didn’t know what a nest was. Both he and Sammy exchanged a confused look.
“Do you not know what a nest is?” Ari asked you.
You shook your head, and they both looked at you as if they didn’t believe you. As if it was common knowledge.
“Have you never built one before, you know on your bed with blankets and cushions?” Sammy asked.
“No, they never gave me any of that, I slept mostly on the floor, or a thin mattress,” you told them nervously tugging at your sleeves.
“What about before?” Ari asked.
You shook your head once more “They took me really young” you admitted quietly.
Ari sighed as he glanced over at Sam. You hadn’t told them exactly what you’d been through. But as you revealed more snippets of information Ari was starting to think you had been held captive by a human trafficking ring. Something he unfortunately had a lot of knowledge about.
“Okay well, what we can do is the three of us go down to the store and you can pick out some things you like?” Sam suggested.
“You’ll be perfectly safe, you’ll have me and Sammy watching your back” Ari reassured you.
“Do you think it will really help?” You asked them uncertain.
“Yes, I really do” Sammy told you nodding his head.
“Okay, let’s go” you agreed nodding your head slightly.
“Great, let's go then” Ari smiled.
As Ari drove you and Sammy into town you stared out of the window of the car. Taking all the sights in. The last time you were far too nervous to appreciate all of it.
Once you got to the store, Ari and Sam led you through the store to the area with the pillows and cushions. Ari came to a stop and you glanced up at him unsure what to do. Far too used to just following his lead already.
“Go ahead, go pick whatever you want” Ari said gesturing for you to carry on.
You took a few hesitant steps away from Ari and Sam. Ari watched as you started looking through everything. Your fingers reached out to touch a blanket and a smile grew on your face. 
“You like that one?” Sammy asked you.
“Yeah, it's so soft,” you said unable to pull your hand away.
“Well into the cart it goes” Ari smiled grabbing it and putting it in the cart.
Ari continued to watch while you searched for stuff you liked. Grabbing another blanket and a few cushions. Ari could see you were trying to hold yourself back, but he kept reassuring you to get whatever you wanted.
Once you had selected everything and Ari paid he drove you back to the cabin. When you arrived back to the cabin Ari and Sammy helped carry everything to your room before leaving you to sort it all.
“Fancy a drink?” Ari asked Sammy as they walked down the stairs.
“Yeah sure” Sammy agreed.
“So how do you think she is?” Sam asked as Ari passed him a beer.
“I dunno, she doesn’t talk about what happened and I’m only getting snippets here and there, I think she’s trying not to seem weak” Ari sighed shrugging his shoulders.
“What do you think happened to her?” Sammy asked furrowing his brows.
“It sounds like she was held captive, by who I don’t know, worst case is traffickers,” Ari said earning a low growl from Sammy.
“Fucking hate traffickers” he growled.
“You could say that again” Ari scoffed taking a deep pull of his beer “One thing I’ve noticed though is how strong she projects her emotions, I’ve never encountered an Omega like her” 
Sam raised a brow and smirked slightly “Some people say you’re able to pick up on emotions better if it's a true bond” he suggests.
Ari shook his head “It's not that” he’d heard of true bonds, a kind of bond between two people that existed before even the bonding ritual occurred, where the two souls could communicate their feelings without that bridge, but they were extremely rare.
While he definitely loved seeing you get better and you smile. Your presence also seemed to calm him down too. He couldn’t dare entertain the idea of anything beyond helping you get better. You had serious trust issues around alphas and he wanted to fix that, not make it worse.
“Well then, it has been a while since you’ve been in close contact around omegas a good couple of years at least, maybe you’re just not used to it” Sammy offered.
“Yeah that’s probably it” Ari sighed, even if he didn’t truly believe it.
“Anything else you’re concerned about? You seemed pretty tense earlier” Sammy asked.
“Yeah” Ari sighed before remembering the other day “Well actually, she seems really nervous to be left alone, I can’t stay here all the time but I don’t know what to do” 
“Well, maybe we can start introducing her to everyone, properly. Then they can come keep her company and help her relax until she’s okay to be alone” Sammy suggested.
“That could work, you sure you’ll be okay with that?” Ari asked.
“Yeah they’ve all been asking after her anyway, I’m sure they’ll love to help,” Sam said nodding his head.
“Well that’s nice to hear, thanks Sammy” Ari agreed.
Ari and Sam continued to chat for another couple of hours. Sam caught Ari up with everything to do with the bar. It was when Sammy left that Ari went upstairs to check on you since you hadn’t reappeared since coming home.
When he poked his head into your room he expected to see you still organising everything. However, he found you fast asleep curled up under blankets and around your new cushions. 
The thing that caught his eye though was the item you held close to your chest as you slept. It was the shirt he’d given you on the first day. Ari smiled to himself, his chest filling with pride seeing that something you were seeking comfort from something that was his.
He shut the door behind him quietly before making his way back downstairs. Careful not to let the stairs creak too much. Smiling the entire way, relieved to have helped you even if just a little bit.
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Ari and Sammy set their plan in motion. They decided to first introduce you to Jake. It was an easy choice, you were already relatively comfortable with Ari and Sam. Jake being a Beta meant you wouldn’t be as nervous around him, that and he was one of the friendliest out of the group.
To begin with, you didn’t say much, just listened in to their conversation. Chuckling occasionally along with them. Ari wasn’t too concerned that you weren’t talking, if his theory about you being the victim of trafficking was correct you probably weren’t used to this sort of situation.
However, Ari did love how you would smile and listen intently. Asking questions as you got braver. He would be lying however if he said he didn’t enjoy you seeking comfort and reassurance from him. You would glance over at him occasionally and naturally shift closer to him on the couch.
The next person they introduced you to was Rachel. Despite her being an Alpha you were more relaxed around her. You recognised her scent from the clothes you had been borrowing from her.
“You look great by the way” Rachel smiled nodding at you.
You gave her a bashful smile “Thank you, for the clothes too” You thanked her.
“It’s nothing really, I’m more than happy to help, and look if you want maybe we can go shopping and get you some more” Rachel offered.
You instinctively looked over at Ari who furrowed his brows for a split second before realising you were asking for his permission. He smiled nodding his head gently.
“I think that’s a great idea, it’s completely up to you though” Ari told you, letting you know it was completely your choice.
“Yeah that would be nice thank you,” you said looking back over at Rachel and nodding.
Rachel, Jake and Sammy all visited throughout the week. Once they felt you were comfortable Ari started leaving the house. First for just half an hour then for longer. One day he was able to spend hours at the bar, coming back to the cabin to hear you laughing with Rachel. 
The last person they introduced you to was Max. Out of all of them, he was the most intimidating so he arrived while the rest were also visiting. When he arrived you stepped closer to Aria and glanced up at him nervously, Ari put his hand on your back and whispered in your ear “He looks worse than he is I promise.” 
You nodded and looked back over at Max before taking a step forward and holding out your hand to him. Max raised a brow glancing over at Ari who was equally surprised at how brave you were.
“Nice to meet you,” you said as you shook Max’s hand.
“Nice to meet you too, Sammy told me a lot of things about you,” Max said.
“Only good things” Sammy corrected as you glanced over at him.
“You guys all seem close, are you like a pack?” You asked as you sat back down.
In the modern world packs outside of families were rare. The world was more fluid, people were able to move between groups. The was little need to restrict yourself to one group for your whole life.
“Kinda I guess, we’re all lone wolves in one way or another but we’re also like a family, no one is really in charge” Ari explained making the group scoff and laugh.
“As if! It’s your way or the highway!” Sammy exclaimed.
The group of friends all chatted and laughed as they exchanged stories from their past. Whenever Ari glanced over at you he could see you smiling and laughing along.
“You terrified the poor people!” Rachel laughed shaking her head at Max.
“They shouldn’t have snuck up on me, tensions were high in Sudan had to be on guard” Max said shrugging his shoulders.
“Why were you in Sudan?” You asked them.
“We um, were out there helping refugees, humanitarian mission” Ari explained leaning forward.
“Yeah we all travelled together around the world, helping those who couldn’t help themselves, sometimes getting them out of dangerous situations to somewhere safer” Sammy continued.
“So you’ve helped people like me before?” You asked hesitantly.
“Maybe not your exact situation but yes, we’ve helped people like you before” Ari confirmed.
You nodded your head slowly sitting back and looking down. The group exchanged a look at each other, noting how you had suddenly gone in on yourself. Jake moved the conversation along turning to more cheerful topics but you remained silent the rest of the afternoon.
Your mind was raced. In some sense you were relieved. Knowing they helped people like you meant you were definitely safe around them. But you couldn’t help but feel uneasy, like all your secrets had been revealed, making you feel sick to your stomach. Had they known all this time?
As the evening drew in everyone started to leave. Rachel coming over to you with a smile.
“You still okay to go shopping in a couple of days?” She asked you.
You nodded running your hands up your arms and hugging yourself slightly. 
“Great I’ll see you then, night Ari,” Rachel said looking over at Ari with a small smile.
“Thanks, Rachel” Ari smiled saying goodnight as he closed the door.
As he turned back around he spotted you in the kitchen grabbing yourself a glass of water. He walked over stopping at the threshold not wanting to crowd you.
“Hey I’m sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable earlier talking about helping people like you” Ari told you.
“It’s okay,” you said quietly.
“No it’s not, the last thing I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, I just wanted to let you know that you’re safe with us, that we just want to help” Ari explained taking a couple of steps towards you.
“I know I just-“ you sighed shaking your head and looking down at the floor.
When you glanced back up you could see Ari’s kind eyes only looking back at you with concern. You remembered how he was able to calm your nerves with just a touch of his hand on your back. You glanced at his large arms and started to wonder how you’d feel wrapped within them. 
You gave in to the pulling sensation you felt and surged forward to wrap your arms around his waist. Ari jumped slightly not expecting you to want to be this close to him. Once he got over his surprise he wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back soothingly. He felt you completely relax for the first time ever.
“Thank you” you whispered, your head buried in his chest.
“It’s nothing really” Ari said dipping his head to rest on top of you, breathing in your scent feeling instantly relaxed.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked when you pulled out of the hug.
“Of course, you can ask me anything” Ari told you nodding his head.
“Any of the people you helped, were they trafficked?” You asked hesitantly.
“I don’t know, many didn’t talk about it, but we were aware of it and we helped people avoid it” Ari admitted.
You nodded your head in understanding “That’s what happened to me, I was given to them, they moved me around I was going to be sold when I escaped” you told him glancing down at the floor.
Ari put his hands on your arms bending slightly to get you to look at him.
“Hey it's okay, you’re safe now nobody can hurt you anymore, and you don’t need to tell me everything” Ari told you.
“Thank you, I’m so glad it was you who found me” you told him smiling slightly up at him.
“Me too, weird twist of fate, I was only outside because I lost a bet” Ari admitted with a small chuckle.
“A bet?” You questioned tilting your head in a way that made Ari smile.
“Yeah I lost a game of pool to Jake and had to take the garbage out to the smelliest dumpster in the world” Ari explained making you laugh.
“Yeah it did smell terrible, and I’ve smelt some pretty terrible things” you laughed.
Ari smiled down at you warmly making you tilt your head again wondering why he was smiling at you like that.
“What?” You asked him.
“Nothing you just have a really nice smile and it’s so nice to hear you laughing” Ari told you smiling.
You look down bashfully “Thank you” you smiled.
“It’s nothing, it’s been a long day so why don’t you head up to bed?” Ari suggested noticing how tired you seem.
“Yes of course, thank you for today and for introducing me to your friends” You smiled nodding your head.
“No problem, they were all excited to meet you” Ari smiled.
“Night Ari” you smiled heading towards the stairs.
“Night Y/N, sleep well” he called after you. 
Once you were gone he smiled to himself. He hadn’t realised how much he wanted to feel you in his arms. He had to resist his urge to follow you up the stairs. He needed to let you go at your pace, even if he was only just starting to realise how much he wanted you.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog and leave a comment to really make my day!
This series has no schedule, please don’t ask when it will be updated!
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rampantram · 6 days
I've been saving this but I can't take it anymore... your art is super cool!! I love the drawing style you have, especially the lines and expressions. Also the dynamic poses and interactions between characters, everything looks so cute but at the same time exciting to keep watching!! I would read a whole manga with your art in it :3
Curious question: what size are your drawings normally? I see that you draw in pencil and many times there is more than one drawing on a single canvas/sheet so I am curious to know approximately the size of your drawings
I hope you don’t mind me using your ask to say this, but…you guys have no idea how much your kindness and positivity has affected me since I started posting my CotL stuff.
I’ve had anxiety since I was a kid, and depression for almost a decade now, and most recently been diagnosed with ADHD and OCD. I’ve had the most lows in my life over the past few years, and my consistency and drive to draw has suffered for it; at most, I’ve posted every other week, but mostly once every couple of months, and even longer than that until now. Being on medication has affected my motivation to draw, and I’ve been on short-term disability for over a month now, trying out new medications and feeling mostly miserable from the side effects.
Despite all that, I’ve wanted truly to finally be consistent with art, interact with people, try new things, and it’s helped so much to have so many people loving the things I’ve come up with. I haven’t been as consistent this last week, and spotty some weeks before that, but you’ve all been so patient despite that, which is part of the reason I want to give you some transparency and vulnerability on my part.
So I apologize if things continue to be a little less than organized or consistent, but I’m going to keep trying my best everyday, because I want to keep bringing you things you enjoy and want to interact with, so…thank you. 🥹
But getting to your question before I really start to tear up…this 9x12 sketchbook by Strathmore (specifically the recycled paper) is what I’ve been using for my sketches for a long while:
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And it typically depends on how big or small I think each of the drawings should be, but I do try to keep them on one page if I can just for organizations’s sake.
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Also if I know I need to post it from my phone, I try to make things easier for myself by putting things within proximity of each other with my phone’s camera in mind (not the whole page because it’ll be blurry, up and down since that’s easier for me to take a shot with, and so on).
If I’m gonna scan it, that makes things a bit easier, but I do try to condense them enough so I can try and avoid doing two scans of the same page and having to stitch them together (this one below just ended up taking the whole page, and since most scanners - my roommate’s included - usually only scan Letter or A4 size areas, those I end up having to scan on multiple parts and edit them together in Clip Studio Paint).
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But of course, it all comes down to what feels right or works with your own method the best (as long as you achieve the outcome you wanted, the tools and method to get there don’t necessarily have to be the “best” or “right” way to do it).
I hope this helps, though, and that you have a brilliant day~✨
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the-doomed-witch · 2 years
✦ You’re An Idiot & I Love You
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
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Summary: After Thanos, you and Wanda quit the team to live a peaceful life together, trying to leave behind the trauma. (Read warnings)
Word Count: 4.0k
Author’s Note: hello here’s another fic, i’ve been working on it since almost a week :) i cannot stop listening to 305 by shawn mendes so i based the latter part of this fic on the song <3 the initial part is just a vent fic lmao. i’m thinking of writing a part two, but i don’t really know. my gif btw!
Warnings: 18+ MINORS+MEN DNI. traumatic past events, post-war trauma, flashbacks & nightmares, smut, thigh riding, fingering, praise kink, names (princess), a little angst, fluffy | best friends to lovers
— ✦ —
You hit the pause button on your phone, look at the clouds and sigh. The park near your home is an amazing place to be, with all its flora, and a clearer view of the sky. Cities are so full of buildings, it’s almost impossible to see a clear sky outside the park anymore.
Whenever anxiety comes over, sitting on the park bench and listening to white noise helps you calm down. It also helps Wanda know where to take you when you aren’t at your best.
Sometimes she would hold your hand and sit next to you, listening to the same sound in a different pair of headphones. It’s truly therapeutic for both of you. The events of the past few years have been deeply disturbing for the entire team of Avengers. So you and Wanda decided to quit the team, and swore that both of you wouldn’t never exercise your powers again. Of course, there could be exceptional cases where the use of powers is ultimately the only way, but it’s mostly nothing to do with your simple lives.
Wanda goes to a therapist sometimes, and has offered you to try it out too, several times. You just deny with a simple shake of your head, and keep the topic aside. You’re happy to see her get better, settle her unsolved traumas, and accept Vision’s death.
“I knew you’d be here.” Wanda walks up to you, which is also the reason why you clicked the pause button. You give her a sincere smile, which she returns happily.
“Guess I’ve developed a little longing for this place. I can’t help but be here, I feel the safest here when you aren’t around.”
“Oh Y/N, you know I always come back home and always will. You’re my best friend, and the only one. I’m so happy that living together has worked out for the both of us.”
“So am I, Wands. I know I don’t have to run around the compound looking for you anymore.” Smiling with melancholy, you continue, “I miss bumping into our friends while doing that.”
She sighs deeply. There are memories of Vision in her mind, but they don’t feel like a dagger anymore. They are just bittersweet feelings for a star-crossed love. “Y/N, it’s been years since we left the team. Do you think they miss us? I wish we had parted with no hard feelings.”
“I think that it’s fine. It’s been years, nothing big has happened. And I hope it only stays this way. I don’t care if someone is still pissed off after so long, the war damaged us just as it did them, and we are still recovering.”
“But Y/N… you’re just refusing it all. There’s no point in being delusional. It’s affecting you, and your mental health in a really bad way.”
“I know but I cannot help it Wanda! I have had nothing before the Avengers, I don’t even know what I am grieving for. I haven’t had anyone to go home to since forever, and now that I have it, I wouldn’t change it for anything. Not even for friends who’d have hard feelings against me after I choose to live a life post-war.” You feel like you’ve spoken too much, because you feel like tearing up.
Wanda comes closer to you and hugs you tight. “Y/N, honey, it’s okay I’m right here.”
You sit there with her, since there’s nothing else you can do right now. For several minutes, none of you loosen the grip, too scared that either of you could turn to dust.
— ✦ —
On the way back home, you hold hands like little kids. Living with your best friend has got to be the best decision you’ve ever made. Feels like she holds a key to the corner of your heart that nobody has dared to discover.
“Hey, what are you thinking?” she moves closer and sits next to you on the couch.
“Nothing, just that you’re probably my favourite person in the whole world.”
“Stop being so cheesy and tell me the truth.”
“It is the truth. I love being with you Wanda, I love you.”
“I love you too, Y/N. Your existence lights up mine. I don’t want to leave you, ever.”
You give her a kiss on the cheek, and reply, “I will not leave you, ever.” After being through all the devastating events together, you’ve both developed quite a habit of sitting together in silence and thinking. Snapping out of the state, you go to your room to sleep. Or maybe just lay down. Wanda remains in the living room.
— ✦ —
It’s almost 4:30AM and you haven’t slept. Thoughts about Thanos, his army, your teammates, Natasha, and Tony come back. Illusions of blasts, gore and doom fill up your mind. Countless number of people have lost loved ones.
Maybe, just maybe, you could have done something to save your friends. Resentment and regret feel like two old friends who come to lay down next to you.
Wanda is in her room, you can sense her sleeping. It would be a good thing to have someone to talk to, but not that great if you’d have to wake her up. Eyes open, you go back to staring at the ceiling. Tears begin pooling in the corners of your eyes, ready to roll down any moment now.
Silently, you sniff away the mildest nightmare of the night.
— ✦ —
You sit at your desk a couple of hours later, and begin writing something that you don’t know. “Good morning. You're up early?” Wanda walks in. She’s still wearing her shorts and tank top. And she looks damn fine.
“Good morning. Also, what do you mean by ‘up’?” you reply back sarcastically.
“Oh well, don’t tell me you stayed up all night. Now come here, you desperately need a morning hug.”
“You’re a hundred and ten percent correct.”
You get up and go hug her closely. She rubs your back and whispers words of reassurance in your ear. You just hold her and smell her messy hair. You’re sure she used your shampoo but it only makes you want to hug her tighter. After letting go, you look at her face adoringly and tell her sincerely, “You look pretty. So pretty.” She blushes and pushes your shoulder lightly, as a friendly gesture.
“Stop teasing me! I haven’t even had my coffee yet. I’m gonna have to sound mad at you if you make fun of me right now.”
“You think I’m joking? You look fucking gorgeous. Not even kidding, I’d kiss you if we were toge-” You regain consciousness and regret saying anything at all. Should’ve told her I’m being satirical for no reason, you think.
“What was that you said?”
“No no, you said something. Say it.”
“Uhhhh that I was making fun of you for nothing. Go tie a bun or something.”
“Did you just say that you would kiss me?”
“What?! No!”
“Okay, if you say so. I don’t trust my ears anyway.” She simply walks out of the room with an air of smugness.
During breakfast, she asks you a question you never expected, but should’ve seen coming. “But like, let’s say hypothetically, would you kiss me if I asked you to?”
You almost choke on the toast. “Wanda, let me have my breakfast in peace. Please.”
“Another question, who would you kiss? Who is your type even? I’ve literally never seen you talk about this in almost over a decade of our friendship. Come on, Y/N, there’s got to be someone.”
“No Wanda, I don’t have a type. If someone is for me, they’re for me. There’s no one that I like right now.”
Her face grew serious and her smile faltered. “You know I can read your mind if I want to, don’t you?”
“I know that. I also know you wouldn’t break a promise to know about a possible date of mine or something.”
“Fine, you win.”
— ✦ —
You’ve been in the park almost all day again. But your mind has been thinking of something else today.
Why did I even say that at all? Would I even kiss her? Would she kiss me back at all? She probably still misses Vision. She literally loved him so much, they were perfect together. No, I shouldn’t even think of this. Especially when Wanda loved Vision so much, and probably still does. But then again it’s just ‘probably’. SHUT UP Y/N.
Screw this. I don’t want to kiss her at all. Never ever.
— ✦ —
“Well you came back quickly, I didn’t even have to come to the garden to bring you back. That’s new.”
“Yeah I guess?”
“Too tempted to kiss me, aren’t you honey?”
“Can you please stop with that Wanda? I don’t even know why I said that at all. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause awkwardness between us. But you’re kind of amplifying it and it’s making me uncomfortable. Can we just not do this? You simply looked gorgeous, that’s all. And I’m not the one to kiss someone just because of how they look. Just leave this.”
“Oh-uhm, okay Y/N. I’m sorry, let’s not make anything uncomfortable for either one of us.”
Wanda seemed deeply hurt by your evidently irritated reply. For a moment, she also felt terror-stricken. It was a side of you that she had seen, but never faced before.
“Thank you. Do you need some help with dinner?”
“Nah it’s almost ready. You might want to set up the table though.”
“Most certainly.”
— ✦ —
The following week is all the same. Everything is sort of normal. Morning comes, you have breakfast with Wanda, you go to the park, Wanda comes to pick you up in the evening, you both have dinner, go back to your own rooms, and you grieve.
A parcel arrives in the mail. It’s addressed to “Y/N Maximoff” and you’re quite unsure how that feels like. Wanda takes notice of it, but says nothing. You kind of wish she’d say something about it. Wanda makes mention of going back to her chores, but you ask her, “Don’t you want to know what’s in the box? I mean, they could’ve mistaken either one of our names.”
“Not really, you can go ahead and open it.”
It was a real bummer. You feel guilty about her attitude towards you. You know something is definitely off with Wanda. You sure have had fights and arguments with her before, but none of them have made her turn away like this. You keep the box aside and decide to open it once Wanda starts talking to you again.
I mean, we are talking but you know what I mean, you tell yourself. And find it stupid. However, the rest of the day continues.
You decide against going to the dear park today, considering how pissed off Wanda already seemed. There has got to be something which could make up her mood.
“Hey Wands, you wanna watch a sitcom? It’s been a while since we sat together to watch one.”
“No Y/N, you can watch it by yourself. I’ve got some work to do.”
And in the same way, she was successful at avoiding spending time with you through any other activity. She was mad at you. You had to clear things with her as soon as possible, before she could find a hundred more reasons to be mad at you.
By the time evening arrived, all the work should definitely have been done. You did not disturb Wanda during her online work even though you’d do that normally whenever you stayed at home.
“Wanda, I need to talk to you. Please stop walking around. You aren’t even listening to me! Just wait for a few minutes. Tell me what is wrong.” You hold her hand to hold her back from leaving.
She takes a deep breath and questions you, “Why do you think something is wrong? Besides, you are the one who did not go have her nerves calmed at a park today but I didn’t go around poking in your business. Leave my hand!”
“Hey, hey take it easy. Wanda, your face literally says “I am pissed off but I want you to guess what it is about” and since I honestly cannot figure it out so I’m simply asking you. If you don’t want to tell me then nevermind. Whatever it is, I am sorry.”
“I don’t want your apologies, keep them with you. And you can go do whatever the hell you want, I don't feel like talking to you right now. Also yes, I am pissed off.” Wanda’s voice slowly rises with every word she speaks, and a little discussion transforms into a heated argument.
“Fine, if that’s what you want. I won’t talk to you and I’m not even going to speak a word around you. You can say au revoir to my voice because I’m not gonna say anything. Night!”
“Yeah, as if I wanna hear you talk. I’m tired of it anyways. Night!”
Both of you have gone to bed without having dinner. And your mind is playing with you again. Flashbacks of not only the greatest war, but also your biggest fight with your best friend till now. You can hear her words echo in your mind.
“Yeah as if I wanna hear you talk. I’m tired of it anyways.”
“You can go do whatever the hell you want.”
“Leave my hand.”
In all these years, you have never heard her asking you to stop holding her hand. It was too heartbreaking to even imagine it.
— ✦ —
Wanda doesn’t talk to you the following day. Or the one after. Or the next. No calling you for the meal, no coming to pick you up from the park, nothing. You feel like you have had enough, so you approach her directly.
“So, do you want me to move out or something?”
“No Y/N.”
“Then speak your mind Wanda, I don’t even know what’s going on.”
“‘Speak your mind’ you say? Okay, here goes nothing.”
Without hesitation, she places her hand on the back of your neck and pulls you closer. For a moment, she stares into your eyes, and then kisses you deeply. You’re feeling both surprised, and satisfied. She closes her eyes to just feel you, and you place your hands in her hair. Her lips leave a trail as they move down to your neck, you tilt your head upwards to grant her all the access she would need. Wanda bites your skin and you let out a rough moan, driving her completely crazy.
That’s when you realise. Your best friend is marking your neck and you have no idea what’s going on. You gently motion for her to stop, which, reluctantly, she complies with.
She clearly wants to go back to the moment, so she breathlessly asks you in return, “What?”
“Y/N.” She looks at you with a grin and pecks your lips again. “Alright, fine, let me explain.”
“Yes please, because as much as I love it, I’m still clueless.”
“I just have one question, now that you know, would you ever kiss me?”
Your cheeks redden up at her question. You avoid eye contact, gulp, and reply, “If you want then yes.”
She probably wants to growl and bang her head against the wall. “WHY DON’T YOU TELL ME HOW YOU FUCKING FEEL ABOUT ME?! CAN’T YOU SEE?!”
“See what Wanda?”
“Oh my God I cannot believe this. You are an idiot and I love you so fucking much.”
“Don’t you dare say another word, I hate you! You’re just acting-” You shut her up by kissing her intensely, and again, and again, and yet again.
After pulling yourself away, you need some fresh air. So you sit on the couch, and beckon Wanda to follow. As soon as you’re sat, she decides to sit on your thigh, facing you. She slips her hands inside your t-shirt and seeks your permission, “Can I?” You smile and nod back at her, giving her consent.
She unhooks your bra, and cups your breasts in her hands each. Gently, she begins stimulating them. Your shoulders relax as she helps you feel lighter. You shut your eyes as Wanda gets you all worked up.
Suddenly, she pulls out her hands. You open your eyes and frown, uncertain about what happened. Wanda rubs herself against your thigh, making you moan by feeling her wetness. “Take off your shirt.” She directs you. You do as asked, and she’s met with the sight of your bare upper body. She immediately dives in to lick and play with your nipples, as you close your eyes again. Quite occasionally, you managed to say the same two coherent words; “Oh Wanda…”
She loves seeing you this way. It’s been years since she saw you relieve your stress. She hovers on your top, and connects her lips with your lips once again.
After a long heavy make out session, you decide to consider her wetness still lingering on your thigh. Grabbing her by the hips, you guide her for a pace. She’s in her yellow cotton shorts, and probably wouldn’t mind ruining them even more for you. Her moans get louder and louder till she finally says, “Y/N I’m gonna-”
“Yes honey, do it.” was all it needed for the knot in her stomach to release as she made a mess on your thigh. You slip two fingers within her heat to help her ride it out slowly. You mutter small praises to help her stabilise herself after her climax. Words like “You’re such a good girl” and “You did so well, princess” clearly had an effect on her. When you’re done and you pull out your hand from her dripping cunt, you let Wanda have a seat beside you.
She keeps on breathing heavily, but then looks at the sight of you licking your fingers clean. It was irrestitable for her, she had to pull you into a deep kiss. It was evident — she loved kissing you, whether it was a cute peck, a make out session, or just her catching her breath.
“Let me return the favour detka.” She requests you. You feel like it isn’t really necessary, but you don’t feel like breaking the moment so you let her do it. She pulls down your shorts, and begins teasing you over the panties with her fingers. You arch your back and groan, “Wanda please don’t-” So she bends and kisses your clothed core once before helping you strip off.
Slowly, she pushes in a finger, then adds another one. You spontaneously grasp her shoulders, which perturbs her. So she withdraws her fingers and looks at you tenderly and asks, “Y/N, are you really okay with this?”
“It’s just that… it’s been so long since I have…”
“Hey, I understand. If you want me to stop I can stop right away. You are always my first priority.”
“No, I want this Wanda. Everything feels so right, after so long.”
She slowly kisses you again, and this time not leaving out a single space she hasn’t discovered yet. Before you could do anything, she filled your intimacy with her fingers yet again. It’s an agonisingly slow pace, and it makes you shudder underneath her. “You look so gorgeous Y/N. You’re the most beautiful person I know, inside and out.” You can only breathe heavily in response because you’re (i) speechless, (ii) cuntful.
Gradually, she picks up the speed for you. Echoes of your pants and screams fill the room, and Wanda is enjoying every single bit of it. Soon enough, you were ready for your release. You try to warn her, but she understands your signal and whispers gently, “Come for your princess, Y/N.” It was all you needed to make a mess all over her fingers. She rides you through it as your elevated heartbeat goes back to normal.
She watches you with affection, and moments later you return Wanda’s gaze. She sits beside you again, and you both are in a familiar comfortable silence all over again. You decide to break it and bring up the previous conversation, “So… I guess I love you too? You’re the idiot by the way.”
“What do you mean that you guess? If you want to play the game then don’t forget you’re the naked one here and I can tease you really bad.”
“Oh really princess?” You wink at her and shift closer to her. She wraps her arm around you and says, “Let’s get a little cleaned up. I’m feeling a little hungry.”
You innocently ask her, “What do you want to eat?” but her mind is already running towards the wrong places. She swallows and replies, “A cup of green tea would do for me right now, would you like one?” You shake your head in the positive and get up.
— ✦ —
You two sit on the balcony to have the green tea. It’s late at night and the city is asleep. Your mind stares at the dark sky, still not quite visible because of the buildings. Wanda looks towards you the same time you look at her, she’s smiling. “Look at the moon Y/N!” She points towards it. Your gaze stays fixed on Wanda.
“I am looking at her. She’s breathtaking.”
— ✦ —
The following morning was enchanting as ever. You wake in Wanda’s arms, who is already lying awake next to you, waiting for you. “Good morning detka,” she whispers, “I hope you had a nice sleep.”
Morning laziness takes over you, so you hug her tightly and hum. She giggles and rubs your back with her hand, indicating for you to not doze off again. You groan, “I feel like I've slept after years, probably the first time ever.”
“It’s because you are sleeping for the first time in years. I love seeing you like this, but you need to wake up lyubov.”
“Fine, but you have to answer my question.”
“Go ahead.”
“What were you mad about, yesterday and before that?”
She hides her face behind your shoulder. “It’s stupid.” You hold her chin softly and tilt her head so she’s facing you. She sighs.
“Fine. I just didn’t realise how badly I’ve ever wanted to kiss you until you accidentally said that you’d kiss me if we were together. I’ve never been around someone who I could sit together with, listening to some white noise, and feel at home with. Hell, I’ve never been with anyone who could tell me they love me with my morning face. And then you backed off by acting all I-would-never-kiss-you so I was just a little pissed off. I’m sorry. You see, it’s stupid.”
“It isn’t, you’re just an idiot in love with another idiot. Also, don’t you dare say anything about your morning face. Your freckles, your faded accent, your natural hair - my goodness Wanda, I’d seriously kiss you if we were together.” You place little pecks all over her face, making her chuckle. “I love you Wanda.”
“And I love you Y/N.”
You hear the doorbell ring out of the blue. Against your will, you had to get up and open the door. There’s the mail for the day - a few bills, and a small box, addressed to “Y/N Maximoff” again.
You call Wanda outside the room. When she comes next to you, you ask her, “This is the second box. What do you think it is?” She arches her eyebrows suspiciously and takes the box away from you to keep it next to the bowl of keys. “We can find that out later.” she says before kissing your neck.
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bellewintersroe · 10 months
Charles Leclerc X Schumacher!Daughter.
Lila is the youngest of the 3 Schumacher siblings, at 22 shes catching the attention of the public eye. With the new found popularity through Drive to Survive, social media has dubbed her the next ‘it’ girl despite her constant desire for privacy. When her love interest becomes more or less the most sought after man in F1, how will she cope with being the internets fascination? Both Charles and Lila have dealt with immense amounts of loss and trauma, so their mutual understanding for one another fuels their so called ‘friendship’.
Part 5, here is the LINK to part 4. Lila is beginning to feel envious of the beautiful girls that surround Charles on social media. Does she even have a chance with him? It’s been weeks since she could last fly out to a Grand Prix and Charles is beginning to feel oddly rejected. It’s not until after one not so fun race, that he’s finally open with her, and the two can finally be honest with one another about their feelings…
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A deep sigh escaped my lips, scrolling down through my Instagram page. It’s not real, it’s not real, none of it’s real. Everything was an illusion, I reminded myself as I zoomed in on the perfectly airbrushed girl, with flat abs, a sucked in waist and the best tan I’d quite literally seen. She was beautiful to be quite frank, and when I saw who followed her I let out an even heavier sigh.
“If you breathe any heavier you’ll fly away…” Gina, my elder sister informed me in German from the other side of the table. Social media was originally ruining me. One minute I was confident and happy with my life, the next I was being prayed upon by thousands of people, intrigued into deeper into my personal life than ever. I switched off my phone and glanced back up, to real life. “Sorry.” I forced a smile, eyes falling back down to my phone. There was no new notifications- sadly enough for me.
“Are you coming to Hungary with us?” My sister then questioned again, “what for?” “The GP?” She spoke like it was obvious. My stomach twisted in excitement. “Oh! Yeah!” It had been 3 weeks since I’d last made it to a GP, I was finding myself obsessively feeling the urge to be there, especially because Charles would ask when I was next there. Now was my opportunity to text him first with the good news.
There was only one issue I found myself struggling with, and that was my insecurity and anxiety surrounding this whole ‘thing’ with Charles. I didn’t know what the hell was going on, we hadn’t seen each other enough to become anything more than friends, and when I had to tell him for the seventh or so time I couldn’t make it to where he was, I felt disheartened and worried he’d think I was rejecting him. That’s why I hopped on the opportunity to tell him I’d be present in Hungary, cheering him on. Phone cameras now eagerly followed me around the grid, desperate to gather some footage of me interacting with the Ferrari driver. All the attention had made me nervous, I was constantly checking over my shoulder, and I felt the cold stares other girls would give me, threatened that I was taking their favourite driver. It was almost like I was in competition with all these beautiful women that practically lived in or around the Grid and Paddock. I felt inferior, my own insecurities eating away at me as I kept my head down and continued walking on to do my own thing.
“Ah, Lila!” A familiar voice called out, I caught a glimpse of Toto walking by. “Hello!” I greeted, the taller man bringing me in for a tight hug. “How are you?! Here to see your brother?” “I’m good, how about you? I Just come for a little wonder, that’s all.” I nodded. “I’m good, and yes, yes- looking around for Leclerc I’ve been hearing?!” His words jabbed at a delicate part inside of me, burning my cheeks up a scarlet pink.
“Oh, rumours, Toto! Rumours!” I played it off like I wasn't a nervous wreck, but when i noticed red uniforms out of the corner of my eye, I practically jumped out of the confinements of my skin. It was just a handful of Ferrari mechanics making their way towards their garages. “Oh, of course. You have a good day, I will see you after with Susie?”
“Yeah of course! Oh, and tell Lewis and George I say good luck!!”
“I will, thank you Lila!” Hungary wasn’t so lucky for Mercedes or Ferrari. With Lewis in 4th he’d just narrowly missed a spot on the podium, George came in at 6th, and both Charles and Sainz were in 7th and 8th. As I lingered in the Mercedes area of the garage, people were still fairly happy, but the disappointment lingered in the room. It was a little stuffy and awkward, so I wondered outside to get air, pulling out my phone to be bold enough to text Charles. Just as I was typing a message, I heard a faint voice call my name. “Lila??” Spinning around, I locked my phone, noticing Charles lingering. “C’mere.” He gently ushered me inside, “hi.” I felt a little breathless, following after him in the garage. We were just inside the doorway, a bustle of people around making me feel a little overwhelmed. I was all flustered from seeing Charles, and although he looked a little saddened he still had a gentle smile lingering. “I was just about to text you.” I held up my phone as his smiled widened slightly, eyes gazing over my face. “I was going to text you-”
“Charles!” Somebody called out as he glanced back to a woman calling his name. It looked like his publicist. He let out a sigh, “I am sorry- yeah?!” He called out, scratching the back of his neck. “Will you come do a couple interviews?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Sorry, it’s a bad time.” I shyly spoke. “No, no, ill- uh, Mia!! Mia, please would you take Lila to my- ah what’s it called?” He fumbled as a pretty blonde approached with a smile.
“Motorhome?” Her accent was thick, Italian I assumed. “Yes please- is that ok?” He quickly asked as I giggled at the slight chaos. “That’s okay, Charles.” I agreed as he gave me a gentle pat on the arm before he had to rush off to complete interviews.
“Hello!! Lila isn’t it? I’m Mia.” She smiled. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” We engaged in small talk as she led me to Charles’ motor home. It surprisingly wasn’t awkward at all, I really liked Mia, I learnt she worked for Ferrari as a media and PR officer, super cool, I found it fascinating. Eventually though, she had to head back into the garage and I was left sitting alone, nervously awaiting Charles return.
“Guys… I’m in Charles’ motor home. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know why- he’s, he’s doing some interviews but I am shitting myself, how do I calm down?!” I quietly spoke into my phone, voice noting my friends as my leg jiggled anxiously. 10 minutes turned into 20, and nothing seemed to cool my nerves. I’d swallowed a full bottle of water and gone through 3 pieces of chewing gum and reapplied my lipgloss four times over. Finally, I heard voices, and when the door swung open my head lifted from my phone. My breath hitched seeing Charles, he looked a little stressed but still smiled when our eyes met. “I am sorry.” He exhaled, sliding the door shut behind him. “Oh, don’t be sorry!” I sat up a little straighter as he pulled a drink from his fridge. “Would you like one?” He glanced down to my empty water bottle. “Yes please. And yeah, don’t be sorry, I came at a bad time.” I caught the bottle as he gently threw it over.
“No, no.” His face scrunched. “I wanted to see you Lila, now is perfect. Even if the race didn’t go so … good.” He awkwardly laughed at himself as I drunk a little more water.
“You did drive well though, I was watching.” I pointed out. “Ah, thank you… not where I want to be though.”
“I know, I can imagine it’s frustrating, I feel like you and Carlos are doing everything right it’s just…” “Out of our control.” Charles finished my sentence as I nodded. “Still… we move.” He cleared his throat. “How have you been anyway, miss Lila, it’s been weeks?”
“Good, I’ve been good, honestly nothing so interesting has been happening lately. My life’s been pretty boring.”
“Pretty boring, sky diving?” He stripped the top half of his full driving suit off, revealing his white fireproofs. He was sat on the couch to my right, a little further away as I leant back into the plush of the pillows.
I let out a laugh, shaking my head. “I do that all the time, my dad practically threw me out of aeroplanes as soon as I reached 12.” “12?!” He gasped out loud, looking astonished. “I don’t even think it’s legal anymore, we were in Australia, I was petrified, I cried all the way up. The poor man on my back must’ve been so annoyed.”
“Sounds… fun.”
“When you get used to it…” I giggled. “How about you, have you ever been sky diving?” “One time in Dubai… I got so- eh what’s the English- en difficulté.” (In trouble).
“In trouble? Why?!” I blubbered our a laugh. “Because I didn’t tell anybody and uh- I think they were worried I would ah fall and die or something.”
“That wouldn’t have been good.” I snickered. “I have the videos.” He showed his phone, ushering me over as I moved to sit besides him on the couch. He scrolled through his camera roll, finding the video where he showed me plummeting down in Dubai. “Have you ever done it in Dubai?”
“Done what in Dubai?” My eyes narrowed as his widened. “Not that! I mean sky diving!!” “No we were meant to but we ah… went Skiing instead.” I awkwardly recalled, scratching the back of my neck. If only we went to Dubai, maybe things would have turned out very differently for my family.
“Ah nice..” Charles nodded as I glanced to see a video of a monkey on his screen. “What’s that?” I pointed out as he attempted to scroll by quickly.
“That was nothing.”
“No, a video of a monkey. On the floor.” I turned up to look at his lips tugging into an amused smile. “You really want to see it?”
“I do.” What Charles proceeded to show me was a video of a monkey physically chasing him around a group of people whilst he sprinted frantically away. I cried with laughter, watching it three times over as Charles shook his head, holding it in his hands.
“That’s- that’s too funny.” I giggled to myself as Charles let out a low chuckle. “You’re crying!” Charles exclaimed, laughing again himself as he rested a hand on my thigh.
“I can’t help it, that was so funny.” I wiped at the tears that had fallen from my ambush of laughter. “I was frightened… for my life.”
“I could tell.” I giggled, glancing down to see his hand still rested on my upper thigh. “I like you, Lila.” Charles spoke on an exhale as I turned to face him now. “Hm?” My smile perked as my laughter settled down.
“I really like you.” His brows furrowed, causing me to swoon at the serious expression that covered his face. “I like you too, Charles-” I casually responded.
“No, like.. I really like you.” He nodded as my lips parted slightly. “Yeah, so do I…” I whispered, gaining the confidence to move forwards and press a gentle kiss to his lips. It surprised me how quickly the kiss happened, Charles’ hand slipped over my cheek and I swear I had to hold onto his arm so I wouldn’t go dizzy from how intense I felt kissing him. It was more than good.
When we broke apart there was a second or so of silence, it was comfortable, his eyes were gazing over my face, a gentle smile lingered as I let out a slight breath of laughter. “I wanted to do that in Spain but the paparazzi ruined it.” My face heated remembering our date. “Oh yeah.” I brushed the lip gloss slightly off the outside of my lip. “Now your lips are shiny.” I pointed out as he laughed, throwing an arm around me, the other wiping at the gloss.
“How long are you in Hungary for?” He then asked, eyes flickering up and down over my lips again. “Ah, just until tomorrow.” Charles eyebrows furrowed slightly. “What about Belgium?”
“I wasn’t going to.”
“Will you come? I’ll take you out before- and after.” Charles shrugged. “Before and after?!” “Yeah, and I’ll even get pole position for you…” interesting…
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emsgoodthinkin · 5 months
As long as I’m with You
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Steve Harrington x You (short)
Summary: Steve wakes up to another bad night you’ve had this week
Warnings: hurt/comfort, talks of poor physical and mental health, doctors, suicidal ideation, medication use, drug use, chronic health issues, BPD if you squint, disabilities, use of the word “girl” x times, negative self talk, mentions of sex, angst, fluff~~
This is based off my own experiences and inspired by my pal Morgan’s version; feel free to check hers out
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Tick tick tick
The clock strikes 12 and then 1, 3, 5am in the morning, no sleep no rest it’s an every day cycle. The same shitty cycle.
It’s a new year, but not a new you.
Sitting in your walker in front of the excruciatingly bright television screen, high as a kite, everything in existence running through your mind 100 mph, sometimes the weed helps the pain. Sometimes it induces it or even makes it worse. Right now it’s doing nothing for you. Looking over at your loved one sound asleep. You don’t want to bother him with your whines or crying. So you just sit there silence, tears rolling down your cheeks; while you watch some bullshit on YouTube.
Sniff Sniff
“..yea?” you say in a whispered tone
“Are you ok? what’s wrong?”
“Ah, you already know”, you’ve used that line probably over a million times
Steve comes along your side expecting a few dried tears, but his eyes widen when he’s sees the collar around your shirt bitten, snot dribbling down your mouth and throat, crouching down, he lies his head onto your thigh looking up at you, “Talk to me sweetheart”
“Hey, I know you’re hurting”—
“GOOD FOR YOU! Congratulations you know I’m hurting, you know I’ve been hurting for fucking years. I’m glad you’ve acknowledged it unlike some people”you sniffle getting up in a hurry to take a piss as he follows with sad eyes leaning against the door frame
“I’m fucking tired, I’m so goddamn exhausted nobody will ever know what I’m dealing with!”, you say wiping your ass not bothering to wash your hands, “I can’t do anything I can’t run, I can’t jump, can’t go to the stupid, fucking grocery store without one of those motorized carts.. my back hurts, my fucking knees are throbbing, stupid fucking nerves won’t calm down FUCK! It’s not like I can get in the bathtub to calm my muscles down. Nothing is helping! No medication, no PT, no injections, no nothing! Why?? am I just resistant to any source of help or treatment? I-I can’t even lay in the goddamn bed to sleep. That’s all I have left is rest!! What is rest!? I don’t know what the hell that even is”
“I know baby I know”—
“NO YOU DONT STEVE, all you know is what you see. I wouldn’t wish on our worst enemy, my worst enemy to feel what I feel. That’s how bad it all hurts. The most evil, sick and twisted person in this world, I would never wish this upon. I just..”, getting dizzy you collapse on the bed sobbing into your own hands, then eventually into Steve’s shoulder as he rocks you, tears spilling from his own eyes—
“Nobody cares, nobody wants to help me. nobody cares unless I’m rich and can afford to give them any and ALL the things off my back, but I can’t. Even with the money you make it will never be enough to help the poor girl who’s too young to have any kind of issue. It’s “all in my head” I’m just fucking crazy. I could break my own neck and still be told it’s only from anxiety. Nobody cares just”—
“I care” he exhales
“It doesn’t matter if you care, all your care is useless, all your help is worthless to me because it gets me nowhere. Nobody’s love and care gets me nowhere. It’s nothing all but fucking false hope. Don’t you get that? None of you still to this day seems understand that. Stop praying for me to get better. It’s never going to happen. I can’t take it anymore.. I just wanna die! All I wish for is to die but, I can’t even have that. It’s like all of you want me here, to live and suffer for the rest of my life for y’all, it’s not fair, fuck that”, your trembling, body in fight or flight
“Don’t say that, you know I’d do anything to take your pain away”
“It doesn’t matter what you’d do because you’re not a doctor. You’re not a professional, you can’t help me get better.. sucks to hear but it’s the truth Steve..fuck”—
Steve’s really trying not to beat himself up over your words, he knows you’re in pain, it comes from a place of anger, frustration and fear
“I have all these pain medications I could easily take all at once, so I’ll never have to wake up in this position ever again. Why can’t I do it huh? I could end right here right now you never have to suffer again, but I just d-don’t; If anything, I’m the most selfless person for staying alive for YOU just so I can be alive but in pain all over again for YOU!”, your tone getting higher and higher in pitch
“I-I’m sorry.. I wish I knew the right words to say baby”, he’s trying his best to stay strong for you
“You’ve got to be sick of me, tired of me. All I do is cause more money to come out of your pockets, more exhaustion, more burdening, more crying, more everything bad for you. You already deal with your own shit. I do nothing but make your own mentality worse, hell you’re making your own self worse being with a person like me. A broken and useless excuse of a human being. You deserve somebody who can go hiking with you, go to the beach, travel with, who can do the bare minimum. Can’t even fuck you properly—
“STOP! Stop that right now” he shouts
You freeze because he’s never raised his voice at you, atleast not on purpose at such a vulnerable time
“I hate it too. You know it hurts me to know that you hurt and I’m sorry that I can’t take the pain away from you. My sweet, sweet girl I’m so sorry that nobody has given you the chance to hear your voice, to help heal you..but I’m gonna make you the same promise I make you almost every single night. As long as I’m with you, I will try my best with all my power to make it a little bit more bearable for you to be here, and I am so grateful that you are still here and choose to be here with me for us to be together. I know you hurt, but as long as you’re with me, I’m going to do my best to put a smile on your pretty face, beautiful sunshine of a smile because you’re my sunshine.. y-your smile gives me life did you know that?”
You nod. He tells you all the time
“I- I’m tired for wishing to feel ok for my birthdays, every Christmas. All the shirts and posters you got me for Christmas? I haven’t even touched them yet, you know why? Because the selfish person in me doesn’t give a fuck about none of it. The only thing I care about and want and NEED is pain relief and that’s too much to ask for isn’t it? Apparently wanting to be better in the world it’s too much to ask for”
“You deserve to feel better”, he says while his hand travels up your back to rub your tense neck, “You deserve to be free from all of this and I can’t give that to you. You’re not selfish baby you’re hurting. I love you for you. I knew what I was signing up for, and if I didn’t want that I wouldn’t be here right now with you. I know the sacrifices Ill have to make, the tears I’ll have to shed, the strength it’ll take me to pick you up when you’re down, but I fell in love with you, how you are, and who you are”
“Who are you kidding Steve, you don’t even know who I am. The real me. I don’t even know who I am anymore. I wish you met me when I wasn’t sick then maybe you wouldn’t be so stressed out a-and.. and,” you start sobbing again, it’s all too overwhelming
“Hey, hey look at me, no. I met you at the right time. You need me just as much as I need you. You may not think you’re worth nothing but you’re worth everything to me. Yeah you have a good and bad days..—
“I’ve had nothing but bad days for the past few months Steve”-
“I know, I see it, I hear it and I witness it, I may not can feel it, but at the end of it all, you still love me. You’re still here. You still want to cook for me. You still get up to brush your teeth and I’m so proud of you for still trying to care for yourself. That’s the biggest job you’ll ever have, and it’s been a very hard job hasn’t it?
You nod, as he nods with you
“Yeah, it has, but you don’t have to do it alone anymore. I want to provide for you. I want to take care of you. You’re my girl, you deserve so much and as long as I’m with you, I will try every day, every hour, every second or minute, to make sure you know how loved, how great and how amazing you are. How great and amazing you’re doing for yourself and for me. How strong you are”—
—“im tired of having being strong all the time”, interrupting him
“I know you are. You are so strong for being on this earth, even when you don’t want to be. I wouldn’t ask for anybody else, you’re it for me always. Will you continue to let me try to make it better for you every day? To take care of you?”, he squats in front of you, cupping your wet cheeks, kissing your forehead
“But Stevie.. you know you’re getting your own hopes up because nothing you do helps either and I feel like a piece of shit for saying that because”—
“I know what you mean, you don’t have to be sorry. I understand you may not have hope but I do. All my Hope goes towards you and it always will. You are the most important thing in my life. I’m not gonna give up on you, on me or on us, ok sunshine?”
..”okay”, you repeat rubbing your temples
“Head hurt, darling?”
“From crying too hard?”
You nod, looking away in shame, “It’s okay, I’ll get your Migrane cap from the freezer and i’ll set your pillows up how you like, just sit tight”, he says it standing then pausing at the doorway, looking over his shoulder, “I love you”
“luv you—
“Hmm? What was that, I couldn’t hear you” he exclaims
“I said love you gosh.. shut up”, you barely crack a smile
That was enough to get him through the rest of the night.
107 notes · View notes
queen-of-the-avengers · 2 months
Everything Falls Into Place
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: fluff, worrying about not being able to adopt a child, anxiety
Request by anon: Aww if steve and vixen settle down imagine them fostering or adopting a child. In their words "adoption helps a kid"
Summary: You and Steve start the process of adopting a child. There are a lot of steps that you have to go through, including a background check. You're worried about your past as Vixen is finally going to bite you in the ass. This is it. This is the other shoe you've been waiting for to drop.
Cat and Mouse Masterlist
Squares Filled: social worker au (2021) for @star-spangled-bingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock.
Tick. Tock.
“What is taking her so long?” you sigh impatiently.
“She’s only been gone five minutes. Calm down,” Steve chuckles from beside you. Steve looks over at you to see you bouncing your leg from how nervous you are. You’re wringing your fingers together to keep yourself from biting your nails. “Y/N, you’re acting like a criminal who just got caught. Take a deep breath.”
“Steve, this woman is the decider on whether or not we have a child. Forgive me if I’m a little anxious.”
Your social worker, Amy, takes another ten minutes before she’s back in the office, and you let out a relieved sigh that she hasn’t kicked you out… yet.
“I am so sorry. We’re extremely backed up,” she says and takes a seat across from you.
“It’s no problem,” Steve smiles politely.
“So, you’re looking to adopt a child? It’s a big responsibility.”
“Yes, ma’am. We’ve actually been wanting this for a while now.”
“Why now? Why not then?”
You and Steve look at each other in thought. Maybe it’s because you two were out fighting in wars you had no business being in. Maybe it’s because you finally came face to face with Zemo again after so many years of being away from him, and you almost killed him. Maybe it’s because even though you think you’re ready to be parents… you’re actually not.
“We felt like the timing wasn’t right,” Steve finally answers and peels his eyes away from you.
“Have you always wanted to have children?”
“Yes, I have,” Steve answers honestly. “For as long as I could remember.”
“And you?” Amy asks.
“In the beginning, yes. I mean, when I was a lot younger. Some shit happened to me and I didn’t allow myself to feel that way until recently. Maybe in the last couple of years? I can’t have children biologically, but I do want one.”
“I never know how to ask this question despite how many years I’ve been doing this, but what kind of parents would you two be?”
“I can’t say for sure. How can anyone know for sure? We’ve never taken care of a child before. There will be obstacles that we might not know how to get over but I can tell you one thing. We will do our very best to make sure this child is loved, safe, and raised to be the best person they can be.”
“That’s a good answer,” Amy smiles and writes in her notebook. Steve rubs his thumb on the back of your hand comfortingly. “This is going to be a long process but I have confidence that it will go by quicker than you think.” She hands over a piece of paper to Steve. “Here is a list of everything I will be needing by the end of this week. Legal papers. You know how it goes. Next will be an extensive background screening for everyone living in the adoptive household. After that will be the in-home interview and inspection of the home.”
You don’t hear anything past background screening. What if they find out about Vixen? They won’t want to give you a child when they figure out how many people you’ve killed. What if they come for the home inspection and find your room of weapons? You’re not getting a kid.
“Okay,” you squeak out.
Steve notices your panic but decides not to say anything about it until you two leave the office building.
“What’s going on?”
“What if they find out about Vixen? The Winter Soldier? My time in Hydra?”
“They won’t--”
“What if they do?” you cut him off. “What if they don’t see me fit to be a mother? What about the guns and shit we have at the house? They’re not going to allow us to be parents with all that there.”
“Baby, you need to calm down. We’re going to do fine.”
His words go in through one ear and out the other. You hear him talk but you’re not listening to a word he’s saying. When you get home, you immediately head to the room with all your weapons and begin taking them off the wall. If you’re going to make this house suitable for a child, you have to make sure it’s safe for one.
“Y/N, it’s going to be fine.”
“No, it’s not. We live in a state where it’s illegal to carry outside your home. We aren’t even allowed to have this many weapons in the house.”
Steve knows you have to do this in order to make yourself feel better. He leaves you to box the weapons while he gets his phone out of his pocket. He calls Bucky, Sam, and Nat to come over because he thinks having them here is going to help you. He has always been the more level-headed one in the relationship which is why he’s being so calm about this. He has faith that everything is going to work out just fine.
“How long has she been like this?” Nat asks when she gets there.
“Since we left the social worker.” They know you and Steve have wanted a child for a while now. “Nothing I say matters.”
“Hey, Y/N,” Natasha says and walks into the room. “You doing okay?”
“No, I’m not. I have to get these weapons out of here. Can you keep them for a while?”
“Sure. You’re going to do just fine. If anyone deserves a kid, it’s you two.”
“No, it’s not okay. Amy is going to come in here and see all these weapons and she is not going to give us a child. This isn’t safe for one. Or she will know I’m Vixen and think wow, a mass murderer assassin doesn’t deserve a kid. Or she’ll know about Bucky, Thanos, and everything else we have done in our lives.”
“Would it help if we helped you?”
“Yeah,” you smile.
Bucky, Sam, Nat, and Steve help clear out the room until it’s bare. This is the room you’re going to use for the nursery. You don’t have any supplies since you’re not sure when you’re going to be getting a kid, so you’ll keep it bare for now. Bucky and Nat take the weapons to hold onto until this whole thing blows over. Your house has a basement that you can put them into only until after the inspections are done.
On the day of the interview and home inspection, you have cookies baking in the oven to give the home a sweet smell. You have been cleaning all day to ease your worries. Steve is nervous as hell but less than you are.
“I think this is the tenth time you fluffed that pillow.”
“It has to be perfect.”
“It is. You are. It’s going to be fine.”
“I know. It’s going to be great,” you smile. Amy shows up on the dot, and you let her in eagerly. “Welcome to our home. It’s good to see you again.”
“Thank you. Wow, smells good in here.”
“I have cookies that just left the oven. Would you like one?”
“No, thank you. I have two more visits to do. Not to sound rude but I’d like to get started right away.”
“Of course.”
You two lead her to the living room and sit across from her. Steve reaches for your hand and pulls it into his lap.
“To start with, why don’t you two tell me what you two do for a living?”
“We are employed with Stark Industries,” Steve says. Happy sends money to every Avenger on behalf of Tony. You don’t need a job when your job is saving people who need it. Does she not know you two are Avengers? “We make about two hundred thousand each every year.”
“Do you enjoy your work?”
“We love it. I can’t see myself doing anything else.”
“What are some of your hobbies?” Amy asks you.
“I love to sew. I love making my own clothes. I actually made my own wedding dress. It brings me peace whenever it’s just me, a needle, and some fabric.”
“And you?” Amy asks Steve while writing in her notebook.
“I like to draw, sometimes. I’ve been practicing more these days. I like to fish. We have a cabin up north that we like to go to when the weather is nice.”
“Tell me about your marriage, and how your relationship is with your significant other.”
You look at Steve and smile lovingly at him.
“There is nothing I wouldn’t do for this man. He has saved me in ways you can’t possibly imagine. He’s my best friend. Sure, we have our ups and downs, but there is nothing we can’t accomplish together.”
“She said it right,” Steve chuckles. “I love her with all of my being. Our marriage has been nothing but great for these past few years. I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
“That’s sweet,” Amy smiles and writes. “Tell me about your relationship with your parents.”
“Both our parents are dead. We don’t have any living relatives,” you answer. 
“To get with the technical questions, why do you want to adopt?”
“I’ve mentioned this before but I’m sterile. I can’t have children on my own. I know Steve wants a family. This is the only way I know how to give it to him. We don’t want to do fostering or a surrogate. We feel like it’s more our style to adopt.”
“What she said,” Steve chuckles.
“If granted the opportunity to adopt, what are your hopes for your child?”
“That they’re a good person,” Steve answers. “That they’ll see someone who needs help and will want to do that for them. Who will love unconditionally.”
“Alright,” Amy writes. “This is everybody’s least favorite section. I’ve done your background checks.” Your heart drops. This is it. This is where she tells you that you can’t adopt. “Now my main concern is your work with Hydra. You are the Vixen.”
“Were,” you correct. “I’m not that person anymore. Yes, I have done a lot of bad things in my life. Things you can’t possibly imagine. That isn’t who I am now. I have healed from that part of me. I got help. I made amends. I got Hydra out of my head. I don’t associate myself with those people anymore.”
“What about Bucky?”
“Bucky is healed, as well,” Steve takes over. “He went to Wakanda and underwent the same thing she did. They’re both trying to move on from their past.”
“That’s all it is, Amy. It’s my past. It’s not my present and it sure as hell isn’t going to be my future.”
Amy goes through more routine questions before she gets ready for the house inspection. You tell her the plans you have for the empty room which will be the nursery. She doesn't say much but she does write a lot of stuff down.
“Thank you for coming,” you say when she is done.
“I’ll be touch.”
As soon as the front door is closed, your smile is lost.
“God, we’re not going to get a kid. Did you see the look on her face when she mentioned Vixen? She knows I’ve killed before. What person would want me to be a mother?”
Steve pulls you close and lets you vent. “We won’t know more for a while. Let’s just try and keep a calm head. Even if she says no, we can try other avenues. We will be parents. You’d be a loving mother.”
And wait you did. For two long weeks. You thought that was their way of telling you that you weren't going to have a kid. Until your phone rang and changed your entire life.
“Hello?” you answer frantically.
“Hi, Y/N? I have some news regarding your adoption application.” You and Steve wait with held breaths. “I am very happy to say you’ve been approved. I can’t wait to work with you.”
“We can get a kid?” you ask tearfully.
“That’s the first part of the process. We have sent in your application to mothers who are looking to put their children up for adoption. If and when they pick you, I will call with the next steps.”
“Thank you so much.” You cry when she hangs up. “We’re getting a kid.”
Steve pulls you in and kisses the top of your head emotionally. You have to wait for a birth mother to pick you so until then, you just have to wait. Most couples wait months or even years to get called, but you get a call from Amy only a couple of days later with a date set to meet a birth mother who chose your application among a few others. You’re nervous as hell because what if she doesn’t pick you? What if she hates you as soon as she meets you?
You get to the office where the meetings are held and wait for Amy and the birth mother to come. Her name is Jessica and she is too young to be having a kid. She is only twenty-three and she doesn't want kids at this age. Maybe when she is older but definitely not now.
Jessica walks in and seems to be about six months pregnant. She just came back from meeting a potential couple, so you straighten up and smooth down your skirt to make yourself look more presentable.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you two. My name is Jessica.”
“Y/N and this is my husband, Steve. Thank you for seeing us.”
“Yeah, I was intrigued when I read about your hobbies and your work with Stark Industries. Did you know Tony?”
“Uh, yeah.” You look at Steve and have a silent conversation through your eyes. If she is going to pick you, she should know exactly who you are. “I hope this doesn’t affect us negatively but he’s Captain America and I’m… Vixen.”
It takes Jessica all of five seconds before she starts crying. This is it. This is where she runs for the hills and gets you blacklisted from ever adopting a child.
“Captain America saved my life,” she sniffles. “I was visiting a friend in Sokovia when Ultron happened. You saved me.” She turns to Amy and wipes her eyes. “I don’t want to see anyone else.” She looks at you with a teary smile. “I can’t think of anyone better to care for my child than you two.”
“I’ll get the paperwork started,” Amy smiles and leaves the room.
You can’t believe what you’re hearing. You’re getting a kid. You’re getting a kid. You’re finally able to start your own family.
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beabeemu · 11 months
All This Time Pt.4
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Itoshi Rin x Reader
SERIES!!! Pt. 1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt. 5 Pt. 6
Uncle Osamu!! (From Haikyuu) Summary: After getting pregnant by Rin at the age of 16, deciding that not telling him about is the best thing you could do for him. Considering his soccer career, you would only get in the way. I always imagined their red hair, the same shade as taylor swift from the all-too-well short film. It's such a beautiful shade!!! Rei's hair is also like that.
join my Tag list so that you can be updated when the next part comes out!!
I was walking towards Rei’s room, going past a milliard of certificates, ribbons, and medals with her name. Even though she’s only been playing for only two years, the coaches and other instructors never failed to recognize her skill, Which I am happy about. All her hard work had paid off, all those late-night practices, she deserved everything that was coming for her. 
I knocked first then entered, she was watching an old taping of a soccer match of a team I didn’t know. She paused the video and looked over at me. She’s a really big fan of PXG along with other teams, she mostly kept tabs on Julien Loki, Michael Kaiser, and well, Rin itoshi. 
“What is it, Mom?” 
I sat down on her bed while hiding something behind my back. 
“So you remember when I told you that my boss’ son played for manshine city?” 
“Yeah!!??! Reo Mikage is so cool!! And!! They’re playing league soon too!! I’m excited to watch their match!! They're playing against PXG right?!?!?!” 
She always gets lost in her own head whenever we talk about anything related to soccer. I chuckled and just patted her head. 
“Yeah, they’re playing against PXG on Friday. So back to my boss, he decided to give everyone a week's vacation to get us a chance to watch the game, and they even planned a trip to England to watch the match in person, And I was chosen as one of the higher-ups who gets to go and I talked to my boss if I could have you with me and they said yes” 
Then I pulled out the plane tickets along with the tickets for the match, which were VIP as paid by my boss, he’s just so proud of his son you know?
She was sitting up now, so starstruck at the news I just gave her. Then she suddenly hugged me. 
“Thank you….” 
I smiled and hugged her back, after a few minutes of quiet, she suddenly got out of my arms and started jumping. 
“I can’t believe that I’m gonna watch the La Liga match!!” 
She was jumping and screaming all over her room, then she started rambling about what she was gonna wear, she even asked me if she could a PXG or a Manshine Jersey. 
Right now I’m not even worried if I was gonna be in the same place as Rin, I was just glad that she’s happy
In the end, she got a PXG shirt, My boss seemed to be unbothered by it, I think. We weren’t sitting with them though, Somehow the organizers got our tickets mixed up because instead of us watching from the VIP upper box, we were now seated at the front row, so very near the PXG players. Faith maybe? I don’t know, but Rei was really happy with the mixed up. I was wearing some jeans with a fitted turtle neck sweater with sneakers. I wore a hat that covered my red hair, and I wore sunglasses and a face mask. Good thing it was cold enough here. I am still very nervous about seeing Rin, only because I wouldn’t know what to say to him, or how I should react. 
I’ve made scenarios at night about meeting him before, but now that the possibility of meeting him was close to 100 was nerve-wracking. Meanwhile, Rei was buzzing with excitement, I mean who wouldn’t? She was gonna see her favorite football players play right in front of her.
I watched as people filled in the seats, then after a few minutes the opening ceremony started. They said some stuff, then the players started coming out, Rei was squealing happily beside me while standing on her seat, while I was holding her so she wouldn’t fall. 
The more players that were coming out the more my anxiety was getting worse. Then he came into the light, I had to remove my sunglasses so that I could see him more clearly. Seeing him in person was different from seeing him on a screen. 
He hasn’t changed much, apart from his physique, he was still the same rin I fell in and out of love with. His hair was a little longer, his face looked more mature, and his under-lashes reminded me of Rei’s. As they lined up to sing the national anthem of their respective countries I put my sunglasses back on. We stood up to pay respects, and after the ceremony, the game immediately started. 
Since we were near the bench of PXG, they were walking towards us, I kept my head low but Rei on the other hand was standing up on her seat to get a good look at the players. 
“Mama! Can you carry me for a bit?? I just wanna see the players please” 
At first, I wanted to refuse, but I can’t. So I stood up, took her in my arms and we stood near the railings. I kept my head lowered, my face still covered by my mask and my hair covered with the scarf. Meanwhile, rei’s red hair was standing out, while I looked like someone who was allergic to the sun. 
People around us started cheering and calling out the names of the players, which meant they were in front of us, Rei started calling out for Loki, Rin along with the other players. I took a peak and saw the players standing in front of us, they were waiting for the ref to give them the signal to go into the playing field. 
My heart was beating hard, he was right there in front of me. 
“Itoshi!! Loki!!!” Rei screamed their names, at first I didn’t think that they would look, but they did. Much to my luck. I met eyes with Rin. Rei was waving at them, and Loki waved back. Meanwhile, rin on the other hand was just staring at us, he looked like he was trying to remember something. I looked away, turning my head to the side not wanting to lock eyes with him anymore. Who knew a simple action would have the biggest impact on him? 
At that moment you turned your head, and his eyes were met with your red hair, his world stopped spinning. Then he looked at the kid you were holding, She had the same color of hair, but has eyes just like his, she even had the same under-lashes as his. Then everything from the last time you two met up came flooding in, He didn’t know what to think, his mind was blank as he just stared at the kid you were holding. Then he thought, ‘Is she mine? Did she get pregnant? Is that why I haven’t heard from her after all these years?’  Like a miracle, you turned your head back to him, his eyes were wide, he didn’t want to make assumptions but a part of him was hoping that it would be you. 
He didn’t have enough time to think about you two anymore because Loki tapped his shoulder saying that it was game time. He shook his head after looking at you two one last time. Then ran off to the field following his teammates, he tried his best to clear his head, but you were just plaguing his head again.
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Taglist: @kimura-uzuri, @10-jiku2, @briefparadisewonderland, @junephantom21, @noshitmyfriend, @decoraboix, @pwr3tties, @miyanaranagikenmal-intp, @vitaniangel-blog@coldteameowjesty, @ieathairs, @sirimiripetrichor
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Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt.5 Pt. 6
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years
Open Window
(Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Steve Harrington)
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Summary: You get really into your weekend tryst with Steve and Eddie.
Warnings: Language, masturbation, squirting, mentions of blood, fluff at the end, slight female dom, stripping, cowgirl, semi-established poly relationship, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, NSFW, and lotsa naughty touching!
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader, Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Steve Harrington
A/N: Hey there, hi there! This is my first venture in the writing world of Stranger Things fanfiction! I’m nervous as hell, lol. I’ve only seen a few episodes, plus bits and pieces of the series, so I am keeping this fic pretty basic and plotless (basically just some self-serving filth, dedicated to all of us Eddie/Steve/Reader lovers, and fellow Steddie lovers). I fell absolutely in love with Eddie’s character, then Steve’s, causing an inevitable calling into this fandom/show, becoming dazed by how unique it is.
Once I finish the series in full, I do intend on having more stories and plot-heavy things coming, but my drafts are piling up with ideas that won’t leave me alone, so here we are, haha. I have watched ALOT of Eddie and Steve to try and grasp their characterizations. Crossing my fingers that isn’t in vain. Anyways, y’all are the judges of that! ;)
Enjoy! - Kristen <3
You’re not quite sure when it really started, but then again, what sane person could be? All the shit that’s been going down in Hawkins is supposed to be what shocks you, yet the fact of you ending up in a highly charged sexual relationship with both Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington - that wasn’t what anyone expected for a midwestern girl in a dizzying few weeks. And that’s who you had been before things began to shift and looks were exchanged. Was it a crippling fear leading to held hands, white knuckled grips nearly shredding flimsy bedsheets, or this irresistibly odd pull that connected you three together? It’s something you are not sure you’ll ever have the answer to.
Days began to bleed into one another, leaving behind worries about what others would think if they knew, rationality a passing memory. Everytime you gathered at Steve’s place or Eddie’s trailer, it became more heated than the last. Your introverted shell took a hit from each bruise Steve would paint across your thighs - an enriching deep red he’d use his mouth to clean with false apology, knowing you both fucking loved it. Eddie’s fondness fell into taking you hard enough to shatter some drywall behind Steve’s bed, fuck up his own bed, and render you unable to sit properly - leaving the two boys with cheshire-wide smirks at your shared friend group’s questioning. Eventually, your quieted persona broke apart in such a hungry manner that containing it wasn’t possible any longer.
Your parents had left you to watch the family pets and your one story home, some banquet in Indianapolis they were obligated to. You wasted no time in inviting your guys over, the first time you’d all be meeting at your place. Heavily tasked, you overly pampered yourself, in further detail, making sure your sheets were fresh, the beer was ice cold, and you were nice and prepared in… other ways. You used minimal makeup, a simple silk nightgown you took your last allowance payment to purchase, and your first real pair of lacy underwear. They were on their way to you by mere minutes…
You are giddy, cheeks kissed with a heat, as you watch the freshly shaved expanse of your thighs bounce against one another in eager anxiety. It seems like Hawkins can always provide a natural soundtrack for whatever-the-fuck is happening in your life, so a thunderstorm isn’t the least bit surprising to you. It’s calming, giving you the courage to approach the door upon seeing them roll up in Steve’s car outside. You sneak a peek through your mom’s maroon drapes, Eddie’s hands moving rapidly in front of Steve’s face, before Steve palms his forehead in frustration, motioning to his radio. They’re arguing over music again.
You roll your eyes and grow impatient, thumping your knuckles across the glass to attempt attention. Steve is the first to see your action, scoffing at Eddie, who points back at him to place blame. You flip them the double bird, letting the curtains drop, unlocking your front door and pulling it open, standing in front with your arms crossed. Fucking you, fucking each other - boys will still be pain in the ass boys. Ruining my sexy reveal plan… little bitches.
They’d already begun to climb from the car, insulting each other, that is, until they see you in the doorway. Like dogs trying to race for a bone, Steve and Eddie clamber through your dad’s rain soaked AstroTurf, crushing your mom’s newly planted flowers underneath their shoes, stopping breathless and wide eyed on your doorstep.
“You know,” You start, allowing your hands to press into a rest upon your hips. “I really don’t want to let you in here now.”
Eddie looks comical, Steve perplexed.
“If Harrington wasn’t such an uptight little shit, I don’t think you’d be pouting right now, Y/N.”
“Oh, great, blame it on me for nearly blowing out my eardrums. You’re a real stallion, Eddie.” Steve retorts in a biting sarcasm.
“I know I did not blow my last twenty dollars on this fucking piece of fabric for you two to argue over the radio again,” You pause, an after huff finishing your statement. “And by the way, Munson, I’m not pouting.”
Eddie grins, doing that damn swaying back and forth shit that he does, hands clasping together behind his back. You and Steve both watch that chain slap across worn black fabric-an automatic reaction. “Yes you are.”
“You have a shitty poker face, Y/N.” Steve butts in.
“You’re really pissing me off, I hope you both know that.” You’re trying to glare, but the beads of raindrops slicking Steve’s neck and dotting Eddie’s leather jacket are firing your stance. That gnawing ache is a sharp stab between your thighs, a signal to the way you’ve been feeling so possessively lustful towards them lately, without either man even knowing your libido’s full extent.
“You know what they say. It’s better to be pissed off than pissed on.” Eddie is practically giggling, that pearly white smile so damned big that you forget your irritation entirely, turning around and heading down the hallway to your bedroom.
Both boys exchange looks, a slight worry tinting Steve’s furrowed brow when he says, “Dude… really?” Leave it to Munson to still be cracking jokes when you’re breasts are heavily visible through the satin, your body language a little different than Steve has seen before.
“I didn’t mean anything by it…” Eddie slightly falters, pushing your front door closed and flipping its deadbolt.
When both boys venture to your room, they aren’t prepared for it. Lightly scented candles are lit on your desk, a greeting aroma that comforts them, your window open and your sheer pastel pink curtains are billowing out across your shoulder, which is moving along with your arm. Eddie’s teeth take hostage over his bottom lip, while Steve’s jugular tightens into a harsh swallow. You’re perched atop the window sill, nightgown around your waist, lace to the side, accompanied by two fingers easing in and out of your very wet cunt. You don’t let either partner get a word out, sliding a finger from yourself, a very noticeable shine causing Steve to adjust himself.
Eddie looks as if his willpower not to meet you at the window, undo his belt, slide your ass to the edge of the sill, lock your legs around his waist as he fucks you so hard you can’t form a coherent word for days-is dissipating rapidly. You hold that shining finger up to halt them.
“You’re wearing too much.” Is all you say.
They do that eye dart with the other, as if to communicate.
“Take. Them. Off.” You emphasize, leaving no leeway or patience.
Normally, Eddie would start bitching the second he is aware you have your music going. His teasing picks. But fuck if it’s not helping him shed every layer. Steve is silently doing the same, all that everyone is hearing is their own labored pants and the stirring squelch of your fingers. Eddie’s dark eyes are a glossy abyss, caving to blown pupils.
Steve is caught between staring at him to looking back at you. He is disheveled, that tremble snapping his wrist as he lowers his underwear, bare to your sights. His thick cock leaking and throbbing so bad he is on the verge of seeing stars. Eddie’s belt is undone is such a deliberately slow manner, that you catch Steve’s gone gaze to keep steady. It doesn’t help when Eddie slides those ring covered fingers beneath his boxer’s waistband, dragging his pants down in one, two-combo go, almost as if he’s caressing his thighs like the body of a guitar.
The tattoos littering his creamy skin have your mouth watering, plan nearly forgotten. Your fingers take a break, cunt clenching around them. You edge your teeth into the corner of your lip, a pinch so hard it breaks your skin. Eddie’s cock is in his hand, a rebellious challenge to your game. He is very aware you need him inside you. Shaking his head to purse his lips and blow off a strand of dark hair, the thin chain that contains his guitar pick is highlighted.
If you weren’t turned on beyond human comprehension, vision blurred from teary eyed want, it’d be funny that you and Steve moan in sync over that necklace. Your fingers give a harder press, leaving that tight and familiar pressure. You’re needy, floating, exposed.
“Come and undress me, please.” A little shyness leaks back out, your voice wavering on puddled words.
Steve is the first to seek you out, tapping your thighs up to press against his muscular waist, his thumb tilting your chin to meet his mouth in a slow and deliberate kiss, one that melts into a pathway to your neck.
More marks for later.
Steve is smiling against your skin, his left hand swatting yours from between parted thighs, easily hooking his digits into the lace and tugging as you unravel your limbs from their previous position around his waist. Your toes tip into dangle over your hardwood floor, lifting to help Steve get the flimsy fabric off, lewd strings of thick want stringing from you to the garment. He observes it, finger scraping the soaked crotch. “Jesus Christ, you’re already so fucking wet, baby.”
Steve is mewling out pet names, that’s how you know he’s a complete goner too. You still can’t speak, letting Steve. He’s not done yet, apparently. Pressing a lined touched down the valley of your breast beneath the gown, he rests his forehead to yours, that same hand that removed your panties hovering on your inner thigh. He can barely get the word out, but manages with a deep, “Yeah?”
You can’t close your eyes, don’t permit yourself to miss any moment. Nodding, you allow him to flatten his palm across your labia, absolutely destroying his hand with your slick, slapping the flesh a few times, making you shiver. He’s good at that. It’s when he takes two fingers and parts you, gathering a thick amount, that you whimper so loudly both men wonder if it’s too much. He flings the panties to the floor, looking hotly at your shared lover - Eddie Munson.
He’s a silhouette of sinful debauchery, hand gripping his erection, salivating for some instruction.
“Come here, Munson.” Steve shifts a little, presenting his soaked fingers to Eddie’s lips. The long haired rocker obliges, obscenely biting Steve’s digits into his mouth, sucking them dry, his hands wrapped around Steve’s wrist.
It’s a subtle depth they share, recently having ventured out into kissing one another. Steve was always more hesitant than Eddie, but Eddie had kissed males and females alike before you all hooked up. He was always patient, waiting. And as you watch Steve take Eddie by his neck’s nape, gripping a palmful of his long locks, their mouths smashing together hungrily - you admire, heart smitten. When they release, Eddie points at the floor, you slide off the window sill, letting him take you into his arms.
Eddie knocks a nuzzle with an easy knuckle graze against your cheek, bringing you into a kiss, his chest exhaling deeply, your arms lifting to give him access to stripping you completely, his warm flesh seeping through your nightgown, growing significantly over each piece of your flesh that gets uncovered. It falls to the floor. Satin, silk, whatever the fuck fabric it is. His fingers dance across the goosebumps that have appeared on your shoulders, just stroking, breaths unsteady. He dives into his usual hold, prepared to lift you onto the bed and place you on your back.
You shake your head, summoning that bravery you worked so hard to find. “Eddie go and lay down the bed.” Another laughable moment when your guys have such a shocked look on their face. Eddie does as told, resting his arms behind his head, tongue flat against his teeth. He’s at your complete and total mercy.
Lord help me… is this even real?
“Put a condom on him, Harrington. They’re in the drawer.” Your feet patter along the flooring, you slide a hand across Eddie’s thigh, teasing, smirking.
“Steve, if you don’t hurry up, man. I swear to fuck I’ll—“ Eddie tries, Steve cutting him off by making quick work of the task, securing the condom onto Eddie’s delicious length.
They are waiting on your next move, dark eyes expectant. Yeah, you can definitely do this. Your knees press into the bed as you climb into a straddle across Eddie’s thick thighs, your pussy dripping arousal that catches on his hipbone, making him squirm. You reach out for Steve’s hand, bringing it to cup you, giving him enough to coat the condom with, an aid for you. All four of their hands that have battled monsters, worked, played a guitar, yet they’re so gentle with you. It’s an empowering comfort, one that has you reaching back to take Eddie’s cock, nudging the head at your opening.
When he speaks, that honey soaked voice is deep, lost. It’s practically a whisper. “You sure you’re gonna be able to take me like this, Y/N?”
“What do you both think I’ve been preparing myself for?” And with that revelation, you sink down, eyes meeting Eddie’s, not breaking, even when your lids flutter wildly. You reach for Steve’s hand automatically, holding tightly for support.
Eddie inhales sharply, abdomen muscles flexing into a trembling series.
“Oh, fuck yeah, Eddie.” Your unshed tears have prickled the corners of your lids, slipping out. Damn if it doesn’t hurt like hell, stretching, sheathed, full. And you love every new sensation this position brings. Steve sees the tears first, slithering to swing his body around behind you, his cock pressed into your lower back, leaving behind a sopping wet spot. He reaches for your waist, one hand trailing down to part you the rest of the way, giving Eddie a full view of his cock being swallowed by your pussy.
The music on your cassette tape is climbing to the chorus, soothing your first assisted movement. Steve lays his chin on your shoulder and keeps his thumb pad over your clit, his thighs bumping your own. He helps you crest a riding rhythm over Eddie, moving with you, gaining stimulation from rutting against your backside. Eddie can’t take his eyes off you, dancing between Harrington, whom kisses your neck to your shoulder blade, finalizing his own fixated gaze on Eddie Munson.
Holy hell…
Steve’s help doesn’t go in vain, however, it only takes you a few more dipping movements until you’re on your own, hands falling back onto Eddie’s thighs, nails digging in, back arched, eyes now closed, in your own world that seeks out pleasure in shameless greed, a sole pearl of sweat descending beneath your breasts, hips rising and falling, taking. Eddie is balls deep in you and you know you won’t be able to walk for days, but you probably wouldn’t stop, even if someone came home. Steve lowers himself by Eddie, both mesmerized by you riding him into your mattress, speed picking up, the song’s beat blending into wind-whipped curtains. Eddie swears he’s having super human sight, as he is noticing everything in your room in hyper focus; Steve Harrington-hot as hell, a fucking saint for waiting to get off, a prime heroic example of that virtue called patience, biting his ripe lips, sharing looks that map out you and Eddie in a private perversion, you riding Eddie’s cock like the Queen angel herself, horns adorning your normal goddamned halo, your cassette player with that damned song, hell, even your girly curtains that have flowers on them.
His eyes roll back, cock swelling in the condom. He’s losing it, whining into a cry of heavy-hot jagged breaths. Your hands move back to Eddie's chest, vividly aware, you switch to yanking Steve into your embrace, a kiss so violent that you can feel that jawline knick your cheekbone on the way in. Breaking apart on swollen, damp mouths, you let yourself press flat across Eddie, breasts dragging along his inked chest, increasing the velocity of your thrusts. He’s a pitiful mess, clenching your waist with a feverish vice.
His breathing is exerted, reminding you how he looks when he’s playing a show or a solo for you and Steve. You tighten at the mental image, that invisible rubberband snapping, your resolve slashed apart. Your body is sprinkled with a hot red blush, thighs starting to shake. It doesn’t even take the normal touch you’d need to your clit to get off, no. Your mouth drops open in a silent cry, before you let out the loudest, downright embarrassing scream, birthed in your diaphragm- tear through your lungs and out of your mouth.
You don’t just cum. This unfamiliar feeling grows, invading you until it’s turned you inside out, and that tickling twist locks your muscles down, a gush of hot fluid coming from you and drenching Eddie, all the way down to the curls at the base of his dick.
“Fuck, fuck.” He coos, wound. Like a meek mouse, you fold, unable to hold yourself up, you collapse into your rockstar’s chest.
“Holy goddamned shit.” Steve pants, working a hand over himself, sliding back into his previous position behind you. You’re too weak to try and move on your own, sensitive. And you know Eddie is trying like hell to stay still and hold back.
Mere minutes have felt like hours, and you are grateful to Steve for helping your hips move again, as Eddie is mentally encouraged to force his hips into rough pumps from beneath. You’re burying your face into the inked expanse of Eddie’s chest, your cheek close to that guitar pick accessory. Eddie. He’s throbbing inside you and it’s clear he’s coming.
“Fuck, look at me, little girl.” He demands, zoned out completely that he isn’t even realizing how he’s just awakened a new kink in both you and Steve.
He pries you off his neck, cupping the back of yours… watching. It’s a moment. He reaches up with his other hand, his thumb caressing Steve’s cheekbone, running through his hair, the three of you just… observing, soaking in the other in one group motion. When Eddie comes it’s a brand new rift that has opened, one that none of you were aware could exist.
Eddie’s jugular constricts against a harsh gulp, lips slippery, eyes hauntingly beautiful in their bliss, and you are suddenly brimmed with warmth as he fills the condom full, breathing patterns stuttering, leaving the air blanketed in his lowly rasps. Steve helps you ride Eddie out, before you fall forward again, Eddie’s heartbeat thumping erratically in vibrations across your sternum and boobs. You ruffle your fingers throughout his sweaty mane, helping him catch his bearings. He’s spent for the moment, but you’re twitching, pulsating again, needing more.
Steve brushes your hair off your shoulder, aware you need a break and he needs you. Eddie, to his credit, recovers enough to help Steve slide you off him and onto your back, drenched and shaking. Eddie passes a fresh condom, using his teeth to open it, Steve barely able to get it on without combusting. No one vocalizes much right now.
Eddie ties off his own rubber, discarding it in the trash bin beside your nightstand, easing onto his side to watch you spread your legs wide open for Harrington to slope down into. You lock them around Steve’s upper back, hushing his worry you’ll be way too sore from all this. He doesn’t waste anymore time, letting Eddie guide his cock halfway, their joined hands pushing Steve into your sensitive walls. Ever the handsy man that Munson can be, he caresses the expanse of Steve’s back as he moves, tickles your ankles, swiping his fingers back and forth, switching to the cool metal his rings bring from knuckled brushes. You’re still outrageously wet that the sounds in your room are disgustingly whoreish, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Eddie’s hand does pay attention to your neglected clit, which has gained some stimulation from Steve’s chest hovering into strokes, every time he presses back inside you.
“How about you two give me another show, huh? Think you can come together?” Eddie’s got that tone from the furthest pits down that it can come from. It’s hotter than hot, and you’re ready for more, Steve sure he’ll pass out soon if he doesn’t have any.
You let Steve take you harder than you can remember feeling him. His shoulder blades twist and shift to match his body’s chase. You hold tight, purposely clenching your pussy around him. It takes Eddie one hard press to your clit and a rather assertive smack to Steve’s ass and you both tip over the precipice, moaning out gibberish and pleas, rocking out every last bit of pleasure. Steve Harrington’s firm and round ass clenching upon his release, is a sight Eddie Munson will never get tired of.
Your tits heaving heavily, nipples hard, Eddie Munson won’t ever forget that image either. Steve collapses onto you, seeking solace on the swell of your bosom with a rosy cheek. You rub his sweaty, freckled back, your thighs beginning a shaking set of quakes you don’t even attempt to reign in. Eddie lays back down beside you two, pushing Steve’s chestnut locks off his forehead, giving you the very same treatment. Calming down in a minute’s ticking, Steve rolls to your other side, sandwiching you into the middle.
No one speaks, basking in the glow. That is, until Eddie breaks the silence. He would be the one to see it first. He runs a finger beside your right thigh on the white sheet, expecting you and Steve, who give him identical “What?” looks, to catch on quicker.
“Haven’t seen this come from her since we popped her cherry, Harrington.” Eddie smirks.
A stomach swooping humiliation settles in. Sure enough, right beside where your thigh was previously dangling above-is a small, but very present spot of bright crimson.
“Shit. This is fucking embarrassing.” Your bubble is bursting, your obsessive need to clean and cover up coming out. Eddie grasps you around the waist, shaking his shaggy hair.
“It’s not embarrassing, Y/N. It just means you won’t be able to sit down in public for the next week.”
Even Steve, the worrisome lover, is taking pride in it.
“Wonder if anyone will notice?” He joins Eddie.
But you know, whether everyone else can sense something or not, that you very much will. There’s always an open window to the truth, and that’s not just your window letting in a heavier storm.
I’ve fucking fallen in love with these two hot messes.
Tagging: @littledemondani @prettyboyeddiemunson & @lovelylangdonx (Idk who else to tag. Hope y’all don’t mind?)
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penguin--rat · 7 months
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cardiomyocytes and connective tissue @nopanamaman
I’ve wanted to do a fic like this for some time now, a ‘thank you’ letter to PAFL and its community of sorts. I’m happy I finally got around to writing it:) 
I wasn’t sure whether I should do this or not, but, hey! It might make someone feel a bit better!! Or, reading the fic will. That’s enough reason, I think, and you don’t have to read this, of course, no matter who you are.
First of all, I want to talk about PAFL a bit.
The first PAFL song I listened to was PiP. I saw its thumbnail when listening to some other music youtube, and so, I listened to it. Oh boy am I glad I did:) I remember thinking how cool it is that someone's making songs for their OCs and that people are interested in them. I could see so much love for the characters in it. I was so happy when I discovered there were more songs like that!! This was around when Comfort Zone had first come out, a week or two after at most. That was two years ago. I’ve been obsessed ever since.
I love PAFL. I genuinely love that songs haven’t been coming out much lately. Like, there’s media that comes out weekly and sucks shit. I’m glad Ferry is taking their time with this!!! Even if all we get each year is one song, that’s cool, because the community is wonderful and we also get doodles and art and now patreon stuff.. yippee yay… !!! And even if we didn’t. who the fuck caressss!!!!! I love coming up with AUs and OCs and theorizing with my friends!!! the time between songs gives us time to do all that:)
The characters are so charming. Every member of the cast has been a fave of mine at some point or another. They’re all so, real! I love them! I love how they fuck up and I love how they get fucked over and I love how they get exploded and killed and shot and hugged and saved and helped!!! They’re human… might not make sense, but i rlly do like them…
It’s so neat looking back at older songs and seeing how stuff’s changed. The art style, the music, it’s all so nice to look back on. Even if I wasn’t there for it.
And don’t even get me started on the worldbuilding..  Everyone say thank you to Boris Strugackij and Arkadij Strugackij for making roadside picnic and inspiring Ferry to make this… so lovely and neat. wonderful. I have not read it myself, but I might, just to be able to make my own pafl OCs more swagger..
So. This fic.
I can’t mention two years ago without at least mentioning my depression.
I can’t remember most of last year, speaking truthfully. Parts of 2021 are also fuzzy. Depression and anxiety are terrible, would not recommend. This feels cheesy to say, but it does get better!!! Slowly, unsteadily, it gets better!!! I don’t mean for this part of the post to be a ‘feel bad for me’ thing at all. Do not. I am safe and healthy now and I couldn’t be happier to be here right now.
Is life good now?? Sorta, but what matters to me right now is, I’m happy!!! It feels so surreal. I never thought I’d be like this. A part of me wants to be angry, to get depressed again about how I could have been happy all this time. But I won’t!!! Because then I’d spiral and forget another year, and, I don’t want that!
Which is so cool!!! I can like, fucking, do stuff now!! I can throw away the bad thoughts, embrace the good ones, encourage myself!!! I do things!!! I go outside and goddd dude that’s so good!! I go outside!!!
I’m doing stuff! I’m drawing, writing, cleaning my room, taking care of myself!!! If I didn’t stay alive to enjoy these small joys, what am I even here for?? 
And I’m alive!!! I’m here!!! I made it, I’m here, writing this on 10th november, 2023, and I’m ALIVE!!!! How cool is that??? 
And yea, the world is shitty, it sucks ass, but, my friends don’t!!!:3 and that’s more than enough for me… SHOUT OUT TO MY FRIENDS!!! I LOVE YOU DUDES!!!
Moving on:
It doesn’t feel right to say that I’m here now only to PAFL. But, what I can say is that it’s been a wonderful crutch for me!! It’s been something to focus on, something silly, but also something I can relate to, and something that inspires me to make my own stuff! I’d most likely still be here, were it not for these silly songs.. but, not sure I’d be as alive as I am now! Unsure if my heart would feel right in my chest! And I wouldn’t have met my amazing friends!!!! Everyone here is so nice.
Dima may be a bit OOC in this fic, and that's because! This fic is based on my own experiences, which, i don’t think is bad…
I could talk here forever about how it gets better. Butttt to be quite honest I don’t wanna lol. I just wanna say, Thank you! to Parties are for Losers, for being cool. 
(Though I also wanna say, don’t put Ferry on a pedestal, they’re human, we all make mistakes, all that stuff.)
Ok time to go back to my manly Sergei ways and never talk about emotions ever again. or as anya would say: FUCK IT WE BALL!!!!!
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