#I’ll add more tags later I’m exhausted lol
jasntodds · 10 months
Petrichor [6]
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader (little bit of fwb)
Words: 17,546 (next chapter is at most 10k i promise lol) 
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, angst, canon violence, blood, bruises, mentions of nightmares, ptsd, jason is a little bit of an asshole, mentions of being tortured, mentions of the roof scene, mentions of being kidnapped, yes i did put an utrh reference in here, i eventually fix things with bruce later
Summary:❝Pylades: I’ll take care of you. Orestes: It’s rotten work. Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you.❞
Gotham is home, not just for Jason but for you, too. And now that you’re both finally back home, together, you’re ready to see where this next chapter brings the two of you. He’s your best friend and you’re his. And you both might want a little something more with being back home, the place you both feel most comfortable. Surely, nothing could possibly go wrong now.
A/N: I tried to cut out some scenes from this chapter so I'm sorry lol but everything comes back at some point so it's important. I'm super excited for next chapter lol Also idk if you guys look at my chapter titles but sometimes, 2 chapter titles go together and this is one of those cases and I am so sorry lol It's from the song Destroy Me by PALESKIN if you were curious lol I hope you guys like it!! If you want context from book 1, let me know and I’ll tell you!! You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary and turn on notifications if you prefer that!! I love feedback, I swear it keeps me posting on a weekly basis 😭
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By the time the next day comes, Jason and you are nearly as happy as you’ve ever been with each other. Finally, after everything that’s happened and after all these months, you have both the confirmation in your feelings. You have each other, wholly and solely. You are each other's and neither of you could possibly be happier. And for the first time, you're both doing your absolute best to ignore the anxiety that comes with that. For each other.
You both try to ignore the fear of one of you dying, or dying for each other. The fear of one of you leaving or giving up or pushing or running. For the first time, you both are finding it in yourselves to ignore those feelings because you are with the person you both trust the absolute most. And you both know, the other person deserves for you to suck up the fear and the anxiety and make a solid effort in not freaking out. Despite everything you’ve both ever known and been taught, you’re choosing each other and choosing to trust each other to always be by your sides. And you both are so happy. It’s practically euphoric.
“Good luck, Jay.” You offer Jason a sweet and gentle smile as you stand outside of Bruce’s car in front of a large house.
He is not thrilled about this. He’s done it before, several times. It’s exhausting seeing a new shrink, again, and having to tell the same damn stories over and over again. He gets the same diagnoses and that's the end of it. It never really helps. He’s left with another person knowing more about him than he would ever really like. It’s exhausting but it’s this or he’s not Robin anymore. Jason doesn’t give up that easily.
“Yeah.” Jason scoffs, looking to his shoes and back to you. “Thanks.”
“You’ll be fine and it’ll help.” Your smile grows as you pick his hand up in yours.
“We’ll see.” Jason chuckles softly. “Be here when I’m done?” Jason asks with the raise of his brows, hopeful.
In all honesty, you're masking this a bit more tolerable. You promised you’d always come with to drop him off and pick him up. Bruce doesn’t exactly trust you to drop him off. He thinks maybe you’ll ditch the appointments. So, you promise to come with and if you have to spend an hour with Bruce, you’ll do it for him. And he can then bitch to you all he wants about how the shrink doesn’t know shit and Bruce is ridiculous for making him do it. As long as he goes, you’ll be there. Before and after.
“Of course.” You chime, closing the distance between you and capturing his lips in a tender kiss.
“Would rather keep doing this.” Jason mutters against your lips as he snakes his hands onto your waist.
“Too bad.” You kiss him again. “Your mental state comes first, Jaybird.”
Jason chuckles against your lips. “Yeah, alright, princess.”
You laugh softly. “Okay, get in there before you’re late.” You pull away and your smile is gentle. “I love you.” You beam, smiling with full teeth and your eyes are brighter than Jason has ever seen before.
“Love you, too.” Jason chuckles as the fluttering of his heart nearly sends him into cardiac arrest.
You watch Jason walk up the driveway and to the front door before he knocks. You watch and wait until a woman greets him and allows him into her home. A part of you thought maybe he’d try to bail out of it. Actually make a solid effort to anyway. You almost expected him to walk up the driveway and then sprint behind the house and take off, leaving you and Bruce to chase after him. But there he is, going into a therapist’s house on his own and you're happy for him. Relieved.
You don’t always think therapy will help but nothing else is helping him and at the end of the day, he needs help even if he wants to insist he’s fine. Everyone else around him knows he’s not. The limp isn’t because he’s still hurt. You know Bruce well enough to know he would have Jason checked out by a doctor to verify he was fine. It’s in his head which makes it all feel the same as if there were something physically wrong with him. He needs help. And he thinks no one notices his hands and the terrified expression after a nightmare. He can’t work through all his problems alone and he never should have had to. And you're proud of him for doing it even if he’s only doing it so he can be Robin. The point is that he’s going.
“What do we do now?” You ask Bruce as you get back into the front seat.
Bruce almost laughs. You and Jason have been beating around the damn bush since you showed up and you're finally doing something about it. Of course, never mentioning what that thing is to him and he finds the whole exchange a little amusing. Bruce has never told anyone, but Jason has always reminded him a little bit of himself. But, Jason is his son and you clearly make him happy.
“We could grab lunch while we wait.” Bruce offers.
“That’s fine.” You offer Bruce a soft smile.
Your issues remain with him. A part of you thinks Jason’s problem is still Bruce. Bruce was a lot of Dick’s issue. Had Bruce gotten Dick into therapy instead of giving him a mask and a cape, maybe Jericho wouldn’t have died because Dick would have been able to handle his problems better. Or, at the very least, maybe Dick could have handled that entire situation better and it wouldn’t have led Jason and you after Dr, Light. Maybe it wouldn’t have led Jason to the roof that day. Dick is an adult who can handle his own problems, but he was just a kid who was never taught how and you think the same is said for Jason.
Jason’s case is a little different. He wasn’t thirteen when Bruce took him in. But, maybe Bruce still could have done better. You do, however, admire the fact he’s trying now and maybe that’s what matters. He’s here now and trying and doing the one thing that might actually help. Forcing him to get help before he’s Robin again. You will never admit that to anyone though. So, you just go along with him for lunch and try your best.
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After lunch, Bruce and you head back to pick up Jason. He’s not feeling great after the therapy session. He was never one that liked it very much. He was tossed around between therapists and psychiatrists while he was in the system. It was always repeating the same story over and over again, none of them offering anything that ever really helped. It was always more a state requirement and not because anyone actually gave a shit where his mental health stood. This therapist seems different than the others but like with everyone, Jason isn’t sure he trusts her. He gave her the same spiel about his parents and asked about her because that seemed easier than the same old boring story. But, she at least communicated with him and that part was at least nice.
“So, how did it go?” You ask once you're back at the manor in your room and away from Bruce. “You don’t have to tell me what you talked about or anything. Just asking how it went.” You shrug with ease.
“Fine, I guess.” Jason shrugs his shoulders as he stands near your fireplace. “Still not fucking happy about it.” A chuckle leaves his lips.
“Figured.” You match the chuckle, leaning back onto your hands, the bed soft under your palms. “When do you go again?”
“Next week.” Jason scoffs.
“Well, I’ll be there for you.” You smile softly at him and Jason thinks that’s the only upside. At least you’ll be there before and after.
“Yeah, thanks.” Jason lets out a breath. “Okay, well fuck that shit.” He approaches you, his eyes narrowing slightly as a smirk splits his lips. “Get ready. We’ve got a date to have.” He leans down, resting his hands on either side of you.
He’s tired of talking. He doesn’t want to talk about it. He’s going to do everything in his power to avoid it today. It’s too heavy and he wants today to be perfect. It’s your first date. Officially, as a couple.
“Oh, we’re going soon?” You perk up as your stomach swirls. This is real. It’s happening.
“Hell yeah. Got a whole fucking night planned, babe.” His voice is low and the way he smiles like this, the light hits his canines just right and it looks like he has small fangs. He’s so endearing.
“What are we doing?” You beam with excitement as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“You’ll see. Go get ready.” Jason urges, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Okay, Jay.” You peck his lips before Jason pulls up and lets you out of his grasp.
You get up and go to get ready. And Jason starts to feel nervous.
Technically, him and Rose never went on an official date. They mostly ran around Gotham, doing busts and then spent more of their time hiding out in someone’s house. There were no official dates. And come to think of it, Jason doesn’t think he’s ever done this before and he’s thinking maybe he went a little overboard with what he has planned. But he knows you better than anyone and he knows what you like. But then he comes back to realizing maybe he doesn’t know what you would like in forms of a date, it might be different than your usual thing. He’s just hoping he doesn’t royally fuck this up like he tends to have a habit of doing.
You meet Jason back in his room. You don't do much with your hair or your makeup, keeping both mostly the same as usual but you wear one of your nicer jackets. And even then, he swears you look beautiful. He smiles softly at you. He’s so in love with you and he really hopes you like the date.
He walks up to you and takes your hand in his. He hopes you don’t notice his hands are cold and clammy. You do but you think it’s cute. Jason nervous is not something that happens very often but the idea of him being nervous for your date, makes your head swim and your bones vibrate. He’s so cute.
The two of you head off on Jason’s bike, arriving at a movie theater in the city. Jason takes you to see a movie you mentioned wanting to see. It’s simple but it’s something he knows you really like movies. And he’s not one for big fancy dates. This is simple and it’s you. You find the gesture adorable because you don’t like the idea of a fancy restaurant either. This is kind of your thing. You’d go with a group sometimes, sure, but it’s your way of showing him how much you care. Showing him your things and movies is one of those things. And you adore him for it.
After the movie, you head back to the manor where Jason has insisted the date isn’t over yet. While he’s not one for something fancy, he is one for making an effort. Words are hard, they always have been and he knows sometimes he’s never going to be able to tell you exactly what you mean to him. But, for your first date, he can make as big of an effort as he can to show it. Even though you don’t need him to. You already know.
“Okay, keep your eyes closed.” Jason states as you both stand in the main living room, his hand intertwined with yours.
“If you walk me into a door, Jason--”
“I won’t!” Jason laughs. “Do you trust me?” He asks and it’s a little sarcastic and cocky.
“Yes.” You mock, keeping your eyes closed but you want to roll your eyes at him.
“Okay, so trust me.” Jason states as he leads you through the kitchen and into the courtyard.
He looks around, letting out a breath and he definitely owes Molly and Bruce for this one. Though, he thinks they’ll be giving him enough shit that maybe he won’t have to.
“Okay, you can open.” Jason nearly holds his breath as you open your eyes to see the backyard.
There’s a projection screen in the grass with a projector on one of the outdoor tables. Blankets and pillows cover the grass in front of the screen. The tables are lined with a variety of snacks, all of them being your favorite. And there are fairy lights decorating the rest of the courtyard.
Jason remembers what you said about that scene in Tangled, with the lanterns. Fairy lights aren’t lanterns, but they give somewhat of the same effect. So, he took inspiration from it. Because maybe, Jason’s a little bit of a hopeless romantic underneath the trauma. And he’d do anything for you. Cliche and cheesy and all.
“You--how?” You look over at him, eyes wide and a smile tugging at your lips. A lump forms in your throat as your entire chest nearly combusts into flames.
“I asked Molly and Bruce for help while we saw the movie.” Jason grins at you. “You didn’t really think we were just watching a movie for our first date, did you?” Jason quips, hiding his nervousness under his cocky grin.
“You asked for help?” You ask and you're not sure what’s more surprising. The courtyard or Jason asking for help. “I actually knew we’d go see a movie but this? Wow.” You look around, your voice soft and tender.
“Yeah.” Jason scoffs. “Look, you deserve it and you liked that scene in Tangled so. I needed some help while I distracted you.”
You swear it’s perfect because at the end of the night, it’s just him and you. It’s him and you in the courtyard watching your favorite movies. It’s him and you when it matters. He’s thoughtful and caring and kind and loving. Jason has only ever known pain and neglect but when it comes to you, he manages to show love and tenderness. You don’t really understand how he manages it but you're eternally grateful for this boy with dark hair and green eyes.
“It’s beautiful.” You say softly. “Thanks, Jay.”
“You like it?” Jason asks, stuffing his hands into his front pockets, something you've picked up he does when he’s nervous.
“Yes, of course!” You beam. You let go of his hand and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him for a deep kiss. His hands meet your hips as if on instinct, giving a light squeeze.“What’re we watching?” You ask against his lips.
Jason pulls away and there’s a grin of pride and confidence this time. “I’ve got Ready Or Not lined up since we didn’t get a chance to see it before it left theaters and Little Women. I read the book and the trailer seemed good. I think you’ll like it.” Jason states as he squeezes your hips again.
“Do you really remember everything I tell you? And I did want to see Little Women, just didn’t think you’d be into it.” You chuckle softly.
“Yeah,” Jason’s chuckle is gentle this time, bashful even. “It’s important to you.” He rolls his shoulders. “See, I know you.” Jason grins at you, wiggling his brows.
“Yeah, you do.” You scrunch your nose before pressing another kiss to his lips and dropping your arms from him. You head over to the snacks. “This is really nice, Jay.” Your smile is gentle and you love him with every fiber of your existence. “Thank you.”
“You deserve it.” Jason holds his head with pride, joining you to grab snacks.
“I get to plan the next date.” You offer him a devious smirk.
“Now, that’s unsettling.” Jason teases. “But fine.”
The two of you grab your snacks and head off to the blankets and pillows that are laid out for you before Jason starts the first movie. The two of you cuddle up with each other, attention mixing between the movie and each other. Your legs are rested over him as his arm is behind you and you just exist together.
To love, wholly and honestly, is terrifying because of the pain that seems to be intertwined with love. To love is to be brave and honest and optimistic. To love is something powerful but, to be loved back, that’s the greatest feeling in the world.
It’s the acceptance and understanding that comes with being loved back. It’s being loved for every broken piece and every bad, ugly, and terrible moment that comes. It’s knowing there will be bad days and hard days where the world seems to want to destroy every happy and peaceful moment, but choosing that person anyway. Falling in love is accidental, but staying in love is done on purpose. And that is why it’s so indescribable and remarkable and powerful. It is choosing to love and be loved back, risking the pain. And at the end, it’s worth it.
For Jason. And for you.
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Over the next few days, everyone gets the news you and Jason have finally made things official. Gar and Kory actually kind of figured you were together. It was more of an inside joke with the Titans back in San Francisco. How long it was going to be before the two of you realized you were actually dating. Gar won. Dick wasn’t in on it (mostly because he thought you were friends this whole time who were just too oblivious and stubborn to say anything). So, they’re all happy to see the two of you happy together. Even Conner who didn’t really get a chance to know Jason and who only knew you for a short time.
Molly is your biggest fan though. She’s the best friend of the two of you. Her best friends are dating each other and she knows you’re both stubborn as hell with minimal self-preservation unless it comes to your hearts. You’ve both always been so guarded and she swears up and down, you’re supposed to be together. You’re the most guarded people she’s ever met and yet, the two of you manage to open up to each other. She swears you’re meant for each other. 
Today, Jason goes out with Molly while you hang back at the manor to have a training session with Bruce and a marathon with Gar afterward. The training session is fine but it's definitely not as fun without Jason. So, you're relieved when you can just sit down and have your marathon with Gar, filling him in a little bit on you and Jason. He's really happy for you both and it means a lot to you. He's your best friend.
But, with the marathon underway, it’s interrupted as Bruce walks into the living room.
“Excuse me.” Bruce calls from the doorway, pulling your attention away from the show and Gar.
“Is that Bruce Wayne?” Gar beams.
“Yes.” You furrow your brows at the screen before looking back at Bruce. “Oh, did you need the living room? I can move to my room.”
“No, no.” Bruce shakes his head. “You're fine in here. I was wondering if I could speak to you, however.”
“Uh…” You look back to your screen. “We’re…we’re kind of watching something, can we talk later or do you need to talk now?” You don’t know why he didn’t just talk to you earlier.
“I would like to talk now before Jason gets home.” Bruce states.
“Oh…” You widen your eyes before looking at the screen. “Pause it and I’ll call you back when we’re done?”
“Yeah, yeah of course. Hey, Bruce.” Gar chimes.
“Hello, Garfield.” Bruce chuckles slightly as he walks further into the living room.
“Okay, I’ll call you soon. Don’t continue without me.” You warn with a fake glare that turns into a cheeky smile before you end the call.
Bruce takes a seat at the armchair beside the couch and you watch him cautiously. It’s weird. You don’t really talk one-on-one and if you were being honest, you prefer it that way. You're growing to like Bruce, slowly. He doesn’t seem so bad. It’s just, every time you have that thought, you can hear Dick in the back of your head warning you. And Jason telling you about Dick taking out one of the trackers he knew about and how he shouldn’t do that because Bruce is looking out for them. And you catch yourself keeping your distance. So, you don’t normally talk like this unless you have to and it’s sending off alarms in your head.
“What’s up?” You ask slowly.
“How are you?”
You raise a brow at him. It’s weird because Bruce definitely doesn’t seem the type to be asking someone how they are. “Uh…fine. Yeah, I’m fine.” You nod at him, giving him a soft smile. “Why?” Your eyes narrow with suspicion.
“You have been through a lot. I wanted to make sure you were okay with everything that has happened.”
“Uh…yeah? Still fine, just the usual, I guess.” This is fucking weird. Even for Bruce Wayne. “Why didn’t you ask earlier?”
“We were training. I didn’t want to distract you.” Bruce sucks in a deep breath.
“Um…okay. Well, I’m fine. I’m just trying to watch some stuff with Gar.” You nod your head and he said he wants to talk before Jason gets home which means there is something about Jason he wants to talk about. “Bruce, I appreciate you checking up on me but if I’m being honest, I think you know I’m fine or that I will be and I am getting better because I know Dick and Jason filled you in. So, I think you’re asking how I am so you can ask about Jason.”
“I do want to know how you are.” Bruce defends in his usual stoic way that's somehow a little unsettling.
“Yeah, no, I mean I’m sure you care and everything. But, if what you really want to know is about Jason, you can just ask.” You let out a sigh and you can’t understand why these bird boys have to beat around the damn bush so much. “If you wanted to ask about me, it wouldn’t matter if Jason were home.” You nod your head as you scrunch your nose.
Bruce lets out something you think might be a chuckle. “Is he okay?”
You blink at him because you can’t believe he’s asking you that. Surely, he knows. That’s why he’s going to therapy because he’s not. Seriously what is it with the batboys that they can’t just talk?
“You sent him to a shrink?” You question.
“I mean,” Bruce clarifies. “Since going. He hasn’t said much to me. I want to make sure he’s okay.”
Truthfully, if Bruce actually wanted to be honest, that isn’t really why he’s asking. He sees a lot of himself in Jason. That is the problem. He doesn’t want Jason running himself into the ground over being Robin. Bruce has done that to himself too many times. He’s been thinking about it and what Jason means to him as a son. He’s worried about him, even with the therapy. Bruce knows you care about him. He hopes that’s enough for you to give him some insight
“Why?” You ask slowly as you narrow your eyes.
“He’s my son and I’m worried about him.” Bruce answers candidly.
“Yeah, no, I mean why are you asking me?” You shake your head, a snip your voice. It’s not your job to communicate for the two of them. They’re adults.
“I thought you might know.” Bruce nods.
“Of course, I know, I know everything about him. But you should know if he’s okay.” You widen your eyes as you furrow your brows. “He’s your son.”
Bruce lets out a sigh of defeat but you keep talking.
You have more to say. It’s not your job to communicate between the two of them but it’s clear someone needs to. You don’t care much for Bruce but Jason does. And that’s important. And he’s not okay. You think seeing Leslie will help him but, maybe telling Bruce isn’t such a bad idea. Jason needs the help and that means telling Bruce.
“Bruce, I think Jason Todd has never been okay a single day in his life.” Your voice is quiet and normally you wouldn’t be saying anything but it’s gotten to the point where you're really worried about him.
You being officially together over the last week has been absolutely incredible. You both are certainly the happiest you’ve both ever been with each other. But, Jason is derailing anyway and you always knew it would happen. Your validation for him is not what he needs. It will never be the thing that he needs because you're not Bruce and you're not Dick and that’s fine. It is never about your validation when it comes to him. His issues lie with the two of them, not you. So, Bruce making him see a therapist, is driving him a little bit insane. It’s only been a week though, so you hold out hope maybe it’ll help in the long run. But, you tell Bruce anyway because he should know. He always should have known.
Bruce nods with understanding. “He has not had an easy life.”
“Yeah, no shit.” You let out a scoff. “I think saying he hasn’t had an easy life is putting it lightly.” There’s a snark and a bite to your voice because you can just hear Dick in the back of your head.
Not to trust him. It doesn't matter that Bruce and Dick sorted out their shit. A part of him doesn’t trust Bruce and every time you think maybe, just maybe, Bruce has changed enough where Dick is wrong, he says something or does something where you know he hasn’t. This is one of those things. He shouldn’t be asking you if Jason is okay or saying he hasn’t had an easy life. It’s his literal job to know if Jason is okay and how to help him. It shouldn’t be up to you to tell him.
Bruce nods. “It’s been rough for him.”
“Ya know, it’s just….I don’t think Jason has ever felt….protected, safe, cared for….or loved in….at least most of his life. He felt, at least, most of that here and as Robin but all of that is gone and Deathstroke changed a lot of that. Bruce, he’s not okay and I am only even telling you this because I’m worried.”
Being happy in a relationship doesn’t make the pain of everything traumatic that’s happened just go away. It doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t suddenly fix and mend and cure mental illness. You wish it did but it doesn’t. Being happy and traumatized can co-exist. He is happy with you and you know that, but in the last week, he’s still waking up screaming from nightmares and he’s still limping after training. He’s still terrified. And you're endlessly worried about him.
“He can’t be Robin again, not yet. I made mistakes with Dick and I don’t want to repeat them with Jason. That’s why I want him to see Leslie.”
It’s not that you agree or disagree with it. But you do want to know why Bruce treats Jason and Dick the same way. They’re wildly different people. Maybe taking Robin from Dick and sending him to therapy would have worked, simple as that. But Jason isn’t Dick. Robin means everything to him. Why can’t he be Robin and see Leslie? Why does he have to be benched entirely instead of half the week even? It’s just not very fair to Jason, in your opinion.
“Okay, I get that, but you know Jason. He’s gonna prove to you he can be Robin.” You shake your head. “He’s going along with it for right now and maybe it’ll help. I hope it does, but what if it doesn’t?” You raise.
“We’ll have to have that conversation if we get there.”
“Okay yeah, and what you want him to just see a shrink for the next year with his fingers crossed he’s not permanently benched from the most important thing in his life? Only for something to happen and you rip it away from him entirely?”
“You believe he should be Robin at this point? You just said yourself he is not okay. It’s not safe for him to be out there. Do you think it would be safe to send him out there if he is deemed not well enough?”
It's not that. It's that you know, firsthand, that Jason will absolutely go out of his way to prove himself. You both do it. Jason isn't going to be able to stay benched for months on end. He's just not going to. And you know that. The fact Bruce doesn't when he knows why Jason wanted to go after Dr. Light, is infuriating. And it scares the hell out of you.
He's going to prove himself if Bruce doesn't give him Robin back eventually. One day, Jason is gonna think he's had enough and he just needs to prove himself and he'll try. The last time that happened, you both were kidnapped, tortured, and dropped from a skyscraper. And that is lucky. Somehow, that was actually lucky because you both made it out alive. What happens if he doesn't get so lucky next time?
“Whatever I think about him being Robin is completely irrelevant. It’s not my place to have an opinion. It is yours but…I’m just saying, he’s gonna prove to you he can be Robin eventually. He’ll get bored and tired of waiting.” You state. “He did in San Francisco.” You shake your head. “He’s gonna get himself killed one day if he does that, to prove you wrong.”
With Robin off the table, the training sessions have gotten…a little nuts. He’s rougher than usual and you can handle it just fine, he's not out of control. But he’s more relentless. He’s training himself into the ground again. He just wants to prove to Bruce that not only is he capable, but he’s better than Dick ever could be. Without even realizing it, Bruce doing this and the way he treated Dick, he’s pitting them against each other. And Jason is set on proving to Bruce he’s fine. No matter the cost.
“He won’t do that. He knows the rules. If I tell him not to go—“
“Dude, seriously? We knew the rules in San Francisco, too and then we went anyway. Jason is your responsibility and you have to do something, I can do everything I can but it’s not gonna be enough.” You stress because even when you have hope that therapy is gonna help over time, you aren’t sure if Jason is actually going to put in the time to let it work. And you're worried what will happen if he quits.
“I can’t let him be Robin and let him get killed out there. You said yourself, he will get killed out there. I made mistakes in the past, I cannot repeat them.”
A part of you want to blow. You were always right about him. He wouldn’t have to worry so damn much if he would stop recruiting kids to be fucking Robin. He wouldn’t have to worry so much if he would stop weaponizing their grief. He turned Jason and Dick into weapons and he’s, somehow, the one paying the consequences of that. You think the whole thing is ridiculous. It’s like he doesn’t see what he’s done to either of them and how fucked up this whole thing is. But, that’s not your place to tell him off about him recruiting people. For Jason’s sake. So, you decide you're gonna fall back on your usual reasoning for having a distaste towards him.
“Okay, you know what, you wouldn’t have to worry so fucking much if you’d just kill those fucks. Like, you know that right?” You snip.
“We do not kill people.” Bruce’s jaw squares just slightly. “We talked about this. Once you kill one person, it gets easier to kill the next until the lines blur. We cannot be the ones deciding who lives and who dies.”
You let out a scoff followed by a hollowed laugh. “And at what point is that not good enough?” You grit your teeth. “How many times have you captured the Joker?”
Bruce knows the number but he won’t say. “Several. I always catch him.”
“And every time Joker escapes, he kills at least one person. So, if over the last 10 years, you got more than 10 people killed by letting the Joker roam around and one of those people were my mom.” A lump forms in your throat with the mention of your mom. It’s some sick joke him and the Joker like to play almost. It’s like a damn game of chicken in the worst fucking way. “You let the Joker kill my mom. I’m not talking about Penguin or Scarecrow, I’m talking about killing the Joker. He puts bombs in buildings for fun. He’s killed thousands of people since I’ve been alive. You could have saved those innocent people if you would have just killed the Joker.” You shake your head. “And he’s the main one you’re worried about, right? He just escaped Arkham again, right?”
You shake your head and this whole thing is insane. It’s not even that you expect Bruce to toss his morals out the window. But you think it’s something he should consider if he's so damn worried about it. Deathstroke was different. He was the best mercenary in the world. You and Jason never stood a chance but the fuckeads here? Bruce’s usuals, they aren’t much concern besides one. And you know it. That’s why you’re having this talk right now.
“It’s the Joker. We literally laughed in Penguin’s face. Mr. Freeze, Bane, Scarecrow, and Mad Hatter are all locked up. Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy aren’t even a concern. The Riddler doesn’t kill people. I know you are not worried about fucking Condiment Man or Kite Man. I can keep going. But it always comes back to the Joker being the main concern, if Jason fucks up out there with him, that's it. Right?”
Bruce gains a scowl. He doesn’t appreciate you calling him out. You aren’t right but you aren’t wrong either. “It is not just about the Joker. And I cannot cross that line.” Bruce states firmly. “You should know that. You cannot cross that line either. The Joker is still a person and I will not determine if he gets to live or die. That is not how this works.”
“And what are you gonna do when he kills Jason? Or Dick? Or the next Robin? It’s gonna happen, it will. He’ll kill one of them eventually and then it’ll be too late.”
“I will not kill him for a what if situation.” Bruce lets out a sigh and this is not where he thought this conversation was going to go. A part of him thinks there’s a chance you're doing this on purpose to avoid telling him more about Jason. You're good at deflecting and not just when it’s about yourself. “That is not justice.”
“Then the guilt will eat you alive when it happens and then I’ll find a way, myself, to kill whoever kills him. Joker’s death is inevitable regardless and you could prevent the death of your sons.” You shake your head and get up from your spot, grabbing the tablet from the table. “I respect what you try to do as Batman and taking in Dick and Jason. I think that’s admirable. But, I think everyone has morals and sometimes you have to toss your morals aside for the greater good.”
“Even if that means someone has to die?”
“The Joker is a homicidal psychopathic sadist…so yeah. I don’t narc, I don’t tell anyone what happens with me and Jason, ever. But I’m telling you that he is not okay. Putting my morals aside because I care about him. I know you do, too, but you need to figure out how to get that through his thick skull or let him be Robin. It’s that simple. Always has been. Always will be.” You end the conversation, heading back to your room because that conversation was going nowhere and it never will.
You feel your blood boil and there is just something about Bruce sometimes. You don’t see it. You don’t see why Jason looks up to him so much. Maybe it’s just because Bruce saved him. Maybe some part of Jason is so hung up on that that he can’t see through Bruce’s other bullshit. But it irks you anyway, even when Bruce is genuinely trying to be better with him.
You just find the whole thing real rich. If he didn’t want to watch his kids die, he shouldn’t have offered them the vigilante lifestyle from the beginning. Maybe they both would have ended up here anyway. They both like to help people and that can’t be just a Bruce thing. But, maybe it would have been safer.
Maybe had Bruce offered therapy from the start, it would have been better or if he could just have a damn conversation with them. Literally, anything could work besides what he’s doing now. Training them to be brainwashed, taking them out to the cabin, training their bodies into a world of pain. Manipulating them with the idea of being invincible because of a mask and a cape. Anything has to be better than that.
And you feel like you can’t even tell Jason about it because he’ll get mad and annoyed further with Bruce. He’ll be annoyed he went to you to talk. And you know him, you just know he’ll think it’s because Bruce doesn’t think he’s good enough and you can’t let him think that about himself. And it is not your place to complain about his adoptive father. So, you keep it to yourself as you grind your teeth and call Gar back.
You pretend everything is fine as you and Gar continue your marathon until Jason gets home a few hours later.
“Hello, beautiful.” Jason chimes as he stands in the doorway of your room.
You look over with burning cheeks. He looks happy right now. So, you smile back, pretend like you aren’t still annoyed with Bruce. The call with Gar helped but then he had to go and the annoyance flooded you once more.
“Jaybird.” You say with ease as Jason walks into your room, tossing his jacket onto the end of your bed.
“How’s Gar?” He presses a kiss to your forehead before sitting down beside you.
“Good.” You answer simply as you suck in a breath. “He, uh, he misses us and Rachel but he said he’s good. He really likes being a Titan, you know Gar.” You laugh softly.
“He could come visit.” Jason chuckles softly.
He misses him, too. They lived down the hall from each other for four months and went through some crazy shit together. They’re best friends. Jason thinks it’d be cool to have Gar come. He could show him the Batcave.
“That’s what I said.” You widen your eyes. “He said he’d ask Dick about it.”
“Cool.” Jason laughs softly.
“Yeah.” You let out a breath as you look back to the tablet.
Jason watches you carefully and he knows you. Something’s off. You usually have more to say. You usually ask about Molly or whatever Jason is up to when he comes back home. You didn’t this time and you look like you're not really here with him. Your eyes are distant. The corners don’t crinkle when you laugh. Your jaw is clenching and you didn’t even mention what you and Gar watched.
“You going out tonight?” He asks and his words are a little flat.
He doesn’t mean for them to be. But, it’s sore. You still go out with Bruce. You asked him what you should do because you didn’t want to overstep. Going out on patrol with Bruce is Jason’s thing. But, you don’t really want to give it up either. You love patrolling and the more you do it, the more you understand why Robin has become Jason’s entire world. But, if Jason asked you not to go with Bruce, you wouldn’t. You’d go on your own if you had to. But, Jason assured you it was fine even if it hurts, even if he wants to tell you to not to do it. Even if feels like you're overstepping.
You shake your head and furrow your brows, bringing your attention back to him. “No, I just wanna stay here with you tonight.” You scrunch your nose, trying not to set off Jason’s alarm bells.
You don’t want to be around Bruce. The only thing you want to do is be with Jason tonight. You love patrolling but not tonight. Not tonight when you're reminded of the cruelty you face every day and the life-or-death stakes that exist outside of this manor. Outside of this safe bubble. The conversation, knowing the Joker is out there and likely who Bruce will be trailing tonight, reminds you of what could happen out there. You know. You already know but sometimes conversations take place and it becomes real. Patrolling and fighting, that’s fun and it’s easy to forget the stakes. And while you're terrified of Jason dying, he’s not the one going out there right now. You are. What would he do if you didn’t come home?
You just want to stay here with him tonight. It’s too heavy tonight.
“What’s wrong?” Jason asks, searching your face for any indicators.
“Nothing.” You lie. “Can’t want to stay in for a night with my boyfriend?” You say it like that on purpose but Jason sees through it.
You aren’t as insistent on patrol as he is. But you haven’t missed a single night since you got the suit. You're turning it down and he doesn’t get why. There’s something wrong and he knows it. He always knows.
“I know your fucking obsessed with me,” Jason starts with a chuckle, earning himself an eye roll. “But, I know when something’s going on with you.”
“It’s nothing, Jay.” You sigh. “I just want to stay in.”
“What happened?” Jason pushes, gritting his teeth because now he’s thinking someone did something. To you.
He thinks of the conversation with Molly, how she thinks you'll run. She told him she's worried that you're gonna be the one to fuck it up, not him. And that if you do, Jason should just not let you, even if he wants to push. It's what you both do, push and run. Molly is right. It’s what you do but if you both don't want to hurt each other, you both need to find a way not to do that. So, he tries.
“Can you drop it, please? I’m fine.” You rest a hand on his cheek, offering a tender smile. “Thank you.”
“Worried about you.” Jason states.
“How the tables have turned.” You widen your eyes, dropping your hand.
“I’m fucking serious.” Jason doesn’t so much as grin at you.
He can’t lose you. He is so certain of that. He can’t lose you in any capacity. So, he pushes just as you do with him. There’s something wrong and if someone did something, to scare you out of going on patrol, he doesn’t care what Bruce says. He’ll go back out there.
“I….Bruce he talked to me about something and I just…” You grit your teeth. “I don’t want to go out tonight.” You shrug your shoulders, voice laced in annoyance.
“What did he do?” There’s a mix of anger and confusion in his voice. Jason trusts Bruce but he knows as much as you fake it, he knows you don’t.
“Nothing.” You shake your head. “Just, uh…Joker was brought up and you know. Shit sucks. So I just don’t want to go out tonight.” You bite your tongue with every worry you have because you can’t burden him with it.
You can't put worried thoughts into his head. He has enough going on. And you know that he does worry, in his own way, when you're out there. He's more subtle than you are and he's not nearly as paranoid but he loves you and wants you to be safe. It's a natural thing. You don't want to add to that burden by saying you're worried about what he'd do if you died. On top of the rest of the conversation with Bruce, it's just too much and you don't want him to deal with it. Not right now.
“Your mom?” Jason asks.
“You know you can tell me, right?” Jason questions, getting the feeling it’s more than that. When it involves your mom, you're sad and you tell him. You seem annoyed today.
“I know.” You offer a weak smile. Guilt feeling heavy in your chest. “It’s just….it’s heavy today and I’m tired of it being heavy. I’m fine though, Jaybird. Can you just…..read to me when Bruce leaves, please?”
Jason nods softly, moving closer to you. “Yeah, of course. Did you want to talk about it?” He asks before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Thanks, Jay.” You smile softly. “No, I’m okay.”
“You and me.” Jason smiles softly and he’s worried about you, too.
You rest your forehead against his shoulder. “I’m sorry, it’s just one of those days, ya know? Where it just…”
“Feels worse again.” Jason finishes.
“Yeah.” You pick your head up.
He wants to help and Bruce doesn’t leave for a few more hours. So, his solution is training. It always helps you, too anyway. He just doesn’t want you to feel the heaviness of it and if he doesn’t have to carry the weight alone, neither do you. It’s like he told you, you can put it on him. He’ll carry it for you.
“I get it.” Jason stands up abruptly. “Wanna train about it?” Jason wiggles his brows, offering you his hand.
You roll your eyes but there’s a smile tugging on your lips. He always gets it. “Yeah, I almost won yesterday.” You put your hand in his, getting to your feet.
“Maybe I let you win one round, think of that?” Jason teases.
“You wouldn’t let me win anything.” You scrunch your nose. “You’re too competitive.” You beam at him as Jason lets out a laugh and swings his arm over your shoulders.
“Guess that’s true.” He says as the two of you make your way to train.
You know you’ll tell him your concerns later and tell him about Bruce because while it might not be fair to tell him, it’s also not fair for you to hide it. He trusts you and he’s doing better about telling you everything that bothers him. You owe him the same. But right now, it's just too heavy to deal with and you just want to sit with him and forget about everything for a while.
Jason is really good about helping you forget and letting you relax so it’s easier to tell him. It's one of the many reasons you adore him and wholeheartedly love him more than anything on this planet.
After a few rounds of sparring, you having lost because Jason really can’t let you win, you move to the targets. When Jason runs out on his end, he takes a break, sitting a few feet behind you and to the right, having a drink of Gatorade.
He watches you when you train. There’s something enthralling about it. You throw the knives at the target with so little effort, Jason can’t help but stare. He remembers how bad you were at combat all those months ago. He never told you, but you were not good. It was obvious you never wanted to throw a punch, like you never hit someone before and you hadn’t. Maybe a part of him thought you might be hopeless. Even when you fought Jerry, Jason is pretty sure you only got as far as you did because he was surprised and you had a hit of adrenaline hit your system from the anger. You never stood a chance otherwise. But now, you make Jason actually put up a fight in training.
He puts in effort to make sure you don’t pin him now. You never miss a target. You're even getting over your fear of heights with having to grapple from building to building and with being on so many rooftops. You're so good at all of this now and his entire chest warms because he knows a part of that is because of him. But the other part, wants to completely shatter.
On the one hand, you never wanted to be violent. You told him that, more than once. You never wanted to be this way and now you are. It’s not his fault. He didn’t make you that way. That was Jerry, that was the Joker. But he looks at what you've become and he feels guilty anyway because he doesn’t stop you from being violent. He encourages it. And he thinks of how he was before Robin.
It wasn’t that Jason was violent. That was never it. He could pick a fight just as good as the next person. But it was out of survival. It wasn’t because he liked the bloody and bruised knuckles. Or coming back with his body covered in shades of navy and maroon and the pain that went along with it. It was how he had to survive. Fight or die. Fight or let people take advantage of him.
He was small. He got lucky he grew taller as he got older but he was a small kid. It was either learn to fight and take what he could or get taken advantage of or die trying. It was learn to fight and hold his own or deal with whatever his dad would dish out or the new guy his mom brought home that didn’t really like kids. It was never that he wanted to be violent.
He was just angry with the world. Robin gives him the outlet. Robin lets him be violent in a way that’s productive. Robin lets him choose violence. Robin lets him pick fights that matter. Robin lets him let the anger and the violent side of him be a good thing instead of something that hinders him and something people find to be annoying and a nuisance. Robin has given him so fucking much including that outlet and he can’t lose it. And he just gets so fucking mad when he thinks about it. He’s mad about it being taken away and mad at Bruce and a little mad at you for getting to use his outlet as your own, even when he knows that’s not fair.
It’s the anger that always got the best of him. Not the violence.
“Where’s your head, Jay?” You ask, looking over your shoulder from the targets as Jason sits on the floor behind you.
Jason snaps away from his thoughts, looking over to you. “What?” He furrows his brows up at you.
“You’re quiet and you’re never quiet unless something is bothering you.”
It’s only been two weeks but you know him better than anyone. It’s been rough for him not having Robin. He wasn’t Robin, technically, in San Francisco. He wasn’t supposed to be anyway. He was supposed to be taking a break but that didn’t seem to bother him as much as it does now. You’re not entirely sure what the difference is this time but whatever it is, you’ve got this feeling that there’s something more going on. Something’s poking at his head.
Jason shakes his head. “Want to get back out there.” Jason scoffs.
You nod. “Yeah…” You suck in a breath, looking at your target full of knives before you move to sit in front of him. You match his position, stretching your legs out right beside his with your hands on the floor behind you to hold your weight. “You sure it doesn’t bug you I go out?” You ask.
Of course, it bothers him. That’s his thing. But, it’s yours, too. Maybe it wouldn’t sting as much if you weren’t going out with Bruce. But, there’s nothing he can do about it and it would be wrong for him to even try. So, he bites his tongue about it.
“It’s fine, it’s your thing, too.”
You shake your head. “Yeah, but if it bothers you, I can wait until you get Robin back or I can just go out on my own.” You offer.
The first night Jason was benched, Bruce asked if you’d still join I’m for patrol. Jason assured you it was fine. So, you went and you talked later about it. He swore up and down it would be fine. You like to go out on patrol. You like to help people and who is he to try and take that away from you? You’d never do that to him.
“You think Bruce will be okay with that? You going out on your own?” Jason quips.
You grin before you let out a laugh. “Well, probably not anymore.”
Jason furrows his brows, his eyes scanning over your face. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You bounce around how to tell him about your conversation with Bruce earlier without including the stuff about him. It’s hard because on the one hand, you respect Bruce but on the other, he can be a little insufferable. And Jason looks up to him for reasons you don’t really think you’ll entirely understand. It’s not your place to speak poorly of him to Jason. So, you tell him but you hope he doesn’t ask what sparked the conversation in the first place.
“We, uh, we had a moral disagreement today.” You chew the inside of your cheek as you raise your brows.
“Ah,” Jason nods his head. “That why you don’t wanna go out tonight?” The moral disagreement doesn’t surprise him. He knows how you feel about all of it but he is a little surprised you even brought up to Bruce.
“Amongst a few other things but yeah. I think he might think I’ll kill people now.” You roll your eyes.
Jason lets out a snort. “What the hell did you even say to make him think that?” Jason shakes his head. “Wait, let me guess.”
“I’m listening.” You gesture a hand for him to continue.
Jason clears his throat. “You should kill the Joker. He’s a piece of shit maniac clown who kills people for fun. He should be dead.” Jason grins at you. “Sound about right?”
“Shut the fuck up.” You groan through a laugh as you tilt your head back. “No.” You shake your head at him. “I said he was a homicidal, psychotic, sadist.” You state. “And that he should die, yes.” You mutter softly while Jason lets out a booming laugh.
He is certain you’ll never let it go which he doesn’t blame you for. He gets it. He doesn’t like his dad but a part of him still wanted to go after Two-Face. Dick went after Zucco. Parents are killed and their kids want to take revenge. But, he also knows you and he doesn’t think you’d ever actually try to kill anyone, but especially the Joker. You have more self-preservation than that.
“And he said something about we don’t cross that line or whatever?”
“Yep.” Your eyes widen as you nod your head. “Him and Dick think it’s ridiculous as if Dick didn’t feel that same way, ya know? But it’s the Joker. So, uh, I might have said his death is inevitable.” You scrunch your nose and maybe that was the wrong choice of words.
Jason eyes you carefully and there is something going on with you, too. It’s one thing to have the moral disagreement with Bruce but to actually say anyone’s death in inevitable seems a little off. Jason’s so wrapped in his own anger, he’s started to wonder if he’s missing anything with you.
“Okay seriously, what the fuck is going on?” Jason nudges your leg with his.
“Nothing. I don’t think I really meant it or anything but I kind of wonder if Bruce thinks I’m serious and thinks I’m like a ticking time bomb or something.” You roll your eyes.
“Did he take the shit from you? The suit or anything?” Jason questions and he is getting increasingly more curious what even started that whole conversation and got you mad enough to say anything to Bruce.
“No. Why?”
“Then he doesn’t think you’re gonna out and kill people.” Jason chuckles. “He’d take it away and send you to Leslie if he thought you were serious.”
“Oh, well that’s a relief.” You chuckle softly. “Still don’t wanna go out tonight though.” You shake your head.
Jason pulls his legs to his chest, resting his forearms over his knees. “What started the whole conversation anyway? Did something happen?”
You pause and you hate lying to him. It’s the one thing you really don’t do with him. But, telling him why Bruce even talked to you, that just doesn’t seem fair. You worry he might take Bruce’s concern the wrong way. Maybe it’ll send him spiraling even further. Maybe it’s best if you just keep that to yourself.
“Nothing.” You shake your head. “It’s nothing, really.” You assure him before you suck in a breath. “Seriously though, if you have a problem with me going out, you can tell me.”
The switch back the topic at hand does not go unnoticed and that’s also uncharacteristic of you lately. You tell him everything that bothers you and what leads to it bothering you.
“I said it’s fine.” Jason states. “If something’s going on with you, you’d tell me, right?” Jason questions.
You nod your head. “Of course. Nothing’s, uh, nothing’s going on. You need to stop worrying.” You offer him a cheeky grin and he knows you’re lying. “Look, Jay, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t stand a chance out there. I know it’s hard being benched and I don’t wanna make it harder for you.”
“You said yourself, you like going out there.” Jason bites his tongue.
“Yeah, but if it weren’t for you, I’d never stand a chance. I know it’s hard for you to be benched and I go out. I don’t wanna make it harder for you.”
He knows you’re lying but he can’t figure out why you would lie to him about something like that. It doesn’t seem important or serious enough to need a lie. Maybe a part of him is even hurt you won’t tell him. But, he knows it’s not fair to push because you don’t push him when he’s adamant about not tellin you. He hopes you’ll tell him later when it’s not so fresh.
Jason scoots closer to you, resting a hand on your thigh. “I’m fine, alright? Go out kick and some ass, with or without Bruce.” Jason grins at you. “Stop worrying so much.”
“I’ll always worry, I love you.” You smile wildly at him.
“Yeah, I love you, too.” Jason chuckles softly. “I'm fine, I’ll be back out there in no time.”
“Good, miss you out there with me.”
“I got you, babe.” Jason presses a kiss to your lips. “Spar again, then dinner?”
“Yeah, okay.”
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The next day, Jason and you head off the coffee shop to meet up with Molly. It’s colder than it has been. The air is crisp as you walk inside, hands in your jackets. It seems to fit the mood. Your hearts are heavy in your chests, matching your sleep-deprived eyes. Last night was bad.
And Molly is sat at your usual table with a smile.
You think this is good. Maybe hanging out with Molly, the three of you will be a good distraction for him. It’s been only been two weeks, but you know he’s already going stir-crazy. The more you think about it, you're surprised it took him three months in San Francisco to finally break the rules and go out.
“Hey.” You chime.
“Sorry, we’re late, Molly.” Jason takes his jacket off, throwing it over the back of his chair before he sits beside you.
“It’s cool, I ordered for you guys.” Molly states with ease, barely looking up from her laptop. When she does, she has a look at the two of you, Jason specifically. She glances to you before going back to Jason.
He looks more tired than usual lately. But today, he looks exhausted. The bags under his eyes are thick and his grin seems lazier than usual. And she knows you've been more tired lately, too. When you hang out, you nod off and completely space out mid-conversation. You look extra tired today as you lean your head on Jason’s shoulder.
“You look…tired. Are you sleeping?” Molly keeps her eyes on Jason.
You glance to Jason with a heavy heart, last night was rough. He woke up screaming at the top of his lungs. He got you in the face with his elbow. He sputtered apology after apology, nearly throwing himself into a guilt-ridden panic attack over it. It was fine, it was an accident. He was having a nightmare.
You eventually got him to calm down and fall back asleep but that only lasted about two hours before he woke up screaming again. This went on all night. It was bad. No, he’s not sleeping.
“Don’t worry so much.” Jason brushes it off with a smile.
It’s one thing for you to know but he doesn’t want Molly to know even if it’s written on his face that he isn’t sleeping. He still feels guilty and tired and annoyed and angry and frustrated. He swears taking Robin away has made the nightmare worse. Everything feels worse.
“We just had a late movie night.” You state.
“And what about you? You look tired, too.”
“I’m sleeping fine. Jason’s right, don’t worry so much.” You lift your head from Jason’s shoulder.
“What’re you working on?” Jason changes the subject as you lean forward, fully engaging with the topic change.
Molly let’s it rest. It seems weird but it’s the two to you. It’s always a little weird. Your sleep schedules are a mess anyway.
Molly turns the laptop around so Jason and you can see. The screen has a large picture, a missing person's flyer. The sidebar contains others with other missing kids.
“Diego from the shelter went missing.” Molly states, her voice annoyed “Rumor is, The Joker’s got a dude on the streets taking in strays. Diego’s poor and brown so you know the cops don’t give a shit.” Molly shakes her head with a scoff, taking the laptop back.
You feel your blood boiling. That’s the shit you want to do. You want to target those terrible people who are bringing in kids. Kids are innocent. The three of you at this very table were once innocent and you should have been able to stay that way. It was ripped from you and you never want another kid to deal with any of that. That dickhead, has got to fucking go. And who the hell works with the Joker anyway?
“Batman will take care of him.” Jason states, crossing his arms on the table as he leans forward slightly.
You snap your attention at him, narrowing your eyes. “Right.” You nod your head, getting a confused look from Jason.
“Batman protects rich people.” Molly closes the laptop, resting it on the seat beside her. “Be careful, Jason, living in that fake house got you slipping.” Molly crosses her arms. “Should’ve stayed in San Francisco.” There’s a slight bite to Molly’s words.
“Fuck Sam Fransciso.” Jason states. “That whole thing was a mistake. Gotham’s where I need to be.”
“You’ve been different since you’ve been back.” Molly leans forward, she glances to you who raise a brow in confusion
Jason leans back in his seat, brows knitting together. “Different how?”
“I don’t know. Like something happened over it here.” Molly looks to you.
“Nothing happened.” Jason brushes it off coolly. “I was bored, so I left.” You think that’s one way to put it.
“It was boring as shit there. It was nice, but it’s not Gotham.” You back Jason up. This whole thing would be easier if Molly knew the truth. You want to know how everyone can keep up with all the lies.
“Okay.” Molly lets out a breath, not believing either of you. Something definitely happened over there. “Look, if you don’t want to talk about it—“
Jason leans forward, not wanting to deal with the integration. “Where’s this guy who’s picking up the street kids?” There’s a grin that tugs on his lips and you know he’s about to go track the guy down. And you for one, are completely on board.
Molly looks to you who now also looks extremely engaged. She has a bad feeling but she does know. “I heard he’s hanging near a shelter on Dunsmuir.”
“Show us.” Jason states.
He’s not Robin but he still has the same abilities without the suit. He is itching to be out there doing something and Molly has a point. Bruce does look out for the rich. Kids like Diego can get left behind. This is a chance for him to do something. To prove to himself he can do it, even without the Robin suit. He can deal with a lowlife picking up street kids. He could do it in his sleep.
“Yeah, take us.” You match the grin Jason has and Molly finds the whole thing a bit unsettling.
Molly lets out a scoff as she deadpans. “Right. Cause you’re cops now.”
“I’m serious.” Jason urges. “Let’s just go see if he’s there.” Jason's grin is wild and dangerous as he looks to you.
“Come on, let’s go.” You jump in. “It won’t be so bad or anything. Especially if he’s recruiting kids.”
You're worried about Jason but you’ll be together. He’s one lowlife working for the Joker. That’s easy. Jason can just threaten him, get a picture, call it good. Neither of you can sit by and let him do this. Plus, you think Jason might need the pick-me-up.
“And then what?” Molly can’t believe the two of you. You are both completely insane.
“Take some photos. Show them to the cops. It’s worth trying.” Jason states and he’s so convincing.
“It’s better than sitting here talking about it.” You offer. “It’ll be quick anyway.”
Molly glances between the two of you and she can’t help but find some part of this amusing, you share a similar grin. Ones that got her into trouble, ones she knows means you’re both up to no good. Ones she knows she’ll regret listening to. And she knows it’s such a bad idea. You aren’t cops. You have no business finding this guy. But, she knows Diego stands no chance if you don’t at least try.
“Fine.” Molly agrees reluctantly.
You and Jason share a triumphant grin between the two of you. Jason swears this won’t be like Deathstroke. He’ll be on better alert in case there is a team this time and he knows you will, too. You’re going to find a lowlife, not a supervillain. And besides, with Molly there, him and you won’t do anything too reckless to make sure she doesn’t get caught in the crossfire. This will be fine.
The three of you make the walk toward the shelter. Small flurries fall from the sky on your walk. You look around at the snow with a soft smile. You haven’t seen snow in a year and maybe a small part of you missed it. Maybe it feels like home in a weird way.
“How’s Sheila?” You ask, walking between the two of them, your right hand tangled with Jason’s.
“Yeah, no.” Molly scoffs. “She was the wrong one. Might even date boys again.” Molly states.
You let out a laugh. “Seriously that bad? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“You're going through some shit.” Molly shrugs. You and Jason have asked about her and Sheila but Molly is the observant friend. The two of you always seem like you have real shit going on. She didn’t want to bother either of you with her relationship problems when, for once, you and Jason seem happy in one. “Broke up yesterday, you didn’t miss much besides screaming and her throwing things.”
“That’s also a lovely breakup.” You give a large nod with the roll of your eyes. You never cared much for Sheila. Sheila was the jealous type.
“Yeah.” Molly scoffs. “It’s cool though.” Molly shrugs.
“Yeah, you deserve someone better anyway. Didn’t she lose her shit on you for being home like five minutes late?” Jason asks, glancing over to her.
“That should have been one of my red flags.” Molly lets out a dry laugh.
“Yeah, maybe.” You agree.
The three of you reach an alley where you see an older man sitting on the hood of his car with a girl standing in front of him who looks way too young to be around him. She has a bottle in a brown paper bag and he looks like he’s a little too friendly with her. You can’t help the way your hand squeezes Jason's as you feel the anger start to bubble in the pit of your stomach. Jason glances to you, squeezing back.
“Over there.” Molly states. “Gotta be him.”
Jason lets go of your hand and pulls out his phone, taking a picture and using the software on his phone to do a check on him. The software runs facial recognition through the system, pulling up his extensive rap sheet. You peek over at the screen, making out a few of the charges and this is the shit that pisses you off.
Why do they keep letting him out? He is very clearly a danger to the public and yet he gets to roam around free, hurting more kids. Now, he gets to work with the damn Joker of all people. He’s got to go.
“Got him?” Molly asks.
“Hold on.” Jason says as it finishes loading. “Name’s Pete Hawkins. Piece of shit’s been in and out of Blackgate. Hooked up with the Joker last year.” Jason explains.
“Another piece of shit they refuse to keep locked up because they don’t actually give a fuck about the general public.” You let out a bitter scoff, stuffing your hands in your pockets.
“How do you know that?” Molly asks, looking between the two of you.
“Told you. I’m still me.” Jason smiles cheekily at her.
“Right. That’s one of those things that sounds real cool, but doesn’t actually mean anything.”
“Means he’s got it covered and he’s good at it.” You smile softly with the shrug of your shoulders.
Jason nudges you with his shoulder. “Let’s go introduce ourselves.” Jason suggests and you knew this was gonna happen. “Just a conversation. That’s all, come on.” Jason takes a step forward as Molly looks to you for help.
“It’ll be fine,” You step forward with Jason. “We’re just gonna talk and that’ll be it. Don’t worry.” You offer a soft smile and you’ve been here before.
You're confident, similar to Jason, this won’t be Deathstroke. This isn’t Dr. Light. This is just some guy. This is your home. This is your city. It won’t be like last time. You swear it won’t be and it can’t be because you have Molly with you. You swear it but you feel the fear creep into your stomach anyway.
The three of you make your way down the alley until you reach this guy. The closer you get, you can hear some of the conversation. He gave her alcohol. And he compliments her smile and tells her he can introduce her to someone that can make her smile. You nearly gag. He doesn’t deserve to be here.
“It never works out like that.” Jason states as the three of you stand in front of them.
“Yeah, it’s all sweet talk until you’re in too deep then it’s anything but sweet.” You add in, your hands warm in your pockets.
There’s a silence that consumes all of you for a few seconds. The man eyes the three of you, not quite confused but annoyed. The girl though, she looks uneasy. She looked uneasy before you approached anyway. And this guy is just gonna let her feel that way. He was going to use it against her.
“Give us a second.” Pete states to the girl. “Keep the drink.” The girl nods her head and walks away, glancing back at all of you on her way down the alley. “We have a problem?” He asks.
“A little young for you isn’t she, hoss?” Jason questions.
Jason also can't stand people like this guy. He was a kid once. He remembers it all. No one was there to protect him and he can protect himself but what about the other kids? That's supposed to be the point of Batman and Robin. To protect those who can't protect themselves. He doesn't need the suit to threaten this guy and try to find out where, at least, Diego is.
“She’s old enough to make her own choices,” He states back.
“Yeah? And exactly how old is old enough then?” You quip back. “Cause, uh, she didn’t look old enough.”
“Do I know you?” He questions, the annoyance soaking his words.
“I’m fuck,” Jason starts. “She's off.” Jason gestures to you. “We hate clowns.”
“Clowns?” Pete asks but there’s a seriousness in his voice.
“You know the type.” You state.
Molly watches the two of you and she’s getting the idea you’ve done this before. That seems a little weird and somehow not even close to surprising. But, she can’t figure out why you would do this? In your free time. Do you and Jason just go around Gotham interrogating people?
“Maybe you ran across a kid?” Jason asks. “Diego.”
“Martinez.” Molly finishes.
Pete shifts just slightly and Jason takes that opportunity to close the distance between them, getting in his face. You watch the two of them carefully, waiting for any quick movements, waiting for the throbbing to start, so you move to stand in front of Molly. You knew it was never going to be just talking and that’s fine with you. That girl was lucky you showed up and he should know he can’t get away with what he’s doing and what he wants to do.
“You know him?” Jason asks.
“You must have me confused with someone else.” Pete says but there’s almost a mocking tone in his voice. Jason stares him down and it goes eerily silent for a few seconds. Pete doesn’t like the look and you're getting the feeling this is going to go south.“You haven’t done enough time to look at me like that.”
“You have no idea who I am.” Jason's voice is low and unwavering, despite the fear pushing at his chest and vibrating his blood like a relentless and agonizing earthquake.
Molly gets the idea this going to turn violent. He’s done time and she knows Jason can fight but maybe not him. So, she moves past you and walks forward, touching Jason’s arm to grab his attention.
“Jason, let’s get out of here.” Molly says as Jason looks at her and as soon he does, a gun cocks.
It’s fast, happening in just a second. The gun is cocked as Jason looks back to Pete who puts the gun right under his chin. He was just waiting for his opportunity. You swear under your breath because for some reason, you thought he’d be fine. He knows better.
“Where’s your swag, cowboy?” Pete asks as you quickly move to Molly, yanking her back and behind you.
Jason freezes, flashes of Deathstroke cross his eyes. The beatings, the pain in his leg is agonizing. It throbs and if he didn’t know better, he’d swear it were bleeding right here, right now. He falls again and again and again. Everything that happened flashes his eyes and he can’t breathe and he can’t move. Why can’t he move? He has no time to react before Pete smacks him across the face with the gun, sending Jason to the ground.
“Jason!” Molly screams, trying to push you to the side.
“You shut your mouth, bitch!” Pete threatens as he aims the gun at her, you keep her blocked, locking eyes with Pete with your mouth in a hard line.
Jason tries to get up but Pete kicks him in the face. Jason starts coughing up blood onto the ground. He’s weak. Why is he weak? He’s fought men three times the size with ease. But Pete kicks him and kicks him and kicks him over and over. In the stomach and the side, over and over again. Jason tries to back away but he’s on the ground and useless.
He was never like this. He was never afraid of everything. It never caused him harm before. If anything, fear managed to protect him. It has always kept him on high alert. It made sure he could be physically and emotionally safe from anyone that would hurt him. But, now, all it's doing is getting him beaten up. It's traumatizing reliving the same damn fear every single day. He's so damn tired of it. He's so sick of being weak. And scared.
Jason rolls on his side where Pete kicks him again and you've had enough. You tried to give Jason a little bit of time to get it together, hoping he'd be able to. But, you can't stand by and hope anymore. You push Molly to the side and move towards Pete.
“Hey, dickhead!” You get his attention, taking a solid swing to his face and then another. “You wanna fucking fight, let’s fucking go.” You have a wild look in your eyes as he points the gun at you, Molly rushing to check on Jason. “Aw, cute! You think I’m scared?” You taunt him, the throbbing in your head intensifies and you move out of the way just as he fires the gun. “Missed me, fuckface.”
You swore you'd never be unprepared again and you pull out a knife from your belt hidden under your coat. In a swift motion, you nail him in the leg. He yells out and shoots again, you already out of the way by the time he fires.
Jason hears the gunshots through the ringing of his ears and he'll never forgive himself if you get shot because he couldn't even get a single punch in. You shouldn't be taking him on, by yourself, just because he couldn't. Because he started it. You're here again. Jason's idea. You in the middle of it.
“What the fuck.” Pete grits his teeth as he pulls the knife out.
“I got more if that’s not enough for you.” You pull out another knife, tossing it between your fingers. “Bet I can nail your jugular in a single shot. Wanna find out?” You question. “If your gun is fully loaded, you have fourteen more shots. So, we can go fourteen more rounds if you want and then I can hit your jugular. I do love target practice.”
Pete grits his teeth, holding the wound and he’s missed two shots already. Whatever you have going on, isn't worth his time right now.
“I’ll see you around.” Pete threatens you before he walks off.
You let out a breath of relief as you rush over to the two on the ground. Jason is still coughing and trying to gain his breath. Molly’s hand is on his shoulder. You can see the bloody gash near his temple and he should have had this. Maybe it’s worse than even you thought it was.
You and Molly help him to his feet, Jason brushing the both of you off. He struggles to gain his footing, the pain in his leg is as bad as it was when Deathstroke cut out the tracker. His entire body is aching with every breath. He’s embarrassed and pissed.
“Look, you’re hurt, we need to get you to a hospital—“ Molly starts once Jason is on his feet.
“I’m fine. I’m fine.” Jason says, keeping his voice level. It’s not her fault.
“Jay.” You state.
He can't. He can't do it and he doesn't want to.
“Just tell me what I can to help—“ Molly starts.
“Get the fuck away from me, okay?” Jason screams, gesturing his arm in the other direction.
He doesn’t want help. He’s tired of people offering to help. He doesn’t fucking want it. It doesn’t fucking help. Nothing is helping. It’s been months and he’s still paralyzed with fear. Every single time, it seems to be getting better, it just gets worse. He relives it over and over and over. It’s drowning him even when he knows how to swim.
Molly stands for a second, her heart aching being yelled at. Jason doesn’t yell at her. Jason never yells at her. Tears brim in her eyes. She’s just worried about him. He just had a gun pulled at him and got the shit beat out of him. It was terrifying.
You let out a breath and you can tell Molly’s never seen him like this. Of course, she hasn't because she doesn't know. She doesn't know about Robin or Deathstroke. It's one of those times you wish desperately that she did because she'd understand. But, she doesn't and she's going to be the one left confused and hurt.
“It’s okay.” You turn to Molly walking her towards the alley. “It’s fine, okay? I got him.” You nod your head with a weak smile
Molly stares at you in disbelief. You can’t be serious because you were just shot at. How is this fucking fine? Neither of you are fine and Molly is sick of you both trying to fool yourselves and her.
“What the hell was that? With you? He almost shot you!” Molly panics, looking you over just to make sure he missed.
“I’ve been shot at before, it’s fine. Just something I picked up.” Your voice shakes and that’s new.
Your hands are vibrating at your sides and you're realizing, it’s getting a little hard to breathe. But it’s the realization that you have been shot at before. You were left for dead, twice. It all comes back in a wave but you have to push through it. Molly can’t know and Jason needs you. You need to check on him. You can’t panic over it. It happened months ago. And you weren’t the one tortured and kidnapped by CADMUS. It’s not your trauma to process.
“You were what!?”
“Molly, it’s fine. He’ll be fine. Just go home.” You keep your voice calm and pleading.
“He’s hurt.” Molly urges with tears in her eyes.
“He’s fine, okay? I’ll look him over—“
“You’re not a doctor.” Molly grits her teeth.
“I know. I’ll get him to go, okay? Just, head home and I’ll call you. It’s fine. I promise.” You pull her in for a hug before walking back off to Jason who’s pacing and fuming.
Molly pauses for a second before she decides to listen. Jason and you aren’t gonna listen to her anyway.
“You, too!” Jason screams at you.
He doesn’t want your help either. He doesn’t deserve it. The cruel voices are back, louder than ever and echoing through the deepest parts of his chest. They scream and cackle, telling him over and over that he's not good enough. Anyone could have beaten that guy up. Anyone could have taken him and anyone would know he had a gun. Of course, he had a gun. But, Jason's terrified of everything. He's too scared. He's weak and useless and hopeless. 
“No!” You yell back. “I’m not fucking leaving you here like this.”
“Get away!” Jason’s voice cracks as he stands in front of you.
“No! Molly’s right. You’re hurt. We need to get back.” You urge him as you reach for his shoulders.
He can't go back. Bruce is going to be home and he's going to have questions. What if this gets him benched permanently? What if this proves Bruce right? What if Bruce gives up on him entirely?
“No fuck that shit!” Jason brushes you off and he’s so fucking sick of this shit. “Leave me alone!”
“Jason.” You grit your teeth. “What the hell is going on?” You move forward anyway and cup his face, minding the blood.
“Just leave me alone, please.” Jason pleads with you as a lump grows in his throat. He’s so fucking sick of this. He’s so exhausted from feeling this way.
“You know I won’t, Jay.” Your eyes soften as your heart breaks for him.
Jason takes your hands in his. “You fucking should. I’m fucked up. You deserve better anyway. Go the fuck home.”
He’s pushing. Your heart breaks and you're gonna keep fighting. You have a lot of regrets and one of those is not fighting for him sooner. You always should have. You're not gonna repeat that regret. So, you're gonna fight and if he wants to push, he’ll have to try a lot harder than that.
“Jason, don’t do this.” You beg him. “Come home with me, please.”
He shakes his head and he can’t. He’ll pay for it later. He knows he will. He’s gonna push as hard as he possibly can to get you away from him. He doesn’t want you near him. He’s fucked up. He’s useless and weak and a mess. You don’t deserve him. He doesn’t want you coming to his rescue. It’s not your job and it never should be. Jason has always been able to take care of himself alone. This is no different. He doesn’t want your damn help. He doesn’t want it. It’s embarrassing. Humiliating. He loves you but he's in so much pain right now he has to do the one thing he’s always been best at. Pushing.
He’ll regret it.
“No.” Jason huffs. “I’m not going fucking home!” He yells. “Get the fuck out of here. I don’t need you bailing me out! I could have fucking handled it!”
“Why are you doing this?” You ask, your voice cracking. You tug your sleeves down, Jason catching the action.
You haven’t done that in a month around him. He crumbles with the act. He knows pushing hurts you and that’s not fair just because he’s hurt. You don’t deserve it and maybe he’s right. Maybe you really do deserve better. He can’t take it back. He didn’t mean to hurt you. Not on purpose. He can’t take it back and he can’t deal with it all. He can’t deal with more guilt and pain and disappointment.
“Just leave me the fuck alone, alright?” Jason scoffs and he walks past you, knowing you’ll never leave. You don’t have it in you to walk away. So, he does.
He knows you’ll get him to break if he stays. You've always been good at getting him to calm down and be reasonable. But that’s not what he wants to be right now. He almost wants to be angry about it. He just wants to be alone, away from every person he’s disappointed and that includes you.
You watch him walk away as tears brim your eyes. You were making progress and now you’re back here. What is so different than before? You've had to bail him out before this and it wasn’t this bad. He didn’t push like this. And you realize the difference is Robin, the difference is always Robin.
At least when he was Robin, he had that to fall back on. He could chalk up his freezing to still being able to be Robin later. He’d have a second shot at it. He’d get a third shot. He was still Robin but Bruce benched him and now he’s getting his ass kicked by some nobody trafficking kids to the Joker. He has nothing left to fall back on. Every horrible thought he ever had about himself has become true today. He is useless. He is weak. He is not good enough. And you hate that he even feels that way.
But you can’t follow him because then you’ll just fight and that’s not something you want to do. He doesn’t need to feel worse over an argument with you. So, you let him walk away and you make your way down the alley.
You head back to the cafe where your bike is parked and you decide to hang out for half an hour, hoping Jason will come back. You can go back to the manor together and make sure he’s actually okay but as the time ticks by, there’s no sign of him and he’s not answering his phone. Jason is really good at pushing.
Jason looks at his phone and it's cold. It's snowing. You should just go home but he knows you're definitely still waiting for him. But, he's not even close to being ready to talk or cool down.
Jason: go home be back later I’m fine
Jason looks at his phone, watching the bubble show up. He’s still so angry with himself for all of it. He can’t even look you in the eyes right now. He doesn’t want to do anything. He just wants to be alone. But you worry. It’s been half an hour and at the very least, he can text you that he’s fine.
Y/n 😍: I don’t want to go back without you
Jason’s heart sinks as he reads the text. He hesitates over the keyboard. He almost types out “too bad” but he can't bring himself to type it out. It'll be even worse if it does.
Jason: you have to get ready for patrol tonight anyway stop worrying
Jason shuts his phone off as soon as the text sends. He simply can't. He knows he just fucked up your whole relationship. It’s been two weeks and he just fucked it all up. He’s not good enough anyway. It doesn’t matter. And yet it breaks his heart in two.
All he wants is to be Robin and be good enough again. He doesn't want to be so tired anymore. He's tired of it all. The nightmares and shaking hands. He's tired of the leg pain and the headaches and the nausea and racing heartbeat that makes him feel like he's going to pass out. He's tired of disappointing everyone and letting them down and not being good enough. He's tired of being weak. 
You let out a sigh, texting him back saying you don't have to go but the read receipt doesn't come through. You want to give him some more time to come around before you head back. So, you get on your bike and decide to head to Excellent Gotham. You always like it there anyway and it’ll be warm. And Jason knows that. If he wants to come around, he'll know where to find you.
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You open the take-out container of your food once you're seated at your favorite table against the back wall. You try to eat while you scroll on your phone. Gar posted a new picture of him with Conner and Krypto at a park. Dick and Kory are seated at a picnic table behind them. A smile tugs at your lips as you double-tap the picture and pull up the comments.
You: @/dickgrayson @/koriandr look real cozy in the background 👀
You send the comment, mostly to harass Dick. You can’t do it in person, but you can do it through social media. It is something that can cheer you up usually. And you smile softly, remembering when Kory told you and Gar how Donna was the one that showed her how to work Instagram and helped her set up her account. You miss all of them.
@/dickgrayson: we were talking?
You: wE wErE tAlKiNg 🥴
@/garlogan: they’re always “talking”
You:“talking” is the first stage @/dickgrayson “don’t do anything…graphic”
@/garlogan: 😂🤮
@/dickgrayson: NOT FUNNY
@/garlogan: yes it is
You: you said it first 😂 sorry @/koriandr ily 💕
You laugh softly to yourself. You'll never miss an opportunity to bug him. You scroll through a few more photos until your attention is pulled from your phone when someone sits down in front of you.
“Hey.” Tim chimes. “You here alone?”
“Uh…yeah.” You shake your head. “Why?”
Every time you come here and Tim is here, you have a conversation about anything, really. This isn’t too weird of an exchange but you find it odd anyway for him to ask.
“You never come here alone anymore. Jason and Molly are always with you.” Tim gestures with his hand. “Everything okay?”
Tim is observant. He notices and remembers everything about everything and everybody. Before you left, you’d come in alone but since you started showing up again, you're always with Molly or Jason. Tim hasn’t seen you alone at all since. He notices you tugging your sleeves down when you order and the fact you always sit with your back up against a wall, looking out over the entire restaurant, something he doesn’t ever remember you doing. You’ve had enough conversations over the years that he considers you friends, friends enough to ask anyway.
“All good.” You shrug your shoulders, brushing it off.
Tim sighs. “My dad said you seemed down.” It’s not a lie. Mr. Drake did say that but Tim noticed anyway.
You laugh softly, nodding your head. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
“You sure? You can tell me if you want. I know we don’t know each other that well, but might help. Then I don’t have to run a delivery.” Tim chuckles.
He’s always so warm. You don’t think you've ever seen Tim seem down, annoyed but not down. He’s always excited to talk about whatever new thing has been picking at his mind. He was one of the people that told you he suspected there was a new Robin. Batman and the crazy maniacs of Gotham were a topic of discussion on occasion. And boy could he ramble about it. But, you always felt like you could trust him.
He doesn’t really know Jason. He kind of knows Molly but it was you and Tim that had the most conversation. He doesn’t know everything. He doesn’t know what happened to you or where you were and what happened. He doesn’t know any of it. And you find that a bit comforting. You trust him enough to at least talk a little bit because having to not tell anyone anything because everyone you know knows Jason is really difficult sometimes.
“Just, uh, some shit is going on and I, uh, can’t tell anyone about most of it.” You shake your head. “Me and Jason got into a fight and uh, I don’t know. He pushes sometimes. It’s fine, ya know? I get it but it, uh, it sucks anyway.” You chew the inside of your cheek.
Tim furrows his brows. “So, he gets mad and pushes you away? That’s not fair to you.” He lazily points a finger at you.
“Yeah, but he has shit going on.” You defend.
“That’s not an excuse.” Tim scoffs. “He seems cool. I don’t know him. I’m just saying, no one deserves to be pushed just because someone’s going through shit.”
“Well, he’s not an asshole to me. And I do the same shit so, ya know?”
“Well, I still think he shouldn’t do it." Tim states casually. "Why’s he do it anyway?“ Tim asks and you raise a brow at him. "I'm just saying, you're together so why's he still pushing you away?"
“I’m so serious, if you ever bring this up, I’ll kill you.” You threaten softly and Tim nods, gesturing for you to contiue. “Everyone gives up on him and I just…don’t? I’m like the only person who hasn’t and I’m not going to. I don’t even know why people do. He’s an ass sometimes and he’s all bark and bite. But, I don’t get it anyway, right? Because when you give a fuck about someone you don’t just give up cause shit gets hard. Or they fuck up. But it’s like he’s so damn used to it that when I simply don’t give up, he freaks out a little more when shit, like today, happens.” You state, keeping it a bit vague on the actual events.
Tim nods his head and he agrees. He believes in second chances. He doesn’t think people should just give up on people. He’s fucked up several times and his parents don’t give up on him. They were not happy about him dropping out but they’re not giving up on him. He doesn’t know what happened and he highly doubts you're gonna be less vague if he asks. But, he also knows some things you definitely don’t know he knows.
Tim knows. He knows Jason is Robin. Dick was Robin. Bruce is Batman. He knows you're Bluejay, a vigilante name the Gothamites have given you all because of your blue suit and you patrol with Batman. You do not talk about the irony in it. At least it's a little better than Acid Fingers. But, Tim is very observant. With a photographic memory.
Dick is one of two people in the world who can perform a specific flip and Robin 1.0 and Nightwing can also perform that trick which means Bruce Wayne is Batman. Jason was adopted by Bruce after Robin 1.0 left which means Jason has to be Robin 2.0, on top of the fact Tim remembers seeing videos and him and Robin 2.0 walk the same way. They share the same stride and confidence. And that’s how he figured out you're Bluejay.
The way you walk, how you hold yourself. You're living with Bruce Wayne, dating Jason Todd. It’s all pretty obvious to him in all fairness. So, he is kind of guessing whatever is going on has something to do with the vigilante life and that’s not something he can so much help with. But, he can try.
“Do you want my advice?” Tim asks.
“Sure?” You question.
“You said he pushes so, have you tried…letting him?”
“The point is that I don’t? So, I’m not like everyone else and I don't give up on people very much.”
“Yeah, but, you not letting him doesn’t work with whatever is going on, right?”
“I guess?”
“So, let him. And he’ll come back, right? Be there when he comes back. You said, it’s what he does. So, maybe you,” Tim gestures towards you as he leans back in his seat. “Being there all the time is suffocating him.” Tim states casually. “You could give him the space and when he comes around, be there like you normally would. Maybe he just needs the space, right?”
“I--” You pause and that’s kind of a good point you haven’t thought of. “I…yeah, actually that kind of makes sense. I just…worry about him. If you knew, you’d know why, ya know?”
“So, tell him you’ll give him space or whatever but he has to check in and tell you he’s fine so you’re not worried.”
You groan, putting your head on the table for a second before picking it back up again. “That’s actually a good idea. I hadn’t thought of that.”
“It’s easier from the outside sometimes.” Tim chuckles awkwardly.
“Thanks, Tim. I will try that.” You nod softly.
“You're welcome.” Tim smiles warmly. "So, you decided to just come here because you had a fight and wait for him to come around?"
“Oh, you really don’t want to work. Don’t you have like schoolwork to do or something?” You quip with a grin tugging at your lips.
“I dropped out.” Tim shifts in his seat slightly.
“Why? Aren’t you like a genius?”
Tim shrugs casually. “I mean not...”
“He does our books.” Mr. Drake calls from the counter making you laugh.
“Genius.” You state with a nod.
“Kind of.” Tim rolls his shoulders.
“I just, uh, I always liked it here. Your family is always here, and always felt real warm. And, uh, ya know? Been a while since I felt that so. Like, whole family dynamic thing.” You nod your head.
“Oh, well, in that case, you can run my deliveries. Really feel the warmth of a family then.” Tim nods twice with a toothy grin, glancing to his dad.
“No, I’m good.” You laugh. “That’s all you, Timmy.” You scrunch your nose. “Thanks, though, seriously.”
“Hey, we’re friends, right?” Tim shrugs casually.
“Yeah, I guess.” You shake your head. “Coming in here enough over the years, I guess so.” You smile softly. “Seriously, thank you. And also, I’m serious, don’t tell anyone. We don’t normally like when people know our shit.”
“I won’t tell anyone, don’t worry.” Tim chuckles.
“Well, I’m gonna head back to the manor. Give him space like you said. I’ll be back probably tomorrow.” You laugh as you get up.
“Oh, well, I’ll be here.” Tim states with wide eyes. “They won’t let me leave.” He whispers.
“So, go to school.” You mock him as Tim groans.
“Yeah, alright, be safe.” Tim chuckles.
“Yeah, too. All those delivers and such.” You offer him a thumbs-up before you head out of the restaurant.
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The night goes by and you don’t go on patrol. You want to be here when Jason gets home and being out with Bruce just seems like it’ll make you more annoyed tonight. It’s his fault today happened anyway. So, you stay home and listen to Tim, giving Jason some space for the night.
Jason texts you here and there saying he’s still fine because he’s not throwing in the towel. The later the night gets, the more texts come through from him. He’s calmer as the night goes on and his anger is fading away. He apologizes a few more times and he wonders how he’s ever going to come back from what he said to you and Molly. Neither of you deserve it. You were just worried about him.
At some point, Jason stopped receiving texts from you and figured that was his cue to head back home. It’s two in the morning and he has to guess you fell asleep. He thinks it’s safe to go home and get to bed. He won’t have to talk about it when he gets home. He can just try to get at least some sleep.
When he gets home, Bruce is still out on patrol. The manor is completely quiet and he goes right to your room, just to check on you before he heads to his own bed. But, when he looks into your room, the bed is still made and you aren’t there. His heart plummets because he thinks he really blew it. He’s so sure you left. Maybe you're staying with Molly. Maybe you're just waiting for him to calm down before you break it off entirely. You're done and it’s all his fault.
Maybe you were only texting him back so you wouldn’t feel guilty if he did something stupid. He’s not sure, but he really thinks he messed things up with you this time.
Jason feels tears brim his eyes as he shuts the door. His head hangs as the lump grows further into his throat as he walks to his room. He did what he always does, push until someone gives up. He really, in the pit of his stomach, didn’t think you ever would. And he doesn’t even blame you. He just feels guilty and hurt for everything in the first place. He just keeps fucking it all up.
When he reaches the door of his room, his arm is weak as it creaks open but his attention snaps to the TV that’s on. There isn’t anything playing, it’s just the screensaver but it’s on and there’s an automatic shut off which means he didn’t leave it on. He looks in the opposite direction towards his bed where you're sleeping.
Jason sucks in a breath of relief at the sight of you. You didn’t give up. You didn’t leave. You waited for him in his room because you knew he would be avoiding talking and probably you when he got back if you were awake. And his heart swells. He doesn’t deserve you. But, he walks closer to the bed anyway and strips to his boxers before crawling into bed with you and wrapping his arms around you. He presses a kiss to your shoulder.
You hum from in front of him, your back pressed against his chest. “Jay?” Your voice is groggy as you tiredly look over your shoulder.
“Yeah.” Jason whispers softly. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”
“S’okay.” You smile softly, rolling around his arms to face him, your eyes barely open as you look up at him. The bruise from the day is hidden against the pillow and the low light of the bedroom. “Glad you’re home.”
“I’m so fucking sorry.” Jason states and you barely make out the guilt across his face.
“It’s okay, we’ll talk in the morning.” You snuggle against his chest. Truthfully, you're just glad he's home and he's safe. One bad day doesn't destroy everything you've built. “Not mad, just tired. Get some sleep, Jay. It’s just you and me.” You press a kiss to his chest, feeling Jason relax against you.
“I love you.” Jason mutters against the top of your head.
“I love you, too.” You smile softly against him.
Jason squeezes you softly against him and he doesn’t know why he’s still lucky to have you. His life is shit besides you and you pick him anyway. You should leave him and he knows you should. He was wrong for speaking to you that way and for pushing so damn hard. But you don’t. You're here anyway for reasons he’ll never understand. But he is immensely thankful you're still here. With him.
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chris-continues · 1 year
Only one bed in the booked hotel room trope? 👀 (not nsfw obv) I read something similar to this but it was Vash so maybe a Nai version?
Star wars convention with Vash? (If u do dis one and if u need any help feel free to ask me anything cuz im a huge star wars nerd)
Vampire Vash and/or Nai?
CARNIVAL!!!! I wonder if the brothers would compete to see who can win the most prizes, also watching the fireworks on the ferris wheel would b cute
Beach episode? 👀👀
Sorry if it's alot-
(I love your au's so much oml, you write all the characters beautifully ♡)
AAA TYSM I REALLY APPRECIATE THAT imma screenshot this message/ask and use it a few times probably but the one that caught my eye most is vampire au PLS SEND SO MANY ASKS ABT VAMP AU I need to write more stuff on it
Ngl I’m most willing to write suggestive stuff for vampire au bc bro… 0///0
Lonely nights lead to delectable frights <3
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In which two vampires with extreme charm have you wrapped around your finger (when in reality it’s them wrapped around your finger). (To be added on to, I wanted to expand on this more later lol)
WARNINGS/TAGS: mentions of depression/loneliness (reader runs into the woods to be alone but also craving companionship), gender neutral reader
Vampire Vash and Vampire Knives meeting reader! I’ll add onto this in separate pieces but I haven’t set a definitive timeline yet!! So any drabbles written may deviate from the last piece
I was debating on writing this in Victorian era type beat or modern au (because I’ve written vampire Nai modern au) but I asked my fav vamp lover @coffinbeananteiku and her word is final 🫡 (I needed to ask someone to decide for me I’m very indecisive sometimes)
Tags: @lune010 @vashfantasy
The dusk of a new night greets you as you run. Far, far away. You had nowhere to go, your feet leading you wherever the wind took you. Nothing truly important lay back in town, perhaps a few less than noteworthy friends in society who’d given an artificial smile and obligatory wave.
Nothing to go back to.
So of course you’d been an idiot to run into the woods. You have one horrible day, and rather than wallowing at home like usual you make the horrid decision to run when others keep berating you for it, fine attire catching on brambles you’d almost tripped over as the haphazard movements of yours fell to a halt. How far had you run? How far did your stress carry you?
Alone. Just as you wished and terrified. Only the moss at your feet and rather barren branches accompanied you, horrors of the night awaiting your person.
Wonderful. Wonderful.
You breathed in shakily, only to exhale into a sob. God, you were tired, so so very tired.
You eventually lifted your head to observe your surroundings. Eerie; yet a welcome sight compared to the bustling cobblestone streets of town, quiet, perhaps too quiet. The wind whistles past your ears in its reverie, encompassing you fully into the charm of the night.
This could be good, you attempt to reassure yourself. That thought is fleeting as you attempt to appreciate the short lived tranquility and struggle to backtrack. It’s futile.
You have no way back. So what must you do? Trudge forward. The next town could be for miles, you have no money and certainly no mode of transportation besides your already exhausted two feet.
You trek forward.
Not long after, your loneliness returns. The peaceful night soon digs into your heels once again, dragging your already worried mind into further disquietude. Your arms wrap around yourself in poor manner to shield yourself from the further night’s chill, vision hazy from the little light and paranoia suffocating you.
But nevertheless, you persist. You were stubborn in that way, never knowing quite when to stop despite the fear you’d be too much. Even now, when you’d done too much, by leaving town entirely to the welcoming yet terrifying arms of the woods did you remain stubborn. In a will to survive? In the pursuit of curiosity? The need for more? To deserve more?
You’d never quite place it, you’re sure. Perhaps all of the above.
Such thoughts plague you as you unknowingly stare down at your feet, eventually reaching a cobblestone pathway.
Your neck snaps up to see- ruins? No, it’s far too neatly kept for that. A castle, complete with gates and stone pathways; warm torches lit at the sides if you squinted from the faraway grounds of the gates. Cool moonlight acted as your light as you traversed forward, feet picking up. Perhaps you could try to see if it was abandoned, fashion yourself a place for the night! Hopefully no dangers resided here, in such a domestic place. Well, perhaps it wasn’t the most welcoming of homes but it certainly was a new sight amongst what surrounded you. Ah, yes, dead trees, dead trees, and.. woah! More dead trees!
..so, quite the refreshing sight.
The pats of your feet are the only noise you truly process, the gates creaking with movement as you walk closer to the manor.
Large metal rings the size of your head hung heavily at the double doors. Should you knock? They appeared to be in usable condition.. so you supposed, lifting one knocker with your dominant hand.
A heavy boom resounded as you dropped it. You’d never really used one- just accustomed to the usual rapping of knuckles on doors, or a verbal call whilst entering a room.
“You appear unfamiliar.” A voice suddenly husks behind you, making you nearly jump out of your skin.
You whipped around quickly, “Holy shit!-“ for someone in the Victorian era, your modern slang (profanity) was rather proficient. Standing before you was someone cold and cunning, towering over you intensely. His presence demanded attention, the need to stand straight and not let him out of your sight in fear of what he could do.
The wind whistled in your ears once more. Like a taunt that it could run far away from here, unlike you. His domineering white- no, almost white, pale blue eyes stared down at you. He seemed inhuman.
Your mind seemed scrambled in a feeble attempt to explain yourself, “Sorry I uh, was walking and needed someplace to stay for the night..”
His eyebrow arches in amusement. “So you decided to reside here?”
The crunching of leaves is what alerts you to a new presence behind the.. man who’d confronted you, wisps of blonde hair peeking from over his shoulder until he stood next to him. “Aw, that’s no way to treat a visitor!” He gave a sweet, yet strangely tight lipped smile. “I’m Vash, this is Nai. It’s wonderful to meet you.” A partially gloved hand adorned in lace outstretches towards yours in a pleasant handshake, small tears in the fabric from overuse. It’s a paradoxical feeling of ‘rough lace’, yet it suits him rather well.
You hesitantly greet yourself, voice meek with unfamiliarity and worry. An introduction slips past your lips albeit shaky voice, he remains ever so friendly and opens the door for you, the.. Nai guy taking care to briskly zoom past and ignore your very presence.
How kind. He’s taken a liking to you.
Vash merely brushes it off as usual banter, perhaps it’s nothing personal, you assume. He seemed unbothered overall and didn’t really acknowledge anything, that much you could observe just from his behaviors so far.
It’s not of importance, not in your mind at least. What truly caught your attention? The ornate structures in the main hall- carvings of angels in rich marble and stone, hell, even the floors had carvings!
Out of curiosity you dipped your toe into the slight crevices in the ground, feeling the divots of some.. geometric swirls and markings that decorated the beauty of the castle.
“Hey, you coming?” Vash peeked over his shoulder towards you- you’d lost yourself in the beauty of the room. He gave a knowing smile at your wonderment, entrancing chuckle reverberating throughout the tall ceilings. “I was the same way when I first came here, it’s definitely a sight to take in!” He jolts his head to beckon you forward,
“You can stay the night. If you wish.”
What other choice did you really have?
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Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 1 - Live Thoughts + Reactions
I wrote all of my thoughts and feelings in a notebook down and copied them here in case anyone is interested in my thoughts and feelings on S4 so far. It’s taken me a while because 1) the season is LONG AS FUCK, 2) I’ve been ill and 3) I’ve been at work, so… anyway, here it is!
Episode 1 - The Hellfire Club
Oh damn, that opening 8-10 minutes though :O They made it look like Eleven straight up slaughtered all the other “numbers” (the kids at the lab) as well as all the orderlies 
My theory at this point: Eleven was possessed by Vecna and he killed the kids/orderlies through her
It showed Will painting and I was like “oh that’s so for Mike” even though it didn’t show what it was exactly
I love Eleven, Will and Jonathan being siblings
“We’re all time travelers if you think about it”
Her visual aid for her school project was Hopper and the cabin :’)
Eleven saying Joyce enjoys her new job (seems that she’s a telemarketer???) and it showing Joyce just shouting “PRICK” down the phone
Let’s be honest, “California Dreamin’” may be the obvious music choice for this but it’s the perfect song so I ain’t mad
Eleven saying she’s good at maths but “grammar is getting good also” kind of just proves that no, it’s not XD
Not Dustin getting Suzie to change his Latin grade :’)
*looking at Jesus statue* “... I will repent later” LMFAO
As soon as they mentioned Vickie, I was like “that’s Amybeth McNulty’s character” and “SO SHE IS ROBIN’S LOVE INTEREST”
“You ask out a girl, she says no - big deal. Nothing happens. Maybe your ego’s a little bruised.But I ask out the wrong girl, and BAM! I’m a town pariah” - OOF TRUE
“I like boobies, you like boobies... Vickie likes boobies” - I WAS WEEPING WITH LAUGHTER
Nah but I ship Robin and Vickie already ngl
Max seems so depressed, which I wasn’t actually expecting. It makes sense given that she saw Billy (her stepbrother) die in front of her, but at the very end of ST3 (which was 3 months after his death), she and Lucas were laughing and joking around and teasing Dustin over the Never Ending Story thing, so I guess I’m still kind of surprised
I was trying to figure out why Jason Carver, the basketball captain, seemed familiar... turns out it’s because he was Chris Dollanganger in Flowers in the Attic in 2014... aka the guy who slept with his sister 
My first impression of Jason is that he seems cute but like he’s probably gonna be a douche
Max wasn’t happy at all watching Lucas play :(
Is... Is Jason seriously using the mall disaster AND Barb AND Hopper to pep up the team/game???
“You’ve been on the bench all year” OOP
Me: *sees a box* // also me: WHAT’S IN THE BOX?!?!
A Russian Doll??? That’s all that was in that big ass box??? A creepy Russian doll?!?
The presentations El/Will are doing at school are on heroes... :( HOPPER IS ELEVEN’S HERO I’M CRYING-
Also, Will’s presentation board was on Alan Turing... 👀
Oh Max went straight up full on depressed emo :(
Chrissy came out of the counselor’s office looking super upset... interesting
Max says that her mom is drinking and working 2 jobs, also Billy’s dad has fucked off and left them... On the one hand, that’s actually good because Billy’s dad kind of came off as an abusive dick bag. On the other, this poor family is broken :(
The counselor really said “it’s okay to not be okay”, she really used that line
“Maybe you should find something you care about too” - LUCAS SHUT UP BRO
“It’s like you’re not even here” “a ghost or something” - she’s literally depressed dude
Max and Lucas broke up?!?! Bad time for LuMax fans...
Oh no, she’s taking pills as well
A  theory I had was Chrissy the cheerleader was pregnant because Max sees her being sick in the bathroom, she was upset coming out of the office, she’s in a relationship with Jason... IDK
Not people trying to say D&D is the devil’s game and a cult
I won’t lie though, the Hellfire Club kinda scares me
So Eddie keeps flunking his senior year, am I right?
I love that Joyce and Murray are still in touch, that’s nice
Joyce: *looking at the doll* Jesus... she has nipples // Murray: *sliding into the bath* *cheering and whooping* — I’M-
So... Jonathan thinks Nancy isn’t coming for spring break, but she was hoping to go but hadn’t told him?
Okay so it seems that Jancy still really love each other but they’re not communicating and it’s driving them further apart :/ 
Nahhhh, newspaper dude (Fred) is fucking WEIRD. He gives me a weird creepy rich preppy boy incel vibe
Now why is Chrissy wandering into the woods???
... why is there a clock in a tree???
Oooooohhhh okay, it’s a vision, that makes sense
Eddie and Chrissy in the woods together... he was straight up selling her weed I think
No but they seem cute, they apparently knew each other when they were younger and they had a nice little scene together
“...Do you have anything stronger?” - at this point, because I was convinced she was up the duff, I was like, “is she trying to get super high or terminate a pregnancy???”
Not El getting an F :( I couldn’t see what subject the paper was on but I think it was Math?? Meaning she was lying to Mike about being good at math as well as having friends and her grammar getting better
El is still missing her powers but she seemed to forget because she tried to use them on Angela and just ended up looking weird 
Ooooh Angela’s in trouble :D Good on El for not saying “nothing happened”
“We’ll fix it together” - Will is such a good brother to El, oh my god
Okay but did Joyce REALLY need to drop a fucking bucket on the doll from a tree?!?
We already knew this but HOP IS ALIVE
Not Steve dating high schoolers after he’s graduated
Steve: “Told you... muppet” // Robin: “Okay, she does sound like a muppet” - THEIR FRIENDSHIP URGH I LOVE THEM
Vickie: “Totally sounds like Kermit” // Robin: “I was thinking more like Miss Piggy” - I FUCKING CAN’T
“I used to think she sounded good ‘cause I had this massive crush--” OOP ROBIN CAREFUL YOU NEARLY OUTED YOURSELF THERE
Brenda (girl Steve is with): “Wow, she sounds AMAZING, doesn’t she??” // Steve: O_o
Robin, sweetie, you have always been able to do better than Tammy Thompson, gurl
No but the Tammy Thompson thing is ten times funnier after reading the Rebel Robin book that’s set before S3 XD
Erica wearing the America flag is an iconic moment... “You can’t spell America without Erica” in-fucking-deed
Damn, Erica did NOT come to play around
Oh no, Lucas is playing in the final game but Mike and Dustin aren’t there to see it because they’re playing D&D, and Max didn’t show :( 
I just know Will would have been in the Hellfire Club and living his best life
Dustin and Erica team up for the win!
Max seeing Eddie and Chrissy... O_O
Is Special K cocaine or...?
Is Vecna making her see things again???
Is Vecna trying to possess Chrissy or...? Like, playing mind games with her to weaken her? Because in reality she’s standing in Eddie’s trailer just staring/blinking but in her head she’s seeing everything else???
Episode 2 - Vecna’s Curse
I knew Hopper was still alive because he was in trailers etc, but it’s interesting to see how he somehow survived
Ah hell, they all gonna think Eddie fucking killed Chrissy now
So... IS Chrissy dead? She’s not gonna rise as a zombie or some shit?
I feel like Will is excited to give Mike the painting but Mike is only gonna have eyes for El.... :/
No but why does Mike look like a fuck boi in that outfit?
I have no idea why I don’t like Mike anymore, I like Finn but Mike kind of irritates me and I don’t know why
“Just this painting I’ve been working on” - GIVE IT TO HIM WILL.
Why is it so awkward :(
Also Nancy didn’t show up to California for Jonathan :(
Argyle hugging Mike though lmao
“I heard a lot about your sister” - LMAO
I’m just convinced Will is in love with Mike :O
“But I’m having this problem where it’s like, I should stop talking. I have said everything I need to say. But then I guess I get nervous, and the words keep spilling out, and it’s like my brain is moving faster than my mouth, or... or rather my... my mouth is moving faster than my brain. And it’s like I’m digging this hole for myself, and I want to stop digging, I’m trying to stop, but I can’t. And I’m doing it right now, aren’t I?” - Robin is a fucking MOOD I LOVE HER
Not Lucas drinking and being hungover, you’re like 15 dude
This town truly IS fuckin cursed, jesus christ
Dustin: Mike and me, no one was nice to us - no one except Eddie // Max: Okay, I mean, they said the same shit about Ted Bundy. Yeah, he’s like a super nice guy but then he’s murdering women on the weekends. // Dustin: So you’re saying Eddie is like Ted Bundy???
Oh no, not the Russians! 👎
“the elephant” - NO, I wish it was a real elephant THAT MASK IS FUCKED
Poor Will third-wheeling :(
Not El lying about having friends and partying
Ewwww Mike put some damn socks on ffs
Oh no not Angela turning up
Not the basketball team using Benny’s to drink and party tho >:(
Jason has got some anger issues like holy shit
Not Dustin and Max using the video store computer as their base of operations though
Fred was really sitting there dunking on Jonathan and I’m not here for it
Ooop, Fred’s about to get posessed, I can tell
.. but he hasn’t told Nancy :/ TELL HER DUDE!
I feel like Jancy are about to break up tbh
“Got me stressed and it ain’t even my girlfriend” - lmao I like Argyle
Oh no not Angela interrupting the date :(
At least Mike tried to get them to turn the music off I guess?
How do these Russians know Hopper has a trust fund for Eleven? But also it has $40,000 in it??? Damn, Hop
Who the hell is this “Enzo” dude???
What the fuck is Kamchatka? They said “hell”??
Lucas pretending he only knows about D&D because of Erica >:(
“LET’S GO HUNT SOME FREAKS! FOR CHRISSY!” - I can promise you that she wouldn’t want that, my dude
Steve: Someone has to attend to the customers // Robin: Especially if they’re babes, right? *winks* - LMFAO
Robin is a certified GENIUS, of course she found Rick through the video store computer
No but if anything happens to that trailer park dog, I will be suing Netflix
Yes for Nancy telling the uncle’s side of the story!
Oh I just know Fred about to die
Victor Creel, hey?... sounds like lore time!
So apparently Victor Creel lost his mind, killed whole family, took their eyes/cut them out... and he’s in an asylum. Interesting
Kamchatka is basically a Russian concentration camp?
It’s the prison guard who sent the package to Joyce?!?
“I’ve been a total third wheel all day, it’s been miserable, so sorry if I wasn’t smiling” - poor Will :( I’m sick of seeing him third-wheeled by Mike and Eleven tbh, like if they want to date then fine, but stop third-wheeling literally anyone around you
Basically since S3, Mike has been kind of a shit friend to Will and he’s still a shit friend
Poor Eleven :( I wanna punch the kids who did this to her
I need Eleven to actually beat them up, especially Angela
Angela fucking deserved that lmfao, fuck that ratched raggedy ass bitch
No but Eleven has been SUPER violent this season, even without powers??
Robin and Eddie were in band together???
Dustin: I swear on my mother // literally the entirety of the rest of the gang: yeah, we swear on Dustin’s mother -- LMAO
So... did Fred get in a car accident that killed someone, and he ran away instead of getting help, and then someone died? Is that what happened?
.... yeaaaaah, Hawkins is definitely fucking cursed, my god
This season is just one big fucking horror film, holy shit
So... is Vecna Victor Creel or is Victor another victim?
Oop Fred levitating, not again-
Sooo... Vecna is in the upside down world, right? Not ours?
Episode 3 - The Monster and the Superhero
... Now we’re in Nevada??? We’ve got Hawkins, California, Russia, and now Nevada??? We sure are travelling this season
“Everything that’s happened in Hawkins has been due to Brenner’s little pet” - NOOOO NOT THEM BLAMING ELEVEN
No but that makes ZERO fucking sense, the thing with Victor Creel was in the 50s??? And Eleven was born in the 70s I think???
Yeah, I don’t think Jonathan and Argyle were helping with the situation tbh
Jonathan waving, “Hi Murray!” :D
“...Why? What’s going on?” Oh, he’s fucking baked like a cake
Mike: She didn’t look fine -- oh fuck you, Michael
Not the fuck boi basketball team -__-
Oop Nancy about to team up with the Dustin-Max-Steve-Robin gang
Mike put eggos out for Eleven at breakfast :(
El thinking she doesn’t belong anywhere kind of broke my heart, I won’t lie
On the one hand, I get where El is coming from, Mike seems super aversed to saying he loves her... on the other hand, these kids are like 15??? They’re fucking kids???
Not the police arresting El :( All she did was slap a bitch smh
Jonathan and Will being protective brothers of El is GOD tier content and I wish we had more of it
The guard is actually helping Hopper... but for a price of course
“Serial killers stalk their prey before they strike” - God, Robin is so smart
Robin: I don’t have a license // Steve: Why don’t you have a license? // Robin: I’m poor. -- LMFAO MOOD
Max: I can drive! // Steve, clearly thinking about waking up in S2 in the car whilst Max was driving: NO. NEVER AGAIN. ANYBODY BUT YOU
I ship Robin with both Nancy and Vickie, she has two hands after all <3
Steve: ALWAYS THE GODDAMN BABYSITTER - and you’re always amazing at it, bby <3
Ohhhh there was some DARK shit going on in Hawkins when Vecna was choosing his next target; “I’ll tell them I slipped again” as a woman puts make up on over a bruise, “I can’t say no, he’ll leave me” as two teens get it on... jesus 
Not Lucas lying again and being all anti-DND, smh you’re better than this Lucas
They can’t seriously arrest Eleven just for smacking a bullying bitch?!
You know, I think El is a little too honest with some of her answers, and yet she’s not admitting that Angela was torturing her
Murray being the worst airplane seat neighbour tho
Nahhhh Airplane food looks fucking NASTY, I’m glad I haven’t used a plane in like 20 years 💀
How’s Hop supposed to get away if he’s got a broken leg though???
“I don’t really have a filter or a strong grasp of social cues” - Robin is giving off that autistic vibe this season and I’m here for it
Do NOT tell me Steve has still got a thing for Nancy for fuck sake
Also, said it before, I’ll say it again: STEVE HASN’T TOLD ANYONE ROBIN IS GAY. He knows if he told people, it would upset her and lead to people harming her because it’s the 80s and Hawkins is homophobic. He could have because Dustin thinks he’s a coward/refusing to ask Robin out, and Nancy thinks he’s dating Robin, but he hasn’t. It’s a super low bar but given how Steve USED to be... we love to see the character development.
Lucas coming through and radioing Dustin to warn him
Max: Lucas you’re so behind it’s ridiculous - LMFAO
Dr Owens again??? And they’ve taken El?
Murray and Joyce arriving in Alaska: “OH GOD, THIS IS SPRING???” LMFAO
Oh god, was Hopper trying to force his broken leg out of the cuff???
Is Nancy seriously jealous of Robin, thinking she’s dating Steve???
Robin is a fucking genius for pointing out that ofc conspiracy theorists would have been the ones to document Victor Creel / Vecna
Robin: “We leave them alone for TWO HOURS 🙄”
So both Chrissy and Fred were seeing Ms Kelly... is he targeting kids in counselling? Is she working for him??? Or is he just using her and she’s totally unaware of any of this???
Of course they could make the rollerskate incident go away...
Wait, did Lucas misdirect the team to Hopper’s cabin?!?
YES, Lucas, leave the frat boys!
A way to bring Eleven’s powers back??? How??? But if it fails, she’ll never see her friends again???
So symptoms pre-Vecna-trance are headaches, nightmares, past trauma... MAX HAS HAD THOSE SYMPTOMS TOO :O
Noooo she heard Vecna’s voice????
If ANYTHING happens to Max, I’m sueing Netflix for emotional damage
Episode 4 - Dear Billy
So Eleven wrote a note to Mike but NOT her adoptive family???
Stop showing the twisted eyeless bodies, I’M-
They’ve got less than 24 hours to save Max??? No, Ma-am-
It took me a while to realise but is Jason’s name a Friday the 13th homage?
Not Jason stopping Erica from shutting her own front door and Erica calling Jason and Lucas boyfriends
Robin teasing Nancy over her Tom Cruise poster lol
Also Robin geeking out over Nancy’s stuff is so cute
Robin: *sees blouse* Please tell me you’re joking -- no but sAME
“It was you guys who saved me” - AND BOB! DON’T FORGET BOB, WILL
Max wrote a letter to Billy
“the armpit that is Mike’s basement” - LMAO 
Max threatening to prosecute Steve if he stops her XD
Robin struggling to walk in high heels and hating her blouse/skirt is a fat ass mood lmfao
“This bra is pinching my boobs” - SHE’S WEARING NANCY’S BRA???
Ladies, is it gay to share bras with other women? XD
Robin spitting straight up facts and bullshit to get the asylum to let them see Victor Creel
“My boobs hurt” “may I call you Anthony?” -- LITERAL TEARS
“Because nobody takes girls seriously in this field, they just don’t. We don’t look the part or whatever” - DAMN SHE ON FIRE
Robin and Nancy’s little secret Low-Five was ADORABLE
As soon as Yuri said bears got into cockpit, I knew he was joking XD
Is he seriously going to handcount $40,000
Russians in this show are either plain evil or pretty chill lol
Hopper blowing up the tool shed and stealing a snow plough is icon behaviour
“Things got batteries in it?” “... I’m not even answering that question” LMFAO
The scene between Max and her mom :(
Oh, Robin slipped up with the name of the professor :O
No but why am I so nervous about this omg
Why are these prisoners in fucking jail cells though
No, Will, you haven’t been a total jerk???
“Hawkins is not the same without you” - damn straight, Mike, maybe fuckin act like it
“Oh my god, why’s that guy holding a gun?” “DRIVE!”
Hopper’s going round with no shoes on, how’s he not got freaking frostbite
The cemetery... to see Billy, I assume
How is Max so chill about being close to death, omg
Creel: “Survived? Is that what you call this?” = ... Ooof.
So to sum up the bullet points I wrote in my book: Victor, his wife Virginia and their two kids - son Henry, daughter Alice. NOT THE SPIDERS AGAIN. Demon using a wheelchair??? What was up with the baby crib on fire??? Cursed home, town AND family. Killed wife first, so he tried to save kids; not the baby burning to death in his vision; both kids died?
So with his whole family dead, he tried to join them by gouging his eyes out and OH MY GOD NOPE NOPE NOPE NIGHTMARE FUEL
This season is so fucking dark omg
Interesting to note: all he said about Henry was he was a sensitive child and that Henry was in a coma for a week before dying, but the flashbacks show more Victor/Wife/Alice than Henry... hmmmm
Ooop Ronance have been caught
Max reading her letter to Billy had me crying
I’m still not sure how I feel about Billy because he kind of redeemed himself at the end of the last season, but also he was definitely abusive to Max... I feel sorry more for Max’s sake I think
“We could’ve become good friends like a real brother and sister” “maybe we could try again”
“for a while I tried to be happy... normal”
“love your shitty little sister, Max” - oh I was crying BAD
So music is the key/lifeline...
Also it makes sense that Robin, someone who’s in band and who’s said her ears are “little geniuses” was the one to figure that out
“It took me six months longer to walk than all the other babies” OMG ROBIN SAME I THINK???
All the people Vecna killed are in the upside-down-mindscape-place just rotting
Noooo he’s levitating Max
Max hearing the music and thinking about Lucas/Eleven/her friends :’( and it snapping her back/helping her
“Running Up That Hill” about to top the charts again, I can tell 👀
Max is okay thank fUCK
Me, seeing the credits: ROBERT ENGLUND??? FREDDY KRUEGER DUDE??? (he played Creel)
Nahhh not me crying over this episode
Again, Max’s storyline feels like a metaphor for depression/suicice/recovery and it made me emotional
Episode 5 - The Nina Project
“We’ve gotta get him to St Mary’s” “I don’t think a prayer is gonna help” “I MEANT THE HOSPITAL”
Who the fuck is Nina
Argyle: *panicking over dead dude in his van* // everyone else: GET OFF THE ROAD
Oh no they found Eleven’s note to Mike… why’d that idiot throw it away anyway, boyfriend of the year huh 🙄
I’m not sure if I trust Dr Owens or not tbh
Massive door in the middle of the desert is hardly conspicuous tho
Ohhhh Nina is a machine
DR BRENNER?!? That dude’s still alive???
Eleven rightfully running away from him, 🤦 also, not the “papa” “daughter” comment
Yeah no I don’t trust this plan of theirs to get her powers back, it might work but they’ll make her their puppet again
Wait were they using a mace on Hopper?!?
The gang all asleep :’)
Dustin fell asleep on “Max Watch”
Ted: Could try sticking together at a different house for a change — LMFAO HE’S RIGHT THO
Max and Holly having a crayon morning is so adorable though
Not Dustin scaring Holly by telling her about Freddy Krueger 💀
Max using drawings to show what she saw, just like Will has in the past
It’s the Creel house?!?
DID THEY RESHAVE ELEVEN’S HAIR? After she’s spent like 3 years growing it out?!?
(I’m aware MBB didn’t shave her head again, it’s probably something like a bald wig cap or whatever)
She’s clearly having a vision about being back in the rainbow room so maybe… ?
JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER??? VOLTURI CAUIS I THINK??? YOUNG GRINDELWALD??? (I knew he was in it but I still got excited seeing him)
Yeah no this is a vision
Argyle panicking/flipping out is a mood
Will talking about how scary it is to open up to it if they don’t like the truth… he’s totally gay for Mike, I’m sorry-
The number was in the pen???
Everyone calling Joyce, Hopper’s “woman”
Hopper fought in a war… Vietnam? And he’s talking about how a bunch of guys he fought with went sterile or something because of the chemical agents??? “crooked spines, eyes popped out” - like Vecna victims, holy fuck
Hopper talking about Sarah :( And then also talking about El and Joyce :’(
“Everyone I love I hurt” - HOPPER STOP
Hopper saying he wasn’t cursed, he is the curse T_T
I’m not being funny but at this point I don’t trust any of the cops, agents, special forces, doctors etc.
Chrissy’s funeral :/
Ohh Patrick’s having visions now
Steve: (at the Creel house) ...yeah, that’s not creepy
Robin just chucking a brick through the window of the door though
Dustin to Steve: Do you need to be told everything? You’re not a child.
Nahhh but why they all dunking on Steve :(
Murray fighting only kids in karate though lmfao
Tiny Eleven T_T
Oh the switching between current and baby El though
So the Nina project is named after an opera I think?
Sooo they’ve basically put Eleven in a giant sensory tank?
The only hacker they know... is Suzie
Come on, someone help Eddie :/
Dustin’s British Sherlock accent XD
“Platonic with a capital P” :D
Bless Steve, he’s trying so hard
The chess set in the Creel house kind of looks like the chess set in the Rainbow Room
So there’s a “002″... What about “001″?
It’s honestly just depressing seeing all these kids aged like 3-18 with shaved heads and going “me me me” wanting to impress Brenner
Not Murray doing a whole Kung Fu monologue T-T
Oof the plane fight scene though, Murray actually beat the shit out of Yuri omg
Oh no, the plane’s gonna crash?!?
Vecna’s in the Creel house but “on the other side”...
Steve is just so fucking done and I don’t blame him “we won’t be able to see if we turn out our flashlights???”
Robin: It’s an attic... of course it’s an attic
Eddie paddling on the boat to try and escape the basketball guys
Not Jason swimming to the boat???
Ooh the upside down transition from House to Vecna
Oooh he’s got Patrick!
Eleven smacked Brenner, like he deserves
Wait, so they DID shave her head???
RIP Eleven’s hair
... Nevermind.
Noo not her going with him, not the “papa” “daughter” crap again >:(
Episode 6 - The Dive
Will Jason believe Eddie is innocent now or...?
“Eddie’s a vessel for Satan” - ... nevermind
Now who the fuck they torturing- oh wait it’s the agent from the California house
Why is Brenner comparing El to a stroke victim? I mean I get his analogy but also the hell??
I feel so bad for El, guys, I wanna hug her - just let her live a normal life ffs
The gang don’t even know Eddie had to run :(
Noooo not them all blaming Eddie T__T Poor Eddie
Argyle: I can’t feel my butt
What IS this place? Suzie lives HERE???
Argyle has a thing for Eden???
You know, when they said that Suzie comes from a super religious Mormon family... this wasn’t exactly how I imagined them
Welp, at least Joyce and Murray are still alive
LMAO they tied Yuri up
Murray mocking him XD
LMAO at them threatening to leave him to freeze to death/get eaten by animals-
“This is it, American, I hope you’re ready”- FOR WHAT?!
For...a meal? Is it poisoned??? Fattening them up???
Ohhh fattening them up for a fight (with a demogorgon?)
Hop: So enjoy, boys. This is your last meal -- DAMN
Not Jamie Campbell Bower jumpscaring me AGAIN
“You remind me of someone I used to know”...001? Brenner said he didn’t exist but the orderly JCB is playing was with him...
Another Theory: 001 IS HENRY CREEL
Okay but why exactly is he telling Eleven all of this? What is he hoping to gain from this? I’m getting bad vibes from it
No but Steve saying he made Skull Rock a popular make out spot is so funny
Lucas said that Patrick was abused - Vecna is definitely targeting those with something in their lives haunting/traumatising them
Robin calling birds beautiful 
Is Robin really trying to get Steve and Nancy back together? -_-
I still ship Robin and Nancy tho lmao
They’re “officially” friends :)
Hawkins getting mad at the police, fuck the police
Jason gatecrashing the town meeting with his cronies
Ohhhh he’s telling them it’s satan/cults/sacrifices and that Eddie is leading them, blaming all bad things on a cult
Mike, Dustin and Lucas’ parents seeing their kids in the club “cult” photo: O__o
That one dude leaving the town hall truly didn’t waste time, he went straight away
So they’ve told Suzie it’s a video game console...?
She knows Dustin’s birthday to the exact day/exactly how long it is until then 💀
Oh her dad took her computer away because she’s dating an agnostic
Erica: Yeah, no, they lied to you - lmao
Now why is Karen calling the cops on their kids???
Surge of energy = Vecna attacks
Steve: Cursed? No, he’s fine. Just mental.
Dustin: I was right, Skull Rock IS North! // Steve: ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW???
Oh, it’s the compass/magnet/field thing!
“So either there’s some super big magnet here, or--” “There’s a gate!”
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor... which, if I’m totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea. But, ah, the Shire... The Shire is burning” - HE’S SO NERDY, THE LOTR REFERENCE ASDFGHJKL; I LOVE IT
Dustin’s excited bouncing XD
Steve: What is Mordor?!? - LMFAO
Damn, these number-kids straight up beating each other to win this game
So 002 is the big bad bully of the group - I’m assuming he’s the oldest (since 001 is “a myth”) and most developed powers-wise
Oh, Eleven kicked 002′s ASS
Murray: Oh Jesus // Yuri: Hey, not in a church
Joyce: You’re gonna be Murray... // Murray: And I’m gonna be Yuri -- OMG
Oh, a prison brawl! All so Hop could pick the guard’s pockets and get a fuel and lighter
“My ribs are broken, don’t make me laugh” LOL
Oh they snuck into Suzie’s Dad’s office
“Holy sh- HECK!” LOL
Jonathan: What’s the internet? // Suzie: Don’t worry, it’s just gonna change the world
Damn, Suzy’s parents got a lot of kids
Mike: Can you print this? // Suzy: No, my skills end at IP Geolocation -- LMFAO
Is the gate in the lake???
Dustin: Who put her (Nancy) in charge? // Robin: I did -- ICONIC
Steve done with being a babysitter lmfao
Why are they bullying her in the Rainbow Room??? 002 super nasty
Ohhh it’s the thing from the opening
I NEED to know what happened 
“I killed them, Papa, I killed them all” - Jesus Christ
“Wonky with a Waaaah” - LOL
Not Robin smirking at Nancy looking at Steve stripping lmfao (same tho nancy)
Lucas: Urgh, since when did Steve get so hairy??? / Dustin: Right? I keep telling him he needs to tame that jungle but he claims the ladies dig it -- AND STEVE IS RIGHT, LET MEN BE HAIRY
Max going “let me see it” and taking the binoculars followed by the silence... SAME
Steve’s not even THAT hairy????
Dustin: You guys realise there’s a gate down there....it’s technically a watergate” - NOT THE PUNS
You know, I’m not sure Steve needed to be shirtless but... not complaining. Also, it would have made more sense to strip ALL his clothes, no?
Damn, how long can Steve hold his breath for
Steve jumpscared me coming out of the water lol
Nancy jumped in after him :O
Episode 7 - The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
Yesss RoNancEddie to the rescue!
“Only took like a pound of flesh” I’m-
Omg Steve ACTUALLY winning a fight???
Robin: Great... More running -- SAME
The episode title… 👀 also it’s 1hr40???
Who’s really the worst here - Americans or Russians? They’re both torturing people so 🤷🏻‍♀️
“Cause you missed your daddy-daughter time” - OOF YEP HE REALLY CAME FOR BRENNER LIKE THAT
At least Dr Owens feels bad and says she’s traumatised/frightened… ?
“You talk of monsters and superheroes… that’s the stuff of myth and fairytales” - I mean, she literally had superpowers and fights monsters, my dude
I want to know what happened during the massacre but also I’m sad, leave Eleven alone :(
I have to appreciate how bad the whole gang are at lying lmao they can’t get their stories straight even sitting next to each other
Erica calling them out for lying XD
Questioning them one at a time and they go for Max first when she isn’t even in the Hellfire Club :/
Is Steve going to stay shirtless because… I mean… I’m not complaining
Robin rambling when Steve collapsed and was losing blood 😂
Steve’s “Robin… I kinda wanna punch you” as she was rambling and saying shit about how he can tell her “shut up I wanna punch you” if she starts rambling 😂 Besties
I think Steve and Nancy were both enjoying her treating him a little bit too much… 👀
Steve: I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades — 😂
Nancy: And a revolver // Steve: you almost shot me with one // Nancy: you almost deserved it — is this show really trying to push them back together I’m-
Not Eddie throwing Steve a shirt “for your modesty, dude” 😂😭
“It must be hardwired into us to reject our fathers” - OOF
“That monster is part of something that wants to kill El” 😭
“Maybe I can still help El - even if it’s the last thing I do” — BRB IM CRYING
Murray pretending to be Yuri is comedy gold lmfao 🤣 he got the annoying “I’m joking” mannerisms down tho
“Anymore headaches? Nausea?” - VECNA SYMPTOMS ALL OVER AGAIN, and this is BEFORE, this is in the rainbow room???
Not a lesson about rules for the kids…
Eleven got a concussion from 002 and the others???
002: She must have fallen. You’ve seen her, Papa, she’s clumsy, stupid” - NAHHH KILL HIM
“Collar him” - the fUCK?!
Does the collar subdue their powe- IT ELECTROCUTES THEM?!?!
Oh shit Brenner keeps turning it up 😭
Eddie comparing Steve to Ozzy Osbourne 😂😂😂
“These ladies came straight in after you” - of course, he’s worth it :3
Not Eddie also trying to set Steve and Nancy back up??? Saying it’s true love??? No thank you?!
Robin: “okay, second on my list of least favourite things: earthquakes! I’m unsteady on my feet as it is” - LOL
“Here’s the deal, either you tell me what’s happening - or I tell Dustin what I found under your bed” - WAIT WHAT DID ERICA FIND UNDER LUCAS’ BED-
Erica raised an essential question: who opened the gate? El opened one, the Russians opened another… who opened the water gate?
Also why does Vecna kill people? For what purpose?
He’s making a powerful psychic connection with each kill… enough to make more gates…
So Demogorgon = foot soldier, Vecna is 5 star general to mind flayer??? Who can open gates and shit???
“Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler” — OMFG
No but did Nancy REALLY think her guns from the normal world are in the upside down-
“There’s a six year old in the house, I know where I keep my guns” - I guess at least she’s careful but still…???? Maybe don’t keep guns in the house with a 6 year old running about
Her study cards from S1, the wallpaper, stuff she threw out…
November 6 1983… when Will went missing in Season 1! 🤔
So they’re not in the present, they’re in the past??? The upside down past???
Just like Will found a way to speak through the lights, the teens do too!
Ohhh Eddie knows SOS / Morse Code - it’s just pure luck that one of the gang in Mike’s house also knows morse code 💀
“Hey, remember when I said they wouldn’t be stupid enough to go through Watergate? I overestimated them” — LMFAO
“…and you have many screws loose” - I laughed more than I probably should have
Not the other numbers glaring at El 🤨
Wait so 002 is in the infirmary but when he’s out, the numbers are going to kill El and “papa” will let it happen?!! “He wants it to happen” — yIKES
Not being funny but the Jamie Campbell Bower orderly giving me the bad vibes. “You must do exactly as I say” - ummmm???
No but did the lab security/CCTV not see him give her the damn keycard?!?
Not the kids stealing Holly’s toy to communicate with Steve/Robin/Nancy/Eddie 😭
Robin calling Dustin a “genius child”
There’s a gate at every murder site… so 1) Eddie’s trailer, 2) the road where Fred was killed, 3) the lake?
Steve (about Dustin): Jesus Christ, this kid’s got to get his ego in check — LMFAO
No but I kinda hate the current Hawkins police, especially Officer Callahan 💀
The upside down transitions are super cool omg
Nooo the demobat saw them 😶
Okay so now we’re on the day of the massacre… oof let’s go
Okay so 011 was colouring in that opening in E1, and I went back after this episode to see if you can see her colouring in the opening of E1 and there’s not focus on it obviously but yes, she’s in the background/briefly seen colouring!
The orderly said “still hurting her” — they hurt her before? Is this to do with Vecna choosing traumatised victims?
Nahhh Jamie Campbell Bower STILL jump scaring me 😭
He mentions lab vents that lead to the woods… is this how she escaped in season 1?
Wait, why would Brenner put a tracker inside the orderly???
“What if I made it go away? You help me, I help you” - OOF
Aaaand back to Hop and the Russians
Not Hop getting the fire and fuel ready… only for it to not work 💀
Dmitri(Enzo guy?): tElL mE tHaT’S nOt oUt oF fLuId
Joyce got the doors open!!!
The Jopper reunion 😭❤️ they hugged I’m-
Wait, isn’t the Upside Down air toxic??? How are the four of them still fucking alive???
Oh thank got it’s just Dustin on the other side, I thought the agents would be there in Eddie’s trailer
Eleven really pulled the tracker out of the orderly’s leg like she did that piece of mind flayer that was in her leg in S3
…oh, I don’t like the way the orderly suddenly just looked evil, like he was smirking almost
“Who knew something so small could cause so much trouble” — UMMMM 🚩🚩🚩🚩
Eddie: Those stains are… I don’t know what those stains are — UMMM?!? O_o
The climbing up to sliding down is super cool omg that kinda looks like fun
OOP massacre flashback time again
YEP, 001 really killed them all
All of the bodies look like Vecna’s victims’ bodies… is 001 also Vecna???
“How was old, dumb, blind Victor? Did he miss me?” - OH FUCK I HAVE CHILLS
WAIT WAIT WAIT… JCB’s Orderly = 001 = Henry Creel = Vecna???? DAMN
NOT HIM WORSHIPPING SPIDERS, HES FUCKED, that’s immediately a sign he’s evil beyond help
So all the numbers at the lab - including 011 - are copies of 001/Henry Creel/Vecna???
So Eleven got blood on her outfit from being thrashed about on the floor, NOT from murdering other kids
He tried to kill her/twist her limbs/made her eyes bleed… Vecna victim signs AGAIN
So just to make sure I’ve got it right: Henry Creel (Victor’s son) didn’t die, he was the original (001) with natural born powers, he killed his family/did some weird spider-and-Satan worship, the doctors at Hawkins lab said he died but in actuality used him to create copies (002, Eleven etc), he ended up massacring the entire lab/including the children, he thought Eleven was going to join him but she was disgusted so he tried to kill her, but she’s so powerful that she sent him to the Upside Down where he became Vecna???
Overall, I love this season so far! I have a few continuity issues/gripes but other than that, I’m living for it! I love the horror turn this season has taken, it’s definitely a lot darker than the last three series I think. I think I need to see the last two episodes before I pass judgement though!
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sickficwarshiper · 5 years
Sick Brucey
Here’s my first ever sickfic, I believe in this one I swaped Bruce and Peter’s personality but hey, atleast it’s filled with all the whump we loveee.
Summery:- Bruce is having a bad day and doesn’t know he’s sick despit being a doctor until he reachs his down fall, cue Tony and Peter saving the day.
I suck at summeries I’m terribly sorry you have to go through this, I hope you enjoy the story tho.
@fandomsficsandfeels please judge my writing master of whumpiness *bows head*
Bruce was confused.
He had woken up to a spinning room,his body was aching and his brain wasn’t keeping up with what his eyes were seeing, simply thinking he was being an idiot again with his non sleeping habits, he was starting to worry Tony was affecting him with the amount of times he stayed up late convincing the billionaire into having some shut eye if he wanted to stay functioning and the billionaire managing to tempt him into starting a new formula to help peter’s incredibly high metabolism. Yet even though he stayed up late the day before, he knew he had at least 8 hours of sleep and according to the wall clock in his bedroom -if he was seeing correctly- it was afternoon already. Bruce NEVER slept in.
He checked his stark phone -the one Tony gave him on his birthday with a ‘number one Science nerd’ phone case- and found a reminder that had him jumping out of bed and sprinting to the bathroom to start a shower.
Science lab day with tony at 1:00pm
Considering he woke up at 12:45 he only had about 5 minutes to shower and 10 minutes driving if he wants to make it there on time.
He ignored the dizzy spell that hit him and blamed it on grogginess from just waking up, and started the actual shower which was cold because he had no time for hot relaxing showers that helps with tense muscles an-
Okay, maybe it was a bad idea to stay up late experimenting the right formulas for the medicine.
He got out of the shower having not really done much and was sure he still had shampoo in his hair that would soon dry and be a pain in the ass to get off later, put on whatever the hell was laid on his desk’s chair, not really caring if it was the same clothes he wore the day prior and started to stumble down the stairs with the aim of not tripping over his own feet which would lead to the consequences of not being able to make it at all even after all the trouble he went through. He knew it was already bad enough he missed breakfast, but he couldn’t bare seeing anything edible at the moment, he blamed it on the anxiousness of not making it there on time.
He knew tony wouldn’t mind if he was a bit late, but he likes to always be on time. He doesn’t like letting anyone down. (A/N I don’t know why he sounds so much like peter rn lol)
Looking at the time, he had 12 minutes to make it there on time, which meant he showered and dressed in only 3 minutes. He thanked Thor he lived near the compound and would eventually make it in 11 minutes according to the navigation.
He was sweating, obviously after all the stumbling and sprinting about he just did, but it wasn’t the kind of sweating it was supposed to be. He was surprisingly cold and the sweat was irritating him, maybe he should’ve gotten a thicker shirt on.
Has it always been this suffocating in his car? Why was he constantly switching between irritatingly hot and unreasonably cold every few seconds ? He should probably ask Tony to check his AC for him. Despite his shivering and constant tugging on his shirt’s collar, he kept his gaze on the road while ignoring his blurry vision.
Thanks to his annoying wavering vision, he managed to take two wrong turns and three almost accidents, and he made it to the compound in 15 minutes.
Cursing his screwed over luck, he dragged himself out of the car while contemplating whether it was worth all this effort. He struggled for purchase on his car door when he stood up too quickly, taking a sharp inhale when his vision blurred and dark spots danced around the edges of his sight, thinking maybe skipping breakfast wasn’t a good idea either.
His body was trembling and he felt fatigue tug on him like a wet blanket, forcing his body back on the driver seat, he took steady calculated breaths to will the dizziness away, deciding through his stomach’s complaint that he’ll grab a bite if when he makes it to Tony’s lab.
Just when he was about to try standing again his phone rang.
“This is Bruce.” He rubbed his eyes with the knuckles of his left hand to get rid of the blurriness. Blaming the hoarseness of his voice and his scratchy throat on his thirst.
“Oh so you’re alive! good, because I’ll have to disturb your beauty sleep -giving the way you sound right now- by asking whether you’re still up for lab day or not.” He could hear distant foot steps on Tony’s line which clearly didn’t belong to him.
“Uh, yeah I am. Not sleeping though, I’m in the garage and was about to make my way to the front doors.” He stifled a cough that was threatening to rip out of his throat for no apparent reason, he should definitely have a drink after all.
“Great because I’ve- HEY leave that alone!” He heard a crash and a ‘sorry’ he frowned, pepper was out of town for a conference meeting and Rhodey had a meeting with the president.
“Tony, who’s with you?”
A few struggling and a heavy sigh later, Tony reached the line again, “Oh it’s just Peter, which is why I called by the way. Are you okay with having a third nerd on our lab day?”
He groaned, it’s not that he hated Peter’s company quite the contrary he loved it, it’s just that the kid’s energy was draining, and he was already lacking any energy to get him out of the damned car to begin with. This is what happens when he stays up too late and misses breakfast, after a quick snack he’ll be okay. Hopefully.
Oh yes, verbal answers, ugh they are the worst. “Yeah absolutely, Peter’s always welcomed.”
“Alright, get your ass up here before we die of boredom.” And with that the line went dead.
Sighing, he got up -slowly this time- and though still dizzy, he managed to lock the car and make it up the steps to the front entrance. He even made it to the elevator with not much trouble.
“Good afternoon Dr.Banner.” Came the robotic voice of the AI.
“Good afternoon FRIDAY.”
Leaning heavily on the elevator’s wall, hunching over in a fetal position, it seemed this was the only position his body was approving of. the AI was apparently informed of his arrival and started taking him to his destination. He always hated the way Tony designed his elevators, with all this unreasonable colors, it was starting to hurt his eyes, his eyes were watering unwillingly... well... because of the elevator’s crapy design of course -Totally not a billionaire’s at all- *though on any other day he always liked the colors and found them fascinating*.
Still dizzy , he blinked his eyes rapidly trying but failing to get rid of the constant blurriness and took deep breathes when nausea kicked in with the list of the other inconvenient symptoms -caused obviously from lack of sleep and proper rest-
“Sir, your heart rate is elevated and I am detecting a low degree fever, should I send you to the med bay instead?” Called the sound of the AI.
He ignored the sound for a minute to try and keep his breathing under control and push the black dots away, he always thought the AI was a genius just like it’s creator, knowing medical conditions was fascinating but it wasn’t making any sense right now, what fever? He was absolutely fine. He straightened up ignoring the way his body wanted to hunch back over in discomfort, and took one final deep breath.
“No thanks, I’ll have something on my way up, must be because of dehydration and lack of nutritions.” Obviously. He didn’t have a sip of water today. I mean come on, he’s a doctor. If anyone would know, it was him. He knows how to fix all this.
When he finally made it, he saw a sight that got him almost reaching out for the first floor’s button again.
Peter was hanging upside down on the lab’s ceiling, with Tony webbed to the other side of the room. Objects scattered on the floor messily and some of his test tubes and round bottom flasks broken with it’s ‘important’ contents spilled on the floor. Bruce was shocked to say the least. Infact, shocked was an understatement. He was not functioning properly because of -lack of nutritions-
And he was shifting from cold to hot every second, he was definitely not willing to deal with this shit and neither was the other guy.
He took deep calming breathes, forcing the other guy to back off and turned to Tony.
“Couldn’t you have at least NOT touched my part of the lab? Tony this formula was the only ones we experimented on for Peter’s medicine! God what is wrong with both of you, I was late for only five minutes! Five! Whenever you two meet up it only causes destruction. Jesus you wrecked my whole space!” He didn’t mean to snap, he was just irritated. He didn’t have the best morning and he is definitely not feeling so great because of lack of nutritions, he doesn’t know if that’s even the reason anymore he just wants to sleep.
They both stared at him worriedly, what’s wrong with them! honestly, he couldn’t deal with their shit anymore than that.
“You know what? I’ll just go fucking grab whatever it is you have in your kitchen, I missed breakfast and I’ve gone through shit today just to get here on time, and for what? A grown up webbed up to the wall and a teenager hanging off the ceiling, you’re both cleaning this up I’m not dealing with your shit until I calm the fuck down. When you’re done call for me.” And with that he left.
~Time skip brought to you by Spider baby.~ ^_^
They called him as promised after all his lab equipments were back in place, minus the ones they broke and everyone was working in silence.
Bruce was about to snap again. For the past 30 minutes he had been trying to make a chemical formula with a throbbing headache that was slowly turning into a migraine, failing miserably because of his shaky hands and watering blurry eyes. He kept taking calculated breathes, deep and steady. But he was still trembling.The food he had earlier was taking a troll on him, intensifying his nausea and threatening to make a second appearance, apparently Tony’s AC was shitty as well because he was shifting between cold and hot again.
And just when his anger subsided, his shaky hands dropped the test tube and he watched in slow motions as it chattered to pieces on the desk.
30 minutes worth of struggling, all chattered in a matter of seconds.
Bruce was on the verge of tears. Literally.
His vision wavered and he sank to the floor on his knees, holding his head while breathing sharply through his teeth, ignoring the tear track he now had on his face, he started coughing ugly deep throaty coughs, he almost coughed his lungs out and he was pretty sure he would pass out soon.
“Hey hey hey, easy.” He heard more than saw Tony and Peter making their way over to him.
Bruce kept his face in his hands and just cried.
“I b-broke it.” He sobbed, coughing weakly as he took in a deep breath, feeling strong hands helping him up and onto a chair, which he was most grateful for because of the spinning that was happening around him.
“It’s alright big guy, you broke a gazillion of those before what’s the big deal?” Tony rubbed his back slowly while he was hunched over on the chair, still crying and coughing.
“I know b-but I feel awful and I’m cold yet I’m hot a-and my head hurts and- thirty minutes! T-thirty fucking minutes tr-trying to do something right b-but my stupid hands keep shaking, I feel so exhausted and I just w-want to sleep.” Honestly he had no idea why he was crying, this was a really unnecessary thing to be crying over and he was just crying from fatigue at this point.
Then he felt a cool small hand touch his forehead, unconsciously he leaned into the comforting touch. Watching with glazed over eyes as peter’s face pinched in worry, glancing at what he assumed was tony over his shoulder with a nod.
“Friday, what’s his temperature?”
“Dr.Banner’s temperature was at 99.7 degrees when he came here and has been steadily climbing from stress till 102.4 degrees. Bed rest is recommended and a-lot of water to prevent dehydration. Light food and medicine should also be added to the list.”
“W-what? I’m sic-“ he was interrupted by a dry heave, surprisingly there was a trash can under his chin which Peter had bought over, apparently expecting this would happen eventually.
“I think this answered your question.” Tony sighed.
“I’ll go grab you some medicine Dr.Banner. You should get some rest here today, I don’t think you’ll be able to make it home in this condition.” He offered him a soft smile before going to get him the medicine as promised.
Relishing the comfort from the back rubbing Tony was giving him, he didn’t even look surprised that Tony was giving him physical comfort, or more like, he didn’t care. He just wanted to sleep.
Eye lids drooping, weak coughs and more puking later, Peter comes back with medicine and a glass of water. Both Tony and Peter helped him up to the comfortable couch in the lab and Tony left to get some blankets.
“I knew before you came into the lab you were sick.”
Bruce stared at him with disbelief da fuq?
“I heard your heart rate and breathing. I even told Tony while we were cleaning up the lab, he said I should leave it for a bit until you calmed down.” Peter fiddled with a string on the hem of his shirt absentmindedly, a nerves habit Bruce caught up with from all the time the three of them hung out in the lab.
Bruce looked away guiltily.
“I’m sorry about that, I didn’t even know I was sick. I was irritated with how my body was acting and just wanted to go home, Tony knows I hate it when he goes through my lab stuff, let alone break it.” He took a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh.
“I was so close to reaching the right formula for a medicine that works with your metabolism, one that works even better than Steve’s, that’s why I got angry.” He coughed weakly into his fist and shifted his position for a more comfortable one that fits his stomach’s liking.
Peter hung his head before speaking again.
“M-maybe you should probably focus on you right now, I-I mean I’m not ordering you I’m just worried about you, Mr.Stark told me you’ve been staying up with him lately and it’s bad for your health, n-not that I’m judging you or anyth-“
“It’s okay Peter Jesus calm down, I appreciate the concern.” Bruce chuckled.
Tony came back with 3 blankets, two for Bruce and one for Peter and himself.
“Today we’re all taking a break, we’re going to take big care of you right Pete?”
Peter’s eyes twinkled innocently as he nodded, beaming brightly at Bruce. And he could’ve sworn he started feeling a tiny bit better because of it.
Peter and Tony wrapped him up in a burrito after giving him medicine and putting around some lit scented candles, “I remember you telling me once how it gets hard to control the other guy while sick.” Tony had said while he lit up the candles and they all sat huddled up in blankets while watching some Brooklyn nine-nine upon Peter’s request.
Bruce sat content not really concentrating on the show anymore, but more like thanking whatever god that is up there besides Thor and Loki for having the most caring family ever. He already felt a lot better than when he woke up this afternoon.
And with those thoughts in mind, Bruce drifted off into a dreamless sleep surrounded by warmth and a relaxing atmosphere, filled with small chuckles and quite babbles, thinking maybe today wasn’t as bad a day as he thought it was.
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eyndr-stories · 2 years
The Stranger The Better (FNAF SB fanfic) C2 - New Faces
Read the intro to Chapter 1 (Enter A Sleepy Bitchard) for more details! I'd start reading there anyways else things won't make a whole lot of sense lol
In Summary: Reader is a forever exhausted young adult who has social difficulties doing their best to pay the bills, so when they get hired at the well-paying, almost entirely automated Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza-Plex, they don't really hesitate to think things through before stumbling headfirst into a horror mystery surrounding this company and its crew of quirky (and surprisingly kind) animatronics.
Things To Know (lmk if I should add anything, also check the tags for more stuff):
There are some horror elements, especially in later chapters (I'll give a warning at the start of these chapters).
Eventual romance, minorly important to the plot.
Reader has paranoia.
There is much swearing.
Reader is also addicted to energy drinks, and not fantastic at self care.
Reader is nonbinary (and also trans masc) though it's not vital to the plot and only comes up once or twice.
Reader is from the south, is protective of their friends, and if you threaten their friends then I'm afraid you've yee'd your last haw and yes that is important to the plot
Previous Chapter | Chapter 2 | Next Chapter
C2 - New Faces
     You were only five minutes into your shift when you met another one of the animatronics, all of whom could apparently roam around freely at night, should they so choose.
     Having not been greeted at the door this time around, you were alone in the hall outside the break room when the animatronic came around the corner, not even noticing you at first.
     “Oh. It’s you.” The colorful robot wolf lady folded her arms and looked you up and down.
     “Hey. I’m Y/N, the new night guard,” you said.
     “Right.” The wolf continued to eye you over for a minute.
     You felt uncomfortable.
     “Aren’t you a little… unimpressive for this job?” The wolf lady finally asked.
     You were very short and small and stocky, it was true. You were still an adult however, and you could handle yourself. Besides, you were deceptively strong. “Hey, for thirty bucks an hour, I’ll do whatever management wants, ya know? I’m stronger than I look, so don’t worry about me.”
     “I wasn’t worried about you. I don’t care about you,” the wolf deadpanned.
     “That makes two of us,” you replied almost automatically. You laughed a little. “Well. I should start my rounds, so I’ll get out of your… impressively styled hair. See ya.” It was true, you thought the wolf lady had very cool hair. It was long and bushy and spiky and streaks of it were dyed (painted?) an almost neon green.
     The wolf lady didn’t reply, just watched you walk off for a moment before continuing off to wherever she was headed.
     You found yourself briefly walking along with one of the security bots on their path. You made friendly idle chit chat with the bot, not minding the one sided-ness of the conversation. After going back over the information management had sent you, you knew the security bots didn't have voice boxes, but would make piercing alarm sounds if they detected an intruder.
     “Catch you later, skater,” you said as your path broke off from the security bot’s. You turned the corner and managed to stop a hair away from running right into another animatronic character.
     “Outa the way, runt,” the intimidating but very cool crocodile bot grunted.
     “Sorry. Sick shades,” you said, choosing not to comment on the fact that this animatronic was wearing said shades indoors at night.
     “Catch you later skater,” the gator said in a mocking tone. He snickered as he walked off.
     "Fine then." You rolled your eyes and kept walking.
     You found a wide hall with several rooms along one end, each with a window not unlike the daycare, though smaller and with curtains pulled shut in each of them. There were big yellow stars on the doors with little figures in them, almost like rock star dressing rooms. Little stands with red ropes were set up by the doors, to herd lines of people inside. You glanced over the neon names on the walls above the rooms, wondering if this is where the animatronics went when not wandering around being vaguely insulting to new hires.
     You wandered closer to one of the rooms, sweeping your light across the darkened corners of the cue line area. You noted the curtain was partially cracked open, and very casually and slowly strolled by the window.
     As you nosily peeked in, you saw that familiar bear bot. Not just the bot himself, but merchandise and posters of the bot everywhere. The bot in question was standing by a mirror with lights around the rim, the kind of mirror that rock stars checked their face paint in before going on stage. He was studying several drawings posted up on the wall around the mirror. You squinted, making out what looked like children’s drawings.
     You smiled as you realized the bear was admiring drawn gifts he’d collected from his young fans. You hesitated, then gently knocked on the glass.
     The bear bot startled and turned around, then relaxed when he saw you at the window, waving at him. The bear waved back, then pointed to the door and beckoned you to come inside.
     You obliged, ducking under the red rope like a rebel. You stepped into the room and got a much better look around.
     It was so bright and colorful in here. There wasn’t a bed, but there was a couch packed full of bear bot stuffed animals and pillows. There was a large metal 'Employees Only' door in the wall opposite the big window, and an arcade machine in the corner.
     “Hello, Y/N! What brings you here?” the bear bot asked cheerfully.
     “Hey, I was just doing my rounds and thought I’d say hi, and thanks for the warm welcome,” you said.
     “Oh, that is very kind of you, superstar!” The bear bot beamed. “How are you liking the job so far?”
     “So far, it’s pretty nice.“ you paused, wondering if the bear was asking so he could report back to management. You squinted suspiciously. “It’s an excellent opportunity to work here and i’m very grateful for the position. I think my skills are a great match and I have a lot to offer the company.”
     “I am certain you do,” the bear said, looking at you curiously. “Well I am glad to hear that you like it so far. You can always ask me if there is anything I can do to help.”
     “You keep offering help, but… isn’t it my job to help yall? Like, I’m here to protect you guys and the registers and all that from would-be deviants.”
     The bear bot chuckled. “I suppose you do have a point. I merely wanted to make sure you felt welcomed and comfortable here. It has been a long time since management brought on a new human associate for the night watch. Or… in general, actually.”
     “I see.” You wondered if there was a reason behind that, besides the convenience of automation. You knew there was one other night guard, who left before you arrived. This other night guard and you were supposed to be scheduled so one was working when the other wasn’t. “Well, don’t you worry. I don’t plan on quitting anytime soon.”
     “I would hope not.” The bear bot smiled. “Oh, speaking of, I do not mean to keep you from your job! Thank you for stopping by.”
     You might have been socially dense, but you could recognize a cue to leave when you saw it. Most of the time. “Right. I’ll see you around.” You straightened and gave the bear bot a salute before turning and marching back towards the door.
     “See you, superstar.” The bear bot sounded amused.
     You closed the door behind you, then carried on down the hall.
     You felt like you were finally starting to get the hang of this place. The mini golf area was ahead, the main stage was right through that hall you had just passed, and the big circular gift shop was just behind you. You wandered around, attempting to get lost so you could figure out the way back into familiar territory.
     “Any intruder is gonna have their work cut out for them, trying to get around this place,” you mumbled.
     You passed through one of the little food joints, called 'El Chips'. They did indeed have lots of chips. You stopped by the counter when you heard noise from the back, in the kitchen. You stiffened. No way, an intruder on your second night??
     You held your flashlight like a club and carefully climbed over the counter. You crept around the corner, spying several microwaves, big industrial sinks, shelves full of boxes, and a big metal table with some plates stacked on its surface. And beyond the table, hunched over in the back corner of the room, was…
     “Can animatronics even digest food? Let alone trash?” You raised an eyebrow.
     “Eep!!” The bird bot jumped up from her crouched position over the heaps of torn garbage bags and toppled cans in the corner. The bird stuttered and tried to shuffle in front of the garbage, despite the mess of it on her face. “Look- I- it’s- it’s not what it looks like! I-I can explain!”
     “I heard some noise and thought there was an intruder or something.” You waved casually. “We’re all good here.”
     “We’re… good? …You’re not gonna yell at me for eating trash?”
     “Why would I yell at you?? That ain't in my job description.” You frowned at the trash. “Listen, I’m not gonna judge. You do what you like.”
     The bird bot looked visibly relieved. “Oh. Okay. Um. Could you maybe… not tell anyone about this?”
     “Sure, yeah. I’m good with secrets.” You mimed zipping your lips. The only reason you might have been concerned was the obvious health risks of eating trash, but since the bird bot wasn't human, she would probably be fine. You weren't one to talk anyways, with some of the crap you put in your body.
     “Great! Thank you!” The bird bot smiled. She stood there for a long moment, just staring at you.
     “Oh! I’ll carry on. Right.” You cleared your throat and left the bird bot to her trash. You climbed back over the counter. You could hear the bot rummaging through the trash once more as you strolled deeper into the complex.
     There were several different arcades, you discovered. The biggest of which also had a dance floor, which was hidden under a thick layer of cloudy fog. The smoke machine seemed to be constantly running, even though all of the lights were off. It took you a moment to see the massive sleeping figure on the stage through the smoke.
     Upon realizing that this incredibly large animatronic was more or less spider shaped, you audibly, though quietly, said “nope,” and turned yourself right around and left the arcade.
     You wandered aimlessly, quickly putting the enormous spider bot out of mind, peeking at dark corners and listening for suspicious noises. Everything was quiet in the complex.
     Eventually, you came back around to the front side of the building. You paused when you noted the lights in the daycare were on. You curiously strolled up to the window and peered inside.
     The place was like a kid’s wonderland. There were big structures with slides and colorful stairs and tunnels, a massive ball pit, and plenty of toys and stuffed animals stacked into neat piles. You could see those cute little cubbies near the door, and a few little plastic table and chair sets. Amidst all the bright colors and fun structures, you almost didn’t notice someone looking back at you from inside.
     You blinked, realizing you were not alone, and your posture stiffened. You quickly studied the animatronic, standing near the edge of the giant ball pit a ways away.
     This animatronic was just as bright as the rest of the scenery. They were wearing poofy yellow and orange clothes, which, now that you thought about it, why weren’t the other animatronics wearing clothes?? They all had painted metal plating, but nothing cloth, save for the bird bot's colorful patterned leg warmers. Even the bear’s bowtie was metal. Besides that, the animatronics' head very much resembled a sun, complete with triangular orange 'rays' poking out of their head.
     You gave the animatronic a friendly wave. To your surprise, the animatronic enthusiastically waved back. That was good, at least one other bot here besides the bear didn’t seem to instantly dislike you. You were still unsure about the bird bot for now.
     You decided to say hello. After all, the bear had only said you didn’t need to go in the daycare. He never forbid you from doing so directly. You went to the doors and tried the handle. It wasn’t locked, so you cracked it open and poked your head in.
     “Howdy, is it alright if I come in?” you called.
     “Oh yes oh yes of course! Please do!” The animatronic bounced excitedly at this. He bounded over as you stepped inside.
     You took a breath to say something else but the animatronic started rambling first, grabbing up your hands and leading you in a happy little dance.
     “New friend! Oh I’m so excited to meet you!! We heard you’d be joining us as a new night guard, we haven't had a new human night guard in a very long time, oh no! But here you are new friend, and how kind of you to come and say hello! Oh I’m just so excited, we haven’t had much company outside of the children in a long time. We could have a slumber party! We can play games and sing songs and draw and tell stories-“
     The animatronic happily rambled on and on. You were starting to get dizzy, and a little overwhelmed. This bot was not only very much in your personal space, but they were very loud and high energy and holy shit they were tall. All of the animatronics were tall but this character was almost twice as tall as you. You took a deep breath and waited patiently for the animatronic to finish rambling.
     “-Oh it’ll be so much fun!! What do you think, where should we start, new friend??”
     “With names, probably. Mine is Y/N,” you said.
     “Oh yes, of course of course!! How rude of me.” The animatronic finally stopped dancing and bowed deeply and graciously. “You can call me Sun!”
     “Right, makes sense.” You smiled. You straightened up, then returned the bow. “Tis a pleasure, Sun.”
     Sun ‘beamed’ at you. “This is only your second night working here, yes?? This is the daycare! Here, let me show you around!” Without waiting for a response, Sun grabbed your hand and pulled you along through the massive room.
     You were starting to get used to Sun’s energy. It was a lot, for sure, but it was sort of charming and endearing. Sun was like an excitable puppy, and he clearly took a lot of pride in the daycare and its many features.
     “How many kids do you look after in a day?” you asked curiously. This place was big enough for a small army of children to play comfortably.
     “Sometimes as many as fifty at a time. It can get quite busy, yes indeed!” Sun answered.
     “Dang, that’s a lot. Is it just you here?? There’s probably staff that come in during the day, right?”
     Sun shook their head. “No sir-ie, its just us. But not to worry, we’re built and equipped for just such a job!”
     “I bet. I don’t know squat about machines and robots and stuff but you’re like, super impressive. Just the way you move so fluidly, how expressive you are, it’s really cool! …Sorry if that’s weird to say.”
     “Aw, not at all! How sweet of you!” Sun put a hand to his cheek and waved at you with the other in a very ‘oh stop it you’ sort of way.
     “Can I ask you a question?” you asked.
     “You just did, silly!”
     “Oh, yeah, I guess I did. Can I ask you another question after this question?” you revised.
     Sun giggled. “Of course!”
     “What are your pronouns? You’ve referred to yourself as ‘we’ or 'us' a few times and I’d just like to be sure.”
     “Oh!” Sun paused. There was a moment of hesitation. “I use he and they pronouns. Tell me yours as well!”
     “I prefer they, I don’t mind he, I do mind she,” you recited.
     “I gotcha!” Sun winked. “Would you like to play a game?? Or we can color, or-“
     Sun kept rambling, speaking very quickly as he danced around, pointing out toys and art supplies and such.
     You waited until Sun was finished, then said, “I actually wouldn’t mind drawing, that sounds fun.”
     “Ooh good choice!! I’ll get the drawing supplies!” Sun happily bounded away.
     You glanced back out the big window. You’d done a lot of walking around tonight already, surely it’d be fine for you to take just a little ten minute break. You tried not to let your anxiety get to you. As ironic as it would be, it was logically unlikely that a crew of criminals were breaking in the moment you had stepped away. You fiddled with your watch anyways, trying to figure out how to get it to pull up the cameras.
     Before you could figure it out, Sun returned with arms full of papers and bundles of pencils and boxes of crayons and markers. “Here we are! Now we’re ready to draw!” Sun deposited the load on a nearby kid’s table, then folded their legs and sat on the floor. You sat down much less gracefully, your sore bones protesting.
     You picked a pencil at random. Sun was already doodling away, drawing with both hands at once. You watched for a long moment, stunned and impressed. You focused on your own paper and started out with some little warm up doodles.
     Sun never stopped moving or bouncing or humming, always in motion. He seemed to be enjoying himself, as far as you could tell.
     “Watcha drawing?” Sun asked, peeking over at your paper.
     “Just some silly characters I made up a while ago.” You turned the paper around so Sun could see it better. “These three are sorta my main trio that I draw all the time. That’s Lato, this one is Calcifur, and that’s Cube. They get into all sorts of silly shenanigans together.”
     “That’s amazing! They’re so cute, I love them!! You’re very creative,” Sun commended.
     “Ahhh hush.” You laughed a little. “It’s just fun to draw.”
     “Drawing is fun, I agree!”
     “How about you, what are you up to over there?” you asked.
     “I drew a castle! It’s got a moat and a dragon and even little flags,” Sun said, holding their paper up for you to see.
     “Oh shit! You’re actually really good at drawing. Your grasp of perspective is stunning.” You smiled at Sun, but he was staring at you and had gone still.
     “No bad words in the daycare, Y/N.” Sun waggled a finger disapprovingly at you. “Its against the rules.”
     You realized you had indeed sworn. “Oh fuck! I’m sorry. I mean- shit, I didn’t mean- ahhhh dammit-“ You forcefully shut your mouth and put your hands over your mouth. You took a moment. “…I apologize.”
     “That’s quite alright.” Sun was giving you a funny look.
     “At least there’s no kids around, right?” You laughed lightly. “Sorry, i’ll do my best. Swearing is like, half my vocabulary.”
     “Just don’t do it again, or I’ll have to put you in time out!” Sun warned.
     You raised an eyebrow, unsure if Sun was teasing you or not.
     “Thank you for the compliment, by the way! I love drawing,” Sun said, going back to their coloring.
     “Oh, yeah, for sure. It shows.” You nodded. You were now distracted by how difficult it’d be to remember not to swear around Sun.
     You doodled a few silly little creatures around the page, giving them lots of eyes or wings or horns and chunky funky proportions, just for fun.
     “What should we do next after we’re done drawing??” Sun asked.
     “I dunno, maybe something short. I do eventually have to get back to work.” You glanced again to the window, half expecting the building to be on fire.
     Sun visibly deflated, shoulders sulking and head drooping. Before you could say anything, Sun sprang right back up, his cheerful demeanor returned.
     “That’s alright! It’s important to take your responsibilities seriously. I’m sorry to have pulled you away from your duties, I was just so excited to meet you!”
     “Hey, don’t worry about it. One of those security bots would have gone off if something was amiss.” You returned your attention to the activity at hand. "I'm also supposed to be able to use this watch to check the cameras but I can't figure out how the daaaaarn thing works." You cleared your throat. That was a close call, but you’d managed to turn 'damn' into 'darn' just in time.
     "Would you like some help?" Sun had already sprung to their feet, crossing the table in a step, then crouching back down next to you.
     "Oh, sure." You offered your right arm.
     Sun gently took your hand and studied the watch in question. He tapped at the screen, then fiddled with the buttons on the side.
     Now that you weren't distracted or dancing around, you realized that Sun's hand was pleasantly warm. You’d expected the bot to be cold, as they were made of metal and (hopefully) didn't have any blood. "You're warm! That's so cool, is it an intentional feature cause you take care of kids?"
     "No, though that is an added benefit! All of us animatronics are self powered and self sustainable, we just need to rest every now and then so our systems don't overheat." Sun looked at you. "You really think I'm… cool?"
     "Are you kidding? You're impressive as- uh, heck. When I first started I was worried all you animatronics would be creepy but actually you're all pretty nifty! I don't know squat about machines so I guess I'm easy to impress. But I am impressed none the less. Not to mention you've been very nice to me, which is more than I can say about most people I meet." You paused. "Sorry for rambling. I think that's the most I've talked in one go in like, weeks."
     "Oh no no no! Talk all you like, I don't mind! I'm sorry to hear some of the others haven't been as welcoming."
     "Oh, yeah. I was mostly talking about my other job and the people I meet there. My co-workers are dandy for the most part, just some of the customers we get can be grating. But yeah, that alligator guy and the wolf lady were kinda short with me as well."
     "You have another job?" Sun inquired curiously.
     "What do you do?"
     "I work in a deli, I slice meat and cheese all day. I mean, that’s not all I do, there's like a hundred things to do at any given moment and never enough people to do it all. Besides slicing stuff, there's subs, keeping the floor stocked, making production, stocking fresh slice, completing online orders, keeping up with the cleaning, hot case, kitchen, it’s a lot. Its fun though. And most importantly, pays the bills." You laughed lightly. “They pay me well because I’m a hard worker and they desperately need to keep me around.”
     "I see, I see… Ah hah! I've got it figured out!" Sun declared. He gestured proudly to your watch. "Ta da!"
     "Oh!" You stared at the screen. You were seeing live footage from one of the cameras looking over that big stage.
     "If you press this button, you can switch between cameras, and this button switches between areas," Sun explained.
     "Alright, okay. Thanks, Sunny!" You smiled.
     "No problem, sunshine! Glad I could help!" Sun happily bounced from side to side, obviously pleased with himself.
     You checked out the cameras for a moment, clicking through different rooms and angles. Everything seemed fine. You still wanted to get back to your rounds, just to be safe.
     "Well, It's been fun, but I gotta get back to it. Are you working tomorrow?" you asked. You slowly moved your legs under you and got to your feet, knees protesting. When you straightened, you realized Sun was looking at you strangely. You mentally rewound what you’d said, going over it for social errors. You couldn't figure anything out. "…What's with the look, Sun?"
     "You asked me if I am working tomorrow," Sun offered, as if waiting for you to get the punchline of a joke.
     "Yeah? …Oh, do you not… get breaks? Days off?" you realized.
     "Of course not, silly. As an animatronic, my needs are different from yours. All I need is a few hours to enter rest mode in a recharge station every day to let my systems cool down and I'm right as rain!" Sun did a little spin and a pose.
     "Oh, okay. I guess that makes sense." You squinted. "Are yall… paid?"
     "Paid?? What would we do with currency?" Sun laughed, then slapped a hand to his forehead. "Oh dear, I forgot all about the groceries I need to get!! Silly me."
     "Alright." You rolled your eyes. "I'm just a little suspicious is all. Seems to me yall are pretty sentient, so having you work here all day every day for free seems a little… sus. Ya know?"
     "I appreciate your concern sunshine, but we're all content to be here. This is what we were made for! There's nowhere else in the world we truly belong," Sun said, their arms wide out to gesture at the daycare around them, and the entire complex beyond that.
     "Don't you wanna… I dunno, travel? Take a vacation? Hit the town, see some sights?" you asked curiously.
     Sun was quiet for a long moment, his faceplate tilted curiously as he seemed to consider your question. Then, all at once, they were back to happily bouncing and swaying. "Being here and doing our part is all we could ever ask for! We belong here," Sun stated again.
     You were still suspicious, but you figured you probably shouldn't press the matter. Maybe you could ask the bear bot about it later. "Okay." You shrugged. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, then. Have a good night."
     "Tomorrow??" Sun froze again. "Not tomorrow."
     "Oh? Change your mind about needing a day off?" You raised an eyebrow.
     "The lights will be off tomorrow. They're off every other day," Sun said.
     "Oh… uh. Okay? …Why?" you asked.
     Sun looked around, his posture becoming more timid and closed off. They wove their fingers together tightly. "That's the schedule! On one day and off the next. You can come by again the day after tomorrow! If you'd like!"
     "Okay, yeah, I'm working day after tomorrow as well." You were still a little confused. "Oh! Are you… scared of the dark?"
     Sun didn't reply, tilting his head again.
     "It's okay, I'm scared of the dark too," you assured. "Er, more accurately, what my brain tries to tell me is in the dark. But yeah, I will see you day after tomorrow. Have a good night, Sun!"
     "Good night, new friend! See you!" Sun waved cheerily as you left the daycare.
     You continued your rounds, checking through the security cameras on occasion as well. You spied yourself on one of the cameras and waved, just to see the little you in your watch wave back.
     It never did occur to you that the only camera in the daycare was on the wall above the window.
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djarrex · 3 years
Goth Gf Anon🤙
Alright, alright, alright. Since that Tech piece was fucking phenomenal a d you said you don't get any thots of your faves, I'll lend one of my Fives thots.
So, it's the end of the war, Chancellor Palpatine had been exposed for his plot against the Jedi and executed for treason. The Republic and Seperatists made peace treaties upon realizing they were played on both sides. The war is over, Fives is a war hero, a statue in front of the Jedi Temple in his honor. But he could care less when you're smiling at him, tears in your eyes with the proudest glow on your face.
The Clone production on Kamino is halted, leaving the troopers, cadets and infants in a limbo. The Senate passes a bill allowing the Clones unalienable rights, passing adoption bills allowing civilians to adopt baby clones as their own. The Jedi also demand each and every clone has their chips removed. Scientists are working on a serum to slow their aging process down back to normal.
Fives rejoiced in victory, finally happy that the war was over and his brothers were treated as humans. But you.
He was over the fucking moons that he could be with you, not a war, battles or campaigns to keep you apart.
He marries you within the week of the marriage bill being passed.
You move to Naboo, Anakin had left the Jedi Order and started a home with Padmé and his twins, they visit you often, dropping off Luke and Leia when they're off on Senate business or off doing young couple things.
Fives loves seeing you with the twins, there's just something so domestic about it. When he sees you take care of them, make them giggle, feed them. And when the Skywalkers come back and praise you for taking such good care of their babies... it stirs something primal in his gut.
You two are intimate one night-- like many after you married. He's crawling up on his peak, he's right there, his brain switches off, spit firing shit as his thrusts start to stutter like the words rolling from his tongue, thick as honey.
"Y-you-- you looked so good with those-- shit!-- those fuckin' kids!"
"Wanna make you! Fuck, baby-- I'm g-gonna m-make you a fucking mother-- oh shit!"
"Gonna fuck a baby into you, sweetheart!"
And you're thinking: "What a pleasant turn of events."
Then you just start fucking feeding him.
"Yes, yes, yes, Fives! Anything you want! We'll fucking grow old together!"
You moan, "Put a fucking baby in me, cum deep."
And he can't hold it anymore, an inhuman sound ripped out of his chest and tearing through his throat as he slams into you one more time, his spend shooting deep. 11/10 best orgasm he's had.
Afterwards, you both talk it out. You've always thought about starting a family with him, thinking about how good of a father he would be considering the way he always looked out for his brothers. Fives explains himself a little more clearer after the fact, and you decide you'll go to the med center to get your contraceptive implant removed the next time it has to be replaced. You've decided you wanted to start a family with him.
Apologies if this was lackluster, I don't usually write smut lines lol.
Ciao ;)
I...I- don't even know how to respond to this. it’s late I KNOW but I’ve been trying to come up with a worthy reply. 
whyyyyy did I start fucking tearing up when going through each word in the first half WHY this is so beautiful and Fives deserves so much more and I love him. this is perfect, you are perfect. when he starts blurting out his desires "Wanna make you! Fuck, baby-- I'm g-gonna m-make you a fucking mother-- oh shit!" I- uh- yeah. that sent me. "What a pleasant turn of events" LMAO. ME. please write this as a fic. lackluster? mmmm no not even close. I love this
But seriously, how do I even add anymore to this already perfect droplet of heaven you so graciously placed in my inbox. tbh though, my gutter brain immediately wants to analyze how that night goes:
(18+ only!!! fluff, breeding kink, unprotected piv) 
you were blissfully unaware of the way Fives gawked at you earlier today - how he watched you with so much love and adoration in his eyes as you giggled with Luke and cradled Leia to sleep
It didn’t feel appropriate, but he couldn’t help but get hard at the vision playing out in front of him - wholesome domesticity, soft giggles, and hushed coos filled his very own living room and he just needed to step away to take care of his painfully hard and aching erection      
Fives can't help it - up until recently he was sure on having a dark fate, one that either involved being killed on the front, or worse: never being able to truly make you his because of his sole duty to fight for the Republic just would not allow such a peaceful and perfect life - it would hurt you more than he would care to live through
He didn’t realize just how badly he wanted the twins to be his - living, breathing, beautiful humans that you and him had created out of love, and, well, good fucking sex
So Fives came back from the bathroom after tugging himself raw - trying to alleviate that wanting ache that’d been sitting heavy deep in his bones and showing its face in the form of starving arousal - and the Skywalker’s had returned from Coruscant to pick up their babies
Fives hadn’t turned the corner yet - the soft voices coming from the three of you, keeping quiet while the twins were finally asleep, stopped him in his tracks. He heard the way Padmé praised you and thanked you over and over for always watching the kids, and Anakin cooing in the sweetest voice Fives had ever heard his former General speak in right at his own sleeping babies.
Your own voice was extremely soft and kind, careful as to not wake the twins up in the hand-over. Fives’ heart - and cock - were aching.
That's what Fives is thinking of as he’s pounding you into the next system - watching with hungry eyes at how your pussy so beautifully swallows his cock, yet he can't help but be slightly distracted when all these thoughts about filling you full with his seed are stemming from how motherly and breathtaking you looked when interacting with the Skywalker twins - how you always look when you’re watching them
You’re both so close to finishing - Fives groans at the way your walls squeeze unforgivingly around him as you approach your climax - a sight that is most devine to him. He’s right there as well - the relentless clenching of your cunt sure as hell pushes him right there to where he’s about to-
“Y-you looked so good with the - mmph - the twins" he doesn’t even realize he’d just voiced his thoughts aloud - albeit, in the form of a growl - until he sees how your eyes widen after struggling to come down from your first high 
He’s no where near embarrassed - perhaps it was finally fucking time to let you know just how painfully hard you make him when you’re all motherly and in caretaker mode 
The way your features morph from being caught in surprise to desperation and hunger completely takes the filter off of him - and he begins voicing his plans for the two of you in the heat of the moment
“Wanna - aghh- fuck a b-aby into this sweet p-pussy” his teeth are clenched tightly together as he continuously hits that exquisite spot so deep within your heat and your head is positively spinning at his shameless confessions - fuck, you want him to make good on his word. 
“Fuck... you’re nearly ch-oking my cock, pretty thing,” he grits out between heavy pants. “You want me to, hm? Wanna let me - mmphh -  fill you so f-fucking deep that you swell with my child?”
Your body is on fucking fire - you’ve never heard Fives speak of this before, and boy oh boy it is 100% welcome right about now. Yes, yes you want that so, so bad but you never thought to bring it up before because everything was still new with how the galaxy has changed for the better... but right now - you’re going to fucking feed him so he can have the best orgasm he’s ever had
“Yes, love, please,” you’re whimpering those three words like a prayer over and over between loud, uncontrollable moans - completely taken by him and the way he looks so gorgeous in this determined and concentrative state. “Shit, fill me up with our child,” you punctuate your mewling request with the repetition of his name - you’re hitting your climax again but this one is about to utterly wreck you like never before. “Right now.”
Fives’ eyes clamp shut and the sweat on his brow is beginning to drop from his forehead to your bare chest with how he is hovered over you - your soft but commanding words has the most gargled and loud groan erupt from deep within his chest as he stills his hips
You can feel the way his cock pulsates so far inside of you - liquid warmth spitting from the head and no doubt seeping into your cervix
You’re both completely out of breath and totally fucked-out - you think that’s the most Fives has ever cum, and you’re just staring up at him with the sweetest smile you can muster in your exhausted state
“We can talk about it more later, but...” Fives rubs at his neck after hauling himself off of you - pulling you close to his chest and wrapping his arms tightly around your torso. 
“No need,” you say softly - your hands wrapping around his forearms. “I’ll have them remove the implant on my next visit.”
Your words of promise has Fives uncontrollably getting hard again
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clubyukhei · 3 years
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a/n: um there’s 1.3k words in this gangster/dad!au filled with fluff and some basic tattoo aftercare. sorry i got carried away, i was feeling very soft and domestic, nothing new lol <3 reposting this due to tag problems. enjoy!
on sunday mornings yukhei would be found deep in slumber, his face buried into your pillow and his body sprawled across the california king bed you and him share. 
unlike the rest of the week where he’d be out early fulfilling his duties in the underworld, he had the weekends all to himself — and he’d usually sleep past noon to get all the rest he needed before spending the rest of his free time with his family.
today’s a different case though. he’s awake and sitting on a playmat in the living room, watching his little girl work on a new watercolour painting — and it’s only eleven in the morning.
moments like these are when yukhei feels like his life isn’t real. 
it’s not that hard to believe that he’s a high-rank, deeply respected member of the triad he’s been with since his youth, and a husband to the love of his life who has stood by his side through all the highs and lows.
but being a father? it’s a role yukhei still can’t quite fathom and struggles with sometimes — even after four years, and even after your countless reassurances that he’s doing a great job. 
“what happened to the dragon, papa? looks like you have a big boo-boo.” 
the innocence of that question makes yukhei smile. he feels the soft pad of a chubby index finger smooth across the nape of his neck, near the layers of cling foil wrapped tightly around his torso and over his shoulders to protect the freshly retouched tattoo on his back.
he hums tentatively, pondering how to explain such an intimidating concept to a child. it’s definitely not the first time she has asked about the tattoos all over his body — but all the answers he gave back then have long slipped his mind. 
“the dragon was… disappearing. it was becoming nothing, remember? i had to draw it again.” 
if only it was as simple as it sounded. 
throughout the past week, he was at ten’s tattoo parlour, enduring a needle bite into his skin as he lay chest down against a leather bed for at least five hours each day. afterwards he’d come home to you, and you — with all the patience and tenderness in the world — would take extra care of the inked dragon on his back. at the start of each day and end of each night, you’d smooth healing cream across the sensitive skin, taking your time to trace the raised lines as he exhaled in bliss.
it was exhausting for both of you. yukhei thought he’d be free after the tattooing process was finished, but that was only because he completely forgot how troublesome the aftercare process was. after seeing how fast you fell asleep last night, he felt terrible. he woke up earlier today so you could sleep in and phoned his colleague chenle first thing in the morning, telling him to take over his work for the upcoming week. 
“it looks like it hurts really bad.” the little girl says softly. 
she looks up at him, her big and curious eyes meeting his own. yukhei will always find it endearing how even though she’s pretty much his mini-me appearance-wise, her personality is almost all you. 
as a kid he was loud when it came to expressing himself — but she’s the complete opposite. she’d make her thoughts known only when she felt strongly about them, and those moments never failed to tug at yukhei’s heartstrings. like that time she openly disagreed with her friends at school who thought her papa’s tattoos and piercings were strange; or that time she refused to sleep until he got home late at night and read her a bedtime story, then confessing that she missed him a lot.
“it hurts a little.” yukhei says, immediately regretting it when he sees her bottom lip pucker into a pout. 
“but it’s okay!” he quickly adds, pulling the little girl closer to him before gently nudging her knee with his thumb. “it’ll be gone soon. when _____-ie fell down and got a boo-boo here, it hurt too but it went away later, right?” 
her eyes widen with hope as she nods. “you have to be strong, papa! like me.” 
yukhei doesn’t even get to react to her precious statement because she’s already crawling into his lap. he watches her trace the various designs of the huge tattoo sleeve on his arm, her fingertips dancing along his skin before stopping on the angel on his bicep. 
“this one’s your favourite, huh?” yukhei presses a kiss to her cheek.
“yeah,” she mumbles, now touching the large wings belonging to the angel. “mama told me it’s her favourite too.” 
yukhei feels the corners of his lips curl into a silly grin. of course it’s your favourite — it’s you. 
she doesn’t know that though. it’s still a secret between you and him since the intricate details of it aren’t obvious to a four year-old. but when she’s older, she’ll hear the story behind it — how yukhei calls you his angel whenever he’s sappy, and how he enthusiastically decided to have you inked onto his body in a drunken stupor. 
“but there’s no colour in it.” the tone of disapproval in her voice makes yukhei chuckle. he rests his chin on top of her head, glancing towards the coffee table where her painting was left to dry. there’s a palette and a few paintbrushes neatly arranged next to it.
“i know, sweetheart. maybe you can help me?” 
and so began another painting session — except this time, his arm is her canvas.
yukhei couldn’t believe he didn’t think of this idea sooner. the watercolour paint was thick enough to not fade away yet easy to wash off after, which already made his life easier. but it also felt strangely therapeutic lying on his side and watching the empty spaces on his sleeve come to life with all sorts of colours. 
a while later, you stroll into the living room in a sleepy state and instantly beam at this adorable scene. 
“look at you two.” you coo affectionately, giving your very busy daughter a good morning kiss on the forehead before doing the same to your husband. “you didn’t wake me up.” 
“i wanted you to rest.” yukhei replies, watching you smile back at him shyly before looking at the colourful masterpiece on his arm.
“i’m tempted to take a picture of this just so i get to see you two look this cute all the time.” you chuckle as your hand lands on his torso, caressing the lion tattoo on his rib cage that isn’t covered in plastic foil.
yukhei gazes at you for a few seconds, silently taking in everything about this moment  — how he’s relaxing in the safety and comfort of his own home, with his two favourite girls close to him, and soaking in the warmth of the morning sunlight falling onto all three of you. 
it’s the complete opposite of his day-to-day at work — it lets him shed the cold and gritty exterior he presents to the underworld. he wonders what he did in his past life to deserve this experience, wonders if he could revel in this airy presence with you two in his next life too.
“and maybe i’ll send it to the boys,” you lean in and whisper to him when your daughter scampers off to get more paint. “and show them what their boss is up to when he’s not huang xuxi, watcher of the lion’s heart.” 
grinning at your silly suggestion, yukhei engulfs your hand with his, intertwining your fingers. he’s so overwhelmed with contentment that it doesn’t even matter if you go ahead with an idea he’d normally roll his eyes at.
“it’s all up to you, my love.”
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zackcollins · 2 years
when the dealin’s done || tyler heineman
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Author’s Note: Good day, everyone! This fic is a birthday surprise for @donttelltheelff !! I got them on board with my Tyler Heineman problem so what better birthday present than a fic about him? GIF credit to yours truly! (and yes, I picked this one intentionally because it made taylor mad at me LOL)
Warnings: Maybe the mention of pain? It’s nothing too bad. No specific injury is mentioned; it’s just a general feeling of pain from being at work all day. Other than that, you might just get a sugar high from how sweet this is. Let me know if I missed something tho. I’ll gladly add it!
Word Count: 1.1k+
Title: The Gambler by Kenny Rogers
Additional: The reader is implied to be masculine (since this is for a masculine person). There’s no physical descriptors used to imply the gender but I use masculine terms to refer to them (boyfriend and king). Feel free not to read this one if you prefer more neutral fics. Anyways. I hope everyone, especially Taylor, enjoys this. And happy birthday bby! Have a good one!
Tagging: @whimsical-daydreams​
It had been a long day at work and your body was aching all over. All you wanted to do when you walked in the front door was curl up in a ball right there on the foyer floor and pass out from exhaustion. You, however, decided against it and managed to make it to the living room couch before you curled up on yourself.
You were halfway towards sleep when you heard the front door open an indeterminate amount of time later. Stretching out, you looked over in the direction of the foyer and saw that your boyfriend, Tyler, was standing there. He was holding a small, paper shopping bag that you didn’t recognize the logo on. He set it down on the foyer table as he toed off his Air Jordan’s and unzipped and shrugged out of his sweater, placing his shoes on the rack and hanging the sweater on one of the coat hooks by the door. He took off the backwards Pirates cap he had been wearing on his head, placing it on the same hook as the sweater. He picked up the bag with one hand and ran his other through his hair before he walked into the living room.
He walked over to the couch and squatted down in front of where you were laying, leaning forward to press a kiss to your forward.
“Hey,” Tyler said, softly. He brought his free hand up and ran it gently along your cheek as he leaned in again to press another kiss to your forehead. When he leaned back, he had removed his hand from your cheek. You made a noise of protest at the loss of contact; all Tyler did was chuckle softly as he stood from his squat and went to sit in the chair that was next to the couch. “How did work go?”
“It went alright,” you replied as you did your best to not make your smile seem too forced.
Even though your body felt like it was falling apart, you wanted to put on a brave face for Tyler. You wanted to show him that there was nothing for him to worry about. Unfortunately, your body seemed to have not gotten the memo because a dull ache ruminated all throughout your muscles. You fought the urge to shift around to get comfortable for as long as you could; you didn’t want to alert Tyler to the fact that there was an issue. That being said, the all-encompassing dull ache ultimately became too much to handle and you had to shift until you found comfort.
When you focused more thoroughly on Tyler, you noticed that he had placed the bag on the end table in favour of crossing his arms over his chest. He was also looking at you rather pointedly; you had been his boyfriend long enough to know that meant he could tell you weren’t telling the entire truth to him.
Sighing, you ran a hand down your face. “I’m kinda sore. Nothing new there, though.”
Tyler’s facial expression softened as he motioned his head towards the bag. “I bought something that might cheer you up.”
You smiled softly as you sat up on the couch, putting your legs sideways on the cushions. “Oh, yeah? What would that be?”
Instead of answering, Tyler reached into the bag and pulled out a brand new deck of cards. He unwrapped the plastic and tossed it into the bag. He then opened the box and poured the cards into his hand before he placed the box onto the arm of the chair. Tyler started shuffling the deck as he looked at you, a soft smile on his face.
“How about a special card trick?” He said. You nodded, a soft smirk on your face. Tyler smirked back as he stopped shuffling the cards and held up the deck so that the faces were only visible to you. “Pick whichever card you want. Just don’t tell me which one it is.”
You looked at the cards carefully, weighing your options. It took a moment of back and forth consideration, but you ultimately went with the King of Hearts.
“Alright,” you said, giving your boyfriend a thumbs up. “Made my decision.”
Tyler dropped the cards and placed them on the end table. He reached into the bag and pulled out a fine tip Sharpie. He pointed it towards you, a cheeky smirk on his face.
“I’m gonna write something on the card I think you chose,” he said as he picked up the deck. He fanned through it for a moment before he picked out one of the cards, placing it face down on his knee. He pushed the rest of the deck back together before he held it in his non-dominant hand and placed the face-down card on top of it. You watched as he scribbled on the top card before he capped the Sharpie and tossed it back into the bag. “Alright. I’m gonna shuffle. Tell me when to stop.”
You nodded as you watched your boyfriend start shuffling the deck. He shuffled maybe half a dozen or so times before you held up your hand and told him that that was good enough. Tyler smiled as he started fanning the deck out for you to see the faces of the cards.
“If you’ll notice,” he said, his voice sounding a little sure of himself. “Every card is there. Every card except one. Check your hoodie pocket.”
Raising an eyebrow, you reached into your hoodie. You were a little surprised when your hand came out with one of the cards that matched the deck that your boyfriend was holding. What surprised you, even more, was what that something was that Tyler said he was going to write on the card that he thought was yours.
You’re the King of My Heart. Marry Me?
“Before you answer,” Tyler said, suddenly sounding unsure and nervous. “Check your pants pocket.”
Swallowing around a nervous lump in your throat, you nodded. When your hand came out of your pocket, you saw that you were holding an engagement ring that Tyler had somehow slipped in there without you noticing.
You examined the ring, turning it over on your hands a few times. It was a simple, black, band with a smaller, yellow, band inlaid in it. You found it heartwarming that Tyler had gone for an engagement ring in the colours of the Pirates. It made it feel more personal, somehow.
"What do you say?" Tyler asked, his voice still sounding unsure and nervous.
Smiling softly, you slipped the ring on the correct finger. You saw Tyler relax at that as a genuine smile washed across his face.
"Let's fucking go!"
"You're a dork, you know that?"
Tyler looked at you, a stupid grin on his face.
"And you wouldn't have me any other way."
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fandom-monium · 3 years
For the Holidays - Part 4
Summary: In which Spencer doesn’t want to go to his high school reunion, but you tagging along changes things. “You know, I don’t remember you being able to run this fast back at the academy.”
WC: 2.4k
Tags/Warnings: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader, fake-dating trope, pining (so much pining), fluff, defensive Spencer, more angst but not from unnecessary trauma, more emotional-support Reader, reunion arc, song fic, emotional/physical intimacy (to the max)
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Don't think we fit in at this party Everyone's got so much to say, oh yeah, yeah When we walked in, I said I'm sorry, mmm But now I think that we should stay
Not a lot of things shake Spencer. It’s a very short list; his knowledge is expansive, he reads studies and scientific journals for fun, knows the most random statistics and facts just for the slightest possibility of it being useful. There're the rare occasions where unsubs catch him off guard, but at this point he's hardly phased. Nothing surprises him. 
Although, this⎼this has made it to the top of that list.
“You’re sorry?” Spencer repeats, not sure if he heard correctly. His body cements in place and he holds his breath, waiting for the punchline. Waiting for one of them to jump him, for someone to say, ‘LOL jk’ like Garcia does when he doesn’t get the joke.
Because he doesn’t like this joke. It wasn’t funny back then, it’s not funny now.
But they don’t. Seconds pass and his tormentors, like him, are just as frozen, just as breathless, just waiting for his reaction.
They’re serious?
Spencer’s lips curl as his nose wrinkles. “You’re sorry? You think saying sorry is going to make up for everything?”
“God no, of course not. But over time, we’ve come to realize,” Alexa’s voice trembles, like she’s holding back tears. She exchanges glances with Harper and the football team before taking a tentative step towards him. “You deserve a real apology at least.”
Spencer recoils, the words jostling his brain. Alexa, Harper, and the few members of the football team all nod in agreement, as if they discussed this beforehand.
She adds, “We don’t expect you to forgive us now or ever. But we hope to try and⎼”
She’s preaching, something about regret and forgiveness and bridging gaps, but Spencer barely registers her voice⎼the words drowned out by the thrumming Christmas music. It becomes more garbled and muffled. Like he’s under water and he’s sinking. 
He struggles to catch his breath. His brain reels until the only thing he can focus on is…
Anger. Familiar and hot and so loud that it rings in his ears. Against the storm, it’s a buoy in a rumbling ocean, the clearest, safest, most tangible thing he finds as he’s caught in the undertow. 
Just like that he breaks the water’s surface. 
And he latches on.
“You’re not sorry,” Spencer lets out a dry chuckle. Alexa and Harper open their mouths to protest but he continues, “You want to know how I know this? Because I have several degrees, one of them being in psychology.” 
They shake their heads. “We are⎼”
He cuts them off, his tone rising above Santa Tell Me as it bellows overhead. “No, you're not. You don’t feel remorse. You don’t blame yourselves. You feel guilty, and your attempt at apologizing for what you did tells me that you can’t live with that guilt. That’s why you’re apologizing. You want a clear conscience. You want me to⎼to just act like what you did was okay, to act like nothing happened. But it did and I⎼” Spencer’s vision blurs and his eyes burn. He squeezes them shut. 
He will not cry. He will not cry. He’s wasted enough tears on these people.
Spencer meets their gaze, and he knows they have to strain their ears when he rasps, “⎼It wasn't okay.”
“Reid,” Harper’s calls, her voice wobbling. For a second he sees it; Alexa, Harper, the football team backing them up as gold and white spotlights roam over them. Their eyes glisten with worry, and he sees the pain, the honesty, all the signs of truth and genuine regret with a profiler’s accuracy.
A small part of him hopes maybe they are. Maybe they do regret it the pain they caused him. 
The concept is jarring. And Spencer doesn’t have the capacity to process it. Not now.
So he turns away, clearing his throat. “Excuse me.” Without thinking, he slips his hand out of yours, startling you, and pushes through the throng of people.
“Um,” You hesitate as your gaze switches between watching Spencer and his (ex?) bullies. Then his back disappears in the crowd and you start after him, “I’ll be right back?”
Not the smoothest exit, but it’ll have to do.
You quickly weave between party-goers, rushing towards the exit. By the time you burst through the doors, Spencer is gone.
You’ve lost him.
Okay, you didn’t lose him.
You’re not even surprised, catching your breath at the gaping doors. Light spills from the hall, casting a long shadow as you scan the room, your footfalls muffled by the old carpet. It takes a little browsing until you realize you’re in the fiction area.
You find Spencer in the deepest corner of the library. He sits on the floor, slumped against the shelves of the classic literature section. You bite back a smile; his legs are too long for the small aisle between the bookcases, so his knees are bent and his hands rest in his lap. 
He barely notices as you carefully pad over to him. “Hey.”  
“Hey,” Spencer mumbles, staring vacantly at the rows of worn books. They’re dusty, mostly 3rd and 4th editions. He’s fairly certain they’re the same ones he read when he attended⎼damn, the American education system is underfunded⎼and despite the comforting presence of you and his old friends, he can’t bring himself to look at you, ashamed of his outburst. 
“You know, I don’t remember you being able to run this fast back at the academy,” You let out an exaggerated wheeze, an attempt to lighten his mood.  
It sort of works. Spencer huffs out a laugh, but he sobers quickly. “Sorry for running out on you like that.” 
You squeeze yourself into the small gap, mirroring him against the adjacent bookcase, legs tangling with his. “I told you, you have nothing to apologize for.” 
“Maybe but it’s still not fair to you,” Spencer swallows the lump in his throat. He hears you snort and he looks up, seeing the wry smile on your lips. “What?”
You roll your eyes. “Of course you still manage to think of me, even though this whole thing is for you. Reid, if I wasn’t so concerned, I’d feel touched.” 
He flushes, and while it's too dark to see each other clearly, Spencer still ducks his head. 
You smile shyly as you nudge the toe of your shoe against his. A question.
A second later, he nudges you back. An answer.
Satisfied, you don't say another word as you both find comfort in the silence and in the musty scent of used books. If you strain your ears, you can hear Snowman faintly echo down the empty hallways. It's hauntingly peaceful. 
Then Spencer breaks the silence.
It starts with a sniff and you shrug it off. Probably dust, allergies. But there's another and another until all you hear is his breathes, unsteady and wet and⎼fuck.
Spencer is crying.
He bites his lip as he clasps his hands tightly in his lap, trying to pull himself together. Scrape together whatever semblance of pride he’s got left. He's been humiliated enough today; he doesn't need to fall apart in front of you too.
Tears well in his eyes. A whimper escapes him, and because you’re alone⎼no music, no loud guests to cover him⎼you feel the brunt of it, rattling your bones.
Your willpower snaps.
Touch is a powerful thing. There are people who simply don’t care for it but others, they’re uncomfortable with the intimacy behind the sensation. Many underestimate the tremendous courage it takes to let others into your personal bubble. And for you⎼ 
Touch is... personal. It’s giving a spare key to your place. It’s confessing your sins before you face Death. 
It’s sharing your sweaters with Spencer because he thinks they look cool. It’s cooking and cleaning the failed trials afterwards, standing at the sink and flinging soap bubbles at each other. It’s sharing the blanket when heading home after an exhausting case.
Touch is comfort. So that’s what you give him.
Spencer's breath hitches as you crawl over to him. On your knees, you settle between his legs and he freezes, terrified if he moves you will leave. Or disappear. He’s not sure. But you’re so close that his breath puffs against your chin. He tries to hold them in. It makes him hiccup. 
To his surprise, you pull out a handkerchief. 
Though his body trembles, he doesn’t protest as your hands gently push back his hair. He follows the movement, his head falling back against the bookcase as he watches your dark silhouette hover over him, softly outlined by the streetlight seeping through the windows. He lets you take the tears and the hurt, dabbing them away from his tear-stained cheeks. 
Every teardrop is a knife. Every droplet you don’t catch, it's a cut. 
Spencer wonders if he's dreaming. Maybe he tripped and knocked himself out? Or did the football team clock him so hard it put him in a coma? Or maybe he fainted? 
Because if the universe is rewarding him after all the bullshit he's been through, all the work he’s done, he hopes this is it. This is the closest you've ever been⎼you’ve hugged and comforted each other before but this is so much more intimate than any other moment you’ve shared. And given the chance, he knows he would spend the rest of his days like this. His face in your hands as you wipe away the misery and despair.
The thought sends him into a new wave of tears. If you mind, you say nothing.
Spencer shuts his eyes, leaning into every touch, every caress. It’s too dark to see, so he tries to memorize what his eyes can’t. Your hands are cool against his skin and your soap smells good (or maybe that’s just you?). And as much as he appreciates your mindfulness to his germaphobic tendencies, he wishes you'd come closer. To keep touching him. 
But it’s odd, Spencer thinks as you smooth back his hair. You offer no words of encouragement. No words of wisdom. No motivational speech that’ll prompt him to bounce right back. You simply wait, brushing away his tears as he hiccups and sobs.
It just… doesn’t seem real. Attending the reunion like Morgan suggested (and the fact you're kneeling between his legs, but he's trying not to think too hard about it). The idea sounded so simple and terrifying at the same time. He planned to show off⎼peacock, if you will⎼and you even helped him practice. Spencer was prepared to bring them to their knees (okay, not really but he was willing to try). 
And now years later, they decide to apologize?
The audacity.
They didn’t spend years pushing past the pain. They didn’t hope the memories would erode with time. They didn’t have to pretend everything was okay, like nothing happened, like they didn’t do anything wrong. 
So excuse him if a little ‘sorry’ doesn’t make him feel any better.
Is it⎼is he weak for feeling like this? It’s been too long. They shouldn’t have this sort of effect on him.
“I don’t think that matters.” 
Spencer frowns at you. After his tears dry up and his hiccups subside, you settle beside him, your handkerchief, moist with his tears, fisted in his hands now. He tries to ignore the way your shoulders and thighs brush against each other. 
“I-I’m not invalidating you. But I don't think this is about being weak or sensitive. What they did to you… cut you deep and you never got closure and-and you’re still hurting. Even if it’s just a little,” You speak low, gazing at the bookshelves across from you as you stumble for the right words. He sees you angle your head towards him. Feels you shift next to him. “It's been years, but time and space doesn’t make your feelings any less valid. So no, I don't think this is about strength. It was a prank gone wrong, and you were just a kid.”
That’s putting it lightly. Spencer bites his tongue. 
You don’t need to know that.
He folds the handkerchief in his hands as he murmurs, “Easy for you to say.”
He feels you stiffen, and he considers the possibility that he said something wrong. 
“What do you mean?” You ask.
“It’s not bad or anything,” Spencer sits up, hands waving about as he rushes to assure you. “You’re always so composed. Even during the worst cases, you hardly lose it. In terms of stoicism, you’re basically on par with Hotch.”
Spencer cringes, the words out of his mouth before he realizes. 
For a second you don’t respond, but his heart stalls as he practically feels you pull away from him, even though physically you’re still there. You turn away, pulling your knees to your chest.
“Is that what you think of me?” Fuck, you sound betrayed by his assumptions. 
“I⎼well… ” Spencer wrings his hands together. He’s at a loss for words, afraid he’ll say something wrong again. He wishes he had night vision; your body language is closed off, protective, and he knows your expression is pained. 
Oh god, he did that. It hurts knowing he did that.
“Believe it or not, Reid, I’m not exactly the poster child for calm and collected," You unfold as you look back at him, voice laced with vulnerability. "I've got cracks of my own."
"... Eh,” Like you, Spencer attempts to brighten your mood, elbowing you, “I need to conduct an observational study to back that up."
He knows you're smiling as you huff, “Is that your roundabout way of saying I can go to you? When I need a shoulder to cry on?”
I'd literally drop everything if you came to me for no reason but okay.
Spencer shrugs, grinning as you push him so hard he topples over. And as you laugh and shove at each other like teenagers, Spencer concurs. You both have your cracks. You're cracked and chipped and if you take the time to look there's damage in places hidden away from the naked eye.
You're cracked but it makes you all the more perfect. 
AN: 4/5 whoops
yall don’t kink shame me but i’m a slut for emotional and physical intimacy 😳 and not to be toxic but Reids hot when he mad 😳 
what kind of student were/are you in school, middle/high/college? 
i think i got the hang of the angst now im quite proud of my writing here :) i bummed myself out writing these scenes you dont even know
small background with Mysterious!Reader and Reid yes they were in the FBI academy together :)
fun fact: when i was writing part 3 and 4 i had to go back and watch the elephants memory episode after realizing i forgot the names of Reids bullies. i was already halfway done before i noticed i wrote Harry instead of Harper gdm
when i started FtH, i cackled at the idea of Reid confronting his bullies. just seemed funny to me to have him be pissed and ready to shank his enemies with words and just lose that chance bc his bullies are human too and realize their mistake so they want to make up for it lmaooo now here he is angry and he can’t really express it the way he thought he would
(also if you noticed the lines ref to @idmakeitbehave’s fic cracked perfection, just a little thingy bc they inspire me and i love their everything <333) 
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bibbawrites · 3 years
She - Carrie Wilson x Female Reader (SMUT 18+)
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Request: girl x girl with Carrie having a bad day cause of Julie and needs to let off the anger with giving the reader an/some orgasm(s)?
Word Count: 1770 words
Summary: after being upstaged by julie at the school spirit rally carrie needs a way to work her anger out, and you are more than happy to be of assistance 
Warnings: sex (obviously), oral sex (female receiving), fingering, use of sex toys, swearing, overstimulation, slight dom
A/N: i finally got the motivation to write this and i dont completely hate it which is good haha sorry for any mistakes in editing, i got a bit lazy and just skim read it while cuddling a kitten lol so if theres any mistakes thats why  also no hate to julie or flynn but obviously carrie’s girlfriend wouldn’t like them and neither does carrie so yeah thats why they get shit on   anyways, hope you enjoy!!!
Tag List: @happinessinthedarkesttimes​​​ @littlemissaddict​​​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​​​ @headheartbellarke​​​ @lovesanimals​​​ @bartok-the-magnificent​​​ @juliefromaustralia @multi-universe21 @rangerelik @kaitieskidmore1 @katrina765​​​ @fandomxreaders​​​​ @ifilwtmfc
“I swear Molina does this shit on purpose, just to piss me off.” Carrie ranted as the two of you walked down the hallway after the spirit rally.
“Do you know how hard I worked on that routine? And she just has to go and upstage me with some stupid fucking hologram act? Which came out of nowhere, might I add.” She continued, and you nodded, not wanting to sat the wrong thing and make it worse. 
You stood back and watched as your girlfriend confronted Julie, rolling your eyes at Nick who decided to step in. He never truly knew how to deal with Carrie. He followed as Carrie walked away and you hurried to catch up, grabbing onto your girfriend’s hand as she repeated her rant from earlier. 
The bell rang as Carrie turned to walk away, pulling you along with her. 
“Where are we going? Science is the other way.” You questioned. Carrie shook her head. 
“We’re not going to science.” She replied, pulling you into a janitors closet and shutting the door behind you. 
“Oh.” You said, understanding the situation. 
Carrie pulled you towards her, your lips crashing against hers. She tasted like she always did, like her favourite peach lipgloss and mint. Kissing Carrie was like the perfect duet, her lips were made to intertwine with yours. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Carrie shoving you against the wall, her lips moving from yours to trail down your neck, sucking marks into your skin as she went. 
“Carrie.” You mumbled. “Are we really gonna do this here?” 
She took a step back, eyeing you carefully, before pulling out her phone and pressing it to her ear. 
“Dad? I need you to call the school and excuse me and Y/N for the rest of the day.” She spoke and your eyes widened. You could hear the muffled sound of Carrie’s dad talking on the other end. She bit her lip. 
“It’s a girl problem.” She said after a moment. Her dad replied and a smile appeared on your girlfriend’s face. 
“Yes that kind of girl problem. Poor Y/N is feeling horrible, the cramps are just so bad on the first day of her cycle.” Carrie put on a sympathetic voice and after a moment she gave you a thumbs up and said goodbye to her father before hanging up. 
“How good are you at acting?” She questioned. You shrugged. 
“Decent enough, why?” You replied.
“My dad is coming to pick us up and drop us home at my house. You’re having a really bad period and you need to get some rest.” 
You nodded in understanding, and together you made your way outside, waiting for Trevor to arrive, and once he did you made sure to clutch at your stomach and lean on your girlfriend as she helped you into the car. 
“Do you need anything Y/N?” Trevor asked, as he drove the two of you home. “I can get whatever pads or tampons you need, and I can heat up a heat pack or get medication for your cramps.” 
Your heart swelled at the caring gesture. 
“I should be okay with just a lie down.” You replied. “But I’ll let you know if I need anything. Thank you.” 
“Of course. Anything to make you more comfortable.” Trevor responded as he pulled the car into the driveway. 
“I’ll go get you girls some pizza. I know Carrie loves comfort foods on her period.” He offered. You and Carrie exchanged a look, but agreed, and before you knew it you were flopping down onto your girlfriend’s king sized bed. 
“I feel kinda guilty.” You admitted. Carrie sighed. 
“Me too. Why does he have to be such a good dad?” She groaned. 
“Too late now to backtrack.” You said. Carrie nodded, rolling closer to you and pulling you into her arms. 
“Guess we should just make the most of our time together then.”
An hour and several slices of pizza later and Carrie and you had her whole house to yourselves, with her dad leaving for some meeting that would take several hours. 
Carrie had been staring at the wall for the past 15 minutes and you were starting to get worried about your girlfriend. You moved slightly, placing a hand on her shoulder, and she turned to look at you. 
“Are you okay?” You questioned. 
“Just thinking about Julie again.” She explained, an annoyed look appearing on her face. 
“You need to forget about her babe. She’s not worth your time.” You stated, but Carrie ignored you, staring back at the wall again. 
“I just can’t believe she upstaged me after all the hard work we put into our performance.” She ranted. You took her hand. 
“If it makes you feel better, I thought that Dirty Candy was better by far.” You said, squeezing her hand. 
“You have to say that, you’re my girlfriend.” She rolled her eyes, but the light blush on her cheeks told you that she appreciated the compliment. You fell into silence for a moment, before an idea popped into your head. 
“Carrie.” You said. 
“What?” She replied, without even looking at you. 
“Remember that time that Flynn called me your bitch and I got so pissed off at her and you worked my anger out with some of the hottest sex we’ve ever had?” You asked. That got her attention, and she turned to look at you. 
“Yeah?” Her eyes lingered on your lips for a few seconds. 
“Use me.” You stated. She bit her lip. 
“You sure?” She checked. You nodded. 
“Positive. I’m all yours to do whatever you want to me.” You assured her. 
“In that case...” Carrie sat up, her look suddenly very serious. “Take off your clothes. Now.” 
You obeyed, pulling your Dirty Candy t-shirt and your denim shorts quickly, and after a quick glance at Carrie, stripped your underwear and bra off too. 
“Lie down.” Carrie instructed, and you did as she said. You watched as she moved down her bed and spread your legs, her eyes never once leaving yours. 
She lent down and licked a strip up your pussy and you moaned loudly, not holding back since you knew that Trevor was gone. 
Carrie smirked, before moving to eat you out, her tongue swirling against your clit as she inserted a finger into you. 
“Carrie.” You moaned out, and she grazed her teeth along your clit as a response. 
“Holy shit.” You muttered, tangling your fingers through her hair. 
She added a second finger and your head fell back in pleasure. She really wasn’t holding back. You could feel the familiar feeling of your orgasm pooling in your stomach. 
“I’m not going to last if you keep doing that.” You breathed out, and she ignored you, curling her fingers inside you to hit your g-spot. You gasped loudly. 
“Carrie, please.” You moaned. 
“Cum for me baby.” She said, her mouth never leaving your clit, and the vibrations sent you tumbling over the edge, cumming with a loud moan of her name. 
She worked you through your orgasm before moving away, and you shut your eyes to take a moment. The bed dipped as Carrie climbed back onto it, and before you could react she was pressing a vibrator to your already sensitive clit. 
“Carrie, what?” You asked, eyes opening quickly. 
“You didn’t think I’d stop at one, did you?” She teased, pressing the vibrator against you again, causing your already sensitive body to twitch. You bit your lip, unable to respond. She grinned at you. 
“How many orgasms have you had in one go before?” She questioned. 
“Three.” You answered. She paused, thinking. 
“You can do more than that.” She decided, and your eyes widened. You opened your mouth to reply but she pressed the vibrator to your clit again, this time turning the level on the vibrator up. You squirmed, not even having time to warn her before your second orgasm hit. 
Smirking, Carrie left the vibrator on your clit, holding your hips down with her spare hand to stop you from trying to move away. The intense vibration so soon after your second orgasm had you cumming again in what felt like no time. 
“Please no more. I can’t take it.” You begged. Carrie shook her head. 
“Yes you can baby, I know you can.” She assured you. 
“I can’t Carrie, please.” You whined. She paused. 
“One more.” She decided. You whimpered as her fingers entered you once again, stretching you slightly, before she slid them out and slid the vibrator into you. 
You cried out, hot tears spilling down your cheeks as Carrie put her mouth back onto your clit, every little movement sending shudders through your overly sensitive body. 
“Come on baby, one more, you can do it.” Carrie coaxed, her tongue swirling against your clit. She angled the vibrator to hit your g-spot and that was enough to bring you to your fourth orgasm. 
“Good girl.” Carrie praised, removing the vibrator from you. Your body was shaking and your face was wet with tears. You knew you looked like a wreck. 
“I think we should have a bath.” Carrie decided, helping you into the bathroom. 
She helped you to sit on the closed toilet, before starting the bath, adding in your favourite Lush bubble bar that she always kept for when you were over, and some soothing bath soak. Once she was done she turned back to you. 
“I’ll be right back, okay?” She whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You just nodded, too exhausted to speak. 
Carrie was back in no time, carrying two pairs of soft pyjamas, and some apple juice with ice. She placed them down on the cabinet before turning the water off on the bath and adding in a bath bomb. She lit the candles surrounding the bath before turning her attention to you. 
“Ready to get in?” She questioned. 
“Yeah, I might need some help though.” You replied, your voice shaky. Carrie grinned, walking over to you and wrapping her arm around your waist to help you over to the bath. She helped you climb in before stripping off her clothes and climbing in with you, sitting herself behind you so that you could lean back against her. 
“Feel better now?” You asked in a soft voice. Carrie pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder. 
“I do. Thank you, I love you.” She murmured. 
“I love you too. And anytime, I’ll always be here.” You responded, shutting your eyes as you snuggled against your girlfriend. 
And you meant it. 
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elizabeethan · 3 years
Spaces Between Us Chapter 6: History
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The hardships of real life separated them six years ago, and Emma has been struggling to put that fact behind her ever since. But then, only after she’s convinced herself that she’s moved on and that her new life is enough, Killian Jones comes back.
A Captain Swan Modern AU
***Brief mentions of past physical and emotional abuse and alcohol abuse. Brief mentions of death/loss/grief.***
Reminder that more tags will apply to later chapters and i’ll put warnings where they're necessary, but if you have any concerns or questions feel free to message me!
Weekly updates will be on Tuesdays! (probably)
This chapter is dedicated to AnaSmallGrace because they guessed the title/chapter titles correctly lol.
Thank you, as usual, to my beta and friend @the-darkdragonfly​, and to @donteattheappleshook​ and @xhookswenchx​ for listening to my ramblings and helping me figure out the plot to this <3
Read the Rest
Read on Ao3
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She didn’t mean to fall asleep, but when she stirs at the feeling of soft lips pressing damp kisses down her spine, meeting each vertebrae as his fingers tickle against her ribs, she realizes she hasn’t slept this soundly in years. He murmurs, “good morning,” against her skin and she groans in response. 
 “More sleep,” she whines into the plush pillow. 
 “What time do you need to pick up Henry?” 
 She presses up onto her elbows with a start, frantically looking around the room for some indication as to what time it is. “12:30,” she tells him, looking back with wide, anxious eyes. 
 He smiles and says, “worry not, love. It’s only just after 10.” He slides up along her body until he can lie beside her and smooth out her hair, kissing her nose gently. “I just wanted to make sure you’d have enough time.”
 Breathing out a sigh of relief, she nods and collapses back down on the bed, her face pressed into the pillow. She isn’t sure when they ended up beneath the blankets, but she fell asleep so quickly that she’s sure he could’ve easily moved her without her noticing. “Okay,” she sighs. “Thank you.”
 “For what?” he asks with a smirk, and she returns it in kind, rolling onto her side so that she’s facing him and able to see the brilliance in his eyes. 
 “A few things, I guess,” she starts. “Waking me up, making me come so hard that I basically passed out… loving me…” She trails off but can easily see that her point is well taken. 
 He’s silent for a beat, appearing to be entranced by her words as he gently traces his fingers along her temple and down her cheek, across her neck until he reaches her shoulder and cups it with his hand. “I know we said that we would talk about this later, but… Well, I don’t intend to let you go again, Emma.” 
She feels tears pricking at the backs of her eyes and she blinks hard, trying to hold them in. But for the second time today, she isn’t crying because she’s scared or in pain or hopelessly depressed. It’s because she believes him. She trusts him and knows that he means what he says wholeheartedly. 
 So she curls further onto her side, snuggling close to him and pressing her bare body to his as he wraps his arms around her and holds her in a warm, comforting embrace. She isn’t sure what she can say about the position they’ve found themselves in. It’s not as if she can leave her husband now, despite how she might want to, because she knows what he’s capable of. She thinks that now that they’ve had the conversation about Henry, he’s even more likely to use that against her and keep him from her if she were to try and leave him. And no matter how she feels about Walsh or Killian or even herself, Henry will always be her first priority. 
 Killian seems to be able to read her shift in mood, so he gently suggests, “let me make you breakfast. If the way your stomach was screaming in your sleep is any indication, I’d assume you haven’t eaten yet today.” 
 She sighs, laughing just a bit, and nods against his chest, feeling his coarse hair tickling her cheek. “Don’t you have to go to work?”
 “Not until 1.”
 With a contented hum, she smiles up at him and playfully says, “plenty of time to get your story straight. Ruby warned me that she’d be bothering you all night for details.” 
 “Details… bloody hell, woman, tell me you didn’t go to Ruby for my address.” 
 She giggles as his fingers brush along her waist, trailing from her hip to her ribs and back down again. “I needed the damn train!” 
 “Aye, the damn train,” he says with feigned irritation as he kisses the tip of her nose. “Heaven forbid the lad is without his train for a few hours,” he jokes.
 “I didn’t want to go home,” she says with more honesty and seriousness, a blush creeping up her cheeks and down her chest. “And once I had an excuse to see you, well…” 
 He hums thoughtfully and kisses her softly. “I know what you mean.”
 “I guess I didn’t expect our meeting to end like this, not that I'm complaining.”
 He laughs against her mouth and nods before murmuring, “let me make you breakfast, aye?” 
 With a nod and a happy sigh, and asks, “can I use your shower quick? I’d rather not smell like sex when I pick up my kid from kindergarten.” 
 Another kiss later, he says, “of course, love. I’d be happy to provide some support in there as well; I know sometimes that temperature valve can be difficult to navigate.”
 She sits up in bed, taking the thin sheet with her to cover her breasts, and turns to face him. “I’m sure it can be. You really did a number on me, too. I’m so exhausted that I might need some help soaping up.” 
 He smirks and raises a brow, watching as she stands and growling as he chases her into the bathroom. 
 She’s glad that it’s the middle of the morning on a Monday, because that means his neighbors hopefully aren’t home and weren’t able to hear the rather noisy shower they took. Surely the sounds coming out of her were traveling through the pipes, but she couldn’t exactly keep quiet while he fucked her against the wall of the shower. 
 She’s also not sure how she’ll go on with her day when he keeps planting kisses to her neck as he stands behind her, holding her hips while she tries her damndest to flip the pancakes before they burn. “You've gotta stop,” she groans, panting as his fingers slide around her front and trace the zipper of her jeans. 
 “But you’re so irresistible,” he murmurs. 
 “I don’t have time to shower again.” 
 He hums against her neck, licking along the sensitive spot just below her ear, and says, “you don't have to leave for an hour.” 
 “Killian…” she giggles. “Grab me a plate.” 
 He does, holding it out for her so that she can place the pancakes on it before he presses a tender kiss on her cheek and says, “thank you, love.” She hums in question and he responds, “I believe I promised you breakfast, and here you are preparing it.” 
 “Well,” she shrugs, taking her own plate and carrying it to his small table. “I am a mother now. Breakfast foods are my specialty. Henry’s particularly fond of scrambied eggies.” 
 “I’m sure they're delicious,” he nods, smiling as he pours syrup over his pancakes and then offers it to her. “He’s quite the character.” 
 With a smile, she says, “my pride and joy. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” 
 “I can imagine,” he smiles back. He cuts into the pancake with his fork and takes a bite, humming and smiling around them at her. “Is he… is he why you stay?” 
 With a gulp and a bite of her own, if only so that she can avoid answering for a moment longer, she nods. “Walsh doesn’t want much to do with him, but he’s spiteful. He would keep him from me just because he can. He thinks he has to maintain his perfect family image if he has any hopes for reelection” 
 He’s silent for a moment, and she can see the way he bites the inside of his cheek to try and keep quiet. “Aye,” he finally says. “I suppose there isn’t much I can say about staying with someone who isn’t good for you.” 
 She’s surprised that he’s bringing this up, but supposes it had to be addressed at some point. “In your case, it was going back to that person.” 
 “I didn’t feel I had much of a choice.” 
 “I know. I wanted you to stay and you didn’t want to hear it. It’s okay.” 
 “I heard you, love,” he argues. “I just… I had to go.” 
 “Then how can you say you heard me?” She takes another bite, trying to remain calm and keep this a discussion rather than an argument. “I wanted you to stay for your own good, Killian. He was abusive to you your whole life; you didn’t owe him anything.” 
 She hasn’t thought about this in detail in years, but is brought back to one of their final conversations easily. “Liam died,” he says by way of explanation, and she nods. It’s impossible to not be empathetic for his loss, but six years ago when he impulsively decided to take his late brother’s place and care for their dying father despite how badly he’d abused his sons, she lost it. 
 “I know. I’m sorry.” 
 “Don’t be.” 
 “What happened to Brennan?” 
 “He died,” he says casually, with little obvious emotion surrounding his father’s death. “Last year. And… well, you were right. I couldn’t handle it; I drank the whole time I was there. I felt sorry for myself-- I had lost Liam, I lost you… I couldn’t handle it.” 
 She puts her fork down and takes his hand, although he refuses to look up from his plate. “Killian, alcoholism runs in your family.” 
 “I know. And after I found out how Liam died… I don't know. I-- I’ll be honest, Swan, I wanted you to come with me so badly; I resented you for not coming.”
 In surprise, she says, “Killian, I couldn't condone what you were doing. I know how much it hurt to know that Liam was drunk driving, when you thought he was your perfect older brother. I know you felt like you had to take his place as the prodigal son. But Brennan abused the two of you your whole lives. I couldn’t let you go back to him after what he’d done to you; he didn’t deserve it and neither did you.” 
 “I know that, looking back.”
 His father must’ve died a slow and painful death if he’d only passed away a year ago. Cirrhosis of the liver is bad enough, and when he refused to stop drinking despite his prognosis, Killian became enraged. He refused to speak to his father, and lashed out at his brother who saw it as his duty to care for the dying man despite years of torturous abuse. She thought he had his head on his shoulders when she found out how angry he was with Liam for caring for their father when he deserved the opposite. 
 But then, Liam died. Killian had no idea that his brother struggled with alcoholism just as his father had, as it was easy to hide from across an ocean. But when he found out that his brother, the man he idolized endlessly, died as a result of driving drunk, he spiraled and became someone she hardly recognized. He began drinking himself, although not quite enough to be concerning, and eventually determined that, in order to do right by his brother, he had to take his place in caring for their father. 
 She couldn’t watch him destroy himself for the man he hated. So she gave him an ultimatum, and he chose his path. 
 He didn’t choose her. 
 “When Liam died, you lost yourself,” she says, explaining her thoughts to herself as much as she is to him. “I wanted to help you find yourself again but you wouldn’t let me. I just couldn’t sit and watch you go back to that life of abuse; even if he was too weak to hit you or burn you with his cigarettes, I’m sure he got on just fine with the verbal abuse.”
 “How is that any different from me letting you go back home to your husband with that bloody bruise on your wrist? I’m sure he isn’t any kinder to you than my father was to me.” he argues, and she's taken aback, her eyes widening. 
 “Don’t throw that in my face,” she returns. “I don’t have a choice just like you thought you didn’t. Only I have a son to think about.” 
 He sighs and finally looks up at her. “I know, I’m sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I just… I don't know. I regret leaving every day, and I have since the moment I boarded that damn plane. The moment I shut the door to our apartment. But sometimes I can't help but think, if I hadn’t, perhaps you wouldn’t have your boy.”
 She nods, and in her refusal of his past suspicions, she says, “I wouldn’t.” 
 “But perhaps you also wouldn’t have your husband.” 
 She nods again. She doesn’t blame him, and she tries not to blame herself either, but he’s right. If he hadn’t left, she wouldn’t have gone out a month later and slept with the first guy who looked at her. So, again, she says more sadly, “I wouldn’t.” 
 “Double edged sword, I suppose.” 
 She smiles sadly and nods. There’s silence between them for a few moments before she considers what they've been through, where he’s been, and asks, “if he died a year ago, what… how did you find me?”
 He shrugs and blushes. “I didn’t mean to, actually. I came back to Boston looking for you and had no such luck. Then one night I ran into Elsa at a bar and she told me you were gone, that you left years ago, right after I did, and… I don't know. Something broke in me and I quit drinking-- for the most part. I decided I had to leave Boston and took the first job I could find, and it happened to be here.” 
 She gives him a small smile and asks, “did you intend to try and win me back?” 
 “Yes, absolutely.” 
 His serious tone in response to her joking one is surprising, but she knows he’s telling the truth. She knows he would've been successful, too, if she’d been single when they met again. Hell, he’s successful now.
 “I can’t leave him yet, Killian. I want to, but it’s not… I need to put Henry first.” 
 “I know,” he says sadly. 
 “But that doesn’t mean… I mean…” she sighs. “Just-- I know this is selfish of me to ask of you but, well, I never-- Killian, I never got over you,” she gulps. “I have every intention of leaving him when I can and when I know that it’s safe to do so. And when I do… I mean, I was hoping--”
 “Emma,” he interrupts, taking her hand. “I love you. I told you already, I don't intend to lose you again. I want to build the life with you that we’ve always planned on having. Just… Now, there's a little lad involved, as well.” 
 With tears in her eyes, she meets his and says, “even though he isn’t yours?” 
 “He’s yours. That’s enough for me.” She grins at him and stands, leaning over the table until she meets his lips in a soft, meaningful kiss. “But Emma, love, you’ve got to promise me that you’ll stay safe. If he hurts you again, or if he tries to hurt the boy…” 
 “He won't. He isn’t usually like that, he won't do it again. And he’d have to pay attention to Henry in order to be any threat to him.” 
 “I love you, too.”
 He laughs lightly and kisses her once more. “Of all the ways I imagined us being together again, an extramarital affair wasn’t on the list.” 
 She giggles, cradling his head in her hands, and says, “it’s kinda hot, though.” 
 With a soft scoff and a shake to his head, he rolls his eyes and kisses her chastely before standing up and taking her empty plate. “Come,” he says, “we need to come up with whatever story I’m going to be feeding Ruby all night.”
 “It’s so beautiful, Emma,” Mary Margaret coos as she shows her photos of the house they’ll be renting in just a few weeks time. “When David suggested we get away, I was just so excited.” 
 “It’s lovely,” she nods, smiling softly up at her sister as she picks at her salad. 
 “Mommy, I need more cheppy.” 
 “Ketchup, bub. Here.” 
 Henry hums happily as he dips his nuggets into the ketchup, making animated sounds as each dinosaur perishes as he takes a bite. 
 “You’ve hardly touched your lunch,” her sister complains after a moment, looking at her nearly full plate in disappointment. “Are you feeling okay?” 
 “I’m fine,” she says back. “I just had a late breakfast.” 
 Mary Margaret screws up her face in surprise and says, “you never eat breakfast.” 
 She shrugs. “Well, today I did.” 
 “What did you have, mommy? Cheeries, like me?”
 “You had Cheerios, my love. I had pancakes.” 
 “Pancakes?! I want pancakes! You never let me have pancakes on a school day!”
 “You must've been in a good mood if you decided to make yourself pancakes.” 
 Emma shoots her sister a discerning look, furrowing her brows, and shrugs. “Maybe I was.” 
 “That’s new,” she says, laughing when Emma tosses her napkin at her. “I’m sorry, but come on,” she laughs. “You’ve been miserable for months. What’s changed?” 
 “Nothing,” she mumbles immediately. “Oh, Henry, I got your train. Here you go.” 
 With wide eyes, he gasps in excitement and snatches it from her, hugging it to his chest. “You found Tommy! Thank you, mommy! Where was he?” 
 “Was Tommy missing?” 
 “Mommy left him in her coat and then she lost it,” he snitches. 
 “Wasn’t that the coat you wore out? You didn’t leave it at the bar, did you?” 
 She lets her jaw hang open just a bit too long before shaking her head and explaining, lying, “no, uh, I was… ya know…” she says, giving her sister a knowing look. “A little out of my head when I got home that night. Forgot where I put it.” 
 Mary Margaret hums and nods her head before saying, “you know, I think I saw the sheriff there that night.”
 Henry gasps again, his gray eyes wider than she’s ever seen them, and asks, “mommy, do you know the sheriff?”
 She gulps again, choking on her breath, and says, “yeah, I do.” 
 “You do?” her sister asks, and she wants to kick her under the table. 
 “Yes, Henry,” she says pointedly. “The sheriff and I are friends. How were your chicken nuggets?” 
 “They’re dinosaur-ies.” 
 She smiles at him fondly and says, “I love you,” before she can stop the words from slipping past her lips. 
 He smiles back at her and returns, “I love you too, mommy. Are you okay?”
 “I’m fine, baby. I just wanted you to know that I love you.” 
 Based on the way her sister is staring at her, she thinks she may have made a mistake opening her mouth. 
 “Are we going to get Leo?” 
 “Yeah,” she laughs. “Auntie M’s, are we going to go get Leo?” 
 She hums and picks up her plate, grabbing Emma's as well and shaking her head at how much salad is left. “I’m sure we should. Ashley is probably sick of him by now.” 
 Arriving at the station should feel like any other day, but when he walks in, Ruby smirks at him. And he’s just about had it before he even gets to his office.
 “Morning, sheriff,” she says salaciously, wriggling her brows. 
 “It’s 1 pm.” 
 She shrugs and giggles to herself, looking back at her computer screen with wide eyes and a hidden smile. ”How’s your friend?” 
 “Ruby,” he starts, groaning as he tosses his keys onto his desk, sitting down forcefully and dropping his head onto his forearms. 
 She follows him into his office, despite him desperately hoping she won’t, and places a printed sheet of paper onto his desk. 
 “What’s this?” he asks, picking it up and staring at the sheet that makes no sense. 
 “Something I found while I was bored today. My boss made me work a double.” 
 “Ruby,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Sometimes you just have to work a double. I’m sorry, but when you're the only deputy, it sort of comes with the territory. What did you find?”
 “Yeah, whatever,” she rolls her eyes. “Look at the name on the account.” 
 He looks down at the sheet she’s given him and, at the top corner, sees a name. Walsh Oswald.
 Bloody hell.
 “How’d you get this?”
 She ignores him, giving him a look that tells him that perhaps he doesn’t want to know. “That’s a lot of money,” she remarks obviously, nodding towards the printout. He isn't sure how she got access to his transfer records, but he must admit, he’s impressed, despite the fact that it’s likely inadmissible. Either way, it’s a start.  
 “Aye. Where does it come from?”
 “I don't know. But I have a feeling we should do some police work.” 
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moonlust-demon · 3 years
About this blog:
This is a sideblog for stuff that I don’t wanna put on my main!! ( @moondust-lemon ) My main blog is mostly for posting photos of myself and reblogging from other SWers, and I like keeping that separate from the kinkier things I’m into so people can choose what they’re comfy interacting with :)
minors (put your age in your bio or I will block you)
all the usual stuff; racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc
ED blogs
fat fetishizers 
sissy blogs
misgendering/detrans kink blogs
blank blogs
Here’s what I’m into (this is not an exhaustive list yet, I’ll add more later):
Royalty stuff
Cnc (including intox & somno, among other things)
Pain, crying, bruises/hickeys/bitemarks
Monsters (werewolves, vampires, tentacles, fae, etc.)
Size difference (I'm small and can easily be tossed around ;3)
Knotting, oviposition (tagged as #ovi), inflation
I have like,, the biggest oral fixation
If there's anything specific you'd like me to tag, please let me know!
Things I Do Not Like:
piss, scat, vomit, etc.
pregnancy (specifically stuff related to milk/breasts/babies makes me uncomfy)
actual real life rape; consent is crucial
About me (in case you don’t feel like checking my main blog lol): 
I’m 5′3, Canadian, ace&aro-spec, pan/bi, a vers switch (but I lean towards being a sub bottom lol), transmasc, I’ve been on T since 3/06/2021, and had top surgery on 26/06/2023
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closer-stars · 4 years
Gut Feeling (4)
Member: San Genre: Angst???? Just a lot of discomfort and tension tbh Word Count: 12k (what the actual--) Requested: Yes Content: Like what I said, lots of discomfort in this. Anyways yay tension. Food mention bec people need to eat. Idol life is messy as heck. :flashes a peace sign through the stress: Also roughly around last few weeks of inception going thanxx promotions lmao  Note: One month later, Part 4 is here. Apologies for the late delivery, my mental health really took a dive with everything happening lately. Things are kind of looking up but not entirely. Also this idea really marinated in my head that’s why it’s so long... So much you could do with this prompt tbh. TY to @hwaberrykiwi @yeocult @yeochikin and @barsformars for dealing with out of the blue messages regarding this fic when I was writing-- disregarding the weeks long silence from me.... hahah ily i’ll link the previous parts after a day just so this could appear in the tags lol
Part 3
The past few days have been quiet. Nothing came up between the two of you since that night. Nothing came up but things have quieted down. You can only suppose that it’s because of how exhausting it has been. At least that’s what you think when you try to rationalize it to the strained schedules getting to him now. That’s the only way you’ve been able to keep yourself together in front of everyone, by rationalizing everything that feels off with exhaustion. 
It works to a degree. The makeup covers up the lack of sleep beneath their eyes but it can’t add to the needed sparkle in their eyes. That’s where the ring lights come in. Everything physical can be fixed with makeup and lighting, that’s what the industry does. But emotional? That’s another thing altogether. 
Things were technically smooth sailing despite the chaos. You still go home late, just not for the usual reasons. You still go home late when the members stay late in the studio but that isn’t often at this point. They’re still human, they need rest. On the other hand, Hongjoong still goes to the studio though not to the point where Seonghwa has to pester him to go home. You bring Hongjoong home often now. During this leg of promotions, it’s Yoon who brings them to the first half of their schedules, Bae brings them to the second half-- it’s not easy waking up at 4am just to bring eight boys to their schedules. You’re in charge when it comes to the late night schedules. At least this way, you don’t have to talk to them since they’re too worn from the day’s activities. 
Hongjoong sits on the passenger seat next to you, busy eating the dinner you had bought for him. The ride home is quiet, just him munching on his much needed meal and the ice cubes in your respective drinks. 
“Manager-nim?” He speaks up carefully. 
You hum in response, still not tearing your eyes away from the road. 
“Has San been okay?” 
That catches you off guard for a moment. “As far as I know, yes? Did something happen?” Something that didn’t revolve around _that_. 
He sips on his coffee for a moment, mulling over your words. “He’s just been in his head more often nowadays, I thought he might have talked to you about what’s on his mind.” He reasons softly against the lid of his cup. Now he’s not the type to force his members to talk to him about their issues, they do have a day where they gather and talk about concerns from the past week and the upcoming week. Despite that, there are some worries that can’t wait for the weekly session. 
You hum in thought. That’s not good. “He hasn’t told me anything.” You return. How can he? He’s often at the farthest end of the car, slumped over catching up on rest. “Is there something I need to be aware of, Hongjoong?” 
Your words cause him to laugh thoughtfully. “You’d think because I’m the leader, I’d know what’s on their minds…” He starts. “I don’t know what’s on his mind, much less know what could have happened. If he does tell you something that I might need to know...” He trails off, but you understand where he’s trying to get. 
“I know.” You return gently. You had your doubts that he’d talk about it, especially to you. “Don’t push yourself too hard on it regardless. Though, I do think he talks to Seonghwa or Wooyoung about these kinds of stuff doesn’t he?”
“That’s true.” You can tell that the air in the car has eased a little and with that the rest of the drive has turned quiet. 
Upon arriving home, Hongjoong slides off his seat, rearranging his things. Considering the two of you lived in the same building, it was still the two of you on the way up. Perhaps San learned this habit from his hyungs? 
Now that you think of it, you wonder how San has been. You know how tired he is when there’s no cameras around but still he gives so much for the team.
“Manager-nim?” He says carefully while the two of you wait for the elevator to bring you to your designated floors. You respond with a soft hum. “If the boys start to act up, please tell me. I know you’re the manager but sometimes they get too much to handle, I can keep them in line too.” His words cause the corner of your lips to quirk upwards, touched by his worry. 
“It’s okay, Hongjoong. I can still handle you boys.” You tease lightly as you shake off his concern lightly. When the elevator alerts the two of you that you had arrived at his floor, that’s when he realizes that you didn’t press your floor number.
“Hey--!” It’s moments like this that remind you that they’re the youngest in their families. At his complaint, you shoo him off.
“Come on, Hongjoong. You need your rest more than I do.” You wave him off, chuckling at his shocked expression. Maybe being someone who works behind the scenes had its perks even outside the work environment. He pouts at you, unable to argue and he bids you good night, thanking you for the safe trip. 
He arrives at the dorm, which was mostly peaceful save for the frantic clicking of the mouse and keyboard tapping. At least there wasn’t much yelling but he didn’t need to peek into their rooms to know that the guys were playing an intense League match. When he gets to his room, he’s greeted by Seonghwa doing his usual home training. At least he had a shirt on this time. 
“I thought today was your rest day.” He said as he hangs his bag on the corner of his bed. 
The other, still in the middle of a plank, manages to rasp out. “Habits. Hold on.” 
Hongjoong lets him finish his set as he changes into something more fitting for sleep. From the way his hair sticks to his skin, Hongjoong could only guess that this was probably his last set for the night. “Go shower first stinky. We can talk after.” 
Seonghwa looks at his roommate in a mix of fake insult and annoyance. “Say that to me after you do your laundry.” 
He looks at his laundry that seems to agree with Seonghwa. He carries the basket to their washing machine. “Now go stinky.” He repeats much to the other’s dismay, already loading it into the machine. 
After Seonghwa has done his usual lengthy shower-- seriously what does he even do? The two fill the other on how the past few hours went. Particularly, the talks with San and you. 
Seonghwa starts it as he dries his hair with his towel. “San didn’t really say much. He was pretty vague about it, something about feelings and something about wanting a re-do.” It’s usually like that at the start for San, he noticed. Always at a loss for words until he lets himself be alone. Regardless, if there’s something he and Hongjoong have, it’s the sixth sense when it comes to the members. 
The leader hums in response. It was a bit of an expected move from the younger one to keep to himself, he does see a little of himself in that kid. He wasn’t that successful in his conversation with you either. “Yeah, they didn’t really say anything with me either.” He does recount to the best of his memory the entire conversation. 
The two of them sit in silence, both concerned over how this could affect the group. Seonghwa then sits up, eyes shining with alarm. “I think he confessed to them.” 
Hongjoong stares at him, dumbfounded by how he reached that conclusion until he remembers how the members often tease him when you’re not around-- he didn’t really join in on it. How he seems to show off a little more whenever you’re around. It’s to the point he even waits for you after you park the car, none of them even do that. He buries his face in his hands, he knows how San takes rejection so harshly. It’s one of the reasons that propelled that boy to dance like his life depended on it. “And I’m guessing, they didn’t accept the confession.” 
The words make the oldest wince. “Choi San….” Seonghwa groans, dropping his body onto his bed. The two of them realize that there’s a situation on hand and they’re not really sure if the other boys know. Some of them could, some of them might not. “We should probably ask Yunho or Wooyoung if he has said anything in the near future.” 
Hongjoong nods at the suggestion, suddenly too exhausted to say anything else. “Let’s just get some sleep for now. We still have one more leg of Inception promotions this coming week.” 
Seonghwa switches the lights off, knowing full well that once Hongjoong’s in bed, there’s no getting him out of it unless it’s the next day. “Sleep well stinky.” 
-------- The Inception promotions end without a hitch… well as smoothly as it can. Considering that there’s now a quiet lull in between the promotions, the boys have been using the time to clean the choreography and eat. It’s not ATEEZ if there’s no food. You only entered the studio towards the end of their practice, slipping quietly to sit next to their stylist and Manager Bae as they fixed the last changes for their performances. The rest of the members are walking around the studio, breathing heavily after what was probably their nth run of their next promotions.
“You’re bringing them home?” You ask him as the stylists show you the plans for their clothes. You’ve seen some of these fits during the photoshoots and music video shoots but some of these were a first. You were sure the boys would look good in these. You take note of the changes, taking a few photos of the sets to transfer to your laptop.
He hums in affirmation, too busy keeping note of the changes they discussed while you were gone. You notice San’s the only one on the floor, everyone else already packing up their things. 
“Are you going to stay late tonight?” You ask him, as he’s still on the floor, too exhausted to pull himself up. 
“Probably not, I promised Yunho I’d play a few matches of League with him.” Silence falls on the two of you, either one unsure of how to continue the conversation, much less on how to end it. Why did you expect him to stay? For more, why did that make you feel a little heavy? 
“Ah.” It was the only thing you could think of at that moment. 
Your reply causes a pit in his stomach to sink. Without thinking, he returns the question for the sake of conversation, even though there was no point in it. He doesn’t know why he still wants to talk to you, knowing that talking to you only puts more strain to him. “Are you?”
At his question, you nod. A flash of confusion on your eyes that are immediately pushed aside for the sake of professionalism. “Yeah, I have to assist in the deals with the externals team. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You don’t give him another word, opting to end the conversation with a polite bow before making your way to the office. It wasn’t the whole truth, nor was it a whole lie. Regardless, you tear your eyes away from him.
Silence trails behind you and keeps San company for the next few moments. He winces to himself, not liking how things are going between the two of you. He pulls himself up when Yunho calls for him. 
On the way out, you’re greeted by Seonghwa’s figure waiting for the rest of the boys. “Oh, hello Seonghwa.” You say out of surprise. “Not grabbing something to drink from 7/11?” 
His eyebrows raise, not expecting someone to greet him at this time of the night. “Manager-nim!” He greets you with a tired smile. “Are you going home soon?” He asks, standing a little straighter this time. “And, I think we have enough drinks at home…” he mumbles though it doesn’t sound that convincing to you. 
His question makes you smile a bit, but you shake your head at his question. “Unfortunately no. I have to do additional work to do with the externals.” 
His eyes widen at your words. “Did we get more offers?” 
His words make you mull over your thoughts. You know of one offer that’s already confirmed but you doubt they’ve been informed. “Let’s just say, you’re really staying true to the whole Back to Zero hint you’ve pulled during your Crescent Party.” You say with a chuckle. 
He doesn’t get enough time to understand the hint you give him-- a taste of their own medicine towards ATINYs when they ask for hints. Wooyoung’s already calling him annoying nicknames to get him moving and you chuckle at the pained expression on his features. “Go home, Seonghwa. Don’t want Wooyoung to annoy you more. You’ll know this once the deals are finalized.” You bid him goodbye, sparing the boys a wave before retreating to your office. 
It’s already the middle of the second leg of promotions and you’re already at your last leg of energy. You probably need around two to three days to recover properly, at this rate. For now, you try to continue forward, the finish line is oh so near. You slip into the studio, not surprised to see the lights still on, but surprised to still hear ATEEZ at this hour. It’s a familiar sight in front of you: eight tired boys on the floor or slumped against the wall. Those with enough energy throw any apprehension out the window and change their tops in the studio. 
“Are you staying late in the studio tonight?” You ask San as you check the time. The boys are already getting ready to head home, San on the other hand hasn’t moved an inch. He’s in his thoughts as he stares at his bag. Your question, though, brings him out of his head and he picks up himself up. It was a question out of habit, months of having done it over and over, it was still a challenge to curb such actions. 
“Yeah. I need to clean my levels.” It only made sense that you’d bring home since you practically live under the same roof. Were you expecting him to say otherwise? Slightly. He doesn’t look at you but he makes his way to the computer again. 
“San! You’re still staying?!” Yunho exclaims, he’s the last out the door to which San acts as if it was a normal thing. 
He laughs at the shock on his member’s face. “Relax, I didn’t like my levels in the last run so I’m doing it again. Go ahead though, Manager-nim’s bringing me home.” 
“Heyy, we all know that means you’re spending another three hours.” The taller returns with a whine. 
You watch the two banter, a small hint of amusement quirking at your lips but you immediately squash that. You tip your head to quietly bring the attention back to what’s at hand. “Just tell me when you’re done, San. I’ll be at the office.” Without missing a beat, you excuse yourself out of the studio. Two pairs of eyes following your retreating figure until you disappear from their sight.
Once you leave, Yunho looks back at the male with a raised brow. “San.” 
The other makes a disgruntled sound at the tone of his voice. He knows what that means but he just can’t get himself to talk to you still. The taller male leaves him be and his shoulders fall once he’s left alone. No matter how many times he runs the choreography does he find himself satisfied with his performance. He can’t put his 100% into this when a part of him still lingers in thoughts of you. The song still plays on loop but he stops dancing for a moment, trying to bring himself into slowly going through each count to focus on what needs to be addressed. It goes well for the most part but in moments where he needs to catch his breath, to ease his parched throat, his mind stumbles to you. He looks at the clock on the computer screen. 
At least he didn’t hit the three hour mark that Yunho betted on. 
He changes into something less uncomfortable than a sweaty shirt before stepping out of the now dark studio in search of you. He sees the office not too far from where he is; he takes a deep breath, one that he associates with exhaustion rather than apprehension as he walks to where you said you’d be. 
He peeks into the office, seeing you with your fingers threaded to your hair as you write and pause for a moment to shift to your laptop. He stays there for a moment, watching you work in your own zone. He watches you work from time to time, but rarely does he see you scowl at your work. The way your eyebrows furrow at what’s in front of you makes him ponder over what could be giving you a hard time. Maybe he should’ve asked you about yourself as well instead of having your interactions be centered around him. You’ve had a few talks with him though mostly centered around his experience and you occasionally have to reign him in when he’s too caught in his emotions. He wonders if this is why you fell for Seonghwa. He shakes his head to shoo these thoughts before he starts looking like a stalker outside the office, so he knocks twice to get your attention. “Hey,” he trails off, clearing his throat. “Are you ready?” He asks softly, standing awkwardly by the door once you look at him. 
You look at the clock. It hasn’t been three hours, well it’s nearly three hours but not quite. “You finished early. Give me ten minutes.” You note as you pack all your things. 
He stays in his spot, eyes roaming the room, seeing small things that differentiate your space from the others. You had small post-its color coded over some sheets of paper that were unreadable from his spot, typical work essentials along with a small corgi plush the size of his palm resting next to a few pens. The small thing makes him smile for a moment, once he sees that you’re ready to get moving, it disappears. He lets you lead the way to the car, popping his earphones in for the long ride home.
It’s quiet for the entire ride home, except for the radio playing whatever the public has been into. You don’t look over at San to know that he has his earphones in, neither of you try to start a conversation. Maybe it was better that way anyways. 
Once you parked the car, you shake his shoulder gently to wake him up. “We’re here.” He wakes up almost immediately unlike the past times where he makes it near impossible to wake him up. He raises his head, slightly disoriented with the scattered lights in the parking lot, he looks to the driver’s seat and you’re already out of the car. He hops out of the car, running his hand through his hair as he tries to wake himself up. The car beeps and you pull at the door to make sure it’s locked. Once satisfied, you walk around and find him already by the elevator. This surprises you but at the same time were you expecting anything else? 
You put on your earphones as well, as you wait for the elevator to arrive. As much as he wants to get on the elevator first, he wasn’t going to let you be on your own at this hour. The doors slide open and the two of you get on, staying on two opposite ends. Your finger presses his floor, out of habit, then you quickly follow it with your floor number. The cool metal shows a hazy image of your reflection, nonetheless you take the chance to look at yourself. Even against this material, your exhaustion is clear. Your eyes linger to the blurry image of San through the walls and his slumped figure as he looks at his phone. Thoughts of how to mend the relationship bubble in your consciousness only to be popped by the elevator arriving at your floor. “Good night.” You say, out of respect. 
“Good night.” He returns under his breath, and he waits for the doors to close behind you before he lets out the breath he’s been holding. Now that it’s just him, he lets out a long frustrated groan. Why couldn’t he get himself to talk to you? To clear things out? He never gave you the chance to explain yourself or himself. He just took your lack of answer as a no and admitted defeat. Would trying to get you and Seonghwa together mend his damn heart? He’s also selfish. He wants you. He doesn’t want to lose to his hyung but Seonghwa is also his hyung. He’s someone he respects and loves like an actual brother. Another turmoil in his head as he watches the number on the screen reach his floor. 
He arrives at his room, greeted by the sight of Yunho playing League without him. “Damn, look at you. You don’t need me to hard carry you through a match.” San muses as he tosses his bag somewhere in the room. He doesn’t know if Yunho even heard him over the constant comments that the game makes over each kill. Regardless, he needs a shower. 
He comes back from his shower and Yunho’s headset rests on his shoulders, scrolling through the internet mindlessly. “Did you get to talk to them?” Yunho asks, his eyes haven’t left the screen-- probably watching someone’s gameplay. 
San lets out a disgruntled sound as he dries his hair. “I didn’t get to, they had their earphones on.” Even to him, this explanation sounds weak. 
Yunho pauses the video then looks at the male, clearly not buying his words. “San.” 
“I’m serious.” San interjects, his face crumpling in discomfort. “Even in the hours of my practice, they were in the office the entire time.” 
“You know, if you just said you weren’t ready to talk to them, that works too.” Leave it to Yunho to cut to the chase. 
His bottom lip juts out at such a strong statement from his peer. “T-that’s one reason too…” He mumbles as he climbs onto his bed, defeated by how quick it was for Yunho to see through him. 
The other male stays on his seat, leaning against the backrest as he watches the other. “There’s no rush, honestly but bro, you really need to talk to them soon. Your own good is for the good of the group too.” 
His words make the younger look at him weirdly. He’s aware of how his heart is on his sleeve since birth but his words make him wonder just how evident his heart is. The look on his face makes Yunho laugh softly, as much as San does his best to look after everyone, Yunho still had the upper hand of being an actual older brother. It felt like he was talking to his younger brother with how confused San was. “It was kind of obvious that you couldn’t put yourself into the practice earlier San. None of us just commented on it because we know you.” 
San falls onto his pillow, half his face covered by the soft material as he shoots rainclouds at the male who is clearly unaffected by his attitude. How can he? Yunho’s right. It’s obvious when he isn’t putting his heart into it. It’s obvious when he’s got something in his mind while he practices or performs. He didn’t want to affect the boys with his personal issues. While he isn’t ready to talk to you, he needs to find a way to separate his personal life with his work life.
His roommate looks at the bothered male with a sympathetic smile. “Let’s figure this out some other time, it’s 3AM we need sleep.” He shuts off his monitor, already making his way to the lights. In a few days time, their THANXX promotions would start. San’s going to need to separate his emotions soon. Maybe those acting classes would actually help. 
It’s D-2 before THANXX promotions and the staff had made sure the boys were eating right. You were grateful for the existence of yogurt and fruits, otherwise having the boys eat their vegetables would be a headache. They’ve been eating enough while making sure to leave room for their rehearsals. Today’s the last day of practicing in their outfits for the future stages. Thankfully, the clothes for the first stage were already ready. 
You and the rest of the staff had marked the studio with colored tape, while those who were in charge of production already rehearsed how the cameras would move. Truth be told, you haven’t kept up with the news but with how the production team was moving, you could only assume that the cases were rising then dropping. The boys do one run in their stage outfits with little to no issues-- save for San having to pin his pants. Once that was all over, the boys talked with the stylists for any minor changes and reviews for this set while you and the others removed the tape from the flooring. 
The same thing happens for the rest of the night: managers eating ahead, switching around to keep an eye on their rehearsals, the boys eating later on then back dancing and singing. Perfectionists but it is expected, this song was more in their comfort zone after all. You’re the last in the office again, Manager Bae bringing them home this time. Brand deals were your worst enemy but they were a high risk, high reward if done right. 
You peek into the studio, seeing the boys already packing up. Manager Bae is off to the side stretching his back after hours of moving around. You toss the keys to him to which he catches with grace, much to the group’s entertainment. 
San catches your eye and you glance over at him. Something in you hardens but you try to keep it subtle. “Heading home early?” 
He’s caught off guard by the question. “Y-yeah, I’m heading home with them tonight. You don’t have to wait for me.” He answers after recovering his composure. He shifts his face to your direction but you don’t meet his eyes. Silence falls over the two of you for a moment. With that, you nod at his words. 
“Is that so? Then, get lots of rest tonight. I’ll see you guys in the morning.” With that, you tip your head to bid him goodbye, shuffling away from him and into your office. You don’t give him time to ask if you were going home as well.
His eyes follow your figure as you quickly leave the room and something in him causes him to let out a sigh. He doesn’t have the heart to stop you, wanting nothing but to relieve his stress with a match or two against Yunho. Hell, even just sleeping doesn’t sound like a bad idea. He lets out another sigh, shoulders dropping lower than usual before he steps out of the studio as well, greeted by the sight of his fellow members, bustling about by the elevator. 
Sometimes being quick on your feet had its perks, for example, you slipped away from the boys before they could see you scurry away to your office. Once you had arrived, you let out the breath you’ve been holding in since you left the studio. Now that you don’t wait for San in the studio anymore, your schedule has gotten a lot freer than expected. While this should be a good thing, your body isn’t used to it and ends up restless. You sink into your chair, looking through your to-do list. You should be accustomed to rapid changes, but this was a change you had trouble getting used to. For months, you did your work in the studio, while San practiced his dancing and singing. It was to the point where you gave up using earphones to focus and let San perfect his technique until it became white noise to your ears. Now, the silence was deafening. Earphones are popped into your ears, putting your music on shuffle. 
[ Manager Bae to Manager Chat ] Bringing the kids home today! You guys want anything on the way back? 
You bring your phone up to your eyes, a frown on your lips as you think of what to reply. 
[ You to Manager Chat ] Sweet Cream Cold Brew and chicken sandwich please? I’m staying in the office for overtime lol
[ Manager Bae to Manager Chat ] Call. 
You look at the time. It’s 9PM. He won’t be back until 10 or 11 depending on the rush. Hell, you realized that it’s been a while since you managed to catch a breather in the office. You could barely keep your focus so you end up looking through your phone, doing the routine clean up for the sake of your phone memory. 
For the sake of your sanity, for once, you don’t push yourself to work at least until your (late) dinner comes in. You decide to call your best friend, in need of an ear that would listen because shit your thoughts are just a jumbled mess now. Her phone rings on and on, until you reach the familiar beep of a call untouched. You try again but you receive the same flat note. You tap the red icon on your phone and opt to send them a message. 
[ You to Jiwoo ] Need to talk to you about some personal stuff. Nothing life threatening, just super stressed. 
You put your phone away and stare at your emails and paperwork. If you can’t write something up, at least you can organize something right? It’s mindless work until Manager Yoon comes back. Jiwoo replies after a while. 
[ Jiwoo to You ] Good that you said it’s not life threatening. I just finished watching a zombie movie. I’m free Sunday night/Monday.
Her life choices barely faze you at this point. 
[ You to Jiwoo ] Smart choice to watch a zombie movie at night. I’ll be free by like… past midnight?
[ Jiwoo to You ] I’ll buy the soju. Bring mixers and some food. 
You break into a fit of giggles at her words. A serious heart-to-heart talk was always capped off with a chill drinking session at her place. 
You continue to organize your files, moving some of the files to a hard drive, especially now that some of these files were for the duration of Inception promotion. As you go through your files, you’re greeted by various selfies from the boys, some expected from twenty something boys, some looking very much boyfriend-dol of them. Most of them coming from Seonghwa and San, though San beating the older by a few more. You remember how the conversations always went; San would always ask which one was better, you always doubted the legitimacy of your decisions as usually the social media staff were in charge of that. He would pester you still for which one was better until you chose something. Now that you look at them with the current situation in hand, things slowly made sense. 
A heavy sigh slips through your tired lips as you watch the bar fill up, waiting for all these documents and photos to be in your hard drive. You know some of these photos were going to be needed for their birthday videos and other special events so it was best to not delete anything. Somehow your need to organize everything overpowers the small part in you that wants to process and understand everything that happened between you and San. 
“I’m back!” Manager Bae declares much to your surprise. You jolt up in your seat, surprised by his sudden presence and you look at the time. 10:15PM. 
“No traffic?” You ask and your eyes trail to the food in his hand. He catches how your eyes look at the bag of food instead of at him to which he laughs, like manager, like idol after all. The older male places your food on your table before he settles down by his space. 
“Surprisingly none,” he starts, while you rummage through the bag for your sandwich first. “The boys fell asleep fast in the car too so things went smoother than expected.” 
“They’ve been constantly on the move since September, haven’t they? It’s bound to catch up to them.” You say before taking a bite. With your free hand, you skim through your documents and emails. “After this round of promotions, they have a show with Kakao plus acting offers already. It’s almost still full speed ahead for them, still. You told the boys of the acting offers already didn’t you?” 
“Yeah, Yunho and Jongho are the most excited for it. Expected since they’re the most vocal about wanting to venture into acting.” You could already picture the looks on their face when their wish came true and it brings a small smile to your face. It’s moments like that that makes you think your work is worth it. A few minutes pass as you get halfway through your sandwich and Manager Bae stands up again, ready to call it a day. “Are you still working overtime?” He asks as he glances at the time. 
You take a sip of your coffee, feeling a little awake from the gradual caffeine fix. “Yeah, probably just two hours more. I just want to finish all of these deals and stuff.” He looks at you with a hint of concern but nods. You were a stubborn one, not wanting to stop when the finish line is so close. 
“Don’t forget you got the car keys for tomorrow’s schedule.” 
That makes you pause to do the math of your travel time plus sleep. You have enough time if you keep to your schedule. With that set, you flash him a reassuring grin. “Duly noted with thanks. Get some sleep already, you’ve been on your feet since early morning.” You say as you wave him goodbye. He laughs at your choice of words but lets it be. With that, you’re alone again. Alone with your thoughts and your work. 
Maybe silence wasn’t the best way to deal with this. 
[ You to Jiwoo ] Fuck it. I’m gonna send you voice notes of everything that has happened. Cause I swear if I don’t get this out of my system, I might just lose it. 
You look at the text you composed for a few moments, you’re in bed now, drying your still damp hair. You remove everything and write everything down in your notes app instead. There were things that were better mulled about first instead of being spoken about recklessly. The blank message box taunts you to say something but you don’t. Instead, you put your phone away and ready yourself for sleep. 
You wake up to your phone buzzing reminding you of the new day. The last you remember of your hazy dream was San. [dream dialogue?] You’re not sure if that was a good dream or not, details fade before you could make more sense of what it was. Regardless, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth about today. 
[ You to ATEEZ ] I’ll wait for you boys at the parking lot. Be there by an hour latest. 
[ Seonghwa to ATEEZ ] frodo_thumbs_up
With his reply, you trust that the rest of them would know of your order. You finally get out of bed, getting ready to start what could be another long day. Once you look presentable, you make sure you have everything you need for the day. As you make your way to the parking lot, you look through your messages, and you feel a little better knowing that all your drafted proposals have been approved and are just waiting for the green light from the partners. This also means you have to give the boys the rundown soon. You sent a message to the manager chat of the updates. 
The doors open and one by one the members enter, causing the van to roar to life-- in this case, not the engine. The sudden influx of noise startles you, nearly dropping your phone in the process. 
“Manager-nim!” whines Wooyoung, who was seated right behind your seat. “Why don’t you pick us up from the dorm anymore?” 
You reach behind you to pat his head, or well whatever you can pat more of. “Wooyoung, you boys are already adults..” You reason lightly, trying to keep your tone light. Unfortunately, your head is anything but light. How exactly do you make sense of a dream where someone who has feelings for you appears in them? Especially a talent. You’ve heard stories, rare that they ended on a good note too. 
Those words bring some sort of feeling in San. A bitterness that not even his performance insecurities could bring. He had his earphones in, not wanting to talk to anyone this early. 
‘San’s not a morning person for the most part, just let him warm up on his own.’ 
Manager Hwang’s voice rings in your head and it’s the only thing that’s trying to reason with your uneasiness. Once you’ve appeased Wooyoung, you count the boys to make sure they’re all accounted for before driving them to the company. 
The car mellows down into quiet murmurs between those who were awake and in between awake and slumber. It felt like everything was back to normal for the most part. 
Things go by like normal, stylists who you haven’t seen due to schedule changes have decided to gush to you over the latest gossip that you missed out on. At least they were nice enough to gossip with you after styling the boys, otherwise that would’ve been a disaster. 
“Yes, so they disregarded their contract and are dating a fan.” The tone gives you an odd impression. 
“You make it sound like this isn’t the first time he’s done it.” You note, frowning at such idea entering your mind. It’s the look on the stylist’s face that tells you you’re correct. 
He sighs. “I’ve worked with them for a number of years, their contract states they’re not supposed to date for at least two years after debut. This boy doesn’t even cover it up while doing his work. I’m not one to shame an idol for dating, I’m worried for those who have to cover up his trail and his members if he gets caught.” 
Your blood runs cold at that. It sounds all too familiar for you. But you don’t show signs of your fear to the stylist, knowing better than to talk about issues of the heart with that at a time like this. That said, you opt to just frown and sigh at such actions. It’s hypocritical of you but you couldn’t get yourself to act any other way. “I hope he gets his act together.” You mumble. 
“Who gets his act together?” 
Everyone jumps at the sudden voice and heads turn to the direction. You stand up immediately after calming your racing heart. “Wooyoung! Don’t scare us like that!” While your tone carries no hint of malice or disappointment, it does carry a tone of someone who is used to his antics. 
Your nagging causes him to snicker. “Sorry for scaring you.” He starts, while giving the other staff members an apologetic bow. “Who were you talking about?” Leave it Wooyoung to sniff out the sauce. 
At his question, you shake your head, flicking his forehead in the process. “Nothing that concerns you, Wooyoung. You’re done with your hair and make up?” You shift the topic to something else, much to the relief of the staff and your heart. 
“Yes~” God, it’s so difficult to stay mad at this boy. You watch him shuffle away to change into his performance clothes then shift your attention to the rest of the boys who were just catching up on a few minutes of sleep while waiting for their call time. 
Today’s stage for them was going to be pre-recorded as they had another guesting at the time the music show will air. You wake up those who were still asleep when they had thirty minutes before their call time. “Guys, get ready. You’re going to be called to perform soon.” You say softly, not wanting to scare them. This somehow gets them on their feet quicker than expected, you look around then you spot the camera pointed at their direction. As a reflex, you immediately cover your face and you’re thankful that San managed to step in front of you, now joking about with Wooyoung as they warm up. You take the chance to slip away from the camera and you watch from a distance as they get ready, right on time for one of the production staff to usher them to the stage as they hand them their microphones. 
Once they bid their goodbye to the camera and make their way off to the sides of the stage, a part of you falls into unease. Seasoned eyes look around the room, trying to spot for anything that the boys may have forgotten. ‘Mingi didn’t forget his gloves, same goes for Wooyoung. Did Seonghwa not wear his choker…?’ You ask yourself questions, all of which were answered as you look around the room and the tables. A part of you wants to assume this is just your brain drifting to that weird dream you had and for once, you hope that this logical side of you is right. 
The monitor in the room has you watching how the boys do their rehearsals, two of which were to get used to the stage difference, the last being for the camera work. Once all that was done, alongside the makeup retouches, they were ready for the final run. It’s not a surprise that the last run was better than the rest, you checked your phone, it would take them roughly ten minutes to get back to the room. 
It’s been a while since they finished and you excuse yourself from the mindless chatter the other staff had busied themselves with. “Get ready to pack up already.” Your voice gentle but still holding authority as you knew of their schedules. Where were the boys? You step out of the room looking for them. It took a few moments until you did find them but they made no move of leaving their spot. Something in you forces you forward and you see one of the production staff members throwing their anger on them. 
“Excuse me, did something happen?” Truth be told, you hate confrontations but this is part of your work. If this argument is stretched any longer, you fear that the boys would be late to their next schedule. 
The staff member’s voice booms, bouncing off the walls, as he decides to lecture you on how to make artists be aware of their own mishaps with logistical matters. While he didn’t call you names, it was evident that his anger was starting to become misdirected. It’s a miracle how you managed to hold your ground amidst the tirade despite the storm brewing behind your eyes. So you smile, bright and easy against the man. “Yes, while I would like us to deal with this now, I have to bring these boys to their next schedule--” He cuts you off with another rant, and your features stiffen. As you were about to open your mouth, you feel someone’s arms block you. A few blinks try to get you back to reality and you look at the arm in between you and the staff. 
Hongjoong and San are trying to appease the staff member. Your mind goes into static, you tell the others to go back to the room to pack everything up. “Meet you by the car. Your next schedule is an hour away. Let’s hope there’s no traffic.” You say and Yunho manages to reign the rest in to do as told. Afterwards, you shift your attention back to the staff and put the two boys behind you. “I’ll cut to the chase. Here’s my contact details.” You bring out your calling card and place it in his hands. “We can arrange damage fees by tonight. I apologize for the hasty end to this discussion but the boys still have promised schedules to fulfill.” You bow out of respect and apology and leave the scene. The three following you close behind. 
You know the three are talking, over what? You aren’t sure. Your mind’s on auto pilot, overwhelmed with everything. The stress has been at an all time high for you but you always push it down, focusing on what’s in front of you. Yet, the staff’s outburst is probably the last thing that’s going to break you. A subtle pinch to your arm and you bring yourself back to reality. You check their dressing room and everyone’s already gone except for the boys who were just about to open the door. “Good, let’s go.” 
The trip to their radio guesting was bustling with confusion towards the angry staff as they try retrace their steps towards that event. You on the other hand, are just grateful for the lack of traffic, you’ll get to the next schedule with a few minutes to spare. Nothing from their discussion enters your ears, too focused into making sure that everyone gets to their destination in one piece. You can deal with your emotions and reactions when the day ends. 
On the other hand, San’s been brooding about what has happened. Seonghwa and Hongjoong ask the members about the broken mic that fortunately lasted until the end of their performance. He didn’t like how things played out there. A lot of things are brewing in his mind, all of which were related to you and Seonghwa. His shortcomings of not responding immediately also being an additional burden. The staff’s outburst stunned everyone and it was Seonghwa who managed to respond first by stepping in between the two of you. As expected of the eldest. Hongjoong and him only snapped out of it after he moved. No wonder, you preferred his hyung.  Something was swirling in his pit and it wasn’t anything good.
Before San could make sense of these conflicting emotions, the car smoothly parks and the doors slide open. “We’re here.” You state and you hop off the car. He blinks out of his thoughts and follows the rest of the boys. They’re greeted by a warmer group of staff who give them a rundown of what’s to happen for this guesting. They’re greeted by lunch sets with their names on it and that was enough to elicit excited chatter from them. When the staff informs them that they’re eating as well in front of the camera as they talk about their album, it gets only louder from there. Even it gets him flashing a genuine smile, they drop their bags off in the room before being ushered to where teh show will be aired. 
You followed the boys and were greeted the same way they were greeted. You talk with some of the staff on the way inside, they hand you your lunch set and you stare at it dumbfounded. “I don’t remember this being part of the fee..” You mumble. The staff catches your words and she beams at you.
“It’s on us! We know you guys have been on your feet for so long, so we figured it would be good to give you guys something to eat.” She explains and it’s another whiplash of emotions in you. Maybe you do need a day off soon. You look at the woman in stunned silence for a moment before bowing out of gratitude. 
As the boys do their thing in front of the cameras, you stay in the room, slowly eating the meal you were gifted with. Your confusing dream must have been a warning of what this day would be. With this hour to yourself, your mind wanders to the gossip earlier: an idol dating behind everyone’s backs, for the lack of a better term. You shared the same sentiments, idols should be able to date whoever they want, but it’s the disregard to their contract and group that stresses you out more. One way or another, it strays towards San’s confession and his avoidance. He’s a man with his heart on his sleeve, and a head more stubborn than a bull. Just who did he think you had an interest on? You were mindlessly picking at your food, before snapping out of it when you remembered that you were eating. It took longer for you to finish your meal, not used to these portions after months of being on the move but you managed. Your phone buzzes and it startles you out of the silence. 
[Jiwoo to You] What time are you free
[Jiwoo to You] need your help on making a statement. 
You stare at the messages in confusion. What is she on? Just as you were about to answer, you hear the claps and the choruses of ‘You did well!’, ‘Thank you for the hard work!’. 
[You to Jiwoo] three hours. 
[You to Jiwoo] what happened?
You keep your phone and clean up after yourself just in time for the boys to enter the room with the same staff member telling them that the meal is free. The director follows them and thanks everyone for the successful shoot, thanking you as well for taking care of the eight boys. The praise catches you off guard and all you could do is laugh softly and thank them for their words and work. 
Everyone could feel the end of the day’s schedule when they hit the road back to the agency. The boys were still in their stage outfits and they wanted nothing but to be in something more comfortable. For once they weren’t fast asleep in the car, they were too busy eating still (is there even a limit to their appetite?). All you could hear was their chewing and occasional excited yelling because of how kind the staff were to provide them with food and just let them talk about their album freely. A part of you smiles as they recount the last schedule. Let them have their fun before they end up talking about that damned mic. You had to admit though, hearing them eat is kind of making you hungry too. 
“We’re here.” You state and everyone’s surprisingly finished with their meals. They’re that hungry? They hop off the car and rustle about to return into their regular clothes. They had to return these clothes to their stylists to prep them for the succeeding weeks of performance. 
Once they’re greeted by their stylists, the environment suddenly booms with energy. Food really does something to these eight boys. It takes a while before you’re greeted by them in their normal clothes again. Their makeup long gone as well. They look like regular twenty something like this. Manager Yoon exits the office, taking the keys from you, the swift work surprising you. 
“My turn, remember? Hongjoong is staying late tonight..” 
You pout, sometimes being the youngest in a company makes it easy for your seniors to tease you. After his words, you nod. “Alright, just give me the keys when you get back.” You wave the rest of them goodbye, and you look at Hongjoong who’s just leaning against the wall. “Are you going to stay late to work on music?” 
He flashes an apologetic smile. “You need our side of our story too.” 
This was going to be a long day but it had to be addressed. You just hope it would end with enough time to get to talk to Jiwoo. 
The next few hours went by with the two of you trying to clear everything. Hongjoong recounting everything that had to deal with the microphone before the staff’s outburst. He even apologizes for you becoming the victim to those words. 
“Hongjoong, it’s not your fault. You don’t have to apologize for something you didn’t do.” You counter gently. You just wanted your bed, to just retreat from today’s events. You can write up an email to the staff in the morning. 
“It’s still our fault, regardless, that you had to deal with that.” Hongjoong returns, he’s not angry at all. On the contrary, he’s frustrated. Not only does he have to deal with schedules on top of schedules, composing, and San’s emotions, he had to deal with an unnecessary outburst that shouldn’t have been directed at you. 
You just flash him a smile, dropping the topic. “Anyways, I’ll relay this to the staff in the morning. Manager Bae will be in charge of your schedules tomorrow.” You look at the time, only half an hour before Jiwoo calls. “Let’s get going?” 
The ride home is quiet as well, at least the silence isn’t stifling. He busies himself with his phone, looking through anything new that has happened in social media. You look at the clock from time to time, a little bit worried for your friend who would call anytime soon. 
“Are you okay?” Hongjoong asks, his voice snapping you out of your anxious state.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He doesn’t need to deal with your own issues. “Can you keep an eye on my phone? I’m waiting for a call.” You ask just in time for the light to turn green. 
He spots your phone, leaning against the cup holder and puts it on his lap as he goes through his phone. Fifteen minutes in and your phone suddenly vibrates in his hand. He looks at the screen and reads the name out loud. “Jiwoo is calling you..” He says, a little confused if this is the call you were waiting for. 
An annoyed hiss slips from your lips. “Pick it up.” It was inevitable. 
“I’m driving.” You state, asking for a few more minutes. Voice a little louder, to carry over to your phone.
“I’ll be quick, I need your help making a statement.” Her voice rings loud and clear. You look at Hongjoong, he probably put it on speaker. You shoot him a look to keep quiet. 
“On what?”
“Fans found out one of my idols is dating and have been emailing the agency nonstop. I made a draft already and I need your eyes and thoughts to fix any errors.” She says and you rub your temple with your free hand. 
“Send the draft to my email. I’ll get to it in forty five minutes. I’m on my way home.” You state, as you drum your fingers against the steering wheel. “I’m guessing this is what the staff was talking about earlier.” You say though a little softer. 
“You know how word travels fast in this industry.” She returns with a groan. “Call me when you get home, I’ve sent the email already.” 
“Will do, bye.”
She hangs up and you let out the breath you’ve been holding. The silence that hangs over you and Hongjoong is heavy. “Whatever just happened, is between us. If the others find out about it, let them find out about it themselves.” You rarely sound this stern and stressed that all Hongjoong could do is nod. 
Maybe that was why you rejected San. Jiwoo was right, word travels fast in this industry, it’s why he always has to make sure the boys don’t go out of line too much for their sake. He lets them learn from their mistakes but none of them grave enough to affect their name. This one though seemed heavy, especially if fans were emailing the company already. He was going to need to talk to someone though to know how to deal with San should things go out of hand. But how can he when you tell him not to with such a tone? Hell, you don’t even know that he knows that San confessed to you. 
Once you enter the parking lot you unlock the doors. “Get out of the car already, so that once I park the car smooth ride up to our apartments.” You say, a little gentler this time as you seem to have calmed down after such a bombardment of information. He looks at you with raised brows but follows nonetheless. 
By the time you get out of the car, you see Hongjoong waiting for you with the doors already open. An odd weight falls between the two of you as the doors close. 
“Is that why you rejected San?” Hongjoong carefully asks as the elevator slowly goes up. 
Your eyes are shut as you let yourself catch a breather before answering his question. “You know already, huh.” 
“Seonghwa and I kind of figured it out with his sudden mood shifts.” He reasons. “Yunho figured it out too but I doubt the others do yet.” He adds. 
A groan slips from you and you want nothing to just slip down the floor. “Can we talk about this confession thing when your Thanxx promotions end?”
“That’s too far..” He tells you. For once, you can see why the members look up and respect him so much. 
A pause. 
“Fine, Monday. You have no schedules anyways.” This makes him smile a bit. The sooner this is fixed, the better. The conversation is fortunately, cut short when the elevator rings at your floor. “Get some sleep, Hongjoong.” You bid him goodbye as you step out. 
He calls for your name carefully and you stop in your tracks. The lights from the elevator hasn’t closed either so you turn to look at him properly. “Thank you really for everything. You can lean on me or Seonghwa at least, for anything.” 
Something in you softens at those words and you nod. “Yes, sleep well Hongjoong. Manager Bae’s going to be the one in charge of your schedules in the morning and afternoon.” With that he waves you goodbye, the doors closing between the two of you. 
Once you were left alone, your eyes heat up but you shake yourself back to reality. “Still got work.” You remind yourself. 
You don’t know what time you fell asleep, but it’s already noon. “Shit.” You immediately check your laptop if you’ve sent the revised statement to Jiwoo that you worked on. A relieved sigh escapes your lips when you see that you did. You reviewed your emails and see if there’s anything you need to get done. For the first time, you don’t have much to deal with so you check on your social media to see what’s been going on. 
The idol that Jiwoo was stressing over last night is trending. 
You stare at his name for a few moments, deciding if you should check what the noise is about or what the fans have been saying but you think otherwise. Instead, you opt to get ready for what’s left of the day before heading to the agency. 
The boys were on their phones while waiting for their call time. Some of them playing video games while the others look at social media. They see a familiar name on the trending topics and decide to see what’s going on. 
Seonghwa immediately leans to Hongjoong and shows the news to which the latter winces. He looks over at San and he and Wooyoung are also looking at the same post. 
“Should I message him?” Wooyoung asks, he glances over at the older two when he feels their gazes on him. “Did you see the news too?” 
“Yeah. Check on him if you can.” Seonghwa gently urges, worried also for their friend. Truthfully, the rest of the group wasn’t that close to that idol but considering Wooyoung, he’s bound to have some sort of friendship with him. 
San’s busy in his head, mulling over the news. They just resigned. Their friend resigned over being caught in a dating news. His eyebrows are furrowed, deep in thought as he’s just as worried as his friend but he’s worried also for you. For some reason, even when he tries to avoid you, his thoughts still go back to you. How many messages has he composed that he would delete? How many times has he tried to get himself to act normally only to fail and close himself off from you? 
Hongjoong keeps his eye on his two members, clearly with their own problems regarding the news. He knows one will be fine, but the other… it’s hard to say. He looks over at Seonghwa who’s a little bothered by the entire thing as well. “We need to talk to Manager-nim later.” 
“I’ll handle it. Think you can handle San for the time being?” 
[Jiwoo to You] well fuck, regardless of the statement, they just resigned. 
It takes a moment for you to understand what she was referring to but once you did, you freeze up. It’s like all your biggest fears were coming true, though not for you, it’s right in front of you. 
[You to Jiwoo] drinks this weekend? Your place? 
[Jiwoo to You] call. 
You were going to put your own problems on the back burner for now. This girl probably had to hold so much together thanks to that guy and now things aren’t getting any better until probably months down the line. Too busy in your own thoughts, you accidentally spill water on yourself. “Please.” You murmur to no one in particular as you wrap your jacket around your waist before cleaning up the mess in the kitchen. 
[Seonghwa to You] Are you free later? I think we need to talk about San. 
And here you are thinking you were their manager but then again, the age difference makes it easier for them to see you as their friend after work. You lean against the back rest of your chair. 
[You to Seonghwa] Yeah, free by 6pm. I’ll wait for you. 
Seonghwa shows the reply to Hongjoong and they relax a little. They need to know what you think of San because it was starting to get clearer that you never gave him a definite response to his feelings. 
You stare at your messages, even going as far as reading through your conversations with San which consisted of various topics and banter-- with the occasional fishing for praise from him.
 Why were you so affected by his feelings? 
You spend some time watching some of the videos he has of the members having fun, you could clearly hear his laughter on one of them and it makes you smile a bit, missing that sound a little too much. 
It takes your phone buzzing with another notification to snap you out of your thoughts. “Ah, two more hours.” You note at the time, not really looking forward to your talk. 
[You to Seonghwa] do you want me to get you something to eat as well? Lol
[Seonghwa to You] hehe please?
[You to Seonghwa] lmao, fine. 
Still a kid at heart, really. 
If the food you have on the counter from 7/11 says anything, it’s that you decided to wait for Seonghwa before eating, and that you’re prepared for his appetite. 
[You to Seonghwa] I’m at the office kitchen. 
[You to Seonghwa] I also have meat. 
[Seonghwa to You] ^^*
His reply makes you snort, already picturing his excited grin at the mere mention of meat. It won’t be too long before they arrive at the office. The door opens mere minutes later and while you expected the room to suddenly boom with noise, it was only Seonghwa who entered the room. He catches the look in your eyes and for some reason wanted to tease you about your feelings but now isn’t the right time for that. 
“Relax. Everyone else is just changing and getting ready to head home. I told them I’m staying behind to do some vocal practice.” He knows you well enough to know that you need the complete story when it comes to their schedules. Also because it’s not the complete truth. 
You sigh in relief and gesture for him to sit and eat already. “Let’s talk about it when everyone else is gone.” 
“No one can hear us here. The room next to us is the gym, the room next to the gym is the studio so you’re fine.” 
“Seonghwa.” You say, still a little tense with the mere idea of the boys walking in on your talk. 
“You can’t push this away forever.” He cuts you off, his voice taking on a little bit of strength that surprises the two of you. The look on your eyes makes him look away as he starts to eat. “I’m sorry about the tone but I’m serious. You can’t push this away and think it’ll fix itself.” 
Silence falls on the two of you as you unpack your meal. You let go of the tone slipup, he was right and you doubted this issue could wait for Jiwoo. So while you wait for your respective meals to heat up, you tell Seonghwa what happened: starting from the small things San would do since your first day up until the moment he confessed to you. You admit that you were stumped into who he would think that you would fancy as you have inevitably been stuck to them since their promotions started. 
That’s one thing Seonghwa didn’t expect, sort of. San’s jealousy is something everyone’s familiar with but jealousy in the aspect of romance wasn’t something Seonghwa expected in this situation. It actually makes him forget that his meal is still hot, causing him to slightly burn his tongue from the unexpected temperature spike. At the sight of his blunder, you hand him a glass of water to which he refuses as he struggles to chew the hot piece of beef. You decide to just watch his struggle as you sit there and eat your food. 
Once he succeeds, he takes a few sips of water. His eyes clearly watery from the pain. “Are you okay or do you need a moment?” You ask him, trying to hide the fact that you were amused by his struggle to regain his composure. He finishes what’s left of his water before he turns his attention to you. 
“Did you ever tell him your answer to his confession?” He asks you and it’s the way your shoulders drop that tell you that how you answered or lack thereof is the reason why San is the way he is. “You didn’t tell him that you like him too?” 
Now’s your turn to choke on your food. You stare at him incredulously as you try to regain some sort of control with your food mishap. “W-wait..” you sputter out as you try to catch your breath. It takes some time before you’re able to breathe normally and eat. “I never said anything about me liking him?” 
“You never told him?” 
“How do you even react to someone who tells you they like you while nearly about to fall asleep while standing?” 
“I don’t know…” he trails off, gathering the right words in his head, just as he was about to continue, the door swinging open causes the two of you to stop. 
“Didn’t know you guys were still here.” To be honest, you didn’t think San would be in the studio either. 
“San-ah, I thought you went home with the rest of the boys already.” Seonghwa says, straightening up as he sets his food down. The younger catches how his hyung’s eyes flit to you then to him. 
The younger steps inside the kitchen, refilling his water bottle. “I didn’t. I wanted to squeeze in a workout. I thought you left already.” He returns. All you want to do right now is leave the room. He turns to the two of you once his bottle was filled and it’s unnerving to see his eyes look so steely. 
“I was going to leave later but we can go home now.” Seonghwa returns calmly. His eyes return to you trying to look as if he was asking if they can go home. You knew better, the talk was going to happen some other time. With that look, you quickly finish your meal, then packing up the trash. 
“Sure. Let’s go home.” 
The ride home wasn’t any better: both of them busy with their phones, both sitting at different sides of the car. At least you had full control of the radio. 
Now in San’s eyes, he wonders why Seonghwa would’ve said he was going to do some vocal practice when he was eating dinner with you in the kitchen. He didn’t think of his hyung as someone who would lie. He’s better than that isn’t he? The younger does feel a sense of annoyance though, that he would say such only to go behind their backs and eat with you. He’s trying hard not to think of the worse of his hyung knowing well that he’s the better option between the two of you, but with the recent news of their friend resigning due to dating along with his feelings for you? It’s a challenge. He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath, doing his best to calm himself down. 
“San-ah, your shoulders are tense.” The older’s soft voice calls him out of his thoughts and it effectively gets him to drop his shoulders. Seonghwa looks at the other for a moment then returns his gaze to his phone. He worries of what goes on in his head especially after seeing the two of you in the kitchen. He genuinely didn’t think that San would stay late especially during promotional periods. He worries that he may have made it worse for everyone, especially him and you. 
“We’re here.” Your voice makes the two raise their heads from their screens. The cold lighting of the parking lot telling them that they are home. You hop out of the car first, waiting for them to get out while making sure you got everything with you. Seonghwa goes ahead, hoping that the talk (or whatever was talked about) makes you move. 
San does it for you though. “So I guess I got my answer?” He pipes up, lingering around you. His gaze beyond you but at his hyung who’s waiting for the lift. Your confused look makes him hiss in frustration. His reaction makes you snap, too tired from all the mental gymnastics you do, too tired from bringing them from point A to point B day in and day out, too tired from keeping yourself together for their sake, for your friend’s sake and for yourself. 
“San, how sure are you about it? All of it? You’re confusing my care for something else. Everyone is worried about you, I have to worry about you as well and while I am your friend, I’m still your manager. At the end of the day, my job is to make sure you guys are able to do your job as artists.” Your blood runs cold at how those words rush out of you, you could barely look at him. The only thing you can hear is your heartbeat and the car’s security lock. “San, how sure are you about my feelings? How are you filling in the blanks that I should be filling?” 
Those words make his feet move, leaving you in the dirt as he walks over to where Seonghwa is. For a moment, you feared that he would get physical-- boy has a black belt after all. He doesn’t. He just lingers by the back, waiting for the lift. He should’ve done a more strenuous workout just so his mind would stop running. 
Seeing him look like so makes you sigh. You had to admit your faults on that, you’re just so tired. You promised your day off would be after promotions but you kind of wish you could make it earlier and have it this week. By the time you arrive at where the two are, the doors of the elevator opens letting the three of you in. You don’t press your floor number first, letting the boys get their rest first. You’re getting additional hours of sleep today anyways. 
“Good night.” You mutter as the two of them step out of the elevator. Seonghwa returns the greeting and so does San. Though one looks back and gives you a friendly wave, the other stalks off, shoulders just as tensed as it was earlier. You look at Seonghwa and shake your head. That’s all he needed to know as to how the mere moments he was out of earshot went. 
“Joong and I will deal with him. Get some rest and think it through. We still need to talk again.” 
“Yeah.” You just hope you didn’t fuck it up for everyone. Something in your gut told you otherwise. 
Part 5
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Prologue: History
Characters: OFC (Shane Benton), OMC (Elliott Thomas)
Summary: Shane Benton is a hard-working physical therapist and a loving girlfriend…but her boyfriend has a less than desirable way of showing it.
In case you’ve fallen behind or want to read more of my drabbles!
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings:  Language, mature themes, angst, infidelity, domestic violence (moderate). Yeah, this may be a tad rough for some readers, but I tried to be mild, and mostly implicit. It was hard still, to see my fictional offspring go through this, even if she gives as good as she gets!
Author’s Note: Oh, y’all. When I needed a break from the sweet tenderness of Chapter 8, I came here and put Shane through some hell. (You can blame one of my friends I was talking about for this angst as they’re the one who put me into angsty headspace by cheating on my other friend! It’s been weighing on me! But I guess at least I’ve been able to use it!) I really hope you enjoy a bit of backstory on our heroine! I really liked writing her ferocity.
Also, I meant to have this posted yesterday, but because of some tragedy in one of my other fandoms (and the world, in general! Rest In Power, Chadwick Boseman!) and a bit of craziness in my personal life (my HS bestie wanted to hang out this weekend, so I spent a lot of time with her…also…I’ve been talking to a real live fella! OMG! And it’s entirely too soon to say that I like him, but like…I very much do…but he’s far away and recently single and things are complicated in just, several ways, so it just can’t happen at this point. But…like, we have been talking a ton recently, and…sigh. I have found it difficult to focus on the matters at hand. But, rest assured, I’m working on Chapter Nine, and it will be up just as soon as I find my rhythm!
Disclaimer: Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism. (Well, this isn’t a super fun chapter, I guess!)
Hope I’m not forgetting anyone! If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! (Also, if you’ve asked and aren’t on the list...well...that would be because I forgot to add you and reminding me will not offend or upset me. I think I might have ADD, or something, and being reminded about things is kind of how I survive!) Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
5 years ago-
Shane got home from work, exhausted. The new electronic documentation system they'd just implemented was kicking her ass. And Anita's, whom she constantly had to help with it, all the while hearing Anita bellow "When can I retire?!" which lost its charm on about the third day.
"Elliott, I'm home." She didn't smell anything cooking, despite the fact that she knew he was off all day today. Whatever. She was used to him doing virtually nothing but whatever hipster bullshit he got up to on Instagram and YouTube, trying to get off the ground as an influencer with a brand…spare her. Since when did that become a job? She didn’t mind to get takeout though, if only she knew he wasn’t cooking. Maybe she should have asked. "Honey, I could have picked something up if--" she was startled by him in the doorway to the hall, in only his anime boxers, looking like he was trying to not be surprised she was home. "What?"
"Nothing, just…excited to see you! How was your day?" Elliott asked, scratching the back of his neck, displacing his mid-length, slightly moppy light brown hair, already disheveled. That was his tell. Something was up. She knew it.
"What's going on? Are you hiding something from me?"
"Why would you ask me that? Don't you trust me, baby?!" he guilted. Knowing just the buttons to push for empathy. It wasn't gonna work today. The machine was all out of that selection and full of his bullshit currency.
"Now that you mention it, no. I sure as hell don't." she walked around to enter the hall and investigate the rest of the house. "Let me through." he wouldn't budge. He had the advantage of physical size, but she was still wearing her work uniform including sneakers…he was more than half naked. She stomped hard on his instep and smacked him in the ear as he doubled over. She felt marginally bad for that in the moment…at best he'd get mild tinnitus for a while. At worst, he could have permanent hearing damage. She'd check later for blood coming out of his ear and see if she should feel worse about it then.
She rounded the corner to their bedroom. The quilt her grandma had made her was carelessly crumpled with the top sheet and blanket at the foot board. She noticed a swatch of an orangey red lipstick on her pillow. The same shade smudged onto the full mouth of the panicking strawberry blonde frantically donning clothes in front of her antique mirror, and the same shade, she was guessing, that was smeared across certain places on Elliott’s body that were now covered by those boxers that she had always hated. You know what, Elliott, she thought to herself. Fuck Bleach, and fuck you!
"I'm sure you're a lovely person who's just been lied to by a very charming and manipulative man, but…you still only have ten seconds to get to my front door before I call the cops." Shane threatened the girl, who couldn't have been more than twenty-one…and he was thirty-three.
"She's my guest." Elliott defended.
"You're not even on the lease. Your credit was too bad." she said over her shoulder while still squared off with the girl. She turned back to her. "I'm trying to be calm here, sweetie. But do not make me tell you even one more time to get out of my…fucking…house." the girl picked up her shoes and a small messenger bag from the floor near where Shane stood, keeping as wide a berth as she could, and skittered out of the room in terror.
"How many times, Elliott?"
"Don't do this, Shane."
"No, I think this is something we should do. Count the times you’ve broken my trust. Kissed another girl, fooled around with one, fucked one…I mean…I've never caught you in our bed before, so this LOOKS like a first…I sure hope it is…because I don't recall you doing any laundry since you've lived here. And if I thought you let me sleep in the same sheets that you…I can't even look at you, you son of a bitch."
"It's not what you think, Shane." he said, calmly, as if he'd simply picked up the wrong consistency of peanut butter from the store. The wrong brand of milk. Not that he ever did the shopping.
"Bullshit. Bull. Shit. Elliott. I come home and find you like this, and there's a girl in OUR bedroom, and her lipstick is all over MY pillow, and your balls, no doubt. Not gonna make you prove it, because at this point, I don't give a shit anymore. I've lost count of how many times I've forgiven you, even times you didn't care enough to ask me to. Times you probably don't even know that I know about. But it's done. You're gonna pack up all your things. And you're gonna be gone by the time I get home from work tomorrow. And don't expect me to be late…because I will not be."
"You're acting crazy. You can't do this. Where will I go, Shane?"
"That's not my concern anymore. Find an apartment that accepts Likes and subscriptions and followers as rent and cherish it. But your free ride here is done. I'm not your mom, your maid, your cook, or…anything to you anymore, Elliott."
He was getting angry now. His nostrils flared and his breaths came more quickly.
"Is this because you're fucking another guy? Hmm?" he got in her space, but she was out of the bedroom and back into the hallway. She shouted back.
"Oh, NOW you're gonna try to deflect this onto me? When in holy hell would I have time to get with anyone but you, when we don't even have sex anymore?! It's been, what, two, three months?"
"You work with guys."
"You have no idea who I am. To think that I would do something like that. No idea at all. If I don't have time at home, I certainly don't have time for sex at work, and you can ask any of my coworkers, male OR female. That place is an unsexy, unholy shit show 90% of the time. And the other ten, it's just above bearable."
"Well, I'm still not going anywhere."
"You are. Like I said. You're not on the lease. And all I have to do is call the landlord and tell him you're here without my permission and he'll have the cops here." she had gotten a glass of water…although she needed something stronger, and was standing by the sink with it. Her mouth was getting dry. She couldn't take much more of this without breaking.
"You wouldn't really do that to me though. I'm the only man who can give you what you want." he grabbed her by the arm, hard.
"Let go of me, Elliott."
"Or what." he asked for it. She got the other instep, his groin, and threw water in his face. She grabbed her purse and bolted out the door.
She got quickly on the phone with Heather her closest friend who had recently been hired on as a secretary for her clinic.
"Yello." she said, cheerful.
"Two things: can I crash at your place tonight and what kind of phone do you have?" she asked.
"Yes and a Galaxy something, I dunno, but what the fresh hell are you talking about?"
"I'll explain when I get there. I’m on my way to CVS for some essentials. Do you need anything?"
"Sounds like we need wine and ice cream!"
"Already on the list." She thanked Heather and hung up, calling her landlord.
“This’s Sam.” She heard over the receiver.
“Sam, I’m sorry to bother you, but I have a situation at the house.”
“What’s goin’ on?” He asked concerned. She’d never rented from anyone so kind. He’d become almost family. Like an uncle.
“Long story short, pest control. I’m kicking Elliott out and he has until the time I get home from work tomorrow. I told him you’d be there with the cops if he didn’t comply because he’s not on the lease. Is there any way you can help me and make that good?”
“He hurt ya, Shane?”
“Not, umm…not physically.” Although she had been rubbing the place on her arm where he’d grabbed her, certain there would be a bruise.
“That’s all I need to know. I’ve got a buddy or two on the squad here in town. I’m sure they won’t mind to help me out. You need anything?”
She held back the tears until she could hang up. “I’m staying over at a friend’s tonight and headed into CVS now for a few things I didn’t take time to grab after I kneed him in the groin and ran out.” She had just pulled into the parking lot.
“Well I’m nearby if you need anything when you’re back home.”
“Thanks. I guess just watch for smoke from the place for now. I don’t know what he might do, honestly.”
Up Next: Prologue: Onset of Injury (Sy)
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theouterbankpogues · 4 years
after sarah doesn’t invite kiara to her birthday party (a jj x kiara fic)
author : theouterbankpogues aka vi
fandom : jj x kie, jiara | outer banks on netflix
tags : the angst, the fluff, the hurt, the comfort y’know!!
warnings : none
i love writing for this ship bc it has a chokehold on me and i just... i’m so helpless lmao. i read this hc set by @lemon-patches​ (which you should definitely go and read bc it’s amazing and all the feelings) and it talked about how jj and ki were each other’s first kiss and no one else knows. this is basically how i imagine it happened. enjoy!! as always the validation feeds me so yeah if you like it pls share it and stuff (i love reading tags on reblogs so lmao do with that what u will). i imagine they are 15/16, about 6-8 months before s1 idk if that adds up but lol thats what i went with. sorry for any errors u may find xx
a little preview so u know what you’re getting into hehe: “They stood like that for a while, long and quiet breaths synced, arms entangled in waist and shoulders, hearts rhythmically beating, just enjoying the warmth of the best friend they dearly missed.”
Tears streamed down Kiara’s face. She knew that calling the cops was petty, she knew it was the worst of her manifesting itself, but tonight Ki couldn’t bring herself to care. She found herself toppling some books off of her bookshelf. She had always known that she wasn’t good enough for Sarah. The Sarah Cameron. God, she felt so stupid.
Another wave of regret coursed through her. The pit of her stomach hollowed when she re-remembered that she’d actually listened to her parents and decided to give her kook year a genuine try. She had distanced herself from the cut and the pogues, her best friends, the people that she could always count on, the people who always cared. She gave it all up for the superficial bullshit she knew would eventually fall apart.
That entire evening, the anger and regret approached her in harsh and unforgiving turns. She couldn’t escape her own thoughts, she was so mad at herself. She had let herself become vulnerable, given herself up for someone to use and dispose. She felt so weak. All she really wanted to do was fit in, to have a normal year where she wasn’t disappointing her parents, where she wasn’t out at unreasonable hours getting her friends out of messes, watching their string of luck grow thinner and thinner with every prank and practical joke. She was tired of being the middle between the kooks and pogues, she loved the latter and she could’t escape the part of her that was the former. She just wanted to resign to one side, she just wanted things to get easier. Kiara had decided to leave everything for some peace of mind, and now she knew she’d made a mistake. She hadn’t even checked in with John B, his dad was missing and she hadn’t even checked in with him. God, she felt so stupid. Her sobs overtook her as she sat at her bed.
She was so exhausted from the crying she could scream, it had been a few long hours. And Ki, in a moment of clarity, convinced herself that she was too strong for that. Even though she felt horrible, she reminded herself that she was too careful to let this anger get the best of her. Instead, she resorted to taking a few deep breaths and cleaning up the various books and stationary strewn across her bedroom floor as a remnant of her anger. What had happened had happened, she was just going to have to figure out how to cope on her own.
Yeah, I just have to figure it out on my own. I’ll be fine.
That’s when she heard it.
Thud. Thud.
‘What the-’
She realised that the sound was coming from her window. Stepping toward the side of her room facing the balcony, she realised that pebbles were currently being thrown at her window by a silhouette below it. She couldn’t tell who it was because the backdoor lights had been switched off for the night. It was well past midnight and her parents were soundly sleeping in the next room, she swore she would never forgive the person currently trying to break her window if they woke up. She didn’t want anyone to see her as the mess she was right now. So as quickly and as safely as Kiara could, she opened the balcony window, “What the actual— JJ? JJ is that you?” Kiara couldn’t really understand what was going on, she had stopped talking to the pogues months ago.
“Yeah, hey Ki! Come down!”
“You heard me bro, get dressed and come down!”
After a curt nod, she went back into her room, changed out of her PJ’s into some joggers and a hoodie and found herself sneaking out the back door out of genuine curiosity. When she was outside, she realised that neither Pope nor John B were with JJ. Along with that, she realised that he had two boxes of pizza and some beer cans set down on the grass next to him.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“I was scrolling through Instagram, realised you weren’t at the party, thought you might need a pick me up,” He seemed to register her tired face and puffy eyes under the dim starlight because he continued, “guess I was right!”
And that’s how, twenty minutes later, JJ and Ki found themselves in a clearing near her house. They sat down opposite each other, the pizza boxes separating them.
“Got your favourite, double cheese, double pepperoni and half the jalapeño.”
Except for the occasional direction here and there, Ki had been quite their entire walk. She couldn’t really even process what was happening. How was JJ here? Why was he talking to her after she’d treated them him like shit the past few months? None of it made sense to her, least of all why this was all from JJ. With all of it perplexing her, the only thing she managed to say was, “You remembered.”
‘Yeah of course I did Ki, just because you stopped talking to us doesn’t mean we stopped caring about you. Come on, dig in, it’s getting cold.”
She didn’t know how to respond to him so she just followed him in picking up a slice from the box. Warm pizza , cold beer and melted cheese heavily complemented the gentle breeze that surrounded them. They fell into a comfortable silence as they ate.
“I’m so sorry.”
“I know Ki-”
“No, everything I did these past few months, the way I cut you guys off, the way I left y’all when you needed me I-”
“Ki we know-”
“God, I’ve been so stupid, I left you guys, like y’all were nothing, y’all needed me and I-”
“Ki, Ki-” Ki just continued, she felt horrible, “KIARA!” JJ saying her full name was so foreign to her, especially since he hadn’t even call her by her nickname these past few months, it undoubtably got her to stop talking.
“I know the pressure your parents put on you to start at that kook academy. Look we all know how hard it is for you to manage these two parts of your life. I know Ki, you don’t have to keep apologising, I know. We know! Why do you think we didn’t try to talk to you when you told us last summer? We want you to do what’s best for you Ki, you are better than us.” At that, Kiara got up and paced back and forth a few steps, remorse hitting her unbearably. 
“I’m not better than any of you. A part of me wanted to leave you all behind.”
JJ’s response was almost instantaneous, “I don’t blame you for it!”
“Well you should! I left you and Pope. I left John B for god’s sake. His dad is most probably dead and I wasn’t theRE.... I-I’m not there.”
At this point the tears had returned to her and she broke on her last word. Her voice wasn’t steady anymore. “I left all of you... I left you.”
JJ couldn’t stand hearing Ki like this, there’s nothing he hated more than having to let down his guard and get real. But JJ, when she said that, realised that this wasn’t about him. 
“Yeah Ki you did, but fuck that. We know you love us, we know that it was a difficult call! You have to forgive yourself. The reason I came tonight was to let you know that you have the people that care about you Ki.”
He stepped toward her and looked her right in the eye, Ki had never seen someone so determined with compassion before, “Whatever you do Ki - if you wanna go to the kook academy, if you wanna be friends with Sarah Cameron, if you wanna cry about how horribly she treated you, if you wanna listen to your parents and not talk to us, if you wanna leave the cut- we’re never not going to have your back. You’re a pogue. You’re our pogue! And if Sarah Cameron can’t see how kickass you are, she doesn’t deserve you and she never did. You got us Ki, we’re always right here. No matter what.”
And throughout all of that, he hadn’t stopped looking directly at her. She was enamoured to say the least, she couldn’t remember the last time JJ talked about something that real, let alone carry an entire conversation himself. Knowing her words wouldn’t suffice, she hugged him. She smelt the sea salt in his hair and pizza grease on his shirt and it was the epitome of comfort to her. JJ hugged her right back, it meant the world to him that he could make her feel at least a bit better. They stood like that for a while, long and quiet breaths synced, arms entangled in waist and shoulders, hearts rhythmically beating, just enjoying the warmth of the best friend they dearly missed. 
Before they could completely untangle from the other, Ki looked back at JJ, god, how did she get so lucky to have someone like him in her life? The air lightened around them as she looked at him, his eyes regained the mischievous glint they always had. It might’ve been because she was slightly tipsy, or because he was staring so intently at her, but for some reason, it felt right. There was no waiting or thinking, she rested her hands on either side of JJ’s face and kissed him. His lips were chapped and they tasted like beer but she loved it. A rush of adrenaline ran through her, it was new and exciting. 
When JJ processed her soft lips on his, and her hands caressing his face, he pulled back. Along with confusion and surprise, there was something in his eyes that Ki couldn’t recognise. But before she decided on asking him what it was about, he was already kissing her again. 
And this time there seemed to be nothing holding him back. His hands were wrapped around her waist, she was grabbing fistfuls of his hair in reciprocation. They knew that they would never be able to do it again so they just gave in. His hands travelled to the small of her back and her neck and she swore that she had never felt something more intoxicating. 
Ki had forgotten where they even were when they broke for air. They were both just breathing, eyes closed and foreheads touching, it was the closest thing to perfect the either of them had ever felt.
When they opened their eyes and looked back at one and other, they were surprised at how comfortable it felt. How... un-awkward, it oddly felt right. But they knew what the rules were, they knew that when Ki got home, they would never talk about it again, and they were fine with that too.
As they approached her doorstep, JJ couldn’t help himself but ask, “Was that your first-” “Yeah.” “Yeah, mine too.” “What?” Kie thought he was joking, JJ had flirted with every other tourist at the boneyard since they were like ten, “Mine, too.” He repeated. There was an honesty to his response that stopped Ki from asking any further. 
She hugged him again. “Thank you for this. I missed you.” He hugged her right back.
“I missed you too. When you come back to us, more beer will be waiting for you no questions asked, don’t ever doubt it.” With that, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead and left. 
Ki had a small smile playing on her lips; she had never felt lighter in her life. 
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wintrcaptn · 5 years
Falling Like The Stars pt. 4 | Chris Evans
Summary : Summary : you and Chris had one magical night a year ago but that was it. Just one night. As you went your separate ways, you thought he had completely forgotten about you. That was until you saw him on Jimmy Fallon
A/N : this is a flashback chapter, to the night when they met. I hope you all enjoy this. And my inspo was Let It Snow on Netflix. If you haven’t seen it, you should! Lol. Thank you for taking the time to read my series!
Part One - Part Two - Part Three
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October 18, 2018.
The night was chilly and loud, a typical day of course, in the big city. It took you awhile to get used to when you first moved out there six months ago. But once you did, you were able to appreciate everything New York had to offer.
You were heading home, later than usual. Exhausted, and hungry and slightly annoyed.
The subway wasn't usually crowded at this time. Which you liked most, though you would have preferred to have left right at six like everyone else. But of course, you were stuck with a stack of work to do.
This was the time you could unwind and lose yourself in a book.
You sat alone by the door, sitting in silence. The train came to a stop, people came and gone. You almost didn't notice, until a phone fell out of a strangers pocket and landed on the floor.
Quickly, you grabbed it without hesitation.
"Excuse me!" You called out for the stranger.
He stopped in his steps and turned to face you. The second your eyes met his, you were quickly taken aback. You couldn't believe it was actually Chris Evans.
He let out an annoyed sigh as he stepped closer. "Hi. Look, sorry I'm really trying to stay low key right now. So I'm—"
Instantly, you were brought back to reality. "Um, you dropped this."
Once Chris saw his phone in your hand, he immediately felt like an ass. "Wow I—" he paused, exhaling a long breath, glancing back to your eyes. "Thank you."
You shrugged, and gave him back his iPhone. But before you turned around, something came over you. "Just so you know, I'm not the type of person to throw themselves at someone just because their famous."
And with that, you turned your back to him and strode over to your seat. Chris watched you walk away. There was something about you that he wasn't sure what it was exactly, but he was captivated.
During the ride, he sat across the way, trying to immerse himself in his phone. But every now and then, he couldn't help but glance back at you.
Which you did as well.
Every time he looked at you, it felt like something was pulling him in. He started to wonder about you. What your likes and dislikes are. Are you a morning or a night kind of person?
Suddenly, the train came to a stop. Chris snapped back to reality, shaking off his thoughts. He propped up to his feet and started to walk out.
As you grabbed your things, just about leave, you noticed Chris going the same way you were.
"Great." You mumbled to yourself.
This wasn't how you wanted the night to go. First you meet the actor you had admired over the years, secondly, you were coming off as stalker-ish. Awesome.
"Hope you know I'm not following you." You said, as you both made your way out of the transit. "Just trying to go home."
"And I'm just going back to the hotel." He smirked.
"Great, guess I'll call TMZ."
Chris let out a soft chuckle as you push passed him and started making your way out.
Though you two had only just met, he didn't want to let that be it. Not yet.
"Hey, do you—do you want to grab some coffee or something?"
You stopped in your steps and turned to face him. "You're joking right?"
"What? No, I—"
Before he could finish his sentence, you rolled your eyes and started to walk away once again. Chris sprinted to your side, slightly startling you.
This whole situation didn't make sense. For someone like Chris Evans to have any interest in you, and wanting to spend more time with you, it didn't add up. Why would he waste his time?
"I was thinking maybe we can get something to eat. Do you like pie? Or what about pizza?"
As he went on, he almost didn't notice you had stopped, staring at him with furrowed brows. When he looked back, he could tell what you were thinking. "I just want to take this time to show you how truly sorry I am for being an ass in there." He said. "Because I was. And you didn't deserve that. So what do you say? Please let me make it up to you, that's all I ask."
You held his gaze for a moment. Trying to read him and failing. Was this really happening?
"You weren't being an ass." You muttered. “The life you live, I couldn’t imagine it. Having no privacy, and always have to put on a smile and give your time to people who don’t know anything about you aside from what they see. I get it. And if it were up to me, I’d say you have every right to say no.”
Chris was taken aback by your statement. He was so used to feeling like a puppet in this industry. Doing what he’s told, having to pretend he is happy all the damn time. It was exhausting.
You could see his sudden shift in his expression, and though you are not one to go on a whim and be this person who just lives spontaneously, some how you couldn’t walk away.
Letting out a sigh, you caved. “How do you feel about pancakes?”
“I—I like pancakes.” He said, as his lips curved into a small smile.
“Good. Because I know where they make the best pancakes in the world.”
“Oh, the best? Hmm, I’ll be the judge of that.”
“Trust me, one bite and you’re gonna feel like you’re walking on clouds.”
The walk took about twenty minutes, which was perfect. Because it gave you the chance to get to know one another.
You got to learn things about him that you never knew. Aside from interviews and what he shows on Twitter, you were able to see a side of him that actually felt real. Honest.
“I’m sorry but A New Hope is by far the best Star Wars movie!” You exclaimed, trying hard not to smile so much.
“I beg to differ! I mean, did you even watch The Empire Strikes Back?” He said, hands deep in his pockets, walking closely next to you. “That big reveal was just mind blowing!”
“Oh come on! That whole, ‘I am your father’ thing was so obvious!”
It was hard to kept from laughing as time went on. He made you laugh over the littlest remarks. It was crazy how easy it was for him to break down your walls. Almost like you two had known each other forever. And every time you laughed, Chris wanted nothing more than to keep it going. The sound was almost like a melody, and it made him feel whole.
To think, if you had gone home right on time, you would have never met each other. Maybe it was always meant to be. Maybe it was fate.
Tagging : @ab-baybay @kelbabyblue @thestormabovethesea @denisemarieangelina @letsstarsfalling @dottirose @fallenoutofrose @the-diabolic @straightforwardly @notyourtypicalrose @whenpugzfly @an-adventureland @mitsumikirigakure @bellaireland1981 @soymikael @sebbys-girl @sophiealiice @lazyperfectionist705 @stuckybuckyfucky @silver-winter-wolf @mustangshelby04 @ohmygoditsanthonyedwardstark @officialmarvelwhore @xceafh @theatrechic26 @stuckyandsciencebros @klaussstilinski @elliessoul @ifyousayso13
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