#I was there every year since I was 0-24
motherlegba · 2 years
Every voice and every sound going on around me hurts my skin?
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 24 days
Wait the lower one is from me but i don't really remember the whole details of what I've written there 😭😂 lemme dig my brain first 😔 but i remember mentioning something abt TF 141 with good smelled reader and they can't keep themselves from clinging or getting closer to reader (?)
Sharkiee 🥹 I'm lucky enough since you still remember a bit of the request! and actually I was thinking about good smelled reader these days too, but my ass get caught in my job these days 🫨 here's some hcs but I feel like there's still a lot of things I can brainrot, I'll add more to this when I can form them into words asdfghjk, as always tyvm for the ask🫡💖
Price He rarely smokes when you’re aside because it will cover your scent.  Invades your personal space on the helo when you guys are heading back to base so he can bask in your smell. It’s refreshing and unlike those stinky men he says. The sleep-deprived captain got a lavender pillow from you, and he threw his old one immediately, hadn’t been so excited to end the day and sleep after years, because you used the same pillow, and your hair smells literally like it, and he relaxed lot more with it. (when you're both on leave then he will ditch it since he has you instead)
Soap Kick him into the shower before he smears his sweat on you with how much he likes to cling to you and is unable to pry off after missions. Getting called Soap is obviously unrelated to his body wash, the plain 3 in 1 one that makes you just shove your shower gel in his grasp. You know he just wants to steal yours so he can smell like you, but if you buy him the same product he’ll still snatch yours. Makes you wear his shirts so he can get it back and wear your scent like cologne around, he doesn’t care if you yell ew at him, nor he care that others might tease him for getting claimed by you, to be honest, that’s his goal. Everyone should know he’s knee-deep for you.
Gaz He smells good or at least not bad after missions, but still loves to tail after you. Maybe you two share the same perfume, but he insists that it smells different on you (bastard just want to find an excuse to squish himself against you, but the rejections always swallowed by you before they can come out, his beautiful eyes aren’t just decorations, he knows you’re weak when he looks at you with pleading eyes) Personally think that Gaz probably has some weird obsession with your nape, and when you spray your perfume there every morning, it’ll attract him like he’s a pokemon, sneak a chance to sniff and press a kiss there until you scowl at him. You put on lotions after showers to prevent dry skin? He won’t miss the chance to help you. Maybe that’s the secret you always smell so enchantingly, if you shoo him off and say you can do it yourself, he will look at you with sad eyes till you feel guilty and hand him the bottle of body lotion.
Ghost Caught him secretly sniffing around you after a mission and he didn’t talk to you the whole night out of embarrassment. He just sat on the bed and tried to intimidate you with his stare (0 damage when his cheeks were pink whenever you tease him). In the end he just gave in and admitted he loves how well you smell 24/7, and when you’re both on leave, he will drown himself in your bed sheets or the plushie you have. The plushie is his now, don’t expect to have it back unless he feels like your scent on it fades, that’s when you can squeeze it between you and him during sleep.
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yanderes-galore · 3 days
I need to feed my Yuuta brairot so can I request a yandere concept for Okkotsu with Childhood Friend! Darling?
At the time of writing this (5/30/24), I have finally seen Volume 0 on Crunchyroll so I can finally do this request! Hope you like it! Warning, this is a bit long and is mostly me rambling. I was a bit too excited to write his character, lol.
Yandere! Yuta Okkotsu with Childhood Friend! Darling
(Volume 0)
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Mentions of depression/suicidal thoughts (Due to canon), Dark themes, Violence, Blood, Death, Trauma, Slight stalking, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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The idea of this is actually a bit cute although unnerving.
Yuta's childhood friend in canon was Rika.
So I can take this request in two directions.
You replace Rika and end up being his Cursed Spirit companion.
You're different from Rika and have been one of the few other people Yuta is close to.
Both versions of the concept are intriguing but I think I'll stick to the second variation for the sake of simplicity. (I definitely want to explore the first version at some point)
Yuta was always a timid boy in childhood, often isolating himself due to Rika.
He was shown to be sick when young, maybe you met him and Rika in childhood?
When you were young you three were a trio, which would certainly keep Rika from killing you.
Rika, for the most part, reacts to Yuta's emotions.
As you grow up, Rika leaves you be due to how Yuta feels.
She's jealous at first, yet sees that Yuta would hate her if she hurt you.
Which leads to, guess what, you having them both to deal with until she passes on years later.
Yuta originally wants to isolate himself and not cause any trouble for you.
There's times he's wanted to end it all due to the amount of times he's been bullied.
However, he has you.
You try to help, even when Yuta is adamant on you not helping.
Especially since Rika proceeds to kill every single one of his bullies.
You're the only one he feels he can speak with.
But... he can tell you're scared of his Curse.
Yuta... is worried you'll hate him... which ends up driving him away from you at times.
It's worse if you can't see Curses, as you can't see the cause.
However, if you can?
Perhaps you're able to see Curses and are able to see Rika.
Well, even then, you're scared of what follows Yuta.
Even if Rika won't hurt you for Yuta.
You always knew Yuta as a timid kid and pitied him a bit.
Even in High School you tried to be close to him, hoping to still be supportive.
Unfortunately, Yuta may not see you again until after the events with Geto if you aren't a Sorcerer.
You aren't from a Sorcerer house, so you aren't quite sure what to think of Curses even if you can see them.
You're actually quite worried when Yuta goes MIA.
You two are in two different worlds now.
You're a non-sorcerer and Yuta is a Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer.
You probably don't expect to see him again after he changes schools.
So it surprises you when Yuta does eventually show back up in your life.
Due to you being a non-sorcerer, Yuta may feel an overwhelming urge to protect you.
After all... the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons attack gets to him.
He knows of Geto's hate for "Monkeys" and realizes how... weak you are compared to a man like him.
Rika has moved on now, yet Yuta is still as strong as ever.
When Yuta sees you again, his chest tightens.
You're so oblivious to all he's gone through... and he's changed so much.
When you see him again, you go to ask if it's him.
Leading to Yuta enveloping you in a tight hug.
Oh how he's missed you.
You notice Yuta is extremely friendly and sociable compared to his usual timid self.
You want to ask so many questions, yet Yuta's just so excited.
He knows he has to study abroad soon, but he wanted to see you again so bad.
He's seen so much although he's unsure how to explain it.
Yuta has learned to cherish the friends he has.
Plus he definitely has anxiety about you since Geto's Curse Users are still around.
He keeps thinking about how strong he is...
You just keep smiling and talking to him, rambling to him as you have no clue what has happened.
Yuta thinks he can work with that.
Maybe it's for the best you don't know about the Sorcerer world?
Yuta may not tell you what happened if you don't know of Curses.
He's just been busy and has gotten help for his more timid nature.
You may not understand... but why does that matter?
Best you just focus on catching up, yeah?
Yuta has a higher chance of being a platonic yandere in this case, but he could also swing romantic.
His first concern when seeing you is making up for lost time.
He's been away from any source of normalcy for a long time now.
When seeing you he just wants to keep close.
Yuta's more protective than he was when he was younger with you.
You're surprised but he doesn't fully explain it until later.
He's just... missed you and has gone through a lot.
That's how the obsession begins, when he's older with you and seen the horrors of the world.
He's no longer that timid boy.
He's a man who can kill to protect those he loves.
Yet to you, he's still Yuta.
You notice he's more controlled now and things don't die around him anymore.
Although you have no clue where's he's been.
Yuta is an intense yandere due to how much he cares for people.
His obsession is most likely derived from the trauma he's gone through.
He's seen his fellow Sorcerers slaughtered and injured.
You aren't even a Sorcerer.
You're his childhood friend... one he sees as naive.
So wherever you go, Yuta is tempted to follow.
You just think he's being clingy.
If only you knew.
Yuta would kill for you if a Curse User targeted you.
You're oblivious to Curses and Curse Users hunting you down, before you even know about it, Yuta's slaughtered/exorcised them.
Yuta's used to blood on his clothes.
He always makes sure you're out of sight and out of range before he deals with any threat.
Yuta gains the mindset of wanting to protect you in this world even more now that he's a Sorcerer.
He's so sorry he pushed you away when he was younger.
Now he can protect you! (Similar to how Rika did with him)
Yuta is friendly but can be ruthless when you're in danger.
He feels no one else can protect you like he can.
As your childhood friend... he'll take that role.
You can't part from Yuta once he decides to stick by you.
It takes him a long time to go for his abroad studies.
He can't fathom the thought of leaving you alone now.
You find such behavior weird, granted, Yuta has been clingy in the past...
Not this much, though.
Honestly, even if Yuta explained the dangers of being a Jujutsu Sorcerer to you, you'd be hesitant until you saw it yourself.
He may even tell you eventually as much as he hates it so you know to stay close.
Yuta is already a protector at heart, it's in his blood (Quite literally, he's related to Gojo distantly)
So it's obvious he'll sacrifice everything to keep you safe.
Rika's gone now, he knows that.
You aren't.
For the sake of Rika and his own well-being, he needs you safe.
It's too easy to die in this world.
Hopefully you trust him... right?
The blood on his clothes is necessary.
Unfortunately it's also a common sight.
There's no use being stubborn with him, either.
Yuta's going to be stern with you, after all, he's seen what this world is really like.
Yuta loves you, as to what extent is up to you.
He follows you everywhere until he's dragged off to study abroad.
Even if he is, I can see him asking someone to watch over you until he can return.
Like Gojo or one of his friends for example.
He'd rather die than lose you to a Curse User or Curse when he's gone.
So prepare for Yuta never leaving your side once he comes back from his studies...
You and Rika have protected him enough... it's time he returned the favor.
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dewdropdinosaur · 3 months
Falling for You Part 2
Part One
Summary: After the incident, you can't stop thinking about Vox. Little did you know, he can't stop thinking about you either.
Warnings: NONE. More sassy narrator :0
This was a request for the wonderful @mcueveryday. Enjoy my lovely!
REQUESTS ARE OPEN! See pinned post for details.
About a week had passed since what you were referring to as the “incident”. AKA, falling less than gracefully into Vox’s arms and practically making a fool of yourself. Everything had gone back to normal, at least it seemed to. You still did your heavy workload, still hung around Vox every day and late into the night, still drank over 400 mgs of coffee which you knew you should probably stop doing. In fact, the caffeine was probably the reason you were so anxious about the message you just got. 
‘Meet me in my office at 6 pm - V’ 
That was it. You were doomed. Vox was gonna fire you or worse…find out you have feelings for him. Gripping your head in your hands, you lay down on the flat of your desk and let out a heavy sigh. ‘Put on a game face, just get it over with’ repeats over and over. The monitor of your computer reads ‘5:55 PM’. It has been different lately, with Vox, despite the routine returning. As if toeing that line of flirty and professional had become obsolete, a taboo. Never to happen again. You could hardly look at him anymore without remembering the feeling of his warm hands on your waist, how his figure vibrated with a soft static that could’ve(and almost) lulled you into a sense of security and peace that just felt right. 
It felt right to Vox too. Him…Vox.. the charismatic and intellectual news anchor of Hell's 24/7 news channel ‘666’, had found himself caught in a web of emotions. He was the embodiment of chaos and cunning, but deep within the gears of his mechanical heart, there was a longing for something more.
You were definitely a force to be reckoned with. Smart, sassy, and absolutely unimpressed by Vox's grandeur, you had managed to keep him in check. You had been by his side for years, witnessing every outlandish broadcast, every flashy promotion, and every whirlwind scandal Vox was involved in. Yet, behind the scenes, an unspoken connection brewed.Vox couldn't quite put his finger on when his feelings for you had shifted from professional camaraderie to something more profound. Perhaps it was the way you effortlessly handled his chaotic demands, or maybe it was the subtle smiles you shared during stressful moments. Nevertheless, Vox found himself captivated by your fiery personality. 
Then again, you too, were not immune to the magnetic pull Vox exerted. Admiring his flamboyance, his cunning charm, and the way he managed to always stay one step ahead in the cutthroat world of Hell's media. It was a guilty pleasure, one you dared not confess, let alone to Vox. Hell, you hadn't even written it down in your journal for fear of being discovered. 
Vox, normally unfazed by such situations, felt a peculiar nervousness creeping up within him. Sure, he had flings and scandals, nothing a little media and personality couldn’t fix; the man had base and carnal needs after all. But..this…this was different. You were different. 
As six pm approached, you cautiously entered his office with your usual charm to conceal your nerves(a clever ploy dear, I wonder how long that will last). 
"Need any help, boss?" you smirked, usual confidence masking the subtle vulnerability that lurked beneath. 
Vox spun his chair to face you, a smirk gracing his features. Both of you were playing this unspoken game of cat and mouse…who would talk about it first?
"You know, Y/N, I've been thinking," he began, his voice surprisingly soft.
"I've been dancing around this for far too long and I think I have come to a conclusion.” Vox rising from his chair, strode over to you and hovering over your figure. Your eyes widened, and for a moment, the usual demeanor was at a loss. In that vulnerable moment, Vox and your eyes meet, and for the first time, the depth of emotion reflected in each other's gaze. The tension between you crackled, igniting a spark that neither could ignore. Both smirks and facades fell and crashed. 
With trembling hands, Vox reached out to caress your cheek, his heart pounding with anticipation. Breath caught in your throat as you leaned into his touch, both of your desires laid bare for each other to see.In a bold move fueled by years of pent-up longing, Vox closed the distance between them, pressing his lips to yours in a fervent kiss. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the intoxicating embrace, passion ignited like wildfire.
Removing himself slowly, a genuine smile played on your lips as you felt your knees buckle a little. Holding onto Vox for support, he grabs both your hands and helps you up. 
Vox chuckled, relief washing over him. "There you go again, falling for me darling.” 
“That’s what you go with, you egotistical bastard?," you teased.
With a shared laugh, the tension between them dissolved and in that moment, Hell seemed to stand still. 
“Took you long enough you know?
“Y/N, you know better than anyone not to rush me.”
“And you know better than anyone that I run a tight ship! So do remember next time you wish to kiss me, that you might wanna schedule it because damn it Vox! I have been stressing about liking you for centuries!”
“You and every other woman in Hell.”
“I know, I know. Trust me darling, I have only fallen for you. Or…rather you for me—twice.” 
“I hate you, you know that right?”
“On the contrary, you quite like me dear.” The charismatic news anchor and his fearless assistant leaned in, lips meeting in another kiss that felt like an eternity in the making. Turns out you didn’t have much to worry about after all. Still, you do need to lay off the caffeine dear. It's not good for your heart.(Neither is going a few rounds on your bosses desk with your boss but that is a...ahem...long story for another time)
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astrologicaldreamin · 20 days
Solar Return Chart Observations v1
Now that I am nearing my solar return of 2024, I was hoping to recap and try to digest what my 2023 chart connected to. It was a very big year for me and I hope those with relatively similar placements may find something within it too.
SR Sun in the 12th house brought out a period of my life where my identity has been the topic of the season. I felt more illusive and there were also several external factors that brought said behavior out of me, such as questions arising out of education, career, and relationships. Everything was muddled, but crystal clear at the same time. During the beginning of the cycle, it was hard to distinguish between the two. Though 12th house energy can be heavy, by leaning into it and learning how to explore the depths and evasiveness further, I was able to genuinely discover the core of who I was. This is the perfect opportunity to discover YOU. (special mention: SR asc. within the 24°)
SR Venus in Cancer was a doozy, but one I am incredibly grateful towards. Naturally, Cancer sits within the 12th house of my natal chart, which I think amplified the emotional disturbances I have felt within the year. Ironically, romance has been fun and flirty, but the foundations of love have deeply altered me. What a home means and what it means to be loved was a huge growth aspect to overcome. Having deeper respect towards the innocence of things. (special mention: SR venus within the 24°)
SR 2nd House Ruler in Libra Moon had me spending a well-deserved, but focused attention onto self-care products and beautification of things. Compared to my natal chart and prior years, there has been a tendency for more emotionally-driven purchases, but ones that are teaching me to splurge out of love, not in lack. Watching my spending, but not naturally degrading myself for being "frivolous" ultimately strengthened my relationship with money for the better. Balance.
SR 10th House Ruler in Saturn/Uranus was quite noted throughout the year. Establishing identity has not only been a requirement, but almost chaotic and unpredictable force. My relationships with others no longer are the same, because the independence I had to adapt to greatly improved in its directness. Perception of the public was a core battle of the mind, but incredibly freeing. Others saw it too. Not everybody liked it. Potentially might be a lonelier year if this placement is within your chart, but it could remain the opposite depending on other factors. Not something to be discouraged by, since it is made for you to revel in becoming an abnormality. That, for others, can be intimidating. That does not make you wrong for it.
SR Pluto in Retrograde in the 8th House I can almost guarantee dominated every action and thought I have taken within the past year. It was an energy that not only requested, but demanded re-visiting past cycles that were considered "forbidden." I was continuously picking at wounds and other's, until I fell in love with the darkness again. Some may struggle more in this energy than others, but pulling off the bandaid over and over until there is enough breathing room to heal can prevent the resurfacing. "Until again..." typa energy. (special mention: SR pluto within the 0°)
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strawberrykisseslia · 6 months
Vanessa Shelly x F! reader
this was slightly inspired by White dress by Lana Del Rey :) not really the story of the song but the vibe(?) so yea! :D
TW: none; fluff, first love thing, harmless flirting, slight angst with alternative ending, waitress reader
A/N: this is my first work that I actually post so please be kind 😭 i already wrote ffs before but never posted them; English is not my first language so, sorry if I make any grammar mistakes, i dont bother to correct them+ im dyslexic but I'll try my best <3
have a pleasant reading time!
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As always you were working in your favorite diner as a waitress. It was a pretty calm job so you liked it, not the night shifts though, because it was open 24/0.
In the few past months you noticed that a woman always came every morning and always on the same exact time. You never really talked to her more than taking her order, you were too busy. The woman was a police officer so she was also almost always in a hurry.
Today was different. It was pouring rain outside and there weren't many people in. However, your favorite costumer came though. She was wearing her raincoat and the hood was on her. When she came in she took off the hood and gave you a small smile. "The usual?" Your voice broke the silence. She slightly chuckled and nodded while leaning against the counter. "I think you already memorized it well, no?" You turned around and started to make her coffee. A soft chuckle left your lips. "How couldn't I?" She smiled before crossing her arms. You turned your head back and smiled at her. She extremely gorgeous and attractive, how didn't you notice this before? You did now.
Silence filled the almost empty diner, the only sound was the coffee machine. "I'm Vanessa Shelly, by the way. How about you?" Her voice was also soothing. You turned back and faced her while placing down the coffee, sugar and milk down on the counter before you and her. "Y/N L/N." You looked down and started putting the milk and sugar into the coffee. "I like the sounding of your name. How old are you? You seem pretty young." She tilted her head to the side while looking up and down at you. She noticed that your uniform were different from the other waitress's. Yours were white, it suited you just well. You were beautiful even in your uniform.
"I'm 19." You smiled and slided the coffee towards her and you put away the ingredients. She took a sip of her coffee. "Then I was right. You are still pretty young." You nodded, your sweet smile never leaving your face. "Can I ask how old you are?" You were slightly scared by asking her. She sounded more older than you. "I'm already 30." She chuckled and put the coffee down. You were slightly surprised by her age since she looked a lot younger. You would have guessed she is in her early 20s like you. "You don't seem like in a hurry like the other days." You mentioned. She looked at you pretty confusedly. "You noticed?" She smiled. "Today is a bit more chilling than the others. I only have some job to do during afternoon." You were slightly surprised by that but you were also happy that you at least got the chance to talk with her.
After the little chat you had with her, you had to go back to the other customers because finally people came in so it wasn't all empty anymore. Some time later you notice Vanessa wasn't there anymore. You sighed, feeling down because you didn't have the chance to say bye to her. You hoped she comes tomorrow like always.
"Baby! Look what I've found!" Your voice filled the house. You were in front of your closet. In your hand there was your old white dress that you wear when you first had your conversation with Vanessa. It was nostalgic to see it again after years of it being at the closets darkest corner.
Vanessa came up to you to your shared bedroom with a small smile. She walked up to your side and noticed the dress in your hand. A wave of nostalgia went through her and a bigger smile went on her lips. "Oh my god! Is that the dress you were working in when we first met? It's been so long since I last seen it!" She laughed lightly. You nodded and smiled. "It's been a while... Should I try it on some time?" You turned around and put the dress down on the bed. Looking down at it, it was still in good conditions, you only needed to wash and it would be better than ever. "I would love to see it on you again." Her voice was filled with nothing other than love. She put her arm around your waist and kissed your forehead. "I love you." You giggled and turned to face her. You put your arms around her neck and gently stroked her hair that was down. Her beautiful green eyes looking into yours and that loving and that gorgeous smile you fell in love with was smiling at you. "I love you too. More than anything."
I only mention it cause it was such a scene and I felt seen.
"Baby! Look what I've found!" Your voice filled the house. You were in front of your closet. In your hand there was your old white dress that you wear when you first had your conversation with Vanessa. It was nostalgic to see it again after years of it being at the closets darkest corner.
Your girlfriend came in with curiosity to your shared bedroom. "What is it?" She asked. Her voice was much different from Vanessa's. It was a lot harsher but of course, you loved your girlfriend so much but somehow... you still remember to Vanessa's voice and always fantasize about it.
You smiled at her. "Looked what I've found..." You repeated yourself and turned to face her. She came closer to you. "Oh! Was that your old uniform?" She smiled. "It must nostalgic to see it again. Probably it holds many dear memories to you, no?" You nodded and looked down at the dress in your hand.
"Truly. Many dear memories."
'I only mention it cause it was such a scene and I felt seen.'
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charlewiss · 2 years
one-word november prompts!
so I decided I wanted to write a lil something every day for the whole month. don't know if i'll be able to make it to the end but it'll be a fun to try!
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| 1. hoodie
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
summary: why seeing you wearing his clothes made his heart race like that? why you couldn't stop smiling after realising it smelled like him?
| 2. secret
pairing: arthur leclerc x gasly!reader
summary: "did you know that your brother was dating my sister?"
| 3. rain
pairing: george russell x reader
summary: the rain had caught you unprepared. luckily, he lived close.
| 4. social
pairing: pierre gasly x reader
summary: he was a social butterfly and you were quite the opposite. how do you manage to sort it out?
| 5. reunion
pairing: mick schumacher x vettel!reader
summary: it's been 5 years since you had seen mick. what changed? what stayed the same?
| 6. tourist
pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader
summary: seeing australia through his eyes was something else.
| 7. sunrise
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
summary: he needed to take his mind off the silly season. you couldn't sleep.
| 8. hide
pairing: charles leclerc x gasly!reader
summary: charles and you were seeing eachother for quite some time, but still couldn't quite figure out how to tell your brother, pierre. (and maybe you don't need to)
| 9. airport
pairing: george russell x reader
summary: trying to get home was never more difficult. maybe it was for a reason after all.
| 10. weight
pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader
summary: the season has been too tough on your boyfriend. you decide it's time to take some weight off him.
inspired by know you (708) by with confidence.
| 11. dream
pairing: pierre gasly x reader
summary: you've been avoiding him since your dream two nights ago. he isn't happy about it.
| 12. special
pairing: george russell x reader
summary: he's been dying to show you how special you could feel with him by your side. if only you would stop dating idiots that waste your time, he thought.
| 13. necklace
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
summary: little taylor swift reference. he can't stop thinking about you wearing his initial on a chain around your neck.
| 14. nephew
pairing: george russell x reader
summary: george had been begging you to meet his nephews, but you had plenty of doubts: what if they didn't like you?
| 15. win
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
summary: first win for the prettiest boy. you've been there since day 0.
| 16. midnight
pairing: pierre gasly
summary: kiss me on new year's eve as the timer counts down and the clock hits 12 (inspired by this post)
| 17. pet
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
summary: your boyfriend is a known dog person, and you love angie very dearly. but you met a little tiny friend and you just can't avoid the little kitten.
| 18. sober
pairing: pierre gasly x reader
summary: after a night out with pierre, he pleads: 'please, can you repeat it when I'm sober? I want to remember it'
| 19. wonder
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
summary: being the hopeless romantic that you are, you've been dreaming about your special other your whole life. you're talking to your best friend pierre about the dream guy. what if you already knew him?
| 20. jealousy
pairing: arthur leclerc x reader
summary: he had always been second best to everyone but you.
| 21. score
pairing: pierre gasly x reader
summary: the four times he made you flustered and the one time you hit him back.
| 22. eyes
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
summary: you had never seen such pretty eyes before.
| 23. closer
pairing: charles leclerc x reader (forced proximity)
summary: you were scared of elevators. perfect timing when you two got trapped in one.
| 24. question
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
summary: too many unanswered questions and one drink too many
| 25. sick
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
summary: he's feeling sick, so you take care of him.
| 26. promise
pairing: pierre gasly x reader
summary: some promises are made. some are broken. for the worst or for the better?
| 27. camera
pairing: felipe drugovich x reader
summary: he liked to take pictures before as a side hobbie apart from racing. but now that he found his muse, he's been hiding more often behind the lense.
| 28. rings
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
summary: young and in love. why would u wait any longer?
inspired by paper rings by taylor swift
| 29. interview
pairing: daniel ricciardo x reporter!reader
summary: he didn't want to be disrespectful, but he could stop looking at you.
| 30. surprise
pairing: george russell x reader
summary: it was his birthday and you couldn't be there. or could you?
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writesforfun · 1 year
childhood friends, a Mark Lee Fiction.
angst, fluff, mark is sooo mark-coded here(?), you and mark are friends since birth, neighbor mark, 2k words
Being Mark Lee's bestfriend at the mere age of 0 was a blessing— some people would say now.
He's handsome, that you admit. He's been this guy that's just popular for no reason at all. He's handsome, good in everything he sets his mind at, and don't forget the fact that Mark, although shy and doesn't really have that much of a close friend, is just simply very kind to everyone he meets.
You thought you would lose him when you two were in elementary and middle school— cause he was that popular. Everyone wanted to play and be friends with him, and you thought he would forget you. Which Mark definetely prooved it to be nonsense, cause he sat and stayed with you every day without failure. When you asked why, Mark just simply shrugged it off by saying, "What do you mean why? We're friends!"
So here you are. Both of you are grown-ups, you will be turning 24 at December and Mark had already hit that age in August.
It's now September.
"Y/N! What you thinking?" He holds your hand tight, smiling— nah, come to think of it, he didn't smile. It's a grin. The Mark Lee™ signature grin.
You come to your senses. Today, you're gonna go to an ice cream shop with Mark and then you two are gonna make some popcorn and watch movies at your house.
"Sorry. I was thinking of us during elementary school."
He puts on a shock expression. "Daaaaamn dude. That was such a looong time agooooo!"
You laugh and shake your head, grabbing his hands so that you can pull him to his Tesla so that he would start driving.
"What? Yo I'm serious! When you said that I felt it in my stomach that like.. yooo that was a long ass time ago," He said. You ruffle his hair, ignoring his sound of protest. "You're saying things that doesn't need any further explanations. As a friend, I'm helping you so that both of us wouldn't waste time and hurry up."
Mark rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, opening up his car door for you first and then for him. You felt your heart skip four beats or something and then ignore them for the nth time.
Don't care about your feelings, Y/N. You said to yourself. Yes, you do have an immense crush— no, no. Yes, you do love him since middle school, but that doesn't matter. What matters the most is your friendship. And you would never want to ruin that.
Seeing Mark spend Valentine's Day with someone else at college hurted you like crazy. He always used to spend it together with you, but at college, he spent it with his now ex-girlfriend. They broke up after a year of dating, and a year of your suffering basically. You try to distance yourself then, but Mark just quite simply won't accept distancing as friendship. He visited your house basically everytime, and he picks you up although you gotta third wheel him and his girlfriend.
There was no drama between you and his ex though. His ex have always been nice, and you two still talk via DM sometimes. You know, replying stories and stuff.
"Y/N! I was asking a question, dude," He said, putting his hand your thighs and squeezing them gently. Things he did as a simple caring gesture since you know him.
"Sorry. I was thinking of my homework. What did you ask?" You lied, gritting your teeth before looking at his gawkingly handsome face. You just wanna kiss that smile off his— nevermind.
"I was thinking, maybe instead of rewatching Mean Girls we could just watch Doctor Strange? I've been dying to watch the Multiverse of Madness thingy, I haven't watch that."
You nod. "I haven't too. We're so lame! That's a disrespect to Marvel,"
He laughs, turning the bluetooth volume to a solid 38, making you both hear Taylor Swift's Labyrinth clearly. The bluetooth is connected to your phone, and Taylor Swift is your favorite singer. You introduce her to Mark and he basically just listen to it with you like the good person he is. You brag to Karina and Ningning all the time that he's a trained Swiftie.
But this song.. this song, you relate to a lot. It's about a realization of being in love, and considering your situation, you relate to it a lot.
You don't really believe in good man and love until you realize you love him. Your dad.. he failed to set example of a man when your family caught him cheating during your elementary school years and even going as far as marriage with the person he's cheating with. Your mom forgived him and they're still together— but the trauma you went through was unexplainable. Since then, your relationship with your dad has been different. His voice sounds annoying as hell and every thing he do, you nitpick and hate. Mark has always been there for you though, he even spent all his savings during elementary school to buy you new toys and ice cream.
You know and believe that Mark is a good guy. Every thing he does have always been positive and his mind never fails to make you fascinated.
"Oh God, why are the Halloween decorations have already been put up?" You ask when you both arrive at the ice cream shop you always go together with. It's a 17 minute drive from both of your house, which is in front of each other.
"Better late than never, Y/N. Let's go," He says, opening his door before opening up yours and opening the door for you.
He ordered a watermelon and vanilla ice cream, which you hated and teased him with since forever. You think that's a weird combination and his love for watermelon should never be brought to an ice cream flavor. You ordered a Lotus Biscoff ice cream, and he have a lot of protests for that as well but whatever. Biscoff for life.
"Do you wanna eat it here or in the car?" He ask. "I don't know. How are you gonna eat it if we're gonna eat in the car?" You ask him again instead of answering his question.
"You can just feed me, I guess." He answers nonchalantly, like it's something normal in a friendship. The blur of lines are making you wanna die, and sometimes you just think to yourself whether or not distancing yourself from Mark is a better option.
"Alright then. Let's eat in the car, whatever," You say. As much as you hate to admit it, you wouldn't really pass on feeding him. Both of you had feed each other since middle school anyway.
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Coming home from watching Doctor Strange with Mark, you realize that your feelings for Mark is just growing bigger every day, and you finally decide that you can't do this anymore.
Come on, Mark Lee simply would never look at you more than friends, right?
So you decide to ignore his presence. You ignore all his texts, and even when Mark came to your house and ask for your presence, you had already ask your Mom who knows your crush towards him to tell him that you're not in the house.
You usually go to your work place with Mark cause you and him work only 2,4km away from each other. So whenever he picks you up, you were already gone. It's for the best. You miss him a lot but you realize you'd rather lose him now than losing him to a girl he'll marry later. You can't imagine being her bridesmaid and be happy for them though you're dying.
His nth phone call of the day you ignore without failure today as well. It's been a month of ignoring him and you're kind of used to the feeling of a scratch in your heart whenever you hear his dissapointed and sad voice downstairs. Your phone vibrates, and you see his third message for you today.
markie 🐆🦁
Y/N it's been a month. i don't know what i did to you but i know you're ignoring me. whats uppp? please answer me. please. i can't afford to lose you.
And there it is again. Your heart hurts like crazy. But whatever. Just sleep through it like always. It's for the best.
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It's your first day of period today and you're hurting like crazy. Usually, Mark would be here to comfort you and massage you and all that stuff, but now, you actually think you're gonna spend your birthday tomorrow without him. For the first time ever in your life.
The day you were born, baby Mark had come with his lovely family to visit your family in the hospital. From his and your parents, you heard that you slept next to Mark and he hugged you both as you sleep. Baby Mark even caressed your hair with his small hands, and you have a video that captured that moment. You watched it again, smiling though your eyes are red and teary. You miss him. The thought of not having him around for your birthday hurt you.
You saw that there are no pads left and let out a long sigh. You put on your hat that Mark gave you as a birthday present and put on your slippers. You then go out your door and decided to buy some pads.
Usually, Mark would buy it for you but— ugh! Stop it with the Mark thing.
"Here's your order. Have a nice day," The lovely lady working the cashier register say to you. You smile through the pain you're going through, wanting to step out before a oh-so familiar voice register.
It's no doubt it's Mark Lee's voice. You can see through the side of your eye that he's currently looking right at you with his worried sad eye with his right hand holding a cola.
You don't know what to do. So you run through the door, ignoring Mark's shout of your name as he chases you. It's like the game of chase you two used to play back in elementary school. You cry, you really don't know why but you cry. Passing your house, you run to the park and decided to catch your breath by sitting at one of the slides. You and Mark used to play at that slide all the time until you both grew up.
You look everywhere, and close your eyes when Mark isn't in your sight anymore. You stay in that position for 3 minutes, and when you open your eyes. You almost jump from your seat as you see Mark squatting in front of you sitting in the slide with teary eyes.
"Why— why are you avoiding me?" His voice breaks as he turns away from you, and you can clearly see him wiping away his tears before looking at you with eyes that you swear can make anybody cry. So you become teary eyed as well.
"I'm not." You reply shortly, before standing up to go back to your house. He snorts out of disbelief. "Sit down, Y/N. We're not done talking and if this is the last— if this is— if this is the— if this is the last time we're talking, I don't want it to be an open ending."
You really can't believe that word. You want to just cry your eyes out for 100 years after hearing that word, so you sit down. You want closure as well.
"I know damn well that you're avoiding me. And I really don't know what I did to make you piss off like that. Heck, Y/N, I was jokingly strangling you as we watch Doctor Strange and we were laughing like crazy as well. At some point you even drank a portion of my iced americano. I don't know what I could've done to make you ignore me after all that fun. And I'm honestly so.. I don't know anymore. I'm so sad, Y/N. Mom said she never saw me cry this much. I can't even dare to say that you're ignoring me just because I don't believe that word. Just tell me why are you avoiding me? Am I not good enough as a friend? What am I lacking so much that you decide to ignore me? Why do you do all that while you're here looking as hurt as I am and—"
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" There. You say it. You blurt it out loud. Whatever. You don't care anymore. You are in your most vulnerable and raw feeling and you don't even care anymore.
He closes his mouth. He looks at you with some expression you don't even know what it means. But you continue your words as tears flow from your eyes, "I love you, Mark. I love you since forever. I know you don't feel the same, so I'm taking a step back. I don't wanna be your friend anymore. I don't think I physically and mentally can. It's for the both of us. That way, whenever you have another girl it'll be easy for me, for you, and for your girlfriend. Just please let me be. I'm gonna go home. I don't want you to follow me. Let's just pretend we don't know each other and let me enjoy this heartbreak in peace for God's sake. Please just— please," You stop talking as tears and emotions just stream through your whole body.
"Y/N.." He says. And you just can't anymore. You walk away.
You walk for 11 seconds before his hands reaches you. You shout. You literally shout. You told him not to follow you anymore, what is he trying to do? Stop fixing a friendship that literally cannot be fixed anymore!
"STOP IT!" You screamed. You looked at his eyes with anger until you catch his sad, teary glares.
"Y/N, hear me out. Please?" He says. And after a few thoughts, you decides that he can have a few say in this situation.
"I love you too," He says, smiling through his tears as he hugs you. You're puzzled— standing there and doing nothing as he hugs you close, brushing your hair with his hand, kissing the top of your head as he takes a breath of your scent he missed.
He laughed, eyes still in tears as he let go of the hug but still intertwining both your hands together. "I love you too. I loved you since elementary school or something like that. Then you had a crush for stupid Choi Hyunsuk in college and I found another girl in college. But even then I realise that my number one, my Mom excluded— has always been you. So then I love you again, up until this moment. You should've just communicated this and not cut me off. That's not nice, baby."
The nickname rings through your head, all the way to your heart because it starts beating unrealistically fast.
He laughs again. "Just... I love you. Do you maybe wanna be my girlfriend then?"
You never say yes so fast.
And there it was.
Your birthday.
"Are you really going to spend it without me this year?" He ask as you two eats your favorite cake; a Lotus Biscoff Cookie Cake.
"Yep. That was my plan, until.."
"Until?" He asks with a teeth-showing smile and one eyebrow up. "Well.. until this." You reply, kissing him as you hug him tight.
You can't believe it, but he's all yours.
author's note: HELLOOOO EVERYONEEE! TvT THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR READING!! Please do tell me your opinions and thought and whether or not you like a second part where it shows more of Mark and Y/N's relationship 🥺 have a good year wherever you are!! stay healthy and eat well peeps!
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finnzhal · 11 months
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@limeonthegreat asked
Hi asshole it's me again ur lover I'm here to request because I blocked u in all social media platforms
Can I request a yandere Idia headcanon but we're not his lover just bestie who he have the biggest crush on
FINN's response :
BAE NAURRRR YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO BLOCK ME !! GADAMN this request was a long time ago . . Sorry pookie i did delete my past fanfic about this since i wasn't confident about it . But here's your yandere cutie patootie
Character : IDIA SHROUD (TWST)
Mentions : Yandere criteria ( Delusional,Stalking,Ruining your Relationships with other people,guilt tripping)
Forgive me for having the shittiest titles ever .
I don't condone this behavior in real life, I just find it fascinating and write about it .
If anyone's interested into requesting , I'm always open ! Check my INFOs for more !
0 It all started when you started giving him the attention and care , having the same interest , almost so similar to each other . He's not used to being treated with so much affection . It made something click on his brain , he wants to know more of you .
0 After that , He wants to see you 24 / 7 but not going far as to getting out in public . . He's still not comfortable going out but he of course follows you to his ipad or phone or Ortho !
0 He always records everything about you whenever you guys hang out or talk or just basically every interaction you guys have, he makes it into playlists naming it as " (name)/day/date/year/hour/minute " and he always listens to them whenever you're busy or unavailable:((
0 I can see him being the delusional and Possessive type, He always thinks that you like him back despite how many times you call him your 'friend'
0 He'll say the flaws on the student you've been with. trying to make you avoid the student for him . He always happened to find dirt on every student . He says this as a "bestie" advice
0 He couldn't stop fantasizing you about being with him for the longest time. No one going in-between you both,just you and him in the dark.
0 He always mix the reality with his fantasy , he always have a realization every night and having a meltdown over it .
0 He HATES the students being so close to you and he always manages to have a dirty background check on them . Later then , you find the student on the school page online getting exposed by something horrific . Real or not . He despises them so much but he couldn't do anything about it since he's always in his room but once you come in his room , you'll know he's all over you .
0 if anyone hurts you , DAMN he'll call someone to do his dirty work for him while he pampers you with affection
0 He always compare himself to the people around you , making you feel guilty , making you want to stay with him even longer . Just like he wanted
0 He was obvious about his romantic feelings towards you but if you point out his abnormal behavior, he will deny it while his hair is complete pink
0 He will write informations about you even the ones you didn't even told him about. He'll write your name over and over, he believes in manifestations
0 Will literally melt on your hands if you compliment and praise him, he will get all giggly and his eyes turning glossy.. he couldn't believe someone like you loves him this much . He tried complimenting you and praising you but he only ends up being the one flustered and stuttering
0 He place hidden cameras on your dorm and anywhere you always come or walk to . He gets excited and watches you with a lovesick smile across his face . Of course he's saving it , don't mind the boxes full of USBs under his desk
0 I don't really see him as a yandere that wants to capture you and cage you but I do see him getting mad at you for getting close to the person he warned you about . He'll ignore you for a week or so , giving you the cold shoulder ( While every night he watches all of the videos of you that his cameras took )
0 He doesn't care if you only see him as a friend ( Well , he does and he'll ask you the exact same question " Why? " And guilt trips you and tells you how much he have done for you ) . . He just thinks that you're just into slow burns just like those animes he watched and he's willing to wait
That's probably all for now ! Gosh 15 headcanons . . I have so much ideas for Yandere!Idia this night (8:00-9:00)
If you found some spelling or grammar mistakes, please let me know !
© Do not steal. Please. FINN's fragile
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anniesstories · 1 year
How they behave when they're your boyfriend?
Tokyo Revengers boys (Mikey, Draken, Kazutora, Baji)
Warnings: None, just some cute headcanons:3
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At first you thought Manjiro was .... very rude, disrespectful and ruthless since he is the leader of Toman but damn you was wrong, he's so sweet and kind and he makes you feel like you're the only woman on earth.
He'll probably ask you for advices about his gang, plz guide this dude when he needs you sometimes
He loves buying you little gifts just for you to know that he is thinking about you 24/7.
He's loyal af, whenever a chick is trying to flirt or anything he'll be so uninterested....
Loves cuddles. Long ones specially. Since he's been thinking about his gang, he never had time for girls...so he's touched starved, trust me .
I feel like he'd joke about your height if you're taller than him...I mean he's 5'3, ty google for your help, we know he's 1.62 cm (jokes like "what's the weather up there") 😭
He would talk about how pretty you are 24/7...
He's such a good bf, don't leave him plz
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Even though he looks dangerous he's a gentleman around you.
He doesn't know much about romance, but he's trying so hard to understand you....plz give him time.
He tries to teach you how to fight just in case you will need, he just wants to make sure your safe even if he isn't around you.
Kisses under the moonlight! KISSES UNDER THE MOONLIGHT. He loves them, trust me
You think he's weird because he enjoys violence, but you still love him sm.
When you two argue about something, he will wait for you to calm down so he can apologize ....
He's jealous....very jealous...and sometimes he can be toxic tho
Night walks with him are >>>>> like you can finally feel safe walking when the sun's down.
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He spent YEARS in jail, so you can't tell me that this man isn't touched starved.
You are the only person who can give him comfort bc he has mommy+trust issues
He has 0 experience when it comes to relationships but he'll still try his best to show you that he cares .
Mommy issues boy, he'll obviously call you mommy ....not in a sexual way or anything...
His childhood was a mess and the crimes he committed are still haunting him, so hold him close when the night comes.
He's too shy to make the first move...ig you have to make it....
Buys you flowers whenever he has a chance
Gentle and overprotective....and he gets jealous pretty fast bc of his insecurities.
The healthy relationship can turn into a toxic one pretty easy and he'll feel devastated....like you have no idea how much he loves you...
Loyal af bc he thinks about you 24/7...
He'll use your chest as a pillow bc he feels safe plz don't forget to watch a movie or sum...he loves these moments fr
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Rude af but dw he still loves you.
He's overprotective and jealous afff
The relationship can be a toxic one...but he'll try his best to solve the problems you both have🥺
Princess treatment...no, queen treatment, he'll treat you like he's a bodyguard and you're the queen he has to protect.
It's so cute when he lets you tie his soft hair...he loves it but can't admit it...
When he's in a good mood, i feel like he will act kinda goofy...he loves seeing you smile but he will never admit it...
He doesn't want you to see him fighting, he's afraid you might fear him, so he'll just let you take care of his wounds.
He's such a good stalker.
I just finished Tokyo Revengers season 1 and I was thinking about some headcannons... I hope you like it :)
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antimony-medusa · 8 months
MCYT on Ao3 — October '23
The state of MCYT on Ao3, just for fun. Yes I do this every month, I like numbers. 
October is the month of Kinktober/Flufftober/Whumptober/Goretober, so potentially the numbers go WILD this time. Let's get into it.
The Cube SMP (8 works)
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (9 works)
iDots SMP (24 works)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works)
Legacy SMP (28 works)
Cogchamp SMP (29 works)
Epic SMP (31 works)
Art of Survival SMP (32 works)
Dominion SMP (32 works)
Shady Oaks SMP (46 works)
X Life SMP (48 works)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (54 works)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (55 works)
Bear SMP (59 works)
Kaboodle SMP (66 works)
SadSMP (68 works)
Area Unknown SMP (79 works)
Mer SMP (79 works)
Tortillaland SMP (116 works)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (133 works)
New Life SMP (141 works)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (149 works)
Pirates SMP (150 works)
WitchCraft SMP (169 works)
Rats SMP (210 works)
SMPEarth (278 works)
SMPLive (288 works)
Outsiders SMP (345 works)
Mianite (Web Series) (366 works)
Afterlife SMP (386 works)
MindCrack RPF (499 works)
Evolution SMP (594 works)
Karmaland SMP (799 works)
Fable SMP (862 works)
Lifesteal SMP (1,308 works)
Origins SMP (1,511 works)
The Yogscast (3,197 works)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (4,703 works)
Empires SMP (5,873 works)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (8,325 works)
Hermitcraft SMP (18,084 works)
Dream SMP (82,097 works)
Minecraft (Video Game) (109,017 works)
Video Blogging RPF (267,675 works)
Some notes:
No new tags this month! So, y'know, we'll have to be content with our 43 mcyt tags. Just that.
Fics are still primarily in english, but we have three exceptions with significant spanish fics. Karmaland (711 of 797, from 691 spanish fics last month), Tortillaland (111 of 116, from 108 spanish fics last month), and QSMP (527 of 4,689, from 466 spanish fics last month). QSMP also shows 244 fics in brazilian portugese, from 175 last month, and 26 in french, from 19 last month.
In the small and micro fandoms, the standout was definiately Pirates SMP, which since being canonized last month has increased by 45 fics. Just by sheer volume of growth versus fandom, mention must be made of idots, which went up by 10 fics from a baseline of 16 last month. Given that the most recent post in the tag was in july, that had to have meant something got wrangled into the tag, or else someone was backdating like CRAZY.
In the midsize fandoms, the standout is, as ever, Fable SMP, with an increase of 95 fics. I think we're starting to get into the whumptober type numbers now, because they were the midsize standout last month with an increase of 33 fics, so that's an increase of almost 200%. Evolution SMP also went up by 49 fics, in contrast to last month's 24.
For the larger fandoms, there were spikes in every fandom, but the big spike I was expecting for whumptober did not really materialize in each fandom. Empires saw an increase of 240 in contrast to 154, but that didn't beat the previous month's 244. However, 3rd Life went up by 463, beating the past three months of numbers as the highest month in that stretch was 395 in August, and last month was only 340. Hermitcraft also beat the last three months, as it went up by 714, and the previous months were 453, 569, and 501, respectively. QSMP went up by 861, beating last month's 725, but, interestingly, exactly matching August's 861. DSMP continues to be the fandom no one can beat for pure volume, as it went up by 1,445, which did beat September's 1,171, but did not exceed August's 1,459. Last year the DSMP jump between October and November was over 7k fics, which at the time I attributed to whumptober, but now is looking more like something getting wrangled into the tag. Not everybody is whumping their guys, I guess.
Detailed breakdown of increases under the cut.
The Cube SMP (8 works, 8 last month, 0-fic increase)
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (9 works, 8 last month, 1-fic increase)
iDots SMP (24 works, 14 last month, 10-fic increase)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works, 27 last month, 0-fic increase)
Legacy SMP (28 works, 28 last month, 0-fic increase)
Cogchamp SMP (29 works, 29 last month, 0-fic increase)
Epic SMP (31 works, 31 last month, 0-fic increase)
Art of Survival SMP (32 works, 32 last month, 0-fic increase)
Dominion SMP (32 works, 32 last month, 0-fic increase)
Shady Oaks SMP (46 works, 45 last month, 1-fic increase)
X Life SMP (48 works, 46 last month, 2-fic increase)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (54 works, 54 last month, 0-fic increase)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (55 works, 53 last month, 2-fic increase)
Bear SMP (59 works, 58 last month, 1-fic increase)
Kaboodle SMP (66 works, 56 last month, 10-fic increase)
SadSMP (68 works, 68 last month, 0-fic increase)
Area Unknown SMP (79 works, 72 last month, 7-fic increase)
Mer SMP (79 works, 74 last month, 5-fic increase)
Tortillaland SMP (116 works, 113 last month, 3-fic increase)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (133 works, 134 last month, 1-fic decrease)
New Life SMP (141 works, 127 last month, 14-fic increase)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (149 works, 138 last month, 11-fic increase)
Pirates SMP (150 works, 105 last month, 45-fic increase)
WitchCraft SMP (169 works, 164 last month, 5-fic increase)
Rats SMP (210 works, 208 last month, 2-fic increase)
SMPEarth (278 works, 273 last month, 5-fic increase)
SMPLive (288 works, 283 last month, 5-fic increase)
Outsiders SMP (345 works, 314 last month, 31-fic increase)
Mianite (Web Series) (366 works, 363 last month, 3-fic increase)
Afterlife SMP (386 works, 382 last month, 4-fic increase)
MindCrack RPF (499 works, 493 last month, 6-fic increase)
Evolution SMP (594 works, 545 last month, 49-fic increase)
Karmaland SMP (799 works, 777 last month, 22-fic increase)
Fable SMP (862 works, 767 last month, 95-fic increase)
Lifesteal SMP (1,308 works, 1,220 last month, 88-fic increase)
Origins SMP (1,511 works, 1,478 last month, 33-fic increase)
The Yogscast (3,197 works, was not tracking last month)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (4,703 works, 3,842 last month, 861-fic increase)
Empires SMP (5,873 works, 5,633 last month, 240-fic increase)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (8,325 works, 7,862 last month, 463-fic increase)
Hermitcraft SMP (18,084 works, 17,370 last month, 714-fic increase)
Dream SMP (82,097 works, 80,652 last month, 1,445-fic increase)
Minecraft (Video Game) (109,017 works, 108,355 last month, 662-fic increase)
Video Blogging RPF (267,675 works, 262,973 last month, 4,702-fic increase)
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tf-cyberaligned · 9 months
I noticed in one of the oneshots that you mentioned that Blades was the oldest. What are the ages you have for all of the bots?
I was going to bring this up in a future chapter, but I can post those ages now since they aren't too lore specific!
Every age currently is translated to human years. I have yet to fully complete my Cybertronian time conversion sheet. The ages in parenthesizes are the translations to human ages. This is what you will see as they're in their holoform.
Starting with the main four (They were in stasis for 10 million human years)
Blades- 31.2 million (35 y/o) Heatwave- 21.9 million (25 y/o) Chase- 20.3 million (24 y/o) Boulder- 19.9 million (late 23y/o)
And the side bots
Soundwave- 69.8 million (early 70 y/o) Hightide- 55.8 million (late 55 y/o) Quantum- 31.5 million (35 y/o) Quickshadow- 22 million (25 y/o) Salvage- 10.2 million (20 y/o) Blurr- 9.7 million (19 y/o)
And the other bots are under the cut
Other bots
Optimus- 75.3 million (70+ y/o) Ratchet- 69.9 million (early 70 y/o) Megatron- 65.7 million (late 69 y/o) Ultra Magnus- 56.4 million (early 56 y/o) Starscream- 56.1 million (early 56 y/o) Shockwave- 55.5 million (early 55 y/o) Arcee- 49.2 million (early 50 y/o) Wheeljack- 48.5 million (49 y/o) Bulkhead- 43.7 million (44 y/o) Breakdown- 40.3 million (43 y/o) Knock Out- 39.1 million(43 y/o) Bumblebee- 24.7 million (early 29 y/o) Smokescreen- 7.8 million (18 y/o) Em- 337 years (4 y/o)
And here are the ages in human age terms
0-300 years - Sparklings/Newspark (0-3 years old) 300-2 million - Sparkind (4-12 human years equivalent) 2-7 million - Younglings (13-18 years) 7-18 million - Sparkhale (18-23 years) 18-25 million - Youngsparks (23-29 years) 25-33 million - Tricenspark (29-38 years) 33-49 million - Maturspark (38-50 years) 49-63 million - Midspark (50-62 years) 63-70 million - Elder/Geriaspark (62-70 years) 70+ million - Archaicspark (70+ years)
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stargirlaveblog · 3 months
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Chapter 16*
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•Previous Chapter: Chapter Fifteen
•Next Chapter: Chapter Seventeen
•Chapter List
•New chapters every Thursday. Next update 3/21/24
•Content: Levi Ackerman × OC female. Slow Burn! Canon verse!
•Word Count: 4.4k
•Warning: This content may not be suitable for all readers. If you've watched all of AOT then you will understand that the show handles heavy subjects such as abuse, racism, violence, and other heavy subjects. This fanfiction will also have the same heavy themes. Chapters with heavy themes will be marked with (*) at each chapter. This chapter does contain themes of death. Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with that topic.
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Gassed  - Bobby Krlic (Midsommar Soundtrack)
0:00 ━❍────── 4:29
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
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As we gathered around the opulent dining table, the weight of memories pressed down upon me like a suffocating blanket. The clinking of silverware and the murmur of conversation faded into the background as I drifted further into the recesses of my mind.
The portraits adorning the walls seemed to leer at me, their frozen smiles mocking my pain. Each stroke of the brush captured a moment in time, a fragment of a life that no longer existed. My mother's face, forever preserved in oils, gazed down at me with an expression of warmth and love that felt like a cruel mockery of my current reality.
As we sat in the grand dining room, surrounded by the solemn gazes of the portraits, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. My likeness, frozen in time, stared back at me from its gilt frame, a silent testament to the innocence I had lost.
The girl in the painting seemed to mock me, her carefree smile was long gone. She was a relic of a bygone era, a reminder of the girl I would never be again. Her eyes held a spark of vitality that had long since faded from my own, a painful reminder of all that I had lost.
I couldn't bear to meet her gaze, couldn't bear to confront the stark reality of who I had become. In her eyes, I saw all the hopes and dreams that had been shattered by tragedy and loss. She was a ghost of my past, haunting me with memories of a life that could never be reclaimed.
As the conversation flowed around me, I felt myself sinking deeper into despair. Levi's voice, usually a source of strength and reassurance, was nothing more than background noise, his presence a distant echo in the cavernous room. Hange's laughter grated on my nerves, a sharp reminder of the carefree spirit I had once possessed.
I pushed my food around my plate, the taste of each morsel turning to ash in my mouth. The weight of my past hung heavy upon my shoulders, threatening to crush me beneath its burden. How could I face the future when the past loomed so large, casting a shadow that stretched back through the years?
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"Iris?" Her soft tones drifted from the hallway, gentle and reassuring.
I couldn't find the strength to respond, my heart heavy with sorrow and my eyes swollen with tears. I felt her presence draw near, her touch a soothing balm against the ache in my soul.
Her hand found its way to my back, tracing small circles that sent shivers down my spine. With a sigh, I leaned into her touch, grateful for the comfort she offered.
"You're worried, aren't you?" Her voice was barely above a whisper, filled with understanding and empathy.
"Worried doesn't even begin to cover it," I admitted, my voice choked with emotion.
"I know, and I'm sorry," she murmured, her words a gentle reminder of the sacrifices we had made for love. "But this was the only way to ensure his safety above ground. After his contract is up, he will be a free man."
"But what if he doesn't make it into the top ten?" I sobbed, the weight of uncertainty crushing me beneath its relentless force.
"I assure you, he will make the top ten," she insisted, her voice laced with determination. My mother was not one to make empty promises; she knew things that I could only imagine.
"Iris, please. Look at me," she implored, lifting my chin to meet her gaze. "Dry up those tears. Tonight is your last night with him before he leaves. Don't waste it on sorrow. Go and cherish every moment you have together."
I stared into her jade eyes, the warmth of her love washing over me like a gentle breeze. With a deep breath, I wiped away my tears, determined to make the most of the time we had left.
"Okay," I whispered, a flicker of hope igniting within me once more.
"Good," she said, rising from her seat and smoothing down her black dress. "Your father has requested my presence at the church tonight, so we won't be back until later."
"I love you, Iris."
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
As Ivy's voice pierced through the haze of my daydream, I found myself swirling my glass of wine absentmindedly, the crimson liquid dancing in intricate patterns. Taking a sip, I let the rich taste wash over me, a fleeting distraction from the chaos unfolding at the dinner table.
There she was, Ivy, seated next to Levi, her infatuation palpable in every word she uttered. My father seemed thoroughly entertained by her antics, indulging her with amused chuckles while completely ignoring my presence. But then again, I hadn't exactly been the life of the party, choosing to drown in silence instead.
"So, Captain Levi, what made you choose my daughter for your squad?" My father's voice cut through the air, his gaze piercing through me with thinly veiled disapproval as I raised my glass to my lips once more.
"Erwin placed her with me," Levi's voice, a rare disruption in the symphony of chatter, broke through the tension at the table.
"So the rumors aren't true? You didn't handpick your squad members?" My father pressed further, his curiosity tinged with skepticism.
"No, I did," Levi asserted, his tone firm and unwavering.
As the conversation continued to ebb and flow around me, I couldn't help but feel a pang of irritation at the way Ivy hung onto his every word, her eyes sparkling with admiration, while my father seemed almost skeptical of Levi.
"So if given the choice, would you have chosen my daughter for your squad?" My father's inquiry hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the dinner table. His scrutiny was like a weight on my shoulders, pressing down with every passing moment.
I swirled the wine in my glass, its crimson hues dancing under the soft glow of the dining room chandelier. My father's questioning always had a way of making me feel like a child again, unsure and unsteady under his watchful eye. His doubts were no secret, his skepticism regarding my place in the Scouts was a constant source of tension between us.
"I would have still chosen your daughter if it was my choice," Levi spoke out, his voice softer than usual but only Hange and I would recognize the difference. To my family, he remained apathetic, his demeanor unwavering in the face of my father's interrogation.
I glanced up from my glass to meet Levi's gaze, finding a flicker of something unfamiliar in his steely eyes. It was a rare moment of vulnerability, a crack in his usual facade that only I seemed to notice.
"As a father, I was worried when I found out my eldest daughter joined the Scouts," my father admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of pride. "But knowing she's under your command, I have a good feeling she will be alright."
"She's fine on her own." His response was blunt and short as ever.
"If she truly was, then she'd be a captain already, not--" My father's voice grated on my nerves, but I wasn't about to let him finish that sentence unchallenged.
"I've had plenty of chances to be a captain. I just prefer being his right hand," I retorted, my tone dripping with defiance. It was like they were talking around me as if I were some puppet on strings instead of a soldier capable of making her own decisions.
My father's disapproving scoff only fueled my irritation.
"You passed up a captaincy just to keep playing second fiddle to him? You haven't changed a bit."
With a resigned sigh, my father stood up, signaling the end of dinner.
"Well, it's been lovely, but duty calls. Make yourselves at home. Elenor will show you to your rooms."
As he left the room, I resisted the urge to hurl my wine glass after him. It was just like him to avoid a confrontation, to walk away when things got uncomfortable.
Left at the table, I reached for the wine bottle, pouring myself a generous serving. The ruby liquid swirled in the glass, a comforting sight amidst the chaos of my family dinner.
When I glanced up, I found Levi's gaze already fixed on me, his eyes betraying a hint of amusement. I couldn't help but smirk back at him, raising my glass in a silent toast. His disapproving shake of the head only made me grin wider.
"You need to eat," Levi's voice broke through the heavy silence that had settled over the table.
"I'm not hungry," I retorted, parroting back all the times he'd refused food I'd offered him.
"Don't make me come over there," he warned.
I rolled my eyes, stabbing at my mashed potatoes with more force than necessary and shoveling a forkful into my mouth.
"Happy?" I mumbled with a full mouth.
"Ecstatic," he deadpanned.
Meanwhile, Hange was practically drooling over the food.
"Iris, you mind if I finish that?" they asked eagerly, reaching for the remnants of my meal.
"Is that even a question? Here," I replied, pushing the plate toward them with a smirk.
As Hange gobbled up the last of my food, their attention turned to the portraits lining the walls of the dining room.
"These are beautiful. How old were you guys when these were painted?" they asked, their mouths still half-full.
"Iris was fifteen, I was thirteen. It was a gift from our grandfather," Ivy answered, her gaze lingering on the paintings with a hint of nostalgia.
"Hmm, Iris, you look so innocent in yours," Hange observed, scrutinizing the portrait closely. "Wait, is that a paintbrush and canvas next to you?"
I sighed, knowing where this was going. "Yeah, good observation," I muttered sarcastically.
"Do you paint?" Hange inquired, genuinely curious.
"Obviously," Levi interjected, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he rose from his seat and made his exit.
"How did you not even know? You were roommates for a good five years."
With Levi gone, it was just Hange, my sister, and my left in the dining room. As Hange continued to pepper me with questions about my artistic endeavors, I couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance at Levi's abrupt departure. But then again, that was just Levi being Levi.
"You know, Iris," Ivy began, her voice laced with a honeyed sweetness that made my skin crawl.
"I've always admired Captain Levi's...strength."
But Ivy wasn't finished. With a coy smile, she leaned closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.
"I must admit, Iris, I never realized how handsome Captain Levi was until now. It's nice to finally put a name to the face."
Her eyes glimmered with an intensity that made my stomach churn uncomfortably, her subtle gestures betraying a keen interest in a man who had never shown an inkling of reciprocation. Let alone a man she just met.
"I've heard tales of his valor," she continued, her tone dripping with exaggerated admiration, "and his dedication to the cause."
I exchanged a glance with Hange, silently pleading for intervention, but she merely offered an amused smirk, clearly reveling in Ivy's shameless flirtation.
"And speaking of dedication," Ivy added, her gaze lingering on me for a moment too long, "Iris, do you know if Captain Levi has any... personal commitments? Perhaps to someone special?"
The insinuation hung in the air like a heavy fog, suffocating me with its implications. Ivy's relentless pursuit of Levi's attention grated on my nerves, igniting a fierce discomfort that begged for escape.
With a strained smile, I rose from the table, clutching at the excuse of fetching another bottle of wine to mask my abrupt departure.
"Hange can tell you all about it," I muttered, my voice betraying a hint of urgency as I fled the suffocating atmosphere of the dining room, leaving behind Ivy's lingering gaze and the unsettling echo of her probing inquiries.
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I tiptoed past the dining room, where the echoes of Ivy and Hange's laughter reverberated through the corridors like a mischievous melody. They were knee-deep in their preparations for the upcoming ball, their voices beamed with excitement as they discussed everything from decorations to dance partners.
I couldn't bring myself to join them. The mere thought of endless hours spent deliberating over floral arrangements and seating charts made my head throb with an intensity that rivaled the morning sun. So instead, I sought refuge in the solitude of my old room, hoping to find solace in the familiar confines of my childhood sanctuary.
But even sleep proved to be an elusive escape, my dreams haunted by fragmented memories and whispered regrets. When I finally roused from my restless slumber, a throbbing headache greeted me like an unwelcome guest, a lingering reminder of the wine-fueled haze that had clouded my senses the night before.
Seeking respite from the cacophony of laughter downstairs, I made my way to the kitchen, the promise of a steaming cup of tea luring me like a siren's song. Yet, to my surprise, I found Elenor already there, her deft hands maneuvering with practiced ease as she prepared a tray laden with snacks and tea.
"Well, well, if it isn't our sleeping beauty," Elenor quipped, her smile warm and welcoming despite the late hour.
I offered her a sheepish grin, my headache pulsing with renewed vigor as I scanned the array of herbal remedies lining the shelves.
"Just the person I was hoping to see," I replied, my tone tinged with a hint of desperation.
Elenor's gaze softened with sympathy as she assessed my condition, her fingers deftly selecting a blend of lavender and ginger to soothe my aching head.
"Your mother's tea will do wonders," she assured me, her voice a gentle balm against the discordant symphony of my thoughts.
"Are you not lending a hand with the planning?" Elenor inquired, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.
As she busied herself with the preparations, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at the prospect of evading my duties yet again. At the same time, I didn't ask to be a part of the planning. I shook my head, a sigh escaping my lips as I resigned myself to my fate.
"Not my forte,"
But Elenor had other plans, her gaze unwavering as she handed me the tray, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes.
"Levi requested tea," she revealed, her smile knowing. "And since you're here, you might as well check in on your guest."
I opened my mouth to protest, but Elenor was already retreating, her laughter trailing behind her like a whisper in the wind. With a resigned sigh, I grasped the tray tightly, steeling myself for the inevitable encounter that awaited me. After all, if there was one thing more daunting than planning a ball, it was facing Levi Ackerman with a pounding headache but at least I had a tray of tea in hand.
As I stood in the hallway of my childhood home, the weight of the tray in my hands felt like an anchor tethering me to a past I longed to forget. Every step towards Levi's room I felt my stomach turn and my hands start to shake.
The portraits lining the walls seemed to mock me with their silent gaze, their painted eyes boring into my soul as if they knew the secrets I harbored within. Memories, both bitter and sweet, threatened to overwhelm me, each step forward a hesitant shuffle toward the inevitable.
Elenor's well-intentioned gesture had unwittingly become a catalyst for my torment, her innocent invitation to deliver tea to a guest transforming into a cruel reminder of everything I had lost. I wanted to scream, to lash out at the walls closing in around me, but the weight of my grief held me captive in its suffocating embrace.
With trembling hands, I approached the door to Levi's room, the wood worn smooth from years of use. I hesitated, my heart pounding in my chest, the memories flooding my mind with a dizzying intensity.
My gaze fell upon the looming presence of the parlor room, its doors casting a shadow over my memories like a specter from the past. It had been years since I had dared to venture near that threshold, the weight of its significance bearing down on me with each passing moment.
The last time I crossed that threshold was the day my mother drew her final breath, the room forever frozen in time as a testament to the tragedy that had unfolded within its walls. It had become a sanctuary of sorrow, a sacred space untouched by the passage of time.
The memories that lingered within those walls were a haunting presence, a reminder of the pain and loss that had defined my existence ever since that fateful day. And yet, despite my best efforts to bury them, they clawed their way back to the surface, threatening to consume me once more.
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I couldn't wipe the grin off my face as Alexander guided the stallion through the gates, his hand firmly clasping mine. The exhilaration of our impending announcement coursed through me, making my heart race with anticipation.
Dismounting gracefully, Alexander extended his hand to help me down from the horse, his touch sending a shiver of excitement down my spine. I couldn't help but admire the glint of the ring on my finger, the sunlight catching the gemstone in a dazzling display.
"Ready to share the news?" Alexander's voice was filled with excitement as he gestured towards the house, his eyes shining with anticipation.
"My mother deserves to know first," I replied, a smile playing at the corners of my lips as Alexander led me towards the entrance.
As we burst through the door, Elenor's surprised voice greeted us, her eyes widening at our sudden arrival.
"Lady Iris!" she yelled, taken aback by our unannounced entrance.
"Sorry to barge in, Elenor. Do you know where mother is?" I asked my hand still intertwined with Alexander's, the ring sparkling in the light.
"In the piano room, but she didn't seem well," Elenor replied, concern etched on her face. "Perhaps it's best to wait until later."
"I have just the thing to cheer her up," I announced proudly, holding out my hand to reveal the dazzling ring.
Elenor gasped in astonishment, her eyes widening as she took in the sight of the ring.
"Oh, my, that's stunning," she exclaimed, her excitement contagious.
"This will surely bring a smile to her face! Off you go then!" With a warm smile, she ushered us towards the piano room, leaving me feeling buoyant and eager to share our joyous news with my mother.
As we burst into the room, my heart racing with anticipation, I scanned the parlor with eager eyes, searching for any sign of my mother's presence. But the room lay empty, void of the familiar warmth and laughter that usually filled its walls.
"Let's check the parlor," I urged, my voice trembling with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Gripping Alexander's hand tightly, I led the way, my steps quickening with each passing moment.
With a swift motion, I flung open the doors to my mother's sanctuary, my breath catching in my throat as I stepped inside. But instead of the welcoming embrace I had anticipated, the room seemed to darken before my eyes, the air heavy with an oppressive sense of foreboding.
A strangled cry tore from my lips as I stumbled forward, the weight of despair crashing over me like a tidal wave. Alexander's arms enveloped me, anchoring me to the ground as I sank to my knees, the world spinning around me in a dizzying blur.
Desperation clawed at my chest as I fought to reach her, my hands grasping for something, anything to hold onto. But Alexander held me back, his voice a distant echo in the chaos, his attempts to comfort me falling on deaf ears.
The sound of Elenor's scream pierced the air, shattering the silence with a jolt of raw emotion. My body trembled with exhaustion, every muscle aching with the weight of grief as I struggled to make sense of the nightmare unfolding around me.
But no matter how hard I tried, the truth remained unchanged, a bitter pill I couldn't swallow. And as the echoes of my cries filled the room, I felt the world slip away, consumed by darkness I could never escape.
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"Iris," Levi's voice broke through the haze of my thoughts, snapping me back to reality.
I blinked, startled to find him standing before me, his presence looming like a shadow in the dimly lit hallway. He wasn't clad in his usual uniform or stiff attire; instead, he wore something casual, an unexpected sight that softened his typically stern demeanor.
"Sorry," I stammered, momentarily flustered by his sudden appearance.
"I brought you tea." I lifted the tray in the offering, hoping to break the awkward silence that hung between us like a heavy fog.
Without a word, Levi reached out and snatched the tray from my grasp, his movements sharp and efficient. With a curt nod, he gestured for me to enter, holding the door open with an impatient air.
"Are you going to stand there all night?" His voice was laced with irritation, a sharp contrast to the calm facade he exuded just moments ago.
"Right. Sorry," I muttered, feeling a flush of embarrassment creep up my cheeks as I followed him into the room.
The door clicked shut behind me, enclosing us in a cocoon of silence. I made my way to the seating area near the fireplace, the crackling flames casting flickering shadows across the room. It had been ages since I set foot in this space, and the sight of another person occupying it—especially Levi, of all people—sent a strange pang of discomfort through me.
Only these walls know the things that have happened in this room.
As Levi busied himself with pouring the tea, the tension in the room seemed to thicken, suffocating me with its weight. I fidgeted with the hem of my dress, unsure of what to say or do to break through the palpable awkwardness that hung between us like a heavy shroud.
"When was the last time you were back in this hell hole?" Levi's voice cut through the quiet, punctuated by the clink of his cup meeting his lips.
"The trials," I replied curtly, my tone matching his blunt demeanor.
He simply nodded, taking another sip of his tea, his expression unreadable.
"It's been that long, huh?" he remarked, his voice carrying a hint of sympathy.
"Yeah, I don't like being here," I admitted, feeling a twinge of discomfort at the memories this place evoked.
"I don't blame you. Your family—" He paused as if grappling with his next words, and I braced myself for the inevitable mention of my past.
"Irritating? Think they're better than everyone else? Annoying?" I supplied, cutting him off before he could tip-toe around the truth. His restraint was admirable, but sometimes honesty was necessary, especially in moments like these.
"No," he responded quickly, his eyes darting away from mine.
"Don't hold yourself back now," I teased, a playful smile tugging at my lips. "It's times like this when I need your witty remarks."
His gaze returned to meet mine, a flicker of relief dancing across his features.
"Your sister is a nuisance," he admitted, his tone tinged with frustration. "The woman does not shut up."
"Oh, it's only going to get worse," I chuckled, taking a sip of my tea. "Trust me."
"I don't understand," he groaned, his brow furrowing in confusion. "I just met her."
"Well, get ready," I quipped, a mischievous glint in my eye. "You're in for a wild ride."
"Everyone's heard the stories of Captain Levi and how he's dedicated to the cause," I mimicked Ivy's voice, earning an eye roll from Levi in response.
"I'm just doing my job," he replied, his tone clipped and dismissive.
"Yeah, and you're pretty good at it. Of course, people are going to talk about the guy with a Titan kill count of thirty-six," I remarked, unable to resist poking fun at his legendary status.
"It's not thirty-six," he groaned, clearly uncomfortable with the topic.
"Yes, it is," I insisted, refusing to let him downplay his achievements.
"Can't be," he muttered, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the truth.
"I keep track."
"Well, don't. It's not useful," he retorted, his irritation evident.
"It's fun, and I'm going to continue to do so," I declared, standing up from my seat.
"Where are you going?" he interjected, his voice betraying a hint of concern.
"To bed, and so should you," I replied, flashing him a playful smirk.
"Big talk from someone who doesn't sleep," he fired back, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
"Likewise," I countered, returning his smile as I made my way to the door. "Goodnight, Captain."
"Night," he responded, his gaze lingering on me as I exited the room.
"Iris," my father's voice called out from his study, the door ajar, inviting me in with its dim illumination.
With a heavy sigh, I stepped into the room, bracing myself for the inevitable confrontation.
"Father," I greeted him curtly as I entered.
"Close the door," he ordered, his tone firm and unwavering.
I complied, closing the door behind me with a soft click, the sound echoing in the tense silence that hung between us.
As my father removed his reading glasses and set them aside, his gaze bore into me with a harshness that cut to the core. It was a look I'd grown accustomed to over the years, but it still stung every time.
"You know how I feel about going into another man's room unwedded," he began, his words dripping with disdain. "Don't want to make the same mistake as last time."
"It's not like that. He's my captain," I protested, attempting to defend myself against his accusations.
"Captain and subordinates don't spend alone time together. It's inappropriate," he admonished, his voice growing harsher with each word. "You have a habit of inappropriate behavior. It makes our family look bad. He's from the underground; he's nothing but trouble."
I couldn't help but fire back, my stubbornness bubbling to the surface.
"Last I recall, you favored a boy from the underground."
"And look where that got you. Cowering under that fool's hands. I thought the Scouts were supposed to make you fearless and strengthen you. All that work and you're still weak."
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A/N: Midsommar & Florence Pugh’s acting was my inspiration when writing Iris’s flashback about her mother. I’m sorry for such an eerie song to go with the chapter but if you’ve seen the movie then you’d understand what I’m trying to convey.
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verosvault · 4 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 4 "Under Pressure"
Timestamp: 00:24:52
Video Length: 4min. & 16sec.
Fabian's Trust Fund. Nemesis Alert?!
If Fabian cashes out his trust fund sum money early/when he's still in high school or in a place of higher education, it means he'll get 2 million gold pieces right away. The bank will get 5%, and then 18 million will go to Fabian's nemeses! 😭✋
Alston Hughes: "Your father wanted to ensure that you made a name for yourself, right? And he wanted to take care of you."
The weight of Bill Seacaster still looming over Fabian fr! Even after it's been so long since he's been dead for! 😭✋
There's yearly checkpoints!
Fabian asks how they know who his nemeses are and they apparently have their own system for that already!
Fabian: *thousand yard stare*
Brennan! Stop laughing and clapping I swear! 😭✋
I'm shocked Fabian hasn't thought about the name "Chungledown Bim" all summer! 😂 I swear in my mind, Fabian thinks about Chungledown Bim at least once every day because of his trauma 😭😭✋✋ Either that or he has nightmares about Chungledown Bim that he doesn't talk about. 😭😭
Poor Fabian 😭 Bill needed to teach Fabian so much 😭 There's so many things out there that Fabian hasn't learned 😭
Bill Seacaster was frugal! ;0 kinda shocked! ;0 but it made sense when Mr. Hughes said that Bill was more interested in making money! ;0 🤔
Cathilda name drop! 🥺🥺
5,000 gold per month isn't bad at all!!! ✋✋
Alston Hughes: "Would you like nemesis alert?"
Mr. Hughes asks if Fabian wants to "free trial" it! 😭✋
Alston Hughes: "Would you like dragon madness alert?"
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sirlightningpotato · 5 months
My toxic trait is getting pissed every time someone gets the Rolling with Difficulty timeline wrong (hint, that’s every time someone guesstimates how long it’s been since an Event) bc I did all the math out from the earliest known event that is a solid amount of time before another event in the chain to the end of season 4, anyways timeline under the cut, from my math
If we start with the original Per Aspera crew finding the Ad Astera, the timeline goes
Month 0: Original Crew finds Ad Astera
Month 20/ Year 1, Month 8: Docent is given to Maxim
Month 39/ Year 3, Month 3: Dani revives VR-LA
Month 51/ Year 4, Month 3: Kyana joins crew
Month 52/ Year 4, Month 4: End of season 1
Month 60/ Year 5: Season 2 start
Month 61/ Year 5, Month 1: Season 3 start
Month 63/ Year 5, Month 3: Season 4 start
Month 64/ Year 5 Month 4: Season 5 start
Notes/ Reasoning in order!
In 3.3 or 3.4, I don’t remember exactly, Docent states that it was 20 months between them being re-activated by VR-LA and being left with Maxim.
There is no solid amount of time between Docent going to Maxim and the raid on the Per Aspera as far as I know, so the next event must be VR-LA rescued.
Austin states in the season 1 QNA that it was 19 months between Docent being left with Maxim and VR-LA being revived. The statement in 1.7 that it was 19 months since Maxim saw VR-LA was a mistake.
It is stated, in a few places but also in the season 1 QNA that it was 12 months between VR-LA’s revival and Kyana being fished out of the astral sea.
This is where it starts to take more math to determine the timeline.
Season 1 takes 1 month. 2 weeks in the feywild, 1 week on route to Maxim’s, and the rest is days, so I round up to a month
Season 2 is about a month long. About 1 week between the salamander incident and 2.2, 1 week between 2.8’s end and Hira’s announcement in 2.9, and another week for 2.10’s skill challenge, everything else took place over days, a month is assumed.
Season 3 is about 2 months long, although I’m shakier on this than the rest. Finbar and Elyse are in the Feywild for a month in 3.2, and there were a couple of trips that took some amount of time, but I’m basing this timeline on a timeline I made during rewatch from months ago, where I said it took weeks other than the month long time skip, so I’ll need to rewatch season 3 for anything more in depth.
Season 4 is 1 month long. There is 1 week between the start of 4.1 and the start of 4.2. There is a bit more than a week between 4.3 and the end of 4.4. There is a 2 week time skip during 4.5. 4.6 to 4.10 is at maximum 36 hours, it’s probably less than 24 hours.
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Get to Know Me Tag
Tagged by the feisty @lurkingshan, thanks Shan!
Do you make your bed?
Kinda. After my divorce, I bought lovely new bedding and happily made my bed every morning for like a year. Then I got lazy. I sorta half-ass it, where I fluff my pillows and pull up sheets and straighten the blankets and bed spread, but it's not photo-worthy or anything.
What’s your favorite number?
3. I like triads and trinities. In fact, I named my first dog Trinity. And I had three children!
What is your job?
I’m an author. I have 4 non-fiction books published under my given name and 15 fiction books published under a pseudonym. Many of my books were best sellers. Despite this fact, it is not enough to pay the bills. So I supplement my income with speaking engagements, teaching classes, and running a handful of websites, one of which is a wholesale distribution platform for artisanal imported foods. Basically, I'm self-employed and keep myself busy doing anything that interests me.
If you could go back to school, would you?
No. While I love learning and don't mind taking the occasional class to be introduced to a cool skill (like making stained glass!), I absolutely refuse to do any more higher education than I already have. I was sorta super nerdy at school because of an eidetic memory, so I collected degrees in Biblical Studies, Philosophy, Greek, Linguistics, and Russian Literature before I finally realized I didn't want to be a perpetual student.
Can you parallel park?
Nope. I learned how to do it to get my Driver's License over 30 years ago and have literally never had to use the skill since.
A job you had that would surprise people?
Hmmm. My job-jobs were all pre-children so people are surprised when they find out I ever had any since my last one was decades ago. But I didn't just have a few, I had a LOT of jobs because I finished school early and had to pay for my entire university education myself because of poor parents, and I think that's the most surprising thing. I was a waitress (14-16), a shop clerk (16-18), an acquisitions librarian's assistant (18-19), a bank teller (20), a digital librarian for a major software development company (20-21), a language tutor (18-21), an adjunct professor (22-24), a houseparent in a boy's home (24), and a cog in the county tax assessor's office (24-26). I also volunteered as a translator for Doctor's Without Borders and as a suicide prevention counselor for LGBTQ youth. At 26, I had my first child and became self-employed.
Do you think aliens are real?
Possibly, but I struggle to believe humans have ever interacted with any.
Can you drive a manual car?
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Cop shows. I agree ACAB, but I love love LOVE the testosterone-fueled fantasy world of shows like Hawaii Five 0.
None. I didn't want any at first because all the tattoos I'd seen on old people didn't age well thanks to saggy skin, wrinkles, etc. Now I kinda wish I'd had at least one.
Favorite color?
Dark azure.
Favorite type of music?
I LOVE IT ALL. If you live long enough, you discover awesome music in every genre. Like, I thought I hated heavy metal, but then I discovered the album Pale Communion by Opeth a decade ago and loved literally every single song!
Do you like puzzles?
Yes, but I don't make the time to do them.
Any phobias?
Heights. Absolutely terrifying.
Favorite childhood sport?
Cross country! I ran on my varsity team in HS and continued it through college.
Do you talk to yourself?
No. I am so quiet. On the weeks I don't have custody of my kids, I have sometimes had weeks where I work exclusively from home and don't interact with another human person beyond text messages and emails. When I finally speak out loud for the first time in days, the sound of my voice is jarring and unfamiliar.
What movies do you adore?
About Time. The Royal Tenenbaums. Shawshank Redemption.
Coffee or tea?
Coffee! I used to be more of a snob about it, but I recently fell in love with Korean instant coffees and THEY ARE SO GOOD. HOLY SHIZNITS.
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
A teacher in a foreign country.
I haven't been keeping track of who tagged who, so I'd like to tag @absolutebl @juneviews @twig-tea @sorry-bonebag @stefanyd @waitmyturtles @disaster-j @cooloddball @spicyvampire and @norahastuff If you'd like to play and I didn't tag you, please do!! Be sure to tag me so I can read your post.
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