#I dont know the lives people lead so its not my place to start up a fight with someone I barely know
baconcolacan · 7 months
Hello there! I've folllwing your blog since august and i just wanted you to know that i really like your art and your Stay AU you made with Tord
I distanted myself from the EW fandom for a while but i'm slowly getting into it for the nostalgia heh
And your Stay AU Tord inspired me to make my own take of Tord as well! I call him here the Crimson Soldier, i gave him a beard too 🤭 (the blonde lad with him is Penny, a very old EW i redesigned btw)
Anyways, i wish you the best! keep up the good job and have a nice day 👋
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WAAGAGA HIII Thank you for liking the stuff I do!! ^^
And YAY MORE BEARDED TORDS TO GO AROUNDDD!!! I’m glad I was able to inspire someone, he looks pretty snazzy! :D
I wish you the best too!! I hope your day goes well ^^
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mainfaggot · 22 days
just watched challengers at the cinema w my little sister. it was so intense wtf
#i was like grabbing onto my scalp just yanking my hair in the last 5 mins and at the end i yelled (quietly) LOVE WINS!#bc there were only 4 other ppl in the cinema lol#its so fucking stupid on the surface like ok complicated polyamory and also insane obsession with a sport bc that is what makes these people#who they are; as in the sport IS their identity as individuals that's what fills the void that lies underneath skin and bone etc.#blah blah basic shit about messy relationships with the self and romantically with others#but it's also so profound because despite the many obstacles and personality differences. they all love one another and the sport so much.#it's so weird it's twisted in a sense because it's like they only have one another and then obviously tennis (bc tennis is the bridge)#it's very.. codependent#i can't believe my little sister understood like not in a condescending way i cant believe she got it but in a “oh i didnt know you watched#stuff with this much emotion and that you cared enough to critique media“ since she doesn't usually tell me about what shes watching#and when she does she tells me about sitcoms ..#so yeah it was nice that we watched it together but also kind of weird bc#well surface level: the make out scenes were just us giggling awkwardly#and on a deeper level when i was watching it. i couldn't help but think about how#patrick at some point turned into an observer; he stopped being a part of the art tashi patrick trio (and tennis!) and turned#into a spectator#despite very much still being a fellow player#and then tashi became a spectator of the sport despite very much being absorbed in it all and in love with art (?)#i dont know what else to call it but her need to control him came from a place of some kind of care ... albeit manipulative and self serving#so Patrick and tashi are almost parallel lines if that makes sense#theyre kicked out of “the club” whatever the club may be (for Patrick he's no longer in the trio) and for Tashi once the trio is long gone#she's no longer a competitor bc of her injury#and then art is just in the middle of it all#and he'd always followed Patrick's lead in the past and then he started thinking for himself until he became so taken by Tashi#and then he just became her little follower#he just wants to be loved and told what to do because he doesn't know how else to live. im projecting? im projecting. anyway!#the ending. god. the ending sums up their whole past dynamic:#patrick is petty. art is irritated. tashi doesn't get their little dynamic. patrick loves art. art is forgiving. tashi loves the sport#(and maybe she loves them both in her own fucked up control freak way)#z.post
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liveontelevision · 3 months
Okay, this started as a rant about Lucifer lore and turned into an argumentative essay on why Lucifer is a bottom. My b.
18+ Smut ahead, lots of angst
Here's the thing about Lucifer. He was an awesome dreamer, fell in love with Lillith, and was banished to Hell. Literally forced to see what the gift of good will can do at its worse. Unless he's made some personal contact with a sinner to get like updates about what the gift of good will did right, he had to be stuck in a depression for centuries, at least until Charlie was born. And while that would've definitely given him a new passion, he'll never feel confident in dreaming again.
With how much he dislikes sinners and what they represent, i wonder if there had to be some strain on their relationship when it came to Lillith taking control? They never really talk about if they had a fallout or if she just disappeared, but i dont think they really got divorced either.
When Lucifer looks at that family picture and winces, does he feel bad about not contacting charlie? About something he did to make lillith leave? Or maybe he feels bad about being upset at lillith for leaving in the first place? There's so much to umpack there i live for the lore.
Love Interests:
But when that comes to potential love interests in the future, Lucifer hasnt had to court anyone before like ever. Not in the circumstances that they live in a big city like Hell. So when he finally ends up catching feelings, he has no idea. People around the hotel literally need to pick up on context clues for him and have an intervention to tell him he's in love again.
Even if he hasnt seen lillith in 7 years, their relationship had to be a drastic change compared to new love. I think that his love interest would also pick it up before he does, and you would let him work at his own pace. Fuck, it is so important that he goes through this process at his own pace.
With so much strain on his past relationships with loved ones, he fully gaslights himself into thinking he doesnt deserves and isnt allowed to feel affection anymore. I hate making characters i love suffer. But i feel like in his state of mind he'd go through depressive episodes and panic attacks, maybe some night terrors. Theyed be about his past and his subconscious would essentially tell him he has feelings again, and he shouldn't act them in case he scares you away and abandons you, like heaven. Or drives you away like lillith. Or purposely blocks you out like charlie. Mans is struggling i swear. He needs some comfort.
After finally coming to terms, hes a nervous wreck about every decision he makes. He'll constantly stare in the mirror in the mornings, making sure he looks his best, would plan mental scripts before even having a conversation with you, and would become a bumbling mess just trying to make jokes out of the situation, some base level actions, like how we saw in the show. He'll manage to finally ask you out, but all he really knows how to do is profess an undying love (i feel like his confession to lillith was hella dramatic) so it was a little awkward, but still cute. And of course you said yes.
So let's say its been 5+ years since he moved into the hotel, met you and finally managed to confess his feelings. When it comes to the actual relationship? You give him reassurance and support him through his mental episodes, and laugh at his jokes and praise him for everything he does. He has such intense imposture syndrome though, that even other demons have to reassure that theres no way you dont love him with all your being. Because it is literally obvious to everyone but him.
He's pretty good at doing the romantic fluff stuff in public, he loves to make a big show out of treating you like royalty and even trying to embarrass you when you become close enough. He's always more charasmatic in public, it seems easier than doing that alone.
Not in a negative way, but Lucifer is so never to be alone with you. You take the lead a bit more in those scenarios, suggesting ideas like movies or just coming up with small talk yourself. He needs someone who'll be patient with him. Being alive for millions of years AND being left or shamed by all your loved ones during that time is literally the definition of Truama.
Of course he's been bottling all that shit up, he has no one to confide with. There's no one who's been alive and witnessed it all the way he has. So bless you for loving and caring for him even without understanding all hes been through.
You'll have some rough patches, where this emotional side locks him away from you and everyone else. It might be a few days before you see him. He'll lock himself in his office, pumping out ducks by the dozen just to keep himself from sleeping, because he's scared he'll have night terrors if he feels asleep. He's in a constant loop;
"what if i fucked up?"
"what if i try to talk about it and then they realize how bad i fucked up?"
"what if that's enough of a reason for them to leave me?"
"what if i scare them away?"
"what if that fucks this up?"
"what if i fucked up.. Again..?"
After he leaves his office, youre excited to see him out and about, but you cant make a big deal out of it. You have to speak to him calmly, make sure he's physically okay before talking to him about his thought process. It might take awhile, but he'll eventually trust you enough to open up. And of course it'll never be bad enough for you to leave him, he's just struggling.
Physical Contact:
It takes him an even longer time to become physical with you. He hasnt been intimate for over a decade at this point, but as soon as he becomes comfortable with little affections like hand holding, cuddling, wrapping his arms around your waist, and kissing? Hoo boy, he melts after your first kiss. It couldve been even a small peck and he would still become a nervous wreck just trying to ask for more.
He'll ask for physical touch more than provide it at first. You'll give him a quick kiss and he'll look up at you super eager just like, "another?" He'll grow into tastful pda's, linking arms, quick hugs and smooches, holding hands all that.
He becomes putty in your hand when you're alone though. You'll nudge him to lean against your shoulder or even lay his head in your lap while youre lounging or watching movies. He becomes so relaxed in your presence, that you'll want to suddenly peck him just to see his suddenly flustered reaction.
You'd give him massages that he would always be hesistant over. He was always a little nervous that he wasnt giving enough to you, but you were quick to assure him that wasnt the case. You'd straddle his hips while giving him a slowww massage. It starts with light touches, tracing your fingers over his shoulder blades and spine. You'd trace your fingers over his chest when you would cuddle too, depending on the position. Or stroke his back sweetly. It was enough of a distraction to keep his mind occupied, away from any spiraling thoughts he might be having.
He purrs. Convince me that he doesnt purr. (You cant)
Being secluded for so long probably means that he doesnt fly as much as he used to. It was probably a passion of his, and he was especially delighted to share it with lillith and charlie.
So during those 7 years he barely flew, he also didnt take care of his wings. I feel like theyre something to be summoned, so they arent constantly tucked into his back. You'd basically scold him sometimes to just let you clean his wings.
You'd do it in like a spring-type bathhouse that Lucifer would have in his castle somehow. It was one of the first intimate moments he's experienced in years, so he was generally going insane. Feeling your hands and a little comb rake through the feathers on his giant wings? You'd have to tap his shoulder sometimes to keep him from falling asleep to the relaxation alone. After the first time, the water you used was pretty dirty and he had a lot of loose feathets that were combed out. Damn, he needed this.
After awhile, you sit down and would have a discussion about being intimate in bed. Lucifer would be absolutely nervous about overstepping by asking this, (even though you've been together for about a year at this point). He would use his mental scripts and basically practice what he wanted to say.
It would mainly be him saying he wants to do this because he loves you and youve done so much for him that he wants to give back to you in this way. It would consist of him saying its okay if you dont want to, or if you ever want to stop to just say so. But of course you want to, how could you not?
It would start slow, he actually tries taking the lead in this specific situation. He would kiss you first, his lips trembling at the thought that this is actually happening. Feeling his nerves, you'd cup his face and stroke his cheeks with your thumbs lightly. That will help him ease up enough to start letting the passion take over more.
He'd become more confident in slipping his tongue into your mouth and placing his hands on your hips to pull you closer to him. Lucifer would get lost in the moment, pulling you to straddle his lap as he kissed and licked and bit his way across both your shoulders and down to the softeness of your breast. After leaning back to look at the damage his eyes would become increasingly wide, looking up at you with a flustered expression. Seeing you losing it as much as he was, gave him enough courage to keep up at it.
He would almost hesistantly take a hold of your breasts and would massage them softly, running his thumbs across your nipples and becoming absolutely delighted at the reaction you gave. The adrenaline from the pleasure would make you start grinding against his lap, which would make lucifer's hands on your hips pull away for a moment and make his breath stutter. Lucifer would look you up and down as if he didnt know what to do next, studying your body with darting eyes. You'd press a small kiss on his forehead before guiding his hands back onto your hips with yours, keeping your eyes on him the entire time.
"Are you okay, Luci?" He would gulp before nodding his head and turning ridiculously red across his face, maybe from the idea of what was to come, maybe just from your voice alone. You'd keep your hands ontop of his at your hips as you'd keep moving, letting out breathy moans. He would be holding his breath without realizing, an absolute nervous wreck just from the view.
He would already be hard just from the previous make out session, so this would cause him to lean his back against the bed, his strength giving out. You'd keep up at it, feeling his hips jolt up to meet yours at times.
He was a sweaty, twitching mess in front of you and you hated to admit how much that excited you.
His scripted plan was immediately forgotten, but he was quick to remember that he wanted to please you.
He'd snap out of his state of intense pleasure, to carefully switch positions, him looking over you with your back against the bed.
You both discuss it, of course, attempting to set boundaries before hand. Even just the tender discussion would get him riled up. So he'd lean foward and kiss you again, showing off his forked tongue before peppering kisses down your entire body, until he was close enough to let his hot breath heat up your folds.
You'd feel his nervous breath on you before delving in. He would be hesistant of course, but would be quick to get used to your entrance after running his tongue across your entirety multiple times. Lucifer loves providing pleasure this way, so his brain immediately knew what to do once the nerves past. He was quick to take a tight hold onto your thighs to keep you in place as he entered you with his demonic lengthy tongue. He would look up at you as he sort of aimlessly dug around at first, waiting for a reaction. Once he'd see you dip your head back with a muffled moan, he would close his eyes to focus all his attention to that one spot. He'd reach his thumb around to circle and massage your clit that he would find far too quickly. You'd arch your back and try to get more friction against his tongue, but it's easy to forget that he is quite literally the strongest being in Hell. You weren't going anywhere.
He'd love feeling your hands in his hair and would absolutely lose it feeling you pull hard when he'd hit just the right spot. As soon as he set a steady thythm and was hearing your voice become more unhinged, he'd speed up to an extent that you didn't realize was possible after going for so long. You discussed cumming before and he made it very clear that he was okay with you finishing on his face. Fuck, he wanted it. You still warned him, moaning out his name to get his attention, "I-I'm almost there- K-Keep doing that.. like that..! Luci-" you'd almost direct him though the whole process, but were quick to become a moaning mess unable to communicate with words. You'd reach your limit and he would let you buck up into his face this time, loosening his grip on your thighs. He'd pull away after licking you clean, sending overstimulated pleasure across your entire body, with a line of your juices following his tongue as he lifted his head. He would pant with his tongue still sticking out of his mouth, and even through hazy eyes you loved seeing his demonic tongue and thinking about how it just drove you to climax.
Things would switch up again, and you'd sit him against the back of the bedframe. you'd have another quick discussion before seating yourself slowly on his length, which had been throbbing for any contact since the night started. The first few times, he'd do his best not to cum immediately. He hadn't been touched like this in a while, after all. You'd only begin to move once you made sure he was okay since his struggle was written all over his face.
The moment you began to keep a steady space, he would jut his hips upwards, becoming needy to feel this sensation he hadn't felt in over a decade. The first time didn't last long. It was sweet, and he would constantly moan out your name and babble on about how much he loves you. The entire time, you'd be praising him through every move until he was going too fast for you to get a sentence out.
He'd cum inside of you, another previously discussed topic. You essentially had to beg to convince him it was okay. You'd collapse onto his chest, a position he didnt see often. While the two of you always cuddled, you were so focused on making sure he was comfortable, Lucifer realized you didnt often get the chance to just relax on top of him. So after realizing that? Aftercare was amazing.
He'd let you sit with him inside you for a while, before pulling you off and immediately cleaning you up. Some nights, when he felt especially dominant, he would lap up his own cum from your incredibly sensitive cunt. He would swallow some of it, but was mainly pushing anything that dripped out back into your entrance.
After cleaning you up, he would wiggle his way back underneath you and pull you onto his chest, enjoying taking care of you the way you took care of him.
After the first night, lucifer would be much more confident. He'd have that healthy glow, but would be more assertive during meetings, more communicative and wouldnt shut others out as often. It really helped him realize how much you gave to him, and he was determined to give all that and more back to you.
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ccswife · 2 months
Oh no.
pairing๛: kate martin x iowau!reader
synopsis๛: kate catches you watching your saved edits of her.
not proofread so ignore spelling mistakes pls lol
being a trainee under the strength and conditioning coaches for the Iowa womens basketball meant that you were constantly around the team. you found it hard to get used to all the personalities, but by your sixth year it became quite easy.
one person you particularly leaned towards when assisting was Kate Martin - a fellow sixth year and a phenomenal basketball player (as far as you knew). throughout the 3 years you had really known Kate, the two of you grew very close, exchanging 'i love you's and often sleeping at eachothers places. a lot of the girls wondered why you guys didnt just move in together.
one cool evening in iowa city, after a considerably hard practice and lift, kate decided to come home with you after her shower. you leaned against the wall outside the locker room playing on your phone, patiently waiting for the blonde to shuffle out with her bags.
a loud whistle pulled your eyes up and towards the door. there came kate, her hair wet and barely brushed and her bags stuffed to the brim.
"i tried to shower as fast as i could and pack all my stuff up but it got a little messy so...." she spoke out in one breath.
"kate... you know i dont mind waiting," you laughed. kate usually does this, and it ALWAYS leads to her forgetting something important. whether it be her shoes (like, her actual shoes not her bball shoes), her whole bag of skincare, or her bra, etc.
kate shrugged with a goofy look on her face and shouted 'onwards!' before shuffle-running to get out to the parking lot.
the car ride over to your apartment was as usual; listening to music, chatting about school and practice, asking about the other girls lives. you often asked her about everyone else when you guys had sleepovers. its not that you don't know and love them, but you don't talk to them nearly as much as you do kate. everyone knew that. after settling in and grabbing snack and a spot on the couch, you pulled up tiktok on your phone and decided to go through your 'wbb😭😍' folder. you can't even lie and say you don't find kate and some of her teammates attractive. hell, one of the reasons you first talked to her was because of her beautiful face. but after you guys got so close, you deemed it inappropriate to tell her how you really felt. how she made your heart flutter when she called you 'n/n' and when she stared at you for a little longer than usual. you found out that people made edits of her after liking one womens basketball edit... one is all it took. at first it shocked you and you tried not to like any of them.. but you couldnt resist it. she looked so. damn. good. IN ALL OF THEM!!! sooner than later a folder was made and filled to the brim. a dabble of caitlin, paige and an occasional molly in there as well.
so, there you sat: munching on goldfish, one leg up on the couch and one leg dangling off, all while scrolling through various edits of your best friend.
oh yea, full volume too:D
kate walks into the living room and sees you on your phone. usually she tries not to snoop but something caught her eye. was that.. her?!?! on your phone screen?????? she watched you scroll and watched as her face popped up a dozen more times. caitlin as well. a million thoughts went through her head. why were you watching edits of her? did you like her like she liked you? you find her attractive?? why is caitlin in there.
she continued to stand there, mouth ajar, trying to find the right words to snap you out of your lull.
' y/n' she spoke up
your phone immediately shut off and you sat straight up, turning to look at kate with a beat red face. your hands start to move around frantically as you try to explain.
' i- im- i was just looking at some beacuse,-- well like i thought it was cool and-' words start flying out of your mouth.
'y/n,' kate spoke again. ' its ok. im just kinda caught off gaurd' rubbing her neck she looks around before making eye contact with you and smirking a little. your face twisted when she smirked. she thought this was funny??!
"what're you smirking at freak??" as you said that your heart dropped. her smirk only widened. "dont you dare kate." a demanding tone, one that you only use before she tickled attacks you or is about to yell something completely out of pocket to the girls.
kate inches towards you, causing you to put your phone behind your back. before you can even process her attack, she snatches your phone and unlocks it, quickly going into tiktok. at this point all you can do is sit and stare as she goes through your folder of wbb edits. occasionally she looks down at you, sometimes with a sweet look and others confused or.. offended? you couldnt tell.
after finishing, she hands your phone back to you and sits next to you on the couch.
"well," she starts. "who knew there was so many edits of me and caitlin!" her tone was light hearted but with a tinge of hurt and sarcasm. she turns to look at you.
"oh wait, you knew!" she yips. kate slaps your knee and laughs, and you couldn't help but join. she cracked jokes for at least another minute.
the vibe in the room after that changed in the slightest bit, the both of you holding your tounges, not wanting to be the first to acutally talk about what had just happened. when the clock hit 11:00pm, you both sauntered to the bedroom to hit the hay. hopping into your respective sides, and making sure you both had everything you needed. instead of a "i love you, goodnight!", kate just rubbed your cheek and smiled, then turned the other way.
before you fell asleep, you saw the light of her phone, and an edit of herself on the screen.
Oh no.
no no no no no. your heart started to race as you thought of everything that could happen. what if she doesnt wanna be my friend anymore? what if she tells the girls and they hate me? does she know i like her?
you curled up and tried to sleep away the thoughts. halfway asleep and arm snaked around you and stroked your arm, prompting you to fall soundly asleep.
"ill figure out what to say to you soon enough, love"
kate spoke under her breath only when she was sure you'd fallen asleep. soon she was out too.
Oh no... what will they do?
A/N q(❂‿❂)p: i hope this isn't complete trash! i tried my best:))))) i had this little idea i forgot about in my notes lolll. i hope u guys enjoy and lmk if you potentially want another part ?!!?!! anyways toodles😜
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ronkeyroo · 5 months
A positive Update
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Friends, kind folk - Hello Again 🤍
Ever since my last update post, I've been thinking about it , a lot ;; I knew I needed time to cook and reflect, and im so glad I gave myself that...
2024 started rough for me; I fell severely ill again - I was too busy cursing my life and dwelling over how betrayed I felt by things still not getting better despite my efforts that I didn't realize I was walking into a self fulfilling prophecy. Its true that the struggles I'm going through are yet to be solved, that its gotten so much to the point giving up seemed easier, and that a couple individuals haven't been making it easier on me either; I swayed and i rattled and I steered within feelings ranging from confusion to anger to dismay and all of this back and forth did nothing but remind me of yet another self-destructive loop I just don't want to allow in my life anymore. Its exactly the kinda stuff that made me ill to begin with, and I've been so lost dealing with everything in between that i forgot to tend to the actual core centering all of this...
It grew unbearable how much emotional and physical turmoil I was pushing myself into, and knowing how intertwined these two elements have been; I had to draw a line before i majorly screwed myself over, gathering any bit of inner will to discipline myself back into some sort of clarity, enough to at least look through a lens OUTSIDE my pain for once, towards the kind of life I want to lead, and the kind of life I don't; and I came to an understanding.
From my physical state to my mental, to the people and memories I've experienced, both the good and the bad - I want to prioritize the good.
Not in a shitty ass, toxic optimism kinda way but in a "I want to prioritize knowing and living the possibility that even when it hurts, even when i want to be gone, even when life doesn't align - There's still every good reason in the world to keep moving forward, to face things from a perspective of growth & compassion, and to grow to love the promise of a better tomorrow even when today was unbearable." To know that I don't end or begin in my suffering, that the infinite potential I speak so fondly of applies to me, as well...
I want to be able to wield and create and share that goodness, too, Especially when it is already in decline...And for all gods sake, to internalize that all of this STILL exists and STILL matters even when it doesn't work the first couple or dozens of times.
As for my place here in Tumblr...I know the sentiment might feel silly to some but the experiences, memories, and connections I've made here have truly been such a significant force in my life, and i don't want to give up on that ;; Not because of my own insecurities, or an inner state of hopelessness, and especially not over a bunch of emotionally immature Anons that dont know how to handle themselves; I want to forgive all of that.
I'm stubborn, and there's an unyielding force within me that no matter how many times it is struck down, it proved itself ridiculously resilient. I'm perking up with with a fiery confidence realizing just how many times it rose back up, enough to realize it is an unchangeable part of me ;_; I shouldn't underestimate that force, and I want to keep living by its side. Whatever positive change I can sprinkle onto my life and the lives of those I care for, I will! And the reason why this space in particular is so important to me, is because so much of that already exists here, alongside you folks;
THAT'S the kind of energy i want to nourish and walk into the new year with! I want to continue growing as a person, challenging my inner turmoils, undoing the self punishing dogmas that still haunt me, stop flexing my teeth over things that don't deserve my time and god DAMN, just - indulge in the stuff that makes me happy, even when I'm going through unhappy times.
So yeah...I guess that means, I'm back & I'm staying ;_;)🧡
I know i may seem like a broken record when it comes to expressing gratitude but - Thank you, thank you thank you everyone who have reached out for me, who so fondly kept me in their thoughts and kept encouraging me whenever i was hurting, both then and now...You folks mean more than whatever ailment or struggle I can go through, and while I'm unsure of how the future will look like as I'm still going through various challenges- I couldn't have asked for a cooler, sweeter audience to have by my side whenever Its time to take a rest or hype over our sexy delicious blorbos!
Speaking of which....................I have been cooking quite a lot of things in the time i was away 👀✨ I most definitely intend to serve them, eheheh
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 3 months
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second, never first
part seven | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six
chris x fem!reader
summary - you grew up hating one guy all of high school but suddenly become close friends, but as time goes on feelings develop, only its one sided.
warnings - swearing, use of y/n, BOYS (no smut… for now lol)
word count - 700+??
sitting next to chris during a scary movie when he is being set up with your best friend is wayy more terrifying than the conjuring let me tell you that. anna may be my best friend but i know what she i capable of and lets just say i cannot let her find out what is going on right now. for the first 30 minutes of the movie it was calm, mini jump scares here and there. each time there was a jump scare i would just jump and cover my eyes. but the movie got progressively scarier and thats how i ended up curled up next to chris with my knees up to my chest, hands over my eyes, head on his chest and his right arm on my back.
since matt and nick were sitting on a different couch i had no one else to turn to and i am a fucking pussy when it comes to scary movies. im a romance girl my favourite movies include kissing and heartfelt confessions not people in chair flipping upside down because of a demon taking over their body.
“are you sure your ok to finish this movie, we can turn it off.” chris whispers looking down at me, “uhhh” i say out loud. “its ok i can finish it.” i say looking at him as he chuckles and rubs my right shoulder.
if the situation was different i would be ecstatic to be cuddled up to chris right now but its wrong. i moved to sit up and chris removes his arm from me and grabs his water bottle off the coffee table and sips on it. the movie finally finishes and i let out the biggest sigh when its done.
“jesus y/n you look scared shitless it wasnt even that bad.” nick says. “dont think i didnt hear you audibly scream like 20 minutes ago.” i snap back. “ok” nick says sarcastically.
i grab my eyes from my purse and start my car, looking out the window to see if it actually started. “your leaving now?” chris asks. “well we have school tomorrow no?” i reply. “oh yeah” he says. “im gonna go grab a water from the fridge if thats ok.” i say “yep go ahead” chris says holding his hand out toward the hallway that leads to the kitchen. as im walking out i hear the boys mumbling.
“matt snap out of it.” i hear chris say in an annoyed tone as i walk back out to the living room. “im gonna take off now and hopefully am able to sleep tonight.” i smile. “ok thanks for coming” matt says, i smile at him and wave them off as i walk out.
later that night i got a text from chris
sunday 11:29pm
chris: be prepared for anna tomorrow
y/n: what are you talking about?????
chris: she completely blew up on me when i told her we had a movie night
y/n: did you tell her that your brothers were also included..
chris: yep
chris: she is still pissed
y/n: ok so i guess i will just go fuck myself
ring ring ring
i answer the face time with chris.
“chris what the fuck do you mean shes pissed, like jealous?” i exclaim. i knew this would fucking happen, anna is going to think me and chris are crossing her. “like i mean she thinks were hooking up and im using a movie night with my siblings to cover that up.” he states. “your fucking joking.” i say, “why the fuck doesnt she believe you i mean you guys are practically dating kissing every weekend and she thinks i want you because i set you two up?” i breathe. “ok kid calm down, she just needs reassurance from both of us.” he says shifting in his position on his bed. “you like her why would she believe you would want me in the first place.” i say.
“i dont know kid you tell me.”
thanks for reading xx
taglist: @sleepysturnss @blahbel668 @alorsxsturn @w4nnabeurs @junnniiieee07 @waydasims @accio326 @bitchydragonparadise @matthewsturnioloswifey
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mschimdt · 6 months
200 followers special
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synopsis: you, a famous youtuber known for exploeimg abandoned buildings with your friend jaz, come across freddy fazbears, you stumble inside not knowing there was security
warnings: i domt proof read my fics, if u dont like it then leave
-----------–—-18+ MINORS DNI----------—-–—-–
you, a famous youtuber known for exploring abandoned buildings and places, along with your friend, jaz.
you were streaming on youtube,in your backyard, talking to your fans asking them to reccomend places for you to explore, you were reading the chat with jaz
"a abandoned hospital?" you looked at jaz, she replied "thats too dangerous, ive hearf that hey have radioactive shit" she chuckled
"yeah true, oooohh someone said freddy fazbears thr pizzarea that 5 kids went missing in, thats a good one actually, i thinkd it'd be fun to explore that place, i dont think theres any security there" you looked at jaz " thats actually such a good idea!" she replied
you stared at the chat, everyone agreeing for you to go visit freddys.
"i think we should go, what time is it jaz?" u asked
"its 10:38" she replied, "think nows a good time?" u asked
"yeah, lets go collect our things, ill carry the cameras and you stream" she said
you were talking to the screen "okay guys were gonna pause the stream for a bit to get prepared, we'll stream again once were ready" you waved at the camera and paused to stream
you went inside, changing your clothes, grabbing a mini med kit just incase, and a pocket knife along with aa gas mask, you were always prepared before exploring abandoned places after you explored a school once with no equipment and you found fungus and some physcopath living inside it
"im gonna start the stream again lemme just grab my keys" you said
you were walking to your car, you opened the stream again "alright were back, time to go explore freddys!!" "woooo"
"i dont know if we should be scared honestly, i mean 5 kids got 'killed' in there apparently and there were some missing people a few days ago with their cars parked outside freddys" you said nervously
"lets not think about that, think about what we could find! i mean.. afterall we used to go here as kids." jazz said trying to reasure you
"okay were here" you said, parking your car
you turned the keys, shutting the car off, you opened the door and got oit of the car "oh my gof this ppace looks creepy as fuck!" jaz said, staring up at the flickering sign
"yeah, alright lets find a way in"
you found the door, it was open? weird, you said to yourself
"whys it opened?" "bet you theres some other peoppe exploring in here, lets me careful dunni what theyre capable of"
you walked down the short stairs, leading into a dark hallway, you walked and walked till you reached the stage room
"oh my god! i remember this room from when i was a kid!" jaz said excitedly, walkimg around the games studying them
"do you think they work?" you said
"theres no power, maybe if we find a power switch?"
"good idea come on!" you ran across the hallway, looking for a electricity room, you also stopped along the way to explore other rooms "found it!" you said
"alright lets try this" you said, turning your camera to face the lever you were about to pull, "3.... 2..... 1!" you pulled it down, lighting the pizzarea up, the lights making slight buzzing noises
you went back to the stage room, trying out the games
you didnt notice a guy coming through the wide door
"hey! youre not supposed to be here" he said. the guy looked like he'd just woken up from a nap
"and who're you..?" yous said
"security", he said followed by a yawn
you and jaz turned to face him,
"arent you those youtubers?" he said
"yeah- sorry about this tho didnt know there was security" jaz said
"look ill make an exception, you can hangout around jere for abit aslong as you dont break anything"
"really?!- thank you so much-..?"
"names mike"
"thank you mike!"
you and jaz played some games, mike was sitting by on a table.
then he spoke up "righy- how'd yall get in here?" "the door was opened" you replied "shit i forgot to lock it, be right back" he went to lock the door, u and jaz having the time of your life playing the arcade games
mike came back while you were both trying a basketball game, "lemme try" mike said, walking up to the stand he threw the ball, landing it into the hoop
he raised aa first up and yelled "wooo!"
u both laughed, trying to score a hoop, then you heard mike say "i know a few tricks to these games, theyre all rigged" he laughed
soon enough, it was 5am, mikes shift was about to end "okay so my shifts about to end- you guys should definetley come by tomorrow tho, today was fun" he said, a genuine smile on his face
his smiles pretty cute, u smile back, jaz turned to you raising and eyebrow at you
"thatd a good idea mike, we'll come by tomorrow, thank you for tonight really and thanks for not kicking us out!!"u said, making your way out of the building to your car
you got in your car, jaz said "holy shit that was so fun"
"litteraly ohh my gooodd" u added
you drove all the way back to your house, you and jaz have been living together for almost a ywar, you bought the house when your youtube channel took off so you could make more content
you edited the video, and posted it on youtube before going to sleep
once you woke up, you noticed the video had over 5million views, thats a record for you
"JAZ JAZ!!" you yelled "look oh my god"you added excitedly "holy shit? in SEVEN HOURS????" "YESS! we also gained 300K more subscribers from it"
"the freddy thing really worked out i guess"yo u said chuckling slightly
you spent your day home with jaz, untik you got an idea "jaz wanna get some snacks? we could watch a movie" "good idea, ill go get dressed"
you both got dressed, heading to the car to go to the supermarket nearby simce you were runnung low on snacks
the moment you got there, you noticed a familiar car, didnt think anything about it though
you walked inside, picking up a few snacks, you turned around to hed to thw other aisle, and you caught a glimpse of mike, with a little kid? he has a kid?
he noticed you, you went up to him.
"heyy, how are you" you said with a smile on your face
"im good! whatre you doing here?" he said
"nothing kust picking up some snavks, i disnt know you had a kid" you said, staring at the little girl who looked to be around 9
"oh abby? shes my sister not my kid, im raising her though because my parents uh- my dad left and my moms dead and stuff"
"im so sorry about that, anyways me and jazz might come by tonight, last time was fun" after that, you said your goodbyes and continued shopping, seeing him every few minutes, either waving or smiling each time you saw him.
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iwanty0uu · 10 months
a/n: y/n is black, whatever body type you prefer, and is about 20, she’s also in college and is a nurse in training so you know she gets money, and on top of that she’s a nail tech so she’s usually super busy. ~ keep that in mind !
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Onyankopon was extremely toxic, no matter how many times he loved bombed you after arguments that he knew he had the wrong in, or fucked you until you forgave him, it was undeniable that he was toxic. It all started after a long day of work, the hospital bustling since it was the night before Halloween. People did stupid things all the time but man the shit you saw that night was just absurd, on top of that you had a nail appointment as soon as your shift ended, so there shouldn’t have been a surprise when you stumbled into your apartment complex forty five minutes past eleven with a pounding headache, and a desire for comfort from your boyfriend after the traumatic night you had.
press me
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The soft sound of your light switch filled the empty apartment, a linen colored light illuminated the kitchen and living room, the purple crocs you kicked off flipped them selves over at the door. Throwing the keys on the counter and washing your hands, you couldn’t help but rest your head in them. You love your job, but its so tiring.. every day it feels like the world is moving at one hundred miles per hour and you cant catch up. Tears no longer threatened to spill, they were overflowing. You sobbed, headache worsening, heart aching from the stress and the pain, however your sobs drowned out the vibration from your phone which was forgotten after you took your shirt off, and threw it on your living room floor. A trail of scrubs were left behind leading to the bathroom, as you turned the shower on, not even waiting for the water to heat up and hopped in. Practically washing yourself in your tears, you placed your head on the wet wall next to you, going light headed from the steam, you felt drained.. so empty, and you needed a hug, so that’s what you decided to get. The water was stopped and the floor dampened after coming in contact with your wet feet, the robe you put on felt warm, it’s the closest thing to human touch that you’ve felt in a while, and the shower really did help you feel better. After a good cry, you decided to postmates some food and call your best friend Jayleen to see if she wanted to come over and watch some shows and eat and cry with you, but you were met with 28 missed calls from your boyfriend, and over 50 text messages. Great. You didn’t call him after work to tell him you got home late, and considering that he loved to make shit what it wasn’t, you know that he would have your ass in the morning, and honestly it was too much. He isn’t your father and he clocks your every move.
A sigh escaped your lips as you grabbed a cold bottle of water and let that problem wait for tomorrow and it’s own set of troubles. That was until three sudden thumps hit your door, making you jump, water bottle falling out of your hands. “The fuck banging on my shit so late” you complained cleaning up the mess as your headache settled back in. Clothes still on the floor, you opened the door to face with your “man”. The darkskin in an all black nike tech suit, and yeezy slides had his arms folded over his chest, hoodie up and durag on, only showing a portion of his head, but his dark and angry eyes met yours. You felt tears sting your eyes again, knowing that he was here to argue. “So you not finna let-“ you cut him off “Please don’t start Onyankopon. I’m so exhausted and I’ve had a terrible day at work. I understand I didn’t call you when I got home and that I missed your 28 calls but I was in the shower. Do you feel better about yourself now? I dont give two flying fucks if you’re here to accuse me of cheating again and I’m not boutta force you to believe me when you’re delusional lame ass love making shit up in your head. So stop wasting my fuckin time and leave me the fuck alone.You’re not here when you need to be so you can keep suckin your other hoes off. I could care less,nigga you’re bitch made.”
Your words strong, and it felt like a strong blow to Ony. Tears were running down your face as you practically begged him to stay out of your life, but he still pushed his way through your human barricade, and scanned your apartment. “The fuck your clothes on the floor for, you got other niggas in here?” he asked taking his hood off. You stood there looking at him, words couldn’t describe how much of an idiot this little boy really was. “Did this fucker not hear a word that I just said?” you asked yourself. Your head was hurting and stress was already taking a hold of you, since he didn’t understand english, you had to show him how serious you were about this. If he thought your words hurt, then he underestimated how strong your actual hands were. You landed a slap to his face which sent his airpod flying. It took everything in you not to Madea his ass with a pan of grits but seeing his reaction to your anger was price-less. “GET THE FUCK OUT.” You didnt have to yell for your voice to resemble your mother’s. Stern, sharp, and filled with anger. “You want me to fuck other niggas so I will. Get. The. Fuck. Out.” You said as he stood there, brows furrowed. He watched you grab the top part of your robe, holding them together for comfort as you pointed to the open door. Bonnet revealing the small knot that ties your silk head wrap together. You pushed your glasses up, narrowing your eyes at the bitch in front of you. Everyone in the complex probably heard the argument. No, most definitely heard the argument, your neighbor came out with a broom and was “sweeping the carpet” at one in the morning. Nosy ass.
Onyankopon’s POV:
It took everything in me to keep my laugh in at the sight of the girl. She looked like my mom while scolding me, but she love me too much to let me go for real. “Baby I’m sorry” I said trying to touch her, “Alright I’m done now” i said laughing but she backed away like she was afraid of me. She’s not deadass the fuck she won’t let me touch her for? Nah bro she really got me fucked up this time. “Stop acting like you not finna fuck and forgive me after.” I said sitting on a stool, leaning back on her island. Yea I have my days but she know how i am.. right? “Bitch don’t ‘baby’ me” she said staring me down, eyes still teary, but so soft. I know she still love me.. I mean this wasn’t even our worst argument so i don’t understand the problem. “Alright now you hit me and you got your point across, so let’s jus finish this like usual alright baby.” Putting my hands out for her to come to me, she stared and laughed. Laughed like i was wearing no clothes in the middle of the street. “Yo this wasn’t even a big deal for real so what’s your problem now ma?” I know how to get under her skin, even if she was for real, she would still be thinking about me and how much I get on her nerves. Shit, better than nothin.
“This dumb ass bitch bruh no Onyankopon. I want you out of my apartment, and out of my life” I felt her tug on my sweater and push me out of the front door. She cant be for real right?….
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But it didnt strike him that you were for real this time until three days later. HE seen you posted up with his home boy Eren on instagram who always got on him for not treating you well enough. He always told Eren to stay out of his business, which he claimed to be you, but for the next couple weeks Eren would be everywhere but out of your apartment. He was so good at communicating and never forced his way into your life, you two were just friends, and you loved having someone to talk to about your past. However, it was too late for Ony, when he was fuckin his hoes, he never thought, when he was giving head, he didn’t think about how you would feel, but now that he was a free agent, all of it including loneliness would bite him in the ass. He refused to admit it, but you were the best he ever had, and he felt nothing but anger knowing that he would never be able to be in your life again.
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mono-dot-jpeg · 9 months
morning routine - jingyuan
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summary; just a lion and his cub waking up
genre/extra tags; fluff, quite a bit of fluff, jingyuan is a single father no drama (/ref), reader is younger than yanqing
[platonic] [5-9 year old! reader] [gender neutral reader]
word count; 523
a/n; this made me realize that i dont remember the last time i watched the lion king. but nonetheless, i am a man of the people and i give them what they want (within reason). it's kind of close to the scene im pretty sure you're talking abt but i just changed it a bit. hope you enjoy!
also i realized, looking at jingyuan's art, mimi has a mane so mimi would realistically be a boy, no? but like mimi is referred to it/its. i mean honestly mimi being a boy is cute to me KSDJKSJ and also it makes sense since mimi had a mane and lionesses dont. whatever-
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daylight burns into the window, waking you up earlier than your lazybones dad. but to be fair, anyone could wake up earlier than him. he was a hardworking man. for the most part. but he was a single father too. your father.
you cherish the time you spend with him every day. you may not know everything but he teaches you everything. he tells you of the world you both live in, how there is war and peace, how someday you would have to lead alongside him and yanqing. you were enamored with the world that people have helped build. and you were determined to help protect it.
but for now, you can still be a kid.
"dad!" you press a hand on his face, squishing his cheek. "dad wake up!" you push against him, hearing his grumbling as he turns to face away from you. "dad!" you whined. you brush your head against his heavy white locks as if you were a cat. "we were gonna spend the day together. wake up!"
"you wake up earlier than me, are you sure you're my kid?" he jokes tiredly as he laughs.
"come on! let's go papa!" you climb over him, earning a grunt and groan as you slide off the bed. you make your way to get ready. you see mimi striding out of his bed, yawning and stretching. "hi mimi! good morning!" you greeted the large lion, who brushes against you chuffing a tired greeting. "papa! hurry!" you called out to him, you can hear your father shuffling around the bedroom and grumbling his responses.
you feel yourself get picked up before you can open the bathroom door. you laugh as jingyuan tosses you up for a moment and catches you, holding you under his arm like a sack of flour. "you already have too much energy in the morning. we have some time to relax."
"you promised you would teach me today!" you squirmed in his hold as he opens the door to the bathroom.
"well, let's not get too hasty." he hummed, placing you on your feet and onto your step stool in the bathroom. he doesn't say it out loud but he wonders how much faster you're going to grow up or how much faster you want to grow up. "i'll teach you when the time is right. for now, you have to learn how to be a kid."
"but 'm already a kid! i wanna be like you!" you start to brush your teeth. jingyuan takes his time to get you ready as he's fixing your bedhead and pinching your cheeks, making you whine through your brushing.
he smiles gently, "you don't need to be me. you can be you. the world is yours, alright?" he pats your head as you nodded rapidly.
when you finish brushing your teeth, you raise your arms to him to get carried. he obliges and you hug him tightly. "i'm gonna make this world the best for us!"
"well, you have to get out of your pajamas first for that." he chuckles, pressing his forehead against yours as a sign of affection.
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t3ag3rs · 2 months
g e n s o - 0 7.
gahdayum its mi papi down there ↓
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"hello everyone, ive been waiting for you!"
you let out a gasp as you see the space hero, thirteen. "thirteens one of my favorite heroes!" squeals uraraka, "i cant wait to show you whats inside! follow me!" she leads the class into the dome-like building. you stare in awe at the inside of the building, holy shit... theres basically every environment in here..! 
"i created this training facility for you to deal with different types of disasters." she pauses, "i call it the 'unforeseen simulation joint' but you can call it USJ!" she exclaims proudly. you stare at her quietly, huh thats just like 'universal studios japan'... you smile inwardly.
"excuse me, but shouldnt all might be here..?" asks aizawa, "apparently he did too much hero work on the way to school this morning and used up all his power... hes resting in the teachers lounge." she explains quietly to aizawa, but your overhear it. 
"that man is the definition of irresponsibility..." sighs out aizawa. he turns to face the class, "clocks ticking, we should get started.." thirteen steps up and begins to talk again.
"listen up... before we get started im sure your all aware that i have a powerful quirk, its called 'black hole.' i can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust. my quirk could also very easily be used to kill- like some of you all. in our superhuman society all quirks are certified and strictly regulated so we all often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. please dont forget that if you loose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly."
"thanks to the fitness tests and the combat training you all did, you should know your limits and potential. carry what you learn and use them now, today youll be learning how to use your quirks to save peoples lives- after all... that is the main purpose of heroes. thats all i have to say, thank you for listening." she bows her head silently.
the class erupts in cheers, and you smile proudly, tightening your fists, man she really knows how to fire us up..! 
"alright now that thats over.. lets get started." starts aizawa before the lights cut out.
you look up and narrow your eyes, suddenly a portal forms near the fountain. "stay together, thirteen protect the students!" yells aizawa. you widen your eyes when you realize that an actual villain attack was happening.
"whats happening?!" exclaims kirishima, "its a villian attack...!" you reply loudly as villains walk out and you ready yourself.
"if they got in without alarming the systems they must be jamming communications, kaminari use your quirk and try to contact the school" instructs aizawa.
he jumps down and thirteen starts moving you all away, you run to the exit but the same purple portal covers the exit. "its a pleasure to meet you all, we are the league of villains." the voice pauses, "now where is all might..? i believe he was supposed to be here to take his last breath."
you gasp, "theres no way theyre planning on killing him..." u whisper quietly. you analyze his quirk as he talks, his quirk was what teleported the villains here... and he can move around quickly, but i dont see a physical body that belongs to him.. he must have some sort of mutation or transformation type of quirk.. warping maybe?
suddenly bakugou and kirishima jump at the villain to attack, "wait, stop...!" you yell trying to hold them back. bakugou sends an explosion at the villain, "did you think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?" kirishima grins as he stands in a defensive position.
you quickly run up behind them "move outta the way!" you try to pull them to aside, but the purple portal circles the entire group. 
"you students should be more careful, ill scatter you all across the facility and let you face my colleagues and your deaths!" you feel someone pull you closer to them as you cover your face protectively. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you put your hands out to stop your fall as your drop down into the 'collapse zone' followed by kirishima and bakugou. standing up you dust yourself off and get into a fighting position, "we got company you two.." you inform staring at the villains crowding you three.
"looks like we hit the jackpot..! get rid of the two boys first... the girl should be easy to get rid of!" chuckles a villain. 
you narrow your eyes, and stomp your foot down creating a boulder around the villain holding him in place. Then you hit him with a right hook to the head leaving him unconscious. "i wouldnt be so sure of that..." you smirk. "now whose next?" you ask opening your water pouch. 
the villains start to run at you three and you all fight them off. Suddenly, bakugou sends an explosion and the whole building shakes. you yell over the noise, "bakugou we're in the collapse zone, so be mindful of the explosions..!" you propell yourself forward and freeze your water around another villain.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you stand up exhaustedly, body aching slightly "everyone alright...?" you turn to look at kirishima and bakugou. 
"we should go find the rest of the class, if we arent out yet then the others probably arent either. we caused this mess so we need to make it up..!" exclaims kirishima looking at bakugou.
"if you wanna go track the rest of them idiots you can, but im going for that warping bastard." grits bakugou as you sigh rolling your eyes.
"bakugou you do realize that he doesnt have a physical body right..? even after the explosion you threw at him, he was still fine. if your gonna go throw more of them you can practically guarantee it wont do shit." you state as you stare at him. 
"shut up! as if you know what to d-" you shove him away and throw a flame of fire at the invisible villain beside him letting it fall. 
you turn and face bakugou smirking, "yeah what was that about me not knowing what to do..?" he scoffs rolling his eyes, and you turn back to the villain, "i almost feel bad for them, their so bad they got beat by a bunch of high schoolers.." 
"man y/n your so badass..!" praises kirishima, you chuckle blushing slighly and rub your neck. "thanks man..." 
"bakugou since when have you been so calm and rational, usually your always like 'die! die! die!'" questions kirishima. 
you let out a chuckle, "im always calm and rational!" screams bakugou. you slap his head, "geez shut up..! youre just proving his point!" he glares at you with his palms smoking.
"calm down you two..!" exclaims kirishima getting in between you two. "find the rest of the idiots if you want, but im going to the warping bastard." states bakugou as he walks away.
"then we're coming with you!" cheers kirishima running up to bakugou, dragging you with him.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you three run quickly to go help all might. theres no way he'll last long..! hes already at his limit... if we dont do something now, he may actually be defeated..!
you see deku running to help all might, but the warping villian appears in front of him. "izuku..!" you yell. 
suddenly bakugou goes in front and send an explosion to the back of the villain, you propell yourself up to reach him quickly. he slams the villain down by the metal part near his neck to the ground, "guess i found your body this time you smokey bastard!" he yells.
you and kirishima rush towards the other villain with the hands surrounding his face. you throw a gush of frozen water at him, but he moves away before both of you could land an attack at him. you pull your water back to yourself and glare at the villain infront as you stand by the other students.
all might may die one day.... but today wont be that day...!
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 next parts: pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13
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burnedwriter · 1 year
What type of lovers they are pt1.
A/n:i will be taking a small break and creating pt 2 so stay tuned!,i will step away from tumblr bc these last 2 days have been rough 2 of my posts have been community labelled,its only the dottore ones which makes me think that there is a hater out there that is reporting me,plz if you dont like my posts just scroll its not that hard
Warnings:smut,gentle s*x(kazuha),petnames(kazuha,kaeya),semipublic(kaeya),cockwarming(kaeya)breeding(childe),rough s*x(childe),breeding king,!afab reader
A,/n:im not responsible for what people read
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🍁kazuha is a romantic lover.He would write poems for you when he leaves for his travels,so you wont miss his presence while hes away.
🍁he will bring you small gifts and flowers from the places he has visited back home to you.
🍁if you really want to join him to his travels,though hesitant at first since hes concerned for your safety but he will accept you to join him.He cant say no when you look at him with those puppy eyes plus you wanted your life to become interesting than the boring one you are living right now.
🍁hes really gentle with you showering you with kisses as hes exploring every inch of your body.He has memoriesed what you like and hat you dont during your time and knows exactly what to do to make you weak for him.
🍁he uses you as his muse and has wrote many poems about you,he will read them when he is alone so he can never forget your beauty.
🍁hes really gentle with you and will not be rough until you tell him to even then he would ask you if you are alright or need him to stop
🍁outdoors sex is very common for the both of you,you would usually go to picknicks far away from civilazation,and one thing always leads to another and now hes on top of you.
‘‘zuzu’‘you moaned as kazuha rolled his hips in a lazy pace
‘‘you are doing amazing my muse,let me hear your voice’‘kazuha praised you,continuing his slow pace
it was true this place was far away from any city in inazuma,you didnt have to wory about your moans being too loud because now it was only you and him
‘‘please zuzu,can you go faster~’‘you whined getting impatient from his gentle pace
‘‘anything for you my muse’‘
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❄Due to his work being the calvary captain,hes constantly busy but that doesnt mean he doesnt invite you to his office and keep him company while hes doing his paper work
❄he will set up dates to make up for it though it would usually be at the tavern,both of you will drink and have fun
❄he has opened up about his childhood,talking about the big fight between him and diluc and how it affected him both physicly and mentally over the years.You are the only one that has seen whats under the eyepatch and what his eye looks like from that day
❄he loves teasing you all the time,whispering dirty things in your ear before leaving for work,making you wanting more.He loves seeing you desperate for him to touch you.
❄Quickies are very common between the 2 of you,as i said before hes a very busy person due to his work,but he will try to make time so you can both take your time and enjoy it
❄he loves fucking you in his office.The feeling of getting caught turns him on.
‘‘kaeya we are going to get caught’‘you whispered
his hand on your hips keeping you from squarming on his lap as he continued his conversation with jean like you werent sitting on his cock,you tried your best not to loose your mind,wanting to move your hips to get some friction.
‘‘are you ok?’‘Jean asked concerned as she saw your face  turn red as a tomato.
‘‘yeah im fine,dont worry about me Jean’‘you replied cearing your throat trying not to look suspicious
‘‘are you sure  sweetheart?~’‘he teased you,a small smirk started to appear at the corner of his mouth.
You bit your buttom lip trying to capture any monas that might escape from your lips as kaeya tried to readjust his position,his cock brushing off of your sweetspot.
‘‘wont bother you anymore,please take some rest’‘Jean said to you before getting up from her seat and walked towards the door,leaving the room.
Waiting for her to be far away from kaeya’s office,as you finally got to move,you started moving up and down his cock.Kaeya leaned back and spread his legs, you were able to use them to balance yourself
‘‘ang~,you are an impatient little thing arent you’‘‘he groan as you continued to bounce up and down chasing your orgasm.
‘‘fuck~kaeya~’‘you let out a low moan trying not to attact any attention from the guards
‘‘you are doing amazing sweetheart,let me help you a bit’‘he said holding your hips firmly fastening up your pace.
‘‘im close~’‘
With one last bounce,you felt your walls squeezed his cock practicly milking him as you finally achieved your long awaited climax.
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🐋ajax is  a loyal lover
🐋he has discussed with you from the start that he wants to start a big family just like his and he would spoil them with his harbinger money 100%
🐋He doesnt want you to get involved with his work,since he doesnt want you to get hurt or even worst...get killed he cares so much about you it would absoloutly break him if something ever happened to you and wont stop blaming himself about not being able to protect you.
🐋Just like kazuha he brings you gift from the places he travels but th difference is that its expensive or exclusive jewelry he would find in nations
🐋When it comes to fucking you,hes rough.This man thinks the bedroom is also a battlefield.Prepare to wake up the next morning with bruses and hickeys all over your body.
🐋Speaking of hickeys he will leave them to places that are visible such as your neck and/or collarbone to show who you belong to.He would also leave some hickeys in places only he can see like your inner things and chest.
🐋This man has a breeding kink,you cant tell me he doesnt.He want you to start a family together afterall and he will make sure to fill you up to the brim.
‘‘fuck your cunt is milking my cock’‘he groaned loudly as he fucked you mercilesly
your legs pressed at the either sides of your head as you laid back on his chest,with this position he was able to reach deeper than the previous ones.
‘‘Ah~Ajax~’‘you whimpered throwing your head back on his shoulder
‘‘fuck im close, i w-want you to take to take every ast bit of my cum ~’‘he breathed out not stopping his brutal pace.
‘‘Ah~,YES YES!’‘you screamed,holding onto the bedsheets for dear life as you feel your eyes rolling at the back of your head.Both of you reaching your climax,you could feel his seed insideyou filling you up
‘‘i wont pull out until i know you are full’‘
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
“He doesn’t think I’m that dumb, does he?”
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Self Aware! Cookie run Kingdom x Baker! Reader
Tw: Attempted murder, death
a/n: short and kinda rushed
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You’re a god, their baker. You have been around for as long as time. You’ve seen it all, love, betrayal, revenge, all of it. You’ve watched your kingdom go from ruler to ruler. The ruler or rulers find out your identity, worship you, do things behind your back, lie to your face about it, watch the kingdom then fall, and you rebuild it again waiting to watch it happen all over again. You bake new cookies, you place them all across the world so they can get their own experiences, personality’s, and opinions before reaching the kingdom. Every ruler has been the same.
This was your thousandth time rebuilding. You watch the kingdom thrive as you live as a common folk, with a different name. There was no specific ruler, everyone helps around. You’ve never seen this before.
You start slipping words and showing signs of your true identity for the people so everyone’s suspicious of you. How would this kingdom react to their god living among them?
“(Fake Name) has been acting weird, don’t you agree?” GingerBrave said as you walk by.
Strawberry only nods.
You continue walking, burning stares on your back. You turn left and bump into a cookie.
“Oh I’m sorry- (Fake Name)? I was just looking for you!” You look up and see Madeleines face. “Will you follow me?”
“..Alright.” Your plan is in motion.
He leads you to the castle, the large doors open and reveal the remaining ancients. Pure Vanilla, Hollyberry, and Dark Cacao.
“May I ask whats this about?” You already knew, but you gotta play the part.
“Theres been few things going around we need to clear everything up, come take a seat.” Hollyberry said.
After the long conversation, it didn’t go anywhere.
“Everyone believes you’re hiding your true identity, they say you’re lying..” Dark Cacao says.
“Im not sure what you want me to-” you try to lift your hand up from off your lap, you graze it against the sharp table edge. Golden bloods drips from your hand to the table cloth.
You look up from your hand to see everyone at the table wide eyed.
“Baker…” Hollyberry whispered.
“I didn’t see that coming..” Pure Vanilla said in a hushed tone.
The next few weeks, the entire Kingdom and beyond found out about your true identity. You where spoiled with lavish items and clothing. Everyone seemed glad with your arrival, besides one. Pure Vanilla.
Every decision you made, he pushes it aside and says his is better. He goes behind your back and makes changes to things saying ‘Baker wanted it’. The other ancients loved and adored your presence.
“Pure Vanilla, do you mind giving this letter to Herb? Its very important and I’m very busy at the moment.”
“Of course baker.” He takes the letter and leaves.
You wrote a fake letter asking Herb to meet you some where. Pure Vanilla was outside the door reading it. Pure Vanilla always tells you, ‘You can’t leave the castle, you have duty’s to take care of’.
A few hours later Pure Vanilla comes back to your office with a cup of tea. “The maids said you havent left your office so they prepared you a cup of tea.” Thats a lie, all lies.
You left the office after Pure Vanilla left, you left to go look at changes he made behind your back, and had tea with the maids.
You nod, you then take the tea and smell it.
“I have a few things to do, I won’t bother you anymore.” He turns and begins leaves.
Poison, You thought. This tea is laced with a deadly poison, one so deadly to kill a god.
“Before you go.” Pure Vanilla turns around. “Do you take me for a fool?”
“I know a deadly poison when I smell it. I knew you hated me, but going this far to prove it? Makes me wanna laugh.” You stand up, tea in hand.
“I would never!”
“So you call me a liar?” You walk closer to him, he begins to sweat and shake. “Ive been around a lot longer than you… Hm, maybe my nose isn’t working the same as it use to. Why dont you take the first sip?”
Pure Vanilla starts to stutter out excuses why he cant. You grab his hair and pul him to the ground, you lift his face and open his mouth with your hand. You pour the tea in his mouth. Covering his mouth and nose once its in his mouth, so he gad no choice but to swallow. He then starts to cough.
“Aw, does your mouth burn? Throat hurt? Is the poison eating you alive? Im no idiot Pure Vanilla, I knew your game from the beginning..”
Pure Vanillas laying on the ground holding his throat, eyes going white.
“Tell me Pure Vanilla, does it hurt to die?”
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A/n: Im so used to writing Pure Vanilla loving Baker! Reader, its so exhilarating writing that he hates them.
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lolawassad · 2 years
Ben hargreeves x female!reader
this is kinda bad sorryyy kinda went off request sorry :((
Based in season 3 so spoilers! same tw as TUA reader cries
Hi 🥹 Could I request Ben Hargreeves x Reader where reader used to be in a relationship with the old Ben before he moved on into the afterlife and sparrow Ben catches on to their trauma and falls for reader and does everything he can to be good for them, I know it’s weirdly specific but I just thought it’d be cute 🥺
Luther has you thrown over his shoulder while Diego Lila and Five follow behind "Lila dont let him do this to me! i thought we where in love" you yell out making Lila "oh baby we are in love thats why im letting him do this"
Diego scoffs "why are you so nice to my little sister and not to me what is this?" he asks making Lila scoff back "look at her" she says poiting at your pouty face "I DONT WANNA SEE BEN" you yell out making Sloane look at you
"Y/n i dont know why you dont like Ben but you need to get over it-" she goes to say but is cut off by the door opening to the house "finally you oafs are here" Ben says
"Put y/n down" Allison scolds making Luther glare at her before putting you down, you quickly walk over to Allison ignoring Ben and let her lead you to the living room
When everyone is in the living room you walk over to Five before sitting down on the floor in front of him and putting your head on his thigh "i dont wanna be here" you whisper softly
Ben is talking to Fei and every once in a while his eyes shoot towards you, before he sends a glare to Five who is now playing with your hair "lover boy keeps glaring at me" Five tells you with a chuckle
You open your mouth to reply but are interupted by a "where is he?" "Viktor" someone says
An argument breaks out and Ben plops down on the couch next to Five "20 on the little one" Ben says "Ill take that action" Five replies before leaning down and placing a kiss to the top of your head and sending a smirk to Ben
The latter scoffs making your head turn to him before it quickly turns back around, hand squeezing your dress tightly "i know Harlan killed all our mothers"
You let out a gasp, free hand reaching for the first thing it can hold, which happens to be Ben's knee, his eyes shoot to your hand in shock before he reaches and holds onto your hand, squeezing softly with a soft look on his face "Viktor you didnt tell us, hes the reason we are in this and you lied to us.. to me about it" you ask, face filled with hurt
"y/n look thi-" Viktor starts but is cut off but you raising your hand that was squeezing your dress "just please dont Viktor"
Five looks from Viktor to you before seeing Ben holding your hand, Five sends a glare to Ben before he peels your hand out of Ben's and holds it in his own, he leans over to Ben and starts whispering "dont touch my sister, a version of you hurt her before im not gonna let you hurt her aswell" Five sneers before pulling you onto his lap, arms wrapping around you protectivly
You squeeze his hand softly and let him hold you "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" you hear Allison yell making you flinch in Fives arms "how are you doing this without saying i heard a rumor?" Five asks shocked
"just a little residual gift from Harlan" Allison replies
"Allison you need to stop" you gasp out looking at your sister choking your brother "ALLISON" you yell out when she doesnt stop, you jump up and throw your arm in the air, a vine shoots out and softly hits Allison making her lose focus and release Viktor
Five grabs onto your waist and pulls you inbetween him and Ben and when they notices Allison glaring at you they glare right back
Small time skip
You look at the kugelblitz "i could just make a box, no need to endanger Christopher i mean what if it goes wrong" you ramble "its like if it explodes the vines ill only feel a small burning in my veins, if its inside big C HE WILL DIE" you yell the last part, you start pacing "i mean we already lost so many people to this fuck fuck, we dont need to lose more"
Ben grabs your arm and his other hand grabs your face softly "Hey dollface calm the fuck down, everything is gonna work out just fine" he whispers and you melt into his touch, his face turns into shock, ever since you have gotten here you have barely even looked at him and now your melting in his touch
"Have you ever moves a nest of bees?" Sloane asks Lila scoffs "No because thats weird"
You step away from Ben "Lila you have remember when i summoned all those flowers and bee nests n you just threw one at me its probably like that" "its not like that at all dont give her ideas please" Sloane is quick to shut your idea down "kinda rude" you mutter before walking over to Diego, you manhandle his arms so he is holding you against his chest
"you couldve just asked me to move my arms you know that right? why are you and Lila like this?" Diego asks making you snort "its because Lila and i are soulmates, when this is over she and i shall marry"
"Thats true!" Lila says "Okay lets do this thing, i got a girl to wife up"
Diego lets go of you, he presses a quick kiss to your forehead and pushes you into Ben "she gets hurt im fucking killing you" Diego spits to Ben before he walks up to Grace who has just appeared
You burry your head into Ben's chest who holds onto you tightly "Look" he says while walking backwards until he hits the wall and is out of Grace's sight "I dont know what that other Ben did to you, but im not like him okay? Please give me a chance, i mean its the end of the fucking world, please give me chance" he begs softly "i can see that he hurt you but i would never hurt you" he confesses
Grace shoots fire in your direction and Ben goes to spin you around so his back is towards Grace but you break out of his grip, you put your arms to your side before pulling roots from the ground and wrapping her up fully in the roots, you throw her to Five who blinks them away
Ben grabs onto your wrist and spins you around "she couldve fucking hurt you" he scolds "but she didnt, see i can do things, im useful!" you beam making Lila yell "HELL YEAH YOU ARE" making Sloane scold her "focus!"
Christopher closes the Kugelblitz inside of him and Lila falls to the ground, you rush out of Ben's grip and run to Lila putting her head on your chest "fuck yeah love boobs in my face" Lila says with a smirk making you snort "OKAY YEAH ENOUGH THATS MY SISTER LILA" Diego yells "stop hitting on my sister why are you like this?" he asks her
Another small time skip
Everyone is now in the living room, people are dancing, Viktor is on the couch, Allison in the doorway, and y/n is laying on the floor surrounded by flowers and holding a bottle of soda, bees and butterflies flying around her
Footsteps approach her before someone lays down next to her "you not drinking?" Five asks her "no one of us idiots should stay sober" you tell him making him hum in agreement, he puts his arm around your shoulder "i love you, thank you for being here for me" Five says his words slurring a little
"i love you too little man" "I AM NOT LITTLE" Five yells out making you laugh "sure Five sure" you say before getting up, placing a kiss on his forehead
You walk outside the living room into a hallway and outside the door, you lay down in an empty field, the field fills with colorful flowers immediately
Its then a shockwave hits "I FUCKING TOLD THEM" you yell before running back towards the building, you run into Diego and Lila "Hotel hotel hotel" they yell out while pointing towards it the three of you run towards the hotel
"im done" you yell out when you enter the hotel, you throw yourself on the hard floor "leave me here to die!" you dramatically exlaim Ben walks up to you and sits down pulling your head onto his lap "so what now genius" he sarcastically asks Five "Paws off my sister, knock off, also that was your plan so its your fault" he fights
"NO FIGHTING" you yell "you guys shouldve just let me used my vines but nooo nobody ever listens to y/n because people cant be pretty and smart acording to you, you guys are all just.. just y/nphobic?" you ask "yeah y/nphobic" you say before getting up and sitting at the bar
You listen to everyone and when Ben and Diego start fighting in another language you turn around "thats kinda hot" you loudly say making Lila agree
Ben turns to look at you with a smirk and he walks up to you "yeah no" he is quickly stopped by Luther "not my sister" he says "SAYS THE GUY WHO IS DATING MY SISTER" Ben yells out
"can you guys stop" you say before walking over to Ben and put your head on his chest, he softly holds onto you and places a kiss on the top of your head
"can we all just be nice to eachother? we are all gonna die" you ask them "please" you beg softly, voice cracking tears filling your eyes, Ben softly rocks you "dont cry flora" he whispers
Ben walks backwards and sits down on a chair pulling you to straddle his lap, you put your head in the crook of his neck
Luther clears his throat "we've uh got a little announcement to make" "we are engaged!" they finish together, you giggle against Ben's neck "the world is ending lets get married!" you mock softly making Ben smirk
Its then Klaus walks up "KLAUS!" you yell getting up from Ben's lap and jumping onto your brother "I thought you died!" you say making klaus laugh "IM IMMORTAL" he yells spinning you around "Okay nathan young" you say making Klaus laugh
"yeah not to interupt the reunion but can i have my girl back?" Ben asks looking at you and Klaus "yeah ofcourse benerino!" Klaus says carrying you over to Ben "WAIT YOUR GIRL?" Klaus asks dropping you "OUCHIE" you yell out with a pout "Klausie why do you hate me?" you ask
Ben walks up to you and holds his hand out for you before pulling you up and dragging you back to the chair and onto his lap again "touch her again and ill kill you okay?" Ben says to Klaus making you slap his shoulder "be nice thats my favorite kinda gay sibling" you tell Ben making him lift his hands in the air "sorry doll"
"you gotta be nice to my family" you say before letting yourself fall from Ben's lap "wait why did you bring dad?" you ask klaus with a pout "We dont like that guy"
Ben goes to reach out for you but Five sends him a glare and blinks to you before blinking you both to a chair
Time skip to the buffalo room on the other side
When you get separated from Diego and Lila you go to find them, you end up in the lobby where you fall to your knees and you start crying, you hear loud footsteps run into your direction before you are pulled into someones arms "I got you doll, let it all out" Ben whispers
"Its too much Ben its too much" you sob out holding onto him "i know angel i know" he says holding onto you tighter "its almost over, i promise you, my love, and when this is over i hope you will let me show you how good we would be together"
Diego walks up behind Ben "y/n whats wrong?" he asks, you go to reply but only sobs come out "shes overwhelmed" Ben tells him "Its fine i got her" he continues making Diego nod at him before he walks back to Lila
Its then the ceiling smashes, Ben pushes you so you slide and land next to Allison, Five starts yelling about stars and they all get on one, when the life starts draining from everyone you get up, tears still rolling down your cheeks "im not losing him again" you whisper before using your powers to find a apple seed inside reginalds stomach, you focus on it growing
Reginald falls to the ground with a tree growing from his mouth, you rush over to Ben and pull his head to your chest "are you okay?" you ask him, Ben just smiles before he pushes his head up and just as his lips are about to hit yours you are all teleported
You frown and walk out of the elevator only to be pulled in someones arms "IM ALIVE!" Luther yells while squeezing you, you sniffle tears dried to your cheek, you slap Luther "how dare YOU DIE ON ME" you ask before bursting into tears again "i thought i lost you you dumb oaf"
Luther looks around shocked, Ben walks up and gets me out of Luther's arms "Hey flora its okay" Ben says while stroking your hair, Diego and Lila walk up to you "we are leaving, you wanna come with us?" Lila asks "we can finally get married!" she beams making you giggle "no you guys go ahead" you say
Diego frowns "you gonna go with Viktor or Five?" he asks making you shake your head "i would like to go with Ben if he is okay with that?" you ask looking up at Ben whose face breaks into a smile "really? course im fucking okay with that my little angel" he says before lowering his head and pressing his lips on yours
"NO THATS MY WIFE" Lila yells "y/n your cheating on me now?" you hear Lila's voice fade and Diego scoff
"stop sucking faces with my sister" Five says making you pull away from Ben "oops" you softly say making ben chuckle
"Listen Ben, you hurt my sister and i will personally be the cause of your death okay? and ill make it look like an accident" Viktor threatens making you shiver in Ben's hold "Im not gonna hurt her, she means the world to me" he says before he starts pulling you with him
"Lets get started on our new life Flora"
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spacexseven · 2 years
hi tuna hi hi 👋 I gotta quick one for ya. I was staring at one of dazais mayoi cards, the one where elise gives him a little stuffed bunny (can't send pictures over anon unfortunately but its called lamplit winter if you wanna look it up), and then i reread ur softzai piece and it made me brainrot really really bad so imagine. giving yan dazai a little stuffed animal...
like, look, I feel like dazai, even the crueller versions of him like subordinate darling dazai, is something of a sentimentalist. everything and anything darling gives him is a present and he wants to take good care of it. like, even something as innocuous as a pencil you dropped is something hell keep in a little shoebox beneath his bed. its all part of his delusion, his secret hopeless romanticism. touching (or heaven forbid, breaking) something he got from darling is enough to get people sent to the hospital, or even killed. so imagine ACTUALLY giving him a gift of some kind. youre at the arcade, you win a little stuffed animal, you give it to dazai cuz you have no use for it. you dont really think much of it, really, but HE sure does. mafia/subordinate darling dazai would be a special case. hed probably pretend he doesnt care for the toy at first, both to you and to himself (especially since subordinate darling would probably give it to him sarcastically), but he doesnt have it in him to get rid of it. hes always had a bit of a soft spot for cute things.... and the cramped storage compartment he lives in is so dreary...... no, nevermind that, he'll just. throw it over in the corner. whatever. no need to even go through the effort of disposing of it, thats how little he cares!
of course, he finds his eyes drifting to it more often than not, thinks about what you giving him something like that might Mean, etc. he still refuses to admit he appreciates it, or you, but then maybe one night... he finds himself having another nightmare... and as he sits there, cold, lonely, distressed... his eyes catch the little stuffed toy you gave him. before he can really think about it, he grabs it and drags it into bed with him. he was never given things like this, as a child, so holding it feels... nice. comforting in a way he hasn't experienced. it even still smells just like you; and if he closes his eyes, he can PRETEND its you... he can imagine himself holding you tightly, burying his nose in your hair, laying on your chest and listening to your heart... his little fantasies get him back to sleep very quickly, and it becomes routine. sometimes, if hes particularly lonely or the delusion has completely overtaken him for the day, he'll even talk to the toy like its you. I could also imagine this leading to him stealing some clothes from you, once your scent starts to be replaced with his own on the toy, nothing you'll miss, just a shirt or two he can use to supplement your presence while he sleeps!
I'll cut myself off here cuz I am going NUTSO but yeah. thats where my head is at rn <33
- 🩹
im so sorry for how long it took me to get to this omg these weeks have been hectic :( i dont know if i uslaly write dazai this gloomy but i like it
dazai treasures anything you give him leave behind, but instead of dedicating a corner of his room to your items and presence, dazai likes to spread things out in his place like how you might leave it if the two of you were together. he leaves a used tube of chapstick in the drawer beside his bandages, he places a half-empty tube of toothpaste beside his own in the bathroom (making a note to buy the same one as you from now on so it feels more real, this fantasy), he keeps your shirts stacked up beside his, trying to make it feel natural. somehow, the possibility of you living with him seems so far-fetched so instead, he turns to building the future he'd like with your missing items, playing into his little fantasy. of course, the obvious lack of furniture in his room is inadequate for you, too miserable to be called a house, unlike your own apartment with the wallpaper and the trinkets you have placed everywhere.
if anyone messes with anything lying around (unlikely, since nobody really visits him anyway), dazai would fly into a rage. every item has been meticulously placed in its appropriate place, and slightly nudging it away or putting it elsewhere would cause the fragile facade to crumble and demolish the delicate atmosphere. when he gets back at night, he makes sure to check that everything is in its place—the chapstick he so desperately wants to use (a pathetic attempt at getting close to you) but doesn't want to taint with his touch, the shirts he cradles so delicately, pretending you were there, when the loneliness feels more crushing than usual and he can't bear to accept his reality.
if you happened to give him anything, regardless of the reason, dazai would be over the moon. sure, when you casually ask him if he wants the stuffed toy you won, he scoffs and pretends like he's not interested, but ultimately takes it anyway. its soft texture and blank eyes don't mean much to him as it is, but knowing you were just holding it in your arms, experimentally squeezing it a few times before telling dazai you couldn't keep it, makes the toy the most valuable thing in the world for dazai. no matter how out of place the cute, round thing looked in his bandaged arms, surrounded by his coat, dazai found himself holding it tighter. with this, he can fool himself into believing this was a date and not just a detour from your usual work. he can lie to himself and think that you wanted to impress him by winning the toy, no matter how far it was from the truth.
the toy is painfully out of place in his dark room, not really looking right on the dresser or inside the closet. so he throws it onto his bed instead, thinking about how desolate it looked still. he doesn't think much of it until he goes to rest, observing the round toy sitting beside him. outside, the sky rumbled, and he felt his hand squeeze the soft belly of the toy. despite himself, he found himself smiling a little. it was sort of cute, with the blank eyes and stuffing. he'd never had something like this, and now that he did, he didn't know what to do with it.
while he was thinking about it, he realized the toy might have your scent, seeing as it was held by you for a while first. awkwardly, his arms wrapped around it and he pulled it closer, feeling like a child who had just received his first toy. it was soft; lacking the warmth humans had, but he wasn't about to be picky when this was already something he never had.
for a minute, he thought back to that pleased expression you had when squeezing the round stuffed toy in your arms, and he thinks you'd like to have it when you moved in. with his eyes closed, it's easier to pretend the inanimate object is more human and more loving. it's easy to imagine it was you in his arms, asleep, except for the lack of warmth.
dazai sighs and his eyes open, still holding the toy. it was nice while it lasted.
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masadd · 8 months
all my simon AUs [half are shower thoughts]
vampire simon multiverse world AU
• pretty self-explanatory!! simon is a vampire. it played out pretty similarly as our simon at first; he got the crown, betty left, mushroom bomb went off, and he met marceline.
• that's where things change. simon had to wear the crown to protect marcy, again. marcy panicked when simon wouldn't take it off and bit him without malicious intent, instead turning him into a vampire.
• since this technically killed simon, he broke out of the crown's grasp, now undead. marceline thought she killed him, panicked, and ran away. simon lived on his own ever since for like 1,000 years and kind of lost it being alone!!
HMS simon au
• this one is kind of like a crossover ?? with another one of my favorite things. it's based off chonny jash's characters, heart, mind, and soul. the whole plot of CCCC [chonny's charming chaos compendium] is that this guy's consciousness split into three [heart mind and soul], and they needed to reconcile.
• so . this goes basically the exact same as our simon. our simon, now like 1,059 [or however old he is], is in his little exhibit [same as the start of fionna and cake!!] he's chilling but keeps getting pressed closer to the edge each day.
• the main difference is that simon never actually ends up trying to make a portal to golbetty, and reaches his limit after like a series of unfortunate events.
• simon splits off into his own HMS. that's . essentially it . i dont wanna spoil much....
winter king worldswap AU
• i don't have it all planned out on how exactly it happened, but basically, winter king ends up in our ooo [aka just where our simon is from]. obviously this one is incredibly confusing for most residents of ooo, specifically marceline, finn, pb, and others .
• eventually, they figure out [pretty quickly] that this is NOT their simon . they try to ask where their simon is [who is out traveling with fionna and cake], but winter king has no clue !! he likely tries to pretend he does know though .
• ultimately . marceline ends up hating winter king
simon / F&C world interception AU
• is it obvious i don't have names for them
• ok so . basically, somehow simon ends up in the F&C modern au. which . technically should be impossible since it's inside his brain,,, but i have thought of a solution
• simon somehow [accidentally] projects his consciousness into the F&C world, leaving his real body just kinda There [probably unconscious]. think of it like that one adventure time episode where magic man makes jake go inside himself, and he explores his own little city and stuff . it's kind of like that!!
• his deal is similar to fionna and cake concerning his effects on their world . like for example how fionna touched winter king's crown and the magic went away, or when cake turned that one dude into a literal hotdog. basically, simon is doing the same on the F&C world, except he's doing the opposite!! he's magic-ifying it.
• shit starts to go down once people actually notice him. since he blends in so well, it takes a bit,,, just starts to get obvious once that one cookie turns alive or smth 😭
• simon is eventually overcrowded by a ton of curious [and terrified] people, and runs off to just the first inconspicuous place he sees. this leads him to running into marshall lee, who's chillin with gary. simon, gary, and marshall lee kinda chill for a while !! marshall and gary probably talk abt how fionna's gone, which prompts simon to feel guilty and he reveals where he's actually from, and what happened to fionna.
• gary and marshall lee don't believe him at first, until simon turns something [idk what!!] into magic again. they then try to get to our ooo
• marshall lee and gary make it, but simon's still kinda trapped in his own consciousness . likely in the candy kingdom hospital with marceline bc he just passed out unexpectedly 😭
•Wooooo his fate is unknown [dont worry its a happy ending]
* i also won't be very surprised if these have been done before just know i do NOT mean to steal any ideas . if that happened it was purely unintentional cos i just made these up based on my minds silly desires
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milkytheholy1 · 5 months
ROTTMNT Masterlist
Just trying to relax - Leo x Female Reader
The week had been stressful, to say the least, you knew living in New York would cost you an arm and a leg if you wanted to carry on living in your small apartment you'd have to work a lot more shifts at Albearto's Pizza.
Part 2 - Leo x Female Reader
The sun beamed through your poorly made curtains, as loud car horns could be heard disrupting your sleep. A groan was released from your throat as your eyes slowly blinked open, you gradually started to lean up from your couch and glanced around the place.
24hr lockdown - Leo x GN Reader
You had walked into the lair with the intention of playing video games with Mikey and watching Lou Jitsu films with Raph. However, blaring red lights and a panicked Leo was something you were not expecting.
You're not gross - Leo x GN Reader
Request: Well can you do a rottmnt leo x reader were Leo is sick?
Tired yet? - Leo x GN Reader
Request: Can I... request a Leo x reader where both are suffering from insomnia, so they meet up for late night hanging out? Included with warm drinks owo
Online buds - Leo x Male Reader
Request: hey- can i request a leo/male reader meeting each other for the first time? (theyre online friends) it can b platonic or romantic aaaa.
Jealous much? - Leo x Female Reader
"Okay, it'll be easy all you have to do is seduce them," Donnie whispered as he adjusted the goggles around his eyes, zooming in on their target. You stared at Donatello, hands-on-hips, gawking at the back of his head "You're kidding, right?"
Candy Crush - Leo x Female Reader
Swinging your legs back and forth over the ledge of the building, you looked up gazing at the full moon in the inky, black sky. Your jacket was flapping in the slight breeze, your fingers tapping keys on your phone. Idly waiting for your partner, you decided to play some mobile games to pass the time.
Big bro to the rescue - Leo x GN Reader
"I remember practising how to ask you out in the mirror..."
I'm not Mikey - Leo x GN Reader
"You know you're my favourite, right?" "I better be."
Distraction - Leo x GN Reader
Wanted to get this out before Christmas but I've ended up writing it on Christmas Eve so sorry about that, think of it as my Christmas present to you XD Hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas and a happy new year!
Busy - Leo x Female Reader
I just love your 2018 leonardo, like mwah! Beautiful! I dont know if you do oneshots soley but if you did could we have one with leon and the reader just making out and the mood is great but then whoops !family! Just leon being embarresed especially because y/n just thinks its so freaking halarious
Winner - Leo x GN Reader
"You're jealous, aren't you?" "I'm not jealous."
Actions speak louder than words - Leo x GN Reader
Rottmnt leo scenario where he has a s/o, where Leo worries about his red stripes and s/o just goes over and cups his cheeks and kisses his nose, (I’d like the scenario to lead off with just that and s/o doesn’t say anything about his stripes. Figuring they’re actions would be enough here)?
Problem - Leo x GN Reader
I really LOVE your writing, can I request a Rise!Leo x reader angst one? Like ANGST angst where they are having a big fight in reader’s apartment because of something Leo did/said and reader it’s really upset/angry/hurt so they keep heating the fight and saying things until he kisses the reader, with a happy ending but like ANGST, Thank you and keep up the good work!
Pointy - Leo x GN Reader
Hi!!! I hope you are having a great weekend!!! Can I please get a story or headcanon of 2018 Leonardo x reader where the reader is a elf and has magical powers. But the reader is self conscious about their ears, face markings, and their unusual different color eyes. They have to use magic to hide who they really are when they are in public because people make fun of them. Can the story also be about 2018 Leonardo comforting the reader and reminding them how beautiful they are?
Dare - Leo x GN Reader
"If you bite your lip one more time, I'm going to do it for you."
Late night, deep thoughts - Leo x GN Reader
I had this idea after recently reading a fic on A03 called 'Night Light', which I highly recommend it's so good, anyway this idea kinda stemmed from a part in their fic. I hope you enjoy!
What's up, Doc? - Leo x GN Reader
"Its not funny! I'm supposed to be mad at you!"
I don't deserve you - Leo x Female Reader
the reader is very self conscious about her feelings towards the red slider and thinks that even Leo wouldn’t like her since no one else did, but then they are been chased (in a mission or a game with his brothers, idk) and have to hide together in a small place (like some closet or something) . Then a few things start to get serious and he says something that makes the reader even more uncomfortable and by the end she’s crying because she knows he’ll never even love her?
Draw me any day - Leo x GN Reader
Request: could you do a one where yn wants to draw leo (rotmnt) and tries to not show him but fails.
Why didn't you come? - Leo x Female Reader
Requesting a Rise Leonardo x fem reader where she is having bad days of her life and it’s her birthday and everyone had a surprise for her until Leo basically forgets about it? Then he remembers that he messed up and goes after the reader went and makes something I her bedroom like an apology ?
Boyfriend material - Leo x Female Reader
Heyy I’m a really big fan of yours. I just read your Rise!Donnie like fanfic and I was wondering how Rise!Leo would be in a lime. I just KNOW jokes and fun times will ensue!
Acceptable in the 80's - Leo x GN Reader
Okay, so as much as I would love to write this for 2012 Leo, it just seems right that I do it for Rise Leo, right? Like I can't really imagine the 2012 version to be singing and dancing all goofy, but Rise? Oh yeah. I can. Hope you enjoy!
The great pun war of 2021 - Leo x GN Reader
Can it be about RiseLeo and READER being the most charismatic, chaotic yet flirty frenemies and will only agree with one another with one liners. Then one day READER jokes about them being a couple but Leo gets nervous and just agrees about it and the gang takes things out on a dare to Leo?
Sin, Cos, Tan - Leo x GN Reader
Could you do a Rise Leo x reader where the reader has studying sessions with Donnie where he tutors them and Leo gets jealous and tries to help even though he doesn’t have a clue about math or science or anything like that? Lastly, if you can’t get to it I totally get that. Make sure to take care of yourself and drink plenty of water!
You're a mean one, Mr Grinch - Leo x GN Reader
so idk where i saw it but i saw a post where reader x donnie are like “frenemies” but they develop feelings for each other. Can you do something like that but with leo instead? like him and reader give each other so much shit (not to the point they hurt each others feelings tho) and they flirt ALL the time but they’re both oblivious to each others feelings.
Highway Man - Leo x GN Reader
“Make me.” “Bite me.”
I'm not dead, idiot! - Leo x Female Reader
hello, hope you are well! i absolutely love your writing and was wondering if you could do a rottmnt leo x fem!reader? maybe something along the lines of reader goes with the brothers on a mission and ends up getting injured and leo freaks out. like readers not dying or anything but he thinks they are and is like “no don’t die i love you too much”
Anytime - Leo x Male Reader
was wondering if I could request a Rise Leo x male reader who’s a yokai that looks kinda like male naga (a half human half snake being) but the reader is disguising as a human (kind of like how samanita was disguising), and one day as a joke Leo takes the amulet from the reader, and reveals what they truly look like and everyone just stares at them making the reader scared and nervous making him slither out of the lair.
The fantastical case of the missing shirt - Leo x Male Reader
Hi hope you are having a wonderful day! I absolutely LOVE your Tmnt fanfics! And I would like to request a one shot of Rise Leo x male reader with prompt #49 where The reader steals one of Leo’s shirts (since we see the turtles wear clothes sometimes in the show)
The future - Leo x GN Reader
Hey everyone, I'm back on my TMNT shit again. Rottmnt Leo x GNReader - set in the Kraang future.
My way - Leo x GN Reader
Okay so future Leo won by a landslide so here he is, not as much fluff as I had originally planned but a lot is implied and cute. Also got a mention of Casey in there for the one person in my ask box asking for it, hope you enjoy!
Late - Leo x GN Reader
Don't worry this features no spoilers for the movie but I will be doing some angst eventually.
A detective always interrogates twice - Leo x Female Reader
Howdy everyone! So this isn't related to Everything Ends, just want to make that clear right off the bat. This is in fact heavily inspired by an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia! It's from season 14, episode 5 titled "A Janitor Always Mops Twice", I'd check it out if you have the time, it might help make things less confusing. I also use a lot of 40's slang, so sorry in advance, but hey educate ya selves!
The big screen - Leo x Female Reader
Can You do a Rise Leo x a crush fem reader were the reader is an actor for a movie as the maniac villan but she is very shy irl (maybe Leo finds a fan fiction about reader, would he read it? XD) Is ok if you don't want to do this 😅
I've got a date - Donnie x GN Reader
Donatello had wanted to tell you for a while, he wanted to confess his admiration for you, his need to be with you, his love for you. He's, of course, tried multiple times to confess to you, but every time something or more usually someone interrupts the delicate atmosphere around you both.
Trust me - Donnie x Female Reader
Heyo! Could I request a Rise Donnie x Female Reader? I like the other Donnie oneshot you did! :3 If you want a plot for it, I was thinking maybe the reader has a sleepover with the turtle brothers, and they end up playing Truth or Dare... and the brothers try to set the unsuspecting girl with Donnie through the game! XD
Doctor Feelings strikes again - Donnie x Female Reader
RiseDonnie x Female Reader oneshot Request: Could you do another Donnie x reader where the reader and Donnie sits in for a lesson from Doctor Feelings?
Can I pick? - Donnie x GN Reader
Request: Okay, could you please do 32 with ROTTMNT Donnie? I could totally see him saying that first bit with Y/N inquiring the second
Bad to the bone - Donnie x Female Reader
Don gets his battle shell pierced through so it injures his soft shell while he protects reader in battle please? And then she comforts him and he opens up about how insecure he is about being soft so he keeps his bad boy image up all the time.
We're not done here - Donnie x Female Reader
How about a Donnie x Reader where the reader is really self-conscious about their body and has pretty sucky self-esteem? I feel like it'd be cute with how Donnie secretly relates and has enough confidence for the both of them!
Coward - Donnie x Female Reader
Request: f reader is concerned about why Donnie is no longer talking with her about what he's working on, how his day went, etc. he always brushes her off with a blushed face and wants to get back to work. she thinks it's because he's sad or mad or whatever, but it's actually just because Donnie just realized that he has a crush on her and is bashful.
Tough cookie - Donnie x GN Reader
where the reader has a GREAT relationship with all the turtles (like especially Leo, they're best friends) **except** Donnie. like, i wouldn't necessarily call the reader a bully but they like to mess around and make fun of Don alot, but the reason why they tend to pick on Donnie is because they're actually really jealous of him and how smart he is and secretly wanna be good friends with him but since he's kinda a tough cookie to crack they've just given up on the friends thing and only make fun of him.
Why? - Donnie x GN Reader
Can I get a donnie rottmnt scenario where he has a crush on someone who is very emotional base and likes fantasy and magic stuff over science and tech, but they can understand donnie when he talks and actually admit they think he sounds kind of poetic with how detailed he describes things while they have a hard time doing the same?
Experimental bo - Donnie x Female Reader
"What kind of superhero are you?"
Radio Ga Ga - Donnie x Female Reader
“How long have you been standing there?” “Longer than you’d like.”
Daydream Believer - Donnie x Female Reader
May I have (27.) "You gotta stop doing that." "What?" "Saying things that make me wanna kiss you.") With rise donnie x female reader who is self conscious about their singing voice and Donnie overhears and compliments it? Maybe a kiss at the end por favor? It doesn’t have to be long I just am craving some fluff
Say it - Donnie x Female Reader
Just want to give a big thank you to mistresslottie on Wattpad for helping me with this. I literally had no clue how to write lime-like stuff and they're one of my favourite tmnt writers out there so was super happy they helped me. 
Bad boy got game - Donnie x Female Reader
guys meeting reader during a mission of sorts, where it ends with them breaking an object(a camera, phone, laptop etc) and the reader looking DEJECTED, not even mad. And of course Donnie could fix it…but rise!donnie’s trying to be the emotionless bad boy™ right? But no. Sad reader eyes. Says ‘no, it’s fine. I’ll just replace it :(‘ and he feels guilty, and she looks SO sad, so he does it anyway. He gives her the new and donnie-improved whatever.
Proposition - Donnie x GN Reader
Request: That's completely fine with me! I was wondering if you could do a oneshot for a Rise Donnie x Fem or GN reader (I don't mind) where the reader has severe anxiety and doesn't really like to talk about they're problems- kinda like how Donnie isn't a touchy Feely kinda guy so he could relate and helps the reader out. Sorry if that's too confusing. I was inspired by the song Control by Zoe Wees.
Lip locked - Donnie x Female Reader
Donnie and reader have been together for a while and they are in Donnies lab hanging out while Donnie is working on a few things and reader is doing homework for the next day and she keeps biting her lips while thinking, Donnie finds it distracting and keeps telling her to stop it. Until he can’t take it and says “if you bite your lip one more time, I’m going to do it for you.” And reader thinks about it before acting innocent and bites her lip while turning back to her homework, Donnie getting irritated and kisses reader.
The colour purple - Donnie x GN Reader
“I have a feeling we should kiss.” “Is that a good feeling or a bad feeling?” “Shut up and kiss me already.”
Record breaking dive - Donnie x GN Reader
ello, how about: RiseLeo / RiseDonnie (one of them) and the reader are secretly in love with each other, but they cannot admit it, because they are afraid of being rejected by their beloved because of the differences in their species (human and mutant). Therefore, they continue to hide their feelings until a certain point or accidental confession.
Moth man - Donnie x Male Reader
I’ve been binge reading your rottmnt fics and I would like to request rottmnt Donnie X male reader where the reader is also a mutant but the reader is a moth mutant so he’s got fluff all over his body (cause moths have fluffy bodies), and Donnie can’t help but have some curiosity about how soft the readers fluff is.
It's my favourite colour - Donnie x GN Reader
Could I maybe ask for a rise Donnie x reader (female is preferable but Gender neutral is alright with me) where the reader’s favorite color is purple and she always wears it. Then one day she’s sitting in the lab with Donnie when he can’t stop staring and eventually the reader makes a joke like: “what? You wanna kiss me or smth?” And he just takes it seriously and nods.
I don't hate you? - Mikey x GN Reader
Could you do a rottmnt (whichever turtle do you it’s the best suit for) x shy reader ( blushes easily, it’s friendly but when crush comes around gets very clumsy and quiet) it’s kinda obvious that both like each other ( but either can see that they do ) and reader really wants to confess but gets cold feet w/ how the boys treat April?
Food fight! - Mikey x Female Reader
Request Rise!Mikey x female reader where Mikey and the reader are maybe hanging out in the kitchen baking because they were bored with nothing too interesting to do and since they were so distracted by how much fun they were having with their little food fights they ended up making a mess of the kitchen.
Happy thoughts - Mikey x Female Reader
Can you do an established relationship with rise mikey x female reader and the reader needs late night cuddles because she can’t sleep due to nightmares that the turtles (especially Mikey) might not survive one of the missions the team goes on?
Little nightmares - Raph X GN Reader
ROTTMNT Raph x Sleepy Reader, you know where the reader has been having bad nightmares, so Raph decides to comfort the reader and the reader would thank him.
Into The Sewers - Raph X GN Reader
So, could it be where the reader is a neutral acquaintance and finds Raph alone in his ‘savage’ state, and has to help him calm down so they can find his brothers?
Alone - Raph X GN Reader
"I can't take the loneliness anymore."
Nurse Raph - Raph X GN Reader
could i request a rottmnt raph x enby reader (platonic) where the reader just had surgery and is kinda achy? i had a surgery yesterday and im looking for some turtle comfort
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