#dazai 🐟
spacexseven · 1 year
Subordinate Reader: *grabs mic*
Subordinate Reader: *points at Dazai* Fuck you
Subordinate Reader: *points at Chuuya* Fuck you
Subordinate Reader: *points at Fydor* Fuck you
Subordinate Reader: *points at Akutagawa* You're cool
Akutagawa: *thumbs up*
Subordinate Reader: *points at Mori* and fuck you I'm out
*throws the mic at Dazai's face*
contrary to what you may expect, dazai finds the whole thing amusing, at least at first.
singling him out in front of a crowd, to him, shows just how much you must be thinking of him. since your message doesn't register in his mind immediately, he's over the moon at the thought that he stood out so much to you. that is, until he hears your comment to akutagawa. were his previous warnings not enough? the fact that you even got a response from him enrages him even more. you thought this was funny, did you? poor you, because now dazai, seething with the mic in hand, is convinced you've forgotten your place, and he's already planning a week-long trip for the both of you—didn't he tell you that you had to help him investigate a new ability group outside the city?
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chuuya's angry enough as it is, and now you had to go and piss him off even more. the crowd watching you already had his blood boiling, but your rude remark to him almost blew his fuse entirely. what was this whole stunt for? all this time he was trying to make things bearable for you, unlike dazai who only knew how to torment you without any consideration. he's practically sulking in the corner, waiting for you to make your way off stage so he can pounce on you and demand an explanation.
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the hope that fills akutagawa at your bright smile is quickly crushed once he feels the burning glares directed at him, despair starting to sink in. still, despite the definite trouble this would get him into, he can't help but find some delight in the situation. the two of you could never stand on equal footing, not as long as you were here, but at least he was worth a single moment of consideration from you. that was enough for him.
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fyodor hasn't actually done anything yet, so by doing this, you've inadvertently caught his attention. why is someone from the port mafia so agitated by his presence, when he's only just stepped foot in yokohama? watch your back when you're making your way home, because fyodor just might be waiting in the shadows for a little conversation.
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triplethewinds · 1 year
Chuuya caught a mackerel
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ilovechuuy4 · 10 days
if you are not taking requests at the moment please ignore this (aside from how much I adore your writing and how I need it in my veins)
if you're taking requests, then could I request Chuuya and Dazai (separately and with a gn! reader) when they cheat on the reader and how they get back together? angst to fluff. my heart could never handle your angst, your writing is too good and it would genuinely wound me in ways I would never recover from.
love you :)
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I Told My Friends I Hate You, but I Love You Just the Same✯*٭˙∘
Chuuya/Dazai x Gn!Reader (seperate)
Warnings; Thick tension / Angst
Description; They cheat but then want to get back together with you.
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🐟Dazai ೃ⁀➷
⋆·˚ He intentionally cheated on you, the night you caught him with another person in the bed y'all shared TOGETHER.
It was a late night when you arrived 'home' or the place you thought was home. You shuffled inside the eerily quiet apartment, but something was off, usually your boyfriend was home waiting for you on the couch but today wasn't the same as you heard distant moaning from your bedroom. You skittered to the bedroom, swinging open the door a loud thud and then a recoil of the door. Your eyes widening at the sight of Dazai in bed with another. 'Why?' is all you said you couldn't find any other words to say as tears pierced your eyes and trickled down your face that was already a red hue from frustration.
The brunette couldn't even say a word before you stormed out the entire complex. Running down the empty streets of Yokohama tears streaming down your reddened face. You weren't sure where to go other than Yosano's house it was your best bet. When you arrive, you were already heavily breathing as you rang the doorbell. It was already pretty late so you weren't sure if she was up or not but to your luck, she was. As she opened the door, her eyes snapped open at your tear-streaked face.
"Oh Y/N what happened.?" She asked, gently pulling you into the house and closing the door. She wrapped you in a gentle hug, her hand rubbing your back as she listened to you explain what exactly happened. Yosano was astonished, it was obvious Dazai would do a thing like that cause he's well, dazai. But in the bed y'all shared together is an entirely different step. 'Cmon lets just go get you some change of clothes and get you to bed." Yosano says as she guides you to her bedroom.
Once you had taken a shower and borrowed some of Yosano's clothes, the two of you rest on the couch for the remainder of the night watching different dramas, romances, actions etc. When you woke up in the morning, your phone had multiple of missed calls and messages from Dazai himself. You read through some of the messages; “Im sorry” “Hey, please answer me.” “Baby, please.” They were all simple messages but as you read further down, they got more urgent and desperate even. “Hey i know you’re getting the calls, answer me.” “Please im SO sorry, Y/N, please text me.” and so on. You bite your lip as you read through the messages you felt worried, if that was the right way to put it. You let out a staggered breath as you sought up the courage to call your boyfriend.
As you sit there on the soft sofa, listening the rings echoing in your ear, you eventually here the soft ‘click’ of the call being answered and on the other line, an urgent and distressed tone. “Babe? Hey where are you?! You didn’t answer any of my calls or messages! What happened!” His breathing was loud as you heard the shaky breathes, he let out. “Fuck, i know i messed up and im sorry. That thing i done, i know it was fucked up and im sorry! Please forgive me it won't happen again!” He explained through the phone, on his side he was biting his nails.
You hadn’t heard him this distressed since missions he had for the agency. “Dazai, calm down.” You mutter through the phone, you didnt know what to say there really wasnt much. “I just need you to calm down. Im fine, just meet me at Yosano’s house i guess.” You said fidgeting with the strings of the shorts. You couldn't lie to yourself, you missed him. Maybe it was hard to forgive what he did but you really did miss him.
Rubbing your temples, you slowly stand up going to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water. You sip on it slowly, waiting for your boyfriend to arrive. Thirty minutes go by before you hear knocking on the door. You sit up from where you were leaning against the counter before you slowly shuffle your way to the front door, Yosano wasn't home, she had left a note that said she went out and she'll be back later.
You knew that it was Dazai, not only because he told you he'd be there soon but the urgent knocking on the door. You opened the steel door, the hinges creaking. You stare at the taller figure, his eyes seemed to be "shaking" as he stared at you before hugging you tightly. You could feel his body trembling against your own, you couldn't fully forgive him for what he did, you knew it would take time and he knew that too.
You let out a staggered breath before resting your head on dazai, forehead pressed firmly against his shoulder. You could feel the brunette slowly massaging your hips, the other cupping the nape of your neck. "I'm sorry." You heard him say beneath his breath, you knew he wasn't all too big on apologies so for now this was okay. The hug meant a lot to you.
"It's alright, you already know I can't forgive you though. We can work around all the flaws, nobody is prefect." You tell him, but deep down you knew you'd slowly end up forgiving him, you loved him, you always would. You felt him gently grip your chin, pulling it to make you look at him.
"I mean it. I'm sorry. I'll never do it again, I truely do love you." The bandaged man spoke, he was sincere, you knew he was. The way he looked deeply into your eyes, forehead pressed against your own as leaned in to slowly kiss you, lips colliding in a tender kiss. "I love you, I dont want anything changing that." He managed to mutter out, slowly pulling away with a smile, tears pooling in his eyes, things were going to be okay.
⋆·˚ You misinterpreted EVERYTHING. the thing you saw wasn't the story behind any of it, he didnt enjoy seeing you like that.
You, the pretty joyful person that was going out with a "scary" port mafia executive? Maybe opposites really DO attract. But that didn't seem to be how things work out today. You wanted to surprise him, bringing him some lunch and a new wine you found, you had everything planned for a nice lunch date. You had taken time out of your day to refrigerate the wine so it was still cold when arrived, to go get food not gourmet or anything but food nonetheless.
Did that mean nothing to Chuuya? The love and affection? The time you spent doing everything to make him the happiest man alive, it meant nothing? When you had arrived in the corridor to Chuuya's office, there he stood with another, that same person kissing the man you love. Chuuya's eyes we're wide, he didn't see you but they we're wide but you didn't care about that, you cared that he didn't automatically push her away.
You could feel the paper bag with the wine inside slip from your hand, shattering on the ground with a loud crash. It echoed through your own ears and the ears of others that were nearby. You watch as Chuuya snaps back to reality, his mind and body know fully processing that his colleague kiss him, in front of you. He heard the loud shatter of the glass, his head snapping over to wear you stood, tears flowing down your face that was erased from any other emotion other than sadness.
You feel yourself stumble back before sprinting out the large building, not even giving yourself a chance to rethink your decisions. Tears kept pouring down your face they wouldn't stop, no way. He wouldn't actually cheat, right? The image only rolled through your head like a record on repeat. You could hear heavy steps chasing behind, laboring breathes as there was deep, staggering, almost terrified yells of your name.
"Y/N!! Just give me a damn minute to explain!" Chuuya yells, his voice trembling with every word. He didn't want to use his ability in this type of situation, he didn't want it to seem like he ruled over you cause of an ability he wasn't even born with but that wasn't the point. He kept sprinting right behind you, no matter how hard it was to breath, he just needed you to stop.
You didn't want to turn back, you couldn't. He couldn't see you like this. Broken, if you'd have to describe it yourself. You just ran. Ran and ran and ran until you were unable to anymore. You were letting out deep gasps of air as you could quite literally feel Chuuya staring into your back. "Darlin' would you just give me a chance to explain what happened?" The ginger spoke, gently sitting down on the ground next to your out of breath form.
You didn't have the energy to argue back as you just give him a small nod. Chuuya pulls you close, letting your head rest on his shoulder. "You know I didn't cheat right? It was a big 'ol misunderstanding, I didn't kiss my colleague I wouldn't ever do that to you in a life time." Chuuya told you, he was sincere when he told you this as he reached down, interlocking the both of yall's fingers together.
You glance at him worrily, you wanted to trust him you really did but there were so many questions. "Then why didn't you automatically push her away?" You ask, your breathing now back to normal as you trace your thumb on the lines in chuuya's hand. "I wasn't expecting anyone to kiss me, it took me a moment to process anything. Im sorry darlin', how can I make this big ordeal up to you?" The blue eyed male asked you, glancing over at you with eyes that begged for all your forgiveness.
You had a blank stare on your face for a moment as Chuuya was practically begging for your forgiveness with his piercing blue eyes. You exhale with a soft smile, you couldn't stay mad at him even if you wanted. "Just a kiss then." You answered, it was always an "apology" Chuuya enjoyed even if he always asked multiple times more if there was "anything else you needed" cause a simple kiss didn't seem like a good apology.
Chuuya let out a soft huff, he knew it! He knew you were going to say a kiss, he had a love, hate relationship with this sort of an apology, but he leaned in and kissed you anyways. It was slow and tender and full of silent love that sometimes neither of you shown. You let out a content hum as y'all kiss before pulling away, this was enough for now you knew that you'd pester him later though. It was a silly misunderstanding on your end and you're up to admit it too.
"I'm sorry again, doll. It won't happen again. Hell of you want I'll try to dress unattractive?" Chuuya teased, his hand running up your thigh as the two of you sit on the curb of the side walk. "How could you, of all people, dress unattracively?" You ask, letting out a soft laugh under your breath. "Well I'm not sure, sweetheart. But I could sure try for you."
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originalartblog · 10 months
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what's the point of learning a new skill if I'm not going to be silly with it!!
based on @sensitiveheartless' Skk Howl's Moving Castle AU and the little fish Chuuya embroidered on Dazai's shirts! 🐟
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neontoad · 5 months
“One soul in two bodies”, people often say about Double Black. Chuuya calls bullshit on that. It’s ridiculous. But then why every time Chuuya comes to work after tossing and turning in bed all night unable to fall asleep, he sees that Dazai has dark circles under eyes as well? Why every time when Chuuya checks his phone at 3am, insomnia eating him alive, he sees that Dazai is online, too? Why does it feel like there is one more person wide awake in the sleeping city when Chuuya’s staring at the ceiling, as wakeful as ever?
One night, a message pops up on his phone.
🐟: You awake?
“Fuck off,” Chuuya mumbles to himself and turns the screen off. The night is quiet. The air still seems to be vibrating after the notification chime. He counts seconds.
Nothing disturbs the silence anymore.
The next day Dazai keeps yawning and stealing glances at Chuuya as they sit in another boring meeting. He ignores him, even though every time Dazai covers his mouth with his hand, Chuuya can’t help but yawn too.
He sleeps well that night. He knows Dazai does, too - he can tell by how stupidly annoying he is the next day. Chuuya knows well that only well-rested Dazai possesses such a ridiculous ability to get on Chuuya’s nerves in record time. He sleeps okay again. And again. And again. Chuuya even starts thinking that maybe he’s finally out of that cursed bout of insomnia. Seems like Dazai managed to get some sleep, too.
Until another night comes.
He’s exhausted - they have just finished a mission, the last one in a strenuous sequence, and the only thing Chuuya wants is to sleep until next week.
He can’t.
His phone chimes.
He doesn’t bother looking - he knows who’s texting him. Dazai’s insomnia is not his problem.
He lies with his eyes closed, hoping that maybe, just maybe he’ll be able to trick his brain into finally shutting down and letting him fall into Morpheus’ embrace, giving him the rest he so desperately needs. He doesn’t know how much time passes until he hears a knock.
“The fuck you want?” Chuuya grumbles, looking at Dazai miserably standing in the hallway of his apartment building.
“Just checking on my dear partner.”
“It’s 4 in the morning.”
“You make it sound like it’s a problem.”
“I was sleeping, you bastard.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
Dazai yawns and Chuuya follows suit, stretching his sore muscles. Fuck this, he thinks. I’ll let him be. Without saying a word, he turns on his heel and marches to the kitchen. Dazai follows him and plops on the stool. He probably thinks he looks smug. He looks like shit.
“I’ll have a whiskey,” he croaks and smiles.
“Fuck off,” Chuuya says, pouring Dazai three fingers and sliding it across the table before stopping in front of his wine cabinet. That’ll do, he thinks and pours himself a glass of red.
“You know, chibi,” Dazai muses, watching the ice in his glass bob up and down, “I blame you.”
Chuuya takes a sip of wine. He wonders if he looks as stern as he hopes he is. Or does he, akin to Dazai, resemble a miserable stray dog? He doesn’t know. He doesn’t care.
“Whenever you can’t sleep, neither can I,” he continues. “It’s like we have some kind of invisible bond.”
Despite his fatigue, Chuuya can’t help but chuckle. Invisible bond! Dazai sure loves these stupid pretentious speeches. What an emo.
He downs his wine and goes to the living room. “Take your ass with your invisible bond to the couch,” he commands. “Let’s play.”
“It’s not a laughing matter!” Dazai whines but obeys, finishing his whiskey and leaving the cup on the table like the ungrateful pig he is.
Whiskey made him feel warm and fuzzy, making the unwelcoming sleepless night feel slightly less dire. Besides, playing video games with the slug is certainly a better pastime than tossing and turning on his old mattress. They play for a few hours, sleepiness going away as they keep beating each other in a video game, pushing each other with their shoulders and yelling at the top of their lungs.
Chuuya doesn’t care about his neighbours complaining - there’s no one living above him anymore, anyway.
The dark night gives way to the pale morning, timid rays of sun sneaking through the closed blinds. A ray falls on the empty whiskey cup, the last drops of the amber liquid shining like gold under the light. Another one shines on the shattered controller lying in the corner. Another ray of sun caresses the leaves of a half-dead plant on the bookshelf. Another - the picture on the wall, the five people on it forgotten by all but one. Another - the cobweb on the ceiling. Another - the brass door handle. As more time passes, the sun gets more comfortable dancing in the small apartment, its rays travelling across the walls, trinkets and furniture until they reach the boys sprawled on the couch.
Their breath is even, chests rising and falling in unison. Chuuya’s head is resting on Dazai’s lap, his hand against his chest still holding the beaten controller. He squirms when the sun shamelessly goes across his eyes but doesn’t wake up.
Neither does Dazai. He just smiles through his sleep and puts his hand on Chuuya’s back. The rays of sun stall before continuing to move across the room as if taking in the unusual, eerily peaceful atmosphere in the living room, the raging fire turned into quiet embers for a bit.
Chuuya might call bullshit on the “one soul in two bodies” idea.
But… the sun surely knows better.
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minugasakuranohana · 2 months
Blue mackerel Dazai
Have you ever wonder why Chuuya calls Dazai mackerel? It's mostly because real Nakahara did it but what if not only? And why writer Dazai was called like that? I started thinking about it since i first glanced at kanji 鯖 / saba — mackerel 🐟
Let's analyze kanji! It has two parts: 魚 / sakana / fish and 青 / ao / blue 。Pronunciation seriously attracts my attention because… hmm、look: saba — 'Samu — Osamu。And blue mackerel is 青い鯖。There is also another word: 青鯖 / aosaba、dictionary says it's archaism which also means mackerel。And aosaba is more similar to Osamu。
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Headcanon: Dazai calls his partner by his name (not a surname) and Chuuya just a little changes name Osamu)
Unfortunately, godness know when did 青 run away from 鯖、anyway I guess two-kanji-word used to use in the first part of the last century。But what came first: the nickname or the alias?
Tsushima Shūji (the real name of writer、津島 修治) had used name Dazai Osamu (太宰 治) since 1933 when he published novel "The Train"。
We know about Dazai and Chuuya first meeting and "mackerel" from Dan Kazuo's book about Dazai「小説 太宰治」 (or not because I can't find it 😔 Does anybody have this book in English or Japanese? I would be grateful if I could read it in Russian, but it's just a good dream、it's not easier than found the Book from anime。I found only one little translated story from the book)
Also you can find Nakahara's quote about Dazai in Japanese Wikipedia:
「青鯖が空に浮かんだような顔をしやがって」 「Aosaba ga kuu ni ukanda youna kao wo shiyagatte」
青鯖 / aosaba means mackerel。空 / kuu is the sky、and 空に it's "in the sky"。 浮かんだ / うかんだ — past plain form of the verb 浮かぶ / ukabu、to float、to show up。 ような is the thing that we can use to express similarity、in this sentence similarity with 顔 / kao / face, facial expression。 やがる / yagaru is slang curse word indicated contempt, hatred、and やがって is て-form of this verb。し / shi is from verb する、to do。
Well, Chuuya said 「Damn it, bastard with face looking like mackerel floating in the sky」or something like this。
Chuuya! Don't ruine my headcanon! 😡
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Huh… Mackerel face? Fish with the blue stripes 🐟🐟🐟
By the way、those stripes and one of popular anime backgrounds are lookalike、isn't they? And that face everyone sometimes makes because of Dazai — 😰
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Yeah, got it! I really hoped there could be an idiom about mackerel but it still can be called a metaphor。In that situation it could mean 「Fucking idiot with your scared face」— Dan wrote Dazai seems like he could start cry that moment。And 'cause Kafka Asagiri-sensei often creates reverse version of lifecanon-people maybe port-mafia-Chuuya called Dazai mackerel not because Osamu was scared but because he liked to scary others。
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Imagine BSD wan for example where when instead of usual blue background the blue mackerel shows up in the sky。It's funny) Nakahara was genius, don't you think?
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strink-family · 10 months
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Cosplay-inspired art: Dazai edition 🐟
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dapperenby13 · 1 year
Btw I make characters Spotify playlists. Lemme link my faves Incase anyone’s interested
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livelaughlovesubs · 6 months
Is it bad... Im.. Thinking about suicide for nowl reason?
Eating dinner? Suicide thoughts!
Watching TV? Suicide thoughts!
Reading a Book? Suicide thoughts!
Writing this? Suicide thoughts!
Its like god wants ms to join him in heaven. Im actually thinking of suicie thoughts as im writing this. I am not okay i think im mentally ill with jow many im getting!?!?! Like.. One was
Pills x10 + Poison.
Rope + Neck.
There is a difference between thinking about ways to die out of impulse or wanting to die. If you only think about how it would be, how it would feel when you do this and that, which Methode you would use if you wanted to do it then I’d say it’s normal. Cuz you are most likely thinking about it out of curiosity. Though if you are having those thoughts because you want to carry them out, then maybe it would be time to get diagnosed or smt. Or you can also talk to me first, over tumblr the chat function for example :>
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somexsystem · 3 months
◦🎣◦•◦ 🔎🔍🔎🐟🔍🔎🔍 ◦•◦🎣◦
🫧The therapist that needs therapy◦•◦
·・🔎{The Basics!}🐟・· } {🫧˖˚Name:║• Fox Reid ║ } {🦀˖˚Age:║• 15-30 (Age Slider)║ } {🫧˖˚Pronouns:║• He/They║ } {🦀˖˚Gender:║• Non Binary Man║ } {🫧˖˚Orientation:║• Gay║ } {🦀˖˚Species:║• Divine║
·・🔎{System Info!}🐟・· } {🫧˖˚Sources:║• Bungo Stray Dogs {Osamu Dazai}, X-Files {Fox Mulder}, Twin Peaks {Dale Cooper}, [retracted source]║ (+other random things) } {🦀˖˚Roles:║• Host, Protector, Analysis, Therapist║ } {🫧˖˚Source Talk?:║• ask!║ } {🦀˖˚Doubles?:║• sure!║ } {🫧˖˚Sourcemates?:║• absolutely!║
·・🔎{Personal Info!}🐟・· } {🦀˖˚Likes:║• Bandages, Reading, Writing, Jogging, Fishing, Aquariums, Camping, Cooking, Coffee, Alcohol, Curry, Pancakes, Apple Pie, Mysteries, Research, Psychology, Crabs, Cabins, Formal Wear, Swooshy Coats, Sweaters, Bad Puns║ } {🫧˖˚Pos triggers:║• Music, Pinterest, Crabs, Curry, Pie, Mysteries, Partners║ } {🦀˖˚Emojis║• 🥃, ❤️‍🩹,🐟║ } {🫧˖˚Zodiac:║• Gemini║ } {🦀˖˚Personality:║• INFJ║ } {🫧˖˚Song║• Tally Hall – The Bidding🎵║ } {🦀˖˚Colors║• Dark Green, Brown, Biege║ } {🫧˖˚Partners: Kaz and Emmett (Partner System)║
◦🎣◦•◦ 🔎🔍🔎🐟🔍🔎🔍 ◦•◦🎣◦
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spacexseven · 1 year
while I think it'd either impossible or unbelievably difficult to cast out ur demon yans, what if salt circles/lines worked to keep them out of certain areas? demon dazai sadly scratching at your door and whining like a dog cuz u salted ur room again....... :( he didn't mean to bite you that hard can he come back in now.....
or to play for angst maybe one of ur demons scares you so bad that you don't come out for days and they start to worry.
- 🩹
god i love ur brain So much anon could smooch u for these wonderful ideas
cw: yandere character, dazai Bites
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salting(??) dazai in the center of the hall so he just. rolls around in his little circle and whines and sobs about how mean you are, so cruel and heartless to lock him up like this, when he only wants to love you. how was he to know that a little bite was going to make you bleed? you never complained when he grazed you a little before...
every time you walk past he perks up and starts loudly whining about how much he loves you and he'll never do it again promise and pleaseeee let him out it's not fair that chuuya's walking around all fine! (and ohhh you know chuuya's making fun of dazai when ure not looking at that devastates him even more like!! when did he get into such a low position that even chuuya's making fun of him!!)
if chuuya scared you a little too much by messing with you when you're asleep, he's almost instantly wrecked with guilt. he didn't think you'd be that scared, and he's feeling so bad about it that he doesn't even complain when he's been salted out of your room. he uses this opportunity to leave you gifts by your door, cook you a warm meal and leave letters apologizing to you, hoping you'd realize he really didn't mean to hurt you.
dazai, on the other hand, immediately jumps into his usual whine-complain-sob routine, where he slumps down by your door, dramatically crying as he heaped down on the floor. was it really scary when he gave you a nightmare? he's pleading with you to let him in. by the third day, he's a whole mess. he's constantly at your door, apologizing and begging for you to say something. he can easily force you to open the door and let him in, but he wants you to do it. even if it takes forever (that's an exaggeration. demonzai's patience only lasts him for about...a week before he forces his way)
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le-dormeur-du-val · 1 year
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missbunnyssexhotel · 2 years
Welcome to Miss Bunny's Sex Hotel!
Welcome to my blog! I'm Miss bunny!
➼ this blog is strictly 18+, minors will be blocked ♡
➼ I only post for Bsd, but feel free to just talk to me! ♡
➼ I only write smut, Feel free to ask any idea you have, except the ones I will list below ♡
➼ I mostly post short stories/thirst! ♡
➼ be aware I do not like it when you are being disrespectful to me, so pls use 'May I make a reservation' 'thank you' and 'Miss bunny' when you request. ♡
➼ I also use emojis to know which anon is ready to check in an I will list the available and not available one's below. ♡
➼ 🐦🐧🐤🦆🦅🦇🦉🐝🪱🐛🦋🐌🐚🦟🐞🐜🪲🦗🕷🐢🐍🦎🦖🦕🦂🦀🦑🐙🦞🦐🐠🐟🐡🐬🦈🐳🦭🐊🐆🐅🦓🦬🐄🦌🐫🦒🦘🦣🐘🦍🐖🐩🐕🐈🐈‍⬛🦢🦩🕊🐇🐁🦨🦚🦜🦥🐀🐿🦔🐉🪐🍄🌹🌸🌻🍌🩰🃏
➼ requests : opened
➼ thirsts : opened
➼ headcanons : opened
➼ full fics : closed
➼ drabbles : opened
1. ── ♡ Miss Bunny's sex hotel rules.♡
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Fandoms I write are...
Bungou stray dogs!♡ osamu dazai, atsushi nakajima, chuuya nakahara, doppo kunikida, ryunosuke akutagawa, ranpo edogawa, fyodor dostoevskij, ♡
More coming soon ♥︎
➼ I write male reader, very few fem reader, and gn reader!
➼ if a character is a minor pls tell me!
➼ I all so age up characters
2. ── ♡ Miss Bunny's sex hotel content.♡
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- comfortable with :
✔ dom!reader, gn!reader, bondage, cock/cunt slapping, overstimulation, edging, pet names, cockwarming/strapwarming, dumbification, somnophilia, size kink, mommy/daddy kink, breeding, face riding, tit fuck, jealous sex, enemies to lovers, sounding, slight yandere themes, hybrids, cream pie, piss kink ✔
- not comfortable with :
✘ hate sex, watersports, dubcon, noncon, drug use, sub!reader, full yandere themes, period sex, lactation, facial, drunk sex, hard dom!reader, face fucking ✘
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➼ thank you for reading, I hope you'll make a reservation at Miss Bunny's sex hotel ♡
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shibusawaz · 1 year
do you guys think Dazai's porn bot bio would be like
😂15🐟demon prodigy😗blogging from the shipping container🤯
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Happy Birthday Dazai 🐟🩹
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
woo!! hopefully you’re okay with this!! id like a bad matchup!! is it okay to ask for one girl one guy? if not just a boy then, lolol
hi, i’m ruru, i’m feminine androgynous, and i use they/them pronouns. i actually am super closeted due to my gender crisis and ability to connect with others. i can’t seem to have both of them lolol
i’m an estp/esfp? i have a lot of conflicting personality traits, ex: sensitive and blunt, attached and distant, so i just accepted to have all these feelings, instead of choosing one so i can stay true to myself!!
people in my ethnicity tend to be dark, but i had the recessive gene of being fair. i have black hair that sets on my shoulders, that curl at the ends, bangs framing my face. i really like my eyes and eyelashes. i got compared and treated like a doll a lot when i was little, i don’t think that stopped, haha. i’m a bit on the small side, almost 5’3.
for the feminine/androgynous part, i always wear timeless pieces, like chanel. or dior, when im feeling feminine, or simple casual clothings i pair up together to make me stand out more from uniqlo. i also like making my own clothes!! i always have myself shopping and pairing things up in a way to best present myself so i can walk with confidence. i love some cute jewelry too, whether it be from FRED or even Vivianne Westwood.
i’m also don’t understand when others get upset, but i say how i see things and how they really are. this is good for giving advice, for friends!! it’s hard for me to consider people friends, since i do test them a lot and over analyze things, and mostly drop people so i don’t get hurt and because i care about myself.
caring for myself includes taking myself on dates! getting food i like, in clothes and makeup i like and feel good in, i get called narcissistic but many people don’t know how to love themselves, and it’s a foreign concept to them. it’s so hard to be nice, but the pretty people stay aloof and unbothered <33
oh my god. i’m selectively mute, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to socialize!! i tend to respond non verbally, nodding excessively, using hand gestures, all that!! i tend to tease people a lot and try to irritate them, clearing awkward air for when people first meet. quips can let out a bit sometimes, surprising people.
i love marine biology. when it comes to those topics, even selective mutism can’t stop me from talking about them!! sharks, whales, crusteans!! i also use them in text too, mostly 🐋🦈🦭🐟🦑.. the whale looks like it’s a smiling, the shark looks disgusted, the seal looks funnily seductive, the fish shocked, and the squid about to hit someone. i use those more, haha
i also love the arts. music and art, things like those are a nice hobby for me. i enjoy mass cleaning and i’m very task oriented, i don’t let myself stop if there’s something to do. and when i finish, i give myself more things to do. i just cant simply sit down, haha.
if i were to have a partner, they’d have to stick with me and be able to read me through. i tend to push people away due to bpd, no matter how much i want them to stay. i need someone who can read my body movement nonverbally, due to mental illnesses and things that stop me from communicating, the selective mutism and bpd.
my love languages are quality time!! words and gifts, actions and touch can have ulterior motives, but time is money and valuable, so i really appreciate those things. but i give gifts and often get physically affectionate with people no matter how close, simply getting things that remind me of them is how i show i care.
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FOR ME...SELF-CONFIDENCE IS KEY FOR HIM!! if you don't love yourself, i don't think you would be able to catch his eye!! and dazai would VERY MUCH be able to read through you, and he would appreciate the things that are unexpected for normal people (because his ass is NOT normal). also yall would have mad chemistry in the office...i can SENSE that shit.
THANK YOU FOR REQ!!! ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
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