#I didn't cry at Ace's death
quaggyday · 6 months
Ace's death is a tragedy because it was both preventable and inevitable
After like a thousand episodes of an impossible goal of rescuing Ace and losing thousands of lives in the process, at the last moment everything goes to shit because if ONLY he had just ran with his family. If only he had just swallowed his feelings and got the hell out of there to live another day
But like
Of COURSE Ace would never run from a fight, something shown time and time again. Of course he would defend Whitebeard, the only Father figure in his life to tell him "You deserve to be here" and showed again and again he loved Ace no matter what. Of course Ace would put his love and pride all out for somebody he loves, its simply who he is
And of course if Luffy, the crying baby brother who told him he needed him around was going to die in just seconds Ace would give up everything for him. His own pride got him in this despairing situation, and he took the consequences by saving his brother for another day because that's what big brothers do
What Akainu did was basically playing Ace's worst weakness, a weakness that came from a government that normalizes hunting and killing kids for just existing with things they can't control. And the fact that Akainu wanted Ace and Luffy dead not because of any of the crimes they did as pirates, but because their Fathers were technical criminals is what honestly makes this more of a gut punch of cruelty
Luffy and Sabo better get the chance to punch avenge their brother eventually
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franeridan · 6 months
that one panel when rayleigh meets teach and he's like it might be childish of me but I really hate you so you better run I'm perfectly normal about that panel what are you talking about
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Hii, could you please do a Percy x daughter of Hecate headcannons pls?
⋆⭒˚.⋆ percy jackson x daughter of hecate! reader hcs
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content: percy jackson x daughter of hecate! reader hcs warning: language but like...one or two???? author's note: i tried v hard with this one. idk why it took me so long anon. tbh, i was scared bc i don't really know a lot about hecate so then i had to do some homework and even after that it still feels v cliche but whatever. i like parts of it and i hope YOU like parts of it too.
"wanna see a magic trick?"
was the first thing percy said to you, a wide cheeky smile on his lips as he desperately tried to hold his laugh in
you were a little stunned at his sudden appearance but then his terrible, terrible joke had you fighting off laughs of your own
"i think that's more my expertise, don't you?"
que the both of you cracking up
that's the beginning of the end fr
percy buys you a crystal every time he goes somewhere
every. single. time.
even if he's going somewhere crystals should not be, he will go thirty minutes out of his way to get you a crystal
then, when he proposes, on his knee and holding out the little box, propped open, he's like:
"out of all the crystals i've given you, i think this one's my favorite."
moving on
(it's your favorite too)
you and hazel??? besties
she gives you crystals and gems and whatnot and you give her tarot card readings and sage for the hade's cabin
also, percy starts wearing those crystal bead bracelets, a purple one to remind him of his pretty witch wherever he goes
you wear a shell bracelet for a similar reason
if either of these broke, let's just hope nobody is within a three mile radius of them or those people will have a serious condition of death
also, sally jackson is you're #1 fan, even if she's a little confused.
once for christmas, she gifted you a stack of playing cards, which you took without question
she explained that percy mentioned something about you and cards and she figured it was a sweet gesture to get you some new ones
you didn't have the heart to break it to her, proudly taking the pack of playing cards
then you asked for a reading and you had to bullshit the whole thing, sweating the whole time
"Oh, ummm ace of spades. usually a sign of, uh, good ventures coming your way!"
"ooOO, very cool!"
percy had to hid in the bathroom he was laughing so hard
she also texts you all the time, blurry photos of rocks and gems, asking if these would be good for protection or love or whatever sally was after at the moment
the windowsill in the jackson apartment is filled with a variety of rocks, each with their own protection over the apartment
you came over one day, no percy, and just did it with sally, explaining every crystal and bundle of herbs as you went
sally always smiles when she sees it
percy does too.
also, percy def calls you a multitude of witch themed nicknames
bro fr comes up with a new one at least once a day
creative ass mfer
also, you shyly gave him a card reading, once and the amount of times you ran into the lover card left you a blushing mess
percy couldn't stop laughing every time you flushed a vibrant red, not evening needing you to tell him which card it was as he could tell from your face.
but, you always list off all the facts of the cards, musing on and on about percy's future love life or his future job
and he tunes you out, just staring bc he doesn't need to know
as long as he's with his magic girl, he doesn't really care what happens
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harunayuuka2060 · 9 months
MC and their child self: ...
Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Jack: ...
Malleus: ...
MC's child self: ...
MC's child self: Um...
MC's child self: Hello.
MC's child self: ...
Malleus: *looks at them adoringly* Hello, little child of man. *extending his hand*
MC's child self: *holding and shaking it* Hello, mister. Nice to meet you.
Malleus: *his eyes sparking*
Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Jack: *immediately surrounded MC*
Ace: *whispers* Hey! What's going on?!
Deuce: Are they your little cousin?
Jack: Are you saying that kid got lost in here too?
Epel: I hope not. I'm sure their parents would get worried.
MC: ...
MC: That kid isn't my cousin.
MC: They're me.
Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Jack: ...
Ace, Deuce, Epel, and Jack: HUH?!!
Malleus: *already carrying MC's child self in his arms*
Malleus: Child of man, you didn't tell me you have an adorable cousin.
Malleus: They're so polite. With their doe eyes—
MC: You're holding me, Malleus.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Pardon?
MC: *walks up to them*
MC's child self: *looking at them innocently*
MC: ...
MC: Did you sneak out of the house?
MC's child self: ... *nods*
MC: *smiles* Knew it.
MC's child self: Don't tell Mama.
MC: Of course.
Malleus: ...
Crowley: This is interesting. I don't understand how this could be possible.
MC: So you don't have an answer to this?
MC's child self: *sitting on their lap* *is quite occupied on the toy Malleus gifted them*
Crowley: I'm afraid so.
Kalim: Wha~! You're so cute, Little Prefect!
Jamil: Kalim, stop pinching the child's face.
Kalim: Okay! I'll just hug them!
MC: Kalim, if you squeeze them a little too tight—
MC's child self: *sniffles* *cries*
MC: Yep.
Kalim: Wh-What happened?
MC: I didn't like tight hugs because my mom made a mistake of letting me watch a bear hugging its prey to death.
Kalim: Nooo! *trying to calm Little MC down*
Jamil: Kalim, just let go so they would stop crying.
Kalim: *loosens the hug*
MC's child self: *sniffles* *then looks at Kalim* ...
MC's child self: *hugs him themselves*
Jamil: ...
Jamil: *looking at MC*
MC: I should be the one doing the hugs.
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vainvenus · 1 year
⌲;꒰ Favorite boy in the Valley ꒱
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Pairing - Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Synopsis - Eli's doubting your relationship so you have to confirm some things for him.
Includings - S1!Eli no Hawk, insecurities, crying, embarrassed and blushing Eli, lots of kisses, words of affirmation, small bits of angst, a bunch of fluff
An - First post back with a new fixation! All tags used are fandoms I write for so feel free to request anything
And if anybodys interested I'm currently writing a Scream Au!Cobra Kai on quotev under the same name I use on here
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Eli had been a bit off lately and it was starting to worry you.
Eli was generally a quiet person, he had been that way since you met him and he still was. But even given his quiet nature if there was a topic he was interested in and the right people were talking about it he would add in an opinion or two.
And he would be more than happy to rant to you of all people about a new series he had started up or to talk about one of the movies you recommended to him so that the two of you could gush about it and share opinions, but recently he had been a lot quieter.
You shut your locker, smiling over at the dirty blonde. "So, have you watched clueless yet? The fashion in that is-"
"Uh..no, sorry. I was...uhm...busy." He interrupted, staring down at his feet at the lie he told, he watched it twice and wanted nothing more than to go on and on about it.
You rose a brow, head tilting slightly as you stared at him with a look that almost made him call his bluff. "Busy?"
He just nodded quietly.
Then about a week ago, when you asked him if he wanted to come over after school to do a Marvel marathon he had quickly declined, saying that he had other plans and before you could ask what those plans were he went to go talk to Demetri.
He would usually walk you to class, everybody saying that wherever you were he had to be somewhere close by but recently as you waited outside your classroom for him he would be nowhere to found and that made your heart sink a little bit.
"Hey, you weren't outside my English class to walk me to culinary today." You frowned, setting your lunch tray next to his and taking your seat. "I wanted to tell you that I aced my essay..."
Eli glanced over at you and moved his nail from between his teeth. A nasty habit you had been trying to get him to stop doing for months and you were real close until he started becoming distant.
"I was just...just rushing to get to Chemistry. I had a really important test and wanted to get some extra study time in." He explained and you slowly nodded, deciding not to bring up the fact that his test was tomorrow.
He also stopped holding your hand, the first thing he could make the first move on, something he could confidently do if he was feeling nervous or just wanted to touch you. Normally he would hold it as he walked you to your classes or even when the two of you were sitting together at lunch but he started to pull his hand away or shove it into his pocket.
And what really got you was when he started denying your kisses. At first you thought it would just be by accident or he didn't want a kiss at the moment since he was still getting comfortable with PDA but you soon realized that he was dodging your kisses, tilting and moving his head when you leaned in.
It was all really confusing. You didn't understand why he was acting like this and it left you wondering if you had did something wrong. Maybe you had done something that made him upset with you?
You sighed, leaning onto Demetri's shoulder. "Its like when we first met all over again, Dem. He's just been so distant and I don't know whats the matter. Has he been acting different with you?"
"No, he hasnt." Demetri bluntly answered, shaking his head while his eyes stayed focused on the homework you let out a long sigh. "Then it's me, I have to be the problem."
The brunette sighed, putting his pencil down and turning his head to look at you, nearly giving you a death glare. "Look, you just need to talk to him, alright? He's probably going through another one of his slumps and needs some reassurance."
You had groaned, rubbing your hand along your face. "Of course, why hadn't you thought of that before? "Thanks, Dem! You're so good at giving advice, can't believe I didn't think that. God I'm dumb sometimes."
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I know I am and I know you are. Now, can we please finish our homework now that you're done moping?"
"[Y/n], Eli didn't tell me you were coming."
You smiled up at his mother as you held a new copy of the comic book Eli had ranted about a while ago along with a bag of some of his favorite snacks. "Yeah, I wanted to surprise him."
"Well he's upstairs in his room." She hummed, closing the door behind you as you walked up the stairs and down the hall to the boy's room, lifting your knuckles up to knock on the door.
There was a bit of shuffling before the door opened and Eli's eyes were wide with surprise upon seeing you. "[Y/n]? What..What are you doing here?"
"I just really need to talk to you. Can I come in, please?"
He seemed hesitant at first before reluctantly nodded and opened his door all the way. You set the things you brought for him on the table then walked over to sit across from him on his bed.
You looked at him, staring into his eyes as you reached out to grab his hand and rubbed your thumb over the back of it. "Eli, talk to me. What's the matter? What's going on?"
"It's nothing-" He started but you weren't buying it, obviously. "Eli we both know that's a lie. You haven't really been yourself lately and I just need to know why. I'm here for you. Is it something that I've done or anything I can fix?"
"Unless you can fix me being a freak, no, you can't."
Your face softened as you held onto his hand a little tighter. "Eli, you're not-"
He shook his head, pulling his hands away from yours. "No! Don't. Don't say that! I don't wanna hear this whole 'you're not a freak' talk again I'm so sick of it!"
The way his voice started to crack made your heart sink as you saw that his eyes were starting to water, fresh tears threatening to spill.
"Kyler said something that...that just really got me thinking. Saying that he didn't know how a girl like...like you gave a nerd with a weird lip...lip a chance." Eli swallowed the lump starting in his throat because he was going to start crying rethinking of the conversation.
"He started talking about how much better you could've done. Better like somebody like...like him." He sniffled, his fingers brushing against his scar as he looked everywhere but you when he spoke.
"And then I started to think he was...was right. You could do so much better than some nerd with a freaky l..lip." His voice wobbled as he stared down at his bedsheets.
"Eli. Eli, look at me." While the boy shook his head you reached up to grab the sides of his face, wiping away the tears with your thumbs that were starting to fall down his cheeks.
You sighed, frowning softly. "Look, I don't care what anybody else says, okay? Kyler was wrong because there's no better choice. I mean, is there any other boy at school who would listen to my constant complaining about Mrs.Carter?"
Eli had stayed quiet as you continued. "Would any other boy let me ramble about [f/superhero] and not call me a nerd?"
You weren't done though. "Would some jerk like Kyler deal with my long shopping trips and help me carry all my bags around?"
Continuing you had smiled softly up at him. "Oh and I'm one hundred percent sure none of those guys would watch silly chick flicks with me and actually like them."
He shrugged his shoulders and you smiled, pressing your lips against the his cheek in a short yet sweet kiss and he winced, feeling the stickiness from your lipgloss. "And no other boy here is as breathtaking as you."
Your smile grew more as you saw the tips of his ears turning pink and he turned his head away slightly, looking up and away at his ceiling. "[Y/n].."
"I'm serious, Eli. You're so very pretty. I love and adore everything about you."
He avoided eye contact with you, trying to pull his face from your hands but you only hummed while pressing kisses all over his face and leaving shiny kiss marks along it.
"Your eyes alone just make me melt, y'know? I'm real jealous of how your lashes look better than mine." You giggled, placing a kiss right above his brow.
"[Y/n], stop..." He mumbled, his cheeks now being a color that would put any blush set to shame and you shook your head.
"You have a beautiful nose. I love staring at your side profile, it's just perfect." You complimented, kissing the bridge of his nose before your eyes trailed down.
You reached up, tracing your finger along the scar. "And like I've said before I love your scar. I could kiss you a million times and never get grossed out by it.
At that you leaned forward, pressing your lips right against his scar and you could feel his hands squeezing at the bottom of your shirt, fists squeezing tightly around the fabric before you moved down and captured his slightly chapped lips with your own. While you leaned into the kiss you could feel Eli's grip slowly lighten as he leaned into the kiss.
Eli was a burning mess in a the face when you kissed his scar, closing his eyes at the feeling while holding tightly onto your shirt as if you would go anywhere. Feeling you place felt your soft lips on his own partially chapped ones he was like putty in your hands, practically liquefying.
When you pulled away you giggled at the residue of gloss that came from your lips and that was now all over Eli's face and his own lips, smiling as the boy rubbed his thumb across his bottom lip, his shoulders rising and falling while he panted softly.
"So no, there's no boy in this valley I'd rather be with." You confirmed, wrapping your arms and he laid back allowing you to lay your head against his chest, finding a sort of comfort listening to his heartbeat.
You hummed softly, reaching a hand up to play with the tuffs of his hair and the two of you laid there in comfortable silence and you peered up to stare at him to see that he was already staring at you.
"You...You really mean it? All that stuff you said earlier?" He questioned, his voice coming off as a whisper and you lifted your head up.
You sat up on his lap, furrowing your brows at him while staring at him with an incredulous expression. "Do I need to repeat myself? Kisses and all?"
"I...I don't know...I don't think I really got it." Eli gave a sheepish smile, messing with the hem of your shirt."
"Maybe...uhm...a couple more kisses and it might click?" He quietly suggested and stared up at you through his eyelashes, his lips parting a bit.
And how could you say no to such a pretty face like that?
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portgasdwrld · 9 months
📞Wait a minute while I make you mine part.4(final)
Featuring: Ace x F!reader
Warning: NSFW content, MINORS DNI !!!
Note: I’m back I’m sorry 👩🏻‍💻idk if I hate writing smut because it takes me so much time, or because I wish IRL men were like this.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
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4.Giving up
Ace looked at you as he expected some sort of words to exit his mouth. Every of his heartbeat felt closer to death to him as his mind rushed with thoughts he has been having of you. He was put on the spot and Ace couldn't find a way to portray his emotions to you in words or actions, tell you exactly why his heart always felt warmer near you. Faced to your question, his basic ability to speech were gone.
-What do you mean?
It was the best thing he could let out. His heart was beating fast as he watched your features change to a defeated smile that covered your lips. His hand reached the back of his head where he let it slide back to his jawline, to finally let it fall back to his side.
-I don't know Ace? Do I really need to be more direct than this. I just don't know how to feel about you anymore..
You replied with a dry chuckle, your eyes flickered to his figure. His heart winced at your words. Were you mad because of the stunt Enya pulled? It wasn't your type to get jealous over someone or even show you care. You never did with him or with anyone so what could've possible happened to make you switch your behavior.
-I'm not sure I truly grasp the situation, y/n.
-Ugh, you can be so dense.
You exhaled as you stand up and face him. You sighed in frustration as you walked towards him with your heels in one hand. You pulled your short dress down and pushed your hair out of your face. Eyelashes a little wet from the slight crying, you looked up to him and quickly bit your lips.
-Listen, dumb fire boy. I like you and a part of me hate to admit it, but here it is, you do what you want with this information.
You admit through your lashes. Ace watched you closely with lips parted, surprised by your sudden confession. Your gaze shifted from his eyes to the red lipstick's mark left on his neck. You trailed it with the edge of your fingers, before brushing it with your thumb, smudging it away from his skin.
-..And honestly I hate seeing other persons leave marks on your body if it's not me
Ace surprised expression quickly changed into the familiar cocky grin you were so familiar to. He closed the distance between you two and tilted his face down. His breath brushed your nose as you felt his fingers softly grip your waist.
-So, you like me, huh?
You roll your eyes as a smile curved your lips. Your eyes flickered to his lips for a quick second and back to his brown eyes as you took the opportunity to wrap your arms around his neck.
-Yeah... I like you … very much.
You let in a shaky whisper as your own nervousness was now difficult to hide. He slightly giggled and his eyes stared at you for a moment, enjoying the proximity of your body after imagining it for so long. You were so pretty to his eyes.
-I like you too
-Then, just kiss me already
And without missing any time, Ace pressed his lips against yours. The earning you two had for each other for such a long time was clearly being shown through the kiss, it was bit rough but still sensual. Ace's hands travelled down to your hips and butt as he brought you closer to him. Your fingers interlocking with his darks locks as you barely pulled them, it left him grunting in your mouth. You wanted more, he wanted more.
-fuck.. I can't get enough of you
He panted between the wet kisses interchanged between y'all lips. You let one hand slide to his nude chest as the other cupped the side-end of his jawline. You didn't even want to hide that your need for him was almost unbearable at the moment.
-Ace.. I need you.
As if he was only waiting for you to say those words, he quickly pulled you towards one of the long chairs where he sat and brought you down to his laps. You hovered over him and his hands directly went on your ass where he grabbed it earning a gasp from your lips. But, he didn't even let you react properly as he dived back into kissing you more hungrily than ever by grabbing the back of your head with one of his hands.
-Ace you're not going to fuck me here, aren't you?
You ask pushing him away with your two hands pressed on his chest. He laid back and looked at you with a challenging smirk.
-Whos going to see anyway, its so dark out here
He slapped your ass making you gasp once again. You stared at him defeated by his totally nonchalant and shameless behavior.
-Since, when did I ever care about that. I'm a pirate baby.
He concluded the "conversation" by pulling your wrist towards him so your body fell on his, once again. He cupped your cheeks with one hand as the other pushed away the few strands of hair on your face.
-Is it fine with you sweetheart?
You took a big breath. At this point you didn't even care because you felt so wet and you desperately needed release no matter what. You looked down at his eyes and smirked as you pecked his lips.
-Yeah, it's more fun this way
He smirked right back and adjusted his position, but thrusted into you in the process. His growing hard bulge brushing against your wet core, made you moan , a moan that you quickly tried to conceal with your hand.
-Don't do that
He whispered into your ears, nibbling on your neck. sucking your skin while you started to grind against him.
-I don't want people to hea-
You quickly got cut off with a moan escaping your lips as he intentionally pushed his hips up again. You quickly glared at him as you watched a cocky smirk grow on his face. You rolled your eyes and lightly pulled some of his hair intertwined between your fingers. He chuckled and gave your collarbone a last kiss before he looked up at you with the same shitty confident grin.
-Be vocal, I like it
He said smiling while playing with your ass and jiggling it in his hands. You looked at him almost speechless at his incredibly laidback attitude. You would never believe that he has touched himself multiple of times imagining you on top of him, fucking you or you sucking him off, that he was eager to feel you around him.
-Alright, as much I want us to take our time, let's hurry. Need some prep, angel?
-What happened to your "I don't care who see us" bs?
You asked with a cocked eyebrow as you felt him slide his digits under your panties. He pushed your panties to the side as he let his fingers get coated by your wetness. You gripped his shoulders as you pushed your body forward, inviting him to push them inside.
-I take this as a no?
-Acee, stop being a tease.
You whined as you let your head rest on the crook on his neck. You felt his torso vibrating against your arms as he giggled at your whines. He pushed two of his fingers inside of you, thrusting them in and out of you in the perfect needed pace.
You sighed as you felt your pleasure slowly building up. He quickened the pace, making his fingers roughly hit your sweet spot as your juices ran down his hand.
-So good to me, you want my cock sweetheart
-Yes, please
-What do you want baby? Use your words
-I want your cock Ace, please
He pulled out his fingers bringing them over to his mouth where he quickly sucked away the juice and opened his belt.
-Wait, let me do that
He put his hands back on your hips as he watched you do your thing. You sat a little over his knees and unzipped his shorts. You took his already hard dick in your hands, smearing the pre-cum on the tip. You leaned over him, kissing his lips as you stroke his length. His hands cupped your face as he deepened the kiss by pushing his tongue in your mouth. Drool all over y'all faces and his dick twitching in your hand, you got closer to him angling his tip closer to your hole. You slowly sank down, earning both of you to moan in each others mouth. Ace finally let go to catch his breath, his head resting on the back of the chair.
-You feel so good, fuck
He let you some time to get used to his dick inside of you before he started to move slowly his hips. You sighed as the fullness he provided you, was enough to make you easily build up the pleasure you had earlier with his fingers. You closed your eyes as you once again rest your head on his chest.
-You're okay baby?
He asked making sure as he softly caressed your head. You nodded and with that he adjusted his position to have a better angle to thrust in you. He was slow at first, but he gradually caught up the pace. You started to move your hips along with his to add more friction. The sound of your bodies loving each other quickly filled the empty quiet space. You unintentionally bit his chest to muffle a loud moan when his dick hit a perfect spot.
-Hey...what did I say earlier..
You couldn't even talk back as you were simply too focused with the feeling of his dick hitting you so good inside, the way his thumb rubbed against your clit and how his other hand was gripping your ass.
-Can't ..even talk h-huh?
He teases in a shaky voice before letting a groan out. He loved feeling your breast rubbing against his chest and your ass clapping against his shorts as it moved up and down. With the rush of adrenaline of possibly being caught and fucking outside, he felt like he was almost over the edge already.
-Ace...I'm so close, faster please
He moved faster, controlling now your hips pace too. Your nails dug into his shoulders as a last stroke accompanied with his thumb pressed slightly against your clit, made you release all over his dick. You screamed his name, your body shaking in his hold as he thrusted harder and faster to reach his own high, cumming inside of you. You two were panting hard as Ace fingers were brushing up and down your back.
-My legs feel numb...
You pant as you looked up to him. He opened his eyes to stare at your eyes, before you two chuckled.
-It's fine, ima take care of you after we get back to the ship. i just need to catch my breath.
A comfortable silence set as you let your head fall on his chest, hearing his quick heartbeat.
-You came inside huh
-Yeah, sorry about that-
-It's fine, im on the pill dirty ass.
-Dirty ass??
-Yeah??It will be dripping down my legs when we walk back to the ship, gross.
-Oh..., didn't think about that. Ima carry you, don't worry.
Ace smiled to himself enjoying your presence and the moment. His hand was still caressing your back.
-Soooo ...we are going out now?
-That's a stupid question
-Okay mister-super-dense
He laughed as he remembered the early scene where he was totally confused to your indirect confession. He kissed your forehead, loving how your eyes glittered when they stared into his.
-Yeah, yeah whatever.... but yes, I can finally call you mine
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"𝑨𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒚" - 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 2 Aemond x Reader
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A/N: I had not originally planned on this being a series but the Aemond girlies loved the first one so here is a second as a lil gift. //Divider by @firefly-graphics & @cafekitsune
Summary: You wake up to unfortunate circumstances. It only gets worse when you finally get some answers. A dream confirms that whatever chance you had at having a normal life was gone.
TW: Blood, Death.
←  Previous Part • Final Chapter →
Word Count: 3.6k (Not proofread, we die like men 🫡Im also just too tired I'll do it eventually🤣)
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You yawned as you sat up in your bed rubbing your eyes. You look over to the spot Aemond was in and simply see a flower. Blushing you reach over and smell the flower.
You look over to the bath on the other side of the room and notice there's no steam coming out of it. You stand up and grab your robe off of the armchair next to your bed.
You walk over to the door after you wrap yourself in the armchair and attempt to open the door. You're shocked when the door doesn't open or move an inch.
"Hello?" You try opening the door again but they don't budge. "Is anyone out there?" You wait but hear no response.
You're unsure of what to do now. You look around your room for something to do. All that you manage to find are some of your old toys and unfinished projects.
You sit in front of the fireplace trying to think of what could possibly be going on. You remember a piece of the wall that could move and search for it, trying your best to remember exactly where it was. You end up finding it next to your dresser.
The piece moves easily and you reach inside. Your hand touches something and you instantly remember. You lay down flat on your stomach reach in with both hands and pull out the wooden box.
You're filled with nostalgia as you sit down on your bed with the box. You blow off the smoke and open it up.
Inside lies a small journal which you place to the side already deciding you have to see what young you used to write about. Inside also lies a small cushion you had sewn for you and Halaena's dolls. One of your teeth which Aegon convinced you to let him take out by tying it with string to a door.
You're confused for a moment at the last item. It's a black handkerchief with gold detailing. You pick it up and stare at it a moment before you remember.
Aemond had found you crying in a corner of the library covered in dirt, mud and God knows what else. He had asked you what happened and although you didn't want to tell him he convinced you too. You admitted that your brothers had joined Aegon in tormenting you by throwing mud at you insisting it was just a joke.
Aemond felt bad especially since he understood what it meant to be at the end of their cruel jokes. He pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the mud off of your face before walking you to his mother's chambers.
Alicent cleaned you off and got you a clean dress before seeking out the boys and your mother. All three of them were forced to shovel horse shit while you, Helaena and Aemond watched and ate cake.
The memory brought a smile to your face. Aemond had asked you for the handkerchief back but you told him you couldn't find it.
You pick the journal back up excitedly and open it up to a random page.
King's Landing 117 AC
Dear Diary,
Today my brother was born. Father named him Joffrey, I personally think his name is stupid but I held my tongue. Septa Anne would be proud. I went with the boys to the dragon pit today. It was awfully boring. Aemond and I watched while they got to practice commands. AND YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT THEY DID! They gave us pigs! PIGS! Called them the "Pink Dreads".
Sometimes I wish I could just gouge out Aegon's eyes and put them in his soup when he isn't looking...maybe I can get Helaena to catch a beetle for me...
Anyways. I went to the kitchen to get cake but then Harwin stole it! He said it was taxes? WHAT EVEN IS TAXES?
You can't help but laugh as you continue to read. You fall asleep while reading about the time Aegon fell out of a tree while trying to grab a bird.
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You wake up and blink a couple times, clearing your vision. You sit up and jump back when you see Aemond next to you lying in your bed.
"Gods! When did you get here?" He has a smirk on his face as he continues to read while eating an apple.
"A while ago. You were sleeping peacefully I didn't wish to wake you." You nod and look at what he's holding. You quickly notice it's your diary and try to snatch it out of his hand but he's quicker. He clicks his tongue at you as you try to reach for it. "Im quite enjoying this. Listen to this one. Aemond gave me a flower today!"
"Aemond! Stop! Give it back" Your face flushes in embarrassment. "I was a kid!" He drops the apple and manages to grabs your hands with one of his and holds them down.
"He is so cute!" He looks back at you with a shocked expression. "You thought I was cute, princess?" Aemond pulls you to sit in his lap and you hide your face in his neck out of embarrassment. "Aemond smiled at me today!"
"Stop!!! Please I beg of you!" He laughs and puts the journal down.
"And this!" He lifts you out of his neck and waves the handkerchief in your face. "You swore to me that you lost it! Liar!"
Aemond begins tickling you and rolls you over caging you under him. He leans down and leaves a trail of kisses from your neck down to your collarbone.
"Aemond?" He hums back in response. "Why was I locked in my chambers?" He stops kissing you for a moment before he leaves a final one on your cheek and sits up.
"You need to break fast first...then we can talk."
Aemond calls for food and for your handmaids to prepare you a bath. You're shocked at first cause of how open he was about being in your chambers while you were fully undressed. You wanted to ask if the talk had gone well about the betrothal and if that's why he was ok with people seeing him here but you opted to wait.
He watches you eat occasionally grabbing slices of fruit off of your plate.
"If you want one you could just take from the tray you know?" He smirks as he puts another grape in his mouth.
"But they taste much better off of your plate." He leans over and bites the strawberry that you're holding.
"So." He leans back in his chair. "Are you going to tell me why I was locked in here?"
The atmosphere immediately changes and is tense. He sighs deeply.
"...King Viserys died..."
Your eyes widen and you drop the food in your hand back onto the plate. Your heart clenches at the news. You had spent much of childhood following him around, you had even willingly chosen to be his cupbearer in some of his council meetings simply because you wanted to be near him.
"...that doesn't explain why I was locked in my chambers Aemond. Matter of fact that is far from an explanation. If my grandsire died I should have been notified."
Aemond fidgets with his hands the same way Alicent does as he looks at the wall.
"Kepus. What are you not telling me?" He continues staring at the wall occasionally looking at you. "Aemond." [Uncle]
"Aegon was crowned king." He says it quickly with his head held high. "As the king's firstborn son, he is the rightful heir. He was crowned before the masses in the dragon pit."
Aemond watches as your breathing quickens and your facial expressions. Your lips are pressed together as you're clenching your hands so tight.
"Who made that decision?"
"It was the King's wish. He said it upon his deathbed to my mother." You roll your eyes and stare at the wall. There was a battle going on within your head. Part of you was understanding of the firstborn son point but the other part was devastated for your mother.
"Does my mother know? What of my grandmother? I was supposed to leave with her this mourning."
"...your grandmother interrupted the crowning. She was riding Meleys, many people died and just as many were injured." You cover your mouth with a shaking hand. "I believe she is already on her way to Dragonstone probably to speak to your mother..."
Meanwhile in Dragonstone
Rhaenys wasted no time heading straight for the princess. She had no time for formalities.
She walks into the room seeing them both by the fireplace.
"Thank you, Ser Lorent." Rhaenys stops at the head of the table. "Princess Rhaenys, might we hope for news of Lord Corlys' recovery?"
"Viserys is dead." Rhaenyra's face drops as Daemon turns around. "I grieve this loss with you Rhaenyra. My cousin, your father...possessed a kind heart." Rhaenyra struggled to comprehend what was happening. She knew her father would die soon but hoped she would be back to King's Landing in time to be there.
"There is more. Aegon has been crowned as his successor" Rhaenyra clutches her stomach as Daemon walks over.
"They crowned him?" Rhaenyra was looking off into space, grieving.
"How did Viserys die?" Daemon had a look on his face that no one could quite place. Was he sad? Angry? Or just plain confused.
"I could not say." They both look at each other.
"How long ago?" Rhaenyra asks.
"A day past, perhaps two. I was made prisoner in my quarters while the Queen made her preparations."
"Viserys has been slain." Daemon watches Rhaenyra.
"Alicent demanded you declare for Aegon." It was not a question, Rhaenyra already knew that it had happened.
"She did. I refused her." Rhaenyra let out a shaky breath.
"And yet you are alive." Of course, Daemon was skeptical, when was he ever not?
"The High Septon crowned Aegon in the Dragonpit. I witnessed it myself just before I fled on Meleys." Rhaenyra was still clutching her stomach.
"They crowned him before the masses." Rhaenys nodded.
"So that the masses would see him as their rightful King," Rhaenys responded.
"That whore of a Queen murdered my brother and stole his throne. And you could have burned them all for it." Daemon's unknown emotion was now evident, he was angry, livid even.
"A war is like to be fought over this treachery, to be sure. But that war is not mine to begin. I only rushed this warning to you out of loyalty to my husband and to my house." She took a deep breath. "The greens are coming for you Rhaenyra. And for your children."
"M-my children?" Rhaenyra's face contorted in pain. "My daughter! You brought her with you?" Daemon stood straight up.
"Sadly...no...Alicent had her chambers guarded well and her room had no passages. I'm sorry. I did not wish to leave my granddaughter either."
"You left my daughter with those cunts?" Daemon walked around the table to face Rhaenys. "You left her to become a bargain in this war?"
"I did my best Prince Daemon. We have allies within those walls that can get a message to her. Once I hear word she is alright I will be sending someone in to retrieve her."
"You have done enough." Daemon pointed at her. "I will retrieve my child from the snakes you fed her too."
"Enough Daemon..." Daemon turned to face Rhaenyra who was now hunched over gripping the table. "The babe... it's coming..."
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King's Landing
Aemond watched as you paced around the room. You had requested he leave you alone for the a day only allowing in your handmaidens and refusing to see anyone else.
Since you had called for him this morning you hadn't said anything in almost an hour and instead paced around the room looking for the words to start this conversation. Occasionally you would stop, point at him and open your mouth but then you'd scowl and resume pacing again. He could tell you were conflicted.
"Ñuha jorrāelagon, kessa ao sit ilagon? Before you burn a hole into the floor." [My Love, will you sit down?]
"Now is not a time for jokes, Aemond! Do you know what your family has done? This is an act of war! They have usurped the throne right out from under my mother's feet. If you think she will let this go easily- no, if you think Daemon will let this go easily you are all sorely mistaken." you begin pacing again.
Aemond stood up and walked over to you and grabbed your hands.
"Gīda." [Calm] He pushed a strand of hair out of your face. "Everything is going to be ok."
"What will happen to me?" The thought had crossed your mind many times as you wondered what would be made of you.
"My grandsire and the King have agreed to our betrothal. They will announce it as part of the terms if she agrees to declare Aegon as the rightful King and kneel before him and the council."
"Terms?" You back away from him letting go of his hands. "Our marriage would no longer hold meaning Aemond. It would be seen merely as something my mother won in bowing to Aegon, a spoil of war. Either way, she would never say yes."
"Then Aegon will marry us anyway." He shrugs and pulls you back into him as if none of this bothered him. "He is my brother and he knows of the love I hold for you."
"And if I say no?" His face became stern.
"You wouldn't hurt me so."
"You mean the way that you have today?" He sighs deeply. "Why did you not come and free me from my chambers?"
"Because I knew you would leave at the first chance." You look away from him and he turns your face back towards him. "You're mine and I wasn't willing to risk losing what is mine."
You would typically enjoy this possessive air around him but you currently found it suffocating. You wanted nothing more than to put space between you but he was holding you tight against him.
"Aemond. This is not right. You must understand that?" He rolled his eyes and let you go.
"Who sits on the throne is none of my concern and not on my list priority."
"Then what is?" You step towards him angrily.
"You!" he snaps. "You are my only priority. If you say no to marrying me then you will be made prisoner here. You will spend the entirety of this war locked in here." You could tell he was being truthful. "Marry me and you will at least have some freedom."
"Some?" He walked back over to the table and sat down tired of this conversation. "What is some?"
"You will be allowed to walk freely around the castle with a guard of my choosing."
"And Vermithor?" You think of your dragon and where he could be. You had claimed him when you returned to Dragonstone after what happened at Driftmark. Aemond's bravery in claiming Vhagar led you to sneak into where he sleeps and approach the dragon yourself. You had also thought that if you claimed him you could ride to King's Landing and see him. You had learned the song Daemon would sing and tried singing it to him to calm him down. It worked despite almost being burnt to a crisp you had claimed him.
"I will visit him on Vhagar." He reached for your hand but you shied away. "You must understand that my grandsire worries about allowing you to have full freedom. After a while, you will be allowed to go riding."
"How long is a while Aemond?" He visibly gulped and bit the inside of his cheek. "How long?" Your voice was cold and made the hairs on his neck stand.
"Until you give birth to our firstborn." He said it quietly already knowing how you would react. It was smart you'd give them that. They know you wouldn't fly away while your child is in their possession. "My grandfather's decision not my own."
"And did you try to fight him on it?"
"Why would I?" He shrugged but soon noticed the angry expression on your face. "I want marriage with you, I want children." He tried to reach for you again.
"So do I Aemond! But not like this." You take his hand and he pulls you to sit on his lap. "I want us to marry because it is what we want. I want my mother to be there! This isn't the way I want to do this."
Aemond leans his head against your chest.
"My hands are tied, my love." You get off of his lap and walk over to the fireplace facing your back to him.
"I wish to be alone."
"Baby..." You hear him get up and walk over to you.
"Please go...now!" A few seconds later you hear him sigh and leave the room. You sit on the armchair and allow yourself to cry.
This was all too much for you. You worried for your mother and the rest of your family. Did they think you were a traitor now? Will they think you have chosen Aemond's family over them if you were to marry him?
You know there's no way your mother will kneel before Aegon, even if she decides to, Daemon would rather lock her in her chambers than agree to that.
How could they be so foolish? So reckless?
You walk over to your bed and lie down. You go over the pros and cons of agreeing to marry Aemond. You then think about ways you could escape. Maybe agreeing to a betrothal will at least get you the right to walk around, you could find your parent's allies within the walls and find a way back to them.
You can stall the wedding for a while. Aemond would understand you'd prefer to be married only after the war was over and your family could attend.
You soon tire yourself out with all this thinking and fall asleep.
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You spend the next day alone in your chambers. Alicent had invited you to join her in breaking your fast but you respectfully declined. You needed more time.
You saw a boat sail out from King's Landing and knew it was most likely Otto heading out to deliver the terms to your mother. You knew it would not go well and they would be lucky if she didn't feed them to Syrax for their treachery.
It was only the following midday when you grew worried. You saw Vhagar fly away from the castle. Part of you wish you knew where he was going and the other part of you remained angry. You thought he knew you better, if he did he would have fought harder for your freedom right? He would have denied Otto's offer and not allowed him to make your marriage into something that they hoped would sway your mother into giving up her crown.
Gods you missed her, you prayed every moment for her safety. For all of their safety.
It rained that night. Something was off. You could feel it in your bones. You tried to sleep hoping it would calm your nerves. Your handmaid brought you tea to help you relax. You soon fell asleep but sadly even your dreams were disturbed.
You wake up on the floor of pitch black. Everything around you was dark. There was no light just darkness. You sat up and looked around.
"Hello?" Your voice echoed. You stood up and began walking around in the dark abyss not knowing where you were going.
"Gēlȳn enkagon jamela!" You hear Aemond's voice. [You owe a debt!]
You quickly turned around but nothing was there.
"Aemond?" You walked in the direction that you heard his voice. As you got closer you noticed your feet getting wet.
"Taoba!" You hear him again but in a different direction. [Boy!]
You turned again where you heard his voice and walked quicker in that direction. You felt something patter on your head and looked up. Nothing was there just darkness but you could for sure feel something wet as if it was rain.
There was a flash of a bright light to which you shielded your face.
"Daor Arrax!" Arrax? That's Luke's dragon.
"Luke? Luke, are you there?" You noticed your clothes clinging to your body as they were now soaked the scent of salty water filling your nose.
"Vhagar! No! No..." What had happened? Why was he saying no?
You look around you quickly trying to make sense of what it is you are hearing. The rain is heavier and you look at your hands. They aren't just wet...they're red. Your dress is now too stained red. You touch your cheek and look back at your hands and see the same red substance.
Something drops from above causing you to step back quickly. More pieces fall from the sky surrounding you. You shield your head and scream as the red rain grows heavier and more pieces fall.
When the rain softens and the sound of stuff falling ceases you open your eyes and look around you. Your face twists in pain as you see pieces of the body of Arrax surrounding you. It only gets worse when you see a human body part. You look closer and notice the hand.
"He got me." You hear his Lucerys voice and you instantly know it was his hand.
You wake up in a sweat your hair sticking to your neck and your pillow drenched. You look up and see Aemond standing at the end of your bed his clothes drenched.
And in that moment you knew.
The war had started.
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A/N: So this is clearly turning into a series. Which I'm actually not mad about. Not sure where this is going but naturally the chances of any of this being 100% original is not possible. There are far too many HOTD fanfics for any ending or storyline to be original. I can only hope that it is 100% enjoyable.
I will still obviously do my best to come up with a unique ending but I feel like to have a unique ending people need to die. I need to start killing off characters like Grey's Anatomy 🤣
Anywho I hope y'all enjoyed this part! If you wish to be added to this Taglist or any other one please let me know!
Gen Taglist: @thought--bubble, @valeskafics
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gatitties · 5 months
Can I request an Oneshot of One Piece with a marine teen reader (14 y.o) who is the daughter of Red Hair Shanks after a one-night stand? She was taken in by Garp when she was 11 when her mom didn't wanna take care of her anymore cuz the mom was absent the rest of the reader's life and Garp was the grumpy granddad and trained her into a marine..like 6 feet 4 muscular girl (and everyone is questioning what the hell did Garp feed her with. Then Shanks comes to visit his bio daughter at the hospital after the reader saved Ace from being killed by Akaniu (that one scene where Ace saved Luffy when he leaped in the way to shield his brother from Akainu as the admiral struck cuz she felt bad and went against rules) by pushing both of them away and burning her a bit and now she has huge burn scar in her left side of the body and half her hair is gone and has to add margarine to heal her scar just for a bit and then Garp ordered her that she should not get up the bed until she is fully recovered. Shanks being the dad he is tries to have a convo and help her stand up when the doctors order her to do some exercise to get her body moving again for example:
-move your fingers a bit
-try to stand up
-when you suicide try to take a few steps
-and more margarine when you go to sleep
-do not sleep on your left side cuz will cause your skin a damage
The reader is confused after receiving affection from her own dad, cuz she doesn't know how to receive it back and is very insecure about it Shanks on the other hand doesn't bother at all and comfronts her.
(Also Ace and Luffy come to visit her more often and thank her for saving them and having a small sibling relationship alongside Sabo and Uta)
and the reader is trying her hardest not to cry and Garp is jealous
(sorry if this is long I'm just trying to make it understandable..have a nice day/night!!)
─ Shanks x daughter!reader (Platonic)
─ Summary: Your bravery helps you save a person unfairly judged, this whole incident generates a drastic change in your pace of life where it seems that your father is ready to show himself.
─ Warnings: None
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You stretched your sore body, letting out a soft moan due to your recent injury, weeks had passed and you still had a hard time moving, but looking back, the pain wasn't that much in comparison to your actions, not being ashamed of your actions against everythingn that you had learned at the marine academy, you were lucky that they considered your actions something of age, since you were young, they let it go with a couple of punishments, they lowered your rank and prohibited you from being on duty for the two following years, but you didn't care much.
Garp was not so happy with that decision, but he couldn't scold you when you had saved his grandson from certain death, he was glad to have welcomed you that day, he couldn't feel anything but proud to see that despite having been strictly instructed to follow established order and law, you had your own thoughts and values.
"What do you think you're doing?!"
If it weren't for the fact that you were hurt badly, Garp probably would have hit you for finding you pacing around the room, you grimaced as you tried to smile, a little afraid of his overwhelming concern.
"The doctors told me that I couldn't stop walking, even if it was difficult, I can't stop moving while I recover, it's not like I was running a marathon tho."
He mumbled a few curses, making you return to the bed, now beginning your arm stretches, which were more painful due to the burn being on the upper part of your body.
"Why are you here? I thought you would come to visit tomorrow."
"Yes, but I have decided to go ahead to give you a surprise" all your attention went to the word 'surprise' with enthusiasm, being the teenager that you were, of course you were more than captivated by whatever the old man had for you "Ta-dah!"
He took a pair of wigs out of a bag, your expression fell slightly since you expected something else, but that didn't take away your enthusiasm, the attack that Akainu made on Ace in that battle left more wounds than you thought, and the fire spread faster than you thought, you lost some hair and sometimes you felt helpless without hair covering some parts of your face.
"Thank you… you didn't have to do it, and I could have waited until tomorrow anyway, why the rush?"
Now it was Garp's turn to sweat as he looked at you, he didn't want to admit it, but since Shanks saved you in battle and visited you more constantly, he felt a little jealous, although your father was unaware of your existence until relatively recently, proposing to take care of you and be present in your life from now on, it was Garp who raised and guided you all these years, plus he preferred not to meet Shanks at this time.
You were just confused, you always thought that your father had simply abandoned you, that he didn't want to know anything about your existence like your mother, and suddenly he is by your side showering you with affection and gifts. You took cautious steps with all that sudden affection, Garp wasn't a bad tutor, but his way of showing love was sometimes… brutal, your father's soft hugs were definitely something better than grandfather's crushing ones.
"Hey hey, grandpa is here too, Hello, Hello! We brought a lot of food to help you recover faster."
"Idiot, people don't have the same metabolism as you, besides…" Ace, who was entering through the door with Luffy, took the banana that was for you out of his hand, he was trying to devour it "What's the point of bringing food for someone if you are going to eat it?!"
"What are you two doing here? You are in one of the marine hospitals."
"We are not just two, look good old man!"
Sabo smiled at his grandfather, who remained silent for a few minutes, before bursting out with a furious scream, even though Garp was not going to tell on them, he couldn't help but give them one of his love fists, it had been a long time since he had seen the three gathered in the same place. You laughed at the scene, you never saw Ace, Luffy or Sabo, you only knew anecdotes that Garp shared with you, but you definitely didn't regret having saved Ace, being judged for being the son of the pirate king was absurd, it's not like he had chosen it, you felt even better when you found out that you were the daughter of the infamous yonko Shanks, since you would have probably been put on the gallows if you weren't part of the marines for the same reason as Ace.
The silent room soon filled with life once the trio entered, breaking into the peaceful time Garp wanted to spend with you, as if the commotion of his three grandchildren crammed into your bed while ranting about their adventures wasn't enough, the door opened suddenly, revealing the person who was missing to spill the old man's glass of patience.
"Looks like I'm a little late, sorry, I had to knock out some marines to get in."
The first thing he did was push the three idiots away from your bed, then he left the bouquet of flowers that he brought to decorate your sad room and finally he kissed your forehead as a greeting, not used to this gesture you simply looked down, squeezing your blanket that covered your legs.
"How are you feeling? Are you taking your medication? Have you put the cream on the burn? Have you done your daily stretches?"
You felt even more dizzy when he bombarded you with questions than when you were talking to the other three idiots even though they were much louder, you nodded silently, smiling slightly at him, he returned the gesture with a wider smile, although it was quickly wiped away when Luffy attacked him, climbing onto his back like a monkey while laughing almost causing them both to fall to the ground.
As much as you wanted to join their little fight, which Ace and Sabo joined in on, with your current state you would have to hold back just watching while Garp tried to silence them or he would have to kick them all out of here, if it could happen he would grow more gray hairs.
You felt warm watching everyone interact, in the short time you had spent with them, you managed to create a great bond, even with Uta, who couldn't be present most of the time but who you also considered part of the family.
Things calmed down a couple of hours later, leaving only the two adults and you in a pleasant silence after all the commotion those three had caused, it was time to leave, but before, Shanks approached you, holding your hand, making small circles with his thumb on your skin.
"I know this is a bit sudden and that maybe you don't trust me… but would you like to travel with me, discovering new horizons?"
Your eyes shone with excitement when you heard him, your heart warmed, you didn't dislike the job as a marine, but an opportunity like this… it would make you feel much freer than in headquarters, it would make you feel like you didn't need to worry about so many things at such a young age.
"Don't put stupid ideas in your daughter's head! She's a good marine and she's just a teenager, she'll go far when she's a woman!"
"Woah, calm down old man, she can choose for herself, besides, I'm not asking her to be a pirate, I have to start taking care of my responsibilities as a father and I won't be able to do it if she stays here."
"You know very well that she will sentence her destiny once they see her traveling with you, her entire future as a marine…"
Garp fumed from his ears, feeling how all the work and effort he had put into educating you and guiding you on the right path was crumbling before his eyes. Shanks only stuck out his tongue in a mocking manner, making a mark of irritation appear on Garp's forehead.
"Like I said, she chooses."
The two looked at you with different emotions reflected in their eyes, although they could already imagine what you were going to respond after seeing your look of determination and enthusiasm worthy of a child receiving Christmas gifts, without being able to hold back, you sealed a large part of your future with your decision, but you didn't care much if you were a pirate or a marine as long as you kept your beloved and unexpected family.
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kitswag · 8 months
Ace, Sabo remembered clearly, was not this sappy.
The ten-year-old Ace loved them plenty of course, a loving and caring big brother who protected Sabo and Luffy from any harm, that death glared anyone who dared to stare at his little brothers funny. Sabo had found that throughout the ten years they were apart, Ace had stayed the same, had still protected them from harm, but something else had bloomed in and trapped Luffy and Sabo in the middle of it, something that Sabo had missed the chance to see grow.
Ten years away had drifted Sabo distant from their usual rituals and banters and habits, when he dragged them away from Marineford the very last minute, he had seen that everything stayed the exact same. How Ace had still protected Luffy and how Luffy was still so endearingly stubborn, fighting tooth and nail for someone he loved.
After it, however, after Ace had awoken from a long sleep, after his punch was centered right to Sabo's cheek, after tears and hugs and explanations of the missing hole in his memory, after tackles from Luffy, Sabo had noticed something. This something that bloomed in his older brother.
Something that had Ace dragging them towards his embrace, Pulling them close to plant kisses on their foreheads. Soft and tight, "my brothers, " Ace had murmured as he kept them both safe and warm.
Luffy tucked himself into the fold of Ace's arms like he had practiced it thousands of times before, resting himself into a place he knew existed for him, between Ace's chest and his arms, above his lap and beneath his chin.
Sabo rested awkwardly on Ace's shoulder, slowly observing Luffy's huge, content smile. A smile so sweet and so bright it made Sabo's heart melt, his eyes trailed to Ace's as his was warm and comforting, both acted as blankets wrapping around Sabo and whispering to him; "you are here. And we are too."
Both of them were fast asleep, too tired from crying and the whole thing Marineford was.
Sabo's only working right eye observed Ace and Luffy, wrapped around each other so perfectly, a pair of brothers who had spent ten years with each others, who made a space for each other, a space they fit into, curled around one another.
The three of them had made spaces around each other years ago. A space that's still there. Still open.
Yet Ace's embrace was new, and Luffy had already made his space in it long ago, fitting right into Ace's open one.
It made Sabo wonder, would he fit into this new embrace? could he make a space, tucked inside Ace's embrace? this new embrace Ace and Luffy had created without him?
Would he fit after ten years without them? Would they mind? would-
"Sabo? aren't you joining? Ace had already pulled you, so if you don't join it's a crime, " Luffy's sudden owlish gaze struck Sabo. His little brother stuck out his bottom lip, "I want to hug you. "
Ah. It seemed like he had woken Luffy up somehow. But Luffy was like that, wasn't he? he didn't like being left alone.
(And Sabo had done just that ten years ago.)
Sabo hesitated. Luffy did not.
His little brother stretched his rubbery arms around Sabo and dragged him in until Sabo was half-laying down, the side of his head against Ace's chest, his legs sprawled on the medical bed that was a bit too small for three people.
Luffy smiled as Sabo had completely sunk in the embrace, "don't just stay in the sides, Sabo, you belong here. "
And Luffy carelessly jerked back to sleep, now his arms wrapped securely along Sabo and Ace.
Sabo felt his eyes water.
("You belong here.")
So Sabo made himself comfortable and fought the urge to cry. Slowly, he tucked himself into a space.
(A space Ace and Luffy had open for him a long time ago, he only now just realized.)
("You belong here.")
Sabo felt tears dripping from his eyes, for the ten years gone and the ten years ahead. For his space, back in their little trio he loved so much.
"Idiot. You're crying again. I thought the crybaby was supposed to be Luffy, " Ace's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Shut up, " Sabo chuckled, "you cried too," he wiped the back of his hand against his eyes, yet they kept dripping out.
"Only once, " Ace snickered, wiping his tears off with a thumb. Ace pressed another kiss on his forehead, and then on Luffy's, and then he went back to sleep.
His big brother tightened his hold on him and Luffy, and Sabo couldn't help but smile.
He wiped the tears off and settled in the space he belonged to.
("You belong here".)
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stillxnunpxidintern · 5 months
Platonic Ace & Reader Imagine - Nooo! Not My Boy!
With Shanks x Reader
(Unfortunately Canonical Character Deaths, for this one) (The playlist I made to help write this)
You were running across the battlefield, dodging attacks from marines and pirates alike, refusing to listen to anyone, your crew mates and captain included. Nothing was more important than getting to your eldest boy, as tears steamed down your face with a pain in your heart, that you've never felt before and never wanted to again, as you refuse to knowledge the truth, even when the vivre card burned up in your hand.
Everything seem to slow down as you reached the spot where your boy was, laying on the ground with a smile on his face and a hole in his chest. A piercing heart-breaking scream ripe from your throat as you slid to your knees and pulled him to your arms and clenched him against your chest as you wailed, your boy, your Ace was gone.
Nothing else mattered to you in that moment, apart from holding Ace and praying to any gods that would listen to give you, your eldest boy back, he didn't deserve this fate simply because of who blood flowed in his veins.
Holding Ace in your arms all you could do is remember the first time you him met, along with Sabo and Luffy. He was only 10 but he standing at the front metal pipe in hand, demanding who you were, ready to protect his brothers. Another pain filled sob from you as you knew he had died protecting Luffy always being the big brother, and willing to do anything to protect him.
Upon that thought you lifted your head up as you looked around for Luffy, your youngest but not being able to see him, gave you both a mix of fear and relief, not knowing of his own injuries and fate.
As you stayed there on the ground cradling Ace, the war had come to an end, not that you paying attention to that. Soon you could a familiar voice speaking, but unsure of what they were saying as you paid no mind, until you were pulled away from Ace. You fought against the two arms that were wrapped around you, as you wailed, screamed and demanded to realised, that your boy needed you.
The arms didn't budged no matter what you did to try and get free, and soon everything just blurred around you as time seemed to go from nearly frozen to super sonic. Soon you found yourself back in your & Shanks shared cabin on the bed, and could hear activity all around the ship, meaning the crew was getting ready to leave.
The thought of the ship leaving, suddenly had you panicking irrationally, as all you thought was Ace was being left behind. As you rushed off the bed you tripped over your own feet and falling to your knees as another heart-breaking wailed came and a fresh wave of tears started to fall.
You could hear the door opening and close, making you looking up to be your red haired captain and lover.
Shanks got on to the floor in front of you and pulled you against his chest, as you gripped his shirt and sobbed into it, asking him to bring your boy, he was an emperor of the sea, he was powerful, so why couldn't he do it, all said between sobs.
All could he do in this moment was hold too you and let you cry, and said a few words of comfort, not that any of of them would make a different to you in that moment.
Some point, he was able to move you to the bed and sat with his back against the wall, and kept you against his chest your sobs turned to silent tears, with his chin resting on top of your head and arm wrapped around you.
You were unsure of how long Shanks had been holding you within the dark and quiet of the cabin, until a knock on the door made him release his hold on you, going to answer the door. A few words were spoken, before closing the door and pulling his cloak off, covering you with it as he placed a kiss on your forehead and said he would be back when he could.
Alone with your thought again, you clenched your fists into black cloak as you thought against more tears that threaten to fall, as you thought back to the last time you spoke to Ace. Wishing you had told him much you loved him and how proud of him you were but to stop the chase on Blackbeard, it was not his fault what happened even, even if he was the 2nd division commander and to listen to Whitebeard.
He's your stubborn boy and did what he wanted if someone wronged him or someone he cared about, you paused in your thought and correct yourself, he had been a stubborn boy and that thought that having to use past tense him to talk about him now, made the tears falls against as sobbed you in the pillow.
At some point you had stopped sobbing but tears were stilling falling down your cheek, as you just stared blankly at the wall in front of you, with the cloak wrapped around you.
When Shanks arrived back some time later, he brought some food and tried to get you to eat some but you had no appetite and he wasn't going force you. He was finally able to coax you into sleeping after a sometimes, he kept you tucked tightly against himself.
You dreamed of when you lived with the boys for over a year. That was one of the best time of your life, you hasn't planned to stay long, as you were just island hopping and seeing the world, but meeting boys and getting to know them, made you stay and you soon claimed them as your own.
You taught them how to steal and pickpocket better, as that how you got most of your money, but everything changed quickly into a nightmare as you remembered Sabo being shot and sunk by a Celestial Dragon, then you started running around looking for Ace and Luffy.
You were unable to find Luffy, but quickly found Ace but his clothes was covered in blood as he turned around to face you, there was a hole in his little chest making you scream, as you held him tightly and could hear him asking where you were.
A scream escaped your lips as you sat up awake, eyes wet, as you franticly search the room before it felt like the walls were closing in on you. Needing to get out of there quickly, you jumped from the bed and escaped the room, hearing your name being shouted but you didn't stop, it still felt like the walls were closing in.
Stepping out on to the deck, you were hit with cold wind and a night sky, making you stop as you stared at the stars, as another memory hits you, making you clasp a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from making more noise.
A warm body was soon stood behind you, already knowing it was Shanks, as he placed his hand over your heart and then you placed your free hand on his. Something you both did from time to time as a reminded to each other, when sometimes words weren't enough.
He tried to suggest going back to the cabin but a quickly shook your head, you didn't want to be in an enclosed space, so instead you made your way up to the quarterdeck and palm trees. Ever the dutiful lover, Shanks came you with and the two of you sat next two each other under the palm trees, staring at the stars.
It was just silence behind the two of you, even though you wanted to speak you couldn't find the word to starts. Lifting your hand up and traced some of the constellation, remembering how you taught both Ace and Luffy how to use some of the stars to work out what direction they were heading when on the sea and how happy they had been to learn about it.
That memory had tears falling again, as you finally broke the silence saying how unfair it was, Ace didn't ask to be Roger son, and because of that your boy was gone. You knew that Roger wasn't what the government painted him, you heard from stories from everyone who knew him, mainly Shanks, but some small part of you wanted to hate the man but you just couldn't.
Shanks moved you around so that you were sitting in between his legs again and back against his chest. He then asked you for some stories you had with the boys. You thought for a few moments, as you couldn't remember what one you had told him before.
Then one of your favourite come up and so you began to tell him about it.
It was winter on Mt Colubo and it was in the minus numbers with thick snow, it wasn't the thickest you had been but was for Luffy and Ace, and it stayed that like for over a week.
You had made sure that they were both wrapped up warm before they went outside, and you had then began to make some homemade ice skate. It took you about day/day and half to make them. They were very simple version so that they could just fit over their own shoes. You gifted them to the boy in evening and then the following day you take them out to the lake, that was still completely frozen over.
You made sure that the ice was thickness by stepping on to the ice first and skating over the lake a few times to double check it was safe. Once you back on the side of the lake, you helped them with their skates and then helped them on to the ice.
When you showed them how to skate, you started with Luffy and held his hands as you got him on his ice and pulled him along, as you tell him how to skate. Once you were sure Luffy was good on his own for now, you went back to Ace and held a hand to out to him but said he didn't need help and got on the ice himself.
You let him do what he wanted, and it only took a few minutes as he fell for the first, and you chuckled as offered to help him but again said no. For the rest of the afternoon you watched and skated around boys, causing them both to fall a couple of times, but from every fall Ace did learn how to skate, even if he was covered in quite a few bruises by the end.
He had been so stubborn with the need to prove that he could it without any help, and you had told him so many times he didn't need to learn how to do everything on his own anymore.
You could feel Shanks chuckle behind you, probably thinking about Luffy skating. That was good day cause it was one of the few times you got to see Ace just be child, even if he didn't want helping learning to skate, and then the following day when they went back you got to see the smile on his face as skated without falling over, a smile that made you so happy to see.
The rest of the night went by quickly as you told Shanks some other stories you had from living with them, The sky was changing to orange and pinks, as the sun began to rise and there was sound of movements coming from below as the crew began to wake. Shanks was soon standing and pulling you with him, as he steered you back down to the cabin.
He left you on the bed with a quick kiss as he went grab some breakfast for you. The thought of seeing the look that the crew would give makes you want to hide away for days. You knew they wouldn't say or hold anything against you for your reaction but still you would able to see it in the faces.
While alone you finally changed your clothes, getting out of the bloody clothes and threw them in the corner of the cabin, hoping that out of sight out of mind would help. You were doing your best to hold back the tears as you got into clean clothes, knowing that your eyes didn't need to be anymore red or sore.
When your red hair lover returned with a plate of food, he place it in your hands and sat a cup down near you. Looking at the food and thought of eating still made your stomach churn but you knew not eating would just make you feel sick and make Shanks worry more, so you just nibbled on different bits, but as he said nothing you took it as a sign he wasn't going to press the matter.
When finished with breakfast, you thought about sleeping but you were unsure if you wanted to sleep alone after last night, so when you asked Shanks, he told you he had a few things to do but would come nap later on with you.
He did come back as promised in the afternoon and the two of napped for a couple hours, with Shanks having a tight hold on you. Over the next couple days he was busier than normal but you stayed hidden below deck, normally in the laundry room, and were thankful that you didn't see many people, just some of the senior crew.
Alone again as your lover was dealing with something with Whitebeard crew, so you tried to busy your mind by tidying the up the cabin, apart from where you threw your clothes days before, and probably needed thrown out now. At some point during the tidying you found a small box that you had forgotten about and saw that it held a wooden circle with a happy face craved into it.
Happy face that you were all to well.
Seeing the little craved face stare up at you, as it was the last thing that Ace had given you with a promise to make a matching sad face and knowing that wouldn't happen now, something in you snapped, as your all anger poured out, destroying everything you got your hands on.
You promised Ace & Luffy that you would always there for them when needed, no matter where you were would come to help them, but you had failed your boys, you broke that promise and Ace had paid the highest price.
You would of given your life if it meant they would of gotten away alive, instead the Red Force werre off stopping Kaido. As soon as you heard of Ace execution you should of left and done anything in your power to get to Marineford, but all that failure on your part just fuelled your anger even more, as you never felt more useless than now.
When there was nothing else to destroy, you curled up in a ball in the middle of the cabin, clenching the wooden piece in your hands against your chest, begging once again through tears for your boy to be given back to you.
At some point you just ended up starung at one of the wall, in an almost catatonic state, as you were unresponsive to anything, from the knocks on door, voice speaking to you, to being touched and moved around and to then placed on the bed as the cuts you gained were treated. Not a single sound left you as you just stared at the wall.
It was a few hours later when Shanks returned to the cabin, to check up on you and there still seem to be no difference. Sighing softly to himself, he sat by your side and looked at your clenched hands.
Carefully taking hold of your hands, he gently removed your fingers from around what you were holding.
The feeling of someone trying to take your wooden craving, had you lashing you, snapping you of your unresponsive state and doing your best to keep hold it. However you were quickly pinned down on the bed, by Shanks using his full weight to keep you down.
When he was able to get the item out of yours hands, he placed it on side table out of your reach for now before looking down at you with concerned written over his face, as he cupped your cheek watching as a few tears fell.
He then starting to spoke to you softly, he knows that your hurting a lot and he's not telling you to how to grieve, as everyone does it differently, but he needs you to come get him, Beck or any of the senior crew, when you start to feel angry or want to rage/fight, cause there will more time when it happens and he wants to be there for you, so you wouldn't hurt yourself again.
Listening to what your lover said had more tears falling as his love for you, especially the last few days, truly showed through and wondered what you did to deserve him. He then shushed you and wrapped you tears, not they stopped any.
After a few minutes Shanks sat up and moved off of you, which allowed for you to see sit up, and see the damaged you did to room and started to feel guilty for it. You apologized for it but he just quickly shushed then kissed your forehead, as he sat against the wall and pulled you to his chest, a familiar position between you two over these last days.
While leaning against him, Shanks asked you to tell him of how the both you met. You were taken back by that and confused by it, and asked why he wanted to hear, he knew that how it went he was there. He didn't elaborate and just asked again.
Even if it did confuse you, you began to re-tell him both the two of you met.
It had been over 6 months since you left Ace and Luffy, and was currently on a island that you couldn't remember the name right now. You had been there a few days now, just enjoying yourself, when you heard whispers that a pirate ship had docked and ever curious you went to see what crew it was.
You notice the jolly roger had two red lines over the left eyes, and something told you knew who it was but couldn't place for some reason.
You could whine and knew he was pouting behind you, as you said you couldn't remember who's crew it.
You spent the rest of the afternoon trying to wreak your brain for any information that could help identify the crew but still coming up blank, so you gave up on it for the time being and went to one of the local bar near the port. Upon entering you noticed it was busier than normal as you sat at the bar and ordered your drink, before turning around and looking around the bar, till your eyes landed on a few men off to the side, keeping your eyes mostly the one with bright red hair and three scars over his eyes.
That when it hit you, and felt like an idiot that it took you that long to recognise the crew. It was the Red Hair Pirates that was docked, and with how much Luffy had talked about them, you really felt stupid. You held your face in your left hand at how you forgot something important, you then sighed and took a long sip of your drink. You then stared at the back wall, as your tried to remember what Luffy had told you but all your brain was saying 'Pretty man' and nothing useful.
The shaking behind you, told you that he was containing his laugher, before he teased you about being a 'pretty man'. Paying no heed to him you continued on.
After finishing your drink, you decided that you were going have a early night, and left for your temporary lodging for the night. You planned to speak to Luffy in the morning and find out more about Red Hair Pirates, before seeing if befriending them is worth it.
The following morning you had grabbed your Den Den Mushi and called up the boys, having given both of them one before you left them, so they could always ring you. You were sure they should be up but they could be hunting or training, so all you could do it just wait and hoped one of them answer.
You were just about to end the call and try again later, when a tiny sleepy voice answered. You couldn't help but smile hearing Luffy voice and let him wake up a little more, before asking him questions about the Red Hair Pirate and their captain in particular.
Luffy spent good time talking about them, you could almost see the stars in his eyes as spoke. At some point Ace popped up and said hello before asking why you wanted to know about Red Hair Pirate, and you told him that you were making sure you'll survive your next game of cat & mouse.
You bid the boys goodbye and would promise to call them in the coming week and to have fun hunting, before ending the call after they said bye to you. With what Luffy had told you it was defiantly gonna be a fun night.
When early evening came, you made your way back to the bar and finding it was still quiet and claimed your preferred spot, at the end of the bar as allowed you see who was entering. While waiting for your unsuspected 'Victim' to arrive, you ordered some food and first drink of the night.
Hearing Shanks scoff behind you made you pause, as he whined about being called the victim, as he wasn't one hiding on the chase.
It was about hour before later when they arrived and you were on your second drink and watched them from the corner of your eyes, letting them settle and drink before beginning your game.
Once they seem to of had drunk enough you deemed suitable, you downed the rest of your drink, and made your way over with a smile on your lip and your eyes holding some excitement. The guys all cheered when you come over. You ignore the red haired captain for a moment as you turned your attention to First Mate.
You smiled at him, as you leant forward put your lips against his ear and begin whispering to him, offering him a bet, that if you were able to take something from his captain and not get caught until sunrise, you win and if you do get caught he wins, and placed the the bet of 25,000 berries.
You moved backward and looked at him waiting for his answer, he looked for at you a few second thinking it over and gave a nod and both shook hands on it. With that done you then sat on his leg as there wasn't any more chairs for you to sit in, and then turned your attention to the red hair man, smiling at him, as he asked what that was about.
You gave him a little wag of your finger and told him, that he would find out soon enough he just had to wait. You then began to chat to them all and get to know, plying them all with more drinks knowing they can handle their drinks.
At somepoint, your migrated from Becks leg and into Shanks lap, laughing with him and taking little sips from his drink, so you keep your thought as clear as possible. During that time you had managed to get to his cloak off without him noticing to you knowledge at least.
Starting to feel a buzz of excitement and knowing that sunrise wasn't far away, you decided that now was a good time leave. Knowing that he was fairly drunk, you distracted him by kissing him before grabbing the cloak and leaving the bar with your prize in hand.
Shanks gave a grumble, as he said he remembered that and the look that Beck gave him, after you had left.
You began making your through the street, keeping the cloak bundle in your arms, before starting to go down alleyways and take back streets, using your observation haki as you knew that Shanks wasn't someone to turn a blind eye to, even when drunk.
A grin appeared on your face as you ducked behind a little wall and quickly pulled the cloak on, to help blend into the darkness. Hearing the sounds of sandals on the ground you took a few more steps quietly backward till you out view, not that it would any difference.
You heard the red hair captain call out to you, suggesting you leave the cloak and it all be forgotten about. You however weren't about to lose the bet, and end the game of cat & mouse before it's began. You could feel that he was slightly annoyed but he was also excited and playful, with that you made your way on to the roof a building.
Being quiet and agile were what you excelled at, as stealing was how you made most of your money, so moving other the roofs silently as you could was nothing new, but this chase was getting fun as there are times when he cut off your route and you had to make a sudden change.
The whole time Shanks was calling out you terms of endearment such as Sweetheart and Darling mainly, but sometimes a throwing a couple of other ones there, even he tried to pspspsps you like a cat.
You were unware of how much time had passed, but you soon started to notice the changing of the sky, as sun rise was approaching and you started to form a plan in your head, but you need to get him further away from his ship, so that by the time you reached the ship sun would be up.
After a few very close class, you managed to get him further away and quickly took a moment to calm yourself, you couldn't lose now, not at the last hurdle. Giving yourself prep talk got that last bit of energy running through your body as you began heading back way to his ship, over roofs and through alleyways slipping just out of sight each time from him.
By the time you reach the docks you felt so tired, but it was pasted sunrise and you had won the bet. You waltzed up to the ship and spotted Beck on the docks smoking, probably waiting for his captain to return. Upon seeing you he exhaled and rubbed his eyes.
You just grinned at him and handed over the cloak to him before telling him you would back your winning later, as you were in dire need of sleep now. Just as you gave a yawn, you found yourself suddenly on the ground with a weight on top of you.
Slightly fazed for a moment, you tried to get out from there weight but it held you down easily, stopping you from moving as you felt lips next to your ears, as Shanks called you little mouse and that he caught you.
Upon hearing him saying that, you just chuckled and told him just because he caught him doesn't mean he won. Feeling his weight move of your back, you rolled over at him and grinned up at him, before telling him that you won a few berries from his first mate, cause he didn't catch you before the sunrise.
You watched as Shanks gave his first mate a pout as he asked why he didn't say anything about bet, he would of made sure to caught you if he knew. You gave a little giggle while watching him before asking how he could of been sure he would of caught of you.
He looked at you and grinned down at you, before saying you were good but he was better. You raised an eyebrow at him before standing up and dusting yourself off, then telling him sure he was, whatever he believed to helped him sleep at night.
Shanks narrowed his eyes with a playful smile on his lips, as the stepped closer, almost touching chest to chest, as he looked down and told you that he could catch you in 10 minutes and as he wouldn't be drunk this time.
A shiver went up your spine, at the challenging and thrill of playing another, more serious game of cat and mouse with him. You grinned back and said you been promised that before and let down. He leant down so you were face to face now and promised to give you a good chase.
You gave him playful smile but nothing said nothing else as you stepped around him and walked away, given both the captain and first mate a quick wave.
Finishing how you both met, you then asked him again why wanted to hear it, he knew it he was there or otherwise you would be concerned. Shanks pulled you closer as he said he wanted to hear you laugh and smile as well distracting you for a little while from your pain, then pressed a kissed in your hair.
Hearing him say that, know that he was doing it mainly for your benefit, made you feel once gain that you didn't to deserve him and fought back against the tears, as you turned around his hold snuggled further into his hold.
The last couple of days leading up to arriving near Sphinx, had you feeling more heartbroken and your eyes constantly red from how much you had cried and wiped your eyes free of tears, but you how could you not when your boy was was about to buried, and this would be the final place for Ace.
It just was another reminder that you wouldn't get to see him grow anymore, or hearing news of him causing chaos again or seeing him out on the sea.
You wouldn't get to lecturing him any more for how reckless he could be, with him just grinning and laughing at you, before you smack him with Haki when you came across him while out at sea, arms crossed over your chest as you narrowed your eyes at him, as he laughed.
It made you remember the time he came to find Shanks to thank him for saving Luffy as child.
You were huddled between Lucky Roo, Shanks and Beck, as you were still freezing and couldn't seem to get warm, even with body heat and a fire going.
There was noise coming from the cave entrance and but you tuned it out for the moment, as you rubbed your hands together and tried to bury yourself in Shanks back, that made him chuckle.
You weren't really listening to Shanks and the new comer exchanged some words, until hearing Shanks say Luffy and brother, which made your snapped up real quick and looked forward to the person at the front of the group.
Before anyone could say or do anything, you were in front of your eldest boy, holding Ace's face in your hands and could see slight red on his cheek, making his freckles stand out more. You took a step back from him and looked at him fully, he had grown up and became a handsome young man, which made you feel proud.
You then looked at his outfit and started lecturing him on on wearing clothes that were a weather appropriate, with your hands moving everywhere as you talked. There were a few chuckles from both group as you went on.
However Ace just laughed at you, and hugged you saying he didn't need to worry about that now, thanks to his devil fruit. While you could feel the heat radiating from him, you didn't back down from your lecture.
Once you were finished, you smiled at him and told him how happy you were to see him, as you sat back down in between Shanks and Beck, suddenly feeling a lot warmer than you had been.
That had been a good night, getting to see Ace after so long and seeing how far he had come, along with some stories of him and Luffy, neither had told you about.
Just before Ace and his crew departed from the cave, you had told him to call you more, but he just gave you a cheeky smile and said he'll try.
And thinking how he wouldn't get to Luffy become King of the Pirates and had nearly broken you, had it not been for the Beck and Hongo telling you that both Luffy brothers will be watching him and will see him became king of the pirates.
When came time to lay both Ace and Whitebeard, Shanks had kept you by his side, his hand on your back as comfort.
Standing in front of Ace grave and you told him, that you were going to spend the rest of your life missing him, in so many ways. That there will times when you miss him and you know that what it was and other times it will be an ache that creeps in.
You pause before placing a kiss on your finger and place it on his name before finishing off with saying until the end of time you were going to miss him forever, that he will always be your eldest boy and promised him that you would do everything in your power to make sure Luffy achieved his dream, and make Blackbeard regret his choices.
Once finished you stood up and moved back to your previous position and stare at the grave one more time, before heading back down to join the rest of the crew, leaving Shanks and Marco to speak.
Once everything done and the crew was back on the Red Force, you went back to cabin and gave yourself about two hours to let out all tears and sobs you held back, then you would join the crew on deck and toast a drink to both Ace and Whitebeard.
Over following week or so, you finally were able to find something out about Luffy, and the relief you felt knowing that your youngest and only boy now was alive, made most of the tension & worry you were still holding onto leave, almost sagging against Shanks hearing that bit of news.
You needed to speak him and trying to get a hold of him was harder than you expected but you did it, you got to speak to Luffy and cried the whole time speaking him, but you didn't care he was your last boy.
Before ending the call you told him just how proud of him you were and how much you loved. Then told him, that if he ever needed you for anything you will do everything in power to be there.
With the knowledge that Luffy was being cared for and getting trained by Rayleigh, so he could protect his crew in the future, it made you think about your short-coming, you might be stealthy & able get things easily, and could fight well, but you knew you need to better and expanded your arsenal, so you turned to Yasopp to learn how to shoot like a sniper.
Most of the crew chose to see this as a positive thing, expanding your skills set and focusing on something. Shanks and Beck however had a few more thoughts on this and had been keeping a close eyes you, especially with how they had seen you reacted when Blackbeard had been mentioned in the newspapers, and you learning to snipe was too much of a coincidence to them, so they were keeping a close eyes on you just encase you chose to do something reckless.
With the sun starting to set, you were leaning against the railing watching horizon, thinking about the how people said there were five stage of grief but you for you decided that there were six now, with revenge as the 6th stage, as it seem that this new was a little part of you wouldn't rest till you got it.
And you made a promise to Ace, that if you get the chance you were gonna make Blackbeard regret it by putting one right between his eyes.
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yelenasdiary · 10 months
Hi !
I have a request, you don't have to write it :)
But, Like Nataha was sa her whole childhood by Dreykov [and his men], and when she confronts him in his office she breakdown and stabs him repeatedly to death and after. After that she sobs in a corner then dissociate. She is later comforted. Like there is angst feels despair but fluff you know ?
Thanks 😊
It's Okay, I've Got You
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: After helping Yelena & Nat take down Red Room, you find Natasha in a state you’ve never seen before.    
Heavy Angst | Fluff | Mentions of Sexual Assault | Disassociation | PTSD | Mentions of Blood | 1.1K | 
AC: Please only read this if you are comfortable, I will not be mad or offended if you don’t feel like reading this. With every SA related fic I write, please make sure to double check the warnings before continuing and of course, if you ever need a friend to talk to for whatever reason, my DMs or asks are always open! 
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"Lena, where's Nat?!" you asked as Yelena came running out of the damaged building. She shrugged, "she said she was going after Dreykov" she replied. Worry quickly filled your mind as you knew that Natasha would've been done by now if she had won the fight. "Stay with the others! I'm going to go get her!" you said in a hurry before racing off into what used to be Red Room. 
"Natasha?!" you called out serval times but no answer, you checked every room you passed just to be sure, still calling out her name. "Nat! Can you hear me?!" You called once more but still, no answer. You walked the long hall, opening every door until finally you found her, and it wasn't a scene you expected to see. 
Natasha was sat in the corner, covered in blood with Dreykov's lifeless body only meters away from her. Her combat knife still in her hand as she looked miles away from where she was. You'd never seen her like this, she doesn't notice you standing in the doorway or how you slowly walked up to her and kneeled in front of her. "Nat?" You spoke softly but she wasn't there. 
Gently, you placed your hand over her shaking hand that still held the knife that clearly killed Dreykov. You took the knife from her carefully and placed it besides you before looking back at her. It was obvious to you that she was disassociated and had no idea that you were even kneeling right in front of her, and you didn't want to frighten her by any means. 
"Nat, it's me, it's Y/n. I'm just going to check to make sure you're not hurt, okay?" you spoke before you gave her a check over and to your relief none of the blood on her seemed to be coming from her. Your heart broke at the scene in front of you, there wasn't much time to waste but you didn't care about that right now, all you cared about was Natasha and her wellbeing. "If you can hear me Nat, I'm here" you spoke softly before you kindly wrapped your arms around her and pulled her into you. 
Instantly the redhead broke into a sob as she clung to you, "he's gone now, he can't hurt you" you spoke softly as you comforted the assassin you proudly call your girlfriend but you knew that right now and in this moment, she wasn't the girlfriend you knew and loved so deeply but instead she was a scared little girl who needed know everything was okay, that she was loved, protected and most importantly, safe. 
You knew little about the things that went on in Red Room but you knew of the sexual assault Natasha endured from the hands of Dreykov so you let her cry into your arms as much as she needed too until Yelena came looking for the two of you. 
"Y/n, we have to get o-" Yelena came running into the room, stopping her words when she saw the state of her crying sister in your arms. "Natasha" she spoke softly as she took a few small steps towards the two of you. "Lena, she's okay, I promise. Get the jet started, we'll be there in a moment" you looked at the blonde when you felt Natasha's grip on you tighten. She needed space and you knew as much as she loved Yelena, she didn't want her to see her big sister like this. 
There was no argument from Yelena, she simply nodded and made her way back to the jet. It only took a few more moments before you were able to walk Natasha to the jet, keeping an eye on her the entire flight home. 
Once back at the compound, you ran Natasha a shower which she sat on the ground letting the water run over her as she stared into space. You told Yelena to let the team know that Nat will be taking some time off and that you'd explain things at a better time but for now, your focus was solely on Natasha and making sure she was okay. 
While she was in the shower you grabbed her favorite Pjs and laid them out on the bed before you made sure you had other essentials like fruit and bottled water to make sure Natasha would eat. You didn't want to push her in any form to talk to do anything she didn't want too, you promised yourself that you'd be whatever she needed. 
Nat came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. Even with a wet face you could tell she had been crying as she looked over to you. "It's over" she spoke before sitting down on the end of the bed, "it's really over, he's dead" she added as you sat down beside her. You placed a hand on top of her knee, your thumb stroking her skin with care as you nodded at her words. 
"What do you need love? Whatever you need, I'm here for you. If you want to talk, I'm here to listen, if you need to cry, I'll hold you, if you need to scream, I'll join you" 
Natasha smiled softly at your offer, thankful to have somebody love her for her, somebody who wasn't scared of her or ever held her to her past. "I don't want to do what I always do, I don't want to push this down anymore" she spoke, placing a hand on top of the hand you had on her knee. "I thought killing him would make me feel better, that somehow it would free me from the memories I have but honestly, it just brought it all back and I felt like I remember more than I've ever remembered. I want help" she explained as tears built up in her eyes once again.
"I want professional help. This isn't something I can play off anymore, I know that now" Natasha added. Gently, you cupped her face, wiping the tears that broke free from her eyes, "I promise you Natasha, you're not alone. You are the strongest woman I know, and I'll be here to hold your hand through all of this, all will. We'll get through this together, no matter how dark the days get or how hard the storm comes crashing down, we're in this together" 
Tears uncontrollably streamed from Natasha's eyes as she crashed into you, wrapped her arms around you tightly, as you wrapped your own arms around her and placed a kiss on the top of her head. She sobbed once again in your arms and no matter how long she needed to let out her emotions, you held her until she was ready to get into her pjs and even after when she curled up into a ball in bed, you were there to assure her she was never alone. Not now, not ever.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @imnotslouching | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @marvel-madnessx | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @natashaswife4125 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @romanoffs-widow | @natsxwife | @maria-403 | 
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snowywolf1005 · 6 months
OK, someone give me a headcanons.
@Slutforkisses gives me headcanons
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You were Gol D. Roger crew, shanks feel in love with you. And your friend and siblings were also Roger crew.
You also have a friend named Rouge.
And Roger told you where the one piece is and kept in a secret. You don't know why he told you.
But he did tell Buggy and Shank about the one piece.
After his death, you and his crew spilled up.
But you still are pirates, but you were caught by the marine. That when you meet grap, he tell you about rouge has son, ace.
And he told you about your friend Rouge died by giving birth. And Rouge told grap, to give ace to you, to raise her son.
Grap told you to raise ace. And grap told you that he is sending you to your sister who is dadan crew and friends of grap.
As you raised ace. Grap, ask you to raise luffy his grandson, luffy like calling you 'mom'.
You meet makino, have a job. Everybody loves you, and you met shanks your old friends who have a crush on you.
And luffy almost stabs his eyes. And he ate a gum-gum fruit.
Shanks gave luffy his hat.
(You and Shank deal when luffy grows up and gets his bounty. You and Shank get married. Be luffy father)
And luffy meets ace. They didn't get along, and you met sabo, and you decided to raise sabo, has your son.
(dadan is not happy, getting another child)
Now you have three boys. You love your boys, and you make sure to keep raising these troubles makers.
When grap comes by and sees the boy talking about being a pirate. Well, grap is gonna teach the boys. They have to be marine.
But you can't let him hit your boys, so you make a plan. If grap come, you have to let know your son's, and start talking about marine.
Everything was great until...
"Come on, boy, can you let your mother take a break?" You said, sighing.
"Come on, mom! You promise to go hunting with us!" Luffy yelled.
"How about you boys, go look something to hunt while I pick up some fruit. Okay?"
The boy nodded as you guys were looking for food to eat. As you finished and about to home, you started to cough, and you couldn't stop coughing.
And you stared coughing some blood, so much.
"MOM! MOM! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU!? HELP!" Luffy cried. Ace ran as fast as he could to get dadan crew. While sabo by your side.
Luffy there cry more and shaking you.
Dadan and his crew found you. And drag you back home.
Lucky for you, your sister is a nurse. She told everyone that you have tuberculosis.
It is a rare illness, and you need more medicine to get rest.
The boys, well did everything to make you feel better, cleaning their room, find food, give medicine.
Sabo and luffy get cleaned the room, and Ace will give you some medicine soup. While your sister is making some cure medicine for you.
And you were cured, everybody was happy.
Hey guys, thanks for reading this story. And don't forget to vote what you want. And let me know what to write and give me headcanons.
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haunted-headset · 5 months
wilbur comforting reader after a nightmare? :0
(i tried to think of how to elaborate on that but i think i’ll just leave it up to you while my sleepy brain takes over LMAO)
🌙 I've Got You 🌙
a/n: this is such a cute idea wtf
tags: @zuuriell @somebody-v @vibestillaxxx @ax-y10 @joviepog@themonsterunderurmom @ogelizasoot @wilburstan@smolsleepykitten@funnyreally2009@crows-death@dykepunz@aresriiots@0miamor0@defonotval@chipch0p@mazzistar16@unmellowyellowfellow@justalittlebitofchaos@thosecolorfulsheets@vopix@taylors-version-from-the-vault@aine-lasagna@merianakross@veeislost@urfav-sapphic-siren@shazbaz58-blog @wifiatthetrainstation@mcr-pr-fob@shd454@rqvii@idioticion@m0thza@artistphantom @ace-call-me-what-youd-like @lexx-the-gay-rubber-ducky @finleyforevermore @poraphia @radio-to-trenchcoat-demons @mysticalsoot(let me know if u don't or do wanna be tagged!!)
word count: 613 (i need to write longer fics i feel like writing short fics is bad but oh well)
contains: reader having a nightmare, use of Y/N, crying, reader having a panic attack, reader thinking Wilbur left them, reader shows signs of depression & anxiety, reader has self-deprecating thoughts
You had awoken with a gasp as you tried to catch your shaky breath & stop your sobs. It was just a dream. A really, really bad dream.
Wilbur, in the dream, had gotten fed up with you. He had gone on a rant about how much of a terrible partner you were & how you were useless & a waste of skin; it was almost as if he had taken every single thought you'd ever had about yourself, soaked them in vitriol till it was dripping, & then spouted it out to make your ears bleed. It was a fear you always had. Maybe it did happen. Maybe he finally fell out of love with you. Maybe he never loved you. Maybe he--
"No, Y/N, that didn't happen," you whispered to yourself through the sobs. "Wilbur's right next to--" You looked over at where Wilbur was supposed to be in bed.
& he wasn't there.
& that's when all of the panic you've ever felt attacked you like a tsunami. You started hyperventilating & sobbing so hard to the point where you were seeing white & your head felt like it was being slowly drilled into & your brain was being turned to mush. Your heart didn't go one millisecond without beating so hard you swore you could see it beating out of your chest, & you were shaking so hard to the point where somebody could've compared you to a vibrating iPhone & nobody would be able to tell the difference.
In a desperate attempt to calm yourself down, you slowly got up & stumbled over to Wilbur's closet to grab one of his hoodies. You pressed the hoodie to your face as you stumbled back to bed & sobbed harder, the scent of his body wash & cologne, earthy & calming & perfect, still faintly there. What did you do? What did you do to make him leave you? You were aware that you were far from a perfect partner, & you were far from attractive, & maybe he had some sort of realization & decided that there were other, better fish in the sea to catch, leaving you at the bottom of the pond, away from the shiny, attractive fish that he was bound to catch.
"Darling?" his voice rang out & echoed against the walls, causing you to look up.
"Oh my God, honey," Wilbur, lovely, amazing Wilbur, whispered, practically jumping onto the bed to pull you into his lap & wrap his arms around you so tightly to the point where you thought you'd never be able to escape his embrace. Not that you were complaining, of course. "I've got you. You're okay, you're alright."
"Why're we crying? What's going on?" he whispered in your ear, rocking you back & forth & wiping your tears.
"I had a bad dream & I thought you left," you croaked through your sobs.
"Baby, I would never even dream of leaving you," Wilbur said. "You're everything to me. You're the reason I wake up in the morning. You're the reason I write songs & play music. You're the reason I'm still here." He kisses your cheek before continuing, "You're the Tori Spring to my Michael Holdman or whatever his name is."
"Michael Holden," you corrected with a tearful laugh.
He smiled at you. "There's my beautiful baby with their beautiful laugh," he whispered.
"Why weren't you in our room?" you asked.
"I was getting water, lovely," he said. "I wasn't leaving, not at all. I wouldn't even dare to think about it. I'd die without you."
"Promise?" you asked.
He linked his pinky with yours. "Swear on my life."
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Your writing is so good! Thank you so much for writing platonic fics, they are so hard to find, especially in Genshin and Demon Slayer. As an Aro/Ace who is addicted to the found family trope, your blog is a haven. So if I may... can I request a Muichiro x Hashira Mentor!Reader to go along with your other fics in this series? I loved the three so far, and especially with the most recent episode, I have strong "PROTECT THE BABY" vibes for Mui. What would happen if instead of Kotetsu saving Mui, it was reader? And they were trying to protect him from Gyokko while Mui is stuck in the water, and maybe that is what gives him the strength/inspiration to break free.
no harm will come to you.
summary. ""N— no," he choked out before rapidly pulling the rest of the needles out of his body. Something in their gut twisted uncomfortably at the sight of their student so battered. "Why do you always have to be the one to save me?"" trigger & content warnings. near-death (not the reader), canon-typical blood and injury, brief mentions of throwing up. tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. angst to fluff-ish. muichiro tokito & hashira mentor!reader. 1.5k words. they/them pronouns for reader. author's thoughts. hello dear!! i always smile when someone says this to me. its so important to remember that not everyone enjoys romanctic content. aroace people exist and deserve to be catered to as much as any other people do. i love being a safe space for people who just... dont want romantic content. i dont reblog romantic content (unless its canon x canon ship content, but even thats rare), i dont interact with romantic content. i just bring a spotlight exclusively to platonic content. not everyone has to do that, and thats totally fine, but i do so and will continue to do so. anyways pls keep sending mui requests, i love him so much awajshskgj <3
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       'That voice...'
       "Hey! I'm here, okay?!" Their blood was ice in their veins, heart pounding as hard against their rib cage as their feet did against the ground. "I'm here now! Just ho— just hold out a little longer! I'll get you out of this shit!"
       "Yeah! We'll— we'll get you out of this shit!" Kotetsu echoed from his place situated on their back. Their arms were hooked around his legs to keep him in place, while his arms squeezed around their neck to balance himself a little better. They pinched his thigh scoldingly.
       "Don't repeat that! You're ten!"
       'Ah... it's [Surname]-sama... and Kotetsu-kun..?'
       Heavy pants left their lips as they skidded to a stop, falling to their knees in front of their poor, incapacitated Tsuguko. Kotetsu was quick to slide off of their back, settling beside them. "Shit... what the fuck?" they cursed under their breath, palm pounding against the cage of water, only to be met with ferocious rebound. Their pupils were blown wide with terror, the gloss of unshed tears making their eyes shimmer in the moonlight. Dragging their sword against the water's surface had no effect. The young boy mimicked their motions, simply with a knife instead. His efforts had no effect either. "The fuck is this? Why isn't it breaking? It's just water... why..?"
       'Come to think of it... I've never seen [Surname]-sama cry, have I? They look so stressed.'
       "Tokito-san, we won't let you die!" Kotetsu shouted. Beneath his mask, tears formed in the corners of his eyes. "Hang in there! What is this?!" He threw his whole body weight against the water, only to bounce back just as they had. "What the hell is this, [Surname]-san?! It's all rubbery and gross!"
       "I don't know! I know as much as you do, okay?! I may be a Hashira but that doesn't mean I automatically know everything!"
       The heat bubbling just beneath the surface of their skin was unbearable. In their panicked haze, they didn't notice the unfamiliar markings manifesting on their skin. As soon as they appeared, they were gone, fading from their flesh with no trace left behind. It was like they had never been there in the first place.
       It seemed that they had a hard time maintaining their enhanced state when panicked and unfocused.
       'You two have bigger priorities than me right now. Protect the chief, [Surname]-sama. Not me. That would be beyond Kotetsu-kun, but not you.'
       Muichiro's eyes widened. His palm pounded furiously on the water, hoping to get at least one of the two's attention. Thankfully, he knew his mentor well enough to know how attentive they were. They reacted immediately, head whipping around to face whatever it was that he saw approaching from behind them.
       It was only a small demon in comparison to the size of their body, hardly reaching up to their knee, but they knew better than to make assumptions about its power based solely on its size.
       It came from an Upper Moon.
       Surely, then, it was imbued with at least a fraction of said Upper Moon's strength.
       "Kotetsu-kun, get behind me!" they commanded, snatching up their blade from the ground. "Now!"
       A sharp gasp was torn from their throat when an equally sharp pain pierced their side. In their frantic state, it seemed that they were at a disadvantage, slowed down by their overwhelming worry. If Muichiro had screamed, the water had swallowed the sound up entirely; even so... the absolute horror on his face was surely enough to clue one in on his thought process. They winced, swinging their blade with enough force to behead the demon. It dissipated within an instant.
       "[Surname]-san!" Kotetsu shouted, stepping back in shock of the sheer amount of blood that spilled from their lips.
       "Fuck this whole mission," they muttered, bitter and tired, drawing in the deepest breath they could manage to in spite of the pain that struck their whole body like lightning when they did.
       They exhaled into the vase of water.
       'Even when you're bleeding out...'
       Muichiro inhaled the oxygen they provided him with.
       'You still come to my rescue. I should be embarrassed. Let me help you for once.'
       "Kotetsu-kun! Get down!" they shouted out, leaping forward to shield his much smaller body with their own. His little hands immediately went to their side to put pressure on the wound they sustained.
       Upon feeling their back drench with freezing water, they dove away from Kotetsu, catching their injured Tsuguko in their arms.
       "I've got you, I've got you..." they whispered over and over like a mantra of sorts, perhaps in an attempt to console themselves rather than the coughing Hashira in their embrace. No mind was paid to the spines poking their skin, nor the way Muichiro spat up a concerning amount of water over their shoulder. They did, however, take note of the way he made desperate attempts to apologize for practically throwing up on them. "It's okay, it's fine, just get all the water out of your lungs. It's not a big deal."
       All they truly paid attention to was the fact that he was breathing.
       However, he was weak. Terribly weak.
       "You've gone numb," they observed as he ripped a spine from his cheek, arms trembling. "I've got you. I've got the rest from here. You need to rest."
       "N— no," he choked out before rapidly pulling the rest of the needles out of his body. Something in their gut twisted uncomfortably at the sight of their student so battered. "Why do you always have to be the one to save me?"
       "I'm your mentor. It's my job. I teach you. I protect you. That's how this relationship works," they replied, standing up on shaky legs and taking their blade with them. They watched as more of the demons gathered around. "No harm will come to you for as long as I live."
       That's all they could feel on one side of their body. The pain was enough to make them double over. They squeezed their eyes shut, expression contorting into a pained grimace. One hand pressed deeply into their wound in a desperate attempt to make it stop. "Fuck..."
       They were already injured enough as it was from battles earlier on in the night.
       Muichiro could read his mentor like an open book.
       The book in question read nothing but agony. They were in no condition to keep fighting, and yet, neither was he.
       Even so...
       The rage he once felt three years ago boiled over again. It flooded the entirety of his veins, searing his skin and clouding his thoughts, stealing away the momentary clarity and reprieve from the haze in his mind. Muichiro clutched his sword with newfound rage.
       'Stay away from [Surname]-sama.'
       In an instant, the demons were all beheaded, dissipating into nothing but ash and dust.
       "Mui— Mui-kun, listen to me," they choked out in a gasp with sudden urgency, as if they had remembered something extremely important. "The swordsmiths. Haganezuka-sama and Kanamori-san. They're— we need to go back for them. Upper Moon Five is still..."
       "...You didn't get rid of him?"
       Their eyes softened impossibly. "I... I didn't. I am selfish sometimes, Mui-kun, and you... you were my priority. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had left you. Please understand where I'm coming from."
       "I should be mad at you."
       "...Yes. You should be, and I wouldn't hold it against you if you were."
       A heavy silence settled for a moment. Not even Kotetsu dared disturb it.
       Then, with tender delicacy, the Mist Hashira wrapped his arms around their torso, laying his head on their chest. He was especially adamant on avoiding causing any further irritation to their injury. The firm beating of their heart was deeply comforting to him (he did, however, note the worrying wheeze that came every time they exhaled). "...I'm not, though."
       It was as if a weight was lifted off of their shoulders. They softly wrapped their arms around his shoulders. "I'm glad, then. Thank you."
       "No..." the boy trailed off, withdrawing from their embrace. Much to their surprise, he bowed in front of them. "Thank you, [Surname]-sama. I might not have made it out if not for you. I'm sorry for being so troublesome. I overestimated my skill, simply because I am a Hashira. I should have known better. You taught me better than that."
       An embarrassed laugh left their lips as they scratched the back of their neck. "Hey... you, um, you don't have to do that. You can stand up. It's okay. That's why we build bonds the way we do; we all mess up sometimes, so we need people we can reliably fall back on." As he rose, they hummed. "I can't quite put my finger on it, but... something about you has changed."
       He smiled. Such a gentle, sincere smile... it suited his face, but it was an expression they were not accustomed to seeing on him. He said nothing in response to them, however.
       'I'll tell you everything once we're out of here.'
       "...Shit! The swordsmiths! Mui-kun, come on! Grab Kotetsu-kun! Let's go!"
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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cry-ptidd · 5 months
Me and my sister watched Hellsing together. Here's her opinion on the characters
- Alucard: "He's a cunt, but he's entertaining. I'd probably pay to see him in a strip club. I didn't like him and his shit-eating grin and 'master' bullshit at first, but he grew on me quick and i don't like that he grew on me. He's a complex character, and he's hot asf when he cries. Also I wish we'd seen his Dracula form for longer; that was awesome. Him and Anderson had a thing going on."
- Seras: "Didn't really mind her at first, but liked her after she drank blood. Her transformation and the guns are really fucking cool. I didn't like her voice and her whining at first but it got better after a few episodes. I like her when her personality became a little bit more spunky. Her story's fucked up."
- Integra: "Absolute bad bitch. Her attitude reminds me of myself so idk if I should like it or hate it, she's got a lot of pride which I respect. Really human and I like it, she takes no one's shit and she's a badass. Didn't even FLINCH when she got her eye shot out. Girlboss. She gives me ace vibes also."
- Walter: "I liked him, he was funny. And then he betrayed everyone and became emo. He gave good advice, and he was cool as hell with that wise older veteran vibe. I'm disappointed in him, but the plot twist was actually good. You'd notice the signs if you suspected him from the beginning."
- Pip: "He's FINE. I'd braid his hair any day. I was in love and then I mourned. I'm widowed. He was hilarious, plus his voice actor nailed the French. My favorite character. Screeched when he came back. He's a good leader and I loved his speeches, also his death made me cry. And I don't often cry when watching anime."
- Anderson: "kinda neutral. I didn't like him at first, he was obnoxious as fuck. Then he respected women and opposed Maxwell and his orders so he grew in my esteem a bit. His character is cool as fuck tho. I wish he didn't turn into a monster, he fell to the same level as Alucard. It's like human greed or desperation for power. Him and Alucard had a thing going on."
- Enrico Maxwell: "Lucius Malfoy. I hate him but not the one I hate most."
- Heinkel & Yumie: "Really like these two lesbians. So cool and I respect their resolve, especially Heinkel's. Rip Yumi. You were cool. Heinkel being intersex is a dope detail, she's very androgynous too. I like their designs."
- The major: "Augustus Gloop? I like the fact he refused vampirism, that was cool, but he's an actual fucking sociopath and I hate him"
- The Captain: "Ngl, I actually find him quite dope, aside from the nazi thing. Literally no one respected him, that shit had me crying. His face is pretty and his tits are big, even if he looks a bit goofy at times. Wish we'd seen more of him. I felt kinda bad when he got defeated."
- Schrödinger: "I want this thing dead"
- Rip van winkle: "She gives me the vibes of a Dr Seuss character."
- Zorin: "Bleach Ichigo knockoff. Fuck this bitch in particular I hate her"
- The Valentine brothers: "A slav squat necrophile and his gay brother that used to be a runway model but got cancelled after a scandal"
Overall: A hit, neither of us expected her to like it. She likes the political and literary aspects, and also finds the characters interesting. She doesn't really know how to feel about the ending; she considers it realistic and a good end, but she wished it was more epic. But from a writing perspective it's good. Also she lowkey wished Alucard would turn Integra into a vampire, just because it would be cool. Now we send each other memes about it. She calls Nendocard a whore when she passes by him, but says she'd buy a Pip nendo in a heartbeat
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Can I ask for Injustice Damian Wayne with your prompts: 1, 22 and 54?
Yes! Damian from Injustice is such s good character :D @okchijt helped with the plot and I wrote the rest! Hope you enjoy the story :) I tweaked it a bit from their original idea.
Yandere! Injustice! Damian Wayne Prompts 1, 22, 54
"I'd burn this world and everything in it for you."
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away."
"Selfish! That's what you are!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Accidental murder that happened in canon, Violence, Jealousy, Angst, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Delusional behavior, Forced relationship.
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The death of Nightwing, Dick Grayson, affected everyone when it happened. You had been part of the Batfamily by training under Batman. You weren't related at all, it was like being an honorary member.
Dick and Damian had felt like brothers to you. You cared for them both and got along with the two. When you heard of the accident of Dick's death... you wanted to forgive Damian when others wouldn't.
You still cared for him even if Dick's death weighed heavy on you.
Despite your hesitant forgiveness of the accident, the incident made you distance yourself from the heroes. You needed space away from Damian and the others. Your need for moving on made you an undecided factor in the war against Batman and Superman.
Even when you didn't pick sides you still fulfilled your role as hero. Both sides often offered you the chance to join but you always decided against it. By the time the war rumbled on you moved on and found a new path for yourself.
The fact you're actively avoiding picking sides never did sit right with Damian, a robin turned Nightwing.
Damian even began growing frustrated at the fact you actively avoided his invitations to join The Regime. In truth, Damian misses you deeply. Back then when Dick was still alive, Damian originally saw you as a friend or sibling. Then when you left he found himself pining.
His care towards you wasn't platonic, he knows that now. The entire time he was brewing more intimate thoughts about you. He slowly became aware of the fact he's in love with you... when you left his fantasies shattered.
His invitations to join him were also invitations to connect again. He knows deep down you forgive him about what happened that day. Part of him wonders if he'd still have you if Dick was alive. He regrets that accident.
Damian did everything he could to track you down. He often monitored crime in an attempt to meet up with you. Each time he tried to reach out, to convince you, you turn him down with a frown.
More than anything he just wants you in his life again.
Superman, Clark Kent, notices the desperation in the young man's actions. He knows better than most that Damian is driven by the love he has for you. Clark has lost someone close to him too... except Damian has a chance to have you by his side again.
Damian was originally confused and a bit irritated when Clark had called him for a meeting. Although his eyes quickly lit up when the tyrant offers a deal. Clark can help Damian reunite with you, he may even be able to help convince you to their side.
It was an offer too good to pass up.
Damian admits to Clark that your weakness always seems to be the safety of others. Even when you were younger you often forgot about your own safety and grew reckless. With such information, the perfect plan was produced by the Kryptonian.
It's easy to frame crime when everyone/most people trust you.
You had no idea what was going on behind the scenes. You simply saw people in danger and snuck in to help them. You had no idea there was anyone waiting in the shadows to prey upon you.
You were too focused on helping those around you...
You barely even registered the hit to your head before your senses went dark.
You felt like you were waking up from a deep sleep when you gained your vision again. Except instead of feeling well rested you were met with aching pains and the feeling of cold metal around your legs and wrists. You take a moment to realize your surroundings, seeing chains and cuffs around your limbs connecting to a wall. You barely even register the mattress under you as you're still trying to recover from the blow to your head.
What just... happened?
The sound of doors opening in the dimly lit room grabs your attention right before blinding you with light due to your light sensitivity. When you can actually process what you're looking at when the doors close you're surprised to see Damian in front of you. Surprise quickly turns into a sickly feeling in your gut when you start to piece things together.
"It's good to see you're awake. I'm sorry for the room, when you join The Regime you'll get a much better set up." Damian greets, watching your confused expression as you try to comprehend what he's telling you.
"I get it, blow to the head... you'll catch on soon enough. I can't believe you've been blowing off the chance to join the Regime." Damian sighs, kneeling beside you. "You shouldn't tackle crime alone, you've always been reckless. The Regime just wants to get rid of crime for good. We can't let it fester anymore."
Kidnapped... you can tell that much. As you try to find a way out of it you listen to what Damian has to say despite your mind feeling fuzzy. You try to listen to Damian's attempts to convince you but you begin to realize the conversation begins to drift towards himself.
"Think about it, won't you? We need each other. I've always missed you since you left, I've missed the old times. I don't get why you had to leave me and pretend like I don't matter, like our FAMILY didn't matter anymore...." Damian finds himself ramble, noticing the way tears begin to well up in your eyes.
You remember how it was back then. Before Dick's death things were great. You loved Bruce, you loved Dick... you loved Damian. It hurt you to think of the fact all of that was gone.
Would things even change if you didn't leave?
You both can tell Damian's tough persona crumbles as he reflects on the past like you. You see him clench his fist before looking back at you. He looks betrayed... but vulnerable.
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away." Damian mutters in an attempt to soothe the both of you. "We don't have to hold the past against each other anymore. I have you and you have me. That's all that matters."
You feel yourself being pulled into Damian's hold, his strong arms leaning you into his chest as he lays his chin on your head. You find yourself sobbing at both reuniting with Damian but also the fact he most likely kidnapped you. Damian answers you cries with soft shushing noises.
"You don't have to think about all of that. All you need to think about is me." He pulls away to tilt your chin up. "I've loved you since I saw you. I've loved you the most out of everyone in our family, I was the one always there for you. I should be the only one that matters to you now since I'm the one who was always with you."
"The others loved me too, Damian. They loved us both!" You retaliate, eyes narrowing. "The others were there for me too. It was never just you. What are you even talking about? What is wrong with you!?"
Damian's look of betrayal returns and he grits his teeth.
"Forget about them. They don't matter anymore!" Damian scolds, you don't seem to listen though.
"You can't make me not care for them Damian. They're still family! I still love them, you can't stop that!" You fight back, pulling away more from Damian. Your resistance only feeds into Damian's frustration.
"Selfish! That's what you are!" Damian yells, losing his cool. You hold your tongue and Damian's hypocrisy. He kidnapped you but calls you selfish for caring about family. Yeah right....
You only silently glare at Damian, pulling at the chains on your limbs in futility. Your relationship with Damian wasn't getting any better. You tried to forgive him before and keep things at that. Now you knew that was a mistake... Damian was always going to be a problem for you since the death of Dick.
Dick's death was an accident... kidnapping you was planned.
When you eventually realize there's no way out of the situation and fighting him on his delusions won't solve anything, you sigh in defeat. Damian sighs in return to rub away his anger. He looks at you in silence before shuffling closer.
"I'd burn this world and everything in it for you." Damian promises to you, reaching to stroke your skin. "That is how much I love you."
After that the silence in still thick. Your face holds a sour expression, more frustrated than scared. It hurts Damian when you look away but he stands up to try and hide his own anger.
"There's no use pouting." Damian says sternly. "I'm going to see you every day until you say you'll join The Regime. You can't be on your own anymore. You need me, you'll see."
You say nothing but Damian notices your silent sons. He doesn't like hurting you and wants life to return to how it was before. However... as much as he wants to comfort you it will only cause more hurt.
Damian turns away, saying a soft goodbye before locking the door when he leaves. You both leave the interaction in pain and frustrated. It will take time before Damian gets anywhere.
By now your relationship is permanently damaged...
There won't be normalcy or even mutual love between you for years... or maybe even longer.
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