#Humans actually do share a lot of DNA with cats though
gyr8o73284r · 1 year
Oooo spooky scary misinformation
Did you know that many people are actually not Homo sapiens? According to a research study done by a scientist known as Marie Lekinda in 1984, the DNA of the people found today do not match that which have been found in historical confirmed members of the Homo sapiens species.
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You may be wondering; What exactly the classification of the dominant species on the planet Earth today? Well, according to more modern research, the human species shares as much as 90% of DNA with modern domesticated cats! The assertion that we are a member of the Homo genius is simply false, and a more proper name for the common person you meet today is the Felis sapiens.
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The so requested catgirls may be sooner in the future than we expect! In fact, some doctors report small, bump-like growths on the heads of babies born within the past few years. Our highly-trained researchers at blog you've never heard of think this is due to the CoVID-19 vaccine reawakening pseudogenes coding for the ears of our smaller, fuzzier anchestors.
One large question arises: What happened to the Homo sapiens species? We know they used to fully exist in a form not so similar to ours due to convergent evolution, but they are nearly extinct today, with their percentage of the common population being as low as 12%. It makes sense, however, as humans simply are not as fit as the Felis genus is in many ways. After all, humans have evolved to be cooperative, while most feline creatures have evolved to be selfish; not as a way of insult. Selfishness is the proper ecological term for social interaction between two organisms where the donor benefits and the recipient does poorly, and Felis sapiens simply evolved to be more fit in this way.
I leave you all with a meow meow meow.
-appendectomy malleo united union gravel table applify
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 years
MvA assorted headcanons
So many years together has made the core monsters inseperable. If something affects one member, it affects the group.
All. The. Monsters. Are. Family.
It takes Susan a while to understand inside jokes and past incidents because of being the most recent addition.
There are Other anomalous creatures kept in Area 5X, but they are either non-sentient and/or are too dangerous to be kept around the more human-friendly monster group.
Area 5X is so gotdang big because they were expecting a lot more kaijus like Insecto to crop up. Sadly not many have surfaced to justify the space.
There’s a hangar in Area 5X full of wrecked UFOs. Some are spacecraft wreckage while others are stuff like weird meteors (Susan’s is in there), and at least one alien creature that got crystallised upon entering Earth’s atmosphere.
There’s significant difference in staff employed at different points throughout the past 50 years. There are far more women on the Area 5X worksheet than back in the 50s, and the guards are generally more sympathetic towards the monsters. Many modern staff members have been reprimanded or let go for failing to uphold secrecy, or for unnecessary cruelty towards the monsters.
Budget cuts were a legitmate concern up until the Battle of Golden Gate Bridge. The facility was far more barebones and sterile before the government had to formally recognise Area 5X’s importance. There have been a lot of redecorating at the facilty since the fat checks started coming in.
Putting individual characters under read due to length.
Enjoys many hobbies considered stereotypically feminine; baking, sewing, cosmetics, etc...
Grandparents and extended family are farmers or are atleast connected to the business. Modesto is the agricultural centre of California after all. Her parents were the first of their generation to go against the mold and seek out white-collar careers.
Studied cosmetology in school and was working at a beauty salon to save up for her and Derek’s wedding.
Is very athletic and grew up doing a number of physical extracurriculars like cheerleading, dodgeball, and roller-derby.
Grew up being teased for being the shortest kid in her class/family. They still tease her for it.
Greatly fears causing collateral damage and/or harm to others through her size.
Has issues with anxiety, worsened only by her new job as “savior of earth”. She wishes for a confidant to tell her worries to.
Married life with Derek was doomed to fail. Susan had a plan in place for what came after the marriage, and focusing 100% on Derek’s career was not it. There’s also the line from Derek’s mother about Susan being “the weatherman’s wife”, implying that she was to be the homemaker and not have a career of her own. It’s possible that Susan was planning to settle down and have kids with Derek, but the lack of control she had in moving to Fresno implied that more was going on.
Is currently “taking a break” from love and dating, despite gaining many new admirers.
Tries her best to return to Modesto to visit her family and friends whenever possible, though work often keeps her away for weeks at a time.
If she retains her height-shifting abilities as in the series; Susan goes through really bad “growing” pains.
Was frozen in his relative late-teens during a cold snap. Got shifted around until he ended up somewhere in Greenland before being discovered by modern humans. Post-thaw he went a bit wild, swimming frantically back south to try and find his old enviroment.
Was one of many scrappy youngsters in his troop, with a number of adoptive parents. The strongest ruled the troop, and Link was fairly weak in comparision to the leaders. He had gotten into a fight the day of his freezing (over something silly in hindsight) and swam away to sulk. When he didn’t return after the cold snap - the troop accepted that he had likely died out on his own.
Likes to freak out humans by making up weird biology facts about his species and ones he’s fought against - like joking about laying eggs or having his tail dettach and regrow like a lizard. However there’s some things he has to ask about, because he doesn’t have medical knowledge or words to describe something.
A lot of his macho behavior came from imitating the guards who kept watch on him. 1950s violent military alpha males aren't a very good role model for someone who doesnt know what societal norms are yet. Link was a lot more insufferable back in the day but chilled out as he began interacting with other walks of life.
Has a high paternal instinct and immediately becomes softer around kids and smaller animals.
Has body language similar to a cat/alligator. Slaps his tail when angry or in deep thought. And yes; Link purrs/rumbles when happy.
Loves monster movies - especially the ones where the monsters “win”. He cried when he saw “Beauty and the Beast” and then immediately booed loudly when the Beast turned human.
Does Not Trust doctors or scientists due to bad past experiences. Will only go to Dr Cockroach and Monger if he ever gets hurt/ill. Gets stressed fast if he has to be in a waiting room or doctors office.
Link had no idea what gender indentities or orientations were until recently - he did come from a pre-human civilization that really didnt mind/care about the schemantics. It took him some time to wrap his head around it. He identifies himself as bisexual after much thought and many hours alone on the computer.
Don't press him about his body. He's built different from humans and cis people. He will punch anyone who doesnt respect his or anyone elses identity.
Has been in love before. It didn’t end well.
Will occasionally wear clothes, but finds it a challenge to find anything that fits him. Will give any shoes he finds to Dr Cockroach and BOB to eat.
The best driver/pilot out of all the monsters.
Dr Cockroach:
True name is Jaques-Yves Herbert. Prefers to just go by "Dr Cockroach" because he dislikes the association with his birth family.
Picks up human languages very easily, although not as quickly as he can understand animals.
Parents were a mixed scientist couple. His father was an aggressive “Strong British Man” that would beat him son down for not following orders or for not meeting his standards for a man. Dr C turned down both chances to attend his parents funerals.
This man isn’t straight. He probably uses old-fashioned slang when asked about romance such as; “I am Uranian” or “I wear a green carnation”. It took Susan a few times to realise what he meant, as she is used to a more open minded enviroment.
Got the idea of transforming into a cockroach from reading Franz Kafkas “The Metamorphosis” as a child. He sympathized with Gregor’s abusive situation, and began considering the possibilties of how one could survive better as a creature like a cockroach.
Studied in biology and entomology in the Uk before moving to the states to follow engineering. Obtained his degree in Dance as a “side gig” in University.
Has been barred from free access to the coffee maker/machine due to overnighters. Once stayed awake so long that he forgot the letter “R”.
Owned a terrarium of Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches throughout college. He mourned each of them when his roommate’s iguana got into the tank.
Was a "beatnik" back in the day and still kinda is. Embraces and encourages modern counterculture as he himself was not given such acceptance in his youth. He has however shamefully eaten his old Lenny Bruce album.
Hasn’t actually aged physically since his transformation. He attributes this to the fact that certain athropods can’t age physically beyond maturity. Link is very jealous.
Has obtained more degrees while in captivity, as Monger allowed him access to research and learning materials. He has however had his allowances revoked for previous escape attempts/doomsday devices.
Does still enjoy human food, but the cockroach instinct of "eat detritus" tends to overrule his eating choices. Can’t cook either.
Ironically a terrible driver. The damages from previous drives has made Monger restrict him from operating even a razor scooter.
Pretty much considers himself human. Was created by them, raised by one (Monger), and talks like one. Gets sad when he's reminded that no other humans are blue blobs like him.
Absorbed some dna from the scientists present at his "birth", leading to his eye, speech, and omnivorous diet.
Doesnt actually need to breathe (as he can just absorb oxygen through his mass) but the fact that humans Do means that BOB thinks he has to as well.
Shares some physical characteristics with tomatoes/nightshade plants, as he is technically half tomato. He refuses to eat tomatos for this very reason, considering it cannibalism.
Attracts garden pests looking for a tomato plant. This unwittingly makes BOB a pretty good bug zapper.
Still retains his "mental broadcast" ability from "BOB's Big Break" although at a more subtle level. He tends to parrot the things he accidentally "eavesdropped" on.
Is empathetic, and can tell when others aren't doing ok emotionally. Will flop down on someone who’s really sad to comfort them. No brain, only heart.
Best cook out of the monsters. If he doesn’t forget what he’s making at least.
"Whats a gender? Can I eat it?"
Core body is that of a Japanese Silkmoth, although she ended up being spliced with other animals present on the island during her initial mutation; namely ants and ground squirrels.
Eats over a literal ton of mulberry leaves per day. Also enjoys oranges.
Secretly wishes to be more humanoid.
Was only able to pupate and transform due to physical trauma. It seems that her transformation was like a “power-up” that required her to be in geniune distress for it to activate.
First language is Japanese. She learned it from the intial recovery team, and later developed an understanding of English from years in Area 5X.
Goes into torpor in cold weather. Pretty much impossible to wake her up for missions during Winter, as she needs to “rev up” before becoming mobile.
Still very much Link’s best friend. Still enjoys sports, chicks, and beer.
Full name is; Warren Rex Monger.
Is very protective of the monsters and will defend them to the death.
Pretty much raised BOB (as seen when BOB was a baby blob in “Night of the Living Carrots”), and considers him his “freaky gelatinous son”.
Has a reputation of being a “control-freak” due to his aggressive overseeing of the monsters’ containment. This toughness is partly because of incidents that occured without his knowledge. Lets just say some scientists have been wedgied/fired for running experiments on the monsters without Monger’s approval.
Has a very “Ron Swanson” emotional response and view of the world. Crying is acceptable only at funerals and at the Grand Canyon (if he hadn’t lost his tear ducts in the war).
Has been married multiple times. Will not confirm or deny if he is currently seeing anyone.
Invisible Man/TiM:
Legit got out but no one at Area 5X is sure how. He suffered a geniune medical emergency and disappeared after surgery. The other monsters were informed that he died from complications to deter them from getting escape ideas.
Is able to be detected in Infrared light. Dr Cockroach managed to rig up goggles to view TiM in case of injury and to foil pranks.
Was a scientist working on an invisibility potion for the military and used himself as a guinea pig. Hasn’t actually been able to replicate his results since - thinks the effect may have been caused by a genetic abnormality.
Dr Cockroach and him are massive rivals. Both actually met eachother pre-transformation through a CalTech expedition. This makes the pair one of few people that have seen the others human face.
Is 100% naked. Was forced to wear clothing once this was discovered.
A massive prankster and a cynic. Him and Link were a force to be reckoned with.
Has revisted the facility multiple times and has started a number of ghost stories.
Any additions are welcome! I proably have alot more to dump about. Might make one of the alien characters from the series
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anyway I need to go to bed but I have too much energy so I am channeling it into headcanons. here u go species headcanons for Everyone on the Dream smp with explanations because I’ve put a TON of thought into this. They’re probably like half contradicted by canon but fuck it My City Now.
Dream- A (juvenile) stage of being a god. He, DreamXD, and Drista have become known as “dreamons” but that’s technically a separate species, all spawned from them. He's not really focused on being worshipped in his own right, preferring power in the mortal realm, though he’s not averse to pretending to be his brother (the god worshipped by Church Prime) or his sister (a minor goddess of death worshipped by many hidden cults) if it can help him get power. He’s got pure white skin everywhere except his face (which is pale but human-like), black blood, entirely green eyes, pointed ears, fangs, claws, and digitigrade legs ending in hoof-like claws.
George- A human, the only human on the whole server. Humans are pretty rare, vastly outnumbered by hybrids but outnumbering any other species, and “pure” humans (what we'd consider to be a completely normal appearing human) are all but nonexistent. For example, George has eyes with dark sclera and white irises.
Sapnap- A blaze hybrid. He’s got a few rods surrounding him and his eyes blaze with fire. It’s usually just warm but not hot enough to hurt but if he's agitated or upset it can easily burn hot enough to set things ablaze.
Callahan- A reindeer hybrid. He’s got antlers, reindeer ears, fur around his arms, and hooves.
Awesamdude- A creeper hybrid. He's tauric, with four insect like legs. His skin and is green and mottled and has a texture similar to leaves. His eyes are pitch black. He has a tendency to make hissing sounds when stressed, though he can’t explode like a full blooded creeper.
Alyssa- A mouse hybrid, with large mouse ears and a long tail. This definitely isn’t an in joke for the thousands of hours I spent browsing TVTropes as a child and the “what happened to the mouse” tROPE SHUT UP.
Ponk- A demon hybrid, with pointed ears, slit pupils, a small spaded tail, and small horns.
BadBoyHalo- A full blooded demon, with pointed ears, a tall stature, pitch black skin and hair, fangs, claws, hooves, a long spaded tail, long horns, and small bat like wings. He’s rather self conscious about how intimidating he looks. He's also a lich (with Skeppy as his phylactery) which is why he has pure white eyes (a trait the undead share).
TommyInnit- An absolute mess, genetic wise, since I’m taking Tommy's joke about being born in a lab and running with it. He's mostly angel, and was basically cloned from Phil's DNA (from a feather that fell off his wings that somehow someone got a hold of) but had a bunch of other hybrid and human DNA mixed in to make him somewhat stable enough to actually survive gestation. He has very small, dark wings that are useful for balance and little else, fangs, claws, and pointed ears. His bones are very light, making him fragile but a lot more dexterous. His blood is slightly off a human's, being slightly pinkish. His freckles, wings, blood, and eyes glow slightly and are patterned like the night sky. Technically undead as of his resurrection, and maintains the many injuries of his death permanently (bruises stay and don’t heal but don’t worsen, broken limbs can be moved at unnatural angles, ect.), pale, corpse like skin, and one of his eyes turned pure white.
Tubbo- A ram hybrid, with small curved ram horns, horizontal pupils, ram ears, a tail, and hooves. Nice and simple after the absolute mess that was Tommy.
Fundy- A limited shapeshifter, able to change his species, though he prefers to be in a fox-like form. He inherited this from Sally, who had similar abilities, though with more strength. He's always got certain features he inherited from each parent that he can’t change though- wings, pale skin, and ice-like freckles from Wilbur, and salmon scales coating his wings and cheeks, and ginger-and-white hair from Sally.
Punz- A dragon hybrid, with dark horns, dark sclera and slit pupils, wings just large enough for limited flight, a strong tail, fangs, claws, and blue scales coating his cheeks, wings, tail, arms, and legs. Has a natural inclination to sleep in a pile of his wealth he only holds off on when he feels it’s at risk of being stolen (which, since this is the Dream SMP, is almost constantly).
Purpled- An enderman hybrid, with small horns, pointed ears, purple blood, and ender particles surrounding him. Parts of his arms and legs are covered in leathery, pure black skin.
Wilbur- Half angel, half fucking refrigerator because cc!Wilbur hates us (affectionate). His skin is unnaturally, icy pale, and his blood is an icy blue. His freckles are the colour of ice reflecting. He's got wings from his father, large enough to glide, but they’re pale coloured and slightly transparent. He has fangs claws, and pointy ears. His blood, wings, and eyes glow slightly and are patterned like the night sky. As Ghostbur, he’s got the injuries of his death apparent at all times, though they don’t hinder him or cause him pain, corpse like skin, pure white eyes, and is permanently transparent.
JSchlatt- A ram hybrid. He’s got large ram horns, dark sclera and horizontal pupils, a ram tail, fur around his arms, and hooves.
Skeppy- A construct made to be Bad's phylactery. He's fully made of diamond, and appears as a moving human statue (though entirely made out of diamond), though he has limited shape shifting ability to change his “hair” and “clothes”, though he has to remain the same mass. He has some small red detailing on him out of redstone (which was used partially in his contruction). The egg flipped the red and teal in his colour scheme. Also he's smalllllllllllll.
Eret- Part ghost, due to being descended from Herobrine. She has pure white eyes, pointy ears, and under stress he becomes partially transparent. They tend to hide their nonhuman features (ears under hair or hats and eyes under sunglassses) and are often mistaken for human.
Jack Manifold- Started as a wolf hybrid, with large wolf ears and a tail. After dying, he came back from hell as a hellhound with red and blue “flames” coming from his eyes, ears, and replacing his missing tail he lost in one of his deaths with two made of this fire. The fire is chillingly cold to the touch, and not warm. His eyes are also monocolour, though in heterochromatic red and blue instead of the usual pure white found in undead.
Niki- A moth hybrid, with antennae, monocolour amber eyes, fluffy wings, and more fluff around her neck, wrists, and torso. These and her hair are patterned gold and black, though as of now she’s dyed them all pink. Idk I just feel like moths fit her for some reason.
Quackity- A duck hybrid, with golden wings and webbed hands and feet. He’s also a shapeshifter of sorts, however instead of shifting into different forms he shifts into different beings, from alternate realities that never came to be. These can be used to shift into near identical copies of those around him, to impersonate them, or to shift into alternate versions of people (like Mexican Dream to Dream). These aren’t Quackity, though, and as such they have their own pool of canon lives, and while he has lots of influence over them they can still act autonomously.
Karl Jacobs- An inter dimensional being made of time itself. While his current form is mostly human, he has technicolour rainbow blood, freckles, and patches on his skin, along with clock-shaped pupils that change with the time. His “natural” form is a vaguely humanoid mess of ever shifting colour.
HBomb- I didn’t know what to do with him at first- he was a cow hybrid in my pfp set- but I just think the idea of him being a chill cat hybrid who turns full nyaa whenever he’s in a maid dress to be funny so he’s a cat hybrid now. With dyed-white cat ears and a dyed-white cat tail.
Technoblade- A piglin hybrid primarily, but he’s definitely got some weird traces of other species. He’s got tusks, pink hair, pink pig ears, a pig tail, and hooves, but he’s also got paws from some other animal hybridisation in his blood, and has a tallness that suggests demon blood somewhere down the line. His red eyes aren’t natural, and only occurred after he was sacrificed to be the vessel of the Blood God.
Antfrost- A cat hybrid, with blond and brown fur, a cat tail, paws both on his hands and feet, and cat ears. He’s also got split pupils and blue sclerae (though a different shade to his irises).
Philza- An angel- the creation of a god or goddess to help serve them (Dreamon's would be an example of the angels the Dream's can create, though they’re primarily running wild nowadays.) The creation and servant of one of the gods of death, Kristen, to serve her in the mortal realm. He’s got very large feathered dark wings, pupilless unnaturally bright eyes, pointy ears, fangs, claws, and dark blood the colour of the night sky. His wings, eyes, freckles and blood glow brightly and are patterned like the night sky. Injuries reveal that he's fully inhuman under his skin, appearing to be a void of colour that also glows and is patterned like the night sky. His crows, who are messengers from the afterlife, have this same pattern on their feathers.
Conner- I don’t know much about him tbh but. He’s just a hedgehog hybrid. I mean he’s joked enough about canonically being the kid of Sonic and Elise. He’s got blue hedgehog ears and a tail, and blue spines mixed in with his dark hair.
Captain Puffy- A sheep hybrid, with small curled sheep horns, sheep ears, a fluffy sheep tail, hooves, and hair curly and soft like wool. The split in her hair between brown and white is natural, though she keeps a small section dyed rainbow.
Vikkstar- Another angel, though of a god long gone. His entire body, even his “clothes” (which are made of flesh) glow intensely bright and have the pattern of the night sky.
LazarBeam- A gingerbread hybrid, which I’d say is dumb but we’ve already had a refrigerator hybrid so. I don’t know what else to say here.
Ranboo- Half enderman, half god of some sort. Has small horns, pointy ears, an inhumanly wide mouth with fangs, claws, digitigrade feet ending in hoof-like claws, pure black and white skin, pure black and white hair and freckles on the opposite side of the skin, red and green heterochromatic eyes barely distinguishable from their sclera, and red and green blood. Hmm, I wonder what other character shares similar descriptions... :)
FoolishG- A more matured god than Dream. Appears to be made entirely out of gold, with his hair and freckles appearing like copper. His pure green eyes have a similar texture to emeralds. Also he’s like. Massive. He’s like eleven Skeppy's.
Hannah- A nymph of the forests. Has prehensile vines and flowers flowing in her hair all the way to the ground, and half of her face and one of her arms are entirely made of these prehensile vines and flowers. Makes flowers grow in her step, after being corrupted by the egg they wither around her instead.
Charlie- Slime hybrid. Honestly just kind of got the most impractical parts of being a hybrid, having random sections of skin changed into green slime which drips everywhere and kind of gets in the way. It doesn’t seem to bother him though.
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batz · 4 years
i hc that the only ppl that can use the black mesa sweet voice are benrey and coomer. full hc under th CUTTT
in the past, when benrey was contained and under constant surveillance, black mesa tried to replicate the sweet voice. like, a man made version of it. bc hey why not! lets just do things for Science! find a way to weaponize it and sell it to the government! typical black mesa shenanigans. but after trying to Inject this power into Many 'volunteers', and watching them Combust right after, black mesa ditched the project pretty fast. (the name 'black mesa sweet voice' is STILL patented tho! the name just kinda stuck)
anyway, Years after this (like mid 80s), during one of the experiments black mesa did with benrey (this one being 'shoot pure antimatter at him and see what happens' bc benrey just cant seem to physically DIE, at this point they're just trying to see what kills him), coomer was sort of in the wrong place at the wrong time. yes, he was a quantum physicist, but hes only been working at this sector of black mesa for a few years so he didn't exactly have clearance to be in this area. an extra pair of helping hands were needed for this experiment, and even if coomer didnt have the proper qualifications for these experiments, he was dragged in last minute on a whim.
coomer is tasked with manning the laser and aiming it at benrey, who is just calmly sitting on a chair in the middle of the room. hes not even tied up or anything hes just chillin. coomer already has a weird gut feeling. whether it be the sympathy he has for benrey, or the oddly mischievous glint in this his Eyes. he doesnt exactly feel right partaking in an experiment that is literally just 'lets see if we can kill this person but like Permanently this time', but it is what it is.
besides, it seemed like a simple enough task. but bc black mesa is just,, bad luck all around. it obviously Wasn't.
anyway, shit goes wrong, as things usually do in black mesa. the laser meant to shoot at benrey just fucking Explodes upon activation, sending coomer through the glass and directly into benrey, both of them roughly hitting the wall opposite the laser.
the room is an absolute wreck, debris is EVERYWHERE, things are on fire, its just Rough. not to mention everyone in the room is dead. somehow excluding benrey and coomer, who were (again, somehow) both knocked unconscious.
benrey recovers rather quickly, as he usually does, and calmly follows black mesa security back into containment (not without being a pain in the ass about it. just being. horribly annoying). coomer, however, is rushed off to the medical ward. he miraculously survived, sure, but hes still badly wounded from the explosion. (he actually kinda dies briefly during this, but is brought back soon after)
coomer is. essentially comatose for several weeks. coomers wife and bubby making frequent visits just to see how he's doing (bubby practically hovering around the medical ward 24/7 since he already lives at black mesa).
when coomer wakes up hes just. different. not completely, hes still coomer, but he just seems Off. delayed responses, mobility issues, General Spaciness. hes sleep deprived/lethargic bc hes constantly having nightmares. he has this heightened awareness and its Hell. he had some minor problems with hallucinations beforehand but now those problems are Constant™. but most importantly, his mood also fluctuates a Lot, seemingly going through a fairly deep depression, with sudden bouts of anger n frustration. hes just going thru it rn!!!
it isnt until one day coomers emotions get the best of him and, when bubby is just asking him a simple question, coomer snaps at him. but instead of yelling he just. shoots red sweet voice into bubbys face. bubby immediately backs Away, Shouting In Fear, like What The Fuck Stop With The Voice Balls??? and coomer is Screaming but instead of normal screams its fuckign Sweet Voice and hes having a panic attack and bubby is having a panic attack and the room is full of sweet voice and theyre both a MESS hfskhdk security ends up bursting into the room bc of the screaming and. well. upon seeing the sweet voice coomer is rushed off the to medical ward once again, bubby followong closely behind.
coomer ends up going through INTENSE examination. from dozens of blood tests and physicals and cat scans and all that jazz. the scientists cant figure out much, but what they do end up figuring out is coomers dna??? that shit is WARPED. the explosion did something, colliding with BENREY did Something. intergalactic bullshit is Afoot.
coomr ends up getting better, close to how he was before the whole failed experiment mess, but hes still a bit different. whatever it is he Sees, whatever it is that changed in his brain, is v obviously burdening him. BUT he can use the sweet voice now and its a LOT of fun! very easy to settle friendly debates by shooting sweet voice at their face in retaliation!
black mesa takes a LOT of interest in coomer because of this though. at first he was just another expendable scientist on their payroll but now hes unintentionally become a successful volunteer in their defunct sweet voice experiment from years ago. his dna literslly shifted and hes still alive??? coomer suddenly has offers for further experimentation (for extra pay) but he denies all of them. mostly bc like... cybernetics and cloning seems like a Lot for right now like hes still getting used to the whole sweet voice thing,,, no thanks,,, fhdjdhdj
but yeah no like... its essentially the not a game AU version of coomers self aware ai-ness. instead of him realizing hes in a video game and that fucking him up, he just Knows Shit that humans Dont Know. he's just hyperaware of his place in the universe. hes kinda sharing some braincells with benrey and it fucked him Up. i mean who Wouldn't it fuck up tho fhsjsh
tldr; black mesa runs experiment on benrey, experiment goes wrong, coomer is caught in this intergalactic crossfire, benrey n his molecules end up all fucked up, coomer ends up with sweet voice and the nonvideo game equivalent of self awareness (hes hyperaware of the things around him and can almost see thru benreys eyes if that makes sense lol. coomer got fucked UPPP)
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daydreamindollie · 4 years
𝟙𝟘.𝟘𝟞.𝟚𝟘 ⏤𝙝𝙮𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙙 𝙘𝙖𝙛𝙚 𝙖𝙪
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❥ hello again!
❥ so this is another imagine and possible multichapter fic/long oneshot inspired by an online manga
❥ it's called 'Milady Just Wants To Relax'
❥ so if any of you would like to give it a read - which I would highly recommend - please do :3
❥ this is unedited so please don't come after me about grammar and spelling, I just really wanted to get this out as soon as possible while I'm still inspired!
❥ Anyway~ I hope you enjoy!
✚          ✚          ✚
❥ you come from a family of mages. You're actually quite powerful with your magic but you're so powerful that many humans and other mages are seeking you out so as to try and convince you to work for them or do something for them.
❥ Some of their methods of requesting your assistance are pretty tame but there are also a considerable number that go beyond a knock at the door and a polite appeal to do something with appropriate, even outstanding, payment.
❥ Ironically, those that attempt to ask for the impossible rarely provide sufficient remittance.
❥ As a result, you and your family thought it best that you fake your own death and start a new life elsewhere, at a place where they themselves don't know so as to eliminate all potential risk of you ever being found again.
❥ You were able to successfully fake your death by pretending to die during a dangerous task that you were requested to do. Of course, since the people who 'asked' for the job to be done were the rudest, most disgusting people you had ever met, you didn't give them what they wanted by never returning to them and stealing what they were so desperate to have for yourself.
❥ It was the perfect opportunity for you. You delivered karma on those that deserved it whilst also acquiring the freedom you desperately wanted.
❥ Now, you reside at the border of the country, housing in a two-story, quintessential cottage where you are the host of a tea house on the ground floor, with the upstairs being your place of residence. It was a cute little place.
❥ The only thing that warranted any of your concerns was the fact that at the border, there is a lot of tension; there are multiple daily attempts at crossing the border by individuals or groups with intentions of invading the country.
❥ Thankfully, there was a group of seven hybrid mercenaries to patrol the border on a regular basis during times where attempts to cross over the border were the most predictable and opportune for the opposing side.
❥ So, although tensions were high, you knew you'd be safe, which only further expresses how ideal of a get-away place this little town was. Nobody would suspect you of being alive, let alone choosing to live in a place that was so dangerous should you have survived your mission.
❥ You had the hybrids to thank for the safety, however, it appeared as though those living in the town took their services for granted.
❥ Hybrids were fascinating creatures to you. With sharing the DNA of another animal, they themselves procure the strength of over ten men, enough to rip an ordinary human in two, even multiple, pieces.
❥ The majority of the population is led to believe that hybrids are, therefore, barbaric and dangerous and run away at the mere sight of them.
❥ Tales of the consequences humans face when mistakingly acting out against a Hybrid sends shivers down one's spines but you know better.
❥ At heart, they were still very much human. Their animal characteristics only seemed an additional accessory for them to utilise at will so it always irked you hearing people gossiping badly about them whilst walking around town. Many times, you hear of them being turned away at restaurants, cafes, bakeries, and many other stores.
❥ You can only guess that they have been wanting to eat proper meals at a decent place but end up getting turned away.  Shaking your head at the behavior of ungrateful humans, you hope that the hybrid mercenaries pay your newly opened tea house a visit despite you wanting very little attention. Hence why your advertising for its opening was very minimal.
❥ Despite being a very gifted mage/sorceress and being part of a prestigious family, you had always wanted to live a normal, calm, and happy life.
❥ To get away from the attention, stress, and pressures of being a part of the Damiani family, you developed a hobby of cooking to ease your worries. It always left you in good spirits, following the instructions of new recipes step by step and having the food turn out perfectly well. It was like alchemy but much more enjoyable since you could eat it right away and savor in the sweet taste of your hard work - even if the food you made was savoury.
❥ Eventually, your hobby made you crave a simpler life where you owned a quiet, comfortable cafe with not a lot but just enough customers to sustain your living. A place where your customers found comfort as well as yourself.
❥ As fate would have it, you were granted that wish. Now you were no longer Elana Damiani, the gifted daughter of Fauques and Othelia Damiani, the talent of the century in magic, sorcery, and alchemy but (Y/N) (Y/L/N) the beautiful, young tea house owner that found residence in the small town of Raoluire.
❥ You couldn't be happier and so, you named your tea house after that sentiment, 'Happier'.
❥ It was a place that you wanted people to feel merriment because that was what it made you feel and you wanted to share that feeling with all that walked through your tea house's door.
❥ As soon as you opened up your tea house, you were more popular than you had ever anticipated but you suppose it was inevitable. Seeing the demographic of your regular customers, you quickly realised that they weren't there for the quaint and cosy atmosphere, but instead, for you.
❥ In truth, they were shameless in admitting the fact.
❥ "You're so beautiful, of course, I would regularly come here~" one of your regulars commented. He was the local baker's eldest son. You had, at first, assumed his regular visits were his way of starting a business partnership between you and the bakery. You had read about businesses sharing each other's profits through certain means that benefit both sides, in your case, it would be having the bakery's goods sell in your cafe as a way of advertising their products whilst their bakery spoke about your tea house as well as display posters of your business on their windows or walls.
❥ It would have been the perfect partnership but you suppose that that wasn't what had preoccupied their minds.
❥ The flattery wasn’t new to you so you handled yourself well enough around the flirtatious men vying for your constant attention. This attention, they had learned could only be achieved through ordering more food and drinks so that was what they did.
❥ Business at your tea house was booming as a result.
❥ However, that meant that you were always on your feet and didn’t have much time for yourself to relax and, possibly, read a good book. That was what you had really wanted after starting your new life - some peace and quiet - but you suppose a good business can’t be something you turn away.
❥ The only additional problem was the rotten looks some village women sent your way whenever you would go to the markets to buy fresh ingredients every day. You made an effort to dress as plain and dull as possible so as to attract less attention but that only seemed to make things worse.
❥ “Even though you dress so humbly, you’re as beautiful as ever, aren’t you (Y/N)?~” the baker’s son commented after directing you towards where they usually buy their supply of flour, sugar, and any other baking necessity.
❥ “Th-thank you,” there was nothing you could do but bashfully accept his compliment before heading off on your own once again using his directions as you avoided the sneers of antagonistic women around you.
❥ Of course, not all women were like this, many of the elderly favoured you actually. It was for your polite nature, kindness and thoughtfulness towards them. However, many times, they were also trying to convince you of your compatibility with their son or grandson.
❥ You didn’t give them a direct answer of rejection but you avoided that topic as much as possible.
❥ Nevertheless, despite the lows, there were also highs. Even though you were no longer the renowned mage/sorceress, you never lost touch with your magic, which you were grateful for, but that was only so running your tea house by your lonesome was easier.
❥ While you were tending to customers, your kitchen and utensils were occupied with cooking up the orders you collected at the front of house. It was then your job to finish the plating of the dishes once you made your way back to the kitchen again.
❥ Overall, things were going better than you expected. At first, you thought people would have begun suspecting you of being from a noble family as they always commented that your appearance and mannerisms rival an aristocrat but you supposed that was just mere flattery.
❥ Thank goodness
❥ It’s almost been two months and banter at your tea house was as raucous as usual. At first, it was an overwhelming atmosphere but you were quick to adapt to it.
❥ However, gasps of shock sped through the tables at the tick of half-past two in the afternoon. The second of absolute silence was curious but what was more intriguing was the sudden exiting of your customers. Their frantic escape was like a tidal wave that extended from a tsunami.
❥ “Thank you for the coffee, (Y/N), here’s the bill!”
❥ “We’ll see you tomorrow!”
❥ They had made their escape so swiftly that you were left still trying to process everything that happened in what felt like half a second. Shaking your head, you rid yourself of the stupefying bewilderment before turning around at face the doorway, where your eyes met those of a hybrid mercenary.
❥ “I apologise for your loss of business,” the wild cat apologised with little remorse, his voice monotone.
❥ It took you a moment but you’re eventually flashing him a wide smile, “Welcome to the Happier Tea House, will it just be you today? Let me clear up a seat for you.” you chatter happily, “Would you like to sit anywhere in particular?”
❥ As you tilt your head, blinking with smiling eyes at Yoongi, he was sent into a daze of astonishment.
❥ Were you really willing to allow a hybrid into your cafe? That’s a first…and with such a welcoming smile and greeting too. This had to be some sort of dream.
❥ “Um…sir?” you even addressed him so politely as well. Usually, greetings from humans were dubbing him and his kin as ‘savages’, ‘abominations’, ‘barbarians’, and the like. Not only that but you had to be the most beautiful human girl he had ever seen.
❥ “I’m sorry, once again,” Yoongi bowed and voiced with real guilt this time. Usually, he wasn’t bothered about his apology but made an effort to do so each time despite knowing the mistreatment he’d be faced with.
❥ “There’s nothing to be sorry about, sir. Let me go and get you a menu,”
❥ With a shake of his head and a wave of his hand, Yoongi pointed your attention towards a partially cold latte a customer had left in their rush to leave the vicinity, “It’s alright, I’ll just have that. What is it?”
❥ “I-It’s called a latte, I’ll get one made for you right away,”
❥ “No no, I’ll just have that one,” Yoongi then went and brought the mug to his lips and took several sips before flicking a gold coin at you with his thumb.
❥ Catching the coin in clumsy hands, your jaw dropped as you immediately went to protest, “th-this is far too much-!”
❥ “Don’t worry. My presence cost you your earnings for the rest of the afternoon. I apologise,” as you went to protest once more, Yoongi had already turned his back towards you and left.
❥ It was at that moment at you registered that he would be one of the hybrid mercenaries hired to patrol the border. It was strange how his tone was turned on its head after your greeting but you hope he’ll return soon so that you’d be able to serve him good food and drink properly.
❥ For now, you’ll have to deal with the leftover orders and cleaning up. Thankfully, your magic made the clean up much easier and faster. You thought your regular customers would be back after an hour, at minimum, however, you were proven wrong after the third hour had passed.
❥ It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing as you could finally get to reading a good book and relaxing in peace until the very late evening, however, it really made you think.
❥ Were humans really that fearful of hybrids? It was a ridiculous fear to have. The hybrid that had arrived that afternoon was very polite and even compensated you for lost business. It worried you the way they were being treated in this small town despite being the mercenaries that were responsible for protecting it.
❥ It took a lot of tenacity and self-restraint to take such discrimination and continue doing the job they were doing.
❥ Your heart ached with sympathy and admiration for the hybrid and his group but, as a result, you were filled with determination to serve them well should they ever enter your tea house doors again.
❥ “I could use some good food right now,” Jungkook groaned as the others made a sound of agreement.
❥ “But you know no restaurant is fond of allowing hybrids in through their doors, let alone providing their service.” Namjoon reasoned with a shake of his head.
❥ At the end of a hard day’s work, even though they can cook, they sometimes sustain injuries from being out on the field and so can’t cook for themselves. Additionally, even if they’re at their cramped home, they never feel truly safe as their hybrid senses are always making them aware of the hostility the townspeople have towards them.
❥ This was how they lived, even from a very young age so they should already be used to such treatment but that’s just never the case. It was undeniable, their desire to be accepted into society and treated fairly for once.
❥ “You know…” Yoongi’s voice cut through their grumbles of disappointment, “there’s a new tea house that opened a month or two ago,”
❥ “Oh yeah!” Jimin perked up, “Didn’t you already visit that place, Yoongi-hyung?”
❥ “Yeah, and,” Yoongi looked at their hopeful faces with a small smile, “I think the owner would be willing to serve us something,”
❥ It took a week until the cat hybrid arrived at your tea house door once again but this time with the rest of his team as well. Of course, the same scuffle to exit as quickly as possible and avoid the hybrids happened once again with your customers - thankfully, they all paid before leaving, shouting their goodbyes as they exited.
❥ “Welcome to The Happier Tea House,” you greeted right away, accustomed to the rushed exit of all your previous customers, “Party of seven?”
❥ It came as such a complete shock to them (well, except for Yoongi) that such a beautiful and young tea house owner was greeting hybrids so kindly without a second glance at your retreating customers. Truly, this was the first time that they felt guilt for causing a cafe owner to lose business because of their presence.
❥ “S-sorry about this,” Namjoon coughed as he blushed in apology, not expecting the kind smile directed at him.
❥ “It’s not your fault they decided to run off,” your eyes softened with an unknown warmth that Namjoon and the other six hybrids couldn’t take their stare away from, “they could have very well stayed had they wanted to,”
❥ After handing over some menus, you left them to chose what they wanted. Seeing as yours wasn’t a regular cafe, your menu was quite diverse and left you a reason to leave them to decide their orders for longer as you prepared a good book for the afternoon once more.
❥ With time, they finally gave you their order to which you noted down swiftly before making your way to the kitchen. You got their drinks ready for them first as you cast a charm to have your utensils cook their meals once again.
❥ “Here you go,” you set down their drinks with a smile as their curious gaze at you persisted.
❥ It was certainly a pleasant surprise to be welcomed with such open arms.
❥ “I can’t believe this,” Hoseok, the red fox hybrid whispered in awe, somewhat breathless as Yoongi nodded along.
❥ “And she’s so beautiful too,” Jimin grinned beside Taehyung and Jungkook who hummed in agreement.
❥ “We lucked out that she decided to make business here,” Namjoon agreed with a gentle smile weighed down with his fatigue.
❥ “I just can’t wait until we finally eat real food,” Seokjin’s dreamlike trance for the upcoming food was a mutual sentiment. It had been so long since they had a warm, home-cooked meal that could really fill their stomachs with enjoyment.
❥ It took you quicker than they expected but they were grateful, their stomach had been rumbling but they could also feel themselves falling victim to their fatigue and border on sleep as their exhausted bodies relaxed into your soft, wonderfully scented cushions and chairs.
❥ “I’m sorry it took so long,” you apologised with a timid smile. They would have assured you of being timely had they been in a better state of health but they were practically drooling just from the smell so you let them eat their meal as you smiled and tucked yourself away at the back with your book.
❥ Almost an entire hour had gone by before you were pulled away from the world your fictional book had confined you in.
❥ “Um, miss owner,” a bashful snow-coloured lynx called for your attention as he leaned against the counter separating the kitchen from the main area.
❥ “Y-yes?” you stuttered in surprise as Jimin gave you a look of apology.
❥ “I’m sorry but is it alright if my friends and I stay for longer? Most of them had fallen asleep,” he looked embarrassed but your reassuring smile made him awe at you.
❥ “Don’t worry, stay for as long as you like,” your eyes crinkled in happiness, “you’re all pleasant to have as customers,” you weren’t lying. They weren’t rowdy or flirtatious or ordered you around too much just to get your attention. They had manners and carried themselves like true gentlemen, the complete antithesis of how they were portrayed on peoples’ tongues.
❥ “Even so, we shall pay you extra for your stellar service and generosity,” Jimin grinned widely, placing several gold coins on the counter before making his way back to his teammates, leaving you no place to protest.
❥ With a sigh and a smile, you peered over the corner and smiled all the more at the sight you were greeted with.
❥ Even though the lynx hybrid had been awake and grinning moments ago, he was fast asleep now, leaning into a tiger’s shoulder as the black jaguar you had first met leaned into the sofa chair with folded arms beside them.
❥ It seemed everyone was asleep now.
❥ In an act of kindness, you went to your room and pulled out several blankets to drape over their slumbering forms. After doing so, you set about quietly decluttering the area using your magic. They had cleaned the plates of their meals, which made you grin because those were your recipes, and so you were smiling for the rest of the afternoon and evening.
❥ Thankfully the magic you used kept you from making any noise that would disturb their light siesta. This would be your thanks for their hard work out at the borders. And you would continue to thank them in this way every time they came to your teahouse.
❥ “I’m worried about the tea house owner,” Jungkook mused one day. Although refreshed from your hospitality and amazing food, he couldn’t help the worry plaguing his thoughts.
❥ “I agree,” Jin elaborated with furrowed brows and pushed down bear ears, further expressing his concern, “she is a young lady that’s not only polite and kind but extremely beautiful,” his comrades nodded beside him, remembering your external but also internal beauty, “she’s also alone in a town with many vicious men,”
❥ “She’ll need protection,” Hoseok suggested.
❥ “Our protection,” Yoongi nodded to everyone in the team before they all looked towards their canine leader, Namjoon, who laughed.
❥ “It’s not as if I’m going to say no,” he gave a nod of approval, “I worry for her too. She is in a vulnerable position.”
❥ “It’s decided then!” Jimin clapped in glee, eagerness bubbling in the pit of his stomach at the thought of meeting you again as soon as possible.
❥ “Let's not get ahead of ourselves though,” Taehyung reasoned as another concern fabricated itself in his mind, “we’ll have to be subtle about it or else she’ll lose even more business because of us.”
❥ With a sigh, Jimin nodded, “You’re right,”
❥ If they visit you too often, you’ll end up losing customers and profit. Yes they had the money to pay you compensation for lost business but you needed to interact with other humans or else you’ll end up isolated. Not to mention, they had their own patrols to make.
❥ “Subtle protection it is then,” Hoseok grinned, never one to let any negativity into his heart, “we’ll take turns watching over her from the background. One for every day of the week.”
❥ “Like undercover guards?!” Jungkook beamed in excitement, being a mercenary had been a delight at first but that thrill had died quickly with the unrelenting prejudice of humans.
❥ Protecting ungrateful individuals didn’t leave much excitement in Jungkook’s stomach. This, however, was an entirely new type of elation. He was protecting someone that cooked him good food, served delicious drinks, and draped blankets over him and his family.
❥ He’s sure all of them were more than willing to set their lives down on the line for the one human that had shown them the genuine kindness and acceptance they have been covertly earning for many years.
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xenbiology · 3 years
Professor, have you done much research on pre-Combine Earth fauna? It's kind of crazy to think just how much changed in just a few centuries. I was reading about dogs from back then a while ago, and apparently, they'd been selectively bred for different roles in different terrain so intensely that some "toy" breeds could be mistaken for large-ish rodents, and some particularly huge breeds even looked like bears!
I know it's unlikely, what with how small and generalized the remaining population is (no idea how that other anon legally got their hands on a pair, but... good job, I guess??? idk the state of domestic restoration laws right now), but do you think it might be possible in the future to bring back some of those old specialized breeds?... The healthy ones, of course, and we'd have to be super careful about their ecological impact, but you know what I mean. I'd love to see something like... I dunno, I think they're called Saint Bernards? It'd be cool to meet one in real life.
Yes! Though Xen creatures are my particular passion, I’ve studied at least the bare minimum of all biology, both native and non-native to Earth. I’ve also done extensive study on pre-combine Earth animals and how they were important to humans, since it’s a huge part in how alien species are treated now. I even have some shared memories of what some now-extinct creatures looked and sounded like, thanks to my brethren who were alive at the time.
Dogs are one of the most important evidences for the domestication of Xen species! Humans are highly social, and will quickly take to befriending any species that will tolerate it, and if able, take it a step further and selectively breed it. Dogs are the prime example of this, with nearly 350 different breeds existing pre-combine era! Each one looked like an almost completely different animal, despite being the same exact species. And it was all thanks to human’s persistence in creating the perfect companion specialized in different tasks.
Many humans describe Houndeyes as being very doglike in behavior, which is why they’re probably one of the most commonly kept Xen creatures. They’ve even been bred into specialized breeds for different tasks, just like dogs had been!
Though actual dogs are making a comeback, they’re very rare, and generally have some health problems due to to the bottleneck in genepool during the Combine extinction event. Of those 350+ breeds, almost none remain- the few dogs who do are quite mixed to preserve what genetic health they have left. Getting one is either expensive, or dumb luck- there’s a few roving packs of wild dogs, and sometimes they come back to humanity and become re-tamed, which is how most people I know come across them due to their price. Though there’s no permit on them, it’s simply hard to get your hands on some!
Cats are the best examples of surviving earth fauna with human-created breeds that existed in the pre-combine era, as well as today! Though there used to be as many as 80 different breeds of cats, there’s now only about 30- some of which didn’t exist until post-combine era, such as the Maschys.
As far as restoring ancient breeds... unfortunately, I’m not sure it can be done. Though some lineage may remain in the surviving animals, the genetics are so mixed-up that there’s simply no way to ‘breed out’ the crossed genes. If science evolved enough for easy and legal genetic restoration (it’s possible, but still in the works and heavily debated if we should restore extinct species), if there’s any DNA that can be found, it might be possible to genetically recreate some legacy breeds.
But more likely than that is that, like cats, new breeds will simply attempt to be bred from the remaining dogs. Because human needs remain wildly unchanged in their basic functions, it’s probably likely that some new breeds may arise that are similar to legacy breeds!
But that’s mostly likely in the future, since the genepool is so limited right now that specialized breeding would most likely spell horrid genetic health for the population. A lot of people are working on trying to help rediversify the genepool, though, so It’s probably not too far in the future!
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
Orignal Work, Reed900, Murder Case - Man and Woman, YK Model Found, Truama, Nicholas, Case Closed, To Be Decommissioned, Taken In By Pair, Recovery
//Feelings. This may get its own full length work at some point bc I loved writing it //Cw for homicide, child trauma and the things that come with that, and a graphic-ish depiction of violence.
This case was one that neither Gavin or Richard had seen before. Normally something like this would be handled by Hank and Connor but they were working a high profile serial killer case and couldn’t spare the time or manpower which left the other human android detective duo. Gavin was looking over the crime scene as Richard scanned it looking for evidence. He was about to interface with the deactivated YK500 model but as soon as he touched the smaller android  the little boy’s eyes fluttered open and locked on Richard wide and full of panic. One eye was a deep forest green and the other was shut off from damage. He squeezed Richard’s arm tight enough that if it had been Gavin it would have bruised. Richard let the skin on his arm fall away and called for Gavin as the interface started. “Gavin, we’ve got a survivor in here!” He called before he allowed the interface, the last thing he heard before he was pulled under was Gavin’s rushed footsteps coming into the room.
YK500 531-213-41 Designation: Nicholas is requesting contact: Y/N Y Interface initiated
Nicholas: are my parents okay? Richard: We have people helping them Richard: Can you tell me what happened here?
He felt echoes of Nicholas’s panic as the memories travelled through the interface. He had seen the whole thing, and screamed so the killer had gone for him next, they were human by the looks of it and the fact that the blood left at the crime scene was red. They cut the interface soon after and Richard let go of Nicholas, but the child model was still clinging to him. When Richard was fully aware of himself again he motioned Gavin over, he was better with kids. “This is my friend Gavin, he’s also a detective he’s gonna ask you some questions while I check on your parents.” The child model turned his head so he could see Gavin, he gave the detective a once over before moving to cling to the human detective. Richard looked at Gavin, “I don’t know that he can speak so let him interface with your work tablet or phone please.” Gavin nodded and Richard headed back to the main crime scene.
He scanned it for more evidence now that the cursory scan was over and they had found Nicholas, he wanted to go over the crime scene with a fine toothed comb to find everything he could. He sampled evidence, scanned the room again, and ran reconstructions. He came away with three DNA profiles, two belonging to the victims and the third from their biological son who was in his thirties, the same man from Nicholas’s memory.. He was returning to Gavin when he heard the detective yelled. “Get some fucking techs in here! Nick is crashing!” Gavin’s voice shook, he was angry and was fighting off tears. Richard ran the rest of the way. He skidded to a halt in front of the YK model. “Gavin, if we get asked about this, it’s for the case. Nicholas is living evidence okay.” Gavin was rightfully confused. Richard kneeled down and forced an interface with Nicholas.
Richard: Don’t be afraid, I am going to back up your memories okay Nicholas: I don’t want to go! I want to stay until my mom and dad get back! Richard: Let me do this okay? You’ll be taken care of I promise. He felt Nicholas hesitate for a moment before he gave Richard access to his memories. He was as gentle as possible as he took them, saving them to a locked file simply titled ‘nick’. The techs arrived a short time before he finished and Gavin kept them at bay with the evidence argument. Richard pulled away once he was done and they took his place. They didn’t have anything else they could do here. They did have a suspect by the name of Jacob Hall to track down. Richard was working on getting the warrant for his arrest, using some of Nicholas’s memories and the evidence from the crime scene. the fact that a child’s life was on the line expedited the process. When he received the warrant he emailed it to Gavin, and worked on tracking down Jacob’s last known address. Gavin let him work in silence, but he could see something was eating at him Richard could tell. Normally he would wait for Gavin to say what was bothering him, but the android had a feeling he already knew. “He’s going to be okay Gavin, I have a back up of his memories so even if the technicians can’t get him back online we can find another model to upload him to.” He heard Gavin sigh. “That’s not the point Rich, he’s only hanging on because he thinks he’ll get to see his parents again.” Gavin said quietly, his voice was quiet and unsteady, “There is no one left here to look after him. Would it really be worth it to wake him at all?” “We’re here aren’t we?” Richard asked, “We could always look after him.” “Richard, Nicholas is a whole ass child, he is going to stay a whole ass child unless he decides he wants to be part of the Growing Up program,” Gavin sounded like he was making plans, like he was considering it, “He’s gonna be shut down if no body claims him. I couldn’t let that happen.” “Take a left up here detective.” Richard interrupted. “Raising a kid isn’t like taking care of a cat.” Gavin sighed, “What if he hates us?” “I don’t think he will.” Richard reassured as he placed a steady hand over Gavin’s on the steering wheel. “If we get in trouble for this I’m blaming you.” Richard nodded, before something caught his eye out his window, “Gavin I need you to either slow down or pull over.” “What?” Gavin was snapped out of his thoughts by Richard unbuckling and reaching for the door, “Richard we are going 50!” “That’s why I need you to slow down detective, I saw the suspect, I will send you my location when I have him apprehended.” Richard replied opening his door. “Richard what the fuck!” Was all Richard heard as he rolled out of the car, when he came to a stop, he stood and followed the suspect. When he was close enough he announced his presence, “Detroit Police, I would like to speak with you for a moment.” Jacob broke into a run, so did Richard. The android had an easier time navigating the terrain than the human did and soon had him in cuffs. He pinged Gavin and the detective showed up a short time later serving the warrant and read him his rights.
The interrogation was a struggle for them both, Gavin was livid and let it show, and Richard was struggling not to do the same. He was supposed to be the reasonable one, he was the android but, this was something else. None of them had done anything wrong. Gavin was getting close to his breaking point, child cases were hard for any detective, but they hit a little too close to home for both Gavin and Hank. Jacob was also spitting a lot of android remarks that were getting under Gavin’s skin. About a year and a half ago he had shared those sentiments. “Detective, why don’t you take a break, go catch your breath.” Gavin looked like he wanted to argue, but it seemed to dawn on him that this wasn’t a suggestion, “Get yourself some coffee. I could use some thirium while your there.” “Alright,” Gavin responded as he got up to leave, “If you need me I’ll be on the other side of the glass.” He was almost to the door when Jacob piped off again, “So you let it order you around then? Some detective you are.” Gavin turned to start a fight and Richard stopped him by grabbing his shoulders and blocking the detective’s path with his body, “Gavin, it’s not worth it, go catch your breath.” The android whispered. Gavin wilted a little but left the interrogation room to go take a breather. Richard turned and took the seat across from Jacob at the table and gave a sinister grin, “I know you don’t like androids, and that works fine for me because I don’t like most humans. Here’s the thing though; I’m not the one of us that is going to need to leave the room to maintain bodily function, I can sit here until you decide to talk. So we can talk about why you decided to kill your parents and adopted younger brother, or we can have the world’s longest staring contest.” “It wasn’t my brother.” Jacob said curtly after Richard had finished. “I moved out and they replaced me with a robot child so they could still feel useful.” Richard grit his teeth, “So you killed them? Why not steal Nicholas?” He hated suggesting that, “Why did it have to be murder?” “They replaced me!” Jacob shouted, “I left for college, to pursue dreams of my own and they just buy another kid! One that won’t grow up, never rebel, never disobey, and never leave. Why bother with your independent human son when you have a little play thing that would never grow up?” “So you murdered your parents and little brother, because you were jealous?” Richard asked again, deliberately using the title for Nicholas, because as long as Jacob was mad he would talk. “That little scrap heap wasn’t my brother, it was my replacement!” He snapped, “They all had it coming, but especially that little toy.” Richard leaned forward, he could feel the confession coming. “I knew where he was the whole time you know.” Jacob said with a sinister smile, “There’s this table in the entry where with a cabinet under it in the entry way, I used to hide there too. I let him see what I did to my parents as i took them from him. Let him see what I was going to do to him. Show him what he had caused.” Jacob paused, he didn’t seem to realize he was referring to Nicholas by male pronouns and Richard wasn’t about to tell him. “Then he had to fucking scream. Someone heard him so i had to be quick, I couldn’t to what I wanted to so I just beat his head against the stairs until he shut off. He was crying the whole time, like it actually hurt him. Like he could feel it.” Richard felt sick, which was quite a feat considering as he didn’t have any organs. Rage boiled beneath the surface, but he kept his temperament in check, “You are aware that legally speaking androids are people right? Despite what your personal opinion might dictate. So if Nicholas cannot be saved you are going to be booked on three counts of first degree murder.” Richard stood and nodded toward the two way mirror, “Thank you for the full confession though, it makes our job a lot easier.” Jacob was still puttering with anger as Richard left. Gavin met him in the hall and looked at him with concern. “Your LED is red.” He answered Richard’s unspoken question, “Turned as soon as you left the room.” Richard took the offered bottle of thirium and opened it, “Fifty stab wounds between the two of them all because they wanted another kid. He beat Nicholas’s head against the stairs until he went into emergency shut down and just left him there.” This was Richard’s first case involving a child, and he was starting to see why the other officers hated them so much. They hurt.
Three days later they got the call about Nicholas, he was fully repaired and ready for his memories to be reuploaded. If nobody claimed him after the trial he would be decommissioned. They were ready, they had papers for temporary custody of him while they waited on the adoption papers to come through. They went to the android hospital. Nicholas was in a bed and in stasis. His synthskin was on and he looked peaceful like this. Now that parts of his face were not chipped off and missing. Richard approached the bed and let the skin of his hand fall away. He apologized to the quiet room before he started the memory transfer. When it completed Nicholas woke himself up screaming and Richard was quick to try and soothe him. They were still connected so he send waves of calm and comfort over the link until the fearful pained cry settled onto sniffles and sobs. He sat on the bed and hugged the child model to him. “They aren’t coming back are they?” Nicholas asked once he was able to speak, “Humans don’t get to come back.” Nicholas sniffled again and his breathing stuttered before he spoke again, “You are going to have me talk at the trial and then I am going to be shut down because no one wants a damaged kid.” Gavin spoke before Richard did, “Remember what I said to you on the couch kiddo? That I wasn’t gonna let anyone else hurt you. That means Cyberlife too. Richard and I signed some papers so you can come stay with us after this.” Nicholas turned to look at Gavin, and Richard noticed their eyes were pretty close in color, “Do you promise?” “I cross my heart.” He came to sit on the other side of Nicholas. “You’ll be here for a couple more days, so they can make sure that you’re alright, and then on Friday we’ll be able to bring you home with us.” Nicholas seemed happy with that and relaxed between the two of them. They visited him every day until Friday. They took that day off and took Nicholas home  in the morning and stayed with him as he roamed the house. The weekend went by without too much trouble. The weeks leading up to the trial were a little rough. Nicholas would have panic attacks if he was left alone, so one of them would have to call off to stay home with him, and if that didn’t work he would come to the station with them. The trail was thankfully short but it was hard on Nicholas. Hearing that he was the cause of his parents death in Jacob’s eyes dug up things that the little android had kept buried, and it took months to get him to open up again.
It was two years later when he came to Gavin and Richard and asked to be put in the Growing Up program, he wanted to experience life to the fullest. He had said they were his family, and for the first time since he had deviated, Richard cried. They all had, but it was a sure sign that things were looking up. It would be a rough road ahead, agreeing to grow up wasn’t going to fix anything, but he wanted to be come a man that his mom and dad would have been proud of. He didn’t quite see Gavin and Ricard as parents, but they were his family and he loved them.
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arsonist-chicken · 4 years
Literally, it doesn’t matter what I do - if I don’t do it like my mother would, it’s wrong and it needs to be pointed out.
Scrubbing the oven by hand instead of using the automatic cleaning function? “That would be much faster and cleaner [than you would ever clean] [you just have to halfway disassemble the oven first for it to work].”
Doing the laundry late at night because my cats got fleas on my bed and I want to finish washing everything on the weekend? On a night everyone else is out and it won’t keep anyone up? “It’s a bit late for that, don’t you think?”
Doing something different while baking than how she learned it? “Oh, you should do it like this, the cake gets better that way.” Nevermind that I’ve been baking for 12+ years now and know how to see if something is working or not.
Hanging up laundry different than her? “Oh, you should put it up like this, it dries much faster that way.” It was approximately 30°C and windy, it would have been dry within an hour anyway.
A dish I cooked doesn’t turn out like I wanted it to and maybe tastes a little off? “It’s because you did this and that, you should use X and Y spice, they fit much better and are healthier.”
Not asking about applications I sent somewhere a month after I sent them because it explicitly says not to, they will contact you, and everyone asking would delay the selection process? “You HAVE TO FOLLOW UP, it shows you’re dedicated and want that job, you can’t just sit here all day and wait!!” Alright, I’ll follow up after mere weeks and show them I can’t read directions or can’t be assed to follow them, that sure makes me more employable.
Not having found a summer job because y’know, there’s a pandemic (STILL!!) going on and most companies struggle to keep their workers and are therefore not in a place to take in interns? “Well, X and Y friend’s daughter found something and your sister works as well, you can find something too!!” The friend’s daughter will work in a job where she will stand all day and make the same hand movements for 8 hours a day, I’m not doing that to my body for the sake of “not having a space in my CV” (especially, again DURING A PANDEMIC where future employers will look at your CV and go: “oh yeah, 2020, am I right?”). My sister has been working as a student employee since October, a job she only got because the school HAS to give its students jobs for their Master’s theses, and in a technology sector, which is the main source of economic income of my area, unlike translation.
Speaking of: Studying German, English, and Russian translation and interpreting? “Everyone speaks English today, no one needs English translators anymore”, WHILE SHE USES GERMAN SUBTITLES TO WATCH HER TV SHOWS BECAUSE SHE DOESN’T SPEAK ENGLISH WELL ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND IT OTHERWISE, and “you will have to work at the customs’ office, they don’t need Russian anywhere else... or just find an office job that has nothing to do with your field of expertise, because again, no one needs translators anymore anyway.”
Not having had a boyfriend yet for a variety of reasons, including that I’m bi and was leaning a lot more towards women for a long time (not that she knows that, HELL NO), I’m shy/don’t know how to make new friends well, and that frankly, I’m just not as pretty as other girls and therefore less desirable for others (and don’t anyone come @ me like: “but you’re beautiful!!” I am, but less than my friends who I go out with who inevitable have all the guys flock towards them. “beauty isn’t important!!” on one hand yes, it isn’t, but on the other hand first impressions and looks matter and if anyone tells me they’d rather go for the less beautiful woman when no other factors are involved is, frankly, lying.). “Well, sitting at home all day won’t get you a boyfriend!! You need to go out more!! Aren’t there any nice guys at your university?? I want grandkids, you know??” WELL THOUGH LUCK, I DON’T WANT KIDS. I DON’T WANT A BOYFRIEND, I’M FINE BEING SINGLE, IF I MEET SOMEONE I’M HAPPY TO PURSUE THAT RELATIONSHIP, BUT IT’S NOT MY SOLE GOAL OR PURPOSE IN LIFE. AND AGAIN, WE’RE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC! MANY PLACES ARE STILL CLOSED! YOU SHOULD STILL KEEP YOUR DISTANCE FROM STRANGERS! NOT TO SAY YOU CAN’T MEET PEOPLE, BUT IT *IS* MORE DIFFICULT AT THE MOMENT!
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Sleeping until noon or just before noon because I have a circadian rhytm that makes me most awake and uni/work/general-stuff productive in the evening and at night and therefore I stay up until well past midnight because with the whole study-from-home situation it’s possible atm? “You can’t sleep until noon everyday, you have to get up earlier and get stuff done, I’m a night owl myself, but I get up just fine in the morning.” You fall asleep at 10pm in front of the TV! And then you still let your alarm clock ring three times for three minutes in the morning and your husband still has to wake you up again so you’ll actually get up! 
Her turning everything into a lecture/life lesson whenever I say or do or don’t say or don’t do anything and treating me like a kid or teenager instead of a fully grown adult and thinking she knows best what I need to do and what’s good for me despite the fact that the constant and continuing alienation that started happening in my early teens due to *waves around at everything* has left us with no relevant relationship to speak of, except that we share slightly more DNA than non-related humans, and that I live in their house because I won’t be able to move out before finishing university? Oh yeah, there’s the reason I cannot WAIT for the day I get to move out, not tell my parents my adress, and cut them off for good. Like that will be hard because my sister and me are twins and she will absolutely constantly yell at me because “[our mother] always cries when I see her and asks me about you and I don’t care for that shit at all”, which is why I’ll swear all of my friends to secrecy about my adress. I’ll miss my cats like hell, but I’m afraid between leaving my cats with people they love for some reason to live a life free of my mother’s influence, happy and at peace, and keeping contact for 10 more years to keep seeing my cats a few times a year (aka when I’d be forced to come over for “family celebrations”)... I’m afraid I’ll have to pick myself here. Or if I miss them too much, I’ll sneak by when I know my parents are at work and have a secret cuddle session. I also was at a weddidng this weekend and I wanna get married so badly but I guess I’ll also have to swear my friends to secrecy about the time and date because otherwise my sister will know and then my parents will show up and if that happens we might as well just cancel the entire thing because my mood will be lower than any human could ever dig with a shovel and want to rip my skin off and throw shit. That being said, the wedding was the most wonderful thing since the lockdown and I cannot WAIT to have that myself and share that day with the people I truly love.
“You don’t talk to me anymore at all.” Me: tells her literally anything. Her: makes a huge deal out of literally anything, is sure to tell other family and friends, doesn’t shut up about it for weeks. Me: doesn’t tell her anything or ask her anything about herself. Her: tries to guilt-trip me into doing whatever she wants while also emphasizing that she’s not trying to guilt-trip me. Me: *looks at my memories of her always crying and slamming her bedroom door when something doesn’t go her way, and then coming into my room, without knocking of course, and going on about why I’m so emotionless and heartless towards her and insists/forces me to hug her, despite knowing I absolutely fucking hate hugging her [or even standing close to her or anyone else in my immediate family, for that matter] (upon me leaving for uni after Christmas break: ”I know you don’t like being hugged but you’re leaving for a month again so I want you to hug me” and then immediately hugs me, almost suffocates me (okay emotionally, not physically), kisses me on the cheek which makes me want to rip my skin off).* uh-hu. yeah.
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The New Recruit (3/?)
AN: Some major plot reveals in this one. Also, a touch of Brand New Winter Soldier. Let me know what y’all think of it!
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I felt sick sitting in front of the same people in the same conference room. Natasha looked almost smug as I wrung my hands anxiously.
“So, why are we here again?” Tony asked, tossing a stress ball in the air and catching it again. The sound of the soft rubber slapping against his palm started getting annoying after the twenty-seventh catch.
“Y/N has something that she would like to share with the group.” Bucky announced, his face split in half with the Cheshire cat’s smile. I wanted to punch him then and there more than I ever had before. How dare he act like a child, getting another in trouble?
“Does this have anything to do with the information you gave us when we first interviewed you?” Steve asked, bouncing a pen on a notepad in front of him. Everyone’s little tics were going to drive me insane. I wanted to make them all hold still. I wished I could suck all of the sound out of the room.
“Yes,” I whispered, my voice caught around the lump in my throat. I cleared my throat, once, twice, three times before I finally felt brave enough to speak again. “I never technically lied to any of you.” I started out. “It was more an omission of truth.”
Tony sat forward a little, his face sinking from the bored look into a more serious one. Everyone seemed to be staring at me with some level of distrust or anger, like predators surrounding prey. The kindest set of eyes were Thor’s. He sat in his chair, sprawled back with hands folded over his chest, lips turned up in a slight smile.
“I was born in the late 1870’s.” I blurted after a long time. “December 7th, 1876.”
If Natasha was any more smug, she would have shoved out of her chair and yelled “A-ha!” She didn’t though, thankfully. No one around the table said anything for a long time, each analyzing me with varying levels of distrust, interest and ridicule.
Finally, after centuries of waiting, “So, you’re older than the Cap and Tin-Man put together?” Sam asked, fingers drumming on the table as he did the math. “Maybe not the number of years they’ve been on this Earth, but their physical age? Actually, no, you are older than all of their years put together.”
I laughed a little, a hysterical burst of crazed laughing that ended as abruptly as it started. “Something like that, yeah.” I nodded. I could feel sweat dripping through my scalp and pooling in my pits. My hands were slick with it. I wanted nothing more than a long shower. It had been decades since I had admitted my true age. I was comfortable without acknowledging my age. This was foreign, a sickly feeling that left me feeling hollow and threadbare.
“You’re 143 years old?” Wanda asked, voice tinged with almost awe that I quickly dismissed as her accent.
I nodded again, cringing a little at the number. “I’ve stayed in the shadows. Maintained the opposite of a notable human life. Unless you count the time I spent fighting during World War Two.”
“You told us that HYDRA killed your family,” Steve interjected, voice clipped with barely contained anger. He’d been asking these questions for how long now?
“They did. My last remaining relatives, grand-nieces and grand-nephews who knew me as this eccentric aunt who traveled around a lot.” I met his eyes without flinching. I remembered Cap as the leader of the Howlies. The Avengers were just the upgrade. The modernized version. Same war, different year.
He chewed the inside of his lip and gave me a curt nod. “You destroyed… massive weapons depots. Sometimes we’d be riding up just as you dispatched the last soldier.”
“And I always gave you all of the credit.”
“I never wanted to be another Captain America. If I gave you the credit, then at least the destruction was believable and I could remain safely out of anyone’s cross hairs.”
“SHIELD knew about you, back then at least.” He countered. “What’s to say they haven’t still been monitoring you?”
I flicked a glance over at Natasha. “She’d have blown the whistle the second I walked in.”
Natasha’s face fell slightly. “I’ve read files on you, from Cap’s era. They made it seem like you died sometime in the late sixties.”
“Y/N Y/L/N died in the sixties. I could no longer use the name and have the face I had. My age just wouldn’t match up anymore. I couldn’t play it off anymore.
“So, new identity, for the second time. The first time was in the thirties, just before I got active in the war. All of them homemade, of course. I watched the technological evolution so learning it wasn’t hard, figuring out how to do that for myself wasn’t hard. I couldn’t have any paper trail that anyone could follow. That identity died in the early 2000’s. I changed back to same name from the sixties. Who’s gonna match the names up, the face, the prints, any of it? If I just keep my head down, stick to a menial job, who cares about little ol’ me?”
“Then why join the Avengers if you’re trying to stay out of the limelight?” Tony asked, giving me a nauseating feeling of déjà vu.
“There’s finally a time where my differences will be appreciated, my powers make me useful and looked up to, rather made into a science project or looked at like a freak.” I shrugged, folding my hands together in front of me.
“Why not back during the war? You would have been worshiped the way Steve was.” Bucky’s devilish smile was gone, replaced by a deep set frown and genuine interest.
I looked over at him and felt my skin start to heat up. “Because HYDRA came after me. Or they would. And what do you know? You did. I can count eight different times you were wiped and sent after me after Steve went into the ice. Not to kill, but you almost did two different times.”
Eyes around the room seemed to flick over to Bucky, my comment a reminder of the sheer lack of stability he had from all the fucking around in his head HYDRA did. Tony’s eyes lingered on him the longest, the pain in his eyes clear and deep.
“That wasn’t me,” Bucky said gently.
“I know it wasn’t. It was the Winter Soldier. He just had your face. You always looked so surprised when I told you that we had met before. As soon as I found that you were on my tail, I had to disappear. I already lived a bare life, your constant stalking just made me that much more of a ghost.”
“Did you ever get the chance to have a family of your own?” Wanda asked, voice definitely sad this time.
“No,” I met her wide eyes and saw the empathy in them. “I run cold. It’s like my body is literally frozen in time. Too cold to house human life. Too frozen to even conceive. So I keep my distance from everyone. The Winter Solider was my first partner, in the early fifties.” I said it without hesitation. Bucky’s face turned bright red and I saw Sam physically restraining himself from clapping his buddy on the shoulder.
“Y/N, listen,” Tony took a deep breath and sighed heavily. He looked tired. The fighting had aged him, made his body wary. “We knew you were lying. We wanted to see the honesty, and now we have it. We’re obviously not going to kick you out or anything. Your powers are… incredible. And terrifying. No more secrets, yeah?”
I nodded enthusiastically, my eyes continuing to roll in their sockets for a moment after I stopped. “No more secrets.”
“Good, dismissed.” He waved us all out, everyone getting up and filing out slowly. I stayed in my seat, staring out the window as I urged my heartbeat to slow.
“Lady Y/N, I believe that I might have the answer to some questions I feel you’ve been asking for many years,” Thor said gently from across the room, still lounged in his chair.
“My brother, Loki, he spoke of time on Midgard during the time frame you say you were born. He told me of a woman of extraordinary power, more power than any mere mortal, and the time he spent with her. It is possible that you are the production of his time on this Earth.”
My eyes widened slightly. “You mean, I’m Loki’s daughter?”
“No,” he chuckled, face split in a smile like a loyal dog. “You’re no demi-god. But, it’s possible that he tested the mixture of some percentage of his DNA injected into yours. It’s possible he transfused some of his blood into your body and that’s what’s causing these extraordinary powers. Your lack of aging could be similar to our extended aging.”
I stared at him for a long time. “Uncle Thor?”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “If that’s the title you wish to use, you may. But Loki is not your biological father.”
I shrugged. “It’s been 130 years since I’ve seen my real father. At this point, I don’t have one.”
West Berlin, 1952
I sat outside a small café, sipping the honeyed tea I’d been given as I watched passersby. I relished in my time in the cosmopolitan surrounded by war and passive-aggressive Cold War penis measuring.
I kept my sunglasses high, the scarf wrapped around my hair hid the majority of my features well. I’d long stopped fighting HYDRA, leaving the work to SHIELD and their agents. I’d moved into a tiny apartment near the trains. I only used my powers within the confines of my home.
“Y/N,” called a familiar voice, in a distinctly American accent. A rock seemed to settle in my stomach and I felt heat begin to crawl across my fingers. I ignored the call, taking another measured sip of tea. “Y/N!” The voice was closer now, memories of dark cement holding cells dredged up with the baritone sound.
I continued to ignore it, letting my eyes wander across the faces in the immediate crowd, trying to pick out a familiar one. I hadn’t made any friends since my move. I’d rarely spoken to my neighbors, the landlord, the waitress tending me. I kept my face down, my voice low. I shouldn’t have known anyone.
The man that slid into the seat next to me made my fingers literally tremble. The barely contained fire burning under my skin seemed to sky rocket from mildly uncomfortable to horribly painful. “No. No. You’re dead,” I shook my head, peering into the ice blue eyes that had once seemed so innocent, another boyish lad sent to a war that he had no business fighting.
“Do we know each other?” Bucky asked. His hair was longer now, tied neatly at the base of his skull. He wore a polished suit of black with a cream shirt beneath it. He was different, in more ways than one. The blankness in his eyes was gut-wrenching, but the glittering metal hand that folded with his flesh one on the table made me nauseous.
“I mourned you with the rest of America when you died.” I hissed.
“I think you’re mistaking me,” he murmured. “I can’t say we’ve met before. I was asked by my superiors to talk to you about a job position we think you’d be perfect for.”
I blinked at him, not that he could tell behind the sunglasses.
“We know about your powers,” he whispered, leaning across the table. “We need a woman of your strength.”
“Do you know that Steve is gone?” I asked. “Are you taking over for him as Captain America? What about the Howling Commandos?”
He barked a laugh that didn’t touch his eyes. “What are you going on about, darlin’?”
That’s when I realized what was wrong with him. Nothing touched his eyes. He’d filled out, much more than he’d been when we’d last met. Not naturally either. I’d seen how much Steve changed after the super solider serum. Bucky’s changed seemed the same. But SHIELD wouldn’t be doing testing like that anymore.
“Who do you work for?”
“A very special deep science-slash-military faction for the government.” He answered, cool as you please. “Your blood would help us create more like you, make your abilities normalized so you could flourish, instead of hide. We could also use your strength in the field.”
“Which government?” I demanded. My skin was prickling. My gut said run.
“We’re the good guys, I can assure you,” he smiled so brightly that I almost believed it. “Let me take you for a drink, we can talk about it more.”
I shook my head. “I’m not interested.” I started to stand but the glittering hand snatched my wrist. He jerked me back and I landed in his lap. A few customers around looked at us, scandalized by our display, but quickly looked away when he pressed a scorching kiss to my lips.
When he broke away, his fingers all but crushing my jaw as he held me close. “It wasn’t an option.” He snarled, voice rough like gravel beneath bare feet, the sound scraping against my nerves.
I gripped his wrist, letting my hand heat up until he released me, growling in pain. “Guess you’ll have to get me first.” I snapped and started running, all care for the people staring after me gone as the Winter Solider chased after me.
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Tags (if it’s crossed out, it means I can’t tag you): @jsmith509 @xvoezx @almostpsyche @33rie33 @sarillee @bucktitybarnes
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echodrops · 5 years
Home and Half Galra Headcanons
I have owed @latransmearnsi this for forever, finally trying to squeeze a few drops of blood minutes out of a stone out of my day to share a whole bunch more worldbuilding Galra headcanons connected to my fic Home and a Half.
How long do Galra live?
I know the show was all about Alteans living hundreds of years compared to humans, but then considering that plot line was promptly dropped and never brought up again, and the fact that Zarkon and co. are the only Galra implied to have lived for 10,000 years due to the power of the rift, I’m just going to go with Galra living slightly but not much longer than humans. In fact, since it was never clear if Coran’s comment about years meant 600 Earth years or 600 Altean years, I’ve elected to just go with the idea of Altean years being notably shorter than Earth years. And since Altea and Daibazaal are in the same system in my personal headcanon--more on this later--they share somewhat similar year lengths. Altea’s years are 8 Earth months long, and Daibazaal’s are 10. Of the three species, Alteans live the longest (max about 150 Earth years), and Galra the second longest (max about 125-130 Earth years).
But this is somewhat a moot point, since military service is mandatory for a huge portion of the adult Galra population, and casualties are high; therefore, most Galra do not live long enough to reach the maximum lifespan.
What are some other traditions or games? 
I think I’ve mentioned two games so far: Renni, which is a card-based game that is similar to both Magic the Gathering/Yugi-Oh and chess (there are multiple types of cards--such as defensive, trap, spell, and attackers--and certain cards are placed in certain locations on a set board. Each card can move in a set way and distance; the objective is to get an attacking card through the enemy’s defenses and traps to strike their “castle”). Although I’m saying “card” here, of course what I mean is paper-thin electronics that project holograms in the shapes of monsters and weaponry.
Renni is a favorite past-time of Prince Lotor, by the way!
A second tradition/game is “Marfeil,” the hunting game children play on their clan day. A high-powered flying device (basically the equivalent of a super-powered Earth drone) is released in a set area, and all the clan’s children are set loose to track, hunt, and capture it. It’s a free-for-all where alliances are made and broken in an instant, and only one kid can make it back victorious with the prize in hand. It’s a test of the children’s athleticism and ability to tenaciously pursue a target. Big bragging rights go to the winner!
In terms of stuff I haven’t talked about before... The Galra battle arena is about as “ancient tradition” as they come, although the violent, horrific battles of Zarkon’s late reign are not what it was always like (just like the gladiatorial fights in Rome were not originally intended to be fights to the death). According to headcanons I wrote earlier, the Galra population was originally divided into autonomous clan groups that were eventually united under a king. However, especially in early centuries, the union of the clans was tenuous at best, and disagreements over territory and resources frequently sparked up into small-scale combat. Originally the arena was founded as a way for clans to do battle with each other in a relatively organized and more civilized manner--the two clans would send representatives who would duel fairly; the winner of the duel would correspondingly “win” the feud for his whole clan.
Eventually, clan feuds died out as power began to accumulate in the hands of the monarchy. Over time, religious views--more on this in a bit too--were altered to promote the kings and queens of Daibazaal as absolute monarchs, invested with the power of the goddess, and the arena took on a new meaning: it became the primary vehicle for choosing Daibazaal’s “champion,” the planet’s strongest fighter, who, once crowned, was appointed the right-hand of the king or queen. (Check out the religious question below for more on the symbolism here.) The champion was entrusted with protecting the lives of the ruling family, and enforcing the monarch’s word as law. It was once am extremely noble and revered position that Galra would train their whole lives hoping to attain, and even to this day, the concept of the “champion” is so engrained in Galra’s cultural consciousness that finding out Shiro is the current champion would absolutely blow Dulsara’s mind and she’d never want to hang out with anyone else ever again.
What determines the treatment of the natives of conquered planets?
This depends on two things: 1) who conquers them and 2) what they’re being conquered for. Although all of Zarkon’s generals and fleets report back to high command, there’s still flexibility in the way they carry out their orders. I.e., ten generals in a galaxy might be given the same order to conquer new systems, but each general might conquer in a different way--some in a bloody massacre and some in a significantly less violent manner. Generals are effectively the rulers of the planets they conquer (until they are called to conquer a new planet, and a viceroy is appointed instead), and therefore each of the conquered planets is ruled uniquely. Many of Zarkon’s generals are hand-picked for their violent, bloodthirsty behavior though, so unfortunately, many conquered peoples are brutally slaughtered or oppressed. There are a few rare situations where the opposite is true, however. In certain cases, Galra intervention has provided planets with lifesaving technologies that improve quality of life for the original inhabitants, leading to a few somewhat mutually beneficial situations.
Likewise, the reasons for occupying a planet also change how the populace is treated. Sometimes planets are conquered merely to eliminate strongholds for allied anti-Galra forces, and the conquered planet itself has no special use for the Galra. In these cases, sometimes nothing more than a single large base is built on the occupied planet, resulting in a situation where Galra occupation doesn’t massively inhibit the original lives of the planet’s people. This was case with the base where Niresh, Dulsara, and Xerci’s families lived--they were a military outpost for moving supplies and information, but the planet itself had no meaning to the Galra and therefore the original inhabitants were mostly left alone unless they attempted to interfere with the operations of the base. On other planet, Galra occupation has prompted important economic revivals that have turned impoverished civilizations into flourishing galactic hubs.
Unfortunately this is not the case everywhere--on planets rich with natural resources that the Galra empire needs, the planet’s original inhabitants are typically enslaved to serve as a workforce to extract the planet’s resources until the planet is no longer valuable; then the inhabitants are rounded up and exported for service elsewhere in the empire.
It’s not a pretty picture, but it’s also not a simple “The Galra are always bad.”
What do Galra eat? Mealtime customs and etiquette?
Galra are mesocarnivores with strong metabolisms. Traditionally their diets consisted of primarily meat proteins (about 60% of their diet was meat and eggs), with the rest being made up of fruits, mushrooms, and what would qualify on Earth as leafy greens. Nowadays, the Galra Empire largely runs on synthetic food goo, which is significantly cheaper and less resource-demanding than actual food and prevents the likelihood of Galra troops ingesting poisonous matter on the wide variety of planets they conquer. Galra stationed in space will pay large amounts of GAC for illicitly traded foodstuffs gathered by those stationed on planets, but food poisoning is alarmingly common because, despite their physical strength, Galra are chemically sensitive to many compounds which are not naturally found in their own star system. The list of things Keith is “allergic” to is actually obnoxiously long; Neuhahn once accidentally sent him into shock by allowing him to eat vanilla ice cream. When he’s in a good state, Keith is the team’s notoriously picky-eater, right up there with Pidge (who has issues with strange textures). Unfortunately, when Keith gets reallyyyy hungry, his thought process usually devolves into: “Nothing I’ve eaten has successfully killed me so far, so I’m sure I’ll survive.” Chomp.
On the other hand, there are some things Galra are not allergic to that would straight up kill humans; fugu fish and deathcap mushrooms are no problem for purple space cats.
One other aside about eating: there are a lot, a lot of mixed Galra in the universe since their DNA (if not their behavior) plays well with other species; generally a mixed Galra will still be sensitive to the same chemical commands that affect full-blooded Galra, but may have slightly different dietary needs. For example, Xerci is a granivore whose diet leans more toward staple grains and plant matter than meat. This actually makes the lives of mixed Galra much harder, as they have to account for their dietary limits as a Galra while also attempting to appease the diet needs of their other species.
In the current Galra Empire, mealtime customs are kind of a thing of the past for most people--soldiers just don’t have the time or energy to make a big fuss over food goo. As the empire spans on and Galra colonies become more and more remote from the source of their own heritage, the complex etiquette of the past is going by the wayside somewhat. Traditionally, Galra coalitions would gather together at mealtimes to eat as a family unit, and proper table manners were drilled into the younger generation by the older members of the family--sit up straight, no elbows on the table, etc. One notable faux pas that is still true today is sharing food directly from your plate to someone else’s. Doing so is a big insult to the cook--because either you didn’t like the food enough to eat it all, or your host didn’t serve their guests properly (Why are you trying to feed someone else? Are you saying I didn’t give them enough?). Because of this, Galra have a reputation among other species for being stingy with food--do not ask your Galra friend for a fry, you won’t get one--but it’s really just a matter of finding it rude not to eat everything that is placed on one’s plate. Keith has never heard of this rule. His habit of pinching from Shiro’s plate is an absolute scandal to the Blade of Marmora.
Table manners among royal families is a Big Deal(tm). Lotor has the rules for silverware on 200 different planets burned into his brain.
What exactly does Galra courtship entail?
Most of the answer to this is “I can’t tell you because spoilers.” But there are some things I can say, chief among which is: at all levels of the social hierarchy, Galra courting is just really, really... different.
In most human societies, the (highly heteronormative) goal is to meet a person, marry them, and raise a family. The opposite is true for Galra: having children isn’t at all tied to being in a couple relationship (there is no baby mama drama in the Galra world), so many of them have children first and then go looking for a permanent life partner later. The basic reason for this is that Galra are a lot more serious about the “’til death do us part” concept than humans are; when they finally settle on a person, that’s it, they’ve settled for the rest of their lives.
I don’t mean this in a soulmates AU kind of way--it’s not “this person I met at 17-years-old is my One True Love” it’s a lot closer to “Wow, I can’t believe it only took me until 52 to find the person I’d be happy to live with for the rest of my life!” They wait until they are absolutely, 100% sure of their choice before courting and formally settling down. (Caveat: Not everyone gets to choose. The higher up the social hierarchy, the less likely it is that a Galra would be free to pick their eventual match; Niresh’s parents had an arranged marriage, for example. The only reason Lotor isn’t betrothed to anyone is that Zarkon doesn’t want to run the risk of challenges from multiple potential heirs and also Lotor is not about that life thank you.)
So, long story longer, courting happens more among older Galra and less among impetuous teens. Also, it would be extremely rare (and foolish--ah, but they do say love makes fools of us all) for a Galra to court someone they don’t already know very, very well. That 100% sureness comes specifically from knowing the other person inside and out. It’s not unusual for Galra to be living together for years before finally declaring their intention to formally court.
The actual courting is... equally weird. The most common way to signal interest in courting is engaging the other person’s coalition in the Galra equivalent of “flyting”--you insult the person you’re interested in in front of every one of their family members. Your insults serve two purposes: first of all, the more detailed and personal your insults are, the more obvious it is that you completely and fully know the person you’re interested in. If you can fairly point out every single bad habit and negative point about them, then you’ve paid close enough attention to know them deeply, as well as their family does. Second, being brave enough to insult someone in front of their very close-knit family is a must in Galra courting. If you shy away from the challenge of facing the family, you’re not worth anyone’s time.
After your insults, the family answers back in the opposite, with nothing but praise for their family member, and a back-and-forth battle begins assessing the person in question. The final goal is for the courter to "be persuaded” that of course, of course the family is right and the person in question is worth all the effort in the universe and more. It’s a game designed to demonstrate your knowledge of the other person as well as air out any grievances or sticking points before the courtship proceeds.
(You can see where other species’ might struggle with this--many an intentional insult has been mistaken for the opposite.)
After that, things get even sillier, but in the interest of time and space, I’ll leave this answer here.
What are their views on pets?
Galra are big pet keepers! Historically the “pets” were war animals that aided the clans in their conflicts with other clans, but over time pets have come to just be beloved household companions. Unfortunately, military members are not allowed to keep pets, no matter HOW incredible the critters they find on their space travels are. This doesn’t stop everyone. Many an escaped secret pet has caused serious issues on-board Galra battlecruisers. Civilian Galra family groups often have a motley collection of pets. Two problems: 1) The illegal pet trade is hyper-aggressive in the Galra Empire. They import thousands upon thousands of species of animals, without too much regard for the long-term species survival of these animals. 2) What qualifies as a “pet” to the Galra sometimes includes the citizens of other planets. It does not pay to be a small fuzzy person (or a big scary fuzzy person) in the Galra Empire. Sometimes slaves who escape the arena end up in the pet trade instead. Pet abuse is strangely not okay in the Galra Empire, but that doesn’t mean that being treated like a pet instead of a person is any less horrific.
(God help Keith when the kids finally reason out the argument, “Allura has mouses, so why can’t WE have a pet?”)
What's Galra mythology like? Religions?
I’m glad you asked this because this is actually at the heart of a lot of Galra plot line in HaaH. As I mentioned earlier, in this fic, Daibazaal and Altea were both in the same quadrant and although they weren’t particularly near each geographically, they were close enough to each other that they inherited some surprisingly parallel mythologies, shared with numerous other planets in their general region of space. In particular, both Altea and Daibazaal prominently feature legends related to a lion goddess. On Daibazaal, the legend goes that the creation of everything we know began with the lion goddess, the first star. The roar of the goddess shook the universe and created the ever-expanding waves of space and time; the shine of her eyes in the void became the burning cores of stars; the weight of her swift passages formed gravity and orbit. She breathes and life flows over planets. (In short, the lion goddess is a sort of visual representation or embodiment for what we humans would just call “energy” or “order”.)
But the very existence of the goddess ensured the existence of her diametric opposite--the antithesis of all creation, the extermination of all life, all energy, all differentiation. This being has no form of its own (it is what all things will become when they become nothing--entropy or chaos itself, if you will), but it constantly fights to upset the balance in the universe, to claim more than its fair share.
The legends say that four times the lion goddess took a physical form and came to defend Daibazaal from the onslaught of darkness--once by fire, once by water, once by earth, and once by vine--and at last when the whole planet rang with the force of her being, she put part of her soul itself into a mortal, her first champion, that he and all his descendants would be blessed with the power to combat evil wherever they roamed.
Of course, you can see how this kind of origin story might lend itself to propaganda. The early kings and queens of unified Daibazaal used the legend to their advantage, first claiming that they were direct descendants of the blessed champion, and then a step further--that, by possessing the strongest remnants of her soul, they ought to be treated and revered as physical manifestations of the goddess herself. This evolved over time alongside other cultural fixtures like the arena, until religion became irreparably tied to politics for the Galra: by the time Zarkon took the throne, the general agreement was that whoever was emperor/empress was the representation of the goddess made physical, and the champion crowned in the arena was the one blessed and bound to carry out both the power--and the will--of that “goddess.”
Over Zarkon’s reign, the influence of the religious aspects have waned significantly--it was not beneficial for the Galra to believe in a higher power instead of their immortal emperor--and so the importance of the goddess has been continually downplayed while the importance of the emperor has grown. Although most people still treat Zarkon as if he were a god and “the champion” is still an awe-inspiring figure, the significance behind “the goddess gave us power so that we could fight evil” has definitely been lost behind “we have power and it’s only right for us to use it.”
(You can see the obvious links to Voltron here. It’s definitely not accidental, but I’m not going to say much more than that.)
What are some common Galran phrases?
Ha ha oh man, I don’t want to write anything here and then have to take it back later when I inevitably over-think language stuff...
"Sticks and flungr” is a very unflattering why of saying someone doesn’t have their shit in order. A messy house might be described with this saying, or turning in a half-assed report at work. (For reference, it’s referring to the Frinunnel bird’s habit of making lopsided, disheveled nests out of well... sticks and poo.)
“Vrepitsatir” is a “yes man,” a military flunkie who mindlessly agrees to everything the higher-ups say without questioning it.
“Notches” is a way of referring to past lovers, based on the common habit of ear-nipping between partners.
“Be careful--Zarkon’s watching!” is an empire-wide joke, especially among the lower-level military, when you find out someone is up to something they shouldn’t be. The effect is pretty close to the joking Earth phrase “Ooohh, I’m tellinggg.”
Phew, I think that covers it!
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Animorph/DP crossover
so i’m officially on an animorph binge, fueled by nostalgia and dawning horror as i rediscover how deeply messed up an violent this series is.
for those of you don’t remember or only vaguely remember the weird book covers, animorphs was a quintessential nineties book series (and brief bad tv show) that most of us read for free-reading points when we were eight. it is a series about 5 kids who witness an alien ship crash one day and have a dying alien give them the power to turn into any animal and alien they collect dna from (a bit like ben10′s omnitrix now that i think about it, only it came out first, isn’t a bracelet and is generally horrible). new space dad also gives them, a group of 13 year old’s, the mission to stop a different race of alien invaders, called yerks, who are essentially slugs that crawl in your ears and take over your body. they intend to take over earth. the animorphs can’t trust adults because they don’t know who’s being mind controlled and quite suddenly they find themselves in a full scale war, full of moral grays and trauma at every turn along with goofy nineties slang and sometimes (rarely) the kids having fun with their ability to turn into wild animals. arguably the first book has a higher kill count than the entire harry potter series. it doesn’t pull it’s punches and, while i’m sure i have nostalgia glasses on, it’s really good. give it a read sometimes.
so, of course, i have to dump my crossover head-cannons on you, because combining these two worlds, that have pretty impressive world building is too good to pass up. (keep in mind i’m only three books into this binge and my memory is mostly hazy). strap in;
okay first of lets set the condition that ectoplasm and ectoplasm based weapons kills yerks. therefore Danny and any ghost can actually kill yerks pretty easy. it also means Danny can’t become a controller even if they try. i want to set this stipulation because lets be honest the yerks are too powerful and the hero side is already outnumbered. i suppose you could think of it as to semi sentient slimes fighting for dominance, yerks are more living and sentient than ectoplasm itself, but that’s part of what makes them weak to ectoplasm, a materiel that is a byproduct of death and that has proven to be corrosive in general. ectoplasm is less thought based and more hunger and emotion based. so it’s easy for ectoplasm to consume a yerk because as a sentient being it has emotions and mass, whereas, a yerk looking for a brain in a ghost won’t have much to grab onto.
or you could not have that caveat and make everything even darker and worse by having ectoplasm being good for yerks, similar to those slime pools they bask in. in which case, discovering the ghost portal will be a crushing blow to the humans
Danny can clear out yerk infestations, just by possessing people, but it essentially means burning a yerk alive inside someones head, which is traumatizing for everyone involved. Danny doesn’t like doing this but will when necessary
yerks, due to this aversion to ectoplasm, are actually very superstitious about ghosts and avoid ‘haunted’ places as much as possible, leaving Amity fairly safe until the larger scale plans start taking effect. 
at which point ‘let’s just wipe this haunted city off the map’ plans start circulating. (’but wouldn’t that just create more ghosts?’ ‘i won’t pretend to know’)
enter the animorphs and team phantom on different fronts. the animorphs are eager to know why the yerks are so adverse to this city that they’re willing to destroy it. is there a weapon there? is there something useful there? i don’t think even the andilites know about yerks weakness to ectoplasm (oh they would have used it) so they’re running blind, hoping to get the weapon and the information before the city is destroyed, and you know, hoping to prevent the city’s destruction
team phantom on the other hand are way blinder in general. their involvement started as Tucker hacking some government files and then accidentally following the backdoor breadcrumbs into the entire yerk system. he take’s the whole, ‘aliens are controlling our government’ thing, as more of a ‘I WAS RIGHT’ moment than a ‘oh no!’ Danny and Sam are reasonably skeptical because of this
until they find out that the city’s gonna get destroyed yet again. and then things are kinda sticky for them, because most of what they know about the alien invasion is from Tucker’s hacks and a lot of it is in an alien language that’s taking time to translate.
so of course the animorphs show up and find literal ghosts and assume aliens because they’re not far enough in the timeline for god and time travel to be an established thing yet. everyone is freaking out, because they’re being invaded by something else!? they’re already in one war, man. and the team debates are on because clearly these things are an enemy to the yerks if the yerks want to destroy them so much. we could use them (Rachel, Tobias), but we don’t know anything about this race or if they’re the lesser of evil between the races (Marco, Cassie). Ax’s only opinion is that ghosts freak him the hell out and are unnatural. i don’t think he’d be able to telepathically communicate with ghosts (except for Danny and Vlad) and that deeply scares him. Jake decides they need more information before they decide. the team quickly elects to catch a ghost and interrogate it.
which goes as well as one can expect. watching the animorphs try to fight the box ghost with all their animal forms is embarrassing, with how ineffective it is. team phantom walks in on this.
which leads to the ‘are we talking to hostile aliens’ stare down. team phantom saw enough of the fight to be like, no, and have already proven more or less that the animorphs aren’t ghosts, so alien is the other conclusion to draw.
the amount of sarcasm and banter that Danny and Marco create being in the same room together is legendary. establishing a bit of almost playful respect
Ax is being messed up by Danny’s psychic wavelength because he can hear it but there’s migraine inducing feedback
Sam and Rachel however are low key butting head in the background and that results in a fight the they break up and pretty much establish, yeah, we’re all good guys here, okay. (Sam and Rachel's sass levels are also dangerously high. in general the amount of sass in the room could fuel a teledrama)
everyone’s hesitant to share information, Danny keeps his secret initially and even though they get their rundown of the aliens and the rundown of the ghost, neither are willing to share the big secrets or trust. team phantom have this whole ‘what if they’re the aliens trying to blow up the town subplot while one of the animorphs (i wanna say Tobias but i don’t think he’s picked transformation back up yet so lets say Marco) grabs some of Danny's dna to see if they can turn into a ghost.
it goes as horribly wrong as it can go.
most ectobased life forms don’t have dna because they’re made purely of ectoplasm, that’s it. the only reason Danny has dna is because he’s a halfa and his Schrodinger's cat existence was very lucky and very unnatural. combining ectomutated dna with a power that is based purely around life is not good. marco almost dies, everyone’s really mad, even though it’s not Danny's fault. the animorphs demand that they fix him and Sam is bitter because the blame is on them for taking his dna without danny;s consent but whatever. they save him anyway because they’re the heroes.
welcome back Fenton dream-catcher, they remove the ectomutation spirit thing from Marco safely and either they have to fight the half-transformed goo monster or the thing collapses on it’s own because it’s completely unstable.
Marco, depending on how philosophical you want to get, tastes death, ectoplasm, ghost obsessions, and possibly some of Danny's memories? i guess the animorph power works a bit like copying another creatures spirit, which is one of the reason, copying something like Danny is so complicated because he is the perfect hybrid of spirit and life. they ironically can’t copy literal spirits though because they have no dna as a starting point. the whole near death experience is going to haunt Marco for a while.
oh well, life saving, monster fighting, out of the way, trust is finally established.between the teams and everyone get’s crash courses in ectobiology and animorph biology and figure out why the bad stuff happened.but  they still don’t know that ectoplasm kills yerks
this got long. i shall do a part 2! - Hestia
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The Croydon Cat Killer
A/N: Now this lovely piece of work here is probably my fifth attempt. Tumble deleted my first draft and its neater version. Then Microsoft crashed on me and took another report which I had re-written twice. Needless to say this report is actually killing me.
 Trigger Warnings: Now as you could probably tell from the title this report focuses on the death of animals. What this guy has done to his targets is pretty gruesome in all aspects. I’ve tried to include in the tags all trigger warnings involving animal harm and death, however, if you want any other warnings included please contact me as soon as possible. I understand that whilst there may be some aspects of true crime that you are ok with, there are others that may trigger you.
 So now, lets be on with the strange and unusual case of the animal killer known as:
 The Croydon Cat Killer.
It was Easter 2017 when I first heard about the Croydon cat killer.
 I was back home from university for the holidays along with all my siblings so the house had been chaotic to say the least. I ended up retreating to my phone when the Twins began fighting again, unwilling to deal with their bickering so soon.
 I know, terrible elder sibling - but they argue all the time.
 Anyway, it was whilst I was on Facebook that I first mention of the Croydon Cat Killer.
 Again, I know what you’re thinking.
 “Raven, a Facebook post? Those things are usually full of shit.”
 And yes I do realise this, however this friend was trustworthy, factual, someone not likely to share fake posts seeking to incite panic.
 Also it was a link to a report written by a reputable newspaper.
 No not the Daily Mail
 Anyway, it was from this report that birthed my interest in the case, in is sheer absurdity and the audacity of the Cat Killer.
 And its really what began this blog, on the stranger lesser known crimes around the world, for this is undoubtedly an unknown case by many, but those who do know of it all share the same fear.
 That one day this Cat Killer will turn his attention to Humans.
  The Initial Suspicion:
 The rise in Cat mutilations and deaths was first noticed by Co-Founders Tony Jenkins and Boudicca Rising of the South Norwood Animal Rescue Liberty Charity, or SNARL for short.
 (Remember them, they’ll come up a lot.)
 More and more calls were coming in from the South London areas concerning strange cat deaths which often shared the same characteristics.
 These cats, discovered in increasing numbers in the South London areas, were mostly found in public areas.
 Public streets, high traffic grassy areas, and a few times in people’s own gardens, and even on the front steps of their owners’ homes. A most notable case was when a cats paw was left on her owners front step.
 These cats were found without their heads and tails, and later other body parts, but alarmingly there was often an absence of blood at the scenes, and any blood found was minimal and congealed. They were often laid out, displayed.
 Later forensic tests done by forensic specialists and veterinarians would show bruising consisted with death by bludgeoning. It is believed by many that the decapitation and mutilation occurred afterwards, though some disagree.
 Most shockingly however, was the fact that several of these cats were found with raw chicken in their stomachs, obviously eaten a little while before their deaths. The owners were insistent that none of them fed their cats anything of the sort before hand.
 A clear sign of luring? Of malicious intent?
 At the time of the initial reports however only the mutilation was known about, and the rising numbers of reports and the way the bodies appeared immediately raised suspicion in Boudicca and Tony. They began collecting reports, and even brought the bodies personally to their vets and third party vets to understand what could have occurred.
 They also began to heavily petition the police for investigation.
 With the families and SNARL working together to raise awareness about the Cat Killer, even reporting the incidents on Facebook, the case soon garnered attention across the country.
 Pets are undoubtedly important members of families. Any sane human being that owns a pet loves them unconditionally.
 Not one of you who own a pet can deny use of the baby voice when talking to whatever animal you own. I once watched a friend coo over their pet snake whilst rubbing its head.
 Pet owners are a weird lot, but our pets are our family, and unfortunately vulnerable members of our family at that.
 Animals have their advantages against humans. But smaller ones like cats, especially those trusting of humans, are always at risk of cruelty and harm.
 Serial killers, and I will count this man as a serial killer of a kind for ease despite the fact his victims are only animals, have always been cowardly by nature. They have always gone for the easier targets, ones that won’t cause too much trouble, too frightened or scared to attack a man or woman that could beat them. They relied on tricks, the good nature of others, and the fact their targets were often smaller and less confrontational than them. Blitzing them, or surprising them so they were incapable of fighting back.
 It is probably why the Croydon Cat Killer selected cats as their main targets. Much smaller than most dogs, less able to fight back, an easier target.
 It is his targets that also brought out such an outrage as well, and led to the quick creation of Operation Takahe.
 Operation Takahe:
 The investigation into the Croydon Cat Killer began almost astonishingly quickly considering the victims were cats, but the sheer number of animals beginning to be attributed to this Cat Killer, in the hundreds already, the mutilation that occurred and the attention the case was receiving meant the Police were quick to establish an investigation.
 This investigation was codenamed Operation Takahe. Boudicca and Tony’s initial suspicions about the reports began in January 2015, and by the summer of the same year Police investigation was already underway.
 The Investigation would last three years, until the August of 2018, and in that time multiple facts became known about the Cat Killer.
 1.       The fact the cats were bludgeoned to death and several were fed raw chicken shortly before death became known through forensic testing and study.
2.       It was shown, and is mostly believed, that the decapitation of the head and tail occurred after death.
3.       The initial victim, the apparent first cat killed by the cat killer, was discovered. It is still believed, though with some uncertainty, that a cat killed in Croydon in early 2014 was one of the killers first victims, maybe even the first. This and the fact he worked mostly in the South of London gave him the name the Croydon Cat killer.
4.       The cats missing body parts mostly remained missing, but horrifyingly a few were returned in other areas  at a later date. Causing the owners further distress to say the least.
 Later facts would show just how expansive the killers range was.
 5.       Reports of similar mutilations began to come in from as far south as the Isle of Wight and possibly as far North as Brighton. Many attacks seem to occur in areas near a motorway known as the M25, a road which circles London and connects the city to other major roads leading out all over the country. This lead him to be known by a new name – The M25 (Cat) Killer.
6.       Foxes and rabbits were also starting to be discovered, in the same conditions as the cats killed previously. This lead SNARL and others to refer to the killer as the UK Animal Killer.
7.       The kills were also shown to happen in under-surveilled rural areas, and urban areas with little traffic.
 Whilst this all occurred the case garnered more and more attention, the Cat killer became a mystery figure. Profiles of the killer were made, and descriptions of his appearance.
 He was described as a white male in his 40’s, with short brown hair, dark clothing, and acne scaring on his face based on sparse witness reports as he was never caught on camera. They also declared he could be wearing a headlamp.
 His personality profile was as such:
 1. He often travelled, possibly for work.
 2. It was eventually believed he lived in Addiscombe, considering the amount of attacks occurring there.
 3. Profilers and psychologists also theorised his hated for cats in particular could have stemmed from a hated or fear of women, and the mutilation of the animals after, and the distinct need to leave these animals in the open and for their owners to find, was for sexual gratification.
  Celebrities and politicians alike were drawn to the case, tweeting descriptions and drawing attention to the case in hopes of an arrest.
 All the information together seemed to present the idea of a prolific sadist, a human one.
 A suspect was arrested but released.
 A man who was on the sexual offenders list for raping an older woman had his home searched.
 Which is why it is so shocking that in September 2018, the Police shut down Project Takahe with news that the killer had been found.
 The common Fox.
  The End?
 Police revealed that they had seen a few images of foxes carrying the missing cat parts away from scenes. They also found fox DNA on the corpses as well.
Stephen Harris, a retired professor of environmental sciences at the University of Bristol who had studied fox behaviour for fifty years, asserted that there was no killer.
 He asserted the lack of blood or its congealing, as well as the lack of heads and tails, and other body parts was absolutely due to car collisions. Other say it was a moral panic.
 He does not go on to explain how the cars could have put a cat paw print on their owners front porch.
 He also explains that foxes commonly chew of the head and tails of their prey as well. Nd yes he was called in on a case prior involving the death of cats in the late 1990’s in London, and confirmed they were Foxes.
 SNARL and many other could only react in disbelief. I myself included.
 Cats laid out, obviously dissected, and they call it the work of cars and foxes.
 Cats in accidents leave massive amounts of blood in the road, of which I have been unfortunate witness to, and the foxes scavenger nature (especially London) which could easily explain why foxes were seen with cat parts.
 This theory leaves many things unexplained:
 1.       The display of the animals in open areas, the repeat of pattern, the openness these cats were found in.
 2.       The sudden increase of cat death as a whole, enough to make those who recorded such things suspicious.
 3.       The animal parts returning at a later date, especially the paw that appeared on their owner’s door step.
 There is also the fact that shortly before the closing down of the investigation a man was arrested for arson AND cat mutilation and gave up his fellows as well, claiming there was still someone who was out there committing crimes.
 It is the opinion of many that this is a vast oversight by police, nearly negligent in fact.
 I myself have, as you do, spoken with several of my friends on this topic. Some who work in civil service and are of the heavy opinion that this closing of the investigation was due to budgeting by the higher ups who probably withdrew funds due to the cases length and the victimology.
 Many believe that this may be another group, a single man with possible copy-cats, or simply one man.
 Very few appear to believe it is a fox.
 The believe not looking to catch this killer now is a grave mistake, and not just for animals.
 Because there is one main worry that still persists amongst people who worked on or who have looked into this case.
 That this man, whomever he is, will one day turn his attentions to people.
 Animal killing and mutilation are a precursor to killers after all, most notably serial killers.
 But here’s hoping it’s a fox, I hate to think what would happen otherwise.
 And please, have a lovely night.
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senashenta · 2 years
Eclipse 16
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Eclipse 16 is the original epic, epic, EPIC storyline of mine. I started tinkering with it and its' characters back when I was in grade 9, and I'm still adding to it today. It has dozens of characters, spans hundreds of years, and has a HUGELY detailed creature-filled world. E16 is kind of my baby, but while I love it to bits and would really like to see it written out some day... I dunno. It's possibly TOO big to actually be completed like that. idk.=/
Anyway! Here's some basic info, just for shits and giggles.
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Clockwise from the top right: Leau Angelique, Moyasu Moeru, Cassandra Nekoshi, Tizne Khol (& Courtney the cat). In the middle are Cicero Kurayami (standing) and Gin Maranwe (crouching.)
More of my old art that I never share but whatever lol.
Eclipse 16 takes place in a future where Earth has been divided into a patchwork of technological cities and almost prehistoric civilizations. The main three variations are City, Forest and Swamp, though there are a few misc. colonies that don't really fall into any of those categories. The reason behind the patchwork colonies is mostly explainable by World War III, which occurred around the year 2030 BC and ended a short three years later after the employment of both Operation Sunrise and Operation Eclipse. After the Third World War, humans had a choice; to either rebuild and start where they had left off or to rebuild and start over. Those who chose the first built up huge cities, cut off from the rest of the world, and those who chose the second made themselves at home with nature, living mostly in forests and plains.
Cities: There are two different types of cities in the New Earth, and among them, Solara and the Great City are the most famous, as they are the largest and most populated/prosperous.
Solara - The primary city of the first genre, Solara appears much like the rural area of any modern town or small city. It boasts a very homey air, lush trees (and other plant life) and beautiful parkland. Schools throughout the city cater to children of all ages and races, and most require students to wear uniforms. Residents have delved deeply into the science of Genetic Manipulation, specifically in Gene Splicing, and because of this much of their population consists of human/animal hybrids and "intelligent" animals. A lot of the hybrids are cat-based, as they found the DNA of cats to be the most compatible with human DNA. Aside from Genetic Sciences, the Solara-type City technology is much like the technology we know now.
The Great City - "The Great City" doesn't have a definite name, but has definitely earned it's title. This is the primary of the second type of city, in which technology has been embraced to the point of completely cutting Mother Nature out of the picture. To walk through the City you would see no plants, very few animals (though they are still, occasionally, kept as pets), and lots of various types of cyborg and android life. Huge skyscrapers and other buildings make up most of the Great City, and it is home to several factions, which could be comparable to Biker Gangs.
Forests (& Tribes): They're home to various Tribes, which are similar to Native American societies from Earth's past. They commune with nature, don't use anything that pollutes the planet, and generally look down on the cities and their technology. Forests can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, as they contain a good variety of wild animals and creatures, some of which are seriously dangerous.
Swampland: Swamps are New Earth's equivalent of the slums of the past. The people who live there don't do so because they want to; basically, the Swamps are a last resort before death.
Operation Sunrise/Operation Eclipse: The science operations that was brought into existence during WWIII. The four elemental Titans were created through Operation Sunrise, while the Chaos Titan was created through Operation Eclipse.
The Titans of Old: The original Titans were those who were directly created through genetic manipulation and cloning, and programmed as soldiers for their respective factions during WWIII. What would have been their natural personalities were suppressed to make them into better weapons.
Juno - The Original Titan of Air/Wind, and the one who unofficially commanded/lead the other three Titans of Operation Sunrise. She has blonde hair and brown eyes.
Tethys - The Original Titan of Water. Serious, quiet and contemplative with a semi-hidden temper. She has brown hair and blue eyes.
Gaia - The Original Titan of Earth. She has an obvious love of animals and a somewhat twisted sense of humor. She has black hair and green eyes.
Electra - The Original Titan of Fire. Less serious than the others of Operation Sunrise, but still a formidable soldier. She has red hair and blue eyes.
Morrigan - The only Titan to be created by Operation Eclipse, occasionally called the Titan of Chaos. She had the power to combat all four of the Sunrise Titans, and had been conditioned to be cold and indifferent to life in general. She has purple hair and black eyes.
The New/Neo Titans: Those born generations after WWIII, who appear to be the incarnations of the Sunrise and Eclipse Titans. (There is much more character info for the Neo Titans, as they are the main E16 characters, while the Titans of Old are minor background ones.)
Gin Maranwe - The middle child in a family of the Hyandae En' Luhta (Blade Spirits) Tribe, who seems to have no direction in life. Her older sister, Kina, is is training to be the Tribe Medicine Woman and her younger sister, Shidoa, will, in time, be the Tribe Shamanness, but Gin herself has no special gifts or talents. Eventually through a series of dreams that both she and Kina experience, with portray both the events of Operation Sunrise & Eclipse and an angry girl shrouded in shadows, she discovers her heritage and lineage as the Titan of Air/Wind and sets out to find the others of her kind to combat the newly reborn Titan of Chaos. She has silver hair and roan brown eyes. Her first name, Gin, means "silver" in Japanese, while her last name, Maranwe, means "destiny" in Elvish.
Leau Angelique - A citizen of The Great City and a member of one of the "factions" (biker gangs). She is the only child of a political family, but doesn't get along with her mother or father and thusly refers to her friends as her Family. She has a spitfire temper and absolutely no patience, but eventually accepts her destiny as the Titan of Water. Her hair is pink-mahogany and her eyes are blue. Her first name, Leau, means "water" in French ("l'eau.")
Tizne Khol - The newly reborn Titan of Earth, she lives in Solara and attends Solara Academy East for the field of Crime Scene Investigation. She is best friends with several human/animal hybrids and genetically manipulated animals, including a talking cat whom she thinks of as a sister. She hates her first name and insists everyone refer to her as "Khol" instead of "Tizne". Khol is a fairly normal personality, with the exception of a few quirks, one of which is her sarcastic sense of humor. Her hair is black and her eyes are grey. Her first name, Tizne, means "charcoal" in Spanish, while her last name, "Khol", means charcoal in Egyptian.
Moyasu Moeru - Moyasu is an orphaned child, a year younger than all of the other reborn Sunrise Titans, and has lived in the Blue Swamp for most of her life. She has been living with her "Grandfather" for the last year and a half before Gin and the others find her, and simply can't remember her life before that. Her "Grandfather", really just a kindly old man who couldn't leave her out on the street, explains that Moyasu has what he calls "complete but selective amnesia" about her former life, but won't say why. Despite this, Moyasu is a bubbly and energetic girl who laughs all the time and gets along well with everyone, including Leau (though Leau won't admit it). She is the reborn Titan of Fire. Her hair is light blue and her eyes match. Her first name, Moyasu, means "to burn in flame" in Japanese, while her last name, Moeru, means "flame" in the same.
Cicero Kurayami - The new Titan of Chaos, and the reincarnation of Morrigan. She has born with no sense of right or wrong, which is because of her genes, and spends her whole life from the time she's old enough to travel alone searching for those of Operation Sunrise with the intent of destroying them. Cicero isn't really a bad person, but the genetic programming that passed from Morrigan to herself has completely taken over her actions. Both her hair and eyes are aquamarine. Her last name, Kurayami, means "darkness" in Japanese.
Other Important Characters: There are a lot of misc. characters throughout Eclipse 16, some of which are more important than others. Here are the few that have a real impact on the storyline.
Kina Maranwe - Kina is Gin's older sister. She's in training to be the Tribe Medicine Woman, and, basically, is everything that Gin wishes she could be; beautiful, intelligent, graceful, talented, etc. Her role in E16 is large in the first chapter or two, but trails off when Gin leaves home, because Kina stays; she does, however, get cameo appearances throughout the series. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her first name, Kina, means "gold" in Japanese, and of course her last name, Maranwe, means "destiny" in Elvish.
Courtney - The talking cat that Khol refers to as her "sister", Courtney is a product of intense genetic manipulation. Personality wise she is fun-loving and rarely serious, which irks Leau to no end (especially since she insists on coming along with them). She also enjoys both telling and playing jokes. Courtney's only big personality quirk is that she has a major world domination complex. She intends to rule the world someday. Her fur is orange with beige tips and her eyes are green.
Cassandra Nekoshi - Cassandra is a cat-human hybrid and an acquaintance of Khol's in Solara. She goes to a different school as Khol, though, as she's not in training as a CSI. Cassandra of both gifted and cursed with Sight, meaning that she can see into the future, but no one really believes her. She travels with the New Titans for a while, helping with her Sight, before leaving to return home. Her fur is pale purple, her hair is dark purple and her eyes are dark purple. She is named after Cassandra from mythology, who was cursed to have Sight but never to be believed when she told people. Her last name, Nekoshi, is taken from the Japanese word for "cat" ("neko").
Shiawase - He is the living embodiment of Moyasu's Flame, and appears shortly after the first time her power manifests, after which she names him "Shiawase" ("Shi" for short.) Physically he appears to be a wolf with flame-marked red and orange fur and blazing red and yellow eyes. He stays to defend Moyasu because she wishes it, and though he starts off as a simple animal, directed by Moyasu's unconscious commands, he eventually develops a personality of his own and is a true and loyal friend to her, Gin and Khol, with a rocky friendship with Courtney and a grudging respect for Leau. His fur is red, orange and yellow and his eyes are red. His name, Shiawase, means "joy" in Japanese.
There are also about a million minor characters, but that's the big ones and all the basic, important info. ♥
There's also a short spin-off, Lycoris, that follows Morrigan during the time she was living in the lab and explains how she became as angry and unpredictable as she did.
This one is fantasy adventure that borders on being a Magical Girl series again, and it all stemmed from a bored doodle I did in math class in grade 9. I still have that doodle, along with about 300 other sketches and drawings that I did of E16 characters over the years. Hah. But they're all on paper and I no longer have a scanner so YEAH. Oh well.
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magic5ball · 3 years
Nature Trail to Hell Arc IV: Megamart of Darkness (1)
Chapter 1: Dorkheads and Dragons (er, Dinosaurs)
           Little fun fact about the Pennsylvania Elves: they’re not actually elves. Heck they’re not even Pennsylvanian most of the time! They’re just a flock of geese that are way too into live action roleplaying for their own good that, for some odd reason, decided that their homeland was some Pennsylvania backwater they only visit during the summer. I’ve heard tales from up north, talking about how they’re just regular geese up there, but I’ve never seen it. What I did know back then was that geese were right nasty little pricks if you get them in a bad mood, with a bite that could crimp chromium steel. I also knew (and this is what saved me) despite all their defects as both elves and Pennsylvanians, they were birds, which are dinosaurs, which meant I shared DNA with the turds. Which meant I just might be able to reason with them.
           I’d been formulating how to best negotiate with my captors for a good half hour when we arrived at their camp. Granted, my stomach was empty, and my mind works five times slower without my morning bowl of Lucky Loops, so it was kind of a futile effort. Most I came up with was the ol’ puppy dog eyes, and if that trick couldn’t get me anywhere with raptor gangsters, it certainly wasn’t going to get me anywhere with these persnickety pricks. At the very least, Camp Wood-Elf looked festive. Ominously so, but worst came to worst I could pretended I was at a party while they ate my soul alive (‘alive’ relatively speaking, of course).
           Not much to say about place, really, besides it was a round clearing in the woods; probably (definitely) once an old campsite. Like I said, the place looked festive: party streamers, balloons, gaudy polka dot table cloth hung everywhere. Only instead of a cake, in the center of it all was a cat climber so new it still had the price tag surrounded by a stone circle filled with strange smelling wood. Above the thing hung a banner reading ‘CONGRADULATIONS! IT’S A BOY!’ in colors that made my eyes bleed.
           Not missing a beat, the honky little turds tied me up Joan of Arc style to the climber using the power of duct tape (or as they called it, geese tape). With the last of my energy, I asked them what in the hey was going on (in the dinosaur tongue, of course). You should have seen their stupid faces when they realized I honked their lingo! They were just staring at me dumbfounded, like this was the first time anything unexpected had happened to them their entire lives! Shame the moment only lasted a few seconds before one of the geese (little me couldn’t tell you which. They all looked the same to him) spoke up in an archaic version of the dinosaur tongue. And considering this is the dinosaur tongue we’re talking about, that’s saying something!
It went something like “Be silent, knave! Thou hast interloped upon the bountiful realms of the wood elves of Keystonia! Have all the patience for now, for with the passing of chrono sands thou shalt receive judgement from the Indelible Monarch of Potter County!”
           As if trying me to a cat climber wasn’t bad enough, now they were back to forming a circle with their shopping carts. A bit much if you ask me, seeing how the most I could do was wriggle like a snake in a vice, the climber teetering, but never quite tipping over.
           Then they stopped. A new circle was formed, shopping carts on the outside, a single elf in front of each on the inside, all looking at me like I’d been the guy to buy out the Butterfly Farm and turn it into an oil field. From beneath their feathers they took out pointed party hats, wearing them over their beaks like masks. The one directly facing me, who wore a particularly festive hat reading ‘BIRTHDAY BOY’ in bright yellow letters, waddled up to me.
“Fiendish cur! Who amongst our vile enemies has sent you to taint this blessed land?!”
The little turd (whose name might have been Kelly Fitzpatrick or something, but for simplicity, let’s just call him Birthday Boy) bit me right on the knee! Have you ever been bitten by a goose before? Because believe me, it is a whole other realm of agonizing pain. Fortunately, one of the first things A-Hole made sure to (have F-Bomb) teach me was how to keep my cool under interrogation. Sure, maybe I screamed loud enough to spook every squirrel within a five mile radius, but the beans (whatever they were) remained in the metaphorical can. Not that this stopped Birthday Boy any.
“Hast the divine word of the Indelible Monarch fallen upon deaf ears? I asked you, o wretched hybrid- Who hast sent thee?! Tako Shak? Milky D’s? WEGMART?!! Answer at once, or I shall subject thee to the most eldritch forme of thine archaic tounge, upon which even the most scholarly citizens undergo cessation from sheer inspidness-“
“I’m from Tako Shak. And I’m not here to ruin your happy little elf paradise. In fact, I’m a refugee that escaped.”
The campsite grew so quiet you could hear the crickets chirping… in Canada!
One of the geese in the circle spoketh (really no other way to put it) first:
“’Twas an interrogation most underwhelming. I find thyself unamused.” Several other geese bobbed their heads in agreement.
“Crap.” Whispered another. “This was supposed to last all afternoon. Now how’re we going to kill the next three hours?”
Birthday Boy didn’t miss a beat. With a bite to my other knee he got the crowd’s attention.
“Thou maketh claims grandiose! But as they say in the colloquial- canst thou walk the walk?”
I nodded, confident in my testimony. “Take off my shoes, if you dare!”
Two geese immediately waddled up to do the deed, pulling as hard as geese could until my shoes came off with a POP!
Sure enough, there were still deinonychus feet under there. The crowd ‘ooh’-ed as well as geese can, which came off as more of a honk. I was living in the moment, at least until Birthday Boy decided to be a total buzzkill and ruin it!
“Silence, thou reckless wastrels! Hast thou forgotten how Wegmart hast attempted to use dinosaur human hybrids to infiltrate our divine kingdom, and how similar creatures were utilized in the first great kingdom in times of old? In just the past five months, twelve similar attempts have been undertaken in an attempt by Wegmart to seize our remaining LARPing grounds!”
I tried to imagine twelve other half dinosaur boys walking into this forest and getting captured. Then I tried not to think of what must have happened to them.
“Still, there be-eth a single test upon which to determine where this vagrants loyalties lie! He must speketh the Elvish Tongue in its’ most divine incarnation! The Tounge of old Kanata”
He turned to face me. I could tell that, were it not for his stiff beak, he would have been smirking.
“So, o wastrel, dost thou speaketh French?”
If there was ever a time my four years in Honors Spanish had felt like a giant waste of time, it was now.
“Uhhh… Parez vouz… IlikebigbuttsandIcannotlie!”
I offered a silent prayer to the Lord, hoping that by some weird coincidence, that actually meant something. Didn’t get my hopes up, though. The geese were honking like crazy, which probably wasn’t a good sign.
“You… you unruly cur!” Honked Birthday Boy, barely maintaining his archaic accent. “How dare you! How dare you combine the blessed tongue with the mindless dread hymns of Sir Mix-a lot! Such a crime will not go unpunished!”
The geese hissed, just like a snake about to pounce, but even more bloodcurdling. They demanded my blood, and nothing could quench it but my death (I was dead, but you know what I mean).
Several demanded I burn at the stake, to which Birthday Boy said
 “Burning at the stake will do no good! We will not have the ghastly smoke of this villain clog our migration skies. This soul must be purged in the most paramount of fashions. Take him to PARADISE!”
There was a chorus of honking as they loaded the cat climber onto their backs, carrying me away on the world’s fuzziest coffin.
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landoftheoutsiders · 6 years
Day 8: A Recap & Short Rant About Shitty People
Today I drove from about 1:00pm to 11:00pm with an hour break to see a friend on the way from NC to GA. I thought I was going to have to complete a play analysis tonight for my class, but come to find out that low and behold, there is a God and he is in my corner because ya girl’s analysis is due tomorrow night at 10:00pm! So that means I can get a good night’s sleep and be refreshed for the next day after a solid 4 days of staying up until 4:00 am and trying not to die the next day.       Today stared off like any other day. Waking up to my alarm, silencing it a solid 15 times before waking up, and then staring at the ceiling wondering why the fuck I’m still alive. I went to go have a nice breakfast with an old friend at the Waffle House, and then all of that came to a halting stop when the Wicked Bitch of West Atlanta (WBWA) and I had this conversation:           WBWA: “Hey Rian, hope you had fun out of town. I see you didn’t come to get your food out. At 1:30 I’m putting everything in get fridge thats yours in a trash bag and it will be outside since it smells. If you plan on staying here again, let us know and we’ll change your shower curtain back.”           Me: “Actually, I’m still out of town. I left Tuesday morning. I don’t care if you throw stuff away. Don’t leave it on the patio though.”           WBWA: “Okay, you said a few days, and its been 5. Another reason to be really clear about when you plan to do something. And you should care if someone has to clean up after you. I’m either leaving it on the patio or in your room.”           Me: “I’m coming home later tonight, so if you leave them in the fridge, I’ll get them tomorrow.”      Okay, so my initial response was kind of bitchy, but this human being has been doing this petty shit for a solid 6 months now, and I’m done being patient and trying to play nice. She apparently wants to deal with a bitch, so I’m going to gracefully deliver; however, she wants to talk about how I should care about when other people have to clean up after me. CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE SEVERAL TIMES I HAVE CLEANED OUT THE FRIDGE AND HAVE THROWN OUT HER MOLDY ASS FOOD, HAVE PUT AWAY HER SMELLY ASS CAT FOOD, AND HAVE REORGANIZED THE CABINETS BECAUSE FOR WHATEVER GOD FORSAKEN REASON, SHE CANT SEEM TO KEEP ORDER TO ANYTHING??? Because... I really want to.       Oh, and the thing with the shower. curtain. Let me set the scene for you. WBWA has her own bathroom, Aloof (our other roommate) and I share a bathroom. Now. When Aloof moved in, she brought soooo much furniture. Which WBWA and I were thankful for. But she changed literally everything, and things in our bathroom we share that she didn’t even ask my input on. Whatever... I can deal. I was mildly freaking out though because everything was on our patio while we were trying to get everything settled. Mind you, our patio is on the ground level. If people wanted to, they could steal our shit.      But back to the shower curtain. Aloof had a conversation/asked in passing (I’m not sure which) with WBWA if I’d care if she put up her shower curtain in the bathroom we shared. WBWA asked me... I told her I felt as though so much has already changed, I would really like if my curtain stayed up. Fast forward to a few days ago. WBWA and I had this conversation:           WBWA: “Hey Rian, your fish tank was making a lot of noise for a really long time today, so I unplugged it. Been meaning to mention, there is rotting food in the fridge--Next time you’re here, would you please make time to get rid of it all? I could use the extra space. And do you mind if we open your door to show people coming to look at the apartment what the room looks like?” [side note, thanks for killing my fish, fam. Especially without even telling me that my fish tank was making noise]           Me: “I’m going out of town for a few days, so when I get back I’ll clean it. Then you can show it. I’ll get the food when I come as well.”           WBWA: “Thank you! Miss ya! [the polygraph detected that was a lie] Have fun out of town. Just remembered to ask--Do you prefer that your shower curtain stays up in the bathroom?”           Me: “Yes please.”           WBWA: “Thumbs up emoji”
     First of all.... Why are you in my room without my permission or even saying something about my fish tank. Second of all, Why are you, yet again, asking for an opinion about something that doesn’t concern you? Third of all, why in the absolute fuck are you going to ask my my opinion on something if you’re going to do what you want to do anyways? People. This isn’t even scratching the fucking surface of the bullshit that I have had to deal with. Again, I’ll make a post on that later, but I swear to fucking god, if this bitch has put rotting food in my room or on the patio, I’m going to lose my shit.       I’m honestly over the consistent lack of respect for my property, the double standards, the themes of a need for controlling others, and undertones of manipulation. The reason why I say themes is because you don’t quite see any of this coming when you first meet her. She’s a little odd, but most people chalk it up to, “well maybe she’s just a little awkward.” No. She is a lot awkward. She told my boyfriend at the time that 26 was a sexy age in front of me.      Did I mention that she is 30? Aloof is also 30. What the actual fuck am I dealing with. So I’m taking away the Keurig that is mine without a warning, and if there is anything on the patio or in my room that resembles food--I’m putting all of her shit that is out of place on the goddamn patio like she has been doing to me for months that I have just let slide. I’ve turned the other cheek, I’ve been nice about it, I’ve tried to just pick my battles, but she has broken the thin ice she was on with me, and the bitch is about to barely be treading water.       WBWA also wants to have a conversation and buy me a birthday present in a few weeks. The present is going on the patio where she thinks everything else belongs, and we can definitely have this talk. But she is not going to be prepared for the shit I’m going to say. This time I’m coming prepared with an itemized list of grievances along with my psychoanalysis of the whole situation. I’ve been holding this in for a very long time, and I’m done being nice. Take note in this, reader: Don’t fuck over an Aries. We may have a lot of patience, but once they’re done giving endless second chances, you’re done. If you don’t understand that you’re done and you keep provoking us, we’re going to have some shit to say.       Jesus... okay. Rant over. Thats basically it though. Everything else that has happened was nice. My mom helped me dye my hair, and we watched Rent while doing it. Fuck I feel like I need a shot of tequila or something after that rant. The wedding I went down for was so beautiful. It was a small ceremony and it was honestly perfect. I caught the bouquet and my friend who was getting married came up to me and said, “this is a get your shit together bouquet.” Which honestly I didn’t mind.. I could use some inspiration. My mom got so excited and I simply said, “don’t hold your breath.” I’m not really marriage material. I'm not good at the whole family thing. I also don’t want to pass on my DNA because that poor kid would be all kinds of fucked up.  I think thats honestly it. I'm tired after driving all day and my brain feels suffocated by the childish behavior coming from my awful roommate. I can't wait until a, I move into my next apartment in June, and b, Aloof realizes how shitty of a human being WBWA is when they get a new roommate. Or maybe they’ll find someone who is also just as indifferent and passive as Aloof and WBWA can have complete control over their apartment and wonder why she’s alone while sitting with her cat. God I just don’t think I’ve loathed someone as much as I have her. I’ll have to make the explanation post about her soon. I hope your living situation is much less toxic than mine. -- Rian Dianna
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shiroi-sakura · 7 years
SSS + TeammTaka Headcanons
(Has this been done before?)
Sakura and Karin
● Sakura and Karin exchange letters when Karin is stationed in one of the hideouts which are close to the Hidden Leaf (like the one shown in Gaiden for example.)
● This can rarely happen because Orochimaru keeps changing which hideout everyone is stationed in very frequently.
● Karin dropped by once to see Sakura. It was when Sarada got very sick
● Karin tried to return the umbillical cord to Sakura because of traditional purposes, but Sakura let Karin keep it instead as a reminder of how they helped each other when they were in dire need(Sakura healing Karin when she was severely injured and Karin helping Sakura during labour)
● The cord is a symbol of their bond as well as being the thing that biologically connects Sarada to Sakura, and spiritually connects Karin to both Sakura and Sarada
● Karin's new hair do? Sakura's the one who styled it.
● Karin's glad that Sasuke's found some one as great as her
● Sakura is Karin's first female friend. She couldn't be happier
Sasuke and Karin
● Their relationship has greatly improved and they see each other as comrades.
● He's incredibly grateful for what she's done for Sakura and himself
● He's even showed her 'that' smile as a way of saying thank you
● Even though their bond is not of romantic love, like a teenaged Karin would fantasize about, there still is a connection between them as being comrades. Karin's alright with this because she knows that bonds come in different forms and its not a black and white thing.
●Some of her feeling linger, but she's not sure if its those kinds of feelings
● Sasuke finds her love-hate relationship with Suigetsu really amusing, even though he could diffuse the argument, he doesn't.
Sarada and Karin
● Karin is Sarada's crazy yet lovable aunt
● After finding out that Sarada's face was more heart-shaped like Sakura's, she got Sarada the pair of squoval glasses she has in Boruto the Movie, because it suits her face better then the sort of cat eye shape she had in Gaiden
● As Sarada gets older, she'd ask auntie Karin for frame suggestions
● Karin teared up a bit when she was refered to as an aunt (because it was such an affectionate term to her)
● She thinks Sarada resembles Sakura facially except her smile that has a certain Sasuke-y-ness to it
● Karin tells her that Sasuke was more stressed that Sakura even though Sakura was the one giving birth
Sarada and Suigetsu
● Sarada's still a little bit salty about the mixed up DNA test and would often tease Suigetsu about his mistake.
● He'd end up telling her about a lot of inappropriate things like about that one time he was totally naked in front of in Sasuke
● She'd edge away from him slowly when he gets a bit too crazy
● He'd be the first one to ask her if she had a crush
● She thought that he and Karin were a couple. She was corrected by an angry Karin
● Out of Taka, she likes him the most due to his chill and carefree attitude, and the occasional jokes
● She picked up on his habit of spouting out (Good? Bad?) jokes
● She actually makes an attempt to diffuse his arguments with Karin.
● He teaches her how to use a large heavy weapon like his sword(like a giantic axe or something) after a little bit of convincing and seeing that her amazing Chakra control gave her Super Human Strength.
Sasuke and Suigetsu
● Nothing much has changed between these guys
● Suigetsu might make an unsavoury comment about Sasuke's clothes
● The first time Sarada called Sui 'uncle' he broke down, started sobbing and gave Sasuke a very uncomfortable hug.
● "Uncle, UNCLE! She called me uncle!!! Did ya hear that Sasuke? Did ya hear!? I'm an Uncle!' sobbed an overwhelm Suigetsu
● 'Yes, you are an uncle. Not because of your age. Not because of blood relations. But simply because Sarada sees you as such.' Says Sasuke, trying to edge away from Suigetsu's soggy grip.
Sakura and Suigetsu
● Her anger towards Suigetsu (because of the DNA test) fades over time
● She doesn't physically lash out at him, she just gives him the look.
● She thinks that Suigetsu is a good influence on Sarada due to his laid back and humourous nature. Sakura thinks Sarada can be too tense and anxious some times, so she thinks Suigetsu's involvement would help.
Sarada and Juugo
● She likes the fact that he seems to be one with nature
● She doesn't believe some of the stories she's heard about him
● She later gets to know that Mitsuki shares his unique bloodline limit
 (That was a lot wasn't it...)
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