#Hobbit x male reader
gl00mystarz · 2 years
Nsfw hcs: Thorin dating a half dwarf & half hobbit boyfriend who likes to wear chains(hinting to Y/N liking being tied up or tying up people)
Please I'm so horribly in love with Thorin, he's just so <3333 Also yes hello, I am back
CW; it's all NSFW-
WC; 397
My Beloved
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⚣ Thorin is so heavily in love with you, you're the highlight of his life, and as much as he feels he is a dom, he'd do anything to please you, you're his king, the man he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
⚣ Thorin will often decorate you in the finest gold and silver chains, even when he beds you. Your arms and legs are restrained by chains he made himself in his spare time.
⚣ He absolutely adores decorating you with things he has made, and will always opt to chain you down as he pleasures you through the night.
⚣ He adores seeing you walk around in your everyday attire, with the chains he had made specially for you, it gets him going in the most wholesome and impure way at the same time.
⚣ When it actually comes down to it, he tends to your needs and can spend hours between your legs, pleasuring you in every way that you could have ever wanted.
⚣ He loves having you sat in his lap, cold chains decorating your skin as his hands explored every inch of you, all the muscle. Every curve of your form. He was absolutely enamored by you.
⚣ Thorin however is also a sucker for having you however he so pleases, sometimes in the dead of night, when all the other Dwarves are asleep, there is no one around. He'll have you bouncing on his cock on his throne.
⚣ Sometimes he'll have days specially for him having all the control, having you bent over your large and plush bed, taking anything and everything from you he could want, and you're happy to oblige to his wishes.
⚣ He loves when you call him your King in bed, he loves it purely cause it lets him know, all your trust is in him, he is your king. he has all the power he could want and you willingly entrust him with this power over you.
⚣ However on the softer end, there will be lazy days, days where he has no kingly duties to attend to. The day is spent with both of you completely bare in your bed, skin on skin. Using the time to pepper each other in kisses and marks that will last weeks. Thorin takes pride in this, as he is a possessive man.
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miniminiujb · 8 months
Thranduil x leitor masculino (male reader)
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Thranduil era conhecido por sua beleza inigualável, sabedoria e poder inigualáveis. No entanto, existia um aspecto de sua vida que ele mantinha em segredo - seu amor secreto por seu melhor amigo, B/n.
Thranduil e você haviam crescido juntos. Compartilharam aventuras, risos e segredos desde que eram crianças. Ele sentia uma profunda conexão com você, mas por medo de arruinar a amizade preciosa que tinham, ele ocultou seus sentimentos por todos esses anos.
Em uma festa foi realizada em honra aos elfos. Tinha convidados de diversos reinos. Thranduil estava cercado pelas as pessoas, mas não conseguia evitar olhar para você que estava conversando e rindo com outro elfo. O rei elfo foi tomado pelo ciúme, um sentimento desconhecido até então em sua existência.
Conforme a noite avançava, Thranduil se retirou para seus aposentos, afastando-se do tumulto e da música. Sentado em seu trono, ele refletiu sobre o amor que sentia por você e como temia perder a sua companhia. Foi quando ele percebeu que o amor verdadeiro precisava de coragem.
Tomado por uma decisão, Thranduil se dirigiu para o seu aposento, onde você estava lendo em silêncio. Erguendo os olhos ao vê-lo entrar. Thranduil começou a falar, tentando expressar todas as suas emoções e medos.
"Querido B/n", ele começou. "Desde que éramos jovens, você tem sido minha luz nas trevas. Por muitos anos, escondi meu amor por você, com medo de perder sua amizade. Mas esta noite, quando vi você rindo e conversando com outro elfo, percebi que não posso mais esconder meus sentimentos."
Você o olhava com surpresa, as mãos seguras no livro. Thranduil continuou, "Sei que essa revelação pode fazer a nossa amizade desandar, mas eu não posso mais continuar em silêncio. B/n, eu te amo. Você é a razão pela qual meu coração bate e a vida em meu reino tem significado"
Você permaneceu em silêncio por um momento, deixando o impacto das palavras de Thranduil se acalmar. Finalmente, um sorriso gentil percorreu o seu rosto e colando o livro  de lado. "Meu querido Thranduil", você sussurrou, "Eu também tenho escondido meus sentimentos há muito tempo. Assim como você, eu temia perder nossa amizade. Mas agora que você revelou seu amor, posso dizer com certeza que meu coração pertence a você."
Thranduil olhou para você com os olhos cheios de emoção. Foi um momento de intenso amor e alívio. Vocês se aproximaram e, finalmente, souberam que os sentimentos eram mútuos.
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moonrainbowfish · 2 years
Thorin x husband!dwarf!reader fluff
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A/N: Since there's not much hobbit x male!reader stories, I decided to write some for you guys. I'm actually super nervous about posting this, since it's my first time writing fluff with Thorin. So please go easy on me and remember english is not my native language, but I still hope you lads enjoy this super cheesy short fluff.
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"Are you coming to bed, Âmralime?" you heard the deep voice of husband say.
You were immersed in a book, you had recently bought. It was a very simple story nothing spectacular. But you had waited for an exciting plot to happend. It had been nearly 2 hours and nothing really occured. You decided to close the book bound in brown leather and turned your (h/c) head to your husband awaiting your response.
"I'm coming, my love," you answerd him.
Slowly, but surely you made your way towards your bed. Taking your shoes off first before getting under the covers. You were already wearing your comfortable nightgown.
It was night time outside, stars were shining bright and a soft, cold breeze coming through the window made you shiver a little.
"You're shivering husband, come Ghivashel, let me warm you up," Thorin offered.
"Being in your presence alone makes me already feel warmer," you whispered towards him.
You weren't normally so sweet, being a strong dwarven warrior and all, but in the presence of your husband you can't help but let out more of your soft side the others rarely got to see.
Your husband smiled at you. His bright and white teeth being visible. It was a very genuine smile and it made your heart flutter. Oh how you loved your husband's gorgeous smile and his beautiful bright blue eyes which shined even brighter everytime he looked at you.
"What did I do, to deserve such a handsome husband as you, (Y/N)" Thorin spoke softly.
You chucked, feeling the heat rush to your bearded face.
"And I wonder how did I get so lucky. Married to such a fine dwarf as yourself."
Thorin beamed at you.
"I truly must be the most luckiest dwarf in the world, because I'm married to the most attractive dwarf in Arda," he commented.
"Now now don't go too soft on me, Oakenshield." you teased "For now just let us sleep. We can continue flirting in the morning."
That answer made him chuckle. The bed creaked softly as Thorin came closer to you. He softly wrapped his hairy, muscular arms protectively around you, as if he was scared you would slip away from him. Not that you ever would, being a robust dwarf an all, but you can't help but grin as he held you tightly in his embrace his arms wrapped around your body, as you both lay on your side. He pulled the soft blanket tighter over your bodies and you began to snuggle your head into the crook of his neck, your beard slightly scratching against his skin. You breathed in his strong masculine scent. It reminded you of home, where you are right now, with the love of your life.
Even a strong dwarf warrior still needed some love and care too.
Your eyes scanned over his muscular body, covered in scars. He was so very handsome. It didn't take long before you began to hear your husband softly snoring right next to you.
Ever since your marriage, your life has been filled with constant happiness. Thorin may be grumpy and moody at times, but around you he became a total softie. Like butter he would melt in your embrace, you brought out the best side in him. Being with you has left him feeling more at peace than ever before. He's a tough dwarf but you, as his better half knew how to handle him and put him in his place, if the time called for it.
You stared up at the peaceful, sleeping form of your husband one last time, before the slumber slowly began to take you. You smiled and closed your eyes. Still laying in your husband's robust arms. Around him you truly felt safe, he was yours and you were his, nothing would ever change that.
And soon you found yourself in a world of wonderful dreams, laying right next to the love of your life. He truly made you feel like the happiest dwarf alive and the cold air of the dark night being completely forgotten as you shared warmth, the sound of both your deep snores filling the room.
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gulnarsultan · 2 months
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🍃İmagine. 🍃
Gandalf says Thranduil has no right to force you into a relationship.
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queenstarlight2 · 2 years
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Imagine just moaning yandere Thranduil's name in bed while you are riding him (the fic is basically like the Elrond version but it does have a few more lines and a few lines were also changed to fit more into Thranduil style)
(NSFW below) (Ellon meaning male elf or just elf)
Pants and grunts filled the room as Thranduil's breath labored while you bounced on his cock. Trying to remain quiet, so the whole of Mirkwood doesn't hear how much of an whore you are for its king.
"such a good little one, taking my cock so well"Thranduil's hips harshly and unexpectedly thrust up, sending you to a climax as your head snaps up and your back arches, tightening around his pulsating cock as you cummed. "hah~Thranduil~" you moan in ecstasy, still enjoying the way his massive cock filled you.
Thranduil grabbed your face and kissed you. Looking into your hazy eyes. "my love, I haven't even begun tonight's true adventures " he flipped you, so you would be below him, as he grabbed the headboard and smirked at you. you felt Thranduil's silk sheets as you felt your slick go down your thighs, suddenly knowing that the silk sheets were bound to be ruined by the time you were finished, most likely by dawn if your beloved's eyes were anything to go off of. Hungry, completely madded by your taste, and completely jealous of all the Ellons staring at you earlier in a gown that was only meant for his eyes.
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anxiteyandsleep · 3 months
I'm so sorry if I made you flustered about the smut question- didn't mean to! 🫢🫣😆
Okay so I'm gonna try and request this: 🙏
Could I please request Thranduil x Male reader who's this tall and buffed tiefling (big horns, long strong tail) who looks scary asf but is actually a total sweetheart? He only looks intimidating bc he's always wearing his armor, covers his face with a cloth/a mask, has dark makeup around his eyes and basically looks like a fricking demon?
He wears a cloth/a mask around his mouth bc he has a big open scar on his cheek (naaah nothing too graphic he just can do this trick with food where when you're facing his healthy side he sticks a carrot into the opening (scar) on the other side and chews without even opening his lips- totally normal- he did it in front of Legolas once and that poor child didn't sleep for a week). He's not ashamed of it, he just doesn't like the stares.
Even tho I'm as old as the first LOTR movie I only just now became a fan and I saw that Thranduil has an injury on his face as well (but hidden) so that got me thinking...
Maybe reader and Thranduil are a couple (reader was treated badly for being a barbarian tiefling -> not by Thranduil <- but proved himself when he saved him) and he then made reader his personal guard, became friends and then lovers.
Thranduil is curious about reader hiding his face but never pushes him to uncover himself (Like why are you hidding yourself from me hmm? Why don't you kiss me? Your other facial features are gorgeous asf, for a tiefling barbarian who rips goblins in half with his bare hands you could even compete with some elves I know-).
One day Thranduil has some issues with his own injury which reader sees and comes to his aid, Thranduil is embarrassed and nearly breaks down, tears fill his eyes bc his love saw his hideous face and is afraid he will leave him (god I'm so bad at romance bro) but reader just chuckles, takes the cloth/mask from his face and shows Thranduil his own injury.
Now they both have scars! They know each other struggles! And they love each other like never before! Happy ending- No but really, angst with fluffy comfort for our two boys and mainly for the elf himself, he needs the love.
Maybe even emotional way back to their shared bedroom by sunset all lovely dovely bc why dafuq not- just Thranduil giggling kicking his feet and twirling his hair as he's princess carried-
Jesus...I got way too into this. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sorry for it being so long, I honestly don't know how to write short requests...also sorry for any mistakes, english is my second language.
Add something, remove something, it's up to you. You don't even have to write it if you hate it or you're not comfy with it. 😘😘
This is adorable ahhh and dw you didn't make me embarrassed or anything! I may have missed some details, this was written over the course of multiple days with very little sleep😭
I included my head canon that Thranduil is blind in his one eye from the dragon fire, as well as that when low on energy he can't keep the disguise up.
Slight TW for blood, scars and such???
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It has been almost a year since you and Thranduil had started dating, you were his personal guard and beloved boyfriend, he adored you so much. He never knew why you hid your face but he didn't pry, especially considering he hides his face in a way too.
Thranduil had always been impressed by you, a strong tiefling with a kind soul, much like a gentle giant. Sure you were rather... Gruesome in battle, using your bare hands to fight and always returning covered in blood and gore. It was truly terrifying but Thranduil loved it, especially after you had saved him from a spider attack.
Today, however, Thranduil was hiding away from his beloved barbarian, tucked away in his room with nothing but a small candle dimly lighting the room. He had overworked himself again, his head was aching and he had no energy left to maintain his disguise, the burnt skin and muscle visible, a sight he despised.
When you heard that Thranduil was taking the day off and locked himself in his room, you grew worried. He's never done that before, usually on his days off he spends them with you, taking a walk through the garden or getting some much needed sleep. So of course you immediately went to check on him, making your way to your shared bedroom.
"Thranduil? Are you alright? I heard the guards say you weren't feeling well and I-" you fell silent as you entered the bedroom, squinting as you adjusted to the dim light but you knew exactly what you saw. You never knew Thranduil had such a scar, it covered the left half of his face and his eye was completely white.
Thranduil had to turn his head completely to actually see you, quickly attempting to cover up the scar but alas, he couldn't manage to use his magic in such a state. He never wanted you to see this side or him, he wanted to keep this horrid scar hidden from you.
"(Name)... What... What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on patrol?" He managed to get out, clearing his throat and doing his best to speak in his usual tone but his voice still sounded shaky. Perhaps if he didn't bring attention to the scar, you would just ignore it as well
"I just got back, my love..." You replied, slowly walking closer to Thranduil, head tilted slightly in curiosity as you examined the scar. When you reached the edge of the bed, you knelt down before him, resting your chin on his legs. "is that from the dragon you faced?"
Thranduil sighed softly, closing his eyes as he couldn't bare to look at you, afraid he'd see disgust in your eyes. "yes...I managed to survive but..." He vaguely gestured to the scar, shaking his head slightly. Thranduil finally opened his eyes again when he felt your strong hands holding his, the touch was so gentle and caring, he just had to see you.
The way you were looking at him surprised him, your eyes were full so of love and admiration, it made his heart swell.
"We kinda match" you hum in a soft whisper, reaching up to remove the mask you always wore and revealing your own scar. You weren't ashamed of it, you mostly hid it for everyone's comfort as the sight of your open cheek often made people uneasy and you hated the looks they'd give you.
it was now Thranduil's turn to stare in awe, one of his delicate hands reaching up to gently trace around the scar, his fingers soft and gentle as always. "hm I suppose we do, my love" he replied softly his hand trailing up to gently trace over your horns, following the pattern and ridges of them.
"forgive me for keeping this from you... I... I do not like people seeing me in such a state but I should've told you" Thranduil apologized, moving his hands back to gently cup your face, being careful to not disturb the scar
You couldn't help but chuckle a little, leaning into his touch while your tail wagged slightly. "there's no need to apologize, I kept a secret from you too"
Thranduil felt as if a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders, the stress slowly melting away as he held you in his hands. "Well now that we both have told the truth, how about we rest?" He whispered sweetly, leaning down to capture your lips in a tender kiss, one you eagerly returned.
Without breaking the kiss, you got off your knees, cradling the back of Thranduils neck with one of your hands. You kicked off your boots, accidentally sending one flying across the room but you didn't care. "a nap sounds good, yeah" you muttered against his lips as you carefully push him back onto the bed, climbing on top of him to continue the kiss.
Thranduil couldn't help but chuckle, pulling back from your lips just enough to talk. "My love, this is not napping ~" he didn't really mind as you continued to pamper him with kisses, his delicate hands reaching up to gently tangle themselves in your hair.
"mm we'll nap after, then"
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robsth0r · 1 year
Ears Of The Elven (Legolas x Human!Afab!Reader)
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A/N: So I had this idea... and I needed to write it out so here it is! I love the sensitive elf ear trope so I of course had to write one too. For the “Afab Reader” that is because there is no mention of gender other than the reader being born female so if you’re transmasc that would work too. Anyways hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Smut/Lemon (18+), Sex.
Word Count: 1089
Extra: There is some sindarin in this chapter so this is the translation of it; Meleth: Love. Meleth Nin: My Love
Legolas was laying in his bed peacefully slipping away into his dreamland. That was till his eyes snapped open as he felt a finger delicately run over the shell of his ear. A rush of pleasure went through his body and he let a shaky breath out.
"Aragorn wasn't joking." I said, in awe. Legolas and I had been dating for around a year or so and being in this position with me currently holding the most sensitive part of the elves body was something Legolas definitely hadn’t thought would happen. I was sitting next to him keeping a firm yet light grip on his ear.
"Quite sensitive?" I leaned down to whisper into his ear, my warm breath sending sparks up and down his spine causing him to shudder. Legolas raised his eyes to glare at me, his sharp gaze looking directly into my soul. My grin grew wider.
"Let… GO." He growled, trying hard to ignore the feather light finger strokes on his ear and how they were affecting him.
"Hmmm… No." I grinned again, reaching across his head to stroke his left ear. The result left Legolas squirming and breathless. The sight of the extremely horny elf next to me was enough for my heart to skip a couple beats. I wondered how it was to have such sensitive ears.
I continued teasing Legolas's ear lobe before leaning down to press gentle kisses all around his earlobe. Every time my lips touched Legolas's sensitive skin it tingled from head to toe, making goosebumps spread across his arms and legs. His heart rate increased dramatically as I moved lower down his body, kissing him along every inch of the way. When I reached the base of his neck Legolas arched into my touch, letting out a moan. I smiled against his throat and slowly began trailing kisses back up his jawline.
When I got there Legolas opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by another groan coming all the way from the back of his throat. I smirked against the side of his face before licking all the way up his long pointy ear, enjoying his gasps and moans.
"Y/n…" Legolas begged, his voice deeper than normally, taking shallow breaths from the pleasure. I hear the warning in his voice but that doesn't stop me. I swing my leg over his chest, securing him under me.
"Gotta say please, Lassy." I chuckled softly and ran my left hand down the side of his torso still keeping my other hand occupied at his ear. I knew the elves didn't like losing control over themselves as it is what elves pride themselves on.
I grinned darkly as my finger reached the tip of Legolas's ear, pinching it lightly earning myself a groan from Legolas. He felt his control snap... thread... by... thread. I hadn't made him lose control even once while we had been together. But if the stories Aragorn had told me about Arwen were anything to go by it could be an interesting night.
I took my hand off of his ear and trailed it down his chest, teasing his waistband. With a flick of my wrist my fingers unfastened it and pulled it over Legolas's hips before slipping his pants down. My hands found his shaft making him twitch. I lowered my head and licked along his length groaning against it and that was enough to make him explode right then and there.
He flung himself up and secured both my hands in a firm grip above my head, him leaning over me.
"If you do that one more time I'm gonna-" He was cut off by a loud moan escaping my throat as I arched my back letting the night shirt I had on fall exposing my breasts. His eyes darkened as his pupils dilated and he lustfully looked down at me.
Before I could react, he thrusted his cock into my warm core repeatedly, kissing and nippling the skin of my breasts. The pleasure was almost overwhelming but just barely, so I grabbed onto Legolas's shoulder to steady myself as I arched my back even more in pleasure. He grunted as he fucked me hard but with pure desire, my pussy fluttering around him.
He reached his hand down and circled my clit, letting small bits of pleasure seep through me. Legolas now kissed my neck, his tongue licking out over my pulse. Legolas’ fingers worked wonders over my clit as he throbbed within me. Legolas took a glance at me and he could see the pleasure trickling into my eyes as he rocked his cock into me.
“Legolas!” I moaned, my head falling back onto the bed. My cunt tightened and wetness flooded around Legolas’ cock.
“Legolas, oh, right there,” I moaned as he fucked into me a bit faster. His thrusts were rough and hard, his nails biting into my thighs gently as he grabbed my legs, spreading me wider so he could get deeper.
Legolas was bringing me so much pleasure that I couldn’t think of any words other than his name. I babbled it, along with a few expletives, about how much I wanted his cock, how I needed him, and eventually, how badly I needed to cum.
Legolas wasn’t far behind me. He wanted to sink himself so deeply into my body that he could never find the way out. Legolas released one of my thighs and pinched my clit. He rubbed it furiously, daring me to cum. His eyes were wild as he stared down at me, beautiful, throaty groans escaping his body.
“Cum for me, gorgeous. Show your prince how good you feel. Cum all over my cock, meleth.” Legolas grunted. He tapped my clit quickly, and with a shout of his name, I came all over him. My body writhed with pleasure as whiteness blinded me. His name fell from my lips, and as he heard me cry out for him, Legolas came inside of me. He filled me with his cum, pumping himself slowly inside of me.
I couldn't get enough of Legolas. I never wanted to leave him.
We both collapsed next to each other, panting heavily as our breathing calmed.
"I love you," Legolas groaned, rolling us around to make himself comfortable spooning me, "Please never leave me." The plea was laced with love and longing and I turned around in his arms. I kissed his forehead gently.
"Of course, meleth nin." I whispered, stroking his hair. "I'm never leaving you."
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animatorweirdo · 1 year
Imagine being a Targaryen and befriending Smaug
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(So, this might be long, but I hope you enjoy it. It has also come to my attention that it’s just easy to write reader gender neutral since I rarely have to specify the gender, but this is male reader)
Requested by @weird-addiction​
Warnings: violence, mentions of dead and crushed eggs, mentions of cannibalism, Smaug is kind of a douche, overprotective dragon companion, some fluff, found family kinds of feels, angst, death and war. 
-After your banishment, you traveled far and wide, avoiding people and hunters who tried to take bounty over your and your dragon’s head. You couldn't let that happen, especially when carrying your dragon’s only egg. 
-You could feel through your bond how your dragon, Skarlax, was getting tired from all the constant running and flying. It wouldn’t take long before she got fed up with it and decided to fight your pursuers. You knew it would only end badly, so you had to find a safe place soon. 
-Your search led you to a witch, who told you about a place called the edge of the world, where rumors said traveling through the mysterious clouds of the sea would take you to another world. It sounded unbelievable and impossible, but knowing your situation and how desperate you were to find a haven, you took the risk. 
-You fed Skarlax and flew into the clouds in the sea. It was a horrid journey. The storm that followed almost took your life, so either the gods decided to be merciful, or you got lucky to survive such a force of nature. 
-You found your way to a place called Middle-Earth. It was such a beautiful place, and you could feel yourself wanting to discover all of it. Other Targaryens always thirsted for conquest, but you always preferred to travel and uncover than try to conquer. 
-However, you knew you needed to find a home for Skarlax and her egg soon, so you traveled to look for a good home for yourself. 
-You found your way to what seemed to be ruins of an old kingdom inside a mountain that stood alone from others. You marveled at the two great statues standing near the entrance, and you couldn't help but walk in – wanting to see more. 
-The sight was breathtaking. You walked through the stone halls, taking in the designs and the beauty of the stone murals and the statues. The city was unlike anything you had ever seen before. It was marvelous, especially when it was underneath a mountain. 
-You studied the old murals and pictures on the wall, trying to learn the story behind the city and its people. You were surprised when you discovered that dwarves used to live here. You noted the size of the old bones and armor you found, so these dwarves were much bigger and buffer than the dwarves in Westeros, and they were considered a different race, not ordinary people with a defect from birth. 
-You were discovering so much, and it made you excited. Skarlax just followed you as you walked around the place. 
-You found an old forge. The room was a mess but perfect for incubating Skarlax’s egg. It also had bigger rooms and old chambers nearby, so you and Skarlax didn’t have to sleep in the same room. 
-You tried to tidy up the place and prepare a fire until you heard your beloved companion growl and hiss defensively. She was unnerved by something like the place was not safe.
-You had been with her long enough to know the nature of her behavior, so you knew she was not smelling another human or a wild animal. It was another dragon. 
-You felt excited that there was another dragon and unnerved because wild dragons were dangerous when they were not fond of humans, so you quickly tried to leave the place rather than trying to find the dragon. 
-You almost reached the entrance till you felt the hall shake, and the mysterious dragon showed himself, his scales gleaming red and his eyes burning with golden flames. You were left stunned as you marveled at his size. He was big. He was bigger than the biggest dragon you knew in Westeros, and there was no doubt his wings could cover a whole village in their shadows. 
-He was a magnificent specimen, but you left your thoughts elsewhere as he did not look friendly when he looked down upon you. 
-One thing you did not expect or think possible – was for him to speak. 
-” Well… little rat. Why the rush?” His deep voice shook you to the core. 
-You were shocked, unable to utter a word. There has never been a recorded dragon who could speak like a human. It was impossible, but then you remembered that you were in another world, so anything was possible now. 
-Oh, how your relatives would have flipped their crowns and heads if they knew there were dragons that could speak. 
-You collected yourself and kept eye contact with the dragon. You apologized and tried to tell him you did not mean to invade his home. You thought the kingdom was empty of life. 
-He seemed amused by your answers and questions if you had not heard the stories about the dragon that dwelled beneath the lonely mountain, sleeping in the stolen treasures of Erebor. 
-You made a quick note of that and explained you were new to these lands and Erebor was your first stop because you wanted to investigate. You had no idea he was there sleeping. 
-You introduced yourself out of politeness, and he introduced himself as Smaug. 
-You tried to think your words carefully since he seemed to toy with you like a cat with a mouse, except it’s a tiny man and a giant dragon. 
-He approached you dangerously like a snake and then noticed the egg that rested against your chest in a pouch. When he saw the egg, he looked agitated and almost demanded to know if you had stolen the egg. 
-You tried to tell him the egg belonged to your friend, but he didn’t seem to believe you and seemed ready to burn you alive. 
-You were too far away to take cover, so you held your breath as his chest glowed with brilliant light, and he opened his mouth.
-Luckily, Skarlax came to your rescue just in time and attacked Smaug. She stopped him from raining fire upon you by scratching his head. Her smaller size allowed her to fly in the hall and maneuver around the enormous dragon while throwing and dodging the attacks.
-Smaug growled and quickly snatched her tail, throwing her away. 
-Skarlax got thrown onto the floor, but she quickly got up, ready to fight. However, you stopped her, speaking to her in High Valyrian and preventing her from making poor decisions. 
-You have always admired her determination to fight for you, but even you knew this was a fight she would not win, so your only hope was coercion. 
-You calmed her down, then turned toward Smaug, explaining she was your travel companion and the egg you were holding was hers. You were carrying it for her as you traveled to find a safe home for yourself and the hatchling inside. 
-You also explained you were from a place where dragons did not speak, so that’s why she was not speaking like him. 
-Smaug calmed down and then asked for your story. Since you gained his interest, you happily told him your story and why you were flying around to find a new home for yourself since you got banished from your old one. 
-Smaug listened to your story. He looked down upon Skarlax as she was protective of you, and she had a saddle on her back, so he did not have anything nice to say about it. However, he was willing to forgive you for trespassing. 
-His race was already under threat of extinction. So he did not wish to harm the egg in your hand and its mother. It would mean he would contribute to the death of his race. 
-He then said you could stay in Erebor since it was big, filled with gold, and you could incubate the egg. It would be safer than in the outside world since people feared dragons. 
-You agreed to his reasoning since Erebor would make a good home for you and Skarlax’s hatchling.
-You promised you only wanted to care for your companion and her future offspring, so you had no interest in his gold or treasures. 
-After that encounter, you finally managed to tie up the old forge and start incubating Skarlax’s egg. Skarlax was not happy with Smaug’s presence inside the mountain, so she was constantly watching the door, guarding you and her egg while having the pissiest face you have ever seen on a dragon. 
-You shook your head since she looked like a brooding child, but you understood her protectiveness. 
-She was mistrustful toward other dragons because when she had her first clutch of eggs, they were crushed and eaten by the dragon named Cannibal. It crushed your heart when you found her mourning and ready to fight the terrible wild dragon, but you stopped her because you knew she couldn’t have won.
-She didn’t give birth to more eggs for some time – until her mate died in a war. His rider brought him to a hopeless battle, and they both got shot from the sky. It crushed her even more, but she was able to give birth to one egg just when your house decided to banish you from the kingdom. 
-You were the only one she trusted, so she allowed you to take it, and you both escaped the kingdom and Westeros. 
-It would be awkward in the future when the tension between you and Smaug was this high, so you needed to do something to soften it up. 
-After resting through the night, you decided to confront Smaug and talk to him. 
-You were nervous when you walked through the stone halls since yesterday’s events were still fresh in your bones. It made you shiver how you almost got burned alive, but when you found the treasury, you were amazed. There were gold, gems, trinkets, and all kinds of treasures everywhere. 
-You never thought such a treasury was possible. There was no way gathering all the gold and treasures into one place in Westeros could even fill half of the hall in front of you. You were pretty sure even the riches pigs would sell their soul to have such wealth. 
-You concluded Smaug was one of those dragons that hoarded treasures, so you began to look for him and call out for him while stumbling on the hoard of gold. 
-You knew Skarlax was watching from the shadows, carefully observing, and ready to act for your safety, so you tried to keep calm when Smaug finally heeded your call and rose from his golden hoard. 
-You were still intimidated by his size, but you held your breath and told him you wanted to talk with him – anything to ease the tension and create a good relationship. 
-Thanks to your experience dealing with silver-tongued people in court, you made Smaug curious about your homeland and its dragons, so you ended up making a decent conversation. 
-He was not fond of the idea of his kin submitting to humans, so you had to give a brief explanation: dragons in your homeland were like your kin – not pets or slaves.
-He found the idea ridiculous but was curious to know more, especially the language you spoke with Skarlax when you calmed her down from attacking him. 
-You told him about High Valyria and how it was like a dragon tongue since most dragons in your house don’t listen unless spoken in that language. Smaug kinda liked it and asked if you could teach him some words in your language. 
-You were glad. It means you have created a good start, so you visited Smaug often and taught him some words in Valyria, and in return, he taught you something about Middle Earth and other races like elves and dwarves. 
-Skarlax was still uncomfortable with his presence and preferred to avoid him. She spent most of the time with her egg after making sure you would be alright by yourself. 
-Smaug asked for her story after observing how spiteful she was toward him, like she hated dragons, and you told him how her first clutch of eggs got destroyed by another dragon named Cannibal and how her mate perished in a war. 
-Smaug was surprised to hear about Cannibal since it was frowned upon to crush and eat a female dragon’s eggs, so he showed some sympathy. He went out of his way to hunt some prey and offer it to her as a peace offering, trying to show he was not a threat to her or her egg. 
-Skarlax was a proud dragon but accepted the offering since she could keep a more watchful eye on her egg. 
-You were happy since the tension was slowly decreasing, and Skarlax was slowly softening up to Smaug when he continued hunting for her. You gave Smaug some hints about her favorite food, and it helped make better bonds for them. 
-Helping him get Skarlax’s trust gave you a chance to befriend him, and he was comfortable enough with you to talk casually. 
-He admitted he grew to enjoy your company just a little since you entertained him with riddles and rumors you heard whenever you left the mountain to gather food and water for yourself. 
-You even went out of your way to bring him more treasures to add to his hoard, which helped you grow to a friendship level. It was hard work, but it was worth it. 
-After living together for some time, you might have noticed Smaug showing signs of interest in being mates with Skarlax. He kept hunting food for her and sometimes helped with incubating her egg. You liked the idea of them being together, so you wanted to help him since you knew Skarlax better than anyone. 
-She might have grown comfortable enough not to fight Smaug upon first chance, but she was still protective of you and her egg, so one way to gain her trust was to show he was trustworthy. 
-Smaug didn’t deny he was interested in her and listened to your suggestions. 
-It was difficult for him to gain her trust, but when he defended her egg from an intruder. Skarlax slowly cracked down her walls, and even she began to show interest in him. 
-You then helped out by giving Smaug hints on how to romance her now the challenging part was over, and one way to do it was by speaking in High Valyria with her. 
-You never imagined you would become a wingman for dragons and a third wheel. 
-You watched their romance grow and gave them peace by guarding the egg. It was lovely, but you were amused when you watched your proud companion and Smaug become enamored with each other. 
-You were first worried when you thought about when they became mates and got into ‘that’ business, but then you remembered Skarlax keeps growing every year, and she was already half of Smaug’s size, so there shouldn’t be any complications. 
-The day finally arrived when Skarlax’s egg was finally hatching. 
-In your old way, it would take a Targaryen to make an egg hatch, but it wasn’t impossible by naturally incubating. It would only take a long time, so you ran out of the forge when you heard those first cracks. 
-You were yelling, and you dug both dragons out of the hoard to tell them the news and make them watch the hatching with you. 
-You brought the egg for them to see, and you all watched as the baby dragon finally dug its way out of the shell. 
-It was a beautiful little she dragon. She looked like Skarlax, but unlike her mother, the little dragon was purple and red, and her horns and spikes were black. Oddly, she also had gold dusted on her chest and head, which made her look beautiful and like Smaug, in a way. 
-Skarlax was purring in delight, and her eyes were filled with love when you brought her hatchling to her. Even Smaug was watching rather lovingly. 
-It was a happy moment when you welcomed your newest member to your odd little family. 
-Now, the naming part was the hard part. You didn’t know what to call the new hatchling, so it took a long time for all of you to brainstorm some names. 
-You gave some name suggestions in Valyria and names that described her color and that, but Smaug was quick to brush them off because he thought your name suggestions, like Amethyst and Hearthfyre, sounded stupid. 
-He didn’t have better name suggestions, so you then suggested names in elvish since you have been learning and suggested Malleniel, which technically meant daughter of gold. 
-Smaug admitted that the name had a nice ring to it, so you all agreed to call your little hatchling, Malleniel. 
-It was a happy time for all of you with Malleniel. You often offered to babysit her, so you two grew close. Skarlax was full of joy to be a mother, and even Smaug sometimes played with her like she was his. 
-You were one big happy family. Sometimes you all nap together on the hoard. You cuddle with Maleniel while Skarlax covers you, while Smaug covers all of you. It was uncomfortable to lay on the gold, but you did not mind. 
-You thought it would be like this, and you would happily watch Malleniel grow till the old age hits you, but alas, like a curse, your happiness did not last long when they came – the dwarves and the hobbit. 
-You were with Malleniel when you saw someone walking through the halls – toward the treasury where Smaug and Skarlax were resting. You were suspicious and prepared with a blade, so you followed the intruder. 
-You were surprised to find that it was not a human, but something smaller with very hairy big feet. Your first thought was a dwarf, but you then remembered Smaug telling you they were bigger and had a beard, so you brushed it off and continued observing the creature. 
-The little person was odd and frightened to be there. You tried to make sense of him till Malleniel grew impatient on your shoulder and growled, alerting him of your presence. 
-He was startled to see you. He was definitely not expecting to encounter a human man, especially a man with a dragon sitting on his shoulders. Your appearance most likely frightened him even more as your silver hair glowed in the dark, and you glared at him with your purple eyes. 
-You demanded to know what he was doing in your home, and he was nervous and confused when you referred to the place as your home. 
-He tried to question you, but you pushed the questions back at him. 
-He introduced himself as Bilbo Baggings. He called himself a hobbit which made you curious because you had never heard about them. You would have asked him more if he was not an intruder. 
-You talked for some time as you tried to figure out his purpose in the mountain, and it was clear he was looking for something. You just didn’t know what because he was trying to avoid answering your questions. 
-You introduced him to Malleniel and advised him to leave. Smaug was not very keen on visitors right now. 
-You were too late to tell him to leave when you felt the room around you shake, and a familiar dragon appeared out of the corner. You knew it was too late for him, so you left Smaug to deal with your visitor. 
-You hoped it would be a quick death since you wanted to know him more, but then you hear voices and Smaug being more active. It left you concerned, so you followed the voices and observed how the dwarves avoided and rebelled against Smaug. 
-It looked like they were succeeding, so you quickly confronted Smaug before he could go after them. 
- ”Smaug!” You called out, stopping in front of him. 
He snarled after he got constantly hit with strange bombs before looking down on you and Malleniel. 
“(Name). I want you to take Malleniel and return to Skarlax. If things get out of hand, I want you all to leave the mountain,” He said, making your eyes widen at the thought. “But what about you? I could help you!” You said. 
“Ensuring Malleniel’s safety should be your first priority. These pests turn out to be more troublesome than I anticipated!” He said with hateful venom in his tone. “So I will not risk Skarlax’s and Malleniel’s life as long as they’re in the mountain,” He explained, then looked down on you softly. “So please, take them to safety for me,” He said, then continued chasing the intruders. 
-You felt conflicted as he was part of your family, and you had a bad feeling, but you respected his wishes and went to find Skarlax. 
-You stayed hidden with Skarlax. She wanted to join Smaug to chase off the intruders, but she listened to you and kept watch over you and Malleniel. 
-You felt the mountain shake and heard Smaug’s roar. He was outside, so you carefully led Skarlax and Malleniel out of the mountain – avoiding the dwarves’ attention and following what was happening next. 
-You watched as Smaug was burning the Laketown. He was most likely taking revenge on the intruders, but then you heard him roar in pain and fly in the sky before suddenly falling toward the lake below. 
-Your heart stopped at that moment because you knew he was dead. 
-Skarlax called out to him in pain, wanting to fly to him but staying beside you as she couldn’t leave you and Malleniel undefended. 
-Your mourned and hugged Malleniel, who was confused. You hugged her and cursed the dwarves for killing your friend and taking away one of the most important members of your family. 
-Skarlax kept you close, trying to comfort you. She grieved with you till dawn, and the battle for the mountain was beginning. 
-You watched as elves and the humans gathered in the city, ready to attack the mountain since the new dwarven king refused to share parts of the treasure even though he promised it to them. You found some irony in that. 
-They always said dragons were the greediest creatures on Middle Earth, yet here was a dwarf doing the same. 
-One night, you found the hobbit sneaking out of the mountain, and in a fun twist of fate, he dumped you on his way to the city. 
-You were not happy to see him because he was also responsible for Smaug’s death, but you did not care enough to harm him. 
-Skarlax was near to eating him alive, but you convinced her to stay put, and you two talked for a while. You asked what he was doing, and he explained he intended to give the heart of the mountain to the elves and humans. His friend valued the rock above all else, so it should be able to convince him to open the gate and avoid conflict. 
-You found his intentions honorable and brave. You would have done the same if it meant you could have saved Smaug’s life. 
-Bilbo showed sympathy when he saw how much Smaug mattered to you and how Malleniel got robbed from a father figure. You brushed his apologies off since it was already too late. 
-When he asked why you were still around, you told him you wanted to see the elves and humans break through the walls and see his friend get taken by his creed. 
-He asked you if there was a cure for the dragon sickness, but you answered there was no such thing. His friend can only overcome it by himself or let it consume him. 
-You allowed him to continue his task, and you watched as the whole thing unfolded in the morning. 
-The stubborn dwarf still refused to open the gate, and you waited for the moment to see the battle begin, especially when more dwarves appeared and they started killing each other. 
-It was interesting to watch for a moment, but then the earth shook, and you saw the earthworms opening tunnels for something. You then saw legions of orcs marching through, and now, it was throughout the war. 
-You saw the dwarven king joining the battle, which meant he had overcome his sickness, and they all fought honorably and like it was the last day on earth. 
-You decided to leave because you knew the battle was lost. The orcs outnumbered them massively, so you knew they would die either way. 
-You were prepared to leave till Bilbo found you and begged for your help. 
-You refused and asked why you should help the people who helped to kill your friend. You were not risking your life for people who would kill Skarlax and Malleniel at first sight. 
-Bilbo explained that if you helped them, the people would not harm you or your dragons. If you helped them win the battle, they would even give you a safe haven. 
-You highly doubted that since you considered Smaug as a friend. 
-However, Bilbo then convinced you that if you helped them, people would not come after you or your dragons. They could send word all around the land to prove you’re a friend and not an enemy. You and your dragons would be safe. 
-You thought about, and even if you did not want to help the killers of your friend, you had to think about Skarlax’s and Malleniel’s future and safety. 
-You pushed your feelings to the side and gave Malleniel to Bilbo. 
-Bilbo was shocked to hold a baby dragon, but when you threatened to kill him if she came under any harm – he sucked it up and made it clear he heard you loud and clear. He then watched as you mounted your dragon and took flight toward the battle.  
-When you flew above the battlefield, you yelled out for Skarlax to fire. 
-Fire rained down upon the orcs. They screamed as they burned alive, and the dwarves, elves, and humans were left shocked by the appearance of another dragon. 
-You cut the rest of the orcs away, giving a burning barrier to the people and preventing the rest of the orcs from overpowering them. You then continued burning them all. You also took down the trolls that tossed boulders and stones. 
-You gave no mercy to the orcs, giving a chance for the dwarves, elves, and humans to win the battle, and the war was soon over. 
-Seeing no reason to fight anymore, you returned to Bilbo and saw Malleniel alright. 
-Bilbo thanked you for helping and promised to let everyone know you were a friend. 
-You almost found revolt in the idea but couldn’t do anything about it. You took Malleniel and prepared to leave for good. 
-Bilbo wished you good luck and said if you ever found your way to the shire, he would always welcome you. You almost found some warmth in those words but brushed them away because you doubted you would ever meet again. 
-You bid him farewell, too, and flew away from the lonely mountain. 
-You looked back, watching your home get smaller and smaller. It left you with deep sadness, but you knew it was necessary. 
-You managed to find a new home even though it wasn’t easy, then watched how Malleniel grew up into a healthy young dragon. You missed Smaug and felt sad that he couldn’t be there to see her grow. However, Skarlax then laid two new eggs, and you were happy that your friend’s memory won’t die.
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warriorofthought · 7 months
A Father's Condition: A Heartbroken Son's Choice
Summary: Thranduil and you are a couple but to protect him from your father you make a deal with your father that almost kills you.
Word count: 5639
Warnings: sad emotions
Guard Thranduil x Male Reader
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You are currently alone with your father in a room. Writing something in a book as he walks over to you and stops besides you.
You look up at him " ada?"
"Mmm?" he asks "Are you done writing?"
His voice is deep and soft at the same time as he looks at you.
"Good" a slight smile appears on his face as he starts walking to the door. "Can you come with me for a second?"
You nod, stand up and follow him " where are we going?'
"My room" he says, his voice suddenly lower and more serious.
"We need to talk."
You quickly follow him further.
You enter his room and notice, he locks the door right behind him.
"Why are you locking the door?"
"It's for privacy..." he says, walking closer to you. "I really need to talk to you."
"Talk about what?"
"I... have heard rumors..." he says "I have wanted to talk about it for some time, but I did not dare." Your father finally says.
"I'm curious, my son. Do you have a lover or something like that?" Father asks you.
You can barely speak as his words shock you "A...Lover?...Why?...Is it important?"
He comes even closer, his eyes filled with curiosity.
"Why are you asking me this, have you asked that brother also?"
"You both are different, my son..."
He gently grabs your chin and turns your face to the side, slightly lifting your head.
"Look at my eyes."
His deep voice is filled with excitement.
"So different are we not, he is a bit older but also my brother and your first son."
"Yes, but he is older...you are still young and innocent but it's a very good thing."
"Let me ask you something, my son. Don't be ashamed....if you had a lover, you would tell me, wouldn't you?"
"Probably not" you answer.
His eyes slightly widen.
"What do you mean with 'probably not'?"
He comes closer again but you can notice, he has now less control over his actions.
"Why should I tell you that, just because you are my father, the king, you just will scare them away" you utter.
His grip tightens on your chin. "What did you just say?!"
"You heard me, father" you answer.
"So you DO have a lover?"
His jaw muscles tighten, the veins on his neck seem to swell, all his control is disappearing.
You step a step back and bump against the wall, you are starting to get a bad feeling.
His eyes are almost wild now. "I thought I taught you honesty?"
The door is locked, you can't run away even if you wanted.
He slowly pushs himself against you.
"I'm honest" you say hesitated.
"Then be honest with me. Do you have a lover?"
You nod slowly.
His eyes are filled with both anger and curiosity.
He bites his lips. "Is it someone in this castle?" he asks.
You nod again.
His grip on your chin becomes slightly more painful.
"Who is it?" he demands.
"Father, please, you are hurting me." You whisper.
"Then just tell me, it's simple: who is he?" He grabs your chin even harder.
"Thranduil " you squeeze out and grab his hand and try to loosen his grip on you.
"Thranduil ?..." his eyes widen "Do you mean one of my guards!?"
His voice is filled with rage now.
"Ada, please you are scaring me" you whisper.
The rage only seems to grow "I will kill him."
His grip changes slightly, now he is grabbing you, pinning you to the wall and the door.
Your chest is pressed against his. You can hear his heavy breathing.
"Tell me...have you kissed him?" he growls.
"Ada, please" you beg slightly.
"Tell me, my son...have you kissed him?"
You nod slowly.
He doesn't release you for a moment but instead, comes even closer.
"How often did you kiss him, my son?..." he asks, his voice is low and almost predatory in this moment.
"don't know" you lick your lips " often maybe over ten times"
His eyes seem to sparkle in anger now. "over ten times!"
"Who initiated the first kiss?" A wild look appears in his eyes.
"Why do you want to know that?" you ask.
"Just tell me!" He hisses.
The grip on your chin tightens again.
"Did you initiate it or did he?"
"Please, Father. Let go of my chin" you say softly but slightly scared.
His eyes still seem wild.
The grip on your chin is painful.
"Tell me first and I will release you, my son."
"He kissed me first" you breathe out.
He hisses and his eyes only seem to spark more.
"That traitor...he kissed you?!"
He tightens his grip on your chin even more.
"Did you kiss him back?" He demands.
You nod slowly.
"How often did you kiss him back, my son?"
He presses his body against yours.
His eyes are wild as he keeps you pinned against the wall with his free hand.
"Every time he kissed you, you kissed him back?"
You nod slowly.
"Did you enjoy your kisses with this traitor?"
His voice is calm now, like a predator that finally got what it wanted.
"He is not a traitor" you Protest.
You can feel his hot breath on your neck now as he leans even closer.
"I should punish him, my son." He says in a soft voice.
He starts to massage your chin now as the grip tightens slightly again.
“I punish him, for corrupting my son, his prince, this traitor, had no right in that. I think torture is the best punishment for him.” he says evil.
"No, don't do this, don't do anything to him" you say, almost vulnerable.
"I need to teach him a lesson..."
His voice is calm and he seems to be serious.
His grip tightens even more, his eyes have no anger now but excitement and a creepy sparkle.
"No, please. I can break the contact with him, if that's what you want but please don't do anything to him" you say quickly, apologetic and suffering.
He seems to be thinking.
His grip on your chin and your body is still tight but his voice is calm. "If you promise to break any contact with this traitor I'll grant your wish and keep him away from punishment...is it a deal?"
He smiles slightly.
You nod immediately, " i promise, i will talk to him and say that i don't want to see him anymore"
His smile only grows and he moves even closer to you. "Good, my son...very good."
He starts to caress your cheek with his thumb.
"Do it right away, my son. Tell him, you don't want to see him and don't love him anymore."
Your jaw tense slightly before you nod with a sad sigh.
You can feel his hot breath on your neck again as he leans right in front of you.
"Tell him you don't love him anymore, my son."
His voice is calm but you can hear how evil he says this.
Your eyes fill slightly with tears but you nod.
You can feel his fingers in your hair, stroking it softly.
"You are a good child, my son..."
"Just tell him that you don't love him anymore and that you will never see him again and that's it..." he whispers.
"I will, I promise."
He smiles and gently caresses your cheek again.
"Good child, my son...I am pleased." His voice is soft again.
"Now, be a good child and go tell him that."
You quickly walk out of the room.
"Don't come back here until you told him..." he says, while his eyes are still fixated on your back.
You wait in a secret room until Thranduil  comes to the meeting time. To do what your father wants.
When Thranduil meets you, you quickly move your gaze to the ground.
"Look at me..." Thranduil commands.
You slowly look up.
"What happened?" he asks.
You don't respond, you still can't look him in the eyes.
"Speak, please." he demands.
"I... We must talk" you answer.
He looks worried and his gaze is fixated on you, not used to you saying these words.
His voice is soft. "What happened? What is it, my love?"
You feel a slight pain move through your heart as he calls you my love.
"Maybe you should sit down" you whisper.
The pain grows even bigger as he moves and sits down.
"Please just tell me...I am worried..."
His voice seems to shake. His eyes are completely filled with worries.
"i.. we..." you stutter but you can't form words. Your hands run through your hair, nervous and stressed.
He tries to take one of your hands and looks at you.
"Please, my love...I am getting even more worried. Just speak to me."
You feel the pain in your heart rising.
Your hand moves a strand of his beautiful hair behind his ear and your eyes shows slightly the pain you feel. You already feel bad for what you're about to do to him. 
His eyes seem to show a bit of shock as you touch him there.
"My love...?" his voice is filled with worry and disbelief.
You can hear his breath quickening.
"I don't understand...tell me what is wrong...please."
He looks right into your eyes.
"you are so beautiful" you whisper longing and try to smile.
"Thank you, my love..." he says softly. "But why are you like this? Why are you so shy, so distant all of a sudden?"
His eyes are filled with worry still but he tries to smile reassuring.
You take your shaky hand away from his hair and step a step back from him "we can't see us anymore, can't continue this relationship" you finally blur out.
His breath quickens even more, his eyes only show worry. "We can't anymore? But why, my love? What made you think that? Why are you even telling me this?"
His voice seems to tremble slightly.
He starts to stand up.
"I don't love you anymore" you say emotionless.
"What?!" he shouts, in complete disbelief. His eyes fill with shock and worry.
"I...what do you mean?! How can you say this so cold-heartedly, my love?"
He moves closer to you and wants to take your hands again.
“Don't call me, ‘my love’ again” you damage low.
You move away from him. " I'm breaking up with you, I don't want to see you anymore or any close to me. Don't speak to me again and don't come close to me, Thranduil."
His jaw seems to be locked, all his emotions seem to freeze.
He stands still.
"You...don't love me anymore? You...don't want to see me? You don't want to have anything to do with me?"
His voice is quiet, you only hear shock.
He shakes his head slightly. "Is this only a bad dream? You...you can't be serious, my love."
"I'm serious, from today on I'm not your love anymore just your prince. Don't talk to me or even look at me, when I don't comment you to do that."
He seems to be in disbelief. He can't comprehend what just happened.
He shakes his head again and takes a step towards you.
"You... don't love me anymore? So all of this was...a lie?"
He can't hold back his tears now.
"All the kisses...the times where we were together...was it all a lie? I...don't understand it."
He takes another step towards you.
"I never lied, all that I was saying was true and you know it." you whisper honest but slightly painful.
The grief in his voice is unbearable.
You can see his eyes fill with more tears as he takes another step closer to you.
"Please...please tell me, why all of this?" he whispers. "Why are you leaving me like this...? I...I can't believe this..."
You step away from him "because this relationship won't work out. I'm breaking up with you." you blur out.
"I will go now, don't try to speak to me again" you whisper softly and leave the room quickly.
You hear his deep and long exhale but he says nothing to this.
The pain in his eyes is still big.
He stands still, all his emotions seem to freeze as he tries to wrap his head around what is happening right now.
When you have already left the room, you can still hear his quiet voice.
"My love...come back. Don't leave me like this..." he whispers.
You quickly walk to your room, trying not to break down in the hallway.
You feel exhausted after that conversation and want only to get in your room.
When you arrive and are able to close the door, you take a deep breath.
You start to sit on your bed but quickly lie down on it.
A tear runs down your cheek as you realize what just happened.
All these thoughts and the pain in your heart are just too much.
You start to cry as you remember all the times with him.
And then silence.
You want to sleep and not think about what happened.
You have cried yourself to sleep and the next morning you wake up, you change your clothes and walk as always in the dinner room for breakfast. Once there you greet your father and your brother.
You get out of your room and walk towards the dinner room.
"Good morning, father and brother" you greet.
Your eyes seem to be a bit red still as you try your best to not appear sad and exhausted.
Your brother looks slightly worried and Father seems to be deep in thoughts, like he is thinking about something very important.
Before you start to sit down, your father finally starts talking.
"Is everything alright, my child?"
You notice his eyes are filled with worry.
"Of course" you answer.
Your brother looks at you and seems to realize that you are sad.
"You don't look good, brother." He says and your father nods.
"Did you have a bad night?" he asks.
He seems to want to ask you more questions but decides against it.
He sighs and then smiles brightly at you. "Doesn't matter, it's better when you don't tell us. Come on, sit down and eat"
You know you need to play with his card and act totally normal now.
The next few days, your behavior goes colder, always the deal with your father in mind. When you never speak to Thranduil  again, your father would spare him.
It is still painful to avoid Thranduil but you have no choice but to do so.
You act like nothing happened, like everything is normal.
You play the game of your father and act like nothing is missing.
He notices your colder behavior and wants to ask you again about it but he also notices the pain behind your eyes and decides against it.
You can't help yourself, the pain that you feel for not being able to see Thranduil  anymore and the pain in your heart over the break up are unbearable.
A month later you fall sick. Unusual for an Elf.
You lie in your bed, the cold sweat covers your skin. You are shivering and you can't seem to shake off this illness.
Even after all these weeks you still don't feel good.
Your brother notices your sick-state and comes to your room. His face is filled with worry.
"Are you okay, my brother?" he ask.
You want to answer him with something normal like "yes, I just feel a bit off today" but your words seem to freeze.
"Please try to get better..."
"Brother" you whisper as he takes your hand.
"Can i ask you some and you are honest to me?"
He nods.
"Sure, my brother. Everything for you."
He smiles softly and waits for your question.
"Have you seen Thranduil  how is he?"
He looks at you surprised. His eyes get filled with worry.
"No...I haven't seen him...not today."
He looks at you. "Why? Is everything alright?"
"Why shouldn't it not?"
His eyes seem surprised.
"You know, you seem to have feelings for him."
He sighs gently. "I know you, my brother. I don't know if you know but I heard about you and him. I just want you to tell me the truth, please..."
He looks worried, while still smiling softly.
"father wanted to punish him, to protect him, i must hold the deal with father " you mumble.
"Is Father the reason why you cut that contact with him? To spare him?"
His facial expression seems more relaxed now.
"Is this what happened? My dear brother...you shouldn't have done that just to spare him. You are important too."
He seems more surprised now. "Father would never hurt him. He wants to teach him a lesson but he is no tyrant who wants to see someone hurt just because..."
He starts to speak more passionately now. "That is why I couldn't believe my words when I heard you broke contact with him."
"He is safe now, father will not hurt him or punish him as long as i don't talk or see him."
His eyes seem shocked again. "So you broke contact with him so that father would spare him?"
His voice seems worried. "Please, my brother...don't do this again. Don't sacrifice your own happiness like this. You are still young...you can't do something like this."
He looks into your red eyes again, worried and caring at the same time. "If you like Thranduil like you did before, it is fine with me. You can see him, talk to him."
He caresses your cheek in a reassuring way.
"I can't see him again, I would break the deal. He is safe now. As long as he is safe. I don't care about my feelings."
His eyes seem to be filled with worry again. "You can't do this, my brother..."
"Thranduil's safety wouldn't be in danger like this, you know that."
He caresses your cheek again and smiles slightly.
"I don't want you to suffer, my brother...please talk to father about this. Please don't let yourself suffer like this for no good reason."
He takes a deep breath and kisses your forehead.
You realize again that he is just worried about you and your pain.
"you haven't seen father as he told me to do that, also don't say how i should handle"
He still stares at you, his eyes filled with worry. He slowly nods.
He sits down on your bed and pats your place to signal you to sit next to him. You do so.
"You are right. I am sorry for telling you what to do in that situation...you are old enough to make your own decisions..."
His voice is filled with understanding.
He still stares at you and then speaks. "But my brother...your happiness is important. Please don't sacrifice it like this."
"I will think about it. But don't speak to father about it " you beg him.
He nods.
"No, I won't do that. Don't worry about it."
He smiles gently and caresses your cheek again.
"Try to sleep now and get some rest. You look still sick. Don't think about anything, my brother."
You quickly fall asleep beside your brother's care.
When you wake up, you realize that your illness has seemingly finally gone.
You feel a bit better now.
You look around and notice to your surprise that your brother is still with you.
He seems to sleep calmly while still caressing your cheek gently.
He seems to care so much for you.
A month later. You still haven't changed your behavior. 
You are getting colder day by day, you don't even notice it yourself anymore.
You even wonder what this emptiness that you feel right now might even mean as you never felt like this before.
You start to think that this might be what grief feels like, or at least a part of it.
You look at the empty spot in your life where Thranduil used to be and you can't stop but think of him, all the good memories you had when you were with him.
You start to miss him...a lot.
You are sitting in the place where you always watched Thranduil, hidden from everyone. You sit against a tree. You try to remember all the times you sat at this spot with Thranduil.
Your mind is filled with all of your moments together.
You smile but your eyes are watery.
The emptiness you feel right now...it is so big.
As you stare into the empty space beside you, a tear slowly runs down your cheek.
Suddenly you feel how your heart breaks again but this time you are really alone. You don't cry, but breathing gets difficult.
You feel the grief in your heart and try to hold it away.
You take deep and long breaths.
You try not to cry.
But all of the moments you shared together...all the memories you made...they all seem to be in the way of your efforts.
You can't help but think about him and you can't fight against the grief that fills your soul right now.
You feel a great emptiness in your heart, as if half of yourself isn't there anymore.
Your body can't hold you any longer upright and you lay on the ground.
You feel the ground and its soft touch against your skin but you still feel the sorrow and pain.
You close your eyes and lie down on the ground.
You don't want to get up anymore, you can't anymore.
The grief is overwhelming and you can't do anything against it.
You want to see him again, but you know you never will again.
The emptiness fills you more and more.
This is more pain than any wound could ever cause.
You hope that this is not happening.
You hope that it is just a bad dream and that you will wake up now.
Your eyes remain closed, you still try to ignore this feeling that is overwhelming you.
The grief is growing and it feels like this whole pain will consume you forever.
After sometime you manage to go back to your room but the next day you miss breakfast.
You try to get up but feel still too weak, the grief is overwhelming you and you fall back to your bed.
What is going on with you, why is your heart filled with all this pain?
This question runs through your head, you look at your clock. It already shows late afternoon, which is normal for you.
But you missed breakfast...and lunch.
Your head starts to hurt and you feel weak like never before. When you look at your hands and arms, you notice they have become thinner.
You close your eyes.
The grief is becoming unbearable.
Your heart feels like it is about to break.
In the darkness behind your eyes, all your memories of him flood you.
All the times you sat at this spot together.
All the times you were so happy when you were together.
All the moments that now seem impossible...
And then, the memories of how you broke contact with him start to appear again...
Your eyes fill with tears...
... and finally,
you fall asleep again.
Then your father comes into your room and tries to wake you up but you are unconscious.
He tries again and again to wake you.
"Child..." his voice seems worried.
He tries to shake your arm but you are completely unconscious.
He picks up your arm and realizes that it is really thin now.
The worry in his eyes turns into fear...
He quickly calls a healer.
The healer comes to you.
She checks your body and says "he is unconscious, but his pulse is very weak and I don't know if he will live long."
Your father's face is filled with fear and sadness.
He gets a bit emotional now.
"My child is dying?"
The healer nods and puts her hand on your father's shoulder. "I am sorry that I have to tell you that this...this is a case of a broken heart. It is rare, but..."
Slowly your father realizes what he has done to you." Broken Heart" king Father whisper.
He still stares at you and can't believe this is happening.
All of this time, he acted as if this was all normal.
All the suffering he caused and the pain he caused you...
"Is there nothing else we can do?" He asks desperately. "There has to be a way!"
The healer stays silent and shakes her head slightly.
He looks at you again, his eyes filled with fear and sorrow.
It seems he only now realizes that he made a terrible mistake. Too late...
"He has a broken Heart right, can we not fix it, when we Get something or someone he longs for?” Father ask. Suddenly, his face lights up and he starts to think.
"Yes, it is possible. The heart can heal itself but we need something to fix this. If we give him what he longs for, his heart can definitely be healed."
He starts to run out.
"I have an idea!" he says. "But you stay here with my Child, okay? I will be back!"
The healer nods and stays with you.
You lie there unconscious while you hear the commotion around you.
Your eyes still closed.
Minutes pass and you suddenly hear the door opening.
You notice your father, he looks really happy about his idea.
He comes closer to you.
You still can hear the healer speak but do not quite understand what she says.
Then you hear someone else's voice.
"My love..?"
You hear his voice and your finger slightly twitch, still unconscious.
You feel someone touching your fingers, you even feel his breath.
"My love...can you hear me?" a beautiful voice asks.
"My love... please wake up...it's me, Thranduil."
You open your eyes slightly and look at him.
He smiles brightly at your pale face.
"My love...how are you?" he asks.
He is filled with joy now for the first time in a month.
"I'm dreaming again?" You whisper weakly.
He gently takes your hand and caresses your cheek.
"No my love, this is no dream. I am here with you."
He smiles slightly and looks at you.
"But you...you don't look well. Are you alright?"
He stares at you and you notice the worry in his eyes.
Your eyes travel through the room and land on your father. Immediately your heart stops for a second and you move your hand away from Thranduil.
Your eyes fill with distrust and fear at this moment.
You feel this big emptiness in your heart again as you stare at your father.
Your heart starts to fill with pain again as you stare at him.
Suddenly you feel another hand on your own.
You quickly turn to Thranduil who is still holding your hand.
His face is filled with love as he stares at you.
"My love, please look at me again." he says.
He caresses his thumb over your finger.
"My little butterfly...please don't be afraid."
"I'm not breaking the deal" you whisper desperate and breathless, hoping your father understands that and will not hurt Thranduil. Father looks guilty for what he has done to you.
As you try to stand up, your legs slump away.
Thranduil quickly supports you as you almost fall down.
You try to stand up but you are simply too weak.
He holds you closely in his arms and caresses your cheek.
"Easy...no need to stand up, my love."
His voice is filled with love and you feel your heart beating faster again.
Your father looks at you and still can't believe the whole situation.
"S..Son..." he starts.
He is really torn.
He seems to feel sorry for what he has done to you.
Your head turns to him. You see this guilt in his eyes. He looks back at you.
He can't even find words right now, it seems he doesn't know how to deal with this.
He feels ashamed and that shows in his eyes.
"T...this is all my fault..." he says with a shaky voice.
He looks at Thranduil and then at you, his eyes filled with grief for what he has caused you.
“I'm so sorry, my child. I will spare him forever, I'm breaking the deal and there will be no consequences for you or Thranduil.” your father says softly and also guilty.
Your eyes slowly travel over to Thranduil, missed his presence.
The moment you look at Thranduil, your heart starts to beat faster, slowly filling with warmth again.
Your eyes meet his own...you are lost in his eyes.
He looks like a god you can't believe is real.
You forget about your father completely as you only focus on this beautiful face in front of you.
Your arms start to move up and you want to touch his face but you still lie in your bed, so weak that you don't even know if that would be a good idea.
Thranduil stares back at you, his face bright with love as he strokes your hair.
He smiles warmly and seems really happy for the first time in the last month.
He still can't believe you are there again.
"My love...I am so glad you are letting me back in. I missed you, the last months were really hard...but I am so happy that you are here again and that we can make everything right."
He can't stop his warm smile and holds you tightly.
He starts to kiss your cheek again.
As you look at Thranduil again, you notice how much he still loves you.
He looks at you and smiles gently.
His face is filled with relief as he notices you looking at him again.
It seems he misses you a lot.
And there appears another question in your mind again:
How could you break contact with him just to spare him?
This question just floats through your mind while you stare at Thranduil. Your eyes remain fixed on his while you can feel his touch on your hand.
Your eyes fill with joy and love as you look at him. There is nothing like his presence by your side.
You smile softly and caress his cheek.
He looks at you gently and caresses your other cheek.
"Butterfly..." he whispers and you feel his breath tickling your ear.
He starts to lean closer and then gives you a kiss.
You feel his breath again and your heart starts to beat faster. Your mind is filled with thoughts and it seems you can't focus on something else at this moment.
The only person you want to see at the moment is Thranduil.
You miss him, you miss his warmth and his love.
He still holds you in his arms and caresses your cheek.
"I missed you, my little butterfly."
He kisses your forehead gently while looking at you.
His presence is so calming and right now you only want to be in his arms and nowhere else.
Thranduil still supports you with one hand.
He caresses your cheek with his other hand and smiles at you.
“I'm so sorry, Thranduil. I just wanted to protect you.” You whisper guilty, with tears in your eyes.
“I forgive you, I now know you have just done that to protect me. I'm a Guard of your father but something you want to protect.” He answers soothing.
"I missed you a lot, my love." he says.
He pulls your body a bit closer to him.
"I never want to be alone again… never want to be separated from you again..." he whispers.
He is completely honest with you at this moment and you notice that you can't believe how much he loves you.
He just wants to be with you and it seems like he doesn't need anything else in the whole world...except for you.
Thranduil notices your eyes and looks at you.
He caresses your cheek and smiles.
He can't believe that you are now together again.
He looks at you while keeping one of your hands.
He strokes your hair.
"My love...we are together again."
His eyes shine, he still can't believe it.
He looks at your father and then at you.
Thranduil looks back at you, his eyes filled with love.
You take a deep breath and the pain that fills your heart becomes a bit bearable.
The emptiness is still there but Thranduil 's love is taking away most of it.
You smile slightly.
"My love." you whisper finally.
He looks at you. "My love." he whispers and then kisses your forehead gently.
He caresses your cheek and takes your hand in his again.
Thranduil still holds you and caresses your hair gently.
You can see the love and worry in his eyes.
He seems to be happy to see you awake but is also concerned for your health.
He looks at you with care.
You miss his presence like never before.
These months without him filled you with emptiness and this emptiness still fills you at this very moment.
He stares into your eyes while still feeling the warmth of his breath.
It will take you a while to be completely healthy again, but with Thranduil by your side, you will become stronger day by day and will soon be yourself again.
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kingofvipers · 7 months
The Hobbit Incorrect Quotes #5
Teen!M/n: We’re going to defeat you with the power of friendship. Thorin: We’re not friends. Teen!M/n, holding an axe: We’re going to defeat you with the power of incredible violence.
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elrondsimp · 11 months
Well hello I happened to wander into your ask box, and was wondering if you could write an Elrond x rreader where the reader grew up in a toxic home and has a lot of scars from it and elrond innocently asks about them and then they open up to him and it's really fluffy maybe.
if this makes you uncomfy please ignore.
P! Elrond x Gn! Reader
“Scars of home”
A/n: I wrote it platonically bc I didn’t it want it to be the “I’ll kiss your scars away” cringe. Makes me recoil I’ll be happy to make another one romantic though if you would like :>
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In the tranquil halls of Rivendell, where the soft melodies of nature danced through the air, lived a human whose past was marked by the harshness of their home. The scars of their past, both seen and unseen, adorned their heart and body. However, amidst the timeless beauty of Elrond's realm, a gentle light found its way into their life.
One serene day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Elrond found himself in the company of the Y/n. The two had developed a quiet friendship, founded on understanding and compassion. Elrond admired their strength and resilience, though he could sense the pain hidden behind their gentle eyes.
As they strolled through the peaceful gardens, Elrond couldn't help but notice the scars that adorned their skin. “My dear friend, may I inquire about the scars you adorn?”
At first, they were hesitated, their heart beating faster with the memories that resurfaced. Yet, there was something about Elrond's presence that felt safe, and with a deep breath, they decided to open up to him.
"These are the marks of a difficult past," they began, their voice soft but steady. "I grew up in a home plagued by hate—a place that should have been filled with love and care, but instead, it was a place of pain and cruelty."
Elrond listened attentively, his expression filled with empathy, and he didn't interrupt as Y/n continued to share their painful memories. They recounted the struggles they faced, the emotional wounds that ran deep, and the physical scars that bore testimony to their survival.
As they spoke, Elrond's heart swelled with compassion for them. He offered them a gentle hand, a silent gesture of support and comfort. "You have faced so much," he said softly. "Yet, you are here now, strong and resilient, despite the scars you carry."
Tears welled in the Y/n’s eyes, moved by Elrond's understanding and warmth. They found solace in his presence, the weight of their past momentarily lifted. "Thank you," they whispered, their voice quivering with emotion.
Elrond smiled gently, reassuringly. "It is an honor to be entrusted with your story," he said, "and know that you are not defined by your past. Here in Rivendell, you are surrounded by friends who care deeply for you."
And in that moment, they felt a sense of belonging, of being seen and accepted for who they were, scars and all. Elrond's compassion had kindled a spark of hope within them, reminding them that healing and love were not beyond reach.
As the stars began to dot the evening sky, Elrond and Y/n continued to stroll through the gardens, their conversation now filled with lightness and laughter. A beautiful friendship had bloomed, and in Rivendell's embrace, they found a sanctuary—a place to heal, to grow, and to embrace the love that had entered their life.
In the days that followed, Elrond continued to be a steadfast presence, offering a guiding hand and a caring heart. And as time passed, Y/n's emotional baggage began to fade, replaced by the warmth of love and the gentle touch of healing, all nurtured in the tranquil haven of Rivendell.
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river13245 · 4 months
The Hobbit
Navigation / Main Masterlist
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Bilbo Baggins (none yet)
Thorin Oakenshield (none yet)
Bard (none yet)
Gandalf (nont yet, Platonic only)
Thranduil (none yet)
Legolas (none yet)
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quality-street-rat · 2 years
Bofur: Alright. So if y/n is our dad friend, what would happen if he marries one of us?
Y/n, across the camp but heard his name: WHAT???? What is it?
Bofur, yelling: Since you're the dad here, what happens if you marry one of us?
Y/n, wiggling his eyebrows: Well then you'd have to call me "daddy."
*confused silence*
Y/n: Hang on--do you not--do you guys even have that word here?
Kili: Yes but why is it applicable here???
Y/n, turning red: Oh god, nevermind, it's a bad joke from my world, don't think about it.
Bofur, grinning: Well if it turns you of all people that color, then we have to know!
Y/n: Oh fuck no, I do not have the emotional capacity to teach a pack of dwarves and a hobbit the cultural shift to the connotation of the word "daddy."
Kili, mildly insulted: Hey!
Thorin, interested now: You said it was a joke. Explain, this particular "pack of dwarves" loves jokes.
Y/n: You just love to see me uncomfortable, don't you Oakenshield?
Thorin: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Bilbo: I must admit I am curious.
Bofur: Yes y/n, tell us!
Y/n: NO!
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anxiteyandsleep · 2 months
hi there spring! :D i'm the anon who made the thranduil hcs request, and they are so so lovely, thank you so much💗
um i don't know if you write poly relationships, so feel free to ignore this request if you don't do that.. but if you do, may i request some fluffy headcanons about how thorin, bilbo, and a male dwarf reader might settle down together after the trip to the lonely mountain? (also thorin is alive in this au because canon is painful and he deserves to be happy dang it :^3)
Wahh thank you so much the requests <3 I have no problem with doing poly as long as it's like a paring that's healthy/I like ! ❤
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° it definitely took you and Thorin time to adjust to living in the shire, though it's peaceful and the perfect place to relax after such a long, tiring and dangerous journey.
° once Bilbo got all his belongings back from the other hobbits, he rearranged things so there was room for yours and Thorins things, even buying weapon stands !
° Thorin at first is still recovering from his injuries, you and Bilbo have to practically tie him down so he'll rest because he kept wanting to help in the garden, making food, unpacking, everything.
° Bilbo insisted you two get your own armchairs, it was very important to him that you and Thorin had a lovely place to sit and read, or smoke.
° Thorin really enjoys gardening, he gets pretty competitive about it to!! He'll grumble sometimes about how his vegetables are far better than a neighbors, that he took better care of his garden than them. You and Bilbo find it adorable
° hearing you and Thorin sing is absolutely something Bilbo loves, he'll sit in his living room, on his beloved armchair, just listening to your songs fill his home. It's precious to him and he has no problem letting you and Thorin know that
° the biggest thing was having to get a new bed for you all to comfortably sleep on!!! The first few weeks had a lot of sleepless nights caused by accidentally elbowing each other, yours and Thorins beards getting in Bilbos face, as well as trying to be careful with Thorins injuries.
° Bilbo did get a much bigger bed, you all have plenty of room to lay comfortably but of course you still cuddle, Bilbo quite likes being snuggled between the two of you, despite him complaining about your beards being scratchy at times.
° the other hobbits are really confused by you and Thorin but are polite, it's just not common to see dwarves everyday but they adjust. And they definitely like how you guys party!
° also when Frodo is born, he has three uncles now and he brags about it when he's a little kid. Frodo will be like "oh yeah well uncle Thorin was actually a king so we're rich :3" "all my uncles fought a dragon and survived!"
° he's you three's biggest fan and loves braiding Thorins hair, and yours if it's long enough!
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queenstarlight2 · 2 years
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Imagine being the butler of the royal family and being disregarded by Thranduil as less important, not knowing all the things you do to keep the kingdom from going into ruin
part 1- Part 2 - part 3 - part 4
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lem0nshark-writes · 1 year
"Winter Coat"
Lindir x Male Reader
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Type: fluff
Word count: 1890
Warnings: fluff, reader's an elf, some comedy, reader's in Rivendell's patrol guard, reader and Lindir are courting, reader and Lindir being cute boyfriends, reader's bit clumsy
Summary: something fluffy with the best boi
A/N: Lately been reading a lot of @/aeonianarchives (on tumblr) x reader fics and they inspired me writing this little fic hehe do check their fics out they are really good! 👀 anyways I was gonna post this for Christmas but yeah XD anyways for New Years it is XD Also I wish all those who celebrate a Merry Christmas and all you a Happy New Year! 💕💕
Translations: meleth nin - my love
"Oh meleth nin what has happened to you?" you let out surprised, walking swiftly towards Lindir who had just entered the front door of your small home, his winter great robe ripped from his lower back almost to his knees, one side of his robe underneath drenched in a cold wet smear of frost and rainwater, stressed out expression on his face.
"I was just enjoying some fresh morning air and the beautiful winter view outside and as I was heading back I slipped on the frozen patch on the floor... and ripped my robes in the process too..." he looked so visibly embarrassed with his heated up red cheeks and ears.
"Oh, my darling-", you moved your hands from where they stood holding his shoulders and hugged him tightly.
"How embarrassing..." he quietly let out into your shoulder, arms weakly hugging back.
"Oh it is alright it can happen to anyone," you comforted him, knowing his racing mind would see it as such a big deal when it really wasn't, "Don't you remember last year when I was late for my patrol and was rushing to meet up with Erestor and my foot slipped and I slid all the way right to his feet on my back nearly knocking him over too? And even lord Elrond witnessed that as well, along with you?" you chuckled and grinned a little remembering your embarassing situation, whose consequences followed you for quite some time afterwards with your patrol mates.
Lindir through his flushed cheeks bursted into laughter and giggles, covering his mouth slightly with his hand trying not to laugh at you but the memory was too funny to be able not to, "I'm sorry-," he managed to let out through his laughter.
"No it's alright it was really funny," you laughed along with him, "I did get onto polishing duty that night as a punishment but it was really funny nevertheless," you grinned.
"Yeah, I thought you slid all the way down some hill and Erestor had to pull you out by your armour and that's why you were late that night," Lindir burst into laughter again and you laughed along at the joke on your expense.
"Honestly at one point it was really close," you grinned and started to remove Lindir's great robe off his shoulders, as the two of you finally calmed down from your laughing fit.
"Whatever shall we do with your robes, my little bird? You don't have any other ones thick enough for this cold."
"Yes, but I will be alright don't worry, just going to wear an extra layer underneath-" Lindir began but you cut him off quickly.
"Nonesense, I'll take your coat to get fixed and till then-" you stopped rummaging through your closet, as Lindir quickly changed into new clean robes, pulling something out and getting up and handing him your brand new patrol winter cloak you were gifted recently, its back graced with the well known intricately embroidered crest with a mighty presence of it's own, "-you shall wear mine," you smiled happily.
Lindir looked at your cloak in bit of a shock blushing slightly, "No I-I can't- It's brand new and-"
"Come on darling, everyone knows we're courting, I think. Unless you wish to carry me draped around your shoulders as a coat to warm you up all day? But then you'd have to explain Erestor why I'm not on patrol all day," you grinned then smiled widely.
"You dummy harebrained elf," he chuckled, "Fine I will take it. But I know I'll get so many questions and comments and gazes about it."
"Even better, then you can brag about your sexy boyfriend to everyone."
He blushed at your comment and the funny pose you called "sexy" that you did while saying that, "You silly elf."
You smiled at him warmly, loving to see him smiling and laughing and happy, it made you whole being warm and fluffy on the inside and your heart skip a beat, just like the moment you first laid your eyes on him.
He caught your gaze and blushed again, lips spreading into a beautiful smile.
You smiled even more, slowly coming closer to him and placing a long kiss on his lips before fixing your robe onto his shoulders.
He blushed, looking at you doing it and standing still as you did.
You smiled once you did, taking a look at him, "My sir Lindir you're looking quite dashing today," you spun him around and proceeded to kiss the back of his hand afterwards when he turned back around.
He chuckled and blushed again, "You dummy-"
You grinned at him, pulling him close to your armour-clad chest and hugging him tightly, swaying a bit as if to music as you did, humming a little, "I don't wish to go to work, can't we stay indoors and cuddle all day?"
"I wish.." Lindir murmured through the fabric of your cloak, his face stuffed into your shoulder, " but we should get going. Lord Elrond must be wondering where I am already, and I'm sure Erestor is waiting for you too."
"Mhhh.. you're right," you let out a whine before responding.
Giving him a forehead smooch you peeled yourself off of him and fixed him up, him doing the same to you with a smile.
"Ready?" you asked, sighing a bit dreading the cold outside.
"Yes," Lindir chimed in agreement.
"Let's go then, I'll walk you to lord Elrond's, can't have you slipping and falling again and Eru forbid hurting yourself," you said as you draped your arm around his shoulder as he grabbed a couple of books of the table and then leading you both out, closing the door behind you two once you got out.
"Ah you don't have to, I'll be fine, I'll be more careful-"
"Nu-uh, I won't hear it," you mused intertwining your arms with his.
He sighed knowing there's no arguing with you when his safety is in question and the two of you made your way to Elrond's study where Lindir usually finds him in the morning.
As the two of you made your way through the passageways and halls Lindir's cheeks only grew hotter and hotter as passing elves shot him gazes and smiles.
You returned the smiles when glances were caught and only pulled Lindir closer, proud to have him as your boyfriend and so very proud to be seen with him.
Lindir too was very proud of having you as his and calling you his own, but he just got flustered very easily and was very very shy, despite how long the two of you have been together.
Whenever he'd look away shy you'd just rub the back of his hand reassuringly and shot him a warm smile, melting all his insecurities and bad thoughts away.
The two of you safely found your way to Elrond's study, halting at the big intricately carved wooden door.
"This is where we part meleth nin, all safe and sound," you smiled, placing a soft kiss on his forehead, which made his cheeks heat up and smile warmly.
"Yes, thank you for walking me to here, now rush off to Erestor before he gets mad," he spoke, worried for you getting a punishment for your inattentiveness to the time, "but be careful on frozen bits, don't need you scooping up Erestor this time."
You chuckled, "I won't.. hopefully-," you grinned interrupted by a clearing of a throat beside you.
"I see you've brought my assistant to me safe and sound," lord Elrond stood by half-opened door of his study, sly amused smirk plastered on his face, gaze landing on the long cloak draped across Lindir's back.
Lindir blushed so quickly, eyes widening at the thought of his lord seeing the displays of affection the two of you just shared.
"Yes my lord, I hope you don't mind," you smiled at him and then at Lindir, who was having a internal panic attack.
"Oh not at all," Elrond smiled, grinning slightly, his smile getting wider when his eyes landed on Lindir.
"Now I must leave, patrol awaits," you smiled at them both, shooting a loving gaze at Lindir, not wanting to attack him with kisses right in front of Elrond so he doesn't die of hyperventilation, "my lord," you took a little bow towards Elrond before turning on your heels and taking off towards the meetup spot.
"Haste your step, Erestor has already come asking for you," Elrond chimed after you, "and watch your step too," he commented, reminding you of your past incident.
"Thank you my lord, I shall," you blushed a little on his comment, bit embarrassed he still remembers that, and rushed off to Erestor.
Later that evening you returned quite late to your warm home, words of you day having had come to Lindir already.
Lindir was reading a book by the fireplace, two cups of hot freshly brewed tea on a small table besides him.
Hearing you opening the front door he stood up, smiling at you before making his way towards you, "Quite late this time, rough day?"
You let out a small whine as you slumped down on your spot, " You heard?.."
"Yes. Infamous Y/n strikes again, and this time doesn't miss," Lindir let out a chuckle, straightening you up and pulling you into a big warm hug which you gladly returned.
"It was so embarrassing, he landed right on top of me, and I got extra two hours of polishing duty as punishment," you whined, stuffing your face into his neck.
"So I've heard," he chuckled, rubbing your back comfortingly till you finally straightened and pulled away.
"How was your day? Did someone tease you about the cloak? Were you warm?"
"I-I was," he blushed a little, "so many people stared at me, and kept murmuring about it, even lord Elrond commented-" he blushed profoundly.
"What did he say?" you smiled, listening to your rambling boyfriend.
"He said I look nice in it, that it suits me," Lindir blushed even more.
You chuckled and grinned, "See? I told you."
"Hngghh," now it was Lindir's time to whine as he covered his face with his hands.
You chuckled and pulled him into a big tight hug, smooching the top of his head lovingly and then resting your cheek on top of it.
"Now let's not ponder on it, lets rather relax instead," you smiled, leading his form towards the cozy warm living room.
"I guess you are right," he sighed, "I made tea."
"Oh how wonderful, I love your teas, you make the best ones," you smiled excitedly, moving to your shared bedroom and removing your armour and setting it in it's place and getting all cozy and comfy in some casual robes quickly.
"Cuddles?" you asked with hopeful eyes as you returned to the living room, finding that Lindir has already gotten comfy in front of the fireplace, waiting for you.
"Cuddles," Lindir returned with a smile, blushing slightly.
You grinned widely and flopped besides him, pulling his body close and wrapping your arms around his waist as he chuckled and smiled at you. The two of you finally enjoying your evening with some tea and a good book and of course some very much needed and deserved cuddles.
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