#Even if you can't commission or donate please know that I love your support
libraryofgage · 8 months
Ko-Fi Writing Commissions!
Want a fic with your favorite tropes? Got an idea that just won't leave you alone but no energy to write it yourself? Want somebody to write your OC's backstory? Craving a cringe (affectionate) haiku?
Well, I'm your gal!
I will write:
Prose or poetry
Light gore
OC backstories/drabbles
I will not write:
Heavy gore
Intense action scenes
Dead dove (this covers a lot, so I'm happy to discuss potential dead dove content)
500 words = $5 1k = $10 1.5k = $15 2k = $20 Anything more than 2k is eligible for price negotiation
Poetry is eligible for price negotiation *Prices doubled for smut
Fandoms/ships I'll write:
Stranger Things: Steddie, Ronance, Buckingham MXTX: Hualian, BingQiu, Wangxian BNHA: TodoDeku, ShinDeku, ShinKami, DabiHawks, NatShig This list isn't comprehensive. I'll write for almost any fandom and pairing; just let me know what you're interested in seeing!
Commissions may take anywhere between 1 and 3 weeks depending on how busy work makes me, but I will keep you updated on the time and progress of your piece
Payments will be made through Ko-Fi. If you'd like to commission me, please send me a message via Discord (send a friend request to @ hetafe) or Tumblr DM
Special Deal!
Got a favorite series that you wanna see updated sooner? Have it jump to the front of my To-Write line for $15
The following series are eligible for line jumping:
Addams Family B-Side (Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually---Debbie and Fester Addams)
Good Vibrations
SpiderPool Steddie
Mermaid/Pirate Steddie
PJO Steddie
A Place Like Steve in a Boy Like This (Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually---Rick and Evelyn O'Connell)
Harlequin Prince (Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually--- Harley Quinn)
A Hop, a Skip, and a TARDIS Jump (Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually--- Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler)
Any unwritten Parent AU from the Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually series that I've currently got ideas for (Crowley and Aziraphale; the Leverage Crew; The Scooby Gang)
If you'd like to line jump a series, just send the ko-fi with your desired series as a comment! Series will jump based on the order and number of ko-fi payments received for any given series, and the series will be updated within 1 week
All series listed are drafted/planned. Requesting a series update simply pushes your desired series to the front of that update line so you can read more sooner
Special Deal 2: Electric Boogaloo
For $5, I will post one chapter of (if someone asked me at the end) i'd tell them put me back in (the modern Steve in 80s Hawkins fic) ahead of my current schedule (one chapter Sunday, maybe a chapter Thursday)
This deal can stack, so you could potentially get the entire fic in one go if you really wanted lol
If you'd like an early fic update, send your ko-fi with either "modern steve" as the comment or the fic's name
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knightyoomyoui · 7 months
Nayeon x M/F Reader - "No Problem"
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Yes. I have finally decided that I will officially end my book once all of the remaining one-shots set to be released are completely done. I can't keep to focus on this book alone for longer because you know, there are other stuffs that I need to prioritize. I'm sorry guys and while it's still early, I just want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for all of your love with my book. It's been fun creating multiple alternate universe TWICE fanfics to all of you and to explore all the types of storylines I had to encounter on creating each. Really, thank you so much.
Also, since I've said a month ago that I'm going to start using my hobby of writing stories as my sources of income, so again I'm not forcing everybody to donate but if you can, please feel free to do so as your additional support for my works. Here's my Ko-fi account where you can drop your donations or ask for a commission. You can check it out on my Tumblr profile too! 
Alright, now let's kickoff Set 6 with this gender neutral reader x Nayeon fic one-shot! I hope yall enjoy it even though it's short (which probably will be the same for most of the other fics included in the line-up) unlike the usual lengthy works that I used to write before.
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Aside from his/her parents, Nayeon is most likely the only other person who is completely informed about YN. She is able to catch every aspect about YN, including your mannerisms, your tendency to become quickly distracted when concentrating on anything, your favorite kinds of clothes, and much more. But amongst all of it, having known YN for over a decade, she is already largely acquainted with your personality.
She could still recall those times when, due to her exceptionally good memory, she discovered every new mood you placed yourself in, regardless of whether it was appropriate or not. She didn't care about all of that, though, since the important thing is that it won't alter the fact that you have formed a kind personality, which complements your attractive appearance and is one of the main reasons she fell in love with you in the first place. Speaking of your personality, here's the issue; Nayeon is now experiencing difficulties with it. The cause? The YN she has been exposed to is very different from what you have been demonstrating to her.
Away from your usual goofy and lively personality, instead Nayeon would rather end up spotting you coming home every night with a gloomy, tired and unimpressed demeanor.
Those preserved Nayeon suspicious of your current behavior and attitude. She acknowledges that she isn't accustomed to this kind of treatment from you and that it makes her upset, but she also thinks there must be a cause for her lover's abrupt change. She is eager to get this information as soon as possible since she is sick of watching her dearest YN treat her coldly. Nayeon called a friend and coworker one day when you were gone from the house again for work in order to get some information that would be helpful to her.
A deep masculine voice owned by someone she couldn't even process up to this day that he really does, with how this guy sports a babyface and with a very slim body the moment she first met him once at your birthday party. "Nayeon-noona! Hey how you doing?"
"I'm fine Felix, how about you?", she greeted back.
"Doing good so far. Why did you call?"
"Uhm I just want to ask you something... about YN." Nayeon said, her heart thumping fast. She doesn't know why her nervousness is increasing the more she gets through the conversation.
Perhaps, she doesn't want the main possibility she has in mind to come true. No. She's afraid. She knew both her and YN were happy in their relationship and she has done everything. She's hoping that YN wouldn't go that far.
"Sure, go ahead... although I miss seeing that idiot already." Felix chuckled behind the phone.
"Wait, you two haven't seeing each other yet? I thought you two are there together at work right now?" Nayeon confusingly asked.
"Noona, wait you didn't know about it yet?"
"About what?"
Felix sighed and clicked his tongue, cursing for YN on what you have done. "So YN didn't tell you about what happened?"
Nayeon's hands are trembling, her throat starts to become dry, arms shaking in tense as she has no clue what Felix is referring to that you haven't even dared to speak out to her already.
"Felix, I don't know what you're talking about. Cut to the chase, what the hell happened to YN?"
Felix remained silent for a while before he finally answered Nayeon's wondering.
Later that evening, around nine o'clock, Nayeon is waiting impatiently for YN to get home in the living room. She then heard a call on her phone, and fortunately it was her husband/wife YN, telling her that you had purchased takeout for dinner. They finished their meal a few minutes after you got home. You greeted Nayeon and saw that she wasn't in the best of moods—in fact, she seemed colder than your love—when you went to give her a kiss. It was awkwardly silent throughout supper. You were about to go into the bedroom while Nayeon was cleaning the dishes when she called your name, causing you to stop in your tracks because she wanted to talk to you.
"Can we talk for a moment, please?" She asked while wiping her hands dry.
"I'm listening." You leaned at the door frame.
"There something you're not telling me about, isn't it YN?" Nayeon crossed her arms. You went speechless, silently hiding how guilty you are of her accusation.
"H-how can you say so? And why would I, Nay?"
"I don't know, I should be the one asking you that now." Nayeon shrugged. "Because I know exactly why."
She couldn't help but to emit a snort and a smirk at your look. "Ahh... the typical lying YN. Eyes popped then blink fast."
"I called your friend Felix. He told me about what happened to your workplace."
You sighed. That's it, Nayeon has already have an idea about the tight situation you are going into. As much as you want to keep this from her longer, you have no other choice but to stop the pretending and clarify things to her.
"All I need is a confirmation from you, YN. Tell me, was that true that you really got fired?"
Embarrassed and scared, YN slowly gave the answer Nayeon has been waiting all day long. "Yes... I got fired. WE got fired."
"Then where the hell do you really go whenever you left the house for the rest of the day. So after all these time, you've been fooling me? You've done it for like what, for the past three 3 days? Not to mention, today's your 4th!" Nayeon slightly raised her voice. "
"Because I was looking for a job elsewhere, Nayeon!" You fought back, defending yourself to cleanse out the intense atmosphere clouding the two of you. Nayeon remained shut, allowing you to take the turn as you continue speak your side.
"Yes, we got fired. Our boss decided to retire his company, had our contracts result to get terminated and we have no other choice but to look for a new job. Some of us were disappointed, enraged, hard to their feelings, while some of us... I don't know, contented. But I'm different from both of them, I took that loss heavily within me, Nayeon."
"The day after we got fired, I immediately moved, searched everywhere around Seoul, just hoping that I could atleast encounter one. But... until now, I'm still unsuccessful." Your breathing became raspy as your voice cracked at how you're draining yourself everyday with long walks and travels only to result in failure.
"I didn't tell you because I was scared that when you find out that your boyfriend is now jobless, you may rather see the same as what I could look at myself: unreliable, a disappointment, and I'm scared that I might end up unable or lacking to fulfill my responsibility to give everything that would make my girl happy."
Your eyes has finally released each teardrops of its own, streaming down to your cheeks. Nayeon's heart broke even worse at this vulnerable sight of yours while listening the struggle you were currently facing alone.
"I couldn't find any, Nayeon. I'm getting more desperate. I'm sorry if I had to lie and keep it from you."
Nayeon stepped closer to you and hugged you for comfort, calming your emotions down as she let you take your time to steady your breathing.
"I'm sorry if I looked like I was mad at you, I really thought you were cheating behind my back or whatsoever, but my heart was always right. I knew you could never do that." Nayeon smiled thankfully as she rubbed your back gently.
"And here you go again, I told you to stop overthinking yourself about what would I think negatively of you. I won't ever gonna look at you like that!" She scolded you like a mom. "I knew you were always doing your best, for us. I've been seeing that from you since day one. I couldn't belittle you for something I know you will always be great of, and that's for being such a hardworking and committed boyfriend to me."
Nayeon leans away from the hug and wipes the tears off in your face. "You really didn't have to hide those troubles of yours away from me, because anytime I would offer my hand to assist you. Just remember that if you're low sometimes, I would always be the one to lift you all the way up when you're feeling down. So please, be free to be honest next time okay?"
"Okay." You understandably nodded, a soft delighted smile appeared in which you haven't had for almost a week. Nayeon cupped your cheeks and pulled you closer for a heartwarming kiss to finally settle things off between each other tonight.
As they went to their bed to get some sleep, Nayeon remained awake for a while, as she forms a plan in her mind.
The next day, YN was supposed to leave again early to look for a job but he decided to give it a rest because even him couldn't deny that he got tired of moving everywhere. As he and Nayeon were eating a breakfast, Nayeon took your attention by calling your name.
"I thought of something last night and I just want to share it to you."
"That is?"
"Since you couldn't find a job yet, why don't we start our own mini business for now?"
You paused from almost drinking your cup of coffee in your hand. You stared at Nayeon who is grinning at you with her cute bunny teeth showing up, matching the brightness of the sunny morning outside.
"You serious?"
"Yeah. I'm up to it. I mean that's something I can you join you to also. In that way, we can have some more time together plus that could be like my other way to spend my time around and not just staying in this house." Nayeon nodded before taking another spoonful of her food. "But first, I want to hear it also from you. Do you agree with me?"
You pouted your lips and think deeply, but not in a way where he has to pick a choice. You were rather like, visualizing how could it end up for you and her business once you two achieved to start one, and you hoped the most that it would be successful.
"I'm not against it at all." You shook your head. "We could do that, I could use some of my remaining savings from my previous work to add on our target budget." Nayeon was happy with your volunteering.
"Is there anything you wanna consider for us to try?"
"I have one." Nayeon bounced her eyebrows before she continues to finish her breakfast.
A few days later, YN goes with Nayeon to locations where they can find whatever they need. They began by looking through a rental property that was unoccupied in Seoul. They paid a fair price for it, satisfied with the layout and amount of space. They then proceeded to a Home Depot store to purchase decorations, tables, chairs, and other items, all of which were delivered to their location. In addition, they went grocery shopping and purchased a blender, milk, and a variety of fruits. Lastly, they mostly concentrated on assisting one another with the preparation and décor of the entire space. A week later, Nayeon and YN visit their newly founded small business, which they had just completed setting up. Courtesy of Nayeon's idea, it was a natural fruit juice and shake shop.
She said that she wants to sell a product that would give refresh, sweetness, and availability for everyone to try while at the same time, ensuring their customers that they also have a product which will be good for their health.
They looked above to read the sign of their shop's name.
"Alcohol-Free?" You wheezed and glared at Nayeon.
"I mean, we're not selling any alcohol right?" She sniggered.
"But did you really had to make it more obvious?"
"Humor and creativity, YN. We have to aim at those additional points." She formed a gun gesture in her hand and imitates shooting bullets from it.
You hissed and lowered your head, hiding your laughter at Nayeon's silliness.
"Ah, finally it's done! Ooh I can't for us to open it soon!" Nayeon clapped excitedly like a little kid that was about to receive a reward from her parents.
"That's why now you should learn how to make a milkshake properly already."
Nayeon slapped your shoulder at your teasing, a stinging pain irritates your skin. She pouted and grunted like a grumpy granny. "Who among the two of us who couldn't even slice fruits properly huh?"
"Jeez okay, I surrender." You chuckled. Nayeon is still sulking beside you, looking away with her cheeks puffing out and arms crossed. You then took this opportunity as your alternate words of saying sorry to her.
"Thank you for all of this, by the way.  Honestly speaking, this looks amazing Nayeon. You really don't have to go with this much effort..." you felt Nayeon swiftly stabs a deadly glare at you, that won't gonna happen again twice so you continued and fixed your words carefully. "... but I couldn't express how overwhelmed I am with your help."
Nayeon immediately switched her look at you who is glancing the exterior of the shop with glimmer in your eyes and a satisfication in your smile. "With you on my side, managing our very first business together; I just wish the best for us. I hope that many will love this."
Nayeon hooked her arm around yours and pressed her head on your bicep. "I wish the same too. Let's do well, and we will get through that."
She looked up, staring at you. "This is why you have to share your worries with me. Don't make it complicated by yourself, okay? We both love each other, and that would simply mean that there will be no problem for us to overcome anything."
You gratefully kissed Nayeon on the lips to before both entered the fruitshake shop with hands holding together to check the inside next.
Months later, YN and Nayeon's business quickly gained success and popularity, as a result of the large number of daily visitors who were complimenting the shop's appealing design, cozy atmosphere, and natural tastes of their products.
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caelisblade · 5 months
Hello everyone!
With this, I would like to open commissions for Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, Tears of Themis, Jujutsu Kaisen (on my secondary blog, @tojisblade) or other original work (i. e. a story for your OC's etc.)
This is unfortunately due to the fact that I was faced with a lot of sudden and new expenses at once (credit card debts, general expenses) and am now unable to pay off some of my debts, even though I work full-time.
I would like to open my commissions for this reason!
You may commission anything you like, I don't really have a limit for my writing or comfort zone, if there would be something I dislike / wouldn't want to write, I would let you know. This is - however - not the case for many things so, everything could be talked over easily.
As for prices, since I want to make this a little easy for all of you, I would charge ~10€ for a 2k long fic / story. Of course, if you want to, you can get longer fics for a higher price.
Of course, if you want to support me in general, you can just donate something on my Ko-Fi, too!
Please contact me in DM's for more info! I would love to bring some of your commissions to life <3 You may find my Ko-Fi link on my navigation post! If I'd add it here, tags don't work.
Even if you can't support me in a financial way, please share this post to people who are interested!
Thank you, everyone.
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cupiidzbow · 3 months
I can't really buy a selfship commission right now. due to being Canadian and paying in other currencies can get kinda expensive. But I absolutely still wanted to support you in some way I gave a little donation to at least give a bit of support 🫶
Just wanted to say that I love your art so much, the style you have is just lovely and seeing you draw other people's and your selfships makes me smile cause they always turn out so good !. Keep up the great work can't wait to see all the other drawings you do. And remember all you f/os love you very much !! :] 💕
I’ll be absolutely happy to give you a lil doodle to say thank you!!! I would love to give you something in return bc that’s such a genuinely kind thing to do I appreciate you so much!! Please let me know if I can draw you anything because I would absolutely love to!!! 🥹🫶🏽💕💕
AUGAGAGGSG ( WAILING ) youre so sweet ??? Augh I’m genuinely so overwhelmed that such a kind thing to say!! I’m so happy that you like my art and my ships?? I’m absolutely over the moon!! You’re kindness means to much to me, more than you even know!!! AUGHHGH I’ll try my best to keep the work up!! You’re genuinely so kind, and I hope I can repay your kindness!! THANK U SM I HOPE U HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!! And your f/o’s love you soso much too!!! 🥹🫶🏽💕💕💕💕💕
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juniper-pines · 10 months
Help Please! Commissions! Art for Doodles! Drive to Immediately Stabilize!
So I have a little under 80 days as of this writing to make about $8,000.00 - $10,000 USD
I have been struggling without work. Unpayed bills from the past few months have piled up. I've lost so much already, and I'm at risk of losing even more. On top of that, I need to move halfway across the country by the end of October, since the family I'm staying with is moving out of the country. I can't really follow them with my financial situation.
This escalation happened about a week after I had finally reached a point where I'm able to complete commissions and take in new ones. So now I have additional plans and schedules and stuff that need to be done... Additional money needs to be made, and fast, before I can settle into a more sensible work flow.
So... I'm doing everything. EVERYTHING! Whatever I can do! It's crunch time x1000!
The Quick Summary:
I have a Carrd now! There, you can find links to all my socials, Patreon, Ko-fi, GoFundMe, the form for requesting Commissions or Doodles-For-Donations and Monthly Patreon Doodles, and more! Check it out: https://juni-p.carrd.co/
My Patreon has been updated and makes sense finally! Monthly Doodles can be requested from the form at the bottom of the Commissions page on my Carrd for each monthly Patreon contribution!
You can request Doodles-For-Donations on that same form if you're donated anywhere! Ko-fi, Patreon, wherever! Check out the bottom of the Commissions page on my Carrd for info and a link to the form!
Commissions are open for requests right now! I'll start taking new ones very soon, so get your requests in! Look for the form link on the bottom of my Carrd's Commissions page!
My GoFundMe is still available, and has been updated with info about the move and such. You can read that for more info about it all and donate if you're feeling generous <3 (Also, this still counts for Doodles-for-Donations, too, if you want!)
Soon I'll have a store! With stickers and stuff! Maybe even shirts! I'll send out notifications when there's merch and stuff up, and the links will be up on my Carrd too!
Lots more specifics below, so keep reading! And thank you in advance for any help!
I have an income tracker on the Carrd, under News. When I hit a milestone, I'll be doing something special! ...though I haven't figured out what the special thing is just yet! Pls let me know if you have ideas. I wanna make it nice b/c TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYthankyou~
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All Patreon backers now get a Doodle per month! Details and request form are on the Carrd! It's the same form as Commissions, so just make sure you pick the "Patreon" option, okay? I'm still thinking of what other incentives I can put on there. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know! I really appreciate y'all so much~
KOFI and Donation Doodles!
Like the Patreon doodles, but for one-time donations and things like that I'll be doing these whenever I'm on stream, too, so come say hi! Same request form! It's all on the Carrd!
Commission Requests are open!
I'll be taking new ones soon, once I get more of my backlog done, so if you want a commission, get your requests in! Pricing and details all on the Carrd! I'm working hard <3 <3
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Also I'm doing Animations now, too! And YCH stuff soon! I'm excited about it!!! :D :D :D Pic related to both <3 (Thank you X!!!)
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My GoFundMe's been updated to explain my situation some, and to help give me some relief from the amount of work I now have to do in such a short time. Shares, reblogs, etc, are just as appreciated as the donations. Thank you <3
I'm also opening a RedBubble with stickers and prints and stuff!
I don't know what to put there yet, but I already have the storefront and such. More to come soon, of course <3 It's empty at the time of posting, but there'll be stuff there soon!
Finishing commissions comes first, of course~
If you read all of that, TY
I am going through the climax of this whole ordeal I've been in for the past few years and/or most of my life Honestly, the uncertainty hitting such a high is scary, but I'm gonna do my best ( TuT)9 My DMs on Discord are always open if you have any thoughts or questions, okay? TY, everyone, for sticking with me through it all <3
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seraphsfire · 10 months
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New kitties update!
Hello everybody meet one of my new toddlers, Jade! I'm excited to tell you guys all about them!
She was a little shy but completely imprinted on me within the first 12 hours or so from first meeting her ;-; she has a lot of personality similarities with Xeno, she loves pets and scratches, will walk on everything, and follows me everywhere except when she is napping underneath my bed. She even sleeps next to me at night already ;-; She has no teeth bc she has like a thousand allergies and was allergic to her own tooth plaque and got sick from it so she had to have all her teeth taken out ;-; she also has dermatitis because she had fleas at one point and was allergic to the fleas and patches of her fur fell out ;-;
but i've been putting olive oil on her food and giving her plenty of hydration so after only one day her skin is already barely flaky anymore, she's itching less, and her coat feels silkier.
She's the most beautiful, sweet little goblin doll baby, her eyes are this stunning grayish-green that i've never seen in a cat before and when she's in good lighting (and holding still, which is also difficult to get her to do lol) I will take closer pictures of her.
I'm exhausted but my anxiety and depression have gone down drastically from being able to pet her, feeling her purring next to me when I sleep, and hearing her eating in the mornings.
My other child is still working on feeling comfortable in the house, he was a feral cat so I am slowly socializing him and I haven't gotten to pet him yet or look at him closely because he's been hiding under the bed. But today when I put my hand under the bed with treats in it, he ate them out of my hand and didn't run away, and has been coming into the kitchen when Jade and i are hanging out a few feet away on the couch, and actually walked up when i was sitting down just now to look at me, so he's making huge progress after only a day for a kitty that was so terrified of everything that they actually put him on anxiety medication skdfsdhgdhg
He's so beautiful too, he's a cream point medium haired siamese mix, he's huge and a similar width to Xeno but has a more angular face and is a lot Longer (almost twice the size of Jade lol). I named him Sunfyre after a GoT dragon because he does look fiery and kind of like a dragon too, and so I can call him Sunny for short.
I was so worried because I wasn't able to separate them at all since my bed is huge and Sunny wouldn't come out, and they did yowl and fight a little bit with each other last night but actually otherwise they're not aggressive or fearful of each other at all and will walk by each other calmly as long as they have at least a foot and a half of space. I've been telling Jade she can't be mean to her new roommate and has to give him space because it's his house too lol.
I miss xeno so much and it does still feel like i'm babysitting somebody else's kitties but I can't wait to give them a happy, calm, and loving space to live in.
One of you donated $20 that really helped a lot, and I have a commission too! I am still taking commissions, please let me know your budget and I'll tell you what kind of art piece I can do for the amount! I'm open to almost anything. Thank you guys for all your financial support, I would not have been able to afford them otherwise so soon after all of Xeno's medical bills. I wasn't planning on getting more kitties so soon but I just saw their little faces and I knew they needed me even though my heart is still broken.
Also of course battling extreme exhaustion just from everything this past month really, the new babies have been keeping me up because I'm trying to do things periodically so they acclimate well. You guys can still donate if you want but you have been so generous so I don't want to keep clogging up ppls dashes with desperate donation posts if it's not an immediate emergency. I would much rather do a commission for you! I can work with any budget, even a few dollars ^^
I'm working on two larger pieces right now so it will be a few weeks for something big but I could get a few doodles for smaller budgets done soon-ish if that is something you're interested in!
You can pray/ send good thoughts and energy that I will get a job soon so I can give them a good life, and that their conjunctivitis from being in the shelter will clear up soon without having to traumatize them with a vet visit so soon after getting them used to so many new scary things.
Anyway, thank you. Love you all. One day if i ever get enough $ i really do hope to pay back your generosity, it's really helped me believe in the goodness of strangers again. and just mentally that is something that has been such a huge thing to experience after all the trauma and death i've been dealing with for like 4 years now.
For now I hope paying you back in kitty pictures will do!
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yooniesim · 7 months
I really don't mean to come off as mean or demanding because it's insane to expect people to know everything about... everything - the only thing that made me a little upset about your original post was the fact that you really can't be sure of overwolf's statements, since they're probably trying really hard to avoid being subject to a boycott, and you have a lot of followers. I'm sad people were mean about it since you obviously didn't mean anything bad by it and are going through tough times as well. If you have a kofi I'd be more than happy to donate 🩷 we all deserve help, no matter the size of our problems, Ceci
Thank you dear nonny, I apologize that I made you upset! Clearly I just don't know enough about this subject, and obviously have bias by the situation I am in too. But it's so tough when people look to you to make a statement immediately, you know? If you don't say anything quick enough, people get fucking furious and say you're ignoring it. I had anons within hours of that tweet saying I support literal genocide because I had posts on cf which is absolutely ridiculous. But I hate jumping into a statement fast, because as we saw here, half the time new stuff comes to your attention afterward that makes you look like a jackass, people attack you like you're the devil incarnate for not knowing everything, etc. I've been really confused and conflicted by all this, I see one thing and then more info that conflicts that and then more that conflicts that. I trusted the original poster that added Overwolf's statements because they were the one to bring this up in the first place, and I didn't see anything conflicting that on their tweet (Like additional sources etc). But immediately after I posted their tweet, well, you see how that one turned out. I was thinking about privating that post but I don't want anyone to think I deleted it- but should I? I don't want it to be misleading. Or should I reblog it with additional/updated info? Yall, please let me know. I am so lost these days mentally.
I am really sorry that I upset people though with that. And I was being honest when I said I've lost sleep over this and all this suffering weighs heavy on my heart. I think most of yall that have been with me for a long time know that I'm one of those people that just wants to fix everything and when I can't it's just devastating and I can't get it off my mind. And choosing between participating in a boycott and being able to pay for meds is not something I would wish on anybody. Especially when you got people coming on your post calling you privileged, disgusting, hypocrite, etc because you didn't delete your cc posts fast enough for their liking. The money i'm waiting on from cf is money I already earned. They already got the damn ad revenue. I aint earning them more money because I aint uploading anything else there, I'm waiting for what's already owed to me. But to people on simblr who likely don't even pay their own bills, that's worthy of some goofy callout post calling you genocidal. Over freaking sims 4 cc. It's mind boggling.
Anyway, I'm going on too long again lmfao. Let me say again, thank you nonny, I appreciate you. I think I have an old ko-fi account somewhere, I'm going to get it set up so people can tip here and there if they like my cc and don't care for patreon. I'm also gonna start doing commissions soon. And on that note if anyone has any suggestions for how to format that feel free to send them to my inbox. Along with any other related suggestions. ...alright, I think I'm done rambling fr 😂 love you nonny 💜
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lazulisong · 1 year
Question: are you bribable for fic writing? And if so what's your number of coffees per fic/words? As a writer, I know the time write is massive, and realistically the per hour cost for the mental labor and energy is high enough even without accounting for the actual time writing, so I get it if the price is either not worth for you or high. Your fics for MDSZ and YOI have really brought me joy over the last 6 or 7 years. I'd love to support you and your writing in the meager way I can.
sorry! i did see this yesterday and by the time i thought about how to answer i had to go roll around and curse having a reproductive system
i don't generally take commissions, less out of any principle and more because between one thing and another i can't in conscience agree to something i might not have the energy to do.
i guess if you wanted to send a prompt i can see what i can do and then if you like it you could donate?
i was a slow writer even before my twin died and the rest of 2020 happened to me (at that time i was still working in senior care, which i had to give up last year after sixteen years because even i had to admit it was killing me). after THAT it's been like pulling walrus teeth haha.
however if you like my mxtx stuff i actually am going to be in the @mxtxexchange this year, so that should be posted by the middle of next month! (i never bother signing up any more. the mod just picks a pinch hit they think i'd like and i don't have to cudgel my brain for prompts of my own. a great system.)
tl;dr if you wanna send me a couple kofis and a prompt i'll do my best but also: i genuinely enjoy and miss writing nonsense and i clearly would do it for free anyway.
of course it's nice to get them but please never think you have to support me in any way but enjoying my writing!
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tojisblade · 5 months
Hello everyone!
With this, I would like to open commissions for Jujutsu Kaisen (on my main blog, @caelisblade, I do this same thing but for honkai star rail, genshin impact and tears of Themis) or other original work (i. e. a story for your OC's etc.)
This is unfortunately due to the fact that I was faced with a lot of sudden and new expenses at once (credit card debts, general expenses) and am now unable to pay off some of my debts, even though I work full-time.
I would like to open my commissions for this reason!
You may commission anything you like, I don't really have a limit for my writing or comfort zone, if there would be something I dislike / wouldn't want to write, I would let you know. This is - however - not the case for many things so, everything could be talked over easily.
As for prices, since I want to make this a little easy for all of you, I would charge ~10€ for a 2k long fic / story. Of course, if you want to, you can get longer fics for a higher price.
Of course, if you want to support me in general, you can just donate something on my Ko-Fi, too!
Please contact me in DM's for more info! I would love to bring some of your commissions to life <3 You may find my Ko-Fi link on my navigation post! If I'd add it here, tags don't work.
Even if you can't support me in a financial way, please share this post to people who are interested!
Thank you, everyone. I appreciate this a lot.
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cmjncyan · 9 months
These questions were asked a few times across social media over the years I've posted my art online, so I thought I should make a post to clear things up. If you have other questions, my askbox is open :3
Q. Can I repost your art?
If I don't have an account on the site you're reposting it on, go ahead. I just ask that you put original credit in the body of your post (not in the replies or comments) containing a link to the piece if possible (if you're not allowed to post links, just the username and site will be fine. Do make sure to spell it right though, please ;_;).
You may use my art for personal (non-commercial) usage. You may use my art as icons on social media. No crediting is fine, but it's always nice for me and the people who will want to know where the art comes from!
However, it should be obvious but you may NOT use art that was drawn for someone else (art trades, gifts, commissions, etc.), unless the recipient explicitly allowed you to do so.
You may NOT use my art for commercial purposes, not even with credit. Yes, this includes YouTube videos.
Ask before using my art in edits. I don't bite. :-)
Q. Do you take requests?
If you have an idea that you think I might like, shoot your shot :-) if you REALLY want me to draw a quick request you can always buy me a couple cups on Ko-fi and I'll draw you a small sketch. *wink wink*
Q. Do you take commissions?
Yes. My commission info is here. If you want to support me but can't afford a commission, you can make a small Ko-Fi donation, and if you can't afford that either but appreciate my art, that's okay, I love you :-)
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1m491n4ry · 2 years
Esty Alternatives [For Non-eligible countries or anyone else] (Part 1)
If you are not from or based in these countries:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam.
Then you can't open a seller account on Esty because they have introduced 'Esty Payments', it is a payment service only offered in certain countries.
If you ask them when they are going to extend the list, you'll just get a half-ass response. Of course, waiting for them to add your country is out of the question. So here are the following alternatives you could use without geographic restrictions:
Gumroad is an online digital marketplace for self-publishing where anybody can purchase and sell items or services. I recommend this to anyone that wants to digital products such as courses, books, procreate brushes, printables, etc.
It really easy to set up your store and put your products up for sale. The but there are some downsides to it. One is you can't customize how your store will look like when customers arrive on your page. ↓
Tumblr media
That's how it'll will basically look like, but its not so bad. As long as your products are top-notch and provide a good service, and able to receive some cash at the end. Then its all good.
Another downside is you have to work on your social marketing skills, sadly its not like Esty where there are chances customers will stumble on your product or store. Yes, Gumroad does have a Discover page where you can search for other people's products but the chances of a random user coming across your store is very low.
Wix is a website builder, they have a wide range of various templates you can choose from and edit them. You don't need to know how to code to create a site. Wix speeds up the web building process and provides you the creative freedom to create the website you want. You can also add a lot of tools such as chatbot, e-commerce features, forum, etc.
Yes, its free to build a website using Wix but having your website actually be noticed by Google, you have to purchase one of their plans to get a custom domain and dive into SEO(Search Engine Optimization) to get your site more traffic and exposure. Also you can't sell online with a free plan. Their plan prices varies depending on your region.
You can check out my website as an example -> 1M491N4RY 8L09
I recently discovered Ko-fi and I must say love their UI(User Interface). All from one spot, Kofi can let you share your work, receive donations, sell memberships, products, or commissions, and even let you create a crowdfunding goal. With Ko-fi you can sell both physical and digital products, also for programmers you can add a Ko-fi donate button to your GitHub.
Keep in mind though, free members are allowed to sell up to 150 products, 25GB for file storage, and you pay 5% of the sale price. You can upgrade to Ko-fi Gold and get 0% fees on Shop sales and other perks for $8 per month. Which doesn't sound like a bad deal, but before you throw in your money, try it out first as a free member and see if its the right platform for.
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Iiiiiiiif you really want to support me, just click here -> Ko-fI Please. The button is a lie
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That's all the websites that I personal know and use. The ones below are the ones I see being frequently suggested as an alternative to Esty.
Shopify (Warning, its not free, there are free trials but after that you have to choose a plan and pay up. In my opinion I won't recommend this for beginners.)
Bonanza (You may sell your stuff on its marketplace or set up your own online store.)
My advice, don't solely rely on one platform for your business. Try to branch out and find out what sticks or not.
Part 2, I'll talk about print-on-demand websites you can use regardless where you are in the world and doesn't have an 'eligible countries' list.
Part 3, I'll research about the POSSIBLITY of selling on Esty when you are in a non-eligible county, if you really really really REALLY want to sell on there.
Until next time. ⌒(o^▽^o)ノ゚
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gaychaosdemon · 2 years
(Please, if you can’t financially help me, at least reblog this. It’s just a reblog)
Ok people since im tired im gonna (try) do emergency commissions because im broke im gay and i live in the least encouraging and supportive household ever. For people telling me to get a job dont worry hun ive a got one but try getting your tattooing license one month before covid hit and then trying to find clients during the worst time for networking ever. And in a country where the tattooing apprenticeship doesnt exist. Also try doing that while living with parents that don't believe in you and literally think you don't want to do anything in life and you'll amount to shit! So yeah ive gotta skedaddle because if I dont do it fast then im not totally sure im gonna survive this the third year in a row!!! Im literally not gonna! Yay!
Anyway let's start being serious. First off I'm gonna say if you can't commission me, consider making a small donation on my kofi page. Thank you.
The commission pricing is
15€ black and white (linework/etching shading or minimal shading) 20€ flat coloring (no rendering basically, no shading/highlights) 30€ complete rendering with shading highlights a background ecc it goes 5€ up every two hours of work and first two hours are included in base price.
I only accept paypal payments and to commission me you can either dm me here on tumblr or request it through this form
I can do this style for The Beloveds (also b&w) :
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And if you dont want pynch I can draw literally whatever character from the trc/cdth verse I can even draw Monmouth or Fox Way or The Barns literally WHATEVER you want. If you dont want fanart at all then you must know I like doing pet portraits or portraits in general like these bad boys n gals:
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If yall want to see more stuff I like doing style-wise and my more illustrative pieces head over on my instagram you're sure to like something on it.
Again thank you to everyone who will at least reblog this you are a literal angel and I love you
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pisstheon · 3 years
consider donating to a young trans artist who lives abroad
Hi! My name is Akko
I don't really know how to introduce myself but I'm glad I'm writing this post.
I'm a nonbinary young artist. This year I had the luck to explore my non binary identity.
I'm very proud of my Journey, being trans like this for me is truly a blessing.
Despite what
I just said, dysphoria is a thing I really struggle with.
It's getting worse and worse, it has come to the point where even sleeping without high psychological pain is hard.
I struggle with taking a shower, looking at me in the mirror, going down the stairs ecc.
Dysphoria is making impossible even the most basics of activities.
I've been wearing a binder for almost 5 years now, but i'm tired of both the physical and the mental pain i have to endure everyday.
At this point I'm just tired
I'm asking you to donate to this go found me
For me it's a lot of money and I'm not able to start to work yet.
I just need 10.000 people to donate 1 euro
It may not be a big amount of money for you but to me It will be life changing
Consider sharing if you are not in the condition to donate.
I hope I will have the surgery as soon as possible, to finally get rid of this burden
Top surgery to me would mean freedom
I'd be finally able to wear what I want, go around without pulling my tshirt from me, taking showers without crying.
It would be so beautiful even just to lay in bed without all the discomfort I'm sadly used to
I will be opening commissions in the future, if you want to ask me a Kofi you can donate directly here.
If you are interested, my instagram is @belfaunn
Thank you for your time, it means a lot
they're a really good friend of mine, I love them like a sibling, and I've seen them struggle heavily with dysphoria
If you can't donate, please share! even a single euro helps
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Hello welcome to le writing blog♥️🌹
Thought I might as well make an introduction blog since my other things are all the way at the bottom.
Anyways I can offer the best of *chefs kiss* writing imagines possible.
And away we go♥️
Things I can offer lel:
Matchups: closed
Feel like getting paired with a character and want some dialogue to go with that head your description in the submissions. I don't mind the number of fandoms.
If you want to add extra details then please request from the list below:
A picture of your wedding dress and theirs
Dialogue about the scanario
A picture of your child (if you DM me a pic of your self I can send a picture of what your child would look like.)
A picture of the outfit you would wear from the fandom (be sure to list your fashion style)
Added gifs (more interactive gifs to see how you would hug,kiss, interact, etc.)
Your theme song (I will choose a theme song that represents the two of you.)
A oneshot (will be included seperatly but if you send me a name then I can write a oneshot based on a scanario you want acted out.)
Picrew of you and the person
Moodboard (tell me your aesthetic)
Imagines: Open
Wanna know how a character may react or there preference I can totally be down to try to write the canon version of what they would do with either y/n or an oc.
Oneshots: open
Ever wanna see an X reader or oc with a canon character I would be happy to write out any story you have to offer with any character.
A/n: please do note I only do oneshots. If it's more than 1 chapter it'll be seen as a commission.
Headcanons: open
Want to see how a character will react or a preference involving you or your oc send in some info and I can list different character reactions based on the canon.
Moodboards: closed
Ever wanted a Collab of you and a character. Mabey even prehaps a ship or oc X canon then look no further then here~. I will put together asthetics to please your favourite ship.
Letters: closed
Have you ever wished for a letter by your comfort character or fictional s/o. Come and tell me what you wish to have in your letter and I can write it for you. Either privately or publicly.
Photo self insert/crossover/oc x canon: closed
Do you have a comfort character you have always wanted to see yourself or oc with. Feel free to request a photo or face claim, and I'll place you with that character.
If it's an oc, unfortunately, I can't use descriptions it must be a picture or face claim.
If it's a crossover, send me the characters you wish to see.
If it's a self insert, send me a picture in the submission or ask and let me know which character you would like. If it's a private ask, please, please send it in the dms so only you can access it.
Please be aware that I'm not an expert at photo manipulation, and I've only just started. So I'll do my best in my limit to make it as good quality as I can, but for now, it's only practice, so I can't guarantee the most perfect outcome.
Harry potter
pirates of the Carribbean
House of the dragon
Aquaman 2018 and 2023
Outlast 1 and dlc
Commissions are open feel free to check out the details💖
Anyways that about sums it up so please request away or read my other work on my blog safe travels ha♥️
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mayearns · 4 years
Hey, I know a lot has been going on, and first I'd like to say that I wholeheartedly support the protests and the riots and agree with everyone standing up for police brutality and murder. I might not live in the US, but even then I feel the pain and relate to the suffering of the black community.
I want to do my part too.
I've seen a lot of people doing full donations for their commissions, there'll be links to some of them in this post, but unfortunately I can't be one of them. Drawing is my full-time job at the moment and I can't afford to do it for free. So, instead, I'd like to offer 50% off to anyone that donated to the BLM movement.
This deal goes specially to portraits of black people and other poc related content. It's always been important to me to draw these people and include diversity in my art, and now more than ever with the current discussions going on, I'd love to have the opportunity to make more art portraying black life.
Here are some links to lovely creators that are doing full donations:
In commemoration of Pride:
I know it isn't the moment to fight for the rights of the LGBTQ+ people, but the movement is still important to me, and as someone who's part of both of these communities, I think we can still celebrate our identities. Even more those of us who are black and queer.
Therefore, I'll be doing themed commissions of the person with their pride flag(s) to commemorate this month. The offer stands the same, with half the price for those who made donations. Those who haven't can pay the full price, and I'll donate half the profit myself.
Feel free to reblog with your own information if you're doing similar projects!
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