#Effective Note-Taking Strategies
1234helpful · 9 days
In this blog we read about Plagiarism-proof Assignment. Original Assignment make create high ranking. It is a serious crime and the paper can be thrown away. Writer writng an academic dissertation they follow many Plagiarism-proof. It is important to use a plagiarism checker before publishing and sending. There are many tips for Students to write an Assignment. In this blog we read about How do You Make a Plagiarism-proof Assignment. Cite Appropriately Read Thoroughly Quotation Restatement Improve Value List Of References Request Your Teacher Internet Is A Source
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mind-and-body-style · 7 months
10 Secret Tips for Effective Studying
Studying effectively is a skill that can significantly impact academic success. While there are no magical shortcuts to learning, there are proven strategies that can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your study sessions. In this article, we will explore 10 secret tips for studying that are backed by research and experts in the field of education. Active Learning Techniques Passive…
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grantairezee · 2 years
why is every single tutorial a video now I'm going to scream
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phoebelovingcare · 3 months
"what's it like to use nightshade/glaze?"
so based on my own experience I thought I'd make this more transparent since I know a lot of people hesitate to take action on some things if they do not know Exactly what happens. it's me i'm people. So;
Nightshade takes about 30 minutes on its fastest setting. The end result tends to look like mild jpeg artifacting, very slightly creased paper, or just brush texturing. Looking at it normally, it is undetectable. Glaze is very visually similar, given the strategy, except that Glaze's longest time setting is 5 minutes.
You put in a file, select how much you want it affected and for how long you want it to render. For Nightshade, you also attach a tag to it, that way AI finds what it's looking for with an associated word. You select a folder for the final result to save to, then hit run.
It takes a lot of GPU/CPU. The fans on my laptop sound a bit like I'm running Minecraft, and it refuses to run if you have too many programs open. I could run Youtube and Nightshade at the same time, but Youtube did Not like it. Best to just take a break while you let it do its thing. Run Nightshade before you go out or something.
It does NOT like transparent png backgrounds. Makes me wonder how AI does with 'em. Anyways, running a backgroundless drawing through Glaze and Nightshade respectively makes it turn out like this:
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creasing effect is more noticeable, and it adds strange blocky black and white backgrounds to it. If you want good results for your time, be that less than 1 minute or 180 minutes, consider getting rid of the transparency.
I would post a before and after picture of a Nightshaded piece but of course, I would like to post exclusively poison on this site.
As one last note, it took me a lot of effort to find where you're actually supposed to download these tools, so Glaze is here and Nightshade is here. Overall I highly recommend using them if you can. Don't let AI run you off of your sites: run the AI out yourself.
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indiadiries · 10 months
A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Get Good Marks in Exams
Scoring excellent marks in exams requires more than just studying hard; it entails employing effective strategies and techniques to maximize your learning potential. Whether you’re a student aiming to improve your grades or looking for advice to help someone else, this article provides a comprehensive guide on how to achieve success in exams. Establish Solid Study Habits Developing a consistent…
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amongemeraldclouds · 1 month
sweet dreams
It should have been simple: boy meets girl then falls in love. Except everything only happened in his dreams. Can Theodore Nott bridge the gap between fantasy and reality to get the girl of his dreams?
Inspired by Taylor Swift's song, Guilty as Sin?
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Theodore Nott x f!Reader
Warning: Fluff, some smut so 18+ only MDNI, characters are aged up. Uses a magical concept that deviates from canon.
✿ Masterlist | 2.9k words
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The door creaked as you swung it open to leave The Three Broomsticks, eager to breathe in the cool evening air. You scrunched your note as smoke invaded the fresh air you hoped for and turned towards the culprit, Theodore Nott. You didn’t know him personally, but guys as popular as him did not need introduction.
He didn’t notice you as he took another puff and the streetlamp cast him in a soft halo. It was not fair how some people could look so effortlessly gorgeous. 
“Want one?” He reached out when he finally saw you staring, offering you his pack of cigarettes.
You huffed, “No thanks, I was hoping for some fresh air.”
He simply shrugged and turned the other way, smoking in a different direction and out of your way.
You hoped the cool air could return some of your sobriety, but nothing was as effective as a good ol’ near de*th experience. You looked up when you heard someone shrieking from the distance, growing louder and louder until you saw a broomstick zig zag across the sky that was quickly hurtling towards you and Theo.
Theo was quicker than you, holding his wand out and casting a spell just fast enough to redirect the impact to an open space. By the time you held your wand out, you had enough wits about you to cushion the witch’s fall.
You ran towards her to make sure she was fine. She laid on the ground as if she was peacefully sleeping, oblivious to the accident. You crouched beside her, arm outstretched to wake her when-
“Oh bumbling broomstick!” She yelled out and sat upright. You yelped in surprise, yanking yourself back and landing on your bottom. Theo was there within seconds, offering you a hand.
You took it and it was unbelievably soft, his grip strong as he supported you back up from the ground. You registered the smell of alcohol and cigarettes with a subtle hint of expensive cologne. You wanted to take another whiff, but reminded yourself to focus.
“A - are you okay?” You turned back to strange woman, careful to keep your distance this time.
“That chap knows sod all about wizard engineering. Mixing magic and muggle work - ridiculous!” she spat in disdain, dusting off her dress.
She turned around, catching your worried look and Theo’s stoic expression, noticing you both for the first time. “Oh my, where are my manners?” She asked, straightening her back and introducing herself.
“I’m Miss Amelia Adams, thank you for rescuing me,” you shook hands and smiled at her politely, introducing yourselves in return.
Your eyebrows knit together as she fished around her bag, looking for something.
She beamed when she found it and held out a daisy for you. “To properly thank you, please accept this flower,” she then leaned in conspiratorially, “it grants a wish.”
She winked before gathering herself and her ‘bumbling broomstick’ as she called it. “Well, I’m off,” she declared, walking away as quickly as she had come before you had any chance to say goodbye.
You were stunned, holding the flower in your hand. You scoffed at the idea of wishes, the only way to get something is to go out there and take it. Hard work and strategy was far more effective than any wish. After a few moments of awkward silence, you turned to Theo. “That was…” you trailed off, trying to find the right word.
“Odd,” he completed for you, just as stunned as you were.
“Are you okay?” You asked Theo. He grunts and you reassured him you’re fine in return.
“Have this flower, you saved us first. Thanks, by the way. You should get the wish,” you said casually, only half believing the mysterious Miss Amelia.
He accepted it and placed it in his coat, stoic expression still in place. When he said nothing else, you turned on your heels to go back to your friends in the pub.
You paused when Theo called after you as if saying goodbye as an afterthought. “See you at school?” He said. It seems he recognized you too.
You turned around and gave him a friendly grin, “in your dreams,” you said in a playful tone. Despite being school mates, you and Theo revolved around different orbits. You experienced just enough failed relationships to know better than to start a friendship with Mr. Emotionally Unavailable.
He just smirked and watched you go before returning to his cigarette. Had he held the flower in his hand, he would have noticed it glow before bursting into tiny glitters, a wish about to come true.
That night, Theo first dreamt of you.
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Main story, months later
The booming party music faded when Theo heard the familiar sound of your laughter. He shifted in the Slytherin common room couch as his entire focus gravitated towards you like you were the sun his planet revolved around.
It was always disorienting, he thought, to hear and see you somewhere outside his dreams. Mostly because you never looked his way here but in his dreams, you’ve given him everything he ever needed and more.
He recalled the first words you ever said to him in his dream, “you again?”
“Is that such a bad thing?” He asked with his boyish grin, amused. He wasn’t used to seeing this reaction from others except for his friends.
He no longer remembered the rest of that conversation, but one minute you two were laughing at something silly and the next, he was tucked comfortably in bed. It was then he realized it was all a dream he could just laugh off and forget about. It was no longer funny by the third night he kept seeing you. 
You both discussed how absurd this all was until you realized how fun it could also be. So you tested different ways you could take your power back and control the dream you found yourselves in. He discovered you were smart and funny, it warmed something in Theo’s heart that he did not care to examine.
Soon enough, he was flying with you through the sky, swerving through clouds as the stars blurred past like strings of fairy lights. You both flew like it was the most natural thing in the world, no broomsticks needed. He felt like a kid again, fearless and free.
One time, he went to a muggle amusement park you heard so many great things about. You rode on roller coasters and ferris wheels then ate candy floss. You would have gotten a fever the next day from all the sugar and shouting if not for the fact this all happened in your dreams. He had never felt happier.
On quiet nights, you laid on cool grassy hills enjoying the evening breeze. Sometimes, you watched sunsets on the beach while listening to the ocean waves. Those were his favorite days. You told him about your big plans and ambitions. He tried to stifle his smiles, but your energy was so infectious. The world felt bigger and brighter when he was around you. 
He’d tell you about his mother. How close they were before they were permanently separated. He said he kept her alive by remembering their happy moments that he’d tell you stories about. He also talked about his strained relationship with his father and how silly his friends were, but oh how he’d d*e for them.
He found himself spilling thoughts and secrets he could never tell anyone else. He stammered every now and then, not used to opening up, but you were so patient. He felt safe with you because you’re a good listener. Besides, wasn’t he basically just talking to a figment of his imagination? He tried not to overthink it.
Theo felt the couch beside him dip as the familiar smell of smoke and cologne announced Mattheo’s presence. “Want to go for a smoke?” He asked with a smirk as he flashed a joint.
“Later, okay?” Theo replied distracted, his focus still on you.
A student rose from the couch and moved away as Lorenzo approached. Thanks to their popularity, the boys always seemed to find a convenient seat when they needed it. He joined the two with a grin, drinks in hand. Mattheo took in Enzo’s disheveled hair and loose tie. He accepted the drink and gave him a high five knowing he already had his conquest for the night. Theo accepted the drink and just held it.
“Who’s the lucky girl?” Mattheo asked, taking a swig from his cup.
Enzo blushed and took a sip of his drink. “You know I never kiss and tell.”
Mattheo rolled his eyes in response, “until you’re drunk enough.” He pushed Enzo’s cup back to his mouth. “Come on, drink up.”
Theo tuned out the conversation and he saw you dancing with your friends, your hips moving to the beat of the music. His eyes darkened as he remembered how those hips rocked into his. It didn’t take long before you first kissed him under the stars when the conversation died down, simply because there was nothing else to say.
All other thoughts and sentiments could only be expressed in the way your fingers gripped his wavy hair, when he bit your bottom lip and you moaned against him. Before he knew it, you were reciting his name like a prayer even though it felt anything but sacred when he slammed his hips into your dripping cunt. He savoured the way your nails scratched his back. He didn’t know until then how someone’s grip could make him feel so wanted.
He always made sure you knew he how much he appreciated you:
“Fuck, you’re taking me so well amore.” 
“I’ll make you feel so good principessa, I’ll ruin you for anyone else.”
“You’re so beautiful when you’re on your knees,” he’d say as he stuffed his hard length down your throat.
He memorized your shape and knew just where to touch you to be rewarded with your filthy moans and curses. He liked making your eyes roll to the back of your head. Loud screams, sheets gripped, chest heaving. He took delight in the way you came undone for him, your little whimpers were so cute he could not resist thrusting faster into you so he could feel you clench against his desperate cock again and again.
His favorite part was after he came inside you when you swiped your finger on your upper thigh and brought his spilled seed to your lips. You said you loved the way he tastes. He always said you could have as much as you want, he was all yours and you were his.
“Theo, mate?” Blaise called out to the unresponsive boy who gazed intently at the crowd.
He turned to Mattheo and narrowed his eyes, “how much weed did you give him?” Blaise couldn’t help but worry about his friends, it was exhausting really. Mattheo pushed Theo outside his comfort zone whereas Theo pulled Mattheo back in when he went to extremes. They always kept each other in check, but he was worried that balance could tip off at any moment. 
“Easy on the accusation, he’s a big boy. He can do what he wants,” Mattheo replies defensively. “Besides he hasn’t taken any green, he’s too high on that girl already. Been eye fucking her all night.” 
Mattheo’s harsh words finally cut through Theo’s daydreams and his jaw twitched in annoyance, “I’m not. You should talk about her more respectfully.”
Enzo chimed in, “you know I hate agreeing with Mattheo, but he’s right.” Ignoring Mattheo’s de*th glare, he continued, “there’s nothing respectful about the way you’ve been looking at that poor girl.”
Theo just rolled his eyes and groaned, not wanting to discuss this with his friends. Even if he did, he wouldn’t know where to start. Instead, he stood up and said, “I’m going out for a smoke,” and walked away before anyone could protest or go with him.
As he walked, his thoughts returned to you. One day, you laughed because of his jokes. He laughed because he was in love with you.
It was all so ridiculous, but it had been months and he could no longer deny his feelings. He always thought love was overrated. How can others go out there declaring love like it’s a wild adventure you’re about to embark on? Love that you would fight and break for? He didn’t want an adventure nor a battlefield.
Then there was you and he realized everything he knew about love had only been one version of it. Being with you restored his breath and calmed the butterflies in his stomach. It’s a love that did not challenge him to be better, but instead told him he is already good enough. That he was always enough. It’s the kind of love that felt like home. It’s what he never knew he needed.
You haunted him even when he was awake. He was always tempted to approach you to see if the things he saw in his head could be real. His only clue was the way you wore ribbons in your hair and how it matched your mood to the stories you’d tell him.
He noticed you wore red when you were angry like the time you had to do a group project by yourself. You wore blue when you felt sad and green when you felt generally peaceful. His favorite was pink because it meant you were happy. He noticed how the closer you got, you wore the pink ribbon more often. But today, you wore a black ribbon. He had never seen it before and it worried him. Then again it was only a theory, maybe it didn’t mean anything.
So he always talked himself out of approaching you. Theodore Nott was used to broken things whereas everything with you and about you was perfect. He knew at the very least to leave it well enough alone.
His thoughts carried him to the Astronomy Tower where he lit his cigarette and stared at the evening sky.
“You always seem to be polluting the fresh air I go out for.” Something in his heart froze and then burned brightly. It was you. He heard the smile in your voice before he turned around to look at you. Salazar, you were so beautiful.
“You always seem to find me when you need fresh air. Are you sure you’re not just looking for me?” He teased, but nevertheless moved to extinguish his cigarette. 
You chuckled at Mr. Arrogant who always knew his way around girls. “I was joking, keep your cigarette though your lungs probably hate you.”
He scoffed, he already hated himself. But mostly, he hated how desperately he wanted to reach out and kiss you without being a total creep. “I’ll survive,” he replied, taking a final drag before snuffing it out. “What brings you here?”
“Aside from the not-so-fresh air?” You grinned before turning serious. “This is a nice place to think.”
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Salazar, he’s relentless. “I’m in an impossible situation and I’m starting to lose hope,” you admit. So that’s what the black is for, Theo realized.
He scrunched his nose as he thought twice about what he was about to say. It was so silly trying to hold back when he’d give you the moon and the stars if you asked for it. “Whatever it is, you shouldn’t lose hope.”
You laughed at him and let out an exaggerated gasp, “coming from Mr. Emotionally Unavailable?”
He laughed in return, “ah, my reputation precedes me.”
“Exactly, so don’t go around saying things like that. People might think you have a heart behind that big brain of yours.”
“Wouldn’t want that, would we?” He leaned in conspiratorially.
“No, everyone would stare at you then.”
“You know it’s rude to stare.”
“Oh yeah? What should I do instead?” You challenged.
“Kiss me,” he said with a smirk, a half joke and a half plea.
You laughed and took a step back, placing distance between you. So this was how he got girls, you mused.
Salazar, he was losing you. If he was going to try, he had to be sincere. No charms, no masks. “Amore, I…” he began but grew self conscious at the nickname. “I mean, I wanted to…” he started then stopped. “I wonder if…” he tried again.
“I know,” you said, fire burning behind your eyes at recognition. This was the boy of your dreams. Awkward when he tries to be sincere and it was so adorable. It always made you feel special because you knew he had walls for the rest of the world. But with you, he was at home.
You closed the distance to meet his lips and the kiss said everything he needed to know. All those evenings together talking beneath starlit skies, exploring flesh and soul, falling in love. They were real.
His hands found the curve of your hips so naturally as he pulled you closer against him, just like he’s done countless times. He savoured the way your fingers made their way through his hair. Everything felt electric, at once new and familiar. It was better than anything you had dreamed of.
When you both broke for air, you found yourself blinking in disbelief. “How do we both have the same dreams?”
Theo just shook his head as if to say he didn’t know but then he remembered your first meeting. There was a witch with a bumbling broomstick and a flower. His eyes widened. “The flower from all those months ago.”
Your eyes lit up with remembrance, “the mysterious Miss Amelia!” You brought your hand to your lips, “I didn’t think it was real. I said you’d see me in your dreams.”
“And now you’re my dream come true, amore,” he said, pulling you in for a hug.
 You giggled at how sweet Mr. Not So Emotionally Unavailable could be. “And you’re mine. See you tonight then?”
He chuckled, “and then tomorrow I’ll take you on a real date?”
You scrunched your face, “but now we can’t fly through the stars anymore.”
“Oh, I have other ideas,” he whispered in your ear.
Your heart leapt to your throat and anticipation hummed in your veins. After all, some things were sweeter than dreams.
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✿ Masterlist
A/N: I've mostly written for Enzo and Mattheo until now but when I thought of this plot, I just knew only Theo could do it justice. So this is how I wound up writing my first Theo fic. Hope you liked it!
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pierregazly · 1 month
soft for you ꨄ lance stroll
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lance stroll x reader
warnings: disgusting fluff, mention of crash [1018 words]
request: could i request 3 & 4 from the 🫶🏼 prompt list with lance? [3. SMILING during a kissss >>>>> and 4. the gaze that softens as soon as it lands on you.]
note: lance taking after his dad >>> relationships come before f1 >>> this is part of my 1.5k celebration! feel free to request away!!
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He was pissed. Even without hearing his words, or knowing the whole situation, you could see it in his face. His eyebrows were pinched, the sarcastic roll of his eyes after every sentence that left his mouth, both stark examples of how genuinely angry Lance was.
It had been a nightmare of a season from the first race, anything that could go wrong, having gone wrong. You knew nothing you could say or do would truly change Lance’s perspective. The car wasn’t great, the strategy was poor, and little mistakes had begun piling up, the damage to his car worse and worse almost every race.
And the first race of the season you were able to attend? Another crash, another early end to Lance’s race. You couldn’t help the grimace that overtook your face as you watched him argue with one of the engineers, his hands flying up in the air in exasperation as another eye roll was visible from your spot across the room.
Multiple people were trying to avoid looking at the conversation currently taking place, not wanting to overstep or get anywhere near the line of fire once Lance finally made his exit from the room. You couldn’t help but stare at the situation, waiting for him to finally look up, to finally make eye contact with you.
It didn’t take him long to do so once he realized he had multiple eyes on him, his brown orbs locating your own just seconds later. His face, his mere gaze, softened almost immediately, any comment from his engineer going unheard and ignored as he simply nodded his head in response to whatever he was saying. You couldn’t help the small smile that began to form on your face as he walked towards you, leaving his mechanics and engineers to stew in their own anger and frustration.
Just another little thing you could always count on. He could be livid. He could be whipping his steering wheel across the room, or shouting at whoever would listen; but he would never allow it to enter your relationship. It was one thing you admired, one of so many things you loved about him. His career, his job, it was separate from your relationship and always had been.
He didn’t talk about racing when he was with you, didn’t talk about how poor the season was going or how miserable he was beginning to become. He would talk about it when you urged him to, not wanting him to bottle it up, not wanting him to feel as if you didn’t support him when he was at his worst. But he never let it effect your relationship, never let the anger mask his love for you, or the way he treated you.
Pulling you into his arms once he was close enough, you felt his chin rest gently on the crown of your head as a loud exhale left his body. His back muscles were tense, his body practically shaking in frustration as he squeezed you tighter, trying to take advantage of all the time he could get with you.
Pulling back, you watched the corners of his lips curve as he gazed down at you. Your grip on his bicep not letting up as you observed the influx of emotions cross his features. The defeat, the frustration, the misery; they were so prevalent at first, so raw as he tried to contain them. But before long, the emotions of devastation began to melt away. The small grin on his face not wavering as he looked down on you, practically delighted to see you, regardless of the outcome of his day.
“Bonjour, mon coeur. You look beautiful, as always,” he murmured.
Smiling up at him, you stood on your tiptoes so you could press a small kiss to his lips in gratitude for his words.
“Bonjour, my love. How are you? Are you okay? Are you sore? You’re very tense,” the onslaught of questions spewed from your lips, unable to contain them as you began looking him over.
The soft grip on your cheek was all you needed to glance back up into his eyes. A faint smile still graced his face as he gently ran his thumb across your cheek. A smile still graced his face as he leaned down to press his lips against yours, prompting your own lips to curve upwards as he did so. 
“I’m fine, mon coeur. A little sore, nothing I haven’t dealt with before. I just have to deal with some media, and probably some more yelling, and then we can get out of here, yeah? I can book us reservations for somewhere, or we can just get room service back at the hotel? Whatever you want.”
“Lance… if you want to talk about the race, we can. You don’t have to be so nonchalant about it, I know you’re not happy,” you said.
Shrugging his shoulders at you, his only response was to lean down and brush his lips against yours again, the curve of them still so prominent. The softness, the gentleness, the simple adoration so evident in his every action with you.
His lips touched yours before moving on to the tip of your nose, your cheeks, the skin below your ear; a smile gracing his lips with every kiss.
“I’m not happy, but not much I can do about it. I’m not going to let it determine my time with you, though. Work stays at work, no need to bring it back to the hotel with us. So, reservations, or hotel dinner?”
Before you could answer, Lance continued.
“Dinner in the hotel sounds like a good idea, I think. Room service and some reality television sounds like a good time to me, maybe cuddle up a little and ignore the world. What do you think?”
Pressing your lips against his with a large grin, your only response was a squeeze of his bicep and a nod of your head. If he wanted to escape the world and hold you all night? Well, all you could do was say ‘yes’. 
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just wanted to write something soft/loving so i hope y'all love this!!! thank you everyone for participating in my follower celebration and being lovely!!!
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malusokay · 1 year
How to Study like Rory Gilmore
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A guide on romanticising school, studying like Rory Gilmore, and effective study methods. <3
Create a schedule. Rory is well-known for her strict schedule and commitment to sticking to it. To study like Rory, you should first make a timetable outlining your study time, reading time, and free time. Include breaks in your schedule and follow it as strictly as possible! :)
Lots of reading. Rory is an avid reader who always carries a book with her. Pick books that interest you and make reading a daily habit. Reading will help you develop your vocabulary and critical thinking skills.
Take notes. Rory is well-known for her detailed notes and ability to retain information. Take notes in class and annotate your books. Make your notes more structured by using highlighters and different colours, and review them daily. (goodnotes and notion are great for digital note taking!)
Make use of flashcards. Rory memorises stuff through flashcards. Flashcards can be used for vocabulary terms, key concepts, and other relevant information. Use them to test yourself and review regularly.
Define your goals. Rory has a set goal, what are you working towards? Make a vision board, write down your goals, visualize. This will help you stay motivated and not loose focus!
Stay organised. Rory is well-organised, and her study space is always neat and tidy. Keep your study area nice and free from distractions. Use folders, binders, and other tools to keep your notes and supplies organised, and make sure your workspace is clean and clutter-free.
Seek help when needed. Rory is not afraid to ask for help when she needs it. Don't hesitate to ask for help from your teachers, tutors, or classmates if you need it. To enhance your learning, ask questions and seek out extra resources such as textbooks, youtube videos, and study guides.
Atmosphere. Don't forget to make the atmosphere cosy, light a candle, prepare yourself a cup of tea or coffee, and wear a comfy sweater. Create an environment in which you can stay focused for hours. <3
Studying like Rory Gilmore requires dedication, discipline, and a love for learning. By following these tips and strategies, you can create a study routine that works for you and helps you achieve your academic goals.
As always, Please feel free to add more suggestions or questions in the comments!
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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pikahlua · 7 months
MHA Chapter 406 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 セントラル病院前鎮圧完了! セントラルびょういんまえちんあつかんりょう! SENTORARU byouin mae chin'atsu kanryou! "Suppression in front of Central Hospital complete!"
tagline 1 各地の奮戦が希望をつなぐ‼︎ かくちのふんせんがきぼうをつなぐ‼︎ kakuchi no funsen ga kibou wo tsunagu!! The struggles of various places connect hope!!
2 怪我人のトリアージと逮捕者の移送中! けがにんのトリアージとたいほしゃのいそうちゅう! keganin no TORIAAJI to taihosha no isouchuu! "Triage of the injured and transport of the arrested in progress!"
3 奥渡島制圧完了‼︎ オクトじませいあつかんりょう‼︎ OKUTO-jima seiatsu kanryou!! "Suppression at Octo Island complete!"
tagline 2 No.406 摑め‼︎おまえの"個性" 堀越耕平 ナンバー406 つかめ‼︎おまえの"こせい" ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 406  tsukame!! omae no "kosei"   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 406 Grasp*!! Your quirk  Kouhei Horikoshi (*Note: This "grasp" can mean both to literally hold something and to comprehend/wrap one's head around something.)
4 分断作戦決起点制圧完了! ぶんだんさくせんけっきてんせいあつかんりょう! bundan sakusen kekkiten seiatsu kanryou! "Suppression of the division strategy's starting point complete!"
5 怪我人の救出継続中! けがにんのきゅうしゅつけいぞくちゅう! keganin no kyuushutsu keizokuchuu! "Continued rescue of injured persons in progress!"
6 国立多古場競技場継戦中‼︎ こくりつたこばきょうぎじょうけいせんちゅう‼︎ kokuritsu takoba kyougijou keisenchuu!! "National Takoba Arena continued battle in progress!!"
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1 Mr.スケプティック確保!移送中です‼︎ ミスタースケプティックかくほ!いそうちゅうです‼︎ MISUTAA SUKEPUTIKKU kakuho! isouchuu desu!! "Mr. Skeptic secured! His transfer is in progress!!"
2 避難システムによる士傑への避難完了! ひなんシステムによるしけつへのひなんかんりょう! hinan SHISUTEMU ni yoru shiketsu e no hinan kanryou! "Evacuation to Shiketsu by way of evacuation system complete!"
3 停止したブロックの避難民保護に出動中! ていししたブロックのひなんみんほごにしゅつどうちゅう! teishi shita BUROKKU no hinanmin hogo ni shutsudouchuu! "Dispatch to protect the evacuees of the stopped blocks in progress!"
4 蛇腔病院跡地制圧完了! じゃくうびょういんあとちせいあつかんりょう! jakuu byouin atochi seiatsu kanryou! "Suppression of the ruins at Jakuu Hospital complete!"
5 黒霧!イレーザーヘッドとプレゼントマイクと共に消息不明! くろぎり!イレーザーヘッドとプレゼントマイクとともにしょうそくふめい! Kurogiri! IREEZAA HEDDO to PURESENTO MAIKU to tomo ni shousoku fumei! "Kurogiri! And Eraser Head and Present Mic with him, whereabouts unknown!"
6 この総力戦は最終的に このそうりょくせんはさいしゅうてきに kono souryokusen wa saishuuteki ni This all-out war will eventually
7 緑谷出久を信じる戦いになる みどりやいずくをしんじるたたかいになる Midoriya Izuku wo shinjiru tatakai ni naru become a battle of believing in Izuku Midoriya. (Note: As per what I wrote in chapter 379, I would probably contextually read lines 6-7 as something like “This all-out war will come down to us trusting in Izuku Midoriya.”)
8 緑谷… みどりや… Midoriya... Midoriya...
9 出久… いずく… Izuku... Izuku...
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1 疾い…! はやい…! hayai...! "[So] fast...!"
2 あいつは死の間際… あいつはしのまぎわ… aitsu wa shi no magiwa... "That guy was on the verge of death..."
3 瞬間ではあったが… しゅんかんではあったが… shunkan de wa atta ga... "It was [for just] a moment, but..."
4 死柄木すら翻弄する動きを見せた… しがらきすらほんろうするうごきをみせた… Shigaraki sura honrou suru ugoki wo miseta... "He showed movement that made sport of even Shigaraki..."
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1-2 あいつは何かを摑みかけている途中だった…! あいつはなにかをつかみかけているとちゅうだった…! aitsu wa nani ka wo tsukami kakate iru tochuu datta...! "He was in the middle of grasping* something...!" (*Note: Again, this is that word that means "grasp" and "comprehend.")
3 この"副作用"を活かせ この"ふくさよう"をいかせ kono "fukusayou" wo ikase Take advantage of this "side effect"
4 もっと! motto! more!
5 まだ!もっと‼︎ mada! motto!! Still! More!!
6-7 もういい… mou ii... "Enough..."
8 後にする あとにする ato ni suru "Leave him for later."
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1 …いいさ ...ii sa "...It's fine."
2 壊すだけだ何度でも更に こわすだけだなんどでもさらに kowasu dake da nando demo sara ni "I'll just break him however many more times even further."
3 距離を取って"危機感知"で何とか凌いできた きょりをとって"4TH"でなんとかしのいできた kyori wo totte "4TH (kanji: kiki kanchi)" de nan toka shinoi dekita I started to somehow pull through by keeping my distance with the "4th (read as: Danger Sense)."
4 再生+即死持ち+前より強化されている肉体にどう対処するか…答えは見つからなかった… さいせい+そくしもち+まえよりきょうかされているにくたいにどうたいしょするか…こたえはみつからなかった… saisei + sokushi mochi + mae yori kyouka sarete iru nikutai ni dou taisho suru ka...kotae wa mitsukaranakatta... As for how to deal with his regeneration + instant death[-inflicting ability] + his body strengthened more than it was before...I couldn't find an answer...
5 "変速"は発動したら最後…発動時間に関わらず切った途端反動で体が動かなくなる "2ND"ははつどうしたらさいご…はつどうじかんにかかわらずきったとたんはんどうでからだがうごかなくなる "2ND (kanji: hensoku)" wa hatsudou shitara saigo...hatsudou jikan ni kakawarazu kitta totan handou de karada ga ugokanaku naru If I activate the "2nd (read as: Gear Shift)," it'll be the last time... Regardless of the time for which it's activated, as soon as it's turned off, my body will stop moving due to the immediate recoil.
6 発動した以上は… はつどうしたいじょうは… hatsudou shita ijou wa... Now that I've activated it...
7 今度こそ最後ーーー… こんどこそさいごーーー… kondo koso saigo---... "This time is the last---..."
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1 更に さらに sara ni Go
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1 向こうへ むこうへ mukou e beyond
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1 まだ mada "Am I still"
small text 更に向こうへってか さらにむこうへってか sara ni mukou e tte ka "[They] say 'Go beyond,' right?"
2 モブか…! MOBU ka...! "an extra...?!"
3 エンデヴァーや"黒影"程の圧力も無い エンデヴァーや"ダークシャドウ"ほどのあつりょくもない ENDEVAA ya "DAAKU SHADOU" hodo no atsuryoku mo nai It's not as much pressure as with those like Endeavor and Dark Shadow.
4 後にすればいい あとにすればいい ato ni sureba ii It's fine to leave him for later.
5 オールマイトと比ぶべくもない オールマイトとくらぶべくもない OORU MAITO to kurabu beku mo nai He can't compare to All Might.
6 これ以上 巻き戻しを進行させてまで係う程の価値も これいじょう まきもどしをしんこうさせてまでかかずらうほどのかちも kore ijou makimodoshi wo shinkou sasete made kakazurau hodo no kachi mo To let the rewind proceed more than this, there's no value
7 意味も いみも imi mo nor meaning
8 縁も えにしも nor connection* (*Note: This is the same word All Might uses in chapter 396 to refer to a connection between him and Dave in the USA; it's a word that refers to some mysterious force such as destiny that binds two people together.)
9-10 あの石塊にはない あのいしころにはない ano ishikoro ni wa nai!! in it with that pebble!!
(Note: For speech bubbles 6-10, you could combine them all together into something more cohesive like this: "There's no value or meaning or connection with that pebble to merit letting him rewind me any more than this!!" And yes, Katsuki is the "pebble," which is a reference back to chapter 7 when Katsuki called Izuku a "pebble in his path.")
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1 わかってきた wakatte kita I've come to understand.
2 痛みだ いたみだ itami da It's pain.
3 掌に溜めた汗粒が てのひらにためたあせつぶが tenohira ni tameta asetsubu ga [The pain of] the beads of sweat that collected on my palms
4 全身を駆け巡ぐる痛み ぜんしんをかけめぐるいたみ zenshin wo kakemeguru itami running through my entire body,
5 吹き出る痛み ふきでるいたみ fukideru itami pain that spouts* out, (Note: This word to describe the pain can mean: "gush out, spout out, spurt out" but it can also mean "send out shoots" like for plant roots. I feel like that description is relevant given the imagery we see on this page. Considering the next line, I think he's referring to pain that erupts from different individual points on his body.)
6-7 その位置間隔! そのいちかんかく! sono ichi kankaku! and the space between those positions! (Note: He's talking about recognizing the physical space between the different points of pain on his body.)
8 痛みで摑め いたみでつかめ itami de tsukame Grasp* it with pain, (Note: Again, this is that word that means "grasp" in the sense of "comprehend.")
9 誘爆のタイミング! ゆうばくのタイミング! yuubaku no TAIMINGU! the timing of the secondary explosions! (Note: I think he's saying he can predict when and where the little explosions that surround his body will happen by paying attention to the locations of the pains on his body and thus he can utilize those explosions too.)
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1 何なんだ なんなんだ nan nanda What is this?
2 痛ったァハハハ疾っ いったァハハハはやっ ittaAHAHAHA haya "It hurts-A-HAHAHA so fast!" (Note: Yes, he's breaking into maniacal laughter at the end of his words. Also a fun phonetic bonus: the Japanese word for "so fast" here is "haya," so he's saying "hahaha-haya!" He sounds battle-crazy, or just plain crazy.)
3 すぎて止まんねえ〜〜〜‼︎ すぎてやまんねえ〜〜〜‼︎ sugite yamannee~~~!! "Too fast, can't sto~o~o~p!!"
4 何なんだこいつは なんなんだこいつは nan nanda koitsu wa What's with this guy?
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1 なぁ 出久 俺まだおまえに追いつけるかな なぁ いずく おれまだおまえにおいつけるかな naa Izuku ore mada omai ni oitsukeru ka na Hey, Izuku, can I still catch up to you?
2 なんでだろうなあ nande darou naa I wonder why?
3 なんか今追い越せる気がする なんかいまおいこせるきがする nanka ima oikoseru ki ga suru I feel like I can surpass [you] now.
4 あんた… anta... "Honey..."
5 勝己が…! かつきが…! Katsuki ga...! "Katsuki is...!"
6 ダメだ…見れないよ…‼︎だって相手は… ダメだ…みれないよ…‼︎だってあいては… DAME da...mirenai yo...!! datte aite wa... "No...I can't watch...!! Because his opponent is..."
7 見なきゃ… みなきゃ… minakya... "We have to watch..."
8 だって…! datte...! "because...!"
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1 だってあの子きっと だってあのこきっと datte ano ko kitto "Because that child is surely"
2 いつもみたいに笑ってる筈だから…! いつもみたいにわらってるはずだから…! itsumo mitai ni waratteru hazu dakara...! "smiling like he always does...!"
3 さっきから…!何故この石塊に さっきから…!なぜこのいしころに sakki kara...! naze kono ishikoro ni Since a while ago...! Why is this pebble...?
4 何故僕はオールマイト以上の なぜぼくはオールマイトいじょうの naze boku wa OORU MAITO ijou no Why am I...even more than with All Might...? (Note: The verb at the end of the sentence is cut off here making this sound awkward in English. He's basically wondering how Katsuki is irritating him even more than All Might did.)
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1 そうだ… 似ている そうだ… にている sou da...nite iru That's it...he resembles [that guy].
2 与一ならもういないぞ魔王… よいちならもういないぞまおう… Yoichi nara mou inai zo maou... If it's Yoichi [you're looking for], he's already gone, Demon King...
3 おまえが殺したんだ おまえがころしたんだ omae ga koroshitanda Because you killed him.
4 憎しみを宿した事で鮮明に蘇る… にくしみをやどしたことでせんめいによみがえ���… nikushimi wo yadoshita koto de senmei ni yomigaeru... By harboring hatred, I recall it clearly...
5 そうだ こいつだ…こいつだったのだ sou da koitsu da...koitsu datta no da That's it, it's this guy... It was this guy.
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1-3 こいつが手を差し伸べなければ こいつがてをさしのべなければ koitsu ga te wo sashinobenakereba If this guy hadn't reached out his hand...
4-5 僕が最も憎いのは ぼくがもっともにくいのは boku ga motto mo nikui no wa What I hate most of all is...
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1 おまえのせいだ駆藤‼︎ おまえのせいだくどう‼︎ omae no sei da Kudou!! "It's because of you, Kudou!!" (Note: Because of the order of words in Japanese, you can also read this like the end to the last sentence on the previous page: "What I hate most of all is YOU [Kudou].")
2 ボケが来たかよ‼︎ ボケがきたかよ‼︎ BOKE ga kita ka yo!! "So an old geezer is here!!" (Note: This is the same grammar as All Might's "I am here!")
3 俺ァ爆豪のかっちゃんだバァアカ! おれァばくごうのかっちゃんだバァアカ! oreA Bakugou no Kacchan da BAAAKA! "I'm Kacchan of the Bakugou clan*, moron!" (*Note: "Bakugou no Kacchan" literally means "Kacchan of Bakugou/Kacchan of the Bakugous," but the grammar is an archaic style from before Japan's family registration system created family names in the late 1800's. The structure would read as "[Name] of the [clan name]." The literal word "clan" does not appear in the sentence above, but I've included it to get the archaic style to make sense in English. I should also mention that it's possible Katsuki is introducing himself here as "Kacchan" as an insult to AFO's intelligence. Like, "Oh you're a little kid/senile old man? My real name's probably too difficult for you. Here, call me Kacchan, dumbass.")
tagline 今、世界が少年を見る‼︎ いま、せかいがしょうねんをみる‼︎ ima, sekai ga shounen wo miru!! Now, the world sees the young man!!
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starfinss · 9 months
𝘊𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘬𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦 — 𝘑𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘠𝘶𝘢𝘯
𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘮: Honkai Star Rail
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: Jing Yuan + Reader
𝘙𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨: NSFW 
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 9,818
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: And as you stood there, confused and fuming and utterly scarlet in the face, you decided to do something stupid. Like, really, cosmically stupid. But really, you couldn’t think of anything to do at that moment besides that terribly stupid thing.
Without saying anything, you crossed to his side of the desk, leaning to grab at the front of his clothing and yanking him up to meet your mouth in a kiss, effectively shutting him up and showing just how comfortable you were. 
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You had a headache.
You’d had it since you woke up that morning, persisting even after you downed a couple of painkillers, and even still after your first cup of strong tea. And finally, to your chagrin, it only grew worse as you walked to work. Maybe it was fate. Maybe it was simple dumb luck. Things like this always seemed to happen to you right before you had something important to do. 
For the umpteenth time, you rubbed at your throbbing temples. On a normal day, you’d call in sick and spend the day at home, and the General wouldn’t mind. He was good like that. But today, you couldn’t afford to bail. Incidents like the Sanctus Medicus debacle came with a lot of red tape, even after all the heavy lifting and clashing of blades was finished. Incident reports, statements, casualty reports, and more bureaucratic nonsense that was of no help to the bereaved families of the fallen Cloud Knights. It was a web of all sorts of complicated, and if you weren’t careful, it was easy to get lost in the nearly endless amount of work to be done, especially as an advisor to the General of the Cloud Knights.
But you had an idea. It had come to you when you were combing through the incident reports; brought about by the footnote left by Jing Yuan regarding those very stragglers of the cult-like group. A solution to capture the remaining disciples of the Sanctus Medicus. Your notes on that were tucked away in the folder in your arms, all ready to be passed off to the General. 
Head still throbbing, you gave your identification to the guards at the door and pushed into the meeting room, taking your seat near the General’s chair. He had yet to arrive, but that was fine with you. It gave you time to review what you were going to say. You placed your folder on the table in front of you, scanning through the lines of text, typed up the night previous, and accompanied by your own notes in the margins. It wasn’t a complicated plan, not as much as you were making it out to be in your own head. It was simple enough, but you were confident it could work. 
The General trusted you. Your strategies had worked before, and you’d been instrumental in helping orchestrate successful battle formations, not to mention that you were responsible for the plan that had stopped a string of robberies in the Central Starskiff Haven, something you’d actually received an award for. You knew Jing Yuan would back you up to the other upper echelons of the Cloud Knights, as he had in the past. 
It wasn’t long before people began to file into the room, and low chatter began as the pain in your head settled behind your eyes, but gradually began to lessen. You thanked the Aeons for that. You also thanked the Aeons that Fu Xuan was the one who called the meeting to order, recounting facts you already knew from the incident report, so you didn’t actually have to follow what she was saying. Tea was passed out, and you took a slow sip of the liquid. It smelled distinctly herbal, and was undoubtedly picked by the General himself. He always had good taste in teas. 
“And that brings me to my next point,” Fu Xuan said, “what are we to do about the remaining members of the Sanctus Medicus who remain in hiding?”
You let yourself prepare what you were going to say, letting a few other people toss ideas around before you raised your hand. When you did, the Master Diviner’s gaze shifted to you, and she nodded, signaling you to speak. Jing Yuan shifted in his seat beside you, leaning on his closed fist, amber eyes expectant. All eyes were on you.
“Yes, what is it?” The Diviner asked. 
“I have a proposal,” you said, and Fu Xuan nodded meaningfully.
“Then let’s hear it.”
Gathering your thoughts, you rose to your feet with a sigh. 
“In the incident report, transcripts were recorded of the firsthand accounts given by the passengers of the Astral Express. Please, if you will, turn to page nine, where Mr Welt Yang’s statement is attached.”
A rustling of paper followed, and once it had quieted, you picked up where you left off. 
“If you see, written in line twelve, Mr Yang recounts an interaction with a captured member of the group. The defeat of Phantylia the Undying was more than likely enough to send the doubters away, but if Mr Yang’s statement is to be believed, even despite their defeat, some of these people still hold a strong degree of loyalty for the Abundance. Which makes them all the more dangerous.”
“I see,” Jing Yuan interjected, clearly interested, “you’re saying that what we have left are the fanatics. The ones most likely to cause problems, yes?”
You nodded. “Yes, correct. I propose we send an agent to infiltrate them. Gather information, cut them off at the root.”
“I’m afraid we tried that,” Qingzu said, “and while we did garner some important information, it was ultimately a failure. Dan Shu escaped, and things ended up escalating to the current level.”
“Yes,” you said, “I’m well aware of that. That was something I advised you on, Miss Qingzu. You approached me for help, if you recall.”
Qingzu folded her hands in her lap, sitting back in her chair. “I do. Your point being?”
“My point being,” you said, “I learned that I needed to reflect on what went wrong, and so I have. And, as it stands, the situation is more dire than it was before. These people have proven themselves to be dangerous, and it is paramount—”
“They were dangerous before,” Qingzu said, “and, it was paramount before. They have always been enemies of the Hunt. If we try to infiltrate again, don’t you think they’d be suspicious?”
“I thought of that,” you said, “which is why I propose we use an ex-member. We have a number of them on record, arrested after the incident, who express resentment towards the group. The Disciples of the Sanctus Medicus bear many strong resemblances to an insular cult, and it would be incredibly useful to have an agent who already knows the ins and outs of such an organization. We’ve done what we can with the information gathered from interrogation, but the fact remains that these fanatics are still out there. We need to utterly destroy whatever is left, and this is the most efficient way to do so.”
“Interesting,” Fu Xuan said, “but there is always the chance of betrayal. How do you account for that?”
You made a rueful face. “Can it not be argued that there is always a chance of betrayal? Though, you could always see the outcome for yourself, Master Diviner. Your divinations are never wrong.”
“What you suggest is reckless,” Qingzu said, “if this ex-member has any sort of loyalty at all left over, it puts us at risk.”
“I accounted for that,” you said, “I propose that—”
“It is simply too risky,” she said, “thank you for your input, though.”
Annoyance flared in your veins, and you tried hard not to let it show on your face. You knew Qingzu well enough to know that she wasn’t shutting you down out of malice, she was simply thinking about efficiency. But she hadn’t let you finish. 
“Wait,” you said, “I said, I accounted for that. If you’ll allow me—”
“Allow me to be clear,” Qingzu said, “you acknowledge the risks, yes?”
You paused. “Of course, but I said that I—”
“You acknowledge that if we take this gamble and it fails, it could put the Cloud Knights at risk, correct? If our infiltrator switches sides, we’ll be left wide open. They will have information about us, the acquisition of which might lead to even bigger problems. Do you acknowledge this?”
Discontent and anger peppered across your thoughts as you shifted where you stood, your words stuck in your throat. You glanced down to where Jing Yuan sat beside you, to take in the expectant, almost nonchalant expression on his face. His eyes met your own, briefly, meaningfully, before he fixed his gaze on Qingzu. 
“Well?” Qingzu said, “do you, or do you not?”
“Yes, I do,” you said, “and that is why we would send that agent in with one of our own. Say this agent is someone new, a recruit for the cause. It would minimize suspicion, and give us some wiggle room if things were to go south. We have one of our own keeping them in line.”
“I see,” Jung Yuan said, “please, elaborate. How would we orchestrate this? How would we pick the candidates for this operation?”
“General,” Qingzu said, “you know that this is—”
But he held up a hand, silencing her. “Let the woman speak. I can see you are interested in what she has to say as well, Lady Fu Xuan.”
“Correct,” Fu Xuan said, “the idea is intriguing, and could very well lead to the eradication of the Disciples of the Sanctus Medicus. But Lady Qingzu’s worry is not unfounded. If the plan is found out, our agents would likely be killed, and we would be left with bereaved families and nothing to show for the loss. If you can assuage both her fears, and my own, then I believe that your strategy is plausible.”
Ah. And you’d been doing so well before. But the second Fu Xuan fixed you with that look, expecting something great, you could feel your confidence draining out through the soles of your shoes. She seemed to have that effect on everyone, though. Despite her small stature, she could be incredibly intimidating. Regardless, you took a deep breath. You could do this. 
“Well,” you said, “I believe that no strategy is without risks. Of course, we’d need to make sure these agents are well briefed and prepared for the operation, so there is little room left for error. We’d need to be careful in our selection process, and I propose that you assist in overseeing this portion of the plan, Master Diviner. That way, you can see for yourself who will be involved and how it will be done. Does that assuage your worry?”
That was a weak answer and you knew it, but you hadn’t accounted for Fu Xuan picking your idea apart like she was. So when her eyes narrowed, you knew she wasn’t satisfied.
“And how exactly will we prepare these operatives?”
You bit your lip. This was the kind of thing, the fine moving parts, that was what you thought about after presenting the actual idea. That did well enough for when you were working with Jing Yuan, and when you presented strategies to others like you were now, he’d often back you up, or at least say something to help you. You looked at him sidelong, and he looked back, as calm and collected as ever. A small, almost bemused smile tugged at his lips, a challenge in his eyes. 
“Do you have an answer for me?” Fu Xuan said, canting her head, expectant, “if you don’t, I am sure the General has something to add.”
“I do,” you said, “I have an answer.”
Fu Xuan shifted in her chair. From her expression, you were beginning to figure that your time was up. “Be that as it may, I’d like to hear what the General is thinking. If you’re really confident in your strategy, send me a draft of it and I will review it in full. Thank you.”
You sank down into your chair again, trying not  to let your embarrassment show on your face. Jing Yuan proposed an idea similar to yours, but involving sneakier tactics, such as tailing known members of the group and such. Fu Xuan seemed much more complimentary of that than she had of yours, clearly satisfied by the lower risk factor.
But you knew yours would work. It would get more answers, and it could spell the demise of what remained of the Disciples of the Sanctus Medicus. 
After the meeting drew itself to a close, you gathered your things, ready to go to the Seat of Divine Foresight to draft up the proposal Fu Xuan asked for. You just hoped she’d actually listen this time. It was as you were circling around the table to go to the door that you heard Jing Yuan call your name, prompting you to turn around, eyebrows raised.
“Walk with me back to the Seat, alright?”
You sighed inwardly. “Yes, General. I was already on my way there.”
“Ah,” he said, smiling, “then it works in both of our favors, doesn’t it?”
He held the door for you as you left the room, and you thanked him politely as he retook his place beside you. You had to walk quickly, the General was a tall man, and his stride was much longer than yours was. It always made you a little breathless, walking alongside him, but then again, most things did when it came to him.
“My idea could work,” you said, and you saw Jing Yuan smile again, thoughtfully.
“Yes,” he said, “it could. I’m confident it could. It was a well thought out plan, as your plans always are.”
You blinked, not expecting the praise, especially not after he’d stayed quiet during the meeting. 
A soft laugh. “You weren’t finished talking when the Master Diviner cut you off, were you? Lady Fu Xuan is… an intense woman. But she is more open to the ideas of others than you’d expect her to be. She just prefers when a person speaks up about what they’re really thinking.”
You frowned. “So you’re saying you support my plan?”
Jing Yuan pushed open the doors to the Seat of Divine Foresight as you rounded upon them, and as you entered, he gestured for those inside to leave the room, which they did, leaving the two of you alone. 
“Of course I support your plan,” he said, “you know I’ve always respected your inputs, they’ve served me and the Luofu well in the past. But you lack conviction.”
You let his words settle as the two of you crossed the room, making your way to the desk, where you set down the folder you were still carrying.
“How do I lack conviction?” You asked, “I believe firmly in my own ability. I am good at what I do, and you know that, else you wouldn’t have picked me as your advisor. In all the time we’ve worked together, when have I ever lacked conviction in anything I’ve done?”
“That isn’t what I mean,” Jing Yuan said, “I mean in your own ideas. You clearly had more to say to the Master Diviner, but when she stopped you, that was the end of it. You clearly had it thought out, as demonstrated when Miss Qingzu brought up her concerns, but you didn’t fight for it.”
He had a point, but you weren’t about to admit that. You chewed your lip, eyes flicking to where the folder you’d just set down was laying. 
“What are you getting at?” You asked, finally, “that I need to be more confident? I know that. I didn’t account for… several things. I suppose I should have.”
Jing Yuan laughed; a lovely, low sound. “Lady Fu Xuan is something few people can really account for. She’s confident to nearly a fault in her abilities of divination, but even she cannot see every angle of a matter by herself. So she tends to pick apart things that would ordinarily require a bit of a gamble. Experience breeds caution, something that rings especially true with someone like the Master Diviner.”
You snorted. “A little warning would have been nice.”
Another laugh. “My apologies. But really, I was interested in seeing how you’d rise to the challenge. You had a good idea, as I knew you would, and I wanted to see you fight for it.”
Something uncomfortable twisted in your gut, and you turned away from him, studying a spot on the floor. 
“Well, I’m sorry for disappointing you.”
“Disappointing me? Nonsense. You merely need an extra push. Now, would you care for a game of chess?”
You turned back, looking at him quizzically. “Chess? General, I don’t think now is the time.”
He smiled playfully. “There’s always time for a game of chess. Now, I’ve received this exquisite set, a gift from the Nameless on the Astral Express. I was told it was bought in a city called Belobog. I’m very eager to break it in. As we play, we can discuss further.”
Exasperated, you pulled a chair up to the desk, sinking down into it as Jing Yuan set up the board. The set really was lovely, you noted. It was made of carved wood, the pieces and board both showing fine craftsmanship and detail. You turned over the rook in your hands, admiring the way the wood shone gently under the light. 
Jing Yuan chose white, as he usually did when the two of you played chess, and you chose black. He moved first, setting one of his pawns two spaces out from where it was originally, and you followed his example. 
“Chess is much like life, no?” 
You watched his hands, intent, as he moved his pawn forward once more. 
“In some instances,” you said, “strategy is certainly something the two have in common. Or the fact that both require you to think outside the box, especially when figuring out said strategies.”
A good-natured chuckle as you moved a second pawn further, freeing your knight. Jing Yuan moved his own pawn ever closer, but he hadn’t moved any of his more powerful pieces. You narrowed your eyes, trying to figure out what he was planning. 
“There’s that sharp intellect I know so well,” Jing Yuan said, “but you’re missing one thing.”
Leaning forward, you rested your elbow against the desk, propping your chin on your folded hand. 
“And what would that be?”
A smile, playful and knowing. His eyes sparked with mirth. “You know very well what I mean.”
It was your turn to smile, maybe playing a little dumb. “I assure you, I don’t.”
“Let me give you a hint, then,” the General said, eyes fixed on your hands, watching as you shifted your knight out and onto the board, towards his closest pawn, “purpose, focus, planning. All are vital for a successful gambit, am I right?”
You watched as he moved his pawn again. This was surely a trap, for the rook waiting beyond the pawn, poised to take your knight after the pawn was captured. But you doubted Jing Yuan would do something so obvious. You moved your knight away, clearing it from danger. You needed to back up the piece with another one. 
You supposed he was right. Purpose, focus, planning. But there was also sacrifice. Any good plan required gambles, and that rang true on the chessboard as well. You moved your pawn closer to Jing Yuan’s, near ready to capture the piece. Two could play at that game. You could make sacrifices, too.
“Yes,” you said, “but the Master Diviner doesn’t seem to understand it the same way we do. She doesn’t want to take risks.”
Amusement sparked in his golden eyes, electrifying as the air around you. You twisted your fingers around the top of your pawn, adjusting it more squarely into its spot. 
“She is a careful woman. She wants everything to be accounted for. You believe in this strategy, yes? That it could work?”
You nodded, a smile tugging at your lips. “Naturally.”
“Then make her believe that. A firm belief in one's self commands a room. Make her see that you will handle whatever unexpected circumstances befall us.”
“Oh?” You said, heart thrumming in your chest, “me, alone? I’m just one person, General. Won’t you be helping me?”
His smile broadened, turning into a lazy grin, and when he spoke, he echoed your words from before. 
That stupid smile sent butterflies into your stomach, their wingbeats gale force strength as they battered against your lungs. It was always like this with him, something unspoken hanging in the air between you, undisturbed by years of friendship, but ever present. So you did what you always did when it reared its ugly head. You stepped aside to leave it ample room to fester. 
“I should be going,” you said, rising from your seat, “we’ll have to finish our game later. I need to finish writing the details I left out for the Master Diviner.”
“You will remain here.”
You blinked. He didn’t say it with any sort of authority, as if he was simply discussing the weather. But the firmness in his eyes told you that it wasn’t up for discussion. 
“Excuse me?” You said, voice much weaker than you’d have liked. 
“You heard me well. I have more to say, if that’s alright with you. Sit. It’s your turn.”
And so you sat.
“Really, it’s just the two of us,” Jing Yuan said, “we can speak with candor. If it’s all the same to you, I’d like to discuss the details you did not get to share earlier. Leave nothing out.”
You narrowed your eyes, absently moving your pawn. “Fu Xuan is already backing your strategy, not mine. My conviction in my plan does not change, but if you were this confident in what I had already, why didn’t you speak up?”
“You know why,” Jing Yuan said, “I wanted you to fight for it. We’re only talking in circles, my dear. How will we guarantee the safety of our agents in this operation?”
Your answer was automatic, despite the rush the diminutive sent through your already electrified system.
“There is no definitive way to ensure that nothing goes wrong aside from preventative measures and ample training,” you said, voice as steady as you could keep it, “any way you slice it, it’s always going to be a bit of a gamble. What I’m suggesting is an infiltration. That kind of operation is unpredictable. You know that. In order to avoid problems, we have to be ready for anything.”
A smile. The rook took your pawn, but you expected that. Without blinking, you took the rook with your knight. Jing Yuan’s eyes flashed with excitement, a contagious grin spreading across his face.
“Excellent answer. But tell me, how will we be ready for anything if we don’t even know what that could be?”
You shrugged. “There’s no perfect way to be ready for absolutely everything. We’ll just have to try and account for what is most likely to happen if things go awry.”
“And the unlikely?”
You knew he was testing you, trying to get under your skin. You looked up at his face and away from the chessboard, the nonchalance in his expression utterly infuriating. You tried your best to remain just as nonplussed.
“I mentioned training, didn’t I?” You said, “we have to trust the operatives will know what to do in the unexpected.”
His smile broadened. “Excellent. See, if you were able to say to her what you just said to me, then we’d be getting somewhere.”
You twisted in your seat. “What makes you so sure of that?”
Another easy smile. “Am I wrong to trust the judgment of a trusted friend and advisor, especially when she’s yet to steer me wrong? I value your opinion. You know that.”
“I do,” you said, “and I value yours as well.”
“I’m hardly worthy of such an honor, I’m sure,” Jing Yuan replied, his smile growing, eyes warm.
For some reason, his words sent those aforementioned butterflies present in your stomach shooting through your bloodstream in an intoxicating rush. Shit. Those feelings were back, the complicated ones you tried to run away from earlier. The way he was smiling at you wasn’t helping in the slightest, and mortifyingly, you could feel your cheeks heating up. Why was that of all things flustering you like this? 
Aeons, you had to get out of there. You cleared your throat, expelling any improper or amorous thoughts about your superior from your mind as you straightened in your chair. 
“I really should be going, General,” you said, voice a little louder than you’d have liked, “if you’ll excuse me, I—”
“Is something the matter, _____?”
You blinked, staring at him.
You should have said something intelligent, or something to assuage his worries, but instead, all you managed was; “what?”
You cleared your throat for the second time, smoothing down the fabric of your uniform. 
“Let me rephrase,” you said, “what do you mean? What would make you think something was the matter?”
Jing Yuan leaned back in his chair, almost lazily, eyes remaining fixed on you as he did so. 
“Well,” he said, “you keep trying to excuse yourself, to start. Additionally, your face is very red. Do you feel ill?”
You latched onto that. “I woke up with a headache this morning,” you said, “I’ve been all out of sorts since then, I’m afraid.”
A soft hum, then an understanding nod. “I see,” Jing Yuan said,  do you have any other symptoms?”
You shook your head. “Just a headache.”
That was a total lie, your headache had diminished to nothing more than an annoyance during the meeting, and had vanished altogether in the time you had been talking with Jing Yuan. But he didn’t have to know that. He didn’t have to know that situations like this always made you need to excuse yourself to rethink your entire working relationship with him, or that you often thought about how lovely he looked when he smiled. 
But then, he was leaning across the table, hand outstretched, and he was pressing his palm to your forehead, the skin cool against your own. It did nothing to calm your racing heart, nor the incandescent blush on your face. The butterflies in your stomach were doing an entire floor routine at this point. 
“You do not appear to have a fever,” he said, as he pulled back, “but your face is still very flushed. Are you too warm?”
You tugged at the high collar of your uniform, fingers absently catching on one of the buttons. 
“I suppose it is a little warm in here.”
Another lie. You were actually a little bit cold. Another thing he didn’t have to know. YOu had to change the subject, and fast. 
“Why is it that you value my input so much—”
“Are you embarrassed?”
The question came so suddenly it stunned you for a moment. 
“What would I be embarrassed about?” You finally managed.
“I value your opinion,” he said, “I believe that is what I said that set you out of sorts, yes? The fact that I value your input flusters you? Do you fear that that is all I value? I assure you, I not only treasure your ideas, but your presence as well. You need not feel uncomfortable here, I very much enjoy your company.”
This was not going the way you envisioned at all. You were a professional for Aeons’ sake. You straightened yourself, rising from your chair, just to put some distance between the two of you, just to catch your breath. What was he doing? It almost felt like…
“You’re teasing me,” you said finally.
You turned when he laughed, your expression a mix of emotions, but he was as cool and collected as ever. It almost made you want to slap him. Or kiss him, Aeons forbid. You shoved that thought to the deepest corner of your mind.
“I was concerned at first,” he said, “though I realized after I felt your forehead that you were not ill. I apologize for my behavior, but I’m afraid I just couldn’t help myself.”
You felt like you were going to burst into flames. “So— what you said, about— huh?”
Another laugh. “I meant every word of that. Come now, lying about such things would be unbecoming. Please, would you sit with me some more? I would very much like to finish our game.”
“No,” you said, “the game can wait. Do you not take me seriously?”
He looked briefly surprised before he answered.
“I take you very seriously, I assure you. I cannot see why you would think I wouldn’t. I apologize if I led you to think otherwise.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Then why tease me?”
“I admit,” he said, “I found your reactions to be… endearing. I did not mean to offend you.”
Your heart sputtered under the new load that had been put upon it like a backfiring starskiff. You’d only ever seen hints of this before, in offhanded compliments and veiled praises, but the General had never been so overt before. Hell, you’d always been certain you were imagining it. But that single revelation brought you to a realization. 
“You weren’t just teasing me,” you said, “you were flirting with me.”
The smile grew, and you could have sworn your heart was beating in your ears. He canted his head, regarding you with a playful gaze as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on the desk in front of him.
“And what if I was?”
You coughed, trying to clear your head as confusing emotions swam laps in your bloodstream. Damn him, making you feel like this. Did he not even realize the impropriety of all of this? Did he just not care? How stupid and blind had you been not to realize this was happening? 
“If you were,” you said, carefully, “then what does that mean, exactly?”
“You’re a smart woman” he rebuffed, “you know what it means.” 
Your brain wasn’t catching up with what he was saying as quickly as you wanted it to, which infuriated you. He was staring at you, waiting for you to say anything at all, and you turned to face him when he said your name. 
Damn it. Damn him. Damn everything. The way he was looking at you, like you put the stars in the sky, it made you feel like every cell in your body was screaming. All these years of pining for someone you thought was so unattainable was an arms reach away all along, and that not only made you feel silly, it made you feel a certain degree of strange, misdirected anger.
And as you stood there, confused and fuming and utterly scarlet in the face, you decided to do something stupid. Like, really, cosmically stupid. But really, you couldn’t think of anything to do at that moment besides that terribly stupid thing. 
“Of course,” he said, mild panic in his voice, “if you’re uncomfortable with this, it will never be spoken of again—”
Without saying anything, you crossed to his side of the desk, leaning to grab at the front of his clothing and yanking him up to meet your mouth in a kiss, effectively shutting him up and showing just how comfortable you were. 
He made a sound of surprise when your mouths met, a sound that snapped you from whatever impulsive haze that had settled over your brain. You were about to yank yourself back and apologize until you were unable to do so anymore, but then his hands found your shoulders, holding you in place, and your own fell from his clothing to catch his cheeks in your palms.
He was much taller than you, something especially evident as he rose to his full height, forcing you to stand on your tip-toes, arms slinging around his neck. His own wound around your waist, as not to let you slip away, his body quickly pulled flush against your own. 
He tasted of herbal tea and almond cookies, warm against your mouth as he deepened the kiss. It was all-consuming and passionate, and you felt Jing Yuan pull back for a mere moment, just once, before diving back in, his teeth grazing your lower lip, sending sparks dancing down your spine. Your actions were rapidly growing frenzied, almost fierce, and you could feel yourself moving, your backside making contact with the desk behind you.
You knew this was moving fast, but you couldn’t even begin to care, not when you ran your hands through his hair, drawing a soft gasp from his lips, feather soft against your own, and especially not when his hands shifted to brace on the desk, effectively caging you in. Kissing him was intense , and almost completely overwhelming. The scent of him engulfed you; orange blossom and sandalwood, as well as something earthy and herbal and him.  
He was the first one to pull back, face tinged pink as he caught his breath, eyes hooded as he watched you through lashes the color of moonlight. Aeons, he was pretty. Too pretty for his own good. Your eyes fixed to his mouth, watching as his tongue darted out, running briefly over his unfairly full lower lip. 
“I see the matter of your comfort isn’t a concern.”
You could only shake your head.
He smiled, and you felt your heartbeat flutter in your chest. 
“If it’s all the same to you,” he said, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear, “I’d like to do that again.”
You answered him by pulling him into another kiss. 
You could feel his hands on your waist, warm even through the fabric of your uniform. Gooseflesh raised on your skin as he paused, dangerously close to your hips, and your own hands laced into his hair, your fingers combing through thick, silver locks. The action drew a soft, low sound that made your blood sing with energy. It was embarrassing how quickly he got you like this, so pliable and willing, but as he nibbled at your lower lip, any thoughts of embarrassment were ejected from your mind.
His tongue slid along the seam of your lips, and you parted them, allowing him to press it against your own. Your fingers tangled into his hair, catching at the tie that held it back, and you flirted with the idea of undoing it before he was tugging you backward, away from the desk and onto the bench behind him, gathering you into his lap. The buzz of excitement took its place beneath your skin, and you shifted forward, bumping your hips against his. 
You could feel his hands trailing down your body, catching in the bend of your waist, and you wanted so badly to shift down, pressing your bodies flush together, just to see what he would do. Fuck, he’d pulled you into his lap, and the provocativity of such an action only put you more out of sorts than you already were.
Breathless, you broke the kiss, meeting his hooded gaze with your own as you rolled your hips down, and oh, the way his eyes fluttered closed, the way his grip grew tighter on your body, it sent any remaining rational thought you had right out the nearest window.  
You squeezed your thighs around his hips as you pressed yourself down again, and his jaw tightened, fingers pressing into your flesh through the fabric of your uniform. His gaze was dark as he regarded you, amber eyes sweeping across your body, seemingly hungry for what he was seeing. It thrilled you more than you thought it would. Overwhelmed, you dove forward to catch his mouth in another kiss, and he sighed into you, his lips moving languidly against your, almost indulgent as he pressed closer.
He pulled back suddenly, forehead against yours, breath heavy, and you tried to move to catch his mouth with yours again. He allowed you the impulse for a few frenzied seconds before he moved away, and for a horrible moment, you thought you’d done something wrong.
“Is this alright?” He asked, and the way his voice had deepened to a baritone rumble sent your head off into space, “you and I both know the direction this is taking us.”
You did. If you continued at this pace, you knew exactly what would happen. Anyone with common sense would know. This was something out of a dirty fantasy, something you’d shamefully thought of on lonely nights, something out of one of those silly erotic web novels you found yourself reading on boring days off. It was exciting and sexy, and you didn’t want it to stop. Here he was, the object of your pining, of your recently thought to be unrequited affections, asking what you wanted at that moment. Who were you to refuse?
“Yes,” you said, after you’d found your own voice, high and breathy in contrast to his, “I’m okay with this. I want this.”
A soft hum, and you felt your heart jump into your throat as his head dipped, mouth dragging along the bit of your throat left exposed by your uniform. You couldn’t help but gasp, almost embarrassed at your own sensitivity. 
“Aeons, you’re lovely,” he breathed, enraptured, “I am left in awe every day I see you.”
You felt your face warm, your voice lost as he peppered kisses along your jaw. His hands slid down your body to find your thighs, calloused palms pressing against the skin, left exposed by the shorts attached to your uniform. He used the grip to tug you closer, firmly pressing your pelvis against his, an action that caused both of you to gasp aloud. 
He held you in place as he rolled his hips, slow and easy, the friction making you gasp. He was already halfway hard, evident through his trousers, and the thought that you’d been the one to make him that way made intoxicating arousal flood into your bloodstream. 
His fingers caught the buttons at your collar, fumbling to push them through the buttonholes. Once that was done, you reached to the front of your waist to unfasten your belt, which was holding the top of your uniform in place. After it was loose, you slipped the garments from your body, discarding them to the floor.
You barely had time to think before Jing Yuan was exploring the newly exposed parts of you, his mouth latching onto the bend of your shoulder, the column of your throat, the underside of your chin. His hands, warm and calloused against your naked waist, made you shudder, breath leaving your lips in a shaky sigh as his tongue passed over your pulse point. 
You had trouble finding exactly where his armor ended and he began, but you eventually found the buckles necessary to unfasten the thick plating from his body. He helped you with this endeavor, eventually shedding his wrist guards and shirt, as well as the armor at his waist, leaving him bare chested beneath you. 
He was built powerfully, like the Aeons themselves had sculpted him by hand. Muscles rippled under the flat press of your palm, his perfect pale skin only marred by the threads of countless battle scars. Broad, strong shoulders and arms, a well-built chest, all tapering off into a trim waist. You ran your fingers down his body, feeling his muscles tense, quivering, breath catching as your thumb caught the jut of his hip bone, settling into the groove of muscle at his navel. 
His gaze was riveted to your hand as you explored his body, only dropping away when your mouth attached to his neck, teeth grazing his collarbone, making him sigh with shuddering breath. Your fingers mapped their way across his scars, and you absently wondered what the cause of each one was. You kissed the one closest to you, a thick, pale stripe of skin cutting across his left shoulder, ending just above his pectoral. You felt his nose press into your hair, and for a moment, you simply rested your cheek against his shoulder in a little bubble of intimacy that settled so perfectly into your comfort zone that you almost had trouble breaking away. 
“You’re beautiful,” you said, softly, and you heard him chuckle, the sound like a roll of thunder beneath your ear. 
“Oh, my darling,” he whispered, “that word is reserved for you.”
He drew you close and into another fierce kiss, stealing your breath from your lungs, and you could feel his hands on your back as he unfastened your bra, pushing the straps down your shoulders. You took the bra off the rest of the way, dropping it behind you as you rolled your hips against him, an action that caused him to grip at your body, and oh , you could feel him, hardness pressing neatly against your clothed cunt. Teeth clicked together as he rocked his hips, holding you against him, the friction drawing a soft, breathy moan. 
His palm slid along your body, cupping your breast, and when his thumb swiped over your nipple, you let out an embarrassingly loud gasp, burying your face in the crook of his neck as he squeezed the nipple between two fingers. You were so unexpectedly sensitive, just from this alone, a fact that would have embarrassed you if your head wasn’t so full of clouds and fluff and other emptiness, drunk on his touch.
His mouth found your pulse point again, tracing down to your collarbone, then to the valley of your breasts, and your back bowed as his hand smoothed along your spine to rest between your shoulder blades, breath and body shuddering as his lips passed over a nipple. His breath was hot as it misted over your skin, and when his lips finally caught a nipple between them, you let your head fall back, gasping and breathless. 
Jing Yuan’s tongue passed over the sensitive flesh, rolling your nipple beneath it, and he caught your opposite breast in his free hand, gently squeezing, making you whine, soft and low. The pleasure of it all felt like fire beneath your skin, burning you from the inside out, but not one part of you cared, not when he was touching you like that. 
You pushed yourself against him harder, because feeling him through clothing was rapidly becoming not nearly enough, a sentiment he clearly shared from the way you felt him groan against your skin.
“Can I touch you?” He rasped, and you nodded quickly, shifting to unfasten the tie holding your shorts closed, briefly standing to slip them off, as well as your panties, before you were moving back into his lap, completely bare. 
“You’re incredible,” he rumbled, “a goddess. I hope you know that. I am a very lucky man.”
His hand pressed against your hip, making your shift back, and your face flushed in embarrassment as he took in your naked form, gaze famished and punch drunk in love as it roved over you. 
“I want to touch you, too,” you said, and he simply smiled.
“I’m yours to do with as you please.”
His hand slipped from your hip to your thigh, and you shifted your hips back, allowing him room to maneuver as he pressed a broad palm to the apex of your thighs, causing you to gasp, hips unconsciously pressing down. His middle finger ran along the length of your entrance, aided by the soak of your arousal, slow as he pleased, leaving your head full of fog. You pressed your hips down against his hand, lip catching between your teeth as he picked up his pace, free hand gripping your hip to still you as one finger slowly sunk inside of you.
He began to move at an agonizingly slow pace, and you moaned lowly as his finger curled inside of you, hitting a spot that made stars burst across your vision. He touched you in a way that stole your breath from your lungs, and when he added another finger, his name slipped from your lips, soft and pleading.
You reached forward to fumble with the front of his trousers, managing to unsnap and unzip them after a few seconds. He hissed between his teeth as you pushed his underwear down, pulling him free, and shit, you weren’t sure what you’d been expecting, but it hadn’t been this. Jing Yuan wasn’t a small man, so you supposed this shouldn’t have come as a shock, but he was big. He was thick, and long enough to make you nervous, and when you reached forward and wrapped your hand around him, your fingers barely even met.  
His breath hitched sharply when you touched him, and you felt him twitch against your palm, throbbing. When his fingers curled inside of you, you squeezed him, making him cry out. You touched him in slow, even strokes as your hips ground down on his hand, and when his thumb found your clit, you picked up the pace. 
His head fell against the back of the bench as you squeezed his tip, circling your thumb around him, making him groan, low and long, hips bucking into your touch. He was leaking precum, and you used it to aid in your motions, smearing it around the head of his dick, making his own motions falter for a moment.
You wanted him so badly at that moment, as you watched his pretty face twist with pleasure, with need. You could feel your climax building, winding tighter under your skin, driving a high, breathless wine from between your gritted teeth as you ground your hips down harder. When he sped up his pace to aid you, your hips jumped, heartbeat pounding in your ears, and you were grinding down on his hand like a bitch in heat. 
You really weren’t going to last, not when he knew exactly where to touch you, fingers practiced and sure, and fuck, you felt like you were melting into him, fingers slipping from his cock to grip at his shoulders, your ability to focus rapidly draining away. 
Your head dropped back in pleasure as he worked you even closer to your high, allowing him room to latch his mouth onto your throat, surely leaving marks as his teeth dragged against your skin, but you hardly had the wherewithal to even begin to care about that, not as your thoughts and senses devolved into complete delirium. 
With a final press of his thumb, you tumbled over the edge with a broken cry, nails digging into Jing Yuan’s skin as you came. He worked you through it with whispered filth and an unfaltering pace, making you sob with rapture, squirming helplessly as he worked you into overstimulation, dangerously close to a second climax before he pulled away.
You collapsed, boneless and panting against his chest, and he drew you close, mouth hot as it molded to yours, and as you shifted forward, you could feel him, pressed against your bare stomach. 
The friction made him groan, hands on your hips, blunt nails digging into your skin, but you needed more, and you knew he wouldn’t protest giving you just that. 
“How do you want me?” Jing Yuan rasped, “do you want to be on top? It may be more comfortable for you to adjust that way. I’m afraid I don’t have protection, though. That does not tend to be something I keep here in my office.”
“I’m on birth control,” you said, “it will be okay.”
After a moment of consideration, you shifted forward to press yourself against him, an action that earned a breathless groan. He felt hot against you, almost searing, and as you slowly rolled your hips, you felt his grip grow tighter, almost impatient. A spike of arousal shot through you as his jaw tightened, his restraint clearly being tested by your teasing. 
Slowly, you began to sink down. You were met with some resistance, even just the tip was a stretch, and you had to pause for a moment, just to catch your breath, which was escaping your lips in quick bursts. 
“Relax,” he urged, voice low; tone taught and fraying, “breathe. You can take it.”
A quick nod as you tried to do as he said, resting your forehead against his shoulder. You pushed down further, drawing a hushed groan, his hands slipping from your hips to your waist, gently urging you downwards. It took another few moments of adjusting before you were able to take all of him, and you sat there for a few moments, breathless and stuffed completely full. 
His head lolled back against the bench, expression stricken and lips parted, and you pulled him into a kiss, which he returned with vigor. You stayed still as you adjusted to the size, something that clearly wasn’t helping with keeping his restraint in place, evident from the way he was gripping your body, tight enough to bruise. 
Just to test the waters, you shifted forward in a slow, easy grind, and he groaned, long and low and aching. You whined into his mouth, toes curling as you rolled your hips again, just to hear that wonderful sound again. 
His hands drifted back to your hips, squeezing as you moved again, this time lifting yourself halfway up, only to take him again, and he was surely leaving bruises, absolutely holding back, especially as you thrust back down again.
“Tight,” he whispered, “it’s— fuck— it’s so tight.”
That did it for you. You put your hands on his shoulders as you picked up the pace, forcing the breath from your own lungs, rendering him speechless as he watched you, eyes fixed to where the two of you were connected, watching his thick cock disappear inside of you. 
The stretch of him made you feel like your mind had emptied itself out, and you let out a thin, breathy moan as his hips bucked up, stuffing you full as your nails dug into his shoulders. You yanked him into a messy kiss, hands lacing into his hair, and he growled against your mouth, a sound that sent shockwaves down your spine. 
Another tug at his hair, and you were moving, your back suddenly against the desk, chess pieces scattering around you as he rucked your legs up, pulling them against his hips as he pressed close. You cried out, the new angle making the tip of his cock rub just right against spots inside of you that you didn’t even know existed. 
You lifted your hips from the desk to meet him, propping yourself up on bent elbows as he leaned over you to join your lips to his. The pace he set was slow, but the strong impact of each thrust made it impossible for you to think , or to even speak as his hands slid along your thighs to the bend of your knees, holding you in place for him as he fucked you. 
The kiss was broken, and he rested his forehead against yours, just for a spell, before he was drawing back a little, hips pressing forward, and one of his hands was moving between your bodies, clit under his thumb, forcing you to tighten around him, forcing broken gasps from both of you. 
“Deeper,” you found yourself blurting, and he chuckled darkly against your skin.
“If that’s what pleases you.”
Your head fell back in bliss as he changed the angle, the speed picking up as well, and you could do nothing else but gasp his name, sprawling back over the desk as he reduced you to a mess, beginning to wind tighter once more, thighs trembling in his grip.
You were still sensitive from your last climax, something he was undoubtedly aware of as he touched you in all the right places, as his mouth found your breast, tongue passing over your nipple and making your back arch into his touch. It was too much, but also not nearly enough, something that was as oxymoronic as it was maddening. 
Your hands scrambled across the smooth surface of the desk before finally curling around the edge, nails digging into the wood, and you watched Jing Yuan above you with hazy eyes; watched the way his face twisted and pinched in bliss. He was thick and heavy and hot inside of you, and you were not going to last, not like this, not when he was whispering filth and praises and fucking you so deep that you could barely tell where he started and you ended. 
The pressure of his thumb on your clit picked up, and you squirmed in his hold, the back of your head knocking against the surface of the desk underneath it, your eyes squeezing closed, the delirious, desperate feeling that comes before a climax bleeding into your system, threading its way through you, leaving you utterly helpless to its pull. 
You were barely aware of what you were even saying, but you knew his name was on your lips, and you were so close that you could hardly take it, but he wasn’t slowing down, not even as you bucked and squirmed and shook under his touch. 
The edge came quicker than you’d have pleased, and your back bowed up as you came undone, trying and failing to stray quiet as your high washed over you with tidal wave force. You were throbbing around him, squeezing him tight, and you could hear him growling in pleasure, feel him twitch inside of you, only driving you higher as your eyes rolled back behind closed lids, lips parted, cheeks flushed pink. 
But he wasn’t letting up, not even as you squirmed with overstimulation, clamping a hand over your mouth to try and quiet yourself, barely able to handle the continued stimulation. The stretch of him inside of you and the feel of his thumb on your clit was making you feel like you were losing yourself, and if he knew that, he was only encouraging it. 
You wanted him to cum, to feel him lose himself too, to see it on his face as he spilled himself inside of you, just as drunk on bliss as you were. You locked your ankles together behind his body, pushing him deeper, and you got the privilege of listening to him groan.
Your second climax knocked the wind out of you, and it was only then that he was pulling his hand away, fucking you through the aftershocks of the climax, but the base of his cock was rubbing against your oversensitive clit, prolonging your high, and building you towards another one. 
His hand found your hip, holding you down as his pace picked up to something almost punishing as he chased his own climax, and you found yourself scrambling forward to grab onto him, kissing him hard and deep, hips moving with his and making him moan into your mouth, grip tightening on your body as he pushed you back onto your back, one hand flattening on your lower stomach to hold you down as he thrust all the way in, staying close as he rolled his hips in slow, deep rocks that made you feel like you were burning alive, but you could do no more than lay there and take it as he worked you into another dizzying climax.
It hit you with a force that made you scream, forcing you to clamp a hand over your mouth, the tears that had caught in your lashes leaking down your cheeks, and his thrusts were growing uneven, breath unsteady. You felt him shudder, hips twitching, sending jolts of almost painful pleasure through your spent body, making you whine. 
With a low, unrestrained moan, he was thrusting deep as he could go, and you could feel him trembling , grip iron tight on your body as he spilled inside of you, and you pulled him down into a fierce kiss, bucking your hips to work him through his climax. He moaned against your mouth, gasping your name when you deliberately squeezed around him, breaking the kiss to sink his teeth into your shoulder to muffle his unrestrained cries.
You felt him begin to soften inside of you, though he remained close, arms wrapped around your body as you gasped for breath. It was with almost palpable reluctance that he pulled out, and after gathering you into his arms, he was falling back to sit on the bench behind him, chest heaving, eyes closed.
A few moments passed of just laying together before he was moving for a drawer in his desk, and you realized he was reaching for a package of tissues, which he used to wipe your thighs clean, depositing the tissue in the trash can tucked beneath the desk. You grabbed your panties from the floor, tugging them back on before settling beside him once again.
“I didn’t picture that happening for the first time here,” he said, after a few moments of comfortable silence, “though I can’t say I’m complaining.”
Despite everything, you felt your cheeks warm. It was definitely comical that you were blushing at that of all things after he’d just fucked your brains out, but you supposed it couldn’t be helped.
“Where did you picture it?” You asked, settling closer to him, smiling as he wrapped his arms around your body.
“Preferably my bedroom,” he said, “or yours. I wanted to at least take you out first. Call me old fashioned, but I’m quite fond of the act of courtship.”
You smiled. “We can still do that.”
A chuckle. “Yes. You’re quite right.”
For as long as possible (and until you started to get cold), the two of you sat curled up together on the bench before Jing Yuan suggested getting dressed, which didn’t sound like a bad idea. But it wasn’t until you tried to stand that you realized that might be a problem. 
“This is your fault,” you said, as he helped you put your shorts back on, and he smiled, as calm as ever.
“And I’d do it again.”
That, you weren’t ashamed to say, made you blush. From the smirk on his face, that was exactly his intention. You shot him a glare, but it was short lived when he pressed a kiss to your forehead, offering you a hand to help you up.
Your legs were still wobbly, but with his support, you were able to stand. 
“Well, love,” he said, “since we’re doing things in reverse order, how about lunch? We can take the rest of the day off, go back to my home?”
You leaned closer to him, lacing your fingers tight with his. “I’d like that.”
He kissed you, slow and gentle, before he led you from the Seat of Divine Foresight, leaving the mess of forgotten chess pieces scattered across the floor, chatting happily about what restaurants he thought you’d like. 
You never did finish that game.
Though, of course, there would be others in the future. 
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1234helpful · 9 days
In this blog we read about Plagiarism-proof Assignment. Original Assignment make create high ranking. It is a serious crime and the paper can be thrown away. Writer writng an academic dissertation they follow many Plagiarism-proof. It is important to use a plagiarism checker before publishing and sending. There are many tips for Students to write an Assignment. In this blog we read about How do You Make a Plagiarism-proof Assignment. Cite Appropriately Read Thoroughly Quotation Restatement Improve Value List Of References Request Your Teacher Internet Is A Source
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pinkacademiaprincess · 9 months
Hiii I’m so sorry to bother you!, hope your day goes well <3 I just want to ask, how can I improve in maths? I’m preparing myself for the sat and I have trouble with understanding it. Any tips would be very much appreciated, thanku !! ♡
Become a Math Whiz: Acing Math Class & the SAT 📈✏️📚👩‍🏫
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ty for the ask & the kind words! you are never a bother, i'm happy to help 🥰 i can def give some tips as someone who went from struggling w/ math to being good at it. and i’ve taken the SAT so i know that experience as well! i hope this helps 💗
take accountability
it’s very easy to try to shift blame & avoid taking responsibility for your grades/ performance. i used to think things like “the teacher is just bad!” or “i’m just not a math person!” but this mindset is just deflecting. some things are out of your control, like what teacher you have or preferring other subjects, but you have to step up & work hard to create your own success! remembering this will help you stay motivated and disciplined.
find your learning style
i talked about this in a previous post too, but there are different styles of learning - visual, auditory, hands-on, & reading/writing - and not all of them work for everyone. if you spend a ton of time studying and don’t see improvement or results, that’s a big sign that you’re studying wrong. a method that works for your friend or that your teacher uses might not actually be effective for you. so do some research into learning styles and study methods, and find implement strategies that work for you.
never fall behind
okay, easier said than done. but one of the biggest reasons i used to struggle is math is that i would get stuck on a concept, never fully master it, and then i’d stay behind. in math, a lot of topics build on each other. if you get stuck on a topic, it’s crucial that you figure it out asap or your confusion will snowball. you can’t build a solid structure on top of a wobbly foundation. the moment you encounter a problem area, study it until you’ve completely understood.
practice makes perfect
i try to steer clear of recommending specific study methods b/c everyone has different learning styles. but math is so dependent on problem solving & applications that you really have to master this skill in order to succeed. beyond just reviewing your notes & reading over concepts, you need to practice applying topics by solving problems. do the homework questions & do them for accuracy, even if it’s just graded for completion. find extra problems in the textbook, workbook, online, etc. redo questions from class or the hw that confused you until you can do them correctly without your notes. drill it until you can solve them AND understand how the steps work!
ask for help
i am clearly a big proponent of asking for help. in school, your teachers are gonna be one of the best resources you have. for one, they’re teachers for a reason, so even if you think they’re not too great at explaining stuff, they know the concepts. and besides that, your teachers the ones who are creating units, assigning your work, writing & grading your tests... they should be your go-to for questions. visit them during office hours or email to set up a meeting where you can discuss concepts. ask for extra practice problems, ask them to look over your work & let you know how it looks, talk through your work with them. aside from teachers, you can get help from a tutor, a classmate, whoever you can turn to. but pls don’t suffer alone! succeeding with help is still succeeding.
use the internet
so maybe your teacher truly sucks at explaining. maybe you don’t have classmates to help and can’t afford a tutor. or maybe you just wanna supplement your learning another way. i really really recommend utilizing free learning tools online!! khan academy is an obvious one for videos, practice problems, and more. you can also find tons of youtube videos explaining math topics. sometimes it helps to hear things explained another way. i also google “[math concept] practice problems” if i want extra questions to work through.
bonus: tips for SAT math
the SAT is a bit different b/c the math concepts aren’t actually too advanced. it’s all multiple choice so you don’t get to rely on partial points for showing your work. the SAT is testing your strategy & speed as much as it’s actually testing you on math concepts, so here are my best tips for that specifically:
use khan academy’s SAT prep tool - it’s free (!!!!!) and it links to your collegeboard account. it uses prior years’ SAT content so it’s very similar to the test itself. it helps you pace yourself, pinpoint your problem areas, learn & apply concepts, & track your progress. here's a screenshot from when i used it, as you can see my scores improved and i was able to ultimately get a superscore of 1450!
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take practice tests - this helps you get familiar with the time constraint. khan academy has plenty!!
do a ton of SAT math practice questions - ideally, find a ton of questions used in prior SAT tests and just crank them out. the test's concepts are quite repetitive so if you just focus on the topics they usually test, you can master them
learn test-taking strategies - the SAT is multiple choice and has a tricky time constraint, so however you can save time will help. become good at using the process of elimination & other multiple choice test methods. you can find these sorts of tips online!
i hope this helps! know that you are completely capable of improving at math. i went from thinking i suck at it & doing poorly in math class to acing my calc courses & studying to enter a math-focused field. utilize your resources and figure out your best study style asap, and you WILL see improvements!
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The Peter Pevensie post did well.
Here's Edmund.
Edmund has trouble putting down his chess pieces that first time. In Narnia he could assume his opponent knew what he was doing, that chess was not just a game, that sacrificing pieces meant a unit, an officer, a collection of friends never seen again.
No one remembers that back in England, where chess is just a game, not a play preparing you for war.
He loses badly the first few times, too often distracted by thoughts of his dead friends. Thoughts of the ones alive, that he hopes to see soon.
Then he becomes unbeatable. When chess is about strategy again, no longer conjures images of men dying, sacrificed to gain a tactical advantage, Edmund becomes a master. Chess champion, of his region, of the country. Not a piece too many suffers.
It takes a few months. Those first ones in boarding school, Peter has to guard him. When bullies gang up on him for his strange way of talking (as if generals listen to his advice), strange way of walking (as if there is a weight on his hip), strange way of behaving (as if there are servants for his every need) Peter protects him. They've seen protective brothers; they've never seen anything quite like Peter, who hits until bone breaks.
Edmund will often remark on how the punches thrown his way lack technique, don't really hurt.
Everyone wonders how a 110 lb 11 year old kid knows anything about punching technique. He's a scrawny white boy from the city, doesn't look even slightly dangerous. How many fights has he been in, everyone wonders, to know what type of blow breaks bone, how to collect fingers into a fist.
When he is not protected by his brother, he displays the tricks he learned in treacherous courts in fantasy lands where the men could snap him in half with half a finger, where monsters ruled. Where only his silver tongue kept him safe.
It keeps bullies far away from him. They're not just afraid of physical repercussions, but of being expelled, reputations ruined, careers unreachable before they begin.
Peter retaliates either way, physical punishment along with the other repercussions. Still, it's strange to hear that the lanky sleepwalking teen mostly interested in political science knows anything about fighting, about blood.
By the third month in boarding school, Edmund has the staff wrapped around his finger.
His tongue is as silver as the lion ring he wears. Ed can talk any opponent into submisson. He can talk any girl into his bed, too, despite other men vying for their company. Sometimes he does it just to prove a point. It earns him a few more fights than he had to be in, but that's okay.
The ones stupid, angry or brave enough to physically fight him learn fast Edmund isn't easy prey, that he knows how to fight, how to think, how to outmanouvre you. Peter is a tornado, all fury, but Ed fights like a chess master. No wasted movement, no unnecessary punches, not moving a single inch more than he has to.
Fighting Peter hurts. People soon find that fighting Ed discourages. He doesn't really seem all that hurt by fighting, often quips when taking a fist to the gut. He can deal blows so nasty you feel the effects two weeks after.
The ones that fight him in groups, still willing to try, meet Peter's fists in a dark ally.
Still Edmund never needed Peter. Their bond is strange, sure, Peter copying his younger brothers' notes without remark, asking for his advice often and seriously.
But both know politics is Edmund's territory. At the start, no one messes with him due to his big brother, who always seems to hit harder than boys his age.
In time, Ed is feared more. Differently.
A fight with the oldest Pevensie brother ends in the infirmary, a fight with the youngest ends your career, ambition, prospects with the ladies.
Edmund knows what he can do. Knows his brother can do it too, but does not prefer it. He is known for his silver tongue, his brilliant mind. Peter, more so for his steel boots.
He plays chess, studies politics, does it right. Highest marks in his class, many extra-curriculars, a seemingly unbreakable bond with his sisters and brother, which he visits often everyone. No one can understand them when they are together, a strange lilt in their voices. Some people are little scared of him. He's a debate champion, talks rounds around anyone. Excellent chef, even though he only cooks for friends.
He's loyal to a fault, clever like the devil, and a perfect gentleman. In an archaic way. Ed is the kind of man to have a hankerchief in his pocket.
That's why no one unserious dates Susan or Lucy. They all know anything unserious ends badly.
Gradually, people start to like Edmund, even if they feared him at first. His smile is devilish, but also charming. Ed is free in his head, in his hands. Brilliant in many different ways, including fencing. There is a rumour in the halls, after a while. That Ed likes men too.
But no one talks.
Edmund goes into politics. He has a family that is in the top echolon of decison making, an analytical mind. Edmund has a talent for justice. In his presence, no one feels left out, everybody is heard. Many feel that with Ed as their PM they are finally represented. A noble man, even with his bloody knuckles, the unimpressive surname.
A statesman in everything. Fashion, vocabulary, manners.
But still he believes in Narnia, goes to see the spectre.
He is facing his brother in the train, happy, talking about Narnia when it crashes.
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wheeboo · 5 months
seventeen as games they would play on roblox
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FEATURING. seventeen (ot13) GENRE. headcanons, crack WORD COUNT. 552 
notes: this is purely just for shits and giggles. ty @haecien for sparking the idea on discord and @yeonjuns-redhair for helping me LMAO. i was such a roblox nerd back then pls don't question me thank u. this game traumatized me fr.
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scoups - mm2/arsenal/phantom forces: bro would be such a try hard whenever he becomes murderer or sheriff in mm2. he would also own like all the damn legendary knives, guns, knife effects, prob has hella robux and connections to get all those, might also play obnoxious audios on his radio to assert dominance. arsenal and phantom forces is self-explainable since he's pretty good at fps games
jeonghan - brookhaven/free admin games: is definitely trolling and scaring people on brookhaven or any roleplay game lmfao. would pretend to be their child just for him to turn his avatar into the most terrifying monster ever and make people rage quit. he'd easily take over those games that grant free admin, literally everyone would be under his fingers
joshua - royale high: shua was hard since he doesn't rlly play video games? he would def not be into these competitive games. i can see him having fun dressing up his avatar in royale high for some reason. would prob lowkey be an annoying troll, or those rich ass mfs constantly showing off
jun - adopt me: self-explanatory. the top of his bucket list is to adopt all pets possible in the game. might even find ways to scam people out of their stuff (my cousin does this, don't be like her).
hoshi - jailbreak: he likes chaotic games. he brings chaos to the server. tries to also bribe woozi into playing with him so they can both be the Richest Lads in the server. either that or he absolutely sucks at playing the game and keeps getting arrested by the police.
wonwoo - tower of hell/dungeon quest/arsenal/doors: can't really decide on one. he's pretty versatile with his games but i think he mainly prefers battle strategy games and fighting games. would definitely complete a tower of hell obby in less than a minute fr. is probably on the leaderboard of dungeon quest and has all the legendary spells, armour, and weapons. he's also completely fine with anything horror
woozi - those anime sims n fighting games/death ball/robeats: personally i have never played any of those anime fighting games ever but he would def be the one to enjoy them the most. will def beat your ass in death ball with his gigantic double wielded swords. he'd also continuously get hella high scores on robeats
dk - work at a pizza place: no explanation needed. he is living his life as a cook and delivery person
mingyu - theme park tycoon/natural disaster survival: i found mingyu to be hard as well LMAO. i feel like he could make a bomb ass theme park in theme park tycoon tho. either that or he's getting freaked out over the blocky tsunami coming his way
minghao - bloxburg/royale high/those fashion games: ahh he's living his life designing his perfect dream home and definitely has all the gamepasses. has the best fashion in royale high. would definitely spend his robux to get VIP so he can get access to the Better clothes in those fashion games (fun fact: i'm banned on bloxburg cuz i'm just too damn good 😔)
seungkwan - pls donate/works in a group: has the prettiest booth in pls donate so he can get robux but is constantly arguing with the nine year olds who are begging for him to donate to them. might also be an MR/HR/SR at a group (don't work at roblox groups guys, i beg of you)
vernon - bee swam simulator: no thoughts, just vernon playing bee swarm simulator being the best thing ever
dino - speed run: constantly frustrated over each time he falls off the map. he never makes it to the end
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @phenomenalgirl9
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shotoh · 2 years
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nnn is over! how did these boys fare last month?
characters: bakugou katsuki, kaminari denki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shouto, shinsou hitoshi, kirishima eijirou
genre: smut
warnings: fem!reader, minors dni, everyone is 22+, bakugou (teasing), kaminari (quirk play, sub!kaminari), midoriya (masturbation), todoroki (somnophilia, cunnilingus), shinsou (catches you maturbating, quirk play), kirishima (breeding, mentions of cunnilingus), pet names (angel, love, babe, kitten, princess)
author’s note: enjoy this treat while i hole myself up in blue lock brainrot-
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when the boys were discussing the challenge in the group chat, of course they had to rope bakugou to play along with them. and to no one’s surprise, he thought the whole ordeal was completely dumb and more trouble than it was worth. yet they somehow got him to partake through relentless provocation, poking at his nerves until his pride no longer allowed him to remain silent and his thumbs vehemently typed a message back, stating in all caps—BRING IT ON YOU MORONS.
what he failed to consider was how little it actually takes to get him riled up. especially when it comes to you.
on the very first day of the challenge, he freezes in his tracks, arriving home from work to find you standing at the doorway. one of his dynamight t-shirts is draped over your pretty figure, a sweet smile adorning your lips. a simple yet effective recipe to get him on edge.
bakugou has to swallow the thick lump in his throat, fists clenched at his sides, attempting to muster some willpower to resist you. the challenge looming over his head somehow makes his instincts want to act up even more, slowly feeling something stir in his pants.
it’s only the first day, dammit, calm down!
are some of the few thoughts running rampant in his deprived mind. and all from just you in his shirt? it’s fine, if he can resist you now, then he’ll surely make it through the whole month without a hitch. right?
you tilt your head naively, unaware of what has him hesitating to greet you back. holding your arms out, you try ushering him into a “welcome home” embrace. the fabric of the shirt raises ever-so-slightly, but it’s just enough to see the chiffon fabric of your black panties above your supple thighs. that’s when his nonexistent resolve breaks and he gives into you, suddenly dashing from the doorway and carrying you in his arms.
his lips quickly overwhelm you, voice reduced to a whimper in the presence of his tongue seeking yours. “those dumbasses made me agree to some challenge,” he mutters between kisses against your skin, “knew it was fuckin’ stupid to begin with. be a fool to give this up for a whole ass month.”
you can’t seem to follow every word, engulfed in the hot sensation that travels between your thighs. your simple response is to pull him deeper, fingers wrinkling the fabric of bakugou’s shirt as he hoists your body up by the large palms groping your bottoms, transporting you both to the sanctuary of your bedroom.
later that night, bakugou messages the group chat about his quick defeat as your warm body nestles next to him.
the chat erupts in a fit of uproarious texts, a mixture of confusion and hysteria throughout. however, bakugou swallows his loss, knowing that the rest of them will have to suffer for the next twenty-nine days without being able to blow their loads.
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being a man in touch with trends, kaminari is the one who issued the challenge to everyone in the first place. which was a surprise, given that he sounded like the last person to have the self-control to stop himself from touching you for a month.
this isn’t very far from the truth, but hey, you have to give him some credit at least. he really did try his best, but unfortunately that resolve lasts only until the end of the first week before he finds himself frantic to be in between your legs again.
his initial strategy for success was simple. he goes about avoiding you in any way he can—leaving early for work and coming home much later after a day holed up at his agency, keeping himself immersed to ward off the aching desire to have your walls hugging his cock. though it saddens you that you have to limit your interactions with him, all for the sake of his standing in some challenge, you still support him. you also figure this could help him exercise some restraint for the future.
however, his thirty-day journey stops short one night while tucked beside you in bed.
when he settles his body under the covers, you rouse slightly from your sleep. “denki?” you murmur languidly and kaminari already feels a twinge in his gut at the sweet, sleepy sound of his name from your lips.
“y-yeah, babe, i’m here,” he assures, his shaky tone eluding your ears as you absentmindedly reach out for him. denki’s breath hitches in response to your arms wrapping around his midsection.
“mm, miss you…” from behind, you pull yourself snug against him. kaminari almost goes numb at the contact. he was already walking on a tightrope throughout the entire week, even a simple glance at you could’ve been enough to make him unravel. now with your soft, pliant body squeezing into him, he was about to be too far gone. your sweet fragrance was making him delirious, his mind going blank visualizing the outline of your tits on his back. god, he can’t take it anymore. he needs you to know exactly what you’re doing to him.
shifting you both around, he has free range to touch you in any way he wants, and the first thing he needs is to feel those pretty tits in his hands. he sneaks under your shirt and overhears your breathy whimpers at the sensation.
“d-denki..!” you gasp, feeling fully awake when his fingertips find your nipples and give them a playful sting of electricity. you arch your back into his hold, pressing your ass against his clothed erection that has him hissing between his teeth.
“fuck, sorry, babe. i couldn’t take it anymore.” his whines are high-pitched and needy as he grinds into you, granting himself some of that sweet friction he missed so much. his hands travel south in pursuit of your panties. he groans at the slick sticking to your folds. “need to be in you. c’mon, please please give it to me, i’ll be good...”
the pleas falling from his lips are so pretty and desperate. it’d be a shame to let him suffer by himself. to help him out, you sit up with the intention of getting on top of him. “okay, but don’t forget that you were the one who suggested this,” you warn with half-lidded eyes looking down at the deep blush painting his face, tugging at the waistband of his sleep shorts.
“yes, ma’am…”
well, at least he can say he lasted longer than bakugou.
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despite being somewhat confident in his ability to resist you, midoriya was already set to fail the moment he agreed to participate.
this month his hero agency is working on a collaboration with a clothing designer and retailer for an upcoming deku christmas collection, set to debut at the beginning of december. too caught up in his pro hero work and constantly keeping himself in check around you, the collab completely flies over his head. he forgets that a package full of the draft apparel for the collection was supposed to be delivered at his residence today.
he gets notice of the delivery from your text later that day while at his agency.
guess what came? you question in your message, following with an image of a large opened box with clothes sprawled all around. it must have been some time since you last texted him because as he continues scrolling through the chat, he finds streams of pictures you sent of yourself modeling in all the clothes, wrapped up in scarves, sweaters, and other winter apparel in his signature colors. he’s glad he’s in the privacy of his office, otherwise his sidekicks might notice him smiling like a lovesick fool at his phone, seeing his cute girlfriend all dolled up.
when he reaches the end of your message thread though, the smile on his lips slowly disappears. his eyes grow beady at the brightly-lit screen. the last picture you sent is of you laying across the soft sheets of your bed, camera pointing down at your figure with a knitted sweater pulled up above your chest, revealing an enticing set of green lingerie hugging your curves.
midoriya swallows thickly at the sight, eyes roaming over every detail he can see that makes the weight in his pants heavy and stiff. fuck, no one ever said anything about a deku lingerie set. how is he going to go on patrol again like this—hot and bothered while his girlfriend was at home, sitting all pretty with her feet giddily kicking in the air, sinfully aware of what she was doing to him.
there was no way he could ignore the dull ache between his legs anymore. him dialing your number over facetime is the final nail in the coffin. as the phone rings, he situates himself behind his desk, palming his bulge over his costume. when the call goes through, your face comes into view. you feign an innocent expression in front of him.
“hey, ‘zuku, what’s up?” you greet, voice a tad chirpier than usual, “did you like the little slideshow i gave you?” you revel in how flush his expression is, a tint of red swathing over the skin under his freckles.
“yeah, angel i loved it so much… c-can you show me the last set again, please?” he asks quietly, the question morphing into a desperate plea as he adds more pressure against his erection.
“hm, you mean this one?” on cue, you pan your phone so the camera can capture every inch of your body still clad in the fancy seasonal lingerie. from your end, you hear a quiet string of curses and the scratchy sound of a zipper.
“izuku, are you touching yourself to me?”
he shamelessly fists his cock under the desk. “yes, you’re gonna make me lose that bet, angel…”
“is a stupid challenge really more important than me though?” you pout, squeezing your tits together. izuku furiously shakes his head, his pace along his cock quickening desperately. you hum, “come home from patrol and prove it to me then. you might just get your christmas present early.”
needless to say, the crime rate in that area was reduced to zero by the end of the day.
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todoroki is another participant who initially sees the bet as more bothersome than beneficial. he couldn’t imagine a whole month without touching you. why should he have to control his natural urges around you when taking care of your needs, along with his own, was second nature for him? and all for what—bragging rights? it just doesn’t make any sense.
to convince him, the boys use the logic that edging himself will make the experience all the more mind-blowing at the end of the month. despite the new developments, his routine remains largely unchanged. he doesn’t see the need to actively ignore you, possessing the self-control to leave you with just a kiss on the forehead before bed and ending it at that. must be thanks to all the meditation he worked on while training to be a pro.
he will admit that he narrowly dodged a bullet during the first couple of nights. albeit just barely. unaware of the bet he placed amongst his group of friends, you tried initiating intimacy with him. you sat comfortable between his legs on the couch, a movie showing in front of you. it seemed tonight was going to be a normal occurrence—just a night dedicated to you both catching up on your favorite films—that is until he felt an extra weight against his crotch.  
a low grunt almost escapes the depths of his throat when you lift your body to scoot your pretty-self snug on his lap, shifting around with intention where shouto can already sense the point of no return. feeling the first throb of his cock, he has to hold you down by your waist to keep you steady. you face him with a mischievous glint in your eye, waiting for the mood to escalate further. todoroki barely had the heart to tell you he couldn’t go through with things tonight, explaining the bet, and watching your features adjust to the disappointing realization of no sex with him for a whole month.
for his sake, you still kept your spirits high to cheer him on. todoroki was grateful, kissing the tip of your nose as he muses sweet nothings in your ear. “i promise it will be worth it.”
it hurts him to leave you all flustered and worked up, but through the patience of a saint, he manages to get to the third week. most of the time he found extra relief from blasting villains with staggering amounts of ice and flames. things were going well for him, and once he was notified of the others’ losses, he seemed like a strong candidate to survive all thirty days.
that sentiment is smothered when he arrives home one night, crossing into the living room to find your sleeping body sprawled on the couch. his first instinct is to scoop you into your arms and take you to bed, but before he could cradle you against him, your lips part.
“shouto…” a tantalizing moan calls for him, the sound immediately coaxing his cock to attention, and making all the cells in his body go numb. eyes lidded, your voice continues to sweetly muse in your slumber, “need you, miss you so much…”
fuck, the innate desire to take care of you after realizing how much he’s been neglecting your needs overwhelms his reasoning. the bet is far behind him as he’s kneeling in front of the wetness coating your pretty cunt, your shorts and panties half-hazardly pulled down your legs.
the first taste of you in what seems like forever is delicious on his tongue, intoxicating his senses as your thighs squeeze his head, at odds with your collapsing slumber. with his mouth mercilessly fluttering around your sensitive bud, you soon wake up to an earth-shattering orgasm, rubbing your eyes to the two-toned man knelt in the middle of your spread legs.
“i’m sorry, love. i just want to make sure you’re taken care of, and you looked so gorgeous in your sleep, i couldn’t resist anymore.” he grabs your hand, leading it to the tight bulge on his crotch, his balls excruciatingly heavy and seeking relief.
“you’re going to take care of me too, right?”
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ever the competitive one, shinsou couldn’t pass up the opportunity to one-up all these horn dogs. though that isn’t to say he’s immune to your charms. there are plenty of moments where his resolve runs dangerously thin. every time you walk around the apartment in the skimpiest shorts or let out a particularly long whine while stretching, shinsou has half the mind to come and bend you over the nearest flat surface. but he collects himself, catching his breaths before handling his problems with a long cold shower.
what keeps his streak going is the fact that your schedules don’t align. being an underground pro meant he was stationed to patrol during the weeknights. by the time he was allowed to sleep, the sun would be peeking above the horizon, and you’d be waking up to start your day. thanks to this mundane routine, shinsou is looking to be in the running to complete the challenge.
on a particularly calm night, he’s overlooking the bright cityscape atop a building. his eyes are scanning the areas below, searching for any signs of criminal activity before his attention averts to the vibration in his pocket. he gives the caller id a glance and picks it up without a thought when he sees your name across the screen.
“kitten?” he answers in a hushed tone befitting of his surroundings.
“‘t-toshi, where are you?” your words quiver, seemingly on edge, which has the hero fixing his posture.
“i’m on patrol right now. why? did something happen? are you in danger?” his senses are heightened at the prospect of your safety being compromised, standing on high alert.
“n-no, it’s not that… i–” the short string of silence has shinsou biting his lip, “i just need you to come home.”
at that, shinsou drops everything in a heartbeat, alerting his sidekicks about his absence and letting them clean things up for the night. he swings across mazes of buildings to make his way to your apartment complex, landing at your front door. the entrance is pushed aside, the abrupt slam of the door echoing amidst his steps hastening toward your room.
“kitten are you–?! oh.”
well if this isn’t a sight to behold. when he crosses the threshold of your room, he’s shocked to be welcomed by your naked form spread lewdly on your bed. that feeling of shock quickly morphs into lust, lavender eyes darkening at your hand between your legs, watching your fingers part your folds.
“‘toshi, just need you here with me, can’t come without you.” your fingers work in tandem with your delicious whimpers, trying to massage that spot inside that made you writhe, but to no avail. it pales in comparison to shinsou’s thick digits which always knew where to touch and prod to reduce you to a babbling mess.
the man approaches the bed at his leisure, taking in your debauched state. the bed starts to dip at his extra weight. your skin scorches at how close he is. it’s been far too long.
“naughty, naughty. and to think you were doing so well for me this month, ” shinsou clicks his tongue. he scoots onto his stomach, fingers digging into your thighs to get a better view of your sobbing cunt. all those moments of restraint and freezing showers catch up to him, and his cock starts to ache in his pants. “what do you have to say for yourself, kitten?”
“i’m sor–” the words are hindered by the thick fog quickly blanketing your mind. when your eyes take on a listless hue, shinsou knows his quirk has taken effect.
“it’s too late for an apology now, i need to distribute your punishment.” he cups your chin in his hand, tilting you in his direction. “and only after i make you come on your own fingers will i let you ride my cock.”
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this whole month has been a true test of kirishima’s wits. for days upon days, it felt like a higher being was testing him, throwing every single obstacle they could think of to get him to crack and succumb to the sweet temptation that is you and your salacious ways. whether intentional or not, you never made it easy for him. kirishima couldn’t count the number of times his layer of self-control almost shattered right next to you, like when you would bend down and show off your gorgeous ass, or doll yourself up in the prettiest, body-hugging dresses for a night out with your friends.  
the thought of ripping whatever flimsy fabric you were wearing and folding you in half right then and there nearly overtook him. he just had to grit his teeth and feign indifference, when in reality his cock was growing heavier, throbbing with every passing day. he almost wanted to cry.
he simply swallowed his desires down and waited out the thirty days. the boys already thought he’d be one of the first to lose anyways so he was extra poised to prove them wrong. as his friends fell one by one to their urges, he was slowly gaining the conviction he needed to endure the next hellish weeks. after reaching the home stretch, he was practically counting down the hours—minutes even—until he was free from the shackles of the bet and could finally have you all to himself.
on the last night of the month, he’s already under the covers with you, who was sound asleep next to him. however, the redhead is wide awake, turned on his side to stare at the gleaming numbers on the digital clock resting on the nightstand. when the clock finally strikes twelve, every cell in his body rejoices. he shoots up from bed, jolting you from your sleep.
“babe, look! i made it! i survived no nut november!” he yells and whoops at his triumph as you’re adjusting to being violently rattled awake.
“that’s great, eiji, congrats–” you don’t even get your praises across before he’s on top of you, lips fervently coaxing yours apart. his hands palm at every inch of your soft body, pushing and pulling clothing away while you whimper below him. his large, toned body towers over you, licking his lips at his prey. “that means i don’t have to hold back anymore.” his guttural tone foreshadows the long night ahead for you both.
you don’t have any idea how many times you’ve lost yourself, too fucked out by the time kirishima was inserting his cock in you and pistoning your insides. prior to that, he was adamant to get you to come at least thrice on his tongue and fingers, ensuring you were prepared for his thick girth after a whole month empty and probably weeping for his cock. now your legs are being pried apart, calloused fingers bruising your flesh as he concentrates on breeding his babydoll.
“fuck, i missed this so much, you were made for me baby, just perfect,” he grunts, too pent up to even think of slowing down despite spilling load after load in your little cunt. you think you couldn’t get any fuller than this, but kirishima proves you wrong, pushing his seed back into you with every hard thrust. “don’t get tired on me now, princess. still got plenty more for you.”
being the sole winner of no nut november he asks the boys to pool together to buy him a new sturdy bed frame as his prize after yours broke the night before.
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copyright 2022 shotoh, all rights reserved. i do not allow my creations to be published or translated elsewhere so please do not repost this or share my content on tiktok.
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
Jeremy concepts: Jeremy sees you at a pickup game and shows off to flirt
A Shot Worth Taking - Jeremy (WMCJ) x f!reader
Part 1 - Meet Cute
note: this started as a concept (that’s why the writing is very unprofessional lol) but the idea has sparked an idea for a series
warnings: none
series masterlist!
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no because imagine you and your girl friends are there because your friend vanessa is supporting her man while he plays a different game, and you're just sitting there on the bench slightly bored and scrolling through your phone.
but then jeremy sees you and his breath gets caught in his throat--your beauty just stopping him in his tracks completely. and he glances down at his outfit--specifically at his wacky sandals and its the first time he feels a bit self-conscious so he KNEW he had to step up his ball game if he wanted to impress you even an ounce.
kamal notices jeremy's internal conflict and he follows his line of sight and sees you sitting there which causes him to smirk. "finally considering your god awful outfit choices?" he teases the curly haired man. Jeremy scoffs and shrugs him off nonchalantly. "fuck off" he mutters. "we gotta win this pick up," jeremy mumbled.
kamal begins laughing before he smirked, his intrusive thought winning. "AYO!!!" he yelled out towards you, causing you and your home girls to look up and pay attention to the group. immediately Jeremy's eyes widened and he smacked kamal. "man what the fuck are you doing?!" he exclaimed.
"getting her to pay attention," kamal responded. "now pull up and work your magic," he mused, moving towards the middle of the half-court to begin the game.
jeremy groaned and sluggishly followed, hoping you didn't catch on. but the thing is--you did catch on. after kamal had shouted for your guys' attention, you were intrigued, a playful smile on your lips.
"oh my god," Vanessa exclaimed. "what the hell is the white boy wearing?!" she laughed. you cringe playfully but you can't help your giggle.
"its not...that bad" you laughed. "I wonder if he's any good."
your other friend destiny scoffed. "looks like he was dragged from an organic smoothie shop to play in the pick up...aint no way this white man can jump."
as the game starts, you lean forward, resting your elbows against your knees as you and your girls watch intently. jeremy nervously glances you once more before he laser focuses on the game.
you observe as he runs around the court, effectively working with kamal before he approaches the 3-point line for the first time and easily sinking the ball into the basket. your friends gasp in shock and all you can do is grin. jeremy had a proud and cocky grin evident on his face, before he turned, made direct eye contact with you, and confidently winking your way, causing you to blush madly.
destiny instantly caught on and playfully shoved you in disbelief. “the white boy is into you!” she laughed. you go to deny and she scoffs. “don’t try to deny that shit! own it babes!”
“i cant lie…he’s really cute,” you breath out, feeling your face get hot at the confession. you all continue watching as jeremy puts on a record show. he was unbelievably good and extremely funny just from what you overheard him say to the other team.
“oh he’s definitely showing off to get your attention,” vanessa points out after a while with a smirk. “i say you shoot your shot after the game…maybe you need a white guy after the shit show you experienced with that lebanese guy that did you dirty.”
“ugh don’t remind me,” you shutter.
jeremy and kamal were huffing as they stood in front of the other two guys, effectively waiting for the pay out with smirks on their faces.
“pay up bitch,” jeremy mused cockily, his right hand held out while the other held onto the basketball.
the guy whined as he pulled out the bills and handed them over. “you’re gonna get beat up one day with that strategy,” he muttered sourly.
jeremy could only grin. “pleasure doing business.”
“nice game,” he hears someone say, causing him to swing around to face the person, coming face to face with you. he grinned even wider if possible.
“hey,” he breathed out.
“hi,” you smile. “you were really impressive…i cant lie—me and my girls didn’t think you’d play that good,” you admit shyly.
jeremy licked his lips and looked at you with amusement. how the fuck did you manage to be even prettier up close? “i played at gonzaga—”
“yeah i figured with your knees,” you replied, causing him to smirk. “so you paying attention huh?”
you scoff playfully. “how can i not when you’re so obviously trying to impress me,” you flirt back confidently.
Jeremy grinned. “how can i not when such a pretty girl is in the stands watching me?” his comment makes you blush. “im jeremy by the way.”
“im y/n…”
“would you maybe wanna grab dinner sometime?”
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