#Comics fangirl
ch4tk4t · 7 months
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Comics Fangirl n°1 - Into the fangirlverse:
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Today's review is about "What if? Dark: Spider-Gwen"/2023
Plot by Gerry Conway & Jody Houser
Art by Ramon F Bachs and Dee Cunniffe
Welcome to this first "Comics Fangirl", where i use my fangirl super powers I got by being bit by a radioactive super-fan for good, as with great power, MUST also come great responsibility.
Get ready for a true superhero action thriller, packed to the brim with thrills and chills, twists and turns, more super-vilains than you can shake a web at, and of course, non-stop web-slinging ACTION !
So if you're not aware yet, Gwen Stacy is theorized to be a trans wowan in the latest spider-movie, "Across the Spider-verse". Needless to say, most of the "fan base" is up in arms AGAINST the idea. That, in my humble opinion, is because most of the "spider-fan base" is a bunch of racist incels. I, as a TRUE spider-fan hold the only true true. This is f*cking comics, you f*cking nerds. Cry some more, #Gwenistrans. Now that THAT'S sorted out, moving on to my review.
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First off, my eyes bleed every time I have to witness Greg Land's... "art". Motherf*cker can't even find something new to trace over, I feel I've seen this "o-face" a BILLION times already (I'm not being funny here, Greg is KNOWN for tracing over porn 😑)
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Spoilers for this comics from here on out, you have been warned. Also, minor spoilers for Ghost-Spider's backstory.
It's one of comics most well known event, but in case you didn't know, the main universe Gwen Stacy died years ago, during a fight between Spider-Man and the green goblin. Only this time, it's Peter that dies, hitting his head as he jumps to save Gwen.
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I love this alternate universe, because usually the "What ifs" involve someone acting out of character or something ludicrous happening to set the events into motion. Only this time it's Peter not thinking of his personal safety as he saves the woman of his life (MJ and him start dating after Gwen's death), which is 100% in character.
Gwen discovers Peter's secret identity as she drags his lifeless body from the water. Instinctively, she gets rid of his costume. I love the way she INSTANTLY knows what Peter would've wanted, as I'm sure he wouldn't want any of his ennemies knowing who he was, especially now that he can't protect his loved ones.
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Instead of just grieving though, our girl Gwen starts scheming. She's going to take revenge on the green goblin. Only problem, she has no super-powers, and no training. That won't stop her, as she enlists Harry Osborn's help to spring a trap for the gliding menace. What she doesn't tell Harry is that she plans on killing the goblin, using her late father's gun.
She baits Osborn senior by acting like Spider-Man survived their last encounter. When the Goblin falls into her trap, she points the gun at him, ready to shoot.
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At the last minute though, she changes her mind, proving once more the love and understanding she has for Parker. Peter wasn't a killer, and she won't become one in his name. So this is the part where my eyes started leaking for some odd reason.
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Sadly, Harry, overtaken by grief (and probably overcompensating for missing Pete's funeral) shoots the Goblin in the chest, not aware of his true identity. When Norman dies in front of his son, Harry snaps, telling Gwen he holds her responsible for his father's death, exacerbating her already existing guilt.
This is the start of this Gwen's journey as a spider-person. As far as spider-folks go, that's pretty f*cking metal.
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So I want to touch on the fact this is now the second "Spider-Gwen" who fights crime WITHOUT SUPER POWERS. First of all, #SlayQueenYaaas. Secondly, I can't help but read this as a metaphor for Gwen being trans.
In case you didn't know (we can't all be virgins, I understand) Ghost-Spider, mostly know as "Spider-Gwen", also doesn't have super-powers at the moment (at least when the writers actually REMEMBER THAT). She lost them during a story where she compensated using a version of the venom symbiote, which she tames in about one issue, one-upping Peter like no one's business.
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I may be over thinking this, but I view that fact as a parallel to her transness. Much like the fact she doesn't have the same "powers" as cis people, she doesn't have the powers most spider-people have, and she has to work twice as hard to achieve the same results as them. Also, Ghost-Spider has no secret identity in her universe, and I couldn't help but see that as a trans thing. You KNOW people IRL would out her the first chance they got. Or maybe that's just me, I don't know.
So in case that wasn't clear, I loved this comic. The plot was good, and I loved the art. If you plan on picking it up (I just spoiled most of the plot, but you do you) consider pirating it, in case you don't know Disney funds war criminals.
I give this comic nuff'said/10
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Talk to you later, true believers.
Fangirl out.
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aliwoodruff · 2 months
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At long last, high definition splatoon yuri!
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ahfrickenfrick · 2 months
bruce would be the kind of dad to make fun of his kids for watching something, then stand there and watch it with like a stupid handful of cashews
and suddenly he’s telling dick his favorite characters, he’s having duke quiz him on names, & stephanie had to pull up the character quizzes again because bruce was adamant that he knew which of his kids are what character
they all come back to the manor after a week in blud and find him wrapped up in a blanket watching the new episode without them
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luckyraeve · 10 months
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I was "asked" later to join a top-secret government program. - Leon Kennedy, Resident Evil 4 (2023)
Redraw of the ending scene in Memory of a Lost City from Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles.
*please reblog to show support. do not repost*
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phoenixcatch7 · 9 months
Like I know it's self indulgence but it'd be so funny to see a full kardashian style Brucie Wayne, spoilt playboy prince of Gotham, local sunshine idiot on the front page every other week for darwinian levels of idiocy or billionaire levels of donations.
But he gets kidnapped or something and there's illusions or mind magics that make him think he's in the bat suit and then he gets dumped in the middle of a live world broadcast arena to fight some goons.
Like he doesn't think anything of it, batman's been kidnapped and forced into gladitorial arenas for sport many times before, maybe he always carries concealed weapons so he's still got like grapples and batarangs and stuff, but he's just going full doomslayer on these guys. No cowl. No suit. Just an open silk shirt and a pair of slacks. In full view of the world.
Tell you what, what about the whole justice league. Just a group of the motleyest people you've ever met. There's about as many famous people as there are absolute nobodies.
Several billionaires defer to the guy who writes articles on outdated lead in buildings and socio economic corruption. There's a renowned museum curator flying and uppercutting aliens so hard they get tossed across the room. There's a guy who spoke in science conferences about meta containment procedures running up the wall and delivering a roundhouse kick to three enemies at once. Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen. Of all people. Two world famous idiot ceo celebrities. And they're back to back whaling on armoured alien henchmen like a well oiled team. A ten year old podcaster shooting lightning from his fingers and no one in the group bats an eye.
Just.... Insanity.
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allthegothihopgirls · 3 months
asexual jason todd who leans into all the gotham fangirl's sexualisation of him for the funny sillies. (the funny sillies being: unintentionally becoming a sex symbol)
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luckyjorabbit · 1 year
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zoro comics.......... comics about..... zoro.......
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mysticdragon3md3 · 7 months
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I'm sorry to say this, but the number can be WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY MORE than 3 years.
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abbeyofcyn · 1 year
I lost my marbles and made myself a Donnie bc they weren't selling any I liked LOL so uhhh yeah here he is. You can probably guess who my fave is xD
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Gosh that's professional level plush skills right there
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Batgirlsss :D @idkstuffiguess and i propose their ship name be batgirlfriends
(Yes, they are taking a selfie while having a picnic on a fancy building gargoyle)
EDIT: Image Description
This is a digital fanart of batgirls Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain from DC Comics. They are shown without masks, sitting on top of a fancy stone building gargoyle with a picnic basket. They are taking a selfie. It is sunset and in the background is a city skyline. Cassandra’s head is leaning on Stephanie’s shoulder and Stephanie is taking the selfie. Cassandra’s arm is around Stephanie’s back and Stephanie’s hand is on Cassandra’s knee. The pairing is romantic. The drawing is in shades of purple, gold, and pink. End I.D.
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ch4tk4t · 6 months
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Comics Fangirl n°6 - Fangirl SMASH!
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Plot by Al Ewing
Art by Joe Bennett, Ruy Jose & Paul Mounts
This review is about Immortal Hulk issue 1/2018
Annnnd we're BACK! Who said "not again"?
Today, we talk about one of my favorite comics run EVER.
The Jade Giant was never a personal favorite. Contrary to Iron Man though (seriously, y'all really like this character that much???) I at least saw the appeal. I remember reading from the "Hulk encyclopedia" I had as a kid that Stan Lee based his interpretation of the character as a mix between Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Frankenstein's monster, two book I had already read and enjoyed by then (I was a even bigger nerd back then). I always had a pretty good idea of what kind of stories where possible with this character.
Immortal Hulk still hit me pretty hard once I finally started reading it.
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At this point in the Marvel universe, Bruce Banner was dead, killed by his friend Clint Barton, better known as (one of the) Hawkeye. I'd explain why, but, we'd still be there for about a month or two.
Aside from the fact that most Marvel heroes don't stay dead for long, this never stopped the Hulk before.
The comic starts at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. A girl enters the station to get something to drink. Inside, aside from the cashier, stands a man flipping through a magazine. His gaze follows her as she goes to get her drink. She notices and calls him a creep.
A third man enters the station, and the cashier doesn't even lift up his eyes from the magazine he's reading, asking the newcomer which pump he's here to pay for. Turns out it's a withdrawal, not a deposit that the masked man is looking for. He draws a gun on the cashier, and the little girl drops her drink out of surprise.
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The masked man panics and shoots the other two occupants, then runs away, passing by the girl's mother who was waiting outside...
A policewoman is on the case, sharing what she knows with a journalist. All the while, the body of the mysterious man, who flashed green for a second before getting shot in the face, starts moving in the morgue...
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The masked man is now in a gang hideout, explaining to the man he owes money to, what happened in the station. His creditor doesn't seem to be that torn up about his confession. He tells them he still owes him money, and sends him away, saying words that become instant ironic foreshadowing.
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Everybody in the room falls silent as the loud sound of something landing somewhere nearby shakes the room. The gang members rush outside to understand what happened to the lights, only to find their generator crumpled up, as if it was made of paper.
The gang tries to keep it together and defend themselves, but as the masked man from the station runs out, he can hear the cries of every gang member in a mix of fear, pain and surprise. He rushes to his car dropping his keys in his panicked state.
He realizes the sounds of struggle have stopped. The night is silent. He looks behind him and sees nothing.
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He turns back to his car...
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The Hulk isn't violent at first, preferring to only force the man to face the consequences of his actions by citing the girl from the station's name.
The masked man, after trying to shoot down the Hulk, grovels at his feet, begging for his life, saying he has a DAUGHTER.
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The comics ends with the policewoman on the case updating her journalist collaborator. The killer was hand delivered to them, not dead, albeit in a pitiful state. She makes it clear she as very little doubt about who the mysterious man who walked out of the morgue is.
Somewhere, Bruce Banner asks the same question the killer did when confronted with the Hulk
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So starts the "Immortal Hulk". It's a really strong start in my opinion. The tone is just perfect, and the fact this Hulk speaks distinctly and eloquently makes him even more terrifying. The run went on for a while, and I loved every page. If you liked this, you're going to love the rest, and I'm not saying that because there's a cool trans woman scientist later on in the story :3
I give this issue a RickJones/10
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Speak to you later, true believers!
Fangirl out.
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voiddaisy · 3 months
i am convinced that jason todd gets extra aggressive and mean when he is not in control of a situation. and that extends to any situation, no matter how mundane or domestic it is. his brother is sad and he doesn’t know why? he gets angry and snaps at the brother. because he can’t control the situation and that freaks him out, so he bites.
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boinday · 11 months
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Them 🥰
[Read their story here]
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luckyraeve · 2 years
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Several countries over and a few hours later...
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i really wanted to draw a missing scene set sometime before Steven becomes aware of Khonshu and Marc
* please reblog to show support. do not repost*
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roususu · 2 years
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“with everything we went through you were always there”
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shirai-ru · 11 months
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still thinking about the snowbaz designs in the fangirl manga
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