#Boston Salmon
conandaily2022 · 1 year
Professional Fighters League's 10 most handsome fighters in 2022
Professional Fighters League’s 10 most handsome fighters in 2022
The Professional Fighters League is the first major mixed martial arts organization in which individual athletes compete in a regular season, post-season and championship rather than on a year-round basis. Founded by Donn Davis in 201, the league was launched in 2018. Peter Murray is the chief executive officer of the PFL. Ray Sefo is the president of the league. Anthony Pettis (©Professional…
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shadelesssocket · 3 months
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Robert Salmon
Boston Harbor from Constitution Wharf, 1833
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salemandthefish · 1 month
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wip tuesday..wip of my version of rice…made her a little older like maybe early teens age. she would play some fornite…as a treat…
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vrupatel · 9 months
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navree · 9 months
absolutely desperate for some boquerones en vinagre to the point that i honestly might make a reservation solely for myself at the one place in seattle i know serves good ones
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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Pecan Day
These buttery, versatile gems can be sprinkled on salads, baked into pies or cakes, or simply enjoyed as a snack.
Whether eaten on their own or included as part of a myriad of creations in the kitchen, the pecan tree yields a versatile nut that is the only naturally occurring major nut tree in North America. While they began in the US, they have since been planted on every continent except for Antarctica. Even so, it is still estimated that 80% of the world’s supply of pecans comes from the United States.
Healthful and delicious, pecans are a treat that has an interesting history as well as a tasty future!
History of Pecan Day
Pecans have a documented history that dates back to the 16th century, although they were likely around long before that, growing in the wild. This tree grows well near water and the nuts are easy to get the meat from the shell. As the pecan is native to the southern parts of North America, it is sometimes called “America’s own nut.”
The first cultivated planting of a pecan tree in the United States is recorded to have taken place in 1772 in Long Island, New York. Not long afterwards, on March 25,1775, a pecan tree was planted by George Washington at his Mount Vernon estate. That particular tree’s famous roots grow even deeper as the sapling was gifted to him by Thomas Jefferson, who had planted a few pecan trees from the southern US at his own estate in Monticello, VA.
During this same period, settlers used community gardens to plant pecan trees along the Gulf Coast in the southern parts of the United States, eventually leading to the growth of this important industry. By 1919, Texas had honored the Pecan tree by making it into its state tree. While contested by some, Albany, Georgia, is considered by many to be the pecan capital of the United States, boasting over 600,000 pecan trees in the locale.
Pecan Day was established to celebrate this deciduous tree that was enjoyed by the founding fathers of the United States and continues to be shared with the world. First cultivated by Native Americans, it has been transplanted to other countries around the planet, but has failed to achieve as wide of use or popularity outside of the United States.
In any case, the pecan is a nut that is certainly worth celebrating anywhere in the world, and Pecan Day is the best day to do so!
How to Celebrate Pecan Day
Just a little bit of thought can encourage people to come up with all kinds of creative ways to show their love for pecans – like grabbing a handful to munch on, adding them to salads, making a delightful pecan pie, eating pecan crusted fish for dinner, or having pecan ice cream!
Take part in celebrating Pecan Day by using some of the following ideas, or come up with some creative ones of your own in honor of the day:
Throw a Pecan Day Party
Invite some friends and family over and share the joy by throwing a fun Pecan Day party! Pecans are a wonderful party snack that can be served in a variety of styles such as popular praline-flavoured pecans. Pecans are extremely versatile because they work with many different flavors, whether sweet or savory, spicy or mild.
Delectable items that could happily be served at a Pecan Day party include:
Pecan Pie (a pastry pie crust with corn syrup and pecan filling)
Pralines (nuts coated in sugar, corn syrup, milk and butter)
Pecan-crusted Fish (tilapia, salmon, trout, halibut, or others)
Pecan Turtles (candy treat with chocolate and caramel)
Pecan Shortbread Cookies
Chicken Salad Sandwiches (made with pecans, grapes and mayonnaise)
For more recipes, try the website for the American Pecan Council, offering not only recipe ideas but much more information about the entire pecan industry.
Grow a Pecan Tree
Plant a lovely and productive pecan tree to make it a memorable day to always come back to. If planting a sapling, it may take an average of 6-7 years to see a yield of nuts, so it’s a long-term investment to wait for the harvest. But certainly, it’s a worthwhile investment that is good for providing food as well as putting oxygen back into the air and doing something good for the earth.
Practice Pronouncing Pecan
North America is a large place with many different subcultures and local accents. The Pecan is just one of many words that is pronounced differently depending on the location. It’s a highly debated topic that has a lot to do with the divide between north and south in the United States.
One legitimate pronunciation of the word is: “puh-KAHN”. The accent is on the second syllable and it is pronounced with the jaw dropped.
But another, equally legitimate, way to pronounce the word is: “PEE-can”. Here, the accent is on the first syllable and the mouth makes a wide smile while saying it.
The first pronunciation is particularly northern and the second is southern but also could be related to whether people live in the city or in rural areas.
Considering that the trees first grew in the south, it’s possible that the second is the correct pronunciation. However, going further back, the nut was actually named from an Algonquin (Native American) word that described “nuts which required a stone to crack them”.
So, it’s likely that neither of the above pronunciations is exactly correct and an Algonquin Native American would need to be consulted to find out the true pronunciation!
Share the Health Benefits of Pecans
When making treats out of pecans and sharing them at a party, don’t forget to tell friends and family about the nutritional value that pecan nuts can bring. Check out these health benefits that pecans can provide, including:
Protein, Healthy Fats, and Fiber that help with energy
Important Vitamins and Minerals including Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Vitamin E, and Phosphorus
Ability to lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol levels in the blood
Contains Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium to help reduce blood pressure
Acts as a healthy snack to replace sugary snacks, which helps those with diabetes and heart health issues
A good sources of healthy, Omega 3 Fats that can help to reduce inflammation pain that leads to problems such as arthritis
Filled with antioxidants that can help to protect the cells from damage
Buy a Nutcracker
The pecans that are purchased in-store have been packaged and processed but, for people who are serious about pecans, it might be fun to buy the whole nuts and crack them at home.
Nutcrackers can come in all shapes and sizes, from the very functional to kitschy and decorative. Sometimes they come in a set, with different levers, tongs, and ratchets, that can be used in different capacities.
For purists and die-hard pecan lovers, it might be worthwhile to invest in an electric nutcracker. But those who prefer a more rudimentary method can use a hammer or mallet to crack open the outer shell. Pliers could also work as a way to crack the nutshell. Then, once it is open, use a fork or other sharp object to pick out the nutmeat. And enjoy!
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mariacallous · 6 months
Several years ago, I invited my new boyfriend to Yom Kippur at my aunt’s house. He didn’t need convincing – I think he adored my family early on – but to entice him further I made sure he knew what was on offer.
Bagels. Cream cheese. Lox.
Let’s just say he showed up on time. I knew my aunt would be thrilled when he devoured the pickled herring. (He earned similar accolades when he asked for seconds of gefilte fish at Passover.)
Jewish food, he says, is just a hop, skip and a jump from the Scandinavian food he grew up with. “It’s like the foods of my people. Foods of your people, foods of our people.”
Apart from being poetic, it was a very Jewish thing for him to say.
Now my husband, Brad is definitively non-Jewish by all religious standards. His father was raised in a big Irish Catholic family and his mother, raised in the Midwest, is of Scandinavian descent. He was the first non-Jewish person I’d met with his own proclivity for pickled fish and smoked salmon.
Among the items he always kept in his pantry — before he met me and still today — are tinned fish and Triscuits, often eaten as a meal. He and I have been on a year-long journey of finding the best “real rye bread” within driving distance in the greater Metrowest area of Boston. (Haven’t found it yet.)
To say that he embraces all things Jewish is obvious. That he loves me is only part of the reason; another is the food. 
My grandmother always had enough food to feed an army, no matter whether it was Shabbat, Passover or Tuesday. I watched as Brad became accustomed to the foods we loved and the leftovers we take pride in sharing: the containers left on the table after Yom Kippur for extra brisket, the paper bags for challah and rugelach.
But he’s taught us about food, too. Our family text chain is called “Smashburgers Unite” because of my family’s newfound favorite meal, brought to us by my husband. A better cook than I (a generous understatement), he loves cooking projects. 
At that point, my biggest cooking project I’d taken on was making latkes for Hanukkah.
It had been my job for years. I’d shove the potatoes in the Cuisinart, wring them out as best I could, and do my best guesswork with how much egg, matzah meal, onion and salt should go in. Then I’d stand at the stove and fry them, the kitchen filling with that wonderful greasy-spoon smell, as the rest of my family arrived. I laid them out as they were done, always in an inadvertent ombre from light to dark as the oil, and my patience, decreased. 
So for Brad’s first Hanukkah with us, I told him — who once made a BBQ for 40 people with no help from anyone — that I (and, by proxy, he) was in charge of latkes.
“Cool,” he said. His indifference both alarmed and relieved me. 
“It’s more work than you think,” I said.
I should have known he’d have better tricks  for peeling massive amounts of Russet potatoes and draining their water (cheesecloth! The man I’m dating owns cheesecloth?!), adding cornstarch to help the eggs adhere better to the mix, and adding enough salt so they actually tasted good. He added seasonings like zaatar, onion powder and garlic powder. He showed me how to wait until all the oil – way more than I was used to adding for frying – was shimmering, and to be patient while each side cooked.
I think he wanted to add a shallot.
“It’s not traditional,” I said.
“So?” he said.
He had a point.
The latkes that year were a hit. My family made sure he knew that it was now his task for life. They were joking, but they were also serious.
I knew he was about to take this latke-making to the next level. On the way home, he thought up different flavor combinations, like adding dill and black pepper, and what if we fried them in schmaltz – we’d have to roast a chicken first; store-bought schmaltz wouldn’t cut it – and what if we added cayenne, and what if we used different root vegetables, like turnips and rutabagas, and what if made a sweet potato version?
I was exhausted just thinking about it. The latkes take a great deal of effort, and I don’t have the same love of cooking that Brad does. Where he sees opportunity, I see how long it will take to clean up. 
Maybe we buy shredded potatoes, to make it easier? I suggested. 
But no: Everything from scratch, no shortcuts. Our first year in our new home together, we made them in our kitchen. He shredded the potatoes, I wrung them out. He set up three bowls with different seasonings and spices. I spooned them into balls, and we’d take turns at the stove, frying, flipping, frying again. We ate several between us right away – impossible not to. Yes, it was an hours-long process. But the pride I felt at bringing them home, measured by the silence while people ate and ate, was unmatched.  
I learned that the effort, the planning, the execution: it’s  a way of showing love. The energy we put into the latkes as a team made me feel closer, somehow, to the holiday and to my Jewish roots.
That first meal of jointly-made latkes also included my mom’s brisket. Over dinner, the conversation turned to other traditional Jewish foods like corned beef and pastrami. Brad pointed out that they were both brisket, just made different – something we hadn’t really ever thought about. 
He mentioned he could make a pastrami. 
Our eyes widened. 
“It’s just a matter of brining it…then smoking it…” 
So we’re in charge of both now: latkes and pastrami. 
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By Simmone Shah
29 February 2024
While Catherine Middleton has been absent from royal duties for two months due to a “planned abdominal surgery,” the British public has been full of speculation about what's going on with their future Queen Consort.
But the royal family has always held a fine line between balancing private health matters with disclosure to the public they serve.
“You could argue that details about a head of state are in the public interest,” says Richard Fitzwilliams, an expert on the royal family.
“But on the other hand, to what extent does a public figure have a right to privacy?”
Catherine's absence fits into a long and evolving history of how royals have chosen to handle health issues.
Past generations often shrouded them in secrecy. Perhaps most famously, in the 1950s, the British public was not told when King George VI had lung cancer.
In 1951, he had his left lung removed because of what was vaguely described as “structural abnormalities," and cancer was not mentioned in his death announcement.
Occasionally, past generations would be more open about less significant problems.
Once in 1982, when Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, had to visit the hospital after nearly choking to death on a fishbone, she issued a statement to the press, joking, “It was only the salmon getting its own back."
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“The fishbone is quite revealing because they tended to be more open about minor instances,” says Gareth Russell, a historian and author who focuses on the British royal family.
“Britain was a much more reserved society in the 20th century, and in families across the land and across the social spectrum, cancer or fatal illnesses often weren't discussed.”
Catherine and William’s approach has proved to be starkly different, as they’ve addressed private matters with far more candor.
“Catherine and William are members of a different generation, so they feel no shame in being open about challenges,” says Clare McHugh, a royal historian and author.
Neither Catherine or William have shied away in the past from speaking out about health matters.
Prince William has spoken extensively about the importance of mental health, and Catherine spoke about the difficult morning sickness she faced during her pregnancies.
She also revealed her postpartum baby bump in photos hours after giving birth to her son, Prince George.
In part, it’s a necessary tactic for the internet age in which secrets are much harder to keep.
“I think they do recognize that in order to survive and flourish in a modern era they need to be honest about what is going on with them,” says McHugh.
“It’s better for them to be candid up front rather than let internet rumors fly.”
That they have previously been somewhat transparent only makes their current silence stand out, experts say.
“That’s why William and Catherine’s reticence about what's going on with them is odd,” says McHugh.
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As Kathryn Lamontagne, a lecturer in Social Science at Boston University says, sometimes saying nothing causes more of a stir than addressing the problem head on, a lesson the Royal Family learned when Queen Elizabeth II missed parts of a major event in the months before her death.
“For Royal followers, her absence from the Platinum Jubilee celebrations in 2022 was a glaring sign of how unwell she was and a clear indicator of a serious issue on the horizon,” Lamontagne said in an email.
Still, despite her candor in the past, in many ways the Duchess of Cambridge’s silence is simply following tradition.
“This dance between private and public information nudges the line of medical privacy and a public clamoring for details, but it still follows the pattern of giving very few medical details of a certain kind to the public,” says Lamontagne.
“‘Never complain, never explain,’ in the words of the late Queen.”
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tyin-cherry-knots · 3 months
@moonywithstars ty for the tag!! this is super late lol
♡girlblogger questions ♡
favorite song at the moment? vampire empire, big thief
favorite obsessions of your life? måneskin, the sex pistols, the royal tenenbaums,
celebrity crush? clea duvall (specifically in but im a cheerleader <3)
favorite food and drink? smoked salmon, earl grey tea
what place would you like to live in? new york or boston
style? somewhere between outlaw cowboy and girl kicked out of catholic school
favorite hobby? journaling and making playlists
♡ tagging: @homers-circe @n3wy0rkd011 @drinkin-cherryschnapps @yuriiofthevalley @the-bad-historian @the-bad-theologian @cursemyexistences @julia-bonkers @f3mcelbambi @lolitanymphea @donutzero @iamalreadycoolest♡
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Robert Salmon (1775-1848)
A Fire in Boston by Moonlight
oil on panel
12½ x 10 in.
Painted circa 1830-35.
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magadauthan · 2 months
Ep 9: Murder Machine
Aaaaand now for the @trigun98watchparty, we get into what makes Trigun, Trigun. Come for the dumbassery, stay for the trauma.
Cue the entrance of Nicholas D. Wolfwood, wandering priest, and his gloriously bare chest.
--Vash can dish out the whining, but he can't sure take it. Milly is the champion, as the baby of the family. "Pay for our bus fare or I'll hate you! and btw can I have ice cream?"
--oh my lord, Meryl, you are so mean to that poor man. Punch count: 3; insult count: 2 - and then you and Milly steal his water.
--WW's Kansai accent is usually coded in English as Southern. It's probably a good thing the dub didn't tackle that, because it would have been distracting, but wouldn't WW with a Boston or a Chicago accent have been amazing? Come on, the Blues Brothers are right there! (hmmmm... there are an awful lot of similarities between Elwood and Wolfwood...)
--Ah, the portable confessional. Add another notch to the "items seen once and never again" tally.
--Boob shot!
--WW's cold read regarding Vash's empty eyes and hurting on the inside is less impressive when you consider that he has more information than he lets on.
--look at his stupid dress shoes, Tristamp nailed that shit, didn't they lol
--"Why doesn't anything nice ever follow you?" F*ck around and find out, Meryl
--"Did we just become best friends?" "Yep!"
--even the kid thinks you two are a couple of dipshits, seriously
--All of this worthlessness is what Tristamp was missing. Vash and WW have to have adventures where they shoot things, get into trouble, and insult one another. This is what's called "male bonding."
--This is one of the clearer looks we get at how the Plants do their Plant Thing. Push the button and a spider robot comes out. Um, okay. Guess that one was less useful than the Tuna Fish Plant or the Canned Salmon Plant.
--Why was it left behind again? Aren't Plants irreplaceable?
--Vash has a pretty good idea that WW's full of shit and takes a risk on him anyway. He knows how to force a hand.
--they're so cute as a team, aren't they lol
--And there's the second gun. don't ask about Knives' third gun lmao
--Milly gets to be best girl again. WW does take a shine to her right away, doesn't he. That, and he probably thinks it's amusing to make Vash and Meryl sit together. It's so third grade. (it's okay, Meryl, you can admit you don't mind that much)
In light of later events, it's interesting to note what parts of WW's cover story are true and which are fabricated. WW has been handed his orders from Chapel, so his encounter with Vash was no coincidence; WW has to case the joint before making a move. The girls helpfully confirm that WW has made contact, and he has to get Vash to trust him. Not too hard, though Vash isn't quite as naive about WW as he puts on. Everyone's got their act.
WW figures out quickly that Vash is a big softy, or maybe he has info; nevertheless, his generosity towards children (which Vash shares) isn't false. The part about the orphanage and protecting the kids is true, though the circumstances of WW's departure have nothing to do with money and everything to do with a hostage situation. WW's amazement at who he's going to be dealing with is also genuine; he knows Vash is legendary, but seeing Vash wipe out all the mechanical mooks while injured is next-level.
And, at the end of it all...
WW certainly didn't expect to like Vash as much as he ends up doing. (cue the conflict, and a zillion angsty fanfics.) That's going to make everything a lot more complicated.
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Introject flag (with and without symbol)
Introjects are alters that are based directly off of outside people, figures, things, or concepts.
bright red - Source. What makes alters introjects, introjects' relationship to their source(s) can be very personal.
Tangerine pink - Memories. Many introjects have memories related to their source(s).
Carnation pink - Emotion. Introjects often have unique emotional experiences related to being introjects and their source(s).
Sundown pink - Identity. Introjects oftentimes identify with aspects of themselves from their source(s). This can be very minimally, completely, or any where in between.
Lilac - Formation and Acceptance. When an introject forms in a system there is often assumptions made about what they be like based off of their source(s). This color represents the importance of not preemptively acting on those assumptions.
Mint Green - The System. New alters may have a difficult time finding a place within the system.
Ocean Green - Growth. Like most alters, many introjects change as they have more experiences.
Shamrock - Life. Introjects are just as capable of living fulfilling live as any other alter.
Blue Charcoal - Self. Introjects' sense of self is as real and important as any other alter's.
Boston Blue - Source Separation. Some introject may feel the need or want to separate themselves from their source(s). This is a very personal choice and process.
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Factional Introject/Factive/Factroject flag (with and without symbol)
colors are modified from this flag
Jade - Source. What makes alters introjects, introjects' relationship to their source(s) can be very personal. Factional introjects are alters that are based directly off of outside people, figures, things, or concepts that exist in the outerworld.
yellow green - Memories. Many introjects have memories related to their source(s).
white - Emotion. Introjects often have unique emotional experiences related to being introjects and their source(s).
sand yellow - Identity. Introjects oftentimes identify with aspects of themselves from their source(s). This can be very minimally, completely, or any where in between.
light yellow - Formation and Acceptance. When an introject forms in a system there is often assumptions made about what they be like based off of their source(s). Particularly if the alter is an introject of someone who hurt the system. This color represents the importance of not preemptively acting on those assumptions.
light green - The System. New alters may have a difficult time finding a place within the system.
pink - Growth. Like most alters, many introjects change as they have more experiences.
salmon - Life. Introjects are just as capable of living fulfilling live as any other alter.
red - Self. Introjects' sense of self is as real and important as any other alter's.
watermelon - Source Separation. Some introject may feel the need or want to separate themselves from their source(s). This is a very personal choice and process.
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Fictional Introject/Fictive/Fictroject flag (with and without symbol)
colors are modified from this flag
Dark blue - Source. What makes alters introjects, introjects' relationship to their source(s) can be very personal. Fictional introjects are alters that are based directly off of outside people, figures, things, or concepts from fictional works.
Indigo - Memories. Many introjects have memories related to their source(s). Fictional introjects' memories are not always canon compliant.
purple - Emotion. Introjects often have unique emotional experiences related to being introjects and their source(s).
magenta - Identity. Introjects oftentimes identify with aspects of themselves from their source(s). This can be very minimally, completely, or any where in between.
Red - Formation and Acceptance. When an introject forms in a system there is often assumptions made about what they be like based off of their source(s). Particularly if the system has negative associations with the introject's source(s). This color represents the importance of not preemptively acting on those assumptions.
off white - The System. New alters may have a difficult time finding a place within the system. This can be particularly hard for introject who remember being from worlds with different rules.
orange - Growth. Like most alters, many introjects change as they have more experiences.
Yellow Orange - Life. Introjects are just as capable of living fulfilling live as any other alter.
gold - Self. Introjects' sense of self is as real and important as any other alter's.
light yellow - Source Separation. Some introject may feel the need or want to separate themselves from their source(s). This is a very personal choice and process.
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blueangeldreamland · 7 months
upcoming protests: free Palestine
update oct. 27, 2023
-i found information from online (websites listed) pls make sure to double check a protest is available!! as I don’t follow specific accounts that post protests. * feel free to correct me on info *
-take note of days you are available to go and protests near you
-bookmark pages if you want more reliable updates and info
via answercoalition.org posted oct. 7, 2023
Saturday, October 28
Brainerd, MN
1:00 p.m.
Intersection of Sixth and Washington Streets (Across from the Historic Brainerd Water Tower)
Sponsored by: Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP), Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BLUE), and Brainerd Lakes Area Democratic Socialists of America (BLA DSA)
Portland, OR
2:00 p.m.
Lownsdale Square
Sponsored by: AntiwarMN, SJP, AMP
Sunday, October 29
Worcester, MA
3:30 p.m.
Worcester City Hall (455 Main St.)
Sponsored by: JVP Western Mass, Palestinian Youth Movement
via uscpr.org unsure date updated
Friday, October 27
HOUSTON, TX | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at John P McGovern Commons 6550 Bertner Ave
OMAHA, NE | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at 72nd & Dodge
PHOENIX, AZ | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at State Capitol Building 1700 W Washington St.
BOSTON, MA | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at Brewer Fountain, Boston Commons
ALBANY, NY | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at West Capital Park
NEW YORK, NY | Friday, October 27th at 6PM at Midtown Manhattan (register for exact location)
DENTON, TX | Friday, October 27th at 7PM at Denton Courthouse-on-the-Square
Saturday, October 28
HARTFORD, CT | Saturday, October 28th at 12PM at 800 Main St.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA | Saturday, October 28th at 1PM at Harry Bridges Plaza (Embarcadero)
DALLAS, TX | Saturday, October 28th at 1:30PM at Civic Garden 1014 Main St.
ROSEBURG, OR | Saturday, October 28th at 2PM at Fred Meyers on Harvard
MILWAUKEE, WI | Saturday, October 28th at 2:30PM at 920 North Water St.
NEW YORK, NY | Saturday, October 28th at 3PM at Brooklyn Museum, 200 Eastern Pkwy
PORTLAND, OR | Saturday, October 28th at 3PM at 121 SW Salmon St.
ATLANTA, GA | Saturday, October 28th at 3PM at Georgia State Capitol (East Steps)
Sunday, October 29
NEWARK, NJ | Sunday, October 29th at 1:30PM at Newark City Hall 920 Broad St.
DENVER, CO | Sunday, October 29th at 2PM State Capitol West Steps 200 E Colfax Ave
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO | Sunday, October 29th at 2PM at CO Springs City Hall, 107 N Nevada Ave
AUSTIN, TX | Sunday, October 29th at 3PM at Texas Capitol
WATERBURY, CT | Sunday, October 29th at 3PM at City Hall 235 Grand St.
Saturday, November 4
NATIONAL MARCH ON WASHINGTON | Washington DC, November 4th, 2 PM. Freedom Plaza. Cosponsored by USCPR and other organizations.
cont. (The file is too big to show as a list)
dates protests for 10/28, 10/29, 10/30, 11/4 (my list updated to ones that are now available)
MAKE SURE TO DOUBLE CHECK ON WEBSITE FOR CORRECT DATES, TIMES, AND CITIES + LINKS (underlined cities have links to their info!!!!)
separated by major city and then date (some differences)
by major city
Washington, D.C. MARCH ON WASHINGTON 11/4 -- London, UK 10/28 -- Toronto, ON -- NEW YORK CITY 10/28 -- Austin, TX 10/29 -- San Francisco, CA 10/28 -- Portland, OR 10/28
by date
Atlanta, GA -- Dallas, TX -- Champaign, IL -- Roseburg, OR -- London, UK -- NEW YORK CITY -- Orono, ME -- Portland, OR -- San Francisco, CA -- Vancouver, BC -- Roseburg, OR
10/29 SUNDAY
Newark, NJ -- Austin, TX 10/29 TEXAS CAPITOL -- Colorado Springs, CO -- Denver, CO -- Irvine, CA -- London, UK -- McAllen, TX -- Orlando, FL -- Ottawa, ON -- Salinas, CA -- San Antonio, TX --Scranton, PA -- Toronto, ON -- Worcester, MA
10/30 MONDAY
Baltimore, MD --Manhattan, KS -- Albany, NY
boycott starbucks, mcdonald's, disney+ to support palestine
no buying day (economy free) nov. 18th worldwide boycott to free palestine
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camiefromstatefarm · 1 year
The 'Boku No Hero Academia' Characters as Sushi Rolls 'cause I'm craving sushi at the moment
Katsuki Bakugou: Dynamite Roll
Hanta Sero: Spider Roll
Shoto Todoroki: Boston Roll
Camie Utsushimi: OMG Roll
Tsuyu Asui: Tsunami Roll
Izuku Midoriya: California Roll
Momo Yaoyorozu: Magical Roll
Eijirou Kirishima: Spicy Crunchy Salmon Roll
Mashirao Ojiro: Shrimp Tempera Roll
All Might: Sake Roll
Tenya Iida: 911 Roll
Himiko Toga: Crazy Girl Roll
Endeavor: Volcano Roll
Denki Kaminari: Golden Dragon Roll
Fumikage Tokoyami: Black Dragon Roll
Mezo Shouji: Spicy Beach Maki Roll
Itsuka Kendo: Salmon&Avacado Roll
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu: Deep Fried Dynamite Tempera Roll
Yuga Aoyama: Christmas Roll
Neito Monoma: Alaska Roll
Yui Kodai: Spider Hand Roll
Shota Aizawa: Philadelphia Roll
Ryukyu: Phoenix Roll
Present Mic: Rainbow Tobiko Roll
Nana Shimura: Dynasty Roll
Mina Ashido: Fruits Roll
Ochaco Uraraka: Sweet Potato Tempera Roll
Mei Hatsume: Crazy Tuna Roll
Miruko: Full Moon Roll
Hiryu Rin: Green Dragon Roll
Koji Koda: Vegetable Roll
Kyoka Jiro: Rock 'n Roll
Rikido Sato: Deluxe Rainbow Roll
Hitoshi Shinso: Eel Cucumber Roll
Nejire Hado: Spiral Roll
Tamaki Amajiki: Rising Sun Roll
Mirio Togata: Golden Snapper Roll
Tomura Shigaraki: Spicy California Hand Roll
Twice: Ex-boyfriend Roll
Dabi: Smoked Salmon Roll
Eri: White Tuna Roll
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takitafulily · 1 year
Welcome! Here's the Twisted Wonderland Menu!
Please place your order once you've decided!
Add Ons and Specifics:
Cream - Fluff Cinnamon - Angst Lemon Juice - Smut Pineapple - Crack Wrapped in Rice Paper - Bulleted list On a Silver Plate - Oneshot Please tell the chef that... - Prompts and/or Other Notes
Pick one (comes with every meal): Picnic Sandwiches - Yuu Crackers - Reader (please specify role) Premium Canned Tuna - Grim
Caramelised Strawberry Tart - Riddle Rosehearts Sugar Preserved Violets Sponge Teacake - Trey Clover Sriracha Spicy Chicken Noodles - Cater Diamond Caramel Apple Cherry Pie - Ace Trapola Tornado Omurice - Deuce Spade
Grilled Marinated Sliced Beef Brisket - Leona Kingscholar Boston Cream Doughnut - Ruggie Buchi Spiced Caramelised Pear Compote - Jack Howl
Deep Fried Seafood Platter - Azul Ashengrotto Octopus Carpaccio - Jade Leech Anori Takoyaki - Floyd Leech
Lemon and Mint Coconut Water - Kalim Al Asim Katsu Chicken Curry - Jamil Viper
Organic Taro and Pear Smoothie - Vil Schoenheit French Pork Liver Pâté - Rook Hunt Yakiniku Platter - Epel Felmier
Handcraft Hard Candy Assortment Pack - Idia Shroud Binary Code Crunch - Ortho Shroud
Green Apple Dark Forest Sundae - Malleus Draconia Spicy Tomato Juice - Lilia Vanrouge Miso Salmon Capaccio - Sebek Zigvolt Creamy Mushroom Risotto - Silver Vanrouge
Wild Game Casserole - Dire Crowley Raisin Butter Tart Squares - Divus Crewel Vichyssoise - Mozus Trein Raw Egg Protein Smoothie - Ashton Vargas Cajun Chicken Gumbo - Sam
Can I have a Handcraft Hard Candy Assortment Pack and Picnic Sandwiches with extra Cream and Wrapped in Rice Paper please? Please tell the chef that it's valentine's day! Thank you!
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lucy-268 · 1 year
Not the Right Person
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Series/Pairing/Characters: Open Heart - Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Charley Valentine); Sienna Trinh; Aurora Emery
Rating / Warnings: General
Summary: Various “Celebrations” for Valentine’s Day when you aren’t celebrating with the right person.
Comments/Notes: Written for CFWC Valentine’s Day event @choicesficwriterscreations, and Galentine’s Day, February 13, @choices-february2023.
Disclaimer: Most characters belong to PB, Charley is sort of mine
Word count: 737
Residency, Year Two:
Charley was logged onto the computer at the nurses’ station nearest the diagnostics office. She was entering notes for her cases, while alternately looking down the hall. She was surprised when the lights were turned off and Ethan stepped out into the hall, pulling the door shut behind him. He had his briefcase in one hand, and was holding his phone to his ear with the other.
As he got closer, she overheard the very end of his conversation right before he hung up. “I know I said I’d go, but I didn’t realize it was Valentine’s day when I agreed to go out with her!” He dropped his phone in his pocket and froze as he saw Charley. She quickly averted her eyes from him and back to the computer.
“Dr. Valentine, did you get the test results back on Mr. Barnett?”
She nodded. “I took care of it. Baz was right, so he’s taking care of him right now.”
Ethan nodded, and shoved his hand through his hair. “So I don’t need to stay? I’m happy to cancel my plans.”
Charley shook her head. “Baz and June have it under control. I’ll be leaving myself soon.”
“Do you have plans?” Ethan asked, not sure whether he was hoping she would or wouldn’t. He knew wanting her to not have plans was unfair as he insisted on a reset.
“Yes, I do.” She logged off the computer and gave him a tight smile. “I need to run. See you tomorrow, Dr. Ramsey.”
After turning away from Ethan, Charley hurried to the stairs, bypassing the elevator. She hurried down to the staff locker room to shower and change. Soon she met Aurora and Sienna in the atrium. Jackie was notably missing. “I hope I’m not too late.”
Aurora smiled and shook her head. “Right on time. We have plenty of time for our reservations.” She held up her car keys. “Let’s go!”
The host greeted them when they arrived and soon they were seated near the terrace. Sienna laughed. “I figured since we were a group of three on Valentine’s day, we’d be shoved into a corner!”
Aurora grinned. “It helps since I’ve known the owner and chef since first grade.”
A smiling waiter appeared, with three glasses of water. “Good evening, ladies. Do you have any questions about the menu?”
Aurora shook her head. “I think we’re ready for the started. Madeline recommended a seafood tower and sauvignon blanc to start. Is that okay?”
Charley and Sienna looked at each other and nodded. “If the chef is recommending it, I’ll try it.”
The ladies had finished their starter and ordered their main courses, salmon for Charley, Chilean sea bass for Aurora, and roasted lamb for Sienna. They had laughed, reminiscing about prior Valentine’s days. Aurora took a sip of her wine. “Oh, I don’t think someone is having a good date tonight.” She gestured toward a table by the fireplace. “I think that’s a friend of Aunt Harper’s. Tina something? Tina Richards.”
Sienna and Charley looked over. Tina was frowning at her date. Sienna agreed. “She doesn’t look happy.”
Aurora frowned, trying to remember. “Harper said she just moved to Boston. She’s looking for a fresh start after a divorce. Harper has been setting her up on blind dates.”
Charley gave a cursory glance at the table and then focused on the man. She would recognize the jaw anywhere. “Ethan.” She didn’t even realize she’d spoken aloud.
“It is!” Aurora said.
Sienna looked at Charley. “Are you okay?” she mouthed to Charley, who nodded.
This next morning Ethan was surprised when he got to the diagnostic office. Charley was already there with a cup of coffee form Derry’s. “Good morning, Dr. Valentine.”
She looked up from the latest issue of the NEMJ. “Hello, Ethan.” She nodded to a second Derry cup on his desk. “I brought you coffee.”
He picked up the cup and took a drink. “How was your… how was your… evening last night?”
Charley stared at the words in the magazine. “It was a lot of fun.” She turned to look at him. “How about you?”
Ethan opened his laptop and turned to face it. “Mine was not what I was expecting.”
Charley turned back to her magazine and Ethan pulled up a file on his computer, both thinking about how their evening could have gone better if they were with different people.
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