modify-and-sever · 3 months
if gender is what's in my pants then my gender is YOUR MOM lol anyway yeah I heard you're nonbinary do you have a penis. are you girl agender or boy agender. are you girl nonbinary or boy nonbinary. you have multiple genders but like are you more girl or boy. ok you're neither but are you more boy or girl. no haha I get it like no gender lol but seriously do you have a penis. is it a boy penis or a girl penis. it's honestly really weird that you don't want to answer this question honestly I'm just going to assume you have a dangerous male penis and tell all my friends that you're a bad person
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ablueberryblogs · 7 months
I don't know what trans man need to hear this but you're allowed to be angry. It doesn't make you evil. You are allowed to experience all possible emotions without apology and still be a good man.
*this is about trans men specifically, do not derail. You are free to make your own post*
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fixing-bad-posts · 3 months
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It's super sexist to define "women" by having a vagina
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I don't care if somebody was "born a man" or "born a woman"
We were fucking born as babies, I frankly don't care what you were "born to be," so long as you are happy in the here and now. That's what matters more, not this bioessentialist "you're born this way, and nothing you do or say matters more than how you were born"
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katrafiy · 1 year
Hiya tumblr! Let's have a talk about bioessentialist enbyphobia, transmisogyny, and how to make sure transfeminine people, enby or not, feel completely unsafe and unwelcome at your events. First take a look at this group description, and then lets get into it.
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First some context. Those of you who know me know about the kinds of clubs I go to. This screenshot was taken from a local event page, and I've blocked out their name because in the months since this event was hosted the group has updated their description to be more inclusive.
Seeing that description, I avoided going to events hosted by that group.
"But Kat, why? You're a woman and it says women are allowed!"
It also implicitly lumps all nonbinary people who were assigned male at birth with men and calls them males.
So why is this a problem for me? Well, if this group sees all AMAB nonbinary people as "male" then it says a lot of things about the ways the see trans women.
Many, and I would venture to assume most, trans women know well the feeling of our womanhood treated as conditional, subject to immediate revocation without warning.
Spaces that are "Women and AFAB exclusive" are often rife with this, and often lead to a lot of really gross and abusive power dynamics where transfems get treated as second class to anyone who was assigned female at birth.
(Side note: Gretchen Felker-Martin did, I believe, a masterful job of portraying this sort of dynamic in her book Manhunt)
If you are a trans woman in one of these spaces, you quickly learn that you are on the thinnest of ice.
Laugh a little too loud? You're male.
Sit or stand a little too close? You're threatening.
Smile at the wrong person? You're making other people uncomfortable.
Transfems, in these spaces, quickly learn that standing up for ourselves in the face of flagrant abuse is verboten, and will be met with swift and decisive punishment and exile.
I personally don't like the word "theyfab" and don't use it. I'm writing this thread to hopefully help people better understand the social dynamics that were being addressed when that term was coined.
It was coined because transfems are forced to navigate a community of things like "afab only" apartment rentals.
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It was coined because transfems constantly have to listen to other trans people implicitly describe us as disgusting, hideous freaks.
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In short and in closing: consider that the reason why the term "theyfab" exists and "theymab" really doesn't probably lies somewhere in the fact that the sort of person who would call someone a "theymab" doesn't need to, because they *already* just call AMAB trans people "male".
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genderqueerdykes · 3 months
the way we police bodies in our modern era is just insane to me. like for example i'm thinking about muscles. literally everyone has them. why are muscular bodies "masculine"? every single person on this earth has muscles and can have them be in any size and tone. like, have you ever met or seen a woman who's a carpenter? a construction worker? a farmer? a warehouse or factory worker? an athlete? a firefighter? an emt? a powerlifter? a body builder?
women can be absolutely stacked. women can be fucking ripped. some women are born with absolutely jacked muscle structure without any working out involved. women get muscular and people act like every single woman is some waifish leaf blowing in the wind- wake up, open your eyes, what are you even saying? look at the world around you, where are you living?
i feel insane living in a world where we either think women don't have muscles at all, or they have muscles but they can't ever get big and are inherently pathetically weak. we have modern science and photographs and videos at our fingertips and yet here we are really out here still believing that men strong women weak. it hurts my brain.
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butch-reidentified · 4 months
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as you can see, reblogs and replies are now turned off for this mind-numbingly braindead post, but I couldn't resist sharing some of the batshit content in the notes.
typing in color so it's easier to tell my commentary apart from the screenshots
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radfems are insane because... we think "all women matter" doesn't include males. incredible insight. I also love "leave my sisters alone. and leave me and my brothers alone, fuckers," as if that's the direction the harassment is typically occuring in. as if radfems are hunting trans people for sport simply by not believing in or supporting the gender construct. yes. we are clearly the insane party here.
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more evidence we're the insane ones, as this person claims men aren't an oppressor class and that somehow believing that they are will lead to... believing butch lesbians are an oppressor 💀 this is your brain on gender - completely unable to even consider sex, only "masc presentation," which is how they come to the batshit conclusion that acknowledging men are an oppressor class will ultimately come to include butch lesbians.
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... girl. what.
however........ there's one reblog that really stands above all others. It is so long and so unhinged that it surpasses tumblr's image cap, so I'm going to have to do a part 2 of this post. but here's a sneak peek:
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Gender worshippers learn what gender essentialism & bioessentialism actually mean challenge: impossible
Seriously. Y'all loooove redefining shit so much, but these terms were created for specific reasons and you can't just rewrite any word or term you want to suit your beliefs. Gender essentialism refers to the commonly held belief that gendered traits are biologically determined by sex rather than learned. The idea that women are "naturally" or "biologically" homemakers, more nurturing, less confrontational, and more emotional, that little girls "naturally" or "biologically" prefer dolls over toy trucks, that women "naturally" or "biologically" feel driven to have babies and there's no such thing as a happy childfree woman, that sex is inherently more emotional and meaningful for women, that men are more logical, better at STEM subjects, better drivers, that it's "natural" for men to cheat but not for women to, that men are "naturally" or "biologically" more aggressive, that paintball and Call of Duty are naturally "for boys," and a thousand other ridiculous things way too many people believe.
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But oh shit, what's that? The people who really started fighting back against gender essentialism and arguing that gender is a social construct were... second wave feminists???!!! the very movement radical feminism is born from and shares most of its tenets with???!!! it's... it's almost like... radfems are the literal opposite of essentialists 😱
Meanwhile, today's trans community will tell gender-nonconforming people they're "eggs" and "totally going to come out as trans any day now" while simultaneously claiming not to define gender by stereotypes 🤡 like, OK...
check notes for Part 2!
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bloompawz · 10 days
Tumblr is still actively endorsing transphobia on this website. Reblog the fuck out of this.
Tumblr got back to me about a report for once... Just to tell me that the blatant transphobia I reported "does not violate community guidelines."
These are the posts which Tumblr staff decided should be kept on the platform, with screenshots.
Also, I apologize in advance for censoring the usernames of the transphobes in the screenshots. Tumblr does absolutely nothing to protect its trans users, so I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up getting in trouble instead, just for including their usernames. I will mention, however, that every transphobe had transphobic dogwhistles in their usernames and/or bio. Transphobes are not difficult to spot. Staff are just apathetic at best, and actively transphobic at worst.
Exhibit A: A post in which someone repeatedly and explicitly misgenders trans women, fearmongers about "trans ideology," uses transphobic dogwhistles, and denies the existence of transmisogyny. This isn't even the full post; it was an incredibly long transphobic tangent. The comments were full of transphobes as well. None of them were banned. Tumblr staff think this is okay.
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Exhibit B: A post in which someone delights in the idea of a trans person hurting themselves by "ripping at their surgery scars," with additional ableist undertones. Not a hypothetical trans person either; a real individual trans person. She was not banned.
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Exhibit C: A post in which a self-proclaimed TERF refers to consensual gender affirming surgeries as "forced surgeries" and frames trans people as "Nazis and fascists" just for trying to become comfortable in our own bodies. She did this in direct response to trans people celebrating their own surgeries. She was not banned.
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Exhibit D: A post in which someone says "transgenderism is erasing women" and blames the existence of misgendering and degendering on trans people, as if we aren't also hurt by those things frequently. She also said that trans women are "not women" in comments on her own post. She was not banned.
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Exhibit E: A post in which someone engages in a blatant form of Holocaust denial, by saying trans transgender and queer people "were not targeted" (while simultaneously casting doubt on the validity of those identities themselves by putting them in scare quotes). Trans persecution and book burnings are a well documented aspect of the Holocaust. This post was also reblogged by other transphobes. None of them were banned.
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@staff care to explain why you think these posts are okay? Would you like to tell us how and why these "don't violate community guidelines"? Did you learn nothing from the lawsuit that happened because of transphobia among staff? After everything that has happened, why is there still nothing being done about the rampant transphobia on this website?
Just curious.
Also, in case I get banned or this post gets deleted, here's an archived version of my post. Keep it tucked away somewhere.
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Until all the radfem ideology and gender essentialism is gone, I will forever feel unsafe in the trans community as a trans man.
To any trans men who also feel unsafe: I love you. It will get better. People who bully trans men will one day be shunned, trust me. Keep going. You are amazing and wonderful. For every trans person that bullies and harasses transmascs, there are 10 more that love and support us.
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tenaciousgay · 10 months
“i don’t like sports does that mean i’m not a man” no gender critical person thinks that, in fact we believe the exact opposite.
the only thing that makes someone a man or a woman is their biological sex, regardless of how they dress, what their interests are, etc. femininity and masculinity are oppressive constructs, they don’t mean anything about us as people. gender is not real, but sex is.
so if you are an adult human male, you are a man regardless of whether you like sports or not.
Bioessentialist argument, therefore a terf.
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melvin-dukowski · 23 days
People who assume all butch or gnc women are lesbians should be sent to the ice room
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
I think many people conceptualize manhood as destruction and womanhood as creation in such a way that transition has been really wild to parse my experiences and how they fit.
I am simultaneously creating the self and destroying the self in such a way that people don't... know how to react sometimes. I've really noticed this as I've given less and less care as to what I present myself as, because now, I am truly only concerned with myself rather than my perception. Once I got over the bioessentialist idea that to be a man was to destroy, and I can't create because that's only for women (or, for those forced to create), I started caring much less.
I think that's interesting, is all
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cistematicchaos · 1 year
Its amazing how many people on here claim not to believe in "male socialization" (as inherent) and then go around talking about "AFAB exclusive" experiences based on socialization. It really just goes to show how many of you will memorize dog whistles but won't examine the genuine bigotry behind them in order to actually unlearn it, much less fight against it.
Anyways, if y'all could be a little less transmisogynistic, that'd be grand. Stop doing this type of shit.
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radsplain · 1 year
It’s so hilarious how radfems get the insult lobbed at us that we’re all bioessentialists and that we “reduce people down to their genitals” by stating that women are adult human females and men are adult human males, when what’s really bioessentialist is their categorization of man and woman. It’s them who believe that what makes you a woman or man is adopting certain norms, roles, dress, activities and demeanor deemed as “feminine” or “masculine”. It’s them who believe that if you don’t align with or uphold a set of arbitrary, patriarchal rules that are imposed upon your birth sex, that somehow you are not that sex and should therefore undergo transition to “align” your body with made up, sexist stereotypes. The hypocrisy is mind-blowing and it’s wild how they’ve tried to gaslight everyone who disagrees with their ideology that we’re the ones who are trying to uphold a restrictive view of sex and gender.
Being a bioessentialist means believing that your sex is the determining factor in the roles you “naturally” conform to. For instance, that women are natural nurturers and that motherhood comes easily and instinctively to them, whereas it doesn’t for men. That men are natural “leaders” and should thus be at the helm of family, politics, business, public life, etc. That’s what actual bioessentialism is. If you knew anything about radical feminism you would know that’s precisely what we are against.
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hadeantaiga · 2 years
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I really need people to truly understand how poisonous this extension of feminism and bioessentialism is. Incoming hatred against literal children for being born male:
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Children. Innocent children, whose only "crime" is being XY, are being demonized by this author.
THIS is why we call radfems dangerous. This is why we call bioessentialism dangerous.
If you identify as a radfem who genuinely believes that socialization and not biology is the source of men's violence, I desperately need you to read works by intersectional feminists. I desperately need you to leave radfeminism, because this is what a lot of your compatriots are pushing for. Complete female separation. Complete segregation of an entire sex based on the false belief they are "inherently violent".
This is horrific. If this doesn't horrify you, if the thought of someone calling a toddler "dangerous" to his playmates based on his biology doesn't fill you with revulsion, if it doesn't bring up other ways "biology" has been used to justify horrors of human rights, you are too far gone to help.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
A rdfem post got recommended to me because apperantly i hadn't been careful enough(at least i got a free blocklist out of it)and the very first line was so out of pocket stupid even by t/erf standards-Their idea of 'women forcing themselves to be presentable' was fucking acrylic nails.Obviously this is stupid period but acrylics are a fashion statement that was created by and continued and mostly influenced by to this day by BLACK WOMEN.It's a way of expressing ourselves,an art even,it's NEVER been about fitting into men's standards and in fact that's always been the opposite intended effect!!They're about what makes US happy,not anybody else
And that's just the thing rdfam always do-They make everything about men and their hatred of woc,black women especially and EVEN MORE SO TRANS women.It's never been about liberating women,it's about policing us.We can't be kiddy and pastel and bubbly and chaotic and indie and hopeless romantics who want to get the princess treatment,we're doing it for men 'even if we don't know it'(an actual thing one of them said to me on my post explaining that my brand of femininity comes from my kind of autism and their idea of 'real womanhood' was The Handmaiden and i WISH i was a kidding)and as if lesbians and aroace women who're like me in this aspect don't exist and they do and three of them are close friends of mine and have also talked about bullshit this is-And yes,all three of them are also woc,one pakistani and two black
And apperantly,we can't be edgy and rowdy and cocky and bitter and blunt and alt and and butch and uninterested in actively pursuing romance either because then we're 'too much like men and not really women so we might as well stop calling ourselves ones'.If we have brown skin or heavy body hair or big noses or other dark and strong features,we have 'biological faults' or whatever the fuck and they brag about hating men until someone realizes they're not a man but a woman and wanna physically and socially transition to feel like one to their full happiness they want them to be men instead.They sexually harras people,they invalidate mspec women for loving men AND lesbians for not liking women 'correctly' according to them because they love nonbinary women and transfems AND rentlessly mock aroace women for not feeling attraction by calling them losers and they don't even draw the line at kids.They use all kinds of slurs and ableist rethoric and are exactly two tippy toes steps away from being t/radwives
Nobody's more obsessed with ruining womanhood than rdfems except chauvinists and even then,they're just another variant of them that happen to have less political power.You're not an ancient greek goddess in women's history,you're grown ass women obsessed with genitals and gaslighting vulnerable young girls into your minions.You know nothing about girlhood and you won't learn until you get all those boots out of your mouths you're choking so hard on you can't speak anything but bullshit
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