#Bart refuses to wear shoes
lunarifie · 1 month
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More of my Bramblecrack Royal Court AU
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feralaot · 3 years
random scouts hcs!
I did a post like this for the warriors my beloved (here) and people seemed to like it so here's one for the scouts :) had some input from @afrival for this one luv u
no warnings I think
if he had twitter he would have a vaporwave bart simpson profile picture and tweet lil peep lyrics. also uses way too many hashtags
he's scared of snakes and hates armin's ball python
his eyes are probably crusty as hell and mikasa has to wipe em for him because he won't
when he's losing an argument he goes "ooh you wanna kiss me so bad" and it always escalates things but he doesn't stop
almost exclusively wears american eagle
"what's a pronoun".mp3
uses the 💯 emoji in every other text message he sends
sends his friends pictures of cats cuddling/hanging out and says "me n you <3"
genuinely can't stand when people have dirt under their fingernails. he gets so mad at eren bc his nails are dirty asf and armin forces him to clean them
he calls himself sexy a lot (e.g. "that was really sexy of me")
chews on bottle caps then is like hmm why do my teeth hurt
he hates feet. toes look weird to him. nobody in his house is allowed to take their socks off
unironically uses faces like ^-^ and :3
acne :(
she's really bad at giving advice. don't go to her for help she'll literally be like "that's tough"
probably has like 4 instagram accounts made just to follow eren
solid black profile picture and no bio
maybe now and then she'll put a my chemical romance quote on her story but that's about it, she doesn't respond to dms or anything
doesn't wash that damn scarf so it's probably stinky
sticks staples, pins, etc through the tips of her fingers for no reason other than she likes freaking people out
probably hisses at people
the only possible relationship dynamic somebody can have with him is rivals to lovers
very short social fuse and has to stay home for several days after public events bc it's just exhausting
he's an introvert adopted by extroverts (connie and sasha) and has to deal with their shenanigans. truly the mom figure between the three of them
marco has to listen to him ranting about connie and sasha's foolery and doesn't have much advice to offer bc he doesn't know either
for a long time he only knew "straight" and "gay" and when he found out about the concept of bisexuality his mind almost imploded
he sighs and yawns a lot and doesn't even realize he does it. people always think he's either annoyed or tired
probably dresses like a diet e-boy. crewneck king
the kind of kid in your high school gym class that wears mismatching neon clothes. bonus points if it's nike
also the most likely to start a food fight for funsies
he doesn't yell often because his voice cracks when he does and it's embarrassing
sasha and him hate cafeteria food so he always brings an ungodly amount of food in his backpack instead to share with sasha. connie's backpack is 90% food
unironically says things like "pogchamp" and "rad"
he works at zumiez and probably lives there. always rocking their latest drip
jumps up and slaps exit signs
randomly breaks into song (usually disney songs) and connie will automatically duet
manages to fall asleep in any situation. on buses, while watching movies, sometimes even mid conversation if she's zoned out enough
tried to take armin fishing one time but he almost cried because he felt so bad about it
at least reiner will fish with her though. the himbos always come through
her instagram is all pictures of fish she caught and now and then there's an awkward candid pic of niccolo
stayed overnight in a walmart one time and got away and brags about it but she won't admit it was an accident. panicked and spent the night eating snacks off the shelves to "survive"
while she's talking her voice slowly gets louder and louder and she doesn't realize it until people tell her to stop yelling
pulls people by the ears to bring them down to her level
also kicks people in the shins a lot, if she's arguing with someone they'll usually keep their distance to avoid getting shin kicked
loves climbing on ymir's back and just being carried around like the little creature she is
posts inspirational quotes on her story
would definitely be a cheerleader in high school. nobody would guess a prep like her is dating some grunge girl w a pretty much opposite personality
she always has bandaids with her for some reason. if someone gets scraped she'll whip out a bandaid immediately. her friends call her "mom" sometimes
hates grilled cheese so god damn much. can't stand it
"damn I don't remember asking".mp3
is always the first one to comment on historia's instagram posts. her comments range from "beautiful my queen!!!" to "damn ma yo ass fat"
she always called reiner gay as a joke then he came out as gay and for a while she thought it was her fault
her and reiner have wlw and mlm solidarity, they're bffs for that matter
if someone tells her that her music is too loud she'll say "huh?" and turn it up
similarly if someone scolds her for something she'll go "hm? repeat that, I'm a little deaf in this ear"
"bro stfu you always tell me you're gonna fire me for being late"
really really hates cooking pasta because straining the water is for some reason more difficult than it should be
"do not underestimate me, bitches"
always refuses to get his hair cut at places in shopping centers. especially walmart great clips
makes monkey noises when he sees something he likes. he started doing this as a joke to mock zeke but it evolved and now he can't stop doing it randomly
will not hesitate to knock someone on their ass if they're talking shit
coffee makes him jittery so he drinks tea instead but won't admit to anyone that he lowkey also has a redbull addiction
hange calls him a catboy but he doesn't know what that means so he's always like "yeah" bc he thinks it means he's a cat person
buys levi shoes from the kids section and doesnt tell him bc he likes them anyway
such a millennial, they say shit like "doggo" and "adulting"
"for practical reasons I don't exist. do not perceive me"
probably wants to marry mothman
levi has had to scold them on several different occasions for bringing live animals into the house
legally isn't allowed to cook bc they can and they will blow something up
goes on tipsy rants almost nightly
white skechers king
hosts barbecues in those white skechers. he talks shit about people with nile and pyxis like a bunch of gossiping middle aged fath- wait
his profile pictures on social media are probably pictures of himself taken from awkward angles with an empty expression. it's always posted like six times as well
when levi is getting Out Of Hand he'll pick him up from under the arms and carry him away like "okay, that's enough" and levi kicks around but can't escape
rubs his hands together a lot like a fly. nobody knows why he does it. what are you scheming
falls asleep on couches while watching sports games
[swinging his keys around his finger] "let's rock and roll"
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woahajimes · 3 years
 i just think that even with powers, the team of young justice in the same high school is such a wonderful concept because they’re teens and they most definitely have the potential and right now i can’t place many words together but like.. i MUST elaborate on most aspects of these little shits being high school freshmen/sophomores.
Bart literally writes everything with just a pencil and then you have Kon who just likes to write in blue/red/black pens, tim is a mix of blue/pencil/ocassional-marker -he-steals-from-cissie, Cassie writes with like.... purple and blue pens,,, Greta just has a black pen but her notes are literal heaven because she steals everything from cissie and cissie is 1000% the sorta bitch that has her markers categorized by color but then bart borrows them and mizes up the caps and also cissie has gel pens and her handwriting is pretty af so like everyone copies of of her
As unlikely as it sounds, Bart does NOT cheat at tests, because then max would like... give him SO many lectures and it’s SUCH  pain in the ass so he just doesn’t (this does not limit chaos). Cassie doesn’t cheat because nO but then Cissie and Kon???? they’re buddies in that sorta thing and you know EXACTLY what i mean when i say that Kon has written answers in the skin that shows from his ripped jeans (the ones that he always gets in trouble for wearing, because as much as the school protocole just says ‘jeans’, they do NOT mean ripped jeans that have paint on them), and Cissie on her thighs and under the uniform socks, and they do the whole bandaid trick, and they even have their own weird sign language that takes WAAAAY too long to like even send the word ‘wassup’ because it goes letter by letter but its subtle so it works
fucking HOME EC is kon’s favourite subject and you’d think that kon would be in like... woodworking because most guys are in woodworking but NO kon went in home ec because ‘the chicks are there’ but NOOOO KON JUST LIKES BAKING AND HE GOT SHAMED ONCE FOR NOT KNOWING TO SEW A BUTTON ON HIS SHIRT SO NOW HE WANTS TO LEARN and guess what he absolutely LOVES it and he’s in with greta because cissie is with cassie and tim in woodworking, and besides, they don’t even have the same classes
they always make like cookies and kon hates it because he can’t eat his mf cookies in peace because he has home ec right after the lunch hour and while cassie does like to go out of class bart and cissie just eat all the cookies and leave kon to split with tim 
FUCKING VOLLEYBALL TEAM BITCH but also literally all sports the school has to offer because Kon LOVES his jock reputation (that also bakes cookies and is kicking ass at home ec) and tim desperately needs to deal off anger with sports because the big bad wolf drake demands he also gets involved
Cissie quit the cheerleading team like the first month but greta loved it, and cassie just hates it SO much but he likes watching practices because girls (oh and greta gets really excited all the time and they love it) 
,,,volleyball yj,,, is something i MUST HAVE OKAY PLEASE DON’T TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME I JUST SAW THIS BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF ART SO I MUST ELABORATE OKAY also volleyball’s the only sport i semi-know how to play so like bear with me but i havent played in like a year so shut up (here’s the link)
KON JUST DOESN’T KNOW A LIFE IN WHICH HE DOESN’T SPIKE THAT BOY LITERALLY WILL SPIKE ANYTHING YOU THROW AT HIM OKAY i don’t make the rules (but you know who does? cassie. cassie makes the rules because she’s scary and the rules include no fucking powers on the court--unless they’re losing then kon can use his tAcTiLe TeLeKiNeSiS)
CASSIE IS MIDDLE BLOCKER because shes TALL and also she gets front view of the opposing teams and like. girls. AND ALSO YOU NEED CORE STRENGTH FOR BLOCKING AND LIKE cassie is close to having more abs than kon i swear im not making this up
TIM SETS BECAUSE he’s the only one that can mantain that boring position also he’s good at it (also he wears fingerless gloves because iT hElPs hIm but really he want to look badass
BART IS LIBERO ALL THE WAY THROUGH OKAY BOY LOVES DIVING AND also he can heal quicker from like hits in the face (he has his kneepads that he wears EVERYWHERE and he even has a headband for his hair and his arm thingies and everything and his jersey is just written with signatures because everyone loves him
CISSIE IS ALSO LIBERO OKAY SHE LOOOVES VOLLEYBALL and she can DIVE and sometimes she forgets to bring up her kneepads so you KNOW that her knees are broken but she doesnt care (she also switches with server and her serves are literally like from fucking hell its beautiful
greta doesn’t play she refuses to play and everyone respects that but she also has like the bags with water-bottles and the jersey ones 
BECAUSE they’re in the same team they just... share a locker that wasn’t used, with a little dollarama (dollar tree? idk but the dollar store) lock and then bam that’s the team locker (team as in them not the volleyball team) and there they keep like... bags of chips and chocolate bars with like... gym clothes and sneakers (which if you ask me is a horrible idea to like... place around 12 stinky shoes with granola bars and snacks and gym clothes but like hey dont ask me its them)
AND I READ THIS ARTICLE BUT I ALSO SAW A POST ON INSTAGRAM ABOUT THIS GIRL, Erin DiMeglio, WHO PLAYS FOOTBALL AND IS THE ONLY GIRL ON THE TEAM AND ALSO HER GIRLFRIEND IS A CHEERLEADER SO LIKE.,,,,, TELL ME THAT YOU DON’T IMAGINE CISSIECASSIE (or plain old cissie and cassie if you dont feel like shipping them) but like... cissie quit the team... and she doesn’t want to go back... and cassie’s like wow okay i see you AND ALSO TIM IS ON THE FOOTBALL TEAM and kon doesn’t wanna join (tbh he’s more of a football dood yk?) and bart called cissie a chicken and went cheerleader for cassie himself (skirt and everything, max was proud) so like cassie has her own team of cheerleaders and then tim is just :/// (here’s the article go read it)
my brain is crying at me to stop but i want to KEEP GOING so PLEASE add more and if you guys wanna like draw 👀👀👀👀 PLEASE TAG ME OKAY THE YOUNG JUSTICE CREW IN THEIR LITTLE OWN SAME HIGH SCHOOL IS SO IMPORTANT TO ME 
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incorrectbatfam · 4 years
Today Until Forever
Not a Batfam fanfic, but those who know me know that the topics of family covered in this fic are close to me and I worked really hard on this for over a month, and it truly means a lot to me. So basically... views and feedback are very appreciated!
It was downright impossible for Jaime Reyes to get a peaceful bathroom break in his own home.
He stopped locking the door eons ago because his boyfriend would just phase through and ask if there was any milk left or what pizza toppings he wanted (because that was what normal people did).
The last time he got the bathroom to himself was in university, the evening before Bart moved in. By the end of the first month, Jaime learned to expect his visitor. Bart was the pebble in Jaime’s shoe, refusing to leave since the last time he visited a playground, burying itself in the gap between his toes at the most inconvenient times. It aggravated Jaime to no end.
So he put a ring on it, as one does, thus guaranteeing he will never have the bathroom to himself ever again for the rest of his life—and that’s exactly what he’s been getting for the past six years.
Speak of the devil.
“Tim called, he needs two people to fill in on the Kahndaq mission.”
Jaime raised an eyebrow. “I thought he had everyone he needed?”
“Brion and Tara were called to Markovia last minute, so they’re down a couple members.”
“M’kay, gimme five.”
Bart zipped out and Jaime turned the faucet to the coldest setting, splashing water on his face. In his honest opinion, the Justice League should legally be barred from giving out missions before nine o’clock. At least he had coffee beforehand—that made Thursdays marginally more tolerable. That and the world’s crashest husband.
Jaime stepped out the door. The scarab chirped.
[Prepare for incoming attack.]
Jaime put his hands on his hips.
“I thought you were getting ready for the mission.”
Bart, holding a Nerf gun, giggled, the corner of his tongue poking out.
A devious grin broke out on Jaime’s face as the scarab formed a cannon around his wrist. Blue foam darts shot in a sequence, and Bart could only phase through the first wave before running from the second.
Socked feet slid across the wooden hallway, all the way to the master bedroom at the end. Bart phased through the closed door, but in doing so, cornered himself.
Jaime tackled Bart onto the bed. “Gotcha!”
Bart howled as Jaime’s fingers found their way to the squishy part of his stomach.
“Stooop, I’m ticklish!”
“Don’t you think I know that?” Jaime wrapped his arms around Bart’s waist pressed a kiss to his temple. “Come on, we should suit up.”
“Can I wear the bucket hat?”
He groaned. The bucket hat—a gag gift from Wally—was a secondhand denim monstrosity covered in old Girl Scout patches, with the West-Allen family name written in glow-in-the-dark fabric paint and reeked of the Mississippi River. Jaime loathed it.
“Please don’t wear the bucket hat.”
Bart playfully shoved Jaime off the bed, pouting. “You know, when we have kids, I bet they’ll love it.”
“Our kids will have taste,” Jaime said. “I’m gonna make sure of it.”
Bart paused, turning over to meet Jaime’s eyes. “I wish the process wasn’t so long. I hate waiting.”
Jaime grimaced. The road to adoption was long and winding—and that wasn’t excluding the fact that they were one, gay, and two, they were active-duty superheroes. He couldn’t blame the agencies for the second one. One look at Batman and anyone with common sense would know to keep civilian children far away from that life.
“Can I wear the bucket hat on family picnics?”
Jaime rolled his eyes playfully. “Sure, you can wear it on family picnics.”
“Crash! Watch me be the cool parent who lets them do anything they want.”
“Whatever you say, cariño.”
A flash of lightning later, they were ready for another routine mission. Jaime smiled softly as he helped Bart tuck the flyaway ginger strands under the scarlet cowl with a black hairpin.
“Alright, now we’re ready,” Bart said. He planted a kiss on Jaime’s cheek. “Race you to Kahndaq!”
Laughing, Jaime extended his wings and followed his husband.
Read the rest on Ao3
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dccomicsimagines · 4 years
Preventing the Fall - Bart Allen x Reader - Part Two
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Part One
Requested by Anon -  Hello, can you make a part 2 to preventing the fall ? (The one with Bart Allen) I loved it
Requested by Anon -  Part two of ‘preventing the fall’
Requested by Anon -  Preventing the fall part 2?? Xx❤️
Bart wrung his hands as he sat on the bench next to Jay Garrick. His leg bounced at super-speed. Jay didn’t tell him to stop. In fact, Jay hadn’t said a word since he told Bart they were going to pick you up from the airport.
Two years had passed since you came to live with the Garricks and Bart. Living with you was great until you went away. Bart shivered, closing his eyes when he remembered the day you got the acceptance letter to go to an art school in San Francisco. He felt betrayed. You never told him you even applied to such a school and that you were planning on leaving. Part of him was terrified you would become the monster he had worked so hard to prevent you from becoming. At least that was what he thought he was terrified of.
However, you left anyway. You came back for breaks, but it wasn’t the same.
Bart glanced at Jay again, his foot bouncing even quicker now. Of course, you weren’t coming back for a break this time. His heart ached as he thought about something to say to get Jay to stop looking so moded. 
He opened his mouth to comment about the weather, but someone spoke first. “Sorry, I’m late. I was in the back of the plane,” you said, appearing in front of them with a backpack and suitcase in hand. 
Jay looked up, smiling at the sight of you. “(Y/N).” He got up and hugged you tightly. “I’m so glad you’re here.” You hugged him back with tears in your eyes. Bart watched, slightly jealous that you got such a reaction out of Jay. You met his eye from over Jay’s shoulder. One of your hands reached out toward Bart. He eyed the hand before slowly taking it and hugging Jay from behind. 
Jay’s shoulders shook, a sob slipping out. His arms tightened around you. You squeezed Bart’s hand. Bart sighed. Even though old feelings contradicted otherwise, Bart realized he was glad you had come home.
Bart laid in his bed, strangely motionless. He normally buzzed around his room until he was tired enough to pass right out, but today he was trying to be quiet for Jay. Jay went to bed right after dinner.
He sighed, rolling onto his side to stare at his wall. You put Jay in a better mood, something Bart couldn’t do. He closed his eyes. At least that confirmed you didn’t become a monster while you were gone. 
A soft knock on his door made him flinch. He zoomed to the door and opened it to find you. “Yes?” You jumped slightly in surprise before relaxing.
“Can I come in?” you whispered, biting your lip. Bart saw you were wearing his old pajamas. The ones he gave you to wear so long ago. “I don’t want to be alone.” He looked into your eyes and couldn’t refuse.
“Sure.” He zoomed back into his room to turn on a lamp and lounge on his bed with a comic in hand. Pretending to read, he watched as you entered and closed the door behind you.
You came over to sit at his desk. He swallowed hard while you looked around the room. “I didn’t think you would have a Space Trek 3016 poster.”
“Well, Gar gave it to me. It’s crash,” Bart mumbled, still eyeing you. 
“I only watched a few episodes, but Gar seems happy.” You bit your lip, finally meeting Bart’s eye. “I heard about the Outsiders. You’ve been doing a good job.” 
“Thanks.” His patience snapped suddenly and Bart zoomed off his bed to stand in front of you. “What are you doing in here?” He narrowed his eyes, annoyed with small talk.  
Your eyes widened in surprise at Bart’s reaction. “I guess I just wanted to make sure you are okay. With Joan gone...I just wanted to know if you’re okay, because...I don’t think I’m okay.” A tear slipped down your cheek. Bart’s stomach dropped to his feet.
“You left.” Bart’s voice became almost unrecognizable even to himself. The anger and betrayal floated to the surface. He couldn’t stop himself. “You left us and ran off to some school. You don’t have the right to be moded. We get to be moded, because we were here!” Bart shouted the last word. You flinched away from him. 
“I didn’t leave. I called all the time, and Joan wanted me to go. Jay wanted me to go. I couldn’t stay here, Bart. I’m sorry.” You gasped through a sob, unable to turn away from him.
“Shut up!” Bart swung around to kick a stray shoe lying on his floor. It flew at super speed and smashed into the wall. A dent was left behind, but Bart didn’t care. 
You stiffened, covering your face with your hands. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here.” Sobs shook your body. Bart watched you, panting heavily. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
“What the hell is going on?!” Jay snapped, barging into the room. He froze when he saw you crying and Bart standing over you. “Bartholomew Allen, what have you done?!” 
“It’s not his fault.” You got to your feet. Wiping your tears with your sleeve, you started toward the door. “I came here and bothered him. I’m sorry.” 
Jay trapped you in a hug before you could leave. He whispered something in your ear that Bart couldn’t hear. The shock from his outburst was quickly replaced by jealousy and anger again. 
You left Jay’s arms and went back to your room. Once your door closed, Jay turned to Bart. “I know you’re grieving, Bart, and I know you feel (Y/N) betrayed you by going to school far away, but you don’t need to act out now.” He ran a hand through his hair. “We’re all hurting from losing...” He took a shaky breath. “Joan, but that’s it, we’re all hurting. So I ask you to try to keep it under control.” 
Bart’s shoulders sank as the anger left him. He couldn’t be mad at Jay. “Yes, I’ll try to be more crash.” 
Jay smiled. He clapped a hand on Bart’s shoulder. “Thank you. Now, go to bed. We have to be up early tomorrow for the...funeral.” Jay squeezed his shoulder before leaving the room. Bart ached to see him shuffle away like an old man that Bart often forgot he was.
“Moded,” Bart mumbled, closing his door again. He paced the room at super speed for what felt like hours before eventually passing out on his bed. 
Bart sighed, looking up at the cloudy sky above as the preacher rambled on. The funeral had been nice, but much too long for Bart’s standards. Besides, you were distracting him the whole time with the pretty outfit you were wearing. He knew it was wrong to be distracted at a time like this and he was angry with you, but he couldn’t stop himself.
“You alright, hermano?” Jaime asked once the preacher finished and people started to go back to their cars. 
“Feeling the mode.” Bart watched Jay lay his hand on the coffin. You were beside him with your arm through his. He was glad you were comforting Jay when he couldn’t. Joan’s death was hard. He didn’t know how to feel. It hurt, but he knew it was coming. He was grateful Joan’s death was more peaceful than it had been in the future he came from.
“It’s nice that (Y/N) could make it.” Jaime crossed his arms. 
“She is really pretty like you said,” Traci whispered with a frown. “I can’t believe she killed you in the...old...future.” She wrinkled her nose. “What do we call that? Bart’s future? Old future? Past future?”
Bart sighed. “We can call it nothing.” He turned away, heading back to the car. His stomach hurt.
“Hey, wait up.” Jaime ran to catch up with him. “You’re not still mad at (Y/N) for leaving, are you? This is not the time for pettiness, ese.” 
“Petty?” Bart snapped, zipping around to face Jaime. Traci played with her phone several paces away. “Why the hell would you say that now?”
“Because you are being petty, hermano. (Y/N) went off to school a year and a half ago and ever since you have been mad at her.” Jaime shook his head. He narrowed his eyes. “I know you felt betrayed, but you are in love with her. The whole time she was gone, you were always dropping her name, saying you were mad. You weren’t mad though. You just missed her.” 
“Shut up!” Bart threw his hands up in the air. His entire body vibrated. Jaime took a step back. “So maybe I was moded when she left, but it wasn’t because I missed her! It’s because I’m scared to death that she’ll become the monster from the future! The one who killed you, and hundred more!” 
Jaime’s eyes went over Bart’s shoulder. Bart turned at superspeed before stopping cold when he saw you and Jay standing behind him. Jay shook in anger. The blood drained out of your face. Your eyes were so wide. Bart’s heart shattered to pieces.
“Bart, now is not the time for this,” Jay snapped, coming toward him. “I understand this is hard. It’s hard for all of us, but this is not the time nor place to bring this up.” 
A blush of embarrassment came over Bart’s cheeks. His eyes never left you. You stared back at him, frowning and shaking your head. “I can’t believe you haven’t figured it out,” you whispered, causing Jay to look back at you. 
“(Y/N), go to the car.” Jay gestured to the car. You shook your head.
“I’ll walk.” You turned away and started walking away. “I need to be alone for a while.” 
Jaime ran after you, trying to talk to you. “I’m feeling the mode. What is she talking about?!” Bart exploded, vibrating. Barry and Iris noticed something was happening. Iris stayed with the twins while Barry came over.
“What’s wrong?” Barry asked. Jay explained it to him. Bart couldn’t listen to them as he watched Jaime try to talk to you. He saw you turn to Jaime with tears in your eyes. You held up your hand, gesturing to Bart. Jaime’s shoulders slumped and he came back to Bart’s side. You kept walking off until you disappeared into the woods on the edge of the cemetery. “Jay, take Bart home. I’ll see if I can catch up with (Y/N),” Barry said, snapping Bart’s attention back to him.
Jay nodded, looking very tired. He put a hand on Bart’s shoulder. “Come on, Bart. Jaime, you and your girlfriend can come too.” They headed to the car. Bart glanced over his shoulder to see Barry disappear into the woods after you. He frowned, moded over what he hadn’t figured out. 
Hours passed as slowly as years for Bart. Jaime and Traci left to go look for you after the first hour when Barry called to say he lost you. Jay sat in the kitchen, staring down at a cup of coffee. It had gone cold long ago, but Jay didn’t notice. Bart buzzed around the house, messing things up only to clean them up again. 
“Bart, stop,” Jay said when Bart buzzed to pull all the dishes out of the cupboard again. “We need to talk.” Bart zoomed to sit opposite of Jay, fidgeting. 
“I know. I’m already feeling the mode.” Bart zoomed over to dump out the old coffee and start a new pot. He went back to his seat before Jay could blink. Jay shook his head. He hadn’t used his speed ever since Joan died. “I know I shouldn’t have blown up at the funeral. I’m sorry.” 
Jay sighed, narrowing his eyes. “We should have talked about (Y/N) before...but now is a better time as any.” 
Bart watched the coffee drip in the coffee pot. His leg bounced, humming against the floor due to how fast he was moving. “We don’t need to talk about (Y/N). It doesn’t matter. We’re crash.” 
“No, you’re not. You haven’t been since (Y/N) left.” Jay tapped his coffee cup. He started to take a drink, but stopped when he realized how cold it was. “(Y/N) wanted to leave and it wasn’t because of you.” 
Bart’s blood went cold. “How could it not be? She didn’t tell me until she got the letter.” His hands shook, becoming a blur. “Wally had died only a few months before and then she was going too. Maybe I was too annoying or I scared her off?”
Jay smiled tightly. “I knew you weren’t upset because you were worried (Y/N) would turn out to be the person she was in your future.” The coffee machine beeped. Bart zoomed, taking Jay’s cup. He dumped the cold coffee in the sink and refilled it. He put it in front of Jay and sat back in his seat. “Thank you, Bart.” Jay reached over to pat Bart’s arm. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, son.” 
“Probably drink cold coffee.” Bart’s heart glowed at being called son. Jay laughed for the first time in a long time. The sound was music to Bart’s ears. 
“Probably.” Jay took a sip. His eyes lit up at the taste. “This must be the special coffee (Y/N) brought back from San Francisco. She gave us some for Christmas and promised to bring us some more next time she came home.” He frowned. “Of course, I hoped it wouldn’t be for something like this.” 
Bart bit his lip. He waited for Jay to continue, but Jay just stared into his coffee cup. The front door opened. Bart jumped to his feet and dashed out only to stop in his tracks. You glanced at Bart before taking off your coat. “I’ll see you later, (Y/N),” Dick Grayson said from the doorstep. You nodded at him and closed the door. 
“What was that about?” A lump grew in Bart’s throat. An odd feeling came over him as he thought about you and Dick Grayson together. He blinked, realizing this was the first time that he saw you and didn’t feel betrayal rotting his gut. 
You sighed, giving that amused look he didn’t realize he missed so badly. His eyes watered. “He gave me a ride home after he found me at where the cave used to be.” You hung up your coat. Jay burst into the room and trapped you in a hug.
“Thank goodness. You gave us a scare, (Y/N).” Jay kissed the top of your head. You patted his back. 
“I’m sorry.” You met Bart’s eye over Jay’s shoulder. “I needed some time to think.”
“It’s alright now that you’re back.” Jay pulled away to study your face. “I’m going to heat up some of those casseroles people dropped off.” He glanced over at Bart. “The two of you need to talk and I want you to figure out what’s going to happen from now on. Whatever the problem is, you’re going to fix it.” Jay went back into the kitchen. 
You looked at Bart for a moment. Bart’s heart skipped a beat. It had been a long time since you did that to him. Back in the days before he got to know you, he always thought about how deadly beautiful you looked in the future. The moment that always popped into his head was when you killed Blue Beetle. Now, all he could think was the day you said you were coming to live with him and the Garricks permanently. 
“Well, I guess we can sit down.” You went to the couch and sat. Bart raced to sit next to you, but made sure to leave a generous amount of space between you. He glanced at you, waiting. However, you kept staring at your feet. 
Bart’s patience ran thin. He tapped his leg on the floor fast enough for it to hum. A minute passed so slowly, Bart was convinced he had aged three years. His words burst out of him. “What did I not figure out?” 
You sighed, eyeing him carefully. “That I had to leave. Why I had to leave.” A tear slipped down your cheek. Bart had to stop himself from brushing it away with his thumb. 
“You didn’t have to leave. That was the point. I was moded when you left.” Bart jumped to his feet, vibrating. “And you didn’t tell me! You didn’t say anything until you knew you were going!” 
“I had to leave because I knew about your future!” Bart froze, shocked you shouted back at him. “I knew about what I would become, and how I killed Jaime! I couldn’t stay here knowing that!” More tears ran down your cheeks. “Damn it, Bart! How could you be so blind? Joan and Jay knew why I needed to leave, but you never figured it out! You just stayed mad, and I lost my best...friend.” You slumped against the couch, sobbing hard. 
Bart shivered, sinking down onto the couch next to you. His knee brushed yours. You didn’t react. “How did you find out? I was so careful not to spill the beans.” 
A shaky gasp escaped you. “I overheard Jay telling Joan the day you first brought me here after I...almost shot that man.” You bit your lip, wiping away tears with the back of your hands.
“You knew the whole time?” Bart ran his hand through his hair. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Because I didn’t want this.” You gestured between yourself and Bart. “The tension, I didn’t want you to act like I was a ticking time bomb. You never did until I went away, then it happened anyway.” You grabbed a tissue from the coffee table to try and mop up your face.
The blood drained from Bart’s face. “I’m totally feeling the mode.” He groaned, rolling his head against the back of the couch. “I’m sorry, (Y/N)...for everything.” He jumped to his feet, pacing because he couldn’t keep still. “I thought maybe you couldn’t stand to be here with me. I thought you hated me, and you left to get away from me.” 
“No.” You shook your head. “I do...care about you, Bart. I needed time.” You gulped for air, a sob threatening to spill out again. “I know now that I won’t become who I was in your future-past or whatever we call it. Dick helped me see that.” 
Bart wrinkled his nose. His entire body vibrated. “Dick? You call him Dick now?” The odd feeling from before returned and he realized it was jealousy. 
“Yes, he wanted to apologize to me, and make sure I got home safe.” You blinked at Bart, frowning in confusion. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous, Bart.” 
“No. I’m crash.” Bart waved his hand. “Nope, not me. Don’t even know what that is.” 
You snorted. “Sure.” Getting to your feet, you held out your hand for Bart. “Can we go back to how things were before I left?” Your eyes pleaded with him. 
Bart’s heart melted into a puddle. He took your hand tightly. “Crash.” He zoomed, kissing your cheek so fast that you wouldn’t notice. You laughed.
“Good, because I missed you.” You pulled Bart toward the kitchen where the smell of the casseroles floated from. “You know you could have come visit me anytime. It’s only like a minute run for you.” 
Bart hummed, not sure what to say. He squeezed your hand. For the first time in a long time, he felt at home again.
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askmyboys · 3 years
Circus Mafia
Here’s my latest characters that I am EXTREMELY proud of, god tho it was h e l l trying to finish making them bc i forgot like,, two of them in the process and had to go back- Uhh I guess bc it’s a mafia there’s mentions of death/violence but that’s about it!
I’ll put a keep reading on it just bc its kinda a lengthy post so yeye
| Names: Wallace Gallagher, Chester York, Dewey Bullock, Eric Fletcher, Grant Davenport, and Henry Barton
| Nicknames/Titles: Wally/Gear (The Ringmaster), He hates it but Yorky is a nickname (The Magician), Dew/Dewdrop (The Juggler), Eri/Fletch (The Acrobat), Dave (The Tightrope Walker/The Trapeze Artist), and finally Hen/Bart (The Clown/The Strongman)
| Genders: Wallace goes by He/It, Chester goes by He/Him, Dewey goes by all pronouns, Eric goes by He/They, Grant goes by He/They/It, and Henry also just goes by He/Him
| Ages: Unknown (I am NOT doing all the math that’d probs be involved with these dudes fuck that)
| Heights: Wallace is 6’7”, Chester is 5’9”, Dewey is 5’6”, Eric is 5’3”. Grant is 6ft, and finally Henry is 5’8”
| Hair Colors: Wallace has long stringy hair he usually keeps in a ponytail (his hair is a bubblegum pink color), Chester’s hair is a Cobalt Blue color (his hair is usually in a man bun), Dewey’s hair is a Tiger Orange color (his hair is a curly undercut), Eric’s hair is Black and it’s a short quiff, Grant’s hair is a Dark Brown and slicked back, and finally Henry’s hair is a Tortilla Brown color (His hairstyle is a Pushed Back Long one)
| Eye Colors: Wallace’s eyes are a light pastel pink color (he’s got a slash over his right eye but he seems to still be able to see out of it), Chester’s eyes are a Gunmetal Blue color, Dewey’s eyes are a light pastel green, Eric’s eyes are a hazel color, Grant’s eyes are Dark Brown, and Henry’s eyes are a dull gray color.
| Skin Colors/Body Types: Wallace is tall and lanky as hell p much and he’s pretty pale, Chester’s kinda average p much and he’s more so tan, same goes for Grant actually except he looks a bit more muscular than Chester does, Dewey and Eric are kinda pale as well (Eric being a bit more paler than Dewey) and both of them are chubby, and finally Henry who looks a bit stronger than even Grant (nothing TOO weird ofc) is also pale.
| Appearances: Oh god here we go… Wallace is first up- He’s got the typical Ringmaster outfit EXCEPT his is Pink and White instead of the typical red/black/white you see, even down to his boots are pink (his boots btw kinda go up his legs and they have a heeled part on em), he wears pink leather gloves and has a pink top hat as well! He also has a handlebar mustache (he dyed it to match his hair, got a bit of Wilford Energy dont he? Lmao) he also has a lot of scars on his body (Their most prominent scars are: Wallace’s is over his eye and a bullet wound that got WAY too close to his heart, Chester’s scarring is around his neck, his chest and ESPECIALLY his back area, the neck looks like a few cuts but nothing deep enough to be fatal, the chest has some deeper scarring and longer ones, and his back looked like it was caused by a whip
Dewey’s scars are a bit all over the place nothing prominent there, Eric’s scars are the same just sporadic and all over the place but he has a few similar markings to Chester’s on his back (not AS many tho), Grant doesn’t have as many scars surprisingly just a few here and there but they don’t look too serious, and finally Henry has prominent scars over his belly, his back, and his legs they look like a mixture of potentially fatal had they not been looked at and non-fatal)
Chester’s outfit is a white suit vest that has dark blue stripes going down it, he wears a dark blue collared shirt underneath the suit vest and he also has a long black cloak (it has a hood on it but he only puts it on in certain situations), he has dark blue pants that match and he seems to wear combat boots that match said outfit, he also has some silk gloves that match as well, he wears a blue quartz crystal around his neck and he has a circle beard, he also has dark blue claw nails that also has little star designs over them. (he also has a dark blue bow tie!)
Dewey’s outfit is a mint green suit vest with a white collared shirt underneath it, he also has a mint green bow tie and he wears white pants as well and some sneakers with mint green stripes going across them, he wears mint green rose earrings (it was a gift that Chester gave to Eric so the boy could give it to Dewey) and he’s cherished them ever since, he also wears gloves to match (it helps him out when juggling bc ouchie hard items hurt when they smack directly onto his bare hands) he doesn’t have a beard at all he babyfaced.
Eric’s outfit is white collared shirt with dark brown suspenders that are attached to the same colored pants, he also wears a dark brown flat cap (when he’s not performing or doing his job n such) he also has a dark brown bow tie he wears as well and his he wears dark brown sneakers as well he’s also babyfaced like Dewey is, he has a dark brown necklace with the same colored pendant on the end, it isn’t heart shaped but its round and definitely looks like a locket of some kind (he never wears it during performances in fear it’d get lost but he keeps it locked up in a secret box in his room, it was a gift from Dewey)
Grant’s outfit is a black suit jacket with a red collared shirt underneath it, he also has black pants to match said outfit and he has black and red oxford shoes and he also wears a black fedora (he looks more like the leader than Wally does tbh, then again him, Chester, and Henry ALWAYS get mistaken for the boss) he also has a long black tie he wears with the outfit btw! He has a Van Dyke type beard he also wears some rings on his fingers too hence why he looks SO much like the boss.
And finally… Henry’s outfit is well, it took a LOT of convincing but he actually wears a rainbow themed clown outfit, it's MUCH softer lighter colors (p much pastels) At first he 100% hated it but then every time an enemy came around… They laughed at him and ALWAYS underestimated him, it was always hilarious to kick their ass in said outfit, Wallace also told him just imagine his enemies having to explain to someone/their boss that they got their ass kicked by the clown! The CLOWN of all people! And Henry won’t deny, that idea grew on him so he eventually accepted it (the only thing he refused to wear really was the wig that was t o o much) and finally he has a short boxed beard!
| Personalities: Wallace is… EXTREMELY eccentric and unpredictable, there’s no true way to tell how he’s feeling or what mood he’s going to be in, he seems to bounce from mood to mood, feeling to feeling, emotion to emotion! Although it’s VERY rare to see him actually upset or angry (...Keep in mind, I said very rare, but it’s not… an IMPOSSIBLE scenario) he’s usually pretty cheerful, friendly, kind, and caring as can be! He’s a friend to those who won’t backstab him or betray him but a terrifying force to be reckoned with if you double cross him… He’s in a silly goofy mood a lot, but really, if I’m being honest, there definitely seems like there’s something… Unhinged there… Like something is not all together with him, but oh well! No time to unpack anything! If you need a helping hand he’s there to help! Just don’t double cross him and you won’t die! Don’t let his friendly and cute demeanor fool you, if he doesn’t send one of the others after you, then he’ll deal with you himself and honestly? He’s the WORST one to come after you… MUCH worse than the others.
Chester is cocky, confident, and arrogant at times- He’s EXTREMELY prideful in himself and k n o w s he’s all that and MUCH more~ He seems like he only cares for himself and thinks he’s the star and center of everything but oh no… He holds great admiration and respect for Wallace, he adores Dewey and Eric and helps them out a lot, he’s even overprotective of them actually- you mess with them you evoke papa bear and he WILL stomp you to death with his boots- He constantly pesters Grant and Henry, teasing them a LOT here and there, he makes it a game to mess with them as much as he can, heck he loves messing with his actual victims too, he loves to play the mind games and he’s much more sadistic and cruel than you see him with the other members of the circus, if it’s like someone who’s made friends with the others? ...Well he’ll be more tolerable but oh that won’t stop him from scaring them a little here and there but he won’t actually hurt them, it’s more so just him having fun.
Dewey is a sweet, kind, and loving soul- he looks like he couldn’t hurt a fly! But looks can always be deceiving you know… If he ABSOLUTELY needs to he will hurt or kill someone, if he’s ordered too he will do so- He’s actually mostly shy and anxious even around the other members of the circus but he trusts them a LOT more than anyone else, and he looks up to Wallace and Eric, speaking of Eric, he likes Eric a HELLA lot- he trusts them the MOST out of everyone here and you’ll find Dewey spends a lot more time with Eric than anyone else and he seems so much more open with the other, seems like he lets loose a lot more… And another thing to note, toward enemies he doesn’t torment or anything he just injures or kills them as quickly as possible so he’s a LOT more merciful than someone like Wallace or Chester or some of the others would be.
Eric is another sweet, kind, and loving soul- Also looks like he couldn’t hurt a fly but he can and would if he was told too- He doesn’t LIKE hurting or killing folks though at all, he considers himself much more cowardly than Dewey since Dewey seems like he can do it without any issues beforehand… Eric looks up to Dew a LOT just like the other looks up to him, Eric also looks up to Grant a lot as well even though he can be pretty intimidating to approach, he’s got a LOT more anxiety than Dewey seems to have and he doesn’t seem to have a lot of confidence in himself, he thinks he’s cowardly and sometimes it feels like he legit doesn’t even fit in here, why is such a coward like him in with a literal mafia?
He can barely kill/hurt anyone without almost breaking down p much (Wallace kinda knows this so he REALLY tries not to call upon Eric too much, not until they can sort out those issues, or well t r y too anyways)
Grant is hella cold, snarky, and honestly hot headed easily the MOST intimidating looking and speaking one outta the bunch, he hardly ever has a smile on his face and he’s mostly grumpy- hims a n g y lmao, he’s WAY more respectful when around Wallace however seeing as he’s the boss ...Grant is a bit jealous honestly and sometimes he maybe even wishes he could be leader but 1: He k n o w s better and 2: That’d make him extremely ungrateful for all Wally’s done for the others, Grant is surprisingly MUCH more warmer n kinder toward Eric, or well he tries to be but gosh that poor boy just seems so intimidated by him… He feels bad for Eric honestly, wishes the boy had a bit more confidence in himself, Grant tries to help him out but any time he approaches Eric the other seems to get pretty afraid, so he tries to be patient and wait for Eric to come to him, he respects Dewey for helping Eric out and he sees how happy the two are when together, it's a good thing… If anyone could help that boy out, it’s gotta be Dewey.
And finally… Henry, he’s pretty sarcastic, a bit cold and a bit hot headed, not, AS MUCH as Grant but still it does lead them into a lot of physical and verbal altercations with each other even then (They try not to do it around Dewey/Eric solely bc they dont wanna scare em, but also not around Wallace bc they really don’t wanna get in trouble or on his bad side…) Henry along with Grant do share solidarity with one thing! And that is their p u r e hatred for Chester! That’s one thing they have in common at least… He’s WAY more hot headed toward Chester but dear god who isn’t at this point? Toward enemies n such it’s like he’s a completely different man, he takes his jobs/tasks VERY seriously and he’s WAY more calm and collected- more so than Grant could ever be (I’ll just go ahead ALL the boys respect and or look up to Wallace in some way, he practically saved them tbh) I suppose another thing Henry shares in common with Grant and probs everyone at this point is he wishes Eric had more confidence in himself…
| Side Facts: Usually, whether it be by an injured one or even the dead bodies, an item is usually left behind as a warning- For Wallace it’s a bunch of lashings from his bullwhip (I wanna clarify, the ones with lash looking scars, Wallace would NEVER EVER hit them, he’d NEVER fucking hurt any of them which is why if one of the ones with similar scars are around, before he even d a r e s pull out the whip, he tells them to go on back to the tent, he doesn’t want them to see or hear that sound)
Chester MOSTLY leaves red roses behind (since that’s what people throw onto his stage when he’s finished performing), but he’ll leave VARIOUS other kinds of flowers as well (you’ll notice he’s very particular with each flower he leaves behind)
Dewey leaves behind whatever item he had been juggling (for example: a bowling pin, orange, balls, etc)
Even tho Eric isn’t called upon too often for his sake, he actually doesn’t leave anything behind.
Grant leaves nothing behind whatsoever, what he did to the victim alone is WARNING enough.
Henry leaves behind clown noses (he literally puts clown noses on the victims) and if he’s feeling generous enough he leaves some sarcastic little messages behind or just straight up taunting ones.
While they ARE a mafia, like I’ve said the circus part also plays a big role! They DO perform! Their circus moves from place to place, it never does stay in one spot and a BIG thing Wallace wants noted- they don’t include animals in their acts, they’d never put any kind of animal through that sorta stress and are HIGHKEY against Circuses that do use animals bc most times the animals are whipped and abused, so Wallace says none of that here!
They have had some rowdy rude customers like all businesses or events do ...But you know… They aren’t like most either, those customers were mm… I’d say when Wallace offered to have their complaint taken up, let’s just say those so called customers were never seen or heard from again (keep in mind, those weren’t valid complaints, it was basically karen type people so oofy)
Chester has once lured a victim backstage and he has a house of mirrors type situation, he once lured them back and slowly watched them struggle to try and get out of there, sometimes appearing on the mirrors to give them a fright, he’s probably driven some people to insanity with this tbh also, Chester made Wallace a necklace with an Obsidian pendant, Wallace cherishes this and thanks to Chester he knows the crystal symbolizes protection n stuff so that made him cherish it even more.
Their Circus, the tent, etc- I’ll be 100% honest with you, the fucking tent itself is pretty inhuman and fuckin unrealistic, like- SO many fucking things fit under that tent- its almost cartoonish how it works! The tent itself holds literally all their respective areas, from Chester’s stage right down to the area where the trapeze and tightrope acts are performed!
One thing I didn’t mention- Wallace seems to have two sets of fangs (I will say, he’s- he’s not a toon btw I mean, I won’t say if Wally is fully human or not but still) both top and bottom, Chester has cat-like fangs, Dewey/Eric don’t have fangs at all, Grant has some razor sharp teeth, and Henry just has normal lookin’ teeth.
One more thing! I already covered their pronouns up there so here’s their sexualities! Wallace is Pansexual, Chester is Bisexual, Dewey is Panromantic and Asexual, Eric is Gay and Asexual, Grant is more so Questioning rn as is Henry.
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meterokinesis · 4 years
Stars as Sharp as Knives
Read it on AO3
Prompt: stabbed
TW: Violence, PTSD, Disassociation
Summary: Tim remembered getting stabbed in vivid detail. The images were horrifying on their own, but together they formed a sick film that played on loop in Tim’s mind. Even after waking up the next morning, and the morning after that, he kept wondering: why am I alive?
Tim remembered getting stabbed in vivid detail.
In a job like this, where you either saved the day or ruined it all, he was used to cuts and scrapes and wounds. He anticipated them even, which the first aid kid he kept in his utility belt could attest to. But getting stabbed that night in the desert was something else.
The sound of steel through flesh. A cruel whisper. Blood, warm and sticky. Sand in his nose and eyes. Cool near-winter wind that ruffled through his hair. Dirt under fingernails. The weight of a body dragged behind him. Brick walls with metal stairs. A soft bed, with downy pillows stained rust.
The images were horrifying on their own, but together they formed a sick film that played on loop in Tim’s mind. Even after waking up the next morning, and the morning after that, he kept wondering: why am I alive?
This was a question he’d been asking himself for longer than he cared to admit. He was alive because no one had managed to kill him yet, and no more. If the universe had its way, he would be dead eight times over. Tim was just lucky, he supposed. But not lucky enough to escape the nightmares.
He remembered while attempting to sleep in the lavish jail cell Ra’s al Ghul concocted for him. He remembered while training with high level assassins, every time they went for a jab at his stomach. He remembered when Tam hugged him, and his reflex was to make sure she didn’t have a knife. He remembered on his first night back in Gotham, when he had to update his medical records to say “Patient has no spleen after a traumatic injury to the abdomen.”
The nightmares were the worst. They played out the scene in gory detail, each time with a new sort of reverence for Tim’s suffering. It wasn’t always the Widower who stabbed him; sometimes it was his father, or Jason, or Damian, or the mugger that killed Bruce’s parents. On bad nights, it was Bruce. On worse nights, it was Stephanie.
The nightmares persisted long after he defeated Ra’s al Ghul at Wayne Enterprises, long after Bruce finally returned and Tim was welcomed home with open arms. No, they lasted for months--every night a sick remembrance.
The first time he sparred with Dick after ending Ra’s plot, he used the new skills he picked up at the Cradle. At first they traded blows lazily, wearing down the floor by walking the same steps of a familiar dance. Then Tim dared to spin out--try one little move--and the game was afoot.
Tim didn’t pretend that he was better than Dick--he knew he wasn’t. But he had more range and was the better strategist, so at least their spars were interesting. They danced around the mat, neither submitting. Like all of their practices, it went until someone gave in or passed out. The Waynes never called out.
Dick went for Tim’s shoulder with his escrima sticks, which Tim blocked with his bo staff. By the time he registered the other stick moving toward his stomach, it was too late.
Forgoing all sense of etiquette, Tim roared and swung out with his staff, trying not to relish in the feeling of it connecting with Dick’s head.
“Jesus, Tim, what was that?” Dick’s voice floated from somewhere above. “I know we didn’t specify ‘no headshots’ but it seems like a giv- holyshitareyouokay?” It was then that Tim realized he was sitting on the ground, his head between his knees and his hands protecting his neck. In a way, he looked like the tornado drills they made him do at school, even though Gotham never had tornadoes. His body didn’t feel entirely real, like instead of inhabiting it like always, he was merely borrowing it for a second.
Dick’s voice, no doubt saying something reassuring, murmured in his ear. The words all blended together in a soup of pleasant sounds, one that Tim didn’t even attempt to decipher. Somewhere in the haze, he heard the telltale click of the comms, followed a few minutes later by heavy footfalls.
Bruce’s gruff voice took over for Dick’s soothing one, asking him questions that he didn’t know how to answer. Even if he could, he wasn’t entirely sure his mouth was still a mouth, let alone one that could form words. Instead, his brain gave him a front-row seat for the premiere of his least favorite movie in existence, where Dick stabbed Tim in the abdomen, his face contorted into something evil and totally unlike Dick. The Not-Dick didn’t stop after the first time, of course. Instead the scene rewinded over and over again, like a broken film from a museum about the tragedies of war.
Tim didn’t remember anything past that.
Tim woke up in his bed at the Manor, his heartbeat thunderous but slow. He opened bleary eyes to see Bruce sitting in the armchair near his window, reading a copy of the Wendy the Werewolf Stalker comic tie-ins Bart had given him last year for Hanukkah.
“Good morning. Or, should I say, evening. You almost slept for a full day,” Bruce said warmly, closing the book.
Tim didn’t return his tone. “Why are you here?” He demanded, clutching his blankets where they fell on his lap.
“Do you remember what happened last night?” Bruce avoided the question with trained ease, something Tim saw much too often in himself.
“I- Yeah. A little.” He remembered Dick stabbing him, but that couldn’t be Dick, right? They were in the desert, and it would take at least a day to get from the Syrian Desert to Gotham. His hand wandered over to his stomach. No open wounds or bandages, but there was a long scar.
“You disassociated. Do you know what that means?” Bruce asked, and Tim nodded mechanically. “We think that something during sparring practice triggered a trauma response.”
Tim heard the words, but he wasn’t sure his brain was following all the way.
“I’m fine, B. I just freaked out a little. No big deal.”
Bruce leveled his dad-stare at Tim. “Tim, with all due respect, that was not ‘freaking out a little.’ You were curled up in a ball on the mat, refusing to speak to us. When we managed to coax you into a sitting position, you attacked me. We had to put you in a safe hold until you calmed down.”
Tim opened his mouth, but no words came out.
“I think we need to talk about this. I understand if you don’t feel safe yet, you’ve been through a lot over the past year. I love you and I want to be here for you, but if a professional would help, we can do that too. Dick knows this guy in Metropolis-”
“No!” The word was out of Tim’s mouth before he could stop it, followed by a torrent of others. “I don’t need a shrink. I’m fine. Can I leave now? Or are you going to keep me prisoner like he did?”
“Of course not,” Bruce said, his voice heartbreakingly gentle. “This is your home, Tim. You can come and go as you please. However, I think we need to talk about-”
“Cool. Later.” Tim rolled out of bed and tugged on shoes and a jacket as Bruce tried to reason with him. They both knew that he could try to keep Tim here, either with logic or the threat of getting grounded, but neither would work. At his best, Tim was tenacious. At his worst, he was stubborn.
Tim traipsed down the grand staircase as Bruce followed behind him. Damian glowered at him from the sitting room, but at least he didn’t say anything. Dick was nowhere to be found. Tim pushed his way out of the manor, a small smile of satisfaction crossing his face when the door slammed and cut off Bruce’s pleas. It reminded him of every bad teen movie he’d ever watched, except the exhausted dad and pushy mom were replaced by Batman. Wasn’t that every kid’s dream?
He wandered through Bristol township, avoiding the spots he knew the paparazzi liked to frequent. Wouldn’t that be a million-dollar picture: Bruce Wayne’s high-school-dropout-turned-CEO son walking through the sea of McMansions in converse, a kid’s tracker bracelet, pyjama pants, and Cass’s purple NorthFace.
He was on some cul-de-sac where every house looked the same when he heard the telltale swish of someone following him. He didn’t turn around, just kept up his leisurely pace. Either they’d announce themselves, or they wouldn’t.
He got his answer when a hand snaked over his chest and a body pressed against his back, stopping him in his tracks.
“Hello, Detective,” Scarab whispered in his ear, and Tim’s veins turned to ice. Her hand cupped his face, and she slid around to his front. Tim didn’t believe in God, but he had no doubt that she was Satan incarnate.
“I have a gift for you,” she purred, her hands tracing his sides and back. He didn’t dare respond. “It’s from your friend.”
Tim swore his heart stopped. Ra’s al Ghul didn’t send gifts, he sent warnings. And threats. And death. Which is why he wasn’t entirely surprised when Scarab drove a knife into his chest with a sort of tender ruthlessness. She guided him to the ground, left a ghost of a kiss on his temple, and stepped out of view.
Tim lay gasping on the pavement, trying not to bleed out. His fingertips brushed the bracelet, weakly holding down to send out a tracking signal. If he was lucky, they’d see it. If not, then he’d die. It was that simple.
The stars here were dimmer than the ones in the desert. It was all the light pollution, he knew. Same stars, but an altogether different sky. There was a metaphor there somewhere, but he had lost too much blood to focus enough to find one.
His eyelids felt heavy, and it took everything in him to keep them open. Bruce would be here soon. He had to be. He was Batman, that’s what he did.
As Tim staggered through each breath, he couldn’t help but remark the irony of it all. He’d spent all this time worried about one old wound that he hadn’t seen the next one coming.
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diddlesanddoodles · 4 years
The dress was a buttercup yellow with white rimmed sleeves that dragged on the floor. Nenani stood very still as Lolly carefully pinned the dress in several places to get the fit just right. Her mother stood to the side, watching with an odd mixture of emotions.
“You look beautiful, Nenani,” she said. But there was something in her eyes that made her look sad.
“The sleeves are so long,” Nenani said, tilting her head to look at Lolly and flapping her arms. “I look like a bird...”
“It’s the fashion right now,” Lolly said with a suppressed grin. “All the ladies at court are wearing them long. You will be turning heads when they see you.”
“Why do I need to be turning heads?” Nenani asked, feeling nervous. After her talk with Jae and Farris about the upcoming dinner, she was beginning to have serious reservations about the whole ordeal.
“Because you’re going to a dance,” her mother told her straight faced. “And it’s better to go wearing the proper shoes.”
Giving her mother a befuddled tilt of the head, Nenani asked, “Huh?”
“This dinner will be our first introduction to the Vhasshalan court in an official capacity,” Oira told her. “It would be better to make a good impression. And clothes are the first thing they will see. Well, aside from us being human that is. People at court have a certain capacity to be shallow and cruel. It was true in Silvaara and it’s true here in Vhasshal. We have to present to them a carefully painted picture so we can’t give them anything that might come back to haunt us later.”
Nenani looked up at Lolly with an anxious look. “I don’t think I want to go...”
“Don’t fret, Nenani,” Lolly told her gently. “All you need to do is stand there and look pretty. His majesty and your mother with handle everything else.”
As Lolly finished the fitting, Nenani could not strike the feeling from her mind that she was not going to enjoy any of it.
It was a little awkward carrying her dagger and the roll of leather, but even as Jae asked for the fifth time if she needed help carrying anything, she assured him she was fine. But as they rounded the edge of the guard barracks and made their way to the smithy, Nenani turned to stared at Jae as he walked beside her, noting the bottle in his hand. When he looked over and saw her staring, his brow furrowed. “What?”
“I thought you were going to get rid of that,” she said, pointing to bottle of whiskey.
“I am,” Jae replied with a dismissive shrug. “I’m givin’ it to Connar. To try and bribe him into making your belt for you. Not that I think he would refuse you. But a little bribery never hurt. Plus, it’s easier to give this away then just dump it.”
“I don’t understand how you could drink that stuff,” Nenani scrunched her nose up and adjusted the roll of leather under her one arm. “It smells terrible.”
“Wasn’t drinking it for the flavor,” Jae assured her. “But a lot of folks swear it’s the best tasting whiskey you can get. Keral’s famous for it.”
“Still smells bad.”
“Funnily enough,” Jae shot back with a smarmy grin. “So does Keral.”
In all her time living in Vhasshal, Nenani had met all the resident humans save for one; Connar. He was a metal and leather worker in the King’s smithy alongside his guardian, Hev. Another name Nenani was familiar with, but had no face to match it with. The metal medallion around her neck, Jae’s neck, and all other humans in the castle were all made by Connar. Ostensibly due their smaller size, the job was much more suited to human hands than a giant’s.  
And as they drew nearer to their destination, the steady beat of metal striking metal became more pronounced and there was a metallic bite to the air itself as though she could smell the forge in the smithy just as she could smell the ovens in the kitchens. But instead of crusty loaves of yeasted breads, the only thing being pulled from the mouth of Hev’s fiery forge were the glowing bars of heated metal.
The smithy was a wide squat structure more reminiscent of a barn than a proper workshop. There was no door, rather the whole front of the building was left open. Tables were strewn with tools and weapons of all kinds and all in varying states of manufacture or repair. There was a barrel off to one side filled to the brim with flat metal blanks in the vague shape of a sword, only waiting to be heated and shaped into their final form and given a hilt. The walls were filled as well with swords and daggers, axes of varying sizes from a small hatchet to an enormous battle ax. And then beneath all of it, Nenani could heard the great breathing bellows of the forge and waves of heat hit her face as they approached.
They passed under the shadow of the smithy’s interior and Nenani scanned the walls as they pushed inwards. So much metal and weaponry and leather. It reminded her of the first time she was taken into the kitchens where she saw all the knives and cleavers therein, but even that paled in comparison to the sheer number of blades hanging from the walls and laying atop tables.  
“It’s pretty nice coming here in the winter,” Jae told her. “Stays nice and warm. But the summer is just brutal.”
Nenani paused to look over at a mace casually leaning against the leg of the table, marveling at the idea that anyone could pick up something so lumbering and heavy. It looked like it would be a challenge even for a giant.
Beside her, Jae slipped the bottle of whiskey under his arm and cupped his hands around his mouth. “HELLOOOOO!”
From further into the space came a response. “Hello?”
Jae turned to her and grinned before yelling back, “Hello!”
A pause and then a confused sounding, “Hello who?”
“Hello you.”
“Hello me?”
Another pause and an amused response came back. “...Jae? Is that ye?”
The young man laughed and called back, “Yeah, its me.”
There was a series of clanks and the sound of something shuffling around the dirt floor before a giant head peaked out from behind a wall near the back of the room. He had a round pleasant face and a dark, short cut beard with streaks of grey. His long black hair had been pulled into a long queue and it swung out from behind him when he poked his head out. Large brown eyes stared at them and then there was a flash of white teeth. “Well so ye are!”
The rest of the giant’s body followed his head from around the wall and he walked with long legged strides over to the pair of humans. A dark leather apron covered him from his chest down to his shins with the tawny fabric of his sleeves rolled up over thick burly arms. Despite considering herself very well accustomed to giants by this point, Nenani could not quell the sudden nervous bubble that form inside her as he bore down on them. He was more broad shouldered than either Farris or Bart and perhaps even taller. He towered over them for only a moment before he dropped down to one knee, leaning forward even more to be closer to their level. His face and arms were deeply tanned and there was a faint dusting of metal shavings stuck to his face and beard.
“Been a while since yev been down this way,” he said to Jae with an easy smile. “Was startin’ to think ye didn’t like us no more.”
“Nah, nothing like that. Things have just been kind of...hectic?”
The giant threw his head back with a loud short bark of a laugh. “So I heard. Some nutter tried to kill ye? Threw ye off the roof was it? Must be goin’ up in the world if someone found ye important enough to try and assassinate, lad. I’d congratulate ye, but it sounds like it’s more a pain in the arse than anythin’.”
“Nah, no such luck. I was just collateral,” Jae replied, gesturing with his thumb to Nenani. “He was after this one. Hev, this is Nenani.”
The giant’s thick eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Ah! So yer Farris’s lil’ squeaker? Ah, well, I suppose yer a Princess too, eh? Please excuse the state of me, yer grace. Always get a bit manky in the shop.”
“I’ll make you a deal. Don’t call me ‘princess’ or ‘your grace’ and I’ll forget everything else,” Nenani replied with a small smile.
“Oh?” Hev asked and then looked to Jae in confusion.
“She hates the titles,” he explained. “Best to just drop them.”
“Ah, well. I’ll try to do that, but forgive me if I slip once or twice. I don’t mean nothin’ by it.”
“Is Connar about?” Jae asked, holding the bottle up with a grin. “We got a commission for him.”
Hev dipped his head and huffed in amusement before lifting up again with a nod. “Oh, sure. He’s just nappin’ over near the rag pile. Cold weather makes his leg ache, so he likes to build himself a lil’ nest over there. I’ll get ‘im fer ye.”
Hev pushed himself back onto his feet and after a few quick stride of his long legs, disappeared back behind the wall. His voice could be heard clearly enough. “Connar, ye up? Come on then, wake up. Oi! Ye lazy bum. Put yer shirt back on. How can ye be complainin’ about the cold when he ye haven’t even got yer damn shirt on? Now get dressed and try to pretend yer civilized fer all of a few minutes, eh? Ye got company.”
There was a fainter groan and then a curse. “Huh? Wait...Really?”
“Yeah, Farris’s ward’s is here t’see yer sorry arse. Y’know...the Princess?”
“The...Princess? Wait. What?! Ah, shit!”
Hev gave a loud laugh.
“Where’s my shirt? Hev, where’s my shirt?”
“How should I know?”
“Well, I put it there and now it’s gone!”
“I didn’t steal yer grimy little shirt. What’d I even use it fer?”
“I dunno. Hide it for a laugh?”
“Ah, not this time.”
“Dammit...I know I had it...”
“...ye check yer pants?”
“I said did ye check yer pants?”
“...wha…? Why would I check my pants for my shirt?”
“Because it’s tucked into yer arse, ye fuckin’ dolt.”
“What? Oh! Hey! There it is!”
There was a pause and the Hev said in a contemplative tone, “Sometimes I wonder how ye ever managed to miss seein’ that trap. And sometimes, like now, I don’t wonder quite as much.”
“...fuck you, Hev.”
“Love ye too, lad,” Hev replied cheekily and then shouted back at Nenani and Jae. “OK, yer grace. He’s decent enough. Oh, sorry. Already forgot about the title thing. I mean...yeah, yer good to come on back.”
Nenani shot Jae a look of confused amusement and he just grinned back. Rounding the wall that Hev had disappeared behind, the floor dropped two steps and opened into a large round room with a cone shaped ceiling that ended in a sharp point. Flat openings near the pitch of the roof were opened to the outside, letting smoke and heat escape. The farthest wall from the entrance was dominated by a round bricked forge that, to Nenani’s eye, looked very much like one of Quinn’s ovens, only much much larger. Around the lip of the forge were long black metal poles. Some were nestled into the glowing coals or leaning against the forge itself. Off to the left side was a large bellows, sitting on the ground and positioned perfectly for a giant to step upon it with their foot to breath air into the fire. Next to that sat a giant black anvil with on large hammer resting upon it.
To the right of the forge was an open barrel of water and just beyond that was a large pile of rags, all colored black from soot and dirt and it was there that Hev stood, looking down at a human as they adjusted their shirt and quickly tried to force their messy mop of hair into something presentable.
When Nenani and Jae hoped the last step and down onto the dirt floor, Hev looked up at them and flash a grin. “Ye might need to forgive the state of this one’s dress as well. I’d say he’s just feelin’ under the weather, but...he never really looks any better than this.”
“Shut it you.”
Nenani found herself slightly taken aback when she finally laid eyes on Connar. She had expected an older man by the way everyone spoke of him, but he was surprisingly young. Older than Jae, but perhaps more Riley’s age. Perhaps even a bit older, but only just.
Connar was a lean, dark haired young man with thin gray eyes and his face was marked with faint white lines across his tanned skin. Old scars. His hands were similarly marked, but the most prominent feature of his person was the distinct absence of his left leg. In it’s place was a carved wooden replacement. From his left knee down, his leg was gone and he stood instead with a false one peaking out from the folded fabric of his gray trousers. However, instead of a plain round peg as Nenani had seen before on some sailors, Connar’s fake leg was carved as though to mimic the real leg he had lost. It had even been oiled and polished and he wore a shoe as well to match the one on his right foot.  
He must have seen her staring at it, because when she looked up to meet his eye, he wore a knowing expression. “Lost it to a snap trap a couple years back,” he explained. “Some fucker was pouching on the King’s land while I happened to be trespassing through it and snap! No more leg.”
Her eyes widened in horror at the prospect. “That’s terrible!”
“Oh it was,” Hev agree vehemently. “Lil’ fella almost bled out in my arms.”
“But you’re not here to listen to my sob story,” Connar said, waving a hand and looking down at the roll of leather under Nenani’s arms. “Have a project for me, your grace?”
Hev bent down and tapped Connar on the head.
“She doesn’t like titles.”
“Fine! You just needed to say. Ugh, that hurt!”
“Ah, I didn’t get ye that bad.”
“Says you,” Connar shot back, rubbing his head and wincing. He shook off the pain and annoyance and turned his attention back to Nenani and Jae. “So, what’ve you got for me, your-not-grace?”
“Nonna gave me this,” she said, holding out the dagger. “And I was wondering if you could make me a belt for it.”
Connar reached out and took the dagger, pulling it from its sheath and inspected the blade. Holding it to the light, he turned his eyes to Nenani. “You’re Thorn?”
“On my father’s side. Yeah.”
His eyes drifted down to the amulet around her neck. “And what about that?”
“It’s a fire opal,” she explained. “It helps keep my magic from spilling out all at once so I don’t die.”
Above them, Hev grunted, his eyed wide. “That can happen?”
“Yep,” Jae answered for her. “Almost did.”
“Well, that would be bad,” Connar replied. His eyes lingered on the metal chain. “Might want to swap that chain though. The links are far too thin to be holding up something that heavy. It’s gonna bust loose if you’re not careful.”
Connar slipped the dagger back into its sheath and then inspected the leather work of it. He hummed appreciatively. “They’re well made. The metal is very good. The blade needs sharpening, but I don’t think they really sharpen these. They’re ceremonial if I’m remembering right. Can’t have little kids stabbing each other, I suppose.”
He handed it back to Nenani, but as she tried to reclaim the dagger, the roll of leather fell from her arms. Connar picked it up and let it unroll. Holding it up, he whistled. “This would do well for a nice belt. But, is that all you’re wanting? Just a belt? There’s a lot more material here.”
She shrugged. “What else could you do with it?”
Connar gave her a devilish grin. “Oh, so many things. Tell you what. If can trust me enough, go on and leave me this here leather and come back to see me in...oh, about two days? I’ll have something for you.”
She nodded and smiled. “Okay.”
Jae stepped up and held out the bottle to him. “Here. Something to sweeten the pot.”
Connar’s eyes lite up. “Is that what I think it is?”
“Yeah,” Jae replied. “Promised Farris I’d keep away from it. So I’m back sucking lime flower leaves.”
Connar quickly rolled the leather back up and slipped it under his arm before eagerly grabbing up the bottle. “Well, that’s your loss,” he said and then looked back to Nenani. “Let me revise my previous statement. Come back in three days and I’ll have something you’ll absolutely love. And I’ll see about getting a better chain for your amulet too.”
“Thank you!” she said excitedly.
Conna held up the bottle. “No, thank you.”
Despite the cold weather, the repairs on the west wing were coming along at an astonishing pace. All the broken roof tiles had been pulled off and the masonry underneath taken apart, stone by stone, and finally the fire damaged wood beams. Large new timbers had been delivered and installed to replace them and the masons were now laying back the foundation stones with fresh mortar. But as the giants worked, their craftsmanship was not the focus of Nenani and Jae’s fascination.
“How would it even have gotten there?”
“It must be part of the original structure. Like the tunnels.”
“You’re saying that the humans who built those tunnels would have also been the ones to build that?”
“Well, who else would have?”
“There’s no way!”
“They must have, though. Unless ancient Vhasshalans did.”
“It’s huge!”
“What? You don’t think humans can build big things? Have you ever seen castle Nethwyn? Well...I guess you haven’t. But’s it’s freaking huge too. The great hall was big enough to fit a hundred people and thirty giants comfortably. At least that’s what I always heard.”
From the vantage point of a high gable, Jae and Nenani stared down into the open wound of the west wing’s roof and at an enormous stone head that rose up from within the thick walls. It was nearly as tall as a giant and three times as wide. The damage done by the dragon’s attack had revealed it when work began on the repairs and more astonishing was that there seemed to be more the further down they went. The back of its head faced into the corridor and was the majority of what was visible while its face, still obscured by the outer stone wall, looked out into the valley.  
“I thought Warren was just having a laugh when he said they found a giant head in the wall,” Jae said. “Or that maybe I just understood what he was telling me. Yaesha had given me some potent tonics.”
“Do you think there’s more of them?” Nenani asked.
“Maybe,” he said lightly. “But seeing how dug in that one it, it might take another dragon attack for the others to be dug out.”
Nenani made a face. “I wonder if he’s gonna have them wall it back up.”
“Don’t know. Seems a pity to cover it back up again.”
A short silence fell between them.
“So,” Jae said, breaking the quite, and tilting his head to peer at her curiously. “You ready for your official debut at court?”
“No,” she replied, her eyes watching one of the workmen slather a trowel with mortar and place a vaguely square shaped stone into place and giving it a rapid tap with the butt of his trowel before turning back to his bucket and beginning the process again with the next stone. “But I’ll be there. I’m just gonna do what Lolly said and just...sit there and look pretty. I guess. The dress is pretty heavy so that might be all I can do anyway. Are you going?”
He sighed. “Warren asked me if I would come and I tried to make an excuse, but Rosanna answered for me. So I’m going. And she’s already picked out my clothes for me and everything. And I swear she’s deliberately choosing the doublets that are just constricting enough for me not to be able to have any free movement. It’s like what I imagine wearing a corset’s like.”
Nenani laughed. “She knows you better than you give her credit for.”
“I mean...it’s nice not having to look over my shoulder all the time, but really. She’s starting to act like she’s my mom. Just this morning for example! When I went to talk to Warren, she didn’t like how I combed my hair and then did it for me. And Warren had the biggest shit-eating grin. It’s been years since I’ve had the urge to hit him, but ugh...got really close then. Could have done with that arm of yours. Wouldn’t thrown my damn shoe at him.”
“Yale must be right, then,” Nenani giggled. “Maybe she’s practicing being a mommy on you.”
Jae glared at her with an unimpressed look.
“So, speaking of the dinner,” Nenani said, steering the conversation away from the subject of the Queen. “Do have any pointers for me? On what I should and shouldn’t do?”
“Oh sure,” Jae replied. “A warning: a lot of courtiers might try to mess with you.”
“Mess with me?” Nenani frowned. “How?”
“Nothing too bad. And I don’t think Eldherst will bother you. I’m gonna bet he’ll be pestering Warren about the armory again. I just mean a lot of the Lords in power now were there during the war and some still harbor...ill feelings towards humans. Though not overtly. They’re a lot more...subtle about it. One or two of the older ones just saw me as Warren’s pet when I first came. One of them even asked me once wear my leash was and why I wasn’t on it. Should’ve told Warren about it, but I was still a kid and just wanted to leave. But I told Keral the next day. Supposedly he crushed up a dried red dragon pepper and slipped it into the Lord’s snuff box.”
With a look of horror, Nenani put her hand to her nose. Her mind supplying the mental image of someone snorting even just a small bit of regular pepper sounded horribly painful. But her horror turned into giggles and Jae grinned with her.
“For you though, the one I’d look out for most is Lord Calem. Tallish guy. Always wears this hideous yellow coat and wears too much cologne. You’ll be able to smell him long before you see him.”
“Why? Does he not like humans?”
“No. Opposite in fact. He is...very friendly.”
She looked at him askance. “How...is that a bad thing?”
It was Jae’s turn to make a face. “He’s a well meaning, but totally condescending idiot with no sense of personal space. And when he drinks, he gets all...cuddly. Especially with humans. I’ll tolerate Kol’s nonsense to a point. He’s my friend. But not Colem. He’s one of the main reasons I stopped going to those things.”
“What?” she laughed.
“Yep. He’ll want to pet you. Like...a pet. Like a dog. After two glasses of wine, he’ll get all up in your face and try to pet on you,” Jae said with a grin and then shrugged. “And since you’re small and cute, better watch out.”
She blinked at Jae’s choice of words, feeling her face flush.
“What?” he asked, looking at her.
“Nothing,” she replied quickly.
“...serious. You all right? I mean, the guy’s annoying, but he’s no Thrist.”
“It’s not that.”
“Then what?”
“...you just...well...you called me cute.”
“Uh huh..?” He drawled, squinting at her and she felt the heat in her face increase and she turned away from him to try and hide it. He leaned into her field of vision, a single eyebrow raised. “You feeling okay?”
“You sure?”
“Because you’re red.”
“I’m fine.”
“Like...beet red.”
“I said I’m fine!”
He smirked at her suddenly. “Oh.”
“Shut up,” she snapped and rose to her feet, turning to the open window behind them and hoping down onto the table below.
Jae leaned over to peer at her. “But I didn’t say anything...”
She glared at him. “I said shut up!”
With a smug grin so reminiscent of Keral that she felt the very real urge to punch him, he said, “You...you don’t fancy me do you?”
“No!” Her fingers sparked as she slammed the window shut and then pulled the latch down for good measure.
“Hey!” Jae got to his feet and pushed at the window. “Open up! Geez, Nenani, I was just joking!”
Nenani pretended she couldn’t hear him as she carefully climbed down the table leg, too angry and mortified to feel any pride in having gotten down off of a table all on her own.
“Nenani! Come one!”
“There are other windows!” she called back as she rounded the corner to find the tunnel door.
BONUS ART: Oh look! It’s ol’ Hev. 
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incoherentbabblings · 4 years
Take Back the Cake, Burn the Shoes, and Boil the Rice (11/11)
Within two months there have been two murders of Gotham newlyweds moments after the ceremony. The only connecting factor was both brides wore the same designer’s work. Needing to establish who exactly is behind the crimes, Bruce enlists Tim and Stephanie to have the biggest wedding Gotham high society has seen in decades, putting a target on their heads not just for the killer, but Gotham society too. It goes about as well as you’d expect. Ao3 Link Here!
In lists of depressing moments, having to dismiss a wedding reception before it had even begun was surely high-ranking in placement. As soon as the family and the Titans returned to the manor, Stephanie ran upstairs, dress in tatters, wanting nothing more to rip off the outfit and return to sweatpants and a jumper.
Kara went to follow her, but Cassandra asked her to wait.
“Let her have a minute.”
Kara did not look pleased but listened. Bart, distracted as always, said,
“She has, like, loads of scars up her back…”
Conner nudged Bart to make him shut up, and they watched as Tim, eyes wet, tugged off his jacket and tie. Alfred suggested that everyone sit in the drawing room and wait for Bruce to return home. He reassuringly rubbed Tim’s back.
“I will take care of everything wedding related now Master Tim. Don’t you and Miss Stephanie worry about anything, just each other.”
Tim smiled and everyone piled into the room. The caterers had insisted on leaving behind the food, and Alfred offered to take them to assorted shelters across the city later the next day. Soon enough everyone was sat with a plate of very nice looking nibbles, but no appetite to eat. Even Bart seemed reluctant, sensing the morose mood of the room.
The wedding cake, the lovely beautiful lemon cake – the only thing Stephanie and Tim had been pleased with – never made an appearance. It was hidden away in the kitchen, and Tim had no energy to go looking for it.
The quiet stretched on, Stephanie and Bruce not returning, until finally Tim’s temper snapped, and he carelessly threw down his plate, got up, and stormed out the room.
“Wait Tim –”
“Go home Conner!” He turned back to his friends. “This whole thing was always going to be a misery, so we were trying to spare you the idiocy of it all. You weren’t invited, and you pushed in anyway. Well you got your spectacle, alright? Go home.”
He slammed the door shut, uncaring about anyone else’s mood, and stomped upstairs.
Collapsed in a stained white heap at the end of the corridor was Stephanie, and knelt next to her, was Bruce. Returned from patrol, he had quickly changed into a simple black t-shirt and pair of trousers.
Tim’s temper faded, and he slowly approached the pair. When he reached them, he slid down the wall next to Stephanie, and was grateful when she took his hand. Her eyes were dry, but she looked exhausted and a little cheesed off. Bruce had the decency to look somewhat sorry for how the day had gone.
They sat in silence for a moment longer, when Steph took a steadying breath, and asked, “Was the point of making this such a giant mess to give us a viable reason to split as a couple? To keep us in the dark like that, so that the chaos would be more authentic?”
“It was humiliating was what it was.” Tim cut in. Bruce looked at him sharply, and Stephanie just closed her eyes, emotionally drained and uninterested in getting into an argument. Not now.
“Neither of you were hurt?” Bruce asked the pair. They shook their heads. Bruce sighed, then rocked back on his heels, resting more comfortably. “It was another one of my misguided ideas… I suppose.”
“So is that lecture we spoke of last night oncoming or…”
“No lecture. But… feel free to ask questions now.”
Tim immediately launched into an interrogation.
“Was it a crazy-ex?”
Stephanie scolded Tim with a look. Don’t downplay it, she implied.
“Not the one in prison we spoke of. This man, Anthony Saville… well. Self-taught in harming others. Can’t stand the thought of his girlfriend having outside interests and a career. The relationship had moved quickly and violently. Rebecca saw it as making a choice between her life or her job.”
“Not the lives of those poor people?”
“She was very frightened.”
“But… she helped him murder those people. There were other ways…” Stephanie nudged off her shoes, feet sore from wearing such high heels the past few days and thumped her head against the wood panelling of the corridor. “I wish she had felt she could have gotten help before this spiralled. Before she thought being with him was her only option.”
Bruce looked at Stephanie, whilst Tim shut his eyes. Not for the first time, the idea that she was just too good of a person for Gotham returned.
“Wayne Enterprises has some initiatives with shelters and resources for those men and women who need help. I can take a closer look at how they’re getting on, see what more we can do.”
“Can I help?” She asked. “When everything’s cooled down. It’s nearly summer and I won’t have much work at the library in the meantime.”
“I’ll look into it, Stephanie.”
“Thank you.”
He inspected her once more in her gown, and watched as a sudden thought came to her, and she flushed with shame. “Bruce… the veil, and the earrings…” She took off the pearls, abruptly very nervous and apologetic. Shaking, she held them out for Bruce, who carefully allowed her to drop them into his palm. “Alfred has the veil, but it’s ruined, everyone stepped on it and tore it and…”
“It’s alright.” Bruce interrupted. “It’s just a thing. Didn’t have much sentimental value. These on the other hand…” He shook his closed fist that held the pearls. “…do. And you brought them back home.”
“Now what?”
“Alfred will take care of the logistics of a cancelled wedding. The two of you just need to figure out what your relationship is to be in the aftermath of all this.” Bruce looked to Stephanie. “Did you not tell me yesterday you weren’t going to wipe your hands of the whole thing?”
Stephanie managed to smirk. “Oh sure. For better for worse.”
She gave Bruce a pointed look as Tim’s head fell to rest on her shoulder. She hoped, if nothing else, Bruce would read the unspoken message she was trying to convey. She didn’t want to take part in this ongoing conflict between Bruce or Tim, but she hoped that by now she had certified where she stood. Bruce wasn’t going to get anything from her that acted against Tim. Not anymore.
She nuzzled Tim’s head, unashamed, and Bruce stood up. He didn’t look upset, only a little amused and smug.
“That’s fine Stephanie. We can discuss more after dinner.”
“Wait.” Tim pushed. “What was the reason? For this whole…endeavour. For all the hidden facts and secrets?”
“Stephanie is many things, but she is not a particularly good liar.”
“Hey… My mom didn’t—”
“To be fair Steph,” Tim cut in, “Your mom spent most of your adolescence at work or baked. She didn’t even know you went missing that one time for like three days.”
Bruce took control of the conversation once more, “Tell me that if you knew Rebecca was involved, either of you, that you would have been okay with her making your dress. You in particular,” Bruce nodded at Tim, “You wouldn’t have let it alone. I wanted to do it my way. I needed that damning piece of evidence for her and I needed to catch him in the act. No questions to be made of their guilt. I told you both at the start. Leave the investigation to me. And you did just that.”
Tim’s eyes widened.
“This wasn’t a goddamned test was it?” He said, tone very flat. Bruce’s next words had to be chosen carefully, or a fight would ensue.
“I knew this would be an emotionally difficult job. The rest of the family are like gossiping hens. I just wanted you two to focus on each other. It wasn’t a test, it was an opportunity.”
Slowly Stephanie heard the unspoken confession.
“One more question. If I had said no, all those weeks ago. If I refused to play this game with Tim, would you have found another way to arrest Andrews and Saville?”
“You were the only two I wanted for this mission. I just wish it had run a little bit more smoothly for you both.”
Oh. This was Bruce’s demented method of making Tim and Steph make up. Take a mission and have them play house until it became real. Stephanie laughed, incredulous. Seven dead but one happy couple, as if that were an equal trade. Bruce would offer no more information, and she could not find the willpower to argue. Bruce Wayne was using pre-existing cases to play goddamn matchmaker with. Somehow this was on a whole other level of controlling concerning the three of them, even for Bruce.
Tim scoffed, and returned to his perch on Stephanie’s shoulder. “Whatever,” He muttered. “You’re welcome, then. Again.”
Tim’s dismissal was better than his anger, and Stephanie stared across the way at a chest of drawers. She doubted there was anything in it, rich people liked to have things to fill the space, but she just wanted Bruce to leave. There was nothing to be gained from this conversation. They would forgive him for meddling, as they always did. At least it came from a genuine desire to help. It’s what she told herself repeatedly. Tim, she thought, might just be one step closer to putting his foot out the door, and she worried about those consequences more than any paper headline tomorrow. No doubt the front-page image would be her pushing Rebecca down the stairs like a demented bridezilla.
And then Bruce left, and that was that. Tim and Stephanie remained on the floor for a while longer, Tim lost in his head, Stephanie still reeling from the day’s events.
“I’m going to look through his notes.” Tim muttered. “Nothing about this makes sense.”
“That’s fine.”
“You’re not curious?”
She sighed, looking down. “Just wanna move forward.”
Her wedding band glistened in the warm light of the corridor. It was intensely sparkly, when most wedding bands she knew were solid gold, like Tim’s was, but she found herself quite liking it. With her left hand, she reached for his own, and he allowed it, as she twisted his ring around and around his finger.
“We need to really talk.” He whispered.
“Agreed.” She looked down the corridor, out the window. The rain was finally letting up. “Get changed and go for a walk?”
He hummed in agreement, helping pull her and the weighty dress to her feet.
“You really did look beautiful today, by the way.”
Stephanie blushed, then returned the compliment.
Face washed, braids undone and now in a high ponytail, and wearing nothing more extravagant than jeggings and a fuzzy yellow sweater, Steph had gone out onto the stone patio to wait for Tim. It was where they had kissed in the rain for their photo shoot, and soon enough Tim emerged to pull her out of that memory, wearing simple black jeans and a hoodie. Neither said anything, but they began to meander through the manor gardens. The ground was sodden, and although Tim’s sneakers were getting ruined, he didn’t mind. Steph was wearing chunky brown ankle boots that were quickly caked in mud. She had better grip than Tim though, who every now and then would slip a little, with her instinctively reaching out to grab him.
When they reached a good distance from the manor, Tim took her left hand, and they walked towards the forest trees that lined the estate.
Tim thought of her distressed face at the end of the ceremony, when the Dean confirmed they were married (at least to the Church). He tried to think through why that could have been.
“What would you have done? If it was your real wedding?” Tim asked, finally breaking the silence.
Stephanie hummed, and moved so she could wrap her arm around Tim’s own, and had a little think.
“Smaller dress for one.”
Tim chuckled, and Stephanie gripped his arm tighter. “Seriously though, I’m half of the mind that I would make my own… square neck and cap sleeves, buttoned back, all satin. No more lace and tulle and taffeta!” She giggled. Tim stopped in a clearing, but Stephanie began to waltz around, kicking up mud as she went. She was acting like a seven-year-old, listing off her ideal wedding, but Tim was quite content to listen and watch. “And my flowers… azaleas, snowdrops, lily of the valley and milkvetch… burgundy roses. No yellow funeral flowers! I mean, the lemon cake was good. I liked that idea for sure… but no sit-down meal after. Just lots of platters and cold food… And we’d get married here! At the manor, with just the family and our friends. And our first dance would be –”
Tim’s smile as she babbled dropped, and he asked, “Our? So, you’d keep the groom?”
Stephanie looked at him incredulously. She was momentarily caught out at the slip up, though after a second, she decided that there was nothing false in her statement.
“Of course, I would.” She teased, walking back over to Tim. “I told you, no-one else will do.”
“You didn’t seem happy about it at the Cathedral. I thought...”
She laughed gently. “Of course I wasn’t. If I were to marry you, I didn’t want it to be like that. I... I just felt hollow at the end. It wasn’t how I wanted it to go.”
“Well that’s great, considering we’re kinda maybe probably married now.” Sarcasm crept in his voice, and Stephanie raised an eyebrow.
“Are we? I thought you had to get the civil side signed before it’s all done and dusted.”
Tim paused, thinking it through.
“No. We’re not.” He concluded.
“Then what’s the issue?”
“You wanna deal with a thousand people asking you about legal troubles for the rest of your life? We got the licence and we had the religious ceremony but we haven’t got the certificate so… it’s a mess waiting to happen.” Tim blew his hair off his forehead. “I think, we have two options. PR wise.”
“Oh? Shoot.”
“Within the next month we go to the registrars and get the civil ceremony done super quick. Sign the form, hey presto, we’re actually married. We’ve got the licence for another six months, and we finished the religious side, for whatever that’s worth… just one signature and we’re there.”
She screwed up her lip, not convinced. “Do you actually want to be married? ‘Cause Tim… I’ve not even graduated college yet. I wanna take our time. I want us to do it our way.”
Tim thought about it for a moment, then shook his head. “I guess not. And we said we’d start from scratch after this.”
“We did.”
“So, our other option is to do exactly that. Say we need a bit of time to regroup and catch our breath. I think people would understand. Especially if you’re going to all this WE stuff with me or Bruce then it shows people we’re sticking to a guns and not dumping each other at the first sign of trouble… People will be sympathetic, I think.”
“There were loads of people this morning… cheering for us… I wasn’t expecting that.”
“The world ain’t as bad as you think it is sometimes, Steph.”
“Humph. Look at you being all optimistic.”
“You’re a good influence!” He laughed.
“Am I?”
“I’ll say it as many times as you need to hear it, Steph, you’re a good person.”
She shook her head. “No. Not that. I mean you.” She took his elbows. “What we talked about yesterday… your anger and Bruce and…”
Tim huffed, and looked to the side, reminding her of a guilty child.
“I’m okay. I promise.”
She didn’t believe him, and silently told herself she was going to have to play the long game. He was worth it. That was of no doubt.
“Okay. So, starting from scratch… what if, hypothetically, I said I wanted to move back in with my mom next weekend?”
She didn’t miss the flash of panic on his face. Don’t go. He wanted to beg. You said you wouldn’t leave.
“I…would be sad. But it’s your choice.”
She nodded. “Okay, well, what if I said… I wanted you to take back all the jewellery you bought me. Or give them away or throw them in the river. Even the wedding bands.”
“That’s a lot of money in the river.”
“Stop side stepping.”
He screwed up his face.
“All of them? Even the ones you haven’t seen yet?”
She flushed red and puffed out her cheeks. “How many more did you buy?”
“Just the one. I… hold on.” He tugged her over to a tree stump so she could sit. It was damp and a little uncomfortable. Tim got on one knee, and Steph started to have flashbacks to the restaurant.
“No, no. Let me speak first before you freak.”
“Oh, you –”
“I’ve kept this one near me the whole time. Just as a reminder. I didn’t ever ask you to marry me at the dinner, remember? You just saw the ring and flipped.”
“To be honest, I’ve repressed the whole thing.”
“Well, I’m still not going to ask you to marry me. At least not yet.”
Stephanie finally relaxed, then leaned forward. “Then why am I sat on a tree stump in the middle of the forest with you down on your muddy knees?”
“Because this…” And he pulled out from his jean pocket a tiny velvet bag. Taking her left hand, he removed her wedding band, then flipped her hand so it was facing palm up. Shaking the little bag, another ring fell out to rest on her heart line. “Is a promise ring.”
The ring was more delicate than her engagement ring, which had at times felt more like a knuckle duster than anything else. This had a pink diamond centre, with eight pear shaped white diamonds forming petals, and smaller pink diamonds completing the gaps, forming a circle. It was set in rose gold, and she gasped a little as she inspected it.
“Had it made for you.” Tim explained. “You’ll be pleased to know this one only cost eight thousand.”
“Oh, very reasonable.” She teased, continuing to inspect it. “It’s beautiful Tim. But a promise ring? Swear I made a pretty big promise for us last night.”
“Yeah, well when I bought it, I wasn’t expecting us to…” Redder than a tomato, he looked like his fourteen-year-old self after she would tease him with a kiss. “Hmm. Let me stick to my script.”
“Oh okay.” She sat up straight, hands resting on her knees. “Prim and proper. Sorry, sir.”
“Very serious.”
“Super serious.”
Tim cleared his throat dramatically and folded her fingers over the promise ring. He wrapped her hand in both of his.
“I made up vows, you know. In my head.”
“Oh.” Every now and then the boy would remind her of how utterly head over heels he was for her, and she would grow embarrassed. He was so oddly earnest with his affections, that Stephanie, even after half a lifetime of trying to convince herself of the innate goodness of people, was still taken aback by how openly Tim loved her.
“Dick talks a lot about being people’s safety net. And you were mine. Except, I didn’t know it until you were gone. And then when we hurt each other… But now, I feel grounded again. You cut through all the nonsense and see straight into my core. And sometimes that’s frightening, how well you know what weird things go through my head. You know me better than nearly anyone. And when I look at you and see how far you’ve come… I loved that angry spite filled firecracker, but I also loved Gotham’s golden girl just the same.” He squeezed her fist, and she could feel him starting to shake. “I wanted to, when we first started this, to show you that you didn’t need to be frightened, being with me. And I know I failed at that.”
“No, Tim, it wasn’t you.”
Her soft protest was ignored and passed over, and Tim continued onwards. “I should have done more. So, I promise. I vow. I want to be your safety net as much as you’re mine. To be your sunshine, your home, the way you are to me. You said last night was your promise to me that you’re in it for the long haul. And I’m sorry I couldn’t give you something just as meaningful other than a promise ring, but it’s in the name. And it’s a reminder, not just to you, but also to me. I don’t care which finger you wear it on, I just ask that you trust me…with you. I swear I’ll take care of you and love you until you forget the concept of love being conditional, because what I feel for you… it’s constant, and unchanging. I swear on... I swear on…”
“…Not the moon.”
She giggled and lifted her free hand to rest on his cheek. “Oh, you must know that reference, Mr Romeo. O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon. That monthly changes in her circle orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable.”
Tim looked a little bashful, but she quoted the line so flawlessly he felt compelled to run with it, to see how far he could take the romanticism.
“Well then… What should I swear by?”
If she kept going, if she remembered the next piece of dialogue, he would have her response to his vow. She tilted her head, eyes looking upwards, as she fought to remember the line.
“Do not swear at all. Or…” She sat back, “Oh what was it? Um…oh! If thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self, which is the god of my idolatry, and I’ll believe thee.”
She laughed, both happy that she was able to play along and that she recalled lines from a play she had not read in years. Tim moved closer.
“Okay then. I swear, on my life, that I will love you, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part. And maybe even after, knowing this family’s relationship with death and the supernatural.” He licked his lips, “And I’m demanding to know if you think I’m worth the fuss.”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“Course you are.” He answered easily.
“…And so are you.” And she smiled, whilst also feeling incredibly fragile. Voice very quiet, as if speaking loudly would shatter the moment, she got on the ground with him and said, “You saved me. You know that, right? When we were kids? I was so angry, and hurt, and yet being around you… I craved it. Because you were just everything I wanted to be. I could be more than what my life would have been if Spoiler never came to be. And I could be more than that pain and hurt of those first months on Gotham’s rooftops. And then you chose me over Ariana and… I hold on so tight to those memories.”
She sniffed, knowing she was being a little melodramatic, but Tim was very good at pulling it out of her. She wanted over the top and romantic. They deserved it.
“Moments like sitting with you at the park, on Wayne Tower, in that pizza place, on my sofa when you and Dana made me chicken soup when I was sick, when we went to that diner and the lady gave you a free burger ‘cause she thought you killed the guy who hurt me, sitting on your lap on your sixteenth birthday watching that terrible kung fu movie and making out with you on the roof, doing crossword puzzles with you on a stakeout, the music shop… God, the music shop… I’m sorry I let things fall apart the way they did. The best memories of my life. I ruined those moments for so long. But… I’m better now. So, we can make more memories.”
The ground was very cold, and her knees were growing numb from the damp, but she continued to gaze at Tim. There was something deeply affirming to hear that she held those memories in such high reverence as he, that she was just as protective over them.
She finished her own little speech, bashful and bright red, but still smiling. “And I’ll make a promise back. I swear that your pain will fade because I’ll make sure you won’t ever feel alone, that you won’t ever be lost because I will always be around to drag you back, kicking and screaming, and that I will always, always, love you.”
Tim grinned, and released his grip on her hand. She opened her palm, ring safely tucked away, and he picked it up. Holding it, he then asked,
“This isn’t a marriage proposal.”
“But I am going to ask, formally, Stephanie Brown, do you want to be my…my girlfriend. Again.”
There was something very child-like in the question, like they were on the playground playing in the dollhouse. But it wasn’t a game. It wasn’t a dream. It was real, and she knew her answer before the question had been asked.
“Yes. I would like that very much.”
Tim laughed, and the wet tears finally fell down Stephanie’s cheeks. They were happy tears, so she let them be.
“What finger do you want it on?”
She held out her left hand.
“A ring like that deserves to be on my ring finger, right?”
He slid it on. This time he had ordered it a little larger, not sure if she would have opted for her middle finger instead, so it managed to get over her knuckle with significantly less effort than the wedding band. It would need tightening, just a little, but they had all the time in the world for that.
They kissed, and the morning’s car crash lifted from their shoulders. They were short, breathless kisses, innocent and punctuated by the sound of Stephanie’s giggles and Tim’s exaggerated noises as he kissed her cheeks, nose, forehead...anything he could plant his lips on. They kissed for a very long time.
“Thank you, by the way. For pulling me out the way at the Cathedral.” Tim said as they broke apart. Stephanie got to her feet, offering her hand to Tim, who gratefully took it. She linked his arm back in his, and they made their way back to the house. “Would have had a bullet in the heart, judging from the trajectory, if you hadn’t been so quick.”
“You’re welcome. You better stick by that vow Mr Drake. You’re not to leave me, even a gunshot wound can’t take you out.”
They returned to the manor only to find that, despite Tim’s angry demand, the Titans had not left, and were in fact sat on the balcony with the rest of the family. Every single one of them, even Damian, looked extremely curious.
Tim shot Steph a look, and the pair sped up, jogging back over and up the stairs. If making those vows had been frightening but cathartic, it was nothing compared to letting their family and friends know the conclusion of the entire event. Tim felt Stephanie shaking as they faced the Titans, who, more than anything, just wanted to be kept in the loop. Her shaking stilled when Conner invited them to come to San Francisco and tell the rest of the Titans in person the good news, and that they could think of it as a pseudo honeymoon. Tim couldn’t help but send Conner an eternally grateful look, to which Conner got a glint in his eyes that implied he was going to lord this moment over Tim for the rest of his life.
It seemed everyone was in agreement. It was best to let everyone hear the truth now because it was good news. It was happy news. Don’t be afraid of people’s judgement because there was nothing to feel guilty about.
Tim and Stephanie were stuck at the hip come hell or high water, and throughout the entire conversation, they never let go of the other’s hand.
The next few days were… interesting in its non-eventfulness. In how quickly things settled. Especially after the roller coaster of a wedding day. Alfred had seemingly ordered an issue of every newspaper in the region, plus some national ones, apparently for the sole purpose of showing Stephanie how many angles of that one shot of her throwing Rebecca down the stairs existed. Luckily, the headlines were damning the Newlywed Murderers whilst pages four and five were composed of what was probably the original intended article, filled with photos of the family and guests entering the cathedral. Stephanie hummed to herself. She’d looked really nice… ah well.
To say nothing of how good Tim had looked. Ooft. She didn’t know who had styled his hair, but they deserved a hefty payment as thanks. It certainly wasn’t Tim – no, the boy usually left it alone, which in recent years had resulted in it sticking up in clumps after he had grown it out a little. Every day he was creeping closer and closer to the mad scientist aesthetic, but Stephanie quite enjoyed it as it gave her something to hold onto when he… hmm, never mind.
The articles themselves were deliberately neutral. At least the Daily Planet and the Gotham Gazette were (not shockingly, considering their parent companies) largely sympathetic. There were still some hints that the story was a lie. As if Tim and Stephanie were honestly that selfless and willing to put themselves in harms way, could it be that they were already married? Was the entire thing a fake out?
Stephanie sighed, reading the pieces on Rebecca and, after events had passed, just feeling sorry for her more than anything, and a deep disdain for the man who had abused her past breaking point. She knew Tim was trying to pinch information off the bat computer, not believing for one moment that Bruce had told them the entire truth regarding the case. Stephanie had left him to it, not wanting to be involved in Tim’s ever mounting mistrust of Bruce. She wanted to get back on with being a student, with working her odd jobs, with Batgirl, only from now on she wouldn’t return home to her mother’s house at the end of the day. She silently resolved to alter Tim’s apartment in places, to make it homier. The first thing to be changed was the placement of the stuffed toy duck he had won for her all those weeks ago. It now lived on the sofa in the living room, a convenient cushion and squeezy stress toy when required. It no longer loomed over Tim’s bed; beady eyes filled with judgement.
Tim had kept his huffiness focused on where it belonged (Bruce) and two days later had insisted on going with Bruce to work. Bruce, who was wearing a sling and a cut lip to pretend like the car accident had genuinely happened, shook his head.
“You’re supposed to be on your honeymoon annual leave.” He had reminded Tim.
“Redundant. I wanna make a press release.”
Steph, who was in the process of stuffing her little purple car full of leftover food and cake, ready to take to the community centre, slammed the boot shut.
“Sweetie you don’t have to.”
“No. I do.” He nodded his head, looking all formal in a suit. Stephanie, on the other hand, was wearing a long-sleeved forest green dress that hung off her like a shapeless tent, but Tim thought she made it work. Tim wiggled her earrings, giant cheap gold coloured hoops, and the little beads on them jangled. “I’ll tell people ‘the truth’, for what it’s worth. Commissioner Gordon gave us a list of things I can slash can’t confirm.”
“Want me to come with?”
“Nah. You’re a private person, Steph. You don’t owe the world anything. I’ll send an in-person reminder.” A kiss on the cheek, then a nudge towards the driver’s side of the car. “Honest. I’ll take care of it. Have fun at the centre today.”
“Well, who doesn’t like cake, eh? I’ll see you tonight. Still waiting on that Chinese takeout.”
“You order when you get home, I’ll transfer you the money.”
“Okay, bye love. Text when you’re on your way back?” Tim nodded, and she sighed, getting in the car. Bruce had an odd look on his face, a pinched sort of affection at the two’s domestic banter. Before she drove away, she rolled down the car window and poked her nose out. “Good luck you two! I’ve heard the press can be a nightmare!”
“Harhar. Bye, Stephie.”
Blushing, Steph rolled the window back up, and whizzed the car around the front of the manor to get back on the road to Gotham. Tim blithely waved goodbye, and Steph made her way back into the city. She blanched and then laughed as she exited the manor grounds, thinking to herself how easily saying goodbye for the day had been. How easily they slipped into domestic stability and safety. It felt fitting. It felt right.
Soon enough, just after crossing the bridge from the mainland, her mother rang. Hitting the speaker, she answered, then tried to find a place to pull over. Her mother waited patiently until Steph ended up in a MacDonald’s parking lot.
“You okay, mom?”
“Just wanted to check in on you.”
Her mother was at work, because of course she was, but seemed to have found a spare moment to call.
“I’m heading down to Park Row –”
“To Tim’s apartment?”
“No,” She laughed awkwardly, “To the community centre. There’s a session on this morning for the elderly… thought they might want some cake and a chat.”
There was a pause as her mother thought through what Stephanie said. “You’re a good girl, you know that?”
“Mm.” She sidestepped the compliment.
“But you’re okay?”
“Yes. Promise. Hey, listen… my room…”
“If… if you want, mom, you can turn my room into an office if you like? Or make it a spare room and rent it to lodgers, get some extra cash? Or just a room for you to relax in. You can sell the furniture and –”
“Steph? It’s your room, sweetheart. It’ll be waiting for you whenever you come back, for whatever reason. Even if it’s just for the odd night here and there.”
“…Thanks, mom.”
There was another breath, then Crystal asked what was actually on her mind. “So, you’re staying? With him?”
“Yes. For real.” She heard her mother tut. “Don’t be like that.”
“Oh, I know you won’t be told. Believe me, I know.”
“I’ll still come round for Friday night board games. Honest.”
“Alright then. But bring Tim next time.”
“Yes. I want to keep an eye on him.”
Her protest went unheard. Stephanie had learned in recent years that her mother shared an unshakeable stubbornness, albeit much quieter than Stephanie’s.
“Have to go. Bye Steph, talk to you later.”
Pursing her lips, Stephanie had an abrupt craving for a McFlurry, and crept forward to the drive thru. She needed a distraction from whatever that conversation was before she went to the centre, and sugary food seemed an appropriate method.
Tim, meanwhile, had been forced to drive Bruce to the office. Bruce had flapped his arm in the sling as an excuse.
Sat in traffic, Bruce broke the silence.
“So, next steps?”
“You. Stephanie. This whole endeavour.”
Tim snorted, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the wheel. “Dare I ask your opinion on the not signed off marriage?”
“It’s okay. You’re both too young anyway.”
Incredulous, but also seeing that Bruce was trying to lighten the mood, Tim laughed. Bruce smiled back in his usual tight-lipped manner. Slowly, Tim’s smile faded, and his expression grew sadder.
“You promise that you don’t have a problem with us?”
Bruce’s broad chest heaved. “I promise. And I do think you work well together. I told you that at the start. In and out of costume. Besides, she wanted me to walk her down the aisle. I want to do that for her one day. I understand if you don’t believe me… but I want you both to be happy.”
Again, Bruce was showing off how fond he had grown of Steph, and Tim relaxed. This wasn’t five years ago, they genuinely could make a fresh start. “She makes me happy.” He said, quietly.
“She’s also made you miserable.” Bruce said, playing devil’s advocate.
“… I think… I think that’s because I let her. Because I trusted her. I mean, who in your life has made you the most sad? It’s the people you love, right? Not the ones you hate.”
Bruce nodded, taking Tim’s words to heart. If he could, Tim would have tried to hug Bruce, but instead he remained strapped in the car, creeping through green red green red lights. He just wanted a fresh start with everything. It took a moment, but Bruce sensed Tim’s neediness, and rested a hand on his shoulder.
“You’re doing fine Tim. Just… keep moving forward.”
“That’s what I’m trying to do... With her next to me.”
Bruce squeezed Tim’s shoulder tight, then the silent drive continued.
Stephanie had watched on the tiny tv at the centre, as one of the staff members came rushing in, exclaiming that Stephanie’s husband was on the television. She had sat down next to one old lady who seemed so decrepit her spine had folded permanently at ninety degrees, shaking fingers picking apart the lemon cake and icing.
“Oh, he’s a handsome guy isn’t he Steph.” The staff member teased.
Not my husband Steph wanted to argue, but she let it lie. The announcement was just Tim stood outside Wayne Tower, reiterating everything that had happened the other day. No they were not married, yes they were still together but were going to wait until things calmed down, our thanks to the Cathedral, I have made a donation even though I know it will never make up for the damage and loss, no we did not plan a wedding to catch a bad guy (don’t be ridiculous), please be nice to Stephanie she’s a private citizen, glad we could catch a murderer and bring justice, looking for ways to improve options for men and women in domestic abuse scenarios… and on and on.
Tim did very well she thought, not cracking once under the questions that came his way. People certainly tried to find holes to nit-pick in, but – as much as it sometimes disquieted Stephanie – he could be a very good liar when called upon.
The old lady she was sat with slowly clicked that the boy on the screen was someone important to Stephanie, and she tapped Stephanie’s new ring insistently.
“Seems like a good boy.”
“He is.”
And then she returned to picking up dishes, bringing them through to the kitchen. She was here to work, not to have people fawn over her. That didn’t mean she didn’t smile to herself at the well-intentioned teases people threw her way for the rest of the day.
Come the evening, when the two were reunited at the apartment, Stephanie finally got the Chinese takeaway she’d been craving. Empty cartons were streamed across the counter, and the time was ticking down before they were off for patrol. Stephanie was strewn across Tim, who was himself stretched across the sofa. He was playing with her ring, looking smug.
“Why’re you so happy?” She teased.
“No reason.” And his arm that was wrapped around her waist squeezed. Part of him was still up in cloud nine. He had Steph, on his couch, on him, snoozing the early evening away. Her hair smelled of her candy scented soaps, and it was no longer inappropriate of him to verbalise how much he liked it. It was why he couldn’t bring himself to be…too… angry at Bruce.
The ends justify the means… right?
Wait no. That’s not how it –
“You did good today.” Stephanie interrupted. “I saw on the tv. Everyone thought so.”
She nuzzled backwards, pressing firmly against his chest and neck. “I thought so too. Thank you, Tim.”
He made a noise of acknowledgement and closed his eyes. Another moment of comfortable silence passed, when a thought returned to Tim, and his eyes popped open.
“You know, I’ve been thinking…”
“Shocker.” Her tone was groggy, as if she were half asleep and he was keeping her awake.
Tim stubbornly ignored her, “…and you never mentioned the piano.”
“Well, you know. It’s there. If you ever want to –”
She sat up and looked down at Tim, who was looking a little nervous. Pianos and her had a somewhat volatile history. Maybe Tim thought it was triggering. Stephanie had at first just stubbornly ignore the thing, not wanting to give Tim the satisfaction of thinking she was even tempted. Then there had been twelve hundred other things to juggle, and she simply not had the time.
“You’re about as subtle as a brick to the face sometimes you know?”
Tim looked alarmed. “Speaking from experience or…?”
“You want a little concert? I haven’t played in years mind you.”
“I want you… to do whatever you…want to do.”
She was not impressed by his attempts to downplay the request and rolled her eyes. “Come on. Sit with me. See if you recognize this one.”
The bench was just wide enough to sit the two of them at. She shuffled a little, taking off her slippers so she could get a better feel for the peddles. Clearing her throat, as if she were about to conduct an orchestra, she placed her fingers on the keys. She took in a deep breath and tossed her hair back. Tim watched the process, fascinated.
“Ready?” She asked.
Tim nodded.
Smirking, Stephanie began to play the wedding march, only for it to take three notes for Tim to recognize the song and make him instantly outraged. He yelled incoherently and slammed his fingers down on the lower end of the scale. The noise was clanging, disjointed, and hilarious. Romantic moment ruined. Stephanie began to laugh so hard her snorting came through.
“You’re a monster!” Tim cried out, half laughing himself. He slapped the casing down, miffed. Stephanie continued to cackle, hands covering her mouth as she tried to stop the undignified grunts.
“Too bad! You’re stuck with me remember?”
Tim pulled at her hands, to free the path to her mouth. He didn’t miss Steph’s squeal of delight when he kissed her, and immediately her hands were cradling his jaw, wrists still loosely held by Tim. His thumbs were pressed on her pulse point, and he felt it throb harder the longer they kissed. The childish exuberance faded, and the kiss slowed and deepened.
When they broke apart, Tim placed his lips to her left cheek. “Until death do us part.” He murmured, then he moved to her right cheek. He felt her skin grow warm, and seep into his own core.
Pale blue eyes stared into indigo, and a long moment passed in silence, the clock on the mantle providing the only noise. Some garden birds chirped outside, and the fluttering of their wings past the window made Stephanie flinch out of the silence. Caught of guard, she laughed, then moved so she could perch herself on Tim’s lap. She tried not to giggle at the slight cross-eyed look he developed as she settled down. Leaning forward, she kissed his forehead, and she felt his warm breath brush over her clavicle.
“Until death do us part.” She whispered back. “And after, if it’s allowed.”
Not for the first, and certainly not for the last time, they sat still, admiring the other. Steph, with her choppy blonde hair, button nose and chewed lips, whose ability to pull herself out of despair was unrivalled, whose compassion and fire made her a beacon to those feeling lost. Tim, with his ink black hair and eyes paler than Gotham’s cloudy skies, whose ingenuity and loyalty was only matched by his earnest idealism. Tim ran his thumb over her lips, seeing the bruise and cuts that she had left from anxiously pulling at the skin, and he had left in previous days.
No longer feeling shy, he tugged on her neck, encouraging her back to him. They kissed again, and for the moment, things were perfect.
The End.
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redrobin-detective · 5 years
I think one reason I’m so attached to the Core Four aka Tim, Cassie, Bart and Kon is because throughout their whole runs, they were always the outcasts. They earned the League’s and the world’s respect but these kids were clearly not exactly what their mentors wanted and they knew it. They weren’t like the sidekicks that came before them and they were always held to much higher standards. Because of this, I think they became one of the closest set of Titans. Yeah, the original Five are pretty tight but the kids who started YJ and eventually reformed the Teen Titans knew for a while all they had was each other.
Tim Drake was Robin III, he not only was following in Golden Boy, Dick Grayson’s footsteps, you know? the original sidekick that all teen sidekicks were modeled after but Jason Todd, Batman’s kid who died in the line of duty. Those were some shoes to fill, not to mention Bruce really didn’t want Tim there at first, afraid he’d endanger another child and also afraid of opening himself up to love again after the loss of his son. He had to work twice as hard as the others to prove himself worthy and he was probably still worried of losing his cape if he didn’t meet Batman’s expectations. His friends became a safe haven bc not only was he allowed to relax a little without worrying about being good enough but, to them, he was Robin without question. 
Conner was forcibly inserted into Superman’s life, a clone born of Lex Luthor using Clark’s DNA without consent. We all give Supes shit for being weird with Kon but it IS a weird situation. Kon was biologically 15/16 but only a few months old. He had knowledge but no experience, instincts but no sense. He, like Tim, wanted to live up to this monumental legacy he’d been born into which was hard when none of the other Supers really wanted him there. He tried to be bigger, badder, more grown up to show how worthy he was when in reality he was acting pretty childishly. He just wanted to be accepted, cloned alien test tube baby and all. The team gave him somewhere to belong, gave him a purpose in life and helped him learn who Conner Kent, Kon-El was beyond Luthor or Superman wanted him to be. Even when he earned his right to wear the S shield, he never stopped being an outsider. Except of course with his buds. 
Cassie wasn’t born an Amazon, she wasn’t immortal or a trained fighter or filled with an awe inspiring grace like Diana or Donna. Those two woman were monuments of peace and justice and a fierce warrior spirit. Cassie was the daughter of a single mother who stumbled into heroism by being the daughter/granddaughter (depending on the version) of Zeus. She wasn’t a calming example, a shining pillar, she was a teenage girl who liked crop tops and cargo boots and unresolved anger issues she worked out with her fists. She was silly and petty and very human compared to the godlike Amazons. Diana tried to mold her, to teach her to be like her and Donna but Cassie refused to bend even though she wanted to be that person, she just couldn’t. Hanging with a bunch of boys only brought out her aggressive tomboy nature, to Diana’s dismay, but she found kindred spirits who don’t mind that she wasn’t exactly a saint but appreciated that she was funny as hell and had a wicked right hook. 
Bart Allen was never in anyone’s plan. He was a whirlwind speedster kid from the future, claiming to be Barry Allen’s grandson. He was overly energetic, childlike from growing up too quickly (literally), quirky, and refused to slow down to cater to slow people. Managing him was a nightmare and Bart didn’t make it easy. He was shuffled around, he trained with and bonded with Max Mercury only to be sent to the Garricks when Max disappeared. It was clear no one knew what to do with Impulse. He was probably put on YJ to burn off some energy but he ended up fining people like him, unwanted outcasts of the big heroes and finally, finally, he had a reason to stop running, to slow down to interact with normal people. Suddenly it became important for him to live up to the Flash name, to hone his speed because he might be able to outrun baddies but his friends couldn’t. He kept twisting his personality to try and be what the Flashes wanted but his pals told him that they love him as he was. 
There were plenty of other members of Young Justice and the reformed Teen Titans, even people who also were outcasts. But these four were in the unique position of growing up together as the second/third kids of Big Name Heroes. Not good enough for the Justice League, they made themselves a little home with each other that not even death, retirement, fights or mentors were ever able to shake. 
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sebeth · 5 years
Young Justice Outsiders: “Princes All”
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 Young Justice: Princes All
 I accidentally spoiled myself of a small part of the episode.  Of course, it was the plot element that would fill me with rage and disgust.  If you’ve read my Young Justice posts, you can guess what it was – Conner’s proposal to Megan.
I’m very puzzled why the writers insist on reuniting the pair.  The creators consistently display a fine attention to detail – there is no way the writers can be oblivious the manipulative, obsessive, and abusive overtones of the relationship.
Conner’s reunion with Megan is simply a case of an abused person returning to their abuser.
Is there a big Conner/Megan fanbase?  Honest question.  The majority of fans preferred pairing for Conner is Tim.  I’ve also seen fan works pairing Conner with Bart Allen, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Cassie Sandsmark.  I don’t often see fanworks supporting the Conner/Megan pairing.   As for Young Justice fans, I would say Wally/Artemis, Bart/Jaime and even the very brief Dick/Zatanna have bigger fanbases.
Color me optimistic but I don’t think the marriage will happen. Conner has apparently been carrying the ring around for over a month.  That’s not the actions of a man certain of his decision.
I feel Conner returned to Megan simply because that’s the only non-familial love he’s known.  Besides his family and super-hero friends, Conner is pretty isolated.  And he’s not great in social situations.  The return to Megan, as nauseating as it is, probably feels like a return to normalcy.
I don’t know, I just have a feeling something will happen to end the relationship.  Megan will either revert to her mind-ripping ways – once again breaking Conner’s trust and ending the relationship – or Megan dies by the end of the season.
The prequel issues stated Psimon is back and holding a grudge.  Megan has other victims – that may or may not have recovered – that will hold grudges.  If you’ve read the 1980’s Teen Titans comic you know that Psimon is a vicious and vindictive man.  And he’s all about the sneak attacks.  If I was Megan, I’d be worried.
The creators are rather determined to ignore any consequences for Megan’s actions and to make her life “happy-happy”. I think it’s suspicious.
A hero dies in every season of Young Justice.  Season 1 had Kent Nelson. The video game had Tula.  Jason Todd and Ted Kord died during the time jump.  Wally died in the second season.  The odds of a hero not dying during season 3 aren’t great.  Why promote Megan so hard in the prequel comics? And handwave away any consequences of her actions? Could it be because Megan has a target on her back?
Maybe Psimon strikes during the wedding – causing the erasure of Megan’s mind and later death? Talk about karma!  
Or it could be wishful thinking on my part as I loathe the Conner/Megan pairing!
On to the episode…
We replay the ending of the final episode of the previous season.
July 4, the Watchtower
Kaldur argues with Dick: “This is no time for you to resign.”
Dick insists he’s not resigning, simply taking a leave of absence.
July 4, Markovburg, Two years later:
A young man is told of his sister’s death. Said sister is not only alive but is being experimented on: “Initiate tar protocol”.
Poor Ana’s metagene is not only activated but she is transformed into an energy-tar creature and transported to Rann.
The confused Ana-tar creature attacks members of the Justice League – Ice, Wonder Woman, Black Lightning, Superman, John Stewart, Martian Manhunter – Alanna, and Adam Strange.
Ana dies. Alana scans the creatures and realizes it is a 14 years-old earth child.
The “Young Justice Outsiders” theme is haunting and ominous.  It also clearly displays Apokolips.
July 27, the Watchtower: Megan, rocking the White Martian look, praises the Alpha squad while mentioning the Gamma squad still needs training.
Steel and Black Lightning arrive at the Watchtower. The Justice League are holding a meeting to determine Black Lightning’s fate.  It was his energy blast that killed poor Ana.
Surprise!  Kaldur is now Aquaman and the leader of the Justice League!  It would explain why Kaldur was absent from the promotional trailers and materials.
Megan is leader of Young Justice.  Boo!
Bat(Kaldur), Wonder Woman, Black Lightning, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Doctor Fate, Captain Marvel, Steel, Rocket, Zatanna, Batman, Red Tornado, Plastic Man, Katana, Flash, Hardware, Batwoman, Superman, Ice, John Stewart, and the Martian Manhunter.
Hardware is from the same Milestone universe as Rocket, Icon, and Static.  
Batwoman is a surprise.
Diana confirms meta-human trafficking has spread from earth to other worlds.
Batman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Black Lightning are very frustrated with the lack of progress in stopping the meta-human trafficking.
Lex Luthor is the United Nation’s secretary general – and is using the position to be a pain in the League’s rumps.
Batman is done: “But all that matters is the mission. If the UN is a roadblock to that mission, then we remove it by removing the League.”
Kaldur and Diana are not down with that plan.
Bruce and Oliver resign their League memberships.
Bruce’s resignation is accurate to the founding of the Outsiders in the comic books. Back in the 1980s, Bruce needed to rescue Lucius Fox from a foreign country.  The Justice League’s agreement with the United Nations didn’t allow Batman or the League to enter said country. Bruce said “I quit”, formed the Outsiders, stormed the country, and rescued Lucius.
Hardware, Plastic Man, Katana, and Batwoman promptly resign. Katana and Kate aren’t a surprise – Kate is Bruce’s cousin and a Gotham gal and Katana has always been Team Batman.  Plastic Man has been a strong ally of Batman since the late 1990s. Hardware is a surprise as he has no connection with Bruce or Oliver.
Dinah accuses Bruce, Oliver, and company of planning this in advance.  Oliver asks Dinah to join the group, she refuses.  It’s safe to say Dinah and Oliver are taking a break.  Breaks are standard operating procedure for Ollie and Dinah so I’m not overly worried for the future of their relationship.
Jefferson swears he wasn’t part of Bruce and Ollie’s stunt but he came to the meeting to resign in person.
Kaldur and Diana decides to issue a statement disowning their former members’ future actions.
The Young Justice team are chilling in the waiting area. Jaime and Bart are chatting – BFFs or dating? If they are dating, will the show ever make it official?  Tim and Cassie are next to each other – they were thrown together in the season finale – so, still dating? Is it serious? Steph and Cissie are hanging out – a friendship that has strong possibilities.  Unfortunately, the girls never had much interaction in the comics.
Batman strolls in and announces “It’s time.” Robin and Arrowette leave with their mentors.  Tim doesn’t surprise me.  I’ve always felt Tim was the most loyal to Bruce out of all his Robins.  Dick, Jason, and have always banged heads with Bruce.  Damian, if forced to choose, would side with Dick over Bruce.  Tim is Bruce’s “ride or die” Robin.
I’m surprised over Stephanie and Cissie.  As I said earlier, Steph routinely goes against Bruce’s wishes.  Cissie has never had much – if any – interaction with Ollie in the comics.
Bruce asks Jeff to join his group – Jeff refuses as he doesn’t trust Batman and doesn’t want to be part of Batman Incorporated.
Jeff and Bruce have a different relationship as Jeff is very “Team Batman” in the comics.
Are we going to get Batman Incorporated? With a Knight & Squire appearance?
Jeff apologizes to Static: “I’m sorry, Virgil.  Maybe you can find a new mentor. One who is less damaged.”
The duo doesn’t have any type of connection in the comics but it’s a natural relationship.
The rest of Young Justice – especially Cassie and Bart – are very confused as to what is going on.
Moscow, July 28: A disguised Dick Grayson, in communication with Oracle, rescue a few meta-human trafficking victims.
So how long will the writers wait until the identity of Oracle is revealed to the viewers? And will the Joker be responsible for Barbara’s paralysis?
Dick is tracking down Bedlam, who is responsible for the tar mutation goop.
Oracle has spent time around Bart as she refers to something as “crash”.
We switch to Markovia. King Viktor and Queen Illona DeLamb-Markov are holding a press conference. Princess Tara disappeared two years ago.  Brion has recently returned from studying abroad.
The royal couple speaks out in support of Quarqi refugees – fleeing the recent invasion of a Queen Bee-led Biayla - and against metahuman trafficking.
Brion asks Dr. Jace about the results of his meta-gene testing. He tested positive. Brion wants his meta-gene activated.
Dr. Jace was a supporting cast member of the Outsiders in the comic books.
Dick is in Star City. Barbara informs Dick of Bruce and company’s mass resignation. Dick insists he “can’t worry about that now.”
Babs has determined the likely location of the meta-trafficking in Markovia but insists Dick will need backup.
Dick is way ahead of her.
We discover Artemis has moved to Star City and lives with Roy Harper and Lian.
Roy is going by “Will”.
Where’s Cheshire? Did she go back to the dark side?
Where’s young Roy? I don’t remember seeing him on the Watchtower.
July 29th” Future Halo is in the Markovian castle. She lets in others who quickly murder the King and Queen.
Queen Illona’s brother kills the intruder. I’m very suspicious of Queen Illona’s brother.
Dick approaches Happy Harbor.
Hey, there’s Wolfe! Enjoying a nice nap.
Conner is worried about Superman being off planet for so long. He feels a burden to step into Superman’s shoes.
Dick arrives to recruit Conner. Conner agrees. Dick reminds Conner that it’s a non-super suit mission. As in, you can’t wear the “S” shirt.
Dick leaves to find his next recruit.
It’s both interesting – an odd- that Dick didn’t ask Megan along.  Her powers – telepathy, shape-changing, invisibility, phasing – are perfect for covert mission.  Conner’s abilities and personality are the exact opposite of covert.  The reason can’t be that he’s afraid of leaving Young Justice without a leader – Dick states it’s a one-day mission.  So why not bring Megan? Has Dick discovered her mind-wiping spree? Or her assault on Conner’s mind? Has he lost trust in Megan?  I am baffled as to why Dick wouldn’t recruit Megan unless its due to personal issues.
Megan falls back to her manipulative ways: “I don’t want to be that kind of girlfriend, but…I just lost a big chunk of my team to whatever Batman’s got going. I was sort of counting on you.”
Conner’s only going to be gone for 24 hours! Stop being so clingy, needy, and manipulative.
Conner hastens to assure Megan: “You can always count on me. I can prove it.”
Cue the vomit-inducing proposal scene.
Conner, you poor, poor fool. Megan’s playing you like a puppet and you don’t even realize it.  I don’t buy Megan’s “surprised” act.  Megan’s a very powerful telepath – even if she wasn’t purposely reading his mind, there is no way she didn’t catch hints of Conner buying a ring.
I’m very cynical about Megan.  How can we be sure she hasn’t been pushing Conner to propose? Megan is prone to living/retreating in a fantasy life – and she’s been obsessed with and molded Conner from day one.
Sure, Megan’s rocking the White Martian appearance, indicating more acceptance of herself, but her human form is still very “Hello, Megan”.
G. Gordon Godfrey is back. He wants martial law. Queen Illona’s brother claims it was a Quarci metahuman refugee who assassinated his sister and brother in-law.
The Baron states that he will serve as regent as Gregor and Brion, the royal twins, are only 17 years old. If I was the twins, I would be very worried for my safety.
Brion contacts Dr. Jace – he wants his meta-gene activated post-haste.
Metropolis: Jefferson kisses his daughters goodnight.  Hi, Anissa and Jennifer!
Jeff informs Lynn that he’s giving up the costumed life.
Lynn doesn’t believe him: “I’m the sister of a Green Lantern and the ex-wife of a Black Lightning. I know how this quitting the life thing goes.”
Lynn is the sister of John Stewart? That’s a new twist.
Jeff leaves the house and immediately tells Dick “No”.
Dick persists. Jeff insists he “can’t” – his powers aren’t working.
Dick informs Jeff that he “came for the man, not the powers”.
July 30, Midnight: Dick is at the meeting spot. Artemis zetas in. Conner arrives in the sphere-ship, Jeff shows up, and the group head to Markovia.
Cute ending scene – Artemis’s dog sleeps with a Wally plush.
I enjoyed the episode minus the Megan parts. It was pure set-up but I’m very intrigued by Bruce and Oliver’s upcoming shenanigans.  And you can’t go wrong with the Dick-Conner-Artemis trio.
And we have two more episodes! Exciting!
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fangzeronos · 5 years
Slowly Mending
Artemis sighed, looking at the calendar and clenched her hands, looking at the date. It was Wally’s birthday, five months after his disappearance. She refused to say he was dead, because she knew somewhere deep inside, that stupid bastard that she, for unknown reasons, was still in love with after five years was too stubborn to die, not when they had so much planned. She drummed her fingers on her stomach, feeling a tiny kick that made her still choke up before taking a shaking breath as she heard the door get knocked on.
 “Who the hell…?” she mumbled, walking over and looking out of the peephole. She groaned when she saw her sister, surprised Jade had found her. She unlocked the door and opened it, stepping back. “Jade? What are you doing here?”
 “Hunting your ass down,” Jade said, walking past her sister and sitting on the arm of the couch.
 “Sure, come in. Make yourself at home,” Artemis deadpanned. “I’m serious, why are you here?”
 Jade looked down, wrapping her arms around herself and biting her lip. Artemis had never seen her sister look vulnerable, and it wasn’t a good look for the usually hard as nails former League of Shadows assassin. “I’m sorry about Wally,” she said after a solid few minutes, looking at her younger sister. “I heard what happened from Ra’s. He found me himself and told me. I…I went and saw Mom to see if you were there, and she told me about the house out here in Palo Alto--”
 “You’re rambling,” Artemis said, turning her back and heading for the kitchen again. “Stop kicking my insides, you little booger. Christ…today’s a day I wish I could drink…”
 Jade cocked an eyebrow, getting up and following her sister. She walked over and stopped in front of Artemis, a confused look on her face before she reached over and put her hand on Artemis’ stomach, blinking and feeling her heart stop. “Artemis…”
 “Don’t,” Artemis whispered, pushing Jade away. “Damn it, Jade, just don’t.”
 “Artemis Lian Crock!” Jade snapped.  “You do not get to shove me away! Not today. Not right now!” She glanced at the calendar and stepped forward, putting her hands on Artemis’ face. “Not today, little sister. Please.”
 Artemis felt the dam she’d build in her heart shatter, sinking against her sister and sobbing, clutching Jade’s jacket. She buried her face in Jade’s shoulder, her sister’s arms tightening around her. “I can’t do this…” she sobbed, shaking as she cried. “I can’t do this without him…that stupid bastard…went and got himself disintegrated and we can’t…we don’t know where he ended up or if he’s alive or what…”
 Jade rubbed Artemis’ back softly, closing her eyes. “It’s ok, honey,” she whispered. “It’s ok. It’s been five months…have you talked to anyone?” She felt her sister’s head shake, blonde hair whipping back and forth. “Why?”
 “It hurts too much,” Artemis whispered. “M’gann, Kaldur, Connor, Dick…they all miss him, but…I’m the one that got left behind. And I’m fucking knocked up and I can’t get blitzed because of Willow and I—”
 Jade nodded softly, squeezing Artemis softly. “When was the last time you got out of the house?” she asked. “Like…really getting out of the house? Not to an appointment or anything?”
 Artemis bit her lip, looking away. “Apparently too long if I have to think…”
 “Then we’re going out,” Jade said, standing up and dragging Artemis to her feet. “It’s been five months since Wally disappeared. Like you said, you’re pregnant but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. I had fun when I was pregnant with Lian.” She didn’t say that the fun she had was murder, torture, and other war crimes to find out where the man that ‘killed’ her sister was, but she knew Artemis knew what she meant. “Give me your phone.”
 “Why?” Artemis asked, cocking an eyebrow softly.
 “Give!” Jade held her hand out. “Now.”
 Artemis groaned, handing her sister the phone. “Fine. Whatever you’re going to do, I don’t approve a damn bit.”
 “That’s why I’m doing it,” Jade said. She unlocked the phone and went to Artemis’ messages, starting a new group text before selecting a few of the girls in the contacts that she knew Artemis was closest with, telling them to get to the house because she needed people to talk to. “I will be right back.” She stuffed the phone back in her sister’s pocket, grinning as she did.
 “What did you do?” Artemis asked, her eyes narrowed.
 “Sent out a party invite,” Jade smirked. “I’m going to go get food. Instead of going out, we’re staying in. You’re probably hungry and I know you don’t eat when you’re upset. Never did as a kid.” She hugged Artemis, closing her eyes when she felt her sister’s arm around her. “I’ll be right back. Go have a bath or a shower or something and look nice. Frumpy sweats and an oversized jersey are not party wear, dear.”
 Artemis rolled her eyes. “Yes, Mother,” she said. She sighed and grabbed her purse, taking her keys out and handing them to Jade. “There’s the house key. I’m locking the door behind you.”
 Jade nodded, stuffing the keys into her pocket. “Alright. I will be back,” she said, heading out and shutting the door.
 Artemis grumbled and locked the door, tromping up the stairs and slamming her bedroom door before she locked it, setting her phone on the nightstand and stripping down, letting her mane of blonde hair down before walking into the bathroom. She sat on the edge of the tub and started the water, pulling the curtain closed and pulling the stopper on the faucet, the showerhead springing to life and spraying down into the tub. She got in and sighed as she stepped under the water, closing her eyes and running her hands through her hair softly, getting it wet. Her mind wandered as she massaged the strawberry scented shampoo through her hair.
 “I don’t know whether to kill you or kiss you, babe,” Wally said, back to back and facing down League of Shadows soldiers and Reach.
 “Mm…you can decide later. When we’re alone,” Artemis said seductively, cocking an eyebrow and smirking.
 Wally did decide. They had barely got in the door of the house when he pinned her against the couch and ripped her Tigress suit off of her, crossbows and bolts flying everywhere in his haste. He fucked her against the couch, once in the stairs heading to their room, against the bathroom door, in the shower, and finally on the bed, before going slow and dragging it out for the sixth time, changing from a hard fuck to a slow lovemaking, something both heroes needed. Artemis’ body felt higher then cloud nine with each consecutive orgasm, moaning and whimpering with each stroke and thrust of her boyfriend inside of her. She woke the next morning curled up against Wally’s side, her leg draped over his hips as she hugged close to him, afraid she was dreaming, and she’d wake up back on Black Manta’s sub.
 Two days later, her world was shattered as she stepped out in the cold arctic air. Wally had disappeared to help Barry and Bart stop the Chrysalis, the last of the Reach’s Magnetic Field Disruptors. When the device sparked and started to blow up, two Speedster blurs stopped on the ice, Artemis looking around with a smile on her face to try and find Wally which shouldn’t have been hard considering the mustard yellow suit and red pants.
 She watched Barry walking over, and she felt her heart stop in her chest. “Wait…where’s Wally?” she asked, tears brimming her eyes softly.
 Barry stopped in front of Artemis, biting his lip softly. “Artemis…he wanted me to tell you he loved you,” he whispered.
 “No…no no no!” Artemis yelled, sinking into the snow as the tears spilt over her cheeks, burying her face in her hands before she felt M’gann’s arms around her, curling up into her best friend. “No…no!”
 Six weeks later, she found out she was pregnant.
 Artemis snapped out of her daydream, rinsing her hair out before she washed her body. She smiled softly when she felt Willow’s tiny feet kicking inside of her, spending extra time on her stomach as she lathered the scented bodywash over herself. She washed off and shut off the water, drying her hair as best as she could before wrapping the towel around herself, walking into the bedroom and tossing the towel in the corner.
 “I really need to do that laundry…” she mumbled, grabbing a matched set of underwear as well as her jeans and a shirt, getting dressed before brushing out her hair and pulling it back into her signature high ponytail. She heard voices downstairs, closing her eyes and making out M’gann, Zatanna, Raquel, and to her surprise, Dinah. She slid her shoes on and walked down, biting her lip as she did.
 M’gann looked over and saw Artemis, flying over and hugging her friend. “Hi,” she said.
 Artemis closed her eyes and hugged M’gann back. “Hi, M’gann,” she whispered. She felt the other girls hug her from all sides, hearing Jade’s snickers from the kitchen. “When did you all get here?”
 “I’ve been outside for ten minutes,” Dinah said. “I tried calling you, but you didn’t answer.”
 “Sorry, Dinah. I was in the shower under Jade’s orders,” Artemis said, glaring at her sister who grinned and stuck her tongue out. “Watch it, Jade. I’ll cut your tongue out and give it to Roy.”
 “Oh, he gets my tongue enough, little sister,” Jade said with a smirk, laughing when Artemis shuddered, and Raquel loudly protested having to hear that. “She set me up for that, Rocket. Don’t take it out on me!”
 Artemis rolled her eyes and smiled softly, shaking off the girls and heading for the kitchen. “The hell are you making?” she asked, looking over her sister’s shoulder.
 “Goi cuon,” Jade said. “Salad rolls. Something I learned to make when I did a month-long job in Vietnam. Worked as a cook in the Prime Minister’s mansion and learned a few things, but this is one I make all the time since Lian loves them.”
 As the six women sat and talked, catching up on Artemis’ life, as well as learning what the Team and the League had been up to in her absence, Artemis found herself relaxing and having fun for the first time in months. When Raquel left early due to having an interview the next morning, Dinah ducking out a bit later since she was training the Team again, it left M’gann and Zatanna with the two sisters.
 M’gann watched Artemis get up and head into the living room, and she followed. She watched Artemis stop in front of a large picture on the wall, one taken of her and Wally on New Year’s Day on the Watchtower during a party Diana had decided to throw. She walked over and wrapped her arms around Artemis’ shoulders, feeling her lean into the embrace.
 “Are you alright, Artemis?”
 “I don’t know, M’gann. Slowly mending, I guess. It’s been five months, and I’m losing my mind. I keep thinking his dumb ass is going to waltz in that door like a moron and be loud, or trip over his own two feet and land in the laundry basket or something just…Wally, you know? I don’t think I can do this without him.”
 “Do what?” M’gann asked.
 Artemis pulled away from M’gann, turning and facing her before putting her friend’s hand on her stomach. “That.”
 M’gann’s face lit up before she hugged Artemis tightly. “You don’t have to do it alone. You’ve got us. We’re all in your phone, Zeta works both ways. You just have to ask for help, Artemis,” she said. “Ok? We’ll always be there for you.”
 Artemis nodded softly, clinging to M’gann as a fresh round of tears fell down her cheeks. “I Know…” she whispered. “I’m sorry I’ve been so distant, M’gann…”
 “It’s ok,” M’gann said, rubbing Artemis’ back softly. “It’s ok. I understand the desire to get away from it and try and heal after what happened. You don’t have to apologize to me.”
 Over the next four months, with regular visits to and by her friends and sister, Artemis found the support system she needed. On the night of March 17th, Artemis welcomed her daughter Willow Mary into the world. Artemis swore that she was looking at a spitting image of Wally, down to the shape of the nose and the shining emerald green eyes. She fell instantly in love with her daughter, more then she had feeling her growing inside.
 Artemis’ life was pretty simple from that point on. Waking up at random hours to feed and change Willow, visiting her mother in Gotham, Wally’s parents in Central City where his mother did not want to let Willow go the first time Artemis visited, M’gann and Connor in Happy Harbor, drop-ins from Kaldur, Zatanna, Barry, Iris, and Bart, even Dick once or twice. Nothing could have prepared her for the joy and shock that she was about to get when she woke up on the morning of June 20th, one year after Wally disappeared.
 Pacing the kitchen with Willow attached to her breast for the fourth time that morning, having realized months ago that her daughter was a Speedster, Artemis looked over as the doorbell rang. “Who is that this early?” she asked, looking down at Willow. She covered herself and Willow up, making her way over and peeking out, seeing M’gann. “M’gann, hi. What’re you doing here? We’re not supposed to meet up until Friday. What’s wrong?”
 “You need to come with me right now,” M’gann said. “Like right now, right now. It’s one thousand percent urgent and Kaldur asked me to get you since this is something you need to know.”
 “M’gann, breathe. What the hell is going on?” Artemis asked, already walking back into the house and shutting off the television before she laid Willow in her playpen for a minute while she readjusted and closed her shirt back up, tucking the cover into the diaper bag. She double checked the bag and made sure she had everything, grabbing her purse and her crossbow from the closet before shrugging a jacket on. “M’gann?”
 M’gann sighed, looking at Artemis. “You know what today is,” she said. “Dinah, she’s been on monitor duty while teaching the new heroes, and…she got a blip in the Arctic. We pinged the blip and when we brought it up on radar, it’s the Chrysalis site. Kaldur asked me to get you, and he’s trying to get ahold of Dick, but Kaldur decided this was an Original Team mission.” Artemis froze. She felt her hands shaking, a small spark of hope rising in her chest. She nodded softly, pulling her jacket on before grabbing the baby carrier and putting Willow inside, the young girl giggling and flailing her legs. She swung the diaper bag and her purse on, lifting the carrier up. “Alright. Who’s, um…who’s going to watch Willow? I don’t want her in that cold.”
 “Bart said he would,” M’gann said. “His words were “I feel bad I didn’t slow down when Gramps told me, so I can watch Willow to hopefully start making up for Artemis losing Wally.” Kid’s riding a guilt train.”
 After arriving on the Watchtower and hugging Bart and telling him to stop feeling guilty, Artemis walked out of the Bioship in the Arctic, looking around as she drew her hood around her head. She was thankful they still had her polar suit, even it was the variation on her green suit. Looking around as she started forward, her feet crunching on metal and snow, the blonde archer felt the spark of hope she had start going out with each step. She was about to give up hope she spotted it. In the distance was a yellow and red thing, and Artemis took off running. As she got closer, she could make out detail on the figure, seeing a tattered Kid Flash suit and flaming red hair sticking out of the mangled cowl.
 “WALLY!” she screamed, pushing herself harder and mentally cussing herself out for not keeping up on her calisthenics after having Willow. She dropped to her knees and slid to a halt beside her boyfriend, putting her hands on his chest as tears fell down her cheeks. “Wally, open your eyes. Baby, please look at me! Open your damn eyes, Wally!”
 Groaning softly and wincing as he did, Wally slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Artemis. “Mm…don’t yell at me, babe…” he whispered.
 “I’m going to yell at you, you bastard,” Artemis cried, scooping Wally up and sobbing against his neck. “You complete asshole…you left me alone…” She felt his arms slide around her waist, shaking as she did. “You absolute asshole…”
 “Love you too, Artemis,” Wally whispered, burying his face against her neck. “I don’t…I don’t even know what happened. Last thing I remember was being shocked by the Chrysalis and then just unrelenting cold against my body.”
 “There’s plenty of time to catch you up,” M’gann said as she landed, putting her hand on Wally’s back. “Right now, let’s get you to the Watchtower and checked out.”
 Wally nodded softly, Artemis and M’gann pulling him to his feet and helping him onto the Bioship.
 Hours later, after many exams, tears, hugs, and threats that if he ever did anything that stupid again he would be dead for real, Wally sighed as he laid back on the bed in the hospital room, an IV drip in his hand. He looked over as Artemis walked in, Willow in her arms.
 “Hey, babe,” he said with a small smile.
 “Hi,” Artemis said, walking over and climbing up on the bed beside Wally. She leaned against him, feeling his arm around her. “Wally, this is Willow Mary. This is your daughter.”
 Wally smiled, looking down at Willow. “Aww…you’re adorable,” he said, snickering when Artemis handed Willow to him. “Hi, sweetie. You got your mama’s nose and eyes.”
 “Well, eye shape,” Artemis said with a smile. She bit her lip, looking down. “Wally…why didn’t you say anything that day? When you left to help Barry and Bart?”
 Wally sighed softly, shifting a bit and taking Willow’s hand. “I didn’t say anything because…if I had, I don’t think I’d have had the courage to go through with leaving,” he said. “I left because Barry and Bart weren’t going to be able to stop that damn thing on their own. I knew my slower speed wouldn’t be much use, but I had to try. If I had pulled you aside and told you I was going to help, I wouldn’t have been able to leave. I left without saying anything because I wanted the last thing you to remember me by was that kiss in Paris.”
 Artemis nodded softly, rubbing her hands together softly. “I wanted to hate you,” she whispered. “For just abandoning me, not having the balls to say goodbye, not coming home. But…I couldn’t. I cried, I threw up, I threw things, I cursed your name like it was a swear word, but I couldn’t hate you. No matter how much I freaking tried…”
 Wally wrapped his arm around Artemis, kissing her head softly. “I’m sorry, Artemis,” he said. “I’m so sorry.”
 Artemis nodded softly. “I don’t know whether to kill you or kiss you,” she said, looking up at Wally.
 Wally laughed, smiling as he did. “You can decide later. When we’re alone.”
 Artemis smiled, leaning up and kissing Wally. She knew the road to mending was a long one, but with Wally back beside her, she hoped it would be an easy road. Slowly mending or not, the blonde archer was content with how her life had turned out.
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mi5014emiliamcgee · 3 years
Notes on Etgar Keret stories
I read through the short stories to see what they were about and which one I might consider using for my main task. For some of the stories I had more to say than others.
The old man seemed like a potentially interesting to design character
The story felt very bizarre and confusing to me
Good intentions
Patrick Grace is described like Jesus and being like an angel with the ability to do no wrong
Contrasts with the ‘protagonist’ who is able to easily kill and does it for a living
Another sad story
There is a very sudden racist comment
It is about suicide
The protagonist has nothing go well in his life and he is not happy with anything he does
He ends up in heaven among the people who also never fit in with the world
A short but sad story
Hole in the wall
It is about a man who speaks to a fake angel
Shows that by creating such a big extravagant lie the angel put himself in a situation that killed him
Good at building up the doubt of angels story with the shock ending
The angel is skinny and slouched appears almost like a hunchback when wearing his trench coat due to his wings
The protagonist Udi appears to have a normal life and is involved in the military, it seems that he can easily get lonely
Story is telling a message about the danger and consequences of lying
Despite not being an angel the man is still some sort of unusual being because of his wings
The flying santinis
Is about a boy who wants to join the circus
He gets the full support of everyone around him and when being tested to see if he's got the skills for the circus it seems to be going well, however at the end it all goes horribly wrong
The protagonist seems to be a perfectionist trying to be perfect at everything the circus man asks him to do
When trying to prove himself he tries to copy what Italo did at the circus which does not work and he winds up hurting himself so bad that he will never have a chance to join again
Papa Luigi from the circus sadly informs him that he would have been fine if he hadn't done it perfectly
So in the end the boy almost could have had his dream but lost by trying to be perfect
The story is a build-up of happy scenes only to end on sadness
A souvenir from hell
Set in a town at the entrance to hell where people from hell will come out to visit
The main focus is on a lady from the village watching the visitors come into her store and attempting to communicate with little results
A visitor appears who she finds so completely irresistible that she wanted to be with him immediately but he makes it clear that it would be impossible
The lady is able to see the man again much sooner than expected due to her praying constantly for him to come back, but the man still has the leave at the end of the day
The lady in the story is desperate to be with the man in order to no longer feel the boredom that come from living in the village
The entrance to hell ends up closing and the lady ends up having to move on in life 
We see that the lady hasn’t really moved on from the times when the entrance to hell was there as she tell stories to her children
Breaking the pig
About a child with a very strict father who doesn't think he deserves something without working for it
The child wanted a Bart figure but instead got a piggy bank where he would only be allowed the thing he wanted by doing the things he didn't like
The boy ends up becoming attached to the pig naming it and treating it like a living being clearly growing a strong attachment to it
When he has finally filled the pig he doesn't even notice and it's the dad that finds out and tells him he can have the Bart
When he finds out he must break the pig he refuses which his dad was clearly not expecting as he then just tries to break it himself
The boy has to trick his dad in order to stop him breaking the pig
I felt that there was an implication to the mother being unhappy or unable to stand up against the dad as when the pig is about to be broken she is described as having crushed eyes meaning she saw her son didn't want the pig to be broken but still did nothing to stop the act
The boy saves his pig by taking it to a field where he never saw it again
The story is good at creating a feel of sympathy towards the boy as it lets you see how attached he became to his pig even referring to it as a friend
The story about a bus driver who wanted to be god
The bus driver in the story values the people who arrive to the bus on time over anyone who is late
The bus driver can easily be viewed as cruel as he will leave no matter who is trying to get on the bus even if there would be a completely reasonable excuse to why they are late
The story switches halfway to mainly focus on Eddie who was always late for the bus because of his condition, but it shows how he is very determined to get the bus this time as he met a kind girl who said she would meet up with him again
Despite the determination of Eddie his condition makes him late again but this time he is determined and desperate as he end up chasing the bus
The bus driver ends up letting Eddie on the bus as he remembered something from his past and it lead him to abandon his ideology
Despite sounding like it's going to take a happier turn it ends up backfiring as the kind girl was already dating someone and stood Eddie up, Eddie is late for the bus back but the driver stuck around for him even with his other passengers actually complaining aloud for once
The bus driver could have experienced a feeling of hopelessness that Eddie was feeling as being stood up so he sought to help him slightly by kindly waiting for him instead of abandoning him
One last story and that's it
A story about a daemon who has the job of taking talent meeting a man who wants to write a very short story before he loses his talent
The daemon is not a cruel being as when a nice person offers him food and asks for something he doesn't say no but he still has to follow his orders
When the man finished his story and showed it to the daemon he liked it which made the man happy even if he was still going to lose his talent
The daemon and man are able to talk casually each inquiring what the other will be doing before he eventually has to leave
The daemon even thinks how if he was human they could have easily been good companions, this might hint that the daemon might have a lonely life and he want to have friends
The daemon seems unhappy once he leaves with the only thing driving him to do the other 2 stops is the thought of finally stopping for the day
The daemon in the story acts no different than a human making it easier to sympathise with his unhappiness in the end
Conclusion  Out of all the stories I read the ones that interested me the most was Hole in the wall and One last story and that's it as both have interesting ideas that I can build up from in any way I want. So I need to decide which story I would feel the most comfortable designing characters for.
0 notes
therealmaggiemedia · 4 years
Maggie Simpson Show E1702 Return of the Kensingtons
The Simpsons are sitting at the table having breakfast to Maggie its just a day like any other.
Can’t wait for the school bus to take me to school!
Anything good happening!
Not really I just like going there plus I like my teacher Mr Johnson he is really nice!
If you like him so much why don’t you marry him!
One day maybe but not now as  I am 6 and he is how old he is!
Well I hope you do well with your teacher sweetie!
I will Dad thanks!
Want me to walk you to school Maggie!
But won’t that make you late for your school!
The best thing about my school is if I’m not there nobody notices!
In that case Lisa I accept!
Lisa has just arrived with Maggie at the gate
Here you are Maggie now you go in and have fun and I’ll see you at home tonight!
Ok Lisa and thanks for the walk!
Maggie opens the gate and enters the school
Maggie is standing at her Locker putting her things away then Judith comes up to her and questions her about not being on the bus.
Maggie why  weren’t you on the bus!
My sister decided to walk me here not my choice it was hers!
In future let me know ok!
OK Judith Sorry!
The kids are standing around wondering where Mr Johnson is
Oh great school has started and Mr Johnson isn’t even here what a crock!
He’ll be here he always is!
Lets hope so Judith I mean we don’t want to be left unsupervised!
Who the hell cares if he isn’t here I’m in charge!
Gerald takes a seat at the teachers desk
I don’t like where this is going not one bit!
There is something I’ve always wanted to do see a striptease Girls do the honours!
Strip for you um ok as we don’t have a choice!
Not for all the gold in Texas!
How about this ( SHOWS HER HIS FIST)
That will do nicely!
Oh god oh god!
Meanwhile in principal Skinners office
Mr Johnson is talking to principal Skinner about why he is there
You know I do have a class to teach and you know how Kindergarteners get if they are unsupervised!
They’ll be fine besides  you have a new student joining you!
Then an old man and a little girl enters the office.
(BRITISH ACCENT) My name is Mr Kensington but you can call m Avery all my friends do!
Hi Mr Kensington what can we do for you!
I do believe my daughter Emma will be looked after at this school this time unlike last time!
not to worry Mr Kensington she will be well taken care of right Mr Johnson!
Yes indeed she will, hi my name is Mr Johnson what’s your name!
Emma sir!
Nice to meet you shell we go to the classroom and I’ll introduce you to the others!
Yes I would love to!
Emma can see something through the classroom door window that she doesn’t think is allowed.
Mr Johnson do you allow students to enter the class with no clothes on!
No why do you ask that!
Because there are three girls doing that in the classroom right now!
I’ll sort it you wait here!
Yes Mr Johnson!
Maggie is walking around naked to Gerald’s amusement so are lilly and Judith
This is not  fun!
It would have been if you had taken off your socks too!
You know I can’t do that I have foot problems!
Then Mr Johnson enters the room
Uh oh busted!
What is the meaning of  this Maggie I bet you started it!
For once no I didn’t can’t believe I just said that!
Girls put your clothes on or it will be detention for all three of you!
Yes sir only because my feet are like icepops!
A Maggie icepop!
The girls are now  wearing clothes
Now that you are all dressed I can finally introduce you to a new student everyone please  welcome Emma Kensington
He opens the door and she enters the room and stands in front of the class she is wearing a pretty pink dress
Hello I’m Emma and it is good to be back at this school
as Emma was talking Michelle tanner enters the room very late
Michelle fill out a tardy slip and take it to Principal Skinner!
Got it dude!
Carry on Emma!
Some of you may know me as some of you were at this school when I was here last time before I moved back to England I can  see some furmillier faces and some who I don’t know but I will have fun getting to know the people I don’t know thank you!
Thank you Emma you can now sit down on the carpet.
She sits next to Maggie
Welcome back old friend I have really missed you!
Missed you too!
They both stand up and hug
Class what Maggie and Emma are showing here is true friendship well done girls!
Then the bell rings for recess
The rest of you can go to recess but I would like a word with Maggie Simpson Judith Robertson and Lilly Hargreaves please!
I can guess what this is about!
Not to worry we have each others back right!
Sure do!
Mr Johnson closes the door and talks to them
What I want to know is why were you three naked in the classroom
I wasn’t technically I wasn’t naked I still had my socks on!
What I don’t want to see again is that!
We’re really sorry sir!
Yeah we are!
Nobody is more sorrier then me!
Just don’t do it again ok girls now you may go and enjoy what is left of recess!
Michelle is stood at his desk facing him
and that is why I was late!
Because your uncle forgot what time it was!
He was rehearsing a song ok what did you want me to do come to school in my pyjamas!
In future I want you to be on time!
I’ll try but you know what these musicians are like!
Skinner gives her an angry look
Yes sir I’ll be on time I promise!
Maggie and Emma are sitting on a bench when Michelle walks to them
Whose the imposter!
Let me introduce myself my name is Emma Emily Elizabeth Kensington pleased to meet you!
Well my name is Michelle Tanner!
Like I just told you pleased to meet you!
I’m not get out of my seat before I knock your block off!
I’m sure we can come to a reasonable solution  without getting violent !
Michelle pushes Emma off the bench she falls into a muddy puddle
Oh no this was a very expensive dress from harrods my father is going to go mad!
Emma I’m quite sure your Dad will understand want me to come home with you for support!
Thanks Maggie and at the same time I can give you your gift I got from london for you from a place called the trocadero!
Maggie and Emma are standing in front of Mr Kensington
What in blue blazers did you do to my daughter’s dress Maggie!
It wasn’t me it was Michelle Tanner!
I don’t know who that is but whoever she is will be paying for Emma’s ruined dress they cost £500 English money each!
I understand Mr Kensington that’s why I am willing to give you the Tanners address and phone number!
She gives him a card and Mr Kensington takes it.
Maggie and Emma go upstairs to Emma’s Bedroom
Emma is telling Maggie to take off her shoes as it is a house rule
Before I let you in my room please remove your shoes!
Maggie does as she is told
You may enter!
Maggie enters the room barefoot
So where is this gift you got me!
Emma gives Maggie a small box Maggie opens it and sees its a gold necklace.
This must have cost a fortune!
What is a price between friends here let me put it on for you!
Emma puts it around Maggie’s neck.
It really suits you!
Thank you nobody has ever given me anything like this before!
Your my best friend Maggie and I love you for that!
Emma and Maggie hug
then Mr Kensington enters the room with two bowels of ice cream
Here you go you two ice cream!
He sees them hugging
Oh I’m so sorry am I interrupting something!
That’s alright father!
Don’t worry about it Mr Kensington!
Good show enjoy your ice cream then I’ll get my chauffeur to give Maggie a left home!
That’s not nesssery Mr Kensington!
Oh but I insist your my daughter’s friend so its the least I can do!
OK Mr Kensington I just hope my Dad doesn’t go bananas he hates it when I mingle with rich people!
Is that because we treat you better!
Sort of!
That is his problem not yours ok Maggie!
Yes Mr Kensington!
Maggie gets out of a big black limo but Homer is looking out of the window looking very angry.
Thanks for the ride!
No problem!
Maggie goes in the house
Maggie is stopped by Homer
(ANGRY) You where the hell have you been!
I don’t wish to talk about that!
You tell me or I’ll-
Or you’ll what spank my butt take away my TV what!
Fuck off!
Maggie goes to her room and slams the door then a lampshade hits Homer on the head.
Maggie is really angry with Homer
then Bart enters the room
What do you want ass face!
Mags is there something wrong!
You could say that Damn monkey man wanted to know where I have been so I refused to tell him then we got into a heated argument!
Don’t worry about that Maggie Homer will forget I’m sure of it!
the Simpsons are sitting at the table but Homer is not talking to Maggie
Usually on a Saturday I take Maggie out but not this week I’m not speaking to her!
I’ll go with someone who does went to take me then screw you!
Maggie storms out
Homer don’t you think your taking this too far!
Look the girl’s got to learn!
Maggie rings the bell the bell sounds like big ben.
Mr Kensington opens the door
Maggie you’ve just caught us as we are going swimming at Springfield waterpark!
No problem I’ll go with you got my swimming kit in my bag!
Does your father know that your going with us!
Do not care lets go!
Bet something’s happened!
Now Emma we don’t know that lets take Maggie with us anyway might make her feel better!
Maggie and Emma now wearing bathing suits are in the pool but Emma is asking Maggie about what happened.
This is non of my business but I just want to know something what happened with your father!
(LYING) Happened who the hell said anything had happened not me this for sure lets change the subject!
Alright I had this massive argument with him last night so now  we are not talking to each other!
Perhaps I can help tell him your sorry and if that doesn’t work turn the waterworks!
I really don’t want to do that Emma but it looks like I have no choice!
No you don’t!
Hey you want to go on the waterslide!
They both get out of the pool and climb up to the top of the very high waterslide but Emma forgot she is afraid of heights
Oh goodness me we are very high up reminds me when I was in the tower of big ben!
Emma are you afraid of heights its ok you can tell me I won’t make fun!
Yes I am ok!
Don’t worry  hold my hand I’ll take you down the slide with me!
They both hold hands
I’m glad that I have you as a friend Maggie!
They both slide down the slide together  they land in the pool at the bottom with a big splash they both go under the water then come up gasping for air.
Thank goodness that’s over!
Then Maggie sees Emma’s bathing suit floating on top of the water
Emma I don’t know how to tell you this but you lost your bathing suit.
Emma goes under water to check and she sees Maggie is right
(GASPS) as a Kensington I have standards to maintain  I cannot be seen naked for any reason!
Would it help if I walked in front of you!
Yes it would
they both get out of the pool as they are walking back to the changing room Maggie embarrasses Emma
Nobody look at my friends naked ass nobody look nothing to see here!
Emma and Maggie are sitting on the backseat arguing
(ANGRY) How Bloody dare you embarrass me like that everyone was looking!
Sorry Emma!
That’s alright Maggie!, oh we’re at your house remember what I said!
Maggie gets out of the car and enters the house
Homer is waiting for her
Dad I’m sorry for saying that to you!
No its me you should be apologising to you if you don’t want to tell me where you’ve been that’s fine with me!
They both hug
0 notes
Cut the Death Jokes
For Day 6- Death of the Batfam Halloween Content War! Tim isn’t a big fan of the obligatory October death jokes. Special Guests Conner Kent/Kon-el, Bart Allen, Garfield Logan, Raven, and Rose Wilson! Rating: PG Gen Words: 2,202 AO3
Life was tough. Living as all the people you’re close to die? Even tougher. So when Halloween rolls around and the inevitable zombie jokes start rolling out from those who have came back Tim gets rather uncomfortable. It’s not that he begrudges them the ability to joke, if anything it’s a healthier-than-what-most-of-his-family-does coping mechanism.
It starts October first and Tim is glad that it’s at least Jason, who’s jokes about dying and being undead are a regular occurrence over Tim’s comms. He’s laying on his back on a couch in the manor’s living room when the older boy walks in. Jason takes one look at Tim and the bruise like circles under his eyes and grimaces. “Wow Replacement. You look about as good as me, which is to say corpselike.”
Tim frowns up at him as Jason smiles and continues to tease him. “I know you’re still trying to fill my pixie boots but being dead inside is enough, you don’t have to look the part too.”
Glaring Tim sat up, skootching back towards the armrest as Jason flops down by his feet. “Must you?” Tim asked acidly.
“Uh, duh? It’s my month man! October is prime time for the undead like me! I get to crack as many jokes as I want and no one can stop me.”
Tim frowned and turned to half watch the crappy horror movie that Jason had flipped on.
A couple days later Tim was nursing a large mug of coffee at the kitchen table while Dick argued with Damian over breakfast. Alfred had begrudgingly agreed to let Dick cook with his supervision and Damian was now staunchly refusing to eat it. Which Tim didn’t exactly blame him for; Dick’s pancakes were infamous.
“Grayson, I have died once and believe me I don’t need to do it again!” the younger boy yelled, brandishing a butter knife.
Dick just narrowed his eyes. “Rude.”
“Do you have to?” Tim muttered.
“What are you mumbling, Drake?” Damian spat.
“I said, do you have to? Make jokes like that?” Tim looked at his brothers wearily. He’d had a rough night breaking up a turf war in the East End and really didn’t need any emotional strain on top of the physical exhaustion.
“-tt- Drake it was only the truth. Grayson’s cooking is deadly and I do not wish to be subjected to it,” Damian said with a weird look.
From the stove Dick also raised an eyebrow at Tim. Taking a sip of his coffee Tim shook his head. “Whatever. Just ignore me,” he mumbled into his mug.
Titans weekend rolled around and instead of training they had all agreed to do some team bonding and in the spirit of Halloween Garfield had pulled out his and Victor’s combined horror movie library for the day. Tucked into a blanket burrito and squeezed between Bart and Rose on the couch Tim had started to doze off. The movies not holding his attention and the sounds of Cassie and Kon making dinner in the other room similar enough to home that it was becoming increasingly difficult for Tim to stay even remotely awake.
“That is disgustingly inaccurate,” Raven observed of the ‘demonic symbols’ on the screen. Tim cracked an eye open and had to agree. “Not to mention,” Raven continued. “That resurrection scene was beyond unrealistic.”
Tim made a face from his blanket cocoon. “Raven…” He half chided, half whined.
“Yeah Rae! It’s a movie! Just enjoy it!” Gar said, sticking his tongue out at her.
“As much I hate to say it, but I’m with Raven. This movie sucks,” Bart chimed in from beside Tim. “I think we could make a better one. I mean, some of us at least know what it’s like to actually die.”
Without a second thought Tim shot out his elbow, directly into Bart’s side. The speedster yelped and glared at Tim.
“Dude! What was that?!” Bart pouted, rubbing a spot just below his ribs.
Tim just glared back at Bart while on his other side Rose laughed. “That was the most aggressive passive aggressive thing I’ve ever seen the bird boy scout do and I am proud,” she said with a wicked grin.
Tim just snuggled deeper into his blankets while the others all gave him questioning looks.
Tim was having an average, boring Wednesday at work when he got a text from Cass. All it had was the house emoji and the ambulance emoji which meant that he was to come home right now because there was an emergency. Phone in hand Tim grabbed his keys and the suit jacket from the back of his office chair. He rushed past his secretary, mentioning that his sister needed him for some emergency before half sprinting to the elevator. On the ride down to the parking garage he texted Cass asking her for more details and just got the house emoji again.
He had barely parked his sports car in front of the manor before he was hurtling out of it and up the steps through the front doors. “Cass! Cass! Where are you? Cass!” Tim yelled, his dress shoes losing traction on the foyer’s marble floor causing him to skid to a haphazard stop at the base of the grand staircase.
His sister appeared at the top of the steps, a mischievous smile twisting her lips and her short hair sticking out at odd angles. She waved him up before disappearing back down the halls towards the little used west wing of the manor. Kicking off the cursed shoes Tim followed. She led him further up the manor’s numerous floors to a hall that dead-ended with a window overlooking the patio, pool, and sprawling grounds at the back of the house. Said window had been propped open and what appeared to be a zipline was stretched from the window to a tree at the edge of the property’s small forest.
Cass turned to him and her eyes sparkled. “Need a lookout,” she confessed, confirming Tim’s suspicions that Alfred had no knowledge nor approval of this particular adventure.
Tim’s shoulders slumped and his head dipped as he looked at Cass with a frown. He knew that she was getting every bit of annoyance, disbelief, and brotherly concern that his body was practically screaming at her.
Cass just giggled and shrugged. “You only live twice little brother.”
Tim let out a groan so dramatic it required him to fling his head back and go half limp. “Cass! Really? You’ve been hanging around Jason way too much. You should be better than this!”
“I know. I’m sorry. Just… couldn’t resist,” she admitted and patted his head in a half-hearted attempt to soothe him.
“You owe me.”
“I do. Love you brother,” she held out her arms for a hug and begrudgingly Tim accepted it. “Tis the season,” Cass whispered in his ear as they embraced.
“Don’t tell me about it,” Tim grumbled.
The jokes became increasingly worse and more frequent as the month progressed, Tim had taken to muting certain friends and family members on his comms when he needed to. Although he hadn’t figured out a way to mute people in person.
He was working with Steph on taking out Riddler and a group of his thugs on night. The quips and batarangs were both flying and Tim had to admit that he was having fun riffing off of Steph. Although that ended rather abruptly.
Steph was dodging punches and knocking guns away with her staff as she laughed. “Oh c’mon boys, you’ve gotta do better than that! I mean, the enthusiasm is appreciated but really? Death is very been there done that for me and you guys are just so uninspired with your attempts at killing me!”
“Batgirl!” Tim scolded as he punched a goon in the nose.
“What?” she asked genuinely confused.
“Do you have to? Like really?”
“Double R I have absolutely zero clue about what you’re talking about. So how about we work out whatever it is after the fight and not during? Kay? Kay.”
Tim just growled and started taking the thugs down faster and fiercer. Soon enough they had Riddler cuffed too and the GCPD was on its way.
“What was that about?” Steph asked as they stood on the roof of the neighboring warehouse, watching the cops stream into the building.
“Just, the death jokes. I dunno. They’re not exactly good taste?” Tim muttered, not wanting to meet Steph’s gaze.
“Dude. Seriously? Dead Robins Club bro. If we can’t make fun of it what can we do? S’not like we can go to therapy or something.”
Tim grimaced, he knew that but that didn’t mean it made him any less uncomfortable. “Just… Never mind. Forget I brought it up. I’m sorry.”
Steph gave him a weird look but her comms beeped and she put a hand to her cowl. “What’s up O?” She turned and began running toward the edge of the rooftop, off to whatever emergency Gotham was offering up now. At least it ended that awkward conversation.
It was the weekend before Halloween and Tim found himself in Smallville. Kon had been asked to take Jon trick-or-treating before going to Titans Tower and he had invited Tim to come with them. Which Tim soon learned meant that Kon needed his help in throwing together a last-minute costume to go out with Jon in.
Tim was laying on top of the worn quilt on Kon’s bed, staring up at the glow in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling while his friend googled quick costume ideas and raided his closet.
“Why don’t you just go as Superboy? It’s not like anyone is gonna be able to know whether you’re really Superboy or not,” Tim suggested.
“Trust me, I pitched that idea. Both Ma and Lois vetoed it faster than Bart eats pizza.”
Tim hummed noncommittally and continued to stare at the ceiling. That was until he got a balled-up Superboy t-shirt to the face. “Ow,” he said, sitting up.
“Use that giant brain of yours and help,” Kon said, gesturing around the small room. “What’re you being anyway?”
Tim held up the t-shirt that had just pelted him. “If you won’t be Superboy than I will.”
“Hardy har har. You wouldn’t let me wear your Red Robin suit?” Kon ventured.
Tim raised a single eyebrow. “A) you already know the answer to that. B) you’re a good four inches taller than me! You’d never fit and you know it.”
“Worth a shot.” Kon shrugged. “What about a zombie? I can rip up some clothes and put some fake blood on and I really am already a zombie so I could just walk around in my normal clothes… Tim? You ok?”
As Kon was talking Tim’s lips had smooshed togethering into an increasingly straightening line as his brows inched closer to each other. He was only half processing Kon’s words and was just staring at his friend without realizing that the other boy had stopped speaking. Kon waved his hand in front of Tim’s face and with that Tim exploded.
“Do you have to joke about that? I mean, ok you died and it sucked but like you’re not the only one and guess what. You came back! Which is a heck of a lot more than some people can say. And while you were dead how do you think everyone else was taking it? Cause let me tell you it sucks. Sucks! When your best friend dies and then your other best friend dies and then your ex-girlfriend and your mom and dad and step-mom and then your adoptive dad and your crabass little brother and the only reason you’re a part of the family in the first place is cause your older brother was brutally murdered but y’know he’s better now. Oh! And your sister at one point died and was resurrected and didn’t really see the point in bringing it up until like a year later? So yeah. It sucks. It’s a ‘coping mechanism’ or whatever but for the rest of us it’s just not funny.”
Tim had been pacing the room, arms flailing as he spoke. But now he collapsed back on Kon’s bed, breathing heavy as he tried to calm down.
Kon had flattened himself against the wall as he let Tim rant, eyes wide the entire time. “That- that was a lot man. Do you wanna talk about it?”
Tim let out a stuttering breath. “I think I’m good now.”
“That was a lot of pent up rage… How long has this been bothering you?”
“A while now? Just, all month it’s been really bad,” Tim shrugged. He looked down at his hands and felt Kon sit on the bed next to him before looping an arm over his shoulders.
“Well I promise to make a conscious effort to not crack undead jokes from now on and I’ll mention something to Bart. Deal?” Kon asked.
“Good. Now help me with a costume or I am wearing your suit.” Kon grinned.
“Absolutely not!” Tim told him before holding up a flannel shirt. “Here, be a hipster.” That earned him another t-shirt to the face.
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sirrongirl · 5 years
Road trip to Tahiti
Saturday, March 2, 2019
We decided last night that we will make the drive down to Monterey. The weather might not cooperate, we’ll make the best of it. Five of us, plus dog, pile into the car and head south from San Francisco.  Our first stop is the Folktale Winery. There is a very light mist in the air. That doesn’t seem to bother the many people sitting outside enjoying their wine. As we approach the entrance we are welcomed with a glass of bubbly wine. We have a choice of doing a tasting of 5 kinds of wine, ordering by the glass or the bottle. Muzi, Mallory & Michelle opt for the tasting, Tom chooses a glass of full bodied red, and I stick with the bubbly. Just bring the bottle please. We ordered some cheese, meats, roasted nuts, and breads. Just then, then rain started to really come down. Quickly everyone picked up and moved indoors. We got a priority for seating since we were waiting for food. Having the dog could have been a problem. I grabbed my bucket of wine and headed inside. I found myself behind a huge great dane puppy. It was about 6 times taller than Dylan, so I guess dogs are allowed! We settled around a quant carved wood table and continued enjoying our wine, food, and conversation. 
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We continued on to Monterey, the Cannery Row area. We walked around the very cute town. There was a fish restaurant on the center of the plaza selling clam chowder, which we sampled. The rain started up again, so we left the sea otters and seals playing on the beach and had another glass of wine at Carmel Ridge wine shop. This time, we hid Dylan in her carrier, until we saw the German Shepard enjoying the wine shop company. 
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Our hotel was the Monterey peninsula hotel. Three beds were waiting for us. That last glass of wine didn’t agree with me. Too much acid, and I was feeling it.  I decided to skip dinner and stay back at the hotel with Dylan. My request was to bring me back some Chocolate Milk. I took my acid reflux medication, put my feet up, and watched Rick Steves the rest of the night.  We never did make it to the outdoor hot tub, not much fun in the rain. 
Sunday, March 3, 2019 Our hotel offers a continental breakfast. Mallory was sure that meant dry cereal so she found a place for a proper brunch. When I went to check out, I found the selection of pastries looked fresh and tasty. There was fresh fruit, coffee, juice.  It would have been enough for me. Instead we drove to Crema, who’s logo shirts all say “Find your happy place”. I remember seeing the same logo in Cuba. We left the dog in the car this time. We could hear her barking for us as we walked the 2 blocks to the restaurant. Returning, we found her sleeping on the front seat. 
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We head to the Monterey entrance of the 17 mile drive. There is a $10 charge per car full to drive the 17 winding miles through Pebble Beach Golf Resort to Carmel.  We drove along the golf course which hugs the Pacific Ocean. We stopped often for pictures and to walk on the beach.  Dylan has been to the beach before. We like to walk her at Metro Beach. She doesn’t mind the sand, but she doesn’t like the surf. 
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We enjoyed time at the Pebble Beach Visitors Center.  The lodge, the gift shop, the hotels were very nice. Tom doesn’t have his golf clubs, but if he did… Mallory says we’ll make another trip here in the summer.  Although it’s expensive, Pebble Beach is a public golf course. It’s not impossible to play here, especially for a single to walk on.  Harry Ganas has played here. Tom says he’d love to play here sometime with Harry ( who is his favorite golf partner).
 Capitola was the next stop. I loved this town. I could spend some time here right along the ocean. Muzi found a dog friendly restaurant. Usually dog friendly means seating outside. Not possible today with the rain. We put Dylan back inside the carrier and went to Margaritaville hoping for some fresh fish.  I ordered garlic prawns, which came with the heads on, and lots of spice. Not what my acid sensitive system likes.  I had to bail on the margaritas and stick with water. Once again. I was surprised to see dogs inside the restaurant.  Highway 1 is the picturesque winding road that mostly hugs the Pacific Coast. Today with the clouds, the rain, and the fog, the view was not at its best. Mallory, Michelle and Dylan all fell asleep while I sat in the center back singing. We drove H1 all the way back, with our last stop in Half Moon Bay. We stopped in the dog friendly brewery. Again, outside not possible. As we approached the door — a sign told us “NO PETS INSIDE”  so quickly into the carrier she goes. We found a table, put the carrier on the floor and ordered beers all around. No problem!   As we have been driving the last two days, I’m making notes of areas to check out for rentals next winter. I’d like to stay here about a month, but I’d like my own place. I don’t think we could afford anything in the city, but within an hour would be possible. Close to the BART or CAL Rail would be even better. If not, we’d borrow the car we are leaving here for the month. 
Monday, March 4, 2019 I have a meeting with Dr. Alicia Knee, DPM today. I found her online. Reading all the reviews, there wasn’t a single bad one for her. I’m not looking forward to a cortisone shot in my foot. My DPM at home has wanted to inject my foot since my first appointment. I keep putting it off, but my foot hurts so much I’m ready for the shot. I’ve been wearing custom orthotics and a toe spacer. They do help, but when I walk it feels like I’m walking with a large bolt under the ball of my foot. My second toe has been fixed in a curved position for a week now. The pain feels like my toes are on fire. It hasn’t stopped me from walking, which is the only exercise I actually get. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other refusing to give in to the pain. 
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Did I mention the doctor was a professional dancer? She is also gorgeous, with the posture of a ballerina. She examined my foot and said I need surgery to correct whats going on. She says my big toe needs a fusion to stop the progression of the deformity the is changing the shape of my foot. The second toe needs a “shortening” procedure in order for it to lay flat again. Dr. Knee tells me she is not going to inject anything into my foot, and adds, if any surgeon suggests that, find another doctor.  If she injects cortisone into my foot, it could cause the ligaments to collapse meaning immediate surgery would be necessary. This means a non weight barring recovery time of 6 weeks. That means crutches. I have a frayed rotator cuff and advanced arthritis in my left shoulder that requires a shoulder replacement. Not just any kind of replacement, a posterior placement which is a specialty procedure. No, Donna can’t just have any run of the mill replacements…they need to be “special”. I just saw a specialist at University of Florida in January that delivered that news. Dr. Knee doesn’t think foot surgery is a good idea until I can use crutches. She asked me to consider which procedure I feel needs to be done first.  In the meantime, she is sending me to a fit specialist to get new shoes. The sketchers I love need to be replaced with something that has a 4” rocker plate in the front and a built up metacarpal pad.. I think that means “ugly shoe”.  
I need to call this entry “All my shoes are black," because that is my new shoe wardrobe  This shoe shopping was nothing like my last excursion. When I was given the orthotics and toe spacer I was on my way to stay with Mallory in New York. The new Canadian owners of Lord and Taylor decided to close the flagship store on fifth avenue. They sold the beautiful building to WEWorks.  No more beautiful Christmas Windows at Lord and Taylor. They had a huge closing sale and I spent an entire day there looking for shoes that would fit the new insoles and the toe spacer, and still look good. I thought I was buying my last new shoe wardrobe. The prices were good, I bought quite a few pairs and had to borrow a suitcase to get them all home.  Little did I know that I would be doing that again, today, at “On The Run”. I need a shoe that has a stiff sole from the ball of the foot to the toe. Unfortunately, all the shoes I own, especially all the ones in my suitcase here in California, bend. I wasn’t given much choice of colors or styles. Mark and Tim., the fit specialists, spent almost two hours with me. I walked out owning 2 pairs of the ugliest shoes I have ever owned, and one that isn’t so bad. Definitely the most expensive shoes I have ever worn. Mark tells me I may find the shoes so comfortable my foot won’t hurt and thus avoid surgery. I’m thinking, I’ll bet you say that to all the girls Mark! Trouble is, the cutest pair is on a higher platform than I usually wear. That may bother my hip, so I have to walk around in them inside to decide. If they work out, they do come in red, so that might be a plus.
Mallory runs a “shoes off” house. She’ll have to make an exception for me. I was told I can NEVER walk barefoot. I plan to wear a pair of the uglies only inside, like slippers, so Mallory won’t mind. I wonder if I needed to get a doctors note to be allowed to wear my shoes indoors? I’m not sure I can give up the feeling of sand between my toes. Walks on the beach are not a daily event, yet anyway. I’m sure once in a while it will be okay?
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