15 Beautiful Lover-to-Enemies Dialogue Prompts | Betrayal Prompts
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"Do you remember the vows we made under the moon's gentle glow? How quickly they turned to ash, scattered by the winds of deceit."
"Your words were once my solace, but now they cut deeper than any blade forged in malice."
"In the labyrinth of our love, I found myself lost, only to realize you were the minotaur lurking in the shadows."
"Every kiss we shared was a dagger coated in honey, sweet yet deadly."
"The stars witnessed our passion, but they now mock our folly as we stand on opposite sides of a war we ourselves ignited."
"Our hearts beat as one, once upon a time. Now they drum the rhythm of discord and resentment."
"I thought I knew the depths of your soul, only to find abysses of betrayal waiting to devour me whole."
"Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, I emerge from the ruins of our love, reborn as your adversary."
"You were the melody to my symphony, but now your discordant notes shatter the harmony we once shared."
"We danced on the edge of oblivion, oblivious to the precipice that awaited our descent into enmity."
"The echoes of our laughter haunt me, mocking the innocence we thought would shield us from the venom of betrayal."
"Our love was a tapestry woven with threads of gold, now unraveling into a tangled web of lies and deception."
"I offered you my heart on a silver platter, only for you to feast upon it with the appetite of a ravenous beast."
"We were poets of passion, crafting verses of devotion with every whispered promise. Now our words are weapons, dripping with venomous intent."
"The sunrise that once painted our love with hues of warmth and hope now heralds the dawn of our animosity, casting long shadows of regret across the battlefield of our hearts."
Short Note From Me!
Many fans of Enemies to Lovers often overlook the possibility of exploring Lover to Enemies. This underrated trope is one of my favorites and I believe it has the potential to make a novel truly stand out. If you have space in your story for this unique twist, I assure you it will result in an amazing read.
I created these dialogue prompts to inspire writers to explore the theme of lovers turning into enemies, showcasing a different form of betrayal.
Happy writing - Rin T.
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maggiegrace · 10 days
It has been a LONG TIME in the making, the curse of ADHD 😒, BUT I DID IT!
I FINISHED my first book of poetry! 🎉💕
Help me celebrate!
Available now at:
Hard copy and Kindle
Honeybee https://a.co/d/65dtsDr
It’s currently available in four languages.
Thank you for the support. 🙏🏻🥰
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gaaneden · 17 days
Thank you.
It's over and done. "Dear Penpal, Belgium 1980" earned $8000 and hit 2 stretch goals. Thank you everyone. So much. I appreciate each and every one of you.
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writingwelltips · 2 months
Writing is a piece of you, don’t try to make it a piece of someone else.
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thethirdgenesisbooks · 5 months
How to Put Words in Your Book - 5 Tips to Actually Start Writing
There is a problem among a great many writers and aspiring authors: so many of us never actually put any words into a Word document. Some writers will spend years developing a story idea. They’ll think of everything; the world-building, the characters, moving scenes, but never actually sit down to write the story.
Sometimes this comes from a lack of confidence. Writers think, “What if my story isn’t good enough?” These writers need to realize that the only thing worse than a bad story is the story that’s never written at all. For other writers, the reason why they can’t seem to actually get anything written is because while they know where the story has to go, they don’t know how to start. For still others, the problem is simply a matter of motivation.
Here are five tips to help you get your story rolling:
1 - Read the Opening of Someone Else’s Novel.
Sometimes, it can be hard to know what sorts of details to introduce first in your story. Do you start with a physical description of the character? A quote? A scene with characters in peril? Seeing how other authors started off their books can be helpful in this regard. I’d recommend reading the opening of a novel in a different genre from the one you’re writing. That way, you aren’t tempted to borrow too heavily, and can focus on putting out your own material.
2 - Listen to Music.
My wife and I developed this game that we sometimes play that utilizes her skills as a musician and mine as an author. I’ll sit or lie down on the couch with my eyes closed, and she’ll start playing an original, improvised piece of music on the piano. As I listen to the tune, I’ll start to describe a scene that the music brings to mind and tell a short story. Similarly, whenever I sit down to write one of my books, I listen to instrumental music that’s appropriate to the story I’m working on. I recommend that if you choose to use music to inspire your writing, you make sure it has no lyrics, as your writing may start to reflect the words you hear. I also recommend not using music that you associate with a particular scene. For example, when I tried writing while listening to “The Barber of Seville,” all I could see when I closed my eyes was Bugs Bunny shaving Elmer Fudd. You want music into which you can put your own meaning.
3 - If You are Spiritual, Pray or Meditate.
This piece of advice is pretty simple. If you are a spiritual or religious person, then before you write take a moment to stop and either pray or meditate. There’s a reason the Greeks thought goddesses called “muses” inspired art. The right side of the brain is associated with creativity, intuition, and spirituality. So, activate that side of your brain by doing something spiritual. Personally, when I was writing the first novel in my Third Genesis fantasy series, I prayed every time that “words would flow from my fingers to the page.” Most days, I wrote around 3,000 words in that book.
4 - When Stuck, Get Up and Walk.
You’d be surprised what even the tiniest amount of exercise can do for you. Do you have stairs in your home? Walk up and down a few times. Do you have a stationary bike? Ride it a little. Any form of exercise, however small, can get your mind going.
5 - Act Out the Scene.
Do you know your characters well enough to know how they speak to each other, what their goals are, and what they want out of life? Then play pretend for a bit, as you might well have done when you were a child. Improvise the scene, and pretend that you are all of the characters in the scene engaged in a discussion or struggle. You may find that you’re not good at improvising their dialogue, but that’s alright. When you say it out loud, you’ll get a better idea of what’s natural conversation. You’ll also gain some insights into what the characters would or wouldn’t do, based on what they want.
These are just a few things you could try to get the creative juices flowing. All of these have worked well for me. Good luck and happy writing!
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jennamoreci · 2 years
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Tag your tittly titters mine are small but persistent 👍🏼 #authorsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CgRJZgTupEd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sarahreesbrennan · 1 year
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My first #fanartfriday in a while - go to the fabulous @c_leadraw to see the close-up on Luke and Elliot’s faces. The wings are such a beautiful frame and make them look like an illustration in a fairytale. Filled with joy today after a lovely @morningtransport chat: it was so nice to see people caring for the #InOtherLands short story and characters, and asking after #LongLiveEvil as well. I still haven’t quite worked out how to talk about my new book, but I was so honoured to see affection for past books and hope and speculation for the future. Thanks gemstones. 🥰🥳😍 #authorsofinstagram #sarahreesbrennan #lgbtreads #sunbrat https://www.instagram.com/p/CoxnN9Vrm6d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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white-poppie · 8 months
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Article about me in all-India Amity school's newspaper, The Global Times! (I look so funny in this pic ahaha I assure yall i don't look this ugly usually)
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“Everything is for a reason.”
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travelingcamera95 · 2 years
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This book has everything: Fighting women, sharp weapons, sass, food, a tiger, lush desert cities, and a trio of characters just trying to do their best to survive.
You can find The Assassin of Grins and Secrets on Amazon, Kindle Unlimited, and Barnes and Noble (shop).
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thisliterarylife · 1 year
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Do you have a book coming out this year, or know of a book coming out that you’re excited about? Let me know about it! I’m working on *monthly lists of recommendations* for @wealthofgeeks of new releases I’m excited about. 📖 #bookstagram #bookish #bookworm #booksandplants #zzplant #boston #bostonig #bookblog #bookrecommendations #fridayreads #amwriting #authorsofinstagram #authorsofig #bookpublishing #bookphotography #booktok #bookblr #bookworm https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5VZnZLFxV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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How to Write A Victorian Era Fiction Novel
Step back in time and immerse yourself in the world of Victorian Era Fiction. With its unique social customs, political landscape, and fashion trends, the Victorian Era provides a fascinating backdrop for storytelling. But writing a compelling fiction novel set in this era requires a great deal of attention to detail and research. In this guide, I'll help you explore the key aspects of Victorian Era Fiction writing and provide a step-by-step process for crafting a novel that transports readers to this captivating time period.
Exploring the Fascinating World of Victorian Era Fiction
The Victorian Era is often romanticized in popular culture as a time of elegance, innovation, and progress. It was a period of intense change in politics, fashion, and morals, resulting in a complex society that ultimately makes for rich storytelling opportunities.
Discover the Allure of Victorian Era Fiction and what Draws Readers in
Victorian Era Fiction captures the uniqueness of a past era while also holding up a mirror to current societal issues. It allows us to explore the past while still being entertained by a well-crafted narrative. Readers are often drawn to this genre for its intriguing characters, turbulent plots, and lush imagery that transports them back in time.
Understand the Historical Context of the Era and How it Influences Storytelling
The Victorian Era was a time of industrialization, rapid urbanization, and intense social change. This turmoil can be seen in novels of the time, where authors often explored themes of class conflict, gender inequality, and societal unrest. Therefore, it's important to have a strong understanding of the historical context surrounding a novel, so that it can be effectively reflected in the storytelling.
Explore Popular Themes and Tropes in Victorian Era Fiction
Themes and tropes like romance, mystery, adventure, orphan narratives, the supernatural, and the gothic are prevalent in Victorian Era Fiction. Authors like Charles Dickens, the Bronte sisters, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Oscar Wilde all employed these popular motifs in their works. By incorporating some of these prevalent themes and tropes into your writing, you can create a compelling, Victorian-esque narrative that encapsulates the era's allure.
Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Compelling Victorian Era Fiction Novel
If you are fascinated by the Victorian Era and would like to write a fiction novel set in this time period, here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
1. Begin with a solid story idea that can be transformed to fit the era
Start by developing a unique story idea that can be adapted to the Victorian Era. Consider how the story and characters can fit into this time period and what aspects of the era can be incorporated into the narrative. This will help you create a distinct and compelling story.
2. Craft a diverse cast of characters that reflect the social norms and customs of the time
The Victorian Era had strict social customs and norms that affected every aspect of life. Create characters that reflect these societal constraints and expectations. Explore how different genders, classes, and races interacted during this time period to develop diverse and authentic characters.
3. Use sensory details to create an immersive experience for readers and transport them to the era
Details about clothing, fashion, architecture, and language can help transport readers to the Victorian Era. Incorporate descriptive language and sensory details to create an immersive experience that will allow readers to see, smell, and hear the world of your story.
4. Layer multiple plotlines to create a complex and interesting story
The Victorian Era was a time of great change and upheaval, with many political, social, and economic events happening simultaneously. Consider weaving multiple plotlines into your narrative to create a complex and interesting story.
5. Incorporate historical events or lesser-known facts to create unexpected twists in the story
Research the era and incorporate historical events or lesser-known facts into your story. This will help create unexpected and surprising plot twists, while also giving readers a sense of the time period and its influence on the narrative.
6. Experiment with different story structures or narrative devices to keep the reader engaged
Experiment with different story structures or narrative devices to keep readers engaged. Consider using multiple points of view, non-linear timelines, or other creative techniques to make your story stand out.
Writing a compelling Victorian Era fiction novel requires research, creativity, and attention to detail. Following these steps can help you create an immersive and unforgettable story that captures the essence of the time period and leaves readers wanting more.
Researching Key Aspects of the Victorian Era to Enrich Your Fiction
If you want to write a compelling Victorian-era fiction novel, it is important to do thorough research about the time period to ensure your story is accurate and authentic. Here are some key aspects of the Victorian Era that you should consider incorporating into your research:
Investigate the political landscape and social customs of the era
The Victorian Era was a time of significant social, political, and economic change. From the reign of Queen Victoria to the period of industrialization, it is crucial to understand the issues and events that shaped the world during this time.
Examine fashion, architecture, and language used during the time period
The Victorian Era was famous for its distinct fashion style, from the upper-class women's corsets and hoop skirts to the working-class attire of the time. You should also research Victorian architecture, as this can heavily inspire the setting of your novel. Finally, understanding the language used during this time is also key, as it allows greater authenticity in your dialogues and narration.
Incorporate historically accurate events or figures into your story for added depth
History is full of exciting stories to draw inspiration from. Whether you want to incorporate real-life events or famous figures of the Victorian Era, doing so can add depth and color to your story. Through research, you can create a more rich and accurate version of Victorian England that would captivate your readers.
By taking the time to research key aspects of the Victorian Era, you can bring depth and authenticity to your fiction writing that will make your story come to life.
Creating Authentic Characters in Your Victorian Era Fiction Novel
One of the key factors in creating a compelling Victorian Era Fiction novel is the characters. Here are some tips and tricks to help you create authentic characters that reflect the time period:
Utilize Character Archetypes
During the Victorian Era, certain character archetypes were prevalent in literature. These include the noble hero, the damsel in distress, the villain, and the mentor. By using these archetypes, you can create characters that are believable and realistic for the era.
Consider Social Constraints and Expectations
The society of the Victorian Era was highly stratified, with strict expectations placed on individuals based on their gender, class, and race. When developing your characters, consider the constraints they would have faced based on their societal status.
Explore Interactions between Different Classes
One of the interesting aspects of the Victorian Era is the interaction between individuals of different classes. Use this dynamic to your advantage by creating characters from various social backgrounds and exploring how their interactions impacted their lives.
By incorporating these factors, you can create characters that are authentic to the time period and resonate with readers of Victorian Era Fiction.
Mastering the Art of Dialogue in Victorian Era Fiction Writing
One of the key elements of a successful Victorian Era fiction novel is the ability to master the art of dialogue. This is because speech patterns, honorifics, and language use during the era were vastly different from what we use today. Here are some tips to help you write authentic and engaging dialogue for your Victorian Era fiction novel:
Study the Language and Speech Patterns of the Era
Before writing dialogue, it's crucial to understand how people spoke during the Victorian Era. Reading books written during that time period, such as Charles Dickens' works, can give you a good idea of the vernacular and speech patterns used. Additionally, historical documents such as letters, diaries, and newspapers can offer unique insights into how people communicated with one another.
Utilize Proper Language and Honorifics to Reflect the Social Hierarchy
Addressing others using proper language and honorifics was particularly important during the Victorian Era, as it reflected the strict social hierarchy of the time. It's important to research and understand the different titles and forms of address used for different classes and professions, and to incorporate them into your dialogue to reflect the social structure of the era.
Consider the Impact of Vernacular or Slang on Different Characters from Varying Backgrounds
Vernacular and slang were commonly used during the Victorian Era, particularly among working-class characters. It's important to consider the use of dialects and slang words when crafting dialogue for characters from diverse backgrounds. However, it's also important to avoid caricaturing characters and being insensitive to different accents and dialects.
In conclusion, mastering the art of dialogue in Victorian Era fiction writing is crucial for creating an immersive and authentic reading experience. By studying the language and speech patterns of the era, utilizing proper language and honorifics, and considering the impact of vernacular or slang on different characters, you can craft engaging and believable dialogue that transports readers to the fascinating world of the Victorian Era.
Crafting Intriguing Plot Twists in Your Victorian Era Fiction Novel
One of the most crucial elements of a successful Victorian Era fiction novel is a compelling plot that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Here are some tips to craft intriguing plot twists that will keep your readers engaged:
Layer Multiple Plotlines
One way to create a complex and interesting story is to layer multiple plotlines. For example, you could introduce a mystery or romance subplot that weaves throughout the main storyline. This will keep readers guessing and prevent the story from feeling one-dimensional.
Incorporate Historical Events or Lesser Known Facts
Another way to create unexpected twists in the story is to incorporate historical events or lesser-known facts. This not only adds depth and authenticity to the story but can also surprise readers who may be familiar with the era. For example, you could include a true crime event or a lesser-known social custom that adds intrigue to the plot.
Experiment with Different Story Structures or Narrative Devices
Finally, don't be afraid to experiment with different story structures or narrative devices. For example, you could use flashbacks or alternate narrators to reveal new information or perspectives on the story. This can keep the reader engaged and add complexity to the plot.
By incorporating these tips, you can create a Victorian Era fiction novel that will keep readers enthralled from beginning to end.
Editing and Polishing Your Victorian Era Fiction Novel: Tips and Tricks
After completing your draft, it's time to polish and edit your manuscript to perfection. Here are some tips and tricks to consider:
Take time away from the manuscript before editing:
Leaving your manuscript for a few days or even weeks before revisiting it can help you gain a fresh perspective. You'll be able to look at your work with a critical eye and spot any plot holes, inconsistencies, or areas that need improvement.
Read the manuscript out loud:
Reading your work out loud is an excellent way to catch any grammatical errors or awkward phrasing that may have slipped by during the writing process. It can also help you identify areas where dialogue sounds forced or unnatural.
Ensure consistency:
It's important to ensure that the tone and language consistency remain steady throughout the entirety of the manuscript. Pay attention to character development and ensure that all details, such as clothing or mannerisms, remain consistent throughout the story.
Work with beta readers or editors:
Having a fresh pair of eyes on your manuscript can help identify areas that need improvement. Consider working with beta readers or professional editors to gain a new perspective on your work and fine-tune your manuscript.
Take breaks:
Editing and polishing your work can be a tedious process. Take frequent breaks to avoid burnout and to maintain your focus and productivity.
Keep a style guide:
Keeping a style guide can help you maintain consistency and avoid errors in grammar, punctuation, and formatting. Use this guide both during the writing and editing process.
Final thoughts:
Editing and polishing your manuscript can make or break your novel. Take the time needed to ensure that your work is flawless and reflective of the fascinating world of Victorian Era Fiction.
In conclusion, writing a Victorian Era fiction novel can be an immersive and rewarding experience, as it requires a deep dive into the historical context of the era, and a keen understanding of Victorian sensibilities and societal customs. By following the steps and tips laid out in this guide, writers can create a compelling story that transports readers to a bygone era filled with intrigue, romance, and adventure. So why not take the plunge and embark on a journey into the fascinating world of Victorian Era fiction writing?
Copyright © 2023 by Ren T.
TheWriteAdviceForWriters 2023
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lunasung · 4 months
2 years, 3 rewrites, and a breakdown later and I finally got it published. This book took a lot out of me (see previous sentence). I doubted myself and almost gave up so many times, but I did it. I love the story and I honestly believe it’s the best story I’ve ever written. And now it’s out into the world and I couldn’t be happier.
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gaaneden · 20 days
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It's the Final Stretch! Just 3 days left in Dear Penpal, Belgium 1980! As a special treat, I've recorded an unpublished YA ghost story, "Hide and Seek Forever." Looking for something unusual for you or a loved one? How about a cozy ghost story told by postal mail? It's the gift of escape tunnels, ghosts, and adventure told over 24 letters that will ship worldwide. https://bit.ly/dear_penpal
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writingwelltips · 2 months
Aristotle’s 3 Principles of Writing
1.Writers are imitators
2.Writers are borrowers
3.Writers aren’t bound by societal morals
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thethirdgenesisbooks · 2 months
What is Magipunk?
Magipunk (also called Magepunk, Spellpunk, Aetherpunk, or Dungeonpunk) is a genre of fantasy taking place in a world where all the technology runs on magic. Combustion engines in such a setting may only work because of fire elementals inside, or instead of telephones people may have circlets that allow them to communicate telepathically with someone far away. In such a setting, magic is not some mysterious force, it is a science that has been honed to make life easier.
The roots of magipunk can be traced back to a blend of genres, primarily fantasy, steampunk, and cyberpunk. Elements of high fantasy, such as wizards and magical artifacts, are paired with the gritty, dystopian settings typical of cyberpunk or steampunk. The resulting genre is a captivating fusion of the supernatural and the mechanical.
Like its parent genres, magipunk often explores themes of power, corruption, and the human condition. Characters navigate a world where magic is both a blessing and a curse, where technology brings progress but also danger. Furthermore, such technology often raises questions such as “just what makes us human?” and “Even if someone is not human, can they still be a person?” These themes are often underscored by rich world-building, intricate plots, and captivating character development.
The appeal of magipunk lies in its ability to blend fantastical elements with familiar settings. A wizard may walk with a staff and wear a pointed hat as he walks into a private detective’s office. Lightning elementals powering a city’s grid might cause a major crisis when they go on strike. A dark lord may rise to threaten the world with his army of steam-powered robots. It offers a fresh take on traditional fantasy tropes while exploring themes that resonate with modern audiences.
Some popular books that fall into this genre include “Mistborn” by Brandon Sanderson, “Mage Against the Machine” by Shaun Barger, or “The Iron Druid Chronicles” by Kevin Hearne.
My own fantasy series, “The Third Genesis,” also falls into this category. It has automatons (robots) powered by magical cores, people send messages instantly through enchanted wooden boxes called “bendboxes,” and there are airships that fly because of enchantments placed on them.
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