#And from the sound of it that speech a little bit echoed that??
Loving the combo of Dear John and Daylight and that speech because it's like "good bye to this asshole who fucked me up" followed by a long breath out where you say "I don't want to let the negative things hold me back anymore (step into the daylight and let it go)"
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ozzgin · 5 months
Yandere!Monster x Reader [Asylum Spider]
A/N: This feels a little bit strange to post. It's an older OC (the drawing I used is like 3 years old) I had for a horror manga. I thought it would make a good yandere if you're into actual monsters. And the atmosphere is a lot like an indie horror rpg. :)
You wake up in a damp, dark room with no recollection of how you ended up here. Hovering above you is a repugnant beast whose appearance terrifies you into silence. Yet it doesn’t attack you. Quite the opposite, it seems to want to guide you outside. You must escape quickly, as whatever lurks above causes the creature to squirm in fear. Yet as departure approaches, a desire blooms within its ancient heart: must you really leave it behind?
TW: Monsters, horror, implied violence/abuse
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Your vision is blurry and your head is throbbing with a harrowing, unbearable headache. You've been awakened from your unexplainable slumber by cold yet burning drops of liquid hitting your cheek at irregular intervals. You squint and try to focus on whatever lies before you. Slowly, the object becomes sharper and your eyes widen in terror. Drooling above you, a monstrosity. It looks almost human. Sharp, curved teeth are grotesquely gawking their way out. The skin is discolored, similar to the blueish tint of someone struck by hypothermia. The creature seems to be wearing a strange sort of straight jacket, tightly securing the arms and ending in a shredded rag, dangling between the skinny, crooked legs. Yet the most disturbing feature are the massive arthropod appendages that fan out from behind, suspending the abomination above ground.
The ridiculous, offensive sight drains the blood from your face and you hold your breath. You wait for the final blow that never arrives. It lowers its head and inhales deeply, trying to detect if you're still alive. Satisfied with the answer, it scurries aside and leaves you enough space to lift yourself up. The wide smile remains plastered on its face, making it look like a deformed mannequin. With nothing left to lose, you decide to risk it. "Can you talk?" you mumble, unsure about the potential response. It shakes its head in denial and you raise your eyebrows. So it can understand human speech.
You stand up and look around. There's a pungent smell irritating your nostrils, and large pipes slither their way over walls and ceilings in a maze of rusted metal. The floor is flooded and your ankles are sunken in murky water. Above the only door hangs an old plaque, eaten by mold and age. "W∎ter & Drain∎∎∎: Pro∎∎rty of ∎∎∎∎∎ Asylum". Ah. This must be the sewers, then. How did you even end up in the sewers of an asylum? Maybe someone upstairs can provide you with answers. You turn to the creature that has been obediently observing you.
"Can you take me to the main building?"
The humanoid spider screeches and trashes its appendages across the water. You jolt and step back instinctively. Is it mad? Have you upset it somehow? No, if anything, it looks afraid. You stare at its bizarre convulsions until it occurs to you the movements aren't quite as erratic as you assumed. It is drawing something using a swamped patch of ground.
Don't let find you Get out
You're choking with dread again. The ominous words send a cold chill down your spine and you shiver, helpless.
"How am I supposed to get out if I don't know where the exit is?" You demand with your last ounce of energy. 
It wobbles its way towards the door, and stops to face you expectantly. Is it offering to guide you? You're not quite sure whether to trust the ghoulish creature, but the rotting room is filling you with panic. 
Anything is better than being alone here. 
What a suffocating atmosphere. The corridors are tall, narrow and black. You can barely discern anything around you and the only sounds are the ghastly echoes of the metal creaking and bending from the water pressure. That, and your uncertain steps across the muddy flow. You glance at the creature. Its eyes are covered by a leather blindfold, so the darkness mustn't be an impediment for it. Then again, how can it tell its way within this colossal labyrinth?
"Is this where you live?" you whisper, trying to make conversation. You need something to distract you from your pounding heart.
It nods hesitantly. 
Your foot hits something and you instinctively attempt to kick it off. Perhaps some algae that begun developing in this forgotten grave. It seems to have wrapped around your ankle, so you bend down to remove it with your hands. It's a soaked sheet of paper. The ink has mostly diffused into the page, but you can still read some of the larger headlines. "Dozens have disappeared. The mystery of the abandoned Asylum, believed to be haunted by the countless victims of horrid experimentation". Next to the title is a photograph too smudged to make out.
You stop in your tracks, focused on the blurry letters. The monster patiently waits for you. Is it something to be asked? You gaze up at its features, trying to take in the details. You take a deep breath in and open your mouth. 
"Did they...um...do this to you upstairs?"
It seems to ponder your question with the same unfaltering grin that now feels painfully forced. Finally, it nods.
What a strange little creature you are. He returns your curious stare. Now that he thinks about it, you must be the very first person to follow him. When was the last time he spoke to another living creature? He can't remember. The others would panic beyond control at the mere sight of him, blindly running away and getting lost in the sewers. Later he'd find their bodies quickly decomposing under the running water, and he'd dispose of them outside. No one deserves to die here. The really unfortunate ones made it upstairs, into the asylum. He'd rather not brood over it. 
Yet here you are, asking questions and walking alongside him as if you were on a stroll. He doubts he's gotten less hideous over the years. Then again, he can't see to confirm. Just as he can't see you. Despite his lack of vision, he is overwhelmed by the feeling that you're a beautiful being. You must be. And thankfully, you won't have to worry yourself with any of the horrors lurking these cursed grounds for much longer. He'll help you escape.
Then he'll be alone once more. It shouldn't bother him this much, it's always been like this. But meeting you has reminded him just how much he missed the presence of another human, how dearly he longed for a kind voice. Is it selfish to fear isolation? 
"Oh! You're right, I can see a gate from here." You exclaim in gratitude. 
You sprint towards the rusty bars and feel a cool breeze against your skin. This must lead outside. The creature has kept its word. Soon enough all of this will be a nightmare of the past.
The monster seems to be making an effort to speak, but all that comes out is a dissonant croak. You're confused and he can sense it. 
Must you really leave him behind? He needs to let you know that he'd like to stay with you, but his throat is contracting pointlessly and there's nothing he can use as a writing surface. What is there to do? His chest is tightening with the frenzied desire to keep you with him forever.
Please don't leave him.
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hypewinter · 8 months
The boy had fallen out of the sky. To be more exact, he had fallen out of a portal that had opened in the sky. He then proceeded to land face first next to Batman. As he looked up to see everyone gathering around him, he tried to speak. It was a weird cacophonous sound, a garble that was a mix between static and echoes. Everyone covered their eyes and Nightwing yelled out, "We can't understand you!"
Just like that the cacophony stopped. Everyone uncovered their ears as the boy whispered, "Sorry."
Now that he was sitting up, they were able to get a good look at him. The boy from had Lazarus green eyes and starch white hair that did not obey gravity. His body also has an ethereal glow to it. Everything was a blur after that. They ended up bringing the boy back to the cave when they noticed he was bleeding profusely. Batman wanted to bring him to a hospital instead but he got so panicked when that idea was mentioned and looked like he was about to bolt, so the cave it was.
The boy had barely maintained consciousness as he babbled on about getting away from someone and hoping they would let him stay for a few days to recover. As he rambled, Alfred began peeling back his styled hazmat suit to reveal everyone a sickening Y shaped scar running down his torso which oozed a distinct green color. Alfred had patched him up as quickly and steadily as possible, being guided through how to do it from the boy himself. Apparently whatever his physiology was, it didn't work like a human's. Soon after he was patched up, the boy (Danny as they found out) lost consciousness.
The boy in front of them completely changed after white rings had formed around him. His white hair was now raven black, his skin had taken on a healthy tan, his stylized suit had become a T-shirt and jeans, his blood turned red. By all accounts, this was not the same unknown they had just saved. Unless?
"Do you think he's similar to the Martians?" Tim asked.
Everyone turned to him, their gears already turning. Nevertheless, Batman spoke. "Explain," he said.
"Well you know, how they can change themselves to blend in. And he was talking about hiding from someone. What if he, I don't know, decided to just try to blend in with us."
Dick piped up next. "I mean, considering how many of us are running around, it wouldn't be hard. And look at his face. It's the perfect mix of all of us. He probably decided the best way to fit in would be to look a little bit like all of us. It'd be the best way to throw off his pursuer."
"Or pursuers," Jason cut in.
"And how can we be sure he stopped at just faces?" Damian inquired.
Now everyone was looking at him.
The former assassin puffed out his chest but it was clear from the slight rigidness of his stance that he didn't like everyone's attention on him.
"Tch. I am simply stating that if he truly wanted to blend in with us, he might as well copy our mannerisms as well. He has already copied our speech."
That was true. He had easily switched his speech once Dick had started talking. Of course they couldn't rule out the potential that he had simply known the language beforehand but considering how many aliens Earth got that could instantly adopt a new language, the former theory held more ground.
"Hmm. That may be true. Naturally we'll do our best to hide him from any pursuers. But-"
"Don't you mean you'll do your best to convince him to let you adopt him?" Steph interrupted with a cheeky grin.
"But," Bruce continued on, "we will need to make sure he doesn't imprint on us too much. We'll encourage him to be his own person and try out things that he enjoys so that when all of this is over, he can live independently of us. That being said, I want you all on your best behavior. We want to try to ingrain as many healthy behaviors into him as possible. That means no threats, no violence, no unhealthy sleeping habits, and no extreme intakes of coffee. And I clear?"
There were various mumbles and groans throughout the group and one particularly indignant squawk from Tim. "I said am I clear?" Bruce repeat. The group answered yes in unison. "Good. Then dismissed."
Everyone filed out of the cave one by one. Some went back to their own home and safehouses. Some hit the showers. And some headed straight upstairs. Finally there was only Bruce left. He looked down at Danny still sound asleep on the table. Making sure this boy was protected and cared for for while also making sure he didn't get too attached and therefore dependent on everyone was better said than done. Still, Bruce would make it happen, after all, he was Batman.
I got this idea from the lovely @damngirlidk . Truly a great idea.
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hellvcifer · 2 months
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pairing; lucifer x fem!angel!reader (?), slight adam x fem!angel!reader (?) i don't know yet. still developing ideas atp wc; 2.9k note; yeah i really don't know where this story will go but it's been stuck in my head for a bit. hope you enjoy!! and let me know who the pairing should be bcs i can't decide lol !!
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“Hello!” Charlie peeked around the door, eyes glancing side-to-side as she took in the decor. Various whites and golds fancily accentuated the interior of the Embassy. She walked in further, noting the long pathway, surrounded by empty seating, all leading up to a desk in the distance. “Hello?” Her soft voice echoed with the sound of her footsteps. “Helloo~o…? Cre~epy…” Her face scrunched, shoulders curling in as she got closer to the lone desk.
She approached, not knowing what else to do. This being her first time at the Heaven Embassy and all. A solid gold bell was centered on the white porcelain, embellished with fanciful design and begging someone to ring it. Charlie stared at it for a moment before her hand slapped the top of it. The emitted chime was soft and held out the delightful sound. 
A bright flash of light emitted from behind the desk, swirls of golden flowers and sparkling light appearing and growing bigger before revealing a figure wrapped in a mass of feathers. They shuffled a bit and spread out widely to reveal the back of the owner. 
“Oh!” You turned around, eyes widening upon seeing the guest. “Welcome to the Heaven Embassy!” You smiled brightly, arms held out to gesture to the place. “I'm with Angel Support Services, you can call me Y/N, how can I help you?” 
“Oh, uh Hi! I’m Charlie! Charlie Morningstar.” The girl returned your energy, eyes attentive. “So nice to meet you! I’m here for a meeting with, uh, Heaven.” She explained.
“Right!” Your eyes scanned her quickly, “I heard they were sending someone… new.” You giggled.
“Yes! I’m here filling in for my father, of course, I’m sure you know that but I really wanted to present my new idea about rehabbing sinners and the–”
“Rehabbing sinners?” Your eyes widened, lips curling in. Hand covered your mouth. 
“I know right! Just the best solution to our problem! It may sound a little crazy but I’ve compiled an entire speech–”
“That is… A great idea.” You interrupted her, swallowing down your laughter. Oh, he is gonna eat her alive. “I’m sure they would love to hear it.” Your hands flourished in the air and a pen appeared in one while a scroll in the other. The glow on them shined as you set the paper in front of the girl. “Please sign in here.”
“Oh, Okay!” She grabbed the pen, “I'm super happy to be here! It’s so nice to meet with such friendly people from Heaven considering the ex–Oh!” As soon as she finished signing, the items disappeared and shocked her.
“Of course, of course! We get that alot.” You continued your cheery tune as a door opened on your right. “Through there please.” You gestured in the said direction.
“Just, uh walk in then, huh?” Charlie asked.
You smirked with a nod, eyes sharpening though she seemed oblivious. “Good luck!” You waved with a twiddle of your fingers, watching her leave. “You’re gonna need it~” You spoke quietly, watching the doors shut behind her. You shook your head releasing a sigh. 
Within the next hour you remained at the desk within the Embassy, awaiting the poor girl’s exit. No doubt going on and on about her silly little rehabilitation idea. Though her confidence was thick and made you admire that.
Once a year this happened, and it was the same every time. Answer the ring, pop on down, sign in whomever was visiting, and leave. Typically it had been Lucifer. But it seems that he’s sent his daughter to do it to avoid talking with you. Ever since, well… Last time, he just didn't want to see you. You huffed, sad that you wouldn’t get the chance to talk out the incident. Not that you would even know what to say.
The doors opened, a flash of red was twirled out of it and you saw Charlie land on the floor. Papers scattered around her as she tried to stand. The unnerving guitar of Heaven’s representative rifted throughout the building. The girl stood and walked towards the closing doors. 
“Um–Wait, didn’t you–” The last thing she saw was the devious smile of Adam before she was left in darkness. The last sliver of light snuffed out. “Awh, shit!” She slammed her fist against the heavy gold.
You rested your cheek against your hand, smirk ever prominent as you watched the whole thing play out. The girl was breathing heavily, head now leaning against the cold material. “Sooo, how’d it go?” Your voice was ever cheerful, dripping with a knowing cynicality. 
Charlie groaned out in response as she began picking up the drawings she originally presented earlier. 
“Yeah, that’s what most people say after meeting Adam.” You snickered. “Heaven’s finest first man, an absolute angel.” You stood straight. “Don’t take it to heart, he’s like that to everyone~” You sang out the final word as Charlie stood, her papers neatly stacked in her arms before they disappeared. She looked up at you, seeing how your expression oozed with intent.
“You knew he would react like that?” Her tone raised, questioning your actions. 
“Oh honey,” Your brows dipped as a slight pout appeared on your lips. “It’s Adam. Everyone knows. He literally calls himself the original–”
“–Dickmaster,” You finished together. “Yeah, yeah.” Charlie added.
“See! Look at you catching on so quickly.” Your hands clasped together as you brought them to your chest. 
Charlie groaned, taking a few steps forward. “Why wouldn’t you warn me before going in there?” She didn’t seem angry as she spoke, more shocked, more frustrated than ever. “I could have prepared better, or shifted my presentation, I just–Ugh!”
“The real question is: Why wouldn’t your father? He’s met with Adam plenty of times before.” Your words made her inhale sharply, eyes widening. “Eeouh~ Daddy issues? It's okay, we all have ‘em.” Your wings opened, flapping a few times and raising you off the floor to sit on your desk. “As much as I would love to help, Sweetie, I got more important things to deal with on the up-side, so if you don’t mind.” Your arm swung out, hand presenting the exit that was in line of sight. 
Charlie huffed before walking towards the exit, hand reaching out for the handle. You smiled as she opened the door and waved at her. “Come again!” 
As the resounding slam of the door echoed throughout the chamber, that was your cue to take your own leave. With a flash of light, you appeared back into the holy grounds of Heaven. The large golden gates in your view and a familiar face standing atop of the podium. 
“Y/N! Welcome back! How was the day down below?”
“Hi Saint Peter!” You greeted him, walking down the golden path to the entrance. “Same as always, super boring!” You waved a hand, sticking your tongue out. “Anyways, I’m off to pick up the notes from the meeting. Have you seen Ella?”
“Oooh, yeah. Sera asked her to cover the greeting party for new souls today and asked me, to tell you, that you’ll have to retrieve the notes from today.”  His face seemed like he was in pain as he explained what happened to you.
Your form all but deflated at the news. “Wonderful.” You groaned out the word, watching the golden gate open. You trudged through, smiling at the post angel and waving, “Thanks, Peter!” You tried to remain cheerful, wings outspread and lifted you into the air. He returned your wave and as you left, closed the gates.
With Ella gone, her duties now shifted to you as requested by Sera. Which meant you had to go deal with the First Dick. You rolled your eyes as you flew above buildings, weaving through the other residents of Heaven until you reached Headquarters.
The area was a combination of large buildings, all placed neatly in a secure area for higher ranking angels. They were decorated with the overdone gold accents and white porcelain walls. Seriously, how did they not come up with anything a bit more original. You landed on the ground and walked into one of the higher bestowed skyscrapers, being greeted by others as you did. It didn’t take long to navigate towards the elevator and pressing the button to bring you to the right level. 
You wondered why you felt the need to complete these tasks so quickly. Perhaps to feel the relief of the day being over; the chore having been finished. Just so you can enjoy the happy days of Heaven ahead. The days of the Holy and gifted, where nothing can go wrong and everything is perfect. Not a single thing misplaced or misused. Just… Perfect.
Once you arrived, your steps chorused down the long hallway. At the very end was a giant door leading to the one you were hoping to avoid. Just before it on the left was a smaller office that you stopped in front of. You knocked twice and waited for an answer. It swung open to reveal none other than–
“Lute.” You greeted rather blandly. 
“Y/N.” Her eyes were widened but she quickly bowed her head, hand raising to her chest as she did so. “To what do I owe the honor?”
You strutted into her office, eyes looking around though uninterested in anything you saw, “Ella’s out and I need the meeting notes for my report.” You quickly turned to her. “That shouldn’t be an issue, I presume?”
She straightened, “Of course not.” She walked over to her desk, picking up the pile of papers before handing them to you. You scanned them, noting the diction used and how well they were written. Obviously not Adam’s doing. You sighed though you didn’t care if he wrote them or not. “Should I notify Adam of your arrival?”
“No! No, no.” You began walking towards the door, stepping through the threshold. “That will not be necessary. In fact, don’t even mention I stopped by, mmkay? Good. Bye-bye!” You smiled though it never fully made its way to your eyes. Your pace was fast down the hallway as you reached the elevator. Luckily no one had called it and it was still on the level.
The doors opened immediately and you entered, turning around to hit the button for the lobby. You released a heavy breath and waited for the elevator to react. As the doors began to shut, the large office at the end of the hallway began to open. 
A familiar figure stepped out, “Hey! Danger Tits! when’s that dorky chick with the–” he saw you in the small gap that remained open. His body froze, mouth opened as his thoughts halted. He watched as the panels came closer together, his lips moving to utter the only thing he could process. “Y/N?”
The doors shut as you gulped. You exhaled heavily, feeling your body release any tension you had from seeing him. What a nightmare that would have been to deal with. You’ve avoided him as much as possible within the last year. Though with both of your positions, it was inevitable you run into each other from time-to-time. Quick exits and excuses were second nature to you now.
This moment for instance, you made your escape from the building and ventured over to the main one; having passed by other coworkers and fellow angels along the way. One of the final people on your list to see was Sera to hand over your report and the notes. 
This wasn’t your ordinary day in Heaven but it was certainly the busiest out of the year. Heaven had a meeting with Hell once a year to discuss any necessary things and then it was left in the wind until the next one. It wasn’t your favorite thing to be in charge of, but then again you were rewarded nicely for it. Not to mention, it was recently adjusted that there will be meetings held twice a year now. Something about boosting morale with those below.
Considering how close the buildings were, it was fairly easy to make your way to Sera’s office. You knocked and heard a soft “Come in.” You opened the door and saw her having a cup of tea with Emily sitting next to her. The younger Seraphim grinned widely at the sight of you. 
“Oh my goodness, Y/N!” She jumped from her seat and glided over to you. “How was your day? Did you have fun visiting Hell? Did you meet anyone? Please, tell me all about it!” Her joyous attitude reminded you of the new representative put forth for Hell. Charlie.
You gently laughed as she pulled you forward. “Alright, that’s enough, Emily.” Sera called out with a calming voice, pieced with a smile and causing the girl to release her grip.
She nervously chuckled, “Sorry~”
“Welcome, Y/N.” She glanced down at the papers in your hand. “I assume that is the report from today’s meeting?” 
“As requested.” You held them up and they gently floated towards Sera before laying in her hands and disappearing into thin air. 
“Your work today is appreciated.” She bowed her head towards you. “I hope it wasn’t too much trouble visiting them. Please join us.” She gestured to an empty chair at the table. 
“Not at all.” You sat, and Emily rejoined the two of you. “In fact, it was mildly entertaining this time around.”
“Oh! How exciting!” Em interjected, eyes awaiting for more information.
“As you know, Hell put forth a new representative this year.” You took a sip of the freshly poured cup of tea in front of you as you explained. “She was going on and on about rehabilitating sinners as a solution to the population problem they’re having.”
They both nearly spat out their drinks, each with an opposite expression. “That’s a great idea!” “That’s a horrible idea.” You chuckled at their different responses, spoken at once.
“But why not!” Em spoke up, “It could bring an end to the issue we’ve been dealing with for so long! Not to mention, it could bring us closer to those down in Hell–”
“Sinner Rehabilitation has no evidence of working.” Sera was quick to say, “If it were even possible, we would know about it. We must not question divine judgment.” 
“But Sera–”
“That’s enough.” Her tone was stern, ending the conversation.
You took another sip of your drink, sighing into the tense air, “I guess it’s better than the extermination.” You hummed absentmindedly.
“What?” Sera was shocked at the mention of the word, her voice coming out sharply as she stared at you with wide eyes.
You turned to her. “You know,” Your hand twirled in the air as you explained. “The proposal that Adam gave forever ago but it was denied at the high council meeting.” You casually mentioned.
“I don’t remember that.” Em’s finger found her chin as she tilted her head.
You smiled. “Waay~ before your time. It was shot down before there could even be a discussion about it.” You answered. “Anyways, I’ve gotta fly. Meeting~” You explained bluntly and rose from your seat, turning to leave. “It was nice seeing you two!”
“Y/N.” Sera called out, causing you to stop and swivel your head. “Uh,” She glanced down at Emily. “A word, before you go.” She followed you out of her office, signaling the younger to stay behind. Once the door was shut, she cleared her throat. 
“About the proposal,” She spoke quietly, calm eyes masking her shakiness. “That won’t be brought up to…” She eluded without saying. 
You laughed, dismissing her worries with a flap of your hand. “Don’t worry. Rehabilitating sinners? Like they would be on board with that, am I right?”
Sera tried to join in, though she cleared her throat, “And… about the other one.” 
“Other one?” You questioned before realizing. “Oh~ The extermination?” You scoffed. “Yeah, no. It was relayed a long time ago when it was initially discussed. No use in bringing up the past. It was declined for a reason.” You squinted at her. “Unless there’s something I should know about…” 
“No! No, of course not.” She held a hand up, closing her eyes with a soft smile. “I just wanted to make sure all things are transparent between us and them.”
You instantly shifted, grinning at her answer. “Great! See you around.” You walked off though an uneasy feeling remained within your stomach. 
Quickly, you made your way over to your own office, popping through the door and shutting it. Now, you waited. It was bound to happen soon, it always did after a meeting at the Embassy occurred. 
You were chosen, hand picked as they admitted. And though the honor was bestowed upon you in all its glory, the burden you felt took its toll on you. As much as you felt gifted for being picked, there was no relief to the loneliness you felt in your position. 
The gold necklace you wore began to glow, humming loudly as the light grew brighter by the second. It was starting. You took a deep breath, preparing yourself. A flash of white encapsulated you and you appeared into a familiar office.
A desk was placed some feet in front of you, the luxurious chair turned away from you. All you could see were the crossed legs of a sat figure, long and dainty, angled just slightly to the right. Cladded in white dress pants, he stared out the giant window that silhouette him. 
“Long time, no see…” He leaned forward, blonde hair peeking past the backrest of his chair. “Y/N.”
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likes and reblogs appreciated ♡ ┆ part 2
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irisintheafterglow · 5 months
don't even know, i'm talkin' nonsense
summary: on his way back from a patrol shift, your boss gets hit with a mystery quirk that affects his speech. you're the only one in the office who can help him (pro!bakugo x you).
wc: 2k
cw/tags: swearing cuz bakugo's here and he's angry, miscommunication-based comedy, idiot(s) in love, coworkers to lovers, a little bit of angst/comfort but it's just for the plot yk
note: i'm not sure where the concept of this came from; i was just listening to sabrina carpenter and was like,,,, hey i can use this. so have this! hope you like it :))
likes, reblogs, and replies are appreciated <3
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“Okay, go over it one more time for me. I think I’ve got it,” you reassure him, only to be met with a skeptical glare. “I’m serious; I think I understand it, even though it took forever.” You tap the whiteboard of the meeting room with the red marker in your hand, slightly tired from scribbling down as much as you could comprehend from your boss’ vague gestures. He exhales deeply, dragging a hand down his face, and gives you an impatient look. “Ready when you are."
“Fucking hell, I can’t believe this is happening to me.”
“I didn’t understand a word of what you just said,” you remind him and he shoots you a withering glare that doesn’t deter you in the slightest. “And don’t try to write it, since that clearly didn’t work.” You glance at the scribbled mess of letters scratched onto a yellow notepad of paper, Bakugo’s first attempt to communicate that something was off when speech was not working.
“I fucking know that! You don’t think I can’t remember that you have no idea what I’m fucking saying?” You blink at him, desperately biting your tongue to avoid bursting out laughing. Even though Bakugo had been hit with a quirk that was creating some very entertaining moments in an otherwise bland office job, he could still make his palms crackle dangerously in warning. “Remind me to fire you when I get out of this.” You can’t control your laughter that time and you let a snort slip from your throat, wincing when his scathing eyes stare menacingly into you. 
“Sorry, I am so sorry,” you laugh quietly, attempting to subtly wipe a tear from your eye. “It’s just that…that time it was a dolphin.” You scrunch your face to avoid laughing again and try so hard that it makes your stomach hurt. Your boss continues to stand there, absolutely mortified, while you add another animal to the list of sounds that have come out of his mouth. Since he re-entered the office after a seemingly normal patrol shift, the noises of a bear, horse, mouse, tiger, monkey, a bird you couldn’t identify, and now a dolphin had exited his mouth in place of his scratchy voice. You thought it was a sneeze, the first time the bear roar had echoed through the office, but were equally perplexed when you asked him to sign a form and the only answer you received was high-pitched squeaking. 
“There’s no fucking way,” he’d muttered under his breath when you first explained to him what you thought was happening. It became all too real as his face paled when you played what your phone recorded as his “voice,” which only came out as the insistent hoots of a monkey. He was used to receiving weird looks on the street, especially when civilians realized that they were walking next to one of the top Pros in the country, but it dawned on him that they may have not heard his usual voice when he barked at them to move. “And you’re the only one in the office right now?” 
“I have no idea what you’re saying,” you inform him carefully. “But, if you’re wondering if anyone else is here to help you, there’s not.” You can only imagine what kind of colorful expletives he yelled by the unrelenting scream of bird noises that left his mouth. “And I was about to leave, so if you want me to stay and help–” 
“I don’t need your fucking help.”
“Oh, great. You’re a horse now,” you deadpan, understanding from his facial expressions alone what he was trying to communicate. “Well, if you don’t need my help, have fun explaining to the guys why you sound like you swallowed a zoo.” Your boss’ face turns bright red at the idea of showing up to dinner with his old classmates in his current state. He fires off a single, precise shot at the rubber door stop before you can exit the meeting room, effectively locking you in there with him until you sort out how to fix him. “So, you do want my help?” You turn to look at him with a knowingly innocent smirk, delighted to find him seething in place but reluctantly nodding. “What’s the magic word?” A single horse neigh echoes through the meeting room and you head to the whiteboard. “Alright, let’s get to work.”
You spent the next hour and a half playing a ridiculous game of charades with Bakugo after the alarming discovery that anything he tried to write would become illegible scribbles. You figured that it was just an effect of the Quirk itself, which seemed to give the user the ability to communicate with different animals without being understood by humans. If an eavesdropper managed to figure out what they were saying, the words would become unreadable on the page for further secrecy. Despite inconveniencing your boss and preventing you from leaving the office on time, it did serve as an important tool in the Quirk-stealing weapons trade you’d been investigating. The only issue now was to figure out where Bakugo was hit. 
“So, you’re walking down 25th.” A nod. “And make a right on Pine?” His palm hits his forehead in frustration. “No, no, not right. A left, towards 24th.” Another nod. “And that-that alley, by the coffee shop with the good strawberry milk teas?” More aggressive nodding. “That’s where you got hit? With the dart?” He slams his hand on the desk, nodding furiously. You stare at him, slightly in disbelief as you pull out a rolling chair and slump into it. “How the hell did you get pulled into that alley?” 
“Someone was screaming for help and I’m a hero so I go help them, I don’t fucking know.”
“Dolphin again,” you smirk and he rolls his eyes. “But, really. You don’t ever go that route since it’s too out of the way from where your patrol ends. What were you doing on that side of town?” He pauses, his mouth drawn into a tight line and his eyebrows drawn as he searches for an explanation in his brain. Truth be told, he had no idea what possessed him to take that route back to the office. All he could recall were snapshots, little Polaroids of information that, if he pieced them together, made a relatively cohesive explanation. He’d snapped at you unfairly, a common snap of his temper, but the hurt on your face affected him more than he was willing to admit. Something bothered him about your tense expression and it continued to bother him when he was out of the office and kicking villains into the dirt. It seemed like instinct was the only reason why he headed in the direction of the cafe with the strawberry milk he knew you liked. “Well?”  
He blinks at you once, twice, and then stands abruptly and swings open the door. You watch him through the room’s tall windows as he enters his private office briefly and exits with a cardboard drink holder. A minute later, a plastic cup with the taut seal unbroken is unceremoniously set in front of you, along with a large straw to suck up the extra strawberry bits he knew you always ordered. 
“What is this?”
“What does it look like, idiot?”
“I know it looks like a drink, but why did you get it for me?” His eyes widen with the idea that you could understand him again, but you’re quick to shut him down. “And no, I can’t understand you yet. Right now, you’re a tiger.” You half expect him to launch the other drink, something brown sugar looking, at the wall; instead, he pulls out the chair next to you and stabs his straw into the plastic, gesturing for you to do the same. You obey hesitantly, eyeing him curiously as he avoids your questioning expression. “Thank you.” He huffs, something you’ve learned is the only response he gives to gratitude. “You really didn’t need to do this.”
“I hurt your fucking feelings, of course I needed to.” You’re staring at him again, you and your pretty eyes and kind smile and uncanny ability to withstand even his most fiery temper tantrums. He’d discovered his feelings for you months ago and it was like a speed bump was put in front of him every time you were near, always making him trip or say something stupid. Bakugo was never known to be good with his words or his feelings, but you made him feel so warm inside that he’d be a fool to deny what it was. “I guess it’s good that you can’t understand me right now because I can vent about how stupid you make me feel.” You hum, a fond glint catching in your eye. 
“That’s a new one. You’re a chicken right now.” You laugh and he can feel his forehead get airy, like he’d chugged three sojus. What he felt was sweeter, though, without the bitter taste that always followed alcohol. To him, you were pure light. 
“Makes sense, ‘cause I’m too much of a dumbass to tell you how much I care about you. Fuckin’ idiot.” 
“You sure have a lot to say, boss. Go on and let me pretend I’m on a poultry farm.” You take another sip of your drink and close your eyes, appreciating his unexpected gift. “A much needed vacation, in my opinion.”
“There you go again with your stupid sarcasm and your stupid laugh. You’re insufferable, you know that? Always making me run around in circles because I don’t know what I’m fucking doing around you.” You raise your eyebrows melodramatically and nod at him slowly, still having no idea what he’s trying to communicate. “You’re lucky you’re pretty because if you were anyone else, I’d fucking deck them right now.” Your attention shoots to him but gives no indication that you comprehended what he just said, so he goes on. “I wanna take you out to dinner sometime, but I think I’m a little too proud to admit how much I like you. Fucking hell, you don’t know what you do to me.” 
“Hey, boss?”
“The fuck do you want?”
“The Quirk wore off,” you breathe, in complete shock from what he just unknowingly confessed to you. You’d be less surprised if he’d told you that he murdered his way up to the top three. “You started speaking normally when you said,” you pause to try to slow your racing pulse in your ears, “that I was pretty.” You sneak a look at him out of the corner of your eye to find him bright red and mirroring your wide-eyed expression. “I guess the effects wore off pretty fast?” 
“Yep,” he forces out. “Must have.”
“You really think I’m pretty?”
“It’s why I got you the fucking drink, stupid,” he mumbles, still examining the shiny wood of the table. “Didn’t want you to be sad.” An idea pops into your head and you shrug, leaning nonchalantly back into your chair. You can feel his eyes watching you, reading your body language.
“I know something that would make me less sad.” 
“Oh, yeah? What’s that?” You shrug and let the corner of your mouth turn up, brushing a stray blonde hair from his face. You didn’t think it was possible to turn such a deep shade of pink and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t amused by how miserable he looked. 
“Take me out to dinner,” you reply, chuckling at the way his nostrils flare. “Repeat all the stuff you said while you were speaking zookeeper. Beside the love confession, of course. I understood that pretty well.” 
“God, you’re ridiculous,” he mutters, grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the office. “Next time I get you that strawberry milk, you’ll be there with me. Then we’ll both have that stupid quirk.” 
“Mmm, great. We can both tell each other how much we like each other while speaking dolphin.”
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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wriothesleybear · 7 months
~warnings: modern!au, mostly fluff with a little bit of smut (i couldn't help myself), mentions of creampies, gn!reader(hopefully i did it right this time), MDNI!
Professional Boxer!Wriothesley who's the #1 boxing champion with a high winning streak. He's on the cover of magazines and has a lot of fame and fortune, which he uses to spoil you. Buying you fancy clothes, expensive jewelry, taking you to the most expensive restaurants, and just buying you whatever you want. You tell him that he doesn't have to spend so much money on you, but he just grabs your hand, kissing it while telling you that it makes him happy spoiling you with gifts. How could you deny him happiness.
Professional Boxer!Wriothesley who works out with you. He either has you sit on his back while he does pushups or has you lay below him where every time he pushes down, he kisses you. Sometimes, it just ends up in a long, passionate make out session. Maybe something a little more *wink wink*. Just seeing you all sweaty and breathing heavily as you work out near him. Seeing you stretch your limbs, especially the one stretch that gives him a good view of your ass, makes it hard for him to control himself.
Professional Boxer!Wriothesley who saves a front row seat for you to his fights so you are able to watch him better. When he needs the motivation during his fight, he looks out in the crowd searching for you. Once his eyes land on you, he smiles and winks at you, gaining the motivation to fight and wanting to make you proud. It makes him happy seeing you supporting him in the stands, cheering for him, and screaming his name. If you make him a little sign, it'll make his heart skip a beat.
Professional Boxer!Wriothesley who immediately looks for you after a fight. Once he spots you, he heads straight for you, pulling you into a tight hug. Even though he's all sweaty and musky, you don't mind, wrapping your arms around his neck. He passionately kisses you in front of the crowd. It shows how much you mean to him. Plus, it's his way to thank you for being there for him and supporting him.
Professional Boxer!Wriothesley who melts when you give him massages to help him relax his sore muscles. Your massages especially help him when he's stressed for an upcoming fight. All worries leave his mind once your soft hands explore his body. He groans when you push on the right spots where he's the most tense.
Professional Boxer!Wriothesley who enjoys the celebratory sex you two have after he wins a fight. You prefer 'celebrating' at home, but sometimes when he's still full of adrenaline from the fight, he can't help taking you right there in the locker rooms. You could do it in his personal dressing room like usual, but he thinks its much more exciting with the risk of being caught. Your moans echoing in the empty space, the sounds of your ass slapping against his pelvis, getting him closer to the edge. It's not a celebration if it doesn't end in him creampieing you.
Professional Boxer!Wriothesley who loves the gentle care you put in when patching up his wounds, making sure to carefully patch them up so as not to irritate them. After you finish patching him up, you smother him in kisses, making sure to add extra ones on his boo-boos. Moments like these remind him how lucky he is to have you. He should do something about that. Maybe a ring will do..
Professional Boxer!Wriothesley who buys you a big, fat diamond ring. He plans this whole special proposal for you. He takes you out to dinner, feeding you the most delicious foods. Once stuffed, he takes you to a movie, where he rented out the whole theater just for you two. After the movie, he takes you to the small boxing club where you two first met. He thinks it's the perfect place to propose. He leads you into the center of the boxing ring, holding your hands as he gives you a speech about how much you mean to him. Then he gets down on one knee and pulls out a red box, holding the most gorgeous ring you've ever seen. You can't help the tears from flowing as you say yes. Once he slips the ring on your finger, you jump into his arms, tightly hugging him and pulling him into a kiss. You both end the night making passionate love in your shared bed, fingers intertwined as he slowly pumps into you, filling you up with his seed.
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psychedelic-ink · 10 months
prompt: priest au + “worship me. until i tell you to stop.”
pairing: priest!ezra x f!reader
genre: explicit smut, minors dni, dark content
summary: after a breakup, you find solaca at the local church. there, you meet father ezra.
word count: 3.4k
warnings: dubcon, manipulation, brief mention of reader going through a breakup, reader having a brief anxiety attack, reader having confidence issues, loneliness, messy blowjob, degradation, leg humping, dirty talk, facial, power imbalance, dumbification if you squint, use of whore, religious themes, this is written for horny purposes only, priest kink, a lot of 'yes father's and 'forgive me father's
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Comfort is what leads you to your local church.  
You wouldn’t exactly say you’re a believer, but coming to the church and sticking wishing candles into the sandy surface was one of your finest memories from your childhood. You enjoy the chocolaty smell of the wooden benches, the stained large panes of the windows that cast vibrant rainbows upon the polished floor when the sun hits them just right. 
When you sit on the bench, surrounded by a calm dimness and silent prayers, you feel contented, like the world outside doesn’t exist. 
You feel lonely out there in the modern world, especially after your breakup, which was the turning point that led you to the adorned wooden doors of the church in the first place. It wasn’t a messy breakup, still, it left you in shambles. He’d moved on so quickly. Just picking up his clothes and throwing them into the bag before he left. It broke your heart if you’re being honest. He was never overly affectionate or necessarily cared about the things you cared about, but it was better than being utterly alone. 
Just a little bit of comfort. That’s all you want. Just a sense of belonging. 
Here at the church, the sense of commune affects you, even if you’re not exactly a part of it. 
Sitting at the edge of the bench, you look up. The church is empty today due to the heavy downpour, there’s only one more person other than you. They’re busy in prayer so you don’t stare at them for long, not wanting to be rude. 
Your eyes move away from the person, they linger on the confessionals. You always found the idea appealing in some twisted way. As if asking for forgiveness from some random man will solve all your problems. You never went it, always feeling too paranoid that someone might hear how stupid you sound. 
The person finishes their prayer, and as they walk down the middle, you notice it was a youngish man, his hair stuck to his forehead. His steps echo, a second later the sound of his departure rings dull against the cold walls. 
You rise slowly, eyes once again fixed on the booths. They’re barely noticeable thanks to how dimly lit the church is, and with no sun there’s little light to guide you. 
You’re not even sure a Father will assist you when you open the door to the small space. It creaks loudly and your skin crawls. You’re hesitant, yet you still climb inside and take a seat. It’s small, dark, and smells overwhelmingly of wood. It’s oddly comforting. 
You’re unsure what to do with yourself until you hear the door opening and closing from the other side of the booth. 
“Welcome. I am Father Ezra, and I am here to listen, guide, and offer you the grace of God's forgiveness. As sunlit moments blend with shadows, so too do our lives weave intricate tales of both frailty and strength. With open ears and an open heart, I beckon you to unburden your spirit. When you're ready, please share your thoughts, knowing that your words are heard in the spirit of compassion and understanding.” 
Your eyes widen at the sound of his voice. He doesn’t rush his speech, taking time as if every sentence is a story of its own. It’s so smooth, enticing, beckoning you to pour all the darkness that lingers around your heart. You’re surprised to find yourself wanting to hear more of that honey-dipped voice. 
Father Ezra, you’ve heard his name before and from afar, even laid eyes on him. You can barely remember what he looks like now though. You certainly never heard him during sermons, you would’ve definitely remembered his voice if you had. 
You’re pulled away from your thoughts when you hear a creak and a soft flutter of a robe. 
“Sorry,” you say, quick and silent. “This is my first time doing this and I didn’t really have a prepared thing in mind.” 
His soft chuckle echoes—god, why does he sound so good? 
“Sweet, lost, little bird, you do not need to rush it. You can start by introducing yourself. Tell me your name.” 
A shudder that starts from your toes claws all the way up to your spine. All he did was ask your name, yet, it feels like he’s asking for something drastic like your life. You swallow around the know in your throat, lowering your gaze even though there’s no one that can see you. 
You give him your name and something you can’t discern shifts in the air. 
“What a lovely name,” he hums. “Now tell me, what troubles you on this rainy day.” 
“Nothing specific,” a sigh parts your lips, and again, a creak comes through the other side. Your skin prickles. You can feel as if his eyes can see through the thin wall that separates you both. “I’m feeling a bit lonely. I—I went through a break up a couple of weeks ago and. . . I guess I can’t help but feel it’s my fault somehow.” 
You wait for him to say something, but when he doesn’t, you continue. 
“This might sound dumb—” 
“There is no such thing,” you can almost hear the smile in his voice. “There’s no shame in asking for guidance and forgiveness.” 
“There were these things. . . that he said about me. Things like I was too needy, too dependent, and too much overall. And I feel like it’s true because no one ever seems to stay with me,” you let out a bitter chuckle as tears begin to well in your eyes. “I don’t know why I’m like this, maybe—maybe God is punishing me for a sin I don’t know and i-if that’s the case, Father, I seek forgiveness.” 
A breath. A low, violent exhale of breath. Your eyes flit to the grille, a pair of plush lips now visible through the tightly made slats. 
“You ask for forgiveness, atonement, yet do you actually believe?” he coos, voice low. 
“I don’t,” you answer a bit too quickly and blood boils under your nails. “I–I mean I don’t know.” 
“How do you expect me to help when you doubt the lord’s existence, little one?” Despite the provocative question, you see the faint curve of his smile through the darkness. “Are you desperate?” 
“I didn’t mean to offend,” you say quietly. The rain pour had begun again, drowning out the rest of the sound. “I’ve been coming here ever since the breakup. I enjoy watching people pray and smile, looking comforted. I just thought that if I did this, that comfort would extend to me as well. I’m sorry.” 
“The comfort is fleeting when you don’t believe it to be true,” he murmurs, ignoring your apology. “If you seek guidance, I can help you understand better and maybe then you’ll receive the comfort and the forgiveness that you crave oh so deeply.”
There’s a mocking lilt to his tone that you decide to ignore. It feels only right when you had outwardly said that you didn’t believe in the man’s religion. 
With an open heart, you accept his offer of guidance. 
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You visit his office almost every night. 
You found yourself enjoying the church even more after hours. Ezra became a friend, which didn’t surprise you because that man had an essence about him that would charm the pants off of any devil that he might encounter. You guys did bible studies together and talked about other religions as well, and what it means to understand the words inscribed and given to the people. It was interesting to listen to. He would even give you assignments sometimes, telling you to read a specific paper or book. It felt like being at school again. He’d given you something you thought you had lost forever; A sense of purpose. 
It didn’t hurt that he was a sight to look at. His dark brown eyes always held a certain mischief to them, lighting up in amusement whenever you said anything peculiar. 
You knew it was cliche to have a crush on a priest, yet here you were, wagging an imaginary tail whenever he praised you for doing a good job. 
But tonight is not one of those days you feel all giddy and excited to see him. You enter the wide halls of the church and take a sharp turn towards his office, all you sense is impending doom, your insides riddled with anxiety. You’re shaking, barely able to feel your legs as you walk. 
When you enter, his eyes look up from the papers that lay in front of him, his gaze momentarily dropping to where your dress ends, then back up. His brows furrowing instantly at your heavy breathing, “Little bird, what’s wrong?” 
“Everything!” you exclaim, heaving a breath. “Everything is wrong—I’m wrong—I—fuck—” 
Ezra clears his throat in warning, “Language,” he says with a click of his tongue. 
“Sorry, Father.” you look down in shame, your hands balled into tight fists as you fight the urge to pace around his office. “I just—” 
He cuts you off, “Why don’t you take a seat and tell me what happened?” he smiles kindly. “And maybe you can stop shaking while you’re at it.” 
You nod as you take a seat. Your heart continuously rams against your ribcage and you can barely breathe, your throat convulsing in agony. Ezra gestures to you to look at him. When you do, he takes a deep inhale, making a demonstration in showing how his chest expands and contracts, his hand following the movement as if on waves. 
You breathe with him, the oxygen that fills your lungs calming you. 
“Good,” he hums. “Now tell me what happened.” 
“I saw him today. My—My ex,” you shook your head, reliving the moment. “He’s already seeing someone, which is fine if he was just honest about it. It’s some girl from work, the same girl I asked him about when he moved out,” a hiccup parts your sentence and you continue, your eyes dropping away from Ezra’s. “I said ‘is it her, do you like someone else’ and he said no. He pretended not to recognize me, even though his girlfriend did. I could see it in her eyes but he just walked past me, like I never existed.” 
A sole tear trickles down your cheek and you wipe it away with your sleeve, sniffling. When you feel another, you repeat the motion, finding solace in the softness of the fabric. “I’m an idiot,” you say, still not looking at him. “What am I even doing here? I should try to face reality not escape it in some—some church.” 
You hadn’t meant to sound so harsh. The church had helped you when you needed it most, it had given you Ezra, most of all. But you couldn’t help the words, you’re angry. Furious. You feel invisible out there, but here, here people recognize you, and ask where you’ve been when you came back the other day. It’s good to know that if you disappear some people would wonder about you. 
Ezra’s voice rings in your ear, and without even understanding the words he’s saying, you’re looking up. 
“Let’s try something,” he says probably again. “Come here.” 
You’re slightly confused but obliged. He pushes his chair slightly back, making some room between him and the desk. Your eyes drop to the end of his robes, two shiny shoes peaking from underneath. 
“Get on your knees.” 
You snort, “Excuse me?” 
“It’s going to calm you,” he says. “Do you trust me?” 
Your lips part with a faint gasp, you don’t blink as your eyes search his. There’s a tranquility in his expression that makes your heart throb. “Of course, Father,” you get on your knees. 
“Good girl,” he pats his thigh. “Now lay your head.” 
You do so without question this time, appreciating the firmness of muscle under your head. A moment passes, awkwardness starting to settle in, then you feel his fingers touching the back of your neck and gradually they move up to your scalp. Humming a gentle melody, he starts to stroke your hair, massaging your head as he went along. A deep sigh comes from the depths of your lungs, your nerves humming, your rigid muscles finally relax. 
“You’ve been doing so well these past couple of weeks,” he says, a hint of amusement lingering in his voice. “You’ve been learning, little bird, but you still have much to learn. The church is part of the real world, you haven’t been doing nothing.” 
Listening to him so intently, he sends shivers down your spine, the thickness of arousal pooling between your legs. He drags blunt nails down your scalp and comes down to your nape to squeeze from both sides. You’re embarrassed of the moan that rattles your throat but he doesn’t seem to mind it. You lean closer, pressing your cheek further against his leg. 
“Isn’t this nice?” he asks without needing the answer. “You, my obedient girl, listening and eager to please. You’ll always feel like this when you’re with me. No anxiety, no need to compete and try to accomplish something when all you want to do is. . . relax. . .” 
His voice had dropped to a whisper, every word a gentle caress to your skin. Eyes fluttering close, you only focus on the ups and downs of his voice, your body reacting to every stop and turn. The fabric of your underwear dampens, your folds becoming slicker the more you inch towards him. You ache for your fingers—or better yet his cock—but he isn’t allowed to touch you is he? 
You try to remember the lessons in celibacy but can’t seem to remember any of them. 
Your tighs instinctively press together, the brief friction doing little in dousing the wildfires between your legs. You wiggle a bit closer, his voice nothing but a siren song now. 
Ezra notices the constant movement, his fingers slip under your chin, and drags your eyes up to face him. Your breath hitches. The faint moonlight that trickles through the windows behind him cast his face in complete shadow, his features hardening with darkness. He slips his foot between your legs, the floor creaking under the sole of his shoe, “Now, why can’t you stay still when I’m trying so hard to soothe you, little bird?” 
He lifts the point of his shoe, the leather pressing directly against your throbbing clit. A surprised whimper rips from your throat, your body shaking as he drags the leather tip down. Your insides clench with want, with a primal need that you can’t seem to understand. 
You’re haunted by his words and the darkness that lurks in his eyes. Despite yourself, you press yourself up against his leg like some animal. You can’t seem to stop staring at him. And by the way he pushes his shoe further into you, borderline on almost being painful, you don’t think he minds either. 
Your eyes flutter as he parts his robe, your gaze immediately drops to the outline of his cock that’s visible. Your mouth waters. 
“Worship me,” he unbuttons himself with expertise but leaves it at that. “Until I tell you to stop.”
His leg still between your legs, you pull out his cock. The tip is an angry shade of red, precum dotting at the tip, without much thought you lean over and dip your tongue, tasting him for the first time. The taste of him coats the inside of your mouth and you swallow greedily, the blood rush to your ears muffling his voice. 
“Such a sweet whore,” he hums. “You like sucking cock, don’t you?” 
Dragging your lips down the length of him, you answer with him between your lips, “Yes, Father.” 
“I really do enjoy it when you call me that,” his thumb touches your cheek as you finally take him between your lips, you allow out your cheeks and flatten your tongue against the underside of his cock. “All you needed was a little encouragement and now you’re the perfect hole for me. There’s nothing wrong with you, all you need is someone to take care of you.” 
You hum in approval around him, taking him deeper while grinding against his leg, your dress rides up your thighs, your underwear nearly sheer in color.   
“I can feel how wet you are. So needy,” he lays back in his chair and spreads his legs. “I want to feel every inch of your mouth. I said worship, if this is how you think that works you’re mistaken, dove.” 
Your stomach churns at that. You want to make him happy—you truly do. You part from him, strings of saliva following the frame of your lips as you bend down closer to the floor, feeling the full shape of his shoe. You look up to him, the heft of his cock laying directly in the middle of your face, the scent of sex and him clinging to your nose. Opening your mouth, you lick between his balls, taking one into your mouth, you swirl your tongue around it. His eyes roll in pleasure, a thick drop of precome dripping to your forehead. 
“That’s it,” he raps and guides you back up, lining the bulbous head of his cock against your lips. He pushes forward, cock filling your mouth then inching down your throat. Tears trickle down your cheeks, your throat convulsing as you try to accommodate to the width of him. You swallow and swallow, until your nose is buried into the dark curls that crown his length. You can barely breathe. “I knew you could take it all, little one. I know that mouth could do more than talk.” 
The heavy palm of his hand moves down your throat, he feels the shape of himself through the skin. His cock twitches when it feels his hand, straining your mouth further. 
He pulls out and you gasp for air, his grin is wide as he looks down at you. “I want to make a mess of that face,” with the rough pitch of his words, you roll your hips, your clit catches against his shoe and a loud moan spills from your damp lips. He clicks his tongue with annoyance. “Ask for forgiveness,” he growls, hand moving up and down his cock with hard strokes. 
“For what, Father?” your voice is barely above a whisper. And you’re not sure why you asked when you’re going to surrender to his wants regardless of what they are. 
“For being a whore,” he spits. “For talking about a past flame and for taking pleasure without permission.” 
He watches with heavy eyes as you straighten yourself, his cock aimed directly at your face. You watch him with parted lips. His nail gently traces the vein that curls around the length of him, slick sounds filling the normally silent office. He swipes a thumb over his head and thrusts into his fist. 
“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,” you begin. “It has been two weeks since my last confession. I have behaved like a whore, talked about another man in the presence of the clergy, and taken pleasure without permission. I come before you seeking God's forgiveness and guidance.” 
“Will you repeat your sins?” 
“No, Father. Not unless I have permission to do so.” 
His hand quickens, his grip tightening, “Do it then,” he snarls with a devilish smile. “Ask me permission to be a whore.” 
Instead of a verbal permission, you part your mouth wide and stick your tongue out. His eyes widen with shock momentarily before understanding. He seems pleased and in return, you feel genuine jot for finally doing something right. 
He grips your chin, pulling you away from his leg and directly between his thighs. It doesn’t take him long to go over the age—one, two more strokes and you feel the first string of white come spurting over your face. It drips down your forehead from your face. The sounds Ezra make are unhinged, his hips lifting from the seat as he moans openly into the air, defiling you and marking you as his. His seed feels heavy over your face and with your tongue, you catch a bit of it, moaning as you swallow. 
Ezra hunches over you and you feel his tongue on your cheek, taking himself into his mouth, he presses his tongue into your mouth, forcing more of himself inside of you. 
When he parts away, you’re dazed, all pretense of the life outside of this church gone. 
“My sweet bird, so dirty now,” he purrs, this time he collects more of himself over his fingers and stuffs it into your mouth. Your eyes rolling you swallow over and over. “What do you say?” he asks melodically. 
“Thank you, Father.” 
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anemptypuddingcup · 11 months
Just an imagine. This shit came to my head when I watched him punch the shit outta that dude in Sabaody.
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Imagine being Luffy’s stress toy.
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-I wouldn’t necessarily say a toy but it definitely feels like it when he’s angry. Once Luffy’s pissed, it’s gonna take a while before his ass can calm down again.
-A faint reminder not to fuck with him or do something that would piss him off to the point where he’ll end up wanting to fuck you up. (Literally and figuratively.)
-Jealousy can especially make him burn up with anger. When it comes to Sanji’s flirting or Zoro’s teasing, he goes straight to you for causing them to do it. (Even if it was unintentional.)
-A burning hot grip around your wrist meant a night of absolute hell for your and your poor little cunny to experience from your angered little man.
“Ya think it’s so fuckin’ cute huh? Ya think it’s so fuckin’ cute when they tease an’ flirt with a slutty whore like ya!? Huh!?” Luffy huffs angrily, his grip on your thighs hotter and tighter than ever.
“N-No L-Luffy~ I-I don’t!” A little whine leaves you as you shake your head, reaching your arms out to push him off you a bit. But that only makes him thrust deeper into you, hitting a spot that not even you knew existed.
“Ion wanna hear that, ya liked it didn’t ya!? What about when I tease ya hah!?” His hands grips your wrists and pins them above your head as you let out a slight cry out of pain.
-In order to make sure you can feel his anger within each thrust, Luffy would stretch his cock inside of you to make sure he can reach any spots that no one else can.
As the sound of skin slapping echoes throughout our shared room, you’re gripping the sheets like your life depends on it while your moan are loud and desperate. You couldn’t tell if you were whining for Luffy to give you more or to give you less.
He presses his chapped burning lips against yours and forces his tongue past your lips, dominating your mouth. You didn’t bother trying to fight with him until he grip your face and squeezed it a bit tight.
“Kiss me like ya mean it. I know ya like this shit. Ya like when I get mad an’ that’s why ya do it, ain’t it?” He accuses, his glare only piercing deep into your soul. You shake your head in denial but Luffy presses you further as he presses a hand against your breast, groping it roughly.
“Ya don’ have t’lie to me. Ya pussy gets wet when ya see me get mad, doesn’t it?”
“My dirty lil’ whore likes it when her captain gets mad. Lookat ya, ya pussy’s soakin’ all ‘round my fuckin’ dick.”
-The teasing is endless with him too.
-You couldn’t deny it, the way he fucked you was so immaculate that you wanted to lose your ability of walking the next day.
-Not that you didn’t enjoy sex with Luffy in general, it was just something about him being angry that had you on edge yet enjoyed it.
-He taunts you when you whine or beg for him to slow down, finding it rather amusing that you acted like it wasn’t what you wanted.
“L-Luffy! ~ Hah! L-Luffy p-please slow downnn~” You whined as tears slid down your face. Luffy chuckles slightly at your pleading before pressing his head against yours and cooing at you. “Aww, my lil’ slut’s cryinnn’, it’s okay babyy~” He coos before he continues fucking into you.
-Nearing then end of the rough session, he’s calmed down enough to the point where he asks if you’re alright even though you were already mind fucked enough.
“Ya okay baby? Ya gettin’ quiet on me.” He asks in a slightly concerned tone, with most of that already melted away on his body. You could only answer in slight noises or slurred speech due to how much he’s fucked you dumb.
-In the end, he apologizes for what he’s done with kisses, cuddles, and even sharing some of his snacks with you. Though, you aren’t upset with him as long as you get to get payback in the future.
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
Serious Questions
BuckyBarnes x Female!Reader
summary: Bucky agrees to go on a date to make his colleagues shut up. Now, he just feels sorry for the poor woman that has to spend an entire evening with him. He really tries to make it work, though, because he actually enjoys her company.
a/n: This was a request by the lovely @alana-32. Hopefully, it meets your expectations 💙 I haven’t written pure fluff in a hot minute but this was fun!
word count: 2.9k
warnings: nervous and wholesome Bucky, super fluffy, just a really beautiful bond unfolding 
・゚✫* 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 。✭・゚
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You should get out more, Bucky. Meet people and make friends, Bucky. You need to get laid, Bucky.
Sam’s words echoed through Bucky’s head as he pushed open the door of the restaurant. The warm air welcomed him and the little bell at the entrance rattled when he entered. He didn’t know how it exactly happened, but all of a sudden Clint had pitched into the conversation and urged him to meet his cousin. And Bucky had agreed. Well, the desperate attempt to make them shut up backfired. Big time.
He didn’t want to date. Apart from the fact that he didn’t wish himself on anybody, he didn’t think he could handle a relationship like that. Hell, Bucky barely realized how he made friends in the past year, so how the hell was he supposed to date? He hadn't done it in ages. It was probably different now than it was 80 years ago. 
The waiter looked at him with wide eyes - fear visible on his face - when he entered and chose a quiet place in the corner, though the whole restaurant was fairly empty. What would he even talk about? His hand started to sweat. This had been a bad idea. A really stupid bad idea. His eyes swerved to the door and then back to the waiter standing behind a small bar. Was it too late to back out? 
But then the bell above the entrance chimed again and he knew that he had missed his chance. 
“Hello.” You smiled at him, clutching your bag with nervous fingers. “Are you James Barnes?”
Bucky scrambled to stand up and held out his hand to you with a tight smile. He nodded and gestured for you to take a seat after you told him your name. 
He could do this, he thought. Especially because you seemed just as nervous. The first thing you two had in common, right?
“I’m really sorry, this is kind of awkward.” You looked down at your hands beneath the table with hesitance. “I... uhm... I haven’t done this in a while,” you confessed with genuine eyes. And Bucky could see a hint of comfort washing through your face. 
“I doubt your last date is as long ago as mine, doll. You’ll probably do a lot better than me.”
A small laugh pressed past your lips and Bucky’s heart warmed at the sound. It felt good to make you laugh. He wanted to do it again.
“Let’s rush through the basics then so we can get to the interesting bits. I think that first half hour is what makes these things so awkward.” Your mouth spread into a grin as you straightened up.
“Sounds like a plan.” Bucky nodded. 
“Well, you already know my name... I work in a small bookshop in Brooklyn, I am an only child but never wanted to be. I love dogs, cats, ducks - all the animals, really, but I don’t have any pets because my landlord doesn’t allow them. Well... I have fish - I had to settle for fish because they're quiet. But that’s their problem, you know? They’re quiet and you can’t play with them or pet them.” You shrugged. “Uhm... I like to read - I do that a lot, and I think that’s it.” Your speech ended with a bright smile and Bucky couldn’t help his own from spreading. 
“My turn?”
“Okay...” He straightened ups as well, a little giddy about the situation now. Normally, Bucky wouldn’t react this way to something he didn't like, but he wanted to try it this time. You were just so sweet and he didn't want to ruin the date... for you. “My friends call me Bucky, I grew up in Brooklyn, I have a sister... had a sister. And I think I’m more of a cat person - if I had to choose. I don’t have any pets. I work a lot, I guess it keeps me distracted. And... I feel like my back story doesn’t need to be explained, you probably know all about it.” He didn’t give you much, Bucky knew that. But those were the things he could say easily and really, he wasn’t sure how you’d react to most of it.
“Bucky... I like it. What’s it short for?”
“Buchanan. ’s my middle name.”
“Like the President?”
“Hm... I guess that’s kinda cool.”
“I guess.”
"Can I call you Bucky?"
He felt weirdly content with you saying his name. "If you want." There was no regret in his decision as he watched your face scrunch in excitement.
The shallow topics went on for a while, and Bucky was surprised to see that talking to you was easy. He didn’t worry about what you thought, because you reacted to his replies with intrigue and adoration. He felt heard. And he had to admit that he actually enjoyed the little meeting his teammate had set up so far. He learned a bunch of stuff about you. And he picked up on little quirks you had and he celebrated every new one he noticed. Like the way your nose slightly crunched when you didn't believe him, or how your finger grazed over the table when you talked about something you really liked - back and forth. It was comforting to be in your presence.
Bucky leaned back in his booth as he emptied his beer, watching as you ordered another drink for yourself. He found himself smiling into the bottle when the waiter agreed to add an extra peppermint leave, making you bite back a bright smile. The waiter smiled as well, a lot less tense than he had been before you had arrived and it fascinated Bucky how contagious your good mood was. Then you turned your attention back to Bucky and he had to regain his composure. His arm slipped from the back of the booth and fell to his side as he waited for you to talk again. 
“Okay, real talk, now - and I need you to answer this question honestly.” Your fingers pressed on the table like he’d seen important politicians do and Bucky had to hide a smile. 
“Hit me with it.”
“If you could be a mix of any two animals, which combination would you choose?”
Bucky was baffled for a second. He had expected everything but this. And then - out of the blue - he laughed. A real can’t-hold-back-the-snort-if-I-tried-laugh and it felt so unbelievably good, it scared him a bit.
You gasped appalled, but the small smirk behind your hand couldn’t be hidden. “This is serious, Bucky. It says a lot about you.”
“Really, how?”
“Well, for example, I would choose an elephumblebee because it would look freaking adorable. A tiny elephant with wings and a furry butt, are you kidding me? Why the government hasn’t made that happen yet is truly beyond me.”
Bucky got it, then. It really did say a lot about you. You were fun and cute and he could imagine a little clumsy at times - just like he would imagine an elephumblebee. And even though it still felt foreign to him to engage in a silly activity like this, with you, it was fun - and he wanted to. So he thought really hard, his eyes focusing on the wall behind you and you waited patiently and ordered another beer for him. 
Who would have thought that James Bucky Barnes would ever sit in a restaurant and think about how ridiculous a dog with a giraffe’s head would look? Certainly not Bucky. But it was almost comforting to do so.
“Alright, I think I got it.” You just nodded in anticipation. “I think I would be a spider-wolf... a spi- a spolf.” Bucky was satisfied with his answer: A lone wolf and someone people didn’t really like - pretty accurate if you’d asked him. 
You just watched him with a tilted head for a while and Bucky felt a little uncomfortable with his answer now. Had he said the wrong thing? 
“What?” Your lips just pursed in response. 
“Nothing, nothing..,” you trailed off and Bucky couldn’t stop staring at your lips. “I was just thinking, you know - I think I’ve never seen a real wolf before. It’s not on my bucket list or anything and I heard they are so much bigger than you think, but like... have you?”
“I actually have. In the wild - amazing animals and yeah, bigger than a dog, that’s for sure.”
“Really?” Your eyes lit up. “Wow, that must have been such a unique experience.”
Bucky smiled sadly, nodding. “To be honest, I didn’t really realize it when it happened. I couldn’t appreciate it the way you would.”
“Oh well, still. It’s awesome. The most extraordinary animal I have ever seen in ‘the wild’ was a raccoon. There’s not a lot of wildlife potential when you never leave the city.” You shrugged as you pressed your lips in a straight line, but Bucky chuckled.
“Not much of the vacation kind?”
“It’s not that...” You paused and sighed. “I just love the bookstore too much. There is this one lady. She comes in every Thursday at exactly the same time and she just sits and reads and she has the most amazing stories to tell. And then there is the little stray cat that comes by every day and we have a little cuddle session. Oh, and I can’t forget about the quiet tatted college kid that secretly reads romance novels in the back isles for hours on end. I would miss them too much...”
Bucky just sat and listened to you ramble on and on about all the individuals you were so attached to, even if they didn’t know. And he was reminded yet again how much he enjoyed this initially dreaded evening. It didn't feel forced and you were so authentic and kind. Bucky was relaxing with every second he spend in the cozy little restaurant with you. He was sure that he could spend a whole day here with you, without getting bored.
He leaned forward as he watched the corners of your mouth tug up and your eyes sparkle with joy while you talked about the bookstore. And he couldn’t help but ask himself how he ended up here. How had he gotten a date with the most caring person in the world - no, really, what were the odds of that happening to him? But the most present thought swarming his mind was: How is a woman like you still single? 
You suddenly stopped taking and Bucky was catapulted back to reality. You looked at him with wide eyes for the fraction of a second and then they softened and your gaze averted to the table. Had he just said that out loud?! Bucky didn’t know what to do. He was frozen to the booth, his hands tightening around the bottle and he held his breath - didn’t dare breathe until you gave him a new reaction.
After a beat, you sighed and looked him in the eyes apologetically. “I... I don’t know.” Your hand moved over the table and nervously began picking on the toothpicks in the glass jar. “I guess, I don’t seem to be the taste of most men around here. I don’t like wild parties and spending my weekends wasting away with a hangover.”
Bucky felt himself cringing at how uncomfortable he had made you. You clearly were embarrassed talking about this, but he would let you talk - or chose not to anymore. Either way, he would respect your decision.
“I... uh... I just haven’t had any luck so far. When I talk about my interests, everyone’s eyes just glaze over and then I never see them again. They think I’m boring, but that’s... I like concerts and dancing... I just don’t need the whole-” Your hands flailed in front of your face before you sunk back into your seat. 
“You’re not boring, doll. I completely understand what you’re saying. I don’t need all that-” now his hand flailed in the air, “either.” Which made you break a smile that got brighter when he returned it. And Bucky felt a little pride swell in his chest when he watched your mood lift again. 
“Can I ask you something?” You suddenly said and Bucky felt a little nervous at the piercing stare you gave him.
“Uh... sure.”
You bit your lip before finally speaking again. “You don’t really strike me as the social type, either.”
Bucky waited for you to continue, but you seemed in thought all of a sudden. “That’s not a question.”
You laughed nervously. “Right. I guess my question is... well, why did you agree to this evening? Clint didn’t really make it seem as if there was a lot of convincing involved.”
Bucky already facepalmed himself mentally for what he was about to say next. But he didn’t want to lie to you - it didn’t feel right. No, you deserved the truth - especially after you had answered his stupid question earlier so honestly.
“To be completely honest, I didn’t know how else to make my friends- uh...shut up. But I don’t regret coming here if that’s what you’re getting at.” He rushed that last part when he saw your face sadden. “I don’t get out too often, that’s true. Which doesn’t mean that I don’t want to... I just don’t know how to do this very well - talking to people. Usually, I get weird stares or fearful glances.”
Your eyes gleamed with something unintelligible before you leaned forward, your elbows resting on the table. “I don’t know how anyone could be scared of you, Bucky.”
“That’s very sweet of you to say, doll. But I don’t blame them, I would probably react the same if I weren’t... me.” His eyebrows furrowed with the last word and he could see a shiver of sadness wash over you.
“I think you’re pretty great,” you offered with an encouraging tap on his hand and Bucky felt his stomach churn.
A short silence overtook you and Bucky tried to keep his composure. The mood had shifted slightly, not uncomfortably, no - but just enough to leave his mind free from any topics he could talk about. Which usually wasn’t a problem, but he wanted to talk to you - tell you more and get told more. Which was why he was extra grateful for your breaking the silence after a couple seconds.
“So... I guess we can check off the heavy stuff as well?”
“Seems so,” he chuckled, holding on to the little feeling of relief you had sparked in his chest.
For the next hour, you actually got Bucky to open up a little more. He hadn’t even realized you were the one talking most of the time because he enjoyed listening to you so much. He came to realize, however, that it wasn’t so bad to talk about himself. He liked the way your eyes lit up at his stories about Clint, or the occasional ‘what, really?’ you threw into his anecdotes, making him feel important.
After another 30 minutes, you had made it outside. And as Bucky stood outside the restaurant door, hands buried deep in his coat pockets, helooked at you with an honest smile, while you adjusted your mittens.
“Thank you for giving this a chance, Bucky. I had a lot of fun tonight.” Your words built puffy white clouds in the air, but other than those, the butterflies in his stomach didn’t dissipate.
“I did, too,” he confessed, realizing for the fourth time today, that this was really true. “We should do this again.”
You bit your lips as your shoulders jerked with reluctance, but before you turned fully, you stepped towards Bucky and hugged him tightly. “Definitely.” 
The cold weather seemed a lot more bearable all of a sudden. Bucky caged you to his chest with his arms and pressed his smile into the crook of your neck while an excited shiver ran through him. He felt incredible, safe, content, and he realized how much he had missed hugs - real, affectionate hugs.
“And you’re not a spolf,” you mumbled into his ear, squeezing him a little tighter. “You’re a curtle - a cat-turtle. Because you have a hard shell and you don’t trust very easily, which might make people feel like you don’t care. But you do - you’re just a little misunderstood.” You pulled back with a sad smile and Bucky felt his hands tighten around you as he stiffened. Though despite the surprise, his lips split into a bright smile.
He gazed into your eyes for a little longer before he leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on your cheek, making a giddy smile appear on your lips. “Thank you, doll.” 
And then, with a final wave ‘good night’ you turned and walked down the street. Bucky watched until you rounded the corner, unable to wipe the stupid grin off his face.
“So... how was the date?” Sam teased as Bucky entered the main area of the compound. But his friend just wanted to go to his room and revel in the serenity, you had brought him, a little longer.
“That’s none of your business, punk,” Bucky grumbled, passing the sofa. 
“Why, did you more-than-kiss her goodbye?”
Bucky stopped in his tracks and turned with an annoyed expression, but not even he could hide the blush on his cheeks from deepening at the thought of actually kissing you. His heart was pounding in his chest.
“Oh! Wait? Did you really?!”
“Shut up, Sam.” Bucky wanted to deny it for your sake, but he liked the thought of it too much. So he swiftly decided to simply not spill in front of his friends and your cousin. 
“Holy shit.” He heard Clint chuckle while he made a beeline to his room, missing how the two avengers exchanged a $10 bill behind him.
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aphrogeneias · 10 months
it's been seven hours and fifteen days —
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader (soulmate!au)
summary: five years ago you'd left your hometown in a hurry, trying to escape a heartbreak you thought was inevitable. now, you find out what's truly inevitable are lengths that fate will go to meet you.
word count: 1.3k
warnings: soulmate!au, angst, unrequited love (or is it?), eddie and reader are childhood friends but they're now in their 20s.
series masterlist
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I. PROLOGUE (1991)
"He's here."
Your trembling hands grasp the telephone receiver a little too hard. Staring at the closed door of the back office and hoping that the "staff only" sign is respected, you wait for your friend at the other end of the line to answer after you completely ignored her cheery "Hello!" just seconds earlier.
If you strain your ears a little bit, you can hear the telltale sounds of instruments being dragged around the small stage at the other side of the bar, the voices of the men — both band and crew alike — checking the sound for later that night, distorted feedback echoing from the amps. His voice was the loudest, as it’s always been.
It all feels like a fever dream.
"Who is there?"
"Who have I been running from for the past five years?" You sighed tiredly, as if you'd just ran for miles. You hoped that from your desperate tone that Robin would have picked up on exactly who you were talking about.
"Oh… He's there?" Realization colors her voice. You heard steps on her end, the telephone cord being stretched, and waited with baited breath for her to return. For a moment, you can almost picture her clumsily moving around her small kitchen, trying not to break something in her haste. "He's there?"
The shock you hear in her voice can't be compared to the one you felt when you saw Eddie Munson — freak extraordinaire, professional small town delinquent, guitar wizard and your long lost best friend — walk into the bar you work at, equipment in hand, ready to settle in the stage for a busy Friday night at one of the more inconspicuous bars in Sunset Boulevard.
In all your naivety, you thought you'd never have to see him again. Once you left Hawkins, fresh out of High School and with a determination you only have when you're born in a town that is, in turn, equally determined to spit you out, you thought that was it. Destiny and fate and red strings didn't rule your life, you did.
Destiny was now laughing at your face, pointing at you with an accusing finger like a mother that says "I told you so" to a misbehaving child that has to face the consequences after tempting them for too long.
It looked like he didn't change a thing since you last saw him, from the shaggy brown hair down to the tattered black bandana in his pocket, at least from the quick look you took at him before bolting, which only hurt even more.
"When were you going to tell me he moved here? Didn't you know anything? Didn't Steve know? Dustin must have told him something, it's impossible…"
"Bold of you to assume I listen to every single thing that dingus tells me when he calls me, babe." Robin interrupts your increasingly rapid speech, filled with indignant rage. Her words seem harsh towards your mutual friend, but you know it's said with affection. "And also, I don't know, doesn't fate work in mysterious ways or whatever they used to tell us when we were kids?"
Your communication with your childhood friends was done primarily by phone, ever since you left for Los Angeles and Robin for Indianapolis with her girlfriend-slash-roommate (as far as both of their parents are concerned), Vickie. Steve had stayed behind, begrudgingly managing his dad's business, but you knew it was only a matter of time until he left too.
All of you do, eventually. Even Eddie did, much to your chagrin. It was bittersweet, actually. He'd achieved his lifelong dream of getting out, a dream you both shared, but now you hoped he had chosen somewhere else to run to instead of right into you.
If you weren’t too busy being desperate about your current situation, one you’d been trying to avoid for longer than you thought it was possible, you’d be happy for him. Truly. Once upon a time, it was all you ever wanted. All you could ever talk about. Sitting on his bedroom floor, lying together on your roof, staring at Lover’s Lake — about how you’d get out of there and conquer the world.
You didn’t get to do it together like you planned, like you were meant to, but, then again, life found a way.
"There's nothing mysterious about this, though. Every idiot with a band in this country moves to California sooner or later, it was just a matter of time until they did too."
"May I remind you that he's not just an idiot with a band but actually your soulmate?"
The word soulmate pierces your heart like an arrow anytime you hear it, especially when it's related to yours. It reminds you of a painful conversation, one that was hard to forget.
"Don't say that. You're making it difficult for me." You murmur, closing your eyes for a moment too long. Still staring at the door, scared of someone walking in catching you hanging on to the receiver for dear life, unshed tears glistening in your eyes.
"I'm just saying, and I know I've said this a million times before, but I don't know how you haven't caved to those doe eyes of his. Soulmate or not, I would have, and I don't even like men. Not even a little bit."
Glimpses of warm brown filled your mind, deep and all-knowing. It was getting harder to breathe in the stuffy backroom, the walls seeming to close in on you.
A rational part of your brain, deep inside, knew that you were likely exaggerating. It wasn't like Eddie meant to hurt you — he couldn't even if he tried, that boy didn't have a mean bone in his body. In your worst moments, you tried to convince yourself that you had hurt yourself. You broke your own heart before he could break it first.
That same rational part of your brain knew it was inevitable. The heartbreak. It was only a matter of time until it all shattered — so, you left. You stopped writing at some point near the six month mark after you moved, he stopped calling a little after that. Life went on.
"You're not being very helpful, you realize that? I nearly had a heart attack when I saw him. They're all here, all of the boys. They're here, at the bar, rehearsing." You told her. "When Linda said they had hired a new band I expected something like them but not them, literally." Recounting what happened a few minutes before, you left out the part where you may or may not have crouched behind the bar counter to avoid being seen by your former classmates.
The Deuce was your safe place, and that was a lot to say about a bar that housed a little under a hundred rowdy rock fans almost every night and had seen its fair share of fights and public indecency charges in the time you worked there, but you liked it. Maybe it had to do with the fact that it was one of those places where everything felt possible and every night was different, or with the woman who took you under her wing and made you feel at home in the most chaotic moment of your life.
You trusted Linda, but not enough to tell her about your “one who got away”. Even if you did tell her about what led you here, the real reason you were miles away from home, you don’t think it would have made a difference in this particular moment. You had a feeling no one could put a stop to the red string that was, little by little, shortening the distance between you and the one who’s always held the other side of it.
It frightened you to no end.
"You should just talk to him. Rip that band-aid off. What are you going to do? Leave your job?"
After a beat of silence on your end, Robin continued, and the soft kindness in her voice was enough to finish breaking you. You wish you could hold her through the line. "You can't keep running forever."
Was it stupid that you thought you could?
Your heart beat fast under the tight black shirt you used to work that day, and unconsciously, your hand reached for the necklace under it. An old red guitar pick sat there, right under your collarbone, held between your fingers.
The only thing of his you couldn't keep in that damn box.
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tasteofthedivine93 · 2 months
Into You (18+) 🌶️🌶️- COD Fanfic
TasteOfTheDivine // Masterlist
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Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54933550 Rating: Mature 18+ (MDNI) Category: F/M // F/M/M Fandom: Call of Duty (Video Games) Relationships: John Price (Call of Duty)/Reader // John "Soap" Mactavish/Reader // John "Soap" Mactavish/John Price/Reader Additional Tags:
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Warnings: None Words: 10,377
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You confess to your boyfriend Johnny that out of his friends, you'd let his Captain, John Price be your one to choose to look after you if anything happens to Johnny. Johnny decides to invite Price over to see if he's worth his girlfriend and if you're happy with your choice.
I've been working on this fic for months. I also love Soap and Price very much equally so this is an indulgent fantasy for me. Maybe make a part 2 if I'm feeling it in the future?
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Running up to the front door of your house rain beats down heavily around you. Droplets of water drip down your nose and off the ends of your ponytail and down your back, workout clothes sticking to your skin. You feel a puddle splash up your leg and you groan in frustration. The weather app said it wouldn’t rain till the middle of the evening, so you decided to go on your daily run early - unfortunately to be caught in the rainstorm. You cut your path short and decided to head home.
Slamming the door shut behind you, you let out a few pants at the change of temperature, you didn’t realise your skin was cold from the rain absorbing your body heat. You shout into the house for your boyfriend; “Johnny?”
“In here,” his voice echoes from the living room.
“God, I’m soaking wet,” you shout from the hall, “and not the good kind of wet.” You chuckle to yourself. Shaking your head, more drops fall to the floor, toeing off your damp running shoes. You pad your way into the living room, a smile plastered on your face and your eyes meet another pair of blue orbs. Price. Johnny’s Captain.
In a surprise, you stop in your tracks and place a hand on your décolletage. “PRICE!” You yell a little louder than you intended, but his presence shocked you. Normally Johnny would warn you of a company coming over, be it Kyle or Simon.
You hadn’t seen Price for months, yet he looked the same, still beaming masculine energy. His beard is a little unkempt, no bags under his eyes but he is still rugged and handsome.
You hadn’t even really thought of Price of late, since Soap had been on an extended leave. The last time you feel you could recall was a few months back when you and Soap got very drunk and played “confessions” with each other. Naturally, you turned the game into something sexual and wanted to make your boyfriend just a smidgen bit jealous.
“Okay” your speech was starting to slur. You took another sip of your rum and coke. “My go, and this one is… gonna be interesting.” You bat your lashes at Johnny playfully with a smirk on your face but you giggle it away.
“Oh, this sounds fun” He smiles back at you, eyes dilating a little.
“If I had to pick one of your friends… to … yaknow… sleep with… then I’d pick…” You feel a blush creep up your neck. Soap remains perfectly still, holding a strong poker face. You can see the cogs in his mind turning and turning.
He smirks at you. “You’d pick Price.”
Opening your eyes wide and biting your lip, “How did you guess?”
His eyes never leave yours. “Really?” He replies, his voice a little deeper than before. “I believe the striking blue eyes kink you have gives it away.”
“It’s not a kink, it’s a preference.” You pout.
“Price, huh?” He rumbles deep, taking a sip of his whiskey.
“I mean…” you begin but trail off. Blushing and looking at the glass in your lap. “Only if it was life or death… which would never happen…” you mutter, worried you’d upset Soap. “Or like if you need someone to look after me… someone you trust.”
He looks away from you, the dim light of the lamp in the corner of the room casting sharp shadows across his face, making him look menacing for a split second.
“Not upset you, have I?” your eyebrows arch upwards, a coldness shivers down your spine.
He turns to face you, leaning closer and planting a kiss on your cheek. He stored that information away somewhere in his brain to remember even when sober.
“I’m not upset,” he replies as if he was reading your mind, “Mine would be ‘Busty-Rachel’ as you call her…” he chuckles and you gasp.
“OH FUCK YOU!” You laugh while smacking him on the shoulder.
You let in the breath you just lost and feel a small blush on your cheeks, embarrassed by your crude comment. “I’m sorry about that, that was…” you trail off, letting out a small sigh.
“It’s alright love, it’s good to see you again.” he smiles at you, eyes crinkling at the edges and clasping his hands on his lap as he reclines back into a more casual position. You smile back timidly while running your hand through your wet ponytail and finally turning your attention to Soap.
“Hey, sweetie, everything okay?” you lean down and give him a peck on his stubbled cheek. He reaches out and grabs your hand and pulls you sharply onto the sofa next to him. He returns the kiss, his lips soft and warm against your cold and damp cheek.
“Of course,” he said with a slight twang in his voice, and he never gets nervous. “I’m just gonna jump straight to it.” He shifts in his seat, squeezing your hand as if you signal to you everything is okay but he’s unsure how you’d react. You feel your heart jump, your blood pumping harder in your veins, and your throat closes a little. You start to think the worst, that maybe he’s trying to dampen the blow of some news you wouldn’t like - such as a 6 month to year mission or change of location.
“Oh, no, is it bad?” You blurt out as soon as Soap starts to speak. He smiles at you but his lips tremble and lets out a nervous laugh while squeezing your hand.
“No, no sweetie, it’s nothin’ to do with work, that’s all good. It’s something else… a proposition.” He glances at you and you drop your shoulders in relief.
“A few months back you…” you start, looking at Price for a second and then back to you. “A few months back, you mentioned something about Capt- Price.” He clears his throat, and you feel his and grow warm in yours. You tilt your head confused.
“I did?” You question, eyes flicking to the man opposite your living room.
Soap nods silently.
“Aye, you did. And I’ve been thinking about it… a lot.” He confesses, bowing his head to hide his rosy cheeks. “And one night out with the lads, I might have, let it slip…” he trails off.
Out the corner of your eye, you see Price shift in his seat, leaning forward and resting his forearms on his legs. He lets out a cough to draw attention to himself, both your heads face the older man.
“What he’s trying to say, love, is that he told me, about your little ‘confession’”, he smirks at you, you feel something in the air shift and you feel very exposed right now. “And I’m truly honoured you’d want me to be your… support system. But only with Soaps approval.”
You feel your eyebrows rise in confusion, eyes darting between the two men. You part your lips slightly and feel a small breath escape your lungs. A flash of heat bursts from your core with a mixture of acknowledgement and embarrassment - knowing exactly what they’re talking about.
You snap your head back to face Soap and lean towards his ear, whispering. ‘My “Life or Death choice?!” You hiss at him. “You TOLD him?!” You try and pull your hand from his but he places a death grip on your fingers, not wanting you to leave.
“It wasn’t done to upset you, lass, it just slipped out.” He looks up at you with puppy-dog eyes, blues shimmering and melting your soul. You knew you couldn’t stay mad at him when he pulled the “Puss-in-Boots” card at you.
“So why is…” You point at Price, still sitting stoically in the chair, hands gripping the armrests in a death grip watching you have your little freakout.
“Little Johnny here wants you to have a test run… And I honestly couldn’t say no.”
“Have you not seen yourself, love?”
“Really?” You blush at the compliment.
“Yes, love. A test-run. See if I am suitable to… care for your needs if I’m required.” His moustache twitches.
“Johnny, he’s joking, right? You’re joking, right?” You feel your stomach burn with embarrassment but also a little desire. You look between the two men who just stare at you like you’re acting foolish.
“I mean, what if something does happen - I want you to be cared for, satisfied… and I thought you’d like it.” Soap confesses.
Your jaw becomes slack, you know you’re sporting that “adorable but very confused” look on your face right now. You honestly feel as if your brain has fried, melted and poured out of your ears.
You didn’t expect your evening to go in this direction.
“I don't… want to cheat on you, Johnny.”
He lets out a chuckle, “It's not really cheating…” he begins, now himself letting out a nervous laugh and dropping his gaze from yours to stare at the ground. A small blush formed on his cheeks.
“What do you… mean?” You question, genuinely confused, tilting your head. You feel your heart skip a beat.
“You think I’d leave him alone with you at first? Heck no. I’ll be there with you… both.” He whispers the last word. A threesome? You both have brought up that question a few times in the bedroom but thought it was just flirting and something to fan the flames. Not thinking you’d do it, but also you’d thought the first time would be with another woman, not… a man. Let alone Price. His Captain. “I mean, gotta make sure he’ll treat you right.”
You stare at Johnny, slack jawed and mouth becoming dry.
“I know your porn history,” he whispers into your ear. You blush deep red. Both of you are open to pornography, sure you both have photos and videos of each other solo and together for when Soap is away, but you both understand it’s sometimes not enough. You both are open about your kinks with each other. You trust each other wholeheartedly. He’s seen the searches, lesbian, threesome… tentacles was the one that made him confused but he didn’t judge.
“Big burly men, fucking a sweet little thing, eating her out, spit-roasting her.” His breath on your ear was hot, he trailed his finger up your spine, making you shiver.
“It's all about you, sweetheart, we both want you to be… centre of attention.” Price looks you up and down like a lion ready to pounce on its prey.
Soap chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck, “I’m too jealous too much to fully give you to someone else while I’m still here.” Plus, you know, that the bond the 141 have somewhat overshadows your relationship with him, having near-death experiences solidifies a core connection.
“Won’t do anything you don’t want to, love.” Price smirks. “Say the word and I’ll leave right now and we’ll never speak of it again.” He smiles that cheeky grin you’ve seen him do a few times when trying to persuade someone to do something. Lines form around his eyes, showing his maturity and age. You feel a tingle down your spine.
“I… I um…” You stutter, completely lost for words. Your eyes darting again between the men. You speak the first thing that pops into your mind. “Would it happen now? Tonight?” You panicked.
Price lets out a huff from his nose, his signature move. “I’m a busy man, love. Yes, it’s tonight.”
“We thought it would be best to… drop it on ya’. So you wouldn’t overthink it and change your mind.” Soap squeezes your hand again, god it’s annoying how well he knows your mind. You glare at him, hating how he knows you too well sometimes.
“I… “ you look between the men again, biting your lip and blushing. “Okay, yes.” You nod. “But no ass stuff.”
Price raises his hands as if to say ‘fine with me’ and Soap nods, smirking. You don’t see it, but Soap signals at Price with his finger and thumb nearly touching as if to say ‘just a little bit’, making Price huff out a small laugh.
“I'm going to shower, I’ll see you both in the bedroom soon - you can… plan things.” You stand up quickly and without looking at them you leave - you thought if you see their sparkling blue eyes piercing you then you might overthink it again.
Bouncing up upstairs, you make a b-line straight into the bathroom, you stare at yourself in the mirror, planting your hands on the countertop and breathing in deeply. Your heart is beating so hard that the vein in your neck is thumping. It's just sex. You think to yourself.
He’s not your Captain, you can let Soap deal with his consequences and awkwardness later. Fleeting thoughts pass over your head about how close the team has been in the past. Long cold winters in the Russian tundra, months such in Rainforests and scorching deserts. It can be a lonely time.
You shake your head at your fantasies and turn on the shower, jumping in while the water is still a little cold to wake yourself up. A quick shave and use of your expensive body wash.
Once out, you gently pat yourself down and are thankful you keep some underwear and a bralette hidden for a surprise for Johnny. Now seems to be the best time for it.
You slip on the red lace, the tone compliments your skin well. The fabric is just sheer enough to see your nipples already peaking to attention. You fluff up your hair and put on a small bit of mascara and tinted lip balm.
Taking in another breath, you grab your silk robe and slip it around you, tying the belt into a loose knot. You exit the room, steam trailing behind you and slowly head to your bedroom door. You hesitate before pushing the door wide open to see Johnny on the bed in nothing but his underwear and Price the same but lounging in the chair in the corner - the pair of them turn to look at you when they hear the door squeak.
Eyes flit between the two men, taking in their muscles, their near nakedness. Price had much more chest hair than Johnny but both a somewhat similar build, however Price has smaller arms and a much slimmer waist than Johnny. Both their eyes look you up and down, you stand in the doorway nervously, playing with the silk belt between your fingertips.
Johnny can sense your nerves and pats the bed next to him and then offers an open palm to you. Skirting around the bed you take his hand and sit down, nervously smiling at Price… John, you should say, less formal.
Johnny leans over and kisses your cheek, squeezing your hand.
“Anytime you want to stop, just use the safeword, yeah?” He raises his eyebrows waiting for your confirmation.
You nod, “Yeah, it’s peaches.”
You hear Price huff out his nose and question; “Why ‘peaches’?” he asks trying to calm the tension in the air.
“Oh, it’s a long story…” you smile at him and he just nods in return. Price stands from his seat and walks over to you, he cups your chin in his hand and tilts you to look up at him, his slightly taller stature shadows over you. Your eyes glide over his small stomach pudge, his pecs, up to meet his once blue eyes now blown out and black with desire. You swallow. Your heart is beating so hard in your chest you could probably see your chest muscle pulse.
“It’s all about you, love, don’t be scared to speak up, tell us what to do, what not to do.” He confirms, running his thumb over your bottom lip. His voice was so low and deep it vibrated into your core, you felt yourself already getting wet. “Also, I want to hear you… don’t be shy.” He smirks.
“Don’t worry, sir, we’ve had the neighbours complain before.” Johnny chuckles to himself, pushing your hair away from your shoulder and kissing the curve where your neck meets your shoulder. Closing your eyes, feel your cheeks flush at your boyfriend's confession, slightly embarrassed but forgiven from his delicate kisses.
Price toys with the seam of your lip, daring to push his thumb further into your mouth. He tilts his head at you, watching Soap kiss your neck, you already let out a few grunts of approval.
“Can I kiss you?” Price asks softly.
Your eyes snap open and you nod, standing up. Johnny whines at the loss of contact from you but hand still holding yours.
Standing still, Price moves his hand to cup your cheek and leans down to take your lips in his. It was a gentle kiss, his lips were soft but his beard tickled, more than Johnnys, it reminded you of when Johnny came back from a longer mission with an overgrown mohawk and rugged beard to match - you demanded he didn’t shave it off straight away, you liked the way it tickled your inner thighs. That thought alone caused a moan to escape your throat into the kiss, more wetness pooling into your lingerie.
You hear the sound of bed sheets rustling and two strong hands snake around your waist, Johnny knelt on the bed behind you, pressing himself against the curve of your ass - you could feel his semi-hard erection already. You smile into the kiss with Price at how you easily turn your boyfriend on. You press your ass into him a little and you hear him grunt at the pleasure.
Johnny cups your tit over your dressing gown, kneading softly, fingers gliding over your nipple. Price pulls away from the kiss first and presses his forehead against yours for a moment - a somewhat romantic gesture that makes your stomach flutter. But you knew it was him offering trust.
He steps away from you slightly;
“May I?” he asks while fingering the silk belt, you nod and Soap removes his hands from you.
The robe opens slowly and Johnny grabs the fabric at the shoulders, draping it slowly off your skin, exposing you.
Price stares at your body and you swear you see his cock twitch in his underwear, slowly growing harder, you feel slightly shy and you move your arms to cover yourself but feel resistance from Johnny holding you back. He leans closer to you, his radiating heat on your back soothes you, lips pressing against your ear.
“No, lass, now isn’t the time to be shy.” His lips kiss the shell of your ear, moving back down your neck to your shoulder. He gently grinds into your ass, letting out a groan at the pleasurable pressure on his cock.
Biting your lip, you look up at the stoic man in front of you, he balls his hands into fists for a moment as if stopping himself from ravaging you, holding himself back. Instead, he lets his shoulders drop and reaches out to you - his fingers gently glide over your waist, your hip, over the smooth red fabric, he toys with the strap between his fingers, pulling it from your skin and letting it go - it snaps against your skin making you squeak. Johnny laughs into your neck.
“You look perfect.” Price compliments and you feel your stomach flutter again.
Johnny returns to kissing the apex between your shoulder and neck, you let your head loll to the side, closing your eyes and exposing more of the flesh to him and he grinds into you. You feel a hand drawing lines over your stomach and down toward your core. Price gently cups your cunt, letting his finger trail over your clit, you let out a moan at the touch.
You feel a gentle pull on your arms, Johnny pulls you away from Price’s touch back to the bed. “Let's get you comfy, pet.” He strokes up and down your arm, comforting you. You turn onto your knees to crawl up the bed but find yourself unable to move, two large callused hands grab onto your hips. Price pulls your bent over ass toward his groin and grinds into you.
“Sorry love, just needed you know what you do to me… us” he corrects himself. You bite your lip at the praise and continue up towards the pillow and lie back down. Johnny lies on your right and Price comes to lie on your left. The warmth of them both is making your head swim, the anticipation of their next moves and the night's activities make you shudder at the thought alone.
You hear Price let you a chuckle and carefully strokes his hand up your inner thigh, parting your legs already. You turn to look at Johnny, once blue eyes blown out from lust and the dusk of the room, you lean towards him and take his lips in yours. He cups your face and lets his tongue slowly drag over your lower lip, requesting an invitation. As you push more into the kiss, you feel Price’s fingers back on your cunt, you’re not fully wet yet but know you’ll be there soon enough. You gasp into Johnny's mouth at the foreign touch. He pulls away from your mouth to trail kisses over your cheek, down your jaw, your shoulders and down towards your breasts.
“Red is a good colour on you, love.” He mutters as he lets his lips drag over the red lace cup of your bra. He kisses the mound before seeking out your slightly exposed nipple, taking the encased bud into his mouth. You moan out his name and close your eyes for a moment at the increasing pleasure already growing in your stomach.
You feel that tonight might be a bit of a playful battle between the two men, who can get you wettest, who will make you cum the most, who you’ll want to be on top and who below. Nothing vindictive, a bit of fun to add to the evening, but still a reminder of how they’re here for you and you’re the centre of their worlds right now.
Price leans over and places a kiss on your cheek, you turn your head and catch his equally blown out eyes. You kiss him slowly, matching Johnny’s movement and letting his tongue snake into your mouth. He added more pressure to your cunt, you feel yourself soaking through your thin panties now.
Feeling a hand snake around your back, you feel Johnny undo your bra and gently pull it away from your body exposing your breasts, nipples at attention. He continues to lap at the skin, sucking you into his mouth and letting little moans escape your mouth. Price in return gently pulls your knickers to the side, exposing your wet cunt to the air of the room and without pause, runs his digit between your folds, already teasing your hole.
You sharply pull away from Price’s soft lips, sucking in a breath. You rest your forehead on his cheek and pant onto his beard at his touch.
“Fuck,” is all you can speak, causing Johnny to snap open his eyes and look at you through his lashes, still lapping at your nipple. He takes his free hand and pinches the other between his fingers. You feel so sensitive all over and you gasp at Johnny’s gentle nipping and pinching.
Price tries to one up Johnny and moves to give your clit the much needed attention, you jerk your hips, hissing between your teeth.
“Feel good, love?” He rumbles, you nod as you breathe in hard and fast. He picks up the pace a little as he circles your clit faster and faster. Johnny kisses around your breasts and back up your neck, he tilts you away from Price and nips at your lower lip. Invading your mouth again with his tongue, he draws another moan from you.
Pulling away, he replaces his lips with his thumb and gently pushes the digit past your swollen lips and presses against your tongue. You start to gently suck, matching the speed of Price on your clit. Johnny lets out a grunt, grinding his erection into your thigh.
“How about you use that pretty mouth of yours on me and let’s see if Price can use that tongue of his just as good as me?” Johnny asks so deep and low it vibrates in your chest. “You taste so perfect, lass, it’s rude to not share.” Opening your eyes that you swear roll into the back of your head and nod at him and turn to look at Price, eyes already half closed and you’ve not even cum yet.
Johnny was the first to strip fully naked, kneeling next to you on the bed, he throws his underwear somewhere in the room and you’re met with his leaking red cock in your face. That’s one of the things you love about your Johnny, it’s brass enthusiasm and openness. You feel your heart skip a beat when you stare at his broad figure for the millionth time - but still makes you flush and bite your bottom lip.
Price meanwhile moves down the bed, planting kisses down your stomach, hips and mound. Finally slotting himself between your thighs.
“You smell so sweet,” He grunts as presses himself into the bed, relieving some of the pressure in his cock. “You still sure, sweetheart?” He asks again as his fingers toy with the hem of your panties, already pulling them down over your hips.
“Ye-yes”' you breathe out, his warm breath feels like heaven on your clothed cunt. Johnny goes down on you all the time, he’s like a man starved, eating you out like it’s his last meal. You feel like Price will take his time, draw out your first orgasm until it's painful. You take in a breath and feel him pull the thin material from your body. Parting your legs, he kisses the hot and sensitive flesh of your inner thighs and he hooks your knees over his shoulders. He looks at your glistening folds, smirking at himself.
“Can’t say I’ve never thought of this pretty cunt, sweetheart.” His ocean blue eyes are blown out as he glances up at you. You see lust and passion in his eyes, something you thought you’d never see from anyone except Johnny. Teasing you, Price kisses all around your thighs, over your mound and everywhere except on your cunt.
Meanwhile, Johnny snapped his vision away from the man slotted between your thighs and stroked the back of your hair, slowly inching his cock closer to your mouth. Your eyes flick to the swollen and already dripping head - you lick it away with the tip of your tongue, tasting his salty cum. He lets out a small whimper, he’s felt your tongue countless times before but it always leaves him weak at the knees when he feels you on his throbbing cock. You reach and take hold of the shaft, pumping him a few times.
Johnny grips the back of your head, tangling your hair between his fingers. He gives you a gentle tug, tilting your head back. You grin at the pain-pleasure and continue to pump down his thick shaft as he inches closer to your mouth.
Price though, demands your attention and nips at the tender flesh of your inner thigh. You let out a small hiss at the sensation and met his eyes again, still pumping Johnny. His beard tickles you more than Johnnys and you feel your legs start to close from the feeling. Price lets out a primal grunt and pushes you open, exposing your wet cunt to him more.
His fingers squeeze into the muscles, eyes still locked on yours he takes a long and slow swipe up your folds and lets the tip flick your clit. Your hips buck already and you’ve only just got started. Johnny groans at the same time as you as the flick on your clit causes you to squeeze harder on Johnny's member and he in return tugs at your scalp.
Your brain reminds you again that tonight is going to be a battle for your attention and you’re not sure how to handle it. Part of you wants to be dominating, telling the men off and explain to them that they are to share you. However you worried that would sound too demanding. Another side of you wants to watch them fight for your attention by playing with you more. Your brain was fuzzy from lust and desire you couldn’t choose.
You shake away those thoughts.
Warmth envelopes your wet folds as Price laps at you, drinking you in. His tongue was fast, tiny flicks cause your clit to pulsate and you already start to feel your first orgasm building. You let out a moan. Price smirks at each little whimper you make. He uses the flat of his tongue to lick up your seam, he pulls back the hood on your clit to expose your sensitive bud more. He attaches himself to it and sucks, hard.
Hips buck under the change of sensation and you let out a sharp squeak. You feel Johnny’s cock twitch at the delicious sound.
“Jesus, fuck,” you mutter out as you watch Price’s cheeks hollow. You feel engorged and swollen. He pops off you and your clit is hard pink and twitching. A small line of sweat beads on your brow. It’s only the first act and you’re already putty in his hands. His eyes meet yours again, he kisses you softly, but eclectic shocks still strike your core. Without thinking, your spare hand comes flying up to your breast, you knead at the soft flesh and pinch your own nipple.
Johnny besides you lets out a groan as you squeeze him harder at your reaction. Coming back to earth you refocus yourself on your boyfriend.
Half lidded eyes meet him and you lean to take his swollen head into your mouth. He hisses at the temperature change. Already you can feel him pushing your head further down his shaft but you resist. You let your tongue swirl around the head tasting the tang of his pre-cum on the back of your tongue.
Price continues to lap at your sex, mixing between long and slow flicks, using every inch of his tongue to draw you closer to your orgasm. The first of many tonight. He teases your hole with the tip of his tongue, drinking you down. With your free hand, you entangle your fingers into Price’s hair, pushing him further into your cunt. You try to match his movements with your own on Johnny's cock, but he seems to have his own ideas. You feel his hips slowly start to rock as he fucks your mouth, the tip getting closer to the back of your throat.
You let out a groan in protest that vibrates straight down his shaft and he moans in return. You feel Price smirk against your cunt and you open your eyes to catch him staring at you both. His cheeks are flushed and you feel his fingers dig into your thighs at the sight of you with a cock in your mouth. Planting your palms on Johnny's slender hips, you try to stop him from going too far down your throat - compensating you start to bob your head a little faster, swirling your tongue with fervour.
“Enjoying yourself, love?” You hear Price ask as he pulls one hand away from your thighs and tenderly swipes a digit through your slick. You feel the digit rest against your hole, gently poking in and out as if he’s requesting permission.
You give yourself a moment and pull off Johnny's cock with a pop, a string of spit still attaching you both. You pant, gasping for breath and you nod - before your brain could even register, Price penetrates you with his finger. You clamp down already on the intrusion and let out a breathy “fuck”.
He chuckles as returns his attention to your clit, helping you relax as he curves into your sensitive spot. The pressure causing you to arch your back a little, eyes rolling into the back of your skull from the pleasure. You feel Johnny's hand cup the back of your head again, gently stroking your hair as his chest bursts with lust at the sight of you in pleasure.
“You’re so beautiful when blissed out, lass.” He bends down and kisses your parted lips, a few gentle kisses before letting his tongue swipe your lower lip, requesting entry. You let your jaw loosen and let his tongue swirl around yours as he tastes himself on you. You feel your hand trial up and down his abs, nails scraping at the sensitive skin. Johnny shudders at the sensation.
Price looks up at the two of you in your passionate kiss and feels that pang in his stomach - that doubt that he should be here. Instead he tries to regain your attention and inserts another finger into your dripping hole. He hears you groan at the stretch. Feeling brave, he inserts another and curves all three against your clenching walls and presses upwards hard. He feels your thighs shake at the sensation and he keeps rubbing that tender spot.
You pull away from Johnny's kiss and let out a breathy moan into his mouth, you feel yourself gripping at the bedsheet as Price brings you closer and closer to your first orgasm. Looking down at him, he locks eyes with yours and starts to lap at your engorged clit. You suck in your lower lip, biting the skin hard enough to draw blood as the coil in your stomach pulls tighter and tighter. Your hand still entangled in Price’s hair, you tug hard at the strands, causing him to groan into your cunt. You feel Johnny press a kiss into your shoulder, rising his head to your ear he whispers deep; “Com’on, lass, I wanna see you cum on the Caps fingers.” The warmth on the shell of your ear tickled but his words went straight to your core, causing you to finally snap as Price continues to gently pump his strong fingers in and out of you.
Finally after a few more pumps and a last lick to your clit you snap, orgasm washing over every inch of your skin. You pant out a moan, throat tightening as Price doesn’t slow down, he continues to overstimulate you and keep your orgasm going for as long as possible. He attaches his mouth to your mound, sucking at your clit, he removes his fingers and wraps his hands around your thighs, holding to his face. He’s worried he’ll leave bruises but he also wants to leave a mark for you to remember him by.
You shake your head, you try to protest but he’s a man on a mission. You try and wiggle away from him, pulling at his hair, as he continues to suck and lick at your sensitive bud but Johnny holds you down. Price just grunts at you, still lapping till you twitch and your legs start to shake. You lock eyes with your lover, you see Johnny stroking himself, more pre-cum drips from the tip. Johnny loves to watch you cum, even if it's not from his own hands, mouth or cock. The numerous videos he has of you on his phone and midnight calls must have given him a kink. He loves your noises, your squeaks, your moans. All those lonely nights in the abandoned safe houses or on base where he’s got only his hand and your videos.
“Just one more, you can do it.” He strokes himself faster now, tangling his spare hand into your hair more. He grips at your scalp and tugs, causing your head to jolt back. The pain-pleasure causing you to gasp. As if like a switch, you cum again, slick pouring from your hole and your body shakes. Price looks up at you, breathing heavy through his nose as he draws out the second orgasm to completion. His cheeks are flushed red as he grinds into the bed trying to relieve the intense strain his cock is under.
Johnny watches as you twitch and convulse in your orgasm, he lets out a shaky “fuck” and climaxes himself as well. Strings of thick cum spurt over your breasts and collarbone. He tugs harder at your hair as he strokes the last few drops from the tip, you groan at the pain. He lets go of your hair and gives you a quick peck on the lips, his cock slowly softening in his palm.
You look down at Price who finally removes himself from your molten core - strings of spit and slick still connect the two of you. He pants into your pussy, licking his lips. His beard is soaked. You bite your lip at him and smile as your afterglow sends buckets of dopamine through your bloodstream.
“Fucking hell, Price.” You breathe out. He rests his forehead against your inner thigh, taking in deep breaths. You reach down and stroke your fingers through his hair, soothing the man. You let your nails rake his scalp and he lets out a moan. As you continue to say wordless thanks to Price, Johnny takes out a tissue from the strategically placed box on the nightstand and wipes away his spend from your chest. You let your head flop back onto the pillow for a moment as you bathe in your afterglow.
Price lets out a chuckle; “Does John ever get you to cum twice like that?” he tilts his head.
Leaning up on your shaky arms, you purse your lips and cock your head as if to say “not always” but you feel a small smack to your shoulder from Johnny. You let out a laugh, leaning up to kiss Johnny's abs and a quick peck to his softening cock.
Flopping back onto the bed, closing your eyes, you let out a blissful sigh as your bloodstream glows with your afterglow.
“Now now, lass, no time for resting, we gotta give our guest his turn.” Johnny smirks as he looks down at Price and winks at the man. Price can only chuckle at his sergeant's cocky nature. He plants one last kiss to your thigh and slowly sits up onto his knees. His cock straining his boxers, leaving a small patch of damp from the pre-cum that’s soaked through. He palms himself at the sight of you, and you feel yourself blush.
You let your eyes wander his frame again, taking in as much as you can. You whimper at him touching himself, so you sit up on your wobbly knees, becoming face to face (chest) with him. You give him a quick peck on the lips, tasting yourself on him and getting some of your juices on your chin. Letting out a small chuckle, you wipe away the residue and begin to turn to Johnny.
“Johnny-”, before you could finish you feel a cloth on your shoulder. Smiling at him, you turn back to Price and gently brush the fabric on his damp beard, cleaning him up. A small blush grows on his cheeks and you smile at him through half closed eyes. You feel a small burst of something in your stomach and chest again as his blue eyes flit across your face. His hands come up to cup your cheek.
Behind you, Johnny shuffles on the bed and presses his hard chest to your back, wrapping his hands around you and gently cups your breasts, letting his thumbs roll over your sensitive nipples. You let out a moan, letting your head drop back for a moment onto his shoulder. With eyes closed, you feel Price’s hand cup your upper-arm, letting his hands slowly draw down your skin till he holds your hand. Brining it to his lips, he kisses your knuckles tenderly. You blush as the chivalry and smile at him. You turn your head and return the kiss into his palm.
You both gingerly smile at one another.
Price lowers your hand and presses it open on his hairy chest, you can feel his heart beating hard and fast in his ribcage. Eyes meet once again and you feel your own heart flutter. Slowly you follow the trail of hair down his hardened abs, not as defined as Johnny’s but there. Down his stomach that has a small pudge to it, and you graze past the hem of his boxers till you feel his hardened cock.
You palm him, and he lets out a hiss at the pleasure. His other hand, still on your cheek, gently strokes your rouged skin as you gently squeeze him. He’s radiating such heat, your cheeks flush. But also because he feels big… ungodly big under your touch.
Johnny starts to kiss your neck, down the sensitive spot between your neck and shoulders, nipping at the skin. He slowly grinds himself against your ass, still playing with your nipples.
Letting your eyes fall from John’s blue irises. You hook your finger into the band of his boxers and slowly pull down the fabric till it passes over a thick bush of hair and you see the thick base of his cock. Your breath hitches in your throat at the sight, and you slowly release more of him till he springs free.
A small bead of pre-cum flicks off the tip onto your stomach.
He’s big. Really big. Bigger than Johnny. You feel your mouth water and you just stare at it. The tip is painfully red, a thick vein runs down the side and it doesn't stand up well - since it’s so heavy.
“John… I can’t…” you begin to protest. But Johnny stops you.
“Yeah, he’s big lass, but you can handle it… can’t you?” He kisses your neck again, this time moving his hands from your breasts down your waist and onto your hips, he knees your flesh, calming you down.
You turn to Johnny. “Did you know he was so…” you trial off.
Price chuckles at your bashfulness. Slowly removing his boxers and throwing them to the floor.
“I’m a ‘shower’, love. Course he knew.” He grins at you, eyes crinkling at the corners. He reaches for your hand that lingers in the air and guides you to his cock, it twitches as it feels the heat of your hand.
You wrap your hand (barely) around him, slowly pumping him. He felt so heavy in your hand, you felt a burst of something in your stomach. Price grunts as you squeeze him, using him pre-cum as lubrication. As you stroke Price a few times, you feel Johnny’s hand snake around your body and down your stomach. Grazing over your small patch of hair till his fingers meet your soaking hot pussy, he swipes over your swollen and puffy clit. You let out a moan and rock your hips on his fingers.
“Greedy thing aren’t ya?” He smirks into your neck, still dotting wet kisses on your warm skin. You nod, humming in reply. His finger parts your folds till he toys with your entrance. He dips just his fingertip into your heat. You feel Price twitch in your hold as he watches Johnny stroke you.
You raise your head from Johnny's shoulder and lock eyes with Price again, who’s staring at you with such intensity it sends a shiver down your spine. You lean forward and kiss him, slowly and tender kisses. You pump him harder and he grunts into your mouth, you feel his hips rock against your hand. Tongues wrap around each other for a moment before he pulls away - noses nearly touching. His once blue eyes now blown out and black with desire.
“How do want me?” He mutters. You shake your head, you don't care how, you just needed him now.
“Anything you want.” You whisper.
“On your knees for me, love.” He rumbles deep and quiet. You nod, you feel a twang of disappointment as you’d love him to press you in half - but knowing the porn you’ve seen, it’s more fair this way for 3 people involved. Johnny peels himself from you and you start to turn around. You slowly drag your hand off Price’s cock, watching it bounce under its own weight.
Johnny moves himself to the head of the bed, repositioning the pillows and leaning back on the headboard, arms spread out wide.
“Gonna give us a show then?” he asks no one in particular, but you do scrunch your face at him as you crawl onto your knees. You still feel weak from your two, very intense, orgasms but carefully you position yourself between your boyfriend's legs. You lean forward and kiss him again, when you feel a small sharp pain on your asscheek as Price spanks you. You let out a small squeak into Johnny's mouth, eyes widening.
You turn to look at John, whose hands are gently caressing your ass, squeezing the muscles.
“Do it again.”
Eyes meet and Price spanks you again. You can feel a small drip of slick run down your folds at the sensation.
“Like that dont’cha?” Price mutters as he swipes his finger through your puffy folds. All you can reply with is a nod of the head. You suddenly feel a sharp sensation now on your nipples as Johnny cups your breasts and tweaks the sensitive buds again - getting your attention back. You whip your head back and look up at him, he removes one of his hands and cups your cheek.You meet his eyes that are filled with… something, you can’t figure out what. You smile at him and mouth “love you” to calm him.
You feel Price’s thick cock now at your entrance, he swipes the shaft up and down your folds, covering him in a healthy coat of slick.
“I’ll go slow love,” he assures you. “Just relax.”
You close your eyes and rest your forehead on Johnny’s abs, breathing in his scent mixed with sweat. You relax as much as you can till you feel the blunt tip of Price pushing into you. The burn wasn’t too bad. You feel Johnny rub his hands up and down your arm and back. Price kneads your hips, thumbs pressing against your lower back.
“You look amazing like this, it’s so hot” he says smirking even though you don’t see it, but you can hear his tone.
Price lets out a grunt, muttering under his breath.
“So tight for me” as he pushes in more, you feel him twitch inside you and brush past your sensitive spots causing your hips to shiver and you let out a shaky moan. “Nearly there.” He assures you. “You’re taking me so well”
You can feel him splitting you open, the sting getting worse as he nearly bottoms out, he’s thicker at the base than his tip and it’s both painful and pleasurable. His hips finally meet your ass. You let out a breath and open your eyes, looking up at Johnny whose jaw is slack, eyes fixated on your ass and the man behind you.
Price stops for a moment, letting you adjust to his incredible girth. However before he can ask if you’re ready, you move on your own accord and start to fuck yourself on his cock. You slowly rock back and forth - his tip pressing against something inside you that makes your toes tingle, a deep moan escapes your lips. Your eyes are still looking up at Johnny. It reminds you of that video you sent him of you fucking a suction-cup dildo in this exact position.
“Fucking hell,” both men say as they can just do nothing except watch you. Price’s fingers press deeper into your hips as he guides you as you rock on him. He lets out a huff as you squeeze around him as you enjoy the fading burn of the stretch of your hole.
With your gaze locked onto Johnny, your jaw falls slack and you let your tongue rest on your bottom lip. He smirks at you and places his thumb in your mouth. You suck hard on the appendage in time with your thrusts onto Price's cock. A small bead of drool escapes past your lips and onto Johnny's stomach, he lets out a small chuckle as he watches you in awe of how easily you’ve taken to the Captain's thick cock and make it your own.
You feel yourself start to slow down as your thighs start to burn.
“Don’t worry love, let me take care of you” Price mutters deep behind you. Before you could respond, he pulls back his hips, leaving only the tip inside you and snaps forward, hips slapping against your ass. He wanted to test the waters with you, see how much you could take. You let out a deep moan around Johnny's thumb, your eyes closing as Price fills you up perfectly. He does it again, the squelching sound of your wet pussy echoes in the room, followed by skin on damp skin. Price’s grip on your hips starts to hurt, but you ignore the pain as he starts to thrust at a more consistent pace.
These army men have patience, stamina, and self-discipline. You thought Johnny was bad, but Price has more experience with holding his own. Johnny is amazing in bed, but easily cums but has the quickest refractory period you’d seen in a man. He’s back to humping you before he’s even gone soft.
You open your eyes, lined with tears. Johnny looks down at you with those puppy dog eyes - you feel bad he’s left out of this. You pull your mouth from his thumb and slowly lower your head till you meet his slowly hardening member. You lick the tip a few times, grabbing the base and slowly ease him into your hot mouth again. Swirling around the tip, he hisses at the over stimulation. Johnny lets his head fall back as he can think of nothing but your talented mouth on him, your moans and the sound of Price fucking you so good. Just as you deserve.
Price has to smirk at the sight in front of him, he feels his cock twitch as he feels himself getting close. He humps you deep and shallow but fast, hitting the edge of your cervix that sends shockwaves from your toes to your nipples. You groan around Johnny's cock at the increased pace.
“Oh I knew you’d like it rough, love.” Hips slap against your ass over and over, you arch your back into that delicious curve and let the tip of Price’s cock pound into that sweet spot over and over. You let Johnny from your mouth with a pop, spit strings connecting you both as you feel your third orgasm slowly grow deeper inside you. Your moans turn into louder groans at each deep thrust.
All you can do is rest your forehead on Johnny’s stomach, squeezing the base of him. Johnny cups the back of your head, stroking your hair as you drool onto his abs.
“God you look so good from this angle,” Johnny runs his hand down your spine, his finger teasing the top of your ass cheeks. His eyes meet Price’s and he raises his eyebrows at the man and nods. Price slows down his thrusts into you and you can feel Johnny’s finger swipe down your ass crack towards your puckered hole. You’re so wet between your legs, he circles the hole a little and Price feels you squeeze his cock on your walls. He lets out a small whimper, hips losing rhythm for a moment at your tightness.
“Johnny… don’t go… in far…” you pant out between thrusts, sure you said no earlier but deep down you know you like the added pressure and pleasure of a tease on your second hole. He lets out a chuckle, with his middle finger he penetrates you, feeling the soft ring of muscles tight on his finger. You clench down all over your pelvic floor, you hear “Fucking hell” from Price and a “Good girl” from Johnny but you also can’t comprehend their words. You're so cock-drunk your brain is mush.
Johnny fingers your ass gently and Price picks up speed again. Your toes start to curl as your orgasm nears the biting point. The added pleasure wasn't enough. You let out a squeak as you feel thick rough fingers rub your clit. A few more thrusts and strokes and you cum hard around Price and Johnny. You clench down hard on Price he thought for a second he wouldn’t be able to pull out of you, your walls flutter and hold him inside you. Johnny quickly removes himself from your pulsating hole and sits back, his other hand still cupping your cheek.
Before you can let your orgasm fade, Price thrusts deep once more, taking in your incredible tightness before pulling out. You whimper at the loss of him, feeling so empty. Grabbing his cock, he jerks himself a few times before cumming over your ass and back. He lets out a breathy groan and you feel the warm ropes of cum on your skin.
You feel like you’ve blacked out. Your brian has turned off and you sit in a bath of dopamine and pleasure as the chemicals swirl in your bloodstream. You try to flop down onto the bed but Johnny’s hands guide you to his side. You feel a tissue on your ass as someone, probably Price, wipes away his spend. Once you feel you have been cleaned up, you roll onto your back, still wrapped in Johnny's arms.
Lying on the bed, chest rising and falling as you take in very deep breaths, you close your eyes for a moment as your afterglow washes over your skin. You feel a rough hand caress your stomach, drawing lines with the finger. You can’t recall who it is, but you smile and giggle from the touch.
“S’tickles” You wiggle. A deep rumble of a laugh vibrates through you as Price pulls his hand from you, he lies on his side facing you, wrapping his arm around your head and you bring up your hand to lace your fingers with his. Opening your eyes slowly, you see him looking down at you as if you’re a piece of priceless art. You feel a pang of something inside, a mixture of lust, admiration, and infatuation, but also concern and guilt for the man.
You wonder for a moment how this will affect Johnny and his relationship, or is that just how it is in the army? You just move on, carpe diem and all that. They didn’t flinch when naked around each other, didn’t even bat an eye at the praise. Makes you wonder what goes on behind closed doors. You shake your head of the thoughts.
“You ready for me?” Johnny asked softly. “I’ll be gentle, I need ya lass.” You nod and he crawls on top of your body, hips gently grinding into yours. You wrap your legs around his hips and rock against his hard cock, slow long moments as you both are spent. He buries his face into the crook of your neck, breathing you in. While Price leans down and plants a few kisses to your forehead, squeezing your laced fingers.
For the last time of the night, you feel Johnny slowly sink into your sensitive hole and begin gently rolling into you, slow and passionately, making you feel every inch of him. You let out a sigh at the change of pace, you kiss his shoulder. You feel your legs shake from the over stimulation, but you don’t want Johnny to miss out, even if he has already cum once this evening.
Price uses his free hand to snake between your and Johnny's bodies till he reaches your apex, toying with your very sensitive clit one last time. You thought you would pass out by now, your body pushed over its limit. A tear falls from your eye as Price circles your swollen abused clit and Johnny pumps into you.
“Please, lass, I need to feel ya, for me, please”, Johnny babbles into your ear. You nod at his pleas and tense down around him - let out a shudder at how tight you still were and Price picks up a faster pace. The warmth grows one last time inside you as Johnny brushes against that sweet spot of yours over and over. You let out a whimper close to a sob, you were extremely over stimulated and emotions were at an all time high. Price coos at you praises, lips pressed at your temples. You squeeze his hand from the pleasure.
You feel the core inside snap but not as intense, you feel yourself gently pulsating around Johnny as you’ve done many times but this felt warmer. You pant out a few moans and Price pulls his hand away, letting Johnny grind against you. Your chest bubbles with love. Price teases your abdomen again, letting his finger glide up your sternum, between your bouncing tits. Till he cups one of your breasts and teases the nipple gently. You shudder.
Johnny thrusts into you a few more times, his hips start to lose rhythm and you know he’s close. Your pussy was sore but worth it after all the pleasure you’ve been gifted this evening. Your legs slowly start to fall from his hips from exhaustion. Pressing his forehead to yours, he thrusts once, twice more and finally cums inside you with a final slap of skin. You can feel his cock twitch as he coats your walls with ropes of cum. He grinds into you a few times, getting as deep as possible.
He lets out a breath and kisses you, cupping your cheek in his palm and then rests his face into the crook of your neck. Price leans over and kisses your forehead, for a moment you forgot your hand was locked with his.
“You did so well for us, love.” He praises you.
Johnny drops his dead weight onto you for a second, you feel his muscles shake from his aftershocks and his cock slowly grows soft inside you. He kisses your neck and gently pulls out of you, knowing you are extremely tender. Once free, you let out a groan at the emptiness, already feeling his cum dripping out of your hole.
Johnny flops to the bed at your side, still panting heavily and wraps his arm over your waist.
“Love you.” He mutters. You let out a small giggle.
“Love you too.” You cover his forearm with your hand and squeeze.
The three of you now just lie in silence on the bed, the air was thick with the smell of your sex, sweat and heavy breaths.
Price slowly rolls off the bed, slipping his fingers from yours and collects his underwear, tugging them on as he plods out of the room pulling the door too.
Once alone, you turn to head to Johnny, who’s nearly falling asleep already.
“Johnny…?” You ask timidly and so quietly. He turns to face you, eyes drooping shut, he smiles at you.
“You okay?” He mutters.
“Yeah, that was….” You giggle, still feeling euphoric from your many, many orgasms.
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” He leans closer and kisses you softly. “Come here.” He pulls you to him, turning onto your side and slots himself behind you. He presses his face in between your shoulder blades, kissing the sweaty skin. His hand drapes over your waist and reaches upwards, cupping your exposed breast like he does every night. You feel the corner of your mouth curve into a smile.
You hear the door squeak open as Price returns with a few bottles of water, and a damp flannel. You smile at him, he hands you the flannel and you wipe yourself with it, cleaning up the mess between your thighs. It was cool and soothing. He places 2 bottles on the bedside table and opens the third, dropping back into the chair he was in many hours ago, taking a huge drink.
Your eyes never stop watching him, watching his muscles move and contort under his skin.
His eyes meet yours and you blush. He nods at you and you mouth at him thank you.
Smiling at you, wrinkles crinkle at his eyes and he reaches to the side of the chair to collect his jeans, but you pipe up.
“What are you doing?” You ask quietly.
“Getting dressed and leaving you two love birds.” He looks away at that, sadness and jealousy flash in his eyes for a brief second.
“No.” You say sharply. You reach your hand to him, wiggling your fingers, beckoning him over. “Need to make sure you’ll be a good cuddle after-care lover too.” You smile.
Price simply shakes his head and tuts. He couldn’t refuse you. He drops the fabric back into the pile of his other clothes and struts over to the bed. He tucks himself next to you, lying on his back. He reaches his arm around your head, hand resting on Soap’s shoulder, who grunts at the touch. You rest your head on his peck, and your free arm drapes over his waist.
“Do I get approval? Do I pass?” he whispers.
You pause for a moment, as if pretending to think about it. You let out a hum.
“Think you’ve passed the first stage of interviews. Might need you to come back for further tests and demonstrate more skills.” You let out a laugh. “If Johnny say agrees. Which I think he will.”
Price lets out a small breathy laugh, kissing the top of your head one last time tonight.
“Night, love.”
“Night John.”
You let out a sigh and close your eyes. Price reaches over and turns down the bedside lamp too low, leaving the three of you in a sunset glow, falling asleep wrapped in each other's arms.
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Hope you enjoyed! Kudos/Likes, Comments, Shares/Reblogs are more than welcome. As well as any typos, mistakes or just general feedback is welcome. I really hope I was able to make this a bit funny, some fluff as well as the smut, just not as deep as it could be? Either way, hope you've enjoyed!
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0vergrowngraveyard · 4 months
The day had started pretty average all things considered.
Eggman had decided to attack yet another poor, defenseless village but at this point, that was pretty common (as depressing as it was to admit).
It was a peaceful little spot. The village was pretty small and had its own little beach a few miles away. Why the doctor had decided to attack this place out of any village on Mobius was beyond Sonic but hey, why question the bad doctor’s plans when he can just wreck them?
Which is exactly what he and his team, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy, were doing. Knuckles had decided to get off his island and pay everyone a visit for once in his life so when word got out about Eggman’s attack, Sonic had to bring him along.
Y’know, just for some fun.
The gang had managed to drive Eggman’s attention away from the village and solely onto them. Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy took care of the badniks on the ground while Tails handled a few of the larger flying ones in the Tornado.
At this point, they were just fighting on the beach. It wasn’t ideal for the hedgehog, but it was away from the village at least, and that’s all that mattered. He could begrudgingly sacrifice a bit of comfort in order to keep the people safe.
Didn’t mean he wouldn’t audibly complain about it though.
“Why’d you have to choose a beach to fight at, Eggy? D’you know how hard it is to get good traction on sand?” He charge up a homing attack and shot through three buzzbombers, “Actually, now that I think about it, you probably wouldn’t!”
“Aren’t you the one who led us over here?” Knuckles asked, punching a hole straight through a badnik and tossing it into another one which exploded on impact.
“Maybe, but Eggman’s the one who attacked the village so it’s ultimately his fault!” Sonic responded. Knuckles couldn’t argue with that.
Amy slammed her hammer into the ground, a shockwave taking out at least six of the robots. “Is it just me, or are there a lot more badniks?”
Sonic paused and looked around.
Yeah, there were definitely more than usual, but it was nothing they couldn’t handle!
He pulled up his communicator, “Yo Tails! How’s it going up there?” He asked his brother. The Tornado was flying over the ocean, keeping a lot of the flying badniks away from the ground fight.
“Not too bad!” He pulled on the yoke, driving the plane upwards as two bots crashed into each other. “What about down there?”
“Easy peasy!” He pulled his hand away to spindash through a bot before continuing, “Though it doesn’t exactly reach lemon squeezy criteria.” He held back a snort as he heard the kit groan.
“You sound stupid, I hope you know that.” the fox said.
“I second that,” Knuckles added, “though I’m not entirely sure what this fight being simple has to do with peas or lemons.”
This time, Sonic did laugh, to which Amy spoke up about, “Leave him alone, Sonic. It’s just a saying, Knuckles!”
“Once again, your figures of speech make little sense. Why do they all involve food items?”
Sonic opened his mouth to quip back at the echidna when an explosion rang out, echoed in the communicator.
“As much as I’d love to participate in explaining Mobian phrases to Knuckles, things are getting a little dicey up here! I’ll talk later!” Tails said, performing some tricky maneuvering around a few bots as they exploded.
The Tornado had been getting further and further away from the shore.
“Alright bud! Be careful!” Sonic said, taking notice of how far the biplane had suddenly gotten.
“You too, guys!”
“Don’t know the meaning of the word, lil’ bro!” The hedgehog responded as he lowered his communicator, bringing his attention back to the fight at hand. He could almost hear the kit lecturing him about his hypocrisy from the biplane.
The fight on the ground went on for about 10 more minutes. The three had started making a game out of it. Who could throw/smack Sonic into the most badniks in a row? Amy ended up winning when she sent him flying through five badniks in a row croquette style. Her reward was bragging rights, of course.
As Sonic was recovering from being tossed around like a ball for the past few minutes, he decided to have a chat with the old doctor.
“Ayo, doc! You’ve been a little quiet!” He yelled out, “Is this a defeat silence or a disappointed silence or-“
“Quiet rodent. I’m waiting for the finale.” The doctor said, pressing a few buttons on his control panel and muttering something under his breath.
Sonic laughed as Knuckles and Amy walked up behind him, the former keeping his eyes on the Tornado as it was still fighting off a few of the bots.
Were they getting more aggressive?
“Finale? You mean when I knock you on your butt and—!”
(It all happened so fast.)
There was an explosion, a big explosion. It was loud enough to echo through the entire area (or had it just been amplified in his mind?).
He didn’t register Knuckles cry out and bolt towards the shoreline. He didn’t register Amy pulling up her communicator and screaming at the person on the other end to respond. He didn’t even register Eggman’s triumphant laugh as he said words the hedgehog couldn’t hear.
The world moved in slow motion as he turned his head towards the water just in time to see the flaming body of the Tornado crash into the ocean, sinking to its depths.
Time froze. The world around him muted. He stared at the spot the biplane had crashed.
(It happened too fast. Everything just needed to slow down.)
He couldn’t breathe. A suffocating sense of dread blindsided him, smothering him alive and he didn't have the strength to fight back. His heartbeat pounded in his ear and his legs itched to run.
To run away from the entire scene. To run and not look back because maybe, just maybe, if he didn’t look back, that would mean it never happened. That everything was fine. They would go back to the workshop later and bicker and have movie nights and play fights. They’d complain about one another’s habits and laugh together.
He’d lecture the kit about his sleep schedule (or lack thereof) and drag him to his bed. He’d tuck him in and the kit would later wander into his room after having a nightmare and the two brothers would snuggle up together, fighting off the bad dreams that tormented the little fox in his sleep.
That would all happen. It would. It had to.
It had to because if it didn’t, that would mean Tails was really…
Tails was…
(He just needed the world to slow down. Just this once. He wasn’t ready to catch up yet.)
He didn’t realize he had walked waist deep into the ocean with Amy having to hold him back. Knuckles had tried to swim to the wreckage but soon realized it was a fruitless endeavor.
The crash had been too far out.
There was no way to get to Tails.
All Sonic could do was stare out across the body of water he feared so intensely. It was a fear that was ingrained in him.
The ocean didn’t care about who or what was in its depths. If it wanted to keep you there, it would, and there wasn’t much you could do about it. Especially someone like him who sank instead of floated.
The dark depths were always out for him, wrapping its hands around him and tugging him further and further down whenever the opportunity made itself known. It was like the ocean was determined to make itself his final resting place. It joyfully filled his lungs with water and never allowed him up for air.
There was one person he could rely on to get to him before the water did. One person he knew that could fight off the thing keeping him down.
But that one person had just had his small body grabbed and dragged under by whatever malevolent force lived in those waters. Never to resurface.
It was as if the ocean was laughing at him. Annoyingly tapping at his waist with waves as if to say, “Hey, look what I just did. Did you see that?”
Of course he saw, how could he have missed it?
How could he miss the sight of the biplane he took with him from Christmas Island, the plane that allowed him to meet the kit in the first place, crashing in a flaming wreck and sinking to the bottom of the ocean, taking his little brother along with it?
The waters laughed at him.
They bragged about how they were the ones holding the kit instead of him. That their hands were running throughout the fox’s soft, golden fur, surrounding him in his final moments.
They teased him about how he’d never be able to hold him again. His hands itched with the feeling of his kit’s fur beneath them. He wanted to find him, to rescue him from his captor. Even if he was taking his final breaths, he wanted them to be in the arms of someone the fox trusted more than life itself. To tell his kid how much he loves him and how much he meant to all of them. That he would be missed.
But the kit was alone.
And that’s exactly how the ocean wanted it.
Knuckles didn’t know how much time had passed and frankly, he didn’t care.
He didn’t want to think about it because if the kit hadn’t gone quickly in the initial explosion, then the alternative would’ve taken time. Minutes he could’ve spent swimming to get to him. He should’ve been able to get to him. He was an incredibly fast swimmer, he should’ve been able to get out there.
As the seconds went by, the already cavernous pit in his stomach grew tenfold. He tried not to think about the fox kit who was alone in the cockpit of his beloved biplane, possibly conscious and just waiting for his time to come.
He didn’t want to think about the youngest — one of his first friends, someone he had grown to consider to be a younger brother just as the hedgehog had — in that scenario. It wasn’t right, not after all the kit had done for them.
He had managed to pull Sonic a little closer to the shore. The blue hedgehog had fallen to his knees, no longer being able to carry the weight of what just happened. It was haunting, the way he just stared at the horizon. Never in his life did he think he’d see the hedgehog in such a state of despair and defeat.
Then again, he never even began to imagine something like this happening. Not to Tails.
He pried his eyes off of the grief stricken big brother and looked beside him.
Amy wasn’t doing much better, her head was in her knees, fist clenched and body tense as she cried. She was sobbing her heart out. He could only imagine the thoughts going through her mind.
He looked at the sand in front of him and closed his eyes out of respect for the kit, a few tears he didn’t even know had formed slipped down his cheek. His mind flashed with memories of the fox kit, from the one of him first arriving to Angel Island with his hyperactive yet silent blue brother all the way to the call just a few moments ago.
It wasn’t right, they (Sonic) had just been teasing the echidna about his lack of knowledge for common Mobians phrases. How could this have happened? Why did this happen? Why was there no heads up or warning? It was all so sudden and they didn’t even have time to process anything.
Knuckles knew it was foolish to question why people died, he was the last of his kind for crying out loud, he should be used to this.
Except he wasn’t. The kid may not have been an echidna, but he was still part of his tribe. His family. They all were.
And their tribe had just lost their youngest. Their little golden ball of sunshine. The kid who could brighten an entire area with his laughter and knock someone’s ego down several pegs at the same time. The kid he for the longest time just assumed was magical because of how skillful he was with machines, creating their communicators out of seemingly nothing just so they could stay in contact with each other. He created incredible defensive mechanisms and weapons just to keep people safe. He was only 8 years old.
He had done so much for them, and this was how they repaid him? How the world repaid him?
How dishonorable.
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wifetomegatron · 8 months
imagine leaving lipstick stains all over your cybertronian s/o (suggestive themes) flattering nude, pink, peppered all over skid's face as you pull away from him for air — his grin, lazy and content as he submits to the feel of your lips against his cheek, his jaw, his neck cables.
swerve with both his servos steadying you as you straddle his waist, mouth gently pressed against his. there was a helpless sound that escaped him, a mechanical whine that urged you to leave a daring trail of burgundy all over his shades, chin, and shoulders. the sound of magnus approaching made you scramble off him — and at the sight, the duly appointed officer of the tyrest accord nearly forgot why he was there in the first place.
shameless and preening with pride, rodimus stood above his two hundred crew mates, tilting his cheek slightly to the right to show off the stamp of cherry pink gloss staining the metal — the natural shimmer, bouncing under the lights as he gave one of his speeches. helpless, you can only stand in the back of the crowd to shake your head and ignore the teasing.
megatron with both arms crossed against his chassis, leaning back against the berth, PADD abandoned on his lap as he chooses to watch you by the miniature vanity table instead. you meet his optics in the mirror, dragging the lipstick across your bottom lip — cheery noir, staining your mouth. enraptured, he rises from his spot and makes his way towards you. And when he had both arms wrapped around your waist, you laughed in defeat, knowing that you'd have to reapply the tint all over again now that it had painted almost every corner of his face.
there was a moment of silence as ultra magnus arrived in the med bay, a little bit flustered, considering the static in his voice as he asked what the doctors needed. and immediately, first aid exited the room, laughter echoing down the hallways. the officer shot ratchet a suspicious look, who replied silently by flicking his gaze downwards. a small smirk on his face as he cleared his vocalizer — " did we interrupt something, magnus ?" the mech caught his reflection in one of the mirrors, horrified that you had left a plethora of ruby stains on his armor. a clash of blue and garnet, adorning his waist. and he could feel the atmosphere consume him when he noticed you've left a few across his (interface) panels too.
302 notes · View notes
writemywaytoyourheart · 10 months
Bedeviled | Chapter 13: trustfall
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Pairing: demon!jungkook x female reader
Genre: romance, drama, angst, horror
WC: 9.9k
Warnings for this chapter: strong language, anxiety, blood, injuries, frightening depictions of Hell and those in it, frightening/disturbing scenes, graphic gore, read at your own risk
Previous, ML
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Arms held out in front of you, you walked slowly, cautiously. 
It was a lot darker than you anticipated. 
Your wings were tucked up safely and covered by your cardigan, although they were already beginning to feel a bit sore and achy from being cooped up for the miniscule amount of time it had already been. 
There were small areas of forest where the blood red sky shone through the leaves and illuminated the burnt bark of trees that you passed by. You’d quickly begun to get confused with how long it had been. It couldn’t have been more than half an hour since you went into the forest. 
Just as you were about to stop to try and gather your thoughts, you saw a tall dark figure walking just ahead. 
It was coming right towards you.
Quickly, you ducked behind a thick trunk, careful not to touch the heated bark. 
In your panicked haste, you tripped; cringing at the sound of a twig snapping under your right foot. 
A dead silence fell.
After a moment, you flinched at the sound of a deep voice, laced with amused irritation. 
“I can hear you breathing.”
You gulped, bringing a hand up to your mouth. 
Shifting a little, you nearly groaned aloud when you stepped on another twig and broke that one too. 
The snap echoed around in the otherwise quiet forest. 
Another moment passed before you realized there was nothing else to do but reveal yourself. 
Slowly, with your mind spinning a quick story, you stepped out from behind the trunk. 
Only ten feet ahead, the figure stood there, dark and silent. 
You gulped, eyes wide as you tried to see in the darkness.
“Sorry, I uh- I didn’t mean to startle you.”
It’s silent for another few breathless seconds, then the figure speaks again. 
It was a demon, right? It had to be. 
You hoped they’d let you talk before having their fun with you.
“Who said you startled me?”
Your brows furrowed at the voice. 
It sounded familiar. 
But it couldn’t be. 
You finally shrugged slowly, “I guess I just assumed I did.”
The silhouette came closer, their footsteps practically undetectable as they moved silently.
“And what, pray tell, is a human doing this close to the entrance of the Underworld?”
A sliver of red light shining through the leaves fell on the newcomer as he stepped even closer to you. 
As the ghostly light finally illuminated the demon’s face, your heart stopped in your chest and you froze. It felt like the entire world had frozen right along with you as you could do nothing but stare, wide-eyed, at the sight in front of you. 
His black hair was shorter than it used to be, only just reaching his chin in soft waves.
It was as if the passing of time hadn’t occurred.
As if only five days came and went since you saw him last, not five hundred years.
Dark brown eyes that were once full of love stared at you with an emptiness so prominent there was a visceral horror in your gut that almost broke you right then and there. 
The love of your life was standing right in front of you, after half a millennium. 
You couldn’t move.
You couldn’t speak. 
He truly looked no different besides a dark hardness surrounding him that made him look almost unrecognizable, no matter how similar he appeared to the last you spoke with him. 
Your stomach turned. 
“What’s the matter, doll? Devil got your tongue?”
It felt like a large stone was shoved down your throat, choking you to death and rendering you incapable of speech. 
He chuckled. 
The sound made your heart lurch as your eyes fell on the tattoos covering his skin. 
When they landed on the rose, you ground your teeth harshly together. 
Focus, ____. 
Don’t mess it up, not now. 
“What’s your name, little human?”
You promised, ____. 
Do… not… mess… it… up… now... 
Even if it took every last bit of strength out of you, you would resist.
You snapped out of it and took a step back. 
No matter what happened from then on, you were not going to give up on him. 
You would not fail him.
You drag your eyes away from the apple tattooed above his heart, all the way up to his face. 
He’s staring at you in bewilderment, his dark eyes squinted as he watches you closely, as if anticipating you blowing up again. 
Swallowing thickly, you drop your gaze to the boots still clutched in your shaking hands. 
You haven’t once been able to look at him for long.
There’s no knowing the amount of time you’ve been in Hell, it could be weeks or even months. 
It doesn’t matter. 
You will never be able to look him in the eyes without your heart breaking. 
The first moment you saw him, at the gate, you knew it would never stop hurting. 
The way he still looks at you without an ounce of recognition makes you sick. 
You had lost it there for a moment and done something foolish, thinking maybe if he touched something that used to be his, he would remember the life he once had. 
He would remember Aera. 
He would remember you. 
Give me strength. 
You set the tiny boots back into the chest, something else catching your eye as you do so.
JK watches silently as you stand up, still not looking at him. 
“Please,” You whisper, “Can we not be here anymore?”
“What just happened?” He asks coldly. 
“I’d like to leave.”
“Not until you tell me why you just went fucking psycho and tore this place to shreds.”
You close your eyes and take a shuddering breath, “I don’t want to be here-”
“Too bad,” he snaps, “Answer me.”
“I-” You gulp, hands beginning to shake again as you stand there and stare at a broken beer bottle on the ground, “Please-”
JK stalks across the room, his height well above yours as you try your best not to look at him when he whispers angrily, “What are you so fucking afraid of?” 
Your chest rises and falls with quick breaths.
It’s too stuffy here. 
“JK, please-”
“Say it.”
“I ca-” Tears build in your eyes, a hand moving to your chest, “I can’t breathe i- in here, please-”
He sighs sharply, irritated. 
His eyes take in your current state; still slightly sweaty, hair a mess, small welts running along your arms and legs, and more bruises and cuts than one could count. Your exhausted face is filled with anxiety and something else he can’t place. 
The demon sighs again, but this time it isn’t as aggressive. 
“Let’s go.”
You look at him, relief clear in your eyes. 
He forces himself to look away after a second. 
“Thank you-”
“Come on,” he snaps, turning and walking towards the door. 
The second you step out behind him, you once again see the blood red sky and perpetual smoke filling the air. 
You’ve always had the strength.
Now, you just need to believe it.
Taking a deep breath, you follow him out, shutting the door of your past life behind you. 
Only for a second, you look back to see it one last time.
But it’s gone. 
There’s nothing but mounds of dirt and weeds. 
Closing your eyes, you will the tears not to come. 
You are so close, you can feel it. 
Now is not the time to ruin everything, as much as you want to fall to the ground and sob. 
Ever since you first came face to face with him, it has been a nonstop battle not to crumple and beg on your knees for him to please know you, to cry your heart out and plead for him to remember. 
“So? What happened?”
You turn away from the piles of dirt and look at him. 
“Is this what you want?”
He looks at you in confusion, “What are you talking about?”
You clear your throat, “In exchange for you explaining the tattoos. You said you would think about what you want from me.”
JK scoffs, “Really? You think I’d fall for something so easy?”
“Your choice,” You walk around him. 
“You know I could-”
“Torture it out of me?” You turn and look at him again. 
Then you walk forward and grab his hand, noting how he doesn’t pull away.
You put his larger hand on your chest, close to your throat, “Do it.”
“What?” His voice is barely above a whisper. 
“You want to know all my secrets?” You speak softly, eyes locked on his, “Then hurt me. Tear it out of me, however you want to do it.”
He doesn’t say anything. 
Doesn’t move his hand either, even when you’ve taken yours away from his wrist. 
“Afraid I can use His name against you?” You mumble, “Don’t be. I won’t say a word. Not until you rip what you want to know out of me.”
“What are you doing-”
“I’m giving you permission.”
His eyes widen slightly, but you don’t look away. 
“I’m giving you permission to hurt me JK, to torture me in any way that you want, until you’re satisfied.”
Even though your eyes stay locked on his, you can feel the slight tremble of his fingers on your skin. 
His eyes fall to where his hand rests on your chest. 
JK takes a deep breath.
Everything inside is telling him to do it, to choke you, to force you to speak by whatever means, to hurt you in any way he can. 
He’s capable. 
He always has been. 
“Do it.”
Your soft voice makes him gulp as he stares at his hand. 
Do it. 
Hurt her. 
It would be so easy.
So easy to break her.
You watch closely as he gulps. 
After a minute, a sharp intake of breath leaves him and he pulls his hand away. 
“I don’t have time for this bullshit,” He chokes out, “Stop wasting what little I do have.”
When he turns and starts walking away, you let out the breath you were holding, hand cupping your throat gently before you watch his back as he walks off. 
A small smile tugs at your lips, a tear sliding down your cheek. 
You quickly wipe your eyes, then hurry after him. 
You’re not really sure where you are. 
It’s clear you are no longer in the seventh circle, but you don’t think this is the eighth circle either. 
All you can see is the blood red sky, black smoke thick in the air, and nothing but a wide expanse of dirt that you walk along.
He stays silent as you walk, which is expected. 
Every time you seem to rattle him he broods for a while before inevitably calming down again. 
For the first time, it doesn’t bother you too much. 
He didn’t hurt you. 
That’s the one thing in your mind that you hold onto as you limp along slowly, a small smile tugging at the corners of your mouth despite the pain in every part of your body, inside and out. 
He didn’t hurt me.
You look up and see that you’ve almost caught up to him.
He had been a lot further ahead than you for a while, how did you suddenly catch up after not changing your pace at all?
That’s when you realize that he must have been the one to change his pace. 
For whatever reason, he slowed down enough for you to get closer. 
He still faces forward, not acknowledging your presence whatsoever even as you come up beside him, still very much limping. 
You two walk in silence for a while.
“You’re taking forever.”
You smile to yourself at his sudden grumpy comment. 
It’s about time.
“What else is new?” You joke softly, looking at him. 
There’s a tiny smirk on his face as he drops his head, then looks at you, still walking.
Amusement is clear in his dark eyes as he observes you. 
When your smile grows a little, you see the amusement drain from his gaze before he turns to face forward again. 
“So,” You look down at your feet, noticing how different they are compared to his. 
His feet are clad in sleek black boots, not a single falter in his steps. Yours are bare apart from tattered cloth stained with blood and dirt and sweat, the rough ground unforgiving on the unsteady appendages. 
Oh, well. 
“So?” He presses in annoyance after you never finish your sentence. 
“I’m not sure if I ought to say…”
“Let me help you decide,” He says snarkily, voice pitched higher, “You ought to finish saying what it was you were going to say before I lose my patience with you.”
You roll your eyes. 
“I was just going to ask where we are. It’s not like you’re going to answer me anyway though,” You grumble, “You never answer anything I ask with simple explanations.”
JK barks out a laugh at that but doesn’t respond to what you wanted to know.
After a moment, you sigh. 
“See? I told you so.”
“Someone’s impatient.”
“Says you,” You scoff, “The one that threatens to torture me any time I don’t do what he wants.”
He raises a single brow as he turns in your direction, but you’re too busy looking at the barren wasteland ahead to see him. 
JK sighs quietly and looks forward, once again falling into silence.
“Ok, but like actually-”
The sound of his laughter at your sudden words after it being quiet for so long makes you smile. 
“-where are we?” You finish. 
“You don’t like silence do you?” He asks, looking down at you. 
You swallow, dragging your gaze from his; not noticing how he doesn’t look away. 
“I guess not,” You say softly. 
“Why not?” He asks, seeming genuinely curious. 
“You know,” Your eyes linger on a burnt twig as you approach it, then continue on past, “You’re really good at asking questions. Terrible at answering them.”
“I don’t see that as an insult.”
“It wasn’t meant to be,” You laugh. 
He shrugs, “Maybe I’m not terrible at answering, maybe you just suck at coming up with good questions.”
“You think my questions are too boring to answer?” You ask in disbelief. 
“I think you’re just asking the wrong ones.”
“And by that you mean…?”
“I rest my case.”
You shake your head, “Not answering questions just means you have a lot more to hide than you want me to believe.”
“And what about you, little mortal?”
“What about me?”
The demon stops, making you halt as well, wincing a little at the pain in your right ankle that’s been flaring up for a while now. 
He steps closer, but you don’t move away. 
“How much are you hiding from me?”
You stare back at him steadily before whispering, your voice even despite the hushed tone. 
“Absolutely everything.”
There’s a flash of something in his eyes, but it’s subtle and passes too quickly to catch.
He takes another step towards you, and another, until he’s only two hands length away from your face. 
If you reached out, you could touch him. 
You wonder briefly if his cheeks would feel the same as they once did, only colder now. 
“You’re truly a piece of work,” He whispers back, but there’s no undertone of malice in his voice as there has been most of your time here, “Do you realize that?”
“Never doubted I was,” You respond, “Didn’t think I could so easily get under the skin of a demon though, I won’t lie.”
He chuckles lowly, shaking his head at your words. 
“Do you ever tire of being so incredibly annoying all the time?”
“I’m not sure,” You smirk, “Do you ever tire of fighting back?”
His dark eyes flicker between yours. 
“So, JK,” Your voice has dropped to a low whisper, “How much are you hiding from me?”
You keep your eyes on him as he moves closer. 
For a moment, you think he’s going to whisper in your ear, but he doesn’t, he just keeps coming towards your mouth, head tilted slightly. 
That’s when you think he’s going to kiss you. 
Your stomach flips over when he stops, his lips a mere inch from yours as he whispers, his icy breath going past your parted lips and into your mouth as your eyes flutter closed.
“Absolutely everything.”
The demon pulls away just as you open your eyes again, an evil smirk planted on his stupidly beautiful mouth. 
You gulp, which makes him chuckle darkly. 
“If you’re gonna play the game, doll,” His pretty eyes look large and innocent, yet clearly mocking. A cold slender finger runs along your jaw before flicking off your chin, “At least try to win.”
You bite your lip, which draws his gaze there momentarily before it flickers away quickly. 
He turns and walks a few paces away, “How do you feel about taking a break?”
You stand frozen for another moment before gulping and nodding stupidly, “Good, gre- great. I mean, sure… fine.”
“Careful doll, your weakness for pretty things is showing.”
Of course he knows how pretty he is. 
Gosh darn it. 
It seems like just when you think you have the upper hand, he flips the board just to show you that he’s been in the lead the entire time and will continue to be no matter what you do. 
You sigh and walk over to sit on the spot of dirt that has the least amount of twigs. 
Not that it’s much comfier than any other spots. 
JK glances at you briefly, watching as you put your chin in your hands and sigh softly. 
He turns away and sits on the ground across from you, less than ten feet away. 
You stare at the thick black clouds of smoke in the sky, wondering if you stared hard enough if there would be a glimpse of the sun. 
Or a star. 
Or anything. 
You already know you won’t, you can’t help but pretend though. 
The loud crackling sound and sudden warmth makes you jump before staring wide-eyed at the bright fire that appeared in front of you. 
Letting out a slow breath, you touch a hand to your chest to calm your racing heart. 
Across the fire, you see him. 
He’s sitting cross-legged, staring at the fire, not a single thought behind his eyes. 
Is he even aware of making the fire just now?
After another few moments of silence, you see his pretty eyes drift up to look at you from across the red flames. 
Neither of you says a word for almost a full minute. 
“Why?” You finally whisper, voice cracking a little after not using it. 
He tilts his head in question, wanting to know what you’re asking.
“Why would either of us want a fire in the middle of Hell?” Your voice is still soft, but there’s a teasing lilt to it, “This is the hottest place to ever exist. Yet, you make them all the time…why?”
His eyes fall to his clasped hands and you see a faint smile appear before he bites his bottom lip, then shrugs and mumbles, “Just bored I guess-”
His eyes raise to yours again.
It’s quiet save the crackling flames trying to lick their way into the sky. 
You can’t blame them. 
How unfair it would be to be one of nature’s most powerful forces, yet be stuck on the ground, confined in one place while your brethren, the brilliant stars, get to shine in the sky for the whole world to see. 
What a terrible luck to be drawn. 
You’d want to join the stars too. 
“I don’t know.”
You’re jolted back to the present at the sound of his uncharacteristically soft voice. 
He’s no longer looking at you, but at the fire again. 
“I don’t know why I do it, okay? I just-...I don��t know. Is that a good enough answer for you?” He asks bitterly, picking at one of his fingernails and gnawing his lip. 
He looks up at you in surprise, but now you’re the one entranced by the dancing flames.
“Are you being facetious?” He asks suspiciously. 
The demon watches in confusion as a small smile plays on your lips and you shake your head, “No, I’m not.”
When you lift your eyes again, they meet his. 
“It’s okay not to know the answer to something,” You say gently, “It’s okay not having a reason. I was just curious. ‘I don’t know’ is as good an answer as any.”
He says nothing, just darts his eyes away, seeming more unsure than you’ve seen him since coming to Hell. There’s not a single flicker of smug entitlement in his pretty eyes. 
When you stand up, his gaze follows your movement without looking directly at you. 
You wince a little at the ache in your ankle that won’t go away when you put weight on it. You’re not sure when you hurt it, but it feels like it was twisted terribly. 
He doesn’t say a word when you sit next to him. 
“I like fires too.”
The demon finally looks at you. 
You keep your eyes forward, not letting yourself look at him just yet. 
You’re not sure you can handle it. 
“They’ve always been a source of comfort for me. And believe me, I can use all the comfort I‘m able to get in this place.”
He chuckles dryly at that.
A beat of silence passes before you hear him speak up. 
“Why don’t you like it when it’s quiet?” 
You can feel his gaze but don’t turn to look at him. 
“You’re always trying to fill the silence, even if it means just mumbling songs to yourself,” He continues, voice still too soft to sound much like him, “I don’t get it.”
Bringing your hand up to your mouth, you nibble on the tip of your right thumb. 
“Silence reminds me of something I don’t like remembering.”
It only takes a moment for him to respond, “What’s that?”
You give him a side glance, then go back to chewing on your thumbnail nervously. 
“Being alone.”
JK’s mind flits back to when you were in the shed, before you woke up. 
You were talking in your sleep, begging someone not to leave you. 
He gulps. 
“I prefer being alone,” He finally whispers, grabbing a stick from the ground and leaning forward to toss it into the fire. The flames spark a little before calming once more. 
“We don’t-…” 
He turns his head to look at you when you speak. 
“We don’t have to be enemies,” You whisper gently, “We both want something and we need each other to get it.”
JK examines the almost forced numb expression on your face, the light of the fire shining an orange glow across your soft skin.
He blinks slowly, unaware of the gentle pull he feels as he looks at you. 
“I don’t need you,” He says, but his eyes do not move from your face, “I don’t need anyone.”
The demon watches as your eyes become wet with tears, a sad smile on your lips; you’re still not facing him.
“You might not need me,” You finally turn your head to look at him, eyes still full of unshed tears, even so, he can’t stop looking into them, “But I definitely need you.”
The breath gets caught in his chest at your words. 
Don’t overthink it, you idiot. 
Of course she needs you, how else would she get that Flame to help her stupid best friend?
He swallows thickly and looks away, “Whatever, mortal.”
You shift to get more comfortable, pulling your right leg out in front of you. 
A beat of silence passes.
“You’re hurt.”
“Ah, you’ve finally noticed,” You joke, spreading out your arms to display all the injuries thus far, but he doesn’t seem amused. 
“Your ankle.”
“Oh,” You look at it to see it looks a bit swollen. 
“I must have sprained it at some point-... twisted it in the seventh circle or something, it’s not serious-”
“Give me your leg.”
“Listen man,” You hold your hands up, palms splayed out, “You’ve already got two, don’t go and start telling me you need a third, cause I’m generous but not that generous-”
“You’re an idiot,” He snaps, moving forward to snatch your leg and move it into his lap, startling you into speechlessness.
His eyes seem to darken more than usual as he looks at your sore ankle. 
You’re too busy fighting the heat creeping into your cheeks at the cold touch of his fingers that run up and down the slightly swollen skin. 
The last time he did that, it didn’t last long before he was leaning over you, mouth pressed to yours as his hands gently took off your clothes, one piece at a time. 
Your eyes widen and you move to pull your foot back, but he snaps something at you again, you can’t hear what it is though.
Something about not being a fool and sitting still before he knocks you out cold.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath-
“Ah!” You flinch, instinctively reaching down to push him away. 
“Oh don’t be so dramatic,” He mumbles, continuing to press around your ankle, waiting for each reaction of pain before nodding with satisfaction and reaching over to tear a chunk off of his silky black shirt. 
“You’re-” You grind your teeth as he ungracefully wraps your ankle and foot with the piece of torn cloth, tightly, “You’re a jerk.”
The demon scoffs, “Am I not helping you right now?”
You roll your eyes, wincing once more as he ties the makeshift bandage roughly, “Don’t pretend like it isn’t satisfying for you to watch me in pain.”
He glances up, a smirk on his lips, “I never denied that.”
“Ah,” You grunt when he shoves your foot from his lap, “Why’d you do that anyway?”
“Maybe I wanted to hear you scream.”
“Nice try,” You sneer at him, “Why are you bothering to help me?”
“Like you said,” He shrugs, “You have something I want and I can’t get it if you give up. Maybe we don’t need to be enemies right now.”
You say nothing else, just pull your foot close to you, gently touching the silky fabric. 
It feels better already, and will definitely help when you start walking again.
JK makes a sound of disapproval and leans forward, smacking your hand away from your bandaged foot and messing with the knot he had tied. 
Apparently it wasn’t good enough. 
“Don’t be touching it and fucking it up,” He mutters as he tightens it a little more, then proceeds to tuck the small knot into the folds of fabric that are wrapped snugly. 
You swallow thickly as you watch him work quietly, tears building in your eyes when a memory flashes through your mind.
“You’re so clumsy, Apple.”
You crossed your arms, fighting the blush on your cheeks, “It was your idea to race from the waterfall.”
Jungkook laughed, making you look away. 
The red in your cheeks was only because you were hot. 
It was hot out. 
Being only nine years old, you didn’t think of having a crush on your best friend, there were times though, that you felt a little more embarrassed at the way your cheeks reddened when he was being particularly sweet. 
Like after you tripped and fell while racing from the waterfall to the shed and he immediately got on the ground to help you. 
Your ankle was definitely sprained, but as he wrapped it tightly with one of his mother’s large handkerchiefs that he always kept in his pocket, it had already begun to feel better. 
“How do you know it’s the right way?” You asked curiously as you watched him work. 
There was no hint of mocking in your tone, you were genuinely wondering how he knew what to do to make it better. 
“Mother taught me,” Jungkook said, glancing up at you to smile before looking back down at his task, “She said you don’t want it to be too tight, that will cut off your circulation. You don’t want it too loose either though, or it won’t support the injury.”
You smiled, “You sound smart when you talk like that.”
The eleven year old boy rolled his eyes dramatically, “I’m already smart.”
That made you giggle. 
“Thanks, Jungkook.”
He finished tying the messy knot, tucked it into the fabric folds, then looked at you with a sweet smile. 
“What’re best friends for?”
You blink slowly, mentally begging yourself to look away from him. 
It hurts too much. 
The demon bent over in front of you glances up, catching your eye before you turn your head away. He says nothing, just backs away into his previous spot and goes back to messing with his nails.
The fire crackles and snaps. 
Somewhere in the distance, there’s the sound of faint howling. 
The night songs of Hell are nothing like that of Earth’s. 
They’re most especially nothing like where you’ve come from. 
Nothing compares to being up there. 
But when you close your eyes and focus, you can pretend.
“I’m not sure I’ll make it out of here.”
JK glances at you. 
Your eyes are closed, knees tucked up to your chin and arms wrapped around them. 
“I haven’t seen the stars for a long time. I miss them.”
He isn’t sure why you’re telling him this. 
“At times I think maybe I can handle it, but sometimes it’s very hard.”
He stays quiet, listening intently as you list out whatever seems to be on your mind. Mostly silly random little things like worrying you might have ruined your dress, or that your hair will never again be untangled. 
You finally open your eyes, not seeing the way he still looks at you. 
Taking a deep breath, you blow gently on the fire, making the flames dance. 
“Ok, you can take them now,” You whisper. 
JK watches in confusion as you smile at the flames, your eyes traveling up and watching as the smoke carries something off into the sky. 
He doesn’t ask you to clarify what you’ve just done and you don’t offer the answer freely, so the silence begins yet again. 
“What is something that bothers you?” You finally ask, turning to him. 
He raises a brow, then shrugs. 
“I don’t know, why are you asking?”
“You do know, and just answer the question.”
He sighs and rolls his eyes, then huffs out a big breath, “Well… Sav is one annoying fuck, that’s for sure.”
You smile, “What else?”
“The predictability of the human race.”
You laugh lightly, “Fair enough.”
He sighs, tilting his head this way and that to stretch his neck, “I despise being caught off guard.”
The demon chuckles humorlessly but doesn’t look at you as he leans back on his hands, “I really fucking hate change, but I also hate when every day is the same.”
You don’t say anything, just watch as he seems to become unaware of your presence or how much he’s letting out as he stares at the fire. 
“I hate being made to feel as if I’m a puppet. Like I don’t make my own decisions. Like I can’t.”
A few moments pass in silence, then you see that he’s begun to realize how vulnerable he was for a minute there. 
“Toss them into the fire.”
“Hm?” He looks at you, black brows furrowed. 
“Everything you said, all the thoughts still in your mind that you won’t let out. Toss it all into the flames.”
“Just trust me.”
He sighs dramatically but does as you say, looking at the fire and squinting. 
“Ok, I did it.”
You scooch closer, something he’s far too aware of when he can feel your warmth even more than the fire’s as you just sit there beside him.
“Now, look.”
He follows your finger as you point to the smoke leaving the tips of the orangey red flames, dancing up into the bloody sky, higher and higher until he can’t see it any longer. 
“Now they’re all gone,” You whisper, face not far from his own when he looks back at you, “You can breathe.”
Against his own will he takes in a shuddering breath, letting it out slowly as you stare into his eyes. 
“I still don’t know what to call you,” He whispers, everything else fading away from his view when you smile. 
“How about Apple?” 
“Apple?” He looks confused, but also very much distracted by still staring at you, “That’s strange,” he mumbles, lost in thought.
Your heart breaks just a little when you hear him utter the name.
His gaze flits between your eyes and lips, unsure where they’re dying to drown in more. 
“You might not need me, but I definitely need you.”
Another shaky breath leaves his lips as he leans in, ready to risk it all just to get one taste of your undoubtedly sweet sweet mouth. 
You want to kiss him too, he can feel it. 
Humans reek of their desires, it’s impossible to miss. 
Your own scent is thick with a heavy sweetness, like a perfume wafting from you each time you look at him.
You’re ruining him.
Maybe Apple fits you after all. 
You gulp when he presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
Not a single word of disagreement comes from you when he reaches over and pushes your shoulder gently until you’re lying on the dirt, hair splayed out around your head as he crawls over your quivering body. 
It feels almost like you’re shaking from the cold. 
But it’s so hot. 
A stuttered breath coming from you passes over his cheeks as his gaze drags over your face again and again, as if it’s the first and last time he will ever see it. 
“I don’t understand you,” He whispers hoarsely, rough fingers tracing over your cheek and pushing a strand of hair from your face. 
The way your eyes flit between his makes the demon’s chest feel strange. 
Like it’s too tight, too hard to breathe, but also like the way you’re looking at him is the source of his breath. The only way he can continue to breathe at all. 
The fallen angel that fears nothing, is slightly terrified. 
“It’s okay,” you whisper, “I don’t understand me half the time either.”
He shakes his head, too confused and scared to snap back with a joke of his own. 
“You are so annoying,” he groans, but despite his clear irritation, his fingers cup your cheek gently, “Please just shut up and fucking kiss me already.”
Butterflies erupt in your stomach at his words and the look on his face as he leans even closer until his nose touches yours. 
Only seconds later, you can feel the touch of his lips ghosting over yours. 
He’s shaking. 
He hasn’t fully brought his mouth against yours yet. 
Not yet, ____.
Fight it. 
A gasp escapes you as you put a hand to his chest, panting. 
He freezes, body trembling even more after making himself stop. 
“What?” He chokes out, desperate to close the distance. 
You close your eyes.
Not like this, you want to say. 
But you can’t say anything; it’s taking too much strength just to hold him back when you want so badly to do nothing but press your lips to his. You open your eyes at the sound of his soft and confused voice. 
“Why?” The way his eyes look between yours with something close to hurt makes your stomach twist violently. 
“Oh,” he finally whispers, coming to some realization as to why you don’t want him to kiss you until you can’t breathe. Whatever he’s come up with in his brain is not going to be right, but there’s not really anything you can say to fix it. 
The demon moves back, dark hair sticking to his forehead that’s shining with a light sheen of sweat. You see his adam’s apple bob as he swallows thickly and pushes the hair out of his eyes.
“Your best friend,” he mumbles as you close your eyes again.
This is all so messed up.
“You wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for him.”
You open your eyes and look at him, still lying on your back as he’s sitting back on his heels, looking at you.
The way he says it sounds bitter, as if he’s jealous. 
Jealous of himself without even realizing it. 
“Are you really going to go back to him?” He asks stiffly. 
“It doesn’t have to be.”
His words make you look at him again. 
“What do you mean?” You whisper. 
“What if-” He gulps, running a hand through his hair and now avoiding your gaze, “What if you didn’t go back?”
 “I…don’t understand,” your voice breaks.
JK sighs deeply.
“What don’t you understand?”
“Anything,” you choke out, “I don’t understand anything you’re saying-”
You sit up, startled at the suggestion. 
“You’re not serious.”
“What makes you think I’d say it if I wasn’t?”
“You-” Your mind is racing, “You hate me-...”
He doesn’t say anything to that. 
He does hate you…
Doesn’t he?
JK swallows.
I hate you. 
I hate you more than I’ve ever hated any useless mortal.
I hate you…because I don’t hate you at all.
He closes his eyes slowly, a horror settling deep inside at the prospect he’s finally come to terms with. What he’s been denying internally for so long.
“Would you?”
You look at him, noticing that he’s still closing his eyes as he speaks softly. 
When you don’t answer, he asks again, “Would you stay…if it weren’t for him?”
“What are you asking me, JK?”
He knows what you’re trying to do. 
You’re not stupid.
You know exactly what he means.
You just want him to say it out loud.
But he can’t. 
Not even you, as much of a hold as you seem to have on him, can make him utter the words.
So, he stands up. 
“Forget it,” he spits, “You’re too fucking obsessed with something you’ll never have. You’d rather waste away and pine than take what’s right in front of you. Who am I to stop you?”
“Just say it,” You speak up as he turns away from you sitting on the ground and looking up at him with those stupidly pretty eyes, “Say it and I’ll answer you.”
“No,” he growls. 
“Say it.”
“Shut up.”
“Why can’t you just say it?!” You cry, smacking a hand against the dirt. 
“Because I can’t!” He whirls around, the look on his face a mixture between rage and longing, “I can’t! I can’t say it and watch you reject me for him!” He flings an arm out as if gesturing to someone who isn’t there.
Your eyes widen slowly. 
He stands there, jaw taught with emotion, eyes swimming with a hidden torture. 
Then you see him begin to morph. 
It starts with the area around him, everything darkening, as if a shadow has been cast over the two of you. His face becomes horribly gaunt, one of his cheeks melting away until you can see the bone of his jaw and some of his teeth. Blood drips from his eyes like tears as black horns grow from his head.
You look on in horror as the rest of him starts to rip apart, as though he was clawed mercilessly, his clothes soon in shreds and skin hanging in bloody gashes, bones sticking out. 
Huge black feathered wings sprout from his back and heavy metal chains appear on his bruised wrists and ankles, weighing him down as he stands there, head dropped low.
You move backwards slowly, tears of paralyzing horror streaming down your cheeks. 
Being with him down here for so long made you forget what he is.
For sin is attractive. 
Until you see its true form. 
“Isn’t he so disgustingly wretched?”
You flinch at the grating voice that keeps coming back, one that does not belong to the demon in front of you. 
It belongs to something far worse.
You can’t plug your ears, you can’t close your eyes. 
All you can do is stare at the mutilated figure in front of you as it shakes, clearly in agonizing torment.
“Stop it,” you manage to choke out, “Leave him alone!”
There’s a deep laugh and you feel a shiver run through you. 
“Oh, he is alone. The poor miserable creature-”
“Get out of here!” You scream at the top of your lungs. 
“This is my territory, little angel,” It hisses, “You get out.”
Your stomach drops. 
Then the shadow looming over you disappears. 
All of the blood and the bone and the terror slowly seep away. Beautiful soft skin fills out over his face and body, the black wings bursting into a cloud of smoke as the chains melt away.
Finally able to move, you jump up and catch him when he falls forward, the weight of him in your arms making a sob rip from your throat as you sink to the ground with him, not letting go.
“JK?” You whimper, brushing the hair from his face as you keep him in your embrace. 
After a few moments, he stirs, eyes fluttering open and looking at you in confusion. 
“What the hell?” He mumbles weakly.
You wipe the tears from your eyes, “Are you okay?”
He sits up, a hand on his head as he looks around. 
“What-” He looks back at you, “What happened? Why are you crying?”
“I-” You swallow the tears wanting to burst out of you. 
He doesn’t remember.
He doesn’t know that you just saw his true form, what he looks like behind the beautiful facade. The agony that weighs him down even though no one else can see it.
“You passed out,” you mumble, sick to your stomach.
He glares at you suspiciously before moving to his feet with a grunt.
“Let’s just keep moving,” he snaps.
Your body is trembling from the horror that is still burned in your brain. 
What happened? What did they do to him?
“Get up, come on!” 
You stand shakily, not looking directly at him. 
If you do, you know you will see it, even in your mind. 
You’re not sure if you’ll be able to look at him again without seeing the blood dripping from his many concealed wounds, the bones sticking out of his skin where he’s been so cruelly broken. 
Your heart feels like it’s been lodged into your throat and your stomach twists terribly as you shuffle after him. 
For once, you welcome the silence.
JK rolls his eyes at how slowly you walk behind him.
All he can remember before realizing he was on the ground is shouting at you, admitting how he won’t make himself vulnerable just to be rejected for some idiot human boy that couldn’t care less about you. 
How humiliating. 
It was merely a moment of weakness, it will not happen again. 
He will get you to the Flame, you will promise him your soul, and then you will leave; never to see each other again.
No other possibilities should have ever crossed his mind. 
You will go back to your stupid little friend, fully believing you can save him. 
A nasty smirk curves on the devil’s face at the knowledge that it will not go as you so desperately hope. 
That bastard you are so unwaveringly loyal to will live an eternity of loss and regret, walking the planes of sorrow until he decides to accept his miserable fate in Hell. 
Serves him right for allowing someone he claims to love to suffer for him while he sits idly by. 
Your fate, on the other hand, is a little harder for him to swallow.
It matters not, though. 
It’s your own fault for being so stupidly blinded by love.
JK glances over his shoulder to see you walking along quietly, head hung low as you watch your feet. 
You’re not limping nearly as much as you were.
“We don’t have to be enemies.”
He scoffs. 
Stupid mortal, thinking she can so easily befriend a demon. 
He jerks his neck to the side, a satisfying crack sounding when he does. Then he rubs the place between his neck and shoulder, sighing deeply. 
It’s almost finished. 
He can stand it a little longer. 
As long as he doesn’t say any more stupid shit that he doesn’t mean. 
You slow to a stop after sensing that he is no longer far ahead of you. 
Lifting your head, you see him looking down into an enormous funnel going deep into the earth.
It’s similar to the one just outside of the second circle, but about half the size. The first one was far too deep to see into. But when you walk over to stand next to him and look down, you wish you hadn’t. 
You can certainly see into this one. 
There are stairs carved into the side of the giant ditch, leading down a couple hundred feet until you reach the bottom. The bottom is then filled with ten ditches, small bridges separating each one.
In those ditches are untold horrors beyond even your worst imagination. 
You stumble backwards, tripping and falling onto your backside, horror gripping your entire being so viciously that you turn and retch. 
JK closes his eyes at the sound of your hyperventilating from behind him.
“I can’t help you here,” he says quietly, but still loud enough for you to hear him. He sounds almost regretful.
You wipe at your mouth and eyes, “It’s okay,” you whimper tearfully, clasping your hands and praying fervently for the courage to continue, knowing what lies ahead. 
Knowing what you have to do. 
What you will do. 
No matter what. 
“I’ll be alright.”
The demon gulps when a tiny sob leaves your throat. 
You continue to cry a little more, sniffling to yourself as you rock on the ground. 
Finally, he turns to look back at you. 
You’ve cleaned your face up a bit and are currently checking under the blood soaked bandage on your left foot. 
You look up in surprise when he kneels in front of you, holding his hand out. 
In his palm is a strip of silky black cloth. 
You take it slowly, wrapping it around your left foot to match the right, just the way he taught you to when you were little. 
“What’re best friends for?”
You close your eyes and place a hand on your heart to calm it. When you open them again, he’s watching you.
I won’t give up on you, I promise.
I’ll try not to be scared. 
“Are you ready?” He asks gently. 
You nod.
JK holds out a hand, giving you the most genuine smile you’ve seen since coming here when you take it. 
“You know,” he says as he pulls you to your feet, “You’re pretty strong…for a mortal.”
“Thank you,” you whisper hoarsely, not looking him in the eye. 
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
When you look at him, you can see several different meanings behind those words. 
Are you sure you want to get that Flame…?
Are you sure you want to go back to your friend, to go on without him…?
If only he knew why you came here. 
If only you could tell him without jeopardizing everything. 
“I’m sure.”
The disappointment is clear for a moment before the emotion is wiped from his face and he nods. 
“Alright then.”
You follow him to the dirt stairs built into the side of the giant crevice. 
“Are you going to leave me?” You ask, staring down into the eighth circle of Hell. 
He examines your face while he stands beside you even as you keep your eyes from looking in his direction. 
That’s all he says before starting down the stairs. 
You look after him with a sad smile tugging at your lips. 
Then you follow him. 
The screams that reach your ears are on an entirely different level from any circle thus far. 
You keep your eyes glued to your guide’s back, praying that if you are forced to look away, you will have the strength not to give up. 
After reaching the bottom of the steps, you realize that the demon in front of you does not look at the sinners with a sick and twisted smirk as he had done for so long. 
He does not look at them at all. 
His eyes are focused on nothing but straight ahead. 
Chilling cackles echo around the funnel, turning your stomach to rot.
The sound of screaming, the sound of crying, the sound of things you do not want a mental picture of.
It surrounds you like a thick blanket, choking you. 
Your hands shake at your sides as you walk along the first thin bridge behind him, the dirt structure only big enough to go in a single file line, so you can’t be next to him. 
He doesn’t stop to peer into the ditches as he so often would. 
He doesn’t chuckle while listening to the torture being dealt. 
All he does is walk steadily forward. 
As you’re crossing the second bridge, there’s suddenly a burning grasp on your ankle. A surprised scream leaves your throat as you tumble to the ground, shaking while trying to stay on the small bridge. 
Against your better judgment, you turn and look at who grabbed you.
It’s an old man. 
He’s covered in flames, an enraged look on his face as he grabs for you again.
“Get in! Get in! Get in!”
He won’t stop screaming. 
You can’t stop screaming.
Firm hands grasp under your arms and lift you to your feet. 
“Walk, little mortal.”
For the first time, that nickname does not come out of his mouth as an insult. 
You limp away quickly, hyper aware of the skin around your ankle scorched and very clearly melting a bit from the sinner’s touch.
Biting your lip harshly, you will yourself not to look down at the damage. 
Falling to your knees after finally reaching the end of that crossing, you shake violently. 
Don’t look. 
A loud groan passes your lips as you drop your forehead to the ground. 
It’s bad, you know it is. 
You can feel your own skin dripping down your ankle.
“Ah,” you breathe heavily, the dirt blowing up from the ground and into your open mouth. 
His presence is soon tangible, standing right next to you. 
“I’m okay.”
Your voice shakes just as much as your body does. 
“I know,” he responds. 
You climb to your feet, then begin to stumble towards the next bridge. 
The only thing you can do is ignore the sounds of people being struck with weapons again and again as you hurry across. 
As you walk as briskly as you can over the fifth overpass, you suddenly stop short, a hand going to your stomach. 
Your insides twist and turn horribly. 
It only gets worse with each passing second, until you’re crouching on the bridge and wrapping both arms around your midsection. 
It’s worse than when you had typhoid. 
Much much worse. 
You gasp in a breath, face twisted in agony as it feels like your insides are being wrung like a wet towel. Nausea washes over you so suddenly and so violently that you start to throw up right there on the bridge. There is no relief. 
JK stands behind your crouched figure, silent and unable to look at you. 
He cannot help you here. 
It will not lessen until you leave the circle, but the longer you linger over the ditch of the diseased, the worse it will get. 
You seem to realize that, because seconds later you uncurl from yourself to start crawling across the ancient bridge, crying silently the whole way.
When you’re almost to the end, you collapse. 
The pain is too much, you cannot move another inch. 
Rolling over onto your side, you curl up into the fetal position and stare straight ahead. 
“If ever you need me, little one, just say my name and I will come.”
He will come save you. 
The pain can stop.
All it takes is one name. 
A tortured groan leaves your lips as JK walks over and crouches close. 
Your face is a sickly color, drenched in a cold sweat as red splotches decorate your skin. Your eyes are bloodshot, painful sores are littered across your lips and undoubtedly in your mouth.
You flinch when a gentle touch brushes the hair from your face.
Even that hurts. 
“Where is it the worst?”
You blink, the blurry person coming into view. 
You can’t answer, it hurts too bad. 
“You don’t have to talk, just show me.”
You blink again, confused as to why he’s asking this. 
“Where does it hurt the most?”
Finally, you gently tap your abdomen.
The demon nods, “Alright.”
You see the fuzzy image of him looking around before leaning close to you again, “I know you can’t move. But it will only get worse if you stay here.”
You don’t do anything but close your eyes, a pained moan slipping from your bleeding lips. 
JK bites his lip and glances around again. 
When he hears you mumbling something, he leans down. 
“You want me to give up,” you whisper brokenly, barely getting the words out. 
He doesn’t answer, but the look on his face proves that you’re right. 
“You don’t have to do this,” he says quietly, “How could he let you suffer like this?”
There’s a faint smile on your lips at his words. 
“Would-... do it for me,” you croak, blood dripping out of the corner of your mouth from the sores along the insides of your cheeks, the roof of your mouth, and your tongue, “And he’s suffering m-more than I am.” 
The demon watches in astonishment as you squeeze your eyes shut and force yourself onto your stomach so that you can crawl. 
“You asked me how ba-...how badly I want it,” you whisper weakly as you catch your breath, “Do you remember what I said…?”
He sighs as you pull yourself up enough to start moving slowly, red lines still streaking from your mouth. 
“You said you wanted it more than anything.”
“Exactly,” you mumble, more blood dribbling from your lips as you shuffle along the ground. 
You keep your eyes on your fingers as they grip the dirt, curl into it, and pull you further. 
You will drag yourself inch by inch across the eighth circle if that’s what it takes. 
JK stands up, watching you pull yourself slowly, even as nasty hives spread on your arms and legs, as welts appear on your paper thin skin, as you shake uncontrollably. 
He realizes, in horrified bewilderment, that you are not going to stop.
Every single disease known to the human race is taking over your body in its worst form. 
But you are not going to stop. 
It takes many hours. 
Each moment is agonizing beyond description. 
But you make it to the end. 
The second you reach the end of the tenth bridge, you feel hands grab and lift you. You don’t fight it.
You’re in his arms, but you can’t see him. 
You can’t see anything. 
Vision had left you long ago, so did your hearing. 
You swallow, wincing at the soreness in your throat as you lay your head on his shoulder, wrapping your bloody arms around him and tucking your face into his neck. 
JK swallows the lump in his throat as he feels your nose brush against the side of his neck, your shallow breath warming his cold skin. He walks up the stairs that lead out of the eighth circle, carrying you like a child that fell asleep on the couch before bedtime, the sound of tortured screams fading as he goes. 
He knows you can’t hear them anymore anyway.
“You’re gonna be fine,” he mumbles into your hair as he climbs the steps effortlessly. 
When you open your eyes, you think you see a star high above you in the ember sky. 
But when you blink, it’s gone. 
Then you realize you can see smoke filling the sky. 
You sit up, groaning at the ache in your muscles. With a look around, you know that your vision has come back. 
The sound of crackling fire confirms that your hearing has come back too.
You turn to see him lying on the ground a few feet from you, looking up at the thick smoke. 
He happens to glance over at you, then sits up quickly after realizing that you’re awake. 
“I’m alright,” you answer the question in his eyes before he can even ask it. 
He shakes his head at you, a disapproving frown on his pretty features. 
“We should keep going,” You’re the one to say it this time as you struggle to your feet, “I don’t have much time.”
He stands up too. 
“Hm?” You fiddle with your dress, ignoring the dried blood coating much of your skin and the ache in your body, “Stop what?”
He walks over to you, anger and something else you can’t place in his dark eyes. 
“Stop doing this for him.”
“We talked about this,” You say with a shrug, “Several times in fact-”
You jump when he steps closer, daring you to finish. 
“He doesn’t deserve you.”
After a moment of stunned silence, you whisper with uncertainty. 
“JK do you-”
His gaze does not falter. 
“...are you in love with me?”
There’s a clear panic in his eyes and he swallows, then it’s covered up by disgusted rage. 
“What the hell are you talking about? Why would I ever-”
“It’s okay,” You whisper, a small smile on your face as you step closer, “It’s okay.”
He gulps when you touch his cheek with your warm hand, holding it gently before moving up on your tippy toes to place a kiss right on the edge of his mouth, a burning sensation making him gulp when your blood stains his skin. Then you pull away and look at him again. 
“Why are you doing this to me?” He breathes, eyes begging you to have mercy on him.
“It’s okay,” Is all you say. 
His body is trembling slightly as he leans down and touches his forehead to yours, “It’s not.”
“Why?” You hum, one of your hands moving to the nape of his neck to tangle in the hair there. 
“I can’t-...love you.”
“Yes, you can.”
He shakes his head, a choked breath leaving him as he pulls away enough to look in your eyes. 
“You can leave. I’ll bring you back.”
“Hm?” You look beyond confused. 
He grits his teeth, swallowing the horrible lump in his throat as he puts a hand to your bruised cheek, hatred fighting to be seen as so many things swarm his brain.
“You’re free, okay? You need to leave before I change my mind.”
“I’m going to let you go,” he places a finger to your lips, “I’m letting you out of the deal.”
a/n: tysm for reading 📚 thoughts always welcome 💖
taglist 1: @butterymin @kookxin @telepathytae @kooliv @highoffbaddecisions @meanum @smitssharon02 @kmpac @ggukkieland @jjanjankook @sugaslittlekookies @hobispriteu1306 @kimchibrat @slowlydeliciousjiminie @screamertannie @i-dont-give-a-fok @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @ohyeahjk @babycandy111 @era-genius @xmochiloverx @sopikooo @jamlessstars @bangtannie7 @nuttykittypainter @geniejunn @ane102 @charlesswife @ashbxnny @veronawrites @jjkw-7 @jinsundor @h-g-bts @justvibingsblog @hyuneyeon @hellbornsworld @hiii-priestess @nuttypizzacat @vidaficrecs @royallyjjk @thvslvt @hoseoksluv89 @moonchilddna @idkjustlovingbts @aurorathi
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luveline · 1 year
Congrats again on 35k you’re so special and kind to us ❤️❤️
please for the valentines prompt would you consider remus/or rockstar!remus and ❛ if i kissed you, i don’t think i’d be able to stop. ❜
luveline's valentine's mini party ♥︎
ily <3 thank you for your request!! rockstar!remus x fem!reader
"You're looking at me funny," you say. 
Remus smiles, abashed, and looks down at his camera. He fiddles with the snap out monitor. "Was I?" he asks. 
"A little bit… what were you thinking about?" 
He clicks a few buttons, the camera ringing with their beeps. You realise he isn't going to answer you and it doesn't really matter, but you sidle closer and pout softly.
"A hint?" you ask. 
He lifts the camera. The strap strains against the back of his hand. "Go stand in the middle, I wanna get a picture of you." 
You might think he was a bossy twat with no affection about him if you didn't know him. You could refuse his command and he wouldn't care, he'd probably laugh and like you more for it. But he wants a picture of you, so you fast walk away from him, more than fifty feet. Tonight's venue is huge, the biggest he's ever played, and he'd flown you out from your tiny hometown to be there with him and the boys. James had given you a mushy welcome and a speech on how you'd always been there for them, and Sirius had given you a smacking kiss on the cheek, but Remus has yet to do anything but take photos of you in various places making various faces. 
"You look tiny," he calls. 
"Can you see all the seats behind me?"
"No, there's too many!" 
You turn to look. There are a lot of seats, thousands of them. The stadium echoes with your conversation and the sounds of people moving. On stage, they cart equipment back and forth, various sound checks and tests taking place one after another. It feels like musical marco polo. 
It feels appropriate to do a little spin. 
Remus walks toward you and you step in line, wanting to see the picture. It's taken some time, but he's ready to answer now, apparently. 
"I was thinking about kissing you," he says, his arm pressed to your arm, the two of you looking down as he shows you the video he's taken of you. Your skin shines under the floodlights. 
"You can kiss me," you say, too eagerly for a best friend. He's not stupid, he knows how you feel.
"If I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop," he admits, measured, turning his face to yours.
You look into his eyes. 
"And I really need to get it right, tonight. I need to," —his lips drift closer to yours— "think clearly. But ever since you got here, I've wanted to…" 
He closes his eyes, but he doesn't move in. If anything, he moves away, tilting his chin toward his chest. He looks like he's fighting a losing internal battle. 
You're not one to torture him, no matter how much you want a kiss. 
"You could still kiss me after the show." Your breath catches in your throat, your chest heaving with the effort it takes to force yourself to say it aloud. "However long you wanted, maybe." 
His eyes remain closed. His hair shifts above his ears, and the guitar string scar dividing his top lip tugs as he smirks very, very slowly, clearly deep in thought once again. You steal the camera from his hands, ignoring the way your skin prickles as his fingertips brush. 
"Smile for the camera, rockstar," you say. 
He doesn't smile, but he comes close. 
After the show, when he's sweaty and tired and alive with adrenaline, he takes your face into his hands, and you feel the unmistakable curve of a smile against your lips. 
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fluffistuffin · 4 months
Wally Darling X Reader
The reader misses Wally when he leaves to play with his friends. Fluff. Reader is real attached to Wally. Reader and Wally love each other dearly.
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It was one of those nice days where the wind brushed against yout skin, but the sun still kept you warm. A perfect day to lay in the grass with your favorite little puppet. Even as the laughter of your other neighbors game of tag echoed through the neighborhood you kept Wally close to your chest. Sweet kisses to his neck coaxed staccatoed giggles from him. "Stay with meeee~" You cooed to him.
He wriggled away from your affections, a little sparkle in his eyes showing he was still enjoying the attention. "Nooo!" He put his hands to your mouth. "I promised Juile I'd play with her!"
You made some fake chomping noises and pressed your mouth further into his hands. He yanked his hands back and laughed harder. You took the opening to pepper kisses all over his face.
He arched his back away from you as much as it could allow with you clinging on to his waist. "I promised!"
You just followed him making over exaggerated kissy sounds. "Julie has everyone else playing with her!" You whined. "Stay with meeeee!"
Wally reached for your face and pouted just a bit. "I promised." He was serious.
With a sigh you lossened your grip. "Okay."
Wally smiled and leaned in to press his mouth to yours. "Mmmmwah! Good bye…” He took a few moments to stare at your face, fondness ebbing in his eyes. “I love you!" He leaned to give you another kiss, longer than the last one. To which he giggled after.
You kissed him back before letting him go. When he finally disappeared behind the houses your whole body deflated.
If you took a nap maybe he'd come back sooner.
But… it was hard to sleep without him.
Who were you kidding! I has hard to do… much of anything without him. What else was there besides his perpetually smiling face? It was so easy to do the same when he constantly radiated love and positivity.
What else was there to do but wait?
So that's what you did, getting a bit sadder the longer Wally was gone. The sounds of laughter in the background only made it worse. Why you didn't you go play with everyone else, you didn't know. It would have been so much easier… but…
“Most?” You took your arm off of your eyes. There he was, as cheery as ever. Except… the space above his eyes were slightly creased… almost worried? He reached out and cupped your cheek. “Do you… need help?” He brushed the hair from your forehead and pressed a kiss to your temple. “I didn't know… how to get up…” Even through his monotonous speech pattern you could feel the tenderness. “For a long… time either.” Or maybe it was how gentle he was with everything, like it was the most important jewel.
You sighed when you fully registered what he had said, a chuckle sneaking out at the end. “My hero!” Wally helped you off the ground, even though it was mostly you, he seemed so pleased to have doneanything at all.
He reached for your hand, which you took gladly. “Let's go Home… it's getting late.”
“Can he snuggle?”
Wally's smile grew just the slightest bit. He opted to wrap both his arms around yours instead. “I would love that… I missed you.”
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