#(which I think should account for any confusion on my part)
atlantic-riona · 1 year
hi, welcome to medieval Irish literature, where everybody dies
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scribblesofagoonerr · 5 months
Family, not by blood but by choice instead | awfc x teen!reader
I previously posted on another account, however, I didn't realise a second blog wouldn't allow me to follow people, so I am reposting again on my new one.
Let me know what you all think!
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You should have known, there was tell-tail signs all throughout the last several years and yet you were so blind about it all.
Your mother was a narcissist, she was manipulative and gaslighted you your whole life, you were always made out to the bad guy and she was the victim.
It was clear as day to anyone on the outside, but your nieve self just chose to always believe different about things.
Looking back on the several years of your childhood, you had always thought you upbringing wasn't completely terrible. It was just the 2 of you, only your mum and you ever since you could remember. Your parents ended up splitting up when you were really little but ever since that day, you had always been made out to be the reason for their seperation.
You had always wonderd how it could be your fault. You was only 3 when he walked out, so how could it really be like that?
"You were always too much to handle. He couldn't cope," Your mum would say, all of them long nights when you would wrap your tiny arms around her and sob your little heart out to her.
"I'm here, you've got me. You've only ever got me," Her words were embedded in your head from the day that you'd decided to try and have an open conversation about the possibility of finding your dad. "Why go and find him? Haven't I been good enough. I'm the one that's looked after you all of these years and this is the thanks that I get in return?" It was always something that like, always a guiltrip and it was something that she knew would work well.
The harsh statement of the most recent conversation with the older woman left a bitter taste in your mouth and make you question every single thing in life.
"Aren't you happy for me? I made it, mum!" You exclaimed, you were happy enough to want to share the news with your mum but you found so dumbfound by her response which left you feeling shame and judgement for even wanting to tell her.
"Yes you have made it Y/N but you know, you only have me to thank for that now, don't you?" Your mum once again found a way to make it about herself, regardless of the situation;  It was always and only ever about her. "I'm sure that you can find some way to thank me though. All of those years and the amount I have spent on football boots for you. You'd be nowhere if it wasn't for me and I think you owe me now, don't you?" she told you.
You remember feeling stunned by her words, there was a lot of emotions that you had felt building up inside as you were ultimately confused how she'd somehow managed to twist this to make it all about herself but of course she was quick enough to make an excuse to end the call when she grew bored of talking to you.
You should have knew better, every phone call always ended up being the same way and it always left you with a feeling of guilt for making a life for yourself and that phone call that night wasn't any different. You had just been so excited to spill the news, however that excitment soon faded and was replaced by confused feelings of upset and anger once you'd told her, you fought to hold in your tears during the initial phone call but you were on the verge of breaking by the time she had hung up.
That phone call was the one you told her about making it into the national team, you had only been a part of Arsenal womens' first team for under a year and it felt like a massive achievement to be selected to represent your country and immediately you couldn't wait to share the news with your mum - You thought that she'd be pleased for you but you couldn't be further away from the truth.
Ever since that phone call, you had tried your hardest to distance yourself from your mum but it hurt to do that. The women was the only blood related family member that you had, it had only ever been the 2 of you, together through thick and thin.
Flash forward to now, the current time where you are sitting on the sofa, you had returned home after a long training session and you couldn't help but think about it that conversation on a constant loop in your head. 
"You were quiet tonight kidda," Leah perched on the arm of sofa as looked at you in concern. "I'm about to start cookin' tea. How's chicken dippers and smiley faces sound, eh?" she suggested.
"Mhm. Sure that sounds good to me," You mumbled as you kept your eyes focused on nothing but the telly.
The truth was that the conversation was constantly replaying in your head; The conversation, the bitterness and manipulation, every time you thought about it it then made you think of every other time that something like this happened.
Maybe your childhood wasn't as great as you really thought?
"Okay then... Is there anything that you want to talk about?" The blonde questioned, hoping for a bit more of an insight on your mood; Returning from her own rehab session, the entire car ride had been quiet compared to normal and the older woman couldn't help but feel something wasn't right.
"Nope," You stood firm in your reply, shaking your head as you kept your eyes glued on the TV screen; You couldn't really say that you payed much attention to whatever it was, the noise was pretty much a blur that was playing in the background.
"Are you sure?" Leah questioned, frowning worriedly as she took note of the tears welling up in your eyes. "Kidda, what's the matter? You look like you're gonna cry." she stated.
"I... I'm fine," You mumbled, fighting hard to keep the tears at bay until you could escape to your bedroom and allow yourself to be vulnerable and alone. You'd always felt complete shame to show any sort of vunterability in front of anyone, let alone the blonde footballer who'd virtually taken you under her wing ever since you joined during the transfer break of 2022.
You'd always been told that crying showed weakness and you refused to be seen as weak.
"Okay," Leah was quick to drop the subject when she realised you weren't going to open and talk about things. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it but just remember that I'm always here to listen. Anytime that you want too, alright?" she told you.
Unfortunately you were stubborn to not give in and blurt everything out in the open. You were just trying to wrap your head around the idea of things and see things for how they really were.
"Uh huh," You mumbled a response as you got up from the sofa and trudged in the direction of your bedroom.
Leah exhaled a sigh as she shook her head, herself heading into the kitchen to make a start on dinner. The woman knew better than to try and get you to talk if you didn't want too.
She'd always been around to witness the moments like this and the backlash of it. Of course the blonde knew this was all stemmed down to one person causing you to be like this and she hated that you were left upset every single time.
Every single time you and your mum fought, you'd always ended up quiet and in a bad mood, often resulting in lashing out at people around you as a coping mechanism.
None of the girls ever took it to heart, they were old enough to realise that none of your anger was directly aimed at them and there was bigger issues to be dealt with.
The Arsenal women all had their own opinions on the teens' mother but they would never voice them out loud to you. It wouldn't be fair on the youngest in the squad even after the countless times they had seen the girl upset by her own mums actions.
Ever since the teen had moved in, there had been several nights where Leah would be the one to comfort the girl and pick up the peices, waking up in the middle of the night to hear the teen's heartbroken sobs and feeling her own heart shatter every single time, wanting nothing more than take away any sort of pain the girl was experiencing.
It was heartbreaking for all of the team to witness and always sought out to comfort the teen no matter the situation. They knew that no matter they say, they couldn't stop her contacting her and she would be able to make her own decision soon enough when she turned 18 and until then they'd be the ones' to pick up the broken pieces when the mum let her daughter down.
They were your family, not by blood but by choice. You'd probably be lost without them sometimes.
"I... I should have realised sooner," You thought to yourself as you lay crumpled up on your bed that following night, it was almost near 4 in the morning and you were still wide awake with things racing through your head.
You couldn't help but think about things, how you should have noticed the tell-tail signs of her gaslighting you were old enough to properly realise, that was your first mistake.
Your second being that you believed her manipulation, she would always twist things to make her seem like the victim in all different situations - back when you were a child and even now as an adult.
How long it had taken you finally realise it after all of these years. Why hadn't you realised it sooner?
Without realising, you were sobbing aloud as you clutched on to your pillow tightly - the pent up anger was replaced by complete sadness and loss. You only ever wanted the approval of your mum about things and you fought so hard for it.
The phone call, the hopeful seal of approval...  Every time it always seemed to be the same type of emotions when you spoke to your mum - It was a vicious cycle of emotional abuse, or so you'd been told from other people and you never wanted to believe it.
Only problem was that you'd not been able to see it yourself, even if it was clear as day. Even if regardless of a psychological therapist telling you this, you refused to believe them words. Nor your team mates, who had realised it the first time they had the chance to meet her and even then you wouldn't listen or hear them out.
It was your mum, your flesh and blood so how could she be like that? You had never been able to wrap your head around it.
The sound of sobs were what woke Leah up, she was quick to pad out of her bedroom and down the hall to where your bedroom was. "Kidda?" The women pushed the door open and her heart cracked to see you looking so distraught and vulnerable.
The blonde was quick to move to be right beside you, she was always the one to comfort you and she wouldn't ever stop doing that as long as you needed her.
"Hey, kidda. Come here," The blonde scooped you up in her arms and rocked you all while she ran her slender fingers through your messy bedhead. "You're okay. I'm here," she reassured you.
Leah was always patient enough to wait for you to calm down before she gave you the chance to speak, she wouldn't ever push you to talk if you didn't want too.
"L... Le," You cried aloud as you clutched onto her. You breath became shaky as sobs wracked your body.
"I'm here, it's okay," Leah spoke calmly, continuing to try and comfort you the best way she knew but she already knew it was going to be a long night ahead of them - An emotional night that would leave you drained tomorrow.
A vicious cycle of on a loop.
"Ready to tell me what's going on inside that head of yours, huh?" The blonde tried to carefully ask.
There was another brief pause of silence, nothing but the quiet sobs coming from you as the blonde continued to comfort you and reassure you that she was here and not leaving you.
To Leah's surprise, you did open up this time around, even if you didn't mean too.
"I should have realised. I should have... I should have realised," You made the mistake to speak aloud rather than think it like you thought you had.
"You should have realised what, kidda?" Leah questioned, confused about what you meant.
You snap your head in the blondes' direction as you bit your bottom lip, debating whether to be open with your thoughts that you tried so hard to keep buried inside.
"About my mum... I should have realised," You repeated your words as you fought the tears from spilling. "She's so... She's so-- Why does everything I tell her, why does it always get turned back around so it's about her?" That was it. You blurted out your own feelings - There was no hiding how you felt anymore.
Leah smiled sympathetically and moved onto the sofa to sit closer to you, wrapping her free arm around your shoulder to comfort you, "I... I don't know kidda," she spoke honestly.
"So many people, so many people have told me-- They've warned me about her but I have... I never wanted to listen," You confessed, the tears openly rolled down your cheeks and you probably looked a right blubbering mess but you couldn't stop your emotions pouring out. "And now... Now I finally realise how it's always been. Why is she like that, Le?" You asked.
"I can't say I know the answer to that one kidda, I wish I knew," Leah replied, exhaling a sigh as she couldn't fathem herself how a mother could be like that with her own child, she felt so much for the girl and always wished she could make the situation better for her. "Listen, I know it's hard but you've got us. All of us girls here at Arsenal and you're so loved by all of us." she told you.
"I... I just want her to love me, and she just... she doesn't even care about my feelings!" You stated, roughly wiping at your tear stained cheeks angrily to the point that you made them red. "Why does she always throw everything back in my face? Everything that I have ever done, she's always made it about her... Always!" you cried.
"I know, I know it hurts... I know it does," You kept your head buried in the blondes' chest as you hiccuped from the sudden breakdown in the middle of the night. "And I am sorry that you have to go through this. It's not fair on you kidda." Leah added, biting her bottom lip.
All of emotion had led you feeling exhausted in the end, you fought it hard to keep your eyes open as you lay slumped against the blonde woman.
"Come on let's get you back into bed, yeah? I mean you're almost falling asleep on me here, kidda," Leah joked with you, hoping for you to even crack a small smile as she gently moved you back to your bed and tucked you in under the duvet. "I'm so sorry you have had to deal with the kidda but you know you have a family here with us. We may not be blood but we really love you kidda." You heard the faint words spoken to you as you felt your eye lids close, completely warn out.
Sure, the Arsenal women weren't family by blood but instead they were family by choice and that was more important. They were there for you whenever you needed them and you knew you felt safe with them around. You truly felt happy with your chosen family.
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creadigol · 5 months
iff you want could you maybe continue this? this ask is a request ofc and idk if you do continuation, so if you don't want to then it's okay!! ^_^
Hey y’all! Apologies for the long absence, but I’m back in town and have finally come up with a continuation of my Hero Domestic Violence/Abuse snippet. 
I have had many requests to continue this one so I spent a lot of time trying to make it good! 
As before, there are very heavy mentions of such topics stated above in this snippet as well as mentions of violence, emotional abuse and choking. Please be safe my darlings! I love y’all!
Part 1
Hero must have blacked out or entered into some sort of daze, because the next thing they knew Hero was sitting on an exam table in what must have been one of Villain's many bases. 
Though the room itself was no doubt a medical facility, Hero knew this by the various medical equipment and smell of antiseptic, but there was a certain ambiance about the room which did not match any hospital or medical offices Hero had been to before…and Hero had been to many. 
If Hero only ever went to one, people would catch on. So Spouse was always sure to bring Hero to a different facility every time. 
God, this was a mess. 
This room wasn’t lit like typical exam rooms. Rather than harsh fluorescents of busy ER rooms the lights held a warm sunlit-type glow. Welcoming, yet still bright enough to see. Instead of the stupid grey-white walls which everyone had switched to in the early 2000’s, it was bright wood paneling. Oak of some kind, Hero guessed. It complimented the warm glow quite nicely. 
And it was warm! So warm! Villain must have had the heat up to at least 75 and Hero was basking in it! 
At home, Spouse kept the heating down to 65, due to their powers causing them to run hot. Hero didn’t mind of course, they understood, but it did cause Hero to feel cold constantly. They had never had much in the bodyfat department and there was more than one night when Hero would go and take a bath just to unclench their frozen muscles. 
Until Spouse complained about the water bill that is. 
Taking stock once more of the room they were in, Hero noticed that the main door had been left open by a crack. Not that they could have gotten up and run out, not with their side, but they wondered if Villain had done this to make them feel more comfortable. 
Speaking of Villain, they had yet to reappear. Villain and Henchman had helped Hero to a car after the rather embarrassing display on the rooftop and once they had made it to this base, deposited Hero here and left. That had been about twenty minutes ago. 
Maybe they were planning something nefarious? What if this was a kidnapping? Honestly, this was the weakest Hero had ever been in front of Villain. It would be easy, tricking them into willingly walking into a trap with the promise of medical help…Hero had been a mess after all. Supervillain wouldn’t have hesitated in killing Hero on the spot. 
But then again, Villain was not Supervillain. Hero had seen Villain display acts of humanity on several occasions. Sure, they broke the law and believed their government to be the ultimate evil, but they never went in for harming those who didn’t deserve it. 
Didn’t deserve it? God, Hero was starting to think like Villain. No one deserved to be hurt. That was Hero’s motto. 
Things really were confusing right now.
Maybe they should just go home. Surely, Spouse would understand why they didn’t answer their texts for the past few hours. An hour of yelling tops and then Spouse would see the error of their ways and apologize and try to make up for the original fight in the first place by a heated night of…
Hero stopped that train of thought. No, this had to stop. Hero had to get out of the relationship and start thinking straight again…but, then again, Spouse held all the cards. The apartment and car were in Spouse’s name, their bank account was joint, the phone plan was set up by Spouse because they could negotiate better on cellular deals…not to mention, Spouse was more powerful than Hero. Much more powerful than Hero. Even back at the Academy Hero had never won at hand to hand against them. It was what made them seem so strong and confident and…perfect at the time. 
Hero suddenly realized what they were doing and how it would not end well. There was no way Villain could hold against Spouse when it really came down to it. Spouse was constantly bragging about how if Villain had been assigned to them and not Hero, the problem would have been resolved years ago. Hero didn’t want that on their conscience. 
Perhaps they should look at the texts…just to assess the situation. Damage control. 
They picked up their phone. 
As the screen lit up a voice interrupted Hero before they could look at the no doubt anger fueled words. 
“Hero,” Villain stood in the doorway holding gauze, antiseptic, a board of some kind and an ice pack. “Sorry, had a hard time finding an ice pack that was the right size. We’ve gotta get that swelling down on your neck or else you’ll never be able to harass me with those classic witty comebacks again.” 
Though it was said jovially, Hero could sense the hardness behind the tone. Not to mention the look of hatred as Villain glanced at the phone. 
Wanting to respond, but not being able to, Hero nodded once. 
“Great!” Villain strode over and placed everything on the side table. Picking up the board, Hero saw it was a dry erase. Villain handed it to them along with a red marker. 
“Henchman uses this to put up daily reminders for everyone. They thought it would serve for you to tell us what ails you.” Villain glanced back at the door, “They wanted to come in and help, but I didn’t know if you would want that. Figured I’d ask first.” 
Hero couldn’t help the small smile. They had always liked Henchman. Like Villain, they certainly had committed their fair share of crimes and violence, but they also seemed to live by a code. Unlike Supervillain. 
If it hadn’t been for Henchman, Hero was sure they would have passed out on that rooftop and who knows who would have found them if that happened. Hero uncapped the marker. 
Henchman can come in. 
Villain smiled, “Anyone ever tell you your penmanship is crazy good? God, it’s like looking at Victorian script.” 
 They turned towards the doorway once more, “They said it’s fine Henchman!” 
In an instant Henchman was walking through the door. They must have been just waiting on the other side. 
“Hey Hero,” they said. “Hope you’re doing better.” 
Hero nodded at Henchman. 
“Good,” Henchman looked between Hero and Villain for a moment, it looked like they were debating who to talk to next. They settled on both of them. “Looks like it’s just going to be us. Doctor said they couldn’t make it until morning. Still at that conference.” 
Villain nodded as if they knew this was going to be the case and addressed Hero. 
“Anything serious? Or are you okay to wait for the Doc?” 
Hero thought for a moment. Their neck should be fine with the ice, their jaw had certainly been hit harder, but their side…
I think everything is fine, but I’m not sure about my side.  Hero wrote. They gestured to their left side as Villain and Henchman read the script. 
“Alright, let's take a look then. Shirt off.” Villain ordered. 
Hero hesitated. Oh, right. To look at their side, Villain would have to have their shirt off. And to take off their shirt was to expose the…history written across their chest, back and torso. 
Hero was shy about their body. Sure, there was the occasional scar made by Spouse, but most of them were from past fights while Hero had been off hero-ing. They knew it was an occupational hazard, but they also knew it wasn’t great to look at. God only knew the many times Spouse had commented on their unsightly appearance during their intimate times. 
Villain seemed to notice the hesitation and said, “What? It’s not like I haven’t seen it all in this line of work. You should have seen Henchman last month. Supervillain’s Henchman got ‘em pretty bad.”
Henchman nodded, “Not pretty. Gained me a few cool new scars though.” 
Cool new scars, huh? Perhaps it won’t be so bad. 
Hero took off their shirt slowly. It was difficult and painful at first, as it zipped in the back, but Henchman wordlessly walked to the other side of the bed and helped. Villain supporting Hero’s side as they undid the clasp and unzipped. 
“Want to take off the mask as well?” Henchman asked. 
Hero made a face. 
“We’ve already seen your face. Remember? Three months ago it fell off while we were grappling in the snow.” Villain smirked. 
Hero peeled the mask off. They had forgotten about that. The snow had made the normally sticky mask slide off. It was something they had never told Spouse. 
Once deprived of their shirt and mask, Villain took a step back and surveyed the damage. Hero tried not to squirm under the gaze. 
Hero expected Villain and Henchman to make disgusted noises or grunts of anger at their bruised up side and swollen jaw, along with their neck, but instead Villain looked calculating. A slight hint of irritation coming though with their twitching eyebrow. 
“Alright, I’ll have to feel those ribs. They don’t look broken, but it’s best to make sure.”
Hero nodded their permission to Villain and tried to sit straight. 
“No, no, don’t straighten up yet,” Villain flew to their side. They placed one hand on hero’s back while the other poked and prodded their ribs. 
Everytime Hero hissed or flinched, Villain apologized and would move onto another part. It was strange. This whole night was strange. Hero had never seen Villain act this way before. Sure they had their own scruples, but Villain was never…gentle. 
Henchman stood off to the side looking rather anxious as Villain examined Hero. That was another strange thing. Why did they both seem to care?
“Well, good news, they’re not broken. Bad news, I’ll still have to wrap them.” 
Henchman immediately grabbed some wrappings from the cupboard behind them and handed them to Villain. 
“So, Hero,” Villain began as they tightly wrapped their ribs. “Want to tell us how this happened? We need to know if we’re going to treat your injuries effectively.” 
Once again Hero could tell Villain was stating things conversationally for their benefit. Hero made no move for the marker board. 
“We already know who did it, all I want to know is how,” Villain continued. 
Hero thought back. It had seemed like a haze when it happened. All the adrenaline and fear. The normal evening that went from good to horrific. The slight mess up on Hero’s part, the yelling, the grabbing, the throwing…the hands. The hands on their person…the hands on their neck…
Hero felt tears slip past their eyes once more, the sadness and fear coming back. Their jaw shook with unshed sobs. 
They felt the marker and board being pressed into their hands. 
“You don’t need to push yourself. I just need to know what to check on you,” Villain’s voice was soothing and once again uncharacteristically gentle. 
Hero shook as they wrote; the script that Villain had complimented earlier suffered for it. 
It’s never been this bad. Hero wrote. 
They knew it was a cliche response, but they also needed Villain and Henchman to know that it had never gone this far before. Henchman made a noise in the back of their throat as they read the words.
“How bad?” Villain prodded. 
Before, Hero hesitated in writing. How could they word this? 
Before I could always justify it as my fault. I mess up alot. I’m not so good at relationships. 
They waited for them to read this before erasing for more room. Villain had their jaw set and Henchman’s cheeks were getting red. 
I know it’s stupid. I know it’s bad. I just wanted to pretend it away. That was easier. I’m not stupid, I know what’s happening. 
Villain nodded at the words. Hero didn’t know why they were starting out like this. There was just a part of them that needed Villain and Henchman to know that they were still competent. Despite putting themselves in this situation, they weren’t stupid. There was just so much more going on. 
“I don’t think you’re stupid Hero. I never have. I meant it when I said you’re the best this city’s ever seen,” Villain said this while not breaking eye contact or blinking. As if the stare itself would get the words into Hero’s brain.
Hero nodded with a small smile. They needed that. 
They’ve never gone so far before. The other times, I knew I would recover. But this time…Hero stopped writing again. Once again looking for words. They let Villain and Henchman read. 
“What happened this time?” Henchman asked softly. Hero couldn’t tell if the softness was for comfort or if they were so angry they couldn’t raise their voice higher. 
This time, Hero spelled, I really thought they’d kill me.
Their hands shook terribly now and they had to stop and take a breath. 
Villain looked up at the ceiling for a moment while Henchman turned around. It seemed this news really affected them. 
“How?” Villain once again looked Hero in the eyes. They didn’t even try to hide the anger now. 
I can’t remember everything. I know I was thrown into our coffee table. Spouse hit me in the face, Hero paused and let them read while gesturing to their jaw. 
Villain nodded for them to continue. 
They’ve never tried to choke me before… Hero couldn’t seem to finish that one. 
“I understand,” Villain said. “Anything else?” 
Hero thought for a moment and then shook their head. That had been the most of it. The violence itself had only lasted a couple minutes, but it had been the most painful couple minutes of their life. Not only physically, but emotionally. They had never felt so betrayed. 
“Are you going to leave them?” Henchman asked. Hero looked at them and noticed fear in their eyes. Henchman was very concerned with Hero’s answer. Villain made a gesture at Henchman, but they were undeterred. 
“Are you going to leave them?” Henchman repeated. 
Hero uncapped the marker again. 
I want to. 
“But you feel you can’t,” Villain finished the sentence for Hero. 
Hero nodded. 
It never ends well. I know I need to, but they hold all the cards. Hero shrugged sadly. 
“Who cares?” Henchman said angrily. “So they have your money or whatever? That’s not worth you!”
Hero was touched by the sentiment, but felt the need to explain. 
It’s not only that. They’re more powerful than me. More powerful than anyone really. I shouldn’t even be here. The last time someone tried to help…it was bad.
Villain felt their blood freeze, “What do you mean more powerful?” 
It was hard to think of anyone more powerful than Hero. Except themselves of course. 
“Who tried to help?” Henchman asked at the same time. 
Hero grimaced, 
Do you remember Other Hero?
“Oh god,” Henchman whispered. 
“Your Spouse did that?” Villain asked, shocked. 
Hero nodded. 
I don’t know what they will do to anyone else, or the city itself if I’m not there. I hate it, but it’s the only way I know to protect everyone. 
They looked at Hero to continue.
I knew it was bad not long after our second anniversary, but by then Spouse was too dangerous. They need to be in jail, not only for me, but for everyone else they’ve hurt. I just don’t know anyone who can take them. 
Villain made a noise, but Hero raised a hand to silence them while they wrote more. 
In a way this is my ultimate sacrifice to protect my city.
“Hero,” Villain breathed. 
Henchman looked like they had tears in their eyes, “Hero, I’m going to hug you now if that’s alright.” 
Hero looked at Henchman quizzically, but nodded. 
Henchman wrapped their arms around Hero carefully and squeezed with a force that was both powerful, yet calming. 
“You really are the best the city’s ever seen,” Henchman spoke against Hero’s hair. “All this time you’ve been living in hell and it was to protect all of us.” 
Hero released more tears. They patted Henchman awkwardly on the back. 
“They’ve always been a hugger,” Villain chuckled as they watched the scene. “If you can’t tell, Henchman has been a fan of yours for a while.”
Henchman released them with an undignified HEY at Villain. Villain shrugged and turned their attention back to Hero. 
“Hero, I don’t care what danger it might put us in. I knew this was going to be messy the moment I saw you on the roof. Anyone who can take you on is going to be a threat. I knew that and helped you anyway.” 
Hero nodded at Villain’s words. 
“But what I need to know now is who Spouse really is. I don’t think I’m far off in thinking that they’re a part of the hero agency?” 
Hero nodded, there was hesitation in their eyes.
“And they’re more powerful than the other heroes.” 
Hero looked down, but nodded again. 
“And you two went to the academy at the same time didn’t you?” 
Hero winced and nodded. 
“And came to the city at the same time.” 
Hero closed their eyes and nodded. 
“Villain, what are you getting at?” Henchman asked slowly. In their voice Hero could tell they were on the same train of thought, but didn’t want to believe it. 
“Hero,” Villain waited for Hero ‘s red rimmed eyes to look up and meet their gaze. “You’re married to Superhero aren't you?” 
Hero nodded. 
“Shit.” Henchman said. 
Hero nodded their agreement. 
There was silence while everyone processed the news, Villain and Henchman the knowledge and Hero for sharing it. Finally Villain broke it. 
“Well,” they clapped their hands together, “Here’s what we’re going to do. Tonight we do nothing.”
“Hero, tonight I want you to focus on yourself. I know you want to look at your phone, but maybe hold off until tomorrow morning, yeah?” Hero made to protest, but Villain continued. 
“Look at it like this. You said this is how you protect the city. Now I don’t doubt that, especially knowing who Spouse is; but I want you to picture it like you're on a sinking ship. Lots of people need saving, but you can’t exactly help them into the lifeboats if you yourself are still in the water.” 
Hero wrinkled their eyebrows. 
“You’ve got to climb into the lifeboat first before you can pull anyone else in.” 
Hero was taken aback. That was…that was…really good advice. 
Villain smiled, “So for tonight, leave the phone and get some rest. We can make a plan tomorrow about what to do. You’re no longer in this alone. I don’t want someone like Spouse protecting my city.” 
“You’re not alone in this anymore,” Villain reiterated. 
Hero couldn’t help the smile on their lips or the hope in their chest. They weren’t alone in this. Perhaps this time, Superhero really could be caught. Hero could stop pretending. They suddenly felt so tired.
Seeing this, Henchman helped Hero lay down and placed the thin, long ice pack on their bruised neck.  
“I’ll stay here a while, there’s an all night Friends marathon on right now,” Henchman nodded to the TV on the wall, “I always fall asleep during that show.” 
Hero knew Henchman just wanted to keep an eye on them in case their throat swelled anymore, but they appreciated the company. It had been a while since they had people around them that knew everything and still wanted to be with them. They nodded. 
“Great,” Henchman walked over to the television to get it started. Villain followed them. 
“Once they fall asleep initiate plan orange,” Villain whispered so Hero wouldn’t hear. Henchman kept flipping through channels, but Villain saw their eyes harden a moment. 
“Are you sure?” They whispered back. 
Villain nodded as they looked at the channel guide.“Yes. Tell Supervillain we have a mutual enemy,” Villain glanced back at Hero, “And the key to defeat them. Once and for all.”
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fatuismooches · 7 months
Everyone talks about Pantalone practically becoming a sugar daddy when he dates someone, but I'm thinking. Pondering. Perhaps even scheming.
Miser Pantalone, who hates spending any of his obscene wealth. He's greedy, he hoards his wealth, and he's more than willing to use his power and status to get high-quality items for lower than market value.
This allows him to keep his wealth and also fends off anyone who may be trying to use him for said wealth. Anyone he dates is very disappointed when they realize just how cheap he can be, and a lot of the time, they end up leaving him over it. He doesn't mind, though. One less thief he has to worry about.
But then you come along. You don't seem to mind that he hates paying full price. In fact, you praise his bartering skills and financial consciousness! He's just being smart with his money. That's a good thing!
He's thrown for a fuckin' loop. In his time as a Harbinger, hell, in his time of simply being rich, he's never found someone who truly doesn't mind his penny-pinching (mora-pinching?) habits. As he's sure as hell, never had someone praise him for it!
If you find a gift that's a little bit expensive on your bed the next day, think nothing of it.
OH MY GOSH IM EATING THIS UP... 😭 No because i could totally see this happening, a possible explanation being that he's scared of losing it all and returning to the same powerless poor boy who couldn't do anything, so he clings to his wealth so that doesn't happen. The other Harbingers despise that he's in charge of the funding because he gives them just the exact amount needed to get by in his eyes. There's no wiggle room. Nothing more, nothing less, they have to be extremely smart with their money otherwise they want to end up asking for more, causing them to be in debt to Pantalone... which you should never, ever do. Most people are surprised when they learn of how he handles his money... shouldn't he be more generous, since a few million Mora could hardly make a dent in his numerous bank accounts..? But nope, those people don't bother him. He is a Harbinger after all! Harbingers aren't nice people.
Now, he's used to going on fancy outings and all, it comes with being one as popular with the social circle as he is. But he considers it a waste of time, as it always ends up with the same ending - the other person(s) being disappointed over his unwillingness to spend, much less splurge on them... and really, he expects you to be no different. But... you aren't. Rather, you thank him for his time, how it was so worth it to talk to one such successful as himself. You seem interested in his Mora, but not in the manner of him spending it on you, but rather his habits, his management, etc. You're so interested in his Mora-pinching habits, complimenting about how smart he is saving money like that, and he's just... yeah. Shocked. He hopes you didn't catch the split second of surprise on his face before he schooled it back into a composed smile. One thing is for sure, he's interested in meeting you again... ;) He's intrigued as to your perspective now... what could possibly have caused you to have such a different response from the others?
After a long time, I think it would be a bit jarring for you to see him slowly go from nothing to spoiling you like there's no tomorrow. You're really confused and maybe a bit scared because he's not like this at all?? You try to return the gifts and urge him to get his money back, but nope, he practically shoves them right back to you all with a smile, because they're all yours now (along with his heart, this part you have yet to know about though.)
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sweetismyaddiction · 1 month
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Fic masterlist | Masterlist
Paring: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Visiting his mother that likes you dearly, to Spencer’s happiness, taking care of each other makes butterflies go all over the place. Asking for advice for friends. (They live in the same building, in the same corridor, just in front of one another… which helps the friendship but couldn't stop Dr. Reid from falling in love)
Word account: 1905
Warnings: Fluff, friends to lovers, anxiety, possessiveness?, pain, menstruation, innocent kisses?, talks abour orgasm...
A/N: English is not my first language. Reblog, like and comment. I am accepting suggestions for next parts. Please be nice. The Gif is not mine. Credits to the oner 
Chapter 3: Narcotics, care and family
Spencer's Point of View
She figured out my narcotic problem.
She didn’t ask a single thing, she respected and is supportive. I love how she takes care of me. I remember when she put the pisces together, I was in pain and was so rude to her, I wonder if someday I will deserve her.
I was having a bad day, a bad week, and treated my friend in a way she didn’t deserved.
“I am sorry, I am really sorry”
She kept looking at me, in her door. I felt gray again, I felt worse than I was feeling.
“You never told me your name.”
“What?” Confusion was spread across my face.
“You never told me your name Sugarpout. We talk for months, but we have never said our names, we bonded, became friends and never had asked for names.”
She was right, now that she said it… I think about her constantly, I know so many things about her as she knows about me, and we never asked, it never even crossed my mind, it was so easy to be around her, I craved the company so much that I never remembered this little detail, such an important detail.
“My name is Spencer, Reid. Spencer Reid. What is your name?”
In this instant I had major head and back pain, thanks to the last unsub. At least we got him.
“Hey Sugarpout, I did a lot of research, and you basically can't take any painkillers meds. But luck you, I have a few tricks, and I’m gonna take care of you.”
Say the girl owner of my soul, invading my home, isn't she satisfied with invading my dreams and thoughts?
“Would you prefer to lay on the couch or in your bed?”
“Couch” I will have so many problems controlling my imagination and body responses if we get to my bedroom now.
“Leave your head like… this”
She adjusts me, and starts rubbing my forehead with some oil. I love her touch. I closed my eyes, starting to relax and feel better with the delicate massage she was giving, so caring, so… everytime was harder not loving her the way I do love. The selfish way I love. Wanting her all for myself.
Y/N’s Point of View
“May I open a little of your shirt?”
He silently agrees, my hands slowly travel off his forehead, the sides of his face, his neck… starting to open a few buttons so I can reach and massage his shoulders more properly. My fingers do their magic putting pressure on his skin, feeling the tension slipping away second by second, every time my skin runs his skink, more comfortable is set between us.
“Feeling better?”
“You always make me feel better.”
“You should rest a little, I can keep you company if you want.”
“I would love you staying here with me.”
And so I did, I stayed for the whole day. Light music, reading, healthy snacks and lots of water, just enjoying our time together.
“I am going to see my mom this weekend.” He pauses, pressing his lips in a flat line raising his eyebrows a little looking at me as if considering his idea. “I… you know… my mom… would you… do you want to… go with me?”
“To see your mom?”
“Yeah. I mean, you don’t have to. I know she… well…” He laughs without humor. “It wouldn't be your first time seeing her, but I know…”
“Sugarpout, I would love to go with you, I want to go. I like your mother.”
He relaxes, and looks at me, in a way I don’t know how to describe, I just know that it makes me feel good, better, makes my skin light up and the butterflies alive in my whole body.
Spencer’s Point of View
Adoration, love… There are not enough words to describe my feelings for her, for Y/n, my Sugar, as I am her Sugarpout.
She made a few things to eat, and she called the doctor in the clinic to know if it was ok and what she could or couldn't make. So now we have a lot of cookies, cupcakes, cakes and brownies. She made sure to have enough for everyone in the clinic, and a side a special treat to my mom, in a special box.
“Hey mom”
“Ah, Spencer”
“Hi Mistress Reid. It's good to see you again, we bring a little something for you.”
“A present?”
“Yes, a special present for you Mistress Reid”
My mother's face lights up a little when opening the box. That is my Sugar, always bringing light to every place she goes… Maybe someday she will be truly mine.
“Oh, dear, you didn't have to…”
“It was a pleasure, as you can see, I put phrases from a few of your favorite books, so you can read and devour the words.”
“That is very thoughtful of you. Thank you.”
They got to talk, a lot of talking, my mother even showed my baby pictures, to my embarrassment. But I couldn't feel that bad when they smiled so happily, the womens of my life.
“You are a very wise women”
Sugar compliments my mother, she is always so gentle and true. She is called by one of the doctors and excuses herself.
“I see the way you look at her. She is a good girl.”
“She is.”
“You should put a ring on her, a rare creature like her… is meant to be taken care of, I can see she cares about you.”
“We are friends, mom.”
“A mother knows Spencer. A mother always knows”
“Hey Sugarpout, sorry about that, the doctor just wanted to be sure about the ingredients. We don't want anyone having allergic reactions. Care to keep teaching me Mistress Reid?”
“I would love.”
“Once a professor always a professor.”
She pays attention to everything we say, to the whole conversation, until it is time for us to go.
Y/N’s Point of View
The every month torture that people blessed with uterus go trough.
I don’t have the will to move, everything hurts, I am tired all the time and soon there will come the blood. I am thinking about calling in sick, or just losing the day… but I do need the money. Oh God, why wasn't I born a billionaire?
A knock at my door and a voice take me out of my sad thoughts.
“Sugar? Are you okay? Haven't heard of you yet today, I am starting to get worried”
“No, nothing is ok” I make a crying voice, to add more drama.
“May I come in?”
“Yes, use your key, I don't want to move”
Spencer cautiously entered my place, looking around, the view was terrible. I am swollen, feeling tired, dark circles under my eyes, some pimples… and even worse, I am in pain.
“What is wrong Sugar?”
“I am awful and everything hurts.”
Spencer comes closer and hugs me, the warmth of his hand is in the exact place, making the terrible pain more supportable.
“Oh, don't you dare move your hand. It is the perfect spot.”
“As my Sugar wish. Now. Can you tell why everything hurts? What is the problem?”
“The problem is that seems like the Devil is using needle high heels, knife needle high heels, made a fireplace and is dancing around my uterus.”
“So… cramps?”
“You say it like that because you ain't the one feeling it.”
“Oh, no Sugar. I am sure this is really horrible.”
He places his warm lips on my forehead in a tender kiss.
“There is anything I can do to make you feel better?”
“Just keep your hands in place. It is good.”
“Orgasm. It can help with the pain. When you orgasm, your body releases chemicals like oxytocin and dopamine that act as painkillers.”
“Are you saying that next time you are in pain I should give you an orgasm?”
I laugh a little about his comment, poor Doctor Reid, someday I may kill him out of embarrassment.
“It is ok Sugarpout. I am just not in the mood for any sex activity. I am swollen and ugly.:
“You are as beautiful as ever. You are always beautiful”
“Thank you Sugarpout, you are always so gentle.”
We stay a moment in silence, just in each other's arms, but he has to break this moment even if neither of us want to. 
“Are we not going to work today?”
“We are going to work today.”
“Good, cause I kinda just passed by to see how you were doing. I got to go to the office. But, if you want, I can call back and see if I can take the day off…”
“No, no Spencer, you should go to work.”
“I really don't mind staying if you want me too.”
“I will be fine. Go make the others life more sweet Sugarpout”
I feel him relaxing against me, and stopping holding me really slowly.
“Do not worry, you are going to have a lot of time to take care of me. It can last fifteen days, ten days, a week… my cramps ain't regular. In the end it will be all fine.”
“Hope you get better as soon as possible.”
“Good work Sugarpout”
And then, he really has to go.
Spencer’s Point of View
I am trying to concentrate on the job, but my mind always comes back to my Sugar, I know she said it will be fine, and she can be a little dramatic sometimes, but it does not change my concern.
“Ahn… hey Emily, what do you usually do to alleviate your period cramps?”
I did a lot of research about the subject, everything I could find, but with experience I learned that just reading isn't enough and every human experiences stuff in different ways.
“What? Where did it come from?”
“What am I losing?”
Emily is uncertain about answering Morgan, why he always shows… well he did grow up with sisters.
“I was asking Emily, how could someone alleviate period cramps.”
“Is this about the door girl?”
“What girl?”
“Sweet girl, that lives right across Pretty Boy and has his keys.”
“You’re kidding me!”
“Ask him.”
“Well, Spencer?”
“Yes, she is my neighbor, she is a really nice girl, and she has an extra key to my apartment.”
“If she is just a neighbor, why the cramps questions?”
“She is also a friend.”
“A very dear friend.”
“You should invite her to go out with us. I will love to know the girl occupying the Doctor Reid thoughts”
“Are you going to answer my question or just amuse yourselves with the new information?”
“Ok, I may have a few tips, but you will need to see what works for her, it isn't always the same.”
“And I can give you a few tips on how to survive this period, cause women can be savage, and I ain't talking savage in a nice way.”
Prentiss reprimanded Derek with a look and a little hit in his head.
I paid very close attention to what they had to say, so I was more prepared when I came back home, and being able to take care of Sugar, my Sugar. Doing my best to make her the more comfortable as possible, and the smile bright in her face was the best part of my whole day.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Fic masterlist | Masterlist
Tag List: @mikitsuki
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iam-stargirl · 2 months
What I have manifested 🩷
My first post will be about some of the stuff I have manifested. I won’t write every single thing because I don’t remember it all, both “big” or “small”. And I will write a little backstory for them as well for anyone that's curious :)
My first job: I had zero experience and I was told during my interview that it was very unlikely for me to get the job and that they had other people wanting the job as well that were better qualified for the job because they had experience. I didn't waver and just said "okay" with a smile. A couple of weeks later he calls me and says I got the job.
Clear skin: for many years I had acne and pimples which made me very insecure. I tried many different skin care products that had worked wonderfully for many others, but when I used them they didn't work for me. I then affirmed that I had clear skin. After a while I found this product and just had a feeling that I should try it out. Surprise, surprise it worked! My mom was in shock at how much clearer my skin was and how fast it happened, and so was I.
My computer: I had wanted a new computer for a long time as my previous one was really old and I wanted to make an investment in a good one. I listened to a subliminal about manifesting what you want from your Pinterest board by "i want it, i got it" subliminal channel. I made a Pinterest board with the computer I wanted and affirmed “I love my new computer” while listening to it once. I went out shopping with my mom the same day and saw they lowered the price for the computer I wanted. I was so happy but then I thought about how much money I had. It was enough, but if I bought it, I wouldn’t have much left at all, almost nothing. But then I checked my bank account and i had way more money than the day before and I was like ??? I decided to buy it. 
Getting rid of pain: I started getting pain in my hand and it kept getting worse during the day. Later that same day (evening I think?) I could barely move any part of my hand including my fingers. And it was my dominant hand so it was difficult. Just the slightest movement and it would hurt so much. I didn’t know what to do. I tried different things that should’ve helped, but nothing. I then decided to command my subconscious to get rid of the pain because it was getting unbearable and felt like it would either stay like that or get worse. A couple hours later I noticed the pain had lessened but it was still there. Ngl this made me doubt if I could even manifest it away completely. But then I decided to affirm that the pain was completely gone. I kept affirming and affirming even though the 3d showed me the opposite. Eventually i just “went on with my life” and didn’t focus on the pain. The next morning it was GONE. 
Figuring out my gender: One day I would think I was a cis woman. Couple of days later I thought I was a trans man. Then genderfluid then ... It just went in circles for so long. I was so confused and my mental health was bad. It was a very long, sad and exhausting journey and it would be too long to write. And other things in my life were not how I wanted them to be either so I felt horrible in general. But then I read divineangelbee’s tumblr post about commanding the subconscious mind. I was done with all this confusion so I decided to give it a try. I commanded my subconscious to show me in my dream what gender I am.. Next day I woke up and remembered a dream I had. I saw the flags and i just knew that was the answer I had been looking for so long. I finally knew who I was and found peace.
My mom getting an apartment: She was unhappy with the apartment we lived in and wanted to move but she didn’t believe it would be possible. I affirmed even with “bad” circumstances popping up. I affirmed even when my mom was worried because of the why and the how and the money… Time goes by and then she tells me she’s been chosen for one of the many apartments she’d been looking at. She was so happy and we moved soon after!
I hope you enjoyed this!
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ronancexists · 3 months
Chaggie/Starmoth Week of Firsts
These will also be posted on my AO3 account which is the same as my Tumblr username, ronancexists :) Day 3: First Fight
Vaggie couldn’t believe that she and Charlie had been dating for close to three months now. It was more than she could have ever dreamed of happening between the two of them, especially considering how they’d met.
When Charlie had asked her out on that first date, she’d been over the moon. The evening had been splendid, with Charlie’s constant compliments, Charlie asking her on a second date, and Charlie asking her to be her partner in running the Happy Hotel.
She couldn’t have been more ecstatic about the idea. She cared deeply for Charlie, and whatever she could do to make Charlie happy, she would.
What she hadn’t expected, however, was just how into this project Charlie was. She’s known from the moment she met Charlie just how passionate and dedicated she was, something Vaggie deeply admired about her, but she hadn’t realized how much of her time it would take up.
And by how much, she meant all of it.
It hadn’t bothered her much at first. Charlie would eagerly chat Vaggie’s ear off about some new idea she’d had for the Hotel, and Vaggie would listen eagerly, scribbling all of Charlie’s thoughts down on a notepad, making a few minor adjustments here and there.
She didn’t think it would become a problem until that was all Charlie was able to talk about.
Vaggie asked her what she wanted for dinner that night? Charlie thought of ways to make dinner a group bonding thing at the hotel.
Vaggie asked her how she’d slept? Charlie hadn’t because she’d been readjusting the plans for the layout of the hotel.
Vaggie asked her about her plans for the day? Charlie wanted to workshop all of her current ideas for the hotel along with new ones that had been popping into her head.
Vaggie asked her if she was able to talk because she’d gone out to town and had a run in with her alcoholic piece of shit father and absentee mother? Charlie wasn’t able to because there was advertising that needed to be done for the hotel.
Vaggie asked her to spend even a modicum of time with her because she missed her girlfriend? Charlie couldn’t right now because she had paperwork to do concerning the legalities of the hotel, but maybe they could do something later.
Except that later never came, because all Charlie could think about was the hotel.
She did her best to not be affected by any of it, she really did, but dammit she missed her girlfriend and wanted to spend time with her and not have anything hotel-related involved.
However, Vaggie couldn’t work up the courage to bring up any of this to Charlie, because she didn’t want Charlie to feel as though she didn’t support her or her dream.
So she kept her mouth shut about all of it, despite how much it pained her to do so.
Charlie was frustrated.
And the worst part?
She didn’t want to be frustrated.
But she was.
With Vaggie.
Her wonderful, strong, caring, protective, fierce girlfriend, who she adored more than anything in the world.
She hated that she was frustrated with her, and she hated that she hated that she was frustrated with her. Because she deserved to be frustrated with her, but she didn’t want to be frustrated with her.
“Now I’m just confusing myself,” Charlie mumbled as she paced her room, tail swishing around agitatedly behind her as she stewed in her thoughts.
“Baa?” Razzle questioned, sitting on his haunches beside his brother, who directed a look of concern toward Charlie.
“It’s just, we’ve been together for almost three months now, we’ve known each other longer than that, but I still don’t really know her! She doesn’t talk to me about her past, and I try not to ask about it because I don’t want to make her uncomfortable, but I care about her and I want to know more about her, and that includes her past! Does she think I won’t want to be with her if she tells me about her life? Because she should know that nothing she could say would ever make me want to leave her, but I don’t know how to tell her that without her thinking I’m trying to come up with some scheme to trick her into opening up to me! Ughhh, when in Hell did dating become so complicated?!” Charlie exclaimed, flopping forward onto her bed and letting out a scream into her mountain of pillows.
She thought back to when she first found Vaggie, about how scared and uncertain she was when she approached her. About how cautious Vaggie was when conversing with her until she began to feel comfortable around her. About how it took a while for her to calm Vaggie whenever she had a nightmare. About how Vaggie started trusting her once she had proved she wasn’t out to hurt her. About how nice it felt when Vaggie became her friend, and even more so when Vaggie became her girlfriend.
But, she supposed it had taken a decent amount of time in each one of those instances. Perhaps Vaggie just needed some more time before she started talking to Charlie about her time on Earth.
Charlie hummed in thought, flopping over onto her back, absentmindedly stroking Razzle and Dazzle’s heads as she contemplated the idea.
“I don’t want to force her to talk to me, but I don’t want her to think she can’t talk to me if she wants to.”
“Baa?” Dazzle asked, head resting on Charlie’s stomach as he looked at her curiously.
“Baa. Baa baa,” Razzle responded, rolling his eyes at his brother.
“Baa!” Dazzle protested, sticking his tongue out at Razzle.
She chuckled. “Boys, play nice.”
They huffed out breaths of annoyance, but nonetheless ceased their arguing. For the time being, at least.
Charlie nodded to herself as she came to a decision.
She’d give Vaggie another week, and if she didn’t broach the subject, Charlie would.
It didn’t take Vaggie long to notice Charlie was acting weirder than normal. At first, she’d thought nothing of it, but as the week progressed and Charlie continued acting that way, concern started to fester.
“Hun, is everything alright?” she’d asked once it had reached a week, tilting her head as Charlie burst into nervous giggles.
The two of them were seated on the couch for one of their regular movie nights, bundled underneath a plethora of blankets and decked out in their coziest pajamas.
“Wha—yeah, everything’s great! Why wouldn’t it be?! It’s not like anything is bothering me or anything! Nope, everything is perfectly normal! Totally and completely normal!”
Charlie wanted to facepalm at how obvious she was being. Clearly, Vaggie had caught onto her slightly abnormal behavior, and now, like the amazing girlfriend she was, was checking on her because she was worried. She bit her lip, sighing as Vaggie placed her hand on her face, thumb stroking her cheek. She melted into the touch, meeting Vaggie’s concerned gaze with a hesitant smile.
“You know you can tell me anything,” Vaggie reminded her, knowing that sometimes Charlie got into her own head about what she could and couldn’t talk to Vaggie about.
Charlie frowned, pulling away from Vaggie’s touch, ignoring her shocked look as the frustration that had been seated inside of her finally reared its ugly head. “Yeah, I know that, but do you?”
“Charlie, what are you talking about?
Charlie shook her head. “No, don’t talk to me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like I’m someone who needs to be sheltered! Like the truth needs to be hidden from me! Like I don’t know that there are terrible things out there!”
Vaggie was taken aback, lips parted in surprise as she tried to think of a response. “I-I’m sorry, I never meant to make you feel like that.”
Charlie groaned, rising to her feet, needing to move around with all of this energy buzzing inside of her. “No!”
“No, don’t apologize! I don’t need you to apologize! I need you to talk to me!”
Vaggie frowned, clambering to her feet as she watched Charlie pace. “I do talk to you.”
“No, you don’t. The entire time I’ve known you, you’ve never once talked to me about your past. I’ve tried not to ask questions because I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but I also really want to know about you! Except you never talk to me! Never once have you ever told me anything about your time on Earth!”
“Because my time on Earth doesn’t matter!” Vaggie shouted back, getting fed up with the way Charlie was throwing all the blame at her. She wasn’t being entirely truthful, but she didn’t want Charlie to figure out what the actual problem was. So, she played along with what Charlie thought the issue was. “Nothing in my past matters! What matters is that I’m here, and I’m with you!”
“But it matters to me! I want to get to know you, but I can’t do that because you won’t tell me anything about yourself!”
“Yes, I do! You know everything there is to know about me, Charlie. You know about everything that matters!”
“It doesn’t feel like it! It feels like you’re trying to hide something from me, like you think I won’t accept you. But I do, and nothing you could say to me, and I mean nothing, could ever change that.”
“I’m not hiding anything from you!”
“Then why won’t you talk to me?!”
“Because I don’t see any reason to!”
Charlie crossed her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes at her girlfriend. “So, what, because you don’t want to talk to me about your past, that’s it? End of discussion?”
Vaggie groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose as she exhaled sharply. “If you wanted to know about my past so badly, why didn’t you ever ask me?! You talk about how I don’t open up to you, but did you ever think that maybe it’s because you don’t make me feel like I can?! All you ever want to talk about is the Hotel, and whenever I try to talk about literally anything else, you find some way to bring it back to the Hotel! I’ve tried to talk to you, Charlotte, but you don’t fucking listen to me when I do!”
Charlie froze, both at the use of her full name and from the accusations thrown her way from Vaggie. “Vaggie—I’m—I didn’t realize—”
Vaggie scoffed, turning away from Charlie. “Of course you didn’t,” she muttered, wincing as soon as the words escaped her mouth.
Charlie flinched at the barb, a million thoughts racing through her head as she tried to figure out a way to rectify the situation.
“I’m going to my room. Don’t follow me,” Vaggie said firmly, angrily brushing past Charlie to reach the hall.
“Shit,” Charlie murmured as a door slamming shut echoed through the house, burying her face in her hands as she dropped back down onto the couch. “Shit,” she repeated, thinking over the past couple of months and realizing that Vaggie was right.
Ever since her girlfriend had agreed to be her partner for the Hotel, she’d talked about nothing but that particular subject. There were a ton of similar instances, but one in particular made Charlie wonder how she could’ve been so fucking oblivious.
Charlie was in her office, situated a couple of doors down from her bedroom, looking over the many different files she’d been sent by the graphic designer she’d hired to make advertisements for the hotel. She had looked at three of them so far, and still had plenty more to go. She was so laser-focused on her task that she hadn’t even realized Vaggie had entered the office until she had cleared her throat. “Vaggie, hey! I thought you were going out into the city,” she said, briefly looking up from her computer screen to make eye contact with her girlfriend before they dove right back to the screen, completely missing the fact that Vaggie was currently fighting back tears and was fiddling with her gloves, something she only did when something had really and truly upset her.
“I, uhh, I just got back.”
“How was it?” Charlie asked, shaking her head and frowning as she bypassed the advertisement she had been looking at, scribbling down a note to tell them she didn’t like that specific kind of design.
“It, well, umm, I kind of ran into my parents,” Vaggie said in a quiet tone. “I was actually wondering if you maybe had a minute? To talk? ‘Cause I really need to. Talk to you, I mean.”
Charlie sighed. “Sorry Vaggie. I wish I could, but the graphic designer just got back to me. I need to get through these advertisements for the hotel before tomorrow night. Could this wait until then?”
Vaggie blinked back her tears, sucking in a breath as her fidgeting increased. “Umm, you know what, it’s fine. I don’t want to disturb you or anything,” she responded dejectedly, swallowing past the lump in her throat.
“You sure?” Charlie asked, never even looking up at Vaggie. Instead, her eyes narrowed at the computer, as though it had personally offended her.
“I’m sure. I’ll see you later, Charlie. Try not to work too hard,” Vaggie said, exiting the office and shutting the door before she could hear Charlie’s reply.
“Fuuuuuuuck, I’m a horrible person. And an even worse partner!” Charlie whined, unable to comprehend just how she could be so focused on work she couldn’t even recognize that her girlfriend needed her. Instead, she ignored the fact that Vaggie had run into her parents (which, like, how the fuck?!) and had come to her, seeking her support, and Charlie brushed her off in favor of advertisements for a hotel that she didn’t even have an actual hotel for yet. “I’m such an idiot.”
Things were tense between them for the next couple of days, especially considering this was the first real fight they’d ever had. There had been plenty of playful arguments between them, like who got to choose the movie that night or where they should go to dinner, but never anything serious. This was the first time either of them had blown up at one another and become truly upset at the other.
It was killing both of them, but they didn’t want to admit it. At least, Vaggie didn’t. If Charlie wasn’t going to listen to her, then she didn’t see the point in interacting with the blonde.
She was hellbent on ignoring her, but Charlie was hellbent on doing whatever she could to make it up to Vaggie.
She’d tried apology letters, chocolates, flowers, stuffed animals, cards, drawings, her favorite snacks, heck, she even tried sending Razzle and Dazzle, but all of it remained outside of her girlfriend’s(?) door, completely untouched.
Charlie sighed, leaning her forehead against the door as she softly knocked on the door. “Vaggie, it’s me. Again. I know you’re mad at me and upset with me and probably a million other things, and you have every right to be. But I’m not giving up on you. I’m not giving up on us. I’ll apologize everyday if I have to, but please, please, talk to me. I miss you, and I promise to never let the hotel come in front of you again. You’re so much more important to me than some silly little hotel anyways. I don’t need it as much as I need y—”
She yelped in surprise as she fell forward, tripping over her feet as she hastily righted herself, looking at Vaggie and frowning at how out of sorts her girlfriend appeared to be.
“It’s not silly,” Vaggie said quietly, arms crossed over her chest as she studiously avoided Charlie’s gaze.
Charlie cracked a small smile. Despite how upset Vaggie was with her, she was still supporting her dream, and that little fact made her heart warm with adoration for the woman in front of her. “Can I come in?”
Vaggie nodded after a few seconds, stepping aside and allowing Charlie space to enter the room before she shut the door with an audible ‘click’. She made her way over to her bed, arms still crossed over her chest as her head turned in the opposite direction of Charlie. She felt the mattress dip as Charlie sat down, and an awkward silence filled the air between them.
“I’m sorry,” Charlie blurted out when the silence became more than she could bear. “I’m sorry I blew up at you, I’m sorry I put the hotel in front of you, I’m sorry I made you feel like you couldn’t talk to me, I’m sorry for ignoring you when you needed me, I’m just, I’m so so soooooooo sorry. For all of it.”
“Thank you,” Vaggie said, hesitantly looking over at Charlie. “I’m sorry, too.”
“For what?” Charlie asked, tilting her head in confusion.
“For not being honest with you. I should have told you how I felt instead of letting it grow into a bigger problem. I was just scared. I didn’t want you to think that I didn’t support you.”
“Oh, Vaggie,” Charlie said softly, scooching closer to Vaggie until she could take her hand in her own, squeezing it as she maintained eye contact with her girlfriend. “I could never think such a thing. Not when you’re the only one who’s been by my side, through all of the ups and downs. I couldn’t ask for a better partner, for me or for the hotel.”
Vaggie dove forward, wrapping her arms around Charlie, tightly, as she buried her face in the crook of Charlie’s neck and inhaled deeply, that familiar apple scent making her realize just how much she missed Charlie, making her feel like she was finally home.
Charlie instantly returned Vaggie’s embrace, forehead resting against Vaggie’s collarbone as she sagged against her, relief sweeping through her as she finally got to have Vaggie in her arms again.
The two of them remained intertwined with each other for a while longer, only pulling away when they heard Razzle and Dazzle at the doorway. They exchanged looks with one another and burst into giggles as the two goat demons frantically fled the scene, as if hoping they hadn’t been caught.
“Gosh, I’ve missed hearing that laugh,” Charlie said, loving finding the instant blush that rose to Vaggie’s cheeks absolutely adorable. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too.”
“Can we please promise to never ever fight again? That was awful!
Vaggie chuckled, poking at Charlie until she laid down, burying herself in Charlie’s arms and resting her head atop Charlie’s shoulder, sighing in content as her girlfriend’s warmth and apple scent surrounded her once again.
“I don’t think we can make that promise, babe. Every couple fights, it’s a completely normal thing,” Vaggie explained, intertwining her fingers with Charlie’s and resting them on the blonde’s stomach, thumb automatically stroking Charlie’s hand.
Charlie pouted. “Well, can we at least promise to try our best not to hide our feelings from each other anymore?”
Vaggie thought about the offer for a moment. “I suppose we could.”
“Ok then. I, Charlie, promise to try to be as honest as possible when it comes to my feelings regarding my relationship with my protective girlfriend, Vaggie.”
“You’re such a goof,” Vaggie snorted, shrieking with laughter as Charlie started tickling her. “Ok, ok! I, Vaggie, promise to try to be as honest as possible when it comes to my feelings regarding my relationship with my adorkable girlfriend, Charlie.”
“There, now was that so hard?” Charlie asked, amusement seeping into her tone.
“Yes, it was,” Vaggie deadpanned.
“Do you want me to tickle you again? Because I will.”
“No, thank you. I’d just like to cuddle with my girlfriend. I’ve missed her.”
“I’ve missed me too.”
Vaggie playfully slapped Charlie’s stomach, giggling at her offended expression.
“Sheesh, so demanding. I suppose she’s missed you too.”
Vaggie arched an eyebrow, then slowly but deliberately pointed to the pile of apology gifts sitting outside her bedroom door.
“Ok, alright, she’s definitely missed you and is very sorry she ignored you and promises she won’t ever do it again.”
“And if she does?”
“Then her girlfriend has her permission to slap her upside the head.”
“Those are the terms?”
“Indeed, they are.”
“Hmm, I suppose they’re acceptable enough.”
Charlie grinned, a much more pleasant silence falling between them. Though there was something that was bugging Charlie. “Vaggie?”
“Do you want to tell me about your parents now?”
Vaggie sighed, cuddling closer to Charlie, playing with her girlfriend’s fingers. “Are you sure?”
Charlie’s heart broke at how small and unsure Vaggie sounded. She tightened her hold on the woman, silently vowing to never neglect Vaggie like that ever again. “I’m sure.”
She felt more than saw Vaggie’s nod.
“I was planning on surprising you with a frappuccino from Hell’s Coffee Shop because you’d been hard at work all day and I wanted to do something nice for you. I was on my way there after I’d gotten some new clothes for myself when someone bumped into me. When I saw them, I froze. I didn’t know what to think or do or say, so I stood there and stared at them until I realized they were talking to me. My parents weren’t, well, they were assholes, to be completely honest. My mom was never home, and when she was she didn’t pay us any attention whatsoever. My dad was an abusive alcoholic. Anything we did, we did wrong, and each time we were beaten on until he got tired of it and went back to his chair in the living room, drinking until he passed out. I always did my best to shield my little brother from it all, so I usually ended up taking the brunt of the abuse.”
Vaggie felt Charlie’s chest rumble as she growled, horns popping out of her head and tail curling protectively around her. She smiled despite herself, bringing Charlie’s hand up to her mouth and kissing the back of it.
“I don’t know why my parents were together in the first place, considering I’d never seen either of them show even an ounce of affection towards one another, but they were. My mom didn’t recognize me, but my dad did, and he started spewing all this shit about how I deserved to be down here because I was abnormal for liking other girls instead of guys, that I was a disgrace, a waste of space, that I was worthless and stupid and that he wishes I’d never been born in the first place. It’s nothing I haven’t heard from him before, but I guess it’s been so long since I had that it hit me harder than it otherwise would have.”
Charlie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Sure, her dad was a bit absent from her life, but he’d always done his best, and he’d certainly never said anything like that to her. To hear that Vaggie was used to this kind of treatment only served to further break her heart, while also explaining so many things.
It explained why Vaggie would flinch whenever Charlie used her hands to tell a story, especially in the beginning. It explained why Vaggie was so shy and unsure of herself whenever Charlie complimented her. It explained why Vaggie was so protective of her when they were out together in public. It explained why Vaggie was able to hide her true emotions so well.
It was all because of the way she’d been raised. She’d been raised to believe when someone’s arms were raised, she’d get hurt. She’d been raised to believe she wasn’t worthy of compliments. She’d been raised in an environment where her first and only priority was to shield those she cared about. She’d been raised to keep her emotions tucked away unless she wanted to get into even deeper trouble.
Charlie hadn’t ever really understood hatred, but she certainly did now. She hated Vaggie’s parents. Loathed them. Despised them. Wanted to rip them to shreds again and again and again for hurting her beloved.
“They left pretty quickly after that, but not before my mom gave me one of those ‘I’m so disappointed in you’ looks while my dad just kept muttering insults towards me under his breath. I guess I blanked out, ‘cause the next thing I remember is walking to your office. And, well, you know the rest,” Vaggie said, tone softening so much by the last sentence Charlie could barely make out the words.
But she did, and it pained Charlie all over again to think she could have been such an oblivious idiot. Despite not knowing everything she wanted to know about Vaggie, she did know how to recognize what her partner was feeling. She’d gotten much more adept at that when she started becoming friends with Vaggie, and even more so when they started dating.
“I’m so so sooooooo sorry, Vaggie. I promise I won’t ignore you like that ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever mmph!”
Vaggie placed her hand over Charlie’s mouth, surprising her and effectively rendering her silent. “You don’t need to keep apologizing, querida. Ya te he perdonado.” [dear. I have already forgiven you]
“I don’t understand much of that, but based on your smile I’m guessing it’s a good thing?”
Vaggie chuckled, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to Charlie’s clothed sternum, where she could feel and hear her heart beating, the rate picking up as Vaggie placed her lips against her girlfriend. “Yes, hun, it’s a good thing.”
Charlie beamed, squishing Vaggie even tighter against her side. “You don’t have to elaborate if you don’t want to, but you mentioned something about siblings?”
“Hmm, yeah. I don’t really remember much about my older siblings, because they ditched as soon as they were old enough to, but my younger brother, well, he was my everything. I practically raised him, because both of our parents were shit asses who didn’t want to take care of another child. I changed all of his diapers, fed him every meal, soothed all of his tantrums. I potty trained him, taught him how to read and write and spell, took him to school and picked him up everyday. I hid him in our room whenever my dad would get angry, forbidding him to come out until I told him our little secret code. I came up with it after one of his favorite books, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. I’d say ‘If you’ll believe in me then I’ll believe in you. Is that a bargain?’ and he’d respond ‘Yes, if you like.’ He was such a smart kid, and one that was much kinder and gentler and sweeter than anyone deserved, including me. You remind me of him.”
“I do?”
Vaggie nodded. “When I was killed, he was only fourteen, and he was all I was thinking about when it happened. He didn’t deserve to be left alone with our parents, especially our dad. I can only hope that he got out and made a life for himself, and that he didn’t let what happened to me stop him from living his own life. He’d be well into his twenties by now. I wish I could check on him, even for a moment, to see how he’d turned out, to see if he was alright without me.”
Charlie leaned down to press a flurry of soft kisses to the top of Vaggie’s head, hand stroking up and down her back in what she hoped was a comforting motion. “I know you said not to, but I’m really-super-duper-completely-totally sorry I made you feel like you couldn’t talk to me about any of this.”
“You don’t have to keep apologizing, sweetie. All is forgiven.”
“Pinky promise?” Charlie asked, completely serious as she held her pinky out.
Vaggie rolled her eye fondly, but nonetheless wrapped her pinky around Charlie’s. “Pinky promise.”
“Good,” Charlie exhaled in relief, jaw creaking as she let out a huge and unexpected yawn.
Vaggie chuckled, proceeding to pull the covers out from under them, having to poke and prod at Charlie to get her to move so she could, and then pulled them over top of the two of them, knowing it wouldn’t take long for Charlie to fall asleep once she began yawning. Sure enough, within seconds, Vaggie felt Charlie’s grip on her beginning to lax. “Goodnight, Charlie.”
“Mmm, ‘night Vaggie,” she murmured sleepily, snuggling closer to her girlfriend.
The two of them fell asleep in each other’s embrace, content with the knowledge that as long as they had one another and communicated, they could get through anything that came their way.
Thank you for reading! And here's the AO3 link as well!
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yamameta-inc · 3 months
Why do we talk like that about Gintama?
So this is something I've already talked about a lot here and there, but I thought I would condense my thoughts on the topic in its own post.
We've joked a lot about math zeitgeist, but why in the world are we furiously mathposting about Gintama? Why did I write 28 pages of actual essay for it? Where does kraniumet get all those images from? (I've always wondered this.) Essentially, what's driving us to analyze these themes and motifs over and over again... and why can they be analyzed over and over again?
When I first wrote My Orochi Stood Up, I made it clear that this was an original framework made for the same purpose as all analytical frameworks and models: to enable me to gain certain key insights about the series, to account for all of its innumerable bits and pieces, and to arrange their relationships to one another in a cohesive, legible way. In short, as I wrote in my essay, it provides me with symbolic technology.
In the same vein, when I wrote my spontaneous math post, I said that so much of math is about things that don’t exist and yet become real, not just because they help you articulate something but because they help you arrive at a solution. This is the purpose of things like imaginary numbers--or negative numbers for that matter.
I know that we should never live life in accordance with the fake hater in our heads that we imagine saying stupid things to us so that we can respond to them in smart, cool ways. I'm sure Zura lives like that though, and we all think he's charming, so maybe we should reconsider this idea. What I mean to get at is that I've never once tried to claim that Sorachi literally intended any of what I describe in my ouroboros framework. I don't think he sat down one day and planned to make his motifs compatible with western alchemy, I don't think he had the creation myth of the island of Japan in mind, and I don't actually think he read Barthes.
But what's undeniable is that there is something so bizarrely consistent, coherent, and plentiful about Gintama's thematic flourishes--even though in many, many ways, Gintama is filled with bad, and worse, mediocre, writing. What sets Gintama apart from other series isn't the inherent quality of its writing (which has stark ups and downs). If you'll forgive the confusing and somewhat contradictory wording, what makes Gintama distinct isn't a quantitative difference (as in, more goodness), but a qualitative difference. What does this qualitative difference boil down to?
First is structure. This part we've gone over a lot, so I'll try to keep it brief (or novel?). Gintama is a series with basically just one favoured literary technique, and it uses it again. and again. and again. and again. and again. Parallels upon parallels upon parallels--and there are only a few key thematic ideas that Sorachi is interested in exploring. You can describe it as consistency, or, if you want to be uncharitable, repetitiveness. But it is, frankly, absurd the amount of parallels--or rather, the degree of parallelism--this series contains. What's interesting about it is its effects on how we engage with the story.
By making it obvious that this is a conscious and explicit writing decision (through various means, mainly dialogue), any characters with suitable parallelism to a prototypical character A are all connected to one other--let's call these the A-sided characters. This holds even if they're all a bit different from each other. Imagine all these A-sided characters spread out in line, like hostages tied to each track of a train track or the rungs on a ladder. They lose similarity with each rung, like loss of clarity in a game of telephone--let's call this "reflection lossiness." Even though characters in the top rung and the bottom rung may not have much in common, they may both be within "lossiness range" (<- I just made this up) of a character in a middle rung, and therefore able to communicate indirectly with one another.
Moreover, because the prototypical character A has a foil in prototypical character B, all A-sided characters are also connected not only to any individual foils they may have, but potentially to all other B-sided characters. Since it's easier to identify characters' thematic affiliations through their interactions and dynamics with other characters, the consistency of the A-B foil formula, when combined with the fact that animanga foils are generally made very obvious, helps us perceive these diagonal relationships. Thus, the reader can squint at the interactions of almost the entirety of Gintama's enormous cast with valid suspicion, with less difficulty than in other works with more complex structures. The series' sheer length also ensures that there is an abundance of material to comb through, so much so in fact that this careful inspection, through rereading again and again, becomes necessary.
For instance, the interactions between any given pair of characters may not seem directly relevant to our protagonist at first glance, but once you know the magic A | B schema, you may notice that that pair's interactions resonate with that of a different pair, one involving an A-sided character with less reflection lossiness from the top and who therefore reflects much more of what happens to them onto Gintoki. In this way, the original pair, who are probably just a couple of minor side characters who appear once in a weird arc and then never show up again, can make you go, "hey wait a minute. what if?"
What if?
Let's look at a concrete example. Housen and Utsuro don't seem to have much to do with each other at first glance. However, because we know that he parallels Kamui, and that Kamui | Kagura parallel Takasugi | Gintoki, who in turn can be mapped onto Utsuro | Shouyou, we can arrive at a Housen-Utsuro connection that wasn't previously obvious. What is the utility of this connection? For one, it sharpens our ability to articulate how the hole-sided flee from the things they fear and yearn for by adding Housen's infamous avoidance of the sun into the analysis. It also provides new ground for exploring potential ideas comparing, say, Kamui choosing to leave with the Harusame and walk in Housen's footsteps, with Oboro's resigned embrace of the Naraku and Utsuro. Additionally, since Housen was defeated in Hinowa's lap, this also helps us draw a Hinowa -> Kagura connection, which helps us arrive at a Hinowa-Shouyou connection, which helps to reify that Shouyou is a milf.
By inserting one or two blatant instances of foreshadowing and parallelism early on in the series, instances that are impossible to pass off as coincidence, Gintama primes the reader to suspect that similar nuggets might be hiding anywhere, to check every garbage can we encounter from there on out like in the Pokemon games.
Whoops. In attempting to explain the math zeitgeist I succumbed to using math in my explanation. It's irresistible.
But that's structure. Let's move on now to something arguably even more important: motifs.
It's undeniable that for a shounen series that's half gag-manga, Gintama has a strange amount of analyzable motifs, and a clear loyalty to them. Regardless of how extravagantly people on tumblr dot com may want to overanalyze their favourite Shounen Jump series, their efforts are usually restrained to theme and characterization. Their ravings do not usually resemble the ravings of the Gintama Salon. If you've read this far, I don't think I need to explain this to you, or what Gintama's most prominent motifs are. But why is Gintama so motif-ful? The sword's importance is obvious, expected even, but what differentiates Gintama from, say, Bleach, where the characters' swords also literally represent their souls in a way?
In the end the answer is what I already discussed in My Orochi Stood Up, the foundation of my entire framework, in fact its very title: the dick joke.
Sorachi's immature sense of humour is the glue holding the entire thematic and narrative structure of Gintama together. Why do we search obsessively for meaning in the flotsam of Gintama's less narratively charged moments? Because, quite frankly, many things are phallic. The sword is no longer simply a sword--by being imbued with the spirit of the dick joke, it becomes not only valid but textual to associate it with the head of the nation (shadow juice squirt), the motif of the dragon (thank you Elizabeth), and castration. What I mean is not whether the sword can be read as a dick--obviously, phallic logic has been prominent through all of human history--but the way in which Gintama's sexual humour gives us--and itself--an impetus to equate motifs in the first place.
Comparing very serious things to dicks is funny--the more abrupt, the more shocking, the more mood whiplash, the funnier is. Therefore, for Gintama's toilet humour to be as effective as possible, tone dissonance is ideal, pushing it towards the intermingling of comedy and tragedy that we know it so well for today. This in turn validates and reinforces the meaning-making role that these phallic jokes play in the story as a hole. It is not only that we cannot separate the dick jokes from the serious delivery of the plot, but that in many arcs important information is given to us through ridiculous gag devices (ball gags?).
The logic of basic sex jokes is extremely simple, intuitive, and easy to understand. The prominence of the pole necessarily implies the presence of the hole. I've talked about that enough in my essays, so I won't go into detail here, but the reason that I wrote my essays in the first place is because of how easy it is to map a procreative framework onto a series filled from beginning to end with phallic gags. As much as I may joke about it, the underlying logic of "the pole and the hole" is powerful and compelling, providing connective tissue to seemingly disparate motifs with ease. When combined with the "sorting" power of the A | B structure, the ability to associate any particular character with any particular motif easily gives us the ability to analyze how a given set of characters interacts with a motif; equally, where the motif sits in Gintama's playing ground of phallicism can inform a given character's dynamic with others.
I've already written at length about the role that wordplay plays in this as well. To save on time, I'll just quote from My Orochi Stood Up:
Gintama’s insistence on wordplay enables interesting meaning to be derived from these dirty jokes and their interaction with other motifs in the story. After all, the name of the series itself elevates the spirit of the balls joke, even if unintentionally, to the same level as the other metaphor in the title: “silver."
But perhaps the singularly most important example is the -tama in Gintama, with its plethora of potential meanings, each of them just silly and dirty enough that you have to take it seriously. Beyond the obvious joke on kintama (balls) and the “silver soul” meaning, we’ve seen that tama is also easily conflated with atama (head), and even with tamago (egg). This is clearly demonstrated with the series’ fixation on beheading leading to the salvation of the soul, and the bodyswap arc hinging on the pun between soul and egg.
In short, it is the comedic aspect of Gintama that fuels the series' own willingness to conflate and play with its motifs, and that validates--provokes--our mad efforts as readers to draw unlikely connections and dig through dirt. Though it may seem more ridiculous on the surface to be taking such a magnifying glass to such a profoundly silly series, it is in fact more justified for Gintama than it would likely be for a more serious series, one where the paths between motifs are not pre-paved, let alone lubricated with shadow squirt juice.
I was recently introduced to a theory of comedy where comedy was posited as an interplay between excess and lack. How this maps on to Gintama is obvious; but one thing that comes to mind now is how easy it would be to characterize our scholarly efforts in examining Gintama, a series one could humorously characterize as "lacking", as a kind of excess. Which is to say, I think Gintama has pulled its penultimate trick on us (because it's still coming out with more stuff for the anniversary. I believe it.) by making us part of its comedy.
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short-black-diamond · 10 months
To give you a quick break from sahed x reader
(シ_ _)シ
An Obey me request! \(≧∀≦)/
Could you do little headcannon/senario thingies of how the brothers react to you asking to kiss them except it is not the right moment at all to kiss them for the first time
eg: lucifer just gave reader and mammon in trouble and then reader asks to kiss mammon
🍓⌒(≧▽​° )
Nah I'd be happy to receive more Sahed x reader requests, also please tell me which gender I should write for, because I think I wrote the Sahed fics with a female reader?
because you didn't include the gender in this one, so I'll just try to do it gender-neutral. Also, please help me if I failed doing that.
BROOOOO omg I'd be so embarrassed if I'd ask for a kith after getting scolded at for what i did, but I'd still ask!
Warnings: Angst I guess, but also fluff in most parts, Asmo's is a lil suggestive, Beel is smooth, And Belphie's just a lil shit
word count: 2.3 k
I didn't proofread- I actually never do -why do I always write that fucking sentence down???
Asking for a kiss at the worst moment
Lucifer had to hold his breath as to not leash out on you. I mean, sure, he loved you very dearly and all that romantic, lovely-dovey shit, but sometimes, just sometimes, you could be an insufferable spouse.
"Do you have any idea what you've just done?!", he instead exclaimed as he looked at the stack of papers which you've spent a good amount on working. "I finished your papers.", you muttered, confused as to why he was so angry.
"I told you to let me handle the papers, ____! You should've gone to the kitchen and-" "and prepare a whole five-course meal for Diavolo and Beel, seperately. Yes, I know, I already did that. And I also made lunch for Levi, Asmo, Mammon -should he come home today early for once- and Satan. Belphie can eat the leftovers."
you did it all in favour of getting your first kiss with him, and you were very eager to get to your goal.
Lucifer looked at you in stunned silence for a moment before he checked the papers. They were all...correctly signed. On top of the stack were a few things you wrote where you had trouble with some papers, and said papers were underneath that propblem sheet so that Lucifer wouldn't have to look through every single sheet.
You actually took tons off work from him today...
"Okay...thank you..", he muttered with a small blush and fond smile, and as you were about to lean in for a kiss (your first kiss with him), Diavolo's loud and cheery voice boomed outside. "Lucifer, may I come in?! There's something amazing I'd like to discuss with you!"
Lucifer looked at your lips in desire for a moment, but before he could give in, he turned around and towards the door to open it.
You were outraged. "Seriously, not even a quick peck??", you asked, angry at the fact that your lover wouldn't even give you a small kiss. You were prepared for everything too.
Your hair was done, you brushed your teeth for an hour and nearly drank half a bottle of mouthwash, and you were all dolled up for him only to face his back?
Lucifer stopped dead in his tracks as he pointed towards the door. "I can't just have Lord Diavolo waiting outside!?", he whisper-yelled.
"So he's more important than your partner, who's only asking for an itty-bitty kiss? Alright.", you muttered before you went to your room.
Yeah..., Lucifer would have to make up for that as soon as possible.
Mammon can't help but hold in his laughter at your serious face. You two got scolded by Lucifer again, in account of Mammon's shenanigans, and Lucifer had tick marks on his temple by your lack of reaction.
"Seriously, I wonder what's going on inside your head at the moment, ____!", the eldest sibling yelled at your emotionless face. You looked at Mammon.
"I was going to ask him to share my first kiss with him after you were done yelling at us."
There were a few moments of silence, where you smiled at Mammon, who blushed furiously in return, and the lecture in scolding you both extending from 15 minutes to 45 minutes.
Yeah, it may have been a bad moment to ask, but it was still sweet at the end because you got to kiss your favourite demon.
Mammon passed out after you kissed him.
Leviathan was hyper-focused on his game. It was a group game with other players, and Levi didn't want to lose his online teammates.
However, he lost the round when you came in and asked him for a kiss. He stared at you in shock as his skin reddened. His teammates were yelling his eardrumms, but his brain only registered your sweet smile and blushing face.
The display on his computer showed "Game over!". He slowly looked to the red display, and then he cursed under his breath.
"_-____...that was a very...very important round...!", he tried to say calmly, but he slowly grew angry as well.
"Oh, I'm sorry...it's just, you're always playing, and I really like you, and I just wanted a kiss..."
Levi couldn't help but blush furiously. He felt bad for scolding you, and nearly leashing out on you, but he was still mad.
"Th-then p-prove it!"
"Huh? You want me to kiss you? I thought you were mad at m-"
"M-m-my a-anger might s-subside when...w-when I receive kisses from a special h-human..!"
there was a short moment of silence before you leaned down to his level, lifted his chin and kissed him gently. His eyes widened and you felt his breath hitch.
after a few seconds, you pulled back, touching your lips with a smile and pink cheeks. "your lips are so soft, Leviathan..."
Levi.exe has stopped working. Seriously.
I mean, today might've become one of his best days in his life, because even though he lost a round, he got to kiss you, got a compliment about his soft lips, and you also said his full name.
He felt like he lived through hundreds of romance mangas.
Yeah, he...he stopped working.
Satan was reading a book, where there was a very interesting scene, and he was very in it. He tried to ignore the rain outside as he was in the world the author of the book described, and his breathj hitched when he read the next few sentences.
"Oh, no, Jessica...don't do it...!", he exclaimed, turning the page quickly to read what would be happening next.
You knocked on the door and stepped inside. "Hey, just wanted to check in on you. I made lunch. Would you like to drink tea with me?", you asked, and Satan noticed a hidden undertone to your request.
But, he shook his head. "No, but thank you. I just need to read that scene quickly, before-"
"C'mon, I haven't seen you all day. I missed you, Satan. Please, just twenty minutes-", you tried to reason, but you were suddenly pressed against the wall as Satan put one of his hands against the wall next to your head, his other one tilting your chin up to look at him.
And Satan didn't have a happy expression on. "Why do you have to be so stubborn, ____...?! There was an interesting scene and...", he stopped talking when he took notice that your eyes weren't directed towards his, but a little more down.
Towards his...
"A kiss is what you wanted, right? naughty ____...", he whispered, and he relished in the fact that you were blushing in embarrassment as you averted your eyes and tried to give him a reason.
"n-no, I wasn't! I-I just wanted to bring you some croissants and t-tea!"
Satan chuckled before he leaned down to your face, his lips mere milimeters away from yours. "You wanted to share your first kiss with me, weren't you?", he asked softly, and you sighed.
"Yes...sorry for b-bothering you, if you want to, I can-mmh!?"
Satan's lips crashed against yours as he pecked your lips with ultimate passion. He kissed you again and again, praising you and thanking you for bringing him food and being so pretty that he can't stay mad at you for long.
You were left breathless as you slid down on a chair as you tried to catch your breath. "Next time, please tell me right away when you want a kiss, ____. I'm always happy to deliver you your wishes, alright?"
You nodded as you tried to calm down your fast heartbeat.
You were happy that your first kiss happened like that.
Asmodeus would have normally kissed you after you'd had asked, but he was applying some expensive make-up. He was doing his eye liner when you softly knocked on the door and stepped inside.
"Hey Asmo, what'cha doing?", you spoke quietly as to not disrupt him. "Applying some eyeliner...", he muttered as he slowly traced the line from the inside of his eyelid to the end of his eye.
You watched him for a while, looking at his beautiful face before your gaze stopped on his lips. "Hey...uh, Asmo?"
Asmo stopped shortly before turning to you. "What is it?"
"Uh...well...", you trailed off, and Asmo waited for you as he went back on applying the eyeliner. "I would like you to be my first kiss..."
Asmo's eyeliner went into his hair. he yelled with his mouth closed as he quickly stood up and went to the bathroom. You took a look at the makeup set. It was the one Asmo gushed about for months, and it was also quite expensive.
You felt bad.
You quickly went to the bathroom and knocked. "Asmo? I'm sorry...I didn't really look at the make-up set and-"
the door opened. Asmo's usual cheery smile was gone, instead laced with annoyance and boredom. "And?", he repeated sassily, leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded against each other in front od his chest.
"I ...just wanted a little kiss...I mean, I wanted to have my first kiss-"
"Your first?", the pretty boy asked, this time in disbelief. He couldn't imagine that your lips haven't gotten in contact with someone else's before, and you wanting him to be your first kiss?
He felt ecstatic, love for you, and shy, but he also felt very guilty. You just wanted to have a kiss form him -your very first- and he gave you an attitude over some make-up which didn't even fit well with his skin tone.
"Yeah...sorry again for the make-up -?!", you couldn't speak any further when you felt Asmo's, with sweet lipstick applied, lips on yours, in a sweet and tender kiss.
He stroked your cheek gently, and then his lips parted. "How was that?", he asked softly as he looked into your face, which looked absolutely perfect and etheral to him.
you blinked a few times before smiling giddily. "Perfect. Thanks.", and you giggled while hiding your face.
Asmo's face darkened, as he panted slightly, and his cheeks got red all of a sudden. "I could also be your first in se-" "No."
Beelzebub had bought a food from the human world he's never tasted before. It was a döner/ kebap, and he was nearly dying at the delicious smell.
The turkish burger was still hot, and Beel took his time to actually take a pic before eating slowly, bite after bite to relish in the otherworldy taste.
However, you showed up and sat yourself next to him. Today would be the day you'd ask Beel for a kiss. Your first kiss with anyone, and you wanted it to be Beel. I mean, you loved him, after all.
Beel's food was starting to go from hot to warm and he wanted to quickly bite down- "Say, Beel...could you be my first kiss?", you asked after he was about to swallow the first bite.
He choked on his food, and you grew panicked. You slapped him hard on his back and he coughed out the first bite, staring at it sadly and in dissappointment as it landed on the alumium-foil.
"My first bite...", he murmured, and he sighed. His appetite emptied rapidly. you then came to realization that this was Beel's first kebap, and he wanted it to be special. you just blew it.
"Wait, is this your first time eating kebap?! God, I am so sorry, Beel! Wait, I-I'll get you a new one-"
"No need...say, were you honest about the kiss part?", he then asked.
You blushed in embarrassment. "y-yes, but-" "Then kiss me. As a form of payment for ruining my moment with the first bite."
You blushed even more. "A-are you sure? I...I don't wanna pressure you-"
"____, if there's anyone in Devildom or the human world I'd like to kiss, it would be you. Now pelase hurry up or my kebap will grow cold."
you hesitated for a moment before you went towards Beel, whose cheeks darkened when you stepped closer. "Tell me when to stop...", you murmured before you pecked his lips softly.
You parted, and Beel kissed you back before you could say something. He placed the kebap on the table, forgetting about it the moment it left his fingers as Beel kissed you more and more feverishly, and in the end, you two made out, with Beel invading your mouth with his tongue.
You couldn't have asked for a better moment for a kiss from Beel.
(he ate it even after it got cold and invited you to a date afterwards.)
Belphegor was always asleep, so it never was a good moment to wake him up and ask him for a kiss. Still, you wanted to kiss that lazy bitch and woke him up by force.
"What the hell...?!", he groaned before he caught sight of you. "What do you want?"
"A kiss. My first kiss for you to take, actually.", you stated, crossing your arms in front of your chest. If it were for the other brothers were you'd ask for a kiss, you'd be shy and bashful, but you somehow fell for Belphie and here you were now.
Belphie looked at your thighs for a moment, remembering how he'd have the best naps on them, but he snapped out when you made an "ahem" sound. "So, you wanted a kiss and had to wake me for it? Couldn't you just wait until I was done sleeping?"
"And when would that be?"
"Nevermind, let me ask Lucifer-"
"I'm up! I'm up!", he exclaimed tiredly as he sat up as quick as possible. He sat up like a grandpa and even held his back.
"Come here.", he demanded, and you scooched over to him with a smile. 'Yes, finally, my first kiss!', you thought when you closed your eyes in anticipation.
Belphie looked at your face for a moment with a fond smile before dropping the smile, putting his lips against yours and then falling back down the bed and passing out on the spot again.
You were outraged.
heyyyy, sorry if I didn't make it how you liked, I had to rethink what I was writing, because in Levi's part I wrote it so that they were doing a bet at first and the loser would have to do what the other one said, and that ending in a sweet kiss before I remembered your request and deleted the paragraphs💀
Anyways, it was actually fun, and I hope I wrote it how you'd expect it from me. If not, please tell me, I'll try to write it again, but better.
Read you in the next post!
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henrysglock · 2 months
[Kazoo Kid voice] Wait A Minute...Who Are You?
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ANOTHER installment of the Cracks and Mirrors series...this time tied (haha) to Brenner's ties. Yeah. Ties. Plural. This is going to be a long one. Where to begin.
#1: The Ties
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If you can make sense of that, more power to you. Here's what you really need to know:
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Meaning these 5 guys are different from each other:
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Wonderful! I hate it here.
Interestingly enough, this guy is the only guy we see the doors to El's stairwell with:
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Now, it finally makes sense why none of these blood patterns match:
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All of this, of course, ties back to what I said in September about Ten's changing test room regarding shot choices, prop movements, and color grading fuckery: It's not the same room continuously.
These two, however, seem to be set in variations on the same universe:
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And they both end in an infuriating camera cut to (in Brenner's case) a completely different guy. (smash cut to my post about how if El's experience is lifted from Brenner's memories, then Brenner should have seen One killing Two, like El did)
Anyway, what we can glean from this is that Running Brenner's universe is one of the top row, but not any of the bottom row:
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(i.e. It's at least a variation on a) the taped version of El's first NINA experience and b) Henry's electrocution. It is not, however, any of the other versions of El's NINA entrance, as far as we've been shown...which is consistent with the multiple versions of NINA we seem to be seeing overall.)
Okay. Good? Good. Moving on.
#2: Tying the Ties (to the Rainbow Room)
As I just mentioned, the Brenner in the hallway isn't the Brenner who runs into the Rainbow Room. And as far as I can tell, Rainbow Room Brenner doesn't appear in the hallway shots:
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Rainbow Room Brenner, as far as I can tell, seems to be this Brenner:
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And so, of course, the part you all knew was coming...
#3: Tying the Ties (to the Cracks)
Yeah. We're fucked. We got a bunch of different guys.
If you're just tuning in, I suggest you take a peek at the original Cracks and Mirrors post (the other installments of which can be found in my pinned post)...but for time being I've lifted the most relevant portion:
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Now. These cracks have associated Brenners:
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No Gate and Gate, respectively.
Not only are these two Brenners not the same guy, they're also not any of the guys we saw running around or the guy who burst into the Rainbow Room:
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Adding lines would make this more confusing, so just go ahead and squint at them all. You'll see what I'm on about pretty quickly, since I've circled the important bits.
But...Surprise! We now have seven Brenners! (My apologies for the fucking crunchy as hell "looks like the visual representation of an earrape video" cracks Brenners, it's just that the lighting is shit and I can see fuck all if I leave them as-is)
So. A Tale Of Seven Brenners...or so you THOUGHT. (Because fuck me, that's why.)
#4: More Fucking Ties!!
Of course, none of these Brenners are this weird fucker with blood all over his face:
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Many such cases, because none of them account for this Brenner from earlier in 4.01 who's shown with a) an incorrect tie and b) incorrect hair (shown here with "correct" Brenner) either:
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...Which I talked about here.
Now...I still have questions about this last Brenner ^ being shown as a reflection in his mirror at home, as opposed to Brenner in the massacre who does not reflect in the Rainbow Room mirror (both in 4.01 AND 4.08, respectively):
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But for now...that's beside the point.
Closing Tangential Note:
Isn't it funny how everything electronic is going super haywire...except the camera and the card reader...and the lights in the hallway that doesn't exist on any of the HNL specs we have..........funny how that works:
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You could argue that the camera and card reader are on a generator/backup circuit...I just didn't think powers-usage picked and chose which circuits it affected like that.
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It's almost like, by passing through those doors, El has entered the "plot", so to speak. Like when you hit a save checkpoint, or leave a "safe" space in a video game (staring at you, Resident Evil: Biohazard). She wanders through the safe but horrific "context" sequence, then she enters the unskippable "villain lore drop" cutscene, and then she's in the Boss Fight sequence. Babygirl, you are just a cog in the machine!!
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simping4villains · 1 year
Here’s a part 2 of the Shigaraki oneshot I posted awhile back (since some of y’all were asking for it). I do have both parts posted on both my wattpadd and ao3 account under the same username (along with many other fics). I think i’m going to keep the story going, so check there for more regular updates! <3
Warning: Sexual content
It had been a couple of weeks since that night in Tomura's apartment. You'd been avoiding him, not responding to his texts and dodging his calls, but he started threatening to stop by your apartment or the elementary school you taught at to check on you, so you finally agreed to see him.
He asked you to meet up with him at the South entrance of the mall where you'd first met. He was wearing the same black hoodie he'd worn on that day. Originally, you had thought he was just introverted and anxious, but now you realized that he probably wore it in an attempt to hide his identity. He didn't want to be recognized in public and have the heroes called in.
God, what an idiot you'd been. You were too naive, too trusting. Now you were in too deep.
"Y/n," he smiled when he saw you. "I wasn't sure you'd come."
Neither were you.
"Of course. I'm sorry if it feels like i've been ignoring you lately, i've just been so busy with my students," you lied. "It's almost winter break."
Tomura had never shown any signs that he'd be violent toward you, but you still weren't sure what he was truly capable of. You'd tried to do research on him and his villain group, but the media didn't have a ton of information. It seemed like he hadn't had any sort of life before the league—not one that you could find, at least.
"It's alright," he said, though you weren't sure if he really believed you or not.
"So, what are we doing? Your text was pretty cryptic."
"I was thinking we could grab a drink and talk."
You were confused. You'd never known Tomura to have much of a taste for alcohol. "Um, I'm not so sure there are any bars in the mall."
"That's okay, I know a place." He turned and started walking down the sidewalk, glancing at you over his shoulder. "Come on."
Alarms were going off on your head. He wasn't giving you enough information. You didn't like not knowing where he was taking you. Then again, you weren't sure how he would react if you refused to follow him. What choice did you have but to play along?
He led you to a bus stop, which only made you feel even more unsettled. When the bud arrived, you took note that it was headed for the Kamino Ward. It wasn't a place you were very familiar with.
Walking through the streets, you tried to guess which bar Tomura was bringing you to, but he kept passing them by. Eventually, the streets became less lively and more deserted. Many of the buildings looked abandoned, including the one that he finally stopped in front of.
"Well, here it is."
"I don't understand, is it like a speak easy or something?"
He gave an amused laugh. "I guess you could say that."
He slipped through the boards that covered the busted door, urging you to follow him. Against your better judgment, you did. The room inside was battered and covered in dust.
"There's nothing here."
"It's downstairs."
You started to feel nauseous. Had his plan been to just kill you all along? Did he not think he could let you live now that you knew who he was?
"Tomura, it's getting late, maybe I should get going. I promised my aunt that I'd stop by tonight. I don't want her to worry."
It was another lie, but he didn't have to know that. You wanted him to think you had places to be, people who would notice if you didn't show up, didn't answer their texts and calls. Your aunt had met Tomura before, so she'd probably give his name to the police if you went missing.
Then again, what had the police been able to do to stop him up to this point?
His smile dropped. You'd never seen him look so hurt. "I knew it. You really are afraid of me."
"Tomura, that's not it at all."
"Then just trust me. Please. Don't leave yet."
You nodded. "Okay."
What else could you say? What else could you do? If he thought you were a flight risk, that might only cause him to kill you sooner.
The two of you crossed the room to a door, which he opened to reveal a closet. You braced for an impact, thinking maybe he would use your confusion as a means to distract you while he knocked you out. Instead, he reached out to the back wall of the closet and pushed it forward, revealing it to be a hidden door. Beyond it was a set of stairs that led to the basement. As soon as he revealed this secret entrance, he pulled a hand out of his pocket and put it over his face. It was part of his villain costume—you remembered the chills it gave you when you'd first seen it on that special news report.
You followed him down and were surprised to find that there really was a bar in the basement of this abandoned building. There were a few people in the room, but the person who caught your attention was the man standing behind the counter, polishing a glass. His body appeared to be made of smoke or something. He looked up at the two of you as you entered.
"Ah, young master Shigaraki, you've returned."
A man sitting at the bar in a skin-tight suit turned toward the two of you. "Yeah, and it looks like he brought a friend. Who the hell is this, boss?!"
The girl sitting beside him, who couldn't have been more than 17, tilted her head and smiled. "Is she a new recruit?"
Tomura shifted awkwardly. You could feel the way he tensed with embarrassment. "This is Y/n. We've been seeing each other for a while now and I thought it was time for her to meet you."
"The boss has a girlfriend? Get it, boss!"
The girl hopped off of the stool she'd been perched on, running over to circle around you and size you up. "What a cutie! I wonder what your blood tastes like?"
Tomura wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you against him in a protective manner. "Maybe this was a mistake."
The girl laughed. "Oh, don't worry, boss! We're going to be best friends." She beamed at you. "My name's Toga."
The man in the suit hopped up to join you all. "And I'm Jin. But my villain name is Twice because I can duplicate myself and make copies of other people! I don't know if i'm the real deal or just a clone!"
"Don't overwhelm her," Tomura warned, his eyes narrowing at them between the fingers of the hand he wore.
"Oh, no, we wouldn't want to scare her off," one of the other members piped up from the corner of the room, his tone sarcastic. "God knows how hard it is for you to get a date."
You hadn't noticed him before, which seemed shocking now that your gaze met his. His body was covered in what looked like burn scars and even from across the room you could tell he had the most piercing blue eyes you'd ever seen. His demeanor was fairly casual, but still conveyed that he wasn't someone you'd want to mess with. He was a bit terrifying.
Any embarrassment Tomura felt was quickly melting into rage. It seemed he and this other league member didn't get along too well. Despite whatever internal conflict you were facing, you couldn't help but feel bad for him in that moment. Your hand brushed the one he had on your waist, just long enough for him to understand that it had been on purpose and that you'd intended for it to comfort him.
"Just ignore him," Tomura mumbled. "It's what the rest of us do."
"So, what's your quirk?" Toga asked, trying to shift the attention away from the other man.
Twice cut you off before you could answer. "Are you going to join the league? You totally should!"
You looked between Toga and Twice. You had been ready for Tomura to kill you, but nothing could have prepared you for this. "Oh, I—"
"No," Tomura snapped. "She's just here to better understand our cause."
You could feel the silent rage radiating off of him. In his eyes, these two had crossed a line by inviting you to be a part of the league. If it was something you'd decided for yourself, he would have welcomed you with open arms, but he wanted to protect you, and he knew that you would be safest if the heroes never found out about you.
The man in the corner scoffed. "Of course she isn't joining the league. Look at her. She probably couldn't keep up with us."
Tomura's fingers dug into your hip. He was trying to hold himself back, to keep his composure. If this man had been insulting him, he could've just ignored it, or even come back with his own sarcastic retort, but when it came to you—well, it was harder for him to brush it off.
"Y/n," the man behind the bar called. "Come and sit. Would you like some tea? I've always got it ready for master Shigaraki."
"Tea would be lovely," you smiled, glad for someone to diffuse the sudden tension.
You took a seat at the bar, trying to ignore whatever lecture Tomura was giving Twice and Toga about the way they'd ambushed you. You wondered whether or not the other man would get a lecture too. He didn't seem like someone who would really listen. . . or care.
"Sorry about them," the man said as he pushed a cup of tea across the bar to you. "Some of the newer members are so full of charisma. And Dabi, well, he's. . ."
"It's alright. I'm sure they mean well," you replied, forcing a smile. "I didn't catch your name."
"It's Kurogiri."
"Kurogiri," you repeated. "How did you end up becoming a bar tender for the league of villains?"
He laughed. "I am not just a mere bartender. It is my job to keep Tomura Shigaraki safe. I am his sworn protector."
"I didn't think the leader of the league of villains would need protecting."
"There are plenty of people who want to see his downfall—heroes and villains alike. Most don't agree with his mission."
You were about to ask what his mission was when you felt three fingers gripping your shoulder, telling you that Tomura wanted to leave.
"Kurogiri, I'll be in my room if you need me. Come on, Y/n."
He led you through the bar and down a hallway, stopping at the very last door. His room at the league's hideout was smaller than the one in his apartment, and somehow even less decorated. It was very reminiscent of a college dorm, though he had a full-size bed. On his desk you noticed he had a photo strip of the two of you that you'd taken on one of your very first dates. Besides this, his desk was almost completely bare.
"I'm sorry about them," he said as he took a seat on the bed, removing the hand from his face and setting it on the nightstand. "Maybe bringing you here was a mistake after all." His fingers found their way to his neck, mindlessly scratching lines in familiar tracks.
You moved to sit beside him, gently pulling his hand away from his reddening skin to hold it palm-up in your lap. "Toga and Twice seemed nice."
"I just thought maybe if you met everyone then you would see that we aren't as bad as the heroes make us out to be. You'd see that you don't have to be afraid of me."
"I'm not afrai—"
"Stop," he said, his eyes pinching shut like the words pained him to hear. "I feel like you can barely look at me now. You think I wouldn't hesitate to kill you, that your death would be just as meaningless to me as those who have died as collateral—a small sacrifice for my cause."
You didn't know what to say. You had hoped you'd been convincing enough, but Tomura had seen through it. He could tell things had changed between you. Your heart was racing now, wondering what he would do.
He turned to you, his eyes soft and pleading. "I would never do anything to hurt you, y/n—and I would gladly kill anyone who tried. I couldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you."
You swallowed, searching his eyes for any sign of deception, but ultimately decided that this was the truth. He didn't bring you here to kill you, he just wanted you to understand him.
"Kurogiri mentioned that a lot of people don't agree with your 'mission.' What is it you're doing?"
"I want to destroy the world that we live in. You don't know what's going on, so you don't understand how wretched it really is. From the ashes, I'll build a new world—similar to what you believe ours to be."
You had never seen this side of him before. He sounded so. . . evil. "But why do you have to destroy things first? Why can't you just try to make things better?"
He shook his head, pulling his hand away from you. "Society is too far gone. There is no 'making things better' as it stands. We need a fresh start, and I can give it to us."
You nodded slowly, processing everything he was saying. "And what would this new world of yours look like?"
"No more heroes who are only after the pay and praise of a job well done. Just people. People allowed to live their lives without being forced to worship these corrupt imposters."
You thought of your mother, who had been a hero and had died saving others. Had she really been so bad? Had she done it for the wrong reasons? You'd be lying if you said there was never a time where you thought her sense of justice had been selfish. Because of it you had grown up without a mother, without a father, isolated from the rest of the world, discouraged from using and training your quirk. You often wondered how different your life might look now if she had picked a different, more sensible career path.
He continued when you didn't respond. "No one is born a villain, they're created—they're spit out and shunned by this cruel world one too many times. I just want to live in a world where everyone is equal, where no one is treated differently for their quirks."
"Well, I guess. . . I guess that doesn't seem so bad."
He smiled and rested his forehead against yours, bringing a hand up to cup your jaw. "I don't want to live in that world without you by my side. I really do love you."
You held your breath and closed your eyes, weighing everything that he'd said. The man you'd spent the past few months with, Tomu, was sweet, shy, caring. Tomura Shigaraki, the leader of the league of villains, had a reputation for being something else entirely—cold, ambitious, and merciless. Before, you couldn't have believed they really were the same person. Yet sitting here, listen to him speak, it all came together. And you hated yourself because, despite it all. . .
"I love you," you whispered, as if you were ashamed to say the words too loud, afraid that might somehow make them more real.
He pressed his lips to yours, winding his hand into your hair, always careful to keep at least one finger away from you. He'd missed you those past few weeks. He was worried he had lost you. He wanted you to know how much you meant to him—how much he needed you. He had been a mess without you, barely eating or sleeping. He would have fallen apart completely if you'd left. He needed you to know that.
"I thought i'd lost you," he whispered between kisses, his voice like a plea, begging you to keep proving him wrong.
Honestly, you'd thought he'd lost you, too. You had every intention of ending your relationship by avoiding him. Maybe it wasn't fair to do it that way given how long you'd been together, but after learning who he really was, you worried that if you met up with him to end things then he might overreact and become violent. You couldn't have predicted that seeing him would instead make you change your mind.
"I'm still here," you told him, feeling ashamed of yourself. What would Aunt Marci think if she knew you were in love with a villain?
He pulled you onto his lap so that you straddled him, wrapping his arms around your waist so you were caged to his chest. "Are you sure tou don't hate me?" He asked. "You aren't only here telling me the things I want to hear because you're afraid of me?"
You frowned. "I wish that were the case. It would make this all a lot easier."
"You don't want to want to be with me, right? To love me?"
"Right," you agreed, your voice barely audible. You were worried how he might react knowing you were so apprehensive.
His expression didn't change. He didn't erupt into a fit of anger. He brushed the tips of his fingers through your hair before ghosting them along your jaw. "Then i'll just have to keep giving you reasons to want me."
Your lips met again and you melted in his arms. He ran a hand up the back of your shirt, pressing four fingers into your back so that he held you closer. You gasped at his touch and he took the opportunity to catch your bottom lip between his teeth, lightly tugging at it. It was all a painful reminder that, despite everything, you still burned for him.
   You were so weak.
He guided you back on the bed, spreading himself over you and bending to trail feather-light kisses along your neck. "I want to prove that you don't have to be afraid of me," he whispered, his breath tickling your skin.
"How are you going to do that?"
His teeth grazed along your neck. "I'll show you how gentle I can be."
"Tomura, I've already seen that side of you."
He lifted his head from your neck to meet your gaze. He was smirking. God, he was so beautiful. "Not like this."
You didn't even realize he'd grabbed your shirt until it disintegrated around you, flitting away from your body and leaving you feeling vulnerable beneath him, guarded only by the thin lace bra you wore.
He ran his fingers along the edge of it, humming to himself. "Pretty. I don't want to ruin it."
You frowned. "You know, I really wish you wouldn't ruin any of my clothes."
That made him laugh. He thought you were cute when you were mad. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it upset you so much. I just like giving you reasons to wear mine instead."
"I don't have a problem with wearing yours, I just don't want to have to keep spending money on clothes that actually fit me just for you to make them disappear in seconds."
"That's fair." He pressed his lips to your chest before trailing soft kisses down your stomach, stopping at the waistband of your jeans. "But it really is so much quicker to decay them," he said as he fiddled with your belt and zipper.
You lifted your hips to help him guide your pants off of your legs. You were surprised when he dragged your panties along with them, exposing you to him. He ran the tips of his fingers down your thighs before settling between your legs. Your breath hitched at the sight alone.
He wove his arms under your legs so that he could grip your hips, pulling you closer to him. Your heart raced as you felt his breath against your core.
"Are you gonna make it?" He asked. "You're looking a bit flustered."
"Will you quit teasing me?"
He flashed a devilishly playful smile. "I'm not teasing you. I fully intend to give you everything you want. It's not my fault if you lack patience."
He placed a gentle kiss on your clit, the rough cracks of his lips creating enough friction to make your toes curl, but it was the soft warmth of his tongue against you that finally drew a moan from your throat. He hummed his satisfaction, which only added to the sensations as he continued exploring your heat with his mouth.
"Tomura, fuck. . ."
Your hand moved to grip his hair, needing something to ground you in reality as pleasure overtook your body and clouded your mind. His tongue moved faster against your clit, rushing you closer to your orgasm. It wasn't long before you completely fell apart, pulling at his hair and crying out his name. Once you'd gotten past the peak of your climax, he moved to lay next to you. He propped himself up on his elbow and lazily ran a few fingers through your hair.
"I'm surprised," you said.
"What do you mean?"
"No games."
"I told you."
"Maybe you aren't so evil after all," you joked.
He laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer. "Don't tell the others."
"I dunno, you might have to buy my silence," you teased.
"What's your price?"
You snaked a hand behind his neck and pulled him into a kiss, hooking your leg over his hip at the same time so you could press his body against yours. He smirked against your lips, chuckling to himself.
You broke away from him. "What?"
"Was that your answer?"
You avoided the question, instead tugging at his shirt. "This isn't fair. I'm practically naked."
"So that's a yes?"
"Will you just shut up and take your clothes off?"
He clicked his tongue, shaking his head at you. "So impatient. We'll have to work on that."
Despite his chastisement, he listened. He pulled his clothes off and threw them next to yours on the floor before reaching behind you to unhook your bra. His hands covered your breasts, careful as always to keep at least one finger off of you. Then, he leaned into your chest and replaced one of your hands with his mouth, sucking bruises on your skin and flicking his tongue against your nipple.
You bit your lip, trying to contain a moan, not wanting to seem anymore desperate, but it just became a whimper in your throat. You felt him smile against your chest and move his free hand down to between your legs. You were so wet that he slid two fingers in you like it was nothing. He scissored them back and forth, stretching you out as he continued toying with your nipples. You couldn't contain yourself any longer. You tugged at his hair as you moaned his name.
"What is it, baby?" He asked.
You grabbed at his hip, trying to pull him closer to you.
"You want something?"
"Stop teasing me. You said no games."
He feigned a sudden realization. "Ohh, you want me in here?" He thrusted his fingers deeper into you, making sure to curl them over your g-spot and drag another moan from your throat.
"Fuck. Yes."
He kissed your forehead. "Of course, baby."
With the hand that was on your chest, he steadied himself on the bed, and with the other he lined his tip up with your entrance. There were no games. He didn't tease you, he didn't make you beg, he just eased himself in until you were completely filled. You arched against him and dug your nails into his shoulders, loving the feeling of him stretching you out.
"Am I good to move?" He asked after a moment, gently brushing his nose against yours.
You nodded.
He slowly pulled his hips back before sinking into you again, repeating the motion over and over until he found a good rhythm.
His movements were different this time. Before, he had seemed desperate, slamming into you at a rough pace. Now, his stokes were slow, controlled, passionate—like he was using his body to show you all of the things he couldn't say out loud. He was begging you to stay, to love him, to give him a chance to be the person you'd originally thought he was.
And despite all of the alarms going off in your head, you knew you would.
You could feel the knot building once more in the pit of your stomach. He was pushing you closer to the edge with each languid movement, and you could tell by his breathing that he was getting closer too.
At one point he paused and grabbed one of the pillows from the bed, lifting your hips and setting you back down on it. The new angle that it provided was absolutely euphoric. He reached deeper than before, rolling his hips so that he hit all of the right spots.
"Tomura," you moaned.
"Does that feel good, baby?"
"Are you close?"
You nodded.
"You wanna cum with me?"
"Please," you begged.
"I gonna count you down, alright?"
He moved his hand between you.
He started drawing quick circles over your clit with his thumb.
You could feel your pleasure coiling tighter and tighter.
You dug your nails into his skin, arching against him.
You both fell apart, panting and moaning as you let your pleasure wash over you. He caught your lips in a sloppy kiss before moving down your neck, trying to cover every inch of your skin. He wanted you to understand how much he loved you—how much he worshipped you. He wouldn't let you go so easily.
The two of you cleaned up and Tomura gave you another sweatshirt to borrow since he'd decayed your shirt. There was no bathroom attached to his room, so you had to go down the hall. You hadn't taken more than two steps on your way back to his room when you heard a mocking voice.
"Ohhh, Tooomura," He said in a tone meant to mimic your own. "God, it's fucking pathetic."
You turned to see the man from before—the one who'd been a jerk to you in the bar—leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. Your cheeks felt hot—a combination of rage and embarrassment. Had he been listening in on you two?
"It's Dabi, right?" You asked. "Look, I don't know what the fuck your problem is, but will you just leave me the hell alone?"
He kicked off of the wall, closing the distance between you and getting in your face. "My problem is you. I've got big plans for my future and the league can help me see them through, but not if you're here. You're too much of a distraction. You'll just end up making Shigaraki soft—him and the rest of the league."
"I'm not trying to be a distraction," you insisted.
"Oh, please," he scoffed. "It's only a matter of time before you brainwash Shigaraki into thinking that what we're doing is pointless. Love is like a fucking poison."
He shoved past you and disappeared down the hallway. You must've seemed off when you got back to Tomura's room because a look of concern quickly spread across his face.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Fine," you replied, clenching and unclenching your fists as you kept your gaze trained on the floor. You were trying to keep your anger from bubbling over and causing you to do something stupid. How could Dabi think you were bad for Tomu? You wouldn't make him soft. You wouldn't make him give up on the world he was trying to create—a world where everyone was equal. Why would you?
"Are you sure?"
You finally looked up at him. Your determination was radiating off of you as you announced: "I want to join the league."
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modelbus · 2 years
Sorry if this is confusing this is the first request I ever made.
I was wondering if you could do a Wilbur soot x fem or gn reader (romantic)
Where it’s the like the very beginning of the relationship and you’re helping him model for his next merch drop then he sees you in the merch and his is like “OoOooHhhhHH mY GOodnESS I WANt tO maRrY You!!”
This would 100% happen and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Pairing: CC!Wilbur x Fem!Reader (romantic)
My Merch
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"You are the best for doing this." Are the first words out of Wilbur's mouth when you show up at his flat. He's grinning at you, leaning on his doorframe.
"You can always show your gratitude by giving me free merch." You answer, ducking under his arm to enter. He laughs, shutting the door and following you into his living room area.
"As if you weren't going to get free merch just for being my girlfriend."
You shrug, secretly thrilled at hearing him call you that. He hasn't been your official boyfriend for too long, so just hearing that gives you butterflies. It feels like love.
"What's the plan?"
Wilbur had texted you exactly twenty-four minutes ago panicking about not having a female model for his merch. Being the only one who actually thinks logically in your relationship, you volunteered to model with him. It'd be fun!
"I have a blank wall and a phone camera, so that should be good enough. Photoshop exists for a reason, and I'm still logged into Tommy's account he uses for thumbnails."
"If it works." You shrug.
"It should. Thank you so fucking much for this. You have no idea how much it means to me."
"I wasn't doing anything, why not be with you?"
His grin widens, cheeks dusting a light pink. "Okay. You can change in my room, I put the merch in there. Just dig through the piles until you find your size, they aren't organized at all."
"Of course they aren't." You sigh.
"I was a bit busy panicking to organize them all!" He defends himself.
For some reason that makes you laugh, heading into his room and softly shutting the door. Sure enough, there are four large piles of different merch near his closet. Statistically speaking, your size couldn't be too hard to find.
Luck is on your side because you find your size in everything fairly quickly. He didn't tell you which one to wear first so you just grab the one closest to you and throw it on. Pausing momentarily to fix your hair in the mirror on his wall, you head out to him.
"Walking down the runway is I, Wilbur Soot's personal merch model." You joke, doing a little twirl at the end of the hallway to show off the sweater.
Wilbur's eyes are wide, staring at you. He's silent for far too long, not even seeming to be having a coherent thought.
"Wil?" You ask, a little confused. "What's wrong?"
"You look stunning." He blurts out. "Wow. I need to kiss you, like, right now."
Relieved, you laugh and walk up to him. He doesn't seem to be moving any time soon with how he's still staring at you.
You loop your arms around his neck and his instinctively go around your waist. When you lean up, he tilts his head down to meet your lips in a long kiss.
"You're getting five hundred pieces of my merch." He swears when you pull away.
"I look that good, huh?" You tease.
"Yes," Wilbur answers seriously. "Fucking- yes."
Taken off guard, your lips part in surprise. You didn't expect him to answer so quickly, and certainly not so reverently. He takes his chance to kiss you again.
"Are you going to take any photos or just kiss me the entire time? Not that I'm complaining."
"Who says I can't do both?" He asks. “You know I love you, right?”
Although you’re not exactly sure where he’s going with this, it still makes you feel like a little kid with a crush.
“And I love you.” You respond, fully meaning it.
“Remember that in a year or two for me.”
“What?” He smiles at you in response. “Wait, what does that mean?!”
“Photo time!”
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Okay wait I have a prompt!!! If you wanna So I've been reading a lot of fics recently that are in space aus, with the whole humans are deathworlders concept (idk how this is common across my fandoms but it is so I'm binging them lol). And I had an idea based on recent irl events. – anon (long ask, cut for brevity)
inspired by my lovely @ghostofasecretary who has trained all of our friend group to look for hypermobility on account of our schlorpy joints :)
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none
Pairings: loosely implied analogical i guess, but as with most of my shit can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count; 1809
Remus glances up to see Virgil staring at Logan like his abdomen has spontaneously ruptured. He sees Roman out of the corner of his eye do the same. Virgil swallows heavily. "L," he says slowly, "what the fuck is wrong with your arms?" "Nothing is wrong with my arms, what are you talking about?" "Elbows don't bend like that!" Ah. So there was something wrong. Remus was right. Take that, human etiquette manual. Wait, shit, something's wrong with Logan.
Roman clicks at Remus as he comes onto the lab floor. Remus clicks back as he logs onto his station, sighing as he looks at the absolute mess someone's fucking made of the logs—seriously, it's only been one quarter cycle, how are they this fucked up already?—and Roman immediately leans over to see what he's sighing at.
"Wait, what's that?"
"Some xetron made an absolute fucking disaster out of the hadron logs."
Roman winces in sympathy and his carapace shifts. "Are you gonna do yours before you clean that up, or—?"
The last part of his question gest interrupted when Logan comes onto the floor, waving a brief hello with his fingers instead of his antenna—because humans don't have antennae, which was a pretty sharp learning curve for both of them when they'd been so confused as to why this human was refusing to talk to them or even show his feelings, they'd had a few apologetic shifts before Logan realized what was going on and explained everything—and raising an eyebrow when he noticed them clustered around Remus's station.
"Is there something wrong?"
"The shift before us messed up their hadron logs."
Logan rolls his eyes. "You'd think that for life forms insistent that their gravitational curves made them more naturally prepared for graviton scans, they'd have a better sense of how to record them properly."
"You're spellcasting on the acolytes, Logan."
Logan frowns, glancing at his tablet, before the equivalent phrase pings on the screen and he hums. "Ah, I see. Yes, well, if you'd like my help at any point, I only have the routine gamma sweeps to do this shift, so I should be amenable."
"Oh, I can do it, it's just a pain in my thorax."
Roman chuckles and heads back to his own station, probably to sneakily-not-so-sneakily ask some of the others on the shift who are fucking competent what the fuck happened. Remus gets himself ready to dive into the long and tedious work of redoing the spin increments and calculating the proper uncertainties for the right variables—honestly, do they even look at the readouts? It has the layout right there! And it's not like the other logs are invisible! Just look at the rows two microns above the empty one you're supposed to be filling out!—and manages to sink into a rhythm for the first half of the shift. Granted, he's absolutely muttering about how stupid it is that they aren't even calculating the basic momentum, let alone the angular velocity to account for the other celestial bodies in the middle of the waveforms, but it's fine, and Roman keeps up his running commentary of the molecular analysis machine that takes its sweet-ass time to do even the most basic of scans, and every so often he'll hear a small huff from Logan as he corrects their probe's trajectory, but for the most part, the lab is a quiet and serene place to be.
God, he can't wait until he gets rotated back to the engineering department full-time.
Like, yeah, he likes spending time with his brother, and the human's cool—he's really funny when he lets himself be, like his wit is drying than the mountain deserts on Cre-Ativa, and his facial expressions are fucking plat when their superiors are being xetrons, but there's only so much he can take of this quiet where not much happens. And he has to deal with the idiots who don't know how to format hadron logs correctly. This is the third time he's had to correct a typo that's rendered the rest of the calculations useless.
"I'm honestly about to recommend them for a review of the training course, that's how fucking serious this is."
"Maybe there's something wrong with how the keyboard is adapted for their limbs?"
"That would explain some of the typos, not all of them. And it definitely wouldn't explain why there's a massive formatting change about halfway through."
"Perhaps there's a shorthand they're using for some of the notes that we don't know about, and they're forgetting to correct them at the end of their shift."
"Yeah, but then they should tell us that, instead of—" Roman trails off and Remus looks up.
Logan is…stretching, yes, that's the right word. His limbs are extended over his head and his back is arched, but his upper limbs are…bending. Not like the way they normally bend, they're bending…too much? Not enough? The wrong way? Yeah, that's it. The wrong way.
Logan notices they've gone quiet and looks over. "Is there something wrong?"
"You're, uh," Remus stammers, "are you—okay?"
"Yes, I'm perfectly fine, what is it?"
"Nothing, nothing."
He and Roman exchange a look—the first rule in the human etiquette training manual was if they get weird, just roll with it for a reason—and get back to minding their own business. Admittedly, some of the errors do make more sense now that he's looking at it like it's some kind of shorthand he doesn't know yet, but that wouldn't explain why some of these variables are straight-up wrong and why they wouldn't bother to tell him what the shorthand is so that he's not trying to do the work of two shifts in the time of one.
Something he does appreciate is that the way the shifts in the lab are set up, opposed to engineering, is that sometimes there will be people whose shifts halfway overlap with theirs. So there's always at least one set of people that are staying in the lab while a changeover is happening and then there's not that risk that the equipment will be left unattended. Apparently they learned that lesson the hard way when the molecular exhibitor decided to go into overload in the five minutes where there wasn't anyone logged in, and nearly destroyed the matter wave projector on the station next to it. The justification was in the name of safety, but really everyone knows it's just so the higher-ups know exactly who to blame when shit goes awry.
Whatever the case may be, the door slides open to reveal the other human down here, Virgil, yawning as he makes his way over to his station.
"Hello, hello, everyone."
"Hi, Virgil!"
Virgil winces. "You are way too chipper this early in the morning."
"It's past the circadian half cycle, Virgil."
"Yeah, and?"
"I'm afraid you're going to have to acclimate to your schedule on your own time," Logan says, stretching again, "even though I'm sure your caffeine tolerance has—what? Why are you looking at me like that?"
Remus glances up to see Virgil staring at Logan like his abdomen has spontaneously ruptured. He sees Roman out of the corner of his eye do the same. Virgil swallows heavily.
"L," he says slowly, "what the fuck is wrong with your arms?"
"Nothing is wrong with my arms, what are you talking about?"
"Elbows don't bend like that!"
Ah. So there was something wrong. Remus was right. Take that, human etiquette manual.
Wait, shit, something's wrong with Logan.
"Logan? Do we need to take you to medbay?" Roman's already rushing out from behind his station. "There's a pack in the corner, I can—"
"Oh, for—relax, all of you, I'm fine."
"Uh-huh, yeah, fine, that's what I'd describe elbows that bend all schlorpy as, yeah," Virgil says, "what the—does that not hurt?"
"What? No, it doesn't hurt, look, your joints—"
"My joints suck ass but at least they're fucking bending the amount they're supposed to!"
Remus isn't quite sure how human joints are capable of such a surprising and invasive act, but never let it be said he's not curious. "Your joints are capable of performing anal suction?"
"What the fuck? No! It's a turn of phrase!"
"Oh. Disappointing."
"Ignore him," Roman says, "Logan, are you sure you're—"
"Yes, yes, I'm fine, I'm just—oh," he mumbles, prodding at his tablet, "what's the word for this in Common?"
"There's no word for schlorpy elbows, Logan—"
"Yes, there is!" He pokes around for a few more seconds before he lets out a noise of triumph and says something that the translators don't translate.
"It's what?" Virgil just shakes his head when Logan tries again. "I don't know what that means, bud."
Logan sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Okay, let me try it this way. What's it called when you are in a state of heightened energy and it leads to outbursts of things like running around, or talking too loudly, or being high-strung?"
"Remus," Roman offers helpfully.
"No, Roman."
"Are you talking about being excitable?"
"No, there's a specific word for it. It also serves as a prefix for being too much of something, or an overabundance of something."
"Too much—do you mean the word hyper?"
"Yes! Yes, that's it. And then what's the name of the thing that some people hang over cribs that have little stars or animals?"
Virgil stares at Logan for another moment. "You mean a baby mobile?"
"Yes, but only the second word."
"Yes, that's it. Then put the two words together—"
"There were probably so many other ways you could've said you were hypermobile, L, I'm just gonna put that out there—"
"Well, it got you to guess it, didn't it?"
"It's too fucking early for this shit."
"Again, it is afternoon—"
"Shut up."
Roman looks back and forth between the two humans, still twitching as though he's going to be asked to sprint for the medbay at a moment's notice. "So…is Logan…are you alright?"
"Yes, for the fourth time, I'm fine. Virgil's just a little excitable, that's all."
"You try being normal when joints are doing unexpected things," Virgil mumbles, more to his caf than anything else, but he reaches behind himself to pat Roman's carapace. "He's fine, his body just does that."
"But you said it bends the wrong way, how is that fine?"
"There is a thing known as hypermobility," Logan says, "it…oh, dear, it basically means that certain joints will bend…more."
"He's not hurt, that's pretty much all I know."
Roman looks like he's about to protest but Remus just clicks at him. They exchange another look as the humans settle back to work.
Humans are weird, just gotta roll with it.
These hadron logs, on the other hand—
"I'm gonna punt these flimflobbers into the next star we see."
"Can I help? They fucked up the carbon dating program as well."
"How do you fuck that up?"
"Ask them, not me!"
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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madame-fear · 1 month
Okay, so. Yesterday I received a rather extent anon message blaming me for, apparently, “not being neutral in the drama” because I’m mutuals with someone that had little involvement in the situation I think, and as I found out today, my mutual already clarified things and apologised.
I left my answer to the ask in the drafts, but today I opted to ignore the message and remove the drafted answer. I did this not only because I wanted to drop things already and not stir up any more shit, but also because I have a condition where I constantly tremble, and any extreme emotion — whether it’s good or bad — makes my shaking worsen to the point I can barely function even for basic things and I feel sick in the stomach.
It wasn’t worth going through that. I thought it would be better to answer ask messages of people ranting, or asking things about it that were within the reach of my knowledge.
Until today, that a burner account named @/quillantrophy (which, they accidentally exposed their real account @/wewereforever in one of their screenshots and now they both deactivated), thought they could do a “call out” post... Posting my answers to anon asks & basically treating me as a hypocrite over nothing?
And they said I should explain things because since I wasn’t commenting on anything they said on the post, I was “adding fuel to the fire” (that exact quote). I didn’t have time to explain things at the moment, but I do now and I will answer bit by bit. I will do this just to avoid possible misunderstandings.
I want to clarify that I don’t feel comfortable getting involved in things that I’ve never been involved in— and if I receive more messages about the drama itself, those messages will be deleted. I feel kind of bad about this since people have only been coming to my ask box asking thing about it confuses, or seeking comfort from the moment, but like we’ve been saying, it’s better to drop things already, and focus on the good things inside the fandom.
The answer to the post is below the cut. It’s going to be long, sorry, but I prefer to clear any misunderstandings. And I will highlight something extremely important down below, besides apologising deeply for any misunderstanding. And this is the last time I will be talking about it
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“there’s no issue with this, but she claims to be neutral and is currently explaining/advocating on the situation whilst adopting this stance.” I am neutral on the situation. I will eternally remain neutral because as we’ve seen, neither side is good.
As I’ve said before, Cal had little to do with all of this huge mess. From what I learned today, she already clarified and apologised about the situation. Cal was dragged through the mud by both of the groups out of nowhere, and she also fell for their shit so she was fooled by them just like lots of other people— she told me herself.
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“This is bullshit, there’s no transparency” huh? what does that even mean,, I just… Literally don’t have any involvement at all? What can I say or do about it? Both groups of people were already on my blocklist since last year lmao.
“She has connection to the drama purely through this even as she apparently didn’t participate — allegedly.” I’m sorry but the allegedly part is killing me too. I wasn’t even on their Discord groups, nor talked to any of the people involved, explain why the word ‘allegedly’ was even added?
also, how the hell am I supposed to be connected to the drama if, as you said, I didn’t even participate in it, only because I’m mutuals with someone who was named in it? What kind of sense does that make?
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As I stated above, I am, and always have been a neutral onlooker about the situation, who explained the situation to the confused people, even posting the links with the full info and proof to not spread incorrect information accidentally.
“Does @bucknastysbabe even know or care you’re slamming her on main and then love bombing her the next?” Cal knows about all your post, and all my answers to each ask regarding the situation.
She knows I hadn’t seen her apology/clarifying video until today. She even cheered me up when I had an anxiety attack after this person made this post, only to then delete it and deactivate the account. So, yes, she knows pretty much everything and she knows it was a mere mistake of mine.
Then, the person posted this. I will show the screenshots of what they said, and what answered ask they were referring to using their own SS.
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(sorry if the screenshot pics are switched of their right places) I had no idea that was a direct quote from Cal’s apology video, because I OBVIOUSLY HADN’T SEEN IT. I don’t know how else to stress this, but I’m not chronically online, and neither I see everything my mutuals post.
Either way, I literally re-read my own response to check what I had answered, and this was terribly misunderstood. The only response I had about Cal’s statement was “why am I not surprised?”, and in the rest of my response, I tried to be as neutral as possible— in the rest of my response, I was referring to the general situation of the drama, and in fact I was mostly referring to the things Bel, Fae, Em and Ange said + did.
But nothing else, thats it, because I wanted to speak about the situation in general and I was referring to the group of people— I didn’t name names and neither I referenced Cal’s statement any further. I deeply apologise for the misunderstanding, but sometimes I explain myself awfully mostly because English isn’t my native language.
if this was considered with any possible ill intention at all, I offer once again my most sincere apologies. I never had any bad intention, and the only thing I’ve been doing was answer the asks of the people who came to my ask box inquiring about what had happened, try to offer comfort to those who felt disappointed and heartbroken, and in general just try to provide as much positivity as I could amidst the terrible situation.
Some believe I was trying to gain attention from the situation, and that I was stroking the flames of the drama. I at no cost even thought of ‘getting attention’ from it, or that I was actually getting attention, I simply answered the messages I was receiving to interact with my own followers— I mean, it didn’t feel good to leave them hanging.
I do have to take responsibility that perhaps my actions continued to keep the drama up, but again, I never had this intention, and I’m terribly sorry if that’s what my answers and interactions caused.
Please I do hope you guys understand my point of view, and that I never intended for any of this to be understood in the wrong manner. I have to admit that despite all the lovely people and fun moments I had/have in the fandom, it’s also responsible for worsening my condition the 90% of the times due to the unnecessary drama, and this situation today made me feel extremely bad physically as it automatically involved me in a situation I didn’t want to be involved in, nor have anything to do with it.
And that’s why, from now on, I won’t be answering any message related to the drama anymore to not keep mentioning the things that happened. As I said all the way above, we should currently be focusing only on the good, positive things of the fandom— and hopefully, we will all learn to not be rude or gossip about other people over mere fandoms, or fanfanfiction.
Then again, thank you for reading and understanding. If I expressed myself wrongly anywhere in here, please feel free to ask me about it and I will glady re-explain it. I hope this can clear everything, and please, I don’t want to be involved any further in anything.
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pacifymebby · 1 year
could you possibly do the peaky lads where their s/o who seems “out-there” to others (not weird like crazy and loud) as in doesn’t fully understand social cues, might speak before thinking, not understanding or realizing the vibe of a conversation in time/at all, but ultimately being good-intentioned and tries hard to act “right”? (essentially maybe being someone on the spectrum and if this sounds personal that’s bc it is lol) ty for ur consideration :) 🤍🤍
Okay so, i have adhd and suspected but not diagnosed autism so i based a lot of this on my own experiences but also just wanted to say thank u for the ask i love this its v v cool.
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🌿Is probably taken back by it at first, his whole thing is being able to predict how other people behave and respond and when he can't do that with you he finds it throws him
🌿 At first... Once he knows he can't ever account for how you'll respond to him or how you'll feel about a situation he stops trying to control things or predict things and kind of realises he just has to be himself, no frills, no tricks, just plain old Tommy
🌿 Theres a moment the first time you meet, where he's talking to you, probably warning you away from the part of the city youre in, trying to put on the dangerous man act, when it becomes apparent that although youre listening to him (he thinks you're listening to him anyway?) your mind is clearly wandering and before he's finished speaking you cut him off with "Well i have to come here... Thats my favourite bakery," you point over his shoulder and he's a little stunned...
"Excuse me?" he looks at you in confusion, wants to ask why you can't just go to a different bakery but senses that if he does you might actually answer him...
🌿He realises pretty early on that any sense of danger you have is outweighed by your own stubborness/ routine. You're going to keep walking past the betting shop to get to your bakery whether he likes it or not, so he can either adjust and make time in his busy schedule to acompany you to the bakery, or he can let you get on with it.
🌿 So you get to see a side of him that he doesn't usually show anyone anymore. Things start out awkward but quickly become very natural once Tommy lets go of his need to control every element of his life.
🌿So other people don't really understand what you've done or how you've done it, but they notice the change in Tommy when youre around and they say that youve done him a lot of good. They think you're really good for him.
🌿 You're nervous to meet his family because you are aware that sometimes other people dont understand you, in a society of rules and set manners, you often come across as rude or a little odd... But Tommy would reassure you, probably by pointing out that youre about to enter a family full of "witches, psychics and murderous thugs" (joking of course) so how can anybody possibly say that you're the odd one...
🌿And when you meet his family he's watching you the whole time, trying to make sure he notices if you get overwhelmed or if you feel uncomfortable.
🌿 When youre nervous your habit of ramblimg very quickly can get worse and when he notices this happening he gives your hand a squeeze and makes sure hes following the conversation so he can answer when youre done... You have a tendency to leave people in stunned silence and he doesnt want you to be embarrassed
🌿 In the same vein, when you miss social cues, don't realise someones made a joke, don't realise you're being spoken to and need to answer, Tommy will gently, subtly nudge you in the right direction or just start to answer for you so that you know you can speak.
🌿 Also if its an important meeting or social event thats happening in which you will be on public display he will go through every step of the evening with you telling you what you should say when you greet certain people, when you should shake hands ect ect. He will explain different peoples personalities and mannerisms too, "When you meet him he'll probably try to charm you, he tells lots of terrible jokes, none of them will be funny but when he laughs you should laugh too, don't worry if you don't understand the joke, they're usually so bad no one else does either..." he will make sure you feel prepared to navigate the evening!!
🌿If anyone makes any sarcastic comments in front of you, theres a chance they will go over your head, but tommy will pick up on it and put whoever said it in their place. Hes probably more protective of you and feels he has to shield you from everyone who doesn't understand you
🌿 There are definitely times when he's been in the middle of a very tense conversation with one of his brothers or in the middle of a family meeting when the vibe is "tense" and you've not really picked up on the seriousness of a conversation, so have asked what to anyone else would be deemed a trivial question... John might smirk, Arthur probably frowns and can't hide his confusion... But tommy would just answer your question plain and simple.
🌿And the rest of the family would be able to tell from the look he gave them not to say a word.
🌿 When someone is flirting with you and you dont realise (because idk about you but unless someone is straight up "do you wanna fuck" i will not notice at all, and if they say something too obvious then i just think its a joke) Tommy will just quietly tell you, he'll be a mixture of proud and possesive, "you do realise what that man wants from you don't you angel?" "What?" "You..." "Oh, well... Thats unfortunate for him i guess?..."
🌿Ultimately the gist of this is that its amusing for everyone else seeing how Tommy has to relax and accept a loss of control when he's around you... And he is forced to open up, umwind and be less uptight because of you too. You definitely bring out the good in him.
🐻 Alfie is exceptionally endeared to you, he thinks its cute when he catches you looking lost in conversation, he just wants to put an arm around you, take you under his wing.
🐻 The first time he met you, when he introduced himself to you and you didn't quite catch what he'd said so instead of asking you just hesitated, looking back at him waiting for him to say something else... He pretty much decided from then on that he was going to keep you around, he'd have a protective attitude towards you even if really you don't need protecting.
🐻 He would try to teach you a little about the streets of Camden, try to teach you some street smarts... Because he doesnt like the thought of you out there on your own... But if you weren't a quick learner he wouldn't mind. He'd be very patient with you, and honestly he probably enjoys being that person you look to for help in any situation.
🐻 He will also try to help you prepare for any social events which might be intimidating for you, giving you all the gossip and intel to help you behave accordingly with each person... Unfortunately he will let his own opinions get in the way, he'll refer to a person by his own personal insults "fat boy" or "mummys boy" little nicknames he gives to each person, which you may once or twice have been known to accidently blurt out upon an introduction.
🐻 He likes to catch your eye across a room and feel like he's your protector when he walks over, stands just behind you and picks up the conversation for you.
🐻 He can talk for England can Alfie and i think the first time you interrupt him, mid-sentence this excited smile on your face because you know exactly what he's talking about!
🐻 He'd be amazed the first time you cut him off like that but i think afterawhile, as he got used to it, he'd enjoy it, the two of you would have such long conversations cutting in on one another, talking about ten different things at once
🐻 Hes lowkey impressed by your ability to understand him and follow his train of thought when he's talking complete shit.
🐻 You're the only person who is allowed to interrupt him.
🐻 Ollie is lowkey jealous that you get away with all of your mishaps because he doesnt.
🐻 Alfie doesn't see any problem with the way you are, if other people say you seem odd or "out there" he just shrugs and says "wellllll i like 'em..."
🐻 More than that, Alfie actually enjoys the fact that you often misstep in conversation with others... He likes to see the looks of confusion on other people's faces when you say or do something they aren't expecting. He absolutely won't help them when you catch them off guard with a question they weren't expecting.
🐻 "Well? The little lady asked you a question... Didn't she..."
🐻 He would constantly be battling internally with whether to let you help him with business or not... On the one hand you'd be excellent at unnerving his opponents without even trying... But on the other hand you are so precious to him and he wouldn't want you anywhere near those kinds of people. Especially when you sometimes don't pick up on the vibe of the conversation, you might not realise if you were being threatened...
🐻 One thing he does find amusing but does spark his over protective and possesive nature, is that you never, NEVER notice when someone is flirting with you... You will giggle along, smile and be your friendly self with someone who is really pushing their luck... And alfie will stand there silently furious but also finding it incredibly funny that this man is trying so hard to charm you, is thinking that its working, but it actually isnt at all.
🐻 He'll cough, take your hand in his and raise your palm to his lips as a way of gently showing you his affection and passive aggressively showing the other man that you're taken.
🍂 Arthur strikes me as spectrumy himself to be honest so i think the two of you would either get along incredibly well, having these fast conversations only the two of you can understand, or you'd constantly be misunderstanding eachother and getting confused.
🍂 I think he'd find it funny when you behave unexpectedly in front of Tommy, the fact that you really try to be "good" and polite in front of him but still end up mistepping because you don't pick up on the subtext of the conversation...
🍂 Arthur would find that both adorable and reassuring since he often doesnt pick up on those things either.
🍂 Honestly i think you would understand eachother better than anyone else understands either of you. You'd be able to have such easy conversations about the important stuff because neither of you would cut corners or pussy foot around difficult things... Youd just tell eachother everything exactly how it is/feels to you and then you'd have clarity that isn't there in your relationships with others
🍂 I think your inability to match up to societies expectations would marry up well to his "reject/underdog/outcast" thing too. You're both trying your best to be what other people expect you to be but you're both "failing" and through no fault of your own.
🍂 You would be eachothers salvation and sanctuary from a confusing and frustrating world. Instead of feeling like "whats wrong with me?" you'd come to the conclusion that the real question is "what the fucks wrong with everybody else? Why are we the only sane ones?"
🍂 He would be fiercly loyal and protective of you, if other people like his brothers ever made out like you had "a screw loose" or you were a bit "slow" Arthur would defend you with his whole chest (and fists depending on who said what where)
🍂 When he can tell that you're really struggling to follow a conversation he'll speak for both of you, whether he understands the whole vibe of the conversation or not.
🍂 When you are feeling overwhelmed he'll hold your hand in his lap and give it a tight squeeze
🍂 He fucking hates it when people flirt with you and you dont realise. Sometimes he gets frustrated with you but most of the time his anger is directed at the men.
🌼 Adhd king amirite <3
🌼 Who is actually interrupting who here? What are you even talking about anymore?
🌼 You and john would definitely be thick as theives, almost telepathic because you just get eachother in that way that only two neurodivergents can?
🌼 You'd balance eachother out as well, you'd be the laid back half to his excited child chaos.
🌼 Every time you "fucked up" in conversation this man would have your back, doubling down on whatever you said, always taking your side. He'd be fiercly loyal to you and you to him.
🌼 I think he'd make it even harder to concentrate on conversations though, you would be trying hard to listen in a family meeting and John would be whispering to you, knowing he finds it easy to distract you... So if you're missing the vibe of serious conversations its not your fault, its just you have the class clown sitting next to you and you're his favourite person so
🌼 I think you and John would struggle at first when it comes to emotional conversations. You know that bit in Wednesday when her love interest says "You're giving me all these signals Wednesday..." and like, as far as she's concerned she hasnt been giving any signals at all. I feel like at first thats how it would be... He'd be making it obvious how much he likes you... Cheesy flirting, real teenage boy flirting and you'd just think it was a joke IF you noticed it at all
🌼 And one day he'd just be like "y/n what the fucks going on here do you like me or not?"
🌼 "Well of course i like you John, i wouldnt spend all this time with you if i didn't like you..."
🌼 "You know i dont mean it like that y/n..."
🌼 "Like what?"
🌼 Basically you just being kind of clueless that he likes you and him just desperately trying to make it more and more obvious... But then when he finally cracks and says it to you plain and simple, you answer him plain and simple and he feels like a fool for not just talking to you...
🌼 And then when you are together it would be this learning curve for him, that he can't just say serious things in a jokey way because you won't know hes really being serious.
🌼 He has to learn to be a bit less childish sometimes... Only sometimes... Other times you behave like children together much to everybody elses frustration.
🌼 Together you for sure spell trouble and he is definitely ecstatic every time you cut Tommy off or ask him an unexpected question.
🌼 Finds it funny when you don't realise other people are hitting on you, but he does worry it will get you into trouble, that you'll mistake someone being sleazy with you for someone being friendly, so he keeps a close eye on you when youre out, even when youre not out with him
🍀 He's definitely been into you for way longer than you realise... He's been trying to give you signals for so long but they're all so subtle that you don't pick up on them at all
🍀 You're always referring to him as your best friend. You once told someone he was "like a brother" to you.
🍀 He's constantly suffering real teenage angst and yearning for you
🍀 Until one day you blurt it out in conversation and take him by surprise...
🍀 "I said something really stupid and I'm sorry Bonnie!" you'd say in the middle of his sentence about something totally different. Youd be awkward about it, fiddling with your shirt or hair, "I didn't mean to say you were like my brother... You're not that at all actually... Actually i think you're..." he'd be able to see that you are struggling with it but
🍀 He doesnt want to push you or talk over you so he just has to wait it out...
🍀 "think I'm what dove?" he'd be hopeful but not wanting to get his hopes up, because he's used to how unpredictable you can be sometimes, he knows you might not be about to say what he wants you to
🍀 "Actually i think... I really um.. You know..." he'd chuckle at that, biting back a smile as he plays with your fingers, definitely would enjoy teasing you when you steuggle for words/to say the right thing.
🍀 When you finally tell him he'd be so happy, he wouldnt even care that it had taken so long, he'd just be glad you finally understood eachothers feelings.
🍀 He'd be very supportive of you, he'd never let you feel embarrassed or guilty/ashamed if you felt like you'd messed up in conversation
🍀 Similar to Tommy hed make jokes at his family's expense like "You're worried you're the odd one here? Really little dove?"
🍀 Always telling you you're perfect and that he loves you, you're never going to feel like you're not good enough
🍀 Will defend you from any teasing that may come your way
🍀When youre watching him fight you don't hold back when you shout encouragement. You don't really understand when hes throwing the fight unless he spells it out to you first, so sometimes you won't realise and you'll be be shouting at him to "hit back, why aren't you fucking hitting him bon?"
🍀So he learns to warn you and tell you exactly how a fight is supposed to go before it starts. He's lowkey worried youll get him caught!
🍀Bonnie laughs it off when other people flirt with you because "well good luck to em i say, took you bloody years to notice me didn't it," but he does make a point of holding your hand in public, kissing you in public.
🍀 His favourite thing is that the idea of "manners" doesn't hold you back a lot of the time, if the other boys are being cheeky to you you wont hesitate to put them in their place and its always cutting and brutal, more so because you often don't intend for it to be.
🐀Doesn't have the trouble of you not realising he likes you because he is actually straight up with you from the very beginning. "I think me and you would make a good couple what do you say y/n..." "I don't know you..." "Well thats what a dates for... What do you say? I'll pick you up at 7?"
🐀Because hes so straightforward with you, you understand eachother quickly and you are able to trust him very quickly too.
🐀You'd never be confused about where you stand with Isaiah because he always says things simple and truthful and doesn't try to hide or sweeten things for you
🐀Still it takes him by surprise one day when he tries to, he's talking about a job he has to do for tommy, and he's not saying it but you know its dangerous... You turn to him cutting him off mid sentence, "so he wants you to kill them for him? How are you going to do it?"
🐀The way you offer up advice on killing them/disposing of the body so he won't get caught... You just want to make sure he doesn't get caught so that he will be safe, you don't really realise how removed and heartless you sound... When he points it out he says it with an affectionate smirk but you just shrug
🐀"well i just don't want you to get hurt... If i can help you to be safe why wouldn't i? How is that heartless?" he'd be forced to accept that youre right actually, its hardly heartless to care about him.
🐀He would be over protective of you around the others, if other peaky boys looked at you for too long, or tried to tease you, flirting with you and then snickering about the fact you don't seem to realise that they are... Isaiah would put them in their place immediately, wouldn't hesitste to hit them around the back of the head with his cap, shaking his head at them and talking down to them about how they behave like fucking children
🐀When you're worried about messing up in front of people he will be encouraging but in a "so what?" kind of way. He has had to spend his whole life fighting to be respected in the wake of a society that looks down on him for who he is, and his attitude to that is "fuck em" thats what he'll say to you.
🐀"But Isaiah what if i do something wrong and they think I'm..." "who gives a fuck what they think of you love, if you spend your whole life worrying about what the likes of them think about you you'll never be happy, they'll never welcome you with open arms so fuck em... You're fuckin perfect right, a fuckin star... Fuck em... "
🐀Expect lots of these angsty little pep talks.
☘️ Cares about you alot and can empathise with your embarrassment when you realise you've messed up in conversation by speaking too soon or saying something that isn't exactly relevent at the wrong time... He feels like he can feel it for you
☘️ And his response to this is to try and make sure this happens as little as possible... He doesnt want to make you feel bad about it because he knows you try your best and you just can't help it... But he also hates to see you embarrassed or being laughed at by others so he tries his best to help you get by in social situations
☘️He will write out step by step notes on conversing with certain people (like his cousin tommy who intimidates you) and if you're nervous about something like a job interview or just meeting someone important, then he will let you practice and rehearse the conversation with you too
☘️ He's very supportive in this way, and he'll never leave you to fend for yourself in any situation he doesn't 100% know you'll be accepted in
☘️ He will leave you on your own with Pol though, because he knows she will accept you for everything you are.
☘️ He does get frustrated sometimes when you cut him off but only when he's trying to talk to you about something serious (like your own personal safety) he's constantly reminding you to concentrate or listen to him
☘️ However when you're just talking about things together he likes to let you cut him off and start rambling about something, he loves how your face lights up when something interests you, or how you concentrate when you're explaining a new idea to someone. He could listen to you talk for hours and hours.
☘️ And when you are feeling confident in a social situation michael enjoys being a silent spectator just sitting back and watching you thrive. If you get worried afterwards that you missed the vibe of the conversation or you talked too much he'll shake his head "darlin you were the most interesting person at the table, if you ask me they should have only let you speak, we could all have enjoyed listening to you even longer..."
☘️ He warns his family in advance, and warns tommy especially because he wants tommy to be patient with you and will not tolerate anyone snapping at you or humiliating you.
☘️Really i think, michael was raised in a loving but judgemental family until he found his real mum, i think those prejudices would sometimes sneak up on him, so perhaps at first he would be concious of your differences, however he also knows that those exact prejudices are what meant he was taken from him real mum, they're hnjust and they target good people...so rather than hold those prejudices himself he would be extra concious of protecting you from other people who might hold them
☘️ He won't let anyone say a bad word about you ever, sometimes you'll actually have to be the one to say "calm down michael, he was just joking..."
I hope you like these and that they were what you were wanting, they've taken me a long time because i wanted to get them right i guess!!!
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friendshiptothemax · 1 year
hi i bet you get this all the time and you dont have to answer if you dont want to BUT what was your journey to being an Actual Tv Writer like? im looking into becoming a writer but im so out of my depth on how to do it
My journey to being a TV writer is incredibly regular -- it's kind of the template of how it should work. That being said not everyone goes this route, and not everyone who tries it is as lucky as I was! But it's kind of the most "basic" method.
I moved out to LA in 2011 to go to grad school. I don't think grad school is necessary for everyone -- the two biggest things I got out of it were time to write and a close group of friends, so if you can obtain that in other ways you might as well save yourself the $$. While I was in grad school, I worked a little in the industry, freelancing as a script supervisor on a number of student films, vanity projects, webseries, and commercials. I also worked at a couple of internships, where I met more people than just my classmates.
Once I graduated, I kept doing the un/underemployed thing (I read and reviewed self-published novels for rent money) until I was lucky enough to get a job as a production office production assistant on an NBC show called Aquarius. I spent a season getting lunches and running copies for the production office (which includes the accountants, art department, locations, and general office staff). I did that on two more shows before I got hired as the writer's production assistant for The Blacklist. I was still getting lunches and running copies, but for the writers! Woohoo!
After two years of that, there was an opening in the writer's room for script coordinator. The script coordinator is kind of between assistant and writer. I read every script about 1,000 times, proofreading, looking for continuity errors, and keeping up the entire writer's room, cast, and crew all on what was the most current copy of the script. It was an amazing job that was hard as fuck but I really enjoyed because I got to really get into the heads of my bosses. In my second year of that, they told me I could pitch them ideas, and I pitched an idea that became episode 618. I wrote it and it went really well, I think in part because I was so familiar with their voice. After that, they brought me on as a writer full time for season 7, and I was a writer there for the next four years.
My advice to you is twofold --
Work on your writing. I really like Pam Douglas' book "Writing the TV Drama Series." There are some good podcasts, particularly by John August and Craig Mazin, though I'm sure there are others. Read as many scripts as you can. When you have a script, enter contests to get feedback. Here is a great list of the most reputable ones, so you can get feedback and hopefully a little credit to your name if you place highly in one.
Make friends. I find that "networking events" are stupid, but HAVING a network is invaluable. Every TV job I've ever gotten is because I knew someone already working there. Move to LA and start meeting people. For me, besides my grad school classmates, it was improv classes, D&D, and working on the low-budget sets as a script supervisor (different from script coordinator, I know it's confusing), but you can find your own thing. The more friends I made in the TV assistant world, the MORE friends I made. As they say, a rising tide raises all ships, and that has been very true for me. Be nice and cool to everyone -- you never know when that construction PA you worked with on one show might be the in to your next.
Good luck!! Let me know if you have any more questions! :)
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