#( rises from the grave and posts this for no reason )
spinningbagel · 8 months
Decided Sheriff’s birthday is October 31st
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shaytheantagonist · 2 months
My Roman Empire is how the life series writes itself. Here are some coincidences that I think about frequently:
1. Every person who has ever won a life series (Real Life included) was paired with another winner in Double Life (Grian & Scar, Scott & Pearl, Martyn & Cleo)
2. Several members had patterns in their deaths in Secret Life (All of Grian’s deaths happened while a large portion of the remaining server members were present, all of Scott’s deaths were arranged & he let whoever killed him kill him, all of Etho’s deaths were from Scar killing him, all of Jimmy’s deaths were from mobs of increasing strength (drowned, dragon & warden), all of Mumbo’s deaths were because of poor walking (walked off a ledge, walked into lava, walked into his own fence posts) & all of Martyn’s deaths happened in different dimensions)
3. Jimmy being out first 4 times in a row
4. Grian winning 3rd Life & then being dead last in the VR recreation of 3rd Life
5. Mumbo always having his final death moments after Jimmy’s final death
6. Pearl & Scar winning their seasons after being the underdog the entire season & having it the hardest
7. The first interaction Etho & Joel had in the entire life series was while they were in boats
8. Every time Scott is in the final two, whoever loses dies to a mob they didn’t know was behind them (Ren in Last Life, Scott in Real Life)
9. Jimmy always cursing at least one of his allies to do horribly each season (3rd Life was Scott’s lowest placement ever, 10th. Last Life: both Mumbo & Impulse were in the bottom 4. Double Life: Tango played poorly and was responsible for 2/3 of their deaths. Limited Life, Joel was out third & The Bad Boys died A LOT. Secret Life: Martyn was the first yellow AND the first red despite literally winning the previous season. EVEN REAL LIFE, Jimmy teamed with Grian, Joel, Scar & Impulse, who were the first 4 to be eliminated.)
10. Since Double Life, Pearl has wanted her allies to win the current seasons, she has outlived all of her main allies every season since then (Big B in Limited Life & Mumbo, BDubs & Joel in Secret Life)
11. Joel literally & metaphorically being the reason Lizzie was the first one out instead of Jimmy in Secret Life (Lizzie only died because she was trying to kill Scott to help out with Joel’s assassin task, by the time she tried to kill him & died in the process, Joel had already failed his task & just hadn’t told her yet, so if he had told her that he had failed, she wouldn’t have taken Scott to the end & fallen into the void & Jimmy probably would’ve first out again. Also when they were hosting an early funeral for Jimmy, Joel opened the grave & told Jimmy to “Rise”, I think this was Joel unknowingly breaking the curse.)
12. The fact that Gem’s final death is always her coming 3rd & dying in a 2v1 situation.
13. Joel’s first death in Last Life was fall damage, his first death in Secret Life was also fall damage. The reason Joel ended up on red life in Last Life was because of the Boogeyman curse (both times), in Secret Life, he because red because of being killed by a Boogeyman. In Last Life Joel’s final death was at the hands of Scott, causing him to place 5th, in Secret Life, Joel’s final death was being killed by Scott, causing him to place 5th. I’m leaving out one of Joel’s Last Life deaths, specifically when he died to Mumbo in self defence, but that’s mostly cuz there are more deaths in Last Life than Secret Life
This isn’t even all of them, there are so many more!
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morningberriesao3 · 10 months
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Dirty Words
Steve Harrington X Eddie Munson
Summary: Steve gives Eddie a lesson on dirty talk, but things start to get carried away.
Word Count: 10.2K
Chapters: 1 of 1
Content Warning: Explicit m/m sexual content including dirty talk, masturbation, hand jobs, spit and cum as lube, allusions to anal sex, scent kink, spit kink, multiple orgasms, and oral sex. Excessive swearing. Recreational drug use and drinking. This post includes explicit sexual content, foul language, and sensitive themes. It is intended for those 18 and older ONLY. I am not responsible for the media you consume.
Disclaimer: All characters in my fics engaging in sexual acts are—and always will be—18 or older, even if not explicitly stated.
Eddie is feeling all floaty and shit. The weed Argyle gave him really is better than the skunkweed he’s been peddling in alleyways since he was sixteen years old. Not that he’ll ever admit to it. Definitely a fact he’ll take to his grave.
But for now, Eddie has the weekend off from his new, lousy day job that Steve and (mostly) Robin managed to bag him at Family Video. To be honest, it had been a last resort. But turns out, business is shit after he fucking finally graduated high school. And now—cherry on top!—he’ll have to figure out how to file taxes and shit. Welcome to the corporate world.
With a sigh, Eddie takes another drag from the perfectly rolled joint that he made himself. Argyle can’t top him on that, at least.
Eddie giggles to himself. Top him. Shit, Argyle could top him if he really wanted to, considering how fucking pent up—
The phone rings, making Eddie jump a good six inches from the sunken couch cushion he’s lounging on. He scrambles to a sitting position, and then lifts himself onto his legs that only slightly wobble like a newborn giraffe underneath him. He runs to the yellowing, plastic phone that’s hung up on his uncle’s trailer’s wall, hoping that maybe it’s the guy Eddie’s been fooling around with on the other end of the line. Maybe he could try the whole phone sex thing. Again. And not fuck it up this time.
“Eddie?” Steve asks, voice all staticky through the speakers. “Why does it sound like you just ran a marathon, dude?”
Eddie realises he’s panting. He’s not sure if it’s from the short dash to the telephone, or if it’s because his blood was rushing to his cock for a minute there instead of his lungs.
Either way, he should probably consider going for a jog once in a while or something. It’s kind of sad that he’s winded.
“Shut up, man,” he says. “Maybe I was running a marathon. You’d never know.”
“I do know. It’ll be a cold day in Hell when you decide to exercise willingly. The sun will be rising in the West. The sky will be green and the grass will be blue when Eddie Munson runs a marathon.”
“You forgot when pigs fly.” Eddie scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. He nearly drops the phone that’s wedged between his ear and his shoulder. “Did you call to talk about my general lack of fitness, or is there another reason you called, Harrington?”
“I’m bored,” Steve whines. The phone line crackles. Eddie can only assume Steve is, like, laying in bed or something.
Laying in bed, in those navy blue sheets. Shirtless. Maybe fresh out of the shower. A little wet still, his hair sticking up around his head—
No. Nope.
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and tries to will away the next image (a towel slipping away from Steve’s hips), because three months ago he made a rule for himself. No more fantasising about Steve goddamn Harrington.
It had been becoming nearly impossible to look the other man in the eye after some of the things Eddie imagined doing with him.
Steve continues on, completely unaware of Eddie’s wandering mind. “Robin is working tonight and tomorrow so she can’t hang.”
“Glad to know I’m your second choice,” Eddie teases.
“No! No, I would have called you either way.”
“Sure you would have.”
Eddie smiles to himself. He’s not actually miffed. He and Steve have become way closer than he would have ever imagined possible. It started when Robin would ask him to hang out, and then she’d invite him along with her and Steve, and then somehow he and Steve just started hanging out alone. And it wasn’t even all that awkward.
Turns out Eddie is cooler than Steve thought, and Steve is more of a loser than Eddie thought.
“Eddie,” Steve groans. And Eddie tries not to be perverted about how good it sounds. “Come on, dude. Let’s hang out.”
“Can’t, man,” Eddie says. “I’m busy.”
“What? No you’re not. It’s nine at night and you’re at home. I also know Wayne works a double, so he won’t be back until tomorrow night.”
“It’s weird that you know my uncle’s schedule.”
“No it’s not; he works the same shifts every week. Point is, I know you’re alone. Unless you have other friends that I don’t know about?”
“I do have other friends!” (Not really. Just a guy Eddie’s made out with a couple times in the city, and the members of Corroded Coffin who’re away for the summer.)
“Oh.” Steve goes quiet for a moment, and Eddie feels like he won. But then, “Well, are they over right now?”
“No, but—”
“Then you’re not busy! I can bring movies. I have Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and Wildcats—”
“What makes you think I want to watch a sports movie?”
“And Labyrinth.”
Eddie’s jaw clenches. Shit, he loves David Bowie, and he hasn’t been able to get his hands on a copy yet. But he also knows Steve won’t just return the movie before Eddie has the chance to see it, because Steve isn’t mean like that. Not like Eddie is.
“I’m busy.”
“Doing what?”
“Getting high and being alone!” And jerking off for the next hour and a half to see how many times he can make himself come before it becomes unbearable.
Eddie doesn’t add that last point, for obvious reasons.
“I like getting high. Please, Eddie? I’m so bored. And my house is empty and quiet, and you know how I get nightmares when—”
“Okay! Okay, oh my god, fine. You’re so whiny.” Eddie had no idea Steve was such a beggar. He kind of likes it. “But you have to bring beer as payment. Afterhours fee.”
“Yes,” Steve says, sounding like he’s doing something dorky like punching the air. “Beer it is. See you soon.”
“Hey, Harrington, can you give me, like—” half an hour, Eddie wants to say. But the line goes dead.
He wonders if he can manage to pump one out before Steve gets to the trailer. And the thing is, his dick is harder than he’d like to admit after hearing Steve’s voice. So he’s going to try.
Eddie runs to his room, pulls down his flannel pants so the elastic sits taut under his balls. He doesn’t bother laying in his bed; he just sits on the edge of it, facing his mirror, watching as he fists his own cock and gives it a few tugs. It’s not a narcissism thing, Eddie just likes the visual. Likes to imagine it’s someone else’s hand, or someone else’s cock. Likes to see the tip of it, shiny and red, as his foreskin pulls down his shaft to expose it.
He wonders if Steve is cut or not.
Fuck—no. No, no, no.
Eddie shouldn’t be thinking about Steve, he should be thinking about the guy from the bar. About how hard his dick had been, pressing into Eddie’s hip as they made out against the wall in the alleyway.
Yeah. Yeah, okay, that’s doing something…
Eddie watches as his hand pumps over his cock, watches as it starts to strain, the veins popping from the skin as he builds himself up. He squeezes hard around the crown. It only gives a little under the pressure, considering how hard he is, but it makes his dick offer up a pearl of precum that he gathers and spreads around the slit. When he lifts his thumb away, a sticky string connects his hand between his legs.
He likes the way that looks. He likes when things start to get messy. He wonders if he’ll ever get to see the guy from the bar’s cock like this, if he also likes to play with cum and spit.
If Steve ever plays with cum and spit when he’s on his own, like Eddie does. He wonders how Steve touches himself, what he likes, what he doesn’t like, what sounds he makes, what face he makes…
Oh fuck, oh fuck. Yeah, that’s fucking good.
Okay. Okay it’s fine, Eddie will just think about Steve one more time, and then he’ll for sure stop doing it. Just this one more time…
A jolt travels from Eddie’s cock into the tight muscles of his stomach as he imagines Steve’s face all twisted up in pleasure. Those strong thighs bracketing Eddie’s head as he sucks back little dribbles of salty white that leak out of Steve. His nose brushing against a mound of dark hair that Eddie just knows would grow thick around the base of Steve’s cock; little curls that smell like honey and almond soap, because Steve uses the expensive shit.
Jesus Christ. What he wouldn’t give to go down on Steve, just once. Just one time.
Eddie’s mouth waters as his hand flies harder, faster. He’s so fucking close. Just a quick, dirty orgasm before Steve comes over. Steve. Fuck, yes, Steve—
There’s a loud knock on Eddie’s front door.
No! Shitshitshit. He just needs two more minutes. Maybe not even that, just one—
“Eddie?” Steve’s voice is muffled beyond the walls of the trailer. Eddie almost considers letting him wait outside while he finishes up, but he can hear Steve’s footsteps getting closer to his bedroom window.
A rock hits the glass and shocks Eddie enough that it sets him back. Now it would definitely take the full two minutes.
“Shit! Goddamn fucking Harrington—” Eddie stands from the mattress and releases his cock from the death grip he had on it. It bobs between his legs, so fucking stiff that there’s no way it’s going away on its own anytime soon. “One sec!”
Eddie has no choice but to tuck his cock into the waistband of his pants. The tip pokes up under his navel, like it’s staring angrily at him for not finishing the job he started. It’s throbbing, and leaking, and getting the fabric it’s tucked into all damp.
“Same,” he mumbles to his dick as he grabs a longer t-shirt and pulls it over his head.
Another rock smacks against his window.
“Coming!” Well, he was about to anyway.
He doesn’t jog to greet Steve, because he doesn’t want to risk his dick slipping from its hiding spot. That is a conversation Eddie wants to avoid.
When he opens the front door, Steve has another rock in his hand, aimed towards Eddie’s window.
“You better not throw that, Harrington.”
Steve’s head whips around. His eyes are full of mischief, a small smile on his lips. His hair is freshly washed and styled, just like Eddie suspected. And his outfit is positively sinful (if you’re horny like Eddie is). Grey sweatpants and a plain white tee, which Eddie thinks is the guy version of lingerie.
Totally unfair, especially when Eddie would just like if his dick would go soft again.
“Why did you take so long, dude? Your trailer park is scary in the dark.”
Eddie gawks at Steve. “You’ve literally fought monsters and a dark wizard in an alternate dimension, and you think my trailer park is scary?”
“Yeah.” Steve points over his shoulder to a mobile home down the lane. “There was an old dude watching me from his window.”
“Mr. Jackson?” Eddie tilts his head, sees the curtains ruffling as his neighbour draws them back. “He’s… mostly harmless. I think.”
“You think?” Steve flings up Eddie’s steps and quickly locks the door behind him.
“Totally. I mean, besides the shotgun he keeps next to his couch. But that’s reserved exclusively for handsome young men that come around the trailer park after nine PM.” Eddie checks his watch, gasps in mock fear, widens his eyes, and peers out of the window behind Steve’s head.  “That means you’re not safe! I think—I think I hear him loading the gun!”
Steve grabs Eddie’s arm, just for a second, as he cranes his head to look out the window. When Eddie’s sarcasm finally sinks in, he lets go and punches him (a little too hard) where his hand had been. “You’re such a dick.”
“I think that was kind of a compliment,” Eddie says, rubbing at the place where he would surely bruise. “I did say you were handsome.”
Steve flops down on Eddie’s couch and tosses a bag full of VHS tapes and a six pack onto the ground by his feet. He leans back, like he’s making a point, flourishing his hand over the length of his body with the most disgustingly sexy lazy smile on his face. “Yeah, well, that’s common knowledge.”
Eddie looks down to make sure his cock is still out of sight. He can feel it pulse between his legs as he hears Steve’s voice, sees how he stretches on the sofa. But thank God, he’s still tucked away and Steve should be none the wiser.
He takes his place next to Steve—makes sure his shirt drapes loose enough around him that it hides how hard he is.
He wonders if blue balls are a real thing. Will Eddie have severe health defects if he doesn’t come? Will his boner go away on its own?
Questions that he’ll find out sooner or later, he supposes.
“Little full of yourself, are you, Harrington?”
Steve sighs. “Not at all. It’s actually hard work being this gorgeous. You would know.”
Eddie feels his cocky expression fall from his face.
Did Steve just call him gorgeous? Or did Eddie totally misinterpret his words? He blushes and figures it’s better to be safe than be sorry. “Sure,” is all he replies with.
“So,” Steve says casually, “where’s this weed I’ve been hearing so much about?”
Eddie smiles, big and sweet, and points towards his bedroom where he left the joint to fizzle out in an ashtray before he molested himself. “Be a dear and go grab it from my nightstand?”
The truth is, Eddie’s pretty sure the tip of his dick slipped from under the elastic of his pants when he sat down. Miraculously, he thinks it’s starting to deflate by the teensiest fraction, but it would still basically slap Harrington in the face if he tried to stand.
Which—good thing or bad thing? Eddie isn’t sure. That would all have to do with Steve’s reaction. But he’s not willing to find out.
Steve rolls his eyes but gets up like a good little boy to fetch the ashtray. He brings it and the lighter to the coffee table where Eddie had been smoking before.
Fifteen minutes later, Eddie is back in his floaty state with a beer between his legs instead of a hard on. Turns out, stiffies don’t actually last forever if you don’t let yourself come. It’s just very, very frustrating.
“You up for another beer?” Steve asks slowly, reaching into the bag to grab two bottles. His eyes are glazed and blown, and Eddie thinks he looks totally fucked up already. It’s hilarious.
“Yeah, I’m down.”
Steve hands Eddie a new PBR, and his eyes do this little flare thing that makes him look adorable. “Woah.”
“Woah what?” Eddie asks, popping the cap and replacing his empty bottle with the new one.
“Being up for something and being down for something mean the same thing, even though they’re the opposites. I just realised that.”
Eddie smiles against the lip of the bottle, feeling the glass clink against his teeth. “Shit, man, you’re so high.”
“Am not.” Steve honest to God giggles as he makes eye contact with Eddie. “Okay. Maybe a little.”              
“I’m glad you came over, Harrington,” says Eddie after a beat. “Better than another night alone.”
Steve opens his mouth, like he’s about to say something, but he’s cut off by the sound of the telephone ringing.
Both men turn their heads to stare at the wall phone, but Eddie doesn’t make a move to stand up to actually answer.
Because, for some reason, his mind is suddenly going a million miles a minute.
He knows it’s not his uncle calling in the middle of work, and he knows it’s obviously not Steve. The chances that it’s Robin are slim to none because her shift doesn’t end for another half hour. Gareth and Jeff are away with their respective families.
So the most logical answer to who’s calling after dark, would be the guy from the bar.
And the thing is, Eddie doesn’t want to raise questions. Isn’t sure if he’s capable of thinking of a good enough excuse as to who it was or why he’s calling. Yeah, he could probably have at least answered and told Bar-Guy to call back tomorrow, that he has company, but his brain isn’t thinking fast enough. So he just kind of… stares at the phone as it rings.
“I’ll get it,” Steve says after a few seconds, and suddenly he’s standing from the couch and reaching for the telephone—
“No!” Eddie pounces, because that’s even worse than if Eddie just answers the damn phone himself. He flounders towards Steve, grabbing the outstretched hand, stopping it from curling around the phone. “Stop! Stop—just let it ring!”
Steve gawks at him, but holds his hands in surrender in front of his chest.
The phone rings one more time, and then the kitchenette goes quiet.
Eddie heaves a sigh of relief, even though he probably just made more questions arise than he avoided by not picking up.
“What—what was that about?”
“Nothing,” Eddie huffs, dragging his feet back to the couch.
Steve follows closely behind. Just as Eddie flops onto the cushions, Steve is on top of him, tickling the shit out of Eddie’s arms, his sides, his stomach.
Eddie was not expecting anything like this—Steve’s hands all over him, his leg slung over Eddie’s to hold him down, the smell of Steve’s breath hitting his face. It’s not a bad smell, like freshly brushed teeth and beer and weed, and it’s warm, because their faces are so close together.
All Eddie can to is half-shriek-half-laugh, even as his mind muddles with confusion (and lust. Obviously).
“Tell me!” Steve commands, digging his fingers into Eddie’s neck, down his back, dangerously close to his thighs…
The boner that he just got rid of starts to fill out once more.
“Stop, dude!” Any sense of authority is lost under Eddie’s laughter that he can’t control. “No! Stop!”
“Come on, Munson. Spill the beans.”
Eddie tries flipping onto his stomach, but Steve follows him, blanketing over his back. The panes of his chest press behind Eddie, hard and warm, crowding him against the pillows. And there’s also friction.
Friction that could easily become a problem if Steve keeps goddamn moving against Eddie, making his hips rub against the couch—
“Okay! Uncle. Uncle!”
Eddie keeps panting face-down as Steve lifts himself away from his back.
“So?” Steve asks with a smile in his voice, triumphant from his win. An unhonourable win, as far as Eddie is concerned. Tickle torture is a serious offense. “What’s up your ass?”
Eddie snorts as he sits up, casually grabbing one of the throw cushions to hold against his lap.
Nothing, he wants to say. That’s the problem.
Instead, he just kind of adverts his gaze and goes for the truth.
“I’ve—kind of—been talking to…” this guy.
It’s not like Eddie has been hiding his sexuality from Steve, per se, but other dudes are way less accepting than girls about it. His first official ‘coming out’ had been to Robin (an obvious choice after she told him she’s a lesbian), and then to Nancy.
Apparently, Steve had been really cool when Robin told him she likes girls. But this is a different situation. Steve might be afraid that Eddie will, like, come on to him or something. Which… fair enough. Eddie probably would.
So, instead of finishing with the whole truth, he dampens it down a bit, and says, “Someone.”
“Oh. Shit.” Steve’s eyes do this thing where they drop to the floor, and then shoot sideways to Eddie, his eyebrows crumpled like a cartoon above his nose. He grabs the blunt, takes a deep drag. “That’s good though, right?”
Eddie shrugs. “Sure.”
“Sweet. So what’s the issue?”
All of it. Everything.
Because said guy lives all the way in Indianapolis—two hours away—and the only chance they have to communicate is through phone. Which, by proxy, means that the only times they can actually meet up is after a phone conversation.
Not to mention the fact that they aren’t, like, official—that they just made out a few times. Once outside of the bar, and a couple times in the back of Eddie’s van, which left him achingly hard when they parted ways.
This circles back to point number one about the phone conversations. They’re awkward. They don’t know each other well, don’t know what to talk about. Things don’t just flow naturally. Not like they do with—oh, say—Steve.
Maybe the worst part is that Eddie is a twenty-one-year-old man with raging hormones that—as much as he wishes otherwise—he cannot control. His self-discipline is basically nil. Nada. Zero. He’s fucking horny all the time.
So how is he supposed to deal with long-distance plus rare phone calls?!
Bingo. Yep. Phone sex. It’s the obvious answer, is it not?
So Eddie, like, tried.
And he thought it started well!
What are you wearing? Is that not fucking obvious where Eddie was headed? Is that not the exact line that they use in movies and shit? That’s what he said—What are you wearing?—and then he shoved his hand down his pants and waited for Bar-Guy to get into it, start saying something filthy into the speaker that would get Eddie going.
Maybe like… ‘Nothing at all,’ or, ‘tight boxers that show off my cock,’ or—fuck—'a towel slung low on my hips’. Something like that!
But all Eddie got was, “Uh—sweatshirt. Jeans. Why are you breathing hard?”
And then Eddie had said, “Just thinking about you,” with his low and gravelly voice, to help keep the conversation moving (again, he thinks this is pretty obvious and, like, at least a bit sexy).
Here’s the real kicker. The dude then said, “Are you… touching yourself?”
And it was not a sexy question. He sounded completely weirded out! Horrified! Disgusted!
So Eddie pulled his hand out of his pants and basically yelled, “No!”
Deny deny deny. Eddie is good at that shit.
The conversation had gone on to other things. Dinner plans, or something. Eddie didn’t really care. All he could think about was that this guy probably didn’t want to fuck him. They’d had the opportunity before, and it never progressed. And the thought of Eddie even fisting his own cock all but repulsed him.
Such a damn shame. Because Eddie is so desperate, so pent up, so sick of fucking his own hand, that he’s literally about to drill a hole in one of Uncle Wayne’s oranges and go to town until there’s nothing left but pulp.
Eddie doesn’t tell Steve any of this. He just groans really loud and buries his face in his hands, and says, “I don’t know!”
“C’mon, man. Something’s up. Out with it.” Steve waves his hand in encouragement, vaguely gesturing to the empty trailer and himself. “Safe space.”
Eddie peeks through his fingers at Steve, and he just looks so… genuinely curious. Like he actually wants to help, or at least hear, Eddie’s problems.
“Okay, fine.” Eddie snatches the joint from between Steve’s fingers and sucks it back like it’s water, keeping his gaze from Steve’s (beautiful) hazel eyes. “It’s just that I… I kind of made it awkward. Last time we talked on the phone. I tried to initiate… uh”—he clears his throat—“phone sex.”
Steve’s eyes go wide, his forehead crinkling with surprise. His lips are shiny and pink. But that second part doesn’t have anything to do with Steve’s expression—Eddie just happened to notice them.
“Fuck,” Steve says, leaning forward to set his bottle on the table in front of them. “Yeah. I’ve been there before, man. What happened?”
“What do you mean, what happened?”
“I don’t know. What did you say? I assume it didn’t go well considering how you’re all… tense and shit.”
“Tense and shit.” Eddie laughs once, then mumbles, “You have no idea.”
“It can’t be that bad,” Steve encourages.
“It’s not! I started with the classic, what are you wearing?” Eddie drops an octave, making fun of his attempt to sound hot. “And then I got an actual play by play of what they were wearing.”
Steve sits back and thinks about it for a minute—his legs splayed, and his arms crossed over his chest. “I think the issue with that is… it’s obvious, but it’s not sexy.”
“How is it not sexy, dude?” Eddie asks, exasperated. “It’s literally a steppingstone into, like, a form of sex!”
“Yeah, sure, but it doesn’t get you hot. You know?”
“No, Steve, I don’t know. Because I’m always hot. Someone could bend to tie their shoes and I’d fucking cream my pants.”
Steve hiccups a startled laugh. “Fuck. Me too. It’s been forever.”
“I don’t think it’s natural for a guy to go this long, man.” Eddie swigs back the rest of his beer and cracks a third. Lights up a new joint, too. And honestly, regardless of his tolerance, he’s pretty fucked up.
“Do you know how many chicks I’ve gone out with? None of my dates have even led to hands stuff. It at least sounds like you’re close to sealing he deal.” Steve lolls his head towards Eddie with a cheeky little smile on his lips. “I mean, if you didn’t suck at talking dirty.”
“I do not suck!” Eddie cries, grabbing the throw cushion from his lap to smack it against Steve’s smug face.
Steve catches the pillow and rips it playfully away from Eddie’s grip. “Then show me.”
Eddie stares at Steve for way too long. He narrows his eyes after a few seconds. “You’re kidding me.”
“Not kidding. I can’t help you if I don’t know what you’re doing wrong.” Steve leans forward, plucks the joint right out of Eddie’s slack lips. “Just pretend I’m on the other end of the line.”
“No way, dude.”
Steve curls his hand up to look like a telephone, pretends to dial in a number. Brings it up to his ear. “Riiiinngg. Riiiinngg. C’mon, Eds, you’re getting a sexy phone call. Pick up. Riiinngg.”
Eddie feels his face flush red. He’s not sure if it’s from where this conversation is headed, or out of sheer embarrassment for Steve’s sake. “Holy fuck. You’re such a loser, Harrington.”
“I’ll just pretend you already answered and said hello. Hey, Eds. It’s… wait, what’s this guy’s name?”
Eddie opens his mouth. Then closes it again, because Steve just said guy. Not girl. Guy. Is this a slip of the tongue? Or did Buckley out Eddie to Steve? Or Nancy?
No, neither of them would do that. Maybe Steve just figured it out from context clues.
But still, to be sure, Eddie just says, “What?”
“What’s his name?” Steve askes again.
So—shit—it definitely wasn’t a slip of the tongue. But Steve isn’t freaking out. Hasn’t freaked out in the past. And he’s looking at Eddie expectantly, but not judgy or anything.
Eddie clears his throat. “Nick.”
“Nick! Strong name. Not as strong as Steve, but not everyone can be a Steve—”
“Come on, man!” Eddie groans. Again. Hides his face. Again.
“Okay, Okay!” Steve clears his throat. “Hey, Eds, it’s Nick. What’re you up to?”
Eddie sucks in a breath and lets it forcefully out of pursed lips. “Uhh—hey, Nick… I’m…”—his eyes flick sideways to catch Steve staring at him with a half-smile on his face—“no. Nope! I can’t do this.”
Eddie goes to stand from his perch on the couch, but Steve’s arm shoots out to grab him. “Alright. Let’s just do it, you and me. No phone roleplaying required. Just start with saying a compliment you’d tell Nick or something.”
“Alright… Okay… Uh, you’re—I mean Nick—is really funny?” Eddie says. Nick isn’t all that funny but, fuck, it’s all Eddie can think of. Steve is funny, though, so it’s easy enough to say.
“Yeah, good. That’s good. What else?”
“And you’re really hot. Really fucking hot.”
“Good.” Steve shifts around on the couch, maybe trying to get more comfortable. “And then Nick would say something like, You’re really hot, too.”
Eddie stifles a giggle. “I really don’t think he would.”
“Well, just pretend he does. And then it’s your turn to keep the conversation heading in the direction you want it to.”
“By saying what, Harrington?”
“Try saying how I—Nick—makes you feel.”
“Okay. You make me feel… like I’m vibrating. Like I’m pressurized, or something.”
“Yeah?” Steve breathes, his voice dropping an octave. Probably just getting more into character. “What does that make you do, when you feel like that?”
“It makes me… makes me hard.” Eddie feels his hips pitching forward. His cock twitches under his flannel pants.
A dangerous game they’re playing. Maybe Steve doesn’t know just how serious Eddie was when he said he’s pent up.
“Fuck,” Steve says lowly.
“Too much?”
“No! Nah, it’s good. It’s hot. I mean, sometimes it’ll take longer to build into that kind of stuff, but keep going.”
Eddie nods nervously. “Okay. Uh, what do I say now?”
Steve sits up a bit to adjust the band of his sweats. “Sorry. So, you said it makes you hard. And then I’d say… me too. That it makes me hard just talking about it. Just thinking about it.”
Eddie’s dick is starting to properly fill out again. It makes sense since he never got to come after taking himself right to the edge before Steve came over.
He takes a steadying breath to try to will it away. “Shit. Okay.”
“Do you like that?” Steve asks. “Do you like thinking about how hard my cock gets when I think about you?”
“Fuck, Steve.” Eddie pulls at the hem of his shirt, desperately trying to stretch it beyond his crotch where he is most definitely about to tent his pants. Maybe if he wore boxers it would have been easier to conceal. “I don’t think we should do this.”
“It’s okay. It just means we’re doing good, right?” Steve slides his hips forward, making his sweats tighten against the bulge between his own legs.
Eddie lets his eyes linger there for longer than he should. There’s no way that Steve is getting turned on by all of this, but shit, he is. The proof is in the pudding—if the pudding is his dick that is suspiciously growing under the heather grey fabric.
He can’t help but blurt out, “I want to suck your cock.”
Because it’s true. Eddie’s mouth is watering just from the thought of it. But as soon as the words push past his lips, he realises that it’s not exactly fitting in the theme of phone sex. So he quickly adds, “If we were together right now. Instead of—uh—just on the phone.”
“Fuck, yeah. You’d suck my cock so good.” Steve licks his lips, and Eddie swears his eyes trail over his body, landing between his legs and then back up to his mouth. “I’d fuck your throat so deeply you’d gag and drool all over yourself.”
Eddie can’t help himself from groaning at that image. And as if his body is proving to Steve just how right he is, a trickle of saliva escapes the corner of his lips before he’s able to swallow it back.
He lifts his hand to wipe the back of it against his mouth. “Jesus, Steve.”
Steve shifts closer to Eddie. His voice is low and soft and seductive, and Eddie is having a very hard time remembering that this is a game as he says, “And then I’d ask if you’re touching yourself.”
The words echo those of Nick’s. But when Steve says them, he doesn’t sound horrified at the thought. He sounds like he wants Eddie to be fucking his hand while they talk. Like the thought turns him on almost as much as it does Eddie.
“I would be, by now,” Eddie confesses, wiping his sweaty palms against his knees. He desperately wants to trail them higher, wants to rub between his legs where he’s throbbing and hot. His pants feel like a sauna. They’re humid and sticky, and he knows it’s partly because he’s radiating heat, but also because his cock is already starting to dribble.
“I would be, too,” Steve says. “I mean, Nick would be, too. If I was Nick. And I’d—I’d ask how you were touching yourself. What it felt like.”
Eddie glances between Steve’s legs again. And—holy shit—Steve is hard. As hard as Eddie.
His cock is fucking massive, as far as Eddie can tell. Thick, and long, sitting sideways inside his pants against his hip. Eddie knows it would stand proud by Steve’s belly button if it wasn’t trapped.
And he’s also pretty sure Steve is circumcised by the obvious ridge he can see under the fabric.
Maybe it’s dumb, or false hope, or just how ridiculously horny he is (again), but Eddie is feeling encouraged. Because he’s not the only one who’s getting hot. He’s not the only one who’s participating, or the only one who’s bricked up.
So… why not get into it a bit more?
“I’d say that I have my hand wrapped around my cock. That it feels heavy in my hand. And wet. That I’m leaking all over myself.” Eddie’s hips pitch forward on their own accord, the sensitive tip of his dick deliciously grazing against the flannel of his pants. “And I’d tell you that it feels good. Really fucking good. But it would feel better if it was your hand instead.”
Steve is the first one to break.
Eddie can tell it’s an automatic reaction when he reaches for his cock and squeezes where it’s straining under his sweats. Awareness shimmers in Steve’s eyes, and he quickly pulls his hand away again. “Shit. Sorry.”
“It’s all good,” Eddie says fast as a whip, repeating Steve’s words from earlier. “Just means we’re doing good, right?”
“Yeah.” Steve’s laugh is small and breathy. “Really good.”
Eddie swallows his nerves, decides to see if he can keep whatever this is going. “What would you say after that?”
It seems it’s Steve’s turn to be flustered. Eddie can see red creeping up his neck, like his chest is flushed. It reaches his cheeks and makes him look all bright and pink. “I’d tell you what I’d be doing.”
“Which would be?”
“I’d be reaching under my pants, and I’d circle my fingers around my dick. Gently at first, because—because I’m sensitive down there. And I want to make it last.” Eddie watches as Steve’s hands lift back to his lap. And then pinch the hem of his shirt. A strip of his sun-kissed stomach flashes as his fingers tease against the drawstring of his pants. “Like this.”
Steve’s hand disappears as it pushes down into his sweats. It moves along the length of his cock. He adjusts so it’s no longer sitting sideways; it’s now straight up, as big as Eddie assumed, dangerously close from peeking past the waistband.
Eddie would not be upset if it did.
The best part is when Steve’s hand starts moving under the fabric. Long, soft strokes that Eddie can tell are featherlight, mostly just fingertips teasing against his skin. Just enough to make Steve bite down on his lip and his breath hitch in his throat.
“Steve—fuck.” Eddie’s mouth goes dry as he watches Steve touch himself. And he has a few fleeting thoughts.
First is the classic, Am I dreaming? Because surely Steve Harrington is not jerking himself off in Eddie’s living room on a Friday night while they say filthy things to each other under the guise of another dude.
The second comes after Eddie subtly pinches himself and doesn’t wake up. Which is, Is this a joke? Because now that he knows he’s (probably) not asleep, there must be some other horrible explanation for what’s happening. He racks his brain, plays back the events that led him here.
Eddie doesn’t think he could misinterpret everything. But he’s probably done dumber things in his life.
And the third—which is the thought that’s taking up the majority of his consciousness—is, Am I allowed to touch myself, too?
He doesn’t let himself consider this one too long. Because there’s no way in Hell that Eddie would be able to stop himself. Not if a gun was pointed to his head.
So he shoves his hand down the front of his pants and squeezes his cock way more aggressively than Steve.
It’s both not enough and instant satisfaction. Like when you start scratching an itch and it seems to get itchier as your nails dig into your skin, but at the same time it’s doing exactly what you need to soothe the discomfort.
Eddie’s lips part as he grabs his balls and gives them a taut squeeze. His dick basically weeps against his skin. So much precum is pushing from his slit that it’ll be a miracle if there’s any left when he actually comes. Fuck, he hopes this time he can actually come.
His heart is beating so goddamn fast in his chest that there’s a good chance if he stops for a second time this evening, it will give out. He really, really will die.
“Does it feel good?” Steve practically purrs the question.
Eddie nods fervently, but he’s not able to form words. He doesn’t know where to look; Steve’s blown eyes that seem more black than hazel, his hand that’s speeding up under his sweats, the damp patch that’s forming where his cock must be leaking nearly as much as Eddie’s if it has already soaked through the fabric, or the growing expanse of abs on show—flexing in tandem with Steve’s strokes—as his free hand continues to lift the hem of his shirt.
Fuck, Eddie wants to come. Right now. He wants to come right fucking now.
He squeezes the base of his cock, bordering on the verge of pain, to stop his orgasm in its tracks. “So good, Stevie.”
Steve’s head falls back against the couch cushion, his eyes flicking between Eddie’s legs, his mouth, back down again… back up. He’s pumping himself with more intent now, his wrist twisting with each upwards stroke. “I wish it was your lips on me. I just know how good they’d feel. You have perfect dick-sucking lips.”
Eddie attempts stroking his cock again. It zaps into the coil in the pit of his stomach, but if he goes slow he’s sure he can go at least thirty second before he’s on the edge again.
“You have no idea, Steve,” he says, his tongue wetting his lips like he just might fall to his knees and start sucking Steve off for real. “I’d keep them nice and soft like you said you like. The inside of my mouth would be so wet—fuck, I’m salivating just thinking about it. And then I’d seal them around your big cock and hallow my cheeks when you least expect it, and you’d fucking thrust into my throat in surprise—”
Eddie moans, dropping his grip on himself yet again. That time it was really close; he can feel his dick pulsing under his pants. If he were alone, he’d push them down and watch as his cock twitched against his abdomen, angry at the loss of his fingers at the last possible moment.
Across from him, Steve speeds up; his hand moving in quick, short bursts against his tip. He makes his own noise, his eyes rolling back into his skull and then closing altogether.
It takes everything inside Eddie not to grab himself and come inside his pants right then and there. Shit, Steve looks so fucking good. Eddie desperately wants to see more. The colour of Steve’s dick, the way it strains, if it’s curved or straight, if it’s shiny. He wants to see it leak, wants to see Steve’s fingers catch the pearls of precum that are soaking through his pants and rub them into his skin. Wants to see it web between his fingertips—sticky and white. Wants to suck it off of them.
Shit. Fuck. It’s a miracle Eddie isn’t coming untouched. He’s still right there, on the verge of his orgasm. One single, insignificant, breath of a touch would one hundred percent set him off.
Steve’s eyes open. He drops his own dick, wipes his palm against his t-shirt. And he scootches closer to Eddie.
Just the brush of Steve’s thigh against Eddie’s makes him tremble, makes Eddie feel like he’s going to lose any semblance of control that remains.
They’re pressed right against each other. The length of Steve’s leg is warm and strong against Eddie’s, bigger than his. Thicker. Just like the rest of him.
Steve spits in his hand. Eddie watches as it pools in his cupped palm, watches as Steve brings that hand back down to the front of his pants. He stretches the waistband away from his body, and for a split second, Eddie catches a glimpse of his cock. Just the crown, broad and pink like Steve’s lips, right before the elastic snaps back and covers him again.
Don’t come. Don’t come. Don’t you dare fucking come, Eddie Munson.
“And then,” Steve says, adding fuel to the fire, “I’m gonna bend you over the arm of this couch. You’ll look so hot, with your back arched and your ass on full display.”
“Jesus Christ.”
Fuck it. Eddie sticks his hand back down his pants, but barely touches himself. Just draws a line up the fat vein on the underside of his cock. He can feel his heartbeat under the pad of his finger.
“I’ll push into you so slowly. You’ll feel so full with my dick in your tight little asshole. And you’ll make those sexy little noises the whole time.”
Eddie makes one of them right as Steve says that—a low, quiet rumble from the back of his throat.
“Yeah, just like that. And then… then I’ll start fucking you. It’ll feel so good, Eddie.” Steve fucks his fist harder, his hips lifting from the couch like he’s chasing his own touch. His hand sounds wet on his cock, slapping and squelching each time it smacks against the base. “I’m gonna fuck you so good that you start crying. That you start screaming. Your scary neighbours will know how good I’m fucking you from the noises they hear coming out of your trailer.”
Eddie wonders if he lets himself come if it’ll be the end of whatever is happening. He knows for a stone-cold fact that he’ll be able to stay hard after the first time. But Steve doesn’t know that. Not yet. Maybe he should tell him.
But for now, Eddie tries to regain some control, some semblance of his quippy, cocky personality, just so he doesn’t come off entirely as a whimpering fool (if it’s not already too late). He tries to smirk. “Bold of you to assume I’m a bottom, Harrington.”
“A bottom?” Steve asks, and Eddie realises that maybe it’s a term that he’s never heard before. Because he’s straight… (question mark?). Again, Steve uses context clues. Smart guy. He presses impossibly closer into Eddie’s side, and asks, “Are you telling me you don’t want to feel my cock inside of you? Don’t want my cum dripping from your asshole for hours after we fuck?”
Eddie’s whole body vibrates. That’s it. The end. He fists his cock and pumps it hard, pulling his foreskin forward enough to cover the head, back to expose it, all underneath the checkered fabric of his pants. “I’m gonna come, Steve. I’m coming.”
His teeth bite painfully into his lower lip as he lets himself tumble from the ledge. Cum surges from his cock hard enough that he knows it would have painted his entire chest if it wasn’t contained inside of his pants. Each wave of his climax makes him whine aloud. It sounds crude, mixed with the slick slap of his hand against his skin.
“Shit,” Steve mumbles, staring as Eddie’s working fist, eyes blown wide like it’s the most fascinating thing he’s ever seen.
And maybe it shouldn’t, but Eddie’s left hand reaches out with a mind of its own, gripping high on Steve’s thigh. Squeezing it hard enough to leave a bruise, while his right is covered with hot, slick cum.
“Don’t stop,” Eddie babbles, riding out his orgasm for everything it’s worth. “Keep going. Keep talking. Don’t stop. I’m not finished yet, I wanna come again. Please. Please.”
“Oh, fuck, Eddie.” Steve brings his own hand down atop where Eddie’s is still sunk into the flesh of his upper leg. For a moment, he thinks Steve is going to pry his fingers away, but instead he laces them with his own.
It’s such a simple thing, holding hands, but it feels intimate. Intentional. Like this isn’t just some game.
Eddie shouldn’t be thinking that. But he is. He is. And it’s the moment he consciously knows he’ll be ruined for anyone else. End game for Eddie Munson. Steve held his hand while they jerked off. He’s in love.
Steve yanks him from his internal monologue. “You can come twice in a row?”
“Yeah,” Eddie says, his hand still squeezing between his legs. Each stroke sends a bolt of lightening through his entire body, but his dick barely softens in his hand before it stiffens back up to steel once more. “Usually more than that. Four times if I want, but—but not as much cum comes out as the first.”
“Oh my God,” Steve breathes. “Fuck, that’s so hot. Can I… Can I see?”
His eyes flicker down to Eddie’s crotch.
“Sure.” Eddie pretends he’s confident as he tugs down his pants, lifting his hips enough to push the fabric under them.
His cock springs free from where it was trapped.
He doesn’t want to be self-conscious of his body, but he can’t help but wonder what Steve sees. If he’s at all disappointed that Eddie’s dick isn’t as big as his. It he thinks it’s weird that he’s uncut or that his dick curves upwards. If he let his pubes grow too long.
But Steve’s eyes go heavy with desire, taking in every inch of Eddie. The way his entire dick is shiny and sticky with his own cum, how it gets stuck in the hair that grows below it. His fingers squeeze around Eddie’s, involuntarily or in encouragement, he doesn’t know. But it makes him feel better.
Eddie is about to ask if Steve would show him more, too.
Steve beats him to it. “Do you want me to—?”
“Yeah. Fuck, yeah.”
Steve brings the hem of his shirt to his chin, catching it between his teeth. His whole chest is on display, his olive abs flexing as he pulls down the front of his sweats, tucking the elastic waist under his balls. His hand circles his cock, so thick his fingers barely meet.
And now they’re both just… bare. Basically naked as they jerk off next to each other, hands still intertwined like they’re some sort of couple. Things go quiet for a few moments as they just watch each other. How their hands work against themselves, speeding up, slowing, twitching.
Eddie’s cum gets sticky on his hand, against his cock. When he pulls his fingers away from his body it feels a bit like glue, tacking his hand up so much that it’s hard to slide it over his length.
“Spit on it,” Steve whispers, like he knows exactly what Eddie is thinking.
Eddie nods, bringing his hand up to his mouth—
“Wait.” Steve unlaces his fingers from Eddie’s, grabs his wrist. “Can I?”
“Shit.” Eddie huffs a breath through his nose. “Sure, Harrington.”
Steve lets a long string of saliva fall from his pretty, pink lips. It wets Eddie’s palm, mixing with the cum that covers it, making it slippery instead of sticky. Instead of letting go, though, Steve brings Eddie’s hand down to his own lap.
“Wanna switch?”
And—holy fucking fuck. Eddie trembles with ill-contained delight. He doesn’t even reply, just wraps his fingers around Steve’s cock before he can even think about what’s happening. What it means. That it’s changing the dynamic—they’re getting involved with each other instead of just themselves.
It doesn’t even matter. Not right now.
Steve’s head falls back against the cushions. “Oh God, that’s amazing.”
Eddie slides his fingers up Steve’s shaft—so heavy and hot in his hand—just as Steve described he liked. Soft and gentle. He twists his wrist in the same way Steve touched himself, watches as his lips part and his brows crinkle together, marvels at the vision of Steve’s cockhead surging from his grip, so flushed against the paleness of his hand and the silver of his rings.
He squeezes a bit harder and watches Steve’s hips rut towards him.
“You look so good,” he tells Steve, voice getting lost behind the moans that Steve keeps loosing from his lungs.
“Eddie?” Steve pants, thighs twitching as Eddie dares to circle his thumb around Steve’s slit, gathering more wetness to join the rest.
“Were you serious earlier?” Steve asks, barely a whisper. “About wanting to suck me off?”
Eddie’s hand stills on Steve, his eyes shining wide with shock and want. “Yeah? I mean—yeah. Very serious.”
“…Would you?”
Steve doesn’t have to say anything else. Eddie is already sliding onto the floor, already grabbing Steve’s knees and spreading them apart so he can slot himself between them. As soon as he’s bracketed by those strong thighs, they clamp down against his waist. A powerhouse of muscle, locking him to where he kneels.
Eddie is slightly intimidated by Steve’s cock. Will he have to unhinge his jaw like some sort of python to fit it in his mouth?
He leans down and kitten licks the tip, testing how it might feel on his tongue. Steve’s body jolts from that alone, makes a little whimpering noise that makes Eddie’s dick dribble onto the carpet.
“That’s it,” Steve encourages as Eddie’s lips close around the crown of his cock. “That’s perfect. Fuck, I can’t believe this is happening. It’s all I think about.”
Eddie moans, opens his jaw wider, and then sinks forward. Steve’s cock glides against Eddie’s tongue. It tastes like hot, sweaty skin. And cum—whether it’s Eddie’s from his hand, or Steve’s pre, it’s salty and heady and makes Eddie’s mouth even more wet as he salivates.
“Fuuuuck.” Steve’s fingers bury themselves in Eddie’s curls, tugging him closer.
It’s different than his fantasies. Steve doesn’t smell like honey and almond soap, and Eddie’s nose most definitely cannot reach Steve’s pubes, even as the tip of his dick brushes against the back of his throat. But the dark curls at the base are exactly as Eddie pictured. Perfectly trimmed and up-kept, as nicely as the hair on Steve’s head.
Eddie can’t help but pull off Steve to trail his tongue all the way down his shaft. He noses along Steve’s inner thigh, shamelessly burying his face in that thick thatch of chestnut hair. And then he deeply inhales the musky scent of Steve.
Steve groans, shallowly thrusting against Eddie’s cheek, the tip of his cock grazing Eddie’s ear, getting lost in his mane of hair.
A rope of drool connects Steve to Eddie, his tongue lolling from his mouth to rub against the side of Steve’s balls as he drinks in his smell. He dips his chin lower, until Steve’s dick is standing straight up, resting against his forehead.
The noise Steve makes is fucking sinful—completely wanton—as Eddie shoves his nose into Steve’s balls and breathes him in, committing everything to memory. His scent, his taste, his sounds, his face—everything.
Eddie isn’t sure if this will happen ever again. Isn’t sure if it’ll even be acknowledged. So he’s going to enjoy every goddamn minute while he’s so up close and personal with Steve’s cock.
“Ah—Jesus Christ. You are a freak, Munson.” Normally, those words might hurt. But Steve says them with such lust that it can’t possible be construed as anything but a compliment. Eddie wraps his hand back around Steve’s cock and starts pumping him with purpose, sucking his balls into his mouth and rolling them around his tongue. The wet, slurping sounds are totally lewd in the quiet air of the trailer. “Shit. Ohhh—shit. I’m close. I’m about to come.”
Eddie hums in encouragement, keeps his lips sealed around Steve’s balls. His hand flies above his face until he can feel how tight Steve’s balls get, can feel his cock pulsing in his hand.
He pops off, rests Steve’s cockhead onto his tongue, and jerks him off fast and dirty.
“Eddie—Eddie!” Steve’s thighs tense around Eddie’s middle. Cum surges from his slit into the back of Eddie’s throat in thick rivers, coating his tongue and teeth in sticky white release that he happily swallows down.
Fuck, Steve tastes good. Feels good. Sounds even better as he comes with Eddie’s name falling from his lips. Eddie closes his eyes and revels in the moment, lets himself savour the twitch of Steve’s dick as it empties into his mouth, the intrusion as he thrusts into Eddie’s throat, and the threat of himself gagging against it. He keeps swirling his tongue, even as Steve’s cum stops spurting. Even as his noises become high, and his body starts seizing with each flick against his sensitive tip.
Eddie desperately wants to make the moment last forever, doesn’t want to acknowledge that Steve is basically crying from overstimulation above him.
Finally, the fingers in Eddie’s hair tug him away. He whines at the sudden emptiness, wants to lean back in and feel Steve’s cock soften completely inside of his mouth.
Steve’s eyes are still blown and lustful, and strangely soft, as he says, “That was so fucking good.”
He smiles and gives Steve’s knees a squeeze as he leans back, his own shaking under his weight as he hauls himself back up onto the couch. He feels a little weird now that Steve came, because Eddie is still hard. Still wanting. But he also came once himself. Not from Steve’s hands but from his words, and it was enough. Maybe he should just tuck himself away and let this thing end naturally—
Before he can make a decision, Steve is reaching towards Eddie’s lap. “Is this okay?” he asks as he wraps his fingers around Eddie’s cock.
Eddie lets his gaze fall between his legs. His dick gets swallowed up by Steve’s big hands. He likes the way it looks so red as it peeks out from his fist.
“Is that a real question?” Eddie’s hands flounder in the air before they land on the couch cushions and bury themselves there, his nails digging into the upholstery as Steve starts fucking him with his hand.
“I knew you’d be good,” Steve says lowly. “Knew your hands and your lips would feel incredible. I can’t believe how hard you made me come. I wanna make you come like that.”
Eddie’s jaw swings open and his eyebrows knit together, and he thinks to himself that it’s not going to take long at all for Steve to get what he wants.
Steve leans forward, and for a second Eddie thinks he’s going to put his mouth on him, but he just lets a string of spit fall onto the tip of Eddie’s cock and gathers it with his hand, spreading it along his skin that moves in tandem with his strokes. It’s almost as good.
“Oh, Jesus—Steve.” Eddie sucks in a breath as Steve’s fingers tighten, forcing a bead of precum from his slit. “I’m gonna come again. Keep doing that. Keep—keep doing that!”
Steve nods, watching as he works Eddie back to the edge. Watching as he expertly rubs his thumb against the spot that makes Eddie see stars.
His second orgasm is stronger than his first. Eddie’s vision blurs out of focus—probably because his eyes are crossing—and the noise he makes sounds like an animal getting fucking murdered. The muscles in his torso tighten and tense and shudder as Steve enthusiastically jerks his dick, cum gathering in his fist, eyes watching with rapt attention.
Eddie’s body goes limp as Steve slowly lets go of him. When he’s able to focus his eyes, he notices that Steve is looking at his hand in fascination, watching Eddie’s cum stretch between his fingers as he scissors them.
“That’s the first time I’ve ever done that,” he says, bringing his wet hand up to his face. Steve smells his fingers, and then decides to bring them to his spit-slicked lips. One of his fingers pop into his mouth, and he hums around it, as if he’s actually enjoying the taste of Eddie’s release.
Yep. Eddie could definitely, without a doubt, go a third round.
But before his dick does something stupid like get stiff again, he tucks himself away. “And? What did you think?”
Steve pulls his finger from his mouth, grabbing an old napkin from the coffee table to wipe the rest of Eddie’s spend from them. “I think I was wrong.”
Eddie’s heart hammers in his chest, waiting for Steve to start berating him or something for making him do something gay. Even though he’s pretty sure he wasn’t the one who initiated it.
But Steve just smiles and cocks his head to one side. “You definitely aren’t bad at dirty talk.”
A sigh of relief heaves from Eddie’s chest. He smacks Steve’s shoulder, but he smiles right along. “You’re a prick.”
As he stands to grab a towel from the bathroom, Steve calls behind him, “You seemed to like my prick.”
Eddie blushes ferociously. He catches his expression in the mirror and tries to wipe it away, but it’s impossible. He’s just bound to look like a totally fucked-out dipshit for the rest of his life, he guesses. As soon as the water runs warm, Eddie washes his hands and wets two towels. He cleans off his dick and his sticky thighs, and brings the second one to the gorgeous man who’s back to lounging on his living room couch.
“Did you?” Steve asks, taking the towel to better clean his fingers. When he shoves it down the front of his pants, Eddie adverts his eyes.
“Did I what?”
“Enjoy it?”
“Jesus,” Eddie laughs. “Yes, Steve, I enjoyed it. Fuck.”
Eddie sits next to Steve and tries not to let himself feel awkward. “Yeah. Good.”
“Want to watch Labyrinth now?” Steve casually digs into the bag he brought, grabs the VHS and wiggles it in front of Eddie’s face.
“Absolutely,” says Eddie.
They pop in the tape, and the TV screen glows blue before it starts playing through the ads. Steve sits next to Eddie, their thighs pressed up against each other, just like they had been before.
Steve reaches over and laces his fingers with Eddie’s. They stay like that for the whole movie.
It’s been three days since Steve left. Since Eddie has even heard from him. Keith makes sure they don’t have many shifts together at Family Video (because they never got any work done), so it’s not uncommon that they go this long. But Eddie’s anxiety makes it feel like it’s the end of the fucking world.
God forbid he reach out to Steve himself.
But by the end of the third night, he gets a phone call.
“Hello?” he answers.
“Hey, man.” Steve is on the other line, sounding chipper and unphased.
Maybe Eddie was overthinking it.
“Oh, hey!” he says, a little bit too enthusiastically. He dials it back a bit, clears his throat. “What’s up?”
“Not much. Just got off work. I have the afternoon off.”
“Sweet.” Eddie nervously twirls the chords between his fingers. Time to be brave. “Do you—maybe—want to hang out then?”
“Yeah. That’s why I called, actually. I stole Psycho III from Family Video. Want me to bring it over?”
Eddie’s shoulders sag in relief. Things aren’t changing. Steve won’t estrange himself after what happened, because he’s a good person. Eddie doesn’t even know why he was worried in the first place.
“Sounds perfect.”
“Yeah, cool.”
A few ticks go by, and then Steve quietly asks, “Eddie?”
“I’m just wondering…”
Eddie waits, the suspense nearly killing him. “Wondering what, Steve?”
“…What are you wearing?”
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inkskinned · 1 year
i get lost a lot. i am good at many things, but none are related to direction. these days, sign posts on trails sometimes have QR codes on them. i think about that a lot. after us, will aliens find these little shapes and say - this was religious.
in 50 years, will QR codes be completely out-of-date, so young kids are used to seeing the shape but just assume it means something else; like how floppy discs mean save. looking up at us with their brows knit. what do you mean you had to scan it?
i think a lot about how if i had been born even 50 years ago, i'd be dead by now. there are a lot of reasons for that. i can read a map pretty well, but that sense-of-direction thing will really getcha. i usually wayfind by pulling up my phone's compass. there's something so odd about that - about using something like a smartphone to figure out my cardinal direction. to figure out which way is home.
for a long time, i didn't have a smart phone. whenever we went to places that required a QR code, i'd just have to shift uncomfortably, waiting for someone else's page to load. not to sound like an old grump but - these days it feels like half my world is behind scan this or register with your email to sign-in or sign up for our listing or click the link.
i think a lot about the digital detritus we leave behind. about how different the world looks, literally, than in the 90's. how much waste has become things like laptops, chargers, wires. i think about the drones over city; flying in the shape of an advertisement. i think about graves. my grandmother's had a trademark on it.
in the middle of the woods, someone had put up a jesus is risen laminated poster. it had an underwater turtle on it, which i thought was funny. i took a picture for my group chat. he rises from the deep i guess i send them. the signpost was unhelpful - inconclusive arrow, jesus turtle poster. no map. i pulled up my compass, which is to say i took out my phone.
i wonder how much is waste we're making and how much is just making our mark. at some point, all my writing - this post and all the others - will be left, floating around on the internet. it will all outlive everyone who created any of it. every fic and overly-personal recipe and idle drawing and abandoned webcomic and sanctimonious twitter post.
i hope they are all living in the same place. i hope they get along. i hope they never feel alone.
i hope somewhere out there on the internet, someone or something finds something i left and says - oh. so that's how i get home.
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aspoetssay · 1 year
Hi! Could I request some general comfort (gn reader) with König, ghost and graves? Feel free to add more
If you decide to do this, thank you sm! <3
I'm a huge sucker for comforting writing, so thank you so much for the request. I hope you'll like it!
Simon is not the best at comforting. He's not very big on words, so don't expect him to give you a whole monologue, praising you and giving the who hurt you speech. At first, he might give you some space and read your body language - there are some times when you are irritated to the point that you get mad at him for even touching you.
He's an observer, so if you will come home with your head hanging low, shoulders slumped forward, he would know you are in a desperate need of a hug. Not that kind of simple, greeting hug, but a hug where he slightly squishes you. That kind of hug where you grasp his shirt in your fists, burying your head in his chest and letting your feelings flow away.
If you start crying - his heart breaks. The man doesn't understand how others can be cruel to such a good soul. Once again, your crying can slightly make him freeze for a few seconds, but he'll start rubbing your back, pulling you closer.
Once you'd pull away, cheeks puffy and eyes glistering with tears, he'd slightly lean down, evening out with your height and wipe your flowing tears away. "Tea?" he'd ask. And you'd be a fool to refuse this request because the tea he made was the best you ever tasted and he made it rarely.
You'd be beside him when he makes the tea. You love to observe him do something so simple and domestic. And soon, there are two cups of steaming tea in mugs and he sets them on the table, making you sit down on the kitchen chair.
He'll push another chair right beside yours and sit like that so he could face you. His legs will have a hard time fitting as he doesn't want to waste any space between you two. But you two will end up close, his hand resting on your thigh, gently rubbing circles.
"Wanna talk about it?" He'll ask. But most of the time you will just shake your head and mumble a small 'later'. He'll press a kiss to your temple and his lips will linger for a second longer, feeling the softness of your skin before pulling away.
"Come on, love, you can choose what to watch," he'll offer and your eyes will light with delight. There was nothing more you enjoyed doing than watching corny romcoms with Simon, just to see that man struggle to go through all of those cheesy conversations and your ability to recite them.
"I know how much you suffer. Can't do that to you." You'll try to reason, but you could do that to him and he knew that.
He'll chuckle, a small breath that indicated—yeah right. Tapping your thigh, he'll rise from his seat: "Don't play hard to get. Let's go watch the bloody vampire circus."
"It's Twilight, Simon. And it's the national treasure of this century."
He can read you very well. Sometimes it might seem that his mind can be occupied with too many things at the same time - the post-adrenaline shake or just some sort of nasty embarrassing shit that has happened while doing grocery shopping, even with all of that he reads you like an open book.
It scares him when you are not feeling well. If you are crying - he is shattered. Imagine him catching you in the bedroom you two share, wiping angry tears off your face as you tried to control your breathing. The man is already on his knees in front of you before you could register his presence.
There have been a few times when you have dealt with his panic attacks - they were nasty and quite scary at some times, so he already felt like he owed you. The small mumbles, the 'nothing' would make him desperate - he wanted to make you feel better.
That's why he'd gently grab your face in his hands, making you look at him even if you kept trying to turn away so he wouldn't see your tears. He'd caress your face so gently as if a feather was stroking your face. His full of love, worried eyes would meet yours as he'd gently beg:
"I'm here for you, mein engel. Please don't hide from me. I'm here."
His words would undoubtedly make you sob, but you'd move away from the bed, slipping forwards right into his arms and there you two were - in a warm embrace on the carpet of your bedroom. He'd gently coo in your ear, stroking your hair, gently rocking you.
It would feel so heavenly to be held by his strong, but loving arms. The way you knew that he'd get rid of any harm coming your way. He'd kiss the ground you walk on if you just asked. Even if it may be hard to show your vulnerable side, you knew that you two were bare in front of each other. Seeing each other's souls on display. Offering vulnerability.
You were the one kissing his pain away when he was having a hard time breathing, his hands desperately pulling you closer as if you were the oxygen he needed to survive. Now he was the one holding you and you were wondering - what would you do without him?
You'd calm down eventually and your slightly trembling body would collapse in his. It was as if you could be in his arms forever and never whine about anything again; the feeling of safety was so sweet, the taste lingering on your tongue as you allowed yourself to be coddled by him.
You'll hear his heartbeat - rhythmical and strong. You'll hear the way a single touch of yours would cause his heart to spike, making you gently smile to yourself. And in no time, you'll pull away from his alluring warmth and offer him a soft smile, taking in his worrying features.
"Alles gut?" He'd ask.
"Mit dir - alles gut."
That man can be demanding and giving out orders quickly - sometimes he'd forget it's just the two of you and the demanding tone would make your eyebrows furrow just a little bit. But if you're feeling down - God forbid he'd ever use that tone on you.
He'd be quite talkative to make sure you're okay. Keeping that eye contact with him, no matter if you are crying, is very important to him. "Come on, baby, look at me," he'd coo. "Tell me what’s going on.”
It’s important for him to hear what has happened or how you are feeling. You have to talk with him—he appreciates it when you tell him how you are feeling without the ‘nothing’ bullshit. It shows him that you trust him enough to display your feelings, even the ones that make you cry.
If it’s some shit going on at your work, he’d definitely be the kind of partner to silently fix the issue without you knowing. Someone’s being rude to you? Commander Graves is already at his service. Most of your friends and acquaintances know that your partner is in the military and there is gossip going on around him if he is a soldier or a mercenary. But that didn’t matter to him or you—no one wanted to fuck with him.
He’d kiss the side of your forehead a lot while you’re pouring your feelings out. He’d try to soothe you with the idea of getting a delivery and just spending the evening together. Hell—if you are completely on the edge, he’ll promise you that he will clean his schedule a bit and get a few days off. And he’ll keep to his word.
If, let’s say, you barricade yourself from him - lock yourself in the bathroom to pour your feelings out - he’ll sit outside the door. At first, he will try to convince you that you should let him inside, but when you don’t move an inch, he will just stay there until you are ready to face him.
And when the door would open, he’d raise from the ground so fast and bring you into his arms immediately. He does that not because he doesn’t understand what personal space is, but because he just needs to be there for you when you are having a hard time.
And yes, even if he isn’t a wardrobe sharer—you better believe that the next morning you wake up, there will be a sweater of his folded right beside you to wear.
If someone makes you break down, you best be sure that Valeria will have that look on her face of ‘taking care of that person’. She can easily take care of nasty business without you knowing. Your safety and well-being are her first priority.
Definitely that kind of woman to ask ‘who did this to you?’ almost instantly, but if you are crying that sentence will have to be pushed a bit away. Despite her bossy demeanour, she knows how to soothe someone. Let’s be honest, she has been through horrible experiences in the Army which made her toughen up, but that doesn’t mean she is an evil person.
As I said, your well-being is her first priority. She may not be home a lot, but she tries to make it up to so. So if she comes back and you are feeling down - she may think it’s her fault at first. And most of the time it is and trust me, she’d like to be with you more often, but it’s not easy. Especially with the business, she is brewing.
She’ll get you anything you want at that moment. From a box of chocolates to a nice homemade stew. Because in moments like these, she always remembers how human you both are. Relationships need work to be maintained and ups and downs are common. Even if expressing emotions is normal and awaited, she never wants to see you cry again - it's too painful.
"Just come close," you'd ask, your voice hoarse from crying. The woman in front of you would quickly shut up with her questions and sit next to you.
"I'll take a few days off and-"
"Don't make promises you can't keep, Valeria. I am fine with your work schedule."
She knew you weren't fine, but she was beyond thankful that you were still here with her. "I always go around yelling about who did this to you when most of the time it's my fault, no?" She dryly joked, chuckling.
You just needed her home. "I know how much your work means to you."
"But do you know how much you mean to me?"
(my bad, how did manage to turn this into hurt—)
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dailyadventureprompts · 3 months
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Monster Hunt: An Evil Without An End
Lady Talmere was a monster long before she rose from her grave, having taken to the recreational murder of commoners the way that others of her social class took to falconry or painting. Killing was a hobby for her, a privilege of her aristocratic birth that she could indulge while others were forced to work for a living. She chose her victims purely for the fact that it was easy to make them disappear: her country estates were far from prying eyes, her demanding nature excused the high turnover rate in her staff. She employed those with nowhere else to go, to hardworn by life to ask questions, and when complications did occur it was so easy to wriggle out of them by charming or greasing the palms of the local magistrates .
It was a true injustice that Lady Talmere died happy and of old age, moreso that her wretched spirit was not claimed by some devil and dragged to hell, instead rising some decades later as a mohrg. While most of her old self has rotten away, Talmere still possesses her love of killing and scene of digression, prefering targets that will go unnoticed. To make matters worse Talmere is now prone to reanimating her victims with the parasitic worm that makes up part of her undead corpus, simultaneously creating a new minion while getting rid of the evidence.
Adventure Hooks:
In recent weeks rumours are beginning to spread about the "Tattergaunt", a thing that wanders the night preying on lone travellers and isolated homesteads. The authorities are skeptical and have yet to post a bounty, suspecting beasts or even slavers given the lack of remains left behind. It's only when the party stumble into some of those remains on the side of the road, reanimated, worm bloated, and dragging another corpse that the picture becomes clear.
Talmere is having her zombie minions clean up after her, stashing away the undead that are about to slip out of her control in the hopes that no one will find them. Her choice of using isolated locations for these zombie stockpiles makes for a great random dungeon encounter.
The party may find themselves tasked with investigating a haunting at Talmere manor, inadvertently begun when the spirits of the lady's victims sensed that she'd risen. Unable to communicate through any means other than terrifying vision or violent poltergeist activity, the spirits long to be put to rest, and don't care how much they have to terrify or imperil the manor's mortal occupants in order to get that message across.
Challenges & Complications:
The old groundskeepeper served Lady Talmere in the final years of her life. Though he was only a boy he assisted the previous groundskeeper in all his tasks, which meant he also helped dispose of quite a number of bodies in the first few years of his employment. Riven by guilt and fear of punishment, he'll point the party in the right direction while keeping mostly to himself. However, Interrogating the old man or secretly leafing through his journals might provide the party a vital clue.
Though they want the haunting dealt with, Lady Talmere's descendants are just as prideful as any noble family and won't stand for their ancestor's honour to be besmirched no matter how true the accusations are. The party could make powerful enemies should they go blabbing about the old woman's crimes to the commons, or worse yet the local temple.
Likewise resistant to the investigation is the demon that's been lurking in the Talmere family estate for generations. It didn't corrupt the lady or drive her to violence, merely fed off the injustice of her kills and used it's power to ensure she was a little less likely to be caught. Every body burned to ash in the estate's furnace was a sacrifice on it's altar, and it seemed only reasonable to return the favour by seeding her body with the spark of unlife as she lay on her deathbed. If the party investigate well enough to disturb the demon they will soon find Lady Talmere's corpse knocking on the door of her own home with a small army of undead at her back, ready to massacre anyone inside, including her decendants, just for the thrill of it.
As her life (and subsequent unlife) suggests, Lady Talmere has a knack for escaping punishment. Any time she is slain, her mind transfers to another of her worm-animated undead, beginning a process of transforming it into a mohrg. As such she always keeps a few of her undead in reserve, scattered about the countryside or mixed in with those stockpiled zombies that've slipped her control. Once she's "settled in" to a new body she can start making more zombies provided she finds someone to kill, meaning unless the party stikes her hard and fast (ideally getting rid of her stockpiles before fighting her) she'll always be one murderspree away from cheating death again.
As she exists as an emboyment of moral and cosmic injustice, it seems only right that a weapon of true justice would be Lady Talmere's end. If they haven't already gone searching for divine aid, Midway through their troubles the party is approached by a temple scholar dedicated to the goddess Erathis, who has received a vision compelling him to help the party and lead them to a weapon wielded by a saint of the lawbearer herself. This might be as easy as swearing an oath on the saint's tomb, or as dangerous as tracking down where the stolen relic was hidden by the goddess's enemies.
(thanks @thirdtofifth for the monster stats)
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protemporescitor · 3 months
"But she ded tho" (a.k.a. the dumbest argument against Clerith) - A rant
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To expand on my previous post, in which I posited the crazy, far-fetched theory that in a fantasy setting mayhap death is not the relationship brick wall that it would be in a more grounded, realistic one*, I just want to bring up a few points to further buttress this off-the-wall notion.
"Cloud can't be with Aerith. She's dead!"
We've all heard it a thousand times. It is the argument most commonly levelled against Clerith. It is also the worst (and laziest) one.
It's often delivered in a declamatory and glib fashion, as though it were some sort of obvious conversation ender. Q.E.D. End of debate. The ultimate gotcha. "Checkmate, Clerith fans!" the haters think to themselves, chortling and patting themselves on their backs for this profound insight. (Insert tasteless and juvenile comments about Aerith being "shish kebab-ed" by Sephiroth as desired.)
And all I can think is "That's it? That's your best argument? That's some weak tea, man."
Despite its myriad flaws, this idea continues to radiate throughout the fandom a good quarter century after the original title's release, as though it had never once been challenged. It is a feeble and untenable position, a house built on sand, and one that deserves to be thoroughly demolished. With Rebirth on the horizon, and all the shipping wars nonsense rising from the grave once more as a result, it is high time, if you'll forgive the expression, that we laid this cliché to rest once and for all.
(*Note: Even in a more "realistic" setting lacking any kind of fictional afterlife, this would still be a gross oversimplification of the story's themes of loss, regret, and yearning, as well as entirely ignoring the idea of love transcending death, but we'll set those concerns aside for the time being.)
Lastly, before we begin: This is not an anti-Zerith / CloTi screed. Those pairings both have an undeniable canonical basis. My aim here is simply to demonstrate that the notion that Cloud and Aerith are forever separated by death is rendered invalid by virtue of the type of setting that their story takes place in. (Something that, frankly, one would reasonably assume to be perfectly obvious. Alas, such is not the case. And so I find myself yet again pointing out the glaringly obvious.)
Now, without further ado, let's begin:
Part 1. Before (the Compilation) Crisis
In the beginning, there was the year 1997, and Squaresoft had just released their latest title. And lo, it was good. We spent days and weeks following our favorite polygon people around their embattled little globe. We fought, laughed, cried, and struggled up until the Meteor Crisis reached its crescendo, and the credits rolled. Gosh, what an ending! But what did it all mean? How did things REALLY turn out? Did we get a happy ending at all?
According to some, Cloud lived happily ever after with his childhood sweetheart, Tifa. According to others, he continued to roam the earth in search of his Promised Land to be reunited with his tragic lost love, Aerith. Yuffie swiped everyone's materia (again). Cid finally went to the moon. Red XIII opened a haberdashery in Costa del Sol, or something. No-one really knows for sure.
And so, the fandom began to spread to every corner of the internet in search of answers. Thus began the age of dissension. Opinions clashed across fanzines, blogs, and fanfic country alike. Wild fan theories abounded pertaining to special codes, methods, and blood rituals capable of bringing back our erstwhile flower girl. The fan-made media bubble surrounding the game turned into a lawless land of misinformation and vicious disagreement. None were spared.
A brief digression on why said rumours persisted for as long as they did (CAUTION: Massive spoilers for Chrono Trigger).
One side proposed a simple solution. A way to cut the proverbial Gordian Knot of our fandom. It was quite obvious, really. Just staring everyone in the face. The flower girl was dead, and that was that. Thus, there was only one possible conclusion to our narrative. Cloud's feelings on the matter were, of course, irrelevant. With Aerith out of the picture, the only logical choice left to him was to settle down with Tifa, and that was that. Never mind the themes of doomed, tragic love and the possibility, strongly hinted at throughout the game and outright confirmed during its ending, of existence after death.
Overall, direct evidence for said afterlife was scant, but not entirely absent from the story. As an example, at one point during her childhood, Aerith speaks to Elmyra, trying to comfort her, saying that the spirit of her husband wanted to come visit her, confirming that an afterlife presence did indeed exist. But for some, this simply wasn't evidence enough. And so the war raged on. Which brings us to…
Part 2. Advent Children: The smoking gun
Remember back when a certain portion of the fan base insisted that Gaia erased all the humans at the end of the story, on the flimsy basis that we don't see any during the game's brief post-credit scene? Well, that little theory was neatly undone by subsequent releases in the Compilation, showing regular ol' humans still roaming around Gaia in all their everyday human-ness. Hence, it is rarely brought up these days. Would that the pernicious notion of "but she ded tho" could follow in its footsteps, given that the same film roundly contradicts it in every way possible.
For starters, the film inexplicably bring two characters, Rufus and Tseng, hitherto assumed to be dead, back to life, probably in an effort by Square to shoehorn as many recognizable members of the cast into their animated feature as they could. But that's not all. Next we have three characters that everyone agreed were deader than doornails ALSO making appearances, first in flashbacks, and then directly influencing the world of the living. Zack speaks to and encourages Cloud during his struggle. Aerith reaches out to him (quite literally) from beyond the grave and assists him in defeating Bahamut. And of course Sephiroth pops back into existence just in time for his contractually-obligated boss fight near the end of the film. All three demonstrate quite clearly and definitively that death is not the impenetrable barrier to continuing interactions between the living and the dead in the world of Final Fantasy VII, as a certain segment of the fan base would have everyone believe it is.
To be blunt, I don't know what level of dense you'd have to be to keep up this so-called "argument" in light of this information. Advent Children reiterates what most of us already knew, that our story takes place in a fantasy setting* with a confirmed afterlife existence.
(*You'd think that the name of the series would clue people in.)
The notion that death represents, within the context of said setting, the ultimate end was already softly contradicted by the original game's narrative, and then (because that was apparently too subtle for some people) flat-out annihilated by the existence and events of Advent Children. It should have long since ended this nonsense. But somehow, it didn't. These revelations, obvious though they are, remain ignored for some reason. And so, the cycle of willful ignorance continues.
But we're not done yet. We now move on to more tangential, but still relevant arguments against this line of "reasoning".
Part 3. Stop Hitting Yourself: Why "but she ded tho" is insulting to everyone
And I do mean everyone. Let's examine this, shall we?
It's insulting to Cloud.
To suggest that he loses interest in Aerith the moment she sinks beneath the waters, or that he is obligated to move on simply because she is no longer among the living, with no mourning period, no time to work through his guilt and grief, is to portray him as shallow and uncaring, something that goes against virtually all the characterization that he's been given throughout the story. The line of thinking apparently goes "Well, she's gone. That sucks. She was cute, too. Better move on to the next available piece of meat."
Sounds pretty gross when you write the quiet part out loud, doesn't it?
It's insulting to Aerith.
"Didn't even toss the b@#h a Phoenix Down, just dumped'er in the water LAWL"
I'm sure you've all come across comments like that at some point, usually originating from some errant redditor or blogger. Thinking themselves fine fellows and enlightened, above-it-all gadflies, they provide us at length with this and other prime specimens of 14 year-old internet edgelord "humour" that carries about as much edge as a perfect sphere. Remarks like these serve little purpose beyond confirming my suspicion that our fandom is indeed plagued with illiterates who can't tell the difference between the terms "revive" and "resurrect", and insist on conflating game mechanics with storytelling. And you wonder why some people are confounded by words like "flammable" and "inflammable".
(All right, I'll put the salt down. For now.)
"The party's designated white mage dies, oh no, that's so sad, boo-hoo, life goes on," I hear you say.
But boiling Aerith's role down to one of merely that of a temporary party member who kicks the bucket halfway through the story, never to be heard from again, both cheapens her purpose within the larger narrative and denies the clear effect that she continues to exert, directly and indirectly, on it and the other characters after her passing.
Though Aerith may have departed the world of the living, the story makes it abundantly clear that her influence on it has not ended. There are hints here and there that she still tries to assist her friends from the afterlife. As an example, when the party rediscovers Cloud in Mideel after assuming that he might be lost for good, a villager sums it up best with the following remark: "That boy must have one hell of a guardian angel."
It's only mentioned as a vague hint in the original story, but it is clear that some beneficent force is acting on Cloud and Tifa's behalf, aiding them in their survival and uniting them in the Lifestream in order to help Cloud recover his memories. Later supplemental material confirms that to have been Aerith's doing. If that's not enough to convince you, though, the original game's ending leaves little room for ambiguity as to Aerith's continuing influence. When Holy sputters and fails, she coaxes the Lifestream itself to intervene, burning away the calamitous meteorite, helping her friends put an end to the planetary crisis long after her own demise. I suppose the lesson here for silver-haired godhead wannabe villains is this: Strike her down, and she shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
So the idea that Aerith's participation in the story immediately comes grinding to a halt upon her death is both puerile and easily demonstrated to be false. But even if that were the case, downplaying her lingering influence on Cloud and the other characters in this manner would still be ignoring the creators' intent. Whether one interprets Cloud and Aerith's relationship as romantic or merely platonic, it is clear that her death, the loss of one of his closest allies, is something that wounds him deeply, and scars him forever. Two years on, he still pines for her company and desires her forgiveness for his perceived failures. She clearly occupies a special place in his heart, and her memory and legacy live on within him, spurring him on as he wanders the planet, searching for some way to meet her again, defying the impossible. (Which, as we all know, isn't going to happen. This is, after all, Final Gritty Reality we're talking about here.)
Ah, but all of this is a moot point, you say? Even if he did wish to be with her, preferring the company of the last Cetra over that of his childhood friend… well, too bad. That's no longer an option. We can spout all of this verbiage about "soul pain" this and "star-crossed lovers" that, but at the end of the day, Aerith is still dead, and that's that. At least, that's what ardent CloTi fans will insist, no matter what. So, what is Tifa to Cloud, then, by their own logic?
Which brings us to perhaps our most salient, and most overlooked point, at least as far as CloTi shippers are concerned. If all that wasn't enough for you, you may want to consider that it's deeply insulting to Tifa, as well. Grievously so, in fact. Quite possibly more so than any other character in this whole equation. And the reason why should be plain as day if you stop to think about it for a fraction of a second.
Here's the thing… if you can't articulate why you think Cloud would prefer to be with Tifa in spite of Aerith being alive, then you are essentially declaring her the "winner" by default on no other merits than the fact that she's still sucking down air. Stating "but she ded bro" means relegating Tifa to the role of a consolation prize. I don't think I could ever hurl such a staggering insult towards her as her biggest fans keep doing, without even realizing they're doing it.
Ask yourselves, is that really what you want for your supposed favourite character? To frame her as being doomed to eternally play second fiddle to her fallen friend? Cloud's "plan B"? The "side piece"? Someone who only stands a chance if her rival in love is literally six feet under? I'm sure she'd be thrilled by the high regard in which her own fans seem to hold her. (Hey, you said it, not me. It's not my fault if you don't take the time to actually consider the ramifications of what rolls off your keyboard. But by all means, keep insulting your own favorite character just to put down a ship you don't like.)
In closing, if we unearth the subtext and reframe it to highlight what people are, in essence, saying, it's this: "It's a good thing that she-who-shall-not-be-named bit the dust, because otherwise our beloved Best Girl Tifa (tm) wouldn't stand a chance."
It's a simple enough question: Why do you think that Cloud and Tifa belong together? What, in your mind, makes them a good fit for each other?
"Well, the competish is dead." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Not exactly a ringing endorsement for your best girl, now is it?
Part 4. "Heads, I Win. Tails, You Lose": A brief word on hypocrisy
In fandom, it's often the loudest and most obnoxious voices who tend to drown out the more reasonable ones, those of fans who are just minding their own business and grooving on the thing that they like. Which, unfortunately, renders this next part a necessary component of the greater argument that I'm trying to make. Multishippers and sane, reasonable CloTi and Zerith fans may consider themselves exempted from the following harangue.
The rest of y'all, buckle up.
The too-oft repeated refrain of "but she ded tho" entails a twofold hypocrisy. The first part is:
Case of Tifa: Fan hypocrisy regarding death.
Strident anti-Clerith fans, with their usual level of maturity, will often bring up Aerith's demise in a gleeful, mocking tone that can best be summed up as "ding dong, the witch is dead!" And if the shoe were on the other foot? If their Best Girl Tifa (tm) were the one pushing up daisies instead of Miz Gainsborough? Would they be quite so cavalier in their attitudes?
Who wants to bet that these fans wouldn't be making this "argument" so loudly if it was their ship that was in question? Consider this scenario: Suppose that the remake trilogy does the unthinkable and has Tifa die in Aerith's place. What then? Would they accept that "but she ded tho" is, at best, a double-edged sword, one that applies equally to their own favourite ship were their fortunes to be reversed?
Something tells me that's not the case.
But if you think that's hypocritical, you ain't seen nothing yet. This first point pales in comparison to…
The Zerith Exemption: Fan hypocrisy regarding the afterlife.
You know what my favourite thing about this whole debacle is? When people inform me that because they are separated by death, Cloud and Aerith have no hope of ever being together again. They will then unironically pivot to shipping Zack and Aerith, two characters who are together in the MOTHERFUCKING AFTERLIFE.
It's wild. How do you even compress that much cognitive dissonance into one skull? We're talking about mind-melting, Olympic medal-worthy levels of mental gymnastics here.
Now, before someone accuses me of being morose, I'm not suggesting that Cloud hop off the nearest cliff just to be with his beloved (Aerith would not approve of him throwing his life away, for one), just that when he reaches the end of his natural life (which may not be too long, given the cells eating away at his body), he can finally be reunited with her in the afterlife.
Many ardent CloTi shippers see themselves as bound by law to uphold Zerith as a shield against the dreaded Clerith plague. But to proclaim, implicitly or explicitly, that the afterlife encompasses one but not the other is not an idea that can be taken seriously. It remains an utterly bizarre blind spot, one that beggars belief.
On a related note, there is the infamous misconception that is…
Part 5. The ZaCloud Fallacy
While this is not directly related to my main point, I nonetheless find myself compelled to address this issue. There is a long-standing confusion that bedevils our fandom, one that has its roots in the Shipping Wars (tm). I am, of course, referring to the ZaCloud Fallacy.
We owe this particular misapprehension to Crisis Core, a prequel/gaiden game that was released ten years after the original FFVII. Already, its existence can mess up the timeline, so to speak, as, strangely, people tend to treat it as a sequel rather than a prequel, and as though it were adding new and vital building blocks to the world of FFVII instead of merely distorting the original story while retreading it with a far less interesting cast of characters. It also retcons major elements of the original story that it shouldn't have (such as the events taking place in Nibelheim five years prior to the main narrative), lazily steals Clerith scenes only to rehash them with Zack and Aerith, and forces players to endure, at length, crimes against literature, courtesy of Genesis.
It's an odd prequel, to say the least, given how heavily it relies on the original story for context. Sequentially, it may take place before FFVII, but it can only be fully appreciated with the original in mind; it cannot be treated as a stand-alone story. The worst thing about Crisis Core existing is that playing it first can outright ruin people's perception of the original narrative by spoiling several major plot elements and even lessening them in the process. Crisis Core's writers are especially guilty of cheapening dramatic moments like Zack's last stand by transforming it from a quiet, tragic, harrowing scene about sacrifice to an utterly over-the-top and emotionally overwrought trainwreck. It all merely serves to add to the confusion, especially for gamers who started with this title instead of the original.
But if that were not enough, Crisis Core's reckless meddling with the story combined with the acrimonious and all-consuming nature of the shipping wars has resulted in one of the most nonsensical misconceptions in the entire fandom. During Crisis Core's ending, Zack implores Cloud to carry on his legacy, thus giving rise to the erroneous assumption that Cloud's behaviour in disc 1 is merely that of him "being Zack". Clerith-hating fans, in particular, pounced on this idea as a way to put a safe distance between him and Aerith, characterizing their interactions, whether platonic or romantic, as merely a case of Cloud utilizing Zack's memories and personality around her (Never mind that Zack and Cloud's personalities are as different as night and day).
It is a fundamental and willful misreading of the story, a gross oversimplification of a more complex and granular truth in service of a fan-originated meta-narrative, one that has been assembled in order to reach the conclusion that Cloud and Aerith's relationship is null and void, and that therefore the romance between him and Tifa remains unchallenged. (Never mind that the story is intended as more than just some playground tug-of-war romance). To maintain this lie is to do violence to the story by destroying Cloud's character arc and reducing him to a virtual non-entity until the very end of the game.
Having already been rebuked in regards to this pervasive delusion, certain fans have tried to hedge their bets by suggesting a second, more advanced version of this idea. ZaCloud Fallacy 2.0, if you will, which states that Cloud is only in Zack Mode (tm) when he's around Aerith. I don't even know what to say about that sort of nonsense. To paraphrase Charles Babbage, I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such an assertion.
I'd go into this in more detail, but YouTube creator LinkOnTheBrink has already covered this topic extensively in their superlative video essay "How Shipping Can Ruin a Narrative".
It may seem like I'm trashing Zack or Zerith here, but I'm really not. That was never my intent. So let me be clear about this: I like Zack. I just hate Crisis Core and what it's done to this fandom. If you prefer CloTi and Zerith to everything else, I don't much mind. Ultimately, this isn't about shipping wars nonsense, but protecting the narrative from such nonsense.
And that leads us to…
Part 6. I Against I: Where the fandom went wrong
We all know that the infamous FFVII Shipping Wars (tm) are as stupid as they are inescapable. Anyone who's spent any time at all within this fandom has inevitably run afoul of them and their detritus at some point, whether they've chosen to participate in them or abstain from the whole debacle. But there's a reason why this acrimonious dispute has raged on for as long as it has. Much like Blade Runner fans would argue until they were blue in the face about whether or not Deckard was a replicant, fans of this story have been squabbling about CloTi versus Clerith for ages for similar reasons. (Zerith got roped in as a "political wedge", I would argue, as much as a pairing in its own right.)
It's more than just a war over shipping, it's a war over canonization, over character motivation and psychology. Of how we ultimately interpret the story and its characters. Given the vagueness of the story's ending, one can't help but wonder and speculate as to how everyone ended up afterwards. (Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus may have offered some answers, but they still largely sidestep these questions in a noncommittal, to-be-continued manner.)
The problem is that, for many fans, it isn't possible to simply say "It's my preference" and be done with the matter. Unlike most rarepairs and bananas pairings like Cait x Jenova, CloTi and Clerith remain hotly contested because they go beyond mere shipping, or even aesthetic preference, or which characters one most identifies with; they lie at the core of how we perceive the story and its inhabitants. In that sense, I don't consider it to be an entirely frivolous debate, just an unsolvable one.
So, what's the answer?
There's this long-standing piece of received wisdom about JRPGs vs. WRPGs, where the latter involves more freedom at the expense of focused storytelling, and vice versa. This idea might hold true to some extent, but it is not some iron law that must be obeyed without question. For a game like FFVII, choices that radically affect the narrative structure would be considered an aberration and not the norm. And yet, it might represent the only way out of this quagmire that doesn't involve throwing half the fandom under the bus in the process.
For me, Mass Effect and similar titles (e.g., Quest for Glory) have already presented an obvious solution: Let the players choose. (There is already some precedent in the form of the Gold Saucer scene, although it ultimately doesn't change the outcome of the story all that much.) It may not be a perfect solution, but I'd argue that it's far better than leaving one side out in the cold. At least this way, everyone gets something.
"Ah, but this is not feasible," I hear you respond. "Not for an Eastern-style RPG, at least. Only one of these pairings can be correct, and one must, above all, respect the creator's vision."
Yeah, look where that got us.
Part 7. As You Like It: Ship whatever you please (just stop this nonsense)
I realize that this little essay of mine has been digressive, rudimentary, rambling, extemporaneous, and scattershot. So let me try to reach some kind of meaningful conclusion here.
Much of this anti-Clerith rhetoric we've seen over the years seems to stem from a place of insecurity, whether it's murmuring "but she ded tho", claiming that Cloud was only ever Zack in disc 1, inventing a fictional sex scene underneath the Highwind from whole cloth, and so on… The thing is, there is no need for it. Clerith and CloTi both exist canonically. Even the game manual says as much, describing Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith's relationship as a love triangle. In other words, the love triangle is what's canon, and the rest is by and large up for interpretation. (Zerith also canonically exists, and we've known this since the OG.)
The true reason why this whole disagreement has gone on for eternity, I suspect, has less to do with any debate over canonicity alone than it does the sheer enmity and pettiness that it has continued to spark for so long. It has metastasized over the years, going from being a mere squabble over which pair is canon to an exercise in holding the other side in contempt. That endless cycle of disrespect and reprisals is undoubtedly where it all went wrong in the first place. (If I had a nickel for every time someone commented "but she ded tho" or "wHy iS zAcK bLoNd iN tHiS pIc?" when someone posts a piece of Clerith fan art, I'd have a pretty nice collection of coins by now.)
Obviously, we should all try to just click off when we encounter content that we dislike, but it's not always easy, especially when something we harbour a strong aversion to is so deeply enmeshed within something that we do enjoy. And so, our fight-or-flight instinct kicks in. Before you ask, yes, I'm as guilty of that as anyone else.
Still, I firmly believe that the occasional olive branch can go a long way. So let me simply say that I have the utmost respect for Tifa and Zack. They are worthy characters in their own right. So create and share all the CloTi/Zerith fan works your little hearts desire. Hire a fleet of skywriters to declare Zerith your favourite couple. Throw a giant CloTi parade through the middle of Times Square. We don't mind. Honestly.
As stated above, whether it's CloTi, Clerith, or Zerith, you can stop fretting over which one is canon; they all are. The other three permutations (Zakkura, Zifa, AerTi) don't get much in the way of canon acknowledgement, but they probably should at this point.
In the end, this is about saving the narrative from the shipping wars, as much as anything else. To say that you prefer CloTi or something else to Clerith is fine. To assert that Clerith doesn't exist in any form, however, is where I begin to take exception.
Ultimately, I say ship what you like. All I ask is that you retire this sort of narrative-wasting nonsense. It's time we threw it into the garbage can of gaming history where it belongs. As for questions of motives, character interpretation, canonization, and so forth… if we cannot reach an accord, then let us at least try for a more amicable disagreement.
As for my fellow Clerith supporters, the next time you see the withered old canard that is "but she ded tho" being bandied about in the wild, feel free to laugh and treat it with the derision and contempt that it so richly deserves.
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bexleyfix · 3 months
Ending Our Friendship
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(Stranger Things AU)
Prom photos are posted at the end of the story!
WARNINGS AND TRIGGERS: 18+ ONLY (ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS) NSFW... Mature sexual content, suggestive situations and discussions, smut, pining, angst, fluff, swearing, smoking, drinking, mentions of drug use.
RELATIONSHIPS: Eddie Munson x Y/n ♡ friends to lovers; Gareth, Jeff, Doug, Dustin, Mike, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, Max, Lucas, and El are side characters.
Copying, translating, or posting my work as your own is expressly forbidden. I do not give my permission. Reports with credit to me are encouraged.
What can I say about Eddie Munson? Well... he's eccentric, erratic, rambunctious, sarcastic, definitely an attention whore... irritable, obnoxious, unruly... long story short, he's kind of a dick. A menace to society whose name, behavior, interests, and all-around heavy metal image have earned him the reputation of 'Town Freak'. But it's an erroneous label born out of prejudice and arrogance, and one he most certainly doesn't deserve.
I'm not exactly a favorite among my peers either. My thrifty style, music taste, and shy demeanor make me an easy target for the ignorant fucks who dominate the high school hierarchy, and so does my association with The Hellfire Club. And since Eddie's a close friend of mine, I'm empathetic. I don't blame him for his behavior, 'cause I know it's a defense mechanism, a way of taking the torment bestowed upon him by the oppressors of Hawkins and turning it into some whimsical public attraction to hide his internal suffering and keep people on edge.
In any case, Munson's a pest. A huge, irritating, aggravating pest... a giant, perverted, flamboyant...... oh... who the fuck am I kidding? Whatever he is... I want him. I want him like a fat kid wants cake. I want him so goddamn bad that every time I lay eyes on him, hear his melodic, raspy voice, or even catch wind of his name, I feel like I wanna hurl. Fuck butterflies, that sexy son of a bitch makes me feel like I have a full-blown professional wrestling match ensuing in my gut. But could I tell him? Of course not. He doesn't see me as relationship material. I'm just 'one of the guys', permanently embedded in the friend zone, and if he ever found out my true feelings it would have grave repercussions on the whole dynamic of our collective friendships. So, I'm forced to put on a face, pretend that I'm immune to his charm, bottle up my feelings, and let them eat away at my insides.
In the four years I've attended Hawkins High not a day has gone by where Eddie Munson hasn't invaded my every thought, innocent or otherwise. Even when our interactions were non-existent, or nothing more than a hello here and there, I haven't been able to escape that scrumptious motherfucker's temptation no matter how hard I try. Ok... so I don't actually try that hard. Fuck it... I don't try at all... but I pretend to.
Eddie makes it a point to bother anyone he damn well pleases, but I seem to be his favorite prey, and I'll be damned if he doesn't get some sick perverse pleasure from incessantly teasing me. It's normal for he and I to playfully flirt and sexually tease each other. He knows he can get a rise out of me without the added contempt he gets from everyone else, but it's a game to him, just a game, one that I secretly love to play, but recently it's gotten a lot worse, and it was becoming unbearable.
Robin Buckley's the only one who knows my true feelings. She's been my best friend since we met in band freshman year. Being a bit of a loner herself, she and I just clicked. She too can't seem to find the courage to approach her respective love interest (our bandmate, Vickie), but Robin's reasons are more justified. Even still, we both live each day in a loop of self-induced torture. Robin at least gets a weekend reprieve, but not me. Sharing the same friends as Eddie, my torture is continuous, resuming every weekday morning in first-period art class, and today was another typical Friday. At least... that's how it started.
"Alright, guys. Today, I'm gonna meet with you all individually to see how you're doing on your projects for the year-end show. And for those of you who've decided to procrastinate... Mr. Munson, I'm looking at you... I need to ok your idea and make sure you have ample time to complete your work, and that your subject matter is appropriate."
"Aww, come on Mrs. S. You know I always finish my work on time." Eddie flashed the teacher a debonair smile.
"You better... if you finally wanna graduate. But your last project wasn't exactly school-friendly." She smiled back in jest.
I remember that project. The perfect example of Eddie's outlandish shenanigans. He'd drawn a Boris-style rendering of himself all but slaughtering his least favorite jock dipshit. But Mrs. Schwagert's one of the coolest teachers in this school, and unlike most, she's not quick to judge her students, including Eddie. She has a way of connecting with all of us.
Eddie scoffed playfully before spouting off an equally playful retort. "That hurts, Mrs. S. I thought you of all people would understand that I took an avant-garde approach, conceptualizing the fight against tyranny in today's society."
"Well, be that as it may, Mr. Munson, your tactless display of violence toward another student won't be tolerated, so I'd like to meet with you first."
I smiled to myself as Eddie exchanged playful banter with our art teacher, gawking at him like I do most of the day until their meeting was concluded, and like clockwork, he resumed his position right up my ass.
"Hi, there!" He proclaimed in his best baritone imitation of Freddy 'Boom Boom' Washington from 'Welcome Back Kotter'.
I closed my sketch pad and looked up. "Now, the Sweathog part I get, but Washington? I don't see it."
"Ok, how 'bout Barbarino?"
He started shimmying back and forth in proper Barbarino fashion and I burst into laughter.
"Um... the hair, maybe, but you're not exactly a chick magnet. You're more of a mashup between Epstein and Horshack. Quick-witted, but super annoying."
"Fair enough." He plopped into the open seat next to me. "So... does that make you Hotsy Totsy, my little... Bunny?"
Oh yeah... every day Eddie makes it a point to devise a new moniker for me that starts with the next sequential letter of the alphabet. Today we were back to B.
"Not quite. I don't have a kid or moonlight as a stripper." I gave him a cheeky smile.
"You sure about that? You look like you belong on a street corner in that outfit."
I scoffed. "It's not that bad."
I looked down at my clothes. Ok, the v-neck crop top and fish nets, sure, but my skirt covered my waist and it wasn't that short. Suddenly feeling self-conscious I wrapped my sweater around myself, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Whatever you say. I'm certainly not complaining."
He looked me up and down with a Cheshire grin, and I rolled my eyes.
"Don't you have someone else you can pester? I'm busy."
"Doing what? More doodles that you refuse to share with me? What do you draw in there anyway? Is it your secret crush? Ooo! Is it me?"
He could not be more spot on. My sketch pad was filled with doodles of his mouthwatering, metalhead physique, as well as some more risqué renderings that I may or may not imagine him doing to me like... all the time. So of course, I lied.
"You wish, Munson."
"Oh, I do, Bunny. But if it's not me, then who is it? That Ian Astbury guy, or uh... what's his face... that wrestler? The one who looks like a roided up Tom Selek, um..." he snapped his fingers in recognition, "oh, Scott Hall? Wait!... It's Harrington isn't it? I know you two are chummy, and I wouldn't blame you. He's a dreamy hunk of hairy beast, but I'd have no problem being your dirty little sidepiece."
Eddie cocked his head to the side, flashed me a suave smile, and wiggled his eyebrows. He was such a dork, but he was right... about the chummy part anyway. Steve Harrington is my friend, which is a fucking miracle in its own right seeing that before he and Robin started working together, I never got a second glance from the 'King' of Hawkins High, but it turns out he's a gentle soul, and not the egotistical, jock douche we thought he was. But Robin puts it best, our friendship with Steve is platonic with a capital P.
"Hmm, as tempting as that sounds... I think I'll pass."
"Ok, suit yourself. Gareth would kill me if I tried to lay a hand on you anyway. Sisters are off limits."
I wasn't actually Gareth's sister, but I've lived next door to him since we were kids, and our families are super close. I do love that dumbass like a brother, but like most brothers, he's an annoying shit with a big mouth, so he has no idea how I feel about Eddie.
"Speaking of your lovable, surrogate little brother, you comin' to watch us practice tonight?"
"I wouldn't exactly call what you guys do, practice. All you do is fuck around and rip on each other the whole time."
"True, but you keep us in check, so you have to come over."
"Oh, I have to, huh? What if I don't feel like it?"
"Well, then I'll be forced to wait 'til Tuesday to waste my sexual prowess on girls who won't give me the time of day, resulting in me crying myself to sleep, again."
He popped out his bottom lip and gave me puppy dog eyes. Goddammit!
"Uh-huh. And... why do you suppose that is?"
"Well, probably because they don't know how to handle my natural charisma and raw animal magnetism. If they knew what they were missing, they'd be all over me."
"Is that right?" I leaned toward him provocatively, making sure to flaunt my cleavage. "And uh, what exactly are they missing?"
He was visibly frazzled, just how I wanted him. He swallowed hard, trying to make eye contact but unable to peel his gaze from my tits.
"Um... let's just say, that when it comes to the utmost in sexual pleasure... I'm your guy."
"Mmm... that good, are ya?"
"Oh, Bunny. I'm first-rate."
"And you think I... would be able to handle you?"
"Maybe..." He swallowed again. "There's only one way to know for sure."
"Is that so?" I looked him over seductively. "Sounds like that'd be one hell of a time."
"You have no idea."
I nodded slowly and smiled, our faces separated by mere inches.
"I suppose I don't." I stared at his lips, watching him squirm uncomfortably in his chair, and I went in for the kill. "Well, Mr. Fantastic, how could I refuse an offer like that?"
I leaned closer as if going in for a kiss and SMACKED him square in the forehead.
I sat back in my chair as he pressed the butt of his hand to his forehead.
"I've gotta hand it to ya, Munson, I didn't think your persistence could be any more annoying, but you proved me wrong."
"Ok, I get it. No sexy time from Bunny. Way to crush my ego."
"I thought you'd be used to it by now. You can keep laying it on as thick as you want. I'm not sleeping with you."
"Y/l/n! I'll meet with you now. Get back to work, Mr. Munson."
"Yes, ma'am!" Eddie gave Mrs. S. a salute.
"Saved by scholastic decree. Catch you on the flip side, Fabio."
I smiled slyly, grabbed my sketchbook, and made my way to Mrs. S's desk as Eddie yelled after me.
"Let me know if you change your mind."
"I won't."
Without turning around I gave him the finger. I caught the faint sound of his chuckle and smiled to myself.
With my Walkman blaring, I navigated my way toward the cafeteria through the crowded hallways of Hawkins High, trying not to get knocked around like a pinball when Robin came running up to me in true motormouth fashion.
"Hey-gotta skip lunch to finish my history assignment-try to find a date for prom-meet up with you later-love you-bye!"
And like that, she disappeared into the sea of students before I could get a word in. This meant I'd have to sit with the Hellfire Club today, so I took a detour and headed to their table.
"What's the haps, nerds? Mind if I sit?"
I got lazy waves from the older boys, but Dustin and Mike immediately perked up and flashed me bashful smiles and enthusiastic waves, which I returned in kind.
"I've got a seat for you right here."
Eddie patted his lap. I smiled seductively, walked toward him, and squatted as if about to sit. The look on his face was priceless, but just before my ass made contact with his lap, I straightened up and crushed his dreams.
"Ooo... fat chance, fucker. Scoot over bro."
I nudged Gareth, plopping down in the seat between him and Eddie.
"Well, played, Bunny."
"Bunny? Are you still playing that stupid letter game?" Gareth asked.
"You know you love it."
I flashed Eddie an unamused smile and started digging into my lunch bag.
"No Buckley today?" Gareth asked receiving a shake of my head as confirmation. "Hey, that girl Becky from band asked me to Prom."
I had a mouth full of food. "Mm, I like her. She's super sweet."
"Prom? You're actually gonna attend that monstrosity?"
"Why wouldn't I? Becky's hot. Just 'cause no one will go with you doesn't mean I have to sit at home with my thumb up my ass."
"Oh, sweet burn."
Mike gave Gareth a high five, and I couldn't hold back a laugh at Eddie's expense.
"Wheeler, it's not wise to upset your Dungeon Master."
Eddie flashed Mike an evil grin and Mike's face fell. He quickly turned his attention back to Gareth.
"El and I are going too. Do you guys wanna ride with us? We're getting a limo."
"Thanks, man, but we're hitching a ride with Buckley, Harrington, and Y/n."
"You're going too?"
Eddie looked at me somewhat perplexed.
"Mm-hm." I continued to eat nonchalantly, watching Eddie laugh in disbelief.
"With who?"
I furrowed my brow. Was that a hint of jealousy in his tone? Nah, couldn't be.
"Myself... and..." I waved my finger in a circle around the table to indicate everyone sitting there.
"You're all going?"
"Yes, killjoy. Nothing is stopping you from coming with us. It's a Masquerade theme this year. It'll be fun."
"Fun?! Bunny, I have no desire to attend the masquerade of forced conformity." He smiled smugly.
"Well, we do. So shut your face."
Still sensing the piercing glare of a pair of deep brown eyes, I lifted my head slowly to see Eddie smiling at me, elbow on the table and chin in hand.
"Yes?" I droned.
"Whatcha listenin' to?"
"Music," I retorted, jerking back when Eddie tried to steal my headphones.
"Why so secretive? Isn't she secretive?" Eddie addressed the younger boys of the group.
"Eddie, she probably just wants to eat her lunch in peace," Dustin answered.
"Pshh, then she's at the wrong table," Mike joked.
I shot them a friendly wink.
"Who's side are you guys on? You gotta crush on her or something? Well, you can both stop kissing her ass 'cause she's too old for you."
"I don't. I have the sweetest girlfriend in the world, and she's a genius."
"She's not very smart if she's dating you."
"Shut up, Jeff." Dustin threw a carrot at Jeff and Eddie chucked a pretzel at Dustin and Mike.
"Jesus, you guys are such dicks. Stop tormenting them. Dusty, is Susie coming?"
"I wish. Her dad'll never let that happen. I'm goin' stag... again."
"Don't worry, I'll save you a dance." He smiled bashfully.
"Jesus, this is torment. I'm surprised you're not going with Harrington." Eddie addressed me before turning to Dustin. "You know she draws erotic pictures of him in her sketchbook, right?"
"What?!" The whole table exclaimed.
"I do not." I shoved the side of Eddie's head.
"Do you really?"
"Of course not, Dusty. Eddie just refuses to let go of his nonconformist pride and have a little fun, so he's taking his frustration out on me. You know Steve and I are JUST FRIENDS!" I emphasized, staring daggers at Eddie before turning back to my food.
"Then show me the sketchbook."
"Fuck off, Munson... hey, what the..." Before I could react Eddie swiped my headphones and put them on. "Give 'em back, asshole!"
"Goddamn! This is some heavy shit. What is this?"
"It's your face meeting my fist if you don't give 'em back."
He held me at arm's length as I tried, and failed, to reclaim my headphones, but I soon gave up, crossing my arms over my chest in a huff.
"Ok, fine! It's 'The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny'."
"Hahaha! WHAT?"
"It's a demo. The band's called Mr. Bungle. They're from Eureka."
"Well, isn't that fortuitous, 'cause my little Bunny is definitely raging and wrathful today."
He screwed up his face, mocking me. I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Where did you get this?"
"I'm a tape trader, remember?"
"No. I'd definitely remember you telling me something like that."
"Well, maybe if you weren't so busy running your mouth all the time, you'd actually hear what other people have to say."
"This... this is fuckin' brutal. It's like, black metal meets speed."
Eddie was in his own little world. I threw my hands up in disbelief and shook my head.
"See. Didn't hear a damn thing I just said."
"You gotta make me a copy of this."
"You know, you're awfully demanding today."
He shot me a wink and handed over my headphones. I swiped them out of his hand giving him the evil eye.
"I figured you'd be listening to that goth or glam bullshit. What other cool stuff you got?"
"I've got a lotta cool shit. I got this in my most recent haul along with a demo from Guns 'N' Roses, and one from Faster Pussycat. But they're both glam bullshit," I emphasized sarcastically.
"Glam. Gay L.A. music, you mean."
"Oh, whatever, asshole. Axel Rose has some killer pipes. And Kelly Nickels, the bassist from Faster Pussycat... total YUM! He was actually in the running to be the bassist for W.A.S.P. Bet you didn't know that, did ya? UGHH! I swear, what I would give to be the center of a Blackie Lawless and Kelly Nickels sandwich." I scanned the horrified faces at the table and froze. "Um... sorry... I forgot I'm not sitting with Robin." I took a huge chug of my drink and averted my gaze, dying of embarrassment.
"Isn't Kelly Nickels that guy you said looks like Munson?"
I choked on my beverage, hacking, and coughing, leaving no room for subtlety. Stealing a glance at Eddie I saw his smug grin. I had to think fast.
"Uh, I did not say that, Gareth."
"I'm pretty sure you did."
"Well, you're wrong." I smacked his arm, wanting to crawl into a deep dark hole and die.
"Uh-huh... I knew it. You do wanna fuck me."
"Ugg! Munson, get over yourself." I stood up and collected my shit.
"Aw, come on. Where you goin'?"
"I've lost my appetite." I spat at Eddie. "Catch you later, losers." I turned to Dustin and Mike. "Not you two. You guys will always be my little cuties."
I scrunched my nose, kissed Dustin's head, and mussed Mike's hair, smiling at their giddy expressions, then I waved at Jeff and Doug, stuck my tongue out at Gareth, gave Eddie the finger, and left. I could still hear him laughing as I walked away.
Eddie's eyes followed you as you walked away. "Dude, you're gonna bore a hole in her back if you stare at her any harder."
"Hmph, she totally wants me," Eddie said smugly to no one in particular.
"Munson, just ask her out already and put us all out of our misery."
"That would negate the sister rule, Gareth."
"She's not my sister, so if you wanna give it a shot, be my guest. But you gotta stop comin' at her guns blazing, or she's gonna kick your ass."
"Now that I'd love to see."
"Jeff, if I want your opinion, I'll beat it outta you."
"Whatever, Munson, but Gareth's right. If this is your idea of playing it cool, it's not working. You need to stop being so rash... with all of us. She sees right through it, and it looks like it's starting to get to her."
Eddie thought about it for a moment. Maybe they're right. He loved his little sheep, and picking on you was his favorite pastime, but he was being an inconsiderate ass.
You've consumed Eddie's thoughts since the day Corroded Coffin started practicing at Gareth's house. He knew who you were. Being a year older than Gareth you'd already attended Hawkins High for a year, but you never actually spoke to one another until that fateful day in the fall of '83. You heard the commotion in the garage and decided to stroll over. That's when you two were formally introduced, and you permanently imprinted on his mind and his heart. It was the first day of the rest of his life, but you weren't yet 16, and he'd just turned 18 and he was not gonna open that can of worms. It didn't stop him from playfully pestering you every day. And when you turned 18 a few months back he bumped it up a notch, but lately, he's noticed that you've been on edge and not as receptive to his teasing. Was it losing its luster for you? Were you genuinely annoyed? He couldn't let that happen. You were too important to him, but there was only one way to find out, and he knew exactly where you'd be.
I entered the clearing in the woods and hopped onto the picnic table, hoping to spare myself any more embarrassment or harassment by finishing a cigarette before Eddie showed up.
I wasn't pissed at him, just pissy in general. He's been making it so much harder to mask my feelings and my sexual frustration with blatant denial, and I was starting to lash out, which made me feel incredibly guilty. I could try asking him to stop, but then he'd know something was up, so suffer I will. But it was evident as Eddie came strolling into the clearing that luck was not on my side today.
"Ah, shit... can't I have a moment's peace?"
"You're not escaping my sexy mug that easily, Bunny."
I smiled sarcastically, arms draped lazily over my knees. I watched Eddie park his ass next to me, pull a soft pack of Camels from his vest pocket, shake one out, and trap it between his lips. (Jesus, why when it comes to this man does my mind turn something so innocent into filth?) He flicked his Zippo shut and took a drag. Resting his forearms on his knees and clasping his hands together, he studied my face.
"What, do I have something in my teeth?" I started rubbing them with my finger.
"Then why are you staring at me?"
"'Cause you're sexy." He smiled slyly, taking another drag.
I exhaled heavily, leaning my forehead on my palms, visibly irritated.
"Ok, ok. I'll stop. I was actually wondering what you're doing for Schwag's class."
I whipped my head around, confusion written all over my face. Was I just transported into a parallel universe? Not only did Eddie stop teasing me on his own accord, but he's making small talk.
"What are you doing for Schwagert's class?"
He flashed me a sweet smile, which is so unlike him. It was strange but refreshing, and it was stirring something inside me. I suddenly felt nervous, and uneasy... and kinda horny.
"Hey, you ok? You look like you're having some kinda... internal struggle. I promise I won't laugh if that's what you're worried about. I'm genuinely curious."
I was staring at him like he had three heads.
"Um, no... I um... I'm gonna do a portrait series."
"No, I hate self-portraits. I was actually considering drawing you if you wanna sit for me... and if you can keep your trap shut for a few hours."
His face fell. "You... you wanna draw me?"
"Yeah. Emphasis on the 'shut trap'." I took a drag from my cigarette as an embarrassing thought occurred to me, followed by more word vomit. "I mean, n-not like nude or anything." His smug ass perked right back up.
"Well, I'm not opposed," he said looking rather assuming.
"Dude, seriously."
He just kept laughing. "Ok, ok... but why me?"
"I don't know. You just have this... look." My eyes finally met his.
"I have a look?"
I looked away sucking on my cigarette. Eddie was seemingly deep in thought and started playing with his rings.
"Um... what kinda look?"
"Not a bad look."
His head snapped up and he smiled mischievously.
I rolled my eyes. "Slow your roll, Munson... but yes. Your look, it's... well, it's distinctive and commanding. Good or bad, you can't deny that you have this... charisma... that makes you impossible to ignore. I wanna capture that." I was expecting some perverted retort, but it never came.
"Well, uh... that's... extremely flattering. I um... I didn't realize you saw me that way."
I couldn't read his expression, but the wrestlers in my stomach were at it again, powerbomb after powerbomb, and I felt the need to cover my tracks.
"I do. I mean, n-not like in that way. I can ignore you if I want to. You don't make it easy... b-but I can..." I rested my elbows on my knees, held my fingertips to my forehead, and sighed. "You just... your look is particular, that's all I'm saying." Shit, this was so embarrassing.
"Uh... o-kay?"
"So... will you do it?" I still couldn't look up.
"Absolutely! Just tell me when and where."
My head shot up. "Wow, um... ok, great... w-we could do it tonight if you want?"
I screwed up my face, immediately wanting to shove my foot in my mouth.
"Bunny, we can do it on this goddamn table, right here right now." He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Jesus, I set myself up for that one. You know I didn't mean it like that."
He was giggling like an idiot. "Sorry, I couldn't pass up that opportunity."
Sorry? He never apologizes for his behavior.
"Ok, what the hell is up with you?"
"Whatta you mean?"
"I mean, you're being relatively polite, and making small talk. It's not like you. Did we transport to Bizarro World or something?"
He chuckled. "Just call me Eidde." He smiled bashfully. "I don't know. Maybe I'm trying to turn over a new leaf."
"Ok?" I shot him a sideways glance, but he just sat there, smoking his cigarette, smiling. "Well, we can start tonight at Gareth's." He nodded in agreement. "So what're you gonna do? Did you think of more ingenious ways to flaunt your hatred for Carver?"
He let out a huge belly laugh. "Um, no... Mrs. S. shot down my idea for a sequel. I'm probably gonna do an installation so I can incorporate my music."
"Oh! I like that idea. It's a shame about the sequel though. I was impressed with the original, but I'm biased. Carver's a douche with a capital bag."
We chuckled staring at each other for a moment.
"Yeah, well, it's nice to know someone appreciates my artistic talent."
Eddie placed his hand on my knee and gave it a little squeeze, but instead of shirking it off, I patted it, but he pulled away rather quickly, looking like he didn't know what he should do with his hand.
"So, you're really agreeing to help me?"
"Just like that? No... proposition or outrageous demands in return?"
"Well, since you suggested it..." His smile was wicked.
"Jesus, why the hell do I keep opening my big mouth?"
His grin widened. "Since your big mouth is already open, how 'bout a big sloppy blowjob... or I'll settle for a big wet kiss... or... we can cut right to the chase and finally fuck." He nudged my shoulder.
"Jesus, you're hopeless. Is that all? Do you want my first born too?" (Fuck! I did it again!)
"Well, I can cum inside you when we're fuckin'."
I shoved him so hard, I knocked his giggling ass off the table, but I welcomed the distraction of his laughing fit because the thought of him cumming inside me made my cheeks flush and my thighs clench involuntarily. If spontaneous combustion is truly a thing, consider me Spinal Tap drummer number seven. Luckily the position in which he fell and the time it took him to climb back onto the table was enough for me to collect myself.
"You're a fucking pervert."
"I know, I can't help it."
"Well, try." He nodded. "Why don't you agree to come to prom with all of us instead?"
"Um... that doesn't exactly benefit me. So, no... it has to be option 1, 2, or 3."
"Ok, then I guess I'll pick option 4, none of the above."
"Then you can't draw me."
His expression was serious. I didn't know how to react until he snickered and cracked a smile before erupting into full-on laughter. I smacked him upside the head and he yelped.
"You're such a dick, Munson."
He was still rolling, trying to catch his breath. "Ha! Uh ha, hmm... ok, fine, you can still draw me, but prom? That's really not my thing."
"You're missin' out."
"On what? Shitty music and jock scrutiny? No thanks. But I do wanna ask you something."
We locked eyes. His expression was foreign. He's never looked at me like this before. It was like... adoration mixed with worry. Was he nervous? He looked nervous. Or was I nervous?
"Does um... does my behavior bother you?"
I looked at him quizzically. Why would he care what I thought?
"Um... no. I mean, you definitely know how to push my buttons... and sometimes I just wanna strangle you... but you're one of my best friends. I understand your humor. But you do need to lay off the boys."
He looked only partially relieved. "Fair enough. I just... well, you're a cool girl... and I really enjoy our banter, but you seem a little on edge lately, so I just wanted to make sure. I've never had a female friend as accepting as you, so I don't wanna push you away."
I stared at him in shock, like maybe his three heads would sprout horns. He seemed genuinely worried about upsetting me.
"Ok, is this like, a reverse invasion of the body snatchers or something? Who are you?"
We both laughed. His smile was huge, and so fucking gorgeous. Then I saw it. The subtle movement of his eyes falling to my lips. Did I just see that, or did I imagine it? I felt lightheaded and my heart was pounding as he slid closer, smiling as he scanned my face. (Headlock, shoot off, drop down, leapfrog, hip toss, cover, and 1... 2... 3... wrestler pinned... insert pyro explosion here)
I think I stopped breathing, and then... (Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrringggggggg) Our heads swiveled toward the school. Ugg! That fucking bell. We turned our attention back to each other. Eddie let out a heavy breath, suddenly bashful, and awkwardly backed away, and I finally took a breath.
"Um... we... we should probably..."
"Yeah, um... I'll... I'll walk you back."
We walked through the hall in silence, still smiling, occasionally stealing glances at each other. I had no idea how to process what just happened. What did just happen? Was it even anything? I looked at Eddie. His smile was so bashful, almost innocent. It was so fucking CUTE I wanted to hug him, squeeze him, and call him George.
That's it... we were definitely in Bizarro World.
Sitting on the couch in Gareth's garage, my pencil flowed over the pages of my sketchbook with ease. Eddie was my fucking muse. It's amazing what I can accomplish when I'm drawing a willing participant. But when 'practice' was over, I had the misfortune of being a part of the most fucked up conversation in the history of conversations.
"Is that the latest Hustler? Ooo, toss that over here." Eddie wasted no time flipping through the pages.
"Jesus, you guys have a one-track mind."
"That's the pot calling the kettle black. I know for a fact you like to read those cheesy smut books."
I threw an empty beer can at Gareth. "Way to sell me out, asshole."
"Smut books, huh? A bit of a dirty bird aren't ya, Bunny?"
"This coming from the man who has a pile of nudie mags under his bed. And don't give me that 'I read the articles' excuse."
"I do read the articles."
"I'm not talking about letters to Penthouse." I smiled cheekily.
"She's got you there, Munson," Gareth said.
"Ok, my deviance is a surprise to no one, but this little dirty bird seems to be hiding more than just doodles. So, Bunny... what're your other guilty pleasures?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
I flashed him an irritated look. "Eddie, if you think I'm gonna tell you that you're outta your goddamn mind."
"Awww... come on. Don't be a prude."
Gareth, Jeff, and Doug turned their attention to Eddie, probably expecting me to kick his ass. I turned to look at him and sighed. He wasn't gonna let this go, so I figured I'd have a little fun with him.
"Alright... you really wanna know?"
Sitting on the edge of the couch, nodding like an idiot, a stupid grin spread across his face, Eddie anxiously awaited my reply.
"I wanna know."
"Me too."
Jeff and Doug, my peanut gallery.
"I'm not sure I do."
"SHHH! Shut up, Gareth. No one cares what you think."
Eddie was too preoccupied to notice Gareth giving him the finger.
"Ok... fine. If you really wanna know, I'll tell you."
Eddie took a sip of his beer. I could see the excitement in his eyes, so I exhaled heavily.
"Yes, I like smut novels. I draw a lot of erotic pictures, and I too read Letters to Penthouse. I also enjoy watching porn."
All four of them were frozen in place, Eddie in mid-swig and the other three with their jaws on the floor. Eddie swallowed hard before speaking.
"Like, what kinda porn?" He asked sheepishly.
All four boys were waiting impatiently with bated breath.
"Ok, um... well, the softcore, romantic stuff is my favorite, but I do enjoy a bit of hardcore." I gauged Eddie's reaction. He was mesmerized, eyes glued to my face as he took another sip of his beer. "I occasionally enjoy some girl-on-girl. Threesomes are so hot. Two girls and one guy, one girl and two guys, it doesn't matter. Like I said, I'm down for a Blackie/Kelly sandwich. Oh, and voyeurism. I love the thought of watching people fuck while I touch myself... really gets me goin'."
Eddie spit out a mouthful of beer and the others were all in a daze, mouths agape, processing everything I just said, but it was Eddie who broke the silence.
"And... how exactly did you pick up these little... hobbies?"
"Dude, I'm a shy, introvert, outcast... we're as freaky as they come."
"It's always the quiet ones," Doug said in disbelief.
"Mm-hm. Well... now that the cat's outta the bag, I have a date with my VCR and a naughty VHS. Later, losers."
(Suck it, Munson!) I gave a triumphant smile, winked at Eddie, turned on my heels, and headed to my garage making sure to shake my hips as I left.
Eddie sat staring at the ground. "I don't know about you guys, but I need a cold shower after that one."
"Me, too."
"Me three."
Eddie looked at his friends, who were all still in shock. "Do... do you think she's serious?"
He jumped off the couch and bolted after you.
"Hey, Munson, wait... MUNSON!" Gareth sprinted after Eddie and grabbed his arm before he could make it to your house. "Dude! Seriously? She was just fucking with you."
Eddie bowed his head in defeat and followed Gareth back to his garage. He sat down and resumed staring at the ground adjusting his crotch uncomfortably as Jeff and Doug grabbed their gear.
"You guys outta here?" Gareth asked.
"Yep. We'll see you tomorrow."
They waved goodbye and made their way to Jeff's car. Gareth turned his attention to Eddie, noticing his frustration.
"Munson, just fuckin' tell her."
Eddie threw his head back against the couch and rubbed his hands over his face, groaning.
"Come on, Gareth. You know I can't."
"'Cause we've got a good thing going. If I confess my love and she doesn't feel the same I'll lose her forever, or at the very least things'll just be incredibly awkward. But I can't stop fucking thinking about her." Eddie looked toward your house. "You know her better than I do. What should I do?"
"Ok, here's what I do know. If she's willing to take your shit... there's gotta be somethin' else there. No one's crazy enough to tolerate your dumb ass unless they want to, but if she does have feelings for you, she'll never make the first move, so I think you should approach her. I also know that she was lying at lunch. She can deny it all she wants but she really does think you look like that Kelly Nickels guy. That's gotta count for something."
Eddie smiled to himself. "Maybe."
"Well, either you tell her, or I will, 'cause all this pining shit... it's really fucking irritating. And swallow your pride, man. Ask her to prom. You know you'll have fun with her. Go ask her now. She's probably sitting in her garage."
Eddie let out a huge sigh. "Alright, man, but the whole feelings thing... let me test the water... if she seems receptive then I'll spill my guts."
"Good luck, dude."
Eddie gave Gareth a bro handshake, grabbed a couple of beers, and shuffled toward your garage. When he got close enough he heard you talking, probably on the phone. He knew he shouldn't listen but the devil on his shoulder convinced him otherwise, so he leaned against the corner of your garage just out of sight.
"Oh, come on, Robin. He was asking for it."
"Yes but when you do that it only riles him up more."
"Him? What about me? The flirting and teasing have only gotten worse. I can't fucking take it anymore."
"Exactly. You know how he is. If you keep egging him on you're only making things worse for you. Just tell him how you feel."
"Robin... you know I can't do that."
"Why not?"
"Because... he's my friend."
"And... if he rejects me... things'll be super awkward. And if he still wants to be my friend I'll be forced to suppress my feelings just to maintain some sort of normalcy around him, and I'll be no better off."
"Did you at least ask him to the dance?"
"Not exactly. I suggested he come with all of us, but you know how he is. He's too proud to 'give in to the masquerade of forced conformity'." I said in my best Eddie voice.
"Well, I don't know what to tell you. Just keep dropping hints. Maybe he'll get the message."
"I hope so. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. I want to be with him so fucking bad, but I don't wanna lose him."
"I understand, trust me I do."
"I know. Well, I'm gonna go watch my movie, take my mind off shit. Tell Steve I said hi."
"Hey, Dingus! Y/n says hi! He's waving at you."
"Well, we love you girly."
"Love you guys too."
I hung up the phone and stared at my open sketch pad, utterly lost in Eddie's image.
Eddie's eyes were wide with shock. He could only hear your side of the conversation, but he had no doubt who you were talking about. Jesus H. Christ! You have feelings... for him. You pretend you don't but you do! This... this changes everything! So why was this dread still lingering in his chest? Nerves maybe? He had to say something, but he didn't want to come on too strong. Act casual... yeah. That's what he'll do... just... act casual. After silently syking himself up he took a few deep breaths and decided to make his move.
"JESUS CHRIST!" I jumped out of my skin, nearly falling off of my stool. "You think you're funny, asshole?"
Eddie was doubled over with laughter as I sat there clutching my chest.
"Hahahahaha! Ohhhh, no... I think I'm adorable."
"Ugg! I hate you so much, Munson."
"Awww, come on now. You know that's not true. May I come in?"
I released a heavy sigh. "Sure... whatever."
"Here, a peace offering."
He handed me a beer.
We sat in silence for a moment as he checked out all the drawings hanging above my desk.
"Jesus, you're amazing. I love your style. The way you see the world, it's just... incredible."
"Thanks." I smiled bashfully.
He motioned to my open sketch pad.
"May I?"
"Sure." Ahhhhhhh! His smile makes my fucking insides liquefy.
"Oh, Bunny... these are fantastic! I've never looked so good." He flashed a cheeky smile and flipped to the front of the book.
"Nice try. You won't find anything. This sketchbook is strictly for school projects."
He let out a breathy laugh. "You caught me. I wish you'd show me your personal drawings. You're so passionate about your work. Like I am with my music."
"Maybe someday, Munson." I flashed him a sweet smile.
"Um, you mind if I turn on some tunes?"
"No, go ahead."
He started fiddling with the record player.
"Looks like your old man was listening to Clapton. I'll just leave that on."
"Works for me."
He positioned the record player needle and shuffled back to his chair.
"So... what's on your agenda for this evening... besides hardcore porn... and me?"
He smiled wickedly, pulled his smokes from his vest pocket, and went through his routine.
"Not fucking you, Munson."
I loved hearing him laugh, or talk... or move... or fucking breathe. Whatever the hell he was doing... I loved it.
"So, do you actually watch all that stuff, or were you just fuckin' with me?"
"Uh..." I eyeballed him hesitantly, but his expression was calm, and not flirtatious, so I gave him this one. "Yeah... I do."
He raised his brow and exhaled a cloud of smoke. "Well... that's um... that's hot. I was just gonna head home, get high, and play guitar, but now... I think I'm gonna have to rub one out. Care to turn it into phone sex? Preferably while you're still watching porn?"
(JESUS CHRIST! I know what I'm drawing tonight) I rolled my eyes. "Dude! What is with you? You've been so lewd lately. Like, more than usual." He smiled cheekily and stared at me. "No! No phone sex, no fucking, just... no!"
His whole body shook with laughter. "Ok, then I guess I'm goin' solo. So, if you're not gonna watch porn, what are you gonna do?"
I shook my head. "I'm gonna watch 'Help'."
"Can't say I've seen it."
"Really? It's a super corny Beatles movie."
"Oh, I know what it is, I just haven't seen it. Is it good?"
"I love it. It's one of my favorites. I watch it with my mom all the time."
"Speaking of the lovely Mrs. Y/l/n, where are your folks?"
"They're visiting my grandma this weekend."
"Well, that's a shame. I'll just have to schmooze your mom next time. So... was tonight's session enough to do your project, or do you need me to sit for you again?"
(Ok, what the fuck?) "Alright dude, what's going on? You're doing it again."
"Oh, come on. For the past few months, you've been... I don't know... a lot more perverted, but today you're trying to incorporate small talk and some semblance of courtesy. So what's going on?"
"I don't know. Maybe I want you to see a different side of me, so I'm talking about things that aren't strictly sex oriented."
"Yeah, but why?"
"Well... maybe I like you."
"HA! Hyeah, right. If you don't wanna tell me the real reason, just say so. You don't need to make shit up."
"Who says I'm making shit up?"
I tried to play it cool, not letting on that the instant those words left his lips Hulk Hogan leg dropped King Kong Bundy.
"Uh... I am."
"Why? Is it so hard to believe that I could see you as more than just a friend?"
I scoffed. "Yeah, a fuck buddy, maybe."
Jesus, it felt like an Alien was about to punch through my chest. I reached for my smokes and lit up trying to thwart my anxiety.
Eddie nodded solemnly, but when 'Wonderful Tonight' started to play, he set down his beer and held out his hand.
"Wanna dance?"
I must've looked like a deer in headlights.
"Come on... dance with me."
I snuffed out my cigarette looking at him hesitantly. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up, threw my arms around his neck, wrapped his around my waist, and pulled me close. He started swaying us back and forth, his head nestled next to mine, but when the chorus hit I got ballsy. Knowing this wasn't bound to last, I decided to live in the moment. I leaned my head on his shoulder, squeezed my arms tighter, closed my eyes, and started playing with his hair, but to my shock and delight, he tightened his grip around my waist and leaned his head against mine, grazing my back with his fingertips. We embraced silently for several minutes, and all I could think was that I could die happy at this very moment... and then he had to go and fucking ruin it.
"Go to prom with me?"
His voice was so faint I wasn't sure I heard him correctly. I lifted my head, our eyes lingering on each other's faces, and I scowled, about to lose my shit.
"What? Ok, now I know you're joking."
"I'm not joking."
"Eddie, stop it. This isn't funny."
I broke away and went to shut off the record player, ready to scream. We just held each other so fucking tight, and there was something about the way he touched me. Probably just wishful thinking, but it seemed like we had a moment.
"Al-alright fine. Don't believe me."
"Why should I when you've been shitting on the idea all day?"
He was silent. I slumped my shoulders, released a sigh, and faced him. "Ok, fine, don't answer me. I'm gonna go watch my movie."
Eddie was chewing on his thumbnail, his other hand in his pocket, and he was staring at the ground nodding. He actually looked disappointed, and I had to admit, I felt kinda guilty. I didn't want him to leave, but this charade had to stop.
"Hey, um... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. You don't have to go. I just... I want the nonsense to stop, ok? If you want you can watch 'Help' with me."
His head shot up so fast I thought he'd have whiplash.
"Um, yeah, ok. Your parents won't mind?"
"No, they know you. It's not like we're fuckin' or anything."
"DON'T... say it."
Signature Munson, never missing a beat. Jesus, my emotions were bouncing back and forth like a game of Pong.
We were on the couch in my basement, which also doubled as my bedroom. It was a pretty sweet setup if I say so myself.
"You're right. This is a really weird movie. Not as trippy as 'Tommy', but still pretty bad."
He pulled his arms up to shield himself from my slap but was unsuccessful.
"Oh, shut up. It's awesome and you know it. And so is 'Tommy'."
"No, you're right. I do like 'Tommy'. Ann Margaret's hot." His smile was so goofy.
"So is Roger Daltrey," I smirked. "Ooo, I love this part. Paul using the girl as a guitar."
"Ooo, that looks like fun. Come 'ere."
"What?" He reached for my arm and pulled me across the couch. "What... what're you...? Hey! Hahaha!"
"Come on, sit on my lap. Put your hand on your hip, hold the other arm out... there we go. Now... I play."
I was dying of laughter as Eddie played my arms like a guitar and started singing along to 'Another Girl'.
🎶For I have got, another girl
Another girl who will love me till the end
Through thick and thin, she will always be my friend
I don't wanna say that I've been unhappy with you
But as from today, well, I've seen somebody that's new
I ain't no fool and I don't take what I don't want
For I have got, another girl🎶
Eddie stopped playing, wrapped his arms around me, and pulled my giggling ass against his chest, continuing to rock me in time with the music, only this time, when the song ended, I stayed put.
"I thought you didn't like The Beatles."
"I never said that. I just said I never saw this movie, but my mom used to listen to them too."
I smiled, taking the opportunity to rest my head back against his shoulder and wrap my arms around his. I felt his hair tickle my neck, so I looked up and found him smiling at me. Our faces were so fucking close. I smiled back and he leaned down and kissed my cheek.
"W-what was that for?"
"Just felt like it. I'm having a good time."
"M-me too."
There was that look again. The same one from this afternoon at the picnic table. That look of adoration, but this time with a little something extra. And there was no bell. Nothing to break the trance. I couldn't look away as he scanned my face and brushed some stray hair behind my ear, his hand now resting on my cheek. A flash of eyes to lips, and then...
He returned his arm to my waist and turned back to the TV.
(Mother... Shhhh... Jesu... what the... oh... SON OF A BITCH!!!) I couldn't even think a coherent sentence, so I turned my attention back to the movie. I must've been squirming too much because Eddie pulled my legs across his lap, which was a way more comfortable position, and I allowed myself to cuddle into his chest. I was so tired I should've passed out, but I couldn't shut off my brain.
"I love this song so much."
I started singing along with John Lennon to 'You've Got to Hide Your Love Away'. Eddie joined in, and we smiled at each other as we sang, and again he rocked me to the music.
🎶How can I even try?
I can never win
Hearing them, seeing them
In the state I'm in
How could she say to me
"Love will find a way"?
Gather 'round, all you clowns
Let me hear you say
Hey, you've got to hide your love away
Hey, you've got to hide your love away🎶
We couldn't peel our eyes off each other.
"You're voice is beautiful."
"Thanks," I whispered.
We stared a few moments longer before my nerves got the better of me, and I returned my head to his chest.
"You know, this whole album is like... a metaphor for our entire relationship."
What? Did he really mean that? Most of the songs were about want, need, and... love. I didn't know how to respond, so I didn't. I just buried myself deeper into his chest in reply, and again his arms tightened around me.
By the time the movie was over I could no longer keep my eyes open. The warmth of his body and his musky scent were so comforting.
"Hey, Bunny... you sleepy? You want me to leave?"
Without opening my eyes I shook my head, clutched onto his shirt, and whispered, "No... please don't go."
I have no idea where my newfound boldness was coming from, but Eddie didn't protest. Instead, he enveloped me in his arms and rested his cheek on my head.
"I won't, Bunny."
I smiled to myself as Eddie shifted us so we were lying down facing each other, my head still buried in his chest and his arms still wrapped tightly around me. I managed to open my eyes and look up. He was smiling, watching me, and like a moth to a flame, my hand found his face, my fingertips lightly grazing his features as my eyes followed their trek... his pale cheek, covered by little grains of stubble... his plush, pink lips, which parted slightly at my touch. He closed his eyes and leaned into it until my fingertips trailed to his cute, button nose, his forehead, and back through his hair, where I buried them behind his neck giving him a little scratch.
"Mmm, that's... that's nice."
He released a faint moan and slowly opened his eyes. They were glossy, wanton, and... unsure. His lips formed a sincere smile, and he started repeating my previous motions. His fingers explored my face, eyes following suit.
"Go to prom with me, Bunny."
His voice was so low, commanding even.
"Eddie, why?"
"Because I wanna spend time with you."
"You already spend time with me."
"I know, but... I just wanna go with you. Please say yes."
I sensed nothing but sincerity in his gorgeous eyes, and his voice, so I willed myself to whisper, "Ok... I'll go with you."
"Yeah?" His smile was enormous.
He cuddled closer and kissed my head. (Flying elbow drop, off the top rope, straight to the gut) When I looked at him we were nose to nose. He nuzzled mine, lips parted. It was almost like a silent plea, begging me to close the gap, to finally let him taste my lips for the very first time, but I was frozen. His lips ghosted mine. I was practically cross-eyed staring at them, but he wouldn't take the plunge. I felt like I was trying to will him with a Jedi mind trick to just do it already, but the force is not strong with me, and he just lingered... the fucking tease.
"Have sex with me," he whispered, smiling playfully.
"What? No." I poked him in the gut, and he giggled.
"Come on. I know you want it as much as I do... and I think it's time we do something about it."
My brow furrowed, eyes darting back and forth in disbelief across Eddie's face. Who does this mother fucker think he is? I mean, I do in fact wanna fuck him, but that's not the point. It's the principle of the thing. I pushed his chest hard and got off the couch ready to lay into him.
"Hey, what---?"
"That's all I am to you, huh? Some... perverted game or prized sexual conquest? Do you have any respect?"
"What? N-no, that's..." he stood up and gripped my arms, "it's not like that at all."
"Then why do you keep pushing this?! I can't..."
I started to cry, unable to finish my sentence. I wanted to smack him, kick him outta my house, just... anything to make the pain stop, but I was so exhausted from this charade and all the mind games that I didn't have the strength to fight him anymore, so when he pulled me into a tight hug and kissed the top of my head I didn't fight him. I just let him hold me as I balled into his shirt.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm just... not very good at this, so I'm going about it the only way I know how, and... well, I'm failing miserably, and um... Jesus, I don't know how the hell to do this."
"Do what?" I mumbled.
He pulled me back so he could look at my face, and caress my cheek. His expression immediately softened, but he looked uncertain and extremely nervous.
"Um, hhhhh... something I should've done a long time ago. I wasn't lying earlier. I like you... a lot... but it's more than that... I'm uh..."
"Eddie... what're you doing?"
There was a brief silence. And then... it happened...
"I'm ending our friendship."
And just like that, he closed the gap and encased my lips with his. The sweet pressure of it, the subtle transition of tongue against tongue, the soft, gentle strokes of his thumbs against my face. It was perfect. I couldn't speak, but I needed reassurance. I slowly broke the kiss.
"Hyou... you're serious... aren't you? You're not just saying all this so I'll sleep with you?"
Now he looked like he wanted to cry.
"Y/n, no... you know me better than that. I'm just... a big oaf, but I would never take advantage of you. I just... I wanna be with you. And yes, I... I really wanna fuck you... but not as a buddy. I want you to be my girl. We don't have to do a damn thing. I'd be elated to just hold you for five minutes, but I need you to know this. I--I'm in love with you."
(DDT into a flying body press, followed by a sit-down drop to the gut) I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stop the onset of tears. Oh my God... oh my God, oh my God, oh my God... oh my FUCKING God! I opened my eyes slowly. We were nose to nose. He flicked his tongue lightly against my lips, and the bastard fucking smiled.
"Munson... hyou-- you're fucking evil." The words came out with my breath.
"I know..."
He cupped his hand under my knee, wrapping my thigh around his hip, and with an arm around my back, he pulled me flush against him. HOOOLY FUCKING SHIT! I could feel how hard he was as he ground his bulge against my aching cunt. My fucking eyes rolled into the back of my head and my breathing hitched. Jesus, Fuck! He was playing so dirty. I wanted to curse him out, spew every obscenity known to man and then some. When I opened my eyes, he was smiling devilishly.
"But you still wanna fuck me... don't you?"
I nodded involuntarily, as if I no longer had control of my body, and Eddie's tongue shot into my mouth. His kiss was hurried, and vivacious, our faces smashed so close together it hurt... but I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and without parting he hiked me up by my thighs and carried me to my bed.
He fell onto the mattress with me on top of him, shifting his body under my weight, continuing to breathe new life into me. His hands found my ass, greedily squeezing before gliding gently up my sides, lifting my shirt. The touch of his hands on my bare skin sent shockwaves up my spine. I broke away just long enough to grab the bunched fabric and rip it over my head throwing it to the floor. Like he couldn't function without them, he found my lips again.
"Mmm, mhh, hhhh... Bunny, I know I joke, but I'm not fuckin' around. Are you sure you want this?" He smoothed back my hair and searched my eyes.
I smiled brightly, tears flowing freely. "Eddie, I want this. I want you."
"Yeah?" He asked, just to be sure.
When I nodded he crashed his lips to mine, drinking them in, savoring them as I've wanted him to for so fucking long.
He rolled me onto my back, trailing hot, wet kisses down my neck, licking softly between my breasts. The heat of his breath was like fire on my skin, and it burned so good. He gently tugged at the front of my bra freeing my perky tits, stopping to admire me.
"Jesus H. Christ... you're so beautiful."
When he finally took a hard peak into his mouth, my back arched, my brow creased, my teeth clenched, and I sucked in a breath of praise, shaking from the stimulation.
"Mmm... Jesus, you're nipples are sensitive. Have they always been like that?"
"N-no... hoh--only when I'm... really turned on. And I-- I've been waiting... so long... for you to touch me like this."
I gasped as he gently flicked my nipple with the tip of his tongue, trailing it up my neck. He placed a chaste kiss on my lips, cupped my cheek, and kissed my forehead tenderly before leaning his on mine.
"My sweet, beautiful Bunny. I've been dreaming of touching you like this for ages, and I wanna take my time with you... to make our first time together last, but I don't think either one of us is gonna make it." He let out a breathy laugh. "Just seeing you, hearing you... knowing how you make me feel, and... knowing how you feel about me..."
He was shaking with urgency, lip quivering, running his hands through my hair, brushing my face with his fingertips... he was manic... and it was beautiful.
"Eddie... I know... there'll be time for all that. I just wanna be with you now."
He exhaled, eyes still shut tight, and he nodded before claiming my lips in a passionate kiss.
"Mhhhh... you're sure about this? About me?"
I gave him a sweet pout, cupped his face, and pulled his forehead to mine.
"Eddie... I want everything with you... and only you."
His whimper was resounding, muffled by my own as we kissed feverishly.
"Mmhhh, Y/n... are you safe? Can-can I take you raw?"
His expression was sweet. He was watching, waiting, yearning as he searched my face.
"Eddie, yes... I love you."
The instant the words left my lips he ravished mine. I ripped off his shirt and tossed it away, quickly locking lips again as he rushed to undo his belt. Without parting we both fumbled with his jeans only bothering to push them just past his hips, and in seconds he was pushing himself inside me. I sucked in a sharp breath, and he was shaking, mouth agape, eyes shut tight as he buried himself to the hilt.
"Ohhhhhsweet... Jeeesus!" He stilled, little broken moans reverberating throughout his chest as we got used to each other.
"Eddie, it's ok... I'm-I'm ok, uuh! Hyou--you can move."
He exhaled heavily and slowly started thrusting, adjusting to the tight space.
"GodDAMN! Hyou, mgghh... you feel better than anything I could've imagined. So soft, so warm... so fucking tight! Jesus, you're perfect."
He leaned his forehead to the crook of my neck as he picked up his pace. I was moaning like a harlot, my eyes rolling into the back of my head. It was pure fucking bliss. I wrapped my legs around his hips, holding him so close.
"I... I couldn't take it anymore." He breathed out. "I--I've been in love with you... since the day we met. Needed this... needed you... so fucking bad. Haww, uhhhh, FUCK!"
My heart skipped a beat. His thrusts were steady, almost prolonged, like he didn't want to consider the notion of this moment ending.
"Eddie, mhhh... I-- I've been dying to hear you say those words."
He lifted his head to look at me, and he was beaming, smoothing my hair back.
"Mhh, my angel. You... you doin' ok? You feel good? Uhhhh."
UGGGG! He was so fucking sweet.
"Eddie..." I ground my hips into him, coaxing from him a delicious guttural moan. He closed his eyes and lowered his head, but I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me. "I'm loving this. We're finally together. Please... don't stop until you make me yours."
He stared at me as if he wasn't sure I was telling the truth. I placed a small kiss of reassurance on his lips, and they turned up into a huge smile. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was about to cry. He immediately claimed my lips, wrapped his arms around my back, and started to move faster. His movements, his touch, his eyes... they said so much, and nothing at all. He made me feel so goddamn good I began to come undone.
"Eddie... I'm-I'm close."
"Uhhh, that's my girl." He immediately rolled us over so he was on his back. "Fuck me, Bunny. Make yourself feel good, ungghh, mhhh yeah, just like that. Hoh, oh fuck! Cum... cum for me, Bunny."
I pressed my hands, to his chest, spread my thighs wide, and fucked him hard until all I could do was throw my head back and scream his name.
"Eddie, oh, ohfuck, FUCK! EDDIE!!!"
I came hard on his thick cock. His body tensed, and I knew he was done for, but I continued to grind and swirl my hips.
"Eddie, I wanna hear you, feel you. Cum inside me, baby. Please... cum for me."
I have never heard a more beautiful sound in my life. He pulled me down, rolled us over, laced our fingers together, and held them above my head, as he ground his hips into mine.
"Mm-Y/n, I'm-I'm gonna fill you up... make you mine. Uhhhhh, fuck... FUCK!"
He gave one more powerful thrust, and his body shuddered. Making the most lewd, yet seductive sound I ever had the pleasure of witnessing, he pumped me full of his seed. Once he was finished he collapsed onto his side, his chest heaving, covered in a sheen of sweat.
"Uhhh... mhhh, h-holy shit..."
He smiled, met my blitzed-out gaze, and started laughing. I placed my hand on his cheek, and he closed his eyes, leaning into my touch. When he opened them he let out a content sigh. He reached for me, wrapped his arm around my waist, and pulled me into the spoon position. Looking down at me, he tilted my chin with his finger so he could see my face. He smiled brightly as an equally giddy smile crossed my lips, and he kissed me, squeezing me tight. I couldn't describe the happiness I felt.
"Yeah, Bunny?"
"How did you know?"
He chuckled. "I heard you talking to Robin earlier."
"You were eves dropping?"
"Guilty as charged. I knew it was wrong, but I'm glad I did it."
"Hmm, me too. Do you really wanna go to prom?"
"Not particularly. But I'm not about to let you guys have all the fun without me, so I'm willing to damage my hard-earned rep for you. I just wanna be with you, Bunny."
He placed sweet, wet kisses on my bare shoulder.
"Well, you're one hell of a dancer. Surprised the shit outta me." Mhh, those fucking giggles.
"I know a thing or two." He took his arm from around my waist, laced our fingers together, and held them close to my chest. "I also knew I'd get you to fuck me."
I couldn't help but laugh. "Eddie Munson... you're such an ass... but don't ever change." I turned my head to look at his smiling face, and he kissed me passionately. "Mmm, so... why didn't you tell me you liked me? I was on the verge of imploding."
"I could ask you the same thing."
"I asked you first."
"Hmm, m-hm, hmm! Well, I wanted to. Gareth was my number one cheerleader... but I was too chicken shit. I couldn't stand the thought of losing you if you didn't feel the same way. But when I heard you talking to Robin... it was like... a weight lifted from my shoulders. I love you, Y/n... so fucking much. I fell in love with you the moment we were introduced... but you were so young. So when you turned 18, I just..."
"You started laying it on thick. Jesus, I can't believe I didn't put two and two together."
"Yeah, well... it seemed to have the opposite effect I was going for. Apparently I came off a lot more irritating than charming, so Gareth and Jeff told me to dial it back, and that's when the small talk started."
"I can't believe I was so blind."
"You and me both, Bunny, but now it's your turn, so fess up."
"Hmm, then let me up. I need to show you something."
"Do I have to?"
"Yes, just for a moment. I promise."
Eddie kissed my knuckles and reluctantly let me up. I retrieved a stack of sketchbooks and made my way back to the bed. I plopped down and placed the books in front of him.
"Go ahead."
He rolled onto his side, and I watched as he opened them and scanned the pages in disbelief.
"Are-are these for the project?"
"No. Look at the dates."
He checked them all, page after page, book after book.
"You... you've been drawing me since freshman year?"
"Yeah. That's why I never let you see anything. I know that's kinda creepy, but I just..."
"Uh... this one's far from creepy. We are definitely doing this later."
He pointed to one of my more risqué drawings, smiling mischievously, and I blushed.
"Anyway..." I exaggerated, "I couldn't keep my eyes off you. I've been crazy about you since my first day of school. And when we finally started hanging out, and you began teasing me all the time, I fell for you... hard, but by that point I was deep in the friend zone, and it seemed like you only thought of me as one of the guys. I didn't wanna jeopardize our friendship either, so... I hid my feelings. I thought if you knew the truth... that our banter, the flirting... everything... would all end, so I played along. But when the teasing got worse it became excruciating, so I started lashing out. But I love you, Eddie... with all my heart, and after what we just shared... I've fallen even harder."
I was balling like a baby, and when Eddie trapped me in his arms I melted into him.
"Hey, don't cry, Bunny."
I chuckled through sobs. "They're happy tears, Eddie. Just years of pent-up emotion and sexual frustration finally being expelled. And I really dig the name Bunny. You can call me that one all the time."
"Done. My sweet... soft... beautiful... raging... wrathful Bunny." He kissed my lips between every word. "Mmm, mhh. Can I spend the night?"
"What? Oh, fuck no! Get your shit and go. I got what I wanted." I smiled playfully.
"Hey now, there's only room in this relationship for one asshole."
"I beg to differ."
He wiggled out of his jeans, pulled me down with him and we held each other close. It took mere minutes for us to succumb to the exhaustion. It was the best night's sleep I've had in a long time.
Prom night had finally come. My house was abuzz as all the girls gathered here to get ready while our parents socialized. I was a ball of nerves waiting to see what Eddie had in store for me.
"Alright, look up and hold still... now close your eyes." Nancy lifted my chin and proceeded to apply my eye eyeliner.
"Thanks for doing this, Nancy. Robin and I aren't really make-up girls."
"Don't mention it. You're much less fidgety than Robin."
Nancy was such a sweet girl. Another perk of being friends with Mike and Steve.
"There we go. Hand me your lipstick."
I did as she asked, and she proceeded to apply.
"So... how are you and Munson dealing at school? Blot."
I opened my mouth and clamped my lips down on the piece of toilet paper Nancy was holding.
"Well, we had our fair share of jock harassment on Monday, but I nipped that one in the bud."
"Yeah, Jonathan and I dealt with that crap too. Just let it roll off your shoulder. People eventually get bored. And how about prom? I never thought I'd see the day when Munson would attend."
"Yeah, he feels like he's going against everything he stands for, but if you ask me, I think he's secretly enjoying himself. He won't tell me a damn thing about his outfit, just that I needed to wear black and red. Steve took him shopping, but Eddie swore him to secrecy. All Steve would say is that once he showed Eddie that he could look good and keep his metalhead flair he was very receptive. Steve was proud of him."
Nancy flashed a sweet smile.
"Nancy! Y/n! Get your asses up here! The boys will be here any minute!"
"Keep your panties on Robin, we're comin'!" I took a deep breath as Nancy put the finishing touches on my make-up.
"Ok, all done."
I took one last look at myself in the mirror. My hair was huge, but it fit the theme, and my make-up looked amazing.
"Nancy, you're a miracle worker. I appreciate it!"
"No problem. I love these colors on you. Too dark for my taste, but they suit you."
We smiled at each other, put on our masks, wrapped an arm around each other, and squeezed each other's shoulders.
"Well... you ready?"
"As I'll ever be."
Nancy took my hand and we headed upstairs.
"AHHHHH!!! You... look... amazing. Eddie's gonna flip his shit."
"Thanks, Robin."
"Alright girls, get together. I want some pictures. Make sure you have your masks."
"Mom, wait. Where's Max and El."
"We're right here!" Max yelled, dragging El behind her.
We all gathered in my living room in front of the fireplace, pushing and shoving, trying to get situated.
"Alright, girls. Everyone look this way. One... two... three!"
"Cheeeeeeese!" We all chimed in unison.
We appeased our parents with several photos and that's when we heard the horns.
"Ooo! They're here. Come on let's go!"
Robin grabbed my hand and yanked me toward the front door. Standing in the driveway we watched as two limos pulled up the street. Girls and mothers alike joined the reprise or 'ooo's' and 'ahh's' and 'wows' as the boys piled out of the limos dressed to the nine. They were all so handsome.
"I don't see Eddie."
As soon as the words left my lips it was like the parting of the Red Sea. All the boys moved to the side to reveal Eddie in a devil mask wearing all black save for the red paisley vest and the trim that lined his leather waistcoat. It was gothic steampunk meets metalhead pirate. When he removed his mask he was smiling.
"Someone catch me, I think I'm gonna faint."
Robin grabbed my arm. It was like time stopped, save for Eddie and me. I stood there with my jaw on the ground, eyeballing him up and down as the boys made their way toward us. It was like watching a slow-motion male model montage. When Eddie was finally in front of me he pulled a single long-stemmed rose from behind his back and presented it to me.
"My lady."
I took it hesitantly, unable to speak. I just gawked trying to find my voice.
"You um... ha! Good God you look... so goddamn fuckable," I managed to whisper.
He chuckled. "Hmm, later. I see you followed my instructions. You look absolutely gorgeous. And the bunny mask? Excellent touch."
"I like yours too. Is that your way of protesting your participation in the forced social conformity?"
He chuckled and nodded. "I thought you'd appreciate that."
He claimed my lips with so much passion I forgot we were surrounded by a giant group of people, including my parents.
"Alright, alright. Break it up you two."
We broke apart in protest. Eddie looked at the ground sheepishly, and I pawed at my face, making sure my make-up wasn't a mess.
"Um, sorry Dad."
"Yeah, I'm sorry Mr. Y/l/n. She's just..." Eddie turned to look at me, "so beautiful."
"Mm-hm, she's also my little girl, so mind your manners." My dad held out his hand to Eddie, which he shook happily and with much relief. "You clean up nice, Eddie."
"Thanks, Mr. Y/l/n." They smiled before my dad clapped Eddie's shoulder in approval.
"Oh, get outta the way. Let me take a look at you, Eddie." My mom cupped his cheeks and gave him a once-over. "You look so handsome."
She trapped him in a hug, kissed him on the cheek, pulled back, and smiled.
"Thank you, Mrs. Y/l/n."
He kissed my mom's hand, making her blush, and then she ran to her next victim.
"Gareth Emerson, get your butt over here! Ooo, and who is this pretty lady?"
My mom's voice trailed off and Eddie and I laughed, focusing on each other. After several minutes of socializing and more pictures, I reminded my parents that we were all spending the night at Steve's, and then we finally made our way inside the limos and headed to Hawkins Hall.
The prying eyes were everywhere, but to our surprise, they were out of delight and not hatred.
"Bunny, is it just me, or have the jocks backed off lately?"
"Yeah, I may've had something to do with that."
"Oh? How's that?"
"Well, Monday was the last straw, so I told Carver that if he doesn't shut his dick licker and leave us and the other outcasts alone, the whole school would find out what he and his goons do in the locker room when they think no one's looking."
"Hahaha! What?! Are you serious?"
"And how, pray tell, did you come across that juicy bit of gossip?"
"Well, it pays to have an ex-jock as a friend."
"Wha... Harrington told you this?!"
"That I did, my good man." Steve appeared out of nowhere and clapped Eddie on the shoulder. "Y/n came to the video store a few months back practically in tears, and I was pissed. I can't stand those assholes either, so... I figured that information might come in handy."
"Harrington, I could kiss you."
"Please don't."
They both smiled, and with a chuckle, Eddie patted Steve on the back.
"Thanks for the help, man. You're alright."
Steve gave Eddie's shoulder another pat and proceeded to escort Robin into the building. ~~~~~
I'm surprised none of us passed out from exhaustion. We sat only to eat. The rest of the time we were on the dance floor regaling each other with our moves.
Lucas was a break dancing and moonwalk prodigy. Dustin is a master at the worm. Max and El can replicate any Madonna move known to man. It was a fucking riot. We were cracking each other up with the more ridiculous dances, like me catching Eddie with the fishing pole, Steve and Robin doing the sprinkler, Steve, Eddie, Jonathan, Robin, me, and Nancy doing the library dance from 'The Breakfast Club', all the younger boys doing the Robot, and the lot of us doing the running man. Eddie even had a chance to flaunt his usual shenanigans, which meant dancing on top of a table. That was until Mrs. S. came over and made him get down. And me being a closet disco nerd was forced by Robin to do John Travolta's dance from Saturday Night Fever. I was so fucking nervous, but the cheers, and accompaniment of several other students who also knew the dance, including Robin and Chrissy Cunningham, helped my fear to dissipate. And of course, the majority of the student body performed Michael Jackson's Thriller. At the end of the night, to no one's surprise, Jason and Chrissy were crowned prom king and queen.
It was almost surreal. For the first time in... well, ever... there was no anger or animosity. Everyone in the building was getting along, and when it came time to leave, Chrissy made sure to find me and tell me how much fun she had dancing with me. She gave me a sincere smile and a big hug, but the strangest thing of all was when Jason confronted Eddie, but instead of disdain he offered a handshake thanking him for the entertainment. Eddie accepted his hand and congratulated him on winning prom king, and they actually smiled at each other. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it.
When it came time for the after-party at Steve's house, Eddie and I took the opportunity to slip away and head back to his trailer so we could be alone.
We devoured each other like animals as we made our way through his trailer to his room. Feverish, sloppy kisses, lips and chins and necks, back to lips, until he pulled away, revealing a malevolent smile.
"As gorgeous as you are in this dress... I've been waiting all night to get you out of it. Off... now."
I did as he commanded, slowly peeled off my dress, and let it fall to the floor. My black lace bra and panties, stalkings, and garter belt were all that remained.
"Jesus Christ, you're stunning, Bunny."
Eddie stared at me with a carnal desire, drinking in the sight of my body, removing his clothing until he was shirtless. He advanced toward me slowly and started running his hands gently up my sides, and around my shoulders so he could unclasp my bra. I stood completely still as he dropped the flimsy article to the floor. He backed away slowly, his eyes glued to my tits. When he met my gaze I made a show of removing my panties, but when I tried to remove my stalkings he grabbed my hands.
"No... leave 'em on. The garter belt too. You're perfect just like this."
Eddie was breathing heavily, blackness consuming his eyes. He leaned forward to trap my nipple between his lips, sucking, licking, teasing each one in turn as I cradled his head, my needy whines and mewells filling the room.
"Mrrmm, Eddie... hyou-you're gonna make me cum."
"Mhhhh..." He released my nipple with a pop and straightened up. "Not yet, Bunny. I wanna taste you first." He gently cupped my tits and licked at my lips until I took his tongue into my mouth. "Hmmm... can I taste you?" He whispered his words, his hot breath sweeping across my face.
Before I knew it I was on my back, and Eddie was licking a slow, soft trail down my stomach. He latched his lips to the tender flesh of my waistline and sucked a deep purple mark into my skin.
"Mmm... you're mine now, Bunny. I can finally take my time with you."
All I could do was moan at his words. He kissed his mark, knelt on the floor in front of me, and pulled me to the edge of his bed. I could feel his hands, the cool metal of his rings, smoothing gently over my inner thighs, spreading them. I caught the sound of an inhale and felt his warm breath against my wet heat when he exhaled.
"Oh, Bunny, your scent... I need it all over me. On my fingers... my face... hmmm, my tongue. Look at me." I lifted my head long enough for his eyes to silently ask for permission. I gave him a shy nod, but instead of diving in like I figured he would, he lingered, took a quick taste with a flick of his tongue, and savored.
"Mgghh, Christ, that's so sweet."
The instant I felt his fingers slip into my folds I shrieked. His touch was gentle, massaging my thigh with one hand as his fingers barely grazed my inner lips and my clit. It was at that moment I knew that he was hell-bent on torturing me, teasing me, prolonging my pleasure until I was ready to burst. He wasn't going to give me what I so desperately wanted, not until I was begging for it, for him... and I would. I would do anything this man asked of me if it pleased him. When I felt the tip of his finger trace light circles over my clit I wanted to cry. I had a moment's reprieve when he stopped to lick his fingers clean.
"Mmmm, hhhhhh, Bunny, you taste like heaven... but if you don't stop squirming I'm gonna have to pin you down."
"Eddie... wh-why are you being so cruel?"
"Oh, Bunny... I've only just begun."
He blew a light stream of air on my clit until I whined, then he licked me gently from my dripping hole to my hard bud. I was thrashing around, trying to quell the sensation, only to have my thighs pinned to the mattress, by his strong, unyielding grip. Using the tip of his tongue he lightly teased the sensitive skin of my lips, and toyed with my swollen clit until I was sobbing from the pleasure. I tried to touch my sensitive nipples, to rush my release, but he reached up, locked his hands around my wrists, and held them at my sides so he could use his forearms to pin my thighs, then he flattened his tongue and licked from my ass to my clit. I screamed in frustration.
"Eddie, for fuck sake, please! Please let me cum."
He ignored my plea, continuing to fuck me with his tongue until he was ravenous. His pace not letting up as he devoured my pussy like he was starving.
"Holy fucking shit, Munson! Stop... please, just, just fucking stop!"
He halted immediately, breathing heavily. When he took a hand from my wrist to wipe his face, I made my move, twisting violently until I was free of his agonizing hold. I got to my knees, grabbed him by his belt, and pulled him roughly onto the bed, pushing him onto his back. I crawled up his body, straddled his head, and sank my cunt onto his waiting mouth. He dug his fingers into my thighs, the pain shooting through me, but I didn't care. I could finally get what I wanted.
"Mhhhh, Eddie... Yes, YES!" He moaned at my praise, sending chills up my spine. Fuck! The things this man can do with his mouth. I tangled my fingers tightly into his hair and fucked his face. "Munson... hoh... shit, SHIT!!! Hyou... you're gonna tell me... every dirty detail... about how you learned to do this... so fucking well! Fuck, I wanna cum for you!"
He moaned into my pussy. I could hardly control my breathing as small high-pitched whimpers escaped my lips. I was so close to the edge.
The vibrations of his moans, his caressing lips, and the flick of his tongue against my clit were making me buck even harder as his painful grip on my thighs held me steady. I've never felt pleasure like this. He was too good, I could feel a sensation so incredibly earth-shattering building inside me. He must've felt it too 'cause he reached up to tease my nipples, as he feasted, lapped, licked, and sucked at my dripping pussy. My whimpers were loud, shameless, and FUCK were they warranted. I was plunged into a realm of pleasure and bliss, and Eddie was the cause. I let go of his hair, cupped his hands over my tits, and ground my pussy against his face as I experienced the most intense orgasm in the history of sex.
"OhhhhhhFUCK!!! Oh... GOD!... Eddie, EDDIE... Holy SHIT!!!"
"Mmmm, that's it, Bunny. Mhhhhhh."
I continued screaming his name as he greedily sucked and lapped at the sticky mess that poured from my pussy.
"Mmmmm! Fuck! You're taste... it's so goddamn satisfying! Hhhmm!"
He lapped once more at my overstimulated clit. I tried to steady my breathing as I climbed off of him, collapsing onto my back. Breathing heavily he turned his head to look at me, rolled onto his side, and propped himself on his elbow so he could stare at me. His eyes trailed up and down my body, so I decided to tease him. He was in the perfect position to watch. I put my knees up and spread them wide, dipping a finger into my still-dripping folds. I coated it with my slick juices and ran a trail of cum up the middle of my body before raising my finger to his lips. He let out an adorable whimper before sucking it clean.
"Mmmmm... Jesus Christ... you're fucking intoxicating."
He shifted his body, hovering above me so he could trace the trail of cum with his tongue, then he pressed his weight against me, kissing me deeply, passionately before he got to his knees to unbuckled his belt. He undid his pants and pushed them off. Once they were on the floor with the rest of our discarded clothing, he leaned over me, the head of his throbbing cock pushing against my heat. He took my hard peaks into his mouth once more gently teasing my sensitive nipples with the tip of his tongue. The soft tickles were too much to bear, and I almost came, only to be denied. He sat back on his heels, his knees spread wide so his massive erection was standing at attention between my legs, but before he could pull me toward him I quickly got on all fours facing him and wrapped my lips around his swollen head.
"Ohhhhhhhhh..." he breathed out.
He started convulsing as I used my tongue to toy with his slit. I sucked his head into my mouth and slowly swallowed him whole until my nose was touching his coarse, dark pubes. He brushed his fingers through my hair, holding it back so he could watch as I took him in and out of my mouth.
"Oh, Bunny... uhhhhyeah... suck me, beautiful... just like that... ohhhhhh."
Still sitting on his heels he leaned back, braced himself on his hands, and spread his knees wider. I pulled all the way off of him before sucking him into the back of my throat.
"OH!! God...DAMMIT!!!"
I swallowed hard around him, releasing him to catch my breath, and sank again, slurping and gagging as he used one hand to hold my head, and I loved every second of it. When he let me surface for air his chest was heaving. I grabbed the base of his cock and squeezed as I vigorously sucked his tip. He sucked in a hiss, his breath catching in his throat, chest heaving as I started to work him faster. His vocals just made me more feral.
"Oh...SWEET JESUS!!! You're... you're fucking phenomenal... Uhhnnggg..."
My strokes and his breathing became more erratic.
"Oh, oh, fuck! That's my good girl, my good Bunny, mhhhhh... keep-keep going. Take me deep. OhhhhhhFuck! YES!"
With his fingers clenched in my hair and his cock lodged deep in my throat, I sucked his soul through his dick. His body was shuddering, jolt after jolt of sexual electricity, until he pulled my head up.
"Jesus Christ! That-that's so fucking good, hhmhh... but I don't wanna cum yet..... HOH! GODDAMN!"
His whole body tensed as I licked him from balls to tip, sucking his sensitive head one last time. When he opened his eyes he caught my smug smile, threw his head back, and started laughing.
"That was payback, you teasing fuck."
His laugh morphed into a heady moan as I trailed my tongue through his pubes, over the wiry muscles of his stomach until I was on my knees, teasing his hard nipple with my tongue. He caressed my head tenderly as I suckled before he forced it up and shoved his tongue down my throat.
"MmmHmmm... hhhhhhh. O-ok, I get it. I've met my match. Now lie back baby girl."
With his knees under my thighs and my hot wet cunt begging to be filled, we made eye contact.
"Oh, Bunny... you're so gorgeous it hurts. Are you ready for me?"
"Munson, if you don't put your dick inside me, like yesterday, I'm never speaking to you again... now fuck me!"
I threw my head back and whimpered as Eddie grasped my thighs and plunged his cock deep inside me.
"Oh, FUCK! Munson! PLEASE!"
I stared at him through half-lidded eyes, mouth agape as I rubbed my tits. With every powerful thrust I became more and more excited... and so very close to another intense orgasm. He used a thumb to tease my sensitive clit. I arched my back, my tits moving up and down with every heavy breath. He dug his fingers into my thigh, still teasing my clit as he continued to pound into me, willing me to scream his name.
"Oh... FUCK! EDDIE!!! Oh my God. I'm gonna cum!!!"
"That's it Bunny... take my cock. Wanna, MRRGGG! Wanna watch your sweet pussy gush from what I do to you. I want it all over me."
"Oh, that fucking mouth, Munson!"
"You mean this mouth?"
He wrapped his arms around the small of my back, leaning down to lick and kiss my navel, then he lifted me upright so he could claim my tits again, licking and sucking as he held me close, his course hair rubbing against my clit as he fucked up into me. My walls started to clench around him, so he laid me down and ran his hand from my tits back to my clit.
"Scream for me, Bunny... scream my fucking name!"
He commanded me, letting his head fall back as he fucked me and continued to rub circles around my clit with his thumb.
"Oh... holy shit, Eddie! EDDIE! Oh my GOD!"
Screaming, I clenched the sheets and a burst of liquid sprayed all over his abdomen.
"YES! OHHHHHHFUCK!!! I'm-I'm gonna bust. C-can I come inside you?"
"Yes! Do it!"
He slammed into me one last time and his whole body tensed.
"Ohhhhh, Fuck!!! God.... DAMMIT!!! HOHHHH, ohhh my gorgeous girl."
His fingers dug into my waist until he rode out his release and collapsed on top of me. I threw my limbs around him as he poured all of his emotion into our kiss. I was on the verge of tears.
"Munson... I love you. I love you so much." We hugged each other so tight. "Hyou... you can do that to me forever if you like."
He looked up, still breathing hard, and smiled. Staring into my eyes with all the love in the world, he brushed some hair from my face, placed one more passionate kiss on my smiling lips, rolled us onto our sides, and pulled me tightly to his chest.
"Hmm, my beautiful, raging... wrathful, Bunny. I love you more than life itself. Ending our friendship was the best decision we ever made."
Thank you for reading! Be excellent to each other, and get your Munson on!
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Freddy 'Boom Boom' Washington from 'Welcome Back Kotter'... Hi there!
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Vinnie Barbarino from 'Welcome Back Kotter'
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The Beatles 'Another Girl' video from the movie 'Help'
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Your prom dress and mask.
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mortalfollies · 2 months
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9 Favourite Albums - Choose 9 & then tag 9 people! Or you can do nine singles or EPs, whatever lol.
Tagging @cactus-bag @catsafari25 @labyrinthal @sleeeepy-demon @retourne-toi-eurydice @belladonnafey @scorpius-rising @cry4judas @atuans @nicey-sandokan @evyes no obligations feel free 2 ignore
Albums listed (and me rambling) under the cut
TIME - ELO: my mum's favourite album that i first Properly listened to when i was 13. it's just the best sci-fi concept album ever....i love you jeff!!
13 Tales of Love & Revenge - The Pierces: sexy indie duo, most known for the song Secret, which isn't even in the top 5 of the best songs of the album. a treasure from when i was 11, and just figuring out i like girls.
Greatest Hits - The Eagles: again, my mum's interests becoming my own. it was really hard to pick between this and Long Road Out of Eden, but ultimately the greatest hits r that for a reason.
Laurel Hell - Mitski: my fave mitski album, heat lightning is underappreciated!!! and yeah just. its about solitude. recognition but not in the way you wanted or expected. emotional rollercoaster. im not eloquent enough to describe it and mitski does it better in under 2 minutes anyway.
Strange Trails - Lord Huron: again another hard toss between this and long lost but st wins out purely bc the transitions rule, and meet me in the woods + the yawning grave make me crazyyyy. so happy i got to hear those live in jan. lord huron is like what if a cowboy was also a ghost. thats the only way i can describe it.
Electra Heart - Marina and the Diamonds: i am not immune to music i heard at 12 years old. shame she's never made anything as good as this again.
Are We Having Fun Yet? - Black/Colin Vearncombe: another one of mum's. She found this guy when someone at Sanity was playing the album over the store speakers. loved it ever since, and introduced it to me. wistful ballads, jazzy touches, a little bit sexy.
Coyote Stories - The Crane Wives: this was a 2016-18 discovery maybe? i just know i was in school. im into folk indie i cant help it.
Wasteland, Baby! - Hozier: shout out to afro-elf for posting about movement n the whole ep, which is what spurred me to actually try this dude's music. and now i love him. but wasteland baby is immaculate: no skips, he roars in some songs and is as gentle as drizzle in others.
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player-tag · 6 months
[cross-posted onto ao3]
It wasn’t like Izzy was going to stay dead.
Who the fuck do these fucking stupid half-assed pirates think they are? Burying him? He was their unicorn, for God’s sake, they said so themselves. They gave him a leg! They ruined Stede’s stupid figurehead so he could walk normally, and he hadn’t cried—he hadn’t—but he’d thought they were okay now.
So why in the good sea’s name was he buried? And buried in dirt, instead of being tossed into the sea like a true pirate? If they were trying to kill him by premature burial, the least they could do was bury him right.
Those incompetent bitches. He was going to kill them, as soon as he got the dirt and insects out of his mouth. They tasted disgusting.
He’d been clawing at the dirt above him for a while now (maybe hours, maybe minutes, you can’t expect him to know when he was trying to preserve oxygen and not die, and plus it didn’t really matter because he was going to get out). Finally, after his fingers had had the skin scratched off of them, and after his nails had turned brown, full of fucking dirt, he saw a patch of light. 
The sun! Oh, the glorious sun, he was so happy to see it, for once. 
He began trying to sit up, and did so with ease despite being buried for however long. He had core strength, that’s why. Unlike those idiots back on the Revenge, he actually trained his body, and made it fit enough to survive whatever the Cruel Mistress called the Sea threw at him, whether it be storms or fights, cannonballs or, now, he supposes, being buried alive. They hadn’t even pressed the dirt down, which meant it wasn’t dense enough, and he could get easier than you’d want from a grave.
Though, he supposes they didn’t expect him to rise from the dead. Or maybe they wanted to make it easier? He wouldn’t know. All of them were idiots.
The first thing that makes it out of the grave is his hand: it sticks up completely, as if reaching for the sky and the sun, wanting to grab it, and for some reason Izzy imagines an undead creature doing it, and he imagines how Roach or Frenchie would call it something idiotic, like… he doesn’t know, ‘zimzam’, or something of the sort? Izzy doesn’t know, he's not like them. 
(Though maybe he wishes he was.)
He grabs whatever is near the grave, and pulls himself up, up,up. Until his head bursts out of the dirt and he can open his eyes and actually see, observe the almost barren island around him, with a rundown looking house—more like a shabby, run-down shed, really, in the near distance. He watches as the sky clears and becomes blue, and as the sun shines on his face, and doesn't that feel nice? He appreciates some of Bonnet’s enthusiasm for life in that spare moment.
Which is obviously completely ruined when he  turns around and sees his unicorn leg, which had been turned into a cross.
“I’m fucking Jewish,” he says, exasperated, and most certainly done. Of course they wouldn’t know that about him. The crew of the Revenge could barely remember his last name, and he’d never told them he was Jewish anyways, and of course Ed wouldn’t remember, that bitch.
He’s crawling out of that grave, and then he’s pulling apart the ropes on the grave marker, freeing his leg from that symbol. It takes a second to readjust the leg: it’s difficult when he’d been buried for however long, and his arms ache from disuse. 
He’s completely out of the grave now, though, so that’s a plus. He’s sitting on the grass, and he’s close to the sea, and it’s nice and quiet and serene, and he thinks he could get used to this. Maybe he won’t have to see Ed or Stede or any of those others anyways (but maybe he still wishes he could see them, he really does).
The peace, obviously, doesn’t last.
“Izzy?” And it's so soft, so concerned, so, so, achingly longing. “You bitch,” he says, turning around, and seeing, ten feet away, Stede and Ed standing there, watching him, dressed completely unlike themselves (what have they gotten themselves into, this time?).
“You bitches,” he modifies and, glaring, he says, “I’m Jewish.”
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myhauntedsalem · 3 months
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Haunted Boyington Oak Tree
Mobile, Alabama
In the early 1800s in Mobile, Alabama, a man by the name of Charles Boyington and his good friend Nathaniel Frost for some reason, liked to spend some of their afternoons in the Church Street Graveyard on Bayou Street. Whether they liked the serenity of the graveyard setting or liked to pass time reading the tombstones, it is unknown. However, the two would forever be remembered by this location and would become permanent residents sooner than expected.
One day Nathaniel Frost was found stabbed to death in the very cemetery that he and Charles Boyington like to spend so much time in. Authorities having no other leads, assumed that Frost’s killer was Boyington since they spent so much time together in that location. Boyington of course pleaded his innocence, declaring that it was not he who committed the crime. The authorities were not convinced and Boyington was slated to be put to death for the crime.
On his day of execution in February 1835, Boyington proclaimed that a mighty oak tree would rise from his grave as proof that he was an innocent man. Charles Boyington was hung to death and his body placed in a grave in Potter’s field which was a portion of the Church Street Graveyard. A few months after he was lain to rest, an oak tree began to sprout from Boyington’s grave.
Potter’s Field is now a playground located near the public library, but the oak tree stands to this day surrounded by wooden posts, enduring extreme hazards that wrecked many other mighty trees in the neighborhood. The tree is known as Boyington Oak and many claim that when the wind blows through the tree’s branches you can hear the voice of Charles Boyington on the wind crying his innocence.
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iravaid · 2 months
sry if this is random but will u tell us what english au is? i remember seeing it passing re: codposting and im so curious
Hi i'm so happy you asked
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English AU came about when me and @farramint started bonding over how much we hated the comics and talked about how things might look if Roba was more competent.
English AU sprouts from the concept of what would happen if Simon let the brainwashing 'work' and started complying with Roba, to an extent, as his personal attack dog. Both as a way to get the torture to stop (so he would be healthy enough in the future to escape on his own, when the opportunity arose), and to stall Roba getting bored with Simon and killing him (as, in this AU, Roba had Sparks killed, leading Simon to realise his time is limited here, and dependent on that sadist's interest in him).
It's also a fun, morbid enough exploration on how low Simon will be forced to stoop while 'working' for Roba (murder, torture and such, yknow how it is), as well as the harassment, humiliation, and torture (of all kinds) he'd have to tolerate within the Zaragoza cartel. Things like forcefully being tattooed, mocked for the sexual assault and torture he'd been subjected to, and being referred to by 'English' as opposed to his actual name. I can see Roba subtly holding Simon's family hostage (to where they don't know they're in danger), and making sure Simon knows that any step too far out of line will lead to their harm. Gripped by the idea that the first time Simon hears his brother's, or mother's, voice in months is a conversation secretly recorded between one of them, and someone Roba had planted in Manchester in order to keep tabs on them.
It also lead to the idea of Roba, in all his arrogance, seeing a weakness in Las Almas following the upheaval within the cartel causing El Sin Nombre to rise to prominence. And this spurs him to try and expand operations. One thing leads to another, and Valeria convinces 'English' to help her against Roba, in exchange for his own freedom. Roba eventually dies, Valeria and Simon are violent girlbosses in arms, and Simon is coping sooo well after the torture nexus that he's just going to brutally hunt down the remaining Zaragoza cartel lieutenants while in this tenuous alliance with El Sin Nombre, who is also unsure how much to trust this man, as well as unsure if she wants to even let him go - Simon is very good at what he does, and in all honesty he knows too much about her identity. Also extremely to draw parallels between Valeria and Rudy, but if people want to read about that lmk because that's a separate post entirely.
And it makes sense for the 141 to eventually appear, maybe somewhat faithful to the plot of MW2, with the missiles and such <3. Except now there's some ulterior motives from Price, who might be aware of the MIA SAS serviceman who got tangled up in rumours of corruption and cartels. Leading to him trying to find Simon Riley and bring him back home with this sense of duty/honour to uphold, in the wake of higher-ups failing this man.
Simon then going from one master (Roba) to another (Valeria) to another (Price) is very fun to consider, as well. Valeria giving Simon more independence than Roba ever did, with shreds of respect to stop him from rankling under her thumb as badly (but still keeping Control, at the end of the day). Price is very much a man who knows how to utilise the men under him as Weapons, and while he respects his subordinates as people (versus Roba seeing Simon as a convenient attack dog he used to make kneel naked, arms behind his back, in a wire kennel for hours on end), Price ultimately values them by their individual abilities to keep the 'bad guys' afraid of their own shadows, and to 'save' the world.
This au has everything. Alejandro-Valeria bitter divorce, competent Roba horrors, Graves is there for some reason (he explodes in the tank again), Simon slaughter hashtag girl momen with a cunty silk buttonup a (with the buzzcut no less)(and houndcoding)(and corruption. but how much is merely just building off his sas conditioning), Price's vague sense of corruption but 'for the greater good', Soap and Gaz's horror at Simon's situation in a 'this very easily could've been us' way, and Gaz gets thrown out of another helicopter.
augh this became long, i hope it makes sense. The idea is ultimately that simon gets to go home, too, and tries to readjust to a 'normal' life, reuniting with Tommy and Sharon and Beth and Joseph. But I can see Price convincing him to return to the service (he knows a lifer when he sees one, and why waste a good soldier), potentially as a private contractor with the 141.
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doot-boi · 3 months
"But Finrod walks with Finarfin his father beneath the trees in Eldamar"
I think it's no surprise to my followers who pay attention to my silm posting that I love Finrod Felagund's character, but this is the line that sticks with me heavily. Within the Quenta Silmarillion, it is told that all of those Ñoldor caught within the Doom of Mandos and of the Silmarils will "yearn for [their] bodies, and find little pity", which is often taken to mean that none of those who left Valinor would be granted the possibility of returning to physical form, to live in the bliss of Aman (though arguments can clearly be made that only those who participated in the kinslaying were under such a doom, but I choose to ignore that). That's what makes this line so much more impactful to me, along with a more important facet; it's placement in the chapter.
Just 2 pages earlier, at his death, Finrod says it will be long before he is seen again amongst his people, perhaps believing he will not be granted a bodily form until such a time as the rest of the Ñoldor would be. He dies in the darkness of his corrupted tower, and is mourned at length by Beren until Lúthien his love arrives and rouses him, and together their hope is kindled again as the sun rises (a very common theme in Tolkien's works). They honour and bury Finrod atop the island, a tomb to be unchanged until the War of Wrath caused upheaval in all of Beleriand
It's here that this line comes in. His tomb is inviolate until all the land is, but he himself walks with his father, the only of Finwë's sons to remain in Valinor, and that says so many things.
He is one of few, or perhaps the only, Ñoldorin exile to be gifted bodily rebirth. He surpassed the Doom of Mandos (see my 2nd link in paragraph 1)
His father welcomes him home and forgives his leaving
No matter the state of his grave, Felagund is himself unmarred
No timeline is given for Finrod's bodily resurrection, but I choose to believe it is before the end of the First Age (and the fandom wiki agrees, tolkien gateway being more vague), for no other reason than Eärendil. It is because of Finrod, his assistance of and sacrifice for Beren, that the man of Bëor lives long enough to be united with Lúthien in the Quest, and they, along with Huan, are able to retrieve the Silmaril that Eärendil brings to Aman. I consider that Finrod is likely unaware of the success of the Quest, given it seems the rest of Valinor was (or at least they waited for a plea from Middle-Earth before acting on anything). Imagine his wonder, his pride, and his joy, at seeing that not only was the quest successful, but here, 80 years after he died, he sees Beren and Lúthien's grandson-in-law bearing the jewel. I wonder what he would have said to Amarië his love, if he would have remarked in joyous tears that the horrors and the death that led him back into Aman were not faced in vain. I wonder if, taking up his weapon to participate in the War of Wrath, he either sat a moment in sorrow, or in hope, or in some other emotion, considering what lay ahead of him, and as he came home afterwards with many of his kinsfolk, what he felt as he came to the bliss that would last until the changing of the world.
No matter his feelings on the Wars, what his experiences are and what he goes through after his resurrection, we know this:
Finrod walks with Finarfin his father beneath the trees of Eldamar
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dontsteponsnek · 1 year
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sims 4 HUGE midwest (ish) emo post hardcore punk band posters cc! hi! these are my first cc's so they are pretty sloppy but i was so excited to do them tbh. this one is with 50 albums! here they are: 1. the get up kids – something to write home about 2. jets to brazil – orange rhyming dictionary 3. fall out boy – take this to your grave 4. archers of loaf – icky mettle 5. jawbreaker – 24 hour revenge therapy 6. fugazi – red medicine 7. rilo kiley – take offs and landings 8. sunny day real estate – the rising tide 9. team dresch – personal best 10. death cab for cutie – you can play these songs with chords 11. saves the day – in reverie 12. sunny day real estate – diary 13. moss icon – complete discography 14. the used – the used 15. fall out boy – from under the cork tree 16. jimmy eat world – clarity 17. the juliana theory – understand this is a dream 18. penfold – amateurs and professionals 19. panic! at the disco – a fever you cant sweat out 20. dag nasty – can i say? 21. brand new – your favorite weapon 22. brand new – deja entendu 23. sunny day real estate – how it feels to be something on 24. the promise ring – nothing feels good 25. brand new – daisy 26. brand new – science fiction 27. hawthorne heights – the silence in black and white 28. orchid – orchid (gatefold) 29. my chemical romance – i brought you my bullets, you brought me your love 30. mineral – the power of failing 31. braid – frame & (and) canvas 32. saves the day – stay what you are 33. rival schools – united by fate 34. pretty girls make graves – good health 35. brand new – the devil and god are raging inside me 36. texas is the reason -  do you know who you are? 37. la dispute – somewhere at the bottom of the river between vega and altair 38. q and not u – no kill no beep beep 39. fall out boy – (fall out boy’s) evening out with your girlfriend 40. one last wish – 1986 41. american fooball – american football 42. taking back sunday – where you want to be 43. taking back sunday – tell all your friends 44. cursive – (cursive’s) domestica 45. jawbreaker – dear you 46. bright eyes – i’m wide awake, it’s morning 47. the get up kids – four minute mile 48. farside – the monroe doctrine 49. saves the day – through being cool 50. rites of spring – rites of spring https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XfLUIRiJKz1D3YHdG629N1ro0Z3D0-Zw/view?usp=sharing
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magz · 1 month
Palestine summary for April 24 to April 26, 2024 from LetsTalkPalestine.
[Lets Talk Palestin Link Tree, with ways to help and sources.]
April 24, 2024.
Day 201:
• 79 Palestinians killed, 86 injured in Gaza in last 24 hours
• IOF bombed home in Gaza City, killing a mother & her child and injured 6
🇪🇬 Egypt detained 10+ women, among them lawyers, journalists & civil society leaders, protesting in solidarity w/ Gaza & Sudan
• Beit Lahia, Beit Hanoon & Jabalia in north Gaza under continuous Israeli strikes since ordering evacuation in Beit Lahia, giving them minutes to flee
🇯🇲🇧🇧 Jamaica & Barbados officially recognize a Palestinian State
• Israel built 6 new military outposts since Jan, totaling 9 outposts each within 3 miles of Gaza + plan to transfer 2 combat brigades (4-10 thousand soldiers) from Lebanon’s border down to Gaza — fueling fears of a looming Rafah invasion
🇩🇪 Germany to soon resume coordination w/ UNWRA after Israel failed to provide evidence on its allegations against the agency’s employees
🇺🇸 Biden signed to law aid bill giving $26bn to Israel
• IOF abducts 15 Palestinians including former detainees overnight in West Bank
April 25, 2024.
Day 202:
• 43 Palestinians killed, 64 injured in the last 24 hours
🇺🇳 UN to investigate Nasser Hospital mass graves as Israel denies reports of 392 bodies showing severe signs of torture and mutilation
• Hundreds of Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Compound under IOF protection as raids across West Bank cities intensify
🇧🇪 Belgian aid worker & his 7-year-old son killed among 7 others in targeted bombings on Rafah despite disclosing his location to Israeli forces; 6 aid groups affected by recent attacks
🚢 Freedom Flotilla Coalition delays from departing Turkey due to Israeli pressure on Guinea Bissau in an effort to prevent aid delivery to Gaza
• Israeli forces abduct three 13-year-olds from Ramallah, West Bank as 200 children remain captives in Israeli jails
🇫🇷 France to expand sanctions on Israeli settlers involved in violence against Palestinians, with recent EU sanctions imposed on settlers and organisations for similar reasons
April 26, 2024.
University encampments going global 🌍🔥
🎓 Encampments for Palestine which started in US universities have now spread to France, Australia, and the UK, advocating for divestment from companies & arms manufacturers complicit in the Israeli occupation.
The 42 encampments are mostly in the US, but include 2 in Australia, 1 in France, and 1 in the UK, with more expected.
🤐 Arrests at Columbia (100+), Yale (50), Emerson (100+), NYU (dozens), USC (93), Uni of Texas in Austin (55) & more as US political & corporate elites fear the surging power & popularity of the Palestine solidarity movement.
Columbia canceled in-person classes, NYU built a wall around the encampment.
👩‍🏫 Many faculty have joined in protest of their administrations’ Zionist stances.
Biden admin. & Netanyahu, a foreign leader, released statements condemning the students.
🔥 In 1985, students forced University of California to divest $3.1bn from South African apartheid
Inspired? @ pal_actionus posts advice on starting one 🫡
Day 203:
•⁠ 51 Palestinians killed, 75 injured in the last 24 hours
•⁠ ⁠Rising temperatures in Gaza worsens condition of displaced Palestinians in tents, UNRWA added 2 kids so far killed by the heat
•⁠ Former head of HRW accuses Israel of obstructing investigation into Nasser Hospital mass graves
🇳🇱 Netherlands to consider resuming UNWRA funding after Israel failed to provide evidence on its allegations against the agency’s staff’s complicity in Oct 7
•⁠ Eastern Rafah under continuous Israeli shelling, targeting homes, injuring at least 2 Palestinians
🇺🇸 US puts halt on potential sanctions against 1 Israeli military unit, despite allegations since before Oct 7 of severe human rights abuses in West Bank
🇱🇧 2 killed in Israeli strike on a car in south Lebanon
🇪🇺 EU announces $73m in essential aid to Gaza despite refusing to sanction Israel
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mit0bee · 5 months
Ten Circles (Obey Me Figure Skating AU)
I can think of a title haha wym hahahaahah lmao.......................................................
have I been gone for almost a year? YES! Are all my posts about twisted wonderland? ALSO YES...! AM I GOING TO WRITE A FIGURE SKATING AU FOR OBEY ME (and twst)?? YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (do i have my own skating practice in 30 mins....? yeah...) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Let's start with the story. So, Lucifer and his brothers were under contract with the [insert group name here]. After their sister, Lilith, breaks a very important rule that may or may not have something to do with the cute hockey boy who uses the ice before her, The God of Figure Skating boots her.
Lucifer tries to reason with him, but that only results in him following Lilith out of the group. Everyone else had their own reasons for leaving, whether it be the corruption leaking its way into the group, or they simply were more loyal to Lucifer and Lilith than the rest.
After hearing the news, a large-scale nepo baby corporate figure, Diavolo, offers the estranged group a deal. He wants to start a new group to contend with [insert group name here]. But, if it's just him and his loyal butler, Barbatos, there's no way they can climb all the way to where they want to be.
Lucifer, in a desperate attempt to revenge on the God himself, agrees. With that, the Ten Circles were born. But they didn't stay the ten circles.
Right after the deal was closed, Lilith disappeared off the face of the earth. No one could call her cell, and she hadn't been seen in weeks. The brothers were devastated. For all they knew, Lilith was dead.
After the first three years, all hope was given up on for finding her. The police were involved, there were missing persons posters around every corner of the city. A grave had even been dug for her. But, without a body, it was an empty reminder, a hopeless dream of Lilith.
The Ten Circles became monotonous; go to practice, compete, practice more. Even while rising to the top, the group was solemn.
That was, until Diavolo suggested something. A tryout, of sorts. The Ten Circles makes no sense with nine of them. Changing the name would be too tedious. All of their advertising and practice gear were branded with a ten.
And so, the group (albeit, reluctantly) opened up tryouts. The first stage? Stacks and stacks of papers and resumes.
One night, while languidly searching through resumes, Lucifer kept going back to a specific one. It was yours. He couldn't put his finger on it; you had experience, sure, but nothing with any well-known groups. Why did he feel so drawn to you when there were tens of hundreds of resumes with detailed histories from very prestigious groups?
He acted on impulse. Lucifer lied to Diavolo, saying he had extensive knowledge about you. In reality, he was working off of a hunch. to be fair, his hunches were often correct.
And correct this one was. When you came in for your first practice, you immediately fit right in. Mammon was assigned as your initiator. He was to make sure Lucifers hunch was right you could keep up to speed with everyone else.
From there on, you befriended each member of the team, and even convinced them to open up to more members (there was no changing Ten Circles though. They'd just have to cope). Eventually, there were twelve of you. The Twelve Ten Circles were rising the ranks even rapidly, going from one of the best middle-class groups, to one of the best in the country.
And of course, as per usual, Lucifers hunch was correct.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLOT HOLES GALORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just thought of this while thinking of practice hehehehe ill probably write the intro to the twst one, then start my usual bulletpoint drabbles, and maybe even do an extension to this intro!
@mit0ee 's work, please do not steal!
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