#<- random thought
sinhasfluffyheadfur · 7 months
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happy birthday to my beautiful son!!!!! you are so huggable my little junebug :]]]
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closeup + new song for his section of the playlist :3
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paper-mario-wiki · 28 days
in hindsight, it makes a lot of sense that macklemore would happily release a free palestine song that is AS balls-out anticapitalist and antiimperialist as it is, considering in 2011 he won a grammy with a song all about being poor and spending your money wisely while still being cool and looking fresh, bemoaning blind consumption.
it was a small domino to start with, sure, but the trail is there.
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cafeblossomss · 7 months
the most helpful thing i have ever seen from neurodivergent internet spaces is “THERE ARE OTHER TIMES OF DAY TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH”. this has genuinely saved me from executive dysfunction spirals so many times.
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ncutii-gatwa · 10 months
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ryan gosling this. ryan gosling that. margot robbie made barbie what it is. she OWNED it. put respect on her name
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
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inbarfink · 1 month
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linktoo-doodles · 5 months
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i'll strangle you or i'll kiss you on the mouth
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fictionadventurer · 5 months
I don't think we give Doctor Who enough credit for being a rare franchise that lets adults be whisked away on a portal fantasy adventure.
In most of these types of stories, you age out of being an appropriate protagonist. But the first two companions were a pair of fully-adult schoolteachers. Now, there's a template of a companion being a woman in her early twenties, but there's still potential for a broader range of ages. Anybody can stumble through that door and be whisked on an adventure--and be traumatized six million ways, sure, but it's nice to be included.
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frownyalfred · 6 months
an immortal Batman being haunted by the ghosts of all of his children. he's busy moping about being immortal and outliving his family, meanwhile they're doing cartwheels through the afterlife, getting into fights with each other, and trying to goad him into finally admitting he might not exactly be aging to Superman.
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jupiterslifelessmoons · 10 months
The reason Goncharov was fun and worked well is because Tumblr didn’t plan for it, we just “yes and” it, everyone went with it and added to it with no planning while TikTok people with Zepotha are trying to recreate that by deciding to start a trend and tell people this movie existed, there isn’t even much more than “you look like this character” and sometimes people saying it was actually them.
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booksandpaperss · 1 year
you know when you read one of the most well written well characterized fics of a character and you’re like “FUCK YES THIS AUTHOR UNDERSTANDS” and then in the notes or in a comment reply they’re like “I hope this wasn’t too ooc I can’t tell 😭” or “I’m glad this wasn’t super ooc I was rlly nervous!” like girl this may as well have been a transcript directly from that character’s head what are you TALKING about
also this isn’t author hate obv I luv you guys I just think it’s funny how this happens a lot. fic writers youre amazing <33
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paper-mario-wiki · 1 month
i love to make fun of notorious white woman Taylor Swift and all of her embarrassing attempts to appear deeper than a plate of soup.
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thehmn · 6 months
Does it seem weird that people treat cats like they’re wild animals to anyone else? And by that I don’t mean people expect cats to survive on their own in the wild. I mean people act like pet cats who have owners are wild animals that the owners aren’t responsible for. And I’m not talking about cat owners specifically. A lot of people who doesn’t have any pets at all act like cats are wild animals (which might be why so many people treat them like wild animals that can be hurt with no consequences)
I never thought about that until a few years ago when someone in the town Facebook group asked who owned a cat that kept jumping in through his windows. It was summer so he couldn’t keep his windows closed (we don’t use air conditioning in this country) and he had a terrible allergy to cats so it was legit dangerous for him to have a cat running around his house.
People started offering solutions like “buy this spray that deters cats” and “you can buy this rolling thing for the top of your fence” but his response was “Okay but why am I expected to spend all this money to keep someone’s pet out? Who owns this cat!?” When he didn’t get an answer he eventually got a friend to pick the cat up when it was in his house and he drove it to a shelter, and informed the Facebook group which shelter. Suddenly the owner responded, angry that he’d do such a thing! Getting the cat back would cost money! But the guy was like where the fuck were you when I asked who the cat belonged to!? I was trying to avoid this!
I was honestly surprised by how many people were on the side of the cat’s owner. Another cat owner on our street isn’t responsible enough to keep her cat indoors but responsible enough to at least buy stuff for other people if her cats bother them. She practically have a small stach of cat deterrent spray she hands out to the neighbors who doesn’t want cats in their garden.
The whole thing really made me realize how strange it is that cats are the only pets where we expect other people to spend their money on building fences to keep them out instead of the owners trying to keep them in, as if they were wild animals with no owner to look after them.
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ncutii-gatwa · 6 months
really makes me laugh seeing some people complain doctor who is gay now. babe THIS aired in 2005. doctor who has been gay a long damn time get with the program
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and-corn · 9 months
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if there's a condition called impulsive anthropomorphizing then I have it
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pygmy--tyrant · 10 months
that whole fantasy trope of werewolves and vampires hating each other pisses me off every time. it's like lgbt exclusionism you feel me. like I bet the real ones think it's dumb. they're out there going guys we're all children of the night. in their eyes we're ALL unholy abominations. bet there's posts on darkcreatures.net like vampires and werewolves are actually kissing on the lips rn
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