#:( i love you
issasama · 2 days
Sanemi who notices small details about you..
He notices when you put a different pin in your hair or when you put on a different perfume
He notices when you didn’t get a good nights sleep or when you had a great start to your morning
He notices how when you laugh you glow differently than usual or how when you walk you seem so relaxed
Sanemi notices you love to read and go on late night walks around the butterfly mansion
“Sanemi?” “Sanemi!” “Hey Sanemi” oh how hearing you say his name makes his heart throb and you don’t even know it.
“San-Sanemi?” “It’s late what are you doing here?” You’re wiping the sleep from your eyes as you stood in your room holding the sliding door to the opposite side keeping it open.
“I can’t sleep. You keep taking up the space in my mind and it’s driving me mad. I wanted to tell you, I needed to tell you..
how much I like you.”
(i love him sm ik he’d be fighting himself and his feelings but eventually just give in because maybe loving someone would be easier than pretending that love isn’t there).
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her-wings · 20 hours
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dreamtwinsxxx · 2 days
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You can find more here ❤️
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daintysclaw · 2 days
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A render that i made of Astarion and Tav for all of the lovely people who support me and my work❤️
This one is available for all of my Patreon's (payed and non-payed) 💋
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inthelandofv · 3 days
when I saw you I knew I wanted a life full of you
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teddybeartoji · 11 hours
wish i could just grab all of you by your shoulders and give you a little shake and tell you BEEEE "ANNNOYINGGGGG" this is what life is abouttttt feeling and sharing and talking and crying and losing our minds and we should be doing all of those things togetherrrrrrrrr if somebody thinks that you being you is annoying then that's their fucking problem. i wanna hear every single one of your thoughts no matter how tmi one would consider them. i wanna see pics i wanna learn abt your selfships, i wanna know what you did today, i wanna see the meme you foundd pleeeaaaaseee let's have fun togetherrr
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chippythedog · 2 days
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notfavghost · 13 hours
Even in the stormiest seas, my love for you will be the anchor that holds us steady.
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annapassione · 2 days
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You... are the most delicious breakfast ever...
Buongiorno amore mio 💋
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her-wings · 18 hours
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heavenlyraindrops · 3 days
♱Father Forgive Me (For I have Sinned) ~Chapter Twenty Three♱
Lucifer Morningstar x Angel!Reader Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Chapter Twenty Three Warnings: profanity, Alastor is an asshole Visit my pinned post to see all other chapters.
♱ In which the purest soul in Heaven falls from grace… for the Devil. ♱
[Chapter Twenty Three]
“He’s planning to what?” 
You stared at Velvette and Valentino in shock. Valentino groaned, readjusting himself into a more comfortable position on the couch. Velvette rolled her eyes.
“What? It’s not really a big deal.”
“It sure fuckin’ is if he’s gonna probably tear down the princesses hotel in the process,” you spluttered. 
“Well, you knew this would happen if Alastor pissed him off again,” Velvette sighed, exasperated. You were almost shaking with frustration at their dismissive behaviour. 
“What did that red… twink even do this time?” No, I need Alastor alive. You shook the thought away. Hah, like Vox’ll kill him anyways. You turned to look outside the large red windows, scratching at your arms. Could he?
“Uh, nothing, Vox just woke up today and was probably on his period or something,” Velvette said, not looking up from her phone. Your eye twitched. 
“There has to be a reason.”
Velvette rolled her eyes, slamming the phone down. “Look, babes, he’ll be fine.”
Your mind flashed to Charlie and Vaggie, Lucifer, even though you didn’t want it to, and unwelcome concern swelled in your chest. “It’s not him I’m worried about.”
Valentino and Velvette both quirked an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything, whether it was out of disinterest or that they were simply too intimidated to ask, watching you pace around the room clawing at your hair, you didn’t know. And weren’t specifically bothered to try and find out. 
“The princesa could probably take care of herself,” Valentino scoffed. “And she has her daddy too, doesn’t she?”
You flinched, then scowled. “Ugh, shut your fat mouth. Your breath smells like all those cocks you suck.” The constant stress had turned your tongue sharp. 
Valentino threw his hands in the air. “Uh, for your information, I’m the one getting sucked,” he retorted, and you raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, so you’re a whore, nice to know.” 
Velvette stood up, sighing as she patted down her hair. “Babes, Val was right. For the uh,” she side eyed him. “First bit. It’s not likely Vox will be able to land a single dent on the princesses little passion project.”
You swallowed your formulating words, retorts, arguments, like pills, using Valentino and Velvette’s logic as the water to make it go down. They were right. But then-
“Well, aren’t you concerned about Vox?”
Velvette shrugged. “He’ll be fine. He’ll realize he’s out of his depth and come crawling back. Or, he doesn’t and we’ll just bail him out. Now sit down and shut up.”
You licked your lips nervously, but didn’t say anything, instead crossing your arms and squeezing into the couch next to Vel. Everything fell quiet.
“But there has to be a reason,” you said finally.
Velvette and Valentino groaned.  
“Listen ángel, Voxxy gets pissed over nothing all the time. Just wait for him to come back soon or go get him if you’re so worried.”
You chewed your lip, worried about running into Lucifer at the hotel, yet- maybe you wanted that. You let out a frustrated groan, grating at the back of your throat. 
“Ugh fuck you,” you muttered to no one in particular as you burrowed your way deeper into the couch cushions. Velvette rolled her eyes and turned back to her phone. 
“Oh, lovely.” She rolled her eyes. You stood up.
“What is it? It’s him, isn’t it?”
She pursed her lips. 
“Isn’t it?” 
“I- yeah. Maybe we should go to-“
You were already out the door. 
Alastor chuckled, tapping the top of his microphone with a clawed finger. A small buzz emitted from it.
“Why the fuck would you provoke an overlord and bring them to our doorstep?” Vaggie snarled, running her hands through her hair. Charlie looked stricken. Alastor sighed, readjusting his gloves as he peered out through the window.
“Don’t worry, dear, I’ll take care of it,” he snapped, smile strained. Vaggie’s voice grated along his ears- could she be more irritating? 
The TV played on in the background. Your face flashed on the screen, smiling contentedly as you held a phone to your ear. 
Voxtech- it’s angel approved!
You turned to look straight at the camera, and winked, speaking: “Trust us!”
Alastor’s jaw clenched. 
Lucifer stared at your face wordlessly, enraptured for a split second, then turned to Alastor. “He sounded pretty riled up when he, uh-“ he pointed at the screen- “showed up on our fucking TV and started cursing you out!”
Alastor rolled his eyes. “He’ll most likely show up by himself in a fit of anger-“
“What did you say to him?” Charlie groaned.
He flexed his fingers. “It’s not my fault I simply wanted to address his obsession with me. How was I meant to know I’d strike a nerve?” His smile widened. 
Truth be told, he did know it would strike a nerve. He’d lure you to the hotel directly, but had no means of contacting you- he just counted on you showing up as Vox’s backup should things go south for the flatscreen TV. And if that meant slagging Vox using his heartbreak and trauma as a basis, how could he refuse? It was two birds with one stone. 
And as for toying with Vox’s feelings- well. Alastor adjusted his bow tie. Romantic feelings were unfathomable, and therefore, not his problem- especially if they belonged to Vox.
As for his motivations?
He took a single glance at Lucifer’s face, the shadows under his eyes, the lines of stress, the way he longingly looked at your face on the television, and the satisfaction that stirred in the Radio Demon’s chest said more than enough.   Not only that, but if he could use your emotions to his advantage, he could even lay claim to your soul. Imagine the things he could do with an angel by his side, at his beck and call… his mouth watered at just the thought-
“Alastor…” Vaggie’s voice was a low warning.
“What if he’s angry enough to bring [name] along with him?” Charlie wailed, then froze. “What if she smites us?”
Lucifer groaned. “Charlie, [name] isn’t that powerful.” His throat clenched up. “You have me, I’ll just…”
“What? Kill her?” Alastor suggested. Lucifer flinched, hard.
“I’ll kill you first, Bambi,” he hissed. Alastor laughed. 
“Still can’t believe you’d rile up another overlord on purpose,” Vaggie snapped. Alastor rolled his eyes, a dull ache forming in the back of his head. 
“It will be completely fine,” he drawled. “Vox can hardly lay a finger on this place.”
“He better not,” Vaggie spat.
Something crashed outside, accompanied by a shout and then: “Come out, you red fucker!” Causing everyone to look at each other simultaneously. 
“That’s your cue,” Lucifer snapped, flicking his head at the door. Alastor’s lip curled wryly.
He stepped outside.
Vox clutched his arm where he had tripped and fallen, from spontaneously shooting out of a street lamp- charming, sure. Alastor tilted his head, narrowing his eyes. “May I help you?”
“You know what the fuck you did,” Vox snarled. “Sometimes, you bastard, you just take things too far.”
“So what? Everything I said was true. Plus, are three rejections not enough for you to take the hint?” He smirked, tapping his cane on the ground.  
“Rejections from what?” Vox hissed, eyes narrowing. “Stop making it out like I fucking asked you out or something.”
“Oh, but you wanted me, didn’t you?” Alastor taunted. “Shame that disappearing for seven years couldn’t shake you off- you are quite clingy.” Twisted versions of the truth spilled from his lips, woven as quickly as they were spoken. “I wonder how Valentino feels.” He sighed. “Shame he still indulges in all those other… people, despite your obvious attempts to make a true connection- it seems he simply doesn’t want to commit. Although, is it to you specifically, or…?”
“Oh, piss off. Stop stalking my sex life.” Vox’s voice wavered. “And Valentino doesn’t make commitments.”
Alastor snapped his fingers. “So it is that.”
Vox almost short circuited, and without thinking, he threw himself at Alastor, who pulled away before Vox could touch him.
“Oh, you wanna dance?” Vox spat.
Alastor’s shoulders tensed. Vox’s face split into a pissed grin.
“Let’s fucking dance.”
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inthelandofv · 1 day
dont mind me, I'm just dying a little each day
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cloverpatches · 2 days
It's pride month, so lemme say-
I love you, girls with strong jaws and the biggest smiles I love you, girls with soft jaws and laughs that spread I love you, girls with broad shoulders I love you, girls with sharp eyes beautiful with and without eyeliner I love you, girls with hairs on their upper lip that flow with their grins I love you, girls with scars that prove they've lived
I love you, girls I need to look up to see I love you, girls I can rest my chin against I love you, girls who don't like touch I love you, girls who need touch to thrive
I love you, girls who go by "he," "they," "xey," "it" I love you, girls who feel they just don't fit I love you, girls who need an extra moment to read I love you, girls who need more time to process what they've heard I love you, girls with bodies thick and thin I love you, girls with canes, braces, or need to sit
Whether you like being called beautiful, handsome, cute or cool-
I love you. I'm so glad you're here. You deserve to be loved, and you don't need to "earn" it.
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chippythedog · 2 days
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sweetgoodnesssugar · 2 days
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🌸🍆I’m your dinner for tonight 😋🤤🤤😜
🟢💋Reblog if you love trans 🏳️‍⚧️ 🔄🌸
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