#//Aizawa and Iida are Not Amused to find this out
redxriiot · 2 years
No thoughts, just Bakugou and Kiri having a comedic (to them at least) way to convey when Bakugou doesn't want to hang out or simply a way for him to destress by having Kacchan heckin' HURL KIRI DOWN THE DORM STAIRS VIA EXPLOSION like how Geoffrey got in Fresh Prince
#;mun has spoken#//If there's one thing Kiri loves; it's getting YEETED#//And hey; if that can be incorporated into destressing his best bro; even BETTER#//Idk of it's better to have it happen via them talking it over then enacting and spooking the HELL outta their classmates#//Or it happen by accident bc Kacchan's tolerance was REAL LOW one day and Kiri accidentally set it off and got CHUCKED#//Kat panicking a bit and going to check on him; and Kiri asking him smth along the lines of Holy shit; can we do that AGAIN???#//THEN talking through things and beginning the habit#//But ye#//Aizawa and Iida are Not Amused to find this out#//Does it stop them tho? no it heckin doesn't#//The one who takes the most convincing into this is actually Kacchan#//Bc mans is tryna NOT have bully behavior anymore meanwhile Kiri's all 'cmon dude; kick me down the stairs; it's FUNNY; pls bro-'#//Like 'I CAN TAKE ITTTT; COME AT ME BROOOOOO'#//The day he's happiest is when he can convince the Kacchan to casually kick him down stairs in greeting or in surprise#//thinks it'll help keep him on his toes; Ei does. like sure; maybe with SOME warning if it'll make Kat more willing#//but part of the fun is the brief moment of panic in feeling a foot plant on his back and YEET him down like 'op there i go: down to hell'#//Kiri's got a bit of an odd sense of fun. and is an eager Enabler for possibly dangerous clownery times#//Specifically ones where HE is the one most at risk for injury#//Adrenaline junkie and a clown; he is
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crangrapel0ver · 6 months
Sunburns and Silence
Caring!Katsuki Bakugo x fem reader.
Summary: Katsuki cares for you after you become effected by the drawbacks of your quirk. Once you go back to your normal self, he expresses how much he wants to take care of you; although you guys can't help but be interrupted by your well-intentioned friends.
Word count: 4,076
Tags: Caring!Katsuki Bakugo x fem reader, Bakugou cooking for reader, dealing with sunburns, heavy petting, and making out.
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“Get in groups of three! we're doing a quirk exercise. Try to get with someone who's quirk doesn't suit yours. Two of the groups will have four people, not three.” Aizawa ordered while he led us to the middle of the arena. It was a similar arena to the one we were at for the sports festival, but it seemed to be a bit bigger without as many stands above. I look to my classmates to see who would be good for the exercise. Most of the groups had formed while I was taking in the arena, and there were only a few people left. Mina, Kaminari, and Sero had grouped together almost immediately. As did Todoroki, Midoriya, and Uraraka. Iida, Tsuyu, and Momo had paired together near Todoroki's group. The other groups were too far away for me to discern, but as far as I could tell, the only group left missing someone was Bakugou and Kirishima's group.
“Oi! Come on Airhead. You're with us sweetheart.” Bakugou snickered as if he was amused with the group. He waved me over with two fingers and I quickly jogged over to him just like he beckoned. As I approached Kirishima turned from Mina's group and gave me a bright smile.
“You ready to win this (surname)?” Kirishima asked with a pat on my shoulders.
“Oh you know I am Kiri! I wonder what it is we'll actually be doing.” I grinned up at him while I looked over to Professor Aizawa. He was looking around with his hair pulled back in a bun to get the hair off of his neck. I understand why. The April heat makes my skin sticky. My own hair was pulled up out of the way. We were all in the school gym uniforms; although most of the students had rightfully ditched the jackets. Even in a thin white tank top, I could feel the sweat pooling on my forehead. I could tell the heat was getting to the boys as well, them having to wipe the sweat off their face.
We hadn't even started the exercise and the sun was already making us exhausted. I just hoped it would get over soon so we could go inside and get something to drink.
“Now that you all are in groups, go ahead and organize yourself at the edges of the arena. We're doing two groups at a time. you'll fight to try and grab each other's flag while protecting your own. You'll have fifteen minutes to get the opposing flag. The first group up is gonna be…” I zoned out as Aizawa drags on. His voice becomes a murmur as I look to the sky. There wasn't a cloud in sight, and the sun wasn't getting any dimmer.
I flinch as a hand slaps my back. It's Katsuki. From the way Kirishima has already walked off, I assume we're to find a spot at the edge to watch. I wordlessly follow him as he finds Kirishima next to Mina, Kaminari, and Sero's group. The first two groups go to their flags and I take a seat against the arena walls to rest my feet. I can see Katsuki's watchful gaze out of the corner of my eye. I just watch the grass and try to not fall deeper into the murmuring of my friends' conversation. The heat isn't letting up anytime soon, and before I know it the first groups are done. I hear Aizawa call for the next two groups, but his words are lost on me. I haven't even used my quirk and already, I'm experiencing the drawbacks of exhaustion. I see a tall figure in front of me and before I can recognise I've put my hand out, Bakugou is pulling me up and telling me that I'll be staying with the flags. All I have to do is stop anyone who comes too close while he and Kirishima get the opposing team's flag. I have to try not to get lost in his ruby eyes while he tells me about the plan.
“You listening to me, Airhead?” He huffs, stirring me out of my stupor. I can see that Momo, Iida, and Tsuyu have already gotten ready for the match. I nod to him as confirmation while he squints at my silence. He lightly slaps my arm as a sendoff and he's off to get set with Kirishima. I can see them nod at each other while Aizawa counts off the match.
As soon as Aizawa says go, they're off in a flurry. I can barely make out what's happening when I see Iida coming my way. I stop him in his tracks just before he gets too close. I can tell he's fighting to get out of it, but I'm too focused on him for the hold to weaken.
Tsuyu is next passing around Bakugou and Kirishima and I can see her gearing up to snag the flag. I paralyze her where she stands and I can feel my concentration slipping. Iida is able to move slightly and he's about to break out completely when Kirishima makes his rounds back to our side. He manages to get Iida in his rock solid grasp before he can speed towards the flag. I still have Tsuyu stuck where she was before, but then I can almost feel my mind slipping away from me.
I know Bakugou will be aggravated if I don't protect the flag. He gave me the easiest job and I don't wanna let him or Kirishima down. I hear a muffled yell, but before I can look towards the sound Tsuyu is out of my hold and reaching for the flag. I'm able to push her away and temporarily stop her, but my hold is limited. she can't run towards it or reach for it, but she's still able to thrash her body around. I can only afford to focus on her if I want to keep the paralysis. I can see Kirishima and Iida fighting somewhere near our flag. I just keep repeating Pause! Pause! Pause! I could see Tsuyu slowly moving out of my hold and I couldn't stop her.
I couldn't do anything. It was as if I was quirkless. It felt as though my quirk was being used against me. I just looked at Tsuyu's movements to grab the flag, only to be stopped by Kiri.
“Bakugou retrieved Yaomomo's flag. Bakugou's team wins.” I can hear Aizawa's voice somewhere behind me in the arena. I saw Kirishima helping up Tsuyu from the ground. I wanted to move to ask if she was okay, but I couldn't seem to move towards her. I can see Katsuki walking up to me, passing Kirishima, Iida, and Tsuyu. I can only look at him, as he says something. He's probably teasing about not being able to keep my quirk to hold them down. I can see him squinting at me like he always does when he's upset with me.
“Did you hear me?” He asks with something lacing his tone. Is it concern or is he aggravated with me ignoring him? I nod at him slowly, not being able to move more than the subtle nod. He only sighs and grabs my elbow. His grip guiding me to the edge of the arena. Over to where the other groups sat. The sun is still beating down onto us. I can feel his calloused hand rubbing the inside of the forearm. One of his hands  holds mine and he rubs his thumb on the back of my hand. It's more gentle than I expect him to be, and I don't know what it's for. I'm just staring at him trying to find the strength to move my hands to hold his. I move my other hand over to his, but the ability to contract my hand is lost on me. I'm turned to face Katsuki, and I can hear Aizawa saying something about going back to the dorms for the rest of the day. I didn't make an effort to leave until Katsuki moved the hand holding mine to rest on my back. He lightly pushed me forward with his hand not leaving my back.
We're in the common room for class A and I'm sitting on the sofa chair that Katsuki put me in after I got back from my shower. It had taken me longer than most of the other students because I couldn't seem to open the door handles or move the shower nod. I struggled to close my hands around the soap to wash my face. I couldn't take my hair out of the ponytail it was put in this morning. When I arrived back downstairs, Katsuki stood up from the table in the living room. I could see him walk over to me and I didn't realize he was trying to lead me over to one of the chairs.
“What do you want to eat?” His warm hand grabbed my cold one, and I could've stayed in his hold forever. I look up at his ruby eyes and I can’t help but relax at his warm gaze. I frown at the question while just barely shaking my head. I don't know what I should eat right now. I can't imagine cooking in this state. The last time I tried to cook while I was like this I ended up burning my hand. Katsuki was so mad when he found me in the kitchen, clutching my bubbling hand. He simply huffed and pushed my hand under cold water while he took the pot off of the stovetop.
“You're not cooking like this. Not after you burnt yourself last time.” He snarled at the memory of me crying silently while cradling my hand. When it happened, I couldn't even yell or ask someone for help. I just silently looked up at him with my puppy dog eyes. I nod at Katsuki, and he just sighs and pulls away to walk to the kitchen. My eyes follow him and stay with him while he moves around to different shelves and cabinets. I see people shifting out of the corner of my eye, but I don't bother to check the movement. I only look over when Mina waves her hand slightly in front of my face. Mina and Kirishima are sitting on the couch next to my chair while Kaminari is crouching in front of me. He reaches to rub my hands with a gentle smile, but I can only glance at him before looking back over to Katsuki. When I glance over, I meet his eyes and he only nods at me then goes back to cooking. I'm pulled back to Kaminari when he squeezes my hand. He asks me if I'm doing alright and I can only stare while he frowns at the blank expression on my face. He glances over to Mina and Kirishima while making a concerned face, glancing at me with a head tilt. I blink slowly and look over to where Katsuki was, but he's gone. My brows furrow as I slowly look around to find him. 
I'm pulled out of my silent concern when he appears in front of me, ushering Kaminari out of the way. He sits on the coffee table in front of me and he looks between me and what he has in his hands. When he moves his hand to my face, I look at his hand not knowing what he's doing. He's holding a spoon. A spoon full of fried rice with small pieces of egg, peppers, and sausage. It's one of my favorite meals, but I didn't know Katsuki knew that. He ushers the spoon to my face again, and I think I know what he wants now. I open my mouth slightly and he puts the spoon in my mouth. He gives me time to chew it before he picks up a cup for me to drink. I've been parched since we went outside into the sun, but after the exercise I couldn't open the water bottle in my room. I tried at it for a couple minutes silently in my room before giving up and getting in the shower. I’m usually not able to move my hands and use small muscles when I’m exhausted like this. It’s like when you lose blood flow to a certain limb and it does to sleep. I lose it in most places which leaves me feeling hollow. Like my body doesn’t work anymore. 
I sometimes feel bad for people who are under my quirk if this is what they feel like. Your mind is slower and fuzzy. Your limbs might as well be absent because you can’t use them. You're helpless in your own body and you can do nothing but wait it out. Usually when I get like this, someone will drop me off at my room and I’ll sleep until I can feel again. On days like these, people don’t seem to notice my inability. They think I’m just tired, not that I’m being paralyzed by my own quirk. Unable to control my body or mind fully. Some people notice, but they don’t know how to help. Not that I could tell them what I need, I barely know what I need myself, but Katsuki never has to be told what I need. He always seems to know what to do without us needing to communicate my needs. 
Katsuki continues to spoon feed me the food he made for me, always so patient with me. The warmth of the food spreads through my cold body. I can hear Mina, Kirishima, and Kaminari gushing over the sweet action, but I can't seem to care. Their conversation continues on, but Katsuki doesn't add to it. He only focuses on me. One of the students on the other side of the room must’ve dropped something because a shattering sound startles me out of the solace Katsuki is giving me. A burst of voices and laughter flows throughout the room, killing the comfortable quiet that I was basking in. My facial expression only barely changes from the blank exhausted one to a slight curiosity. Katsuki doesn't follow my gaze over to the source of noise, he just stays looking at me with that expression I can never place. He taps my knee after a second of me observing their conversation, but when I don’t look back at him, he softly says my name. I look back over to him with a slow blink and soft sigh. 
“Are you feeling any better?” He asks with a hand rubbing my knee and lower thigh. The action is chaste, but It still warms my heart. I tilt my head and lightly lift my shoulders into a shrug. He continues to rub my leg as he looks over to the rest of the class which isn’t going to settle down any time soon. He picks up the bowl slightly to ask if I still want any and I just look away to the empty kitchen, still not being able to find my words. He understands my intention without it needing to be explained. He moves his hand from my thigh to grab my hand gently. He pulls me up slowly with him and takes me to the kitchen where he washes the dish, and I just stand where he left me.
Why is he so kind? For anyone else he would have just left them to deal with themselves. He would’ve scoffed if someone else had asked him to feed them. He’s always been a little gentler with me, but I assumed it was because he thought my blank state wouldn’t be able to handle his brash nature. 
I don’t notice when he stops doing the dishes until he's in front of me and putting his hand on my lower back. He ushers me to the elevator, and I spare him a glance when I notice he presses his floor number not mine. He rubs my back with his thumb, the warmth from his hand bleeding through my shirt. 
When the slow elevator pings and the doors open, I silently walk wherever Katsuki leads me. When I’m with him it’s easy to allow myself to shut off, knowing he will take care of me. He puts in the code to his door and when we get into his room he just points towards the bed. I sink down into the well made bed as he walks to get something. I grab one of his throw blankets and pull it around my shoulders. He’s gone for a couple minutes, and there's some shuffling in the bathroom where he went. When he leaves the bathroom he turns on his small heater and walks over to me. He has a container of clear gel in his hands. He sits the container next to me on the bed and reaches to pinch the material of the blanket between his fingers. 
“You gonna let me put this aloe vera on?” I nod up at him, my tired gaze not leaving his ruby eyes. I pull the blanket off and the material rubs on my sunburnt shoulders that I hadn’t felt until now. The skin hadn’t been aggravated by my tank top, but the blanket seemed to set it off. Usually when I went to relax with Katsuki in his room, this was my favorite blanket. Claiming the soft blanket as my own whenever I was here, but now I wanted nothing to do with the itchy material. His lips tightened into a line when I winced, but it's relaxed whenever he let out a deep breath through his nose. He gently pulled my hair into a bun to keep it off my back.
He easily opened the container and began rubbing the gel into my red shoulders. My eyes close with a sigh as the cool gel eases the hot skin, and I can't help but smile softly. He puts a little bit of aloe on my forehead and cheeks. He spreads a thin layer of gel across the bridge of my nose. He wipes the last bit on the lid of the container, and when there's nothing left on his hands he moves to cup my jaw. His thumb rubbing the edge of my jawline that doesn’t have gel on it. I lean into the touch and he smiles at the small action. 
“That feel good? I thought you were gonna melt outside today.” He chuckled softly, but I only looked up at him. He planted his knees on the bed and bent down to be face to face with me. He glanced down at my lips and I leaned forward looking at his ruby eyes that were always softer when they looked at me. I licked my lips and his grip tightened on my jaw. He closed the gap and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I kissed back as best as I could before he pulled away again. 
He had a fond look in his eyes when he looked at me, only inches away. I leaned closer to him again with my eyes closed, silently begging for another one. He granted my wish, this time with a deeper kiss. He moved to cup the back on my neck where there wasn’t any sunburn. His hands lacing through my hair while the other one wrapped around my waist. My hands rested on his muscular arms. He kissed me like I was air and he was drowning. He held me like I was never going to be in his arms again. He devoured me like he was starving. When he pulled away I looked into his rose colored eyes and he must've seen my dazed look. 
“Are you better now?” he asked, not letting me out of his hold just yet. I nodded at him and he gave me a skeptical look. 
“Thank you Katsuki. For everything.” I whispered with a quick kiss on his lips. I wasn’t completely back, but the numbness has subsided to a fuzzy feeling. Even though I’m still exhausted, it’s something I can manage now. 
“You don’t have to thank me for this. Someone has to take care of your ass.” He mumbled into my lips as he closed his eyes again and kissed me once more. His hands pulled me tighter to him before releasing and guiding me to lay against the bed. I moved to lace my hands through his hair as he explored underneath my tank top. He just barely grazed the underside of my boobs, and he kissed me a little harder realizing I don't have a bra on. He continued to kiss me with a warm passion until a knock startled us out of the makeout session. 
“Bakubro! Is (surname) in here? Mina went to check on her and she wasn’t in her room.” Kirishima asked from outside the door. Hopefully he hadn’t heard anything. If he saw us now, with puffy red lips and the aloe vera smeared on Katsuki’s face, he’d definitely know something was going on. Katsuki finally pulled his warm hands out of my shirt and walked over to the door. He opened it just enough for me to be blocked from Kirishima’s view. 
“Yeah, she’s in here. I just got her some aloe vera and she’s resting a bit before she goes to her room for the night.” Katsuki says with ease. It’s technically true, but Kirishima doesn’t need to know that our version of ‘resting’ was with Katsuki’s hands up my shirt and his tongue in my mouth. Kirishima seemed to hum in understanding and I see Katsuki freeze when Kirishima asks about why he has aloe vera on him as well. 
“Tch, I was a little sunburned also. Why are you being so nosey, Shitty hair?” He tried to defend, but Kirishima just chuckled as he patted Katsuki’s shoulder. He wasn’t believing a word that came out of Katsuki’s mouth and we all knew it. 
“Whatever you say, just remember we’re going out into town tomorrow morning. Try to make sure she actually gets some rest.” He grins and I’m sure he can see me from just behind the door. 
“I will, Shitty hair.” Katsuki mumbles as he looks back towards me. He says goodnight to Kirishima and Kirishima says goodnight to both of us with a boyish laugh. Katsuki shuts the door with a sigh and returns to the bed with a small grin. He gets back on the bed over me and pulls him into a slow kiss. Katsuki puts one of his hands on my exposed thigh and the other in my hair. This time I lace one of my hands through his hair and grip his arm with the other. He smiles into the kiss and I can’t help but smile as well. We break apart and he looks down at my lips before initiating another breathtaking kiss. I almost think I’m going crazy when another knock at the door sounds. Am I having deja vu? No, unfortunately there’s another person at the door. Katsuki groans as he’s forced to break the kiss and take his hands away from my soft skin once more. 
“Come on Bakugou! You can’t hide her away in here.” Mina yells through the door, and I can already imagine her stance. Her hands are probably on her hips, impatiently tapping her foot while waiting for Katsuki to open the door. When he does, Mina can clearly see the aggravation slipping onto his expression. “Don’t be so sour. I just wanted to check that she was feeling okay, but clearly she’s feeling more than okay right now.” she grinned slyly and I could feel the glare from Katsuki. She waved through the door past Katsuki and said goodnight as she walked off in the direction of Kirishima. 
There’s no way we're hearing the end of this tomorrow or anytime soon. I can’t seem to care as Katsuki falls back into the bed and pulls me onto his chest. Eventually the fuzziness of quirk exhaustion fades and Katsuki’s warmth encompasses me as I fall asleep on his chest. His warm hands wrapped around my waist and my thigh pulled up around his waist. My hands resting on his chest as his heart beats lull me into a quiet sleep.
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winxanity-ii · 1 month
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 15 Chapter 15 | gauging reactions⌟
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A satisfied smirk played on your lips as you both reached the large, white and gray bus. Iida, ever the gentleman, gestured towards the open door. "After you, Akuma-san," he said politely, stepping aside to allow you on board.
"Thank you, Iida-kun," you replied with a gracious nod, stepping onto the bus. The chatter inside immediately died down as everyone turned to stare at you. The confusion was evident. They were expecting Iida to return, not you.
"Hey, Four Eyes! The hell took you so long? Had to take a crap or somethin—" Bakugo's booming voice cut through the silence, but the sentence died abruptly on his lips as his crimson eyes landed on you. The amusement instantly drained from his face, replaced by a scowl that didn't reach his eyes. "Y/N? The hell you doin' here?"
You ignored his question, choosing instead to unleash your secret weapon—a sweet, closed-eye smile. It was a weapon you'd discovered held surprising power, especially over the other pests in your life—especially your little puppy, Bakugo.
And sure enough, a faint blush crept across Bakugo's cheeks, momentarily breaking his tough-guy facade, shutting him down. He quickly scoffed and turned away toward the window in a futile attempt to hide his flustered reaction.
Aizawa, who had been dozing in the front seat, finally stirred at the commotion. He slowly dragged himself to his feet, his hair a mess as ever. "Took you long enough, Iida," he mumbled in a monotone voice. Noticing the surprised looks on everyone's faces, he sighed dramatically.
"Alright, alright," he drawled, his voice laced with a hint of annoyance. "Seems the message wasn't clear. Akuma-san here will be joining you on your little field trip to U.S.J. Consider it a... motivator. A chance for Class 1-A to see that they're not the only ones vying for hero licenses." His yellow eyes flickered across the students' faces, a cryptic message lingering in their depths.
There was more to this than a simple observation session; that much was clear. But what exactly? Aizawa left the unspoken question hanging in the air, a tiny smirk playing on his lips.
With another tired sigh, he gestured towards the back of the bus. "Find a seat, Akuma-san. Just try not to cause too much trouble." His voice held a hint of contemptment, a silent acknowledgment of your unpredictable nature. There was a flicker of suspicion in his eyes, a single beat where his gaze narrowed slightly before smoothing back to normal.
It was subtle, but it didn't escape you.
You mentally noted to be cautious around the tired-looking teacher. He might just be the first to catch on to your act. Offering a polite bow, you replied with a sugary-sweet voice, "Of course, Aizawa-sensei. I'll be on my best behavior." Turning away, you began walking down the aisle, a playful smile still plastered on your face.
Internally, however, your smile faltered.
Aizawa's suspicion was a wrinkle in your otherwise perfect plan. You'd need to tread carefully, to maintain your facade of the friendly, eager student while subtly probing for information. This unexpected hurdle only made the challenge more exciting.
A silent thrill coursed through you. You thrived on challenges, and Aizawa's suspicion just added another layer of intrigue to the upcoming trip to U.S.J.
The bus rumbled to life, carrying you and Class 1-A towards their unknown destination. Surprisingly, the atmosphere was subdued. Gone were the throngs of curious classmates eager to bombard you with questions. Instead, a tense silence hung in the air. You suspected Bakugo had something to do with it.
The moment Aizawa dismissed you to find a seat, Bakugo had taken charge, kicking his classmate Jiro out of the seat next to him with a booming "Move it, Earphones!" before gesturing curtly for you to sit. You complied readily, taking note of the simmering tension emanating from the blonde.
The subdued chatter from the rest of the class proved to be a goldmine of information. You listened intently as they discussed their Quirks, their hopes, and their anxieties. It was like eavesdropping on a live episode of a hero reality show, and you were enthralled. Right now, the group was discussing each other's Quirks.
"...Bakugo's always angry, so he'll never be that popular."
Bakugo tensed visibly, his grip tightening on the armrest, a low growl rumbling from his chest. Before he could even take time to a moment to seethe and take up for himself, another voice cut through the tension. It was the boy you remembered rescuing at the physical entrance exam—Kaminari. "Y'know, we basically just met you and haven't known each other that long. So it's amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap steeped in sewage."
Bakugo's entire body seemed to vibrate with rage. The smell of caramel, a telltale sign of his Quirk activating, grew stronger. Veins bulged on his neck, and his crimson eyes burned with fury. "What's with that vocabulary, bastard?! I'll kill you!"
Tuning out the ensuing argument, you found your gaze drifting across the bus. Your eyes met familiar ones—black sclerae framing bright yellow irises.
It was the pink girl from the U.A. entrance exam.
A smirk played on your lips as you recalled how easily you'd flustered her. A simple brush of your finger against her cheek had sent her brain into a delightful overload, causing her to screech and flee.
Catching your gaze, her already pink cheeks flushed an even darker, vibrant pink. She bounced nervously in her seat, clearly battling an internal struggle of wanting to talk to you. You accentuated the invitation with a playful smile, tilting your head slightly.
That was all it took.
In a flash of pink lightning, she was hurtling towards you. She squeezed between you and Bakugo, effectively shoving the blonde further into the window and creating a comfortable space for her. Bakugo let out an enraged bark, "Mina!" but she completely ignored him.
Mina practically vibrated with excitement as she stared up at you. "Hi!" she chirped, her grin so bright it could rival the sun. "I'm Ashido Mina, but you can call me Mina!"
Bubbling over with enthusiasm, she launched into a tirade about Bakugo. "He's so mean!" she declared, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Always keeping you all to himself, acting all mysterious. What gives, right?"
For the next ten minutes, Mina became a human hurricane of questions and chatter. Every topic seemed to revolve around you, a whirlwind of curiosity about your life, your connection to Bakugo, and everything in between.
Just as she leaned, her voice filled with curiosity, "So, what's your Quirk?" a hush fell over the bus. Even those who had seemingly been engrossed in their own conversations suddenly perked up, their ears straining to catch your response.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Midoriya, quickly fumbling to pull out his phone. You knew exactly what he was doing—taking notes on your Quirk, weaknesses, anything you might reveal.
After all, throughout your middle school years, you'd kept your Quirk a closely guarded secret. The only one privy to its true nature was Bakugo. But Midoriya, with his analytical mind, probably believed it must be powerful enough to earn Bakugo's begrudging respect.
Bakugo, barked at Mina. "Mind your damn business, Pinky!" His voice crackling with irritation that anyone would dare try to get closer to you.
"It's alright, Bakugo," you said in a sugary-sweet tone. "A little curiosity never hurt anyone, right?" A pointed look in his direction effectively silenced any further protests.
Turning back to Mina, a mischievous glint dancing in your eyes, you leaned in conspiratorially. Your voice dropped to a whisper, sending shivers down the girl's spine. "Well,I can't exactly tell you everything. After all, our classes are a bit... competitive, wouldn't you say?" you purred, leaving the implication hanging heavy in the air. "But what I will say is that it's very mind-blowing."
Just as you finished your cryptic sentence, the bus lurched to a halt. Aizawa's tired voice echoed through the bus. "Alright, everyone out. Time for your little observation session at U.S.J." The bus doors hissed open, revealing a sprawling complex bathed in the warm afternoon sun.
The spell was broken. The students, momentarily captivated by your words, scrambled out of their seats, their curiosity momentarily forgotten in the face of the unknown that awaited them.
"Hello, everyone! I've been waiting for you!" A voice suddenly boomed as you all were exiting the bus.
Looking over, you spot a towering figure clad in a spacesuit-inspired hero costume, bouncing over with an enthusiasm that rivaled a sugar high.
A familiar voice piped up from beside you. "It's the Space Hero, Thirteen! The chivalrous pro who's rescued a ton of people from disasters across the world!" Izuku practically vibrated with excitement.
"Woo-hoo! Thirteen is so awesome! She's one of my favorite heroes!" Uraraka, a girl with a brown bob and pink round circles on her cheeks chime in, pumping her fist in the air.
Thirteen, used to the fanatic excitement, gestured grandly towards the building behind them. "I can't wait to show you what's inside!"
The students erupted in a chorus of awes and excited chatter. You, however, remained detached, observing the scene with a practiced cool. This "training facility" felt more like a glorified amusement park.
Inside, the building was a kaleidoscope of zones—a shipwreck, a landslide, a fire simulation—all meticulously crafted to resemble real-world disaster scenarios. A collective gasp rippled through the group as they took it all in.
"Holy smokes! It looks like some kind of amusement park!" Kirishima, a redheaded boy with a rather impressive physique for you guys age, pointed at the complex with wide eyes; his muscles straining against his hero uniform.
"A shipwreck," Thirteen boomed, "a landslide, a fire, a windstorm... and so on! I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the Unforseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short!"
A few students muttered comparisons to Universal Studios Japan under their breath. You smirked, unsurprised by the uninspired name.
As Thirteen continued her introductory speech, Aizawa sauntered in, his usual stoic expression etched on his face. He stopped beside Thirteen, a brief conversation passing between them that only served to deepen the furrow on his brow.
As the two adults talked, a smart part of you wanted to eavesdrops and see what it was, but ultimately decided against it; it's not like you'll actually learn something from it.
"That man is the height of irresponsibility," Aizawa sighed, shaking his head before glancing back at the students. "The clock's ticking. We should get started." He moved aside, clearing the way for Thirteen's grand demonstration.
Thirteen raised a hand, her voice booming once more. "Excellent! Before we begin, let me just say one thing... well, maybe two things. Possibly three, four, or..." she trailed off, earning a collective sweatdrop from the student body.
As Thirteen expounded on the power and potential dangers of their quirks, emphasizing the importance of responsible quirk usage and the true essence of heroism, you found yourself stifling a yawn as your mind wandered.
Yes, quirks could be used for destruction as well as heroism, it's practically common sense, yet here you all were.
Honestly, with so many rules put in place, you couldn't help but feel like being a villain seemed like a much less tedious career choice.
Just as Thirteen finished her speech with a dramatic bow, a sudden plunge into darkness sent shivers down everyone's spine.
A dark purple mist-like portal materialized in the center of the plaza, the swirling vortex pulsating with an unnatural light. Then, figures began to emerge, their forms obscured by the shadows cast by the portal.
A collective gasp rippled through the group of students. Confusion morphed into fear as the students buzzed with questions. Kirishima leaned forward, peering curiously at the portal. "Woah, what is that thing? Some surprise training exercise? High-tech villain simulation?" he asked. "Wait, has the training started already?"
The word echoed in your head, a foreign concept whispered in hushed tones but never truly experienced.
Ever since you woke up in this quirk-infested world, heroes were all you'd ever known. Sure, you'd seen countless reports of villains being apprehended and brought to justice, dramatic displays of power broadcasted on every news channel. But to see them here, in person, was an entirely different experience.
Your mind raced, sifting through the possibilities. A villain attack during a training exercise? Either a brilliant diversion or an incredibly reckless gamble.
Aizawa's eyes widened as the portal began to spew forth figures clad in villainous attire. "Stay back and together! Don't move!" he barked, his voice tight with urgency as he yanked on his goggles, his gaze hardening as it landed on the approaching villains. "Thirteen! Protect the students!"
Aizawa's pronouncement hung heavy in the air, shattering the atmosphere like a dropped glass.
Your focus shifted to the pro-hero. His reaction confirmed your suspicions—this was no simulation. These were real villains, a fact driven home by Aizawa's harsh glare directed at the figures emerging from the portal.
These were the outcasts, the rule breakers—the very antithesis of the heroes you'd grown accustomed to observing.
A thrill, a subtle current of excitement, snaked its way through you. This wasn't part of the plan. This was chaos, a disruption to the established order—a wrinkle thrown into the carefully constructed tapestry of your "observation session."
The portal began shrinking as all the villains—except two—spread out to the different zones. One was a large, hulking, muscular figure with skin like polished onyx, etched with a roadmap of jagged scars and an exposed brain. The other, a lanky figure with grayish-blue hair, covered in dry patches and old scars marring his pale skin; fourteen embalmed hands were strategically placed to cling to his body.
The mist-portal soon coalesced into a head with two glowing gold eyes. "Thirteen... and Eraser Head, huh? The teacher's schedule we received the other day...said that All Might was also supposed to be here." The mist spoke, a hint of amusement in his raspy voice.
A nervous tremor ran through the crowd. Your gaze, usually veiled with practiced indifference, sharpened as it flickered between the approaching villains and the faces of the students of 1-A, now etched with a mixture of fear and confusion. You subtly observed the students, gauging their reactions.
You couldn't help but smirk internally. This unexpected turn of events was far more interesting than any pre-planned exercise.
A genuine villain attack would provide a much clearer picture of Class 1-A's strengths, weaknesses, and most importantly, how they worked together under pressure.
This was exactly the kind of chaos you thrived in.
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***le gasp, villians!?
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pocketramblr · 6 months
If the ask game is still going, how about an au where Aizawa is actually a time traveling Eri who is trying to prevent the current chapters of the manga from happening?
Absolutely fascinated by the implications of this. "girls who become their fathers" to a new level.
1- Eri lives in a small cabin in the woods with her adopted father. Sometimes, she gets visitors. Mizushima makes sure they have clean water delivered. Tenya sometimes brings people to her to heal. Yamada brings news around to the encampments of survivors. But most days it's quiet. Eri has clothes, but as she gets older she finds she really doesn't like the sweet dresses picked by the nurses. They make her feel like a doll. The bright fun clothes her father got her, for a show that doesn't play anymore, is alright. Comfy. But so are the plain dark hand me downs. The boys clothes. Shouta cuts her hair over the sink.
2- Most days are quiet, calm. Shouta braids their hair, reads them books, tries to cook. But some days, the quiet is not calm. It is plans, whispered back and forth. Shouta them more than the others, the child knows. Rational deception. It would make Deku sad. But Deku isn't here anymore, he's sleeping and won't wake up, like their grandfather won't. But there a plan.
3- And then it's time for the plan. He's thirteen. He leaves the cabin with Shouta for the last time. They go to the place with the machine, and the child gets a shot. Momo says that he'll be able to handle a second quirk, abilities carefully copied from samples from Shouta, Deku, and Monoma. The child's eyes begin to burn. Shouta presses a bottle of eye drops into his hand and a brief kiss to his forehead, on the other side of the tall curving horn. The child will wear it down to a nub as he powers the machine far enough, and crashes to the floor of Nedzu's office over two decades earlier.
4- The boy gives Nedzu some answers, and lets him puzzle out the others. Nedzu, in return, gives him documents. Officially, he's now Aizawa Shouta. He leaves, and will return later as a UA student determined to focus on preventing a full scale collapse of society as they know it. The messy hair hides the nub of his horn when it's down, and the movement of floating up around it usually covers it then too, but he's careful to use Rewind enough to keep it low and avoid detection. It's absolutely necessary to keep AfO from discovering his quirk in this time- he knows that is part of why his father cut off his own leg and let it go, because the other way to negate the effect of the bullet would have revealed the second quirk hiding behind Erasure, which is desired enough. The cats around his apartment are very healthy, and he secretly thinks it very amusing to watch the younger versions of the teachers he knows. But Shirakumo is different, totally new. He reminds him of Deku and Lemillion both, and he's suddenly dragged into friendship not just with Shirakumo, but the others too.
5- Back in the left-behind-future, Yamada mutters that the kid looked just like...
"Cuz he is." The 38-year-old Aizawa admits. "But it's not a stable loop. Every time, things go better. We'll get it right, eventually."
Yamada closes his eyes.
"You never tell me?"
"I don't know, only that I didn't. He might."
Yaoyorozu looks over from where she's memorizing the formulas before they destroy the lab.
"What is it?" She asks.
"Nothing. Is it safe to move Midoriya yet?"
"Yes. Iida's in charge of that. I... We'll wake him up, soon."
Aizawa hums, and looks over to Yamada. He hopes they can wake him up, one day. And he hopes one day, the child will tell his friends the truth.
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chatterbox-73 · 2 years
Simptember 2022.
Day 4 - Detention.
Tenya iida x fem!Reader
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This story is a smut story for simptember, I’ll be writing more characters x reader one shots for simptember and if you want to see a character please let me know...
You must be 18 years or older to read this...
A/N: I’m so sorry this is so short be unfortunately I had some work and home issues… and because of this I won’t be able to post tomorrow. Thank you for being patient.
Summary: iida gets quite angry with your mischief and does something he instantly regrets.
Word count: 800
CW: NSFW and adult content, spanking, oral f!receiving, arguing, slightly toxic relationships (now that I’m rereading), edging, orgasm denial.
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You tapped your pencil against your desk as you watched Snipe Sensei read over some papers, you were currently in detention because you had tired to glue Mineta to his desk… however you failed and ended up gluing your class rep’s hand to your butt, it was quite difficult to explain this one away when Aizawa Sensei walked into the classroom to find both of you disheveled and struggling to pull away from each other, he told you both you’d have detention for the rest of the week and you both had a very awkward conversation with recovery girl about safe sex.
You and Tenya had been going out since middle school and friends long before that, however only now that the both of you were just about to graduate did you and iida start taking the initiative to get physical. Iida is quite a proper gentleman but all that changes… mostly… when it’s just the two of you, for instance the most Iida will do with/to you when others are around is hold your hand, but when it’s just the two of you he’ll find anyway to get himself all over, and today was no different however this resulted in his hand getting stuck to the backside of your skirt. Iida questioned how he could get stuck to you and why you had glue, which you explained you were trying to glue Mineta to his desk, Iida didn’t find this so amusing and made it quite known.
You lay down on Tenya’s bed with your legs over his shoulder, you moaned as he had been licking and sucking on your cunt for an hour, rather then doing homework with you like he promised he would. You ran your fingers through his nicely groomed hair as you felt his tongue enter you before his arm wrapped around your thighs, “Tenya… I’m almost… there” you whined and wiggled your hips as you were close to cumming for the 5th time this past hour, however like the other time as you got closer to releasing your boyfriend would pull away from you. You cried out as you felt another orgasm quickly slip away from you, “please Tenya!” You sobbed and your boyfriend chuckled at your poor attempt to pull him back, “no I don’t think I will” he whispered as he leaned into your face and kissed your lips, before standing to his feet. “What… why are you? We haven’t finished” you stood up quickly and grabbed Iida’s hand, the man pulled away and grabbed your upper arm, “you don’t understand how furious I am with you” he whispered in a calm tone, a tone so calm that if he hadn’t had a death grip on your arm you’d think he wasn’t serious, “furious… why are you furious?” You frowned before Iida pulled you back down onto the bed this time sitting you on his lap, “you were being mischievous and you pulled my into it… now I have detention because of it” he grabbed a hand full of your hair, “I didn’t asked you to rub your hand all over his desk chair and then start feeling me up” you pouted and looked away from him, Iida’s grip on your hair tightened and he pulled your head to look back at him, “you didn’t even think to tell me!” He growled and you winced at the ache on your scalp, “how can I when your tongue is down my throat?… I’m sorry but this was also your fault too” you frown. You suddenly feel he move you, so that your now bent over his lap, “you shouldn’t have been playing with glue, you take this punishment well and I’ll let you ride me tonight” he hummed as his hand rubbed you bare ass, you nodded and felt his hand raised.
There was a harsh smack and your muffled sob, “good girl… a few more… this ones gonna be a big one” he raised his hand and brought it down quick and hard, the loud smack that followed echoed through the room and the pain that followed sent tears down your face and sobs, Iida quickly pulled you into his arms and hugged you as he whispered how sorry he was for hurting you. You slowly bounce yourself on his member as you sat on Iida’s lap with your head on his shoulder while he rubbed your back, he whispered how beautiful you are and how good you feel as you breath in his scent, you and iida spent the rest of the night like that.
The next morning you had great difficulties sitting at the breakfast table and you decided that maybe you’d tried to glue someone else to their desk.
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Simptemper masterlist (Coming soon)
Day 3 - Heat Wave:Keigo Takami
Day 5 - Daddy’s girl: Kenny Ackerman
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Tenya Iida X Shy Female Reader
You were three seconds from slamming your head against the desk. Repeatedly. The only force of nature that prevented you from doing just that was that you didn’t want Iida to start yelling at you in his weird concerned robotic way. That would be very embarrassing, and you weren’t sure if your heart can take that right now. Not when you were focused on Aizawa. Hell no.
“Use the rest of the time as a study period. When the bell rings you are dismissed. Do not wake me up.” With that said he crawled back into his yellow sleeping bag covering everything except his mouth. He reminded you of a caterpillar but, you kept those thoughts to yourself for now until you got around to telling Eri about your new discovery.
“Hey, L/N-chan can you help me with English pleeeeeaaassseeeee.” You turned to look at Kaminari who was begging you with big glossy eyes and honestly it was your weakness. Who were you to deny him right?
“O-of c-course, Kaminari-kun.” He beamed at you moving his desk over to yours and placing the papers across yours.
“It’s not good to always beg. L/N-chan has her own work to do and she cannot cater to your every whim.” You both turned surprised to look at Iida. He was naturally loud without trying but, this even surprised you.
“It’s o-okay Iida-k-kun. I don’t mind helping h-him out a-and besides English is e-easy for me.” You hoped that was enough to placate him. He stared at the two of you for a few more seconds before he turned completely and began to discuss with Deku and Ochako. You shrugged your shoulders turning back to Kaminari and spending the last twenty minutes of class helping him with his English. The bell rang and after hugging you turning you red in the face he went to his group of friends. You packed up your stuff waiting for your friends aka the Deku-squad. Once they were ready you walked in front with Ochako and Deku listening to them with Iida, Todoroki, and Tsu in the back. You weren’t really listening to what they were saying cause if you did you would have fainted.
“When are you going to tell her?” Iida almost choked on his water when Todoroki asked him that
“Why would I tell her?” This was absurd! There was no way he was going to express his feelings for you. No way, no way. You were already jittery around him and he doubted very seriously that you liked him that way.
“Because you have a crush on her, and I am pretty sure that she likes you back.” Now he loved Tsuyu he really did but, right now? She was talking out of her ass. Not that he was going to explicitly say it like that now.
“How can you be sure that she likes me back? For all you know she likes Kaminari.” That earned a facepalm from her and a snort from Todoroki. He felt offended that they found what he thought amusing “What’s so funny?”
“Kaminari is gay for Sero.” He halted in his tracks for a second before resuming his walk. Since when was he gay? Are they telling him the truth? He squinted at Todoroki just to make sure he wasn’t joking or playing around with this and when he didn’t get that vibe, he let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding.
“I was not even aware that he was gay. At least I know that I don’t have to worry about him, right?” He wasn’t one to get all frazzled over feelings and girls but, you were the first girl he ever had a crush on. It was weird for him to even look at a girl like that, hell he never thought he would find one considering how weird he was.
“No, you don’t all you have to work on is actually talking to the girl and possibly asking her out.” That’s when rational left his brain and it took all his willpower not to shriek in the middle of the hallway. Why was it taking so long to get to the lunchroom anyway?
“Talking I can do, but actually asking her out? You must want me to make a fool of myself.” He was not confident in that department and they wanted him to ask you out. The robot of the class? Mr. stick up his ass? Right.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit Tenya-kun. You’re smart and you’re really kind.” He just looked at her cause clearly Tsu saw something in him that he didn’t.
“She’s telling the truth. All you can do is try. I doubt nothing bad is going to happen but, in case it does you got us to cheer you up.” He frowned at what Shoto said but then again at the same time it was the truth. There were only two directions this was going to go in and only one way to find out.
“Fine but if shit hits the fan, I want three gallons of orange juice.” That earned a chuckle which was more than enough to calm his rattled nerves. With determination and purpose, he marched on ahead straight to the lunch line. You were standing directly in front of him close enough that he can smell your vanilla honey perfume and your fruity shampoo. Honestly, you smelled like a fruit cocktail and he beat down the urge to run his hand through your hair.
“Iida-kun, do you mind sitting next to L/N-chan today? I have to work on something with Deku.” You and he both froze looking at each other before looking back at Ochako who had a glint in her eye but, waited patiently for him to answer.
“As long as L/N-chan doesn’t mind.” He looked down at you while you were stuck between fainting, melting, or beating Ochako to a pulp. You decided to do none of the above and with a red face turned to Iida
“I don’t m-m-mind.” Curse your stutter, curse your crush, and curse Ochako. Maybe you should study witchcraft to cast a spell on her or make a voodoo doll. Both sounded appealing to you. After you got your lunch all split up and you were now sitting at a table alone with Iida. He sat across from you stiffly and the air was now awkward. At least to you, it was maybe he felt fine
“I’m sorry if this sudden arrangement made you uncomfortable.” You looked up at him confused as to why he would think that. Maybe it was just you making everything awkward?
“N-no! It’s fine really. I like t-talking with you. You’re r-really sweet and smart and so s-strong.” You were rambling at this point but, you couldn’t stop so you kept it going no matter how embarrassed you were feeling now. You stopped and saw his face matched yours as he coughed into his fist.
“W-well it’s a good thing the feeling is mutual.” He was looking off to the side and just as you were about to respond he beat you to it “I like you a lot L/N-Chan. Todoroki convinced me to tell you my feelings. If you like me the same way you can g-grab my hand or if you don’t I can just l-leave.” Usually, he was classy but, he was stuttering and looked like he was ready to bolt now. Before he got any ideas you grabbed his hand and he looked at you in surprise. You gave him a tentative smile squeezing his hand before looking back down at your lunch. He was stiff at first but let out a huff squeezing your hand in return. That’s how the two of you spent the rest of the lunch period. Talking softly here and there while still holding each other’s hands.
Iida is awkward and you cannot tell me otherwise
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dekusheroacademia · 1 year
Heroes Rising novel translation (7/7)
Last two scenes! I translated the scene where the heroes arrive to help the kids, as in the movie it was just a music sequence without dialogue. And then I translated Katsuma and Mahoro's goodbyes to Bakugou and Deku
part 1 here - part 2 here - part 3 here - part 4 here - part 5 here - part 6 here
Scene 10 (Aizawa and other heroes arrive to the island, just after the fight. I mainly wanted to translate Shouto and Endeavor)
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After the battle, help arrived in every side of the island. They removed the rocks from the cave where the citizens had found safety. Sato and the others, who had been waiting to see if a villain was about to attack, were quite relieved to see Aizawa, who had arrived with Uwabami and other pro Heroes. The citizens cheered joyfully when they understood they were being saved. And Aizawa turned to speak with Sato, Koda and Hagakure.
"You hold your position well, kids."
"P-professor!!" the three teens yelled, for a moment returning to their youthful students persona, and throwing themselves to hug their teacher, without even realizing. 
On the mountain, Yaoyorozu and Aoyama were rescued by the Defence Forces. 
"I could not stop twinkling and shitting my pants!"
Yaoyorozu smiled at Aoyama, who was holding his belly and was showing her a sign of victory with his fingers. There was a serene calm atmosphere between them, after having fought together at the first checkpoint.
"Shoutoooo! I am happy to find you safe and sound!"
In the waterfall area, Endeavor let out a scream of relief, picking up the son just found, to warm him up. 
"Put me down."
Another yell overpowered Todoroki's voice who, uncomfortable, and witha  frown on his face, seemed even too warm now. Iida, Kirishima and Tsuyu watched with amusement the confrontation between the hot headed father and the icy son, while Endeavor's sidekicks tended to their wounds. 
Tokoyami and Ashido had been saved from the underground cave, but the girl was on a stretcher because of the wounds in her leg. She smiled at Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, who were both escoring her, with worry.
"Thank you."
Dark Shadow was quite happy when she petted him on the head, and then the two turned towards Tokoyami and gave him a thumb up, as if to show him that there was nothing to worry about. The teen nodded, to thank them for their kindness. 
"Ohh, you are really down and out."
"You too, no joking."
At the rocky area, Sero and Kaminari were being rescued by the military too, and they fist bumped to congratulate each others on their successful endeavor. Nearby, Ochako was being helped by Ryukyu, who had her in her arms. Ochako was also relieved, but felt guilty at the same time.
"I-I am sorry... but thank you."
"Don't worry about it," the woman replied, with a kind smile. Ochako also smiled, while behind her Mineta was grinning with beatitude, in the arms of a beautiful female pro Heroes.
"Ahh... now I can even die..."
The hero frowned, confused by what the teen was saying, now that he was being rescued and was safe. 
Among the ruins of the castle, rescue arrived for Jirou, Ojiro and Shoji too.
"Thank you! Heroes!" Katsuma and Mahoro thanked them with all their voice, waving their hands, and the three teens answered with a smile. Shoji was being carried away on a wheelchair, but thanks to the child's healing powers his wounds were quite better now.
Mummy, already detained under the sugar factory, was arrested, alongside Slice and Chimera. Police took them away without troubles. Looking at what was happening, Hawks frowned, full of suspicion. "What are your intentions, Tomura Shigaraki?" 
Scene 11 (Mahoro and Katsuma's goodbyes, last scene of the novel)
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Katsuma and Mahoro were running towards the ship. Noticing the absence of Izuku and Bakugou, they had asked their father to drive them and they had run to say their goodbyes.
"Big brother Deku!"
Even the others noticed them and started to wave their hands.
"You protected..."
"... the people of the island!"
"Thank you for everything!" the two children both screamed together.
The Class 1A students' smiles got even bigger for the gratitute of the two siblings, which was the gratitutde of the whole population of the island. It was the proof that they really managed to act as heroes.
While running, Katsuma noticed Izuku and Bakugou, and he yelled: "Big brother Deku, I will become the strongest! So strong that I will be able to protect my dad and my sister! And I will surely become a great hero like you and Bakugou!"
Izuku's face lit up with joy: yes, now he knew that the message had arrived. His eyes were getting teary, but he did everything he could to resist and instead he smiled. Near him, Bakugou was also smiling, apparently not as annoyed like he was trying to pretend he was.
"Do not forget those words, you damn brat."
At that point, Izuku took a deep breath and he screamed with all he could: "Katsuma! You... you can become a hero!"
At those words, the child's eyes widened and he even forgot how to breath. The light of those words, which were being said by the hero he loved the most and respected the most... they lit up his small world, for a second. A dream was born.
"I will wait for you at UA!"
Izuku waved his hand, smiling. Even Bakugou gave him a small wave of goodbye. Mahoro was vigurously waving her arms in answer, and at her side, Katsuma looked at the ship getting smaller and smaller.
In that moment, a dream that had been kept in his heart became a new goal. A smile flourished on the kid's face, his chest filling with hopes and expectations for his future. The same feelings that filled the chest of the hero he admired so much.
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tesalicious2 · 1 year
So, I was thinking about how in the manga, Horikoshi drew Spider-Man in the first few chapters. Meaning that it is possible for the DC heroes to exist.
My headcanons/ideas for a crossover and some things that would happen in no particular order:
Dick and Jason go to Japan for a case and it ends early, so Nezu yoinks them away for a few lessons
Aizawa was not amused and Vlad was skeptical
When each Class was told the news, most didn’t really care or know who they were. Midpriya and Pony were freaking out tho.
Both are hardcore fans, pony cause she grew up with them in America and Izuku cause he’s a nerd and admires their detective skills
When they show up, it’s in civvies with their masks on (for this, Jason wears his Red Hood from Arkham Knight outfit (its my favorite version and I love it so much))
So, they’re wearing jeans and Dick’s on a nice flannel bc while Jason is in a r red hoodie that is big on purpose (they’re both drama queens Abs want the dramatic reveal so looser clothes it is)
Pony is their guide since she speaks Rnglish and knows them, sorta acts as a translator
Jason is fluent in Japanese and Dick is passable so they don’t really need a translator but Pony looked really excited
When they first walked out on the training ground in their costumes, they were very excited. Dick loves to teach and Jason loves to knock egos down
Vlad and Aizawa notice some of the kids being too cocky, mostly because they did research and found none of the bats had quirks (except my precious signal, we love him here)
So, first round Jason goes again Bakugou, Kamikiri, Bondo, and Iida. The four kids are on the field and Jason is about to walk up when Dick holds out his hands
Jason sighs and is like ‘noooooo, let me shoot them.’ Pony finds this hilarious, Dick not so much.
Instead of just handing over the guns (we’ve established that Jason is a drama queen), Jason quickly disassembles and hands Dick the freaking barrels
So Jason onto the field, doesn’t do anything like pull out his sword (oh yeah, this is the version with the two katanas, i adore it), and is like, ‘come at me bitch’
Less than a minute later all four are out of bounds and lose. Aizawa is like, nah again but no out of bound bs, actually fight them
So, Jason in two minutes (a minute too long I know dickhead) gives each a minor concussion and almost knocks them out before Aizawa is like chill
Ojiro and Sen (the two best martial artists) have a blast learning from Dick and sparring with Jason, they’re probably the only ones tho since the bats go hard
So, at the end the students want to see them fight each other, bc why not
Jason and Dick don’t hold back, Dick has a blood nose and Jason has a concussion but ‘we’re fine! This happens all the time!’
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Random thought time:
-I don’t typically like fics where anyone other then Izuku is gender bent because I’m my experience it becomes this weird sort of… bleh mess that doesn’t stay true to the characters.
For example: fics where Todoroki is turned female give me weird vibes a lot (not all but some) because they make her less Shouto and more ‘ice Queen girlfriend who is emotionally intelligent and super smart’ when in reality Shouto is an emotionally dense wall. Not dumb (defiantly not as often shown in fanfic) but he’s not that smart about emotional or social stuff. By removing that you remove a huge part of his character. And sure different socialization but let’s be real: I can still see Endevaour moulding Fem!Shouto into his successor especially if Rei can’t have more kids. (Headcanon but yeah) so her experiences are mostly the same.
Other examples include just… they like make the characters so off in my head it’s hard to read. Like I read a Fem Kirishima where she was all long hair and giggles and I’m like: Fem!Kiri is the biggest ducking himbo in the world who is jacked as fuck and has her short spiky hair still. That’s Kirishima.
- I’m still salty about the ‘this character is bisexual with a harem but only has the opposite gender in the harem’ shit.
- I find myself not giving a fuck about Tsu more and more but I’m reminding myself it’s cause of fanfics and that I need to research shit to get back to liking her. I still don’t like Izu/Ocha/Tsu though and never will.
- I have come to the conclusion I will refuse to make Iida, All Might or Izuku a bad person in fics because they get enough shit and I love them.
- I really want to write a story with an older sister for Izuku who ends up raising him cause I’m giggling over the idea.
- I hate time travel in the sense of ‘we can go back in time but cannot interact with anyone due to paradox’. I like it as in ‘the world ended so fuck it. Let’s go back and try again’.
- I find myself wishing I’d not had Inko be a bad person in POTSOD, but I don’t fully mind cause I like writing Dadzawa.
- I sometimes wish to try and write out Raising Kacchan but fuuuuuuck I don’t wanna deal with Stan’s finding it and then my other shit.
- I am very annoyed each time I see a tiktok whining about genderbends. Yes, some suck. Others though are fucking amazing as they observe shit.
-I had Shinsou/Jirou ONCE and now my brain keeps poking it with a stick.
- I refuse to write ShinKami anymore because I can’t stop just seeing smaller EraserMic and it feels so cheap to do it because fan authors literally make it the whole thing that it’s the second coming and fuuuuuck it’s boring.
- Ms Joke’s flirting should be treated like how Mineta flirts as Aizawa does not seem to be amused by it, and his reaction to her showing up is oh shit, not ‘oh yes!’
- I wanna write a one sided crush for Aphrodite Rising that ends very badly as in scorched earth who isn’t someone anyone expects because I wanna make it hurt and really examine how toxic views on things can affect anyone and sometimes you don’t realize how toxic they are until it’s staring you in the face.
- Any fic that has any character other then Izuku be Quirkless (Uraraka, Shout, Bakugou and so on) should be avoided in my mind because half the time it’s a thin excuse to bash Izuku and the other it’s just dumb. Write him getting into the hero course!!
- I still believe the best character arc for Bakugou is for him to never rise about the mid rankings as this shows he will accept it’s not a competition and that heroics should be about saving people not beating them.
- I would have 90% less of an issue with Bakuhou is it wasn’t for the idea that Izuku HAS to be his friend after.
- I have ranted about the above before.
- … I have in fact read some B@kuDe€u fics that weren’t bad, but like that’s a rare fucking find that doesn’t have Izuku be a freaking doormat that just smiles and nods at the shit that Bakugou pulls.
- I got called a hypocrite a while back on POTSOD and I think it was about Bakugou and you know what? Fuck it. Fine, call me that. I’ll admit it. Will anyone else admit they’re one to for stabbing the fuck out of him while screaming about Endevaour?
- speaking on that the more I think about it the more I’m like: I might… kind… maybe… sorta… don’t mind his redemption arc because while I firmly think the message you must always forgive your abuser is a shitty one I do know that at least he is trying. I just think it’s a bit to little to late but he acknowledges that at least in some cases.
- someone said they hate Magne because people only like her as she’s trans and they ignore Toger and stuff. They were also giving off mad homophobic and transphobic vibes with their shit though but… fucking hell they had a point and I hate it. Magne’s character is so flat that… yeah. That’s a fucking point for a lot of her love. (Not that it’s wrong or anything but where is the Tiger love?)
- I plan on redemption arcs for Toga in a few fics but I’ll be blunt they are not what people normally expect.
- I love asshole Dabi but I do enjoy my ‘he’s a good brother’ fics it’s just asshole Dabi is more fun to write. Maybe I’ll try one day to write it but until then… yeah.
- I’ve warmed up to TodoDeku and UraDeku more but I still stand by the idea that Iida often gets forgotten and he should be around way more. I see to many fics replace him with Todoroki and it kind of made me salty about the platonic friendship between Todo and Izuku. Why are you replacing Iida?!
- JiroMomo has reached a similar state as UraTsu to me: I find it stale because it’s often used in fics as a background pairing and sure they’re friends but there’s the ‘get the girls out of the way’ vibe mixed with ‘yeah they’re friends but… can I personally see chemistry!?’
- it is after midnight and I think my laundry is done after my giant ass purge/clean today so good night. Send me asks about this shit to if you want
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mitchywitchythings · 2 years
To Risk Or Not To Risk?
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Summary: What happens when you leave a bunch of teenagers in a summer camp at an island? Not to mention that there’s something suspicious going on in that island. Chaos. Chaos is what happens.
Warnings: No Quirk AU, Cannibalism, Violence, Language, Angst?
Paring: Todoroki Shoto X Fem! Reader
Word count: 3,704 Words
Chapter 7 : What’s Life Without A Little Risk? | Series Masterlist
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Day 1 Activities for Camp
It was 3:30 in the afternoon, in the morning it was extremely wet and cold, now in the afternoon, it was so hot and dry. ‘Fuck you weather! You’re going to give me a headache with all your bullshit!’ Currently, my class is hanging out at the shooting range.
The 2 umbrella soldiers that I saw just this morning, who were guarding this area weren’t anywhere to be found. Aizawa-sensei said that they were called somewhere or something along those lines.
For some odd reason, sensei didn’t at all care whilst he watched us try to hit some of the targets with BB guns or paintball guns. Usually, he’d scold us and let us do a safer activity. The heat must be getting to him, he may be already sick.
‘Let’s just not question it. We don’t usually get to have this much fun.’ I thought to myself mischievously, watching Kaminari trying to show off to the girls how to properly use a paintball gun when in fact he didn’t even know how to properly use it himself, Iida being so uptight was currently in the process of reprimanding him.
“C’mon Iida-kun! Don’t be such a killjoy! We’re just having fun and don’t worry the gun’s safety pin is on.” I spoke in a sing-song voice, draping one arm around his shoulders.
“It is still not proper! We shouldn’t even be here! Kaminari, stop that! You’re going to take someone’s eye out!”
Pushing off my arm from his shoulders, he marched toward the blonde boy, grabbing the gun from the boy’s hand, he began to scold and reprimand him. Kaminari in turn began to protest, saying things like, I wasn’t doing anything wrong.
“Sensei! Will you please let the class know that it isn’t okay for them to be using guns!” Iida on the verge of ripping his hair out in frustration called out desperately.
Sensei from out of nowhere pulled out his favorite yellow sleeping bag and jumped into it, “Do whatever you want, just don’t bother me, be careful and don’t kill yourselves or injure your peers. I’m going to sleep.”
“See, even sensei’s fine with it!” Mina backed up Kaminari
I now sat beside Shoto, leaning against a tree, reading some manga. We weren’t that far from everyone else, but far enough that their screams could be easily tuned out. Even if it was hot, I leaned my body onto his and laid my head on his.
He didn’t seem to mind it though since he didn’t complain or anything, instead he hummed a nameless tune. Glancing at the book he was reading for a second, I became amused. Usually one would think that he reads classical literature and certainly not manga.
“Are you sure you’re alright, love?” My eyes drifted into his, my breath hitching at how intensely he was looking at me in concern.
“Y-Yeah. Of course, I’m alright, what gives you the idea that I’m not?” Looking away, I cursed myself internally for stuttering
“You have been acting strange ever since this trip, starting from the boat. If it’s about your past, I completely understand. Don’t ever feel guilty about it.” Closing his book and letting it rest on his lap, he placed his right hand over my cheek, forcing me to look at him.
Sighing defeatedly, I began to confess as there was no point in hiding my true feelings from him, “I should tell you about it, it’s important and it could affect our future. But I know that I’m not ready to tell you… I’m scared of it honestly. I’m scared… That you’ll hate me for it…”
His eyes widened slightly in surprise then reverted to his calm expression because he knew he needed to be strong for me, “Oh, love…” Pausing for a second trying to find the correct words, “Your past is in the past, we can’t do anything to change that. I accept you as you’ve accepted me and that includes all the good and bad. Whatever your past is, we’ll figure it out together like we always do. I’ll be by your side through thick and thin. So I will never hate you for your past.” He finished, his voice a bit breathy as though he, himself wasn’t sure whether his words were right or not.
Staying quiet for a while, hesitant about my next moves and words, “… Thank you, you don’t know how much I’m grateful for those words…”
In truth, I was extremely grateful of course, for his kind words. I just couldn’t find it in myself for those words to become fulfilling, satisfying, or better yet enough. My stomach dropped at this realization, my consciousness felt dirty, and guilt began to rile up in me. I knew Shoto wasn’t one with words, he had trouble communicating his feelings some- I can’t even sugar coat it.
All of the time, it’s difficult for him to open up yet he did it for me because he trusts me and it’s something I should in turn do to him as well. He opened up to me entirely whether that be me emotionally or physically. It’s sad to see myself not giving my whole self to him, well in terms of not telling him everything. I would tell him as he told me about his past, but mine is different from his and more intense per se.
“Gosh, why is this so hard...” I groaned in frustration, plopping my head on his shoulder and then nuzzling into his neck
Instead of trying to comfort me verbally, he began to wrap one hand around my waist pulling me into him, closer than before. He usually wasn't this big on PDA, so I froze up when he did this. Dang, I like it. Though like everything I like, it was short-lived as Iida had seen what happened and scolded us for having no morals, displaying any PDA in school and front of a teacher was the utmost disrespectful thing we could have done.
“Tch. Oi, shut up, sensei’s sleeping! You emergency exit sign, he’ll hear all your screaming through his noise-canceling headphones!” Bakugo was screaming at the top of his lungs, frustrated that he kept targets he was supposed to be shooting with his BB gun.
“Since when did sensei wear any noise-canceling headphones?” I questioned out loud, turning my gaze to our adviser, who surprisingly enough was wearing the said item.
“Ashido and Kaminari managed to put them on him secretly before they started shooting. I saw it.” Shoto spoke up from besdes me, interlacing our hands then bring them up to his lips so that he could kiss it.
I blushed like crazy mad at that. Even after getting together my feelings for him didn’t lessen. They only kept on growing. Guess that’s what happens when you fall in love with someone. I wonder if that was the same case for my parents. As I only remember a few memories of them, they used to be a lot, but now I can barely remember their voices or their faces.
A boisterous laugh rang through the air, “Oh, you pathetic loser! Can’t even shoot properly! This is why class-B is better than you, animals!”
“Here he comes.” Rubbing my temples in irritation, I didn’t per say hate the blonde kid, he just sort of gets on my nerves.
“Who said I can’t shoot, you copycat loser!” Bakugo sprinted in action, as well as Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero who were trying their best to hold back the overgrown hedgehog.
“Why don’t we have a little competition to see who’s better?! I bet you're too scared to even try against us! Hah! Cowards!” He began to laugh maniacally before Kendo came in and karate chopped his neck.
“Sorry about him, he just can’t control himself.” She spoke apologetic, “But moving aside from that, what Monoma suggested about having a friendly little competition isn’t that bad. So how about it?” She raised her hand at Iida hoping he would agree.
“Bring it on, you extras! I’ll beat every one of your asses!” Bakugo, who almost broke free from the 3 boys pinned him down, yelled proudly.
Iida who finally took class-B’s offer, shook her hand respectfully, “A friendly competition should bring us all together! I say we’ll take your class on!”
“A competition? Doesn’t seem too bad don’t you think?” The dual haired boy spoke curiously
“I guess so. I mean what’s the worst it could do? Besides Bakugo accidentally shooting the bullet in Monoma’s eye of course.” I replied in uncertainty
So the game goes like this: there will be exactly 5 representatives from each class. We’ll stand in the starting point of the shooting range, working our way up to the finishing line of the shooting range with the targets all surrounding us. From there a 5 minute timer will start and then we’ll have to find random weapons on the ground to use. If you run out of time your disqualified.
The harder the target is to hit, the bigger the points are. That’s not all, there also be obstacles that will come in your way. For example they’ll be also shooting at you with either paint ball guns and/or BB guns. if you happen to get shot by them, then it automatically results in you losing. But I’m the end, to determine the winning class, whoever’s class gets to finish the game the shortest amount of time and has the most points in the end, wins
For our class, we have our main 3 boys then our very own walking bank and emergency exit sign as our representatives. I choose not to volunteer myself, for reasons I cannot reveal. Though if a certain class-B idiot would get on my nerves, I just might.
For class-B, they chose Monoma, Kendo, Tetsutetsu, Kaibara, and Awase. I didn’t really know them, except for Monoma, Kendo, and Tetsutetsu. I only knew them because they were most the only people to interact with our class.
Out of the 3, Kendo was more popular among us class-A for being nice and pretty, while Tetsutetsu was more recognized for being so much alike with Kirishima. On the other hand though with Monoma, he was infamous with our class for his trashy remarks at us.
Some we may have deserved but others weren’t really and we’re slightly offensive, good thing Kendo always saves the day by karate chopping the back of his head. God bless her soul for saving us from the demon.
“Alright now that we’ve settled on the players, let’s begin. Oh and final reminders! Our referee for this game will be our 2 camp counselors, Watanabe Ren and Yoshinda Akane. They have offered us their kind services for this game!” Iida pulled out his robot hands, speaking with a tone of authority, and admiration towards the 2 camp counselors.
It was weird besides from our class adviser, no other staff members from U.A. or even other students exempt from class-B are present. Maybe they could be hanging out in another part of the camp. It is huge after all.
Standing besides the ponytailed man, who even put Momo's weird ponytail to shame, were 2 umbrella corporation men in full uniform. They wore dark black tinted helmets. In each of their hands, they held big and very deadly guns. They were pretty intimidating to say the least. They didn’t look fit to be here, they looked like they belonged more in a battlefield.
“Alright we’ll decide which class goes first by playing rock, paper, scissors. After that we’ll alternate turns with each class. Everyone agrees on this?” The blonde camp counselor, who I seem to alway forget her name, spoke out enthusiastically.
“There are no objections from my class!” Iida's voice boomed as he raised his right hand like a robot.
“None here as well.” Kendo joined in
“Let’s begin then.” The male camp counselor finished.
In the end, Kendo won the game and they went first, while Iida sulked disappointedly behind his group of friends in ashament. They decided to go with Monoma first so that he’d shut up about how better their class is than ours.
Taking a good look at the shooting range as a whole. Although you could still consider it as an outdoor shooting range. Its setup was different from how an outdoor shooting range would usually be.
I realized it was more of a shooting range plus a mini obstacle course. There were few trees, burn barrels, tires, and large slabs of cement(that you could use for cover) scattered around the shooting range.
Everyone stood from the sidelines and observed as Monoma put on some colored jet black safety gear(like helmets, protective body suit and paddings), watching intently and in curiosity in his next moves. The camp counselors, 2 umbrella men, and Aizawa(Who was still sleeping) were at the end, waiting with a white flag and a timer.
The umbrella men were also participating in this game. Apparently from what I heard from Mina, they were to shoot at us using BB guns and if we were shot then we’d get a result of a direct loss for being deemed dead.
Seems a bit unfair if you ask me, but oh well.
“I hope you losers cry when you see how much better we are than you!” Monoma screamed at us hysterically before doing a running stance.
Damn is he trying extremely hard to get on my nerves. A clearly irked facial expression appeared on me, making Shoto who was standing besides me chuckle light in amusement. He, like everyone else, was patiently waiting for his own turn, unlike the copycat asshole.
Everyone from class-B despite not being annoyed with Monoma for being too competitive without any good sportsmanship, began to cheer words of motivation at him, “Monoma! Monoma!”
The copycat got into position and stared up at the brunette camp counselor at the front with his signature smug look. Feeling very appreciated and motivated by his classmates. The brunette man in the front, held a gun in his hand, I could tell for sure it was real just by looking at it. Raising the gun in his hand up into the air, he pulled the trigger and released the bullet.
It was the signal that the timer had begun. Screams of encouragement came from class B as Monoma ran to grab a BB gun just barely managing to dodge the rain of BB bullets coming at him. He grabbed the gun and took cover behind a nearby tree.
After that I didn’t watch anymore since Shoto whispered to me that he wanted to talk to me in private for some reason. I agreed since his turn was still fourth to the last. He was giving me a bit of a hint though that he wanted to make sure that he was wearing his protective gear properly so he wouldn’t get hurt, so he needed my help. So I grabbed his gear and we walked away from the group, heading towards a nearby shed for privacy.
“I have a question, Sho. Do you know how to put this on or do you need my help?” I asked, laughing just a bit at seeing him struggle to put on the protective gear.
“I haven’t tried wearing something like this nor have I ever shot a gun.” He spoke bluntly with red cheeks.
I stood there shocked, “You shouldn’t be participating in this game then. You could get hurt, I really don’t wanna see you injured or anything!”
“I’m really sorry…” He looked like a kicked puppy so I couldn’t stay mad at him for doing something so idiotic, “I didn’t want to join but everyone seemed to look up to me, I didn’t want to lower any of their expectations of me just because I can’t shoot. Even if it is just a paintball gun or a BB gun… Midoriya also looked rather happy when I joined, I didn’t want to ruin that…” I helped him into his suit as he spoke embarrassedly
Finally getting into the suit properly, I zipped up the vest from the front, “I’m sorry for yelling, it wasn’t right of me. And you shouldn’t apologize, it wasn’t your fault…” I hugged him tightly, after a few seconds I pulled away but still held onto him by the elbows, “How about this, luckily for you. I know how to shoot a gun, why don’t I teach it to you quickly? So at least know the basics so that you’re able to still participate in the game.”
“I’d like that… Thank you, baby.” He kissed my forehead and spun me around, hugging me tightly from behind before letting me go.
Looking around the shed, there were some BB guns and some BB’s lying around. Unused but still probably working, I grabbed one and checked it out.
“Seems like this one has no physical problems. Looks like we can use this for practice. I won’t put in any ammo though, but don’t worry I’ll teach you to reload and stuff.” I spoke, taking out all of the ammo inside of the gun.
“Great, where do we begin?”
Getting behind him and grabbing his hand, I placed it onto the gun, showing him how to properly grip it and hold it. A tension built up between us through that, I did not dwell on it though.
Shoto could be easily taught once and he’d get it right after. He was really a great listener, he would look you directly in the eyes as you explained to him what the different parts were for.
Teaching him how to reload, he blushed a bit when I placed my hands over his, “That’s it, baby. Great job!” I whispered to his ear, kissing his neck passionately causing the hair at his nape to rise.
After that he got all shy, such a bummer, I was beginning to enjoy teasing him, “Shit, I know what you’re doing, stop it before you start something.” Pouting, he muttered under his breath, making me laugh.
“Fine, fine, we’ll continue this next time.” I rolled my eyes in annoyance, “Now, let’s see what left for me to teach you? Ah! Remember you just gotta aim at the target and pull the trigger. Don’t forget to make sure it isn’t in safe mode.”
“I won’t.” He replied, kissing my lips as a thanks for teaching him.
“Ah! No that won't do!” I pushed him off
“What do you mean?” He questioned, slightly panicked but mostly confused.
“I’ll only take 5 kisses as a payment for me teaching you. Now pay up.” I spoke sternly, wrapping my arms around his neck, waiting for him to lean into me for the kiss.
“Of course, my darling. I’d even give you infinite kisses if only I could.” Passionately he dipped down to my height, sealing our lips with a kiss, “One.” He spoke after pulling away only to dip down again, “Two… Three… Four… Five…” He finished kissing me and pulled away.
“Wow…” Completely starstruck
“Yeah, wow.” He chuckled in response
“L-Let’s get going shall we? Don’t w-wanna keep everyone waiting…” I stuttered, blushing madly.
He only smiled in response and grabbed my hand, leading us back to the shooting range. Hands intertwined with one another, we walked in a comfortable silence. No tension whatsoever. We reached the range sooner than I’d like to, but our timing was perfect since it was Shoto’s turn now.
We let go of our hands then he walked up to the starting line. I didn’t really wanna watch his turn for one reason only, because I didn’t wanna see him get hurt. I turned my head elsewhere from Shoto, spotting Momo in the distance. I walked up to her, who was still chatting with Jirou, well until I realized that their conversation was turning into a small argument as each second passed by. I was going to go back from where I originally stood, when Jirou called my name.
“Hey, (Y/n). Sorry to bother you.” She spoke up, while her girlfriend looked at her sternly, “If it isn’t too much to ask, could you please take Momo’s place in this stupid race. I just don't wanna see her get hurt.” She pleaded
“Uhh… Sure no problem.” I answered, unsure of the decision I made.
“(Y/n), you don't have to do this. I get that Kyoka is just looking out for me, but this was my decision.” The girl spoke earnestly
“Just because they pressured you to play the game, doesn’t mean you have to do it!” Jirou grabbed the said girl’s hand and yelled out in frustration.
Both me and Momo were completely stunned at her sudden aggression, not once had Jirou shown anger towards the girl, “... If you say so…” The girl began timidly, “Then I won’t as I respect your wishes.”
They hugged it out and passed it to me. I accepted it without any hesitation, heading off to the nearby shed me and Shoto stayed at from before. Putting on the protective gear, in all black with the umbrella corporation logo on it.
Mine was different from everybody else’s, since their suits were in a slightly dark shade of grey. I felt a rush of nostalgia and deja vu hit me hard. Memories of my past kept running throughout my mind. Making me want to cry at how horrible the feeling was.
But I couldn’t cry now, people would be suspicious of me if that ever happened. I had to be strong for me, Shoto’s, my classmates, and everyone else’s sake. I couldn’t back down now and become weak.
So finishing putting on the body suit which was notably different as well from everyone else. I put my hair in a tidy bun, placing the tinted black helmet over my head. Walking out and preparing myself for my turn.
“To risk or not to risk? That is the question…” I wonder to myself out loud, hoping none of the people working here would recognize that it would be me playing.
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enby-maniac · 3 years
Thanks, Dad.
A simple slip of tongue can result in acquisition of father figures when one combines savage friends and supportive homeroom teachers.
Your hands start to sweat a little as you wait for your result. The test your homeroom teacher had given you yesterday hadn't been particularly hard. But, after a bit of questioning, you had realized that most of your answers didn't match with the others. So, you had spent the last day in a pit of despair, trying to prepare yourself for the punishment you would receive. Aizawa-sensei gives Kirishima a sharp glare before asking him to come to the staff room after the end of the day, and you flash a brief amused smile as you watch the redhead's soul leave his body.
You're pretty sure the raven head uses this method of distributing the papers as an intimidation tactic. The corner of your lips quivers when you meet intense onyx eyes. Your teacher comes to stand by your desk before fishing out your paper from the bundle. He puts the sheet on your desk with a little more force than necessary, and you can already feel your own soul trying to follow Kirishima's. "Good job, Y/N," the man beside your desk says, and you take a moment to revel in the praise before glancing at the quiz sheet to find you've scored full marks.
"Thanks, Dad," you sigh, and your classmates go rigid at the sound of the words that fall from your mouth. You expect the teacher to move forward to give Satou his paper, but he stops in his tracks. When you realize that everyone has frozen in their place, you glance up from your marked sheet to find every pair of eyes on you. Feeling a little prickly, you meet the adult's gaze and ask, "What?"
The answer to your question comes from the explosive blonde. Bakugo Katsuki (your childhood friend, your confidant), the fucking traitor, grins menacingly and replies, "You just called the old man 'Dad'. You said, 'Thanks, Dad.'"
"Do you sensei as a father figure?" Mina asks with a conspiratorial smirk, and you can't believe you actually choose to hang out with these assholes. Whatever happened to loyalty and support?
"No, I don't," you answer, and if your response is a little too quick and words a little too defensive, it's no one's business. "I said, 'Thanks, man.' If anything, I see him as a bother figure because he's always bothering me."
The Bakusquad, except Katsuki, gasps in mock outrage. And, at this point, you don't even know what you ever saw in these idiots to become friends with them. And just because it's your lucky day Iida, of all people, joins in the teasing. He stands straight, swivels in your direction and with his customary wild hand gesticulations proclaims, "Hey! Show your father some respect!"
The sound of your forehead hitting the table resounds in the class, and giggles and sniggers follow. You feel two rough yet gentle pats on your head, and Aizawa-sensei's gravelly voice cuts through the laughter. "I take it as a compliment. You want to talk about it later over lunch, kid?"
His words sound teasing, but you know that the offer is serious. It takes a short amount of time for you to decide. Glancing at your teacher with your head planted on the table and an eye peeking from the safety of your hands, you bob your head decisively. The students who notice the nod titter. Gathering a little more courage requires time, so you take a moment before speaking up. "Yeah. I'd like that.
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yanderechuu · 3 years
yandere!Class 1A x fem!reader
Summary: You are being forced out of your shell by your classmates, but now it seems more for their on benefit than that of your own.
Warning: anxiety, stalking
For someone who resented public attention, it came with shock when you announced you had wanted to become a hero.
You were the definition of social anxiety, often finding solace within the four corners of your room, and if not, then the kitchen of your house would do. So the worst form of betrayal your guardian could ever do to you was to send you off to U.A. dorms, practically miles away from the comfort of your own home. In the worst attempt to guilt-trip them, you claimed they were disowning you; still, they were adamant of the opportunity that you’d ease on socializing. 
What you didn’t know was that your guardian had warned your homeroom teacher of your current ‘predicament’ (they’d call it a predicament; you’d call it your own nature), and requested if possible that you’d be compelled to engage in social interaction until you were comfortable with it. Aizawa agreed, seeing to it that if your own guardian personally addressed it to him, then it must really be a matter not to be taken lightly of. He had seen your tendencies, too - like when you would be called out for recitation, always having the answer at the tip of your tongue, wanting to roll it out so you could sit down. In the end, you would never find the courage to respond, and your classmates would assume that you didn’t know the answer to the question, while only you and your teacher would know otherwise. You were silent about your opinions during group hero training, only ever abiding whatever your classmates’ plans were, despite the little hiccups and uncertainties you would recognize in secret (but they were rare, anyway, as most of the time you only heeded those of Bakugou’s or Midoriya’s or Yaoyorozu’s).
Only when your guardian had approached him did Aizawa come to realize that, oh, he had never really heard you speak. Now that he thought about it, what did your voice sound like? The last time he heard it was when you had asked an incoherent query after homeroom lessons regarding hero laws. He had asked you to repeat it again, and again, and again, until when he had said, “sorry?” you bore this flushed, troubled look, raising your hands in front of you and waving them, exclaiming, “n-nothing, never mind. Sorry.”
He never understood what you were supposed to say, that was until he rectified the short essay quizzes held by the end of the period, where you got less than half percent correct. You had a different perspective of the hero law discussed, and Aizawa was willing to bet that your attempted question was about the lesson prior. Ever since then he took it as a habit to ask if you - specifically - had any questions regarding homeroom discussions. You would cower in embarrassment, knowing that the root of his habit came from when you had asked him something he couldn’t even hear, nevertheless you found it in yourself to respond by nodding. At least now you didn’t have to muster up the courage to approach him since he would approach you instead. 
Anyway, it was already much apparent to him that you had a dilemma with your social life (if you ever even had one), and so he addressed this to the class once when you were called to the faculty to ‘discuss’ things with Present Mic, your English teacher (Aizawa just told him to keep you busy as he spoke to his class).
Most expressed their concern, especially when he said that this could affect your hero affiliation in times of inevitable joint cooperation or recruiting of sidekicks and whatnot. It was not necessarily their responsibility, Aizawa expounded, but if possible, then they should get you to interact with them as much. Mina was most resolved in getting to befriend someone like you, a little bit ahead of Izuku, who wanted to befriend you partly due to his curiosity of your quirk. The rest thought of this as a casual ordeal, and a few saw to it as a bothersome matter that could be handled by the social butterflies of the class. 
Being approached by Izuku and his friends was the least of your expectations when recess began. Usually, you’d prepare your own lunch to prevent having to go to the crowded place, and eat in peace inside the classroom with Aoyama who normally paid you no mind. He would give you a cheese or two, but it was nothing that you couldn’t deal with. Besides, the cheese actually tasted delicious. 
Izuku insisted you come with them to the cafeteria, and when you gave him only an anxious and weirded-out look, Uraraka saved you both from awkwardness by pushing you out of the classroom door - to which her touch you quivered at. In the corridors, Iida gave a lecture about how being with friends helped with your general health - you didn’t know whatever the hell he meant by that, because you weren’t even friends with them. Shoto kept giving you glances from time to time, and when you both met eyes, you were the first to break contact; he found himself smiling lightly in amusement. You ransacked your brain for excuses to avoid being around them, but before you knew it, you were urged to sit down on their usual table, where also Jirou, Momo, and Hagakure sat. You were on the corner of the table - across Izuku and beside Uraraka - overwhelmed and irate by the abrupt proceeding of things. This was coercion - they didn’t even ask if you were okay with it - and, quite frankly, a burst of your own personal bubble. You wanted out, but how could you, when you couldn’t even find it in yourself to stand up?
Their conversations were sundry; in any of them, you engaged in none. Even Shoto was more participative than normal in attempts to get you along. It was then when they realized they had not a single information about you. Hagakure didn’t even know your first name, as Aizawa only ever called you by your last, and when the rest of your classmates clarified it was ‘(y/n),’ she complimented it, as if it would help you be at ease around them.
“Oh, what a pretty name!” She exclaimed. “It kind of fits well with... (n/n)[nickname]. Can I call you (n/n)-chan? Like Tsuyu-chan!”
“...well,” you voiced out in the most minimal volume, and their happiness upon hearing your voice was sickeningly evident. You sighed, “sure.”
Even Iida dedicated himself to calling you that. That was okay, you thought, because it wasn’t like you would be spending almost all the time with them. Right; this was a one time thing. Never gonna happen again. You’d commit unalive before it could. 
But you didn’t commit fast enough.
By the time dismissal came you rushed out of the classroom and to the restroom to avoid meeting with Izuku and his friends just in case they also had plans on robbing you of your personal time in dismissal. You went to a restroom that was not on the floor level of class 1A - you were sure your female classmates would spend minutes upon minutes in there - and waited for thirty minutes. You literally counted 1,800 seconds in your mind as it was the only way to withhold the bubbling anxiety inside you without looking like an oddball, doing box-breathing techniques alone and all that - though some students from different classes were wondering why you remained on your spot in that restroom. 
Upon mentally saying the last second, you dashed out of the restroom and to the school building entrance, passing by your homeroom teacher on the way but not bothering to spare him a greeting. You hoped he would assume you just did not see him as you were brisk-walking. He would later on probably ask why you were still in school thirty minutes past dismissal.
U.A. dorms came to view and never had a bigger wave of relief washed over you. Today had been a hectic day, and you congratulated yourself for enduring the school hours that included socializing; perhaps you deserved a reward after all this. There was a quaint café a couple of minutes away from U.A., beside a convenience store; maybe you should try the sweets there on the weekend. No one knew about it, as it did not look like one, but that was why you decided to try it out. Small, tranquil, and picturesque - exactly what you needed.
Quietly, you opened the entrance door, and slipped in headfirst to see if you could go inside undetected. Unfortunately for you, you came in unexpected eye contact with Denki.
“(Y/n), hey!” He called from the dining area, smiling brightly. That was weird; you didn’t remember being first-name bases with him, and were disarrayed with the fact that he just greeted you when he normally wouldn’t. “Where’d you come from that you returned this late?”
“U-um, uh,” you looked down, “I... walked slowly...”
“Well you sure took your time. C’mere, Bakugou’s cooking.”
“I’m only doing it ‘cause you won’t shut up unless I do it, damn Pikachu!” Yelled the cook. 
This time, you just had to refuse. “N-no thanks, I’m... I’m busy.”
Just as you proceeded to stroll your way to your room, you came into an abrupt halt by Kirishima, who was sitting on the common room, waiting for Bakugou’s cooking.
“Busy with what?”
“We have no homework given for the weekend.” He explained, looking at you from over the sofa. “So... what’s keeping you busy?”
At this point, not only was he the one to stare at you, but so were Denki and Bakugou, who skeptically raised a brow in anticipation of your answer; in anticipation of your presence in the common room, as if he was expecting that you’d try out his cooking, too. Shoto and Izuku ended their conversation at once upon seeing you by the dorm elevator, halted and wide-eyed, like a deer caught on headlights.
For your small, silent, anxiety-stricken self, this was too much.
“C-can you...” you pleaded, voice scarcely above a whisper, “can you not...”
You wanted to voice out if they could stop looking at you like that - surely they could, couldn’t they? You felt supremely inferior to their stares and it didn’t help that most of them were deemed a few of the strongest in the class. It felt like they were going to use their quirk on you and, against them, your quirk was rendered futile.
You ran to the opposite hallway, opting to walk the set of stairs to your dorm level in lieu of using the elevator. You heard Kirishima’s yell of your name - “(y/n), wait!” - but made no attempt to slow down for him to catch up to you. He didn’t follow you, anyway, only abruptly standing from the cushion when you made a run for it along the hall, then falling back down in defeat, with a sigh escaping his lips.
“Man, she’s like Amajiki-senpai but kind of worse.”
“Well?” Denki queried. “Aren’t you gonna go after her?”
“I want to, but I feel like she’ll just... ignore me.”
Denki sighed. “And you say you’re a man.”
“Hey, I am!” He slumped on the couch. “I just know the right timing, which isn’t now. Probably later, or when Mina’s around. Maybe she’s more comfortable with girls.”
That was a funny joke, because your anxiety doesn’t discriminate, and you were uncomfortable around boys and girls and nonbinaries and basically everyone and everything in and beyond the gender spectrum either way. 
You didn’t think of going out to fill your stomach before going to sleep, fearing the tension between you and your classmates who had witness the small encounter prior. By the time evening came, though, a knock was heard on your room’s entrance. You opened it begrudgingly, and in front of you appeared the face of the pinkette. Beside her was Kirishima.
“Hi, (y/n)!” Mina exclaimed brightly, much like how Denki had a few hours ago. “I know you haven’t eaten dinner yet. Come on!”
You were about to decline such a generous offer, but just then, your stomach churned in agreement against your will.
As you three walked the corridor towards the stairs, Kirishima sauntered beside your form.
“Hey, uh, sorry about a while ago. I knew you weren’t comfortable with us but I still persisted with asking.”
He appeared to be genuinely sincere with the apology, with his palm on the back of his neck and eyes averting to everywhere but you, and the faint red on his cheek made him look less intimidating.
“It’s... it’s fine, you know.” Again, your voice was practically just an exhale. You turned the other way. “I’m sorry for running away like that. It was rude.”
Because of your consideration to apologize on your behalf, he found the confidence to grin at you without guilt. “It’s completely fine! At least now we’re on good terms, yeah?”
This interaction didn’t stop you from preferring to be alone in your room. But you were hungry, and your stomach wasn’t relenting. As you sat on the corner of the sofa in the common room, Sero, with a grin, handed you your plate of [favorite dish].
“It’s your favorite food, right? Bakugou insisted to make it just for you.”
You slightly smiled at the thoughtfulness.
Then your face dropped in shock.
And so did the others’.
You blinked once, twice, then slowly looked at him in unnerved suspicion. “How did you know?”
“You sound like a stalker, Sero!” Denki whined abhorrently. “Freaking creep. Trust me, (y/n), it’s just that we noticed you always pack that for lunch. I got to say, though, I don’t blame you for liking [favorite dish].” He took a piece from your plate.
Alright, that sounded reasonable. Anything to keep you from the aching paranoia that they were actually watching what you did.
“And here I was trying to start things pleasant with (y/n).” Sero dramatically heaved, though somehow he still exuded this chilling vibe. It barely helped you with having to be around all these social butterflies. 
From the other side of the common room were Momo, Jirou, and Hagakure, who played with a bunny borrowed from Koda. It didn’t help you at all that they spotted you from your place in the sofa. 
“(N/n)-chan!” Along with your gaze, the rest of your classmates with you looked at them. “Wanna hold Koda’s pet rabbit? Right here!”
“No!” Yelled Mina right beside you, bringing a faint ring to your ears. You weren’t used to noise, having been always keeping to yourself. She brought you into a tight side embrace, and although she felt you tense under her hold, she ignored it for the sake of saying, “(y/n)’s staying here.”
“Unfair! You’ve had your share of time with her,” what? There was a planned time of when you were supposed to hang out with one group and the other? “now it’s our turn!”
“Please, you’ve had your time during recess! The rest of the night, she spends it with us.” Mina explained, nodding in agreement to herself. Her friends within her clique seemed to like the idea. Oh no. You did not want to spend the rest of your night with people you barely even knew. What would they do to you? Why were they being so revoltingly clingy all of a sudden? 
Again, you wanted out, pleading yourself to convene the courage to say that- 
“No, I don’t want to hang out with you, I just want to go back to the solace of my own room, just watch or read or sleep or anything else that won’t have anything to do with socializing with you all!”
Unfortunately, that was all just in your head.
“I don’t mean to intervene personally, but,” Momo started, promptly leaving her cup of tea on the table, “during recess, she talked mostly to Midoriya and Uraraka. I think it’s about time I get to be with her.”
“But I didn’t get to be with her at all.” Sero counterargued. “Therefore, she’s staying right here.”
Jirou derided, “As if she wants to get along with you. (Y/n), you wanna pet this rabbit or not?”
“Don’t bribe her with something that isn’t even yours!” Exclaimed Kirishima.
“Well, is she yours?”
“N-not at all, but neither is she yours!”
“(N/n)-chan, come here, pretty please?”
“I’m telling you! She's already comfortable here. See? All snug and comfy in my arms.”
“You’re not giving her a chance to decide where she wants to be!”
“Shut the hell up, you damn extras.” Bakugou’s voice, albeit neither soft nor strong in volume, was the loudest of them all. His presence was also the strongest and most intimidating, and you were unable to suppress the reflex to recoil when he leaned on you from behind the sofa, breathing practically against your neck. “(Y/n) stays here.”
The decision was determined from then on. Frustration was prominent on Momo and Jirou’s countenances, and Hagakure was silent for the rest of the night, going back to Koda’s room in order to return his pet rabbit. Mina moved you to the center of the couch so Bakugou could sit on your other side, and when he did, you felt the strong radiance of heatwaves from his body. He would be a perfect cuddler for the winter season. It always felt too cold or too hot whenever you were with people, but you refused to make a personal heater out of him.
“Alright!” From beneath you where he sat, Denki exclaimed. “Who’s up for a horror movie?”
It was not like you had much of a choice, anyway. Whether you loved it or not, a horror movie was being played in the common room’s television, and you had to sit throughout the whole two hours of it with all of Bakugou’s squad hovering around you. You weren’t sure what was scarier; the film, or the fact that discourse broke just a few minutes ago regarding whom you were ending up with. But if anything, you’d rather watch this alone than with these outlandish people claiming to be your friends and acting as if they didn’t ignore you and tend to their own business just yesterday.
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
Here's an 'I wish you would write' idea where Class 1A finds out that their old demon sensei is dating someone their age thus they set out to figure out who it is. They reluctantly ask Shinsou for help in this endeavor since he knows Eraserhead the best. Shinsou refuses to tell the group who it is but agrees to help them figure it out with his friend Midoriya (whom some act flirty and/or unintentionally quirkist towards) tagging along. Shenanigans ensue and the big reveal turns out to be a huge logical ruse set up by an irritated Aizawa and a very amused Midoriya. Despite having already graduated UA, the group are still punished with a 'detention' in the form of a hand to hand sparring session with Midoriya and Aizawa. Everyone regretfully learns how exactly Midoriya captured Aizawa's attention so quickly.
This was super detailed, and I had a lot of fun writing for it!
Hitoshi stared at Iida blankly. “You guys want me to what?” He could not be hearing this right. They’d dealt with Sensei for years, they couldn’t be this stupid.
“We would like your assistance in figuring out who Aizawa-Sensei is dating!” Iida repeated, chopping his arm.
“I thought that’s what you said,” Hitoshi said flatly, rubbing his forehead. “That’s a bad idea. I’d drop if I were you guys,” he warned.
But, of course, they were all so incredibly stubborn that they wouldn’t drop it. So Hitoshi shrugged, enlisted a deeply amused Izuku, and followed them around dropping vague comments and hints. Aizawa-Sensei had been less than amused to begin with, but that had deepened into genuine irritation when Kaminari and Iida had both begun flirting with Izuku. Hitoshi had been sort of impressed, actually-he didn’t think Iida had it in him to flirt like that.
Both Aizawa and Hitoshi had been pissed when Yaoyorozu had made Quirkist comments towards Izuku once they’d realized he was Quirkless. Izuku had shrugged and ignored it, entirely used to it, but Hitoshi had taken her aside and ripped into her for a solid half hour before letting her go. Izuku had sighed at her teary eyed apology, but had accepted it with a droll look towards a smugly satisfied Hitoshi.
It had taken a while for Aizawa and Hitoshi to be satisfied with giving the class the runaround, but finally Hitoshi had rolled his eyes at the accusations that he didn’t even know who Aizawa-Sensei was dating and said, “If you really want to know-and I really don’t suggest this-Sensei said to meet him here in Gym Beta tomorrow.”
He’d shaken his head at the cheer that had erupted from them. Poor suckers didn’t even realize that Sensei was giving them enough rope to hang themselves on this one. Still, one by one they trooped into the gym the next day, the excitement palpable in the air. The excitement quickly turned to horror, especially for Kaminari, Yaoyorozu and Iida when Sensei held out a hand to Izuku and he immediately went to him. Just in case they decided to be especially stupid, Sensei dipped his head to kiss Izuku briefly before sliding an arm around his waist, a possessive hand resting on his hip.
“You’re dating Midoriya?” Iida asked weakly, his arm chop far less enthusiastic than normal.
“I am.” The cool eyed stare directed at him made it clear Sensei was very aware that he’d been flirting, and Iida paled to the point Hitoshi wondered if they’d need to send for Recovery Girl.
“Would saying sorry for flirting with your boyfriend help in any way?” Kaminari asked then, sparking as his Sensei just looked at him.
“Since you’ve all decided that my personal life is your business, you all get detention today,” he said flatly.
“We’re not students any more,” Yaoyorozu protested, before clamping her mouth shut as Aizawa-Sensei’s eyes slid red.
There were no more arguments, and everyone found out very quickly why Aizawa-Sensei was dating Izuku. He’d told them that he would be evaluating their hand to hand skills, and had then stood back and let Izuku completely decimate them. And then he’d completely tore them apart on their hand to hand skills, which even Hitoshi could tell everyone had let slip pretty badly since they’d graduated.
Hitoshi didn’t bother to stand from his lazy sprawl on the ground once Sensei and Izuku left, just arching an eyebrow at the shocked and vaguely traumatized expressions on everyone’s faces. “I warned you.”
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nights-legacy · 3 years
Trading 3 angrys for 1? - Bakugo Katsuki
   Help and Hide Series. Bakugo Edition
   Kirishima Ed.  Denki Ed.  Todoroki Ed.  Deku Ed.  Shinso Ed.  Iida Ed.  Aizawa Ed.  Tamaki Ed.   Hawks Ed.  Dabi Ed.  Shiggy Ed.
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     + You are a student at UA and the whole class is on a field trip in Tokyo. On a free day, you all went out and you ran into to old “friends” and things go south. While trying to get away from them, you spot the token hot head of the class and decide to take your chances with this angry person over the angry people chasing you and are you pleasantly surprised. 
Note: My first My Hero Academia imagine!!! Let me know it you want a part two of this and I was thinking of making this a headcanon type for some of the other MHA/BNHA guys too. What do you think??
      “Over here Mina! I found those little things you’re obsessed with!” I called over to the pink skin girl.
       “Yay! Lemme see! Lemme see!” She came barreling over and nearly ran into me and the table. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. She squealed and call Jirio over to show her. I walked over to another street vendor. Our class was on a field trip in Tokyo and we were given a free day. Everyone agreed on going out and seeing the scene.
       “Ah! Don’t throw squid at me Kaminari!” I heard Deku scream and laughed at the context before turning to see said electric boy chasing the broccoli with a squid arm. I burst out laughing, holding my stomach. I shook my head before wandering farther down the street.
        I was originally from Tokyo before I moved to attend UA. My family are not insanely rich but we are well off. My parents own a house in both Tokyo and Musutafu as well as vacation homes or condos in different parts of the world. I wandered away from most of the class and I really wish I hadn’t.
      “Oi! Lookie here, dudes. It’s Lee’s younger sister Y/N.” A chill went up my spine as I froze from the familiar voice. I slowly turned around to see my older brother’s former three best friends with wicked smiles on their faces.
      I hadn’t seen them since my brother cast them out of his life. He found out that they were bullying me behind his back for god knows how long and immediately cut ties with them. He only found out because I missed covering up an unmistakable wounds from their quirks. He was mad at me for not telling him but was more concerned for me in the long run.
      “H-hey g-guys.” I stuttered, mentally berating myself for being so scared. I’m training to be a Pro-Hero for god sakes! I tried to steel myself against the incoming assault but couldn’t help but inwardly shake.
      “Aw. Is wittle Y/N scared?” Kei, the leader of them teased. “Well you should be bitch!”
     “You cost us advantage with your brother!” Haru yelled as he jerked forward, grabbing my bicep hard. I yelped and he shook me. “Shut up.”
     “We could never…‘talk’…to you about it because Lee never let us near you again. And it became even harder when you went off to that Hero school. You didn’t even give us a chance.” Kei gave me a smirk when he said talk, meaning something completely different the actual definition. “We could have worked things out.”
      “In more ways than one.” Aaron eyed me up and down. “You sure have grown up, little sis.” Kei rolled his eyes and hit him in the chest hard. Aaron looked at him offended while Kei just gave him a ‘really’ look.
      “I’m sure we could have but…” I gulped as I saw Haru activate his laser quirk. “I really have to go right now.” I pointed behind me. “Gotta catch up with the rest of my c-class.” I tried to pull away but was pulled back hard. I looked at them with fearful eyes.
      “Not just yet, bitch!” They laughed and looked at each other amused. I looked around at the people around us. There are not too many people close so I decided to use my quirk. I have a light and shadow quirk.
      “I really have to go.” I said in a firm voice. They looked at me surprised and I gave them a blinding flash. The grip on my arm immediately disappeared and they all covered their eyes as they yelped. I took off running back in the direction of the rest.
      “Get back here!” Kei yelled. I obviously ignored him. I ran and avoid people easily with my high agility. I stopped to take a breath and see how far they were behind me. At first I could only hear them and other people yelling at them but I saw them finally a ways back.
      “Shit, shit, shit.” I mumbled looking around for anyone I knew or something to hide behind. I finally caught sight of Bakugo a few yards away. I bit my lip and wondered if it was worth asking the angry Pomeranian for help against the anger musketeers. When I saw the three close I didn’t think twice. “Ah!”
      I ran over to the explosive boy and quickly grabbed his arm, dragging him over to the close by building.
     “What the hell!” He screamed at me. I flinched but looked back towards the others.
     “Sh, sh! Please, shh!” I tried to shush him but he growled at me.
     “What the hell do you think you’re doing you damn strobe light?” I wanted to giggle at his nickname for me but there was no time. I caught sight of his hoodie around his waist and ripped it off of him. “Hey!”
     “Please, just…I...ah!” I saw them closer now. I yanked the hoodie over my head and made sure the hood was up. I then did the unthinkable without even thinking. I grabbed Bakugo by the collar of his shirt and backed up. My back him the wall and I pulled him close and into kiss before he could even protest.
      “Wha…” He mumbled against my lips, hands falling tense on both sides of my head. He tried to pull away but my grip was vice.
     “Where is that little bitch! I am going to beat her to a pulp when I get my hands on her.” I heard Kei growl from right near us. “She will be so messed up that she won’t even be able to go to brother to rat this time.” I whimpered against Bakugo’s lips and my grip on his shirt tightened. I felt Bakugo stop fighting me.
     “I say we don’t even let her be able to do anything at all when were done with her.” Haru chipped.
     I don’t know what happened but Bakugo relaxed and leant into me. He moved his hands so one of his forearms rested next to my head and the other moved to my hip. What shocked me most is when he started kissing me back. We slowly started to actually kiss each other making the scene more authentic.
     “Come on, let’s check this way.” Aaron said and I heard them move on only slightly, more focused on the man kissing me then the men who were chasing me. I expected Bakugo to pull away as soon as they were gone but it seemed like he moved in even closer, continuing our soft make out session. We only pulled away when we both ran out of breath.
    “Wow.” I said was gasping for the breath he stole. I saw a small smirk grace his lips. “I think they’re gone now.” I whispered. Bakugo chuckled at my comment.
      “Yeah.” He rasped out before leaning back in, starting another make out session. I don’t know how long we were here but we were only brought back out when we heard a chorus of surprised yells come from Kami and Kiri.
     “Woah! Bakubro! L/N! What’s this pleasant development?” Kami asked while adding kissing noises on the end of his question. Bakugo pulled away and dropped his head a little groaning.
     “Dudes! I didn’t know you had a thing for each other!” Kiri exclaimed. :That’s totally awesome.
      “At least there’s someone out there that can deal with your angry ass, Bakugo.” Kami teased.
      “Shut it you damn extras!” Bakugo yelled over his shoulder. I giggled. He smirked when he turned back to me. He reached up and pushed the hood down and pulled my hair from the hoodie, brushing it out lightly with his fingers. He suddenly placed his hand at the juncture of my neck and pecked my lips. “Keep it on.”
       “Okay.” I said softly. He smiled for real before throwing an arm over my shoulder.
       “Come on you idiots! Let go find the rest of our dumb class. It’s getting close to time to head back.” We started walking and they conversation quickly changed comments. As we walked by an off shot of the street, I flinched when I heard their voice again. I felt Bakugo pull me tighter against him and rub his hand up and down my arm in comfort. He leant down to whisper in my ear. “When we get back to the hotel, I want to tell me what just happened and what those douchebags did to you. Is that okay?”
         “Yeah, that’s okay.” I whispered back. He hummed and smiled before pecking the side of my head and nuzzling my hair. I almost got whiplash by how soft he was being to me but reveled in this side of Bakugo that I was quickly beginning to love. Well, more than I already loved this explosion boy. He just didn’t know that yet.
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bunnyywritings · 3 years
what the hell is going on?
masterlist - next chapter
word count: 1k
[a/n: i lied...i started writing and it just felt right so uh surprise!! this is a shoji x reader fic...the agenda continues. anyways, i apologize for the quality, i’m trying to get back into the groove of writing. well, enjoy chapter 1 of this mess.   -yours truly, bunnyy  -`ღ´- ]
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“You know what, that is a great question Denki...that seems like a question for your Hero Laws professor.” Midnight clasped her hands together awkwardly, quickly muttering,”I’m sure Shota would love that.”
You snickered from beside Kaminari and elbowed his side.
“Anyways! That’s it for today class. Please make sure to turn in your ethics case study by tonight. I’ll probably be up till 2am, so that’s your deadline. Now get out of here.” She grinned as everyone started to pack their things. 
“Hey! Sero, Mina, and I were gonna grab some coffee before English. Wanna come with?” Denki looked up at you from his seat as you situated your laptop in your bag and tossed it onto your shoulders. 
“Uhh yeah, sure.” He glanced down at his watch. “I’m pretty sure Shinsou is still on his shift anyways.” 
So the both of you waited by the quad fountain until a familiar head of pink har came into view. 
“You know...when you say ‘be there in 5 minutes’, it’s usually overcompensation for ‘I’m literally right around the corner.’ Not ‘I’m halfway across campus!” You scoffed, all in good fun. 
“We were not ‘halfway across campus!” She rolled her eyes, using over dramatic air quotes. “It literally took us-” She paused to look down at her phone. “Three extra minutes to get here!” 
“Yeah, three whole minutes (Y/n)!” Sero joined in. 
You hooked your arm around Mina’s,“Well let’s go then!” 
“What’s the rush? We have like half an hour before Mic’s class?” Sero asked as he fell in step with Denki. 
The blonde smirked.
“It’s because a certain someone is working at the cafe today!” He watched in amusement as a blush burned your cheeks. 
“Oh shut up Kami!” 
“REALLY?!” Mina gasped. “WHO IS IT?” 
“It’s no one, really-!” You clambered to come up with a response. 
“Ohh my god! It’s Shoji, right?” Sero smacked Denki’s arm. “It has to be! Aizawa basically scolded her for drooling all over him!” 
“I did not drool, Sero!” 
“Then why are you so red right now!” Mina squealed in laughter. 
“I-It’s hot today...that’s all.” 
“Sweetheart, it’s about 55 degrees today. It drizzled this morning and you’re wearing a jacket. There’s absolutely no way you're hot right now.” Sero sneered, 
“No, no. She is hot.” 
“Denki don’t even-” 
“Hot for Shoji!” 
“Ugh screw all of you!” You pouted, placing your palms over your cheeks in a desperate attempt to cool off. 
The topic quickly changed over to Midnight’s Ethics essay. 
“It’s been a week, how have you not started?” 
“I find I work best under pressure.” Denki shrugged ‘matter of factly.’ 
You scoffed in disbelief. 
“Yeah, and I’m a giraffe with a unicorn horn.” 
The four of you entered the campus cafe, the warmth making your nose feel a little fuzzy. 
“Hey guys! Welcome in!” Kirishima flashed a toothy grin as he waved at you all. On bar, just behind the counter, you could make out a familiar head of purple hair. Shinsou looked up from the milk he was frothing and made quick eye contact with Denki before focusing his attention to the pitcher in his hand. What you didn’t miss was the faint blush on his cheeks. 
As you all approached, you could also see Midoriya making a few drinks as well. 
“Hey uh, where’s Shoji?” Sero leaned against the counter, wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
“Oh Shoji? He just went to grab some ice.” Kirishima gestured to the door that probably led to the back of the cafe but, as if on cue, Shoji walked out with the bucket in hand. Seemingly noticing all the eyes on him he paused and waved with his free arm. 
“Hey everyone, how’s it going?” 
“Good, just chillin’. Ya know?” Denki answered slyly. 
“Sounds good.” He nodded before he made eye contact with you. “Hey! You’re usual, right?” 
You just stared, wide eyed before Mina reached over and tugged on your sleeve. 
“Oh right! Uhh hey!” A nervous grin found its way to your lips. “Uhm yes, yes my usual would be great...t-thanks.” 
“Great! I’ll get right on it.” And with that, he turned to continue whatever he was doing. 
After we all paid, we sat at a table to wait for our drinks. 
“Oh man, he’s whipped.” Sero shook his head. 
“Can we not start this again?” You facepalmed. 
“I’m just saying.” He raised his hands up in surrender. “He didn’t know anyone else's usual, and we’re all here about the same amount. Just admit it.” 
“I-” You were cut off by your phone ringing. Frowning, you pulled it out of your pocket, quickly answering it. “Hey Iida, what’s going on?” 
“Are you anywhere with a tv?”  Glancing around, your eyes landed on the tv a few feet away from the table. 
“Yeah, why?” 
“Turn it on, go to channel 6.” Then he ended the call. 
“Oop, okay...bye?” 
“What’s up with Iida?” Mina quirked an eyebrow. 
“I uhm, I’m not sure. Hold on.” 
Getting up, you made your way to the counter. 
“Hey Eiji, do you have the remote for the tv?” 
“Huh?” He looked up at you before glancing under the counter. “Yeah. Knock yourself out.” 
“Thanks.” You muttered, taking the remote from his outstretched hand. 
“What’s going on?” Denki was visibly tensing up at the worry clearly on your face. 
Ignoring his question, you got a little closer to the tv and turned it on, skipping channels until finally finding number six. 
“A news channel?” You muttered, confusion deepening. 
“-multiple cases of violent cannibal attacks spreading throughout Seoul last night. Authorities are still baffled at what could possibly cause these attacks. The public has been informed to be vigilant and stay calm for the time being-” 
The reporter was cut off by the emergency broadcast playing through the speakers, colored bars replacing the broadcast. 
“Attention students, this is headmaster Nezu speaking. Please stay calm and stay in doors. If you are not inside a building, please enter the nearest one and enter the safety of a classroom. If you are in the dormitories, please lock your doors and stay in your rooms until further notice.” 
You could feel the anxiety rise through your body, fingertips shaking, heart beating, cold sweat starting to form on your brow. The tense atmosphere grew when screams could be heard outside. 
Everyone’s head snapped to one of the wall length windows, a student had just tackled another to the ground and...tore a chunk of their neck….with their teeth...
There was blood everywhere. 
“What the fuck was that?!” Denki covered his mouth in shock. 
Without missing a beat, Shoji and Kirishima ran to the doors and locked them. Bringing down the metal security gate and securing it in place.   
“What the hell is going on?!” 
The remote fell from your hand and clattered to the floor. Your knees giving out and meeting with the hard tiled floor. Hands buried in your hair as the panic gripped your lungs, squeezing all the air from them.  
Yes Mina, what the actual hell is going on?
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Deku's Birthday Extravaganza (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
Summary: It's Deku's birthday, and everyone in Class 1-A decides to come together and celebrate in a very special way.
A/N: I don't plan on doing birthday fics for anime characters on the regular; I just really wanted to do one each for Shinsou and Deku (because I ship them and HELLO, they share the same birthday month???). While Shinsou's was a one shot, I wanted to make Deku's part of the Primary Universe as a way to acknowledge the fact that he inadvertently became everyone's go-to tickle toy and he's totally fine with that. It's a fun way to come full-circle and have a birthday party all at once! Enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 1,232
“Is everyone ready?” Kirishima whispered excitedly as he ducked behind the wall of the kitchen to hide himself from the classmate walking down the hall toward them. The rest of the class nodded, taking up positions behind the table, fridge, and anything else they could find.
Moments later, Deku entered the darkened kitchen, stopped in confusion for a moment, and flipped on the light.
“Surprise!” Everyone shouted, jumping up out of their hiding places with bright smiles.
Deku’s eyes widened in shock, glancing around at everyone before noticing the giant cake on the dining room table, as well as a handful of wrapped gifts. “Aww, you guys!”
“Happy birthday, Midoriya,” Iida said with a grin, coming up to slap him on the back jovially. “We wanted to make today special since you’re stuck here in the dorms with us.”
“I even convinced Shinsou to come!” Kaminari announced excitedly, and for the first time Deku noticed the boy from Class 1-C standing off in a corner. Shinsou nodded at him with a slight smile, obviously feeling out of place in such a large group but still making an effort to be friendly.
Deku beamed. “Wow, thank you guys so much! That’s a huge cake, too!”
“I asked Mr. Aizawa if we could order it, and he went with us to pick it up from the store,” Uraraka said, smiling shyly. “I hope you like it.”
“I love it already.” Deku smiled at all of his friends. “You guys are the best.”
“And we’ve lined up the perfect birthday gift for you, too,” Kirishima said, smirking deviously. “One from all of us.”
“There’s more than what’s on the table?” Deku asked. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Oh, we volunteered,” Todoroki said, smirking as well.
Deku didn’t even have time to wonder why everyone suddenly looked mischievous before someone was grabbing his wrists from behind and pulling them above his head, another set of arms grabbing his elbows to hold him securely in place. It didn’t take a superhero nerd to figure out it was Shoji trapping him like this.
“W-What’s going on?” Deku asked nervously, but his question was answered without words when most of his classmates gathered around him, fingers wiggling teasingly. The greenette blushed but couldn’t help the smile spreading over his features already. “W-Wait…”
“We know you like being tickled,” Kirishima said.
“A lot,” Bakugou muttered. “Why else would you just roll over and take it every time?”
“N-Not…every time…” Deku tried to protest, but it was useless and he knew it. He squirmed as their wiggling fingers got even closer, still grinning.
Kiri chuckled. “So we thought, why not gang tickle you again?”
“Then we thought of something even better.” Bakugou smirked evilly at him. “You’re sixteen now, right, nerd? So why not tickle you for sixteen minutes to celebrate?”
Deku’s eyes widened. “S-Sixteen minutes? In a row?!”
“More or less.” Kiri grinned, stepping forward to kick things off by scribbling over his sides gently. “You’ll see what we mean soon enough.”
Mina took a turn to add, “If you really want us to stop for any reason, say ‘red,’ okay?”
A safe word? Deku thought, giggling as Kiri’s fingers scribbled and scratched over his sides, making him squirm in Shoji’s arms.
“Has someone set a timer?”
“Yeah, I’ve got it.”
A timer? After what felt like about a minute, Kiri stepped away to allow someone else to take over – that someone else being Iida, who went for his ribs. After another minute, Iida was replaced by Uraraka, then Kaminari, and so on. It only took a couple of classmates to put together what they were doing. Sure, it was sixteen straight minutes of tickling, but it was only one person at a time. He could totally handle this, and besides, Deku was already having a lot of fun.
That is, until Jirou was replaced by Todoroki at the ten minute mark, and the icy-hot hero flashed him a wicked grin. Deku’s giggles grew nervous; he knew that unlike the others, this particular friend really enjoyed tickling, and he proved it by being the first to go for his ultimate weak spot – his hips.
Deku bucked and burst into laughter for the first time, struggling in Shoji’s hold as his worst spot was assaulted with deadly precision. “NOHOHOHOHOHO!! TODOROKIEHEHEHEHEHE!! NOT THEHEHEHEHEHERE!!” His pleas were met by amused laughter from the rest of his classmates, followed by even more relentless tickling from Todoroki, who grinned down at him, revealing how much fun he was having with this little game as well.
When Todoroki’s turn was over, Deku gasped in a few deeper breaths and sagged in relief…until the eleventh person to step up was Bakugou.
“I’m not letting that extra show me up,” the blonde muttered, going for his hips even harder, with more precision than Deku was prepared for. Bakugou sought out the two hollows close to his thighs on either side that really made Deku scream with laughter and drilled in deep.
“KAHAHAHAHAHAHAHACCHAN!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Deku screeched, laughing and kicking so hard he nearly broke free from Shoji’s hold once or twice. He threw his head back and laughed freely, unable to do much more than endure at this point.
Bakugou chuckled, kept it up for his entire minute, and then finally stepped aside with a muttered, “Happy birthday, nerd,” that no one else could hear.
Deku slumped, still giggling, as Hagakure stepped up to him.
“You doing okay?” she asked.
“Y-Yeah,” he replied, beaming. “Bring it on.”
Finally they reached the point where fifteen of his classmates had cycled through to tickle him silly, and Deku was a flushed, breathless, giggly mess by the time he braced himself for the last person.
“All right! That was the last one,” Kirishima announced.
Deku frowned, confused. “B-But I’m sixteen. That was only fifteen.”
His classmates laughed. To his surprise, Shinsou made his way to the front from his spot at the back, smirking in a teasing way. “Fifteen individual tickles,” he agreed, wiggling his fingers in Deku’s field of vision. “But now we’ve got to give you one to grow on, don’t we?”
Without any warning, all of his classmates descended on him at once – even Shoji – and Deku screamed and cackled as he was pushed to the ground, squirming and bucking as he didn’t even know how many fingers found all of his ticklish spots at once, overriding any though processes he may have had left. All he could think was that it tickled so much, and he could only laugh and laugh and laugh.
Finally the longest minute of his life was over and everyone let up, watching as their friend rolled onto his side, giggling uncontrollably, tears having sprung to his eyes somewhere in all the madness. He reached up to wipe them away. “T-That was it…right?”
They laughed again.
“Yes, that was it.”
“No more tickles.”
“For now, anyway.”
Deku was helped back onto his feet and led to the table, where he took the place of honor at the head as everyone else crowded around the sides. Candles were lit, the room went dark, everyone started singing to him – Shinsou included – and Deku smiled so wide he thought his face might split in two. He hadn’t felt this happy in a long time.
He felt incredibly lucky and grateful to have so many wonderful friends.
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