#//The one who takes the most convincing into this is actually Kacchan
redxriiot · 2 years
No thoughts, just Bakugou and Kiri having a comedic (to them at least) way to convey when Bakugou doesn't want to hang out or simply a way for him to destress by having Kacchan heckin' HURL KIRI DOWN THE DORM STAIRS VIA EXPLOSION like how Geoffrey got in Fresh Prince
#;mun has spoken#//If there's one thing Kiri loves; it's getting YEETED#//And hey; if that can be incorporated into destressing his best bro; even BETTER#//Idk of it's better to have it happen via them talking it over then enacting and spooking the HELL outta their classmates#//Or it happen by accident bc Kacchan's tolerance was REAL LOW one day and Kiri accidentally set it off and got CHUCKED#//Kat panicking a bit and going to check on him; and Kiri asking him smth along the lines of Holy shit; can we do that AGAIN???#//THEN talking through things and beginning the habit#//But ye#//Aizawa and Iida are Not Amused to find this out#//Does it stop them tho? no it heckin doesn't#//The one who takes the most convincing into this is actually Kacchan#//Bc mans is tryna NOT have bully behavior anymore meanwhile Kiri's all 'cmon dude; kick me down the stairs; it's FUNNY; pls bro-'#//Like 'I CAN TAKE ITTTT; COME AT ME BROOOOOO'#//The day he's happiest is when he can convince the Kacchan to casually kick him down stairs in greeting or in surprise#//thinks it'll help keep him on his toes; Ei does. like sure; maybe with SOME warning if it'll make Kat more willing#//but part of the fun is the brief moment of panic in feeling a foot plant on his back and YEET him down like 'op there i go: down to hell'#//Kiri's got a bit of an odd sense of fun. and is an eager Enabler for possibly dangerous clownery times#//Specifically ones where HE is the one most at risk for injury#//Adrenaline junkie and a clown; he is
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makeste · 6 months
So before the next chapter translation/recap drops, I wanted to ask what you think of Bakugo very likely being AFO's final opponent? I didn't really see that coming. The rival is always there, but they usually team up with the MC for the final fight or aren't part of it (Vegeta during all the DBZ saga final villains, Sasuke at the end of Shipuuden). AFO isn't even Bakugo's personal villain, like Dabi is Todoroki's and Himiko is Uraraka's. I'm trying to wrap my head around it so it's more satisfying, but while it's REALLY AWESOME, I'm not feeling the *personal* stakes and ngl I spent half the time wondering if Deku would swoop in. I'm guessing he won't, final battle Shigaraki vs Deku, but yeah.
I think it's an interesting subversion of the usual final boss tropes. it's true that AFO and Bakugou don't have much in the way of personal history. they lack the tragic family ties of Dabi and Shouto, or the frequent homoerotic encounters of Toga and Ochako. Horikoshi clearly went a different route here.
that being said, there are a few things I do like about the setup. first, I really like that Bakugou chose Kid For One to be his final villain (and then inverted things on top of that -- you're not my final boss, I'm your final boss, lol). it's very much in line with his usual stubbornness and singlemindedness. everyone else -- Izuku, Shouto, and Ochako -- were sort of unwillingly dragged into their conflicts by fate. but Bakugou wanted a final boss so much that when life didn't conveniently hand him one, he went out and DEMANDED one. literally DIYed his own. that's the most Bakugou thing ever tbh.
second, I like the recurring theme of AFO creating his own demons. he's so powerful that the only thing that can bring him down is his own hubris. he accidentally created OFA by trying to dominate his baby brother. he tormented the OFA users for centuries only to be mutilated by a royally pissed-off All Might. and he has been snidely dismissive of Bakugou on multiple occasions throughout the manga, which is certainly looking like one hell of a mistake right now. not just because he missed the opportunity to kill him off on earlier occasions, but also because we all know that the more you ignore Kacchan, the more determined he is to prove you wrong.
third, I like that AFO is the one who apparently has personal trauma and not the other way around. even if the extent of his trauma is just, "you look like the guy I really hate!!", lol. it's unexpected and mildly amusing and I enjoy it.
and lastly, while I'm probably not super qualified to weigh in on this (seeing as there's a big chunk of the Deku vs. Tomura/AFO fight which I still haven't read yet, so I don't know how much ground has been covered already), I'm not so sure that this is the actual final battle. as you mentioned, those usually involve the rival teaming up with the MC against a single final villain. and neither Tomura nor Kid For One is giving me genuine final boss vibes tbh. I think AFO, and not Tomura, will be the final "final boss", but I'm guessing it will be a different version of AFO. either the AFO currently taking up residence in Tomura's head, or, potentially, the one possibly hanging out in Deku's.
either way though, that also means the final phase of this battle will likely take place not in the real world, but inside the OFA/AFO Mojo Dojo Casa Realm. and I think it will be Deku, Katsuki (since I'm convinced he also has OFA), and Tomura (plot twist) united against AFO. which I think would make for a much stronger final battle than the current setup. we were promised an ending which would surpass Heroes Rising in epicness, after all. a simple Deku vs. Tomura would hardly cut it, especially with Deku having already pushed himself to his limits and revealed all of his current OFA tricks that we know about. gotta be more to it.
so yeah, those are my thoughts. I'm enjoying the current antics, but I do think they are miniboss antics and not final boss ones. any finale that doesn't involve multiple OFA users teaming up against a single AFO wielder is going to feel a bit like it missed the point. it's literally in the name, lol. we need the "all" versus the "one", or else all that foreshadowing goes to waste. that's my hope at any rate.
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ilovereadingandstuff · 7 months
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Love to see her again, resisting the pain and injures. And she really integrated the idea of Izuku as a hero...remembering him by his actual name, as it was the only thing left in this world...It's kind of endearing.
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You're prettier every time I see you, Shiggy. That's not fair.
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And this little guy over here is gorgeous every chapter too. But he's so haggard. There are probably so many emotions buttling up inside him...(I don't know how to interpret his panels anymore)
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I really want to know what's up with this hole in his hand. Shiggy obteined it way back at PLF war, but I still don't understand where it came from. That's from AFO's quirk, right? With that hole is that he and AFO steals quirks from others?
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Funny to see you trying to convince yourself of a lie. Try harder, Shigaraki.
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That's the face of a maniac. A guy who's laughing at his own pain, a guy who's hitting on the pavement, flying in an insaly high speed...I love him.
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Your face is so pretty Mitsuki. I hate you...but you're so pretty.
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So it's canon?? IT'S CANON THAT AFO KILLED HIS OWN BROTHER!?! I'm not going to lie: I always supported the idea of 2nd user being the one who actually killed Yoichi...as a way of saving his life because AFO would take him capture again AND also as a way of not letting AFO win with the sweet achievement of getting rid of his own brother...but now that it's canon that AFO killed Yoichi...I like it. Love to know it... Some really good angst there. And now we can most likely say that AFO was crying because of that.
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I like this part, right here.
AFO is a narcissistic who does not respect nor see other people besides him. So the simple idea of him actually recognizing someone as a person, like he does with Izuku, All Might or Tomura, is a big deal, but then...the idea of him recognizing someone as a threat...That's HUGE!! EXTRAORDINARY!! UNTHINKABLE!!
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Wait, that's 2nd holder's name?? THAT'S 2ND HOLDER ACTUAL NAME??!! I've been...ages...wanting to know what is his true name...And...I accept it. If that's canon, I'm going to embrace it as it is, as the new information we got...But I don't like it. Sorry, but kUdO as his name??!! Could it not be another one?!? There were not other options??! I only like the fact that it starts with a K, similar to K-atsuki. (And how do we mix it with Yoichi's?? How is that even possible?? Kudoichi?? Yodo??).
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I don't like that paraphrase of this sentence but the concept it's undertandable.
Good chapter. I was getting impatient, and also the idea of 'Kacchan Bakugo' was getting on my nerves. But now: I'm good.
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pervysenpaix · 2 years
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Hi friends ! So I’m sitting here thinking about Dickhead Deku ☹️ MDNI
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Deku wasn’t the most confident in high school, especially when compared to his besties Katsuki and Shoto.
Girls often told him that he was “cute” or “adorable”, but that wasn’t what he was going for.
He wanted to be hot 🥵
So the cute little bean pierced his tongue and nose, tatted “DE” “KU” on his calves and got an undercut.
By the 3rd year came around his was rolling in cewchie, often catching more snatch than his bros.
Except Kirishima. He’s a fucking WHORE.
Our bean’s confidence was at and all time high. Ego boosting even further during his ProHero debut.
Isaiah Niggadoriya was in full effect.
More toxic than a Brent Faiyaz album.
If Deku saw a girl, and he wanted her, he got her. No questions asked.
With his charming white smile, cute freckles, mischievous eyes and bo legged stance that indicated something heavy hanging between his thighs 🌚. Nobody turned down the symbol of hope.
Nobody except you.
See, you were the cute girl that worked in the social media department at Endeavor’s agency. You’d been assigned to handle all of Shoto & Dynamight’s platforms because Shoto lacked people skills and Kacchan kept flashing out on trolls. Even claimed to be dating some girl that trolled him in America 🌚
This meant that you spent a good amount of time hanging around the hero, taking candids and getting quotes. Which in turn led to you spending a good bit of time with his friends.
“Hi (Y/N) thank you for the Soba. It was delicious.” Shoto smiled, giving you a cute head pat and taking the seat next to you. It felt kinda antiblack but he’s fine so whatever 🥲. “You’re welcome , Sho. Gotta keep my boys fed”. A deep chuckle sounded as Midoriya walked through the door, “I like to eat too, doll”.
Now, any other girl would’ve been on their knees right then and there but you scoffed, looking him up and down to return your attention to the two heroes that you’d been assigned too.
Deku hated this.
He’d been trying to get with you since you started working with his buddies but you wouldn’t give him the time of day.
He was convinced that the only words you knew were. “STOP” “NO” and “DONT”.
At least that was what he thought until he stayed late one night and heard you screaming “NO DON’T STOP!” From Yo Shindo’s office.
He was baffled.
You didn’t give him the time of day but you were fucking the great value version ?
“Really, YN?” Midoriya raised a brow , “Shindo? Baby , why go generic when you can have the real thing ?” A look of pure disgust crossed your features. “Let’s not compete where you don’t compare, Deku. At least Shindo knows how to treat a woman.” You gathered your things to head towards the car, he followed you of courses. Keeping as eyes glued on your ass that jiggled every time you took a step. Good god, he though as he held the door open. “I’ve never gotten any complaints from my lady friends”. You groaned, “that’s cause you’re cringe af. I’ve seen both Kat and Sho’s phones and anyone who refers to themselves as “pussy destroyer” followed by countless photos of them and multiple women in compromising positions is a “no” for me.”
Well damn. Couldn’t really argue when you put it like that. “I like nice guys” you continued, “guys that take me on dates and ask me about my day. Guys that aren’t just trying to fuck”. It was really hard for him not to laugh. Did you really think Shindo was genuine ? He’d been fake since high school. To think he’d actually scammed his way into your pants, and apparently your heart with the way you smiled absentmindedly at the thought of him.
Okay, if you wanted a nice guy then that’s what he’d be. Taking it back to high school, he turned into that cute , nerdy guy that all the girls friendzoned. Always popping up to say hi, being overly friendly and making conversation, pretending to care when you rambled about your day, acting like he was getting flustered from being near your when he was really blushing at the thought of how good you’d look choking on his dick.
Eventually, he’d gotten close enough for you to consider him a friend. Unfortunately, you’d also gotten even closer to Yo, unaware that he was fucking random fan girls every week because you were so “in love”. Lucky for you Izuku was, recording every encounter, sometimes even setting them up. “Hey, bro. I think that girl wants to talk to you.” He’d wink and pat Yo’s shoulder and the idiot would bite every time.
Finally, the time had come for some “anonymous” person to airdrop you the videos of Yo fucking around. You were distraught, in a complete state of disarray. Lucky for you, your good friend Izuku just happened to be walking around the corner when you started crying. “Hey , it’s okay. Forget him, he’s an asshole. My place is nearby, let’s go. We can watch movies and eat ice cream. You’ll forget all about him.”
Now you’re in his bed, two fingers rubbing your tongue, brushing the back of your throat and collecting saliva to rub on your budding nipples while he sucks on your clit and fingers your cunt.
He was right. You did forget about him. You couldn’t even remember his name after the third orgasm. All you could say was “Deku” and he hasn’t even pulled his dick out yet. His cock was twitching in his pants and he moaned around your bud as your pussy gushed on his fingers. Maybe when he fucked you, then you’d forget your name as well.
@xogabbiexo @plussizeficchick @blkchxrryblyss @bookwormsenpai @nasty-quillz @namjoonswifeyy @riozakii
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firyfox · 2 years
Bakugo should unlock the 2nd user's quirk
I can't find the og post but I saw someone else basically talking about how Bakugo has been the most consistent catalyst for Deku's quirk evolutions (that we see) and I just wanna say that this is such a great point so lemme elaborate on that :
- When Deku saw that it was Kacchan who was being attacked by the sludge villain , that's when his body moved on its own to save him , and this is what convinced All Might that Deku was worthy of taking up the torch . So from the start , Deku got his quirk in the first place because of how much he cared about Bakugo
- The original poster also brought up a great point that Bakugo was one of Deku's main influences for improving his primary power of OFA - using full cowling to propel and maneuver through the the air
- Then , of course , Deku's most obvious Kacchan related quirk evolution : unlocking blackwhip , his first alternate power of OFA . Deku literally got so enraged at Monoma trash talking Bakugo that it triggered a dormant ability , and the original user was even like ??? dude u gotta calm down or ur gonna loose control too easily 🤚🏼 Also pretty significant that Deku defending Katsuki is the start of him getting OFA in the first place as well as setting off THIS quirk , which is the start of Deku unlocking all the other crucial quirks
- A bit less significant , but during the war Deku unlocks float to carry everyone to safety including Bakugo
- Then during the war , Deku unlocks Danger Sense because of Bakugo . Even though Deku was surrounded by people he cared about who were being hurt , it was specifically Bakugo's peril that set him off . When Bakugo takes a hit from AFO for him , Deku is devastated by it , and then AFO belittles everyone's efforts , but also makes sure to specifically mock Bakugo's sacrifice (almost like he knows what'll provoke Deku) and this makes Deku go into rage mode , unlocking Danger Sense before basically going blackout feral and shouting at AFO to take it back . Out of all the reasons Deku has to be angry with AFO , that comment is what he decides to continuously focus on 🤨
Now I'm not saying that all of these were just because of Katsuki , but I am saying he is the most common factor
As for the other three quirks Deku has , Transference was presumably already unlocked as Deku received the power , while Fa Jin and Smokescreen were unlocked off screen . And now I'm just thinking about how every quirk Deku has unlocked that Horikoshi decided to show the audience , Bakugo was heavily involved somehow 😐
And now , the final quirk that Deku is destined to unlock happens to belong to a mysterious character who is clearly a visual and narrative parallel to Bakugo . After getting a closer look , I don't think the 2nd user is similar enough to actually be Bakugo , but he's too similar for the resemblance to be a coincidence . There's definitely supposed to be a significant connection here . Hmmm.... I wonder what that would be 🤔 I wonder what the payoff for this could possibly be 🤔⁉️👀🏳️‍🌈
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kingexpl0sionmurder · 3 years
Mutual Misunderstandings - Kirishima Eijirou - Smut
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Author: @kingexpl0sionmurder​​ Pairing: Kirishima Eijirou / F!Reader Rating: 18+ (Contains smut) Words: 5,866 Warnings: Quirkless AU, Aged up characters (they adulty adults!), unprotected vaginal sex, oral (male receiving), very very light choking, reader has a bit of a size kink. AN: Another entry for the BNHAREM collab! This time we’re writing roommates, and I somehow managed to snag Kirishima! I’m super excited for all of the fics coming this time around, so make sure you click on the link below and read some of the other submissions!
This is my first time writing Kirishima and I’m super nervous about it. I’ve always really loved him because he’s just the best boy and he’s so brave and strong and gentle and I just want to cuddle him into oblivion. I also firmly believe he’s going to be a huge tank of a man when he gets older and I’m going with that vision of him here.
Collab Masterlist is HERE My Masterlist is HERE Buy me a KoFi if you’re feeling froggy HERE
You stood in your living room, your jaw hanging open, staring at him in shock. Kirishima had a similar look on his face, the two of you pointing at each other like that Spider-Man meme. 
“You mean to tell me you’ve had a crush on me this whole time?” You finally choked out, blinking owlishly at your best friend and roommate. “I thought you liked Mina!”
Kirishima sputtered, shaking his head. “No way! She’s my friend, we’ve known each other since middle school, you know that.” He moved to cross his arms across his broad chest. “And anyway, there’s no way you like me, you have a crush on Bakugou!”
There was no way this was happening right now. “No! I don’t like Bakugou like that! He’s a pain in my fucking ass, and I think about murdering him on a daily basis.” Facepalming, you groaned. “Are we really this stupid?”
How did you end up here?
It started back in your first year of college. 
The parties and the seemingly endless studying had become a comfortable routine for you. So what if you were sleep-deprived and living on cup noodles? You were getting your higher education and ready to tackle the real world head-on in just a few short years.
A pipe dream, but still.
You had your best friend Shinsou by your side and a customer loyalty card at the campus coffee shop and everything was right with the world. You’d even managed to get paired up with Hitoshi’s (sort of) boyfriend for an English project, which was a better outcome than what you could have hoped for, not having to work with some rando on something that would be a large chunk of your grade.
Kaminari had suggested that you work on it at his place with the promise of Doritos, and you agreed. Who were you to turn down snacks? Poor college students needed those cheese dusted carbs to survive. 
The Upsilon Alpha fraternity was one of the best and most popular on campus, and at first, you found it almost laughable that Kaminari was a member. At first glance, he seemed like a total space cadet stoner who didn’t belong in college, much less as a member of such an esteemed frat. However, after getting to know him, you knew that he was most definitely all of those things, but he was also insanely smart when it counted and kept above average grades in his classes (except for math, but with him being a bisexual disaster human, it came with the territory).
You had made some decent progress on your project after about an hour. The outline was done, and you were discussing how you would be presenting it since you had a choice between a written essay or a PowerPoint presentation. 
Without warning, the kitchen door flew open, the doorknob slamming into the wall behind it.
“Well, the quiet was nice while it lasted, huh?” Kaminari blinked, completely unfazed by the commotion, leaning back in his chair and eating a chip.
Your gaze flitted over to the man who was glaring at the two of you from the doorway, his hands shoved in his pockets. Blonde hair that looked so much like an explosion was sticking up in every direction on his head, and you felt his red eyes trained on you as he took in the room. “What are you doing, Dunceface?”
Kaminari didn’t answer right away, raising his eyebrow and grinning at the new arrival. “Hey, Kacchan.”
If the bulging vein in the man’s forehead was any indication, Kaminari had said the wrong thing. He opened his mouth, and you assumed it was to threaten your project partner, but he was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder from behind.
“Bakubro, be nice. Kami has company.” 
The man that appeared beyond the angry pomeranian took your breath away. He was...big. Like, his shoulders were so wide you wondered how he was going to fit through the doorway. And he was tall, with spiked red hair making him look even taller, big red eyes and sharp teeth, and the most beautiful smile you’d ever laid eyes on.
Blonde and grumpy grumbled, moving aside to let giant and red into the room, who then turned that megawatt million-dollar smile on you, and you tried your best not to stare at his biceps or the way his shirt clung to his chest.
Was it hot in here all of a sudden?
“Hi! I’m Kirishima, and this ray of sunshine is Bakugou, we’re some of Kaminari’s frat brothers!” He held out his hand for you to shake, and you smiled up at him, taking his giant hand in yours. The size of his fingers sent your brain reeling, and you knew you needed to get yourself under control before you started moaning out loud in front of him. 
“I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you! Kami and I are just working on an English project.” You explained, grinning back up at him, trying to keep the lust off of your face. You didn’t want to look like some kind of freak.
He took his hand back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Oh, you must be Shinsou’s friend! Kami told us you’d be coming over, I forgot about that.” He turned, watching as Bakugou slunk over to the fridge and opened the door. “Don’t let us bother you, we’re just grabbing some water before we head to the gym.”
Kaminari snorted. “Dude, if you get any beefier we’re going to need to remodel the doors so you can fit through them.”
Kirishima turned as red as his hair, glancing at you, before he grinned at his friend. “If I stop, no one will be able to bench press you and Sero at the same time at the next party.”
“Bro, that is my favorite party trick of yours.” He sat up straighter, looking forlorn at the thought of it not happening anymore. “Okay, fine, go to the gym.”
Bakugou grumbled from behind him something that sounded like “I could bench press four of you if I wanted to.”
“Of course you could, buddy.” Kirishima slung his arm over Bakugou’s shoulder. “Okay, we’re out of here. It was nice to meet you, Y/N. Good luck with your project!”
Bakugou grunted and shoved a water bottle at Kirishima, shrugging out from under his arm and leaving the room. Kirishima smiled at you when you said goodbye, hurrying after his sour-faced friend and leaving you and Kaminari to your work.
“Your housemates are...interesting.” You managed, still trying to wrap your head around the red-haired man.
Kaminari snorted. “Kirishima is the walking definition of sunshine, and Bakugou is...well, he takes some getting used to. But he’s not a bad guy.”
You just hummed, chewing on your pen absently. “Can he actually bench press you?”
“Fuck yeah. He does it one-handed. You should come to our next party and see for yourself.”
Keeping your face as neutral as possible, you nodded. “Maybe I can convince Shinsou to come with me.” Wiggling your eyebrows at Kaminari when he blushed, you turned back to the notebook that lay open in front of you. “Come on, let’s figure this out so we can talk more about your intentions with my best friend.”
You did show up to the next UA frat party, Shinsou in tow. Your purple-haired bestie was grumbling the whole way, his hands shoved in his pockets. It didn’t stop him from making fun of how short your skirt was and teasing you about how you’d done nothing but talk about Kirishima since the day you’d met him.
“He’s like Clifford the Big Red Dog, Y/N. Clumsy and adorable.”
“He’s definitely big. I’d like to climb him like a tree.” You linked your arm with his, walking up to the giant house, the windows already rattling with the bass pumping through the speakers inside.
“You’re disgusting. I am appalled and also proud to call you my best friend.” Sarcastic as usual, he let you drag him along without a fuss.
“That sounds about right.”
The party was in full swing, half the campus milling around inside the house with red plastic cups in hand. You found Kaminari almost immediately, shoving Shinsou towards him and making your way to the kitchen to find yourself a drink. 
“Y/N!” Kirishima was in front of you almost immediately, giant cat eyes and his shark tooth smile lighting up the room. “Kami mentioned you might show up!”
Blushing, you nodded, suddenly losing the ability to form words. He was wearing a tank top, his arm muscles on display, and you took a moment to thank the Lord for the blessing before you. 
“You want a drink?” 
You realized you were staring, so you cleared your throat and smiled at him. “Yes, please.”
His large hand wrapped around your elbow gently as he tugged you through the crowd in the kitchen and out towards the back porch. You tried not to think about how your skin was burning under his touch. You needed to get a grip.
He got to work on the keg, pumping the handle on the top and grabbing you a cup, tilting it a bit as he filled it with beer. 
“Hey, shitty hair! Beer pong!” You turned to see Bakugou standing on the other side of the large wooden deck, his arm resting on the shoulder of a tall and lanky brown-haired boy. “Sero here wants to break up the dream team! Find a partner!”
Kirishima chuckled, shaking his head. “Yeah, hang on!” He turned to you, handing you your drink. “So, you play beer pong?”
Bringing the cup to your lips, you tilted your head back and chugged your beer, wiping your mouth off with the back of your hand when you’d finished. Kirishima was staring at you with wide eyes, looking surprised but pleased. “Yeah. I’m better when I’m drunk, though.”
He held out his hand for the empty cup, moving to fill it up again, his grin never faltering. “Let’s go kick their asses.”
That was the beginning of your friendship with Kirishima. What had started as a crush on the red-haired man had turned into a companionship that you couldn’t ever see yourself without. That was why you never said a word about how you really felt.
As cliché as it was, you didn’t know how you’d survived without the guy. He was nothing short of amazing. He was a great listener, and he gave good advice. He was always there when you needed him, bringing you soup when you were sick, going on late-night snack runs when you were up all night studying for exams, showing up with chocolate and tampons when it was your time of the month.
Shinsou had always done those things for you, but he was spending a lot of time with his boyfriend now. You weren’t upset about it though, you thought they were the cutest and you didn’t want to third wheel their time together, so you hung out with Kirishima and Bakugou a lot more often. 
As Kaminari had told you on that first day, Bakugou truly wasn’t a bad guy. His attitude got on your nerves though, and you envisioned punching him in the face at least four times a day, but you didn’t dislike him. He and Kirishima were best friends, so he was a part of the package, and you learned to deal with him.
So it was a no-brainer when Kirishima and Bakugou approached you and asked if you wanted to get an apartment with them once you’d graduated. With the three of you living together, you were able to afford a nicer apartment than you’d ever dreamed of having that was in a central location and only a few train stops away from where your respective jobs were located.
Things were going well, and you’d done a decent job of keeping your true feelings for Kirishima to yourself. It helped that he’d never dated anyone, and you were free to lust after him quietly, under the impression that no one had caught on to how you really felt, perfectly content to continue as you had been since the day you’d met him. 
The only wrench in your plans of quiet pining was Mina Ashido.
Mina was awesome, and you loved her to pieces. She was one of the only other females in your friend group and had been around since you’d gotten closer to the boys in the frat that first year of college. She was the perfect person to go to when you needed some self-care nights, always down to put on a face mask and paint your nails, and she was the best shopping partner.
However, you were thoroughly convinced that Kirishima liked her. 
You’d noticed, as far back as your freshman year, how they always gravitated towards each other in social settings. Mina was always one of the last ones to leave when you went out back then, always the one Kirishima threw his arm around when you walked back to campus from the bar.
It was part of the reason you’d become close with Bakugou in the first place. Whenever Kiri was with Mina, you always sidled up to the explosive blonde, teasing him to distract yourself from the way your heart was squeezing in your chest. 
Neither of them had ever mentioned having more than just a platonic, friendly relationship with each other, but you couldn’t shake the feeling you got whenever you saw them together.
It’s called jealousy, you idiot.
You had nothing to be jealous about though. Kirishima was your friend, and that’s all he would ever be.
Things had been going well, at least that’s what you’d thought. And then this morning had happened.
It was Saturday, which was your normal grocery shopping day. You and Bakugou had taken on the burden of shopping for groceries for the apartment. You’d allowed Kirishima to go once and he came home with more junk food than should be allowed in one cart, and half of the things on the list you’d given him missing, and more protein powder than should be legally allowed.
Bakugou had worked out a system and your grocery shopping trips were like a well-oiled machine that took no longer than an hour out of your day, and you were grateful for your grumpy friend and his penchant for being overly organized.
You finished getting dressed, ready to get this over with so you could use the rest of the day to play video games and be generally lazy. Walking into the living room, you stopped in your tracks to see your roommates glaring at each other, which was normal for one of them, and uncharacteristic for the other.
“Everything okay?” Your eyes darted between the two men, taking in Kirishima’s stiff posture and clenched jaw. 
“Fine. I’m going shopping alone today.” Bakugou grunted, turning away from his best friend.
Puzzled, you frowned. “What? Why?”
Bakugou stopped in the doorway, turning to face the both of you, looking thoroughly fed up. He lifted his hand and pointed. “The two of you are making me want to commit myself. I’ve been dealing with this shit for years, and it ends today. You’re in love with each other. Figure your shit out and fuck already. I’ll be out for the rest of the day.”
You gaped after him as he turned again, giving you both the middle finger over his shoulder as he left, the door slamming shut behind him.
And that brings us up to speed.
“Are we really this stupid?” You asked, shutting your eyes and leaning your head back.
Kirishima sighed. “This doesn’t make any sense. Since when?”
Snorting, you flopped down on the couch, rubbing at your face tiredly. “Truthfully? Since the moment we met.” You guessed the cat was out of the bag, so you might as well tell him everything. “In the kitchen at the frat house.”
“When you came over to work on that project with Denki?” His eyebrows furrowed, an adorably confused look on his face. “Are you telling me I’ve been pushing you at Bakugou for nearly 5 years for no reason?”
“Yeah, you could stop doing that at any time and I would appreciate it. Unless you want me to strangle him to death.”
Kirishima flopped down on the other end of the couch, his shoulders slumping in defeat. “I’ve liked you just as long, you know? I saw you sitting in our kitchen and I thought I was going to throw up.”
“If that was supposed to make me feel good about myself then you’ve failed miserably.”
“No! I just mean, the butterflies-” He groaned. “Shut up and let me get this out okay?” 
Smirking at him, you turned your body, leaning against the back of the couch. “Okay, sorry, keep going.”
Taking a deep breath, he continued, red eyes trained on your face. “Do you remember the frat party?”
“Which one?”
“That first one, when you chugged that beer in front of me and then helped me kick Bakugou’s ass at beer pong?” He waited for you to nod before he spoke again. “I’d never felt so enamored with anyone in my entire life.” Kirishima let his gaze fall to his hands. “You were so awesome and funny and beautiful and you kept up with my friends and their dumbass antics like a pro and I just...I couldn’t believe you were real. I just kept telling myself that you would never be into someone like me, so I decided that if we could be friends for life then that would be enough.”
“Ei…” You trailed off, frowning. You’d always known he tended to get down on himself. You and Bakugou had done your best to convince him he was worth much more than he let himself believe, but sometimes he needed a reminder.
“I know, I know. I don’t feel that way anymore, but at the time I did.” His hair was down, tied back in a loose bun, bits of his fringe falling in his eyes. He pushed a piece of it behind his ear and kept going. “So I tried to keep my distance, kept on hanging around with Mina, tried not to think about how much I wanted to be with you. She kept telling me I needed to tell you, kept rubbing it in that I wasn’t being manly about it. But you were hanging out with Bakugou so much I just figured you liked him and I didn’t want to get in the way.”
Closing your eyes, you let your head fall forward. “I was hanging out with Bakugou because I couldn’t stand seeing you with Mina so much. I was jealous.” Realization hit, and your eyes snapped open. “Mina knew?”
“Yeah, she’s the only one I told.”
“All those times we hung out and she never said a word.” Chuckling, you shook your head. “I told Shinsou. It’s like the only secret he’s ever kept from Kaminari. I threatened to mutilate him beyond all recognition if he mentioned a word to anyone.” You grinned sheepishly at him.
Kirishima huffed a laugh. “You’ve been spending way too much time with Bakugou. Your threats are just as creative as his.”
“Speaking of, I guess he figured it out on his own then.”
Humming, he shrugged. “He was always the smartest one out of all of us.” He looked over at you again. “So, now it’s your turn.”
Raising an eyebrow, you blinked at him. “For what? A heartfelt confession?” 
“It’s only fair. I told you how I felt. What did you think when you first met me?”
You felt your ears get hot. “Do you want the truth? Because it’s kind of embarrassing.”
Shifting himself on the couch, he leaned against the arm, tanned forearms resting on his knees. “Oh, this should be good.” He teased, grinning.
“Shut up.” You sighed, preparing yourself for his reaction. “When you walked into the kitchen that day, my first thoughts were...uh...pretty dirty. Like X rated.”
Eyes wide, he stared at you. “Really? How dirty are we talking here?”
You covered your face with your hands, mumbling your answer behind them.
“Sorry, what was that?” He was fucking with you again, you could hear the smirk in his voice, and you were tempted to smack him with a throw pillow.
Taking a deep breath, you moved your hands from your face, looking him right in the eye. “I said, I wanted you to step on me.”
Sputtering, he blinked a few times. “What?”
“I mean, you were this...tank, Eijirou. Like this giant man with gorgeous eyes and a killer smile, with the personality of fucking sunshine and you had these big hands and I wanted you to wrap them around my throat and-”
“Whoa whoa whoa, seriously?” His cheeks were as red as his hair, his hands flailing as he stopped your tirade. “You wanted me to…?
Nodding solemnly, you looked him dead in the eyes. “Yes, and I’ve thought about that like every day since then.” 
“I am learning things about you today that I never even imagined.” Blowing a breath out he slumped back, looking shook.
You hurried on, wanting him to know it was more than that. “I mean, after that I got to know you and I love everything about you, Ei. I just, you’re such a good person, better than I could ever be. You care about everyone and you’re always there for me, for all of us, whenever we need you. You’re strong and funny and brave. I always know that I can rely on you.” Sniffling, you couldn’t help the emotions bubbling to the surface. 
“But you also want me to step on you.” He was grinning, his eyes a little wet, too.
Wiping at your eyes with your fingers, you chuckled. “Yes, exactly.”
Sighing, he leaned forward, grabbing your arm and tugging. “Come here.”
Crawling across the couch, you laid down between his parted legs, your head resting on his chest. He wrapped his giant arms around you and kissed the top of your head. 
“Now what?” You asked, realizing you were afraid of the answer. What happened now?
He hummed, and you heard the sound vibrate through his chest. “I was going to suggest a nap, but now I keep thinking about what you said…”
You lifted up to ask what he meant, shifting your body and freezing when you felt something hard brush against your thigh. Eyes meeting his, you bit your lip at the look on his face, feeling a blush creep over your face and down your neck. “Yeah?”
“I figured we can do things out of order a little bit, right? I’m going to take you on a real date and court you properly, like a gentleman and all that, but right now all I can think about is, well…” He sat up, grabbing you around the waist and lifting you like it was nothing, until you were sitting properly on his lap, straddling his hips. When he was satisfied, his hand moved to your throat, putting the smallest amount of pressure on the sides of your neck with his calloused fingertips.
The moan that tore from your throat was low and quiet, but he heard it, muttering a curse under his breath as you became nearly boneless in his lap. “Eijriou.” You managed, licking your lips and gazing at him through half-closed eyes, your blood pounding in your ears.
It was ridiculous how turned on you were in that moment, and he’d barely done a thing. You felt his cock twitch beneath you, and you couldn’t help but grind down on him, the small amount of friction making you shiver.
Suddenly he was guiding you towards him, your noses bumping and breath mingling as he held you in place, his lips just out of your reach. “You don’t know how much I’ve always wanted you, Y/N.” 
Letting your eyes slide closed, you ran your hands up his muscled arms and rested them on his shoulders to keep yourself upright. You were tired of waiting, of keeping yourself from what you wanted. “Show me.”
If you were to die right here on this couch it would have all been worth it. The feeling of his lips on yours, the way he ran his thumb lightly over your throat as he kissed you, had your eyes rolling back in their sockets. You couldn’t get enough of the taste of him, of the feeling of his hard body beneath your fingertips. He was careful with his sharp teeth, tugging at your bottom lip lightly, your tongues sliding together as he rolled his hips against yours.
You pulled back for air finally, taking in his kiss bruised lips and dilated pupils. Reaching down, you tore your shirt over your head, tossing it across the room, never breaking eye contact. You watched his gaze fall to your heaving chest as he worried at his bottom lip for a moment, obviously lost in thought. 
Before you could ask him what he was thinking about, he’d shifted again so that his feet were on the floor. Kirishima lifted you off his lap and put you on your feet in front of him, hands moving to your waist, fingers slipping into the elastic of the leggings you were wearing. He pressed his face to your bare stomach, kissing your skin as he worked your pants down your thighs, slipping them past your knees. You played with his hair, moaning softly as he kissed along your hip.
When he sat back you stepped out of your leggings, feeling exposed. You forgot how to be awkward when he was looking at you like that, hungry and wanting. Stepping forward, you pouted. “Why am I the only one half-naked?”
Chuckling, he pulled his shirt off, and you sucked in a breath, trying to wrap your head around the fact that this man, with a chiseled and perfect body like a Greek god, wanted you.
You didn’t even have time to admire him, because he was moving again, pulling you closer by your thighs, sharp teeth hooking into the front of your panties and dragging them down. Tugging the tie out of his hair, you slid it on your wrist, letting your fingers card through his red locks. He let his hands do the rest of the work until the offending garment was tangled around your ankles. 
Pushing him away gently, you watched him settle back on the couch, red eyes gazing at you as you reached back to unclasp your bra, letting it fall to the floor, finally fully exposed to him. Kirishima sucked in a breath, blinking a few times in disbelief. “God, you’re so beautiful.”
You kicked your panties to the side, moving to kneel in front of him, reaching up to grasp the top of his grey sweats, mouth-watering when you started to tug them down. Kirishima was huge everywhere else, so the size of his cock was of no surprise to you. He was massive, long, and girthy, and you couldn’t wait to feel him inside you, stuffing you full.
Rubbing your thighs together for some relief, you left his sweats around his ankles, leaning forward and grasping his cock in your hand. It was almost comical how small your hands looked compared to it. Your eyes locked with his as you licked a long stripe up the shaft, tracing along the prominent vein on the underside, and lapping at the precum dripping from the head. 
Kirishima’s head fell back to rest on the cushion behind him, his fingers tangling in your hair as you took him into your mouth. Your jaw ached almost immediately as you did your best to swallow all of him down, willing your throat to relax. You’d spent so long thinking about how he would taste and sound as you sucked his soul out through his dick, you were going to make the most out of this moment. 
His breathy pants filled the room, along with the obscene slurping sounds of your mouth around his cock. Gripping your hair and tugging lightly, you could tell he was holding back, his thighs shaking with the effort to keep from fucking up into your face. You pulled off, opening your mouth to let him know he could wreck you however he wanted, but he had other plans.
“Come up here, baby.”
The pet name sent shivers through you as you stood up, straddling his lap, his cock pressed up against his stomach. His thumb brushed over your lips, wiping away the spit and pre that spilled down your chin. Cradling your face in his large palm, he pulled you forward and kissed you deeply, his free hand sliding between your bodies. Thick fingers parted your folds, and you lifted up on your knees to give him better access. You moaned into his mouth as he brushed over your clit, gathering the dripping wetness of your cunt along his digits and sliding one finger inside your hole.
You clenched around him, breaking the kiss and keening loudly, your hips involuntarily bucking against his hand. His finger pumped in and out, curling slightly and pressing against your inner walls, stretching you. Gripping your hip with his other hand, he kissed his way down your jaw to your neck and chest, tongue flicking out over your nipple, hot breath ghosting over your skin with a chuckle when you grabbed his head and pulled him towards you.  
One finger turned to two and then three as you rocked and mewled in pleasure, his thumb finding your clit again and pressing against the bundle of nerves, whispered praises reaching your ears as he sucked and bit at your breasts. You were on the edge, wanting to fall over and drown in him, needing to cum all over his fingers and then again on his cock, wanting nothing more than to feel this way forever. 
“Ei I’m gonna…” You panted, unable to form the words.
Grunting, he moved his fingers faster, pressing his thumb in a little harder, his words of praise streaming steadily, telling you how good you were, how pretty you looked. Eyes rolling back, your body tensed, a moan in the sound of his name leaving your lips as you shook, cumming harder than you ever had in your life. 
You were still clenching when he pulled his fingers out of you, his hand slick with release as he tugged on his cock and lined it up with your entrance, your body mourning the loss for mere seconds before he was filling you again. The slick glide of your arousal had you taking nearly all of him, the two of you groaning in tandem at the feeling. Gripping his shoulders, you lifted slightly, slamming your hips back down and taking him to the hilt. The stretch was just on the edge of painful, but his thick digits had stretched you just enough that the pleasure superseded any discomfort.
Still trying to gather yourself after your orgasm, you took a moment to breathe, studying his face, your gaze tracing over the scar on his eyelid, and his dark lashes fanning over his cheeks. An hour ago you never could have imagined you’d be here, panting shakily, drenched in sweat and skin to skin with your best friend and roommate. 
Clenching around him, you held his shoulders, rocking forward and lifting yourself slightly. Kirishima gripped your hips, fucking up into you in a steady rhythm, his lips finding yours once again to swallow the panting moans leaving you. You bounced on his cock, relishing the feeling as he kissed down your neck, his fingertips digging into your flesh, sure to leave bruises for you to admire the next day.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but it didn’t even matter. Just being this close to him, feeling him filling you so completely after wanting him for so long, it could have been minutes and you’d be happy. Knowing he felt for you as strongly as you felt for him was enough. 
His fingers trailed along your front and dipped in between your bodies to rub your clit again, and you felt the pleasure race down your spine, coil tightening again and ready to break. “Oh fuck, Eijirou!”
Growling, he grunted your name as his hips snapped up to meet yours, chasing his release. “I love you, Y/N.”
His words tipped you over again, your breath catching as you came, the wet sounds of his cock plunging into you increasing as you gushed around him. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, completely spent. You held onto him as he slammed into you a few more times, rhythm faltering and hips stuttering until he was filling you up with a loud groan.
Collapsing back onto the couch, he held you to his chest, the two of you gasping for air. It was quiet for a few minutes as he rubbed his palm along your back comfortingly. You felt relaxed and sated, a pleased smile making its way to your face when you thought about what he’d said.
“Hey, Ei?” You pulled back slightly to look at him, giggling when he peeked one eye open to gaze at you.
“You okay?”
“Mm. I just wanted to tell you that I love you, too.”
He looked sheepish, opening both eyes and biting his lip. “I didn’t mean to tell you like that. I wanted it to be romantic.”
“That was plenty romantic, Eijirou.” Rolling your eyes fondly, you shifted in his lap. “I’m just happy to hear you say it.”
“Man, we did this all wrong. I should have at least taken you to dinner first. This is so unmanly of me, I just couldn’t help it.” He frowned. “I’m sorry-”
“You’re too good sometimes, Ei. I’m not complaining, am I?” You raised an eyebrow. “We should go get cleaned up before Bakugou comes home and finds out we fucked on the couch.”
“Please don’t talk about Bakugou while you’re sitting on my dick.” He made a face that caused you to bust into gasping laughter. 
“Oh my god, I can’t.” You wheezed. “You’re ridiculous.” You moved to get up and he stopped you.
With a serious look on his face, he pushed your hair away from your face, his hand lingering near your ear. “I do love you though, Y/N. And I’m glad we finally got here. I didn’t think we ever would.”
Expression softening, you leaned into his palm, smiling at him. “Me too.”
Maybe if you had just told him how you felt all those years ago, you would have been able to have this sooner. But you promised yourself that you wouldn’t dwell on the past, deciding to focus on the future, because you knew it would be filled with more moments with him just like this.
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Meeee. I want a longer version of the voyeur deku and bully kacchan. but in kacchan's pov tho. 💜💜💜👀
My dear anon. You ask and so you shall receive 💓
Pt.1, Pt.2
Tw: implied gangbang, stalking, implied noncon
If there’s one thing Katsuki Bakugo hated more than Deku, it was you.
No, actually, scratch that.
He couldn’t stand you around Deku.
As his childhood friend-or rival, whatever the fuck you wanted to call it, Bakugo knew Deku like the back of his hand.
He knew how he liked his breakfast, eggs runny with cheese and pepper sprinkled in the middle. He knew how crazy he could be as a fanboy for All Might, collecting over 500 antiques of the hero. He knew how he liked spring better because then he could stand under the Sakura trees and close his eyes in bliss while the petals floated softly down on his face.
He knew how he liked to steal your panties and jerk off to them.
He knew that his favorite position to watch him rape you from the front so that he could see every expression while you were filled to the brim with cum.
How the fuck could you be so blind?
Did you not notice the way your undergarments slowly started to vanish, one by one? Did you not realize who’s handwriting it was when you found yet another threatening yet lewd note in your locker? You had to actually be brain dead to not catch on to how he was always the last person out, just to trail behind and watch how your ass swayed when you walked out of the classroom.
But no, apparently you were even more stupid than he thought.
Because instead of correctly matching a face to actions, you thought him, Bakugo fucking Katsuki was the one doing all of this.
He supposed he couldn’t actually hold it against you though. I mean, he was the one slipping a hand up your shirt when you were walking out said door, he was the one who was shoving you against the lockers right when you were about to unlock it and find the notes, and he was the one who tore your panties in two, dangling them in front of your face while you pleaded for him to give it back. He never did, of course, he simply threw them over his shoulder and proceeded dragging you away so he could fuck you in privacy.
But he guesses there wasn’t much privacy if he was being watched all the time.
It was actually pretty typical of Deku. To leech off of what he left behind and try to claim it as his own. First his All Might obsession, then his shoot style, and now you? It’s pathetic, but typical.
He should’ve realized it wasn’t the shadows moving in the corner of his eyes when he was buried to the hilt inside your warmth. When the hairs stood at the back of your neck in the showers, it wasn’t because he was fucking you dumb, it was because someone else’s moans were in synch with his.
But it’s okay, because he knows and you don’t. He knows how the dweeb looks at you, how he sports a tent in his pants when you innocently lay a hand on his shoulder, he knows why your window is broken even though you fell asleep with it intact.
He catches Deku one day. He catches him red handed like the little rat he is.
It was so easy, too, the green haired little shit follows him around like some lovesick puppy anyways. Sometimes he can’t tell if he’s following you or himself.
You walk home from your night classes one evening, when the night is darker than your own shadows and the stars barely dust across the sky. No one else is around, and so you clutch your bag a little more tightly against you whenever you hear a leaf or a start car rustle in the trees surrounding your path back to the dorms.
Bakugo knows your schedule, of course. You take English and Statistics in the morning and save Quirk Training for the evening when you’re the most tired-a stupid plan, in his opinion.
Or at least he thought, at first. Turns out that you’re the easiest to follow when you’re spent and covered in bruises from being thrown against rocks and burned by fire from class. He wishes he could’ve seen you in person when that all happens, but it doesn’t matter when you’re stumbling down the cobblestone path towards your dorm, deaf and blind to any person that might be right behind you.
You just want to go home, he can accept that. Especially when he can so easily trail after you, merely 20 feet away on the same path as you. No one would suspect he’s up to no good from the leisurely way he strolls with his hands in his pockets, and he would bet his entire life that you wouldn’t waste a second to turn around and check your surrounding in favor of hurrying up to your room so you can sleep the aches away.
He might be subtle, but Deku isn’t.
The fucker hides in the bushes and almost crawls like a bug in the foliage after his two favorite people. It’s not even a clever disguise because his hair is three shades lighter than the leaves on the thickets.
Bakugo can hear the twigs snap and rustle as he bumbles around trying to be inconspicuous. He rolls his eyes and turns around, a deep scowl on his face.
“You’re not fooling anyone you bastard. Get the fuck out here right now before I blast you away.”
It doesn’t even take a full three seconds before Deku’s head meekly pops up and he gives a weak smile.
“H-hey Kacchan. Nice to see you here, I just dropped my papers-“
“No you didn’t. How long have you been following us?”
Deku blanches and slowly lifts his eyes to meet Bakugo’s. His mouth might’ve tried to open and refute the accusation, but when he saw the subtle smirk in the latters eye he found himself caring less about being caught.
“Howd you know?”
“You fuckin’ kidding me?” He scoffs and takes a quick glance back at you to ensure that you hadn’t walked too far off. You were still slowly trudging away, an easy distance for him to cross. “You’re about as stealthy as my quirk you freak.”
Deku laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head, also trying to quickly turn his head to see where you are.
“You likin’ the show so far?”
“Huh?” The green haired boy snaps his head back to him, blushing furiously now.
“You heard me. And don’t pretend to be so scandalized, you’re not holier than thou.”
The low voice to an almost predatory tone makes Deku drop the act. He straightens up a bit taller and his eyelids lower, his brows raised in a mocking sneer of some sorts. His lips curl and his teeth gleam in the moonlight, almost looking like fangs.
Bakugo has to remind himself for a moment not to back up a step.
“Yeah, I’m likin’ it.”
“I knew it. I bet you watched us every time we fucked, you bastard. Next time I’ll make you pay for front row seats since that’s where you always seem to be.” He crosses his arms and stares Deku down.
But the other doesn’t cower. Instead, his expression morphs into that of a weird hopeful look.
“I wouldn’t exactly say fucked is the right word. I’d say raped is better, Kacchan.”
It’s the utter confidence and ease in which he says this that makes Bakugo do a double take, his scowl breaking for a moment.
But he regroups. He knew this little shit was weird and fucked up, but he didn’t realize he was twisted beyond repair. In reality, he knew he was actually having sex with you without your full consent but hearing it from a guy like Deku made it so much worse.
It made his heart pound a little faster, while it made Dekus mouth water.
“Yeah? You liked watching me motorboat and fuck her tits? You liked hearing her scream for me, scream to get away from me too?”
And even in the shadows from the trees he can see how hard the degenerate nods his head eagerly like a dog waiting for its bone.
Even though he doesn’t like how the glint in his eyes darken with each vile word coming from his own mouth, he can’t help but go further down this rabbit hole and see how much Deku can take before he snaps-he’s never seen him so hungry for something before, except for when he would be around All Might.
So he eggs him on.
“I bet you got off on watching her struggle underneath me, didn’t you?” It’s less of a question and more of a statement to which Deku confirms.
“I did. I got off so many times I thought I’d have to get it checked out. But honestly, I think you could do better.”
Katsuki wasnt expecting that response.
“Who the fuck are you to-“
“Have you ever really savored the look of fear in her eyes? Have you ever tied her up and really played with her?”
His voice gets stuck in his throat as Deku continues.
“She’s pretty when you fill her up, but I can’t help but wonder..what would she look like with every hole plugged?”
He has no right looking so shy and nervous when such filth leaves his salivating lips. A drop of spit falls to the cobblestone and as Bakugo grimaces and steps back a bit, he realizes that he has not given his childhood rival as much credit for being a creep than he actually is.
“No fucking way. You better not be suggesting you get in on any of this action. She’s fuckin’ mine and I’ll be damned if I have to share her with some useless fuck like you.”
“I promise I won’t be useless, Kacchan. I’ll make sure to keep her moving at all times. She won’t stop bouncing when I’m with her, please, please let me give it a try too.”
And when he doesn’t look convinced, Deku rambles on like a madman. “I’ll even gag her with her own bloodstained panties so that she can shut up and I can focus better. I won’t ask you for her pussy either, I’ll take her ass or throat instead if you want!”
Katsuki wishes he didn’t hear the childhood boyish eager in his voice as he spoke.
He also wishes his dick didn’t get quite so hard when all of that was said.
“God, just shut up already, she’s getting farther now. Okay look, I’ll let you give it a go this one time only so that I can fuck her in peace without you staring at my ass the entire time.”
Dekus eyes light up and he lifts a leg over to step over the hedges. “Really, you mean it? I can fuck her too?”
Bakugo snarls and turns away, heading towards the same path you took. “Whatever, just don’t think this is gonna be a regular kind of thing. I worked hard to get myself a toy and I’ll be damned if you fuck it up for me.”
And when they both join the other towards you, there’s a moment when you glance back that you think the shadow that has been following you this whole time has turned into two.
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dekuskacchan · 3 years
i will follow you into the dark
Rating: T
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a happy ending, Fluff
Summary: Izuku has finally returned to UA, and Katsuki will never let him go again.
Or: Izuku and Katsuki finally discuss their feelings.
A/N: Hi again, friends! Since chapter 322 is out now and dominating all of our lives, I felt inspired to write. This is intended to be a sequel to my fic "Tell Me I'm Dreaming," and takes place immediately after the events of chapter 322. So, spoilers are ahead for that chapter! I hope you like it <3
I'd also like to note: Izuku ate and took a bath when he got back, I just couldn't figure out how to work that in. Fear not, he is a clean and fed boy :')
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33153718
Katsuki watches the gentle rise and fall of Izuku’s chest as he sleeps, undoubtedly for the first time in days. He’d fallen asleep the second his head hit the pillow on the small bed in Recovery Girl’s office, and hasn’t budged since.
In the 12 hours Izuku has been back at UA, Katsuki has left his side once, only with substantial convincing from Glasses and Shitty Hair.
“Dude, he’ll probably be out cold for a few more hours. At least go scarf down some food and take a nap,” Shitty Hair said.
“Shut the fuck up,” Katsuki retorted, “I ate this morning. And I have slept.”
Kirishima let out an exasperated sigh that irritated Katsuki to no end.
“Did you come here just to piss me off?” he snapped.
“We are concerned for your well being, just as we are Midoriya’s,” Iida said, “you haven’t fully recovered from your own injuries yet. You need to rest.”
“I said I was fucking fine.”
Iida looked at him with knowing eyes and a gentle smile. It annoyed Katsuki even more.
“He won’t disappear if you stop watching him, Bakugou."
“Yeah. We’ll stay with him,” Kirishima added with a thumbs up.
Katsuki gritted his teeth. As much as he hated to admit it, they were right. His empty stomach only served to fuel his anger more.
“I hear they’re serving spicy curry for lunch in the cafeteria,” Iida coaxed.
Katsuki had relented at that point, not because it was his favorite, of course, the growling in his stomach was just giving him away.
Katsuki returned less than an hour later. Kirishima and Iida admittedly had reassured him, to some degree, but it wasn’t enough to quell his anxiety. Iida scolded him for refusing to rest, but did nothing to stop him, as if he knew his efforts were futile. The pair stayed with Katsuki at Izuku’s bedside a while longer, but left him to his devices nonetheless.
Half and Half stopped by some time later, tapping on Katsuki’s shoulder and waking him from a restless sleep in a shitty plastic chair at Izuku’s bedside.
“Wouldn’t it be more comfortable to sleep in your bed, Bakugou?” he asked, sitting in a chair adjacent to him.
“I was sleeping just fine before you fucking showed up, you Half and Half bastard,” Katsuki snarled.
“I’ve been here for an hour and a half, actually,” Todoroki stated. Always so fucking deadpan.
“Why the fuck did you wake me up now then?”
“You looked uncomfortable.”
“I’m fine, asshole,” Katsuki grumbled. Todoroki looked unconvinced.
“I figured you would say that. Here, I brought you this,” Todoroki produced a blanket from behind his chair and handed it to Katsuki.
“I don’t need your fucking charity," Katsuki grumbled, but accepted it anyway, silently grateful for refuge from the chill in the room.
“It’s no trouble,” Todoroki patted his shoulder.
“Tch.” Katsuki shrugged him off.
They sat in silence for a while. Izuku still hadn’t budged. Katsuki was worried, but some part of him was thankful that Izuku was finally fucking resting.
“Everyone is proud of you, you know,” Todoroki said quietly.
“It took courage, what you did. We know it’s not easy for you to express your emotions,” he paused, considering his next words, “it... doesn’t come naturally to me, either.”
“No shit!” Katsuki barked. Todoroki raised a finger to his lips to shush him and nodded at Izuku, who had grunted in his sleep.
“I’m just saying, your efforts aren’t unseen. We know you’ve been working hard, and that this has been weighing on you for a long time. If it weren’t for you, Midoriya might not have listened to us.”
“You don’t know shit,” Katsuki grumbled, averting his eyes. Katsuki was beginning to feel uncomfortable. He wasn’t good at this shit, and Todoroki knew it, so why wouldn’t he shut up?
“I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. We can change the topic,” Todoroki said, as if he could read Katsuki’s mind.
“Or we could stop fucking talking altogether,”
Todoroki smiled and nodded, returning his gaze to Izuku. Katsuki’s eyes followed and he frowned.
“He’s such a fucking idiot,” Katsuki muttered, leaning forward in his chair and resting his chin on his hand. Todoroki chuckled.
“He is certainly reckless,” Todoroki nodded, “I’m disappointed to learn he felt he had to keep such a big secret. But, he is my friend, and I will continue to be as supportive as I can. He would do the same for us.”
“No, he’d do more, and end up getting himself fucking killed."
“That’s…" Todoroki frowned, "probably true."
They were quiet for a few minutes, and then Todoroki fucking piped up again, much to Katsuki’s dismay.
“I know Midoriya appreciated what you said,” his voice was soft.
“Words don’t matter. Actions do,” Katsuki’s response was immediate.
“Well your actions have spoken clearly. “You're a better person than you think you are, Bakugou.”
Katsuki whipped his head to glare at Todoroki with an insult on his tongue, but he found himself speechless instead, staring with an incredulous look on his face. He mentally kicked himself for it.
“I just hope you know that, too,” Todoroki offered a half-smile.
Katsuki was frustratingly taken aback. He averted his eyes and looked at the ground with a scowl. That damn fucking Half and Half.
Todoroki thankfully shut his mouth after that. Katsuki wasn’t sure how long they sat together in silence. It wasn’t until the sun had set and the room began to fill with darkness that he heard Todoroki rise from his seat.
“I’m going to go lie down. You should, too,” Todoroki said plainly.
Katsuki sighed. He was right, but there was a sickeningly uneasy feeling in his gut whenever he thought about leaving that he just couldn’t shake.
“I…I can’t,” he whispered.
Todoroki patted his shoulder again, and Katsuki didn’t push him away this time.
“Thanks,” Katsuki shrugged, “for the blanket or whatever.”
Todoroki nodded. He left the door cracked behind him on his way out.
Katsuki pulls the blanket around himself and reclines in his chair, putting his feet up on Todoroki’s abandoned one. It’s really fucking uncomfortable, but Katsuki knows it would be impossible to sleep if he were anywhere else.
After too many attempts to reposition himself comfortably, Katsuki groans and sits up straight, turning his head to watch Izuku again. He’s still sleeping soundly.
Katsuki leans forward and, without thinking, brushes his hand through Izuku’s hair, pushing back a few stray curls. The moonlight flickering through the blinds illuminates his face, and Katsuki thinks that, somehow, this is the most peaceful he’s seen Izuku in ages.
Katsuki can’t remember the last time Izuku wasn’t at least slightly on edge. He is always looking over his shoulder, as if he’s expecting the enemy to be watching. He spends every minute of his free time training or muttering to himself about battle strategies. The nerd doesn’t even know the meaning of the word “relax.”
Katsuki slides his hand down to cup Izuku’s cheek. His skin is soft and warm, just like last time, and he can’t help but feel an awful sense of dèjá vu. He stays that way for a few moments, just reveling in the fact that Izuku is really here. This isn't a dream, he’s finally here, and Katsuki will never fucking let him go again.
When Katsuki reluctantly moves to pull away, Izuku reaches up to grab his hand, nuzzling into it.
Katsuki is startled, as Izuku is seemingly still asleep. He brushes Izuku’s cheekbone with the backs of his fingers, and swears he sees the ghost of a smile on his lips.
“You’re a dumbass,” Katsuki mumbles, propping his elbow on the bed to rest his head in his free hand.
“I can hear you, Kacchan.”
Katsuki jolts up in surprise to see Izuku staring at him with one eye cracked open and a smirk on his lips.
“Shit, did I wake you?” Katsuki tries again to pull his arm away, but Izuku holds on tight, as if Katsuki is his lifeline and he’s barely hanging on.
“D-don’t go,” Izuku stutters, burying his face in Katsuki’s hand. Katsuki caresses his cheek again and frowns when he finds wetness there.
“Are you crying?” Katsuki asks, though he’s not sure why, because he already knows the answer.
“N-no,” Izuku sniffles. Katsuki rolls his eyes and sighs.
“Hey, look at me,” Katsuki whispers, lifting his free hand to Izuku’s other cheek and turning his head to face him.
Izuku whimpers, holding Katsuki’s arms in a vice grip as he looks up. His eyes are sunken and glassy, overflowing with tears that Katsuki wipes away with his thumbs.
Fuck, he looks like a fucking zombie. His face is paler than usual and littered with scratches, and heavy, dark circles line his eyes. Katsuki suppresses a sudden urge to wrap him in his arms and hold him tight.
“What’s wrong?” Katsuki murmurs, stroking his cheeks in what he hopes is a soothing manner.
Izuku’s face contorts and a new wave of tears begin to fall.
“I-I’m so s-sorry Kacchan,” he snivels.
Katsuki holds his face tighter.
“I told you, we get it. Don’t beat yourself up, you’ve already done plenty of that.”
Izuku chokes a laugh through a broken sob and Katsuki counts it as a small victory.
“I a-am pretty messed up, h-huh?” Izuku hiccups, “but so are you.”
“Tch. I’m fine,” Katsuki lies, feeling a familiar twinge of pain in his side.
“I kn-know you better than that, Kacchan,” Izuku meets Katsuki’s gaze, “d-don’t think I didn’t see you bleeding back there.”
“I was bleeding. I’m not anymore, see?” Katsuki points to his newly applied bandages, “The old lady patched me up.”
Recovery Girl had given Katsuki a thorough scolding for tearing his wounds. Something about being too reckless, to stop throwing himself in front of danger because isn't it hypocritical of you to tell Midoriya to look after himself, but you won't do the same? That had pissed Katsuki off to no end, but he’d accepted her help anyway.
“Y-you could’ve hurt yourself-”
“But I didn’t! Quit worrying about everyone else,” Katsuki looks Izuku dead in the eyes, “think about your goddamn self for once.”
Izuku shakes his head frantically.
“I can’t. I said so many terrible things I- I h-have to apologize-,” Izuku tries to get up, but Katsuki is lightning fast as he moves to sit on the bed in front of him, gripping his shoulders to hold him in place.
“You can do that later. You need to fucking relax. Did you forget you were beaten to a pulp?” Katsuki reminds him.
“Kacchan, I’m f-”
“Don’t fucking say you’re fine! You’re not, and you know it.”
“It doesn’t matter, Kacchan!” Izuku shouts,“I can’t- I can’t just sit here while everyone else is-”
“Everyone is safe,” Katsuki lightly shakes him, “and we’re safer if we're together.”
Izuku presses the heels of his hands to his eyes.
“It doesn’t matter,” Izuku repeats himself. His voice is shaking. “I ne-”
“Shut the fuck up. You matter,” Katsuki says firmly, pulling Izuku’s hands away and holding onto them.
Izuku weakly lifts his head to meet Katsuki’s eyes. He looks taken aback, and even more exhausted than before, but Izuku is just as stubborn as Katsuki is, and Katsuki can tell he still has an argument left in him.
“Izuku,” Katsuki watches Izuku's eyes widen as he utters his name for a second time. It feels foreign on his tongue, but he knows the weight it carries, and he'll say it over and over if it makes Izuku happy.
Katsuki pushes back the hair that’s fallen in front of Izuku's face and knocks their foreheads together.
“Izuku,” he repeats, “ You fucking matter,” there’s a sharpness to Katsuki’s tone he hadn’t intended, but he can tell Izuku gets the message. He swears he sees the color return to Izuku’s bloodshot eyes before they squeeze shut, overflowing with new tears.
Izuku buries his head in Katsuki’s chest and wails. Katsuki immediately wraps his arms around him and pulls him into a tight embrace, ignoring the aching pain in his injured shoulder and side.
“I-I’m s-so sorry,” Izuku’s entire body shakes as he clings to Katsuki. Katsuki holds him tighter, rubbing gentle circles on his back.
“Shh, it’s okay. Everything’s okay,” Katsuki murmurs, trying his best to soothe him, but Izuku only cries harder. Katsuki’s own eyes begin to burn.
“It’s s’not o-okay, Kac-chan,” Izuku stutters.
“Nobody is mad at you."
“Th-they should b-be,” Izuku insists miserably
“Well they’re not.”
“I think All M-might is.”
“Haah?! The fuck kind of reason does All Might have to be mad at you?” Katsuki is baffled. “I should fucking clock him in the face again.”
“Y-you punched All Might?!” Izuku lifts his chin to stare incredulously at Katsuki.
“Damn right I did. But that’s beside the point. Why the fuck’s he mad?”
Izuku hides his face again, his voice muffled by Katsuki’s now damp shirt and his own sobs, “I w-was so mean t-to him. I told him I d-didn’t need him anymore and r-ran away, I-”
“Breathe, Dek- Izuku,” Katsuki whispers, brushing Izuku’s cheek with his fingers as Izuku begins to hyperventilate. “Breathe. He’s not mad, he’s probably just worried.” He better not be fucking mad.
“I-I have to t-talk to him too,”
“It can wait. Right now you need to fucking rest.”
They stay that way for a while, wrapped in the safety of each other’s arms as Izuku’s cries slowly start to dissipate. At some point, Katsuki isn’t sure when, traitorous tears start to roll down his own face. Izuku notices before he does, feeling the sudden moisture on his shoulder, and he tells him so.
“I’m not fucking crying,” Katsuki grumbles, though his voice is hoarse.
“It’s o-okay Kacchan,”
“Shit,” Now they’re both blubbering idiots.
Izuku squeezes Katsuki tighter as they cry together. Katsuki tries not to wince as he returns the gesture, his shoulder screaming in protest, but Izuku notices. Of course he fucking notices.
“K-Kacchan-,” Izuku’s voice is laced with unnecessary concern as he immediately loosens his grip and starts to pull back.
“Don’t,” Katsuki growls, rubbing his eyes, “Don’t fucking worry about me.”
Izuku sniffles and shakes his head, “I c-can’t help it.”
Katsuki heaves a sigh. “I know.”
Izuku places his shaky, scarred hands on either side of Katsuki’s face in a gentle caress that makes Katsuki’s heart fucking squeeze. When he finally lifts his eyes, he finds Izuku looking at him with a wobbly smile. His cheeks are tear-stained and there's a trace of something haunted behind his eyes, but it's undeniable that a weight has lifted from his shoulders.
Katskui quirks his lips in a half smile. Fuck, he’d missed Izuku.
Izuku yawns and lies back in the bed. “I’m tired again.”
“Well, get some sleep then, nerd,” Katsuki moves to slide back in his chair, but Izuku stops him, grabbing his hand.
“Wait! I- could-” Izuku bites his lip, “could you...stay with me?”
Katsuki squeezes his hand. “I’m not going anywhere, nerd. Someone has to keep your ass in line," he smirks.
Izuku laughs, the first real laugh Katsuki has heard in ages, and Katsuki thinks it might be his favorite sound.
“No, I mean here, next to me,” Izuku scoots over in the bed and pats the space next to him.
“I don’t think-”
“Just until I fall asleep,” Izuku pleads, “...please?”
Katsuki finally relents and slides in next to him. Izuku looks relieved, draping the blanket around them both and curling up to Katsuki’s uninjured side. Katsuki wraps his arm around Izuku’s waist, careful not to dislodge the bandages there. He briefly wonders why this feels so natural.
Izuku’s voice is barely above a whisper when he speaks next. “I- I’m scared, Kacchan.”
“I know. But everything’s gonna be fine."
“I don’t want anyone else to get hurt because of me.”
“No one’s gonna get hurt. We’re gonna figure this out, and we’re gonna figure it out together.”
“I really shouldn’t be here,” Izuku sighs.
“Shut the fuck up. You really wanna be out there? Where people are lookin’ to wring your neck at every turn?”
“Of course not! But that’s exactly why I should be. No one here is safe while I’m around.”
Izuku startles when Katsuki suddenly grabs his chin and lifts it up with his free hand to make Izuku look him in the eyes “Bullshit. I already told you, you can’t win this alone. So stop trying."
Izuku swallows hard, on the verge of tears again. Katsuki tucks Izuku's head under his chin.
"Saving people is how we win, remember? That means you gotta let us save you sometimes, too." Katsuki holds Izuku tight as he cries, gently combing his fingers through thick green curls.
“You should be here," Katsuki continues, "you belong here, Izuku." With me, he adds, but only in his thoughts.
Izuku stills and lifts his head from Katsuki’s chest to stare at him with wide, curious eyes. He's no longer crying. “Kacchan?”
“What?” Katsuki is confused as he watches Izuku’s cheeks flush a deep red.
“I belong with...you?”
Fuck, did he say that out loud?
Katsuki suddenly becomes very aware of their proximity and feels his own face heat.
Their faces are already inches apart, and Izuku is coming closer, cupping Katsuki's cheeks with freezing cold hands. He's close enough that Katsuki can feel Izuku’s heartbeat, his breath on his nose, and fuck, when did their legs tangle together?
Izuku’s thumb lightly strokes his cheekbone and Katsuki finds himself inadvertently leaning into his touch. His breath catches in his throat when he finally meets his gaze. Izuku’s eyes are soft and warm and he’s smiling, a real smile that is secretly Katsuki’s favorite, one that he hasn't seen in far too long. He decides he would sooner die than see it extinguished ever again.
He's embarrassed by his accidental confession, but something about the way Izuku is looking at him, with that soft gaze full of light and wonderment Katsuki knows is reserved only for him, makes the anxiety melt away. The eyes that used to infuriate him now leave him feeling warm and safe, like he has a place in this world, and he realizes there's nowhere he'd rather fucking be than right by Izuku's side.
"Did you mean that?" Izuku whispers, breaking him from his reverie.
“Yeah. Stay with me,” Katsuki grazes his fingers across Izuku's cheek. "...please."
Izuku's smile is breathtaking. It lights a fire in Katsuki's chest.
"I will," Izuku breathes, leaning in to close the distance between them.
Their lips meet halfway in a desperate kiss and a jolt of electricity courses through Katsuki's body. Izuku's hands tangle into Katsuki's hair and Katsuki cradles his face as they explore each other for the first time. It's messy and uncoordinated, but Izuku's lips are soft and inviting and nothing has ever felt so fucking right.
Katsuki's hold on Izuku's waist tightens, pulling him closer, but it's still not close enough. They've been through a decade of miscommunication and separation, unchecked feelings, and the debilitating fear of losing each other. Now that Izuku is here, safe in his arms, Katsuki wants nothing more than to stay in the warmth of this moment forever, to melt into each other and never let go again.
"K-Kacchan," Izuku pants as he slowly pulls away. Oh, right, breathing.
He presses his forehead to Katsuki's as they gasp for air, and they cling to each other as if the other could disappear at any moment.
Katsuki's head is spinning as he looks at Izuku. His cheeks have flushed deeper, lips kissed red and swollen, eyes blown wide as he stares in amazement.
"I missed you," Izuku whispers between heavy breaths.
"Me too,"
Katsuki tucks Izuku's head into the crook of his neck and holds him tight.
“I am….glad to be back,” Izuku murmurs, “it was terrifying out there. I was so exhausted."
No shit, Katsuki thinks.
"Do you want to...talk about it?"
"I-" Izuku pauses, considering. His voice is small when he says, "Maybe later. I don't...I don't want to think about it right now."
Katsuki laces the fingers of one hand with Izuku's and squeezes.
"Okay. But, uh, I'm here if you do. Want to talk or whatever." Katsuki tries his best to sound encouraging. Izuku tilts his head up and nods with a smile.
There's still so much Katsuki wants to say, but he can't put it into words. He's always been better with actions. He thinks back on all that he said before Izuku passed out in his arms, and wonders if it was enough.
Out of the corner of his eye, Katsuki notices Izuku peering up at him.
“What are you staring at, nerd?” Katsuki smirks as Izuku averts his eyes, color blooming on his face again.
“I- I’m not, I just- thank you, Kacchan.”
"For what?"
“For everything.”
Katsuki shrugs. “I didn’t do shit."
"Yes you did," Izuku brushes a lock of hair behind Katsuki's ear, "you're here right now. You listened, you encouraged me, you made me feel safe enough to come back here. I wouldn’t have had the strength without you.”
Katsuki is at a loss for words.
"Todoroki was right, you know," Izuku says softly, "you're better than you think you are."
Katsuki feels his face flush and looks away. But then it dawns on him.
"You were listening to us?"
"Uh- just a little...only bits and pieces."
"You were awake? Why the hell didn't you say anything?"
"I didn't want to interrupt you," Izuku shrugs. "You and Todoroki never talk, it seemed important. Plus, I was so out of it I thought I was dreaming at first."
"So you were just eavesdropping like a creep?" He teases, snickering when Izuku buries his face in embarrassment.
"I'd rather talk to you than that Half and Half bastard, dumbass," Katsuki ruffles Izuku's hair.
"Sorry, Kacchan."
"Quit apologizing."
Normally he probably would be pissed, but there isn’t even a trace of anger in him right now.
"I'm not the only one who's reckless, by the way," Izuku playfully nudges Katsuki.
"I'm not fucking reckless."
Izuku frowns. "Kacchan, you were stabbed. And you tore open your wounds trying to get to me when you should've been taking it easy. You took off into battle without a second thought."
"Sounds familiar," Katsuki glares at him.
"I know. I admit I don't always think things through….and sometimes I think too much. I never put myself first. You made me realize that. I'm...going to try to work on it. But you can't deny that you do it sometimes too."
Katsuki is silent again.
"And when was the last time you ate? Or slept somewhere other than a tiny chair? You tell me I need to take better care of myself, but you don't do the same."
"I'm fine." Katsuki insists, but Izuku knows him better than he knows himself and sees right through the lie.
Katsuki sighs. Deep down, he knows Izuku and the old lady are right. Sometimes... he can be a dumbass and a hypocrite.
"My body…I told you, it moved on it's own. I just saw you in the air and fucking panicked. You were about to die," Katsuki’s voice shakes, “You were about to die, and it was like… like my entire fucking life flashed before my eyes. There was so much I needed to say to you, I couldn't handle the thought of losing you, Izuku. Especially before- before I had the chance to-, " Katsuki squeezes his eyes shut and grunts in an effort to hold back tears that were threatening to fall.
Katsuki feels Izuku's gentle touch on his cheek again and meets his gaze.
"I know. It's okay. Let's just agree that we're both idiots and try to be better, together. If not for ourselves, then for each other. I can't stand the thought of losing you either, Kacchan," Izuku's eyes are impossibly soft
"I really do appreciate everything you said, Kacchan. It means so much to me. I know it's not easy for you to do that."
"I meant every fucking word," Katsuki says firmly.
"I know. And I forgave you a long time ago, Kacchan. Yeah, things were rocky for a while, but I see you. I see how you've changed, and how much effort you've been putting in. I feel safest and strongest when I'm with you. You're the most amazing person I've ever known, and you always will be."
Izuku's eyes well up with tears again as he smiles, and Katsuki feels like his heart could burst out of his chest. He presses a gentle kiss to Izuku's palm and cups his face, tracing his lips with his thumb.
"You make me stronger," Katsuki stares deep into his eyes.
Katsuki feels his brain short circuit as Izuku presses a gentle, sweet kiss to the corner of his mouth. Katsuki holds him there as he pulls away, chasing his lips with his own.
This kiss is softer and less hurried, but just as passionate. They're completely enveloped in each other as they revel in the fact that this is real. There’s nowhere in the world either of them would rather be. Katsuki didn’t realize just how badly he needs Izuku until he was gone, and thinks that, maybe, Izuku feels the same way.
It feels like it’s been an eternity when they slowly break apart, and Katsuki can’t help the smile that spreads across his face.
Izuku lays his head on Katsuki's chest and cuddles up to his side. Katsuki idly strokes his back, just relishing the moment.
Fuck, he’d missed Izuku.
"I don't mind if- uh, if you keep calling me Deku, by the way," Izuku mutters..
"You don't like it when I say your name?"
"No! No, that's not it- I mean it is a little weird, but uh- I like it? Hearing it in your voice, I mean," Izuku rambles on, and Katsuki finds that he's even missed that too.
"I just, um, I mean- Deku is fine too. It has a different meaning for us both now, you know? It stopped being an insult a long time ago. And, uh, it feels, um...special, I guess? I don't know. My point is, either is fine. I don't want you to feel like...like you're disrespecting me, or something," Izuku's face is bright red as he notices Katsuki smirking at him.
"You're such a nerd," Katsuki laughs when Izuku scowls, and presses a kiss to his forehead, “I’ll call you whatever the fuck you want me to call you.”
“Either is good. I promise.”
“I guess we’ll have to wait and see then, huh?”
"Yeah," Izuku smiles, then his brows furrow and he pauses. "Katsuki."
They both frown and Katsuki shakes his head.
"Nope. Too weird. I'd rather be Kacchan forever,” Katsuki grimaces.
“I think so too,” Izuku laughs.
"You should sleep, nerd." Katsuki murmurs.
"Mm, yeah,” Izuku yawns, “You should too, Kacchan."
"Yeah, yeah."
"But you'll still be here when I wake up, right?" Izuku looks up at him with pleading eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere."
Izuku breathes a sigh of relief and snuggles closer.
"Tomorrow...tomorrow is gonna be hard."
"Nah. I'll beat the shit out of anyone who tries anything funny. Like I said, we'll get through this.”
Sunlight is filtering through the blinds of the room's tiny window when Katsuki awakens. He feels more rested than he has in ages. Izuku is still curled up at his side with his head on his chest, snoring softly, and Katsuki can’t help but smile.
“Nice, bro!” someone whispers from the doorway. Katsuki’s head whips up to see Shitty Hair and Sparky, grinning at him with their thumbs up.
Katsuki is filled with white hot rage as his face flushes. If it wasn't for the fact that Izuku has him pinned, he would beat the shit out of those assholes.
“See ya, loverboy!” Kaminari whistles as they bolt out of the room.
Oh, they are dead meat when Katsuki’s hands are free.
A/N: I wrote this while listening to "I Will Follow You into the Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie and "Make You Mine (acoustic)" by PUBLIC-highly recommend them if you're looking to yearn lmao
The large block of italicized text is meant to be a flashback- I hope that was clear :')
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!! Feedback/reblogs are appreciated as always <3
Also- shout out to @sheiireen for her very helpful advice on this. She's amazingly talented, you should check her out!!
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yaomomvs · 3 years
Hello I saw that your req are open if there not ignore this but I just read recovery girl... girl with todoroki and was wondering if you could do a bakugku one ? Thank you : )
apprentice | k. bakugou
in which you help bakugou bc you are recovery girl’s little protege
Tumblr media
“oh great, you are awake now” bakugou hears a voice, a little bit more enthusiastic of what he was expecting.
you enter the infirmary with a bunch of medical supplies and some other stuff like a couple of sweets and... a sandwich?
“who the heck are you?” bakugou was indeed impulsive, but in fact he was a bit curious.
minutes before he woke up with a huge headache, when he realized he was in recovery girl’s place he groaned and tried to remember why he was there this time. but seeing you there, someone who was just about his age shocked him.
“watch your tone you brat, i’m the literal reason why you are alive!” you claim.
“DONT DO THAT!” you yell back, but it was late. the blonde haired boy let out a groan fue to the sudden and awful pain he got in his abs area. trying to stands up to fight you definitely showed you how dumb he could be.
he flinches and sits up in the bed once again feeling how the blood starts covering the bandage in his stomach.
“great!” you say helping him recover his posture “now i have to do that again, why is the hero course so fucking stubborn and careless about themselves?”
he remembered the hero combat with class 1-B but he was surprised it got this far.
you pull him close and you try to place your hand in his stomach area but instead he pushed you away.
“look” you begin tired of him, looking directly to his eyes a bit too close for his taste “you wanna be a great hero? amazing but if you still think that title doesn’t mean accepting help from others then you should leave UA, so stop the bullshit and let me change your bandage”
katsuki is amuse because of the way you talked to him, the power and determination in your eyes actually left him... speechless.
and a bit red.
“tch!” was the only thing he managed to do “you are a bit of a pushover aren’t you?”
you laugh “if you are going to insult me, please try harder”
your touch was delicate, something kacchan actually never felt before. he kept looking at you, still curious on why was a teenager taking care of him.
“where’s the old lady?” he asks lifting his arms while you take the bandage out.
“recovery girl for you” you scold “and she was out there taking care of the other ones, but i think principal nezu came and asked to speak to her, poor nezu he is actually pissing off recovery girl so much allowing this kind of events oh shit” you interrupt yourself “guess i’ll have to do it”
“do wha-“
he couldn’t finish his sentence because a green light was already sparkling from your palm, once again you touched his damaged area, and as it was magic his most of his injure was already gone.
you step back and bakugou notices how you get dizzy so before you tripped, he actually holds you by your shoulder.
“did you just disappeared it? your quirk-“ he asks shocked.
you walk and get the half of the sandwich and start eating holding your head. “yeah, injure disappearance. i am able to disappear any injure someone has. but it comes with his side effects of course, mainly because i used it way too much today”
“then why did you do something so stupid if you already knew you reached your maximum capability dumbass?”
“well i wouldn’t have had to if certain someone sat still in his freaking bed!”
bakugou felt bad for a second but his pride was more than that, and he wasn’t one to apologize, instead he deviated the subject to another he was particularly interested in.
“so that’s why you work here?” he questions.
“ha! i wished i was even paid” you joke, and hand him the other part of the sandwich and some sweet treats.
“i am not a child” he rejects them.
“well if you don’t eat that you are not going to be awake for much longer” you talk back “your body needs sugar and something to eat, and you know it because i know you feel extremely tired mr bakugou”
he hates know-it-all people, and he wants to hate you for that, and it was his pride that actually made him ignore the fact that you were just stating the obvious.
“and i’m an apprentice only, i’m in the support department, since my quirk is not ‘hero compatible’” you mention, sitting next to him.
maybe he should not say something, but he was not sure why he wanted to help you too. he tries to convince himself it is because he literally owes you his well being and that he hates being in debt with someone.
“quite stupid of you actually” he says and before you sass him back he adds “because recovery girl picked you, and saving lives in any way is being a hero too sparkly hands”
you stay shocked and smirk a bit “so you are actually a softie awww”
in fact, he wanted silence, just to admire you, but of course he said to himself that he just wanted to stay in the infirmary a bit longer because ‘i guess sometimes i have to rest’
“what the hell are you doing here?!”
bakugou is not going to lie to himself anymore, so he admits being kinda confused and scared seeing you in his homeroom. class 1-A follows you with their eyes on your way to kacchan’s seat.
“i should be the one questioning that, dork” he talks back.
with that everyone is shocked.
“oi bakugou who is this hottie-”
“i dare you to go on, grape” you stand up for yourself, and with one look mineta shuts up “you know you can’t skip your daily health check up right?”
“the old lady said-”
“still i am the one who attends you, idiot, so you are my patient, and now in fact you owe me three more days helping me out after checking you in the infirmary” you make clear to him, almost face to face knowing that will piss him up.
“says who?”
“says me” you slowly go away in order to attend your next class “so come on katsuki, you are not gonna win this one, chao!”
“whatever loser” he scoffs, fighting to hide the smile knowing he actually enjoyed the little time he got with you while helping.
denki and kirishima remained silent as you walk out while sero starts smirking along with jirou just blinks as many others.
“come on we all just see how you did not ditch or even yell at her! you are an asshole to us!” mina adds.
“you did let her call you your first name, bakugou”
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Deku vs Kacchan 2
So a new friend of mine I made on tiktok wanted a meta on Deku v Kacchan 2, and of course I obliged because I never get tired of analyzing their relationship. 
Deku v Kacchan 2 was the starting point to a shift in their relationship, because this was when Bakugou came face to face with his inferiority complex, and all of the emotions he had been holding on to came bubbling to the surface, and I would like to preface by saying Deku is the ONLY PERSON Bakugou has EVER shown his weaknesses to without question. 
We don’t ever see him cry or vent to anyone else. Not a single person. He is completely open only in front of Deku.
The first example of this is actually in the start of the manga, when Deku means to tell him about One for All out of fear Bakugou would misunderstand him, and Bakugou makes his first step in becoming better by admitting he recognizes he isn’t as strong as he always thought and that Deku beat him. This is also the first time we see Bakugou cry out of frustration, which is a side of him he only ever shows to Deku.
For reference, this is Chapter 11. 
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My boy is just wanting to be the best, ya know? All his life he’s been boosted up for having such a strong quirk, and for always being the best at stuff, and now suddenly he just...isn’t. That would mess with anyone’s head, honestly.  But the one he spills those feelings to, it’s Deku. Not any other person, just Deku. You think if he hated Deku at this point, he would open up about such vulnerable feelings to him? 
I don’t think so.
Then we have the second time he’s vulnerable and recognizing different things about himself and Deku during their fight with All Might, and it is another instance we see him crying. Yes, All Might was there, but those emotions were a direct result of Deku’s words to him about not giving up. 
For reference, these are chapters 62 & 63.
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Look at the raw emotion Deku is able to draw out of this kid. You will never be able to convince me he EVER hated Deku. Yes, even when he bullied him in middle school and told him to kill himself, I don’t believe Bakugou hated him. I believe that he misunderstood him and it scared him, and so he lashed out in anger since that was the only real form of emotion he knew how to properly convey. Was it right? Obviously not, but at least we are able to understand more of his thought process at that time. 
So from here, we get into the end of All Might and Deku vs. Kacchan 2. 
From the very start of everything, once Deku was given One for All, Bakugou has been spiraling. He had been struggling and fighting with himself, trying to come to terms with the fact that reality proves he isn’t the strongest or greatest and there is actually a shit ton he’s lacking, so he needs to change to be better. That’s a little difficult though when the person who is a constant reminder of your weaknesses is always around you. 
Then he comes to the conclusion that Deku was given All Might’s power, and that is kind of like an epiphany to him. I think, when Bakugou realized All Might gave Deku OfA, he really came to understand the parts of Deku he hadn’t before. The parts that made him the perfect individual for that power, even if he acted like he didn’t know and said some shit like “I’m weak, too!” when All Might broke up their fight, he doesn’t want OfA. He wants acknowledgment. Because to him, All Might giving OfA to Deku was like saying that he is the strongest, and he deserves that power.
When in reality it’s the opposite. Deku had nothing, he was weak and powerless, and yet immediately willing to protect those around him even if it meant losing his own life, and that’s the true make of a hero. Bakugou recognized that, I believe at least, during Deku vs Kacchan 2. 
For reference, these are from chapters 117 & 118
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So he’s venting, obviously. This is his opening to the big bit that we’ll be getting to shortly, but this is important but he’s opening himself up to Deku. I’ll say it again,
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This always gets me because Bakugou knows. I made a whole separate meta about him recognizing those attributes of Deku’s and recognizing that’s what makes him so powerful in his own right. 
Bakugou completely understands by this point what it is that made All Might choose Deku. He witnessed time and time again how willing Deku was to throw everything away for other people, how his desire to save came before absolutely anything else. He understands that. This is just his denial, and his pride wanting proof. 
Now we’re coming to the big bits, the meat of this entire fight. 
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I wanted to talk in between them but honestly, they should speak for themselves. 
“This battle might have been pointless. Win or lose..maybe it didn’t really matter. But at that moment, I knew I had to fight. Because the only person who understood what Kacchan was feeling, was me.” 
Now we have Deku recognizing what this is all about, that Bakugou is opening himself up to him and exposing those weaknesses he’s been struggling with for so long. Guilt, fear, anger, sadness. Bakugou has been holding onto so many things and had nowhere for it to come out until this fight. Remember, right after Kamino and All Might’s end, they went straight back to every day life. Bakugou was forced to train as normal and even take the provisional licensing exam before he was able to get a moment to process everything. 
Now that he had time for it, he decided to come out with his feelings, and obviously they needed to be expressed to Deku. He does this because he knows Deku is going to accept them. If he’s learned anything from his time being a little shit, it was that Deku wasn’t going anywhere, and he would listen to him whether he was screaming in anger or crying in pain. Because Deku was raised to show emotion, he cried and it was okay and he wasn’t shamed or told he was weak. He wasn’t held to some imaginary scale of strength because he...never really had any, not the way strength is perceived in this universe, at least.
But Bakugou did have strength, and so it was pushed onto him since his quirk developed, which led to his horrible combination of an inferiority complex and a superiority complex. It skewed the way he saw the people around him, and he couldn’t understand that someone could have strength even if they lacked a quirk or a way to fight. Deku had strength Bakugou didn’t, the strength to protect and care and love without restraint. It terrified Bakugou, and so he tried to push Deku away because of it. 
But Deku vs. Kacchan 2 put a ton of stuff in perspective for Bakugou. 
For reference this is from chapter 120.
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This scene is so beautiful to me. The way it’s implied they make eye contact. The emotion in this scene alone is so powerful, and should immediately tell you their relationship will never be the same; and it wasn’t. 
I feel like a lot of people don’t see a difference because Bakugou is still hot-headed and foul-mouthed, but he is in no way the same kid from before this chapter. Not to Deku, and not to anyone else. Being able to express himself and get all of that frustration out from what built up over almost a years time, it allowed him to begin truly changing himself into a better person. This was his starting point to recognizing that he can’t continue just fighting on his own, and he would eventually have to depend on other’s if he wants to be the best. He would have to open himself up. 
It’s gradual, and subtle, but it’s there. There are instances of it everywhere. From him joining in on OfA’s meetings, to the ways he encourages Deku to keep getting stronger by pushing him, to the JT when he acts with his team to win, all the way to the current chapters. 
Don’t get it twisted though, Bakugou’s development for himself started way before DvK2, but DvK2 is when the real development between Bakugou and Deku started, and these beautiful chapters led us all the way to 284 and 285, which was the most definitive show of development and growth I have ever seen a character make. 
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andypantsx3 · 3 years
statistically significant | 7 | bakugou/reader
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length: 23,490 words | 7 chapters
summary: You’re the scientist who developed a neural net to model the value of assists. Now that your work is feeding into the hero rankings, pro hero Ground Zero has a bone to pick with your results.
tags: romance, enemies to lovers, sexual tension, reader-insert
warnings: aged up characters, eventual smut, m/f threats of violence, problematic behavior
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One month later
The Hero Awards certainly did not disappoint the second time around.
Though you’d spent the last few months in the company of some of these heroes, you couldn’t help but linger on the sidelines as they stalked their way down the walkway, staring in awe. As before, they were decked out in their absolute best, glimmering in jewel toned dresses with daring cutouts, or carving dashing profiles in well-fitted suits. Reporters and fans swarmed the sides of the red carpet, roiling like a pot reaching an agitated boil.
Their excitement was so palpable it hung heavy in the air, absolutely contagious. Maybe it was the fact that you knew some of the heroes up for awards tonight personally, but the potential of the evening simmered under your skin, a soft but constant hum of frenetic energy.
Or maybe some of that was due to the fact that this year, you’d been able to convince your boss to shell out the extra cash for the full dinner option. No longer would you need to smuggle snacks into your dress--this evening, you were a solid professional.
Which was a good thing, really, as the dress in question was not altogether any more secure or supportive than your dress from last year. You’d tried to angle for a thicker fabric and a little more of a conservative design, but several people had aired opinions on your choices over the course of the last few weeks, and you’d ended up in a thin swathe of delicate fabric that was really quite pretty, if you did say so yourself, but would support a grand total of maybe two popcorn kernels.
“You’re looking awfully forlorn over here,” someone chirped by your ear.
You startled, whirling to find Mina behind you, looking rosy and radiant in a form-fitting dress only a few shades lighter than her skin tone. Tiny pearls and clusters of glittering pink diamonds were stitched carefully into the fabric, winking at you as she moved, as bright as the conspiratorial grin she wore. She looked absolutely fabulous--she was one of the people who’d bullied you into the snackless gown, and you could begrudgingly admit that the girl had taste.
“Is it because a certain hotheaded blonde isn’t here yet?” she asked, a pink eyebrow going up.
You flushed. “Mina--oh my god, no. Not everything is about him, you know.”
She idly inspected a nail, looking supremely unconvinced. “Someone should tell him that, then.”
You huffed a laugh. The last time you’d been at the Awards, you’d said as much to him yourself. But a year later, the message was still not exactly being received.
“I’m actually thinking about dinner. I’m literally starving,” you complained, trying to divert the subject.
Mina nodded sympathetically. “I have a six pack and I still had to suck in to fit into this shit.”
As if on cue, your stomach growled sympathetically. You weren’t proud of what it was going to be like when you were finally unleashed on that multi-course dinner, but god it was gonna be worth it.
Several shrieks went up in the crowd of fans behind you, and you looked over your shoulder in alarm. Your pulse relaxed slightly when you realized it was just another pro sauntering down the walkway, but then the lights flickered off ashy blonde locks, and your pulse jumped violently. You jerked in surprise.
Mina didn’t even try to suppress her snort as you turned around fully, eyes pulled like a magnet to Bakugou as he stalked down the red carpet. Even looking like he would rather be anywhere else, and moving briskly over the carpet like he was going in for a kill, he still looked better than he had any right to. The charcoal of his suit--stitched with deep ruby flowers so dark they were almost black--brought out the piercing scarlet of his eyes, and your heart leapt into your mouth when those eyes cut over to meet yours.
His expression didn’t change, and he kept moving, but you flushed all the way from your head to your toes at the intensity behind his look.
Mina made a disgusted noise. “You’re both like a dog with a bone.”
You glared at her accusingly. “We literally just looked at each other.”
She clicked her tongue. “Please, he all but just pissed on you to mark his territory.”
Before you could reply, she called out, catching sight of Kirishima, and seized you to drag you over to say hello.
You let Mina drag you around for the next half hour, making polite conversation with her high school friends, a couple of friends from other agencies, and one fashion journalist who Mina had converted into a weekly drinking buddy. Mina kept the conversation light and easy, and you enjoyed yourself for the most part, though you almost passed out when a very distinct head of green curls materialized over her shoulder and then Midoriya Izuku--better known as the number one hero Deku--was smiling at you eagerly.
Things got even weirder when he appeared to not only already know who you were, but knew a great deal about your work, enough to ask some very detailed questions about your training model software that was going into production a couple months from now. Mina had the gall to cut into the conversation to call you both huge nerds, though she’d directly benefited from the model herself.
The conversation was unfortunately cut short when a calloused hand flung itself in front of your face and a rough voice sounded from over your shoulder. “Stop sticking your nose in my fucking business, Deku.”
You whipped around to find Bakugou glaring over your head at his former classmate. His hand closed around your shoulder and dragged you closer to him.
“I was just asking about her model, Kacchan,” Midoriya said patiently. “It’ll be great to be able to compare my movements directly with some of the other heroes in almost real time! Ojirou’s been trying out some new fighting forms and I was thinking I should try to adapt them to work into my shoot style--”
“Just because you couch it in nerd shit doesn’t mean you’re not trying to spy on me, fuckstick,” Bakugou said. “Stop poking your nose into my relationship like the town fucking gossip.”
Midoriya flushed a little, looking slightly chastened when you turned back to him in question. He gave you an embarrassed little smile. “I did want to meet you for reasons other than your model. Kacchan’s been my friend since I was little, and I wondered what kind of person could interest him so much he wanted my perspective on your work--”
“Shut the fuck up,” Bakugou demanded, but he wasn’t fast enough.
You perked up in interest. “He asked you what?”
Bakugou bristled like a cat being dangled over a bath, but Midoriya was paying him no mind. “Right after the last Hero Awards, he’d done all this research and he asked me about whether your model results lined up with some of the personal analysis that I was doing--”
“Deku,” Bakugou’s fingers tightened on your arm, growing alarmingly warm. “If you don’t shut the fuck up right now I’m going to punch all of your teeth straight down your throat and into your stomach.”
“Kacchan,” Midoriya protested, but he was interrupted by a call on the overhead for everyone to start taking their places in the theater interior for the awards to begin.
Bakugou used the distraction to pry you away from Midoriya. In the blink of an eye, he’d gotten you across the theater and was corralling you towards the Miruko agency tables, looking like he’d sucked on a lemon. You stifled a laugh. You’d wondered a couple months ago exactly how and when he’d figured out you were quirkless, and he’d once asked if you thought you were the only one who’d done their research.
If things were anything like you were starting to suspect, your demands that he do better at the Hero Awards had apparently aroused his interest in more ways than one.
You and Bakugou hadn’t exactly settled on formal terms for your relationship yet, and he still more often than not answered any of your interest with the assertion that you were the one with the crush on him. But this was more evidence--beyond the mysterious coffees that showed up at your workstation almost every morning--that your interest was more intensely reciprocated than he was willing to own up to.
By the time you’d settled at a table and been flanked by a grinning Mina and Kaminari, the awards were getting underway. They were thrilling to watch, something you’d had to miss out on last year when you needed to sneak out with a giant hole in the front of your dress. The heroes you’d worked with this year raked in an insane number of awards, and their elation was palpable, so thick you could almost taste it in the air. The pair of men with satyr horns were named the Best Rookie Duo, Miruko was awarded Takedown of the Year, and Kaminari clocked the Fastest Fight Win for a battle last month in which he’d rendered a villain with an aluminum quirk insensate only seconds into the fight.
A very unfortunate match up, you thought.
Mina nabbed an award for Fan Favorite, and in almost no time, it was the moment that you’d been nervously awaiting since nominations had gone out. You’d cheated, doing your own calculations behind everyone’s backs just to get a clearer picture of what his chances were, and you rather liked his odds, but there was always a chance it wouldn’t go how you thought. But this was the moment that Bakugou was up for Most Valuable Hero.
You barely heard any of the words the host was saying as he trotted out the names of the nominees, detailing some of their key accomplishments. He covered Bakugou's latest slew of assists and rescues, stats that made you feel kind of weirdly warm and proud, and then your ears strained for the syllables you’d hoped to hear.
And then:
“The winner is...our explosive number six, Ground Zero!”
It took everything in you not to leap out of your seat in joy, though something like a strangled squeal managed to escape you. Bakugou gave you an evaluating look as he got to his feet, stalking up on stage with his usual intensity.
As soon as he was up there, it struck you that allowing him time for an acceptance speech was maybe not a great idea. Graciousness was not exactly a strength of his.
“Obviously I’m the most valuable,” he growled into the mic. The stage lights glinted off his hair and teeth, making him look slightly more predatory than usual. “I didn’t need you fucks to tell me.”
A choking noise could be heard from Kirishima’s seat a couple tables over, and Mina put her head in her hands.
“What’s important is that I’m number six now and it only took me a month,” Bakugou’s head swiveled in the direction of Midoriya and you suppressed a groan. “Don’t get fucking comfortable. I’m gonna wipe the floor with every one of the top five, and next awards you’ll all be kissing my ass.”
He didn’t seem like he had much more he wanted to say, which was an incredible relief as both the host and nearby security looked about ready to wrestle him offstage.
He leapt neatly down from the stage, and when he made it back to the table, he didn’t take his seat again. Instead, he grabbed your arm, hauling you out of your seat, and then he was pulling you down the aisle and through the door to the reception area.
He pulled you past the snack table and you thought he was steering you towards the stairwell again, but at the last second he took a sudden turn, shoving you through a door into the women’s powder room. You didn’t even have enough time to formulate a question before he had you backed up against the wall, your shoulders hitting the cool stone at the same time his mouth hit yours.
His kiss was hot and demanding as always, and you lost yourself in it easily. He trailed a line of burning kisses down your neck and over your shoulder, making you shudder and shake when he lingered too long over any particular spot.
It was hard to think past the press of his body on yours, but you tried your best to formulate words.
“Katsuki--it’s--we’re in the women’s room,” you panted, embarrassed by the fact that even as you spoke, you were clutching him closer. “This is--what are you--? S-someone’s gonna come in.”
Bakugou broke apart from you just long enough to level a searching glance around the room and--spotting what he’d been looking for--hefting the trashcan in front of the door with a forceful kick to stop it shut.
“There, nerd. Now stop fucking complaining,” he rasped, immediately attaching his mouth back under your jaw. You shuddered.
“What the fuck has gotten into you,” you demanded, seizing a fistful of his blonde hair to pull him back from where he was leaving what felt like a very deep bruise over your collarbone.
He leveled you with a burning, red-eyed stare. “Like you don’t fucking know.”
You looked at him in question. “...I actually don’t.”
He tried to lean in again but you gripped his hair harder. “What? You can’t just keep throwing me up against walls, especially here. What is it with you and shoving me into weird places at the Hero Awards?”
Bakugou growled. “If you don’t shut the fuck up and let me do what I want, I’m gonna burn throught this dress too.”
You froze up, then glared at him accusingly. “I literally write the code that processes your rank. If you ever wanna come within sniffing distance of the top three, you won’t touch a single thread of this dress.”
The hands on you grew hot, but not hot enough to burn. Bakugou slid a calloused hand over the curve of your waist, thumb brushing the underside of your breast.
“God, the fuckin’ attitude on you,” he said, almost reverently.
You felt your face warm under his scrutiny as he leaned closer. “You wanna know what's gotten into me? I wanted to melt that entire fucking thing off you last year. You were so fucking mouthy, such a little brat to me. Wanted to rip your dress off and fuck you right in the stairwell until you forgot you’d ever even heard of numbers.”
You shivered. Bakugou smirked, eyes darkening, leaning back in to bite under your jaw. You realized you’d lost your grip on him and willed your fingers to cooperate again.
“I fucking won that stupid award because I let you boss me around. I've waited an entire year. Now you’re gonna let me do whatever I want with you.”
Your legs went out from beneath you but Bakugou was already there, catching you under your thighs and hauling you up onto the countertop between the sinks. Your back brushed the mirror, glass cold under your shoulder blades.
“Y--you know, if you actually want to be number one, you can’t make speeches like you did,” you babbled nervously as he filled the space between your thighs. “Your public approval rating is part of your ranking, right? It’s weighted right below rescues…”
Bakugou paid you no mind, fingers already searching over your back to find the zipper to your dress. He yanked it down with little ceremony, seizing the front of your bodice to pull it off of you.
“I don’t need to be fucking nice if I’m the one saving the day,” he announced imperiously, leaning down to capture a nipple with his mouth.
Your hips jerked, and he pressed a hand to your thigh, holding you back down against the counter. Dimly, you registered that the words were familiar. “N--not--ah!--not this again.”
Bakugou didn’t deign to respond, instead doing something absolutely mind-bending with his tongue. You swore loudly, catching a fistful of his jacket. “Fuck, Katsuki!”
A hot palm slid up your thigh, gathering up the soft material of your skirt until he could slip a hand underneath. Calloused fingers trailed over your core with obvious intention. You inhaled sharply when he pressed them into you, leaning up to cover your mouth with his again.
Bakugou had you squirming wildly against him in barely a minute, snorting when you tried to get a hand on his zipper.
“Want me that bad, nerd?” he asked, pressing forehead to yours in an oddly tender move.
“If you don’t hurry the fuck up I’m gonna finish things myself,” you threatened, though Bakugou did not look at all as if he believed you.
He helped you get his zipper down, taking himself in hand, but he stopped just as he brushed your entrance, leaning forward to bite another kiss into your mouth.
“Now it’s time for you to make good on your end of the bet,” he growled, a smirk growing over his features. “You’ll tell me I’m the best and I was right all along.”
You stilled underneath him, disbelieving. “Are you--are you fucking serious.”
Bakugou pressed forward, just enough for you to feel the pressure of him on your clit. You fought down a noise like a whimper. Damn him.
“I jumped two ranks,” he said. “You’ll tell me I’m the best if you want me, nerd.”
“I am not gonna beg for you like this,” you announced, though it sounded a little more like a question than you had wanted it to.
Bakugou brushed his thumb over your clit again and little sparks danced over the corner of your vision. “Mmm, you’re gonna scream.”
You felt something like a tension snap inside you. Fuck it. He was so annoying but holy shit if he wasn’t the hottest thing you’d ever encountered. If he needed his ego stroked, well it wasn’t nearly as much as you needed your own stroking.
You grit your teeth. “Ugh, fine--just--you’re the best, and you were right all along. Now will you please--”
You didn’t even get to finish before he was sinking into you, narrow hips fitting flush with your thighs. You swore at the feeling of fullness, and then he was moving, picking up into a frantic pace. He leaned forward, sealing his mouth over yours to swallow all the little noises you were making. It was mere minutes before you were shivering underneath him again, moving your hips to meet his, desperate for more, Katsuki, more.
“Ah fuck--so fucking good for me,” he grunted against your mouth, giving a particularly hard thrust, and that was all it took to unravel you.
You stifled a scream in the thick fabric of his jacket, arching up into him. He cursed and followed after you with a few more short thrusts, crushing you against the counter when he let his weight go slack.
You panted underneath him, catching your breath while your fingers slowly unclenched themselves from the hem of his suit jacket. Bakugou rubbed his face in the hollow of your shoulder, radiating smug satisfaction.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it, nerd?” he rasped, biting down lightly where he’d left the hickey earlier.
You pulled back, looking into his face again. He looked far too pleased with himself, but he was so handsome like this, all messy hair and a kiss darkened mouth. Your irritation with him fizzled out a little.
He flashed you a predatory grin. “You said it yourself--I'm the fucking best.”
You rolled your eyes, though you couldn’t stop your hand from coming up and tangling in his hair. “Shut the fuck up.”
Bakugou, predictably, did not look as if he was going to shut the fuck up at all. So you took matters into your own hands, and leaned in and kissed him again.
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bakukags · 4 years
more than enough (bakugou x reader)
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summary: You may have fallen in love with your childhood friend Deku, but your best friend Bakugou is in love with you. 
pairing: bakugou x gn reader
genre: fluffy angst 
warnings: slight swearing
word count: 5,071
a/n: thank you so much for all the love on my last post! here’s a longer one – hope you enjoy! please let me know what you think so that I can improve my writing :)
Bakugou Katsuki was many things - arrogant, prideful, and condescending – but he was never selfish. Especially when it came to you. You were his childhood friend, his number one supporter, his everything. And you were in love with Deku. So, he swallowed down his confessions, pasted on a sneer, and made fun of you like always because this was how it was supposed to be. The last thing he wanted was to make you feel uncomfortable, and if that meant silently watching you endlessly pine after Deku, he would deal with the heartache for you.
You refused to tell anybody about your crush on Deku because you were too scared to ruin the close friendship you two had. You constantly reminded yourself that just seeing him, spending time with him, and being friends with him was enough. It had to be enough, and you had nearly convinced yourself that it was until you ran into someone at the mall.
“Ow! Sorry-” You exclaimed before looking up to meet a familiar pair of glaring eyes. “Katsu?”
“Yeah, that’s my name idiot.” Bakugou grunted in reply, crossing his arms in annoyance. “I know you only have air where your brain is supposed to be, but at least try to watch where you’re going.”
You grinned up at him and nudged him playfully in response. “But then we would’ve never run into each other and you wouldn’t have been able to see my amazing face.”
He scowled back at you. “More like I wouldn’t have to deal with your nonsense. You should apologize to me properly.”
You rolled your eyes. “If anything, you should be apologizing to me because it was your stupidly broad shoulders that blocked my path.”
Bakugou cleared his throat, the tips of his ears turning pink.
You laughed triumphantly. “Katsu your ears are-”
“Shut up idiot! It’s just warm in here.” He growled, the faint blush turning darker as he looked away flustered. You smirked, before continue to scan around the mall.
“Who are you looking for?” Bakugou asked after noticing that your attention as no longer on him.
“Izu. We’re both grabbing lunch and watching a movie together.” You replied, eyes never ceasing their search. Bakugou wrinkled his nose in disgust and opened his mouth to reply before noticing the beaming smile spreading across your face. Following your line of sight, he spotted the source of your smile. His fists clenched tightly together as you excitedly waved at the green-headed boy, and he forced himself to tear his gaze away.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you around-“ The rest of his words died in his mouth as he noticed your beaming smile dim slightly. He turned back around to see that Deku wasn’t alone – he was laughing alongside another girl. Bakugou glanced over at you and noted the brief flash of pain in your eyes, before you quickly covered it up with a bigger smile. Bakugou narrowed his eyes as the pair approached you, unconsciously taking a step closer to you in an attempt to comfort you.
“Hi Y/N, I just ran into Uraraka on my way here! I asked her to join us but she says she doesn’t want to intrude. But you don’t mind if she joins us right?” Deku grinned, oblivious of your feelings. Bakugou looked over at you, and saw that you had your arms wrapped around yourself, as if you were trying to protect yourself from the world. Without thinking, he wrapped his arm protectively around you and glared at Deku.
Izuku blinked, startled for a second before grinning up at Bakugou. “Oh hi Kacchan! Do you want to join us too?”
Bakugou glanced over at you. You were staring at your shoelaces, your usually easy-going attitude replaced by one of discomfort and awkwardness.
“Actually, me and Y/N are going to get some food. We’ll see you later.” Bakugou growled before grabbing your hand and dragging you away. You let him drag you away, only taking a brief look back at Izuku who had just shrugged and immediately turned his attention back to Uraraka.
“Don’t look back at them idiot.” Bakugou gripped tighter on your hand. “What are you a masochist?”
You stayed silent, your mind still reeling with the way Izuku smiled up at her. He had never stared at you like that, and just thinking about it made you feel nauseous.
“Hey, stop ignoring me idiot. Look at me.” His voice rose when you ignored him again. “I said look at me dumbass! I know you’re dumb, but I didn’t know you couldn’t hear as well.”
“Not now Bakugou,” Your voice broke. “I’m not in the mood.” He immediately stopped walking and turned around to face you. Your body was trembling, and he watched helplessly as you tried not to break down in front of him.
“This is about stupid Deku isn’t it?” He said, voice uncharacteristically soft. Your eyes widened and you grimaced, purposefully avoiding his gaze.
“Don’t even bother lying about it either.” He continued, voice regaining it’s usually roughness. “You’re bad at many things, and lying’s one of them. It’s so obvious that you’re in love with that idiot.”
It hurt him to say that out loud, and he wanted to scream in frustration at how messed up this situation was. The person he was in love with was in love with his childhood friend and rival. It was frustrating how Deku seemed to effortlessly beat him in everything. First he had somehow managed to curry favor with All Might, and now he had stolen you without even trying. But at the same time, he couldn’t hate Deku more than he hated himself for not being good enough. He wished he was good enough - if he was good enough, then maybe All Might would have noticed him, maybe he wouldn’t feel this way, and maybe, just maybe, you would be looking at him the way that you look at Deku.
He wishes he could hit Deku for not realizing that he has the most amazing person in the world head over heels in love with him, but he buries these feelings deep inside of himself and walks towards you instead. Bakugou hesitantly reaches out and embraces you, and you melt into his arms, craving his comfort.
“It’s not enough Katsu,” you feel yourself break down as Bakugou’s arms surround you. “I thought being friends with him would be good enough but it’s not.”
He hugs you closer to his chest in response, and swallows down the lump growing in his throat. He knows it’s selfish, but he wants to stay like this forever with you in his arms. If only you weren’t so caught up in your feelings for Izuku, maybe you would be able to feel his heart and how it beat only for you. It had always only been yours.
“I don’t know what to do Katsu.” You mumbled, voice muffled against his chest. “What do I do?”
You feel Bakugou tense for a second as he thought of a response. When he finally spoke, it sounded like he was choking. “Why… you… confess?”
“Hmm?” You raised your head up at him, confused with his garbled response.
“Why don’t you confess?” He repeated through gritted teeth, struggling to get the words out. He holds you a little bit tighter before continuing. “He’d be an idiot to say no.”
You immediately shook your head. “I’m not ready to tell him yet. Right now he sees me as just one of his best friends and I don’t want to jeopardize that.”
Your body started trembling again, and Bakugou’s heart clenched in response.
“I’ll help you.” His lips moved before he can stop them.
You looked up at him, your eyes widening with excitement. “Really?!”
He wanted to take it back the moment he said it, but as he stares into your pleading eyes he knows that he’ll do anything to ensure your happiness.
“Yeah, everyone knows your useless without my help anyways.” He says, and as he stares at the beaming smile you give him, he knows he made the right choice. He would endure all the suffering in the world if it guaranteed your happiness.
Just being in your life was enough.
Despite his constant training to become the number one hero, Bakugou always set time aside for you. Before Bakugou promised to help you with Deku, the two of you would stay up late at night asking playing twenty questions.
“Hmm okay, favorite cuisine?” You asked one night, as the two of you sat on the couch, knees just brushing each other.
“Anything spicy.”
You sighed, but the corners of your lips twitched upwards. “That’s not a type of cuisine. I meant like do you like Japanese, Italian, Indian-”
“I know what cuisine means idiot.” He rolled his eyes. “My answer stays the same. I like spicy food.”
You stared at him incredulously, and he glared back, eyebrows raised challengingly. Unable to keep a straight face, you started laughing, the sound echoing throughout the room.
“Shut up idiot! Someone might hear us!” Bakugou furiously shushed you, as your body shakes with laughter. You covered your mouth to muffle the sounds, but your shoulder still shake with mirth.
“What are you laughing at anyways?” Bakugou asked once you’ve calmed back down, which only makes you burst out laughing again. “You-” You gasped for breath, struggling to speak in between your fits of laughter. “You look like an angry Pomeranian!”
Bakugou’s face burned, and he silently thanked the dim lighting for hiding his blush. “I don’t!” He protests.
“You do!” And as you burst into another fit of laughter, Bakugou couldn’t help the smile that slid onto his face because he loved hearing you laugh, even if it was at his own expense.
Bakugou always looked forward to spending time with you on those nights, but ever since he promised to help you, he would bring Deku along before leaving the two of you alone. And as you spend more time with Izuku alone, you feel the two of you grow closer than ever before. When the two of you couldn’t talk, you would tell him that you miss him, and he would blush before smiling back and saying that he missed you too. You even had the courage to start teasing Izuku on how cute he is, which would leave him a stuttering, blushing mess. You wouldn’t have been able to do that before, but with Bakugou silently supporting you, you felt like you could achieve anything.  
However, something felt off. You found yourself missing the angry blonde boy, and you felt as if you hadn’t seen him in weeks. You missed his comforting caramel scent, your late night conversations, and even his snarky remarks. It felt as if he was gradually distancing himself from you, and just thinking about it made you feel uneasy. So, after talking to Izuku one night, you grabbed something from your room and snuck into Bakugou’s room like old times. He jumped up immediately, fists clenched and ready to fight. However, as soon as he noticed that it’s you, his body relaxed and he motioned for you to come in. You walked in, noticing the broadness of his shoulders and the muscles adorning his back for the first time. You looked away quickly, face burning red as you sit down on his bed.
“So are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” Bakugou spoke first.
You looked up confused. “Does something have to be wrong for me to come over?”
“You only come over without me asking you to when there’s something wrong.” He stated calmly, as if he’s merely reiterating facts or the weather. For some reason, your heart clenched at that statement, but you brushed the feeling away and focused on tracing heart shapes into Bakugou’s bedsheets instead
You wanted to tell him that you’re here just because you missed him and his teasing, but when you opened your mouth, the words got stuck in your throat.
“Um, thanks for helping with Izu, it really means a lot.” You felt Bakugou stiffen next to you, and you inwardly cursed yourself for not having the courage to say the truth.
“Whatever dumbass. I only helped you because you can’t do anything by yourself.” Bakugou’s voice came off harsher than normal as he tried to hide his disappointment at your last comment. For a second he thought that you were going to say something more, but that was just wishful thinking.
A moment of awkward silence follows that’s never been there before, and you fight the urge to fidget. Something between the two of you feels off, yet you couldn’t figure out what it was. The atmosphere felt stilted and wrong, cluttered with too many unspoken words and suppressed feelings.
“I got you a thank you gift. You know, for helping me with Deku and all,” You interrupted the silence. Reaching behind you, you pulled out the gift bag that you had managed to hide behind you. “I saw this and I thought of you…” You trailed off, unsure of why you felt so nervous.
He carefully took the gift bag from you, cradling it in his hands. He gazed at it intently, as if it were some prized possession that would disappear the moment he looked away.
“Don’t worry it’s not going to explode or anything if you open it.” You joke as he continues to stare at the present. “Go on, open it!”
Bakugou rolled his eyes and reached inside the bag, only to feel something soft. With growing confusion, Bakugou pulled it out before staring at it incredulously
“You got me a stuffed animal Pomeranian?” He grimaced, staring at the fluffy animal with thinly veiled horror.
“It reminded me of you!” You smiled. “And it’s not just a stuffed animal - you attach it to your phone like this!” You pulled out your phone, which had a matching Pomeranian dangling off of it, and waved it in front of his face. “See? We can match now!”
“That’s even worse!” He growled, shaking his head. “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to put that-that thing on my phone.”
“Don’t tell me the Great Katsuki is scared of a little Pomeranian.” You grinned, as he sputtered indignantly. “Don’t worry I can always return it, if you want...” You reached over to grab the little animal only for him to snag it away from you.
“I’m not scared! Tsk, whatever I’ll put the stupid thing on.” Eyebrows furrowed in concentration, Bakugou focused on attaching the Pomeranian to his phone.
And as you stared at his serious expression, the awkward tension from before melted away. You smiled, and let out a laugh of relief, causing Bakugou to look up at you. He missed hearing your laughter, and hearing it again made him feel like he had finally arrived home.
“Hey Katsu,” You leaned against him, eyes fluttering closed. “Let’s hang out this weekend.”
“Yeah whatever.” He grunted, his heart racing as he felt your body lean into his. He looked over at you to see your smile widen, the sight so bright that it made his heart catch. He wrapped his arm around you, and pretended for a moment that this was real, that you were his, and that this would last forever.
This time, he almost believed himself when he said that this was enough.
The following weekend, you and Bakugou went to an arcade together. You were surprised by how much you had missed his company, and you found yourself laughing and smiling more than you had in the past week. His competitive nature made him an excellent opponent, especially when he kept losing to you in Mario Kart.
“That didn’t count!” Bakugou growled as you won for the sixth time in the row. “It’s this shitty machine that’s broken, do you hear me?”
“Yeah, the machine lost not you.” You said with a serious face, but the twitching corners of your mouth revealed your amusement. “C’mon, let’s go take photos in the photo booth.”
And so, after dragging a reluctant Bakugou behind you, the two of you ended up squished inside a photobooth. Wrapping your arms around him, you grinned just as the camera flashed. After doing two more poses, you grabbed the photos and looked at them with satisfaction.
“Look Katsu, don’t we look cute?”
Bakugou grudgingly looked down at the picture, and found that he couldn’t look away. You were right, the two of you looked as if you were made to be next to each other, and he felt his heart speed up as he looked at the you in the picture whose arms were hugging him.
“Here you get to keep one.” You grinned, shoving a copy of the pictures into his hand before putting your own copy away in your pocket. “Now let’s go get some food.”
As you both waited in line for lunch, Bakugou turned to look at you curiously.
“I never got the chance to ask you, but why do you like Deku so much?”
“Well he’s-” You froze for a moment, mind racing to come up with an answer only to come up with nothing. How had you never asked yourself this question before?
“He makes me laugh,” you told yourself, before realizing that the person you laughed the most around was Bakugou. Late nights filled with laughter and Bakugou immediately flickered into your head, and you uncertainly pushed them away.
“He’s always there for me.” You thought, yet your mind automatically wantdered to the person who had truly always been by your side. It was Bakugou who comforted you whenever you were upset. It was Bakugou who supported you from the sidelines and made you feel like you could do anything. And if you ever needed help or someone to talk to, it was Bakugou that you turned to. You desperately extinguished all thoughts of Bakugou as quickly as they formed, scared of what would happen if you allowed them to continue
“He cares about me,” You thought triumphantly, relieved when no thoughts of Bakugou immediately come to mind. 
“Except, who’s the one who cares enough to know everything about you?” A voice in the back of your mind asked. You immediately thought back to how Bakugou could answer every single question about you. From something as important as your birthday, to as insignificant as your least favorite word, Bakugou cared enough about you to commit every single thing about you to memory. 
“No one cares more about you than Bakugou,” The voice whispered before disappearing, leaving you with jumbled thoughts and newfound emotions. 
“Sorry you don’t have to answer that,” Bakugou broke through your daze, worriedly eyeing your perturbed expression. “It’s probably because idiots attract other idiots right?”
“Right.” You slipped on a shaky grin. “Oh we’re almost up next! What are you going to get?”
Bakugou could clearly see that something was troubling you, but he decided to let it go for now. After the two of you bought your lunch, you both sat down at a nearby booth. As you guys continued talking, he watched in relief as the troubles you had earlier seemed to melt away. However, his good mood was instantly ruined the moment he spotted a familiar freckled face. 
“Kacchan? Y/n?” Deku approached you both with a dopey smile on his that you had grown to love.
“Izu!” You smiled, your heart speeding up at the sight of him. “What are you doing here?”
“Just grabbing a couple things for a friend.” His cheeks flushed as he spoke. “What about you guys?”
“We’re just hanging out.” You glanced over at Bakugou who was staring broodingly out the window, seemingly set on ignoring Deku. You rolled your eyes at him before looking back over at Deku. “Sorry, just ignore him. We’re still on for movie night tomorrow right?”
Deku’s grinned faltered for a second before he started fidgeting with his hands, a habit he had picked up a while ago. You felt the smile slipping off your face – Izuku only ever fidgeted when he was nervous or felt guilty about something.
“What’s wrong Izu? Are you okay?” Your worry grew as his eyes darted from side to side guiltily.
“Yeah I’m fine! Sorry, it’s just that I totally forgot about the movie night tomorrow and made plans with Uraraka and I know we made the plans first but-” His voice trailed off, but you immediately realized what he wanted.
“You want to cancel so you can hang out with her right?” You finished his train of thought for him, stomach sinking with dread. He looked back up at you, eyes full of hope. You feel your stomach drop, and your chest protests in pain.
You forced yourself to smile for his sake. “Of course, we can always reschedule Izu.”
His grin widened, immediately erasing any trace of his nervousness. “I knew you would understand, thank you! And you could always join us if you want?”
“Us” the word echoed in the back of your head, taunting you. You couldn’t help but wonder when they had become an us, and you had become an outsider. You knew that the invitation was only formality, a tacked on afterthought to be considerate. You had somehow become his second choice, and the realization hurt. You pasted on another smile, determined to hide your pain from him.
“That’s alright Izu, maybe next time. I hope you guys have fun.”
Bakugou narrows his eyes at your crumbling façade, before glaring vehemently at Deku. He’s never wanted to punch the oblivious boy more than he does right now. He clenches his fist under the table, effectively hiding the mini sparks emitting from his palms. If it were any other day, he would challenge Deku to a fight, but today he needed to stay calm so that he could stay and comfrort you. Deku opened his mouth to say something, but Bakugou quickly cut him off before he could hurt you further.
“I think you should leave.” Bakugou’s tone leaves no room for argument, yet Deku still hesitates, his eyes darting between Bakugou and you before coming to a conclusion.
“Right.” Deku awkwardly grins. “I’ll see you guys later.”  
The minute he walks away, you bury your face into Katsuki’s shoulder.
“I don’t get it Katsuki. Why am I not good enough?” Your eyes prickled, yet the tears refused to fall.
Bakugou looked helplessly down at you, before tugging you closer, only able to offer you his warmth.
“You are enough.” He whispered softly, yet you missed his words as you tried to block out the world around you. But if you had closed your eyes and listened close enough, you would have heard the words Bakugou was repeating to you like a broken record.
“You’re more than enough to me.”
Several months passed after the Deku incident, and you found yourself growing closer and closer to Bakugou. Although the pain of Deku liking someone else was nearly unbearable, it started to lessen as time went on. Bakugou helped a lot - his presence always comforted you, and you found that as spending time with him made all thoughts of Deku vanish.
However, Bakugou knew that talking about Deku still remained off limits. Whenever he tried to subtly bring the green haired boy up, you would completely shut down and block him out. He knew it wasn’t healthy for you to bottle up your feelings like that, but eventually stopped bringing Deku up knowing that you would talk to him about it when you were ready.
Since you didn’t seem to want to go out anymore, Bakugou had taken it upon himself to resume your late night question game. So, as usual, he grabbed your favorite snacks and waited for you in his room. You walked in a couple minutes later, a smile spreading onto your face as you saw Bakugou.
“You hardly ate anything at dinner.” Bakugou said as he dumped the snacks for you onto his bed. “Thought you might be hungry.”
“Thanks Katsu!” You grinned, before your eyes started to drift to his messy blonde hair. Had it always looked that soft? You had the sudden urge to touch it and before you could think, your hand had already reached out, freezing halfway. What was wrong with you? You quickly dropped your hand back down, pretending that you meant to grab one of the snack bags,
“Okay, you can start.” You said, your traitorous fingers still itching to find out if his hair was as silky as it looked. You opened the snack bag instead.
Bakugou cleared his throat. “Favorite animal?”
“Easy. Pomeranians.” You said, too focused on your food to notice the small blush spreading across the back of Bakugou’s neck. “Who’s your favorite person?”
He wanted to tell you the truth, but the words got stuck in his throat, refusing to come out. He stuttered out a response instead. “I-I don’t know! Why would you ask that idiot?”
You looked up, surprised to see that he was flustered. Putting your snack aside, you scooted closer to him until both of your knees were touching. “C’mon Katsu you can tell me. I’m your best friend right?”
And as he stared into your pleading eyes, he knew that he could never say no to you when you looked at him like that. He sighed in defeat. “It’s you, okay idiot? I guess you’re my favorite person, though I can’t imagine why.”
Something that felt like butterflies fluttered excitedly in your stomach as you stared at the blonde boy. Your heart had always quickened whenever you’d see Deku, but it had never beat out of your chest like this. Your eyes unconsciously flickered down to his lips and you felt your breath hitch. His teeth were caught on his lower lip, and you wondered for a moment what they would feel like against your own. You looked away, fighting the sudden urge to laugh. It was just Bakugou, so why were you acting like some lovesick teen?
Your eyes widened at the sudden realization and looking back into his eyes only confirmed your answer. The answer had always been there, something that you had always known, but just never thought about. These new realizations made your head spin, and you ran out of the room, dizzy and breathless. Bakugou called out after you, alarmed at your sudden exit, but you ignored him. You needed some time alone to think.
You avoided him for the next few days, yet he somehow still plagued your thoughts. You saw him everywhere, and the harder you tried to forget him, the more he seemed to appear. However, one day after class, he managed to find you as you aimlessly walked around the campus.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He growled, and you didn’t realize how much you had missed his voice until you were drowning in it. You refused to look at him, afraid that if you did, you would immediately throw yourself into his arms and never let go. “Look I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I understand if you want me to stay away from you, just say the word and I’ll do it.”
Him staying away from you was the last thing you wanted, but when you opened your mouth to tell him, something else came out instead.
“I never answered your question on why I liked Deku, did I?”
Bakugou clenched his fists in frustration. Even at a time like this, you felt the need to bring up that idiot? He already knew you liked Deku and not him, and being reminded of the fact still hurt a lot. He seethed in silence.
“He makes me laugh, he cares about me and he’s always there for me-” you listed, and Bakugou felt like screaming. He didn’t want to hear all of the reasons why you liked someone else and not him, and finally, he exploded.
“You’re such an idiot!” He screamed, startling you into looking up at him for the first time in days. He looked like a mess. The dark circles under his eyes revealed that he hadn’t slept for days, and his skin looked two shades too pale. You immediately rushed closer to him, worry enveloping you.
“When was the last time you’ve eaten? Why aren’t you sleeping? Are you okay?” The questions tumbled out of your mouth as you searched his face for answers.
“Do I look okay dumbass?” Bakugou shouts, causing you to take a step back. Everything that he had been holding back suddenly flooded out, like a dam that just burst. “I love you! I love you so damn much and I’ve given you everything, but it’s never enough for you is it? Why can’t I be enough, huh? You’re enough for me, so why-why can’t I be enough for you?”
He stopped suddenly, breathing heavily from his outburst. Your chest ached as you stared at him, but when you reached out to touch him, he shoved your hand away.
“You didn’t let me finish.” You spoke softly. “There’s no one in the world who makes me laugh more than you do. And if there’s someone who I want by my side for the rest of my life, it’s you.” Bakugou froze for a moment, and you reached out to touch his arm. This time he let you.
“When you asked me why I liked Deku, I didn’t give you an answer because all the reasons I could think of led me to you.” You leaned in closer to him, drinking in his warmth. “I ran out of the room the other day because I realized how much I liked you and I was too scared to admit it.” 
You felt his arm wrap around you and you let out a sigh of contentment before continuing. “I think I’ve always been in love with you, Katsu. Sorry it took so long for me to realize it.”
Bakugou squeezed you tighter to his side, before turning to look at you with a besotted grin adorning his face.
“I love you too idiot.”
And as his lips met yours for the first time, you just knew. 
He was more than enough.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 313: Deku VS Lady Nagant
Previously on BnHA: Hawks’s super-hot badass murder senpai Lady Nagant showed up to fire a cupid’s arrow into my heart, and a bunch of literal bullets into my son. Deku was all “oh shit it’s Hawks’s super-hot badass murder senpai, what do I do, let me think back to Hawks’s advice for a sec.” Flashback!Hawks was all “anyway Deku so if my super-hot badass murder senpai ever shows up you’re basically screwed so you’d better abscond the fuck out of there.” Present!Deku was all “lol idek why I flashed back to that conversation since I’m just going to do the exact opposite of what Hawks said” and charged directly toward Nagant because WHY NOT. Overhaul was all “waah I need to get back to my boss who I put in a coma out of love” and Nagant was all “jesus christ why did I even bring you here” and had a flashback to AFO who was all “ILU NAGANT IMMA GIVE YOU AN EXTRA QUIRK SO PLEASE CAPTURE DEKU FOR ME PLEASE AND THANKS” and yeah. Shit is all over the place right now and I love it.
Today on BnHA: All Might gets attacked by a pair of discount assassins and is all “Call an ambulance! ...BUT NOT FOR ME” and it’s really badass but also I really wish he would stop tempting fate like this. Lady Nagant is all “[casually flies around town shooting shit]” and I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t read an entire chapter of just that. Deku is all, “[gets shot (≥_<)]” and releases a giant Smokescreen which prompts En to show up. En is all, “( •᷄⌓•᷅ ) (⌣̀ Δ⌣́) ( •̀_•́ )σ (¬、¬) (눈_눈)” which I consider to be a high point of both the chapter and of my life. The chapter ends with Deku using the Third’s quirk to launch a bunch of random objects at Nagant so that he can jump up and grab her arm all sneaky-like, and I’m sure this is going to prompt another week’s worth of discourse that I don’t care about at all, but fuck it, I’m having a good time.
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you named your car??
you named it Hercules??
I love you so much??
please marry me you giant fucking dork???
lmao speaking of huge fucking dorks
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who the fuck are you clowns. la dee da we’re gonna murder All Might with our synchronized spear attack!! I mean... they’re clearly trying their best... maybe I should just be nice and politely hype them up like All Might is so clearly trying to do
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like okay, but we all agree that this is actually the least intimidating attack any of us has ever seen, right?? these guys zipped up their hoodies all serious-like and are trying to attack All Might and Hercules with their Walmart tiki torches, but just, no?? right?? like the only way this could possibly be effective is if they were trying to kill All Might with secondhand embarrassment
“those are assassins” this is a VERY generous assessment, All Might
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[slaps roof of car] this baby can fit so many weaponized festive backyard lighting solutions in it
and yet, even after watching this with my own two eyes, I still can’t take these dudes seriously. idek what it is. anyways r.i.p. Hercules, I loved you a lot but I guess you weren’t actually a very good armored car were you
omg they didn’t know it was All Might??
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okay 1) for a moment there I was like “oh hey maybe they’re not so bad after all” but then a moment later it was like “ah nope, they are.” like, that was an interesting .06 second emotional journey there. anyways 2) All Might you have my permission to kick their asses for this disrespect, and 3) anyone else all of a sudden getting “wouldn’t this be an interesting time for Stain to suddenly show up” vibes?? no?? just me???
(ETA: hmm tbh I’ve still got those vibes and they haven’t gone away lol. Stain?? you out there buddy?? do you want to be cool for just once in your life. ball’s in your court pal.)
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omg he’s shouting at them about how much Deku has suffered lmao and they’re just like falling over from being scolded
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so they have absolutely no idea what he’s talking about though, right? “SIR THIS IS A WENDY’S” well whatever, you killed his pet car so he’s in a bad mood now
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(ETA: also, the more I look at this panel, the more I’m just like, why the hell would you phrase it like that though, sob. way to doubly tempt fate?? are you trying to give Horikoshi a challenge??)
and now back to Deku who is randomly bouncing around the city and narrating it to himself just in case he was confused about why he was doing this
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who are you talking to Deku. but thanks we appreciate it
man you gotta love that overconfidence. the smartest guy in the world warned you away from this lady, so SURE, LET’S RUN RIGHT UP TO HER. “I APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT, FLASHBACK!HAWKS, BUT I’LL TAKE IT FROM HERE” well okay then!!
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I think it would be funny if RHA.com put little Buzzfeed-style polls in between the chapter pages so they could survey people at random intervals as they read their way through the chapter. like, you finish this page and then there’s a little poll there asking “do you think Deku’s plan of catching up to Lady Nagant and finding out where Shigaraki is will work?”, and you click “no” just like everyone else and then nod as the results show that 97% of your fellow readers also picked “no”, and you chuckle to yourself wondering how many of the 3% accidentally clicked on the wrong option by mistake, and then you keep on reading
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update: Deku’s plan not really working out. sources tell me my boy has been fucking shot. this is an ongoing story and we will keep you posted with the latest developments as they come in
wait what
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feel free to explain to the rest of us what all of this “UNLESS...” and “THAT POSSIBILITY...” shit means anytime, Deku
oh lol did he realize she could fly??
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BREAKING NEWS UPDATE, CNN’s John King reports that Deku is still fucked. eyewitness reports now coming in that Nagant is doing no-look shots and basically not even giving a fuck. sources described her mannerisms and expression as “sexy, but in like an effortless sort of way.” we will continue to bring you the latest
so now there’s basically an entire page of Deku being all “ah fuck so she’s basically closing in and she could already hit me with impossible accuracy even from Far Away, so if that’s the case then her being Up Close is probably going to be even worse!” making good use of that Big Hero Brain there, Deku
so now what, you’re doing some kind of spiraling kick thing?? how is that going to help
oh lol he’s using Smokescreen to create some cover. aww, good for you Deku you named one of your Smokescreen attacks
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seriously, AFO?? you basically told her what Deku’s exact strategy was going to be but then couldn’t be assed to drop that little, small, barely notable piece of knowledge that Deku is rocking multiple quirks?? is it supposed to be a secret or something?? you dropped the ball here man
damn this is getting intense now
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(ETA: the way En is poking Deku’s head in that first panel is fucking sending me, I love this guy so much omg.)
well then what are you planning, Deku?? I’m actually really curious!! I am genuinely starting to be invested in this fight scene not only in the “wanting to see who wins and how that impacts the plot” sense, but also in the “wanting to see how it happens because the choreography and strategy is actually pretty cool” sense, which honestly hasn’t happened for quite a while now! this is fun
anyway so what’s up Deku, are you going to use another quirk?? I’ve been speculating that he hasn’t actually unlocked the last two yet (since Two and Three didn’t exactly seem convinced when we last saw them), but maybe I’m about to be proven wrong
(ETA: well he clearly has Three’s obviously, but Two’s is still MIA, and that’s the one I am of course the most curious about. that’s the one we’re all curious about, let’s be real.)
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(ETA: so yeah, after thinking on it, I’m not gonna say “please no Deku discourse on my blog” this week, but I probably will ignore any discourse that does come my way though, just because I don’t have much interest in getting involved in what would probably be a pretty repetitive discussion. like, I can just sum up my opinions (which is what they are) here instead. in fact here they are lol:
1) I like the SIXQUIRKS and I like seeing Deku be a badass.
2) I also don’t think Deku is too OP. more like he’s exactly as OP as he needs to be at the moment, given that we’re approaching the end of the series. I expect the other kids will also be pretty damn OP when we see them fight again. we’re just at that point now where they’re all badasses (as well they should be; they’ve grown a lot and they deserve it). it’s just that Deku’s the one we’re getting to see right now.
3) of course I miss Kacchan and the others, but for me this vibes much closer to the MVA arc where even though I missed them, I was still having a blast (as opposed to the dark days of the Basement arc where I was pretty much losing it lol). like, even though Kacchan’s my favorite, I still love Deku a lot and this arc has been amazing for him getting to shine on his own (for like the first time, really).
4) y’all know I love the OFA plot and I’ve never been shy about that lol. I like all of the Vestiges a lot. Banjou and his over the top personality; En and his “guy you thought would be serious and :| all the time but is actually hyper-animated and ALL OVER THE PLACE” energy; Shiro who actually is a :| sort of guy lol; Three who I still expect will be fleshed out in a more detailed flashback at some point; and of course Two, who, well. you know what I think about him lol. Bakuverse is still on the table and I’m still hyped. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we still have yet to see Two actually talk to Deku (as opposed to talking to the other Vestiges while Deku is distracted). did he lend him his power yet?? or is he still holding out?? either way it’s definitely going to be a Big Thing when it finally happens and I can’t wait to see it.
5) Lady Nagant is Everything and just because Deku grabbed her arm doesn’t mean the fight is over yet lol. Overhaul hasn’t come into play yet either. not to mention that even if the fight is over, the “where do we go from here” part still has me excited either way. her connection to Hawks and the HPSC is very intriguing and we’ve barely touched on that as of yet; she definitely has more of a role to play in this.
6) last but not least, I feel like every week the discussion is all about how much focus Deku’s getting, and how OP he is or isn’t, and OFA this and OFA that, but meanwhile I’m actually so invested in the character development here though?? the way Deku has distanced himself from everyone (except for the Vestiges, because of course they’re already dead so it’s not like they can die again lol)?? the way he’s pushing himself far too hard and we can see the shadows in and under his eyes, and the fact that he never smiles, and even All Might has remarked on how he isn’t taking care of himself at all?? the fact that he’s so single-mindedly obsessed with focused on stopping AFO?? the fact that he’s still the same sweet old Deku despite everything and was so kind to that fox lady with the umbrella, but there was also something so sad about that scene because it felt like a reminder of the type of hero that he wants to be, but that he’s not allowed to be right now?? because the stakes are too high and the world is falling apart?? and he feels like he’s the only one who can do something about it?? and that he has to be?? and that he is putting so much pressure on himself right now, and it’s absolutely too much pressure for any one person to bear, and I feel like no one is fucking talking about this lol goddammit.
anyway so yeah. I have feels about this, and every week that slow-burn angst is getting more and more intense behind the scenes, and I feel like it’s all going to hit a breaking point eventually. sooner rather than later. it really feels like a mirror of Katsuki’s post-Kamino arc. where all that angst was just churning below the surface for like twenty chapters and then it finally was like “okay it’s time” and it all came bursting out and we got the best five chapters of the fucking series (in my admittedly biased estimation lol).
basically, I know that most of fandom is billing this as either the “villain hunt” arc or the “solo Deku SIXQUIRKS fighting arc” or whatever. but for me, it’s always been and still is the Deku Angst arc lol. the cool fights are a sexy bonus (the worldbuilding less so because even though it’s interesting to see society at such a low point, it’s also very depressing and gets old pretty fast), but for me the thing that’s really keeping me engaged chapter after chapter is seeing Deku like we’ve never seen him before. seeing him all quiet and withdrawn and brooding and focused on AFO, AFO, AFO, and seeing that “he just doesn’t take himself into account” mentality taken to extremes. I am invested in that. I’m soaking up that angst each and every week, and I’m invested in seeing what comes of it. it’s a big picture thing. week to week this arc might just seem like a bunch of villain fight scenes, sure. but Deku’s emotional journey is the thread that’s going to carry this arc through from beginning to end, and for that I’m willing to be patient.
anyway that turned into a BIG OL’ RANT there but yeah! so those are my thoughts on the disk horse as it currently stands. and like I said, I’m open to discussion, but tbh I will probably just wind up repeating these same talking points endlessly so just a fair warning lol.)
anyway so Three says Deku has yet to use his quirk at ALL but now he’s trying to combine it with another quirk?? damn. also please check out En’s face here you guys
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En launching a sneak attack up my favorite character list by the sheer power of his expressions alone. he really knows how to make the most of his screentime
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at this point the 3% from that hypothetical poll earlier are starting to feel prettttty damn smug, I’ll bet. well shit
what in the fuck
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?? so like releasing his chi or whatnot?? isn’t that basically just like base OFA all over again?? also Deku did you seriously just apologize to Gran’s cape
update: Nagant has turned her eyeball into a gun
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hm. hmmmmmmm. ...okay yep, still somehow sexy
anyway so she’s just floating up there building suspense, as one does. lord I sure hope she has good reflexes because something tells me she’s going to need them
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but without the cape and the hood how will you continue to look like an enigmatic badass. you really can’t. which means we might finally be moving on from the wandering nomad part of this arc, stay tuned
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I hope he went full Kacchan with the dialogue there. his face sure looks like it lol. popped out of a building all mad fdskljlkj omg
well this was fun, shit. I still have basically no idea what Three’s quirk does though lol. like, can he use it to charge up objects with kinetic energy or something?? but then what was all of that talk about combining it with one of the other quirks?? or was that just because he was using Smokescreen at the same time??
(ETA: having seen and read an additional half-dozen explanations of Three’s quirk, I can say with confidence that I still have basically no idea what it is or does.)
anyway so!! Deku is a badasssssss but something tells me not to count Nagant out just yet even so. also I really enjoy seeing Deku flip out on people like he doesn’t have a fucking hole in his torso because it reminds me of A CERTAIN SOMEONE and I always love to see him channeling that feral energy; I feel like it’s been a while
anyways good luck to you both!! I truly wish that both of you could win. but if not, then maybe you can at least become friends instead. you have so much in common, you both can fly and have multiple quirks and you’re both badasses, and plus it would just be really funny to see the look on Hawks’s face lmao
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the-nysh · 3 years
Re: bnha ch319 “Friend”
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Finally, in the wake of dramatically rejecting Deku’s ‘goodbye’ letter as completely unacceptable (which Hori milks for all its worth in full-colored shreds of emotions - because those aren’t just Deku’s fragmented feelings on paper, they’re Kacchan’s feelings left in figurative pieces now) in solidarity before the whole class...
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LET! HIM! SPEAK!! 😤 Kacchan takes charge and formally steps up (properly wearing his tie and all) on behalf of the class to drop all those precision truth bombs the readers have long already known. About him - his feelings, concern, bitter pain, worst fears and convictions - concerning everything he firmly knows and understands about Deku, his lifelong childhood friend, best. 
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Kacchan knows what’s up, about the worst possible outcome to befall the Deku he knows when he’s only enabled to the extremes, because lo and behold...
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*looks into the camera from the office* Surprise! It’s exactly as Kacchan said would happen. Deku parrots his expected, most utterly convincing “I’m fine” lie to their faces (that Kacchan knew he would say!) like a tragic broken record. Was this supposed to be persuasive or even reassuring to them, looking like that? Is this some sick joke!? How bitterly laughable. Because they’re no fools; there’s absolutely nothing funny about this.
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THANK YOU! ;o; Because coddling Deku to get him to face reality right now (nope, he just masks his face up in response to Uraraka’s concern) is not going to work. The harsh reality check which is! Deku ‘giving it his all’ towards self-destructive martyrdom, following the same doomed path as All Might, all while taking on the entire world burden of OfA vs AfO alone by himself without any regards to his own wellbeing, has completely stripped his identity and derailed his original dream: to become the best hero ‘Deku’ who can save (and win!) with a smile. (His current self is shredded to pieces much like the letters he left behind to ‘console’ everyone! Not good.)
Kacchan however, remembers their origins and dual promises to greatness, so he’s the blunt reminder to tell it like it is. That this charade has gone too far; Deku’s fucked up and stubbornly hasn’t realized he needs help. But delivered in some twisted reversal from their ch1 beginnings even, as now the context and intent behind Kacchan’s intervention couldn’t be more different. This time, Kacchan’s here, leading the class as emotional support, as a huge milestone in his character’s maturing acceptance, cooperation & leadership, and to prove his point that Deku should not be trying to do this alone. Not as scorn, but to open Deku’s eyes again and lead him back on track to what’s important.
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But wait...no one is smiling here with any of that peace of mind, Deku. Not even yourself, as Kacchan notes. Not like this. In fact, it’s quite the opposite: seeing you literally destroy yourself for others - for the sake of this conceptual idea/duty - will make all those who actually care for you in return (just look at Iida as the understanding sinks in) unable to ever smile again. Funny how that works! And ironically enough, this is the same concept Shigaraki already understood about ‘heroes’ too. The paradox that when selflessness (to help others, even complete strangers) is taken to the extremes, by disregarding oneself at the expense of all else - self-care and connections with family/friends included, it becomes the most selfish thing to those very loved ones left behind who end up hurt the most. Deku, please understand. If. You. Die. by continuing on this destructive path, you cannot hope to ever protect their, or even anyone’s, smiles!
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*sighs* No, Deku. That’s enough. Please don’t fight this. Again, as Kacchan’s right, you are not All Might. The iconic hero who’s no longer here, after crumbling as a single pillar unable to hold society together by himself, who’s now become the frail human shell of man you’ve already rejected and left behind, yet are spiraling right towards the same guaranteed failure as him, or worse. No, under this semblance of a mask, you are still Deku, valuable as the hero and important friend to those who absolutely won’t stand by to watch you destroy yourself like this. Because they’re heroes driven to save (and win) too, doubly as the very first friends you’ve ever made (Uraraka & Iida at UA, while Kacchan’s lifelong & known everything since childhood), who personally care for you. So Deku, are you really about to hurt those you’ve sworn to protect? All for the tradeoff sake of....this? When they’re unified in solidarity (with Iida’s supportive hand on Kacchan’s back!) to save you from yourself. If so, they’ll meet you head-on, unwavering in their resolve too, and persistent through the hardest means possible, if that’s what it takes to finally get the message through.
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Random Bakusquad Headcanons of Mine:
Types of music they listen to -
Bakugo: Hard rock, metal, alternative rock, and occasionally lo-fi to calm him down (blame Midoriya and his therapist). He pretends to be annoyed by his friends music tastes but he really doesn’t care all that much on road trips. Kirishima: He doesn’t have a particular favorite, to be honest he kind of just vibes to whatever. But he absolutely jams out to “Cool Kids” and “Cooler Than Me”. He definitely had a My Chemical Romance phase in middle school so he’s responsible for “Teenagers” being in the Squads Playlist, which actually made Shinsou genuinely smile when he first joined their squad. Kaminari: Anything dubstep or EDM, this boy is a hardcore dancer and no one can convince me otherwise (I especially love the idea of him being amazing at shuffle). He usually dances around with Mina when he turns one of his playlist on. Sero: He loves Latin music since it helps him stay connected to his heritage, although he loves vibing to whatever his friends listen to as well. The fact that he speaks Spanish makes it hysterical whenever his friends are playing a random Spanish song about sex and they don’t understand it. Ashido: She absolutely loves western music and rap, especially when it’s female rappers because of how aggressively fun she finds the lyrics. She probably listens to Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B, ppcocaine, Doja Cat, Maliibu Miitch, and a lot more. Catch her dancing and singing along to vulgar songs with Kaminari. Jirou: She loves every type of genre and is capable of picking out something she loves in a song that is absolute garbage, she will appreciate every song out there even if it takes effort. Although she has a soft spot for the song “Somebody I Used to Know” and listens to “Jenny” whenever she thinks about her seemingly one sided crush on Yaoyorozo. Shinsou: Genuinely doesn’t know what he likes the most but he definitely listens to My Chemical Romance and he isn’t sure whether or not he finds it embarrassing. He kind of listens to songs he can vent/relate/lowkey jam to, like “Control” “I Am Not a Robot” “Cool Kids” “Stressed Out” “Parents” etc. If you listen really closely you can sometimes hear him softly humming “Electric Love” while looking over at Kaminari during class (he doesn’t even realize it, as Sero puts it he’s absolutely whipped for that dumbass). Utsushimi: While she isn’t able to hang out with them constantly, she definitely influences their music taste a bit. For some reason she has a strong love for kpop and western music/rap, when it comes to kpop you’ll find her crying literal tears of happiness whenever a Japanese version of a song releases. She probably hardcore vibes to songs like “Body” “Give Her Some Money” “Tia Tamera” “S.L.U.T”while also vibing to “LA DI DA” “Kill This Love” “Hip” “Style” etc.
Shinsou quotes Ghost Stories and everyone both loves and hates it so much, this is one of the reasons why Bakugo doesn’t care that he hangs out with Monoma instead sometimes (they both binged Ghost Stories together so they quote it together). Monoma, from across the cafeteria: WELL SHES EITHER A BITCH OR A GHOST. Shinsou: RUN SHES A GHOST AND A BITCH Bakugo: oh for fucks sake.
Every so often you’ll hear someone go “sheeeeesh” from Bakusquad and no one knows who it is, it infuriates Bakugo to the point where he openly threatens to slam them through a window. Random things you’ll hear them say on a daily basis - Kirishima: that’s not very plus ultra of you. Ashido: RIP THAT PUSSY AYY— Kaminari: gotta go geT SOME DICK TODAY—Shinsou: Well I might as well just die today. Sero: I’m finna act up— Bakugo: I don’t know who the fuck those losers are?? (As he gestures to his squad lighting a barrel on fire)
Surprisingly Sero has the best drip in the squad, Kirishima is pouting in the background with his limited edition crocs.
Kaminari dresses like a stereotypical twink and that is a fact (he got the crop top, shorts, and fishnets once he finally catches a sense of style in second year, thank the fashion police Aoyama and Monoma).
The Wicked Witch of the East argument definitely happened and it was between Bakugo and Sero.
Kirishima absolutely told the squad about how Kaminari basically called Shinsou hot to his face, he was teased for weeks but it was worth it in the end (he has a hot goth boyfriend now).
Kaminari fought to have Shinsou in Bakusquad and just barely won because Ashido mentioned that it was a possible love story in the making, Midoriya and Uraraka gave in because of that.
Although in the end he’s still considered a part of Dekusquad as well, the only two reasons why he hangs out with Bakusquad more is because 1. His boyfriend is in Bakusquad and 2. He’s not allowed to vape/smoke weed when he’s with Dekusquad because Iida won’t let him. He’s also dragged along with Monoma’s squad so he’s constantly being tugged around different groups.
He actually has his own squad but he’ll be six feet under before he admits that (Squad Members: Monoma, Hatsume, Yoarashi, Shishikura, and Utsushimi). If you want to understand that dynamic just watch my “Shinsou & Friends as Tiktoks” compilations lmao.
They all have tiktok, although they also share a group account called “Bakusquad Shenanigans” that records their “best moments”. Their most viewed compilations of each member include: “Denki is a Dumbass”, “Shinsou is an Icon”, “Sero is Mexican Guys”, “Kirishima Being Concerned for Three Minutes”, “‘Kacchan’ Being Whipped For His Boyfriends”, “Why Camie is a Snacc 😩💕✨”, “Mina is Also a Dumbass”, “Jirou Asks the Boys of 3a ‘Girl Questions’”
Sometimes Ashido will burst into her friend dorm rooms when they forget to lock their doors and shouts “HAVING SEX??” She regrets doing this sometimes as she has caught her all friends in the act at least once in fact -
Shinkami: Twice (she cackles whenever she recalls this, Kaminari didn’t really care but Shinsou was mortified the first time it happened)
Todobakudeku: Once (This actually got her to start knocking on those threes’ doors)
Serozaki: Three times (she has apologized profusely each and every time because Shiozaki deserves better, although she could care less about how Sero feels. The best part is they weren’t even doing anything that serious, it was legit just them making out)
She’s an absolute hypocrite because she would be extremely pissed if anyone did this to her and Kirishima
(If you wonder why I ship Sero and Shiozaki it’s very simple: it started off as a crack ship because I love the Stoner! Sero headcanon and I refuse to believe that Shiozaki doesn’t smoke weed as well. Now I see them as a genuinely wholesome and loving couple that are very much supportive of each other)
When they were bored they made a ranking of who’s the hottest (they don’t consider the last person unattractive it’s just that they’re all really attractive):
1. Shinsou - Kaminari is completely biased and the others just agreed with this selection because it’s the right choice (except Bakugo of course)
2. Bakugo - Best believe he was pissed when he got second place, he called his boyfriends and bitched about it (cue Midoriya offering sympathy and sweetly complimenting him while Todoroki cackles in the background)
3. Kaminari - He’s satisfied because he knows for a fact he’s pretty as hell, plus his boyfriend is the winner so suck it guys
4. Jirou - She genuinely didn’t really care what she ranked, since she already knows she’s attractive
5. Ashido - Lowkey salty that she wasn’t higher but understands because damn are all her best friends unfairly hot.
6. Sero - High key salty and bitched about this ranking as soon as he saw the paper, the squad had to give him a group hug and shower him in compliments to make up for it because “damnit yes Sero you’re a hottie too”
Camie wasn’t allowed to enter because her natural beauty is leagues ahead of theirs, they call her a goddess for a reason 💅✨
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 320 Short Spoiler Analysis: The Power of Friendship
The battle between Deku Vs. Class A has begun!  Well, it’s technically a battle, but more so a “Catch-A-Deku” situation.  Everyone is trying to use their cool Super Moves and words of friendship to try to convince Deku to come back home.  They’re all reminding him all of times he helped them, so they’re trying to return the favor.  So far, I think half the class was featured here including Shoto who I thought would be saved til the end.  Maybe he will be featured again since he’s one of Deku’s closest friends.  What’s interesting is that the trio that was shown at the end of last week’s chapter, Bakugo, Ochako, and Iida, didn’t have their heart-to-hearts with Deku this week, so I bet you they’re being saved for the end.  Anyway, my left hand is still on the mend, so I’ll keep this one short this week.  I hope it heals soon.
The 2nd Color page is shown this week!  It’s of Froppy this time around!  I think it’s been a while since we’ve seen Froppy featured in a color page, so this is cool to see.  She looks really good here too.  Horikoshi’s art rarely disappoints.  Next week is going to be the 7th BNHA Anniversary color page and the 7th Popularity Poll announcement, so I’m excited for that.  Apparently we’re going to get a lot of BNHA things next week including things for the WHM movie, Team-Up Missions, and the WHM one-shot manga.
I love how at the beginning, Bakugo breaks the 4th wall here by commenting on how Deku’s “art style” underwent a complete change.  It’s both a good taunt on Bakugo’s part and some acknowledgment from Horikoshi-sensei on the change of Deku’s design in general since this arc began.
So, Bakugo did tell the rest of 1-A about Deku’s other Quirks which is good.  I thought that would be the case after remembering that Bakugo read All Might’s OFA archive book.  Bakugo would still look over the other Holder’s Quirks, so he would have knowledge on the 4th-6ths Holders.  Problem is that none of them know of the 2nd and 3rd’s Quirks, so dealing with Fa-Jin will be troublesome.  None of us know what the 2nd’s Quirk is yet though, but I have a feeling we’ll see it in this battle.
Quite a few new Super Moves debut in this chapter!  
Katsuki Bakugo: Shockwave Landmine: Looks like Bakugo creates a blast on the ground so that the blast blows away anything around it like Deku’s Smokescreen.  It’s a big blast too, so Bakugo’s got a lot of range with this thing.
Kiyoka Jiro: Heartbeat Wall: It’s hard to tell, but I think it’s a move where Jiro uses her sound waves to block or stop whatever comes her way.  It could be really effective to stop anyone who can hear I’m sure.
Fumikage Tokoyami: Ragnorok: “Womb”: It’s a like a capturing move that traps anyone within Dark Shadow.  It kind of looks like one of the moves Tokoyami uses in The Strongest Hero Game.  Unless someone has a light Quirk, I can see this move being very effective in capturing villains.
Really, everyone is doing their best to remind Deku of all the good times they had with them. They’re using the power of feels and friendship to bring their sacrificial idiot home.  I like to believe it’s working given how Deku is finally shown crying tears of sadness as he pushes his friends away.  God, please let this kid have a good cry.  How they’ll be able to catch Deku though I still have no idea.
Deku is able to overpower pretty much everyone this chapter.  Even Tokoyami, who is considered one of the strongest in the class, and Momo who created this insanely complex machine to try to put Deku to sleep (how the hell did she make that anyway???).  At the end he’s captured by Shoto’s Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall (which he’s standing on btw and looks so damn pretty 💙☺️), but I doubt that will last.  Deku’s probably going to break right through the ice next chapter.
Speaking of Shoto, since I’m such a simp for him 😔, he has the least amount of dialogue out of everyone having heart-to-hearts with Deku.  But what he says is significant: he basically asks Deku if he can still truly cry and for Deku to share the responsibility with his friends.  I think this is calling back to when Shoto reassured Deku that heroes are allowed to cry back in the Overhaul arc and when Deku meddled with Shoto’s life to save him.  Which is essentially the philosophy everyone’s running on.  Meddling in Deku’s mission is the only way to save him now.
Side note, but I love that Kaminari is the one to tell Deku to take a freaking bath 😂!  Like, we’ve all been telling Deku that, but it’s good to know that Horikoshi and his characters are thinking the same thing.  Now someone has to tell Deku to eat a good meal and take a long nap.  
Also, small detail, but Sato comes in at one point and reminds Deku that they won’t be able to make candied apples for Eri anymore if Deku doesn’t come back.  Deku tells Sato that Eri will be fine without him 😭.  No, Deku, you dumbass!  Eri needs her big bro in her life!  I can’t imagine how sad she must be if she already knows about Deku’s disappearance 😭❤️
I’m also glad to see pretty much every student get some kind of spotlight especially the ones who are more minor characters than the others.  Koda actually gets a mini-monoluge this chapter.  Also, Froppy’s got a lot of focus at the end along with the color page this chapter.  Which, I’m glad to see.  It’s been a long time since Tsuyu got some spotlight.  Really, all the girls need more spotlight.  I assume everyone else will get their shine the next few chapters.  
It’s small and I’m still trying to find the meaning of it, but there’s one panel after Deku escapes from Tokoyami showing him flying through the air in the background and you can see the All Might statue at the forefront.  I want to say this symbolizes Deku being All Might’s successor or something, but I’m not sure.  This one just stood out to me for some reason.  
But yeah, like I said, the last half of the class will probably be featured next chapter.  I think Bakugo will be the last person to talk to Deku since he’s the most important one here.  Remember: Bakugo knows Deku better than anyone.  He will be the turning point I’m positive.  Iida and Ochako will definitely have an impact on Deku, but Bakugo will truly HIT DIFFERENT!  I won’t be surprised if that last conversation leads up to Deku Vs. Kacchan Part 3.  I wouldn’t be mad if that will happen tbh.  Part 2 was about understanding Bakugo and letting his feelings out.  Part 3 could be Deku’s turn.  And of course you gotta have a trilogy to cap it off.  I’m really excited to see what happens next!
Me seeing all my adopted children come together to save my green broccoli boy 💚🥦:
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