#your second message didn't send :c
redroomreflections · 2 months
Silver Lining
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Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: After Natasha dies, Wanda helps reader with raising her baby. They didn't know they would fall in love
W/c: 4.2k
Ellie needs diapers.
It’s a simple text. A message you’re used to these days. It’s straightforward and to the point. Ellie needs diapers. Though there’s no other meaning behind the simple sentence it's a bit unsettling. You stare at the message watching as the text bubble for typing appears. You wait with a finger over your cursor for the sender to say something else. Just as quick as it appeared it leaves your screen.
Are you okay?
You want to send it back. You quickly delete the message and tuck the phone into your pocket. Guess you’ll be going to get diapers. You start the engine of your car, glancing to the bar in front of you, before pulling out of the parking lot. Wanda’s been weird lately. Distant.Cold. a little testy. You have a bit of an inkling of what it could be but your mind won’t let you go there. You’ve just come from a pretty awesome late-night dinner with your coworker, Danny. It’s the second time she’s asked you out and you accepted. It’s about time you hang out with someone other than Ellie these days. Not that Wanda isn’t a good company but You’d be an idiot to say no. Danny is kind, sweet, smart, and so damn sexy. She’s tall, runway model tall, with legs that never seemed to end. Most of all she listened. She’s the only one in the office that understands a bit of what you’ve been through so you go to her for things. It was only a matter of time for your relationship to progress. Right?
You can’t help the deep-seated guilt at leaving Wanda in the dark. She takes care of Ellie as if she’s her own. She helps whenever you need it and despite her own grief and pain, she’s always there for you. This is why you are unsure of her recent behavior. It must be something you did. Maybe she’s not comfortable with you leaving her with Ellie to go on dates? If so you’d be happy to find a babysitter to relieve her. Was she upset that you forgot to put the laundry in the dryer? Did you forget her birthday? No, that can’t be it. Wanda was so gracious and plentiful with her forgiveness. Which is why you are so confused.
The only thing open right now is the 24 hour CVS. Simple enough. You step into the store with a purpose. You find the baby aisle with ease. You’ve been here plenty of times before. The Honest Company brand is the first you spot. You’re not too keen on being loyal to a specific brand but Wanda always insists that it’s really good. You grab a pack of diapers in Ellie’s size and tuck it under your arms. You pull out your phone again to check if Wanda has messaged about anything else. You’re the only one in the store beside the cashier so you’re not in much of a rush. You step around to the second aisle where there are trashy magazines and other assortments of books on display. You grab a crossword puzzle book for you and Wanda to finish together. Maybe then she’ll tell you what’s been on her mind. You make your way to the front where you spot her favorite candy. You’re not intentionally trying to make her feel better, you technically haven’t done anything wrong, and yet you can’t help but feel that you need to make things right with her. You grab the turtle's candy from the shelf and hand it to the cashier. She bags with boredom ready to clock out of work herself. You give her thanks before taking the items and leaving the store.
It doesn’t take long for you to get home. You sit in the driveway with the lights off for a minute. You’re looking up at the house. It’s beautiful. Two-story, brick, a white picket fence. It’s everything you’ve wanted in a home. Everything Natasha wanted. It’s been a little over a year since she’s died. A little longer than that since you’ve seen her face. Ellie never got to meet her. You were eight months pregnant when Natasha and the rest of the team decided to do the mission to reverse what Thanos messed up. Your wife, a natural leader and a true hero sacrificed her own life for the greater good. Natasha was always good. Which is why you resent her so much. In her haste to save the rest of the world she left you with a baby who would never know her name, never know her smile, and never feel her arms around them.
A life you planned together was over before you could start it. You’re here with the house that you chose together and sometimes you can’t make yourself go in. It hurts to see Ellie smile and laugh knowing Natasha would never get to see that. It’s a silhouette in the front window that breaks you from your thoughts. Wanda seems to be cleaning. She hasn’t closed the curtains which you have to remind her to do often. She moved in after you had given birth to Ellie. She was no longer Avenging. She wanted something else for herself. Wanda is your rock and you’re incredibly thankful for everything she does for you and Ellie. Suddenly, as if she senses you’re home, she turns to the window to peer out. She finds you easily and gives you a small wave. You wave back.
You unbuckle your seat belt and grab your items from CVS along with your briefcase. You take slow steps up the walkway. Wanda’s planted new flowers in the garden. They’re beautiful. She opens the front door for you and takes your briefcase just as she does every day.
You plant a kiss on her cheek in hello before stepping over to allow her to close the door. Briefly you think about how domestic the greeting is. She’s your best friend. It’s always been like this.
“Hey,” Wanda greets. She rubs her arms to warm herself. It’s the middle of August. It’s not too warm but Wanda always seems to be freezing. “How was work?”
“Work was work,” You shrug. Wanda lowers her hands to take the diapers. She places them on the front steps. “I need a long vacation. What do you say about taking Ellie to Montana or something?”
“Montana?” Wanda questions. She raises a brow.
“I know there’s nothing there but that’s the point.” You say. You follow her into the kitchen. Wanda rolls up her sleeves to get started on cleaning Ellie’s dishes. She’s sleeping by now with it being way past her bedtime. The eleven-month-old is full of energy. You find yourself missing her whenever you’re away. “How was she today?”
“She was great. She has another tooth coming in so she was a bit fussy before bedtime but a bath and a song fixed all of that.” Wanda scrubs a bottle with care and precision.
“How were you today?”
She pauses to look up at you. “I’m fine.” She drops her head back to the dishes.
“Her first birthday is soon,” Wanda begins another conversation.
“Yes, I can’t believe it,” You smile. “I think we should have a small party. Nothing too flashy. Danny thinks we should do a princess theme. I’ll probably ask her to plan it since she’s good with those things.” There it is. Wanda’s frown appears and she doesn’t try to hide it this time. “Is that not a good idea?” You lean against the counter to wait for her answer.
“No, no, it’s a great idea.” Wanda shakes her head. “I was just thinking that we would plan that together. Danny doesn’t know Ellie. I mean she’s never met her and you’re not dating.” Oh. There it is. She’s upset about you spending time with Danny.
“We can plan it together.” You placate her. “I didn’t think you would want to considering you’re already so generous with your time.”
“Are you kidding? I’d love to.” Wanda sets the last cup aside. “Ellie has been the highlight of my life for a while now. I can’t believe you’d think I wouldn’t want to help with such a milestone.”
“Okay then, we can plan it next week.” Wanda nods.
“I brought these.” You hold up the bag with the crossword puzzle and candy. Wanda eyes it before rolling her eyes.
“I’m going to have cavities because of you.” There’s no real malice in her tone. You grin before shaking the bag.
“Go change and I’ll make us tea.” Wanda takes the bag before waving you off. You plant another kiss on her cheek before running up the stairs to your bedroom. You make a pit stop at Ellie’s bedroom. Her door is cracked and the light from her night light castes the room in a light blue glow. You push it open gently. You tiptoe over to the bed where you take a second to look at her. She’s on her stomach with her hand resting near her face. Her favorite plushie, Boris the monkey, is inches away. You’re sure she fell asleep with it in her arms.
Sometimes you wonder how life with Natasha would be. How different would it be raising Ellie together? If you let yourself think too long you’ll become depressed. Natasha was the love of your life and you’d probably never be over her death. Does one ever get over that? Looking at Ellie, you’re constantly reminded of how much is being missed. You reach down to brush a hand over her head. You lean to press a kiss to her head. She twitches in her sleep before settling again.
You leave the room, closing the door behind you, before making your way to your bedroom. Deciding that a quick shower would feel amazing you step into the bathroom with that purpose. You don’t even bat an eye at Wanda’s towel resting beside yours. You take your time in the shower, allowing all of your stressors to melt away, before stepping out feeling refreshed. Wanda would be ready with the tea by now. You quickly dress and make your way downstairs to meet her in the living room. She’s already tucked under a throw blanket and she’s added a cardigan to her outfit.
“It’s amazing how you’re always so cold,” You say before joining her under the blanket. She adjusts it so that it’s covering both of your legs.
“If you kept the house at a reasonable temperature maybe I wouldn’t be.” She quips. She takes a sip of her tea before setting it on the coffee table. She grabs a pen and the crossword puzzle. She doesn’t hesitate to lean further into you so that you both can see the page. Despite her being cold, her warmth is comforting. She smells amazing. Clean. It sounds weird but it’s Wanda.
“Okay this one is literary lingo,” Wanda begins. She tucks the pen against her bottom lip as she reads across the page. “Two across says an exaggerated statement not to be taken literally.” She glances to you for help before turning back to the page.
“Hyperbole.” You answer. Piece of cake. She scribbles the answer onto the page before going to the next question. This is how much of the night goes until you finish the entire page. Wanda sets the book down in triumph. She picks up the turtle’s package and rips open the paper. She hands you one before biting into one herself. The candy is sticky and tough but delicious.
“Have you been back to the compound recently?” She asks you.
“Not really, I can’t bring myself to.” You shake your head. Going back there would only remind you of Natasha and Vision. She nods her head. She feels that way too. She chews before swallowing thickly.
“I think I want to start volunteering somewhere,” She says and you sit up a bit straighter in interest. Wanda adjusts herself so that she’s fully facing you. “I know I spend a lot of time with Ellie and I love her but I need some adult human interaction.”
“Wanda, if it’s too much please tell me, I can bring her to work with me some days and-”
“No,” She cuts you off. “It’s not that. I just want to do something good. I want to help other orphans maybe. Growing up in Sokovia without parents and then joined Hydra. I know it probably won’t be as dramatic here in America but I want to help them onto the right path. Whether with homework or reading.” Wanda’s hands move excitedly as she speaks. She’s passionate about this and you can’t help but smile seeing her so happy. She notices your look and smiles back. “What?”
“You’re a good person, Wanda Maximoff.” You reply. Her smile widens. It’s all she’s ever wanted to hear.
“Thank you, y/n. I think you’re pretty good too.” She grins cheekily. “So you think I should do it?”
“I think you should. I can get Steve or Peter and MJ to watch Ellie and I’ll come with you some days.” You suggest. NYC is only a train away so you figure it won’t be too bad.
“Yeah.” You nod. Suddenly your arms are full of Wanda as she hugs you in gratitude. You think you're a bit touch-deprived as the feeling of Wanda in your arms is heaven-like.
“You’re the best.” Wanda smiles as she pulls back. “Are you too tired for a show?” She tilts her head towards the tv.
“No, put it on.” You watch as she grabs the remote, settling into your side again, as she finds her favorite episode of BEWITCHED.
The next few days are weekend days so you and Wanda attend a play date with another mom from the neighborhood. Her son, Tyler, is a month older than Ellie and they’re still a bit young for any real play but it’s more of a social thing. Tyler’s mom, Terry, is serving you and Wanda finger food as she talks about a new committee that’s happening in the neighborhood. They want to plan events for the coming year.
“I know things are hectic but it may be fun,” Terry shrugs as she sits across from you. “Mike probably won’t enjoy it but I’d figure us wives will.” She waves a hand dismissively. “Gives us something to do being stay-at-home moms.” This time she looks to Wanda. You don’t bother to correct her. This wouldn’t be the first time someone mistook you two for a couple since moving here.
Wanda nods, she might be considering the idea. You don’t think it sounds bad either. You’re just about to ask Terry about the type of events when Ellie crawls over to you with a toy block in one of her hands. She uses your knees to stand on her own feet. Her eyes are wide and trusting as she shows off the toy.
“It’s so nice,” You feign interest. You wonder if this is like a parent requirement. To give praise or encouragement to something your child wants to show you.
“Mama!” Ellie pushes the toy into Wanda’s lap. There’s a gasp but you can’t quite tell who it’s from. Wanda looks to you for the next step. “Mama!” Ellie is insistent as she pushes the toy further into Wanda’s lap.
“Go ahead, Mama.” You find your voice. You emphasize the title with a gesture to Ellie. Wanda swallows thickly before nodding. She looks down at Ellie before pulling her into her lap. The slipup was forgotten as she inspects the toy and puts on a voice for the toddler.
“Is this her first time saying it?” Terry asks with a smile noting your reactions.
“It’s the first time she’s directed it towards either of us.” You inform her. It’s true. Ellie has said Mama before in passing but she was never so indicative about whom she was talking to. Seeing her direct it to Wanda was startling but heartwarming. It brings tears to your eyes. Seeing the other woman respond and play with Ellie with such care. Wanda looks over to you with a smile before turning her attention back to Ellie.
Whoa. What was that you’re feeling? Butterflies. You haven't felt those in a while. Suddenly you feel as if you’re suffocating. The room feels smaller and you need space. You stand, excusing yourself from the room, to find a bathroom. You go to the one Terry directs you to. Wanda watches as you leave with a frown. Did something happen? You push the door closed leaning your head against it as you take harsh, breaths.
Wanda. Wanda Maximoff. Your best friend. You’re in love with her. It’s a thought that makes you want to puke. You don’t know how it has happened or when it’s happened but suddenly all of your feelings make sense. How happy you are to see her. Even on your date with Danny, all you could think about was Wanda. Coming home to Wanda. Spending time with Wanda. Kissing Wanda. Making love to her.
You gasp. This can’t be. You shake your head hoping it will rid you of the thoughts. Wanda lost the love of her life. You lost yours. It could be nothing more than what it was. She probably didn’t even feel the same way.
Life is crazy.
The car ride home is ridden in silence. Ellie has fallen asleep after the playdate. You glance at Wanda every few minutes. You don’t realize she’s looking at you too. You park in the driveway, helping her with Ellie’s bag when your hand brushes against hers. You pull away hiding the effect it has on you as you walk into the house. You put Ellie to bed on your own while Wanda does god knows what downstairs. You take your time dressing in a t-shirt and shorts before sitting on the bottom step to tie your shoes.
Wanda steps into the foyer to ask where you’re going. You both only just got home. She didn’t know you had plans to do anything.
“For a run,” This surprises her even further. You don’t like running. You despise it and yet here you are gearing up to run.
“You hate running,” Wanda points out. “In fact, the last time Steve suggested you run you told him you would rather have crows poke your eyes out and eat them for breakfast.”
Damn. You did say that.
“I’m trying something different,” You shrug. You stand to stretch before heading for the front door.
Wanda follows after you. Before you turn the knob she calls out to you.
“I’m sorry if I overstepped,” You pause and turn back to her.
“Overstep? Why would you think that?” You question her.
“Well, Ellie called me Mama and I know that’s what she would have called Nat. I’m not her mother.” Wanda folds her arms under her chest. A nervous move. “I thought you might be uncomfortable with that.”
“No, Wanda, that’s not it at all,” You assure her. “I’m so happy that Ellie views you as her Mama. There’s no one I would rather have that title. You are her Mama.” Wanda nods with tears in her eyes. Maybe she’s wanted that without really knowing. You find yourself wanting to kiss her tears away. Again. Whoa.
“Okay,” She gives you a small smile. “Have fun on your run.” She tells you and you nod. She watches you exit the front door. You do a few final stretches before you plug your headphones into your ear. Guess it was time to run.
It’s been two hours the next time you walk through the front door. The lights off save for the foyer. You kick off your shoes, rubbing your forehead with your sweaty shirt before you make your way upstairs. Wanda must be asleep. You check on Ellie as you do every night. She’s sound asleep. You hop into the shower and allow yourself to stand under the scalding hot water. You’re going to regret running so much in the morning. Your thoughts are riddled with Wanda as you shower, when you dry off, and when you dress. You can’t stop thinking of her. You don’t know what prompts you to do it but you suddenly find yourself in front of her bedroom door. Her lights are off but you knock anyway. No answer.
You twist the knob to find the door unlocked. You open the door and call her. She’s on her side facing away from the door. Her posture is a bit stiff.
“Wanda?” You question.
“Yeah?” She whispers into the darkness. She turns over just as you climb into the bed. You’re under the covers now and briefly you think about how comfortable her bed is. You can see her through the light emanating from her window. Her cheeks are stained with dry tear tracks. She’s been crying. “Y/n?” She tries to hide the shake in her voice as you look at her. It’s now or never.
Your eyes fly down to her lips then back to her eyes. You lift a hand to caress her cheek as you lean to plant a chaste kiss against her lips. She gasps, quickly recovering, before kissing you back. You pull back keeping your eyes closed. If you open them to her being angry with you, you don’t know if you’ll forgive yourself.
“Y/n,” Wanda asks.
“Wanda,” You whimper.
“Open your eyes, Malysh.” She raises her hand to rub her thumb against your hand still caressing your face. She takes hold of it before lowering it to lie on the covers between you. She never let's go. You open your eyes slowly to find nothing that you were afraid of.
“I wasn’t mad that Ellie called you Mama,” You repeat your sentiment from earlier. “I was confused. Her calling you Mama made me realize a few things.” Wanda listens. “You’ve been here through it all and yet I’ve never seen you for you until now. My selfless, sweet, Wanda.” You don’t know what you’re saying at this point. All you know is you want Wanda to know how much she means to you.
“I feel the same,” She doesn’t need to you say the words. She knows.
“I can’t believe I didn’t realize all of this time what was right in front of me,” You frown. “I can’t believe how long I wanted to kiss you and I didn’t see it as anything other than platonic.”
“I realized a couple of weeks ago.” You lift your head to rest on your elbows. “When you went out with Danny for the first time. I couldn’t figure out why I was so angry about it. Then I knew why. I wanted it to be me.”
“Wanda, why didn’t you say something?” You ask. “If I knew I wouldn’t have gone out with her.”
“I didn’t want to stand in the way of you finding love again,” Wanda shrugs.
“I don’t love Danny,”
“But you could,” Wanda points out.
“No, I couldn’t.” You say firmly. “Not when I love you.” It’s the first time you’re verbalizing this. “Don’t be a martyr when it comes to your heart, Wanda. Even with me.” You squeeze her hand. “It took me some time but I want you.”
“How do you know that after only a couple of hours?” She asks.
“It hasn’t been a couple of hours,” You shoot back. “It’s been months. The late nights with Ellie. The dinners we have. Our crossword nights. I enjoy them. I look forward to them. We’ve been spending a life together without us even realizing it. I want more with you. If you want it too.”
Wanda surges forward pushing you onto your back as she kisses you with a passion that has you moaning against her lips. The weight of her on top of you is pure bliss. All you can think, feel, and smell is Wanda. Reluctantly she pulls back to take in a deep breath.
“I want it too.” She doesn’t wait for you to answer as she kisses you again.
Five years later
“Mama, Mama, we got ice cream.” Ellie races across the park with your golden retriever, Max, in tow. She’s hanging onto the leash very loosely as she waves around the popsicles she has in her hand. Wanda looks up from her book to inspect the items as Ellie pushes them into her hands. You’re a few feet behind watching as Wanda interacts with the little girl.
“Do you think the baby likes fudgesicles?” Ellie asks as she drops down on the picnic blanket.
“I don’t know, Kiddo, you have to ask him.” You say as you sit next to Max. You watch with pure adoration as Ellie takes it upon herself to lift Wanda’s shirt to expose her swollen belly. Wanda looks over to you with amusement in her eyes.
“Hi baby brother or sister,” Ellie begins. “Mommy told me to ask you if you like Fudgesicles. I bought some for you.” Ellie waits as if she’s truly expecting an answer. “Baby says yes.” She looks up at Wanda for confirmation. Wanda takes the Fudgesicle with gratitude as she licks into it.
“I think baby made a good choice,” Wanda grins. She runs her free hands over Ellie’s brown ringlets to smooth it down a bit.
“Me too,” Ellie says in between licks.
“I think I made a good choice,” You say and Wanda nods. Her too.
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earthtooz · 1 year
cw: fluff with minimal angst, reader and tsumu had an argument, msby4 is there, food mentions, probably bad writing like i just wrote this but i can't remember what i actually wrote which is a little alarming..., unedited and not proofread :,)
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<bokuto3: hi it's atsumu
<bokuto3: anyways hi it's atsumu
<bokuto3: i miss u :( pls unblock me asap i'm sorry baby please i really am
<bokuto3: please don't be mad at me i thikn i'm lodsing my mind
<bokuto3: call me back. or text me back. unbloc k my email too thanx
<bokuto3: okay bye i luv u to the moon and back
<bokuto3: i'd do anything for u baby pls jyst talk to me again and i'd even swallow hot coals if you asked pls pls pls
<bokuto3: i love you
<bokuto3: i love you
<bokuto3: i love you
<bokuto3: i love you
you: give bokuto his phone back. get back to practice. bye.
<bokuto3: LOVE OF MY LIFE
you pocket your phone with a sigh, ignoring the way it continually buzzes with with messages and spam texts, probably just of atsumu professing his undying love for you and grovelling. pretty standard of him after an argument so intense that you had to walk out on before things escalated to places you would regret.
you can't deny that you miss him too, and it's been less than 24 hours since you saw him last.
in fact, you literally saw him this morning when sending him off to practice with a grumbled 'have a good practice' after he kissed over your forehead with a lightness rivalling a feather. a gentleness typically unseen from him.
really, the blond setter was just terrified of irritating you further.
then when you got up half an hour later, you're not pleased to see how atsumu was spamming you with messages, all conveying the messages he was scared of saying earlier. things like 'i love you', 'can't wait to go home to you', or 'did you see the photo of osamu's cat i sent'.
it's sweet, really; he is, but when you're still a little hurt from the harsh exchange you had last night, you didn't want him blowing up your phone this early in the morning.
so your only solution for a peaceful morning was to block him apparently.
something that clearly did not sit well with him because he then started spamming your socials and your emails with protests. did he not have practice to get to? where was all this time coming from?
you blocked him on those platforms too from the goodness of your heart because you had a feeling that he was skipping warmup in order to text you. if he pulled a muscle during practice, you don't want to begin imagining what a pain he'd be to look after.
glancing around the park you were currently strolling through to clear your mind, you only get a second to breathe when your phone starts buzzing again. this time, with a call notification from bokuto.
picking up, you immediately assume that it's atsumu who is bothering you after suffering the blows of how hard you've been ghosting him.
"atsumu for the love of-"
you're cut off of your own sentence when you hear somewhat muffled voices in the background.
"damn you messed up big time!" comes hinata's bubbly voice. you can indistinctly hear someone agreeing in the background- bokuto?
"stop rubbing it in!" atsumu exclaims, whining. you can picture him in your head right now, slouching against the wall as he deflates with each reminder of his mistake.
bokuto must have pocket-dialed you. you're about to hang up until you hear:
"how about you stop being miserable? your relationship with y/n will be fine as long as you apologise, this isn't the end of the world," lectures sakusa.
"for you maybe! ah already feel like y/n's slipping away from my grasp," cries your boyfriend. "and y/n is my world. so really, it does feel like the end of the world."
"you know what they say. love kills," mutters bokuto.
"literally no one has ever said that," sakusa deadpans.
"someone's probably said it."
"well if love does kill can it hurry up with atsumu?"
the dark-haired's simple statement makes you laugh, one that bursts suddenly before you have to cover your mouth from shame, hoping that it didn't disturb anyone.
"hey!" atsumu huffs before you can hear him groan dramatically again. except something's telling you that this isn't for show. "can't ya show a little sympathy to the guy who is having the worst time of his life? my partner doesn't even want to talk to me! i might as well rot right here and now."
"don't do that!" protests bokuto. "i'm sure y/n isn't as mad as you think. just talk to-"
"-what do you think i've been doing this whole time? i've been grovelling-"
"-no, you've been a bitch. i don't think telling y/n to 'text you back' counts as a proper apology."
the setter 'hmphs' and you can imagine the way he's crossing his arms. atsumu never did lose that immature side of him, but he tries, and you adore him for it. "is proclaiming my love not enough?"
"you can say 'i love you' to everyone, idiot, and you can confess your undying adoration for y/n any time. you do it on a regular basis anyways, atsumu, you don't need to double down on it just because you had an argument-"
"-but i'm scared that y/n will forget!"
the blond's outburst stuns everyone into silence. you hear a sniffle.
"what if i'm not worth the time? sometimes i get really scared that y/n might pack up and leave me because there's someone better out there. someone more patient and less of a hassle?"
it's so painfully silent, but each word that atsumu mutters is like a knife to your heart. how long has he felt this way?
hinata is the first to break the awkwardness. "c'mon man, you're literally high school sweethearts. i don't think you have anything to worry about."
"yeah, you're being silly right now, tsum-tsum!" bokuto agrees. "after all this time together, i think y/n has a reason to stay with you!"
"apart from my dashing good looks?"
"stupidity is temporary. get better soon," sakusa grumbles.
"omi-omi you're so mean!"
you hang up the call when you hear atsumu's chirpy tone again, unable to stop a smile from appearing on your own face. so long as he was happy, you were too.
that's what happens when you're soulmates, you suppose.
it's the same soulmate bond responsible for the fact that you were currently waiting outside the gym where msby practices were held, impatiently leaning against a small pole as you pass time on your phone.
then, just as you look up to check if anyone has left the building, your heart stops at the sight of a familiar faux-blond, animatedly chatting to one of his teammates. but when he meets your gaze, it takes him less than a fraction of a second to charge towards you.
instead of bracing for impact, you open your arms for him to tackle into, an offer he takes immediately.
as you both stumble backwards from the momentum, atsumu revels in your laughter and cherishes the feeling he gets knowing that everything is okay between you two. you chose to greet him after practice, you chose to go the somewhat inconvenient route all the way to his gym, you chose him and he hopes you never consider another option again.
and you won't. atsumu loves too hard and too well, warming you from the inside out to defrost any pain the coldness of life might leave you with. although he sometimes gets insecure about this overbearing trait of his, you get to show him each time just how beautiful it is; to wear your heart on your sleeve and love the world for what it is.
to love you for who you are.
"i'm sorry," he begins. "for what ah said last night, i was a real dick."
you smile. "well if you're really sorry, you'd let me take you out for some food, right?"
"only if it's your favourite."
"okay, sap. let's go then."
you think you hear atsumu whisper a 'thank you for letting me love you' before pulling him away.
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dailymanners · 15 days
I feel as though in the past few years it's becoming more common for me to be interrupted while I'm speaking, and I can't help but wonder if more people are losing a sense of conversational rhythm due to communicating more and more digitally and less and less in person.
When you communicate digitally you don't have to worry about finding the natural rhythm of the conversation, you're not taking away someone else's ability to finish their thought or make their point if you send a message to them while they're still typing. I'm not here to scare monger about the kids and their phones, but it's important that you don't let your skill of finding a conversational rhythm, if you have that skill, atrophy, lest you speak over someone and take away their ability to complete their thought and make their point.
But I also realize that it's really important to specify what I mean by interrupting someone.
When someone says that interrupting is really normal and not considered rude in their community or culture, what they're actually talking about is what's known in linguistics as "cooperative overlap", that or simultaneous talking. Here's an example of cooperative overlap and/or simultaneous talking that you might see in a culture where this is normal and acceptable:
Person A: So guess where I went today? I went to the -
Person B: Oh let me take a wild guess! You went to the shoe store again didn't you?
Person A: That's right, and I got a -
Person C: Oh come on, don't tell you got another pair!
Person A: You know it baby!
Now let's compare that to a different style of interruption, what I like to call "steamrolling"
Person A: So guess where I went today? I went to the -
Person B: UGH did you guys catch the game last night?
Person C: Yeah the refs sucked!
Now, what differences can you see between the first example, aka "cooperative overlapping" vs the second "steamrolling" example?
For one, in the first example Person A is still allowed to make their point, tell their story, and finish their thought. They're not being silenced or completely derailed, and most importantly their conversation partners still seem interested and engaged in what they have to say. In the second example, Person A is being completely derailed and stripped of their chance to finish their thought and make their point, which is unfair to Person A, which is what makes "steamrolling" disrespectful even in many cultures and communities where "cooperative overlapping" would be acceptable.
Now, conversational overlap isn't for everyone, and that's okay, but it makes it awkward and tricky when someone from a community or culture that uses conversational overlap talks to someone who is from a culture that doesn't. For example:
Person A: So the other day I went to -
Person B: Oh my god did you go to that one store?
Person A: Um, no, I went to the movies, and I saw -
Person B: OH did you see that new creepy movie about the aliens?
Person A: No, can I please just finish my story?
Person B: Oh, uh, sorry
Neither person will probably feel great after this conversation. And I'm not here to condemn either conversational styles. I understand why some people see cooperative overlap as a more engaging and exciting conversational style, but I also understand why some people find it frustrating. My mother's family has a cultural background big on conversational overlap, but my father's side of the family ehhh not so much, so I personally grew up seeing these two conversational styles clash a lot.
If you're person A in the above conversation who doesn't like conversational overlap, that's totally fine, I'm personally not a big fan of it either only because I have a terrible memory, so when someone disrupts my flow I usually end up completely forgetting what I want to say. Just try to recognize the difference between cooperative overlap vs steamrolling. If someone is just trying to cooperatively overlap with you, patiently and politely tell them something along the lines of "sorry I have a terrible memory so if I don't finish I'll forget what I'm trying to say". But it's generally a good idea to be more patient and understanding with conversational overlap than steamrolling.
If you're someone who cooperatively overlaps and you encounter someone who isn't a fan of it, try not to take it personally, maybe like me they have a horrible memory and will forget what they're trying to say if they get side tracked.
But what I meant earlier about conversational rhythm is that too often a lot of interrupting comes from not realizing the other person wasn't finished speaking.
For example, personal A wants to say "so the other day I went hiking, and I saw a fox" some people might not recognize when person A is actually finished speaking, typically they assume as soon as they've heard a complete clause that means the thought is finished, so the conversation goes like
Person A: So the other day I went hiking -
Person B: OH I went hiking a few weeks ago with my girlfriend but it was so slippery out!
Person C: Oh how is your girlfriend doing by the way?
Person B: She's doing great! How's your partner doing?
Do you see how this style of interruption, unlike cooperative overlap, also derails Person A and deprives Person A of a chance to finish what they want to say? It's not quite steamrolling, and often just comes from a lack of rhythm or understanding. As a general rule, if you want to avoid interrupting someone, pause for a few seconds after you think they're finished in case they aren't actually finished. This way you avoid accidentally depriving someone of the chance to finish what they want to say and completing their thought.
We should never be too eager to assume someone has finished making their point because you never know what someone might actually be trying to say, and if you cut someone off before they make their point you can miss important context. For example:
Person A: I don't think I see stray cats here -
Person B: AHA BULL FUCKING SHIT! I totally saw a stray cat the other day!
Person A: I was going to say as much as in other places if you had let me finish?
Person A: I hate when it's hot out. When I was a kid it was usually around 25 or 30 degrees Celsius in the summers -
Person B: OH come one don't be such a wimpy little baby! 25-30 degrees isn't even that warm! I've totally seen WAY hotter summers than that!
Person A: Uh, that's what I was going to say if you'd let me finish, the summers were pretty mild when I was a kid, but they're a lot hotter now . .
Do you see how in both conversations Person B was too eager to assume Person A had finished making their point and ended up missing important context? If person B had only paused and waited for Person A to finish making their point, they wouldn't have ended up making an ass of themselves to put it frankly. This style of interruption can make you come across as eager to dominate and "one up" other people, which frankly a lot of people find obnoxious and exhausting. This is different than cooperative overlapping because it comes from a place of wanting to correct or one-up your conversation partner, rather than play and/or build into what they're saying, which is why I'd argue it's closer to steamrolling.
Good conversational rhythm ideally means everyone is allowed to finish their thought and make their point, whether or not that includes overlapping or even simultaneous talking. If you're not sure someone has finished their thought, pause a few seconds to make sure they've had the chance to complete their thought, less you miss important context. OR, if you do interject, it should be about building/playing into what they're saying rather than derailing/steamrolling them.
What's important to keep in mind is that it's often a matter of power and respect when someone is or isn't allowed to finish their thought and make their point. If someone is unable to finish their thought or make their point before getting steamrolled, they're going to feel like their input to the conversation isn't valued or important, and that's never a good feeling.
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moonkissedvisions · 3 months
Astrology observations! (Vedic, Western)
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• These observations are based on my personal experiences, intuition and knowledge, not research. Use your own discernment.
• I'm not a professional astrologer. I've been learning Western astrology since 2016 and I started learning about Vedic only 2 years ago. Astrology is one of my passions since I was really young but I didn´t focus on it as a profession. You can ask me questions or send me a message ofc :), but I don't offer any astrological readings or give professional advice.
• This is meant to be fun and entertaining, so if I said something that you didn't like or that you disagree with, be kind and don't take it personal. These are just really general observations based on 3-8 examples! If you want, we can discuss anything here as long as you are respectful.
• English is not my first language.
Now let´s read!
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I never experienced true telepathy until I met a Venus conjunct Neptune man. He would look at my face and know exactly what I'm thinking and feeling, and he would be so understanding of it, even when it was something potentially hurtful to his ego. These people are psychic lovers and I'm afraid they are often seen with abusive people who take advantage of their unconditional love.
Mars-Saturn aspects in synastry is an indicator of only wanting to have sex with only this person, or could be that the couple can go for long times without being intimate and not feel like they need it.
This may sound obvious, but Ardra nakshatra people are the ones that feel so renewed by crying. They could heal A LOT by just a long crying session. And while others think "crying won't solve your problems" Ardra nakshatra people know this is so far from the truth. I am an Ardra rising and sometimes i tell my friends that i cried for hours to feel better and they are all like "if I cried like that i would feel so much worse but I'm happy for you" lol.
Hasta nakshatra men are such women worshippers. Hasta women are so maternal.
If i wanted good financial advice I would ask a Venus in the second house person. Specially women. Ik they are known overspenders but I had many good experiences with them.
In fact, I've seen some cases where people follow the advice of Taurus/2nd house individuals more often than other people's advice. They perceive it as being more valuable, I suppose.
Anuradha nakshatra individuals love movies about friendship and gore/horror movies. I think they like movies in general too.
Krittika nakshatra people are often perceived as "mean" or they say things that others take too personally? Idk but I know 3 cases like that. They are so unapologetic. The 3 of them were perceived as asexual too.
As a Swati moon I've always been obsessed with beauty, decorating, fashion and clothes, putting on creams, balms, perfumes and other products and it makes sense!
My obsession with beauty wasn't healthy tho. I suffered from mental illness and could see the slightest imperfection on my face. That's another thing about Swati individuals, they perceive every subtle, small detail and may become obsessed with stuff easily.
True crime documentaries are a Ketu woman´s best friend. Probably Ketu men as well, although what i observed from them is more of adventure movies, movies about survival or nature documentaries. Teen Wolf is the perfect Ketu people TV show. Criminal Minds too. And they were both created by a Ketu man.
I love Mercury nakshatra women's voices. They are also so funny and sarcastic.
I know three cases of people with a mix of tropical pisces/neptune and aquarius/uranus having lucid dreams/dreams they can partially control, and dreams about flying. They also rarely have nightmares but when they do it's not something happening to them but to other people, and they are there trying to help lol.
Rahu women or rahuvians in general could feel like they don't even understand themselves sometimes. They're so independent and hard to tame that they feel like they need something to "control" them or some kind of restraint, but nothing feels effective or worth it at the end. I observed in my grandma, a Swati moon woman, that she used to brag about how independent she was, refused to stay married, hated feeling restrained so much and then she ended up wishing someone took care of her, gave energy and time to her, took the lead for her. She doesn´t necessarily regret being someone unconventional and independent, but she recognizes that now that she is old.
Uttara Bhadrapada and Rohini nakshatra people like learning and are so curious about some aspects of sex, they may even want to be sexologists. Could also apply to Ardra.
Cancer women get a lot of hate for apparently no reason. I even heard people saying they hate Cancer women as if they knew all Cancer women in the world?? I think the most simple explanation for that is that Cancer represents a lot of what's a woman's nature and power which are erased in a patriarchy.
Everyone talks about how Aries people get over anger so easily and never hold grudges but I've actually seen the opposite. In a lot of cases they are worse than the common "resentful" water and earth signs.
Aries in general have a hard time apologizing. It's like they never did anything wrong, the others were just unfair to them. I know SO MANY examples of this unhealthy expression.
A nice observation now lol is that I've never met an Aries that didn't have beautiful red lips and cheeks.
I noticed a lot of Moon and some Mars people have a significant amount of moles/freckles. The Spanish word for mole is lunar lol.
People with Mercury/Saturn aspects or Saturn in the third house felt "dumb" when young. Because of it, they made a lot of efforts and worked hard to know stuff and be smart by reading a lot of books, watching a lot of documentaries and educational videos, playing general knowledge games, learning a lot of words and languages, taking a lot of classes, playing memory games, chess, and even researching cognitive processes and brain health.
I've noticed that many Sun dominant women have this lowkey unhealthy expression of not being good friends with other women/feminine individuals. They're the type to say women are a lot of drama or that they can't connect with them even though they don't have a specific problem with women. They may be friends with only guys, or feel isolated from women. They also used to want to be a guy or dressed/still dresses tomboyish (there isn't anything wrong with that). I think in a way it's completely understandable and even healthy! But some of them express a lot of internalized misogyny and unconscious projections that they can't or don't want to recognize. When their expression is healthy, Sun dominant people are totally the warmest, best friends. And just the type of person others need around and in their life.
Saturn in the 5th house people are often self-taught artists. Some people perceive them as boring because they can be really afraid of expressing themselves. They give a lot in romantic relationships and often don´t get the same in return but they want to keep going because they care about loving more than being loved.
Sagittarius people make good parents in general and they are so underrated as parents. They give their children freedom, make them experience fun things like traveling, and often spoil them in a good sense! They also teach them a lot of valuable things and make them laugh!
Virgos are the most considerate and thoughtful people. They remember stuff about you even if you barely know them and they barely know you. They give you what you need at the right moment. They remember how you make your bed, how you fold your clothes and then they surprise you with an act of service. They know exactly what to gift each person.
Saturn dominant people/saturn in the first house/conj ascendant could suffer from a lot of anxiety and overthinking. They also criticize themselves for irrelevant stuff and that's so sad because everytime I'm near a saturn dominant I can't get enough of their energy! There is something really pleasant about them. They are also giving, considerate and nice hosts/hostesses. They make people feel included and heard. I made a personal observation about saturn nakshatra men here (based in this video)
Ceres-ascendant aspects/Ceres in the 1st are the perfect homemakers.
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Thank you for reading! See you in next post :)
Here you can see my last pac reading <3
images from pinterest, dividers by @muruffin
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exhaslo · 7 months
omg omg please please please make a part 2 to the bully!Miguel Ohara x ghost person I’m begging u it was so amazing and majestic pleaseeeee 🙏🙏🙏
Haha, sure thing!
Part One
Warning: Minors DNI, Smut, oral (f-receiving), praise kink, soft!dom!Miguel, window sex
Miguel swore he saw red after he left your dorm. He immediately went down to the mailroom and tracked the men who bullied you. Miguel had to make a point across this campus. Only he could bully others and no one was allowed to touch you. You belonged to Miguel and he needed to make that a stronger point.
Miguel remembered the first time he saw you. He was in the middle of putting some wannabe freshmen in their place when you ran by. You had a panicked look on your face, muttering something about being late to class. Miguel was in awe over you, while his friends claimed that they saw a ghost wearing all white.
It didn't hit him then, but when he kept hearing about the ghost, he knew it was you. Miguel tried to find you afterwards. He wanted to get to know you. But, like the rumors said, you were a ghost. You appeared then disappeared in a matter of seconds. It was like a game of cat and mouse.
Eventually, Miguel found your dorm. It took him longer to try and talk to you and he was glad he did. Miguel had no idea how much being called a ghost hurt you. He didn't want to hear you cry. Knowing his own reputation, Miguel thought of an idea to help you.
"There you are," Miguel spat with venom in each word.
"Ah! It's Miguel!" One of the boys yelled.
Miguel had grabbed the two by the collars and dragged them to a quieter part of the campus. He threw them against the wall and hissed lowly, cracking his knuckles. They hurt his girl. They made you cry. Miguel was going to send a message with theses two.
"Don't. EVER. Touch. The. Ghost. AGAIN." Miguel yelled.
You whimpered quietly under your blanket as you waited for Miguel to return. He looked so mad when he left. Rubbing your shoulders, you slowly made your way to the shower. You wanted to know how Miguel was doing, but you were also afraid of burdening him. He left to take care of a problem because of you.
"H-How can I make them...not see me as a ghost?" You whispered, washing yourself off.
Miguel spit towards the ground, rubbing the blood off his knuckles. He wiped his hands with one of the other guy's jackets before checking his phone. It was late. You were probably already in bed or locked away in your room for the rest of the day. Miguel sighed softly as he thought of your tears.
'Are you still up?' Miguel sent you a text.
'Yes.' You replied. Miguel smiled softly, making his way to your dorm already,
'Can I stop by? Or do I need to make an appointment with the oh so popular ghost?' He teased her, knowing that she could laugh towards him.
'I suppose I can squeeze you in.'
Miguel hurried to your dorm, wanting to make sure you were truly okay. He waited to sneak in and rushed up the stairs. You were in a girls only dorm and Miguel had to make sure that he did not get caught. It was a good thing you had your own private room. No roommates to walk in and perfect time for Miguel to give you some much needed praise.
Miguel nearly drooled as you quickly pulled him inside. You were wearing such a loose and see-through pajama dress. It was no wonder people called you a ghost. Miguel groaned softly as he pulled you by the waist, planting you on the bed. He threw his jacket across the room and hovered over you,
"How beautiful," He whispered, watching you fluster, "Such a pretty ghost and all for me."
"Y-You know...T-This ghost...has been thinking a lot...about earlier. C-Could you...maybe...y-you know...e-exorcise me?" You whispered, trying to play along.
"Fuck, you asked for this."
Miguel groaned as he captured your lips in a deep kiss. His hands trailing against your skin while he positioned himself between your legs. You whimpered lowly as Miguel grew a little more forceful. He licked your lips, sliding his tongue into your mouth for dominance. His hands then groped your breasts, giving them plenty of squeezes and pinches.
You muffled a moan, trying to break free for air. Miguel complied, his lips now attacking your neck as he started to rut against you. You gasped, moaning softly as you started to grow hot. Recalling what Miguel did earlier made you wetter. Miguel licked his lips as he removed your night gown, staring at your body in awe,
"So this ghost wants to be cleansed?" Miguel said with a dark chuckle, "Such a good girl, why don't I start with what we did earlier?"
You bit your lower lip, slowly spreading your legs for Miguel. He groaned in response, holding your legs in place for a moment. Admiring the view, Miguel removed your panties along with his pants. He leaned his head down and just blew against your sensitive bud.
"Good girl. You're doing so well for me,"
Miguel brought his tongue against your clit, rubbing circles around it. He felt your body twitch with each movement, enjoying the sound of your moans. Miguel held your hips down as you tried to ride his face. Your cute little whines were fueling him. Bringing his tongue to your aching hole, Miguel decided to feast.
You arched your back, moaning loudly as Miguel's tongue swirled against your insides. You tried to cover your mouth, afraid of others hearing you. Never had you been this loud. Never did you think you could ever be this loud. Miguel was making you feel new things.
"Don't hide your voice. I want to hear it."
You gasped, cumming against his face as he spoke. The vibration of his mouth sent shivers up your spine. You tried to catch your breathe and squirm out of his grip, but Miguel kept you in place and kept licking your juices. His tongue swirled against each fold and back up to your clit, overstimulating you.
"You did so good for me. Now, why don't we officially cleanse this ghost?"
You nearly felt your heart leap out of your chest as you saw Miguel spring his dick out. He was so big and long! Honestly, you were scared. Miguel saw your nervousness and began kissing you again. He left soft kisses against your body. You trembled against his touch and gasped lowly as you felt him slowly push his tip inside you.
"Doing so good for me, baby. What a good ghost you are. Allowing me to fuck you this good. Does my little ghost like this?"
"Y-Yes!" You wrapped your arms and legs around Miguel, feeling yourself being split in half, "I-It hurts...a little,"
"Don't worry, it's only for a minute. I promise to make my ghost feel good. You're doing so so well for me,"
Each word made your brain flutter. It was like fireworks going off. Soon enough, your gummy walls were sucking Miguel's dick for more. He was so deep inside of you that you felt full. Miguel grunted softly in your ear before he slowly pulled out, leaving you feeling empty. Before you could whine, he slapped himself back inside you.
"AH~ MIGUEL~!" You cried out, feeling full again.
Miguel inhaled deeply to your cries. His shy little ghost was screaming his name as he pounded your pussy. You were whining and moaning under him, your pussy gushing against his cock. Miguel held you up, getting an idea. He placed you against your window, looking down at the lively campus below.
"Maybe this will have them learn a lesson. You're not a ghost, but my girl," He whispered in your ear.
"S'much. N-Not...here....A-Ah~" You moaned as Miguel pressed you against the window.
You felt yourself drifting off. All you could really think about was Miguel's dick destroying your pussy. His rough thrusts kissing your cervix each time made your brain melt. You were becoming a moaning mess as you just thought of his dick.
"Such a good girl. You keep sucking me back in, desperate for me. What a good ghost you are." Miguel praised, kissing the back of your neck.
"Y-Yes~ S'good. I-I'm y-your...ah~ g-ghost~" You whimpered, feeling yourself about to cum again.
Miguel tighten his grip around your wait, watching the campus below. Of course no one was going to see them and if they did, they just claim ghost again. Grunting as you cam against his dick once more. Miguel hurried his pace, he kissed your head, pressing you against the window more. With one more thrust, he filled your womb with his cum,
"There...no more ghost," Miguel panted softly. He pulled out and sat you on his lap, "You did so good. Does your voice hurt?" He asked since you normally never yelled.
"Mhm," You nuzzled your head against his shoulder, "I don't think...this ghost...has learned her lesson....yet,"
Miguel just chuckled lowly, slowly sliding you down against his dick once more. Your soft moans causing him to groan in response. You wrapped your arms around his neck, whining as he slowly thrusted into you, pushing his cum back inside your womb.
"From now on, you're going to stay by my side. I don't want anyone to bully you again," Miguel kissed your head. You held onto him, moaning as you bounced against his dick,
"B-But we...ah~ l-live in separate d-dorms,"
"I live alone. Come stay with me. I'll make sure to take good care of the campus ghost."
"I-I won't be much o-of hah~ ah~ a g-ghost t-then~"
"Then they'll just have to know you as my girl," Miguel watched as you cam against him once more, "That you're my good girl," He stroked your hair before giving you another fill of him,
"If not, then I think this campus can use two ghosts."
I hope you enjoyed this! Kinda just made this up on the spot ;)
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ivystoryweaver · 9 days
🎉I made this for you b/c you deserve a party!!!! 🎉
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I love Marc Spector catches you trying on lingerie. So... what might have happened w/ Steven or Jake? Another surprise? More lingerie? Less lingerie *wiggles eyebrows at you*???
Steven Catches You Trying on Lingerie
AHHHHH!!! Take all my money so all the Moon boys will give me special messages! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Look at you linking my fic like a pro
Oooh, ok, so there's a little about Steven + lingerie in Moon Boys' Kinks <- which I sort of used as the basis of thought for what you see below...
nsfw below the cut - sensual and suggestive but no actual smut Steven Grant x gn!reader who likes lingerie (Read Marc's part above, in the ask) Word Count: 754
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You snap a few pictures of your new lingerie in the mirror, satisfied by the way the fabric hugs your curves. With a sigh, you toss your phone on the bed and pout for a second, wishing you didn't have to wait until date night to reveal your surprise.
Then a thought tickles the corner of your mind. Steven actually sends dirty texts all the time, but that's usually what they are - texts. Words.
You imagine him working hard at the museum, leading a tour or sitting in his shared office doing some research and you giggle to yourself as you try to envision his face when he sees you in this brand new sensuous outfit.
Without another moment of debate, you grab your phone and swipe to the most scandalous pose before dropping it into Steven's text thread, adding 'Got a surprise for you' underneath.
Thirty-seven minutes later, you hear the front door deadbolt turn. You haven't even bothered to change out of your lingerie yet - tying a robe around yourself instead.
Determined footsteps clomp toward your bedroom, the thought never crossing your mind that they don't belong to Marc.
Steven's hair is a mess - clearly he's pushed his fingers through it one too many times on the train ride home. His cheeks are flushed, lips parted as he draws heavy breaths, eyes dark and hooded...
and zeroed in on the curves of your body.
"Bit naughty of you to send me that picture while I'm giving a tour to primary school students," he husks, peeling off his jacket and stalking toward you.
"What are you doing home?" you gasp out with mock innocence.
Long fingers find the tie of your robe and he yanks it loose, swiping his tongue over his lips as the very lingerie you teased him with appears.
Shifting from one foot to the other, his smoldering eyes rove hungrily from your collarbone, over each curve, all the way down to the center of you. Ever mesmerized by beauty and softness, he swallows thickly, his own desire stirring to life as he forces himself to wait before devouring you with his mouth and hands.
"Surprise," you whisper, shrugging the robe all the way off your shoulders and striking a simple but effective pose meant to highlight the best features of the lingerie, and your body.
Dropping to his knees, he tosses his hair out of his eyes, peering up at you through endlessly long lashes. Squeezing his hands into fists, he fights every urge pulsing, inviting him to trace the soft, sexy fabric that has you on display like this.
But he knows to wait.
"You're so good to me, Steven," you praise, carding a hand through his curls, inching gently toward him. "Got you something soft to play with."
"Gods, love," he chokes, forehead nuzzling your stomach as he struggles to keep his hands in place by his sides.
"Do you like it?" You murmur, using the grip on his thick hair to turn his face up to yours.
"Yes," he pants, nodding, despite your grip on him. "Oh god, yes. Please, I..."
"You want to touch me, baby?" You purr, stepping a little closer until his cheek rests against your soft abdomen. "Will you make me feel good?"
"So good, darling," he promises, his voice already wrecked as he tries to wait for your lead. "Won't stop until you make me."
You hum out a satisfied moan, nodding once, indicating that he can touch. Stretching out his fingers, he brushes your bare thighs temptingly, heavy breaths falling where his head stills rests against your stomach.
Seeing this beautiful man on his knees for you already has you stirring with raw want.
One agonizing inch at a time, he seems to return the favor, making you wait for the impending bliss that's sure to follow this display of restraint.
"So pretty like this," he whispers, finding the hem fitted over your hip bone. "Wonder how long it might take me to unwrap you like a present."
Now it is you shifting in anticipation, aching for his expert caress to find the center of you.
"Think I'll leave this on you while I make you come for me." His eyes flicker up to yours as he touches right where you want. Breath rushes out of you as he starts to pleasure you. "Would you like that, darling?"
"Yes, Steven, please..."
There it is. Once he turns the tables on you, there's no stopping him. This is gonna be fun.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Ivy's 1st Ficiversary Celebration
Originally from Moon Knight Asks
Steven Grant-Centric stories
Moon Knight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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x-reader-theater · 8 months
Secret Messages from a Lover
summary: While you're streaming, your boyfriend sends you a message.
pairing: Corpse Husband x Gender Neutral Reader (no pronouns are used.)
word count: 670
warnings: none.
a/n: i really just needed to write something so self-indulgent because god i want this so bad. i figured others want it too. i've been so depressed lately that I just need a little fantasy, you know? my requests are open, and you can find my request rules here.
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“God, that video is so fucking funny,” you say, pulling your blanket around your shoulders tighter with one hand while the other brings your patterned tumbler with the sparkly straw up to your mouth, so you can drink your water. Your knees pull further up to your chest, which is easily done in your very spacious gaming chair. “OTV never fucking misses.”
You press a button on your stream deck, switching from the video you were just watching to your face, with chat scrolling in the top left-hand corner. You take another sip from your tumbler and pick out one of the comments passing by, scrolling to stop it from moving as you read it aloud.
“Were you on the newest Fear& episode? I was. QT, Hasan, Will, and I just kinda chatted for a bit. That was a good fucking episode, though,” you say with a grin. “Love those guys. QT especially, she’s fucking hilarious. She makes me laugh so fucking hard whenever I talk to her, even if we disagree on Taylor Swift.”
You keep scrolling back down, so you can keep seeing the comments when another one jumps out at you. “Are you gonna keep streaming? Yeah, chatter, I actually just started before that OTV video. I think Toast is gonna invite me to some Pico Park today? If not, I’ll just play some Valorant or something to pass the time. I gotta git good if I wanna beat, well, anyone,” you admit with a laugh, hiding your shame by taking another drink of water.
You see your phone light up in front of you. It’s a Discord notification, which you quickly check on your second monitor, assuming it’s Toast inviting you to the Discord call.
It’s not. It’s your boyfriend, Corpse.
“You look so cute today babe. You look so cosy wrapped up in your blanket and your smile is so bright. I'll never get tired of seeing it. I love you and have a good stream 🖤”
You feel your cheeks heat up at that, and you take a sip of your water to try and hide your reaction. You haven’t told anyone you're dating Corpse yet, and you have no plans on it any time soon, but he makes you so happy you find it hard not to blurt it out whenever you can.
You send back a bunch of yellow hearts and an “I love you too!!!!!!! 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛”, biting your lip as you type on your very satisfying, clack-y keyboard.
That’s when you get the notification from Toast to join the shared call.
“Ah! Toast’s calling!” you exclaim for the benefit of your audience.
You quickly join the call, the connection sound filling you comfortable, over the ear headphones.
“Hey! What’s up!” you say into the call, getting a couple of “Hey!”’s and “Hello!”’s back.
Then you hear a familiar voice say, “What’s up.”
“Corpse!” You’re grinning at this point as you continue, “I didn't know you were gonna be playing!”
“Uh, yeah. Toast invited me last minute. Surprise?” he says like it’s a bad thing.
“We haven’t played anything together in a while and I saw him online and thought, ‘Fuck it,’ yaknow?” Toast asks and you chuckle.
“Well, it’s good to talk to you again, Corpse,” you say, setting your tumbler down on your desk. He got you that tumbler for your birthday not long ago, and it’s your favourite thing you own. He also got you the blanket that’s wrapped around your shoulders for your six-month anniversary, and it’s the warmest blanket in your house. You always wear it when you stream because the A/C is always blasting.
“It’s good to talk to you too,” you say, shivering as your heart hammers at his words.
You begin loading up Pico Park, just listening to everyone talk to each other, when you get another notification on Discord.
“I love you 🖤” it says.
“I love you too 💛” you reply, smiling into the camera for just a moment, just for him.
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squared away.
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summary: carmen gets to see the present you and finally finds the courage to talk to you again.
pairing: carmen berzatto x female reader
warnings: cursing.
a/n: this is a sequel to square one, i suggest reading it first so some things would make more sense.
"no, wait." carmen chases after you. "i just... fuck, i'm not good with words, okay? i don't know how to say it."
"yeah? maybe leave for another 7 years and see if you can figure that out."
carmen stays silent and that angers you even more. you smile bitterly, "you know what, let me make it easier for you this time."
"goodbye, carmen."
of course, it's not actually goodbye.
you were trying to make a point and it just slipped out of your mouth because you were angry at carmen. you still are. but it's been a few days since that encounter, and you wonder if you were too harsh.
no. he left without saying goodbye, that was an ass move, and he still hasn't apologized for it. so you did the right thing. right? right?
sighing, you check your phone. a text message just came from a new number, sending a picture. your eyebrows raise. you're not really sure who'd send you a picture of pasta, but the next sentence tells you who it is.
'what's for lunch?'
fucking carmen.
he used to force you to send him pictures of your meals because you'd accidentally miss a few, and now he's sending you his.
of course you don't reply. why would you? after your last conversation, it's pretty clear that you're not buddies. you close the chat and go back to work.
carmen sees the little sign that indicates you've read the message and smiles. you didn't send anything back, but that's expected. at least you opened the message.
he knew it was a bad idea when he left for new york without telling you anything, but he couldn't bring himself to. with everything that was going on with mikey, he just.. he had to get away fast. start anew.
he thought about texting you every day, letting you know how sorry he is and how he's doing in new york... but the long paragraphs end up being deleted, and he hates himself more because of it.
why can't he be good with words? why can't he just say what he's been dying to tell you for the past 7 years? that he misses you? that he wants you around? that he wants nothing but to hug you and hold you close because you're his home?
that's what you are to him. a sense of home that's none of the craziness he faces every day, a sense of peace because god knows he fucking needs that in his life... but carmen's hobby is self-sabotage. he doesn't think he deserves it. and honestly, looking at how sad, disappointed you were the other day, does he really deserve a second chance?
...maybe he shouldn't have sent that text message after all.
sighing, he locks his phone and gets back to work.
hours later as carmen's closing up, he sees that there's still some leftover tiramisu that marcus made earlier today. you love tiramisu- or, well, 7 years ago, you loved tiramisu. he wonders if you still do.
he takes a few pictures of the dessert, chooses the best looking one and sends it to you.
'you still love tiramisu?'
you scoff. is he trying to show off or something?
yes, you still love tiramisu. and the picture he sent looks amazing. the first time you had the dessert was actually with carmen. it was his first time making it, and though you were nervous you gladly volunteered to taste it.
safe to say it was heavenly. carmen's always had culinary talents, and you're happy that he got to dive deep into that industry. you just wish you could've been part of it... however small.
...is that selfish?
but carmen's talking to you again. you're still too upset to text him back, but that means something, right? can it mean a second chance?
your heart is beating a bit faster when you read his message again and you curse yourself. you leave a small heart on his tiramisu picture and lock your phone.
stupid carmen.
"why is he smiling?"
syd asks sugar, who sees carmen chopping some veg with a smile on his face. it's weird.
carmen's not usually one to smile, but that little heart you left him last night made a bigger impact than he thought it would. he actually didn't expect you to react in any way at all, so it was a nice little surprise.
"hey chef," carmen greets marcus when he steps into the kitchen, "amazing tiramisu yesterday. any chance you can make an extra batch today?"
"sure." marcus answers. "planning to indulge in it yourself, chef?"
syd and sugar motions marcus to cut it out, curtly dragging their fingers across their throats, worried that carmen might take offense or wake up from his... happy state.
"no, it's-it's for a friend." he smiles, and marcus swears he can see angels flying above his head.
"chef, are you okay?"
carmen's eyebrow raises. "yeah, why?"
"nothing, just.. uh... yeah I'll get that tiramisu ready for you by the end of the day."
"thanks chef."
the service today is tough. for some reason it's extra crowded, and everyone's just getting in each other's nerves. carmen didn't even get the chance to eat lunch - or dinner, fuck it's 8pm already. closing time.
carmen says he's going to close tonight, so he does. the tiramisu is sitting in the fridge as marcus promised, and carmen wonders if he'll be able to deliver it to you tonight. it's late, he doesn't know where you live... fuck. he checks his phone and finds no text from you. expected, of course, but the delusional side of carmen was hoping you'd send him something-
ha. why would you send him anything? you made it very clear the other night that you still hate him... but you also liked his tiramisu picture... carmen sighs and continues scrubbing the counter.
he mutters to himself, "fucking stupid-"
he suddenly hears someone clear their throat behind him and finds you standing by the kitchen door. "hey."
"o-oh hey." is he dreaming?
"sorry we're.. closed- but i could whip up something real quick for you if you want- or, i actually have a-"
"i ran into sugar on the way home." you cut his sentence. "she said you haven't eaten anything all day and so i went- i mean, she told me to give you this." you hand him a takeout box from a nearby restaurant. it wasn't sugar that got him the food -- you did. you ran into sugar, but she just told you carmen was alone in the restaurant and figured you two needed that push.
carmen takes the box from your hands. "t-thanks."
you nod and slowly step back. "okay, i'm gonna go now."
"wait, wait!" carmen races to the fridge to get the tiramisu and packs it up for you. "i had marcus make extra today. saved it for you."
a small smile forms across your lips and you take the box. "thanks."
he nods and you turn to go home. but carmen stops you this time. "you're about to go home? walking?"
"yeah," you turn to look at him again. "it's just around the corner."
he sets the rag he's holding aside and washes his hands. "i'll walk you." he leads you out of the kitchen and out of the restaurant.
"you don't have to do that." you say, "it's really near."
he shoots your a look, "look, you can hate me all you want, but i'm not letting you walk home alone."
you stay quiet and turn to walk home, letting him walk next to you in silence. you clutch the box with tiramisu in it and take a glance at carmen, wondering what he's thinking about. does he really think you hate him?
"i don't hate you, carm."
carmen raises his brow.
"maybe a little. i don't know." you sigh. "i want to hate you for leaving, for not telling me, for disappearing. and every time i see you, it's always a mix of feelings. i miss you so much but i'm so mad at you for leaving, but you're back, but you hurt me- you get the idea."
he takes in what you said. "i know. and i'm sorry. i shouldn't have just left like that without saying anything.. i just.. i had to get away fast, and at the time it was easier to leave just like that. i thought it wouldn't haunt me, but it does. you don't deserve to be treated like that."
you offer him a small smile and stop in front of your apartment building. "thanks carm. and sorry for saying all that stuff to you the other day."
"i deserved it." he shrugs. "anyway, thanks for the food."
you chuckle.
"yeah, i know it's not from sugar." he smiles. "only you'd get me chinese takeout. sugar hates that place."
"i forgot about that." you smile back. "it's getting late. i should head up. thanks for walking me home."
he nods. "any time. goodnight."
"goodnight, carmen."
carmen's heart is trying its best not to jump out of his chest, and he forces himself to walk away once you've closed the door. he tries to hide his smile, but can't help the happiness bubbling up inside of him.
"hey carm!" he hears you call out to him again from the second floor window.
"wanna come up?"
long overdue part 2 😬
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billthedrake · 5 months
Story idea from @aestheticsupremacy
It was still summer warm as the two lacrosse jocks walked across campus after practice. Brian was going on about the chick he had a date with late that evening and was teasing Jake.
"Dude... if you ever wanted pussy, you'd be so set. Girls fucking love gay guys."
Jake laughed, his blond hair still on the lighter side from summer beach time. He and the star attacker got along great because they never BS-ed each other. "Bro, I don't think it works that way," he said, flashing his dimples. "Besides, I think all those sorority girls want a gay pal they can go to the clubs with. I can't dance worth shit."
"You can't," Brian grinned. "You got the moves on the field but, fuck..."
Both guys laughed as they entered the residence hall, one of the nicer ones where a lot of the athletes lived.
"Hey Jake!" the student worker at the front desk said when he saw the two jocks. "Some mail came for you."
"Mail?" he asked as the walked up to the desk. Normally, mail got delivered to their mailboxes, which Jake didn't check regularly. Who the fuck sends mail these days anyway, other than advertisers?
The desk guy nodded. "Yeah, certified or something. Looks important." He reached over and pulled out a document sized cardboard envelope.
"Hey, I'll catch ya later, Hoss," Brian said as he bumped fists with his teammate buddy.
"Yah," Jake said, then looked back down at the envelope. There was a familiar return address. It was his dad's work. Jake's father was a high-powered executive - not Fortune 500 but CFO for a top financial firm. Leave it to Dad to send paperwork in hard copy. Jake tried to rack his brain to guess what document was so urgent, but maybe it was some school form he needed to sign. Maybe Jake should take more responsibility for those things, but his dad tended to look after the details.
"Thanks, Mitch," he told the desk guy, then went to the elevators to go up to his room.
It was quiet in his room, since his roommate had taken off Thursday afternoon to go home for a long weekend. He got along well with Ed, a varsity baseball player, but they weren't real tight. And Jake liked having the alone time and privacy sometimes.
The lacrosse jock set down his phone and keys and shook his head with a chuckle as he opened the envelope. "You're so fucking old school, Dad," he said aloud. "I love it."
It wasn't a form inside, but instead there was a linen-white stationary with his Dad's company logo and his father's name and title embossed. "From the Desk of Steven J. Weir."
It was what was printed below that made Jake's heart stop.
"Dear Mr. Wier:
This letter serves as official notice that Jacob Peter Weir has his father's permission to have sex as often as he likes and with whomever he likes, from the date of August 20, 2023 to May 14, 2024. This arrangement will be extended in subsequent years unless the two parties renegotiate their terms.
Steve Weir"
There was his father's recognizable wide, cursive signature, undoubtedly written with one of his favorite blue-ink fountain pens that his family had given him for Christmas.
Jake was rock hard. "Fuck," he hissed.
Only then did he realize there was something else in the envelope. He reached in and pulled out three photographs, each 8x10 glossy portraits of this father. They were different poses of his dad in business attire, like professional headshots for a company website or something.
"Got your package," the jock texted his father.
It took a second but then a message came up from Dad: "You able to Facetime?"
Jake got a big grin as he hit the dial button to video call his father. His heart jumped a little as the image filled his phone screen. His dad was in his C-suite office and looking handsome as fuck in his tailored suit as his own horny grin matched his son's.
"Hey Sport," he said. "Looking good." He leaned back in his swivel chair and angled the phone to give Jake a better view of his suited upper body. He had a good knowledge by now of what pushed his boy's buttons.
"You too Dad," the jock hissed, reaching down to paw his crotch again. "I can't believe it's only been 24 hours since I've seen your face... fuck."
His father laughed. Because Steve felt the same way. He knew it would be hard when Jake went off to college, but he was going through sexual withdrawal in addition to the normal empty nest syndrome.
Only now his bright smile got a hint of nervousness. "What did you think of what I sent you, son?"
Jake felt that constriction in his throat. Sorta like the first time he knew he was gonna fuck his dad... that combination of sheer horniness and disbelief it was gonna happen.
"You know, Dad," the 19-year-old smirked, "A hall pass isn't an actual piece of paper."
Steve's brown eyes seemed bright. Happy. Excited. "I wanted to make it official. For you. For us." The exec was definitely getting that bedroom voice, and Jake could tell by the movement in his dad's upper body that the man was reaching down to unzip and haul out his cock.
For his part Jake tugged down his shorts with one hand to free his junk, which was firming up real fucking fast. His father had given him the encouragement to freeball it, and it was now Jake's preferred way of casual dress. It made him feel free and sexual.
Jake prided himself on the sexual confidence he'd learned to project with his dad, but times like this he still felt unsure, deep down. "I told you, Dad. I don't need to have sex with other guys."
"You're 18, Sport," his dad said resolutely. "A college kid should be spreading his wings."
Jake got a playful grin. His right hand was working up and down his bone while his left hand held the phone. "You really want me to fuck other guys?" he asked. Pointed. Challenging.
Steve shook his head no. "Honestly, no. I don't. But I want you to lead the life that's going to make you happy." His own fist was working up and down in his lap. "I want you to become your own man, Jakey."
Something about that nickname drove the jock wild. He felt a spurt of precum in his palm. "You think sending me 8x10 glossies is gonna make me happy," he hissed. Jake's tone was halfway between a statement and a question.
Steve loved watching his son get in horndog mode. He'd like to think he passed that on to Jake genetically, but something about the kid's sex drive seemed innate. And all Jake.
The exec's voice got low and gravely. "You tell me, son. Did they make you happy?"
Jake just let go of his prick and angled his phone down to capture the hard teen bone that stood up long and rigid. "This is the reaction those pics got." He pulled the phone back up to see the amused and pleased look on his father's face.
"I'm glad," Steve said. Then with a pause, he angled the phone to show Jake his own fatherly prick, standing out from his unzipped suit.
"I wish I could suck that, Dad," Jake said, enjoying the freedom to talk aloud like this. "I wish I was there right now."
"You primed for some office sex, Sport?"
"Fuuuckk, Dad." Jake's fist was now steadily pumping his jock bone. "I'm still pissed off you won't let me fuck you there."
That got a laugh out of his father. The 49-year-old was even more handsome when he smiled. "You're a spoiled brat, you know that?"
"Fuck yeah I am," Jake shot back, getting into the zone with the teasing sex talk with his father. It came to them so fucking easily. "Something about nailing your dad regularly will make you that way."
That got a soft growl from the executive, and Jake watched as his father reached up to flip his tie over the shoulder of his suit coat, getting it out of the way.
"Damn, you gonna cum on your shirt today, Dad?"
Steve shook his head. "Hopefully not... but just in case. You get me so worked up, Sport." Off screen Jake knew his father had gone back to stroking his hard dick.
"So, Dad... if I take you up on that hall pass... what are you gonna do?"
"Whaddya mean, Jakey?"
"I mean..." the teen's own fist was working up and down his cock. "Does that mean you get a hall pass, too?"
"That's not part of the deal," Steve said, his brown eyes now wide with excitement. "But Buddy... I honestly don't know how I'm gonna get through this year. I guess I'll be doing a lot more of what I'm doing right now."
That got a matching growl from his son, whose hand moved faster and faster on his prick. "A fucking waste of dad cum."
That got a grin from Steve. "You like my sperm, huh, Jakey?"
"Can't get enough, Dad," came the immediate response. For a confident top when it came to fucking, Jake loved to taste his dad's prick and to eat his father's semen. When he wasn't sucking his dad off, he'd be licking the cum off the man's well-fucked body.
The jock felt another spurt of precum when his Dad brought the phone down close to his crotch, that solid, thick seven incher sticking out from the unzipped suit trousers.
"That's my dad," Jake growled. He'd have to find a way to have phone sex more often.
"Wanna cum for me, Jakey?" Steve asked, his voice signaling he was already on the edge.
"Nah," the jock said. "Hold off one second," he urged. He set down the phone and stripped off his T-shirt and kicked away his lax shorts. He then angled the phone just right on his desk and stepped back. Even from the distant view, he could see his dad's face will up the phone screen.
"Damn..." Steve growled. "That's my boy."
Jake felt fully alive, head to toe, as he stroked his cock and showed off for his father. He knew he was a good looking stud, with a great toned, athletic body. But his father's approval made him feel that much studlier.
"So Dad..." the teen asked. "If I used that hall pass, you wanna hear about the guys?"
"I don't know, Sport," Steve said with visible mixed feelings. "I'll let that be your call, OK?" He watched his son intently, as if it was the last chance he'd see Jake naked and hard. "I almost didn't send it," he confessed.
That made his son grin and Jake removed his fist from his dick, showing off the erection by swinging it side to side. "Yeah? It was so fucking hot to read it, Dad. You know, that you'd even send it."
"I'm glad, Jake," came Steve's reply.
"We're you hard writing it?" the son asked.
Steve's voice got soft and low. "I was, son."
"You want me spreading my wings in college, huh?" Jake's hand resumed its stroke. He really wanted his dad to cum first today but he didn't know if he'd be able to hold off.
Fortunately, Steve was getting into the zone now. Jake could only see his face, not his cock or masturbating fist, but he recognized that horny tone in his father's voice. "God, Jakey, you're such a fucking stud... seems wrong if you can't enjoy college a little, you know?"
Jake grinned, getting into a slow stroke that seemed to keep things on the boil without erupting over. "Maybe I'll line up some hot coach to fuck... but you know if I do, I'll be thinking of you the whole time, Dad."
That got an audible groan from Steve. Which only encouraged Jake to go further.
"Yeah, I'll be balls deep in some daddy ass and have to shut my eyes so I can think of my father... of fucking you..."
"Yes," Steve hissed. He was getting closer to cumming.
"of bending my dad over his office desk and pulling down those suit pants of yours..."
"You're not gonna stop pestering till you get that will ya, Jakey?"
"No, sir. I wanna get my way. Nail you hard to that expensive desk of yours... in your expensive suit... to thank you for all that expensive tuition you paid over the years."
This was new territory for the Weirs. They'd never talked about money, other than some of Steve's jokes about how much Jake's private school cost and some practical dad-son talks about personal finance. But Jake was bringing it into the sex talk and both men were surprisingly turned on by it.
"FUCCK!" Steve cried a half second before choking his reaction to be quieter in his office.
"Go for it, Dad!" the lacrosse jock said more openly. He stepped up closer so he could see his dad's face as he rode out an intense orgasm. "Nice!"
Steve's face was flush red as he caught his breath. "Goddamn, I needed that," he said. Then playfully he tilted his phone down. Huge splotches of his pearly white seed dotted his dress shirt after all.
"Cumming!" Jake cried, unable to hold by his ejaculation now. Steve had to look, had to watch his Jakey in full nut. It was just a beautiful sight. The only thing more beautiful was watching Jake orgasm as he was buried deep inside his father.
"Attaboy, Sport," he encouraged. "Goddamn, that's a huge nut."
Jake grinned as he felt the aftershocks. Playfully, he squeezed out dribbles from his long piece of jock meat and brought it up to his lips to taste. Not his dad's but a second best. Jake just loved the flavor of cum.
He could now tell his father was wiping off the cum from his shirt and his cock before pulling the phone back.
"That was incredible," Steve said.
"I'll say. I'll have to thank Rich for giving me the free time," Jake laughed.
"Is he away?"
Jake nodded. "All weekend. Maybe we can go long and deep this weekend, you know, edge a little."
Steve grinned. "I'll try, Sport.... awful hard to last with you, you know."
"Yeah, I know," Jake agreed.
His Dad seemed happy and yet sad at the same time. "Listen, I should go."
"Yeah," Jake said. "I need some dinner."
"I miss ya, Sport," Steve said. "So much."
"Miss ya too, Dad."
Steve felt nervous all Saturday. Jake had suggested they wait till later in the day for phone sex. The father tried to kill time with household chores and a super long session at the gym.
"You're a fucking mess, Steve," he said to himself as he drove home from the fitness center where he'd been spending a lot more time since the divorce and especially since he and Jake started fooling around. It felt wrong to be so attached to his own son, and yet he was.
There was a package on his front porch. FedEx Saturday delivery. Steve picked it up.
"What the fuck?" Steve laughed as he saw his son's dorm as the return address. "That little bugger."
As he opened the door and stepped in, the man squished the sides of the plastic package-envelope. It was soft inside. Steve opened the end with the pull tab.
As he pulled out the fabric, Steve Weir recognized the shorts immediately. They were a well-worn pair of Jake's high school lacrosse shorts. Wadded inside was a worn jock strap.
"Jesus," Steve hissed with excitement. Maybe Jake wanted him to have these for their session today. Or maybe this was just for the times it was Steve, alone in his bedroom, imagining a grown son who wasn't there with him.
Either way, Steve knew both the shorts and the jock were gonna be crusted with his own cum before long.
It was only after a second that he noticed scraps of paper on the floor. They'd fallen out, hand torn.
Steve immediately sensed what they were, and a quick look confirmed it. It was the hall pass he'd sent Jake.
"Man, buddy," he said aloud in the quiet room as he pulled out his phone. He had to call his son.
"Hey Dad"
"Oh, Jakey..." Steve said.
"You got it."
"Yeah, I got it," his dad replied. "You're not doing this just to make me happy are you?"
"Maybe," Jake said. "But not really. I don't know, Dad. I just realized I'd rather have blue balls than fuck a substitute you, you know?"
"Sport, that's the most fucking romantic thing anyone's ever said to me," Steve beamed.
That made his son laugh. "Yeah, that's me, one romantic fucker... just promise me one thing, Dad."
"Anything," Steve said.
"We gotta find away to see each other through the semester. Yeah, I know you want me to go off and be my own man. But I can't wait till Thanksgiving. For real, Dad."
"Yeah, we'll make it happen. I'll come down next week. And fly you up whenever you want. Promise." This was a backpedal from the promises Steve made himself when Jake went off, but he realized he was happy changing his stance.
"Cool. God, Dad, I love you."
"Love you too, Jakey," Steve said. He looked down at the scraps of paper and everything they represented. "And son... next time you're here, I'll let you fuck me on my desk."
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Summary: You and Hunter have been ignoring your feelings for each other for a year, but can't any longer when you're sent on a mission together.
Pairing: Hunter x f!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Angst, Enemies to Lovers, SMUT, Sex on a speeder bike, unprotected p in v (wrap it up friends), Cid (lol)
WC: 3.2K
A/N: OKAY don't be mad at me for having Cid in this bc I started writing this way before that finale and before we knew that Cid was a traitorous asshole, so I'm sorry about that. BUT sex with Hunter on a speeder bike should make up for it, right?? (Also, if you saw me post this earlier on my main, no you didn't lol.)
TAGLIST FORM │Bad Batch Masterlist
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“Dark and Broody, Mopey… You two will be going on this one alone.” Cid points at you and Hunter.
That’s what Cid calls you, Mopey. Even though she’s known you your whole life and absolutely knows your name. You moped about Hunter to her one time and now the name has stuck.
“What?” You and Hunter ask, simultaneously and then look at each other uncomfortably.
Crossing your arms, you glare. “We don’t do alone missions.” 
“That’s not my problem. I need a couple who won’t stick out too much.” Cid starts to walk away toward her office, knowing you’ll follow. “It’s easy. In and out. Get the drive. Bam. You’re done.”
“A couple?” Hunter asks, still trying to catch up. 
“Yeah, a couple. Ever heard of the word?” Cid sits at her desk, rummaging through her drawers. “Two people who are together.”
“We aren’t together, though.” Hunter glances at you as you lean in the doorway with crossed arms, looking at you as if you have some sway here.
You’ve known Cid your whole life. She apparently used to run with your mom back in the day and when your mom passed, Cid took you in. She looks up at you, knowingly and you shake your head, walking out so you can leave Hunter to argue with her. It was a lost cause arguing with her. You learned that long ago. 
“Good luck.” Echo tells you, smirking from the bar. 
You flip him off and then look to make sure Omega wasn’t watching. Thankfully, she and Wrecker are in a heated Dejarik game while Tech watches over Wrecker’s shoulder. You can’t help but be grateful for this little group that you and Cid found a year ago. 
“You know, you’re pacing.” You tell Hunter from the co-pilot’s seat as the ship travels through hyperspace.
It’s quiet without the rest of the Batch, you notice. Too quiet. It occurs to you how little time you and Hunter have been around each other without any of the others around. 
“Yeah. And?” He snips.
You prop your feet up in the seat in front of you, your dress slipping up to your thigh slightly. He looks down only for a second and walks off to the bunks to do something. With a roll of your eyes, you pull up your datapad and send off a message to Echo.
You: He’s impossible.
Echo: What do you want me to do about it? 
You: Just complaining I guess?
Echo: You mean being mopey?
You: Fuck you.
Echo: LOL
You sigh and toss your datapad back into the seat, groaning in frustration.
“What is it?” Hunter stands in the doorway.
“Nothing.” You turn your seat around to look out at the blue hues of hyperspace. 
“Right…” Hunter disappears again until right before you come up on Coruscant. 
“So the plan-” Hunter stands in front of you when you land.
“I know the plan.” You stare up at him.
“Right. Okay then.” He sighs as he hands you your ear piece, giving you a curious look as he stares down at you.
“Okay.” You nod and open the hatch.
You leave the ship together, coming up on the speeder that one of Cid’s people left for you. He looks at the speeder bike. 
“Don’t even think about it.” You grumble and point at your outfit. “Dress, remember?” 
He chuckles. “Right.”
With a slight roll of your eyes, you get in the passenger side of the speeder. As he takes off, you try your hardest to not look at him in his nice outfit. He’s wearing a dark red collared shirt, the top two buttons undone, slightly revealing his tattooed chest, dress pants, and a gold chain you didn’t know he had. 
You find yourself wanting to ask him about the chain and about the tattoo that was clearly a continuation of the half skull on his face. You’re tempted to question him if it goes all the way down… 
“What?” Hunter picks up on your staring.
You go warm in the face instantly and look out your side of the speeder as he continues to drive. “Nothing.” He chuckles. “If you say so.”
Arriving at the casino, Hunter starts to get out but you stop him, leaning on the edge of the door. “What are you doing? Keep the speeder running in case I run into trouble. Thought you’ve done this before?” You smirk.
“I have.” He scowls at you. “You’re gonna go in alone, dressed like that?” 
You raise your eyebrows. “Really? We’re gonna have this conversation?” 
He thinks about it for a second. “Look… I know you can handle your own-”
“Great, then I’ll see you in a few minutes. Keep it running, I’ll be in and out.” You ignore him and walk away into the casino. 
“Nothing wrong with backup, you know?” He grumbles in your ear as you walk up the steps to the second floor.
“Hush.” You tell him, smiling at the coat check person, politely.
You can feel some eyes on you as you walk onto the casino floor. 
“You’re breathing heavily.” Hunter complains in your ear on the comm as you make your way through the casino full of people. 
“No I’m not.” You roll your eyes. “You just have supersonic hearing.” 
He chuckles. “I think you mean ultrasonic.”
“Maker, you’ve been hanging around Tech too much.” You shake your head to yourself.
Stars, why does his voice sound like that? It sounds like pure sex and it feels like he’s practically purring in your ear. And it’s going right to your-
“You good?” His voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Yep.” You take a wine glass off a waitresses tray and gulp it down in one go, trying not to think about what Hunter’s voice does to you.
“Please try not to get wasted.” He warns you.
“How did you know-” You put the empty glass on a passing tray and keep moving through the crowd of people who were clearly rich and well off. 
“‘Supersonic’ hearing, remember?” He teases, lightly. “You… ahem… swallow loudly.” 
He coughs and you try to not think about what he could be thinking of. 
“Focus, Sarge.” You smirk, just trying not to argue with him for once. It’s really not a secret that you two don’t really see eye to eye, but that’s not your problem. It’s his. He’s the one who always starts the arguments. Like now, complaining about your breathing and your swallowing. If anyone deserved to complain, it’s you. You’re in this ridiculously snug dress and stupid heels and you’re ready to peel them off. 
“Miss?” You hear a man’s voice behind you.
When you turn around, you find a handsome, young gentleman with a blue scarf that you’d been looking for. He’s supposed to be the one who gives you the drive. 
“Hi. Luc?” You smile.
Easy mission, thankfully. In and out just like you told Hunter, making him wait out in the speeder. 
“That’s me.” He grins. “They didn’t tell me that a beautiful woman was supposed to be meeting me. Could I buy you a drink first?”
You try to not roll your eyes as you keep a fake smile plastered on your face. 
“Wow. What a tool.” Hunter’s voice fills your ear.
“That’s alright, thank you. Just the drive please.” You start to hand out your hand.
“Pity… Well in that case, I’m supposed to tell you,” He suddenly pulls a blaster out, keeping it low. “Cad Bane sends his regards.” 
Kriff. Of course.
Acting quickly, you shove his hand away at the same time that he releases the trigger, sending blaster fire up into the air. You elbow him in the throat, making him double over in pain, gasping for breath, as you try to knock the blaster out of his hand. Suddenly, more blaster fire starts coming your way and you realize you’ve been set up.
All around you people scream as they scramble for safety in the casino.
“What’s happening?” Hunter’s voice is in your ear, panicked.
“Don’t worry about it. Keep the speeder running.” You grunt as you make for the balcony across the room, just hoping your heels hold up, pulling one of your blasters out and shooting at the people that are shooting at you.
“Don’t worry about it, she says, as blaster fire is literally firing around her.” Hunter mutters. 
“Will you please shut up?” You snap as you start to climb over the side of the balcony, shooting toward the top of the building. 
You look down for Hunter in the speeder but see him on a speeder bike instead.
“Where’s the speeder?” You yell.
“This is quicker!” He calls back.
With an annoyed groan, you stick your blaster back into your thigh holster and slide down the rope landing in Hunter’s lap, straddling his thighs while facing him. He lets out an ‘oof’ and takes off as people come running out of the lobby, shooting at the two of you.
“You could have let me climb off to get behind you.” You glare.
“No time. Hold on.” He revs the bike and starts going even faster through the undercity of Coruscant, causing you to press yourself to his chest. 
You roll your eyes. “We were set up.”
“Yeah, no kriff.” Hunter rests his chin on your shoulder so you can see.
It almost feels natural… having him against you. You quickly push that thought away as you go to argue with him again. 
“You know what-” You’re cut off as you realize people in speeders are after you, still shooting at you. 
“A little help here would be nice.” He grunts, taking a sharp turn, trying to buy you some time so you can grab your blasters. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m on it.” You pull your blasters out of both thigh holsters. 
When you try to situate yourself so you can shoot better, you only realize you accidentally brush up against Hunter’s crotch when he lets out a soft groan. 
“Sorry…” You try. “Just shoot.” He says, through gritted teeth.
You immediately start to take out each shooter, precisely hitting each person so well that you can’t help but let out a chuckle.
“Crosshair would be so proud of me right now.” You compliment yourself.
“I’m sure.” Hunter grumbles as he shoots through an alley and then takes a hard right up into some sort of abandoned warehouse. When he thinks the coast is clear, he finally leans back, breathing heavily. You can’t even tease him about it, because your chest is heaving against his. With the deep glare that he’s giving you, his hate for you becomes evident. 
“You know, you may hate me… and still not trust me… but I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me for the long haul.” You shrug, tucking your blasters back into your holsters. 
“I don’t hate you.” He rolls his eyes.
“Then why-” You start but he crushes his lips to yours, shutting you up. 
Every nerve ending in your body stands straight up and you fight between the urge to shove him off of you and also wanting more of him. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull him closer and he grips your hips, grinding you against his hardened length, straining in his pants. 
“You feel what you do to me?” He rasps against your lips, his voice full of need. “So, I don’t hate you, I’m-”
Without another word, your hands fall down to his zipper and pull his length free. His sentence is cut off as you rest your foreheads together, watching your hand expertly start to pump his cock. He’s thicker than you imagined he’d be. You’re definitely not complaining though.
“Fuck, mesh’la…” He groans, gripping your hips tighter. 
The rumble of the speeder sends vibrations to your core and you can’t help the wetness that gathers in your panties, begging to coat Hunter’s perfect cock. 
You raise up slightly, moving your panties to the side as you sink down on him and he lets out an incredibly loud groan while he grips you so tightly that you know you’re going to bruise. Maybe that’s what he’s going for. To remind you of today, no matter what happens when you get back to Ord Mantell. 
You let out a soft gasp when his hands roam down to your ass and start to raise you up just to pull you back down onto his cock harshly. You’d been lying to yourself… You don’t hate him. You want Hunter just as bad, if not more. 
He pulls your body flush against his, kissing your shoulder. “Been waiting for so long for this.” 
You can’t help the needy whimpers that escape your lips for this man. The two of you had been fighting your urges for so long that you’d been convinced you hated each other. But now… 
“Feels so fucking good… So perfect… made for me.” Hunter babbles incoherently and you grind against him as much as you can. You pull away to make sure you’re not slipping but he grips your chin and pulls your gaze back to his own. “Keep your eyes on me. I’ve got you, you’re not going anywhere.”
And fuck, if that isn’t the hottest thing a man’s ever said to you…
He takes your fingers and pulls them to his mouth, taking them in his mouth. Your entire body feels like it’s on fire. He knows exactly what he’s doing because he smirks around your digits before guiding your fingers down to your clit. 
“Fuck… Hunter.” You groan, keeping your eyes on him, lips parted as the sounds echo off the metal walls of the warehouse as you rub your clit for him. 
“That’s it, mesh’la… need you to cum for me so I can fill this pretty little cunt up.” He whispers gruffly and you nearly come apart just at those words alone. “If… if that’s okay with you.”
“Please.” You gasp with a desperate nod.
You’d never known Hunter had this side to him. Sure you called him dark and broody as a joke, but this was something else entirely. He’s looking at you with such voracity, that you don’t think there’s any coming back from it. You want him to look at you this way forever. 
Pulling Hunter back in for a kiss so vehement, while still rubbing your clit, you near your edge. Your mind goes back to what he was saying earlier about not hating you. He didn’t give you a reason for acting the way he did.
“Hunter…” You whimper.
“What?” He rests his forehead against yours, still fucking you amorously. 
When he looks at you, it’s with such a softness that you can’t help but melt. 
“What…” You groan as he pushes you back on the speeder, reaching deeper into you with his cock. “What were you going to say… you don’t hate me… and?” 
“Right now?” He asks, looking down between you with a breathless chuckle. 
You nod as that familiar heat pools toward your warmth. “As… good a time… as any, right?” 
The way he’s fucking you is absolutely ethereal. You don’t think you could go back to how things were before even if you wanted to. And you definitely don’t want to, right?
“Maker…” He grits with a breathy chuckle as you clench around him. “I’m- fuck… I’m in love with you, okay?” 
As if that’s all you needed to hear, you cum, making his name sound like an entire prayer. Because that’s what coming around Hunter’s cock feels like. Absolutely spiritual. 
He grins down at you and pulls you back up into his lap, wrapping his arms around you, fucking into you mercilessly, overwhelming both of you. 
When his hips falter as he grips your sides, digging his fingers into you as he fills you up so fully that you spill out over the both of you. You can’t help but let out a soft laugh and then he lets one out as well.
“If I knew you’d react like that when I declared my love for you, I would’ve done it sooner.” He winks and you playfully slug him. 
“You’re very lucky I don’t actually hate you.” You lean in closely and the breath in his throat hitches.
“I’ll say.” He agrees before crushing his lips to yours.
Neither of you are sure what’s next for you, but you’re already feeling more hopeful. Maybe it’ll help that you won’t be arguing for once when you break the news to Cid that the mission failed. 
“I uh… actually wanted to show you something while we’re on Coruscant.” He coughs, awkwardly. 
“Okay?” You look at him curiously.
He grins as he helps you off the bike to sit behind him again. You feel the slight run of cum start to drip down your thigh. 
“Oh…” You look down and Hunter looks at your thighs as well, his grip on the handlebars tightening. 
“Do you want to run by the ship and clean up before I show you the surprise?” He smirks.
“Please.” You nod, going warm in the face as you hop on the back of the bike. “I’d also like to change. These heels are the worst.” 
He chuckles and relaxes into you when you wrap your arms around his waist and then takes off back toward the Marauder. It’s a strange feeling being so close to him after having so much distance between the two of you the past year. 
“So, what is it with you and speeder bikes?” You ask him, resting your chin on his shoulder.
He shrugs. “I don’t know.”
“Yes you do.” You start to release his waist but he quickly grabs your arms and pulls them against him again. 
“I’ve always wanted one. Since I saw one of the Alpha’s with one on Kamino when I was, you know, a “kid”.” He admits with a shrug.
“That’s sweet.” You kiss his shoulder. “We’ll get you one, one day.” 
He pulls one of your hands up to his lips and kisses it and you can’t help but smile.
When you pull back up to the Marauder, Hunter helps you off the bike, like a gentleman.
“Didn’t know you had such a sweet side to you.” You tease as he pulls you against himself, looking down into your eyes with his own warm brown ones. 
He smirks as he kisses you again. “Maybe we can shower… together… before I take you to that surprise.”
You find yourself desperate to have his mouth somewhere else.
“Yes please, Sarge.” You wrap your arms around him and he starts to lift you up but pauses as his ears perk up toward the Marauder and then pulls away to grab one of your blasters out of your holster, pointing it toward the hatch. 
“Hunter, what is it?” You whisper. 
All of a sudden, you hear a blaster shot come out from behind you and feel a bolt of electricity travel throughout your body. By the time you drop, you realize it’s too late and you’ve been stunned. The last thing you see before you pass out is Hunter going into attack mode.
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @misogirl828 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @agenteliix @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @quigonswife8 @idlenesses @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @brownstalebread @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms
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hiro-doodlez · 7 months
LIST OF ENGLISH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (the random letters that people use sometimes)!! FEEL FREE TO USE AS A REF (reference) SHEET!! In alphabetical too!!
Tone indicators at the bottom!
AFK- away from keyboard
AKA- also known as
ASAP- as soon as possible
ASL- American Sign Language
B4- before
BC- because
BF- boyfriend
BFF- best friends forever
BTW- By the way
BTS- Behind the scenes/back to school / that one band
BRB- be right back
CW: content warning
Cya- see ya
DM- direct message
DW- dont worry
EZPZ- easy peasy
FB- Facebook
FW: flash warning
FAQ- frequently asked questions
FYI- for your information
GF- girl friend
GG- good game
GJ- Good job
GL- good luck
Gnite- good night
GTFO- get the fuck out
GTG- got to go
Gud- good
H8- hate
HBD- happy birthday
Hella- really
HMU- Hit me up
HW- Homework
IDK- I don't know
IDC- I don't care
IG- I guess / instagram
IK- I know
IKR- I know right
K- okay
Lmao- laughing my ass off
Kewl- cool
Kk- okay
Lol- laugh out loud
ILY- I love you
ILYSM- I love you so much
IMO- in my opinion
IRL- in real life
IYKYK- if you know you know
JFC- Jesus fucking chrkst
Jk- just kidding
L8R- later
LMAO- laughing my ass off
LMK-let me know
LOL- laughing out loud
Mkay- mm okay
NE- Any
NE1- anyone
NGL- not gonna lie
NM- Nothing much
NP: no problem
NSFW- not safe for work
NVM- nevermind
NW- no worries
Obv- obviously
OFC- of course
OMW- on my way
OP- original post(er)
OTP- one true pairing
Ova- over
Pic- picture
POV: point of view
Ppl- people
Prolly- probably
QOTD- quote of the day
R- are
RB- reblog
Ref- reference
Rly- really
RN- right now
RP- role play
RPG-role playing game
RT- retweet
Sec- second
SH- self harm
SMH- shaking my head
SMP- survival multiplayer server (Minecraft) / social media platform (?)
S.O- significant other
Sui- suicide
Sus- suspicious
STFU- shut the fuck up
T- testosterone
TBA- to be announced
TBF- to be fair
TBH- to be honest
TF- the fuck
Thnks- thanks
Thx- thanks
TLDR- too long didn't read (usually a summary)
TMRW- tomorrow
TOS- terms of service
TTYL-talk to you later
TW: trigger warning
Vid- video
WTF- what the fuck
WYD- what are you doing?
YOLO- You only live once
YT- YouTube
YW- you're welcome
If the one youre looking for isnt here, either i forgot or its a fandom! Id suggest looking it up if youre confused!
Extra note: if you see 8 in one of the acronyms, then it usually is used as an “ate” sound. So h8= ate, gr8= great ect.
/aff- affectionate
/c- copypasta
/cb- clickbait (?)
/f- fake
/gen- genuine
/genq- genuine question
/half joking
/ij- inside joke
/j- joking
/lyr- lyrics
/lh- light hearted
/lu- little upset
/neg- negative
/nf- not forced
/nm- not mad
/npa- not passive aggresive
/nsrs- not serious
/p- platonic
/pa- passive aggresive
/pos- positive
/q- quote
/r- romantic
/s- sarcastic
/srs- serious
/t- teasing
/th- threat
I HOPE THIS HELPS!! and if i forgot to add one feel free to send an ask ^^
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study-diaries · 1 month
How to do group projects? (If you're selected as the leader of the group)
I hate group projects, it's not necessarily the project rather, the people are not cooperative enough so here's some tips I use when I was chosen to do a PPT and a damn play with 13 members.
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(Pictures aren't mine!)
Take phone numbers
Even though my teacher discouraged the idea of it, I still took the numbers of all the members and saved it on the same day the project was given even though the deadline was a month later. You should make sure that you have the necessary means of communication to every member.
Plan and outline within 3 days!
Make an outline of what needs to be done, plan out who's going to do what, how they'll do it, when will they complete it etc etc. The reason i do it within 3 days is because you'll get the base of how you'll do it because generally in group projects, by the time everyone completes the work and gives it to you, it would take atleast a week or two, if you start early, you'll complete earlier than everyone else
No group chats!
I personally don't prefer this because one i realised everyone just didn't reply expecting others to reply, especially when your group is big! So... Dms!! Just send the instructions personally, yes, it takes alot of time but it makes up for the energy wasted in group chats that involve unnecessary talks and questions.
Both face to face and text reminders!
When you've assigned work to every member, make sure they actually do it because you'll be the one responsible. Not gonna lie but reminders help especially when the deadlines are closer. Just a message like "Hey, friendly reminder about the XYZ project."
Save your own name!
This is something I'm really careful about. The accusation that you're being biased and assigning easier work to friends and people I'm close with. So, i figured that the best way to avoid it is to write all the work and the names of members in alphabetical order and assign accordingly. If the member can't do it, then I'll discuss and swap. It saves a hell lot of drama and actually results to better outcomes.
Back up
Make sure that there's always a second in command. This was a mistake I did, on the day of the 2nd project (the play), I was in one of the competitions and our teacher had started with our group first... I didn't exactly tell anyone that everything about the characters assigned to members and the narrations were in my bag so they had to scramble alittle but in the end, our group did the best play despite the situation so that's what you're aiming at. Your group needs to manage without you.
Do not, under any circumstances, expect everything to go well! You need to expect hindrances, like gurl, come on. A mistake I made in the PPT project, i made the PPT and told 4-5 people to explain it because that's how it was supposed to be done but in the end, ALL THE 4-5 PEOPLE HAD TO BE IN SPORTS PRACTICE so we ended up changing plans last minute. But nevertheless, we got an A-. Tell everyone to prepare accordingly.
Be a little lenient
Personally, when the teacher asked me to give the list of work everyone had done, i did'nt just write nothing for the members who didn't, i have even the smallest contribution because in the end, even one person's scores matters. It affects the whole damn group so be careful when you take out anger and frustration on the members when giving the list of contributions or even while doing the project. The last thing you need is drama.
Make sure your members are comfortable enough to clear any questions or misunderstandings with you. If you don't know what's going in the group, you can't maintain the group. Be very clear that they can reach you any time.
This is really important! Decide on a day and keep a demonstration of how your project is going to be presented. Do exactly as how you're going to do it infront of the teacher. Exchange some points on how to do better during the demo and discuss! It helps you to correct your mistakes.
Hope this helps! :)
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coldfanbou · 1 year
Manor: Progression
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The second part is here; we're progressing the story just slightly and adding in new characters. Also, the picture isn't exactly related to the piece; I just needed a picture of Taeyeon.
Length 2.4K
Taeyeon x Mreader
Previous Part
Next Part
Having heard of your parent's motive for the newly hired maids, you decided to have as little contact with them as possible.  As you leave the shower and change, your thoughts return to the maids Tzuyu, Yuna, Chuu, Umji, and Wonyoung. The main idea is that they all just want a part of the fortune your family has attained. You shake your head; there's no way of knowing if that was their goal. You just knew it was your father's. To clear your head further, you step out into the back garden. Sitting on the bench, you watch the setting sun come down. You let your head hang back, close your eyes and stretch your body. Your eyes open slowly as you feel a tap on your shoulder. "I'm sorry for touching you without your permission, young master, but head maid Taeyeon sent me to tell you to come inside."
"I'll come in soon. Please, go back inside." You say without so much as looking at who it is. You can feel them nervously shift their weight on the wooden patio.
"Um, head maid Taeyeon said I shouldn't leave you alone until you're inside. S-so if you wouldn't mind coming inside, young master." You take in a deep breath before turning to see it was Wonyoung standing there. She fiddles with her fingers while continuing to look at you. "C-could you please come inside with me? Mi-Head Maid Taeyeon will be angry with me if I don't come in with you." 
You stand up slowly, "Alright. I know how Taeyeon can be. Let's head inside." You lazily try to reassure Wonyoung. Somehow it works as her previously anxious expression is replaced with a smile.
"Thank you, young master." You try to pay her no mind as you walk inside. Stepping through the door first, you see Taeyeon watching the doorway with a notepad in her hand. Seeing Wonyoung come after you, she nods. Taeyeon writes something down before pulling Wonyoung aside to say something. In the meantime, you begin to head back to your room. The house seems busier than usual as many of the other maids are hurrying from one area to the other. Watching the others, you don't see one of the older serving maids as she crashes into you, sending clothes all over the floor. 
"Oh! Young master, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." You stand up quickly and help her up. 
"No, no, it was my fault Hani. Why is everyone dashing around, though?" You ask while helping pick up the clothes.
"Did you not notice your father's business partner came in with his family earlier?"
"No, I must have been in the shower, or outside, for that matter. I suppose we're taking care of them?"
"Yes, we are."
"Which partner is it?" As you ask that, you feel a pair of hands cover your eyes. 
"Guess who?" A voice asks. You can't recognize it, however.
"You really can't recognize your best friend? It hasn't been that long since we last saw each other." With mild annoyance in their voice, you uncover your eyes and turn around to see Nayeon. She brings you into a hug. "It’s been a while, hasn't it?"
"You're sending a lot of mixed messages, Nayeon. And how was I supposed to guess it was you when you had my eyes covered?" You ask while patting her back.
"You should've just known." She says. "It’s been what? Ten years?"
"Since we last saw each other? Yeah." 
Nayeon taps you with her elbow, "well? Show me your room. I want to see how it's changed." You wave her arm away from you. 
"Yeah, yeah. I'll show you." You turn back around, "I'll talk to you later, Hani. I hope things calm down for everyone."
"I sure hope so, young master. I appreciate your help." Hani leaves to finish her tasks while you lead Nayeon to your room. You think it's quite a coincidence that Nayeon returns at the same time you get new hires. Then the thought comes that Nayeon's family had probably planned this trip for a while now. Nayeon skips ahead of you and waits beside your door.
"Come on, hurry!" She exclaims.
"Relax, Nayeon. You're acting like something amazing is going on." You try to open the door as you reach it. Hwasa was on the other side of the door when you tried.
"Hey! Oh, it's you, master." She says, her demeanor changing as soon as she sees your face. "I was just cleaning up your room." Hwasa's eyes furrow as she spots Nayeon. "Master, who is this?" 
"Oh, this is Nayeon. She was a friend of mine from years back."
"So this is the Nayeon mentioned by your parents." Hwasa gives her a simple nod. "I'm just about done, master; please give me a moment to finish."
"I-Sure, Hwasa."  She closes the door leaving you and Nayeon standing outside. 
"Is she new?" Nayeon asks. "I don't remember her being here."
"She's one of the older members of the team. Hwasa, I think, got here three or four years ago. We have five new hires today." Nayeon tilts her head.
"Is that so? Do you like any of them?"
"I mean, they seem like good people."
"But do you like them?" Nayeon says, pressing you on the matter. 
"No? I mean, I broke up with my ex not that long ago."
"You were dating someone?" Nayeon asks, continuing her interrogation. You're saved by Hwasa opening the door. 
"All done, master."
"Thank you, Hwasa." Nayeon passes by the two of you, jumping onto your bed. 
While she's not looking, Hwasa gets on her toes and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek. "All set, master. Don't forget I'll be here if you ever need some help.'" Her hands linger on you as she walks away. You watch Hwasa walk away, her hips swaying with each step. She turns her head to see you staring. Hwasa smiles at you and winks before turning the corner. As you step inside and close the door behind you, you see Nayeon kicking her feet while looking at you. 
"So you broke up with your girlfriend?" 
You sigh, "yeah, I did." 
"Sorry to hear that, but that just means no one will be angry when we hang out."
"...right. I mean no offense, but, Nayeon, you're acting as if nothing has changed." Nayeon changes her position and sits on your bed.
"Nothing has changed." She says in a deadly serious voice. 
"Nayeon, it’s been ten years." 
"I've thought of you every day for those ten years." She responds quickly. You're unsure of how to respond to her. A long pause develops between you as you stare at each other. She's the first to break eye contact, "I-I didn't want to move away. I cried my eyes out thinking about you. I missed you. So sorry for acting like nothing's changed, but I just want things to be how they were before." Nayeon's eyes start to get watery, and she stands up, ready to leave.
Feeling bad, you stop her from leaving and hug her. "It's alright, no need to cry. I'm just a bit sensitive regarding the topic of my ex. I didn't mean to be rude." Nayeon holds onto you for a moment before pulling away. 
"I'm going to go to my room." She says dejectedly as she leaves. You sit on your bed, sighing about making Nayeon sad. You lay in bed for the night, thinking too much has happened. As you nearly fall asleep, a knock at the door causes you to stir. 
"Who is it?" You yell.
"Young master, it's me, Taeyeon."
"Come in." The door opens slowly, and Taeyeon pokes her head in.
 "Young master, I noticed Miss Nayeon came out of your room looking sad. Is everything alright?"
"Things will be fine, Taeyeon. It's just that I said something in a rude way. I'll apologize tomorrow; it's best to let her go for now." 
Taeyeon takes a seat next to you and puts her hand on top of yours. "I know you've been going through a tough time, young master. But you have to be careful when you speak to a lady."
"I know Taeyeon, we've had this talk before." You respond while trying to escape her grip.
"Yes, I know, but you're a man now. We had that talk a long time ago. You have to consider your actions and words. You can't just go out with anyone." You sit there in silence while Taeyeon continues to lecture you. A part of you thinks about turning things around on her and saying you'd like to be with her. The thought continues, it wouldn't be that bad to marry Taeyeon. She was always caring toward you, and she was stunning. You were slowly convincing yourself that Taeyeon was quite a catch. Your thoughts are cut off as Taeyeon snaps her fingers in front of your face. "Are you listening to me? Young master, I asked if you're listening to me?" 
You turn to face Taeyeon, "Taeyeon, are you single?" Her eyes widen as she hears your question. 
"I-young master," Taeyeon stumbles over her words, and you cut her off. 
"Taeyeon, are you single?" You stare into her eyes, causing her to look away from you. She shyly nods her head. 
"But I-." You cut her off again.
"You say I can't date just anyone; what about you? Can I date you?" Taeyeon's face goes red as she covers her face with her hands. 
"I-I don't think that's appropriate young master." 
You inch closer to Taeyeon, "You're so reliable, so kind, beautiful." Taeyeon presses her face against her hands, trying to disappear. "So? Can I date you?" At this point, you had worked the idea into your head that dating Taeyeon would be the best option.
"I-I," Taeyeon spreads her fingers to peek at you without fully uncovering her face. Taking a deep breath, she removes her hands and has a serious look. With all the professionalism she could muster, Taeyeon begins speaking, "Young master, I understand that your break up has left you wanting a woman's touch. I'm flattered that you would consider me an option as someone to date, but I have to decline. I will, however, help you get your…urges under." Having said that, Taeyeon reaches down to your crotch and rubs your cock through your pants. You let out a small grunt as you feel her touch. "Just let me take care of you, young master." She unbuttons your pants and pulls them down. Seeing your half-hard cock she gulps, surprised at its size. Taeyeon hesitantly reaches for your cock; she strokes it slowly at first before gaining confidence and speed. 
As you groan from her touch, she tells you to lay back. "How are you so good at this, Taeyeon?" You moan. 
"You shouldn't kiss and tell, young master." She replies as she continues to stroke your cock. Taeyeon leans over you and lets saliva fall from her mouth onto your cock. The added lubrication allows her hand glides up and down. As your moans grow louder, you see Taeyeon pull at her collar and lick her lips. You pull her closer and, kissing her neck, unbutton her top. Taeyeon gasps, getting excited, and her strokes get quicker. Only occasionally stopping to use her thumb to play with the tip of your cock. Once enough buttons have been undone, you slip your hand under her bra and play with her modest tits. In response, Taeyeon captures your lips before whispering in your ear, "Cum for me, young master. Dirty my hands with your semen." At that moment, you buck your hips, and semen spurts out, coating her hand. As you recover from your orgasm, you watch as Taeyeon licks her hands clean. Sticking her fingers in her mouth, Taeyeon's tongue swirls around each finger; slight moans escape her as she finishes. Seeing that you're still rock hard, Taeyeon smiles, "looks like I still have a little more work to do, young master." 
She removes her maid outfit, "it's been so long since I've ridden such a bull." Taeyeon pushes you onto your back and climbs over you. She aligns your cock with her entrance before letting it slide inside. There's no hesitation from her as her pussy swallows your cock. You both moan, feeling nothing but pleasure from the other. Taeyeon slowly rises before dropping herself on your cock. Her breasts bounce slightly as your cock impales her. "Oh, young master. I never knew just how big you were." She moans while continuing to ride you. A slight bulge in her stomach appears and disappears as Taeyeon falls and rises. You hold onto her waist, helping her along.
"You're so tight, Taeyeon." You groan as she bounces. You're quickly driven to your orgasm as you focus on Taeyeon's pussy squeezing you as she tenses her muscles. Taeyeon's upper half falls onto you, bucking upwards as you begin to thrust into her. Your moans fill the room as Taeyeon's pussy coils around you. You feel your cock begin to throb, and your balls tighten as you get ready to cum.
"Fill me with your cum, young master. Do it." Taeyeon whispers before kissing your neck. Unable to hold on, you press Taeyeon against your body, making sure she gets every last bit of cum as you begin to orgasm. Your orgasm triggers hers, Taeyeon gasps, her back arcs upwards as she holds onto your shoulders. "That’s it, young master! Fill me up with your cum!" Taeyeon's walls tense and loosen as she orgasms, milking you of your semen. Taeyeon collapses on your chest after her orgasm. "That…that was such a big load. I feel so full. Full of nice warm cum." Taeyeon smiles as she rests her head on your chest. You both catch your breath, and your cock softens before slipping out of Taeyeon. "Looks like I've satisfied your needs, young master." Taeyeon kisses your cheek.
"If you're ever in need of relief, I'm more than happy to help you. Oh, and young master, please find someone appropriate to date." As Taeyeon recovers, she slips on her panties and the rest of her clothing. "You should just sleep, young master. It's quite late. So you can shower in the morning." She leaves the room after her final words. You lay in bed thinking about the sudden change in life. The new hires, sex with Hwasa, Nayeon's return, and then sex with Taeyeon, it was all a sudden change. Add that your father wants you to marry as a reason for the new hires, and it's a lot to take in. You just hope things don't become too much of a mess.
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g0ldenzinnie · 8 months
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Couple: Mark x fem!reader Genre: fluff; a little bit suggestive; a little dramatic, but who doesn't want a little drama Sinopse: At the end of a horrible day, your boyfriend makes a surprise just for you. DISCLAIMER: This is my first fic, and I hope it will be the first of many more. And also English it's my second language so have mercy on me. Word count: 5,6 k; I recommend listening to https://spotify.link/QPWm3Rr44Db while you read it <3
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You had a bad day. No, sorry, a terrible day. 
First, you overslept. It wasn’t your fault your phone discharged over the night, because you connected the charger wrong. Your class started half an hour ago, but you were still in your apartment, trying to pull your pants up while brushing your teeth. When you got to campus, you were a sweating mess since you had to run to reach the bus. When you enter the classroom slamming the door accidentally, the teacher looked at you like you disrespect him in three languages, however he still continued. You sat down and opened your bag, then you realized you forgot your notebook at home, due to your late night studying and the reason for your oversleeping. That was the second thing that made your day into a nightmare, the final test. In a few minutes, you would have to face the test that would define your future as an engineer, further to top it all you forgot your notes at home. It didn't matter now, you just had to deal with it. You plug your phone under the desk, which for your luck every desk had a uni, and look at your missing messages. That is when you noticed the third thing that was making your day horrible. Your lock screen showed a happy blond boy playing the guitar, you smiled, having a nostalgic feeling in your chest. Mark lee, your boyfriend. You were barely together, since your different schedules and busy calendars. Besides, when you were together, you are so exhausted that you only watch movies on the couch and order takeout. It is not that you didn’t like it, it’s just that you missed having quality time with your boyfriend. You saw in your notifications three missed messages from Mark. 
“Good morning baby ❤️” “Good luck today I know you're gonna kill it” “I miss you ;c” 
You smile at the last messages, you feel comfort knowing that he missed you too. You respond. “Hey baby” “I miss you too bub, I just want to finish this test and see you”
You haven’t seen him in weeks. As you were focused on your career, Mark was focused on his. Now text messages were the only way of communicating. 
“I know princess, but I have rehearsal all day.” You let out a groan. One day they will kill him with so much work. 
“It’s okay baby, we can meet another time.” “Just be careful please.” “I don’t want you to pass out”
You responded, but you knew it was helpless. Even if the king himself from England order your boyfriend to stop overworking… he would probably apologize in a very polite matter and go against his order. You knew your golden boy wasn't unbreakable. Occasionally he would call you in the middle of the night just to hear your voice, and get the motivation that he needed. Despite that, he didn't complain a bit. Mark was the kind of person to torture himself, just to not let down the people that depend on him. Sadly, you were that kind of people. You needed to see his face, to hear his voice, you needed him.
“It’s like you don’t even know me baby” “I'm unstoppable”
He sends you a sticker of a bunny flexing his arms, and you laugh out loud. Your teacher sees you with a penetrating look and goes back to the board. Again, you look down over your phone, trying to respond.
“So you’re a superhero then?” “Or a super villain? Were you trying to steal my heart all this time?” “Is this your evil plan?”
 You replied, hoping it would make him laugh. You used to think that when he laughed, one of the most beautiful sounds in the world was produced. 
“A villain, never” “Actually, I am a superhero who is at your side in your time of need.” “I am Spider-Man 🕷️”
You smiled at the cuteness of your boy. You knew his obsession with Spider-man, actually on his birthday you made him a surprise party in his room and decorated it with that theme. He still considers it to be one of his favorite birthday parties. You didn’t have a chance to reply to him when another message came along. 
“I just wish I could use my power to come and see you. So then I could hug you, and give you a kiss.”
You feel the heat coming to your face as you blush. You replied instantly. 
“Just one?”
“Definitely more than one.” “And definitely not just in your lips” 
You let out a giggle, then drop your phone. Mark could be cheesy when he set his mind to it. Your attention to the class was gone long ago. 
“I'm losing focus Mark” “You’re gonna make me fail this class”
“Sorry baby” “But dude, seriously I really need you”“I miss our dates, not like watching movies and eat (which I love, don't get me wrong)” “But like real dates, you know? Like going out somewhere, or doing something else”
Your mode went down, owing to the text. You didn’t want him to feel like this. Some days you asked yourself if this is what torture fells like. 
“Me too baby, but we will see each other again, I know it.” “We just need more patience.” 
You were going to text him an “I love you”, when the fourth thing that made your day terrible happened. Your charger overloaded and stopped working, further your phone turned off seconds later. You put your head against the desk, feeling like a literal mess. The worst part is that when you looked up to see the clock, it was only 11:27 AM. 
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After nine hours on campus, you were ready to go. The day transcurred as you predicted, horrid. The test was practically written in another language you didn’t study every night, in addition, your post anxiety didn’t help you to calm down. The only good thing that happened that day was that one of your classmates lent you their charger. When your phone started working, you found missed calls and messages from your boyfriend worried thinking something happened to you. You explained fast, leaving him with some relief. He told you to let him know when you were out on campus and as you promised, you texted him letting him know you were outside. While you wait for the bus in the freezing and dark night, he called you. 
“Hey baby” 
“Why are they keeping you in campus at this hour?” He said worried. You let out a sigh, tired. Not from him, but from this disgusting day. 
“My insufferable teacher, who didn't let us go before he could end the whole lesson. You should have seen it babe. I thought that literal vapor would come out of his ears when we told him we were supposed to go” You replied laughing, trying to ease your mind. But your boyfriend was doing it for you. Just by hearing his voice, you felt your body more relaxed. But you didn't hear a laugh in return. So you started to worry. Little did you knew that your golden boy's mind was working like a machine. 
“Where are you?” He asks, knowing the answer since he knew you, and your routine like the palm of his hand. 
“I’m at the bus stop, why?”  You respond, looking around at the emptiness of the street. You wait for his answer, yet instead you receive a hung up sound. He cut the call. You thought it was some connection issue, but he didn’t answer your calls, nor your texts. 
“Baby, what happened? Are you okay”“Babe”“Mark, I’m serious, what is going on?”“Dude, answer your phone.”
It passed two minutes after your last text when a black car made a turn in the corner of the street, coming in your direction. Since the street was silent, you could hear the loud music coming from inside. You let it pass, you thought it was a random car like other ones. It was when the car stopped in front of you and the window rolled down, when you realized it wasn’t random. Your vision showed your boyfriend seated in the backseat with a microphone in his hand. You cross your arms and raise an eyebrow, trying to act pissed since he didn’t answer your phone. Still inside of you, you were jumping out of happiness because he was there in front of you.
“Your hero to the rescue.” 
He said with the mic. You couldn't contain your smile, you wanted to hug him, however you didn't even have to take a step. He jumped out of the car and tucked you in, with his arms around your waist, resting his head in the crook of your neck. You wrapped your arms around his, feeling the tears coming to your eyes. You could feel his warmth and cologne, just the way you remembered. He took a step back and took your face gently. He looked at you with so much worship and caring, that you felt your heart melting in the process.
“My beautiful girl” He whispered before he kissed you with all his being. Desperate, but not rough. Full of love and adoration. You respond, enclosing your fingers in his hair. Everything in the world didn’t matter. What happened during the day was forgotten. He was finally there, kissing your lips, pulling you close, needed for your touch like you needed his. It was until the car honked as you returned to reality. Mark broke the kiss and nodded at the driver. He rush to take your hand and pulled you into the car. 
“Let's go, I have a whole date planned just for you.” You smile confused, stepping into the car and closing the door. 
“Baby, nothing is going to be open at this hour on a Monday.” You say, before noticing the things in the car. 
“Who said we were going somewhere?” You didn't know how, but there were disco lights illuminating the inside of the car. Also, your favorite snacks were in the middle seat. The driver who started moving the car couldn't be seen because of the wall separating the front and back of the car.
“Mark, what is this?” He just gives you the other mic and another kiss on your lips as you were distracted. His hand was in the nape of your neck, with his fingers wrapping your hair gently. Your breathing became heavier, pulling him close, grabbing the collar of his sweatshirt. He breaks the kiss and rest on your forehead. Smiling he responds.
“We are going to have a karaoke date. I need to practice my voice, you need to release stress. It's the perfect match.” He turns on the mic and takes out his phone to show you a playlist. You let out a gasp as your heart wrinkles. The playlist name was “For my Angel”, and it was full of your favorite songs. Even your favorite versions. “What do you say?” He asks with his mic, leaving a funny eco behind. You smile and turn on yours. 
“I say let's do this” You claim as you pressed play and a song of Olivia Rodrigo started to sound in the speakers. “Oh my god, babe, you know me so well” Shouting of excitement, you start to sing into the mic. Mark laughs and joins you, since one month ago when the album dropped, you made him learn the lyrics. You laugh, not believing this was happening. One moment ago, you thought you would declare this day to be the worst day of your life. However, the boy next to you, trying to sing in falsetto, made a 180-degree turn of it. 
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Both of you didn't care about what you sounded like, you were just goofing around and singing like your souls were ripping apart. After thirty minutes of singing, rapping and dancing, you’re tired and ask Mark to sing a solo. Since he loved karaoke, and you, he agreed gladly. Even when his throat started to feel dry. That was one of the things you loved about Mark. He always put his soul into things. It didn’t matter what it was or how, he always put his 100%. You smile at him trying to hit a high note of one of Justin Bieber songs, and let out a laugh in the process. You take his hand and caress it with your thumb, he looks at you surprised and stops singing. “What's wrong?”
“I love you” You whispered, hypnotized in his eyes. He smiles and leans over, holding your chin, gently giving you a kiss. It was slow and gentle, his lips were soft against yours, and they were moving with synchrony. Like he knew you in and out, what you needed, indeed. He broke the kiss, leaving a centimeter between you two, while he takes a lock of your hair and puts it behind your ear.
“I love you too” He replied also in a whisper looking at your face carefully, like he wanted to remember every single freckle or other aspect of your face. As he hasn't done it already. He first looks at your lips, the temptation incarnate. Nothing was as distracting and beautiful as your lips, simply he loved that. Then he looks up to your cheeks and nose. He loved to kiss them, to him, they were the cutest thing on your face. Then finally, he looks at your eyes. His favorite thing on planet earth. He claimed that they were as beautiful and unique as the sky. He always told you those things, many times before. Still, he repeated them, to make sure you remember how beautiful you are. You let out a nervous laugh because of his piercing look and lean your head, confused.  
“What?” He shakes his head as if it’s something stupid. “Just… I missed you so much.” He says as leans over to give you a kiss on the forehead. “So much” 
You feel his warm breathing in your left cheek as he goes down to kiss it. Then he does the same with your other cheek, before making a final move, laying a kiss on the top of your nose. He was taking his time filling your face with love and affection, like it was the last thing he was able to do. “I swear, I just can’t get enough of you” He says in the corner of your lips to place another kiss. You smile and try to look away from the embarrassment. His hands went again to your chin to make you look at him. You look at his lips, feeling in the inside of your body the tension you two missed over the last days. His gaze of pure affection makes you feel warm in your chest and butterflies in your lower stomach. He stays inches away from your lips, waiting for your approval, but clearly to you, he didn’t need it. You bend closer to him, eliminating the space between you two, pressing your lips together. Your hand was on his cheek, passing your fingers against his hair, while the other one was on his chest. Mark grabs your waist with a firm grip, approaching you to him. The kiss was desperate, full of passion, nothing like the past ones. “Come here” He whispers raspy, breaking the kiss to take air as he pushes you to his lap. Chills come down your spine when you listen to his tone. You put your legs around his body, your hands in the back of his neck. This time, he starts the kiss by grabbing your hair with one hand and the other one still holding your waist. He was moving his lips slowly but with a hungry matter, helpless by your body on top of him. Your body feels hotter by every move of your boyfriend, full of emotions forgotten through your days apart. As a reaction to all of this, you left out a whimper against his lips, leaving him enough space for him to enter his tongue to your mouth. You move your waist a little to feel him more, instantly, Mark groans in your mouth as a reaction. “Don’t tease me baby, please” He whispers, lowering his mouth to get to your neck. He presses his lips against your soft and now hot skin with a wet kiss, biting a little to taunt you. You bite your lower lip trying to stay quiet, he knew your weak point. “Now who is teasing?” You say mocking him. He laughs, leaving a warm sight that gives you chills. Then goes back to your lips fervently, his hands moving past your body without any shame. Yours were in his neck, trying to pull him closer with the nonexistent distance you had. When his hands were going under your shirt, you heard a knock in the wall that separated the two parts of the car. You stop instantly, looking at Mark with panic in your eyes. Reality hits you like cold water, you weren’t alone. Obviously, you forgot that. 
“What?” Your boyfriend asked, pissed because your moment was interrupted. “Mister Lee, you have five minutes. Then we have to go back to the company.” Mark cusses underneath his breath and closes his eyes. Now you understand why he was acting like he didn’t have enough time. He actually didn’t have it. “Okay, just… just keep driving, please.” He says, in conflict with himself, grabbing his temple. The car moved with the same speed as before. “I’m sorry I didn't tell you.” He says without looking at you with embarrassment. “They just gave me an hour recess, the members stayed at the company but I just… I just really wanted to see you” You were pissed, but not at him. You were mad at the universe, for tearing both apart. For the unfair situation. But you were not going to spend the last five minutes with your boyfriend for god knows how long, making a fuss. So you grab his chin to make him look at you. His gaze was angry, as also sad. The same feelings you had. You lean your forehead against his and close your eyes, sensing his skin with all your faculties. “It's okay. It doesn’t matter now.” His breathing got heavier as he shook his head. You also knew him like the palm of your hand. You knew his anxiety of the future was caving in. His mind having all the questions both of you didn’t have an answer. “Hey, focus on me.” You say, leaning a hand in his chest, the other one still in his head. You breathe calmly, trying for him to follow you. It’s difficult, but he does it with time. Then you start talking.
 “I love you. Nothing matters. That’s the only thing you need to think about now. Okay?” He doesn’t do anything, still with his eyes closed trying to keep his breath under control, you fear he is going to have a panic attack. After a while, he nods. You smile and give him a quick kiss. “You’re unstoppable.” He smiles remembering his text and opens his eyes, finally looking at you. “We are” he states, looking at you directly, with a gaze you think is full of starlight. You feel tears in your throat, but you swallow them. You don’t want to cry now. “That’s my golden boy” You gave him another kiss, this time longer but sweet. He stays still for a second, then wraps his arms around your body in a hug, breathing hard for the strong emotions inside him. If he had the power, he would steal you right now, and hide you where no one or nothing could stop him from loving you, over and over. You separate and rest on his forehead. He caressed your nose with his, then lefts a giggle out of his mouth. 
“How about one more song?” You say, grabbing his phone to look for one specific thing. He leans his head confused and tries to take a look, but you move away from his gaze. “C’mon, babe, let me see.” He says sulky, you laugh and shake your head. “You’ll see. Just wait a mo - oh, there it is.” You press play and the intro of Locked out of heaven from Bruno Mars starts to play. Mark leans his head back and screams. “Yo! Babe, that's my song!” You smile and start to get out of his lap, however, he pulls you back, holding your waist. “Where are you going? Sing with me.” He grabs the mic and starts to sing the first line, before leaning the mic to you to sing the second. You follow his dynamic with a goofy smile and start to sing, moving your head. When the song hits the chorus, the two of you sing in the same mic, enjoying yourselves totally. Screaming the lyrics to each other because you felt like you were locked out of heaven because of each other. As your love felt wrong and incorrect, clearly the world practically was keeping you apart, it felt so good. Like two angels intertwined on a mission to find and love one another. The bridge was coming along and Mark made a howling sound to the ceiling, you laughed and followed him, feeling more alive than ever. “Are you ready baby?” He asks, moving his head to the rhythm. You nod, smiling at him, watching how his excitement was filling his body. “Okay, let’s go!” He shouts before singing the bridge with you. You feel like all the happiness in the world was headed your way. Closing your eyes, singing your heart out with the man you loved. You look at him just when you both sang, “Can I just stay here?! Spend the rest of my days here?!” You observed how the veins of his neck were pumping out since he sang so loudly. His eyes closed, shrinking, trying to hit the right note. You smile, watching your boyfriend be happy before he goes. He then looks at you and locks his gaze with yours, holding your hand tight while the other still held the mic. Basically, the only thing that was separating your lips. Then he presses his forehead against yours to feel closer to you. “Can I just stay here?! Spend the rest of my days here?! Cause you make me feel like, I’ve looked out of heaven” You both sing to the mic, smiling and actually begging to god or whatever is up there, to let you stay with each other. You feel the tears coming to your eyes because this moment was about to end. You could barely sing anymore, so you stop and put your hand against your face. Mark drops the mic, letting the last part of the song go, to hold the back of your head and let you rest in his shoulder. You let yourself go and cry without any shame. Your boyfriend feels the tears coming as well, however he didn’t drop any of them. His concentration was fully into you. He kept stroking your hair and kissing your cheek repeatedly. With your fingers, you start to hold strongly to his sleeves. Believing, he wouldn't go away for that, unfortunately you and him didn't control that. 
The car stopped, and you started shaking your head, knowing what's coming next. “Baby” Marks whispers in your ear, fondling the back of your head with one hand and the other one on your waist. “Just one second” You instantly responded, holding him close without looking at him. You thought that if you did, your heart would break more than it already is. “Baby please, I need to-” “Just, just give a moment” Another knock from the wall came. “Mister Lee, we’re outside the company. You need to get out of the car” Mark was really trying to hold himself together at this point. “Give me one minute, please” He says with his jaw clenched, trying not to break something. “Y/n, please look at me. I’m not gonna forgive myself if you don't” He begs you, raising his hand to your cheek to separate you from his shoulder. You do, but you still look down sobbing, while looking at his chest. The heart of your boyfriend was broken by seeing you like this. He pressed his cheeks against yours, attempting to form a connection with you. He needed you to look at him, one last time. “Please y/n. Look at me” By his implore, you raise your gaze and meet his dark eyes. You instantly broke and Mark does it with you. “When you’ll be back?” You ask, wiping his tears away. He does the same with you, his lips forming a line. “I don't know. I have to stay at the dorm for the promotion, and then they want to do another comeback with dream.” You cursed and look at the ceiling, trying to stop your crying. “Hey, hey, no, no. We won't say goodbye like this.” He says, holding your head with his hands on your cheeks, making you look down. You close your eyes and cup his hand. “I don't want to say goodbye.” You whisper, finally opening your eyes. The man in front of you was tired. Of his schedule, his tireless work, and most importantly tired of being apart from you. A strong kiss closed the distance between both, and his breathing left strong through his nose. The kiss felt wet and salty because of your tears. Your hands were on the side of his head, pushing him to you. Mark deepened the kiss and you followed him gladly.  Both of you didn't want to separate, but sadly, breathing was necessary for you. When you broke the kiss, Mark says in your lips after. “Sorry, I said it wrong.” You look at him confused, as a response he gives you a quick kiss before saying. “It's a see you soon”.
The tears were appearing again, but he focused on kissing you. His hands were hugging your back, pulling you closer together. Your lips were in synchrony, however, they were interrupted by a knock on the window. “Dude, I say a minute please” Marks says against your lips trying to continue, suddenly the door open and shown your boyfriend's teammate, Johnny. “Hey y/n.” He says flirty, leaning his body to the door of the car. You feel the blood rising to your checks, and try to hide it in the neck of your boyfriend. “Hi” you say, still there. “Johnny, what are you doing here?” Mark ask, putting his hand in your hair to caress it. A laugh comes from the best friend of your boyfriend. “Taeyong is calling us to the practice room.” You also hear a pause, like he's taking it time to say what's next. “Sorry man, but we have to go. Now” You know he means it. Johnny was one of the first to support your relationship. He wanted to see Mark happy, same as you. So you thank him silently when he closed the door after he said. “You have 30 seconds to do whatever you please. But dude, I'm serious, 30 seconds.” Mark nods and sighs. You feel Jonny walking away a little, to give you space, and Mark started talking. “We don't have much time.” “I know” You answer, leaving his lap for good. He lets out a groan of disapproval, but you better step off now. You both stay quiet for a few seconds, just looking at each other, feeling each other hands. It was you who started the conversation. “What I told you before, it wasn't a lie” He settles to the side to see you better. “I know, but I can’t stop thinking about the damage that this is causing.” You get close and took his face. “Better to be like this together, than being apart” He analyzed you, trying to see any regret on your face, nevertheless, he didn’t find anything. “Unstoppable, remember?” You state, smiling, Mark gives you a little laugh and nod with his head. He leans closer to your face and kiss you gently, pulling a piece of your hair behind your ear. After you separate, you rest in his shoulder, with Mark leaving kisses in your forehead. “I love you” he whispers, caressing your arm with his fingertips, giving you chills in the process. “I love you too” you respond, giving him a kiss in the shoulder. He holds you close by wrapping his arms around you and placing his head on top of yours. You stay like that for a while.
After a few seconds, you hear a knock on the window. “Dude, I can’t extend this any longer.” Mark sighs and separates from you. Jonny leans against the car to wait for him. “See you soon?” Mark says, putting his hand against your check. “Yeah” you whisper before kissing him. The door opens and Johnny pulls Mark by the sleeve outside the car. “Let's go Romeo” He says, pushing him to the doors of the company. He almost trips by his best friend strength, but manage to stay on his feet. He turns and waves at you, walking backwards before entering the company. Your heart breaks by every step he took, and you let the tears that remain in your system fall in your face. “I had to take him out, if I didn't, he would probably run away with you.” Johnny states gently. You sniff and nod. “We don’t want that” You say looking at him, the expression he gave you was comprehensive. He shakes his head softly. “No, we don’t” What's best for Mark, apart from knowing him, that was the reason Johnny and you were friends. “The car is gonna drop you at home, so just try to relax. Okay?” He tells you, placing his arm against the door frame. You nod and try to wipe your tears and smile. “Take care of him for me, would you?” He laughs and nods. “It won’t be long, you know? It’s just because you love each other so much, that you think it is going to be an eternity before you see each other.” You giggle and sigh, resting your back on the seat. You suddenly felt tired. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” You respond, closing your eyes in the process. Johnny reads your body and leaves a small smile. “Have a safe travel, y/n” He says before closing the door. Yet before he closed the door you say “Thank you, Johnny, for everything.” You didn't see him, but he smiles at you with carrying and closes the door. After you hear two knocks on the roof of the car, this started moving. Your body felt palled after all those emotions, and you started to get sleepy. Before your whole system could go to the lands of dreams, you remember the words of Johnny. With a smile on your face, you start to feel hope. Believing truly that it won't be long before you see your golden boy again.
3 weeks later. 
Your legs were heavier than ever trying to climb the stairs of your building. Since you were on vacation, you decided to have a job full time in the cafeteria a few blocks away. Obviously now, you were regretting your decision. But hey, at least the money is always good. When you reach your floor, you feel relieve. At least, it was Friday. So you would have the whole weekend to relax. Sadly, you would have to do that alone. Mark was still busy with his calendar, however, he called every night to check on you. So you didn’t felt so sad about his absence.  When you get to your door, you open your bag pack to find your keys. The panic started to rise when you didn't find them there. You also opened the front pocket but again nothing. You curse and kick the door, angry. Now you had to look for the locksmith downstairs, which meant you had to experience the pain of your legs all over again. Just because you forgot your keys inside, when you left the apartment in the morning. When you started to walk away, preparing yourself for torture, you feel the door open. You turn scared believing it was a ghost, however the surprise came in when you see your boyfriend, leaning in the door frame holding your keys with his finger. “Your hero to the rescue, again.” He says with the raspy voice you missed. You gasp, covering your mouth in surprise. Your brain couldn’t load the information that was happening. “Dude, you're kidding” You say, still with your hand on your mouth. He smiles at how cute your reaction is. “I'm not.” In a quick movement, he takes your arm to pull you to him and give you a passionate kiss. His lips moving, with hunger and desire. Your tiredness and lack of motivation stop from existing. Your backpack drops from your shoulder but Mark grabs it quickly with one hand. The other one was reaching down your lower back, pulling you closer to feel him more. He breaks the kiss to go lower to your neck. You bit your lip to not let any embarrassed sound come out, since you were still in the hallway. “Inside now” You whisper with need in his ear. He grins against your neck and pulls you to the apartment to not waste any more time to love you. 
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sgiandubh · 11 days
Fans subscribed to FMN gin's mailing list receive 'news coming soon' messages. It looks like T is excited to get into the drinks business too...
Dear Mailing List Anon,
I would be quite surprised, even having seen this:
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There has consistently been 0 movement in both (UK and IE) companies (and even in the third, IE, company - IYKYK) for at least a year, now. But hey, if the ad says so, amen.
Hell, I even saw this, haven't I?
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I have thoughts and questions. Let's unpack:
'We hope you didn't forget about us.' - oh, wait: Forget Me Not -> forget about us. Wow. Seriously? A bit underwhelming. On which planet is a cheap, mild pun classy?
'to find more about our long awaited batch'. Ok, folks. Zero corporate social media engagement since at least December 2020:
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30k views and 6 comments in three years and a half is what I would call miserable social media traction. Zero client service: even those hopeful six comments were never answered. It would have taken ten minutes tops to do so!
So, long awaited by who? C's Stans? Orgasmically, if I dare say so. C's fans? Perhaps, but since few people got a chance to sample it, a friendly, but classy nudge was in order - not a 'Dear Jane Doe' email : she is not that famous (yet). Outside the OL bubble? I don't want to sound mean, but I'd be damned if I know why someone would use 'long awaited' for some vanity project by a lesser-known actress.
'In the meantime, why not get reacquainted with our founder (...)'. Cognitive dissonance alert: either the product was long awaited for, by a crowd that knows reasonably well enough about the founder, the projects, the socials (unused since December 2020 - reminds me of that forlorn 🎄). Or you'd have to get reacquainted to all this stuff - I mean, how more obviously can that copywriter sabotage the brand & its creator in two lines and 30 seconds?
How long is that 'meanwhile'? Pics were taken in the spring of 2023 (remember Dr. Eustace? LOL for days) and she looks completely disinterested. That picture could be literally anything: a magazine spread, a tell-all memoir cover, a pic taken at a party. How is this aligned with whatever the brand identity is - mystery. I know it wants to be classy and mysterious, but the color palette immediately made me think of...
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[Aaron Shikler - JFK's official Presidential Portrait, 1971,The White House - poignant and soulful, but this is my beloved JFK, not a classy 40-something successful woman]
Why? Gin is fresh and festive and fun and oh, so easy. Why choose a melancholy, emotive color trope is just beyond me.
C is a woman of strength. I miss that woman. I want to see that woman blossom and confidently sell her shtick. Instead, I am shown a confusing, blurry Greta Garbo-esque silhouette.
Last, but not least: you take the time to send all those mails suggesting a 'pre-sale op', you should at least update your socials, because you expect clicks, isn't it? Why sending it at all, if you mean to come back in six hours or more, with an update? That information should have been simultaneously made available on FMN's website and on ALL the socials - all those people who clicked on your links are potential clients, after all.
Right now:
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Nothing. Lord give me strength.
My take on it? A second limited batch, with lackadaisical availability, zero client relations and a much belated explanation for the use of profits to charity.
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Eurovision is chaotic, a million things are happening at the same time, everything is all over the place until you get on stage and do your part. Even so, Eddie finds plenty of time to recall all the moments in which he talked About Stef- Steve when he was around, thinking he wouldn't understand any of it.
After the Turquoise Carpet, Eddie can't look him in the eye anymore, his strong desire to get to know Steve more even through the "language barrier" has been overcome by the embarrassment of his situation.
For better or worse, Corroded Coffin is assigned to perform in the second Semifinal, while Italy (being one of the Big5) is presented during the first but will go straight to the Final, meaning that Eddie only has a chance to see him again if they qualify.
Except that Steve, by giving a little tease to the press of what had been going on between them in the past few weeks, had lightened up a fire hard to extinguish. Even if Eddie hadn't managed to see him after the carpet, he and the rest of the band are asked about him constantly by the press, social media content creators, fans, and even by a few contestants.
In a span of a couple of days, his band got, completely by accident, into a competition for Stefano's heart and Eddie is the least willing participant.
The night of the Second Semifinal arrives and Eddie hasn't really seen Steve in four days, not that he's counting. Maybe seeing Steve before his semifinal would've helped with his nerves, an ideal scenario would include Steve confessing that he actually didn't know English until he met Eddie and he used Duolingo to become fluent just to talk to him (which would mean that Steve is the actual linguistic prodigy but he wouldn't really complain).
For a long second, Eddie thinks that his daydreaming skills must've reached new levels as he imagines Steve walking into the green room, where all the contestants hang how as they wait to perform. Then, with horror, he realizes that there has been no improvement in said skills and that Steve is actually there, walking towards their couch with an Australian flag on his shoulders.
"Hey guys! Thank you for inviting me!" Steve says as he reaches their spot.
"Thank you for coming, I'm sure you're super busy as we all are" Jeff replies, revealing himself as the culprit (aka the one guilty of betraying Eddie by inviting his crush behind his back).
"Oh yeah, these days have been crazy! But I always have time for my favorite contestants" he winks at the group, before sitting in the small space between Eddie and Jeff.
Steve turns around to face Eddie and says “ciao” lower than his previous tone, as if Eddie is the only one meant to hear.
“C-ciao” Eddie replies, still stunned by Steve’s presence.
Steve seems to have the time of his life teasing Eddie “mi sei mancato.”
This one takes a little longer for Eddie to understand. He knows he said something along the lines of “I missed you” but it takes him a couple of seconds more to understand that Steve is talking about the messages and the gifts he stopped sending to his changing room since Sunday.
Eddie could give him a million excuses, come clean about his embarrassment, ask him out on a date on the spot, or even play dummy and change the subject quickly.
Instead, he mutters one of the phrases he remembers learning in the past few days “mi dispiaci.”
His Italian must’ve been better than he thought, judging by the big smile forming on Steve’s face.
“It’s okay” Steve pats his hand on Eddie’s knee and squeezes it for half a second, still smiling at him as if they’ve been sharing a big fat secret just between them. Maybe they have.
The rest of the evening passes in a blur. They keep on playing their game of “who’s Stefano crushing on?” By sitting together in compromising positions (still keeping it family friendly of course) every time the Australian booth is in the frame during the performance breaks, and each time with a different member of the band.
By the time Australia has to perform, the internet is already filled with screenshots of each moment and it’s captioned with “What is going on between Italy and Australia?” Or “Oh to be Italy with 4 beautiful Australian boyfriends”.
When it’s time for them to go on stage, Steve whispers a “buona fortuna” to Eddie’s ear and quickly exits the green room.
Corroded Coffin does an amazing performance, Eddie feels giddy and full of energy after spending the whole night with Steve sitting by his side.
If the performing part passed in a blur, the wait for the votes is painfully slow. With no beautiful Italian Greek-sculptured god sitting by his side, Eddie is left to his bad habit of overthinking: “We should’ve done that in a different way” “What if it sucked for the people watching at home?” “If we don’t pass, we won’t be with Steve for the final”.
But alas, he’s put out of his misery by the hosts announcing Australia as one of the finalists. The band and their team jump off of their seat, waving the Australian flag to the camera that is showing their celebrations for the people at home.
Eddie is too caught up in the moment to notice Steve approaching them as the announcements keep going.
He feels someone tapping on his shoulder and he barely has time to turn around before he feels Steve’s lips pressed on his.
It’s a quick peck on the lips but it leaves him stunned nonetheless.
Steve smiles at him mischievously as he says “ci vediamo in finale.”
And he’s off as quick as he came, leaving Eddie to process what just happened.
What a night to remember.
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