#would only want to be called by her agent codename (when i think of it) and NOT by her name. would only tell it to u after YEARS AND YEARS
corntort · 2 years
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NEW BLORBO ! she’s unnamed for now but she’s awesome
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flurrys-creativity · 10 months
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internecine (adj.) - mutually destructive
Pairing: Johnny Suh (NCT) x GN!Reader; Genre: SpyxFamily AU, Secret Agent AU, Crime AU, Romance, Angst; Rating: sfw, pg-15; Warnings: mentions of a secret agency, use of codenames, yelling, losing a kid, mentions of a hostage situation, fighting, bad dogs, more fighting, police, a kiss; Wordcount: 2.704
Summary: A spy was supposed to stay unattached, yet Johnny had to get a family for his mission. When his fake wife called in tears, Johnny immediately rushed to her aid. Though he would never admit his attachment to her. Of course.
A/N: Sooooo over a year ago @mingsolo​ @daemour and I talked about idols fitting the Loyd Forger role and somehow we all agreed on writing each our suggestions with a fitting situation based on Spy x Family. I know @mingsolo​ waited a loooong time for us to finish and I honestly don’t know where the inspiration suddenly came from but boom, here we are!
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“Midnight! Are you even listening?” 
Johnny flinched from the booming voice addressing him. He turned his attention back to the boss of the organisation, looking at him with expectant eyes as if he didn’t just drift off with his thoughts. 
But how couldn’t he? Ari had made incredible progress at school, even more than Johnny had hoped for and when they celebrated it at home Mark gave her the ridiculous idea that she wanted a pet.
Johnny sighed internally, remembering how he barely even tried to tell her no. As soon as the water works started, he just couldn’t do anything about it. So he reluctantly agreed, letting Ari go to the adoption fair with you.
Now he couldn’t think of anything else. At first Johnny thought this would be the perfect time for him to update the organisation about his mission but instead of listening to the new intel he was supposed to receive, he only thought about you and Ari instead.
Ari had already been the target of some thugs before and other bad guys had seen your face when you two met for that date. 
A small smile spread over his lips, remembering how he mixed up missions and introduced himself as your husband instead of your boyfriend. You had played along so easily, making the scene a whole lot less awkward. 
Even though Johnny knew you were able to defend yourself it was something totally different with a six year old in tow. He remembered how limited his own movements got when he had to rescue Ari once.
“Midnight! I am talking to you!”
Johnny’s eyes widened, surprised he drifted off with his thoughts yet again. This wasn’t like him. What was it about you that made him lose his mind on an almost daily basis? 
Sure, he and the success of his mission most importantly were dependent on you two. Without you his mission would fail but more often than not Johnny had started to wonder whether his thoughts were more than just because of the success.  He caught himself doing things for Ari or you that had nothing to do with the mission. Things that wouldn’t even work towards the success of it and yet he still did them.
Like carrying Ari to bed, covering your sleeping form with a blanket. Johnny stopped trying to carry you as well after he learned you were a light sleeper and always tried to attack him whenever he picked you up. Unless you had something to drink. You quickly got tipsy, which was quite adorable in his opinion, and got even slightly dangerous when drunk, but as soon as you got knocked out from the alcohol you slept like a baby.
His supervisor was about to yell at him again when his phone started to ring loudly.
Johnny lurched forward and grabbed his phone, accepting the call as soon as he saw your ID on the screen. “Y/N? Hey!” Without even noticing Johnny clutched the edge of the table until his knuckles turned white, staring off into the distance with wide eyes as he impatiently waited for you to say something. Adrenaline rushed through his system from the building worry inside his stomach. Which made it even harder for him to hear anything besides his own rapid heartbeat.
“I’m so sorry”,  you hiccuped, “we were looking at some snakes together but when I turned around Ari was suddenly gone. I can’t find her.”
“I’m on my way!” Johnny snatched his stuff from the table and rushed out of the room, ignoring the calls behind him and the weird stares he received. All he could focus on was getting to you as fast as possible.
You heard the shouts on the other end of the call, followed by the echo of quick steps and Johnny trying to talk to you while breathing heavily. You then heard the beep of an unlocking car and the slam of a door, before the soft rumble of the engine filled your ear. 
“What if she ran outside?” 
Johnny barely heard your mumbling between your sniffling. “If that’s the case we’ll look for her together. I’ll be there in five minutes, okay? Wait for me!”
You ran out of the fair, still clutching the phone to your ear as you paced the street up and down. Your gaze skipped around the area, hoping to see that familiar mop of hair.
The second Johnny turned into the street of the fair his eyes landed on your wandering form. He parked the car and jumped out, rushing over to you. Johnny grabbed both your shoulders and quickly scanned you from head to toe, making sure you were unharmed, before he pulled you into a bone crushing hug. 
You wrapped your arms around his middle and hid your face in his chest, apologising over and over again for losing Ari.
Johnny patted your head reassuringly, slowly calming you down with his soothing aura and deep voice. “It’s going to be alright. We’re going to find Ari. Don’t worry, love.” He held you for a moment longer, waiting until you felt ready to let go of him.
With new determination you stepped back and nodded. “She must still be at the fair. I guess I wasn’t as thorough as I thought in my panic.”
Before you could apologise again, Johnny interrupted you: “It’s alright. Two pairs of eyes are better than one, so let us go and check again.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the large building of the fair.
Though when he wanted to push the door open, it didn’t budge. A frown appeared on his face as he tried pulling the door and it still didn’t move a bit. 
“Could they have closed this quickly?” You wondered out loud, your gaze wandering along the glass front that was now covered up. “I could have sworn ten minutes ago I was still able to see all the different puppies and kitties through the windows.”
“Something isn’t right”, Johnny grumbled and pulled you along the building. “Did you notice anything odd when you first arrived at the fair today?” 
You frowned in thought, eyes skipping from side to side as you recounted your memories. “Not really” - you shook your head - “Ari met a lot of her classmates and their parents but that’s it.”
“How many?”
“Maybe ten? I don’t know, I got nervous introducing myself to their parents.” You bit on your lower lip and tried your hardest to remember every encounter you had. A deep sigh escaped your mouth once you realised you couldn’t pinpoint the exact number. “I’m sorry. I’m sure it is around ten classmates but it could be like eight or twelve too.”
“Even eight classmates with their parents are quite a lot. If someone knew of that they would have the perfect opportunity to strike.”
“What do you mean?” Dread settled in your stomach as you listened to Johnny, fearing the worst already.
“A pet fair doesn’t have the same security level as our prestigious academy. If they have any security at all.” Johnny stopped in front of a vent. He had no time to explain how he, as a supposed psychiatrist, knew how to sneak into a building but he would worry about an excuse after they got Ari again.
You stood next to him, watching him silently as he pulled a pocket screwdriver out of his wallet and skillfully loosened the screws of the vent. Personally, you would have chosen a much rougher version of getting inside but you couldn’t let Johnny see that version of yourself. You were supposed to be a doting housewife after all.
Johnny crawled into the vent first and helped you inside afterwards. He silently navigated the way through the narrow space. After a while Johnny stopped. He pointed at his ear and then ahead of himself, hoping you’d understand his message before he continued to move ahead.
Both of you stopped at an opening, seeing the pet fair in front of you - except the people were missing. The only thing they heard were the various amounts of pets playing, whining, yipping or squeaking.
“Where’s everyone?” You whispered under your breath, fearing even that volume would be too much and reveal your position.
Johnny shrugged with his shoulders and started unscrewing the opening. Once he stepped outside he helped you too and placed the opening back to hide their tracks. 
Now that you two stood upright you were able to oversee the whole fair. There was a double door leading to the private rooms, which didn’t seem guarded.
You pulled at Johnny’s sleeve and pointed towards the seated crowd at one corner of the fair. The people anxiously looked towards the both of you but didn’t dare to make a move or a sound. 
The moment of confusion vanished the second you two heard a threatening growl behind you. “Trained dogs”, Johnny mumbled and pulled you behind him. He slowly backed away from the dogs while his gaze roamed around the area, hoping to find something useful.
Alerted from the growls, two more large dogs showed up baring their teeth. They pushed you towards the group of hostages, where a fourth guard dog was waiting.
“What are we going to do?” Your eyes darted over the crowd, noticing how none of the children were there. Anger and worry flared up inside of you, picturing the worst happening to Ari. Without hesitation you grabbed the strap of your purse and slapped it across the nuzzle of one of the dogs. “Bad dog!”
Johnny stared at you for a moment, stunned you moved out of the hiding spot behind him and actively attacked trained guard dogs.
You swiftly moved out of the way as one dog jumped forward and slammed the back of your hand on the back of the dog’s head, knocking it out in the process. “You will not keep me away from my little Ari!”
Johnny followed suit and helped you knock out the remaining dogs. As soon as he deemed the threat being taken care of he turned to the crowd. After a few questions to gather a little more intel Johnny guided the group to the exit, letting them go and asking them to notify the police.
You on the other hand couldn’t care less about these people. You simply walked towards the double doors, pushing them open and finding yourself in a long hallway that spread out to both sides with several more rooms.
“My papa and mama will be coming and saving all of us!” 
Your head snapped towards the direction of Ari’s voice. You hurried towards it but Johnny grabbed your arm and pulled you back again, placing one finger over his lips. 
Both of you listened to the conversation. The booming voice of a male sent chills down your spine. “Your parents are paying a hefty sum to buy your freedom, let alone their own freedom. Don’t be so cocky about having rich parents!”
“They will come here and hit you like kawoom!”
“That’s enough from you!”
You flinched upon hearing the slap. Before Johnny could hold you back, you slammed the door open. Your eyes quickly scanned the room, seeing all the children huddled in one corner and Ari crouching at the front.
As she looked up with teary eyes, holding her stinging cheek, you could only see red. You threw your purse at the back of the head from the man, getting his attention immediately.
“What the-” He growled threateningly and stormed towards you. His large hands were about to grab you when you dropped down and punched him in the gut, making him double over. You stepped back and watched him go down on his knees before you roundhouse kicked him in the face.
Johnny stared at you with wide eyes. He knew you could be dangerous but he never expected to witness something like this. He actually questioned himself when you snapped out of this rage mode and hurried over to Ari, being back to the sniffling and crying mess he had encountered first.
“What is going on here?”
You quickly pushed Ari behind you and turned around, ready to charge at the new threat at any given moment. 
Though when you turned around you saw Johnny already dodging the first punch. His fighting style contradicted yours in any possible way. While you went straight for the target and created the most damage while doing that, Johnny played with his target - taunting and teasing his opponent until they made a mistake. 
You were most destructive on a physical level but Johnny included mind games, making him most destructive on a psychological level.
Johnny hit his opponent on the back of his neck, knocking him unconscious. With an amused exhale Johnny turned back to you and Ari. He crouched down next to you, his eyes locked with yours until Ari pushed herself between you two.
“Are you hurt?” He asked and cupped her cheek softly, frowning as he still saw the imprint from the slap Ari received earlier. Yet she still shook her head and gleamed up at him.
“I knew you were coming! I told everyone my mama and papa would save us!”
“You were so brave”, you whispered and wrapped your arms around Ari, holding her tightly, “so, so brave.”
Ari grabbed Johnny’s hand and pulled him into the embrace as well, giggling in satisfaction when he hugged both of you. 
“I’m proud of you”, he added as he leaned down and kissed Ari’s forehead.
“Of mama too!”
You were about to protest when Johnny grabbed your chin and turned your face towards his. “I’m proud of you too”, he said firmly and pecked your cheek, smirking upon your flustered state.
Ari turned to look at you with a knowing glint in her eyes. “Of papa too”, she simply stated and waited for you to act on it.
You swallowed nervously and your gaze dropped to his lips for a split second. “Of course we’re proud of you too”, you said, trying to sound as firmly as Johnny did before but failing miserably once you giggled nervously.
“They’re here!”
Both you and Johnny spun around highly alert again, only to relax when several police officers came into the room. You pulled Ari into your arms, carrying her as Johnny guided you out of the way, still shielding the both of you protectively. 
As the police officers arrested the criminals and guided the children back to their parents, the three of you stayed back.
“We still haven’t found a pet for you”, you remembered out loud with a hint of regret, “and I don’t think the fair will continue today.”
Ari snickered in your hold and carefully opened the jacket she wore. “I found a pet, mama.” A white ball of fur peaked its head out from the jacket, the black nose curiously wiggling around as it sniffed the air. “Can I keep it?”
“We still need to officially adopt it”, Johnny told her, patting her head with a soft smile. “Lead the way to where you got it from and then all of us can go back home.”
You let Ari back down onto her own two feet, watching her skipping happily towards the door. Your focus on the small child only wavered when Johnny grabbed your hand again and pulled you to his side.
“I think you forgot something.”
You stared at him with wide eyes, feeling the panic rise inside of you again while your mind frantically rummaged through your memories. 
“You were proud of me”, Johnny teased you with an expectant look. He watched realisation hit you before it got replaced with your nervousness again. “Can you say it again?”
You inhaled deeply, trying to calm your pounding heart. “I am proud of you”, you said and looked into Johnny’s eyes.
A smirk played over his features as he cupped your face and pulled you in for a kiss, sealing his emotions for you and for Ari with it.
“Mama, papa! Hurry up!”
Reluctantly Johnny broke the kiss again, his eyes searching yours. “We should go before Ari disappears again.”
© all rights reserved  
Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland
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grahamcarmen · 9 months
Have a lot of asks and takes so just gonna dump them all here:-
opinion on chase and dexter.
you know i really want carlotta to meet the faculty and coach brunt and gray.
carlotta is gonna get such a biased version of gray that it cackles me up.
I can just imagine carmen telling her about gray and her response is "so you inherited my taste in bad boys".
you know, i understand why people think that if el topo killed someone he'll feel really guilty nut like he's the one to remind crackle that no witnesses should be left behind he's a cinnamon roll who can kill you.
rn i'm giggling at the idea of someone catching carmen and grey making out.
Commander is adorable.
1)i like them! Chase i maintain has the best line about the trufffles in his brain in s2. vivid imagery. poetic. and he gets such a solid and clear arc so congrats dude!! i really also like in s1 where he doesn't really buy that mimebomb is important but does have a tactic to keep tabs on him . tenacious, resiliant, and really intelligent sometimes. a lot of fun to watch and occasionally hear the out of pocket things he can say, he starts out abrasive but seeing him soften up and do what he can do best is fun and rewarding
dexter we don't get much but he was literally so!!! for getting only barely caught on cameras dating carms mom (which he refused to stop doing heck yeah <3) and doing his best to long con his way OUT of VILE for all of their sakes. and as a VILE agent? he was so smooth like steal those jewels, fly away, get paid for minimal teaching...ajsdnfasdkfn cool. RIPERONIS you were pretty cool
i really hope that carmen gets told by her mom that she has her dads eyes it was such an awwww moment when she said it. :( + just ugh can you imagine the conversations if she gets even more hints of similar things between them...ughhhhh carmen would really hold that dear...
2) hmmmmmmm like i really am into maybe her mom wanting to occasionally help carmen and that could happen VIA that (faculty and brunt) as for GRAY...
3) asdkjfnaslkfdjasd ok carmen gives literally all of gray's good points in such heart eyes and happy voice that the context of how carmen knows this just like makes her go "WAIT WAT" but lmao the idea of them falling for bad boys who are actually so soft and will do whatever it takes and actually turn over a new leaf <3 [i do think she might be a little harsher in her opinion on gray at first because thats her baby >:( waddyumeanyou! but like
:(it was everything...it was literally everything he held dear for carmen to exist and ugghhhhhhhhh i can't with them.
and like a changed person who her daughter has so much love for and obviously loved her enough to do that?? plus her mom runs an orphanage like i want to see him try to wiggle his way in the middle of respectful and being called out for old habits he can't shake yet and not being used to her brand of warmth. or her just asking him to keep watch the kids so she and carmen can have a day together mijo :((((((
and him being decent at corralling all those kids...not great he almost lost a couple but decent (he is good at charming distractions but gets snippy at the troublemakers if any...he's the only troublemaker allowed there<3) + always my evidences that he was the one who split up carmen and sheenas fights, the boys looked at him when they needed help at the tunnel, lmao he actually did have a decent distraction of codenames at the ready, and he's a head patter with a chill laid back disposition he projects...he can distract them with candyland for an hour...i think he can catch their attention like lmao he has such de facto group leader energy even if its not what he primarily does/the role he always wants...can he hold it tho...
or even a seriousish conversation after with gray realizing that was her trusting him lol + just long way round is still the way around conversation
5)...is that a thing? i mean el topo initially felt really bad about carmen because they were friends and might* have felt bad for shadowsan because he was his teacher but le chevre just tells him to focus on the bad parts of his class to get over it. old man in the desert who he has no attachment to? crackle remember to kill him + next time le chevre/ el topo both get over any lingering attachments and el topo even captures carmen with a smile and an ho-la. cinnamon roll who can kill.
7) COMMANDER ...is cute <3
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dxwnfxll · 1 year
Um, hi. I was wondering if you could write about Dr Bright with an S/O who was formerly an assassin from the GOC who was tasked with killing Bright and bringing the amulet back to the GOC but instead fell in love with Bright and he eventually learns the truth because his S/O finally told him? It's fine if you don't want to, I just thought I'd ask since you're once of the only people who still writes about him. Thanks
Sure! And if i am correct from your other question you wanted to replace the GOC as the chaos insurgency soooo i'll do that!
N/n= Nickname/codename
As always Dr Amar replaces Bright/Shaw
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Dr. Amar with an ex assassin oc
-a few years back you had once worked for the Chaos insurgency, you were once a highly skilled assassin valued by the CI (short for chaos insurgency) you were usually one of the first few candidates they chose to send on more 'dangerous' missions.
-you remember the day they called you in, you were training with a friend at one of the training rooms. A new recruit had walked in as you practiced hand to hand combat on the punching bag in front of you. They walked over to you "Agent N/N" you stopped grabbing the bag and looking at them "yeah?"
-They straightened up as they spoke "mission for you, very urgent. Said for you to head out immediately." They handed you a folder, you nodded "understood."
-the mission had been simple, kill the host of 963, carefully retrieve the amulet and get your ass back to the base.
-When you were first brought in, another CI agent had talked their way into letting you in. The man undercover as a 'Dr. Lunar' had shown you the ropes and what you needed to know. This was your first time inside an actual site, usually you were always outside of it with a sniper in hand.
-now you walked around in a lab coat bearing the name 'Dr. L/n' on a badge secured on a lanyard around your neck. You looked around for the doctor pretending to simply be following Dr. Lunar until there they were.
-the ginger person stood not that far from you, their current body being that of a woman. Her hair was up in a bun as he looked over something on their phone leaning against the wall.
-you went to grab the knife by your side as Dr. Lunar stopped you, he whispered "not yet." And let go of your arm. You knew from that what type of mission this was going to be..a long one.
-befriending the researcher was not easy, she always seemed to be busy. Always walking away just as you said hello, at least he'd usually apologize before walking away to some important matter.
-you two finally became friends though after you caught her in the break room, it had been 2 weeks total since you had been sent here undercover. You walked into the break room hearing them hum.
-they stopped before turning around just a bit to see you "oh hey there Dr uhhh" she squinted trying to read your tag "L/n. I haven't seen you around much, you new here?"
-You nodded and told the lie that had been drilled into your head by Dr. Lunar "yeah and no, i transferred here from containment site 25-B." Dr. Shaw nodded "ah, well guess it's not that much of a change for ya huh? Except no fear of an ancient warrior breaking out anytime soon huh?" She joked
-you nodded "oh yeah, now i just have to worry about an overgrown lizard wanting a midnight snack" Dr. Amar snickered at that "at least we can control when it's let out or not"
-you two began to grow close after that, weeks slowly began to turn into months as you still remained undercover. Your bosses checking on you every couple weeks or so to see how progress was, but now that you began to think fully about it..did you really want to take 963 back?
-you felt so..at ease around him, you wanted to protect the chaotic doctor and completing this mission would lead into only betraying them.
-as your boss called you that night you made up your mind, you didn't answer. You let it ring, you knew if you just didn't pick up they'd think you were dead. That the Foundation had found you, that you were probably rotting in some cell.
-and you were right, after that night they didn't call back..ever. You were most likely dead to the CI, and from now on you were Dr. L/n Dr. Amars..friend
-the months blended together until three years had passed, within those years so much had happended. You made more friends, got promoted, and fell for Dr. Amar.
-she had asked you out one warm summer night, as you sat on the roof of site-19 watching the stars. For once you were able to watch them without the worry of needing to shoot someone, you heard footsteps behind you and turned your head to see the ginger.
-you smiled at them "hey Jack" she smiled back at you sitting down "hey Y/n" they watched the stars with you "y'know..i like moments like these, we should have more of them"
-you looked at him "oh?" You had a feeling you knew what they were asking, as Jack looked at you she nodded "yeah..wanna go out?" You snickered a bit at how blunt he was with the question "yeah..i'd love to"
-that had been a year ago, life was perfect for the next year or so. You two were partners and you'd do anything for her, he was the love of your life and you felt nothing could tear you apart
-until you remembered your past, why you even came here. You wanted to continue to lie to Jack and hope it would be enough, but eventually you'd get caught..you knew you would.
-you fought with yourself until ultimately deciding what you needed to do. You called Jack to your dorm, you both would talk about this..as much as you didn't want to you needed to.
-it didn't take very long for Jack to get to your dorm, but it felt like Jack had taken hours to get there. But that was just your nerves, you were nervous..not just about being possibly killed for once being a CI assassin, but also scared to lose the person you loved.
-Jack sat on your couch next to you, you fidgeted with your hands as you just blurted it out "i was once an assassin sent to kill you and take 963, i'm so sorry i'm no longer with them i-" she cut you off "i know."
-you felt your blood run cold as you looked at them "huh.." Jack's usual goofy looking face had been replaced with a serious and even..scary face. No smile, his eyes didn't shine, and a shadow seemed to cover his face just a bit somehow
-Jack spoke "i know what you were..i figured it out after you told me you were from containment site 25-B." You cocked an eyebrow "how?" He smiled, a smile that didn't seem genuine but..dark. "Everyone there was killed in an incident involving SCP 076-2."
-you scooted away from him a bit "i'm sorry Jack..i really am i never wanted to-" he spoke again interrupting you "stop apologizing. I know you left, you've already made it up." He got up
-as he cracked his fingers he looked back at you still sitting on the couch "you're one of us now, your past doesn't matter let's just forget it." He gave you a smile before walking to the door "see you after work."
-and so he left, he left as your mind filled with more questions. You didn't know to either be at ease..or scared."
Hope you enjoyed!
Requests always open!
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ellemany · 2 years
YoKye Week #5 - Nostalgia
Words: 400 (non-edited)
 "The agent Viper, codename Pandemic, was shot in the arm. The wound is"
 There's a carnations and roses bouquet in front of Skye, blocking her vision of her report. She frowned at the flowers and followed the one that was holding it. She grimaced, looking at Yoru with disdain.
-Hey… - He smiled, charming.
 Skye rolled her eyes, pushing his hand away and getting back to work. Yoru signed. She was angry with him since he screwed up the mission. And… Well, a lot of other things. He looked at the flowers, playing with its petals.
-Remember when I tried to flirt with you for the first time? - He said softly. - I offered flowers and called you flower girl. You got so pissed that you broke my nose. - He smiled a little, touching his nose. - It's still crooked… You and Sage didn't want to completely fix it.
 Skye pressed her lips together, stopping with her work.
-Even then… I tried again… And you said that I would have a chance only when I became less selfish… - Yoru spinned the bouquet in his fingers, thinking about all the times that Skye dumped him before they even started dating. For god's sake, that woman scolded him more than his own mother. That's how he knew that she cares about him. - I'm still working on it but… Being with you… All this time… I learned a lot and…
 - It was leaves. - She interrupted him, crossing her arms above the table. - I thought you were offering me weed.
 Yoru smiled, finally receiving an answer from her.
-No. It was flowers. I remember.
-You don't remember a shit. - She rolled her eyes, getting up from her chair. - I didn't break your nose because you called me flower girl. Even though you deserve it. - Skye crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes to Yoru. His smile only got bigger. - It was an accident and I already say I'm sorry. Get over it.
 Yoru bite his lower lip, holding the bouquet in front of his face. He looked at Skye with puppy eyes.
-It was an accident and I already say I'm sorry. Get over it. - He repeated, imitating Skye's accent.
 She looked from him to the flowers. She snapped her tongue, pulling out the bouquet from Yoru's hands.
-Fine. -Skye made an angry face while Yoru seemed very happy. - But just because I like carnations.
+ Bônus: Yoru often buy Skye's forgiveness with flowers that he cultivated himself
Thx for reading (๑ > ᴗ < ๑)
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at some point i just want Vespa to find out that if Nureyev did actually talk about her behind her back during their time on the Carte Blanche it was always something like
nureyev: vespa cannot ever find out that i find her surliness charming. can you imagine how that would go over? she already acts like she wants to beat me up and steal my lunch money rita: yeah and you need that lunch money mista’ ransom you don’t know how to cook nureyev: exactly
nureyev: i know vespa doesn’t trust me because i can’t reveal my name and that’s fair but she thinks my aliases are dumb, they’re not dumb right? right rita? rita: i’m real sorry mista’ ransom but you gotta know the only reason i thought you were a real Dark Matters agent was that i figured they had someone makin’ up the codenames and you’d done somethin’ to annoy them nureyev: ah. well. it worked, did it not?
nureyev: rita i’m calling to order an emergency meeting of the Secret Ms Vespa Fan Club rita: *appears with snack bags* what happened mista’ ransom? nureyev: i wither in despair and envy because vespa ilkay has better biceps than i ever will and she would never in a thousand years give me workout tips rita (giggly, eyes glazed over, because she was there that morning when vespa passed through the kitchen in a tank top after sparring practice with jet in the garage): ms vespa... stronk nureyev (mournfully): indeed
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binniesthighs · 3 years
call me babydoll | reader x chan
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soooo shhhh this actually a part one shhhh but i’m just trying out writing out different things and getting out some of my ideas outta my head that i’m really excited about, this one being one of them!! for now...just pretend that this is just a regular ol’ drabble hehehehe. this part is the set-up chapter (shhh i mean drabble) 
Pairing: self insert, female reader x bang chan 
Genre: fluff, smut, and angst 
Tags: (overall) bodyguard au, moderndayprince!chan, bodyguard!reader, secret agent au, royal au, action and peril, plot driven, running out of time, slow-ish burn, growing feelings, softswitch!chan, hardswitch!reader, some skz side characters, jeongin third wheel and comedic relief LOL, travelling, chan being expensive and having a lil bit of a superiority complex, flirtyyyy chan, bits of mystery, explicit language, mentions of food and alcohol, idk think like 007 vibes hehe 
CWs: guns and gun violence, a shooting in a ballroom, mentions of blood 
Word count: 4.6k 
“I wasn’t expecting to see you here early.” 
“Well, expect the unexpected.” 
“Don’t turn the motto back at me. I’m sick of hearing it so many damn times.” 
“What? You and I both know that it’s true. You’re here early too, so, technically you don’t get to say anything.” 
Jeongin straightened his bow tie, then patted down the sides of his perfectly ironed tux with not a crinkle to be found. Knowing him, it was a miracle that he hadn’t messed it up in some form yet. He promptly took out his pocket square to clean off his glasses. 
“You’re looking nice. Seems like they don’t mind spending money now on you these days.” He blew off the flecks of dust on his lenses. 
“They know that they get their return on their investment. And thank you.” 
You smoothed down the sides of your dusty pink dress that nearly went all the way down to your ankles. Had you any other choice, it would’ve been something different, but, dresses were really good at hiding your thigh holster compared to the slacks you usually favored. You didn’t mind the times that you would have to put on a pretty dress, it somewhat reminded you that there was normal life outside of your job. Not to mention, they had started sending you jewelry as well. You always had liked the look of a diamond necklace. 
“You do your research for tonight?” 
Jeongin nodded, then took from his pocket his phone to read over the details. 
“I’ve done a background check on everyone attending, we shouldn’t have any issues. It’s already a low risk event anyway. Charity is never something to get too worked up over, but, you never know with the detail that some of these people come with...who they might be tied to...” 
“--The only people we can trust is ourselves.” You nodded with arms crossed. 
“Expect the unexpected, I know.” He slid his phone back into his inside suit pocket to adjust his cufflinks. 
“--Nervous?” You took note of his fidgeting actions. 
“Nervous? No. I’ve been through this before. You know that.” 
You flicked your partner right on his forehead strung with his white hair. You had really wished that he had picked a less conspicuous color, but he had strings to pull that you didn’t. 
Jeongin cleared his throat, “You do your once over?” 
“Do you even need to ask? I did it hours ago and when we arrived. You know that I’ve done this before too.” 
“I know. I know.” 
Jeongin looked out at the vast circular atrium that made up the center of the hotel. Several stories down under the glass rooftop, you could hear the faint sprinkling of the intricate fountain which smelled of copper. A bit further down, you could see the tips of the tree branches from the indoor landscaping. Across the way, a door slammed with residents tucking in their ties. The two men you had recognized from the roster: a simple thing which made you feel at ease. Your young partner must’ve started to have an effect on you. A sense of unease seemed to quell in your neck. You always listened to your hunches. 
“W-what do you think he thinks of us?” Jeongin broke the silence. 
“Well,” From inside the room you had waited outside, you could hear his distant murmuring, so you lowered your tone. “I think that he has yet to trust us. It’s only been a few weeks. He doesn’t seem like the kind to give himself up easy. That, and I’m sure his resentment of his father must have some influence.” 
“You think he hates us?” 
“I think he hates his father for hiring us. I mean, wouldn’t you? His old security detail, he had them for years.” 
“I guess so. But, we’re not like his old detail.” 
“No. We’re not. I don’t think he gets that yet. I think he sees us as one more way his father has a hold on him.” 
“It’s not like he can do much else about it when his dad’s a kin--” 
“--No, no, thank you, really, it’s lovely. Some of your best work. Thank you.” 
Chan swung open the door to his room, stopping Jeongin right in his sentence. 
“Ah. You’re here already. That’s...punctual.” 
As dazzling and showy as ever, Chan looking nothing short of a magazine model. For a prince, he had certain...appearances that he had to maintain. Today, it was a velvety and maroon suit jacket with a white button up. On the collar, two matching brooches had been perfectly placed, and they were silver like moonlight in the shape of English ivy and adorned with diamonds. On his lapel, he wore the royal insignia of the lion and the wolf. Behind him, you could see his slew of stylists cleaning up their makeup kits and obscene assortment of designer dress shoes for him to pick from. You had thought before that he even smelled like royalty: stuffy white roses with a hint of priceless cognac. 
Jeongin bowed his head respectfully. “Everything has been prepared for tonight. The rest of your guards are surrounding the building, and I’ll be corresponding with them as needed, your Highness.” He tapped at his earpiece. 
Chan drew his attention over to you, giving you a rather lusty glare. Over the past couple weeks, you had gotten used to it. He was a prince to every extent of the word. If there was anything that he had wanted, he simply had to ask. It drove him insane that all he could do was merely look at you. You had  wondered if he harbored anything else for you besides the way that he would devour the curves of your shoulders and hips. 
“Fox. Bee. You look nice tonight. I like seeing you dressed up. Makes me feel less out of place.” 
You couldn’t help but let out a little sound of discontentment over his rather affectionate nickname for you. You and your partner had been introduced to him as F and B. Quickly he had figured out Jeongin’s codename as Fox, considering that he had done a poor job picking out one that wasn’t related to him at all. Anyone could tell that boy was fox-like, and he also just wasn’t that creative when it came to picking out a name for himself. B, or Bee as he had decided, was your name; as in bumblebee. After learning about Fox, he figured that there was an animal theme going, so Bee seemed to fit best in his oponion. 
You tested his glare with your best, “Thank you, your Highness.” 
Jeongin gulped. “Your assistant should be waiting downstairs with your itinerary. She told me that you should meet her first off.” 
“You work too hard F. Have some fun tonight, hm? But don’t...drink too much. You’re responsible for my life remember?” Chan clapped his bodyguard on the back. 
Your partner nervously laughed and adjusted his glasses once more: his preferred tic. 
“And Bee?” Chan rose a brow to lean into close and whisper. “Stay close, alright?” 
“Of course, your Highness.” 
Chan let out a little scoff after getting one more proper look at your frame. “Damn. You really are stunning. Just a little too dangerous for me though.” 
You rolled your eyes, dishing him outa, “Whatever you say, your Highness.” 
Jeongin threw you and annoyed glare before tracing after Chan as he sauntered down the hall to the glass elevator. 
“Bee? You coming? Or do you have something better to do?” Chan’s voice called down the hall with an echo and a little teasing gesture of his hand. 
It had been seven years since you had chosen this line of work, and each time that you had to go to one of these things, you hated them more and more. Not because they were hard to control--they were easy--but you just hated how many superficial and self-absorbed people that they could fit into one room. 
The air was filled with the scent of champagne bubbles and too much Chanel No. 5. From corner to corner of the room, and even next to the ice sculpture of the lion and the wolf crest, silk, satin; velvet and the best cotton could be found. Long gloves covered the arms of ladies with wrinkling skin, and tweed vests held in the guts of men who indulged in their food just as much as their mistresses. All this effort just to appear as if they had given one care about the philanthropic efforts of the royalty.
Several neatly dressed waiters passed you with golden platters of hors d'oeuvres made of ingredients so expensive, they would’ve cost the same amount as the generous donations made by the attendees. If you could’ve, you would’ve scooped up as many of them as you could, just to eat all of their copious amounts of money yourself, but, there was somewhere a rule that you had to keep your hand to yourself when you were on duty. The best that you had to look forward too was take-out to eat at 3 in the morning with Jeongin later. 
Buzzing chatter filled your earpiece while each of the additional guards gave their hourly report. 
“Damn. It’s fucking colder out here than I thought. It’s fucking summer.” One of them joked to the tune of the other guards laughter. 
“Stay focused.” Jeongin scolded over the line. “Don’t leave your posts until your shifts change.” 
While he was a timid man, Jeongin was not one to mess around. Son of the director, he knew that he had big shoes to fill. After pleading for years for her to admit him into the academy, she had agreed. Everyone knew the reason why she didn’t want him in this line of work. Too many dead. Too many missing. In some ways, he was also yours to look after. 
You trailed after Chan who was busy talking to his assistant and his publicist. While he nodded at their words, you knew that he must’ve been barely listening. Chan never really was one for formality, but much rather enjoyed simplicity and pleasure. Jeongin and you had somewhat of a bet going: out of all the guests, you had liked to bet which one he would take with him to his bedroom. Since you had all the profiles of the guests, you liked to bet a little money on which one it would be. 
Jeongin had guessed it to be the heiress and daughter of a tycoon who had made a multi-million won donation in the name of his company. It was ironic; his very company was a big-scale pollutor who liked to make nice with the crown. She was conventionally very pretty: long legs, a thin frame, she was educated and looked as if she could hold somewhat of a conversation...not like that mattered to him. 
You had predicted it to be the foreign CEO who had just started business dealings with the crown. While she might’ve looked a bit stuck-up and prim, she was intimidating, and a challenge. Chan loved challenges. Chan also had a pension for pretty boys with a bit too much money on their hands--usually inherited--and with nothing much else to do other than dote on him. There were plenty of those attending the gala tonight. 
Chan snaked through the crowd, bowing his head at all of the Good evening, your Highnesses and the It’s a pleasure to meet you, your Highnesses. Every few moments or so he would take a bite from a golden plate and then pop it into his mouth. The whole night long, he would hold his glass with him and it would get refilled for him without him even needing to ask. You sometimes liked to pretend that in some places, they must’ve assigned someone to watch him from afar to make sure that he would never need anything before it was given to him. It wouldn’t have surprised you. 
“Having fun Bee?” Chan languidly rolled his head back, swirling his glass. 
“As much fun as you are.” You quipped. 
“Anything that I should be concerned about?” 
“Nothing of concern.” You stated matter-of-factly. Had you matched his flirting tone, you knew that you wouldn’t hear the end of it for the rest of the night. “Fox. Report?” 
“Nothing that I can see. No one has been tagging you.” Jeongin had staked himself up on the upper balcony of the banquet hall room, and had been watching for as long as you had been following after the prince. “You sensing anything strange?” His voice tickled in your in-ear. 
“Just a bunch of the normal crowd.” You kept your tone down low. “He’s rubbing noses with the usual. You’ve seen too?” 
He chuckled. “Yeah. I know what you mean.”
You followed Chan to his seat nearest the front of the room which had been fashioned into a stage with a clear glass podium in the center. Right in front there was one more crest decorating it. Chan had ensured it to be so: he had wanted everyone to know that this was all for his charity. 
“It seems like our bets aren’t working out. He hasn’t talked to either of the...suspects.” Your partner changed his choice of words knowing that the other guards were listening. 
From the opposite side of the room both the heiress and the CEO stood with thin glasses of wine in their lithe hands. Chan had in fact walked right past them, and didn’t even notice. 
“Tonight is going to be a long night.” Jeongin sighed over the line. 
You politely pushed past attendees with a raised hand and a sweet smile. You had found that when you smiled, you had appeared less intimidating. 
“Oh wait...what’s this?” 
“What?” You whipped your head around after Jeongin’s interjection. “What? Do you see something? What’s the call?” 
“Relax! It just looks like he’s approaching someone he wants to talk to. I think both of us are about to be proven wrong.” 
“Ah, shit.” You sighed. “Don’t put me on edge like that.” 
“I’m only trying to entertain myself.” 
“Name. Who is it? You’ve got the roster.” 
You partner was quiet for a minute, and you watched from a distance as Chan approached the man leaned over a martini seated at one of the perfectly decorated tables. 
“Uh, I think that he’s Lee Minho. Some kind of royalty from somewhere else. Pretty low ranking from the looks of it. I think that he made a donation himself...and it’s...damn, larger than you would expect.” 
“Should we be concerned?” 
“No. Seems harmless.” 
“Thank you for coming,” You made out the words that Chan had mouthed. He drew a chair next to the unknown man. 
From what you could tell, Lee Minho was handsome to the full extent of the word: nearly all of his physical features were exemplary and his suit appeared to have been fitted to perfect for him; likely one of a kind. He too wore an insignia on his lapel, but it was one that you hadn’t recognized before. He had immaculately styled hair that had some kind of rebellious and boyish charm to it. The man had a kind of mystery about him too: you had been able to pride yourself in being able to read people, and it had saved your life on more than one occasion. But with him, there was something that you couldn’t place. 
“Do they know eachother?” You asked Jeongin. 
“Not that I know of. School friend maybe? Seems like all the royals send their kids to the same schools.”
“Hm. That would make sense.” 
“Enjoying yourself?” Chan said. 
Lee Minho nodded, and rose his glass to clink it with the prince’s. 
“Do we think that he’s our...suspect?” 
The stranger dipped his head into his hand as he listened to Chan speak. A flirty gesture that you had seen a hundred times or more. Still, the way that he inspected Chan, it wasn’t adoring. Or at least, you didn’t think that it was.
“No. I don’t think so.” 
“What the hell are you yapping about?” One of the other guards snapped over the line. 
“Um, classified stuff.” Jeongin quickly explained. “Above your paygrade. Don’t worry about it.” 
“Fox. Watch out for him tonight.” You snuck over to a corner of the room where you could watch the two of them more discreetly. 
“Affirmative....” Your partner paused. “Babydoll.” 
“Pffff--Babydoll??” The same guard stifled his laughter. “You call her Babydoll, Fox? Damn, you all must be closer than I thought. Didn’t know that I was missing out on some of the action--” 
“--Ever heard of a codename, Three?” 
“Babydoll’s her codename.” 
A grin crept over your lips. “Expect the unexpected.” 
You had almost gotten distracted enough to miss how Lee Minho had leaned over to whisper something into the prince’s ear. After he had done so, Chan laughed out a little, then reached his arm around the other man’s chair comfortably. 
“They’re...cozy.” You updated your partner. 
“I’m trying to cross-check where he might know him from.” 
Chan’s assistant and publicist finally slipped away with giddy little smiles. In many ways, you were jealous of them. They could leave whenever the wanted, eat what they wanted...
Jeongin scoffed. “Well, turns out...nothing. I can’t find anything.” 
“Negative. I’m not seeing any crossover.” 
“So they really are strangers?” 
Your partner sighed. “Looks like neither of us are cashing ou--I mean--finding the suspect.” 
Under your breath, you wondered aloud, “Who are you...Lee Minho?” 
The night drew on longer with the rest of the formalities: the formal dinner, followed by several speeches from important people while dessert was being served. It all led up to the final act: His Royal Highness, Prince Chan’s speech. On several neat notecards marked with the crest, he held them in front of him while he ate his last bits of Mont Blanc Chocolate Pavlova. Even the name of the sweet itself sounded pretentious. Granted, it smelled delicious--as many expensive things did. 
You stifled a yawn from your little set up on the edge of the room. At least you should’ve been able to sit, but it turns out that sitting is also against the rules in this line of work. A couple other security and bodyguards had joined you at the edge: some of their heads nodded with sleep, and the others looked as if they had taken one too many energy shots. Luckily, your stamina had been well crafted. 
A fancily dressed MC made his way up to the podium and the room filled with applause after the last speaker had said all of their correct mandatory words. 
“It is my honor to introduce to the stage, our wonderful head benefactor of this organization, His Royal Highness, Prince Chan of the Crown. 
Applause tenfold of before erupted through the whole room and it wasn’t even an afterthought for the every attendee to stand up from their seats in an ovation. It was a force of habit for you, but you found yourself clapping as well. 
Chan rose with grace, and re-buttoned his jacket with finesse. A blinding spotlight found him and it made the diamonds adorning his beck wink brilliantly. Even more blinding was his pearl white, and perfectly trained smile accompanied by his wave. 
Thank you. Thank you. He mouthed. 
“It’s like he’s a frickin’ movie star.” Jeongin groaned. 
“Might as well be with the way that they treat him. You know deep down they’re all just terrified.” 
Chan made his way up to the stage in all of his regality, and the applause didn’t stop until he cleared his throat. A collective groaning of a couple hundred chairs squeaked when everyone sat back down. 
“Thank you everyone, really. I wanted to thank you all for your generous support in your donations to this organization, as well as your association with the crown. I’m sure that all the beneficiaries of your donations are beyond thankful compared to me. Without you, this would not be possible.” Chan spoke with grandiose gestures, as usual, but this time, he had found you on the side of the room. “Listen, aside from being a prince, I’m also just a person. A person who knows what it means to struggle, to--” 
“--I can’t listen to this anymore.” You whispered into the quiet room, and to your partner. 
“Just a few more hours.” He droned. “I almost wish that something would happen so that we don’t have to sit though much else of this.” 
“Be careful what you wish for.” 
In the corner of your eye, Lee Minho shifted in his seat, but still kept his undivided attention to the stage. You figured he must’ve been just like the rest of them: enamored by the flashiness of the crown--and Chan. He had a way of putting a spell on people: it was the kind of spell that a prince of deception had crafted after years of being kept under lock and key. 
“--Anyway, what I’m trying to say, royal or fanciful we all might be, in the simplest way, we’re all just people, therefore this is what connects us all. Thank you.” 
Chan was gifted yet another standing ovation that was somehow even more thunderous than before. 
“Yeah right.” You scoffed. “People born into money. There’s a difference.” 
Chan gave his last waves, then a clamor echoed from the back of the room. At first, it had just sounded like the same raucous laughter you had heard all night, but then it shifted to something different. The sound of laugher turned into shouting, then screams: high pitched and piercing. You had seconds to respond, head whipping around the room to catch sight of the confused prince. In your in-ears, the the sound of gunshots echoed with rapid-fire speed. Machine guns. Shouting commands barked in your ear, and muddled with Jeongin’s string of demands and questions. 
Your heart instantly started beating into hyperdrive, and your legs sprinted as fast has physically possible 
“THEY’VE GOT GUNS!” A shrill and cracked voice of an older woman wailed from the back of the room. 
Immediately after she had said so, shots fired into the darkened room with sparks, and the metallic sound of bullets hitting the marbled ground followed. 
Chan looked around in his panic for you, petrified on the stage. You slung your gun out from your thigh holster and latched onto him with all of your might. 
“Get the fuck down there and secure the exists!” Jeongin growled into his mic. “B--is the prince secure??” 
“Secure!” You yelled back. Using your body as a barrier, you led the cowering prince through the mass hysteria of the crowd. 
“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Shit.” Chan shook under your iron grip. 
More shots fired into the room and bodies parted like the sea and fell over each other. 
From the balcony, you had caught Jeongin aiming his own gun at the chaos below. 
“I’ll cover you! Fuck! There’s so many of them! Get him to the car out back--Three, Six, meet B out there! Three!? Six!? Report!” 
“Three and Six are down F!” One of the guards panted. “I can provide cover out back!!” 
“Who’s speaking??” Jeongin bellowed, then aimed from above at one of the intruders. Your only focus was on weaving you and Chan out of there, but you had seen one of them in a blur. Each of the men with guns wore dark grey suits with black ties and leather gloves. Each of them wore their own crest: and it was all red. 
“Bee?? Bee???” Chan shouted out for you, and jumped every time the crack of a shot echoed in the ballroom. 
“I’ve got you, your Highness. We’ll be out soon. Keep your head down and listen to me.” Your arm held to him tightly, and you soon found the exit nearest. There was no telling if there would be more of them outside, but you loaded your gun quickly just in case, and pointed it out. 
“Jeongin, get your ass down here!” 
“Jeongin? Who the fuck is that??” Chan ducked down to hide himself behind your frame. 
His name had slipped on your tongue, but that hardly mattered. 
“I’ll be down in a second!!!” 
“Don’t fucking waste time up there when I need you down here!!” 
“Two! Two Reporting!!” A man suddenly yelled in your in-ear. “I’ve made it out back and I’ve secured the exit. The car is safe!!” 
“FOX! Now!” 
Your partner heaved, “I’m coming, I’m coming!!” 
You kicked open the exit door, gun’s still blazing, however one one else could be found on the other side. 
“Thank God,” You sighed. 
“Oh shit, I’m gonna be sick.” Chan had turned paler than white, then stumbled in your arms. 
“Hey, HEY!” You held him upright. “It’s gonna be alright. I’ve got you. You’re safe. You need to trust me. Your life is in my hands and I’m not giving it up easy, got it?” 
“O-okay.” He stammered, then attempted to straighten himself. 
“The Prince is outside, repeat, The Prince is outside. Two, are you in position?” 
“Yes. Yes, I am.” 
Other than the fact that you had just escaped absolute peril, the evening was unbearably pleasant. Crickets chirped in the summer evening, and the humidity of the night smelled gorgeously of the lake that was near-by as well as the vast array of flowers that had been purposefully landscaped around the hotel. Chan’s uneven steps scraped at the gravel walkway. 
Since you had canvassed the whole building well, you had known exactly where the getaway car was, but you were still careful. 
“Bee. Bee!” Chan blabbered. “Have-have I told you yet that I-I’m in love with you?” 
“No, you haven’t Your Highness.” 
“I fucking am. If I die tonight, I want you to know that I am ridiculously in love with you, and fuck, I wanna--” 
“--I’m sorry, Your Highness, respectfully, but now is not the time for this and you are not dying on my watch.” 
Somewhere off in the distance, frogs croaked, and the splashing of fish in the lake plopped at the surface waters. You turned a corner to finally see Two waiting his his gun raised. He was a bit of a shorter and scrawnier man, but something about him told you that where he lacked in strength, he must’ve made up for in agility. 
“I’m out! I’m out!” Your partner gasped, and over the in-ear you could hear his running footsteps. “I’m almost there! I’ll be there in a second!” 
“Your Highness,” Two bowed and opened the car door. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. You can call me Two or J. Either you prefer.” 
Jeongin came bounding around the corner with heaving breaths and his clothes askew. His glasses which just barely held onto his face had a crack on them and his knuckles were covered in blood. 
“Let’s go.” The younger man prompted. 
“In the car you go, Your Highness.” You motioned for him to do so. 
Chan whimpered like a toddler. 
You shoved his body in, “Stop that. Get in the car.” 
“I’m in love with you Bee!” He yelled out, “I’M FUCKING IN LOVE WITH YOU BEE!” 
Jeongin slammed the door in his face with a bit of a chuckle. 
“He’s delirious.” 
“Mm.” your partner smiled. “Sure.” 
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
Red and Gray in a Black and White World
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Carmen Sandiego likes playing with colors.
In particular, VILE is black, while ACME is white.
This is why Carmen’s codename is Black Sheep, which later becomes ironic when she grows to be VILE’s literal “black sheep” and their thorn in the side. At the same time, Shadowsan too has a codename suggesting something dark in color. Of course, his name also foreshadows that he is the one protecting Carmen from the shadows.
Similarly, the ACME’s agent closest to Carmen is Julia Argent aka “silver”. She is not completely “white” and she is able to see the complexity of the world, differently from Devinaux and Zari.
As a matter of fact the whole point is that Carmen refuses a black and white vision of things. She doesn’t want to join VILE, but she doesn’t want to be a part of ACME either:
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She wants to use her “wicked skills” for good.
This is a fitting theme for a show whose aim is to help kids learn about geography and how rich Earth is. It conveys the idea of complexity.
In other words, Carmen explores the world and its wonders at her own pace and with her own rules. This is expressed by her color being “red”. Everything about her is red. Her codename, her clothes and even her adoptive family:
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Similarly, Gray is another character, who is neither black nor white, but (obviously) gray (duh).
This is made clear in Chief’s speech above and his moral complexity is also what makes his dynamic with Carmen so interesting.
Carmen and Gray’s relationship is one of mutual attraction (platonic or romantic does not matter), but also of conflict.
They want the other by their side:
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But they can’t agree on which side they should both be:
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This is because they both refuse a part of the other. This refusal is well expressed through the name symbolism of both characters.
On one hand Gray keeps calling Carmen Black Sheep:
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He refuses her new identity because he does not understand it:
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On the other hand Carmen refuses Gray’s VILE persona, but also his civilian one.
This is interesting because her refusal of “Crackle” is something Carmen does willingly:
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She does not genuinely understand it, just like Gray does not understand her being Carmen Sandiego.
At the same time, though, Carmen somehow also refuses Gray’s civilian identity and keeps calling him Gray instead of Graham:
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Even if the brainwashing makes their friendship easier, Carmen still feels something is amiss. The person in front of her is not really “Gray”, but somehow a “white” version of him. It is not by chance that she is able to partially rebuild their past relationship by involving him in a dangerous mission:
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And in this mission Carmen needs Gray’s “wicked skills” that are still a part of him. She becomes Gray’s link to his previous world:
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Just like he is the one who symbolically introduces her to what truly means to be a criminal:
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And to its harsher aspects:
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At the same time, it is interesting that when brainwashed Carmen still refuses the codename Crackle:
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And she only uses it when she thinks he has betrayed her:
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In that moment it is as if Gray truly became “black” for her and changed from her partner in crime to an enemy.
In short, both characters can’t truly pintpoint who the other really is.
Who is Carmen really? And is Gray good or bad?
The answers to these questions are difficult because Carmen and Gray themselves are not sure until the end of the series.
Carmen does not know who she is, while Gray is caught up between his wish to be a criminal and his empathic side.
These internal conflicts are well conveyed through specific motifs linked to the two characters.
Firstly, Carmen’s journey of self-discovery is commented by the burnt matrioskas motif:
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The matrioskas are what links Carmen to her biological family. They’re the only things she has had since she was born and it is later revealed they’re a toy her father used to calm her down.
At the same time, the matrioskas symbolize Carmen herself. Like her “oldest traveling companions”, she too is made of multiple identities who live inside her and change as she grows. She starts as Lambkins, grows into Carmen Sandiego and finally discovers her identity in  the finale:
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Both in terms of her origins and who she wants to be:
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The missing matrioska represents both. On one hand it is the link to Carmen’s past and it is symbolically the smallest one (like a baby). On the other hand seeing it makes Carmen remember who she wants to be.
In short, the matrioska is Carmen’s missing piece both when it comes to who she was and to who she will be.
As far as Gray is concerned, him being caught between “light” and “darkness” is conveyed by his electrician’s motif:
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Gray’s criminal career started when a light bulb went off. This is an ironic inversion of a light bulb switching on when one has an idea. Still, it also symbolizes a fall to darkness. Gray’s job was supposed to switch lights on, but he chooses to turn them off, so that he can steal.
This motif comes back in season 2 ep 7 where Carmen’s mission is to stop Doctor Bellum from causing dangerous black-outs. This is tied once again to Gray’s character. As a matter of fact not only the objective is to avoid physical blackouts, but also to stop Graham turning back into Crackle once again. The blackout which must be avoided is the one of Gray’s personality.
At the same time, this motif is not as straightforward as it may seem:
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As a matter of fact the whole reason Gray has turned into Graham is a metaphorical “black-out”. This is an interesting idea. Gray has left criminality and can have a new beginning and Carmen sees it as a positive thing. However, this whole new identity is a lie built through brainwashing:
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Carmen has good intentions and is ultimately proven right about Gray’s good nature. However, she is still ready to accept a persona constructed through an unethical method.
She meets an idealized version of Gray, she realizes something is missing, but still accepts it. This is why she needs to see this illusion shatter and to confront the real Gray once more.
This happens when Gray gets his memories back:
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The one on the Himalaya is the second real confrontation between Carmen and Gray after the one on the train.
At this point, we are shown how they have changed and how they have not.
On one hand Carmen is finally forced to accept that Graham was nothing, but an illusion:
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However, she does not completely give up on Gray:
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Even if confronted with the truth she still hopes Gray will change. It is just that this change to be true should happen because of her friend’s free will and not through a coercion.
On the other hand Gray has grown enough to accept Carmen:
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And to realize she will never come back to VILE. However, he still begs her to stop fighting the organization. In short, he has grown a little, but is still asking Carmen to give up on her life mission, just like she wants him to give up on criminality.
The two characters have clearly grown closer, but they are still unable to see eye to eye and this is why they end the episode as enemies, despite this:
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There is clearly affection between them, but this affection is not enough to let them overcome their rift. At least not in that moment.
In season 4 ep 4, while Gray is about to make his choice, we hear a song from The Flying Dutch in the background. This is not a surprise because Graham and Carmen’s relationship has also an Opera motif.
Graham works in a operahouse and famous operas pieces comment his relationship with Carmen while brainwashed. They meet at The Carmen, are reunited through The Swan Lake and finally Graham turns into Crackle again while The Flying Dutch is playing.
This last opera is important not only for Graham’s story, but also for Gray’s overall arc. As a matter of fact the story of this opera is one whose main theme is about how love leads to redemption.
This is precisely what happens to Gray in the end.
In particular, he finds himself in the position Carmen was just a while before: he meets an idealized version of Carmen.
Brainwashed Carmen is who Gray has wanted Carmen to be all along. She is loyal to VILE, close to him and in love with stealing.
However, despite Gray having all he ever wanted he quickly realizes he does not like it at all:
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Black Sheep realizes she does not want anything to do with VILE after she sees how the organization has transformed Gray.
Similarly, Gray decides to betray VILE after he sees what they did to Carmen. This is interesting because, while Carmen refuses to work both for VILE and for ACME, Gray ends up working for both.
Anyway, in the end Gray leaves VILE out of love.
Not only that, but he shows to have been influenced by Carmen on a deeper level:
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It is because of this that Gray survives his final confrontation with his old classmate.
All in all, Gray manages to save himself and he and Shadowsan are the two people that helped Carmen to save herself the most.
At the same time, Gray and Carmen’s story ends on a bittersweet note. They have both hurted each other, but still clearly love each other:
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Despite this, they are avoiding each other. This is not something new, if anything Gray’s final choice:
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Perfectly mirrors Carmen’s one in the first season:
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Both times the two characters decide that the best thing for the other is for them to walk out from their lives. However, I think that both times this is wrong.
Carmen’s decision is later on proven wrong by how the story develops. Gray would have never truly changed if Carmen had not walked in his life again and he would have stayed prisoner of a lie forever.
Gray’s decision happens at the end of the story and seems to be built on this idea:
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The idea is that Carmen deserves a normal life. She deserves to stop being a symbol aka Carmen Sandiego and to become a person. She can now live a normal life and meet her mother.
However, even if it seems Carmen will do just that and she even disbands her gang aka her adoptive family, in the end we are shown this:
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Carmen has not given up on being Carmen Sandiego and on fighting criminality. Whatever happened after she met her mother, she goes back to her previous identity. This is because Carmen Sandiego is not just a mask she has worn all this time, but it is genuinelly a part of who she is. The difference between the beginning and the end is that Carmen previously was Carmen Sandiego because she did not know who she was, while now she is because she knows.
Carmen will always be both a good person and a thief. She is both and ironically she has told us (and Gray) this since the very beginning:
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Because of this, Gray’s worrying he will make Carmen’s life complicated if he even just contacts her is probably false.
Anyway, in the end their relationship has an open ending, but both characters have both realized who they are and who they want to be and they have done so with the other’s help.
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harryspet · 4 years
secret service | bucky barnes
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[Warnings] secret service!bucky x reader, reader is vp’s daughter, bodyguard!bucky, agegap, noncon/dubcon sex, brat tamer bucky, dominant x submissive, rough sex (wear protection kids!!)
A/N: this is for @nsfwsebbie​ ‘s dream fic challenge. Happy b-day sab! this is @mypoisonedvine​ ‘s dream fic and the prompt was “I would love anything dark bucky, especially if he starts out all nice and stuff but then he's all manipulative and it gets worse and worse until we're in heavy dub con/non con territory”. hope you enjoy bb!
In which a political trip to London allows you to be reunited with your favorite secret service member, Bucky Barnes. 
taglist: @peterztinglez @lovelynerdytraveler @buckybarney @hollandsdream @micki-smiles @buckybarnesplumwhore @arts-ismything​ @saharzek​ @lovemassivelybeautifulbouquet​ @what-is-your-wish​ @marvelslut-musicalnerd​ @brattypeony​ @hermayone​ @buckysugar​ @mandiiblanche​ @cherienymphe​
word count: 3.9k 
main masterlist
“You’ll need to be on your best behavior this weekend. We can’t have an incident like last year.”
You didn’t meet your mother’s eyes as you looked out the window of the private plane. Surprising to most, this time you spent watching her read her millions of paperwork was the most time you spent with her. Your mother cared for you but she was not warm. You didn’t believe a warm person could make it so high in the government. Being the daughter of the Vice President, you saw the kinds of dirty, manipulative politics that went on behind the scene. 
You wanted little part of it but, here you were, about to land in London for an important public event. 
“Y/N? Are you listening?” She continued to talk despite your lack of an answer, “That means you tell your agents when you’re going somewhere. I don’t care if you’re only walking down the hall to the ice machine, you tell them. You’ve known this since you were a little girl, I don’t know why you always give me a hard time.”
“I’m already here alone, Mom. Must you torture me further by suffocating me?”
“I know you must think it’s fun to rendezvous with some foreign prince but I must ask you to keep your legs closed for this trip and listen to your security.”
Your mouth parted. She thought of you as some whore but the truth was that you were far from the persona she forced upon you, “You don’t know me at all. And Alden isn’t a prince, his father is a prince. He’s just a duke,” You faked a smile and she scowled at you. 
You weren’t expecting her next words, “I have a surprise for you when we land.”
You paused for a moment, trying to read her face. She was perfect at disguising her true emotions and, as her daughter, the thought that you didn’t really know your mother was saddening, “A surprise? I thought you were lecturing me.”
“You won’t listen unless I bribe you, Y/N,” Just as the words left her mouth, the pilot spoke on the intercom. The plane was beginning its descent and in a moment you’d be landing. One of your mother's assistants had to approve all your outfits for this trip. After some discourse, you decided on a light pink dress for your arrival look. It hugged your curves the way you liked but it reached down to your knees modestly as your mother preferred. 
When you were finally stepping down the stairs to the plane, watching your mother wave to the press, and the diplomats ready to greet her, you realized what your surprise was. Two sleek, black cars waited at the end of the red carpet and the sight of the man standing in front of the second one made your heart race. 
It took everything in you not to run to him. His dark hair was styled neatly, his arms folded over his nicely pressed black suit and a soft look of happiness was displayed on his strong face. He was just like you remembered him, the earpiece in his ear and the gold pin on his lapel reminded you of his position. 
“This is my surprise?” Your mother turned to you with a grin. 
“I know how much you like Agent Barnes, maybe you’ll actually listen to him. You’re going straight to your hotel room, I will see you later tonight.”
“Of course, my beloved mother.  Like all teenagers, I love sitting in my hotel room and doing nothing while I’m on a trip.”
You watched your mother walk away from you, going to the first car while you approached the second car. Your speed picked up as you neared him. He opened the door for you, winking, “Girl Scout is in the Stage Coach. I repeat, Girl Scout is in the Stage Coach.”
Everyone the secret service protected had a codename. You’d been a proud girl scout for most of elementary school and then middle school when your mother went from Senator to Vice President. The name stuck and you thought it was annoying now that you’d grown out of that phase but you liked the name on his lips. 
As you carefully slipped inside the car, you were beaming and, as Bucky slipped in beside you, you had to wait to pounce. You attacked him with a hug as soon as the doors closed and none of the crowd could see you through the tinted windows. You felt his hand against your back, hugging you tightly and it was then that you realized how touch starved you had been. 
Everyone you came in contact had to go through your guards and that was often an intimidating process for most guys. Even though you had started college, you decided to avoid boys altogether because of this. 
“I can’t believe you’re here,” Your eyes were wide even as you pulled away from him, “How?”
Bucky gave you a soft smile, “Well I can’t tell you all the details since they’re top secret but, let’s say, my mission didn’t take as long as predicted.”
Your eyes narrowed at him in curiosity, “So you killed the bad guys and they let you come back to play babysitter?”
Bucky shook his head, giving you an amused look, “So crass. I see nothing has changed,” He leaned over and, for the briefest second, you thought his face was leaning into yours. Instead, he had reached over to grab your seatbelt as he safely secured it around your waist. Your cheeks heated up and you found yourself looking into the rearview mirror where you could see the two agents sitting in the front seat, “I apologize for being gone so long.”
“You didn’t miss much,” You said to console him, “Just senior year which was nothing special.”
Seeing him now made you think about meeting him those six years ago. He was so young then, just having served in the Army, but somehow aging had made him look even better. You had a feeling he was just as king and loyal as before. You were just a middle schooler at the time, hormonal, and constantly fighting with your parents about your lack of freedom. Maybe you hadn’t changed much either. 
You watched him fasten his own seatbelt as the car began to take off, “Nothing special, hmm?” He cocked his eyebrow, “What about prom? Graduation?”
“Oh, it was effectively ruined by my arch-nemesis. He stole my spot as Salutatorian, my prom date wouldn’t stop talking to him about nanotech for the entire evening, and guess who got into Stanford for early admission just like yours truly?”
“Little Peter Parker?” Bucky chuckled. 
“He’s not so little anymore,” You crossed your arms, pouting, “He’s only jealous that my mother was chosen as Vice President and his uncle was chosen for the lousy Secretary of Labor position.”
“Seems he must like you a lot to follow you to Stanford. To move all the way across the country,” You gave him an incredulous look, “C’mon, princess, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”
“Of course I’ve noticed,” You rushed out your words, trying to ignore that feeling you got when he called you princess. If anyone else had said that, you’d probably feel disgusted but … you couldn’t help but think that term of endearment had changed its meaning. The truth was that you never thought Peter liked you and now you were worrying that your lack of social awareness had caused you to ignore the warning signs, “The last person I want to talk about is Peter Parker, Bucky.”
“Fine,” He folded his hands in front of him, sighing. 
“Besides,” You side-eyed him mischievously, “I have someone far more important who feigns for my attention.”
“Oh yeah?” Bucky leaned in. 
“A duke,” You finished.
Bucky’s face seemed to fall, “I can’t imagine you as a duchess,” You couldn’t imagine yourself as one either but you liked the excitement that Alden brought you, “And your mother informed me of what happened last year. I’ll probably lose my job if something like that occurs again.”
“You’d tattle on me? I thought we were friends, Bucky.”
“That was when you were a harmless little girl. Now, you’re …” His eyes seemed to roam over your face then they fell to your neck but they moved back to your eyes before they could travel any lower, “You’re going to make this hard on me, aren’t you?”
You reached out to tap his cheek playfully and smirked, “I missed you.”
You weren’t sure exactly what holier-than-thou charity that these rich people had gathered in ball gowns to donate to. It was probably a minuscule fraction of their wealth and they most likely were only here to keep up appearances. Still, you enjoyed a chance to dress up. 
You moved through the historical museum in a red ball gown, admiring all the expensive artifacts, as Bucky escorted you. You expected your mother to be with you during the event she’d forced you to attend but it seemed that she was once again too busy. You would’ve felt lonely if Bucky hadn’t been there. The other agents kept their distance, wearing tuxedos to blend into the rest of the crowd as they watched you from a distance. 
Every now and then your conversation with Bucky would be interrupted by a message coming through his squiggly earpiece. 
He looked quite handsome tonight and by the outline of his biceps against the fabric of his tuxedo jacket, you could tell he had bulked up over the last year. 
“Madam Vice President had a run-in with the Prime Minister's wife. Turns out they’ve been dying to talk. She’ll meet you once the auction begins.”
“Oh, an auction, is that what this is? What endangered species are we saving tonight?”
“Funny,” Bucky added sarcastically, “... I don’t see your prince around. Perhaps he found another famous daughter to entertain for the night.”
You gave him a venomous look, “That cannot be possible when I look like this,” You emphasized your glamorous look that had taken nearly five hours to get on, “Now, would you please escort me to my table? I’m sure he’ll come and find me once you’re not standing beside me like a big tree.”
The truth was that you had no idea if Alden even remembered you from last year. He did make out with you but who knows how many famous daughters he had tried to entertain before. You hated how right Bucky seemed. 
Bucky didn’t add anything to your harsh words as he escorted you into a large ballroom. It was so elegantly decorated that the room smelled like money. Blue stripes of light wavered through the room making it feel like you were in the middle of the ocean. You couldn’t help that the feeling of drowning that she experienced was a bad touch on the organizer's part. 
Of course, your mother’s table was right near the front of the room. As Bucky pulled back the white chair, you took a seat, not meeting his eyes, “You’re dismissed, Mr. Barnes,” You spoke over your shoulder. 
To your surprise, he leaned down to whisper into your ear, “You cause any problems tonight, princess, and you deal with me.”
Your mouth pinched into a thin line as you were left speechless. When you looked back, he was already walking away, taking his position by the far wall. You looked away quickly, mentally cursing. So much for having the upper-hand. You slouched in your seat, looking around the hall which was now flooding with people. 
A few people you vaguely remembered having a conversation with approached you to talk. Hollywood celebrities, European politicians, and even famous designers hoping to get you to wear some of their designs. Lately, the paparazzi loved to follow you as you walked to class and gossip sites loved to talk about what you wore. 
Everyone was so busy trying to get your attention that you hadn’t noticed someone slip in the seat beside you, “You look like you need something to drink,” You were a bit startled but you immediately recognized his voice. It seemed a year had made him more handsome as well. With one hand he grabbed yours and kissed it and with the other he handed you a glass of champagne. 
“Your grace,” You greeted him, accepting the glass. You had almost forgotten that you could legally drink here. Despite that, you knew it would be improper to your mother. That’s why you took a sip, “Thank you so much-” You winced at the bitter taste but continued to sip. 
The young duke was tall and red-headed, his face peppered with adorable freckles. His royal get-up was even more attractive. 
You looked back at Bucky who was staring intently, “Is a night of fun in the cards for us?” You turned back to the Prince. 
“I’m not supposed to rendezvous with royalty anymore. My Mom was not happy with me.”
He leaned back casually in his chair, his leisurely nature was surprising to you, “Is she usually happy with you?”
“Touche,” You took another painful sip, “Still, I’m not supposed to leave this table and I’m supposed to go straight back to my hotel room. No funny business.”
“No shenanigans whatsoever?” He frowned and you wondered why the British accent was so heavenly, “You must, at the very least, keep me entertained through whatever ceremony this is-”
“An auction, your grace.”
“What endangered species are we trying to save this time? It won’t be enough money anyways since they decorated this place with literal diamonds,” You smiled as you saw him reach into his jacket pocket and pulled out a flask, “Something stronger, perhaps?”
Bucky tapped his foot, starting to tune out the voice in his ear. 
The room was now full of socialites, Madam Vice President had been escorted to her seat, and now the auction was beginning. The Vice President hadn’t so much as hugged her daughter so Bucky doubted she had noticed you were drinking yet. The young Duke would refill your glass with a clear liquid every time it ran low. 
You were now giggling and laughing with him as a serious speech was given. You had to be at least six shots in. You played with his hand in your lap, leaning over to whisper in his ear, as you had the time of your life. 
Bucky didn’t panic, only made a quick decision, “Girl Scout is in need of some rescuing. Clear the exit.” 
Bucky scanned the room and his men began to follow his orders, as he approached your table. Before you could take another sip of your drink, his hand was on your shoulder. Your mother flashed him a concerned look but Bucky gave her a look to tell her not to worry. Luckily, she hadn’t noticed yet that you were about to go off the rails. 
“Want some?” You smiled lazily as you lifted your glass. Bucky took it from you, setting back on the table. 
“I think you need to use the bathroom, Miss Y/L/N,” You gave him a confused look. You wondered why he was being so stern with you. 
“Nooo, I think you have the wrong woman, officer,” Bucky grabbed onto your hand, urging you up from your seat, “Let me deal with this rude man, your grace, I’ll be back soon.”
It seemed the Duke was in a similar, drunk state and simply replied with, “Return soon, my darling. I shall wait for your return-” You couldn’t respond because Bucky was trying to pull you away. Luckily, Bucky hadn’t managed to cause a scene but he knew you’d end up getting blackout drunk and embarrassing your mother if you continued. 
Agents flocked around the two of you as you were guided out of the room. You almost tripped on the long skirt of your dress though Bucky easily caught you. You held onto him, giggling, “You couldn’t make it one night, could you?” You walked through a long hallway, staff carrying large plates of food passed and stared. 
He brought you to the bathroom which was ginormous in itself, chandeliers hanging across the length of it, and completely empty, “I don’t think you’re supposed to be in here, officer.”
He leaned against the wall, “Walk around. Splash water on your face. Sober up.”
You rolled your eyes, leaning against the sink counter, as you stared at your makeup. As if you would ruin your makeup to “sober up”. 
You pouted, staring at him through the mirror, “I didn’t mean to make you mad, Bucky. Only my mother.”
“Your mother is my boss. When you upset her, she’s upset with me,” Bucky was terse, and you wondered where that soft side was starting to disappear to, “You shouldn’t be drinking anyway.”
You huffed, hating that this conversation was starting to ruin your buzz, “I’m not a child. Don’t tell me you never had a sip of alcohol before you were twenty-one.”
“You think you’re more mature than you actually are,” You couldn’t help the scowl that formed on your face, “You’re not drinking for fun. You’re drinking to spite your mother.” 
He moved closer, his hands behind his back as he sunk his words into you like a knife. You turned to him, taking a challenging step toward him. He towered over you but you clung to that anger and turned it to what you thought was confidence. 
You grinned up at him, reaching out to play with the buttons of his jacket, “I thought you knew me better, Bucky,” You looked up at him with longing eyes, “I’m not a little girl anymore and you know that. You look at me differently. Your eyes linger on places you shouldn’t even be watching.”
Bucky grabbed your wrist tightly, suddenly, “Stop,” You knew you had touched a nerve. 
“See, I know these things now,” You teased, “You like it when you can swoop me up and save me.”
“It’s my job, Y/N,” He spoke sternly. He was still holding you despite his words. 
“What is it that you really want from me?” You pressed yourself closer to him, “A kiss maybe? Or something more forbidden?”
His eyes were dark with lust and you watched them linger on your lips at the mention of a kiss. What exactly did you want from him and what hole had you just dug for yourself? The alcohol was giving you courage but you weren’t actually sure how to finish what you started. 
Bucky decided for you. He turned your body quickly, pressing your back into him, as a hand tightened around your throat. He faced you toward the mirror and the two of you were illuminated with bright lights. Your eyes widened as you watched him lean into your ear, “You’re such a brat ….”
Maybe part of him wanted you to mess up. Maybe he wanted a reason to get you alone with him and away from the royal douche that you were talking to. Maybe he let you get to this point ... 
“Bucky, what are you-” His hand tightened around your throat and you felt your knees go weak. 
He shushed you, “You asked what I really wanted. I want to punish you, princess,” Shivers went through your body as his warm breath tickled your ear, “I want to fuck you speechless so you can’t talk back with that smart little mouth of yours anymore.”
You started to struggle against you but you felt his fingers tighten around the sides of your throat. His hands were so big that they wrapped perfectly around your neck, “Hands on the counter,” He loosened his grip but only so he could push you forward. Like instinct, your hands held the sink counter. You turned your head to look back at him but he grabbed your hair, forcing your face forward, “Look forward, I want you to be able to see your pretty face while I fuck you.”
“Bucky, I’m sorry,” You forced out shakily as you felt the back of your dress being slowly unzipped. Through the mirror, you watched as he carefully took in the view of your body, “Please don’t hurt me-”
“Have I ever hurt you before?” He interrupted you, his hands traveling over your bareback, “I’ll always protect you, princess. I just think, if I’m going to keep doing my job, we need some new rules.”
The straps of your dress fell down your shoulder, exposing your breast. Again, as you tried to look away, he forced your face towards the mirror again, “Don’t be shy now,” He pulled down your panties, slapping your now exposed bottom, sending a stinging pain through your skin. 
There was aching between your legs and part of you feared what he’d discover when he took a closer look. As you watched him undo his belt, a dark look in his eyes, you knew that he was going to push you all the way. He slapped your ass again, watching your body convulse as you tried to run from the pain. Surprisingly, his intimate touch only made that aching grow. 
Upon closer examination, Bucky did discover the wetness between your legs. You bit down on your lip as his fingers roamed over your sweet spot, rubbing your sensitive bulb. You bent over further, allowing him more access which caused Bucky to smirk. 
Something switched in him once again because suddenly he was pouncing again, positioning himself behind you as he pushed you further against the counter. He wanted you to see his face as he entered you, roughly grabbing your hair as he teased you entrance with his hard, throbbing cock. 
“Please what? You want me to fuck you?” You closed your eyes, unwilling to answer, only to receive another smack to your bottom, “Don’t worry about what you want, princess, I’m making the decisions here.”
He stretched you as he slowly entered you and you tightly wrapped around his member, “Fuck, Y/N,” He cursed, moving deeper inside of you. At that moment, he was all that could feel, and all that consumed your thoughts. He moved torturously slow in and out of you and you gasped every time he sunk his entire length within you. 
“Bucky!” You cried out, your mouth wide as you gripped the counter for dear life, “Ah, t-t-too big … p-please. Ah!”
He moved faster now, reaching around to grab ahold of your breast as he thrust inside of you. You called his name again and that only made him speed up his pace. He was torturing with his ferocity and now you wished he’d go back to taking it easy on you. You watched in the mirror as he split you apart, taking whatever innocence you had left within you, “Good girl, princess,” He praised you, “Taking my cock. So. Good.”
He was moving too fast now. With each thrust, he was hitting the right spot and sending pleasure in cascading waves through your body. You couldn’t take it, already tightening around his cock as you orgasm. You tried to run from it, trying to pull your body forward but he grabbed your arms, forcing you back onto his cock. Tears stung your eyes as he went even deeper. 
When he finally came, he grunted hard, his moaning deep and heavy. You were defeated, conquered, though you didn’t understand why being violated could feel so good. 
You leaned against the counter as you tried to catch your breath. Bucky ran his fingers through his hair, breathing heavily, before pulling up his pants and tightening his belt again. He adjusted his earpiece before looking at you over again. Shaking, you were pulling up the straps of your dress.
“Sober now?” He asked, a wicked smile on his face. “Let’s try yes sir and no sir from now on. Understand?”
“Yes… Sir.”
i love the whole secret service concept so i hope you enjoyed it too!
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A Little LOKI Theory Post
I am loathe to admit that I love the new LOKI TV series, mainly because of the Mobius/Loki dynamic, the interesting sci-fi plot, and just... I so far surprisingly like every episode. This was the show I had such low expectations for, because I didn’t really like LOKI – I felt he was the Moriarty of the MCU, overused when they didn’t need him, and making me annoyed by an actor I love.
EXCEPT I’m also a sucker for character-driven, psychoanalysis stories, like all these D+ Marvel shows are, and it’s leaving me super shocked about me liking characters I didn’t before. I’m fully invested in all these characters now.
I think the only reasom I really wanted to see this show for was because it ties directly into the next Dr. Strange movie, so YEAH, I’m in love multiverse and time travel things, so it was inevitable that I would enjoy this show, I think.
AND of course, I’ve theories and speculations because there’s a lot to work with, and I LOVE stories like these, so I decided I would take some time out and stretch out my meta-writing grey cells. And I wanted somewhere to have my theories/ideas written out before they come to fruition, because DAMNIT I have headcanons and hopes and dreams.
So here we go, spoilers below cut. Please note I know nothing about the comics aside from what other theorists and reviewers have mentioned:
The TVA are “the bad guys” but I think it goes deeper than that... Like the whole Timekeeper thing is really sus. I think it’s only one Timekeeper, who is Kang the Conqueror, who maintains the Sacred Timeline to ensure that he stays in power to PREVENT the Multiverse War which I think he knows happened to stop him. I also think Renslayer is behind all of this suspicious thing; I learned that in the comics Renslayer is a love interest for Kang, so like........... SUS.
AND I think Multiverse War they talked about in the beginning of the show IS the Multiverse War they’re ABOUT TO HAVE. This is a show about non-linear time, and there’s hints about multiverses in the next Spiderman, and Dr Strange is LITERALLY called “Multiverse of Madness”. Wild Theory: Maybe Doctor Strange IS one of the Time Keepers following the Multiverse War.
Loki initially wants to learn the enchanting that Sylvie does for his own selfish gain, and I think he was lying about breaking the TempPad so he would force her to open up. HOWEVER, I think he had a sudden change of heart after learning about the TVA’s Variant Staff; we already see him sort of fond of both Mobius and remembers Casey’s name, so I feel like that he will end up using this knowledge he gained very differently.
Further on this point, they established in Ep 3 that TVA agents / staff need actual real memories to “manipulate” them. So, I think Loki will use this power he learned from Sylvie (I mean, she explained to him how to do it, and this show is really good at using the “Chekov’s guns” given to us) to bring Mobius to “his side”, and TOGETHER they take down the TVA and make it what it should be. Mobius is very dedicated to the TVA, so I really do forsee that it will be Loki “freeing” Mobius as the catalyst to swaying to siding with Loki until the end. He’s a good man with a big heart for humanity, so I think he will totally side with freeing everyone else.
On that note, I think the reason Mobius is fascinated with the nineties is because he’s a variant jetskiier pulled from the nineties. I suspect in his original timeline he probably had a jetski accident and died, but in the Variant timeline, he survived, and out of pity I think Renslayer “saved” him and recruited him. The TVA wiped his memories after he couldn’t cope with the fact that he was SUPPOSED to die.
ALSO still on Mobius, I think every time he keeps questioning too much, he gets his memory wiped, which would explain why he never remembers leaving the cup stains on Renslayer’s table.
I think there’s more to Miss Minutes than meets the eye. Another theory I had was that she was similar to VIKI in iRobot, essentially running the company to her programmed “laws” after the TimeKeepers passed on. So like there’s no TimeKeepers at all, but there was at one time, and Miss Minutes was left to her own devices.
Another theory similar to this, is the Doctor Who episode, The Long Game, where everyone wants to be promoted to “Floor 500″ because it’s rumoured to be a paradise and is the top floor no one has ever returned from; It turns out it’s run by an alien that feeds on the human or something similar, and the people who went to the top floor ended up frozen husks of who they were. Not saying it’s this exact thing, but more the idea that everyone thinks what’s upstairs is a magical wonderful benevolent corporation looking out for what’s best for everyone, but instead it’s one evil thing doing stuff for their own purpose. Eh.
Another rogue theory: Mobius IS a Loki variant, which is why he’s obsessed with Loki himself, knows Loki better than Loki knows himself, and either knows and omitted it, or DOESN’T know but naturally is intrigued by the Loki Variant and him always finding out the truth is WHY his memory keeps getting wiped, and why everyone is always squeamish about having a Loki around. Mobius mentioned that Loki is the one Variant they have stopped more Lokis than any other Variant....
On that thought: IF Lokis are the most common Variant they capture, I think a LOT of the TVA are Loki Variants, trapped in the forms they were presenting as when they were brought in, and because magic doesn’t work in the TVA, they CAN’T turn off the glamour, had their memories wiped, and in turn could now be Codenamed Casey, or Mobius, or B15........ An abstract theory, but I think it’s interesting.
And another, since I learned that it is in the comics: Mobius is a clone drone. This one saddens me and I really hope he’s not. Because I love Mobius.
I think Sylvie was a Variant who worked for the TVA, but somehow had an awakening and wants to free everyone else... the only thing against this theory is her seeming surprised that her magic stopped working when she arrived at the TVA. If she was an agent, she would know that magic doesn’t work within the TVA.
And I think this series will inevitably – if the rumours of a Season 2 are true – have the Mobius / Loki dynamic solving Time Crimes... a.... Holmes and Watson if you will. :D HAHHA.
So yeah. This list will change obviously for the next 3 weeks, and I had a lot of fun with this so I will probably keep it up.
Some things I hope happen by the end:
A giant “probably not going to happen because this is Disney”: I hope they pay-off the “bisexual” confirmation by the end of this... highkey with Mobius (damn it I ship them okay), but lowkey just even a passing remark about anyone LOL. I really ship Lokius, okay. I need this dynamic in the MCU
I’ll be really honest here, I will effing GROAN and be a not-happy Steph if they do the ship that I think they’re gonna do: Sylvie x Loki. Which is weird to me that Disney would be okay with self-love, but the OBVIOUS initial dynamic of Loki x Mobius is too much, “look we gave you bisexual Loki, aren’t you happy enough??” Just. I dunno. It’s weird / a pet peeve of mine that a lot of online reviewers are bitching about “woke” Disney the one time they ACTUALLY FINALLY let a title character say they’re queer, but are all “UWU SYLVIE AND LOKI ARE GONNA GET TOGETHER BECAUSE LOKI LOVES HIMSELF UWU”. Even though Loki spent legit more screen time with Mobius, and literally did everything he told Sylvie that he wouldn’t do around people he doesn’t trust around Mobius ALREADY?? It’s like they already forgot about the first two eps. LEGIT the whole dagger=love metaphor LITERALLY happened in the previous two episodes, but alright chiefs. Anyway. Sorry, it’s stupid to be bothered by it. 
We’re gonna get that heart wrench moment that the other two shows had, and I TRULY BELIEVE it’s gonna be between Loki and Mobius when Loki tells / shows Mobius the truth. LOOK I JUST WANT MORE OF THEM OKAY. And I need my heart ripping moment in this show within the next two eps LOL. We got one in WandaVision. We got one in FATWS. GIVE ME ONE IN LOKI. MAKE ME LIKE LOKI.
Anyway, so that’s my rambling. Thanks for taking time out to read all this. I miss theorizing, and this show is perfect for me to do it. I’m not AS good at these shows as I was with Sherlock, but it’s still fun, because it’s new and my brain is full of headcanons and idea things. I’ll write again after Ep 4, I think. <3 Thank you lovelies for letting me do this!
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mudhorn-djarin19 · 3 years
Mission: I Do - Chp. 1 (Agent Whiskey x f!reader)
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Summary: A new mission has come up and you are sent off on it with Agent Whiskey as your partner. However, you have to go undercover as his fiancee. What will this mission mean for you and your harboring crush on him? This chapter is the set up to the mission. Rating: General (will change in future chapters) Warnings: None but some fluff AO3 Link | Masterlink | Join my taglist via here!  More chapters to come soon (will be added here)
You sat at the big long table amongst the other Statesman as Champ handed out the reports for your next missions. A bunch of reports have come up across the country of some trouble so he was having you agents partner up and travel to each destination that showed trouble.
“Agent Sangria and Agent Whiskey. Here is your file. You two will be partnered up together for this mission.” Champ says, sliding a file folder over to each of you.
You sigh slightly. You love being partnered with Whiskey when you can cause it meant more time around him, time to get to know him better and etc. He may get on your nerves a lot for he’s a big flirt and sometimes likes to push people’s buttons but deep down you found the man attractive. You’ve been growing a crush on him for a while but you knew nothing would ever come from it. He was such a big shot within Statesman, he probably was the same outside of work too. You open the file fold and start looking over your information for the mission when you spot some information that surprises you.
“Everything okay Agent Sangria?” Champ asks.
“Sir… I’m going undercover as… Whiskey’s fiancee?” You question.
“That’s right. You and Agent Whiskey will be going undercover as a couple for this mission. The culprit has been found kidnapping brides and sometimes bombing venues. We need you two to go to a bridal convention held in Dallas where he was last heard of being. I am sending you two cause you both work together well and seem to have the best chemistry out of our agents. I’ll let the rest of the details for you two to go over together.” He says.
You gulp and slightly look up at Whiskey who has that typical dumb smirk he always has on his face as he looks at you. “Well… seems I’m gettin’ hitched again. Who knew it’d be so easy.” He chuckles as he elbows Tequila sitting next to him who also chuckles. 
Champ had let you both go home shortly after the meeting to gather up all your supplies for your trip. Whiskey said he’d come pick you up later this evening before your flight out. You sit down on your bed and groan into your hands. This is going to be a tough weekend you think to yourself. Not only are you going on a mission alone with Whiskey again but you have to act as his fiancee all weekend?! The thoughts of what could go on cause you to feel sick with nerves. You shake your head and get back up and start rummaging through your closet finding what you can for the weekend. Some nice dresses and jewelry, some casual but cute clothes, and even some of your cuter sets of undergarments. Just in case you think. Just as you finished packing everything into your suitcases you hear your doorbell ring. You open the door to see Whiskey leaning up against the door frame.
“You ready for our weekend getaway darlin’?” He winks at you.
You sigh in response and motion your hand over to your suitcases and bags. “Care to help me load this into your car?” You ask
“Certainly.” He says stepping into your place, slinging your bag over his shoulder and grabbing both the suitcases in each hand. “Didn’t forget anything did ya?” You stare at him in disbelief. “Uh no. I got everything. Also… I can take one of them, you don’t need to take them all for me.” “Nonsense. This ain’t nothin’.” He says as he makes his way down the tiny walkway to his Bronco parked out front, placing them into the back seat. You shake your head in response and check to make sure all the lights and appliances are off before grabbing your keys and locking up, meeting him at the car. 
“Ah ah… allow me future Mrs...” He smirks, opening the car door for you. “Oh yea and before I forget Champ gave me this for you”
He grabs your left hand and slides a sparkly diamond ring onto your ring finger. Your eyes go wide in how fancy it is. “Can’t be my fiancee without a way to show it off.” He chuckles, walking around to his side of the car and then starting it.
“Y-yea..” You say, staring at it and twisting it between your fingers to admire it more.
You arrived at the airport and got all checked in okay with the tickets Champ got you. The flight didn’t take long, only a few hours. You two slept most of the way. You got your rental car, luggage loaded in and headed off to the designated hotel where you would be staying for the weekend. 
The bridal convention and events you were to attend for the weekend were being held at a local convention center so to stay close to the action in case anything went down and to blend in a bit more, Champ had scheduled for you guys to stay at a hotel nearby. 
Jack helped you with your bags out of the rental car, taking more than he needed to. You two walked up together to the check in counter.
“Good day sir and ma’am. Checking in?” The lady at the counter asks.
“Yes ma’am. Reservation should be under Joseph Daniels.” Jack says giving his partially fake name assigned to him for the weekend.
“Ah yes here we are. Joseph Daniels and Elizabeth Wallace?” The lady asks
Jack nods, handing her the company card to pay for the room. She hands you both your key cards and information packs on some things for the area. 
“I take it you guys are in the area for the bridal convention? Seeing as you have the honeymoon suite booked?” She smiles.
“Yes indeed.” He smiles, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close. You smile back nervously. 
“Well congratulations to you both! Let me get you the information packets for the event as well then.” She says, grabbing them and adding them to your pile.
You two gather your belongings and make your way to the elevators up to your room. You figured since the honeymoon suite was booked for the weekend it was going to be fancy but you had just no idea how until you opened the door. Flower petals littering the floor, candles surrounding the tub in the bathroom and chocolates on the little table inside the door with a congratulations note. You feel like this was some sort of tease to you about your crush with Jack. Did Champ know and send you on this mission for that reason?! 
“Uh…” You stutter out, taken by surprise.
“Champ sent me a message earlier telling me what room we had. Said everyone attending the event has these rooms, makes us blend in better and might help us run into the culprits better.” Jack states. 
“Oh, okay.” You say quietly, setting your bags down. “So um… look darlin’ I don’t want to make you uncomfortable this weekend. So I’ll sleep on the love seat over here. You can have the bed to yourself.” “Whis-” You start to say. “Jack. He replies. “I know we are used to calling each other our codenames but this weekend call me by my real name. Unless out on the field you know but, still. Hell, you can do so even not when on this mission.” He chuckles.
“Jack. You don’t have to sleep on the sofa. Your back’s going to be killing you afterwards. I don’t mind taking the sofa instead. We can um… share. It’ll be fine.” You say shyly.
“You sure? I really don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He says, stepping closer and looking down into your eyes. “It’s fine. You’re not going to make me uncomfortable. A lot more is going to have to happen between us this weekend I’m sure and sharing a simple bed is at the bottom of the list of awkwardness for me.” You chuckle.
“Alright. If you say so.” He pats your head and works at unpacking his suitcase while you head off to the bathroom.
You just finished your shower and changing for the night when you stepped out into the bedroom to see Jack laying shirtless in nothing but flannel pj pants on the bed watching the local news. You stop in your tracks, admiring at just how handsome he looked. You must have been standing there staring for a bit too long when he looked over at you and called out.
“Everything okay? Did you change your mind about sharing? ‘Cause if so I can still move and go to the sofa.” He asks
You shake yourself out or your dazed state and start heading over to the bed and crawling, in under the covers. “No no. It’s okay, stay where you are. Sorry I was just thinking about um… something else.” “Alrighty then. Also if me being shirtless bothers you I’ll put one on. This is just how I usually sleep.” He says looking down at his torso. For being such a flirt and a nuisance at times he was surely a gentleman deep down inside. Always checking with you on if things were okay and making sure you were comfortable.
“It’s okay. I don’t mind.” You reply, get snuggled in under the covers for the night. “We have a big day ahead of us so I’m going to get some shut eye.”
“Sounds like a plan. Me too.” He says, shutting off the tv and lights, crawling under the covers with you.
Taglist: @sarahjkl82-blog​ @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange​ @blackberries45​
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mxndoscyarika · 3 years
Honeydew (Marcus Pike/Moreno x OC) | Chapter 6
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Summary: Erin He moves to DC after working for the FBI in Texas and runs into a hero in disguise; Marcus Moreno. Something about him is familiar, too familiar, yet different in a way that she can’t quite place. Although confused, she can’t deny her feelings for him; perhaps, after years of regret, she finally found the one.
Warnings: food/drink mention, death mention
Honeydew masterlist
Like my writing? Here’s my masterlist.
Author’s Note: Thank you for being so patient 🥺 School+job interviews have been kinda crazy for the last few weeks. But now I’m on spring break AND got an internship, so hopefully the coming chapters will be up soon. Enjoy!
“Are you sure you don’t mind picking up Missy? I don’t want to keep you from your work.”
Erin laughed softly, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. “I’m turning into the school parking lot already, babe. I don’t mind, really. It’s nice to spend time with Missy.”
Her boyfriend let out a sign of relief on the other end of the call. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
“You’ve mentioned it a couple times,” she replied, pulling up to the pickup line. When she spotted Missy, she waved her over. Her heart soared as the little girl’s face lit up like the sun. “I should let you get back to work. I’ll bring her back to your place, so don’t worry about stopping by my apartment, ok?”
“Okay, honey.” A pause. “Thank you for taking care of my baby. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Probably run around frantically,” she teased, unlocking the car doors so Missy could climb into the back seat. “Now go save the world, Marcus. I’ll see you at home in a few hours.”
After that, she hung up and turned around in her seat to greet Missy, who was already buckled up. “Ready to go home?”
The little girl nodded. “Will you stay for dinner tonight? We haven’t had a night with all three of us in a while.”
Erin laughed softly, pulling out of the pickup line. “Missy, sweetie, I stayed over this past weekend! But yes, I’ll stay as long as you want me to.”
“Can you stay forever, then?”
Well, that was unexpected. Yes, she’d become an integral part of the Morenos’ lives, but she never thought Missy would want her around all the time. Surely she missed her mom, or missed having free reign around the house with just Marcus as her parent figure. She couldn’t be that important, could she?
Part of her couldn’t help but melt at Missy’s request. For a long time, she’d wanted to find someplace that she could call home–a place where she could live, appreciate, and be appreciated in return. It would’ve been a lie to say that she never thought of a life with the Morenos, but she knew that it was more complicated than her late-night fantasy made it out to be. She couldn’t just barge into their lives.
The drive to Marcus’s house was muscle memory at that point, the turns of her wheel well-practiced. After their first date, they’d gone on two more. And while neither of them had gone much further than needy kisses, she couldn’t help but fall a little more in love with him. He was worth it. He was worth everything.
Missy bounced on the balls of her feet as Erin fished out the house key from her purse, bounding into the house the moment the door was unlocked. “If I finish my homework early, can we bake something?”
“Maybe,” she mused, setting her shoes on the shoe rack by Missy’s. After locking the front door, she walked into the main family and dining area. “What did you have in mind?”
“Can we make a tres leches cake?” Missy asked, looking up at her with innocent eyes. “I asked dad, but he said no.”
Erin chuckled and sat down in the chair next to her. “That’s probably for a good reason, sweetie. We just finished a cake roll the other day, so maybe we can bake it this weekend. Instead, we can have ice cream today.”
The girl sighed and shrugged. “Okay, it was worth a shot.” She frowned as she read over her english homework. “Parts...of speech? I don’t remember learning any of this in class. Can you help me? Pleeeease, Erin?”
Humming in confirmation, she set down the file she was reading and turned so she could read the homework sheet better. “Ah, I remember learning this in school. It’s not too bad, it’s just that the names are a little weird. Let’s see…”
They worked on the homework together, Erin explaining the concepts and asking Missy to give her examples of everything from verbs to nouns. She tried not to think about what it would be like to spend more afternoons and evenings helping her little girl with homework. It was a long way off, and she didn’t want to get her hopes up.
She was explaining the difference between nouns and proper nouns when Missy mentioned, “You know, dad used to have a different name.”
Erin raised a dark brow, surprised at how nonchalantly the girl had made the comment. “Really, now?” It probably shouldn’t have come as that much of a surprise–didn’t most superheroes have codenames, or secret identities?
Missy nodded. “Well, I think so. I remember when I was little, sometimes he would write Marcus Pike on my permission slips instead of Moreno. Then he’d have to cross it out and fix it. Silly, right?”
Erin froze, her heart dropping into her stomach. Her Marcus...was Marcus? “Oh...that is silly. I wonder why he changed it.”
It didn’t make sense. Marcus Pike disappeared nearly a decade ago, and as far as she knew, he wasn’t affiliated with the Heroics. And he certainly couldn’t have a daughter that was in second grade.
Or could he?
But if he was the Marcus Moreno, then why did he need to have a fake identity? More importantly, why didn’t he tell her that he was Marcus Pike? Even if it was a codename, it didn’t matter once they met. Unless...he didn’t want her to know.
Maybe he didn’t want to be found;  because if she was anything to him, why didn’t he look for her? Why didn’t he try to contact her?
The air turned cold. Breathing slowly through her nose, she sat back and opened her laptop. She scrolled through the reports of Marcus Pike’s disappearance. There was nothing on him except some anecdotes and some text messages between coworkers. There was no address, no email, no mention of his name online. He’d very much disappeared. No one, not even her best agents, could find any trace of him after that winter day eight years ago.
Sighing, she switched gears and pulled up as much information as she could find about Marcus Moreno. She didn’t like the feeling of prying into his life, but she had to know. It didn’t make sense: if Marcus Pike existed for years within the FBI, what was Marcus Moreno up to? Did he disappear too?
Her hands shook as she clicked on the website of the Heroics and went to Marcus’s page. Unlike most of the other heroes, he didn’t have a codename. Why was that?
She paused at his photo, gaze softening slightly. As much as she tried to convince herself otherwise, he did look a lot like Marcus Pike. He had the same furrow between his brows, the same nose. They were the same height as well, which she’d noticed as her body fit perfectly against him.
They–he?–both knew her coffee order like the back of their–his?–hand, and knew exactly how to comfort her when the stress from work became too much. He called her the same pet names, her favorite being….honeydew.
Only one person ever called her “honeydew.”
She was terrified as she scrolled down.
The first appearance of Marcus Moreno as a member of the Heroics was eight years ago.
How could she have been so blind? He was right in front of her the entire time, and she never noticed. She built her entire reputation on remembering details and noticing everything, and she couldn’t pick up on the clues. Who else would call her “honeydew,” hug her like it had been years, and want to take the relationship slow?
It was too much.
Not wanting Missy to worry, Erin got up from the table and locked herself in the bathroom before letting the tears fall.
Why did he have to go?
Why didn’t he tell her?
Why didn’t he come back?
Erin only let a few tears fall before gathering herself again. She couldn’t let Missy know the truth, not yet. She had to be strong for her, just as she had to be strong for her team when every lead turned into a dead end. So much time had passed since she last had any hope of seeing Marcus again; part of her didn’t want to believe it. But at the same time, she couldn’t deny it anymore: Marcus Moreno was Marcus Pike. He was alive and well, and happy.
The least she could do was be happy for him.
But it didn’t soften the blow on her pride.
Dinner was a quieter affair than usual. She couldn’t bring herself to talk more than a couple sentences at a time, for fear of something slipping out. Maybe it was better that way. Marcus obviously didn’t want to deal with the effects of disappearing, so why should she make an effort to find closure?
That was another thing, she realized. If he really was Marcus Pike, then would she ever get closure? Would she ever get to truly move on from the one person she could never have?
Once Missy went upstairs to get ready for bed, the silence grew deafening. There was so much she wanted to say, but she didn’t know how.
Marcus must’ve sensed something was off, because his brows furrowed just slightly. He came up and leaned against the counter, watching as she transferred the leftovers into tupperware containers. “What’s wrong?”
Erin sighed. Part of her didn’t want to confront him and destroy the little bubble of happiness surrounding them, but she needed answers. If he reacted badly….maybe he wouldn’t be the one. Resigned, she asked, “Why did you lie to me, brown eyes?”
A blanket of silence settled in the kitchen.
His eyes widened. “W-what do you mean?”
Fighting back tears, she asked, “Why did you let me think you were dead, Pike? I-” She covered her face with her hands, eyes clenched shut. “I searched for you, but you were gone!”
“I’m sorry,” he said, eyes glistening. “I should’ve told you.”
As she started trembling, he realized it was the first time he’d ever seen her cry. His honeydew was crying because of him.
“I just wanted my best friend back,” she said. Facing him, she asked, “Were you ever going to tell me? Or was I supposed to live the rest of my life feeling guilty that I was moving on from the love of my life?”
Marcus felt like he’d been punched. She…wanted him since the beginning? “Your...what? Honeydew, I-”
She stepped back as he reached for her. His heart broke as she shook her head and said firmly, “No. You don’t get to call me that. I don’t….I don’t even know who you are.”
“Okay,” he said softly, taking off his glasses. Tears dripped down his face as he faced her. “Let me introduce myself. Completely. My name is Marcus Moreno. We met when I was hiding under an alias: Marcus Pike.”
He told her about his family, and his involvement with the Heroics early on in his life. His mother, Anita Moreno, was one of the original heroes in the organization. As the Heroics grew more prominent and began working with the government, he needed to change his name–while his mother wanted to help the world, he just wanted a normal life. He wanted to go to school, make friends, and have a family someday.  With the status that came with being a Moreno, he couldn’t do any of that without putting his loved ones in danger. So, with the help of the Heroics, he changed his identity to Marcus Pike.
Most of his adult life, including university, was spent as Marcus Pike. His failed marriage had Marcus Pike written on the certificate. Even when he worked for the FBI, he was documented as Marcus Pike; no one knew who he was, not when new people were being cycled in and out of the workplace.
After moving to DC and having his engagement with Teresa Lisbon broken off, he gave up. He contacted his mother, got involved with the Heroics again, and had his identity erased so he could take over as the leader of the Heroics.
“But that doesn’t explain why you couldn’t tell me,” she said, frowning. “Is the difference between Marcus Pike and Marcus Moreno so big that it would affect our relationship?”
Marcus sighed. “Do you really want to know?” When she nodded, he confessed, “I didn’t tell you because...I didn’t want to lose you.”
Her gaze softened. “What?”
“I was afraid that if you saw me as Marcus Pike, you’d  only ever see me as a friend,” he explained. “And he is me…. But the way you looked at Marcus Moreno was all I ever wanted. It was everything I wished I could have back and more. The most painful part of leaving Pike behind was losing you. It was losing the chance to tell you how I felt, and to see where we could’ve gone together.” He stepped closer, and this time she didn’t flinch away when he touched her. “It was selfish, I know. I’m sorry. But I promise you, Erin, my honeydew, my feelings for you are real. They always were. No amount of name changes and secret identities can change that.”
Unable to stop herself, Erin threw her arms around him and buried her face in his shoulder. “I missed you so much.”
He held her close and stroked her hair, basking in her warmth. “I missed you too.”
“You’re an idiot, though,” she said, clinging to him as if he would disappear if she let go. “I would’ve said yes whether or not you were Pike.”
“But, that doesn’t mean I’m not mad,” she said. A wave of humiliation crashed over her. “If you were anyone else, I’d be gone.”
“I know,” he murmured, kissing the top of her head. “I’m sorry. You have every right to be mad, and I don’t blame you if you want some space.”
“I don’t know what I want anymore,” she said softly, wincing as her head started throbbing. “I...I want space, but I’m afraid I'll lose you again. I’m mad, but I’m also….glad that my best friend is alive and well.”
“You can stay for the night, if you want,” Marcus offered, searching her gold-flecked eyes. He braced himself for the rejection, for her to scoff and storm out of his house. But it never happened.
Once everything was put away in the kitchen, they made their way up to his bedroom and got ready for bed. Sharing the bathroom as they brushed their teeth and washed their faces felt odd. Why did it feel like they’d been robbed of years of their life?
He didn’t regret marrying his late wife–no, never–but the more he and Erin spent time together, the more aware he was of just how much things could’ve been different. Everything he had was because he couldn’t tell a woman he loved her eight years ago.
Nestled against him, Erin sighed. “You don’t have to go with me on the undercover op. This job...it’s important and I can’t afford to be distracted.”
He shook his head. “No, I promised you I’d go. Everything will be alright, honey.” The familiar weight of her body against his soothed his nerves, even after everything. “I’m sorry we lost so much time. I’ll make it up to you.”
Erin didn’t respond.
< previous chapter | next chapter >
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chokemewanda · 3 years
Main Masterlist Only Child Series Masterlist part eighteen / part nineteen / part twenty chapter warnings: sarcasm, swearing, human trafficking, violence, minor character death,
Y/N was sat on the floor in front of Bucky while he slowly combed through her hair. She had Peter's head in her lap and she ran her finger's through his hair. Steve and Natasha were in the kitchen area preparing something for dinner.
Bruce was sitting next to Bucky on the sofa, watching over her in that careful way he had been since she came back. She hadn't been left alone since she'd come home. Mass slumber parties in the living area every night made things easier.
Tony and Pepper were on the love seat, discussing movie choices for the evening. Wanda and Pietro were curled up in on bean bags talking quietly. Clint was kicking Pietro in the back of the head every so often because he was that kind of loser.
"My mother had been on vacation. It was sort of like Taken except she didn't have a Liam Neeson to save her. It's no surprise that Hydra was part of Human Trafficking, where else would they get the people they experiment on?" Y/N asked quietly. Everyone stopped to listen except Bucky who continued to comb her hair.
"I didn't find out about her until I was almost eight, some stupid agent was taunting me. Told me that he'd kill her if I didn't do as I was told. The next time I went out on a mission I began asking questions. No one ever answered me but their expressions were all I needed to see to know that she was alive." She looked down at Peter who smiled gently.
"I got my chance when I was twelve, days before you guys found me. When Hydra was being rooted out agent by agent they began to abandon ship, emptying the facilities. Someone set me loose and then they left the building. I'll never know who did it, who granted me that small mercy but it gave me time to find her. I got to say goodbye." She smiled at Peter when he wiped her tear away.
"He was there, of course, he'd wanted to tie up any loose ends. He left me there with her in the end, locked in the cell like a wild animal. Before he left he'd only said three words. 'Too late, Sweetheart.' I told you all after that I didn't know the woman in my cell, some other detainee. But that was my mother and I never even learned her name. She was only ever labeled as Subject Number Three's egg donor."
"Number three?" Bruce asked gently, his hand coming to rest on her shoulder.
"I guess the stress of it all made things quite tough on her. I was the third attempt. She hadn't been able to carry the other two to term." She told them all quietly. "Subject Number One and Two would've been my older brother's. So I'm not actually an only child."
"Could've fooled me," Clint muttered and Y/N surprised them all by laughing, wiping away her tears with her free hand.
"Well, don't think I'm going to magically turn into a well-mannered kid now." She warned. "I still expect you all to do my bidding."
"Wouldn't have it any other way," Bucky assured her, twisting her hair into a braid and tying it securely at the end.
Things went back to normal. Or as normal as they ever were. They started going on missions again, she had to start handing in homework again and she got to start annoying all her parents about her relationship with Peter.
On one memorable mission, they had all been getting ready on the quinjet when she'd called attention to herself in her usual fashion.
"Codenames!" Y/N interrupted the cacophony of noise that preparing for a mission always brought on. "I'm Avenger One. Pietro is 'Been there, done that'. Peter is 'Currently doing that'. Clint is 'It happened once in a nightmare'. Wanda is 'If I had to pick a chick'. Steve is Avenger Two."
"Oh thank god." Steve sighed in relief, completing the reference accidentally. She cheered loudly, high-fiving Steve who looked slightly confused.
"What do you mean nightmare. I'm great at sex." Clint insisted from the pilot's seat, looking over his shoulder before pausing. "Actually, you're a minor. Forget I said that."
"Clint, you're like the Uncle I might've had but never wanted. Let me tell you that was the worst  nightmare I've ever had and that is saying something." Y/N assured him.
"Understandable." Clint looked back and Peter shot Y/N a look, making her smile.
"You trying to get as many of your teammates as possible?" He asked and she shrugged.
"I don't know, I'm kind of stuck on this one weird guy. Total nerd but something keeps drawing me in." She told him and he laughed.
"Do I know him? Sounds like I've got competition." He played along and she nodded.
"Yeah, he goes to your school. Penis Parker?" She burst out laughing at his expression, dodging when he reached for her. She was so glad to be back in this normal everyday life. She was glad to be stuck with her family.
She had only just emerged from the shower and gotten dressed when there was a knock on her door. To her delight the mission they had been on earlier involved the case of The Squishy Rodents and she'd been covered in gunk by the time they got home.
She opened her door to find Bruce waiting, a small folder of documents in his hand and a smile on his lips. "Can I come in?"
"Course you can." She let him in and he took a seat on her bed, looking from the folder back to her. She hadn't seen much of Bruce in the last few weeks, he'd been off on a mission with Natasha and Bucky, gathering intel for something or other and she'd missed him.
She took a seat next to him, taking the offered folder with a smile. It held the shield insignia on the front and she ran her fingers over it, wondering why he was giving it to her. She looked up at him and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
"There's a lot in there. The first few pages are names of the girls we were able to relocate with their families. Eighty percent of them have gotten home already. The rest of them are receiving care in facilities that are searching for their families." Y/N flicked through the pages finding pictures of smiling girls. She'd helped saved them. She paused a few pages in and ran her fingers over the picture of the smiling girl.
"That is your mother. We found some of her details, not very much. This was the picture her mother had used to search for her. She died six years ago, she was your only remaining family member on your mother's side. But you should know, your grandmother never gave up looking for her." Y/N wiped her eyes before looking up at Bruce and he pulled her tighter against him. When she attempted to change the page he put his hand on top of it.
"I can't read the rest?" She asked in confusion. Bruce took a deep breath before letting it out again.
"The next part is your eighteenth birthday present.  I know you're worried about being an adult, worried about things changing. Nothing is going to change but I want to offer you some form of security. You can say no." Y/N turned the page and found adoption papers staring up at her and she blinked. "I'm not Bucky, I know you've joked about it but he would've only he's not technically an officially registered person just yet."
Bruce wanted to adopt her. He wanted her to be his official kid.
"You're a better example than Bucky anyway." Y/N folded herself into Bruce's arms, crying with joy.
"I fucking heard that."
[taglist: @llamadramaonthefarma @tomhollandsslilslut ]
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ghostofskywalker · 4 years
Codename: Last Resort
Bucky Barnes/Fem!Reader
Words: 4,547
Written for @buckys-other-punk​‘s 500 Writing Challenge - congrats!! hope you enjoy!!
Prompt: “You’re-you’re crushing my spleen.” - “You don’t even know where your spleen is.” 
Summary: Barnes and L/N are trouble waiting to happen. So much so that they aren't allowed to be paired on missions together, not after The Incident. But when something comes up that's bigger than both of them, can they adapt to work together? Or will it blow up in their face?
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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"We have to find another way," Steve said, looking at the holographic images of Fury and Tony.  "There's a much higher chance of success if we can push this mission off until some of the others arrive back at the compound."
"Rogers, if we push this mission off now, we risk dealing with an even greater threat later!" Fury responded.
"He's right," Tony cut in. "If we don't push this mission off, we risk accelerating that threat."
"Okay, I'm obviously missing something," Fury said. "There's two people at the compound right now, and the mission requires two operatives. I don't see the issue here."
Tony smirked. "There's a reason that mission control is not allowed the pair Barnes and Y/N on missions at all, let alone extended undercover ones."
"If this is about some stupid team rivalry, they'll just have to get over it," Fury said, shaking his head.
"I think it's a little more than a simple rivalry," Steve said. "I've never seen two people hate each other as much as Y/N and Bucky."
"And after the Incident, they haven't been allowed to go on missions together, in the interest of their own safety and the rest of the team's."
"The Incident?"
"We were raiding a hydra base about a year or so ago, and Y/N shot Bucky in the leg. She claims she was aiming for an enemy agent, but they had been arguing over the comms that entire day.  Bucky maintains that there were no agents around him when she shot him. The next mission, he shot her in the shoulder, also claiming it was an accident."  
"I could go on the mission," Tony said. "I'll just fly back a little early from the science convention and voila! problem solved. I wouldn't mind a little vacation."
"As much as that seems like an obvious solution, that won't work," Fury said. "It was all over the news that you and Dr. Banner would be at that convention. The fact that HYDRA is starting to mobilize now doesn't seem to be a coincidence. Pretty much all of the avengers are away from the compound, and it looks like they know that.  This mission has to be done now. And besides, Stark is too easily recognized."
"And the guy with a literal metal arm isn't?" Tony asked, eyebrows raised. "How's that going to go over in a resort community?"
"Our scientists have been working on a synthetic arm cover for Sergeant Barnes," Fury said. "With that, a clean shave, and a nice haircut, no one will recognize him."
You couldn't believe the crappy day you were having.  You had accidentally set your alarm, causing it to wake you up at 7 AM, there wasn't coffee to be found anywhere in the kitchen, and no milk for your cereal either. And on top of that, the splitting headache you woke up with only got worse when Steve called and told you that you were leaving for a mission the next day, and that you and Bucky would have to work together.
"Can't this mission just wait until you or Nat comes back?" you had whined. "I though Barnes and I weren't allowed to be partnered on missions together!"
Steve sighed. "I tried to get Fury to push it back a little, but it didn't work."
"Did you tell him about the Incident?"
"Yeah, he said you two are going to have to grow the hell up and deal with it. If HYDRA is keeping tabs on us, then they'll be doing this now for a reason. As much as you don't want to, you and Bucky are the only ones who can carry out this mission."
So that's where you were now, sitting in an airport waiting area, sitting next to the person you hated the most in the world, waiting for your gate to be called. And Bucky looked drastically different. For one, his metal arm was covered up by a synthetic sleeve, so if you didn't know it was actually metal, you never would have guessed. Yesterday SHIELD stylists had visited the compound, giving him a new haircut and a clean shave.  Now, instead of looking like he lives on the streets, Bucky looks wealthy and put together, if it wasn't for the giant scowl he still sported.
You tried not to show it on your face, but you were definitely not excited for this mission.  According to Fury, a top HYDRA arms dealer was operating out of a vacation resort in Florida, and apparently was going to be making a big trade deal within the next few weeks. You and Bucky were going undercover at the resort as a pair of wealthy newlyweds, with your job to covertly find out when the deal was going down, so you could call back and inform Fury, who would send a team of agents out to raid the resort and stop the trade. The ostentatious wedding and engagement rings that Tony had picked out and sent to you were weighing down your finger, already a constant reminder of what you had gotten yourself into.
Look, don't be mistaken, you were excited for a few weeks away from the rainy weather of the compound and the prospect of relaxing on the beach with a drink in your hand, it was the company that you could definitely do without.
"Stop looking like you want to kill someone," you hissed at Bucky. "We're supposed to be leaving for our honeymoon, not the electric chair!"
"I think I'd rather be in the electric chair," Bucky growled back. "At least my suffering wouldn't last that long."
You stopped the urge to roll your eyes at him, instead opting for a quiet sigh. "Look, I know neither of us are too happy about this mission, but can we at least be normal until we get to the hotel room. I'd rather not be arrested for murder in an airport."
"You really think that you could kill me?"
"I know you think I'm useless, but I'm on the team for a reason Bucko," you bit back. "Just fake a smile or this mission will be over before we even get there, because I really don't feel like explaining to Steve why you didn't even make it to the resort."
He groaned, just loud enough for you to hear. "Fine."
It became clear that neither of you was going to talk to the other, so you decided to take a nap on the plane, this way it didn't look that weird if the supposed newlywed couple was sitting in silence and not talking. You had the window seat and Bucky was in the middle, much to his dismay.  There was a businessman sitting next to Bucky that you could tell wasn't going to be a chatty neighbor, so you didn't feel too bad for him.
Bucky shook you awake when the plane landed, probably a little harder than he should have as a doting husband, but he didn't care. Still groggy from your nap, you made your way off the plane, out of the airport, and into the rental car without one jab at Bucky, which he appreciated, thinking maybe for a second he would survive this mission if all you did was nap all day. His luck however, didn't hold when you two actually got to the resort and checked in.
When he put the key card into the slot of the room and opened the door. He was speechless. It was a beautiful room, if it weren't for the rose petals lining the floor and leading to the bed, which was also covered in petals. Several candles were lit, lining the nightstand and TV stand. There was a balcony in the bedroom and another room with a couch, two chairs, and a small kitchenette. Bucky stalked over to the bed to see an envelope, bearing their names in looping calligraphy.
Enjoy it while you can lovebirds!
He rolled his eyes and passed the note over to you, and you groaned in response. "If I survive this mission, I'm going to kill him," you muttered, before stalking around the suite.
Bucky watched, confused as you located a small couch in the corner of the next room, and walked over to the cart that you had used to carry your things up.  Grabbing his overnight bag from the cart and a pillow off the bed, you deposited both on the couch and went back for your own bag. "Hey!" Bucky said as he realized what was going on. "Why am I sleeping on the couch?"
You raised your eyebrows. "You didn't think that we were going to share the bed, did you Barnes?" you said.
Bucky rolled his eyes in response. "No, but why do you get the big king-sized bed? I'm taller than you, and that couch is half my size!"
"Fine, sleep on the floor for all I care."
"Wrong answer sweetheart," Bucky said, voice full of malice. "You can sleep on the couch, or like you said, 'on the floor for all I care.'"
"Barnes, I will rip your limbs off and hang them from a tree."
"I'd like to see you try, honey."
One of the joys of a vacation resort is communal dining, which Y/N and Bucky could have done without. But it was imperative that they are seen around the resort as a normal couple, not two spies sent to infiltrate and report on illegal happenings. And besides, if they could gain the trust of the man in charge of the arms deal, a man named Chase Taylor, they stood a better chance at getting this mission done and over with. After filling your plates with some of the fanciest food you'd ever seen, you scanned the room for open seats.  "Target is at table 20," Bucky whispered to you, dropping a kiss on your cheek.
You nodded and tried so hard not to wipe your hand down your cheek in disgust where he kissed you. Sure enough, Taylor was sitting at a nearby table with who you assumed to be his girlfriend, and there happened to be several seats still open.  You internally shivered before grabbing Bucky's hand and making your way over to the table. "Do you mind if we sit here?" you asked Taylor, in a voice too saccharine to be your own.
"Not at all!" his girlfriend answered. Taylor nodded and you Bucky took seats across from him at the table.
As quiet as Chase Taylor was, his girlfriend was the exact opposite. After introducing herself as Stephanie and her boyfriend (you were right) as Chase, she asked your names and where you were visiting from.
"I'm Y/N Miller, and this is my husband James," you said, giving Bucky a sickly sweet smile. It was easier to use your first names than try to remember new ones. "We just got married a few weeks ago."
As Stephanie fawned over you and Bucky, you could see that Chase start to drift away from the conversation, only adding small remarks when he was mentioned or asked something. The two of you left dinner and headed back up to the room. Once you shut the door, Bucky turned to you. "It didn't seem like Taylor was too keen on us. I don't know how we're going to gain his trust."
You smiled. "Taylor might not have been too keen on us, but Stephanie sure was. We exchanged phone numbers and we're going to meet up to lay out by the pool one day this week."
"She obviously doesn't know anything about her boyfriend's actions," Bucky said. "I doubt your little social club will go anywhere."
"You really don't understand women do you?" you said. "If Stephanie likes me, and by extension you, she'll want to invite us on more couple's outings with her and Chase. The more that he gets used to seeing us around, the more likely he'll slip up and mention something we can use."
"Fine," Bucky said, stalking off to the couch. "It's not like we have any better plans anyway."
The two of you didn't speak for the rest of the evening, Bucky was watching TV on the couch, and you had staked your claim on the bed, first clearing off all the rose petals and dumping them in the trash can. You were slowly drifting off to sleep when you felt the bed sink next to you, and you shot up. "What do you think you're doing?"
"I couldn't sleep on the couch," Bucky said lowly.
"Like I said before: then you're welcome to sleep on the floor," you hissed. "But if you think you'll be sleeping anywhere near me, you are severely mistaken."
No response from Bucky.
"Barnes!" You raised your voice a little.
"Yes sweetheart?" He shot back.
You weren't having it. "Get. Out. Of. The. Bed."
"What if your precious friend Stephanie pays us a visit, huh?" he said. "And what if you're the only one awake? How's it going to look to her if your husband, the one you claim to love soooo much, is sleeping on the floor?"
"Fine, Barnes," you huffed after a moment of silence. "But you better stay on your side of the bed or so help me god I'll kill you in your sleep."
This was going to be an eventful night.
You woke up not to the sun streaming in through the curtains, but to something touching your face.  You opened your eyes to see a hand splayed out on your face, and realized that at some point in the night, Bucky had stretched out and was now laying like a starfish on the bed, pushing you to a small area.  You quietly got out of bed and headed over to the bathroom, spotting a complimentary can of shaving cream on the sink. Smiling, you grabbed the can and headed back over to Bucky.  He was going to regret making you share the bed.
Carefully depositing shaving cream in his outstretched palm, you headed back over to the bathroom, put the can back in its place, and started to get ready. A few moments later you "accidentally" dropped one of your skincare products, which hit the floor with a loud noise that should have woken Bucky up.  Smiling, you continued with your morning routine like nothing was wrong.
When you walked out of the bathroom to get your phone and saw Bucky sitting on the bed, still bleary eyed but with one side of his cheek and a lot of his hair covered in shaving cream, you couldn't suppress your laughter.
"What are you laughing at?" Apparently Bucky was cranky in the mornings.
"Nothing," you said as you walked into the living area.
Bucky was apparently not convinced, and you heard him get off the bed and walk into the bathroom. "Y/N!" he bellowed.  
You looked down at your phone to see a text from Stephanie, asking you to meet her at the pool. Smiling, you practically skipped out of the room, grabbing your bag and keys. "Sorry Bucky, can't talk now! I'll see you later!"
You heard him groan as you shut the door.
When you got to the pool, Stephanie wasn't there yet, so you picked a lounge chair and set your stuff down next to you. There was no one else at the pool, so you happily laid back in the sun and started to read.  
Stephanie arrived not long after you settled down, and the two of you chatted aimlessly.  You learned that her and Chase had only been dating for about six months, which gave you a sneaking suspicion that she had no idea what he really did for a living. You gave her some information about yourself, but a lot of it came from SHIELD's assigned cover story for you and Bucky.
"Where's you wedding ring?" Stephanie asked as the two of you floated in the pool on colorful inner tubes. "I saw a glimpse of it last night at dinner, but I wanted to get a closer look today."
Internally, you swore, but didn't show it on your face. Of course you had forgotten to put your rings on before you left, it wasn't really part of your daily routine. "Oh, I didn't want it to get ruined or anything at the pool today," you said. "I can be so scatterbrained sometimes and I didn't want to leave it here by accident."
Stephanie nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right. But promise you'll wear it to dinner? I'll make sure Chase and I sit by you and your husband!"
You smiled sincerely at her. "Of course! And I'm sure James would love to sit with you two again," you said. "Both of us were worried about the dining situation because we tend to be less outgoing, and I'm so glad we are getting to know you."
"Oh, me too!" Stephanie said. "All the people at this place are either triple our ages or seem like no fun. You and your husband are the only normal people I've met, and Chase still has to work, even though we're technically on vacation."
"Well I'll be here for a little bit longer, so you can always call if you need to escape and just hang out," you said, and she nodded happily.
Bucky was still in his room when you returned from your pool day with Stephanie, and he shot up from bed when he heard the door open. "How was your girl time?" he said bitingly.
"Very successful, I'll have you know," you said. "Not only do we have a standing invitation to sit at the same table as Chase and Stephanie at all meals, but we've been invited to go boating with them tomorrow. Maybe after a few beers, Chase will let something slip about the arms deal."
Dinner that night went well, and you felt like Chase had opened up a little more than the previous night, talking to Bucky about classic cars, which they both enjoyed. And everything between you and Bucky seemed to be running smoother, until it was time to go to bed.
"Barnes, last night was a one time thing. You're not sleeping in the bed again."
"Why not? Didn't you dream of me?"
"No! I was referring to waking up and practically being shoved off the bed because you can't seem to keep your limbs to yourself!"
"Well, what would you like me to do about it? In case you don't understand, I was sleeping."
"Well, then you can sleep somewhere else because I don't want to deal with you any longer."
You arguments didn't really go anywhere, and you ended up having to suffer another night with Bucky sleeping next to you.
That didn't stop you from shoving him clean off the bed at about three in the morning when you were awoken to his hand over your face, again. Surprisingly, he didn't wake up when he hit the floor, which you counted as a small victory.
It was perfect weather for boating, and you were almost excited to get out on the water, even if you did happen to going with a HYDRA arms dealer. And everything seemed to be going well too, if not for a few hiccups.
The first hiccup came when Stephanie offhandedly mentioned that you and Bucky weren't big on PDA.  This led to her suggesting that you sit on Bucky's lap on the boat, and as much as you didn't want to, you sucked it up.  
Bucky wasn't happy about your new seating situation either. "You're - you're crushing my spleen," he whispered in your ear.
"You don't even know where your spleen is," you said, rolling your eyes.  "Now shut up and let's get this day over with."
As it turns out, that was not the only uncomfortable situation you got into with Bucky that day on the boat. Bucky had pulled you away from a conversation with Stephanie, who raised her eyebrows at the two of you disappearing together.
He led you to the ship's cabin, and once the two of you looked around to make sure that no one was eavesdropping, he leaned towards you. "Chase let something slip that he's going to a work event here at the resort in four days, I think that's the arms deal,” he said lowly. “I think he has a piece of paper with more details, and that will almost definitely be in here.
“Is there a way to confirm that?” you asked. “We only have one shot at this, and we can’t blow it.”
The two of you snooped around the cabin, until you found a piece of paper with what seemed like random notes scribbled on it. “Do you think this could be it?” you asked, showing him the paper.
“It could be a code, but I’m not sure-” he started to say, but then stopped. “Can you hear that?”
You strained your ears and listened. Your eyes widened when you picked up footsteps coming in your direction. “Bucky, we can’t be in here!” you hissed.
“You think I don’t know that?” he whispered back.
Right as the door to the cabin opened, Bucky made an impulse decision. He quickly grabbed you and pushed you up against the wall of the cabin, and before you could react, he was kissing you. Hard. Next thing you knew, he had his arms around your waist, and his hand slipped something into the pocket of your sundress.
You knew what he was doing, but it took a moment to register. You had just started to kiss back when the door to the cabin opened, and the two of you flew apart in embarrassment. You cast your eyes down at the ground as Chase looked at the two of you. “Sorry to interrupt,” he said, eyebrows raised. “But I wanted to let you know that there’s storms out on the horizon and we’ll have to go back to the resort.”
"Sorry," Bucky said, smiling. "I just couldn't resist sneaking away for some alone time."
You nodded, not fully back to yourself after what just happened. Bucky took your hand and led you out back to where you were sitting before. After a few moments, you snapped back into ‘mission mode,’ and had gone back to chatting with Stephanie as the boat headed back to the marina.
Once the two of you had made it back up to your room, you scowled at him. "I'll let this one slide Barnes, but if you ever kiss me again, I might just kill you."
"Oh don't worry about that sweetheart," he shot back. "That's a memory I'll need to repress for the rest of my life."
Reaching into the pocket of your sundress, you took out the piece of paper that Bucky had taken from the ships cabin. To you, it was a collection of unrelated words and numbers. "I'm going to take a picture of this and send it to Steve and Fury," you said. "Hopefully they know what to make of it."
Thankfully, the case didn't warrant any more of your involvement, which was good because you didn't know how much longer you could pretend to be married to Bucky Barnes. SHIELD conducted a raid on the resort a few days later, but you and Bucky weren't allowed to be present for the raid, because if someone saw you two, they would know that you were the spies. So you got to stay a few more days after the raid, ten days at the resort altogether, to give off the impression that you were just there for your honeymoon.
Back at the compound, you went back to avoiding Bucky altogether. You rarely saw each other, and when you did, nothing more than snide remarks were exchanged between the two of you. You thought that everything would go back to normal when you got back from the mission, and it pretty much had, until you woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, dreaming about kissing Bucky again.
You groaned and hit yourself on the head. Why did you have to like kissing him? You hated Bucky with all your being, why did that have to change now?
Shaking your head, you decided to go down to the kitchen to get yourself some water and hopefully figure out what was going on with you. But just your luck, the minute you poured a glass and sat down at the counter island, you heard someone clear their throat. Looking up, you saw just the face you had hoped you wouldn't. "What do you want Barnes?"
"I didn't know this was your kitchen, I was under the impression the whole team shared this space."
You rolled your eyes at him. "Whatever."  Bucky muttered something under his breath, but you didn't catch what. "Say that to my face," you muttered.
His super-soldier hearing picked that up. "I said, why are you so difficult?"
"Why am I so difficult?" you asked, getting up to walk over to him. "I don't know Bucky, why are you so difficult? You've been nothing but rude to me since the minute you moved into this compound, and I only started to return that rudeness because it was obvious you were never going to be nice to me. Look I get that we'll probably never get along, so why can't you just leave me alone?" Bucky sucked in a breath before muttering something else. "What?" you said.
"I said because I can't stop thinking about you!" he practically yelled. You stopped. "Because everywhere I look, there you are! As much as I pretend to hate you, I can't!" he continued. "I'm plagued with nightmares day in and day out about something happening to you, and you want to know when they stopped? When I was sleeping next to you for those few days at the resort, I actually felt at peace for once. That's why I'm awake now, because I haven't slept since we got back from there!"
You didn't know what to say. "Bucky-" you started.
But he cut you off by swooping down and kissing you, for the second time. And it was so much better than the first. When you broke apart, you took his face in your hands. "I don't hate you," he said. "I think I was afraid to get to know you."
"You don't have to worry about that anymore," you said. "Just kiss me like that again."
He obliged, and the two of you didn't break apart again until you heard someone else in the room clear their throat. You turned to see a confused looking Tony, bleary eyed from sleep, staring at you. "So," he said, with a stupid look on his face. "Can I inform mission control that they're allowed to pair you two on missions now?"
"Shut up Tony!" you both said in unison, before Bucky picked you up and walked right out of the kitchen.
"Hey!" you said. "Where are you taking me?"
"To bed doll," he said, smiling.  "I'm not done with you just yet."
- the end -
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Past The Point Of No Return (Ch.1)
Summary: Your the young and fiery Cryptographer for M16 who happens to be the obsession of the mysterious and disfigured Safin. When you threaten to bring him down, he makes sure to drag you down with him.
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Minor descriptions of blood/violence
A/N: Please Read!! I haven’t seen any Safin x reader fics, so I decided to write one myself. Ik the movie comes out in November, but I cannot wait. I’m in love with this pyshco man. This will be a mature story by the way and I’ll try updating as soon as I can! I’ll add warnings before each chapter starts. Just take a few notes in! Ik the movies come out in November so this is pure speculation on Safin’s origins/motives. Bond is back in business and took back 007 while Nomi took 008. Reader is a Cryptographer for M16. Your codename will be C but y/n will come in soon. Also, Reader is female. Hope you enjoy!
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The Pandemic had caused discord throughout London. It didn’t seem like it would infect the globe in less than three months. But when Q had gotten the virus, the office had shut down in less than twenty-four hours. If you weren’t a field agent, then it was required to work from home. For someone like C and Q, it wasn’t a big deal. All of there work required communication from electronics. But evil was always on the rise. It never stopped. March had dragged into June as the Pandemic only worsened. y/n wasn’t one for social interaction, so thriving in isolation wasn’t the worst thing on the planet.
M16’s biggest threat was the infamous Safin. Even Q couldn’t encrypt any information on him, nobody could. Safin was a prime example of an anarchist. He refused to let some Pandemic stop his reign of terror and thirst for world domination. His movement of so-called “absent authority” was causing terror in post-soviet countries. Violent protests, property damage, the list when on. The anarchist targeted smaller countries that wanted to break free from there governments. Bond called Safin “a man who wanted to play god because he was bored”. Safin was a true anarchist (and a possible sadist). Information on his past and whereabouts were near impossible to find. He would insult M16 constantly since he knew he was winning the game of cat and mouse. It seemed like Safin was going to keep upsetting established order until the brink of a civil war.
But you were always one step ahead.
C, or y/n, was a Cryptographer for M16. After Bond’s hiatus, they had been recruited for there work in the military. You were the perfect candidate; bilingual, hands-on, young, intelligent, and fiery. One of the many languages you spoke was Morse code and other military languages. Not even Q, the smartest man in M16, was fluent in all of them. But with your aid, he caught onto it quite well. The Cryptographer and Quartermaster had made quite an efficient team and friendship. While Q gave orders and signals to the double’s oh, you stayed in the back, encrypting the signals and decrypting codes. Having a Cyrptographer was truly an aid for M16. You were praised by all of agents for your hard work and loyalty to the world of espionage. Enemies and other organizations envied for the cryptographer.
Before the lockdown, you had noticed a pattern in the protests. The leading agitators would all wear bandannas covered in the phonetic alphabet. Any normal person could see nothing in this. But with years in the military and language, you quickly followed onto the pattern. Q had noticed it as well along with the other double oh’s. The only people who spoke the phonetic alphabet in M16 were you and a few agents, and not even Q could decipher such a code. The message said many things, mainly gibberish. But you did not give up so easily. Whenever you saw a challenge, you attacked it with rigor. After rearranging for hours on end, ten codes had stuck out to M16 that could be a lead in bringing down the anarchist.
All of them happened to lead to capital cities across the world, which happened to be countries that were infested with Safin’s anarchism. With even more research, Q managed to pinpoint possible gatherings for the terrorists. It could be a break in the case. Each double oh was sent to these locations. 007 and 008 were both flown out to Rome. The location was near the Spanish Steps. Even after the pandemic, the area had been bustling with civilians and protestors. You and Q had been in charge of guiding them to the location,
“You’d think during this pandemic, these bloody idiots would stay inside.” Bond said as he moved past the crowd of angry protestors. He wiped dust off of his grayish-blue suit.  Safin’s message of tidying the world of “corruption” sent shivers down any sane person’s spine.
Nomi was ahead of him, dressed in a white chic jumpsuit and cat sunglasses. “The wicked never sleep, Bond.”
He huffed, frustrated. Of course, when his vacation had been occurring Q would call for his aid. “Q, how much further?”
“Maybe if you would pick your pace, then you would get there in four minutes instead of forty.” Q responded.
C could hear Nomi chuckle, and followed along with her.
Bond annoyingly huffed, “I truly haven’t missed your remarks, Q.”
“Gentlemen, settle down.” You interrupted, able to see where the agents were through the bodycams.  “Keep your guard up. Your getting stares from some protestors. Oh, and do pick up the pace.”
The two agents squeezed through the crowd. Nomi had noticed them being followed. But thanks to Q, they lost them through Rome’s small puzzle-like streets. Upon losing them, the agents had left the lavish streets of Rome and into the more sketchy and depressed areas. The further they walked the more life began to disappear. Bond and Nomi stuck out in there designer outfits in the slums of Rome.
“On your right,” You stated. The agents stopped, looking upon the building. Nomi took her glasses off to examine the building. It was broken down, dark, and covered by boards.
Bond sighed, “Bloody hell. This it?”
“Unfournelty,” Q said. “Head in the back, there’s an open entrance.”
Nomi and Bond turned to the back of the building, noticing a piece of wood covering the wood. Bond attempted to move it, but his age was beginning to show. The young and muscled Nomi tore it down, letting them enter the broken down building. On the side, it was dark and empty. Shining the light of his rifle, Bond noticed a kitchen that was covered in dust and spiderwebs.
Q and C heard faint noises, which sounded like music. Nomi moved close to the stairs and could hear it coming from the upstairs. Along with the music was a light.
“See anything, double oh eight?” You asked, looking through her bodycam. The song sounded Italian. It could have been singing, or just a record player.
“A light. You think we have company?” She asked, pointing her rifle upstairs.
“Seems like it. Investigate, Keep your weapons at bay.” Q ordered.
Bond had led him and Nomi up the creaky wooden stairs. The music had become much louder. At the end of the hallway was a door closed, with light emanating under it. The two agents tiptoed to the door. Bond placed his ear against it, hearing only the sweet Italian love song. Q and C couldn’t tell what was behind that door. It could be Safin, his goons, anything.
Counting down to three, Bond and Nomi kicked the door down, guns prepared for anything. But the room was empty. It had been lite by a few candles with a CD boombox, blasting a loud Italian song. Bond examined the room for anything suspicious while Nomi went over, kicking the boombox quiet. She picked up the CD player, examining the front.
“E’ la vita?” The female agent muttered, turning the DVD over. The other side had been written in morse code. C found this odd, squinting her eyes to see. The handwriting was neat and done in an expensive ink. Not only was there writing, but it seemed like it was a list of more global cities. It seemed oddly familiar. “Why waste good ink on a CD?”
“Double oh eight, can you r-”
Bond interrupted, “BOMB! GET DOWN!”
All C could remember is Bond running towards Nomi to cover her before both of there bodycams had glitch out. She panicked, trying to reconnect to them. Q had a status of all of the double oh’s, and each of there bodycams began to flicker out. Then Q and you had realized the worst of it.
Safin had set them up.
“Fuck. It was a fucking trap.” You huffed, running a hand through your hair. They had truly hit a dead end. “Q, any signal? I can’t reach them.”
“None. I’m trying to get their signals. There cams both locked out before the explosion.” Q replied. He was just as frustrated as his co-worker. Suddenly, both of there computers froze with glitched screens. “Not only was it 007 and 008, but the other double oh’s went out.”
C could hear Q cursing under his breath, the sounds of him furiously clicking his keyboard. “Shit, Shit, Shit..”
“Q, what is it?”
“He hacked us. Safin inflated the sys-”
Just like Bond and Nomi, Q’s signal that gone out. It had all be planned. Safin wanted for all of us to happen. The other agents had probably been killed. Sitting in front of a glitched-out screen, you let out a small sigh and slumped back into her chair. Singlehandedly, you had fucked up.
“Not such a clever girl now, are we?”
Raising your shoulders, y/n arched her neck back to avoid the sharp blade that was too close for comfort. The voice was velvety with a slight accent to it. From the videos M16 had received, you knew it all too well.
It was Safin himself.
“I-it was a trap..” You stuttered, unable to talk to the knife around your neck. Safin’s hand was on C’s shoulder, holding her from getting up. C heard footsteps from behind. Great, now you were truly defenseless, being held by the world’s most feared Anarchist. In the corner of your eye, y/n saw the white mask he wore to conceal his identity. It looked like a porcelain doll prop straight out of a horror film.  “A fucking trap.”
“Your little friends are gone now, No one is here to protect you now” Safin whispered into your ear. He was too close for comfort. He took an inhale of your Chanel perfume, admiring your breathing pattern. He thought y/n was so gorgeous this close. After months of waiting, Safin was so close to her, yet far. The woman who had threatened to bring down him was now enwrapped in his arms with a knife to her neck. But she wasn’t scared. Her breathing was heavy, but Safin had noticed that she was rather calm for having a blade held to her throat.
You chuckled at his “weak” response, “I have your locations all on record. M16 will bring you to your knees, you monster.”
“A monster?” He marveled, amused by Y/n’s comment. This man was a true psychopath. “My dear, you truly live up stubbornness. You lead all of those double oh’s into there demise. How innocent does that make you feel?”
“Says the one who wants to kill millions.” Y/n hissed, venom in her voice. You felt the guilt pull at your heart. “I saw your plan. You’re killing Europe city by city. Fooling the post soviet states and moving up towards the Medterrian. Your delusional.”
“Your ignorance is their power.” He purred into her ear. He massaged y/n’s shoulder to relax her (as he held her down). “You are a very talented girl, wasting her intelligence on foolish old m--”
Seeing him lose his guard, you reached for your mug full of hot coffee and threw it back at his mask. He lost his footing and fell backward as the lower piece of his mask cracked off. Wasting no time, you pushed yourself up and ran behind the desk to the front entrance. Q’s flat wasn’t far away. If you took the right routes and stayed out of action, then he could help her. As she neared towards the entrance, a sharp sting echoed through your knee to your thigh. Tripping on the edge of your carpet, your tripped and scraped your head against a coffee table, falling to the ground. You tried to stay awake and fight, but eventually succumbed to the darkness.
Safin pushed himself up, noticing that the bottom part of his mask showed his chin and lips. He turned to see y/n’s body by the door, her navy slacks stained by blood.
Safin cursed under his breath, walking over to her body to check if she had a pulse. Thankfully you did, but it was light. “Who shot her..?”
His henchmen did not respond, holding their weapons.
“I SAID WHAT ONE OF YOU IMBECILES SHOT HER?” Safin yelled, pure fury in his voice.
One of the men, donned in black and holding a sniper rifle, stepped forward. “It was me, Safin. You said tha-”
The man with the sniper rifle was shot in the neck and fell backward, choking on his own blood. Each of the henchmen jumped back. They knew when Safin raised his voice that he was going to die.
A small sigh escaped Safin’s lips as he pushed back his hair. Safin turned to face Serrano, his right-hand man. He was tall and lean with dark skin and emerald eyes. “Serrano..”
“Yes, Safin?”
“What did I explicitly say to you to tell these idiots before we entered C’s flat?”
Serrano responded, “Not to bring her back dead, but alive and injured.”
“And what do type of girl do you see laying on the ground?” The anarchist pointed to the ground, showing Y/n’s body. She had a bruise on her forehead and a bloody thigh.
“An injured girl, sir,” Serrano replied, looking down in embarrassment.
There was an awkward between the anarchist and this men before he commanded, “The lot of you, take the girl and prepare the car. Serrano, wipe all of her devices and anything that can track her. We leave on the submarine by dusk.”
The men nodded as the muscule grabbed C’s motionless body and carried her out. Serrano destroyed her phone, computer, and any camera or electronic that lingered in the flat before they left the crime scene. Entering the range rover, Serrano sat in the front with the driver while Safin sat in the back with the unconscious Cryptographer.
As they began to drive to the docks, Serrano asked, “Safin, what do you see in this girl? She is not James Bond or Madeleine Swann.”
“I see a source of information. This girl is not some receptionist or analyst.” Safin explained as he looked at her sleeping body. Your face was more relaxed than it was thirty minutes ago. There was something so intriguing about the Cyrptographer that Safin couldn’t pinpoint. “She fell into her very own trap, letting us access all of the M16 databases. M16 just lost there most valuable asset.”
“A bargaining chip?” Serrano questioned.
“Not just a bargaining chip, but an intelligent girl who is going to be vital to us.” He explained, “Unlike Bond, she is not redundant. She has many values, I know of it. You will see, Serrano. The world will open it eyes to y/n.”
Safin couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The remaining sunlight from the purple sunset shined on her face. Seeing your face, he knew Y/n not only ordinary on the inside but the outside. A woman that was much younger than he was made him feel less bitter about the world. He had a lonely life and seeing a young and beautiful such as yourself made him drop everything to the floor. The way your floral smelling [y/h/t] [y/h/c] hair fell out of the small bun and rested on your shoulders, [y/s/c] glowed in the sunlight, and the sweet aroma you wore drove Safin mad. Unknown to your knowledge, he had been watching over you for quite some time. You had a desk job, but occasionally accompanied the double oh’s and even had taken out some of his henchmen in the past. Y/n was a girl who not only knew how to decrypt some of the hardest codes to M16 but could defend herself if needed. Safin’s mere intrguement with you had grown into an obsession. Now the woman he obsessed over was sitting less than a foot away from him. Upon seeing the cryptographer, he knew that he needed you. He wanted y/n more than anything in the world. M16 didn’t deserve such talent. In Safin’s eyes, all they had ever done for y/n was hold her back from being your best self; by his side.
“I’m sorry they hurt you.” He cooed, pushing a glossy lock to get a better view of y/n’s face. “I have freed you from there incompetence. I know you will demand to leave and mindlessly say that you hate me. But I promise you my sweet, you will grow to like me and your new home.”
Safin felt like he was the luckiest man in the world.
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heliads · 4 years
The Watching Hawk Chapter 1: Case File
Bucky Barnes is constantly haunted by his past, but the memories of his days as a Winter Soldier will come into a new light in the form of the Watching Hawk, his old HYDRA partner. Will he be able to trust her, and will she be able to move on from his mistakes?
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The hum of the air conditioning is a distant sound as Bucky Barnes stares down at the closed case file in front of him. “You know, you don’t have to take this one on.” His best friend of several decades, Steve Rogers, leans against a wall in front of him. His voice is drenched in concern, like Bucky is a delicate man who could be set off by anything. “I know your relations with HYDRA,” Steve continues, “And if you think this will be a bad idea, it’s fine to stand down.” Bucky looks up at Steve again, then at Natasha and Sam, standing next to him. “I’ll be fine.”
Steve looks at him one more time, a searching look. Some days Bucky swears the Super Soldier Serum that made Steve Captain America must also have given him the ability to read minds. It wouldn’t surprise him if Steve’s been peering inside his head every time he sees Bucky. Steve nods slowly and continues on. “Alright. We don’t have a lot of information on the target, so we wanted to see if you knew anything. You know, from your days as a Winter Soldier.”
That piques Bucky’s curiosity, and so he finally flips open the manilla file folder in front of him. The only thing in the folder is a single, blurry image, but the sight of a woman framed by great arched metal wings in the photo is enough to elicit a sharp gasp from him. “I’m in. I’ll take the mission.”
Instantly, Steve leans forward. “You know her?” Bucky’s laugh is as harsh as a winter night. “Know her? I’m the reason HYDRA has her in the first place.” Bucky clears his throat, as snippets of memories long gone flash by him. He doesn’t remember much about what happened while he was under HYDRA’s influence- the mind control and rigorous programming was enough to erase anything and everything from him. Over the months after Bucky left, bits and pieces have started coming back to him, including the identity of this young woman.
“It was a warm summer afternoon. She was just coming home from work. She didn’t have the metal wings by then, they were still the natural feathers. She kept them hidden under her jacket so no one could tell she was an inhuman. She said hello to a neighbourhood kid, smiled at a passerby on a bike while she was getting the mail, and went into her house. When she saw the HYDRA agents waiting for her in the living room, she was able to defend herself using her wings and her fighting abilities. She took out all the soldiers, so they sent in me.”
Bucky pauses then, as he waits for the pieces of the memory to fall back into place. He hasn’t thought about that day in a long time, and he’s not sure if he really wants to. “She was strong, even without the wings, but in the end, I was able to knock her unconscious and take her in. They made her a Winter Soldier. We were often stationed together on operations.”
Natasha looks at him, her face unreadable as always. If he was supposed to be the ultimate soldier, Bucky supposes she would be the ultimate spy. Even after years of training, he can barely get anything out of her.
“When was the last time you had contact with this woman? Is there anything else you can tell us- a name, a weakness?” Bucky frowns up at the sound of Natasha’s voice. “I haven’t seen her since I was still with HYDRA.” He’s not entirely sure when that was- times and dates all melt together into a pool of distant memories when he was under mind control. “What exactly is this mission, and why does it involve her?”
Steve taps at a screen in front of him. It changes to display an image of a well-dressed politician, making his way up marble steps in Capitol Hill. “This is Dominic Cole. He’s a pretty solid politician, as far as politicians go. Unfortunately, he’s got the interest of HYDRA, because he’s about to present a new policy in a week that will allow the government to look into shady business dealings that could expose HYDRA operatives. There’s a pretty good chance it’ll get approved once he presents it, so HYDRA’s sending in a team to take him out. I think this woman, whoever she is, will be on that team.”
Bucky nods slowly. “The Watching Hawk.” Sam looks at him through furrowed brows. “What does that mean?” Bucky places his hands flat on the table in front of him, the photo still staring at him from in between his palms. “That was her codename. The Watching Hawk.”
Bucky tilts his head to the side as he studies the woman in the photograph. He’s not sure how long it’s been since he last saw her- could be months, could be decades. He has no way of knowing, but she still looks the exact same.
 “We were usually partners. They would send in both of us on the more dangerous field ops, the ones where there was basically a guarantee that no normal soldier would come back alive. She was different from me, though- I was under full mind control, and my memory was wiped periodically. They were worried that another brainwashed soldier could join up with the first and revolt against them, so they gave the Hawk her memory. She had free will, and could do whatever she wanted and say as she pleased, as long as it met with the HYDRA expectations. I think there were still some residual mind blocks, guaranteeing she couldn’t leave the premises unless ordered to, and she couldn’t hurt any of the HYDRA soldiers, but she could still think and do whatever she wanted. You’ll have to take that into account when you find her. Other than that, there’s nothing I can remember that you wouldn’t already know from when you tracked me down.”
Steve lets this information sink in, then looks back down at the photo from the case file. “Well, we won’t be able to have one great ‘Remember who you are’ moment like last time, but we should be able to take her down. Natasha, Sam, and I have experience with finding Winter Soldiers, and you know how they think. I think we’ve got as many cards to play as we can.”
Sam interjects. “Also, I’ve got wings too.” At Bucky’s raised eyebrows, he spreads his hands wide. “Look, if she can fly, it’s probably a good idea to have someone on your team who can fly after them, right? I feel like none of you really took that into account.” Steve does his best to smother a smile. “He’s right. We’ve all got our parts to play.” With that, he goes over the plan in more detail, leaving Bucky to question whether or not this will actually work.
Before he knows it, Bucky is watching a digital readout in a surveillance van parked near the Capitol. Dominic Cole, the man they’re supposed to be protecting, is making his way to work. The team decided to let Cole walk to work, seemingly without a guard, in the hopes of drawing out an attack. Steve’s got a theory that if HYDRA’s plan to take out Cole comes to light, they’ll call it off, but Bucky’s not sure if that will work or not. Regardless, here comes Cole, and just like clockwork, here comes a black van barrelling towards him. 
When soldiers dressed in black start racing towards Cole, Natasha springs out of hiding and starts to take them down. Bucky, Sam, and Steve join her, making sure Cole gets to safety before focusing their attention back on the HYDRA soldiers. They’re actually doing a pretty good job of causing a commotion and keeping them at bay, so Bucky supposes he’s not surprised when he sees a winged silhouette walking towards them from the smoky background of the city.
Bucky ducks around the black van, firing at the soldiers as he goes, making sure he’s headed towards the figure. He’s about a few yards away when she finally sees him, and her silvery wings arch up around her. “Well, if it isn’t Sergeant Barnes. I see you have your memory back.” A gun is in her hands before he can even blink, and it’s all Bucky can do to throw himself behind a nearby car to avoid the gunshots. “Less than you’d think.” He comes back from around the car, grabbing a long knife from his side and plunging it towards her unprotected arm as fast as he can. She blocks it, of course, and the two former allies find themselves locked in hand-to-hand combat.
“You can come with me, you know. Leave all of this behind.” The Hawk laughs, loud and incredulously. There’s a note of manic rage that Bucky swears wasn’t there before. “Now that you finally have your tongue, you use it to joke with me? We both know there’s no chance of that.” The fighting halts for a second, both opponents circling each other warily. “We used to talk about leaving, didn’t we? I may not remember much, but I do know that.” The Hawk charges him once more. “You’re so bold now that you’re out of their reach. Do you really think there’s any possibility that I’d go with you?” 
One of the HYDRA soldiers has a pouch full of small explosives, and they’re hurling them at the two fighters. Bucky is forced to duck for cover while still fending off the Hawk’s attacks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. All I know is that you once fought by my side, and once dreamed of a world where we could live without HYDRA.” The Hawk scoffs. “They were only dreams, Barnes. You know what you did.”
One explosive lands right by their feet, and the resulting explosion launches them both a few feet back. Bucky scrambles to his feet, noticing that the Hawk is holding her fingers to a scratch running across her arm. Her face is streaked with soot, as he imagines his face is as well. At seeing her like this, dirty and slightly vulnerable, Bucky is thrown back into memories long gone.
“Y/N.” The name rises to his lips, bidden by a time circled by darkness. He had called her that, once, when they were both captive by HYDRA. When she had trusted him, as much as you could trust anyone. When they had fought side by side, and sat even closer on the flights back from the operations to the HYDRA base.
For a second, Bucky swears he saw a glimmer of emotion flash across Y/N’s eyes, as if she too sees what he sees- two soldiers who swore to protect each other from everything, even when they had no more control over what happened to them than an infant.
But just like that, it’s gone, and a snarl of anger rips its way onto Y/N’s face instead.
“I will never forgive you for what you did.”
Before he knows it, the Hawk is gone, leaving Bucky behind in a haze of smoke and shouts of fighting soldiers.
He remembers her name, and he remembers her touch, but the only thing Bucky cannot remember is what he did to cause her such pain.
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