#enjoys being alone and a woman of VERY few words but helpful and will explain safety protocal to anyone that needs help and almost gets hurt
corntort · 2 years
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NEW BLORBO ! she’s unnamed for now but she’s awesome
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justmediocrewriting · 5 months
“White Lace,” {v.s}
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Summary: it’s laundry day on the Merry, and ever the gentleman, Sanji offered to take Nami’s place when the navigator explained that she was too exhausted to attend to the chore. Sanji expected to simply find a sore back and pruny fingers by doing so, but instead he found much more…
Or: Sanji finds a pair of your white lace underwear, and you catch him in the middle of washing them, resulting in some tension and embarrassment between the both of you.
Genre: spice (no smut, but dirty thoughts and suggestive themes)
Pairing: Sanji x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Requested: ❌
Warnings: I kinda feel this could fall under voyeurism to an extent, because Sanji does find a pair of your panties and kind of like plays with them, so maybe it does? Idk. Some rather not-so-innocent thoughts from Sanji, sexualization, very slight virginity kink if you squint really hard, panty sniffing, panty licking, sexual tension(ish?), female pronouns and parts mentioned
A/n: so I’ve got roughly 10+ things in my drafts right now but this literally WOULD NOT LEAVE ME ALONE, so I knew I had to write it. I hope you hoes enjoy ❤️ might do a part 2 idkkkk. 18+ under the cut, ye have been warned.
Sanji found comfort in routine. For some, a humdrum life would become quickly boring, but for Sanji repetition was key to his sanity. It was the main reason that Sanji was so fluidly quick in creating a new routine from the first day he’d agreed to set sail with Luffy — that and that it had helped cure the insistent anxiety of being at sea again after so many years of remaining stationary.
Sanji greatly disliked breaking routine unless the situation absolutely called for it; a battle, for example, or in this morning’s case, a beautiful woman asking him for help.
Sanji enjoyed routine, but he enjoyed satisfying women a lot more.
So when Nami had entered the galley, hair mussed and eyes hazy and unfocused with a small basket of laundry perched delicately on her hip, Sanji was quick to abandon the first step of his daily routine (taking inventory of the galley stock) and pluck the basket from her arm.
Nami sighed gratefully and her shoulders slumped with relief.
“Thanks, Sanji.” Nami muttered, voice heavy with exhaustion, and Sanji felt his heart lurch with sympathy. It wasn’t as though he was a stranger to fatigue.
“I spent most of the night drawing the charts to the next few islands. I guess I got so wrapped up in it I just hadn’t noticed how much time had passed.”
Sanji nodded along to her explanation as he gently set the basket of clothes atop the island counter, and in the process he inadvertently let his eyes skim across the articles within. Colors popped against one another, like a cluttered rainbow of pinks, blues, whites, reds, and teals — from what Sanji could see they were mostly shirts.
“Laundry day, aye?” Sanji asked conversationally, tearing his eyes from the basket to smile at Nami. She groaned and brought a hand up to massage the back of her neck as she nodded.
“Yeah. There’s a few of my shirts in there, but it’s mostly (Y/N)’s clothes. She washed mine last week, so I agreed to wash hers this week.”
Sanji frowned and appraised the tired woman before him; it pained him to see a woman like Nami having to work so hard. He’d always felt that life at sea, what with so much to maintain, was far too harsh for a lady — ladies were meant to be spoiled and taken care of, at least in Sanji’s eyes. Nami had chosen a life at sea, and Sanji knew that with this decision she’d long accepted the responsibilities of such, and he had no doubt that Nami could handle it, but if Sanji could do something to help relieve her of some of the work he would.
“I can take care of it for you, if you want.” Sanji said, and Nami’s eyes snapped open. She looked equal parts relieved and panicked by his offer, and she hesitated for a moment before shaking her head.
“No, Sanji, I couldn’t ask that of you. You’ve already got enough on your plate.” Nami murmured, and then, as if it were an afterthought, she added, “we all do.”
Sanji rolled his shoulders in dismissal of her worry. “You’re not asking, love. I’m offering. And I’m not too terribly busy; it’s still early, so I’ll have plenty of time to prep breakfast before Luffy wakes up.”
Nami bit her lip, and she looked minutely closer to accepting the offer, but there was still a hardened hesitation in her eyes. Sanji smiled ever gently at her.
“It’s alright, Nami. Why not go back to your quarters and rest for a bit? I’ll take care of this.”
Finally, Nami sighed and relented to acceptance. With a small but grateful nod, she gave Sanji a tired smile before turning on her heel to exit the galley; before she did so, she placed a manicured hand against the door frame and sent him one last glance.
“Really, Sanji, thank you. Once you’re done washing them you don’t have to worry about hanging them to dry; just come get me and I’ll do that.” And with that Nami breezed from the galley, and Sanji gave a small chuckle at her attempt to take some of the load off of him. Even if it was Nami’s turn to do the laundry as was her responsibility, Sanji wouldn’t allow her to set them to dry — he’d do that himself, as well; and he even set it in his mind that he’d fold them as well.
It wasn’t until Sanji pulled out the first shirt that he began to feel as though he shouldn’t have offered his help; because the fabric in his hand was familiar, and it dawned on him that the majority of the clothes in the basket were yours. It was a detail that Sanji had skimmed by when Nami was explaining the situation, and now the reality of it was hitting him like a ton of bricks.
Sanji’s skin prickled as if he were committing the most atrocious sin, and he had to take a deep breath to calm himself. The shirt in his hand was one of your favorites; you’d worn it a lot, and just looking at the rumpled article supplied Sanji with various memories of you donning it. It looked rather pleasant on you, especially when the hem of it rose slightly to reveal the smallest sliver of skin when you moved in just the right way, and Sanji had to quickly place it back in the basket and take a deep inhale to staunch the blood flowing towards his groin.
Sanji’s attraction to you was something that he vaguely felt might be out of hand; he was a lover of women, yes, but never had he experienced a pull as strong as the one he had towards you. Maybe it was the way innocence practically poured from your aura, or the way your cheeks brightened with any pet name or compliment he offered you, as if such attention was a completely new experience for you — whatever it was, it was highly alluring to Sanji, and he found himself wanting more and more of it – of you – every day.
Sanji flared his nostrils a few more times, every breath deep and steadying, repeatedly telling himself that he wasn’t doing anything wrong and his intentions were of the best, and to get a fucking grip, Sanji. Just wash the clothes and be normal!
As he relocated the basket next to the sink and pulled out a pale yellow shirt Sanji deliberately tried to focus his thoughts on anything other than the fact that he was touching your clothes, that you’d worn them and they’d clung to your skin and more than likely smelled of you, of that wonderful floral perfume that was subtle but nearly overpowering in close proximity — that thought alone had Sanji itching to bring the fabric to his nose and inhale, and he had to quickly turn the faucet on and shove the article beneath the stream of water to avoid doing so.
Piece by piece, mechanically and as empty headed as possible, Sanji soaked and washed the clothes under the stream of water, wringing each article out generously to avoid the chance of mildew. By the time he was half way through the basket, Sanji felt confident that he could get through the process without too much trouble (or too many inappropriate thoughts or southward flowing blood); but that was quickly wiped from his psyche when he mindlessly groped within the basket and laid touch to something soft and small and lacy.
Upon pulling it out to examine it, Sanji was hit with a flush of arousal so strong that it nearly knocked him off his feet; gripped within his fingers, soft and lacy and so, so delicate looking, was a pair of white, sheer panties. Sanji’s entire being short circuited, train of thought screeching to a halt and brain being instead assaulted by a myriad of images — of those sheer white panties clinging to your hips, cupping the swell of your ass in such a tantalizing way, hem resting against your tummy and rising in time with your labored breaths as Sanji picked you apart molecule by molecule —
“Stop,” Sanji hissed to himself, cursing his traitorous dick when it hardened to half mast in his dress pants, twitching in approval with each new image and thought that flashed into his hind brain. Sanji knew he should look away, knew he could stop these reactions if he just put the panties away, abandoned the task and fetched Nami instead to finish it — and though Sanji swore to himself that he wouldn’t do that due to his pride as a gentleman, the deepest part of him knew that he wasn’t going to do it because he was curious, and he was enjoying this, as much as that fact ashamed him.
Panties were one of the most, if not the most, intimate articles of clothing a woman could wear; they covered the sweetest fruit, kept it protected and out of sight, and they constantly shifted and hugged that sensitive pearl beneath. They were precious, and the fact that they belonged to you made them even more so.
Sanji nearly groaned at the thought; he could so clearly see you wearing the panties, see the way they hugged against your pussy, could imagine just how drenched the center would get as he worked you into oblivion with his lips —
Sanji opened the panties and this time, a groan did slip past his lips — because right there, in the center of the bridge of the panties, right where they would cling to your pussy, the fabric was slightly darker, and Sanji’s dick jumped at the sight. The overwhelming urge to shove them against his nose and breathe in the phantom traces of your slick sent alternating waves of arousal and intense shame through Sanji, because that was dirty, these panties were dirty, they were yours and it would be such an abuse of your trust in him if he did something like that — but the longer he stared, the stronger the urge became, and soon enough arousal had completely consumed shame, and Sanji quickly brought the panties to his face, shoving his nose directly into the center and inhaling. Sanji panted heavily against the fabric as the sweet scent entered his nostrils; it was faint, as he’d assumed it would be, but it was there, and it was so much sweeter than Sanji could have ever imagined.
Sanji pressed his hips into the counter as he took in lungfuls of your scent, hissing lowly at the pressure against the straining bulge in his pants, hips moving just so to chase a semblance of friction — consumed by sudden lust and the thought of you, the scent of you, and the urge to taste where you were sweetest, Sanji laved his tongue against the dried patch of slick, moaning haughtily into the softness of your panties.
Sanji’s surroundings and reality seemed to completely melt away as he lost himself within the sensations of smelling and tasting you, something he so longed for — just as much as he longed to corrupt you, to show you all the naughty things he shouldn’t, like he longed to see you wearing these panties, so innocent and white, and see them become forever stained from actions that were too devious and sinful for such a color.
Sanji wanted to stain you — he wanted your innocent little brain to fog over with lust, to see you discombobulate on his cock as he stretched you wide, as he took you to heights you’d never been, watch those beautiful eyes of yours roll back and watch you bare that lovely neck to him, to bite and mark and cover, to claim you, inside and out.
Sanji let out a guttaral groan as his hips picked up speed; the counter was firm and hard against his cock, a far cry from the soft, wet warmth he craved to be buried inside, but it offered friction, and with how hard his cock was, that’s what he needed, even if it was a bit unpleasant.
As consumed as he was by the myriad of sensations stoking his arousal, the soft rapping of knuckles against the wooden doorframe of the galley was almost lost on him; but thankfully, his ears had picked it up, and as if they had burned him, Sanji threw the panties into the sink below him. There was a soft splat against the steel, and Sanji winced as he realized the bridge of the panties had been soaked with his saliva — thankfully, the sound was too faint to be heard from the doorway, and the relief that offered Sanji increased tenfold as he turned to look over his shoulder and caught sight of you.
Sanji’s breath caught in his throat, and nearly all traces of arousal had been chased away by deep-seated shame, and Sanji did his best to smile at you through the guilt.
“Good morning, love. Is there something you need?” Sanji forced his voice to stay calm despite the sheer panic and guilt threatening to weigh it down; Sanji’s heart was thundering within his chest, battering against his ribcage with the force of a raging bull, and he willed his erection to just go away —
But his dick was not cooperating with him, and it stayed rock hard within his pants as you smiled back shyly and began to approach him; as you turned the corner of the island counter, Sanji belatedly realized that you had a small basket tucked under your arm, with a few articles of clothing within.
“Nothing much, Sanji. Nami told me you were helping with the laundry today, and I found these in our room so I thought I’d bring them in and offer you some help—”
Sanji watched with growing dread as you paused just a couple inches from the sink, your eyes zeroing in on the panties within and widening as your mouth dropped into an ‘o’ shape (which did not help with his erection, as his mind went to very shadowy places from the sight), and your cheeks went from normal to beet red in seconds (which also didn’t help, because it was far too pretty of a color on you).
Heavy, awkward silence fell over the galley as you stared, frozen, at the sink — Sanji wanted to look away from you, knew that you were far beyond embarrassed right now and that his staring was certainly not helping, but he simply couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Arousal was still thrumming beneath his skin, and it was like seeing you in a whole new light; knowing that those sweet, innocent, pretty panties belonged to you, that you’d worn them, that they sat snugly against your pussy and became saturated in you, in your innocence, had his dick twitching and fingers itching to pull your body flush against his. He wanted to see you wearing them for him, wanted you to bend over and present to him, so that he could see the outline of your pussy, soaked and ready, through the fabric —
Sanji inhaled sharply and tore his eyes away from you, and part of him wanted to stutter out an apology, beg for your forgiveness — he was being so shameful, sexualizing you objectifying you in the way he was, craving to take away your innocence, something that was so deeply ingrained into who you were —
But the words were stuck in his throat, unable to move past the lump of sheer shame and regret, and even if they could, would Sanji really have the courage to admit what he’d done, let alone apologize for it?
He truly didn’t know if he would.
Sanji’s actions had been so unbecoming, had went against the very essence of his code — but that was just the simple fact of it; you had this effect on him, a tendency to bring out the worst in him. And if Sanji were being honest with himself, he enjoyed it. He secretly loved the fact that you could draw that dormant beast from its slumber, all without even knowing you were doing it.
“Those, um… those are…” to Sanji’s surprise, it was your voice that broke the silence, and though he knew it would only stir him up more, Sanji snapped his eyes to you. You vehemently ignored any eye contact with him, gaze still locked on the sink, and in the blink of an eye with movements that were much faster than Sanji’s fuddled mind could perceive, your hand shot out and you ripped the panties from the sink, throwing them hastily into the basket before resituating it on your hip.
“I’ll w-wash these later,” you mumbled, cheeks still flaming, and Sanji hated the way his dick twitched at the sight. It was such a show of innocent bashfulness that it made Sanji heat from the inside out. Finally, you made the briefest of eye contact with him and gave him a small nod. “Carry on.”
Then you were turning on your heel and swiftly exiting the galley, leaving Sanji alone with his own thoughts, a half empty laundry basket, and a roaring flame of shame and guilt that Sanji didn’t think could ever be doused.
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axelsagewrites · 10 months
How They React to Your Period
Includes: Aemond, Aegon, Jace, Cregan, Luke
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Word count: 1073
Masterlist Here
Aemond had no time for anyone’s short comings, emotions, or excuses as he saw them however when it came to you, he would bend over backwards to make you comfortable especially during your bloods. despite it being a perfectly normal thing for women to deal with Aemond would send for the maesters each month to make sure you had enough herbs and medicines to avoid any pain.
when he felt the maesters were not taking your pain seriously enough not only would he threaten them, but he would send out words to track down the best female healer in Kingslanding and have her personally tend to you and your ailments. he could sometimes be too clinical about your bloods and would be caught off guard by your tears or anger as he could barely regulate his own emotions let alone his own, but he always tried.
when the female healer told him sex was something that could help alleviate your monthly pains, he was apprehensive at first however he never expected it to be something that almost turned him on. unlike some other men he did not run away from your touch during your blood but instead found it as an exciting change and the pain relief for you just made it all the better.
Aegon was not sure why his betrothed would almost avoid him once a month for days before acting like nothing had happened. At first, he got quite concerned, wondering if you were growing bored of him as the few times, he saw you during this time you would be quite tired or short with him at points. after a few months he became used to your routine but could never quite understand.
he noticed he could coax you out your chambers with the promise of cakes and sweet wines. he would offer to take you riding with sunfyre to almost lift your spirits and when you did take him up on the offer, he noticed how protective he was of you. it wasn’t until the week after your wedding when he woke in a panic at the blood-stained sheets did, he learn why once a month you had been avoiding him.
Aegon was horrified at the idea of the red flower blooming, declaring the gods were twisted for making you bleed with no reward. he became extremely sympathetic, showering you with sweets and cakes during your time of the month and would excuse himself from his duties early to curl up in bed with you. he was also very upset his mother had never prepared him for this and apologised for thinking you were being dramatic or distant.
Jace had been taught all there was to know about a woman’s bloods. his mother had insisted when he went through his own change, he learn what his future wife would have to endure. this made Jace a very welcome presence during your monthly visits. it was something you were extremely thankful Rhaenyra had taught him.
when your time came, he was always prepared and would send for a bath to be drawn each day so you could feel your best. if it came unexpectedly, he would have spare sheets stashed under your bed so he could quickly change them without you needing to wait for a servant to come in the middle of the night. he would also make sure to speak with the kitchen the week before to ensure they were stocked on your favourites.
Jace secretly enjoyed this time since you would often turn to him for comfort in the form of cuddles and napping on his chest, a sight he loved to see. he would draw the curtains and leave only the fire flickering while he pulled you under the furs, wrapping his arms around you tightly and showing you with kind words.
Cregan gets a bit caught off guard when you discuss your blood with him. while you are both used to being open and at time blunt, he is used to men and the men in Winterfell simply do not discuss this issue. the man most would consider something to fear would soon become squeamish when you had to explain to him what it was you endured.
he did his best not to show his confusion and always tried to comfort you through it. he was apprehensive at first of you doing things during your bloods. he would offer to let you skip out on any duties and lay in bed, but you had to inform him that most women don’t get a break despite their bloods, and he struggled to understand how woman could work while they had their bloods.
Cregan would eventually learn how to help you and anything you asked him for he would retrieve. he surprised you one late evening by guiding you out to the godswood in the biting cold and leading you to a hot spring that often went unnoticed by anyone who did not grow up in the castle. as it turns out the hot springs in Winterfell are one of the best solvers of the flower’s discomforts.
Luke is just confused. he doesn’t understand why his betrothed keeps crying until he gives her his lemon tart out of concern. he doesn’t understand why the thought of an untamed dragon would make you tear up in fear it would become lonely. he doesn’t understand why you became extra touchy and clingy only to push him away a moment later.
when he asked his elder brother about your behaviour, he was promptly whisked to his mothers’ chambers to learn all there was to know about the red flower. and he was horrified. Luke came up to you after learning about it, pale faced and sweaty, to ask how it was you coped with bleeding for so long.
after a few jokes at his expense and him genuinely trying to learn he soon learned not to take your attitude during this time to heart. instead, Luke began to send small gifts to your chambers during this time. a rose, a heart shaped rock, a necklace, cakes, bread made into your house sigil. he had no clue what he was doing but he would always try his best to help, and gods help anyone who made a joke about a woman’s blood in front of him since he would turn feral as he defended you.
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @starkleila
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little-diable · 11 months
A Sacrifice for Him - Dean Winchester (smut)
I'm finally back to writing! Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Dean and the reader get into a fight on a hunt, forcing them to part ways. But while Dean tries to drown his anger in beer, the reader is being kidnapped. Will they find back together to finally admit their feelings for one another?
Warnings: 18+, smut, oral (f), unprotected piv, mentions kidnapping and some typical SPN violence, friends to lovers, happy end of course
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader (2.9k words)
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Dean had his eyes focused on his hands, on the semi-cold bottle of beer he kept clinging to as if it was his lifeline, saving the older Winchester brother from drowning. His heart was pounding, still fired up from the fight he had found himself tangled in, growling angry words at (y/n). Fuck, his words kept ringing in his ears, followed by the sobs that had clawed through her, angry tears that had rolled down her cheeks like wine staining a piece of linen. 
The evening had started like many others, with the three of them hiding away in a corner of the new bar they had stumbled upon. Once again were they trapped in an unfamiliar town, following clues to fight against whatever kept the people living here on their toes. While Dean and Sam were preparing to fight against a nest of vampires, (y/n) had focused on something else, something that had pushed them into their fight.
Sam had found shelter in the bed of a girl he had met that very evening, giving his brother and (y/n) some alone time, hoping that they’d finally get over themselves and give into the feelings they’ve been fostering for years. But their evening had taken a few unforeseen turns, forcing annoyed grunts out of Dean as (y/n) tried to explain her theories, thoughts Dean couldn't and didn’t want to follow. 
By now he couldn’t remember why he had been so angry, perhaps he had been angry at himself, for not being able to speak those words he had always wanted to speak, confessing the love he felt for her. By now he couldn’t remember what she had replied, why she had tried to convince him of the ideas keeping her awake late at night. 
“Fuck.” Dean threw his head back, eyes squeezed shut as he drowned his last gulps of beer. It took him a few moments before his eyes found the bright screen of his phone, freezing as he realised how late it was, as he realised how many hours had passed since the fight, hours since he had last seen (y/n). 
Without thinking twice, Dean dialled her number, teeth running along his lower lip, anxiously waiting for her to pick up. But she didn’t, forcing Dean to deeply exhale, thumbs flying over the screen as he messaged her a few words, asking her to call him back. His green eyes kept staring at the seconds and minutes passing by, minutes where he was met with nothing but silence. 
Dean anxiously rose to his feet, reaching for his car keys to drive back to the bar where he had last seen (y/n), where he had stormed out into the dark night, leaving her behind. He couldn’t help but curse himself for being this stupid, for giving into his anger, leaving her behind with tears rolling down her cheeks. His heart picked up its pace as he parked in front of the bar, giving himself a few moments to try and regulate his breathing, picking up on nothing but silence. He couldn’t listen to any music, not when his thoughts were running wild, painting pictures that had an awfully sombre feeling to them. 
She’ll be okay. She’ll be okay. She has to be. Dean kept chanting the words, dirty boots meeting the ground as he walked back into the almost empty bar. With his hands buried in the pockets of his jacket, Dean made his way to the bartender, staring at the elderly woman that seemed to recognise him, greeting Dean with a simple “Did you forget something here? I can’t promise you’ll find it, somebody most likely took it with them.”
“I’m looking for my friend, the woman I was here with.” His words had an unfamiliar tone to them, dripping with fear, with desperation. The woman studied him for a moment, palms pressed to the surface of the bar. Her eyes flickered to their surroundings, wandering to the booth where Dean and (y/n) had been sitting all these hours ago.
“She left a few minutes after you, I haven’t seen her since.” A heavy sigh left Dean, murmuring a small “Alright, thank you” before he left the bar once again. With his phone pressed to his ear, Dean made his way back to Baby, finding shelter in his car, back pressed against the leather seat. 
“Hello?” Sam’s tired voice rang in his ears, forcing Dean’s almost teary eyes to momentarily flutter close. “Dean? What’s wrong? It’s almost two am.”
“She’s gone.” Hurt flushed through him as the words rolled off his tongue, adding to the weight resting on Dean’s heart. His palms were sweaty, clearly projecting the fear he felt, the uncertainty making him tremble.
“What? (Y/n)?”
“Yes, fuck, who else could it be?” It took Sam a few moments to reply, Dean could pick up on a few rustling sounds, on an unfamiliar voice that asked Sam why he was leaving. 
“Pick me up, I’ll wait in front of the diner we had lunch at.”
Reader's POV:
She woke with a gasp, eyes shooting open, forced to blink a few times before she could adjust to her dark surroundings. Heavy breaths left (y/n), trying to move around on the chair she had been tied to. Her insides screamed at her to call out for Dean, hoping that he was close.
The memories of their fight kept flashing through her mind, forcing a groan out of (y/n), once again realising how heavy the tension between her and Dean was. Fuck, no matter how angry she was at him, she’d always try to reach out, wanting and needing to feel him close. 
“You’re awake, finally!” (Y/n)’s eyes found the dark ones of an unfamiliar woman, hands balled into fists to prepare for whatever may happen to her. Her heart was racing, pounding in her chest, unable to breathe through the emotions rolling upon her like a tidal wave. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been trapped in a situation like this, without Dean or Sam close, hell, she couldn’t even remember the last time she had been on a hunt on her own. “We’ve prepared everything for you.”
“What are you talking about? Let me go!” Her voice had a raspy undertone to it, making (y/n) wonder how long she had been out for. The woman’s laughter rang through the darkness, disappearing from (y/n)’s sight before she could ask another question. Panic flushed through her, spurring her on as she tried to tug on the rope keeping her tied to the chair, hissing whenever the rope burned her skin, leaving ugly marks. 
Before (y/n) could even try to loosen the rope she heard the sound of a metallic door being pushed open, exposing other women that followed the one that had spoken to (y/n) moments ago. She froze in her movements, wide eyes taking in the burning stake she could see from her chair. The flames kept growing higher, flashing through the dark night, forcing goosebumps to rise on (y/n)’s forearms. Was this hell? Was she trapped in another world she couldn’t escape from?
“The time is finally right, we’ve been waiting for this moment for years, and the second we saw you, we knew. You're perfect for Him.” The woman from earlier kept talking to (y/n) as a few other women freed (y/n) from the rope. Before she could try to fight her way out of their grasp, she was picked up by them, carried outside as they chanted words she couldn’t understand. 
“Let me go you freaks! What the fuck are you doing?” (Y/n) could feel the heat of the flames on her skin, making sweat pool on her forehead like raindrops falling from the sky. No matter how much she tried to toss around in their grasp, there was no way out for her, and slowly it began to dawn on her that she was their sacrifice, about to be tossed to the flames. 
“Don’t fear the flames, he is waiting for you.” She couldn’t concentrate on the woman’s words, could only focus on the heavy tree trunk being brought closer, forcing her against it. Once again they wrapped some rope around her body, binding a crying (y/n) against the tree trunk. Dean’s name left her lips over and over again, hoping that the older Winchester brother would come and rescue her. 
“Please, you don’t have to do this.” The whimpers rolled off (y/n)’s tongue like a prayer, hoping that the women would wake from their state, that they’d realise how fucked up this very situation was, but they didn’t seem to pay her crying any mind.
“We have to, otherwise He will punish us. He asked us for sacrifices, so we gave them to him.” A groan left (y/n), reminding her of the words she had shared with Dean, how she had tried to convince him that they were hunting down a satanic cult, picking up on the carvings they found, on the signs and symbols. 
The women began to form a circle around the burning stake, chanting words in Latin, words (y/n) couldn’t pick up on. No longer were they focused on her, leaving her standing in the pale shadows of the dark night. Once again she tried to free herself, tugging on the rope as tears ran down her cheeks, tears that only picked up their speed as she felt a warm hand finding hers, making her heart pick up on its beat. 
“We got you, sweetheart, stay quiet for me.” Dean’s voice rang in her ears, forcing her eyes to flutter close for just a second, giving into the relief she felt. The women kept speaking their prayers, kept singing their songs, not noticing how the two brothers freed (y/n), how they guided her through the darkness with quick and quiet steps, leaving the forest behind before the women could notice them. 
“Come here.” Dean was sitting on the all too uncomfortable mattress of her motel bed, arms opened. (Y/n) moved closer, freshly showered, in a desperate need to feel Dean close. Without speaking a word she crawled into his opened arms, head resting on his chest, limbs tangled with his. Both were caught in their thoughts, reliving the past hours, glad that the two of them got to share a room while Sam slept down the hallway. Dean’s hand moved up and down her back, enjoying the feeling of the soft fabric of the shirt of his she was wearing, covering her just enough to hide her panties. “I’m sorry, fuck, I’m so sorry for saying all these words, I didn’t mean them, I was angry, at myself.”
“Why?” The word was murmured against the fabric of his dark shirt, hand fisting his flannel, scared that she’d be ripped from him again. A deep, shaky breath left Dean, eyes focused on the parts of her face he could admire from above. 
“Because I’m scared about what you make me feel, it’s been years, and I’m still so fucking scared of what you’re doing to me. I can’t concentrate around you, fuck, every hunt we’re on I’m close to throwing a fit, because I’m so scared you’ll end up hurt.” With her breath hitched in her chest, (y/n) lifted her head off his chest, eyes finding his forest green ones. She reached her hand out to cup his cheek, feeling his stubble pressing into her palm. 
“I feel the same, always have. But I’d rather worry about your safety than not worry about you at all, Dean.” He stared at her for a few moments before he closed the gap between them, lips slowly moving against hers, testing the waters as if he was scared that he was trapped in a dream. (Y/n) was pulled closer by Dean’s hands finding the back of her thighs, making her straddle his lap, hissing as the fabric of his worn out jeans rubbed against the inside of her thighs. 
A few curses left Dean as her clothed panties met his bugle, rubbing against his hardening cock, desperate to be freed from the confines of his clothes. Their moans blended together, forming a sound so sinful they’d end up in the darkest corners of Purgatory. 
“I need to be inside you, finally need to feel you wrapped around my cock.” Dean’s words forced a moan to claw through (y/n), eyes wide as she was flipped around, landing on the mattress with her back pressed against it. She watched Dean pull his flannel and shirt over his head, rising from the bed to step out of his jeans. (Y/n)’s eyes couldn’t help but wander down to his boxers, taking in the sight of his cock pressing against the thin fabric. 
Before she could snap out of her thoughts, Dean had already pushed the shirt she was wearing up her chest, exposing her breasts to his glistening eyes. Their eyes kept holding contact as his mouth found her warm skin, sucking on her hardening nipples, kneading her flesh with his big hands. Fuck, the mere thought of ever missing out on this left her trembling, silently thanking Dean and Sam for rescuing her, for saving her from the high flames. 
“More, please.” Her whispers left Dean smirking, forcing him to kiss his way down her body, fingers moving along the outlines of her damp panties. Once again their eyes met as he pulled the fabric down her legs, nestling between them to push his mouth against her heat. Her moans guided him on, hand finding his hair to tug on his roots, to force him even closer as his tongue brushed through her slit. Dean moaned at the taste of her arousal, hoping that he’d forever get to cherish her taste, finding pleasure in the way she choked on her gasps, how she moaned his name. 
“You taste so sweet, I always knew I’d end up being addicted to you, sweetheart.” Heat flushed through her, urged on by his praises, by the words that left her heart racing and her walls clenching around nothing. (Y/n)’s eyes fluttered close as he pushed two fingers into her tightness, tongue pressed against her clit, teasing the pulsing bundle of nerves. He could tell that it wouldn’t take long for her to let go, no longer used to being touched like this, and certainly not by the man she had been in love with for years. “Want to feel you wrapped around me, want to make you cum with my cock.”
Another “Please” left (y/n), watching him free his cock, pumping himself a few times before he brushed his tip through her slit. Both held their breaths as he pushed into her, forcing her walls apart with a few curses rolling off his tongue. 
“Shit, I’ll never be able to stop fucking you, you feel so good.” Dean felt as if his soul was no longer part of his body, it felt all too unfamiliar to experience something he had wanted for this long, not used to ending up on the good side of fate, guided by a lucky strike. The sound of their bodies meeting echoed through the room, rough thrusts that left (y/n) choking and Dean groaning, hoping that they’d be able to last a few moments longer.
“Don’t you dare stop, I’m begging you.” (Y/n)’s words were murmured against his lips, chasing his mouth for a few more kisses as Dean pushed her closer and closer to the edge. His warm fingers took care of her clit, adding the right amount of pressure to push her into the veil of darkness that wrapped itself around her. With her eyes closed and her head thrown back (y/n) gave Dean enough room to suck on her throat, leaving marks she’d proudly wear the next morning, unable to stop her smile from widening whenever his eyes would flicker down to her throat.
“Come on, cum for me, doll.” Dean’s raspy words pushed her over the edge, moaning his name as he fucked her through her high. He didn’t stop moving, prolonging the moment for long enough, till he had to pull out, relieving himself on her stomach. Their eyes met, lips unable to stop themselves from sharing another kiss before Dean plopped down next to her. He reached for a tissue, cleaning her up with gentle touches, careful not to hurt her. 
“Thank you for rescuing me.” (Y/n)’s whispers forced Dean to open his arms, to pull her closer once again as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“I’ll always rescue you. Tomorrow we’ll take care of these crazy bitches, I promise.”
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sapphosclosefriend · 2 years
- Commendation -
Pairing: Professor! Wanda Maximoff x Student! Fem! Reader
Genre: smut
Summary: your professor, known for being kind and cheerful, has a hidden side she reveals only to you
Word count: 3057
Warnings: bottom! Reader, top! Wanda Maximoff, legal age gap, kissing, SMUT, clit stimulation (r receiving), oral on a strap (r giving), strap-on (r receiving), hair pulling (r receiving), rough-ish sex
A/N: this story contains smut, so anyone who isn’t 18+ DNI. Ok so in my country, when you prepare your university graduation thesis, you choose one of your professors as a “mentor”, meaning that they will help you through the entire journey of writing it. I genuinely don’t know if this happens in other countries’ universities as well so I wanted to clarify it just in case. Istg the struggle was real with this one I don’t know why. As usual, likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated! Enjoy <3
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You still can’t believe that in a couple of months you’ll finally be graduating from university. After years of stress and tears you are finally able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, life outside of this school. It’s gonna be easy from now on, only two more exams left and then the long awaited thesis.
You have been working on your dissertation for some time now, hoping to finish it as soon as possible and be able to focus only on preparing yourself for its exposition during the weeks prior to your graduation. Thankfully, you’ve been able to secure yourself a place in Professor Maximoff’s list, feeling happy to be able to work with one of the most competent and notorious academics of your entire university. You also may or may not have had a small crush on her since that time she read your essay to all of her classes and called you “inspirational”, but that’s a completely separate thing.
You actually pride yourself in being able to keep the intellectual admiration and the simple schoolgirl crush you have for this woman very separate, or so you did.
You still vividly remember what an experience it was the first time you had to attend your first ever scheduled meeting only with her and just thinking about it makes your heart beat a bit faster than normal. What surprised you at the time was the sudden nervousness you felt at the thought of being alone with your professor, which you, back then, interpreted as simple eagerness to learn as much as possible from the woman, not necessarily a lie but certainly not the whole truth. You didn’t even know why you did all that stuff before leaving to go to her office, but you still remember the blush that inevitably spread over your chest when your roommate asked you if you were going on a date or something. Ok, maybe the face masks and the waxing weren’t really needed, but, in your defence, you’ve always put a lot of effort in your appearance.
You actually remember very few moments from that day, maybe because of the terrible heat that was plaguing the city or maybe because of the unforgettable view of your professor leaning back on her chair with her arms crossed as she listened to you explaining the main ideas you already had for your dissertation. Seeing the state you were in, and blaming the hot weather, she even offered you a glass of water, which, instead of cooling you off, only made you feel warmer when little drops of condensation fell from the glass on your chest, making you shiver even more when knowing she was now right in front of you, leaning against her desk.
Despite you literally being a hot mess around her, you were grateful for the bright smiles she always threw at you, being kind of a signature thing of hers, as she was known for always being able to make all her students feel at ease.
In spite of the struggles you had to go through, it was a really productive and satisfying encounter, the first of many more.
As time went on, with hours and hours spent working on your thesis, you started feeling a little bit more at ease with her. Of course you still felt a shiver down your back every time she greeted you in her office, getting a bit more personal each time, with her arm starting to sneak around the small of your back while leading you to her desk. You tried to focus on working hard to impress her, though, as to show her that you weren’t just some flustered girl who once wrote an incredible essay, but a student worthy of her time.
With your work progressing and you getting more comfortable in the now familiar space of her office, you didn’t even realise it when you stopped sitting in front of her and automatically started taking a seat next to her, getting the two of you much closer and giving you a clear view of her beautiful smile and her slightly wandering eyes every time she chuckled at your occasional nervousness.
Everything changed that day, which you still remember extremely vividly. It all seemed quite normal, with you showing your professor the information you added to the thesis during the weekend. Even her closeness seemed somewhat familiar. As she was leaning closer to you, trying to take a better look at the words on your laptop, you couldn’t keep your eyes from exploring her face, moving from her eyes, to her cheekbones and finally getting to her rosy lips, which looked even more tempting than usual thanks to the thin layer of gloss on top of them. You were able to break out of their spell only when you noticed them curling up a bit, making your eyes dart up and meet hers, now focused on your face. As soon as you tried to excuse yourself, though, nothing came out of your mouth, leaving you there with your mouth open and unable to let any words out. At the look on your face she simply left out a small laugh, that you probably would have missed if you weren’t so close to her, and gave you her beautiful smile that you were now so familiar with. As a couple of seconds passed, you were only able to whisper a small “sorry” as something changed in her eyes, giving them a darker look, almost hungry.
You were still trying to get your thoughts in order when you felt a soft hand on your leg, caressing the skin right above your knee, incredibly close to the hem of your skirt. As you turned your head to look at the gentle touch, you immediately felt her moving even closer to you and running her nose from the base of your neck up to your ear, making a shiver run down your spine as she left out a low hum against it. You simply couldn’t move an inch, especially since she started moving her hand higher and higher at an agonisingly slow pace, making mush out of your brain and your muscles incredibly tense as you grabbed the armchair so hard your knuckles turned white.
It was almost as if the thick air surrounding you was pulsating simultaneously with your heartbeat, making it impossible for you to make out any of her soft whispers. All you could register were the occasional nipping at your lobe and her fingers now grabbing your inner thigh, right under your throbbing centre, making you let out a small whimper at the sight of her hand now fully under your skirt. As she started lightly running her index finger over you through your underwear, she noticed you getting even more tense than before and your lower lip caught between your teeth as your breath started getting more and more scattered
“Let me hear you sweetheart, let me hear your pretty voice”
Her low whispers only made an even stronger shiver run through your entire body, as the knot in your lower stomach tightened almost painfully, making it impossible for you to hold it all in anymore. As you threw your head back and left out a loud moan she suddenly pressed directly on your clit and started rubbing it in tight circles while leaving little kisses on the now exposed column of your throat, moaning at your ragged breath. The small groan she left out at the feeling of your wetness getting all over her fingers even through the fabric of your underwear, her intoxicating perfume and the feeling of her lips now pressed against your temple only added to your pleasure.
Sensing your peak quickly nearing and being in need of some stability, you went to grab her wrist between your legs but were stopped from doing so when you reached your climax, which made your hips buck in her hand and caused you to let out one last strangled moan. Trying to collect yourself as much as possible, you leaned your back on the chair and left your head fall back while you tried to get your breathing back to normal, but shivered once again as she took her fingers off of you to gently grab your chin and turn your still titled back head towards her, getting you to open your eyes only when you felt her lips pressing against the corner of your mouth.
In that moment, with your body still euphoric but your mind much clearer, it all hit you at once. Professor Maximoff, your professor, just got you off, she just touched you here, in her office, which could have potentially been accessed by anyone at any time. For what you know, someone could have just opened the door while you were in such a compromising position and all your past years of hard work could have been thrown out of the window just like that. You’re ironically not even worried about the action in itself, yes, you probably would have considered it inappropriate if any other professor of yours tried to make such a bold move, but you must admit that, coming from her, made it feel way too exciting.
Sensing your uneasiness starting to get a hold on you, she immediately tried her best to reassure you, informing you of the student after you having called off, before leaving a simple peck on your cheek, which successfully put a stop to the rambling in your head and finally made you realise her closeness, once again. This time, some unknown boldness took over you, making you lean forward to press your lips on hers in a quick kiss, which she immediately tried to deepen, taking a hold of your jaw with her hand and moaning at the feeling of your tongue on her lips. With the kiss quickly growing hungrier and messier, hands wandering on each other’s bodies, you were so lost in one another that the sudden sound of a notification on your phone made you jump and fully break the kiss.
Nothing else happened that day, you just left her office after realising how long you had been in there.
With time, though, your meetings started getting later and later at night, taking advantage of the loneliness of the building to appreciate each other as much as you wanted, as taking the risk of moving your activities to your or her home was still a big no.
One thing you were able to notice with your encounters was the different demeanours she displayed to you in such intimate situations, leaving space for her deep desires to take over.
Today you are supposed to meet up at her office once again. It is different, though: you just officially finished writing your thesis, meaning that you technically don’t need your professor’s help anymore. She still confirmed your meeting to “make sure that everything is on track”, but you know what she seeks from you going there.
Your knock on her door echoes through the corridor of the empty building, giving you a sense of comfort knowing that there is very little possibility of someone accidentally catching you two. There is still a small sense of uneasiness deep in you, though, knowing that, now that your academic work is officially over, the chances of spending time together could be more difficult to find.
You are pulled out of your thoughts as the door to her office opens, revealing her figure hugged by one of her signature black suits with her sleeves rolled up, giving you a clear view of her beautiful hands adorned by a couple of rings and her manicured, short nails. There is a small smirk on her lips when your eyes move up to meet hers, before she moves to the side to let you get in, closing and locking the door as she follows you inside.
You can sense her eagerness when she doesn’t even let you put down your bag, taking it herself as she presses her front against your back and starts kissing you from your shoulder up to your neck
“There has been an unexpected event, I don’t have much time, I’m sorry”
“I can come another day, I don’t want to keep you here”
Your small, trembling voice makes her smile in your neck as she lightly sucks your skin between her kisses
“No, I wanna fuck my good girl, I wanna see you cum for me”
Her words and the particular hard squeeze she gives your hips make you let out a small yelp, turning it into a low moan when she pulls you hard against her front, letting you feel the bulge in her pants. The groan she lets out and the way she starts panting against you when you keep moving your ass against her strap lets you know that she’s probably wearing the one she loves, with an end right inside of her.
All of a sudden she moves away from you and walks to her desk, leaning against it and signaling you to move closer. You already know what she wants from you, so, as soon as you reach her, you immediately kneel before her and unbutton her pants, lowering them and her underwear just enough for the dildo safely secured to the straps on her hips to sprung out. Seeing the way her hips buckle when you simply pump it in your hand a couple times, you just start licking it to get it thoroughly wet while looking up at her. Your ministrations don’t last long, though, as she soon reaches down for your hair, roughly pulling it to move your head back to warn you, her stern look being enough for you to stop with the teasing.
As soon as you wrap your lips around the head of the dildo and lower them, using your hand to push it further, the action makes the other end move inside of her, deliciously stimulating her. The low moans she lets out as you bob your head on her faux cock only make you wetter and more eager to please her, so you try to take as much of her as you can and, as you lower your head all the way to the base of the dildo, you’re satisfied to hear her let out a small “shit” at your action. As soon as you pull back and take a breath, she roughly grabs your hair in a makeshift ponytail, signaling you to keep up with the pace. With one end of the dildo repeatedly hitting the back of your throat, it doesn’t take long for her to cum, giving you what would be the most beautiful view of the woman above you if it wasn’t for your slightly watery eyes.
Right after coming down from her climax she leans down to kiss you and the desire and lust you see in her eyes as you pull back makes you jump on your feet to fully press your fronts together and kiss her even more deeply. She immediately moves her hand between your legs to cup you through your underwear and, hearing you moan in the kiss, she sneaks her fingers under the fabric to suddenly plunge two of them inside of you, trying to get you ready for the quite large dildo.
Not being able to hold herself back anymore, though, she soon lowly groans and turns you two around, pushing your shoulders and bending you over her desk, before hurriedly lifting your skirt over your hips and taking off your underwear.
You can’t hold back a moan when you turn your head and catch a glimpse of her putting the fabric in the pocket of her blazer, before taking it off and revealing her wearing a tank top, showing off her beautiful arms and shoulders. Feeling her sliding the faux cock over your folds, making the tip bump on your clit each time, you cross your arms and lean your forehead over them, waiting for her to finally push into you. When she does you try to hold back a whimper at the large intrusion, but cry out as she pushes the rest in one quick go
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that? I wanna hear how good you feel when I fuck you with my strap”
You don’t even have the time to respond, as she instantly sets a quick pace, making it impossible for you not to let out loud moans at the way she deliciously pumps the dildo into you. The sounds she lets out perfectly combine with yours, creating a symphony of desire that makes your head spin even more as she keeps a tight hold on your waist, pulling you back against her to meet each one of her thrusts.
With the raw desire she’s displaying, all you can do is reach for the other end of the desk and hold tight onto it in order to ground yourself as much as you can.
You soon feel her pace getting more erratic and her breathing more laboured as she gets closer to her climax, so you try to push back against her, only to be unable to do so when she harshly pulls your hair, getting a particularly loud moan out of you and making your back arch even more. All you can focus on are the beautiful sounds she’s making and the strap repeatedly hitting the sweet spot inside of you as you start panting even more when she moves her other hand from your waist to you clit to quickly rub it
“Come on baby, I wanna see you cum all over my strap”
It all hits you like a hard, rough wave that takes all your breath away and makes your legs shake and when she straightens up and sees your disheveled state and your arousal running down your thighs, the coil in her stomach tightens even more, snapping after a couple more of rough thrusts.
All you can hear in your blissed out state is her panting against your back as she tries to catch her breath, before she lets out a breathless laugh
“Shit, I might have to keep checking up on your work for some more time, sweetheart”
@fxckmiup (shit I forgot to tag you sorry, Idk if you've read this already😥)
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Wanda Maximoff x Female Reader
While dealing with a breakup, you go to the Maximoff house to babysit without remembering you didn’t have to go this week. Wanda comforts you and makes your visit worth your while.
Warnings: Smut! 18+! (Milf Wanda and college age reader, oral (r receiving), fingering, language
Note: It’s just milf Wanda lol. Enjoy!
Wanda Maximoff Masterlist, Main Masterlist
Your head hangs low as you walk up to the Maximoff’s doorstep. When you knock on the door, Wanda opens it with a surprised look on her face.
“What are you doing here?” She asks you.
“It’s Tuesday,” you reply simply.
“Yes, but remember last week I told you the boys would be at camp all week,” Wanda kindly reminds you.
“Shit, yeah I’m sorry,” you reply. You shake your head and shift your weight between your legs uncomfortably.
“Are you okay? You’re usually so on top of things, y/n,” Wanda says. She has a small frown on her face.
“Yeah, it’s just been a rough day. I’m sorry. I’ll just be going,” you say. But before you can turn around there’s a gentle hand on your arm.
“Hey, wait. Come in for a drink,” it’s a command, not a question.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to impose Ms. Maximoff,” you say, feeling heat rush up your neck at her continued grasp on your arm.
“You’re not imposing. And it’s Wanda, sweetheart. Come on now,” she gestures inside and you follow her into the house.
If you’re being honest with yourself, you’ve imagined this scenario quite a few times. Being alone in the house with the mother of the boys you babysit. Your friends at college tease you for it, but you’ve had a crush on Wanda since the day you met her.
You can’t help it. She’s just such an alluring woman.
You sit down on the couch as Wanda goes to the kitchen. When she comes into the living room, she’s got two glasses of wine in her hands and is wearing a soft smile. She’s also wearing quite a tight dress, not that you’re trying to notice. But you can’t help where your eyes end up.
She hands you one glass as she sits down next to you with the other in her hand. She sits a little closer than you thought she would. Her legs brush against your thigh as she sits somewhat sideways on the couch so she can see you fully.
“So, do you want to talk about your tough day?” She asks. Her tone is kind and understanding. It makes you think you’d tell her anything in the world if she asked.
“I got dumped,” you say with a sigh. You lean back onto the couch and Wanda looks you over.
“I’m sorry, honey,” Wanda says.
“It’s fine. I mean I think I knew it wasn’t working, but I didn’t think it would end so abruptly,” you explain.
“Yeah, I get that. That’s how my marriage ended. Slowly and then all at once. You’re going to be okay, y/n,” Wanda says. She dares to put a comforting hand on your thigh and you almost shiver at her touch.
“You think so?”
“Absolutely. You’re an amazing person. So beautiful inside and out. Anyone would be lucky to have you,” Wanda explains.
You turn your head to look at her better and you see nothing but sincerity in her eyes. You don’t know if it’s gravity or if it’s Wanda moving, but somehow your lips end up mere inches from hers.
“Y/n, this is a bad idea,” Wanda whispers.
“You’re right,” you say. But neither one of you retreats from the close proximity. “Maybe a bad idea can still result in something great.”
At your words, Wanda’s lips softly land on yours. It’s tentative, but very passionate as she kisses you for the first time.
“Wow,” you say when she pulls away and Wanda lets out a soft laugh.
“Here, let me see this, sweetheart,” Wanda takes the wine glass from your hand and sets it on the coffee table along with her own. She leans in to kiss you again, but stops short of your lips. “Do you want this?” She asks, almost sounding insecure.
“Please,” you reply.
She makes quick work of kissing your lips again. This time it’s intense as her tongue asks for entrance to your mouth. You oblige and Wanda moans into the kiss.
Her hands find their way to the hem of your sweatshirt and she lifts it up over your breasts. Wanda’s lips move to your chest as she pulls your sweatshirt the rest of the way off.
“Fuck y/n,” she says at the sight of your naked chest and stomach. You hadn’t worn a bra today and right now you’re thankful that you didn’t.
Wanda licks and sucks your nipples as her hands unbutton your pants. She’s good at multitasking, you note as she continues to undress you and pay attention to your breasts at the same time.
“Please Wanda,” you moan as she pulls your pants down your legs. Your arousal is evident in your underwear and Wanda smiles at you as she pulls them down as well. She kneels before you on the ground and leans forward to lick your center. Your hips buck up at the contact.
“You’re so hot, baby. God, if you only knew the times I’ve imagined doing this to you,” Wanda says, her voice dripping with sex. “Are you going to be a good girl for me?”
You nod and Wanda buries her face between your legs. She licks and sucks you in every spot you need her.
“Wanda,” you breathlessly moan as you get closer to your high.
“Did they fuck you like this, baby?” She asks.
“No, never,” you reply.
Wanda lets out a hum of acknowledgment before she returns her attention to your clit. It only takes a few minutes longer for you to completely come undone. Wanda cleans you up with her tongue and sits up to kiss you.
“You were so good, y/n,” she says. You kiss her harder and reach for her dress zipper. “Fuck yes. Will you be a good girl and take care of me?” Wanda asks. She stands up and waits for your answer.
“I will,” you say. Wanda smirks and slips out of her dress. You have no doubt your mouth is hung wide open at how beautiful she is.
“Come here,” she says and you stand up off the couch. You’re still in awe of her body and Wanda laughs softly. “It’s okay to touch me here, sweetheart.”
She takes your fingers and places them against herself. You easily slip one into her and she moans.
“More,” she says. She grabs onto your shoulders for support as you add another finger. You move them in and out of her in just the right motion for her to start to reach her high. When you kiss her lips as you continue to finger her, Wanda feels herself start to lose control. She’s practically whimpering in pleasure at your every move.
“I’m gonna cum,” she says. Her voice raspy from arousal.
“Let go, Wanda. Do it for me,” you mumble before kissing her once again. She reaches her release with shouts of your name. You ease her down with softer touches and small kisses to her neck.
“Oh, that was-“ Wanda begins.
“Insanely good?” You interrupt her.
“Yeah, insanely good. Are you feeling better?” She asks.
“Good,” she says with a look of victory on her face. “Would you like to come to my bedroom?” She almost sounds shy.
“Yes please,” you say and Wanda grins.
“Those manners do wonders for you, baby,” she says with a kiss to your cheek. Wanda takes your hand in hers and leads you to the bedroom.
You silently thank yourself for forgetting that you weren’t supposed to come to the Maximoff house today.
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @idkwhygregg @be-missed @mythosphere-x @hehehehannahthings @likefirenrain @madamevirgo @milfloverslut @yelenabelovaisthebettersister @mrswidowjohansson @alotofpockets @wandassitcom @marvelwomen-simp @maia-lightwoood @xxromanoffxx @ggrangerdanger @peanutbutterprincess @exhaustedfangirl @when-wolves-howl @marie45019 @inluvwithfictionalwomen @sammi1642 @itsyourgirlmalise @jujuu23 @kacka84 @the-night-owl-blr @strangegardentaco @avatarsnips @natashasilverfox @imthenatynat @natasha-danvers @sayah13 @olsensnpm @harleysincairo @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @lovelyy-moonlight @thenazwife @carnagewidow @wandas-slut-heart @wandsmxmff
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josiesullysblog · 1 year
~Neteyam x Na’vi Reader
~Fluff and angst???
~Summary-Kyah lives alone, away from anybody due to her mother's fear of her being taken away.
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You sat on the tree trunk waiting for your mother to return. Every so often, she would head toward a nearby tribe to fetch supplies needed for the both of you to survive. You were not allowed to go along, but as you got older you became relentless.
You wanted to see how the other parts of pandora looked, how it felt to fly, how it would feel like to mate. You never met your father, you heard of his bravery, how he'd do anything to make sure your mother was okay. He died doing just that, which is why your mother hid you from the tribe in hopes you'd never meet the same fate.
You sat there playing with your hair waiting for the woman to appear, yet she never came. You became bored standing up and wandering off. You knew where you were supposed to stop, but the world was so tempting you just had to keep going. You walked for what felt like ages looking at the plants and playing around. You eventually sat down and fell asleep unaware of the other creatures around you.
Neteyam stood over the body picking up the girl’s braid. The girl was not from his tribe, well maybe she was but he has never seen her before. Neteyam watched the pretty girl with amazement, “gorgeous.” He saw the girl slowly open her eyes, and before he could get a word out a first connected with his face knocking him out cold.
You didn’t even know you had it in you to punch so hard. You looked at the unconscious boy before helping him sit up on a tree. He was very handsome and you regretted your decision to punch him.
“Too weak to handle me now, huh mother,” you chuckled thinking of the woman. You sat a good distance away from the boy while you waited for him to become conscious. You studied his features and his braids, you liked how his body was covered in jewels just like yours.
Neteyam moved suddenly grabbing his head, attempting to ease the pain. You scooted back a bit watching his every movement. His eyes quickly landed on you, and you both got lost in each others eyes.
“Neteyam,” the boy said breaking off the comfortable silence, “my name is Neteyam.” Your eyes lingered on him before you spoke up, “I am sorry,” you said finally coming closer to look at his injuries.
“No need, I shouldn't have come so close to you,” he cracked you a smile while you lightly touched his nose. He softly grabbed your hand before smiling at you, “my name is kyah.” You smiled big at him helping him up.
“Are you from the nearby tribe? My mother heads there often!” Your personality changed completely talking the boy's ear off. “Where are you from?” Neteyam questioned.
“Mother and I have lived in the woods for a very long time!” you explained to how life was like for you, while he explained to you his life.
He watched your eyes as they sparkled as he explained the tribe to you. “I hope one day, I'll be able to meet them,” you smiled looking into his eyes. You two became so wrapped up in talking you hadn’t noticed the change in the sky, the way the bushes moved, and how both your parents walked out.
“KYAH!” The loud yell startled you both causing you to get up, “what are you doing with this boy?”
You both let go of the hand you hadn’t realized you held so tightly, “he helped me after I got lost mother,” you held your head down in fear to meet the angry woman’s eyes.
“Neteyam wandering off like this could get you killed!” Neytiri grabbed the boy before yanking him away from the girl.
Kyah watched with tears in her eyes as her new friend was being pulled away. Neteyam looked at her as he mouthed the words “I will find you, my love.”
She held these words close to her heart.
Y’all. I've been attempting to finish these for the last few days. I had no idea how to finish it, but it got done!! I’ll do a part two only if y’all want🤭 I’ll be doing requests this weekend!! Hope you enjoyed!!
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bythenineshards · 7 months
Suffering Fools (Chapter Two)
Summary: Impatient Buggy returns to Doc Syre.
Warnings: NSFW, Minors DNI, Syre fixes a broken arm. It's brief, but I thought it should be mentioned.
A/N: Sorry it took so long! This chapter isn't exactly NSFW, but the fic as a whole is, so I'm gonna label it as such. Enjoy my cringe!
Buggy needed to choose his fights more carefully. He had to find the balance of getting to see the doctor and not being able to enjoy the interaction. Could he have waited a few days to get the stitches out? Sure. But why would he? His potentially broken ribs were the penalty for his hubris as the jailers dragged him between them. It was bad enough that he had to hide his abilities or risk worse conditions, but on top of that, she wasn’t even alone today.
The guards brought him in much the same as they had two or so days before. Syre glanced back from the table she was working at. Buggy got to see her do a double take before looking to the guards and asking, “Again?”
“Hasn’t learned his lesson yet?” Another woman’s voice asked, a touch amused. The woman, Domino, was leaning on the cupboards and watching as Syre tended to another inmate. Her arms were crossed, but her general demeanor was more relaxed than Buggy was used to seeing one from the jailers. Despite the dark sunglasses and blonde hair covering her eyes, Buggy knew she was looking at him.
“I’ll get you fixed up after I’m done with him,” Syre assured Buggy, her voice more professional than their previous interaction would suggest.
“No problem, Dollf-” He caught himself and coughed, his ribs protesting this heavily, “Doc.”
Domino slid her gaze from Buggy to Syre, and the pink haired doctor gave a shrug, the pair deciding it was nothing, “So what happened next?”
Syre brightened, “Right! So Marie and I, livid that they wouldn’t let us go to the party, convinced Avery to sneak in and get us some of the desserts.”
“Why weren’t you allowed to go?” Domino asked with something almost adjacent to a smile.
“I was twelve, Marie nine and Avery six,” Syre explained, then paused, “Could you help me with this?”
Domino uncrossed her arms and allowed Syre to instruct her as she prepared to reset the broken arm of an inmate Buggy didn’t recognize. She had the jailer hold a strip of thick leather in his mouth. Syre was unwavering in her movements. Snapping the bone back into place with precision and stern confidence. The man screamed out in agony and continued to cry as she put his arm in a cast. Even the two men that had brought Buggy in looked away uncomfortably. Once it was all done, she washed his face of sweat. “There we are. You were very brave.”
“Thank you…” The inmate sobbed, clearly a mess from the pain but trying in vain to appear more manly.
She gave him a warm smile as the two guards went to take the inmate back to whatever level he was housed on. She told them with a steely voice how to prevent the arm from getting worse. There was a thinness to her voice though, the cruelty was wearing on her and she knew her words were falling on deaf ears.
Buggy noticed immediately that Syre wasn’t referring to the inmate by the foreign nicknames. He settled into the cold metallic table, smug as can be. The thought that Domino’s presence was the more likely reason didn't cross his mind. He was special to the Doctor.
“So what next?” The blonde jailer hadn’t left yet. Buggy had hoped she would accompany the inmate that was just removed but no such luck. She came to sit at the foot of the table Buggy was strapped to. He wasn’t exactly complaining but he’d hoped for some alone time with the Doc.
“We were much too young to attend such a gathering. Even one thrown by my own family.” Syre explained, as she fetched Buggy’s file and realized the guards hadn’t told her anything. She hastily walked to the door and called down the hall, “WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?”
There was a distant, muffled response that didn’t seem to please her. She began a slew of words in that oddly lyrical language Buggy assumed was her native tongue.
Domino smiled just a little with Syre’s frustration, “Idiots. The lot of them.”
Syre sighed, “It’s like they all share a single brain cell.”
Domino nodded in agreement, “So what happened?”
“Oh they said he got into another fight and wanted me to look him over. Something about his chest looking bad.” Syre explained, clearly annoyed by their lack of details, “I hope his ribs are not broken…”
She lifted the hem of his shirt to start her examination, concern soaking into her eyes before they widened at the sight of the blue hair that sat low on his stomach. It was almost enough for her to completely forget about the bruising.
“I meant the party.”
“Oh!” Syre laughed brightly. Dropping the shirt and continuing her story, as she took his vitals and jotted them down, “Marie and I convinced Avery to sneak down into the party. She was the smallest, therefore not easily spotted and if she was caught, she could burst into tears. She was quite talented with that. Boo Hoo! Papa, I had a nightmare! You understand.”
“We thought so too,” Syre smiled, looking proud of her past self, “We told her to go down and get some of the cakes for us to share.”
“She got caught and couldn’t cry?” Domino predicted.
“No, worse.” Syre said, getting her stethoscope and warming it with her hands. It was then that Buggy noticed she wasn’t wearing the gloves from before. One was in his pocket at present. It smelled of her perfume and may have had a new smearing of red paint.
“We weren’t specific enough with her and she, somehow, got a three tier cake out of the party without being caught.”
“What?! How?”
Syre gestured vaguely, “Not a clue! We meant for her to get maybe a plate with some of the cookies and little cakes. Something easy to hide but nooooo. Avery said go big because she was already at home.”
Syre sat on the edge of the table, half considering cutting away his entire shirt or asking Domino to help her remove it. She felt something caress her thigh. It was just the slightest of touches, hardly a caress but it caused her to stammer, “W-we panicked of course. We tossed around the idea of sneaking it back into the party but it was lucky she wasn’t caught taking it. We didn’t want to risk it. So we did what any young girls would do.”
“Tried to eat it all yourselves?”
Syre gave a grave nod. She was trying hard to disregard the suggestive caresses to her thigh.
Domino chuckled, “How did that go?”
“We still feel nauseous at the smell of coconut cake,” Syre shuddered.
Domino’s chuckling ended in a sigh, “I should probably get back.” She didn’t sound like she wanted to. It seemed like everyone grew tired of the cold, militaristic atmosphere at Impel Down and enjoyed just feeling like people in a more normal workplace. Syre already missed being able to talk with her sisters and mother. Talking with Domino had sort of filled that void but it was different. She’d tried to do the same with Sadi but it hadn’t gone as well. The woman frightened her, if she was being honest.
Buggy stifled the urge to nod vigorously. He was growing impatient. Touching Syre's leg and getting her flustered was fun but the man wanted to flirt and make her blush.
“Actually,” Syre began, “Could you help me again?”
NO! Buggy thought and it reached his face before he shoved it back down.
Domino nodded, “Sure. What do you need?”
“I want to get a good look at his chest and back, and check his lungs but in order to do that, I need to unstrap him.” Syre explained while focusing on keeping herself calm. She was a professional. This patient was no different than her last. Plenty of patients, especially here, made eyes at her. They made comments about her appearance. She was being ridiculous. Their last interaction had been a momentary lapse in judgment. Her life had been fairly sheltered before. It was new and exciting to have a pirate get so desperate for her touch. It wouldn’t happen again.
Domino had caught Syre’s meaning and readied her weapon. Syre looked down at Buggy, warning him, “I don’t want to have to take care of a gunshot wound with nothing for the pain.”
Buggy’s curiosity was piqued by how she kept her voice so level and firm when her eyes were brimming with compassion. He nodded his own understanding, getting shot didn’t sound like fun to him either.
He could see Syre inwardly debating how best to unstrap him from the table. She shrugged and started with his head then worked her way down. He grunted as he slowly got in a sitting position.
“Could you please remove your shirt?” Syre asked, mentally patting herself on the back. So far, so good. Her face wasn’t warm. She was cool as a cucumber. Buggy peeled off his shirt and Syre swallowed hard, hoping Domino was too focused on Buggy to notice. Her eyes ran over his bare torso and she felt her cucumber coolness melting away. She didn’t know why it hadn’t quite sunk in that he would be sculpted like this. He was a pirate captain. That meant he did work on a ship and likely had been doing so since he was a boy. Why wouldn’t he be covered in hardened muscle? Maybe it was the fact that he looked like a clown that threw her off of the trail. Speaking of trails… the blue hair was on full display and Syre had to shake her head to dislodge the urge to gawk. Cool as a cucumber.
To begin her examination, she took in the quantity of the bruises around his stomach and chest. Circling the table to see how bad they were on his back. There were a few that gave her pause and she had to stop herself from appearing too soft about it. Once she was at his front again, she stepped closer. Not quite between his legs, though the thought did cross her mind. It didn’t seem like a bright idea even with a gun trained on him. She finally took the stethoscope and pressed it to his heart. She listened for a long moment before nodding in approval. Moving it over she said, “Alright, Mon-,” She caught herself but didn’t cover it well, “Um… could you give me a deep breath?”
Buggy did as she asked. He glanced over at her briefly as he did so. She was stone faced and listening intently. “Did that hurt?”
“Not much.”
“Another, slower this time.”
As before he did as she requested, twice more after. She moved the stethoscope to his back, placing a hand on his shoulder and asking him for more deep breathing. Each time she inquired about pain but his answers were negative except the final breath that came with a tight grimace. Her eyes went soft with that and searched his face. The look he gave her in return was overwhelmingly filled with hunger. It made her mouth go dry with its promise of all it wanted to do with her. Completely unabashed, his eyes told her that he didn’t care that he was at gunpoint. His eyes wanted her to know that if Domino wasn’t there, he’d mark her body with red paint. It made her legs feel like jelly.
She avoided looking at Domino as she removed the stethoscope, “Your lungs seem fine. Why don’t you lie down?’
With Domino’s help, he was strapped back down. Syre had to stifle a squeak as he took the chance while laying down to run the backs of his fingers down her thigh. Syre stopped Domino from binding his chest as she was going to check his ribs. With Buggy secured, Domino clicked her tongue.
“Now I should really get back…” Domino sighed, “See you tonight?”
Syre looked up from Buggy’s exposed chest. She hoped Domino thought she was merely doing an examination rather than the blatant ogling she had been indulging in. “Yes. I will be there.”
The shutting of the door echoed in Syre’s mind. She was alone with Buggy now. He was resting his eyes but his painted lips were smirking. There was a long moment for the both of them where Syre searched for something to say but words were frightfully lost in her dry mouth. One of Buggy’s eyes cracked open as Syre was wringing her hands.
“So no coconut cake?” He asked, making her jump a little.
Once she realized what he’d said, she laughed, “No, I can’t stand the stuff.”
“What do you like?”
Syre cocked a brow, “For dessert or…?”
He shrugged as best as he could, “Surprise me.”
Syre thought for a moment while starting to gently poke and prod at his ribs. “I really like Lemon
“Never heard of it.” He said with a grunt as one of the bruises disagreed with Syre’s prodding.
“Sorry, Mon Chér,” She cooed. “It’s a pie that has lemon curd topped with whipped egg whites and sugar. It was the only thing my mother insisted on making herself. She said the cook never got it quite right.”
Buggy’s brows shot up, “Cook? Sounds like you were a silver spoon kinda girl.”
“Eh,” Syre replied, “What about you? What do you like?”
“Besides Doctors with cotton candy hair?”
Syre’s resolve crumbled. Her face bent to the temptation and she blushed full and hot to the tips of her ears. “I meant to eat, silly.”
“I said what I said, Sweetcheeks.” He grinned at her, large, toothy and deeply immodest.
The frightening yet tantalizing look made her push a little too hard. The seduction cracked as he yowled in pain.
"I'm sorry!" She cried, withdrawing her hands like he was on fire. "You need to stop looking at me like that!"
"Like what, Sweetness?" He feigned innocence but his eyes still held the dark, sensual playfulness.
She flicked his nose, "Like that! It's full of sin and very distracting."
"Oh? Is that so?" He asked, cocking his head to the side, blinking his long eyelashes at her.
She looked at him, thoroughly devoid of humor yet still blushing mildly, "I have scalpels."
“Is that a promise, Sweets? Slice me up and serve me like your lemon pie?" He waggled his eyebrows suggestively but the effect was more comical than carnal.
Syre let herself laugh, which seemed to please him. Once the laughs had run out, she pulled up a chair and sat as face to face with him as she could. She didn’t loom over him. Smoothing her jacket, the last of her amusement lingered in her eyes. “Mon Chér… I need to check your ribs and I can’t do that when you’re being a scoundrel, and making my head fuzzy.”
Her face was so filled with concern that it struck Buggy. She actually cared. Not because it was her job, not because she would get anything for it, not even deep down. The sincere air to her face was an open book.
“Fine. But only until you’re done with my ribs. I can’t make any promises after that.”
Her face lit up, “Thank you.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t tell anyone I follow orders from you, Toots.”
“I wouldn’t dare.”
Syre stood, gingerly checking each rib then the cartilage closer to the center. Her touch was delicate, like he was a priceless work of art and she was appraising him. Warm brown eyes like cognac flitted between his chest and face. Searching for the pain he might conceal behind bravado. Her bare fingers caused goosebumps to raise and more than once she had to stop her eyes from traveling further down. She wondered if her touch was giving him a similar reaction as their previous encounter. Would she do much the same if it was? Would she push further?
“You didn’t answer my question from a bit ago,” Syre said, softly. Her voice was distant, not uninterested but focused on what she was doing. The need to make polite small talk warring with her methods as a physician. It lended more credence to Buggy’s theory that she came from a more well to do upbringing. What he didn’t consider was she was trying desperately to cool her fantasies.
“About what? I was distracted by a pretty doctor.”
A smile flashed across her face, “What do you like? Foodwise.”
“Nothing as fancy as lemon meringue. Hotdogs, I love hotdogs.”
“I’ve never had one,” Syre admitted.
“Of course you didn’t, your cook had better things to make,” He teased.
Syre rolled her eyes. “Out of curiosity, what things would you do if I said the examination is over?”
She’d lost the war with modesty in her head.
A devilish smirk spread across his face, equal parts dark and jovial, “You like when I’m… what was the word you used? Sinful?”
She held her face as neutral as she could muster. This was the third time she was going over his ribs. He couldn’t tell if she was just being extra sure or enjoyed touching his chest with her bare hands. It could be both. He wouldn’t complain about both.
“I have a favor to repay, Doll. I gave you options and I know which one I’d take to repay it.” He said, licking his lips.
“If your ribs were broken or even cracked, I wouldn’t risk making them worse,” Syre straightened and placed her hands on her hips.
“My face ain’t my ribs.” He smirked, “You’re avoiding what I asked. You like this, don’t you?”
Syre went to answer but the words caught in her throat. She looked down at him. Her eyes only briefly lingering on his lips before holding his gaze. She replied honestly. "I shouldn't but..."
“You do.” He finished for her and she nodded making her curls bounce.
“I ain’t complaining,” he said in an odd effort to comfort her that was still drenched in smugness.
Syre collapsed back in the chair and bit her lip. Buggy watched her do it and saw the conundrum in her mind. She was a Marine and a Doctor in a prison full of some of the worst scum imaginable. Yet she was enjoying attention from said scum. She was indulging in something wrong in its own right. Did this make her a bad doctor? Most likely.
“No no Sweets, you really ought to let me do that biting for you…” Buggy purred, pulling her away from her semi-spiral.
She blinked at him and a single laugh burst out before she could stop it, “I thought you were going to stop being rakish until the exam was over?”
“I did my best.” He tried to shrug but was still woefully tied down.
Running a hand through her hair, Syre took a deep breath. “Alright… so… the good news, I don’t think any of your ribs are broken. Nor do I think any of them are cracked. You got lucky.”
“Lucky would be you on top of me,” Buggy retorted.
Syre tried to give him an unamused look but he only winked at her. She stood, folding his shirt neatly and preparing to go for the door.
Buggy cleared his throat to stop her, “Before you call the guards to take me back to hell, you hurt me Sweetcheeks. Flicking my nose and all. I think by your own policy, you owe me a kiss.”
Syre lifted a brow with a smirk of her own, “You’re quite right.”
Without hesitation, Syre leaned down and kissed his nose.
Buggy laid there in shock. It happened so fast he had little time to process it, much less the ease in which she had done it. Like she’d been thinking about doing so for days. He saw it happen, felt the tenderness then saw her pleased smile. As he stared, she strode to the door and called for the guards.
“No more fights, Mon Chér,” She commanded as the guards filed in to take him back to level one. His shirt was handed to the guard and in turn thrown in Buggy’s face. She held his gaze as he scrambled to pull it on, soft blush warming her cheeks as she got a good last look at his exposed chest and with just the barest bite to her lower lip.
Buggy was about to get into another fight.
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slxsherwriter · 9 months
Not so Quiet Town
Fandom: Old 37/Bill Moseley characters
Pairing: Darryl x female reader
Word Count: 2,614
Warnings: Mentions of murder
A/N: I rewrote this twice and am still unsure of the ending. Basically, I wanted to play on the duality of Darryl's character. I think there was a genuine attempt at a date with the mother before realizing what exactly it was he thought he was seeing. So, why not? Is soft his default? No, I don't believe so, but I think he is capable and even more so given the circumstances I threw in here. Hopefully, you enjoy!
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Watching the elderly woman struggle to get the groceries into the car, you noticed that no one else was giving two shits, stepping up to help. Well, that just wouldn't do. You tossed the two bags that you were carrying into your truck before jogging over to where her car was. It was clear that she had some difficulty moving, given her age probably some arthritis at the minimum.
"Can I help you get those into the car, ma'am?" She startled a bit, which made you happy that you had kept a respectful distance between you still. There were plenty of people that would take offence to the offer of help, especially around here, a small town were most were used to providing for themselves. If she said no, you would back off.
"That is very kind of you dear. If You don't mind." You offered her a smile, still waiting to step forward, not wanting to crowd her.
"Not at all." When she stepped back, that was your cue to move forward. Carefully, you began to load the car. There was more than you expected but you knew better than to question. You had no idea of her situation. Nor did you have any right to inquire. Just as you got the last bag into the car, an angry sounding voice called out.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" It was your turn to be startled, almost stumbling back from the car before you caught your balance. The look on the face of the man approaching the car matched the anger in his voice. Immediately, your hands shot up in an innocent gesture. Admittedly, that was more the reaction that you had been expecting.
"I was just…" Before you could finish your explanation, you were cut off by the woman that you had just helped.
"Calm down, Darryl. This nice young lady was just helping me get the groceries in the car while you finished up. She's been nothing but polite and helpful." As she spoke and reassured the man that everything was okay, some tension leaked from his frame. He still looked distrusting, but he wasn't about to physically approach anymore. A fact that you were thankful for. A fight in the grocery store parking lot was the last thing that was needed. No good deed went unpunished.
"I didn't mean any harm. I saw that she was having a hard time getting the bags in the car and thought I would offer my help. Didn't do anything until she gave me the okay."
"Go on and get in the car, Mom." Ah, okay that explained the man's protective nature. You stepped back further, offering a soft smile.
"Thank you very much, dear."
"You're welcome." She shifted around the car slowly to be able to get in. It left the two of you in a slightly awkward silence. "I'll just get going…"
"Thank you," he sighed out. It caught you off guard. Being thanked was not what you expected. Giving a small shake of your head, you were quick to assure him.
"It was really no big deal. No one else was stepping up to help, and it looked like your eggs were about to hit the floor."
"You're new around here, aren't you." That wasn't the first time that you had heard that this week alone.
"It's that obvious, is it?" You held out your hand for the man, giving your name since you already had the advantage of knowing his.
" Well, thank you again. I'm sure we will see you around."
While the town itself was decently large, most of it was more rural, so the population wasn't all that big. That resulted in you running into both Darryl and Martha a few times over the next few weeks as you settled in. Each time, a friendly conversation was struck. Darryl became increasingly more relaxed at each interaction, even going so far as giving you a friendly and welcoming smile the last few interactions. 
There were some whispers around town, but you hardly paid attention to them. If every person was judged by their past, well, everyone would be screwed. What mattered was how he acted now, mainly how he acted with you. 
The brash and aggressive personality was certainly there, though not as upfront as it had been in that first meeting. He loosened up further as you spent time helping out his mother, who had taken a shine to you. Mainly through some volunteer work that you were doing at the church. Martha had recognized you and instantly seemed to latch onto you. Not that you minded. She was kind. A woman of faith where you had lost yours. She didn't judge and simply was happy for some companionship and help outside of her family. 
Of course, you weren't quite aware of the way that she watched you interact with her son or the way that a bit of happiness sparked in her when she was present for those meetings. 
It had gotten to the point that Darryl trusted you enough to pick her up from the salvage yard, where they also lived. It had become almost routine. You would pick Martha up on Sunday mornings for her church service and then a little afternoon lunch and outing. Sunday mornings turned into another three outings throughout the weekend. Always scheduled and never random but that worked for you. 
Darryl had taken to greeting you at the entrance to the yard, the two of you chatting about this, and that, nothing specifically as Martha made her way down. You enjoyed the time with the older woman, but you had to admit that you began to really look forward to the chats between the two of you. It really came as no surprise when he finally asked you out for a coffee.
Coffee turned into dinners, dinners into late night drives with stargazing. Random talks turned a little more serious. Neither of you talked about the past, focused only on the future. There was a soft side to the man that you were privileged to see. A side that you found yourself liking more and more. It was easy, and he seemed to appreciate that you didn't expect anything of him besides some respect and time to enjoy one another.
Two months had passed, and things couldn't have been looking better for you. There was an easy routine that allowed for the stability that you had been seeking. Volunteer work, spending time helping Martha, dates with Darryl, and working in the small home that you had purchased kept you plenty busy. In a good way.
It was comfortable enough that you didn't recognize the signs of being followed. For the past week, something had seemed off, but it was nothing that pulled too hard at the front of your mind. You simply brushed the feeling off as a result of the recurring nightmare that had played you for the week, which had led to a distinct lack of sleep. Anything else seemed silly and never entered your conscious thoughts. Darryl had noticed something, making a comment on it during your date two nights ago. You had promised him it was simply from you not sleeping well, not wanting to go into detail on what the nightmare was about.
Maybe you should have. Maybe offloading would have helped ease some of the tension and help stop the nightmare. That would have let you sleep better, which in turn may have let you spot the car that had been following you to the salvage yard. Just as you pulled up to the entrance, lights flashed behind you.
"You've got to be kidding me." A cop really decided to pull you over? You hadn't been speeding, and you knew for certain that nothing was wrong with the truck. Scrubbing a hand down your face, you looked behind you and frowned. It was an unmarked car. Now that was unusual, and you could feel the hairs on the back of your neck standing. Something was wrong. That was an instinct you had learned to trust a long time ago. Still, you remained in your car and as relaxed as possible. There were no cameras at the front of the yard. Which meant that Darryl or Jon Roy would have no idea what was going on.
With the window already down, you were getting ready to ask what was wrong, but you were never given the chance. A large hand reached through the window, grabbing the back of your neck and slamming your head forward. Pain blossomed outward from your nose, and your ears were ringing almost immediately. The action stunned you long enough for the man to pull you from the car, one arm wrapped around your torso before cold metal was pressed to your temple. Your head was clearing enough for you to realize that. You could feel the blood leaking down from your busted nose. That was going to be a bitch come tomorrow.
"This is how this is going to go. You are going to get this gate open, and then we are going to find the two degenerates that run this place. The ones that killed my daughter." Killed his daughter? What the hell was this man going on about? You didn't have any choice besides to play along. You just hoped that Darryl or Jon Roy would be around, see what was happening and get help. "Anything I don't like, I put a bullet in your brain. Do you understand?" 
'I understand." Your mind was racing to figure out how you could get out of the situation. If he hadn't gotten the jump on you, you may have been in a better position. Reaching into your pocket carefully, you produced the key that Martha had given you. You shuffled forward, the man still pressed against your back. As long ashedidn't check your hip…
Getting in was easy. But there still hadn't been an opportunity that presented itself for you to try and get away or gain an upper hand.
"Come on out you sick fucks! I know you are here. You wanna take away something of mine, then I'm gonna take away something of yours." The gun was pressed harder against your head Enough so, you were forced to tilt to accommodate the pressure with gritted teeth. As your eyes jumped around, you didn't spot either of the boys.
"Woah, woah, woah. What's going on here?" That was Darryl. After a second, his form appeared from around a nearly junked car. His hands were in the air, though that anger that you didn't often see anymore, was so clearly present.
"Don't play dumb, asshole. You may have others fooled, but I'm not. Once a twisted fucker, always one. That record of yours was easy to pull up. And all the missing people along this stretch of road? I don't know how anyone didn't put it together sooner. You and that deformed brother of yours are behind it all."
"Listen, I don't know what you think you know, but you got it all wrong. I haven't been in trouble since I got out…"
"I tracked her phone here! I know she was here. The last place that she ever came. " Darryl was doing a good job of distracting the man. It was now a question where Jon Roy was. Something that the man was acutely aware of, unfortunately. "Where is your brother?" 
"I'm not his keeper. How the hell should I know where he is?" You subtly tried to shift your lower half away from the man. Creating a little space would give you the chance to throw a blow or slip from his grasp. Either would work right now.
"Bullshit. He doesn't show himself in the next fifteen seconds, I'm shooting her now. Then I'll shoot you." With the underlying hint of something in his voice, that unhinged nature, you actually believed that he would do that. So, there was no time to waste. 
"You know, if you were coming here, guns blazing, I would have thought that you would have had a slightly better plan than this. Really it's a shit attempt at trying to get what you want. Two on one, the odds weren't ever in your favor." The man behind you let out a cry. There was little time to react before your balance was thrown forward, though his grip didn't exactly leave you. Cursing, you tried to twist out of the hold as the man swung around. The loud crack of gunfire echoed out. Ithad been aimed at Jon Roy, who wasn't hit and tried taking another whack at the man. The momentum was something that you tried to take advantage of, toring to continue the motion through. Managing, you broke free, but stumbled in the process.The gun was aimed at you this time. it was only that continued motion of the stumble that the shot missed your chest and caught your arm.
"Fuck!" It sent you to the ground. The sound of rushing footsteps came, likely signalling that Darryl had moved forward. He still had the gun though, which put the brothers at a disadvantage. Rolling to your back, your good hand patted your side in a near frantic motion. Don't panic. It was the only thing running through your head. Finding the handle of your own gun, the action was all but muscle memory, practiced ease before the trigger was pulled.
Both Jon Roy and Darryl jumped back as the man's body hit the ground.
"Son of a bitch!" With a heaving breath, your head hit the ground. Between the throbbing, pulsing pain the gunshot wound in your arm and the slightly less sharp pain in your face, You couldn't be bothered by the reactions. 
"Is he dead?" You would need to get the bullet out of your shoulder. Hopefully, the two would be able to help you with that.
"Don't think there is a doubt about that." There was a moment of silence. Then Darryl was standing over you. There was that hard look still on his face. He went to open his mouth but you cut him off.
"Good. Now, can you help me up and help me get this damn bullet out of my shoulder?" This could turn into a proper nightmare. If what the man said was true though, maybe there was another path to travel. After another second, an almost disbelieving laugh came from him.
"You serious?"
"Darryl, I have a bullet in my damn arm. Yes, I'm serious. I can dig it out but I will need some help." He knelt down, an arm going underneath your shoulders to help you getup into a seated position.
"You just shut someone dead and you're more concerned with that?" Distrusting. That was what his tone was. Something you hadn't heard in the past two months. 
"It's not the first person that I've shot and killed. Frankly, the bullet is my first priority. The second will be figuring that shit out so nothing comes back on you and your family." His arm tightened around your shoulder but it wasn't from anger or distrust. That was far more the comforting touch that you had come to expect.
"Let's get you up on your feet. Jon Roy's got him." There was confirmation. Clutching your arm, you got to your feet with his help. "So, not the first person you've killed?" Was that a hint of pride in his voice? Seemed that quiet wasn't quite what you were going to have in this small town. At least not anymore.
Tag list: @run-rabbitt-run || @jackalopes-eat-bacon
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legacygirlingreen · 7 months
July 1890 // Farmer Sebastian Sallow x Reader (part 6)
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Part 6, master list and description here
Word count: 2,000
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My smile is like I won a contest
Sebastian had been encouraged to keep a closer eye on the neighbor ever since he’d been the one to bring her back home that day he found her under the willow. He could hardly forget how relieved her mother had been to see she was okay, nor the way the woman grabbed him violently, kissing his cheeks and repeatedly thanking him for his help. Despite the unpleasant circumstances surrounding Anne, he still was attempting to find moments to give attention to the neighbor girl who he’d grown so fond of. 
“What house do you think you’ll be sorted into?” Sebastian asked her as he plucked a weed from the ground, rolling it between his fingers before throwing it down. 
Over the last year the girl, who was nearing 12, had grown up so much. Her face continued to lose its baby fat and she gained a few inches in height. Despite that, she still her distance in age behind Sebastian, who still bore the impressions of being older than her.  
“You know them better than I do… what house do you think I’d be sorted into'' she asked with a shrug. 
“Hmm… as much as I’d love to say Slytherin I hardly imagine a world where you end up in the same house as me… unless of course you asked to be.” He said before glancing back over her. “You are very brilliant, you enjoy reading, so I’d put my money on Ravenclaw. But I could also see a world where you get sorted into hufflepuff for how caring and kind you are. Perhaps even Gryffindor since you put on such a brave face despite all that’s happened” he reasoned, truly unsure which house she’d end up in. He did however think more than likely in a few months he’d see her walking about the castle in blue. 
Sebastian wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he was so relieved she was finally starting school. Since Solomon decided Anne would not be going back he was wildly unprepared to start school without her. Knowing the sweet girl next door would be starting soon to keep him company was a nice compromise he supposed. 
“I still haven’t gotten my letter.” She said bluntly and he turned towards her hopeful. 
“You’ll get it. Should be any day now… when was your mother going to take you to hogsmeade to get your wand? I remember how exciting it was when I finally got mine!” He exclaimed. 
“About that… mum has been very busy with my siblings and work as of late… I’m not sure she even recalls I am to be starting education this year if I’m honest.” She mumbled out frustrated. 
“I could always take you if you’d like,” he offered and she thought about it for a moment, realizing her mother likely wouldn’t care who took her, and would find that having the task completed to be a relief. 
“I think I’d like that, if you don’t mind” she told him and he nodded. 
“Of course, I would be honored to take you,” he said with a smile. 
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow then. We can also get some things to help Anne while we are there. Maybe even swing by Honeydukes” he offered and she grew warm at the thought of being out and about in a new place with Sebastian alone. 
She hardly slept that night, busy thinking about spending the day with him. There would be no chores, no distractions, and she’d get such an important element of being a witch alongside a young wizard only a few years her senior. Ever since the day he’d found her, she had felt the crush she developed long ago growing more, and more intense.  
When he finally came to her door that morning, explaining to her mother his offer, she was elated. Her mother was thankful enough he was taking her, saving the trip. 
It wasn’t long before she found herself walking the streets of Hogsmeade with the boy. As she took in the awe and splendor of the bustling little town, she couldn’t help but smile. She almost neglected to notice Sebastian watching her as she looked around, senses filled to the brim with new sights, sounds, even smells. 
“Charming village isn’t it?” he asked her as he gestured for her to keep walking straight ahead. 
“Very charming…” she said, reading a sign for the book shop. 
“Mr. Ollivanders is just up and to the left. His family has been making wands for generations!” he explained as they continued. 
She recalled the countless times he had proudly displayed his very simple and straight aspen wand, with its light wood, and the ornate handle that he’d picked out for it himself. The green checkered pattern with its gold details looking so striking and beautiful against the very plain wand. It was strong, unyielding, and so very Sebastian. She had recalled him mentioning it’s core so long ago, and how it was often attributed to those who could duel well. Beyond that she simply had glances of it from the times he’d twirl it out of a need to not be still, or the even rarer occasion he’d use it in front of her to demonstrate a spell. 
As she stepped foot into the cramped shop, filled to the absolute brim with wands she became overwhelmed. This was such an integral moment, and while she didn’t regret allowing the neighbor to be the one to take her, a small portion of her wished she could’ve gone with her father instead…
Pushing that thought aside Sebastian spoke with the shopkeeper, explaining the situation as the man looked over her, examining things like her clothes and her demeanor before rummaging around to try and find some. As they continued to search through and try different wands, each failing more than the last to connect with her, she wanted to give up. 
They’d gone through so many woods, all of the well known cores and still nothing felt right. If it hadn’t been for Sebastian’s encouraging face she’d have suggested giving up. The wand maker departed the main room, rummaging through the back as she let out a sigh. 
“Hey it's fine, you just haven’t found the one that's chosen you. I’m sure we’ll find one in no time!” he explained and she let out a snort. 
“Not surprising. What wand would want to be stuck with such a -” she started, degradation heavy in her tone as he frowned immediately, preventing her from continuing that sentence. 
“Stop. Whatever you were about to say, just stop.  You’re nothing short of brilliant, even untrained. I’m sure all the wands we’ve tried are simply just feeling anxious about working with such a talented witch.” he said and she looked down. 
As she tried to find her bearings she heard the old man in the other room say “ah ha!” before rushing back towards them. In his hands contained a very dusty box, much more ornate than the ones in the main room. She could tell this wand in particular was very old in comparison to the others. 
“This one has been waiting for the right owner for nearly a century now… perhaps you are its rightful owner,” he said, opening the black box. Nestled inside the silk lining was a slightly twisted wand, with a beautiful light but slightly reddish hue.  When she lifted it, she could almost feel the connection instantaneously - as if the wand was speaking to her directly. 
“Go ahead try it out” the wand maker encouraged as she lifted it, unsure what she wanted to cast, or even how to use it. Regardless she lifted it, waving it and thinking about how wonderful a connection it felt to her very essence. Thinking of how lovely the songbirds outside sounded, she waved it, producing a small ball of light, resembling a bird but made of gold dust, that repeated the same song as those outside. 
“Wow…” she said, finally realizing that this wand must've been a long lost companion of hers, despite being made many years ago. 
“I think we’ve found a winner. A very rare wand indeed. Willow wands are often sought after for their beautiful appearance but it's nearly impossible to find one that trusts their owner enough to use. Willows usually go for witches and wizards that need to grow a sense of confidence in themselves. They also are usually wielded by those who have aspirations of healing or protection. As for the core… I hardly see thestral tail hair cores being made anymore, as they are usually quite unpredictable but they are extremely powerful. This wand is quite an eccentric one, but it seems to be just what you need” he said, closing the box back for her. 
She nodded, finding it odd that the wand that chose her would be so unique, but hardly questioned it. Shelling out the money given by her mother that morning, she finally collected the wand and turned to Sebastian who nodded towards the door. 
“Just head out, I will be out in a moment” he explained while looking at the handles and she thought nothing of it. His wand handle had started to look worse for wear over the time he’d been using it so she stepped out, sitting one one of the steps as she waited. 
Sebastian didn’t keep her waiting long, and eventually joined her before ushering the both of them off in search of some herb he’d read about that might help Anne’s curse. 
When they returned to Feldcroft for the evening she started to part ways with Sebastian for supper when a very elegant Owl swooped down from the sky near her head, dropping a note for her. As she moved to pick it up off the ground from where it had fallen she looked at the front, detailing her name in cursive on the light blue envelope. She flipped it over to the back and when she saw the crest detailed in the wax seal her stomach dropped. 
No this wasn’t right.
Ripping open the letter she quickly discovered her fears. 
Bonjour Y/f/n, 
It is with great pride that we welcome you to study and grow your magic at Beauxbatons, where magic meets excellence… 
She stopped reading after that.  Looking up at him, knowing that Beauxbatons wouldn’t have sent a letter if Hogwarts intended for her to receive one as well, she realized quickly that they would in fact not be attending school together in September. Worse than that, they’d be separated by the English channel and too many miles for floo travel, or for him to aparate - a skill he very recently mastered. 
She had almost not even realized Sebastian had leaned into her, reading the letter over her shoulder but she soon felt his breathing disrupting the baby hairs escaping her plait along her neck. Turning around quickly, she discovered trying to hide it from him proved useless as Sebastian already looked upset.
“I-” she tried to reason, pushing aside her own disappointment in turn for focusing on him in the moment. 
“You’re not going to Hogwarts.” he spoke, seemingly devoid of emotions as if he didn’t want to admit it to himself. 
“Not by choice, I told you I never received my letter, and -” she explained to him as he looked down at her, sadness looming in her eyes and she wished more than anything she could fix the situation. It’s not like she really wanted to go to Beauxbatons. Although, the thoughts of attending the school her father had, back in her home country did have some appeals… 
“I’m going to be alone.” he said flatly.
“That’s not true, you’ll have Ominis and -” she tried to reason once more and he stopped her again. 
“You don’t understand. If you’re not there… I… I need to go” he quickly spouted out before aparting away from her without so much as a warning, leaving her there in the hamlet alone as her mother called her home, tears beginning to fall down her face.
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giorno-plays-piano · 2 years
You're Such a Strange Girl (I Want To Be With You)
Part I
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Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki x monster!reader
Warnings: a little dubcon-ish, yandere, slight body horror, mentions of mental illness and an abusive parent, Shigaraki being a needy lil creep.
Words: 1.4k
Summary: Normally, people weren't too sensitive to feel who you really were. Hell, no one had ever discovered your true nature if you didn't purposely show it to them, despite some humans sensing something was off, eventually. But from time to time there were these weirdos like Shigaraki who were attracted to you. The type who liked to stare into the abyss, thinking it's perfectly safe.
P.S. This is quirkless au.
"Why did you do it?"
The boy sent you a triumphant smile, certainly enjoying the power he thought he had over you as stared at him, unblinking. Tomura fancied the thought he could control you, the things you did, the way you behaved around him and others. It wasn't surprising: you knew he had problems the moment you set your eyes on him. People who approached you had always belonged to the same kind.
Not that you could blame them.
"Are you that upset I went to Izuku's place to study?" The moment you pronounced the other boy's name, Shigaraki's face grew darker. He was jealous. The thought of you being alone with a man made his skin crawl as if you were already preparing to leave him for Izuku.
Tomura was a little dumb, but he couldn't help it. He was a little boy with trust issues and several mental diseases, quite possibly. It wasn't surprising he had become attracted to you of all people, and his wish to keep you to himself was nothing new either. You just didn't think he'd turn out to be a little rat.
"Why did you lie to the dean about my test?" you narrowed your eyes at him. Tomura Shigaraki wasn't the cleverest kid around, you were well aware, but the thought of him having control over you pissed you very much. You had to spend 2 hours in the dean's office, trying to explain him you hadn't cheated on the exam. Finally, you ended up doing a similar test with him hovering over you just to prove your innocence.
All because Tomura hated you spending time with some boy you'd never be together with.
Of course, there were other ways to convince the dean and several professors who overhead you talking, but it was all just frustrating and irritated you horribly. Besides, you couldn't let it slide. Not with Shigaraki: this little shit would be more daring the next time.
You were done playing nice with the kid even you still liked him.
"Maybe next time you'll listen when I say you shouldn't be alone with a guy," he sneered at you, looming over you, breathing lightly on your forehead. He sure as hell thought he looked scary.
Stupid boy.
Yes, you knew he had a few loose screws when he had approached you first, telling you to come with him to the Halloween party. Tomura was an outcast, a young boy in his twenties with a pretty face if not for his scars, and he was some sort of a leader among other delinquents. He had always pretended to be a nihilist, openly despising normal people, having weird tastes in music and movies, fighting with boys like Bakugo or Kirishima to prove he wasn't a weakling, but it wasn't hard to see Shigaraki desperately needed affection with that abusive father of his.
It was just weird he decided to seek it from you.
This new body you made for yourself was neither too pretty nor too plain. You made it look like it belonged to a young girl, and you found a family for her, too, moving into the house of a lonely old woman, your new grandmother. You studied and worked part-time and took care of the woman and baked and danced and did everything a human girl would. It was fun. You had always loved living among people, pretending to be one. So easy, yet still so exciting.
Normally, people weren't too sensitive to feel who you really were. Hell, no one had ever discovered your true nature if you didn't purposely show it to them, despite some humans sensing something was off, eventually. But from time to time there were these weirdos like Shigaraki who were attracted to you. The type who liked to stare into the abyss, thinking it's perfectly safe.
When you let your body assume its true form, the sickening sound of your bones growing and your clothes busting at the seams breaking the heavy silence, the boy staring at you like he was going to have a heart attack, you loomed over him, your hair on his shoulders as you stared at him, your claw-like fingers gripping his shoulder. Poor baby, he might actually start stutter for the rest of his live just like some people, or perhaps even go insane, considering his already unstable mind. A few especially annoying humans did when you crawled out of the skin you had made for yourself. Some screamed, some pissed themselves, some vomited, some lost consciousness - the most lucky ones, of course.
"You shouldn't play with girls you date, kid," you whispered gently as you tucked a strand of grey hair behind Shigaraki's ear as he trembled in your arms, already drenched in cold sweat as he watched you, probably at his wit's end. "What if you stumble upon someone like me?"
Your cold, bony finger scratched him behind the ear like he was some puppy, and you smiled, showing him all your teeth, softly blowing in his face. You didn't plan to tear his head off, to be honest. You weren't going to do anything to him at all: Shigaraki was a lovely boy, really. If not for his stupid attempt at power play to have control over you, you'd keep him where you wanted him. He was funny with his nasty temper, needy, and the way he behaved like some broody anti-hero often made you smile. You liked the way he kissed you like there was no tomorrow, and he finally learnt how to make love the way you liked it the most. It would be a pity to hurt him, so you didn't. It would be enough to scare the boy shitless and make him running.
But he didn't run. He didn't scream, didn't even move when you finally let go of his shoulder.
He trembled with excitement, his feverish eyes locked on you as he tugged on your inhumanly long hair, bringing your face closer to his as if he was afraid you'd disappear. Oh, he was scared, for sure, but he almost looked like he loved it.
"I fucking knew there was something wrong with you," the boy finally whispered, shaking like a leaf, and you saw the corners of his lips twitching. Your little psycho was smiling at you.
Well, there was definitely something wrong with his fight or flight instinct, you thought as he stared at your face wide-eyed, extending his hand to touch your face but not having enough courage. Little rascal. What did he think you were? Surely, he did realize you could bite off his head in an instant if you wanted. He was still shaking from fear. Why was there so much excitement on his face?
"You know, most people scream when they see me like this," you grinned at the boy, letting him touch your long lock of hair and lowering your face to his. Damn, it was hard to hover above him like this in your true form. You'd grew your bones in your neck a little longer, but you weren't sure Tomura could take it. "You certainly are special."
He froze for a second, and then he was smiling wide, rising on his tiptoes until he pressed his dry, chapped lips to the corner of your mouth, grabbing your pointed shoulders. Humming into his lips, you let him kiss you for real, stroking his thick messy hair with your bony fingers once he threw his arms around your neck. Tomura's body was burning; he was frantic, and he kept trembling, but he still seeked comfort in your embrace.
You almost pitied the boy.
Gently lifting him up in the air, your made him wrap his long, skinny legs around your waist, your torn clothes finally falling to the ground and revealing your breasts and torso, only your pants, now ridiculously tiny, staying in place. Blush crept up his cheeks as he snuggled against your half-naked form, nervously biting his lip.
Leaving a kiss on his forehead, you let out a laugh, "Don't worry. You're safe with me." It was funny how quickly your anger subdued the moment you saw Tomura's face, but you couldn't be upset with him anymore with the way he looked at you like you were some sort of deity.
Taglist: @yanderetodorokishoto
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
𝐄𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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Warnings: dad!Elvis, soft dad!Elvis, Elvis being protective, puberty, strong language, small mention of abortion, young parents, underaged drinking, mention of throwing up, Elvis is not famous, other fics with Caroline don't follow the same timelines etc.
A/N: my sweet @marriedtopresley requested Elvis and Care through the years, so here it is! this can be read as modern!elvis too, since i didn't name any years or whatsoever (and i was also lowkey too lazy to work out the timelines etc, lol). also yes, caroline is based on caroline forbes (but u can picture her the way you likeee). enjoy, babies!
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You and Elvis became parents at a young age.
Your little girl wasn't planned at all, but after thinking long and hard about it (and having very uncomfortable conversations with your parents), you decided to keep the baby.
Elvis was more than happy about this; his views on abortion differed with yours, but luckily you agreed that little Caroline was more than welcome.
Both you and Elvis had to grow up and fast.
Luck seemed to be on your side as Elvis landed a job as a news reporter right out of college; it was only for a local broadcasting channel, but the both of you were happy with it nonetheless.
While you were still in college, Elvis got paid enough to rent a two bedroom apartment which allowed you to move out of your parents' home.
You wanted to get a job after college, but seeing you were in the last few months of your pregnancy, Elvis wouldn't let you.
The man would be up and ready to go if you sighed too loud, let alone to have you work in your current state.
You thought it was cute that he was this protective over you and worried for you and for his sake, you agreed to postpone your job search until Caroline was old enough to go to school.
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Growing up, Caroline had everything she wanted and needed.
And more.
Elvis loved to spoil her – whether it was during Christmas and birthdays with gifts, letting her stay up past her bedtime, or quickly eating the last of her food when you weren't looking so you wouldn't scold her.
It was safe to say Caroline was a Daddy's girl.
She loved you just as much, even though she didn't always get her way with you.
It wasn't like there was a “good cop, bad cop” dynamic between you and Elvis, but Elvis was easier to manipulate because Caroline was his only child and his only daughter. He had a weakness for her.
Though when she became a teenager, that started to change a little.
He still had a weakness for her, but with her becoming more interested in boys and finding her place in the world, Elvis became worried.
He did not want to hear her talk about boys in general; he was very protective over her, sometimes a little too much.
He would leave all the “female stuff” to you, but disaster struck when Caroline got her period one late night while you were at work.
Elvis had no idea what was going on as Caroline locked herself in the bathroom.
When he walked into her room and saw the blood on the sheets, he realized what was going on and for a second, he panicked himself as well.
He changed the sheets as fast as he could before he knocked on the bathroom door, trying to calm down his daughter; who wouldn't let him in.
“Dad, go away!”
“Care, please calm down,” he tried, speaking calmly. Though he couldn't help but feel awkward as he spoke his next words, “Your mother keeps her… stuff… in one of the cabinets,”
“I know, Dad! God! Just go away!”
He did as told, letting her get cleaned up as he sat on the couch in the living room, trying to focus on whatever was playing on the TV.
Caroline came out a half hour later, apologizing and crying in his arms; his daughter might've just become a woman, but right now she was his little girl that needed her father to comfort her.
He'd make her some tea and snacks, not bringing up the subject because he knew daughter well enough that she wouldn't want that. And he was happy about it, because he had absolutely no idea how to explain to her that her body was changing and whatnot; that was your task.
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At the age of 16, Caroline got her first boyfriend.
Elvis immediately wanted him to come over to the house before they'd go out on dates and all those things.
Caroline didn't want to (and heavily protested) but she knew he truly wouldn't let her leave the house if he wouldn't meet Tommy, her boyfriend, first.
The poor boy was shaking in his shoes the moment he stepped into the house, almost too scared to look Elvis in the eye.
Elvis had been in Tommy's exact same position with your father; he knew how much he hated it back then, but it also gave him a sense of respect for your father. He demanded that same respect from Caroline's boyfriend.
Caroline silently begged you during dinner to have Elvis lay off a little, but before you could, the man of the house had already asked what Caroline had been praying he wouldn't.
“What are your intentions with my daughter, son?”
“I.. I.. Me and Caroline… I really l-like her, Mr. Presley,”
“Define like,”
“Dad!” “Elvis!” you and Caroline exclaimed, your voice holding a small warning tone while Caroline sounded like she could just kill him right there and then.
“What? He’s a man, he can speak for himself. Can’t ya, son?” he’d grin as he would land a slap on Tommy’s shoulder, who would laugh awkwardly and nod his head.
“I’d like to marry her?” Tommy blurted out, thinking that that was the answer Elvis wanted to hear.
It wasn’t.
“Marry? Well, now you’re movin’ a little fast, Tommy boy. I jus’ wanna know if you truly like my daughter and aren’t usin’ her to get what you want,”
“Please ignore him, Tommy. Tell me, what does your mother do again?” you'd kick Elvis' leg under the table, making him shoot a glare your way.
Caroline's face was flushed and she wouldn't look at her father for the rest of dinner anymore, but both her and Tommy were thankful that you were at least... normal.
There was absolutely nothing wrong with Tommy. If anything, he was extremely polite for a sixteen year old and he seemed to really like Caroline, but he rubbed Elvis the wrong way.
He was allowed to come over at the house, but definitely not to stay the night and Elvis demanded Caroline would keep her bedroom door open at all times.
Elvis usually worked the mornings while you worked nights, so Caroline never had the chance to fool around in her room with her boyfriend even if she wanted to.
While Tommy had his drivers license, Elvis took it upon himself to be their chauffeur whenever they wanted to go on a little date.
If it were up to him, he'd be right there at the restaurant or bowling alley, hidden in the crowd to keep an eye on them; you made him swear on the bible that he'd never do that, and he never did. No matter how tempting it was.
While Caroline was mortified whenever her dad came to pick her up from an outing, Tommy assured her it was okay; the poor kid would do anything to get Elvis' approval.
The only place Elvis could openly keep an eye on his daughter and her date would be at school dances. Ofcourse, he'd sign himself up as a chaperone.
Every year.
The mom's at the school were more than happy with it, since he was one of the youngest and most good looking fathers around, and they'd hang onto his every word.
Elvis was friendly with the mom's, but mostly because they gossiped a lot and this way, he could get tea on Caroline that his daughter wouldn't tell him herself.
Caroline avoided him like the plague at these dances – she felt too awkward to actually have fun or kiss her boyfriend, not able to join her friends who were planning to spike the punch.
It came to a point where Caroline talked to you about it, begging to talk to Elvis.
You did.
He was hurt.
“Ashamed of her father, huh? She should be happy that she’s even allowed to go out, that she’s allowed to have a boyfriend,” he scoffed when you'd be laying in bed with him one night.
“Jesus Christ, Elvis, what is this? 1824?”
“I wish,” he’d mumble as looked through some work papers in his hand.
“She’s almost seventeen. She’s not gonna be your little girl forever,”
He ignored those words, not wanting to face that reality; he knew he would have to though, so from that moment on, he stopped being a chaperone at school events and decided to let Tommy drive themselves around.
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Caroline and Tommy didn't last long; they were both still young and while Tommy was traditional, Caroline was a free bird.
When he seriously brought up marriage, she dumped him pretty much on the spot; Elvis couldn't be happier about it.
Your daughter found a new hobby, one that seemed like it was going to stick this time.
Horseback riding.
She gave up on piano lessons and dance classes pretty soon, but when she accompanied one of her friends to a riding lesson, she was sold as soon as she came into contact with a horse.
Elvis was excited, wanting to buy her a horse as soon as possible but you managed to stop him, because you wanted Caroline to proof herself first before you'd spend a lot of money on something she wouldn't care about anymore in a few months.
But she was passionate about this, joining her friend at the stables pretty much every day after school; you allowed Elvis to buy her a horse for her seventeenth birthday.
When she met the horse, who she named Domino, she bursted out crying and hugged Elvis so tight he felt like he was dreaming.
Seventeen or not, she was always going to be his little girl and this hug was proof of that.
Now that her attention was more so on horses and her friends and not so much on boys anymore, Elvis was less worried and allowed her more freedom than she already got.
This time, Caroline asked him to be her chauffeur and he happily agreed – driving her and her girlfriends where ever they wanted to go.
He had no idea that the only reason for it was because Caroline's friends all had a little crush on him, but he wouldn't care as long as it meant he could spend as much time with his daughter as possible.
When Caroline got good at riding and wanted to join competitions, he was all for it.
Since he only worked week days, he was able to drive Caroline and her friends to and from competitions on the weekends; ofcourse he made sure to buy her all the finest (and most expensive) riding gear and whatnot.
He developed an interest in horses himself as well, discussing tricks and tips with her before he'd watch her ride and cheer her on from the sidelines.
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Caroline knew that as long as she wouldn't bring up the subject of boys, she could get anything she wanted from her father.
He allowed her to have sleepovers, even when you weren't up for it.
He'd usually take you out to dinner or to go see a movie, so Caroline and her girlfriends could have a few hours of privacy.
Caroline knew how her friends felt about her father and she didn't care; she allowed them to make comments about how Elvis was so handsome and such, but when it came from random kids at school, she wouldn't take it.
When they badmouthed Elvis, because they knew him from the news, she would use her fists instead of her words.
You and Elvis grounded her for it every time, but Elvis was lowkey proud of her; going into her room when you'd be sleeping, so she could tell him in great detail how she landed a perfect punch.
These sleepovers she'd have with her friends were usually pretty innocent; movies, snacks, gossip.
This time booze was involved because one of her friends stole a bottle from her parents liquor cabinet.
Things weren't supposed to get this out of hand, but one thing led to another and Caroline got drunk.
It was her first time drinking hard liquor, so she got absolutely wasted.
You and Elvis were in shock when you came home to find her and her friends dancing through the living room, music blasting on full volume.
Caroline pretended to be just as shocked, but due to the alcohol in her system, she fell into fits of giggles and laughter.
You took the task upon you to take her equally as drunk friends home, while Elvis handled his drunk daughter.
“Dad, this is totally normal in Europe. Did you know the drinking age is 18 there?” she'd giggle as she jumped around him, though he caught her in time before she stumbled over her own feet.
“We're not in Europe, Care,”
“Well, it’s Europe-o’clock somewhere!”
Trying to go for the bottle again, Elvis snatched it out of her loose grip and put it on the table as he looked at her, trying hard to hold back his laugh.
He wasn't too happy about his daughter drinking and being in the state she was in, but she reminded him of you when you'd be drunk.
“I think.. I need.. to throw up,”
Seeing her gag and clasp her hand over her mouth, he'd widen his eyes and picked her up.
“Oh no, baby girl, not here. Your mother will have a whiplash,”
Carrying her to the bathroom made Caroline only gag more because of the movements, but she managed to hold it in until he put her in front of the toilet.
He turned his head away as he held her hair back, rubbing her back soothingly.
When she got everything out of her system, he'd clean her face with a damp washcloth, sitting next to her on the bathroom floor.
“I’m sorry, dad,” she’d cry, her emotions all over the place because of the alcohol. “I just wanted to try it once,”
He’d laugh, because he had held a drunk-crying you in his arms plenty of times before.
And vice versa, but Caroline didn’t need to know that.
“’S okay, little one. Just prepare for a big headache tomorrow,”
“Will it always feel like this? This miserable?”
He could tell her the truth and tell her that wasn’t the case, but his fatherly instincts took over.
“Yes, always. That’s why you should never drink anymore,”
She'd nod and when he took her in her arms, it wouldn't take her long to drift off into a slumber, snoring softly in his chest.
You were livid when you came back, even the sight of them in the bathroom didn't soften your anger.
You cleaned up your drunk daughter and brought her to bed, reminding her she was grounded for a month; something you'd remind her of the next day again.
Elvis knew he had to have your back in a situation like this and he did, but when you'd be laying in bed together, he'd tell you not to be so hard on her.
You couldn't help but worry, since alcohol was involved when you got pregnant with her and while you and Elvis turned out fine, you didn't want Caroline to lose part of her youth.
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When high school came to an end for Caroline, Elvis was both excited and miserable.
He was excited for her to take her next steps into the future, but also scared that his little girl was going to go out into the big world and wouldn't stop growing.
Caroline decided to take a gap year, as she hadn't figured out what she wanted to do in life yet and you and Elvis were fine with that.
Elvis was more than fine with it, because this meant she'd live at home for a little longer and he wouldn't have to say goodbye so soon.
During Caroline's graduation speech, Elvis was crying.
He'd pretend not to be, but you saw him blinking hard and pinking tears away when he thought you weren't looking.
He cheered and applauded the loudest when she finished and as soon as it was over, the two found each other and hugged each other as hard as they could.
Hugging her, you realized you were secretly just as happy as Elvis about the fact that she wasn't going off to college any time soon.
After high school, Caroline used her gap year to focus on Domino and the competitions and working at the movie theater she landed a job at; the same one her father had back in the day.
Having saved up enough money, you and Elvis decided it was time to move. Further away from downtown Memphis, and to a property with more freedom.
Graceland was huge, with enough space for Domino to live at too.
Elvis liked the sight of Domino grazing outside every morning so much, that he decided to get a horse for himself too.
Slowly but surely, Graceland turned into Graceland Stables; a fullblown riding school.
With Elvis being a known face around town and Caroline in the riding world, the school got so popular that it was enough for you and Elvis to quit your jobs.
Elvis and Caroline grew closer than they had ever been, as they now worked together every day.
You were pretty sure Caroline wasn't thinking about college at all anymore, she probably wouldn't leave any time soon but you and Elvis were more than okay with that.
As if planned by the universe; you fell pregnant not long after you quit your job, happy that Caroline would still be around to be a full-time big sister to her future baby brother.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
alright writing a little smth for leilei and nerevar not liking bishop
riiju-lei by @mulberrycafe (dragonborn reincarnation of voryn dagoth)
Nerevar was shivering as they entered the inn, frost sticking to his cloak.
“I don’t know how you can stand this.” He rubbed his arms, while Riiju-lei laughed softly.
“I was raised here. It’s actually quite pleasant most of the time.” He explained, before laughing again. “Though even I’ll admit I was getting cold out there in the storm.”
The two had decided to make a little pilgrimage alone to Azura’s shrine in Skyrim as part of their honeymoon. It gave them quite a bit of time alone to enjoy the other’s company and for Riiju-lei to show the hortator the beautiful wilds of Skyrim. Of course a snowstorm meant the two would be much safer retreating into an inn rather than trying to set up camp.
Nerevar glared at him with a playful smile as he approached the hearth, removing his gloves to warm up.
“I’ll get us a room.” Riiju-lei said after giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
“i’ll even sleep on the floor if it gets me out of that storm, Leilei.” The Hortator called after him as he walked over to the counter. Riiji-lei chuckled softly, asking the woman at the bar if there were any rooms available, before being directed at a small room with a rather narrow bed that would barely fit the two of them covered in furs and heavy wool blankets. It was far more humble than the lavish temple in Mournhold, but he knew Nerevar wouldn’t mind so long as he got to sleep next to his husband and got to stay warm.
Just as he went to turn back to fetch Nerevar so the two could put their stuff down and take off some of their armor to get comfortable before eating, someone came up behind him, clearing their throat. Riiju-lei turned, seeing a tall nord with short brown hair, unlike how most nords typically kept their hair long and in elaborate braids. Maybe he was in the Imperial army, or maybe he just preferred the style. Either way, his cheeks were flushed and he swayed slightly, clearly intoxicated.
“I’ve never seen an altmer woman as short as you.” The nord chuckled. Riiju-lei at this very moment missed his empty, emotionless face from before he found his heart, as right now he couldn’t help but make a disgruntled look. Regardless of the face he made, the nord continued on, smug and full of himself. “It’s actually kind of cute. I don’t like women that are too tall. And you’re quite the exotic beauty.”
“I’m not an altmer.” Riiju-lei corrected him. “Nor am I a woman. You’re drunk.”
The man didn’t take well to that scowling.
“What do you mean not an altmer? Have you see yourself?”
“I was a dunmer. My skin now was a blessing from Azura.” The man rolled his eyes.
“Weird daedric superstitions... You must be some altmer and dunmer crossbreed then? And why all the jewelry if you aren’t even a woman--”
The nord was cut off by a hand grabbing his shirt from behind, dragging him back. Nerevar was smiling, but it was a terrifying, angry grin that showed he was close to snapping.
“My husband is simply wearing the jewelry I gave him.” Nerevar answered his question. “And I think we’d both prefer it if you kept your mouth shut and left us alone.”
The man turned sharply, glaring at him.
“Great, another short altmer.”
“Chimer.” Nerevar corrected. “Predecessors of the dunmer.” The nord seemed only more annoyed at the explanation, rolling his eyes.
“An elf is an elf. Sorry I don’t know all the nuances. If you have pointy ears and yellow skin what else am I supposed to assume?”
“You can assume nothing and mind your business.” Nerevar relied.
“And who the hell do you think you are, king?”
At that, Nerevar threw his head back and laughed. The few other dunmer pilgrims watched on with rapt attention; all of them knew who exactly Nerevar was, it was impossible not to, especially after word of the wedding in Mournhold spread.
“I am Hortator and king of Morrowind, Indoril Nerevar.” Nerevar gave a cocky smile.
“And I’m the emperor of Tamriel.” The nord scoffed.
“I see you don’t pay attention to many things outside of Skyrim.” It was Nerevar’s turn to roll his eyes. “Regardless, I’d prefer if you leave my husband alone.
“Or what?” The nord glared down at him condescendingly, haughty arrogance dripping from every word.
The next moment, however, the nord’s ass ended up on the floor as Nerevar wasted no time decking him in the face. The other patrons gasped, but not even the owners made a move to stop or reprimand the chimer. The nord howled in pain on the floor as Nerevar wrapped an arm around Riiju-lei’s waist.
“Come on, Leilei. Let’s go put our stuff down.”
Inside their room Nerevar shut the wooden door loudly, tossing his bag to the floor.
“I could have handled that, Nerevar.”
“I know.” Nerevar replied. “I didn’t mean to imply you couldn’t. I just know you don’t enjoy fighting, nor did I want you to dirty your hands dealing with a stupid drunk on our honeymoon.”
Riiju-lei laughed, putting a hand on Nerevar’s chest. “You know I’m a healer. I’m obligated to go fix his broken nose.” 
Nerevar smiled back slyly. “I’m sure he’ll live.” 
Riiju-lei rolled his eyes, giving Nerevar a kiss on the cheek. “At least let me try. Maybe your punch sobered him up.”
“You’re too kind for your own good, Leilei.” Nerevar held him firmly by the waist, clearly not wanting to let him go. He leaned down to kiss Riiju-lei warmly, sliding his lips against Riiju-lei’s with a clear passion and fire behind it. Breathlessly, Riiju-lei pulled away, golden cheeks flushed. Nerevar opened his mouth to speak when the door was roughly slammed open.
“Get back here you pointy eared little fuck.” The nord had blood running down his face, nose now crooked. “You can’t just punch me and walk away.”
“And to think my husband was actually going to offer you some healing magic...” Nerevar shook his head with a heavy sigh. “I see you still need some help sobering up.
“Nerevar,” Riiju-lei warned him. “I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“Leilei, this isn’t the first barfight I’ve been in, and it will not be my last.” Nerevar kissed him on the cheek. “With guys like this it’s important they learn their lesson the hard way.”
“I won’t rough him up too bad, Voryn.”
“After I kick his ass I’m coming for yours shortie.” The nord glared at Riiju-lei, making the chimer groan in annoyance.
“Nevermind. Just beat some sense into him however you need to.” Riiju-lei preferred there not be any violence, but he also was used to this sort of behavior at times. A stubborn nord would refuse to listen to anyone. He was just surprised it wasn’t in Windhelm.
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gridanian-red-mage · 10 months
At the Bottom of a Mug
While the newly named Warrior of Light Arielle Solinar is running errands, her chocobo Mina catches wind of something that she thinks is worth investigating. Which leads them to a certain bard who doesn't quite have all of his wits about him.
[Aaaand here's the first Arielle fic of several more that are to come in the future! (This one's a little long.😅) I actually have quite a few things written containing Arielle in my Word docs, so I'll be posting more of those here as time goes on and as I get further into the expansions. But anyway, this generally takes place before the move to Revenant's Toll, so roughly about 2.1-ish. I hope you enjoy!😊]
(AO3 version)
“All right, so we’ve delivered that odd letter, took down some pests in the area, wrapped up that small squabble from earlier, and helped with another delivery for that nice elder,” Arielle listed. “Have I missed anything?”
Mina shook her head.
“Good. I would hate to have missed something.” Arielle sighed. “Having dealt with three primals in near succession and helped Alisaie with Bahamut for the time being, on top of the tasks we’ve just completed I think we’ve had quite the busy handful of days.”
A tired kweh.
“But we’ll probably have something needing our attention at the Waking Sands, so we can’t rest just yet today.”
Mina sighed.
“I know. I’m tired, too. But the faster we get there the faster you’ll be able to have some of those fruits I bought earlier.”
“Kweh!” The bird reared up excitedly to take off only to stop abruptly, cocking her head as she listened. She then made the chocobo’s equivalent of a confused expression.
“Something wrong?”
Mina chirped to confirm before gesturing not too far ahead of them.
“The Coffer and Coffin?”
“Lead the way, then.” As Mina headed off, Arielle began to ponder. She combed through her recollections of everyone they had helped just recently, carefully going over what she had been asked to do and where she had needed to go. She even retraced her steps from a few days ago. But as far as she knew they had done everything that was asked of them. “Are you sure we haven’t forgotten anything?”
Arielle hummed. “All right. If you say so.”
A few minutes later they had arrived, and she dismounted before leading Mina to a spot off to the side. Glancing around, she didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, nor did anyone seem distressed. But Mina usually had a good sense of her surroundings, so she didn’t really have much of a reason to wave Mina off.
Upon heading inside, Arielle could see that business was just about as typical as could be. Patrons were behaving as . . . they usually did in a place like this, and—
Wait. Almost immediately she recognized one of the men at the bar. “Thancred?”
Surrounded by at least four women and enough mugs for her to know it was far too many (even if they probably weren’t all his), was the man himself—getting very tipsy giggles out of the women with a slurred quip.
“Arielle!” Thancred practically beamed. “Wond’ful t’see you, as always!”
“How long have you been here?”
“No’ long at all. In’t that righ’, ladies?” At least three of the women burst into giggles.
“An’ jus’ who’re you s’posed t’be?” the fourth woman, an Elezen, questioned.
“Someone who is taking him home,” Arielle replied. Thancred reached for another mug only for her to take it out of his reach. “I think that’s enough for now, Thancred.”
“Ever th’stern one,” he joked, right before hiccupping. That pulled a sigh out of her.
“Come on, let’s go.”
“We were here first!” one of the women whined. “Especially me!”
“He’s, um . . . a very busy man and has many things left to do,” Arielle explained.
“He’ll be too busy to leave once I get him alone!” another woman replied, giggling afterwards.
“Well . . . he’s. . . .” Think, Arielle. Think of something to ward them off. She straightened up. “He’s been especially busy with me recently.”
All four women made an assortment of disappointed noises loud enough to turn some heads, making Arielle wince.
“I knew he was too good to be true!” a Miqo’te woman sobbed.
“Ladies, please,” Thancred tried to assure. “Thr’s plenny o’ me t’go’round.” Another hiccup.
Arielle tried not to cringe. “Of course there is.” Three of the women in the group pouted in various ways while the Miqo’te continued to sob. “I suggest the four of you find other suitors elsewhere.” But before the women could protest, the bartender stepped in.
“Go on, ye heard the lass. I won’t be havin’ any fights ‘round here, especially a cat-fight.”
“Ahh ’Shtola—as pow’ful asshe isss rad’nt,” Thancred declared as the women shuffled off.
“Yes I completely agree,” Arielle said. She turned to the bartender. “You have my thanks, Roger.”
“Don’t mention it,” Roger said before sighing. “Sod’s been ‘ere for bells. At first he was mutterin’ into his mug all serious-like—”
“I w’s not muttering,” Thancred argued. Another hiccup.
“But seein’ as how it was his business I let ‘im be. An’ before long, one mug led to countless others, an’ now he’s in a right mess. I suggest ye take ‘em to the closest inn ‘round here.” He leaned in. “Between you an’ me, I think he needs someone to talk to.”
“Thank you,” Arielle said.
“Y’really should res’ ev’ry now ‘n then,” Thancred said.
“So says the man who overworks himself.” She began to help him up. “Come on. You’ve been alone long enough.”
“I c’n walk jussf’ne, Arielle Solinar.” Another hiccup, making Arielle frown.
“How much did he spend?”
“Don’t ye worry ‘bout that,” Roger replied.
“Yer friend’s more important than the coin.”
“At least let me pay for half.”
The man sighed. “Fine. Half, an’ that’s it.”
Arielle handed over the amount before taking her leave, and she could feel a few pairs of eyes on her. Once they were outside, Thancred squinted at the change in lighting, and Mina kweh’d cheerfully only to cut herself off. Upon noticing his current state, she gave a curt but concerned look.
“Ih seems Mina’s unhappy t’see me thi’ time,” he said. “I s’posed I must’ve u’set ‘er.”
“She’s just worried about you. We both are.”
“I’ma grown man, Ar’elle. I c’n handle m’self.” Mina made a noise of concern before lowering herself down. “Riding u’ fron’ fer once, I see.”
“Mmhmm.” Arielle positioned Thancred before mounting herself, making sure she had her arms around him just securely enough.
“Care t’tell me where we’re goin’?” He tipped to the side a bit, and Arielle readjusted him.
“The Quicksand. Or at least the Hourglass. I’ll not be letting you go back to the Waking Sands like this.”
“ ‘T’will be good t’see M’modi again.”
“And I’m sure she will be happy to see you as well.” Arielle could already picture the woman chiding him should she manage to spot them. “Easy now, Mina.” She shook the reins, and Mina went off at a steady pace.
“I’ve had many a w’mn witheir arms ‘round me, m’ny ‘o them not quite as fair as you.”
Arielle held back a grimace. “Yes I’m . . . very much aware of the women you’ve charmed.”
“I do r’m’ber a Miqo’te th’was very frisky, whish remns me of an’ther exceptionally fair lady ov’at. . . .”
She half listened to him while occasionally keeping him upright, making sure to give short replies every now and then to appease him. She knew she had made sure to check on him during his recovery from his possession alongside the others, and every time he would assure them that he was fine and merely needed some rest. Then he was finally returning to his duties, and she had gently reminded him to take it slow.
He takes so much responsibility for so many things. . . .
“. . . an’ oh th’r’ther tall woman fr’m Limsa—v’ry fr’ward in’er adv’nces.” Another hiccup.
I really hope he doesn’t do this again. . . .
~ ~ ~ ~
Finally, after several subject changes and mood swings that thankfully did not include anything too extreme, they had crossed the Gate of Nald and arrived at Ul’dah. Thancred had eventually fallen silent only minutes beforehand, and Arielle wondered if he had either exhausted himself or was stewing. In fact she wasn’t exactly sure which was worse.
The sun had already started its descent, so it was likely that the Quicksand and the Hourglass would be busy. Assuming he didn’t decide to talk to every person inside, they could just slip right in and find a room.
I really hope there are some rooms available.
“I’r’mber f’nding you here,” Thancred mentioned. “St’ndin’ up fer tha’ woman. . . .”
“It was the right thing to do,” Arielle replied. “I couldn’t let her be treated like that.”
“. . . You’ve a good hear’ Ar’elle.”
“And so do you.” The trio arrived at the Chocobo Station, and Mina lowered herself to let Arielle help Thancred off.
“Good evening. Rough day, eh?” the Chocobokeep inquired.
“Somewhat.” Mina gave a greeting to the Keep.
“And a good evening to you, too.”
She sighed at Thancred hiccupping again.
“Thancred!” two women cooed as they waved.
“Ladies!” Thancred practically beamed into Arielle’s ear as the women came up to them. “How l’ng’s it been?” But before the women could say anything else, Mina loudly and testily kweh’d at them, making them jump. “Mina, be nice to—”
She repeated the noise, successfully scaring the intruding duo—or at least to her they were intruding. And when they looked over their shoulders, she ruffled her feathers with a curt noise as if in warning.
Thancred sighed. “Som’t’mes I wonder if Mina wans me all t’herself.”
The Chocobokeep blinked a few times while Arielle laughed awkwardly, and he cleared his throat. “J-just for the night, miss?”
“Two nights, actually—in case we need the extra rest,” Arielle replied, and Mina gently nuzzled her and Thancred as if she had not just scared off two passersby. “Good night, girl. Be good for me, all right?”
With a quiet kweh Mina nudged the pack on her saddle with the fruit inside.
“All right, hold on.” Arielle glanced between Thancred and Mina in thought before having him lean on the bird.
“I’c’n stan’ b’m’self, you know,” Thancred argued.
“Frankly not,” the Chocobokeep muttered, but was quickly silenced by Mina’s hard look. She adjusted herself accordingly to properly support Thancred as Arielle fed her a couple fruits. Afterwards she nudged the pack again with a chirp.
“I’ll give you some extra ones in the morning, but right now Thancred needs to be looked after,” Arielle promised. Mina seemed to contemplate for a few moments before giving an agreeable kweh, and Arielle scratched the bird’s chin. Once things were settled, she continued their journey on foot. “We’re almost there, Thancred.”
“You h’ve m’c’mplete trus’,” he replied, hiccupping mid-sentence.“An’ you b’sure to let Mina know th’same.”
“Don’t worry, I will.”
It wasn’t long before they entered the Quicksand, and Arielle readjusted Thancred to make him seem as normal as possible. As she expected, Momodi was already occupied with quite a few patrons and then some. A few adventurers Arielle had helped out once or twice waved to her, and she waved back, although she winced once Thancred decided to again yell into her ear unintentionally.
“Momodi! Rad’nt an’ fair as always!” he announced, every pair of eyes in the room now on them, including Momodi’s.
Nophica help me, here it comes. A nervous grin worked its way through as Arielle appeased his apparent desire to speak to Momodi. And hoped she didn’t regret her decision.
The Lalafell placed her hands on her hips. “And hello to you too, Thancred.” She let out a sigh. “All right, where’d you find him?”
“Central Thanalan,” Arielle said.
“Coffer an’ Coffin, I wager?”
“Yes. If it weren’t for Mina I would’ve likely passed right by him.”
“Good bird, she is. But anyroad, I’ll leave you to keep an eye on this one, then. Should be a couple o’ rooms available over at the Hourglass.”
“Thank you. And, um, if . . . anyone asks for Thancred or me, please don’t say anything. I know he’ll send a few people into worry with how he is now.”
“Mum’s the word. Now go on an’ get him some rest.” Arielle nodded.
“C’m now shurely we could spare a mom’nt to—”
“I’m doin’ you a favor, Thancred. Can’t have you embarrassin’ yourself any further.” The duo then made their way over to the innkeeper (or rather Arielle tugged Thancred along before he could say anything else).
“Good evening,” she greeted. “I was told you had some rooms available.”
“Indeed we do,” the innkeeper replied. He glanced between the two of them. “How long will you be staying?” The arrangements were made for at least a couple of nights, and the two were finally able to step away from any more curious eyes.
Arielle closed the doors to their room with a brief sigh. “Are you all right? Do you feel ill?”
“‘M fine, Ar’elle,” Thancred said, leading her to frown. Upon being led to the bed, he unceremoniously plopped onto it.
“Try not to move, all right?”
“O’course, Miss S’l’nar.”
Moving aside the book and quill on the table, she began to place her smaller weapons onto it, keenly aware of Thancred’s gaze. She let out a breath as she removed her very well-used gloves, flexing her fingers for a bit. She supposed she was due for a new pair, but that was a problem for another time. Her current ones could last her a bit longer until then. After all, they have lasted her a pretty long time.
“Y’should be th’one to claim th’bed. I’ss only proper.”
“I’ll be just fine.” Her mind drifted to what she had asked of Momodi. Tataru’s probably worried. It is getting late. . . . “I’m stepping out for a bit, so don’t move.”
Arielle left the room, leaving the doors open a crack as she made use of her linkpearl. And it barely took a minute before her call was received.
“Arielle?” Tataru asked.
“Yes, it’s me.”
“Oh, thank the Twelve! I was beginning to think something had happened to you! Is Thancred with you? He said he had ‘another matter’ to see to before he continued with his work, but I haven’t heard from him since.”
“Yes, but he’s . . . in an odd state, to say. He’s not hurt, but we won’t be returning to the Waking Sands until tomorrow, the day after at the most.”
“. . . He overdid it, didn’t he?”
“. . . Somewhat. Mina and I found him in Central Thanalan. With company.”
Tataru sighed. “And here I was thinking he was in trouble. . . .”
Arielle peeked through the crack, and Thancred was now more or less laying properly on the bed save for one leg hanging off the edge entirely. I think I prefer this kind of trouble over the other kind. “I’d rather the others not begin to worry, especially Minfilia, so. . . .”
“Don’t you worry. I’ll take care of everything.”
“Thank you.” Once the two disconnected, Arielle entered the room.
“I’ma right messs, ar’nt I?” Thancred said after a couple moments.
“As of right now, somewhat.”
He sighed a bit loudly. “T’think I could cont’nue to b’in such a state. . . .”
“You have not continued to be a mess. You’ve been strong and supportive.”
“It’s ne’er enough,” he retorted instantly. “I’m never enough to acc’mplsh what needs to be acc’mplishh.”
“Yes, you are, and I’ll not have you thinking this way.”
Thancred snorted. “I’m supposed to be f’ster than the enemy. T’keep Minfilia an’ th’others safe. An’ I’ve left you to burn before Ifrit more than once.”
Arielle furrowed her eyebrows. “More than—” She stopped herself as she remembered talking to him at the Waking Sands. She knew she had seen a trace of remorse in his eyes after he had told her about Ifrit’s return. “We’re all safe, and you did not leave me to burn. You—”
“Arielle can’t you understand that had you not held the Echo you would have been put to death with the others?! A kind woman whom I’ve dragged into nothing but countless trials and near death!”
Her fingers curled, and she found herself avoiding his unfocused but tormented eyes. He was right, and she knew it. Without the Echo, she would’ve been tempered like the rest of the people with her and put to death. “. . . Neither of us could have predicted what would’ve happened. But I would not have put someone I felt was a good person at fault, regardless of only having known you for a short time then. So . . . I do understand.”
“Frankly I don’t think you do.”
“And frankly, I think I do, Thancred Waters.”
“Really? And what of all the suffering I caused—”
“While you were not yourself. No one faults you for anything you did. It was Lahabrea who did all of those things. And I most certainly do not blame you for supposedly ‘leaving me to burn’ and any other troubles you think you yourself have caused.”
He let his head hang, and she leaned forward a bit to keep within his line of sight.
“You are a good man, Thancred, and you strive so hard to protect those around you. Sometimes too hard. But I would not have any other person for a friend.”
He chuckled to himself, albeit bordering on a slurred snort. “‘F’I didn’t know any better I’d say you were a bard, putting m’el’quent words t’shame.”
“I meant every word.”
“You always do.” He tilted toward her, and she caught him before sitting him upright. “’M a mess. . . .”
Arielle resisted a frown. “Try to get some rest.”
Thancred sluggishly situated himself as she rose. Undoing her hair, she ran her fingers through it before settling onto the floor. And when she glanced to him, he was already asleep.
I wonder if I’ll be able to find some tea for him in the morning. I think the brew I have in mind should help with any lingering grogginess he should have.
She fingered the pendant of her necklace, wondering if he would remember anything that had happened within the past small handful of bells. At best he would likely have foggy bits here and there—or so she assumed. I suppose only time will tell.
~ ~ ~ ~
Thancred had still been asleep even after she had gotten ready for the day and requested the tea for him. She had expected the knocking to rouse him, but it would seem his sleep was deep this time—which probably should’ve been expected. And he hadn’t shifted positions at all, so she deemed it safe to assume he wasn’t going to remember much of the previous night.
As she prepared the tea, she briefly glanced to him. Assuming he didn’t feel sick to his stomach, he would likely need something in it, obviously. Of course, she knew he was probably going to want to throw himself back into his work, but not if she had any say in that. Besides, she had given him another day to rest, so he’ll probably at least accept that.
Fruit should be fine for him for now. And for Mina. I did promise her extra. . . .
Once she was finished, a groan brought her attention back to him, and it was followed by a louder groan and him massaging his temples.
“Where. . . ?” Thancred rolled onto his back and draped his arm over his eyes, attempting to clear his mind and block the sunlight flooding in from the window for a few moments before rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Registering the bed he was on, he sat up as quickly as he could, ignoring the wave of dizziness that hit him. He looked around the room for a bit in confusion before his eyes finally landed on Arielle, and immediately dread flashed across his face. “Oh gods—!”
“No no no no, you’re fine!” Arielle quickly assured.
“Agh, not so loud, please!”
She winced. “I’m sorry.” She watched him miserably swing his legs over the edge with a groan.
“Please tell me I did not do what I think I did.”
“You didn’t. I brought you here after Mina and I found you.”
He sighed in relief. “Thank the Twelve. . . .”
She studied him for a bit. “How are you feeling?”
“Well, my head is pounding, but I seem to be well enough.” He sighed again. “You’ll have to excuse my . . . less-than-gentlemanly behavior. I’m sure I was an absolute fool.”
“Well . . . um . . . I’m sure it could have been worse.”
“That does not give me any sort of comfort.”
Arielle frowned. “Well you were certainly very talkative. And moody. And . . . surrounded by women. But I managed to shoo them off.”
“Ah. I think I remember some displeased voices, although the memory is a bit muddled.”
Arielle briefly glanced down. “Why did you go off on your own like this?”
He hunched over, resting his elbows on his knees and trying not to squint. “To be honest, it was never my intention. But, when one’s mind wanders to less than cheery thoughts, it’s almost all too easy to drown it all away.”
She frowned again. “. . . You still feel at fault. . . .”
He didn’t answer her for a few moments, barely recalling himself lashing out and kicking himself. “. . . If you were in my place, wouldn’t you?”
Arielle briefly closed her eyes. “. . . I think I would. And I know you would tell me the same things that I’ve said to you. The others would likely agree with me. But I know that I cannot imagine the torment you must have endured while Lahabrea had your sense of self in his grasp.” She frowned. “I wish we had found out sooner. . . .”
“Then, I suppose you would expect hearing your own words coming from me, Arielle Solinar.”
“I think I would, Thancred Waters.”
He gave her his usual smile, and his eyes caught the tray of tea behind her. “I suppose that’s rather cold by now.”
“Sorry.” Arielle went to give him his cup. “I thought it would help clear your head of any remaining drowsiness. It should still be warm, I think.”
Thancred took a small sip. “And you are correct. You have my thanks.”
“It’s not too strong, is it?”
“Actually, no. It’s perfect.”
“Good.” The two sat in silence for a few minutes, Thancred trying not to wince at the clinking of the cup and saucer as well as the sunlight coming in from the window (and why it did not have any godsforsaken curtains was beyond him).
“This has an odd taste to it.”
“It’s good for you.”
“Is it supposed to be musty?”
“Yes, now drink while it’s still warm.”
Thancred refrained from grumbling as he did as told. She’s like a mother hen.
A few more minutes of silence went by, and he was beginning to taste another odd flavor in the tea. But he decided to keep his mouth shut.
He looked to her.
“If there is anything you need from me, or if there is something bothering you, call upon me. It doesn’t matter what I may be doing or what time it may be or if you think you would be a bother. I want you to lean on me, or if not me, then one of the others. We’re friends.”
“The same goes for you. But, I will try to remember that.”
Arielle smiled at him. “But we won’t be setting a single foot outside this room until you are absolutely well.”
“There are things that—”
“And I’m aware of them and have also let Tataru know that we won’t be back until today or tomorrow. Everything’s taken care of.”
Thancred frowned. He hated to admit it, but powering through his blasting headache and his temporary oversensitivity to light and sound wasn’t the best idea. He wouldn’t want to worry everyone any further, especially Arielle given what she had already done for him yesterday. “There is no arguing with you, is there?”
“No, there is not.”
He sighed in defeat. “All right. I’ll be staying put, but that includes you as well. It’s only fair since you are in such high demand nowadays.”
“. . . Fair enough.”
“And, some curtains would be lovely.”
Arielle glanced to him partially squinting and then the window. Ah, right. He’s a bit sensitive to light now. “Well I’m no weaver, but I’ll see what I can do.”
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Hello, dears! This fic was written for my sweet love for their birthday, the always wonderful @demonofpuns! It's a Pirate Captain Sal AU with a bratty Reader 👀Includes spanking, blowjobs, a hearty size kink and two cock Sal (ahem) I do hope some of you will enjoy it! ❤️At just under 4k words, most of this will go under a cut! ***
It had been three months since you first laid eyes on the famed Captain of the Eldritch Mermaid. Ninety days since you first looked into her eyes and felt your knees go a little weak. Over a hundred and thirty one thousand minutes since you took your first step onto the slightly rotted boards of her ship and swore your allegiance to her.
You remembered that day like it was yesterday, the warm hue from a slowly setting sun basking her silhouette in all the colors of a late spring. Her ashen skin sun kissed and shimmering with the day's worth of sea spray. You had heard rumors that the notorious pirate ship would dock at your town's local marina to load up on supplies and you wasted no time in packing your bags with nothing more than a hope that the Lady of the ship would take pity on you and allow you to join her crew.
The truth of the matter was, you had never really felt comfortable in your hometown. You had always been considered odd - unnatural - with no affinity to live your life the way people thought a "woman" of your standards should. To be honest, that word alone had always felt alien to you. You had never, not once, looked at yourself in the mirror and seen a "woman". You just saw, you. And when you finally found a doctor willing to help give you the body you actually felt comfortable in, the townsfolk only saw you as even more of an anomaly.
But Sal, Sal had never seen you as anything other than who you were. You still remembered how her eyes lingered over you, how the sharpness of her teeth - all too reminiscent of a shark - gleamed in the late afternoon sun when she gave you a little smirk. Your body trembling as you did your best to catch your breath. Having ran all the way from your Mother's home to see the crew loading the last bit of the supplies onto the massive ship, you almost tripped trying to catch up with it in time.
But Sal, Sal had caught you.
Though, despite the Captain’s warm greetings and curious look in her eyes (and much to your dismay) Sal rejected your initial request to join her. With the life of a pirate being challenging as it was, she explained how they were struggling just to keep the crew that she already had alive and fed. You hadn't even gotten the chance to plead your case to her before she was being swept away by her first mate. An extremely buff woman who gave you a sneer as she led Sal back towards the boat.
For a moment you only stood there - disheartened and crestfallen - staring up at the massive ship. That was it? You thought to yourself. Your very life dream so easily discarded?
But no, as you would have it, luck was on your side for once. A keen smirk coming to your lips as you spotted one final crate - completely unguarded and ready to be loaded onto the ship. Immediately you knew what you had to do… after all, when had someone telling you 'no' ever stopped you?
It was rather easy, honestly. Easier than you had expected. As if everyone within a twenty foot radius had been completely blinded to your antics. And truth be told, you could have done much worse than hiding in a crate full of fresh tobacco leaves.
But even now, even as you straightened your collar and dusted the flour off your fully flattened chest, you wouldn't have changed a single decision for anything in the world. Sure, it had taken Sal a couple days to sniff you out. And sure you were almost certain she was going to lead you directly to the plank the moment her eyes finally laid upon you. But after a few minutes of weighing out her options, she'd finally agreed to let you work off 'yer stowaway's debt', as she put it, in the kitchen.
And that's where you'd been ever since.
"Aye.. yer busy?"
You jumped at the unexpected voice behind you, smirking when you turned around. Sal's grin curled in the most devious of ways.
"Never too busy for you, Cap." You replied with a wink.
"Heh. Tha' right?"
The Captain had definitely grown more fond of you over the past couple of months. And it wasn't like you hadn't noticed how she'd always made a point to "check'n" on the kitchen each night after everyone else had gone to bed, leaving you by yourself.
"But of course! I am.. at your service, Captain."
Another wink and a bow and you had Sal chuckling. Her scent growing stronger as she came around the large carving table - subtle hints of cinnamon and sea spray that mixed oh so perfectly with her natural musk.
"Tea as usual?" You asked but she shook her head.
"'Fraid I'm not here fer tea, luv. Need ter talk ter ye 'bout sumthin'."
You set down the small cast iron pot that was in your hands and crossed your arms as you leaned back against the table, a teasing smirk still playing at the corner of your lips.
"Alright then, Cap. Talk to me."
It was moments like this that allowed you to see the many facets of Sal's beauty. With a warm candle light flickering across her unique and unmistakingly stunning features. A luminous glow in her eyes that always seemed to have a mind of it's own, dancing over you much like the flame that reflected within it - filling you with warmth.
"Seems yer played anotha' prank on Helga? Af'er I told yer ter stop?"
I mean… it wasn't your fault the Captain's first mate had made it her daily mission to be as on your ass as possible. She'd been practically begging for retaliation.. and who were you not to give it to her? Back home you had been somewhat famous for your pranks, a regular ol' jokester as it were. But it hadn't been as warmly accepted on the Eldritch Mermaid.
Especially not by Helga.
Nervous at first you swallowed, but your inherent ability to break any tension swiftly moved in and forced you to bat your eyelashes in Sal’s direction.
“Who? Little ol’ me? I would never."
You gave Sal your most disarming smile and the pirate chuckled, taking a single step closer to where you stood.
“Heh.. yer think yer cute, eh?"
“Oh.. I know I’m cute. I thought that was rather obvious.”
The Captain shook her head, chuckling again. Another step in your direction. The low growl in her throat quickening the once calm beat of your heart.
"Aye.. an' who else wud be reckless enuf ter set off explosives in her room?"
"It was only a couple small fireworks!" You exclaimed before quickly clearing your throat and giving her a little smirk. "I mean.. no, no.. I haven't the faintest idea who would do such a thing."
The look Sal gave you next was almost predatory, a devious grin across her lips that showed far too many teeth. And maybe you had taken it a little too far this time, but the look of shock upon the pirate's face when the fireworks went off was almost all too worth it. For the first time since Sal came downstairs you broke your gaze and adverted your eyes, shifting uneasily from one foot to the other.
“Look.. alright.. maybe there’s a small.. very tiny chance that I may have gone a little too far this time, Sal. But, come on! That woman has it out for me."
Sal chuckled, taking another step forward.
"Aye.. tha' she has. Not yer fault. Her an' I gotta past, yer see? Used ter hook up 'til I broke it off. Didn't feel right with her havin' feelins an' all."
"I.. but what's that got to do with me?!"
Sal gave you a look that immediately made you blush.
"Heh.. let's jus' say she ain't too keen on how I look at yeh."
You smirked, placing your hands teasingly on your hips.
"Oh? And how is it that you look at me?"
Another step, almost closing the last bit of distance between the two of you. A single sweep of her tongue over her lips.
"Like I hadn't eat'n in weeks an' yer tha next meal."
Your smirk widened. "You calling me a snack, Cap?"
"Mmh.. more likah feast."
The low, guttural growl that rested in Sal's throat was almost enough to stop any coherent thoughts from continuing. With a supreme flush moving across your body and a slight weakness to your knees. You weren't one who was accustomed to being flustered in such a way. While you were well aware of the effect you had on some people, you had normally always been able to keep your reserve. But when it came to Sal, it was like you had no reserve at all.
Still, you gave her your trademark grin and moved in a little closer.
"Better be careful, Captain, or people might think you're flirting with me."
"Heh.. thought yer knew."
She placed a single finger nail to the base of your neck before trailing it down your sternum, forcing you to swallow.
"I.. ahem.. k-knew what?" You asked in faux innocence. As if you hadn't noticed the way her eyes lingered upon you anytime her gaze caught yours. Or the charge of sexual tension that surged between the two of you whenever she was close. But out of respect for your Captain, you had told yourself after the very first night she came to visit you in the kitchen that you were going to follow her lead in the matter and let her make the first move.
Which, honestly, was another thing you weren't quite accustomed to.
Another single step and Sal's body was pressed against yours.
“Yer know.”
The sporadic colored wraps that adorned the pirate’s otherwise inky black hair framed her face beautifully as she leaned in - her intoxicating scent quick to envelop you. You swallowed a little harder this time, feeling your pulse immediately quicken. While of course there had been quite a few times where Sal had been close in your space, her current proximity was one that made every cell in your body awaken. Like a ripple of current spreading across an evening sky. Every particle charged and at the ready. Wanting nothing more than to have her lips against yours.
The thought alone made you subconsciously wet your lips. An act that surely wasn’t lost on Sal.
“Hm.. maybe I do.. but it’d sound a hell of a lot better coming from your mouth.”
You moaned when Sal grabbed onto your hips and pulled you forward, the single action immediately making you wet.
"Heh.. sumone liked tha'."
The moment she pressed her hips against yours you could feel how hard she was.
"Seems I'm not the only one." You replied with a smirk, bringing your hand down to very gently stroke over the base of her cocks. The indulgently low moan that rattled through Sal's throat only making you wetter.
The pirate bit her bottom lip, her womanhood twitching needily against the palm of your hand with each slow stroke.
"Oi.. don' tease, luv."
"Who's teasing?"
You smirked smugly as you began to lower yourself onto your knees, unbuttoning her trousers as you did. The hue of crimson that dusted Sal's cheeks only growing deeper with each button. The long Captain's coat that she wore swiftly discarded and dropped to the floor behind her, leaving the pirate in nothing more than a sheer button-down by the time you were done with her pants. The view was exquisite, if you did say so yourself, with every inch of her toned, taut, and ready for you.
Including the two very well endowed appendages that now hung mere inches from your lips. And even though the Captain's reputation did proceed her, you still found yourself in awe of the sight - subconsciously licking your lips.
The subtle pressure from her fingers on the back of your head was the only encouragement you needed. With one hand coming to stroke over her lower cock while you slid the other eagerly into your mouth. Relishing in her moan as you took it all the way to the base, squeezing her ass with your free hand as you did.
"F-fuck, luv."
Your lips curled into a smirk around her cock, tongue swirling over the width of it as you gave it an indulgent suck. Fingers firm around the bottom one as your paces synchronized. Every bob of your head matched expertly with the strokes of your hand. Your gaze locked on - drinking in the decadent landscape of Sal's body while you looked up at her, watching as her head as it fell back - another arousing moan escaping from her throat.
"An' here I though' I was comin' down here ter punish yeh."
Such exquisite hitches woven throughout dialogue as the pirate's hips started to move in motion with your head. and even though you could spend the rest of the night pleasuring her, the brat in you forced you to smirk and pull away, earning a whimper of betrayal from Sal.
"I mean.. who's stopping you, Captain?"
You punctuated your words with a single stroke over both cocks, your smirk growing even wider.
A flicker of warning - a shimmer of a threat. The Captain's eyes narrowing as her fingers grew firmer in your hair, smirking at the tiny moan that slipped from your lips before she pulled you up from your knees - a deep blush across your cheeks.
"Yer lucky yer cute, sweetheart."
Another moan as she tugged your hair a little harder. And yet, still, you smirked.
"Mhm.. I know."
The next sound out of you was a single whimper when Sal forcefully bent you over. Your upper body flat against a wooden table, hands held behind your back with your ass in the air. A single slap across one cheek before the pirate leaned down, her breath warm against your ear.
"Sweet lil' brat."
You shivered, body shuddering against her own.
"Think I can' smell yeh?"
At this you swayed your hips teasingly.
"Can you now-"
Another strike against your backside before your pants were forced down past your thighs - the measure of your arousal glistening in the low candlelight. You moaned outright - needy and unhindered. Gods, how you wanted her.. wanted nothing more than for her to take you however she wanted and completely wreck you.
"Mmph- .. Sal.. please."
"Heh.. beggin' fer it, are yeh?"
Your silence only brought another strike to your backside, this time filling the small room with the delicious sound of flesh against flesh.
"Say it."
You cursed under your breath.
"Y-yes.. Please."
Sal only took a moment to position herself, with one cock teasing your entrance while the other hung directly below it, sliding exquisitely over your clit when she thrusted herself deep into you. Her fingers firm in your hair, pulling you towards her and forcing your back to arch. Each teasingly slow thrust pulled a soft whimper from your lips, feeling oh so good but still leaving you wanting more.
You bucked your hips back into her, driving the length of her cock as deep inside of you as you could. An all too arousing growl rolling across your backside like thunder as Sal's hands came to your hips, stilling them and making you whimper.
You whimpered again. "H-how do you e-expect me to not be greedy w-when it comes to you?"
You felt the sweet heat of the prick of her nails seeping into the fleshy parts of your hips as they sank in a little deeper.
"Heh.. charmin', eh?"
A single, forceful thrust left you with nothing but fireworks behind your eyes, as needy juices trickled down your inner thighs in heated want.
"Mmph, fuck! Sal… please."
"Yer gonna behave?"
Your inner brat immediately sparked, wanting nothing more than to give her a little smirk over your shoulder and mutter a 'make me', but the profound ache in your core and inherent need for Sal to utterly wreck you swiftly won the battle, forcing you to curse under your breath before surrendering pitifully.
"Y-yes, yes.. I'll behave, Captain. Please."
Another growl mixed with the sound of rain hitting the sea worn planks above your heads was the only sound to be heard until her cock drove roughly into you - hard and unyielding. Thrust after thrust, building your peak higher and higher with no sign of the pirate slowing down her pace. Her other cock sliding deliciously over your clit and forcing a screamless cry from your body. Adding the wet sounds of your arousal to mix before a violent orgasm spread through you like a wildfire.
"Heh.. needy luv."
"Fuck.. m-more.. please. I need more. "
Sal wrapped her fingers back in your hair, pulling you back almost flush against her. A low growl in your year before she spoke.
“An’ jus’ how much more yer think yer can take?” She leaned in a little closer, another growl leading to her tongue skating over your ear. “Hm?”
“F-fuck.. all of you-”
Roughly the Captain grabbed onto your thighs, forcefully lifting you higher before positioning your core directly in front of her - the tips of both cocks soaked in your desire and pressing against your entrance.
“Yer sure?”
You nodded, laying your upper body down as far onto the table as you could go, lower back arched back into her.
“More than.”
The initial stretch was slow, exquisite. Compelling a fevered heat to surge across your body with every inch of progress. You could feel yourself dripping for her, only making it easier for the two ample cocks to gradually make their way further into you. It was a pleasure you’d never quite tasted before - a level of bliss you didn’t know existed. It was tangible - palpable. Moving over you with the force of a rain storm swelling around the outside of a drifting ship.
The moment she finally filled you, you let out your neediest moan yet, legs immediately beginning to shake against the strength of Sal’s hands.
“Breathe, luv.”
And you did - her voice an instant balm - immediately relaxing you while your core adjusted to the full width of her.
An easy pace at first, with every heave of her hips stretching you all over again, pushing that sweet heat across your body and gifting you with the most delicious pain. A pain that only felt better with every movement. Eventually filling you with nothing but pleasure and bliss.
“Sucha good luv. Takin’ me so well.”
You weren’t generally one for praise, usually opting for a bit of degradation instead, but when it came from Sal, gods it made you weak.
Your whimper swiftly turning into a moan as the pirate steadily began to pick up her pace. Each movement, every thrust, feeling more and more pleasurable, feeling better than anything else you'd ever experienced. Ever imagined.
Fuck, this woman was going to ruin you for everyone else, but you could've cared less. You wanted it, never wanted it to stop, wanted her to force as many orgasms across your exhausted body as she possibly could.
And she did.
Wave after wave of euphoria spilling over you time and time again. Your inner thighs as well as Sal's waist and hips soaked with your arousal as she took you up and over your peak so many times that you lost cost. Until finally you felt her cocks start to twitch inside you and heard the soft moan deep in her throat.
"Fuck, yer feel so gud."
"S-speak for yourself."
Another hard thrust had your nails digging into the wood below you, the next had you panting while your whole body jerked. Your core filled beyond imagination and wanting nothing more than to have her desire inside you.
"Cum with me, luv."
You didn't have to be told twice. The subtle order being all that you needed as an unholy scream ripped from your already hoarse voice as yet another orgasm violently took claim of you. Sal's growls mixed endlessly into the sounds of your pleasure as her hot desire poured out and filled your already dripping hole.
For a moment neither of you could move, a chorus of pants the only thing to be heard over the soft patter of rain above you.
"Fuck, Sal."
She gave you a tiny kiss on the back of your neck before slowly sliding out of you. Delicious wet sounds filling the small room as a blend of your desires dripped unhindered from your core. Your legs shaking slightly when she finally lowered you back to the ground, with drops of crimson seeping from the areas where her nails had dug in.
Turning around to look at her, you wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her in for a heated kiss. One that she eagerly returned. You were about to make a joke about going again when you jumped - the tiny door to the kitchen swinging open. A wide eyed head-cook staring back at you before she shook her head.
"Really, Sal?! That.. that table was an antique!"
"Heh, not anymore."
The cook scowled at the pirate before turning to you.
"And just what do you have to say for yourself!?"
"Uh.. you see.." You paused, smirking, "I had this terrible craving for some fish sticks, and Sal, well.. Sal was more than happy to oblige."
The cook brought her fingers to the bridge of her nose and sighed.
"I swear to the gods, if my breakfast even tastes remotely of sweat and late night mistakes, you're both gonna be on the menu for lunch!"
With that the cook left, leaving the two of you to get dressed in a fit of laughter. Of course that wouldn't be the last time the two of you would be caught defiling that table. Nor the bough.. or the helm.. or the Captain's quarters.. or the.. well, you get the picture.
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lokislilkitten · 2 years
The quandary of love
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not something I'd dare to call even a drabble, just a mess of words I was able to put together because of someone precious to me
if anyone reads this, please tell me what you think
Warnings: not very descriptive mention of suicide, indirect mention of sex, cheating, let me know if I skipped anything
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In a universe in which Loki was sent to earth along with Thor after it was brought to light that he was under the influence when committing his crimes.
Since his appearance on media after his attack on New York, she has felt an intense admiration for the villain. She was one of those girls who got whatever she’s ever wanted. So, when she claimed to be in love with him, to the point of threatening to take her life if he wasn’t part of it, her father decided to grant yet another wish of hers. Setting a meeting with The Tony Stark himself, explaining that her beloved daughter’s life depended on Loki’s presence in her life, offering to fund one of Stark’s almost comically costly projects, and giving Loki his freedom that was taken from him since he was kept under surveillance in the tower.
After several discussions, Loki decides that marrying a mortal who is at least pleasing to look at is a price he could consider paying for his freedom on earth. They got married soon after meeting each other. Everything seeming like a dream to y/n.
Although she wasn’t easy to befriend, it didn’t take long for the avengers to get used to her presence alongside Loki whenever he was in the tower for missions or meetings. Y/n was a smart girl, even helping them at times. Specifically for Thor however, her typical rich girl demeanour soon turned out to be a façade she created because of all the fake people who befriended her for her father’s money and power throughout her life. When she realized that Thor didn’t need to fake his actions and feelings towards her due to him being a god, she dropped the façade when they were alone.
Her admiration for Loki grew more and more as he was being a gentleman to her during the process of their relationship. She was young and didn’t have much experience with romance, again the issue with fake people getting close to her, so she never did anything too intimate with him, the most being their kiss after their marriage. It didn’t bother him though. He understood. Loki saw her a child obsessed with him, a price to pay for his freedom, and as long as she didn’t annoy him, he’d be nice to her.
She realized this when she saw Loki kissing a woman older than her passionately during an event they attended together. That night, she found comfort in Thor, not in a sexual way. They talked for hours, a long conversation full of tears and realization. It led to y/n deciding to leave, with notes for Loki and the avengers. The one for Loki mentioning her infatuation that bloomed into love, and the ones for avengers being about her appreciation towards their warm behaviour and apologies for when she wasn’t being the nicest to them.
She had one last thing to do before leaving though. She planned it with what she knew Loki liked to spend his time doing. He was surprised when she asked him to spend a day with her. It was almost funny that they’ve been married for a while but they never spent much time together, just the two of them. The day went on smoothly, y/n had a room in their house decorated as a small library with Loki’s favourite Midgardian books which they spent a few hours in. Talking about their favourite authors and reading poems to each other. y/n leaving to make his favourite warm drink which warmed his heart. Then they left the house, reaching a beautiful field y/n’s father owned. It was the perfect place to enjoy the nature and watch the stars she thought. they spent the night there. What surprised Loki the most was her short night dress. The pastel colour adoring her soft skin. He was known as the god of lies but no one would believe if he said his heart didn’t skip a beat when she came to bed with him and hugged him to sleep. Her scent was doing things to him and he couldn’t control it. That day something changed in him. The way he viewed her, as a child, disappeared. She was now a beautiful woman who cared about him in his eyes. Maybe she wasn’t hard to love, maybe he just needed to spend more time getting to know her.
Loki woke up alone in the morning. The letter y/n wrote for him placed on the bed where she was sleeping like an angel the previous night. She’s left. When he went back to their shared house looking for her, he was met with her lawyer who has brought divorce papers. She’s really left.
He’s thought of getting rid of her at some point before, but it wasn’t supposed to hurt him. She became a part of his life too fast, and just when she was getting in his heart, she left. And he blamed himself for it.
He spent days trying to find her, getting information from everyone she had any kind of relationship with. The avengers could’ve found her in a moment if they wanted to, but no one was willing to lead him to her after being told by Thor about the pain Loki put her through.
Loki never realized that he’s getting used to her presence in their house. And he certainly didn’t expect to miss it. He’d spend hours in the newly built library which seemed to have her warmth in it. Adding her favourite books to the shelves made him feel like she’s still around.
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Years later he saw her on the news, to be attending an event with her father after disappearing for so long. The same event Stark has been bothering everyone to attend for weeks, which he of course refused.
Adding his name to the list took a snap of his fingers, and he was there. In a ballroom of a hotel filled with people, but the same room as you. He used his magic to find you which didn’t take long. You were standing away from the crows, holding a glass of rose wine, your favourite. You looked as beautiful as ever, with your hair in an elegant bun the long emerald dress that adored your curves. You looked mature but still had the innocent aura.
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When you put down the now empty glass of wine and left towards the hallway that led to the bathrooms, he followed you. Pulling you to his chest when he caught up to you. You were stunned. Scared for a moment, but stunned when you felt the scent you’ve missed. No, he was the man who broke your heart. So, you pushed him away but he still held your hands and wouldn’t let go. Not again, never again.
“Loki please, let me go”
“I’m sorry darling, but I made that mistake once I don’t intend to repeat it.”
“We’re divorced Loki. You brought nothing but pain to me and I don’t want you in my life anymore.” You said with tears in your eyes and ran away. Away from him.
You went to the room you were supposed to stay in for the night, locking the door as soon as you got in. you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, leaning you back against the wall. The moment you opened your eyes, you were looking right into Loki’s eyes.
“H-how… did you-”
“Magic” he shrugged.
He held you again before you could turn away and leave the room.
“Don’t run from me my love. I can’t lose you again when I found you after so long”
“What part of we’re divorced don’t you understand? You have no right to be in my room without my consent.”
“Oh, but I do my beautiful girl. The papers you’ve sent me were burned the moment they were given to me. They were never signed. Meaning you are still my wife, you still belong to me, just like how I belong to you.”
“You didn’t want me. You never wanted me. You wanted a woman and I was a little girl to you. I left for you, it was a favour. Why would you give up the chance to be free? Wasn’t that the reason you married me?”
“It was, but being free in a world in which you’re not with me is meaningless. I should’ve given us a chance. I realized that too late but I’ll make up for it. Will you give me a chance for it? Will you not make my mistake and give us a chance?”
You stared at him as he held you closer, expecting you to push him away as he drew closer to you. His lips getting closer to yours. But you didn’t. you kissed him back when his lips touched yours.
It was ecstatic.
That night you had given a chance to him, to the both of you. That night he showed you how he could love you. That night he showed you how much he’s really missed you. That night was the night you’d let out the love you’ve locked away. The night he loved you and you loved him.
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