#words literally just don't mean anything anymore huh
echthr0s · 7 months
I love the hyper-subjective freak/normal dichotomy on this website*. only here* can the 100% normal Vincent Price fucker** and "casual kinnie" puff out their chest and call other people freaks for being death-positive
*am fully aware that this is not a tumblr-exclusive brand of brainrot anymore but go with me here **as in they're in a full-blown relationship with Vincent Price. like having a soulbond except with a guy from actual human earth, I guess
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cloudybarnes · 8 months
bella donna
Pairing: theodore nott x reader
Summary: a sick night in bed calls for your cute boyfriend to come in and take care of you
Word Count: 800+
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Nothing was helping.
The soup burned your tongue, the medication didn’t cure your stuffy nose, and your throat felt like it was on fire.
You felt like total shit right about now. 
“I’m sorry mi amore.” Theodore said as he wrung out a wet rag to place on your forehead. You were laid up in your bed, covers drawn to your chin as a chill wracked through you. 
Theo sat on a small stool next to your bed. He was being the sweetest boyfriend ever. He waited on you hand and foot for everything you needed. 
He was the one to make the soup and fetch the medicine and rags for your head. 
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry about, Theo,” you mumbled. “You’ve done literally everything right for me.”
He smiled softly, then just as quickly, his smile fell. “I just can’t believe how suddenly this came about. Something must be going around; I heard Draco coughing in class yesterday, he must be the one who got you sick.”
You chuckled but were soon thrown into a fit of coughs. The coughing was so bad, you had to sit yourself up in order to catch your breath. 
“Mio dio,” he softly said. “My poor baby.” Theo rubbed your back as you caught your breath. You smiled at him, grateful for his being here. 
“What would I do without you, Theo?” 
He smiled and left a tender kiss on your forehead. The action was so soft and sweet, your eyes involuntarily closed, a soft smile adorning your lips. Theo really was something special. While most may find him to be a brute and hard to get on with, you’d only ever seen the kind, caring boy standing in front of you. 
“The real question,” he replied, “is how could I ever live without you?”
You giggled as Theo led you from your seated position to lay down. 
“You need your rest, sweetheart. Don’t waste all of your energy sitting up.”
You nodded and let Theo guide you down. You sniffled, but all that did was send more mucus to your throat, causing it to hurt worse. A whimper came from your lips without meaning to. 
“What hurts now, dolcezza?” He felt your forehead with the back of his hand, and gently picked up the discarded rag to dunk it in the bucket of ice water on the floor. 
“Just everything: my head, my throat, my nose, it all just sucks,” you said. “At least I have you to take care of me.”
Theo smiled, his eyes alive with love for you. “I’ll always be here to take care of you, even when you’re snotty and coughing on me.” He teased as he wrung out the ice rag and placed it back on your forehead. 
“Hey!” You whined with a teasing smile. “I didn’t cough on you, just in your general direction.”
“Oh, so that’s how we’re describing it, now, huh bella donna?” 
You gave a health-hearted smile and shifted a little in bed. “I don't feel very pretty right now. I’m all snotted up and it feels like I’ve been hit by a truck.”
“I think you look beautiful, (Y/N). Fully and truly, you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
Your heart swelled. You had the sweetest boyfriend in the world. Theo never failed to make you smile and make you feel beautiful, even when you felt far from it. 
Slowly, as to not hurt the ache in your head, you pushed yourself up into a seated position. 
Theo started to fix the pillows so they would accommodate your upright position. “This okay, amore?”
You smiled down at him. Never had you felt more in love with this boy than you did just then. “It’s perfect, my love. Everything you do is just perfect, Theo. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
A pink hue tinted your boyfriend's cheeks as a smile crept onto his face. “You’re everything to me, (Y/N). I would do anything for you. Something as simple as taking care of you while you’re not feeling good is my job as your lover.” 
You didn’t think your heart could take anymore sweetest from him. “Come ‘ere,” you mumbled as you patted the empty side of the bed. “‘wanna lay with you for a little while.”
Theo walked around the bed and climbed into the empty space. He fit perfectly in the bed, like it was made to accompany him. 
You pushed him to lay down so you could rest your tired head on his chest. He lightly chuckled at your movement, and pulled you close to him. His arms wrapped around you as your fist held onto the fabric of his shirt. 
“I love you, (Y/N),” he mumbled. 
You smiled, closing your eyes. Right before sleep pulled you in, you responded, “I love you most, Theo.”
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mulletmitsuya · 6 months
Toman Groupchat
Warnings: swearing, the topic of sex is brought up a lot, mentions of the r word (i don't actually say it i just say "r word"), gayness, mentions of depression, mentions of suicide, teenage boys. also snuck in a lot of personal headcanons so that might not be your thing
Desc: Mikey lost his V-card
Mikey: just had the sex
Mikey: it's not all that, tbh
Mikey: i didn't like it
Mikey: i was quite indifferent to the situation actually
Mitsuya: that's great 👍
Smiley: you're the last one to lose your v-card and you come back with a report like this?😒
Smiley: we want details
Draken: whose we?
Mitsuya: no we don't
Chifuyu: it must have been difficult tackling the whole issue with you being 5'3 and all
Mikey: you're an inch taller than me😐
Chifuyu: "taller" being the key word
Baji: what didn't you like about the sex?
Baji: i think sex is great
Kazutora: i think it's super nice until you get in over your head and freak out about your performance so you end up having a panic attack and she just leaves
Draken: that's actually kinda sad, you good?
Kazutora: no? i'll never emotionally recover. never again
Baji: maybe it should be with someone you trust and have been friends with for a number of years. maybe even your best friend who would do anything for you. that's just my opinion tho
Draken: just tell him ffs. anything but this
Kazutora: i have no girl friends?? the only women i know who're affiliated with this friendgroup are hina (taken), emma (mikey's sister and also taken), and yuzuha (gay)
Baji: why does it have to be a girl
Mikey: bro
Hakkai: 💀
Smiley: mention homosexuality once and here Hakkai comes
Hakkai: 😐
Kazutora: Baji i know you're gay and i support your lgbtq+ lifestyle but i'm not into dicks like you are man
Baji: what about assholes
Mitsuya: what's the point of this, like just ask him out atp
Mikey: you'd let KAZUTORA top???? insane
Kazutora: what's wrong with me topping? also who am i topping??
Smiley: well you're a twink so you're obviously a bottom
Chifuyu: Kazutora are you actually just gonna ignore what everyone else is saying
Kazutora: aren't you guys talking to Baji?
Draken: are you stupid or what
Kazutora: i'm really confused rn can we just to back to talking about Mikey
Mikey: yes actually. i've decided that i don't like sex and won't be doing it again
Chifuyu: bad day for Takemitchy
Takemitchy: what?
Chifuyu: well since you ride his dick so much
Takemitchy: HUH
Takemitchy: i've never done that with Mikey-kun tho??? i'm with Hina? also I'm straight so I don't understand what you mean by that 😥
Chifuyu: i don't actually mean-
Chifuyu: nvm
Baji: are we allowed to call people the r word anymore
Angry: no it's a slur
Baji: you're probably mad because people said it to you huh? lmao
Angry: yes
Baji: oh
Smiley: i didn't even mean it Angry it was just that one time
Angry: several, one times. but okay
Angry: i still love you
Smiley: can you not say that in front of our friends like idk what to do rn cause i can't say it back so it looks embarssing for you
Angry: 😕
Smiley: ...
Angry: ☹️
Smiley: i love you too
Angry: thank you
Chifuyu: very rare Smiley human decency moment
Draken: you guys are such weird siblings but that was great to watch. character development in a matter of seconds
Smiley: you should all kill yourselves
Mikey: man i really want to
Mikey: that was a literal joke before you guys get weird
Draken: you've actively tried to kill yourself tho
Mikey: yeah but like i won't do it anymore
Baji: we must just, believe you?
Mikey: i know that's hard to do because i lie all the time but yes
Draken: not a convincing argument but nice try
Mitsuya: terrible try actually. Mikey should we be worried?
Mikey: miss me with that gay shit, i'm fine
Mitsuya: i hate you guys so much
Draken: not me tho cause i'm your og
Mitsuya: 😐
Mitsuya: yeah i guess
Draken: 🤞
Draken: i'm gonna go out with my girlfriend now
Draken: also Mikey you're probably asexual. or you haven't found the right one to do it with yet idk
Mikey: what's asexual
Draken: google it
Mikey: Ken-chin c'mon i'm having a crisis rn
Draken: basically low or very little sexual attraction to others
Draken: there's a whole spectrum to it tho so you should probably do some research because that was an extremely watered down explanation
Draken: i'm ace too if that helps
Baji: Emma's a whole ass slut so how does she deal with that
Smiley: imagine bagging Ryuguji Ken with his sexy ass and he doesn't wanna smash. tragic
Draken: first of all, Baji i'll fucking kill you, never say that about Emma again
Draken: and fuck you Smiley
Angry: are you traumatized because of living in a sex orientated/obsessed environment so you eventually began to detest any affiliation with the act?
Draken: yes actually
Angry: i see
Mikey: i just don't like it. i'm not traumatized like Ken-chin :(
Draken: it's whatever
Baji: calm down i didn't call Emma a slut as an insult i just mean it as a describing word because she likes fucking
Baji: i've known her longer than you and she's been fucking since she knew what the thing was
Mikey: i probably should have addressed that as an older brother or something
Mikey: yk, cause i take care of my family
Baji: now she takes care of you with your chronically depressed ass
Mikey: 😒
Kazutora: is Emma also traumatized? like the opposite of Draken?
Mikey: wait should i ask?? her mom did abandon her and she did grow up without a father figure so like maybe i should talk to her
Smiley: you didn't have to dish out her problems like that 💀
Baji: she's got the Sano slut genes because wasn't Shinichiro falling in love with different people everyday? then your dad was impregnating people all the time. skipped Mikey tho
Draken: not everything is trauma related. also Emma just likes sex. it's not a huge deal breaker and if it was she would tell me and we'd talk about it
Mikey: what about having kids?
Draken: stop asking me this shit we'll do that when we're ready
Smiley: it's crazy how Draken is one of the healthiest people here. always reacting sensibly to situations and dealing with his trauma normally. he's such a good guy. hate him
Draken: love you too
Mikey: did he deal with it all that healthily if he beats people to a pulp most of the time
Draken: i stopped doing that
Baji: why though, you were an actual unit
Baji: wasted talent. i still beat people up
Draken: Emma said to
Mikey: fair
Smiley: Mitsuya could be on Draken's level too but something went wrong along the way cause he's a boy liker
Mitsuya: 🖕
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x-lunawrites-x · 9 months
Your attempt at making him jealous at a work party goes wrong...Or incredibly right?
Blade x fem! Reader smut
Word count: 1.1K
Content warning: sexual content/ established relationship/ fem bodied reader/ piv sex/ unprotected sex/ creampie/ semi public sex (in a closet)/ jealous Bladie
A/N: wrote this in a rush to just get the idea out of my head lol. It's not very good but imma post it for the sake of progress. Hope you enjoy!
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Blade stares at you from across the room as you laugh at some random joke some random coworker of yours told. The problem isn't the guy, it's the goddamn short tight dress you're wearing. Well he's a part of the problem too, checking out your ass and buying you so many drinks Blade wonders if he actually thinks you're gonna sleep with him tonight.
Blade usually tries not to assume things but he's almost sure you're fucking with him.
He decides to approach you after a couple hours, it's not that he's possessive, he really isn't. At least not at first. But as the night goes on he can literally feel his blood start to boil. You're touching the guy's arm and drinking and laughing for god's sake!
You notice him as he approaches you and your colleague, and you decide to make your situation even worse. "oh hey" you then turn to your friend to introduce your partner to him. "This is Blade, he's a friend of mine"
Blade looks at you with the most confused look you've ever seen but you decide to play it cool and laugh it off until your colleague excuses himself to the bathroom.
"are you fucking with me?" he immediately asks with an irritated tone. He's sure that you are but he still doesn't know what else to say.
"what? What does that mean, Bladie?" you feign innocence as if this whole thing isn't just an elaborate ploy to grab his attention and make him a bit jealous.
"I know you are." he's not gonna entertain you anymore, he puts a hand on your waist as he stands next to you, he continues to whisper. "did you think you could get away with this easily? dressing all slutty and flirting with random guys. acting like you don't scream my name every night."
You start to finally realize the depth of what you're doing to him and the consequences that await you in a couple hours. The mere thought of it makes your brain feel fuzzy and warm.
"go get your coat from upstairs. we're leaving." he doesn't even ask for your opinion on it. It's a demand and you know when to meet his demands. He's had enough of the party and he just can't wait to get you home and teach you a lesson on 'how not to behave'.
You walk up the stairs and he can't help but stare at how your figure moves in that outfit until your dress shifts a certain way. He just can't take it anymore. He follows you upstairs quickly, catching you off guard as you step into the closet to find your coat.
"Hey wh- Blade? What are you..." he closes the door behind him and your sentence trails off. You know what he's doing. Your bodies are pressing against each other and there isn't much space to move. You can almost smell the lust in the air.
Blade isn't usually very rough but you're sure he's gonna fuck the mere idea of making him jealous out of you. He grips your chin tightly, making you look up at him. You can see his eyes glimmering even in the dim lighting.
Blade isn't one with a particular jealous streak. Or is he?
"is this what you want? Wearing no panties and laughing with guys just to get me to fuck you? Couldn't help yourself, yeah?"
You've never seen this side of him before, maybe due to the fact that you don't usually get into situations like this. But you're not sure what to say, your brain is a bit worried about what's coming but your cunt is getting wetter with every word he says. You certainly are gonna get what you wanted and you're gonna get more.
He trails his thumb on your bottom lip and you open your mouth before he even says anything, taking his finger into your mouth and sucking on it gently.
"now you're being obedient huh? Stay still and take it then, stupid brat"
he lifts one of your legs up with ease and you can feel the top of his cock line up with your entrance. He doesn't mess around or waste and time as he buries his thick cock inside you completely in one stroke. "aahhn! Blad-" he doesn't let you finish your sentence and slips his left index and middle finger into your mouth.
His action has a sense of dominance that makes your cunt clench around him and your tongue swirling around his fingers as you suck on them. He feels what he deos to you and he speeds up his thrusts, each one still somehow as hard as they could be.
You can only stand there and drool around his fingers as his cock rearranges your guts, your nails marking his skin as you hold on to his shoulders for balance. The room is filled with the smell of sex, the muffled sounds of your moans and his grunts against your neck whenever he completely sheathed himself inside you.
He's rougher than usual but you can sense intense emotions in his every move. He's pounding into you like he hates you but he's holding you like you're a part of his body. Like his lips are just meant to be on your neck and his hand belongs on your thigh. It's like you're a part of him, crucial to his existence.
He can feel you tightening around him again, close to cumming as tears roll down your cheeks and dampen your neck from how hard he's going. He speeds up his thrusts, getting a but sloppy but still as deep, aiming to get you both to your release.
"you're mine...You're mine. fuck...You-uhh you're m-mine."
His voice sounds desperate as he seems to lose his mind in the moment, shooting white ropes of sticky cum inside you, the feeling also pushing you over the edge as you cream on his cock.
He slowly takes his fingers out of your mouth, his face still buried in your neck and sucking on it gently as you take deep breaths, coming down from your high. You can't help but smile at the mantra that left his lips seconds ago.
Blade is a man with a jealous streak. He doesn't trust the world because he's scared it might take you away from him. And god knows it wouldn't be the first time.
"I'm yours, I promise" You smile as you mutter the words, running your hand through his hair as he takes the soft smell of your hair into his lungs. "now let's get the hell out of here."
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taylormarieee · 9 months
~Blowing off steam~
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Summary: You and Daryl have been dating for a while now. You guys are on the road looking for supplies and you guys got into a fight before the trip. You both get into an argument again but this time it doesn't go as planned.
Word Count: 1.7k
Genre: Angst- Pure Smut
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Breeding kink, P in V sex, Unprotected Sex, Daryl and reader fighting, established relationship, reader is a little insecure, Angry Sex, Dom/Sub dynamics, predator/prey dynamic, degrading, orgasm denial, oral (F), fingering, squirting, creampie
A/N: This was a request by @murdadixon girl I'm sorry this took so long! Love you💋!
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You are dating the hottest man you personally have ever seen. Daryl Dixon. He is such a softie.
To most people he is big and mean and intimidating but what they don't know is when he is with you, oh god he is such a big softie. A big cute teddy bear!
You guys hardly ever get into any arguments and if you do it's over tiny, stupid petty stuff. So you never thought that your big, lovable teddy bear would be this angry at you today. Let alone get into a fight on this fine morning.
"Ya never listen! Yer hard headed! All ya ever talk about is yer self!" Daryl yells at you.
"Well you are always closed off! What do you want me to do, huh!? Talk about your goddamn favourite color? Oh wait, you never told me!" You say venomously with a frown on your face.
"Daryl you realize you never tell me anything? You never fucking talk to me! So I talk about myself instead! Your always silent so I assume you wanna hear me speak! You never tell me to shut up!" You yell getting angrier by the second.
You will admit it, you and Daryl are not the same. Complete opposites actually. He was closed off, introverted. He always strayed away from the group to be alone.
Whilst you chose to be open, extroverted. You loved pleasing people. And sometimes you thought if Daryl hated that about you.
Sometimes boys mistook your kindness for flirting and Daryl would always yell at you about it so maybe that's what this arguments about.
"Yer so dumb! Maybe you should start learnin to shut the hell up!" He yells walking away leaving you standing there.
You instantly break down into tears and cry in your room. You run to the one person you bond with the most and has a husband. Maggie.
"M-maggie" You say your voice breaking as you continue to cry.
"Oh my god. What is it hun? Who hurt ya? What happened?" Maggie asks worried.
"It's d-daryl we got in a fight and Idk what to do. he said that i never listen to him or in general. He also said that I should just learn to shut up. Am I too much for you guys? Am I not good enough for him?" You ssk heartbroken.
"God no! You are the best friend I could ever have! You are nothing but joy in this dark world! You are a reminder of beth. I see her in you everyday." Maggie says smiling.
" Daryl is just being a dick! Leave him be but he's going on a run right now if you wanna make up with him?" Maggie says.
"Ok thanks Maggie again! I can always count on you to make me feel better!" You say waving as you walk away.
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You see Daryl on his bike and hop on right behind him.
He grunts and asks what your doing. You don't respond to him and just look at your fingers and wait for him to drive off. He scoffs and eventually starts the bike and rides off.
You hold on to him and put your chin on his shoulder. "I'm sorry." You say.
"Fer what?" He asks. "Being a people pleaser and being so loud and talkative. I won't talk anymore if that's what you want." You say sadly.
"Ya think that's what I want?" Daryl asks
"Well no shit! You literally yelled at me about being to talkative and how I need to shut the hell up, or does none of that ring a bell? You hurt my feelings Dar" You say sadly.
"Well I mean, maybe you should just listen and maybe I wouldn't have yelled at ya."
"Are you fucking serious?! Stop the bike." You say about ready to walk back to Alexandria.
"I SAID STOP THE BIKE!" You yell a lot louder.
He stops the bike and you get off, pacing back and forth to try and control your anger. Boy Dixon really knew how to push your buttons.
"Are you serious Dar? I'm apologizing and you have the audacity to sit here and do this shit again!?"
He just stands there staring at your hips and the way they sway when you walk.
"Daryl Are you even listening?! But then you wanna yell at me about not listening. Huh very original Daryl."
Daryl still doesn't say anything and just walks closer to you.
"Boy! You really know how to get on my ner-" You start
"Shut up." Daryl says in a low voice getting closer to you.
"Dar what the hell your scaring me a bit." You say backing up from him.
He looks at you with hunger and lust and anger. A mix you have never seen before. You kinda like it but your also scared. He's like an animal hunting down his prey.
He grabs you and pushes his lips against yours. You try to push him away as your angry your conversation isn't over. You give in as he pins you to a tree.
He rips your flannel of and then rips your shirt off. He tears the shirt off your body and now your favourite white tee is ruined, Oh well. You take off his vest and start unbuttoning his long sleeved shirt.
You slide it off his strong shoulders and run your warm hands down his back, clawing at his back leaving scratches. He picks you up from your thigh and slips your panties off.
Pretty black lace panties. He stares at the in his hand before putting them in his jeans pocket. He rips his pants and boxers off revealing his raging, hard cock aching to be inside you.
"Yer ready for me sunshine?" He asks, poking the tip at your entrance. You nod eagerly whimpering for him to slide inside you. "Yes please Dar. I want you so bad." You whine.
"Nuh uh darlin, Yer not getting anything right now. I'm gon have to tease ya a bit for your little attitude." He says smiling trying to catch you off guard.
"Uh why Dar you were the one who called me du-" You try to finish before he slams his cock inside your tight, velvety walls. You scream out in pleasure as he rams into you at a hard and fast pace, his rhythm never faltering.
You cover your mouth to make sure no nearby walkers could hear you. "Nuh uh pretty girl, I wanna hear those sounds coming from that bratty little mouth as I fuck the shit outta ya.' He grunts.
You remove your hand as tears start to fall from your face. "Please go slower Dar." You whine out.
"Sorry, can't do tha'. Gonna fuck that attitude right outta ya." He moans out. You both are panting extremely hard. His thrusts push your back against. the bark of the tree. You dig your nails into his back moaning louder.
Daryl grunts and starts letting out breathy moans and whines. "Wanna breed ya so bad." Daryl grunts out. "Want ya to be mine. Have my children." He says, his mind getting foggy by he thoughts of you having his child.
You whine out, turned on even more by daryl's dirty words. "This what we was arguin for? So I could fuck ya like the lil slut you are?" He states.
You whine, "Oh f-fuck Dar. Oh shit, fuck I'm gonna cum Daryl"
"Nuh uh, sunshine yer on punishment. Hold it." Daryl grunts out stopping his movements. You cry out as the feeling. of your orgasm is slowly fading away.
"Ya understand? If ya cum without my permission, I'm not gon be so nice after." daryl warns clenching his jaw.
You nod your head and his movements are fast and fluid like the last time. His thrusts are more erratic as he feels his orgasm approaching. You continue to cry as your trying you best to hold your orgasm.
"Daryl can I please cum now?" You whine out seeking his approval. "Yea sunshine, go ahead." he says breathlessly. "Squirt for me baby." He says dark and seductively.
"Oh fuck. fuck, Im cumming Daryl!" You scream out with not a care in the world about who or what hears.
Daryl pulls out and sucks on your clit brining you to your orgasm faster. You start shaking involuntarily and squirt all over daryls face and in his mouth. He laps up your juices with his tongue and groans into your body.
He fingers you through your orgasm as you pull his face closer to your legs. He brings you down to the grassy floor and pulls out his fingers and removes his face shoving his aching cock back inside you.
His thrusts are never ending it feels like. He groans and moans, his little noises so sweet and adorable. God you love hearing him whimper. It truly is the hottest thing in the world. "Fuck baby, I'm gon cum right inside his tight pussy. Give you a baby right 'ere." He moans out, pushing down on your stomach.
You moan out feeling his cock slide in and out of you. He whimpers one more time before drawing out a long, drawled, "Fuuucckkkk!" Daryl drawls out you kiss his neck as he releases inside you.
His warm, sticky, white cum squirts ropes inside you. You feel the warm fluid release inside you. His thrusts are slow and loving this time as he tries to ride out his high.
He pulls out of you and starts to grab you guys clothes. Once you both are dressed you walk back to his bike. Before Daryl could mount his bike, your lightly grabbing his arm.
He turned to look at you.
"Dar, can you look at me? You're doing it again. Look, I'm sor-" He interrupts you.
"No, I'm sorry. I know yer sensitive and I shouldn't have said those things to ya. I'm sorry I didn't care bout' yer feelings. I was just so angry. So I'm sorry sunshine." He says looking down.
You hug him and kiss his neck. He wraps his hands around your waist and hugs you tightly.
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The drive back to Alexandria was eventful. Daryl actually opened up and talked about himself.
When you arrived Maggie was standing there by the gate. you hopped off the bike and were on your way to go see Rosita. Maggie threw a thumbs up from afar and you smiled and did one back too.
She smiled and winked at you. You all went your separate ways and lived happily in Alexandria.
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Taglist: @darylscvmdumpster @murdadixon @carlgrimesenthusiast @carlsdarling @sinsandsweetness @tied-in-a-knot @loveforcarl
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khristie16 · 10 months
Dom Charles Leclerc sub Italian reader, a very long, hot spanking punishment (belt too) for the reader because of her rebel/bad attitude in their previous fight/discussion, bend over the table rough sex, wrists tied using the belt, a lot of dirty talk (in French too) and teasing, "Oui, Monsieur", after sex soft/gentle Charles. Thank you so much!! 🥰
This was so fun to write! Thanks for the tip!!:** Warnings: see above, swearing
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I said No Charles! What do you mean no?? Like a fucking NO! Excuse-moi?? he looked at you in disbelief. You think it was my fault the guy touched me? You really think that huh? No it is not your fault but I told you to stay away from that group of people! And you think you can boss me around like that? Well, you are my girlfriend. So when I don't like something, I will tell you. Well then you have to accept I'm not gonna do everything you say! YN - his eyes incredibly dark. NO! Cazzo. - you stormed out out of your place. Leaving Charles behind. -
As you went back to your home after some time of cooling down, since you have a short tempered personality, you opened the door and saw literally nothing inside. It was dark everywhere. Gulping slightly, you were trying to find the switch to turn on the lights. As you were reaching out, in the exact moment someone grabbed you by your wrist and swung you around so you felt someone behind your back. It was a hard landing. Being pressed to someone's torso behind you.
Ma che cazzo?! He jerked you with such force that you hissed in pain. I'm so DONE with your SWEARING at me. - deep and harsh tone of his startled you. Charles! as you screamed when he tossed you on the couch. As you turned around to lay on your back, he switched on the little lamp on the side of the conference table. Take your skirt off. You furrowed your eyebrows on him. Do as I say YN or you will suffer more. - he glared at you. As you were trembling to take your skirt off, you looked rather mad. And don't give me that look. Or I will tie you up to the bed for one week straight without you able to do anything rather then taking my cock. Begging me to stop. As you opened your mouth at his rude words, he shoved his point and middle finger to your mouth. You gagged immediately. He pressed his two fingers inside your mouth and his thumb under your chin to squeeze his hold on you and putting so much pressure you had to obey to his movements. He got you to your knees in front of the couch.
Bring the ice, now. As you were trying to bring some oxygen again to your lungs, you stumbled and got up to your legs. He grabbed you by your arm and put you to your knees again. This man had incredible strength. Did I tell you to stand up? As you were looking to his eyes, you saw pure rage. You got so afraid to do anything. Afraid to talk. So you just shook your head. Words…. he exhaled as If he was done with you any second. No… No what? No Charles, you did not. I'm not Charles anymore. - giving you the glance again. You felt tears welling up in your eyes.
You knew what he meant by that. It happened just once when he took control over you so much you thought it is impossible to be this dominant over anyone. It was just once because it was so intense for you you cried so much and begged for not doing it ever again. But Charles was not playing with you anymore, not today. You fucked up bad.
No, Monsieur. He just nodded - Now get the ice. As you were going on all fours to the kitchen, getting the ice from the freezer, tears running down your face, sobbing quietly so he doesn't hear you. When you got back, tottering from side to side, you stopped at his feet. Crying more loudly than you indented to. You crying now? - he chuckled - Should have thought about that earlier when shouting and swearing at me. He took the ice from your hands and placed it somewhere, since you were still looking on the ground. Bend over the couch. Qui, Monsieur.
As you grabbed yourself from the floor, you carefully walked to the couch and laid down, hearing nothing around you. It was so quiet. The only thing you've heard were your sobs. And your fearful thoughts loud and clear in your head - you awaited the worst. As you were lost in your thoughts, he got you snapped back in the moment by slapping your bare cheeks. He left his rings on his fingers, a high possibility he will tear your skin since it happened once already. His spanks were rough and hard as his soul right now. You squeezed your eyes as you processed the pain. Trying not to scream. You think you can raise your voice at me? or swear at me? SLAP You were moving up and down since you wanted to make friction elsewhere to not feel the pain. You will pay for that, cherie. He slapped you five times in a row making you scream and shout Please stop-p - making it hard for you to even speak since all you felt were tears and frog in your throat. Shhhh, don't be loud cherie. Neighbors don't need to know you were a bad girlfriend right? Slapping you again for six times. You buried you face so hard into the couch, you could hardly breath. You wanted to disappear so bad in that moment.
You hissed when suddenly you felt the ice on your skin. Shh, don't move. - he put his big hands on your hips to hold you still. Grabbing your skin roughly you felt the skin was already bruised. C-Charles *sob* - he slapped you right away, grabbed you by your hair and spoke directly to your ear. I'm N.O.T. your Charles anymore. I'm sorry monsiuer, - crying so much you were surprised you could talk - I'm s-sorry. You better be. As he continued to cold your cheeks, you stopped moving and shivering. Thinking you are done with the punishment, which made you slightly happy again. But Charles thought different. As you were staring blankly to the floor around the couch, thinking you paid for your previous behavior, you heard a belt clinking. As you moved your face to its direction, you saw Charles standing above you with the belt in his right hand. Your eyes almost fell out, stopped breathing as well…
Ma cherie, you will be a good girl won't you? - smiling at you like a devil itself. You started crying again, but nodding at the same time. Qui, Monsieur. As you put your head back, tears running down your cheeks, you awaited the pain. One, two, three… you grabbed the couch with your hands. The pain was unbearable. More painful since your skin was cold and heating up at the same time, making it extremely painful. How would you rate your previous behavior? Che? - you asked since it was so hard to concentrate on anything else but pain. Three hard smacks with the belt. D.o.n.'t. make me r.e.p.e.a.t. myself. I don't know! - sobbing so hard. - Five, five…. - you hoped your prayers will be heard. Five? - he chuckled loud. - I'd say at least sixteen. As he started his count, you screamed desperately, taking your hands to hide your cheeks. His movements stopped for a sec. T.a.k.e. your hands away RIGHT NOW or I will slap them with the belt as well. You suffered but obeyed. Sobbing and crying on the couch as you slowly put them beside your laying body again.
When he got to the number sixteen, you were just crying with your eyes open, no facial expression whatsover. Awaiting the end. Si jolie fille. Look at the color cherie. - you heard a camera shot sound. As he was walking to where your face was, grabbing you by the hair and showing you the photo. This is you. You get this for mistreating me. You saw how badly red your ass was, seeing the scarred skin - devastated Que c'est beau. He grabbed you under your armpits, putting you in the air as if you weighted nothing and tossing you next to the the kitchen counter. Your hips bumped to the edge. Take off your shirt. - you did as he said, your whole body trembled right now. He went for your nipples, squeezing them harsh between his fingers, making you put your head back to his shoulder and moaned. Now he was aiming for your neck, sucking harshly and making hickeys all over your skin. You were a moaning mess right now. He chuckled at such condition of yours. You won't ever disobey me again, If I say you don't go to talk to anyone, you just won't. Or else I will make out of your neck a hickey graveyard it will be so embarrassing for you to go anywhere in the public… silence and sobbing.
He grabbed you by your hips and pushed you towards the table in front of the window in the living room. You yelped as your hips hit the edge of the table. Before you could stand up he was already right behind you. Spread your legs for me. - you cried out out loud since you knew what will come next. You felt his fingers running down your folds, humming as he liked what he saw. What a beautiful view ma cherie. You are so wet for me. - shoving his finger inside you making you moan embarrassingly. - Your pussy is so needy. - he chuckled - Let me take care of her. He shoved inside you so deeply you felt the pain in your lower stomach. You gasped for air and gripped the edges of the table frantically. - he chuckled all of a sudden. Ah, you finding comfort in it? Let me change that for you. As he grabbed you by the neck, he put you higher so he could grab your wrists and lock them together with his belt. You deserve nothing but comfort.- He spitted in your right ear. Putting pressure on your back now, you laid back again with your arms held together in a fit. He started to fuck you again, not letting you to adjust to his size. Making it even harder for you. He went for a faster pace, making you scream once again. Merde, cherie. Your pussy is so good. Much better than you are to me - You sobbed. I'm-m sorry, I'm sorry. Please. You don't deserve it. He grabbed you harder by your hips, pressing his nails into your skin to make sure to leave marks on you. You are all mine cherie. Do. - thrush - you - thrust - understand - thrust? Qui, qui Monsieour. As you sobbed and moaned out loud at the same time. He chuckled at your messing state. He went with this thumb to your tight hole and shoved it inside - again not giving you time. AHHH Charles ! - *slap*. Shut up you whore. He was attacking both of your holes making you squirm under his touch and seeking your pleasure peak. As you moaned even more and more he went for even a faster pace. You like this cherie? Qui, qui. As you moaned. And since Charles knew your body like the back of his hand, he knew when to stop. NO! - you cried out loud. - P-please, pleas-se…you breathed loudly and deeply, still sobbing since it hasn't left you. He laughed at you cruelly now. He took his other hand and touched your clit so lightly you started moving towards the friction. He slapped your ass, making you a hiss sound. D.o.n.t. move. - you nodded slightly. He continued brushing your clit slightly, teasing you so much you thought your on the verge of breaking out. He got yourself right where he wanted you. You were moving from side to side from the so close orgasm you needed release immediately. You were a writhing mess under him. You are such a whore ma cherie. Please. I'm begging you, You think you deserve it now? Qui. - he laughed at you. No, not yet.
He grabbed you by your hips and tossed you to ground. Making you hit your face since your wrists were still tied together. Sit up. You did, hardly but did. Now listen to me, it will never ever happen again, you understand? You will never talk to me that way ever again. And I will make sure to do whatever it takes to make yourself seen off limits, and if you just cannot listen to me, I make your skin look so miserable that guys will be afraid to even touch you from such sight. Do you understand? Qui. - you meant it as you lowered your eyes. You never wanted to see this Charles again. You wanted the soft one, the loving one. The one you were used to. As he was looking at you, he smiled a little. Last lesson. Open your beautiful mouth. You did as he said. He shoved his big thick cock in your mouth, making you gag around him. So good for me cherie. So good. - your eyes teary once again, breathing harder for him. I bet your pussy likes this. I bet it's a mess beneath you. You moaned loudly at that. Because he was telling the truth.
As he was thrusting his cock in your mouth, the more he groaned out loud, you knew he was getting close. He thrusted in your mouth one last time and put him out. Jerking himself off and squirting on you. As he was panting and finding his steady breath again, you felt his cum dripping down on your skin. If it means to put my cum on you and letting you go like this to public, I will do it. I won't disobey you again, Monsieur. Good. - as he exhaled, he took you by your wrists and let you stand up.
You've learnt your lesson cherie. - he kissed the inside of your wrists, he let the belt loose. Grabbing you under your knees and the backside of your shoulder blades. Taking you to the bedroom. Laying you down on your stomach. Put your hips a little bit higher for me mon amour. - and you did. Loving your old Charles is back again. He sneaked his right hand to your clit, rubbing it softly and his dick once again entered your hot pussy. Making you moan immediately. Be a good girl and come for me. As he was moving in and out of you, rubbing your clit, focusing on your pleasure, you didn't last long. Moaning so hard and calling his name, he groaned to himself and supported you to come for him. He knew your body so well, putting light kisses on your neck since he knew you love it. You had the most intense orgasm so far being with him, moaning and saying his name on repeat. Breathing loudly and coming from your high, he slowly and gently started massaging your back. Making you hum a little at his soft touch. You like this cherie? - you just hummed and smiled to yourself. Good. He continued for a little bit, starting at your back, going down your legs and up once again. And then turned you around, so you were on your back. Facing him. Seeing his beautiful face telling you, he adores completely what he sees beneath him. He used his knee to spread your legs, and you let him. Smiling at him you didn't know. You're so good for me right now ma cherie. - as he shoved himself inside of you. Making you arch your back. Y-yes. He moved slowly and lovingly. Putting his hands over your face, so you were forced to look into his eyes. His eyes were no longer dark, but soft. His green eyes were speaking to you, safety and intimacy. You were lost in his eyes as he were lost in yours. Te amo Charles. J'taime YN. He kissed you on the forehead and went a little faster with his thrusts. I want you to come once again, when I have my tongue down your throat. You started kissing each other, him invading your space inside your mouth. As you started to shiver, he hold your hips steadily and went faster. You were a moaning mess, losing your breath as he was stealing it from you. You came again, seeing stars, feeling his touch and his warm embrace. He groaned loudly to your ear as he came again, right after you…
As you both found your breath again, he looked at you, his eyes lazy. I'm gonna prepare a bath for you. I'd like that - you smiled at him. He kissed you on the cheek, stood up and went to the bathroom. You wanted to go after him but your legs were weak, so you just sat down on the bed again waiting for him. What is wrong mon amour? - he looked concerned. I cannot walk. - looking at him under your lashes. Smiling a little. He took you in his arms and took you to the bathroom. Putting you inside the warm water with bubbles and candles around. I will make dinner meanwhile you rest, it will be ready once you're finished. - he kissed you on the forehead, ready to leave. Charles? Yes? I am so sorry. I will never behave that way again. - you looking down into the water. I know - he rested his hand on your right cheek and kissed you on the forehead again, before disappearing to the kitchen.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Just thinking about ASL living together (modern AU) and Ace always trying to sneak Yamato inside their house without Sabo's knowledge because he doesn't want him to go all 'responsible older brother' on him. But the reason why he's always letting Yamato stay over is because his life at home is obviously... Not so good and he hates being there so he tries to spend most of his time outside. And Ace's heart aches every time he has to let him go, so he often lets him stay over. It becomes more constant and less of a 'sneaking in for a while' thing. And Sabo knows. Because of course, Sabo knows. Sabo always knows what's going on. One day he wakes up to see Yamato having breakfast and Yamato gets all anxious and not knowing what to say and trying to make an excuse (because that's what Ace told him to do if this ever happened) and Sabo is just like "Do you want anything else?" / "Huh? What?" / "I mean. You're eating cereal but we have more stuff in here, you know? At least one of us can cook. What do you want? I can make you pancakes." / "YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE PANCAKES???????" / "Oh my god, what has my brother been feeding you in here???" / "Mostly leftovers." / "Dude, why are you still with him?" / "Because I love him!" / "Yeah, no, me too. I guess love makes you do stupid things like dealing with a fucking moron like him. Anyway- Pancakes?"
And then Ace wakes up to find his brother and his boyfriend actually getting along and laughing and having breakfast together, and he needs a second to process everything because he's tired as fuck and maybe he's hallucinating. But that doesn't matter because the point is that he's fucked.
Ace: ..... Hi? Sabo: Hey :) Ace: What are you two doing? Yamato: WE'RE HAVING BREAKFAST :D Ace: Yes, babe, I can see that. Why are you here, Sabo? I thought you were- Sabo: I got home last night from college. We have some days off. Now, care to explain why you've been treating your cool boyfriend like a dog instead of giving him actual meals? Ace: I- You're not angry? Sabo: Oh, no. I am angry. Can't you see I'm angry? Ace: Sometimes you give me mixed signals and I'm never sure...? Sabo: I'm angry. That clear enough? Ace: Yes. Yamato: Okay, so Sabo is the only person that scares you. That's good to know. Ace: OH SHUT UP HE DOESN'T SCARE ME I AM NOT AFRAID OF MY BROTHER Sabo: Ace. Ace: ... I'm sorry.
Then, Sabo takes Ace to a more private place in the house and expects an explanation from him and Ace can't keep the secret anymore. So he tells him about Yamato's dad and how he is not a good person and he's always keeping him locked and making his life a living hell. And Ace is literally begging Sabo to let him stay for a while and Sabo is just staring at him like "Why would I not let him? How could I not? Do you see me as some kind of controlling demon around this house or what?" / "I mean, you're kind of scary sometimes-" / "Because you don't do shit around here and when I left for college I expected you to take care of Luffy. But I'm not making Yamato leave! What the fuck, Ace? You should've told me." / "I just- I just don't want him to go back there. He's, like, the nicest guy I've ever known. He's just so good, Sabo. I don't want him to-" / "Yeah. Yeah. He's the love of your life and you're gonna get married and have a fairytale ending or some bullshit like that." / "I did NOT say that." / "But you love him. I'm not letting him stay over if you're not serious about this. We barely have money for us three and we're lucky I can go to college." / "... I know. I know. I do. I do, you know. Like. The L word. You know I can't say it." / "Idiot." / "You're so mean to me. You don't do this shit to Luffy." / "Because at least Luffy has the decency of telling me when his friends are coming over." / "That's what you think." / "What? / "Nothing."
So, long story short, Yamato has the chance to actually live with them for a while if he wants to. Of course, he can't do it permanently. But he knows he has a home there if he ever feels like leaving his own house.
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lokisprettygirl · 3 months
Utopia (Modern! Daemon Targaryen x female reader) (Non Canon AU) (18+)
Read chapter 6 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 7
Summary: Daemon eases your fears and worries.
Warning: 18+ sex ,period sex (if it bothers you skip the scene) death and destruction that comes from a ship wreckage, smut, sex, menstrual sex, unprotected sex. Some inconsistency with ship sinking, i researched as much as I could
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“Are you alright?” Emma's voice was filled with concern as she asked you if you were okay, noticing the distress that was evident on your face. The two of you had just left Lily's house, and Emma could sense the negative effect it had on you.
“I'm fine..just want to go home” Emma sighed as you said that. She could tell that you were not alright, but she didn't know how to help without you opening up to her.
“Y/n I know you have always liked him but him and Lily have always been this way..they fight, fuck other people and then get back to each other.. don't you remember how he treated you on the ship after he slept with you?” you turned your head to look at her as she said that. Emma's words had struck a chord in your heart, reminding you of the awful morning when Daemon had completely dismissed you post the one night stand .
“Yeah? Always huh? How many times have they survived a ship sinking incident before? How many times before Daemon was left stranded on an island with someone else? This is not the same thing..why it's so hard for you guys to understand” you got visibly agitated as you finished your sentence, your voice raised as you tried to express that you and Daemon weren't just a fling.
“I'm just trying to protect you..” she mumbled softly so you sighed.
“I know but I also know what I'm doing..do you have any idea what I have been through with Daemon on that Island? You can't just get over that stuff and move on with your life as if nothing happened. He …he knows me..I know him..six months ..we were .. everything to each other” your eyes teared up and you hated how weak you felt in the moment. You always felt this way whenever Daemon was in the picture.
“But he's not on that Island anymore and neither are you..he's back here in the actual world where Lily is”
You didn't say anything as she said that. After what Lily had said about him fucking her last night and seeing things from Emma's perspective you felt hurt and worried. You asked him clearly if he had fucked her and he said no, did he lie to you? Why would he lie to you and hurt you like that?
“Do you want me to find a job for you? Dalton was asking about you” she said as she pulled the car in your driveway so you took your seat belt off, you just wanted to go home and cry.
“Not right now, last time you hooked me up with a job ..things didn't work out so well”
You heard the literal gasp she let out as you jabbed at her. That was mean and uncalled for but anger was bubbling inside you at the moment and Daemon wasn't there to take it.
You entered your bedroom, exhausted from the emotional upheaval. As you collapsed onto your bed, you noticed a missed call and a few text messages from Daemon on your phone. Taking a deep breath, you picked up your phone and opened the message.
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You didn't want to ignore him and you certainly didn't want to hurt him by making assumptions about him, he told you something and you wanted to believe him but insecurities from the past ran deep and this wouldn't be the first time a man would cheat your trust like this. Instead of wrestling with your thoughts you dialed his number instead,
“Am I being ignored?” He asked as soon as he picked up so you sighed.
“Why would you say that?”
“What did she say to you..love?” his tone of voice made it clear that he was genuinely concerned.
“Where are you?” you asked him nonchalantly, your voice didn't really hold any emotion at the moment.
“I'm with my lawyer, had to discuss uhhh.. some fortune related complexities..are you back at your place?” He enquired so you barely hummed in response “Can I come see you?”
“You don't have to ask me” he chuckled as you said that,
“I'm trying to be more civilized and less of a caveman”
“Don't you want to go see Lily?” you asked him with sarcasm and envy dripping from your tone.
“Not right now, I want her to move on.. darling.. whatever she said to you that's making you all squeaky and snappy at me .. I will fix it yeah? And then you're going to fix me” you couldn't help but bite on your lip as his words made you feel slightly bashful.
“Okay” you could hear him smiling on the other end of the line as you mumbled a short response again.
Half an hour later as you opened the door and saw Daemon standing there, with his arms behind his back and a mischievous smirk on his face, you felt your heart skip a beat. The peach ribbed shirt he was wearing just added to his charm, it made you want to snuggle against him. Despite your feelings for him, the idea of him breaking your trust and lying to you was breaking your heart in ways you couldn't even begin to imagine.
The only reason why you weren't crying yourself to sleep for the past two days was because of him, the past month when you both were avoiding each other was difficult to say the least. The nightmares about drowning in the ocean had become a frequent occurrence, leaving you feeling frightened and restless. The fact that he was the only thing preventing you from giving in to the emotional distress that had been haunting you was both a comfort and a burden. But he was the only one who truly understood you because he was there suffering with you.
“Flowers for the beautiful lady” he held one of his hands forward to present you with a bouquet of beautiful flowers so you grabbed it and took in their scent “Chocolates” he then brought his other hand forward so you grabbed the box and went into your room, acting like a petulant child, it didn't do anything to deter him, he actually found you adorable like this.
He was expecting a kiss and a hug but this morning when you had told him that you were tagging along with Emma to visit Lily, he was terrified, not because he had anything to hide from you but because he knew as a matter of fact that she'd try to fill your head against him to drive wedge between you both. He was well aware of her vindictive ways when she was scorned like this.
“We need to stop meeting like that at your door” he mumbled as he entered the bedroom door and you were already on the bed with your face down into the pillow.
You felt his lips trail up from your calves to your hamstrings and he spent a good minute on your ass cheeks before he kissed up from the small of your back very slowly. Shivers ran down your spine as he moved up and pulled your hair aside to kiss your nape. You turned around to look at him and your teary eyes rendered his heart, your delicate features always softened him.
“If it wasn't for us being stranded on that Island you'd never date me would you?” You asked him as you caressed his cheeks with your fingers, you always feared that your connection with him was rooted in the shared trauma of the island and would fizzle soon.
“Yeah that might be true but not because there's something wrong with you or that you're not insanely attractive but because I wouldn't really get to know you like this..so intimately in every possible way”
You felt his fingers brush lightly against your chest, resting right above your heart, and you couldn't help but feel the burst of emotions.
His hand then drifted under your skirt as he leaned down to kiss you lovingly, palms wrapped around your hips as he pulled you into him so you sighed and closed your eyes to feel him close.
“You used to visit Paradise with Emma ” your eyes snapped open as he mentioned that.
Paradise was the name of the club The Dragonriders played at frequently and you used to go there on weekends before you even took the job on Utopia. “I'd often watch you dance from afar..you never even looked at me back then you know.. didn't even notice me” he mumbled softly in your ears so you cupped his cheeks again.
“I didn't know you..you were just a stranger”
“Exactly darling.. sometimes you have to learn the person inside out to truly appreciate them. I know i was unfair and cruel to you after that night we had spent together but it was my immaturity speaking..now i know better” you sighed as he said that, your hands sneaked inside his shirt as he leaned into you for a kiss again. He was irresistible at all times but especially when he was on top of you like this.
“You look cute in your pretty little skirt baby, my brave girl ..now are you going to sulk some more or you'd tell me what it is she said to you that is messing with your head?” he asked you, his voice was still gentle but firmer this time. You didn't want to beat around the bush either.
“She told me that you made love to her last night after you dropped her off and then later on she went into detail about how magical it was for both of you”
He looked at you intensely for a moment before he chuckled slightly as if he had it coming..
Somehow that reaction eased your fear, it was Lily's words against the man you had faced the worst of life with. If he was going to tell you that he hadn't fucked her then you'd have to believe him.
You'd have to put your faith in him because he deserved that much from you..
“Do you know why I came so hard inside you last night?” he asked you softly as his thumb brushed over your lips before he kissed you again.
“Because it has been a full day since I had done that.. since I had felt you around me so intimately. I might be an uncivilized animal at times but I'd never hurt you like that. Especially not you ..not after everything we have been through together”
You cupped his cheeks and your fingers ran through his scalp as he said that, his words felt sincere and a part of you believed him wholly, something made you believe that Daemon would never hurt you like that no matter what.
“You're not an uncivilized animal…just my big burly Cavemon” a smile graced his features as you cooed at him.
“Believe me yeah?”
“Okay.. sorry”
“Shhh it's not your fault..”
“No I'm sorry she said that about you and i believed her because I'm afraid and insecure”
“We all are at times..i fixed the problem..now you fix me” you giggled as he tickled your stomach with his fingers.
“Stahp ..it's almost my second day now..there will be clumps and stuff coming out of my goodies” he looked at you intently as you said that, his eyes darkened with consumable lust.
“If you intended for that to disgust me..it's not working”
“Your kinks are kinky..have you always had this one?” you questioned as you lifted your head up to kiss his neck.
“Not until you..”
“But you fucked your ex on her cycle”
“Not for the kink”
“It's just strange for me…my ex was disgusted just by me mentioning my period clumps”
“What an imbecile huh?
You giggled as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he made you sit up along with him.
“We are doing this my way today” you mumbled as you took your crop top and skirt off, Daemon got off the bed and he quickly undressed himself with the speed of lighting, when he climbed back on the bed you removed your underwear and threw it on the floor,
“You won't mind if I bleed on you right?”
“Fuck darling …noo” he almost moaned at the picture you had painted for him, you climbed on his lap and sat yourself down on his cock slowly, inch by inch, he wasn't really an average man in length or girth so you needed to go slow for your own sake, his legs splayed out on the bed as you submerged him completely and he placed his hands around your hips as you moved in circles slowly. His head swayed backwards and moans spilled from his throat as you worked your hips back and forth.
“I noticed you..” you mumbled against his mouth as you kissed him so he opened his eyes and looked at you all perplexed. He looked cute like this, all fucked out and pleasured the way he deserved to be pleasured.
“In the club..i noticed you..but you always had your eyes on her”
“Darling, do you believe in fate?” his voice came out in whispers as the sensation grew in the pit of his stomach,
“Not really”
“I do”
“I just do..I think it was fate that brought us together. Why do you think we were accommodated right next to each other when all the people we knew were a deck below from us?”
“Duuh management”
“Was it management that left us stranded together on that Island?” his fingers dug into your hips as he helped you hop on top of him.
“No it was my stupidity”
“Mmm really? You want to tell me that those strong waves somehow managed to bring us together on that very same island where we collapsed not even six feet apart from each other because of you? And both of us miraculously lived through it while none of those other people survived?”
“I don't know what to say..you're romanticizing the tragedy” his fingers curled into your hair and he pulled you closer to kiss you before he spoke,
“I have earned the right to do so ..now be a good girl and fucking cum with me”
You kissed him hungrily and the rest of the rebuttals you had didn't really come out as you fell apart in his arms as soon as you felt his warm cum filling you up to the brim. He placed his head on your chest as you both recovered from the euphoria but it lasted a good while.
Your head felt fuzzy as you had never been fucked this good, sex had never been so satisfying before. It was as if your body connected to him on a much deeper level than just physical, sex with him transcended you and filled you with intense emotional and mental release.
“If you pull out right now I'd ruin my bed so take me to the shower alright?” He chuckled briefly before he dragged his shapely arse off the bed and took you to the bathroom. He turned the shower on and as soon as he pulled out, his cum mixed with your blood spilled out of your freshly fucked cunt. His cock was absolutely bloody as well and you heard him gasp as he glanced at it. His fingers immediately caressed your lips as he cleaned the mess between your legs so you fisted his cock and returned the favor.
“I missed one therapy session and I was a major bitch to Emma this morning” you mumbled as you came back to reality from the mind numbing orgasm you had experienced just now..
“What did you do?”
“You know how they keep telling us in therapy to not blame other people for what happened as it was nobody's fault?” He nodded as you said that while he rubbed the body wash between his palm and turned you around to scrub your back.
“I think I did just that and I feel awful”
“Mmmm then apologize sweetheart and talk it out…these things happen amongst friends. I called Cole this morning to wish him for the birthday and we had a chat, he understands me better now”
“It's his birthday today?”
“Yup and we are invited, I'm sure he'd text you about it”
You hummed as he said that, as you placed your head down on his chest he wrapped his arms around you while you two enjoyed the hot shower in the comfort of your bathroom. Sometimes when you closed your eyes you imagined yourself being back at the island with him but you were only thinking about the times that weren't so awful, like bathing with him in the sea and walking around the woods in search for fruits, and most of all sleeping all huddled together on the bed of leaves every night.
You missed that, you really did miss it at times.
“What would you like for your birthday?” you asked him as you realized it would come soon as well, you were on the island when you turned 27, he had gone out of his way to collect fresh coconut water and had made a fruit platter for you which was more than enough on that forsaken place.
“I want your trust and faith in me” you turned around as he said that and kissed him softly.
Besides he was planning something to surprise you with instead, he had a meeting with his lawyer for the same reason and his lawyer certainly didn't think it was a great idea to go forward with this but he knew he wanted to do this, for both of you.
“And i want to take you somewhere with me” he said to you
“Mmmm where?” You giggled as your heart skipped a beat. You just hoped he wasn't going to take you to meet his family just yet. It felt too soon for that.
“It's going to be a surprise, hence the trust and faith demand“
“I trust you baby” his lips curved into a sweet smile as you said that.
The plan moving forward was to take a nap with him and it was very cozy until he began shivering in his sleep, telltale sign of a nightmare and you knew what it was about, it was about that night in the woods that he had spent all alone without you, he deeply struggled with the memory of the night and it was very hard on him so you know he was reliving the same trauma in his sleep. Or that's what you thought.
You didn't know that he was having a nightmare but not about being stranded in the woods but about you being bitten by that spider, he always had a nightmare about that night where instead of you being alright the next morning he saw your dead lifeless body and he was left all alone without his brave girl by his side.
When he woke up he pretended as if he wasn't affected by the nightmare in the slightest and asked you to get ready as you were both invited to the Paradise for Cole's birthday. Luckily Lily wasn't there because of her injury but the group had decided to visit her post drinking.
When you reached hand in hand with him, it felt a little awkward, people who recognised you kept staring and you felt like an animal in the zoo. The attention was uncomfortable, as you just wanted to blend in with the other people and enjoy the evening without the scrutiny.
Life had changed in more ways than one, at times you were not even Daemon or y/n, you were just that couple that was stranded on an island for six months. Whenever you were out in public, people would inevitably make reference to your story, and you found yourself being treated like a celebrity. You felt objectified though as if there was nothing more to you anymore than what you had suffered.
After greeting Cole as you spotted Emma you walked towards her.
“How's D?” She asked you so you looked at her confused for a moment.
“Daemon? He's doing okay umm-”
“No the Dick..how's his dick..is it as good as rumored?” she asked you as she crossed her arms so you pulled her into a hug.
“I'm sorry em.. I'm so sorry for being such a bitch when you were just looking out for me”
Your eyes teared up as you spoke to her so she hugged you as tightly as you were hugging her.
“It's okay..I get that..they tell me not to take it personally..you both have been through something none of us can imagine living through” you looked down as she said that.
“That's not an excuse to lash out but I'll be careful i promise..now let's get drunk..it's been a while and you're going to reveal every tea about Aemond” she blushed bright red as you whispered the last part in her ear. You were happy for her, she deserved someone making her happy and gleeful like this.
A band was performing in the club and you noticed how Daemon kept looking at them while they played as if wondering about his own time on the stage, you knew he missed singing and being up there.
Afterwards when the group decided to go see Lily you chose to opt out but Daemon insisted and pleaded until you gave in, perhaps seeing him with you would finally make her back off a little bit and she'd realize that Daemon has moved on from their toxic relationship.
However as you all turned up at her place you saw a man leaving her house, you recognised him even though nobody else did, it was one of the major crew members at Queen Utopia, Danny something, you didn't remember his full name but he was the man Lily was with that night. He handled the maintenance of the cargo area.
As he walked past you he looked you right in the eye, you saw something in those eyes but you couldn't put your finger on it.
They always told you to not put blame on anyone as the tragedy was nobody's fault but what if it was somebody's fault? And what if it was Danny who had something to do with it?
@mcufan72 @123forgottherest @shuichiakainx @stupidthoughtsinwriting @tmlbdv
@ammo23 @anukulee
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heavyhitterheaux · 8 months
maybe “i gave up everything for you!” Sentence with Jack? I’m a sucker for anything arguing or angst. Love your writing!!!
First off, thank you my love. I appreciate you so much for that. 🥹💕
This was when they were at odds after the whole Anitta thing and Jack was basically being an asshole towards her and this takes place after She Gets the Last Word Part 3.
"So, how long are you going to ignore me, Jackman?" You asked as he was scrolling through his phone. He didn't even send you as much as a glance before he responded.
"No one is ignoring you."
"But you aren't talking to me either. I already apologized for breaking my promise towards you so what is the problem?"
"I just don't have anything to say to you right now."
"And why is that? Inquiring minds would like to know."
"This is about to turn into a damn argument and I can see it from a mile away. I am not feeding into it either."
"Literally no one is arguing. All I did was ask you a question."
Jack threw his phone to the side to finally look up at you.
"And I gave you an answer. Problem is it's not the answer you want, but that's not my fucking problem."
"You don't have to be an asshole towards me because I didn't do anything to you." You muttered while crossing your arms and all Jack did was scoff.
"You sure about that?"
"What the fuck are you on? It's almost as if you like her disrespecting me and our marriage since you have not one time told her off and put her in her place. And you want to get mad when I actually do whoop her ass? Make it make sense. We are supposed to protect each other and all you've been doing is leaving me out to dry."
"A bit fucking dramatic don't you think?"
"How am I being dramatic when I'm speaking facts? I'm convinced you don't love me anymore."
"You cannot be serious. So now you don't think I love you?"
"That's what I said isn't it?" You could feel your eyes watering but were determined not to let them fall.
"Y/N, cut the bullshit and I mean seriously. We're married. I take care of you and get you anything you want. Let's be serious, if I didn't want you, I would have dropped you a long time ago."
"Who are you and what have you done to my husband who actually gave a fuck about me and about my feelings? I don't know what happened, but ever since earlier this year we have not been on the same page. I gave up everything for you! Anything that you need or want, I would do it for you. Even me trying to further my own career and I still put your ass first!"
"And who the fuck told you to do that, huh? Because I sure didn't."
"Because we're MARRIED the last time I checked! What do you even mean!? Didn't we exchange vows? Or were you not paying attention during that part? All I want for you is to see you succeed but I can tell it's not reciprocated."
"You are literally being dramatic for no reason. I love you and want to see you succeed. Now is that all?"
"You…." You stopped yourself and simply shook your head before continuing.
"You are so fucking ungrateful that it's ridiculous and this is EXACTLY what I didn't want to happen. You got a little bit of success and it's gone to your big ass head. You might be 6'3 but baby I swear I will bring you down to my height if you don't stop disrespecting me and this marriage."
"As always, resorting to violence because that's all you know how to do. You're a fucking adult so act like it."
"And when I do, my husband ignores me. Do me a favor and do not sleep in the same bed as me."
"I'll do you one better because I have a flight to catch later tonight so you don't have to worry about that. Maybe that will give you some time while I'm gone to grow the fuck up."
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underground-secret · 4 months
The Hunter and The Witch~ Dean Winchester x f!reader
Description: Sam, Dean, and Y/N investigate a haunting in an abandoned asylum rescuing two teenagers who ventured in, they become trapped with the spirits of those who had died in a riot decades ago, one of which was a doctor who causes extreme rage in his victims.
Warnings: Cannon violence, murder and mentions of suicide, arguing, banter, usage and mention of guns, ghosts, panicking/ anxiety, a little bit of angst
A/N: There will be a confusing part where your like who is she talking about and to that I say all in due time. Also i’m sorry it seems like i’m giving up on this (I didn’t realize I posted the last part a month ago) IM NOT i’m just super busy with school, if you’ve taken APUSH you get it—i’m fighting for my life.
Tag list: @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld , @okayiamkassandra , @fablesrose , @ada--44, @bonkydarnes, @star-yawnznn
Word Count: 11,033
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(Master list, Previous Ch., Next Ch)
I let out a big sigh, slumping in my chair as I do so, my head falling onto my laptop's keyboard, “How is your dad moving from place to place so fast”, I grumble into the keys. “Literally how!” My head shoots up as I complain, looking at Dean who sat across from me with his head propped up on one hand as he stared down at his fathers journal.
His eyes meet mine even as his head faces the book, his stare tells me everything I need to know. He’s also very frustrated, certainly more than me and he too has no answers.
I contemplate slamming my head against my keyboard when Sam walks back into their hotel room. His phone clasped tightly in his hand after he just went outside to call several people. “Caleb hasn't heard from him?” Dean asks his approaching brother even though the answer is written on his disappointed face.
“Nope. And neither has Jefferson or Paster Jim. What about the journal? Any leads in there?” Sam shoots back, referencing people the Winchesters knew. I had heard of them too, most of them really good friends of the boys but I never actually met them.
Now it’s Dean's turn to answer and complain, “No, same as last time I looked. Nothing I can make out.... I love the guy, but I swear, he writes like frickin’ Yoda.”
“You know, maybe we should call the Feds. File a missing person’s.” Sam sighs, sitting on the edge of his bed.
“But isn’t he like, you know…wanted?” I ask, considering being a Hunter comes with breaking a lot of laws, like a lot. “That and Dad'd be pissed if we put the Feds on his tail” Dean adds.
Sam’s face contorts into anger, “I don't care anymore.” Suddenly a cell phone rings from across the room, Dean's phone to be exact who immediately goes over to his bag. Sam huffs something between a sigh and a frustrated grunt, “After all that happened back in Kansas, I mean...he should've been there, Dean. You said so yourself. You tried to call him and...nothing.”
“I know!” Dean yells loudly, snapping, the sound echoing off the ill painted walls. He rummages through his duffel rougher, “Where the hell is my cellphone?”
“You know, he could be dead for all we know.”
“Don't say that!” He snaps again, “He's not dead! He's – he's…”
“He’s not dead, your father is good at what he does. I'm sure he’s just caught up in something.” I tried to reason, turning in my chair so I could face both boys.
“Like that’s a good excuse” Sam spits back.
“Hey, I never said it was! But it certainly is a better and more optimistic view than death!” I lecture, my face scrunching up in offense.
“Huh.” Dean mumbles quietly getting our attention, “I don't believe it.” His words stopped Sam from saying anything further to me. His focus turned back on his brother, “What?” He asks.
“It's, uh....It's a text message. It's coordinates.” Dean answers and it’s clear who the message is from. I want to turn to Sam and say ‘Ha! told you so!’ but I hold back on the childish, but totally correct, notion. Before Sam can say anything snarky about the message Dean cuts him off, “Can I steal that?” He asks me to point to my open laptop. I nod my head quickly, “Go ahead.”
He walks back over to the table turning my laptop until it’s facing him and where he sat. “You think Dad was texting us?” Sam asks as his brother types away.
“He's given us coordinates before.” Dean answers.
“The man can barely work a toaster, Dean.”
“To be fair, a toaster and coordinates are pretty different. All you need is a paper map” I cut in, earning a hard glance from Sam. I could not explain why he suddenly had a problem with me other than the fact I disagreed with him, which in that case makes him just as childish as I wanted to be.
“Sam, it's good news! It means he's okay, or alive at least.” Dean adds, arguing.
“Well, was there a number on the caller ID?” Sam pushes, still somehow convinced it isn’t his Dad which when I think about it is pretty harsh. Would he rather his dad was dead? Probably not.
Dean answers, “Nah, it said 'unknown'.”
“Well, where do the coordinates point?” Sam follows up.
“That's the interesting part. Rockford, Illinois.”
“Ok, a little random, but what’s specifically so interesting about Illinois?” I ask this time.
“I checked the local Rockford paper. Take a look at this.” He turns my laptop around with a news article zoomed in on a black and white photo of a cop, “This cop, Walter Kelly, comes home from his shift, shoots his wife, then puts the gun in his mouth, blows his brains out. And earlier that night, Kelly and his partner responded to a call at the Roosevelt Asylum.”
“Okay, I'm not following. What has this have to do with us?” Sam asks, again I want to say something about him asking a dumb question but I hold back not wanting any more sass from him or anyone.
“Dad earmarked the same asylum in the journal. Let’s see…” He scoots my laptop back, pulling open his Dads stuffed journal that sat on the table. “Here. Seven unconfirmed sightings, two deaths – till last week at least. I think this is where he wants us to go.”
Sam snorts, “This is a job... Dad wants us to work a job.”
Dean shrugs, “Well, maybe we'll meet up with him? Maybe he's there?”
“Maybe he's not? I mean, he could be sending us there, by ourselves, to hunt this thing.” Sam snaps back.
“Does it matter? I mean we know it’s a hunt and we get to help people. I don’t see a loss in going.” I say, half shrugging.
“This doesn't strike either of you as weird? The texting? The coordinates?” Sam argues, his head snapping from his brother to me. It’s a good point to be honest but what else is there to do? Though I do not make that question vocal.
“Sam! Dad's tellin' us to go somewhere, we're goin'.” Dean yells, final word. Sam makes a nasty bitchface and sighs, saying nothing more.
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I lean against the cold exterior of the Impala, my arms crossed against my chest to fend off any bit of the cold night even with my layers on. I could go inside the car but standing outside, right at the front of the car, felt more productive while waiting for the boys to finish their whole “skit” for information.
Dean would go in and antagonize the partner of the cop from the article which would inevitably fail. So Sam would be waiting there telling Dean, who he pretends to not know, to (in a lack of a better word) f- off so that Sam could weasel his way into questioning.
A very complicated plan for a bunch of dummies. I sigh again, my eyes closing in the progress, I try to force the tension out of my body, all the arguing infecting my usual good mood.
I open my eyes back up only to round the car and find it locked. My head falls forward, my chin touching my chest, of course Dean would lock his precious car. I glanced around me, barely anyone lingering outside except some people up against the bar smoking or leaving to go elsewhere, no one was looking so I gingerly tapped the handle, a swirl of purple mist leaving my fingertip until it slithered its way into the car and its mechanics. With a satisfying click the little lock pokes up, I grin as I pull open the door leaning in only to rustle through my bag and pull out my book.
Dean would have to forgive me, though my little trick did nothing to harm the car to begin with. I push down the lock, jabbing into my palm as I do so, closing the door behind me I make my way to the front of the car once more leaning against it as I open up my worn book of Little Women for the hundredth time. The pages had long begun to yellow though it only went as far as a light yellow, still the crisp smell of an old book wafted into my nose, serenity finding me.
Suddenly the bar door slams open, startling me for a moment after getting lost in the prospect of an escape. Dean quickly walks over to where I was waiting looking extra grumpy, his eyebrows scrunched together with his arms thrown out, “He pushed me so hard!” He nearly yells, his choice of words were childish at worst and yet it was very amusing. “Why are you reading that again?” He asks, suddenly pointing at my book.
“‘Cause I love it” I smile simply.
“Haven’t you read that a hundred times?” he asks, moving next to me, leaning against the car too.
“Give or take” I laugh lightly, “It’s one of my many comfort books.” I mark my spot before shutting the book. “I’m guessing your silly plan worked?” I ask him as he leans closer to me. He gives me that devilish smirk, “Not silly if it worked, sweetheart.”
Some time later Sam exits the bar, “Shoved me kinda hard in there, buddy boy” Dean spits.
“I had to sell it, didn't I? It's method acting.” Sam bites back, just tension building on more tension. But there’s only so much the atmosphere or people can take before it blows up.
“It’s like immersing yourself emotionally and psychologically with your character” I whisper before closing my book shut. But instead of clarity crossing over Dean's face he looks just as confused if not a little more. Sam sighs, “Never mind.”
“Okay so what’d he tell you?” I ask.
“So, Walter Kelly was a good cop. Head of his class, even-keeled, he had a bright future ahead of him.” Sam explains. Basically nothing to suggest him suddenly committing a murder suicide.
“What about at home?” Dean shoots back.
“He and his wife had a few fights, like everybody, but he was mostly smooth sailing. They were even talking about having kids.” Sam answers, I frown at the last part there was a whole life they could have lived.
“Alright, so either Kelly had some deep-seated crazy waiting to bust out, or something else did it to him.” Dean acknowledges.
“Well did anything happen as of supper recently that would even hint to a psychotic break?” I ask even though based on what we have it didn’t seem likely.
“No” Sam shakes his head, “Not that he mentioned at least.” I nod my head making a small mental note of that possibility, although unlikely, just in case.
“What'd Gunderson tell you about the asylum?” Dean questions.
“A lot.”
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A loud horn blares from a nearby truck as Sam makes his way over the tall fence. With Dean slightly ahead of me I begin to climb the chain linked fence, I get a small jumping start clutching on to the cold fence. I shove my shoes into the little groves as I make my way up swiftly, being able to lift my legs high enough that I could make it to the top in about four moves. I balance myself on top of it before swinging my leg over it, I reposition myself to dangle slightly as my feet find purchase in the fence when about half way down I just decide to jump the rest of the way, landing on my feet in an almost crouched position.
The asylum itself didn’t look like it was falling apart but the overgrown bushes on the plot, the moss covering the building and the boarded up windows were a tell-tale tell sign enough that it was abandoned. The only thing keeping it from being entirely creepy was the early morning sun.
The door had no lock on it most likely from all the trespassing. But just as the door fell open an immediate musty smell hit my nose from all the trash covering the floor from beer bottles and cans to random bits of paper. Every surface of the walls was covered by either graffiti or mold, only small hints of the old green wallpaper left behind. “So apparently the cops chased the kids here....into the south wing.” Sam points to the sign hung over the door. The letters were mostly peeling, just another sign of the aging building.
“South wing, huh?” Dean breathes out, “Wait a second.” He pulls out his Dada journal from the inside pocket of his coat, flipping the pages until he found whatever he was looking for, “1972. Three kids broke into the south wing, only one survived. Way he tells it, one of his friends went nuts and started lighting up the place.”
“So the South Wing seems to be the route of this all” I remark.
“But if the kids are spelunking the asylum, why aren't there a ton more deaths?” Dean points out, looking up from the journal. Sam notes the rusted, broken chains hanging from the handle of the door, “Looks like the doors are usually chained. Could've been chained up for years.”
“Yeah, to keep people out. Or to keep something in.” Dean comments.
I cringe, “Is it really necessary to say such ominous things?”
“What? It’s the truth” Dean shrugs and I roll my eyes.
“Are you guys done?” Sam asks looking at us impatiently
“Yeah yeah open the door” I say before quickly adding a mumble of, “I hope a rat jumps out at you”
Sam looks at me with a mix of being offended and being annoyed, “Why would you say that?”
“Sorry!” I say half meaning it, “It’s an abandoned building and all so you know…rats”
“Just” Dean starts, him being the annoyed one now, “Open the door.” Sam nods, carefully opening the rusted door with a creek revealing a long creepy hallway, but at last no rats scurry out. The long hall was somehow only slightly better than the entrance with the walls peeling of its paint, most of it replaced by mold which only increases as the hallway extends, if we get sick we’ll know why that’s for sure.
“Let me know if you see any dead people, Haley Joel.” Dean jokes, lighting the mood as he pulls out his EMF reader, referencing the movie Six Sense. “Dude, enough.” Sam groans.
“I'm serious. You gotta be careful, all right? Ghosts are attracted to that whole ESP thing you got going on.” Dean says. Without missing a beat, Sam bites back, “I told you, it's not ESP! I just have strange vibes sometimes. Weird dreams.”
“Yeah, whatever. Don't ask, don't tell.”
“Anything going on with your EMF?” I ask, hoping to change the subject. “Nope. Of course, it doesn't mean no one's home.” Dean answers.
“Well, spirits can't appear during certain hours of the day.” Sam adds.
“Yeah, the freaks come out at night.” Dean comments.
The room falls quiet for a moment before Dean speaks up again, “Hey Sam, who do you think is the hotter psychic: Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt, or you?” Sam pushes his brother in response. “Oh definitely Jennifer Love Hewitt, I mean did you see her in Shortcut to Happiness ‘cause…wow” I answer before quickly adding, “No offense Sammy.” But Sam pushes me lightly too, a laugh bubbling up from my chest as I nearly knock into the moldy wall.
We enter a room that smells worse than the main entrance area, the culprit of the rotting flesh smell most likely being whatever pink goop is spilling out of a glass jar with liquid on a table in the far corner. This asylum was truly amazing at one-upping itself in terms of being horrible. The entire room is bad itself, all sorts of equipment they used on patients long ago when they had no clue what a mental illness really was or how to help people who struggled with it.
“God, they did such horrible things to these poor people” I remarked, stepping deeper into the room. The sight of a clearly used surgery table sending a shiver down my spine. Dean lets out a low whistle, “Electro-shock. Lobotomies…”
“Did you know JFK’s sister got a lobotomy done because she suffered from seizures and mood swings. But it only wound up leaving her permanently incapacitated and unable to properly speak, only goes to show how little they knew about all that stuff” I say, recalling a fact I remember reading about somewhere in an article.
“‘That one of your fun facts?” Dean inquires, clearly humoring me. I hum a “mhm” as I bend down slightly to look at a glass container filled with some sort of yellow liquid. I almost expect something equally as gross to be inside but there isn’t.
“So. Whaddaya think? Ghosts possessing people?” Dean asks out loud to no one in particular.
“Maybe. Or maybe it's more like Amityville, or the Smurl hunting.” Sam answers, listing out examples of cases in which people claimed the devil had told them to do something bad and or possessed them. “Or Son of Sam, though that guy was just a basket case who admitted to lying about that demon bit” I add.
“Spirits driving them insane. Kinda like my man Jack in The Shining.” Dean quips in, always with his references. I look up from the vials of I don’t know what to see him grinning, a smile forming on my own face at his charming expression.
“Dean.” Sam calls out, gaining his brother's attention, “When are we going to talk about it?” Uneasiness slips its way into the cracks of the building, finding us. “Talk about what?” Dean asks back, but I have a feeling he knows what he’s talking about, it was clear as day. “About the fact Dad's not here.” Sam answers, already clearly annoyed. I straightened up, moving an inch closer to where they stood in the middle of the room in case I had to break up another fight. It hadn’t been anywhere close to a week from the last time I had to do so back in Kansas. “Oh. I see.” Dean replies, “How ’bout...never.”
Sam rolls his eyes, “I'm being serious, man. He sent us here…” Dean cuts in immediately, “So am I, Sam. Look, he sent us here, he obviously wants us here. We'll pick up the search later.” They moved closer to each other with each word they spat, up until they got close enough that they would be able to throw a punch if they decided to. “It doesn't matter what he wants.” Sam argues.
“See. That attitude? Right there?” Dean points at him, “That is why I always get the extra cookie.”
“Guys come on, you can argue this later let’s just finish this hunt” I sigh, crossing my arms across my chest. Sam glares at me as if to say “stay out of this”, I get why they’re upset but all this arguing gets us nowhere and it’s beginning to get annoying. Sam turns back to his brother, “Dad could be in trouble, we should be looking for him. We deserve some answers, Dean. I mean, this is our family we're talking about.”
“I understand that, Sam, but he's given us an order.” Dean replies rather calmly. I don’t necessarily like John, knowing everything he put my boys through made it hard to. But he was their Dad and Dean wanted my help and so I will help find their Dad, even if I mostly agree with Sam. “So what, we gotta always follow Dad's orders?” Sam spits, and I almost hate the fact that I do agree with him.
I try to ignore their arguing, knowing they wouldn’t let up, it wasn’t the sort of argument where someone won. I open a drawer near me, cobwebs and multiple clippings from old patient files filling it. “Of course we do.” I hear Dean answer.
I carefully take the clippings out, trying to avoid the cobwebs. I look through the handful quickly everything either ripped off or eradicated except bits of the Doctor's name. “If you're done over there it seems the main evil doctor was ‘Sanford Ellicott’. We should probably research him and the south wing, see what we can find” I say plainly, hoping this could all be over with soon so at least they would stop fighting.
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I keep my legs up on the soft chair, my knees to my chest as I read my book. Dean is sitting next to me, his arm resting on the back of my chair, his legs spread widely. From my peripheral vision I see him stare up at the ceiling clearly bored as we wait for his brother to be done in therapy, or really done questioning the apparent son of Dr.Ellicott.
He groans, the noise coming from deep in his chest. I put my bookmark back in my book, shutting it and putting it next to me. I put my arms on my propped up knees lying the side of my face down on them, my cheek squishing against my arm as I peer at Dean. The immediate thought of how good he looks with his head thrown back, a very light stubble gracing his face, his eyes looking greener with the light shining from behind us and—
I shove the thought far into the back of my mind, it wasn’t the time for this not at all. Not even a little. “‘You okay?” I ask softly.
He rolls his head to the side, eyeing me “Sammy’s taking too damn long. He’s already pissed me off.”
“He wouldn’t be taking long unless it was necessary” I answer, smiling at his demeanor. He groans again, “Do you wanna go get coffee? I saw a place a block away, Sam can text when he’s done.” I offer, hoping it would distract him from being so pissed off. He leans his head up, squinting at me, “Is this your attempt at curing my boredom?”
“That depends, is it working?” I squint back at him as I lift my head from my arms, laughter threatening to bubble from my lips.
“Yes” He nods, throwing his hand on my knee, “Let’s go” but he keeps his hand there, a giddy nervousness settling itself in my stomach.
“See I told you couples therapy works!” a hushed voice says catching our attention. I look up to see a red headed girl and her tan boyfriend walking past us without trying to hide their stares, “Wer— we aren’t—“ I try to say loud enough for them to hear but my voice doesn't reach them, “Actually” I sigh, my face feeling warm, “it’s probably best if they just go to therapy.”
I turn my head back towards Dean, finding him already looking at me with scrunched eyebrows, studying me as if he was contemplating something. I place my hand over his, only realizing then my hands were cold when compared to his warm ones, “Ready?” I ask softly. He clears his throat abruptly, nodding his head as he removes his hand from my knee and gets up. I make sure to grab my book as I follow suit, but we only reach the door when a familiar tall figure walks right past us.
Dean's body language changes, he turns back to me confused and annoyed before pushing through the door. Tension clearly already has made its home in his back and shoulders. “Dude! You were in there forever, we were about to leave you. What the hell were you talking about?” He calls out towards his brother, easily matching his pace.
“Just the hospital, you know.” Sam answers plainly. I jog to catch up to them and their stupid long legs, “What’d you find?” I ask.
“The south wing? It's where they housed the really hard cases. The psychotics, the criminally insane.” “Sounds cozy.” Dean remarks.
“Yeah. And one night in '64, they rioted. Attacked staff. Attacked each other.” Sam elaborates.
“Any deaths? Dean follows up.
“Some patients, some staff. I guess it was pretty gory. Some of the bodies were never even recovered, including our chief of staff, Ellicott.”
“Did they…stuff him somewhere. I mean I feel like the place is only so big, right?” I hesitantly say.
Sam shrugs, “Cops scoured every inch of the place.”
“That's grim.” Dean murmurs just as we reach the Impala. “Yeah. So, they transferred all the remaining patients and closed the hospital down” Sam says as he rounds the car.
“So, to sum it up, we've got a bunch of violent deaths and a bunch of unrecovered bodies.” Dean lists out.
“And a bunch of angry spirits.” Sam adds
“Cute.” I remark, sarcastically.
“Let's check out the hospital tonight.” Dean finishes, opening the car door.
I shine my flashlight over the asylum, naturally in the darkness of the night it was far creepier than it was only hours before. I follow behind the boys as they enter the dingy entrance, making sure I don’t hit into the duffle bag hanging from Dean's shoulder. “‘You guys getting anything?” I ask since they hold the equipment. Dean holds his EMF reader out in front of him, “Yeah, big time.”
“This place is orbing like crazy.” Sam adds, looking at the screen of the camera he holds. “Eww, why would you say it like that?” I cringe before mimicking the way he said “orbing.” Sam turns around slowly, glaring at me “How mature of you, Y/n” he deadpans. “Hey i’m just calling it as it is” I respond in defense. He glares at me one last time, turning back around and I hear him mimic what I said. I’m about to hit him on the arm when Dean starts speaking, he looks between us, ultimately choosing to ignore our childish behavior, “There’s probably multiple spirits out and about.”
Sam added “And if these uncovered bodies are causing the haunting…”
“We gotta find ’em and burn ’em.” Dean finishes, “Just be careful though. The only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed off spirit... is the pissed off spirit of a psycho killer.” With that we keep walking until we hit the same room we were in the last time we were here, not having gone any further than that the first time around.
We walk a few feet further separating into three different rooms. I scanned my flashlight over the dark room, it had no windows though even if it did it would have been boarded up meaning no natural light to begin with had it been daytime. It was a relatively small room with more graffiti lining the originally white walls. I take a single step into the room, glass crunching underneath my shoe, I lift my foot immediately, kicking the broken glass bottle to the side.
I move further into the room, an overturned desk and a long gone broken lamp on the floor. Must have been a little office, I think to myself as I walk over to the desk finding a small knocked over filing cabinet. I nudged the metal cabinet with my foot, testing to see if anything wanted to make an appearance…like a rat.
When nothing comes from it I twirl my finger, an invisible force turning the cabinet right side up making it accessible. I pull each draw open, still cautious of any critters crawling out, hoping that there would be some hint as to where to look for the unfound bodies. “Y/n” I hear my name called out from behind me.
“Yeah?” I say turning around but there’s no one there. I shine my flashlight first on the doorway, only shadows dancing on the outskirts of my light. I purse my lips, a small pinch of fear forming itself in my heart. I move my flashlight slowly to shine in the corner, every hair on my body standing up. An old man with deep sunken eyes stands in the corner, his body permanently hunched over with his head tilted to the side. Countless needles stick out from his ghostly body, piercing through his hospital gown.
My mouth goes slack with an almost scream in warning to the boys. Still the man doesn't move, he just stares at me which is arguably worse than if he lunged at me, his mouth moves as if in an attempt to say something but his jaw is broken and the words come out in an extended noise. “b….b…b—“ The loud sound of a shotgun goes off just across from the man, my head snaps in the direction of the doorway, a breathless Dean standing there his gun still pointed at the man. “We thought something happened!” Sam half yells, standing right behind his brother.
“I literally haven’t moved from here” I respond, looking back at the corner where he stood. “You okay sweetheart?” Dean asks. I nod, “Yeah, I mean he didn’t do anything he was just—“
“Standing there” Sam finishes my sentence, “See I told you!”—he nudges his brother—“There’s something weird with the spirits here, they aren’t being aggressive-“ I cut him off this time, concern and confusion making my eyebrows scrunch together, “Wait you encountered a spirit?”
“You didn’t hear Sammy scream for us? Or the gun?” Dean asks. I look between them only being more confused, “No, what are you talking about?!” Except they don’t answer, only looking at each other and then back at me, eyes wide, “Alright something really is going on” Dean admits.
They begin to shuffle out of the room, and I follow, we walk aimlessly down the hall in thought when suddenly a noise like metal scraping against the floor comes from a room just steps away. Dean immediately raises his shotgun, carefully entering the room with Sam and I acting as the lightning. The room had a singular upturned bed facing the only window in the small room, a ragged sheet covering the bed barely concealing the top of a blonde head. We all share a look, bracing ourselves, Sam reaches out tipping over the bed causing it to come down with a loud crash. A young girl sits crouched on the floor, panting and grasping her chest.
“It's alright, we're not going to hurt you. It's okay. What's your name?” Dean asks the poor girl, moving his gun down and away from the girl. “Katherine. Kat.” She answers, peering up at us with her big brown eyes.
“What are you doing here!?” Sam half yells at her. I hit his arm, “You suck at comforting people” I mumbled loud enough for him to hear, nearly missing the glare I received in return. I move past Dean leaning down towards the girl, offering my hand to help her up. You can comfort someone without making them seem incapable. She eyes me carefully for a beat before shakily reaching up and taking my hand, “Um. My boyfriend, Gavin” she answers as I lift her up. “Is he here?” Dean asks.
She lets go of my hand reaching up to tuck her hair behind her ears, “Somewhere. He thought it would be fun, try and see some ghosts” she explains, "I thought it was all just...you know. Pretend. I've seen things. I heard Gavin scream and... “
“Alright.” Dean responds, pausing for a beat as if to go over the plan he most definitely already made, “Kat? Come on. Sam's gonna get you out of here and then we're gonna find your boyfriend.”
“No! No. I'm not going to leave without Gavin. I'm coming with you.” Kat declares, looking frantically between us all.
“It's no joke around here, okay. It's dangerous.” Dean lectures, his voice getting increasingly louder. “That's why I gotta find him” she answers, her voice stern and straight regardless of being clearly shaken up. Dean meets Sam and then my eyes, “Alright, I guess we gunna split up then. Y/N with Sam, Kat with me. Let’s go.”
I lead the way out this time, Sam right next to me as we go down hallway after hallway. Each one seemingly more intricate than the last, if that was even possible. I hope Sam is keeping track of where we are because I’m already lost.
“Gavin?” I call out, peeking around each hallway corner. Is it possible he left? No he wouldn’t leave his girlfriend, right? Though the asylum is huge and he could be anywhere—“Y/N! Over here!” Sam calls out from down the hallway to my left. I swirl around heading towards him, crouched down near a rouge hospital bed, I hear him speak as I approach “Hey, Gavin. It's okay, I’m here to help.”
“Who are you?” He responds, fixing his brown hair as he pushes himself away from Sam knocking into the wall behind him in the process. “My name is Sam, that’s Y/N” he gestures towards me, “Uh, we found your girlfriend.”
“Kat?” He asks his brown eyes widening, he gets up revealing his height. He isn't as tall as Sam, probably closer to Dean's height then anything but he was certainly taller then me and his girlfriend. “Is she alright?”
“Yeah. She's worried about you. Are you okay?” Sam responds.
“I was running. I think I fell.” He lifts his hand to the side of his head, his corduroy jacket moving with him. “What were you running from?” I ask.
“There was...there was this girl. Her face. It was all messed up.”
“Okay listen, did this girl... did she try and hurt you?” Sam follows up, asking carefully. “What? No, she...uh…”
“She what?” Sam asks, impatience on the tip of his tongue.
“She...kissed me.”
…The hall falls silent, neither of us expecting that to be his answer. I’ve never heard of a case in which someone was kissed by a ghost. I mean that’s just disgusting and horrifying, no amount of mouthwash can fix that…or therapy. “Uh...um...but...but she didn't hurt you, physically?” Sam finally says.
“Dude! She kissed me. I'm scarred for life!” Gavin yells, his eyes widening again. “Well, trust me, it could have been worse.” Sam replies, again not much on the comforting side. Plus I feel like I’d rather be thrown ten feet then kissed by a ghost. “I’m sorry we have to pressure you like this now after you just experienced that but is there anything else you remember?” I ask softly.
“She uh...actually, she tried to whisper something in my ear.” He answers shyly, almost embarrassed by all this. “What?” Sam shoots back.
“I don't know. I ran like hell.” He answers truthfully.
“That’s the third encounter without an attack” Sam thinks out loud. Gavin glares at him sharply, “Oh…Um…besides the…Uh…kissing” Sam adds.
“Can we really trust that the South Wing really did have violent patients? I mean the workers here aren’t exactly the most reliable considering everything they’ve done to these poor people” I mention.
“She’s got a point” Gavin intervenes. We both look at him, “Um yeah. But what if they were trying to tell us something?” Sam says.
“You mean like some hint as to where uh…” I look over at Gavin knowing I can’t exactly say a rotting body somewhere, “you know is” I mumble looking back at Sam. “Yeah” he answers just as a loud scream rings out from afar. We all share a look of confusion and worry, “That sounds like Kat!” Gavin says. Not waiting a second later we go off running in the direction of the screaming, just about everything you're not supposed to do.
Just down the hall Dean is banging on a huge metal door with a pipe. “What’s going on?” Sam asks just as we approach.
“She's inside with one of them.” He answers his breath a little labored. Kay screams again, “Help me!!”
“Kat!” Gavin yells back banging on the door.
“Get me outta here!” She shouts.
I hide my hand behind my hip making sure to look down, to avoid having to explain anything to Gavin later. With my concealed hand I reached it over to the metal door, my fingertips barely brushing the cold exterior before a hand wrapped around my wrist pulling it forth. “Wait” Sam said sternly, dropping my wrist. I turn my head to look at Dean with questioning eyes as if he would have a reason why his brother stopped me. But when I look at him he’s looking between my wrist and his brother, his eyes scrunched in offense and what may look like anger, upset he stopped me, because doing so might be risking an innocent girl's life.
“Kat, it's not going to hurt you. Listen to me. You've got to face it. You've got to calm down.” Sam commands, talking to Kat through the door. He must be thinking back to what we said before. “She's gotta what?!” Dean yells, astonished.
“I have to what?!” Kat shouts back.
“These spirits, they're not trying to hurt us, they're trying to communicate.” Sam explains, indeed referencing what we were discussing before I just hope he’s right, “You gotta face it. You gotta listen to it.”
“You face it!” Kat snaps back. A smile threatening to show on my lips. “No! It's the only way to get out of there” Sam insists.
“No!” Kat screams.
“Sam, come on let me get her out” I say quietly hoping only those who know about my abilities can hear me. “No” He says towards me before directing his voice towards the door, “Look at it, come on. You can do it.”
She seems to listen to him, no more screams against his plan. We all wait impatiently, the air thick with anxiety, if this doesn’t work then we caused a very avoidable death. “Kat?” Gavin calls out.
“Man, I hope you're right about this.” Dean grumbles.
“Yeah, me too” Sam nods.
“No offense Sammy, but you should have voiced your concern before” I bite, crossing my arms across my chest.
Suddenly the door creaks open slowly, Kat peeking out. Her eyes are wide and blank, clearly startled and traumatized. “Oh, Kat” Gavin murmurs, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend.
Sam maneuvers himself around them, opening the large door further to get past them into the room. He comes back out not even a minute later shaking his head, whatever spirit was in there isn’t anymore.
“One thirty-seven.” Kay says suddenly, wiping away her teary eyes.
“Sorry?” Dean looks at her, puzzled.
“It whispered in my ear. 137.” She clarified.
“Room number.” The boys and I said in sync, our eyes wide in clarity.
“Jinx” I say quickly pointing towards the boys. Dean groans, “You always win.”
I beam, looking up at him, “You just always forget.”
“Yeah cause he’s actually focused on the hunt” Sam quipped, annoyed. “Hey I am foc-“ I try to defend only getting cut off by Sam nudging Dean and I down the hall out of hearing reach throwing a “Excuse us” to the two teens.
“Alright. So if these spirits aren't trying to hurt anyone…” Sam starts getting his sentence finished by his brother, “Then what are they trying to do?”
“Maybe they're helping us out” I shrug, “Giving us hints?”
“I guess we'll find out.” Dean huffs.
“Alright.” Sam confirms, nothing more to be said.
Dean separates from our little huddle calling out to the kids waiting on us, “So, now, are you guys ready to leave this place?”
“That's an understatement.” Kat remarks.
“Okay.” He turns back to us, “Sam you get them outta here. Y/N were going to go find room 137.”
“Isn’t it best that I go with Sam?, make sure they can get out” I ask, not to say that I don’t want to go with Dean but still trying to be reasonable.
“If the spirits suddenly decide to get rowdy and gang up on me like they did Doc, I’d want you on my side” Dean answers, making a motion with his hands weirdly that I suppose is meant to represent my abilities. “Ok fair enough” I shrug, not needing any more convincing. Sam moves away towards Kat and Gavin. Dean and I waited until they were out of sight, getting led by Sam, before moving to find room 137.
We only move a few feet when I notice the lack of something in Dean's hand, “What happened to your flashlight?” I ask. He pulls back the side of his grayish-blue button down jacket exposing the thick flashlight tucked into his jeans, “Died jus’ before Kat got dragged into that room” he explains. I reluctantly drag my eyes back up to his face, a flashlight held in his jeans shouldn't have been hot, I give him a single awkward nod before forcing my eyes back in front of me.
“I think it’s down this way” He nudges my arm just as we get to the end of the long hallway, pointing left. I point my flashlight in that direction, the light illuminating the continuous mess of the asylum, “How do you know?” I ask. He shrugs, “Intuition.” I followed him down the hall even under the weak assumption, there were hardly any sign indicators and if there were they were unreadable due to destruction or graffiti.
I give him a look as we walk the hall, not finding the room. “I meant the next one over” he says with a stupid smile on his face. “Oh yeah of course” I nod, playing into whatever you want to call this.
He mumbles the room number underneath his breath, an excited-nervous energy surrounding him as we approach the supposed right hallway. It was adorable.
“Look who was right.” He says, his voice coming from behind me. I turn towards him an even bigger smile on his face, I lift my flashlight to shine where the number would be. “Let’s just hope the ghost wasn’t tricking us” I huff.
He goes to push the door open only to find it stuck on something, he grunts putting more of his body weight on the door until it’s open enough to let us through. The room is a mess (but what else is new for this place), filing cabinets pushed over, papers everywhere, the walls stained with something that I think I’d rather not know. I shine the flashlight around going over to one of the filing cabinets opening it to find manila folders, I flick through them. More patient files but nothing of use as of now.
I whirl around to find Dean crouched down in the back of the room, prying off a wooden panel. He finally gets it off with a loud cracking noise, “This is why I get paid the big bucks.” he murmurs, the only indication that he found something. “You don’t get paid any bucks” I responded.
He turns his head slowly to me in offense holding up a deteriorating satchel in one hand and a mess of papers in the other. He gets up handing me the stack of papers and with his foot drags up a nearby chair scooting it close for me before dragging up one for himself. I go through my stack, a bunch of drawn images of medical instruments like lobotomy pick, straight jackets and cuffs, and other drawings with no labels but incredibly detailed writing and drawings that were nothing more than torture. “This feels like a messed up book club” I comment.
“Yeah check this out. Dr. here believed that provoking extreme anger would be therapeutic.” He explains, “Seems like all he ever did was work on this theory.”
“I think I read a research paper from 2002 on a similar idea called catharsis” I explain, “It basically means venting out negative emotions, especially anger. However researchers found it did the opposite and more likely increased aggression. But I guess in this case he was forcing it rather than the patients venting out anger they had from past traumas or anything of the sort.”
I know he is listening to my rant, his eyes moving up from the book to look at me before going back to the journal, his eyes scrunched in concern at what he read, “All work and no play makes Dr. Ellicott a very dull boy.”
I nearly laugh when a sudden creak comes from the hall, I look to Dean to find him with just as a confused face as mine. He had heard it too. He makes a “give me” motion so I hand over the papers, he puts them and the journal he read from back in the satchel. Without saying anything I knew he was moving us to check up on Sammy.
We manage our way back to the room Kat got locked into, but from there it winds up being a maze as to where Sammy could be. Lefts and rights and accidentally going in large circles. “Alright one more hallway and then we’re calling him” I plead, getting frustrated at this stupid musty asylum. “Deal” Dean nods.
The floor was particularly bad in this hall, each step followed by a creak each one louder then the next. Just as we reach the end of the hallway and turn right, for a split second, Kat stands there shotgun raised at us, her finger on the trigger. She shoots. Dean throws himself backwards, his arm going out right in front of me pushing me back against the corner wall out of the way from danger. Both of us were up against the wall next to each other, his arm just beneath my breasts holding me in place. A large puff of white smoke looking substance flies out from the wall, bits of the wall crumbling to the floor just by Dean's shoulder opposite to the one near me. Acting as the only signs of where the bullet had gone.
Our labored breaths nearly matched each other's, chests heaving. His arm remains where it is even when no more shots ring out, he yells, “Damn it, damn it, don’t shoot! It's us!!”
“Sorry! Sorry.” Kat meekly cries out.
“Jesus Chri-“ I peered around Dean's body at the shot, she would have killed us. Impressive. I bring a shaky hand up to the arm that still held me, he drops his arm allowing me to move past him and round the corner to the people who nearly ended us.
“What are you still doing here?! You're supposed to be gone! Also, why are you good with a gun?!” I exclaim. Dean immediately adding, “Where’s Sam?” Our rushed voices combining for a melody of pressured questions.
“He went to the basement. You called him.” Gavin answers, pointing to Dean. “I didn't call anybody.” Dean replies, looking at me confused I shrug not having any idea myself.
“His cell phone rang. He said it was you.” Kat elaborates.
“Basement, huh?” Dean hums before turning to me, “I’m gonna go to Sam, get them out of here.”
“Wait no I should come with you” I say.
“I’ll be fine, sweetheart, just get them out of here” He orders, but his voice is soft where it should be commanding. He takes the gun from Kat and before I can say anything more he’s running off.
I turn towards the door, trying to think of the least suspicious way possible to open the door. A chain with a lock lies on the floor just in front of my feet. It must not just be a locked door, perhaps it is the spirits here keeping it closed. I pull on the door handle letting my powers seep into the large door willing it open. It opens with another pull, having to use a lot of strength to open the old door. “Alright let’s go” I say, turning to the two behind me. They look at me with a mix of shock and confusion, “How di-“ Gavin asks before I cut him off, “It was just jammed” I lie.
I follow them down the steps and watch them climb over the fence. I wait until I see them physically get into the car, both kids looking back almost hesitant to leave us behind. But I have no time to help with their guilty conscience, I turn back toward the building immediately running up the steps and back into the asylum. I curse not knowing which way Dean exactly went or where the hell the basement was let alone where a staircase was.
In the dim, haunting corridors of the abandoned asylum, panic pulses through me like a heartbeat. The suffocating air clings to my skin as I navigate the labyrinth that is this building. Every step feels like a hesitant dance with the unknown. I try to suppress the fear clawing at my throat, envisioning worst-case scenarios involving Sam and Dean. Could they be hurt, trapped, dead? My thoughts are a chaotic whirlwind, one that feels too overwhelming to control as pathetic as it sounds and feels.
Desperation fuels my movements as I sprint down seemingly endless hallways, each one a haunting replica of the last. It's a macabre maze, and my heart races with the urgency of finding the elusive staircase leading to the basement.
As I turn another corner, the harsh silence amplifies the echoes of my footsteps. "Sam! Dean!" I call out, my voice swallowed by the oppressive stillness. The only response is the distant moan of the decaying building. With determination fueling my every step, I press forward, driven by the desperate need to uncover the secrets hidden below. The dim light casts distorted shadows on peeling wallpaper, playing tricks on my eyes. Yet, I press on, the image of the elusive staircase driving me forward, my breath a rhythm of fear and determination.
As if the old building heard my pleas I spot a door just at the end of the hall, a medal bar for the handle and if it isn’t my eyes playing tricks on me then a small sign signifying a person walking up stairs lies on the small window on the door. I all but ran over, the thing I needed most lying right there. As I push open the door, anticipation and anxiety rests behind my rib cage, a reminder that finding the door wasn’t enough. I still needed to find them.
However, as the door creaks open, my heart sinks. Before me lies a staircase, but it ascends rather than descending. Everything that I do not need. I was being mocked. The staircase leading upward into the unknown when my every instinct demands a descent into the depths below.
I stand at the threshold, contemplating my next move. Panic threatens to resurface, but I force a deep breath, I know what I must do even when it is foreign to me. I had not trained in it, hadn’t studied it enough, so much of me was like that. So many abilities I could have and use but always dared to leave untouched, this being one of them. I knew only how to use it in such short distances, and only in spaces that I could see. Not like this.
But I’m afraid and desperate enough. I know the boys are very capable of taking care of themselves, yet an unmistakable fear lives behind my rib cage for those I love, a fear of losing them. I close my eyes. This staircase had to be close enough. My fear had to be enough. I force another deep breath, bracing my feet beneath me. I could picture the room around me even with my eyes sealed, focusing on how the walls stretched above me in my mind's eye.
I had not seen the basement, hadn’t a single idea what it even began to look like. Yet still I force my perception down, below the concrete laying underneath my shoes. But more than that I needed to find them, I try my best to picture them specifically even in an unknown location. The air seems to ripple around me, reality folding over itself.
I open my eyes, no longer in the stairwell but presumably in the basement. The only indication I’ve gone to the right place is the boy's only feet in front of me. What should be a triumphant moment is crushed under the scene in front of me.
Dean is on his back splayed across the floor, broken wall beneath him the concrete powder sticking to his clothes. Sam is standing over him, shotgun pointed down at his brother, I can not see his full face from here but I can see it is etched in anger. “Sam!” I yell, catching his attention. He turns to me, his face scrunched in disgust, he does not lower the gun.
“What the hell is hap-“ I try to ask but the gun goes off with a loud bang. Suddenly I’m in front of him, the bullets hitting the hall that laid behind me when I stood in the doorway. I teleported out of danger without a second's thought, I make a mental note for later as I punch Sammy square in the face, my knuckles hitting against his sharp jaw.
He stumbles back a few feet, my knuckles burn, he will have to forgive me later. I do not want to hurt him but I do need to stop him. I mumble a sorry, hooking my leg behind his, hitting into the back of his knee with my foot forcing his legs to collapse beneath him knocking him to his knees. I use his shock as leverage, easily pulling the gun from his hands, I point the gun at him even though I do not want to.
Dean groans still on the ground, only having leaned up from his position. Sam holds his hands up, “Shoot me” he spits. He was taunting me, testing me. “I have no need to” I answer calmly. He was possessed or influenced by the doctor here, this wasn’t really him, I knew that.
I hear Dean get up, panting and making small noises of pain. I look over at him from the corner of my eye, watching him hold just below his chest in pain, “You okay there?” I ask, earning a grumbled “yeah”. Dean drags himself to the front of the room where he must have dropped the duffle bag he was carrying.
In the corner of my eye I see Sam try to lunge towards me, I snap my attention back to him “Hey”,I warn, “Stop.” He looked even more pissed, his mouth twitching with words he wanted to say, “You think protecting him is gonna make him fall in love with you?” He says quietly. I check behind me but Dean makes no indication that he heard, I know it’s not really him speaking but the words still sting. “I’m not that diluted” I answered, turning back to him.
“You follow him around like a lost puppy, it’s pathetic” He laughs, “Really, you follow us around. But we don’t need you, we’d be better off without you. All you do is take up space.” The words bite into my skin, my heart suddenly feeling heavy. Losing my firm stance he grasps onto my ankle pulling it towards him sharply, knocking me on my ass hard. He punches me, his fist connecting with my nose, my eyes tearing up on its own accord with a harsh throbbing. He snatches the gun back when I hear movement towards us, without looking I shout back “I can take him, just find the body!”
Sam straddles my lap, his knees pinning my hands to the floor with an incredible amount of pain, and I can not pull my hands free. He grabs my chin roughly forcing my gaze on him, my neck leaning up at a weird angle, “You feel the need to be with us, it’s the only thing that fills the gap of being left behind your whole life.”
Hurt and anger burn my eyes. I move my face out of his hold and he lets me, I lean my head back before slamming it into his. The resounding clash of our heads echoed through the air, an abrupt collision that sent shockwaves of discomfort rippling through my skull. He loses slight balance, his knees leave my hands the feeling rushing back into them but I do not leave time for feelings of victory. I shove him back, using more force than I probably should have.
I stand up swiftly, stumbling over myself slightly, my head throbbing severely. “You” I point, breathing heavily, “Have a hard head.” He tries to reach for the gun but I kick it out of reach before he’s able to.
I knew Dean was close by even with the room being so large and divided, but I didn’t know how close he was to finishing up. There was a strong sense of dread in my stomach, I don’t want to fight anymore, maybe curl up into a ball and contemplate life but not fight. “Please, stay down” I beg, my eyes still teary from a mix of a reaction to the pain and just being upset.
He leans up, that horrible anger still etched on his face. I hold my hand up at him, extending my force outwards pinning him down with an invisible force. He struggles against it, his arms shaking. I grit my teeth, disgust tangling itself in my gut. Yes this was out of self defense and necessity but this wasn’t me. He was my friend, to restrain him in such a way…with my abilities…when I’m meant to help people.
I force my face away, a lump tight in my throat when I catch my reflection on a piece of broken glass in the far edge of the room. It was if I was being teased by the devil himself, staring at a reflection I wasn’t sure I even recognized. My eyes were fierce yet brimmed with tears, my pupils glowing purple. Where did this lie in morality? It felt wrong. So disgustingly wrong even if it was meant to be helpful.
Only a little longer, only until the remains were burnt and Sam was fine. “Y/N”
“Y/N!” He begs.
I turned my head back to him, the anger previously on his face melted away. I immediately release my hold on him, dropping my hand down swiftly. For a moment there it seemed fear had crossed his eyes, I took a step back lifting my hand to my forehead, a thin line of sweat wetting my face. My chest heaves, complete overwhelm filling my senses. I feel it in my bones this need to move, to get out. It had not taken anything out of me to hold him down, and that is what scared me the most.
Dean shuffles back into view, coming over and helping this brother up. When had he walked over here? I take another step back, their voices meshing together in a blob of incoherent sounds. A strong familiar hand grasps my upper arm, I look up at Dean, his eyes scrunched together in concern. “You okay, sweetheart?” He asks, but his voice seems so far away. I look over at Sam, a bruise already forming on his jaw a reminder of what I had done. I find no fear in his eyes any longer, not even as he rubs at the forming mark. I nod absent-mindedly at Dean's question, though it wasn’t true and he had known that too.
He gives my arm a firm squeeze before sliding it down slowly to my hand, intertwining our fingers together. I look up at him again, but his face is turned away already walking towards the duffel bag bringing me along with him. He doesn't say anything about holding my hand, not even as he leans down to the bag swinging it over the shoulder that is opposite to where I stand.
He leads the way out of the basement, Sam following behind us silently. I let him lead me, just staring down at our intertwined hands. His sleeve was rolled up to his elbow, ‘must have done that when he left us before. Holding hands wasn’t totally uncommon for us and we both happened to be touchy people, even so butterflies danced in my stomach.
When we finally reached the exit, the early morning sun had begun to shine through the clouds. Every one of our movements was done in silence, he let go of my hand only until we climbed back over the fence. The second both our feet had hit the ground he claimed it once more.
Just a short distance away Kat and Gavin lean against their car, my eyes scrunch in confusion. I thought they left. “What are you guys still doing here?” I call out from a few feet away. They analyze us, probably noticing the clear sign of a fight and who I’m holding hands with but I do not let go of his hand, and he makes no move to do so either. “We wanted to make sure you got out” Kat answers, crossing her arms across her chest, “And to say thank you.”
“Yeah. Thanks.” Gavin adds in.
“No more haunted asylums, okay?” Dean replies. They nod and get in the car, this time starting it up.
“Hey, guys?” Sam says quietly as we begin to walk towards the Impala. He gets in front of us, walking backwards so we couldn’t ignore him, “I'm sorry. I said some awful things back there.”
I frown, not wanting to be reminded of something that happened only minutes ago. “You remember all that?” Dean scuffs.
“Yeah. It's like I couldn't control it. But I didn't mean it, any of it.” He says making sure he directs it at both of us.
“You must believe it on some subconscious level…right?” I say. I do not mean to come off harsh or make him feel worse about himself, but he had to feel that way on some level. He doesn't say anything for a minute, and I suddenly feel bad for what I said, “No, of course not! Do we need to talk about this?” He insists.
Reaching the Impala Dean unlocks the car, opening my door with his free hand but I make no moves of getting in just yet. He lets go of my hand, moving to the back of the car to throw in the duffel before rounding the rest of the car to the driver seat. Just before he gets in he answers his brother, venom clear on his tongue, “No. I'm not really in the sharing and caring kinda mood. I just wanna get some sleep.” He slams the car door behind him.
I look over at Sam, total defeat written all over his face. I move past the car door moving right in front of Sam, he looked down at me expectantly. I wrap my arms around his middle and hug him. We will go to a motel and sleep the night off, and I don’t want to go to bed upset. His initial surprise wears off and he hugs me back, I pull away slightly. “You said mean things and I know you're sorry, but they still hurt… I’m not mad at you for thinking like that, I know you wouldn’t intentionally hurt us.” I say softly, I don’t like being angry at someone or holding grudges.
His eyes are filled with desperate sorrow as he says, “I’m sorry.” He hugs me tightly adding a quiet, “thank you.” And I knew he had meant for just talking to him about it even if it was only a little and for not hating him. We pull away from each other, and he ruffles my hair like an annoying brother before getting in the Impala. I move past the open door again, this time getting in.
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Even after a nice hot shower and being all cozied up in the motel bed, sleep still could not find me. I groan frustrated, switching positions for the upteenth time, glad that I had my own room so as to not wake anyone.
I shift again, moving onto my back, the memories of what happened earlier playing through my head on repeat. Whether Sam meant it or not he was right. They didn’t need me, they were more than capable by themselves. Maybe I should go back home.
I could call Adeline, ask her if she could pick me up from the airport and take me home. The plane ride wouldn’t be so bad, I just have to figure out how to get to the airport with no car of my own. But that thought upset me more. I’d go home and worry over the boys excessively, where they were, how they were doing, if they were safe or even alive, if they found their dad. Maybe I was a burden to them.
God. And what I did to Sam? To use my powers like that?! Though I guess before the whole fight the teleporting was quite impressive especially because I am not skilled in that.
I want to be the best, but I'm afraid of what that would mean. What I would become.
I shift again, my feet tangling under the heavy covers. I sit up letting the blankets fall to my waist, and without thinking I pick up my phone dialing in her number. I had no idea what time it was in New York City but I knew she didn’t care about that sort of thing, she would pick up regardless of time or what she was doing. The phone barely gets to ring for a third time when she answers, “Hey Addie…”
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sssammich · 24 days
wip wednesday on a thursday
@foibles-fables tagged me for this so here i am lol
i recognize it's not wednesday anymore but it's not my fault the days keep coming and they don't stop coming
i will give you 3 because i am working on a bunch of wips at the same time (i held back because i have like 3 more i'm actively jumping back and forth into in addition to these but this has gone long enough)
may-hem rojarias:
“So tell me now.” “What?” “About her. Tell me about Ruby.” Sam furrows her brows. “Seriously?” She sighs and rubs a spot on her temple. “You’ll find I’m the farthest thing from motherly, but she’s clearly an important part of your life. And I want to keep having our consensual sex with no strings. So if this is something to adjust to just so I can keep what I want, then so be it.” Sam laughs then, her head tipped back even as she shakes her head. “First of all, you sound like a robot. This isn’t a business deal, Andy. I’m literally your fuck buddy. Second of all, you do realize that this is technically a string. It’s literally a string now.” Andrea throws Sam a pointed look. “It doesn’t have to be. Me asking about your daughter doesn’t have to mean anything more than just making small talk, Sam. It’s like when I tell you how much I abhor your choice of drinks.” “It’s not even remotely the sa—” “Sam,” she interrupts, leans forward. “I know she exists, fine. That cat’s out of the bag. The question is, are you going to stop coming over when I text?” “No.” “Then that settles that.”
supercorp, unidentified chapter of collateral:
“Kara, can you do me a favor?”  “Sure. What’s up?”  “I—L-Corp is gonna host a gala, and I was hoping you could be my plus one.”  She turned. “Isn’t that what husbands are for?” she asked, injecting enough humor in her voice.  Lena sighed. “He has an investors meeting with this group overseas that needs attending to. It’s the only window they have with them, so he’s leaving tonight and won’t be back until the day after tomorrow.”  She had the choice to say no, had the choice to protect her heart. Yet when Lena stared at her with her bottom lip tucked under her teeth, Kara knew she would buckle. She didn’t want Lena to be alone knowing that despite the expert ease in which she maneuvered through these events and parties, she never particularly enjoyed them. Kara didn’t think too hard about how closely those words signaled her own actions.  Her face softened and offered her best friend her best smile. “Of course, I’ll go with you.”  They closed this favor request with a hug, one that Kara couldn’t help sinking into, arms wrapped around Lena’s form.  She was a sucker and she knew it.
swanqueen, unpublished 2-shot:
She scoffs, her rage bubbling up and out; she’s barely succeeding in keeping herself in check knowing her son and her parents are watching. Even now, she’s restraining herself for the good of others even if all she wants to do is punch Regina, punch Robin and her parents and maybe just punch herself for good measure for being an absolute fucking fool.  “You’re having a picnic with Robin and his wife who, by the way, happens to be the reason you’ve iced me out for three months, Regina. You—you’re having a goddamn picnic with my parents and their golden child. I guess you just needed me to chauffer Henry here to complete your happy fucking family, huh?”  She wipes at her face just as Regina’s features harden. Emma doesn’t care, though, because fuck her, fuck all of them. Regina has the audacity to step forward, but Emma glares at her and that stops the steps forward. “Miss Swan—”  “God! I’m not even Emma to you. Just Miss Swan, like I’m some fucking stranger. I don’t even get the courtesy of being on a first name basis with you, but you’re kissing a dude you’ve known for a few months and having goddamn family picnics,” she mutters, uncaring if Regina hears her or not.  She shakes her head, fed up with this bullshit. She wipes  her tears as the truth sinks in her bones. The reality that she can want and she can wish, but she will never amount to anything that anybody would ever want, least of all to the woman in front of her.  "No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, whatever friendship I thought we’d been working towards just isn't ever gonna be enough. Message received loud and clear, Regina." She doesn’t wait for whatever haughty, scathing reply might come out of Regina’s mouth. She gets in the car and stomps down on the gas, uncaring about her tires squealing as she peels away from the curb, speeding as far away as possible from her biggest heartbreak yet.
OKAY UH let me tag some folks: @sideguitars @eqt-95 @crime-wives @luthordamnvers @fazedlight and if anybody else feels inclined to participate. i recognize it's getting farther and farther from a wednesday so feel free to wait until next wednesday LMAO
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The two sides of the same coin
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Tw; mention of murder, gang activities
Do not copy or steal my work please
Fraternal Takemichi/twin brother, future Mikey/Male!reader
Summary; Takemichi learns he has a twin brother who was abandoned at birth. What a surprise when his brother can see in the future, but is also the leader of another gang. And his total opposite.
Note; The good old cliché of the good and evil twin! Making the title pretty literal. I love all those myths and legends about twins so here it is! (also sōchō = leader :)
This story might be around 3 or 4 chapters because I am a potato 🥔 and this story is becoming waaaaay too big to be posted in one part. Because This is just an “introduction” and yet it's almost 2000 words.
Also, the reader can see in the future (24 hours in the future, all the possible outcomes), unlike Takemichi who travels in the past from the future. They are literal opposites.
Takemichi’s hands shook as he held the picture he just found in one of the cardboard boxes filled with memories of his childhood. The Time traveller felt like going crazy. Because his world was now falling apart. All that he believed was put in question with that simple picture.
It was the day of his birth. Such a simple, classic picture. Except he wasn't the only baby. There in the arms of his mother slept two newborns. On one of the bracelets, Takemichi found his name, but it was the second which stole all his attention.
His mother had found him and immediately screamed at him when she realized what he had in hand. The dispute turned sour when she refused to answer Takemichi’s questions and tried to take the picture back. Too blinded by his anger, Takemichi hit her before running away. He didn't stop until he found Mikey and Draken at the dojo. There, all the captains and more members sat in the steps and all around the place, talking.
The second Takemichi saw his friends, all traces of anger vanished, replaced by a broken heart and a hole in his chest.
- “Mikey! Draken!” screamed the teen, catching their attention.
- “Hey, Takemitchy!” screamed back Mikey, getting off the steps and waving at him.
Takemichi saw Chifuyu rise to his feet, saying something he could not hear, but the next second the three of them ran to meet him. Unable to contain his tears anymore, Takemichi broke down crying and fell on his knees.
- “Oi! Takemitchy, what's wrong?” asked Draken, grabbing the teen by the shoulders
- “I... I have a brother.” sobbed Takamichi, showing the picture. “They all lied to me and my mother refused to tell me anything!”
Mikey took the picture and they all looked at it, at the newborns holding hands and sleeping peacefully.
- “Holy shit, dude! You're a twin too?” exclaimed Angry before his brother slapped him behind the head. “I mean... It must be a shock, right?”
- “And where is your brother now?” asked Mikey, his eyes not leaving the picture.
- “I don't know. The only thing she said about him was about how he was a demon’s son and a delinquent,” answered Takemichi, drying his eyes.
- “Well, if he is in any gang, we will find him. C’mon Takemitchy, get on your feet man.” said Draken, grabbing the teen and forcing him up. “We are going to give you a hand.”
- “R-really?” asked the blond, eyes tearing up again.
- “Of course! Right Mikey?” cheered Smiley.
But their leader said nothing, eyes focused on the picture. Mikey seemed lost in his thoughts and probably didn't hear them. But the expression of worry in his eyes said another story.
- “Hey Mikey, you good?” asked Draken
- “His name is Y/n... Right, Takemitchy?” questioned Mikey, ignoring his best friend
- “Huh, yeah? Why?”
- “Because there is a gang leader known as The Spider whose name is Y/n. And you two do share some resemblance.”
There was a heavy silence that Takemichi didn't understand. Hope filled his heart and eyes before he seized Mikey’s arm.
- “Do you think it could be him? Really him, I mean?”
- “Say, ‘mitchy? Did you ever heard of Tokyo’s Oni?” asked the young leader, turning his head toward his friend.
- “Huh, no?” replied Takemichi, at lost.
- “Wait, Mikey! You can't be serious? That guy could be our Takemitchy’s twin?” gasped Draken
Mikey only nodded before putting a hand on Takemichi’s.
- “Tokyo’s Oni is a pretty violent gang. They have a lot of blood on their hands and are said to be affiliated with the Yakuza. They use to have little groups everywhere in Tokyo. They recently got a new leader. Most people refer to him as The Spider.” explained Mikey.
- “It's said no one can touch him!” added Angry
- “Almost as if he knew your moves before you even decided them.” added Smiley.
- “Didn't they retract in Ginza?” asked Chifuyu
- “Last I heard, yes,” replied Mikey.
Takemichi almost stopped listening to the conversation when he heard the twins describe his possible brother. Could it be? Maybe... It was almost impossible, because what would be the chance that you two were time travellers?
Takemichi also had no memories of your supposed gang. Naoto also didn't mention them. But he needed to find you. Maybe it would be a mistake or maybe you could help him make things right. Especially after Baji's death, Takemichi realized he needed more help.
- “Mikey? Does it mean...” began Takamichi, but was interrupted by his friend.
- “Let me see if we can find their true location, then we will go find your brother Takemitchy!” exclaimed Mikey, giving him his biggest smile.
Naturally, Takemichi jumped at Mikey, hugging his friend and crying on his shoulder.
Sitting in the backroom of a bar, you listened to the music playing. Eyes closes, you still kept your attention on your Captains' gambling. The smell of cigarettes mixed awfully with the one from their drinks. You felt a headache coming your way if you stayed longer. Yet, you had nowhere else to be and preferred keeping an eye on those fools. You didn't want any of them jumping on the others.
- “Hey Sōchō! Did you hear of the latest news?” asked your First captain, making you sigh
- “What now? Surprise me Akemi”
- “There was a huge gang fight last week between the Tokyo Manji Gang and Valhalla!”
- “And why should it interest me, Akemi? I never heard about any of them.”
- “Because there are rumours about the Tokyo Manji Gang. They say their leader wants to rule the whole of Tokyo! And you want the best part? His gang barely got one or two hundred people!”
Everyone laughed and you slowly opened your eyes. You stared at your ten Captains, waiting for them to calm down. You were unimpressed by the announcement, not even slightly worried. What could a hundred thugs do against the few thousands of yours? You had enough members to probably restore all the bases around the city but didn't want to.
Not now.
No, you still needed to be fully accepted and destroy all attempts at betrayal. It would take time and patience and some showtime too.
- “I must admit, this sound absolutely ridiculous. A single gang, ruling Tokyo? Not even the Yakuza can do it.” you scoffed, rolling your eyes.
- “Isn't their leader the same age as our Sōchō?” asked a woman, Aneko.
- “Think so.” replied her sister Hanae, finishing her glass. “I think one of his friends died during the confrontation with Valhalla. What I do know is how his older brother was the founder of the Black Dragon gang. Dude died a few years ago in his bike shop.”
- “Wasn’t his name Shin, or something like that?” asked Akemi.
The name rang a bell in your head, but you could not replace it or put a face on it. It was frustrating because you knew that name.
- “Yes! It's the short version but who cares?” replied Hanae. “I also know, from good sources, that Toman, that their surname, absorbed Valhalla after beating them. So they must have won another few hundred or so members.” she chuckled
- “Oh! I smell backstabbing!” shouted Akemi.
You smirked. It was so obvious! This was a mistake they should not make, especially with how small their gang was. It was a great opportunity for revenge or a free kill.
- “Hey, sōchō! What do you think about all of it?” asked Akemi
- “I say; let them try. We will show them what a real gang is!” you replied and they all cheered, raising their glass in your direction.
A soft knocking interrupted your discussion. With a simple ‘enter’ from Akemi the door opened, revealing Hanae's vice-captain. Bowing low, the young man excused himself.
- “Mah! What is it again? Can't we have a peaceful meeting?” complained Hanae.
- “I’m sorry Hanae-Taichō, but this is important information!” urged the newcomer
You shared a look with your Captains before turning your eyes to the young man.
- “Then go on. What information do you bring me?” you asked, curious.
- “Members of the Tokyo Manji Gang have been seen in and around Ginza asking about our location and... And about you Sōchō. Their own leader has been seen doing the same with his vice-leader.”
A heavy silence fell in the room as you slowly rose from your chair. Rage flooded your veins and in anger, you slammed your fists on the wooden table. All captains flinched, staring at you.
- “They dare?” you asked, coldly. “They win a child fight and now come for the big fish? Answer me! What do they want from us?”
- “I...I don't know Sōchō! Apparently, their leader, Mikey wishes for a meeting with you. I swear it's all I know!” trembled the vice-captain.
- “Hanae-chan, take your whole division with you and go find that Mikey. Do not engage in a fight, but get me the whole story. You have my permission to scare them.” you ordered, not leaving your eyes off her vice-captain. “You go with your Taichō and will report to me the second they talk.”
Bowing again, the vice-captain left the room, followed by his captain.
With a deep breath, you calmed yourself before adding;
- “Keep an eye out for them. If they search for trouble, you all know what to do. I want a clean job and nothing left behind.” after they all silently agreed to, you dismissed them. “Same time tomorrow. Hopefully, we shall all have more information and will discuss what to do next.”
Once you were alone, you sat back in your chair and closed your eyes. After calming yourself enough, you Activate the visions.
Almost like a curse, you could see up to twenty-four hours in the future and all its possibilities. You only had yourself to blame for that. You should have believed the old homeless man and not killed him. But it was so useful! You finally had a roof above your head, money and now power. You were only a teen and yet you controlled the future of those around you! You enjoyed the fear and respect they all had for you.
The first image appeared before your eyes; schools, homework, meeting and nothing useful. Over and over the same path appeared, barely different. Then, you hit the jackpot.
Hanae and her vice-captain bowed to you and her words had you shocked. So much that the vision stopped and vanished.
- “I have a brother” you gasped, hands gripping your head. “I have a twin.”
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oakwave · 11 months
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Van palmer x reader- tensions rising
Warnings: nothin just a little smooch 16+ babes
Description: enemies to lovers vibes
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hates a strong word and not something I use for just anybody but I do hate one person and that's Van palmer. Her stupid ginger hair and freckles haunt me in my dreams,not at all attractive! Making cringy movie references every time anyone says literally anything, it's sooo annoying! Not at all interesting or cute! But I deal with it for the good of the team, the only thing more annoying then vans movie references is the constant bickering when your trying to play a game of football. Of course I never start it, Van hates me as much as I hate her, if not more so. Me and Natalie are in the locker rooms getting ready to play when Van and tai start snickering as us before barging into me as they walk past, "bitch" I mumble as she moves away from us. "Why do you two hate each other so much anyway, it kinda came out of no where" Natalie speaks. She's kinda right me and Van used to be friends, not even that long ago before she started acting all mean and better then me, i actually started to like her before all this, I assumed it was because she got friends with tai and I became friends with Nat so she just didn't need me anymore but really I'm not sure. "I don't even know she just hates my guts" I reply sounding slightly sadder then I meant to, i dont really want to let Nat into the labyrinth that is mine and vans relationship. "Yeah I'm sure" the blond speaks back sarcastically, looking at me curiously. " guys come on your late!" Jackie shouts through the locker room, saving me from Nats interrogation.
Everyone gathered round coach listening to him tell us about how practice was gonna run, doing a skirmish (meaning a practice game) so we get put into two groups, unfortunately me and nat got split up and she was on vans team, meanwhile tai was on mine. We all got into position and coach martinez blew the whistle. We'd played for a while when I got the ball I'm on attack so I ran with it getting into the box and getting ready to strike, I pretended to kick the ball one way, leading to van leaping towards that side, before moving  and hitting it in the other side of the net, successfully scoring! Everyone on my team ran towards me and cheered whilst tai rolled her eyes and Nat smiled at me. It was all going great until a certain redhead started screaming about how I'm a "fucking cheat" and cant play soccer. Usually this wouldn't have bothered me but come on she's been bitching all day, I walked over to her before saying "god sore looser much?" To the very angry goalie. She started toward me "oh yeah well at least I'm not the one who cries whenever she gets out on a team without her fuck buddy" she screams, making me confused as Nat and Lottie came between us, coach blowing the whistle loudly to get our attention. "Y/l/N, PALMER GO GET CHANGED YOU'RE DONE FOR THE DAY UNTIL YOU CAN WORK AS A TEAM" he booms.
I sigh before heading towards the locker rooms, Van trailing behind me. When we get through the doors I can't help but ask "what did you mean back there about the fuck buddy thing?" I question directed at the red head sat on the bench. "Oh what you think no one can see what's going on between you and Nat" she spits. "Huh?" I say starting to giggle, does she think there's something going on between me and Nat? "We're just friends, honestly" I say. " and for the record I don't cry when we get put on different teams, I just don't like being put on a team with people who hate me with no backup". She looks up at me, now it's her turn to question " your seriously just friends? And what do you mean people who don't like you, has someone said something?" she starts becoming almost protective. "Yeah you Van, and taissa. You've both been pretty mean to me you know". "Yeah well you haven't exactly been the easiest to deal with either", now I can't really argue with that. " okay fair, what even happened to us, we used to be like best friends" I say, feeling a little sad that the girl whom I not only loved as a friend but I really started to like more then that. " I didn't think you like me anymore and to be fair you did kinda replace me with Nat" "not really you kinda replaced me with tai, and anyway didn't you think Nat and i where dating or even just fucking, can I not be friends with you and someone else, or better yet fuck someone else; that's not even interfering with us or our dynamic" i state laughing a little, did she really think I was replacing her?. She stares at the ground before opening her mouth "y/n" she whispers, "Van" I whisper back smiling at her before realising she's being serious. She stands and come closer to me. "I couldn't be friends and think you where messing around with someone else, I got jealous I'm sorry. I started being mean to you because of it and that wasn't fair." She stops and I start to take everything she just said in "I get it if your mad I should've just told you I liked you or kept my feelings to myself and dealt with them this wasn't on you" she finishes. "Van I-I like you too, I was mean to you in retaliation, I didn't want to like you when you where being all sucky" a smile creeps up on her face, "I was kinda sucky huh", "oh absolutely" I state giggling at her. She comes closer to me and holds my waist, I look up at her, resting my hands on her shoulders. " how about we try this again?" She says smirking, "I'd love that I say"closing the gap between us, her soft lips meeting mine. We walk backwards a bit until my back meets the cold metal of the lockers, making me sigh a bit, our lips never leaving each other. Vans hands start to explore my body, untucking my shirt before making their way up my rib cage and meeting my bra. I tangle my hands in her hair, making her groan. "AND here I was thinking you two hated each other" jackie shouts down the locker room, alerting us of her presence and making us pull apart (reluctantly). I wipe my mouth quickly, Van doing the same, feeling my cheeks burn up. "Coach sent me here to make sure you two hadn't torn each other apart, looks like I got here just in time thought right?" "Okayyy enough" van replies going red herself. "Anyway now you've put aside your differences and seem to finally be 'working as a team'" she states using air quotes, " you can come to the last half an hour" Jackie finishes. "Cooool" I say, secretly wishing me and Van could finish what we started. And begin to follow her to the pitch, Van right behind me, both still red, exchanging a final glance.
Helllloooooo, this one's a little spicier then the last. Let me know you're thoughts requests are open!!! <3.
Part 2 here
First time publishing on tumblr any tips or recommendations welcome <3
Please don’t copy any of my work as it is my own and it is copyrighted thanks xxx
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delugguk · 2 years
87 and jealous jungkook aka my favorite jungkook lmao
87. "everyone's eyes on you, I'm bound to get jealous."
pair: jungkook x reader
what happens here?: stablished relationship, jealous jungkook..
word count: 936
from this prompt list (not taking numbers atm)
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"we didn't had to leave chaey's birthday like that, we left way too early." your firm voice approaches jungkook's ears as he drives. you think he did, in fact, took it too far this time.
"don't think so. It's 2 am, perfect time to leave in my opinion."
"that's right, your opinion. not mine. you didn't even asked."
"I didn't because I knew you were going to say no."
"oh, so the best option for you is to drag me along with you? yeah.. brilliant idea." eyes rolling back when your voice is sarcastic.
"we left the party, didn't we?" he glances at you when his voice's sardonic but this isn't a funny situation for you to play along. - jungkook's eyes are back on the road.
"yes, but at what cost? the birthday was at a club. It's stupid for us leaving so soon, most importantly, without even saying goodbye," you scowl at him. "It's rude and I thought you wanted cake. we didn't even had a taste of it."
"I suddenly felt like not wanting it anymore."
you huff. "weird shit." breathing back to say, "I just don't know why 'it's getting late' is your excuse now when we had gone to parties, literally returning back home at 6am." you explain with a tight voice despite feeling very tired ㅡ and it's not because of you being physically tired. you just wish he could at least let you know instead of just acting and deciding things by his own. you know men can get pretty intense with you and while you understand his side, it still gets very tiring sometimes.
while you say all of this, jungkook swears he's listening to you when you speak. he really does, but his mind can't help but keep remembering the way those men ogled at you as if you were some sort of piece of meat, goddamn it. you were human too, why do they have to be so disgusting? the fact that you were fine as fuck was not excuse for them to treat you like an object, fuck. you weren't any of those things, you were more than that - but they just don't know.. and of course they don't! - you are his one and only. his. so what does he had to do in order to make that clear when every time he kissed you or touched you didn't mean shit to them? did he had to grab your waist and sho-
"jungkook." he's back to earth as soon as you call his name for the second time now. "huh?" startled, he glances at you. again.
"you'll leave marks on the steering wheel if you keep hardening your hands like that." you declare even when you're still feeling very much exasperated.
"hm." nodding without saying anything else, jungkook softens his grip around it. "I see." but his voice is still so cold.
"wow." you scoff with a bitter smile. "so you're still an ass."
jungkook stops at a red light. "babe." eyes scanning your very much naked legs crossed below and above one another, you were hot, he was aware. but fuck, does it has to be this hard each time you went out? maybe he was the problem because yes, he had thought about it, but fuck. he doesn't think any other men could ever not get jealous when everybody seemed to want to steal you from him as soon as they meet you.
you don't look at him when he calls you. arms crossed around your chest.
he sighs. "listen.." cupping your chin delicately with one hand as he guides you towards his face to meet his eyes. "what do you want me to do.. hm?" his tone rather bitterly soft. "everyone's eyes are on you, I'm bound to get jealous."
and as his lips pronounce each word, you can't help but let a big scoff. pushing his hand away from you when you say, "really, jeon?" and one single laugh leaving your throat. "just tell me when you're not acting jealous. come on, I'll wait." let with an empty space that fills with no answer whatsoever. "unless you can't." face getting closer to him but still far enough for him to touch you, you glare at him with a daring stare and all jungkook does is glimpse at your face with his eyes only falling down your slightly parted, and inviting lips from time to time.
"you know what? yes, I can't." he dares back. "want to know why?" voice stern as you slightly tilt your head to the side,
and because the timing doesn't seem right as soon as you respond - red light switches back to green and the light is no longer illuminating both your faces when he parks his car into a dark but still very safe corner.
"because you're mine." and he's serious about it. eyes only staring at you very intensely.
"oh, am I?"
"yes, you are and I'm not arguing this one."
"can't you prove that without being an ass though? I don't think so."
"keep playing with me and I swear you're just gonna make it worst."
"I want to make it worst."
he glares at you. "do you?" tongue toying with his lip ring in a faint smirk as your face leans closer to him when you slowly goad at him, "I.. do."
with his tongue poking the side of his cheek now, he huff with a small but very marked laugh at the way you respond. "keep acting like that and you'll see what's worst."
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bennwazzhere · 11 months
INCORRECT ZOSAN QUOTES pt 6 I think??? I'm sorry if some are repeated from some of my other incorrect zosan quotes. I'm too lazy to go back and check😭
Zoro: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Sanji: Aww-
Zoro: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Zoro: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy.
Sanji: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep.
Zoro: I said within reason, Sanji. How about I murder that guy?
Sanji: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't?
Zoro: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
Zoro: WHY?!
Zoro: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight.
Sanji: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther?
Zoro, already taking off their clothes: God, Sanji, you’re so fucking stupid.
Zoro: We both look very handsome tonight.
Sanji: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you."
Zoro: I couldn't take that chance.
Sanji: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Zoro: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Sanji: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Zoro: Is it working?
Zoro: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Sanji: This is a lie.
Sanji: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie.
Sanji: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out!
Zoro: In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way?
Sanji: I don't know, surprise me!
Sanji: This date is boring!
Zoro: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
Sanji: Then why did you invite me?
Zoro: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Zoro I'll do whatever I want!
Zoro: I owe you one.
Sanji: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even.
Sanji: Zoro, you love me, right?
Zoro: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
Zoro: Bro, I had a dream we fucked.
Sanji: Bro, relax it was just a dream.
Zoro: Huh, gay, I wouldn’t fuck you.
Sanji: You wouldn’t?
Zoro: I mean, unless you want to-
Zoro: I like your new pants!
Sanji: Thanks, they were 50 off!
Zoro: I’d like them better if they were 100 off. *winks*
Sanji: The store can’t just give away clothes for free.
Zoro: Thats’s… not what I meant.
Sanji: That’s a terrible way to run a business, Zoro.
Zoro: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Sanji: Aren't you forgetting something?
Zoro: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Sanji's forehead before running out.*
Sanji: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
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claire7491 · 1 year
Do you like me?
a/n: baby's first fanfic , super cringe , do not recommend reading, you'll wanna kys after reading this shit
pairing: cc!wilbur x reader
word count: 806 words (very short sorry)
"Okay, honestly, I really don't think it matters anymore!" Tommy shouted, rolling his eyes. Tommy and Wilbur were bickering about something you really weren't paying attention to. It was odd because they didn't fight very often. They were like two peas in a pod, like brothers.
You were just walking alongside the pair, scrolling on your phone when you hear a voice call out your name "y/n?! You wanna back me up here?" You looked up from your phone to see a very exasperated Wilbur. you shrug, looking back at your phone and muttering "I honestly was not paying attention to a single thing you guys were saying."
Wilbur scoffed but you know, in a playful way, not like he could ever be mad at YOU of all people, and walked a few paces ahead of you and Tommy, sticking his tongue out at him. "annoying, right?" Tommy laughed. You looked up at tommy and gave him a face that said: "you're way more annoying than him." Tommy rolled his eyes but grinned.
"So, Y/n, I've gotta ask," he said, glancing at Wilbur periodically before turning back to you. "what's up with you and Wil?" You raised an eyebrow, not really sure what he's talking about. "I'm sorry?"
"C'mon, Y/n," he said, resting his arm on your head. He was so much taller than you, it was overwhelming. "The constant flirting? The constant being together?"
You rolled your eyes, jabbing him in the arm. "It's not like that." Tommy placed a hand over his arm where you had jabbed it, rubbing it in pain. "I'm not an idiot, and to be fair - it's quite obvious you have a thing for him," he teased.
"Fine," you said, knowing full well that no matter what you told tommy, he wouldn't get off your ass "I find wilbur a little attractive, okay? doesn't mean anything-"
"WOAHHH, YOU'VE GOT A CRUSH!" Tommy screamed, cutting you off. Same old Tommy. You put a hand over his mouth, trying to shut him up as you glanced at Wilbur who definitely could've heard us. You had to practically tip-toe to put your hand over Tommy's mouth - he just had to be that tall.
Wilbur stopped in his tracks after hearing Tommy scream. He continued walking after a brief pause, not turning around to even look at the two of you. You just looked at tommy with a look that said "I will quite literally murder you."
After a while, Wilbur finally spoke "What were you guys talking about, hm?" You rubbed my temples in frustration, fully aware of what Tommy was about to say and do next. "ABOUT HOW Y/N HAS A CRUSH ON YOUU!!!"
Wilbur turned around and flashed a sly smirk to you, leaning in a little closer. "got a crush on me, huh?" He said teasingly. You could practically hear his breathing, he was so close to your face. You felt your cheeks go a little red as you didn't know how to respond to his question.
"I-I, uh.." you start to stutter as you look down in embarrassment, attempting to hide your unbearably flustered face, but of course, to no avail.
Wilbur places a hand beneath your chin, lifting it up so you'd be staring straight into his eyes. His gaze was piercing, it was petrifying. You felt your heart beat faster and faster like you had just seen someone being murdered.
He smirked, seeming satisfied with your reaction. You swear you can hear Tommy snap a billion pictures as Wilbur leans in even closer. Your faces were just centimetres away at this point, Wilbur glancing at your lips now and then. You feel his hands go up to your waist as you just stare at him with nervous eyes. After a few very long and agonising seconds, he lowered his voice to a whisper, his face moving closer to your ear. "do you like me, y/n y/l/n?"
You whimper a little as his words tickled your ear. "well, I.. I find you.. a little attractive," you say silently.
Wilbur grins and backs away. "a little? Gosh that hurts my feelings~" he says, holding his heart in a mocking matter. He walks ahead of you, leaving it at that.
You look at tommy who was holding up his phone, clearly taking a bunch of photos. "I will actually stab you." Tommy snickers and puts an arm over your shoulder, walking behind wilbur. "come on, you have to thank me! he obviously likes you~"
You stare at wilbur, a billion thoughts rushing through your mind. You heave a sigh. "I highly doubt that."
Tommy rolls his eyes and walks ahead of you. "How are you so oblivious?" He says, shaking his head.
It all makes you wonder. Could wilbur soot actually like you?
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