#what a dull pain... Mostly sad for the girl who got hurt and not the me who has moved on... poor baby
actual-corpse · 26 days
I played Skyrim today.
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omgrachwrites · 3 years
Playing The Hero - Chapter Four
Pairing: Harry Potter x Ravenclaw!Reader 
Summary: Soulmates have a way of seeing and feeling each other’s emotions by a gem that is set in the palm of their hand which glows with magic. The colour of the gem on the palm of your hand, erratically changes between different colours. Unbeknownst to you, every time the gem on your soulmates palm glows blue he feels very over protective and worried. That’s just what happens when your soulmate always plays the hero. Soulmate Au
Warnings: fluff!!!
Words: 2296
A/N: Sorry this is so late guys (but it works out pretty well posting it on the 1st of September), life is crazy right now! I hope you guys enjoy, please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all very much! xxx
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Yellow - Happy, Secure, Excited
Red - Scared, Nervous, Unsure, Angry
Grey - Stressed, Worried
Blue - Sad, Hurt, Frustrated
Orange - Overprotective
Chapter Four
When Harry woke up on that dreary miserable Saturday, he felt excited despite the horrible weather, and for a second he couldn’t understand why. Then, all of a sudden, his exhausted brain remembered and he almost jolted out of bed as a thrill zipped through his veins. Quidditch was starting today – well, try outs were being held – and Harry had been chosen as the Quidditch Captain. He just wished that Sirius and his parents could be here to see his success.
He glanced down at his watch and saw that it would be a couple of hours until breakfast but at this moment in time, he felt too excited to be able to get back to sleep. Harry stretched and climbed out of bed to pour himself a cold glass of water from the jug on the windowsill. He gazed out onto the dark wet grounds, it wasn’t ideal conditions for Quidditch but it wasn’t the worst. At least there wasn’t thunder and lightning.
A laugh almost forced its way out of Harry’s mouth as he watched Hagrid stumble through the rain with Fang, presumably so Fang could do his business. As he was creeping back to bed as quietly as he could for another couple of hours sleep, Ron sat up with a sleepy sigh.
“How do you look so happy this early in the morning?” he groaned with his eyes half closed and his red hair sticking up in different directions.
“Quidditch try outs are today mate,” Harry laughed as he got back into his bed.
Ron nodded as realisation dawned on his tired freckled face, “oh yeah,” he gave Harry a tired thumbs up, “can’t wait,” he hummed as he fell back onto his back and immediately began snoring.
Harry chuckled, shaking his head in exasperation before he succumbed to sweet sleep once more. When Harry woke up once more, the dormitory was a little bit brighter and it had stopped raining but it was still dull and grey outside. He ran a hand through his messy hair and stretched his arms above his head as he glanced over at Ron’s bed.
His best friend was sitting at the end of his bed, looking a little more awake, though his eyes were glazed over with the remains of sleep. Ron offered him a small smile as he pulled his shoes on and Harry noticed that Ron was looking a little peaky and his skin almost had a green tinge to it.
“Are you nervous, or sick mate?” he asked as he slid out of bed and began to get dressed for the day.
Ron clutched at his stomach, his eyes almost bugging out, “I’m lucky enough to be feeling both at the same time,” he mumbled sarcastically, “I don’t think that I can have anything for breakfast.”
Harry’s eyes widened just a little bit, he knew that this was serious if Ron wasn’t willing to try and eat something. Ron adored his food, “it’s only try outs, mate. I promise you that you’ll be fine and it’ll do you some good to eat something,” Harry remarked as he quickly finished getting dressed and the two friends made their way down to the warm and toasty common room.
Hermione already had her head buried in a book as she was sitting in their favourite squashy armchairs by the fireplace. Ron sighed, rolling his eyes as he rubbed at his temples and nudged Harry’s arm with his own.
“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, she’s a bloody nutter,” he shook his head, muttering beneath his breath.
Harry smirked and he was about to approach Hermione when something caught his eye, effectively stopping him in his tracks. Over Ron’s shoulder he noticed that Lavender Brown was gazing wistfully at Ron, her eyes held a longing gaze and her lips were pouty as she stared at Ron. Harry frowned, he thought it was very odd, considering that Lavender had never shown any interest in Ron before.
It didn’t look as though Ron had noticed yet so Harry quickly began walking towards Hermione before Ron could realise what was happening. That was one awkward, embarrassing conversation that Harry really didn’t want to be a part of. Hermione looked up from her book and smiled.
“Good morning,” her eyes softened just a little as they flickered over to Ron.
Before Harry could answer, Ron spoke up, effectively ruining the moment, “nutter you are, doing homework on a Saturday,” he scoffed.
At once, Hermione’s face hardened as she threw him a nasty look, “shut up, Ron!”
Ron and Hermione were still snarling at each other as they walked into the Entrance Hall and Harry was starting to feel a bit annoyed, they’d been at each other’s throats more than usual this year. Harry was about to tell them to put a sock in it when Ron gasped dramatically as he looked towards the huge doors that led into the Great Hall.
“What is it now?” Harry sighed.
“What the bloody hell is Y/N doing with him?” Ron pointed and Harry followed Ron’s gaze, his chest deflating a little as he saw Y/N talking with Malfoy.
“Well, it might be news to you, Ron, but Y/N can be friends with whoever she wants,” Hermione hissed before hesitating, “even if it is Malfoy,” Ron grumbled in reply but he didn’t say anything in response.
The conversation between Y/N and Malfoy didn’t look particularly friendly, Y/N looked angry but worried at the same time as she bit her lip. Malfoy was smirking like a Cheshire Cat. A shooting pain in Harry’s palm caused him to look at his gem and he was surprised with what he saw; it was very unusual. It was a gradient of red and blue, causing a surge of over protectiveness to inflate in his chest.
As Harry approached the bickering couple, Y/N smiled at Harry and gave him a little wave, causing Malfoy to sneer and he whispered something to Y/N before stalking away, “hey guys! Excited for try-outs?”
“So excited!” Harry grinned, suddenly feeling nervous as he ran his fingers through his hair, biting his lip, “are you coming to watch? You’re more than welcome as long as you don’t give our game plan away,” he was mostly joking.
“I’d love to, thanks for inviting me, Harry,” Y/N smiled as she tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
“It will be good to have another girl, these boys can get so tiresome,” Hermione laughed, rolling her eyes, Harry didn’t know whether to be offended or not.
“I can only imagine,” Y/N giggled, winking at Harry.
“Since when were you friends with Malfoy?” Ron frowned as he crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow and Harry groaned internally.
“Merlin, what is the matter with you this morning?” Harry shook his head at his best mate before turning back to look at Y/N apologetically, “sorry,” he mumbled.
Y/N simply waved away his apology, “it’s no worries,” Y/N smiled as she looked over Harry’s shoulder at Ron, “trust me Ron, it’s a very long story,” she rolled her eyes.
After a light breakfast, Harry and Ron said goodbye to the girls as they headed into the changing rooms to get ready for the try-outs, the conditions had gotten a bit worse, it had started raining again. Harry was starting to feel a little nervous as he stood in front of the many hopefuls and his eyes wandered to the stands. Y/N shot him an encouraging little wave and he smiled, even though he knew she couldn’t see him. Sitting a couple of rows behind Y/N and Hermione, was Lavender who looked like she was on the edge of her seat as she stared at the pitch. Harry shook his head before looking at the possibilities for his Quidditch team.
Dean and Ginny were very good Quidditch players – Ginny had Fred and George’s talent in the air – but he was hesitant to get them both on the team. They had recently started dating and he didn’t want tension to darken his team – and their chances of winning the cup – if they ever broke up.
Harry shivered in the rain as he decided to issue a warning to the team, “now, I just want to say, just because you made the team last year doesn’t guarantee you a spot this year, is that clear?” he called out and he couldn’t help but quickly glance up at the stands again.
“Does that include you as well?” Cormac McLagan – the biggest dickhead in Gryffindor – asked with a smug smirk on his face. Harry narrowed his eyes but before he could reply, Ron jumped to his defence.
“Don’t be dense! He’s the Captain!”
“Yeah, well, we’re not going to have a very good shot at winning if our Captain is constantly distracted. Though, I can’t blame you, Potter, I’d be the same knowing that Granger and Y/L/N are in the stands,” McLagan smirked as he turned around to wave at the two girls who were sitting in the stands and Harry had a sudden urge to punch him in his throat.
“What is this ‘we’ business, you’re not on the team, McLagan,” Ginny scowled which effectively shut him up.
You shivered and stuck your hands in the pockets of your coat as you walked up the high street on your way to the Three Broomsticks. It was the first Hogsmeade trip and Hermione had invited you to go with the trio and you’d said that you’d meet her in the pub, you couldn’t get up early on your day off, especially when it was cold. There were weekends when you would stay in bed all day.
As you got to the pub, you pushed open the door and stepped inside, breathing out in relief as you felt how warm the pub was, thanks to the huge fire that was crackling away. The pub was exceptionally busy today, Hagrid was talking to a hag in one corner and there was someone who was drinking from a steaming goblet at the bar. This is why you loved coming to The Three Broomsticks because you got to see and meet so many different people.
You spotted Harry, Ron and Hermione sitting on a table that was tucked away in a cute little alcove and you could see Ron scowling at the table a couple of rows over from theirs. When Harry spotted you he greeted you with a wave and you smiled back as you walked over to their table.
“Hi guys, I’m sorry that I’m late but I just can’t get up early at the weekend,” you laughed as you sat next to Hermione, who grinned at you as she pulled you into a one armed hug. Before this year, you hadn’t really spoken to Hermione but she was really lovely.
“No worries,” Harry smiled, his cheeks and nose were red from the cold and he was still wrapped up in his woollen scarlet and gold scarf, “got you a drink,” he mumbled almost shyly as he a tankard of Butterbeer over to you, his fingers brushing against yours, making you blush.
“Thanks Harry,” you grinned as you quickly took the drink, wondering if Harry felt the same electricity as you did. As soon as you took a sip of the warm beverage, you closed your eyes and sighed happily, it felt like heaven as it slid down your throat and warmed your insides, “so what’s going on with you guys?”
Ron groaned around his Butterbeer and he shook his head, “do not get him started,” he jabbed his thumb at Harry and that piqued your interest.
“Why, what’s happened?” you laughed, ignoring Ron’s groans of protests and out of the corner of your eye, you saw Hermione get a book out of her bag and she sighed as she opened the front cover.
Harry rolled his eyes, “Slughorn has been pestering me about going to one of his dinner parties and I can’t think of anything worse. He’s throwing one tomorrow for Halloween.”
“Ah yes, the infamous Slug Club, my dad was a member,” you snickered, thinking it was hilarious and a bit weird that Slughorn threw a party for his students, “how did you get out of the other two he held?”
“Well, I had that detention with Snape, and the other time I was loaded up with homework,” he bit his lip and you could tell that there was something he wasn’t saying but you didn’t want to pry.
“Slughorn’s parties surely can’t be that bad,” you laughed as you sucked some Butterbeer foam from your finger and you didn’t miss the way that Harry watched, almost enraptured.
“Want to come with me then? And you can see for yourself,” Harry laughed and Ron grimaced before standing up.
“I’m going to the bar,” he mumbled.
“Yeah, no,” you laughed, you could think of better things to do with your night, “like, I’d go if I was invited but I can barely stand Slughorn in class, never mind in a social setting.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Harry smirked.
You flushed and took a sip of your Butterbeer as you searched for something to say, you didn’t know Harry all too well but there was something you really liked about him. But, you just couldn’t put your finger on it. However, you couldn’t let Harry distract you from your mission of finding your soulmate.
“But seriously, if you need someone to go with, I don’t mind going with you, just once,” you admitted.
Harry smirked as he quirked an eyebrow and bit his lip as he leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair, “yeah? Good to know.”
@annemagus @smiithys @elayneblack @amelie-black @pregnant-piggy @justadreamyhufflepuff @yoitsalexxxxx @potters-heart @voiddylanobrosey​ @wilddxchildd​ @padsfirewhisky​ @lozzybowe​
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Blackened Bond (Ch 15)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Big White Lies
Next Chapter: 土御門天皇 (Tsuchimikado)
Tags: Kamo Noritoshi x Reader, Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, and specify if you're okay with NSFW posts or not, please mention it in the comments below ty ❤
Chapter 15: Shadows Fall
You numbly sat down on your bed. The room was dark. Your Phoenix brand, silent, a dull sepia stain on your inner wrist.
It hurts a lot.
“He’s no different to the power hungry elders of this corrupt society after all huh.” You were disappointed. It was dumb of you to give your heart away to him. Especially to a man who was already planning on taking in concubines, this early into your “relationship”.
You checked your phone to see the notifications. Mai and Miwa were looking for you, saying that you have dinner out with them in a few minutes.
'Ah, that was supposed to be for tonight' you thought.
"Sorry can't go, feeling unwell. You guys go ahead." You texted back to them as you slumped on your bed.
After a few minutes your door slammed open. "Where have you been?!" Mai asked, but stopped talking upon seeing your red rimmed eyes. Miwa peeked out behind her. "Are you okay y/n?" She asked.
That question absolutely crushed you. You started sobbing again, not being able to hide your shaking shoulders. The two girls filed in and closed your door.
"We are ordering take out. Miwa go ahead and cancel that reservation. We will stay in tonight." Mai said. "Right!" Miwa worriedly replied as she pulled out her phone and made the call.
"I'm not here to baby you. You will tell me what happened, okay?" Mai demanded.
"I need a few minutes" everything looked so blurry through your tears, Mai and Miwa only looked like unfocused blobs of dark green and bright blue. Literally, the only way you could distinguish the two girls at this point was by their hair color.
They couldn't get much out of you other than you talking about how Kamo-san never liked you in the first place and how you pushed yourself onto him.
The girls held you as you cried. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. "But both of you looked great. I'm sure Kamo senpai really liked you though?" Miwa questioned out loud.
Mai just nodded her head. "I said it before already. Both of you act like you're so oblivious to each other's affections. But I do agree that you put more effort into the relationship. He always turns down your request for dates off campus. Even an outsider could see that."
"No, no it’s not that. You guys know how the big 3 clans operate. He just felt that I was a suitable wife to bear his heirs. They're jumping at the chance to use me to get a blood-manipulator jujutsu shi who may also possibly inherit my psychokinesis technique. I don't want to stay in a relationship without any love in it." You whispered.
Your voice was all gone after you sobbed for hours. The fight and energy just drained out of your body.
They couldn't say anything to that as it was your relationship with Kamo and not theirs. That night, they slept over in your room, the three of you squishing into your queen sized bed and plushies.
On the other hand, Noritoshi had woken up from his nap, bedhead and red rimmed eyes and all. Clearly remembering all your painful words. He looked over to the side, staring at the Jade dragon pendant atop his bedside table. A small pink letter resting beside it, one that you had given him days prior.
‘Dearest Toshi,
You must be exhausted from all of your extra tasks given to you by your clan as of the late. I hope that it gets better soon, I’m here if ever you want to talk about it or if you need any help with that. My family and I are open to supporting you in your endeavors, though you haven't met them yet. Hiroki nii is especially excited to meet you, I can already see the both of you getting along quite well. Whenever you’re ready <3
Have a good evening.
Love, Y/N.’
He felt tears burn behind his eyelids.
“It was too sudden, I couldn’t even understand half the things she said to me earlier,” he murmured to himself. He racked his brain, trying to recall the things you said. It was mostly a blur to him.
Something about what he and his father talked about yesterday. That wasn’t an issue, it was mostly clan duties as per usual.
Also, how he never liked you. Well, he hasn’t confessed yet, but he couldn’t see why you’d bring that up out of nowhere when everything was still fine 2 days ago.
Concubines. The talk on concubines. Why did you- Oh. “... from yesterday” Noritoshi’s head was getting clearer and clearer. You must have misunderstood the conversation he had with his father, and left before it finished. It didn’t sound pretty now that he thought of it.
He had that single-minded goal of pleasing his father and the elders, but somehow you got tangled in the mess.
He sighed frustratedly. It always seemed to be the case with you jumping conclusions about him, didn’t it? Now he has to clear it up with you before it gets too bad.
You woke up the next morning feeling and looking like utter shit. Mai and Miwa had to dress you up and drag you out of bed.
“There’s only one thing you can do now Y/N.” Mai said as she straightened out your collar. “Get over him.”
Huh. Easier said than done.
There was a drastic change in your behaviour towards Noritoshi. The name "Noritoshi-senpai", that you had always cheerily called out, was replaced by a short and curt "Kamo-san" whenever conversation was necessary. Also, you don’t look into his eyes anymore.
You avoided him as much as you can, thanking yourself for knowing his schedule so well. Not hesitating to turn and go around in another direction if you ever saw him approaching from a distance. Because of this he rarely sees you on campus.
It hurt Noritoshi badly to see you act this way. He never realized just how warm you were with him until now that it was all gone. He tried to catch you during your breaks, calling out your name with the same tenderness he always had. But it was in vain as you ran away from him.
Todo and Momo wisely chose not to make any snide comments, upon seeing how downhearted Noritoshi was in the following days.
Everybody avoided eye contact with both of you if and when you had to interact. It couldn't be helped. The tension was like a fine piece of glass waiting to shatter.
The pain in your heart didn't subside at all. You've taken to staring at the mark on your wrist.
'Did I successfully reject our bond?' You wondered hollowly.
Sometimes you half expect your mark to start flashing wildly, like whenever you and Noritoshi have off days with each other. But this is the first time you've seen it so… silent.
You wrapped it up with more darker velvet strips and ignored it.
It was the opposite on Noritoshi’s end. He would lie in bed and stare at the mark that is dangerously bright red and hot. It almost felt painful, like someone was searing a brand onto his skin.
He wrapped it up in gauze bandages and put salves to soothe the mark. But it was never enough. He needed you back.
During one afternoon, you just finished an English lesson with one of the windows who teaches at Jujutsu High. You stood up from your desk and turned to see the man outside of your classroom.
"Y/n, are you free for lunch?" Noritoshi had obviously sprinted as soon as his lessons had ended. “We need to talk.” All 4 of you looked up to see him outside the classroom, as composed as ever. But he looked terrible.
There were shadows under his eyes, and he seemed to have gotten thinner. The shitty side of you was cruelly happy. Good that he’s like this, because he lost his toy. Good on him. But your heart was sad, yelling at you to go back and take care of him already.
"Ah I'm sorry, but I've got lunch with the rest of the 1st year's here." You politely declined. Trying to school your face into a neutral expression.
"I insist." He firmly stated. He looked over to the other students. "You don't mind if I borrow her do you?"
You inwardly scoffed at his poor choice of words. The stupid arse still thinks I'm his belonging apparently. Something to be borrowed and used.
But Mai stepped up. "If she doesn't want to hang out with you then she doesn't." Miwa was fidgeting worriedly. "Now now." She started.
"I really wanted to have lunch with my fellow 1st years, if you could please excuse us Kamo San." You hastily uttered, pulling Mai's arms towards you while turning away. The other first years followed your lead.
But Noritoshi was determined. He quickly put his hand on your shoulder, only for you to slap it away and flinch from him. Everybody froze.
You were clearly trembling, which made Noritoshi lower his hand and step back. "I'm sorry y/n." Whether the apology was for holding you without your consent or for everything that happened, you painfully let it slide. Silently bowing to him, then quickly walking away with the others.
Noritoshi could only watch wistfully as your figure disappeared from his view.
"The nerve of shitty men," Mai angrily stuffed her mouth with eggs from her bento. "Thinking they own women, that they're better than us. It was like this with the men in my family as well. Bullying and kicking aside the weaker women."
You sadly poked at your food. It was katsudon. You ordered it ahead of time from the cafeteria, wanting to perk up with a favorite dish. But today it tastes so bland. It wasn't the cooking that was off. Just that you had no appetite.
"Wouldn't you want to talk it out with Kamo senpai, y/n?" Miwa asked. Truth be told you were adding fire to the problem. You just dumped your anger on Noritoshi and kept rudely cutting him off before leaving him.
But your pride and broken heart didn't allow you to go back to him. "I don't think there's anything left for me to say or do to be honest. I'm not in the mood to face him. At all." You lied.
Mechamaru surprisingly spoke out, "Love is a fickle thing. And it's a fact that women are more in tune with their emotions than men are. But I think you won't regret it if you give him a chance. Kamo Noritoshi isn't a bad man."
Mai huffed. "Whose side are you even on?"
"There are no sides. Just two idiots who are madly in love with each other." Mechamaru dryly replied.
Your heart clenched, but you stayed silent, not denying the fact that even after you pushed him away, you still loved him.
"Let's talk about something else shall we?" Miwa hurriedly changed the topic and started discussing the homework to be done.
Hiroki was both the best and the worst brother you could ask for. Because he chose this time to surprise you with a visit at Kyoto High, claiming he wanted to see how you were doing with classes and that he would stay for a while.
Secretly, he wanted to meet and gauge Noritoshi, only to find out that the both of you have just broken up. You brought him into your dorm room to have a chat and some snacks.
“WHA?! YOU- You ended things with your soulmate?! You were together for like what?! 4 Months?” His jaw dropped as you told him the entire story.
You gave a drawn out sigh. “Hiro nii, I’m done. Like… He… I dunno anymore. To be honest I broke up with him in the heat of the moment.”
“Tsk, you’ve always been led by your emotions. That’s why you’re so reckless half the time sis. You didn’t even try to talk it out with him.” He asked as he opened a bag of chips.
You stayed silent and reached for chips. Chewing and ignoring him.
“What’s with you and bottling all your pent up anger only to toss it onto the poor guy? Didn’t even give him a chance to explain himself.” he tutted.
You whirled on him angrily. “They just want me for my power. Then they’ll let him off with like a dozen women around him. What the fuck is there for him to explain?!”
Hiroki looked way too calm. “Who are 'they'?”
You paused. “The Kamo family.”
“Are you 100% sure Noritoshi was in this only to use you?”
“Like 99.99%...” you trailed off. Hiroki eyed you knowingly. “That 0.01 percent chance of him loving you. You considered it, even though that’s a small ass probability sis. But hey, that’s your man. If you want him out, our family’s got your back. I’ll beat him up for you if you need me to”
You shook your head at him.
Hiroki sighed, “Though with that concubine thing, I can see it happenin’. Clan heads are desperate to have a son with the inherited technique. The Gojo clan just got lucky with Satoru. We dunno if it’s normal in the Kamo clan though. But with you as his soulmate, he shouldn’t need any. Somethin ain’t addin up…” He got lost in thought.
“You won’t know until you talk with Kamo himself.”
You sadly continued eating your chips. “I hate it when you’re right.”
The next morning Utahime urgently called for a full student body plus all available jujutsu sorcerers on site for a meeting.
You and Hiroki stumbled into the room, almost late, pushing against each other. The other students looked curiously at the man who was fighting you for space on the couch.
You jabbed him in the gut and put a leg over his. “Uhhhh y/n who is that?” Mai asked.
Your cousin shrugged your leg off of his, stood up and said his greetings, “Hello, I am Tsuchimikado Hiroki. Alumni here at Kyoto Jujutsu High. Semi-grade 1 sorcerer. Pleased to meet you all and thanks for taking care of my lil sis- ah I mean cousin.”
“Ohhhh” Miwa took a closer look. You noticed Noritoshi glancing over at you. Todo walked up to him and pointed a finger, “Tsuchi’s relative? Then what woman is your idea-”
You used your technique to immobilise Todo and forced him to sit down in a daze. “Sorry for my rudeness, senpai. You can have that convo later.” You knew it would take too long if this starts again.
Hiroki looked affronted, “It’s rude to point bruh.”
Utahime clapped her hands to gather your attention as Principal Gakuganji appeared on the podium.
“Thank you so much all for coming into this meeting on such short notice. Especially to the alumni and other available Jujutsu sorcerers. Let's get straight to the point: I am here to announce that War is coming.”
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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justfangirlthingies · 3 years
Treat You Better (Draco Malfoy) (Theodore Nott)
This is part 1 of a 2-part-series called "Moving on with(out) you" This part is a songfic about "Treat You Better" by Shawn Mendes
This plays roughly at the middle/end of year 5 and is written in Draco's pov.
It's mostly a Draco x reader, seeing as Theo barely appears in the story, but don't you worry, there'll be a part 2 written from Theo's perspective.
Summary: yes this is the first time I'm actually writing a summary. I might add it from now on, not sure yet. Draco watches as (Y/n), his best friend and longtime crush, progressively becomes more and more miserable in their relationship and decides to help them out of it.
Warnings: angst?, relationship struggles,
Word count: 1942 words
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to run into yo-" I was about to let whoever just ran into me hear a piece of my mind, but just as I was about to speak, I heard it. Your voice. The voice which always caused my face to soften, but only for you. It made me look down a little only to find a pair of brilliant (e/c) eyes. (Y/n) (L/n)'s eyes to be exact. Your eyes. "Malfoy" You grinned and pulled me into a side hug, causing me to smile as well. Until I saw your hands intertwined with his, that is. "(L/n)" I greeted back with just as much enthusiasm. I paused as I looked at Theodore Nott. Your boyfriend. Someone who was somewhat a friend of mine, he was not involved in my friend group, much like Blaise and Daphne. "Nott" my voice came out less cheerful and he nodded his head in a way of greeting me back.
You whispered something to the other Slytherin boy. What you said exactly, my ears couldn't pick up on. However, judging by the way he let go of your hand and continued on his way to wherever he spent his lunch break, it had to be something like "Go ahead I'll see you later." It was then, that I took in your form, the way your eyes lit up, but dulled as soon as your boyfriend had left without even giving you a kiss to the cheek or saying so much as a goodbye to you. You always looked drained and tired when you were with him, but I've never seen you look as miserable as the past couple of weeks. "So...Draco." You flashed me your sweetest smile "how are you?"
"Quite alright, what about you?" I returned your question, making some small talk. What I didn't expect you to do though, was to sigh and lean against one of the castle's cool walls "I'm alright."
"Now that is a blatant lie (Y/n). Spill it. What's going on?" I already knew where the conversation was heading and it hurt me to see you like this. After all, I would never make you feel so miserable and with everything I've heard before, what you were about to tell me next was the final straw. "He-he" your lip quivered "Can we go somewhere more private? I don't want to have this conversation in the middle of some hallway." "Of course." I felt the small smile form on my lips as I grabbed your hand and took you to our spot.
Once you got comfortable on the rug, which decorated the floor in our usual meetup spot, you spoke up again "He's doing it again. We have so many arguments and-" A shaky breath escaped your lips as I sat down next to you. I'm sure my cheeks would've turned a light shade of red at the way you buried your head in my chest had the circumstances been different. I tried to soothe you as I felt your tears staining my uniform "shh.." The sharp breath you inhaled did not go unnoticed by me "I just- I don't know, Theo is great. He's all I ever wanted, we-we're just going through a rough patch at the moment" After hearing this statement, I pulled you from my chest gently, my hands gripping the fabric that covered your shoulders "(Y/n)" I sighed "the two of you are ALWAYS going through a rough patch." You shook your head in disbelief, your (h/l), (h/c) hair swaying from side to side (if you don't have hair just ignore that part). What? Did you think I'd lie to you and tell you what you want to hear, instead of what you need to hear? Now, that would be stupid of you and I know you are many things, but stupid is not one of them, and maybe someday I'd even get to tell you all the things you are. But for now they'd have to stay in my head. "But- but it's going to get better eventually, right? I love him" my heart ached when you said that, but you didn't sound sincere, it sounded more like a question than a statement. "Draco please say something. Theo and I will get through this and be fine again, right? This will all change for the better. I-" You stopped yourself "We just need to get through it together and hold on tight. Sometimes it feels so unbearable, but that's normal. A relationship never comes without a challenge, right?" Your pupils were moving frantically as you searched my eyes.
A sigh left my lips and I moved one hand to your face to brush away your stray tears "I won't lie to you"
"Thank you. I know you'd never lie to me" a small, hopeful smile appeared on your lips. "But that doesn't mean you'll like the truth" I briefly flicked my eyes downward, before meeting your (e/c) ones again "I know he's just not right for you." "DRACO-" you wanted to cut me off, but I wouldn't let you. Not this time. "And you can tell me if I'm off, but I see it on your face" Your tears returned as you stuttered out "see what?"
"I see it, when you say that he's the one that you want" You shook your head in disbelief at my tone of voice. "Theo-Theo is the one that I want." The crack of your voice sent a pain searing through my chest. "(Y/n) please listen to me, you've told me times and times again how he acts around you. How badly he treats you-" This time, you did manage to cut me off "He's just going through a hard time and needs more time for himself. The day will come where he's back to normal. Back to the Theo I fell in love with."
"He's not the Theo you fell in love with anymore, he's changed and grown up and you know it. Besides, even if it does get better, then what?" I felt a scowl make its way onto my features "Who's to say it's not going to happen again? For Salazar's sake (L/n). Nott's draining you completely, he neglects you, he insults you and look at you now. That-that bright smile of yours is completely wiped off your face. You look tired. Don't think I wouldn't notice my dearest friend hurting like that. You know I'm right, that he's not the one for you and that you're spending all your time in this wrong situation and anytime you want it to stop"
"Draco, stop it. Please" I inhaled and exhaled deeply, it was now or never. "I know I can treat you better than he can" The surprised expression suited you, but then again, you always looked beautiful in any situation. Even with those tears cascading down your cheeks, I'd much prefered a smile on your face though. "And any girl like you deserves a gentleman" You didn't seem too opposed to the idea. Of course you weren't, not with the way you always held me close and the sheepish smile that graced your lips when you realized just how close we always were. Yet, that didn't stop my hands from shaking or the nervous sweat I felt, covering my body in a thin layer. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and did my best to continue. I wasn't brave like a Gryffindor, but I was ambitious and I was also determined to show you what you really deserved. "Tell me why are we wasting time on all your wasted crying, when you should be with me instead?" Was that a smile I just saw? It sure did look like one. "I know I can treat you better. Better than he can."
"You don't have to do this just to make me feel better" With that, your smile turned to a sad one again. "I'm not pitying you. I'd do anything for you. To see you happy and energetic again. I'll stop time for you the second you say you'd like me to" My fingers gently cradled your tear stained face, as I flashed you a soft smile. Maybe it wasn't my brightest idea to confess when you were still with someone else, but what else was I supposed to do? Leave you trapped in a relationship that is becoming more toxic day by day? No. "I just wanna give you the loving that you're missing. Baby, just to wake up with you, would be everything I need and this could be so different. Tell me what you want to do." My heart fluttered when you put your hand over mine. Over the one which was holding your face. And oh Merlin, that gorgeous grin of yours. "I- I didn't know that's how you felt. I have to think about this Draco. I'm in a relationship still"
"In a toxic, emotionally abusive one" I chimed in. "A relationship nonetheless" you retorted immediately. "Yes. But you feel miserable with him. You should finally end it. Once and for all. 'Cause I know I can treat you better than he can. And any girl like you deserves a gentleman." "It's not that easy. I-" You sighed, but it seemed to me, that you were out of arguments. "Tell me why are we wasting time, on all your wasted crying, when you should be with me instead? I know I can treat you better. Better than he can. Better than he can"
I decided to give you some time to think.
After what felt like hours, I dared to speak up again "(Y/n), please give me a sign." And just like that, you were in my arms, head buried in my chest again, leaving me to press soft kisses to the top of your head to soothe you. "Take my hand, we'll be fine. Promise I won't let you down" To my surprise I felt your hand make contact with mine and cling onto it tightly. Your whole body was wracking with your painful sounding sobs as I heard them slowly turn to sharp inhales. With my free hand, I caressed your back and the back of your head "Just know that you don't have to do this alone." The sound of your sniffles was what I heard, before you shuffled around in my arms, your gaze lifting to meet mine. "Really? You mean it. You'll help me and be there for me?" "When have I ever not been there for you? I Promise I'll never let you down. And do you wanna know why? 'Cause I know I can treat you better than he can and any girl like you deserves a gentleman. So, darling tell me why are we wasting time on all your wasted crying? When you should be with me instead? I know I can treat you better-" you smiled when you cut me off, a genuine smile on your lips. "Better than he can?" You asked and I noticed your voice had a playful tone to it "Better than he can" I tried to reassure you. I'd give everything for you, but what if I turned out to be like my father or if I hurt you just like Theodore Nott did?
But when I felt you lips brush over my own, your arms wrapped around the back of my neck as I held you close, I realized. That now it was you who was reassuring me. "Better than he can." You breathed against my lips, before you pulled me into a kiss.
Taglist: @paulina1998 @ateez-star @littlemissnoname13 @gwlvr @dracomalfoys-wh0re
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demonictales · 3 years
this wasn't requested but i got this idea shortly before i fell asleep so i figured I'll give it a try and see where I'll land with it. let me know what you think, aite? characters briefly featured: nie huaisang, nie mingjue, wei wuxian, lan wangji about 3k words
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It was a bright day in Yueyang as you walked quietly next to your father, only sweet eight years of age. You were the youngest of clan leader Chang Ci'an's children, your older brother Chang Ping, at home complaining why you were allowed to follow your father to Yueyang on this day while he had to learn swordman ship. It was your birthday, so you begged your father to let you come along and you did. Looking out of the window of the ox cart you were riding the eyes of the young child were looking left and right, dazzling items everywhere. But the toy stall was mostly what caught your attention.
"Diē diè, can I have some toys?" The angel like soft tone of your voice making your father laugh heartily. " How much more do you want today ? " He responded patting the place next to him. "Pretty please? It's my eight birthday. -- " You argued. "After I am done with my business here we'll walk the market." It was his final word and you were more than happy. Perhaps you'd even bring something for your brother. Not long after spoken words and a few hours after midday you finally enjoyed the market running from stall to stall until a sweet scent filled your nostrils. Your eyes became big when you spotted the freshly baked sweet pastries on a stall, running for it and it seemed you weren't the only one being lured by the sweetness flowing through the air of the Yueyang market. Next to you stood a boy, probably around your age, a bit taller than you and not as clean. His clothes were ripped apart and dirty, a beggar you concluded. It kind of made you sad but you couldn't do anything about it. One of the servants had caught up and you ushered him to buy you some pastries, delightfully taking a bite as you saw the boy next to you eyeing them. He could take them off of you if he'd ran fast enought but fate had different plans. You handed him some, two pastries, because you wanted too. He seemed hungry and you hated the feeling of being hungry to an extrend that made your eight year old body angry in a different way. You'd throw quite the tantrums. Perhaps that came from being to spoiled by your father. And speaking of the devil here he came, voice rough and loud. " Boy, do you want some pastries? " Ci'an asked, but you knew his tone, he wanted something in return. Your father did not even let the boy speak at all while pulling out an envelope. " If you can deliever this letter, young boy, I'll buy you the pastries. Find me afterwards." That was something nice you thought to yourself. Making him word but giving him food as payment. What your naive little mind did not know was that your father had other plans in mind and simply kept walking away from the pastries stand, leaving you to walk around on your own for a little while longer before asking you to hop onto the cart again to leave for home as it was soon dinner time. Xue Yang did gladly do as he was told for he could have some sweets and finally some food in his stomach. Yet the encounter didn't go as planned, instead he was angering the recipient of the letter and the boy had to deal with the consequences. Being dragged to the nearby liquor shop next to the stall where pastries were sold Ci'an and his daughter were long gone, leaving a young naive boy hungry outside, waiting in despair for trusting people. All the boy wanted was something to eat, so he roamed the streets until he found the man and his ox cart, a girl's head looking out of the window excitedly as she spotted the boy. "Diē diè! Diē diè!" You spoke loudly, rushing your father to stop the cart as the boy was running behind. " The boy has returned. You have to buy him pastries now." Though, as naive as you were you saw another side of your father that day, changing moods from being so generous to annoyed and angry. You had never seen him like that. And he did not stop the cart, not until the boy ran in front of it, halting it on his own terms. The scene played in front of your innocent eyes, making you cry. This was not how you knew your father to be, not in your eyes. The sound of the whip beating flesh making you fall back onto the ground of the cart, begging your dad to stop as it scarred you. Crying like a coward, just like the display of your father made your anxiety well up. For far you enjoyed your day, your birthday. Getting more toys, even finding something for A-Ping, your older brother and even sharing pastries with the boy outside just to see it all turn into a small nightmare during day. The sudden movement of the cart made you fall back again onto the ground until you heard a scream from underneath. It was not something you wanted to ever hear again. But the yells from people
around reminded you of what your father had just done. 'How cowardly to hurt a child. ' ' He really has no shame. ' 'Chang Ca'in you bastard.' 'Stop involving others in your quarrels. ' Peaking outside, you only saw a small group of homeless people gather around the boy who's name you never learned. Lying on the ground bleeding in pain and agony, holding his hand while crying. If you could only help him as you rode further away from the scene, back home. The past few days did not change a lot, you practically begged your older brother or any servant to take you to YueYang to find the boy and eventually one servant gave in. It took you a lot of convincing but you tried your best to find the boy. You had packed a small bag with bread and cheese and fruit. It wasn't a lot but it should be enough for a day or two. You even stole money from your father, hopefully it was enough to let a doctor help him. Ever since that day you saw your father in different eyes and learnt quickly he wasn't as great as you thought he was. You were only eight but you grew up faster than you wanted it to be true. You had spent all morning trying to find the boy until noon, you asked any beggar on the street, any stall owner, anyone you could probably think of and find until you found him dozing near the liquor shop next to the pastries. Their sweet scent filing the air around you once more. Carefully you approached the young boy, afraid you might scare him. He looked peaceful lying there and you did not want to wake him up. He sure had to be in pain. As quietly as you could you put down the small bag with food next to him, along the way you even bought a small bottle he could fill up with water. You wanted to apologize for your father's actions but you did not want to disturb him so you whispered something while being crouched down next to him. "I'm really sorry, little brother. Please eat well and get treatment or medicine. I wish it would not have happened.. Hopefully, you can accept my sincere apology." Little did you know he was listening as your eyes scanned his hand, you could not imagine the pain he had gone through, but there wasn't much more that you could do. You knew you were in trouble if your father found out you apologized to a beggar, especially to someone he caused harm to. Yet no one but Xue Yang knew that the two of you would meet soon again.
You had soon learned to leave your home as fights with your father became bigger and more unbearable. You were ashamed to be a part of his cowardly behaviour and did not tolerate it. So eventually when you turned eighteen, you left the manor and roamed the cultivation world, working on yourself, getting to know yourself and making aquaintances. One of your aquaintances was Nie Huaisang. He was a refreshing young man you'd enjoy drinking with, leading you to meet Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng and even the most famous Lan Wangji along your journey. Nie Huaisang had become a good friend of yours, eventually you were a welcome guest at Qinghe. It was rare but welcomed, you saw him as family, a brother you enjoyed spending time with. Even now, you resided at Qinghe having Nie Mingjue talking sense into you for going back home on your mother's birthday and visiting her. Your father's reputation had spread wide and far over the years, making you embarrassed to even carry the last name of Chang but here you were, bowing to the clan leader and biding your farewell. Qinghe might never be your home nor would the Nie Clan ever be your family, but at least you had a place to stay and you were more than thankful of it. Many times had you spoken to Mingjue and expressed your thanks and all you could do was to repay his hospitality with loyalty. Hard to earn but easy to give and be accepted. Leaving at dawn it took you about two days to arrive at Yueyang. At the gates of a place you called home, though the atmosphere around it did make you shiver as you tigthly held onto your sword. Something seemed terribly off and it was a feeling you hadn't felt in years, nothing except one thing could compare to it. The hair on the back of your neck stood up, as you slowly approached the gates of what was once your home. Unbeknownst to you, someone was watching rather excitedly from the rooftop, ready to attack at any given moment. The quietness drove you mad as you kicked the door open, being greeted by hanging corpses yet the scenery of mass murder unfolded behind them. There was you clan, wiped out from existence. Elders, children, servants and anyone you once knew, lying in their own poodles of crimson colored blood. What happend? Who did this? Where was your brother? Where was your mother and your father? All security forgotten you run forward, looking for your parents. " Mother! --- Mother! " Unwillingly your vision became blurry as you stumbled through the corpses of what once belonged to your name. The stinging smell of death making it hard to breath. How many days were they laying there for already? A loud dull thud was heard as you fell to your knees, tears running silently down your pale cheeks as you cradled your mother's cold body to your chest, sobbing without content. Oh how he enjoyed the drama unfold in front of his eyes, better than any theater you could see at the market. Though even he did not let one person live, something about her seemed familiar. He could not pin point it, all he wanted was the revenge for what this man had done to his hand. It was worth the massacre and the now free show as he landed quietly a few feet behind her. She must've been the last remaining person of this god forsaken clan and his last victim to get full revenge. "I should never have let home in the first place. I'm so sorry, mother. I'm so sorry.." Your words were swallowed by your mothers dark hair. You would mourn her for a long time, she was a gentle lady. A few feet away you saw you father, nothing but anger welled up in you as you placed your mother down onto the cold ground, your robes stained by her blood. You had never felt this much rage or anger inside of you as you grabbed your sword, ready to hit whatever flew into your way. Standing above him, you could not hold one piece of respect for him. It was his fault again, for you to feel so painfully lost once more. " What kind of father are you? --- You cannot even protect your own wife. " Broken words had left your lips. " All because you were so cowardly, playing bigger than what
you could pay for. " Quietly those words left your lips, " Now we are no more. There is no more Chang clan, all because of your greed. " Out of nowhere someone started clapping, as if he waited for just the right moment. Faster than lightling you pulled out your sword, facing the young man in front of you, close to where you kneeled moments ago next to your mother's body. "What a tragedy! But brilliantly spoken. ----- It was indeed his fault. " Xue Yang crossed his arms behind his back as he came closer, step by step. " It seems I have not yet fully killed every single member of this clan. --- Who might you be? " He smiled mischieviously at you, but you answered either way. " Chang Y/N. -- Only daughter of clan leader Chang Ci'an. --- " "Today must be my lucky day then. I will for once and all end all of the clan members life. -- " Xue Yang dashed forward, a devilish smile as both of you fought amidst the chaos created by him. Usually something like that would excite you, you could flaunt your skills thought it was a different matter as you landed on the roof, holding him away from you. "What have we done to deserve being slaughtered?" You questioned him, not even bothering asking for his name in return. All you knew was that he had to die today, for the sake of your clan and that they may rest in peace. "Fine with me. " He grinned. as he held up his hand, turning it to look at it at every angle. Silently you watched as he turned around, voice raising. " Once upon a time there was a child, all he wanted was some food. ----- He met a men on the marked here in Yueyang, saying that if he'd delivered a letter, he'd buy him the pastries. As young and naive as the child was, he did so, the only thing on his mind was the food he would get. " The story seemed awfully familiar to you as you remembered the day, your eight birthday. "Though, he did as he was told, Chang Ci'an left without ever paying his debt to the boy. Instead the boy was beaten up, kicked out of the liqour shop and left hungry on the street. Dumb as he was, he confronted the man just ----" "--- just to get whipped and his hand crushed by an ox cart. " You finished his sentence as Xue Yang whipped around in curiousity, wondering how you knew. "You're the boy I met back then. The boy my father hurt. ------ " It was a moment of carelessness from your side, letting your guard down bit by bit. A change of attitute in your behaviour. " I came looking for you, to apologize. I left food and drink and even money to get yourself treatment. " Xue Yang's head was slightly tilted, oh he did remember, but that did not still his urge to have the clan burned down to ashes for what they did to him. She had shown him care indeed, but that was long forgotten he had no mercy, not the elders or children, not even you. "Why? --- Why di------" The sound of metal falling on the bricks of the roof filled the early evening. You had lost the grib on your sword when you looked down, the blade that pierced your back turned red with your blood dripping down, stopping you mid sentence. He had taken advantag of you being distracted, but could you blame him? No, you couldn't. Falling forward onto your knees, you started coughing up blood until you were kicked down, landing onto the stairs of the entrance, feeling the hit of the stone underneath you in your bones, shattering you into pieces from the pain you felt. Turning onto your back in pain, you saw him looking down at you. A huff left your lips, coughing again, quietly choking on the blood that filled your lungs. " What--- what is your--- name?" Words came out in pieces, all you could do was lay there, barely able to move as your own blood colored your robes in dark wet liquid that was warm. "Xue Yang!" "I'm sorry, little brother Xue Yang.." Your words were barely above a whisper as your head fell aside, your vision becoming darker by the second, all you remember was a young boy you once handed two pastries too because he seemed hungry. What you did not see was the smile that had left Xue Yang's features, the agony that
he enjoyed before hearing your words, the same words but with his name, the same words you'd spoken as you thought he was sleeping. In the end, you had the last word, not him. And your friend had to witness you and your clan being whipped out of existence, reporting to his brother that you had passed away at home being murdered.
For Xue Yang hearing those words being spoken lastly, it was everlasting terror.
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thinknicht · 3 years
Kakashi loses his father and Minato gains a puppy
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Kakashi had been mad at his dad for months now – for screwing up that stupid mission, for losing all his awesome reputation because of it, for getting replaced by a ghost. Everybody had said his dad was going to cost them the war, that he was a selfish bastard; everybody had whispered and subtly let Kakashi know just how much of a disappointment his father was. 
It was so unfair! Why did he have to make a stupid mistake? He was supposed to be perfect, Konoha’s elite White Fang. Everybody was supposed to love and admire him… it shouldn’t be like this. The Hatake Sakumo he knew and admired was always proud and straight-backed, confident and sure. He wasn’t supposed to make mistakes, to have people hate him so much that they’d treat him and Kakashi both like trash. Kakashi… couldn’t do much. He was just a kid – but he could feel. He’d felt all sorts of things – he had been scared and ashamed and sad at it all – but mostly he’d been furious. He’d been mad at the old ladies gossiping about his dad on the street, at his classmates who’d previously admired him but would now shoot him derisive looks, at their parents who mumbled bad words behind his back, thinking he couldn’t hear – or perhaps not caring. But most of all he was mad at his dad for not defending himself, for not defending him. 
Picking up Kakashi from the Academy, he must have heard the whispering parents too, seen the looks Kakashi’s classmates kept shooting at him – but instead of standing proud whilst slinging Kakashi upon his shoulders like he had used to, Sakumo had bowed his head and said nothing. They had walked silently home, side by side – yet it had felt like they were worlds apart. He couldn't stop thinking about how his dad hadn’t met the eyes of those gossiping parents, or even their children. Of what those parents had said and how his dad’s hand had trembled on his back as he’d led Kakashi away.
The dishonoured White Fang. He too, must know the gravity of what he’d done, they whispered. Just look at him, at those eyebags and posture. It seemed like the pathetic scumbag at least recognized what he was. Suits him right, they crowed, for almost costing Konoha the war. It’d be better if that drunk disgrace just ended it already. 
The words had hurt – but they couldn't compare to his father's reaction. It had challenged some of Kakashi’s most visceral beliefs about what his dad was like. Day after day, his father would pick him up from the Academy and never defend him,  never look anyone in the eyes, like a beat down dog. Then, one day he didn't come. After waiting in the rain for over thirty minutes, Kakashi  had realised this. He’d been forgotten, cast aside.  No one would come to pick him up. Kakashi had begun walking home alone after that – every day. His father hadn’t mentioned it at dinner. The added responsibility was not as exciting as he’d always pictured it to be.
Some days it had all gotten to be too much and he’d said something rude and frustrated to his dad – but he hadn’t really meant it! He’d just been acting petulant. He’d just wanted things to get better… to go back to how they’d used to be. He’d wanted Sakumo to snap out of the weird dazes he got into lately, maybe even get angry at him and defend himself, even if Kakashi had to take the brunt of his fury. It would have been okay. Kakashi had just wanted him to react – anything at all would have been preferred to the emptiness that constantly seemed to follow him, dull grey eyes unnerving… unfocused… wrong . Kakashi had just wanted things to return to how they used to be.
 The winter was cold and harsh, reflecting Kakashi's mood perfectly. Overcast skies and short days were not conductive to good humor, but with the beginnings of spring, Kakashi felt the beginnings of new hope sprout within him. Perhaps, now that everything was brighter and better, his dad would get better too?
He'd been in a good mood all week so much so that he didn't even mind that much when his dad forgot to make breakfast or lunch or shown his face at all. This had happened a few times before, him falling asleep and not waking up for a long time. By dinner Kakashi decided to go look for him, maybe get him to come out to the porch and look at the rabbit den he'd spotted in the garden. And yet dad wasn’t in his room or the living room or the bathroom or the kitchen. After checking everywhere else he could think, he’d gone to the west wing. His father had always avoided it because it contained his mother’s old bedroom, the one both of his parents had used to sleep in before he was born… the one dad never used anymore. 
 There was a smell in the corridor… unpleasant, disgusting. He had been ignoring it until now, and he kept doing so. Maybe his father had left to the bar or even a mission! Or maybe he’d gone to mom's grave. He should just… 
He went back to the kitchen and ate dinner. He brushed his teeth. He put on his pajamas and went to bed. It had been a long time since his father had tucked him in. Normally, Kakashi was responsible in following his bed time, but that night he felt restless. Against his father’s wishes (who was he kidding, nobody would scold him) he flipped on the light again and paged through a scroll – he would look for dad tomorrow, hopefully by then the smell would be gone. But the stench was getting worse and worse and finally he set the scroll aside and propped himself up. There was no way he could keep ignoring it any longer. It had penetrated up his nostrils and into his bloodstream, slinking into the very marrow of his bones.  Those of Hatake descent had extremely sharp noses; at this rate sleeping would be impossible.
Resigned to some inminent pain in his nostrils, Kakashi crawled out of his futon and folded it carefully, his stomach pooling with dread. It was unreasonable. He wasn’t a little baby anymore – he was six . It was just a smell. Maybe some dead animal had gotten in, he told himself. He’d throw it out and that was that. And yet every part of him told him to turn around. He didn’t. 
 Earlier, Kakashi had left his mother’s room out of the search for his father before – perhaps because a part of him had known all along what he would find.  Still, the sight of his father’s rigid corpse shocked him down to the very core. It had to be a joke, a trick, a training exercise, he thought wildly, but he didn’t dare step into the room to check.  Kakashi was a logical creature even then and he knew that that made little sense – Sakumo hadn’t trained or played with him in months, and he was sensitive about strong smells. No. What he was seeing was exactly as it appeared.
He was dead. Not murdered or assassinated – dead.
The body of his dead father was sprawled upon the blood-splattered floor, flies buzzing around it noisily. A katana gleamed, reflecting the moonlight that streamed in from the window as it protruded from his stomach. Sepukku. The samurai’s suicide ritual.
Kakashi had known something was wrong even before going into his mother’s old room, but nothing could have prepared him for this. His father – dead. The flies, the blood, the smell, the choice he had made – seppuku .
After standing there for maybe minutes or maybe seconds, his recollection of the night’s events got blurry. Kakashi barely remembered running out of the house in still in his pajamas and barefoot, or stepping on glass as he rushed away, away, away. He barely remembered barging into the hokage tower, leaving bloody footprints in his wake and sobbing uncontrollably. He barely remembered explaining much of anything, other than repeating ‘sepukku’, ‘sepukku’, 'sepukku’ like a mantra. The look in the hokage’s eyes said he understood. Someone had sedated him after that.
  It had been a month since then. He couldn’t go to sleep at night anymore without seeing Sakumo’s cold body sprawled upon the blood-stained wood whenever he closed his eyes, without smelling that smell . He couldn’t dream anymore, couldn’t get a full night’s sleep. He couldn’t train with Sakumo anymore or count the days until he’d be back from his latest mission. He couldn’t do any of those things – because Sakumo had abandoned him.
 The villager’s behavior toward him didn’t improve. In fact, it was as if Sakumo’s death had been kindling thrown into a fire. Where previously people had only whispered about the White Fang’s shameful, pathetic, selfish behavior, now they all talked about it openly. Every gossiping old lady told their neighbor that they’d always known there was something cowardly and dishonourable about that Hatake dog. Drinking himself into a stupor to then commit suicide, and to top it off with his kid at home! It was rumored that the poor boy had found the man in a pool of blood and sake. What a pathetic waste of space he had been! 
Kakashi’s mask, until then vehemently hated, had suddenly become a reprieve – he was harder to recognize with it. His training, which had previously been the way in which he connected with Sakumo, the way in which he strove to impress him when he returned from missions, now became the only thing he had left. He trained constantly, both resenting and missing Sakumo in equal measure, his exertions the only outlet. During those moments, when his body and spirit trembled and his eyes misted, he swore to himself that he would never make the same mistake.
 Sakumo had died (had killed himself) for breaking the rules. Everybody said so. Kakashi had always known that the rules were important, but a few times he’d felt tempted to question them – like when that frog girl had crossdressed as a boy. He had seen her sometimes afterward, when he’d glanced out of his classroom window, sitting all alone and friendless in the yard outside while her classmates played – and he had known immediately that this was his fault, that his rule-abiding had done that. Before he’d confronted her, she’d had friends, he’d seen it. He hadn’t liked that… somehow it had annoyed him, he didn’t know why. He’d told her sensei about it, just kind of expecting she’d get into trouble for a bit and maybe find him to throw another tadpole at him afterward… but that hadn’t been what had happened. She hadn’t found him to throw tadpoles at him whatsoever, and instead had started looking sullen and withdrawn and sad whenever he saw her from the window. He hadn’t wanted that. He’d just wanted to follow the rules.
A part of him had begun to doubt his decision then. A part of him had felt guilty.
He had thought about breaking the rules other times too, like when a hard test was coming up and he’d been tempted to sneak into the teacher’s room to check the answers – this was practically in a ninja’s job description after all – though he’d settled for studying all night in the end. 
He had felt bad, too, about more indirect breaches like getting all riled up when that frog girl called him names. Ninja weren’t supposed to fall for taunts, it was in the shinobi handbook that they show no emotion because talling for taunts lead to mistakes. But he kind of enjoyed the breach in the monotony that the frog girl and her loud bowlcut friend provided. He liked that they weren’t all admiring and brown-nosing around him like all his classmates, and, though he’d never admit it to himself, he liked the stories they came up with too, and when he was bored in class he would sometimes picture the annoyed faces frog girl would make at him when he outsmarted her and snicker. But ninja should live in the present, without distractions or indulgences in childish make-belief games, he realized that now. That girl was a rule-breaker more than anyone else he knew, and if Kakashi had learned something from his father’s death it was this: he would never, ever break a rule again. Any rule.
 He stopped going to frog girl and bowlcut’s meadow. At first a part of him missed them. He was all alone, after all – but – he still didn’t go, didn’t want to see their looks of pity – or even worse – disgust. He kept wanting to drop by but then not doing it. He had other things to keep him busy, like being a genin. He was a ninja now.
He wouldn’t make his father’s mistakes in his career, he swore to himself. He’d follow the ninja handbook to a T and then nothing like what Sakumo had gone through would happen to him. He had graduated now and frog girl and bowlcut were just kids . He had better things to do than them now, like training and having endless nightmares.
 At night, he couldn’t keep lying to himself. He cried himself to sleep often.
During the day, he kept his mask on and his feelings off, and surely things would get better if he did that. He had been accustomed to living alone from when his father left on missions, but this was different. He was in charge of his dad’s money now and other things like cooking and cleaning and bills and… he felt anxiety just thinking about it. He knew he’d have to pay some kind of bills for electricity and hot water and heat and all that later on, but he didn’t know how or where or when to do it. Money wasn’t an issue, his father had never lacked it, but he still got nervous thinking about what if he suddenly ran out or someone scammed him?
 He had spent the first week after That Night with another family – the Sarutobi household – the first week after his dad had died. Then he’d graduated the Academy and the hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, had told him that he was welcome to stay with them, though he could become independent now too if he wanted, seeing as he was now a genin – legally an adult. Kakashi had jumped at the chance of being alone. Asuma’s constant invasive presence and probing questions had been stifling, his mom’s mothering unwanted, the pitying looks they all kept shooting at him less than welcome.
“I will return home,” he’d told the hokage immediately. The more Hiruzen had insisted to the contrary, the stronger Kakashi’s determination to be left alone.
  Now, he was regretting that decision… he hated living alone, hated the empty spaces and the silent Estate. At this point he'd agree to live with anyone, but his pride kept him from going back to the Sarutobi household. He missed his dad… he missed frog girl and bowlcut but didn’t know how to reach out. He felt so, so alone. He wanted to be independent and strong and rule-abiding, but he wanted a hug too and a good night’s sleep and some excuse to leave this stifling estate where his dad had killed himself, but he couldn’t let himself look weak, he couldn’t , didn’t even know how – and he didn’t know what to do.
 He had started going to the central market in Konoha, even though it was very far from the Hatake Estate, which was located at the village’s outskirts. He told himself it was just because the central market was better than the small shop he’d used to frequent, even though he’d never bothered to go there Before.
At the market, he would dawdle and soak in the people and chatter, floating through the lively atmosphere. It made the loneliness starker but also duller. Before, he had loved to have his peace and quiet, but now silences haunted him. Now the noises of people had become a balm. He often just walked around the stalls, peering at the wares and at the people and listened . He didn’t do anything else. A part of him had hoped to maybe run into someone he liked there… but of course he never did. He should have known that none of his classmates or frog girl or bowlcut would be there, of course. If he had really wanted to find them, he knew he could, but somehow he didn’t.
 He was shaken out of his musings when the blond man appeared again. Kakashi and the blond man had coincided a few times in the market already. The blonde would often sit on a bench and do nothing in particular, though he’d sometimes bring books to snicker at, or chat up girls and vendors alike when they passed him by. The blonde man had a radiant smile and people seemed to love him, Kakashi had noticed. A part of him wanted to be mad at him for that, for having something he so sorely wanted but didn’t have, not any longer, not after that mission – but he mostly found himself being unable to muster up much resentment.
Sometimes, Kakashi wondered why the blond man would spend so much time at the market, just like him. Was he lonely too? Did his family leave him behind like Kakashi’s father? Despite himself, he’d gotten curious. He had made a habit of going to the market every day and he’d started getting to know the regulars. During his excursions, Kakashi always wore bland clothes and the mask so that he wouldn’t be noticed as much, but he in turn did notice the people, and the blonde man was often there – except sometimes when he left on missions, or so Kakashi assumed. The blonde man was a ninja.
He’d never dared to approach, but today he felt tired… so he sat down on the bench across the blonde to eat an apple he’d bought. He tried to divine what the man was reading, to subtly glance at his book’s cover… but he got caught looking. The blonde gave him a smile, then returned to his book. Kakashi didn’t dare to look again but his heart pounded. A while later, the blonde was cornered by some civilian ladies who wanted his opinion on some of their wares and ushered him away. Finally, Kakashi dared to steal another glance, then stood up and stretched, readying to go back to the estate.
 That smile… it had struck him like a punch to the gut. How long since anyone had just… smiled at him? He couldn’t remember the last time. Lately, he was always alone, and when he wasn’t, all he saw in people’s eyes was either disinterest or distaste, depending on whether they recognized him or not. Sometimes there was pity in the case of his father’s former friends like the hokage. 
Missions weren’t any better. In fact, he found that he hated the whole thing. Without fail, he always got passed around the genin teams, mostly replacing recently deceased members, and was never liked by the other integrants. He wasn’t sure if it was because they knew his reputation, because he was so much younger (and better, he privately thought) than them, or because he was the replacement of their dead friends. Yes, Kakashi thought. Nobody had smiled at him in a long, long time… He hadn’t realized how much he’d missed it until that very moment.
 The next day, he sat on the bench across the blonde again… and the day after too. He always noticed when the man was gone on missions and he… it wasn’t like he was stalking him or anything, but the man – Minato, the old ladies called him – would always smile that warm smile at him, and Kakashi… Kakashi cherished it. He mustn't know who he was, that Minato. A part of him feared what would happen if he found out… would he start glaring at Kakashi if he did?
 One day, Minato sat down next to him. Kakashi froze and almost bolted… but the blonde just pulled a book out of his pouch and calmly began to thumb through it, like always. He talked to the merchants like always too, and Kakashi slowly relaxed. The week afterward, when Minato returned from what must have been a mission, he sat next to Kakashi again, surprising him once more, but he relaxed quicker than last time.
 “Mind if I take one?” Minato asked, peering at him from over his book. “Those oranges look mouth-watering.”
Kakashi startled and looked at Minato suspiciously. “You’re an adult. You shouldn’t be asking kids to give you their oranges.”
The blonde’s lips quirked into that smile again and Kakashi almost forgot he was supposed to be acting pissed-suspicious. “Yeah, but aren’t you one too?” Minato asked with a chuckle. “A legal adult? I’ve heard about you, you’ve made genin, haven’t you?”
Kakashi was startled for two reasons: one – adults never acknowledged he was independent and two – Minato knew who he was! And he still smiled at him?
“I guess you can have an orange,” Kakashi decided, handing it over.
Minato laughed. “Thanks, kiddo. Also, I was going to say that I would pay you back before you interrupted me.” He chuckled. “You’re always here, so I figured I’d treat you next time we meet.”
Next time.
Kakashi’s breath hitched. “S-sure. I mean whatever, it’s just an orange.”
The blonde chuckled. “So you don’t want to get treated, huh? Well, I guess it’s no sweat off my back…”
“That’s not what I said!” Kakashi exclaimed, wide-eyed. He took it back! He wanted to meet with Minato again!
The blonde teen laughed, suddenly reaching out to give him a mighty head ruffle. “Alright, alright. I’ll treat you to some dango then, I think.”
“I don’t like sweets,” Kakashi informed, crossing his arms, but secretly wishing for another head-ruffle.
“You say that now … but have you tried the fried eggplant with honey?” the blonde prodded happily. “Maki-baa makes ones to die for!”
“Eggplant,” Kakashi repeated dubiously, “with honey ? What kind of crazy person would make a sweet out of eggplant ?”
Minato smirked at him. “Just you wait. You’re going to be blown away, Kakashi!”
“H-hey! How do you know my name,” Kakashi muttered. “Stalker.”
The blonde chuckled. “Kid, I’m a master infiltrator. Knowing these things is pretty much my job.”
“Yeah, well you look like a girl,” Kakashi spluttered, embarrassed for some reason. “And way too young.”
“I’ll have you know, I’m nineteen and my looks are great for making people underestimate me, so… peace!”
“You’re weird,” Kakashi declared.
“Ah, wait till you try the eggplant. You’ll join the dark side soon.”
“ Right .”
  Somehow, Minato never suddenly decided that Kakashi was a persona non grata. He never avoided him, never stopped being kind. Kakashi found himself missing the blonde intensely when he was gone on missions, though he never admitted to it.
Life continued and things got easier… or maybe he just got used to his situation. He got used to his nightmares, used to the silence, used to the glares. Like all shinobi worth their salt, Kakashi adapted. He stopped getting crawls just from looking at the Hatake estate, though he still avoided the west wing like the plague. He completed D-ranks with ease and watched as other genin got sent out to the field and didn’t come back. He got used to being a replacement for the dead genin too… there were many. Still, a part of him wished he could have his own team, his own sensei. He wanted it so badly… why couldn’t he have what everyone else did? He surmised none of the jonin wanted to get stuck with the little kid, with the White Fang’s spawn. He understood. He still wished though.
Autumn came and went and the days got colder. Less people visited the market now, but Kakashi still went religiously. Despite his pride, he had finally worked up the courage to ask Minato how to deal with taxes and bills… even though he’d hated doing it, because he was afraid Minato would think he was a little kid after all if he asked. But the blonde hadn’t done that. He’d gone into long-winded, excited explanations on book-keeping, tax-paying, old fogies who might try to mess up his taxes so he needed to check everything over carefully, remember that, Kakashi!, and most importantly, what Minato had happily dubbed ‘money-saving ninja skills’. Kakashi had never enjoyed learning about anything more, but maybe that was because it was Minato who was teaching him.
One day, Minato showed him how to fish in order to save money. Another day he invited Kakashi to a training ground and taught him how to season said fish. Then, the week after they went to the woods and they cooked a rabbit. Minato would often give him tips on how to save money whilst doing all of this, though Kakashi privately thought that the blonde wouldn’t really need to follow his own advice since merchants were constantly gifting him their wares or inviting him over. At the beginning, Kakashi had wondered why everyone liked Minato so much, but now he understood. Minato was special… he was… sometimes, Kakashi couldn’t believe that someone like that would bother to give him the time of day. It was... the best thing that had happend to him in a long, long time. Maybe ever.
  Over the years, someone had taken up the nasty habit of drawing odd preschooler figures on his window when it was fogged up from the cold, or with crayons and chalk during the summer. Kakashi had been trying to catch the perpetrator ever since they'd begun, thinking that it might have been frog girl or bowl cut, but never managed. When he grumbled about it halfheartedly to Minato one day, the blonde  burst out laughing.
“Ah, the henohenomoheji? That was me!”
“What?” repeated Kakashi dubiously. “You’re the person who draws them? But they look like they were made by a preschooler!”
“Ah, I guess it’s a habit, from when my siblings were still… anyway, yeah! I’m not an artist, that’s for sure,” Minato told him sheepishly. “But I wasn’t trying to bother you, I promise. The henohenomoheji were just my way of telling you that I’d returned to the village after a mission, Kakashi. I always stop by your place to sketch a quick one on my way to the tower.”
“Oh.” The tower was on the other side of the village. Kakashi gulped. He felt happy Minato went out of his way like that, he really did, but… a part of him had hoped…
“Kakashi? What’s with that look?” Minato asked softly. “I… didn’t know it would upset you. I’ll stop, I promise.”
“No, don’t,” Kakashi mumbled.
He should have known it hadn’t been those two. Of course they must have thought the same as everyone else, that he was a disgrace and not worth hanging out with. Why had he even expected otherwise? Frog girl and bowlcut had probably forgotten all about him by now. He felt some part of him freeze at that. If they’d forgotten him so easily, he had no reason to expend energy thinking about them either. Firmly, Kakashi pushed the two out of his mind. He would not think about them again.
“Kakashi? Is everything… alright?” Minato’s deep blue eyes were filled with concern and Kakashi felt the coldness that had spread in his gut thaw.
“Yeah, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
Minato nodded slowly. “Well… I have some news that will cheer you up! I applied to be a jonin sensei. How’s that for cool?”
Kakashi frowned. “A… a jonin sensei?” Hope lit up within him. “Does that mean… you’ll…?”
“Yep! You’re my student now, Kakashi! Hope you’re not too put off by this pretty face.”
Kakashi’s lips split into a large grin, his cheeks hurting from the rare action. The mask would cover it, but Minato had never had any issue with reading his expressions before. Smiling brightly, the blond teen lurched forward to give him one of those wild head-ruffle noogies Kakashi adored so much.
“I guess it could be worse,” he muttered, failing rather spectacularly at hiding his excitement.
“Don’t be coy with me, Kakashi! I’m your sensei now and what kind of pupil lies to their sensei!”
“Sh-shut up, Minato… sensei.”
“Awww! And he’s blushing! I need to take a picture!”
Note: this is an extract of my story misnomer, hence the frog girl oc, but I figured this chapter pretty much doubled as a Kakashi character stude so here you go! Hope you enjoyed!
(Also, in case it wasn’t obvious from the japanese characters, the image above is not mine.)
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Amira Wayne - Chapter 13
I’m alive! Here’s day 14 of @biodad-bruce-month event (even tho it ended already)!
Chapter 13: Dating/Love
P.Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan
Tag: @vixen-uchiha @we-want-mini-mini @ramos123 @bluesimani @redscarlet95 @greatcatblaze @promiswords @fantasiame @corabeth11 @anonymously-odd @alexandriamw @officiallydarkgeek @galla02006 @maleive07
“Wait, I could just do that?” Chat exclaimed, looking at the akuma that crumbled under his hand.
It was another day without Ladybird, but Chat and Bee were able to handle the past two akumas with ease and with little damage. 
The first time around, the duo met with Ladybird’s kwami Tikki to help purify the akuma. But after witnessing Tikki eat the akuma before spitting it right out purified...let’s just say the duo were left a bit traumatized. 
Not wanting to see that again, Chat and Bee decided to look for alternate ways to purify an akuma. Or at least get rid of them before causing more trouble.
“Wait, how did you not know?” Bee asked.
“Never tried.” Chat said with a slight shrug. “Which reminds me, I have to tell LB something after this.” 
Queen Bee noticed how Chat frowned, his eyes becoming dull. 
“You too?” Bee asked, watching as Chat’s ring was down to its last pad. 
“Wait, what do you mean by ‘you too’?” 
“I have to leave for the States in a few weeks. Something about having to keep appearances and the sorts.” Bee huffed, watching the Parisian sky starting to darken. 
“What are the odds? I also have business in the States, although it’s more about business than appearances in my case.”
“Seeing as the two of us have to tell LB, how about we tell her the news together?” Bee suggested. 
“Sounds like a plan. Although it has to wait for some other day. Right now, I have a meeting to attend, so later!”
Queen Bee watched as Chat Noir left the training grounds in a hurry, noticing the fake smile plastered on his face. 
“You’re being dragged into it too, aren’t you?”
“Morning.” Marinette told Adrien and Chloé, much to the surprise of everyone else in the class. 
How did the trio become friends overnight? And wasn’t Marinette best friends with Alya?
“Marinette. The sun is out, I’m having a great hair day and all you can say is morning?” Chloé huffed. “Good morning to you too.”
“Hello Marinette! Feeling any better?” Adrien decided to ignore Chloe, Marinette nodding.
“To be honest, a bit. Still got to take my medication and rest, but staying in bed won’t do me any good.” 
Amira recalled the text message she received this morning, her father asking her how she was. 
Selina had filled him in when he called back, telling him about the situation. Amira also learned of his visit through the baker’s surveillance cameras.
While she had told him that she didn’t care what he did, it hurt to see that he came to visit her. 
Then again...what right did she have to feel sad that he didn’t try to talk to her when she’s already pushed him? 
“-to Marinette. You see Adrikins? I’m telling you, she needs to stay-“
“He could’ve at least let me have known he came over.” Chloé and Adrien found Marinette mumbling, a frown on her face. 
“He? Did someone-“ Adrien started only for Miss Bustier to walk into the class and start the class. 
Chloe watched as Marinette zoned out during their first class, watching as Alya didn’t bother to check in with her supposed ‘best’ friend.
Marinette continued to zone out throughout the entire morning and then acting if nothing was wrong once lunch came around. 
It bothered Chloe so much and she didn’t know. Why did it bother her to see Marinette act as if she wasn’t in pain when it was clear as day?
“Ladybird!” Chat called out, snapping Bee from her thoughts. It’s been three days since she last saw Ladybird, watching as their leader greeted them with a slight smile on her face. “Feeling better?”
Deja vu much?
“Chat. Bee. I’ve been doing well. Master Fu gave me the okay to return back to patrolling despite not wanting me being here.”
“How come?” Bee asked, looking out to the Parisian skyline. Tonight, it seemed foreign. 
“One word: Hawkmoth.” Ladybird stated, watching as her partners looked at her with narrowed eyes. “If I stay for too long out of commission, not only will we be giving him more answers about the miraculous, but he’ll know our weakness.”
“He’s probably caught up with the most recent information regarding the damage left behind from Dark Owl. Can’t exactly hide the evidence left behind at the stadium and his office.”
Ladybird watched as Bee and Chat nervously laughed at that, remembering the large pile of rust left at the stadium and the amount of tech to clean out of Principal Damocles’ office. 
“Do you think he knows about you and-” Bee started, only to stop when LB nodded.
“He might know I’m not suited for the Ladybug, but there are also other possibilities.”
“Which are?”
“I’m like him.” Ladybird bluntly stated, getting titled heads for a reaction. “I have another life outside the mask that makes me mia.” 
“Wouldn’t that apply to all of-”
“Not exactly. The two of you are mostly active, always at the scene as soon as possible. As for me, I don’t usually appear until minutes later or until halfway. That can mean many things. One, I’m a sickly person outside the mask, therefore I take longer to arrive. Or similarly, I live a little bit outside of  Paris, thus making me tardy. Third-”
“You might be an adult,” Bee stated, watching Chat look at LB with large eyes. What did he figure out?
“Or you might be someone of a high standing who can’t afford to leave their place in society to fight him, a man who has all the time to be ready to akumatize someone at a moment’s notice.”
Guess LB wasn’t expecting that answer, judging from her taken back expression.
“Right on. To think you got it on your first try.”
“Wait, you’re rich?” Bee screeched out, looking at Chat for back up. “I mean, that would explain the burner phones, the equipment at the- you have the money to buy out an entire floor!”
“Yes Bee. I’m rich, although it’s my father who’s rich and was stupid enough to forget to take away my black card.”
“You have a black card?” LB and Chat watched as Bee continued to freak out.
“What’s a black card?” Chat decided to ask, earning concerned faces from the girls. “What?”
“How do you not know what a black card is, Chat! It’s literally the symbol of being filthy rich! Not even Daddy has one!” Bee exclaimed, promptly shutting her mouth.
“You’re rich too, Bee? Wow. To think we all come from a-”
“You’re rich too?” The girls exclaimed, the trio bursting into laughter. 
The three chatted for hours, learning more about themselves. Time went on, the three kids laughing and holding their stomachs as they told tales of their past and of the present. However, Bee picked up on the way Ladybird avoided talking about her father and urged the other two to talk. 
What was she hiding?
“Does that make us the rich kid club?” Chat asked, earning a stifled laugh from LB and a ‘seriously?’ look from Bee. “What? It seems fitting!”
“As much as I’d like to continue to stay and talk, I think we should be heading home. It’s one in the morning and I have class tomorrow.” Bee and Chat nodded in agreement, the three bidding each other farewell. 
“So two days, huh.” Amira hummed, watching as Selina packed her bag. While it was two in the morning, Amira thought it would be best to drop by and visit Selina. The talk with her team left her in a giddy state, Amira wondering why she even came here.
“Actually, I might be leaving tomorrow evening.”
“Why?” While Amira still wasn’t particularly fond of the woman, she felt a part of her wanted Selina to stay. Perhaps it was the fact that Selina had been by her side these past few days. 
Or the denial that continued to linger in Amira. That she enjoyed Selina’s concern over her. 
While Selina was by her side, Amira didn’t have restless nights where she would wake up from dreams she couldn’t remember. But from what Sabine had told her, Amira used to have nights where she would be waking up screaming and calling out Jason’s name like a madwoman.
But ever since Selina came over, they stopped happening. “What made you-”
“The gala was pushed forward towards this month. Towards Thanksgiving.”
“Why would-”
“Dick had made the decision to push it forward after getting a phone call in regards to the main event of this year’s gala.”
“Main event?” Amira asked, now wondering what type of event caused Dick to push up the date of the gala. What event caused her father to accept the change of date from it’s usually wintery day?
“This year, Bruce was eagerly planning the main event with such pride, making sure everything was perfect to announce the main event. But then, Jason’s...Jason’s death happened and-
“The Catherine Todd Foundation.” Amira whispered, feeling her heart stop. 
That’s right. How did she forget? How dare she forget? How dare she forget her brother’s dream?
“That’s right.” Selina closed her suitcase shut. “Bruce was planning to reveal the latest Wayne foundation-Jason’s foundation- that he had planned for months.”
“That was planned...for this year’s gala?” Amira asked, feeling her mouth dry. 
Her father didn’t utter a word about it. Nor did Dick. Did...did they not-
“Amira. Amira, look at me.” Selina coaxed, cupping Amira’s face into her hands. “Dick just found out about it when he got a call about one of the sponsors. The sponsor wanted to change the date to make sure-”
“Why didn’t he tell me about it?” Amira whispered, feeling something roll down her face, salt meeting her lips. “Why did no one-”
“Amira, kitten. Dick hasn’t called you in a while, right?” A slow nod. “He’s been busy setting up the gala in your father’s steed. Bruce...your father holed himself again in his study when he found out the sponsor had called in. He...he had forgotten about it. It slipped his mind after-”
“He could’ve called me so I could’ve helped him rework the-”
“I could've helped!” 
“Amira, Dick couldn’t-“
“You wouldn’t understand Selina! You don’t know-“
“I do.” Selina said softly, holding Amira’s trembling hands. “Just like you, I loved the brat to pieces.”
“You’ve...you loved Jason?” 
“Sure, we didn’t get on the right foot, but I did go to love the boy. Little brat loved to play dirty. Remember he endangered his life once just so I would catch him and make me drop my guard.”
“Sounds just about him.” Amira softly said, Selina picking up on her relaxation. “Jason liked playing dirty, no matter who he was up against. Once he popped his arm off its socket during one of our sparring lessons, which caused me to stop fighting. When I went to check on him, he popped it back in and won the match.
Even though I knew he was alright, I started bawling and hugged him. Father and Alfred came running to see what had happened and when Jason told him what he had done, Father scolded him. ‘Sometimes, you have to play dirty. A fight in Gotham will never be fair and square, old man. You, better than anyone else, should know that.’” Amira said with a smile. “He’d always use that against Father and would win his case. Or perhaps Father let him, knowing that using those tricks would help in a fight one day.”
“And it did, although it mostly grossed out Riddler when he saw Jason do that. Should’ve seen the look at his face.” Selina said with a chuckled, reminiscing that day. 
“I would rather have Jason back than wishing to have seen that.” Amira admitted, looking at Selina with unshed tears. “Jason… Jason was the glue that held us together. He was the one who brought us together, so when...when he died...we...we-” a shuddering breath escaped Amira. “We fell apart...
Dad became so broken that he began to isolate himself from us. He would shut himself in his study for hours and from what Dick told me - days! When I was still in the manor, we wouldn’t see him at dinner nor would we hear from him unless he came back home frustrated from a work meeting.
He no longer made time for us. For Dick...nor me. He allowed himself to drown in his work, both as CEO of WE and Batman” 
“Amira.” Selina softly said, wiping away the tears that had been running down Amira’s face.
“When I finally got to talk to him again...it was to tell me I was being sent to Paris.
He didn’t even let me say goodbye to anyone, not even Jason...
He was at it again. He was isolating me again, but this time to a place where I couldn’t do anything no matter what I tried. I would have no friends to help me, nor connections to help me break out of my father’s control. The only option I was left with was to obey.”
“But Amira, you have friends now. You have people you can lean on. So why? Why can’t you-”
“It was all Jason.” Amira said. “Jason managed to convince Father to let me explore the outside, not me.
Jason was the one who made Dad understand that I shouldn't be kept inside like a trophy bird. That I should be allowed to spread my wings, to grow. How did he do it? I would never know, but I wish he had shown me how.
I only knew how to yell and scream to get what I wanted. I wasn’t like Jason who proved he was right, who fought for what he deemed just.”
“Amira, you don’t have to keep-”
“I do, Selina! I do!” Amira cried, digging her hands into her hair. “My father won’t see nor talk to me otherwise if I don’t! Father never understood the damage he’s done to me unless I show it to him. He’s...he’s!”
Selina pulled Amira into a hug, feeling the girl stiffen in her hold. Selina held the girl tight against her, letting tears run down her face that she didn’t know she was holding back. 
To hear the amount of pain she was holding in, the amount of troubles she had to deal with...and to think Bruce was the cause of the majority of it. 
“Your feelings are valid Amira, your frustrations are as well. But trust me when I say, things will get better and you’re already doing a wonderful job of moving forward.” Selina began to stroke Amira’s hair when she felt Amira tremble. “It may seem as if the situation isn’t getting any better, but it is due to your efforts of wanting to change it. 
So give yourself a break and just let it all out. I’ll make sure to protect while you do.”
That was all Amira needed to let herself cry out her heart, hugging Selina back as she wailed her soul out. 
Selina drew circles on her back as she sat there, making sure to not let Amira go.  
How did Bruce let it get this bad?
“You’re going to the States?” Marinette asked, looking up from her calendar in her planner. 
It’s been two days since Amira last saw Selina, already missing her. It took everything in her to not beg her to stay. To not leave her...but she knew better than that. She had to leave and Amira had to respect that.
So here she was, letting her mind try to forget Selina’s warm hug and the calmness she felt when Selina hugged her.
“Yup!” Adrien said with a smile that Marinette could look through from a mile away.
“Adrien and I were both invited to some event that our parents want us to attend, something about having to keep images and whatnot.” Chloe elaborated, noticing the last Thursday in the month circled in red. What a coincidence. “As happy as I am that my mother called me, I didn’t want it to be this way.”
“At least she gave you the choice. My father is threatening me with going or not being able to leave the house again.” Adrien bluntly stated, flinching when Marinette narrowed her eyes. “Baguette, what’s-“
“He threatened you? Your father threatened you?” Chloé and Adrien could feel the murderous intent seeping from the girl. “Let me talk with-“
“Baguette! It’s alright! I told him I’ll do it on a few conditions!” Adrien practically scrambled the details out. He watched as Marinette softened a bit. 
“For starters, he’ll let me go with Chloé. No Nathalie nor Gorilla. Second, he will not be allowed to contact me nor Chloé. If I need his help or if I want to go back, I have to be the one to call him back. Third and final one, if I manage to settle a meeting between him and one of the people he told me to make contact with, he has to agree to let me do whatever I want for the rest of the year.”
“Wow Adrikins. Since when did you start stepping up towards your dad?”
“Since I realized that my so-called freedom is still being controlled. If I fully want to be free, I have to start by loosening my father’s control over me. So far, I’ve been seeing results from my efforts. I don’t plan on backing down until I fully achieve my goal.”
Marinette watched as Adrien smiles proudly, not being able to hold back her own smile. 
“Hope you reach it Adrien. I know it’ll be worth it. So then, when’s the event?”
“It’s in three weeks, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Adrien and I will be attending Wayne Gala.”
Ladybird looked at Bee and Chat with the same look she had given Adrien and Chloé. 
“The both of you? The two of you are going to be mia in three weeks?” Ladybird asked in disbelief, watching as the two of them rubbed the back of their heads. First Chole and Adrien and now these two? “Do you realize-“
“It’s why we’re telling you now and not later this week or next. We know-“
“Do you really?” Ladybird growled, huffing as she turned around, the Parisian night staring right back at her. “I’m sorry. I shouldn't have-“
“No, you’re right.” Chat said, Ladybird picking up on his sorrow. “It is stupid of us to leave you-“
“Master Fu.” Ladybird casually said, looking at Bee and Chat. “I can ask Master Fu to see what I can do.”
“Master Fu?” Bee asked, looking at Chat for clarification. 
“Oh right, you’ve never heard about him. He’s the one who chooses the wielders for the miraculouses. He’s the one who chose Ladybird and me. As for you, you were recommended to be a wielder as I vouched for Rena Rouge to be a temporary holder.”
“Wait. I was recommended to-“
“I recommended Master Fu to give you a miraculous. However, that doesn’t mean I fully know your identity. I did recommend two people to become Pollen’s holder after all.” Ladybird looked at Bee who was on the verge of tears. “Guess Master Fu chose the better of the two and I’m glad he did. You’re a great partner.” 
Bee ran and threw herself at Ladybird, the two girls tumbling to the floor as Chat just stood there smiling. 
���I promise to make up for the time we miss!”
“Don’t worry about it Bee. The two of you shouldn’t worry about a thing. Everything will turn out alright. You’ll see.”
No. Everything didn’t turn out alright. 
The day came where Chat and Bee bid LB a temporary goodbye and Adrien and Chloe boarded a plane towards Gotham. The minute they said goodbye, Amira grew restless, uneasy. 
It didn’t help that this uneasiness traversed towards her civilian life as well. 
As she walked into the school, it felt like if everyone was watching her every move, judging her.
It was Gotham Academy all over again...
Wally had assured it that it was going to be fine, that she was worrying over nothing. 
But Amira knew better than to ignore the emptiness she felt in her chest. 
Sure, Alya talked her ears off, but Marinette didn’t like the feeling of emptiness around her despite Alya’s clear company. 
Without Chloé and Adrien, everything just seemed...off. 
She didn’t realize their importance until chemistry class. 
She watched people get into pairs as Miss Mendeleiev finished telling her instructions for today’s lab. With the clap of her hands, everyone started to pair up...except her.
“Miss Mendeleiev. I don’t seem to have a partner. If it’s alright, can I-“
“No partner?” Miss Mendeleiev asked, realizing only then that three of her students were out. “I can’t just let you do the lab by yourself Marinette. It’s unsafe.”
“Miss Mendeleiev, I am fine being on my-“
“Now, now. You know that in my lab, no one is allowed to touch the chemicals without a partner.” Miss Mendeleiev clapped her hands to get the class’ attention. “While it seems like everyone has a partner, Marinette doesn’t. Now, who would love to have her in their group or volunteers to be Marinette’s partner?” 
Marinette’s didn’t need to turn around to know no one raised their hand. 
After all, she was always doing labs with Sabrina or Alya, although this time around, Alya had promised Alix to be her lab partner. That left Marinette to be partnerless this time around. 
“So no one is going to volunteer? That’s alright. Nino, please help Marinette with this lab. Kim, join Ivan and Mylène.”
Marinette heard as Nino approached her, turning slowly to avoid seeing everyone else pity him. 
“Look forward to working with you.” Marinette said with a slight bow, only to receive nothing in return. 
Seems like this would be a long lab. 
Or not. 
Marinette somehow ended up talking up a storm with Nino.
“You do parkour?” Nino asked, looking as if Marinette grew a second head. “No offense, you don’t even look like the type-“
“Parkour, gymnastics and martial arts. Of course, I haven’t touched gymnastics in a while since my mentor has been busy. Doesn’t help that he’s on the other side of the world.” Marinette said, pouring the hydrogen peroxide into the water and then into the catalase test tube. She watched as the latter created bubbles. 
“Dudette, that’s amazing!” Nino exclaimed, opening up his notebook to the back of his page. 
“Dudette?” Marinette looked at the page he opened, noticing some notes about a personal project. How did she come to that conclusion? Simple. It said ‘Directed by Nino Lahiffe.’
“Ah, I should’ve asked if-“
“It’s fine. Just taken aback by the name since it’s my first time hearing it.”
“Really? What do your friends call you then?” 
“My brother calls Mimi and my friend calls me Bugette.”
“Alya calls you Bugette?” Nino asked, writing down his observations of the catalase in boiling water. 
“As much as Alya thinks she’s my friend, she isn’t quite there. And it’s Wally who calls me Bugette. He’s a friend of mine before I transferred here.” Marinette elaborated, sliding her notebook towards him. “Haven’t spoken to him in a few days though.”
“Alright class!” Miss Mendeleiev said with a clap of her hands. “At this time, start wrapping up your workstation! Make sure to properly rinse out the tubes and place them into their appropriate-“
“Marinette. Is it alright to call you dudette? Of course, if you don’t-“
“I’m fine with it.” Marinette told him with a smile. “I don’t mind being called dudette, Nino.”
“-only known her for 30 minutes. How can you say that she wasn’t doing all the work so that-” Marinette heard as she approached the windows that belonged to her classroom. She stopped before they could see her through the glass.
If her ears didn’t betray her, the one speaking right now was-
“Alix, she wasn’t doing all the work. We both did the lab toget-”
“She’s friends with Chloe.” Ivan added.
“How do you expect us-”
“You didn’t try to even get to know her. Yes, I also didn’t want to interact with her before being paired up with her, but now I wish I did. I wish I had talked to her earlier on in the school year and you guys should too! She’s-”
“You shouldn’t pressure others to try and talk to me Nino.” Marinette said, strolling into the classroom. “Let them take their time to try and approach me.” Marinette handed Nino a piece of paper. “I also looked into a few things you mentioned earlier and thought I should give you this. They’re always giving out free courses and workshops, so I thought I should let you know.”
Nino looked at the paper Marinette gave him and was surprised to see a list of different companies and dates in which they held workshops for upstarting directors.
Just as he was about to ask where she had gotten the information from, the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the next class.
Amira wishes she was able to escape Anansi’s punches just as quickly as she was able to bolt out the classroom earlier that day.
Amira had been trying to call Wally, trying to get any info on her two friends who should’ve have arrived at Gotham when her phone began to yell ‘AKUMA ALERT.’
So having to leave her worries behind, Amira yelled ‘SPOTS ON’ as she headed towards Hawkmoth’s latest Victim.
Rolling away from Anansi’ punches and parrying them took a toll on Ladybird, feeling the air leave her body as she was slammed onto the ferris wheel structure.
Managing to find a safe space within an alleyway, Ladybird reached for her burner phone when she was reminded of her dilemma. 
Her two partners were away...she told them not to worry…
“Here you are!” Anansi roared, striking the alleyway where Ladybird was hiding, causing the vigilante to become airborne. As Ladybird crashed onto the pavement, the transformation was called off, Tikki opening her mouth to scold Amira for dropping her transformation when she promptly closed her mouth. 
Calling her transformation off, when she crashed onto the pavement and scrambled her way towards another alley. 
“Tikki, go to Master Fu.”
“But-” Amira looked at Tikki with stern eyes.
“Tikki, go and don’t worry about me. I don’t have super strength but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a plan.” 
“Amira.” Tikki whimpered.
“You now what we have to do. Now go!” Taking one last look at Amira, Tikki flew off.
“Please be safe Amira. Please, don’t do anything reckless.”
“Come on Little Bug! Is that all you got?” Anansi smugly said, cracking her knuckles as she watched Ladybird wipe off the blood that seeped from her mouth.
Spitting out a bit of blood, Amira grinned. Beads of sweat rolled down her face, something Amira didn’t know she missed dearly.
“Did you really think that was my best? Come on Anansi, I thought it was pretty obvious what was going on here.”
“What are you talking about?” Anansi growled, noticing someone land behind Ladybird. Anansi watched as Ladybird glew red and healed her wounds. “You!”
“That’s right Anansi.” Ladybird grinned. “My backup is here. Carapace!”
“On it!” Carapace yelled, throwing his shield towards Anansi.
With a simple step to the side, Anansi was able to dodge it, only to get her foot wrapped by Ladybird, slipping backward as her back connected with the ground.
Carapace tried to land a hit, but missed when Anansi rolled to the side, but was then dragged towards Ladybird.
Swinging her foot to the side, Anansi shook Ladybird off when she noticed the makeshift ring around her.
How did they set that up? Who set it up when she was bust fending of both Ladybird and Carapace.
“Up for a round Anansi? Or are you afraid of losing against someone half your size and weight?” Ladybird challenged, the smug on her face fanning the annoyance within Anansi.
“You’re on Bug. Can’t wait to beat you and show you that a bug should never mess with a spider!”
“Come on Anansi! I thought you said this match will be over in one punch! Oh wait a minute! You can’t even land one!” Ladybird said in a haughty tone, causing Anansi to lunge at her, sending one final punch onto the Arc de Triomphe.
Anansi felt as the ground began to shake, only then realizing the trap Ladybird set down for her.
Grabbing something from the ground, Ladybird grabbed hold of Carapace and brought them to where Alya was being held hostage. 
“Carapace, now!”
“Shellter!” Carapace yelled, shielding them as the Arc de Triomphe crumpled to the ground, trapping Anansi underneath. 
Once the debris settled and the dust settled, Anansi’s headgear appeared by Ladybird’s feet, causing Ladybird to smile. Gleefully, Ladybird slammed her yo-yo against the thing and cracked it, the akuma emerging from it.
Capturing the akuma and purifying it, Ladybird yelled her words. “Miraculous Ladybug!”
Carapace watched with wonder as all the damage Anansi caused was repaired, the Arc de Triomphe restored before his eyes. “Meet me at the Eiffel Tower,” he heard Ladybird say before she swung away.
Ladybird stood at the Eiffel Tower, looking at the setting sun in the distance. She had yet to receive a call from-
“Ladybird! So, what do you think about-”
“Hold on Carapace.” Ladybird cut off, Carapace now wondering what was going on. “Not all of us are here.”
“All of us? But I thought-”
“Sorry for coming late!” A voice said, causing Carapace to jump.
Soon, something on the ground began to grow, the pink glow becoming bigger by the second. Emerging from the glow was a girl that seemed to resemble a mouse themed hero.
“Carapace, I’d like you to meet the other vigilante who helped us today.” Carapace remained silent as the mouse themed vigilante shyly waved at them, tucking a loose orange auburn hair strand behind her ear.
“Hi, my name is Gris. It was a great honor to work with you, Carapace. Ladybird.”
Pulling their luggage behind them, Adrien and Chloé scanned the welcoming area. Their flight lasted longer than what they thought it would be and they were ecstatic when they landed a few hours ago.
Their eyes landed on a gentleman with a poster board with their names on it. 
When they approached the older man, they couldn’t help but notice the faintest smile on him. 
“I presume you’re Mr.Pennyworth?” Adrien spoke up, Alfred nodding in response. 
“I am Master Adrien. It's also a pleasure to meet you too, Miss Chloé. Welcome to Gotham.”
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Salty Baby
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Chapter four
Authors note- I use the term daddy too liberally to the point where it has become a joke so I didn't think I could write this but here we are lol. If you want in on the taglist let me know. Don't be afraid to leave feedback I don't bite, not in a bad way anyway. Happy reading 💕
Please do not repost or steal my works. Reblogs are welcome.
Summary- When you moved to New York in hopes of living a glamorous life this isn’t what you expected. Steve offers to help you but your pride gets in the way. Pride isn’t going to pay your rent and college loans.
Pairing- Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings- smut, daddy kink, sugar baby/daddy dynamics, slight kink shaming, angst, spanking
Word count- 3.2k
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter five
You woke up the next morning expecting to be on your sisters couch. You rubbed your eyes taking in your surroundings. Then you remembered, you were in Steve’s bedroom. His bed. You clenched your thighs when you felt the dull ache still present from last night’s activities.
You looked around to put something on. To cover your non-existent modesty. You grabbed a sweatshirt that was on top of his dresser. Hoping to be like one of those sexy girl in movies with their morning after glow.
You looked around his living room calling out for him. You didn’t get a chance to get a good look at his apartment last night. You were upset with your sister and then turned on by him.
His apartment, unlike Steve, looked like it didn’t have any personality. All the furniture looked generic, straight out of a IKEA catalogue. Something that caught your eye, the strip of photos you took with him in a photo booth at a fall festival you had been to.
You smiled at it your heart swelling. He was probably more crazy about you than you were about him.
There were a few old framed photo frames beside it. You recognized some of the people. One was of Steve, Peggy Carter and Howard Stark. And another of Steve and probably his best friend Bucky.
Steve always talked fondly of him. He was excited when he mentioned Bucky, but then he’d get this far away lost look in his eyes. If you could take his pain from him, you would. That’s not how it works though. You knew that better than anyone.
You jumped when Steve called your name. “In the kitchen” He yelled.
You entered the kitchen to see him cutting up strawberries. He was wearing a tight white tank top that left very little to your imagination. His usually combed hair now messed up.
“Good morning” He grinned widely at you.
You could certainly feel the afterglow radiating off of him. You felt a bit self conscious, you hadn’t brushed your teeth or made your hair. You were only wearing his sweatshirt that barely reached your legs and looked comically big on you.
“Good morning” You took a seat at the small table. “Oh I don’t drink coffee” You said looking at the cup of coffee in front of you.
“I know that’s for me” He winked at you “I made you some tea” He poured out your tea in a cup setting it in front of you.
You giggled at the smiley face he made on your pancake with strawberries and whipped cream “Thank you” you kissed his cheek.
You both ate your breakfast in what can only be described as comfortable silence. You didn’t feel like you had to talk or entertain him. You were still drained from everything that happened last night and the busy week you had.
“Here” he handed you a key after he had done the dishes.
You took it from him looked at him confused.
“It’s a key” He stated as if it’s a fact.
“I can see that” You deadpanned
“To my apartment. This apartment. I don’t know what you want to do but I’d like you to stay” He said awkwardly turning red. He was always cute like that. “It’s completely okay if you don’t want to. But you said you didn’t like living with your sister”
Which was true. You didn’t get a moments peace with your toddler nephews and your annoying sister. But then again she had always been good at taking advantage of you.
“I... Are you sure?” You asked fiddling with the keychain.
“Yeah. I uh.. have to leave though”
You whipped your head up “Where are you going?”
“Got called up on a mission for two days. Give or take a few. You can stay here as long as you like”
“I know you already said that” You were a bit sad at him leaving but grateful for his kindness.
You decided to stay with Steve at least for a couple of days. Maybe Anna would come to her senses and see just how much she needs you.
Steve dropped you off at your apartment wishing you luck. Which you needed. You’d rather not be here but you had to get your pills. You had been on them since you can remember. You were apprehensive about them at first but they helped control your anaemia. You couldn’t be careless with them now that you were actually sexually active. Your nephews served as excellent encouragement to take birth control.
You opened the door, which Anna forgot to lock as always, and walked into the living room. You hastily started stuffing some clothes, your books and your pills in a bag.
You cringed when you heard Anna call out your name. You turned around to see her glaring at you.
“Where were you last night?” She spat obviously still fuming at you.
“I was at my boyfriends” You continued packing your things. The sooner you’re out of here the better.
“Well where do you think you’re going now?” She folded her hands staring you down. As if that would stop you.
“I’m going to live with him from now on”
“What?!” she yelled you cringed again. “Who is this guy? I’ve never even met him. You’ve known him for a month! You know better than that” She said condescendingly shaking her head.
She had some nerve questioning your life choices. “Didn’t you and Brock have a shot gun wedding?”
“Doesn’t he live in Manhattan? How are you going to afford rent?” She evaded your question.
Steve would never even let you pay for popcorn you highly doubt he'd ask for rent. “You don’t have to worry about that” You strapped the bag onto your shoulders.
“You’ve known him for a month! Have you lost your mind!”
“I know him enough. I’m in love with him” you looked at her shocked at your own words. You had never told anyone you loved them. You had surely never been in love. There wasn’t much to not love about Steve. But would he feel the same way?
“Oh my god. You went and got yourself a sugar daddy”
“What the fuck is that? I don’t do those kind of things!” You had heard of it being a kink from your classmates and coworkers. However it never appealed to you.
“Yeah you made fun of me for letting men take care of me and now you’re doing the exact same thing”
“Whatever” You waved her off. You had packed as much as you could. You still had a few things left, but you could take care of them later. “Don’t I deserve to be taken care of? After everything I’ve been through?” You suppressed the urge to smack her when she rolled her eyes at you. “Can I say goodbye to the kids?” You asked.
They were little cretins but they were occasionally somewhat nice to you. After hugging them both, they probably couldn’t understand that you wouldn’t be living with them anymore, and some more glares and swears from Anna, you left deciding to never look back.
It had been over a month since your fight with Anna. You were still living with Steve. He had convinced you to quit your job at the cafe. It ate up too much of your time. You didn’t need the money now that you didn’t have to pay rent. You still had your job at your college library.
You had found, after doing a quick google search, that a sugar daddy is 'a rich older man who lavishes gifts on a young woman in return for her company or sexual favours'
Which was true for you and Steve. He was older than you, by almost a century. You weren’t sure if he was rich. You thought so but it was hard to tell with his simple and humble way of life. You never bothered to ask him because it didn’t really matter. He liked to buy you things. You accepted them to indulge him. It was hard to say no when he looked at you with those puppy eyes.
The search for what sugar daddy meant sent you into a deeper dive. Full of porn and erotica with women and men calling their partners daddy. You still couldn’t comprehend it’s appeal. Why would anyone be turned on by that?
You did clench your thighs together, rubbing them whenever you thought of Steve like that. He was somewhat of a ‘daddy’ in bed. In the way that he always took care of you, never letting you do too much work, always making you feel protected. You would be too exhausted from all the orgasms anyway.
It was very vanilla and conventional, you mostly only had soft slow missionary sex. Steve was afraid to hurt you which you understood. You weren’t keen on getting hurt either. Maybe some kinds of hurt weren’t so bad...
It maybe vanilla and boring to some people but to you it was passionate and satisfying in every way.
You were lying on your back, panting heavily from the multiple orgasms Steve had given you with his mouth.
You wiped your forehead with your right hand, catching a glimpse of the platinum bracelet he’d got you for your two month anniversary. He loved celebrating the little things in life. You would too if you were frozen in ice for seventy years.
He had taken you for that horse carriage he was so excited about and a nice dinner. You did feel bad about not getting him anything. However he didn’t seem to mind. You had to repay him somehow.
You felt him line himself up to your entrance. This has been the routine more or less for the past month. Almost everyday Steve would eat you out and then make love to you until you couldn’t even walk straight. He never even let you get a good look at his dick.
You abruptly stopped him sitting up straight. He looked at you confused. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
You gave him a evil smirk matched inversely by your big innocent eyes. You licked a strip up your hand all the while maintaining eye contact with him. Taking his thick length in your hand you started stroking it. Slowly and steadily building up your pace.
You had never sucked a cock before. You didn’t think you could, considering just how big and thick Steve was. But looking at the white creamy slick coming out of his angry red tip, you had to get a taste. You did owe him after all.
You placed a small kiss on the tip smearing some of his cum on your lips. You dragged you tongue over your bottom lip to get a taste. It was salty and musky. In a strange way it tasted a lot like Steve.
Feeling a bit more sure of yourself you licked a few stripes up his tip and then moved on to licking his slit.
Steve was cursing and moaning above you. He had bunched up your hair in his hand. He was always afraid to lose control, he had a reputation to maintain after all.
He grabbed a hold of your chin, making you look up at him. “You don’t have to do that” His hard cock in your hand and his shortness of breath betrayed his words.
You ignored him, continuing to lick him up and savor as much of his delicious taste as you can. Finally you took him in your mouth, sucking and swirling your tongue around his tip. You couldn’t swallow him whole so you stroked the rest of his length with your hand.
He bunched up your hair in his hand tugging it before letting go and holding onto your shoulder.
You weren’t having it. You took his hand putting it on the back of your head. Silently asking him to fuck your face.
He choked a groan back when he looked down at you. His cock in your mouth, your beautiful eyes pleading him to fuck you. He used both his hand to grab onto your face stilling you. He thrusted himself in and out of your mouth, being careful not to be too hard, he didn’t want you choking on him. He directed you to fondle his balls. You complied. You always complied with him.
He felt himself on the edge of orgasm. But he didn’t want to come in your mouth. He pulled out of your mouth.
“I want your come in my mouth” You whined trying to swallow him whole again.
He smacked your hands away. He gave his cock a few strokes with his hand, much to your dismay. You just looked so cute scowling at him. “Some other time” He grunted giving his cock a some more strokes before stopping “let’s try something new. Get on your hands and knees” he ordered.
Like the good girl that you were you arched your ass presenting it to him. He grabbed and groped at it before sliding into you, which was fairly easy considering how soaked you were. He rutted in you for a while you whined and thrashed.
“Daddy” You moaned.
He stilled his thrusts. His hands still holding onto your hips. Did you say what he think you said?
“What did you say?” He asked just to make sure he wasn’t imagining things.
You avoid him grinding onto his cock to distract him. He squeezed your hips, stopping your movements. Bending over he draped himself on your back. “What did you say?” He whispered in your hair.
“Daddy” You mumbled.
He kneeled back to his original position and carried on with his assault on your pussy. He spread your cheeks to get a good look at his cock sliding in and out of you. It was soaked in yours and his juices.
“Say it again” when you hesitated he gave a harsh slap to your asscheek. If you were going to call him daddy he had to act like one.
“Fuck daddy” You groaned “Spank me again” You begged.
He slapped your ass a couple more time before spreading them to look at the mesmerizing scene again.
“Oh god I’m going to come” You slithered and squirmed under him screaming profanities at him while he fucked you through your orgasm. Your hands and legs gave out. You dropped to your stomach trying hard to hold on for him
He felt himself tipping over the edge again. He bent down to hug you. He curled his hands under you one fondling your breast and the other stroking your stomach.
He always needed to be close to you when he filled you up. His thrusts because erratic, almost inhumane.
“I love you” he groaned as he came inside you, filling you up. He tried not to drop too much of his weight on you.
After a while he pulled out and covered you both with the comforter, spooning you.
“Hey you asleep?” he shifted a bit to get comfortable. With no answer from you “I meant it you know. I love you” he continued.
“I love you too” you murmured. It didn’t feel strange when the words rolled off of your tongue like you expected. It felt easy and safe. “You make me feel safe” You whispered shyly “And not just because you’re strong. But because you’re you...”
He smiled to himself. You made him feel safe as well. Safe to be himself and to not have to pretend. He kissed your hair feeling himself fall for you even harder.
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sarahpaulsonsoftie · 4 years
Three is NOT a crowd
Wilhelmina Venable X Reader X Cordelia Goode
Angst but fluffy ending (You guys know me by now)
You closed your eyes laying on the bed of a girl you had met at a bar. She was asleep beside you as you gathered up your clothes. She stirred slightly but you crept towards her door and left silently,
You had resorted to pointless one-night stands to get over your exes, Wilhelmina and Cordelia. It was the first poly relationship you had ever been in and the… first relationship you had ever been pushed out of. Initially, Cordelia and Wilhelmina had been in a relationship before you came along. 5 years together, strong. You did not know how you would be so stupid into thinking you could integrate into what they had. But you managed to try for 2 years, because at first, they had been so accommodating, so understanding, so loving. But as time went on, you could see yourself becoming less and less of an even partner in the relationship. After a while, they began to act like a couple again. Excluding you from activities and going hours without texting you.
“Y/N! We’re home!” Cordelia called and you came down the stairs of the academy and smiled at the pair.
“Hey, Delia. Hey, Mina. I made dinner for the kids and there is some food on the stove for you. Give me a few minutes and I will warm it up.” You smiled, moving past them into the kitchen and grabbing the pan which contained the food you were going to heat.
You heard two pairs of footsteps enter the kitchen and the dull thuds of Wilhelmina’s cane. You turned to face them with a grin, but it began to fade when you noticed the frown on Cordelia’s face and the slight tightening of Wilhelmina’s lips. They met each other’s eyes before looking at you.
“We already ate out.” Mina spoke, breaking the silence. Your heart broke, small things like this were beginning to happen more often and you already told them you were going to be cooking. You clenched you jaw slightly and nodded, trying to hide your sadness and disappointment.
“Oh. Oh, okay. Well, in that case, I am going to bed. I had a long day.” You forced a smile before making your way out of the kitchen, ducking you head when Cordelia tried to place a kiss on your lips and avoiding the hand Wilhelmina tried to place on your shoulder.
You heard their hushed whispers as they spoke, most likely about you and walked into your shared bedroom and crawled into bed. They came into the room an hour later, but you pretended to be asleep. You did not miss the way Cordelia curled into Mina’s arms. They were a perfect match.
It was not long after that you broke things off.
Another night, the same bar. You had finished work 3 hours ago after picking up and extra shift. You mostly poured yourself into work and one-night stands. A perfect mix for a broken heart. You nursed your beer when you saw a woman approach you, long shiny blonde hair flowed below her shoulders.
“So, what’s it take to get a drink around here?” She asked and you smiled before calling over the bartender.
“Another drink please and one for the beautiful lady.” You smiled. You knew his name, Tom, and he knew yours, but he pretended not to know you as you always tipped well. Tonight, was no exception.
The dimly lit bar and alcohol always ensured there was a lady to pick up. You learned the blonde’s name was Violet. You had joked that a beautiful flower was obviously the name of a beautiful woman. She blushed. You did not get the satisfaction you did when it was Mina or Delia, but you need to move on.
But eventually, Violet had to leave to meet her friends. It was still early; 9:07pm. She asked for you to join but you declined. She gave you her number and kissed your cheek. That is when you noticed two pairs of eyes staring at you. You ignored them and focused on Violet who blew you a kiss and made a gesture for you to call her. You nodded with a forced grin and blew a kiss back.
“Nice moves, Y/N.” Tom stated, and you gave him two twenty-dollar bills. “Thanks.” He grinned, giving you another beer.
“Thanks.” You murmured, taking a sip of your beer. “Hey, Tom. Those two women sitting at the table by the doors, are they staring at me?” You asked, and you saw him look behind you before turning and making himself look busy.
“Very much. You are thinking of picking one of them up?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Nope, they’re my exes. Broke up 4 months ago.” You responded and began tearing away at a napkin.
“Both?” Tom asked, turning and raising his eyebrows. You nodded, avoiding his gaze.
You fiddled with the carton of cigarettes before deciding to go out for a smoke. Cordelia and Wilhelmina were still in the bar watching you and you had 2 more drinks. You stood and opened the door to the bar, avoiding their gazes. You stood against a wall and lit your cigarette, inhaling and breathing out. You had smoked before you had gotten with the pair but had quit 6 months into the relationship because they did not like the habit.
You heard the door open but turned away from it, not wanting to blow smoke into anyone’s face. You blew out some more smoke before you felt a hand grab your wrist, you turned and saw Wilhelmina. She looked you in the eyes, letting go of your wrist and grabbing your cigarette between her index and thumb, throwing it to the floor. You half smoked cigarette was on the pavement and Wilhelmina’s cane came down hard on it and twisted.
“You know Cordelia and I never liked that habit, Y/N.” Wilhelmina’s voice was icy. You looked her in the eyes while you pulled out your cigarette carton and lit another, blowing the first puff of smoke into her face. Her face scrunched up in anger as she grabbed your right wrist with an iron grip and pushed you against the wall. You smirked at her, knowing you had gotten under her skin.
“I think this little game is over, Y/N. Put. It. Out.” Wilhelmina demanded and you shook your head defiantly.
“No. I don’t think I will, Wilhelmina. I am not with you or Cordelia anymore. You can’t tell me what to do.” You replied, using your left hand to grab the cigarette from your right and taking another puff. You watched as the bar door opened again and watched as Cordelia walked out.
“Mina calm down. Let her go.” Cordelia demanded softly, eyeing the way Wilhelmina had pinned you against the wall. Wilhelmina glared at you before letting go. You carried on puffing your cigarette and ignored them. Cordelia came closer and tried to place a hand on your shoulder but frowned when you ducked away.
“It’s time to come home, Y/N.” Cordelia had stated, and you looked at her in disbelief. You shook your head and put out the cigarette. You straightened your back and looked at Wilhelmina whose face had straightened.
“I don’t live there anymore.” You muttered, looking at the cigarette butt you had just thrown to the floor. “Anyway, I have somewhere to be. You know that woman who came to me at the bar? Well, she invited me to hers.” You lied easily and tried to move past them but they both blocked your way.
“You’ve proved your point, Y/N.” Wilhelmina said, and you looked up at her. Her expression softened, “Come home now, please. Delia misses you.”
You knew that was Wilhelmina’s way of saying she missed you too, but it was too little too late. You dropped your eyes to your feet and tried to ignore the pang in your chest.
“I’m not trying to prove a point.” You sighed; you rubbed your face, trying to prevent some tears from brimming in your eyes. “I know when I’m not wanted. I learned that from my parents. Didn’t think I’d ever need to use that but then I got with you both.”
You heard feet shuffling towards you, but you moved away. All the heartbreak and pain you had felt for the time in your relationship came flooding back and you wished they would understand how hurt you felt.
“I just…” You swallowed thickly, tears began falling and a choked sob made its way from your throat. “You guys wanted me to be with you. You sought me out. And yeah, at first it was good. Heavenly. But after a while you both just—I fucking loved you both. I did everything you asked. I even stopped smoking for you both and you threw it in my face. Long nights spent out together, I never got invited. It’s like you expected me to be a housewife for you both; looking after the kids, cooking and cleaning, turning the other cheek from the disregard for my emotions.”
You paused and wiped your cheeks. Cordelia stepped towards you and you moved away again and looked to Wilhelmina who was gripping her cane tightly with her eyes closed tightly.
Your face hurt. Your hands hurt. Your heart hurt.
“I love you both so fucking much, and you made me feel like I was nothing.” You sobbed and this time, when Cordelia stepped towards you and captured you in her arms, you did not move away. Her hand was on the back of your head, and the other was on your upper back rubbing.
Your eyes were closed as you tried to control your breathing but when you felt Wilhelmina embrace you too, you began to sob harder.
You felt drowsy. Not drowsy like you had just been sobbing your heart out but drowsy as in, ‘Let’s put a spell on someone to make them sleep’ way.
You do not remember what happened after that.
You woke up with Wilhelmina firmly against your back and your arm was around Cordelia. You had missed this. Missed them.
But you needed to stand your ground. You slowly got up, careful not to wake them. It was a skill you had acquired from the months separate from them.
However, both were especially light sleepers so when you started looking for your shoes, Wilhelmina had started stirring. As did Cordelia. They were so in sync with each other, it made no sense for you to be there.
They both opened their eyes and looked at you. “Where are you going?” Wilhelmina’s tired voice filled the room.
“I-I uh have some stuff to do back home.” You lied, but they knew if they let you go now, there would never be a chance of rekindling the relationship. Cordelia sat up and pulled you back onto the bed.
“Cordelia!” You squealed in shock. Wilhelmina chuckled and brought her arms around you. Cordelia laid on arm on your stomach and used the other to fiddle with your hair.
“What?” She asked, innocently. You moved your eyes to look at her.
“Some people argue that dragging a person to bed for cuddle time is inappropriate.” You giggled slightly and Cordelia’s eyes lit up.
“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time one of us has done that, would it, Y/N?” Cordelia asked and you shook your head. Wilhelmina nuzzled your neck as she laughed.
“I remember that. Cordelia had been in the office for, what? 18 hours at this point, and I tried to get her to come to bed but I ended up losing my patience and shouting at her. Then you waltzed right in and demanded, and I mean Demanded, her to go to bed and when she did not, you carried her up the stairs.” Wilhelmina retold and you could hear her smile.
“Oh god, the girls saw you do it too! Y/N, I’ve never been more embarrassed.” Cordelia laughed again.
“Well next time I say, ‘Go to bed’ you’ll do well to remember that, won’t you?” You joked and Cordelia grinned at you. “What?” You asked.
“Next time?” Is what Wilhelmina said, and you looked down. Cordelia stopped playing with your hair and stroked your face.
“We need you in this relationship, Y/N. When Wilhelmina loses her patience, or when I do, you are the voice of reason. You’re the one who keeps it from escalating further.” Cordelia explained, looking you in the eyes.
“We’d have killed each other by now if it hadn’t been for you.” Wilhelmina added and you smiled slightly. Wilhelmina had begun to rub your side and you felt grateful they were there. When you did not immediately respond, Cordelia began to explain.
“The reason we excluded you is because… We both had insecurities. You know, Mina has hers and I have mine but there was one we both had in common, we both felt too old for you.” Cordelia looked you in the eyes so you could see she was being genuine.
“But we’ve worked through it. And honestly, it was mainly self-sabotage. We did not feel young enough, good enough, for you. So, we pushed and pushed until you wanted to leave, and we are so sorry. But you know how we are. We just get like that sometimes and we can’t control it.” Mina vocalised her side and you nodded. You shuffled slightly, grabbing both of their hands.
“You both need to tell me when stuff like this happens. When you feel like that. Because, I care. I love you both so fucking much. You are not too old for me. You are both too young to think like that.” You placed and kiss on both of their hands. You turned and placed a gentle kiss on Cordelia’s lips and then turned, doing the same thing for Wilhelmina.
“We’ve missed you.” Wilhelmina said and Cordelia nodded. You placed another kiss on their lips again.
“I’ve missed you both too.”
And you sat there, in complete bliss, content with each other and happy your relationship was progressing again.
But you knew now for sure, that Three is NOT a crowd.
 A/N: Originally, I had planned this just to be an angst fic but I decided to go in a different direction with it. This is my first Polygamous relationship fic so I hope it’s okay!
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 4 years
together | ho x fem!reader
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@allegra-soleil​ asked: Chérie, ma belle, that last blurb BROKE ME. Can I have something similar but with Haz? Cuz we both know he is more hot tempered, and would probably make things worse before making them better, yelling and crying later when he realizes he really fucked up💔 Maybe he was the jealous one? Feeling left out by your sudden friendship with Tom? Mercy, baba. Je t'adore💖💖💖
Warnings: MAJOR ANGST including language/swearing, harsh arguments, screaming, cries, insecurities, anxiety, lots of emotions tbh BUT FLUFF at the end because we want happy endings in this house, dammit!
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: ALLIE. MY GORGEOUS ALLIE 💞 your request turned into an oneshot because, well, inspiration i guess? 😂🙄🙊 so this one is for you bae, an angsty as hell but with that fluffy ending we all want 🥰🥰🥰 love you girl and as always, stay safe sweetheart 💖💗
‘Stay safe, Cheer up’ blurb event  
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Despite whatever people say, no human on Earth could escape the reality of how feelings work. No human was perfect, that was for sure. Not even Harrison. And now, the boy was massively experiencing jealousy at its best. Or maybe at its worse.
Which actually lead to now, when you tried to catch up your blond boyfriend as he stomped towards his bedroom, at Tom’s house.
“What was that just now?” you yelped as you were now both in the bedroom, Harrison facing away from you and not a single word addressed since what happened just before.
“What?” Harrison said with a harsh tone.
“The way you just addressed both Tom and I a minute ago, acting like a complete douchebag. Care to explain?” you asked again, slight irritation now audible in your voice.
“Oh sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt your private time with Tom!” scoffed Harrison while turning towards you, and your eyes widened at what you were looking at.
The face of your boyfriend displayed a look of mixed emotions you never knew was possible; anger, disgust, sarcasm and pure jealousy. His whole body screamed tension but the worst part must have been his voice, each word accentuated by the fakest playful tone of all time.
And that vision was almost scaring you.
“What are you saying, Haz?” you demanded with clear and proper authority, the need to know what was going on in your boyfriend’s mind being your main goal at the moment.
“What am I saying, you’re asking!?” Harrison sneered at you, “I’m just noticing that my own girlfriend looks like she’s having the blast of her life with my freaking best friend ever since we started the quarantine, is what I’m saying!”
Harrison’s voice got louder as the sentence kept going, each word heavy enough to weight more and more upon yourself.
“Are you joking right now?”
Now you were expecting anything, but that.
“I’m just by myself mostly all the fucking time like I don’t even exist in this house! But don’t mind me, really, it’s not like I’m your damn boyfriend in the story! So don’t waste your precious time with somebody like me and just go back to your dear Tommy to laugh and be lovey-dovey like two stupid kids!!”
“Are you out of your mind or what?!” you retorted before Harrison had the chance to continue, your ears still not believing what you just heard.
“If you wanted to go out with Tom Holland himself, you should have said no to me in the first place, instead of using me all this time to get closer to him-”
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you, Harrison?!” you shot, you voice getting as loud as Harrison’s one.
The back and forth argument kept getting worse, you two now becoming entire messes as both your faces were reddening at the same time your words got louder.
The scene definitely drew the attention of the other residents of the house, the first one being Tuwaine as the man was passing by and just stopped at the doorframe, not believing what was actually happening. Soon Harry followed, the screams loud enough to wake up the deaths or the neighbours next door, or even the entire neighbourhood.
“Oi guys, what’s up in there?”
And obviously, the next and last person to arrive was Tom.
“Why the fuck are you all screami-”
Just then, you simply exploded like a grenade that waited and took too much already on yourself. Your voice was screaming of anger now, but also distress and sadness, the rage definitely showing now from head to toes that you shocked all four boys, Harrison included.
That was it. You lost it, all your usual nice and sweet composure just vanished in a snap. But you felt hurt, badly hurt like you never once thought you would be that your feelings just washed over you that you had to scream as loud as possible.
You never had that kind of harsh arguments with Harrison, even knowing the boy was sometimes short tempered but right now, everything he said to you still resonated in your head. Every words. All of them. Even the degrading ones. Each of them were said with pure and bad jealousy, something you couldn’t imagine coming from Harrison.
In the end, even him was capable of hurting people.
Your face was now a red mess, your entire body tensed but at the same time shaking, and your eyes full or tears that soon started rolling down your cheeks when you finished screaming to his face.
Then a cold, tensed and awkward silence settled in the room. No one dared to say a word. And after a loud sob escaped your lips, you ran outside the room, not even glancing once more at the blond guy in front of you, nor at the other boys as you made your way past them. Your cries echoed in the hallway as you then barged inside the “office” room, slamming the door behind you with such violence it made everyone jump, locking it right after. Finally alone in your own despair, you slid your back down the door and sat against it, the back of your head slightly bumping onto the wooden door as you now let out your sobs openly.
“The actual fuck was that just now?!” Harry finally dared to speak, snapping out after what he just saw and heard. “Did you literally accused (Y/N) of cheating on you?!”
“Were you out of your mind to be rude to her like that?!” Tuwaine added, dumbfounded by all the argument.
Harrison was not moving, not a single inch. He was like petrified on the spot, now standing alone in his bedroom as his friends were still staying outside of it. But compared to a few minutes ago, his face now lost all colour, being as pale as if he saw a ghost.
He was completely shocked at himself.
“Mate” Tom addressed his friend, the tone of his voice calm even after being badmouthed by his own best friend, the one who just stood there like a lonely and wandering soul.
Not really expecting an answer from Harrison, Tom slowly walked inside the room, to then stand in front of his blond friend.
“That’s totally normal to get jealous, you know?” Tom began in his most understanding and serious voice, “But jeez, (Y/N) is like a sister to me! Never would I see her more than that!”
Tom’s words were making their way though Harrison’s brain, but the lack of reaction from him was getting really worrying.
“But mostly, I’d NEVER betray my best friend! Never, you hear me Harrison?” Tom insisted firmly. “And just now, you completely misunderstood everything and hurt (Y/N). And yourself.”
And at that moment, Harrison felt like the entire universe fell on top of his head. For good. He finally realised he badly fucked up.
* * * *
It’s been four days since the argument. The four longest and tougher days of Harrison’s life.
Since then, you’ve closed yourself into the office room, not wanting to be near or see your boyfriend after everything he said to you. You ate there, slept there and cried there. You just locked yourself in, as if wishing for everyone to forget you were even there. But that was impossible for Harrison.
When Tom somehow brought back his friend to himself, after being completely out of his mind like he never did, Harrison panicked and just wanted to rush back to you. Tom, Harry and (mostly) Tuwaine could hold him back, even when he started screaming your name for you to forgive him, pure agony in both his voice and written on his face.
After, Harrison was like an undead. His usual shining blue eyes were no more, but replaced by empty one, completely dull and lost into nothingness. His body was even too heavy for him to stand properly, as if everything he told you came back to him to just put the blame on him and only him, the guilt heavier like an entire building. He even lost his appetite and his sleep, not finding any purpose to any matter while being away from you after what he did. What he made you endure.
You didn’t want to see him anymore, and just kept ignoring him while he stood on the other side of the door for hours, pleading for you to open and talk about it together. Nothing. You never replied. If you ever needed something, you would simply ask to Tom, Harry or Tuwaine by text. But never Harrison. Never. And Tom would have to drag his friend away from the door as he would just start crying, desperately trying to open it or even bang his forehead on it on total despair.
That situation weighted on everybody else, too. The once joyful house became a pure living hell of agony, the air thick with tension all around. Being under lockdown for so long was already a pain in general, so nobody needed that kind of additional stress to make it worse.
It had to stop, but not any which way.
On the sixth day, Tom was cooking some lunch while Harry and Tuwaine were in the backyard, enjoying the beautiful weather that London was offering them. And Harrison was at the exact same spot he occupied since the incident, slumped onto the couch, head thrown on the back to fix the ceiling for hours.
“Hey, Harrison.”
The blond lightly glanced at Tom, his body not moving, as the brunette stood next to the couch with a tray in his hands.
“Do you want to bring this to (Y/N)?” asked Tom to his friend.
Harrison’s head slowly turned towards him at the sound of your name.
“She doesn’t want to see me anymore” whispered Harrison almost inaudibly, his eyes red and puffy after so many sleepless nights spent with cries.
“If you just force yourself into her like you did the past days, like a mad man, for sure she’ll just keep ignoring you...” sighed Tom, trying not to sound so done with his friend during that tough path he was going through. “Man up, be yourself and go.”
Still hesitant, Harrison looked between Tom and the tray in his hands a few times, before slowly sitting down properly on the couch. Tom nodded at him to encourage him a bit and after what seemed like the biggest effort of his life, Harrison finally stood on his own two feet, now facing Tom.    
“Come on and make up properly, idiot” ironically chuckled Tom, hoping to lighten the mood a little.
He held once again the tray out for Harrison to take, insisting. Gulping, the blond boy lifted his arms to soon grab the tray, hands still slightly trembling. Tom waited for his friend to calm down, knowing perfectly his mind was just a complete mess at the moment as so many scenarios of what was about to happen kept playing on and on, each of them at the same time.
Once he emptied his mind from the negativity invading him, Harrison took a deep breath in before holding the tray properly by himself. Tom gently patted his shoulder, another supporting move of his and moved aside to let his friend walk past him.
His steps were as light as a feather, not wanting to make too much noise on his way to the office room. Harrison’s heart was beating like crazy, each beat almost wanting to break through his ribs, the pain almost unbearable.
But there was no coming back. Not anymore. Harrison was so scared to mess everything up again, like he did when he started an argument that was not even supposed to exist. But he brought it up, like the dumbass he was sometimes. And now, he had to made up for all the abominations he said to you. So yes, Harrison was scared and even worse... he was scared to loose you.
Without realising it, the blond boy was now standing in front of the wooden door. That door that could be the epitome of your heart right now, completely closed and unknown to him, acting like a barrier to protect you from more sadness you may not be able to handle anymore. But Harrison had to make the first step to you because he was the one who caused all this.
He had to fix his mistakes, once for all and good.
“... (Y/N)?” the boy called in what sounded more like a whisper.
He clicked his tongue, sure you didn’t even hear him. After glancing at the living room and noticing Tom had left to join the boys outside, Harrison cleared his voice and tried again.
“(Y/N)... It’s... it’s me.”
Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, you were curled up onto the couch that became your bed for almost a week. Your lack of sleep was beyond your own understanding, as not even a single one of your college projects managed to keep you awake at night. Your body has been aching and heavy, the simple fact of rolling over being painful to you. And the painkillers did nothing to your constant headaches that kept coming and going whenever they wanted. You were sad, hurt and now tired.
But out of nowhere, you caught a faint voice coming from the door. At first you were not really sure as your mind was rambling all over the place, but then you heard it again, and a bit clearer. That familiar voice you knew too well, that particular one you were trying to avoid at all cost since the argument.
Hearing it now awakened all your senses again, against your own will but you preferred to stay quiet, bringing your knees closer to your chest and hoping he would just go away.
“Please, (Y/N)... I-I’ve brought your lunch...”
You gulped, hiding your face into your knees. His once energetic voice was no more, sounding now more morose and... hurt. And somehow, it still saddened you a bit. The silence invaded the place again. Now you felt torn between two rather difficult choices: still ignoring him because the hurtful words he screamed at you that day were the cause of your sleepless nights, or... maybe confront him and see how it goes. Maybe.
“Fuck, what did I expect really... Of course you’re still angry at me, and you have all the rights to be” Harrison murmured along with a sigh.
Lowering his head, Harrison’s eyes fell on the lunch tray Tom kindly prepared to you and mindlessly inspected it. The smell was mouthwatering and the steak sure looked delicious, but Harrison couldn’t help but note you always liked your meat less cooked and with a lot of oregano. And regarding the sides, the boy was pretty sure you would leave the cucumber slices of the salad, as you liked more carrots instead.
All these little things, even the most insignificant ones, were part of your being. And Harrison learnt to know all of them by heart, and to cherish them. And so did you, ever since you started dating. The specific tea he loved to drink depending on how he was feeling, the vegetables he couldn’t look at - even after you desperately tried to cook them in many different ways -, what to do when he was feeling tired and grumpy, the movie he could binge-watch all the time, and so on...
Harrison loved you as much as you loved him.
And he had to fucked this up like a bastard to finally realise he just imagined the stupidest things ever, and hurt you in the end.
“... I’m the fuckin’ worst.”
As any chance of this door opening vanished into thin air, Harrison loudly sighed, badly depressed but still trying his best to contain his tears a bit more, and put the lunch tray down at the door to then walked away.
But after only taking two steps, two click sounds suddenly reached his ears which made him stop on his track, turning quite fast towards the door to see it... slightly opening. And that was when Harrison caught sight of you and his body froze, eyes wide open.
Through the half-open door, you were there, your entire frame partially visible but still. He was finally able to see you and notice how fragile you looked. Facial features slimmed down, dark circles and red eyes. You were a mess, just like Harrison was during the past few days. After what seems like hours of total silence, both your eyes finally met, hesitant at first but then, you slowly opened the bedroom door a bit more. The heart of Harrison started beating all over again, his lungs working fully as if he learnt once more how to breath.
“... Harrison.”
Oh, your voice. Hearing it after so long brought shivers down his spine.
“(Y-Y/N)... I-”
But words got suddenly mixed up in his mind as Harrison wanted to tell you so many things at the same time. How much he was sorry, how much of an idiot he was, how much he regretted, how much... he missed you. So much. But then, he remembered Tom’s advices.
“If you just force yourself into her... like a mad man... she’ll just keep ignoring you...”
Harrison had to think calmly, but most importantly wisely. So he decided to stay quiet waiting for you to speak first, if you ever did.
You’ve never seen Harrison this tense like he actually was. Never this... all over the place. Hair sticking in every directions, his stubble more visible than ever and baggy clothes. Well, you were pretty much the same anyway. But what saddened you more was the look in his eyes. His ocean eyes you loved getting lost into turned into two empty orbs, dull, deprived of any joy but tears, now.
“... We need to talk” you muttered in a low tone, your hand grabbing the door harder to get you some extra support, you hoped.
As you slowly lowered your body to take the tray off the floor, Harrison got quicker and grabbed it before you. This brought you two face to face, crouching with only the space of the tray between you, eyes locking for some seconds. No word spoken but only looks, and that was a lot.
You averted your eyes at the same time before getting up again, a bit awkwardly. Harrison followed you inside the office room while you closed the door right after him. Not paying too much attention at the mess around, he went to place the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch and stood there, not knowing what to do or if he could talk. Silently, you advanced to then sit on the said couch, pushing away the blankets and pillows you used to sleep on the side. You patted a few time the space next to you while looking at Harrison or, at least, trying to draw his attention as the boy was looking anywhere but at you, fidgeting with his fingers like a child who just did something stupid.
Well, maybe that was the case, actually.
Finally, Harrison heard the muffled sound of your hand against the couch and, after looking at you like he wanted your approval, slowly but surely walked and sat next to you. He brushed his thighs a few times, feeling his muscles stiff but still trembling. His heartbeat kept pounding on inside his chest, one foot slightly tapping in rhythm on the carpet. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to remain calm. But Harrison knew he had to speak first. After all, everything was his own fault.
“(Y/N), listen I’m-”
“I’m sorry...”
Harrison stopped and looked at you, mouth still open as he was not sure if he heard right. Now frowning, he noticed your head dropped as you were desperately fixing your knees, the grips of your hands on your sweatpants making your knuckles slightly turn white.
“I’m sorry, Harrison” you repeated once again, your voice trembling and just above a whisper. “I-I shouldn’t have insulting you l-like I did. You deserved it b-but I said such horrible things to you, instead of talking about it with you... I-I’m an idiot, I should have-”
“W-Wait (Y/N), what are you saying? I’m the one who has to apologise to you, not the other way around!” retorted Harrison, quite shocked and confused by your words.
“But I just got things worse, Harrison! A-And in the end, we were just screaming at each other a-and I-I-”
Your body started shaking again, your throat tightening as more words wanted to go out, soon followed by sobs. Your breathing became halting and tears were forming at the outside corners of your eyes, you couldn’t stop any of this as guilt kept growing inside of you during these days.
Harrison couldn’t handle seeing you like this anymore, nor hearing accusing yourself for what happened to you both. That was impossible, and it had to make it stop. He had to make you understand that any of this was not your fault. He had to comfort you as much as you needed to be.
So the boy slid from the couch, both knees on the carpet as he was now facing you. He pressed his torso against your knees, trying to be as close as possible to you, and put his hands on your thighs. The touch brought you out of your inner upheaval and your teary eyes met again.
“Listen, (Y/N)” began Harrison, gulping, “I’m the one who started all this mess whereas nothing of this would have happened, okay? I-I’m the stupid one here, the selfish one, the... jealous one who imagined horrible things because I got... I got insecure and lonely. I shut myself away enough to awaken the worst side in me. And like a complete asshole I accused you of... of cheating on me. You, the person I love the most and that loves me so much in return. The person I trust with all my heart. I just- I fucked up so bad a-and-”
Harrison didn’t notice the tears already rolling down his cheeks until now.
“I-I’m just the worst boyfriend- no, the worst human being ever-”
But then, your trembling but soft hands gently raised to wipe his wet cheeks with your thumbs making him stop spouting any more gibberish about himself. And it was like your touch instantly appeased him, like the best medicine that could exist and just closed his eyes, his breathing slowly calming down.
By instinct, his bigger hands raised to gently rest on top of yours and just leaned his face on your palms, appreciating the skin contact he missed since then. God did he miss your touch.
You both sniffled, forehead resting against each other as you leaned more towards the blond boy. The tears kept going for some time actually, neither of you really knowing for how long. But that was needed.
After some time spent in a rather calm silence, you parted from each other and you gently brushed your boyfriend’s wet cheeks with your thumbs again, a comforting smile now on your face.
“I think... we both messed up” you gently whispered.
A light smile appeared on Harrison’s face, the left corner slightly raising more like it always did when he was getting shy or embarrassed... or comforted.
“We did” replied the blond, a soft chuckle barely audible, “... well, mostly me.”
“Never hesitate to talk to me, alright Harrison?” you stated quite seriously but still with that kind tone of yours your boyfriend loved so much. “Even for stupid matters, I don’t care, just let’s talk about it. Promise?”
“I promise, love.”
You shared another smile, rosy cheeks and eyes still shining with the last few tears. But now, the atmosphere felt way lighter as any ounce of negativity washed away around you both. You kept the eye contact and your hands connected, a way to slowly treat that deep link between you both.
Then you gently brought Harrison’s face closer to you and left a light kiss on his forehead, the kiss lasting for a few seconds but Harrison made the most of it, his eyes closing again which let the last tears roll on his cheeks.
“I’m so sorry, love” Harrison whispered like he was in trance.
“I know, dear. I know. But we will go through it. Together.”
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‘light me up’ chapter four : blackout
a/n : hey , sorry this took forever lol . i’m working on a couple requests at the same time , and just trying to juggle everything (: this chapter is a little bit shorter than the past few (3.3k) but i promise the next two are hot fire . stick with me , okay ? xoxoxoxoxo , starlight <3
tw : panic attack , fainting
reblogs are always appreciated !
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You could feel Draco’s eyes following you all the way up the stairs, through the heavy oak door that led to your room. If looks could kill, you’d be dead and gone by now- there was a certain heat, a certain intensity behind Draco’s stare that seemed to cut right through you. Before you opened the door to your bedroom, you took a moment to prepare yourself for the onslaught of questions you were sure to receive.
You weren't prepared for the exact opposite: complete and suffocating silence. Rose didn’t even meet your eyes as you walked into the room, laying your bag down on the nearest surface, and Belle just looked you over, forcing a smile. 
“I thought you were doing homework, Y/N? Are you already finished?”
The sadness and disappointment were evident in Belle’s voice and seemed to tear right through you as you took a seat on your trunk.  You felt trapped- an unstoppable force against an immovable object. It seemed like the most perfect, painful paradox, and you knew that there was no getting out of this.
Belle scrunched her face, then broke eye contact. Neither of your friends could even look at you, and all you could say was ‘yeah.’ you felt wave after wave of disappointment and self-hatred roll over your shoulders, slowly crushing you. Dimly, you wondered what you looked like on the outside- could anyone see you falling into a spiral? Was it obvious, what was going on in your head? Or did you just look normal, plain as ever?
“Draco came to talk to me.”
Belle’s movements paused briefly; neither of your friends were used to his name being brought up in conversation. Draco wasn’t someone that seemed to revolve in the same universe as you guys, much less the same friends. She quickly resumed packing her bag, still not looking at you. Her voice was even and measured when she spoke again.
“How did that go?” You wanted to scream. The entire conversation felt so false, so forced, and you knew it was your fault. Before you had time to think about it, you stood up from your trunk and walked over to Rose. she was laying on her bed, reading, and didn’t bother to look up at you.
“Are you really gonna do this?”
“Fine. You guys want to know what’s wrong? I’ll tell you.” you exclaimed, the words shooting from your mouth, each one coated in your spiteful, impulsive poison. “Everyone, everyone in my life leaves, okay? They get to know me, they decide that i’m too much to handle, or they don't like what they see, or whatever, and they run. Cedric promised me he would stay. He promised me,” you said, voice breaking, “that he wasn’t going to run.” to your horror you felt something wet start a trail for many down your cheek. Tears rolled from your eyes like raindrops from dark clouds, and you fell apart. 
Every wall you’d ever built seemed to deteriorate in an instant, crumbling down and smothering you. You felt every part of your body be pulverized by the force of each hateful, vicious brick, every bit of blistering mortar. The violence splintered your bones and ripped your muscles at the seams. It was as if all of your nerve endings were being electrocuted, a car battery having its merry way with all the electric signals pulsing throughout your body. You couldn’t breathe- it was as if your throat was pinned shut, cruel staples cutting you off from sweet oxygen you felt your lungs decay, the pink muscle going black with the lack of the vital substance. Your emotions seemed to overtake you, never sparing you the chance for one final breath before they wrenched you down, down, down to the depths of your psyche before drowning you forever. 
                                                     ☁ ☁ ☁
The first thing you noticed after regaining consciousness was the sun. Something luminous and harsh was poking at your eyelids, lighting your skin with a yellowish glow. You squeezed your eyes shut before trying to blink yourself awake, realizing that the sun had been the mysterious glow. You then noticed that you weren’t in your bed, or your clothes. 
This woke you up quickly. After a short investigation of your surroundings, you quickly deduced that you were in the infirmary. Belle and Rose were in beds on either side of you, both girls sitting up in some way. They were angled toward you, and each had various medical supplies: a rag, a mostly melted bag of ice, some sort of vial of pure ginger extract. Your body immediately humbled you as you tried to sit up, a skull splitting pain searing throughout your brain. You slumped back, moaning in pain.
Both of your friends woke up instantly at the noise, scrambling off of their cots and over to you. “Oh thank Merlin-”
“Get madam Pomf-”
“I'm just so glad you're okay i-”
“Jesus, Y/N, you scared us-”
“I promise i will never not talk you you again-”
A groan escaped your lips, all the noise too much for you to take in at once. Belle and Rose lowered their voices, their concern coming out in soft coos and scared murmurs. The pair seemed to have worked all the concern out of their systems, and were now assessing their next move. Belle set off to find Madam Pomfrey while Rose stayed behind, picking up one of your hands.
“What happened?”
Rose looked at you with an untraceable expression- you couldn’t read her for the first time ever. “We don’t know. It was like… you just- left. You were talking and then you started breathing like, really fast. Your eyes rolled back in your head and you were just… gone. We’ve been here all night. Madam Pomfrey said you had some sort of panic attack.”
“Merlin,” you whispered, swearing under your breath. You’d had panic attacks before, but never this severe. It had manifested physically; this was the first time it hadn’t been all in your head. You took a brief moment to collect yourself, processing the information that Rose had shared. You didn't know what you were supposed to do, or say, or anything really.
“Did someone catch me?”
Rose pulled a face, and your head throbbed. Propping yourself up on elbows, you brushed a hand over the back of your skull. You recoiled as you made contact with a massive bump on the back of your head. With more gentle fingers you inspected the egg sized lump that had taken up residence on your skull. 
“It was really fast- we didn’t have time to react. Belle immediately started screaming. She thought you died. Her screams were loud enough to alert the common room- someone had already run halfway to Madam Pomfrey’s before we woke you back up. Do you remember?”
“What?” The last thing you remembered was coming up to bed after talking to Draco. 
“Yeah. we woke you up after you’d passed out- only for a minute, really. You were panicked; you thought that you were drowning. You kept telling Belle and I that you couldn’t breathe, that you were sinking. Madam Pomfrey gave you something to knock you back out. You’ve been sleeping since then.”
You brought your hands back down into your lap, trying to lay back down. The bump had become more apparent now that you were fully awake; it radiated a dull, throbbing pain throughout your whole body. You looked up at Rose, who seemed to be searching your face for something. 
“Are you okay?”
Rose scoffed, but the tears in her eyes seemed to betray her hard exterior. She wiped harshly at the droplets, leaving angry red smears on her cheeks. “Maybe. I don't know. For a split second- you know-” she stuttered, trying to find the words. “I thought that you died or something. Like, you were having a heart attack, and you died with me ignoring you. I was really scared.” 
You blinked, taking a big breath in. “i’m sorry.”
This caught Rose off guard. You were rarely the first to apologize- your stubborn nature was one of your biggest struggles. It was also why you were so good at ignoring your emotions; until now, apparently. Right as she started to respond Belle came rushing in, Madam Pomfrey in hand. 
“See, she’s awake,” Belle painted, out of breath. She must’ve sprinted all the way to the healers quarters.
You offered a weak wave to Madam Pomfrey. “Alright, Y/N?”
“Alright. Sore, but alright.”
“Gonna be sore for a while- you knocked ‘rself pretty good. How’s your memory?” she asked, starting concussion protocol. You’d sat through many of these with Cedric.
“Not bad. I don’t remember anything past going up to bed, but everything before that.”
“What day of the week is it?”
You faltered for a second, but recovered quickly. “Sunday.”
“And what house ‘re you in?”
“Middle name?”
“Y/M/N. I’m fine, I promise. Just a little banged up.”
“What’s the date?”
“It's October 29th. I’m okay, really,” you explained, gritting your teeth against the agony that came with sitting up. Once you were upright, you grabbed for the glass of water that sat by your cot, untouched. You drank the whole thing in three sips, pouring more from the pitcher as you met Madam Pomfrey’s eyes. “Do you know what happened to me?”
“It seems as if you worked yourself into a bit of a situation, love. Do you have panic attacks often?”
“Yes.” you tried not to react to the face’s Rose and Belle made; they were hurt. You hadn’t told them that.
“Faint usually?”
“No. Never. I don't know why this time was any different,” you answered honestly. You were usually able to get yourself through your panic attacks with minimal effort- you’d been dealing with this for years. It was just something you were used to by now. 
Madam Pomfey hummed as she thought, turning to rummage through some shelves. She returned with a clear, unmarked bottle, corked with what looked like a cinnamon stick. The liquid inside was clear and thin, just like water. “What is this?”
“To help with the faintness, the lightheaded feeling. Got something going for your goose egg. I’ll be back with that in a bit. Alright?” she asked again, clearly concerned. 
“Fine, no worries.”
Madam Pomfrey looked to Rose, making steely eye contact. “You make sure she drinks that. Gonna get real busy here in about 20 minutes- all the quidditch players ’ll be comin’ in. want her out of here before that- too loud for a head injury. Understand?” 
Looking slightly intimidated and yet determined, Rose nodded her head. As Madam Pomfrey exited your two friends looked to each other, then down at you in sync. 
“How are you, really?” Belle asked, picking up one of your hands to hold. “Thought we lost you there for a minute.”
“I’m okay, really. This has never happened before. Freak accident, or something,” you explained, trying not to cringe at the ache rippling through your body. You drank another cup of water as both girls were silent. What do you say in a situation like this, though?
“Why didn’t you tell us it’s been getting bad again?” Belle asked, voice breaking and weak.
“I’m sorry.” 
Rose squeezed your shoulder, drawing you attention off of Belle and her misty eyes. “I mean this from a place of love: `I’m sorry’ isn't enough anymore, Y/N. You can’t do this stuff to yourself- I won’t let you.”
Again; unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
But this time the object is fractured and frail and too drained to fight back. Not so immovable anymore. 
“I didn’t think it was this bad; usually I can tell. I guess I locked myself too far down. I can’t- couldn’t- really feel anything. Blocked it all out, I think.”
You thought about this for a moment. Why really was the question. Why had you shut yourself down so far? Why had you let it get so bad? Why had everything gotten so bad so fast? Why had you passed out?
“I don't know. I mean- a lot has been happening, I guess. And for me… well, for me it’s better to feel nothing than to feel hurt, you know?”
Belle sniffled, and Rose murmured something to the sensitive girl under her breath. Belle nodded, and turned around. You watched your best friend’s slumped over form exit the room, the noise of her cries softening the further away she got. 
“Do you remember what you were telling me before? I mean, before you passed out?”
You thought about this for a second- you remembered a tense, very strained exchange with Belle and Rose, but you couldn’t recall what it was over. Then, everything was blurry, all muffled and underwater. You did your best to sort through the memories, and landed on one of Draco Malfoy. It came back to you, how you’d left the blonde boy sitting there with no explanation after coming off rather cold. You tried to process this, a grimace building on your face. 
“I remember sitting in the common room, talking to Draco. But everything is murky after that. Why?”
Rose’s face cycled through a multitude of expressions before relaxing back to something neutral again. “Why were you talking to Malfoy?”
“He came over to me.”
Rose swore under her breath, putting a hand on your shoulder as she made eye contact. “You can’t tell Belle I told you this- she doesn’t think you should know, but… anyway. When you fainted, Belle panicked, right? And Draco was the first to respond. From what she told me, he heard your name and the words ‘passed out’ and broke into a dead sprint to the infirmary. He came by to visit you early this morning- he seemed concerned.”
Your stomach tied itself into knot after knot, coiling in on itself. You didn’t know what you were supposed to do with this information. Why had Draco come to check on you? Why did he care?
“Yeah. That's off topic, though. You don't remember what we were talking about?” Rose asked, looking earnest. You knew that you were missing a key piece of the puzzle, but you couldn’t seem to find it. You shook your head at the dark haired girl, the action sending pain reverberating through your body. Rose stilled, her body looking as if it were about to snap like a tensed rubberband. You could tell that she was having some sort of internal debate, but you couldn’t bring yourself to figure out what she was thinking. Everything hurt too bad. You wanted to go back to sleep.
You pulled the small vial from Rose’s fingers, uncorking the bottle and tossing the liquid back into your throat. You coughed and sputtered, eyes welling from the fire that seemed to be coursing its way down the back of your pharynx- you felt like you were choking for the second time in 24 hours. It was not a pleasant feeling.
Rose rushed to pour another cup of water, tipping your chin up and holding the cup to your lips. You drank it down as if you were dying, the cool liquid extinguishing the flames licking your insides. 
“What is that?
Before Rose could answer, Madam Pomfrey came trotting back in, holding a lavender-colored compress. It seemed to be glowing from the inside, and emitted a sweet scent of some sort of herb that you couldn’t put your finger on. 
“Right then Y/N, put this on your head.”
You didn’t bother to ask what it was, seeking any sort of relief from the agony that was working its way up and down your spine. Taking the compress from Madam Pomfrey, you placed the icy cold cloth on the bump that had formed. A moan of pleasure escaped your lips as the pain seemed to be leached from your skull- it was as if it had never been there in the first place. “Wow. What is this?”
“Old recipe. Pulls the pain right out, doesn’t it? Feeling okay?”
You went to lift your hand to give the wrinkled woman a thumbs up, but your arms felt like rubber. You began to worry when you tried to push yourself up onto elbows, but couldn’t get your limbs to behave.
Madam Pomfrey sucked a breath in through her teeth. “Right- that’s a normal side effect. Weakness. Should be gone within the day. If not, come and see me again.”
You sputtered, beginning to fight back; why hadn’t she explained this to you before you’d drained the pain from your head? You began to think that you’d rather have the skull splitting ache back, but there was no way you were going back to that. The complaint died in the back of your throat as you heard a rumble approaching the infirmary.
“Oh dear, the game must’ve finished. Y/N, how's the head?”
You rolled your neck from side to side, letting it fall back against the pillow. There was a dull sort of throb, but significantly less pain than before. “Alright, I think.”
Madam Pomfrey gave you a satisfied sort of nod, then tuned to Rose. “feel okay about getting her out of here? Probably going to need to be monitored for the next few hours.”
Rose blinked, her eyebrows starting to furrow. She opened her mouth, ready to say something but before she could do so the doors to the infirmary cracked open. Quidditch players in various stages of dishevelment poured in, each calling out for Madam Pomfrey’s assistance. 
And there he was.
Draco was bleeding from his lip, a stream of the crimson liquid making its way down his chin. This somehow made him look even better- you took a moment to evaluate why you were even more attracted to him now- then broke your stare, looking at Rose. “Can we go?”
“How am I supposed to get you out of here?” she asked in a harsh whisper, glaring at someone. You didn’t have to turn your head to figure out who.
“Y/N,” Draco breathed, his voice filled with concern. “You’re up. Are you okay?”
You widen your eyes at Rose, a signal. She gave you a barely perceptible nod, then you turned to give Draco a tight smile. “Hey, Malfoy. I’m fine, really.”
“What happened? You weren’t even upstairs for 10 minutes before Belle-”
“I hate to interrupt, but I really need to get Y/N up to bed. She’s on bedrest for today, so we should probably go.” Rose’s voice was unyielding and left no room for Draco to talk back. He scoured your face for some sort of answer, but couldn’t find anything in your blank expression. Finally, Draco put a hand on your arm, squeezing the completely numb limb. 
“Yeah, okay. Hey, we won,” he said, a warm smile painting Draco’s lips. Your heart fluttered, jumping up into your throat as Draco’s voice dropped lower. “Drove them into the ground.”
You were disgusted by how soft your voice came out, answering the blonde boy. “Shame I couldn’t see it.”
Before the two of you could continue whatever you were doing, Rose cleared her throat. “Y/N,” she spoke, her voice hard. “We need to go. How are we leaving?”
You turned to Rose, simultaneously grateful and angry with her for ending the gentle exchange you and Draco had been sharing. “I don't know. What did Madam Pomfrey say?”
Rose squabble with the answer, biting the inside of her cheek. She seemed to realize that there was no workaround for the situation- she couldn’t lift you, and the last time she’d done a levitation spell a pillow had exploded mid-air in your shared room. 
“Draco, can you lift her?”
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
If you’re still taking requests maybe 1+4 for Sprace?
Canon-era in general
Soulmate AU
I am always taking requests, my dude. Anyway here we go! This is mostly in the musicalverse but if I reference a few movieverse characters as older Newsies during Race’s childhood...😏 Also there are a couple of ocs in here, and it gets a bit angsty towards the end. Enjoy!
Tw: Underage drinking, a couple of side characters are mentioned to have died, and homophobia is kind of implied, I guess?
Race had grown up knowing that he liked boys, and that didn’t really match up with what people said love was supposed to be, but that was just how Race was.
And it wasn’t like it was hurting anyone, was it? Being only a little kid, Race was too young to actually do anything, and if he sometimes paid attention to the way a friend looked really cute when he’d just woken up, it didn’t matter. It wasn’t like he had to or even could act on those little crushes.
It was like Manhattan’s leader, Waffles, said. He called it ‘puppy love’ when Jack snuck glances at a girl his age on the street or Crutchie shyly gave one a flower when he handed her mother a pape. Nobody actually acted on these things.
Little baby crushes when you were a kid meant nothing, and that meant that Race would outgrow this and start liking girls in time to meet his soulmate, right? Because soulmates meant a boy with a girl, and nothing else, right?
At least, that was what he thought, until he and Jack walked into an alley when Race was 8 and Jack was 10 and found a couple of older boys kissing—which Race was pretty sure you were only supposed to do with someone you loved.
Snitch and Itey jumped apart, staring at the younger boys in shock. Then they each grabbed one and dragged them into the Lodging House bathroom to tell them that Race and Jack could not tell anyone.
Race was too scared to speak (Snitch and Itey were significantly bigger than him) but Jack stepped in front of him and demanded to know why.
That was when Itey sighed, said that maybe it would be better if Waffles explained this, and gone to get their leader.
Race hadn’t really believed it at first when Waffles sat them down and carefully explained that Itey and Snitch were soulmates.
“That ain’t possible,” Jack argued, “They’s both boys.”
“Yeah,” Waffles said, “And maybe it’s a cruel trick of fate or a mistake or whatever the church thinks, but here with the Manhattan Newsies? We don’t care. Okay? We’s a family. We don’t turn on Itey and Snitch for somethin’ they can’t control.”
“Why would we turn on them?” Race asked, confused. That was what this was; confusing.
Waffles sighed, “Look, among family, it’s okay. We don’t care who your soulmate is. But the rest of the world does, okay? Adults don’t know nothin’. They think boys lovin’ boys and girls lovin’ girls is wrong.”
“Would Itey and Snitch get hurt if adults found out?” Jack asked.
“Yeah, kiddo, they would. And that’s why you can’t tell no one, okay, boys? Nobody outside the house finds out and no new kids either ‘till we know we can trust ‘em. Okay?”
“Okay,” they both said, and though, like most people, Itey and Snitch kept their soulmarks covered, as it was something intensely personal and none of anybody’s business, from there, Race started realizing that he should have seen something between them a long time ago.
It was fairly obvious, in how they shared a bed, snuck off occasionally, and sometimes let touches of reassurance or affection linger a bit longer than they probably should.
Race started noticing how the other older kids covered for them. How Skittery would knock something over, allowing them to slip out together under the excuse of not wanting to help him clean it up. How Boots would make a joke to draw attention to himself if they started getting too obvious. How Waffles would take on any new kid thinking of selling with them, himself, so they had an excuse to keep being just the two of them.
It was... nice, in a mushy kind of way that they had that support. And Race didn’t really think seriously about kissing his crushes yet, but he did wonder if he would have that if he did.
Race’s soulmark—the first name of his soulmate that appeared on his wrist on his 10th birthday—was Sean.
It was a boy’s name. That scared Race a little.
But every time he saw the older Manhattan kids go out of their way to make sure nobody noticed Itey and Snitch, he got a little less scared, but still a bit confused
He stopped being scared, at least mostly, when Jack came to him, nervously confessing that he liked girls and boys, and his soulmark said a boy’s name; David. There was something less scary about being different when you didn’t have to be alone in it.
Of course, among the Newsies, finding your soulmate was always a little complicated, because damn near everybody had nicknames. Honestly, Race‘s soulmate could be almost any of his friends for all he knew, but he liked to think he didn’t. He liked to think he’d know immediately if he found him.
Race was 10 when he started selling at Sheepshead, having a deal with a Brooklyn girl, Palomino. She got to use his cuteness for easy sales, and in return, she taught him to weaponize just the right combination of friendliness, flirtation, and annoyance to get people do to pretty much whatever he wanted.
Race asked her when he was 11 what she thought about soulmates, particularly same-sex soulmates. He wanted her opinion because while Palomino was kind of an asshole, there was one thing she was really good at, and that was survival.
And Race wasn’t sure what he thought about the fact that his soulmate was a boy yet, but he knew that just living as someone like that, you had to be careful to survive.
‘Mino just shrugged, “Love is unreliable, Racer. It never does what you want it to and more often than not, it’s a liability. Soulmates ain’t an exception just cause they’s supposed to be together.”
“What about boys lovin’ other boys and girls lovin’ other girls?”
“The fuck did I just say? Love’s a liability. Feelin’s get ya hurt—even more so if those feelin’s is illegal.”
Race struggled to get what he was really asking across, “But if it’s illegal... does that make it wrong?”
‘Mino’s face softened infinitesimally. No one who didn’t know her would even recognize it as softening.
“What did I teach ya, kid? Long as ya don’t get caught, nothin’s illegal. Whether ya love girls or boys or both ain’t my business—it’s still stupid. Now, come on. If we place our bets right, we can both go home with some extra dough.”
Yeah... Race never mastered the whole ‘winning bet-placing’ thing. He never accepted Palomino’s offers to teach him to pickpocket, either, though there were winters where he wished he did.
And he never believed her when she said love was stupid. Because Palomino might have a cynical, angry outlook on life, but Race didn’t. Whenever he asked Waffles or Jack or any of the kids back home in Manhattan, they always said love and soulmates were good things.
Of course, it wasn’t like her opinion mattered anymore. After that winter when Race was 11, he never saw his old mentor again.
Sure, Race didn’t know anything about love besides the platonic bond he had with friends, but he still believed in it with how he saw pairs of his friends fall into it more and more as he got older. Love and soulmates made people happy. That much, he could tell.
Race was 16, Jack was Manhattan’s leader, and he’d been selling at Sheepshead for years when he learned that it wasn’t always that simple.
He and his friend Spot were a little drunk, probably, because Spot had gotten hurt in a fight and hadn’t wanted to drink his cheap booze to dull the pain alone.
Race had met him when he was 12 and Spot was 13, not long after Spot became King of Brooklyn. In the last 4 years, they’d become close friends. He was Race’s best friend, to be honest, besides maybe Albert. Of course, Jack and Crutchie didn’t count because they were more Race’s brothers.
And if Spot was like, really attractive, that didn’t matter. He wasn’t interested in Race. Race didn’t even know if he was interested in boys, period. It was just never something they talked about.
Spot didn’t seem like a Sean, anyway.
“Hey, Spot, buddy, do you ever think about... like... soulmates?” Race asked, trying not to slur his words.
Spot laughed kinda tiredly, “Sometimes. Why?”
“Just ‘cause...” Race tried to think despite his mind being fuzzy, “What do ya think about ‘em?”
Spot just shrugged, “Love’s a liability. Soulmates ain’t an exception.”
“Ooh, I see you’s usin’ Palomino’s philosophy.”
They both laughed.
Was it just the booze making Race slow, or were Spot’s eyes lingering on his lips as he put his cigar in his mouth?
“Oh, Palomino,” he muttered, “That bitch. I ain’t thought about her in a while.”
“That ain’t nice—she’s dead, Spottie.”
“Yeah, which means she ain’t here to care what I say ‘bout her.”
Race’s laugh sounded drunk even to him, “She tried to teach me to pickpocket.”
“She did teach me to pickpocket.”
“Spot, you son of a bitch, you actually let her teach ya to steal?”
“She taught all the younger Brooklyn kids when I was little. She was older and smarter than me, so’s I kinda did whatever she told me. I don’t steal nowadays though, if I can help it. Ain’t worth the trouble with the bulls.”
“She was pretty smart,” Race admitted, “I dunno if she was right ‘bout soulmates, though.”
Spot looked away from Race’s face, taking another swig of alcohol, “She was.”
Race took another sip of his own drink, a bit disappointed, for some reason, “How do ya know?”
“Because Waffles was hers and they both knew it and it just hurt ‘em both.”
“Oh,” Race looked at the floor, “I didn’t know that.”
“Yeah,” Spot laughed, “One pair of Newsies actually landed right side up and it was the one where both of ‘em died.”
“That ain’t funny, Spot.”
Race hadn’t thought about ‘Mino in a while, either. Honestly, he hadn’t even thought about Waffles, and that made him sad because they both deserved to be remembered and—
“Hey, hey, Racer, it’s okay. Don’t cry. That was stupid of me.”
Race remembered to hug Spot gently as his friend embraced him. They were drinking for a reason, so Race avoided touching Spot’s ribs. Instead, he wrapped his arms around his neck.
Spot didn’t hug often, but when he did, it felt special. It felt warm and safe, like home.
“I’m sorry, Race, I just... they actually wound up as a girl and a boy and they wasn’t together, but they should’ve been and... I’m sorry. Don’t cry.”
“I ain’t gonna cry.”
Spot pulled away enough to look him in the eye to make sure he wasn’t lying.
Race couldn’t say he was sorry that Spot kept holding onto him. Their faces were very close together.
“Do ya really think love is stupid, Spottie?”
Spot shrugged, “Everyone I know what’s in it gets hurt. I mean... you’s seen what it does to Cowboy and Mouth, right? Knowin’ all it would take is one bad person findin’ out ‘bout them.”
“But they makes each other happy,” Race pointed out, “Ain’t that what’s really important?”
“I dunno, just seems easier not to have to worry ‘bout it. Soulmates is just another person who can hurt you or be used against you, and besides— just cause the universe says you’s supposed to be in love don’t mean ya have to. I sure don’t give a damn about whoever mine is.”
Race smiled, tapping the piece of cloth Spot used to cover his soulmark, “What’s the harm in your best friend knowin’, then?”
“Why?” Spot teased, “Hopin’ it’s you?”
“I’m fairly certain it ain’t,” Race said, “We’s known each other for years. If we was soulmates, we’d’ve found out by now. Still, ya never have shown me your mark.”
“You haven’t shown me yours, either.”
Race thought about it for a second.
“What if we showed ‘em at the same time? I mean, ain’t no harm in it, right? Only one of my close friend’s Marks I ain’t seen is yours.”
“Yeah,” Spot muttered, “Same for me, I guess. Showin’ ‘em at the same time sounds fair.”
“Course it is,” Race let go of him, still staying sitting pretty close, and untied the strip of cloth from his own wrist, “Ready?”
Spot untied his, “Set.”
They showed their soulmarks at the same time. By the time of day, it was almost too dark for Race to read the text on his friend’s wrist.
“Shit,” Race mumbled under his breath, “Oh my God.”
Spot was still silent, just staring in shock at the name on Race’s wrist.
Any chance of it being a different Anthony was gone, now, by the look on his face.
Spot finally looked him in the eye, and Race could see pain there, but also some kind of... relief.
Race knew exactly how he felt. He’d somehow... well, he hadn’t expected it, but it wasn’t surprising, either.
He was glad it was Spot. He was glad it was someone he already knew. Someone he already... already loved.
Race dared to lean a little closer, knowing Spot would read his intentions and pull away if he wanted to.
He didn’t pull away, though his deep breath was shaky.
Their faces were close enough that Race could smell what they’d been drinking on Spot’s breath.
He didn’t see any signs of him not wanting it, so Race leaned forward enough to kiss Spot as softly as he knew how.
For a second, he thought maybe Spot was kissing him back, and then hands were on his shoulders, gently pushing him away.
When Race opened his eyes, his soulmate had an extremely pained look on his face, and he was already grabbing his strip of cloth to cover his wrist again.
“Don’t be sorry, Race,” he said quietly, “Just... go. You’s gonna have to run for it or you’ll miss the last carriage to hitch a ride home.”
A small part of Race was hurt and angry and wanted to argue that, no, they needed to talk about this and they needed to talk about it now.
But Spot looked agonized enough as it was, and the larger part of Race didn’t want to cause him any more pain.
He stood up and walked all the way back home.
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storytime-with-moth · 4 years
Writing part of my ATLA Soulflower Prompt - take what you like and make it into your own!
Feel free to take what you like from this and change whatever you like to make it work. There are lots of different ways to interpret flowers and how the characters were feeling. Send me any fan art or fanfic from this if you use it, no credit needed I just want to admire it! Feel free to just use placements of the flowers too! No meanings needed, I just like the idea of Sokka really only nicking his hands and covering up the flowers on his arms with wraps until he can’t hide it anymore when his face is marked.
Notes: There could also be lot’s of fun angst and miscommunication because Sokka knows when he first sees Zuko, but Zuko shouldn’t notice until he shows up at the Western Air Temple saying “Zuko here” and that way his decision to leave the Fire Nation is entirely based on his own character growth, for which he is rewarded with finally being worthy of his soulmate. (there will be growing pains between the boys)
But of course the whole time Sokka just thinks Zuko is a jerk who would ignore his own soulmate so callously which is why he tried to move on with Yue and Suki.
For this cannon divergence Sokka has always known that being Bi is fine and discovered his own bisexuality on the road when he is presented with boys his age for the first time as well as girls that aren’t his sister. And our dear Zuko is gay and him and Mai use each other as beards when he goes back to the Fire Nation. (Mai/Ty Lee but they have to keep it on the down low)
Here it goes….
When Sokka was 8 he got a fish hook stuck in his thumb, and of course it had to be a stupid barbed hook that stuck steadfast in his hand. Being the bright you man he was he thought he could leverage the hook out with another small blade. And that was how he ended his evening hugging his Mum and lamenting over the two sore holes in his thumb. Kya brushed through his hair with her hands and whispered stories of his Dad doing the same thing when he was young.
Sokka turned around and held his Mother’s hand in his turning it over gently, there in between her fingers rested a small pink blossom of Balsamine.
“What does this one mean Mum?”
Kya smiled softly at her son “Impatience my little arctic dove…. You are so much like your father I bet your soulmate is looking at two of the same flower on their thumb right now.”
Sokka looked back at his thumb with reverence. “You think they’ll like me?”
“I know they will, the spirits don’t make mistakes.”
In that moment miles away a young prince sat next to a small candle holding his hand up mesmerized by the two pink flowers on his thumb.
When Kya passed, Sokka silently stacked the rocks making her burial site with the rest of his family, his hand slipped on his own tears and ice slicing his palm open in the process. He couldn’t be bothered to care. He just wrapped more cloth around it and continued with his silent vigil of burying his mother.
That night Prince Zuko would be found pouring over a soul flower book looking for the deep crimson flower on his palm.
“The Dark Crimson Rose: Can have two interpretations. One is about sadness and mourning and death. The second, has a more joyous meaning - rebirth and love.  When someone your soulmate care about passes away, the dark crimson rose can express their feelings of mourning and sadness.”
Zuko held his hand close to himself and whisper softly “I’m sorry.”
Years later Sokka woke up screaming and clutching his face, his face felt like it was on fire. Worse than any soul pain before, worse than any pervious flower burning into his hand or arm, this was agony.
He didn’t speak for days, too much pain and anguish plagued his 12 year old body. His eye was fuzzy for days and it took weeks for him to regain his balance enough to be trusted in a canoe with his dad.
What never left however were the purple hyacinth’s scattered around his left eye and cheek. He asked his Dad what they mean’t, but he just shook his head looking sad.
“I’m not sure son. I have never seen flowers like that before and so much of our history has been lost I’m not sure anyone left knows much about every flower.”
Sokka hung his head and left the room. Not before Hakoda whispered to himself “Your mother would have known.”
After a childhood spent running away from Azula’s flames and then his Father’s, he was grateful that his soulmate seemed to live a safe life only ever nicking their hands and forearms, more often than not they were so small and shallow the flowers would fade in a few months just like his soulmates scars.
There were a few flowers that stayed into his teens, the two pink flowers on his thumb, the red rose on his palm and a small cockscomb across the back of his hand, which he read symbolized affection, singularity, and silliness. He was fond of that one, Zuko liked to think his soulmate got that one playing with a friend and laughing like Ty Lee does when Mai tries to do a handstand.
He hoped that when he met his soulmate they would forgive him for the unfortunate number and placement of flowers they would have. The burn across his face was likely to never heal completely meaning that not only had his father marked him for life, they marked his soulmate too.
Zuko noticed that once he started in earnest to chase the Avatar more and more soul flowers would pop up on his hands, knees, and every once in a while across his cheek or on the back of his head. Most of them faded after a few weeks, but their appearance still made his heart lurch a little.
Why were they suddenly in so much danger? Why did all the flowers mean bravery and courage? Who were they fighting?
He had figured out a while ago that his soulmate must be a boy, because he never found any interest in the girls around him. Plus the scars had to come from someone who worked with their hands hunting, fishing, practising with blades. Only that could account for all the small nicks he saw over the years. So his soulmate was a warrior.
He secretly hoped that he wasn’t fighting against his soulmate, that would be awful.  
When Aang burned Katara his hands were suddenly covered in burning lavender sprigs, he wept as Sokka yelled at him and Katara’s shriek repeated in his mind.
Eventually the burning stopped and he looked down at his hands, they were clear, not a lavender in sight.
But he knew what the appearance of the flowers meant, Katara was his soulmate and he had hurt her.
Before running from the camp he asked Jeong Jeong what lavender meant.
“It means distrust young Avatar.”
That night Aang vowed to never fire bend again, he couldn’t risk losing her faith.
While at the Northern Air Temple Sokka scoured the mechanist’s library for a book on soul flowers, he couldn’t stand knowing who his idiot jerk of a soulmate was without knowing what the flowers meant. Probably evil or cruelty or something Jerk worthy.
"The Purple Hyacinth: Can be interpreted as your soulmates Sorrow, often the words “I am sorry. Please forgive me.” Were said when the soul flower appears.”
Sokka sat heavily on the floor, the new information swirling around his mind. Zuko was begging for forgiveness when someone burned his face. A child was asking for forgiveness and someone decided to burn him instead.
He swallowed a lump in his throat.
Okay yes Zuko was a jerk. A jerk who through him into the snow when they first met and has since chased them around the world throwing fire at them. So a bad guy, AND a jerk for not even mentioning the obvious flowers across Sokka’s face that matched his own scar.
But no deserved that. Especially if they were saying they were sorry, and it was obvious by the flowers on his own face that Zuko had truly meant his sorrow.
Still his enemy though, so he couldn’t think on it for too long. And he couldn’t tell his friends what they truly meant.
Only a week later Sokka woke up with a start thinking he had fallen off of Appa and hit the ground. His body ached and burned and for a moment he worried over the angry Prince.
In the morning the sharp pains had eased to be a dull ache and the snapdragons scattered across his body faded, the closer they got to the Northern Water Tribe.
Once they arrived one of the elders noted the snapdragon across his cheek and complimented him on his soulmates grace under pressure and inner strength in trying circumstances.
He wondered what Zuko could have done to earn those.
Sokka meeting Yue - falls into the canal hurts himself - Zuko gets a Daffodil - regard, respect, chivalry, unrequited love, symbolic for the power of inner beauty
When Sokka loses Yue he gets hurt in the same spot and so covering the Daffodil on Zuko is a White tulip - forgiveness, lost love
Aang in the catacombs gets struck by lightning  - White Lotus flower on Katara - purity, enlightenment, self regeneration and rebirth - he let go of Katara and reached the full avatar state
Maybe the one on his foot could be different? A secondary emotion
Zuko final Agni Kai taking the lighting for Katara - Sokka gets a White rose - I am worthy of you OR Pink carnation - I will never forget you OR Purple columbine - resolution OR Edlweiss - courage devotion (lot’s to pick from)
One day when they get married they prick each others thumbs (like hand fasting) to show the whole world the true intent of their marriage.
On Zuko’s thumb (meaning Sokka’s intention) - Camellia blue - you are the flame in my heart
On Sokka’s thumb (meaning Zuko’s intention) - Violet purple - you occupy my thoughts, blue love
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dyavania · 4 years
Hey! I love your writing and I wanted to ask for a request with Alucard/ Black Reader who's a witch and after a small but heated argument they switch bodies it can be angsty and fluffy lol I know its werid request but I think it would be interesting!
Aaaand here you go! I don’t know if you had something specific in mind but I hope you’ll enjoy the result, this was very interesting to write!
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“You’re here again.”
You jumped at the vampire’s voice, and turned around cautiously. Adrian Tepes, mostly known as Alucard, was staring at you, arms folded against his chest, and he didn’t seem too pleased to see you. You did your best to give a nonchalant shrug in reply. Never let them know you’re scared.
“What can I say, the security isn’t great.”
He frowned and you gave him a sugary smile, watching him carefully. Your hand was still on the book you had been reading, but you were ready to act, should you need to.
“I told you not to come here anymore.”
“You’re sitting on a basically endless well of knowledge,” you argued. “Knowledge I happen to need.”
“Knowledge on how to kill vampires. You can probably figure out why I’m not too keen on letting you roam around freely in the Belmont library.”
“You don’t need to worry about that. If you don’t come after me, I won’t come after you.”
He growled lowly, lips curling up to reveal his fangs, and you tensed. Fire was starting to burn under your skin, but you really hoped you wouldn’t have to use your magic. You were still learning how to use it, and there had already been a couple of unfortunate events. It didn’t help that you didn’t have a mentor. That was how the talent was taught, in your family, mother teaching daughter.
Only you weren’t with your mother. Still, you needed to make it home and judging your chances of survival pretty low with such limited powers, you had decided to find a way to learn. The stories about the Belmont library had been a blessing. You’d ignored the parts about the vampire guarding it — you just wanted to learn how to use your powers and, ideally, a location spell as well as a transportation spell. So you would finally be able to go home.
“Don’t do that,” you hissed.
Vampires. The ones who’d separated you from your mother had been vampires too. Wanted a witch. They’d overestimated your control over your powers — or perhaps underestimated them.
You’d burnt their castle to the ground.
“Then get out,” he ordered, taking a step towards you.
“I told you, I need to find out more!”
There was an edge of desperation in your voice, and he hesitated for a second, until something hardened in his eyes.
He didn’t give his help as easily as he once did.
“I said out,” he snarled, walking towards you threateningly.
You didn’t think. You screamed, throwing your hands in front of you, willing the power to get out of you. You didn’t want to kill him, but you also weren’t going to let him hurt you.
Lightning shot out of your hands, flying towards him at full speed, and then suddenly there was a sword in front of you, deflecting it. You winced at the sound of broken glass when it crashed into a cabinet, and you were about to apologize — yeah, you were the one who’d just shot it, but still — when smoke started invading the library. You heard him curse, and then he grabbed your hand, pulling you towards the exit. This time, you followed.
“This might be dangerous,” he said through gritted teeth. “Try not to breathe too much of it.”
You obeyed, rolling your eyes discreetly. Easy to say for a vampire perhaps, but you had no choice but to inhale some.
By the time you got to the lift, there was smoke everywhere and you couldn’t see anything. Coughing and choking, you only focused on his hand in yours as the platform started to move. You both ran out the second you were at the top, and there were long minutes while you tried to catch your breath. You were the first to do so, and you turned around, horribly embarrassed, to apologize.
And then you froze.
The girl who was facing you, the girl with the dark skin, with the black curls surrounding her face, she was familiar.
She was familiar because she was you.
When she looked up and you met her large, brown eyes, you saw them widen, and it was only then that you lifted your hand in front of you. You saw large hands, long fingers, white skin, nails that almost looked like claws — yours were always cut short. The girl — you — was doing the same, examining her much smaller, black hands, looking at her pale palms, and seemingly testing how sharp the nails were on the skin of her fingers.
“What did you do?” she asked, and it was your voice, but it didn’t sound right. The intonation was strangely even for you, and it seemed deeper than how you usually talked. She frowned at the sound.
“I didn’t do anything,” you protested, and this time it sounded somewhat like you, except that it was a man’s voice. Alucard’s voice.
“It has to be that smoke,” she — he — sighed, running his fingers through his hair in a gesture you would never have done. “Why would the Belmonts even have that?”
That question was far from your concerns for the moment.
“How do we undo it?” you asked, worried.
Alucard’s eyes met yours, and you saw worry shining in them.
Well. It looked like you were fucked.
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The days that followed were strange ones. The two of you didn’t exactly discuss the situation, but you did tolerate each other. He begrudgingly offered you a room in the castle, presumably to be able to keep eyes on his body, and you took it gratefully. Outside of sleep, neither of you wasted a minute of your day. Virtually every second was spent looking for a solution.
Alucard seemed on edge whenever you were near. You’d never been that jumpy. Careful, sure, but not to that point though, as you realized slowly, he had to be confused by the loss of his senses. He turned out to be extremely sensitive. To everything, it seemed. Light, noises, smells… Everything was almost too much for you, and you could only imagine what it was like to have always had that and to suddenly lose it.
Still, you didn’t think it justified the way he acted around you.
“Hey, I’m not going to— eat you or something,” you finally told him. “I know vampires need blood, but it’s not like you make me… hungry or anything.”
Alucard sighed. He did that a lot, but you didn’t, and you often found yourself surprised by the movement. It didn’t seem like something your body did.
“That’s because I don’t drink blood.”
The intonation was another thing you just weren’t getting used to. He made everything sound so even, almost dull, and you were sure his voice was lower than how you usually spoke. He was probably feeling the same you about you, though.
“Then why are you so scared of me?”
He seemed conflicted for a second, before he put the book back in the shelf. He had to look up at you, and you realized how small he seemed to be. Well, you seemed to be. You assumed it could be perceived as threatening, but you had never been scared of him. You had always been able to lean on your powers.
“I’m… not,” he said slowly. “But humans have tried to kill me before. Humans who said they wanted to know more about killing vampires. Now, I wouldn’t be able to give you much trouble. Your body is not trained for fighting and I don’t know how to use your magic. You’re faster, stronger… It would be easy.”
Of course, you wouldn’t want to hurt your own body, but that wasn’t what you wanted to underline now. His tone now, the way he spoke… You knew how it felt. To be a prey for people who are stronger than you.
“I’m not a killer,” you said very softly. “I never had any intention of doing that to you.”
His lips curved into the saddest smile you’d ever seen.
“That’s exactly what you would say if you did intend to kill me.”
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As you didn’t find anything, researches slowed down gradually. You weren’t even looking for your own spells anymore, though you had made a small pile of books that seemed interesting for that. You didn’t see yourself going home with that body, and you doubted Alucard wanted to be stuck with yours anyway.
So, on a particularly sunny day, you found yourself laying in the grass, eyes closed, just enjoying the sensations. Alucard’s body was very sensitive, and it could be annoying, but in such a moment, it was extremely pleasant. You stayed there for a long time, until a shadow was projected on your face.
When your eyes opened, you found him over you. Well, yourself, though the distinction was blurring. He was smiling, and the sight was pleasant, though unusual for him.
“You’re turning red,” he informed you.
You pushed yourself up and stretched. Moving your hands over the skin of your cheeks, you found it hot and a little painful, and you groaned in annoyance. It had happened before, but you disliked the sensation, and you disliked even more than you could only stay in the sun for such a short time before it happened.
One more reason why you couldn’t bring that body back home.
“What are you looking for?” he asked.
You shot him a surprised look.
“In the Belmont library. You keep putting books on the side.”
There was probably no harm in telling him now, after all.
“Localization and transportation spells,” you replied. “I’m trying to go back home.”
“You’re not from here.”
You shook your head, but didn’t expand on it.
“I’ll help you.”
Again with the sad smile.
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You settled in a comfortable routine. You searched for spells and studied them, while still looking for informations on that mysterious smoke, but either the Belmonts themselves didn’t know anything about it, or it was really well hidden. After a week, you braided Alucard’s hair. He clearly didn’t know how to take care of it, and it was starting to worry you. It was your hair, technically, even if you were seriously starting to despair ever getting them back.
After you did that, Alucard insisted on brushing your hair, and you didn’t see a reason not to let him. He was extremely gentle, much more than you, and you found yourself really appreciating those moments.
The two of you started talking. At first, you were both keeping your cards close to your chest, but you finally relaxed. It wasn’t like there was much you could do anyway. Given the nature of your situation, it was probably better if you trusted each other. You both had something that was very, very precious for the other. Their body.
He asked you to call him Adrian, and you complied. Not only were you starting to understand him better, but he’d also told you about the history behind that name, and you could see why he didn’t want to be reminded of it anymore.
You got used to the vampiric speed and strength after a few incidents. The height was a lot more complicated though. You kept bumping into things, and it made you particularly thankful that everything was so big in the castle. Adrian often glared at you when you went at full speed through the library, or used it to surprise him, but the glare was quickly replaced by smiles and, soon enough, laughs.
It was nice, to hear him laugh, even if it was with your voice.
Adrian struggled with your magic, but he seemed to get it under control quickly, though he couldn’t quite use it. The only issues you ever had took place on the nights when he got nightmares. Since neither of you wanted to die in a fire, you worked out ways for him to make water, so he��d at least be able to put it out, if needed. He dismissed your attempts at talking about the nightmares, and you dropped it.
Then one day, as you were going down to the Belmont library after a nice meal he’d made for the two of you, the lift got stuck. Suddenly, you were both stuck mid-air, without a way out.
“I can probably jump high enough to get us out up there, but…” you started slowly, trying to work out a plan.
“…and I can probably get a gush of air to push us on the side, but…”
Adrian and you exchanged a glance. This meant trusting each other. Really trusting each other, as in, potentially putting your life in his hands.
As far as you were concerned, your decision was made.
You extended a hand to him, and he took it carefully, walking closer to you, until you could wrap an arm around his waist. When you did, you noticed him rubbing his nose, and that almost had you chuckling. You body didn’t blush like his, but when your face heated up, your nose always itched. You’d learned it was a tell-tale sign of your embarrassment, and you knew how to fight it, but he apparently didn’t.
He nodded, and you jumped.
Not high enough.
You landed back on the platform, which let out a loud, worrying crack, and you knew immediately that you wouldn’t have a second chance.
“(Y/N), quick—!”
You pushed the two of you back up almost desperately. This time, you made it out of the hole, and a gush of wind pushed you to the side. It was way too strong, and you vaguely heard Adrian curse and apologize. You wrapped yourself around him as best as you could, doing your best to protect him while you two landed harshly, rolling on the ground.
When you managed to lift your eyelids, a few tears of pain spilling out, you were met with pale golden eyes, and it took you a second to understand. Adrian, laying under you, seemed just as surprised. His mouth opened, and he lifted a careful hand to touch your face. His claws were clean cut, thanks to you.
His fingers traced your lips, and you found yourself swallowing.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, and you didn’t know about that, but the smile that appeared on his face as he said that was simply breathtaking.
The two of you pushed yourselves up, and you dusted your dress quickly. Your face was burning up, your heart was hammering in your chest and, of course, your nose was itching.
“It’s… going to take a while before I fix the lift, I’m afraid,” Adrian said, clearing his throat, and finally, his voice was right. You liked how it sounded when he spoke. “Your researches will probably have to wait.”
You nodded.
“That’s— That’s okay. I can wait.”
You wanted to go home, of course, but you’d gotten used to his presence and, somehow, you were in no hurry to leave now.
Judging by the way he looked at you, the way he took your hand in his and pressed a gentle kiss on your knuckles, it seemed like he didn’t want to see you go either.
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ambientstars · 4 years
Whittaker!Master X f!reader X Doctor
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Gif: unknown. (If you know, please tell me so I can credit)
Warnings: mentions of abuse, angst & death of a character
(I sincerely apologise for not being able to add the ‘read more’ break, I know it’s long. Also I didn’t specify which Doctor it was so you can make it who you want it to be.)
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“How could you? I trusted you!” The Doctor yelled directly at you, his hands in fists, his face red like strawberries.
The Master had just told him that for the last year of travelling with him, you’d been betraying him behind his back, getting close to him so you could do the Master’s dirty work for her.
“Stop shouting, dear, you’ll give yourself a migraine.” She sniggered, striding over to you with purpose.
She dipped you down and kissed you so deeply, so intensely, everything else around you faded away into darkness and background noise. Your arms snaked around her neck in response, holding on tight. The moan that slipped from your throat was loud enough to ring in the Doctor’s ears, not that you were paying attention to him at all anymore.
The Master hummed her appreciation for the sound and smirked as she pulled you back upright, her eyes fixed on the Doctor. “Doesn’t she sound so sweet, Doctor? Doesn’t it break your little hearts to know you could never make her make a sound like that?”
The Doctor’s face fell from confusion and anger to hurt and… acceptance?
“I just…” his voice was weak, his fighting efforts withering away. “I don’t understand.”
The Master twisted a strand of your hair around her finger for a second, while she feigned sadness, her bottom lip poking out in a pout. “Poor you, Doctor. Finally, the man who knows everything there is to know about the universe and everything in it, speechless and confused.”
Your hand absentmindedly played the buttons on the Master’s waistcoat, still pressed to her side. You glanced over at the Doctor and almost pitied him, the pain of heartbreak clearly displayed on his face. After all you did spend the best part of a year with this man, albeit reporting his every move and thought back to the Master at the end of each day, and you weren’t completely heartless.
But from the first day you met the Master, she had made sure you understood rule one, never trust anyone. The Doctor would’ve done well to have learnt that too.
“This good girl right here,” she looked you up and down, the corner of her lips tugging up into a small, proud smile. “Has been keeping you busy while I’ve been attending to some… things.”
You bit your lip in anticipation of the big reveal, ready and waiting for the Doctor’s reaction, your whole body practically buzzing with excitement. The Master noticed and shot you a look that said be patient and turned back to the man in front of you both.
“I’ve been visiting your little friends,” the Master circled the Doctor for intimidation purposes, the way her body moved and swayed as she slowly walked had you licking your lips. “Your… retired companions.”
The Doctor gave her a look of disgusted curiosity, his jaw clenched. “You better not have hurt them!”
But the Doctor knew better than that, of course she hurt them. Why else would she have visited them?
You could hardly contain the giggle that forced its way from your chest, the Master directing a sinister grin at you when she heard, understanding your joy.
“I’m sorry, Doctor, I can’t tell you that, otherwise I’d be lying.” She leant back on the console, looking at her perfectly manicured fingernails ever so casually.
“What did you do?” The Doctor spat, his face turning back red in frustration, sweat forming at his hairline.
“I started with that blonde woman you loved so much. Oh, what was her name again? Violet? Tulip?” She winked at you playfully and again you giggled, your hands unable to keep still. “Nevermind. Whatever her name was, she’s dead now.”
His face twisted into multiple forms at once, none of which you’d ever seen before. Anger, hatred, shock, you name it. “No. You couldn’t have. She’s in an alternate universe, with no way through.”
“You underestimate my abilities, Doctor. And for good measure, but mostly fun on my part, I left your little clone alive, crying pathetically.”
The Doctor gripped onto the console behind him for support, not trusting his own strength to stand anymore. He felt for the man that was basically his twin, knowing just how much he loved her and now having to live a long and miserable life without her.
“Then I went down the list of everyone you’ve ever brought aboard this ship, well the ones you’d allowed to live, and kill them all off. One by one.”
The Master came back to stand with you, her arm around your waist as you all but bounced in your spot.
“But why?”
“Because I felt like it.” The Master’s tone was very blasé, as if to say why else?, her shoulders shrugging carelessly.
“You can’t just… that’s not fair!”
As the Master spoke, she looked at you, her finger under your chin and her eyes admiring you. “What’s fairness got to do with anything? Come on, Doctor, you and I have never played fair, why start now?”
The way she looked at you sparked a fire in your core, goosebumps rising across your body. The Doctor spoke again, but his words were a mystery to you, your complete focus on the woman in front of you, now stroking your cheek with a single digit.
The Master also continued talking, her lips forming words like she had rehearsed them. Her face showed no sign of amusement now, but it was such a turn on when she was stern and serious, her brows creased and her eyes like daggers impaling your soul.
A sharp pain radiated across your cheek, your head suddenly thrown to the side.
“I asked you a question, darling,” the Master lowered the hand she had just slapped you with, her teeth gritted in irritation. “Now answer me!”
Your hand found its way to your throbbing cheek, the touch of your own skin against it stung like a thousand bee stings.
You hadn’t been paying attention, too caught up in your desire for the other woman, all senses switched off until you were abruptly brought back to reality. “I…”
The Master snared, stepping forward to put her face right in front of yours, eyes burning with something worse than anger. “Do I have to punish you?”
You remembered the last time she had punished you, trapping you in a tight, dark room and invading your head with visions of your worst nightmares, playing on a loop for days, weeks.
You remembered one particular day when she had been angered by something or someone so badly, she came to the room and released all that anger out on you through kicks and punches, beating you until you were bloodied and bruised, teetering on the edge of unconsciousness.
You weren’t sure how much time passed after that, but eventually she opened the door again and scooped you up into her arms, shushing you lovingly as you cried into her neck. She had bathed you, carefully cleaning the bumps and bruises scattered over your weak body and she sat behind on your bed as she brushed your hair until the brush ran through it like silk, telling stories of the adventures she’d had while you were locked away.
And although you forgave her in a heartbeat, just like always, from that day you decided to be on your very best behaviour for the Master, the punishment just not worth it. Until now.
“No, I just…”
“Leave her alone.” The Doctor piped up, looking at you with hurt in his eyes.
It confused you a little that the Doctor would stand up for you and have your back even after you betrayed him in the worst way possible, but you figured after spending so much time with him and bonding, on his part, over dangerous days out, it had to have something to do with it.
“Stay out of this!” The Master snapped back, her shoulders tense, her eyes never looking away from yours.
“She’s not your puppet, Master. This is between me and you, just leave her out of it.”
The Master’s face softened a little, her lips curving into a smirk. She round you to stand behind you, her chest against your back, her lips grazing the shell of your ear. “Oh, but she is.”
Her hand trailed up from your stomach to your throat where she lightly squeezed and tilted your head back to rest on her shoulder. You stood frozen, allowing her to control you in fear of the consequences.
Her eyes remained locked on the Doctor as she whispered in your ear, making sure he was still paying attention. “If you want to avoid punishment when we get home, you will do exactly as I tell you, do you understand?”
You nodded the best you could with your head back and whispered yes Master, your knees feeling like they might give out at any minute.
“Good girl. Now, go over there and hide this somewhere he won’t see it. I don’t care how you do it, just make it quick and don’t mess up.” She slipped a cold metal object into the back of the waistband on your jeans, the feeling of it forcing you to shiver against her.
She placed a simple encouraging kiss onto the side of your neck as she released her hold on you and pushed you forward toward the broken man still standing frozen in his spot.
“I have better things to be doing than standing around here at your pity party, Doctor. So I’m going to go, but you enjoy yourself, really.” The Master saluted the Doctor playfully and turned to walk away, shouting for you to hurry up behind her as she walked through the TARDIS doors.
“Doc I-“
“Please… please just don’t.” Finally he moved, turning away from you and shuffling over to the other side of the console, pressing buttons like he knew what he was doing. “Just go.”
“I’m sorry.”
Were you sorry? You didn’t know your own feelings anymore, every one of your thoughts and emotions dictated now.
The Doctor looked at you for a moment, his face practically showing all of the cogs turning in his restless mind. He looked tired, beaten down and ready to give up. It wasn’t a look you were used to seeing on this usually charismatic and charming man, his skin glowing with adrenaline, now dull and pale.
“I know.”
He walked off down a hallway of the TARDIS without another word, slipping out of sight almost instantly. You expected to feel guilt and regret right now, but you felt no different to how you had during the year you spent with the timelord, keeping him distracted.
You carefully and quietly slipped the metal object the Master had given you under a control panel of the console and followed in the Master’s footsteps, out the door without looking back.
“My sweet girl,” the Master praised as you came through the door to her TARDIS, her arms raised as if you’d been away for months and just returned home. “Excluding the minor hiccup that I will ignore for now, you did so well back there.”
Butterflies swarmed and fluttered in your stomach, a proud feeling washing over you. “Thank you.”
“Come, watch this.” She gestured you over to stand with her at the computer screen and you did so without hesitation. “Press this button right here.”
You pressed it and not even a second later, up on the screen, you saw the blue box explode into sharp pieces of wood and jagged metal, fire erupting into the air and causing the ground you were standing on to rumble like you’ve never experienced before. Aftershocks rippled through the atmosphere like radiation, your eyes never tearing away from the screen despite the TARDIS jerking around like no tomorrow.
The Master grabbed ahold of your face and forced you to look at her instead, a sickening smile playing on her lips. “Good girl.”
She kissed you hard, a kiss you did not reciprocate, and just as quickly released you to casually walk off somewhere to do God only knows what.
You allowed your eyes to once again watch the screen, now only seeing the carnage and aftermath of the Master’s doing, knowing the Doctor was in the wreckage somewhere, probably dead.
You didn’t move, couldn’t move, your mind blank and your body numb. You looked a few moments longer then switched off the screen and exited the room the same way the Master did, in search of her, hoping to find a new way to please your Master.
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jaebaebie · 4 years
Why Us? Why Now? Why Ever? 
In a post apocalyptic world where walkers took over the living, Era realised that she was different from everyone else. Wanting to uncover the reasons to her differences, she embarked on a journey to the West where she met a few Strays,, including a man named Hwang Hyun Jin who, just like her, was cold, hot headed, and full of distrust. She thought they would never get along, but what happens when the two cold hearts start to melt?
Chapter 8 ~ “Instincts.. I guess.”
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The ride back home was quiet with only silent questions lingering in the air. I knew all of them were desperate to know about Levi. Yet, none of them spoke of it, allowing us to recover from the terrifying turn of events.
I wouldn’t have made it alive if it weren’t for the magical appearance of the three guys I was with. I couldn’t even imagine what terrible things could have happened to Levi. He was as good as dead, so I didn’t speak about what actually happened. It felt like the sympathetic thing to do for his friends. To leave them with a memory of how they knew Levi, not with a memory of him being the sad and selfish coward he truly was.
Noticing that my breaths had calmed down, Hyunjin let me go, allowing the cold breeze of wind replace the now-empty space where he used to be. I almost wanted to bury myself back into his chest, wanting to feel his comfort and warmth again.
“Minho, how steadily can you drive?” Hyunjin asked, a bag of surgical thread in his hands. My eyes widened as I shook my head vigorously,
“No freaking way, Hyunjin. Not with his driving.”
I was met with Minho’s frown through the front mirror, followed by his offended scoff. Just then, the car harshly swerved to the right, barely avoiding an abandoned car Minho failed to notice. I held onto the seat in front of me, preventing myself from getting thrown into Hyunjin by the force.
“Point proven.” Han remarked, forming an embarrassed smile on Minho’s face.
 By the time we got back to Camp Miroh, the moon had replaced the sun. The compound was calm. No kids running around. No parties around the campfire. Just the guards either walking around the compound, or stationed at their posts. I only realised how late it had gotten when it occurred to me that most of the Camp’s residents were already asleep in their bunks.
Chan and Woojin ran towards us, a worried yet relieved look on their faces.
“We thought you guys were dead.” Woo Jin exclaimed as we stepped out of the car.
“Almost.” Han replied.
Chan scanned was the four of us, immediately noticing the missing member, “Levi?”
I shifted uncomfortably, wrapping my arms around myself as I felt everyone’s eyes land on me. Only I knew what happened. But I couldn’t bring myself to blurt it out. It almost seemed wrong.
I looked up to Chan, giving him an apologetic look because I couldn’t give him an answer he expected. Chan flashed me a soft smile, implying that he understood,
“It’s okay. We’ll talk tomorrow. Get Seungmin to patch you up and get some rest. You too, Hyunjin.” He ordered, before beckoning Han and Minho to follow him back to his office.
Hyunjin opened his mouth to argue, only to receive a daring look from Chan.
“Take care of your injuries before I give you more to suffer with. I mean it, Hyunjin.” Chan turned back to his office with the other three right at his tail, leaving Hyunjin with the slightest pout on his face.
The corner of my lips twitched into a smirk, finding it amusing how Chan had the power to order the cold guy around. My smirk fell when I caught Hyunjin’s glare, immediately softening my look to an innocent one, 
The infirmary was dark and empty when we reached. Hyunjin managed to locate the light switch, brightly illuminating the room with white light. I half expected Seungmin to be asleep in one of the patient beds, given that he usually spent his nights in the infirmary rather than our shared bunk. So I was surprised when I saw nothing but neat and empty beds.
“I’m guessing he’s back at our bunk. I’ll go get him.” I told Hyunjin, who was busy looking through Seungmin’s organised drawer of medical supplies.
He shook his head, bringing out a suture kit and a pack of gauze. “It’s fine. I got it.”
Hyunjin nodded towards the metal table situated at the corner of the room. I followed and sat on its edge, letting my legs dangle off the taller table. Yet, despite being elevated by the furniture, Hyunjin was still a head taller than me.
I bit the insides of my cheeks as I watched him unpack the surgical thread. The last time Seungmin stitched me up, I was unaware. Now that I was fully alert, my body tensed upon seeing the sharp end of the needle. I held my breath, trying my best to remain calm in front of Hyunjin. He didn’t need to see me vulnerable again.
“A-Are you sure you’ve done this before?” I asked, failing to keep my voice stable.
Hyunjin instantly caught on, raising his brow, “You’re fine with the walking dead but not this? I guess you’re not as tough as you pretend to be.”
I turned away with my arms crossed, not pleased with the smug look that spread on his face, “Just get it over with.”
After cleansing my wound, he turned to me with the needle driver prepped and ready in his hands. I shut my eyes tightly, holding my breath as I awaited the piercing pain.
“Stop frowning. I can’t see where I’m supposed to stitch with your goddamn wrinkles.”
My eyes shot open, letting out the most offended scoff I could possibly give. “What am I supposed to do, Hyunjin? I thought it was obvious that I really don’t like needles.” I exclaimed, exasperated.
Hyunjin chuckled, shocking me for a split second. His laugh was soft and short, but it definitely left a mark. It made my stomach flutter for a moment. Though, I wasn’t sure if it was due to his laugh or due to my immense fear of what was about to happen.
“Just look at me and enjoy the view.” He said, a small hint of smile still remnant from his laugh.
I rolled my eyes, finding myself smiling back. Sighing, I readjusted my position and did as he told, meeting his eyes. It was a weird feeling. It felt as if I was meeting his eyes for the first time, when I’ve done it millions of times before. (Mostly to glare at him). Though, his eyes were different when he wasn’t glaring. They were no longer dull and lifeless, but something new sparkled in them. Something that resembled a kid-like amusement. It caught me off guard, seeing Hyunjin under a different light.
As he stitched me up, I focussed on every feature of his face. As much as I disliked Hyunjin, I had no doubt that he was loved by many before the apocalypse hit. His looks were out of this world. I couldn’t even imagine how many girls had fallen for him before the world ended. I even wondered if I, being the romantic, cliché girl I was, would have fallen for him too if we had met before the walkers. 
The sound of metal banging against metal snapped me out of my thoughts, making me realise that Hyunjin had finished.
“We’re done here. Rest we—“
“Not yet.” I cut him off, holding onto the hem of his shirt before he could walk out of the room. He glanced back at me, confused, “Why? Are you hurt anywhere else?”
I shook my head, jumping off the table and grabbing the necessary supplies from the counter, “I’m not. You are.”
“I’m fine. It’ll heal by itself.”
“Will you just sit, Hyunjin?” I asked, frustrated. He did throw himself in front of a bullet for me, and the least I could do was to make sure that he was treated for the wound that was indirectly caused by me.
I challenged his gaze, making sure that it wasn’t a competition he could win. 
He finally complied and took the seat which I previously occupied. He lifted the hem of his shirt, revealing a much deeper wound than I had expected. Hours ago, he claimed that the bullet had merely scratched him, yet, from what I was seeing, the bullet did a lot more than that. His flesh was ripped and indented, creating a bloody mess just above his hip. My heart sank, feeling the pang of guilt hit me even more. It must’ve hurt a lot, and it would’ve continued getting worse if Chan hadn’t forced him to get treated. If I hadn’t forced to treat him. 
As I began to clean his wound, his eyes laid on me. Was this how I was being when he was stitching me up?
“How were you so sure that he wasn’t someone we should help?” Hyunjin sparked a conversation, referring to the ‘right arm’ man we had encountered earlier.
“The same reason you didn’t want to help me in the first place.” I replied, “Instincts.”
Once the antiseptic landed on his skin, Hyunjin flinched, tightly grabbing my wrist in reflex. He hissed in pain with his face contorted. Though, unlike me, he didn’t look any less handsome. I paused, letting him squeeze my arm through the pain.
“Maybe a little warning next time?” His usual sarcasm evident in his voice.
“Maybe give me my wrist back?”
His nose scrunched in annoyance and he let my wrist go, allowing me to continue with patching him up. I did my best to clean his wound gently, blowing on it each time he hissed in pain.
“How about you?” I asked, beginning to tape the sides of the gauze down to his surrounding skin, “How were you so sure you could take my side?”
I met his gaze just as he tilted his head to the side, deep in thought. 
“I wasn’t sure. It just felt like it was the right thing to do.” He said, shrugging his shoulders as a playful smile grew on his face,
“Instincts, I guess.”
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