#weird Russian humor???
blueiskewl · 27 days
Russian Turtle Tank
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this is the month of realizations that have been years/decades in the coming.
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doodler-jpeg · 8 months
Thinking about self aware! MW characters (plus Roach) who absolutely adore your laugh.
CW// gender neutral, unfunny men deserve to be slandered, favoritism is seen, badly translated Scottish and Spanish, this is based off of my interpretation (you can find the main fic link on my account)
Feedback and criticism are highly encouraged! Please tell me if anything is badly translated, out of character, or something else!
Ghost actively makes jokes that are guaranteed to make you at least giggle. Even through this weird mental barrier (for him) and your monitor's screen, it's so invigorating to hear some form of joy out on the field, especially when it's from you. It just makes that fuzzy feeling in his heart multiply.
"Thank you, thank you - I'll be here all night."
Gaz takes absolute advantage of this. He makes a few jokes here and there, but keeps it to interesting stories. In some instances, he just starts laughing out of nowhere and you can't help but join in. It's very clear he gets bitches on the daily.
"Didn't know I was that funny, but I'll take what I can get."
Price uses all of his past experiences with courting to get, at the very least, a giggle or two out of you. He doesn't have millenium of experience (contrary to your belief), but he's certain that his "old-man" charisma and his weird way with words. But he still tells some older jokes, so your assumption that he's older isn't completely wrong (he was totally raised by his grandparents).
"Would you like to hear a story?" *Tells one of the pointless joke stories that lasts for 10 minutes and has the stupidest punchline*
Roach can't really come up with ways to make you laugh. His preference of keeping quiet and faceless doesn't really help, either. Instead, he tries to point out some enemy on the field, signing insults to them that you're sure to understand.
'His head looks like a donkey, and he acts like one, too.'
Soap physically cannot keep you from laughing. He doesn't even have to make a joke, you just start laughing. He believes it's because he's just an immediately funny dude, but you're not going to tell him that he looks stupid with that hairstyle. If he does tell any jokes, they're not even funny.
"Dinnae ken how come ye'r laughing, bit keep daein' it."
Alejandro tries, he really does, and it doesn't work most of the time. It's kind of funny seeing this overly-confident dude absolutely fumble because of his lack of realization that your personality and humor aren't really the same as the people he usually catches. On occasion, though, he does get a rise out of you and can't stop smirking about it for the rest of the day.
Valeria has subtle jokes that rely mainly on her tone, but those aren't her priority. She doesn't mean to be rude (lies usually, but with you?), but she does impressions of your laugh and then comments on it. Usually they're not bad, but it does feel demeaning sometimes.
"Me gusta esa risa. Jejejejeje."
"You know why Mexicans call Americans 'gringos'? ... Would you like to?"
Rodolfo doesn't always try to make you laugh - he still gets a bit disoriented that you're no physically there (which means he can't see your face, but what is he gonna do about it?). His humbleness and large range of jokes really comes through, especially since he'd been the family entertainer at parties. If you can understand simple jokes in Spanish? You're practically set to be unable to keep a straight face, and he loves it. (Even if he doesn't understand it, he'll turn it into a mini lesson so you do)
"¿Qué dijo el gato cuando chocó su carro? 'Miau-to.'"
Nikolai has a handful of Russian jokes at his disposal. Are you completely guaranteed to understand? No, and he doesn't expect you to. If you do understand Russian, boy howdy is he gonna have the time of his life! You won't be able to breathe properly until he's out of sight!
"You see, it's funny because-" *explains joke if you don't understand*
Laswell is a huge fan of subtle jokes. She often makes small, funny comments that get light-hearted chuckles out of her. However, she also has older humor, which means you're less likely to understand unless you, too, are old (which isn't likely, but it's still a possibility). She likes hearing you laugh and really does try to get some sort of connection with you, even if it doesn't work.
"What did the chicken say when it crossed the road? 'Damn it, I missed the bus.'"
Alex is a funny man. He's aware of his effect on people and uses it to his full advantage. As a people-pleaser, he makes it his duty to get you to laugh as much as possible. If he doesn't make you laugh, he'll make himself laugh, and then you laugh. He's totally not putting all his effort into jokes just to get you to laugh or anything. He's just that guy.
"Me? A tryhard? Whaaaat? Psh- as if."
Farah has no business with nonchalant jokes, but she makes them work. While she does like the sound of your voice, she doesn't want to force it. She believes that intentionally funny words can diminish any genuine laughter, so she sticks to half-assing it in hopes you at least giggle. That's not to say she doesn't try to get you to laugh - she just does it far less, since she can't see your face (but she can just imagine the glee on your face if you get the giggles because of her).
"What is your type of humor? Asking for a friend."
Graves is unintentionally funny. When he tries, he fails miserably. He says a southern phrase that might not be super known? You're cracking up. He doesn't get it, but at least you're going 'teehee'.
"What's so funny 'bout me sayin' cattywampus? It fits the situation!"
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snootlestheangel · 7 months
More of the YouTuber AU random bits
Just thinking of this thing as I'm working on the drabbles
There's compilation videos of all the times Gaz kinda blushes/smiles softly when Alex calls him a pet name. There's compilations literally titled "Alex for SIMP President" and it's just all the times he's being Alex and in love with Gaz. The Among Us video fuels these like gasoline lol
There's "Soap Being Scottish" compilations.
There's "Times They Forgot Alex is an Amputee" compilations
There's compilations of Gaz's side eyes to his camera every time one of them says something really wild/insults him directly
Once he and Alex move in together there's compilations of "Times Alex Interrupted Gaz's Stream Just For CuddlesTM" and it's all the times where Alex just walks into Gaz's office and sits on his lap
There's "Times Gaz Had Beef With A Weird Russian Dude" compilations, but they're just every time anyone, especially Gaz, brings up his misfortunes with helicopters, especially when Nik is the pilot.
There's Ghost compilations that always comment on his dark humor/edgy humor; there's compilations on all the times he's referenced 'death' in his life (like how in some games his tag is "LegallyDead")
From @eaveplzzz 's tags during a reblog of the OG post, there's so many theory videos on what happened to Alex's leg; why do they always say "Classic Soap" or "Soap NO" when he has a bomb/sets off an explosion; Who Is Ghost? theory videos are a big hit, especially the ones about if he's actually "legally dead" or not; the theories about what happened between Gaz and Nik
Gaz eventually being convinced to do vlogs.
His first one is "Moving In Together" and it's literally just a cute/funny video taken from highlights of his stream where he and Alex unpack a bunch of boxes while answering questions from his chat. (the compilation videos go hard after this stream/video goes live) *there's one question during this where someone asks Alex if he's missing his leg because he sold it to help Gaz's career and he just beams at the joke while Gaz screams into his hands*
This stream/video was so popular Alex suggests they make an entire channel dedicated to doing streams like that again/playing games just the two of them/a day in the life type super duper cute shit *there's one clip where they start slow-dancing cause they're listening to a playlist put together by the chat and a slow song comes up. There's so many music video-esque compilations where there's a love song/dedicated-to-this-one-person-for-the-rest-of-my-life songs play to a bunch of their cute moments with the slow dancing in the kitchen being the refrain*
He does eventually post a vlog style video but it's just random bits of things he recorded while at a big gathering over the Christmas holidays with everyone. There's a few ways viewers piece together who is who: Soap because he's the only Scot, and they're always yelling his name in some fashion, Dylan (Gaz's friend) is also easily picked out, Nik once again due to his accent, and eventually everyone catches on with Price *comments go crazy spamming the time signature Price first appears with "Daddy??"*
What surprises everyone the most is when Ghost finally makes an on-camera appearance. It's a brief video, where he's smiling at Soap and Gaz doing something silly. It's just Simon in that moment: no mask, no black around the eyes, his hair is recently cut and styled, and he's happy
*bout to make it sad for a second y'all*
There's a stream once where Gaz makes it clear everything he makes during it go to a Veteran's Help program. It's before the holidays, a very vulnerable time for all veterans, and it's just a quiet stream where he plays a relaxing game and answer questions from chat. He talks about Task Force 141 (briefly and in as little detail as possible), he talks about the helicopter incidents, how he met all the guys he plays with, he talks about he and Soap getting up to no good together, he talks about some of the struggles he had adjusting to civilian life since he didn't know anything else, how much of a help his friends and Alex had been.
It's later revealed the reason he did the stream is for Simon. Because even though it's been years since the incident with his family, it's still something that can hurt badly to this day. How he and Soap were shopping for gifts for Soap's several nieces and nephews. How there was a little toy plane that made the exact same sound Simon's nephew's once did. They even looked the same. How a little blonde boy begged his mum for it. The child looked so familiar it broke one of Simon's barriers.
PTSD isn't curable, it doesn't just disappear over time. There's ways to trigger really bad episodes, and this was just one of those times. It was hard for everyone to see Ghost have such a big setback, but for Gaz? The way they all found ways to help Ghost during it. The way he and the rest of the team, their friends and loved ones, helped reach out to pull Simon back onto his feet. And Gaz wanted other veterans to have that support, especially during the holidays.
He and the 141 (Price, Soap, and Ghost) eventually start doing charity streams just for veterans and the many existing resources for them. They're always wacky, sometimes they're gaming, sometimes they're all in-person doing a fake game show with some of their friends. There's one where they all travel to Mexico to host one with their Las Almas friends to benefit North American veterans' benefits charities.
I don't know, I'm just having so many thoughts about this AU I might just write an entire GazAlex fic based on their lives involving Gaz becoming a big creator.
There's so many thoughts about this AU HOLY SHIT
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wntrsnat · 9 months
Was Natasha a kid when she met Bucky?
It’s a widespread misconception outside of winterwidow fandom that Bucky and Natasha have known each other since she was a kid. I’ve seen a handful of people object to their relationship for this reason or (sometimes in a humorous manner) comment on how weird it is. And I'd have to agree with them. Bucky dating Natasha despite having trained her since she was a child would have been utterly inappropriate, if not immoral and disgusting. However, the assumption is not only incorrect but also fundamentally impossible.
Let’s go back to the beginning to clarify why that assumption is fundamentally impossible. Different universes equal different realities, and different realities equal different characters. Sometimes characters' counterparts across multiple realities only differ in details, not the basics. MCU characters have a similar correlation with their What If counterparts but not comics’ ones, which is a grave mistake cinematic fans make. I believe that’s why we have this absurd assumption as well, from someone thinking that 616 Black Widow and Winter Soldier are the same age as their more famous counterparts.
MCU’s Natasha Romanoff was born in 1984, and Bucky – 1917. Thus, an adult-kid dynamic is plausible. If we consider cryostasis, Bucky was still pushing 30 when Natasha was born. The situation, however, is significantly different for their 616 counterparts. Let’s start with Earth 616’s Bucky Barnes, who was born in 1925, making him nearly a decade younger than the cinematic one. But that isn’t what disproves the aforementioned belief. What disproves it is that Earth 616’s Natasha Romanoff was born around 1928, making her 56 years older than her cinematic counterpart and just 3 years younger than 616 Bucky. You will find this information on the following page from Black Widow: Deadly Origin, a 2009–2010 graphic novel (which I will be using as a basis today):
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This alone debunks the adult/child misconception, but I want to go one step further and discuss the timeline of Natasha's time in the Red Room and the early years of the Winter Soldier.
At the young age of 20, Bucky Barnes "died" alongside Captain America in late 1945, in last days of the war. The Russian submarine discovered Bucky's preserved body after the war while hoping to retrieve Captain America’s remains. And with that, the Winter Soldier story began, along with his role as a super soldier trainer at the Red Room for Department X.
Now, one might say, "Ana, if he was 20, Natasha was 17, which is still kind of wrong, no?". My answer is yes; it would’ve been rather inappropriate. "Would’ve been" because there’s a catch: Natasha wasn’t part of the Red Room when he joined.
I know what you’re thinking: What the fuck, wasn’t she...? Didn’t she…? So let me explain that one from the beginning.
Natasha Romanoff, then 10 years old, was brought to the Red Room in 1938 by her father figure, Ivan Petrovich (a terrible piece of shit about whom I'll write a blog), Taras Romanov, and Joseph Stalin himself. After her trainer, Wolverine, killed Taras in 1940, she let Wolverine go, fled into the woods, and was found three months later by Ivan, possibly going back under his care, which can be seen below:
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She returned to the Red Room only at the age of 28, ironically enough, becauseof Ivan, which is depicted on the following page:
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There, we find a collapsed building with a bleeding Ivan and a sobbing Natasha, who have been approached by …. *DRUM ROLL* ….  the Winter Soldier, who has been sent by his superiors. They were both offered the super soldier serum that would save Ivan in exchange for their newfound loyalty, which Natasha accepted despite Ivan's protests.
Here we are, then: Natasha, 28, meets the Winter Soldier, roughly 31, who’ll soon be her lover and her trainer. Two adult people who met when they were both adults. And with that, we conclude our blog, disproving the infamous “she was a kid when they met!” argument.
Thanks for reading my blog. If you have questions or have found a mistake, let me know. I'll be happy to answer and discuss <3
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
Hiya, may I request something for Kate bishop.
(Peter could be rs cousin or something.) Reader (who is spiderwoman and dating Kate), Kate and Yelena help Peter Parker (T. Holland) with the villains from the other earth's and as a result green goblin ends up killing aunt May and she seeks out revenge for may and almost kills green goblin but Yelena and kate stop her. (Oh, and Peter is the only one who is forgotten)
no such thing as good grief [K.Bishop]
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pairing: kate bishop x parker!reader
summary: you always knew being a superhero came with a long list of dangers but it turns out you weren't quite ready to deal with someone else suffering for your mistakes.
warnings: major character death; heavy mentions of blood + injuries + grief; a huge serving of angst with a side of hurt/comfort, a dash of humor, and a sprinkle of plot; weird descriptions of fight scenes
wordcount: 3.2k
a/n: i probably should have rewatched no way home for this but shhh. any inconsistencies are just part of this other timeline because i said so and the MCU timeline is incredibly messy anyway. i very clearly got way too attached and wrote way too much but whoops, hope you enjoy <3 [also yes, may is R's mom in this but somewhere along the way, i resorted to just calling her 'may' instead 'mom' because I didn't want it to get too repetitive]
* * * * * * *
Nobody ever said being an Avenger was easy.
Especially now that most members are either dead, retired, off-world, or just simply unreachable. Nobody wanted to address the fact that the safety of planet Earth now rests solely in the hands of a bunch of college students and a Russian ex-assassin.
Of course, there’s still Dr. Strange and his merry band of sorcerers, including Wong, but it seems the only thing that man can successfully protect is his massive ego. It’s harsh, sure, but that doesn’t make it any less true. 
Although, maybe you’re just bitter that Stephen’s soft spot for your cousin ultimately got you tangled in a mess you had no business being in. 
A crack in the multiverse is bad enough but it being caused by one of Stephen's failed spells is even worse.
And of course, Peter's seniority when it comes to being part of a superpowered team means when he calls, you answer. There’s also the fact that he’s family and your mom would absolutely lecture you if you ignored him…again.
You really wanted to sit this one out but there was no way your girlfriend was going to let you. You tried all the tricks you knew to convince her but ultimately, her and Yelena ended up dragging you out of your apartment to help Peter fix his multiversal disaster.
“So, your plan to defeat these villains is to…not defeat them?” You question. “In what universe does that make sense?”
“Don’t be a jerk, y/n/n,” Kate mumbles.
You playfully roll your eyes at the archer’s words, biting back a comment about how rare it is to see her actually attempting to focus on forming a plan. She’s gotten a lot better at not rushing into situations but old habits die hard.
“Actually, it’s May’s plan,” Peter says. “I know it’s unconventional but I think it could work. We’re the good guys, right?”
Yelena shoots you a look but you just shrug in response. Fighting with him will only lead to more problems that you’re not sure you’re qualified to solve. Actually, none of you are qualified for any of this.
Webs, arrows, and strong punches are not going to get you out of this one.
You swallow down your hesitation and give Peter a small nod. “Right. What do you need us to do?”
Step 1, according to your annoying Spider-Cousin, is to pick up a few materials for him while he takes the misplaced villains to Happy’s condo. You don’t love the idea of being an errand girl but you already agreed to help and there’s no way Kate will let you take your words back.
Her loyalty is as admirable as it is annoying. But at least you get to spend time driving around New York with your two favorite people. And by driving you really mean sitting in the backseat with Kate while Yelena complains about how much harder it is to drive a car than a motorcycle.
Step 1 takes about an hour to complete and it’s not until you’re all heading to Happy’s place that your girlfriend decides to question you and your lack of trust in Peter’s plan.
“Since when are you so cynical?” She asks, her arm loosely wrapped around your waist.
“Me?” The question catches you off-guard and you turn your face away from the car window to look at her instead. “I'm not the one shooting arrows through people’s limbs.”
“It’s not like I’m killing people.”
“Neither am I,” you reply with a shrug. “I'm just saying to send them back to their universe.”
“So they can die,” she says, her tone making her statement sound more like a question than anything else.
It sounds brutal when said out loud but it’s the logical choice. Keeping them in your universe isn’t an option and there’s no telling what kind of damage Peter’s plan will have on those other timelines.
“And you don’t think that’s cruel?”
“Should I?” You look away from Kate’s eyes before you get distracted from the conversation at hand due to the puppy-dog look they’ve been carrying the past few minutes. “Yelena, you wanna help me out here?”
“You’re gonna get the heartless Russian assassin to help you prove your point?” She asks with a chuckle.
“Ex-assasin,” the blonde corrects her. “And I am not heartless. But y/n is right. What is that stupid saying? Something about a circus?”
“Not my circus, not my monkeys.”
“Okay, so if you’re so against this plan why did you agree to it?” Kate finally asks the million-dollar question.
The answer is a lot more complicated than one would think and you’re not in the mood to explain why the plan being your mom’s idea means so much to you. So, you take a page out of the archer’s book and reply with a stupid joke instead.
“You think May would have been fine with me letting Peter run around on his own?”
Yelena’s reply is just as witty as yours. “I am only here because someone has to babysit you while y/n babysits Spider-Boy.”
“You guys are jerks.” There are notes of humor in her voice that she tries to wipe away with an overdramatic pout.
You chuckle and lean in to kiss her, ignoring Yelena’s complaints about how annoyingly in love you two are.
The moment is a welcome respite from a chaotic and difficult situation.
A situation that only gets worse with every minute that goes by.
The three of you finally arrive at Happy’s condo and are led inside by your overly chipper cousin. You try to ignore the way the hairs on the back of your neck stand up at the mere sight of the supervillains scattered all around the living room.
You’re probably just being paranoid. That’s what you tell yourself until Peter lets it slip that he’s not the only person watching over the time-scattered villains.
You grab a hold of his arm and lead him away from Kate and Yelena, more for his sake than yours if you’re being honest. “What do you mean my mom is here? Why the hell would you bring her into this mess?
“I didn’t do anything!” He responds. “She wanted to help. You know how she is.”
If you had a nickel every time he used that excuse you’d be as rich as your girlfriend.
“This is different, Pete! It’s not just her bringing us snacks while we fix our web shooters, this is serious.”
“Which is exactly why she should be here. We need all the help we can get to do this. You have no problem with Kate being here, why is May different?”
It takes you a second to be able to reply, your brain not fully computing his audacity to make such a flippant comparison. “Because she’s not a superhero, you dimwit! She’s the only family I have left, I am not letting her get hurt because you convinced her to help us.”
“First of all, ouch. Second of all, relax. She can take care of herself.”
All you can really do is groan since it’s obvious no amount of arguing will get him to change his mind and help you convince May to go home. There’s also the fact that she probably wouldn’t listen to you even if you managed to get Peter on your side.
“Fine. Just tell me what to do so we can wrap up this shitshow.”
You ignore his very obvious sigh of relief and focus on lending the helping hand you promised earlier. Help that makes you ignore your growing unease and leaves you unprepared for the violent turn things take.
You’re not even sure how it happens.
One second you and Kate are arguing about how Sandman’s powers even work while Yelena and May help administer Dr. Ock’s cure and the next you’re watching Green Goblin turn the rest of the misplaced villains against all of you.
Your one and only thought is on getting your mom out of here unscathed but it quickly becomes clear you won’t be able to just swing her to safety. There’s no plan, or even time to think things through, there’s only a tense atmosphere and an inkling that things won’t go well no matter what you do.
Green Goblin’s taunts ring in your ears right as Electro blasts Dr. Ock out the window. Kate shoots you a look you can’t ignore and you hold on to the silent promise that she’ll be okay without you.
You dive out the window without a second thought, barely managing to shed your hoodie and reveal the Spider Suit hidden beneath your clothes. (Peter can keep all his fancy little upgrades, nothing beats the classic suit in your opinion)
You manage to help Dr. Ock before he slams into the ground with equal parts teamwork and a staggering amount of webs.
He assures you he’s fine once you manage to get onto a nearby roof, not so subtly doing his best to get rid of a few webs that are stuck to his clothes. You shoot him an apologetic smile before jumping off the roof and swinging back to the now blacked-out building.
You ignore the swarm of cop cars and news vans that litter the front of the building and impulsively divide to crash through a window into the lobby, figuring it’ll be faster to find May and your team this way.
You jump onto your feet after your literal crash landing only to find Kate and Peter in the middle of fighting Green Goblin. A part of you screams to run and find your mom but then Osborn kicks Kate’s bow out of her hand and your body reacts faster than your mind can even comprehend.
“Hey, asshole!” You shoot a web at his leg and yank him backward. “Get your hands off of her.”
He stumbles but doesn’t fall the way you anticipated. Instead, he turns to look at you, that chilling smirk still plastered on his face. “What is it with you Parkers and your savior complex?”
Your first instinct is to run at him but you catch the archer’s look as she runs to help a badly injured Peter. If it’s a distraction she needs, that’s exactly what you’ll provide.
“It’s part of our charming personality.”
You shrug and shoot at him again, managing to pull his focus toward the barrage of webs you send his way.
You expect to keep him occupied until Peter and Kate catch their breath but instead, May rushes out of the stairway, a bleeding Yelena trailing behind her, and she injects the so-called cure into the back of Osborn’s neck.
The cure doesn’t work. All it does is send the Green Goblin into a fit of rage.
You urge May to run in between Osborn’s taunts directed mainly at you and Peter. She doesn’t listen and you’re too distracted to notice the deadly glider that hovers just outside the window.
By the time Kate warns you it’s too late.
The blast it creates when it crashes in sends you flying onto the ground. All the air gets knocked out of your lungs from the impact but you don’t get time to lay there and recover.
You somehow manage to get back onto your feet right as Osborn sends a bomb flying your way. You just barely manage to web it and throw it to the side before it goes off, sending bits of debris raining down onto all of you.
There’s the distinct sound of Kate’s boots running toward you, Yelena’s Russian curse words, and a part of you that tells you to go check on May. There’s no chance in hell that you’re letting Green Goblin get away though so you swallow down your pain from aching joints and bleeding cuts and run after him.
You arrive outside just in time to watch him throw another bomb that you’re too slow to stop.
The explosion throws you back onto the ground and you groan as you land on a piece of glass. You’re breathless and bleeding and it’s only then that the guilt crashes into you at once.
This time, your attempt to stand is far less balanced and you stumble onto a familiar frame. “Hey, hey, easy. There’s no rush, babe.”
You happily accept Kate’s embrace, the familiarity of her comforting touch soothing some of your pain. “You okay?”
“Yeah, nothing some band-aids and a nap won’t fix.”
Hearing the usual humor in her tone brings you back to reality…which brings your mind back to your mom and the way you so recklessly rushed outside without knowing if she was injured. “How about Peter and May? They okay?”
Your girlfriend’s silence never means anything good and in this context, it makes your heart drop to your stomach in an instant. You’re about to question her again when Yelena’s voice stops you.
“We need to get out of here before the cops arrive…again.”
You push your injured body away from Kate’s, searching for the answer you don’t want to hear. “Kate…”
“I’m sorry.” She avoids your eyes as she responds. “Peter tried but it was already too late. She’s gone, y/n.”
You don’t hear anything she says after that.
It’s strange the way the world slows to a stop around you while your overwhelmed brain tries to process the Earth-shattering information. Strange how a second ago everything seemed to make sense and now you’re left gasping for breath, reaching for answers you know don’t matter.
The how, the why, the what. None of that matters. 
May is dead.
And there’s nothing you could have done to stop it despite the powers, and the gadgets, and the hours of training.
You didn’t even get to say goodbye before she-
“y/n, it’s not your fault.”
“Listen to Kate Bishop, she’s finally right for once.”
Their attempt to comfort you turns into chaotic bickering but you don’t pay attention to their words. You can’t think about anything except the gaping hole in your chest that had once been full of May’s knowing looks and thoughtful words.
Kate’s right.
It’s not your fault. Or May’s. Or even Peter’s. There’s only one man to blame for this. 
And you’re sure as hell going to make him regret his choice to mess with your family.
“y/n.” Kate’s voice manages to cut through the hate-filled fog that’s starting to cover your mind. “y/n, don’t.”
You don’t listen to her words, you don’t even take in the way she so easily knows what you’re thinking, you just do what you’ve always done: keep moving.
You successfully escape your girlfriend’s embrace and start running. You’re not sure where you’re going or how you’re going to find him but the plan will come later. Right now, you just need to do something before the grief consumes you.
Kate yells after you but there’s no way she’ll be able to chase after you. Especially once you start swinging from building to building.
The hours pass by in between blurs of rain, tears, and the occasional wall you end up crashing into. Your phone blows up with missed calls and countless texts but you don’t care.
The entire world could crash and burn without you for all you care. The light within your own world has already been extinguished. 
Your search ends up leading you right to the Statue of Liberty where you’re not at all surprised to find a chaotic battle going on. Maybe you should have checked your phone to get caught up with the plan but that doesn’t matter.
What does matter is that you’ve finally found what you’ve been looking for. And your mind is dead-set on your objective.
You ignore the rest of the fights going on, including the look of pain and relief on Kate’s face once she sees you swing past her, and hone in on Peter.
You're still bleeding and there's a sharp pain in your leg you can't ignore but your injuries don't matter. All that matters is avenging May.
You land next to Peter without a word, the venom in your eyes saying more than your voice could. You're both fighting for the same thing but you have no doubt he's still pulling his punches.
Something you have no intention of doing.
“Well, well, well, look who decided to join the fun,” Green Goblin taunts. “Too tired of running after your dead parents?”
“Shut your mouth,” you reply as you step toward him. “You don't know what you're talking about.”
That only makes him laugh. “Trust me, pain makes you stronger. You'll see, all I have to do is take away your pretty little girlfriend next and you'll understand.”
There's no hesitation left in your body once you hear those words.
You lunge forward, tackling Osborn to the ground. That stupid smirk doesn't leave his face even while you rain down punches on him.
“Come on! Is that all you can do? What's the point of two Spider-Idiots if one is too weak to fight?”
You know he's only taunting you. Trying to push your buttons and get you to break. Too bad that's exactly what you want to do.
Every time he pushes you back, you kick him back twice as hard. You stumble and get punched in the face enough times to make your ears ring but you don't dare stop.
You don't even think.
You just punch and punch and punch until Osborn’s on the ground, his witty mouth finally silent.
Seeing him like this only serves to remind you of what you've lost, of the pain that's taken hold of your every thought and move. You lift your hand to shoot a web at his forgotten glider when a voice stops you dead in your tracks.
The mere sound of your name coming out of Kate’s mouth in that desperate tone is enough to make your breath catch in your throat. You already know what she's going to say so you speak up first. “I have to.”
“No, you don't. You've done enough, okay? You can walk away.”
You look down at your hands, at the bloody mess you've left behind, and the tears start falling before you can stop them.
The hand that pulls you up doesn't belong to the archer but it's full of an understanding only Yelena could be capable of. “Go on, Spider-Boy and I got this.”
You nod, too numb and overwhelmed to fully accept the weight of what you've done. Of what you almost did.
“Kate?” You call out as you finally turn around to face her.
“I’m right here.” She greets you with the same soft look and warm smile you fell in love with, nothing but compassion in her gaze.
You all but collapse into her waiting arms, your shoulders slumped as you finally give in to the all-consuming grief that lingers in every breath you take.
The sounds of the chaos around you fades into nothingness.
All you can hear is Kate's soft reassurances and the steady beat of her heart. You don't need anything else than that right now. Despite how strong the urge for revenge had been.
You just need your girlfriend…and a long nap.
Peter watches the scene with a small, albeit sad, smile on his face. There's a weight on his chest that even fixing his mistakes won't take away.
But at least he knows you won't be alone. The spell will make you and everyone else he loves forget about him but at least you'll still have Kate.
It'll be hard but he has no doubt you'll be able to rebuild and find the light inside of yourself that May always believed was there. Flickering underneath all the pain of your past.
Now you and Kate can shine together.
Without him and the chaos he unnecessarily brought into your life.
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
Ooohhh ok I just read this and now I need to know the car convo please and thank you 👀
For Steve, telling his oldest daughter what happened in Hawkins is…well, it’s weird. It’s definitely not easy either, but Steve had known going into it that it wouldn’t be. It’s ends up being weird because it’s not a story he tells very often (or ever, if he’s being honest), and he sort of has to decide in the moment which details to share and which not to because, ultimately, his trauma is not his daughter’s problem.
Moe doesn’t need to know that he was tortured just like she doesn’t need to know the specifics of how Eddie nearly died, so he mostly just tries to talk around those parts.
Also – Steve is a firm believer in not telling other people’s stories, but how intertwined or whatever it all is makes it real damn hard to stick to that, so he settles on the next best thing, which is being as objective as he possibly can be, and that’s weird in its own right.
He starts with the lab, with Brenner and MKUltra and he pulls in a little of El’s involvement (without bringing up the whole superpower thing, obviously) and how Will got taken into the Upside Down. He describes the Upside Down and demogorgons and how he’d gotten pulled into it all.
In retrospect, some of it is kind of funny, and Moe has an uncanny way of seeing an odd kind of humor in things, so she’s actually a pretty decent audience.
Moe: So you’re telling me that you spent the entire time thinking Nancy was cheating on you?
Moe: And you only found out what was actually happening when she pointed a revolver at your head?
Moe: Pop, that’s fucking hilarious.
(And it actually kind of is).
He tells her about Dustin’s ridiculous attachment to a demodog that ended up almost eating them. He tells her about the Mind Flayer and hive minds and Max driving his car and all kinds of close calls.
He talks about Starcourt Mall, about meeting Robin, about the elevator falling halfway to Hell. He talks about what was happening on the surface while he was stuck underground, about Nancy’s detective work and Joyce’s magnets, and he tells her about what happened after they all came together again.
Moe: So, like, nobody thought it was weird that mall security was Russian?
Moe: Even during the Cold War?
Moe: And nobody noticed them escaping after the mall blew up?
Moe: Are people okay?
By the time they’re pulling into their driveway, Steve has covered Vecna's role in everything. He leaves out Chrissy Cunningham, because that part of the story is for Eddie to tell if he’s willing, but he tells her about Lover’s Lake and the stolen RV and finally bringing it all crashing down once and for all.
Moe: Damn.
Moe: Those conspiracy theorists are way off.
Steve: Good.
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Shadowsan: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Carmen's birthday invitations. Ivy: Well, what are they supposed to say? Shadowsan: "Carmen's birthday". Ivy: So, what do they say instead? Shadowsan: "Carmen’s bi". Ivy: Ivy: Works out either way.
Player: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it? Ivy: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?” Carmen, scoffing: Oh, please. Ivy, to Carmen: Hey, how you doin’? Carmen: Carmen: giggles and blushes
Zack: That’s the longest worm I’ve ever seen. Player: That’s a snake.
Ivy: I love them both, but how do I propose to two people? Shadowsan: Two different restaurants, one person at each restaurant. Twice the dessert, twice the applause. Ivy: Won’t people think it’s weird if there is a third person just sitting there, though? Shadowsan: I saw someone feed their pet peacock crème brûlée from their mouth at the French place on the corner last week: I think faux third-wheeling at an engagement is the least of your worries.
Vlad: To be honest, I'm kinda pissed that I'm not asleep in bed next to the love of my life in a cottage with no obligations other than watering my vegetable garden.
{I really need someone to clarify whether they're brothers or two deadpan Russians that Just Look Like That. Because they give such Gay Stone-Faced Lovers but idk. hm. [Looks at the To Steal Or Not To Steal Dip™️*] oh okay}
Boris: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night? Vlad: It was autocorrect. Boris: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."? Vlad: Yes.
Boris: I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Vlad: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal. Boris, getting down on one knee: That's 'cause it is.
Boris: We should be partners. Vlad: You mean like, partners in crime? Boris: Yeah… that’s precisely what I meant.
Dr. Bellum: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right? Cleo: Nope, there's 26. Dr. Bellum: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T. Cleo: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one. Dr. Bellum: You'll get the D later ;).
Cleo: The stars are so beautiful… Dr. Bellum: They're just giant balls of gas. Cleo: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then- Dr. Bellum: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you. Cleo: Oh…
Chase: I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Chase: What’s up? I’m back. Zack: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead Chase: Death is a social construct.
The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one Chase: I will not let you down. Ivy: Sounds fun. Zack: K. Julia: No, I'm fucking not. Carmen: Do I have to be? Shadowsan: Please god, I am so tired.
Shadowsan: Wanna hear some dark humor. Ivy: Yeah, I love dark humor. Shadowsan: Alright. Shadowsan: Turns off the lights Shadowsan: Knock knock. Ivy: Turn the damn lights back on.
Zack, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan?? Zack: Wait. I the fuck used this pan… Ivy: It was you the fuck. Zack: It was I the fuck… Shadowsan: Who cooks rice in a pan? Ivy: They the fuck.
Carmen: trying to buy a Father's Day card at Hallmark Carmen: Excuse me, do you have any that just say "You are my dad?" Associate: Well, I- Carmen: How about "You witnessed the murder of my actual dad?" Associate: No…Wait, wha- Carmen: You know what, I'll just get a blank one. Carmen: writes You are a father. This is a day. Here is a card.
Shadowsan: What must it be like to live in your head? Are there happy ponies in there? It’s really something how utterly delusional your optimism is. If I didn’t hate you so much, I might even be impressed. Chase: Huzzah! I got a heavily qualified and slightly sarcastic compliment from Shadowsan!
Ivy: Its hard to resist, I'm really sorry- I mean, considering your approach so far, you had us tied here for- what? Hours? And you haven’t even had us confirm what exactly we are! Chase: What are you then? Ivy: I'm a Virgo!
Zack: I once tried to play a pirated copy of Garfield Kart, when Garfield jumped out of my PC! We are currently married with three beautiful children and a summer house in Lisbon.
*The Dip from To Steal or Not to Steal {no seriously they slayed. Those little gay boys served every bit of cunt within the timespan of three and a half seconds}
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ALSO, The Entire Video, which is fucking amazing. Masterpiece.
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sun-roach · 9 months
Coruscant guards headcanons:
General headcanon:
They are an elite corps
They have to be the best of the best
They have to take care of Palpatine, senators, rioters, fugitives, bounty hunters, public safety, the prison, ghouls and other monsters in the lower levels, help out the GAR
The command line has a group chat that has very questionable content
They are understaffed
(I don’t remember much of him, only that Yoda told him to get inspiration from his other brother’s)
Doesn’t like people
Keeps mostly to himself
Overcoming some trust issues
Doesn’t like to ask for help
Jek is his best friend and batchmate
Can’t drink
Sometimes clumsy
(Like with Rys I don’t really remember him. I think Yoda told him to rely more on his brain instead of his weapon)
Straight forward/ blunt
Growing confidence
Loves his Z-6 rotary cannon
Explosions yay
Has never eaten a waffle
Doesn’t like massiffs
Sergeant Hound:
The actual baby
Loves animals
Has space tock and spacetagram for Grizzer
Very affectionate and caring
Can also be very strict and controlling
Protective af
Will show everyone his precious babies (the massiffs)
Patient af
Has dog snacks in his pockets. Always.
Cute laugh
Always proud when he makes someone else laugh
Offers pet therapy
Has a good nose
Sometimes very goofy
Lieutenant Thire:
The baby of the command line
Actually older than Fox and younger than Thorn
Tries to be more optimistic
Loves sleep
Very organized
Lawful good
Short hair cause it’s easier to handle unlike his life
Can sleep anywhere like a cat
Careful in everything he does
Yet gets injured very often
Shares a room with Stone, Thorn and Hound (they could have had their own rooms but they prefer to share)
Commander Stone:
Younger than Fox, older than Hound
Likes to be alone
Makes his own moonshine
Weird af humor no one understands
Doesn’t like to show his emotions
Actually dislikes caf but is forced to drink it
Makes holos whenever he is not on coruscant and sends them into the corrie group chat
A good photograph
Likes rock and metal
Commander Thorn:
Older than Fox
A menace to everyone
Likes to fool around but will be serious if needed
Big heavy guns cause big dick energy
Loves sarcasm and irony
Funny depressed
A Thor fanboy
dyed his hair blond and grew it a bit out
Smart but likes to act dumb smt
Makes the worst caf
Good friend
loves to drink
Probably a taylor swift fan
Commander Fox:
Marshal commander
Was in a batch with Wolffe, Cody, Rex, Ponds, Bly
Wolffe is his older twin
Tired depressed
Refuses or has no time to sleep until he gets sedated
Gifted kid burnout
A good soldier
Dark humor
Sly and smart
Thinks outside the box to get the best results
Thorn's caf destroyed his taste buds
Protective af
Loves his vode sm
Hard shell, soft core
Force sensitive without knowing
Vode killer
Knows everything about Coruscant and could walk blindly trough it
Tormented/ scarred soul
Has his own room for various reasons
My corrie ocs:
Corrie chief medic Patcher:
He is Ori'vod™️
Was in a batch with Neyo, Bacara and Gree
Loves blue milk
Will patch up anyone and anything
Russian cursive handwriting no one can read
Scars everywhere (literally)
Has several medics under his wing
Lost one eye (it got replaced by a cybernetic one) and dyed the other red
Intimidating af
Trust issues
Will break your bones if it means u heal faster
Protective af
The only one allowed to give Fox medical treatments
Does therapy sessions for his brothers
Can’t smile
Rainbow squads actual baby
Anxious medic
His face is full of stitches
Soft and gentle
Can appear very calm despite being not
Loves flowers
Out grew his hair a bit
Likes studying
Smt very tired of his squad (he loves them)
Tea > caf
Rainbow squads baby
Always optimistic and positive
Has no sense of orientation
Loves tooka and shows ppl random tooka holos
Very smart but also very naive
Can’t sit still
Loves to tinker and engineer or invent stuff
Laid back
Risk blind
Clingy and sticks to people
Lost his former battalion, went into jail and ended up joining the corries
Trust issues
Half of his body is burnt
Doesn’t know how to show affection
Would rather eat a hamster than admit that he loves his new squad
Sees no point in anything but will live for his squad
Can’t taste anything unless it’s very very extremely spicy or sour or sweet
Loves red
A thief
Will steal not only your heart
Loyal af
Got tortured
Lowkey has an alcohol problem
Looks always good
Good eyes
Easy going
Loves to mess around and break some rules
Tattoos on one of his leg
Tongue piercing
Sergeant Strife:
Loves astronomy
Has a solar system tattooed on his back
K’oyacyi tatt under his eye
Loves harmony
Will solve any problem with his fists
Has a secret boyfriend which is not really a secret
Likes to sew and crochet for all the corries
The only one who can cook a little
Buir of his squad
Has a beard
Serves directly under Thorn
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team-council-two · 1 year
thoughts on the names of all heavy guns
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Comes from the word "свет", meaning "light" (noun), or "светлая", meaning "bright" (adjective).
"Света"/"Sveta" for short.
Accounting lady type name.
Still in use actually. Classic.
I had a childhood friend called Svetka and she was beyond deranged.
Comes from Greek, doesn't mean anything in Russian proper.
Doesn't have a widely recognized short form.
Wine aunt type name.
Accounting lady type name also.
Weird choice but okay.
I have the sense of humor of an eighth-grader but there's a Russian word "шило" (awl? The sewing instrument) and it's pronounced almost exactly the same, and I immediately think "шило в жопе" (an awl in the ass) as a saying for someone jumpy and hyperactive. It's so silly.
Spelled wrong.
Actually this name IS a short form. The full name is Natalia. A bit weird how he uses short names for some guns and full names for others.
Literally just a regular name.
Bestest name ever.
Short for Alexandr/Alexandra.
A very solid normal regular name. Gorgeous.
Why haven't you mentioned him?
A beautiful boy.
The name is definitely not in use anymore and was probably still kind of rate in the 1960s-1970s.
Slava for short, just like one of Heavy's sisters.
Conclusion: Misha's guns have extremely odd and funny names except Sasha which is perfect in every conceivable way.
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Waiting for a Girl Like You | E.M.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Harrington!Reader
Summary: Eddie invites you, along with Robin, Nancy and your brother Steve to one of his concerts in The Hideout. Feelings ensue. 
Word count: 6.3k
Warning: some angst at times, but nothing too serious and it has a happy ending, bad relationship with parents, curse words
Author’s note: My very first Eddie fanfic! Hope y’all enjoy ;)) Disclaimer: GIF is not mine!
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For as long as you can remember, it’s always been you and your brother, Steve Harrington. There’s an age gap of only one year between you two, as if your parents knew soon after Steve was born that they couldn’t care to keep him company, so they provided him with a sibling to do the job. Knowing your parents, that’s probably exactly what happened. Ever since Steve hit the ripe age of 11, they decided he was old enough to take care of himself and his 10 year old sister and fucked off to each and every business trip they could possibly go on. Separately of course, they cared for each other even less than they cared for their children, yet they couldn’t be bothered to get divorced. Something to do with keeping up appearances probably. In the beginning, they went on trips for a week at most, but as the years went on they tended to disappear for months at a time.
Maybe it’s for the best. Steve and you truly have all the family you need in each other. Sure you fought with each other, but you almost never went to bed angry. You were also one of the only people who could knock some sense into Steve during his douchebag, King Steve era. You were the one who convinced him to go to the Byers’ home after Jonathan punched him for calling Nancy a slut. You even went with him and stayed in the car when he went inside.
That’s how you got wrapped up in the whole Upside Down-nightmare. You were there for the first round with the demogorgons, you were there for the awful demodogs - one demogorgon, you could handle, but man, those demodogs really freaked the shit out of you. When the mind flayer came around, and you somehow got kidnapped by the Russians, you kept wondering how you kept getting into those situations. And when you dove into the murky water of Lovers’ Lake after your brother got dragged away by some vine, and you were hysterically fighting off those wretched demobats so they wouldn’t kill the only living family member you loved, you wondered if you would ever be free of it.
But here you all are now, a couple weeks later, Vecna defeated and the Upside Down officially destroyed, everyone you care about still alive. They rushed your brother, Eddie and you to some hidden government facility to get your demobat-wounds treated, one of the bat-fuckers managed to sneak in a bite on your hip, and Vecna never got close enough to Max to hurt her more than a broken arm. 
It feels weird, just going back to school after that. You feel wary. Like you can’t actually believe it is actually gone. But as the physical wounds started to scar and fade, some other side effects were more difficult to get rid of. For example, the nightmares started acting up again, causing you to be really tired often times. 
Which is why you shoot awake at Robin calling your name rather loudly.
“I’m up, I’m up,” you sigh, rubbing your eyes and lifting your head from the - probaby dirty - cafeteria table, to meet the eyes of your best friend. 
“Good, thought you were Vecna’d for a second,” Robin jokes. You force out a smile. You know the band geek copes with humor and can’t let yourself ruin that.
“Well then, I’m very disappointed to see that you haven’t even taken out a walkman with my favorite song yet. Do you even know it?” You ask playfully, with your eyes narrowed in a teasing way.
“Of course, it’s-”
Robin is interrupted by Eddie making his way, rather theatrically, to your table. 
You, Robin, Steve, Nancy and Eddie had all gotten quite close after the battle with Vecna. Shared trauma really does get people closer. The five of you would often hang out after school and on weekends. There had even been several sleepovers at your and Steve’s house as it was the biggest and almost permanently free of parents. At school, however, you all lead separate lives, with only you and Robin hanging out regularly. Eddie has his Hellfire Club and Nancy is almost permanently absorbed by the newspaper club. 
“Well, if it isn’t two of my favorite ladies in the world. How are we on this fine day of having to confirm to society and attend high school?” He asks, while dropping dramatically onto the seat next to you, draping his arm over your shoulders.
You roll your eyes at his antics, but there is no actual mirth behind it. You suddenly feel nervous actually, not that you’d ever admit that out loud. Truth to be told, after your whole adventure in the Upside Down, you developed a quite big and quite embarrassing crush on the metalhead. 
“What are you doing here, Eddie? Finally bored of hanging out with literal kids?” you tease him.
“You wound me, princess. Can’t a guy just visit his very, very dear friends without any ulterior motive?” He asks, lifting his free hand to his chest to mimic hurt. You give him a light shove and an unimpressed look at the nickname. He decided one day that since your brother was the King Steve of Hawkings High, that made you the princess. 
“No,” Robin answers his question.
“Spit out what you want already, Munson.” Is your reaction.
“Alright, alright. You’re both too smart for your own good. So maybe I do need a favor from you,” he starts, and there is a shyness to his demeanor that is not often seen on him.
You and Robin share a look, before both looking at him with raised eyebrows, egging him on to continue.
“Alright so, this Friday my band, the very well known Corroded Coffin, as you both are undoubtedly aware, is playing in the Hideout and well, I thought it’d maybe be cool if you’d come. I was planning to ask Steve and Nance as well, for some nice little post-Upside Down team building.” He winks at the last part, but you still pick up on his slight nervousness around his request.
You and Robin share yet another suspicious look, you really could communicate without using words, to the annoyance of Steve mostly, before you answer. “... That’s it? That’s the favor you wanted to ask us? That’s not even a favor, of course we want to come, Eddie!” 
“Great! Amazing! It starts around 9 p.m.! I’ll see you two there then!” He exclaims excitedly, before just standing up and leaving you and Robin to yourselves, bewildered at the sudden departure. 
“Of course we want to come, Eddie, oh man of my dreams! Keep it in your pants, Harrington.” Robin teases you.
“Oh shut up, Buckley,” you answer, desperately trying to hide the blush blossoming on her cheeks. Robin is one of the only people you told about your little crush. Not even Steve knows, you’re too nervous about what his reaction would be. You know he’s come a long way from the douchebag he temporarily was, but you always yearn for his approval and don’t know what you’d do if he didn’t approve of Eddie. So only Robin knows. And Max. But that’s only because the girl is very observant. And Max is to you what Dustin is to Steve. Dustin and Steve gravitated towards each other almost immediately, instantly forming some kind of brother-relationship. And while you understood why that happened, you always felt more kinship with Max. You recognize pieces of yourself in the redhead and you are overall just very fond of the girl, supporting her through the complicated mourning around the loss of her stepbrother. 
When Friday rolls around, Robin and Max are perched on your bed. It’s 6 p.m. and you had begged Robin to help you pick out an outfit for the concert. And Max decided to tag along, because well, it’s Max. She couldn’t come to the concert itself of course, because she’s way too young, but you would just drop her off at her house on your way to The Hideout. You had all decided to take one car, Steve driving of course, and you would pick up Nance along the way.
Currently Robin and Max are quietly chatting, while you are, quite stressed, emptying your entire closet onto the floor, searching for something to wear. You don’t know why you’re so nervous for Eddie’s show. It’s just that he’s acting quite suspicious since he invited you guys to his show. He won’t answer any questions about it, dodging the subject entirely. And then there’s the whole ‘asking for a favor’-thing, when it wasn’t even a favor to go to his show. And the shyness he showed. Maybe he’s just nervous? Maybe you’re reading way too much into it and maybe Eddie just has a normal little case of stage fright?
You are snapped out of your thoughts by Max waving a hand in front of your face. “Earth to Y/N! You still with us?”
“Yeah, yeah, was just thinking.” You reply.
“Don’t hurt yourself.” Max retorts lovingly. You retaliate by messing up the redhead’s hair, rubbing your hands in it. Max slaps your hands away.
“What about this?” Robin interrupts you, holding up an outfit she fished from the clothes strewn all over your now very messy room. It’s a cool outfit. Definitely cool enough to fit in in The Hideout, but it’s also still very much your style.
Your face lights up at the outfit. It’s perfect. “You, my dear friend, are an angel!” You exclaim, wrapping your arms around your friend and hugging her. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know! Now go take a shower and get ready, or we’ll be late to Loverboy’s show!” She teases. And you do just that, heading into the en suite bathroom to your room and hoping a nice shower will ground you and calm your nerves before Eddie’s concert.
When you emerge from the bathroom, dressed in the outfit, hair done and makeup applied, Robin and Max quiet down for a second.
“Damn, you actually look really good.” Max says suddenly. 
“Language!” Slips out of you before you can stop it. Steve’s Mother Hen-persona is rubbing off on you it seems.
It’s silent for exactly one second, before the three of you erupt in laughter. 
“No, you actually look really good, Y/N. He won’t be able to take his eyes off of you.” Robin winks, once they’ve all calmed down. You cannot express how much you want that to be the truth.
“Okay, I think I’m ready.”
When the four of you arrive at The Hideout, there’s more people than you expected. Eddie seriously undersold his ‘audience of about five drunks’. The Hideout was quite packed, almost all dressed in a similar way as Eddie usually dresses. Steve and Nancy, with their obvious preppy style, stick out in this bar, but you guys can’t seem to care about that. You make your way through the crowd, before finding a nice standing spot in the middle of the audience, with a good view of the stage.
You chatter amongst yourselves, curious as to what the concert might bring, when suddenly you forget how to breathe. Eddie had come up on the stage and words escape you. He looks absolutely gorgeous. He has changed his trademark ripped black jeans for leather pants, with his trusty chain. And he’s wearing his familiar leather jacket. Silver adorns his neck and lots of chunky rings are wrapped around his fingers. But what really gets you is the fact that he’s shirtless underneath said jacket. Tattoos and demobat scars on full display. You almost begin to feel your mouth water, as it is slightly ajar.
You receive a subtle nudge from Robin that effectively wakes you from your trance and you snap your mouth shut. Steve gives you a questioning look that you just wave away. 
Eddie struts confidently to the microphone and announces the band. “My esteemed ladies and gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to introduce my band, Corroded Coffin!” He waves his hands around at his fellow band members theatrically. “Are you guys ready?” He asks, to which the audience, including the four of you, replies with a loud cheer. You can see the way Eddie soaks it all up. He really is in his element on the stage. 
He turns around and grabs his trusty guitar, slipping it around himself. The band communicates quietly and starts playing the first song, Eddie strumming expertly. You recognize the melody. It’s a metal song he frequently listens to and they’re now playing a cover of it. Eddie also spots you and your friends, and throws a wink in your direction. 
He moves his head to the microphone and starts singing. And suddenly a few realizations wash over you like a tidal wave. First of all, he sings. You knew he was the guitarist, but you didn’t know he was also the lead singer. Second of all, you realize that this isn’t just a crush. Seeing him up there in all his glory, singing like his life depends on it, you know deep in your heart that you’ve fallen head over heels, madly in love with him. You never let yourself ponder the deepness of your crush on him and now it all comes crashing down on you. And thirdly, you realize he probably doesn’t feel the same way about you. It feels like a stab in the heart. He never expressed anything other than friendship to you. Never dropped any hints. I mean, sure, you guys flirt with each other often, but he flirts with all his friends, so it doesn’t mean anything. The chances of this being unrequited are quite big.
You try to push your thoughts aside and enjoy the concert - enjoy Eddie. You focus on the music, moving your body along to it, really feel it, but you can’t escape the tight feeling, as if a hand is squeezing your heart.
Apart from your internal crisis, the concert is an absolute hit. The Hideout is thrumming with energy and elation and despite the squeezing feeling in your heart, you appreciate the concert. It’s a mix of metal songs and pop songs in a metal coat. In between songs, Eddie, ever the showman, entertains the audience, keeps them on their toes. He really is made to do this. 
“Alright, my lovely ladies and gents! It is, very unfortunately of course, time for our last song. This one is a special one, if I do say so myself. It goes out to a special girl in the audience! Enjoy!” Eddie announces. He spreads his arms while he is talking, in his usual way. Then you hear them counting down for the song to begin. 
You can’t fight the sadness that washes over you as his words sink in. He’s serenading a song for the girl he likes and you’re quite sure it’s not you. You subtly look around you. There are quite a few girls present. You try to figure out who it could be, but soon give up, once he starts singing. Your eyes snap to his. You make eye contact. Your breath is hitching in your throat and for a second, only a second, you let yourself hope. 
So long, I've been looking too hard I've been waiting too long Sometimes I don't know what I will find I only know it's a matter of time
Almost as soon as your eyes meet, he moves them away, avoiding your gaze. 
When you love someone When you love someone It feels so right, so warm and true I need to know if you feel it too Maybe I'm wrong Won't you tell me if I'm coming on too strong? This heart of mine has been hurt before This time I want to be sure
He’s singing earnestly now, pouring his heart and soul into the song. Yet your eyes never meet again. He looks everywhere but at you. 
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life I've been waiting for a girl like you, your a love that will survive I've been waiting for someone new to make me feel alive Yeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
Your heart sinks into your shoes. It’s not you. You’re not the special girl he’s singing this song for. You’re mad at yourself for letting yourself have hope. You should have known. Not even your parents love you, why would he?
When the song is over you look over at Robin with sadness in your eyes, only to be met with confusion. She shoots you a questioning gaze, but you just shake your head. 
The room packed with people starts feeling like it’s all too much. There’s too much noise, it’s too hot, and you’re getting a claustrophobic feeling. You need to get out of there, fast. 
You turn around, moving to get away when you’re stopped by your brother. “Hey, hey, hey! Where are you going?” He asks, concern written on his face. 
“I just really need to get some air.” You answer vaguely. 
“Okay, I’ll come with you!” He says, moving to go with you. 
“No, please, I really just wanna be alone for a minute. I’ll be fine, I promise!” You look at him with pleading eyes. He looks at you for a long second, before sighing and nodding, letting you go. 
You make your way quickly through the crowd, as they’re all still cheering and clapping for the performance. Somewhere deep inside, you feel like a bad friend for not staying and cheering, but that feeling is no match for the overwhelming sadness. 
When you finally make it outside, you take a few calming breaths, hoping to calm yourself down. But your eyes have another idea and tears start slipping out of them. You stand against a wall near the entrance and let it all wash over you. 
It feels like the hand that wrapped itself around your heart starts squeezing more tightly, using its nails to hurt you even more. 
You don’t know how long you’ve been standing there. It could be only a few seconds, it could be 20 minutes. People are slowly exiting the bar, but mostly everyone stays inside. 
Suddenly the door slams open and catches your attention. You see Eddie exiting and looking around frantically. You turn away from him, wipe your tears and hope he doesn’t see you. Your hope is in vain of course, as you hear his chain rattling as he approaches you. 
“So what did you think of-” He cuts himself off when he sees your blotchy red face, the smile slipping from his. “Hey, what’s wrong, princess?” He asks softly, brushing your hair behind your ears and cupping your face. 
You clear your throat, looking anywhere but at him - which is quite difficult as his face is awfully close to yours - and say: “It’s nothing, it’s just something silly.”
“I’m sure it’s not just something silly, tell me!” He insists. 
“Just leave me and go to your stupid special girl.” You bite back, anger in your eyes. You push his hand away from your face and try to put as much distance between you as possible. You know you have no right to be angry. He can like whoever he wants. But being reasonable is off the table for you right now. 
He looks at you, pondering. “… Is that what this is about? You’re jealous?” He asks incredulously. 
“Fuck off, dickhead. No need to rub it in.” You snap back, anger boiling. 
“Well, the thing is, my very dear princess, it’s quite impossible to be jealous of yourself, I’m pretty sure.” He answers, a smile starting to break out on his face. 
“What do you mean?” You eventually ask uncertainly. 
“I mean, Y/N, that you’re the special girl from the song.” He explains patiently. 
The very second the words are out of his mouth, the hand around your heart disappears and you can’t do anything but rush forward and almost connect your lips. Almost. You’re still giving him an out. If he doesn’t want you, if he doesn’t feel that way about you, he can back up now and you will both pretend nothing happened. 
But he doesn’t do that. No, he wastes no time to close the distance and you finally feel his lips on yours. As your lips move against each other tentatively, his hands find your waist and he guides the two of you back until your back hits the wall. 
The tentative kiss soon turns into something that’s starting to resemble a full blown make out session. Not too long after that, you both pull away, gasping for air, with lovesick smiles on your faces. You both start blushing as well, remembering that you just did that in public. 
Suddenly a thought pops into your head. You smile a mischievous smile. “Rock, paper scissors on who tells my brother we’re dating?” You joke. 
Eddie barks out a laugh. “Oh, so we’re dating now, are we, princess?” He winks at you. 
“Well, you ain’t getting rid of me now, dickhead.” You nudge him playfully, but there’s still an insecure edge to it. Maybe you assumed to quickly and he doesn’t actually want to date you?
Before that train of thought can leave the station, he slings his arm around your shoulder. “Alright, that’s fine by me, princess. Where do you want to go on our first date then?” He drops a kiss on your cheeks and you can’t help the blush that spreads. You both start walking, ever so slowly, back to the entrance of the bar, to go back to your friends.
“Surprise me.” You wink.
A/N: That’s it! Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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wcnderfulthings · 29 days
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Was that [SCARLETT JOHANSSON]? No, that was just [NATASHA ROMANOFF/BLACK WIDOW]. They are a [CANON CHARACTER] that was pulled out of [MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE]. How weird is that? At this time, they are [THIRTY EIGHT] years old, and use [SHE/HER]. Hopefully they learn to love it here on Naporia!
What point of canon were they brought here from? Avenger's Endgame; In 2023, the Avengers initiated a Time Heist in order to resurrect the victims of the Snap. Hawkeye and Black Widow time traveled through the Multiverse to an alternate 2014 to retrieve the Soul Stone from Vormir, where Black Widow had to sacrifice her life in order for them to retrieve it.
How long has it been since they arrived? She is just arriving in the city today.
Will they be working at any of the island’s establishments? Natasha will be working as a secretary at Town Hall.
Anything else that you think is useful: Natasha, born Natalia, was raised to be a spy/assassin since birth in the Soviet Union. As she got older, she was placed in the KGB and soon became regarded as a master spy and one of the world's greatest assassins. In 2008, after meeting Hawkeye, Black Widow defected to S.H.I.E.L.D. where they later formed the Avengers. For the most part, she is a level-headed, strong-willed, and independent woman with a sarcastic sense of humor. She's very smart and loyal. While tough and at times ruthless, she is still a good person and can be quite heroic. She is a master martial artist, marksman, acrobat, spy, assassin, interrogator, seductress and has mastery of staffs. She is a gifted intellect, an expert tactician and hacker. Natasha also is a skilled pilot and a multilinguist. She is fluent in her native Russian language, as well as English, French, German, Chinese, Italian, Vietnamese, Latin, Norwegian, Japanese and various other languages. She also knows Morse code.
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wandabear · 2 years
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WHERE ARE YOU NOW? - WANDA MAXIMOFF X F!READER Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
Request: Hello how are you? I'd like to ask for something like Y/n and Wanda in a zombie apocalypse. I'm not very good at summarizing but I hope you can write, thanks!
Warning: A bit of violence. Zombie style. A bit of fluff maybe.
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How many years? How long had it been since they saw each other? Wanda tried to remember the last time she heard Y/N's voice, the last time she could get lost in those deep eyes. The last time Ymade her cry with laughter with her funny, weird and cute humor. Sometimes a little dark, that she could only share with Yelena.
Every step she took gave her the opportunity to hug Y/N again, could feel her close, her scent and her warmth. Was it her? Was that really possible?
“Y/N…” Wanda gasped, not knowing whether to smile or start crying inconsolably. Heart was beating wild, so hard, she could feel everything running through her veins.
Y/N was there, a few steps away from her. Not even the years away from each other had driven them as far apart as the seconds that now kept them apart. It felt like a painful eternity.
Y/N, as beautiful as ever. So different from what she remembered. Her hair was a bit shorter, almost like a wild bob now. Wanda supposed it was easier, especially when you're in a post-apocalyptic world where you can hardly find a bottle of silky cream to show off your hair.
Her face, a bit dirty from the dust of course, but always so adorable.
But her gaze focused on scars she had never seen before. Those beautiful eyes, Wanda remained looking at her like the first day, although she could see the melancholy and pain in Y/N's eyes, Wanda couldn't even imagine everything that Y/N had gone through all those years.
That was when the memories came to her.
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“So… What did he say?” Natasha Romanoff asked, keeping her gaze on the road. Her hands clenched against the steering wheel as she drove through the streets of New York. She was thankful that they were almost leaving the city.
“Vis said he understood, that he always knew I... I could never leave the past behind.” The sokovian redhead stared out the window, trying not to think about what she did. He was a nice man, but it wasn't for her.
“Look, Wands, best thing is that you both finally finished what you had. Lying to someone is easy, but lying to yourself...” Natasha watched in the rearview mirror as some cars seemed to try to move forward and honk, but she couldn't even move, ahead seemed to have a huge line of cars. “I mean, you didn't love Vision. Right? It's the best thing for him to move forward. And for you too.”
“I guess.” Wanda gasped.
“Wanda…” Natasha started knowing very well what she was going to say. Nat knew that her best friend, her sister, started a relationship with Vision long after she broke up with Y/N.
Y/N, who was the love of her life.
Every person who knew Wanda and Y/N, saw them together, knew that someday these two would end up married, with a cute family, living the most beautiful love story of all. But sadly it hadn't ended that way, that story ended with Wanda leaving a relationship that did nothing but harm her in the end.
“Not now, okay? I don't want to talk about that again.” Wanda shook her head.
“It's been a while and you haven't stopped thinking about her. Why don't you call Y/N and stop this stupid thing...?”
“That has been left behind.”
“Not so far behind if that's why your last relationship sank in the ocean because you can't get over your EX.” The Russian stopped when the traffic light in front of her turned red, she was finally able to tilt her head to see Wanda. “She couldn't either, Wanda. Yelena says that Y/N can't stop thinking about you and that she regrets…”
“Natasha.” Wanda's voice sounded a little sharper. Nat could see out of the corner of her eye how Wanda swallowed before speaking. “Y/N and I broke up a long time ago and it was for the best, I must remind you that I was very hurt by that relationship... and although I loved her, I don't deny it, I loved her so much... the best thing is that we stay apart.”
She licked her lips, and the song on the radio didn’t help at all.
“I know you want to do what's best for me. And if you want that, please, I don't want to talk about it again, okay?"
Natasha was going to say something else, but she decided to keep quiet, for the first time, just to accept her friend's request. After all, they were both going out of town to visit Yelena and Kate in Boston, to get some relief from that chaotic city.
“You know what? You're right, this trip is to forget and clear everything in our minds… Also work is killing us, so…” Nat said as she moved forward in that line of cars. Everything was good, everything was fine until she suddenly hit the brakes.
In front of them, that awful and horrible image haunted their minds when a cargo truck collided and dragged the car in front of them, so strongly, that it dragged it down for almost two more blocks.
The driver, who seemed completely out of control, was locked inside the cabin moving in a very strange way.  He was screaming and banging on the window so hard.
“What the-?!” Natasha yelled, seeing so many of the cars on that street been hit by the truck, now laying upside down and burning.  People screamed for help, people running for their lives.
Completely surprised, Wanda placed a hand on her chest, unable to believe what she was seeing.
“Oh god, Natasha, this doesn't look good.”
“I know.” The russian redhead unbuckled her seatbelt, seeing that Wanda was doing the same, ready to go with her.
“They need help, try to call 911.” The Sokovian said, Natasha nod her head as they got out of the car. Both walked towards the scene but stop when they noticed that the people around that truck started to run away from the scene, freaked out.
“Hey! What the hell is going on here?” Natasha looked confused and a little scared, but she would never say it. Neither of them had any idea what was going on around them, but the answer came quickly when they finally saw how the driver of the truck took one of the boys -who was trying to help him get out- biting him with an enormous and sadistic violence.
The boy's cry of pain made their blood run cold.
Natasha was the first to get out of shock, pulling Wanda back to the car quickly. “Wanda, we have to go, let's go now!”
“No, they need our help!”
“Wanda, look around! We must go!” And Natasha was right, now, the boy who had been bitten by that trucker started writhing on the ground, getting back up but in a very creepy way.
The Sokovian didn’t put up resistance to that, they both ran back to the car, although the chaos worsened. The sirens sounded insistently, multiplied in a matter of minutes.
Some cars derailed and ran over anyone who got in the way.
Natasha sped up so hard that she possibly left a huge mark on the sidewalk.
“This is crazy, could be an earthquake or something?” Wanda asked, completely shocked. She tried to turn on the radio to find what the hell was going on but only heard empty channels.
“I don't know, I'm trying to call Yelena but she doesn't answer!”
“Pietro isn't answering my call either. He was going to watch game with Monica in the baseball stadium!”
Natasha didn't say anything, just kept her hands on the wheel and drove out of the city, taking one of the fast exits not knowing that minutes later, those streets would be completely bottled up.
“I don’t know, just…” Natasha's voice was deep and she could barely hear herself. Even she couldn't understand, she was just glad to get out of town and onto one of the empty highways towards Clifton.   She knew no one would take that old road.
“I'm- I’m gonna pull over for a moment, okay? I need… I just-” The Russian swallowed hard, trying to stay calm. She parked the car on the side of the road and got out, inhaling deeply.
The cool breeze from the fields hit their faces, moving the strands of hair slowly. The fresh air and the cozy but eerie sunset helped keep them calm.
Everything seemed so unreal, the sounds of the disaster in the city could be heard in the distance. Screams and explosions, cars colliding and the smoke spreading in the sky, as if the black smoke ruined a beautiful oil painting.
“You've seen the same thing I saw, right?” Natasha finally said, swallowing hard. She was still in complete shock, resting her hands on the hood of her car.
Wanda was looking at the sunset, still unable to believe everything she saw. If it wasn't for Natasha, she would think she was going crazy. Natasha took out her phone, searching for signal.
“They were biting people, Natasha.” Wanda whispered. Her eyes widened even more, remembering how she saw someone running after others, jumping on them and starting to bite them. Completely enraged and desperate, a terrifying image that would haunt her forever. “We need to call 911!”
“Wanda, those things were eating the people that YOU CALL 911!” Natasha exclaimed, running her hand over her face. “We need to think...”
“Fine, fine. Wait, I need a moment. Just… Pietro is still not answering! Neither does Monica!”  she said in defeat.
Natasha agreed. “Do you have signal on your phone?”
Wanda came over to give it to her, but suddenly, the phone lost signal. The battery, luckily, was still at 90 percent.
“No, it says it's out of service now.” The Sokovian swallowed hard and closed her eyes, thinking what to do at a time like this.
“You wake up and you’re in this big place, a big city. What’s the first thing you would do? Think about it, your life depends on it.”
“Maybe try to get away from the city?”
The redhead opened her eyes, Y/N's voice came to her mind like fresh balm, medicine she needed so bad. As if she were the one who took her hand, rescuing her from sinking dangerously to the bottom of the ocean.
“We need to get out of town, get as far away as possible, and get to Boston... but first we need to find Pietro and Yelena.” Wanda said seeing Natasha nod, looking now at her phone which began to ring.
The Russian exhaled, hearing her sister's raspy voice on the other side.
“Yelena!” Natasha said desperately, Wanda approached so she could listen. “Yelena, where are you?”
« Sestra…. We… everybody is… crazy… Hiding!»
Yelena's voice cracked, which made them both feel even more desperate.
“Yelena, I can’t hear you. I CAN’T hear you! Yelena! Where are you?”
«Signal… do you… hear me?  Natasha! Be careful! New York is… not safe!»  That last part seemed to be the only thing that could be heard clearly. « I love you, Sestra!»
“I LOVE YOU TOO! PLEASE TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE!” The Russian gasped hearing a loud beep and after that, the signal was completely lost as well as the call.
“What's going on? What did she say?” Wanda asked completely worried and terrified.
“The call ended. Yelena doesn’t answer, there’s no signal again.” Natasha watched her best friend for a moment, not even knowing what to do. Just a few seconds to allow herself to think and then, the Russian took Wanda's hand and returned to the car so that together they could get out of that place. “We have to go to Boston, right now.”
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But they never made it to Boston.
The loud sound of the fall made everyone jump.
Y/N, being the one who was closest to Jules, approached as fast as she could.
“Jules. Jules!” She tried but the black-haired girl just stayed the same. Completely pale, cold hands.
Y/N brought her hand up to her forehead, temperature made her hiss as Yelena and Kate came over to help. “She has fever, we need to bring it down as soon as possible.”
“You can take her to my room, over there.” Natasha interrupted the moment, inviting them to follow.
“What do we need?” Yelena murmured as she helped, taking Jules up off the ground.
“What's wrong with her?” Natasha asked, watching as Yelena and Y/N carried the girl.
“She has a fever, we need painkillers and something to lower the infection.” Y/N whispered, trying to keep the others from hearing her.
“Over here, while we'll find a way to help her.” Wanda took one of the flashlights and invited them to continue down one of the corridors of that huge library until they reached Natasha's room, in one of the corridors in the east wing. ㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N tried not to think that in front of her was Wanda. Wanda Maximoff… as beautiful as ever. She was wearing slightly worn jeans but fit her hips perfectly.
They left Jules on the bed, noticing how she squirmed uncomfortably, began to sweat and little by little, began to open her sore eyes.
“Y/N?” The girl said barely in a whisper, feeling a stab of pain due to the dryness of her lips. “Where we are?”
Y/N sat down next and grabbed one of the water bottles she carried in her backpack, helping Jules drink some.
“We found a place to stay tonight, rest for now, chicken.” Y/N took her friend's hand and squeezed it gently before getting out of bed, leaving her in the care of one of Natasha's 'friends'. A very beautiful woman named Monica.
Natasha, who watched everything, walked over to talk to Y/N once she left the room. “Is she okay? How can we help you?”
Y/N was about to speak when one of the men around them spoke up. Brown eyes and a face you couldn't forget.
“Is she bitten?” Asked that man, in a somewhat rude and direct way. Zemo. That's what Natasha called him. “If she is bitten she has no place here, we have to get her out as soon as possible."
ㅤㅤㅤ “We can put her down for you.” Added Rumlow. Oh, the was even worst.
“What are you talking about?” Yelena began, shocked as was Kate. The archer landed in front of Yelena to prevent the blonde from killing the man.
“Shut up, Rumlow. You have nothing good to say then shut up.” Natasha glared at him. They all started arguing, everyone's voices echoing in Y/N's ears.
ㅤㅤㅤ Those words.
Those damn words.
“What did you say?” Y/N stared at him, cold as if she were a predator ready to capture her prey. She wasn't going to forget what he said, ever.
“I said... if she's bitten...” Rumlow was about to continue when suddenly, to everyone's surprise, Y/N pushed him into the nearest wall, locking his neck with her arm.
“She's not bitten, dipshit.” Y/N hissed, tightening her hold as Rumlow tried to get rid of her, but it was impossible. The brunette gritted her teeth in a threatening manner. “And if I see you look at my friend that way again, or if you ever say something to her again, I'm going to kill you.”
“Get your dirty hands off-” ㅤㅤㅤ
“Look at me.” Y/N grunted. “I’m gonna kill you, it's not my first time nor the last.”
Everyone seemed surprised by that sudden and cold attitude, but no one more than Wanda, who was open-mouthed seeing how the person she loved the most, whom she had searched for so long, acted in a way that she never expected.
She had never seen Y/N act so…aggressive, yet protective.
The Sokovian wasn't going to accept that she felt a sting of jealousy.  
Some people aimed at the girls, trying to 'back up' Rumlow. Yelena took aim with her shotgun as Kate also took her bow, ready to fire.
“Woah, let's stop for a moment.” Natasha intervened, placing herself between the two factions. The Russian placed one of her hands on Y/N's shoulder, trying to calm the situation and finally let Rumlow go.
Y/N was quiet  for a few seconds until her muscles began to loosen, releasing that man who quickly adjusted his coat, somewhat offended.
“They may be your friends, Natasha, but they still have answers to give.” Zemo said in a very low voice and glared at Natasha.
The slam of the front door of the library stole everyone's attention. The quick steps of two men, one of them was blond and blue-eyed, with a big physical complexion and quite strong.
While the other was had black hair and blue sky eyes, this one carried a light machine gun strong enough to take down a group of biters.
“What's going on here?” Said Steve, the blond man. Apparently one of the group leaders, along with Natasha. “Put down your weapons, remember the rules. No shots fired inside this place.”
Steve scolded one of the men, taking his gun away when he got a better look at the faces of the women they were aiming at.
“Yelena?” Steve walked over and then hugged her tightly, surprised and glad to see the girl. Steve was Natasha's best friend since they were teenagers, as Bucky was one of Y/N's friends too.
“Y/N?” Bucky was the one who smiled widely this time and walked quickly towards the brunette, hugging her with a strength that she swore could break her spine in two.
“Buck! I missed you so much!” Y/N exclaimed, surprised and excited to see her friend again. She clung to the man for a few seconds before pulling away to get a better look.
He had some stubble and hair that was wild, kinda sexy and adorable enough.
“Put your guns down. They’re our friends, we have been looking for them for a long time.”
“Rogers, they still don't explain...”
“She's not bitten, I swear. She only has an infection in her jaw, she hit herself really bad and broke a tooth a year ago.” Y/N explained somewhat worriedly, remembering Jules's state.  “I'm a doctor, but I haven't been able to take it off because we haven't found medicine since we left Boston. Just some ibuprofen to ease her pain for the first few days, but nothing to fight the infection.”
“I swear, she's not infected by biters.” Yelena added. “That tooth is making her suffer but the infection is killing her. Sestra, please…”
“Don’t worry, I understand.” Steve nodded his head, being as understanding as they remembered. “We don't have much but everything we have is at your disposal to help your friend. We have some medicine, although no one who can help us beyond First Aid.”
“I can do it.” Y/N volunteered without hesitation, receiving a smile from her old friends. Oh, how much she missed them.
“This should be voted on. We can't waste our medicine on strangers, we should count them and-” One of Rumlow's men began.
“We are not going to let that girl suffer knowing that we can help.” Steve was determined, none of the others dared to contradict him. “Nat, take the girls to get cleaned up and then we'll discuss all of this together over dinner. Wanda, please give Y/N everything she needs to help that girl."
They all nodded and started on their way to their respective places, finally leaving the girls alone. Those girls who had longed for and missed each other so much all these years, two girls who were now only a few steps apart.
Silence surrounded them for seconds that seemed eternal. They both looked at each other, a bit hesitant until Wanda didn't wait a second longer and she ran to hug Y/N so hard, that the brunette thought she would fall.
ㅤㅤㅤ But she didn't.
Y/N just held on to this lovely woman who haunted her thoughts and heart for so long. Closed her eyes, completely losing herself in Wanda’s scent, hiding her face in that soft neck. She couldn't find in her mind any memory of the last time she did that.
Wanda buried her face in Y/N's chest, wishing never to be separated from that woman again. Especially when listening to how the brunette's heart was beating so fast.
Praying so hard that when she opened her eyes again, wishing to wake up from that long and terrifying nightmare and watch Y/N lying next to her again. The warmest smile before breakfast.
Y/N kept her eyes closed, holding on to that feeling. Tears begin to fall down her face and not only hers, but also Wanda’s.
“I've thought about you so much.” Wanda whispered like prayer, pulling away so she could see her now. That lovely, adorable slightly flushed face, tears she didn't bother to dry.
ㅤㅤㅤ “I have missed you so much.” Y/N finally confessed, feeling her voice crack. She took Wanda's face in her hands, looking at those big, teary eyes. Oh, she looked more beautiful than ever.
Green eyes that remained as beautiful as ever. Although its green could make you lose yourself in the most beautiful paradise, without a doubt, they carried a suffocating melancholy. Her lips, her nose, those little birthmarks on her cheek.
The doctor allowed herself to finally smile, to smile in a sincere way this time. Their hearts beating again, together. After so long, after so many letters, so many cities… Wanda was there.
“Wow...” Wanda whispered staring at her, smiling like a teenager. “I never thought I could see you again.”
“I thought the same thing. You look so...” Y/N swallowed hard, unable to snap out of the daydream as the presence of someone else interrupted this waiting moment. Again.
Kate came over with some boxes, some medicines that could help Jules. And some clothes.
“Natasha said to come get you this, although no one wanted to and I kindly offered, thinking it would do something good, until now that I realize that no one wanted to interrupt this meeting… and neither did I… I'm sorry. ” Babbled the girl smiling so nervous, in an adorable dork way but definitely sorry to break the moment.
“It’s okay... We should help your friend.” Wanda mumbled blushing, starting to walk towards the room.
“Yeah, exactly, that was what I was thinking.” Y/N stammered, nodding, watching Wanda walk away from her until a nudge from Kate brought her back to reality.
The archer looked at her mischievously, moving her eyebrows in a playful way which made Y/N just shake her head and whisper: ‘scram!’ making Kate go, leaving them completely alone.
Well, not completely alone.
The tallest one took a deep breath before walking into the room, closing the door behind her.
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A baby spoiler: the next one will be longer, and there will be more of Wanda/Reader and Natasha/you know who.
As you know, Jules is portrayed by the amazing Adelaide Kane. link
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ : @wandsmxmff, @bluesimps-world, @oh-thats-cute, @sleepilysworld, @dudaaaluthor, @dajirana, @wackymcstupid, @dandelions4us, @spookymomfriendtm, @danicarpediem, @nikkinss, @panthastichumanbeing, @me-uglypretty 🐝✨ Thank you for reading me, bees.
If you want to be tagged, just ask! Thanks you so damn much to the people who leave a ❤️ , 🔁 and leave comments -even as an anon on my box of requests-, you make me keep writing. And you're making my life easier! 🐻ㅤㅤㅤ     ㅤㅤㅤ   
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astheraa · 1 year
HI! I really love your writing, it's just *mwah* exquisite! And I wanted to get some headcannons abt Kapkan having an Gn s/o who loves to tease Maxim, like they can and will find anything to tease him about.
Bonus points if his s/o has a southern accent
Thank you! Have a nice day!
- Cowboy anon
Kapkan headcannons ; Teasing eachother
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Despite the constant teasing, Kapkan secretly enjoys his partner's lightheartedness. It reminds him often times to not take himself too seriously.
You are always finding ways to mess with him during missions. You'll sneak up behind him and make loud noises just to see him jump or replace his tactical gear with silly items like a toy gun or a rubber chicken.
Even though he acts annoyed the whole time, he's really grateful to have someone like you.
Maxim initially had a hard time adjusting to his partner's sense of humor. He was used to working with more serious operators and found their antics distracting, especially their accents sometimes. However, he now loves to tease you back, imitating your accents making you pout. But that doesn't keep you from teasing him with a russian accents. You can say that you both love to tease each other about anything.
- Despite their differences in personality, Maxim and his partner make a great team. Maxim's strategic mind and combat skills are complemented by his partner's quick thinking, ability to improvise and stay composed in the field. During a lull in the action during a long stakeout, Kapkan's partner pulls out a deck of cards and suggests a game of poker. He is initially reluctant, but eventually agrees to play. As the game goes on, you start making playful jabs at him about his "poker face" and his strategy. He just flipps you off and you continue playing. -
You and Maxim are taking a break during a mission, sitting in a dark corner of a room and catching your breath. You: "You know what's weird, Kap? We've been through so much together, but I don't think I've ever seen you smile." "What are you talking about? I smile plenty.", he says with a serious face. "Really? Show me."
Maxim pauses for a moment, then cracks a small smile "Ha! I knew it! You do have a sense of humor after all!", you say pocking his cheeks
Maxim just rolls his eyes but can't help but chuckles a little. ,,You love me", you say resting your head on his lap. ,,Well maybe", he says smirking. With that you make an offended face while he just chuckles.
Hope you like it! I tried to keep a funny atmosphere not focusing to hard on his serious personality :)
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rosethreeart · 6 months
DONT CRUCIFY ME FOR THIS, GUYS….. but, as a slav, i think countryhumans russia has a funnier characterization than hetalia russia could ever hope to. I feel like for an anime about stereotypes, he’s just not one-dimensionally russian enough 😭😭 i feel like he’d be sm funner if he was always drunk or an asshole w a thick ass accent instead of the vaguely unsettling manchild we got instead. The characterization he has in canon works decently well for actual character, but for an anime thats 80% humor and stereotypes, he’s just not silly enough!!! i need to show him to my russian friends and have them cringe at how horribly stereotypical he is
I remember hima showed like an old concept for Russia and he was like some old drunk with a beard or smth??? Idk but that was so much of a better vibe I wish he stuck with it </3
Russia’s characterization is so weird to me, like it’s probably one of the least “accurate” ones I’ve seen hima do.
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exit-path · 2 years
Tumblr Post Compilation: A Masterpost
First of all, let me tell you what you're about to see.
This is a list of 118 "funny tumblr posts" taken from YouTube compilations in 2016. I tracked down all these posts on tumblr myself in Nov 2021. The post is broken up into two parts, and is available under the cut. Each of the links is named after a snippet from the actual post (effectively the "punchline"), and clicking on it brings up the full post, which you can reblog and interact with.
These posts are nostalgic to me because I watched these YouTube compilations before I came to tumblr. I recommend you scroll through these posts, as they bring up a form of humor that's rarely seen today which, I think, has almost been lost to time. Also, if you want to learn how to do this, there's some insight as to how I did this at the end of the post.
(This masterpost is a revision of this post, necessitated because the hyperlinks don't work anymore.)
1. outrageously angry man returning a lawnmower and it was our dad
2. Italian exchange student said “Look, the compressed horse.”
3. “im eminem!” “and I’m skittles?”
5. he ate the reeses cup then stabbed himself with the epipen
7. school on lockdown because someone put weed in the vents
8. Can’t cheat with those big ass galaxy phones
9. weirdly self-conscious about wiper blade speed
10. My brother told me not to slam the door and yell “Guess who’s home, motherfuckers”
11. drove by traffic camera 6 times thinking it was funny
12. drill sergeant made kid carry around potted plant to replace the oxygen he wasted
13. A list of things that do not offend people:
14. kid grabbed seagull out of air, all his friends were like “again tyrone?? really??”
16. drunk man proposes to tree, gets rejected
17. “i’m on my way, the traffic is just slow, i’m coming” “mom i called the house phone”
18. a kid’s phone started siri, TEACHER STARTED EXPLAINING IT AGAIN
19. “watch my stuff” what if someone comes and actually tries to steal it
20. our goats think that now whenever they pee they get a treat
21. “it’s for your own good”, mom deleted the internet explorer icon from my desktop
22. a girl called me a lying slut because I was with her bf a lot. we’re siblings
23. I watched an old couple set off their car alarm and drive away… now that i think about it-
24. Rules to learning English: their our know rules
25. a kid got expelled for pretending to be russian for 8 months
26. a girl said she had two moms and a boy started crying, he said it wasn’t fair she had two
27. when a girl changes her clothes in front of you, she hasn’t spotted you in the tree yet
28. my mom is telling me “get a good job” but my heart is telling me “marry rich”
29. my parents split after they made me. i am a volcano. follow for more geological humour
30. I’m saying “excuse me” but I really mean “why the fu-”
31. nun goes “I’m allowed to look at the menu I just can’t order”
32. Hospitals are so weird
33. handed their BLIND SON a menu and he’s like “ah… thank you… I’ll just… read this”
34. on April Fool’s his mom called to say she was in labour, dad laughed and hung up on her
35. “why do I fear bears? because Chester Zoo is 30 miles away and bears can smell fear”
36. dropped her ipad but held tight to her pizza
37. her parents faked a british accent in front of her until she was 7
38. really religious girl who told people off if they swore, gets sworn at
39. he took her to the supermarket to watch the lobsters fighting in the lobster tank
40. so i was the official shia labeouf myspace but i was in fact a 12 yr old canadian kid
41. subway thief told suitcase has “a bunch of laptops” ends up stealing a dead dog
42. “I guess working in fast food just wasn’t my cup of tea”
43. I waited until the professor handed back the papers and angrily asked where mine was
44. so i started trying to kill classmates with my mind
45. my favorite thing is ask 14/15 year old kids on dates if they want a kids menu
46. I blacked out in Disney World, woke up with Mickey Mouse putting a cold towel on me
47. “wanna date me? yes: smile no: backflip” and she did a backflip
48. “do you wanna kiss” “excuse me” he pulled out a bag of hershey’s kisses
49. when beyoncé asked all the single ladies to put their hands up I looked at my bf and
50. 7th grade, his world of warcraft friends threw him a virtual birthday party
51. “she’s the bro and y’all bitches are the hoes”
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