#usually when people lose it about an au post the post is like. detailed. I just see the words “loz byler” and I just black out
rotisseries · 11 months
im so completely obsessed with the loz au byler concept every single post of it I see I HAVE to reblog and then I'm in the tags losing my mind in all caps and then the post just says something like "I think a zelda byler au would be neat"
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cheolaholic · 10 months
ring of love; csc (01)
summary; agreeing to join vernon spectate an underground boxing match wasn't how you'd expect to spend your friday night. you also didn't expect to see seungcheol, someone you've lost contact with for years, become a part of the ring.
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modern! au • boxer! au • hhu focused • multiple kinds of tropes • fluff, angst, smut
ngl, i posted up the teaser at around 1am just to see how it'd go (was planning on deleting it right afterwards if nothing showed up). i woke up like 6 or 7 hours later and holy shit yall - i wasn't expecting it to get so much attention or blow up 😭 and it was just a TEASER 😭✋🏻 i've also gone through the small notes section of the taglist form (my favorite is the one that said they like my brain lol) either ways, i'm so glad you're all as excited as i am for this fic 🥹🫶🏻 it really means a lot to me <33
i'd also like to point out that i'm writing this fic as i go, kind of going with the flow, so, occasionally some things might not make sense but let's hope the flow goes well 🙏🏻
taglist at the end !
click here to join the taglist ♡
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“hey there, babygirl,” vernon greeted as he took a seat in front of you at the library desk.
the nickname had you looking up from your laptop, shooting the boy a grimacing look.
“vernon, what the fuck?”
vernon chwe, an art major you had met on the first day of college during orientation, since both of you were in the same freshman group during said orientation.
you were entirely new to seoul, having spent most of your life in a small town in daegu (alongside your introverted nature, talking to new people while having to adjust to your new surroundings was basically an introvert’s nightmare).
when vernon approached you during one of the 30 minute breaks, he handed you a bottle of coke, a friendly gesture you appreciated a lot. that wasn’t what caught your eye though - it was his clothes. it’s not every day you’d see a college student wearing a bright neon tie-dyed shirt.
when vernon noticed your staring, he simply said “ah, yeah, the rest of my clothes are in the dryer. i’m vernon, by the way! vernon chwe!”
“...i’m ___,” came your response, “lee ___.”
from then on, you’ve both been stuck to each other like glue. always seen together to the point you both had been mistaken as a couple one too many times.
guess the saying of 'you're not real besties unless people think you're a couple' is true to an extent.
though you both have made it clear that the relationship between the two of you is strictly platonic.
the boy laughs at your reaction before shutting up as a few students shoot him a dirty look, a few others shushing him. “it’s fun messing with you, ___,” he said in a soft voice, not wanting to get on the nerves of the other students, “watcha working on?”
“just the usual presentation preparations,” you answered as you pushed back up your glasses and continued typing away.
“is this a group or solo project?”
“solo, which thank god. if this was a group and i had another bad luck on my groupmates, i was going to lose it.”
vernon cringes at the mention of groupmates. in your previous group assignment, you were stuck with not one, not two; but three parasites. he remembered how sleep deprived and stressed you were throughout the semester for said group project. he’d gotten you to submit an email to the lecturer in charge, writing out in extreme detail how you had to bear the responsibilities of the group members while they were out and about, partying, going out on dates etc.
however, you decided to go even further than just submitting an email.
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it was the day of the presentation. as your lecturer sat in the front row seat alongside two other faculty members, you looked at your parasitic freeloading groupmates that were standing to your left.
“are you guys ready?” you asked in a quiet voice.
when they nodded their heads, you smiled as you pressed the clicker in your hand. anyone would have assumed your smile was that of an encouraging smile. you however, knew better.
as the first slide was projected onto the projection screen, the topic of the presentation was written in a big font while all four names of yours and your groupmates were written underneath it.
as you pressed on the clicker, one by one, the names of your groupmates began to be removed from the slide. the classroom was confused before catching on - you were calling out your group mates for being parasites.
your groupmates watched in a panic state as the students began whispering amongst themselves; the faculty members jotting things down on their clipboards.
once all the three names were removed with your name being the only one left on the slide, in a calm and collected voice, you said, “now, shall we begin the presentation?”
vernon remembered the proud expression you had when he met up with you the same day. “how’d it feel?” he asked, having helped you with your research and planned out the execution for the revelation of the free loaders.
“amazing!” came your reply with a beaming smile, satisfied.
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“whatever happened to those three anyways?”
shrugging, you heard from some classmates that they had either gotten suspended or needed to retake the class. but, you didn’t care.
why would you?
if anything, you were glad you didn't have to deal with them for the rest of your studying years.
"hmm, fair enough," vernon responded before placing both arms on the table, leaning forward, "so, got any friday night plans?"
"if you're planning to drag me to a frat party-"
"not a frat party."
looking up from your laptop with an eyebrow raised, the boy just shoots you a smile - a smile that you can't help but feel suspicious of.
as you saved your work progress and shut down your laptop, vernon spoke again.
"have you heard of underground boxing?"
"i am not going to get in a boxing ring."
"you don't have to!"
once you've packed up your stuff and headed out of the library together, he explained more about the underground boxing.
it's a monthly event and is usually held somewhere in itaewon. when you mentioned that you didn't think vernon was the type to take part in these events, he replied with, "that's because i don't. a close friend of mine does and i usually go to support him with two other close friends!"
"and where do i play a part in this… support group?"
"don't hate me for this, okay? i just think that you could use some outdoor time, ya'know? i know you're introverted and want to hole up in your apartment the entire weekend, but it wouldn't hurt to try something new!"
you were silent for a moment.
"so, i'm a bore, is what you're getting at."
"what!? no! absolutely, not!"
when you let out a laugh at vernon's reaction, it had a few students around both of you stunned.
maybe it's due to your introverted nature that everyone assumed you'd be cold-natured too, black cat energy they call it.
but to vernon, he knew it wasn't the case. you just needed to be around the right people or in a setting you're familiar/comfortable with to be yourself.
'naturally introverted, selectively extroverted' as they called it.
"i'll go if you pick me up."
"does seven sound good to you?"
"aight, bet."
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introverted ass: ik i should've asked this earlier
introverted ass: but is there like a dress code or smtg?
introverted ass: bcs i don't wanna show up looking extremely out of place
vrrnonie: casual should be okay
vrrnonie: maybe bring a jacket along
introverted ass: but it's a boxing match
introverted ass: wouldn't it be hot and stuffy from all that sweat
introverted ass: ?
vrrnonie: it's actually air conditioned, believe it or not
vrrnonie: and it's well ventilated too
vrrnonie: and there's not much people, dont worry
vrrnonie: the place can hold up to 100+ ppl
vrrnonie: but they usually only let in abt 70-ish?
vrrnonie: not wanting to be too stuffy, crowd control etc
introverted ass: so i'm assuming i can just wear my sweater and tights?
vrrnonie: yeapp
vrrnonie: reaching in 10 btw
introverted ass: wtf
vrrnonie: you can do your makeup in the car when we reach
vrrnonie: it doesn't start til 10pm so we can grab some dinner
introverted ass: again, wtf
vrrnonie: love ya bestie 😘
introverted ass: 🙄✋🏻
true to his word, vernon did show up ten minutes later at your apartment front door.
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parking his mercedes-benz in one of the few empty spots, he then brought you to a diner he deemed to have the best burger in all of itaewon (of course that was after he let you finish doing your makeup, as he had promised you).
"so… how long have your friends been doing this whole underground boxing thing?" you asked, stabbing a few fries on a fork before shoving them into your mouth.
"oh, just one of them actually," vernon replied with his mouth half full of his beef burger. "wonwoo hyung acts as the manager while mingyu hyung and i are there as first aiders. occasionally, we'd help him train too. but, mingyu is the one he trains with since he works out more than i do."
"does this boxer friend of yours have a name?"
"i can't really say his actual name out here. but, his stage name is scoups!"
why does that stage name sound so familiar… you ponder.
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it's now 1230am and you've been out way longer than you should be (technically, more like longer than you wanted).
by right, shou should now be on your bed, cuddled up in your blanket as you binge whatever series or movies are available on the many streaming platforms offered.
yet, here you are - in an underground boxing ring somewhere in itaewon all because your best friend had decided you should spend more time outside.
the match was nearing its final round and based on what you've heard from the people sitting beside you (vernon had left to go to the locker rooms where his friends were; but had assured you everyone is respectable and won't try anything weird. it didn't reassure you completely to be left alone in the crowd, but any kind of reassurance is acceptable at this point), it seems that the two final boxers would be JK and scoups.
(you had also taken a lot of toilet breaks due to the overwhelming feeling of being in a crowd for an extended period of time)
you still ask yourself why the name 'scoups' sound so familiar…
it was only when the loud cheers snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you to shift your focus onto the ring that you finally realise why that name sounded so familiar.
because right in that boxing ring, stood an old face you've been longing to see for years.
choi seungcheol.
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taglist (i can't tag a few for some reason ㅠㅠ);
@yoonclip @1004luvangel @catjunhui @mystikha @spk93 @tinkerbell460 @yoozuku @dnylwoo @christinewithluv @limbomoon @plutoxxxworld @i-give-up-1234 @m1ngyuc0re @yunloyal @leclercloverbot @bettybeako @billboard-singer @ocyeanicc @krupyadoorrahe @seobinnieshi @xcynthiaaa @k411z @disneyprincesshuri @sunnyapp @khxsh @staygenezy @loufi8iepuff @ursweetener @noisypapergalaxy @wonwootakemyheart @sugainpinksweater @leah-rose03 @thisisnotthelastofus @yearnoclock
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lauraneedstochill · 1 year
“All yours” (modern!Aemond Targaryen, college au, part 1)
🔥 part 2: First time for everything
author’s note: the idea came out of NOWHERE. I reread my The Greens (modern!au) — and then this thing happened. to keep up with the tradition I’m posting it as it is (I may regret it when I wake up lmao), hopefully, some of you can enjoy this silliness! ✨ • Aemond doesn’t lose an eye but he still has a big scar (let’s pretend Luke missed by a couple of inches) • I originally said that he’d be into sports however I’m yet to pick a sport for him so the description is very vague (I’m open to suggestions!)
words: ~3000 (I TRIED to cut it short... but alas)
warnings: none, I think? they just swoon over each other (and a cheeky blond makes an appearance again ;)
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⋙ It’s impossible not to know who Aemond Targaryen is when pretty much every girl on campus has a crush on him. The tall athletic guy with chiseled cheekbones and bright eyes who wins one tournament after another, manages to stay at the top of his classes but barely talks to anyone and has a handful of friends. Even the scar on the left side of his face — a faded red stripe from his temple and down to the cheek — only adds to his appeal although you suspect it’s mostly due to people not knowing how he got said scar. Come to think of it, there isn’t much to know about him at all: he’s not on social media, rarely goes to parties, stays out of trouble and doesn’t even like his pictures being taken. There is a certain charm to that mystery yet you also can’t help but respect his intelligence and perseverance. (And you may find him attractive, but that’s a given.)
⋙ You share a few classes with him, and he usually sits nearby although you think it’s purely a coincidence. He once gave you his pen when you forgot yours, and he also sometimes stands behind you in line for coffee in the nearby cafeteria but you never really interact. You catch him looking at you a couple of times and you don’t think much of it. You might’ve thrown a glance or two at him, too, since there’s no crime in that.
⋙ You get paired up for a project by mere chance: your best friend fell sick and his mate missed the class for whatever reason so you and Aemond are the only ones without a partner, and Mr. Harrold tells you to work together. Aemond approaches you when the class is over.
“Hi” — “Hi” you say in unison. There’s a glint of a smile on his lips, his eyes studying your face.
“I’ve got two training sessions today, can we maybe start tomorrow?” he suggests.
“Sure, tomorrow sounds fine,” you nod. “Meet me in the library at 3?”
You quickly discuss the books you’ll need, and he casually asks for your number so you could text him the details. While you’re typing it, you miss the grin that appears on his face. Truth be told, you’re too busy thinking of how good his arms look with his sleeves rolled up.
⋙ The next day, he’s only five minutes late. You don’t even notice, wrapped up in reading, until he rushes in, a tad disheveled and very apologetic. You are about to tell him it’s no big deal when you notice blood on his hand — or more so on his knuckles. He looks like he wants to avoid the subject but you are truly shocked at the sight.
“Should I worry about the other guy?” you muster a smile, looking him over with concern.
“He deserved it,” Aemond mumbles as he sits next to you, averting his gaze.
He goes to dig some books out of his bag when you take his hand — you do so without thinking, it almost comes out as a reflex. While you examine his bruised skin, Aemond pretty much forgets how to breathe.
“It’s not that bad but will swell up in the morning, so you need to apply some ice,” you tell him, fingers gently brushing over his. “Here, this is the next best thing I can think of,” you grab your cup of iced coffee and put it to his knuckles. When you glance up at Aemond, you see him looking at you with a stunned face expression, and you realize that you might’ve overstepped a little.
“I’m sorry, you probably already know what to do without my advice,” you move to pull back the cup, but he suddenly covers your hand with his other palm.
“Don’t,” he breathes out. “This feels nice.”
Within a few seconds, his cheeks turn red.
“The ice, I mean, you were right about applying the ice,” he corrects himself, and you can’t help but smile wider. The most popular guy on campus is blushing because you held his hand, and there’s something very endearing about this moment. Or maybe it’s just him.
You push that thought away and divert the conversation to your assigned project. He keeps his hand intertwined with yours for the rest of the evening, both of you acting like it’s no big deal.
⋙ The next time you see him, he brings you coffee, and somehow he guesses your order perfectly. You meet up a few times a week, and he makes sure to come in time. Always prepared and polite, he buys you coffee regularly and insists on carrying all your books. You now sit together in classes, he shares his secret Spotify account with you and you learn that you share a passion for reading. Aemond also gives you his hoodie when he notices that you’re cold on your way out of the library one evening. He pulls the hoodie up over his head and his T-shirt comes up, too, exposing his lower abdomen and the tight lines of his abs. You take a deep, long breath, pretending that you didn’t see a thing.
And sometimes his hands brush yours and his gaze lingers on your face. But it’s another thing you try not to think of.
⋙ He mentions in passing that his training will get more intense as the competition season begins. At this point, you’ve been meeting for a couple of weeks pretty regularly, and you feel a slight twinge in your heart at the realization that you’ll see him less often. What you don’t expect is for him to stand you up. At any other time, you might’ve cut him some slack, but it just so happened that you are in a really bad mood since the moment you woke up, and him not answering your texts only rile you up.
You are so annoyed, you come into the locker room with little to no hesitation. Most of the guys already left but you still hear a couple of them whistling at you, and you flip them off. Aemond just got out of the shower and when you see him, he already has his jeans on and stands next to his locker searching for a clean shirt.
“Dude, your girl looks pissed,” one of his mates comments, and Aemond gives him a perplexed look. And then he turns to see you, your eyes burning holes in him, and his face pales.
“Oh, fuck,” he mutters. “We were supposed to meet, weren’t we?”
“Yep,” you drawl with a frown, and his face falls even more.
He doesn’t have time to explain as you hear another whistle.
“Nice ass,” it’s Jeff, one of the frat boys who’s famous for not keeping his hands to himself. You are about to shut him off but when Jeff looks up at you, his smirk disappears.
“Woah, I didn’t know it was you!” he raises his hands in defense. “My apologies to your ass,” he glances behind your back, terrified. “...To you, I mean my apologies to you!” he backs off. “Hey, it was meant as a compliment, tell your boyfriend I’m not his punching bag!”
“You need to google what a compliment is, you idiot,” you scoff at him, and Jeff all but runs off.
The room is awkwardly quiet, and Aemond’s friends quickly get out, leaving you two alone. He barely has time to open his mouth before you press your hand to his chest, making him stumble back purely out of surprise.
“Care to explain what the hell was that?” you hiss at him, your gaze burning. “My boyfriend?!”
“I didn’t say that, he made an assumption,” Aemond clarifies.
“Jeff was the one you got into a fight with?” you suddenly figure out. “But why?”
“He was talking shit about you,” he says, clearly displeased.
“And you decided it was worth a fight? I could not care less if he — ”
“I do,” Aemond cuts you off. “And I think it was worth it,” he punctuates with so much certainty, it takes you aback.
In the next second, you realize that your hand is still on his bare chest — it’s warm and toned, his muscles tense under your touch — and you are standing very close to each other. It’s very, very hard not to think of.
“Um, thank you, I guess,” you step back with your gaze still on him. “I-I shouldn’t have barged in here, it wasn’t very —”
One of your legs bumps into a bench, your eyes widen — and you are about to trip over when Aemond catches you. With a blink of an eye, his hands are on your waist as he brings you closer again, and this time the distance between you two is even shorter. You involuntarily look at his lips and when you glance back up, you catch him looking at yours.
If he kisses you right now, you won’t mind. In fact, you will probably enjoy it. Probably a lot.
Aemond clears his throat and pulls back.
“I’m sorry that I stood you up, the coach didn’t let us rest for a minute,” he explains with a repentant tone. “I wanted to send you a text, I really did. And then it just went out of my head.”
“It’s fine, I get it,” you give him a wan smile. “You warned me that you would be busy.”
“Still, it was rude on my part,” he insists. “You have any plans for the evening? We can still go to the library, I’m all yours for today.”
The way he phrases it makes your heart skip a bit. You bite the inside of your cheek to concentrate.
“They closed earlier,” you sigh. “Something about updating the catalog.”
Aemond only thinks for a second.
“I, um... Live close by. Maybe you can come over? No one will bother us there,” his smile looks sheepish and unsure but there’s a hint of eagerness in his voice. And he is still very much half-naked.
“I happen to be completely free,” you say as your concentration goes out of the window.
⋙ Aemond apologizes again, profusely. He gives apologies in the locker room, on your way out, in the cab — and when you get out of the car and he opens his mouth again — you turn and firmly place your hand over it.
“I think I got it the first time,” you tell him, and he looks amused with your act.
You feel him smiling, his lips tickling your palm, and you move your fingers away as your cheeks heat up.
“Quite fierce, aren’t you,” he remarks.
You don’t notice a sidewalk curb but Aemond does — his hand finds yours when you are a moment away from stumbling again, and he tugs you closer. He doesn’t comment on it, asking you about your day instead. There are a few other parts of your body where you want him to put his hands on, you think.
⋙ His apartment is unexpectedly huge — four bedrooms and a living room, high ceilings and large windows, and you can’t hide your bewilderment. He half-heartedly explains that his dad left it to them after the divorce.
“Oh, so it’s not just yours,” you conclude, relieved. “Makes it look like less of a palace.”
“I have my own, actually,” he almost looks ashamed, and you find his modesty ever so adorable. “I’ve repainted the walls, and the place needs some air. So I’m crushing here at the moment.”
He tells you that his older brother Aegon mostly hangs out in his gallery, Helaena took a week off to visit her friends, and you already know that their youngest — Daeron — studies abroad.
“Mum recently moved in with her boyfriend,” Aemond nonchalantly adds while showing you to his room.
You realize that it’s just the two of you. The thought of it warms up the lower part of your body, anticipation tingling in your abdomen, but you do your best to keep it together.
Luckily, you get easily distracted by the beautiful interior, his sister’s plants and paintings, and rows of photos on the walls, and you try not to gawk at the surroundings. Aemond tries not to gawk at you. You both fail.
“Feel yourself at home, I’ll go look for my charger,” his hand grazes your back after he opens the door. Aemond leaves you standing but the feeling of his touch remains. You have to pinch yourself to get back to reality.
⋙ You see his bookshelf that stretches from one end of the room to the other, and excitement bubbles in your chest as you rush to take a closer look. There’s a plethora of books of all colors and genres, paperback and hardcover, and you energetically look through the rows filled with them. You reach for one of the books on the upper berth, standing on your tiptoes but it causes you to lose balance. The only reason you don’t fall flat on your back is because Aemond’s hand swiftly lands on your waist, steading you. He turns you around to him, and your faces are suddenly only inches apart.
“Are you always this clumsy?” he chuckles lightly, his breath fanning over your skin.
Only when you are around, apparently.
Aemond’s lips part, his brows raising, and he stares at you, surprised. And then you realize that you said it out loud. Before you get a chance to correct yourself, he lets out a laugh, and you feel your face flushing. You close your eyes in embarrassment, trying to steady your breath, and his laughter dies down. He firmly locks his hands around you.
“What’s on your mind?” Aemond murmurs after a minute of silence.
You, you, you. Fearing that there’s still a chance that you are misreading the situation, you vaguely respond:
“A lot of things,” but your voice comes out strained and quiet.
When you don’t hear him replying, you open your eyes — your gaze immediately meeting his. The warmth from his hands slips into your body.
“You know what I’m thinking about?” Aemond asks in a low tone, his eyes a shade darker in this lightning. You shake your head because talking seems like an actual challenge right now.
“Kissing you,” he confesses, maintaining eye contact.
You inhale sharply, a wave of relief washing over you. And then something else sparkles inside, tightening your chest, and the well-known burning sensation blossoms right under your navel.
“You should,” you tell Aemond, and it’s the only confirmation he needs.
He crashes his lips into yours with fervor, pulling your chest flush against his and knocking the breath from your lungs. His hand cups your face, guiding you even closer, his mouth greedy and intent with its every movement, and your head goes dizzy with longing. The kiss is both tender and heated, and you lose yourself in the moment, only thinking of how soft and supple his lips are, and how ineffably good they feel.
“I’ve wanted to do this for a while,” Aemond mumbles against your mouth.
“Only been a month,” you manage to say while his lips move from your jaw to your neck.
“Long before that,” his words burn the spot just below your ear, making you shiver. “Ever since you argued with Mr. Harrold that Zelda Fitzgerald wrote ‘The Great Gatsby’ and her husband was a total — hmm, how did you call him? Yeah, a total nitwit,” he cackles.
You glance at him with your mouth ajar:
“Aemond, that was last semester.”
“I didn’t know how to approach you,” he admits, abashed. “And I didn’t want it to be weird or to mess it up and — ”
You shut him off with another kiss, and he hums in satisfaction. His thumb softly rubs your cheek while he deepens the kiss, his mouth exploring yours. His other hand dares to move lower, squeezing your hip and making you sigh at the alacrity of his. It’s simultaneously overwhelming and not enough but he still holds back a little, not crossing the line just yet.
“Wow, can’t believe this is finally happening!”
You break the kiss, startled by someone’s voice. A blond guy is leaning on the door frame, a pair of glasses and a grin on his face. Aemond groans into your shoulder, his hands moving to your waist.
“It’s Y/N, right? I’m this dipshit’s brother,” he shamelessly walks closer and extends a hand. You reluctantly go for a handshake, but he plants a quick kiss on yours.
“Aegon,” Aemond says with a warning tone.
“Oh, don’t grumble at me, I’ve been listening to you talk about her for months,” his brother’s smile widens. “Now Hel owes me 50 bucks.”
“Why is that?” you squint at him.
“We made a bet. I said he’d grow a pair and ask you out before the year ends. Glad I was right,” he snickers.
“Well, technically...,” you can help but laugh.
“He still didn’t?” Aegon fakes a gasp. “I apologize on his behalf, I taught him better than that!”
“Can you please fuck off already?” Aemond glares at him, irritated, and Aegon rolls his eyes but takes the hint.
“Alright, I’ll leave you to it, kids,” he winks at you and walks away.
“I like him,” you exclaim.
“I don’t,” Aemond retorts and pulls you in for a kiss as soon as the door closes. “But I will let him win the bet.”
“Is that so?” you cock your head with a smile.
“Yeah,” he pauses, his face getting serious, and he almost looks scared while asking: “Will you go on a date with me?”
“I’d love to,” you agree without a second thought, and his lips twitch upward, making your heart swell with affection. “Where do you plan on taking me?”
“I’ve got a few ideas,” Aemond says cryptically, his eyes never leaving yours. “May be more than just one date,” he sounds both daring and pleading. You gently trace the line of his scar, and he relaxes at the movement.
“So you are all mine for a while, huh?” you joyfully assume, earning a laugh from him, and he leans in, his hand lovingly caressing your face.
“For as long as you’ll have me,” he whispers before closing the distance between your lips. ➡ part 2: First time for everything
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• listen, I looked at his face and I thought there’s no way girls won’t find him attractive, with or without a scar. so yeah, this version of Aemond is more confident. I may do a second part? maybe more headcanons (love confessions, meeting his family, moving in together, etc.)
• I kinda want to write for Aegon, too... I mean, just look at the original photo and tell me he doesn’t seem like the sweetest fuckboy ever! tagging @greenowlfactif, @kyuupidwrites since you asked (I hope that’s fine 🥺)
✨ recent fic: “My first choice” (she’s Aegon’s bestie, inspired by “Little women”) 💌 my masterlist English is not my first language, so feel free to message me if you spot any major mistakes!
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okay so lately I have seen a lot of people claim they hate mammon bc he steals from mc, and like there's nothing wrong with disliking a character lol but I don't recall mammon ever stealing from mc?? like the only thing I can think of is that one time in season 1 I think where he was going through their stuff and said he was looking for something to sell (I think?? it's been a while) and beel straight up calling him a liar lmao l'm just wondered if I missed something? or if this is just newer players who maybe misunderstood that one scene? and I figured if anyone would know it would be you lmao
I got so fucking pissed about this (not at you anon <3) cos this is the third time I got an ask like this, that I scrolled all the way down my 'Obey Me Mammon' tag to June/July 2020 and then slowly scrolled my way up pulling all the receipts I could.....I saw this immediately after you sent it and I just finished now...... turns out it takes 5 straight hours to go through my Mammon tag😶
I have answered this exact same ask twice before and I can only assume it's new people? Like honestly you can't play the game for a long time and still think this (they prove this false within the game in LESSON FOUR)
Not only does Mammon NOT steal from MC, he also:
a.) Gets legitimate/legal jobs whenever he wants to buy MC something (which is pretty frequently)
b.) Shares the money with them when he comes into a large sum of money
But anyway here are the links to the posts talking about all this:
(everything is directly taken from canon or based off canon)
A.) No he doesn't steal from MC
• Full Summary of the Lesson 4 locked chapter where he goes through MC's stuff and a compare and contrast of what we know about Mammon from future lessons, events, devilgrams
• First post talking about this, goes more into detail about him not stealing from them
• Second shorter post about how he doesn't steal from them
• They're literally Partners in Crime
• He straight up refuses the Midas touch (multiple times I believe) after realising it means he won't be able to touch MC anymore
• HEADCANON that maybe he steals/borrows their clothes, with their knowledge, to wear
• In the small introductory manga page they say the thing he likes as much as money is MC
• In S3 he admits to loving MC more than he loves money
B.) He goes out of his way to get MC Presents (which we works actual jobs to earn money for)
• Mammon at the Office Devilgram, where he gets an actual office job so he can buy MC a watch he saw them looking at
• In the Movie Date Devilgram he rents out an entire theatre for the two of them because it was the anniversary of the day they first met
• In the You Always Ride Shotgun Devilgram he rents out a pool for the two of them
• He's always giving MC presents
• Usually he buys matching things for them
• He buys them shoes in their favourite colour
• Mammon's love language
• He wants to share his winnings from a lottery with MC
• He finds a secret second map in the pirate au event and tells only MC so they can share the treasure
C.) It's not just MC, he puts the others before Money too
• In the Presents From Mammon Devilgram he buys presents for everyone
• In The Guardian Demon Devilgram he saves a 9yr old orphaned homeless human girl from a mugger, fosters her and plans to pay for all her needs until she's an adult/can provide for herself - which is why he's always in debt to the three witches who look after her for him, there's also extortion going on from them towards him
• He'd rather lose the entire fortune he won than make Luke upset
• List of times he's put others before money
• He straight up tells Luke he doesn't mind missing out on a reward as long as it means Luke is alright
• Socks for Beel
• He gets a stone for his birthday which can give him whatever he wishes for, he wishes for fortune to come to whoever has the stone and then gives the stone to a student who tried to hurt him
D.) How Mammon works as a character
• Solmare makes you form certain expectations about him and then starts breaking them within the next few lessons and it's amazing to witness
• Friendship, Actions & Reality Vs Calling MC 'Servant'
• Mammon, MC and their Friendship
• Mammon being smart and why he comes off as an idiot
• His thoughts about himself vs MC
• He's actively changing and growing as a character and he knows it
• How Mammon actually views himself
• Why there's a difference in his level of affection in public vs privately
• Jerk with a heart of gold trope but better
• Mammon and how much he cares about consent
• How outsiders see Mammon vs how people from the city see Mammon vs how his close friends and family see him
• Chasing some creep away from MC
• How his relationship with MC changes and grows throughout the season
E.) Other reasons to love him
• Examples of how much he loves MC
• How supportive he & MC are of each other
• Some of his funniest moments
• He's objectively terrifying
• Mammon being a good brother
• He's extremely ride or die for MC
• He waits for MC when they've got to stay late at RAD for other work
• Despite being an ancient being all his best memories consist of the time he's spent with MC
• He created a whole line of toys based around missing MC
• Everything he says about loving MC in his 2022 birthday event
• List of things he's good at
• The amount he loves MC
And this is just a few of my posts about mammon, his character and what there's to love about him
And look it's MORE than okay for people to dislike a character but at least dislike them for something that actually happened?
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missydischa · 3 months
Hey... how would Aaron react if he sees a kid getting bullied. And about the time he fought the prototypes cult, could you fill us in on that?
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Aaron doesn't really interact with people a lot, he mostly stays in his little lake and chills with his buddy Mella(the human's name). If he WERE to witness a sight of bullying, he would probably try to scare the bullies off by towering over them behind the victim protectively. Of course he needs to make sure he doesn't freak out the victim, too. (for size reference the tiny creature there is a CHILD, it's hard to keep his height difference consistent TTwTT)
As for the time he "fought" prototype's cult, well... it was a wrong spot-wrong time situation.
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He usually never goes relic-hunting/ruin-exploring on his own because he is PRONE to getting distracted by literally everything. In this case he found a pretty glowing gem with a peculiar shape.
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The issue was the cult sent out scouts to find that gem because it's a mystic relic, similiar to the gem Aaron wears on his tailfin. So yeah, they saw him take it first and were not gonna take that, especially since Aaron was alone...
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Only that Aaron wouldn't stay down for very long. I'm not sure if you saw the tiny detail where the 'amulet' on Aaron's arm actually has an eye instead of a gem. He called it Shu too, that's because that thing on his arm is a parasite. It feeds off Aaron and in return 'protects' him. Protection in this case means that it can temporarily take over Aaron's mind and fight for him without any hesitation its host would have. His fighting style in this state is quite animalistic. As you can see with the unfortunate follower losing her arm and getting crushed under his palm... don't worry, the other followers present were next.
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Since I'm assuming you saw my other posts. Aaron said they were 'in pieces' when he came to. When Shu takes over it's like a blackout to Aaron he won't remember what happened, he only sees the aftermath. He argued with Shu a couple of times because, despite it being sometimes unavoidable, he hates fighting especially the killing kind.
Aaron belongs to me
SpaceRider AU + Prototype Cultists belong to @onyxonline
Yeah so that's all I got right now. ThAnk you so much for the ask, you have no idea how excited I was when I saw the message in my inbox!!!! ♥♥♥
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asirensrage · 1 year
A Bet's a Bet - Kyojuro x Reader x Tengen oneshot
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Title: A Bet's a Bet Rating: Explicit Fandom: Demon Slayer Pairing: Uzui Tengen x Female!Reader x Rengoku Kyojuro (side Kyojuro x Tengen) Warnings: Smut. Threesome. A bit ooc. Oral. Swearing. Sex. (Seriously. Heed the rating.) Unbeta’d.
Summary: Modern!AU. A night at Laser Tag goes from potential disaster to something incredible.
Notes: This is based on this post with @comatosebunny09. This turned out longer than I planned because the characters kept running away from me and doing their own thing. I was just along for the ride. This is also a little more detailed than usual (but it had to be because of the logistics of this). These men will be the death of me lol. Unbeta'd so please forgive any errors. As usual, undescribed/unnamed female reader. Enjoy and please lmk what you think!
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Laser tag. Fucking laser tag. 
“Come on! It’ll be fun!” Your friend pleads with you. 
“I don’t want to go play against a bunch of kids,” you say. It’s a lie. The truth is you have no desire to go on what you know is a set-up double date with her boyfriend and one of his friends. The same one you’ve already told her you’re not interested in. 
“Please! I promise I’ll never ask for anything ever again. Just come! Have some fun! I promise that there’s not even any kids there, it’s just adults. They’re running longer games now.” 
You stare at her dubiously but then she uses that same pleading look that you know has gotten her out of multiple speeding tickets. “Fine. This is the last time, got it?”
“I promise!” 
Somehow, you doubt that. 
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You were right in the fact that it ended up being some fake double date that you didn’t agree to. Her boyfriend brought a friend, the same one you knew he would, and they gave you both some space to talk. Even when you didn’t want to. Thankfully, she was alright right in the fact that you weren’t surrounded by some kids. There were other adults playing. You caught a glimpse of the group that went in ahead of yours, catching sight of broad shoulders and bright hair.
Thankfully the place seems huge and it’s dark. As soon as you get in, you ditch your group. You’re not about to spend the next twenty minutes having the guy trail you while trying to convince you he’s good at this. 
You forgot how much fun laser tag is. You spend some time running and ducking for cover. You haven’t seen your friend but it’s only a matter of time. As soon as you find her, you’re taking them all out. As much as you can, at least. 
You step backwards as someone comes running and jump as you bump into someone. 
“Sorry about that!” they say. You turn and aim. 
You can barely make out his blond hair under the dark lights but he has an easy smile and isn’t aiming his gun at you. “No problem,” you say. 
“Might be fortunate,” he grins. His eyes glance down at the blue light that marks your vest. His was marked with red. “We’re unfortunately not on the same team but I won’t shoot.”
You frown slightly, confused. “Why not?” 
“Maybe I want to stay on your good side.”
You smile slightly at the flirtation. It wasn’t completely easy to tell with the way the lights changed and the noise of people yelling at each other. 
“I caught some of your movements. Are you looking for someone in particular?”
“Yeah, my friend.” You describe her quickly. “I’m going to make sure she loses. Badly.” His eyebrows raise at your tone and both of you duck as soon as you hear someone come close. “She roped me into coming and surprised me with a double date, with someone I already told her I wasn’t interested in.” 
“That’s not kind of her,” he says. 
“Nope. So she’s going down.” 
“Would you like help?” 
“You any good?”
“Allow me to show you.” 
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Kyojuro, as he introduces himself, is fantastic. He moves with apparent ease through the arena, yanking you out of the way a couple of times and pulling you tight against his chest. He apologizes the first time but when you tell him it’s fine, he does not stop. The strength in the movements has you more flustered than you expected.  
You find the friend of the boyfriend and both of you shoot him before running for it. You’re still searching for your friend when someone suddenly appears before you. You shoot instantly.
“Good shot!”  
Kyojuro steps in front of you and you glance back to make sure you’re not being cornered. 
“Kyo!” The man in front of him says. “Found something interesting, have you?”
 “I might have!” Kyojuro steps to the side. “Allow me to introduce you,” he says, motioning towards you. “This is one of my friends, Tengen.” Tengen is huge. You can make out enough to tell that he’s tall and extremely built, but he doesn’t set off your instincts telling you you’re in danger. He grins at you, seemingly not upset at the fact that you shot him. 
“Think you can do it again?” 
“Maybe,” you say not giving any promises because he's not your main target but you couldn't resist.
“Of course, she can!” Kyojuro says. You smile at the confidence he has in you. 
“Then why don't we make a bet?” Tengen leans closer. “Winner take all. If I win with the top ranking, you come out for dinner with us.” He motions towards Kyojuro and himself. That would at least get you out of going to dinner with your friend. 
“And if I win?" you ask.
“You shoot me again, you can have anything you want.” 
“Alright,” you agree. You don’t know what you’d ask for but you could decide later. 
Tengen winks at both of you before he somehow disappears back into the shadows. You look around quickly, but you can’t see him anywhere. 
“How the hell did he do that?” 
“Don’t ask,” Kyojuro says. “Better not to know. Come on, let’s find your friend.” 
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You both manage to find your friend and her boyfriend and stalk them, shooting them repeatedly and laughing when they’re unable to catch you. That’s thanks due to Kyojuro, but you have the feeling that Tengen is somehow helping you both. You never see him though and when the lights finally turn on, all of you are ushered out to the leaderboard. Standing at rank 1 with a new high score is Tengen. Of course, it is. 
You finally get a good look at Kyojuro. He’s tall and well-built, getting out of his vest with the ease of having done this before. He turns to help you. You try not to stare but his eyes are as vibrant as his hair and when he grins at you knowingly, your stomach flutters. You glance around to figure out which one Tengen is when you’re distracted as someone calls your name.
“There you are!” 
You turn to see your friend coming up to you, her boyfriend and your unwanted date following. 
“I thought we were supposed to do this together, but you ran off.” Your friend says, her gaze flickering to the man beside you. Kyojuro turned with you to face them but he’s quiet now, letting you choose how to respond. 
“Is the whole point of laser tag to not be seen?” You ask. “Besides, I made allies.”
“I can see that,” she says. “Are you ready to go?”
An arm settles itself over your shoulders before you can answer and you find yourself pulled slightly into a large body. You glance up, catching sight of white hair and ruby-coloured eyes that wink down at you. 
“I’m afraid we’re going to be stealing her,” the man holding you says. Tengen, you realize as you recognize the voice. 
“What?” Your friend looks alarmed, gaze going between the three of you as Kyojuro moves slightly closer. 
“My friend and yours made a bet,” Kyojuro says. “If Tengen made top rank, she would join us for dinner tonight.”
“Not only did I rank number one, but I broke a new record. Quite flashy, don’t you agree?” 
It takes a second for you to realize he’s talking to you. “Oh yeah, absolutely.” 
Your friend looks unimpressed at you but considering you didn’t want to be here in the first place and she surprised you into this faux double date, you’re not that bothered by it. 
“Sorry,” you say. “A bet’s a bet, right? Besides, we can have dinner another time.” You raise your eyebrows at her, daring her to protest. 
“We came here together,” she says slowly. “How will you get home?”
“We’ll drive her,” Tengen says. 
“We’ll make sure she gets home safely.” It sounds like a promise coming from Kyojuro. 
“I’ll be fine,” you tell her. “Don’t worry. I’ll text you, okay?”
She looks at you warily but nods. “Okay. Make sure you do.” She looks at the men on either side of you. “You better not hurt her or I swear to God…” 
“We won’t,” Kyojuro says. “Would you like to take a picture of us? Just in case.”
She looks as surprised at the offer as you are but she agrees. Kyojuro wraps an arm around your waist and smiles. You feel Tengen pose next to you but she takes what’s likely more than one picture. “Okay. If you murder her, I’ll find you.”
Tengen laughs. “Don’t worry, if she screams, it won’t be from murder.” 
You can see your friend’s boyfriend’s jaw drop at the blatant insinuation and your friend’s eyes widen before she grins at you. She moves forward and hugs you tightly before whispering, “Tell me everything tomorrow, okay?”
You laugh and wave her off, promising to contact her. You watch as they leave and Kyojuro slips away to say goodbye to their friends. Tengen doesn’t drop his arm since you haven’t shaken him off. Its weight is oddly comforting.
“You really didn’t want to go with them, did you?” Tengen asks. 
You look up at him. “No. I basically got tricked into a double date with her boyfriend's friend. It’s not the first time either and I already told her I wasn’t interested. Spending dinner with you two is a much more preferable choice, even if we did just meet.” 
He bends down slightly to get closer to you. “Well then, we’ll just have to make it worth your while, won’t we?” 
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They take you to a restaurant that is within walking distance. The men walk on either side of you, drawing you into conversation and telling you about how they became friends. You can’t help but laugh as Tengen expresses the admiration he felt when he met Kyojuro, simply for how the man dealt with one of their abrasive friends Sanemi. You think you can see Kyojuro redden as Tengen teases but the conversation pauses as you reach the restaurant. It’s cute and busy. You don’t know how they manage it, but the men get you a booth. Once you agree, you find yourself encased between them again when you sit down. 
Despite the size of them and the way they seem to tower over you even sitting, you don’t feel diminished between them. They keep you engaged in conversation, asking questions about your life while sharing more about theirs. Kyojuro promises that his hair is completely natural and tells you it’s because his ancestors loved tempura. It makes you laugh. 
“You have a gorgeous laugh, angel,” Tengen says, leaning slightly so his lips are closer to your ear. 
“You think so?” You ask, turning slightly to grin at him. You’re still not entirely sure where their attraction was coming from, but you weren’t opposed to it. Especially since neither of them seemed bothered by the other. You wonder to yourself if they’ve done this before. 
“Definitely.” You see his eye glance down at your lips but before either of you can do more than look, the waitress comes back with your orders. 
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“Here, try this.” 
You turn to Kyojuro who’s holding up a bite of his meal. He nods, moving it slightly closer but ultimately waiting for your response. You lean forward, meeting his eyes as you take a bite. He watches you carefully and you’re distracted from the weight of his stare by the taste of his meal. “Wow.”
“It’s delicious, right?” 
“It is!” You grin at him, gaze flicking down to his mouth before you meet his eyes again. Your breath hitches in your throat. He leans forward slowly, putting the utensil down. 
“May I kiss you?” he asks softly. 
You feel Tengen shift behind you. His chin rests slightly on your shoulder. “You should, angel,” Tengen says. “He’s a fantastic kisser.” Your mind goes blank slightly at the thought of how Tengen knows that but you nod. 
Kyojuro reaches over and touches your jaw slightly. Your eyes close as he gets close and his lips brush against yours gently. His kiss is soft at first, just testing the waters. Tengen pushes you slightly, pressing you closer to Kyojuro who opens his mouth and deepens the kiss. It’s easy to lose yourself in it, especially with the heat of Tengen at your back whose hand slides up your arm. 
When you break the kiss, you meet Kyojuro’s eyes. His pupils are blown wide and he grins at you. He darts forward, kissing you quickly again before he pulls back. “Like I said, delicious.” 
Tengen laughs behind you and you turn to face him better, wanting to make sure he wasn’t feeling left out. 
“Was I right?” he asks, nudging you slightly. 
“I might need some more convincing,” you tease, unwilling to give in that easily. 
Tengen just grins. “How about a comparison?” He bends down, capturing your lips with his. His palm is warm against the small of your back and you can feel Kyojuro’s thigh pressing against yours as Tengen takes control of the kiss. He kisses like he’s trying to get a rise out of you, as though he’s attempting to find out the exact way to make you moan against him. You break the kiss first, unwilling to forget where you are and end up embarrassing yourself. He looks at you like he knows. Tengen looks over your head at Kyojuro. “You were right, it’s delicious.”
Kyojuro laughs. 
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Dinner ends with Tengen’s hand on your thigh, fingers curling on the inside, tapping out a beat in his mind that leaves you squirming slightly, wishing he went higher. You suspect that if you were in a skirt or dress, his hands would tease higher against your skin. Kyojuro keeps taking the chance to kiss you and winds his fingers between yours, holding your hand. They continue to check in, making sure that you’re comfortable with every action they take. You’re aware of some of the looks the three of you are getting, but both Tengen and Kyojuro don’t seem bothered by them and continue to distract you by asking questions and telling stories. 
“Come home with us?” Tengen asks after their refusal to let you chip in for dinner. The three of you are standing outside the restaurant. 
“You don’t have to,” Kyojuro says. “We can simply take you home, but we’ve enjoyed this and would like to continue. Only if you’re interested.” 
Tengen throws an arm over Kyojuro’s shoulders. “What do you say? Want to continue? See how flashy the night can get?” 
You look at the way they are completely at ease with each other, how there’s absolutely no pressure to say yes. Every single moment since you’ve met them, they’ve been careful to be mindful of what you want and ask if it was okay. You get the sense that if you said no, they’d stay true to their word and take you home with no hard feelings, numbers still exchanged. These men had made a shit situation a hell of a lot better and now were promising to make your night something to remember. 
You smile at them both. “Absolutely.” 
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Kyojuro’s apartment is closest. 
You take Tengen’s car and Kyojuro sits in the back. Another step to make sure you feel comfortable, that you’re not just being carted off to one of their places. You text your friend on the way, telling her you’re going home with them. The encouragement your friend sends back makes you grin. You promise to check in with her later before locking your phone. 
“Everything alright?” Kyojuro asks, leaning forward between the seats. 
“Yeah,” you say, glancing between them both. “Have you two done this a lot?” You can’t help but ask. Especially with how comfortable they are with each other, with you kissing both of them. 
Tengen shrugs. “Kyo and I aren’t necessarily exclusive,” he says. “We both want more. There’s no shame in having more love to offer as long as everyone’s okay with it.”
“You are okay with it, aren’t you?” Kyojuro asks, sounding slightly hesitant. 
“I am,” you assure. “I just…I’ve never slept with two people at once. You might have to show me the ropes.”
“And here I thought we’d save the ropes for the next date,” Tengen says dryly.
You laugh. “The next date?”
“Sure,” he says. “We’ll just have to show you we’re worth it.”
“We like you,” Kyojuro grins at you. “Why wouldn’t we want to continue?”
“Maybe I’m terrible in bed?” you offer teasingly. 
Tengen glances at you. “We’re not.” 
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They prove it too. 
Kyojuro’s apartment isn’t too large but it is instantly comforting with warm colours and tasteful decoration, even if it is a little sparse. Both men move through it with ease and Kyojuro offers you both a drink to help you get settled. The drink he hands you is unopened, and you sip at it before settling on the couch next to Tengen. 
Kyojuro settles in next to you and for a moment you bask in this strange sense of comfort and warmth between these two men. The two of them are talking, letting you take your time. You get the feeling that they’re just waiting until you let them know you’re ready for more. It’s so wholesome, especially considering they basically promised to fuck you senseless. You want to see if they live up to it. 
You lean forward, setting your drink down before you glance between them. Considering you’ve kissed Kyojuro the most so far, you turn towards Tengen.
He raises his eyebrows at you, smirking slightly as he waits. 
“Can I sit on you?” you ask, offering the same politeness that they’ve given you. Consent needs to be verbally enthusiastic after all. 
Tengen grins and nods, putting his drink down before he beckons you closer. His hands grip at your waist, helping lift you with ease. Your legs go to either side of his, allowing you to straddle him. You glance at Kyojuro who simply moves closer and watches. Tengen’s hand slips under your shirt, thumb stroking soft circles on the skin of the small of your back. “We’re not going to push you into anything, angel,” he says softly. “At least anything you don’t want.” 
“And if I want everything?” you ask, fiddling gently with his shirt. 
The hand not on your back tilts your face to look up at him. “Then ask.”
“I want you both,” you breathe, meeting his dark red eyes. “If you want me.”
“Of course we do,” Kyojuro says. “Since you bumped into me.”
“Since you shot me,” Tengen agrees. His hand slides to the back of your neck and he leans down to kiss you. If he kissed you with careful control in the restaurant, this was something else. It’s harder, more demanding and yet he seems to remember everything that made you hum against his lips. “Don’t hold back,” he whispers when he finally breaks the kiss, letting you breathe. 
“If it’s too much, let us know,” Kyojuro says before he leans forward and takes Tengen’s place. Kyojuro kisses hard, full of passion and desperation. He kisses you like he never wants to stop. You can’t help but whine when he pulls back. You rock forwards, feeling Tengen growing harder under you. 
“Now that’s a sight,” he says, eyes flickering between you two. “Beautiful.” 
Your breath hitches as he turns to Kyojuro and you suddenly witness them kiss. Whatever sight Tengen thought he saw with you and Kyojuro, it couldn’t come close to the sight of them. They kissed like they’ve done it a hundred times before and still couldn’t get enough of each other. You grind your hips lightly, searching for more friction and reach for Kyojuro’s hand. He grips your hand back, just as tight. 
Tengen’s hand presses harder against your back, helping to guide you in increasing your motions and he groans against Kyojuro’s mouth. 
“Fuck,” you mutter. 
Kyojuro laughs, pulling away to look at you. “Enjoying it?”
“You’re both just so pretty,” you admit. 
Tengen laughs. “Come now, you’re wearing too much.” His gaze darts to Kyojuro. “Both of you are.” 
It’s easy to give in. You grab the end of your shirt and drag it up over your head. You throw it to the side, completely unaware as both the men look at you. Their gazes are heated, Kyojuro’s tongue darting out to lick his lips. You think he does it unconsciously but your stomach flutters with pride and confidence at their expressions and you quickly take off your bra too. 
Tengen’s hand is large and warm, the calluses on his fingers and palm scrape against your skin as he drags his hand up your side. You shiver at the feeling, only to be distracted as Kyojuro kisses you again. 
It’s almost overwhelming. The strength of Tengen’s thighs under you, the feeling of his hands dancing a pattern you can’t focus on over your skin while Kyojuro sucks marks on your shoulder. Tengen kisses you again and you feel Kyojuro’s hand go from your thigh to his. 
“We need more space,” Tengen mutters. “Hold on, princess.” He lifts you, ignoring the sound you make at the loss of him until he places you in Kyojuro’s lap. Kyojuro, for his part, grins widely at you, pulling you closer before kissing you again. You dig your hands into his hair, kissing him back just as hard. 
“Bedroom,” Tengen says, offering a hand. Kyojuro hikes you closer before he stands, one arm under your ass. You wrap your legs around him but he doesn’t seem to struggle in the slightest in carrying you. Tengen leads you both down a hall. Or somewhere. You’re not entirely paying attention, too busy sucking your own mark into Kyojuro’s neck. His grip tightens against you. 
Kyojuro releases you, letting you gently fall against the bed. Tengen moves in, drawing you towards him as he kneels on the bed. You move to follow, pausing only to undo your pants once you notice he’s naked. You motion for him to wait as you lie back to shimmy out of them. He hooks a finger on the edge, helping you. Kyojuro grabs the ends, pulling them towards him. He’s already naked as well, taking the chance when you were distracted by Tengen. 
Your mouth goes dry as you take in their muscles. You knew they were strong but it’s different seeing them like this. “Wow.”
“I think we’re the ones who should be saying that,” Kyojuro says. “Don’t you agree, Tengen?”
“I’m lucky either way,” the other man admits. You turn back to him. He’s sitting back on his heels, watching you both. “Come here,” he beckons you closer like he did before. You move towards him, aware of the bed dipping behind you. Tengen pulls you into him, kissing you softly as his hands slide across your skin. They go up your thighs, following the dip of your hips and waist before cupping your breasts gently. “So pretty,” he murmurs. 
Kyojuro moves behind you, kissing the spot where your neck meets your shoulder. You lean back against him, smiling at the warmth of the men that seeps into you. You move one of your hands over your shoulder, digging back into Kyojuro’s hair. He groans as you grip it, hands tightening at your waist. You drape your other one over Tengen’s shoulder, stroking the skin softly as his mouth lowers to encase one of your nipples. 
You lose yourself in the sensations the men cause. One of Kyojuro’s hands slips between your legs, pressing in and stroking gently. 
“So wet already,” he tells Tengen. He presses in further and you shift to give him more room. He finds your clit with surprising ease and you feel yourself arch into it. It helps push you closer to Tengen who is lavishing your chest with attention, gently biting and sucking hard to leave his mark. 
You groan when Kyojuro removes his fingers, sucking them into his mouth. How are you supposed to survive this? Especially when he swipes them back between your legs before offering them to Tengen who takes them without hesitation. Kyojuro leans forward over you, kissing Tengen. The thought that they can both taste you on their lips is hotter than you ever realized it would be. Your hands move, mapping out the crevices and dips of their muscles, absent-mindedly wondering how you got this lucky. You don’t question it though, instead, once they stop kissing, you motion for them to give you some space. 
They both instantly apologize if they squished you.
“What a way to go,” you muse, smiling as they laugh. Tengen reaches over to pinch you and you jolt back, sticking out your tongue. 
“I want to taste you,” you say. You move closer, bending down slightly. You reach for Kyojuro, fingers wrapping around his cock and watching as his eyes flutter closed at the feeling. You lick at Tengen’s, using your other hand to hold him. It takes a bit to find a rhythm and neither man seems to mind as you go back and forth, taking your time to try to take in as much of each of them as you can. 
Tengen’s hand rests on the back of your neck, oddly comforting as you suck him. Kyojuro’s hand joins yours, stroking what bits you can’t reach. Tengen groans, praising you both for making him feel so good. “You take us so well, angel,” he tells you. 
Kyojuro is louder in his moans when you use your mouth, holding himself steady on Tengen as you lick and suck. These two powerful men crumble under your mouth. You’ve never felt so powerful, or so desirable with the way they look at you. 
“Please, sweet thing,” Kyojuro begs, “let me take care of you too.” 
He begs so prettily, and you think Tengen agrees with how he watches you both. You nod and Kyojuro motions for you to turn your attention back to the other man. You feel him move behind you as you go back to trying to take as much of Tengen’s cock in your mouth as you can. Kyojuro’s hands settle on your hips before he presses a warm palm to the small of your back, guiding you to rest on your hands as well as your knees. You lean back towards him automatically. 
You hum against Tengen as you feel Kyojuro’s fingers first. They press in, slowly stretching you as he adds one then two. 
“Fuck,” you hear Tengen. 
“She’s so tight,” Kyojuro says. “I don’t want to hurt her.” 
“You won’t,” Tengen replies. 
Kyojuro presses another finger in and you falter in your efforts, mouth releasing Tengen so you can gasp at the intrusion. It feels so good and yet not enough. 
“Please, please, please,” you beg. “More.”
“Well,” Tengen says. “You heard her.” 
You don’t look up at the sounds of someone’s fingers being sucked clean, already knowing what you’d find and take the chance to catch your breath. It doesn’t last long, not when you can feel Kyojuro finally press against you. It takes a second for him to angle himself properly before he’s pushing in and all you can do is moan at the feeling. 
Fingers tilt your head up and you look to see Tengen smiling down at you. “Alright?” he asks. 
“Yeah,” you agree. 
He bends down to kiss you and you can taste yourself on his lips. Kyojuro takes the chance to withdraw just enough before thrusting back. 
“Come on, princess,” Tengen says softly. “Think you can finish me off?” 
You don’t bother replying, instead taking his cock back in your mouth. You’ve never been this full. Not like this. The men easily find a rhythm, and you let yourself move with it. The room fills with the sounds and smells of sex, soft moans and groans as you all get closer. Tengen hits his release first, withdrawing and cumming across your back. That’s going to be hell to clean but the thought is lost when you feel Kyojuro’s pace quicken. Your arms collapse under you and you try to hold yourself up on your elbows. You think someone swipes at the display he left, someone else moaning with their mouth full. Then Tengen shifts, lying next to you and propping himself up on an elbow. He seems enraptured by the sight of you and Kyojuro. 
You are so close to the edge, to your release when Kyojuro stops. You nearly whine in frustration but it doesn’t last long. You’re flipped onto your back, resting next to Tengen still while Kyojuro slips back between your legs. 
Tengen kisses you as Kyojuro lifts your legs, resting them on his forearms before he thrusts forward again. Tengen’s hand slides down your chest, pausing to squeeze one of your breasts again before his fingers find their way between you and Kyojuro. He presses against your clit, moving in tandem with the man fucking you and you break. 
Tengen breaks the kiss, letting you cry out with your release as his mouth moves lower, They don’t stop though. Your orgasm extends with their movements and before you can even fully catch your breath, you tumble head-first into another. 
Someone swears. 
Kyojuro pulls out just in time to cum across your stomach and all three of you seem to pause, regaining your senses. Kyojuro collapses on the best next to you and for a moment, all you can do is laugh. 
Both men have enough energy to look at each other over you and you wave them off before they can question it.
“Sorry,” you say. “That was just…the most intense thing I’ve ever experienced.” 
“Told you it’d be flashy,” Tengen says, sounding as confident as ever. Not that it was a surprise. The man deserved it and could clearly back it up. You were going to be sore tomorrow. 
“You were right,” you agree. 
“Let’s clean you up,” he says. “I’ll run a bath.” 
“A bath?” All you wanted to do was clean up and sleep. 
“It’s big enough,” Kyojuro says. He sounds about as awake as you feel. “It’ll help so you won’t be sore later when we go again.”
“Again?” You glance between these men, wondering where they get the stamina. Tengen just laughs. 
“Of course. You didn’t think we were done, did you?”
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everything taglist: @raith-way @chrissymunson @veetlegeuse  @chickensarentcheap @residentdormouse
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goldenblu · 4 months
hold your fire (by the throat) - chapter 4
One Piece | Zosan | Post-Wano AU where Sanji slowly loses his emotions
Chapter 4: the devil that you forgot
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” “Putting away the groceries,” Zoro says, like it’s obvious. Sanji is going to break his nose. “Why?”
The next morning, Robin comes with him to buy groceries after breakfast. To take a look at what’s on sale, she says, but Sanji chooses to believe it’s because she’s irresistibly drawn to his charm and good looks. And who is he to say no to an outing with a heavenly angel? 
When they arrive at the open air market, there’s not too much of a crowd, probably because it’s only an hour past dawn. He made sure to cook breakfast earlier than usual today because he wanted to get the fuck off the ship as soon as possible after baring his insides to the shitty mosshead of all people yesterday. It means that the late-risers won’t be getting freshly made food, but he can take the blow to his pride as a chef this one time. 
As he stews over this, Robin passes him a pouch of berry. “This is from Nami. It should be more than enough, according to her.”
“Ah, Nami-san’s so generous! I won’t spend a penny more than I need to,” Sanji promises. He withdraws the shopping list he drew up last night after taking inventory. “Spices first, I think.”
Though he knows it’s seen as a chore to some of the others, grocery shopping is one of his favorite parts of visiting new places. With all the wildly different climates and cultures of each island on the Grand Line, it’s a perfect way to discover new flavors and ingredients that he hasn’t come across before. As someone who’s constantly looking for new ways to expand his repertoire of dishes, he couldn’t ask for a better opportunity. 
Flitting from stall to stall, he samples various spices and marinades and produce, crossing off items on his list as he goes. He also finally learns that the island is called Quarry Island, apparently named for the nearby quarry which supplies the mineral ore that makes up their main export. He doesn’t particularly care about the details, he’s just thankful for the way it distracts him from brooding over yesterday’s discovery. 
He hadn’t slept well last night, tossing and turning and thinking about what it could mean for him. Because the mosshead could be right that it’s nothing, but he could also be wrong. The little sleep that Sanji had managed hadn’t been restful at all, full of strange half-forgotten dreams, and he’d woken up feeling like shit, with a deep sense of foreboding that he couldn’t shake off.
Now, in the daylight, Sanji refuses to let himself dwell on it too long, or else he’s going to start screaming and never stop. He focuses on the food instead. This island seems to lean towards West Blue cuisine, he notices, with a prevalence of fragrant herb-infused sauces and hearty root vegetables, the kinds that pair well with shellfish. Makes sense, he supposes, given the abundance of crustaceans in the bay. 
There’s a booth selling fried crickets that he steers clear of. Even though he’s usually open to trying all sorts of new foods no matter how weird or gross, insects are the one thing he’d really rather not eat if he doesn’t have to. He suppresses a shudder, feeling the phantom sensation of things crawling over his neck, his cheeks, his eyes, cruel laughter echoing through the suffocating weight of a mask on his head. 
Abort. Abort. Think about something else.
He’s determinedly examining some regional mushrooms—and wondering if he could cook it in a way that even Usopp would like—when a disembodied mouth sprouts in front of him. Robin’s voice says, “Sanji, could you come over here? To your left.”
(continue on AO3)
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eternal-moss · 5 months
Alhaitham Autism Coding
One last post before I go to bed but idk something rubs me the wrong way about a Genshin AU I’ve been seeing lately, specifically a Haikaveh one. I think I’ve seen a couple of artists make it already and I can’t help but feel uncomfortable about it. This isn’t to diss them or anything like that, I was just thinking about it.
It’s the premise where Alhaitham is a robot and Kaveh is a human (usually his creator, but that’s not really relevant). And the root of my discomfort is that Alhaitham is immensely, immensely autistic coded. It really couldn’t be more canon unless Alhaitham had a voice line that said ‘I am autistic’ (except Genshin is a fantasy game so of course that sort of thing isn’t viable).
So why not? I know a lot of autistic people can often relate to feeling ‘inhuman’ but that often comes as a result of life-long isolation and outcasting, and I think to dehumanise Alhaitham in this way discredits his actual humanity, which is not lessened by him being autistic.
The Trope Talk: Robots (a video by Overly Sarcastic Productions) finally made me understand something that I hadn’t when I was younger; I was quite a big fan of Zane from Lego Ninjago (spoiler warning for that) and didn’t understand the sinking feeling in my gut when it was revealed that he was actually a robot, and not a human.
When you make something inhuman represent traits from a real group of humans, the inverse sentiment of comparing that group to being inhuman also exists, even if unintentional. This was explained in that video by OSP, (which is really worth a watch) and made me realise a lot of things about ‘coding’ in media,
When I saw Zane, I saw traits I could recognise in myself- being slightly stilted and awkward, having a monotone voice, not picking up on social cues, being gullible, etc. However, despite these traits and shortcomings, his friends still cared about him a lot, and he wasn’t treated any lesser for it. I had never seen a person in media like that before, who behaved like me, and it made me happy.
I think the revelation that he actually wasn’t a person upset me in a way I couldn’t figure out at the time, but it was the implication that people who behave like that can’t actually be people at all.
Although out of all the autistic archetypes in media, the male ‘savant’ is definitely pretty overplayed, but details like Alhaitham’s headphones portray sensory issues in a realistic and interesting manner, rather than just being hyper-intelligent without any deficits or difficulties.
Because as much as Alhaitham is a bit of a dickhead sometimes, he’s still quite important to me (and I’m sure a lot of other people) in what he represents, and how unlike a lot of other characters who are autistic-coded, he manages to retain these traits without losing his humanity. I do think it would be somewhat of a disservice to his character to strip him of it.
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ellipsae · 1 year
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Hi, I'm back with another Post-Epilogue design, this time for Guy. I have to admit, I really struggled with this one. Guy's original design has such a clean but distinctive style to it that I just can't quite capture. At first I tried to do a 'work' outfit for when he gets hands-on with fon tech before switching to attempting a formal outfit. The casual jacket-off variation feels more like Guy than the full dressed one though...I'm not too satisfied with this one but there were several design points that I wanted to work in and did at the very least. Maybe I'll revisit this design again down the road.
Anyways, please see under the read more for more design details. !Warning for Spoilers!
-so post-epilogue, I imagine Guy becomes a 'rising star' in noble society after hitting it big by sinking all his wealth in fontech development which quickly became a booming industry in the post-Planet Storm world. All the other nobility are so impressed by Guy's rise in reputation/wealth/smart investment decisions but in reality it's largely just Guy being a really big fontech nerd like usual and funding everything that are really interesting to him and being an early investor. He spends more time than he likes having to attend parties and gatherings but he understands having and maintaining a reputation is important to assert his influence and opinions, especially after all the obstacles he faced getting back his title (I imagine he got judged a lot for his rappig caretaker job and such), plus he's so used to being a servant he doesn't act like most nobles. (He finally graduates from his job as Peony's Rappig Caretaker though.)
-the device in his suspender holster is a fonon counter, it can detect the type and concentration of fonons in the immediate area. (It's a useful tool plot-wise for this AU *winkwink* ) Normally Guy carries it when he's on site, observing fontech excavation, it's helpful for finding power cores.
-in the post-epilogue world, Guy's interest and knowledge about fontech makes him the greatest source of information in the party, in contrast to Jade being the authority on fonic sciences back when fonons were abundant
-I also imagine that many people are still reluctant to adopt fontech in their everyday lives/still stuck on losing the Score and fonic magic so there was not a lot of initial interest. It was also still quite a risk to invest in given a lot of advance tech had to rely on excavated machines from the Dawn Age. In contrast, replicas have no preconceptions about fontech and I imagine Guy helping fledgling replica communities get ahead by sharing and teaching them how to use simple fontech. Since philantrophy/altruism is also part of what nobility does, it makes the other nobles impressed as well.
-I went a little overboard with the gold cording but I really like the idea of the cording being a traditional style of Hod.
-the four leaf clover-like knot is a decorative knot called a mokkou musubi, it carries the meaning of 'perpetuation of one's descendants'. Pere tied it for him with that in mind to revive the House of Gardios.
-the pin brooch on his lapel is the same as the one Marybelle wears on her cravat. I like to think that it's their family crest. In the off-jacket version, Guy has a smaller pin on the collar.
-I really wanted to preserve the curved open window (?) that his vest has in his original design so I ended up putting it as an open back on his jacket
-I went through so many types of coat styles, from like caped trench coats to riding frocks but cycled back to keeping the single-tail back.
-the orange 'jacket' around his waist in the jacket-off version is actually his vest. And the cloth in his pocket is not the cravat from his full dressed version, but I can imagine a funny skit where everyone keeps thinking it is the cravat.
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Half-Demon! Tanjiro AU Masterpost
(This has been my comfort AU for a while)
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I personally love the idea of Tanjiro having some properties of a demon, but he can still keep his humanity. So here are some details about the AU! (Keep in mind that I haven’t finished the manga)
In this AU, Tanjiro couldn’t fully cure his demon side even after defeating Muzan, but he was able to regain his humanity. His body changed quite a bit and some of the changes are:
He doesn’t need to eat people and he could use his blood to make other demons regain their humanity.
He can bring back dead demons by rebuilding them using their Blood Demon Art remnants
He can also turn people (both dead and alive) into half demons
However, he cannot bring back a human if their head was destroyed
And he can’t bring back demons that don’t have a Blood Demon Art
He can control water to fight off hostile demons and to defend himself. Tanjiro can also use it to heal people.
When he’s pissed, Tanjiro can turn water into fire and use it as a heatwave (he’s only done this once though)
Tanjiro grew quite a bit. Now he’s 6 feet and 4 inches tall
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When he is ready for battle, his fangs and claws come out and his eyes become those of a demon.
When he isn’t fighting, he just looks like a normal human with tiny micro fangs.
When it comes to sunlight, he can go out in the daytime, but his skin is extremely sensitive. He can’t stay out for too long, otherwise he gets an extreme sunburn.
After every battle, he needs to regain his strength by sleeping.
Tanjiro can also purr! He usually does it when he’s happy, sick, or injured.
He will occasionally hold someone who is sick or injured close and purr so that they can heal faster
The power of the blood demon art gets halved when they become half demons. This has angered quite a few demons when Tanjiro tried to convert them
Tanjiro still prefers to use his sword in battle. He only uses his fangs and claws if he has to.
He’s quite cuddly and his bigger stature makes him a giant teddy bear
Demons can communicate using a language of growls (it’s really cute!) and now Tanjiro can do that too
They can also communicate telepathically with Tanjiro like Muzan was able to do
When demons suffer from panic attacks or get too flustered, they lose control of their voice and they start growling, roaring and crying
Half demons also have human disguises, so they can walk through villages with no suspicions
He is the new Demon King! It take him a minute to get the hang of it, but he figures it out!
Tanjiro also is incredibly proud of the demons who’ve made progress
Everything here applies to Nezuko too, except the height change, water powers, ability to bring back demons, and the role as Demon King
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In this AU, Tanjiro and Zenitsu are dating while Inosuke and Nezuko are just vibing and doing their own thing.
Feel free to ask me any questions or have me write drabbles about the AU! If I get any questions, I’ll link them to this master post.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
More Information!!
How the demons are doing
Zohakuten and Karaku chat ai!
Tanzen Headcanons!
OC information!
Chat With Half-Demon Tanjiro!
Hashira Information!
Incorrect Quotes!
“Drink the Juice!”
More incorrect quotes!
When the Emotional Support Needs Help (warning comfort vore)
The Friendly Beast: Tanjiro vers. (contains comfort vore)
The Friendly Beast: Gyutaro vers. (Contains comfort vore)
When Worlds Collide
Flying High
You Can Trust Me (contains soft vore)
Safety From The Sun (contains comfort vore)
Lost And Found (contains soft vore)
Brotherly Troubles (contains soft vore)
In The Belly of The Beast (contains soft vore)
I’ll Keep You Warm (Contains soft vore)
Traveling Within a Harpy (contains soft vore)
Protected by a Friend (contains soft vore)
Mom Mode (contains soft vore)
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Guess who continues to make themself cry with their own ideas? This gal :)
This idea has been in the drafts for a long time and because @crazycriter was interested I’ve finally decided to finish this behemoth of a post and the sequel in my drafts I’m debating on posting as well. I hope this lives up to your expectations in ways my big fic likely will not when I (hopefully) post it somewhere next week 💜
A few months ago I made a biiigggg AU post starring Lamina and Treech, and in most of them they’re siblings because family angst and all that. But them being in a romantic relationship opens up whole new doors!! So lets talk about one of my 25th Hunger Games AU’s, and I’ll expand on another one like I said I would in that past post. This will not be random AU blurbs like the past post, this will be a pretty detailed plot synopsis because I may write this if there’s enough interest. Only after I’ve both posted the big one-shot and finished The Losing Battle We Won’t Stop Fighting, because I try to limit myself to actively working on 3 WIP’s and I’ve got one lined up to fill one of those two spots already. With that out of the way, let’s go! :)
Basic concept:
So I had two main ideas for an alternate first quarter quell. The one that’s relevant for today’s barrage of my madness is the AU where the tributes are picked from the families of the victors, to show that even the strongest cannot protect their loved ones from the Capitol’s might (and monstrousness). Well, how about we change that from being unable to protect their loved ones, to being unable to protect their lovers. The only exception is if said lover is also a previous victor, because the 75th games was the first time they broke the promise that victors wouldn’t have to go into the arena again. To truly hammer in the message, the victors won’t be mentoring this year. Instead, the gamemakers are going back to the original system where the top performing academy students mentor the tributes in the hopes of winning a monetary prize. Previous victors are not allowed to even see their lovers, let alone talk to them. As for what kind of tributes will fight in the games this year… Pretty much all the victors stay far away from love the first few years after their victory, because the deep sea of trauma that comes with watching 23 kids die in the span of days and knowing that you’re only alive because of their horrific fates isn’t very conducive to building a healthy relationship. Therefore, the people now eligible to be picked as tributes are all pretty far into adulthood, the wives and husbands of the victors of the first few games, mostly.
The part where LumberKids/LumberLove/Lameech/Treemina becomes relevant:
District seven has only had one female victor so far, which is Lamina, and she and Treech were in a relationship before she was reaped. If there are any gay victors, they don’t have a boyfriend anyone knows of. Her talking about him in her interview and her mentor sending people to district seven to interview Treech during the games are a big part as to why she won, since it gained her a whole bunch of sponsors. They’re both well-known and beloved in the capitol, and the fact that the people love their love story so much is the only reason Lamina wasn’t forced into the more… unsavory side effects that come with being a victor (side eyes Finnick Odair I think it’s pretty clear age isn’t a dealbreaker for them). Because of this, Treech is the only possible male tribute for the Quarter Quell, and due to the before mentioned usual mental health break from dating he’s also the only minor who becomes a tribute. The person closest to him in age is over 25, and due to him being from the poorer area (headcanon) of one of the poorer districts (canon), he’s also the least well-fed. He doesn’t live with Lamina, and despite her offering he refuses most of the benefits her victory gave her because he’d rather give it to his family. All the other tributes are living with their partners, and thus healthier than Treech is. Their brains and bodies are fully developed and they’ve got a lot more life experience than he does, so all the odds are against him here.
The reaping is a sombre affair, because for a brief moment the district rejoiced at not having to send in their kids for once. It’s still horrible, but even the girlfriends/wives that are now gonna have to fight to the death are okay with it because at least they had a good run on earth and, for one year, their daughters are safe. But then they remember that there’s only one boy who qualifies for the reaping, and the mood sours instantly. All the other districts get to send in adults, but they’re still gonna lose a child. It’s not fair. There are still two bowls, and after the oldest woman (roughly in her forties) volunteers, the escort tries her damnest to be cheery as she swirls her hand in the bowl for the guys. It’s almost like she’s trying to prolong the inevitable, because there’s only one piece of paper lying innocently at the bottom and there’s only one person standing on the right side of the podium. It’s impossible for her to not feel any sympathy when the only sound filling the square is Lamina’s muffled sobs. After she finally reads out the name, Treech steps forward, far past the initial horror. Reality hasn’t quite crashed down on him yet, but the claws have been sunk into his soul for long enough that he’s dissociated.
He looks like he does during the reaping in the movie, but while the escort gives out her little speech tears do shimmer in his eyes. More due to Lamina’s obvious distress and his inability to console her than the fact that he’s probably going to die. He feels… numb, on that front. It doesn’t quite feel real. When the escort takes the hands of the tributes to raise them in the air, Treech stares blankly for a second before wiping the tears from his face and raising his chin high because he knows how the games work. Again, Lamina won partially due to the sponsors he helped her get. If there’s anything he learned from watching her games it’s that if you want to win, you have to be interesting. If you’re not, people will only bet on your odds of winning, and those are decidedly not in Treech’s favor. Especially since his age is going to be a stigma that’ll make people hesitant to bet on him. No matter how skilled he is, the simple fact that he’s so young will hang over his head. He’ll have to twist the odds he does have control over to balance it out. The one advantage he has is that he’s the only tribute that the capitol already knows and cares about, and they really like him. He’s a capitol favorite, despite seemingly having very low chances of surviving even the first day in the arena, let alone actually winning.
For the opening ceremony, the district 7 stylists lean into the nature aspect of their industry rather than their produce. The female tribute, who I’ll call Ascaia, wears a long dress made of colorful leaves and flowers. She gets a flower crown as well. Treech, on the other hand, has a less flashy outfit. Green pants and a green, sleeveless top that look like they’re made of leaves. His arms are covered with what looks like vines, and his outfit has subtle golden elements to give it a little pop. On his head is a golden laurel wreath, a symbol of triumph and victory. Two nature spirits, one bold and wild, the other calm and peaceful. They catch attention immediately, and after the ceremony they’re introduced to their mentors.
Treech’s mentor ends up being Pliny “Pup” Harrington, who somehow met and befriended Lamina during one of her visits to the capitol, though Treech had never met him before. Pup pulled some strings to switch assigned tributes with another mentor so he could give his friend’s boyfriend the best help he could possibly get. Not that the other student minded switching, given how disastrous everyone perceives Treech’s chances to be. Pup tries not to get too attached, but they end up becoming close friends by the time the week is up. Aside from Pup passing messages between the two lovebirds, they discuss strategy both in the game and out of it. Pup’s dad has clout because of his position in the navy, and Pup is fully using that to his advantage. People jump at the chance of getting in his good graces, so quite a few sponsors warm up to the idea of supporting him, although most are still on the fence. They may be swayed by the training scores, and that’s where it gets a little difficult. Treech has to decide how to approach these scores, and he has to decide carefully. On one hand, he can play fully into the “underdog destined to die soon” act that he cannot escape no matter what he does by getting a score around 2 to 4, but that risks putting off the sponsors who don’t want to invest in tributes that have no chance of making it. Or he could lean into getting sponsors by getting a high score and risk putting a massive target on his back, which is a horrible idea because his whole strategy is to play the long game. Stay hidden, away from fights, and sneak around. Prepare to use the deteriorated state of the last remaining tributes to his advantage at the end of the games. It’s a lot harder to stay out of danger when people are actively hunting you down. Especially because a lot of the other tributes could body Treech no problem when it comes to raw physical strength. So, he and Pup decide to go with the middle option and aim for a mid score. Not low enough to turn off sponsors but not high enough to really stand out. I’m not sure at what point training was implemented, but for the sake of the story I’m gonna say there was a massive technological development in the 15 years between the 10th and 25th hunger games so training is pretty much just like in the 74th and 75th games.
During training, Treech spends most of his time at the survival stations. He’s already good at climbing and fire-starting because he’s from district seven, but the rest is mostly new. Most tributes gravitate towards the weapons stations, but Treech ignores them in the interest of remaining as far under the radar as possible. The second and third day the weapons stations are empty enough for Treech to use them in short bursts, mostly the knives (at Pup’s suggestion, since they’re very common and versatile). He deliberately flubs the ax station, balancing it so that he’s good enough to be believable (since he is from the lumber district) but bad enough to not be considered a threat. The private session comes, and Treech needs to choose one skill to show the gamemakers. It’s a tough choice between the edibles, axes, and climbing, but since he doesn’t wanna risk straining his muscles too much he goes with edibles. They saw him climb plenty during the open training sessions, as it was his way of not losing his muscle strength without showing all his cards to the other tributes. It lands him a solid 6, showing sponsors he’s not hopeless without being outstanding enough that other tributes will pay more attention to him.
Lastly, it’s time for the interview. The only real advantage Treech has is that, again, the capitol already knows him. They loved Lamina, in part because they loved her relationship with him. He was central to her story and instrumental to her victory, and the Capitol adores him for it. And Treech milks it for all it’s worth. Most of his interview is spent talking about his life back in district seven after Lamina’s return, and his short stories about their hijinks with their friends leaves everyone aw’ing. He makes sure to also build up his own personality, sharing things about him that aren’t necessarily connected to Lamina so he comes off more genuine instead of making this sound like a shallow attempt at profiting from his girlfriend’s victory. So he’ll mention carving wooden figurines for her and shows everyone a small wooden box he made in the capitol as a gift to his stylist, to both reinforce his love for his girlfriend and showcase his individuality. It works, because Lamina won the 23d games (at 15. Treech is 16-17 during the 25th games) so he’s got a lot of room to work with. Their story happened recently enough that it’s still fresh in everyone’s mind, but long enough ago that it’s mostly smoldering coals for Treech to reignite without it feeling like a rehash of this sick reality show’s previous ‘plotlines’.
Treech manages to successfully recapture the hearts of the capitol citizens, and he becomes a favorite to win. Now he’s done all he can with his time in the capitol, and he’s a few hours away from going into the arena. Pup informs him that all the victors have to watch from back home, set on the stage so the entire district can see their reactions to their lovers fighting for their lives. In response, Treech carves Lamina one last figurine. A heart laid on a bed of dahlias and roses, symbolizing eternal love. From the top of one of the arches of the heart, a small bouquet of hyacints and poppies cascaded slightly over the edge. Hyacinths represent sorrow and regret, but also forgiveness, whereas poppies symbolize remembrance. The message was clear: “Our love is eternal. I’m sorry we didn’t have more time together, please forgive me for leaving you so soon. I love you.”
Just before Treech is taken to the arena, he gives the figurine to Pup and asks him to give it to his girlfriend for him. Pup agrees to give it to Lamina, but only if Treech promises he’ll do whatever it takes to be the one leaving that arena alive. Not just for Lamina, or for Treech’s family and friends back home, but for Pup as well. Treech promises to do what he can, and they both know he can’t do much more than that. They hug one last time, and then Treech is escorted to the arena.
Will he keep his promise? Will he live? Will he die in the first 30 seconds? Will he go insane? I know, but if you want me to write this as an actual story I’ll keep some details to myself :D
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zairaalbereo · 5 months
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @laviejaguardia. Thank you! 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
89, but 12 of them are art only
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
That’s His Name (Merlin) - 29.981
In the Winter of My Soul (Merlin) - 5.952
Just Have To Save The World (Merlin) - 4.343
Me Casa, Su Casa (X-Men) - 2.427
Most kudos for The Old Guard: Room for Love - 904
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to because I love them, and that’s why sometimes I fall into that trap of “I need to adequately convey how happy this comment made me, I can’t just say ‘thank you’’ and then I leave it for too long. Also sometimes I don’t have the spoons at that moment. But I appreciate every last one of them.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I love angst, but I love a happy ending even more, so in my fic the angst usually gets resolved. A fic that regularly leaves people in tears, though, is At Samhain, but the ending has hope.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
So many happy endings! ☺️ One of the happiest might be my Merlin Age of Sail AU, The Seven Seas , which has a very happy ending after a lot of angst and heartache.
7. Do you write crossovers?
No, not really.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really personal attacks so much, but I have received snide comments, character bashing and absurdly wilful misinterpretations. And always on anon of course.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, I do. I’m a proud alumni of multiple Pornathons in the Merlin fandom. When I write kink, it tends to be PWP of the kind that’s about losing control, or pushing the lines of taboos. In my longer or more plotty fic it’s more emotional, focused on the characters’ connection.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I once had someone write a fic that had the exact same plot down to locations and minor details and even almost the same dialogue as one I was posting. Like a (bad) rewrite. It was very weird.  
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a few, which I’m ever so grateful for. 💕
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I’m honestly not sure how that would work for me. 😅
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Joe/Nicky really is the fulfillment of all my shippy hopes and dreams. 😍 Beyond them, maybe Cherik. I like the drama. 😂
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
A Cherik bodyswap fic, set between XMFC and Days of Future Past, while Erik is imprisoned. I love the premise and what I have so far, but it’s been so long that I’ve been in that fandom.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Conveying emotions and believable dialogue 
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Transitions and being overly dramatic, which is probably connected lol
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I do enjoy it in sprinkles, if it’s done well. Endearments, curses, stuff that mostly won’t need a translation footnote but grounds a character in a different cultural background. 
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I wrote stuff before I knew about fanfiction. Before you could find (and easily post) stuff on the internet. But the first fic I wrote and posted was Harry Potter, gen with very, very heavy wolf star undertones 😅
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I don’t really have an unfulfilled craving right now, and I tend to focus on one fandom, and even one ship almost exclusively, but I’m a little surprised at myself for never having written Sterek. 🤔
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
That is so hard to pick, but two favourites are Shalom Malak for XMFC and If You Abide With Me for TOG
Tagging, but obviously only if they want to @falcon-fox-and-coyote @tobebbanburg @pinkninjapj @beepbeepsan @isabellehemlock 💗
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explosionshark · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @coraniaid and @isagrimorie. thanks!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
45 stories
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
361,583 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Actively? Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Life is Strange, Mass Effect, Avatar the Last Airbender, Warrior Nun. But i'd be down for other stuff!
Formerly: MTV Scream, She-Ra, Oxenfree
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
You Got Cool (She-Ra, 6,990 kudos)
Everybody Needs a Fence to Lean On (Life is Strange, 2,140 kudos)
Tear You Apart (Life is Strange, 1,918 kudos)
Every Other Freckle (Life is Strange, 1,579 kudos)
Dream Blue Haze (Life is Strange, 1,535 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I've been trying to more recently! But I'm not always great at it. At the very least when someone comments something detailed and thoughtful I try to reply - those comments always mean a lot to me.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Not fully intentionally but the place @holdsteady and I left our collaborative fic How to Live Here was basically right after a massive fight/breakup between characters that we fully planned to resolve and then just.... never did. Oops. Surprisingly, people are very rarely mean to us about this.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Body Language? Very much intended to have that one wrapped up with a bow.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not in a long time. Last time I really did was on some of my Life is Strange fics (either homophobic hate or bc i was writing a ship people didn't like).
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah! Femslash only.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I sometimes joke about/hc elaborate crossovers when I'm watching stuff with my friends, but I don't really have any interest in writing any. Or reading any, really, for that matter.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! Had one of my LiS fics translated to Vietnamese. That was cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah! I co-wrote How to Live Here with my best friend @holdsteady! That's the only one that's been published, at least. @nataliving adn @jewishsuperfam and i have worked on some stuff together too and that's been fun :)
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
I don't know if I actually can pick one but honest Buffy/Faith are all-timers and absolutely formative. Second to that would be Rachel/Max/Chloe from Life is Strange.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
God, How to Live Here absolutely haunts me. There's a few Mass Effect ones (Shepard/Liara arranged marriage AU and my Jack/Miranda series) that I would love to finish but probably never will. Those are the ones that probably have the most written for them that I just haven't wrapped up.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at a lot of it! I write pretty good smut, I'm good at character voice, I think my writing is pretty readable
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing lmao. I struggle with coming up with workable ideas. I intimidate myself out of projects a lot. I fall off stuff kinda easy too tbh. And I'm TERRIBLE at writing alone - for anything bigger than a oneshot I need someone to hype me up and hold my hand through it or else I get bored or lose confidence :?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Generally in favor of skipping the google translate stuff. It's usually pretty whack
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically digimon when i was a little kid and before I even knew what fanfic was. First i posted was Danny Phantom
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I think Body Language is probably my best fic but for sentimental reasons I really love How to Live Here, since i wrote it with my best friend.
tagging @nataliving, @holdsteady, @shittinggold, @earthenterran, @lafgl, @aliceinwondrbra,, @strangesmallbard, @areweunderscoreweare, @jewishsuperfam, @morningsound15
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char-lie-spirals · 4 months
So, since @gristlebloom-orchid asked, I DO have a Flesh!Graham AU and I finally sat down to put my thoughts about it into something comprehensive, and then into words! So, I figured I might as well make a post about it! Actually this is my 2nd attempt at making it because apparently version 1 was like 2 times too long for a Tumblr post or something?? Messed up :/
Warning for Flesh-typical content, mostly of the dysmorphic kind, along with some Drastic measures to "fix" that
So, the entire AU starts with one simple change - the NotThem doesn't manage to kill Graham when it attacks him. He survives by pure chance, and doesn't come out of the encounter unscathed, but no matter how much blood it spilled, at least he made it out alive!
Except, the whole thing really messes with the way he sees himself. He can barely recognize his own reflection, so many little things about it seem wrong, things he doesn't even know words/names for, but they're all just wrong wrong wrong that's not him!!
The NotThem gets a good meal out of him just... feeling like a Stranger in his own skin, so instead of finishing the job, it hangs around, sometimes pretend-attacks him just so that he locks himself in the bathroom and has nothing to do but stare in the mirror, and it's enjoying this "arrangement" very much!
It doesn't take Graham too long to pick up on the pattern. A few weeks in, he locks himself in the bathroom with nothing but a notebook on him, and ends up trying to write down what exactly bothers him in the reflection.
No matter how hard he tries, the descriptions aren't detailed enough. His face isn't "wrong", it's his eyes and nose and mouth and skin and- no, no, that's still too broad. His eye color seems too dark, and his eyelids are folded differently, and they seem too far apart, and-
The NotThem leaves him alone, satisfied enough, much faster than usual. This is the point where a realization strikes him, and all of his previous thought process gets off-track for a Stranger victim. Because you see, from his perspective, all what he knows is:
There is something herding him around, and he keeps falling for it's tricks. It torments him, and then leaves, seemingly content enough with his fear. Seemingly... fed by it. On top of that, he's barely himself through his own eyes, so to anyone else he's surely unrecognizable, just one slip up away from losing his self entirely, and is he still a person at that point? Is he a person at this point??
He doesn't feel that far off from an animal serving its purpose up until it will get slaughtered. With this one simple trick (overthinking), he has managed to change his fear of the Stranger into a fear of the Flesh! The NotThem hates him!
Does he react impulsively to this realization? Yeah, probably, since his response is to up and leave his flat instantly, only grabbing a few necessities along the way and with not intentions of coming back
He wanders for a while, feeling horrible and shuddering at each reflective surface he passes by because there is something wrong with his body, and it makes his skin crawl. Before he knows it, he's already desperate enough that he'd do just about anything to fix it
He feels he can't really trust anyone to try and fix all those little things without messing them up further, so that's off the table. He'll have to fix them on his own, with his bare hands if he has to. Then again, there's no telling if he won't mess himself up more by trying to fix things!
He decides he needs to get some practice. And some tools. And sure, he's been walking around for a while now, but it doesn't take him all that long to come across the nearest butcher store, and it's open! Just... strangely quiet. Up until,,, oh oops! uh oh!
Yeah, he kind of. Happened to walk into Jared Hopworth's Butcher Store? While the man is in the middle of disposing of a guy for the mafia? And those people were quite clear, no witnesses are allowed to leave, so... he's just stuck here now.
He's scared at first, as one would be upon walking in on a Huge guy torturing some other guy, but then... then he sees the way Jared pulls bones from the man, how he re-shapes them...
If he's going to die here, he might as well ask for help with a few of his own issues. For a start, he's pretty sure his right forearm doesn't look quite right because the bone should be a bit more squashed, and at a different angle, but that's apparently fixable???
Jared's not used to people wanting to be reshaped (this is like early-mid 2006, 6 years before the gym statement takes place, give him time), but he complies and is even more surprised by the honest positive reaction.
He asks if Graham needs help with anything else in his body, and Graham just pulls out his notebook. He knows that much fixing won't be free, but now at least one of his limbs looks his own again, he can't possibly stop now?? Not to mention, some of the bits are easier to replace or add to rather than re-shape, so... if he ends up having to lead a few people to their doom... well. So be it.
With every little change, he becomes more himself, but at the same time, strays further and further from who he used to be. And when he's finally satisfied with his results? He might just keep trying to bring more people to the butcher shop out of habit. :]
That's about it for the story I have properly planned. I do, however, have the idea that once Jared moves on to owning that gym of his, Graham will be Very helpful in finding future customers! All he has to do is approach people and kindly point out the few things he can just see are wrong about them, and then tell them he knows a place where they can fix those!
I'm not sure how/if he'll get involved with the main archives crew - maybe when Jane Prentiss traps Martin in his own home, he reaches a few similar conclusions that Graham did and that draws him in? Maybe he's been looking for the NotThem in case it slips up and can't finish the job properly again, which leads him to the institute? Maybe he happens to be one of the people Jon contacts all the way in season 3, since he managed to escape the Stranger's grasp and that might be useful? Who knows! I certainly don't, not yet!
Also I'm open to feedback on this AU since I don't cover Flesh much in my AUs and writing, so I feel a bit out of my depth? But I figured the body dysmorphia aspect of it could fit the mess I like to make of -selfs and identities when the NotThem is involved and I'm feeling a bit silly :] but I tried not to abandon the more animistic aspects of it? But again if that just Doesn't Work as well as I was hoping it would, like I said I am open to feedback!
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yandere-daze · 2 years
https://yandere-daze.tumblr.com/post/691577868558450688/hello-ive-been-binge-reading-your-blog-for-a-few adding on to this one of my favorite characters are both Ritsu and Rei (different anon than op but) i can imagine Ritsu being so heartbroken when he asks you who you like better between his brother and him and you unabashedly going “i like you both! :)”
another thing about reader being transported to their world would be kinda funny because of the sort of events you have to plan for and (using the date plan a to z event as an example) while you’re rushing around trying to get everything ready, Chiaki and Katou (separately) ask you what type of dates you like
also is it okay to send in our own aus (i have one i typed up but have to edit due to ritsu not liking rei that much 😭😭)
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gn reader
tw yandere, jealousy
You tell Ritsu that you like him and his brother the same; Discussion of A to Z and Ring a bell in the self-aware AU
Aww yes, Ritsu would absolutely hate to hear that! He doesn't really like his brother all that much and he especially doesn't like being compared to him like that. He really hoped that he could become your favorite, wishing that you would have reassured him that you prefer him over his brother.
The smile on his face instantly drops and he's just scowling now, visibly upset. How had Rei managed to worm his way into your heart like that? He really isn't happy about this in the slightest and your cheerful tone of voice just made him even more upset. It's like you were blind to his misery!
He thought you liked him more than anyone else, but now you say that you like Rei just the same?
You better make it up to Ritsu by letting him cling on to you even more than usual. He needs to feel like he still has a place in your heart
Yes omg the events we plan for! A to z is a great example of that! They need some experience in dating and being in love so won't you help them out by going on a date with them? It's purely for educational purposes of course! And everyone else is just sulking shdhdhd
But you know what event immediately came to mind as soon as I read this ask? Ring a bell.
For those that only play the eng version or don't know what this event is about :
If I remember correctly, she needs idols to star in like a wedding promotional event thingy. At the start of the story, Mao and Midori see Anzu looking at wedding pamphlets and magazines and they freak out because they think the producer is getting married. They immediately run and stumble on Leo, who also flips as soon as he finds out about this, yelling that he can't let you get married yet!
In the event, Eichi knows that you're actually just trying to gather some knowledge on wedding events for the job but doesn't tell the other three because he thinks it's really funny how they freak out about this entire thing, thinking that the producer is getting married. Keito is just standing there sighing at the other's antics and generally suffering
It all ends in a sequence where Anzu explains that it's only for a job. And for this job they have to try and make a sincere confession on camera ( I think that's what it was like? It's honestly been quite a while since that event came out so my mind is a little fuzzy on the details)
Sooo.... you know what I'm trying to get at, right?
You're in the enstars world, just trying to do your job, while absolutely everyone collectively loses their mind at the thought of you getting married to someone else. Just who could that lucky person be? How did they get close to you without any of them noticing? How could they possibly think they were worthy of you?
They're trying anything they can to prevent this "wedding" from happening. Honestly you've never seen them *this* hysterical before. It's absolute chaos all around and you're not getting any rest.
Obviously there are more level-headed/smarter people like Eichi, Keito, Tatsumi,,.... that realize you're not actually getting married and are just trying to do your job, but their mood definitely soured for a bit at the thought of it actually happening one day.
Things will calm down a considerable amount once you explain to everyone that you're *not* getting married anytime soon and that there's no reason to try and order a hitman on an anonymous person.
When you've chosen the idols for the job you may notice that the person they're describing in their "confession" is strangely similar to you. They also sound so natural while professing their love to this imaginary person too, how strange!
Also yes, you can definitely send in your own aus! I can't guarantee that I'll necessarily always have a lot to say about it but I'd love to read more of your ideas ^^
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waywardstation · 1 year
I love the train of thought au! I hate Tumblr though, especially mobile Tumblr. Had to scroll for 30~20 minutes to reach the bottom of the tag. (Mobile Tumblr reloaded at least a few times and I almost threw my phone. I think I cried twice in frustration.)
I am absolutely foaming at the mouth because I've always liked the way Ingo and Emmet get presented, the characterizations are just so... Mwah 🤭.
For some reason the only thing I could think about after spending an entire night reading that wall of posts was the concept of big brother Ingo.
Sorry if I'm ranting here, it really has nothing pertaining to the au at all but I hate this concept, especially the societal concept that the older brother takes care of the younger one. Twins especially since they are usually born minutes from each other and that really doesn't mean anything different in experience.
Yes, Emmet is younger but I've always pictured him as the headstrong one that stands up for Ingo more often than not. (Honestly that's the vibe they give off collectively). I like to think of them as not in a big brother, little brother dynamic but a "we been through so much shit together we support each other fully" dynamic. I do understand why people like using it though.
Wait, what was this post about again? I swear I'm not trying to negatively rant right after bringing up stuff that plagued my mind while reading. I guess all I want to say is thank you for hosting this wonderful community au on your blog.
Expect Tumblr crabs in your blog later on. This is a warning.
Hey there OP! Glad you like it, I do too!!! (Still working on that masterpost ^^;) and apologies with tumblr mobile, I know it’s not the best with optimization!
I’m putting a readmore below because I got a lot more detailed than I intended to, regarding Ingo and Emmet’s sibling dynamic.
I like your views because it really isn’t as black and white (ha) as all that. I am a twin myself, the younger between us (and also by a few minutes) and throughout our lives it certainly has gone back and forth with us, but there’s really no definite position of looking after the other, just like with any other sibling relationship.
Given how Ingo and Emmet are, I imagine their dynamic very similar to what you’re talking about, being each others’ full supporters. Multiple lines in Masters EX show this, like these few from Emmet:
"Ingo and I are twins. We're both Subway Bosses, and we're each other's closest rival! We always challenge each other to get better. That's the kind of relationship we have! It's always a lot of fun when we're together!"
However, I feel like Ingo might feel… I don’t want to say obligated, because it’s certainly not work, and he knows very well Emmet can fend for himself, but perhaps inclined (pressured? By himself??) to carry through with what’s normally expected of an older brother. He might feel like he should look out for Emmet when he can:
“My younger brother, Emmet, would always entertain passengers on the Battle Subway... Now he is enjoying being a host here on Pasio. However, he's still new to this style of hospitality. Would you mind keeping an eye on him?"
And this might be somewhat spurred by the fact that Emmet looks up to Ingo, which I am sure Emmet has made Ingo aware of - he just might not want to let Emmet down:
"Do you have any siblings? I have an older brother, Ingo. He's verrrry strong. He hardly ever loses in Pokémon battles. Even though I also hold the title of Subway Boss, I really look up to him."
I do feel Emmet is very ready to support Ingo as well, seeing as how in their story event in Masters EX, Emmet was trying very hard to help Ingo with a project of theirs:
"I want to make Ingo’s idea a reality! Please, let me do this!"
And regarding your thoughts that of the two, Emmet is more headstrong, I feel similarly, and think he would always very clearly stand up for Ingo when needed.
I do headcanon that growing up, Emmet was more outgoing than Ingo (and that this led him to meeting Elesa, the new exchange student at their school, and taking her over to Ingo to introduce her to him, since he was more reserved and shy - not terribly so, but more so than Emmet)
ALL IN ALL - both Ingo and Emmet fully support and help each other out whenever they need it. And while Ingo might feel pressured by himself to look out for Emmet as the older brother, Emmet naturally does it for Ingo just as much, if not a little more, simply due to his outgoing nature
To try and tie this back to Train of Thought AU, I’m sure Akari and Irida would see a lot of moments expressing this dynamic of theirs in the many memory traincars throughout the mind station.
AND MG Emmet himself is pretty much a monument to this. MG Emmet is doing everything he can to keep Ingo safe from the Remnant and to protect him, even at his own expense to some degree. MG Emmet might only be a mental projection of how Ingo sees his brother, but the fact that MG Emmet is doing that means Ingo knows Emmet would do things like that for him, and he would.
Thanks for your ask OP!!! Very glad you like the AU, and happy you gave me a chance to go into all of this - I did not expect to dissect things like I did haha.
(And tumblr crabs? oh boy!!! Those would be my first!!)
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