#kyojuro x you x tengen
asirensrage · 1 year
A Bet's a Bet - Kyojuro x Reader x Tengen oneshot
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Title: A Bet's a Bet Rating: Explicit Fandom: Demon Slayer Pairing: Uzui Tengen x Female!Reader x Rengoku Kyojuro (side Kyojuro x Tengen) Warnings: Smut. Threesome. A bit ooc. Oral. Swearing. Sex. (Seriously. Heed the rating.) Unbeta’d.
Summary: Modern!AU. A night at Laser Tag goes from potential disaster to something incredible.
Notes: This is based on this post with @comatosebunny09. This turned out longer than I planned because the characters kept running away from me and doing their own thing. I was just along for the ride. This is also a little more detailed than usual (but it had to be because of the logistics of this). These men will be the death of me lol. Unbeta'd so please forgive any errors. As usual, undescribed/unnamed female reader. Enjoy and please lmk what you think!
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Laser tag. Fucking laser tag. 
“Come on! It’ll be fun!” Your friend pleads with you. 
“I don’t want to go play against a bunch of kids,” you say. It’s a lie. The truth is you have no desire to go on what you know is a set-up double date with her boyfriend and one of his friends. The same one you’ve already told her you’re not interested in. 
“Please! I promise I’ll never ask for anything ever again. Just come! Have some fun! I promise that there’s not even any kids there, it’s just adults. They’re running longer games now.” 
You stare at her dubiously but then she uses that same pleading look that you know has gotten her out of multiple speeding tickets. “Fine. This is the last time, got it?”
“I promise!” 
Somehow, you doubt that. 
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You were right in the fact that it ended up being some fake double date that you didn’t agree to. Her boyfriend brought a friend, the same one you knew he would, and they gave you both some space to talk. Even when you didn’t want to. Thankfully, she was alright right in the fact that you weren’t surrounded by some kids. There were other adults playing. You caught a glimpse of the group that went in ahead of yours, catching sight of broad shoulders and bright hair.
Thankfully the place seems huge and it’s dark. As soon as you get in, you ditch your group. You’re not about to spend the next twenty minutes having the guy trail you while trying to convince you he’s good at this. 
You forgot how much fun laser tag is. You spend some time running and ducking for cover. You haven’t seen your friend but it’s only a matter of time. As soon as you find her, you’re taking them all out. As much as you can, at least. 
You step backwards as someone comes running and jump as you bump into someone. 
“Sorry about that!” they say. You turn and aim. 
You can barely make out his blond hair under the dark lights but he has an easy smile and isn’t aiming his gun at you. “No problem,” you say. 
“Might be fortunate,” he grins. His eyes glance down at the blue light that marks your vest. His was marked with red. “We’re unfortunately not on the same team but I won’t shoot.”
You frown slightly, confused. “Why not?” 
“Maybe I want to stay on your good side.”
You smile slightly at the flirtation. It wasn’t completely easy to tell with the way the lights changed and the noise of people yelling at each other. 
“I caught some of your movements. Are you looking for someone in particular?”
“Yeah, my friend.” You describe her quickly. “I’m going to make sure she loses. Badly.” His eyebrows raise at your tone and both of you duck as soon as you hear someone come close. “She roped me into coming and surprised me with a double date, with someone I already told her I wasn’t interested in.” 
“That’s not kind of her,” he says. 
“Nope. So she’s going down.” 
“Would you like help?” 
“You any good?”
“Allow me to show you.” 
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Kyojuro, as he introduces himself, is fantastic. He moves with apparent ease through the arena, yanking you out of the way a couple of times and pulling you tight against his chest. He apologizes the first time but when you tell him it’s fine, he does not stop. The strength in the movements has you more flustered than you expected.  
You find the friend of the boyfriend and both of you shoot him before running for it. You’re still searching for your friend when someone suddenly appears before you. You shoot instantly.
“Good shot!”  
Kyojuro steps in front of you and you glance back to make sure you’re not being cornered. 
“Kyo!” The man in front of him says. “Found something interesting, have you?”
 “I might have!” Kyojuro steps to the side. “Allow me to introduce you,” he says, motioning towards you. “This is one of my friends, Tengen.” Tengen is huge. You can make out enough to tell that he’s tall and extremely built, but he doesn’t set off your instincts telling you you’re in danger. He grins at you, seemingly not upset at the fact that you shot him. 
“Think you can do it again?” 
“Maybe,” you say not giving any promises because he's not your main target but you couldn't resist.
“Of course, she can!” Kyojuro says. You smile at the confidence he has in you. 
“Then why don't we make a bet?” Tengen leans closer. “Winner take all. If I win with the top ranking, you come out for dinner with us.” He motions towards Kyojuro and himself. That would at least get you out of going to dinner with your friend. 
“And if I win?" you ask.
“You shoot me again, you can have anything you want.” 
“Alright,” you agree. You don’t know what you’d ask for but you could decide later. 
Tengen winks at both of you before he somehow disappears back into the shadows. You look around quickly, but you can’t see him anywhere. 
“How the hell did he do that?” 
“Don’t ask,” Kyojuro says. “Better not to know. Come on, let’s find your friend.” 
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You both manage to find your friend and her boyfriend and stalk them, shooting them repeatedly and laughing when they’re unable to catch you. That’s thanks due to Kyojuro, but you have the feeling that Tengen is somehow helping you both. You never see him though and when the lights finally turn on, all of you are ushered out to the leaderboard. Standing at rank 1 with a new high score is Tengen. Of course, it is. 
You finally get a good look at Kyojuro. He’s tall and well-built, getting out of his vest with the ease of having done this before. He turns to help you. You try not to stare but his eyes are as vibrant as his hair and when he grins at you knowingly, your stomach flutters. You glance around to figure out which one Tengen is when you’re distracted as someone calls your name.
“There you are!” 
You turn to see your friend coming up to you, her boyfriend and your unwanted date following. 
“I thought we were supposed to do this together, but you ran off.” Your friend says, her gaze flickering to the man beside you. Kyojuro turned with you to face them but he’s quiet now, letting you choose how to respond. 
“Is the whole point of laser tag to not be seen?” You ask. “Besides, I made allies.”
“I can see that,” she says. “Are you ready to go?”
An arm settles itself over your shoulders before you can answer and you find yourself pulled slightly into a large body. You glance up, catching sight of white hair and ruby-coloured eyes that wink down at you. 
“I’m afraid we’re going to be stealing her,” the man holding you says. Tengen, you realize as you recognize the voice. 
“What?” Your friend looks alarmed, gaze going between the three of you as Kyojuro moves slightly closer. 
“My friend and yours made a bet,” Kyojuro says. “If Tengen made top rank, she would join us for dinner tonight.”
“Not only did I rank number one, but I broke a new record. Quite flashy, don’t you agree?” 
It takes a second for you to realize he’s talking to you. “Oh yeah, absolutely.” 
Your friend looks unimpressed at you but considering you didn’t want to be here in the first place and she surprised you into this faux double date, you’re not that bothered by it. 
“Sorry,” you say. “A bet’s a bet, right? Besides, we can have dinner another time.” You raise your eyebrows at her, daring her to protest. 
“We came here together,” she says slowly. “How will you get home?”
“We’ll drive her,” Tengen says. 
“We’ll make sure she gets home safely.” It sounds like a promise coming from Kyojuro. 
“I’ll be fine,” you tell her. “Don’t worry. I’ll text you, okay?”
She looks at you warily but nods. “Okay. Make sure you do.” She looks at the men on either side of you. “You better not hurt her or I swear to God…” 
“We won’t,” Kyojuro says. “Would you like to take a picture of us? Just in case.”
She looks as surprised at the offer as you are but she agrees. Kyojuro wraps an arm around your waist and smiles. You feel Tengen pose next to you but she takes what’s likely more than one picture. “Okay. If you murder her, I’ll find you.”
Tengen laughs. “Don’t worry, if she screams, it won’t be from murder.” 
You can see your friend’s boyfriend’s jaw drop at the blatant insinuation and your friend’s eyes widen before she grins at you. She moves forward and hugs you tightly before whispering, “Tell me everything tomorrow, okay?”
You laugh and wave her off, promising to contact her. You watch as they leave and Kyojuro slips away to say goodbye to their friends. Tengen doesn’t drop his arm since you haven’t shaken him off. Its weight is oddly comforting.
“You really didn’t want to go with them, did you?” Tengen asks. 
You look up at him. “No. I basically got tricked into a double date with her boyfriend's friend. It’s not the first time either and I already told her I wasn’t interested. Spending dinner with you two is a much more preferable choice, even if we did just meet.” 
He bends down slightly to get closer to you. “Well then, we’ll just have to make it worth your while, won’t we?” 
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They take you to a restaurant that is within walking distance. The men walk on either side of you, drawing you into conversation and telling you about how they became friends. You can’t help but laugh as Tengen expresses the admiration he felt when he met Kyojuro, simply for how the man dealt with one of their abrasive friends Sanemi. You think you can see Kyojuro redden as Tengen teases but the conversation pauses as you reach the restaurant. It’s cute and busy. You don’t know how they manage it, but the men get you a booth. Once you agree, you find yourself encased between them again when you sit down. 
Despite the size of them and the way they seem to tower over you even sitting, you don’t feel diminished between them. They keep you engaged in conversation, asking questions about your life while sharing more about theirs. Kyojuro promises that his hair is completely natural and tells you it’s because his ancestors loved tempura. It makes you laugh. 
“You have a gorgeous laugh, angel,” Tengen says, leaning slightly so his lips are closer to your ear. 
“You think so?” You ask, turning slightly to grin at him. You’re still not entirely sure where their attraction was coming from, but you weren’t opposed to it. Especially since neither of them seemed bothered by the other. You wonder to yourself if they’ve done this before. 
“Definitely.” You see his eye glance down at your lips but before either of you can do more than look, the waitress comes back with your orders. 
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“Here, try this.” 
You turn to Kyojuro who’s holding up a bite of his meal. He nods, moving it slightly closer but ultimately waiting for your response. You lean forward, meeting his eyes as you take a bite. He watches you carefully and you’re distracted from the weight of his stare by the taste of his meal. “Wow.”
“It’s delicious, right?” 
“It is!” You grin at him, gaze flicking down to his mouth before you meet his eyes again. Your breath hitches in your throat. He leans forward slowly, putting the utensil down. 
“May I kiss you?” he asks softly. 
You feel Tengen shift behind you. His chin rests slightly on your shoulder. “You should, angel,” Tengen says. “He’s a fantastic kisser.” Your mind goes blank slightly at the thought of how Tengen knows that but you nod. 
Kyojuro reaches over and touches your jaw slightly. Your eyes close as he gets close and his lips brush against yours gently. His kiss is soft at first, just testing the waters. Tengen pushes you slightly, pressing you closer to Kyojuro who opens his mouth and deepens the kiss. It’s easy to lose yourself in it, especially with the heat of Tengen at your back whose hand slides up your arm. 
When you break the kiss, you meet Kyojuro’s eyes. His pupils are blown wide and he grins at you. He darts forward, kissing you quickly again before he pulls back. “Like I said, delicious.” 
Tengen laughs behind you and you turn to face him better, wanting to make sure he wasn’t feeling left out. 
“Was I right?” he asks, nudging you slightly. 
“I might need some more convincing,” you tease, unwilling to give in that easily. 
Tengen just grins. “How about a comparison?” He bends down, capturing your lips with his. His palm is warm against the small of your back and you can feel Kyojuro’s thigh pressing against yours as Tengen takes control of the kiss. He kisses like he’s trying to get a rise out of you, as though he’s attempting to find out the exact way to make you moan against him. You break the kiss first, unwilling to forget where you are and end up embarrassing yourself. He looks at you like he knows. Tengen looks over your head at Kyojuro. “You were right, it’s delicious.”
Kyojuro laughs. 
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Dinner ends with Tengen’s hand on your thigh, fingers curling on the inside, tapping out a beat in his mind that leaves you squirming slightly, wishing he went higher. You suspect that if you were in a skirt or dress, his hands would tease higher against your skin. Kyojuro keeps taking the chance to kiss you and winds his fingers between yours, holding your hand. They continue to check in, making sure that you’re comfortable with every action they take. You’re aware of some of the looks the three of you are getting, but both Tengen and Kyojuro don’t seem bothered by them and continue to distract you by asking questions and telling stories. 
“Come home with us?” Tengen asks after their refusal to let you chip in for dinner. The three of you are standing outside the restaurant. 
“You don’t have to,” Kyojuro says. “We can simply take you home, but we’ve enjoyed this and would like to continue. Only if you’re interested.” 
Tengen throws an arm over Kyojuro’s shoulders. “What do you say? Want to continue? See how flashy the night can get?” 
You look at the way they are completely at ease with each other, how there’s absolutely no pressure to say yes. Every single moment since you’ve met them, they’ve been careful to be mindful of what you want and ask if it was okay. You get the sense that if you said no, they’d stay true to their word and take you home with no hard feelings, numbers still exchanged. These men had made a shit situation a hell of a lot better and now were promising to make your night something to remember. 
You smile at them both. “Absolutely.” 
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Kyojuro’s apartment is closest. 
You take Tengen’s car and Kyojuro sits in the back. Another step to make sure you feel comfortable, that you’re not just being carted off to one of their places. You text your friend on the way, telling her you’re going home with them. The encouragement your friend sends back makes you grin. You promise to check in with her later before locking your phone. 
“Everything alright?” Kyojuro asks, leaning forward between the seats. 
“Yeah,” you say, glancing between them both. “Have you two done this a lot?” You can’t help but ask. Especially with how comfortable they are with each other, with you kissing both of them. 
Tengen shrugs. “Kyo and I aren’t necessarily exclusive,” he says. “We both want more. There’s no shame in having more love to offer as long as everyone’s okay with it.”
“You are okay with it, aren’t you?” Kyojuro asks, sounding slightly hesitant. 
“I am,” you assure. “I just…I’ve never slept with two people at once. You might have to show me the ropes.”
“And here I thought we’d save the ropes for the next date,” Tengen says dryly.
You laugh. “The next date?”
“Sure,” he says. “We’ll just have to show you we’re worth it.”
“We like you,” Kyojuro grins at you. “Why wouldn’t we want to continue?”
“Maybe I’m terrible in bed?” you offer teasingly. 
Tengen glances at you. “We’re not.” 
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They prove it too. 
Kyojuro’s apartment isn’t too large but it is instantly comforting with warm colours and tasteful decoration, even if it is a little sparse. Both men move through it with ease and Kyojuro offers you both a drink to help you get settled. The drink he hands you is unopened, and you sip at it before settling on the couch next to Tengen. 
Kyojuro settles in next to you and for a moment you bask in this strange sense of comfort and warmth between these two men. The two of them are talking, letting you take your time. You get the feeling that they’re just waiting until you let them know you’re ready for more. It’s so wholesome, especially considering they basically promised to fuck you senseless. You want to see if they live up to it. 
You lean forward, setting your drink down before you glance between them. Considering you’ve kissed Kyojuro the most so far, you turn towards Tengen.
He raises his eyebrows at you, smirking slightly as he waits. 
“Can I sit on you?” you ask, offering the same politeness that they’ve given you. Consent needs to be verbally enthusiastic after all. 
Tengen grins and nods, putting his drink down before he beckons you closer. His hands grip at your waist, helping lift you with ease. Your legs go to either side of his, allowing you to straddle him. You glance at Kyojuro who simply moves closer and watches. Tengen’s hand slips under your shirt, thumb stroking soft circles on the skin of the small of your back. “We’re not going to push you into anything, angel,” he says softly. “At least anything you don’t want.” 
“And if I want everything?” you ask, fiddling gently with his shirt. 
The hand not on your back tilts your face to look up at him. “Then ask.”
“I want you both,” you breathe, meeting his dark red eyes. “If you want me.”
“Of course we do,” Kyojuro says. “Since you bumped into me.”
“Since you shot me,” Tengen agrees. His hand slides to the back of your neck and he leans down to kiss you. If he kissed you with careful control in the restaurant, this was something else. It’s harder, more demanding and yet he seems to remember everything that made you hum against his lips. “Don’t hold back,” he whispers when he finally breaks the kiss, letting you breathe. 
“If it’s too much, let us know,” Kyojuro says before he leans forward and takes Tengen’s place. Kyojuro kisses hard, full of passion and desperation. He kisses you like he never wants to stop. You can’t help but whine when he pulls back. You rock forwards, feeling Tengen growing harder under you. 
“Now that’s a sight,” he says, eyes flickering between you two. “Beautiful.” 
Your breath hitches as he turns to Kyojuro and you suddenly witness them kiss. Whatever sight Tengen thought he saw with you and Kyojuro, it couldn’t come close to the sight of them. They kissed like they’ve done it a hundred times before and still couldn’t get enough of each other. You grind your hips lightly, searching for more friction and reach for Kyojuro’s hand. He grips your hand back, just as tight. 
Tengen’s hand presses harder against your back, helping to guide you in increasing your motions and he groans against Kyojuro’s mouth. 
“Fuck,” you mutter. 
Kyojuro laughs, pulling away to look at you. “Enjoying it?”
“You’re both just so pretty,” you admit. 
Tengen laughs. “Come now, you’re wearing too much.” His gaze darts to Kyojuro. “Both of you are.” 
It’s easy to give in. You grab the end of your shirt and drag it up over your head. You throw it to the side, completely unaware as both the men look at you. Their gazes are heated, Kyojuro’s tongue darting out to lick his lips. You think he does it unconsciously but your stomach flutters with pride and confidence at their expressions and you quickly take off your bra too. 
Tengen’s hand is large and warm, the calluses on his fingers and palm scrape against your skin as he drags his hand up your side. You shiver at the feeling, only to be distracted as Kyojuro kisses you again. 
It’s almost overwhelming. The strength of Tengen’s thighs under you, the feeling of his hands dancing a pattern you can’t focus on over your skin while Kyojuro sucks marks on your shoulder. Tengen kisses you again and you feel Kyojuro’s hand go from your thigh to his. 
“We need more space,” Tengen mutters. “Hold on, princess.” He lifts you, ignoring the sound you make at the loss of him until he places you in Kyojuro’s lap. Kyojuro, for his part, grins widely at you, pulling you closer before kissing you again. You dig your hands into his hair, kissing him back just as hard. 
“Bedroom,” Tengen says, offering a hand. Kyojuro hikes you closer before he stands, one arm under your ass. You wrap your legs around him but he doesn’t seem to struggle in the slightest in carrying you. Tengen leads you both down a hall. Or somewhere. You’re not entirely paying attention, too busy sucking your own mark into Kyojuro’s neck. His grip tightens against you. 
Kyojuro releases you, letting you gently fall against the bed. Tengen moves in, drawing you towards him as he kneels on the bed. You move to follow, pausing only to undo your pants once you notice he’s naked. You motion for him to wait as you lie back to shimmy out of them. He hooks a finger on the edge, helping you. Kyojuro grabs the ends, pulling them towards him. He’s already naked as well, taking the chance when you were distracted by Tengen. 
Your mouth goes dry as you take in their muscles. You knew they were strong but it’s different seeing them like this. “Wow.”
“I think we’re the ones who should be saying that,” Kyojuro says. “Don’t you agree, Tengen?”
“I’m lucky either way,” the other man admits. You turn back to him. He’s sitting back on his heels, watching you both. “Come here,” he beckons you closer like he did before. You move towards him, aware of the bed dipping behind you. Tengen pulls you into him, kissing you softly as his hands slide across your skin. They go up your thighs, following the dip of your hips and waist before cupping your breasts gently. “So pretty,” he murmurs. 
Kyojuro moves behind you, kissing the spot where your neck meets your shoulder. You lean back against him, smiling at the warmth of the men that seeps into you. You move one of your hands over your shoulder, digging back into Kyojuro’s hair. He groans as you grip it, hands tightening at your waist. You drape your other one over Tengen’s shoulder, stroking the skin softly as his mouth lowers to encase one of your nipples. 
You lose yourself in the sensations the men cause. One of Kyojuro’s hands slips between your legs, pressing in and stroking gently. 
“So wet already,” he tells Tengen. He presses in further and you shift to give him more room. He finds your clit with surprising ease and you feel yourself arch into it. It helps push you closer to Tengen who is lavishing your chest with attention, gently biting and sucking hard to leave his mark. 
You groan when Kyojuro removes his fingers, sucking them into his mouth. How are you supposed to survive this? Especially when he swipes them back between your legs before offering them to Tengen who takes them without hesitation. Kyojuro leans forward over you, kissing Tengen. The thought that they can both taste you on their lips is hotter than you ever realized it would be. Your hands move, mapping out the crevices and dips of their muscles, absent-mindedly wondering how you got this lucky. You don’t question it though, instead, once they stop kissing, you motion for them to give you some space. 
They both instantly apologize if they squished you.
“What a way to go,” you muse, smiling as they laugh. Tengen reaches over to pinch you and you jolt back, sticking out your tongue. 
“I want to taste you,” you say. You move closer, bending down slightly. You reach for Kyojuro, fingers wrapping around his cock and watching as his eyes flutter closed at the feeling. You lick at Tengen’s, using your other hand to hold him. It takes a bit to find a rhythm and neither man seems to mind as you go back and forth, taking your time to try to take in as much of each of them as you can. 
Tengen’s hand rests on the back of your neck, oddly comforting as you suck him. Kyojuro’s hand joins yours, stroking what bits you can’t reach. Tengen groans, praising you both for making him feel so good. “You take us so well, angel,” he tells you. 
Kyojuro is louder in his moans when you use your mouth, holding himself steady on Tengen as you lick and suck. These two powerful men crumble under your mouth. You’ve never felt so powerful, or so desirable with the way they look at you. 
“Please, sweet thing,” Kyojuro begs, “let me take care of you too.” 
He begs so prettily, and you think Tengen agrees with how he watches you both. You nod and Kyojuro motions for you to turn your attention back to the other man. You feel him move behind you as you go back to trying to take as much of Tengen’s cock in your mouth as you can. Kyojuro’s hands settle on your hips before he presses a warm palm to the small of your back, guiding you to rest on your hands as well as your knees. You lean back towards him automatically. 
You hum against Tengen as you feel Kyojuro’s fingers first. They press in, slowly stretching you as he adds one then two. 
“Fuck,” you hear Tengen. 
“She’s so tight,” Kyojuro says. “I don’t want to hurt her.” 
“You won’t,” Tengen replies. 
Kyojuro presses another finger in and you falter in your efforts, mouth releasing Tengen so you can gasp at the intrusion. It feels so good and yet not enough. 
“Please, please, please,” you beg. “More.”
“Well,” Tengen says. “You heard her.” 
You don’t look up at the sounds of someone’s fingers being sucked clean, already knowing what you’d find and take the chance to catch your breath. It doesn’t last long, not when you can feel Kyojuro finally press against you. It takes a second for him to angle himself properly before he’s pushing in and all you can do is moan at the feeling. 
Fingers tilt your head up and you look to see Tengen smiling down at you. “Alright?” he asks. 
“Yeah,” you agree. 
He bends down to kiss you and you can taste yourself on his lips. Kyojuro takes the chance to withdraw just enough before thrusting back. 
“Come on, princess,” Tengen says softly. “Think you can finish me off?” 
You don’t bother replying, instead taking his cock back in your mouth. You’ve never been this full. Not like this. The men easily find a rhythm, and you let yourself move with it. The room fills with the sounds and smells of sex, soft moans and groans as you all get closer. Tengen hits his release first, withdrawing and cumming across your back. That’s going to be hell to clean but the thought is lost when you feel Kyojuro’s pace quicken. Your arms collapse under you and you try to hold yourself up on your elbows. You think someone swipes at the display he left, someone else moaning with their mouth full. Then Tengen shifts, lying next to you and propping himself up on an elbow. He seems enraptured by the sight of you and Kyojuro. 
You are so close to the edge, to your release when Kyojuro stops. You nearly whine in frustration but it doesn’t last long. You’re flipped onto your back, resting next to Tengen still while Kyojuro slips back between your legs. 
Tengen kisses you as Kyojuro lifts your legs, resting them on his forearms before he thrusts forward again. Tengen’s hand slides down your chest, pausing to squeeze one of your breasts again before his fingers find their way between you and Kyojuro. He presses against your clit, moving in tandem with the man fucking you and you break. 
Tengen breaks the kiss, letting you cry out with your release as his mouth moves lower, They don’t stop though. Your orgasm extends with their movements and before you can even fully catch your breath, you tumble head-first into another. 
Someone swears. 
Kyojuro pulls out just in time to cum across your stomach and all three of you seem to pause, regaining your senses. Kyojuro collapses on the best next to you and for a moment, all you can do is laugh. 
Both men have enough energy to look at each other over you and you wave them off before they can question it.
“Sorry,” you say. “That was just…the most intense thing I’ve ever experienced.” 
“Told you it’d be flashy,” Tengen says, sounding as confident as ever. Not that it was a surprise. The man deserved it and could clearly back it up. You were going to be sore tomorrow. 
“You were right,” you agree. 
“Let’s clean you up,” he says. “I’ll run a bath.” 
“A bath?” All you wanted to do was clean up and sleep. 
“It’s big enough,” Kyojuro says. He sounds about as awake as you feel. “It’ll help so you won’t be sore later when we go again.”
“Again?” You glance between these men, wondering where they get the stamina. Tengen just laughs. 
“Of course. You didn’t think we were done, did you?”
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everything taglist: @raith-way @chrissymunson @veetlegeuse  @chickensarentcheap @residentdormouse
201 notes · View notes
zxvmp · 11 months
Hashira’s Reaction to your skirt flowing during a mission
pov: you’re fighting a demon and while landing your skirt blew up a bit to far…
warnings: slightly suggestive?? if you squint hard enough
characters: giyuu, tengen, sanemi, and rengoku.
a/n: sorry if there’s any misspells and wtv, to lazy to read over
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Giyuu Tomioka
- Happened when you were in mid air with the demon and he just so happened to look up right underneath you
- Would definitely try and act like he didn’t completely get a face full of your pink panties
- His face would go a shade you’d never expect to see on a guy like him, red.
- “Is everything okay?” Soemthing you’d ask to make sure he wasn’t about to pass out
- After seeing it, he’d probably pause during the fight making you yell at him to move
- Even though you guys are dating he’s still flustered
“Giyuu, what’s up with you?” You ask holding your hand up to his flushed cheeks.
“It’s nothing, how about we find a place to stay for the night?”
“But this mission wasn’t even that far from headquarters-”
He doesn’t reply and just drags you away towards an inn, you could tell when he wanted something…and you knew what that something was…
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
- Happened when you did a flip backwards to dodge a demons attack
- Would stare at you like you have three heads
- Kills the demon in seconds after seeing your skirt fly up to reveal your cute panties
- Has a shit eating grin as he looks at you, which you were oblivious to the fact you just basically flashed him
- Adds extra wind to his attack just to see your skirt flow
“That was quick!” You smile putting your sword away.
“Nice underwear.” Sanemi said pulling you in by your waist.
Your face immediately began to heat up, did your skirt show a bit more than it needed?
“Shut up you perv!” You say nudging him.
Even though you two were dating you still were embarrassed, later that night he’d definitely have to take a peak.
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Kyojuro Rengoku
- It happened as you jumped in front of him to help deflect the demons attack
- You felt a little air brush against an area but quickly shrugged it off and continued to follow through with your attacks
- A loud gasp was heard from behind you..
- His face is most definitely lit up, and a slight smile is on his face
“Oh my!” Rengoku yelled.
“What? Did I do something wrong?” You ask innocently, oblivious to the fact you just shoved your butt in his face.
“You may need a longer skirt, (y/n)!” Rengoku chuckled as he patted your back.
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Tengen Uzui
- We all know, he’d definitely smack your ass
- Happened in the same situation with Rengoku, your ass on full display for him
- You yelped after the contact his hand made with your body
- No shame, not at all
- in a modern au he’d yell gyat, don’t tell me otherwise
“What the hell!?” You say rubbing your butt to try and calm the stinging pain.
“We have got to find a place tonight.” Tengen snickered as he sliced the demons neck.
“Yeah like i’ll let you do anything to me.” You smirk, knowing you’d get on your knees if he said so.
“Oh really?”
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smut-slut69 · 3 months
"F*ck your stupid, sexy Miniskirt"
How the Hashira react to your new Mini Skirt. Except Muichiro Ofc, I'm not a weirdo
Modern au, Hashira x fem!Reader
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Tengen Uzui
Bro's an ass man and nothing will EVER convince me otherwise
So obviously, when he see's your ass stuck in the tiniest little skirt when you were heading out with your friends for a night.
He couldn't help the way his big hands accidently grazed your ass as he gave you a hug goodbye
And how would he have known his one kiss goodbye would turninto a flurry of sloppy kisses
And he definitely couldn't help the way his member hardened with the need to be deep inside of you
“Fuck baby, m’gonna be late” you moaned when Tengen’s cock slipped past your entrance. You weren’t even sure how you had gotten yourself pressed up against your front door, skirt riding up your ass and nipples rock hard underneath your rhinestoned shirt. Uzui had said he just wanted a kiss goodbye and that was all you ever intedned for it to be, but god it felt so good to get swept up in his big arms, with his equally large hands roaming all over your body. And now you had his thick cock stuffing you full, over and over again, smooshing your face against the wall with every thrust. You let out what was intended to be a sigh but came out a moan as you gripped onto the bigger hand gripping your hips. Guess your friends would have to wait a while.
Giyu Tomioka
I don't know why so many of y'all think this man is a dom
Please, he's never had any sort of sexual interaction in his life until he met you
He's still learning about his own feelings, let alone his sexual attraction
So you can't blame him for his reaction to all the skirts you tried on in front of him after dragging him with you to the mall to help you shop
After all, who wouldn't get bricked up after seeing their girlfriend's fat ass peaking out of miniskirts of every color in the universe
“Aww, my poor baby’s cock is rock hard” you cooed as you settled yourself between your boyfriend's legs. Tomioka just stared at you in awe as your manicured hands grasped his member, pretty glossed lips gliding over his cock. You had done this to him a couple of times before but he swore never got used to the feeling of you taking him in your mouth, sloppily sucking his cock, and bobbing your head up and down so fast he had to bite his hand to handle the stimulation. He honestly thought he was a goner when your tongue came to tease the slit of his tip, but when he peered through his lashes at the mirror across from him in the dressing room. His cock twitched and cum shot out and onto your face when he saw your red miniskirt riding up, giving him the perfect view of your fingering your wet cunt.
Kyojuro Rengoku
Kyojuro would hoenstly be confused when he felt the overwhelming need to fuck you every time you walked past him in a mini skirt
He believes he has a good sense of self-control
Or at least enough to allow him to look at his girlfriend in a skirt without salivating like a horny teenager
But there was something about you in that damn skirt that made him lose every ounce of control in his body
Stars, that skirt just made him want to fuck the shit out of you
“Fuck~. . .ah” you moaned out, eyebrows furrowed up in pleasure and eyes rolling back in your head as Kyojuro’s cock rammed into you faster and harder than you think it ever has. Usually, your man was loving and kind. He took his time when he said fucked you, no, made love to you. But this was different. Completely different from the normal. “Oh my god K-kyo, slow down” you cried out. Kyojuro could hear all your cries, he could see your legs quivering on the verge of giving out. But he couldn’t find it in him to let go of the death grip he had on your hips. His eyes glued to your creamy entrance and your essence that covered his cock as he pushed himself balls-deep into you. And fuck, that skirt just barely covering the fat of your ass was driving him even crazier. “I’m sorry baby, I-I can’t” he breathed. “I think I’m gonna cum in this pretty cunt again”
Mitsuri Kanroji
Mitsuri is never beating the bottom allegtions
I mean, this girl is never on top
But when she saw you chilling at home in one of her skirts that were a little too short for you
Your thighs looking ever so plump underneath the pretty black fabric
Mitsuri felt drawn to the sight, seating herself next to you
Smooth, long fingers tracing over your thighs and farther up your leg
You panted and threw your head back with a moan as your girlfriend's long, slender fingers drilled in and out of your cunt, curling to hit that perfect spot inside you. Mirtusi let out a moan of her own when she felt your cunt flutter around her fingers in a way she hadn’t felt in such a long while. She had almost forgotten how drenched your pussy got, how much you really did love when she took control. Mitsuri drew closer and laid supple kisses along your throat, licking along the flesh there and admiring the way your cunt gushed from the sensation. She couldn't believe she hadn't taken the chance to treat your sweet cunt right. But she would be sure to now, determined to make you finish all over her fingers and maybe . . .just maybe her tongue later.
Sanemi Shinazugawa
You make him hard no matter what you do
Like you could breathe and you'd see little Sanemi poking through his pants
So seeing you bent over in the laundry room, wearing one of your old skirts that barely fit you anymore because all your clothes were in the laundry
Had him palming his cock through his sweat pants
He simply was not at blame for what happened next
“Fuck S-Sanemi I gotta put bleach in t-the, Fuck- washing machine”*You gritted out, trying to free your hands from his stronghold. Sanemi strengthened his grip on your wrists, landing a sharp blow on your ass as he plowed his cock into you. You moaned, your legs buckling underneath you from the strength of his thrusts. “You’re wearing this tiny ass skirt and expect me not to pound this fuckin cunt?” he spoke. You roll your eyes, in annoyance. “You’re the worst '' you whined. Sanemi just laughed at you, peering down at where you two were connected. He was always amazed at how sloppy his girl’s pussy was, wet and leaking all over him and your thighs. “You'll like me a lot better if you keep creamin on me like that sweetheart”
Gyomei Himejima
Since Gyomei is blind, one of his biggest love languages with you is physical touch
You all love experiencing each other with your hands
Clinging onto each other while you kiss
Feeling each others bodies are thoroughly
It is definitely one of Gyomei's favorite ways to connect with you
So imagine his excitement when you said you had a surprise for home, that involved physical touch
You giggled as you grasped Gyomei's strong hands, guiding them to feel the mold of your figure under the surprise you were wearing. “Is this a skirt?” he asked when you let his hands explore independently. “Mhmm” you hum, groaning a little when his hands came to squeeze at your ass, “I bought a short one and I thought you’d like it,” you told him. Gyomei leaned farther into you, letting his hands travel under your skirt and onto your pantie-clad slit. He grinned, feeling the fabric already dampened with your juices. Using his middle finger, he rubbed tight circles on your clit and prodded at your entrance gently. You used his shoulders to brace yourself as he picked up his pace. Panties soaking through from how wet he was making you.“I’m gonna cum” you whimpered. Your orgasm was always unbearably quick with him. Gyomei smiled, flicking at your clit just a little faster to push you over the edge. “Go on my love, let me feel you”
Obanai Iguro
Obanai loves your body in everything you wear
He likes to show you off really
Which is why he let you come with him to a club with a few of his friends
the new mini skirt he bought you clinging to your thick curves
He loved the skirt on you
What he didn't love
Was the looks his friends were giving you
Their eyes staying glues to your backside
His jealousy only grew throughout the night
Which is how you ended up bent over in the club's bathroom
Hanging on to the stall walls for dear life
With how many times Obanai had fucked you, you would think you would get used to the sheer size of him. But everytime proved wrong. He was so long that he reached that spongey spot inside of you every time he fucked into you, and he was so fucking thick you didn’t know how you were handling it. Especially now, when his thrusts were mean and jealousy fuelled, leaving you with no choice but to squirt with every thrust. You knew you wouldn’t be able to scramble away if you tried, but you couldn’t help but instinctively push off of his cock. He rolled his eyes at you, almost finding your attempts at getting free humorous. Grabbing a fistful of your hair, he pulled you right back on his shaft. Obanai knew he was being far, far rougher than usual, but until he heard a safe word from that pretty little mouth of yours, he’d pound into you as much as he wanted. “Fuck are you running from” he gritted out, “You wanna let my friends stare at what belongs to me” he spoke. “Wanna act like a fucking slut, then i’ll fuck you like the two dollar whore you are” he sneered.
Shinobu Kocho
Shinobu's a munch
Like, she loves eating you out so much
If She's tired, she'll suck on your clit to lull her to sleep
If She's excited, she'll pour it out while licking your slit
If She's angry, she'll take it out on your poor pussy
Today was one of the days where she was exhausted
Having just come home from work all she could think about was you and your sweet cunt
When she walked into your shared bedroom, she saw you sleeping
You mustv'e come home from hanging out with your friends as your outfit would have only been appropriate for a club setting
Shinobu was going to let you sleep, she truly was
But staring at your thick thighs, spilling out of your tiny little skirt made her drop down onto her knees
Shinobu chuckled as she spread your legs, your bare pussy staring back at her, you had no panties on. “Slut” she mumbled to herself. She let her thumb trace over your cunt, eyes flickering between your most private part and your face to see if you were still asleep. She leaned down to lick a long stripe from your hole to your clit, watching as your face scrunched up in your sleep. As she got lost in the feeling of eating you out, her eyes fluttered shut and her lips sucked at your clit. Not caring if she woke you up or not. It was only when her thin digits slid into your entrance that you jolted awake, instinctively moaning in a sleepy haze. Your moans turned to whines as your hips ground up into her mouth and down onto her fingers. Shinobu barely noticed you were cumming as she continued to lick on your clit until your hand came to tiredly push her head off of you. She looked up, licking her lips, “Shh baby” she said, kissing your thighs, “Go back to sleep and let me keep eating”
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saetoshis · 1 year
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[‹ WITH ›] tengen ; akaza ; kyojuro ; shinjuro
[‹ SUMMARY ›] how they like to overstim you!
fem reader, overstimulation, praise, pet names [bunny, baby, my girl], multiple positions, size kink [tengen], mentions of multiple orgasms, mentions of creampie
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[‹ TENGEN ›] to treat you after a long mission!
by the time tengen's back from a tireless, drawn-out mission, he makes it all-too-clear how much he missed you from how he kneels behind you on the bed and pushes your chest against the comforter. his cock twitches at just the familiarity of it all as the pent-up weeks of being without you pleasing him is wracked hard in his limbs.
"god- missed this pussy so much," tengen grunts out as he slips the head of his cock between your walls, the conversance tight slickness of your pussy pulling a shuddered exhale out of his chest. his lips trail over your nape, the rasps in his groans making your clit throb and cunt tremble around him. "fuck, feels like she missed me too, huh?"
"missed you, tennie... forgot how big," you murmur whiningly into the sheets, knees shaking on the mattress as he rocks his hips quickly with wet smacks. you could cum from just the stretch alone, his cock prodding at the spot that makes you shudder hard. "s-so close already..."
tengen sneers and fucks into you fervently, and the sheer push and pull of your slick walls around him is enough to have him keening for his own climax, too. his smirked jeers of 'c'mon, show me what i missed, baby' are enough to egg you on, your body shuddering underneath his brawny frame as you cum hard around him.
"ah- there you go baby, big one, huh?" tengen chuckles out between broken grunts, his cock twitching as his abs flex and shudder from his own high burgeoning in his chest. he'll promise to make up for lost time and give you as many orgasms as he can - and a couple of his own, to make up for lost time.
"mmph- gonna fuck you all night. think you can gimme a couple more, baby?"
[‹ AKAZA ›] to hear your pretty sounds!
nothing sounds prettier to akaza than when you're whimpering out broken pants of his name. he envelops you closer against his chest as you straddle his lap, his cock grinding up into the hilt of your pussy with every rough rock of his hips - and akaza things he could pass out just from the shudders in your cadence.
"feels good, huh? got you shaking a little," akaza leers out with a heaved sigh, admiring the glimmers of pleasure in your eyes as you wrap your arms around his shoulders a little tighter with each rough grind. the way you tighten up around him pulls a gasp from his chest, and he can't help but fuck into you faster just to see how hard he can make you shudder again. "hah- god, you're so pretty like this, bunny..."
"yes, yea-yeah, feels so good," your whimpers come out in a slur as your clit grinds against him again and again. akaza can tell you're barely grounded, head swimming with pleasure and now all he wants to do is send you reeling. "gonna- fuck, cum... g'na cum for you!"
akaza pants out heavily as he rocks his hips hard enough to shake the bed, arms tightening around your waist as he grunts out against your shoulder. his murmurs of 'cum for me, cum for me' are enough to tip you over the edge, your frame shuddering as your vision blurs and stuttered whines leave your lips.
akaza can't help but feel a twitch in his cock from just the sheer prettiness of your whimpers, and now his goal's started to turn a bit egotistic - he'll promise not to overstimulate you too much as he chases the own euphoria jolting through his body.
"give me a few more of those moans, hah- promise i'll give you what you want soon..."
[‹ KYOJURO ›] on accident!
kyojuro just can't help but get lost in the soft push and pull of your walls around him - enough for him to feel hazy with a twitch in his cock that just won't go away until he fills you up with all the cum he has to offer.
"you want it just like... this, right?" kyojuro grunts out as he ruts his hips to hit just the spot he knows makes your knees weak. his fingers dig into the plushness of your thighs as he rocks his hips at a quick pace, wet smacks flooding the room as you heave shallowly beneath him. his thumb finds refuge on your clit, circling the nerves until he can feel your thighs shake in his hands. "there you go... does it feel good when i touch you like this?"
"hah- yes, yeah, right there kyo," you murmur as your head lolls back against the pillow, your frame shuddering with every quick thrust of his hips. he's only focused on your pleasure - enough to have you on the verge with jolts of euphoria driving up your spine from his every move. "c-cumming, gonna cum..."
"oh, there you go, so perfect for me..." kyojuro's eyes widen and glitter with pride at the way your body keens for him, shaking harshly as whimpers of his name fall from your mouth like a chant. the way you tighten up around him draws a grunt from his throat, his eyebrows furrowed as his cock throbs with every slicked rut.
kyojuro doesn't realize he's overstimulating you until you desperately grasp his hand between your thighs, pulling his thumb away from your clit as it throbs against the cool air. he lets out a slew of rapid apologies, only for his eyes to widen at your words of 'it's okay, i liked it..."
"i'll keep going just like this for you, have to see you cum like that just one more time..."
[‹ SHINJURO ›] for his own enjoyment!
shinjuro just adores the glimmers of euphoria in your teary eyes as he fucks you just how he knows you like it - maybe because it fuels his ego, or maybe because he likes to see you feeling good enough to cum hard on his cock time and time again.
"that's my girl, fuck- keep fuckin' me like that," shinjuro grunts out from beneath you, your mind clearly lost in the rhythmic smack of your hips against his as you ride him. every harsh press of his cock hitting the hilt of your cunt is enough to jolt your frame, and all shinjuro can do is smirk at the sight. "so pretty, aren't you? ridin' my cock just like i told you, huh?"
"f-feels so good, shin..." your mind is hazed and vision blurry as you bounce in messy grinds on his lap, his hands gripping your hips being the only thing keeping you stable and grounded. every brush of his cock against your sensitive walls has you shaking, climax building up around him as you keep your sloppy pace up. "god- gonna, fuck- gonna cum..."
"oh fuck, atta girl," shinjuro chuckles out as he feels your slick burgeon around his shaft, the tightness of your pussy sucking him in and forcing a low grunt out of his chest. his grip tightens on the plush of your hips to keep your quick bounces going, his cock rocking into you hard as you ride out your high.
shinjuro can't help but get a little bit greedy as he holds you stable and fucks up into you - after all, you feel so tight and soft around him that he can't ignore the twitch in his cock any longer.
"fuck, baby... you can take a lil more for me, can't ya?"
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tagging: @littleoanh @minxsane @hystix @youronlygirl-riri @simp-lauren @animepansexualosaurus @babiefwuit @nymphoheretic
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"What A Beautiful Family!"
In which you get confused for being a family
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- It happens during a trip to the store in town with his little brother. Maybe it was to restock groceries or maybe it was buying supplies for his next demon conquest, either way: all three of you went down to visit.
- Rengoku smiled softly at you as he watched you with his little brother, holding his hand and laughing with Senjuro and occasionally lifting him up and spinning around.
- At some point during the walk, Senjuro pointed at some birds flying in the tree and begged Kyojuro for a closer look, which Kyojuro happily allowed him to do and put him on his shoulders with a big smile. You helped Senjuro steady himself and laughed at how precious the two looked.
- As Senjuro and Kyojuro debated about what kind of birds they were, you couldn't help but look at Kyojuro with nothing less than love in your eyes and a fond smile.
- "Aw, how precious!" a woman walking past with a basket filled with baked goods cooed at you three, "I'm glad even with demons terrorizing us, people can still have moments like this. Here, have some!"
- At first you tried to decline out of embarrassment but Kyojuro humbly took them and gave one to Kyojuro and handed a pastry to you. You were hesitant but then you took it and graciously thanked the lady, "but also, I feel bad for not paying for these, ma'am. Please, let me-"
- "Don't you worry about it. A beautiful family like you should enjoy a good snack on such a lovely day, especially since your husband's a hashira."
- Rengoku opened his mouth to let out a hearty "TASTY!" but stopped himself halfway when he heard that. You just stared at the lady in flustered shock as she bowed her head and walked away.
- You and Kyojuro shared a look with each other, Kyojuro giving you a nervous yet wide grin and you returned it. Both of your faces felt warm and you were barely able to hold eye contact with each other.
- "Haha, that lady thought you were (Y/n)'s husband! Isn't that funny, big brother?" and Rengoku's gaze softens as you become timid and look down at your feet, "Yes...I suppose it is, Kyojuro."
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- You were walking with Tengen and his wives, happy to see him a bit more after his retirement, when you stumbled upon three neighboring children, who played too roughly and were crying their eyes out about it.
- You and Hinatsuru helped them while Suma tried not to cry with the two boys but offered to help and Makio awkwardly tried to calm them down. Tengen just squatted down and told them that it wasn't very flashy to cry, which made you and Hina elbow him.
- Instead of getting more upset, however, all three boys became excited and seemed to recgonize Tengen, asking him if he was the sound Hashira, which seemed to greatly inflate his ego as he said: "Yes but I am also the God of Festivals!"/ "WOW! REALLY!?"
- You and his wives exchanged glances knowing he wouldn't shut up. When they asked if he could tell him a story of the demons he fought, he tried to be all: "Oh, it might be too scary for you kids...BUT WHAT THE HECK- So I was in the Entertainment District which is filled with prost-"/ "UZUI."/ "IT'S IMPORTANT TO THE STORY."
- Anyways, after some censoring, each boy found a home in your lap, Suma's lap, and another sat on Hinatsuru's but leaned their head on Makio's arm. All of you entranced by Tengen's storytelling and prescence.
- "Haha, such an energetic father. Those boys are definetly gonna grow up strong!"/ "I wonder which of those women are his wife?"/ "From the way they're looking at him, all four, probably."
- Tengen's voice suddenly stopped, most likely because he heard what they said, but instead of correcting him, his eyes landed on you. You could feel Hina's, Suma's, and Makio's gaze on you as well and you felt timid...but not uncomfortable. His lips upturned into a smirk and you felt yourself trying to look at ANYWHERE but the attractive faces that were staring at you.
- "Well, what happened next!?" One of the boys demanded, impatient from the cliff hanger.
- "Huh- Oh, right! Anyways, this demon CAME OUT and he was UGLY. Absolutely hideous, like a monster that crawled from under your bed-"
- When the boys finally were called home, you all waved goodbye and parted ways. Leaving you alone with the retired Hashira and his wives, you didn't say anything but the energy felt different as Suma clung to your arm and Tengen walked closer to you, Makio's eyes would stray towards you but timidly look away when you caught her gaze as Hina wished this walk would last forever. Just the five of you.
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year
Let's Get Together, Build Us A Fire(Demon Slayer headcanons)
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warnings: smut, unprotected sex, mentions of fellation/male receiving oral sex, size kink, struggling to take cock, slight dub-con, slight power play word count: 1k pairings: Kyojuro Rengoku x Fem!Reader, Tengen Uzui x Fem!Reader and Giyu Tomioka x Fem!Reader a/n: this new season of demon slayer is WILD! I'm hooked! Smut under the cut.
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He knows he’s big. Big in so many different ways. But to watch you struggle to take all of him inside of you, it’s such a stroke to his ego.
Kyojuro doesn’t want to hurt you, but if you whine that he’s “too big” while he’s sliding into you, he has a hard time not just pressing you into the mattress and pounding into you.
He’ll watch as your little cunt dribbles as he enters you, his thumb on your clit to help ease you into taking him. As your walls just suck him in, he’s having a hard time concentrating.
“Kyo…” you whine as he has you pressed against the soft mattress. “S’too much. S’too big,”
Kyojuro chuckles softly, “Awh, sweetheart, you’re doing so well.”
Despite the way he treats his students, he’s so gentle and kind with you. You’re his little lover, his flame. You truly are so precious to him, so he knows he needs to keep going so slow whenever he fucks you. You took so much preparation the first time, but you’re still ever so tight now. He loves it though. It really makes him feel so good about himself. Sometimes he does feel insecure, despite his calm and collected demeanor.
“Halfway there, my flower.” Kyojuro praises you. His thumb reaches down to your clit, slowly rubbing it in the way that makes you dribble out even more slick.
You aren’t even sure how you manage to take all of his cock inside of you every time. It’s so damn big and it just makes you feel so full. Once he bottoms out, it’s just pressing against your cervix. He’s slow and gentle with you most times, but sometimes he can’t help himself as he gets too excited and eager.
Soon, he feels less resistance from your cunt. He slips even further inside until his balls are plush against your ass and his cock is all the way inside. Kyojuro’s eyes roll back in his head as he feels your walls clamping down around him so tightly.
“See,” he says breathily as he leans in to kiss you, “I knew you could take it.”
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Nothing makes him feel more smug than seeing you struggle to take his fat cock. It’s just so perfect to watch you whine and beg for him to slow down.
Tengen does what he can to take it slow, but most of the time he just pushes his cock deep into you. Once he’s balls deep inside of you, he lets his instincts take over.
You can also expect him to love watching you struggle to suck his cock. If you drool and choke on it, it only makes him even harder than before. Don’t worry, he’ll praise you for being so good.
“That’s it,” Tengen grunts as he pounds into your little cunt. He’s had enough of you trying to push him out of you. “You can take it.”
You cry out, “T-too big!”
He chuckles darkly, “then why is your cunt squeezing me so tight, hm? Your little pussy is betraying you, babygirl.”
You can barely think straight when he’s stretching you out like this. It makes you cling to him as you try to get used to this. Nothing could truly prepare you for the size of him, considering how he towers over you as well. It’s all just a game to him sometimes. He knows how to push your buttons. 
“Awh,” Tengen teases, “look at you, baby. You’re so wet for daddy,”
Your cheeks burn, “That’s filthy, daddy.”
He loves how he has you so fucked out. You’re a good girl, that’s for sure. Despite your tight cunt that makes it hard for him to hold on for long, he knows he has you conditioned so well for him. You’ll always let him have his fun, even when you’re being a brat or you say you’re not in the mood.
“I could fuck you for days, you know that?” Tengen groans, pressing kisses to your tits.
“D-don’t say that,”
He grabs your ass, squeezing slightly as he pushes into you even deeper. Oh, he could definitely fuck you for days.
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He gets off on watching you struggle. You’ll whine and whimper, but it just makes him so fucking hard. He enjoys pressing the tip to your leaking cunt and pressing in slowly.
As soon as he bottoms out though, he’s like an animal. He can’t stop himself. He’s going to fuck you into the mattress. He knows he can’t always have moments like these, so he takes advantage.
One of his favorite things is to have you bouncing on his cock, whining as he guides you to continue to ride him. He’ll certainly overstimulate you this way.
“I dunno if I can take it,” you whine as the tip of his cock prods your tight little hole.
Giyu sighs, “Let’s not play these games, yeah?”
He knows he should be a bit more gentle with you, but it’s all too much for him to handle right now. You’re making him so dizzy with lust. When was the last time he was able to fuck you like this? It feels like centuries. And now you were trying to deny him the pleasure he’s been craving.
“Be a good girl for me,” he murmurs before guiding your hips to come down.
“Giyu…” you whine once more, but it’s too late.
The tip of his fat cock begins splitting your pussy, and you’re moaning and shuddering. It’s causing you to drip all over him as his cock keeps bullying its way deeper into you. Once it hits your sweet spot, you swear you can already see stars in your vision.
“Hm, I guess I was right. You can take my cock,”
It’s not long before he’s guiding you to start bouncing up and down on his cock, and this only makes you drench him in your juices even more. Something about the scent of you and the feeling of your juices coating his cock makes him so weak. His tough facade slips away for a few moments as he pulls you down to kiss you.
“You’re my precious girl,” he says between sweet and sloppy kisses.
“I missed you so much,” you finally let out, your breaths all shaky and ragged.
He chuckles to himself, and then pumps up into you. This makes you squeal loudly, and he has no choice but to get this pace going. You’re having a hard time concentrating, it would seem.
“Missed you too, darling. Now be a good girl and ride my cock.”
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raging-bisexual76 · 10 days
Okay but I've been thinkin abt a wife swap/sharing thing with Kyojuro and reader and Tengen and his wives
Like Tengen doesn't understand what's so great about having one wife, vice versa with Kyojuro not getting Tengen having three so they fuck each other's spouses to figure out
Uzui down on one knee hitting it from the back, large hands resting on the readers hips as he angles his thrusts just right. Uzui would have the reader absolutely d r o o l i n g and so fucked out, but all she can look at is her husband across the room as he gets ridden dry by the girls
Hina rolling her hips, head thrown back, sweet moans leaving her lips as his cock stretches her further then her husband's could. Suma running a hand through Kyo's hair as she tears up, his tongue runnin laps around her clit. Makio has her arms under his thighs, holding his hips as best she can to keep him from thrusting into Hina. She's running her tongue up his taint and sucking his balls into her mouth.
Maybe it ends in a cuddle pile of both couples and while both men still don't exactly get it, Kyojuro and Tengen have more respect for their decisions in the amount of wives they have and wouldn't have their choices change
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ghostmaldo · 4 months
(✿ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)⁾⁾Demon Slayer Headcannons: Will you hold this for me? (✿ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)⁾⁾
In which (Y/n) asks them to hold something and then proceeds to place their hand into their S/O ^^. I read this prompt yeeears ago for ffxv and I just thought it was the cutest thing and I’ve never seen it again after that. So heres what I think the demon slayers characters reactions would be. Can be read and friendly or platonic.
With: Rengoku, Giyuu Tengen+Makio,Suma,And Hina, Shinobu,Sanemi and Gyomei
No warnings, full fluff. We’re goanna ignore cannon for the sake of the imagine. Except for Obanai and Mitsuri, I very much love their relationship and have chosen to not write about them. Kay? Kay!
I’ll do a part 2 with the demon moons + Muzan because this took waaaay to long to do wah-
Ask box open 💙
Playlist I listened to while I wrote this: https://youtu.be/bPzqW_dU2Gk?si=jLI9L0vgH0Q3VYT7
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Rengoku: Rengoku and (Y/N) were out and about in the nearest village. Visiting several different shops during their free time while they could enjoy it. Currently, Rengoku eyes were glued to a menu displayed outside a newly built restaurant. Completely enraptured by the tasteful dishes displayed on the board. (Y/N) approached behind him, a small shopping back in one of their hands. Maybe if Rengoku hadn’t been so distracted, they might have seen the playfulness pulling on their lips.
“Rengoku, will you hold something for me?”
Oblivious to the gleeful child-like smile on their face, he offered them their hand without even so much as blinking or moving his eyes away from the menu. His mind a preoccupied about the different variations of food that made his stomach grumble. Though those thoughts were briefly pushed to the back of his mind when he felt something warm slot between his fingers.
“Hmm?” Rengoku hummed, blinking a few times as he shifted his gaze over to his hand. We’re he found (Y/n) hand comfortably placed into his. “Haha!” He boasted loudly, smile growing twice as large as it already was. “A delightful one you are! Say it’s about lunch time. Shall we try this new restaurant, everything sounds so wonderful!” He exclaimed. Raising his hands while still clasping (Y/N) hand snug with his. If Rengoku had a tail it would most certainly be wagging right.
Overall: Rengoku’s find your antic amusing and most welcomed. He happily pulls (Y/N) into the restaurant hand in hand. Only letting go once they’ve settled down for a meal.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Giyuu: A similar situation to Rengoku, with the two wondering around a village mostly just for fun. However, its hard to tell exactly what Giyuu had his gaze fixated upon. His frozen solid in the middle of the crowd with a ten mile stare between two booths. His ocean eyes were somewhere lost in a unforeseen storm. People moved around the silent man, pardoning themselves if they ran into him on accident.
It took some time for (Y/N) to locate him after they’d gone to retrieve an item of interest. A shopping bag swinging with the rhythm of their legs while they waved a cheerful greeting. One that went ignored, though it wasn’t on purpose. They were about to call to Giyuu again when the words died in their throat. A mischievous glaze running over their eyes.
“Giyyyuuu, will you hold something for me?” This time, the question stuck to Giyuu. He turned their head slowly upon them. His eyes immediately pointing to the bag in their hand. He exhaled a gentle breath, extending his hand out for what he thought would be the bag in his hand. He jolted a bit when he instead sensed the familiar warmth of (Y/N) palm along his. He became at a lost of words, unsure what to make of this situation.
(Y/n) let out a light chuckle at his reaction. ‘Typical Giyuu’, they thought. Eventually they’ll tug them forward in the direction they want to go next. Though Giyuu still hasn’t said anything, nor had he pulled away. If (Y/n) attempts to let go of his hand, unsure if the action was welcomed. Giyuu will simply tighten his hold on them. “It’s fine.” He speaks blatantly, though if (Y/n) looks close enough… theres a light dust of pink on his cheeks.
Overall: A little embarrassed at first, but accepts his fate and will continue to hold (Y/n) unless something requires for him to let go permanently.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Tengen: Well first off you need a step ladder- Kidding, short of, anyway! (Y/N), Tengen and his three wives are out enjoying a late night festival. Theres good food, drinks, and fireworks to occupy them for the night. (Y/n) sits with Makio, Suma, and Hina snacking on some sort of festival foods. They’ve shared this little ‘idea’ with the girls and the three of them found the idea delightful. Gossiping among themselves if Tengen would become flustered by the idea and mostly by who.
“I think (Y/N) should do it! Master Tengen has had a soft spot for them lately!” Makio pokes a little fun at them, the other two girls chiming in with eager smiles and some harmless laughter. It does take some convincing, but eventually (Y/N) does surrender to the girls persuasion. And just in time for Tengen to rejoin the group. (Y/n) nearly leaps to their feet, running over to him exicdently. The three girls watch gleefully at the show they’re about to recieve.
“Tengen! I need you to hold something for me!” He quirks a brow, eyeing them up and down suspiciously. “You aren’t holding anything.” He replied with a playful smirk on his lips. “Just trust me! Pleeease?” They flash their puppy dog eyes at him and Tengen finds himself in a bind. How was he supposed to fight against puppy dog eyes?
Cautiously he holds out his hand. Jewelry catching the warm light bouncing off the cities lanterns. Nervously, (Y/) places their hand into Tengen massive palm. His fingers wrap around theirs and nearly swallows them up whole. Looking back at him, he smiled smuggly. “Is that all you wanted? You could have just asked!”
Que the girls squealing lovingly in the back ground and them ambushing everyone into a hug and wanting to take turns holding Tengen and (Y/N) hands~
Overall: Well, its seems Tengen made (Y/N) blush instead of the other way around. But its was still worth the shot and the girls thought it was absolutely adorable ^^
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Shinobu: It’s a busy day at the butterfly estate. A particular mission had sent back several members of the demon slayer members back to her abode with blooded limbs. Once taking care of the injured slayers, she sat neck deep in paperwork inside her office. Going over several discharge papers and other things she’d fallen behind on. The scratching of her pen was the only sound in the room aside from the occasional curse escaping her lips.
(Y/N) walked in with a cup of warm tea in hand. Knowing very well Shinobu needed a little break from the chaos that had been their shared morning. They knew it would be impossible to pull her away from her work, not when so many still needed attending too. Still… they had a small shroud of an idea that may pull Shinobu from her thoughts for even just a few minutes. The poor girl deserved that much.
“Shinobu.” They called out kindly. Setting the cup of tea on the table next to her. Her movement faltered for second, her keen eyes shifting to the cup of tea, then directly back to her paper work. “Yes (Y/N)?” She responded nearly all too sweetly for what she really felt on the inside. “I- I made you some tea.”
“I see that.” She cut through them quickly, though they knew she didn’t mean malice by it. Now or never-
“Will you hold something for me, Shinobu?” Her pen movements halted all together, a long breath escaping through her nostrils. In a swift motion she set her pen on the desk calmly. Turning her attention toward them and extending her hand out toward them. ‘Tread carefully (Y/N)!’ They told themselves to try and gain some confidence back from her cry reaction.
Before they lost their nerve, (Y/N) quickly placed their hand into hers. Snuggly wrapping her fingers around Shinobu’s hand. This seemed to take her back a moment, her eyes flickering back at forth between their face and their now intertwined hands. She sighed, her shoulders dropping in surrender. “Alright, alright, only a few minutes. Then I must complete these discharges.” She spoke firmly, but an inkling of a smile danced at the corner of her lips. (Y/N) agreed eagerly, happily keeping a hold of Shinobu’s hand while she sipped on her warm tea.
Overall: A smidge annoyed, but appreciates the effort. Might bring it up later in private conversation. Personally I think she’d have the softest hands of the bunch.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Sanemi: I had to really think about this one and his probably a little ooc but I still did my best- Lo and behold, Sanemis is practically stomping through the compound clearly aggravated about something. When isn’t he- (Y/N) catches him out of the corner of their eye and quickly excuses themselves from their current conversation. They’re fully aware Sanemi’s in a sour mood. Even so, it didn’t deter them from their destination. The moment (Y/N) was in Sanemi’s line of sight, a low growl vibrated from him. “What do you want?”He snapped immediately.
(Y/N) gave a shy wave and greeting. Wondering in the back of their mind if this was a really good idea-
“Would you hold something for me?”
“Huh?” He brow raised and his mouth hung open.
“I-I said would you please hold something for me?”
He scoffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest. They stood their looking at each other for a few second before he reluctantly stuck out his hand. “I swear if you put something wet in my hand-“
A blush instantly blossoms on the man’s face when they slip their hand into his. He allowed it at first, even as the heat creeps onto his face. However, once he realizes whats happening he retracts his hand and turns away from them. Hiding his crimson cheeks. “Idiot, what was that for!”He screamed and (Y/n) can’t help themselves but go into a giggling fit.
Overall: Highly annoyed and flustered at the same time Xp
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Gyomei: It’s a peaceful morning with Gyomei. Sitting on the mountain side with the river lulling the birds nearby. They sat together along the tree’s, basking in the tranquility. It was often the pair found themselves like this. Seeking the moments where the world seemed to stand still. One craved those moments when a world such as theirs existed with nothing but constant violence.
Which was why (Y/N) had come up with the idea they were about to execute. They redirected their gaze to the man sitting a few feet away from them, admiring the features of his face and how he sat in prayer. Though, the second their eyes landed on him, his head perked up to look at them. “Gyomei, will you hold something for me?”
His expression never moved, yet, he nodded, slowly extending his large muscular hand toward them. The beads on his hand softly clanking against one another in the process. Their hand (Much like Tengen) was completely swallowed by his large hand. It seemed to take him a moment to realize what he was holding. The pad of his thumb running alongside (Y/N) cold knuckles.
“Oh.” The word was barely auditable and seemingly the only comment Gyomei came up with. They were almost worried they’d crossed a boundary… then the tears began to cascade over hid face. “How sweet. Thank you for sharing this with me.”
Overall: Now your both crying
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dan-i98a · 12 days
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ponderingmoonlight · 7 months
Yoriichi saving you just in time from getting killed by a demon
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Pairing: Yoriichi x midwife!reader
Word Count: 4k
Synopsis: Your job takes you to the poor Kamado family, who are expecting their first child. But instead of a joyful birth, you are greeted by the cruel claws of a demon. What luck that an extraordinary swordsman shows up on this fateful evening.
Warnings: near death, injury, child birth, I'm not a midwife mystelf so this part isn't that detailed, lots of angst but comfort, this is my first demon slayer fic EVER so please show some support, I really appreciate it 🤍 (added 2 additional pics into the fanfic because I'm so amazed by the insane quality of these ai pics)
Tags: @froufrousnowman
„Excuse my rude interruption, but is this the Kamado residence?”
You are exhausted, sweat dripping from your forehead on this warm summer day, the sun shining down on you with all its strength. But you were called here, so you came. After all, this is your job. As a midwife by heart, you fear no weather when it comes to aid another woman by delivering her child.
“Yes, I am Sumiyoshi Kamado. Are you the midwife we were calling for?”
The man in front of you smiles at you kindly. You can tell by one look into his inviting eyes that he’ll be an amazing father. But before that, you have some work to do.
“That’s right, my name is (y/n). May I see your wife?”, you ask kindly, taking off the package of tools you were carrying on your back.
“She’s sleeping at the moment, but please allow me to lead you inside. Would you like to eat or drink something? I just cooked dinner!”
The excitement dripping from his voice really warms your heart. In times like these, gifting a child into the world seems like a burden, like an impossible task. It was in no way granted that an expected child was in any way welcomed. You’ve seen it all, the horrible things father and mother would do to prevent the new life from existing, how fate itself decided to stretch its hands out and take the child away from this earth way too soon. You’ve seen tears of joy, tears of grief, tears of despair. But oh, just one loving look of fresh mother and father into their babies’ tiny face is enough to make it all worth it for you.
“How did your wife feel within the last days? Did she complain about pain, especially in her back? Bleeding? Did she have to defecate more often than usual?”
Carefully, you place your tools onto a white cloth and disinfect your hands with strong alcohol when entering the room.
“She looks very peaceful, that’s great”, you hush.
What a beautiful woman she is, laying on her side with her hands covering her belly even while she sleeps safe and sound. Instinctively you kneel down next to her, gently caressing her cheek.
“This is your first child, isn’t it?”
“Yes. And I am beyond grateful you decided to help her even though we aren’t able to pay you decently. I wish I could give you more-“
“Please, don’t worry about it. I really enjoy being here. And if it helps your wife, no coins in the world are a better reward”, you interrupt with soft voice, looking down at her one last time before getting up and silently leaving the room along with her husband.
Your eyes dart towards the small window. How lovely the sunset looks today. Is it already this late? You must have been traveling for quite some time. As if on cue, your stomach begins to rumble. Well, maybe a cup of tea and something warm to eat would be a blessing right now.
“I am a little nervous. After all, I know nothing about the birth of children and how to care for them afterwards. But I love my wife so dearly, imagining a little child with her eyes truly makes me feel whole. Do you have any children yourself?”
What a kind man he is, sitting opposite to you with a cup of tea in his hand and his eyes glistening in the down-going sun. Despite the cruelness of the world, the tales of demons hunting down humans with what seems like no aim, all the bitterness and tears, this man was able to keep his warm smile and optimism.
“No. While I do adore children, I am not married. It’s hard to find a man willing to marry a midwife”, you explain briefly.
There is no sense in denying the fact that you are of low birth, a self-taught midwife since no man was willing to teach you. And in a world full of gorgeous young girls with skin like porcelain and kimono’s worth more than your housing, you will never catch the attention of a male. But somehow, you’ve found your inner peace with that. After all, helping other woman to finally receive their own little family fills you with enough joy to overlook that you’ll never have a man or a chid by your side yourself.
Confident knocks against the wooden door rip you out of your conversation.
“Are you awaiting someone?” you question.
Within the village you live in, it is told over and over to not leave the house after sunset. And while you don’t consider yourself superstitious, not going out when it’s all dark always seemed plausible enough for you. But now, the sun almost set, the trees around you barely lighten by the weak beam.
“No, but maybe it is someone who needs help.”
You get up from the ground, mindlessly holding onto the cloak in your hands tightly while holding your breath. It might be someone in the need of help. But out here in the woods, who knows…Shivers run down your spine, eyes staring at the door filled with curiosity.
The sight in front of you isn’t one of a robber, an old lady in distress or a demon though. Your orbs widen slightly. No, this is a man. And what a man he is.
The way he carries himself with so much peace and elegance. He looks…majestic. His fuchsia eyes lay upon your host. And even though you don’t understand from afar what they are talking about, you can tell that his firm but calm voice could tame entire oceans. What a remarkable perfect face he has, the only interruption being a scar covering his forehead. So elegantly clothed with a katana attached to his belt? You draw a little closer, take in his sight a little clearer. He looks like one of the men you’ve seen before in your village right after a whole family was brutally killed during night. He was armoured with a katana too. Could it be?
“Are you a demon slayer?”
You want to curse yourself for speaking to him so ruthlessly, for interrupting their conversation so harshly. But you’ve got so lost in his sight that it seems your mouth opened itself.
“Indeed. This is a riskful area. Keep your doors and windows locked during night time and do not leave your wife unattended. Please don’t roam around the house on your own and stay with your husband”, he instructs towards both of you.
Why does he look at you while calling you “wife”? You blink a few times when realization slowly but surely hits you. Oh. Your face reddens instantly, eyes snapping towards your host in pure shock.
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“Oh, you misunderstood! She isn’t my wife, but the midwife that will help my wife delivering our firstborn. She’s sleeping at the moment”, he explains calmly while smiling at you.
The stranger’s eyes lock with yours, you can’t help but hold your breath. From all the men you’ve seen come and go in your lifetime, he definitely is the most captivating one. Is it because of his flawless appearance, because he carries himself with so much elegance? Or is it the calmness that radiates from his voice, the power you’re able to sense on him? Maybe nothing, maybe both.
“That is very kind for you. I will stay in this area tonight, but please look after yourself”, the stranger continues, glancing at you one last time before turning around and heading back into the woods.
“Thank you!”
“What an interesting man!”, your host comments towards you, closing and locking the door like he was told you.
“Do you believe in demons?”, you question.
His eyes darts towards you, the positive spark in them gone for the split of a second.
“I’ve witnessed a lot of deaths that happened during the night, terrible massacres with no one surviving. I am firmly convinced that a human being could never to something like that.”
“Humans can be cruel too”, you argue, pictures of all the horrible things you’ve seen within the years you’ve been working as a midwife flooding your mind.
Sometimes you can’t help but wonder who the real monsters in this world are. The demons, the wild animals? Or humans who pretend to be on top of the world, who tear down everything and everyone when they feel like it?
“That is correct. But we are trying our best, right? And that is all that matters for me.”
“It’s getting late, I should look after your wife. Is it alright if I rest with her for today?” you mumble, fingers fumbling with the white cloak to distract your mind from the stranger, from his words, from this whole conversation.
“Of course! I will prepare everything!”
You sign to yourself, gaze glued onto the woman laying in front you sleeping peacefully. Everything will turn good, right?
-at night-
Your eyes shoot open immediately, roaming around the dark room. There they lay, bodies intertwined with each other while being fast asleep. What was that fade away rustle you’ve heard, then? As quietly as possible you lift yourself off the futon Kamado-san prepared for you, naked feet greeted by the cold of the wooden floor underneath. Maybe you just dreamed it. Or is an animal outside? Given the fact that you are located in the middle of a forest, this wouldn’t be a surprise. You furrow your eyebrows, a fade away cracking from outside catching your attention all over again. No, something is off, you can sense it by the way your guts turn.
Instinctively, your hands grab the knife with which Kamado-san prepared your food just a few hours ago. You are by no means an experienced fighter, you have been skilfully avoiding situations like this your entire life. But waking up both of them over nothing would be ridiculous. Just a little glimpse outside the door, just to check on what’s probably a deer. Your heart hammers against your ribcage, palms sweaty in response.
With your free hand, you grasp the handle of the door. Breathe in, breathe out. Tame your pounding heart, get a hold of yourself. With a swift motion, you swing it open.
And get greeted by a pair of venomous red eyes.
There is no time to react any further. Not too late you are able to escape his grasp, naked feet carrying you further inside the forest.
“A demon! There’s a demon outside! Get into safety! A demon!” you scream on top of your lungs.
Please, let Kamado-san hear your desperate cries, let him drag his wife into safety. The disturbing tall and crippled figure of the demon draws closer to the house, closer to the soon to be family.
You don’t know what has gotten into you. Sympathy, a protective instinct? Whatever it is forces you backwards, right into the claws of the demon.
“I can’t allow you to harm a single soul in this house”, you hiss through gritted teeth, holding onto the knife in your hands for dear life.
How is it even possible to kill a demon? Do you even stand a chance against it? It doesn’t matter now. You slash forward with a cry of determination, aiming for its carotid artery. The cut doesn’t have to be deep if you hit him with enough precision, your muscle strength should be enough.
But before you are even able to come close to his body, his claw slices open your right arms with ease. Your eyes widen in pure horror, body unable to move even an inch. It moved so fast you weren’t even able to see its hand moving, sliced you open so effortlessly while you’re gasping for air like a fish on land.
Your body falls to the ground, the demon positioning itself on top of you. No, you won’t let it end like this. After all, you still have plenty of work to do, Kamado-san’s wife didn’t deliver her child yet. With full force you push your arms against it, trying to keep your keep your face out of its gaping mouth.
With one push you free your arm, yanking the knife into its eye. Now or never. While its loud groans fill the air with fright, you get off the ground, run deeper into the forest, desperately try to stay alive. You can’t die like this. Not you, not Kamado-san, not his wife, not their unborn baby.
But the demon is right on your tracks, hunting you down the dark forest without any mercy.
 A moment of inattention is enough for you to stumble over a thick branch, knees meeting the floor harshly. Is this your end? All you can do is stare up, glossy eyes widen in the dim moonlight with a tiny trail of its blood on your face. Hopefully the demon slayer from last evening will return soon enough to at least safe Kamado-san and his family. If not you, at least they need to survive.
There you kneel, face gone emotionless, orbs directed towards the frightening creature that lunges towards you. One hit. One hit of its claws will be enough to behead you. One second and your life will be nothing more than a fade away whisper in the darkness, ended way too soon just like so many others. You never thought it would be you, that of all the people you’d get killed by a demon slayer. After all, you were always so skilled in avoiding trouble, never allowing yourself to get into danger.
But oh, now you are. And it will cost you your young life.
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Yoriichi can’t catch his breath, feet carrying him so rapidly to the scene laying itself out in front of him that the trees around him merge. He told you to stay inside, to keep windows and doors shut. Why are you outside? Where are the man and his wife? Please, let it not be too late, let him be able so safe those people.
Finally. With a determined slash of his blade, the demon in from of him gets beheaded, its ashes raining down onto the ground. You look…uninjured. Frightened, in pure shock, but uninjured. And unbelievably lovely with the dim moonlight highlighting the delicate features of your face.
“Are you alright?” he questions softly, slowly approaching you and stretching out his hand.
Carefully he lifts your trembling limbs off the ground, your hand holding onto his for what seems like dear life while your sharp and heavy breaths hang in the cool air.
“Yes”, you finally breathe out.
“Are the other two alright? Did someone get hurt?”
“There are inside. It was only this one. I lured him away”, you huff.
 Yoriichi swore himself to never get close to another human being again, to fulfil his duty in silence. But you…Did you really risk your life for a family you didn’t even know until yesterday? Did you run into the woods so selflessly to distract the demon? What a brave woman you are, truly remarkable.
“I was hoping for you to return”, you add.
His warm hand feels almost therapeutic against yours, calming down your tingling nerves and beating heart. You survived. Is this really possible? While kneeling down and staring right into the face of that frightful demon, you already accepted your fate. But that he’ll show up like a knight in shining armour, saving you just before getting beheaded…It seems like a miracle to you.
“I came here as fast as I could. This area was full of these creatures”, he explains briefly, fuchsia eyes resting on you.
A thick stone falls from your heart. It’s him.
“Kamado-san, is your wife alright? Are you alright?” you blabber, the man sprinting towards you as if his life depends on it.
“You saved us. Even though you don’t even know me and my wife, you risked your own life to save ours. And you…You really came. I’m beyond thankful.”
He falls to his knees, leaving you completely speechless.
“She really was outstanding brave. Normally the sight of a demon alone is enough for most humans to lose their minds. You are exceptional, (y/n).”
It sounds so strange, hearing your name out of this charismatic stranger’s mouth. But the way his eyes lock with yours sends shivers down your spine, makes your heart pound against your ribcage all over again.
“What is your name?”
“Yoriichi Tsugikuni.”
Yoriichi. What an exceptional name that matches his majestic appearance perfectly. It seems so easy to get lost in his eyes, to study every inch of his face. And his smell…
“I don’t mean to interrupt your conversation, but I think my wife will deliver her child soon.”
Your eyes dart towards Kamado-san immediately.
“Why are you saying so?”
“Since she woke up from your screams, she seems to have contractions.”
You don’t think twice. As fast as your feet are able to carry you, you sprint back into the house, back to the reason why you originally came here.
-the next morning-
“Sleep well. You deserve it”, you whisper into the woman’s ear gently, wrapping her up inside a blanket before leaving the room discretely.
The birth went smooth and faster than you expected for a first born. Not long after you arrived by her side, she delivered the baby with tears of joy running down her face, her husband telling her over and over how much he loves her. It was bittersweet, seeing in front of your very own eyes what you’ll never have. Just after encountering him, just after those strange feeling that he triggered in you.
“I’m glad to see you are alright.”
You stop in your tracks, staring at the back of him in disbelief. There he sits, facing the sun while his broad shoulders catch your attention all over again.
“I’ll make some tea”, Kamado-san discretely announces before hushing into the house.
“I am in no way responsible for the miracle that happened tonight. That was you and Kamado-san’s wife”, you explain briefly, sitting down next to him.
The sun caresses your skin gently. You never thought its hot beams would calm your nerves before the incident of this night. You smile at the little bundle of joy Yoriichi is holding in his arms. Oh, how well it suits him. Someone like him must be a good father.
“I’ll be leaving after I had a cup of tea. It wouldn’t be right to keep eating for free here”, he announces all of the sudden.
“Don’t say that.”
Out of instinct, you place on hand on his firm shoulder and wrap the other around his strong biceps.
“You saved our lives tonight. It if hadn’t be for you, not only would we be dead, but this child you’re holding in your arms wouldn’t be born, either.”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
Your eyes freeze, unable to tear away from his beautiful sight. Why does he make you feel this way? What is it that makes this stranger so special? Is it his sword skill, his ability to fight? No. In fact, you couldn’t care less about that. It’s the way he carries himself, the elegance within every step he takes. It’s the fact that he sacrifices himself for others.
Just like you do.
“Like what?” you hush.
“As if I am some kind of special person. I don’t deserve the affection you hold in your gaze.”
“You deserve every spark of affection for your being”, you argue.
“You’re wrong about that. I failed to protect anything that was important to me. And throughout my life, I was unable to do what I was supposed to do. I am worthless.”
“How could you even say something like that? How could you talk about yourself so negatively after saving four lives this night?”
“Because of the countless lives I failed to protect.”
“So what? Does it make be a bad midwife that I wasn’t able to save every single child? The losses are tragic and never forgotten, but as long as we are doing our very best, there is nothing to regret. Tonight, you were able to save a young family. You should be proud of yourself instead of talking you down.”
He stands up, handing you the new-born carefully before grabbing his sword.
“Are you about to leave?” Kamado-san questions from afar, storming outside with tea in his hands.
You thoughtlessly hand him is son, eyes directed towards the charismatic man in front of you.
“I have to leave now. Thank you for your hospitality.”
“Wait!” you shout all of the sudden.
You don’t know what has gotten into you, but there you are, running after him and grabbing his hand just like you did this fateful night.
“Will I ever see you again?”
For a moment, time seems to stand still. He can’t believe his ears, usual tame heart almost beating out of his chest. When was the last time a woman ran after him, the last time a female even looked his way? He can’t remember. But especially you…Why would a woman like you be interested in a broken man like him? What do you see in him?
“Why would you want that?”
“I can’t tell. I just know I have to see you again”, you reply automatically.
The air between both of you seems thick enough to get cut by his knife, your eyes almost piercing through the back of his head. Please, just say something. Just move, turn around, smile. Just do anything besides standing still. Never in your life did you even think about the possibility to get to know a man better. Why him? Why a man you didn’t even know before last evening? Why someone who seems so unapproachable?
“You will see me again.”
And with that, he’s gone in the wind, leaving you with your feelings all over the place.
-a few months later-
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“I almost thought you wouldn’t come”, you comment, resting your head against the cool grass.
The weather changed. As soon as the evening arrives, it’s getting way too cold outside to stay for long. But when he’s here, none of that seems to matter.
“You know I always do. How was your day?”
He lays down next to you, closing his eyes for a brief moment while you position your head on his shoulder. Oh, how much you loved these innocent little meetings. After you returned to your little village, Yoriichi found you wherever you went. Always keeping an eye open for you, staying longer from meeting to meeting. Until you randomly laid down in the grass the whole evening, talking about your life and eventually, got even closer. Innocent touching, him drawing circles on your back while you rest your head against his chest, listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat.
“The baby I delivered today, they were actually twins. Two healthy girls, the father almost fell unconscious when he found out.”
Your cute little giggle lights up the air around him and fills his heart with joy he hasn’t felt in a long time. Being happy seems so easy since he got to know you.
No. It’s far more than simply knowing you. The feelings he holds for you go far deeper than that.
“I love you, (y/n).”
Your heart skips a beat, gaze darting towards him the second those magical words leave his lips. Did you dream that? Are you really resting in the meadow with Yoriichi telling you none other but that he loves you?
How much you longed for this sweet moment, how often you thought about saying those words too. Without hesitation, you press your lips against his.
While the world around you seems to fall apart, at least this is fine. Yes, laying here in Yoriichi’s arms while tenderly kissing him like you’ve always imagined makes everything around you whole again.
“I love you too”, you whisper against his lips.
Who would have thought going to work and almost getting killed by a demon would turn out this nice?
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thecuriousquest · 7 months
How the Hashiras Spank Their Darling
Yandere Hashiras x Fem!Darling
Tag List: @issamomma @palesweetscherryblossom @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Yandere themes, NSFW, HEAVY SPANKING CONTENT, punishment spanking, erotic spanking, dominant behavior, Gyomei annoys me, sadism, mention of blood, spanking with implements (whips, paddles, etc.), bare bottom spanking, jealous behavior, possessive tendencies, controlling tendencies, sex mentioned
***Note: The aftercare section caters to both punishment and erotic spanking. This means that aftercare happens whether it’s a punishment spanking or an erotic spanking. It’s not just for one or the other. 18+
Master List
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Kyojuro Rengoku:
Publicly: He fucking slaps your ass hard in passing just to show you he’s there.
Punishment: They are different. He would never punish you out of anger. They’re mostly hearty slaps to the sensitive swell of your ass, has you crying shortly. Only uses his hand. Trust me, he doesn’t need to use another implement. He will spank you over your underwear most of the time, but if you’re being stubborn, then he won’t hesitate to pull down your panties. He doesn’t necessarily like to do it, but he finds it necessary to make you behave. Plus, he likes watching your ass jiggle with waves.
Erotic: During sex, the slaps aren’t that hard. Would probably just do it enough to make you elicit lewd moans.
Aftercare: HE LOVES AFTERCARE. He’d never miss it for the world. He makes sure you’re rehydrated, and he will let you lie on his chest for as long as you need to or until you fall asleep. Even if you fall asleep, he won’t let go (not even in his sleep). Makes sure you are completely comfortable by putting you in pajamas. He’s so reassuring and loving with the things he whispers to you. 15/10
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Sanemi Shinazugawa:
Publicly: Isn’t afraid to spank you publicly but prefers to do it privately. You’d have to be making an absolute scene to make him pull you over his knee in front of others. If you make him especially pissed off, he will cut a switch and beat your ass with it.
Punishment: His punishments are long and hard that’s what she said. Wants you to be a crying, babbling mess by the time he’s done. Pushes you past your limits a lot of the time because he can’t help himself. Sometimes, you end up bleeding. He’ll probably use a belt or a whip besides his hand. Will spank your bare butt.
Erotic: My guy has like an array of BDSM stuff. During sex, he’ll literally have a crop whip or an actual whip in hand. He knows how to make you hurt.
Aftercare: Fucking rolls his eyes while he hugs you probably. Sits on the couch with you on his lap, your bottom positioned between his thighs so that you’re not putting weight on the sensitive flesh. He rubs your back OR strokes your hair, not both. He tells you you’re fine now. That’s really the only reassurance you get. Likes listening to you sniffle and sob against his shoulder. Gives him a bid of pride and makes him hard. 5/10
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Giyu Tomioka:
Publicly: He would never even dare slap that ass in public. Wouldn’t even give your butt a soft pat. He will only do those things in private because it’s just too intimate for him.
Punishments: God, he absolutely HATES punishing you and would never do it out of anger. That’s why he spanks you to tears, securing promises of good behavior from you. He wants the lesson to stick so that he never has to do it again, but he doesn’t want to go overboard. He will only spank your bare bottom because he needs to make sure he doesn’t break your skin.
Erotic: He will give you a couple of smacks during sex, especially if he’s pumping you from the back. He just really likes the way you arch your back for him when he does it.
Aftercare: This consists of you lying on your stomach while he rubs your back or strokes your hair. He doesn’t say anything aside from telling you that you’re forgiven and that things are fine now. He even offers you a glass of water. 7/10 because he’s socially awkward and doesn’t know what else to do.
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Tengen Uzui:
Publicly: Will spank you in public. On one hand, he might give your ass a hard smack of appreciation just because he loves you so much. On the other hand, it could be a warning swat, a foreshadowing of what awaits for you once you get home. One very hard smack that tells you “toe the line or else”.
Punishment: Waits until you get home though so that he can tie you up and use a flogger or some other kind of implement that makes a snappy sound. He has this beautifully crafted paddle decorated with twin dragons and flowers on one side. He also loves to use his hand. I mean…those big, beefy hands…Even though his hand is enough, he still likes the flashiness of using certain implements. Would never be so extreme as to use a whip though. He doesn’t want to permanently damage you even by accident. Now, he doesn’t necessarily like punishing you, but he will spank you for your misbehavior if need be. It’s not very often, but every once in a while, you’ll find yourself tipped over his knee, pants and panties around your ankles, begging and crying for him to let you go.
Erotic: He likes to spank you much more for erotic purposes rather than as a punishment. The soft smacks of his hands, the caresses of his red flogger leaving and coming down on your bare backside, it all leaves you a whimpering for more. It really turns him on.
Aftercare: Includes warm baths, cuddles, lots of comfort, a cup of your favorite drink, maybe some food if you’re feeling up to it, and positive affirmations about how good you’re being and how proud he is for how you handled yourself. 20/10.
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Tokito Muichiro:
Publicly: Won’t spank you in public. He feels like it should be saved for the privacy of your own home. Even a soft pat on the ass should be kept from the public eye.
Punishments: HONESTLY, I can’t see him following through with a punishment spanking. If he caught you misbehaving and he issues the threat, he’ll forget all about it by the time you two get home. However, if he were to do it, he would spank you over your clothes until you apologize. He knows the difference between you saying “sorry” to get out of it and apologizing because you mean it though. Don’t be an idiot and think you can escape his discipline so easily.
Erotic: Will probably pinch and lightly slap your ass during sexy time. Never uses an implement. He’s just not into it.
Aftercare: Consists of him holding you closely and stroking your hair. He whispers about how much of a good girl you are. 7/10
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Obanai Iguro:
Publicly: Will spank you in public if he catches you talking to another guy. He’ll do it right on the spot in front of them. It’s short, but the real punishment is the one you get at home.
Punishment: He barely gets through the door before he bends you over his hip and thrashes your bare ass. Once he’s done with his hand, he’s dragging you to the room you both share to get the belt. He doesn’t like punishing you, but he does do it out of anger.
Erotic: I can’t see him spanking you erotically. However, if he were to, he’d probably spank you until you say something he likes. “I’m sorry, I’ll be a good girl, please!” That would be hot to him, and he’d go back to railing you.
Aftercare: Puts warm socks on you, dresses you in very comfy clothes. Just wants you to be relaxed. Would probably not say anything and just let you lie on top of him with his arms wrapped around you. 6/10
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Gyomei Himejima:
Publicly: Would never spank you in public. He finds it too “disrespectful”. 🙄😒
Punishment: Is the definition of “this hurts me more than it hurts you”. Will cry while spanking you, even if it’s just one slap. Honestly is annoying af. Fucking lame. Won’t use an implement, his hand is enough. Trust me. I promise. Punishments are very short. He doesn’t aim to make you cry. He’ll only give you five hard swats. Will only spank you over your clothes.
Erotic: Bleh. You can’t even feel the slaps because he “doesn’t want to hurt you”. Leaves you unsatisfied.
Aftercare: A strong one armed hug while he’s STILL crying. 1/10.
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saetoshis · 25 days
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ LET'S PLAY A GAME | kny headcanons
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⋆୨୧˚ WITH: sanemi ; giyuu ; tengen ; kyojuro ; obanai
⋆୨୧˚ SUMMARY: how much do they like to tease you?
fem reader, teasing/begging, pet names [pretty girl, baby], orgasm control, mentions of dacryphilia, mentions of restraint/bondage, MDNI
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꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ SANEMI: 10/10
sanemi lives to see you yearning for his touch. he just can't get enough of your little whines and pleads for his hands on you, and the way you paw at the bulge in his pants so desperately makes his every muscle tense up in anticipation - but his favorite part is seeing just how far he can push you.
"what's that, pretty girl? you want what?" sanemi sneers, knowing fully well what you just said but he just can't help playing dumb to see how sexually frustrated you can get. he kneels over where you're laying, a hand palming the bulge in his pants nonchalantly. "this? this what you want? hm?"
"yes, please, seriously," you whine out between heaved breaths, your flushed aura making you hot and a bit irritated from how much he's withholding you. your fingers flit over your panties, finding your clit in an attempt to appease the high tension building in your body. "can't take it anymore... please, just give it to me."
"well, since you asked so nicely," sanemi jeers as he slips his pants just beyond his hips, his cock pressing against your twitching, achy clit. he lets out little grunted breaths as he rocks his hips, head catching against your sensitive nerves again and again. he can see the dissent on your face when you realize he's not slipping in anytime soon.
"what's that look, huh?" sanemi feigns innocence, adoring the way you pout and whine at him, begging so desperately to be filled up the way you want to. he sneers between a tantalizing smile, "beg me a few more times n' i'll think about it."
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ GIYUU: 3/10
giyuu doesn't instinctively lean towards withholding himself from you, and he's never really thought about the idea of seeing you beg for him. he's not too keen with the notion of beating around the bush, as it were - and yet, all it takes is your demeanor all needy and pliable in his lap with pleads falling from your lips for his mind to wander.
"can't help it, just so horny..." you mutter through little panted breaths, letting your hips grind and roll against his clothed cock in tandem with the rise and fall of your chest. you feel giyuu's fingers flit against your thighs as his eyes wander across your frame, all until he pulls away, unusually. your eyes flicker up at his expression, and all you can pronounce is a little, "huh?"
"wanna see you do it yourself," giyuu murmurs under his breath, his pants feeling stiffer underneath where you're sitting so prettily for him. he wants to fuck you - bad, but right now he wants to see how far he can take it before you fall apart into pieces. with a little push of his hips up against you, he leers, "i know you want to."
you feel a sliver of tingles down your spine at the change in his demeanor, and your hips almost start rutting on their own. every time you make eye contact with him, you're met with a stern gaze - who would've known this side of him could turn you on so much? your voice comes out in a whimper as you let your now-wet panties grind against his bulge, "i'll do anything if you just touch me, please. fuck me- hah, can't take it."
maybe it's the way you finally look so desperate, so messy, flushed, and shuddering on his lap that causes him to finally give in - and when he does, you're really in for it.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ TENGEN: 11/10
tengen lives to see you a whining, teary-eyed mess just for him. he'll do anything to see you shudder, to feel you getting wetter from just one look, to even hear your pleads become more and more broken and whimpered. he just can't help but enjoy it even when you hop on top of him in attempt to get back at him.
"what's this, huh?" tengen sneers as he watches the little determined look on your face as you sink down onto his cock, refusing to move in efforts to give him a taste of his own medicine. he lets out a little chuckle at the way you cross your arms all serious and tough-like. he lets his hands glide along your hips, "really...? is this a punishment or something?"
"mhm," you hum with a nod, trying to ignore the fact that the head of his cock is poking up right against that spot that makes your knees weaken. you keep your resolve, occasionally grinding your hips to see how he reacts - maybe he'll jolt, let out a little moan - but he doesn't, and you start to feel a little discouraged. you drag your hands along his chest and his abs, pressing kisses against his neck in a desperate attempt.
"feels good, doesn't it? my cock all pushed inside you like this," tengen murmurs against your ear, his voice sending a shudder down your spine and you tighten around him just enough for him to know he's affecting you. his hands caress your waist, your back, your hips - he knows it's working, and that's pissing you off even more. "you can lemme have just a little, can't you, baby?"
it only takes a few more sickly sweet whispers from tengen's lips for him to have you bouncing on his lap, mind boggled as slick smothers messily around his shaft. maybe next time you'll try something different to tease him with.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ KYOJURO: 7/10
kyojuro oftentimes likes to give you what you want, as you properly deserve - although, the same can't always be said for him in bed. it's like a switch flips, and all he can desire and cultivate are those little whiny moans pleading for him to just 'keep going, don't stop.'
"don't stop what?" kyojuro murmurs with a little smirk on his face and slick covering his fingers and palm. his thumb nudges your clit ever so gently, his fingers finding their way to his tongue to clean off the mess that you've already made of them. he watches your hips jolt in desperation, and he chuckles softly in that innocent manner he always does. "need it that much, do you?"
you let out a little groan of dissent, rocking your hips in an attempt to get his thumb to circle your clit a little faster - just at least a little. he sees the way your muscles shudder in anticipation, and maybe he feels he's been a bit mean. with a little murmur of 'this what you want? here?' and his fist around his cock, he finally presses between your walls with a stifled grunt, "that's it, isn't it? right there..."
"yes, yes, fu- yes," you practically whimper, feeling elation coursing through your every nerve as he rocks his hips slowly, intentionally. each press of his cock fills the hilt of your cunt and you can feel your sanity draining each time he ruts forwards. faster, then faster, even faster still, your consciousness fades just as fast as your orgasm builds. "f-feels so good, fuck."
kyojuro lets out a chuckled sneer as he caresses your cheek, hips rocking hard against yours. "feels better after being patient, doesn't it? maybe i'll have to tease you more often."
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ OBANAI: 6/10
teasing manifests for obanai as more of a power play than anything else. his whims aren't always consistent; sometimes he'll make you touch yourself without his help at all, other times he'll keep your hands restrained so there's no way you could even help yourself if you wanted to. but this time, it's a bit different.
"shh, shh... what did i say? wait," obanai murmurs lowly as his fingers curl intentionally against that spot that makes you feel like you're falling apart at the seams. his other hand finds your clit, circling it in tandem with each press of his fingers inside of you. you shudder desperately beneath him, voice coming out in hitched mews. obanai repeats himself, "no cumming 'til i say so."
you nod your head in obedience weakly, finding it harder and harder to fight the jolts of pleasure wracking your limbs. each aching curl of his digits makes your whole spine tingle, and you use all of your strength to hold back. that is, until he swaps his fingers for the hard cock in his fist. "please..."
"please, what? i told you," obanai lets out a hitched breath as he slips himself between your walls, finding your saccharine, desperate pussy an immediate relief for the unforgiving throb in his cock. he pushes your thighs apart and watches you shiver, curling over you broodingly, "no cumming 'til i say so."
you hold onto your sanity for dear life, but the wet smacks and lewd moans filling the room are enough for you to teeter over the edge of oblivion. you're lucky that obanai is right there with you, gripping your waist and fucking into you with a wanton need - it seems this time you'll just barely make it in time.
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SAETOSHIS 2024. do not copy/repost.
tagging: @suyacho
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year
The Sound of Crackling Fire(Uzui Tengen x Fem!Reader x Rengoku Kyojuro)
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warnings: smut, threesome, sharing is caring, unprotected sex, double penetration, KOHAI AND SENPAI RELATIONSHIPS, kissing word count: 1k pairings: Uzui Tengen x Fem!Reader x Rengoku Kyojuro a/n: This is because the new season of Demon Slayer is coming out very very soon! And I tag @beneathstarryskies for her new found love of Tengen! Smut under the cut as per usual!
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Your eyes roll back as you feel him continue to bounce you on his throbbing hard cock. He’s been at this for what feels like eternity, and he won’t give you any breaks. Rengoku had mentioned this being part of your training, but you couldn’t for the life of you understand how this could even be training. It’s much too pleasurable for it to be training. You’re absolutely dripping all over him right now, the remnants of your last orgasm building to your next intense orgasm.
“How’s our little kohai, hm?” you hear Tengen’s voice from the doorway. You try to look over your shoulder, but Kyojuro pulls you back to him.
“She’s strong, Tengen. She can last like this for a very long time,” Kyojuro praises you for your endurance.
You feel a large, warm hand on your back. Then Tengen brushes back some hair from your face before he places a careful kiss on your forehead. This little liaison you had going on was proving to be so perfect for both the Hashira. The idea came to them when you were assigned to be Kyojuro’s tsuguko. While usually the Flame Hashira didn’t take on students, he found you to be just too irresistible. And when Tengen met you, the two men found themselves completely attached and addicted to your very being.
“She takes your cock so well,” Tengen praises you this time, pressing another kiss to your forehead.
Kyojuro doesn’t reply, he only moans as your little walls are clamping down so hard on his cock. He doesn’t know how he’s managed to hold on for so long, but this was all to test your endurance. He needs to make sure you can take a lot of physical activity for a long time for you to become a good demon slayer.
“I bet she’d have a harder time with two cocks in her,” Tengen suggests, and you whine at the thought of both of them filling you up.
Kyojuro chuckles darkly, “do you even think she could manage to handle something like that? We can’t hurt our little kohai too much,”
“She’s capable of taking us both. I can tell.”
You feel Tengen’s long fingers playing with your clit now. Kyojuro slows his pace, but he doesn’t stop at all. You’re going to be taking them both, and you’re a little worried they’ll split you right in half if they do this. The more the idea goes through your head, the more dazed with lust you become.
“I think our little kohai here wants two cocks,” Tengen teases before he cups your chin. His tongue slides into your mouth as soon as his lips capture yours in a kiss. 
“Don’t hog her,” Kyojuro warns, but you can see the smirk on his face that suggests he’s only joking. Considering he’s been fucking you for a while now, he’s really the one who’s been hogging you.
Tengen’s fingers don’t stop stimulating your clit, and soon you feel his other hand joining the other. You gasp once you feel him sliding one of his fingers into you right next to Kyojuro’s thick cock. You squeal as he begins stretching you out more than you already were.
“You got her so nice and wet for us, Rengoku-san.” Tengen compliments his fiery partner.
“She is very good at that herself. You know how worked up she is just from the simplest stimulation,”
Both men chuckle darkly. They know they’re going to completely destroy you. But it’s all in the name of endurance training. Tengen finally pulls his pants down and his large cock slaps against his abdomen. He strokes it a few times before positioning himself perfectly to prod your already stuffed hole with the head. You whine and try to protest, but neither man is listening to your little protestations. 
As soon as you feel the head of Tengen’s cock slipping into you, you feel your walls fluttering wildly. There’s no way both of them could possibly fit inside of you, but they were both determined to prove you very wrong. The more he slips into you, the more you feel the coil in your stomach tightening. You desperately try to warn your senpai, but it’s only coming out as pitiful whines and mewls. Kyojuro tries to hush you with a passionate kiss, but as soon as his tongue touches yours, you feel the dam breaking.
You cry out as your orgasm hits you like a train, and both men are grunting as your little walls milk them both for all they have. Tengen is finally balls deep inside of you along with Kyojuro, and he’s having a hard time holding on already. The way you come undone is just perfect. Your juices are soaking both of them as you slowly come down from your high.
“That’s a good girl,” Tengen praises you, and he’s grunting as your orgasm subsides. 
“Isn’t she a perfect little kohai?” Kyojuro muses, and he presses a kiss to your lips.
They both start a steady pace, leaving you reeling all over again. The sensations of both their large cocks dragging against your walls is proving to be almost too much. Tengen grips your hips, angling himself a little better so he can drive his cock right up against that sweet spongy spot inside of you. You can see stars as soon as he begins getting a little rougher.
“Doesn’t she sound so sweet when you fuck her like that?” Kyojuro asks, a smirk on his face.
“I love the little pathetic noises she makes,” Tengen mocks your noises, his lips so close to your ear. 
You’re so lost in all of this pleasure, and your mind can’t even keep up with everything that’s going on. You know your next orgasm might just wreck you completely, but they’ll keep going. You had heard rumours that Kyojuro was a strict teacher, but you didn’t know that he would use this kind of training. And for Tengen to join in, that was a complete surprise. What shocks you the most are the next words that fall from Tengen’s lips.
“Don’t forget, kitten,” Tengen mutters in your ear before pressing kisses to your neck. “You’ve got to hold your breathing technique. That’s what we’re testing here,”
Kyojuro laughs, “No, I thought we were testing her endurance.”
Both men chuckle darkly, “I guess it’s both.”
With your legs shaking as the next orgasm keeps building, you know you’re in for a very long training session.
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satorisoup · 3 months
ft. demon slayer boys and their dimples <3
cw : nothing but fluff!
hq version | jjk version
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✉︎ incoming note from the writer .ᐟ
my first demon slayer post yipeee!! and the last part :3
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tanjiro has two, perfectly circular, smooth dimples on both of his cheeks. not deep, but very endearing. his smile is soft and warm, and his pretty dimples just make it hard to look away.
tengen has one, pretty circular dimple on his right cheek. handsome as ever, he claims it “makes him more flashy”. you can’t help but agree, because when he’s grinning it’s almost like a shining star on his face.
obanai has two, long dimples on his pretty cheeks. although always covered by his mask, on the rare occasions that he’s smiling you can see the indents through the white wrap that covers his mouth. it’s even prettier when his mask is off, if you’re lucky enough to see.
rengoku has two deep, rounded, perfect dimples on both the right and left cheek. they pop up at certain times when he’s talking or eating, which is ever so delightful. his smile is so lovely, and his laugh is boisterous, so when his pretty dimples make a show, you start to smile too.
sanemi has one circular dimple on his left, and one long dimple on his right. he tries to hide them, but fails miserably as they pop up easily. his hard, tough act is tarnished when he talks, because you can see the pretty indents appearing on his cheeks. when he smiles softly, if you catch him, they’re even more beautiful.
giyuu has two dahlia dimples on both sides of his mouth. he’s calm and collected, but when he says certain words, or even gently smiles, they appear lightly by the corners of his lips. they’re soft and sweet, adding a lovely touch to the quiet smile he displays when you’re able to see it.
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kaylinababy · 4 months
Longing For More
⤷ Kyojuro x Fem!Reader x Tengen
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♡ back to portal ♡ demon slayer ♡
words: 12.1k | reading: n/a
tags fem!reader, slow burn (not kidding in the slightest), angst central, smut, emotional cheating, fluff, depression, manipulation, maladaptive daydreaming. (lmk if i missed any!)
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Being Tengen’s 1st wife out of 4, over time, it feels as though you are an afterthought. Working as a baby/house sitter, you start dreaming of what could be... Perhaps things aren’t so peachy with everyone… but why should you suffer? Boldness may work out in your favor, at least when the time is right.
|♡| i
|♡| ii
|♡| iii
|♡| iv
|♡| v
|♡| vi
|♡| vii
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kaylinababy please do not copy | ty for the ♡ & reblogs!
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mirukosbitchywife · 1 year
obanai, rengoku, gyomei, and all four uzuis x reader
part one here
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part two of hashira x a reader who nearly died fighting demons!! idk if you can tell but this was SO HARD FOR ME TO DO!!!!! this is my first time ever writing for or even about obanai and gyomei really so i struggled with it! please let me know if they're super ooc i tried my hardest but idk if i got the characterization correct!!
tengen uzui plus makio uzui, suma uzui, and hinatsuru uzui:
•you'd wake up after being taken to the butterfly mansion with suma On Top of you crying into your shirt. makio tried to let her go but hina told her to let her have this :( tengen is just sitting quietly next to your bedside, with hina and makio sitting opposite him, all three holding onto both your hands
•tengen told you your actions were very unflashy and that you worried them. they had heart attacks when the crow arrived to inform them of the situation
•suma cries at you to never be so reckless again, makio scolds you (it's how she expresses love), and hina says you should join lord tengen in retirement
•if you lose an eye or something tengen WILL insist you match his. gotta be flashy even when disabled. he's a disabled icon
•even with his long lasting injuries, tengen, suma, makio, and hina are still all shinobi so expect your physical therapy process to be intense
kyojuro rengoku:
•honestly. he's an absolute wreck. has not left your side since he was alerted of your condition, not to do anything besides use the restroom. shinobu has to wrestle him from your beside to make him eat and sleep (sleeping in a chair does not count unfortunately for him)
•is so relieved when you wake up he Literally can't stop smiling. also yelling. he's yelling a Lot. but not in a bad way of course, he's just speaking Very enthusiastically! he might even cry from happiness at seeing you alive and mostly well and moving around
•will literally do everything for you. will not let you move a muscle to do anything while you're recovering essentially. like oh you want some water? he's getting it. you need a book/pen/a blanket, literally anything that you reach for he's going no no you don't need to be moving around let me get it for you even if the item is in your reach
iguro obanai:
•is probably the only one who gives you peace. of course he's concerned, and he's been staying by your side waiting for when you wake up, but will give you space to breathe
•i'm going to assume if you like obanai you also like snakes, because when you wake up kaburamaru is wrapped around you too, he was also concerned okay :(
•would quietly tell you how much you worried him and how he had rushed there. and by that i mean he RAN nobody has ever seen him move that fast outside of battle. he was just really concerned:(
•will hiss at people who try to enter your room in the butterfly mansion. the butterfly girls and aoi are annoyed by him but just ignore it, and inosuke actually starts snorting back at his hissing and they almost actually fight.
•really reliable while you're recovering, a silent but steady presence at your side. is a little bit of a simp and will do whatever you ask bc your hurt :( of course he'll do anything for you :(
gyomei himejima:
•would be silently kneeling by your bedside in prayer with tears streaming down his face when you wake up. immediately notices when you're actually awake from the change in your breathing and immediately stands up and grabs your hands
•also another one who gives you breathing space, but is a little more clingy. might not voice it aloud but is terrified of losing you too and being alone again
•you relish in his strong but silent presence by your side, he doesn't have much to say beyond the fact he was worried about you, but he's more of an actions speak louder than words type person and is there when you need him
•an actual rock for you during your recovery. him being disabled doesn't mean he's not able to help you with your physical therapy and taking care of yourself!! very content to help you
•maybe okay. hear me out. maybe you could convince him to sneak you out and give you piggyback rides once you're well, but not completely healed enough to leave the butterfly mansion. he seems like a big softie who will give into anything that doesn't have any real consequences
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