ladymacabrebeth · 1 year
Whenever I feel excluded, underestimated, undervalued, and unreciprocated, I immediately find my way to the exit and bid my sayonaras forever. Goodbye because I know my worth now.
Lady Macabre Beth
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queersouthasian · 5 months
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We started from the bottom, now we are here
Song credit : @vxilans on tiktok
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liege-of-nerd · 1 month
Do you know why I like MCs so much?
Do you know why I especially love weaker/late-bloomer MCs so much? Why they're my favorite characters?
Cause it hurts.
It hurts to not be able to get into a the top echleons and being recognized and loved by all but see so many of your peers, including peers you belived you were behind you at one point, getting there instead. It hurts being underestimated and being unable to live up to the smidgen of potential you think you have. It hurts that no matter how hard you try, there will always be someone ahead of you and taking the spotlight you deserve.
It hurts being a Reki.
It hurts being a Takemichi (pre-final battle arc).
It hurts being a Sung Jinwoo (pre-system).
It hurts being an Asta (pre-Anti-Magic).
It hurts trying so hard to be the best while knowing you'll have to put in ages of work to be even a fraction of the "best" other characters have had since the very beginning.
And it hurts that (fourth wall break incoming) you've got half the comment section saying shit like "Dam worst MC fr" "Annoying af" "Can't they just learn instantly?" at you, and you can't do anything about it.
But I mean hey. They had their moments of stardom at the end. And hopefully, so will I. I just haven't gotten to that arc yet.
And to the people who say those comments and who will say this post is sappy af: BLA BLA BLA I CANT FUCKIN HEAR YOU WHAT DID YOU SAY AGAIN??? ME LOOKING FOR WHO ASKED LIKE-
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gennsoup · 19 days
"People underestimate the freckled."
Helen Oyeyemi, Boy, Snow, Bird
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he1iks · 1 year
I love it when villains hugely underestimate the kid hero during their first battle and get destroyed
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paigeypaige19 · 3 months
Women fascinate me. They are almost always underestimated, which makes them potentially some of the most lethal opponents. Like walking up to a jungle cat thinking you’re going to give its head a gentle little pat and instead it bites off your whole goddamn arm. - Their Vicious Darling, Nikki St. Crowe
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howifeltabouthim · 8 months
There isn't much that I take seriously and since I'm frivolous and female most people think I'm pretty dumb.
Chris Kraus, from I Love Dick
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Because I don't think I'll finish editing Underestimated tonight, I will share a (rather long) snippet from a moment that never makes this fic.
Kate's pregnant and it takes them a while to connect the dots...
(Warning, things get fluffy 😍)
Anthony always loves watching his wife sleep. There's something so sweet and pure about it when his wife is snoring softly next to him, he loves it so much he's never able to resist his lips from brushing her cheek at least three times before he himself drifts off to sleep.
Tonight however, it was different. 
Kate has been on edge for days, and she was snarky and emotional, especially when he did something.
Last night for example, Anthony apparently breathed too loudly and Kate was so angry with him she actually left the room.
So no, he wasn't going to risk waking her with a kiss, but he is going to watch and embrace all that is his beautiful Kate for a while.
"Anthony!" A loud voice sounds from afar and for a moment Anthony doesn't know if he's still dreaming or not.
When he feels something pushing against his shoulders he knows he isn't dreaming.
"Kate… honey.. please do not wake me, I am so comfortable." Anthony mumbles and shakes a little with the hope it will stop the pushing and pulling at his shoulder.
Wishful thinking because the pulling gets a little harder so he starts to make some effort to hear what his wife says.
"Anthony, do not be like this." He hears Kate say with a whiny tone. "You are lying on my hair, I cannot move and I need to because you snore so loudly, by now the whole house is awake."
She pushes him again, not hard but he senses how irritated she is.
"God, you really are grumpy when you are not getting your way," Anthony sighs loudly and he opens his eyes before he lifts his body up a bit. "Please, help yourself get your hair back and let me go back to sleep." He rolls his eyes and immediately hopes it is too dark for Kate to notice. He can't start another argument right now because he's too tired.
Moments before sleep catches him again he hears something.
Loud sobbing.
Kate is crying, hard.
"Kate?" This time it goes naturally, before he knows it, Anthony opens his eyes and lifts himself up. "What is wrong?" 
He wants to touch her, and normally she would already be in his arms but recent events have made him a bit insecure in that regard.
"You… you.." Kate sniffs. "You do not like my hair." 
"Excuse me?" Anthony is too startled by her confession to say anything else. "Kate, what are you talking about?"
Even in the darkness that the night brings, he sees her big brown eyes full of hurt, his heart aches and he forgets his hesitation and takes her in his arms.
"You hate my hair and it hurts me." Anthony soon feels his shoulder getting wet with her tears. 
He still doesn't know what to say. He is taken off guard by the weird assumption his wife made just moments ago, and he almost can't believe this is actually the reason she is so upset.
"Kate," he asks carefully. "Are you in earnest?"
She nods against his chest. 
This is ridiculous. He thinks while he takes in her scent. The smell of lilies is comforting as always and Anthony quickly drops a kiss in her hair before he starts to speak.
"Katie, my sweetheart. I absolutely adore you, I love everything about you, but you know your hair sends me over the edge every time."
Briefly Anthony allows himself to think about the way he likes to grab it when they're intimate, it is the one of the best feelings, and subconsciously remembering this, makes him hold her even tighter.
"Please believe me Katie, I believe you are the most beautiful thing that has ever walked this earth… and to think I dislike your hair.." he starts stroking it. "From the moment I met you I wanted to touch it." He kisses the tip of her head. "Do you even remember your beautiful thick braid that was hanging over this shoulder the first time we met?" Anthony kisses her left one briefly before he blows another in her hair. "Because I do, vividly."
"Oh." Kate still sniffs but her breathing starts to calm down.
"Yes Kate. I love you, I love it." 
"Are you not making fun of me?" Her voice sounds so tiny Anthony frowns, this isn't like her, but he will do all in his power to make her feel better.
"I would not dare to." Anthony caresses her cheek and slowly he feels how she relaxes more and more in his arms.
"Go to sleep honey." He whispers in her ear. "I have you, I take care of you." 
And the rest of the night, Anthony never stops stroking her hair
"Anthony?" Without waiting for approval, and why should she? Kate enters his study.
"Hello sweetheart." Anthony feels his face lit up when he sees his wife. "How was your day? Did they behave themselves?"
"Both Greg and Hy were like little angels." Kate says amused when she comes over and settles herself down on his lap.
Before he kisses her, Anthony frowns, he has a little trouble believing her, but because he can tell by his wife's expression she has something to say he holds it back.
"What is it Kate?" He can't contain himself  so he kisses her anyway. 
"I wanted to apologize for last night," Kate says softly. "I was not feeling like myself, and I took it out on you," she sighs. "I am doing so for a while, have I not?"
Anthony stiffens, he feels like he starts to get into dangerous territory.
"It is okay, honey," Kate notices and this time it is his wife who brushes her lips on his neck. "For I think I have an explanation."
"You do?" Anthony asks carefully. 
Kate nods.
"My courses are late, my breasts hurt, I felt nauseated for weeks.."
Anthony feels his heartbeat increasing and goosebumps appear on his arms, he doesn't want to let himself feel it just yet, not before Kate confirms it. 
Not that he's capable of uttering anything right now. He can only hold Kate tighter in his arms.
Kate observes it all. Her smile grows brighter and brighter and before she says anything she puts her hands on his cheeks and holds his face in her hands. She comes closer so their noses bump together and Anthony hears himself gasp with anticipation. 
"I am pregnant Anthony." Kate says, like a whisper, but he could read it in her eyes as well. "We are becoming parents." Her voice breaks at the end of the sentence, which makes Anthony come back to reality.
He peppers kisses all over her face.
"Thank you, Thank you, thank you." He says, almost like a benediction.
"Are you happy?" Anthony asks, for a while now, Kate leans back against his chest and they just keep holding each other. Nothing more, nothing less.
"I am, and you?" Kate takes his hand and kisses his wrist.
"Completely." Anthony sighs, and he realizes, with his wife in his arms, with the future that's ahead of them, it was the most honest sentence that ever left his mouth.
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shironezuninja · 2 years
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I concede to the fact that there may have been several times where I underestimated Sonic Boom.
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glitteryclitorous · 2 years
Accepting the fact that they never loved you in the first place is a harder pill to swallow than I thought
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eric-sadahire · 1 year
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People like you more than you think...
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Not everyone gets a redo
Some of us must learn the lessons of consequence
Be guided by a series of unfortunate events
And I am no Violet Baudelaire
Only those who willing to change perspectives if you shall dare
I consider myself lucky for this opportunity comes but once in a lifetime
To turn it around and have a redo at mine
Maybe a bit older but that's the advantage
To have the experience and rip off the bandage
You're healed enough to right some wrongs
Get back in the classroom not to procrastinate or prolong
Not back to a lover, back to my exploration
Sit your ass in that classroom for more education
Never again to poison my own well twice
For I feel Robert frost explains it best
Self destruction is humanity ultimate price..
"Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice."
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inthemarginalized · 1 year
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megahorous · 2 years
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Mario vs. a Goomba !
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tweetyrish · 2 years
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adindafaradila · 2 years
Direndahkan Tak Mungkin Jadi Sampah
Setiap dari kita ada kalanya pernah direndahkan orang lain, bahasa kekiniannya: underestimate. Entah itu oleh orang yang tidak dikenal, atau teman terdekat, atau mungkin juga keluarga. Mungkin juga, justru kita yang pernah merendahkan orang lain. Kenyataannya, manusia memang lebih mudah melihat kekurangan orang. Kalau kata pepatah, “semut di seberang lautan nampak, gajah di pelupuk mata tak nampak”. Kekurangan orang lain yang secuil jelas terlihat tetapi kekurangan diri sendiri yang jelas di depan mata justru tidak disadari. Tapi menurut saya, tidak selamanya “direndahkan” itu negatif.
Saya percaya, semua kejadian di dunia ini sifatnya netral, pikiran kita lah yang membuat itu menjadi positif atau negatif. Direndahkan tidak selamanya bermakna negatif, tergantung cara pandang kita. Ada orang yang kalo direndahkan, ia semakin merasa rendah diri. Padahal ia sebenarnya memiliki potensi besar dalam dirinya yang belum ia olah. Ya seperti yang kita tau, setiap orang terlahir dengan bakat dan potensinya masing-masing, tinggal bagaimana cara kita mencari dan mengasahnya. Di sisi lain, ada juga orang yang kalo direndahkan, ia justru melambung tinggi. Semakin semangat untuk membuktikan bahwa dirinya tidak serendah itu. Semakin semangat mengasah potensi dan berkarya. Kembali lagi, semua tergantung mindset.
Ada yang pernah direndahkan di depan umum? Tenang kamu tidak sendirian, saya juga pernah wkwkkw.  Kenangan yang sangat membekas, walaupun hampir 10 tahun berlalu. Kalau dipikir-pikir, justru momen saat itu adalah anugrah. Berkat direndahkan, akhirnya ada gebrakan besar dalam diri saya untuk maju. Keputusan besar saya buat saat itu, hingga saya berada di titik ini saat ini. Sekarang ada orang yang merendahkan lagi? Meremehkan lagi? Tenang, sudah kebal, sudah terlatih. Toh mereka juga tidak tau bagaimana proses yang kita lalui. Mendengarkan mereka sama saja dengan tidak menghargai diri sendiri. Lebih baik perbaiki diri, omongan orang hanyalah angin lalu.
Kalau kata Ali bin Abi Thalib r.a, "Direndahkan tidak mungkin menjadi sampah, disanjung tidak mungkin menjadi rembulan". Maka jangan risaukan omongan orang lain, sebab setiap orang membacamu dengan pemahaman dan pengalaman berbeda.
Semangatt semua orang yang tengah berjuang, semoga Allah mudahkan 😊
يٰٓاَيُّهَا الَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْا لَا يَسْخَرْ قَوْمٌ مِّنْ قَوْمٍ عَسٰٓى اَنْ يَّكُوْنُوْا خَيْرًا مِّنْهُمْ وَلَا نِسَاۤءٌ مِّنْ نِّسَاۤءٍ عَسٰٓى اَنْ يَّكُنَّ خَيْرًا مِّنْهُنَّۚ وَلَا تَلْمِزُوْٓا اَنْفُسَكُمْ وَلَا تَنَابَزُوْا بِالْاَلْقَابِۗ بِئْسَ الِاسْمُ الْفُسُوْقُ بَعْدَ الْاِيْمَانِۚ وَمَنْ لَّمْ يَتُبْ فَاُولٰۤىِٕكَ هُمُ الظّٰلِمُوْنَ
 “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah suatu kaum mengolok-olok kaum yang lain (karena) boleh jadi mereka (yang diperolok-olokkan) lebih baik dari mereka (yang mengolok-olok) dan jangan pula perempuan-perempuan (mengolok-olokkan) perempuan lain (karena) boleh jadi perempuan (yang diperolok-olokkan) lebih baik dari perempuan (yang mengolok-olok). Janganlah kamu saling mencela satu sama lain dan janganlah saling memanggil dengan gelar-gelar yang buruk. Seburuk-buruk panggilan adalah (panggilan) yang buruk (fasik) setelah beriman. Dan barangsiapa tidak bertobat, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang zalim.”
(QS. Al-Hujurat: Ayat 11)
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