paigeypaige19 · 2 days
“Mine is a complicated story, and people do not want to hear complicated stories. They want simple stories, in which people are either good or evil, and no one good ever makes a mistake, and no one evil ever repents.”― Cassandra Clare, Chain of Thorns
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paigeypaige19 · 2 days
“It’s like you don’t live in the real world. You live in a world of stories.’As if that were a terrible thing.”― Cassandra Clare, Chain of Thorns
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paigeypaige19 · 2 days
“How much love people have denied themselves through the ages because they believed they did not deserve it. As if the waste of love is not the greater tragedy.”― Cassandra Clare, Chain of Thorns
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paigeypaige19 · 2 days
“There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy.”― Cassandra Clare, Chain of Thorns
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paigeypaige19 · 2 days
“We are not here just to forget, but also to remember there are good and beautiful things in the world, always. And mistakes do not take them from us; nothing takes them from us. They are eternal.”― Cassandra Clare, Chain of Thorns
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paigeypaige19 · 2 days
"You don't have to wake up and be the same person every day, my darling girl. You have curiosity, so follow it and find out where it takes you.” - A Lady of Rooksgrave Manor, Kathryn Moon
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paigeypaige19 · 2 days
“She knew what it was like to watch a bad person die, to feel their panic swell to crescendo, to watch the dawning in their eyes when they realized that they were completely powerless. To know that the last words they would ever hear were the ones you said to their face: that you saw through them, that you knew everything about them, that you were disgusted, that you did not love them, that you would never, ever forget. That you would never, ever forgive. That you would be fine. That you would be happy. That you would survive. Maybe she really should consider going into therapy sooner.”― Karin Slaughter, Pretty Girls
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paigeypaige19 · 2 days
He always changed the subject with flattery. He was usually more artful. It’s hard to describe how someone has manipulated you because you’re generally not aware of it when it’s happening. You don’t exactly take notes, is what I am saying.”― Karin Slaughter, Pretty Girls
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paigeypaige19 · 2 days
“That she ended up with a boy who had grown up less than twenty miles from her childhood home was just further proof that no matter how far you ran, you always ended up back where you started.”― Karin Slaughter, Pretty Girls
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paigeypaige19 · 2 days
“He had always said there was nothing that a list couldn’t solve. Conquer the details and you conquer the problem.”― Karin Slaughter, Pretty Girls
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paigeypaige19 · 2 months
“Claire had realized a long time ago that if you lie with enough conviction, you can usually fool yourself.”― Karin Slaughter, Pretty Girls
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paigeypaige19 · 2 months
“children always have different parents, even in the same family.”― Karin Slaughter, Pretty Girls
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paigeypaige19 · 2 months
“Then again, Paul had once told her that there was no such thing as coincidence. “The Law of Truly Large Numbers provides that given a large enough sample size, any outrageous thing can happen.”― Karin Slaughter, Pretty Girls
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paigeypaige19 · 2 months
“All the sneakiness her sister had exhibited as a child had been honed to adult perfection, so that Claire could be standing right in front of an oncoming train and still insist that everything was going to be fine.”― Karin Slaughter, Pretty Girls
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paigeypaige19 · 2 months
“The world stops for you when you’re pretty. That’s why women spend billions on crap for their faces. Their whole life, they’re the center of attention. People want to be around them just because they’re attractive. Their jokes are funnier. Their lives are better. And then suddenly, they get bags under their eyes or they put on a little weight and no one cares about them anymore. They cease to exist.”― Karin Slaughter, Pretty Girls
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paigeypaige19 · 2 months
“She was always holding herself back. She was cocaptain, not captain. She could’ve dated the quarterback, but she dated his brother instead. She could’ve been top in her class, but she’d purposefully turn in a paper late or miss an assignment so she’d fall closer to the middle. She would know about Mauna Kea, but she would say Everest because winning would bring too much attention.”― Karin Slaughter, Pretty Girls
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paigeypaige19 · 2 months
There was nothing timorous about her, but you got the feeling that she always had one foot out the door. If the situation got too hard, or too intense, she would simply disappear.― Karin Slaughter, Pretty Girls
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