#uhhh i think i had something else to say but i forgot
OMG you just made me start to brainrot over masadai and it makes me sad how criminally underrated the ship is </3
rubbing my filthy grimy little hands together like We Got Another One Boys
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
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We've all rightly been gushing over Trent listening in on the parent-teacher conference and there are a lot of cool interpretations for why he'd eavesdrop: a crush on Ted, a tendency towards gossip (as seen in "International Break"), the fact that you just can't take the journalism out of the boy, Trent is clearly picking up personal tidbits for the book if the group's initial "Don't print that" worries are any indication, etc. So yeah, it's clear why he'd want/be okay with the door staying open.
Meanwhile, I'm slightly feral over Ted letting the door stay open and what that conveys to Trent.
Based on what we've picked up about his personal life and the direction of this season, we have good reason to believe that Trent was a deeply isolated man prior to Ted arriving. His job makes enemies simply by virtue of the profession itself, especially when you "bring the heat" as hard as he did. Roy flipping the press off at the gala in Season 1 and Nate sneaking out at dark this last episode shows us how journalists are treated on the regular: ignored, dismissed, told to "fuck off" as a matter of course. That's often well deserved, as Roy's two personal stories (Trent's article about him + the response to Isaac's attack) attest, but the end result is still a profession that alienates you from anyone other than your peers. When you're a "colossal prick" in your articles, people hate you all the more.
So Trent at least has other journalist buddies, yeah? Well, not that we've seen. I always think back to that chorus of "--The Independent" in the press room when everyone knew what Trent was going to say and how it... wasn't entirely fun ribbing. I think there's a fair bit of mockery there. Even if others disagree, I doubt that was received well by someone who wears their professionalism as an armor, who takes off his glasses as soon as they're complimented, who was, notably, closeted into his 40s. Trent is a man who is deeply aware of how others perceive him (pointing out his "vibe" feels quite calculated now: highlight what you want people to notice rather than waiting for them to find something on their own) and he is likely to read the worst of most interactions. Cue his shocked, "You really mean that, don't you?" when faced with someone like Ted who is not only genuinely nice, but blunt about it in a way that Trent can't misunderstand, or brush off via denial.
What's his home life like? Married to a woman when he's gay and that's putting a serious strain on them both. He tries to come out and isn't believed. The only other family members we know about are a toddler (who, while lovely I'm sure, can't provide Trent with the kind of emotional support an adult needs) and a father who, if we read the series through Lance's headcanons, may not have been very supportive of his son. Who else does Trent know? Uhhh... other subjects who hate him? Owners like Rebecca who want to use him? A random, potential date that he felt so little for he ditched to get a quote?
(EDIT: I can't believe I forgot to mention the strong implications that Ted was bullied in childhood/as a teenager, based on how he reacts to the whole of the club ignoring him -- resigned but unsurprised -- his reaction to Roy telling him to fuck off after he tries to mend that relationship -- disappointedly awkward "I can't believe I even tried that. What was I thinking?" -- and his body language during the locker room scene -- jumping, furtive glances towards Ted, backed up against the shower stall because shit, he's been in this situation before.
So uh, yeah. Trent may not have had a lot of friends growing up either! That was not the response of a social butterfly, but rather someone who is already very used to being ignored/dismissed/cursed out/threatened, not just within his profession, but within the school-like atmosphere of Richmond's family too.)
I'm by no means reinventing the meta wheel here, but Trent has truly undergone a STAGGERING transformation in Season 3 and the result of that is the reframing of his Season 1 and 2 scenes as, frankly, more depressing than they originally seemed. Seeing him now smiling, singing, gossiping, dressing just in t-shirts, casually snacking, making jokes, letting go enough to be a complete, hyperactive "dork" in front of others... it just hammers home how deeply unhappy Trent was before. How closed off. How closeted--in more ways than one.
So what must it mean to someone like Trent for Ted to leave the door open?
It's not just an open invitation towards community--sit near me, listen in, quietly participate, there's literally no barrier between us--but a staggeringly personal one too. I don't care if a 10-ish year old failing science is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, the fact remains that letting anyone hear a parent-teacher conference with your ex is a hell of a show of trust. That would mean a lot to Trent in general, this acknowledgement that someone trusts the ex-prick journalist with that amount of personal information, but Ted in particular? Oh boy. Ted is the one Trent betrayed with that article! And yeah, Ted forgave him the instant he learned of it, but Trent himself was obviously feeling a lot of guilt, hence him burning his source and orchestrating a firing. Toss in the fact that Ted, despite being a VERY open man on the regular (I still laugh at his "I don't mind" to Rebecca when over-sharing about Michelle) has in fact denied Trent information in the past. No, I won't tell you that was a panic attack. Yes, I will continue the lie that it was food poisoning. Perhaps for Ted it was less about Trent knowing and more about anyone getting at the truth, but at the end of the day it amounts to the same: there was a time when Ted did not fully trust him and Trent justified that fear by writing the very article Ted was looking to avoid, even if Trent approached that situation with as much grace as he could.
So this moment, beyond the humor, just makes my brain go !!!!!! for Trent. Ted Lasso, of all people, has left the door open for Trent Crimm, also of all people, to hear the messy details of his, Henry, and Michelle's life. He is not at all afraid that this information will be spun in a bad light--Local Gaffer's Son Suffers While Father Plays at Coach Across the Pond--despite the fact that Trent is actively writing a book about him. Trent himself is so unguarded in this moment, dressed only in a t-shirt, playing around with his orange, making little quips. The Trent of Season 1 would NEVER. I mean, I think we see small glimpses of the real Trent back then, especially when Ted amuses him enough to coax his guard down for half a second (Trent's reaction to “Make like Dunst and Union and bring it on, baby!" comes to mind. That's a gesture we're seeing a lot now that he's comfortable around the club), but on the whole he was still so, so, so isolated. No one knew the real him: gay, funny, dorky, inquisitive, longing for companionship and using the artificial 'closeness' of journalism to cover that ache up.
Now? Trent is fully a part of the Richmond community and he knows he's a part of it because everyone--Ted, Beard, Roy, Colin, Rebecca--are going out of their way to tell him that, notably in very overt ways. Trent strikes me as someone who wouldn't fully believe it when he's told someone enjoys his company; the kind of wounded, anxiety-prone person who, if casually invited to participate, would assume they're just being polite and he'd actually be an annoyance to them. Trent needs overt, obvious, beat-you-over-the-head-with-it reassurance, which is why Ted is so very good for him because Ted is composed of THE most over-the-top positivity you've ever seen. (Compare that need of Trent's to Michelle thinking that Ted is too much...) When faced with a defensive journalist Ted says explicitly that he liked spending time with Trent. When faced with a still unsure writer who thinks of himself only as an observer--never a part of the team himself--Ted literally begs with monkey noises to hear Trent's opinions. He's blunt to the point of absurdity and someone like Trent who has likely spent the majority of his life hiding/being told that his true self is inadequate needs that level of constant, neon-light reassurance.
So Ted leaves the door open to a personal conversation, refusing to literally bar Trent from his life. The best part? Colin re-opens the door because he understands Trent and he knows his coach; of course Ted wants him included. Colin asks permission to CLOSE the door, not open it, and Trent is seeing this openness again and again over the course of several months, with each episode bringing him further out of his shell as he slowly unlearns that self-doubt. Yes, please stay, please tell us what you think, please offer your advice, please join our Diamond Dogs, please ask us questions (they're no longer perceived as a threat), please become an integral part of our lives. We trust you and we like you and we want you here.
Everyone's waiting for Trent to catch the door again because, you know, the rule of three, but what if he doesn't need to? What if he's past slipping a hand or a foot through the crack and scraping by on what that gets him? He caught the door before it could close to get closer to Colin. He caught the door before it could close to get closer to Ted. Now they've both kept the door open for him, his presence welcomed from the get-go.
Trent doesn't need to sprint for that opening anymore.
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If becoming Robin had an interview:-
(Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie and Damian)
Batman- What is your motivation for becoming Batman's partner?
Dick- Robin. Batman's partner is Robin.
Batman- Right, Robin, what are your motivations?
Dick- *Scrunching up nose in concentration* Uhm- Uhhh- RIGHT! dead parents :D
Batman- WHAT?
Dick- OH! sorry, i forgot, *Grin*, seeing dead parents DIE in front of me :))
Batman- I-
Batman- *softly* Dick,
Dick- Aww, I got it wrong...
Batman- You can't-
Dick- What's your motive?
Batman- Making sure nobody else has to suffer like I did but-
Dick- My motive is to make sure nobody else has to suffer like I did, Batman sir *salute*
Batman- Dick, just because we have similar starts to our Vigilante career-
Dick- And to find Tony Zucco.
Batman- There it is-
Batman- Out of all the other kids, why should I hire you?
Jason- OUT OF ALL THE OTHER- Listen here mister-
Batman- waIT that was just to sound interviewy-
Batman- *softly* Oh Gotham...
Jason- YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WENT "hey kid, wanna punch some baddies?"
Batman- *suppressing a smile* Are you done?
Jason- THE HELL IF I AM- Y'know what, why should I work FOR YOU??? WHY NOT- LIKE- THE JOKER OR SOMETHING?
Batman- *Gruff* What are your qualifications?
Tim- Well, Photography, Stalking, and I like to think I'm quite smart but I can be stubborn at times-
Batman- *Bored* Mhm....
Tim- I-
Tim- To hell with this, If you don't hire me, I'm telling everyone you're Bruce Wayne >:(
Batman- *Raise of eyebrow* And what if I stop you?
Tim- Unless you tie me down for the rest of my life or kill me, you can't
Batman- I need your height and weight for the suit.
Tim- yES!
Batman- Any previous experience?
Stephanie- Well, I was Spoiler before, and I have a close relationship with the previous Robin-
Batman- *Interested* Hrn, would you say the previous Robin, cared for you???
Stephanie- Uh, yes sir???
Batman- Don't call me sir.
Batman- This may be a strange question, but would said person be jealous if you became Robin?
Stephanie- I suppose, but I like to think-
Batman- You're hired.
Stephanie- REALLY?????
Batman- Really.
Stephanie- Do I get paid, ma'am?
Batman- What is your opinion on killing?
Damian- Well, I suppose, hypothetically speaking,
Batman- We're not talking about hypothetically.
Damian- *under breath* interrupt me again-
Batman- Sorry?
Damian- HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING, I think some people deserve to die,
Batman- Well yes, but would you deliver the final blow?
Damian- *deep annoyed inhale*
Damian- *Slowly, as if remembering difficult lines* I believe that context matters,
Batman- Could you please answer the question, i have other volunteers waiting-
Damian- Excuse me?
Batman- I meant-
Batman- *Sigh* Tim wanted to volunteer for the interview just in case-
Damian- *Pushing table and standing up* OH REALLY?
Batman- *Painfully tight* Damian-
Damian- *Impassive stare*
Damian- I'm going out.
Batman- WHERE-
Damian- *Run's out*
Batman- WAIT-
Batman- *Following after* YOU'RE HIRED- DAMIAN YOU LITTLE- STOP!!!
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hazbininlove · 3 months
Hopelessly Devoted - Chapter 3
-About 5.5k. No real warnings in this chapter!
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Charlie is more or less freaking out at the moment. She received news a week ago that Esther would be coming back down to assist with the Hotel and would be bringing a guest. Now today is the day of that visit and she feels like nothing is ready. Everything in the hotel feels out of place and she doesn’t know how to fix it.
“Charlie, you need to relax,” Vaggie says, coming up to her and placing her hands on Charlie’s shoulders. Charlie grabs at her own hair in frustration.
“I can’t, Vaggie! Esther didn’t come into the hotel last time and I just want it to be perfect! And she said she’s bringing someone else! What if it’s Sera? What if it’s Michael?! WHAT IF IT'S GOD?!”
“Charlie! She’s not bringing God to our hotel! And I doubt she’d bring Michael here! He’s probably the last person who’d ever willingly down here.”
Charlie groans and slumps into Vaggies hold. “What am I gonna dooooooo-“
“Do about what?”
“Ah!” Charlie jumps out of Vaggie’s hold and looks to the entrance where her dad is standing. His eyebrows furrow in concern.
“You doing alright, apple pie? You look uhhh kinda tired,” he inquires.
“Dad! Hi! I could really use your help right now! Esther is coming down any minute now and he’s bringing someone and-“
“Esther!” Her dad yells, his hands now gripping her arms. “She’s coming here?! Today?! Now?!!”
“Ooooh I see I forgot to mention that,” Charlie replies sheepishly, laughing awkwardly to herself. “I knew I was forgetting something.”
Lucifer’s hands let go of her to grip his own hair, knowing his hat off his head. He starts pacing as he freaks out.
“Oh hell she’s coming here. I haven’t prepared anything. Nothing has felt right! I haven’t even had the time to fix up my wings. My WINGS!”
He yells, and his wings pop out behind him in the largest form Charlie’s seen from him in months, knocking over a painting as he does so. “Satan’s smelly asscrack! They’re a mess! How the fuck am I supposed to impress her with this disaster?!”
“I don’t think Uncle Satan would appreciate that comment,” Charlie mumbles, trying to defuse the situation.
“He’s an ugly sweaty fuck! He can handle a few insults in his name!” Lucifer yells back. He pauses, groans, and rubs at his temples. “Sorry, apple pie. I’m just nervous and didn’t mean to yell. Satan definitely deserves it though.”
“Aren’t the two of you supposed to be twins or something?” Vaggie asks, approaching the two of them. “Isn’t that why people confuse you two so often?”
“Aha, no, you know all those pictures of a red dude with horns that people think is me? That’s Satan. He’s just such a damn menace that of course when shit goes sideways, they think he’s the actual devil which then confuses people and- you know what? It’s a whole thing. The point is, he smells like shit half the time I see him and I think he does it on purpose.”
“Dad, I think we’re off track again. Why are you freaking out about your wings? And can you please make them smaller before you break anything else?” Charlie asks.
Sheepishly, Lucifer does just that, letting them get smaller until they’re at a more appropriate size indoors. He snaps his fingers to fix the things he knocked over and continues pacing as he fiddles with his hands.
How does one explain to their daughter that he has an inside joke of sorts with his soulmate and now as part of proving himself to her again, he has to behave like a duck during mating season and impress her.
Shit, had Esther even meant that literally? Knowing her humor, she probably did, though she definitely expected more than just that as an apology. He wasn’t entirely sure how to apologize either. He’d told her everything the week before. Of course, just because he explained and apologized doesn’t mean she had to forgive him. And he knew one apology wouldn’t make up for several millennia apart, due to his own actions, but he really didn’t know what else to say or even do to make it up to her.
It just stressed him out more that he couldn’t think of anything to do about this. He couldn’t lose her again, not when he finally had a second chance. He’d been struggling to sleep for the past week just thinking about her. Her beautiful dark blue eyes, her wavy black hair with the streaks of white, the rich blue on the underside of her beautiful wings. Lucifer feels his heart beat a little faster at the thought of her bright smile aimed at him, eyes crinkled at the end in pure joy and those cheek marks on the corner of her mouth so high they almost look like they’re reaching her eyes.
“It’s nothing Char,” he replies to his daughter. “I just want to look my best when she arrives. And you said she’s bringing a gues- Who the fuck is she bringing?”
“We don’t know, sir. We can only assume it’s another angel,” Vaggie answers for her, likely stopping Charlie from panicking again.
“Oh fuck me! It’s probably Michael! It’s definitely Michael,” he replies, hands in his hair again as his eyes start to turn red and his voice sounds almost layered. “She talked about him so much last time, it probably is him. That fucker probably did mess with her head. She said she doesn’t love him but someone with Stockholm Syndrome probably wouldn’t admit they have it!”
“Okay!” Charlie claps loudly. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here! Vaggie’s right. We need to relax and think things through. I doubt she’d bring him of all people here. So let’s just focus on one thing at a time! Like cleaning up the lobby!”
Lucifer looks at his daughter with a blank stare and snaps his finger. A burst of gold sparks from his hand and sweeps around the room, cleaning up any dust and straightening out paintings and chairs alike as it goes.
“Can I go back to panicking now?”
“No!” Charlie yells, grabbing her dad and leading him towards the elevators. “We’re going to go get ourselves looking presentable!”
Vaggie watches in amusement but also concern as her girlfriend drags her whining father out of the lobby. Looking around the room, he definitely did a good job of cleaning up and saved them a good amount of time. Especially after the disaster left in the wake of Charlie’s own panicking.
She’s thankful that her and Charlie’s relationship isn’t as complicated as Lucifer’s and Esther’s. She feels bad for them. Knowing what she knows now, it all seemed like a “right person, wrong time” situation. And who knows how long those two even actually spent together before Lucifer had fallen.
The books she read aren’t exactly clear on how long between Lucifer’s creation and the creation of Eden took place. Lucifer is older than Earth, that much she knows, but how much older remains a mystery to everyone except the man himself, and she isn’t sure if asking is appropriate.
And to an immortal being who’s been around for as long as he has and still looks like a relatively young adult, how does time pass for him? Sinners remain the age they died at, but was Lucifer like Adam, Lilith, and Eve? Was he also created as an adult? Were the older angels created as children and then raised into adulthood before the aging stopped? Looking at a picture of Lucifer and Charlie, Lucifer looks the same age now as he did then. Now that Charlie’s older, he looks like he could’ve been a teenage father.
Had Lucifer and Esther had thousands of years between their creation and the Earth’s creation to spend together, or had it just been a few short years together before their forced separation? It doesn’t really matter, at the end of the day. They seemed to be the first and most functional of three pairs of soulmates ever made.
Like Esther had said the day before. The first attempt to recreate them ended in disaster with Adam and Lilith, Eve… No one in heaven had seen Eve in thousands of years and Adam never cared to talk about her besides when insulting her. The only pair that seemed to want to be together was Lucifer and Esther, and even they weren’t actually together because of the miscommunication between them that caused eons of loneliness for the two of them.
No wonder God never made more soulmates. The more Vaggie thinks about it, the more her head starts to hurt. She walks around the lobby instead, making sure nothing was out of place even with Lucifer’s magic.
A knock on the door alerted her to a guest. Vaggie paused, looking over to the bar where Husk had paused in his own polishing, and stared back at her.
“Try to keep the drinks to a minimum, please,” she says to him. He rolls his eyes but continues wiping the bar as she walks towards the door.
Before she can reach the door, a swirl of shadows lifts from the ground, and she curses to herself as she sees Alastor appear from it. She’s practically sprinting and he shifts his eyes to look at her, smile stretched impossibly wide, as he grips the door and pulls it open.
”Welcome, dear guests, to the Hazbin Hotel,” he says, greeting the two at the door.
There is Esther, smiling softly in greeting, with a taller man beside her. His skin is ghostly white like Lucifer’s, but his hair is black like Esther’s. It’s a bit longer than Lucifer’s, falling more into his face and curling around his neck. His suit is impeccable, white pants, black coat, and gray waistcoat. Along the shoulders of his coat are black pads lined in silver with intricate designs. His eyes are dark gray, bordering on blue closer to the pupils.
He looks like royalty, carries himself with an air of importance, but his eyes look soft and his expression is easygoing. It takes Vaggie a few moments before his appearance clicks in her mind.
This is Azrael, the Archangel of Death, the Virtue of Patience.
He’s rarely seen in any of the spheres of Heaven. He, like Raphael, spends most of his time on Earth. When he does return to Heaven, he passes through the spheres and says his hellos, but typically spends most of his time on Primum Mobile with the other higher ranking angels that aren’t ruling over a sphere like Sera.
If he spends any time in another sphere, it’s likely the first sphere where the majority of the winners reside, or in the third sphere where he was created, Venus, just as Lucifer and Esther were.
Well, Azrael is certainly better than Michael in terms of who would stress Lucifer out the most, but Vaggie isn’t holding out much hope. Esther had mentioned that Azrael was likely to visit, but she hadn’t expected it to be so soon. Especially since it’s only her second visit.
At least she could say that of all the virtues or archangels to bring, the Virtue of Patience would probably be the best to deal with all the chaos the people of this hotel were capable of causing.
Both of their wings were tucked away and out of sight, which was probably for the best both to get them through the door and so they wouldn’t take up too much space. They likely planned on spending a good amount of time there, if that was the case.
Vaggie bows to both of them, nervous at the sight of one of Heaven’s strongest angels. Azrael doesn’t fight, might as well be a pacifist, but that doesn’t mean he’s incapable. The Seven Capital Virtues all have more power than most beings besides God himself, and even they aren’t the top of the hierarchy the way that the Seven Deadly Sins were down here in Hell.
“Welcome! It’s an honor for you to visit us,” Vaggie says. She may not live in Heaven anymore, or agree with everything they do, but even she knows the Virtues and the Archangel of Death deserved her utmost respect. Esther visiting had been a shock, especially since Vaggie had never seen her so she didn’t know her importance.
“Please, no need for all of that,” Azrael replies. His voice is light, almost airy, but strong. It’s so different from Lucifer’s rich and smooth tone of voice. Lucifer, despite his awkwardness around his daughter, talks in a voice that is loud and boisterous when he wants it to be, like he’s demanding attention. Azrael’s voice sounds more like a soft breeze, calming and comforting.
She supposes when it’s your job to console the souls of the dead and guide them towards their final resting place, a comforting tone is probably for the best.
“I assume you know who I am?” Azrael asks, taking a step into the hotel after gesturing for Esther to enter first. Vaggie nods, not sure what else to say. “I don’t get to say this often, but it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
He holds his hand out for her to shake, and she takes it. His grip is just as soft as his voice. “It’s nice to meet you too, sir.”
“None of that. Azrael is just fine,” he replies.
Behind them, Esther is greeting Husk and Alastor. Vaggie wants to warn Esther that staying away from Alastor is for the best, especially considering Lucifer’s hatred for the other man, but there’s really no nice way to say that.
Lucifer’s not going to be happy when he sees both a brother of his that he hasn’t seen in eons suddenly here, and Alastor around the love of his life.
Today’s gonna be a shitty day in hell, that’s for sure.
“Well, where is our lovely host? I’ve been dying to meet my little niece,” Azrael says, looking around the lobby. Esther chuckles behind him.
“The puns will never stop with you, will they?” Esther asks him, a knowing smirk on her lips.
“Not until my last breath,” he teases back. It’s then that Vaggie realizes he’s been making references to death. It’s not something she expected, but knowing how Lucifer acts, she can’t say she’s entirely surprised that the weird jokes run in the family. “Now, my niece, please?”
“Right, yeah, she actually just went upstairs with her dad a few minutes ago, so they should be down shortly,” Vaggie’s replies. She wants to offer to go get them, but the idea of leaving them alone with Alastor sounds like a bad idea. Especially knowing that Husk is likely too drunk even this early in the afternoon to do anything about it.
Something in Azrael’s eyes flash at the mention of Lucifer, and his smile tightens just a bit. It’s not a good sign in Vaggie’s eyes.
“Samael is here as well? How splendid, I’ve missed the little one,” Azrael says back. Vaggie sees Esther roll her eyes at the nickname. It appears Lucifer’s height is a running joke. “My workload increased drastically when my fellow angel of death fell. Of course there are others but Samael was always a joy to work with.”
“You know he prefers to be called Lucifer,” Esther scolds him. Azrael pats her gently. They don’t look alike, besides the black hair, but they act almost like siblings.
The way Lucifer and Esther were created, to be practically married, and the fact that they’ve known each other for thousands of years, Vaggie wouldn’t be surprised if the other Virtues did see her as a sister.
Azrael hums but stays silent on the subject. Instead he chooses to move around the lobby. He goes to the bar to greet a stressed looking Husk as Esther approaches her.
“It’s Vaggie, correct?” She asks and Vaggie nods. “It’s nice to see you again, dear. I apologize for not mentioning Azrael’s visit. He likes surprises and once he has it in his head, there’s no stopping him.”
“Yes ma’am. It was definitely surprising, but I think that’s because I tend to forget that Charlie’s dad was also a high ranking angel.”
“Technically, he still is,” Esther replies. She smiles down at Vaggie, her eyes warm despite the dark cool blue color they have. “He may not be allowed in Heaven anymore, nor is he a Virtue as he once was, but he’s still one of the oldest and strongest of the angels.”
“How interesting,” Alastor says, approaching them. “One would think we’d see more of this strength you speak of.”
“If that was the case, you’d be wiped from existence with the way you like pissing him off, asshole,” Vaggie replies to him. She pauses for a moment to look back at Esther and apologize for her language, but the angel doesn’t look upset at all.
“Well, I suppose some good came from our king’s reclusive nature then!”
Alastor’s eye twitches but he says nothing more, thankfully.
Even after the battle against Adam, Vaggie knows that was nowhere near Lucifer’s full strength. The man was once a Virtue, an Archangel who answered directly to God, and a Seraphim, the highest rank of the angels. He wasn’t called God’s favorite angel for nothing. With all the power Lucifer was given upon his creation, being called the favorite almost felt like an understatement.
Not that there weren’t angels stronger than Lucifer, but Vaggie read about the fall. Lucifer wasn’t just tossed out of the gates like Charlie’s story makes it seem. Lucifer fought, and he fought hard. Michael may have led the charge against him, and been the one to throw him and Lilith towards hell, but it took several angels, mostly Seraphim, to finally weaken him.
Lucifer truly was a terrifying being, even before becoming the first sin.
“I hope you know you have nothing to worry about, dear,��� Esther says to her as Alastor walks away. “If he’s anything like he was before, he’s never cared much for power.”
That much is obvious. Alastor didn’t call him a recluse for nothing. Lucifer has made it clear many times that he doesn’t care for sinners or want to truly rule them. The only times he shows off his powers is when he wants to show off for Charlie or do something for her.
“Now, tell me about the hotel, dear. Any new arrivals?”
Vaggie sits with her on the couches as she discusses the details. She’d prefer Charlie to be here, but she won’t keep her waiting either.
They haven’t had any new guests. Half the sinners were scared another attack would come from Heaven and wanted to avoid it. A few cannibals wanted to but really only for the promise of more angels attacking so they could eat more angels. Rosie had taken those few back quickly enough.
Vaggie wasn’t going to mention the cannibals to her, though she did mention their dilemma.
“I see, so an announcement should be made then, to confirm the end of these exterminations,” Esther decides.
That would require either Vox or Katie Killjoy, neither of which Vaggie wanted to deal with or felt Esther should have to.
Before she can respond, the elevator dings. Before she turns, she notices Azrael’s attention now off of Husk and turning towards the elevator as well.
“Okay, we’re ready to get this plan done!” Charlie says as she exits the elevators! Lucifer is behind her, messing with his clothes and patting himself down to make sure nothing is out of place.
“Uhh, Charlie?” Vaggie says, loudly enough for Charlie to hear her. Charlie looks to her, catches sight of Esther, and her eyes go wide.
“Oh shit she’s here already!”
“Where?!” Lucifer calls from behind her, his wings once more popping up. He doesn’t make them as large as last time, but they definitely look a bit better compared to minutes before. They puff up behind him, shaking a bit like a rattle snake’s tail, though clearly more from anxiety than warning.
Vaggie’s eyes shift to look at Esther, who’s covered her mouth a bit and looked away from the display, though based on the way her cheeks are raised, she’s trying to hide a smile.
“Well isn’t this a marvelous display?” a soft voice says. Vaggie turns to her other side where Azrael is standing now beside her, a smile on his face just as before. “Wonderful display of wings, brother.”
“A-Azrael? What are you doing here?” Lucifer shuffles closer to the door of the now closed elevator.
“I do believe Esther mentioned my desire for a visit. I simply couldn’t pass up the chance when she mentioned her plans to return so soon. It’s not often I have a moment to myself after all. But enough of that, this must be my niece, Charlotte, correct?”
“Yes! Hi! I’m Charlie! Um- Uncle?”
Azrael chuckles at Charlie’s stammering and approaches them. It’s at that moment that Lucifer moves forward, eyes narrowed and wings spread high and wide to cover Charlie behind him.
“What are you doing here?” Lucifer repeats, his tone much harsher now compared to his panicked tone before. Esther moves forward now, stepping between Lucifer and Azrael calmly.
She steps closer to Lucifer and grabs one of his hands. “Listen to him first, please. Don’t be rash.”
“Don’t be- You want me to believe one of my brothers just suddenly wants to visit?! Out of the goodness of his heart?!”
“It’s fine, dear,” Azrael says, cutting Esther off. Lucifer’s eyes narrow further at the term of endearment. “He has every right to be suspicious. Our siblings, myself included, have let this go on for far too long right under our noses. And after the last time he saw us, it’s only fair he should be worried.”
Lucifer looks at Azrael with suspicion as he continues.
“Worry not, dear brother, I have no ill will. My intentions were solely to express my apologies for not being aware of this massacre of souls.”
Lucifer’s wings lower a bit when Esther’s hand tightens on his own. He looks at her briefly before looking back at Azrael and rolling his shoulders, allowing his wings to fully disappear again. Esther sighs in relief in front of him and gives him a comforting smile before moving completely out of the way, giving them the full view of Azrael.
It’s Charlie who looks between the three of them before coughing and offering them a seat. Both men nod and Charlie guides them back to the couches where Vaggie is still sitting.
“Thank you, my dear. It truly is wonderful to finally be able to meet you. I wish it were under better circumstances but I suppose there’s no better time than the present,” Azrael says to Charlie. She lights up a bit as she sits beside Vaggie, and motions for him to sit across from her. Esther sits beside him on the couch, and Lucifer looks conflicted before taking a seat beside his daughter, his scowl clear and directed at his brother. “I’m sure you’re aware, but I am Azrael, one of your father’s older brothers. You may call me uncle if you’d like!”
Lucifer’s scowl deepens but says nothing as Charlie squeals in excitement and bursts with questions towards the older man. Vaggie is grateful that Azrael just happens to be the Virtue of Patience, because she isn’t sure any of the other Seven, especially Michael, would’ve lasted as long as him or answered as many questions.
“Babe, slow down. How about we talk about the hotel,” Vaggie suggests. Charlie takes a deep breath before rushing to go get her poster presentation that she’d apparently made especially for this.
She goes into detail about how she understands the number of sinners is greater than the number of winners which is why redemption would help even out the numbers and keep Hell’s population more steady. Azrael and Esther nod along as she speaks, taking in all of the information she presents to them.
“My biggest concern is that so far, we’ve only redeemed one person, and we had to watch him die for that to happen. Does that mean every sinner has to die and just hope they’ll be redeemed?”
“That’s hard to say,” Azrael replies. “Little is known about this, or that redemption was even possible. It shouldn’t be a surprise though. Father always says there is time in one’s life to repent for their ways.”
Charlie nods, happy that someone agrees.
“However,” Azrael continues, “it’s hard to say exactly in the afterlife. There’s a reason I never realized what was going on. I am fine tuned to the lives of living souls, and it is my job to guide them towards their afterlife, whether that be Heaven or Hell. Once they pass either gate, my connection to that soul is lost. They are not meant to die again in their afterlife. They are meant to remain where they are, whether that be punishment in Hell for their sins, or reward for their good behavior in Heaven.”
“But we can change that! We can give sinners a chance to repent in their afterlife,” Charlie replies. Azrael nods, but his face grows a bit more serious.
”I will be honest with you, dear child. This is new territory for all of us. We have yet to see if the souls of the dead can receive a retrial that does not require a second death. But if those from Heaven can fall,” Azrael says, his eyes shifting briefly to Lucifer beside Charlie, “then I have no doubt those from Hell should be able to ascend. I ask that you remain patient as we all navigate through this new discovery.”
Charlie nods along and Azrael smiles brightly at her. He stands, patting down his clothes to remove any wrinkles and offers his hand to Charlie.
”Now! I would love to hear more of your plans to entice sinners to the idea of redemption and a tour of this lovely establishment of yours! Let’s go, I believe your father needs a break from my presence and I would love to hear more about you without his glare on my head,” Azrael announces, already walking towards the elevator with Charlie who’d taken his hand. Vaggie follows after them, confused and a bit entertained by the man’s behavior.
“Now hold on a minute,” Lucifer begins to say, before he feels a hand on his shoulder. He looks over his shoulder at Esther who is smiling at him, and nearly forgets his worries. “Esther, I don’t know how I feel about this.”
”Do you believe I’d bring anyone here that would harm your daughter?” She asks in return. Lucifer pouts a bit but shakes his head. “He’s been very excited about this trip to meet her. The other Seven have wanted to visit as well but Azrael convinced them not to overwhelm you.”
“I think I would prefer Ramiel. Or Raphael. Or Uriel- Or, really anyone but Michael,” Lucifer replies. “Ramiel definitely would be preferred though.”
“Funny you should say that. Uriel and Cassiel send their regards, by the way. They say they love and miss you, and that they will be sure to judge you themselves should I choose to forgive you.” Esther laughs when Lucifer throws his head back and groans. “Ramiel managed to convince them not to, though Michael… Well you know how Michael is. He is hopeful, though he has his concerns.”
“Michael can shove his concerns up his own ass,” Lucifer mumbles to himself, though he smiles finally when Esther laughs a bit at his words. She moves her hand down his arm until it stops around his forearm just below his elbow. He instinctively curls his arm and moves his other to hold her hand on his arm.
“How about you give me your own tour?” She asks him, changing the subject. “I didn’t get to see the hotel last time I was here.”
Lucifer nods and guides her through the hotel for his own tour while his daughter shows his brother around. He’s still wary of it all, but he knows Esther is right. She wouldn’t bring anyone that would hurt them, and Azrael is the least likely, besides Raphael who’s dedicated his life to saving lives, to ever start a fight. Had it been Michael, Lucifer isn’t sure if he could’ve been stopped from attacking him on the spot. He at least has much fonder memories of Azrael.
He guides Esther through the hotel, showing off some of the different rooms such as the parlor, kitchen, or the more recreational areas he added himself simply because he could upon the hotel’s reconstruction. He puffs his chest in pride as she looks on, impressed by the hotel’s amenities.
He vaguely motions towards Alastor’s radio tower, not keen on taking her there, and she doesn’t question his reasoning, thankfully. She seemed to have caught onto his distaste.
Instead, towards the end of their tour, he leads her towards his own workshop. Not his room, he knows she won’t appreciate that level of forwardness, but he knows his new growing collection of rubber ducks will amuse her.
It’s not something he’d typically show off to anyone, and he’s sure under normal circumstances this isn’t something you’d show to someone you were interested in dating, but Esther wasn’t just anyone. This was something so much more than dating.
Part of him wondered, after Hell’s creation, if maybe they were meant to be separated. If humans were allowed to choose their partner, why couldn’t he? It had bugged him for so long. Part of it was what led to Charlie’s creation if he was being honest. But then he’d think of Esther, of her beauty and kindness, of the warmth he felt just when her eyes were on him, and he thought being bound to someone like her was the greatest gift his father ever gave him. He doesn’t regret Charlie, not in the slightest, even if he wishes Charlie’s mother could’ve been Esther, but sometimes he thinks his greatest punishment wasn’t his fall, it was the loss of his other half.
He’d give up everything if it meant another chance with her.
He leads her into his workshop, grinning proudly at the wonder in his eyes at the sight of all his rubber ducks.
She moves further into the room as she lets go of his arm, rushing towards the ducks in the rooms and grabbing at a few.
“Lucifer, what is all of this?” she asks as she chuckles, holding a rubber duck in her hands to inspect its design.
“My rubber duck collection,” he says, laughing to himself as he picks one up. “This isn’t even half of it.”
“Where are the rest?”
“In my manor,” he responds. He sits at his desk and watches her inspect another duck. “I think I made at least one a day for years.”
”That… doesn’t sound very healthy,” Esther says, lowering the duck in her hand and approaching him.
”No, I don’t think it was,” he responded, a melancholic smile on his face. “But they were something that comforted me when I felt like everything else was falling apart. Lilith left, can’t say it was without warning. She was getting tired of my moping and there was really nothing either of us could do about it. The friendship was already falling apart after Charlie’s birth. We tried to get along, we’re still friends, I think, but she didn’t want my hatred for Hell to affect Charlie. Charlie and I weren’t always close because of it. And for a long time, I felt more alone than ever. So I started making these to take my mind off things, and it helped.”
Esther is silent as she kneels in front of him, a hand on his knee in comfort.
She looks at him with those beautiful dark blue eyes, hair falling into them, and he reaches out to move her hand behind her ear.
”Why ducks?” She asks, voice just above a whisper.
”They reminded me of you,” he replies, pressing his forehead against hers. “They were something we created together. I used to create these beautiful projections of them for Charlie when she was a little girl and she loved them. They felt like a little piece of you here with me.”
Esther’s hand that isn’t on his knee moves to his hair, moving through the short hairs on the back of his neck.
“I’ve never stopped thinking about you. I’ll admit I wanted to sometimes. I thought maybe it’d hurt less if I just erased the memory of you, but then I’d think of your smile and everything hurt a little less. I’d think of the times we spent together, of how blissful everything felt with you by my side, and I couldn’t forget you. And then Charlie was born and I wanted her to have a piece of that happiness.”
He closes his eyes as his hands comb through her hair, enjoying the feeling of her’s in his own.
”You truly are something special, Lucifer Morningstar,” Esther says to him. He chuckles lightly and lifts his head to place a kiss on her forehead.
“Only because of you, Esther Eveningstar,” he replies, lips still pressed against her skin.
He never wants to be apart from her again.
Apologies for any typos. My sleep schedule this week has been lacking to say the least.
Another character introduced! Learning about Azrael was fun for this. When I read he was from the “third heaven” I panicked a bit because it didn’t seem to fit with Dante’s spheres of paradise, but then I remembered that he and Lucifer(Samael) are angels of death, so having them all from the same sphere felt fitting! I was originally going to have Ramiel be the first to visit, as the Virtue of Kindness, but decided on Azrael instead because I thought Patience would be the best for Lucifer to be reintroduced to.
Anyways, at this point I feel like I can’t post a chapter unless I include a drawing at the end. This time I I decided I wanted to draw an idea for Lucifer’s look when he was still the Virtue of Humility. The Story of Hell shows him in a robe and still with his hat. I’ve seen people say his eyes were blue before his fall, but as his name means “the shining one” I feel like gold is more fitting. I also headcanon that his halo didn’t take the shape of a snake until after his fall, with the apple being added because of his actions, and as he took on a more demonic form, his appearance shifted as well. His eyes shifted to red, and when in his demonic form, his irises shift back to gold, but now with red sclera.
I’m not entirely happy with this drawing but, I didn’t want to hold off on posting the chapter so here it is!
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Taglist: @dreamcatcher62 @art3misa635 @cimadreamer
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nyrasbloodyclover · 1 year
leave it to me (peter maximoff x mutant!reader)
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a/n: i forgot i wrote this last summer so here you go! it's literally just flirting + fluff
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I layed in my room and watched the fan on my ceiling spin for the last 54 minutes. I wanted to rip my head open and take out my brain. I had so many things to do that i actually didn't know where to start. My room was a fucking mess, piles of clothes were everywhere. I had to sort out my thoughts after getting off the phone call with my mom. (It wasn't pleasant.) I had to get dressed since i was still laying in my underwear and black top. I was exhausted, because I couldn't sleep at all. Oh and i didn't do my homework, so Charles won't be happy about it.
But instead of doing any of that, i counted minutes and stared at the ceiling. Like a fucking genius. My powers were also occupying me— blue stripes sliding down my arms and floating around. They weren't completely useless in this situation—I could use my telekinesis to clean my room, but I was too lazy to even do that. 
Nobody checked on me, which was kind of a relief at first, but now...I wanted somebody to help me. I had so many things to do I was beggining to think it's impossible.
"Open the dooooor," I heard distant voice from the other side. It was Peter. "You've been there for hours, come onnnn!"
Hours? That can't be possible. "I can't get uuuppppp," I returned in the same tone, smile spreading across my face. I loved being in his presence and I wanted nothing more than to open the fucking door, but there was a problem. 
I didn't want him to see this mess.
"Use your powers, stupid." He shouted. 
"Uhhh, I'm naked." I lied unsuccessfully. God, I'm so miserable.
"Now, that was just horrible." And he bursted through the doors. Despite not being fully naked I mentally slapped myself for not at least putting some clothes on. My head was hanging from the bed and i was looking at him upside down.
His eyes were filled with amusement, scanning my current position. I'd probably laugh at myself too.
"What's the problem here?" Then he added, "Besides the obvious..."
I thought I might cry. My eyes were burning. "God, I think I'm the worst student here." I put my hands over my face. "Look at this mess!" I showed around the room.
Worry covered his features ,"Hey, hey, hey! You're not the worst student. Here, I'll help you."
I wanted to hug him so bad. He was the sweetest person I've ever met, truly. But I still felt bad for not doing anything.
I wanted to get up, and help him, but he put his hands on my shoulders, "Leave it to me. Now watch."
Before I even got a chance to protest, he started cleaning everything up.
And for the next 5 seconds I watched him use his super speed, going from one corner to another, putting everything back in it's place. It was really something else.
My room was finally clean. Oh my God I could burst into tears. 
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I jumped from the bed and threw myself at him, hugging him like my life depended on it. He chuckled and hugged me back. 
He whispered, " Now I wish i could also run through your mind, 'cause I know something's bothering you, but unfortunately, I can't." Even that made me smile. 
"It's okay. My room being normal again is enough." I broke the hug, taking my papers that were due tomorrow. "I should probably get to—"
"Oh and I forgot to mention, while I was walking around, I accidentally heard Professor say something about this specific assignment..." He explained, taking the papers from me. Was he sent here to take care of my problems? I really wanted to know.
"No way. What's in it for you?" I asked suspiciously.
"I am in your room. I am talking to you. And you're asking what's in it for me?" He raised his eyebrows and I felt my neck burning. 
"Well if i'm such a prize, you should come here more often." I meant it in a joking way, but it just sounded...wrong.
He smiled, "Oh, I will, don't worry." 
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daytaker · 5 months
i have come back with more questionable mc behaviours as a treat
mc who’s a LeVeyan satanist, that or another idea of a similar variety which is when mc gets teleported they were wearing a “hail satan” shirt
also i loved the creepy scientist like mc (๑>◡<๑) - clown anon
Clown Anon MCs - [ Clowncore MC | Death-Fixated Science Geek MC | LeVeyan Satanist MC ]
I want to own a Sheep MC plush that wears a Hail Satan shirt. I want that to be among my possessions when I die.
That out of the way...
(cw: references to drug use, references to sex, this is the church of satan. sex drugs and rock n roll. this gets extremely silly towards the end.)
Satanists Don't Believe in Satan
You were vibing to Eurythmics, sitting cross-legged in your bedroom and trying to meditate while your Snake, Dr. Faust, wound his way around your arm. And then, suddenly, you weren't. The shag carpet was replaced by a hard wood floor, and the warmth of your bedroom was replaced by the cool draft of a large assembly hall with windows. And some punks in military academy uniforms were scowling at you.
"What the fuck? What gives?" You were really confused. Did you already hit the acid and you're so high you forgot? You stood up and looked down at yourself. You were still wearing your CoS shirt and pink pajama shorts, and you still had on your fluffy slippers.
"Welcome, uhhh...." A big guy in red squinted at a piece of paper, then looked at me. "Is your name actually Omen LeVey?"
"That's what it says on my driver's license, bitch." Dr. Faust wound his way up your arm and into your shirt. He clearly didn't appreciate the change in temperature either.
"It's not too late to swap them for someone else, is it?" whispered a dark haired man to Big Red.
Big Red ignored him. "Welcome, Omen, to the Devildom! I'm sure you're very confused, but everything will make sense soon. You have been chosen to participate in an exchange--"
"Where do you think you're going?" The dark haired bitch cut off Big Red as I walked to the door.
I turned around. "Uh, out?"
"Out where, exactly?" asked the bitchy one.
"Out of here? I'm not sitting around waiting for you to go through some sort of timeshare presentation with me. However I got here, I'm sure I'm high as fuck, and I'm not going to spend my time high as fuck getting talked at by this dude. No offense, Red."
Ten minutes later, you were tied to a chair in the middle of the assembly hall. Big Red, the bitch, and three other guys stood around you, unsure what to do.
"Is this, like, an ex of yours or something, Satan?" one of the extras asked another. They were both twinks, and they were also both quiet up to this point, so you couldn't really think of how to differentiate them on the fly.
"No? What are you talking about?"
"Their shirt!"
All five guys stared at your graphic tee, which was black with white splatter text that read:
"I can't believe Satan has an entire church dedicated to him! I wonder if there are churches to me," Twink 1 said with a sigh.
"That's not a church dedicated to me," replied Twink 2. "Their entire doctrine is a repudiation of my very existence. You should educate yourself, Asmodeus."
"Helloooo? Excuse me?" You wobbled in your seat, trying to get their attention. "Since I don't have any choice but to listen, I'll allow you to go ahead and tell me what the fuck is going on."
Big Red sighed at began to explain again. "You've arrived here in the Devildom as an exchange student from the human world. For the next year, you will be living here in the Devildom with us demons, attending the Royal Academy of Diavolo, or "RAD", we we tend to call it."
"...Okay, so clearly this is a bad trip, so I'm gonna politely ask if we can skip to the part where I'm finished having sex with my downstairs neighbors and I turn into a ball of energy? Like. C'mon. Chop chop."
"I am Diavolo, acting lord of the Devildom. And this is Lucifer, my right-hand demon and confidant." He gestured to the bitchy one.
"Charmed," you said in a voice saturated with sarcasm. "What about those three?"
"Ah," Diavolo said, nodding. "Those are Asmodeus, Satan, and Beelzebub. They are Lucifer's brothers."
"This is so wild. So Satan and Lucifer aren't the same dude?"
"Careful what you say," said Twink 1--or Asmodeus, as you now knew him to be. "You'll make Satan angry!"
"Sorry bro. Look look look, though, I'm in your fan club." You hope your shirt with Satan's name on it will butter that one up--Satan is Twink 2, as it turns out; a skinny blonde kid with a yellow bow tie. You aren't sure how to feel about that, exactly. You'd always pictured him as a cartoon goat-man, more or less.
"Do you really think you can butter me up by claiming that the Church of Satan is my fan club?" He scowled at you, looking indignant. "Didn't you hear me earlier? I'm aware of what your so-called 'church' teaches, and while I'm not opposed to the ideology in a broad sense, I can't support a group that considers my very existence to be a joke."
"Hey, hey, it's not a joke," you said soothingly. "You're just the theological equivalent to the Queen of Engand. Powerless, probably fake, definitely dead, but you look good on merchandise."
"Do you want to die?"
"Omen, you will be living with these four and two of their brothers for the next year." Diavolo smiled at you, apparently choosing to ignore every word you've spoken.
All four of the brothers looked crestfallen.
"Oh, yeah, I feel real fuckin' welcome. Roll out the wagon, why don't ya?"
"Is your name actually Omen LeVey?" asked Big Red again in a murmur, looking at his sheet with as mystified an expression as ever.
Dr. Faust, still coiled around your arm, peeked out at the world again and flicked his tongue. Asmodeus screamed, and Lucifer pointed at you and demanded, "Diavolo, swap it for a different one!"
Eight months later, you and Satan marry. Dr. Faust officiates. Together, you have three children, all of whom refuse to acknowledge their fathers' objective existence.
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a merlin thought:
what if merlin put enchantments/blessings on his tools/cleaning supplies (to make sure they don’t break and get the job done right on the first go?)
everyone is wondering (aka the other servants are) how merlin is doing everything so efficiently
then one day, gwen’s something or other breaks, so she asks merlin if she can borrow his, and he trusts her (and forgot about the blessings) so he says: here keep it, I’ll make his royal pratness get me a new one
all of a sudden gwen is becoming really really efficient at that one chore. she thinks nothing of it at first until someone else asks to borrow that tool, and suddenly that someone else is more efficient and she isn’t as anymore
and then it happens again
and again
until eventually some of the other servants put it together that these tools came from merlin and are somehow, magically curiously better tools and think maybe he just has like very very minimal hedge witch skills?
and someone brave enough goes up to merlin
and merlin now used to everyone asking to borrow some tool or other from him asks what he needs lent
but is surprised when Anne from the kitchens asks:
Actually, and I promise I won’t say anything about this! I was wondering if you could,,,, just ench- bless! bless! my tools too? I feel bad borrowing your tools all the time because well I’m sure you need them too! and I know everyone is borrowing from you all the time but I really really would like to have that extra time in the day that comes when I use your tools and again I promise, I swear on my little isaiah’s and my live’s that I won’t turn you over to the king! I’ll even sneak you extra sweets on your meal trays!! just could you maybe perhaps uhhh upgrade my tools?
and merlin, who has just gone through the five stages of grief, created some new ones, and had his life flash before his eyes can’t help but say yes, to help out where he can
and soon he’s “blessed” the tools of half the castles staff and even some of the tools in the lower town shops
anyway tl:dr what if all the servants thought merlin was a hedge witch who specialized in quality tools?
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bitegore · 2 months
@cleverthylacine re: this post and particularly the bit about reparative readings
(I think we're getting off topic and wanted to avoid clogging OP's feed lol)
I think there's a tendency toward what I can really only describe as call-to-action-to-Fix-Fandom attitudes when it comes to discussing any kind of -isms in fandom when, like. in my view it doesn't actually do anyone any good. Fandom is very big and people are small and largely the biases in society will be reflected in fandom no matter what we as individuals are up to, especially if we're up in arms because of A Post (fleeting, unserious motivation). I prefer to look at common forms of fannish misogyny where it crops up in my own behavior as an indicator of actual attitudes rather than some sort of checklist of Things To Fix In My Fannish Output. I care way, way more about treating the actual women in my life with respect and care than I do about the female fictional characters I think are fun to write about, you know?
So I like really don't trouble myself over whether or not I'm trying half as hard to read into female fictional characters as their make counterparts, I'm with you on that. Fandom is full of people who are enjoying their fictional women because they like them and not out of some misplaced sense of obligation. When I start doing fic and art with female characters it's because I like the characters, not because I'm compensating. But I like having discrepancies pointed out because it helps me set my barometer for what I might be fucking up with my actual friends and acquaintances in real life, which I think is a lot more important and generally relevant to my life anyway.
This is a lot of words to say 'i'm with you' - not only do i think no one should be obligated to do reparative readings on female characters just because it 'evens it out' or w/e, but honestly I think it's an active distraction from the part of the problem worth caring about, which is that it shows a bias in thinking.
I don't really know. As much as I enjoy fandom and it's a big part of my life, I'm pretty intimately aware it's not that important on the grand scale of things. And as much as I enjoy fiction, i'm of the impression that it reveals more about us than we think it does, so even if you do everything on the list to Eradicate All Traces Of Misogyny, the misogyny will keep sneaking back in until you just... are not writing women with misogyny in your heart and mind. It's a barometer for personal improvement more than anything else, the way I look at things. And certainly in concept but I'd like to also hope in reality, I like having the knowledge toward where I can try to be better instead of flying blind. If I stop being misogynistic, then my fic will be less misogynistic too, but like, I have so many better reasons to not want to be misogynistic!
I also think pressuring people to change the things they have fun with for the sake of Not Being a Bigot (prescriptive, & according to my handy-dandy list which I will hand down from on high...) tends to piss me specifically off, and I like to live by a standard of "not enough significant statistical variance from the mean exists in me to consider this a wholly unique behavior or attitude" so I would also assume that other people feel much the same way. So i also don't like to treat any "xyz is misogynistic" as a hard fast rule anyway, because then I'll get mad and start doing it out of spite while also aiming to make it not misogynistic somehow, which might spawn ideas but doesn't really do me or anyone else any good anyway. (That's definitely not a universal issue and i wouldn't be shocked if there are people who badly want the list because it makes them feel more comfortable writing or something; good for them, we're in totally different categories vis a vis fannish bigotry and how we can work on not doing it and the approaches we take will have to reflect that.)
I had one other thing but I think I forgot it. Uhhh something something it's harder to do reparative readings to compensate for misogynistic writing than it is to do it for flat writing with male characters because a lot of the time it either requires you to work with stereotypes you don't like or to outright dismiss elements of characterization and many of us don't want to do either, when background whiteguys tend to just have a handful of extremely neutral traits and nothing else; this is also part of why it can be hard to do the same for characters of color or characters that are clearly meant to be homophobic stereotypes or whatever, I won't fault anyone for not wanting to put their hands in that. nWFC Elita is a pretty good example of that, honestly - I don't remember a lot about the show because I didn't like it and i watched it one time several years ago lol, but I remember walking away with the impression we were supposed to think of her as Optimus's nagging wife, and annoying and overly negative, even though she was right on all counts every fucking time. I'm not writing nWFC-continuity fic because i have absolutely no interest in doing so, and I don't particularly want to carry that characterization over to any other continuity because - why would I? I like Elita-1 better in basically everything else, and she is broadly always Pretty Damn Competent (at least in theory). But in nWFC i can square the circle by comparing her cynicism to, like, Ratchet, who is equally convinced Optimus is making all the wrong moves. Suddenly she doesn't have to be the annoying nag, she's the last lone voice of real legitimate pushback in Autobot HQ, which has been bleeding dissenters as they're ignored, or whatever. And honestly I do like that. But contrast it with, uhhhh... trying to pick a random character here idk it's cheating if i pick bayverse characters... idk let me pick on IDW. If you want to work with the female character from All Hail Megatron, whose name I can't remember but who I genuinely liked, you have to deal with the fact that she falls head over heels for Spike fucking Witwicky right after meeting him and that her job is largely to deliver motivational speeches to the more important male background characters whose names I also can't remember. You absolutely can read depth into her, and I do because I think it's interesting that there's a character who lives through a horrifically traumatic upending of her life and then realizes that the only way everyone will survive is to stick together and immediately makes it her job to make sure they do, but, like, "woman exists as footstool for man's power & place in the plot" is one of the oldest misogynistic tropes in the book. I wouldn't blame literally anyone for not wanting to work around that, and it's... literally her entire role in the plot, so it's also really fucking hard to try and read out or compensate for. I genuinely do not think she even speaks to another woman in the entire comic. I think my point got muddied in the miles of examples; my thinking is that at the end of the day no one is getting paid for this and I don't think it's really an even playing field between male and female characters to reparatively-read-into anyway.
Last final thing is that the tropes that interest me in a character don't often tend to be done in female characters or when they're approached they take on distinctly misogynistic overtones. i really like characters who talk a big game, brag often, are deeply vain, and are not actually half as good as they claim they are... "woman thinks she has skills and is really good at things, but is Put In Her Place by a Man" is also one of my least favorite tropes ever. It's hard to work around that. There's just not much you can do when an entire concept has been all but poisoned for you.
inb4 "he said its ok to be a misogynist!" he said its important to focus on real life & fixing your heart first instead of hoping other people will tell you what not to write to look like you're not a misogynist ^-^
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cardinalone-ao3 · 1 year
June 20 - discover
A/N: So uhhh, this was new for me. Another scene I’ve always pictured for them in the summer after the war. I think it would be extremely difficult for both Harry and Ginny to actually talk for a while, which would lead to other issues. I think the vision of Harry dead, on top of everything else, would haunt her quite a bit. She was mentally prepared for the possibility/likelihood of it happening following their DH kiss, but facing the reality (and then him coming back) would make it hard for her to reconcile him being alive.
Content warnings: mature/nsfw themes; referencing (consensual) sexual activity; underage
Under the cut because of the tags:
He slept in the Burrow’s attic a lot that first summer after the war, usually when staying at Hogwarts was too much for him. Plus, Ron insisted they be together as much as possible - he supposed months on the run together and everything that happened during the Battle made him want to keep an eye on everyone. He didn’t blame him.
He found out rather quickly that “together” certainly had its limits. For example, he definitely didn’t want to stay together in Ron’s room, what with the sound of Ron and Hermione doing that. No amount of privacy charms could make him forget those noises.
So, the thankfully now ghoul-free attic it was. Which was how he found himself one early July evening, staring out the small half-moon window watching the thunderstorm. The loud bangs of thunder and lightning were less scary than what awaited him once he closed his eyes.
A small noise alerted him and Ginny poked her head inside the room, then upon seeing him, she entered and closed the door softly behind her. They hadn’t talked much, not really. Not about the important stuff he said he would, like horcruxes and pensieve memories. It was still too hard, too guilt-ridden.
She was wearing a soft, oversized Harpies shirt and short cotton shorts, her hair tied up in some loose bun. In a word: beautiful. Captivating would have also been appropriate.
Her face was set, determined, eyes blazing. Whatever she intended, he knew he didn’t stand a chance. She slowly walked over and sat on the bed.
Vaguely realizing he hadn’t said anything yet, he attempted to say something, but she quickly shushed him with a finger to his lips. His skin tingled underneath.
Another flash of lightning lit up her face and he caught the hint of fear and grief behind her eyes. It hurt every time he saw the grief there, knowing his part in it. He reached a hand to hers and she caught it and clung onto it.
“You’re alive,” she breathed softly. A fresh wave of guilt for the things he’d done and still couldn’t talk about washed over him. He rubbed a small circle across her hand with his thumb and nodded.
She gave a brief jerk of her head more in affirmation to herself, and he wasn’t sure she believed him. Her face set again and the determined look was back. “I need you to show me.”
“What?” He asked, utterly confused for a moment. He studied her face, the flicker of nervous uncertainty masked by resolve and a flash of something that looked like desire made her meaning clear. His stomach dropped. What she was suggesting was preposterous, potentially disastrous.
“Show me,” she insisted, bringing his hand to her chest, settling it over her heart. He could feel the beating of it and his stomach calmed, then he felt the swell of her breasts and his mind short-circuited. Her eyes were almost pleading, and he knew there was no miscommunication about what she was implying.
She didn’t wait for him to respond as she snaked her hand around the back of his head and pulled him to her, their lips crashing together. It was the tonic he somehow forgot he lived on.
He’d never quite appreciated just how soft her lips were before, and how wonderful it felt to kiss her. His other hand snaked up to her hair and it took everything he had to not succumb willingly and completely to her.
He begrudgingly broke off to make sure, but her look silenced him.
“Every…,” she sniffed and took a deep breath to try and compose herself, “every time I close my eyes you’re dead. And I…I need to know that this you …the one I can touch…isn’t. I need you to show me, Harry.”
He looked in her eyes, studying the golden flecks in her chocolate brown for any sign of doubt, but found none. He understood it deeply, the need to discern nightmares from reality.
“I’m not…I haven’t,” he took a deep breath, steadying himself. “I’ve never done this before…”
She gave a small smile. “Me either.” She then rested her forehead against his, like she always used to do after a particularly enjoyable snog, and he surrendered.
Their lips were on each other again quickly. Strikes of lightning and thunder continued, masking their first time together. Time full of reverence and proof. Time spent together wholly - to drive away ghosts, to discover who they were now and who they could possibly be again.
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Just popped on here, I already read a few of your posts and love them.
May I request an Arcana M6 that forgets MC's birthday? (Whether it happened to just slipped their mind or they genuinely forgot.). But I'll leave those details up to you. Keep writing! Thank you!
Thank you so much! I’m really glad you like them, I have a few more in the works but feel free to send whatever ideas my way :D
~The Arcana M6 - Forget MC’s Birthday~
On past birthdays, you usually wake up to him cooking breakfast
This isn’t one of those days. He’s gone from the shop, with a note left behind saying he’ll be back in the afternoon.
The shop has been busy, many calls outside the shop that Asra has to tend to. Him forgetting it is understandable
At some point, about mid day- he’s helping someone and the memory hits like a train
As soon as he’s done with business, he picks up some flowers and pumpkin bread and travels straight back to shop 
The door swings open, “I’m so sorry MC!!!”
You are smothered with affection for the next 24 hours
You were expecting a ball, or at least some sort of formal dinner/event
However, she didn’t pull through
Between everything else going on in Vesuvia, she managed to completely forget your birthday
It’s not until the servants say something that she realizes
She sort of looks at the wall for a minute, really internalizing her mistake
How could she have forgotten? What does this say about her as a romantic partner and as The Countess?
Plans start immediately, there WILL be a celebration tonight. Everything else is pushed to the side
She deeply apologizes for her mistake, almost being too hard on herself
But the party that night is incredible despite how little time it was thrown together
He’s never done much for his birthdays as an adult, aside from Portia throwing a small celebration with some gifts and him drinking as usual
He’s never really had to celebrate anybody else's birthday because of that
He did know about your birthday, thought about making plans for it. Maybe a nice little boat trip? Take you somewhere nice, a little adventure?
But it completely slipped his mind
He’s reminded by Mazelinka, his face getting redder than hell
It’s like the whole world crashed on him, he’s the worlds worst boyfriend now
He won’t stop apologizing, on the verge of tears, on his knees, he’ll do anything to make it right
He takes you out on the adventure he had planned anyways, free drinks to boot
He completely forgets birthdays are a thing
He never had the chance to celebrate his own unless it was with Asra
Which was only a handful of times, it wasn’t really even a celebration
You casually~ mention it and he gets RED 
This is man is EMBARRASSED 
I can see him making a little cake, with scraggly letters saying “Happy Birthday MC”
He last minute made a little handmade craft as gift for you too
Y’all have a cute little celebration in his hut, plenty of cuddles after
She’s going about her day all jolly, not a care in the world
You think for a bit she might have a surprise planned but once 6pm rolls around, you lose hope
“MC, I feel like I’m forgetting something”
Her face looks puzzled and then her eyes widen
There’s practically tears in her eye
You sort of have to calm her down. She feels like she betrayed you almost
She’s usually amazing with birthdays, tends to make the most of them
She did in fact have presents and plans but either got the day wrong or got completely side tracked
Your birthday turns into a birthday week celebration
He’s very fond of throwing big birthday parties for himself, sort of slides by everyone else's
You ask him about what day it is and he looks confused
You tell him it’s your birthday and he sorts of huffs
“Ya…I uhhh knew that”
He didn’t, but he’s trying to play it cool
Trying to quickly make plans in the back of his head
It’s very obvious he’s lying, his face is red and he looks frantic
He’s able to gather your friends for a nice celebration (Asra, Nadia, etc.)
But only because they care about you and he was so genuine with needing help
Expect more well thought out parties after this, he basically makes it a national holiday now
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noellefan101 · 2 months
Heyaaaa, I saw a yandere Genshin blog that writes for ladies and I know what I must do!
Could I see what Yandere Yoimiya's like? Perhaps general headcanons as to how she acts once she's in a relationship with her beloved?? TYSM, I'd love to see what you make of this!!
:3 no real intro cuz im really tired, sry
prob ooc yoimiya, but like extra ooc cuz im too tired to think straight
i wrote most of this at 1 am and the rest in math class
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i feel like she would be a very soft yandere, yk not hurting her darling or not even wanting to kidnap (but she would if she thought that you would be more safe like that, will hate so much herself if she ever hurt you)
ofc like any other yandere she would kill for you, but it wont be for dumb reasons like some dude looked at you for 0.1 second, no,
but it'll be more if you really hated your boss or someone dared actually hurt you or say something that really broke you
she is really gentle and sweet, plus she loves to make you new fireworks and just gifts you a lot of things in general, even if you're "just friends"
"[y/n]! there you are, i brought you some of my new fireworks!" she yelled as she ran up to you, her eyes glued to your figure ignoring anything else around her in the process.
"look, arent they going to be pretty!" she said as she showed you her concept drawing for the fireworks, and ided they were pretty, and going to be even prettier when in lit up in the sky
"im sure they are, yoimiya" your smile was so sweet and looked so lovely on you, you were the only thing going trough her mind as she got lost in your eyes.. "uhm yoimiya, you ok?
"h-huh?! o-oh yeah love, uh i mean [y-y/n] i-im fine, uhm, would you uuhh like to see the f-fireworks in action?" her face was so warm it felt like she was burning more then that guy would be right now, what stupid idea he had, he should've never even thought about touching you then she wouldnt be so late to seeing you today and- "yeah of course i want to see the fireworks you made!"her thoguh got cut off with your voice, that beautiful voice...
and also acts like you're the litteral reason she is alive (you are), so if she ever hurt you if even by a tiny scratch she would actually just die inside, and look like she died on the outside
she is really supportive of whatever you do, and if you have like a fashion brand or something it would be the only thing she is willing to wear, or if you work at restaurant she would eat there everytime you have a shift
she would definitely bring you flowers on random occasions and just say it wasnt because of anything special or anything, but it was just because she missed you and really needed to see you or she would've mentally destroyed herself not knowing if you were ok or not
"h-hi, i uhm brought you flowers! y-yeah, flowers i hope you like them i picked them myself" she said giving you a beautiful and big bouquet of your favorite flower, wait did you ever tell her what your favorite flower is?? you dont think so, but you guess it doesnt matter right now, maybe you just forgot you told her (you never told her your favorite flower, yet she knows the exact shade of that flower you like the most).
"awww thank you, yoimiya! i love them!!" you said as you held them close to youer chest, she really wishes she were those flowers right now, all close you. she looked up at your lips, getting cought in the thought of how soft they look and how she so wanted to kiss y-
"y-your w-welcome, i-i just thought t-that you were so pretty that you c-could use some flowers- what! n-no no i-i mean you i uhhh i-i have to go n-now yeah, i-i'll see you l-later" she panicked, what was she saying and in front of you too no no no, what if you thought she was weird now, or what if she went too fast and too far...
"o-oh ok, have a nice day yoimiya! thank you again for the flowers" you waved goodbye with one hand and had the flowers in the other, wondering why she seemed to be running out to the middle of nowhere. she talked so fast you didnt even hear what she said other than a few words which were "you were so pretty", and they left a blush behind that certainly would go away for a few hours or so.
if you lived far away, like not even in inazuma, she would send so many letters to you, even if you didnt know who she was as she just saw you while on the road once and fell so badly in love, its fine you're going to fall for her sooner or later
she would also visit you again and again but that costs a lot of money so she tries to convince you to move in with her, but if thta doesnt work she might actually get frustrated and just drug you and then take you home herself
with that idea still in mind, if she met you while in sumeru and you were a student she still doesnt want to interfere with the things you love (though save some of that love for her pls) so she wouldnt kidnap you but would wait patiently for as long as you need, or promise to take you out to study the things in inazuma instead (she would murder your professer if they said no and that you should stay in the akademiya, abselutely)
"how are you doing this week? i know i send you a lot of letters but i just had to when i found out where you lived so i didnt have to travel so much as it costs quite a bit. but its worth it if it means i can see you every so often, as you are slowly becoming the reason i exist, i would love to hear about everything you have done in your life, big or small. please think about visiting inazuma soon, i would love to show you around all the different regions, shops and more. i also learned what proper love is now because of you, and i think it indeed is you, as i cant find anything that i love and adore more than you.
i also picked some fireworks out for you, they are from my personal collection and are very pretty, just like you, i would love to get your feedback on them and would happily make you a thousand more if you want me to. i will also make different ones if you get bored of the ones youcurrently have
please keep yourself safe
Your Love-Yoimiya"
attached to the letter is a few too many fireworks, and some inazuman snacks and accessories too, she doesnt seem to be very wealthy yet has bought you what looks like a diamond necklace and a very pretty ring.
would absolutely cook you meals throughout the day, she'll cook you anything you want for breakfast, lunch, and dinner but she also makes sure you're healthy and checks in on you every few hours to make sure you drink enough too
if you're really depressed, she would make sure you had your meds for it and stuff, would also hand feed you everything. she calls it that because she hates using the word force but yes, she forces you to eat and will not take no for an answer
almost killed your doctor when the meds stop working, but then found out later that its completly normal and its not the doctor trying to kill you (you saved a life that day, multible even)
*knock knock* "oh, my love, i found you! here's your lunch for the day, i used some of the leftovers from yesterday, i really hope you like. oh i also got you your favorite snack right here, and then remember to drink your water too." she left with a kiss to your cheek and blew you an extra kiss before closing the door to your room again.
she wasnt lying when she said you would fall inlove with her at soem point, as you were certainly beginning to fall down deep in the hole that is Yoimiya.
she loves to hug you when around you in general, but loves to kiss you cheek when she feels like you've been away from her for too long. would never actually kiss your lips, altough she wants to, you have to give her permission first and then she might if she still has the confidence
she becomes a literal puddle when you just as much as touch her cheek, yes she has to touch you every second you are near her, but its different when its you doing anything!!!
she thinks you're a god, and in her eyes you are, doesnt matter how ugly you think you are or how weak you actually are. she will worship you so much you would think every 'imperfection' you have is prettier than ever.
she looked into your eyes as she lays in your lap, the sky is pretty, and that was what she thought she would be looking at the whole time, but it seems she made other plans. your eyes are just too captivating, too pretty, and too- her thoughts cut off as she felt your hand play with her loose hair, as she had put it down just as you started to ask her the question.
your hands were soft, and felt nice in her hair. she could lay here forever if it meant you were going to be here and stroke her hair like this, she's sure her pops wouldn't mind if she feel asleep for just a little longer, and she definitely could when she is laying on her darling.
"yoimiya? oh, you're awake, how as your na-" "you look divine" she cut you off as she just stared up at you like you were the god of beauty, like you were the god of her heart, and maybe you were, but to her it wasnt even a maybe. "y-you think so? dont i just look messy? or ugly? i dont think i even brushed my hair today" she looked up at you with a questioning look in her eyes
"no how dare you even think that, you look divine, beautiful, pretty, majestic, lovely, attractive, god-like, charming-" she stopped when you held a hand over her mouth, she wanted to kiss it so badly... "ok ok, i-i get it, i look pretty to you" your face was red, really red, and it looked cute she thinks, very cute indeed. she should make you blush more often so she can see more of your beauty that is only for her too see.
she had an even bigger smile on for the next week and no one knew why, but she normally smiles a lot so they didnt question her. though she would have happily answered with a long rant about you.
when you two actually started dating she would have a constant blush on her face for the next month or smt, she just cant believe you would actually date her, i mean you were just so perfect in every way, and then theres her what do you even see in her, do you even see anything in her?
but its fine if you dont, she wont let you leave anyway, she cant lose you not now, not ever. you are hers and hers alone, and you know she will make sure it stays that way, even if it costs her verything else. you will be hers, and she will be yours.
i uhh didnt just give you general headcanos heh, your welcome??? wtf is going on with me rn
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im so single that being kidnapped by a hot person doesnt sound bad at all, like take me PLEASE... *cough cough* thank u for reading pls kidnap me, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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elysianhades · 3 months
tiny drabble
I've had this just sitting around forever and at this point I don't think I'm going to finish it because I don't know where I was wanting it to go but I wrote too much to just scrap it so here ya go!
If for some reason I get an idea on how I want it to end I'll fix it up :D
Saeran x Reader
What I imagine the start of a weekend would be like.
Weekends were never really a relaxing thing in your house growing up. It was the two days that your parents had the day off from work so it was prime time to catch up on all the chores that had accumulated over the week. Saturday was the inside of the house, vacuuming and scrubbing the floor, dusting all shelves, laundry, cleaning windows, and once a month you’d be forced to help move around the furniture. Sunday was always the day you and your siblings dreaded the most because that was yardwork day- or if the world really wanted to spite you- cleaning the garage as well. 
Weekends consisted of waking up at 6:30 and getting a quick snack before working until 3 or 4 in the afternoon. It didn’t matter that the place wasn’t messy and everything you all did was done the week before either, it had to be done again like it hasn’t been cleaned in years and people were coming over.  Needless to say, weekends weren’t something you really looked forward to, it was always stressful and after those days of cleaning, it was back to school until the next one. When you got older and got your first couple jobs, you were almost glad that you worked on the weekends because at least then you’re getting paid while being on your feet all day moving back and forth. But like most everything else in your life, Saeran was able to make something you hated into something you looked forward to.
Now on the weekends, it doesn’t matter when you wake up or who wakes up first, you both would stay in bed until the other would wake up and be ready to get up. More often than not it’s Saeran who wakes up first- although the days when you manage to wake up before him are your favorite because you get to see him wake up with his morning hair and sleepy eyes- with you waking up soon after. You both slowly wake up, basking in the other's presence and listening to the birds outside chirp and sing as they start their day.
There is never a rush to get up and start working. Never stress or guilt or dread for staying in bed for just a few more minutes. When you both managed to roll out of bed (which changes on each weekend. There are never enough cuddles) you still take your time walking to the kitchen, planning the day’s agenda and what you both wanted to eat.
“Ah, I forgot I left the bread out last night to make french toast. Does that still sound good to you, lovey?” You say, yawning in your hand as you look at the french bread slices laid out on the table. 
“That still sounds delicious, my love. Do you want any help making breakfast?” Saeran smiles, touching the small of your back as he passes you. 
“Uhhh not with the food, I got that. Do you want to start boiling water for tea? I’m craving that one oolong drink I made a while ago that you still need to try.” You follow Saeran’s touch, flicking on the overhead light as you both enter the kitchen. He nods before grabbing the blue kettle from its spot in the cabinet. 
The sun is still coming up when you glance out the window. No one else is going to wake up for a while -which is perfect- it gives you both time to enjoy each others company without Saeyoung giving you both kissy faces or Yoosung and Zen cringing at how ‘lovey-dovey’ you both are being, not that them being around changes how you both act around each other and you both know the teasing is good natured anyways.
“Do you wanna turn on some music? Or just want to listen to the birds outside?” you ask, looking over your shoulder and gesturing to the speaker with your elbow and walking over to the fridge. There are multiple tiny speakers spread around the house. Some of them are in normal places you know, where you would expect speakers to be, beside the doorway to the kitchen, on the wall beside the window, and one on the dresser in your shared room. The others though… are in questionable places at best. There is a speaker in the shoe/coat closet, in the doorway leading down stairs, under the table in the living room, and even one where you keep the towels?? To be perfectly honest though, the one under the table might be there for prank purposes (Yoosung being the primary target) and because your brother-in-law saw no reason for there not to be a speaker in the places he put them.
“We should listen to music, I’m sure there are songs on your playlist I haven’t heard yet.” Saeran laughs as he turns the stovetop on and puts the water filled kettle on top.
Patting your pockets as you continue to look in the fridge, you pull your phone out of the pants you borrowed- stole- and unlock it with your finger. You glance at the top playlist before connecting it to only the kitchen speaker before pocketing your phone again and pulling out the milk and eggs from the fridge. A familiar tune starts to play as you set the things in your hands on the counter and turn around on your heel to grab two big bowls.
“Why hello there, handsome.” you smile as Saeran stands in front of the cabinet you needed to reach. He smiles as he grabs your hands and guides you over to him. 
“Hello angel.” He hums and holds you tightly. You sigh and lean against him just taking in the morning and the feeling of being in his arms. It’s your stomach that brings you out of the moment.
“Not that I don’t enjoy this lovely, but I do need to get the bowl that's behind you.” You smile, rubbing your finger on Saeran’s cheek as you talk.
“Really? The one behind me? Are you sure?” He smiles cheekily, pretending to think for a second.
You knew he stood there on purpose just so he would have the excuse to hold you. Rolling your eyes playfully you nod.
“Yeah, unless you want me to try making the batter on the counter or on a plate, which I would not recommend, that would be a huuuuge mess.” Your nose wrinkles in distaste just thinking about the mess that would make.
“Well, we wouldn’t want that.” He sighs but still doesn’t move.
“Mhm, a tragedy. Are you gonna scooch?” You lean closer to his lips.
“That depends. I’m pretty comfortable here, my love. I might need a little motivation.” He smirks, dramatically pouting.
Humming slowly you lean in to kiss him, knowing that’s what he was hinting at and what he truly wanted. He eagerly leans in, chucking as he does so. Whenever you two kiss the rest of the world disappears, it’s just you two in the moment. Only the love you two feel for each other. When you pull away- mainly because you need air; you would kiss Saeran’s cute smug little face any day forever if you could- Saeran moves both of you away from the cupboard (you still needed to get into) his cheeks red and eyes happy.
“You know,” you start to say, giving him quick kisses between every few words, “if you wanted a kiss you could have asked. I’m never going to say no.”
“I always want to kiss you, angel. There’s nothing else in the world I would rather do. I love you.” He murmurs against your lips.
“And I love you, with everything I am.” 
* * * * *
You crack the eggs into the wide glass bowl, pour a little bit of milk, vanilla, and a lot of cinnamon into the mixture, before starting to whisk it together. Saeran stands behind you, holding your waist and watching with his hand on your shoulder. This is a recipe you haven’t shown him yet, it’s your dad’s recipe and while you can’t make it taste exactly how your dad does you haven gotten close enough with how often you used to make it.
“Do you have a preference between more eggy or more milky?” You ask, tipping your head back.
“How does adding one change when it’s all finished?” He murmurs, kissing your shoulder once more.
“Hmm, actually? I don’t know? I just remember my dad liking it more milky and my mom more eggy. Maybe when it’s more eggy it’s more firm?” you ponder out loud and sprinkle some more cinnamon into the bowl. You feel his chuckle in your ear before he leans back to think.
“Is there a way you prefer it? We could try that one this time and then the other kind next time.” He suggests, watching the tiny cloud of cinnamon disperse.
Now you stop to think before putting two more glugs of milk into the tan mixture. You whisk slower now to see if any of the egg yolks hadn’t been broken up yet. When you don’t see any lumps then you turn to the cookie sheet of bread that’s across one the stovetop and then the skillet.
“Could you check the skillet?” You ask, dropping a few extra drops of vanilla in.
You look over your shoulder when Saeran’s hands leave your waist. He walks over to the pan and holds his hand over it to check its temperature. You take this opportunity to admire him. Even though you both have been awake for a little while, his hair still looks like he just rolled out of bed, it’s sticking up in different directions. His pajama shirt has the top two buttons undone, letting his collarbones show [ most likely because he knows you’re weak to the sight]. You love how confident he looks when he is in his element, it’s a great look on him. He cocks his head to the side and hums in thought.
“I’d say it’s ready, my love.”
The crisp air immediately bites your nose as you step off the back porch, it almost makes you want to sneeze. The brisk breeze blowing causes more red-orange leaves to fall off the trees. The branches are almost all barren, only handfuls of leaves are left, gently swaying in the wind until they too, fall off. The smell of the outside stirs the memories of taking hikes when you were a child, collecting leaves and laminating them to make bookmarks or wall art. It reminds you of the autumn fairs your father used to take you to, the carnival games and the huge farm tractor filled with hay that would take you to the different parts of the farm. The smell reminds you of the annual family photos you guys would take, with the falling leaves surrounding you. Autumn was truly your favorite time of year.
The apple, peach and plum trees are empty, those being the first to be empty, the fruit being used to make cobblers, jam, pies, or flavored butter. The berry bushes are barren and the flower beds are empty (fully weeded and everything) to let the soil rest. 
You turn when you hear the back door close shut behind you, signaling your husband finally found where his gloves are and is now ready to help. The small meow also is telling that your kitten has followed him out. You both are bundled up with handmade gloves, scarfs and hats. You have on a blue puffer coat and brown boots and Saeran has on a pink puffer coat with black boots. The fluffy maine coon kitten is wearing a plaid bandana on his neck, his kitten fluff causing him to look like a spiky dust bunny.
“What are we starting on?” Saeran laughs, looking around the yard and at Bramble who is now chasing a falling leaf. His bandana is all you both can see.
“Well, we don’t have much left to do… how about we take care of the leaves that have fallen so then we can plan where we want to put up decorations.” You sigh, talking in the smell of fall around you.
Nodding in affirmation, Saeran starts to walk over to the shed where you two keep all your tools. It’s a pretty big shed, you never really knew how much space some of the tools took. The shed itself is mauve with hand painted designs on it, courtesy of you, Saeran and Seayoung. Saeran had wanted to make it completely unique and original, so all three of you spent a few afternoons in the past painting it. In the end, the building was covered in things that shouted ‘Choi Household’, your designs, Saeran’s flowers and bees, and Saeyoung’s constellations- pretty hectic all things considered but still yours. Whenever you look at it, you feel the happy moments you guys had painting it which never failed to make you smile. 
The doors are simple black double dutch doors, the kind that can open at the top while still staying shut. An unfortunate circumstance involving Bramble is what encouraged you both to install one and overall, it is very handy. If you are ever cleaning in there it’s very nice to have the top open to let the breeze in while not having to worry about stray chickens wandering in. The doors always stay locked if either of you aren’t working outside just as a precaution.
Inside is full of every garden tool you’d think you need but doubled. Bags of soil and fertilizers sit in the corner. Pitchforks, hatchets, rakes, and shovels line the walls each on its own hook. A wheelbarrow with handheld spades and shovels, gloves and knee pads hanging off the sides is tucked next to the door for easy access. The older flower pots are stacked in the opposite corner of the bags of soil, close to the deck flower beds and the hanging baskets. There is a tall shelf pushed against the far wall and on it are garbage bags (the heavy-duty ones), chicken scratch, rubber boots, and other tiny miscellaneous items. The overall smell of the shed is very earthy, like you are in the middle of a dense forest, surrounded by nature. The other tools are in the garage, so Saeyoung could have easy access to them whenever the mood to tinker and build hits him.
You grab both rakes with one hand and attempt to grab a couple garbage bags with the other. The rakes however, decide they don’t want to cooperate, slipping out of your fingers while you try to find the endings of the bags in the box. They fall over and land on the ground with a solid thunk and a rattle of the metal one as the prongs collide with each other. Now with an extra hand, you have no problem grabbing the offending garbage bags.
“Why me.” You deadpan, rolling your eyes when you hear Saeran snort behind you.
With a small giggle, Saeran moves to pick up both rakes. He smiles sweetly at you before turning to leave the shed with the rakes in hand quickly- probably so you wouldn’t try to pick them up one handed again- You follow after him, unlatching the top part of the door and pulling the bottom shut behind you.
“Wanna each do half?” You ask, standing next to your lover as you both look over the yard again, this time to make a game plan.
“Hmmm, how about we do a half together, take a short break and then tackle the last half?” He suggests, watching Bramble chase a bird across the yard.
(There are 4 more pages of different endings this could go down but I didn't like the flow so it cuts off here pretty abruptly sorry about that)
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rinseveryday · 8 months
Hello! How are you ? Just one question! who do you think will die in the upcoming chapters of blue exorcist ? do you think anyone will die at all?
Hello anon! You're lucky because I'm having a nice easy week so I get to respond to you on the same day! (how rare)
Thank you for the question. I have seen this one come up recently within the fandom, especially with the manga ramping up for what seems to be a climax arc, but I never really had a solid answer for it. Kazue Kato is a master at misdirection and subverting expectations. She'd raise a death flag on purpose just for the lolz -u-"""
Personally, I don't see any of the main crew getting picked off, but then again, I didn't think Demon King! Rin was actually going to show up in his sweat pants so like... I'm just as scared as everyone else is.
I do think there will be some deaths though! And I'm hoping to see a few revives as well.
Spoiler warning for latest chapters under the cut
So from theories I've seen going around:
Renzou Shima has had major death flags on him for a while. This is probably just Kato trolling us though. I don't see any benefit coming out of his death anyways (snore) just kidding I love Renzou please don't die
Shiemi has said things that raised major death flags in the latest chapters, however, she's also under the protection of the Protagonist's Favored One's Halo, so unless Kato is a true masochist, I don't see her staying dead if worst comes to worst
Bon, probably also Kato's troll. Konekomaru is protected by the Cat Name Haver's Halo.
Izumo is in too much of a dire need for a glow-up to die.
Yukio is... cursed by the Protagonist's Favored One's Halo. Or at least he was but Rin feels a bit distracted lately. He'll live, but at What Cost? Couldn't say (probably a lot).
The Adults: Neuhaus is probably going to die. Shura might come close, but she'll hang in there so she can attend Rin's graduation. Lucy Yang might die. Lewin is favored by the author so I hope that means he's safe. Angel is not favored by the author so I really don't want to think about what's going to happen to him. Osceola better not die bc I need Rin to become his apprentice. Shiemi's mom is close to dying but I really hope she doesn't.
The Demons: I don't care either way so I never really thought about it (sorry demon lovers). If anything, it's more likely that we'll see demons that have crystalized, revive (Azazel, Armumahael, Shemihaza, Satan).
Also on a similar note, the demon eaters plot point was never fully resolved. Todou "died" off screen so unless Kato totally forgot about him, he's due for a comeback.
It's also interesting that Paku and Godaiin were focused on in the glimpse into the future. Nemu Takara also stayed back and is presumably still alive in that future, and those 3 from the kid's table still need to come back into the story. I doubt any of them will die ;w; that'd be too sad.
Jeremiah might die.
Dragulescu (??? idk how to spell his name) better die.
Other Illuminati: uhhh maybe the Lundstroms? I like Homare and I think she'll have something to do with Lucifer changing his mind about things. Lucifer isn't the main villain anyways so he's probably safe.
Rin... I don't think he'll be the same at the end of the manga, so to me, that counts as dying. Rin and Demon!Rin still haven't resolved their differences. Rin will have to choose a side, or face being forever unstable. But choosing will change him. Right now, he's living as 2 alter-egos/split personality. We've never seen him truly whole, and from the glimpses we have seen, he's kind of scary.
tl;dr Might die: Neuhaus, Shima, Lucy, Jeremiah, Dragulescu, Todou round 2, Rin (kinda)
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orecana · 7 months
Danganronpa: Fruitless Survival
Park sunghoon x male reader
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Hello everyone It's Orecana here! this took me a while to write because i had to think of the evidence and trials but here we are. I hope you enjoy it as always.
Warning: this fic contains
excessive blood
Y/n is really grumpy having to walk to school on this Monday morning. why did monday has to come so fast? he yawns exhaustingly as he finally arrives at school. He noticed something unusual though. where is everyone? It's already 7:03.
He enters the school and looks around for any signs of school staffs or students. He spotted someone waiting by the school gates. He hurries over to see a handsome young adult. judging by his face and uniform, he's probably not from here.
y/n: "hello who are you?"
The young adult looks up to him and smiles. Y/n felt a small blush creep up.
sunghoon: "I'm a transfer student from korea. i'm attending the school today. uhhh is this normal?" y/n: "No.... It's definitely not normal."
y/n felt a sweat down his spine, where is everybody?
y/n: "i-i'll guide you around, uhhh." sunghoon:"sunghoon. park sunghoon. I'm 20 years old." y/n: "well then sunghoon-hyung, i'll give you a guide around the school."
sunghoon follows y/n as he gives him an overall detailed guide about the school. they also talk about some stuff and each other.
y/n: "this is the auditorium where everyone meets for announcements or school events."
he opens the door only to be met with all of the missing staffs and students looking around the auditorium. he looks at all of them confused.
y/n: "what are all of you guys doing here?"
Everyone: "the principal wanted to announce something i don't know"
A buzzing sound was heard and everybody look at the huge tv screen in front of them. an adult with brown hair appears and smile menacingly.
Orecana: "hello everyone! Orecana here to tell you all such wonderful news. You are now participants in a killing game isn't that great?"
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(photos of how i imagined myself to look like here)
(i think i draw bad on paint so i did a hand drawing one)
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Noises of protest is heard everywhere as the once quiet auditorium is now filled with loud chatter. the person called Orecana doesn't seem to be please with this and screams in a loud booming voice
Orecana: "SIlence!"
everyone in the room quiets as the inhuman figure takes a deep breath
Orecana: "unless you want what happened to your dear principal, i suggest you obey and do as i say. you want to see that badly? then look up."
y/n hesitates, his whole body is shaking as he knows what he will find if he ever looks up but sunghoon places his hand on y/n's shoulder. y/n looks behind him and see sunghoon nod his head while smiling warmly. he squeezes the handsome male hand as he looks up to see the principal dead and pinned to the ceiling.
Orecana: "now that everyone know the situation they're in, let me give you a simple motive to start off. whoever killed someone will get 10000000 dollars for free."
a lot of complains arrupted but then someone else happened. anybody who protested had a spike pierce through their heart from the floor.
Orecana: "i hope that the last 16 of you will listen to what i say, you can stay in the newly installed dorms on the third floor and no leaving the school because that is against the school rule~. Enjoy the killing game!"
the tv closes as y/n looks at the surviving students. they all looked so scared. Everyone looks at each other back and forth.
Y/n takes a deep breath before turning around and hold sunghoon's hand, reverting back into his bright persona.
y/n: "i almost forgot to mention in this school we don't tell our family names in fear of it being used against us and we all have ultimate talents. i'm the ultimate Babysitter."
sunghoon felt a bit scared about y/n's switch in personality but he sucked it up. It's not the most concerning thing right now.
sunghoon: "well I'm the ultimate ice skater."
y/n: "well sunghoon hyung, i'll just wait for you here at the door while you get to know everyone, while it might seems useless at a time like this but it would be awkward to not know whoever it is that we're surviving with right?"
sunghoon: "i suppose you have a point."
sunghoon walks toward a white hair girl who is standing with her arms crossed.
sunghoon: "hello?"
She turns around and sunghoon was shocked at her visuals. She is very beautiful it might even rival his visuals.
??: "oh? who are you? i don't think i've ever seen you here before"
sunghoon: "i just transfer here today."
??: "really? such bad luck, you transfer to a killing game."
sunghoon: "what's your name? i'm sunghoon, ultimate ice skater"
Alice: "call me Alice. The ultimate model."
Alice huh.
sunghoon: "it was nice talking to you."
Alice: "it was nice as well. see you later."
i decided to approach a guy who is talking among 4 other students.
sunghoon: umm....
???: "this must be the new kid."
????: what did you guys do? he look so nervous.
?: i did nothing?
Sunghoon just watch as they argue back and forth. It wasn't until a large cough comes from a girl that had just came, shut them up.
??????: i leave for 1 minute and chaos happens. I'm terribly sorry for them.
sunghoon: oh no it's fine. but i would like to know your names.
Jackson (not wang for clarification) : Name's jackson, ultimate swimmer.
Yukari: My name is yukari and i'm the ultimate archer!
Scott: My name is scott and I'm the ultimate game developer.
Yuria: My name is yuria, the ultimate botanist and usually the person who stops these guys from trouble.
Keita: that's not true and you know it yuria! anyways My name is keita! I'm the ultimate Librarian.
All of them introduced themselves except for one girl who was sitting on a seat. she was just listening to music.
Keita: c'mon Reina. introduce yourself to him.
the girl who was called Reina shot a glare at keita that made him jump. She look at sunghoon as he awkwardly stands there.
Reina: Reina..... Ultimate Weapon master.
Sunghoon: I'm the ultimate ice skater. my name is sunghoon.
Jackson: anyways back to our discussion, it was obvious that i won that last game.
Yukari: you...win? what a joke.
then those 2 started arguing again while yuria tries to stop them. sunghoon just awkwardly walks away from them.
they're.... a pretty lively group.
sunghoon sees 2 boys rubbing each others hands for comfort.
sunghoon: are you guys okay?
They look at sunghoon. They look at each other before looking back at sunghoon.
??: not really, we've just arrived here and all of a sudden we are on a killing game.
sunghoon looks at them in sympathy. not everyone can act positively.
sunghoon: i actually also just transfer here as well.
?: sucks to be us huh?
they laugh a bit.
Hiro: My name is hiro, you can call me the ultimate comic artist.
Keitaro: And I'm keitaro, The ultimate photographer.
sunghoon: Sunghoon, ultimate ice skater. It's nice meeting you two.
They talked for a bit before sunghoon left them to find the last batch of students to talk to.
Luckily he spots them near the door entrance, talking with y/n. y/n giggled
'it seems he's close to them.'
Y/n: oh hey sunghoon. meet my friends. c'mon guys introduce yourselves to hyung.
the girls and boys look at me.
Dahyun(not twice): hello I'm dahyun, I'm the ultimate therapist. feel free to talk to me if you have any trouble.
Sayuri: I'm sayuri. The ultimate pastry chef. hehe
Rose(not blackpink): R-rose. I'm the ultimate painter.
Amiya: I'm Amiya! I'm the ultimate Doctor. please come to me if you are injured.
Takashi: My name is Takashi. The ultimate bar attendant at your service.
Sunghoon: I'm sunghoon. the ultimate ice skater.
Y/n: wanna hang out with us sunghoon? we can show you the school along the way as well.
Orecana: actually there's no need for map tours.
Everyone looks behind y/n as Orecana appears out of thin air.
Orecana: i totally forgot to give everyone their monopads. these will be your phones from now on, just no call function. you still have your phones for that though but no funny business ok. the moment you call the authorities, you die.
Everyone felt a chill down their spines. this is their reality now.
Orecana: I'm gonna go now, I'm gonna miss an episode to my favorite drama soon. happy killing!
He went out the door as a tense silence fill the room.
Sunghoon: uhh about that hangout sure! i would love to hangout.
y/n instantly brighten. The group stares at him dumbfounded as y/n clings around sunghoon and drags him out the door. he peeks his head in.
Y/n: you guys coming or what?
They scurry outside the door to follow y/n and sunghoon as they enjoy their time bonding briefly forgetting their situation.
*time skip*
They hear the monitor static and Orecana appears on it.
Orecana: It is now 8 p.m. you may now return to the dorms but you can stay up late if you wish, just don't sleep anywhere besides your dorm room or you'll be penalized.
the group look at each other when they hear the announcement.
Y/n: i guess we should stay in our dorms.
They go to the dorm rooms and opens their monopads to know which one is theirs.
Y/n: sunghoon! we're next to each other!
Sunghoon smiles knowing this, even though they only met today sunghoon felt a bond with the younger boy. it turns out dahyun and takashi rooms are also near them which they were glad of. after bidding each other farewell, they go into their rooms.
sunghoon lays on his bed as he scans his room. they model it according to his talent. The killing game.....
his heart fills with dread about tis new information. he hopes nobody kills each other. he decided to try to sleep after changing into comfortable clothes. He did fall asleep, quite peacefully because of today's hangout which he thought about lovingly. He really do hope nobody kills each other.
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zukkaoru · 2 months
🪢, 🌟, 🎭, 🏳️‍⚧️, and the one that's like... what they're best at bc i forgot that emoji lol + gin and (if you want bc you won't tell me who you wanna scream about) uhhh jouno??? idkkkkkk ilyyyyyyy MWAH
🪢 A headcanon about their family
ryuu has some scattered memories of their parents, but gin has absolutely no recollection of them. all they know about their parents is what ryuu has told them. i also.. kind of like the idea that their mother died either in childbirth or shortly after gin was born from complications with the birth. ryuu knows this but it's a secret he will take to his grave bc he does Not want gin knowing
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes
i kind of think they.. don't really have any big desires/dreams. they've pretty much had their course of life laid out for them since they joined the mafia at ~11-12, and that was what rescued them from their life in the slums. that gave both them and ryuu a stable income, food, shelter, etc etc so gin has never really.. stopped to think what they might want outside of that. they're prepared to live and die in the mafia bc the mafia saved them and the only lives they've known are 1. struggling to live in the slums and 2. being with the mafia. there was never any other option in their mind. and the mafia is fine, they have friends there, the money provides more than enough, they're good at what they do. but i also wouldn't say it's the life they would want if they could pick something else ykwim
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about
gin's lies tend to be more omission of the truth rather than outright lies. they're very good at simply staying quiet and not volunteering information that could be helpful, especially if it means protecting someone they care about. they have a perfect blank stare that makes you believe they have absolutely no idea what you're talking about when they actually have all of the answers you're looking for
🏳️‍⚧️ A gender headcanon
transmasc gin i love you.......
🥇 A headcanon about what they’re best at
i think they're good at copying other people's handwriting. if you need a signature forged, gin is The person to go to
🪢 A headcanon about their family
my hc is that jouno was. an accident child. they don't have any other siblings and their parents weren't exactly,, Wanting kids. and while they were never outright abusive or detrimentally neglectful, jouno could. kind of tell. especially with their dad i think that they were.. not planned for and a little bit unwanted
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes
tecchou. or, more broadly, someone who stays by their side despite them being mean and instinctively trying to push everyone away
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about
listen to me. jouno will lie about anything and everything and then they will turn around and call out anyone who tries to do the same back to them. jouno will lie about what they ate for breakfast if they think teruko is going to laugh about it for any reason. no they didn't eat lucky charms, they had toast. and sometimes the lies just sort of,, slip out. bc they're a very private person in general so it's just so easy for them to lie about things in order to hide the truth of who they are and avoid questions they don't want to answer
🏳️‍⚧️ A gender headcanon
they are nonbinary!! probably agender, i think they just. don't feel any attachment to gender at all tbh
🥇 A headcanon about what they’re best at
they're very good at remembering little details about people - things that have only been offhandedly mentioned once. typically only the people they care about (i.e. the other hunting dogs) but also if they think some random note on a criminal they're tracking down may be important, they'll subconsciously store it away for late
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warmaidensrevenge · 10 months
Is it hot in here or is it just me?
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Pairings: Steddie x Fem!plus size reader
If you are interested in my previous work or to catch up on a fic, click HERE.
A/N: Why hello babes. I know it's been months since I posted for this fic. But I was recently inspired to write for this. I was stuck for a long time. However, I think I found a little something. To those of you who haven't read this, please feel free to click on the link above to catch up. As always, thanks for reading. Feel free to comment that you love it or if you want to say you hated it. No pressure. Kay love ya byyyyyeeee.
I don't give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures used were taken from Google. I only made the collage with them.
Word count: 8,000 + (ope...long one.)
Warnings: 18+ No Minors please. Heavy smut, Graphic depiction of sexual situations, smut, anal, rough partner, language, angst and not proof read. If this is hard to read because of grammatical errors I sincerely apologize.
Summary: You want it all. But do both of your guys want it too?
Part 6
"Shit shit shit." You said to yourself as you ran from the kitchen to your room.
Steve was just about to get up when he saw your worried look.
" Sweetheart? What's going on?"
" I umm…uhhh…Erin's coming. I forgot she was coming over here today."
" Oh! Umm should we go?" Steve asked. Shaking Eddie awake.
Eddie grunted. " Ugh! It's too early Harrington."
You hurried and put on some jeans and a nice shirt. " No. I'm sure Erin's gonna want you to come."
That's when Eddie shot up. " What?! Your sister is coming?"
You gave him a thin lip smile. " Yeah babe. It's her birthday."
Steve got up and got dressed too.
" Uhh so what should I do?" Eddie asked.
You and Steve looked at each other. Was this really how this relationship was gonna be? Were you always gonna have to hide that you and Eddie were together too?
You shook your head. No.
" Eddie." You said going to him. " Babe get ready. You're coming with us."
He and Steve said 'what?' at the same time.
You quickly glanced at Steve then sat with Eddie.
" Babe. You're my boyfriend too. It's time you met Erin."
Eddie gave you a worried look then looked at Steve for approval.
" Sweetheart, are you sure? What if she shuns you or something?"
You didn't look at Steve but answer him.
" Hun, Eddie is an important part of this relationship." You cupped Eddie's beautiful face. " Please get ready Eddie spaghetti. I need you today."
Eddie nodded knowing fully well that he would never tell you no.
You smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss before going to answer the door.
Eddie got up and went to the dresser. Pulling out a fresh pair of boxers.
" Munson, I know you're freaking out but this is what she wants."
" I-I know. And I'm really happy she wants to." He said, pulling a shirt over his head. " I just don't want her to lose her family over it. You know how important they are to her. And you know how people are."
Steve patted him on the back. " Whatever happens man. We never let her forget that we're her family too."
Eddie nodded and tried to smile.
"Hurry up. And come join us."
Eddie watched Steve leave and heard him greet your sister. Steve was always so good with people. Everyone liked him. He was a sun amongst planets. While Eddie was a speck of dust that everyone wanted to get rid of. As long as he could remember, he felt like that. No matter who he was with. He always felt like he was a bench warmer. That was until you. You made him feel seen. Feel wanted and adored. So he had to do this. You did so much for him. Made him feel so good. He could do this little thing for you.
For you Angel.
"Thank you Steve. I'm so happy you're here. Now you can join us for lunch."
Steve smiled at Erin. " I would love to come. As long as I'm buying."
Erin giggled. " Well who can say no to free food?"
" Well it's your birthday. Pretty ladies shouldn't pay for a damn thing on their birthday." Steve said, putting an arm around your shoulders. Giving you a kiss on your hair.
" Oh Steve. You better stop. Or you'll become my second husband." Erin joked.
You narrowed your eyes at her and huffed. " Over my dead body." 
Erin and Steve laughed. With Steve kissed your head again.
" So are we ready?" Erin asked.
You looked over Steve's shoulder to your bedroom door. " Umm just a second."
Steve and Erin watched as you went to the room.
" Babe?"
Eddie was sitting on the bed with his leg bouncing. You went to him and put your hand on his knee. He immediately felt calmer. 
" I'm sorry…I'm a little nervous."
You smiled sweetly at him. " That's okay. I'm nervous too. But I don't want to hide us. I want all the important people in my life to know we love each other too."
Eddie looked at you and touched your face with the back of his hand.
" No more hiding. Okay?"
He nodded and gave you a beautiful kiss. Meeting your forehead with his after. He whispered 'I love you' and stood up, holding his hand out for you.
You took a deep breath and took it. Leading him out.
You stood next to Steve holding his and Eddie's hand. " Erin. I want you to meet Eddie Munson…my Boyfriend."
Erin's eyes went wide.
Eddie held out his free hand. " It's uhh nice to meet you."
" Y-yeah." Erin stammered. " Erm Eddie is it?" She asked, shaking his hand.
Eddie smiled and nodded.
Erin looked back and forth between Eddie and Steve. " So this is…you guys are…"
" Yes. All three of us are together." You answered her unfinished questions. 
Eddie let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around your waist. Steve put his arm around your shoulder again.
" Huh. How does that work?" Erin asked with honest curiosity.
You were quiet. But Steve took your silence as his que. 
" Well umm we do normal stuff. Like what couples do. Just we do them with Munson too."
Erin nodded. " And how old are you Eddie?"
You looked over to him and he was staring at you with big round baby cow eyes. He was probably feeling the same way you were feeling. The conversation wasn't bad. It was actually going very well.
" I'm 20."
You smiled at him when he booped your nose.
Erin continued her interrogation. " And do you go to school too or do you work?" 
You tucked his hair behind his ears as he answered. 
" Both. I work at an auto shop."
" Really?" Erin sounded surprised.
Eddie finally broke the stare off to look towards Erin. " Yup."
" Cool. So my cars making this funny noise and-"
" Erin! No. Please don't-"
Eddie pulled at your chin to look at him. " It's okay pretty girl. Let me help."
Eddie took your breath away when he gave you those big eyes. 
You nodded. " Okay. But let's do it fast. I'm starving."
The guys were perfect gentlemen. All afternoon they were absolutely amazing. From opening doors to paying for lunch. Honestly they were the best boyfriends anyone could have. And they were all yours. 
But today Eddie went above and beyond. He was chatting up a storm with Erin. While you and Steve just sat there enjoying the company. After lunch you guys took Erin to an ice cream shop and Eddie was putting on a performance. Doing a monologue from Star Wars. Making Erin laugh. Every now and again Eddie would look at you and just smile. With a thumbs up. You were so happy that Erin and him were getting along.
When it was finally time for Erin to leave she asked if you could walk her to her car. While the boys went to the apartment. 
" So…umm well this will be a birthday I never forget." She said.
You smiled.  " I hope that's a good thing."
She chuckled. " Yeah. I like them. Eddie is really a character."
You laughed to yourself. " Yeah he is."
There was this brief second of silence as you stopped to give her a hug. 
" Y/n. So I get that having two guys is fun and all… but there's gonna be a day that you're gonna have a choice to make."
You pulled back a little. " What do you mean?"
She sighed and let you go. " I like Steve. He's good for you. He has a bright future ahead of him, like you do."
" But?"
She took a step back and pulled out her keys. " But I have never seen anyone look at anyone the way Eddie looks at you…I can't really put my finger on it, but there's something bone deep with him. Like he would burn this world down for you. Like he worships the ground you walk on or something."
A little confused you took a sharp breath in to say something. But she stopped you before you could.
" Just listen. Zeke won't like this. You dating two guys. And I know he won't approve of Eddie…when it comes time to choose one. Go with your heart. And whoever you choose. I got your back."
" What-what if I choose both?"
She sighed again. " Y/n it's not going to work. Sooner or later one is going to get jealous over the other. And that's not going to be pretty…a friendship is going to be ruined and you'll be left with a broken heart. To be honest, I think the sooner you choose the less amount of hurt it will be."
At first you thought that she was wrong. That the relationship you had could work. But then you thought of the future. Getting a job in the field you were going to school for. Getting married and having kids. Sure you were still young, but you were always mature for your age. And you had a timeline in which you wanted things to happen by. But now being in this three way relationship kinda threw you. How was marriage and children going to factor into this? You could only marry one. And you never thought about how you would explain to your kids who their fathers were. This was also something you never talked about with your guys. And that was definitely a conversation you needed to have.
You gave Erin one last hug before she got in her car. Once she turned on her vehicle she rolled down the window.
" Y/n. Just so you know. If a guy looked at me the way Eddie looks at you…I would pick him."
You bent over to meet her gaze. " Jessie doesn't look at you like that?"
She scoffed. " Not since we were in highschool. But it's okay. Because, I know he still has it in him. It's just he forgot that I'm still that girl for him…and tonight I'm going to remind him."
You chuckled. " Eww."
" No offense to Steve. Like I said, he's a good guy. And clearly he is infatuated with you. I just feel like there's something missing."
You nodded and waved her goodbye.
While you watched her drive away you got in your head about it. Would you really have to choose? You were in love with both of them. But their friendship was more important than the relationship. You couldn't destroy that. Erin was right. You and Eddie had this raw connection, that kinda just happened the night you met. And though Steve said he was over Nancy. For you it felt like you weren't on the same wavelength. Could it work out? Could you keep both? Or did you have to give them up? Because you rather give them both up than to be the one that ruins their friendship.
It was a lot to process. And all you wanted to do was be in their arms. So you decide to get deeper with Steve. You had to. Because the thought of being without either one made your heart sink.
Over the next few weeks the guys had been planning a special birthday surprise for you. Spooky season was without a doubt your favorite season. Not only because your birthday was in October. But because fall was the absolute best. The baggie sweater weather was perfect to hide your body. The different shades of oranges and reds were stunning. Hot cinnamon tea with a little bit of french vanilla creamer was your go to drink for especially cold days. But what you love the most about October was the first snowfall. It happened every year for as long as you could remember. And though it never sticks, it was always so gorgeous. 
However, this year was going to be much different. Now with Steve and Eddie being the loves you never knew you needed. Ever since Erin's birthday you tried your darndest to get into Steve's mind. He constantly told you how beautiful you were and how much he loved you. But Erin was right. There was something blocking him from opening up. 
You spent the last few days with just him. And though Eddie missed you like crazy. He understood what you needed to do. So the night before your birthday Steve wanted to do something just for you two. 
He picked you up and took you out to dinner. After he took you to the drive-in. The same one from the first date. Only this time it was empty and you guys had to sneak in. 
Steve led you to the benches that faced the screen. He had a small lantern leading the way. When you finally got to the spot, you saw that he had set up a makeshift bed. He had a small styrofoam cooler with drinks and snacks. You sat down while Steve disappeared for a second. Next thing you knew you saw the opening credits to a movie. Steve came back and sat with you.
" Henderson set this all up for us."
You smiled. " Aww that's sweet of him."
You both exchanged smiles then Steve grabbed a blanket and wrapped himself and you up. 
As the movie played you snuggled closer. Steve had picked the movie A Room With A View. It was a romantic movie that had the main character face a decision. Which wasn't too far from what was going on with you. 
It was hard to watch when you wanted to tell Steve what Erin said. But he was being so sweet and so lovey dovey right now, that you didn't want to ruin this beautiful date. 
Steve's watch went off. 
" It's officially your birthday sweetheart." He said giving you a long beautiful kiss after. " Happy birthday baby girl."
You hummed against his lips." Thank you hun."
" I have something for you."
You smiled and watch him pull out a small white box with a pretty pink bow. When you opened it, your mouth dropped.
It was a stunning gold necklace with a heart shaped pendant on the end. The glimmering tourmaline in the middle of the heart made your smile bigger. 
" Thank you. It's gorgeous."
" Here baby. Let me help you put it on."
You handed over the necklace and leaned forward for him to put it on. Lifting your hair in the process. You smiled down on the pendent and looked back at Steve. There was this distant look beyond his smile. One you hadn't seen before. It worried you. For a second you thought that he was going to say something awful. But he didn't.
" Sweetheart, I umm I know what you told Eddie. And I need you to know how sorry I am for adding more stress on you. But baby I need you to know that I do want all of us to be together. Sweetheart, you still make me so nervous. I swear that every time I'm with you I feel like I'm gonna say the wrong thing or scare you away. I worry about you and you're constantly on my mind. When I'm not with you I'm wishing I was. Seeing you always makes my day better. Hearing you laugh with that little squeak makes me so happy. You make it worth getting up in the morning. Well you and coffee."
You laughed and moved his hair away from his eyes.
" But seriously, I was always afraid to admit how I really felt. And maybe that was the reason Nancy and I didn't work out. But I'm glad it didn't. Because I found you. And I'm not gonna hold back. Not with you... Sweetheart you give me so much just being yourself. And I want to give you the world. Because that's what you deserve. I would do anything for you…I love you. And you will never have to choose between Eddie or me. Because we want this forever. A lifetime of you, me, and Munson."
You were stunned. With pretty much everything. The date, the necklace. But Steve's words meant so much more than any of it. For the first time this started, you never felt so loved and appreciated. All you could do was kiss him. One thing led to another and your bare body was being covered in kisses. Beautiful soft lips pressing tender kisses across your chest. Down to your tummy and between your thighs. Feeling Steve's mouth between your legs drove you insane. He was just so good at it. He knew exactly when to put his fingers in you. He knew exactly how fast or slow you wanted it. How hard and everything. Right now he was being kind. Slowly and gentle pumping into you while sucking on your swollen nub.
He was cursing under his breath while you turned into a moaning mess of a puddle. 
" D-daddy?"
Steve groaned. "Mmm. Yes baby girl." 
" Please. I need you in me. I need to feel you."
He pulled away, giving you two little kisses on either side of your thighs. He then grabbed one of your legs and turned you on your side. 
"Keep your bottom leg straight sweetheart." 
You nodded and he moved your top leg to a bend. His cock made you see stars. Everytime you were with him it felt like he was rearranging your insides. In the best way of course. But this position brought tears to your eyes. Every delicious thrust hit a soft spot deep in you that you couldn't contain your cries.
Steve wanted you so cock drunk that you wouldn't even remember how to talk. So he did some research in a little book called Kama sutra. And this particular position was perfect. He had a hand full of ass, pounding into your tight wet pussy. But the best part was still seeing the faces you were making. A mixture of pain and pleasure. Eyes screwed shut, with tears falling from the corners. Your cries and whimpers echoed out. The snapping of his hips into your bottom was fucking music. 
Your pussy clenched. Hugging Steve's thick long cock.
" That's it sweetheart…that's it…cum for daddy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cum for me baby."
Your core shook as your release covered him. But he didn't stop. He let go of your ass and moved your leg so that they were on either side of him. He hunch over you, putting an arm under your lower back and lifting you up a bit. 
" What are we at baby girl?"
"Y-yellow." You whimpered.
Steve nodded and slowly pushed himself in you.
" Can you give me one more? Just one more."
You didn't say anything. You were trying to concentrate. 
" Common baby. Please. I need one more. Just one more."
You bit your bottom lip and said a small 'one more'.
Steve grabbed the side of your neck and pulled you up a little to kiss you.
" That's it. That's my sweet girl." He cooed.
He thrusted harder and deeper. But stopped when he felt the spot that made you gasp.
" N-no. Please-please don't stop. " You begged. 
" I…baby-" he choked out as he started moving again. " I love you. God I love you so much… I want everything with you."
You looked deep into his pretty brown eyes as your body jolted upwards. " E-everything?"
Steve nodded. " Everything. House, babies, marriage…everything."
Your eyes rolled back. His confession aided in one of the best orgasms you ever had. 
"B-baby I'm-"
He came right along with you. When both of you caught your breath he laid down on top of you and kissed all over your chest and neck. Saying 'I love yous' between each and every one. After he rested his head in the crook of your neck while you caressed his back. 
" Did…did you mean what you said?"
He lifted his head and started stroking your hair while he grinned. " Yeah…I know all of us are still young. But…when you know. You know."
You smiled up at him. " Does Eddie feel the same?"
Steve's grin faded. " I…I think so. Never talked to him about that before."
You smiled. Eddie and Steve would be the best dads and partners. They treated you like a queen. So they were bound to treat any children you guys had like princesses and princes. 
" What're you thinking about sweetheart?"
"Just...you and Eddie. You both make me so happy."
Steve kissed you deeply and met your forehead with his after. " Just returning the favor baby girl."
Right after the date, Steve drove you guys to his parents cabin. Where Eddie was getting ready for your arrival. You were so tired that you almost fell asleep on the short drive. But as soon as Steve parked Eddie ran outside and opened your door. You smiled up at him as he leaned in and kissed you. 
" Mmmm. Happy birthday pretty girl."
You yawned a little. " Thank you Eddie spaghetti."
He helped you out of the car as Steve got the bags. Eddie then led you inside and you looked around. There were streamers and balloons everywhere. With a huge hand painted sign just above the TV. 
" Oh Eddie. It's beautiful." You grinned, hugging him tightly. 
" You're beautiful Angel." 
Steve cleared his throat. " Munson, let's get our girl to bed. She's tired."
Eddie frowned but agreed. He took your hand and led you to the master bedroom. He helped you out of your clothes and stared at the necklace. A part of him wished he could have gotten you something that pretty. But with the shop cutting back his hours, he barely could afford rent.
Steve had offered to help him out. But he wanted to do things on his own. So since he was low on funds he wrote a little tune just for you. He also had Robin help him make a cake. Then he and Dustin decorated it. 
All his gifts would have to wait until you woke up. He hoped that you wouldn't be upset with him for not getting you something like Steve's gift. 
You took off your bra and pulled on the shirt Eddie held over your head. Steve came over and held out your toothbrush. You smiled sleepily at him and he pointed towards the bathroom.
Once you closed the door Eddie sighed. " Why did you guys come so late?"
" Sorry man. Kinda got carried away." 
Eddie shook his head and changed into his pajamas. Steve pulled off his shirt revealing scratch marks on his back and hickeys on his chest.
Eddie chuckled. He liked when you marked him and Steve up. Claiming them as yours. He wondered when he could get his. You didn't do it often. But when you did, he and Steve absolutely loved it.
You came back out with your eyes barely open. Steve pulled back the blankets and called out to you. You smiled and went to him. He gave you a hug and a kiss on the forehead. 
" Common baby girl."
You crawled into bed with Steve and Eddie following right behind you. You turned to your side and snuggled with Steve while Eddie spooned you. 
The guys said goodnight to each other and Eddie kissed your shoulder. 
" Goodnight pretty girl."
You sighed a little in response. 
You woke up in the very early hours, thirsty and hungry. Your boys had you sandwich between them. So moving out of their arms without waking them took forever. But as soon as your feet hit the floor you quickly tiptoed out of the room. Before you went to get something to drink you looked around a bit. Trying to get your bearings. You found a second bathroom and went pee. Your vagina was a little sore, but other than that you were feeling really good. 
You went to the kitchen after and poured yourself a cup of tap water and started searching the cabinets for snacks. For some reason you were craving something sweet. 
Hmmm fruit maybe?
You went to the fridge and looked for something. You ended up finding some blueberries and a can of whipped cream. When you pulled them out and closed the door, Eddie was standing there. Making you gasp.
" EDDIE!?" You said in a very loud whisper.
He groaned. "I woke up hugging Harrington instead of you."
You giggled quietly. " I'm sorry. I was hungry."
You turned around and set the stuff on the counter. Eddie came behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. Putting his chin on your shoulder. 
" Can I have some?" He asked in his sleepy voice.
You nodded. " Open your mouth."
You turned around and he bent down a little so you could reach his mouth with the whipped cream. You gave him a mouth full, popping berries in your mouth at the same time. When he stood up he wiped the little bit of cream off the side of his mouth. But before he could lick it off you grabbed his hand and sucked his thumb clean. The way you slowly released him had him hard instantly. He pushed you against the counter. Putting both hands on either side of you. 
He got closer and leaned down to brush his nose in the side of yours. 
" Hmmm?"
" I missed you today."
He smirked. " I missed you too Angel."
He bumped your nose with his and you laughed a little. Making him so happy.
He let go of the counter and grabbed your hips. 
" Jump." He whispered.
You put your hands on his shoulders and did so. With his help he lifted you up onto the counter. Pushing the small plastic box of berries away. He pulled at your hips so that you were closer to the edge. He then went between your legs and lifted your shirt a little so he could grab your panties. You finally kissed him once they were off. 
"Ed…take it easy on me okay? I'm a little sore."
He nodded and kissed you softly. Gently pulling you closer. Your hands went to pull down his bottoms and boxers. Once his rock hard length was out you guided him into you. When he was fully in you, you wrapped your legs and arms around him. 
Eddie took you nice and slow. He was such a good lover. Making sure to say he loved you over and over again. His lips were on yours more often than not. 
As much as you wanted to cum. You really did miss him and wanted this to last longer than 5 minutes. So you told him that.
"B-babe. I-i want to cum. But I want you to keep going."
Eddie stopped moving and help you lay back. He pulled at your hips to move you back onto his cock. 
" Do you want to edge Angel?"
You bit your bottom lip and nodded. 
Eddie smirked. " Okay. Just tell me when it's too much. Then we can cum. "
You said a small 'okay'. Eddie then put your legs up and started moving again. He had you almost there about 3 times before neither him or you could take it. After the last one you gave him the go ahead to go as hard and as deep as he could. 
It was only a matter of seconds before you and he felt this white hot intensity. Your nipples hardened and every inch of your skin raised. Your hearing went as you finally gave in. Eddie's body hunched over as he continued to thrust shallowly until his balls were completely emptied. After he laid his top half on your soft tummy. Your legs went slack and your hands instinctually went for his head. He hummed as you lightly scratched his scalp. 
" Now I'm hungry."
You giggled. 
Eddie stood up grabbing a towel, wetting it with warm water. He cleaned you up first then himself. After he pulled up his bottoms and helped you with your undies. He then proceeded to pull out a cake from it's hiding place. You smiled so bright he couldn't help but chuckle. 
"Eddie it's so pretty."
He set it down next to you and went to grab a fork.
" Let's have some."
He kissed your forehead. " It's your birthday. You can eat the whole thing if you want."
You smiled again. " Why are you so good to me?"
He brought a fork full to your lips. " Well that's because I love you. And my girl deserves to be happy and taken care of."
You hummed as the sugary goodness danced on your taste buds.
Eddie smiled and took a huge bite himself. 
" This is so good babe. Did you make it?"
He nodded, giving you another bite. 
This little moment you had with Eddie was everything. You caught a glimmer in his eye as he grinned happily at you. You saw something. You saw your future. Years of this. Filled with love like this. It was such a simple thing. Eating cake on your birthday. But what it took for him to make it and decorate it. It was the time he took thinking about you. The love and care he had for you. And in this moment you knew. He was half of a whole. He was a part of you and you were a part of him.
" Can I ask you something?"
" You can ask me anything Angel."
You took a small drink of milk that he poured for you. After clearing your throat. The way he looked at you and smiled took your breath away. 
" Ed… do you ever think about the future?"
" Uhhh. Like future as in tomorrow or like a 5 year plan."
" 5 years?"
He put his hands on your shoulders and began rubbing them. 
" Well let's see. I hope by then we will all be living together. And Corroded Coffin will take off. Then we can all be happy. Just the three of us."
Just the 3 of us?
" Oh. So you don't want-"
" What are you guys doing up?" Steve said groggily.
Eddie and you looked over. 
" Nothing man. Just having some cake."
" Munson that was for the party."
" Party? What party?" You asked.
Both of your boys went silent.
" Eddie spaghetti?" You said in such a soft sweet tone it could have broken both of their hearts.
Eddie laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. " I uhhh it was supposed to be a surprise."
Steve came over and started running his hand up and down your back. "We invited our friends and Erin." 
You looked at Eddie and he just smiled.
The day couldn't have gone any better. The guys watched as you played with your nephew. The way you smothered him with kisses and hugs made their hearts melt. Everyone was having a good time. Music was blaring and Steve was grilling. While Eddie was messing around with Dustin and the gang. 
Seeing your guys like this was so different from how they were behind closed doors. You liked this version of them. Entertaining friends and family. Stealing loving glances at you.
You were watching Eddie wrestling with Dustin and Mike. Another moment had passed when you saw your future kids playing with Eddie. Seeing him smile and laugh like that was all you could ever hope for. 
What is going on?
You shook off the thought. It was way too early to be wanting this. Sure the plan was to finish up school in two years. And by 23 or 24 you thought you might get married. Then start a family right away. 
But this relationship made you want it sooner.
After everyone was gone you took a shower. With Steve joining you. Eddie went into town to pick up some movies for the rest of the weekend. Scary ones of course. 
Steve made love to you while you both bathed. And though you wished Eddie would hurry and join. Steve could easily make you forget everything but him. 
Which he did. He had you bent over. Legs spread apart. Hands flat on the shower glass door. He had been so gentle and kind. That you wished he would do it more often. Not that him being rough was a bad thing. It's just refreshing when he takes care of you like this.
When Eddie finally came back he found you cuddled up next to Steve on the couch. Your eyes lit up when you saw him.
" Babe. What took you so long?"
Eddie frowned. " I'm sorry. I went home to grab something."
You pouted but held up your arms for a hug.
When he came you whispered in his ear. " Please don't leave again."
He gave you a kiss on the forehead. " I won't pretty girl. You got me and Steve for the rest of the weekend.
You held out your hand and he helped you up. 
" Go shower babe. Dad and I will set up the movie and pop some popcorn."
Eddie grinned and kissed your cheek before disappearing down the hall. You looked over to Steve and held out your hand for him. He gave you his perfect grin and took it. Hugging you from behind as you guys awkwardly penguin walked to the kitchen. Both laughing the whole way there.
Eddie took a quick shower and hurried to get back to you. When he came out he saw Steve lighting the fireplace and you were just setting down the bowl of popcorn and drinks on one of the end tables. Eddie snuck up behind you and smacked your ass.
You yelped and quickly turned around. " Oh you're gonna get it."
You moved towards him as he backed away with his hands up.
" No. Don't act all innocent. Give me your toosh."
Eddie chuckled and kept backing away until he hit a wall. You immediately took advantage and grabbed his hands. 
" It's only fair, Eddie. You spank me and I get to spank you…or…dad can do it for me."
Eddie had the biggest smirk and raised his brows. " Is that what you want, Angel? You want Steve to spank me?"
You let go of his hands and started playing with his hair. " I want what you want. We always do things for me…maybe this time we can do something you've both been wanting to do."
Steve walked over to you and moved your hair to the side. " What is that sweetheart?"
You looked over your shoulder at him. " Better if I show you."
You moved away from between them and started for the bedroom. " Could you please move the coffee table? And maybe lay a blanket down?"
The guys looked at each other and did as you asked. When you came back you had a medium size pink silk bag. You sat in the middle of the blanket on your knees. While the guys got on either side of you. Eddie tried to snatch the bag but you pulled away in time. He chuckled and kissed your temple. 
" What's that baby girl?"
You turned your head towards Steve. " A toy."
You pulled the drawstring back and revealed a pocket pussy. 
" I know it's not the real thing. But since I only have one. I thought maybe this could help."
Eddie grabbed your chin and pulled for you to look at him. " What exactly do you want to do with that?"
Your face got serious. "You like to watch right?"
A smirk grew on his lips. " I do."
" Well babe." You said inching your face closer to his. " What would you like to see me do with it?"
Eddie looked at Steve but you pulled at his chin. 
" Don't look at Dad. Look at me…what do you want Eddie?"
The way you whispered his name sent chills down his spine. He definitely liked you being in charge. Steve did too. Steve was actually enjoying the conversation you and Eddie were having. Something about the way you took the lead. No girl had ever done that before. It takes a lot to just be able to do this with them. But not only did you take it up so well, you were taking the reins more often than not.
" Eddie?" You whispered his name again ever so sweetly.
He was nervous. You saw his Adam's apple bop up and down and he started drumming his fingers on his thigh.
You put your soft warm hand on his and he relaxed. 
" Eddie. Don't be shy." You said getting to your knees and wrapping your arms around his neck. Slowly scratching his head. " Tell your Angel what you want her to do."
Eddie stared into your big beautiful curious eyes. What was it about you that made him want to give you everything? Like if you asked, he would burn the whole world down for you.
He smiled and pulled you so that you were straddling him.
" I want to watch you fuck Steve with that."
You bit your lip and felt your core throb.  Eddie then wrapped his hand around your neck and pulled you closer. Lips almost touching.
" Pretty girl…can I watch you fuck Steve?"
You nodded and kissed him. It got really heated very fast that you had to pull away so you could do what he wanted.
You stood up and went to Steve. He was sitting down leaning against the couch. Running his fingers through his perfect hair. You smiled down at him as you pulled off your pajama shirt. Steve's eyes were slits from the smile that was suddenly there. He sat up and slid his hands up your voluptuous thighs towards your panties. He placed one lingering kiss on your mound, then buried his nose between your clothed warmth. Bopping your clit and taking a whiff. With a soft groan he pulled away.
" Smells so good baby girl…can I take these off." He asked, snapping the elastic of your underwear against your skin.
You looked over your shoulder to Eddie and saw him palming his growing length watching the exchange. You looked back down to Steve and nodded. He quickly took them off. You dropped down and helped him take off everything. His long thick cock was harder than you've ever seen it. Your mouth watered seeing it drip with precum. You shimmied down his body. Leaving a trail of kisses along the way. Now on your side you moved to give Eddie a good view of what was about to happen. With your leg bent over Steve's you teasing him with your tongue. After a minute or so you got on your hands and knees.
Eddie's cock ached. Seeing you on all fours with your back arched and your big beautiful ass facing him was everything. He caught a glimpse of a silver plug with a bright pink gem and your perfect pussy soaked.
He smirked. My naughty angel.
He moved a little to see your mouth wrapped around Steve's head as you pumped him. Eddie's hand went straight under his bottoms and started stroking himself. He heard you softly moan as you took Steve deeper. Then you let go with a pop and moved a bit so Eddie could see exactly what you were doing next. 
He could have came at the sight, but he stopped touching himself so that this experience lasted longer. The first time this happened. He got way ahead of himself and came so fast. But not this time. This time Eddie was going to make sure you came a few times before he would allow himself. 
When you slid the pocket pussy on Steve, the sight made you impossibly wet. With Eddie watching you and Steve grunting made you feel on top of the world. 
Steve grabbed your chin, making you look at him. " Feels good."
You smiled at him. " What would it feel amazing?"
Steve leaned forward and whispered into your mouth. " Suck on my balls."
You kissed him quickly and leaned forward. Swirling around your tongue on each heavy ball.
That was it for Eddie. He couldn't take it anymore. He got up and went behind you. Grabbing one of your cheeks. Lifting it to expose your pussy more. He then grabbed his dick and pushed into you. Your head instantly went back with a gasp escaping you.
Still trying to focus on Steve while Eddie pounded into you was harder than you thought. It was always hard to focus on more than one person at a time. And you thought you would eventually get there. However tonight wasn't the night. You stopped moving your hand and squeezed your eyes shut. Eddie had never been this needy for you before. Nor had he been so rough. Yet here he was smacking your ass pretty hard and pulling your hair so that your back was up against his chest. Once you were up he wrapped an arm around your overhanging tummy and gripped your neck.
Eddie growled. " Yeah. Yeah. Fuckin' take it." 
Your cries got louder and Eddie was gone. He was so damn close. It was almost impossible to not cum. Especially when your walls fluttered around him. Giving him the indication that you liked when he was rough with you. He took that as permission to push it a little more. He then squeezed your throat a little and bit your shoulder. That's when your warm wet walls clenched him the tightest he ever felt. 
He let go of your neck and pulled gently at your chin. Giving you a harsh wet kiss while he came.
When he was done he loosened his hold on you and kissed where he bit you. You hummed and finally opened your eyes to find Steve smiling at you while he used the pocket pussy. Eddie gave you one last kiss before pulling out and letting you go. He let himself fall to the side and closed his eyes. Still panting.
Steve tossed the toy away and held out his arms. " Come to daddy sweetheart."
You gave him a little nod and crawled into his lap. 
Steve tucked your hair behind your shoulder and whispered. " Did you cum baby girl?"
You nodded again. " Just a little one."
He kissed your cheek. " Well, let's give you a big one yeah? Can you do that for me baby?"
" uh-huh." You whimpered against his lips.
Steve kissed you and lifted you a bit to align himself with your entrance. Slowly letting you sink into his lap. While moaned into his mouth you start rolling your hips. Steve then threw his arm around your waist and guided you into a little bounce.
" Good girl. Just like that."
You held onto his shoulders in order to get some support as you moved faster. 
" God I love your pussy."
Eddie opened his eyes after a minute or two and looked over to you and Steve. Seeing your hair bounce on your bare back while you hopped, combined with your heavy breathing got him hard again. When he sat up he felt a little bit of his cum dribble down his stomach. He scooped it up with a couple of fingers and went to you and Steve. Eddie first glanced at Steve then cupped your face. Making you meet his gaze.
He lifted his cum stain fingers and you grabbed his wrist and sucked them clean.
" Fuck! That's my girl." Eddie cooed. " Such a good little slut."
You gave him big pouty eyes. Like you wanted more of him. So Eddie had to oblige. 
Steve's mouth was now on your chest. Sucking bruises everywhere. Marking you up as his too. That's when Eddie grabbed Steve's knees and said.
" Hold on to your daddy pretty girl."
You did so and Steve held you a little tighter. Eddie then pulled both you and Steve down. Causing Steve to fall back, pulling you with him. Once you and Steve were comfortable again. Steve held you where you were and pounded into you. Hitting that sweet spot. 
Eddie then put a leg over Steve's thigh and put both hands on your bouncing ass. Flicking your cute little plug. Steve stopped ramming into you for a second so Eddie could take out the toy. Eddie leaned in and spit on your now empty hole. He then aligned his tip with the only open space left for him.
" Where we at Angel?" He asked. 
" Uhhh. Green-green." You answered breathlessly.
Steve kissed you then met your forehead with yours. " Eddie's gonna go slow okay. If it hurts too much tell me."
You nodded once more. Eddie then spit on his dick and spread it around.
You gasped as Eddie's tip split you open. This was a first. The guys always took turns with your lower half. But now you were incredibly full. Deliciously full. It felt otherworldly. Just a touch under overwhelming. 
When Eddie felt you relax he went balls deep. The slight discomfort went away and all you felt was immense pleasure. 
Steve then brought your attention back to him.
" I'm gonna move okay."
" y-yes daddy."
He grinned at you and started going the same pace as Eddie. You scrunch your eyes closed and buried your face in the slope of Steve's neck. 
The boys were doing an excellent job of making you feel good. So good that you felt this white hot fire burning deep within your stomach. But what pushed you over the edge was Steve whispering things in your ear.
" Mmm my sweet sweet girl…you know how good you would look with my baby in you…you want that? Would you like me to put a baby in that beautiful belly?"
You clenched. What was it about those words making you feral? 
"Yeah sweetheart?" 
Steve felt you nod and smiled. "Y-yeah. But you have to cum for me…Give me a big one baby girl. And you can have all my babies. "
Without warning you went over that edge. Letting the wave consume every inch of you. Your skin laced with goosebumps and your nipples hardened as your climax felt like it was seeping from your pores. Legs shaking, fingernails digging into Steve's arm, eyes rolling back.
Eddie couldn't hear what Steve was saying but he didn't care. Whatever he was saying to you, made your already tight suction cup of a hole hugged and pulled him in even more. 
" OH G-GOD!" Steve and Eddie said at the same time.
That orgasm lasted at least a minute and a half. You were officially out for the count. However, your boys kept going. Making it nearly impossible to not squirm.
" Yel-low!" You cried out.
Eddie and Steve looked at each other and nodded. You were almost to your limit. They both thrusted a few more times before Eddie pulled out and came on your bottom. Steve gave you what he promised. A pussy full of his babies. 
Once they finished you went limp on Steve. They gave you a few minutes before helping you up. You barely could keep yourself up. So Eddie held onto you while Steve started the shower. All of you squeezed in. You leaned against Steve while Eddie washed you up. You could have fallen asleep right then and there. 
Soon after the shower the guys got you dressed and into bed. The last thing you remember was laying in Eddie's arms with Steve caressing your side.
When Eddie heard your little moans he kissed your forehead.
" Harrington?" He whispered
" Yeah?"
" uhhh what did you say that made her cum so hard?"
Steve lifted his head. "Why? Did you not like it?"
" Yeah I did. I fuckin' loved it…I just want to know what got her like that."
Steve looked at you and smiled. " I said she would look beautiful with a baby in her. And I asked if she would like that."
Eddie's stomach sank. " You what?!"
Steve shot him a look when his sudden outburst caused you to stir.
" Munson seriously?! She needs to rest. We took a lot out of her today." Steve said just above a whisper.
" I-I know man. Sorry. But really? Now you guys are talking about that?"
" Uhh yeah Munson. We talk alot about our future."
Eddie clenched his jaw. Again he felt like a third wheel. Was that what you were trying to talk to him about? Did you want kids… now?
He looked at you and felt bad. He didn't want kids. He didn't even believe in the whole institution of marriage. Sure he wanted a person to love and be fully committed to them. But he was cynical. He thought that a soul mate wasn't real. That in order to make things work, you have to be able to accept that not one person in this world is perfect. However, on the other hand he never felt this way about anyone. He never felt such happiness. When he was with you, nothing else mattered. 
Eddie sighed. " Harrington I know we all want to be together. I just…" he tucked your hair behind your ear. " I don't want her to be disappointed if things don't happen the way you guys want it to."
" What does that mean?"
Eddie pulled you closer and gave you a little forehead kiss. " It means that I want her to be happy. I want her to have everything she dreams of having. And if the day comes where I can't give her that…I want you to." 
Thanks for reading. What should happen next?
@salenorona23 @erinsingalong @sillypurplemurple @tessab154 @bethanysnow @ibathealone @stardustmunson @impossibelle
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