#u can admit that u miss them and still hurt bc of their actions
lil-vibes · 2 months
having shamura in my cult makes me wanna throw up bro they love narinder so much im in shambles just thinking about them being lost in their own mind and yet still grieving their brother so much someone needs to sedate me Immediately
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songmingisthighs · 3 months
Look at him barely admitting out loud that "yeah I made a mistake, wtv, she's the immature one" because he KNOWS they will put his head in a stick after he comes clean
Feeling guilty is not enough if you're still having the audacity to victim blame her for protecting herself after being hurt and DISRESPECTED AS SHIT, God I hate that mindset, because yeah for sure, his majesty should just wait comfortably for the person he insulted to come back and initiate an 'adult conversation'
Stupid fuck, and now your kid is missing her as well and putting himself in danger to look for her (though we do know that he does that on his own as infants do, I'll give him that)
Anyway, I'm invested, I'm angry, (I'm thankful for you and your updates) and I'm sad for baby Kijoong, yn adopt him please and thank u <3
i mean... i think people are being unfair to wbn!hj bc if (y/n)'s feelings and action are justified due to her past then shouldn't wbn!hj too ?? people quantifies the mistakes but we don't really consider what behaviour is considered a mistake in the eyes of hj. both of them were wrong, they were childish, but hj is the only one receiving the hits because... a girl was the victim to his idiocy ?? come on, have some grit.
i don't think the way hj is approaching this issue is because he wants to cover his ass but it's more towards "we're in this situation for my kid who needs help and i want to approach the issue at hand but how can i when the other person is missing?" like contrary to popular believe, hj was just trying to be a good dad with all the shit he has and he's not being given enough credit. that in mind as men can't multitask, he made mistakes and idiotic steps and didn't realize because man just wanna live and he's still trying to navigate
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crybabychita · 1 year
Hi I would appreciate it if you could give some input/advise on the situation 💕so I found out that the guy I was talking to long distance and met in person many times had a girlfriend all this time, we were talking for over a year....I’m just very hurt. As soon as I knew and the girlfriend showed him proof of it he blocked me even though they broke up...And I was just about to go see him. I don’t understand it. He kept on telling me to stop calling him, that it’s clearly over to move on and find someone else and I was mean back but still it’s very hurtful of him. Now, after a month he’s been calling me many times yesterday and day before, texted me saying to answer I told him I would call him after work so I did then I call him and I was like hi and he goes “hi what’s up” and I was like “just at home” and he goes okay I have two things to say: “are you calling from private number I keep getting calls” and I was like “no” and he goes “oh okay and also I just wanted to apologize clear the air sorry you went through all that” and I was like “okay” then he hangs up didn’t even say bye and then calls back like 20 minutes later and I missed the call and tried calling him back but no answer...ever since that I’m blocked. I’m just hurt and don’t know how to feel about it. Our relationship had been hard to say the least being long distance and all and don’t understand why he would end it as soon as she found out like he’s been cheating and hopes to get her back? They broke up she told me herself? Why does he not want to see me? And why would he continually ask me if I’m calling from private numbers if he knew it was me? I’m just really hurting
alright, where to begin w this? ur doing way too much worrying and thinking for someone who doesn’t deserve it & it’s that simple. we can give them the benefit of the doubt or as much understanding as humanly possible but it doesn’t change the fact that his actions show he doesn’t care. based on that alone, drop him & his weirdo behavior. he is going back & forth w contacting you bc it feeds his ego to know you’re in distress over it/still care/thinking ab him. at this point, whether the feelings were real or not, all he cares ab is the attention, validation, ego stroke, and the pain he’s infliction on u & the other biddie.
it’s sad to admit but, more often that not, it is all just a game to them. granted, it’s a game created out of their own insecurity & fear & in the moment, it feels like you’re the only one being played & hurt. but in the long run, those ppl are damaging themselves too & bypassing all the important life lessons they’re supposed to learn in relationships. they’re ultimately stunting their own growth, and ppl will notice that in the future and steer away from them. because no one has time for an immature, self-centered dickhead… hope this helps luv, CHOOSE YOU
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7fckingidiots · 4 years
hi, i love your writing! can i request for kissing hcs with the demon brothers? thanks!!
ah! thank you for the request!! hope you enjoy!!
Kissing Headcanons with The Demon Brothers
he prefers to kiss you in private to avoid his brothers teasing him or losing his composure in front of anyone
he’s unsure of how to kiss you at first but his pride would never let him admit that so your first couple of kisses are a tad messy
he takes his time with you, long nights in his study with you on his lap, just figuring out what you like
his kisses are usually very soft, he likes to hold your face gently as if you’re made of glass
good morning kisses!!!! good bye kisses!!!! good night kisses!!!! they are guaranteed with him
his favorite type of kisses are hand kisses for both him and you. he usually never removes his gloves so it’s a very intimate act for him. he likes kissing your hands because it’s still very formal and an easy way to communicate his affection to you
he prefers to kiss you in public to show everyone that your his and he’s yours! none of these lesser demons can have you, nope! you’re taken!
mammon genuinely thinks like that he’s such a dork oh my GOD
but he loves you and loves showing you to the whole world bc you’re incredible!!! and if he can do that with a kiss then it’s something he’ll do all the time
he’s really clingy so if you guys have to part to go to separate classes he’ll make sure to give you kisses you before you go. half the time you end up being late for your classes because of it
he definitely is more bold with his actions in public but when you to are alone he’s much more shy. the kisses are softer and he’s slower, almost unsure of himself and completely following your lead
likes kissing your lips the best and likes when you kiss his head the most. it’s the most direct way of showing he loves you for him and it occupies all your attention so he’ll kiss your lips whenever but when you kiss the top of his head he just melts, it’s so innocent and sweet 
kiss him outside his room and he just. shuts down. he’s proud but also key smashing inside his soul to fast for his brain to work
kissing him in his room....honestly isn’t much better Levi is very easy to fluster!! He can still kiss you he just can’t make direct eye contact with you after, he’s too NERVOUS
that being said he does like kissing you and he’ll do it absent mindedly if your sitting on his lap when he’s gaming!! he likes the way it feels and also he doesn’t have to be as verbal
he gets jealous of all the time you spend with his brothers at RAD so pls just hold him in his bath tub and kiss his face, he absolutely loves it but can’t say it out loud
your first kiss with him was so AWKWARD, he completely missed your mouth and it was out of no where. he didn’t look at you in eyes for three days
like kissing your forehead the best because he can then tuck your face into his chest so that you can’t see his face. likes when you kiss his hands especially after he’s been gaming all day! it’s a sweet gesture that will make him pass out
isn’t one for PDA but he’ll still kiss you out in public! the only times he’ll make out with you in a public place is if he knows you two are alone or if he knows lucifer will find you two bc satan is a Bastard
he likes kissing your fingertips when you two are reading together, it gives him a way to occupy his hands and enjoys how his brothers groan at him for being a sap
definitely rewards you with kisses when you two study together, it’s a very good motivator for u and him!
he gets overwhelmed very easily and doesn’t really like to be touched during these time but having place feather light kisses on his face helps him calm down immensely
he doesn’t like kissing you when he’s angry because he’s terrified of hurting you
likes kissing your cheek because it’s something he can get away with in public and he finds it cute. he likes his shoulders being kissed the best it makes him feel vulnerable but he knows he’s safe with you
king is the definition of “is for me?” when he sees you and this applies to kisses 100%
acts like he’s dying of you don’t kiss him when he asks he’s so DRAMATIC but YOU chose this ok?? kiss him he’ll cheer up immediately
his devilgram account probably has a weekly post of you two kissing because you two are just so pretty and he likes to flex that he’s with you whenever he gets the chance
whenever he sees you he greets you with a kiss and whenever he leaves you he gives you kiss! he’ll say something like “so you can remember me” and then when he sees you again and kisses you he goes “you remembered me!” my Heart.....
self love is important to him and he makes it a point to kiss any part of you you find yourself having trouble with accepting. he loves every part of you and makes sure to remind you of this every day
he likes kissing your lips the best! it’s very intimate and he loves feeling you smile into his kiss. he loves when you hold him and kiss the crown of his head
kisses the top of your head ALL THE TIME! he just leans down and bop, kissy. he will get so flustered if you ask him to lean down and give the top of his head a kiss
his kisses start out very soft, he wants to make sure you feel safe, but the longer you kiss him the more hungry for you he becomes and the rougher he gets
likes to give you light hickeys on your neck whenever you let him and he’lol always remark on how you taste
absolutely LOVES it when you kiss his up and down his arms! he doesn’t have much of an ego but whenever you do this he just gets really proud of himself, this also works for cheering him up
likes having you sit in his lap so he can just kiss the back of your neck while you continue doing whatever you were doing
likes you kissing his chest! it makes him feel nice and warm and he can easily wrap you up in his arms! he loves kissing your stomach the most it’s just so soft and he can bury his face into it and just rest there
so MANY sleepy kisses dear GOD he’s basically the CEO of them but he can’t help it!! he’s very clingy when he’s tired and just wants to feel you
making out is so much energy but he’s also a little bastard and will definitely make sure to initiate it if he knows lucifer will walk in on you
when you kiss him when he’s sleeping he smiles, wether that’s because he’s still awake or just knows it’s you is a secret he only knows
when you two go out he’s practically wrapped around you and kissing whatever part of you he can while ignoring whatever is going on
will tease you by never actually kissing your lips and always just kissing right next to him but acts clueless as to why you’re so frustrated, like “MC? I’m confused is there something you want?”
love kissing the nape of your neck so he can just litter it with kisses as he drifts off to sleep. he loves it when you kiss his eyelids as he’s going to sleep, it makes him feel sure that he’ll have good dreams
sorry i disappeared for a bit! classes got switched around so i had to adjust for a bit! i hope you enjoy these!!
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ethvn-torchio · 3 years
Walls Could Talk | Chapter Two
a/n: sorry this chapter took so long! writer’s block is a bitch 😩✌
Summary: Steve and Peggy's search brings them to Paris - where they happen to meet up with an old friend.
Warnings: an intense makeout session/implied sexual content (it’s not smut, i haven’t decided if I’m putting actual smut in this fic)
Wordcount: 1.5k (unedited, also I'm sorry it's so short 🙃)
AO3 | prev chapter | next chapter (coming soon!)
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ᴏᴄᴛ 𝟸𝟿, 𝟷𝟿𝟺𝟿
ᴏxғᴏʀᴅ, ᴇɴɢʟᴀɴᴅ
Steve wakes up in a cold sweat, bolting upright in bed. Was he still dreaming? Was this...was this real?
He gazes at Peggy - to make sure she was there, that all of this wasn't a mere fantasy, who begins to stir.
So, not a dream then, at least. His heart is racing, his mind buzzing and yet still confused and his breathing erratic. She's speaking to him, saying something, and he isn't quite listening, his heart thundering his ears. Adrenaline surges through his veins.
“I’m...I’m sorry, Peg. I didn’t mean to wake you up,” he whispers. His pulse was still racing.
Lightning illuminates the room for a split second and he can see the sympathy in her eyes.
"It's quite alright, Darling. Will you tell me what's wrong?" She asks, trailing her fingers through his hair.
"I...I don't- I don't remember much," he admits. "It was just...some stuff from the past...or, future..." he could almost laugh at that if he was in a better mood.
She nods sympathetically. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
He drinks in her appearance, nodding slightly. He presses his lips against hers softly.
He kisses her, gently and imploringly at first.
His one hand softly trails down her back, and he notices her sharp intake of breath when his hand ghosts over her lower back.
"This hurt?" he asks.
She nods stiffly. "I do believe I forgot to tell you with everything that happened tonight. I had a bit of a scuffle in the restroom with a Hydra agent. She slammed me against the sink," Peggy explains.
An idea forms in Steve's head; a single minded goal to make her forget.
He would make the only thing on her mind be him.
Wordlessly, he smiles and dips his head towards her neck, brushing his lips against it. His teeth graze against a sensitive spot on her neck and she makes a soft "Oh,"
His hands go to rest against either of her thighs. He pulls back, pupils blown.
“Steve,” she whispers. She lifts her hips in a silent invitation.
He leans down to kiss her, his lips against hers, and she's already breathless. He doesn't want to rush things, but he can't resist her.
Her hand slides down his back, and she lets out a soft moan against his mouth. His hands trail up her shirt, he can feel the goosebumps on her skin. He kisses her neck, and she can feel his hot breath against her skin.
"God, you're so beautiful. I love you," he whispers.
"I love you too," she replies.
He pulls her in for a desperate kiss once again, pulling her close.
The rain came and went, and with it sunshine followed.
“Peggy. Peggy, wake up,” is the first thing Peggy is greeted with in the morning.
Peggy groans, rolling over in an effort to ignore him. “No, not now,” she mutters, burying her face in the pillow.
Peggy feels weight on the bed as Steve sits down next to her. She tries in vain to ignore him.
"Oh, c'mon now, Peg. It's a new day, it's time to get up," he says.
“You are far too cheerful considering how early it is,” Peggy complains, shielding her eyes from the light pouring in from the blinds.
“...Peggy, it’s eleven in the morning.”
Peggy groans, glancing at the clock as if to make sure he’s right. “Point withstanding, you’re still too cheerful.”
“Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,” Steve teases, narrowly missing a pillow flung haphazardly at him.
“Do shut up, Steve.”
He snickers.
Peggy yawns, stretching her sleep-infused joints. "Where are we going, again?"
"Word is our target's in Paris,” Steve replies. “Or at the very least, someone important is.”
Peggy hums, sitting up. The blanket wrapped around her falls off, revealing her bruised back.
"Jesus, Peg. Have you seen your back? That looks like it hurts," Steve notes.
"Yes, thank you for that insightful observation."
"I just mean- do you want ice or something?"
Peggy shrugs nonchalantly. "It doesn’t quite hurt. I can deal with it, I’ve faced worse."
“To be fair, you are the woman who fell asleep standing up in a trench.”
“Exactly,” Peggy winks. She stands up, beginning to sift through her suitcase. “So tell me, Steve. When’s our train leaving?”
ᴘᴀʀɪs, ғʀᴀɴᴄᴇ
A few hours later, they arrive at their dingy, rundown hotel just outside of Paris. The lobby smells like bleach and old carpet, and a radio plays a somber, mellow jazz tune.
Peggy clears her throat, waiting for the receptionist to acknowledge them.
The receptionist does not, however, care to notice.
“Can we have a room, please?” Peggy asks the woman at the front desk.
The woman hardly looks up from her magazine. “Name?”
“Carver,” Peggy answers automatically before Steve can.
The receptionist takes a long, seemingly never ending sip of her tea. Finally, she says. “Take the elevator to the third room, first one on the left. Here’s your key,” the woman says, sounding as disinterested as she possibly can. “Enjoy your stay,” she adds dryly.
Peggy eyes her warily. There was something a bit...off, about that woman.
Perhaps it was just her imagination.
They make their way to the elevator, and Steve finally breaks the silence. “So...is it just me or was there something weird about her? I mean, she could’ve just been a disgruntled employee, but…” he trails off, scratching the back of his neck.
Peggy hums. “No, I happen to agree. Though, perhaps we were just inconveniencing her by making her do her job.”
The smile fades from her face. “Stop,” Peggy whispers. She tilts her head toward the door, which was ajar. She clutches her gun in her purse.
Steve snorts. “Maybe,”
She laughs right along with him, but she pauses abruptly outside their door.
It could be the maid...but they haven’t even gotten into the room once.
Silently, the two stalk toward the door. The smell of smoke escapes from the room when Steve nudges the door open.
Which, in both of their experiences, usually did not happen to be a good thing.
In the chair in the corner, there sat...
Howard Stark.
A collective groan escapes the couple.
“Howard, must you break into our hotel room?” Peggy scolds, turning on the light.
“We thought you were an intruder.” Steve adds.
Howard smirks, taking a long drag of his cigar. “Technically, I am. But don’t you kids worry - I bring a peace offering. By peace offering, I mean I’m inviting you to stay in my Paris apartment instead of this dump,” Howard gestures loosely. “I mean, I don’t think this building even has heat.”
Steve shrugs. “Wouldn’t it be better to stay somewhere inconspicuous?”
“That’s what I was thinking,” Peggy agrees, her arms crossed.
Howard sniffs. “Okay, fine, don’t accept my extremely generous offer to let you stay at my apartment. I know when I’m not wanted. Just know I’ll remember that in the summer when you want to come over because I have air conditioning and you don’t.”
Peggy rolls her eyes. “Quit the melodramatics, Howard. We’ll stay with you,”
Steve wraps an arm around her. “Yeah, we- wait, we will?”
“...What? This building doesn’t have heat, and quite frankly I enjoy summer visits to Howard’s house.”
“Attagirl, Peg.” Howard beams. “I’ll meet you two in the lobby,”
Later, the trio eats lunch at Howard’s apartment.
"-you are not funny, Howard." Peggy informs him, pointing at him with her fork. "You could've at least feigned innocence."
"Innocent? If you looked up "innocent' in the dictionary, you'd see my picture on it," Howard says defensively.
Peggy snorts at that. "Oh, please, Howard. With your history you could easily father a small country,"
Howard grimaces. "Eugh, kids hate me. Plus, who has time to tend to a baby all the time? I mean sure, kids probably aren't annoying when they're...late teenagers? But for most of their lives, kids just seem so clingy and needy."
Steve picks at his plate absentmindedly, reminded of a conversation he had with Tony.
"Clearly, you must've met a different version of my father. He was cold. He was calculating. He never told me he loved me, he never even told me he liked me."
The sound of Peggy’s voice brings him back to reality. "...That's because they're children, Howard. Babies aren't self-sufficient from birth. Do you expect them to come out of the womb ready for rocket science?"
"Well, thank you for absolutely shattering my argument, Agent Carter." Howard mutters, downing his coffee. Deciding to change the subject in order to deflect attention off of himself, he says, "Steve, you still with us?"
Steve snaps to attention. "I, uh, yeah. I was just daydreaming, I guess."
Peggy makes a mental note to ask Steve about that later.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Howard asks.
Steve shrugs noncommittally, continuing to eat with much less gusto than before. "Just thinking about our mission,”
Peggy eyes him carefully, choosing to say nothing but clearly knowing something was wrong. In due time, she would ask.
In due time hopefully meant whenever Howard left the room.
lmao so like i was listening to a bunch of james bond songs bc they’re dramatic and spy-ey right (cough cough tho a song that fits the general tone of the fic would be "the world is not enough" by garbage)?? and then there’s absolutely none of that in this chapter lmao. sorry if this chapter was boring compared to last one but i mean we can’t have constant action in the fic, silly goose. 
also can we talk about how it took me like 8 DAYS TO WRITE THIS and it’s this short i’m sorry ajsjdfkgjjklk 😶✌
taglist (dm me if you’d like to be added!):
everything taglist: @return-of-the-simp​ @thereblogcrusader @stillmourningtonystark ​
walls could talk taglist: @deedepee​ @rizwritesfandom​ (extra thanks to riz for helping me when i was struggling with being descriptive u a real one) @mcu-academy​​
If you enjoyed, please rb/leave a comment! I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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howtosingit · 4 years
if ur ok with it can u break down the tarlos huggggg in the lst ep after tk tells evy1 abt his addiction? bc that gd huggggggg i wanna no every thing u think abt it i live for ur love for tarlos theyre just so so cuteeeee
IF I’M OKAY WITH IT?! Anon, I feel like I have been waiting my entire life for this ask. I could literally talk about this hug for the rest of my existence. I would talk about this hug every second of every day if I could and never get tired or bored. This hug has owned my entire heart from the moment that it happened and I can never get enough of it. Brace yourself for this essay, and remember that you asked for it...
Okay, so before I get to the actual hug, I want to talk for a minute about why I love it so much and also how fantastic the scene is that comes before it. I’ll try to keep both of those brief (LOL). If you want to skip to the hug breakdown, I’ll give the sections titles. 
Why I Love This Hug
So, why do I love this hug so much? Honestly, because I never in a million years thought we’d get something like it, and it was a big turning point for me.
I have not been quiet about how disappointing I think season 1 was. Too much Owen being Owen, too much Iris plot (which never interested me for even a single moment, unfortunately), not enough of the other characters - specifically the characters of color - and definitely not enough Tarlos.
Following episode 3, the show established a really frustrating pattern with Tarlos: they either never interacted with one another, or there was a moment of them at the end of an episode where they were in the same place physically but never spoke directly to one another. Frustration doesn’t even begin to describe the Tarlos talking drought between episodes 3 and 10 - and honestly? It’s bad writing. To focus on a ship for 3 episodes, giving them a lot of different nuances and conflict, and then do absolutely nothing with it? Stupid. So, going into the finale, my expectations were low. At that point, I was literally tuning in just to catch a glimpse of Carlos, with the expectation that that was all I would get. I really didn’t think I was going to watch the show after season 1. 
When the finale started with a Tarlos scene, I was honestly very surprised. But, then, of course, it was a “break up” scene, and I was like... well. So much for that. See, I fully expected, based on the trend throughout the later half of the season, that that would be the only Tarlos scene we would get, and that that is how they would end season 1. 
But when that camera cut to Carlos Reyes walking through the station door looking like a modern-day motherf*cking Prince Charming? I cried. I’m not ashamed to admit that. And then WHEN WE GOT THE HUG?! I can honestly still feel my heart pounding in my chest.
The finale didn’t fix everything for me; they still barely talk in their final two scenes. It’s not all perfect. But this hug, this small moment? THAT. IS. PERFECTION. (And I’m gonna go on and on about why in just a minute!)
Framing the Hug
I just want to take another moment here to chat about the entire fire station scene with TK and the team/Carlos because there’s a lot that informs why this hug is so freaking incredible. It has everything to do with the directing choices that were made - and boy were they good ones!
We all probably remember how the scene starts: extreme close-ups on TK as he sits waiting for the crew to come back. He’s anxious and possibly having a mild panic attack, and the camera is used to create that moment. Certain shots are out of focus, the shots that are focused are zoomed in to his mouth/hands/eyes, the sound is distorted, his breathing is isolated. It’s all super effective. 
So the observations that I make about this brief moment are: TK is stationary, the camera is basically attacking him. And TK is alone. Pretend for a moment that the camera is a character. The camera won’t leave him alone. No one is there to help him. His anxiety grows. 
(Even when the team joins him, the camera stays pretty close to him, except for one moment where it backs off but then approaches again. It continues to invade his personal space and his personal moments with his friends and his dad.)
Now, compare that to how the scene ends: TK walks away from the camera, the camera doesn’t follow him. It gives him space. His interaction with Carlos happens in the distance. If the camera is a character, TK defeated that character. He leaves it there, it no longer threatens him. I just really like that visual storytelling; that through the 4 minute scene, TK not only faces his demons, speaks his truth, and conquers his anxiety but he beats the camera and goes off to hug Carlos untethered. (He even bounces towards him, but we’ll get to that in a minute.) That doesn’t really have anything to do with the hug specifically, but I thought it was interesting anyway.
The other comparison that I want to make is a simple one, but it’s another reason why I love the hug: TK initiates it. He doesn’t initiate the group hug with his team (he actually almost says “we don’t have to do that” when Mateo moves towards him), though he obviously enjoys it. Owen initiates their hug, flinging himself at his son, and TK obviously appreciates it.
But the Carlos hug? TK approaches him, TK raises his arm to wrap around Carlos’s neck.
Okay, now to finally answer the original ask...
First, can I just say from his first appearance to the end of this scene, Carlos is there for 20 seconds total and I am about to write a whole-ass essay about those 20 seconds?! I’m literal trash.
Okay, so Carlos appears looking like a fucking snack. He’s changed since the bus accident, looking like someone’s hot date, and I think we know whose... Owen is basically like “well this is unexpected” and honestly, same sir. TK is adorable and noncommittal, but clearly not surprised to see Carlos there. We’ve missed a moment between them since TK was sent to the hospital and Carlos called him impressive, that’s for sure. 
So when TK starts to walk towards him, the camera refocuses on Carlos and we see this adorable freaking look on his face that clearly says “how did it go?” or “all went well?” or something to that effect. I think Carlos knew what TK was doing at the station and he knew that it was a big deal for him, and I love that even before they are next to each other, he’s checking in to see how it went. He’s invested in TK’s well-being - as always - and he’s there to support him, both physically and emotionally. I COULD SCREAM.
In response to Carlos’s silent questioning, TK throws his head back and sighs. Like I said before, he seems to bounce towards Carlos, his body is pretty loose - his arms are swinging back and forth. This is a guy who just took a load off, and he’s relieved about having done so. The smile that Carlos gives him in answer says that he’s relieved too - that it went so well, that TK seems lighter. He might even be relieved that TK is being so much more open with him, clearly showing him his emotions. Their body language for this entire moment is very open, neither of them seem closed off. It truly does feel like, for the first time, they are meeting each other on equal footing, with all of their cards on the table before them. It’s such a different moment for them, certainly different than their body language during the boba date earlier in the episode.
I would be an absolute idiot if I did not pause and remark here how INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT IT IS that TK is the one that approaches Carlos. I’m not the first person to notice and say this, but Carlos “I hate being the one doing the chasing” Reyes stops just inside the door. He lets TK walk towards him. It’s such an interesting, nonverbal conversation between them. In this action, Carlos is saying “I’m here, but I’m still not going to force anything. You said you wanted space, so I’m giving it to you.” Sure, he comes to the station - but I would pay good money to bet that TK invited him there following some kind of conversation about what he was doing there - but he stays at the door. He’s cautious, but open. He wants something more with TK, but he’s not going to throw himself into it just to get hurt again. So, he waits. AND TK COMES TO HIM. TK leaves his own space and enters his. TK takes the final step. TK closes the gap. TK makes the big move, and they’re finally both right in front of each other, on the same wavelength. The find that solid ground from which they’ll build their relationship together. ISN’T IT JUST BEAUTIFUL?!
Seriously, kudos to Bradley Buecker for directing this episode with multiple levels of storytelling at play. It’s really great stuff.
OKAY, there’s a little Owen and Michelle moment, but then the camera finds Tarlos again. 
TK is standing in front of Carlos, they’re completely fixated on one another, their body language is just so fucking casual and comfortable I cannot stand it. See, the other hugs were all pretty intense: the team piles on top of TK, burying him, and Owen practically throws himself at TK, it’s a fairly hard hug for a man with an injured shoulder. But this hug? NOPE.
It’s so soft. It’s so gentle. TK raises his arm like he just can’t not wrap it around Carlos’s neck, like it’s the only way to be as close as possible to him and being as close as possible to him is all he wants in that moment.
What I really love about this hug is that it feels like two people who hug not because the moment is demanding it, not because they’re reuniting after a long time apart, not because they’re in a heightened state of emotion. 
These two hug like it’s just what they do, what they always want to be doing, like they don’t know how not to do it. The whole thing reads like “Hi, I’m TK and my arms belong around Carlos” and “Hi, I’m Carlos, and my arms belong around TK, what else would I be doing with them?” (It’s also the vibe I get from the club scene where they wrap their arms around each other.)
Look, to be a Tarlos fan, I think you have to be willing to look at the relationship on two different levels, right? One is what they verbalize to each other, which is admittedly very little (season 2, come through). The other is the story that they tell through their body language. These two have seemingly always been on the same page physically. It just comes naturally to them, from the minute they first dance to their obviously very pleasing sex scene to the way they flirt in the bar to the club to Carlos at TK’s bedside. 
Their chemistry is made clear through how they physically relate to each other, and never is that more clear than in this hug that LITERALLY LASTS 2 SECONDS BUT CONTAINS MULTITUDES.
Okay, back to it... so TK strolls towards Carlos, Carlos waits for him - they symbolism is making me scream - TK raises his arm, it’s all super casual...
And then he just kind of literally falls into Carlos’s body, and Carlos basically just catches him. HOW BEAUTIFUL IS THAT.
They don’t even speak but because they’ve had a nonverbal conversation with just those looks that I talked about, there’s just this understanding that TK needs to just collapse a little bit and he never for one second doubts that Carlos will hold him up. THAT’S JUST WHAT THEY DO.
OKAY OKAY OKAY now we’re going to break this down from head to toe.
Like, the way that their heads just rest against each other, TK pressing close - I can almost imagine that he breathes in the scent of Carlos’s shampoo, his nose is pressed right there in his curls. AND JUST IMAGINE HIS SMILE, I BET IT’S BLINDING.
I love that their heads kind of curve around each other kind of, perfectly Yin and Yang - like, from above they would totally look like that symbol.
First, it’s our first kiss since episode 2. 
Nothing screams “I want to know every part of this man on a deep, committed level” than a fucking neck kiss, and Carlos Reyes just... he fucking does it. 
Okay but he really does bury his whole face in there like he wants to keep it there forever, I have truly never seen something so soft in my entire life. 
I’m so in love with them I could puke.
But like, that’s why this moment means so much to me, because I really do think that it’s a solidifying moment for both of them. 
For TK, it’s a “It’s okay if I stumble or fall because this man will catch me or help me up” thing
For Carlos, it’s “he wants me, he wants this, he’s taking literal steps towards this thing between us, and he encourages me to sink into him, he wants me to do that, he really wants this”
Like, fuck. 
Moving down... we gotta appreciate Carlos being mindful of TK’s shoulder, unlike literally everyone else who has hugged him. Like, he doesn’t even go anywhere near those stitches because there’s no fucking way he’s going to watch TK bleed out for the third time, nope.
And the way that Carlos just slides his arms around TK’s waist, pressing his palms into his lower back?! 
I think there’s a whole like, thing, where when a person’s hands are flat and open they’re like, open and vulnerable. So there’s just something about the way that Carlos presses both of his open palms against TK’s back that feels so open and vulnerable and honest to me.
Also, the way that he literally covers as much of TK’s back with his hands as possible? He doesn’t place his hands on top of one another, he stacks them along TK’s spine - he completely covers the entirety of his lower back. That’s a really vulnerable part of the human body, and Carlos instinctively protects it. AND TK LET’S HIM.
Okay, finally, down to their feet: TK really does collapse against Carlos, throwing himself on top of him and trusting that Carlos will keep him upright. All of his weight shifts to that forward momentum, he even goes up on the toes of his right foot. Carlos plants his feet, and as TK sways into him, he wraps him in his arms and gently centers them so that they don’t tip over to the ground.
He literally re-balances them. The two of them together find a balance with one another during this TWO-SECOND HUG. They shift, they steady themselves, they sink into one another.
It’s literally symbolic of them both being completely, 100%, without question, ready for the next phase of their relationship together.
They keep each other standing, and that’s fucking true love, y’all.
I honestly cannot wait for season 2. This hug and the final scene on the hood of Carlos’s car - with TK again making the move to embrace their relationship by physically reaching into Carlos’s space for his hand and dragging it into his own space, firmly opening the door to his heart to let him inside, while also settling Carlos’s hand between his own to let him know that he’s willing to protect him and his heart too - makes me believe that we are in for some truly wonderful romance with these boys. 
My heart will not stop screaming about it.
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catxsnow · 4 years
Requests: hi i just read ur gar x reader and i'm literally weak it was so cute omg. is it to early to beg for a part 2 with fluff and jason being a little jealous bitch lollll it can be shorter idk how many ideas u have i just love the way u wrote gar -xoxo!
for part 2 to challenge u could have gar and y/n in different domestic scenarios being cute n in love and jason trying to break them up bc he's jealous and can't understand why their dating since they're both so different but in the end realising they're both perfect for each other and they all live happily ever after the end.
Warning: Jason being jealousssss
A/N: Part two to Challenge! I’m terrible at multiple part imagines but I hope I did this good enough justice! 
Word Count: 3.1k
Part One
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Jason Todd didn't understand.
He didn't get how someone like you would ever end up with someone like Gar. Not that he believed Gar to be a bad person or anything, but the two of you were so different. You were confident, outgoing, and never could say no to a fun time. Gar on the other hand, was way more shy than you were, he was hesitant to get out of his comfort zone, and he was the biggest nerd.
The two of you were just polar opposites. So, when you got together, he was more than shocked to see how well you got along. He had known about your friendship, but never realized how close it was. He found himself getting irritated every time he saw the two of you together.
The first time that he was annoyed by your dating was when you were making dinner in the kitchen together. Even though you cooked for the whole team, the process seemed like such a private time with Gar. He would sit at the counter watching your every move until you had asked him to do something for you.
The moment that he was done with the task, he would stand behind you with his hands around your waist and his chin on your shoulder. He would reach his neck around as far as he could to kiss your lips. In anyone else eyes, the action would have been adorable. In Jason's, it was disgusting.
He had walked in while Gar was leaning against the counter, chatting with you and looking at you as if you were the utter love of his life. Jason didn't say anything, but the flush in his cheeks spoke loud enough: he was jealous.
Jason had lost the challenge, but he wasn't ready to give up quite yet.
The second time Jason was irritated was when he was sparring against you. It wasn't unusual for the two of you to fight against one another, but this time he had just been frustrated with you. Gar was going against Dick just on the other side of the room and the two of you would constantly be exchanging looks.
Between fights, whenever you had the upper hand, any time that you weren't losing you were throwing winks or kisses towards your boyfriend. Jason was furious. This was supposed to be a serious training session and you were just goofing off. You were never serious anymore since you started dating Gar.
When he finally had enough of it, he had stormed off after yelling at you. Though your feelings weren't hurt, Dick still ran after him to go scold him. That left you and Gar in the training room.
"You gonna release the beast this time?"
"In your dreams," Gar rolled his eyes. He still refused to fight against you as the tiger. Dating you had made him even more protective of you and that meant that he wasn't going to do anything that would purposefully harm you.
"Oh baby, you know it." Gar's face lit up bright red. He was still getting used to your confidence and your ever lasting need to try and get him to blush. Almost every time, it worked. He was a constant flustered mess around you and you loved it.
"Stop," Gar whined. You raised your fists up and jumped around the mat. He followed your lead and the two of you circled each other, antsy on who was going to make the first move. If he was to be honest, it was always you, and he didn't mind that.
"Make me," you winked.
By the the fifth time that Jason had been annoyed that the two of you were dating, he had completely lost it. He was out for the night, causing whatever chaos in the town. By the time that he got back home, he was nothing but disappointed and disgusted.
You and Gar had decided to have a stay at home date night which included movies, popcorn, and far too much laughter. Dating Gar might have been the best choice that you had ever made in your life.
You were happier than you had been in years. No longer having to keep your feelings hidden brought a weight off your chest and you felt as if you could breathe once more. Not that you wanted to curse it, but things were going perfect.
Gar opened up to you more than he ever had before. He trusted you with his secrets and you trusted him with yours. The friendship that you guys had was taken to a whole new level. You couldn't even think about what life would be like without him - even it was only a couple weeks since you had been officially started dating.
When it came down to it, he was your best friend first, and losing him without the addition of a relationship would have broken you. Now, you felt as if a literal piece of you would go missing if he left.
"(Y/N)," Gar dragged out your name. You were sprawled across the couch with a bowl of popcorn by your side. Everyone else was out that night which meant that you and Gar had the whole place to yourselves. You decided to take advantage of the big screen and have a much needed, relaxing, movie night. "You're taking up the whole couch."
"I know," You smirked at him. The popcorn was moved out of the way and you opened your arms up for Gar to lay beside you. He grinned and nearly leaped into the space. Gar covered your face in kisses before landing on your lips for a quick peck. You were completely encased by him and the blanket.
This was the first time that you had the tower all to yourselves and you had to admit that you were a little more than excited. Your mind wandered to everything that the two of you could be doing and you weren't sure where you wanted to start. Gar had decided for the both of you with a movie night.
He picked some sort of comedy movie that was sure to be filled with cringe-worthy jokes and raunchy humor - exactly what the two of you needed. After the rest of the team figured out that you two were dating - which didn't didn't long - they had endlessly teased you for it. Rachel bugged you with every chance she got, Dick lectured you as if you were still kids, and Jason... he was a little frustrated at the situation.
Gar knew about Jason's feelings towards you, but he also knew that you were nothing but a conquest for him. He didn't want to date you - he wanted to sleep with you. That wasn't who you were, and Gar knew it. As much as he was worried about Jason taking you from him, he knew that he trusted your more than anyone.
Throughout the movie, Gar couldn't keep his hands off of you. The rested on your waist, played with your hair, intertwined with your fingers, and once he even dared to try and tickle you. You never realized how much of a touchy person he really was until dating him. You didn't mind - not when it came to him.
Even when you got up to go get another drink for yourself, he followed behind you with is arms around your waist making it much harder to walk anywhere. Gar had gotten you, and he wasn't planning on letting you go anytime soon.
Just before the movie ended, Jason had come back to the tower. Neither of you had heard him come in until he loudly groaned at the sight of you. You were still wrapped up with Gar, not even paying attention to the movie as you left kisses up his neck. It distracted him enough from both the movie and Jason.
"Seriously guys? Get a fucking room," Jason complained. Gar had nearly fell off the couch in surprise and you couldn't help but giggle. PDA was something that never bothered you, at least not nearly as much as it bothered Gar.
"Sorry, Jay," you apologized. "Movie's almost over. You can stick around for another one if you want."
"Hard pass," Jason rolled his eyes. "I'll watch a movie with you another night though." You could tell from the tone in his voice that he meant you, and only you. Jason never had a particular problem with Gar until the second you two started dating. It was more evident than ever that he didn't like the younger man.
"Yeah, maybe another time," you partially brushed him off. His smile held hope that what you said was true. Jason gave you a little wink before heading back to his own room. "He's impossible."
"Tell me about it," Gar rolled his eyes. He pecked your lips once more and was caught off by a yawn. You giggled a little at him - the sound of it lit up his face. Gar was absolutely entranced by every sound and movement you made. "Do you wanna stay over in my room tonight?"
"No offense Gar, but last time I stayed in your room I was up half the night sneezing from your tiger hair," you tried to hold back a laugh. "However, you are more than welcome - if not encouraged - to stay in my room tonight."
"It's not my fault I shed!" Gar laughed with you. "I guess I'm going to have to take you up on that offer." He leaned down to peck you - but you had kept him close and deepened the kiss. Your hands ran through his green hair and enticed a quiet moan as you tugged on the roots.
"Guys! Seriously!" Jason yelled. He had come back to the kitchen to get a glass of water only to see the two of you making out on the couch. That was his breaking point. He could deal with the hand holding, the hugs, even the pecks. But seeing the two of you make out on the couch where he sat, too? That was far past his limits.
Jason scowled at the two of you. His eyes darted between you and the mess of Gar's hair that you made. He was not impressed - that was easy to tell.
"I'm tired of seeing you two together! It's non-fucking stop," Jason expressed himself. You knew he had been upset at you and Gar for getting together, but you didn't think that he was holding this much back. "Grow the fuck up, there's other people living here too this isn't just your home. You don't see me having girls hanging off my arm everywhere do you? No. Stop being so, so gross!"
Jason stormed off leaving the two of you to sit there in shock. Jason was jealous of your relationship with Gar. He always had a crush on you - you knew that from the start. However, seeing the two of you together being a cute couple? You didn't realize how badly this could hurt his feelings.
As much of an asshole that Jason was, he didn't deserve for you and Gar to rub your relationship in his face.  And it wasn't like you meant to. Everything with Gar just flowed so easily, you barely even noticed that you were shoving your relationship down everyone's throats. However, the other's didn't see it that way, only Jason.
"I feel bad," you muttered. Gar rested his back against the couch as you snuggled into his side.
"Jason's always been nice to me, I don't want to stop being friends with him just because we're dating," you explained yourself. Gar squeezed your shoulder and kissed the top of your head. He didn't realize he could care for you even more since the short few weeks that you two had been dating.
Gar wanted you to have the world. He always wanted that for you. It seemed that every day his only task was to make you smile at least once. Whether it was him being his usual nerdy self, or surprising you with something he found in the store. He always managed to make you happy, and he wanted to keep you that way.
If that meant that he would have to deal with you and Jason being friends, then so be it. Even if he was jealous as soon as the older man walked into the room, he trusted you. There was a reason that you choose him over Jason.
"You know Jason. He gets frustrated and he over reacts, I'm sure he'll cool down soon."
It took a while for Jason to cool down afterwards, but he eventually did. 
It seemed like he spent the next couple weeks trying to sabotage your relationship. Going extra hard on you at training, taking away your time with Gar to help him with something, even getting one of you to do some stupid mundane task for him to split you apart.
He was trying his best to prove that he was right, you two didn't belong together. Yet, it seemed like after every pursuit he had, it seemed to only bring you closer together. You and Gar were the opposite of what Jason believed you to be - you were perfect together. While you brought out more confidence within Gar, he kept you grounded.
The two of you may have been polar opposites, but that didn't mean that you were any less good for each other. Jason had to learn that the hard way - and he did. It took him a while to see that you two were truly meant to be together. Even after all of his frustrated comments and actions, he realized that he was wrong.
Which was why after shamefully telling you that Gar wasn't good enough for someone like you, he had finally broke. Jason had seen the heartbroken look on Gar's face when he walked in just at the wrong time and the rage filled look on yours. He had known he messed up the second the words came out of his mouth.
That night you had spent the night with Gar wrapped around your arms and his head on your chest, telling him repeatedly that there was no one else that you would rather be with than him.   He felt like Jason was right - he wasn't good enough for someone like you. Gar couldn't be more wrong.
"Gar, don't listen to him. You said yourself, Jason's jealous, he's gonna say stupid shit that he doesn't mean," you assured. Your fingers ran through his hair in hopes to comfort him. "Beside's what's it matter what he thinks? It's me 'n you right? That's all that matters."
"Still doesn't mean I don't feel shitty," Gar grumbled. He buried his head into the blanket covering you both and sighed.
"You want me to go beat him up?" You asked, only half joking. Gar just let out a grunt in response. You hoped that the comment would have made him feel better. "I know what's gonna make you believe me that what Jason said was bull," you suddenly came up with.
Gar peaked his head out from the blanket just enough to stare up at you. He knew the look on your face and that it meant that you were up to no good. There were many things running through your mind as to how you could prove this to him - many of them ideas where you knew you'd need to lock your door - but this one in particular was nothing like that.
You ripped the blanket off of you and headed over to your dresser. Gar watched as you rummaged through to find whatever it was that you wanted. His gaze went from your bare legs all the way up your body - followed by a tinge of pink on his cheeks.
Rain pattered against your window and filled the silence in the room. Finally, you pulled out a small CD case which contained a singular disk. Gar looked at you with raised eyebrows, but you said nothing as you went to the old player in the corner of your room and popped it in.
A grin fell on your cheeks as the music began. You spun around to face Gar and stuck your hand out for him to grab. "Dance with me?" You asked. Gar matched your smile and accepted your hold. "This is the playlist from my parent's wedding... Haven't been able to listen to it in a long time but I figured if there's anyone I would want to listen to it with, it's you."
Your hand was encased in his, the other on his shoulder while his was on your hip. The two of you slowly paced around your room. Your head rested against his chest and you couldn't help but sway a little to the beat. This was perfect, these were the moment that you would forever cherish with Gar.
As the song neared ending, your looked up to meet his eyes. They were glassy, but held no sadness within them. You let go of his hand and placed both of your palms against his cheeks. Gar leaned into your touch. You cranked your chin up to meet his lips.
This kiss had been different than the rest of them. This was slow, each second filled with every ounce of adoration you had for this boy. You wanted him to know that he had no reason to fear for Jason, it was him that you wanted. Gar was everything to you, and upon realizing that in only a matter of weeks? It had to mean that this was going to be permanent.
You pulled away from the kiss. Gar was grateful for you. You knew how to cheer him up even when he didn't realize that he needed it. You knew him better than he thought, and that was what his weakness was. You were his weakness.
"Believe me now? Garfield Logan?" You asked.
"I think I'm going to need another kiss, just to be sure."
"I think I can manage that."
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worldwidemochiguy · 4 years
Hello! Can I have yandere bts reactions to you going insane? ♥️
thanks for requesting!! i hope you enjoy lol (also if u wanna be bias wrecked/just wrecked in general scroll down to the hobi gif bc hot damn)
Namjoon would be fascinated by the change in your psyche, affected after years of manipulation, coercion and isolation. There was nothing that interested him more than trying to figure you out, and now that you had a new level of complexity to your thoughts, it was a whole new challenge. Namjoon didn’t see you as a sick woman who needed help, he saw you as an experiment, and now that you had no chance of successfully escaping, you were all his to study, forever.
“Darling! How are you feeling today, hmm? … no response? Interesting. You responded yesterday. Maybe I should give you a little punishment, and then see if you will be more willing to greet me? Ah, now you respond. Very good, darling. Now come and give me a kiss.”
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Jin never meant for it to go this far. Despite his cold, often harsh demeanour, Jin really did love you, or at least as close to love as was possible for him. He just wanted you to be perfect, like he knew you could be… little did he know, the constant criticism and degradation would push you over the edge. Now, you were just a mere shell of your former self, staring into the distance with an empty expression. Jin never knew how much he had loved the light in your eyes until he extinguished it. He continues to care for you even though you barely register his presence, as a twisted way to make amends for what he did to you.
“Good morning, baby. I missed you so much! But well done for managing to sleep through the night! You’re my perfect girl. I never told you that enough while you could hear me, but I’m telling you now, so please listen. Oh, Y/n, please, can you hear me? Y/n? Oh god, what did I do to you?”
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Even though your sanity had departed you, and you could barely look at him long enough to recognise his face, blinded by the mad light that was forever present in your eyes, Yoongi still loved you like he had the day he saw you. Something as petty as sanity would never be allowed to come between the two of you. Yoongi became adept at caring for you during your hysterical episodes, removing all the knives from the house after an incident where you managed to stab him. He installed padding in all the rooms, unwilling to confine you to just one, after all, that was what practically caused this mess in the first place. You were always, first and foremost, Yoongi’s wife, and he refused to treat you as lesser.
“Aish, Princess, be careful with that knife. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, it’s okay, I don’t mind, but you could injure yourself if you aren’t careful. C’mon princess, how about we go back to your special room and I give you some sleepy medicine, huh? Now, Princess, please don’t struggle, you know I hate to see you in pain.”
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Once Hoseok finally realised your mind had been irrevocably changed, he saw no other option. It was all that bastard’s fault in the first place, your ex husband who had burst in with your former child in his arms, screaming that Hoseok had to release you because you had a ‘family’. Of course, Hoseok soon rectified that. He hadn’t realised that he had left your door unlocked, allowing you to wait in hiding and witness the death of your ex husband and child. You were quite squeamish, so it had sent you into a bit of a fuss. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to bring you out of it, and by the time Hoseok realised there was something seriously wrong with you mentally, you were too far gone to receive meaningful help. Hoseok could think of only one solution. He put a bullet through your damaged brain, watching your corpse wilt for a second before shoving the barrel of the gun in his own mouth and pulling the trigger.
“We need to start over, it will be better this way, Angel. I know you can’t really understand me right now, but that’s exactly why I’m doing this! I’ll find you in the next life, I promise. You will be mine again…”
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Jimin has not known a moments happiness since he opened that cell door only to see your blank face staring back at him, all awareness and individuality leached out of your expression, leaving behind an empty husk of what you once were. Jimin had left you in isolation for a little too long after he saw you talking to another man. You had deserved it! But, he felt regret flood him the moment he realised what these actions born of anger would cost him. No matter what he did, you didn’t respond. It was like you weren’t even alive. Jimin cried, pleaded, even promised to release you if you talked to him, but you didn’t bat an eyelash. The only benefit was that you no longer put up a fight to any of Jimin’s advances, but it all felt hollow when Jimin remembered he would never hear your laugh, or see your beautiful smile ever again. Not that you had smiled that much at him before, of course.
“Baby? Baby?! Oh no… nononono, PLEASE answer me! Baby? Don’t do this to me!! I’m sorry! I should never have left you alone for so long, but please, don’t do this to me! Come back to me!! I need you!”
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The moment Taehyung saw that light in your eyes, the flicker of insanity behind your pupils that declared you were willing to do anything just for the sake of it, he smiled gleefully. It was like looking into a mirror. Finally, he had someone who understood how un-understandable he was, who would never try to contain him again. You were perfect for him, you kept his life interesting, he loved finding out new ways to intrigue you, from inspecting corpses, to playing with live rats and listening to them squeal, to simply watching fish swim about in a tank. You were so unpredictable, he loved it. He loved how unique the two of you were, a perfect mismatched pair. It was completely worth all the blood, sweat and tears it had taken to get you to that stage. Admittedly, the blood and tears were mostly yours, but still.
“Oh, Princess, what game have you been playing today? Uh oh, you’ve made a mess! Silly girl, do you want me to punish you? …Hmm, it seems you’re in one of your quiet moods again today, Princess. No worries, I’m sure I can make you scream for me eventually!”
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To be honest, Jungkook didn’t really care that you had gone insane. If anything, it was just more convenient for him. You no longer tried to escape, you no longer tried to hurt yourself, you no longer lied and said you hated him. You just sat there vacantly, pretty and perfect, waiting for him to get home. He has to admit, he does miss your cute little squirming as you pretended to put up a fight when he tried to be intimate with you, just like he’d miss your pretty sobs as he pounded away inside you, claiming you and making you his. But, at the end of the day, you were Jungkook’s possession, something of his to use to satisfy himself, an ornament to sit still and pretty and ready for whenever Jungkook wanted you. Now that you were finally complacent, Jungkook wasn’t going to complain, especially given how beautiful your blank face looked as he came all over it.
“Fuck, baby, you’re mine. You’re so pretty and dumb, look at you, you can’t even speak. You need me. You can’t even say no, you’re so fucking stupid. But that’s okay, baby, because I’ll always take care of you so you won’t ever have to think at all.”
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yelenasdog · 4 years
bonnie and clyde (billy/4 x fem reader)
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genre: angst
summary: there were five people at the funeral of billy jones. why did two, more specifically one, of them leave?
words: 1.3k
warnings: just vv sad my guy. literally no fluff i hate it here </3 mentions of death, billy’s funeral, and crying.
a/n: yo so idk if billy’s last name is jones but i saw someone on here refer to him as billy jones and i think it’s just bc of ben’s last name but anyway LMFAO. i for some reason couldn’t stop thinking abt this and so i wrote it (as one does fkefnkerjn). also y/n was not used so if u wanted to read this as an x another character or x an oc it would work as well. enjoy :)
There were five people at the funeral of Billy Jones.
This was common knowledge who would listen long enough to hear the vigilante talk about the experience he had only seen from afar, his own heart growing tender during, or at any mention of, the moment.
But Billy always failed to explain the situation with a full grip, to its entire truth. As to why, most anyone could figure out.
He was afraid.
Afraid of getting her hurt, afraid of thinking of her for just a moment too long, afraid of his impulse driving him to get his ass right back up and go say he still loved her.
Four was afraid of a plethora of horrible scenarios that could occur if he let the truth about his funeral slide to anyone except One (which was bad enough that he had to know by default as it was).
And the irony of it all, was how miniscule and ineffective something like who had left his funeral early and as to why, would be to anyone else on the team.
Sure they all had their secrets that would seep into the pool that was their little family, Three’s mother, One’s lover, Two and Three’s infatuation with each other (though, that one wasn’t really a secret).
Not to mention, Four despised painting her in a bad light, allowing others to think for a fraction of a second that she didn’t leave because her already frail heart couldn’t handle to see her beloved’s name etched onto a gray stone in a patchy field of a horrible green, couldn’t handle the idea that their Bonnie and Clyde reminiscent days (minus the killing of 13 people, that is) had come to an end.
There were two people at the funeral of Billy Jones who left early.
The first? An old friend from his hometown.
He was a wealthy businessman now, having abandoned the life of pretty crime and rush of his youth. He showed up to Four’s not-so-celebration of life in an ashen tux with an obsidian tie and shiny oxfords, and barely a minute into the service he had begun checking his shiny Rolex, probably counting down the seconds until he would be considered late to some important meeting for whatever corporate hoax he was a part of to be able to stay afloat. How ironic.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock
The sound was like nails on a chalkboard to her, while the action itself felt like somewhat of a betrayal, even though Billy and the businessman hadn’t talked in years. It was a kind enough gesture that he had even come to begin with.
But she didn’t care.
Because before the service had even started, salty droplets were rolling down her reddened cheeks, dampening her hoodie, his hoodie, that she had coiled so tightly around herself and her limbs, almost like a corset.
So when the businessman turned to go after what could maybe have been a measly few minutes, she could barely control her anger.
But she did, for Billy. She sucked it up and stayed put, keeping her eyes trained to his mother who was now speaking, her striking emerald eyes also obviously wet. But in reality, Billy had wanted his former lover to turn around and smack that prick square in the face.
But then 4 took some time and realized that if it were the other way around and she had been dead, he could conjure in his mind how distressed he would be to where he would prefer to focus on wallowing in his sadness for her and her only, not be consumed by anger for some random fellow.
Billy truly wanted to leave One where he stood, wanted to run to where her shaking was escalating from ever so slightly to violently as could be, wrapping her in his strong arms she already missed. The strong arms that she believed should have kept him safe when he was dangling from that damned building with that damned necklace in his mouth.
The image could have been some renaissance painting with how beautiful he looked, even then, on the brink of what the world would know as the death of Billy Jones.
In fact, most of Billy’s and the girl’s adventures could be different renaissance paintings. Alive and free, bursting with vibrant colors and emotions that weren’t able to be captured with words, so rather, they were thrown on a canvas in what was somehow a meticulously put together flurry.
On that rainy day, the weather so fitting to what she had been feeling, she wished for nothing more than to somehow place herself back into those non-existent paintings, to even for a fraction of a second bask in his never ending love like some sort of oasis.
She wanted to run her fingers through his golden curls one last time, kiss his forehead goodnight one last time, to tell him she loved him more than anything in this universe, one last time.
But she didn’t, and she wouldn’t ever get to.
And her one final chance to say what she wanted him to hear, she had missed out on, as that’s when she had left.
It was long after the uptight man in the fitted suit, long after his crying mother had gone from where she was speaking up front, back to the shadows of her baby’s grim event that she should never have had been alive to see.
She had managed to drag herself halfway up to where his casket was sitting just above the ground, trying to not look at the box a second too long.
Rather, she pretended there was a pair of rose colored glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose, helping her pretend that this was all some big misunderstanding, that Billy was just pulling one of his infamous pranks.
He would pop out from behind the tent covering the few who stood with their feet shifting on the damp soil, or perhaps from the headstone of his very own grave. She would gasp or shriek and then smack his arm, lecturing him as he grabbed his chest, doubling over in laughter, the sound like music to her ears.
God, what she would do to hear that sound one more time.
Nevertheless, in the end he would stand up, and wipe her tears from her sweet face, pressing gentle kisses on either of her cheeks to rid her of that pout he hated to admit he loved. She would crack a small smile and he would punch a celebratory fist in the air at the gesture, leaving her to only shake her head at his antics. He would sling an arm around her shoulders, nustling close to her as they would exit the graveyard, never coming back until the inevitable day they both had lived their happiest and fullest lives together.
He would say “You know you love me.” And without a doubt, every time, she would say “Yeah, I do.”
But not this time.
This time, she would let her eyes wander to a tall tree just over the hill, slimming her puffy eyes. She rubbed them and did a double take, and swore that for a moment she had seen what looked like his figure next to one of someone she had never seen before.
And that’s when she left.
She let out an ugly sob, running as fast as her feet could take her to wherever that wasn’t there, the sound of her shoes against the cold ground muted, but the sound of her uneven breathing was anything but.
As for all she knew, it was her mind playing a cruel, cruel, trick on her. Or even her mind trying to give her some sort of closure to move on.
Whatever it was, though, was simply too much for her to process, too much to handle. So she had left, given up on what she didn’t know was her only chance to give a proper goodbye.
“You think she saw you?”
“I hope so.”
we vibing w this?? i hope so hehe. WAIT PUN NOT INTENDED LMFAO I DID THAT PERIODT! anyway, have a wonderful day/night, and go drink water and eat protein, it’s all abt intention!! i love u! also if u have any questions abt this fic pls do lmk bc ik some of it was kinda weird! 
p.s., pls pls pls reblog this! this is my first ben related fic and ik when it’s ur first fic for a fandom they can flop so it would be very cool if y’all could help me out a lil bit :) either way ily, thank u! kk bye
xx hj
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goldrushzukka · 3 years
1, 2, 7, 8, 9. (Sorry, i know that's like...all of them)
1. what themes would you like to write about that you feel don’t get explored very often?
i love writing coming out storylines. it’s not really that they’re uncommon, i just find a lot of catharsis in them. 
2. what are some common elements of stories you are tired of seeing? what would you avoid writing about?
i tend to avoid writing sibling dynamics bc i’m an only child and therefore not really. qualified. i love reading it though!! 
7. favourite description in your WIP?
it was really hard to pick one so i have a few answers for this bc i love to talk about myself so. (under the cut bc JESUS this got long but spoilers for and i’ll do anything you say (read it here!) ahead!!!)
- from chapter 2:
Sokka looks at him, a fantasy come to life, and takes off his stupid sweatpants.
He throws them at Zuko’s head, and earns himself a short burst of that real laugh, shocked and unguarded.
“You asshole,” Zuko says. He sits up and grabs Sokka’s hand, pulling him down on top of him. Something comes alive under Sokka’s skin where Zuko’s fingers graze his wrist. He calls it lust and ignores the fact that it feels nothing like it.
Zuko kisses him, his mouth still in the shape of laughter, and the alive thing screams for his attention. Sokka buries it and hopes it won’t deafen him before they’re done.
im very fond of this whole chapter (i think it’s probably my favourite? it was definitely the easiest to write) but i really love looking back on this part particularly now that we’re in the angsty part of the story bc this is where it all started. yes technically it started in chapter 1 but this is when sokka starts to fall for zuko. this is the beginning of all those pesky non-casual feelings that he’s going to pretend don’t exist until someone else calls him out on them.
- also from chapter 2:
He’s forty-five minutes late already, and when he knocks, a woman made of pursed lips and sharp angles answers the door. She looks elegant and expensive the same way a skyscraper does. Or a cache of medieval weaponry.
“Oh,” Sokka says, digging into his pocket to find the map on his phone. “I must have the wrong place, sorry -”
She looks him up and down, her eyes narrowed in a way that feels violent and practiced, and her smirk turns distasteful. Sokka risks a glance down at himself, at his torn up jeans - not distressed, just torn - and the Madonna t-shirt he’s pretty sure actually belongs to Katara, and thinks she might have a point. The bag in his hand feels heavier when her eyes land on it.
“Zuzu,” the woman calls into the apartment, “your dinner’s here.”
“I didn’t order -” Zuko appears in the doorway, bitter frustration in his expression as he looks at the woman.
His eyes fall on Sokka, though, and his face clears into a light-pollution smile.
this is technically two so i will start with: i love azula. i haven’t found any room to bring her back yet but believe me i am LOOKING. she’s hot and mean and gay and i LOVE HER. oh also insider scoop but suki’s date from earlier in this chapter.......WAS azula. they probably won’t see each other again because once azula met sokka and connected his face to the Best Friends Forever picture frame on suki’s desk she stopped answering the phone.
pt 2: i’ve had a couple of comments mention the “light-pollution smile” line specifically and i am always so happy to read them bc yeah. YEAH. i’ll admit it. that line HITS. 
- from chapter 4:
He sets his phone down - only, he doesn’t. He misses the table by a mile, and in his scramble to catch his phone before it breaks on the hardwood floor and wakes Momo on the cushion beside him, his hand finds the lip of his cereal bowl, and then that’s falling, too. He manages to catch the phone, but something in his head gets lost in translation on its way down his arms, and he ends up with a boxers-only lap full of soggy Cheerios.
Momo gets a splash of milk on his back and hisses at Zuko for his crimes, and somehow that’s the worst part of it.
haley @fruitysokka said that this passage reads like an action movie and i think about it all the time. (thank u haley i love u)
- lastly this extended metaphor from chapter 6:
The soup is good, once the heat of it clears him up enough to taste it. It’s thick and warm and there’s enough pepper that Sokka gets a kick from it even in his condition. He feels it all the way down his throat and into his stomach, where it mixes with the prickly nervousness he’s feeling from Zuko’s attention.
He sets the bowl down on the table and asks, eyes stuck on his hands in Momo’s fur where he’s climbed into his lap, “How was the date?”
“It was good, actually,” Zuko says. “Jet seems like a nice guy. He’s very - uh - passionate, I guess you could call it? He’s a climate and human rights activist.”
The spines of Sokka’s nervousness turn to daggers.
“I said yes. We’re getting lunch on Sunday.”
The daggers are swords now, and Sokka’s heart sinks down, down, down, right to the hilt.
“I’ll text you when I’m home,” Zuko promises, and Sokka’s heart skewers itself on a second sword.
Zuko’s smile when Sokka says, “Thank you for the soup,” is a third.
The door closing behind him is a fourth.
The silence as Sokka shuffles back to bed is every single one that remains.
something something canon swordsmen something pride comes before the fall something chivalry fell on his sword from eden by hozier. you guys get it i dont have to explain myself
8. favourite dialogue in your WIP?
ok so i cant share my actual favourite dialogue bc it's a spoiler for chapter 8 and i technically haven't written it yet (it's in my brain just.....plaguing me) but it's GOOD i SWEAR so. once again i have more than one answer bc actually? i love this fic and im proud of it. deal with it.
- from chapter 1:
“Hey, stranger,” Sokka says, still watching him in the mirror. The corner of Zuko’s mouth ticks up.
“You’re not following me, are you?” Zuko’s tone is seductive, endlessly so, and Sokka wonders while he dries his hands if he has to put it on or if he just sounds like that.
“You give a guy one compliment and he thinks you’re stalking him,” Sokka mutters, and Zuko laughs, low and enticing. Not the genuine, endearing laugh of this morning, but one with an agenda.
Well. Sokka always likes a plan.
“Are you following me? ” Sokka asks. He spies a miraculous dry patch on the sink bank and tries to be casual about the way he hops up to sit on it.
“I might be,” Zuko says, and at Sokka’s raised eyebrow, he continues, “I saw you at the bar and I wanted to talk to you. Sue me.”
“You wanted to talk.”
“Amongst other things.”
as a chronically awkward person i am INSANELY proud of the flirting in this fic. no idea if it would work in a real life situation. excited to never find out bc im not about to use lines from my fanfiction on real women. 
- from chapter 2
“You must be Suki,” Zuko says. He meets her gaze, and his fingers go still under Momo’s chin.
“And you’re Zuko,” Suki replies, her smile all different shades of intimidating. “I’d shake your hand, but I know where it’s just been.”
i wrote this entire scene just so i could have suki say this. im not even joking. suki is my favourite part of this entire fic and its not even ABOUT her.
- from chapter 3:
When Sokka crosses the room and slips under the covers beside him, Zuko says, “I can leave, if you want. I can go home.”
He asks, still barely hovering over Zuko, “What if I don’t want that?”
Zuko swallows. “I can stay.”
“So stay,” Sokka says, and lays his head down on Zuko’s chest.
i just think it’s sweet. i like it a lot. makes my heart hurt a little when i think about it. 
- from chapter 4:
[Suki // 15:13] there is a LOT of chmpagrjn
[Suki // 15:13] cahpmhagne
[Suki // 15:13] chsanpghn
[Suki // 15:14] alcohol :)
once again: suki is the best part of this whole fic. i love her so much. she is the reason the word bestie exists. im really proud of the texting in this fic bc it’s my first time actually including it in fic and it’s turned out really well!!
- ok last one bc i just realised this is turning into a novel. from chapter 4:
“How’s my baby?”
Zuko glances down at Momo, batting at the untied laces of his shoes with one determined paw. “He’s doing just fine.”
“And how’s Momo?”
“He’s - what?”
are there better written, more narratively important and emotive lines in this fic? yes. is this the best part of the entire thing? also yes. i invented the jin/yue wedding because i needed a reason for zuko to have a key in what became chapter 6, but sometimes i think the entire fic exists just for this exchange. best dialogue i have ever written.
9. what scene was the hardest for you to write and why?
the start of chapter 6 of aidays was difficult. i kept wanting to skip ahead to the meaty parts - i.e, zuko and his soup - but i didn’t want to do sokka a disservice like that. it was also really hard to maintain the balance of accurately describing the delirium of illness while still being coherent for the reader? so that took me a couple of days to get right.
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solalunar-eclipse · 4 years
Scars You Can’t See - Chapter 2
Chapter title: Escape (from the city)
Word count: about 3500
Some small word choice has been edited.
If you’re here from the updated first chapter, please scroll down to the bolded line! The story continues there.
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Rouge looked out the window cautiously, sliding along the wall and peering around the window frame. She snapped the curtain shut a second later, spinning to face the others. Her eyes were wide. “Crap. They’re here. G.U.N. is here. They want the file- and us, probably. Chaos...I wonder if they want to ‘disappear’ us like in those spy movies.”
“Now who isn’t helping?” Omega said snarkily, aware that Shadow seemed to be on the verge of an actual panic attack. 
Rouge glowered at him, before ignoring his comment entirely. “Alright, we probably have a few minutes, max, before they break down the door and try to get us. Omega, start packing. We need nonperishable food and water in case we can’t show ourselves in public, and we’ll want money. Hang on to our office supplies, too- we might need those. I am going to talk to Shadow and try to help him out a little. Good? Be ready to go in five.”
She sat Shadow down on the couch. His body was shaking slightly and his breathing was unsteady.
“Okay, hon, what’s got you so stressed?”
He shivered silently, refusing to speak- he could be very stubborn when he wanted to be.
Rouge rubbed his back cautiously. “Talk to me, Shadow. Just talk. We can work on solving everything later, but you’ve got to get it out there so that I can help. Please?”
Shadow gave in. Again. His friends were far too good at getting him to open up- words spilled from his mouth faster than he could say them, crashing into each other. “It- it all started when I had to carry the guns again- they were barely tolerable during the invasion, but now all they do is remind me of that day- I can’t help but remember that it was them who did it all to me…”
His voice was tight, but he fought past it. “It makes me sick thinking about it, and the idea that they could do that again. But- they have the power, I don’t want everyone to hate me...what if- what if they do it, tell the world lies about me to retaliate for outing them, and Tails, Silver, Sonic can’t look at me the same? What if they believe G.U.N.?”
Rouge kept her hand on his shoulder, not sure of what else she could do. The bat knew she had only scratched the surface of his struggles, and it was already painful for her to watch. “They won’t! They would never, I can tell you that. Right now, though, we have to focus on making sure we get the word out about this so that G.U.N. can’t do it again, alright? One step at a time. Then we’ll deal with whatever comes next. And I promise Omega and I will always be here for you, no matter what.”
“If you say so...okay.” Shadow sighed. He could deal with this more later. Right now, the agents were here, ready to hurt his friends. They had to run, and Rouge and Omega would support him through everything. That could hold him together. For now.
Omega appeared in the doorway. “Are you ready to go? I do not wish to be turned into scrap metal.”
“Yes.” Shadow said, his voice slightly stronger. “Let’s get out of here.”
------------------------------ STORY CONTINUES HERE ---------------------------------
The three jumped into the high-tech convertible from earlier- now plus two impressively packed suitcases- and peeled out of the garage at full speed. Rouge was driving, since Shadow still wasn’t at a hundred percent. They could all hear the G.U.N. agents shouting behind them as they drove wildly away, but Rouge forced herself to focus on the road despite them.
The hybrid picked up his phone, knowing what he had to do next. It didn’t make this any better, though.
He dialed the number.
“Hello. This is Shadow.”
“Hi, Shads! What’s up! You busy?” an instantly recognizable voice chirped.
“I am in fact busy at the moment. That is why I am calling.”
“Aw, really?” Sonic sounded disappointed. “I was gonna ask if you could come over and race.”
“I’m afraid I cannot. Rouge, Omega and I are currently trying our best to not be captured by about twenty angry G.U.N. agents, so racing is… not an option right now.”
He heard a gasp from the other end of the line. “What?! Wait, what happened? Is there anything you need?”
Shadow smiled faintly- that was Sonic, always looking out for others. “Omega stole some files on my sister and her death. We spoke to G.U.N. beforehand, and they refused to do anything about their actions or even admit wrongdoing, so. We’re calling them out on it by finding proof of what they did.”
“They wouldn’t apologize? For that?!” Sonic yelled. “Jerks! I can’t believe you work for them!”
“Well, I strongly suspect that we are all fired, so that solves that problem.” Shadow replied dryly.
“Good! But you should’ve quit- show them who’s boss! If you need a place to stay while you’re taking them out, you can come crash with us, y’know.”
“That is a kind offer, Sonic, but I’m afraid I must turn you down. G.U.N. is already going to come in and question both you and Tails, and I don’t want you getting in any more trouble than you need.”
Sonic groaned. “Ugh, this whole thing sounds like one of those overly complicated super-secret missions you guys always go on. Or used to go on, whatever. There isn’t any butt-kicking in any of this- wish there was some dude I could beat up and then it’d be fixed.”
Shadow’s smile grew wider. “If only.” Then it faded. “I hope you understand why I won’t be able to tell you where we’re going or what our plans are from now on. The less you know, the safer you are. Despite this, don’t let G.U.N. take you or anyone else anywhere. You might not come back.”
He heard the skepticism in Sonic’s voice. “Seriously? You think so?”
“I know so. Be careful, Sonic. These people aren’t crazy geniuses- they’re ruthless destroyers. Trust me. And...we’re all going to shut down our phones. We could be tapped or tracked at any time. We’ll only call in from public phones or the like.”
“Oh, chaos….this really is serious, isn’t it?” Sonic’s voice was small. “Hang on, put me on speaker.”
Shadow did. “You’re on now.”
“Guys?” Sonic said. “You’re all awesome- I know you’re gonna make them pay. Just don’t die on me, we need you for movie night.” he said, only half joking.
“We will do our best.” Omega replied.
“Tell Knux I love him, ‘kay?” Rouge shouted. 
“Will do!” Sonic replied, giggling. 
Shadow took him off speaker and told him so. 
“Sonic…stay safe. Please. I know you like to be the one who saves the day, but not this time, alright?”
The hero sounded tense. “Fine. But if I don’t hear from you guys for three days, I’m gonna start freaking out. You hear me?”
Shadow laughed bitterly. “I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen. I’d hate to come back and find your house destroyed.”
“Yeah…” Sonic said weakly.
The hybrid sighed. “I suppose I must go now. Tell everyone else, alright? I’ll confirm what you say via text before I shut down my phone.”
“Okay. Bye, Shads- talk to ya later!” Sonic made an effort to sound cheerful.
“Talk to you soon.” Shadow said, and then he ended the call.
Rouge grinned. “Awww, that’s sweet. Done talking to your boyfriend, Shadow?”
“He is not my boyfriend!” Shadow roared, blushing. “We’re only rivals, Rouge, get that idea out of your head now!”
“Suuure~” Rouge said, laughing at Shadow’s embarrassment.
They became serious again quickly, however. Rouge hadn’t quite managed to lose the agents yet. She drove through two alleyways (“I just cleaned the car yesterday…” Omega complained), ran several red lights, and played one horrible game of chicken with a streetcar before they were able to get away.
Shadow had nearly had multiple heart attacks by the time that was over.
He heard his phone ping with a message while he was in the middle of switching off the other two. Of course Rouge had the latest iCall 11, while Omega had a 10 that Rouge had gifted him.
Shadow himself had a Candystripe (shameful, he knew, but they were easier for him to use), and that was at least partly why the group always messaged through Entropy.
He opened it up to see Sonic’s ten texts.
sanic: hey guys shads just called
he & rouge & omega are running from gun
they stole some important files about maria (sorry about the name drop shadow)
& gun got stupid mad
they wouldn’t say sorry or do anything about what they did to her either
so i really wanna beat someone up for that ୧(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭
team dark is kinda scared for their lives now bc of gun so we can’t text them for a while or anything cuz they’re turning off their phones
oh and knux rouge says she loves u
i’d make a joke but tbh i’m actually freaking out a little rn
this sounds crazy i kno but it’s true
milesperhour: Wait, what? Are you serious??
andknuckles: Rouge, stay safe, alright
Don’t get hurt
Shadow smirked. “Your boyfriend wants you to stay safe. He’s worried.”
Rouge blushed. “He’s sweet, isn’t he?”
notclairvoyantjustpsychic: WHAT 
edgehog: Yes, they did. Unfortunately. I’ve passed your message along, Knuckles. Please don’t scream, Silver.
Goodbye for now. We’ll get in touch later.
Shadow shut off his phone after that, but not before he saw one last private text.
sanic: i’m gonna miss u shads…. T-T
Shadow sighed quietly as he and his friends drove out of the city. He and Sonic had grown pretty close, and the blue hero was the only person outside of Team Dark whom he truly trusted.
He would most definitely miss Sonic as well.
Once the three had driven for the rest of the day- Omega took over once Rouge got tired- they pulled off into a small motel out in the plains of the United Federation.
A neon “Vacant” sign flickered faintly as the wind rushed through the golden fields. The sign for Cloud 9 Motel was faded and weatherbeaten, and there was only one other car in the parking lot. The sandstone-colored building was shaped like a blocky U, the front desk vaguely visible through clouded windows.
Shadow walked over to the motel doors and pushed them open, pulling out some money to pay for a room. Omega went with him- the robot needed to charge, and Rouge wanted some privacy for a minute.
The bat found an old pay phone off to the side and took a turn calling Knuckles. She stood there quietly, watching the sunset as she waited for him to pick up.
“Hi, sweetie.”
“Rouge?! It’s you?” She heard him shout away from the phone. “Sonic! Tails! It’s Rouge calling!”
She smiled quietly, but couldn’t quite bring herself to laugh. “You’re with your friends, hm?”
“Yeah- we’re figuring out what to do.”
Rouge frowned. “Don’t do anything- didn’t Sonic tell you what Shadow said? This is dangerous!”
Knuckles scoffed. “Dangerous? I led the Resistance against the Eggman Empire! Don’t talk to me about danger!”
Rouge facepalmed. She loved Knuckles so, so much, but he could be such an idiot sometimes.
“Yes, but the difference is, Eggman launched full-scale attacks that you could plan for. G.U.N. will not hesitate to shoot you in the back as you hang out with your friends.” 
“People would do that?!” Knuckles shouted. He was still awfully naive about the world, and Rouge tended to forget this occasionally.
“They absolutely would. I need you to promise me that you, Sonic, and Tails will stay out of this.”
“But what about you?” he asked. “And Omega and Shadow?”
“I see you’re even worried about him, hm? Well, don’t worry about us- we’re used to dealing with these guys.” Rouge snickered. 
Knuckles groaned. “I don’t hate Shadow, I just don’t really like him either. And he’s in danger too.”
“Thank you, hon.” she said honestly, appreciating that the echidna was starting to care about her friend. At least a little.
“I should probably go soon, but we’re currently at a motel in the middle of nowhere- I can’t tell you which one- and we’ll start planning our next move. Talk to you later, alright?”
“Talk to you later. Love you…” Knuckles said nervously. She could practically hear him blushing on the other end.
“Love you too, Knuckles. Bye!”
She hung up the phone and leaned against the glass wall of the booth, already missing him. He was really such a kind person underneath all that bluster, and that’s what she’d fallen for in the first place.
She looked up, noticing that Shadow left the building. He walked across the parking lot and opened up the door. “You’ll see him again soon, Rouge. All we have to do is get this footage and then we’ll be back home.”
“I know, it’s nothing.” she said softly.
The hybrid stood awkwardly for a moment, before quietly extending his arms. The gesture looked incredibly strange, but Rouge knew what he was trying to do and really appreciated it. She hugged him tightly and smiled. “You’re a good friend, Shadow.”
He held her a little tighter. “Take a look at yourself- you’re willing to go to Chaos-knows-where just to help me find some old video.”
She pulled back and smiled at him. “That’s what friends are for, right? Now let’s go check out that room.”
Shadow scuffed at the ground, sighing loudly. “Before you go in, you should know I used false names for all of us- the woman at the desk didn’t seem to know who any of us were, though she did say I looked like Sonic.” He didn’t seem pleased with that.
“I called Omega ‘Theta’ because it was the first idea I had. I haven’t given you a name yet because I thought you’d want your own…...less lame one.”
“Good...but what’s yours?” Rouge asked, smirking.
“I was on the spot.” Shadow couldn’t meet her eyes. “I used Apophis as my name. The ancient mythical chaos snake. It sounds so formal….”
Rouge grinned but held in her laugh for his sake. Shadow, despite his emo appearance, was definitely a nerd. 
“My name should be….Ruby. Like the gem.”
Shadow looked confused. “Why?”
“Because of my name, silly. It means ‘red’ in French, and rubies are red.” Rouge said lightly.
“Oh….I suppose that makes sense.” he muttered, looking a little bewildered.
They went up to the room and discovered that Omega had already plugged himself into the outlet in the wall. He looked up when Rouge and Shadow walked in. “This electricity is subpar, but it will suit my purposes.” he informed them.
Rouge couldn’t help teasing him a little. “What, does it taste bad or something?”
Omega would have rolled his eyes, if he could. “No. It is simply weak and limited so that you organics do not electrocute yourselves.”
The bat surveyed the room critically, noting the lack of certain furniture. “Really, Shadow? You know Knuckles is going to pound you into the ground if he finds out we shared a bed.”
“It was cheaper.” Shadow called flatly from the closet, over the noise of his attempt to put away the suitcases. “We don’t have an endless supply of money, and I can sleep in the desk chair if you have an issue with this.”
“No, no, I’m fine.” Rouge replied. “Besides, he knows that I’ve never been into that kind of thing. Or dating you, no offense.”
“Agreed, and none taken.” The hybrid came back out and sank down onto the bed. “Omega, would you mind pulling up the schematics of the G.U.N. facility we’re trying to break into? I know you were heading in that general direction, but where is it, and how would we get inside?”
“Processing. You know, you are very lucky that I downloaded all schematics early on in our work with G.U.N..”
“Very lucky that you got lost once and then refused to have it happen again, you mean,” Rouge shot back.
“We do not speak of that incident. Ever.”
“Alright, alright, now where are we breaking in?” Shadow snapped, his quills bristling. He looked tense, Rouge noticed. She sat down next to Shadow and gave him a quiet look to try and calm him down. He sighed.
“Schematic loaded. Accessing…”
Suddenly, a three-dimensional map of the facility appeared in the room, along with an address in the lower right corner of the display. Rouge patted Shadow’s back once before getting up to survey the map- as a thief, she was the most experienced and therefore the authority on breaking and entering. And stealing, of course.
“So,” she said after a moment, “we’re definitely going in through the side door. While the vents are more classic, they’re also a greater hazard and Omega wouldn’t fit. Sorry, Omega.”
“That is fine.”
“So, we’ll grab a couple of delivery uniforms- and we will return them, don’t worry-” she added, for Shadow’s benefit. She knew he didn’t like doing anything that would hurt people just trying to get by.
“-and then we can get inside through that door. We’ll navigate the halls and head straight to the video storage rooms, which are here.” Rouge pointed to a specific area of the map, which Omega helpfully enlarged. “We’re going to need to split up and search them quickly. Most likely, the video will be on a VHS tape, so that’s what we’re looking for. G.U.N. is nothing if not organized, so they’ll probably just have a box labeled ‘ARK Files’. Everyone clear?”
“Now then, there are guards on a rotating schedule that pass by the same area every fifteen minutes. We’ll need to avoid them and move quickly, because we don’t want to be seen. I know we could take out two guards if necessary, but we don’t want any of them radioing in to the security center and setting off an alarm.”
“I will remove any threat before it becomes too big to handle, no matter what.” Omega declared. 
“I’m not sure that’s the point of a stealth mission, Omega.” Shadow replied, a small smile on his face. 
Rouge noticed that this was the first time he’d smiled properly in a while.
“Alright, now let’s get some rest. We’re going to need it for the next few days.”
“The next few days?” Omega asked. “Why are we not attacking them tomorrow?”
“Because they’ll be expecting us tomorrow, Omega- all of G.U.N. is going to be on high alert.” Rouge said, exasperated. “We have to lie low for a while, make them drop their guard.”
Shadow sighed. “I can’t stand waiting, but if it means we’ll be safer, I suppose we have no choice.”
“Good.” Rouge replied, going into her “team mom” mode. “Now. Rest.”
It was strange for her sometimes, being the leader of the team. Shadow and Omega both acted younger than her, even though their ages were incredibly confusing. Shadow was either five, fifteen, or fifty-five, depending on how you counted, and Omega was essentially ageless. Yet somehow she, at eighteen, was the team leader in most situations. 
She certainly didn’t mind it, though.
As she lay in bed at night, her attempts to sleep were quickly foiled by the hedgehog next to her. Shadow could not lie still.
“Are you always like...this, Shadow?” she asked, trying her best to be polite. 
“...no…” he mumbled quietly, turning away from her. 
“This is a really stressful time for you, isn’t it?” she asked gently. 
He lay there for a moment.
“Perhaps.” he said finally, his voice flat.
Rouge thought about what to do next. 
“Omega, what’s the length of your charging cable?”
“Twelve feet. Why do you ask?”
“Get in.”
Shadow sat up quickly. “Wait- what?!”
Rouge smirked. “Get in, Omega. It’s time for a team hug session.”
Shadow attempted to protest, but Omega climbed onto the bed anyway and lay down on the hybrid’s other side. 
Rouge watched Shadow, feeling relieved when he began to relax. Omega’s computers were whirring away softly, providing a steady background hum that pushed her friend to sleep.
He sighed, murmuring quietly. “Good night, Omega. Sleep well, Rouge.”
“Night, boys.” she said.
“I will keep watch while you both sleep. Just in case.” Omega replied.
Shadow’s eyes began to close. “Heh. Thanks…. Omega……”
Rouge shut her eyes as well, pleased with herself. This was her team, and they were going to kick G.U.N. to the curb. But that could wait for tomorrow- right now, it was late, and she could rest. Finally.
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bloopbyoop · 3 years
weep woop
ayo. ive read my scheduled email and its time for freewriting shit again. lmao. I want this post to be like a small light from a lit match stick inside a very hollow, icy, and numbing cave. (sounds cartoonish right? I know. Im obsessed with Adventure Time.) I want all people to be genuinely happy.  Spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Upon reaching my 24th anniversary in this world, I finally learned how to truly embrace all my emotions. Some are more overwhelming than the other, but we have to heed in our treacherous yet perplexing minds that everything is fleeting and we are in control. The feeling of extreme sadness fades, but so does joyful states. Everything can change in a matter of minutes or years. You are in control of all your emotions. You are in control of all your life choices. Your actions. Your words. Your perspective. It feels weird to actually write about it. I've wanted to talk about it. I never wanted help from anyone as I firmly believed that I was alone. Sure, I have a family and friends, but it is hard to see that when your head is clouded with negativity. I've even come to the point where I was too overwhelmed, I found being physically hurt less painful. The pain I felt distracted me from what I was thinking. My mind tended to go bonkers. lmao. But bro, I was so good at concealing my bonkers mind. It's easy to fake any emotion that you have. Slap anything sunshine-y or happy to anything and people would believe you. It went on for years. Long story short, thousands of bracelets collected, it became worse. The physical pain could no longer withhold the emotional pain. Couldn't sleep. Couldn't stop thinking. And voila! I found a good amount of self help books (from tumblr) and novels. Novels that brought me to different places. Self-help books that made me understand what I feel and what to do. I've read that taking the easy way out will leave everyone sad. AND IN THE FIRST PLACEEEEEE, I NEVER WANT THATTTTTTT. I want everyone to be happy. I would act foolish and do dumb shit to make everyone happy in a heartbeat. So, that idea made me push a few more years. Later on, the crippling shit came crawling back again to my head, sooooooo I needed new shit to keep me distracted again. Films, series, music, and short clips from YouTube helped me out a lot. Every single time that my mind is going to think like anything that can think of, even to the point that I was just going to think that I might be hungry, I'd watch something. There's just something about silence for me. Because of this new habit of mine, I've learned more about myself. I love different types of things. I like horror. I like thriller. I like comedy. I like romance. I love all types of films, but there is something about the horror genre that interests me. I still can't point out what, but I love watching horror films. With regards to music, I've learned that I love Indie, Punk Rock, Rap, and Pop. We all can't like a specific genre. It's stupid to ask "what genre of music do you like?". It's not actually stupid-stupid, it's just stupid. Ya know? Anyway, passing this phase, I needed to find something again because it's not doing the shit that it was supposed to, I tried investing more time on video games. By investing more, I mean a whole shit lot. I love video games since I was young cuz.... u know.... they keep u... try to guess it! oh yeah. you got that right! distracted! I love the aggressive plays and trashtalks that my friends and I make. The short stories we tell one another. The rants. The lame jokes. The late night we sound drunk but we are not drunk jokes. The roleplays. The lame jokes. The memes. And once again, The lame jokes. Something about lame jokes and the laughs and curses after that always gets me every single time. Oh shoot. Yup Yup. Few years later, I finally noticed the pattern that my sadness is temporary. I got over it one way or the other (or another. depends on how you wanna read it. i dont wanna say another cause i might write about one direction like what im doing now so-). Happiness is temporary as well. But, we are the ones who are actually in control of our emotions. If you wanna feel sad, be sad for a while. You're getting too sad? Try hanging out with your funny friends. Can't do that? Find an alternative. Watch a movie, knit a sweater. Anything your mind could think of as long as it will keep you mentally distracted from being physically and mentally hurt. I do have a few notes though. We cannot and should never assume what people are going through. It may be petty for you, but it may be very crucial to them. So never everrrr say things like: -Some people have it worse than you -At least you have ..... These sheetsss are annoying as heckkk and could really down someone. I know it is not your intention to annoy but people react differently. alsooooooo, it is not okay or normal to hate on things for bandwagon. that is just plainly crazy and stupid. let people enjoy things. anddddddd never suppress your emotions. admit what you feel inside and try to think of a way to resolve ittttt. keeping it to yourself will just make it worseeeeee. find your own outlettttttttt. hihihi ️ alsooooo. being more spiritually full with God's words and ideas really help me to be spiritually happy. ps. im christian but i dont discredit other religion and even applaud other religion's ideas and beliefs. this is a really long, selfish post so i might as well recommend some things I like : Songs with their lyrics that made me go through life. “I’ve got soul but I’m not a soldier” -All These Things That I've Done, The Killers “It's not too late, I'm still right here” -Breaking Your Own Heart, Kelly Clarkson "And the salt in my wounds / Isn't burning any more than it used to / It's not that I don't feel the pain / It's just I'm not afraid of hurting anymore / And the blood in these veins / Isn't pumping any less than it ever has / And that's the hope I have / The only thing I know that's keeping me alive" -Last Hope, Paramore “There is not a single word in the whole world / That could describe the hurt / The dullest knife just sawing back and forth / And ripping through the softest skin there ever was / How were you to know?” -Hate to See Your Heartbreak, Paramore "It's holding on, though the road's long / And seeing light in the darkest things And when you stare at your reflection / Finally knowing who it is / I know that you'll thank God you did" -1800, Logic "Did some things you can't speak of / But at night you live it all again / You wouldn't be shattered on the floor now / If only you had seen what you know now then" -Innocent, Taylor Swift (My bb) "10 months sober, I must admit / Just because you're clean don't mean you don't miss it / 10 months older, I won't give in / Now that I'm clean I'm never gonna risk it // Rain came pouring down when I was drowning / That's when I could finally breathe / And by morning gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean" -Clean, Taylor Swift “I guess I always knew / That I had all the strength to make it through.” -Believe in Me, Demi Lovato "I'm addicted to the madness / I'm a daughter of the sadness / I've been here too many times before / Been abandoned and I'm scared now / I can't handle another fallout / I am fragile, just washed upon the shore / They forget me, don't see me / When they love me, they leave me" -I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me, Demi Lovato “I'm overwhelmed / I need a voice to echo / I need a light to take me home / I need a star to follow / I don't know” -Nightingale, Demi Lovato "I'm a walking travesty / But I'm smiling at everything. // Arrogant boy, Love yourself so no one has to." -Therapy, All Time Low "I tried it once before but I didn't get too far / I felt a lot of pain but it didn't stop my heart. / But maybe I'm alive 'cause I didn't really wanna die / But nothing very special ever happens in my life / Take the blade away from me I am a freak, I am afraid that / All the blood escaping me won't end the pain / And I'll be haunting all the lives that cared for me / I died to be the white ghost / Of the man that I was meant to be" -Ghost, Badflower "Are the pieces of you / In the pieces of me? / I'm just so scared / You're who I'll be / When I erupt / Just like you do / They look at me / Like I look at you" -DNA, Lia Marie Johnson Movies and series to try : -The Perks of Being a Wallflower (The book is bomb af. if yall havent tried, ur missing out) -The Kings of Summer -Never Let Me Go -The Art of Getting By -Silver Linings Playbook -Winter’s Bone -The Lovely Bones (The script. The words) -Me and Earl and the Dying Girl -American Horror Story -Black Swan
pps. remember that every one has their own pace and point of view. don’t push yourself too hard, and don’t overthink. give yourself time, and respect all your emotions. analyze them but not more than like 5 minutes as anything beyond that might cause you to overthink and be sadder. and sad is not rad. hehe. you got this. you got you. self love is the best even though it can be tricky to do. nobody else is like you. you’re the only one of you (i just remembered me.......... i might have hummed it while typing it mid sentence). consider other people’s opinion but do not let it cloud your own judgement as you know yourself best. dont let other comment’s define you. spread love. vibe people you vibe with. ayeeee lets go!!! 
ppps this is my last post bc im happier now and know myself better. i no longer limit myself on the age that I want. I want to live as long as how God wants me to be. hehe. 
x :D
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gaylotusthatexists · 4 years
everything is perfect
pairing: moceit, could be read as platonic or romantic
summary: Everything was going perfect, exactly how he'd wanted things to be. Well, almost exactly. He couldn't help but feel as if the others were avoiding him, as if...
trigger warnings: video spoilers, sympathetic deceit, remus mention, crying, bittersweet ending
word count: 1023
a/n: hey guys, so originally i just wanted to write some cute moceit in which janus is happy bc i love him b u t that ended up not happening and i'm sorry. this was fun to explore tho so. i hope y'all enjoy~ (also tagging @theloveliestsweetspongy​ bc. yeah)
Janus put on his hat and left his room with a smile - a smile, a genuine smile. It had been a week or so since the wedding, since Thomas finally began to understand that Janus was good for him, and... things were going good.
Sure, he hadn't talked to Remus in a while, like he did before, and Roman and Virgil had been missing for days, but... things were good! Janus was allowed down in the common room whenever he liked, Patton was finally talking to him like they did when they were kids, Thomas was finally listening to him. Things were exactly the way that Janus wanted them.
Well. As close as it could be. Janus had to admit that he had made some... mistakes, in the past. That maybe not everything he had done had been the best for Thomas, or the best for others. And part of him felt bad, for what he'd done to Roman, but most of him was still just happy! Happy that he'd finally been accepted.
When he got downstairs, he found Patton sitting on the sofa, and went over to join him. Over the past few days, the two of them had quickly settled into a routine - Janus would come downstairs, where Patton would be waiting, and they'd sit together, maybe help Thomas out with an issue, make some lunch, watch some movies. Janus loved the attention. Loved the fact that Patton was okay with him being around.
Eventually they moved closer, now beginning to cuddle on the sofa rather than just sit. And Janus loved it. Patton was warm and he just couldn't get enough. And it was comforting to know that Patton liked him.
And Logan as well, he guessed - Logan would occasionally join, but he never really spoke that much. Janus couldn't help but feel like that was a little weird, because Logan loved to talk, he was always talking, but... now he barely showed up.
And the others never showed up. For Remus that wasn't much of a surprise - Remus still unsettled Thomas, so it would make sense for Thomas to not want him around. A part of Janus did miss Remus, but... well, he couldn't go back and give up all of this. He couldn't give up the respect that Thomas now had for him.
Then there was Virgil and Roman, who Janus was sure were avoiding him. He hadn't seen Virgil since the wedding, or even before the wedding, and Roman... well, Roman had every right to be avoiding Janus, he supposed. After what he had said to him. After...
"Are you okay, Jay?" Patton asked, glancing down at the side leaning on his shoulder. Then, a moment after, he snorted and muttered, "Okay Jay."
Janus sighed. "I'm fine."
Patton frowned. "Now that sounds like a lie."
Janus couldn't help but flinch at that statement. Patton soon realised the error of his ways, however, and hugged Janus tighter.
"I mean, uh, as I learnt a while ago, you, uh, shouldn't be repressing your feelings," he said. "You can talk to me about it, y'know?"
"I'm perfectly fine, Patton," Janus said, sitting up and moving away from him. "This is just perfect. Exactly how I'd imagined things."
Patton stared at him. "This is about Roman, isn't it?"
Janus rolled his eyes. "Roman has nothing to do with this."
Patton glanced down. "Virgil, then?"
"No," Janus said. He sighed. "Seriously, Patton, everything is perfect."
"I don't think-"
Footsteps echoed through the room, coming from the stairs. Janus glanced over, noticing... Virgil, stood at the bottom and staring at Janus in shock. And, Christ, Virgil looked like a mess. He had gotten paler, somehow, and his eyeshadow was even more intense. His hair had grown out since Janus had last seen him, and his clothes seemed just a little too big, even if they had already been oversized to begin with.
"What the fuck is he doing here?" Virgil said to Patton, pointing at Janus.
Patton blinked. "Uh, Janus is cool now, why wouldn't he-"
"Janus?" Virgil repeated.
"That is my name," Janus said.
Virgil frowned. "He- He told you?"
"I did," Janus said, standing up and stepping towards Virgil, trying very hard not to think about how Virgil stepped back. "Thomas has finally come to his senses and realised that I'm not an all evil being."
"Calm down, kiddo," Patton said, standing up as well and rushing to Virgil's side. "Janus is alright. He's... helping Thomas, alright?"
"How can he help Thomas when all he's done is lie and manipulate all of us into doing his bidding?" Virgil said, his voice shaky.
"Well, I, uh, I don't think that's quite what he's done, uh-"
Janus looked Virgil in the eyes. "I am aware of my past actions, and... understand how they may have been harmful to Thomas and all of you. But, I promise that I have Thomas' best interests at heart. And he trusts me now, okay? He said it himself."
After staring at Janus a moment longer, Virgil looked back at Patton. "You can't actually trust him, can you?"
"I, uh-" Patton rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't really see what's wrong with trusting him? Like he said, he has Thomas' best interests at heart. And he's trying to help Thomas take better care of himself! Heck, he's helped me realise just how we need to get Thomas to take better care of himself, and, uh-"
Virgil stepped back, a... hurt look in his eye. Janus felt a twang of sadness upon seeing that, but shoved that down. If Virgil... If Virgil felt that way, then fine. There wasn't anything that Janus could do about it. He'd... come around eventually. He used to be friends with Janus, of course he'd be able to be friends again, right?
He turned and ran up the stairs, leaving Janus and Patton alone. Janus breathed in and out, biting back a tear.
"It's okay, Janus," Patton said, stepping towards him and pulling him into a hug. Janus sank into it, grabbing the back of Patton's shirt. "He'll come around, okay?"
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delicrieux · 5 years
omg if u could write a lil snippet of reader using the skeleton key to get yancy out of prison? And hes all like 'but i just got yous outta here!' and reader insists that he leave with them bc they fell for him uwu
Hi! Can you please write something with Y/N being sweet and gentle with Yancy and how he would react to it? Thank you! (anon)
I need Yancy imagines in my life ASAP! ( @flyawayprincess)
I’m a simple person. With simple needs. YANCY FLUFF please. (anon)
i had to combine sum requests
Tumblr media
Yancy is well liked in prison, though that is not to saythat the others grant him such…different kindness. They are friends, nay,family, and their relations are purely platonic, warm, and he appreciates everygrain of affection he gets despite never being able to admit it. He is hauntedby what he had done to end up here. And he is terribly lonely.
So when you had shown up with that strange unlikable fellahe didn’t even manage to catch the name of, he instantly realised that there issomething different about you. He was quick to recruit you, quick to realizehow beautiful your smile is, quick to remember your name and how had you saidit when you introduced. Everyone took a liking to you instantly. He…especially.
But you didn’t want to stay. You wanted to explore the worldand find every secret in it – he had realised so when you looked away from himwhen he extended his hand for you to shake as a formal inauguration into theircircle. There was hesitation, and hurt, and the plain fear of missing out on endless possibilities. You had refusedand he had tried to pretend it didn’t sting. His throat was dry. He had hoped…daredto hope…No, it doesn’t matter.
But he decided to help you escape. If life here was not toyour liking he will not chain you to it, despite this new found attachment. Youhad complemented him on his musical skills when you discovered him in yourcell. He tried not to stutter as he said “Thanks”, and you had hugged him whenhe told you he would help you leave. It was a tight hug, and he felt as if clayin your embrace. He was frozen for a good moment before, with a nervous laughand a “Yous’s the affectionate type, I see”, he hugged back, still hesitant.His heart was beating as if a wild drum in his chest. It had been long sincesomeone made him feel this way.
You smiled when you let him go. And suddenly cold herealised that this feeling will stay with him, forever.
Once you were on the other side of the fence urging him tojoin you, for a minute, the first one since he got here, he considered it.Actually, really considered it, imagining you in different clothes, differentsettings, the relationship the two of you could have… But the cold metal gateseparating you two was a stern reminder that he shouldn’t venture back. He leftfirst. He was sure he would never see you again.
Yancy is uncertain how much time had passed since he’d seenyou, but it wasn’t long – a few days, maybe. He had been staring into thedepths of the ceiling of his cell, his thoughts too chaotic, too nontangible.His head was starting to hurt. A few of his friends had tried talking to him,asking him to come back to practice, to eat, to join a beat up of a guard, buthe had refused each time, finding no joy in such activities. This heavy cloudof sadness will pass, eventually, but for now it weighs him down and he doesnot feel like moving. His cell is so plain compared to yours. This prisonitself seems just a little emptier without you.
“Hey, sleepyhead.”
His heart jumps to his throat and he abruptly sits up,stunned. At first he thinks he’s hallucinating, he is almost certain of it. Butthen you smile and he melts a little and a wild thought occurs to him - you arereal.
“…(Name)?” He stands up, wanders to the bars as iftransfixed, “I don’t understand. What are you doing here? I just got you outand now—“
“Sorry.” You cut him off, “Sorry.” You repeat, glancingaway, “…Sorry I took so long. I’d been thinking that…That I didn’t want toleave you here. So I came back. To get you.” Slowly you reach into your pocketand take out a key. Wordless you put it in the lock and turn and the mechanismsclick click click and his heart skipswith each sound. Finally, you open the gate and extend your hand for him totake, “Come with me?” The question sounds a bit uncertain, but hopeful, “…please.”You add, quieter.
He glances back at his room, then at you, and the choice isso simple he almost laughs. He takes your hand and squeezes it gently and withthe action you both seem to breathe easier, “Lead the way, (Name).” He says,softly.
The future, for the first time in a long, long while is unclear.But he couldn’t be more excited for it.
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kheta · 4 years
The Lesbian One
SakuHina head canon where the dark haired, noble clan inheriting child she falls in love with is Hinata instead of Sasuke. 
Bullies were making fun of Sakura for her forehead and Hinata said, through bright red blushes that she thinks Sakura is the prettiest girl Hinata knows, other than her Mother.
This gives Sakura self-confidence of doom and she doesn’t care about her looks anymore because suck on that, kind, cool Hinata thinks she’s the prettiest girl around!
Sakura giving Hinata the support she deserves.
Hinata being grateful and always reminding Sakura how cool Sakura is.
Hinata still being shy, but working on her shyness because there’s no way Sakura doesn’t praise the very ground her crush walks on.
“HINATA-CHAN! YOU DID IT! YOU’RE SO AWESOME! Isn’t she awesome Ino????”
Academy Arc:
Hinata told Sakura she wanted to be a strong shinobi like her father, but kind like her mother and Sakura heard “I wanna be the strongest ninja out!” To make sure her crush succeeds in her goals, Sakura promised to be the best kunoichi ever, so her and Hinata could be equals.
She studies to be the top kunoichi of her year and trains with Hinata a lot, complementing Hinata for every hit she makes and drowns Hinata in support.
Sakura hates Naruto. With a passion, nothing to do with Naruto being Naruto and everything to do with Hinata crushing on him. This hate manifests in her declaring them rivals.
Sakura is 100% the type to wonder why her rivals an idiot and to feel frustrated that an idiot like Naruto makes Hinata blush or laugh. The angrier she is the more she demands to spar him in taijutsu, they both get dramatically good at it.
Sakura because if Naruto drags a fight to stamina he’d totally win, so she figures she needs to get stronger with her form, finish the fight sooner. Naruto because he’s always been a hands on person and kata’s don’t make any sense to him, but whatever Sakura-chan does works for her, so he doesn’t mind copying her. Plus, Sakura's scary strong when she wants to be and Naruto makes a point of not getting hit from her.
Naruto becomes the fastest ninja in their year...Whenever Sakura’s involved. Not even Sasuke can catch him when he’s running from Sakura and he’s tried, it’s good practice.
Hinata once made an off-handed remark when she was training that Naruto has some pretty large chakra coils and Sakura’s been trying to increase her chakra coils since. (Muttering, “Stupid Naruto can barely hold a kunai right without me having to smack him sideways but he’s the one Hinata compliments?”) Moral is Sakura makes him a very competent ninja, but only because she’s like “An idiot like you can’t even aim properly, look at me, I’m better! Shifting my weight properly, unlike you!” and Naruto just copies her because to prove people wrong is in his blood and if she can do it, then all he has to do is copy her to do it better.
Unfortunately she can’t do much for his chakra control in the academy.
Everyone at the academy except Ino and Shikamaru thinks Sakura likes Sasuke because once she during an argument with Ino she screamed that “DON’T BE STUPID I LIKE” Pointed at Hinata, who happened to be with Sasuke. She didn’t finish the sentence because she looked at Hinata when she pointed and Hinata smiled and she melted.
Sasuke figures out Sakura doesn’t like him when he notices she blushes around Hinata more than him and this one time Hinata dropped one of her salves, so he gave it back to her the next day in class and the glare she gave him was telling.
As long as you’re not Hinata, Sakura has no problem expressing her crush. When Hinata’s around she never says I like you Hinata, but her actions are telling.
Sakura and Ino are still best friends because only Ino wants Sasuke and they only fight when Ino says Sasuke is better than Hinata.
Ino gets way better at taijutsu as well, because if her best friends going to be the strongest kunoichi then hell no is Ino gonna get left behind.
It gets to a point where Inoichi’s like “Ino darling you don’t need to be so serious about taijutsu, you know how we Yamanaka fight” and Ino’s like “WHAT DO YOU MEAN? HELL NO IS SAKURA GONNA BE STRONGER THAN ME, I REFUSE TO BE PROTECTED BY HER!!!!”
Genin Arc:
Hinata is an oblivious eggplant and thinks Sakura is just a very supportive friend.
Kiba, “She asked you to live happily with her as the strongest kunoichi in the future,”
Hinata, eyes sparkling, “Yeah isn’t it cool, I’m so lucky to have such a supportive friend with me.”
Kiba ships Hinata and Happiness (it’s canon guys) so he’s Sakura’s biggest wingman but Hinata manages to turn every cute, romance-y moment they have into a friend thing.
Kiba could see Sakura’s crush from a mile away, it wasn’t until the Chunin exams that he realised they weren’t dating though. This is when he begins being Sakura’s wingman.
Kiba looks over at Hinata, “You know...If we meet Sakura and them in this exam, I won’t let you hold back. We’ve worked too hard for your feelings to stop us and if she’s the enemy, we face her.”
Hinata smiles softly at Kiba and stammers out, “I’d never do that, Sakura-chan would hate it if I held back against her, as her friend I will fight her with my all!”
“I do not believe Kiba means your feelings as her friend? Why? Because it is clear he is speaking of the deeper connection you two share.”
“Ano– Ino-san is her best friend, though Sakura-chan and I are certainly good friends.”
Cue two more minutes of them tryna coax Hinata to admit her and Sakura have something before they realise Hinata doesn’t know about Sakura’s crush and looking at each other in amazement because like. Now that they’re genin, Sakura is way less subtle because she misses Hinata and wtf, how had Hinata not realised yet?
Also Sakura wins her fight with Ino bc Ino’s strong af but she doesn’t have any concrete goal in mind, she’s just getting strong to be Sakura’s equal and Sakura’s like ‘giiiirl I’m tryna be the strongest to protect my wife you hear!’
When Sakura meets Neji she understands what true hatred is and it’s only Kakashi’s warning her that Hinata would hurt more if she jumped in that stopped her from trying to fight him. She doesn’t speak to Kakashi for the whole month she trains, trying to justify if Hinata’s pride was worth her life.
She totally trains with Gai for that month because Kakashi is lazy and Gai was around and Sakura is hella strong, she just needs motivation like Gai!
Hinata still has a big fat crush on Naruto until shippuden and when she canon confesses and nearly dies, Sakura confesses to her and says shit like “You don’t have to love me/ I’ve accepted that you won’t, no matter how hard I try. But as your friend I want you to promise, you won’t ever do something so reckless. I don’t wnt to lose you Hinata. You’re my special person I can’t lose you.”
Hinata is 140% confused and then like. She just notices Sakura. How fucking cool and kind she is and she’s always appreciated Sakura and thought she was beautiful but. She’s never really looked at those arms and damn are they defined. And her smile just makes Hinata feel at ease?
There’s no big crisis for Hinata, she realises quite quickly she’s getting feels for her bff but like shes Hinata. Sakura confesses a crush she’s had for years on this girl with the self confidence of a potato chip and said potato chip pines bc shes an idiot potato
everyone is Big Mad, even fucking Naruto
hes like ‘girl i cant like u. its against the bro code, pls talk to my bff’ and hinata is thinking ‘i know u ass. i just cant tho. shes legit perfection and ive hyped her up my whole life even if we like eavh other it wont work and family and a motherfuckn war’
Gaiden Arc:
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this got to a point where i had to take a break from talking to her two weeks ago bc she was just being brutally hurtful. so we hvnt spoken at all for the past 2 weeks and i miss her a lot. like a lot a lot. but also i was literally crying almost every night bc if she were angry or something she'd take it out on me. and as much as it pains me to admit it, im way happier now. also my brother really doesn't like her bc of all this. i know this is toxic but also we r all pretty stressed rn. (2)
“so like it makes sense for her to be under pressure. she just doesn't communicate and instead takes it out on u in an unhealthy way. idk what to do. cuz like at this point i have started to accept the fact that we wont work and i should get over her. but i still wanna be friends. but at the same time we hv so much history(arguments, flirting, intimate moments, etc)between us that im not sure if i want to be friends or even if i can. i can see that her actions are immature. but idk what to do(3)”
“like i said the only person who knows about this is my brother and he really doesn't like her so his answer is pretty much, "end it". i know this is all a lot to dump on you. and if you choose not to answer it, i completely understand. i just needed to ask someone else's opinion on it before doing something i might regret. thank you for reading all my ramblings. love your blog a whole lot dude. hope you are doing good and are stayin healthy in these times we r in. (last one)”
Answer: So I am guessing your first response was the one that I already answered. Now before I begin my response I do want to clarify that I am not trained or qualified to give advice. However, if you would like my general take on this situation, I can provide that. If someone is hurting you, then you probably should not be with them. Your well-being is more important than being in a relationship. If you want to continue to be friends, then that is something you need to decide, but again your wellbeing is more important than a relationship of any kind. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be of more help. I hope that you are able to figure out what is best for you and that you’re ok.
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