#translating this was a delight! i used to want to be a translator this brought me back wow
mrschwartz · 2 years
Alex Turner opens up about The Car, Arctic Monkeys' 20th anniversary album
The frontman of the British band that performs at Primavera Sound, in São Paulo, invests in more abstract lyrics in new album
Published October 16 2022, by Rodrigo Salem
Alex Turner is not satisfied with the lighting in the room chosen as the setting for our interview. It's a small, cozy hipster hotel in the Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles, one of those above a cafe with tables occupied by young people at the computer, and no lines at cash registers that don't accept cash.
The frontman of Arctic Monkeys, the biggest rock band to come out of the UK in the last 20 years, flips the switches until he finds the perfect balance of light. "Is this okay for you?" he asks, but doesn't seem to care too much about the answer.
Turner likes to have complete control over his environment. "Where do you want to sit? This will be the best place, right?" he asks, coffee in hand, already standing in front of a small beige table below the lamp that insisted on not emanating the adequate light.
Shy to the point of never completing a full sentence, as if his mouth didn't keep up with his fast brain, Turner is acutely aware of his obsession with control and attention to detail, something that has only grown bigger in the last few years at the helm of the band. But the singer, guitarist and songwriter lived something different in the creation of The Car, the group's seventh album, which will be released worldwide this week.
After composing the piano demos alone for much of the pandemic, he was reunited with the rest of the band over the summer of last year, in a secluded house that was part of a 12th-century monastery in Suffolk, on the east coast of England.
"We hadn't done that since the first album. I had extra film rolls and I took my 16mm camera to film everything and keep myself busy during the recording. At first, I just wanted to record the memory, but it seemed to help in the work environment, because I stepped out of the process a bit and gave everyone more space," he says.
"James [Ford, record producer] was delighted, because I wasn't looking over his shoulder all the time and being a twat."
The musician's hobby as a filmmaker was not the only novelty in the three weeks of work in the makeshift studio, complete with a piano borrowed from a resident there and the technological arsenal brought in from London. The period was essential for Arctic Monkeys to remember that they are still a rock group formed by friends.
"We had a lot of laughs and watched the Euro Cup together. It was important to have that band energy again," says Turner, revealing that Body Paint, The Car's latest single, only took its final form because of this camaraderie. "The distorted guitar at the end just came about because I wanted to do that solo with them. It sounds obvious, but being together changes the dynamics of how I play."
Ironically, the album's main theme seems to circle around characters that don't seem to fit the environment they're in. In Body Paint itself, which wouldn't be out of place in one of George Martin's orchestrated productions for The Beatles, Turner sings that he's "keeping on [his] costume and calling it a writing tool."
Jet Skis On The Moat, played on a sultry guitar and with a broken rhythm reminiscent of U2's The Playboy Mansion, brings a Hollywood psychedelic mood—"jet skis on the moat / they filmed everything in CinemaScope, but this is the last time you will ride them, though".
"I was imagining this perception of us living like rock stars in a fantasy castle on a mountain, riding jet skis, disconnected from everything," says Turner.
In I Ain't Quite Where I Think I Am, he seems to describe a strange trip on a luxury yacht off the coast of France, a country where he usually goes with his girlfriend, French singer Louise Verneuil, since he moved back to England from Los Angeles. "I spend less time here, but I love this city. It's where I have my friends," he says.
Extremely protective of his privacy, Alex Turner does not confirm any theories that could refer to his life beyond music. However, he admits that feeling like a fish out of water is one of the themes of the record. "I've definitely written this time about someone who doesn't fit in," he says as he pulls out of his green jacket two folded sheets of paper filled with his lyrics and assorted notes.
I question the reason for keeping this material around and the singer lets his guard down. "I think that this way I can have these conversations more easily, and stay on the same level as other people. You've read the lyrics, listened to the record, and I thought I should do the same to meet you in the middle," he says, soon bringing back up his good-humored defenses. "And it also serves to intimidate people."
Not that he seems to want to intimidate anyone. Turner can barely look up, more concerned with focusing on some object and finding the right words for his answers. Keeping the lyrics in your pocket serves to rediscover the words of the songs.
One of the most brilliant songwriters of modern British rock and someone who has managed to portray the yearnings and feelings of an entire millennial generation, he says his lyrics come out of the space between the conscious and the unconscious.
In The Car, they seem even more abstract. "I love leaving space for lyrics not to be fully understood and to become more interesting as the years go by. I like to explore things that are difficult to talk about."
Does that mean that Alex Turner, who, two decades ago, rehearsed in a garage with Jamie Cook on guitar, Andy Nicholson on bass, later replaced by Nick O'Malley, and Matt Helders on drums, in Sheffield, is finally noticing the inevitable passage of time?
"Funny, it's hard to accept that it's been 20 years," he says. "But we're alive and active. That happens a lot when I'm singing the old songs now. I remember something, not necessarily the lyrics, but the environment, a person and the sensations of the past."
A rich past, we must add. Arctic Monkeys have gone through several phases in these two decades. It began with the confessional hip-hop-enamored rock of the first two albums, a formula that propelled the group into the stratosphere of fame. It gained weight with the stoner rock of Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age on 2009's Humbug and the stadium hard rock of 2013's AM. And it culminated in the journey away from Earth in 2018's jazzy Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino.
The Car continues the sonic exploration of their previous work, but brings guitars back to the songs and a Turner interested in using his voice as an instrument. "I don't know if Alex from 20 years ago would like this sound," he wonders. "Secretly, I wanted something along those lines then, but it wasn't within my reach at the time. On second thought, I think he would like it. But if he wouldn't like it, then fuck it," he jokes.
He admits that he changed his way of looking at music and even composing. On previous albums, he wrote the lyrics and then thought of the melody. The music now comes first.
"I made an effort to put the lyrics in sync with a melody that gives me permission to use certain words," says the musician. "I didn't focus on that in the past, I think it started on AM, when I started to change the lyrics as I was influenced by the sound in the studio."
Back on stage since a few weeks ago, Turner believes the pandemic has changed the relationship between band and audience. "The first time we performed was powerful," he says. "There's a new energy that encourages me. I'm trying not to behave the same way on stage. I think some of that comes from the younger crowd."
Brazil is going to feel this in a few days. Arctic Monkeys closes the first day of Primavera Sound, in São Paulo, on November 5th, already oiling the show with a new repertoire. "When we arrive in Brazil, I want to test two new songs and leave some old ones behind," says the singer, who already says that the next album may come out faster than expected after the long gestation of The Car.
Unable to play shows, the group spent a year polishing up the album in post-production. "We had more time to work on the record and I like to think that this had a positive influence on the final result, as we had more space to hone, think and fight for certain ideas", says Turner. "I love the idea of doing something different, like writing, recording and releasing in a week. Maybe it's a fun idea for the next project."
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 4 months
Eddie drives you crazy but you can't help that you're also crazy about him. Mia is new to Hellfire and watching Eddie moon over her brings all your barely buried feelings to light...
Warnings: Jealous reader, Jealous Eddie, confessions and sweetness. Kinda enemies to lovers, Eddie is a cocky lil shit in this.
18+, minors shoo!
Don't copy, translate or repost my work.
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You could feel his eyes on you even though he was all the way across the room. Eddie Munson, was quite possibly the bane of your existence. Unbelievably hot yes, but a pain in the ass.
"Ignoring me again princess?" he teases and you glare at him, try to count to five but his smug smirk does nothing to calm you down.
"Bite me dumbass" you huff and Eddie looks delighted. Oh he just loved to get under your skin, wind you up until you were in knots about him.
You hated that he could make you feel like this, that he was the only guy you wanted. Not that you would ever admit it to him.
Even if you did want to kiss him senseless there was no way you were giving in. No way...
Eddie had been up the new girl in Hellfire's ass all day. She was pretty, into bands and like a female Eddie, according to the rest of Hellfire.
The way he showed off, acting his usual chaotic self to make her laugh, smiling all dimples and goofy charm. It riled you up to no end.
No, you didn't eavesdrop on Hellfire much... Which brought great amusement to Chrissy and Nancy, and frustration to you, when you heard them speak about Eddie and Mia, ugh Mia. She even had a pretty name too.
So you were pissed at Eddie for following her around like a love sick puppy, most of all you were furious at yourself for being jealous in the first place.
Stupid hot metalhead you grumble to yourself and your bad mood darkens even more when Eddie comes up to you, all swagger and his big brown eyes lighting up when he sees you.
You studiously try to ignore him and find your book for your calc homework, Eddie has other ideas and tugs your hair playfully.
Turning to meet him you level him with a glare. "You're such a child Munson" that gets you a little proud smirk.
"Haven't seen you around today princess" you feel flustered that he's noticed but don't show it.
"Surprising you noticed since you've been following the new Hellfire girl around like a puppy" Eddie's smirk widens, he looks like all his Christmas's have come at once.
"You jealous sweetheart?" he seems so smug, you scoff and shut your locker, trying to feign nonchalance.
"As if, I don't care who you want to fuck Munson" you snap and he looks delighted. Fortunately you're saved from further humiliation by Jackson.
Jackson who is part of the dark side that Eddie hates so much. A wicked idea forms in your head. Two can play at your game Munson.
"Hey gorgeous. You coming to my party tonight, got the kegs and a whole liquor cabinet to use" you don't really have any interest in this party but Eddie glaring daggers at Jackson catches your attention.
"Sounds like fun" you touch his shoulder and Jackson is all smiles until he spots Eddie behind you.
"What do you want Munson?'' he spits out and Eddie rolls his eyes and barely looks fazed by Jackson.
"Really princess. This dumb butthead is your type?" he sneers and the venom in his voice has you turning to face him, frustration fills you at his attitude. Why does he care?
"Shouldn't you go find your little girlfriend instead of worrying about me" you hiss at him and that delighted grin is back on his face.
Eddie lowers his head down, whispering in your ear. "We both know that asshole couldn't satisfy you sweetheart. Stop lying to yourself" he sounds so sure of himself and you clench your fists in anger.
"Fuck you Munson, I told you go and find your new girl and leave me alone" he still looks smug and winks at you.
"You're so beautiful when you're pissed off princess" he leaves then and you're still silently fuming.
You know what? A party sounds perfect.
Yeah... so it turns out the party is a bust from the start. Jackson gets blind drunk, picks a fight with Tommy who's back from college (thrown out according to Steve) and the party is broken up by Hopper.
That's when you made yourself scarce. Nursing a beer and wanting some peace and quiet, you end up at Skull Rock.
It was tiring avoiding Eddie and his pleased little smile whenever he saw you. Exhausting putting out a front that you hated him, that couldn't be further from the truth.
Turns out you're not alone at Skull Rock. After a few minutes you smell the scent of weed, Eddie's cologne as he joins you.
"Did you follow me here?" you scowl and he snorts and lights up a cigarette, there's still tension between the two of you from earlier.
"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart. Party was shit so I thought I'd come here" he's quiet for a few seconds and you can feel him staring at you.
"You know I was only hanging with Mia because she's new to Hellfire. Have to look after my flock" this makes you smile a bit, he sounds like a shepherd.
He growls frustrated when you don't answer and walks over to you.
"I don't want to fuck Mia, she's nice but she's not my type. No my type has to be you doesn't it? prissy, bitchy and you drive me nuts" Traitor tears prick your eyes and you force them back trying to hide your hurt.
"Charming Munson" he softens and tilts your cheek so you look up at him, stubbornly you do and he moves closer to you.
"You're also sweet, beautiful, kind and fiesty as shit and I love that, you're protective of who you love and that's the first thing I fell for"
Oh! you stop fighting what you feel, fighting him and drop your defences. Eddie's confession must have been hard but he did it and it gives you courage to confess how you feel.
"Really?" you ask and hate how hopeful you sound but it's nice just to lean into the feelings instead of always fighting them.
"Yes, hoping I haven't made an ass of myself and you feel the same" he murmurs and you take his hand, fingers brushing over his rings.
He gazes at you intently and his next words make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
"How can you think I'd ever notice anyone else when all I can think about is you" He caresses your cheek and you melt into him.
"I've fallen for you too" you admit and his smile is all knowing, joyous.
"Oh I know baby, been waiting for you to have enough and kiss me" cocky shit. It makes you giggle though and you kiss him.
It's a hot, searing kiss that lasts for what feel like hours and has you and Eddie smiling like absolute idiots.
You had both been idiots but not anymore, Eddie seems to be thinking along the same lines as you and rests his forehead against yours.
"Could have been doing that for ages if you weren't so stubborn princess" you raise your eyebrow. Oh so you were stubborn but not him? You open your mouth to say something about this but Eddie kisses you again.
Oh well... You'd say something later, much much later.
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cb97breathing · 5 months
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Pleasure & Pain
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Pairing: Kim Seungmin x Afab! Reader x Bang Chan x Seo Changbin
Theme: Fluff, smut, polyamory, foursome, orgasm denial, rough sex, creampie, overstimulation, squirting. 18+ NO MINORS.
Word Count: 1.3K (short i know, i'm sorry)
A/N: Please do not repost or translate my work!
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A shaking sobbing mess, that was what you were currently as Seungmin had brought you so close to climaxing before leaving you high and dry for the seventh time. Hot tears flew down your cheeks as you looked up pleadingly at his cold smirking face. His fingers continued to ruin you as they pumped violently into you. You had never felt so overwhelmed before. You choked on a sob and gripped the sheets beneath you tightly.
“M-Min..please please please.” You choked out. “S-Stop I–..I need to.. Fuck!!” You cried as your back arched off the bed.
“You’ll take what I’ll give you and you’ll be thankful.” He growled out as his eyes took in your destroyed state. “Don’t worry love, I’m sure Chan and Bin will give you all you fucking want. But right now you’re mine, my little toy to use, for my pleasure.” Your eyes rolled back as you felt yourself about to cum again but as soon as you started clenching he pulled out, leaving you helplessly mewling.
“God look at her.” Binnie breathed out as he and Chan stared at you hungrily.
“Min, hurry up. You’re gonna kill the poor girl.” Chan stated, which only made Seungmin grin.
“Our little slut can take it. She will take it.” You felt hip slap his cock against your clit making you flinch and shake. Soon he slammed into you making you cry out and arch off the bed. He pounded into you mercilessly and the sight made the two older males ground as their hardened cocks twitched in need. “That’s it, Noona. Take it. Take my cock and let me fill you up like the good little toy you are.” You whined at his words and widened your legs for him almost in instinct. You could feel him already throbbing inside you as you were nearing your release. You watched helplessly as he hit his release, filling you up with his seed before you could hit your high. His cold demeanor suddenly changed as he buried his face in your neck and pressed gentle kisses to your skin. “You did so well for me Noona, now let Binnie and Channie take care of you yeah?” He cooed as he nipped at your lips. You nodded weakly and let out a gasp as he pulled out of you.
Soon Changbin loomed over you, taking in your body as his hands ran up your thick thighs. You were trembling at the feeling of his hands as they ran up your stomach, squeezing gently once he reached your breasts. You let out a soft moan and he leaned down to kiss you deeply. His thumb gently brushed over your cheeks to wipe the tears away.
“Our puppy was so mean to you.” He whispered. “I’ll make up for it I promise.” He continued to kiss you passionately as his hand slipped between the both of you, his fingers found your clit and began to rub gently, not wanting to overwhelm you. You gasped into his mouth and shook at the feeling. “That’s it Noona, only pleasure from here on out.” He cooed as he nipped your bruised lips. “Gonna give you what he denied so many times.” He growled softly. He continued to rub your clit, and your eyes fluttered closed at the feeling. You were so close already, because of how sensitive you were, your core clenching over nothing.
“Bin.” You breathed out as you rocked your rips in need. He rubbed at it wildly and your moans turned into cries as you reached your peak. Your legs trembled and you let out a sob as the waves of pleasure spread through your weeping core. Changbin gave you time to recollect yourself before replacing his fingers with his tongue. You mewled as he licked you clean before kissing up your chest.
“So fucking beautiful.” He breathed out as he laid flush against you. He nuzzled his face in your neck as he pushed himself into you making you whine loudly at the feeling, your body shook in delight as he bottomed out inside you. Your fingers tangled in his hair as he slowly rocked into you, being gentle as possible, but also hitting spots inside you that made you cry softly in pleasure. His movements were so precise and made your toes curl as you wrapped your legs around his waist. This was much more romantic in contrast to what was happening prior and you weren’t complaining. That’s the difference between the three men in the room with you. Both Chan and Seungmin can be rough, but also gentle. Seungmin rarely was gentle. Changbin was always gentle and slow. So you had the best of both worlds when it came to being in a relationship with all of them. You could feel your second climax already approaching as you clung to Changbin tightly.
“Right there!” You mewled out as you arched into him. He whimpered at the feeling of you tightening around him. “Please don’t stop Binnie please.” You begged. His pace quickened as he buried his face in your neck and you cried out loudly.
“Fuck how did we get so lucky?” Seungmin whispered to Chan as they watched you both, his cock already rock hard and ready to have her again. But he knew he had to wait. He watched as your eyes rolled back and you shook as you finally orgasmed again with Changbin following you quickly, filling you up with his seed as he moaned and whimpered loudly. He kissed you once more before gently pulling out. Chan quickly took his place and kissed you slowly.
“You okay to keep going baby girl?” Chan asked softly. You nodded and let out a shaky breath. “Words, baby girl what’s your color?”
“Green.” You breathed out. He tapped his cock against your clit and you mewled in delight. He pushed in you with ease and groaned at the feeling. “So tight.” He breathed out. “Even after all that. Our perfect girl.” He moaned he slowly rocked into you with deep and hard strokes that made your brain go fuzzy. He lifted your legs up high as they could, wanting to get the perfect angle, and he found it with ease. Chan knew your body better than anyone. He knew all the ways to make you shake and cum hard.
“Channie” You cried as your body began to shake, making him growl in response. His thrust continued slowly as he thrusted into you with more power. Your toes curled and your eyes widened. You opened your mouth to cry out but nothing could, soon you were cumming again and hard. Your juices spilling all over him and making all the boys moan at the sight. Chan continued to thrust in you, not giving you time to come down from your high. You were once again a babbling mess as you begged him for more. Seungmin moved towards you both and soon you were screaming out as his fingers rubbed your clit wildly.
“Come on Noona, you can squirt again, I know you can. That’s it.” You sobbed and felt yourself getting closer and closer until you screamed out, once again spilling all over Chan’s cock. Chan cried out as he spilled into you and held you tightly to him. You whimpered into his shoulder as you both stayed still, coming down from the ecstasy you both had just felt.
“You did so well Noona.” Seungmin cooed as he ran his fingers through your hair. You melted at the feeling and looked up at him tiredly. “God, I love you.”
“Love you.” You breathed out. “Love all of you so much.”
“Love you too beautiful. “ Chan whispered softly.
“Love you princess.” Changbin said as he sat beside you both. “So damn much. Let’s get you cleaned up.” He cooed softly. You smiled as you let Chan pick you up and carry you to the bathroom with the other two following, completely content and happy.
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pitchsidestories · 8 months
Arsenal Book Club || Katie McCabe x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1897
With a satisfied smile Kim Little oversaw the little group of players who decided to stay after the Arsenal afternoon training to participate in the first meeting of the club’s book club: “Great, I think we’re complete now that means we can start.” “We’re more people than I expected.”, Leah Williamson admitted genuine. Next to her Lia Wälti had an amused smile on her lips: “Me too to be honest. Although some of us are more present than others.” The Swiss midfielder could not help but to nod into Noelle Maritz direction who was deep asleep using the stacked books as pillows.
Out of breath but with a huge grin on her face Katie McCabe crashed the peaceful scenery: “Hi guys, I hope you didn’t start without me.” “Katie, you were the last person I expected to come here!”, stunned Vivianne Miedema looked at one of her closest friends in the team. Playfully offended the irish woman asked:” What’s that supposed to mean?”  “I’ve never seen you reading.”, the Dutch striker replied laughing.
You’ve been quiet so far, holding the book club pick in your hands but you’d never miss a chance to mock Katie so you interfered into the conversation with a challenging grin: “You can read?” “You two are so rude. I’ll sit as far away from you as possible but at least I brought the most important thing with me.”, the brunette said, a mischievous look on her face. Her expression made Jen Beattie chuckle:“ Your book?” “No, the wine, Jen!”, the Irish midfielder rolled her eyes. She lived for the drama. “So that’s why you’re here.”, Beth Mead exclaimed delighted.
Innocently Katie looked around her teammates: “Is not that what book clubs are all about? Good company and wine?” “And talking about books, Katie.”, Leah reminded her. The Irish woman threw a cocky smile in the direction of the English defender:” Did you finish a book for once, Leah?” “Of course, I finished it.”, the vice-captain mumbled although her blushed cheeks were telling the truth that she didn’t. Her schedule was just too busy.
Already slightly frustrated about the fact that the evening did not go as planned, Kim groaned: ”Can we start now?” “Yes, please.”, Lia agreed motivated while trying to ignore Noelle’s snore who got louder with each minute that was passing by. Relived the captain sighed: ”Thanks. Wait, Manu that does not look like our book club pick?” “It’s, it’s just the German translation.”, the goalkeeper explained. Sceptical Leah glanced at the Austrian:” Why would you read it in German?” “That way I can understand it better.”, Manuela Zinsberger told them, her cheeks burning red.
Katie changed the topic, holding up a bottle of wine and gesturing towards some glasses; “So who of the ladies wants wine?“ Before anyone could answer, she flashed you a flirty grin; “Does the bookish missus want a glass?“ “Katie! We didn’t even start discussing the book!“, you admonished the midfielder but couldn’t suppress a smile. “So?“, she retorted. Rolling your eyes, you finally gave in, in hopes that this would shut her up; “Okay, fine. You can fill the glasses.“ “Was that so bad?“, she grinned, filling the glasses and handing the first one to you. To your surprise, she did let you have a conversation about the book for some time, during which she made a point to look extra bored. At some point, she got up and excused herself. Vivianne followed shortly after.
At the door to the bathroom, the dutch player stopped her; “Katie, you didn’t really come here for the books, right?“ Katie stood in front of the sink, washing her hands and gasped in feigned shock; “How did you find that out, Sherlock?“ “The way you look at her, Watson.“, Viv replied, arms crossed in front of her chest. The Irish midfielder shrugged unimpressed; “And? What if I say yes? Will you kick me out of your book club?“
A small smile appeared on Viviannes lips; “No. But do you want some advice?“ “No.“, Katie answered quickly which made her team mate frown in confusion. But then Viv just shrugged and stepped in Katies place to wash her hands; “Alright.“ “I can do that without your help.“ “I know but maybe you should try to her hobbies seriously.“, Viv suggested casually.Katie gestured around herself; “I do. That’s why I’m here.“ “That’s cute for your standards.“, Viv smirked. “Shut up, Miedema.“
The smile on the dutch players face only grew bigger, knowing she hit a nerve; “Let’s go back to the others.“ “I thought you wanted to wash your hands for the rest of the night.“, Katie nodded in the direction of the sink. Vivianne turned off the water; “Only until you admitted why you’re really here. Thankfully I can read you like a book.“ “No, you can only read books like a book.“, the Irish woman answered. Vivianne ignored the joke with a shake of her head; “False.“ “No, I don’t have text all over me.“ “You’re such an idiot.“,Viv replied with a mixture of annoyance and fondness before following Katie out of the bathroom.
The striker glanced curiously at the teammates when she was sitting down:” What did we miss guys?” Kim sighed frustrated:” We started to talk about Jen’s love life instead of our recent read.” “We didn’t even finish Leah’s excuses on why she was too busy to finish the book.”, Beth teased the blonde teammate. “She’s really a busy girl.”, you hummed. Immediately Leah started to defend herself while pouting:”I am! It’s not my fault.”
Innocently Katie turned to you:” Maybe you should tell us how do you make time for reading while having a busy schedule aswell.” “Or we could keep talking about Jen’s dating dilemma.”, you proposed the idea with a wink in the direction, of the older Scottish woman.  “Or we could finally start talking about the book”, Kim added already feeling her evening plan going of the rails tonight. Slowly you agreed:” Yes, that is an option too.” “Sounds boring.”, Katie mocked you two.
A big smile was on Beth’s lips as she nodded:“Honestly, especially because Jen’s dating stories are always so funny.”  “I give up. Katie, can you give me some more of your wine`”, the captain groaned, hiding her face in her hands. Motivated the Irish woman stood up:“I’ll gladly do that!” “Thanks. Cheers to you all .”, Kim mumbled with a defeated smile. A wide grin was on Katie’s face: “Cheers, captain!”
“Tell us some of them, please.”, Meado begged. Smirking the Scottish defender reassured her:“Yes, don’t worry I’ll.” Jen loved to tell the stories, everyone in the team knew that and they loved her art of storytelling. Playfully she scolded Katie and Kim:” Shut up you two. We’re trying to have a conversation.” “Tell them about your date last week.”, the captain demanded. Happily Jen shook her head:“No, I might see her again.”  “Wait, what?!”, Kim blurted out in surprise. The defender laughed because of her long time friend’s expression:“You heard me.” “Really?”  
“That’s more interesting than the book, right`”, Katie leaned over to you with a cheeky grin. You rolled her eyes because of her comment: “Oh please.” “You can’t tell me, it’s not true.”, the Irish woman said. A small smile was on your lips while admitting:” Maybe I do enjoy a little bit of gossip here and there.” “I know you would.”, the midfielder triumphed. “You know that gossipy books exist too?”, you tried to remind her. “And what should they gossip about?” Confidently you told her:” I’m sure I could find a read for you which you could not be able to put down.”
“I’m sure you won’t be able to.“, Katie answered, shaking her head with conviction. You raised her eyebrows at her; “I disagree. We don’t live too far away from each other so maybe you can come with me after the book club ended and I can give you your book. The one that was just waiting for you all this time and you didn’t even know it.“ “Okay, fine. I’ll come with you.“, she answered faster than you expected. “Alright.“ Jen interrupted you two, calling for attention once again; “Guys, could you stop talking for a second. I’m here telling you my story.“
“Oh, you know, we were about to leave anyway.“, Katie grinned and drained the rest of her wine. You smiled apologetically at Jen; “Katie can’t wait to hold her book recommendation in her hands.“ “Pretty sure it’s not the book she wants to hold in her hands.“, Noelle mumbled with a yawn. “Oi, Noelle, we thought you were asleep!“, Beth yelled out in surprise. The Swiss defender grimaced; “That’s impossible with you all constantly talking.“ “That’s not true. You were sleeping at least in the beginning.“, Lia chimed in. The two Swiss players started discussing while Jen continued telling her dating stories and Kim rubbed the bridge of her nose in annoyance while you left with Katie.
To your surprise, your Irish team mate got a lot less annoying on your way back to your flat. You opened the door for the two of you and led Katie into the kitchen; “You can wait here and I’ll get you your next read.“ “Okay, I’ll wait.“ “Got it!“, you called from the living room when you finally found the perfect book and returned to the kitchen with it. Katie turned the book over in her hands; “Thanks.“ “You’re welcome.“, you smiled brightly. “So…“, Katie started as she carefully put the book down on the kitchen table. “Yes?“ “Now that we’re alone…“ The smile disappeared from your face but instead you gave your team mate a curious look; “Was Noelle right? That you’d like to…“ You couldn’t bring yourself to finish the sentence as Katie bridged the distance between you two. “I’d like to kiss you actually.“, she answered, more earnestly than she had been all evening.
With a challenging look you leaned forward; “Then what are you waiting for?“ “For you to give me the go.“, she explained, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Go on then.“ Without another word she pressed her lips on yours, kissing you passionately like it’s the only thing she wanted to do tonight.
When you woke up the next morning, you weren’t surprised to find Katie in your bed. You knew she stayed the night. What actually surprised you was the fact that she was reading in the book you gave her. “Wait. Am I still dreaming? Katie McCabe with a book in her hand?“ “It’s just for decoration. I’m trying to impress you.“, she replied fast but only reluctantly took her eyes off the page.
You smirked at that; “Yeah, it’s a pretty sight. But tell me is the model hungry?“ “Always.“, she laughed, so you got up, pulling an oversized shirt over your head and headed to the kitchen; “Breakfast will be ready soon.“ “I even get breakfast?“, the Irish midfielder asked in surprise. “Yes.“ “What a service.“, she teased.
You were just preparing the pancake better when you suddenly felt her strong arms around her waist; “I’m trying to cook here, McCabe.“ “Oh really?“, she laughed, her lips close to your ear. “Yes, or did you mean hungry in a different way?“, you asked. She replied by playfully biting the skin on your neck; “I meant it both ways.“
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toreigh · 8 months
Sloppy I peso pluma x novia!reader
summary: Spanish speaking with no translation. You go to his show, teasing him before it starts. what can you say, you couldn’t resist. Part 2 for after the show maybe?
pairings: peso pluma x novia!reader
word count: 1,004
warnings/notes: SMUT! cursing, spitting, choking, swallowing, oral!male reciving Pesito is obsessed with you, but what’s new?
feel free to send any requests to my inbox, if you enjoyed I would love more ideas or tropes lovelys.
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“Mi amorrr.” You said coming up behind him while he stood in the mirror fixing his chain. He had just came back from sound check.
“Sí que paso?” He asked cautiously.
“Nada pero, I just.. you looked really good out there.” You said locking eyes with him through the mirror.
“Sí?” He replied.
“Sí.” You replied back giving him those eyes through the mirror.
He turned around looking down at you, and leaned into kiss you slowly. One thing about him, he loved praise. You tilted his head back starting to kiss his neck. You didn’t leave marks though. Not yet.
“Y/nnn. Estas siendo mala.” He said feeling himself get hard through his shorts.
"Lo siento bebe, do you want me to stop?" You said pulling away for a moment.
"No, pero someone could see us. You know that." He said looking at you with daring eyes.
You leaned in, speaking into his ear, "Then let them see bebe."
You sunk to your knees feeling him through his shorts you looked up at him. Sort of a silent consent, he shook his head yes. And you didn't need to be told twice.
You pulled the shorts and underwear down in one. You kissed the tip looking up at him. You slowly put him in your mouth, as his face twisted in pleasure. He was very sensitive and responsive so it was always fun.
He was so swollen he was almost purple, and the lipstick marks on him was a delightful sight. You gave your mouth a rest and worked him with your hands, spreading the slickness all over his dick before jerking him off.
Hassan breathed in a shaky gasp as you flicked your tongue along the most sensitive place on the underside of his head.
"A la verga," he swore.
His phone buzzed with a series of texts.
You gave him a wry look, wrapping your lips around just the tip, and to your surprise, he seemed not to have even noticed his phone. Which was good. You knew your were working him to his limit, which is why you didn't have much time.
"Slow down, amor." he said, his jaw clenched.
Nunca. You smirked around his cock and didn't slow down one bit. He seemed to lose the words to ask you again to slow down.
"Y/n," Hassan moaned --a panicked warning.
You hollowed your cheeks and sucked as you bobbed on him, just the way he liked it. Just the way you knew would make him start falling apart. It was working. Hassan's back arched and his breaths grew shallow and strained. Between your lips, you could feel him swell.
"Y/n, por favor," he gasped, and you raised an eyebrow at the pretty word from his lips. Please.
It was time you pulled that perfect trick out from your sleeve. You brought your hands to his slutty waist and pulled his hips toward you all the way. His cock hit the soft, warm place at the back of your throat. You breathed in and out with steady, calm breaths through your nose.
"No puedo...Y/n, -fuuuuuuck!"
You took all of him, every inch. His cock slid down the back of your throat.
Through your watery eyes, you looked up at him and saw the disoriented astonishment on his face. And oh, how you wished you could capture the disoriented astonishment on his face in my memory forever. He looked as if he'd never experienced anything like this, ever.
You liked the way it felt, Hassan filling your throat like this, spit dribbling down your chin- not to mention his reaction. Relaxing your throat as much as possible, your lips hit the base of Hassan's dick, the tip of your nose poking his pelvis. He gasped out, a choked sound.
You swallowed around him, the muscles of your throat contracting. You knew he could feel everything.
"Y/n," he nearly sobbed your name out. His voice was so weak, almost broken. You'd broken him.
"Yo... por favor no pares..."
And you didn't stop.
Hassan whole body went rigid and his hips stuttered. You held him steady as his cock pulsed, and with one loud moan, he couldn't stop himself. He went over the edge. He didn’t care who heard in this moment. You pulled out a bit and braced yourself. His knees nearly giving out, Hassan arched into you and released the tension in his body. You felt his whole cock surge and pulse as he came down your throat in thick, hot spurts.
You swallowed everything.
As you slowly slid yourself off his cock, gasping for breath, spit covering your mouth, Hassan nearly lost his balance. He leaned against the counter next to him, still panting, still unable to say anything. You wiped your mouth in satisfying action.
You pulled up his shorts up, standing back up. He looked at you in awe. You swollen lips and beautiful eyes.
"¿Cómo lo hice?" You asked breaking the silence.
"So good, mi amor." He said leaning in for a kiss. His spanish accent when he spoke english made you want to do unspeakable things. He pulled back giving you that devastating smile.
After a long moment of eye contact. "I need to go clean up, unless you want me showing up looking like I just deepthroated your cock." He jolted in surprise at your words.
"You're going to pay for this later," he said, but it was more of a stammer than a warning.
You smiled through your eyelashes, rubbing at your bottom lip absentmindedly. And then you turned away from Hassan, letting your hips sway as you ambled in the direction of the vanity.
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ardafanonarch · 4 months
Hello, in fic I've come across mentions of
- the elves stopping frequently on their journey to Aman to have sex (and Orome urging them forward by creating storms?)
- elf sex being too intense for most mortals to survive
I think these come from HoME or NoME (or similar sources), but I've never seen the actual quotes. There might be other things related to elf-sex in there as well.
So I guess my question is: What else did Tolkien mention about elf sex, apart from (the already relatively well-known) LaCE?
Elf Sex Lore
There comes a time in every Tolkien fan’s journey when they come upon the Professor’s writings on Elf sex — and, since 2021, there are even more! Elf Sex Lore remains a hot topic as the fandom continues to experience the aftershocks of the spurt of new lore that came with the publication of The Nature of Middle-earth (NoMe) in 2021.
As you say Anon, before NoMe was published, the fandom’s primary resource on Elf sex was the (in)famous essay Laws and Customs Among the Eldar (LaCE), published in 1993 in Morgoth’s Ring, the tenth volume of the History of Middle-earth series. LaCE is full of juicy (or not-so-juicy) lore about Elven aging, marriage, gender roles, naming, death, and rebirth.
It is in relation to the first two that we get some details on Elf sex, such as the knowledge that “it was the act of bodily union that achieved marriage, and after which the indissoluble bond was complete.” (Laws B). We also learn that:
“…the Eldar say* that in the begetting, and still more in the bearing of children, greater share and strength of their being, in mind and in body, goes forth than in the making of mortal children. For these reasons it came to pass that the Eldar brought forth few children; and also that their generation was in their youth or earlier life, unless strange and hard fates befell them. But at whatever age they married, their children were born within a short space of years after their wedding. For with regard to generation the power and the will are not among the Eldar distinguishable. Doubtless they would retain for many ages the power of generation, if the will and desire were not satisfied; but with the exercise of the power the desire soon ceases, and the mind turns to other things. The union of love is indeed to them great delight and joy, and the ‘days of children’, as they call them, remain in their memory as the most merry in life; but they have many other powers of body and of mind which their nature urges them to fulfil.” The History of Middle-earth Vol. 10: Morgoth’s Ring, ‘The Later Quenta Silmarillion (II)’, Laws B
*Note how this paragraph is introduced: “the Eldar say”. Phrases like this signal to us that LaCE is not written from a Elvish point of view. There are indications elsewhere clearly pointing to a human author with a human audience in mind.
Translation: Elves use up a lot of energy in baby-making, including in the sex part (“begetting”) but even more in the pregnancy and birthing part (“bearing”), so they don’t have a lot of children and they do so early in life, shortly after marriage. But even if they marry later in life, Elves are still able to have babies because being able to and wanting to reproduce are the same thing for Elves. But once they’ve fulfilled the desire to make babies they’re good and turn to other things. Still, they look back on the time of baby-making as “the most merry in life”.
In most (if not all) cases, when Tolkien writes about sex he is writing about reproduction. Did Elves have sex solely for pleasure? Maybe; I cannot find anything that says they didn’t. I also can find little conceptual separation of sex and reproduction in Tolkien’s writings. Make of that what you will.
(At this point I want to reiterate a principle central to this blog: it’s about presenting what canon says; it is not about casting judgement on creations that subvert, reinterpret, or ignore canon, none of which makes a work lesser than one which adheres strictly to canon.)
So what did NoMe add to our knowledge about Elf sex? First of all, let’s make sure we all know what NoMe is.
What is The Nature of Middle-earth?
NoMe is a volume of texts by J.R.R. Tolkien collected and edited by Carl Hostetter. It is basically a supplement to the last three volumes of The History of Middle-earth (Morgoth’s Ring, The War of the Jewels, and The Peoples of Middle-earth), which cover a period from the late 1950s to his death during which Tolkien was undertaking a rather massive project of worldbuilding, working out the structures underlying his Silmarillion mythology in preparation for revising and publishing what he had written of it before ‘a sequel to The Hobbit’ (LotR) took him away from it for the better part of two decades.
Christopher Tolkien in Morgoth’s Ring called this undertaking “analytic speculation concerning [the] underlying postulates” of his world (Foreword to Morgoth’s Ring). That’s how we end up with essays like LaCE and the philosophical debate about the fates of Men and Elves in Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth.
The texts in NoMe all date to around the same time and deal with the same sorts of questions about the physics and metaphysics of the world: it contains the essay on ósanwë, for example.
The Context of the NoMe Sex Lore
The first section of NoMe, ‘Time and Ageing’, is where we get the new lore on Elf sex. As it happens, the sex lore is rather incidental to extensive ruminations two core questions:
How did Elves experience the passage of time and how did they age?
How did the population of Elves go from 144 at Awaking to a sufficiently high number (around 30 000) when they reached the shores of Beleriand on the Great Journey?
(It is not relevant to get into why 144 and why 30 000 here; suffice to say those are the numbers Tolkien wanted and he expended great imaginative and mathematical energy trying to make them work.)
A note on the textual context: Anyone who has ever engaged in worldbuilding knows how it can go. You think (for example), “Okay, I need to develop a backstory for this character’s spouse,” and before you know it you are knee-deep in invented genealogies and geographies and Eru-knows-what-else.
It’s important to bear in mind that this is what Tolkien was doing. The quotes we are about to look at (yes, very soon!) are from a collection of evolving (and unresolved) notes in various states of refinement from barely legible scribbles to carefully penned essays. I will let you decide what that means to you based on your personal definition of canon, but I wanted the textual context to be clear.
Elf Sex Is Intense
In relation to Question 1, Tolkien considers the time-scales of Elven growth, including pregnancy. In the essay under discussion, Tolkien decides that Elven pregnancy should, like human pregnancy, take about 3/4 of a year. Oh no - not that kind of year. A yên, a ‘long year’, the unit used by the Elves and to which the matter of their bodies (their hröar) is bound. Elves gestate for 108 Sun years.
I know what you’re asking: If the pregnancy lasts 108 years, then how long does the sex last?
No? No! You’re probably asking yourself why Tolkien hated Elf-women so much (don’t worry, he says there’s no pain…)! But Tolkien was interested in the first question, which he answered thus:
“On the other hand the act of procreation, being of a will and desire shared and indeed controlled by the fëa, was achieved at the speed of other conscious and wilful acts of delight or of making. It was one of the acts of chief delight, in process and in memory, in an Elvish life, but its intensity alone provided its importance, not its time or length: it could not have been endured for a great length of time, without disastrous “expense.”” (NoMe, p. 24)
An earlier version of this passage, which you may also come across in fandom, comes to a similar conclusion:
“But the act of procreation not being one of growth until the union of the seed and being under full control of the will does not take long - though it is longer and of more intense delight in Elves than in Men: too intense to be long endured.” (NoMe, pg. 27)
Translation: Pregnancy, like other aspects of physical growth, is a process of the hröa over which the fëa has no control; thus it is bound to unfold on “Elvish time”, i.e. 1 year = 144 years. But the sex leading up to it is an act of the fëa and under its control and therefore occurs at a “normal” speed. The Elves love it, too! But not because of how long it lasts, which is a regular amount of time, but because of how intense it is. In fact, it is so intense that if it were any longer they would suffer “disastrous “expense”.”
What is this “expense”? Basically, it’s referring to the usage of an Elf’s natural “vitality” — far greater than that of Men but not infinite. As far as I can tell, this passage means that having intense Elf sex for too long would have spiritual results similar to Míriel’s bearing of Fëanor, or Fëanor’s creation of the Silmarils. Too much of their spirit would be expended (used up) in the act, with possibly disastrous consequences.
These are the quotes from which, I think, originate the rumour that Elf sex was too intense for mortals to survive. As you can see, the discussion is about Elf/Elf relations. Elf sex is too intense for Elves to endure for too long. Anything about what this means for Elf/Mortal sexual relations is fan conjecture.
That’s the Elf Sex nugget from Tolkien’s considerations of Elven growth rates: Elf sex (between Elves) is intense but of a normal duration.
Elven enthusiasm for baby-making delays March
As you can imagine, more nuggets are unearthed in relation to Question 2, which boils down to Tolkien crying: “I need the Cuiviénen Elves to breed a lot and quickly!”
Initially, Tolkien developed some Elven life cycle schemes that had them taking a leisurely approach to reproduction, with each generation taking many hundreds, even thousands, of Sun years to materialise.
This scheme did not work for getting him from 144 to ~30k in the timeframe he wanted. So, he made some adjustments to the scheme with respect to the timing of Elven maturity and consequent desire to begin reproducing — and then set about getting those Elves procreating!
One of the solutions he entertained was giving the Elves opportunities to reproduce on the Great Journey. He laid all of this out in a timeline (NoME, p. 49-53) detailing where and for how long the host of Elves would pause because of the “desire to beget children” (p. 49).
Reading this timeline, it can become increasingly comical each time this desire to reproduce (i.e., have sex) halts the host. It can start to read like, “The Elves took forever to cross Middle-earth because they couldn’t stop banging!” And, in a way, that is what happened. But bear in mind the context is an attempt at solving the problem of increasing the Elven population to a number Tolkien considered satisfactory for his worldbuilding endeavours. An Elven enthusiasm for sex is there, but it’s not the whole picture.
There are several points on the timeline when Oromë hangs out with the Elves or checks in on them, and he does become increasingly concerned with their begetting-related delays. For example:
“About 2000 pairs (of available Telerin 8th gen. of 4,950) beget children in the spring 1130/80. The Chiefs and Oromë are disturbed.” (NoMe, p. 51)
(“The Chiefs” are Ingwë, Finwë, and Elwë.)
“Either by chance, machinations of Sauron, and/or because Oromë withdraws protection (hoping to make the Eldar less content with their new Home (Atyamar), winters are hard and the weather worsens.” (NoMe, p. 51)
The second quote is the origin of that rumour about Oromë creating storms to urge the Elves on because they were having too much sex. Is it canon? Not quite: Oromë didn’t create the storm, for one, and the emphasis is on sex for the pleasure of children more than the pleasure of sex on its own (though, as we know from the previous discussion, sexual pleasure was certainly had!). But the rumour you've heard is not without basis in Tolkien’s notes.
The First Elves Really Loved Sex
There’s one more Elf sex nugget in NoMe that I’d like to end with. While scrambling to get his Cuiviénen Elves reproducing at an adequate rate to reach his population-at-finding target, Tolkien came up with what he calls the “Quick prolific” scheme (p. 99).
“The Quendi in their first few generations before the March (or reaching Valinor) must — as is quite reasonable — be made far more eager for love and the begetting and bearing of children. *They must have larger families, at shorter intervals between births.” (p. 107)
To explain this attitude of reproductive eagerness in the first few generations of Elves, Tolkien coins the term “philoprogenitive” — they love to procreate! Procreating — not artistic and intellectual pursuits or exploration or leadership as with later generations — is their number one priority in life. So much so that “they mated almost at once with their predestined mates” (p. 54).
Not only that, but they have so many babies! In one version of the scheme, 12 children per couple in the first generation (p. 108). (This soon changes to 6 per couple. Philoprogenitive they may be, but no one gets to outdo Fëanor).
As with the highly intense Elf sex and the Great Journey delayed by procreating, this is another bit of NoMe lore with great imaginative potential. As we learn from LaCE, Elves enjoyed sex, quite a bit actually, but they enjoyed a lot of other things also, and after a period of baby-making they would usually move on from sex (though they would always remember it fondly). But the First Elves, those early generations by the shores of Cuiviénen? No such balance between sex and other pursuits. It was all about sex and procreation for them.
Of course, what we’ve been looking at are drafts and notes. While all written around the same time (late 1950s to early 1960s), none of the texts here examined were ever finalised and many of them don’t even agree with each other. Tolkien was experimenting; he was worldbuilding. And with the publication of these notes in NoMe, we in turn get some intriguing ingredients for worldbuilding of our own.
So, do as you like with the Elf sex lore. But if you’re looking for a great setting for some canon-compliant smut, may I suggest Cuiviénen?
Mythgard Academy’s seminars on The Nature of Middle-earth. You don’t actually have to have read or own NoMe to follow these discussions. Great for getting a handle on the material, and ideal for listening as you work your way through reading.
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agendabymooner · 7 months
ditty and estie greet the world || eo31 scenario
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dad!esteban ocon x mom!ofc (british royal!ofc) ft. ocon!baby
Summary: Diana ‘Ditty’ Ocon made her presence known to the formula one world as a two year old during the FIA prize giving ceremony. Her sweetness, however, was what encouraged her parents Albertine and Esteban to show the world her capabilities as a shy toddler. 
Content warning: dad!Esteban content 😚, fluff, based on an idea I brought up to a moot, shitty French translation, Lissie Mackintosh segment, shy toddler being cheered on, OFC and baby resembles Princess Diana
Note: Having an Oscar Piastri brain rot atm but I need to get wholesome dad!F1 driver out of my system. I’m currently restraining my brain from writing more smut rn.
My friend would’ve gotten twenty dollars from me if Ferrari won this race but noooo they didn’t soooo. Enjoy xx
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
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“Tu es très jolie, Ditty ! Maman t'a-t-elle habillée?” You look very pretty, Ditty! Did Mummy dress you up? 
“Mummy m'habille!” Mummy dress me! The little girl who sat on the Alpine driver’s lap grinned toothily at her father, babbling at her parents as she continued to speak, “Papa, rentre bientôt chez toi?” Go home soon? 
“Darling,” Albie laughed heartily, “Nous venons de quitter l'hôtel!” We just left the hotel.
“But go home soon?” Diana Marie-François Elisabeth Ocon-Khelfane, or Ditty to most, was a delightful little girl. Her great uncle Charles Spencer recalled his eldest sister’s childhood photos and how much resemblance did Ditty have to Princess Diana. Everyone in Esteban and Albertine’s family knew that, much like Albie, Ditty was a carbon copy of Diana Spencer.
Though if you were to ask anyone, Ditty was more like Diana than Albie was. Ditty was more reserved and shy— she had gotten her personality from Esteban, who often took a while to get used to new people before warming up to them. It was no wonder why Estie and Ditty made the bestest of friends— they liked to attach themselves to each other AND to Albie. 
“We’re not going home soon, pretty,” Albie told Ditty gently, fixing her daughter’s bow as the girl continued to look up with the brightest blue eyes to have ever existed. Her eyes, no matter how bright, were shaped like her father’s— so no one could really oppose and say that she wasn’t her father’s daughter. “Papa’s going to get his award soon, no? We’ll be there for Papa, Ditty.” 
“A- ‘wawd?” Ditty’s brows furrowed a little as she looked up at Estie with a puzzled look. “What is ‘ward?” 
“C'est quand vous avez fait quelque chose de vraiment, vraiment bien et que vous en obtenez quelque chose de bon,” It’s when you do something really really good that you get something good out of it. Esteban explained to Ditty with a grin. 
“Like you eating your veggies,” Estie continued. “What does Mummy give you?”
“Pain au choc’lat?” 
“Oui, mon bebe,” Estie nodded. “Except Papa’s getting something else. Not pain au chocolat!” 
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Apparently, it was going to be a struggle— getting Ditty to socialize with everyone around them. It took Albie a while to unattach the toddler in her arms. 
Only for the girl to cling to Esteban as she hid her face away from the press and other people. She kept her hands wrapped around Estie’s neck as her blonde hair appeared in the pictures, journalists and photographers asking Estie and Albie to pose for the cameras. They didn’t relent, allowing Ditty to hide her little cherub face away for a brief moment as the couple waved and smiled. 
Albie, realizing that she had the little mouse plush on her hand (one that Ditty called ‘Cheese’), put a hand on her daughter’s shoulder gently and caught the toddler’s attention. “Want your friend Cheese, Dit?” 
Ditty lifted her face off her dad’s shoulder for a brief moment and nodded, “Mewci, Mummy,” before hiding away again. 
Estie and Albie exchanged looks and chuckled, amused at their daughter’s demeanour. 
“Ditty, bebe,” Estie told the girl, “Cheese wants to say hi to everyone. You want to wave too?” 
“Oh, I want to say hi, indeed, Papa!” Albie mimicked a different voice, as if she was pretending to be Cheese. “Pouvons-nous dire bonjour ensemble, Ditty?” Can we please say hi together, Ditty?
“See? He wants to wave— show him, like this—“ Estie smiled at the cameras and waved. Albie followed along, cameras flashing as they smiled. 
Slowly but surely, Ditty’s hand began to wave. She hadn’t realized that Cheese was on her hand, but she was doing what her Mummy and Papa were doing. That was enough for her. 
And when they reached the F1 host for the red carpet, Ditty went back to hiding. This time, she clutched Cheese in her hand as Esteban got interviewed by Lissie Mackintosh. 
“This is actually amazing— seeing you in P3 in the championship’s. I’m quite happy to see you become successful this season,” Lissie complimented Esteban. “Are you looking forward to the next one? Do you know what your next steps are?”
“I— I’m actually really excited for the next season,” Esteban grinned, not even aware that he’s carrying her daughter in his arms as he continued to answer. “With how things went with the car and successful communication between my team and I, I thought that it gave me more confidence to move on with the next season. And even if there will be a struggle, I know that we’ll be able to sort it out.”
“I like that,” Lissie nodded before she noticed the girl hiding away in Esteban’s arms. The host continued to ask regardless, “But for now you’re just here to celebrate your successes and you’ll be getting your prize for the P3. And I can tell that you’re here with your family too! How amazing is that!” 
“—Mrs. Albertine Ocon, it’s very nice to see you,” Lissie continued as the royal princess smiled and greeted back. “It’s been quite a handful this season, huh? I’m very glad to see you back in the Formula One celebrations and events— we’ve missed your presence in the paddock.”
“Ah yes,” the British princess chuckled, “just because I was gone for a while it didn’t mean I wasn’t doing anything.” 
“We all know that,” Lissie rolled her eyes playfully. “You probably had been working harder than your husband in here!”
“Hey!” Esteban laughed alongside the two women before he nodded in agreement, “Well, I can’t really deny that! This little darling right here was a hard work made by Albie and me but… Albie’s done more to help her grow, you know?”
Speaking of the devil…
Ditty Ocon finally grew tired of hiding away as she lifted her head and looked in front of her, cowering under the watchful eyes and camera pointed at her and her family before she hid again.
Esteban chuckled and reassured, “No, no, it’s okay, bebe! Just wave! Like we did!” 
Ditty, feeling a bit hesitant, waved lightly and continued to clutch Cheese the mouse in her hand.
“You look absolutely beautiful!” Lissie complimented the girl with a grin, trying to be as chill to allow the girl to grow comfortable with her. “Can you tell us what your name is?” 
Ditty looked at her parents as she hid her face from everyone, earning soft chuckles and a series of ‘awww’ from her surroundings.
Everyone already knew that she was Princess Diana in the making with the shyness that she showed everyone. 
But Esteban and Albertine Ocon weren’t about to let her meekness get in the way of her opportunity to be friendly to others. 
Esteban started, “It’s okay if you want to speak French, mon ange.”
He looked back at Lissie, “She prefers talking to people in French first before English.”
“Ah,” Lissie nodded.
“It’s okay, darling,” Albie cooed quietly, tucking the girl’s hair behind her ears as the princess continued, “they're nice people. We talk to them.” 
“Can you say… ‘je’…” Esteban instructed his daughter.
Ditty, with all her capabilities at the moment, had mumbled to the microphone, “Je…”
“…D—tty,” the girl mumbled with lack of confidence.
“Je suis Ditty!” Esteban repeated with a grin, his smile infecting the girl as she enthusiastically repeated this time with, “Je suis Di-tty!” I am Ditty! 
Rounds of applause were heard and given as they applauded the girl’s words. Estie and Albie both grinned as they praised Ditty.
“Good job, my girl!” Albie exclaimed with a wide, supportive smile. 
“Très bon, bébé!” Very good, baby! Estie hyped up Ditty as he clapped his hands. 
Ditty looked around her and grinned, her little hands now clapping as she clapped for herself.
Yeah… she could get used to this. Maybe her meekness will grow and she’ll become a confident girl like her mother and grandmother were.
All she needed was to be provided with endless support. This was what Esteban and Albertine Ocon were here for.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 6 months
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Yves' Sequel Spoilers
This is simply a fan translation and is not intended as a replacement for the game. Expect grammatical errors.
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In an ordinary mansion in a certain city of a certain country一
Matthias: ".........."
Matthias: ".........."
Matthias: "You're late."
Kagari: "You're just too early. Weren't you here 10 minutes before our appointment?"
Matthias: "30 minutes."
Kagari: "You're such a good student. Stop being so uptight."
Kagari: "I brought you something nice."
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Matthias: "What's this?"
Kagari: "Dorayaki. It's delicious. You'll be amazed."
Matthias: "Hmm. It's certainly delicious."
Matthias: "It's exquisitely soft and sweet. This must have been made by a delicate, sensitive, and beautiful woman."
Kagari: "I don't get what you're saying."
Matthias: "By the way, why did you suddenly decide to bring me a gift?"
Kagari: "We've met several times, but I haven't given you anything."
Kagari: "I was just imitating you since you always give me coffee. Eat more."
Matthias: "No, I appreciate it, but I'll refrain."
Matthias: "Consuming any more sweets would go against the 15th precept of the Åsbrink family."
Kagari: "You're so uptight. You should relax a little."
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Azel: "Oh, that smells nice. The scent of sweets is always delightful."
Azel: "I'll have some."
Kagari: "Here comes the greedy god."
Matthias: "Azel, you're always late. At least learn from Kagari and arrive five minutes before our appointment."
Azel: "I'm not late. Look, the bell just rang. I'm actually right on time."
Azel: "But this is delicious. Does this dorayaki have red apple filling in it? And there's Achroite coffee, too."
Azel: "I always return the favor when I receive gifts. I have the utmost respect for your kindness."
Kagari: "I don't care about that. Do you have any gifts? I bet you don't."
Azel: "Kagari. You shouldn't judge people or gods based on their appearance."
Matthias: "But you don't have any, do you? It looks like you're empty-handed to me."
Azel: "Offerings aren't limited to things that can be seen."
Azel: "It seems that the dark calamity (Gilbert) has started to move."
Kagari: "Obsidian, huh? That was quick."
Matthias: "But that's to be expected. That's not enough for the dorayaki."
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Azel: "Now, now. Let the God finish speaking first."
Azel: "It seems Obsidian had a secret meeting with Rhodolite."
Azel: “They likely intend to use Rhodolite to gather information about the alliance we formed.”
Matthias: “A wise decision. That small country won’t pose a threat to our country, let alone Kogyoku and Tanzanite.”
Matthias: “They’ll receive a warm welcome anywhere they go."
Kagari: “If someone who can withstand Kogyoku’s ‘hospitality’ comes, I’ll personally take care of them.”
Azel: “I agree. We should gladly welcome them. Tanzanite’s way of welcoming might be a bit stimulating, though.”
Matthias: “You two, make sure you don’t break the law.”
Matthias: “But what do you think Benitoite and Jade will do?”
Azel: “Those two countries are in the same situation. They will surely start moving to find out our intentions.”
Kagari: “Will I get to see Keith? I just got a new sword and want to test it out.”
Azel: “Keith would probably be thrilled. I miss Prince Silvio. He’s rich, you know.”
Matthias: “All the law-breaking stuff you guys are trying to pull is really giving me a headache.”
Matthias: “So I guess the important thing now is how we work?”
Azel: “Good point, Matthias.”
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Kagari: “Shall we kill them?”
Azel: “No, Kagari. That should be the last resort.”
Azel: “We each formed alliances with specific goals in mind. However, it wouldn’t be in our favor if the princes of each country figured that out.”
Kagari: “.........”
Matthias: “..........”
Azel: “Whether to take a defensive or offensive stance is up to each of us.”
Azel: “Now, let’s begin. For the sake of our respective ambitions.”
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160 notes · View notes
synamartia · 4 days
Very short teaser for Smutmus, but I'm thinking I may just release it in chapters instead. It feels like I'm taking too long to write the complete version in my head guys 😭 Please keep in mind that these teasers ARE subject to change with the final version once it's released, however I decide to do that. Warnings: Barely any. Afab!Reader ; Nudity ; Suggestive situations ; Light banter ; Alastor is very big on consent every step of the way! Amour - French for Love Miel - French for Honey I did use an online translator, and those aren't always reliable, so correct if I'm wrong, and I will make the necessary changes! Divider © cafekitsune
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"Uhm is not a word, Amour," Alastor clicked his tongue against his teeth, the first few strands of the center band snapping as he pressed lightly against it. "Do you want to stop?" He asked you, his eyes narrowing in delight as the sudden tension (however minor) sent a ripple through your chest with each string that snapped. Curling your lips inward, you tried to hold back an immediate 'no' response to avoid being seen as desperate, but you were starting to realize that ship had already sailed by the way Alastor's smile widened and your center band was finally severed - your breasts falling from the cups as they had sprung apart. Besides, you would only be finishing what you started by choosing to continue.
"No! Alastor... Don't stop," you breathed, holding back a pleasurable sigh at the relief that coursed through your veins when the tension your bra had caused was finally released. You moved to slide the remnants of your shirt and now ruined bra (yet another favorite item you would force him to replace later) off your body - now fully nude except for the accessories adorning your body. You saw the dim lights of his room flicker as Alastor leaned even closer, his breath fanning your face and his lips grazing yours as he uttered, "As you wish, Miel."
Without a moment's hesitation, you found yourself being lifted to sit upon the edge of his polished desk like before. Only this time, he urged you to lie flat on your back as he raised your legs so that you were positioned at a 90° angle. You tilted your head to peer around your own limbs at him, curiosity brimming in your eyes as you silently awaited his next movements. "If you would be so inclined, I would like to try a couple things first. May I?" Alastor asked, tilting his own head in the same manner as you. You had to stifle a giggle as the action was just too cute, you thought. And you just couldn't resist the urge to tease him a little as you began to feel more comfortable and relaxed.
"I'm up for it. But you know, curiosity killed the cat," you snickered, raising your hands to lay beside your head as he shifted around behind your thighs.
"Ah, yes! But satisfaction brought it back!" Alastor laughed, not missing a single beat in your light banter. He peered around your legs once more, only this time with a more sultry look as you felt something hard and wet slip between the space of your joined thighs and pubic area. "And I intend to revive all nine of its lives, my dear."
81 notes · View notes
mysticficti0n · 1 year
All my attention Part 6
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warnings- swearing, drinking, flirting, dirty talk to the max, Degrading but not in a mean way?
words- 3.3k
If you'd like to read the previous parts → All my attention series
a/n- so if you're new here I am British and cannot speak any German, I speak a little French, Spanish and Italian but German- no. I also do not trust Google translate so this is gonna be like an avatar thing (if you've seen the newest one Jake says that their language just became normal or something along those lines) so in reality this is all in German, you as a reader know German but, its wrote in English... make sense? no... well
(also would you guys want me to do smut for this? I don't have to if you don't want it but... I could write some good pieces for the next few chapters?????)
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backstory- you are the 5th member of Tokio Hotel and you always thought the love was equally platonic between you and a certain guitarist... but what if that all changed?
Everyone arrived by 8:50 and were all seated around a extremely large table, each family sat drinking and laughing over different things, on our side of the table (meaning me, Tom, Gustav, Gustav's grandpa, Georg and Bill) we all chatted about random ideas we had for the next shows
"good evening, could we get you all started on food?" a man around my mothers age smiled pulling a note pad out and a pen
"yes can we have-" Stefan schafer, Gustav's dad began pointing to things on the menu and pointing to the people who wanted it "-perfect thank you" the man nodded collecting all the menus in and the chatter began again, me and Tom sat across from our grandmas who were on about something they'd watched on tv
"I'm bored" Tom whispered in my ear causing me to roll my eyes
"we've been here 20 minuets" he sighed falling back into his chair and his grandma seemed to notice turning to him
"Tom- whats wrong darling?" the boy sat properly again and took a swig of his drink
"nothing just hungry" he spoke watching the old women tilt her head "...I'm bored" Catrina nodded looking to me
"you have Y/n/n for company, she's a lot of fun aren't you?" I nodded my head looking to the boy who just laughed "oh actually me and Josie were just saying- we watched your interview! with that hunky man Karter, you two looked delightful, well all of you did" she grinned rubbing my hand over the table
"yeah.." Tom trailed getting comfy again, reaching arm the back of my seat and playing with the ends of my hair "we wont be going back to him in a rush"
"why not?" my gran asked "he's a handsome man"
"nothing to worry about Nanna" I spoke smiling to her, she can become a very angry women if she found out someone did anything bad to us, she'd personally hunt them down if she could.
Time passed slowly but the smell of food only made us hungrier, Toms hand had moved from my hair to my shoulder drawing a circle over and over
"and here we are-" the same waiter came over with two others holding trays of food, there was 21 of us.. we all sat straight and the small laughter of my sister caused us all to laugh, I had the pesto tortellini with Parmesan, and many also copied me
"thank you" we all said starting our meal, I dug my fork in and bought the steamy pasta to my mouth "oh wow thats amazing" I hummed putting more onto the fork, Tom looked over then to the bowl and back to me "you chose to have the chicken Schnitzel, I said about this"
"oh please!" he moaned "one bite- you can have some chips" he quickly stabbed his fork into the fries and brought them to me "come on"
"fine" I gave into his ways and took the chips and past him my fork with the pasta on the end, he hummed a quick thank you and smiled tasting the food "good right?" Tom nodded swallowing the pasta, I turned back to eating and listening to the different conversations around the table
"you know I was thinking about something" Bill began looking down to us on the table "a tv show, like filming while in rehearsals and we could go round during tours and trying things... Felix said about it" The idea of being filmed 24/7 didn't sound fantastic, I enjoy my privacy but.. if that means we get to do fun stuff..
"who'd wanna watch us though, outside of music were just boring" Gustav added "you could do a documentary about every girl Toms fucked" Gustav's mom slammed his hand making us all laugh
"at least they'd say they came unlike the girls you've done" Tom hit back making the drummer huff "but I like the idea-" Georg nodded as well but I still sat undecided
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(okay I cba to write about the restaurant but lets say, lovely meal hugs kisses etc)
"Oh why don't we go to that bar" Simone pointed out, the bars name was naughty lad and music was booming through the walls, the boys seemed intrigued looking through the steamed windows
"I think we'll head back with the grandparents, Stella is nearly asleep so could you bring Y/n back?" my mom asked passing my sister to my dad
"sure, we'll keep her safe don't worry" David, Georg's dad spoke wrapping an arm around me "you get home and relax" with a quick hug my parents got into the car and drove away leaving me with the boys and their parents which wasn't unusual, having a younger sister makes life harder to always enjoy. Together we all walked into the bar and 'hot in here' by Nelly was blasting through the speakers
"drinks?" Bill asked pulling his wallet out "Guessing a vodka coke for you?" I laughed seeing Bill roll his eyes "you need to try more- I'm getting you something else"
"Get me whatever she has!" Tom shouted to his brother who nodded walking to the rest of the group who found themselves sat at a booth "wanna smoke quickly?" I agreed feeling his hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back out the door, he went into his pocket pulling his cigarets out and handing me one with his lighter
"thank you" I chirped lighting the end and then his "I can't get over you tonight" I spoke catching myself at the end
"its alright babe, you can take it off me later" his voice turned suggestive and a smirk plastered his face "aww turning red aren't you?" his free hand cupped my jaw and I felt my knees go weak at his touch- what was he doing
"shut up-" I groaned pushing him away jokingly "I was trying to be nice and say you look good" Toms face softened and nodded along to my words
"I know, but I just love making you all red for me" he cooed putting a hand on my waist "it makes you even more beautiful" Tom leaned in, my heart started pounding in my chest, is this what he meant by being 'worse' I knew I wanted to kiss him again as he closed the distance between us, our lips just inches apart, he hesitated. With a sly grin, he pulled back, leaving the me confused "don't want to be caught do we?" I narrowed my eyes seeing him chuckle "aw did you want me to kiss you Y/n?"
"its okay, I'll find someone in there who will" his face dropped and his grip on my only tightened "maybe I'll bring them home with us?"
"mhm... I don't think so-" The boy was cut by the long haired bassist peaking his head around the door "what?"
"drinks are here" he pulled the door open wider and the two let me in first, I pushed past people dancing along to the music and trying not to get any type of liquid on my dress, finally the booth came into view and Bill sat smiling reaching for my hand I took it and he pulled me next to him
"okay drink this first then I'll tell you what it is" he shouted over the music, I turned to the drink and saw it was a radioactive green with a yellow hue, I picked up the champagne coup and brought it to my lips taking a sip
"Ugh What the fuck is that!" I called nearly heaving at the taste of something like black liquorish
"Death In The Afternoon! I thought you'd like it!" a smile creeped onto his face as he took the glass and finished it "let me get you another one!" The boy pleaded
"come on Y/n don't be boring!" Gustav laughed swigging his arm around me
"fine but I don't want that shit ever again" soon I watched the tallest twin wonder to the bar and point to something on the menu clapping his hands as the bar man turned away "oh- whats that?" I asked seeing the black haired boy smirking holding a small glass fully yellow but with some red falling into the glass, speaking of the glass it had a slice of lemon and mint dotted on top
"this is a Mai Tai" Bill said handing me the drink and watched me as I sipped at the liquid, I hummed at the taste of Malibu and orange running down my throat
"wow this is good" I drank more seeing the singer do a small dance knowing he'd defeated my 'vodka coke' love
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I sat in the booth wedged between Simone and Bill who were laughing about something stupid and I was on my 5th mai tai giggling when something funny was mentioned, I wasn't drunk but I was tipsy, I saw Simone leave the conversation and look to the dance floor "OH MY GOD!" She got up running to the floor pulling me along with her
"SIMO-" I began but then I herd it 'don't stop the music' by Rihanna start to play, ever since the song came out earlier in the year me and her loved it, we danced around with large smiles painted across our faces "I wanna take you away Let's escape into the music DJ, let it play I just can't refuse it" Simone grabbed my hand spinning me around while still belting out the lyrics "Please don't stop the music!" we finished laughing loudly and sweat running down our foreheads I looked to the booth to see them all clapping at our stupidness we took a bow and Simone went to sit down next to her boyfriend who she wrapped her arms around and kissed making her sons cringe and I decided id go sit next to Tom- we'd barley spoke since we had that smoke out side, he was sat holding a glass of clear liquid and rolling his eyes over at his brother
"hey!" I called sliding myself next to him in the booth
"hi- you okay?" I nodded my head grabbing my drink of the table and In a quick swig finishing It off "you might wanna slow down on them" the boy laughed pulling my empty glass from me but I couldn't understand a word as the music got louder around me
"what? I didn't hear you!" he rolled his eyes but quickly moved closer, the arm around my shoulder moved to hold my bare thigh as he leaned into my ear
"I said, you might wanna slow down on the mai tai" his fingers tapped on my skin causing a odd sensation I'd never felt before shiver up my body, they danced on my leg edging to go just slightly under my skirt but he stopped everytime
"oh-oh yeah... well wanna go to the bar and help me chose something different?" Tom nodded and the two of us stood back up, he grabbed my hand, closing his fingers tightly around mine and pulled me through the crowd, yanking me when I stopped, as we got to the bar he pulled me a bar stool out making me sit in front of him while he stood close behind, his stomach on my back and his one hand on my waist
"you like the fruitier cocktails right?" I nodded my head looking at the menu and something caught my eye- The Blue Hawaii, rum, vodka Blue curacao, pineapple juice and Lemon juice
"I think I want the blue Hawaii!" I looked back to the dreaded boy who nodded his head pulling his wallet out "no Tom, let me pay!" I hurried into my purse to grab the €10 I needed
"Y/n fuck off, I'm buying me and drink and you one- put the money away" he huffed grabbing my money and shoving it back into the bag "let me treat you babe" my heart ached at the words and so I let him do what he wanted and I just leaned back on him and waited to be served. The bartender finally turned to us and grabbed a bottle of something "erm can we have a blue Hawaii and a vodka cranberry, thanks" Tom handed the money over me, his chest pressing on me and his other hand back on my thighs for support
"be 5 mins" the man behind the counter said before walking off to the other side of the bar
"I need a piss, stay here don't move alright?" Tom commanded, quickly patting my head like I was some kind of dog and running to the bathroom, I sat kicking my legs watching others conversations and giggling to who ever they're with
"hey.. anyone sitting here?" I turned to a voice I'd never herd before and saw a man stood there holding a empty glass
"no! you can sit don't worry" a small laugh left him and he perched onto the chair and I finally got to see his face, He's very good looking, I couldn't help but admire his features. something about him that made him stand out from the rest, his black hair and brown eyes. His hair is perfectly styled in little waves along his head, and it shines in the light. I found myself staring to his smile. It's warm and inviting, i can't help but smile back. It's infectious.
"thanks, I'm Brandon- thought I'd introduce myself so I'm not creepy" I laugh at him as I turn to speak to him better
"oh I'm Y/n, my seat will be free soon once me and my mate have our drinks" I spoke still just admiring him, it might've been the alcohol but he was gorgeous
"shame, I'm enjoying this- little old me speaking to a beautiful girl.. I say old- I'm not I'm 19, you?"" I blushed to his words
"oh 17 but I get mixed up with being either 23 or 13 most days" he chuckled at my comment
"where you from anyways?"
"Leipzig, you?" he nodded his head
"Dresden" we kept speaking till mine and Tom's drinks arrived and I quickly grabbed them "so who are you here with?"
"just my friends and some family- celebrating coming home- actually my friend should be here soon" I looked back and I saw Tom staring at me with a scowl across his face "oh erm, he's over there so I might see you later?" I smiled grabbing the drinks off the table
"yeah sure, maybe I can get your number and we could go out for drinks?" he sounded so sweet and eyes bright with hope, but I knew I had to be careful giving my number out for security reasons and also I think Tom would kill me
"maybe yeah!" I laughed it off as I walked over to he boy who looked through me to Brandon, crossing his arms "how long were you stood watching me?" I asked passing him his drink
"long enough" his seriousness scared me, what was his issue "he really liked you didn't he? eyes wondered you like a fucking map" he spat gulping his drink basically in one
"Tom I think you're being a bit dramatic, he didn't even flirt with me" it was a partial lie as he did ask for my number...
"still-" I saw the guitarist sulk a little sipping the last of his drink and staring into the distance and that when I realised it
"are... are you jealous?" his eyes shot up to me but he didn't fight my words, and I wanted to keep pushing him "come on, you can tell me" I fluttered my eyelashes at the boy who just looked away, without thinking my hand reached for his jaw and brought his gaze back to me, I was shocked with myself but I couldn't lose my control now "look at me when I'm talking to you" I spoke closer to him in a low whisper, his eyes seemed deeper and narrower, I was doing it "you don't like it when I speak to other guys hm? don't like them looking at me, thinking of me...touching me" I let the last words roll of my tongue and I could see behind his stare he was getting angrier "talk to me pretty boy"
My hand was swatted from his face as Tom pulled me by my wrist back into the cubicles, each small individual rooms with a crappy dim light glaring into the room, hurriedly we went to the first unlocked block and slammed the door closed and he locked it with a click, my back pressed against the cold tile wall and Tom stood over me I close my eyes as his lips press against mine. His hands moved around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I could feel the heat radiating off of his body as he wrapped his arms around me. His lips soft and perfect, his breath warm on my skin. I can feel my heart racing as we move together, our bodies intertwined. His hands move higher, caressing my back as we kiss. I can feel my skin tingling with anticipation as I move my hands up his chest, exploring his body. I can feel the electricity between us, the passion rising.
"You- you are a little cunt sometimes" I feel him smile into my cheek pressing kisses into my skin "but.. fuck we both know you'd never want them...as much as you want me" I hold my breath at the feeling of him humming into my ear, my arms tangle around his neck pulling him back to my lips "god you are so desperate for me" I pull back slightly opening my eyes and seeing a smirk plastering his face
"who's the one that dragged me into here?" he tilted his head in agreement but I could wait any longer, our lips smashed back together and our bodies collided once again, hungrily I moved down to his jaw peppering the line with kisses and edged down to his neck, my lips danced around until I reached just below his ear and his grip on me tightened and a noise threatened to escape his throat, I dove back into the spot sucking and pecking at it, hearing him struggle and try pry me off
"fuck Y/n- please" he begged "shit... I-I" his stuttering made my heart swell and I pulled away to see small beads of sweat forming, I looked to his eyes and they were full of glazed tears of lust
"aw- I'm sorry, didn't you like it?" I played with a strand of his hair as he shook his head no
"I fucking loved it" his lips landed back on me as he groaned into the kiss, I smiled feeling his hands go under my thighs and lift me onto his hips, my dress pushing up revealing the red panties I put on earlier "shit you are so hot" the boy whined kissing my chest, nibbling lightly at the skin
"ah- Tom" His eyes caught mine again and smile only spread further, my hands grabbed his shoulders pushing myself up and he only toyed with me more, licking my skin that was sore from being between his teeth and small noises seeped from my mouth only pushing him further "shit... Fuck Tommy- I..." his nickname came out so naturally but in the sluttiest moan I'd ever done
" God Y/n, I don't what the first place we fuck to be in a bathroom baby, so keep that pretty little mouth quiet because you're making it so hard to keep that from happening" my heart nearly exploded out my chest, I went like putty, foreheads knocking together at his words, Tom caught my lips In one last sweet kiss and put me back onto the floor "so beautiful-" Tom whispered into my ear one last time before pulling away still holding my waist
"only for you" I smiled kissing him once more again before we stood there holding each other panting and puffy lipped
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bsd-bibliophile · 6 months
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Survey Dates: 11/15/2023 - 12/15/2023
Number of Participants: 326
Tumblr will not allow me to post pictures of all the survey results, so only part of them are included in this post. You can download and view the complete results here or view them in the BSD-Bibliophile Online Library.
Thank you to everyone who participated! If you are interested in viewing the results from past surveys, here are the results from 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.
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View the complete survey results here or on the BSD-Bibliophile Online Library.
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All my favs are the ones who aren't from Japan💀
As a huge bsd fan, I admire how commited you are to the blog. Have a good day, as well as a happy new year!!!!! I´ve been filling out your annual surveys since 2020, and I´m glad that you still carry them every year. Thanks!!
BSD Bibliophile is generally such a cool and useful resource, I’ve used it both for fun as well as for school work (I didn’t have my physical copy of Akutagawa’s works with me and needed to cite “Spinning Gears”/“Cogwheels”). Thank y’all for everything you do!
BSD-Bibliophile, the website and the Tumblr posts have been invaluable to me in my literary journey. I thank you so much for your service to the community, I can't express how happy I am that the lesser known or completely unknown authors are getting more western attention. Thank you so much!!
comments on my answers: I used to own more books but when I emigrated I could bring only one. The book I brought here from Russia is Dazai’s stories collection. Since many of the books are available in Japanese for free, I also read them on aozora app.
Finding Japanese literature from these authors is actually pretty difficult in Scotland. Also, Dazai and Nakahara are such fangirl answers, but I actually adore both of their works
First of all, sorry for my horrendous English 💀 I love this page so much! I was absolutely lost as to where to read the translations of the LN, wan! And others, it had been so helpful for me when it comes to my time enjoying BSD. Also, I enjoyed a lot that one section of like fun facts of the real authors and I was so happy when I found the bunch of English translation of the real authors, it really made my day.Now when I want to read a book of the real authors, or read something BSD related I know where ti search for first! I absolutely adored all the work you put into this (or the team (?) I don't know how mane people is running the page:(), thank you for all of it, keep going! 💗
for the images included on posts; the only thing i don't like about them is that they're a bit too tall (making the post look too long as well). i think images would still be nice if they were longer width than height! also, thank you for all of the work you do running bsd bibliophile! you've put together such an amazing and invaluable resource for bsd fans and non-fans alike.
Great work!
Have a nice day!!
Hello! - princy :3
Honestly, I would read stuff by the authors but I just don't have that kind of money
hope you are having a great day!
I absolutely love BSD it made me get into japness literature, as well did Bungo To Alchemist. ALSO BSD LIGHT NOVEL ON TOP!!
I appreciate the work you do! It has really expanded my taste in literature, and for that I am very grateful <3
I appreciate your work🥰😘❤
I believe that having more of a separation from the BSD characters and the real life authors in the bibliophile’s posts would be highly appreciated from a lot of other people; and not just myself
I bought Summer of the Ubume by Kyougoku Natsuhiko when it still was in print in English. I took it with me when rereading and lost my copy. I’m kicking myself years later for not buying a used copy for $50. Earlier this year I was able to borrow a copy from a library and took a picture of every page so I can keep it with me that way. I was delighted to find a scan PDF of the novel when your tumblr linked stories to read for Halloween. Thank you for sharing and thank you whomever made that scan. The BSD Gaiden novel is my favorite thing from BSD and I’m deeply thankful to the person who shared their amazing fan translation. It’s led me to buying all of the English translations of Ayatsuji’s works, plus the two volumes of the manga. I’m a newer follower of your tumblr, but have enjoyed reading each new quote and seeing ones I’ve recognized. Thank you for your work, it’ll definitely be inspiration when I want to read more Japanese literature.
I enjoy the BSD-Bibliophile page on tumblr! I like reading parts (?) of the authors' works and i've become more interested in their works. Thanks for all that you do!! :D
I have the page bookmarked in my browser so that I can check it out from time to time. Also I love Chuuya
I honestly love this website like literally. This bibliophile has helped me Soo much like finding the authors I want to read and learning more about the authors featured. Honestly, words can't describe how grateful I am that this site being created to help accessing literature more easier
I just want you to know that i adore all the effort that goes into this page and that its (In my opinion) a staple of the fandom
I look forward to the survey every year to see how far I’ve come in interacting with Japanese literature. Thanks for running the blog and library, it’s an amazing resource. Best, Comical tuber
I love BSD bibliophile so damn much, whatever BSD related author work and BSD manga (both wan and anthologies) weren't possible for me to find this easily. This website is the work of art. My favourite place
I love BSD-Bibliophile Online Library! Thank you for managing it!
I love the 'recently published' section!
I love your blog and what you do for the fandom! It really scratches the itch which is my obsession with BSD and classic/20th C literature <3
I love your site so much, it's made it so easy to get more info about Japanese authors and figure out what else I want to read. Thank you so much!i love your work!!
I personally believe that using advertisement through mangas and animes specially bsd connects me to the world of books one more time Also I’m grateful for free online websites for putting pdfs of books that I can’t easily have access in my country
I really appreciate all the information you have online here. I have learned a lot and I admire you and your passion. This might sound weird but I truly hope I can collect and read Japanese Literature and organise information as you do when I am older.
I really like your blog, keep it up :3
I really want to read Q's Dogra Magra but I think it's only been translated completely in french so far. Thank you so much for your database! It makes it so much easier to access learning.
I think it's so cool that you're doing these surveys! I think this bibliophile project is just awesome in general tho :) (also dang its hard to choose a fave char) lots of <3 <3 <3
I want to read many more books of the real authors so i cannot yet judge who my favorite will be. Dazai's works are the easiest to get access to in my country and I got Chuuya's poems as a gift so I am still hunting for more :)
I want to read some of their books but i'm to scared of telling my mom this fact ┻━┻︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
I wasn't sure if that question about reading Japanese lit was about reading it in Japanese or not
I will try to get more into this Library ! It's really good and good job for the the tumblr blog, i love it !
I would like if the quotes didn't repeat a lot– Like finding more than 4 posts of the same quote is weird to me at least... instead of doing the same authors in repetition, do more characters that have been published a few times in the blog 🙌🏻
I’m a BSD anime fan who would like to try some of the works by the authors the characters are based on but hasn’t gotten around to figuring out a good entry point for people who don’t usually read literature
I'm new to the fandom, but I'm looking forward to check out any translation that are available (I plan to read at least the work the ability is referring to for a start)
I'm so thankful for your website making Japanese literature available, as I live in a somewhat rural area. Keep up the good work!
I'm very grateful for the resources that had been accumulated by bsd bibliophile, really, I've only been able to nurture my interest in Japanese literature and grow to be passionate about it because I had such easy access to the translated works so thanks a lot for the work you do!
I've just decided to make use of the online library and I'm very excited! I'll check of Oda and Nikolai first because they are most interesting to me :)
i've remembered about the bibliophile purely by chance. in a span of a single night, i've read another media that draws heavy inspiration from japanese literature – ""hashihime of the old book town"". i say ""finished"", yet i'm only done with a single route of this novel. i plan on seeing it through the end. i am enamoured by this script. it's as If i've found true literature again. i truly do not know why im saying this. forgive me If my words are unclear in my ramblings. i am simply here to pick up some kyusaku. maybe then i will be able to fully unravel the fabric of this novel, thread by thread.
I've used this blog to help open myself up to more Japanese literature for years now, ever since I first got into bad, and I can't thank you enough for running this!
Just followed a little while ago so my answers probably aren't that helpful, sorry! I'm looking forward to going through your blog though! Hope you have a nice day/night! :)
Just started following the blog recently tbh, but I’m excited to check out the online library!
Keep up the good work!! :)
Keep up with the good work! I'm always happy to see your content
Love your blog and everything you do!!!
My 1st fav character is Atsushi, but Chuuya's also on top :))
My book count is prolly squewed as I had to go off of memory (since I left many behind in the US at my parents house). I counted Japanese fiction from non BSD authors but not manga and light novels. Also I used to watch & read BSD but no longer do so, but still enjoy Japanese literature.
sorry i took this for fun and wanna read a lot of multiple authors works but uh i havent come around to it yet (also money 😭)
Thank you :)
Thank you <3
Thank you for all the posts you have posted! I can find it hard at times to have the motivation to sit down and READ lol but you inspire me to read more with all the quotes you have shared with us on your blog. <3 Take care!
Thank you for all you do
Thank you for all you do <3
thank you for creating and running this beautiful blog anne♡✨.
Thank you for creating this amazing website ! :D through this website i can learn more about the authors and im happy because of it thank you once again !! <3
thank you for everything you do!
Thank you for letting me know of the library! I've been wanting to read the authors' works but couldn't find them along with money issues
Thank you for providing information that I could not find in anywhere else on the internet in English!
Thank you for the hardwork!! <3
thank you for you blog! literally my go to anytime i need any bsd related! it is literally invaluable and im so so grateful to you!
thank you for your hard work <3 i'm currently studying japanese, because i really want to read japanese literature in its original language and translate it, but until then i will continue relying on english translations - most of which i was only able to find on your site. again, i thank you and the translators from the bottom of my heart for providing us with such amazing resources and translations for free <3
Thank you for your hard work and efforts to share and compile the legally available works of the BSD authors! Your site has allowed me to appreciate BSD as well as Japanese literature itself a lot more.
Thank you for your hard work o7
Thank you for your hard work! Have a nice day:)
Thank you for your hard work! Was it not BSD-Bibliophile I'd be completely lost with researching irl authors and their art of writing. You helped me lots of times.
thank you for your hardwork! i appreciate what you do <3
Thank you for your work and your posts! :D
Thank you for your work at BSD-Bibliophile. For the research that I am conducting and for leisure purposes, the curated library is immensely helpful. I am happy to see that interest has grown in Japanese literature alongside the depth of available resources.
Thank you for your work! It’s always a bright spot in my day to see these quotes :)
Thank you for your work! Your blog has been a great source of information for me for a few years now. Sending love and hugs 🌸
Thank you for your work!!
Thank you so much for all you've done for the community!!!
Thank you!
Thanks :D
Thanks for all the work you do
Thanks for all your work! It's because of you guys that I've been able to read as much as I have (and will continue to do)!!!
Thanks for this resource, it's helpful as a Universal Literature student
the online library has really helped in finding japanese literature
The online library helped me so much in getting to know more about japanese literature thanks a lot for you ♥️
The website has been of great help to find my way around the literature! Truly a godsend! Keep up the great work
The world of literature is a big one & some of it aren't really that accessible. It's great that there are more people translating these previously untranslated works so we can see just how unique each author's style is
There were questions asking for "favorite Japanese BSD author", but those questions were very misleading. First of all, the characters in BSD aren't authors; they don't do or haven't done writing for living or anything along the lines. Secondly, said questions made it sound more like you were asking for whether I like Asagiri, Harukawa, Kanai, Hoshikawa or some other creators who are credited as authors of BSD. They are BSD authors, not the characters like you made it sound like in your questions. If you are asking about real-life authors who happen to have characters based on them in BSD, leave out BSD from the questions, or specify them with something like "Which Japanese author do you like the most, who has a character based on them in BSD?". Last I would like to suggest adding option to the question regarding BSD media, where people who are ex-BSD fans could specify that they've been previously fans, but don't consume or follow the series anymore. The option could be literally just "Previously have been BSD fan, but don't consume any of the official content anymore". I'm pretty sure there are plenty of people like me who have enjoyed BSD in the past, but now just enjoy Japanese literature alone or through some other medias that have nothing to do with BSD. Thanks for the annual survey as always. It's been interesting to see how much the fandom reads and who are the authors who people read in the first place. I wish more people would pay attention to some less popular authors, as there are plenty of hidden gems and your favorite author doesn't have to be the same as your favorite BSD character.
there's a redditor in r/templeofes who's working on translating dogra magra and they're working very hard :D
This blog is a national treasure, thank you all <3
This initiative is so beautiful, thank you for all the hard work.
This website is amazing!!!!!! It’s hard to find Japanese classics in America but this list has them all ❤️
Tumblr doesn't show me many of your posts, so I will try to interact more to see them ^.^
Very cool survey! Thanks
Well have have read many of Fyodor dostoevsky books but not any Japanese novels or poems
When I first got into bsd your online library was an invaluable resource and the only reason I have read works by bsd Japanese authors. I use it less now because my hyperfixation has waned but I still really appreciate all that you do and the resources made available to fans. Thank you!
will check the BDS-Bibliophile website <3 hope u have a nice day
yooo!! thanks for this super awesome survey!! happy easter <33 -a migrating tumblrer
You’re one of the best resources I have for BSD and JP literature. I’m eternally grateful for all the work you do
97 notes · View notes
yunarim · 1 year
hello if you can still ask, I'm interested in asking for headcanons for pomefiore reacting when his mc fem decides to interpret nxde from g-idle in a karaoke night at the cafe de azul or well wherever, you decide the place if you want xd that would be all Thank you and take care <33
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・┆✦ʚ I don't give a love ɞ✦ ┆・— yes, i'm nxde
⌞summary⌝ — pomefiore reacting to fem!reader interpreting (g)i-dle's 'nxde' during the karaoke night
⌞tags⌝ — female reader (she/her pronouns but none were actually used), sfw, reader wears an outfit similar to shuhua's (that black and red one girls wore during the chorus), octavinelle makes a cameo in the intro because why not
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“Hey, Shrimpie!~”
You turn to Floyd, still sipping your drink, and tilt your head.
Apparently Azul called for him while you two were chatting, and there he is, looking absolutely exhausted after the discussion they had. You actually wondered what that was about since everyone seemed rather hyped up for an unknown to you upcoming event.
“Now now, Floyd,” Jade approached you, refilling your drink as you threw a quick suspicious glance at them, grinning slightly. “Don’t rush it.”
“It’s boring,” Floyd replied, taking a seat next to you. “Plus, Shrimpie doesn’t like it when we’re just throwing hints and such. Right, Shrimpie?”
“Right you are,” you nodded. “So, what’s the deal?”
“Azul’s going to hold a karaoke night!!” Floyd announced quite excitedly, waiting for you to react, and attempted to squeeze you once glimpses of interest appeared in your eyes, but you quickly dodged.
“Sounds nice,” you answered. “You want me to perform or what? I don’t think I can pull off any of Twisted Wonderland songs though, they’re still rather unfamiliar, but if you give me some time, then…”
“Quite the opposite, Prefect,” now it was Azul who appeared before you, giving you a project plan, perfectly neat and nicely arranged as always. “We would like you to sing something from your world.”
You pressed a finger to your chin, lost in thoughts. The idea itself was quite appealing but that meant you needed to translate a song to Twisted Wonderland language, moreover, which concept exactly should you consider, and what about outfit, makeup and—
“Of course we’re not putting any pressure on you!” Azul announced, adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose. “If you’re worried about the cost, then leave it to us. Also regarding the translation of the song, we can help you too. Just choose something catchy and remarkable, you’re our rising star, after all.”
“Great then,” you agreed, putting your sign on the contract he pulled out of nowhere, much to Floyd and Jade’s delight. “I’ll leave everything to you then, but… I’ll translate the song myself. Just provide me with some amount of money after I calculate everything.”
“It’s a deal then~” Azul hummed. “I’m awaiting your performance.”
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Next day you show up a bit earlier than expected. Octavinelle trio turns to you, as if questioning why you came up when it’s literally two hours before the show starts, but you reassuringly smile. 
“Good evening, everyone. If you’re wondering why I came that early, then well…” you show them a heavily-looking bag you brought with you. “I need to get ready. Oh and please make sure no one enters the dressing room while I’m there, alright? I don’t want to ruin a surprise.”
“Don’t worry, Shrimpie!~” Floyd reassures you. 
“Good luck today, Prefect,” Jade nods.
“Oh I won’t disappoint you.”
And with that you enter the dressing room, ready to impress.
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・┆✦ʚ did you think i'd just laugh as if?
—♡ VIL SCHOENHEIT praises your outfit choice and makeup skills the very second he sees you getting up on the stage. It’s dark, and the music has no instrumental intro, so you’re just standing there, waiting for the lights to turn on, and the moment you say the very first word of the lyrics, he’s immersed into your performance.
—♡ He saw the pamphlet, a song from your world translated to their language sounded quite intriguing, but he couldn’t even think you would choose such an… idiomatic song. 
—♡ He also assumes there’s a dance to this song, but you don’t move much due to the outfit and because there’s karaoke night being held after all, not an idol-like show. But he still catches what he guesses is supposed to be signature moves. 
—♡ He’s a performer himself, so he’s highly concentrated on your devotion, and needless to say you polished this song to perfection. 
—♡ He wonders if you’re implying some message to students, given you’re the only female in this school, and the way you grin slyly makes him realize that you definitely are trying to say something through the song. 
—♡ “The way I talk is kinda dumb But I’ve got a sexy, sexy figure” is definitely an allusion to how people preserved you when you first got here, and Vil’s ready to make sure you’re not getting unwanted attention and any misconceptions. In case you wish to know how to handle such situations, you can always ask him for a piece of advice. —♡ The moment you start singing the chorus part, he’s smirking proudly.  —♡ You’re absolutely stunning. He wants you to release this song officially, would you like to work under the label he models? 
—♡ “I’m born nude and you’re the pervert" line makes him notice someone in the Lounge coughing out of embarrassment because you’re being incredibly sharp. 
—♡ After the performance ends, he joins you in the dressing room, praising you. He also asks why you choose the song with such lyrics, and tells you if there’s someone or something bothering you, don't be afraid to ask him for help. 
—♡ You appreciate it, but there’s actually no need, given you feel extremely confident after delivering the message through the song.
—♡ Ends up rewatching fancams someone took and uploaded on MagiTube the next day right before going to sleep. 
—♡ Wants you to release the song with the MV provided so badly.
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・┆✦ʚ put on my beautiful self
—♡ It's obviously ROOK HUNT who's ready to collapse the very second you make your way to the stage.
—♡ The way the fur layer on the black corset emphasizes your collarbones; the way fishnet stockings suits you; the way the scarlet satin ribbons on your skirt glisten and follow your movements like the waves of the sea; the way your hands look immensely elegant enveloped in silk gloves; the way the jewelry shines in the dim warm light of the Lounge… 
—♡ Sevens, just how stunning can you be? Spare him and his poor weak heart and—
—♡ “Twisted Lorelei that don’t need no man” part makes him want to clap the second you sing this line, but he manages to refrain from doing that in order not to ruin your performance. 
—♡ Your gaze aimed right at the audience is sharp and piercing, he wonders if you’re trying to deliver the message with the song to a certain someone. He also hopes there’s no one who actually hurt you by saying something inappropriate. Otherwise he would ask if you need his help.
—♡ He also feels like you don’t, given how enchantingly beautiful you look now, your confidence radiating from your every move and every line you sing. 
—♡ “Baby, how do I look?” — ah Sevens, great you asked!! He’s already filming a fancam to appreciate it once more later (not just once though–). And you do look like you’re about to crush a lot of hearts today, as well as end up breaking someone’s unwanted comments about your behavior and your looks. 
—♡ “Excusez-moi, to all of you who are sitting here, if you were expecting some rated R show” line is the moment Rook thinks one bouquet of splendid flowers isn’t enough to show his gratitude for your braveness and confidence he absolutely adores and respects. 
—♡ The amount of appreciation he radiates actually equals all the audience’s adoration. 
—♡ As your performance ends, he’s the first to stand up and rush to the stage, presenting a bouquet of flowers to you. He then gently takes your hand in his, as if escorting you to the dressing room. 
—♡ He’s pretty sure people would make malicious comments about the meaning you tried to deliver, but worry not — Rook knows exactly who these people are, and he’s here to reassure you that you did the right thing.
—♡ (Also please consider Vil’s offer to record a music video—)
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・┆✦ʚ you're welcome to throw those dumb popcorns —♡ It's EPEL FELMIER who screams out loud when you appear on the stage even before the song actually starts.
—♡ First years introduced cover dance festivals to him, he knows how important it is to show the support for the ones who perform.
—♡ He catches you throwing a quick smile at him, and he screams once more, saying you're literally the best!! Epel’s actually the best hype boy out there.
—♡ “The audience booed and shouted ‘You tricked me, you’re a liar!’” YES CRASH THEM, MAKE THEM DEVASTATED, RUIN THOSE STEREOTYPES!!
—♡ He enjoys the song so much, oh Sevens, you’re so brave and confident, he’s SOOO invested. And yet the more he listens, the more he wonders if you’re speaking from experience. If you are, then spill the tea, who’s been bothering you so much? He’s ready to throw some fists—
—♡ “I feel sick of those prejudice made by themselves” NO BECAUSE you’re being so real and true, he can’t stand it either when people misjudge someone because of their looks. 
—♡ He’s the first one to start screaming when the choruses come, and the audience just repeats after him. He respects you so much, not only your devotion, your outfit, makeup and voice are admirable, but you’re also confident, a truly self-made woman.
—♡ “Think outside of the box” JUST HOW TRUE YOU ARE!! Epel no longer sitting, he’s standing and even jumping, showing his appreciation as much as it even possible and causing the others to catch on his excitement. 
—♡ When the song ends, he shouts out “STAN YUU FOR CLEAR SKIN YOU MORONS!!”, not even caring for Vil’s reaction and upcoming scolding.
—♡ He can’t be stopped on the way to the dressing room, Epel literally can’t shut up for at least a moment, praising you and going all ‘you did so well’, ‘you’re so cool’, ‘you’re my ultimate bias forever’ and so on.
—♡ Feel free to tell him if there’s someone who’s bothering you, he can help. You’re not sure about his methods, but appreciate his good will. 
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© yushiiae 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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the-fluff-piece · 9 months
Night shift 🌙
Coffeeshop AU - getting a visit from Detective Smoker
This is day 4 of tropetember
Also check out my stories and headcanon masterlists
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You're just a student with a job in a diner. You work the night shift because you like the calm of the night hours - and so does Smoker, a weary cop stopping by for a coffee and your company every so often.
Note: Mr 2's alias Bon Kurei was translated to"Bon Curry" in my country, so that's how I'm using it here.
Detective Smoker was a night-owl, and a regular at Bon Curry's diner. He usually stomped in around midnight, sat down at his usual spot and waited for Bon-Chan to bring him the usual - a strong coffee and a slice of the Diner's signature apple pie (contrary to the name, there was no curry on the menu).
His burly stature and grumpy demeanor were intimidating, so most waiters avoided him, except for your boss, whom everyone just called Bon-Chan. He was a lively and excentric person and the only one who was consequently delighted to serve the detective.
So when the door opened, ringing the bell and the big man with the dark coat entered the room, you waited for Bon-Chan to bring him the usual.
Smoker sat down with a groan and enjoyed his cigar. And waited. You continued to clean the counter. That old scary grump was not your responsibility, you told yourself.
Ten minutes passed. Smoker began to drum the table impatiently. Where's Bon-chan?
You looked around, he must be in the kitchen. You went looking - and smelled smoke - and there he was, fanning a burning something on the counter with this apron.
"I have a little bit of a situation here, darling" he said, waving you away.
"Uhm, the detective is here..." You told your boss, hoping he would take the hint.
"So? I'm busy here, you bring him the usual" he desperately continued to fan smoke out of the back window.
"He doesn't bite. He's actually a good guy. Just make a bit of smalltalk, he's a regular. You got this!" He gave you a thumbs up before taking care or the accident again. Bon-Chan was so cheery and positive, you couldn't refuse.
So you dutifully returned to the dining area, loaded a slice of pie and a coffee on a tablet and brought it to the detective's table.
"The usual" you said, a bit shaking, as you set the order down in front of him, already afraid what he might say. He was even more scary up close, but also strangely handsome. From afar, he looked much older - now you realised he must be in his mid thirties.
His angular face could only be described as masculine and stern. A nasty looking scar was above his eye. His nose looked crooked, like it had been broken more than once and never settled right. His stature was undeniably muscular and broad. Overall, not the qualities you liked on customers at all. He looked like the kind to make problems.
"Where's Bon-Chan" it felt more like an order than a question. He looked up at you through the tobacco smoke and you noticed his warm brown eyes, a stark contrast to his white hair and light skin.
"He is occupied, in the kitchen" you swallowed. His eyes may have been like warm chocolate, but you didn't doubt his stare could break any street thug's will.
"Hmph" He grunted as he sipped the hot coffee.
Just make some smalltalk, Bon-Chan's request echoed in your head. He prided himself to run the most welcoming diner in town, with an open ear and a Chat for everyone. You thought about how he often sat with customers, listening to their problems, easing their cares. It was a warmth you wanted to provide, too.
This man looked so weary, you had your work cut out for you. So you took all your courage and stammered out the usual question:
"So, had a long day?" You asked, hoping for the best. This man couldn't be further from your usual crowd.
"Long week." He rubbed the hunched bridge of his nose, looking unnerved.
"Must be tough out there" you said.
"You have no idea, miss" He squinted at you. "Can't you get Bon-Chan?" He asked, twisting his neck to scan the diner.
"He is fighting some burnt pie in the kitchen" you said, unprepared for the deep, guttural laugh that followed.
"Still clumsy I see, he doesn't change" Smoker laughed and his expression relaxed a little.
"Have you known each other for a long time?" You asked, now curious.
"Yes. We met through my work" He seemed engaged now. In a talking mood.
"He doesn't look like much, hell, before I met him I would probably not have taken him serious. But just let it be said that your boss saved my ass. Got a mean kick" He chuckled at your surprised face.
Your boss, that scrawny, skinny man with heavy make up, saving that hunk?
Smoker took a deep draught of his cigar and veiled himself in smoke.
"Now you have to tell me more!" You were intrigued, you didn't know much about Bon-Chan's past and he never told.
"Maybe another time, miss" Smoker raised his brow and leaned back in his chair, stretching.
His chest was so massive, it put quite the strain on the fabric of his shirt. You figured that he already wore the biggest size he could find. The stretched material revealed bulging pecs, the clearly defined muscles moving as he breathed in and out.
"Something wrong, miss?" He asked.
"No, not at all" you were ripped from the hypnotic moment, realising how athletic he was build. Rolled up sleeves revealed strong arms with thick veins stretching over his lower arms and big hands.
He leaned on the table again, robbing you of the sight of his chest - and instead treating you to a warm glance from his chestnut eyes.
"Why don't you tell me your story? You haven't been around long, miss" He dug into his pie and listened to you.
You told him why you came town and how you came to work at the diner, while he ate the slice of pie. He asked clarifying questions from time to time, remembering smallest details you mentioned. His eyes glinted with interest as he came to cunning conclusions about you.
You decided it was your time to ask and get him talking.
He told you how he grew up here, in a very bad part of town, actually not far from your flat. It was cheap living space, but not exactly the place with the best reputation. He seemed a bit concerned for your safety, but held back with overbearing advice.
"I bet you have your hands full, being in the police force around here" you said.
He nodded.
"There's a lot of great people here that deserve a safe town. I'm trying to do my part." He said it with such a finality that you didn't have a doubt about his conviction.
"Are you sure I shouldn't accompany you home?" He seriously looked at you.
"No, I've made it home for the past months, it will be OK." You told him.
He nodded.
"But if you ever feel unsafe, don't hesitate to ask" He said.
"Well, I'm off again" He said as he finished the last of his midnight meal.
"I hope to see you again, soon. Take care out there at night" He said in a warm voice.
As he put on his coat and got ready to leave, his demeanor hardened again, like he had to put on armor against the harsh world outside. He nodded towards the counter and left, vanishing into the foggy night again.
You looked over - Bon-Chan was leaning next to the coffee maker with a broad grin.
"Aw darling, he likes you!" His voice reminded you of your mom's, when she asked about the boys at school.
"I just chatted, like you asked!" You said, trying to play cool.
"He doesn't just like anyone. And he rarely smiles. You're on Smoker-duty from now on." He turned around to avoid further discussion.
When you cleared the table, you found a more than generous tip. Smoker-duty might prove exciting and profitable at the same time.
Over the years, he has become a little rough-edged, he knew that. The streets were tough and he saw a lot of horrible things every day. He couldn't save everyone and he often asked himself if he made any difference at all anymore.
He feared that he was getting like the old guys on the force - hopeless, bitter, disillusioned.
He returned to Bon Curry's diner as often as he did because it was a warm place, and there was always someone to keep him company. It reminded him of the good places of this town.
The waitress he talked to today was a welcome addition. He thought about her as he opened the door to his dark apartment.
He had noticed her before, standing silently behind the counter. He'd always found her to be pretty. And tonight he discovered that she was a good listener and a kind soul as well.
He hoped that she would be safe and would see her again. He looked forward to his next night shift.
Yes, I put Mr 2 in there because I love the thought of them running a small shop and providing shelter for lost souls. And yes, I would love them to be unexpected friends with smoker.
I like smoker in this setting, maybe there will be more parts.
And yes, he's a big, sexy daddy and y/n is a small, cute student.
Taglist @yeeeeezly @waitingmydemons @stariski @livwritesfics @violetmatcha
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maniculum · 4 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Blisheag
We've got another bird this week, but it looks like people are having fun with it, so let's see what came out of it.
As usual, if you're not sure what this is about, you can see previous material at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting and follow stuff as it's posted at the tag maniculum bestiaryposting.
The entry our artists are working from this week can be seen here:
Roughly chronological order under the cut, &c. &c., you know how this works.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) notes that the translation choosing to say "bill" instead of "beak" makes them think of ducks, and furthermore how that seems a bit odd that we have these two very similar terms, acknowledge that some birds have beaks and some have bills, and then don't really think about it. That's a pretty interesting point -- I'm tempted to take some time to look up whether there is a defined difference, but I have a post to write and other Tasks waiting in the wings, so please, if you know what that's about, let us know. The line that the Blisheag is an enemy to snakes naturally brought the secretary bird to mind, so here we see it trampling a snake with its talons. (Some of our other artists also made the connection to secretary birds and their practice of stomping snakes -- it's interesting to me that this is apparently a part of Tumblr's collective consciousness.) Also, the coloration is based on the American black duck, which Silverhart describes as "quite a handsome duck", and I have to say the color pattern is pretty nice.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) has also gone for large talons for stomping snakes, and in the absence of any specific physical details, decided to have some fun with it. I like the choice to give it a turkey-like body and tail combined with a long neck like a flamingo. Sweetlyfez also included the detail in the entry that the Blisheag loses its feathers while diligently incubating its nest, giving it a bald neck and head. I think the effect is kind of charming -- it kind of evokes a flamingo, but since that's bald skin rather than pink feathers, it would probably look closer to a vulture in person.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) has given us a whole group (they helpfully inform us that the collective noun is a "lance") of Blisheags attentively listening to a crow who is perched on a stump. I really like this interpretation of them following crows as guides -- like it's not just an instinctive behavior but they're actively in collaboration with the crows somehow and take verbal direction from them. Something really clever here that's easy to miss if you don't know what you're looking for -- which is why you should make a practice of reading Cheapsweets's linked posts, as they tend to include detailed explanations -- is how they've interpreted the details that describe the Blisheags making creaking & clashing noises and following the crows like an army. Look at those varied head shapes on the different Blisheag subspecies: they're patterned after different styles of knights' helmets. Also, I'd like to thank Cheapsweets for providing their own alt text, and acknowledge that I of course noticed the Stylized Trees.
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has as usual done some delightful medieval stylization in this week's art. (And provided their own alt text, thank you.) Something I think is really clever here is how she's interpreted "enemies of snakes" as combined with "fly across the sea" -- obviously, when they're migrating, they have to deal with being menaced by sea serpents. Brilliant. As for the actual birds, we see them following crows of course, and apparently in the absence of physical description, Coolest-capybara decided to pattern them after a depiction of a bird in an old church window; if you want to see the window, you should check out the linked post. It's a good bird design, I think.
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@pomrania (link to post here) also thought "secretary bird" and decided to run with it. They mention going a bit Seussian in design, and I think it really works. (Also apparently the crow is patterned after the "Crow Time" comics, which Cheapsweets also namechecked, so I suppose I should go look at those at some point.) Aside from the delightfully whimsical look of the bird in general, I think the really clever part of the design is those little round bumps on the end of its beak. They also noted the description of the Blisheag making noise by clashing its bill, and decided to give it a bill that's adapted to making noise -- they describe it as a "roseate spoonbill crossed with a tambourine". I love it.
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@strixcattus (link to post here) notes the lack of specific detail but has drawn this ibis-esque bird with a very good curved beak. The gold here is in the description Strixcattus provides to remedy the "lack of detail" problem, which includes more on the nesting practices alluded to in the entry and an explanation of how it hunts snakes -- since, of course, it is the enemy of snakes, as we know. Again, you need to go read all of the worldbuilding naturalist posts Strixcattus has done for this exercise; they're delightful and very well thought out. Also, I think this drawing is the closest to the real bird, so let's go ahead and transition to...
... the Aberdeen Bestiary version. (Note: this time around I straight-up forgot what bird this was supposed to be when I sat down to do this post, but luckily I made a spreadsheet back when I started this that I was able to reference.)
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Yep, those are definitely storks. Pretty recognizable depiction, I'd say. Frog looks oddly happy with being caught here.
The migration habits of storks are actually something that comes up in other medieval texts. Pretty sure they're just guessing with "Asia" here; medieval Europeans didn't really know where storks went. The version I like best is in the tradition that includes the Old English Wonders of the East, wherein we are informed that storks are only birds when they summer in Europe -- when they're back home for the winter, they take humanoid form. Really. The text in the Wonders of the East is as follows (translation mine):
There are men born who are 15 feet tall, & they have white bodies & two noses on one head. Their knees are very red, their noses long, and their hair black. When they wish to give birth, they travel on ships to India, and there bring their kin into the world.
Doesn't sound like it's talking about storks? There's a reason for that. The Wonders of the East is actually a great example of Manuscript Telephone. Ann Elizabeth Knock, in her dissertation "Wonders of the East: a synoptic edition of the Letter of Pharasmanes and the Old English and Old Picard translations" (which you can get a PDF version of at this link here), gives us the following view of the original version:
Men are born there with long legs. They are very tall, 12 or 15 feet. They [or, in some versions, just their arms] are white. Their faces are divided. They have red feet. The head is round; they have long noses and black shoulders. At a certain time, they transform into birds. As birds, they breed in [an area familiar to the reader of the Letter]; you call them storks.
The Wonders of the East lost the stork aspect in transmission -- the next entry in the Wonders starts with "There is a land in Gaul called Ciconia", which is the end of the above version being accidentally attached to the next bit and reinterpreted. Ciconia is Latin for "stork", and the version the scribe was copying from probably named Gaul as the area where they went to breed.
(Similarly, traveling on ships in the Wonders of the East is probably a confusion of navis 'ship' and avis 'bird'.)
For more on the Wonders of the East, we did a three-part episode on it back in March 2021, and I later wrote up a summary of the differences between the text we used and Knock's reconstructions at this link here. (Very much summarized, Knock's work is lengthy & detailed & a surprisingly good read for an absolute doorstopper of a dissertation.)
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silentmagi · 2 months
Rising Star
Hello everyone, I hope that everyone’s enjoying the story and that you’ve all been well since last time. I thank all of you who take the time to read and vote for these updates. I would love to hear any feedback or reviews you may have.
Last time, we were voting on what the next steps were. The winners were Translate and the getting new books from the stables, and I’m going to try and combine these. Let’s see where the story takes us.
An effort was made to translate the tome, the words in a nigh forgotten language and she could translate it, but for the fact that she didn’t have her own linguistic notes, or a book to help her understand the rules of grammar and syntax, she was having trouble parsing the right inflections and meanings of the words she was trying to translate.
Looking at the window, she found that it had been two hours since she started, and she had only gotten roughly half the page partially figured out. Letting out an annoyed sigh, she picked up the page again, found her notes, and promptly found that she had made three mistakes within the first few notes.
Determining that the translations were a lost cause, she packed up her books, leaving the one for private reading on the bed for later. Surely, Luna was a lady of culture and wouldn’t judge her for such reading materials.
On second thought, hiding it inside her bag for later would be best.
With her reading materials secured, she returned to the quest for more knowledge. Navigating the stairs, she found the back entrance to the stables unguarded, and the two lads that had helped her earlier absconded, perhaps to a scheduled break or other tasks around the inn. No matter, taking the key from her pouch, she opened the stall. Snooping around, she made sure that the book to be translated when they got to the library was separate from the others, with the spell creation notes next to it. Pulling out a few books, she flipped through the first pages, finding more written in the translated text, so they were added with the black book.
Finally, she unearthed the scrolls, and grabbed several of them, looping a length of cord around them so she could more easily hold onto them. Her stomach was reminding her of the hours since she ate, and she turned to head back in, ensuring the tarp was in place and the stall was locked behind her.
Pausing long enough to give Edmond a handful of oats and a scratch between the ears, she smiled at the placid horse. “Rest well, it’s a long road before the next time you get a proper stall like this,” she offered, trying to bolster her own spirits by spoiling him.
Getting a wuffling noise and him turning towards the water trough, she decided to take her own advice and enjoy the civilization that was being afforded her right now. 
Getting inside, the innkeeper approached her, giving her a broad smile as he came near. “Hello lass, settled in alright? Will you be wanting to eat down here or should I have one of the lads bring up a serving of the special?”
“If you could have it brought up, that’d be great, thank you,” she answered before looking at Luna out the front door thoughtfully. “Perhaps have her plate stay warm until she comes in. I don’t know if she’ll be up to playing for the inn tonight after her show in the town square.”
“Can do, the mayor’s covering that, and will you be wanting a dri-” he began, cutting off as she placed a coins in his hand.
“Wine, something red if you have it, if there’s any change, keep it, if it’s not enough, let me know. I’ll take the bottle.”
“Certainly, if you’re sure, we have a nice local one that’s a few years old. Great flavor, and a decent nose, afraid I can’t tell you more than that.”
“That sounds delightful, please send them up, I will be working in the room, so just knock and I’ll respond.”
With that the pair parted ways, and she found herself back in the room, settling in to work on the scrolls. It felt good to have things going her way, making progress, and being able to study and research again.
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agendabymooner · 1 year
kool kids ! daniel r. x ofc (måneskin member!ofc)
“but i don’t give a f*ck about being a kool kid!”
summary: a series of messages is shared between the couple and their self-proclaimed child (who really is just a third wheel) as they travel to new york for one thing: hamilton. OR lando norris isn’t ashamed to third wheel if it means for him to get a free ticket to the show, and danny and lester only want to make their week off worth it.
content warning: platonic!lando x ofc content, possible use of explicit language, certain innuendo applied, danny being soppy and whipped, lando being a child of a happy marriage, inaccurate italian translations, lando slander but with love
note: feeling a little quirky, i needed to make this trio a thing. also, say hi to the present time tilly (check out my toto wolff fic)
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tagged lando.jpg, daniel3.jpg
liked by carlossainzjr, maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc
view 1024 more comments
ykaaar i hope you got paid for babysitting liked by loressandro and danielricciardo
daniel3.jpeg no we didn't. we had to sponsor the child.
maxverstappen1 there's a freeloader among us... liked by loressandro and danielricciardo
landonorris stay mad hoe 😚
tillywolff spero ti sia piaciuto il viaggio? liked by loressandro
loressandro l'ho fatto! Ho anche portato qualcosa per Ren e Tia, la signora Wolff
charles_leclerc yes lando, get that jolie-pitt child treatment 😩 liked by loressandro and danielricciardo
landonorris fuck off shal
user2 the trip to paris never looked soooo good
loressandro we don't do that here.
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tagged loressandro
liked by landonorris, carlossainzjr, georgerussell63
view 939 more comments
landonorris but she's not as cool as me liked by danielricciardo
loressandro bro really said "living in your mind rent free but instead we're in an airbnb because i only have 12 euros" 💀
user1 this is the first time maxverstappen1 and lester agreed on something
maxverstappen1 user1 and it's going to be the last lmfao
loressandro maxverstappen1 last i heard you cried because of stay alive reprise lololol
loressandro danny d*ck me down challenge liked by danielricciardo
daniel3.jpg word :)
landonorris baffled. screaming. wailing. pissing. shitting.
user2 lando is the son with a scarring childhood confirmed??
charles_leclerc are you in danger in any means that's why you posted this? press f for help
daniel3.jpg nah bro i'm Fine, like perFectly Fine.
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tagged loressandro, danielricciardo
liked by danielricciardo, carlossainzjr, maxverstappen1
view 902 more comments
carlossainzjr loressandro i didn't know you had a child with daniel!
loressandro yeah we do! we picked him up from the sewers after his rat parents abandoned his nest
danielricciardo he was a delightful little mice, no?
loressandro pequeño.
lando.jpg bro if you want me to pay you back just say it like damn 💀
user3 would you go to a trip with them again?
lando.jpg with what's happening rn? no 💀 unless they pay for the whole trip i'm willing to suffer any time.
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brief translation
spero ti sia piaciuto il viaggio? = I hope you enjoyed the trip?
l'ho fatto! Ho anche portato qualcosa per Ren e Tia, la signora Wolff = I did! I also brought something back for Ren and Tia, Mrs. Wolff
pequeño = tiny/little
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