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Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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Case 1: How to Soothe Gilbert When He is Upset
Gilbert: "Is that all everyone wants to say?"
All the important officials in Obsidian were gathered in a large conference room.
At the gathering where military personnel of all ages and genders were present, Gilbert, seated in the upper section of the room, was clearly seething with anger.
(I'm not surprised.)
The reports and agendas they were discussing were all filled with an unbearable stench of corruption.
It wasn't because the officials were lazy or incompetent; it was because of the corrupt practices deeply embedded within Obsidian.
(Every time I see Gilbert fighting alone like this, it feels like my heart is being crushed.)
Gilbert: "I'm getting nothing but half-baked progress reports. What do you expect me to do with this?"
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Gilbert: "Your job is to complete the tasks assigned to you. If you can't even do that, then you're neglecting your duties."
Male officer: "With all due respect, Prince Gilbert, the issues we're dealing with are一"
Gilbert: "If they don't change their attitude, then it's better to introduce a new system. You just need to create a draft proposal for that, yeah?"
Male officer: "You're right, sir."
Gilbert: "Why do you impose restrictions on yourselves, calling things impossible and reckless?"
Gilbert: "There is not just one way to achieve a goal."
Gilbert: "If I believe I can accomplish something, then I surely can. You people just lack the capacity."
Gilbert: "Those filthy trash are probably laughing while you all remain at a standstill like this." **
Gilbert: "You know what will happen the next time you give me a report like this, right?"
He got up from his seat with a smirk, and all the soldiers stood up in unison, saluting him.
The tension was so intimidating and overwhelming that I almost forgot to breathe.
Gilbert: "Well then, let's adjourn. Good work, everyone."
He swiftly walked away.
As one of the attendees, I bowed to the military officers and quickly followed after Gilbert.
Emma: "Gil."
Gilbert: "What is it?"
When I called him, he stopped and turned around to face me.
Despite the tense atmosphere, his smile, which contained all the pent-up tension and hostility, was as refreshing as ever.
(But he still seems tense.)
He probably wasn't aware of it, but his eyes weren't fully smiling.
(I think he's planning to inspect the military exercises next.)
(If he goes in this state, everyone will undoubtedly feel uncomfortable.)
(Now that this happens...)
Emma: "Watch this."
I took a coin from the pocket of the dress he had prepared for me.
Emma: "Right now, the coin is in my left hand."
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Gilbert: "I can see that."
I tightly gripped my hand, hiding the coin.
Emma: "Which hand do you think the coin is in now?"
Gilbert: "You want me to say it's on your left, right? But unfortunately..."
He gently grasped my hand and rolled up my sleeve.
Emma: "Hey, that's unfair!"
Gilbert: "You're just inexperienced."
Despite discreetly hiding the coin in my sleeve, Gilbert saw through it instantly.
(Performing magic tricks is really difficult.)
(Or maybe it's because he's my opponent?)
He took the coin from me and flicked it into the air, catching it in his hand.
Gilbert: "Where do you think the coin is now?"
Emma: "I'm pretty sure it's neither in your right nor left hand."
Ignoring his clenched fist, I searched through his sleeves but found nothing.
I tapped various parts of his uniform that seemed like they could hide something, but there was nothing.
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Gilbert: "The answer is..."
He opened his hand, and I saw the coin sitting on his palms.
(I fell for it.)
Gilbert: "Haha, you're too easy."
Emma: "You usually do something crazy."
Gilbert: "Are you disappointed?"
Emma: "A little."
Gilbert: "You're so honest."
He clenched the coin in his hand once again.
Then, when he opened it, there was nothing there.
Emma: "Huh!?"
Gilbert: "Little bunny."
He pointed to the pocket of my dress with his finger.
With trembling hands, I reached inside and felt something hard.
Emma: "Wow!"
I pulled the coin out of my pocket and gasped.
(I don't understand what's going on, but he's really something.)
Gilbert: "You always react like a child."
Emma: "I can't help it. It's just amazing!"
He chuckled, his eyes reflecting that sentiment.
(I'm glad. Even though the magic trick failed, it seems like he calmed down.)
Gilbert: "But was it really that obvious?"
He seemed to have understood the meaning behind my actions.
Emma: "Yeah."
Gilbert: "Fufu, I'm hopeless, aren't I?"
Emma: "Isn't that why I'm here?"
Emma: "So that you can have some peace of mind?"
As the number of times we attended official functions increased, this feeling only grew stronger.
Gilbert: "You're so efficient."
Emma: "!"
Suddenly, he leaned in and pressed his cold lips against my cheek.
His red eyes reflected my profile with affection.
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Gilbert: "I'm counting on you."
Emma: "Leave it to me!"
(Lately, I've been thinking that maybe I'm the only one who can make him happy.)
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. Not proofread.
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I wanted to open my eyes to see whose cold hand was touching my forehead, but my body refused to move, and I slipped into unconsciousness once more.
After checking Mitsuki’s condition, Galileo returned to his room and stood there for a while.
Galileo: “........”
After hesitating, he opened a drawer on his desk and took out a worn-out origami crane.
Galileo: “I thought as much...”
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The scar on Mitsuki’s forehead, which he had just seen, and the story he heard last night about the origami cranes, triggered a memory in Galileo’s mind.
It was from the time when he traveled through various countries and eras, using the door.
When he arrived in a certain eastern country, he witnessed a scene where a vehicle was about to hit a girl.
Realizing that the girl wouldn’t survive, his body moved on its own. Before he knew it, he was holding the girl in his arms and lying on the roadside.
Girl: “Thank you, big brother. You’re my lifesaver.”
Although he had caused her a slight injury on her forehead, the girl smiled, and the origami crane she gave him as thanks was still in his hand to this day.
Galileo: “The girl I helped back then was Mitsuki.”
Galileo: "That was an event from when I traveled to the future, which means Mitsuki came from the future using that door in the mansion."
With the strange fate involving Mitsuki playing out in his mind, Galileo couldn't help but sigh as he sensed his own fate intertwined with hers.
Galileo: "Even if she doesn't have any special powers, it seems she's still the woman of destiny."
Galileo: "How ironic."
His self-deprecating murmur faded away into the room.
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Mitsuki: "Mn..."
When I woke up, the sun was already setting.
I moved slightly despite the lingering heaviness in my body and noticed something gently resting on my forehead.
(Ice pack? Did someone take care of me?)
(Was it Drake? Or maybe...)
At that moment, I heard a knock.
Galileo: "Are you awake?"
Galileo entered, holding a fresh ice pack.
Mitsuki: "Were you the one taking care of me?"
Galileo: "You got injured because of me."
Galileo: "It would be embarrassing if you fell ill because of that."
He said this before I could respond, and a small smile escaped my lips.
(This guy really has a strong sense of duty.)
But whether it was out of obligation or genuine concern, it was heartwarming to have someone look after me.
Mitsuki: "Thank you, Galileo."
Galileo: "........."
He accepted my thanks silently and approached the bed.
My heart raced wildly in my chest as he removed the ice pack and placed his hand on my forehead.
(This is the gentle, cold hand I felt while I was asleep earlier.)
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Galileo: "It looks like you're recovering enough to speak, but you still have a fever."
Galileo: "Rest a little longer."
Mitsuki: "Okay. Thank you."
After placing the medicine and drinks he brought on the table, he quietly left the room.
Though I was alone again, I didn't feel as helpless as earlier.
(My chest somehow feels warm.)
(Is it because he was here with me?)
Feeling calm this time, I drifted into another sleep.
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A few days later, my health had fully recovered, and I resumed spending my days with him.
We passed through the door and found ourselves on another moonlit night, and each time, I witnessed him struggling under the miasma.
That night, I reflected on the various times I had seen Galileo.
(Why does he keep going out on nights of lunar eclipses?)
All I knew was that he was looking for something, but I still didn't know what it was.
Even though he was suffering, he took some time to recover and then traveled again.
Realizing that he was repeating such actions, I got worried.
(I can't bear to see him like that. I want to stop him for his sake.)
Every time I got to know him better, I found myself unsure of what to call the emotions I had towards him.
He was a frightening man with intense anger hidden beneath an icy, cold facade. Yet he was also compassionate, engraving his sorrow and pain onto himself.
(Seeing him like that is painful.)
Despite aspiring to destroy the world, he tried to help his brethren and even took care of me.
(He has his kind side too.)
Each of these extreme aspects seemed to be part of his truth.
(The way he appears changes from time to time, like the phases of the moon.)
But I still felt like I hadn't discovered the true "him" yet. Just then, I heard footsteps from outside the room.
Curious, I stepped out of the room to find him and Sidereus getting ready to go outside.
Mitsuki: "Galileo, are you going out at this hour?"
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Galileo: "Yeah. Sidereus finds this place too confining."
Galileo: "Besides, the sky is clear tonight."
I noticed he was carrying a telescope in his arms.
(Maybe he's going stargazing while walking Sidereus.)
Suddenly, curiosity piqued my interest.
Mitsuki: "Can I come with you?"
Galileo: "Is that to get to know me better?"
Mitsuki: "Yes. You said you wouldn't hide or run away from me, remember?"
While it's true that I want to understand the real him, I'm also intrigued by his personal life.
After a brief moment of silence, Galileo spoke up.
Galileo: "It's your choice."
(Does that mean it's okay for me to go with them?)
Mitsuki: "Then, I'll go with you."
I quickly got ready and followed them until we arrived at a flower field.
Sidereus: *Bark! Bark!*
Sidereus ran around happily in the wide-open field.
Smiling at his puppy-like innocence, I looked at the sky to see the crescent moon and stars sparkling like gems.
Mitsuki: "There are so many stars out tonight."
Galileo: "Yeah. There are no clouds today, so it's the perfect time for stargazing."
He chose a spot and swiftly assembled the telescope.
Once everything was set up, he peered through the lens, occasionally lifting his head to gaze at the night sky.
For some reason, as I gazed at his profile, I found myself captivated by his eyes.
(Is this how he looks when he's stargazing?)
His amethyst eyes were filled with passionate longing, as if yearning for something unattainable in the distance, evoking a sense of melancholy.
(His eyes are really beautiful.)
I found myself admiring his eyes more than the stars.
Galileo: "Want to take a look?"
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Galileo: "You've been glancing at me since earlier. Isn't that because you also want to see the stars?"
Mitsuki: "Yeah! I'd love to take a look!"
(Thank goodness he didn't notice I was admiring him.)
I stood in front of the telescope, feeling relieved inside.
It was my first time stargazing through a telescope, so I was really excited.
Mitsuki: "Huh? It's blurry. I can't see well."
Thinking I might have messed something up, I tried to adjust the focus, but...
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Galileo: "Let me see."
He leaned over me from behind, his warmth enveloping me.
As he adjusted the focus, my heart beat loudly.
(My heartbeat is so loud.)
(Why am I feeling so nervous?)
Galileo: "There, try looking now."
Mitsuki: "Ah..."
Galileo gently guided my hand to the telescope.
My cheeks flushed as I peered through the lens, feeling the warmth of his cold hand.
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Mitsuki: "It's beautiful..."
I sighed in awe, seeing the stars before me.
I glanced up and saw Galileo looking at the stars with a serene expression.
Galileo: "No matter the era, the brilliance of the stars remains unchanged."
Galileo: "They illuminate everything on Earth, regardless of hatred or sorrow, urging us not to turn away from the truth."
His words stirred something within me, reminding me of certain words.
Galileo: "Fine. If you're going to speak as if you understand everything, then go and see it with your own eyes."
Galileo: "See with your own eyes what I am trying to accomplish and what my true desires are."
---------Flashback Ends--------
(One of the few things I've learned about Galileo is his belief in confirming the truth with his own eyes.)
“But why have you not observed this instead of reducing yourself to having to believe the tales of others? Why not see it with your own eyes?”
The words from the book he lent me echoed in my mind.
(He's someone who seeks the truth with his own eyes.)
(Huh? Didn't I have a conversation about someone seeking the truth before?)
Galileo: "Even if the truth is revealed, if it's inconvenient, they'll be condemned and excluded."
Galileo: "I know a fool who pursued the truth despite knowing this and ended up with a life sentence."
---------Flashback Ends--------
Suddenly, his words came to mind.
(Could that be…)
(Could that be him?)
It was one possibility I had arrived at.
However, I couldn't bring myself to voice it because I didn't want to disturb him as he gazed at the stars with fervent eyes.
(If it's true that he got a life sentence, then what could have happened in his past?)
(I don't really know how he lived as a historical figure, but I know he supported the heliocentric model and left the famous quote, "And yet it moves.")
It was frustrating that I only knew fragments of his history.
(I want to know more about him.)
(I want to understand him and touch his heart.)
Those feelings grew stronger.
Galileo: "Had enough of the stars?"
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Galileo: "You've been lost in thought for a while now."
Mitsuki: "I was just..."
I looked up at the sky again, swallowing the rest of my words.
Mitsuki: "I was just thinking that they're still beautiful, even though I don't know their names."
I made that comment to hide my true feelings, but then a streak of light flashed across the sky above us.
Mitsuki: "A shooting star! Did you see it!?"
Galileo: "I saw it. Don't get too excited just because you saw one."
Mitsuki: "Sorry. But it was so beautiful! It was over so quickly."
Excitement bubbled up within me, and Galileo let out a sigh.
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Galileo: "I didn't expect to see this side of you."
For a moment, I felt like my breath had caught in my throat.
The smile I saw for the first time was so gentle.
(I really don't understand.)
(What are these feelings?)
My chest tightened, and I found myself unable to speak.
As if a shooting star had fallen, a nameless, tiny sparkle settled in my heart.
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. Not proofread.
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It was a moonless night.
(Galileo's not here.)
Since then, I have often come to peek into the inner courtyard.
Feeling relieved by his absence, I crouched down at the spot where the red flowers were blooming.
(The flowers are so beautiful, but...)
Thinking about the children sleeping here and the sight of Galileo tightened my chest.
(Even now, I still occasionally dream of the dhampirs. If it's true that their thoughts are showing me these dreams, then are they trying to tell me something?)
Lost in melancholy, I gazed at the flowers and suddenly heard the sound of grass rustling.
Thinking it might be Galileo, I turned around.
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Man: "Huh? This ain't a house."
There stood an unfamiliar man.
The man, clad in ragged clothes and breathing heavily, noticed me and advanced menacingly.
Man: "Hey, lady. Are you a resident here? If you don't want any trouble, give me something valuable."
Mitsuki: "Stay away, or I'll call someone!"
Man: "Don't you dare defy me! Give me your money now!!"
Mitsuki: "!"
His yelling felt like a punch to the gut, causing me to flinch.
Even without direct violence, the malice from him filled me with fear.
Man: "Can't you hear me? Hey!!"
The agitated man approached with large strides, inadvertently trampling the flowers, causing the red petals to dance around.
(Galileo's precious flowers!)
Mitsuki: "Please stop! Don't step on those flowers!"
Without thinking, I reached out and grabbed the man's leg to push him away.
Man: "What the hell are you doing!?"
At that moment, a metallic clink reached my ears.
As I saw what the man held in his hand, I gasped.
(A gun.)
Man: “Hehe, stole it from some high and mighty noble. This ain’t just a bluff, lady.”
Man: “Defy me, and I’ll kill you!!”
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Galileo: “What do you think you’re doing?”
After arriving in the garden, he glanced at the ruined flowers, anger evident on his face.
Galileo: “You seem eager to die.”
Man: “Shut up! Give me your money, or else!!”
Man: “I’m not afraid of anything. I’d do anything rather than die like a dog in the slums!!”
The man became even more agitated and pointed the gun at him, perhaps intimidated by Galileo’s presence.
Mitsuki: “Watch out!!”
Galileo: “!?”
Without thinking, I dashed between him and the man in a state of panic.
After a moment that felt like forever, the man collapsed.
(What just happened?)
Drake: "Phew. That was close."
I looked toward the source of the voice, and there, at the garden's entrance, I saw Drake holding a gun with smoke rising from its barrel.
Drake: "Are you guys okay?"
Mitsuki: "Drake."
Galileo: "Did you kill him?"
Drake: "Yeah."
The two spoke very casually, but their words didn't register in my mind.
When I looked back at the fallen man, I noticed that his chest was stained red.
Mitsuki: "No way, this can't be..."
Drake: "Even if you had tried to stop me, I would still have shot him."
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Drake: "I didn't know how many rounds were in his gun, and I needed to make sure he was taken care of."
Mitsuki: "But to kill him, that's..."
I trembled with shock, but Drake remained calm.
As I struggled to come to terms with the reality of someone's death, I suddenly felt a firm grip on my arm.
Mitsuki: "Ouch!"
Galileo: "If Drake hadn't shot him, your injury would have been worse."
I noticed the sleeve of my blouse was soaked in red.
It was then that I finally realized I had been shot.
At that moment, both the man and Drake had fired almost simultaneously, and the man's bullet grazed my arm.
Galileo: "Why did you protect me? Were you okay with getting yourself killed like that?"
Mitsuki: "It's not like that. I just acted on impulse without thinking."
(Even unconsciously.)
Mitsuki: "I had to protect you."
Galileo: "........"
There was no other reason, and I didn't know what he was thinking about being shielded like that.
After a brief silence,
Galileo: "Drake, clean it up."
Drake: "Yeah, got it."
Mitsuki: "Galileo?"
Galileo: "I'll tend to your wound. Come with me."
He walked while holding onto my arm closely.
After Galileo and Mitsuki left the courtyard, a groan came from the ground.
Man: "Ugh..."
Drake: "Sorry about that. Seems like I missed the vital spot."
Drake: "It has been a while since I was in real combat, and my skills might have gotten rusty. Don't worry, I'll make it easy for you."
Drake shrugged his shoulders in disgust and took out gunpowder and bullets.
Meanwhile, the man, breathing heavily, uttered words that sounded like a mixture of panting.
Man: "Having a gun makes me fearless of anything."
Man: "I stole money to break free from that hell and live like everyone else."
As he loaded the bullets and cocked the hammer, listening to his unattainable dreams, Drake raised the gun towards the man with eyes as dark as the deep sea.
Drake: "You got all worked up over a simple weapon."
Drake: "You resort to stealing just to survive."
Drake: "But I won't deny the path you've chosen because I was in the same boat as you."
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In that room resembling a planetarium, Galileo made me sit on the sofa and tore the sleeves of my ruined blouse, tending to my wounds.
Apparently, he grabbed my arm earlier to stop the bleeding.
Galileo: "It was obvious that man was unfamiliar with guns."
Galileo: "I was planning to seize an opportunity, but I never expected you to rush like that."
Mitsuki: "So, I ended up getting in your way."
I dropped my shoulders, thinking I had done something unnecessary.
Galileo: "But tonight's a new moon."
Mitsuki: "New moon?"
Galileo: "You must have heard it from Drake. On a new moon, we turn into humans and vampires on the night of the full moon."
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Surprised, I gazed back at him.
Mitsuki: "So, you're a human right now?"
Galileo: "Yeah. I’ve lost vampire traits such as high healing ability."
Galileo: "If I'd been shot in this state, I don't know what would have happened to me, so thank you."
My heart made a small thump.
It was the first time Galileo had ever thanked me so straightforwardly.
Mitsuki: "You're so righteous."
Galileo: "----?"
Mitsuki: "You stick to your principles and try to keep your word no matter what."
Mitsuki: "When I injured my leg, you said you would treat it to return the favor."
It was when I protected the puppy and Sidereus from the children in the city.
Galileo: "You got injured while protecting the dog back then."
Galileo: "You're lucky it was just a scratch, but don't you think reckless actions like that could be fatal?"
Mitsuki: "That's..."
It was understandable for him to see my actions as reckless, even if they were meant to help someone.
Mitsuki: "When I was a child, I almost got into an accident, but a stranger helped me."
Mitsuki: "He shielded me without even considering his own safety."
Mitsuki: "He was my savior."
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Galileo: "Savior?"
Mitsuki: "I want to help others because he saved my life and taught me to gather the courage to do so."
Mitsuki: "I always put these feelings first, but before I can deeply consider things, my body tends to move on its own."
Galileo: "........."
He quietly listened to my old story.
At that moment, I suddenly felt a faint sense of déjà vu and gazed at him.
Galileo: "What is it?"
Mitsuki: "Nothing. Even though I don't remember his face anymore, I still remember his beautiful eyes."
Mitsuki: "And since your eyes are beautiful too, they somehow overlapped."
(His captivating eyes feel similar.)
Once again, I found myself silently staring into his eyes, only to snap out of it when he faintly furrowed his eyebrows.
Mitsuki: "I'm sorry. I've been talking about myself too much."
Mitsuki: "Do you ever find yourself acting on impulse?"
Galileo: "........."
Galileo: "In the distant past, maybe."
(Distant past?)
(Is he referring to when he tried to save the dhampirs?)
I wanted to hear more, but I hesitated, fearing that delving too deeply might bring up painful memories, so I changed the subject.
Mitsuki: "Um, speaking of which, I feel like I gave something to that person."
Mitsuki: "What was it again? I'm pretty sure it was..."
As I searched my memory, Galileo tightly wrapped a bandage around my arm.
The knot, like spread wings, connected to my memories.
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Mitsuki: "Right! It was an origami crane."
He suddenly looked up.
Galileo: "Origami crane?"
Mitsuki: "Yes. It was a crane folded from square paper."
Mitsuki: "I really wanted to thank him, so I gave him the origami crane I made at school. I was so happy when he accepted it."
Galileo: "........"
For some reason, he stared at me intently.
When I tilted my head in confusion, he looked back at the bandage again.
Galileo: "This should be fine. Go back to your room and rest."
Mitsuki: "Thank you."
(I wish we could've talked a little longer.)
Still feeling a bit reluctant to part ways, he stood up.
Galileo: "You don't need to protect me if something similar happens again. There's no way you can get away scot-free."
Mitsuki: "I'll keep that in mind."
Mitsuki: "But I can't promise I won't act impulsively again when the time comes."
Galileo: "I see. You seem recklessly foolish to an astonishing degree."
Although he spoke sternly, I felt like his voice sounded slightly softer.
Mitsuki: "Um, goodnight, Galileo."
As I spoke to him with his back turned to me, he paused for a moment.
Galileo: "Yeah."
Although he didn't turn back, he replied briefly.
After returning to my room, I got into bed, and exhaustion quickly washed over me as if the thread of tension had snapped.
What felt like mere minutes of events stretched into hours.
(Just recalling it makes my body tremble.)
(The fear of death, the malice...)
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I couldn't shake the feeling that killing that man might not have been necessary.
The fear of unjustified malice, the fear that I might die, and the fear that someone close to me might be killed made me uncertain about what to do.
A murky feeling spread through my heart.
(If he had been shot back then, would I have been able to avoid feeling anger towards the perpetrator?)
Unable to gather my thoughts, I eventually succumbed to sleep.
When I opened my eyes, the sunlight was already streaming through the window.
(It's morning already. I need to get up.)
Despite thinking that, my body felt heavy as lead and refused to move.
Just as I struggled to rise from bed, I heard a knock on the door.
I tried saying something, but my voice was raspy.
Galileo: "I'm coming in."
After calling out, he entered the room.
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Mitsuki: "Galileo. I'm sorry, I was just about to get up."
Galileo: "Stay there. Let me take a look."
After reassuring me, he gently lifted my arm.
Galileo: "It looks like the wound is infected, and you have a fever."
Galileo: "Stay in bed quietly today."
After letting go of my arm, he left the room.
The throbbing pain from my wound and the heavy feeling in my body left me aware of my own warm breath and loneliness.
(Staying like this must be a nuisance.)
(I need to bring down this fever quickly.)
Unable to keep my eyes open, I drifted back to sleep, feeling utterly helpless.
In the hazy state of my consciousness, I suddenly felt something touch my forehead.
(It feels cool and soothing.)
(Someone's hand?)
???: "This wound..."
In the fog of my consciousness, I faintly heard a surprised murmur.
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Act 4 Prologue (Azel Radwan)
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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At the same time, in Tanzanite--
The throne room located on the palace's top floor was filled with the joy and excitement of the people.
Amongst the clamor surrounding the night, the immense full moon enveloped the people as if protecting them.
Azel: "Silence."
With just one word from the deity atop the throne, the people immediately fell silent, looking up at the god with awe.
His mystical eyes, filled with stars that seemed to belong to the night sky rather than a human, scanned the people with compassion.
Azel: "The divinations have revealed your fate. Under the divine will, you need to formulate a policy as soon as possible."
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Azel: "It's up to you whether you want to utilize or disregard the mercy of the gods. Just don't disappoint me, for the heavenly moon is always watching over you."
As the current deity rose, the people who seemed lost in a daydream all kneeled and bowed their heads simultaneously.
Among them was a man wearing a crown.
King of Tanzanite: "We've prepared a banquet for you. Please, do join us."
Azel: "I appreciate the offer, but with a God present, you may find it impossible to indulge in wine."
Azel: "I shall take my leave, so do not concern yourselves. Ah, and a farewell is unnecessary. I dislike unnecessary fuss."
Azel: "Well, then, have a good night. May the divine grace be upon all the people."
As the fervor waned, the natural tranquility of the night returned.
The deity, walking with resolute steps, suddenly halted when a woman, a dancer, blocked his path.
Woman: "Greetings, esteemed deity."
Azel: "I've just said that your concerns are unnecessary."
The woman held a variety of banquet dishes, their enticing aroma filling the hallway.
Woman: "I apologize for misunderstanding the divine will. However, I thought perhaps you might not attend the feast tonight."
Woman: "This is a modest offering from me. If you would be so kind, may I serve you?"
Azel: "I appreciate your dedication. However, it's unnecessary."
Azel: "I'm in a hurry, so could you please step aside?"
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Woman: "Please don't say that. After the lengthy divination, I'm sure you must be hungry."
Azel: "No, it's fine."
A rumble suddenly came from his stomach, momentarily disrupting the sanctity.
Azel: "Anyway, it's okay. Leave me be and go to the feast."
Woman: "Please wait!"
The woman attempted to block his path again as he tried to move forward forcefully.
Azel: "Ah, these clueless folks who just don't get it, no matter what you tell them."
Unaware of his muttered words, the woman stumbled over his foot while trying to approach and fell to the floor along with the dishes.
He looked down at the scattered food and the groaning woman without even offering a hand.
Azel: "Poor thing."
Woman: "Esteemed deity?"
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Azel: "I feel sorry for the food that was wasted."
Despite smiling gently, his mysterious eyes seemed completely unconcerned about the events that had taken place.
Azel: "Lick it up."
Woman: "Eh?"
Azel: "It would be a pity if the food went to waste, wouldn't it?"
Azel: "Look, this soup still looks edible."
Azel: "If you crawl like a dog and lick it up, it won't be wasted."
Woman: "What are you…?"
Azel: "Of course, I'm a kind god, so I won't force you to do anything."
Azel: "You're free to follow or defy God's will."
Woman: "........."
Her hesitation lasted only a moment.
She lowered her face to the floor and began licking the spilled soup with her tongue.
As she repeated this several times, something suddenly happened.
The woman's skin gradually flushed, emitting a scent suitable for the night, and her heated gaze met his impassive expression.
Azel: "So you really did slip in an aphrodisiac. Your fortune for today seems to be very unlucky, doesn't it?"
Azel: "Ah, no. Perhaps it's actually very fortunate."
Azel: "Since your beloved god didn't taste it."
Woman: "Please have mercy."
He turned his back, keeping his distance from the woman who reached out to him.
Azel: "Feel free to please yourself all you want. Well then, I'll take my leave."
Azel: "It's already past my working hours, and working overtime is just out of the question."
Woman: "I like you! I'd do anything for you!"
Woman: "Would it be a sin for me to love you?"
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Azel: "Let me tell you one thing."
Azel: "Gods don't love people because love is worthless."
Azel: "If you are willing to give me a fortune equivalent to Prince Silvio's, then I might consider it."
Azel: "But if not, it's unpleasant to even have you in my sight."
Woman: "........."
Azel: "Since it looks like you're not getting what I'm saying, let me make it clear."
Azel: "It's time for you to disappear. Get out of my sight, slut."
Woman: "Eeek!"
As if it were all a dream, his face lost all compassion.
With a coldness rivaling that of the desert night, he stared at the woman as if she were a bug.
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Azel: "Your feelings are neither love nor anything of the sort. It was just the prattle of a depraved slut drowning in filthy desires."
This time, there was no one to stop his stride.
The god laughed and smiled under the divine glow of the full moon, devoid of mercy or compassion.
Azel: "This nation under the protection of gods is still living in a happy dream."
Azel: "Even though the day when this eternal dream shatters is approaching, I wonder if I'll ever be able to laugh at it."
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☆ Ikepri Masterlist
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Melty Valentines (Galileo Galilei)
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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The sun streamed in through the window, and the winter chill eased in the afternoon.
(It's Valentine's Day, so I worked up the courage to make this, but I wonder if Galileo will accept it.)
Feeling anxious and hopeful, I knocked on his office door, holding a chocolate cake in one hand.
Mitsuki: "Professor Maury, are you there? It's Mitsuki."
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The door opened, and I met his amethyst eyes.
Galileo: "What do you want?"
Mitsuki: "Well, it's Valentine's Day today, so I baked a chocolate cake."
Mitsuki: "Would you like to have some?"
Galileo: "........."
Feeling a bit awkward with him staring silently, he finally said something.
Galileo: "Did you come to the university just for that?"
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Galileo: "Professor Ayscough should be off today, so you don't have a reason to come all the way here."
Mitsuki: "Um, well, that's true, but I came here to give it to you."
Despite feeling a bit pushy, I conveyed my message honestly, and he let out a sigh.
Leaving the door open, he then retreated into the room.
Mitsuki: "Um?"
Galileo: "What are you waiting for? Come in quickly."
Mitsuki: "Thank you!"
Trying not to smile, I entered the room, quickly placing the cake on the plate I had brought and offering it to him.
Mitsuki: "Here you go."
He reluctantly accepted it as I handed him a fork.
Galileo: "Mitsuki, you've become quite bold compared to when we first met."
Mitsuki: "I'm sorry for barging in like this."
Mitsuki: "But I wanted to do something to express my gratitude for all the help you've given me."
Mitsuki: "Also, I've heard from Professor Ayscough that you've been so busy lately that you don't even have time to take breaks."
He cut the cake into bite-sized pieces as he spoke quietly.
Galileo: "So, you brought this to make me take a break, huh? You're so considerate."
Galileo: "It's so typical of you not to leave others alone."
The words he spoke sounded as if he had me in mind, causing my heart to flutter.
And then, I thought again.
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(He may be hard to read, but he's actually a kind person.)
Just like when he welcomed me into the office, despite his cold words, he accepted my feelings without denying them.
His subtle kindness, which I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't tried to understand him, made my heart skip a beat.
Mitsuki: "Galileo, you said earlier that I'm considerate."
Galileo: "Yeah."
Mitsuki: "While it's true that I want you to take a break, the chocolate I brought isn't out of obligation."
Mitsuki: "I put my feelings for you into this chocolate."
Galileo: ".........."
Galileo: "So you like me?"
Having my feelings echoed back to me by him made me embarrassed.
As I waited for his response without being able to see his face, he spoke quietly.
Galileo: "Your feelings are difficult to comprehend."
Galileo: "But I have no intention of denying it."
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(Does that mean...?)
Thinking that I might have gotten a little closer to his heart, we shared the chocolate cake, which somehow seemed sweeter than before.
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✦ Ikevamp Masterlist
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Act 4 Prologue (Matias Asbrink)
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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At the same time, in Acroite.
Large snowflakes fluttered down like flower petals, painting the traditional stone-built streets white.
The main street, illuminated by street lamps, was bustling with crowds of people. However, there were no troublemakers here, no drunken shouts or fights like in other countries.
In this country, governed by the strictest laws on the continent, those who disturb the peace are quickly apprehended and held accountable for their crimes.
Yet amidst the orderly and well-maintained streets, there was a corner where women gathered unnaturally.
Woman 1: “Please join me at the lovely party I’m having tonight.”
Woman 2: “That’s not fair. Please also come to my party.”
Woman 3: “Where are you off to at this hour? If you’re interested, would you like to join me for dinner?”
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Matias: “I have work to attend to. Please excuse me.”
Slipping smoothly out of the midst of the women, with his golden hair gathering the twilight’s glow and snow-shadowed eyes tinged with melancholy, was Matias, the guardian of Acroite’s law.
Though his appearance and demeanor were stern, there was an alluring aura about him that made the women gaze at him dreamily.
Matias: “Haah.”
With a sigh, he casually brushed back his smooth blond hair, eliciting another round of cheers from the women behind him.
A colleague, a judge, then playfully tapped his back as he swiftly walked away to escape their intense stares.
Lars: “Quite the charmer, as always, huh? Matias.”
Pushing up his round glasses, the man smiled teasingly at Matias, and his expression changed to a more relaxed one.
Matias: “Lars, if you saw that, you could’ve helped me.”
Matias: “You know I struggle with women.”
Lars: "I know, but having too many admirers is honestly a problem I envy. I wish I could trade places with you."
Matias: "You wish you could trade places with me? Did you see those women? They had the eyes of warriors determined to annihilate their enemies."
Lars: "I think they were all beauties, though."
Matias: "Whether they're beautiful or not doesn't matter. The only woman I need is my soulmate."
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Matias: "She doesn't need to dote on me or stare at me like those women. All she needs to do is wish me luck, fix my tie, give me a kiss, and wave goodbye before I head to work."
Lars: "Yeah, yeah, I get it. I've heard about your embarrassing fantasies more than a hundred times, Matias."
Lars: "Are you alright, though?"
Matias: "I've been saying it since earlier, but I'm not okay. You have to back me up next time."
Lars: "I meant about the trial. The defendant this time is your friend, right?"
Matias: "Ah, yeah. We were roommates for a while back in the Royal Academy. We enlisted together and served in the same unit."
Lars: "You were close then."
Matias: "He was a good guy. Cheerful, smart, and quick-witted. He was good with women too, effortlessly handling situations like earlier."
Lars: "I see. Matias, about that..."
Matias' snow-shadow-colored eyes gaze straight at his colleague, looking somewhat uneasy.
Matias: "It's fine."
Matias: "I'm a man of the Asbrink family."
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The Royal Court, which determines the nation’s justice, was filled with a solemn atmosphere tonight.
The defendant and his defense attorney, the government officials prosecuting his crimes, and numerous citizens in the gallery all watched with bated breath as the five judges, especially the guardian of the law, sat atop the judicial platform.
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Matias: “I’ll now deliver the verdict on the suspicion of unauthorized leakage of classified Acroite military information.”
Matias: “Defendant, step forward.”
The defendant stepped onto the witness stand.
Though looking severely worn out, his eyes, fixed on the guardian of the law, held a faint glimmer of hope.
It was well known among some circles that the defendant had a friendship with the guardian.
As everyone sought to interpret the meaning behind the intersecting gazes, the sound of the gavel resounded.
Matias: “Death penalty.”
After delivering the merciless verdict, the courtroom fell into a brief silence before erupting into chaos.
Defendant: “Matias, are you really going to kill me!? Me, who ate, slept, and fought alongside you? We're friends, aren't we!?”
Defendant: “You can’t do this!”
While the defendant cried out in despair, Matias appeared entirely unaffected.
Matias: “That does not excuse your crime.”
Defendant: “Isn’t a death sentence too heavy for a single mistake?”
Matias: "The law is justice. If you are a citizen of Acroite, obedience is absolute."
Matias: "All you can do is comply with the verdict that has been passed down."
With a detached voice, Matias continued to gaze directly at the collapsing defendant, seemingly in despair.
Matias: "The execution will be carried out in five days, at noon."
Defendant: "M-Matias..."
As the defendant was taken away, Matias watched them with his snow-shadow-colored eyes.
To dispel the murmurs, he struck the gavel twice.
Matias: "This concludes the session."
As the people left the courtroom in silence, he stood alone.
It was unusual for him to stay in the courtroom after it had adjourned, without a clear reason.
Walking to the spot where the defendant had collapsed during the trial, he gently touched the witness stand with his fingers.
Though his snow-shadowed eyes flickered slightly, he murmured with the same emotionless voice as during the trial.
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Matias: "I did the right thing."
Matias: "I'm Matias, the next king of Acroite, a proud man of the esteemed Asbrink family."
Matias: "Until all evil is condemned, I cannot afford to stop."
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☆ Ikepri Masterlist
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Matias Asbrink Card Lines
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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Stop running; it's dangerous.
Hm? Are you in a hurry? But what if you get hurt?
If anything happens to you, I don't think my heart can take it, so please be careful.
If someone blames you for being late, just say you got caught by me as an excuse.
I want to touch your soft skin. I want to steal your luscious lips. I want to savor your sweet-smelling body and make everything mine.
I know it's a shameful desire, but I can't control it.
Haah, this makes me seem like a beast.
If I lose my composure, I'll lose in court. I guess it's the same with our relationship, huh?
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Ellis Main Story Chapter 25 Crazy Love End
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Book of Memories (Chevalier & Licht)
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. This is not a full translation.
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Licht: "..........."
The scene was like a beautiful work of art painted by an artist.
Every time the blond-haired man with blue eyes swung his silver sword repeatedly, lines were drawn in the space, leaving afterimages in the air where they overlapped.
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The even younger boy, witnessing this, finally understood the true meaning of "art."
Chevalier: "What do you want, shut-in?"
Licht: "That was the case a couple of years ago."
Chevalier: "It's not much different now, is it?"
Licht: "I'm fine with the sword now."
Chevalier: "It seems like you're avoiding people."
Licht: "..........."
Chevalier: "You're in the way. If you have no business here, leave."
Licht: "No. Let me stay here just a little longer."
Licht: "I'll stay quiet."
Chevalier: "Your gaze is annoying me."
Licht: "Then I'll close my eyes."
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Chevalier: "........."
Licht: "Hey."
Chevalier: "I thought you were going to stay silent."
Licht: "I just want to ask one thing."
Licht: "How can I become as skilled with the sword as you, brother?"
Chevalier: "Don't ask pointless questions. No one wields a sword with the sole purpose of becoming skilled."
Licht: "Then, for what purpose?"
Chevalier: "To fulfill a great cause."
Chevalier: "On the battlefield, the weak perish, and only the strong survive."
Chevalier: "Without mastering the sword, one cannot achieve anything."
Licht: "What is your great cause, brother?"
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Chevalier: "That's a foolish question."
Licht: "To protect the country?"
Chevalier: "........"
Licht: "I see."
Licht: "I never thought about it."
Chevalier: "I thought as much. Your perspective is too narrow. It's a matter beyond skill."
Licht: "........"
Chevalier: "If you were also of royal blood, think about it."
Chevalier: "Once you can avoid killing your other half, what do you want to achieve next?"
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Licht: ".........."
Chevalier: "That's a discussion for later."
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Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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Ellis Main Story Chapter 15
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
This is not a full translation.
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Kate: "Ellis?"
Ellis: "Sorry."
Ellis: "You're right. I don't want you to go anywhere. I don't want to let go of your hand."
Ellis: "It's all about my feelings and my selfishness."
Even though I couldn't see anything, I could picture the expression on Ellis' face.
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In my mind's eye, I pictured a face filled with uncertainty, searching for the right answer.
Kate: "You're not being selfish一"
Ellis: "But it's not enough."
Kate: "Not enough?"
Ellis: "Because otherwise, I might make you unhappy."
Ellis: "Until I can ensure your ultimate happiness forever, I must restrain my desires."
His emotions and desires were a secret.
It felt like he was firmly holding down the lid himself.
Ellis: "That's why I can't say 'I love you' right now."
(Does that mean...)
Kate: "Hey, Ellis, let go of my arm."
Ellis: "No."
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He pressed my body down effortlessly.
No matter how much I struggled, there was no sign of his grip loosening.
Kate: "Ellis..."
As I tried to move, the loosely tied ribbon of my blouse slipped off my shoulder. Even so, his hand covering my eyes remained unshaken.
Ellis: "Please, don't look at me right now."
His strained voice was something I'd never heard before.
Ellis: "If you knew you were destined to despair tomorrow, would you want to make that moment last forever?"
Ellis: "Or would you rather suffer in a happiness that can never be regained, eventually going mad like Jake?"
Ellis: "Would you still want to live?"
His sudden question left me confused.
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(Whatever this is, it's important to him.)
(I'm sure it's really important.)
I wanted to give a thoughtful answer, but I couldn't seem to think straight.
Kate: "I... I don't know."
Ellis: "I see. I'm sorry."
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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A few days have passed since I arrived at the hideout.
Galileo: "What's this?"
Galileo furrowed his eyebrows when he saw the baguette, omelette, and soup I had laid out on the table.
Mitsuki: "It's breakfast. I feel bad doing nothing, so I thought I'd help with chores."
Mitsuki: "Besides, I heard dhampirs feel hunger since they're half-human. Please feel free to have some."
Galileo: "There's no need for you to do something like this."
Drake: "Ah, my bad. I told Mitsuki she could do as she pleased."
Drake, coming from behind Galileo, flashed a bright smile upon seeing the breakfast.
Drake: "Wow, that looks delicious. Having a cute girl make breakfast for you in the morning is really the best."
Galileo: "Drake..."
Despite Galileo's slight glare, Drake seemed unfazed.
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Drake: "Is it freshly made? Can I have some right away, fawn?"
Mitsuki: "Sure, help yourself."
Mitsuki: "Galileo, please have some while it's warm."
Galileo: "............"
After a moment of hesitation, he let out a heavy sigh and took a seat on the sofa.
Drake: "You gonna eat?"
Galileo: "Better than wasting it."
Though he seemed reluctant, I felt relieved, as I had prepared the meal with some concern.
(I'm glad. I was worried about his health after seeing him eating some flowers and struggling on the other side of the door.)
Drake: "Why don't you join us for breakfast, Mitsuki?"
Mitsuki: "Are you sure? In that case, I'll do just that."
Since Galileo didn't say anything in particular, I brought my meal over. However, I noticed he didn't drink from the coffee cup he lifted and just placed it back on the saucer.
Mitsuki: "Do you not like coffee? We also have tea if you prefer it."
Galileo: "No, coffee is fine."
Despite saying that, he didn't touch the cup and instead began stirring the soup carefully.
(Could it be...?)
Mitsuki: "Are you sensitive to heat?"
Drake: "Wait, really?"
Galileo: ".........."
Drake widened his eyes, and Galileo shot him a glare. It seemed like I hit the nail on the head on that one.
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Drake: "Haha! So you have a weakness, too, huh?"
Galileo: "Keep your unnecessary comments to yourself, Drake."
Mitsuki: "Galileo's body temperature is low, so maybe he feels the heat more."
Drake: "Body temperature? When did you two get so close?"
Mitsuki: "Huh? It's not like that!"
Mitsuki: "We've touched hands a few times, but that's all."
Galileo: "I'd rather eat alone in my room than entertain such nonsense."
Drake: "Alright, alright. Professor Galileo is quite serious."
It was the first time the three of us had a conversation like this, and I couldn't help but let out a small smile.
(Come to think of it, this might be the first time I've genuinely smiled since coming here.)
Our first meal together passed with a bit of tension and a strange sense of distance.
After breakfast, Drake watched Galileo and Mitsuki head towards the university from the window.
Drake: "The woman of destiny, huh?"
His piercing gaze was fixed on Mitsuki's back.
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That day, just like the day before, I spent my time staying in Galileo's office.
In the afternoon, he and I walked side by side through the town, each carrying a shopping bag.
I’d asked if he would accompany me to buy groceries since I was going to help with the housework, and surprisingly, he agreed.
(He even had breakfast with me this morning, which was unexpected.)
(I never thought he would agree to accompany me shopping either.)
I glanced up at him, but suddenly, an apple fell out of the shopping bag I was carrying.
Mitsuki: "Ah..."
He caught the apple in midair.
Mitsuki: "T-Thank you. That was close!"
Galileo: "Isn't this a bit too much?"
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Mitsuki: "Sorry. I got carried away thinking about what to cook for you and Drake."
Galileo: "..........."
Galileo: "Let me carry some."
Before I could react, he took half of the bags from my arms.
Mitsuki: "It's okay, I can carry them myself! You're already carrying so much."
Galileo: "Being burdened any further would just be bothersome."
Mitsuki: "I understand. Thank you very much."
With a deep sigh and a frown, he left me with no choice but to quietly rely on him.
Mitsuki: "..........."
Galileo: "..........."
(Unlike this morning, it's just the two of us now.)
While searching for a topic, I remembered the book I borrowed the other day.
Mitsuki: "Oh, right. I'm almost done reading the book I borrowed."
Galileo: "Ah, that one."
It was an old book with an unknown title that I found in his office.
Upon reading it, I discovered it was an academic text where Salviati and Simplicio each assert their own theories, while Sagredo takes a neutral stance.
(While the debate contains scientific and complex aspects, the dialogue format makes it easy to read.)
Mitsuki: "There's a scene where one of the characters asks, 'But why have you not observed this instead of reducing yourself to having to believe the tales of others? Why not see it with your own eyes?'"
Mitsuki: "That scene was very impressive."
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Galileo: "..........."
Mitsuki: "I think there are times when we end up taking information from our surroundings at face value."
Mitsuki: "And in doing so, without confirming with our own eyes, we end up hurting someone based on assumptions."
(Such as discrimination or persecution.)
Mitsuki: "That's why I was reminded in that book how important it is to verify the truth with our own eyes."
Galileo: "I see."
As I expressed my thoughts in detail, Galileo replied briefly.
(I wonder what he thought about it.)
I was wondering what he thought about it since he also read the same book.
Galileo: "The truth is something one should pursue with their own eyes. However, even if one finds the truth, it doesn't necessarily lead to righteousness."
He spoke without facing me.
Mitsuki: "Um, does that mean knowing the truth isn't always a good thing?"
Galileo: ".........."
He nodded in silence at my question.
(Sure, that could be the case sometimes, but...)
As I pondered a bit, I recalled something he mentioned before.
Mitsuki: "You mentioned something similar before, right?"
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Galileo: "Did I?"
Mitsuki: "Yes, you did. Back then..."
Galileo: "Humans are creatures who define what's convenient for themselves as truth."
Galileo: "Even if the truth is revealed, if it's inconvenient, they'll be condemned and excluded."
---------Flashback Ends--------
Mitsuki: "Even though you understand the importance of seeking the truth, you called those who acted upon it stupid."
Galileo: "Yeah, and I'm not going to take those words back."
Galileo's profile remained steadfast, as if expounding an unwavering theory.
Mitsuki: "Sure, your thoughts may be the truth as seen from your perspective."
Mitsuki: "But from my perspective, that person still appears very brave and deserving of affirmation."
Galileo: ".........."
Mitsuki: "Each person's truth may vary depending on their viewpoint. That's what I've come to realize."
I didn't intend to argue against his opinion.
But just like the characters in the book engaged in dialogue, I express my thoughts without fear.
After a moment of silence, as if contemplating something profound,
Galileo: "Truth changes depending on how you look at it, huh?"
Galileo: "Then I suppose the truth in you will change when you learn of the sacrifices made by fools."
Mitsuki: "What do you mean by sacrifices?"
Galileo: "This conversation is over."
Galileo: "You always manage to irritate me."
Galileo interrupted my question with a hint of anger, but his expression seemed somewhat pained.
(Did I say something unnecessary again?)
An awkward silence hung in the air, making it hard to keep talking.
We walk silently along the way back home, but suddenly...
Mitsuki: "Kyaah!"
Curly-Haired Boy: “Sorry about that! Ah!”
As we almost collided in the corner, we locked eyes.
With his golden curls and clear blue eyes, I recognized the boy.
Mitsuki: “You... We met in town before.”
Curly-haired boy: "I'm thirsty."
Mitsuki: "Wait here. I'll go get you some water!"
Curly-haired boy: "It's fine! I'm okay."
Mitsuki: "But you look like you're in so much pain."
Curly-haired boy: "Don't worry about me. My little sister is waiting, so I have to go."
---------Flashback Ends--------
Curly-Haired Boy: “You’re the lady from the other day.”
Mitsuki: “I was worried about you after that. I’m glad to see you again!”
The unexpected reunion and his seemingly improved condition compared to before brought me a sense of relief.
The boy glanced briefly at the person beside me, then returned his gaze to me.
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Curly-Haired Boy: “Sorry for being rude last time, Mademoiselle.”
Mitsuki: “No worries. Are you thirsty?”
Upon asking, he seemed to tremble for a moment.
Curly-Haired Boy: “Um, I’m okay. Sorry, I have to go now.”
Mitsuki: “Oh, wait. Take this if you like.”
I offered him one of the apples I’d bought earlier.
He hesitated, but then accepted it with a “thank you” before running off.
(I wonder what made him look scared for a moment.)
As I pondered his reaction...
Galileo: “Do you know that child?”
He asked me in an unexpectedly stern tone.
Mitsuki: “Not really. I just saw him wandering the main street before and spoke to him.”
Mitsuki: "Is everything alright with that kid?"
Galileo: "No, it's nothing."
Galileo: "Whatever you're involved in, it's none of my concern."
The day ended without me understanding the true meaning behind those dismissive words.
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Late into the night, Drake visited Galileo's room.
Drake: "How many days has it been since Fawn came here? Never mind the days; how's she doing?"
Looking up at Drake leaning against the desk, Galileo glanced at him before averting his gaze.
Galileo: "If that question refers to her, then I don't see any special powers. That's my answer."
Drake: "Yeah. She looks like a normal girl to me, too, but that doesn't mean we haven't misjudged her."
Drake: "What if you're already caught up in Mitsuki's fate?"
Galileo: "........."
Though he recognized Drake's teasing, Galileo furrowed his eyebrows.
Drake: "It's just a thought. I never expected us to end up living together like this."
Galileo: "I admit it was selfish of me in that regard."
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Galileo: "For some reason, I couldn't ignore that girl who confronted me head-on."
Remembering Mitsuki's straightforward gaze, he clenched his hand with a bitter feeling.
Drake: ".........."
Galileo: "However, she will eventually come to realize how much she has lived in idealism and her powerlessness."
Galileo: "I won't be caught up in the gears of fate. I will accomplish my purpose no matter what."
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Leaving his room, Drake reached for the gun hanging at his waist.
Drake: "I even thought about getting rid of her if she interferes with our goals."
The golden embellishments on the gun glinted faintly in the darkness.
Drake: "The woman of destiny is a hindrance to the destruction I want to see."
Drake: "But, Fawn, I'm starting to wonder what you will bring to him."
Mitsuki: "So you're one of the important brethren Galileo managed to save."
Mitsuki: "I'm glad you're by Galileo's side."
---------Flashback Ends--------
Recalling the conversation in the garden under the moonlight, Drake holstered his gun.
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Drake: "Well, let's see what happens from here."
Drake: "But seriously, I didn't know Galileo was sensitive to hot food."
Like distant, undiscovered stars, no one knows how this fate will unfold.
However, the events that follow are about to reveal some small truths.
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Ikemen Villains: Ellis Twilight
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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Ellis: "There's cream in your hair."
Kate: "Huh? Oh..."
(It's true; I didn't notice.)
Ellis scooped my hair with his fingertips and gently tucked it behind my ear.
Kate: "Thank you."
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Ellis: "You're welcome. Was it that delicious that you got completely absorbed in it?"
He smiled at me as he rested his chin on his hand.
Kate: "Yes, it was delicious."
Ellis: "I'm glad."
(I didn't realize he could casually do something like this. No wonder he's so popular.)
Noticing I was getting nervous, I tried to calm my racing heart.
Kate: "You set up a seat for me, but why are you being so nice to me?"
(I have no memory of doing anything to deserve such kindness from him.)
Ellis: "Kate, you didn't seem happy since last night. I just want the people around me to be as happy as possible."
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(That's all?)
(Ellis treats me kindly, even though I'm practically a stranger to him.)
Kate: "Do you do this for everyone? Even people you've just met?"
Ellis: "Huh? Is that not okay?"
My simple question seemed to confuse him.
(He really is a little weird, but...)
Kate: "I'm happy."
(I indeed felt relieved, thanks to him.)
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Ellis: "I see. I'm glad you don't mind."
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I Want You to be Even More Naughty (Silvio)
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. Slightly suggestive.
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Silvio and I were spending a leisurely evening on a certain holiday.
Emma: "Nnn."
Although it was still bright outside, the atmosphere of the night had already begun to drift as our tongues entwined in a lewd kiss.
Silvio: "You..."
After ending a kiss that made my body throb, he furrowed his eyebrows.
I looked up into his face as he put his hands on the bed to support his body.
Emma: "What's wrong?"
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Silvio: "Nothing."
Silvio: "I just didn't expect you to have gotten so good at it."
He wiped my wet lips with his thumb, making me blush.
(I've gotten better?)
(But he's right. I feel like I've become more accustomed to it.)
Emma: "It's all thanks to you being a kissing demon."
Silvio: "Huh? You're the kissing demon."
Emma: "No. You're the one who always takes the initiative to kiss first."
Silvio: "That's not true."
Emma: "It's true. Besides, even now, whenever I try to touch you like this, you still run away."
Silvio: "............"
I gave him a surprise kiss on the cheek, and Silvio's cheek instantly turned red, making him keep some distance.
Emma: "See? Told ya."
Silvio: "You..."
Emma: "But earlier, you didn't run away, so in short, you're the kissing demon."
Silvio: "Shut up. You're getting carried away."
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Silvio: "If you're gonna call me a kissing demon, then I'll have to act accordingly."
Emma: "What do you mean by act accordingly? Whoa!"
He grabbed my hand and pinned me down onto the sheets.
Before I could sit up, kisses rained down on me again, and his tongue forcefully parted my lips.
His tongue, rough and assertive, explored my mouth, leaving me breathless.
(It feels somehow different from usual.)
Silvio: "Stick out your tongue."
With his thumb under my chin, he forced my lips apart, his sharp gaze piercing through me.
Emma: "I don't want to."
Silvio: "Ha?"
Emma: "I'll definitely end up in some awful situation."
Silvio: "Ha! Scared now, huh? If you're going to get spooked by something like this, you still have a long way to go before you can call yourself good."
Emma: "..........."
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Silvio: "If you're frustrated, hurry up and do it."
(It's gonna be fine. I've been kissing him every day, and I'm no longer phased by things like this.)
Following his instruction, I stuck my tongue out, and he gently sucked and teased it, drawing out pleasure.
Emma: "Mm..."
Silvio: "More importantly, why are you fidgeting this whole time?"
Emma: "Huh? Ah!"
Before I knew it, he had slipped his hand under my skirt, seeking out my wet spot.
Silvio: "Just from a kiss, you're already like this?"
Emma: "It's because of you."
Emma: "Whenever you kiss me, it's like this."
Silvio: "........."
Emma: "You're the one who turned me into this!"
(It definitely wasn't like this in the beginning.)
(But by kissing him every day, my body has become accustomed.)
Emma: "Take responsibility for it!"
Silvio: "Ah, I see. Then, enjoy it to the fullest."
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Silvio: "After all, I'm a kissing demon, right?"
Emma: "Huh? What are you一Ah!"
Before I could register what was happening, he forcefully removed my underwear and spread my legs apart, his hot tongue trailing its way to my core.
His tongue skillfully rolled over my sensitive spot, sucking and delving deep inside, leaving my mind blank.
(If my body remembers even this kind of kiss, I...)
Overwhelmed by the pleasure flooding through me, my anxieties were washed away, and my body surrendered to his kisses.
Despite my body responding eagerly with each touch of his lips, I couldn't bring myself to stop him.
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☆ Masterlist
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Not proofread.
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I spotted Galileo in the middle of the night and quietly followed him into the garden.
Unlike during the day, the moonlight pouring down made the flowers stand out in the darkness.
(There he is.)
Amid that beautiful view, Galileo knelt and gazed at the flowers.
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His melancholic amethyst eyes exude a sense of vulnerability, making him seem like a different person from his usual cold self.
Feeling as though I shouldn't interrupt, I merely watched as he plucked a red flower and brought it to his lips.
(It's just like the first time we met.)
(Why is he eating the flowers? To suppress the urge to drink blood?)
But right now, he doesn't seem to possess any will.
He seemed so hollow and fragile that he might vanish if I touched him.
As I watched, he picked another flower and ate it, then looked up at the sky, making a faint sound.
The red petals that fell from his lips adorned his chest as if it were a separate world.
(I can't take my eyes off him.)
Enthralled by the scene, I suddenly heard quiet footsteps approaching.
Drake: "Curious?"
Mitsuki: "Drake."
Drake gave a light smile and turned his gaze to Galileo.
Drake: "You know, he doesn't even realize it."
Mitsuki: "Realize what?"
Drake: "He's been unconsciously trapped all these years by his dead brethren without realizing it."
Mitsuki: "Dead brethren? You mean the dhampirs?"
Unable to fully grasp the conversation, I asked again, and Drake sadly smiled.
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Drake: "Beneath those red flowers lie the corpses of the dhampir."
Mitsuki: "............"
I was left speechless, unable to fathom what I just heard.
The girl running away with her father and the sickly boy lying in bed with his parents watching over him—their persecuted and deprived lives I had experienced in my dreams came back to me.
Drake: "He couldn't leave those dhampirs who died so cruelly."
Drake: "After spending some time here at this hideout, he managed to bring them here and mourn them under the beautiful flowers."
Drake: "I guess he thinks they can rest peacefully now."
Drake: "Perhaps he also wants someone to witness what he's going to do next."
(Galileo planted flowers above the corpses of the dhampir.)
Drake: "Blanc flowers are white. But why do red flowers bloom only in that place?"
Drake: "It's like those red flowers absorbed blood."
Quietly, Drake weaved the tale hidden within the voiceless flowers.
Drake: "By consuming the blood-stained flowers like that, he is etching the grievances of the dhampirs into himself."
Drake: "At least, that's how I see it."
Mitsuki: "..........."
In front of us, Galileo continued to bring the red flowers to his lips.
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His figure, bathed in moonlight, appeared even more fleeting.
(Galileo had gone back in time and tried many times to save the dhampirs, but…)
(He's so consumed by sorrow that he engraves it on himself like this because he couldn't succeed.)
Mitsuki: "How long have you been with Galileo?"
Drake: "How long? Hahaha! I've already forgotten."
Drake: "He grabbed my hand when I was about to die and pulled me up from the sea. That's how we met."
Mitsuki: "So you're one of the important brethren Galileo managed to save."
Mitsuki: "I'm glad you're by Galileo's side."
Drake: "..........."
(Even if it's just one person, the life he saved matters.)
Drake: "You're a good kid, little fawn."
He shrugged and smiled.
I returned my gaze to Galileo, recalling his words.
Galileo: "I attempted to change the fate of my brethren using this door."
Galileo: "I tried multiple times to save the few of them born throughout history, but it always ended in failure. It's as if the world rejects them."
Galileo: "Dhampirs are destined to disappear from history."
---------Flashback Ends--------
(Galileo has been carrying the deaths of his brethren.)
Even after paying respects, he still put flowers in his mouth.
Galileo: "And I have a warning for you."
Galileo: "Don't ever mention that man in front of me again."
---------Flashback Ends--------
(Perhaps denying his past self stems from his grievance towards his brethren.)
But at that moment, there was also intense anger.
(Galileo might be carrying something else as well.)
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As I watched him with the red flower on his lips, I felt a tightness in my chest.
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After returning inside, Drake told me not to tell him what he had just said and went back to his room.
(I need to be careful not to mention that scene or the dhampirs in front of him.)
At that moment,
Galileo: "What are you doing at this hour?"
Mitsuki: "Galileo."
I turned around and saw the person in question standing before me.
His eyes, now sharp and quizzical, were completely different from the empty expression earlier.
Mitsuki: "Um, getting some water. What about you?"
Galileo: "I was just taking in the night air."
There was a slight pause in his response. It's possible he didn't remember what happened earlier.
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(I wanted to heal his sorrow by knowing him and to stop his purpose, but there's nothing I can do for now.)
Unable to find the right words, I looked up at him with a melancholic feeling.
Galileo: "You sometimes stare at people like that."
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Galileo: "It's like you're trying to see something in them."
He continued to look at me without averting his gaze.
Galileo: "Honestly, I was surprised when you came to this hideout."
Mitsuki: "Why's that?"
Galileo: "You could have trusted the vampires in the mansion, even though we set the terms."
Galileo: "You could have turned a blind eye to the truth."
(There might have been such options.)
But all that was on my mind was wanting to protect everyone in the mansion and wanting to know the real him. Even if there was an option to escape, I probably wouldn't have chosen it.
Galileo: "You said you wanted to know me even after knowing my purpose, but aren't you afraid of me?"
What naturally came out of my lips was surprising even to me.
Mitsuki: "I'm not afraid."
Mitsuki: "I was indeed scared at first."
Mitsuki: "Even now, I'm a bit scared. But..."
(I can't quite express it, but when I look at him, my heart tightens.)
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(I want to understand why I feel this way.)
I want to know why his eyes were filled with danger and a hint of melancholy.
Mitsuki: "I want to face you head-on without turning away."
Galileo: "............"
Silence fell between us.
We exchanged glances for a while, and eventually, he let out a small sigh.
Galileo: "You're truly honest and righteous to a fault."
Surprisingly, his voice lacked its usual coldness.
He turned away, and I hesitantly called out to him.
Mitsuki: "Um, goodnight."
For a moment, it seemed like he might turn back toward me, but Galileo melted into the shadows of the night without looking back.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 2 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Not proofread.
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Galileo brought me to the university's research lab. It was a place I had visited once before, back when I had just met him.
Galileo: "I have a lecture now. You'll have to stay here until it's over."
Mitsuki: "Okay. Um, why did you bring me here?"
Galileo: "Because I can't just leave you alone."
From his tone, it seemed like he wanted to ensure I wouldn't wander off on my own in their hideout.
(But just waiting around doesn't seem right.)
(And to truly understand this person...)
Mitsuki: "Galileo, is there anything I can do to help?"
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Galileo: "Help?"
Mitsuki: "I think to get to know you, I need to get closer first."
Galileo: "I see."
He seemed to understand my intention, but...
Galileo: "There's nothing you can do."
Galileo: "Also, don't even think about contacting Professor Ayscough just because we're in the same building."
Mitsuki: "I won't do anything like that. I haven't forgotten about the conditions."
After I responded, he turned away, ending the conversation.
Galileo: "I'm leaving now. Feel free to do whatever you want in this room."
With those parting words, he left and closed the door.
Left alone, I breathed out to ease the tension.
(He's right, I probably can't assist a university professor.)
(But at this rate, understanding him seems like a daunting task.)
Looking around the lab, I noticed there wasn't a speck of dust in the room, and the bookshelves were neat and tidy.
He seemed to be a very meticulous person.
(Come to think of it, they say you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their bookshelf.)
Recalling that one's interests, hobbies, and thoughts are reflected in the books they read, I scanned the spines of the books on the shelf.
(There are mostly astronomy and academic books. Hmm?)
Amidst the well-worn academic books, my eyes suddenly fell on a particular book.
For some reason, that one old book was placed on the outside of the bookend.
(I wonder what book this is. Um, 'Concerning the Two'...)
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(No good. The cover is so worn out that I can't read the title or the author.)
I flipped through the pages and found that I could read the contents.
(If he's holding onto this beat-up book, it's gotta be one he really loves.)
(Since he said I could do as I please in this room...)
I sat on a chair and opened the book once again.
After flipping through the pages for a few hours, I raised my head at the sound of the bell and looked out the window to find the sky had turned red.
(It's already this late. I got so absorbed in the book.)
At that moment, Galileo returned.
Mitsuki: "Ah, welcome back."
Galileo: "That's..."
His widened eyes focused on what I had in my hands.
Mitsuki: "Sorry for reading this without permission."
Mitsuki: "Somehow, this book caught my eye. I haven't finished reading it yet, so can I borrow it?"
Galileo: "........."
He furrowed his eyebrows in silence, wearing a somewhat bitter expression.
Mitsuki: "Was this book important?"
(Maybe he had a sentimental attachment to it. I shouldn't have read it without permission.)
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Galileo: "No. I told you to do as you please."
Galileo: "You're free to pick any book you want."
Mitsuki: "Then, I'll borrow it. Thank you."
I thanked him, but he was not looking at me anymore.
(His expression just now looked angry or maybe sad.)
(Is this book something special to him?)
I looked down at the book in my hand and gently stroked the faded cover.
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Later, when we returned to the hideout, he led me to that door.
Mitsuki: "Galileo, why are we here?"
Galileo: "You asked earlier if there was anything you could help with."
Galileo: "You straightforwardly asked it to get to know me better."
Mitsuki: "I did ask, indeed."
Galileo: "Then, in light of your willingness to face the truth, I will assign you a role."
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Galileo: "But beyond this door."
He opened the door, revealing the misty space.
Mitsuki: "The door doesn't open for another month once it's been opened."
Galileo: "There's no need to wait with this door. It has been modified to remove that restriction."
(So it can be opened anytime?)
As he stepped through the door, instantly, the mist cleared, revealing the familiar hallway.
Mitsuki: "It's the same as before. Why does the hallway appear when you pass through?"
Galileo: "You ask too many questions."
Mitsuki: "I'm sorry, but it's just so mysterious."
Galileo: "Well, never mind. I'll tell you as a warning."
He let out a sigh and touched the harness belt hanging from his shoulder to his waist.
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Galileo: "This harness belt stabilizes the anomalies in space."
Galileo: "In other words, if you were to pass through alone, you'd just get swallowed by the distorted space."
Even when he spoke it in a piercing manner, I was simply surprised.
(He not only created a door that allows time travel but also managed to resolve spatial anomalies.)
(This person is really a "genius," after all.)
If his ideas and research were to spread, surely he could change the world, just like Galileo Galilei did in his time.
Galileo: "If we proceed together from here, you'll catch a glimpse of my purpose."
Galileo: "In exchange, I'll need you to fulfill a role. It's what you yourself wished for."
(His purpose...)
He said he would put an end to this world.
If I follow him, I might end up aiding his destructive purpose.
Galileo: "Even if you come along, there's no guarantee you'll get the information you desire."
Galileo: "However, if you're prepared to seek the truth, I'll take you with me."
Almost indifferently, he glanced at me.
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(To understand him, I might have to cooperate with his purpose.)
I want to stop him, but doing that would be the opposite.
(But perhaps this is a chance.)
(If I act alongside him, maybe I can stop him.)
With determination, I tightly clenched my fists.
Mitsuki: "I'll go."
Mitsuki: "When I decided to come here, I decided to confirm your truth with my own eyes."
Galileo: "........"
As if assessing my resolve, he gazed at me.
Eventually, his gaze shifted toward the end of the hallway.
Galileo: "Then, let's go."
We walked down the seemingly endless hallway, ensuring not to lose sight of him.
After a while, we arrived at a quiet grassland on a windless night.
(I don't know where we are. What are we supposed to do here?)
As I pondered, I suddenly looked up at the sky.
Mitsuki: "The moon..."
Above us hung a round moon stained in a blood-like red hue.
Galileo: "It's a lunar eclipse."
Galileo: "The Earth comes between the sun and the moon, blocking the sun's light. The phenomenon of the red moon is primarily due to the scattering of sunlight by the Earth's atmosphere."
Mitsuki: "I see."
(I understand the explanation, but it's still a little scary.)
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Even though it's an astronomical phenomenon, the red moon against the pitch-black sky feels ominous and oppressive.
Galileo: "Haah..."
At that moment, I heard a heavy sigh. I glanced beside me and saw Galileo wearing a troubled expression.
Mitsuki: "Galileo, are you okay? You look pale, and you suddenly seem..."
Galileo: "Don't touch me."
Upon hearing those words, my hand, which I had instinctively extended, stopped abruptly.
Seeing him lower his gaze as if enduring something, I recalled what Drake had mentioned about the dhampir's constitution.
(Right. I think their bloodlust intensifies during a full moon.)
Mitsuki: "Could it be bloodlust?"
Galileo: "........"
He sighed and opened his eyes, his trembling purple eyes reflecting me.
Then he quickly averted them.
Galileo: "No, I'm suppressing the bloodlust with Blanc. What's affecting me now is the miasma."
I frowned at the unfamiliar term.
Galileo: "My condition doesn't matter. What matters is..."
He handed me a pen and rolled-up paper.
Upon unfolding it, I found it was a map.
Galileo: "We're currently here. Mark the direction I indicate from here."
Mitsuki: "Understood."
He took a deep breath, as if to release some pain, and glanced at the compass he had taken out.
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Galileo: "Mark 220 degrees southwest from here."
Mitsuki: "Got it. Is there something in that direction?"
Galileo: "It's what I'm looking for."
(So, it means I have to find out for myself.)
I looked in the direction he indicated, but all I could see were mountains and the night sky.
Without understanding the significance of this action, I marked the map as instructed.
Galileo: "Let's move."
He said this as he started walking, still appearing to be in pain.
(Is he really okay? Galileo...)
Although I thought about saying something, remembering his earlier rejection, I swallowed my words.
We crossed the hallway once more and marked the map at another location.
Once again, the red moon shone overhead.
Galileo: "Ugh... Hah..."
Upon returning to the hideout, Galileo leaned against the closed door, exhaling deeply.
Mitsuki: "I'll help you back to your room."
Galileo: "It's fine. I'll recover in a while."
Mitsuki: "But I can't just leave you like this!"
I tried to offer support out of concern, but he pushed me away.
Galileo: "I told you. I'm not here to make friends."
Mitsuki: "........" 
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Galileo: "Don't forget your purpose." 
Galileo: "That's it for today. Rest in your room." 
I watched him leave, unable to say anything more.
That night... 
I sat on the bed, reflecting on today's events.
(I found this book in his office today.)
It was the old, unreadable book I borrowed from him.
His expression directed at this book still haunts me.
(And then we went together on the night of the lunar eclipse.)
He gave me a role, but inside, I was afraid to do it.
(All I did was mark the map, but...)
I looked back but still couldn't understand what that was all about.
It's probably connected to his purpose.
(He was using the compass to check directions, like he was searching for stars.)
(Is he looking for something?)
(But why go through such pain?)
Galileo: "No, I suppressed the bloodlust with Blanc. What's affecting me now is the miasma."
---------Flashback Ends--------
I remembered his distressed state, and worry flooded over me again.
(I hope he's okay.)
(What is miasma, though? It didn't affect me physically, but...)
(Could it be something that only affects vampires and dhampirs?)
As I tried to organize my thoughts, more mysteries arose, making me sigh.
(There are too many things I don't understand. I need some water to clear my head.)
It was past midnight, and the living room was silent.
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After drinking some water and preparing to return to my room, a figure passed through the darkness.
My shoulders tensed momentarily, but then I saw a faint glint of silvery-white hair.
(Was that Galileo just now?)
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 2 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Not proofread.
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The day after being told by Professor Maury that he was a dhampir and to see the truth with my own eyes一
Mitsuki: "I'm sorry for the trouble. Please take care of the mansion while I'm away."
Sebastian: "Don't worry about work. Feel free to stop by in between taking care of your guest."
Comte: "If you ever need help, just tell us. We'll always be here for you."
Mitsuki: "Comte, Sebastian, thank you."
(And I'm sorry for lying.)
I bowed to the two who saw me off and apologized silently in my heart.
"The person who saved me when I almost got into an accident got hurt, so I'll be taking care of them until they recover."
That's the lie I told them after deciding to leave the mansion for a while.
The truth is, I was going to stay at Professor Maury's house.
(He did lay down some "conditions," but this is my decision.)
(I don't want to put everyone at risk, so I need to find out what he's up to and stop him.)
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Sebastian: "Mitsuki, your carriage is here."
Mitsuki: "Ah, yes. Well then, I'll be going!"
Feeling anxious, I bid them farewell with the best smile I can muster and board the carriage.
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Drake: "Heh? You really came, huh?"
Drake welcomed me after arriving at their house.
(I don't really know what kind of person he is, but I need to be cautious since it's possible he drugged me back in the boat.)
Mitsuki: "I look forward to working with you from today."
Drake: "Sure. I was surprised when I heard that you're going to stay here."
Drake: "You seem reckless. No, courageous, despite appearances."
Drake: "Wait, no, definitely reckless!"
He said it straight without irony and chuckled.
Mitsuki: "I might indeed be reckless, but I didn't come here impulsively."
Drake: "Really? Well, I guess having a bit of tension makes it more fun."
With a slight grin, Drake stepped closer, lightly lifting my chin.
Drake: "Let me see if you're the woman of destiny as well."
His eyes, as dark as the deep sea, sent a slight shiver down my spine.
Mitsuki: "Please let go. And what do you mean by 'woman of destiny'?"
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Drake: "Just talking to myself here. Don't worry about it."
After releasing my chin, he swiftly took the luggage I was carrying.
Drake: "Let me show you your room, Mademoiselle."
Mitsuki: "Um, I can carry my own luggage."
Drake: "Let me handle this much. Despite appearances, I'm still an English gentleman."
Drake: "Besides, you don't have to be so formal with me. No need for honorifics. Just call me Drake."
(He's supposed to be someone I can't let my guard down, yet he's so casual that it's throwing me off.)
Mitsuki: "Understood, I mean, got it. Thanks for carrying my luggage, Drake."
He nodded, and then his expression suddenly turned serious.
Drake: "Now, fawn. You understand the terms of coming here, right?"
Mitsuki: "Of course."
"See with your eyes what I am trying to accomplish and what my true desires are."
When I accepted Professor Maury's invitation, he laid out several conditions for me.
One was for me to stay in this place where he resides.
"Feel free to investigate as much as you want. In return, I will be keeping an eye on you."
And the other was that this matter remains strictly confidential.
Mitsuki: "I left the mansion under false pretenses. I haven't said anything about you guys or this place, so, as promised, please don't harm anyone."
He looked amused as I reminded him.
Drake: "Haha, nice. You look like a woman who's made up her mind."
Drake: "Well, I've got "this guy" over here."
Drake: "There's no way you can refuse to comply after seeing this knife, yeah?"
As he said that, he caressed the knife hanging from his waist in a showy manner.
He claimed that this knife was the only weapon capable of taking the life of a pureblood.
(I don't know if it's true, but if it is, why does Drake have such a thing?)
Suddenly, I remembered the vampire hunters.
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Drake: "Just so you know, I'm not a hunter. I'm a dhampir like Galileo."
(Drake is also a Dhampir...)
(Wait, what? "Galileo"?)
Drake: "But seriously, what's up with Galileo telling you to see the truth?"
Drake: "Did he feel some connection with something? It's typical of him, but still..."
Mitsuki: "Hey, hold on. We were talking about Professor Maury just now, right?"
Mitsuki: "Then why are you calling him Galileo?"
When I asked about the name he mentioned, he blinked rapidly.
Drake: "Yeah, come to think of it, he goes by 'Maury' outside."
Drake: "And you didn't know that yet."
With that, he smirked.
Drake: "His real name is Galileo Galilei. Heard of him, right?"
Mitsuki: "Yeah, but are you saying Professor Maury is named after the famous Galileo?"
Drake: "It's not just the same name; it's the same person."
Mitsuki: "What!?"
(Professor Maury is Galileo Galilei!?)
Mitsuki: "I'm too surprised to process this right now."
Drake: "Haha! Yeah, apparently Galileo was ridiculously famous in later eras."
Drake: "His name is so well-known that he uses an alias to avoid unnecessary attention."
Mitsuki: "But Galileo lived centuries ago..."
As I was about to speak, the image of the door in this building flashed through my mind.
Drake: "Looks like you're catching on."
Drake: "That's right. We traveled using that door from the past to this 19th century."
Mitsuki: "Both of you came from the past? Why...?"
Drake: "........."
Drake: "That's something you need to figure out for yourself. Isn't that why you came here?"
Drake: "By the way, it seems I've made a name for myself in history as well."
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Drake: "In terms of achievements, I'd say I'm not inferior to the vampires from your place."
He grinned mischievously, but I was still reeling from the shock.
The fact that Professor Maury is Galileo Galilei essentially means that the renowned figure is seeking the destruction of this world.
(I can't believe that someone who had such a significant impact on the world is trying to destroy it.)
As I struggled to process everything, Drake peered into my face.
Drake: "I've told you one truth about him, so let's call it even for the boat incident."
Mitsuki: "Boat? Ah!"
Mitsuki: "So you really spiked the juice you gave me that time!?"
Drake: "Well, obviously."
Despite my glaring, he shrugged it off casually and showed no signs of remorse.
(I really can't let my guard down. Is my life here going to be okay?)
Drake: "Now that I've revealed everything, we're good, right? Fawn."
With a light tone, he said that and smirked unapologetically.
After placing my belongings in the assigned room, I headed towards a room Drake had informed me of. After knocking, I heard a voice saying, "Come in."
Mitsuki: "Excuse me."
Upon opening the door and stepping inside, I found a seemingly simple room with a bed, bookshelf, and desk. The only thing that was out of the ordinary were several hanging spheres from the ceiling.
Underneath these decorations, the owner of the room was sitting at the desk.
Mitsuki: "Excuse me. As promised, I'll be under your care starting today."
Mitsuki: "Professor Maury, or should I say Galileo?"
He was in the middle of writing when I called his name, and he suddenly stopped and turned to face me for the first time.
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Galileo: "Did you hear it from Drake?"
Mitsuki: "Yes. I'm surprised that you're Galileo Galilei."
Mitsuki: "Even someone like me, who isn't very knowledgeable about history, knows how famous he is."
Galileo: ".........."
Mitsuki: "He's the historical figure who advocated for the heliocentric theory and left the words 'And yet it moves'."
He interrupted my words with a thud and got up from his seat.
Then he approached me and looked down at me with cold disdain.
Galileo: "If you have no business here, then leave. I have no intention of getting too familiar with you."
Mitsuki: “..........”
Galileo: "And I have a warning for you."
Galileo: "Don't ever mention that man in front of me again."
(That man? Does he mean himself?)
(Why speak in such a manner?)
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It was as if he was pushing away his past self as the great Galileo Galilei.
I could sense a quiet anger in his voice, and that reminded me of the words he said yesterday.
Maury: "I genuinely despise those with arrogant beliefs and those who can only speak empty words."
---------Flashback Ends--------
The anger he displayed then and now seemed to overlap in some way.
(Could it be that this person...)
(Is he angry with his past self?)
Before I could voice my question, he turned on his heel and returned to his desk. As if to signal the end of our conversation, an air of rejection emanated from his back.
(I might not get an answer even if I confront him with my questions.)
(I'll have to confirm things with my own eyes from now on.)
I was about to leave the room when I suddenly stopped in my tracks.
Mitsuki: "Um, I have one question."
Galileo: "What is it?"
(I might anger him again, but...)
Mitsuki: "Can I call you Galileo from now on?"
Galileo: "Why?"
His voice seemed to sharpen slightly, but I decided not to back down and express my thoughts.
Mitsuki: "I came here to learn your truth."
Mitsuki: "So I want to face you properly, even if it's just calling you by your name."
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It wasn't meant to be confrontational.
Even if he disliked his own identity as 'Galileo', I wanted to face the real him, including his anger, sadness, and desires, to understand him better.
Mitsuki: "If you don't like it, I'll stop, but..."
(Drake was calling him by his name.)
Galileo: "Do as you please."
With that brief statement, Galileo turned back to his desk, seemingly intent on ignoring me this time.
After that, Drake showed me around, and we finally came to that garden.
Drake: "So, this is the inner courtyard. You sneaked in here yesterday."
Mitsuki: "I didn't mean to. I just wanted to confirm if these flowers were Blanc flowers."
Drake: "Your guess is correct. As you probably know, the liquid extracted from these flowers serves as a substitute for blood."
Drake: "That's how we sustain ourselves and stave off hunger."
Mitsuki: "Do Dhampirs also need to consume blood?"
Drake: "Yeah. And Dhampirs have a somewhat tricky nature."
He tilted his head and cast his gaze downward.
Drake: "I'm not sure if it's because of our mixed heritage, but we turn into humans on the night of the new moon and vampires on the night of the full moon."
(Does that mean their body switches between being human and vampire due to the influence of the moon?)
Drake: "Especially on the night of the full moon, the bloodlust intensifies."
Drake: "In my case, I lose my rationality and attack indiscriminately, whether they are enemies or allies."
Drake: "It's as if I've become a monster."
Mitsuki: "Drake..."
Has Drake himself experienced such a thing? His grimace and reluctant tone seemed to suggest some inner struggle.
Drake: "Well, regardless of the moon, I could bite you right now since you're completely defenseless."
Mitsuki: "-----!"
I involuntarily stepped back, and Drake shrugged his shoulders with a small laugh.
Drake: "Don't be so defensive. We're living together for a reason, so I'll make concessions."
Mitsuki: "T-Thanks."
Drake: "But depending on how you act, I might take not only your blood but your life."
Mitsuki: ".........."
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Drake: "Just kidding."
(It doesn't sound like a joke.)
(I wonder if this is his way of warning me.)
While Drake's personality seems friendly and approachable, being with Galileo implies that he might be cooperating with his goals.
It feels like Drake is reminding me not to forget my position as I try to learn about Galileo.
Drake: "Well, now that the tour's over, let's introduce you to Draco and Sidereus."
Mitsuki: "I've met Sidereus before. Is Draco also a pet?"
Drake: "Yeah, he's my parrot."
As we walked ahead while chatting, I remembered a question I had.
Mitsuki: "Oh, wait! Can I ask you something?"
Drake: "Sure, what is it?"
Mitsuki: "I've been curious. Blanc flowers are white, right?"
Mitsuki: "So why are there red flowers blooming only in that area?"
I pointed to the vivid red spot amidst the pure white garden.
Drake: "Ah, that area is where Galileo—"
Drake: "No, I'll tell you when the time comes."
Drake didn't say anything more about it.
As the stars twinkled in the sky, signaling the end of the day, I sat on the bed in my room and sighed.
(Although Drake joined me for dinner, Galileo didn't show up.)
(I haven't seen him since then.)
The reason I came here was to understand what Galileo was planning and to learn about him.
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What does it mean to put an end to the world, and what is the true meaning of his wish?
(I haven't made any progress.)
(I came here determined to find the truth, but what should I do now?)
With a slight sense of unease, I closed my eyes. Perhaps because I had been tense, I fell asleep quickly.
The next morning.
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Without even a morning greeting, Galileo, upon seeing me, immediately spoke up.
Galileo: "Today, you'll come with me."
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