#ikevamp galileo
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. Not proofread.
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I wanted to open my eyes to see whose cold hand was touching my forehead, but my body refused to move, and I slipped into unconsciousness once more.
After checking Mitsuki’s condition, Galileo returned to his room and stood there for a while.
Galileo: “........”
After hesitating, he opened a drawer on his desk and took out a worn-out origami crane.
Galileo: “I thought as much...”
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The scar on Mitsuki’s forehead, which he had just seen, and the story he heard last night about the origami cranes, triggered a memory in Galileo’s mind.
It was from the time when he traveled through various countries and eras, using the door.
When he arrived in a certain eastern country, he witnessed a scene where a vehicle was about to hit a girl.
Realizing that the girl wouldn’t survive, his body moved on its own. Before he knew it, he was holding the girl in his arms and lying on the roadside.
Girl: “Thank you, big brother. You’re my lifesaver.”
Although he had caused her a slight injury on her forehead, the girl smiled, and the origami crane she gave him as thanks was still in his hand to this day.
Galileo: “The girl I helped back then was Mitsuki.”
Galileo: "That was an event from when I traveled to the future, which means Mitsuki came from the future using that door in the mansion."
With the strange fate involving Mitsuki playing out in his mind, Galileo couldn't help but sigh as he sensed his own fate intertwined with hers.
Galileo: "Even if she doesn't have any special powers, it seems she's still the woman of destiny."
Galileo: "How ironic."
His self-deprecating murmur faded away into the room.
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Mitsuki: "Mn..."
When I woke up, the sun was already setting.
I moved slightly despite the lingering heaviness in my body and noticed something gently resting on my forehead.
(Ice pack? Did someone take care of me?)
(Was it Drake? Or maybe...)
At that moment, I heard a knock.
Galileo: "Are you awake?"
Galileo entered, holding a fresh ice pack.
Mitsuki: "Were you the one taking care of me?"
Galileo: "You got injured because of me."
Galileo: "It would be embarrassing if you fell ill because of that."
He said this before I could respond, and a small smile escaped my lips.
(This guy really has a strong sense of duty.)
But whether it was out of obligation or genuine concern, it was heartwarming to have someone look after me.
Mitsuki: "Thank you, Galileo."
Galileo: "........."
He accepted my thanks silently and approached the bed.
My heart raced wildly in my chest as he removed the ice pack and placed his hand on my forehead.
(This is the gentle, cold hand I felt while I was asleep earlier.)
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Galileo: "It looks like you're recovering enough to speak, but you still have a fever."
Galileo: "Rest a little longer."
Mitsuki: "Okay. Thank you."
After placing the medicine and drinks he brought on the table, he quietly left the room.
Though I was alone again, I didn't feel as helpless as earlier.
(My chest somehow feels warm.)
(Is it because he was here with me?)
Feeling calm this time, I drifted into another sleep.
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A few days later, my health had fully recovered, and I resumed spending my days with him.
We passed through the door and found ourselves on another moonlit night, and each time, I witnessed him struggling under the miasma.
That night, I reflected on the various times I had seen Galileo.
(Why does he keep going out on nights of lunar eclipses?)
All I knew was that he was looking for something, but I still didn't know what it was.
Even though he was suffering, he took some time to recover and then traveled again.
Realizing that he was repeating such actions, I got worried.
(I can't bear to see him like that. I want to stop him for his sake.)
Every time I got to know him better, I found myself unsure of what to call the emotions I had towards him.
He was a frightening man with intense anger hidden beneath an icy, cold facade. Yet he was also compassionate, engraving his sorrow and pain onto himself.
(Seeing him like that is painful.)
Despite aspiring to destroy the world, he tried to help his brethren and even took care of me.
(He has his kind side too.)
Each of these extreme aspects seemed to be part of his truth.
(The way he appears changes from time to time, like the phases of the moon.)
But I still felt like I hadn't discovered the true "him" yet. Just then, I heard footsteps from outside the room.
Curious, I stepped out of the room to find him and Sidereus getting ready to go outside.
Mitsuki: "Galileo, are you going out at this hour?"
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Galileo: "Yeah. Sidereus finds this place too confining."
Galileo: "Besides, the sky is clear tonight."
I noticed he was carrying a telescope in his arms.
(Maybe he's going stargazing while walking Sidereus.)
Suddenly, curiosity piqued my interest.
Mitsuki: "Can I come with you?"
Galileo: "Is that to get to know me better?"
Mitsuki: "Yes. You said you wouldn't hide or run away from me, remember?"
While it's true that I want to understand the real him, I'm also intrigued by his personal life.
After a brief moment of silence, Galileo spoke up.
Galileo: "It's your choice."
(Does that mean it's okay for me to go with them?)
Mitsuki: "Then, I'll go with you."
I quickly got ready and followed them until we arrived at a flower field.
Sidereus: *Bark! Bark!*
Sidereus ran around happily in the wide-open field.
Smiling at his puppy-like innocence, I looked at the sky to see the crescent moon and stars sparkling like gems.
Mitsuki: "There are so many stars out tonight."
Galileo: "Yeah. There are no clouds today, so it's the perfect time for stargazing."
He chose a spot and swiftly assembled the telescope.
Once everything was set up, he peered through the lens, occasionally lifting his head to gaze at the night sky.
For some reason, as I gazed at his profile, I found myself captivated by his eyes.
(Is this how he looks when he's stargazing?)
His amethyst eyes were filled with passionate longing, as if yearning for something unattainable in the distance, evoking a sense of melancholy.
(His eyes are really beautiful.)
I found myself admiring his eyes more than the stars.
Galileo: "Want to take a look?"
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Galileo: "You've been glancing at me since earlier. Isn't that because you also want to see the stars?"
Mitsuki: "Yeah! I'd love to take a look!"
(Thank goodness he didn't notice I was admiring him.)
I stood in front of the telescope, feeling relieved inside.
It was my first time stargazing through a telescope, so I was really excited.
Mitsuki: "Huh? It's blurry. I can't see well."
Thinking I might have messed something up, I tried to adjust the focus, but...
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Galileo: "Let me see."
He leaned over me from behind, his warmth enveloping me.
As he adjusted the focus, my heart beat loudly.
(My heartbeat is so loud.)
(Why am I feeling so nervous?)
Galileo: "There, try looking now."
Mitsuki: "Ah..."
Galileo gently guided my hand to the telescope.
My cheeks flushed as I peered through the lens, feeling the warmth of his cold hand.
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Mitsuki: "It's beautiful..."
I sighed in awe, seeing the stars before me.
I glanced up and saw Galileo looking at the stars with a serene expression.
Galileo: "No matter the era, the brilliance of the stars remains unchanged."
Galileo: "They illuminate everything on Earth, regardless of hatred or sorrow, urging us not to turn away from the truth."
His words stirred something within me, reminding me of certain words.
Galileo: "Fine. If you're going to speak as if you understand everything, then go and see it with your own eyes."
Galileo: "See with your own eyes what I am trying to accomplish and what my true desires are."
---------Flashback Ends--------
(One of the few things I've learned about Galileo is his belief in confirming the truth with his own eyes.)
“But why have you not observed this instead of reducing yourself to having to believe the tales of others? Why not see it with your own eyes?”
The words from the book he lent me echoed in my mind.
(He's someone who seeks the truth with his own eyes.)
(Huh? Didn't I have a conversation about someone seeking the truth before?)
Galileo: "Even if the truth is revealed, if it's inconvenient, they'll be condemned and excluded."
Galileo: "I know a fool who pursued the truth despite knowing this and ended up with a life sentence."
---------Flashback Ends--------
Suddenly, his words came to mind.
(Could that be…)
(Could that be him?)
It was one possibility I had arrived at.
However, I couldn't bring myself to voice it because I didn't want to disturb him as he gazed at the stars with fervent eyes.
(If it's true that he got a life sentence, then what could have happened in his past?)
(I don't really know how he lived as a historical figure, but I know he supported the heliocentric model and left the famous quote, "And yet it moves.")
It was frustrating that I only knew fragments of his history.
(I want to know more about him.)
(I want to understand him and touch his heart.)
Those feelings grew stronger.
Galileo: "Had enough of the stars?"
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Galileo: "You've been lost in thought for a while now."
Mitsuki: "I was just..."
I looked up at the sky again, swallowing the rest of my words.
Mitsuki: "I was just thinking that they're still beautiful, even though I don't know their names."
I made that comment to hide my true feelings, but then a streak of light flashed across the sky above us.
Mitsuki: "A shooting star! Did you see it!?"
Galileo: "I saw it. Don't get too excited just because you saw one."
Mitsuki: "Sorry. But it was so beautiful! It was over so quickly."
Excitement bubbled up within me, and Galileo let out a sigh.
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Galileo: "I didn't expect to see this side of you."
For a moment, I felt like my breath had caught in my throat.
The smile I saw for the first time was so gentle.
(I really don't understand.)
(What are these feelings?)
My chest tightened, and I found myself unable to speak.
As if a shooting star had fallen, a nameless, tiny sparkle settled in my heart.
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memoria-99 · 1 month
Ikemen Vampire: Guys before the plastic surgery
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redheadkittys · 1 year
...guys i think i have a light bright problem🙈(and this are only the ikemen bois)...
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...bonus (and then we have the other side😁):..
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...which haircolors makes you barkbarkwoof???...
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klutzyroses · 4 months
IkeVamp HCs: SO Cuddling with Another Suitor
How do they react when their sleepy s/o cuddles with another suitor? (Platonically of course!)
Suitors: Napoleon, Arthur, Faust, Galileo
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While teaching the children towards the end of the day, Isaac's slight squeak had him turning to see what had the younger so startled...
And blinked when he saw it was because Y/N had started to doze off and fell backwards onto Isaac's back, making the physicist freeze up.
However he couldn't bring himself to wake her or move her for fear of interrupting her slumber.
Napoleon had a similar sentiment, which is why he didn't do anything about it. Part of him found it endearing how flustered, yet mindful Isaac was not to jostle her and Y/N just looked adorable, lost in sweet reveries away from the stresses of the real world. However...
He couldn't help the slight prick of irritation that insisted on pointing out that his belle was sleeping on another man. Even though it was completely and utterly innocent.
Were Isaac anyone else, he would feel worse, and he already felt irked enough. He still wouldn't wake her up, if she had fallen asleep here, then she probably needed the rest. He focused on teaching, though his eyes occasionally strayed to where his sleeping nunuche was with Isaac.
He later would hold her protectively in the carriage on the way home when she stirred. He ruffles her hair gently with a slight teasing smirk.
"If you were tired, you could've just told me, nunuche."
By Jove, no.
While playing beating Isaac in chess, while Dazai and his beloved watched on the side, he noted out of the corner of his eye that his love had fallen asleep, her head resting on the other writer's shoulder.
It threw him off to the point he very nearly got into a bind he couldn't get out of when Isaac made his move.
He did try to focus and act unfazed, but the way Dazai looked upon her fondly, the way his lovely lady snuggled closer to him for comfort, which he seemed more than glad to provide, the clown, had his skin prickling. Yes, he logically knew that Y/N didn't just fall asleep on purpose, Dazai just happened to be there to catch her when she dozed.
That's why, he decided to put Isaac out of his misery in a couple of turns before sending an irritated glare in the direction of the amused fellow author. When said writer relinquished his lover, Arthur whisks her away to take a nap elsewhere, preferably far away from anyone else she could sleep on.
He sulked and huffed a bit when the groggy lady awoke, pulling her close to him once they were in his room.
"On Dazai, my love? It's bad enough you slept on another man, but of all the ones here, you chose him?"
The bespectacled man raised an eyebrow upon entering the living room and noticing Y/N had slumped over onto Charles, sleepily cuddling into him.
It really didn't help that the affectionate Charles seemed content to cuddle her back, cooing at how cute and sleepy she was.
It wasn't particularly pleasant to see, his guinea pig was almost completely wrapped in Charles's arms, her hands holding onto the front of his shirt as her pretty head rested between his neck and shoulder.
And Charles was maybe just a little too eager to accommodate her, ensuring her comfort and caressing soothing circles on her back.
He wasn't sure what was more irksome; Y/N's lack of guard and how content she seemed to just cuddle someone else, or the fact that Charles took no issue in condoning it. He knew Charles was just being his overly affectionate self, nothing more than harmless hugging. Harmless or not, it would not stand.
He does take the initiative to wake her up, giving a sinister smile when she woke, a glint in his eyes.
"How bold of you, daring to be in the arms of another while you slumber, my guinea pig."
He felt a twinge of unpleasantness when seeing Y/N had fallen asleep on Drake's chest. Both were on the couch while he was at the telescope, when the woman, drowsy, leaned into Drake.
Not that the pirate seemed to mind, only chuckling lightly as he stroked her head and let her sleep, before resuming his discussion with Galileo, who responded somewhat distractedly.
The man in question didn't particularly make any real fuss over the fact that his loved one was essentially slumbering in another man's arms, frankly he didn't even call attention to it.
But know, he was most definitely aware of it.
It was bothering him how comfortable she looked, her head over Drake's heart, essentially on top of him and blissfully unaware of the world around her. Drake for his part, seemed to mean no harm in it, but he wasn't helping matters when he shifted her carefully to be more comfortable, his arm wrapped around her shoulder to keep her from sliding.
While he'd be quiet about it at the time, he would speak to her about it when they're alone, stern as he scolded her for being so reckless about sleeping on another man. It may not be immediately obvious that jealousy is a playing factor, but it is.
"You shouldn't be so careless when you aren't alone."
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ana-thedaydreamer · 3 months
Ikemen Vampire - High School AU - Student Card Version
Vampire Academy - School Year 2019 - Arc 2 and 3 suitors
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Drama club & Literature Club member: Dazai Osamu - Fav Subject: Literature
Drama club president: William Shakespeare - Fav Subject: Literature
Student Council President: Abel, Comte Saint Germain - Fav subject: non particularly
Student Council Assistant: Akihito Satou - Fav subject: History
Chemistry club member: Johann Georg Faust - Fav subject: Chemistry
Drama club member & school medical clinic assistant: Charles, also a part-time model - fav subject: non particularly
President of Academy Displicinary Committee: Vlad - fav subject: Biology
New transferred student: Drake & Galileo - Fav subject: Geography (Drake), Science (Galileo)
Here are their student cards 😆
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dear-mrs-otome · 3 months
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His smile 🥺
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yanderepuck · 1 month
Handing flaming hot cheetos to everyone in the mansion to see who survives
Napoleon: he can have a handful and he's fine. He's eating one of the small .99 cent bags
Mozart: mainly doesn't think it tastes good, but also holding back a cough
Leonardo: he's dowing the entire bag without realizing it. I feel like he'd dip them in something but I have no clue what
Vincent: tearing up a little. He likes some spice but he likes a flavorful spice. Hell eat a few more though just to be sure
Theo: straight up doesn't like them. He wasn't expecting them to actually have a kick either
Arthur: he's holding back a choke and tears as best he can. Please give him milk
Isaac: is choking and crying. Boy is gasping and can't handle it. Stereotypical British boy
Jean: immediately sip it out. Hates it. Don't you dare give him that again. He's now searching for milk
Dazai: also eating the bag shamelessly
Shakespeare: he's so confused by chips to begin with that now making them hot is overwhelming him. British boy number 3 is down. Doesn't like how it stains his fingers
Comte: what do you think? Man is eating so much cheese and bread to get that spice out of his mouth. He's handling it worse than Jean and Isaac.
Sebastian: doesn't mind them but is really only eating a smaller bag not a big family sized bag. But he might if he's distracted enough and that's the bag he had
Vlad: handling it better than you thought. Is also enjoying a small bag of them.
Faust: made a weird face when he first tried them. Not because it was too spicy. But because he thought they tasted bad. Took him a while to get the taste out
Charles: had to eat a few to figure out if he liked them or hated them. He's still not sure so every time you offer him one he will take it and go through all those stages again
Drake: British boy number 4 is actually handling it well. He likes the flavor because well...he's been on a boat for too long and just wants flavor. He's not eating a big bag but he doesn't want the small bag
Galileo: choking. He didn't enjoy that at all. He tells you it's because they taste bad but that tear at the corner of his eye tells you it's the spice
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
Leonardo? Napoleon? Who?
Inspired by a post by @kissmetwicekissmedeadly
Arthur: *sees a crowd standing around MC's bedroom door* Hey, what's going on?
Dazai: We're trying to find out who is in there with Toshiko-san.
*Arthur immediately presses his ear to the doorway*
MC: *moaning* ...leo...
Arthur: *looks around* Where's Leonardo?
Theo: Sleeping...in the corner.
Leonardo: *snores*
Arthur: Napoleon?
Jean: *walks past group in hallway* What are you all doing?
MC: *moaning louder* ....LEO....
Sebastian: Napoleon and MC are in the bedroom together.
Jean: Impossible. I just saw Napoleon leave his room.
Arthur/Theo/Dazai: *look at each other* Impossible...
Napoleon: *whistling while walking down the hallway* Good morning...what's going on that you're all gathered here?
Arthur: If you're out here, and *points to the sleeping Leonardo* he's out here, then who's in there with MC?
Elsewhere, at Vlad's castle...
Vlad: Someone was eating my strawberries again. *eyes Charles*
Charles-Henri: It wasn't me, must have been one of these new guys you brought in.
Drake: Don't look at me, I didn't eat them. Must have been Galileo.
Vlad: Speaking of Galileo, he's not here. Anyone know where he is?
Faust: He said something about visiting one of the residents at Comte's mansion.
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xxsycamore · 6 months
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Happy Halloween! Yes, this includes all 17 suitors. I'm no expert on the genre but I thought this might be fun! Some of them die. I'm sorry. Warnings: everything that can appear in a horror movie really, including mentions of death, mass murder, blood, gore, torture, cults.
If you feel like reading something more goofy where everyone lives, try Pumpkin Carving Competition At Saint Germain’s Mansion or maybe even “Welcome to Saint Germain’s mansion, please have a fang-tastic night.” 
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The "okay guys, we need a plan" guy and welp, he has a sword, he is willing to walk in front, why not trust him? 👍🏻✨He's totally the one to hide being infected because come on, how are they gonna get out of there alive if the leader is down? Has a dramatic scene where he's fighting off the transformation in secret. Ends up being saved by someone and survives.
Leonardo is the one you find along the journey, mistaking for an enemy at first as you get into his trap... when it actually turns out he's been there long before you, surviving all alone in this post-apocalyptic setting, adapted to it, prepared for every danger out there with gadgets he made himself! He might not stay alive until the end but plays a key role in the plot.
He tried to warn them not to do anything stupid... He's now stuck suffering from the group's bad decision-making. He doesn't even know how he ended up there. Mozart is that one character that you're supposed to hate for being an asshole. At one point he falls in danger that specifically relates to a fear of his, and when everyone expects him to sacrifice another person to save himself, he does the opposite. He seemingly dies right there, breaking everyone's hearts, only to be revealed at the very end that he managed to survive!
𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐀𝐂 (credits for the idea goes to @scummy-writes guys she can write a whole fic of those I swear,, it's been such a pleasure listening to her)
Isaac needs to be saved five minutes into the movie... which writes him off as the weaker one from the get-go. This is going to be bad if the situation comes to "we gotta leave someone behind or we all die here!" - but hey, DON'T LEAVE ISAAC BEHIND IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE! Because the next thing you know everyone falls into this deadly trap that only HE can figure the way out of, using his big brain skills. His worth has been proved! Everyone loves him now! And all he wants is to go back home and never go on a trip with these guys ever again!
I'm sorry, Arthur dies first. The others are trying to warn him about the cases of victims who've been sucked to a dry husk and he's like "later virgins, i have a date tonight". Yeah his date totally killed him. Bonus points if we're dealing with vampires here, because irony. It's fine though, he's still important to the plot after he dies, because we find his writing diary and he left important cues there while trying to escape from his killer. Maybe he even came close to the truth! He knows his mystery genre stuff after all...
Theo just does NOT believe paranormal exists, not even after witnessing it with his own two eyes. Worst part, he tries to convince the others too. "My broer IS NOT POSSESSED!" Uhuh! Okay Theo! You just saw cryptic images appear on his canvas without him even moving the brush but I guess he was just trying a new painting technique!! And he levitates too and his eyes are tar black but what do we know... Once Theo realizes the situation, he's out there swinging a bat (sexy), ready to beat the shit out of whatever caused this, and he's good at it. Don't worry about him dying.
Poor baby Vincent is every sinister ghost/demon's number-one target. Vincent listens to the voices. He sympathizes with them! He makes friends with them! Maybe he doesn't even need to be possessed at this rate... Same story with joining a cult, honestly. When their bad intentions begin to come to light, Vincent puts up a fight and is suddenly not as easy to control as they thought.
Jean might take some bullets from our main cast while someone shouts "IT WON'T DIE!" but it's fine he's used to it... he's been dead for quite some time and not just inside. Jean is probably the result of some sick experiment about making an immortal army of warriors and. It's sad. But it's fine because he joins the protagonists now! He's friend! I hope they apologize for calling him a monster. No, he doesn't die by the end of the movie, but at what cost?
"Oh, it was just Dazai." Of course it was, someone has to be that one idiot that scares the shit out of everyone until he becomes the boy who cried wolf. Which usually ends with death! I'm sorry Dazai. At least they can take him seriously now and pay some more attention to the strange things he kept on saying.
A very old-school villain! Bonus points if the setting is modern yet he still has a villain's lair and all that. There's something beautiful and tragic about him and he probably dramatically lets himself be defeated even if he had a chance to escape. Everyone will remember him. Mostly for the mental and physical torture, but still.
"But we have one hour left until the curse kills us all, how are we gonna get there on time?!" *sounds of safari jeep pulling over* "Someone ordered a ride?" - yeah. Comte is here to save the day with the power of money friendship. And not just that! Who is the one who suddenly remembers a family heirloom that is as old as time and suspiciously shaped exactly like the key they're searching for? I also want him to lose an eye or a limb for some reason... just for a little touch of gore maybe?
Gods, Sebastian is the only prepared one, bless him for that. He's read all about that urban legend while everyone's been busy denying its existence. He is not scared at all, too... you might wonder if he's just geeking out during all of this bloody mess or something. He's so important, please don't let him die please don't let him die... he died.
The villain's aide that infiltrates the protagonists' group. By the time his betrayal scene happens and he nearly kills three members of the group with a chainsaw, we get a glimpse of his trauma and that's the key to sucessfully talking him out of doing it, eventually disarming him and catching him. He manages to escape and maybe later returns as an ally! Yay!
Gods he's scary. I'm not watching this. Of course he's the killer, what did you expect? Has a tragic backstory of being used by an even more fucked-up killer in the past to do the dirty work for - and kept doing it even after getting rid of them himself, because that's the only thing he knows how to do. You can't fix him.
IT'S HIMMM he's the scary little boy from the photos and the same scary little boy that always shows up in the rose garden and his soul just won't rest in peace!! Shows up in his adult form plenty too, just expect his expression to twist into something horrible every second. He needs to be sealed forever somewhere and it would take three sequels to get to know what would actually defeat him once and for all.
... I'm sorry but there definitely is a lighthouse in this movie. And you can totally trust Drake! The poor guy's body just washed up for you to discover, tragically drowned-oh, wait no, he's breathing. He's totally not the same sailor who died around here many, many years ago. He's gonna keep you good company in the lighthouse alone for miles.
Galileo is the one who saw the Thing™ with his own eyes, while he was watching the stars one night ages ago. He dedicated not only his massive research but also his life to this, yet noone believes him. If he somehow manages to find that one missing piece that connects everything together, he will die a horrifying death before he can even share it with the main cast. Rip...
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @my-day6 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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Spice up the mansion life! In the middle of the night, moan out loud LEO and watch them try to figure out if you were visited by Leonardo, Napoleon or Galileo!
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letterstoear · 8 days
Ikemen Vampire inspired jewelry part 2
In addition to the first set, I'm proud to announce the second addition to the collection. With this set I decided to include necklaces and bracelets, but not so much on earrings.
Purchase from my shop here: Shop — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
The necklaces are $12 each and the bracelets are $8 each. If you live outside of the U.S and would like to purchase please DM for further information.
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Johann Georg Faust Despicable Love
Faust's necklace is a reversable chocker, one side is a velvet nightly blue and other side is a maroon satin ribbon. I figured it would be nice to use the MC's colors along with his.
Purchase Despicable Love here: Despicable Love — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
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Napoleon Bonaparte Tie Me With Your Love
Napoleon's necklace features a ribbon closure which you can use to feature a bow on the side, front or even back. This time around I went with his signature colors in a more simplistic chocker necklace.
Purchase Tie Me With Your Love here: Tie Me With Your Love — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
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Isaac Newton Tinted Love
Unlike the other suitors in this collection, Isaac's jewelry item is a bracelet. I made this with the idea of items he would collect along a walk with his lover.
Purchase Tinted Love here: Tinted Love — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Graceful Love
Made with glass beads this necklace is inspired by Mozart's color pallet. I wanted something that would be delicate and gentle, so I went with softer colors and chose to not include purple. Another color Mozart is often associated with.
Purchase Graceful Love here: Graceful Love — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
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Galileo Galilei Did Our Love Shine Or Did it Blaze?
One of the newer suitors to the game I took inspiration from Galileo who has yet to come to the English server. This was made in mind with what kind of necklace Galileo would gift his lover.
Purchase the necklace here: Did Our Love Shine or Did it Burn? — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
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Charles-Henri Sanson Chained by Love
Charles' necklace is more of a streetwear style instead of a elegant chocker. I chose this style because I felt as though Charles would wear something similar in modern day.
Purchase Chained by Love here: Chained by Love — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 4 months
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clavissionary-position · 10 months
Isaac: They call you-
Galileo: I don't care what they call me. Their job is to do homework and love stars
Isaac: But they call you Grumpy Galileo
Galileo: And that doesn't bother me one bit
(class the next day)
Galileo: I brought bagels for everyone
Galileo: Shut-up and eat them
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ndoandou · 1 year
Galileo and Francis
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klutzyroses · 7 months
IkeVamp HCs: Feminine Energy Reader
How do they react to a feminine reader who is classy, mysterious, magnetic and also plays hard to get?
Suitors: Mozart, Arthur, Theo, Galileo
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Upon first meeting her, he was his typical icy self, but even so, he could still tell there was something...oddly beguiling about her.
Granted, his initial coldness is met with elegance as she gracefully turns on her heel and leaves the exchange confidently.
An example of this is when he tells her on her first day that he despises her and the commotion she has made with her arrival to the mansion, she merely blinks very slowly, her long lashes brushing her cheeks before those lovely lips parted to coolly respond with;
"Blaming me for not being unable to focus on your work seems to be your own issue of lacking the resolve. You might want to do something about that."
Before turning around without giving him a chance to respond and walking out, her head held high as he stares after her.
He finds it...appealing how she conducts herself with so much poise, yet with full confidence within her femininity.
It actually makes him feel a little...guilty for treating her the way he has. Especially since now, the beautiful woman is acting almost as frosty as himself, yet different. Less outwardly rude and more...classy, so to speak. It gives the impression that he offended a princess or something of that nature.
Her detached politeness is slowly chipped away when he clears the air himself and she very slowly begins to trust him.
Learning different aspects of her personality becomes surprisingly stimulating to the musician as she lets him discover her little by little. The fact that she doesn't offer too much of herself at once made her something of a mystery.
He in turn, opens up a little to her in reciprocation, silently curious to uncover more of her and learn her like a song he has yet to decipher and play. He figures it wouldn't be so bad if he could decode her just a little more...
Arthur is intrigued right away. Her gorgeous looks brings the initial attraction, but its her demeanor that hooks him.
Her feminine allure, her delicate body language and soft spoken manner is something he finds quite fetching.
He learns firsthand what a challenge she would be when he first started flirting with her. She had gazed upon him somewhat impassively before her fingers gracefully move the hair framing her sweet face and responding with his flirtation with a prim;
"No thank you, Sir Arthur, I'm sure you can ask one of your admirers. Good day."
Straight shut down. Calm and classy, without being overly cruel or rude, before walking around him to be on her way.
Surprised as he was, that little exchange cemented his interest in her.
After all, being surrounded by women who threw themselves at him was the norm for the mystery author but her? No.
She was far more...composed, enigmatic and effortlessly exuded feminine class.
She never falls all over herself to get his attention, she never has to. She naturally inspires curiosity with her gentle, mysterious charisma. She, without words, lets him know that she is not one to offer her heart at the first sign of interest.
He finds himself enjoying the chase. Pursuing her begins to be quite the fun challenge, especially because Y/N herself tends to tease him by making him work for her trust and rewarding his efforts with little glimpses of her innermost heart.
He finds pleasure in how she allows him to pursue her and her subtle expression of her interest in him by figuratively "dropping the handkerchief" was both encouraging and enticing to Arthur.
She is like a beautifully intricate puzzle box and the author is definitely up to the challenge of unlocking her heart.
So...he definitely got off on the wrong foot with the mysterious beauty.
Theo being Theo, wasn't quite expecting her to be like this when he first spoke to her. He very quickly learns that, despite her pretty face, Y/N is not to be spoken to like any average woman.
The way she carries herself, dainty and girly, elegant and confident gives him pause. Makes his insults and barbs rest in his head for a little longer than any other woman would.
He feels a little more respect for her, even if he will never say it, but soon, he has little choice in the matter when he first started addressing her as "hondje". When the Y/N caught wind of what that meant, she was quick to issue him an ultimatum.
She turns those soft eyes toward him, without breaking eye contact, in response to whatever rude thing has come out of his mouth and she speaks in a short tone of finality, hinting at her offended disposition.
"Mr Van Gogh, if you have a problem speaking to me with respect or even remembering my name, I suggest you don't speak to me at all."
She turns her lovely self around, smacking him in the face with her hair, though unintentionally, as she walked away, her hips swaying slightly after putting him in his place, without ever raising her voice.
Since then, Theo learns that if he wants the girl to even give him the time of day, he's going to have to pull some verbal punches....alot of punches.
He won't say it, but he respects and admires her for her quiet dignity, her charming confidence and self worth. She isn't arrogant or self important, but she clearly has self respect, he will give her that.
To be so overtly and unapologetically feminine in a mansion full of men is respectable in itself.
Even as they get closer, he is not quite sure what is going on in her beautiful mind, what she is thinking behind that enigmatic smile of hers.
He would like nothing more than the scrub away the paint to uncover just what she is hiding.
The man is an art dealer, so obviously, his philolocalist mind is set on opening her up to him.
Being as standoffish as he is, he will admit that the woman is a beauty, more as a fact than something that actually moves him. Even then, it wasn't something he would state aloud.
When he first met her, his first reaction was to tell her to leave, that she was in his way. The woman did not get upset or flustered over his harsh wording or delivery. She doesn't snap at him or pout or fall into an apologetic frenzy.
Instead she leveled him with a strangely inscrutable look in her eyes, quiet for but a moment before those delicate, manicured hands push the girl upright as she stands and speaks evenly.
"I apologize for intruding. Pardon me, Monsieur."
Her soft, calming voice is the only sound in the classroom before she walks away, brushing past him slightly by mistake as she leaves, her intoxicating presence unfortunately left behind as the silent Galileo watches her leave.
He is no fool, he knows full well, despite how composed she was, that the woman was offended by him. Had he been anyone else, he probably wouldn't have realized that because of the respectful and almost regal behaviour she possessed.
Clearly not a woman that wears her heart on her sleeve. He finds himself mildly wondering what she had been thinking when she hadn't responded to him right away. In that moment, she was a mystery to him, a sweet riddle with a lovely face.
He may find himself thinking every now and again of that lovely face with the strange... soft femininity that he found a little difficult to forget.
The world is full of many mysteries, but that woman is just one more to add to the complexities he thought about.
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lukkabloom · 3 months
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Idk what the heck happened but this cg looks so cool!! Does MC actually have a personality in this route???? Like she looks so badass compared to the cgs in other routes. Can’t wait to be able to play it in Eng in 2 years lol
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