#tonks is nonbinary
violetthistle1 · 3 months
“Oooh, do you need a Defense against the Dark arts teacher?!” Tonks asked cheerily.
“So sorry Tonks, but that role has already been filled by someone quite a bit your senior.” Sirius said, pointing to Remus. “Lots of practical experience in the field as well.” 
Remus smiled sheepishly. “We're still looking to fill the position of Charms or Astronomy professor.” 
“And Potions.” Sirius added.
“I thought you were teaching Potions as well?” Remus looked at him.
“I’m rubbish at Potions.” Sirius replied.
“Says the man who got an Outstanding owl and a Newt in Potions.” Andromeda said.
“I cheated.” Sirius joked.
“Liar!” Remus scoffed.
“Okay, fine! I’m good at potions! I just don’t want to teach potions.” Sirius said defensively.
“Why?” Tonks asked.
“Because I hate potions.” Sirius answered. 
“Okay, now that’s the truth.” Remus said, satisfied. 
Dignity be Damned, chapter 36: Redemption, excerpt (4)
Completed fic is available on Ao3 now!
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hp-hcs · 7 months
(Fine, I’ll do it my damn self: part 8 of my silly lil m! & enby! reader stories <3)
uniforms — nonbinary! blaise zabini & nonbinary! reader
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tws: use of reader’s deadname, use of she/her pronouns and fem-specific language towards or about reader, use of he/him pronouns for blaise D/N = reader’s dead/given name Y/N = reader’s name
“Can I try on one of your uniforms?”
You look up from your book, blinking at Blaise. “What?”
“Your uniforms. Can I try one on?”
He sighs loudly, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s just an experiment, no big deal.”
You look at him quizzically for a moment longer. “Uh, sure, I guess?”
You stand up from your desk, crossing over to your armoire and pulling out one of your spare uniforms, laying it out on your bed. “Here, go wild.”
He smiles at you, running his fingers over the pleats of the skirt with surprising gentleness. “Thank you.”
You shrug, still a bit puzzled, and go back to reading your book.
“Zabini? The fuck are you wearing, man?” Theodore asks quizzically as you all sit at the Slytherin table for breakfast.
You glance up, seeing Blaise setting his bag down and smoothing out your uniform skirt, sitting down on the bench with that kind of natural grace all rich purebloods seem to have.
“It’s D/N’s,” he says smoothly with an air of haughty indifference. “I’m just borrowing it.”
“You lose a bet or something?”
“Merlin, Nott,” you roll your eyes. “He’s just expanding his wardrobe. Not a big deal.”
Theodore looks at you with an oddly thoughtful expression for a moment before shrugging. “Alright. Pass me the syrup, will ya?”
Blaise went back to his usual uniform the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. Nearly a week from when he first asked to borrow your uniform, he tentatively knocks on the open door of your dorm room and peeks in.
“Oh, hey, Blaise. What’s up?”
“Can you teach me how to put on eyeliner?”
You blink blankly for a moment before grinning. “Oh you could rock some eyeliner. C’mere.”
He grins back, bounding into your room with an unexpected amount of giddiness.
“Hey, Blaise?”
“Mhm?” He looks up from where he’s splayed out on your dorm room floor, setting his magazine—The Witch’s Weekly—down on his chest and waiting expectantly.
“Can I borrow one of your uniforms?”
“Sure,” he says, nonplussed, as he picks his magazine back up.
Theodore looks at you quizzically but says nothing as you sit down for dinner in the Great Hall wearing a boy’s uniform. When Blaise follows right behind you and sits down in his skirt, he just shakes his head a bit.
“Love today’s makeup, Zabini. Your eyeshadow game is on point.”
Blaise smiles.
“And you, L/N. I like the new hairstyle.”
You grin too.
“Pansy!” You call after her, jogging to catch up. She slows and turns around, smiling at you.
“Hey, D/N. I thought you couldn’t come to Hogsmeade?”
“Finished my essay last night.”
She nods, looping her arm through yours and marching towards your guys’ quick weekend destination, already chattering about any and all drama.
After a lull in the conversation, following a particularly juicy tidbit about Katie Bell, of all people, Pansy elbows you in the side gently.
“So what’s with the uniform? And you and Blaise, for that matter?”
“What? Nothing, I just like these uniforms better.”
“But you still wear makeup,” she points out.
“But you prefer to wear trousers?”
“So?” You ask, bristling slightly.
She pats your arm reassuringly. “No judgement, just curious. Are you trans?”
You pause.
“I’m not a boy.”
“Are you still a girl then?”
You hesitate.
“I think that’s your answer right there. Maybe you ought to talk to Professor Lupin’s spouse.”
“I’ll go make us some lunch. You can’t not eat, no matter how many tests you have to grade,” a voice says playfully but firmly as you hover uncertainly by Professor Lupin’s classroom door. You can hear footsteps from inside, then the door opens suddenly, nearly smacking you in the face.
“Oh! Sorry sweetheart, I didn’t see you there,” the culprit says apologetically.
“No worries,” you reply, a bit dazed. “I don’t suppose you’d be Tonks?”
“I am, in fact. What can I do for ya?”
“I had a bit of an odd question…” you trail off.
“Talk and walk with me, sweetheart. Do you like grilled cheese for lunch?”
“What is it called again?”
“Nonbinary,” you repeat, wringing your hands and cracking your knuckles nervously.
“Holy shit.”
“I know, right? That’s what I said! I didn’t even know that was an option!”
Blaise stands in the center of your dorm—the door locked and silencing spells up for privacy—and stares at you, mouth agape.
“Which means we’re not- there’s nothing wrong with us. There’s an actual name for it.”
“Huh,” Blaise murmurs softly.
“So what do we think? Yea or nay to they, if you will?”
“I say yea,” Blaise says with mock seriousness.
“Then it’s a unanimous decision. They it is.”
“Mx. L/N, Mx. Zabini, if you would pay attention,” Professor Snape all but snarls. “My class is more important than your discussions. Five points from Slytherin.”
“Wow, great job, guys,” Draco drawls, casting you both unamused glances.
“Hey- they started it!”
“Don’t listen to them, they started it!”
“Children, children, you’re both pretty. Stop fighting,” Pansy rolls her eyes.
“Obviously I’m pretty,” Blaise scoffs as they press their hand to their chest in a mock-offended manner.
You roll your eyes. “You wish.”
Blaise pouts, turning around in his chair to face the rest of the friend group. “Theo, Y/N’s bullying me.”
Theodore snickers. “Maybe they’re just jealous,” he suggests.
“That makes more sense,” Blaise snickers as they stick their tongue out at you.
You stick your tongue out back at them. “Hey, you can’t be mean to me! I loaned you my old uniform in the first place!”
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startledstoat · 1 month
Jkr really made a character that had spiky colored hair, changed their own appearance, went by the most nonbinary name I've ever heard, and hated being called their birth name
And another character that wore cardigans, probably had corduroy pants, carried an old briefcase, who's condition was a metaphor for fucking aids
And she went
"yeah, those are a couple of cishets"
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sorenphelps · 1 year
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boy or girl? yes.
part of my marauders era pride fanart series (more: x x x); celebrating nonbinary and bisexual solidarity with remadora
making these fanarts is so much fun, hopefully I can make more before pride month is over, fingers crossed
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okeydokeylackey · 1 month
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my Tonks goes by they/them, please refer to them as such
i've been putting off drawing them for so long and literally for what lmfao apparently the only thing I want to draw is headshots rn so we're having a time
makeup reference: 💛
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4remus · 2 years
“ they look good together “ and it’s a lesbian and a gay man
(yes this is about tonks and remus they’re never beating the gay allegations)
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toujoursincorrect · 2 years
Fleur: are you my girlfriend or boyfriend today?
Tonks: because you ate the last pudding cup, you have a fucking enemy.
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akuma-does-art · 1 year
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there is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin ♡ (30 August 2021)
this is based on a photo by clifford prince king, but when I saw it, I just immediately needed to draw bill, tonks and fleur!
also yeah tonks is a genderfluid metamorphmagus, so they're flat-chested here, because I can do that 😊
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Ft the type of shit Tonks would post if they had social media.
All of my drawing practise is Tonks.
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feralwetcat · 2 months
Something i think about everyday is how Tonks should've been genderfluid, not in a like "every shapeshifter should be genderfluid" way, because thats untrue, i think it'd just fit their vibe to be either enby or genderfluid? Like they would've slayed that so much
Also bisexual, if you can't stick to one form how are you expected to stick to one gender (not in a stereotype way!)
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violetthistle1 · 4 months
“Alright, where’s Harry? He’s the whole reason we came all this way, he couldn’t bother to greet us?” Tonks said.
“I’m sorry, I thought you came here for my werewolf boyfriend?” Sirius joked. 
“I’m not nine anymore, you’re going to have to do more than just be a werewolf to impress me.” Tonks answered sarcastically. 
Remus chuckled and muttered under his breath, “Noted.” loud enough for Sirius to hear. 
Dignity be Damned, chapter 36: Redemption, excerpt (3)
Chapters 1-36 are available on Ao3 now!
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elskanellis · 1 year
HP Trans Fest 2023 fic claim
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I am absolutely thrilled to share that I participated in @hptransfest this year. My prompt was about non-binary Tonks dealing with dysphoria and discovering found family. "This will be fun!" I thought. "Found family, what a joyous trope! Queer genderfuckery is such a wonderful lens through which to explore Tonks as a character! What a nice break from angst this will be!"
Anyway it turned out to be very therapeutic to write this story. In, like, the most harrowing sense of that word. It hit really close to home, and the plot goes through some rough moments, but I hope I was able to bring across some of the joy that Tonks (and I) have found.
you will seem more like being on AO3
T | tonks | found family | queer themes | metamorphmagus | being forcibly outed | being forcibly closeted | no one loves a closet more than Albus Dumbledore | a convoluted lesson invoking Yggdrasil | the found family is a bunch of goth kids
Endless thanks to @letitstand and @thehoneybeet for alpha reading and to @goblinmatriarch for the beta. @melociraptor, @myrtlefics, @boxboxlewis, and mazza provided emotional support and indulged me as i shared multiple playlists of first- and second-wave goth classics. 🖤🖤 Thanks also to the fest mods and to the Magical Trans server for all your support!
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wolfstar-myotp · 2 years
*whispers* sirius black is genderfluid and tonks is nonbinary, pass it on
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I wish we saw Harry making Social mistakes due to the Dursleys
like asking Cho where she's "really from" or why Tonks uses he pronouns sometimes even tho theyre "clearly a girl"
I wish we saw him overcome his upbringing
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sp1rit-realm · 1 year
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did someone say tonks fanart???
yes, tonks is nonbinary and jewish. fucking bite me
sirius gave them that bird pendant necklace
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lemongrass77777 · 1 year
I HC Tonks as Nonbinary, but I still call the ship Remadora because when ever I see “Ronks” I think it’s Ron and Tonks’ ship name, Not Tonks and Remus’s
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