#to practice 'drawing' in music production
daggerpinknife · 2 years
my midi keyboard comes in today!!!!! living my composer dreams now<3
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tealfruit · 8 months
it's really a shame I have to sell 40+ of my life hours every week for poverty wages instead of spending all my time and energy on dozens of creative and technical pursuits with unlimited resources
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z3phyr23 · 10 months
Drawing Day 1
(I’m starting over because I haven’t drawn in a month, at least)
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I’m gonna start off drawing the LiB because I love them and I’m very excited for NPMD. So: Wiggly. I have multiple versions of him. I have his doll form, a personally stylized form, his human form, his Black Friday form, and my emblem for him (I want to make emblems for as many Hatchetfield characters as I can). Then we have a colored version of his doll form, and a colored emblem.
Materials: paper, pencil, colored pencil, pen, marker.
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simplestudentplanning · 6 months
100 Things To Do Instead Of Doom-Scrolling Through Social Media
Read a book.
Write in a journal.
Learn to cook a new recipe.
Practice a musical instrument.
Start a DIY project.
Draw or paint.
Learn a new language.
Do a puzzle.
Exercise or do yoga.
Listen to a podcast.
Watch a documentary.
Play a board game.
Try a new workout routine.
Start a garden.
Plan a future trip.
Volunteer online.
Write a letter to a friend or family member.
Learn to knit or crochet.
Take online courses.
Practice photography.
Organize your closet.
Play video games.
Learn a magic trick.
Write a short story.
Create a vision board.
Make a playlist of your favorite songs.
Try a new hairstyle.
Experiment with makeup.
Learn to juggle.
Play a card game.
Do a home workout challenge.
Explore virtual museums or art galleries.
Do a digital detox day.
Learn calligraphy.
Rearrange your furniture.
Create a scrapbook.
Learn to play chess.
Write and perform a song.
Practice mindfulness.
Learn origami.
Plan a themed dinner night.
Do a home spa day.
Learn to code.
Play a musical instrument.
Build a blanket fort.
Take online dance lessons.
Research and try a new type of tea.
Learn about astronomy and stargaze.
Try a new board game.
Create a podcast.
Learn to solve a Rubik's Cube.
Start a blog.
Make homemade candles.
Research your family tree.
Practice a new type of art (e.g., watercolor, sculpture).
Learn to speed-read.
Write a poem.
Make a list of personal goals.
Learn to play a new card game.
Create a budget.
Build a puzzle or Lego set.
Learn to identify constellations.
Try a new fitness class online.
Make homemade pizza.
Experiment with DIY face masks.
Learn about a historical event.
Create a bucket list.
Learn to tie different knots.
Try a new type of workout (e.g., Pilates, kickboxing).
Create digital art.
Plan a themed movie marathon.
Learn to juggle.
Explore a new genre of music.
Write a letter to your future self.
Take up a new hobby (e.g., birdwatching, geocaching).
Research and try a new type of cuisine.
Make homemade ice cream.
Practice deep breathing exercises.
Create a photo album.
Try a new type of dance.
Write and perform a short play.
Learn to play a new board game.
Take a virtual tour of a historical site.
Make a time capsule.
Learn about different types of architecture.
Plan a virtual game night with friends.
Write and illustrate a children's book.
Try a new form of exercise (e.g., HIIT, Zumba).
Learn about different types of plants.
Create a DIY home decor project.
Plan a themed picnic at home.
Research and try a new type of dessert.
Practice positive affirmations.
Try a new type of puzzle (e.g., crosswords, Sudoku).
Learn about different types of birds.
Experiment with DIY skincare products.
Take up a new form of art (e.g., pottery, glassblowing).
Create a list of things you're grateful for.
Learn about a new culture.
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noctivague · 3 months
PAC: What area of your life needs nurturing?
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Hello! Felt like doing another Pick a Card/Pile reading.
The topic of the day is: "What area of your life needs nurturing?"
How it's going to unfold is that I'll first narrow down to an area of life, look at the challenges and then the advice on how to nurture this area. This is meant to be a supporting reading that will help you grow in that specific field.
Focus on the 4 pictures above, pick the one that resonates the most (it can also happen that you feel drawn to more than one) and then read more below the pile(s) you selected.
Take what resonates and leave out the rest as this is a general reading meant for multiple people and situations.
Feel free to tell me if that resonates as I wish to improve :)
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Cards: 4 of Swords + Valiant Courage: Take Actions with Passion Rx; 4 of Cups Rx + The Chariot + 4 of Pentacles; The Creator + The Shadow + The Mystic
The area of your life that needs nurturing is your mental and perhaps physical health. As in, you are currently depleted and in need of a rest, with a sense that your energy levels are so low that you are unable to take actions towards what matters to you.
Right of the bat I notice you got 3 out of 4 Fours of the minor arcana (Swords, Cups and Pentacles), which indicates a need to go back to the foundation and restructure yourself. Your foundations are crumbling and it's stopping you in your track because you are not tasking good care of your basic needs.
You are not allowing yourself to be bored, to rest and contemplate what's happening within and outside of yourself. So focused that you are on pushing through and advancing your life. I'm getting strong ambition and goals from this pile. You are afraid that if you take time off, you're going to lose what you have so you hang onto it for dear life, but it is counter productive and keeping you stuck in place.
The advice on how to nurture this area of your life is to:
1) get in touch with your creativity in a free, childlike and non-judgemental way. Whether you are a creative person of not doesn't really matter as it is not about skills but about expression, and we all have things to express. Keep your creations for yourself so that you can truly feel free from expectations and results. So whether that is drawing, painting, collages, sculpture, pottery, cooking, music, dancing, acting, sewing, makeup, making floral arrangements of cutting bonsai, whatever it is, pick up something that calls you and start expressing yourself creatively. Doesn't matter if you're a beginner or have done it in the past, as long as it is fun to practice.
2) another important aspect of nurturing yourself is understanding your shadow. In non-esoteric speak, what it means is that there are things withing yourself that you are pushing away because you don't want to accept them. The problem is that by denying these important aspects of yourself, you are cutting your growth short. The most important messages we can receive come from the depth of our own mind, and the shadow, while it may be painful and scary, contains keys that can make you free through understanding, compassion and acceptance. I would suggest meditation and journalling, but something else that's quite cool that ties with the first advice is that you totally can look at your creations and see what themes, thoughts or emotions are naturally emerging. Nothing is ever random when it comes to creativity, there is always something from you that comes out!
3) Once you've started being in touch with those dark thoughts, feelings and patterns, you must learn to sit with them, integrate them and make them part of your full self so that they are not a shadowy treat lurking beneath the surface anymore, but something you are fully aware of and can live in peace with. I'm getting that you should not hesitate to reach out for help if you realize at any point that you need support in order to overcome that. Some traumas are better handled with the help of a professional to guide you through it. I would also highly suggest looking up and reading about the concept of integration in psychotherapy as it could help and empower you on your quest.
Hope that helps Pile 1 and I wish you good luck on your journey! 💚
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Cards: Queen of Pentacles Rx + 8 of Swords; 2 of Cups + Page of Swords Rx + 10 of Wands Rx; The Underworld + The Shapeshifter + The Maiden
The area of your life that needs nurturing is your relationship with love.
I'm sensing that this pile is for people who are single, either since birth or for a long time, or people who got out of a relationship and have trouble finding their footing.
What I'm getting is that you feel powerless, stuck and can't seem to see an end to your situation. You are eagerly waiting for things to blossom again but loosing hope because it's taking too long in your mind. It's like you set yourself this goal that you would find love and you're frustrating yourself that it is not happening.
You have a very idealistic view of love and are looking for something perfect and transcending, which is not necessarily a bad thing, I truly believe that we're often better off alone than with the wrong person, but the problem here is that you are being overly defensive and it's stopping the flow of things.
You may have trouble communicating your desires, which again, implies that you found someone willing and able to listen, but there is something in the way you express yourself and come across that feels like a wall between you and potential lovers. You are guarding yourself up at all times and it's not a good strategy.
Also, you are carrying a lot of baggage that you have not faced yet and so long as you don't do it, you will either be stuck where you are or cave in for something that is not the beautiful relationship you're dreaming of. There is again a message to open up, free yourself to let enough space for someone to get in.
Here is the advice on how to nurture your relationship with love:
First, you need to dive within yourself and face those burdens and over-defensiveness regarding forming new connections. The Underworld implies that it is something you dread a lot. It might be scary and ugly at times, but it is so necessary. It's an internal process that may take some time depending on your dispositions and willingness to do the work, but going through your own personal hell will make you stronger when you come out of it.
I'm getting that some of you might have a lot of disgust and shame towards intimacy and sensuality.
Your self is composed of so many facets and it's time to explore those you have been neglecting for so long. Again, I'm getting that you are neglecting your romantic, emotional, and/or sensual side. You don't have to make it your whole personality but it seems that it's important for you and that you should integrate that in your whole self more.
I'm getting that some of you have also either been neglecting their appearance, or been stuck with the same look for a while, so it might be a good idea to switch things up a little! Get a haircut or find a few new outfits. The important thing is not to look like someone else but find something that makes you feel fresh and confident and that expresses a new part of yourself, one that has been hidden for a while. This might take so trial and error as you are lacking practice, so don't expect to find the right thing straight away, but trust in the process and have fun exploring!
The last card asks you to reconnect with your sensuality and candid openness to romance. Whatever gender you are, there is a lot of healing energy in the Maiden archetype you can embody. And you don't need anyone to do that *wink wink* use your imagination or whatever support you want (audio, visual, written, etc...) the goal is to explore your body, your sensations and your emotions, and, again, explore that neglected part of yourself.
As a result you will be more willing to open up to new connections, whether it be from people in your circle or outside of it.
That's it for today Pile 2! Hope that helped and I wish you good luck on your journey! 💗
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Cards: 4 of Cups Rx + 8 of Wands Rx + Crossing Bridges Rx; Judgement + The Chariot Rx + 6 of Pentacles; The Creator + The Riddle + The Father
The area of your life that needs nurturing is your own stance towards life. More precisely, I'm getting isolation and refusing to be on the receiving end of things.
Basically, it seems you are shutting yourself off from the world and people around you. Refusing help and advice and shutting yourself off in your own familiar world of self-reliance. You are reluctant to leave this old way of doing things behind, metaphorically crossing the bridge and leaving the past behind.
Perhaps you hold unresolved grudges and resentment towards someone or a situation and you are unable to let it go and move forward. Perhaps you have been a carer for a long time and forgot that you al so need to receive sometimes to keep the balance of things.
It seems like you are stopping the flow of exchanges between you and other people, as in, you refuse to receive and you are giving too much of yourself, your time, your energy and/or resources, and are depleting yourself in a way.
You are getting stuck in your track and unable or unwilling to transcend to a new state of being and looking at the world. You are unable to see that life holds so many possibilities and potential for growth and you are stuck in stagnation.
The advice for Pile 3 is the following:
Like Pile 1 you got the Creator archetype, but I feel like it's way less literal in your case. For Pile 3, I'm getting that you need to focus on yourself and your own self expression more. Do things that make you happy and fulfilled and stop always trying to please everyone. The Creator archetypes creates for their own pleasure and enjoyment, and you need to embrace that stance on life, which might or might not include creative endeavors, but you've been neglecting your own enjoyment of life and it's time to stop.
I'm also getting that you are facing an impossible problem to resolve and you're getting stuck in mind games, trying to find the answer to the Riddle. The truth is, you need to step away from finding the answer to this problem because you are looking in the wrong direction. I'm getting savior complex. You are just one person, you cannot neglect yourself for the sake of your family, your friends, your community or the world. You need to help yourself first before you can help anyone else.
Finally, the Father here indicates me that you are over-focusing on the negative aspects of masculinity, and I'm saying that regardless of your gender, as everyone embodies these qualities in one way or another.
Basically, you need to learn to talk about your feelings and ask for help when you need it. Don't try to be a carer for everyone and find balance in the knowing that you can be taken care of to, and you need it!
If people around you don't accept that, I'm sorry but you're going to need a time out from them until they understand and change their way, or cut them off completely if that's not an change they are willing to make. You deserve so much more than what you are getting Pile 3!
That's it for this reading, I hope it was helpful and I wish you good luck on your journey! 💛
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Cards: 2 of Wands + 4 of Swords; Knight of Wands + Page of Cups + X of Pentacles Rx; The Box + The Orphan + The Eternal Child Rx
The area of your life that needs nurturing is towards your career and your future goals regarding prosperity.
It seems, when it comes to your career, that you are stuck in a state of inaction and vague contemplation towards your future.
You feel quite dissatisfied with the state of things but you can't quite tell what it is you need in order to finally feel fulfilled. I'm getting that these thoughts are nailing you down.
You feel like you need to wait for something to happen, to show you the light, and that then you'll be able to find your path.
For the struggles regarding this situation, it seems you are balancing between two states. The first is some type of tense over-activity that pushes you to run towards the first potential opportunity that arises for you. You might jump from one idea of path to another, or one job or education to another, never truly digging deep enough or being committed enough to go anywhere. You're basically running in circles.
The other side is to get lost in your wishy washy stance and drowning in your feelings of indecision. Again, it's like you find a thing that seems cool, you go for it, get cold feet, and opt out. The result is that you are blocking your own prosperity, which by nature takes time and dedication.
The advice for Pile 4 and their career is the following:
First, it seems you are putting yourself into a box made of expectations learned from your upbringing and society. You feel like you need to find THE solution, find it fast, and earn success and/or fulfillment straight away. Reality is unfortunately rarely like that.
So you need to examine these expectations you are imposing on yourself and free yourself from them, because they are hindering you more than they are supporting you. They seem like a good idea to motivate yourself but really they are only making you more confused.
Because at the core, you are not asking yourself what you truly need. Perhaps the reason why you struggle so much to find your path is because you are rejecting what you need the most. Perhaps even it's related to the box because you've been told that this isn't possible or desirable.
This is not for everyone, but I'm getting that some of you have some undiagnosed disorder making it difficult for them to function. In that sense the box is literally you not fitting the mold of society and the best thing you could to is to seek help in order to navigate that because you've been trying for a while and you can't do this on your own.
Lastly, there is a need to grow up, and I'm not saying this to be mean, but rather, to encourage you to take accountability for your life and make decision for yourself. Not what other people wants from you, not what society tries to makes of you, but what YOU want to do. Stop waiting for an answer to fall from the sky, pick a path and work towards it. It doesn't mean that you will forever do that, but at some point you need to get out of your nest and pursue something with dedication.
Voilà I hope it was useful Pile 4! I wish you good luck on your journey! 💚
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
🌕 Subtle Selene Worship 🪽
Bask in the light of the full moon
Take a walk at night (if it is safe to do so in your area)
Observe the phases of the moon, and learn what each one means
Meditate at night; take this time to decompress and become comfortable in your own presence
Learn about different moon-related mythology from other cultures
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Study astronomy or astrology; learn about the different constellations
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Have a pegasus, goat, or bull stuffed animal
Have imagery of the moon, stars, wings, or torches around
Try veiling
Become comfortable with change; take risks and try new things
Leaving a glass of salt water/sugar water on your windowsill at night/under the moon
Keep a dream journal; try to interpret your dreams
Start a night-time/bedtime routine
Get eight hours of sleep; remember that resting is productive
Support space exploration organizations
Bake moon cakes or honey cakes
Drink white wine or a soothing tea before bed
Listen/sing/dance to music that invokes emotion in you at night
Wear silver jewelry, white/silver clothes, light blues and purples, etc.
Take care of yourself emotionally
Take a self-care bath/shower, especially with calming herbs
Leaving water out for local animals to drink; having a bird bath
Plant white flowers or roses; care for plants
Cook a warm meal for someone in need; give water or a drink to someone in need
Engage in relaxing activities; draw, do yoga, ground yourself, etc.
Support any new mothers in your life, if able; donate baby supplies to mother and children focused organizations
Keep a journal where you talk about your day at the very end of it; mention both positives and negatives, if you want
Practice patience and compassion, especially towards yourself
Visit the ocean or a body of water at night (if it is safe to do so in your area; bring protection)
Collect seashells
Hope this helps! I'll likely add more later, but for now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Selene. Take care, everyone! 💜
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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postpunkindustrial · 9 months
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Japanoise: Music at the edge of circulation - David Novak
Want an academic Ethnographic study of the Japanese Noise scene and artists.
Here is the blurb from the back cover:
Noise, an underground music made through an amalgam of feedback, distortion, and electronic effects, first emerged as a genre in the 1980s, circulating on cassette tapes traded between fans in Japan, Europe, and North America. With its cultivated obscurity, ear-shattering sound, and over-the-top performances, Noise has captured the imagination of a small but passionate transnational audience.
For its scattered listeners, Noise always seems to be new and to come from somewhere else: in North America, it was called "Japanoise." But does Noise really belong to Japan? Is it even music at all? And why has Noise become such a compelling metaphor for the complexities of globalization and participatory media at the turn of the millennium?
In Japanoise, David Novak draws on more than a decade of research in Japan and the United States to trace the "cultural feedback" that generates and sustains Noise. He provides a rich ethnographic account of live performances, the circulation of recordings, and the lives and creative practices of musicians and listeners. He explores the technologies of Noise and the productive distortions of its networks. Capturing the textures of feedback—its sonic and cultural layers and vibrations—Novak describes musical circulation through sound and listening, recording and performance, international exchange, and the social interpretations of media.
You can get it from my Google Drive HERE
You can also get it from the Japanoise website HERE
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draco-dormiens · 10 days
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THE STRANGEST OF PLACES - Chapter Twenty Four / The Final Chapter
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draco x fem!ravenclaw reader / postwar au series
a/n: so. here we are - final chapter! i really hope i’ve done this ending justice. even got a bit emosh myself. i'd just like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone that has supported this fic, whether that be reading, interacting, sharing, anything. it's been a pleasure to post this story for you ♡ now... onto my next series idea!!
warnings: nothing really, just a tad bit emotional
wc: 2944
taglist is now closed - i’ve officially run out of tags! thank you all
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The Seventh Years Graduation
As from a dream, Draco woke with an air of blissfulness. His first morning with the girl he loved was cut short, a few messy kisses and promises of tomorrow before he was faced with the dark gates of his home once more. He was ready, more now than ever, to face the music that was his parents and their wishes for his pureblood marriage.
After leaving them in a whirl of confusion the night before, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't slightly dreading the look on his mother's face once he sees her again. Draco could hear her now, scolding him for allowing his family to be shamed yet again, could picture the disapproving look his father would give him from the corner of his eye. He swallows thickly, but with the courage you had planted in him, he entered the foyer to be greeted with absolute silence. It wasn't as if being greeted by an empty home was unusual, it was just that at this moment, the silence was practically deafening.
He hesitated in calling out, but figured it would be worse if they knew he'd come home and not seeked them out first thing after yesterday's fiasco. "Mother? Father?" He called, only to be met with the slight echo of his voice in the quietness. Not even the house elf seemed to respond, and so, he wandered, cautiously, through to the drawing room they would usually reside in. When he entered, it appeared as if someone was there, a pot of tea and half drunk cup on the coffee table and the Daily Prophet sprawled out beside it.
"Hello?" He calls again, coming to a halt before the paper. The headline read "A Joyous Occasion: Returning Students to Graduate", and a rather lengthy article where Headmistress McGonagall had stated how 'utterly elated' she was for the returning seventh years after such a 'stressful and sorrowful time.' Draco flicks through a few more pages, various columns advertising products and, of course, Skeeter's addition. He huffs at her attempts, as the doorway suddenly darkens behind him.
"Draco." Lucius's voice comes at a shock against the silence of the room, Draco spinning on the spot to see his father, who, upon inspection, looked tireder than ever, "you have returned, I see."
"Father," Draco clears his throat, "is mother around?"
"I'm afraid she is not," Lucius said, gracefully crossing the room in an expensive looking gown, "She is collecting her dress for the graduation."
"Ah. Right." Draco breathes, questioning how his mother has simply continued with her graduation preparations.
With a flick of his wand, Lucius summons another tea cup, and steam begins to rise from the teapot. "Sit," he instructs his son, "there is something I wish to tell you."
Draco does as he's told, already aware that his actions had perhaps caused his mother to have a breakdown and leave his father looking like sleep had escaped him for at least a month. Lucius pours two fresh cups, and sips at the warm brew with a little satisfied hum. Draco, as if a guest in his own home, follows suit, sitting uncomfortably on the end of the couch.
"Not long after your mother and I graduated," Lucius begins, "there was an awful lot of talk about the Dark Lord and his success in becoming immortal. It was getting more and more apparent that this man was gaining an insurmountable amount of power."
Draco remained silent as his father took a pause.
"I, young and influenced, believed that following this Dark Lord was the right and just thing to do. My family held the same beliefs, as did your mother's. Swearing allegiance to him, in my inexperienced mind, made utter sense. The things I was doing... made sense. But what I've come to realise, in my doing so, I have caused undeniable pain to those dearest to me." Lucius stops, and looks Draco in the eyes, "and to you, most of all, it would seem."
"Father, I-"
"I often wondered what you may do now that the war was over and Voldemort is dead. I had pictured you following the same beliefs, marrying a pureblood and having children. Perhaps I was naive to think that those events hadn't changed you... that those around you hadn't changed you." Lucius said, ignoring Dracos interception. He could see a slight sheen over his father's eyes for the first time in his life, "what's her name, Draco?"
"Huh?" Draco sounds, a little dumbfounded, "oh, you mean Y/N? I-it's Y/N Y/L/N."
"Half blood?" Lucius asks, sipping his tea as Draco swallows another lump in this throat.
"Yeah," he nods, looking down at his cup, "her father is a muggle."
"I see." Lucius says simply, placing down his cup and saucer, "and do you love her?"
Draco almost chokes. Never did he think his father would ask him such a question, but here he was, looking at him with all seriousness. Even so, Draco's answer is strong and quick.
"Yes," he said without a beat, "more than anything."
Lucius nods yet again and rises.
"Then there is no more to be said," he announced, clearing the table with another flick of his wand, "we shall have to meet after the graduation. Perhaps over dinner."
As his father begins to leave, Draco stands from the couch, gaining his father’s attention. Confusion and elation courses through his veins.
"Is that it?" Draco challenges softly, "you're not going to scold me? Shout at me?"
"Would you still pursue this girl if I did?" Lucius asks calmly, "would you listen if I forbid you from seeing her? Even if I locked you in the highest room of this house, you would find a way to her, would you not?"
"Do I need to answer that?" Draco raises an eyebrow, and his father chuckles. The sound of it was so foreign to Draco's ears.
"Then I rest my case," Lucius holds his hands up, "your mother and I have spoken at great lengths, Draco. Your disappearance last night proved one thing - we have no right to hold you down any longer. I dare say, if someone had kept me from your mother, I may have gone insane."
"I love her," Draco finds himself saying, "and I'm going to marry her, father. No one else."
Lucius is quiet for a long moment, before cracking a slight smile.
"You seem to have found yourself," he says as he walks towards the door, and his small smile disappears from his face, "perhaps we were too blind to notice the young man before us."
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Banners, flags and all manner of decorations were adorning Hogwarts the morning of the graduation ceremony. Families from all over the county had congregated to join in with the celebrations, and the grounds were practically teeming with people.
Draco had owled to request you meet him before the ceremony began, to tell you about his meeting with Lucius. It was safe to say you were surprised to hear a more positive story, since he'd ran away and left his parents and the Greengrass's in the lurch. But Draco had reassured you that his father is a serious man - he wouldn't have said those things if he didn't mean them, and especially if his mother disagreed. "I haven't seen her but," he began, looking dashing in his robes of emerald green, "something tells me father spoke for the both of them."
Outside in the courtyard, students were to be seated in their houses, with families and friends seated behind. Important individuals within the wizarding community as well as representatives from the Ministry were also present. The Daily Prophet had photographers and journalists out, capturing the eventual graduation of the returning seventh years. As the moment approached, students began walking in their respective houses to their seats, you amongst the Ravenclaws clad in striking blue robes. From the corner of your eye, you spot the emerald green of the Slytherins walking in the same direction across the entrance hall, one particular student catching your eye as she elegantly drifted across the space, brown hair cascading down her back and heels clicking along the tiled floor.
As if carried by your feet before you could think, you made a beeline across the space.
"Astoria," you call out, and the girl stops at the sound of her name, head snapping in the direction of your voice, "can I speak to you a moment?"
"Y/N," she blinks, "can I... help you?"
For a moment you weren't sure what to say. Do you thank her for letting Draco follow his heart? Do you apologise that her marriage didn't go to plan, and that she has faced just as much heartache as you in all of this? Or do you simply wish her well? Many things flitted through your mind in that moment, but one thing was abundantly clear. Despite everything that had transpired, there didn't seem to be even a glint of disdain in her eyes.
"Well, I just-"
"If it's about Draco, you should know he made his own decision," she cuts you off, smiling at the small crowd of Slytherins entering the courtyard, Draco surely among them, "I simply realised I was an accomplice in his misery. The rest was his own heart telling him what to do."
"From my understanding, you were pivotal in Draco finding his strength," you said kindly, Astoria's pretty eyes looking at you as if she was sure Draco wouldn't ever mention her name again, "and for that, I'm forever thankful, Astoria. As well as deeply sorry for the mess I caused."
She shakes her head with a smile on her face. A light chuckle escaped her lips.
"Love isn't a crime, Y/N," she says softly, "for too long, I've lived in my parent’s shadow, following their ideals and wishes. If anything, Draco, and you, have taught me a lot about thinking with your own mind. It's true I would've married happily," she pauses briefly, "but it's a long time to be miserable, don't you think? Draco deserves better than that."
You go to speak, but nothing comes out. Words fail you in this moment, and Astoria takes your hand as the band outside begin to play the entrance music for the graduating students.
"There is no need for more words," she said, and you hold her hand back tightly, "all I ask is that you take care of him. Merlin knows he needs it. Now, what do you say we walk out together, hm? As a Ravenclaw and a Slytherin, for the last time."
Arm in arm, you emerge from the large doors and into the courtyard, following the groups of other students. The two of you split ways once arriving at your designated spots, and part with a smile. You find your place beside Luna, and settle in, a buzz of excitement and fresh, new beginnings in the air. Headmistress McGonagall rises to the lectern, as students, staff and guests all stand. A round of applause is made, and the ever elegant professor quieted the crowd with a gentle wave of a hand, urging everyone back into their seats.
"Thank you," she begins, her voice magically amplified, "It is my greatest pleasure, as Headmistress of our school, to see such wonderfully gifted pupils embark on their next chapter, not only as high achieving students, but as young men and women." She scans the crowd, and with a wipe of her handkerchief under both eyes, continues, "and most of all, it is an honour to send off those returning seventh years whose final year at Hogwarts was tainted by sorrow and loss, into greener and brighter pastures, as free witches and wizards. The world is indeed your oyster, and I expect great things from each and every one of you."
Professor Flitwick hurries along the stage, wand levitating a large pile of scrolls, each tied with a coloured ribbon of the students respective house, closely followed by Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt.
"Now," McGonagall announces, "as we call your name, house by house, please rise to collect your graduation certificate, prestigiously presented by our good Minister, Mr Shacklebolt."
Students from each house proudly took the stage and their graduation certificates, shaking hands with the Minister and posing for a photograph. Gryffindor first, then Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and eventually, Ravenclaw. As your name is called, with slight jelly legs and a nervous but exciting feeling in your stomach, you walk the aisle to the stage, passing the other houses. Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt hands a scroll to you, blue ribbon tied in the centre in a neat and perfect bow, and then shakes your hand in a firm but gentle way.
"Congratulations," he says quietly to you, as the camera takes a photograph your parents are no doubt planning on placing above the fireplace. You take the chance to look out over your fellow students and families, noticing your mother waving at you from the back rows. A small wave back and she's taking her own photos, and even from the stage you could see your father urging her to sit down so the others behind could see. Then, your eyes fall on the rows of emerald green, to a kind face, with white hair shining in the sun, and a smile that makes your knees a little weak.
He winks, and you can't help but feel flustered in front of the hundreds of faces looking up at you blushing like a schoolgirl. 
"Thank you," you mutter to the Minister, and share a smile with the Headmistress as you head back to your seat. After a few words from Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt about courage, strength and the 'formidable force that is the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry', one final round of applause, and the chance to mingle begins. Your parents, mother crying and father trying to hide his emotion, are the first to find you. They chat with your professors, even the Minister, and mingle with other parents they know. Students you've known say their goodbyes and well wishes, as a little tap on your shoulder gains your attention.
"So, we've done it." Hermione says, clearly overtaken with emotion, "We've actually done it."
The two of you embrace, squealing with happiness. You hug one another tightly, evoking some tears in the process. It's been a long journey, but you've made it. From the war to your own trials and tribulations, you were both still standing. Together.
"I couldn't have made it through this year without you, 'Mione," you mumble through your tears, and you hear her giggle through hers, "I love you so much. Thank you. For everything."
She pulls back, resting her hands on your shoulders as she looks at you with adoration.
"You must stay in touch," she chokes up mid sentence, "promise me? Don't be stranger, for Merlin's sake. Tell Malfoy the same." You nod vigorously, "I love you too," she says sincerely, and then her eyes are fixed on someone behind you, "speak of the devil."
You turn on your heel to see Draco, handsome as ever in the green that so belongs on him, sheepishly waiting for you to notice his presence. Turning back to Hermione, she insists you go to him, and with one last hug, you cross the space between you. His smile grows wider the closer you get, and as soon as you're in touching distance, he takes your hand and presses a delicate kiss to your knuckles.
"You know," he begins, voice like silk, "blue really is your colour, my love."
A delightful chuckle escapes your lips, and within the next second, his other hand is cupping your jaw and bringing you in for a passionate kiss. He doesn't seem to care that hundreds of students and families surround you, including his own. All he cares about is this moment, and this declaration of his love for you. As you part, he remains close, kissing the corner of your mouth.
"I love you, darling," he whispers to you, only for you to hear, and wipes a stray tear from your cheek.
"I love you, Draco." Your voice is barely audible, but he catches it, and a toothy grin spreads across his face.
"Well then?" he then extends his arm to you, "it's time for the boats, my lady.”
With your arm laced in his, family and friends watching from the courtyard archways, the seventh years descend the stairs to the boat house for the last time, reminiscing about the first time they wandered up those same stairs to the sorting ceremony. Not many words are exchanged between you; emotions are high and his touch is enough, but as you collect on the docks of the boat house, Hermione comes to stand beside you. You take her hand, and the three of you look up towards the castle that's been your second home for eight years now. 
"Shall we?" you look between them both, and you share a silent agreement, stepping onto the boat together, symbolising the start of a new beginning, and the end of an era. As the boat is pushed from the shore, your hands are still intertwined, and your arm is still tightly around Draco's arm. If you had pictured your last trip across the Black Lake like this, you would've thought some very strange twist of fate was at play; in fact, it must be. Taking one last look back at the castle that becomes smaller and smaller the further away you get, you think how you've found many things during your time as a Ravenclaw. Friendships, courage, knowledge, and even love. Isn't it funny, you think to yourself. How life plays out, how the universe works.
How true happiness can be found…
In the strangest of places.
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disclaimer: i do not own hp or any of the characters in this story
tags: @lovesanimals0000 @cappgyuccino @lightning1ce @onlygetaway @honeyyypeach @namelesslosers @ghostyv @mikadorbs @redactedhimbo @morganadpl @scarecrowscaresthomas @valkyrie418 @animeloverfreak310 @budugu @marplest @torresbarnes @bunny24sstuff @champagneesupernova @serafilms @siriusly-parker-main @lovely-maryj @i-bitch-you-bitch @astablacksword @sun-fiower-seed @tinafuentes @venusjustleft @omgitstatertot @aangsupremacy @ilovezy @leclerc16s @aslanvez @talesofadragon @3vasaur @the-skys-musical-echo @yeolsbubbles @idk-dolans @xx-kiraa-xx @sunbruized @vinkiesz @snickersmee @fandomrulesall-blog @astheraa @idkatee @marsanhwa @vintageoldfashion @63sucker @j-n-i-c-o-l-e @anarchistsons @newbooksmell777 @tangomangroves @neoteezrenyoung @l0v3lies @delusionally-loveless-by-choice @higanbanagirl @ace152435 @arcanebabe @slythermuf @hea-vin @zucchinimalfoy @carolineesnell
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femmefatalevibe · 10 months
how to balance work and personal life???
Plan your days & week around your energy peaks: Figure out the times of the day when you're most focused, productive, creative, fidgety, sleepy, etc., and structure your days/weeks/month around your internal clock to the best of your ability. While this may be slightly difficult if you have a 9-5 or go to school during the day, think about what blocks of time are best dedicated to meetings, creative work, planning, routine tasks, emails, studying, etc. For those with uteruses, consider your energy throughout your cycle to help you plan the month.
Create "bookend" routines: While these will often be your morning and nighttime routines, consider how you prime and unwind your mind from your biggest tasks of the day (for most of us, this will be work, school, and chores on the weekends). Some reading, light movement, and upbeat music can create momentum before starting your daily tasks. A long walk and some journaling are a simple yet productive combination to decompress from the day.
Embrace the power of 3s: Create a daily primer routine, workday, and relaxation routine around 3 core tasks/projects/rituals. For example: Mornings can include using your 5-Minute Journal, doing a quick 10-minute meditation/yoga/dancing session to get in some movement, and spending 10 minutes reading; Your workday should be focused on completing your "Big Three" tasks, projects, or meetings of the day; Evenings can include a quick 5-10 minute planning session for the next day, a 15-60 minute walk or workout (depending on how you're feeling), and some journaling/reading time after dinner. You don't need to do it all. Consistency is key.
Make A Life Admin Schedule (and Stick To It): Choose days (and times if possible) of the week to update certain spreadsheets, batch reply to less urgent messages, clean your house, do laundry, grocery shop, etc. Scheduling these tasks ahead of time eliminates half of the battle for following through on what you need to do. Eventually, you will make these tasks into habitual routines that your brain will allow you to execute effortlessly as though you're in autopilot mode.
Focus on systems, not habits: Consider the domino effect of each practice and activity. Determine whether your current strategies and routines align with your energy, goals, and desired outcomes. Reflect on the parts of your routine that increase/decrease your energy and motivation. See how you can create a system – a pattern of consistently-practiced habits – that supports your goals and desired lifestyle that does not compromise your overall life satisfaction and well-being.
Set Boundaries: Understand your expectations, non-negotiables, and limits in every area of your life. Communicate these principles to others clearly, so they know when they are overstepping. Don't tolerate disrespect, but also don't expect others to be mind-readers. If someone knows that they're crossing your boundaries, it is easy to draw the line in the sand and walk away without the guilt or shame that can arise when conflicts originate from a lack of healthy communication.
Incorporate One Creative Practice Into Your Week: Reinvigorate your mind by engaging in at least one hour of creative activity per week. Try drawing, creative writing, poetry, singing, dancing, painting, pottery, jewelry making, graphic design, photography, etc. Even taking a foreign language course or creating a Pinterest inspiration/mood board or organizing your home/closets in an aesthetically-pleasing way counts. Figure out what creative outlet(s) you find satisfying. Prioritize scheduling this practice into your schedule weekly.
Give Yourself A Weekly "Treat": Find a healthy indulgence that you can strategically incorporate into your week. This "treat" can be a massage or nail appointment, permission to watch a movie or a couple episodes of a TV show, a serving of your favorite dessert or a glass of wine, etc. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Consider regular indulgence as an act of self-care not as a sign of weakness or self-destruction. Embracing pleasure does not require guilt or external permission.
Experiment until you find an achievable balance: Focus on progress, not perfection. While there may be days or even seasons where hard work and fewer pleasures take priority, life is meant to bring you joy, peace, and satisfaction at the end of the day. Remaining in your comfort zone does you no good. However, learning ways to find pleasure in the process remains the key to long-lasting discipline and the energy necessary to maintain the determination required for success.
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z3phyr23 · 10 months
Drawing Day 8
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General John MacNamara!!! It looks really cool, but it’s very grey/black. Not super colorful, but still probably one of my favorites. I’m watching Black Friday as a draw/post this, so adding the “monsters and men” was kind of a second thought to fill empty space, it turned out good tho!
If y’all have any character you’d like to see, let me know and I’ll do my best to make an emblem for them!
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heliphantie · 6 months
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Happy second anniversary of Encanto movie!
I had (then and year ago) more ambitious idea of mock poster, but again, to execute it properly, decided to put it aside until skills and tools for it gained. So I opted for the piece reflecting on my personal take from the story.
The drawing is an experiment, drawn traditionally in complementary colors and put through color inversion in an editor.
I’m not a fandom person, admittedly. What piques my interest in exploring of piece of fiction is, usually, is its origins, history of creation, cultural background and, in some cases, impact it leaves on the art coming after it, rarely anything beyond. With all things I’ve had getting into recently, it was like that, generally observatory things. When I’ve got into MLP, it was a phenomenon of its large fandom, sheer variety of art forms it produced (from the music and games to automata toys), people of different upbringing and cultures being all inspired by it – fascinating to witness such a movement in present time. With The Simpsons, it was its legacy, its large influence in modern media – seeing the roots, the blueprint of it, getting understanding of why it was such a powerful piece of storytelling and visual direction to raise the cult around it. With Encanto, it got me curious at first to see aesthetic of magical realism being translated in form of animation, and I was surprised Disney decided to dip their toes into attempt of it. Generally, I’m more enticed by potential of the story and its artistic presentation, most of it is left in concept studies rather than in finished work, as often in mainstream production, possibilities and imagination and artistic talent poured into it is much more stunning than the product released to the public. I may feel reasonably cynical about modern Disney as company, but I can’t deny the imagination and immense genius of professionals who are still at work in it. I wish we’ll see the true Renaissance of what always was its major power - traditional animation.
So, what’s the outcome of it: while any piece of fiction that wins my full attention does make my creative juices flowing, nothing of it got to see the light of day until I felt the urge to express what was brewing in my mind affected by that new and hot thing, not to a lesser extent getting inspired by other people’s concurrent creative works, it did kick off renewal of drawing practice I had abandoned years ago and continued postponing for indefinite period. It still induces me to work toward my own progress, for it provides me with backlog of ideas to make into drawings when I really need motivation. It’s going to keeping up, hopefully, until some other thing sweeps me away or something makes my enthusiasm fade. And so, the movie in question is what had the most productive impact on me so far, it helps me keep going, and I’m grateful for that.
On the different note, Bruno in this image is based on Disney Magic Kingdoms's Encanto event video:
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dandelionxbby · 3 months
: ̗̀➛ Modern TWOW Kids Headcanons
╰┈➤ Neteyam
High school junior - 17 years old
Captain of both varsity basketball and soccer
4.1 GPA, working towards Stanford
Often spends time in the library
Reads classical literature
Played Romeo in their school production of R&J
Has his licence and drives a ford
Models for small black owned fashion brands for a little extra cash
Runs Tuk's Etsy were she sells bracelets
Collect Records - R&B and Rap
Headphones > Speakers
Introverted but Extroverted around his friends and sports teams
Teacher's pet - carries the whole class. Answers when no one else does
Often gets into fights with Ao'nung because Ao'nung wants to be captain of the basketball team
Drives Tuk to school and extracurricular activities
Love to cook, in the kitchen almost every night with Neytiri
Not that close to Jake, he craves Neytiri's approval more than his
Nose, industrial, and multiple cartilage piercings
Plays violin
Has been growing his dreads since he was 7, but they don't look bad bc he keeps up with them
╰┈➤ Lo'ak
sophomore - 16 years old
JV Football and Basketball
2.3 GPA, Lo'ak isn't dumb, he just doesn't try
Made a music video to his rap for film class and it got a B-
Facetimed Reya right after he got his grade, he was really proud of himself
Skateboards to school and practices but Neteyam drives him home
Collects 90s/00s rap CD's - eminem, tupac, biggie, etc.
Talks back to the teacher, kind of a class clown
Wants to join the Marines like Jake
Worked as a cashier at the movie theater to buy him and Reya tickets to the Eras tour. He didn't know all the words to the songs but he tried.
Is outside from the time he comes home 6:30 to 11:00 at night shooting hoops bc he really wants to be on varsity basketball with Neteyam
Always has his airpods in
Records his raps in his bathroom bc it has good acoustics
Closer to Kiri than the rest of his siblings
They all has their own rooms but he is always in Kiri's for some reason
Taper fade with braids
Besties with Rotxo, he talks to him about things he can't with other people
Wants a tattoo so bad, but Jake says "You can get one once you paid your own rent"
Has an Ig with 134K followers
╰┈➤ Kiri
Crochets her clothes
Thrifts or depop clothes only, doesn't believe in fast fashion
Low-key in her Kat Stratford era
Plays piano and bass
Has an all girl band - boygenius is her idols
Loves anime and K-pop - has her Bias as her laptop wallpaper
Anti-plastic, only uses her hydroflask - hates stanleys bc "consumerism has America in a chokehold"
Photographer for the school's digital newspaper
Wears dangle mushroom earrings everyday
Has a wolfcut and red hair
She has natural freckles but they are barely there so she draws them on with a brown eyeliner pencil
She's in theater club and is the composer of all the musicals
Dance moms is her guilty pleasure
Very much vegan and will give someone the stink eye if they eat meat next to her
works at a crystal shop and will geek out anytime a rookie collector ask her what a specific crystal is for
has a septum piercing
Super introverted her only friends are Reya and Rotxo
Always challenging her teachers
Her only social medias are Twitter (X), tumblr, and tiktok
Loves Taylor Swift and Minski
Watches french films and reads french books
Closer to Jake but Neytiri is her go to girl when she needs to talk
Her phone background is Grace and her when she was 3, it was taken 3 months before Grace died
Hates sports, doesn't understand why people are going crazy over football recently
Her walls are covered with posters
Low-key loves all of Lindsay Lohan's movies - she's her celb crush
╰┈➤ Ao'nung
Same year and age as Neteyam
I feel like his family is rich
Drives a benz
going to uop on a basketball scholarship
6'3 1/2 - got his dad's height
Super protective of Tsireya
On the debate team, he loves arguing
If he's not playing basketball, hes surfing, if hes not doing that he's studying
Posts him playing basketball on his tiktok and ig, hoping one day he'll get noticed by a scout, thousands of people repost his videos
Has every pair of Jordans known to man
crosses people over in the hallway
I feel like he bullies freshman boys but sticks up for the freshman girls bc he sees them as his little sisters
Ronal is the principal so he get's good food at lunch
always late to class but has amazing grades
introverted extrovert
teaches basketball to kids at the community center
Throws the best parties
brings speakers to school
Frenemies with Neteyam and Lo'ak
Of all the Sullys, Kiri is his favorite
╰┈➤ Tsireya
Sophomore - 15 years
Post GRWMs on tiktok
Tennis and volleyball
Starting ballet this year
skincare and makeup obsessed
wears her mary janes everyday
super coquette / coastal grandmother
team conrad
Loves Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey
Priscilla, Marie Antoinette, Belle, Girl Interrupted, Black Swan are her favorite movies
Wears the friendship bracelets that Kiri and Tuk make her
Watches Vouge Beauty Secrets when she gets ready
Her favorite youtuber is Sabrina Lilliane
Thrifts with Kiri
Has a baby pink Stanley and wears ugg slippers
On the school dance team
Has a Jeep but can't drive it yet so she rides with Ao'nung
Carries K-pop Idol photo cards
4.0 GPA, she doesn't play about her grades
Often helps Lo'ak with school
Reads poetry books
Researching to start her own haircare line with the help of Neytiri
Doesn't wear a backpack only tote bags
If she doesn't have starbucks every morning then she'll be cranky all day
Always wears a locket that has her parent's pictures in it
Is the star of all the musicals
Sophomore year class president
Did the best petting zoo fundraiser
╰┈➤ Rotxo
Head of the school paper
doesn't play sports
The smiths are the only people he listen's to
works at a record shop
volunteers at a soup kitchen
4.2 GPA going to Harvard Med
Wants to be a surgeon
Manages Ao'nung social media accounts
Introverted, hates large crowds
Drives Kiri to thrift stores, they're besties
╰┈➤ Tuk
3rd grade - 8 years old
Sells friendship bracelets
Went to the eras tour with jake, had a big sign that said "Give her her scarf back, now"
She traded bracelets with a bunch of people
Did ballet for a while and hated it so now she does gymnastics
Spa days with Neteyam
in her "only eating chicken nuggets and craft mac and cheese" phase
loves to rollerblade
Has an unboxing channel on youtube
always making slime
doesn't have any electronics bc Jake and Neytiri doesn't want her to be an Ipad kid
Tuk is really popular on youtube but she doesn't know it
Loves Reya like another sister
Takes horseback riding lessons
╰┈➤ Spider
Doesn't go to Pandora High like the rest, he goes to an athletic boarding school on a lacrosse scholarship
Was really close to the sullys but since his school has a no phone rule they've grown apart
Still hangout on the weekends and in the summer
no doubt he's going pro
Grew up around military vets
cut his dreads off once he got to school
takes archery as an extra class
really good at math
The sullys send him care packages full of junk food
He sleeps over at the sullys on the weekends bc he would rather not be with his dad
Still really close to Kiri but not as close to Lo'ak as they used to be
Loves the MCU and goes to the theaters when the movies come out even if they are bad
Thank you for reading <3
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mysteriawrites · 5 months
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Nijisanji En with an Actor S/O
Ft. Doppio Droscythe, Ike Eveland, Luca Kaneshiro, and Ren Zotto
An: request for @fruitogi
Doppio Dropscythe:
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When you joined Xsoliel you had joined the theater club. You had a love for acting so you thought that it’d be fun.
You were in many plays and worked up to being one of the usual picks for lead. Doppio was so proud of you and would be in the front row for every performance of yours.
However this time you were in the classic play of Romeo and Juliet. On top of that you and your costar were really close with one another in order for you to have good on stage chemistry.
This didn’t sit well with dear old Doppio.
Sometimes he’ll sit in on practices and just get all pouty whenever you have a scene with your costar or as he calls them “his love rival”
If you ask him why he’s pouting he won’t admit it though.
He’ll also get really clingy and possessive about it too. Always touching you, especially if your costar is around, and trying go draw you attention away. Might even flash his fangies at people.
You eventually catch on and either he’ll deny your claims and act like he doesn’t know what you’re talking about, or he’ll look like a puppy who did something wrong which will incline you to give him extra attention.
He’s a jealous giant and we love him.
Ike Eveland:
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You and Ike were working on the same movie/play. However while you were and actor, Ike was the script writer (and helped with the music and mixing sometimes).
You guys were working on a romance movie where you were one of the romantic leads. What was worse is it was a pg-13 film so you definitely had some suggestive scenes in there too.
As much as Ike hated to admit it he was feeling pretty jealous.
He knew that it was all part of the job and just for show, but he couldn’t help but wish it was him doing those things with you instead.
Because Ike is ashamed of his feelings he may become a bit quieter and distance himself a bit.
Throwing himself into his work so he doesn’t have to think about the green eyed monster gnawing at his heart.
Once you notice it and talk to him about how it’s normal to have these feelings and how he shouldn’t be ashamed of them expect him to get a bit clingy with behind closed doors.
In public he’s as professional as ever, but when you two are alone he needs to make up for lost time ;).
Luca Kaneshiro:
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You were a famous actor working on your latest film. Of course Luca being the big important mafia boss he was and since he was one of the people funding productions, he was able to come watch you work.
Of course he loved and supported everything you did, however he wasn’t so supportive of your costar.
And he wasn’t subtle about it either!
He knows what a big, scary, and intimidating guy he can come off as to some people and baby is petty so he uses that as much as he can.
He’ll come up to you after shoots bearing gifts like coffee and snacks and just glare at your costar while you’re not looking.
He’ll also be very touchy and clingy in front of them to show that you’re his S/O.
If you take a break between shoots to hang out with him and start talking about your costar he’ll try to change the subject. He’ll also get pouty when you have to go back to set.
He thinks he’s being subtle, but you notice everything. If you point it out unlike Doppio, he’ll fully admit he’s jealous while wrapping his arms around you and pouting.
He’s a jealous puppy give him love.
Ren Zotto:
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You and Ren also work on the same movie. You’re one of the actors and he works on the music.
While Ren is indeed jealous of you and your costar, he tries to make light of it and joke it off.
He trusts you and knows jealousy is normal especially when you have an S/O as amazing as you. It makes him feel proud.
Of course that doesn’t mean he won’t feel the need to be a bit possessive sometimes. He’ll be more flirty affectionate with you in front of others if that was even possible.
He’ll try to make friends with your costar but also lowkey try to subtly make them understand that you’re his S/O.
He’ll also be more cuddly when you guys aren’t working.
Overall he’s pretty lighthearted about it, but not above jealously.
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can we get more headcanons like the ones from yesterday but maybe more focused on like relationship and just how you see him please
Sure, why not. I wanna get back into writing again.
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I don't think he's the type that will buy you flowers all the time. He'd probably find a cute flower outside and pick it for you.
He never folds the laundry, so most of his clothes are wrinkled.
Movie nights consist of cuddling in his bed while he points at the TV and says, "babe wait until you see the next part"
Not a blanket hog but a bed hog.
Burns everything he cooks.
Claims he doesn't like vegetables, but every time you make him veggies, he eats them.
He likes to drop you off at work because he enjoys the morning talks.
He'll take you shopping and hold up the skimpiest lingerie and yell from across the store to show you.
Needs contacts probably.
Draws you pictures
Watching his band perform or practice
Going on hikes, and he randomly smacks a tree walking past it.
Talks in his sleep sometimes
Wears your t-shirts as a croptop
Uses your hair products and denies it.
Likes it when you burn candles
Clips his toenails in bed and throws them at you like a Frisbee.
Constantly having his hand down his pants holding his junk.
He turns down his music to see better.
Turns on a light to hear you better.
He doesn't like to argue it gives him anxiety.
Pretty awkward sometimes.
Gets flustered way too easily.
Keeps everything you ever given him, including the receipts.
Sleeps with your pillow when you're gone.
Will start a foot fight at random
Smells something gross and then makes you smell it too.
Leaves the toilet seat up.
Shaves in the sink and doesn't clean up the hair.
Gets excited if you pack him a lunch.
Doesn't clear the last 5 seconds off of the microwave.
Pretty good at yoyo and teaches you how.
Love/hate relationship with horror movies.
Will wear an ankle sock and a knee sock together.
Makes you unofficial merch for his band.
Terrified of centipedes.
Please add more to these if you feel like.
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khaire-traveler · 1 month
🦋 Subtle Psyche Worship🕯️
Try meditation; practice mindfulness
Drink calming herbal teas
Start a garden; tend to plants, especially your own herbs or flowers
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Support environmental preservation or mental health organizations
Honor your ancestors; learn about your family history
Have imagery of butterflies, wings, candles (especially in the dark), or the soul around
Have stuffed animal butterflies, sheep, or any animal you associate with the soul
Eat a comfort meal; drink a comfort drink
Take a self-care bath or shower, especially with soothing herbs
Practice self-love and self-care
Practice patience and understanding, especially towards yourself
Set healthy boundaries; not all boundaries need to be openly stated
Leave out nectar for insects and hummingbirds
Listen to music that deeply connects with you
Dance like nobody's watching!
Show compassion towards yourself and others
Make a list of things you enjoyed throughout your day; little things matter just as much
Spend time with loved ones
Engage in activities that you're passionate about or that you enjoy
Take a walk/hike in nature, especially on a nice day or in your favorite weather
Engage in activities that allow you to express your creativity
Express yourself in little ways if you can't be fully open; a bracelet to represent your gender, pride flag colored shoelaces, etc.
Feed neighborhood cats, dogs, birds, etc.
Pick up trash in your environment
Be gentle with yourself when you're having a difficult time
Remember that rest is productive; take breaks when you need them
Honor your ancestors and loved ones who have passed; keep family heirlooms, items that remind you of them, etc.
Draw or color a butterfly with your favorite colors; draw yourself as a butterfly
Keep your space clean; make it your own
Take your medications if any; drink water regularly; treat your body and mind kindly
Light a candle, bonfire, or general small fire in the darkness; sit with it and focus on the warmth and light it provides
Connect with a local community; LGBTQ support groups, D&D groups, gamer groups, etc.; interact with new people
Make a list of your future goals, big or small; make a list of little or big things you've accomplished already; celebrate them
I may add more to this later on! For the time being, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Psyche. Please take care, everyone, and I hope this was helpful! 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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doshmanziari · 4 months
Without a doubt, and by far, the most marginalizing development I've seen within media analysis over the past decade is a shift towards the production of long, flashy videos which tend to require the same for a dialogue to occur. Literally nothing which has been written about Elden Ring, for example, since its release has enjoyed even a fraction of the visibility as a one-hour-and-forty-minutes video by Joseph Smith, or another of similar length by NeverKnowsBest. I don't know when exactly the shift started to happen most obviously -- maybe 2016 or 2017 -- but, today, circumstances are such that pretty much the only way to get real discursive traction on your thoughts about a piece of media is to make a colossus of a video.
Although worried and worrying discourse has complemented the unveiling of newer public A.I. technologies, we've already done a perfectly fine job of out-dating other forms of media communication by way of the aforementioned analytic format; just as, of course, earlier methods of industrial production rendered a whole variety of professions or emphases as outmoded. If you don't have the relevant editing tools at your disposal and/or don't want to spend hundreds of hours cropping footage and making it fit with music and your own narration, well -- too bad! And even then, of course, there's no guarantee that your video will reach your desired scale of an audience. I've found dozens of such videos on YT channels with only a few thousand views, if that; and on each channel it's clear that the people finally gave up after the monumental task of assembling these videos had no equivalent payoff.
Personally, I do still believe in the primacy of the text (or the spoken word, with no competing stimuli); in text as the primary form of critical engagement. More than that -- if I'm going to read a non-fiction work, I want the paged book, and not a digital version. Now, this preference is just that: a preference. And it surely is a preference a good number of people share. I find that a paged book lends itself better to my own retention of the material; and I really enjoy making my notes on the book's paper with a pen. But I don't believe that the construction of multimedia behemoths should be a baseline requirement for discourse.
I wonder if we will, in the near future, start to see some resurgence of the valuation of unembellished textual analysis complementing a more general fatigue with Internet-derived overstimulation. I've already run across numerous channels with fairly sizable communities where there is an appreciation for the "simplicity" of the formats: a person in a room just talking to the camera. I think a lot of people like engaging analysis where the only barrier of significance is devising a good script. To be sure, this is a formidable barrier in itself. I find writing long-form pieces to be the most difficult of any of my creative practices (which include drawing, painting, and music composition). But if writing on media were my main passion or goal in life, I'd feel fairly crushed to know that these projects now required me to put in perhaps quadruple the amount of time to make a blip on the radar of engagement.
EDIT: Thinking on this -- I wonder if there's a parallel to be found in the realm of supplementing one's work with excess-entertainment via social media engagement; e.g., daily Instagram videos. "Excess-entertainment" refers to material that's being made not because everyone who's making it wants to make it, but because each person is now beholden to an abstractly instituted algorithm of engagement -- an algorithm reinforced by audiences who, also under algorithmic influence, will wonder what's going on if a week goes by without something from a Content Creator.
Most artists who I've talked to regarding their Instagram videos say they would be only too happy if they never had to do another upload showing them adding paint or linework to a work-in-progress with lo-fi beats. Similarly, I wonder how many people making these mega-videos actually want to make them, and if we're not rather seeing the production of this material under a mutual, and mutually untrue, assumption of necessity, and the demands of a largely imaginary audience; and how long they'll be able to keep the act up, given the certainly enormous time investments they require (while noting that I am sure the more successful people hire others to do most of the editing for them).
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