#throw some cheese on that and boom that's my breakfast
the-melting-world · 4 years
Arcana Echoes | Day 10: Cuisine 🥥🥘🌴
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🌴 For this prompt, it was super hard for me to pin down which dish I wanted to use as the focus point for the fic. So I had to make a moodboard to really dive into what the trio ate during their childhood.🌴
🥥 Some OC flavor profile facts🥥
Kiping’s flavor profile typically includes foods that are salty, sweet, tangy, or a combination of the three. Between Ozy, Khleo and herself, it’s Kip that likes seafood the most. Some of her favorite dishes include tilapia, snapper, saltfish, and fried conch. She loves plantains all ways, all day. She’ll snack on the salty chips in the daytime and eat the softer, sweeter ones with her meals.
Ozy enjoys bold, savory, and meaty flavors, (like oxtail!) but only if he can pair it with something fresh, clean, and acidic (like conch salad). This preference most likely developed in his early years growing up in a wealthy family where it was routine to eat something cold and palate-cleansing before and after the main course.
Khleo tends to go for those uncomplicated, comforting flavors like cheese, bread, beans, and rice. They prefer fish and poultry over red meat. Most of the time, they don’t eat meat because they often find it too overseasoned or overwhelming in flavor. Their idea of indulging in meat is every now and then cooking up some chicken gizzards/hearts to add to their rice.
🥘 Moodboard breakdown🥘
Coconut Tart (Bahamian Style): This is the highlight for today’s fic and Kipling’s absolute favorite dessert. She doesn’t get to eat it that often because it’s kind of a pain to make. Kip enjoys the texture more than anything. The bread around the grated coconut is crumbly and dry, while the center is softer and a lot sweeter.
Black Beans and Rice: All three of them like this as it’s one of the most common side dishes. Khleo definitely eats it the most. They like to switch up the seasonings and vegetables incorporated in the beans.
Ackee and Saltfish (Jamaican Style): Kipling’s favorite dish according to her bio. Fun fact about the ackee fruit is that it’s poisonous if you pick it directly from the tree. It has to fall from the branch on its own before it’s safe to eat!
Curry Goat (Jamaican Style): This is one of Ozy’s favorite dishes. It takes a while to make, but for Ozy, it’s always worth the wait! Kipling is not a fan of goat and Khleo does not care for how deep the flavors go on this dish.
Guava Duff (Bahamian Style): Another heartwarming dessert from Kipling’s childhood. All three children enjoyed indulging in the duff!
Powder Bun (Belizean Style): One of Khleo’s favorite things to eat for breakfast. In fact, if there was enough powder bun left over, Khleo would take as many as they could and eat them over the course of the day.
Boiled Green Banana: Ozy won’t eat it. Even with salt added, there’s a level of blandness there that he can’t get past. Kipling only eats it with her ackee and saltfish. Khleo, however, will happily eat boiled bananas plain, sometimes cut up and mixed in with rice and beans. 
Conch Fritters: All the kids enjoyed this common staple entree. You can pair it with a variety of sides or just eat it as a side or an appetizer!
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bill-y · 3 years
Peeta mellark x male reader
We all know who Katniss Everdeen is, but what if Primrose hadn't been chosen but another boy from another unfortunate family? YOUR family.
Info: This is basically a reader insert and I've changed a few rules, not ground breaking though. The reader is a bit bland for now but I plan for his actions to be different. Because he has different moral grounds from Katniss and such. Would appreciate feedback! FEEL FREE TO POINT OUT TYPOS. GRAMMARLY SOMETIMES DOESN'T DO MY DYSLEXIC ASS JUSTICE
Part one: You're here right now. :)
Part two: Over there, pepperoni. :)
Wattpad account: L0calxDumbass
I sighed, smiling as I watched my brother gather flowers. It was the early morning, I had to go out hunting soon, but then again, it wouldn't hurt to keep him company for a while.
"Nal," I called, it was a nickname short for his name, Kunal. An odd name, to say the least. Mother told me it meant Lotus, her favourite flower. 
His strawberry blonde hair swayed towards me, a smile forming on his face. He held a couple of lily's in his hands, his blue eyes glittering. "Y/n!" he said back, waving towards me.
I slowly walked towards him, squatting down next to him. He gave me a lily from his makeshift bouquet, humming. "Look at what I got!" he exclaimed.
I chuckled, roughly putting my hand on his head, messing with his hair. He groaned and in retaliation, he pulled on one of my small braids. It was something my father used to do to my hair when we went off to the woods. I used to hate it, but now I wear it every day, quite funny, really.
"Ow—hey, I just fixed that you little—" I let out, pulling my hand off his head as he let out an unprovoked yell. "AHHH MOM, Y/N'S SWEARING AGAIN!" 
I sighed, managing to pry him off me, our heads turning towards our mother, she had the same hair and features as my brother, maybe that's why she preferred him over me. 
"Kunal, get inside, time for breakfast!" she called, waving him over. Nal said a small "bye-bye", waving at me before running to our mother who welcomed him with open arms. 
She looked at me, I could feel her icy glare. But beyond all of that, her eyes showed a little bit of concern, as if she's afraid. It made sense, district 12 wasn't the kindest of places, illegal hunting is dangerous and she was my mother, after all.
I watched as my brother gave him the lilies, a smile forming on her lips, her eyes wrinkling. My hands tensed a little, I passed it off to the chilly breeze, not wanting to think about this in the early morning. "Bye," I muttered, turning away as I went towards the woods.
My hands gripped the rough bark, scaling up a tree with little to no effort. I arrived at a certain spot, reaching into a hole where my hunting equipment was hidden. 
I pulled out a small set of thin, throwing daggers. I looked at it, gripping the leather strapping on the handle. This was the reason, the reason everything went downhill that day. 
Yet I still keep it, to honour my father. This set was one of the only things he left when he was executed in the most painful way possible. I let out a hitched breath at the thought of it, holstering it on my belt. 
I pulled out a hunting bow, something my friend gave me. I wasn't the best at it, I was better at throwing more than anything. It was worth learning though, it was best used when hunting smaller game like rabbits and squirrels.
To my right, was a nest of mocking birds. I whistled a basic 3 tunes to them, which they listened to and replicated. My lips formed into a small smile, waving at the birds before I leapt to another tree.
My father taught me how to traverse the forest through trees. I remember falling every time I leapt from tree to tree, my father laughing as he caught my hand. Sometimes I'd just fall to the ground, resisting the urge to cry as I insisted to try again.
He and I have a lot in common, I took more after my father more than I did my mother. Both physically and mentally. While my mother was more grounded, my father would never shut up about freedom and life without the capitol.
It wasn't something ideal for life like this. Any word or action against the capitol and you can get executed right on the spot, something I had to learn the hard way. 
I've always found the ground limiting, the coal dust in the air quite suffocating. Unlike in these heights, where the air was fresh, cool. You saw so much more, moved so much more. It was a taste of freedom, something I've always wanted.
I arrived at a location hidden away from unwanted eyes. Landing on a large rock ledge that was reachable from above if you leapt or swung far enough. Of course, there were times where I didn't stick the landing and ended up in the thicket of berry bushes, ending up with several, stinging, unwanted "friends".
"I'm early for once," I huffed, grinning as I laid down the rock. I put my leg on top of the other, using my hands to support my head. A small, yellow butterfly landed on my nose, making me smile.
"Hey, owl eyes," A voice boomed, making the butterfly fly away. My brows furrowed as I looked in the direction of the voice. "Finally stopped daydreaming of burning the Capitol down?" he teased, grinning.
I shot him a look, "Mhmm," I hummed, "Daydreaming of throwing them off a cliff instead," I said, making him snort. 
"And how do you plan to do that?" He asked, smirking. I threw a small rock at his forehead, scoffing. "Shut it, Gale" I retorted.
He rolled his eyes, a mischievous look on his face "I was going to give you some of this bread I shot, but since you're like that, I guess I'll just have to share this with Catnip," he said, holding up a loaf of bread, an arrow pierced through it.
I laughed looking up at the sky, "Oh come on, don't be like that, Gale," I spread my limbs across the surface of the cool rock. "Don't pick favourites, but— between me and Kat, who's the lucky favourite?"
Gale hummed as if thinking deeply. "Definitely Catnip," he answered making my head turn sharply towards him. I shot him a glare, a look of betrayal. He let out a bark of laughter, just in time for Katniss to arrive.
He held up the bread once more, "Hey catnip, look at what I shot," he said. "He said that two times already," I groaned, raising a finger.
Katniss laughed, the bread handed to her. "Mhh, still warm," she commented, sniffing the crust of the bread after she had pulled out the arrow.  
If I hadn't known any better, I would say that they were siblings. Straight black hair, olive skin and same grey eyes. Most of the families who work in the mines resemble each other this way. That's why my family has always stuck out like a sore thumb, like Katniss' mother and sister. 
My mother and brother with strawberry blonde hair, my brother, in particular, having my father's blue eyes. Father and I had bright copper-red hair, I shared my mother's green eyes.
From what I've heard my father used to be a merchant, selling various herbs, fruits, plants and meat until he's settled down here for my mother, began working in the mines, along with illegal hunting.
The peacekeepers and the mayor let it slide though, They crave fresh meat just like anyone else in the district. Our district was looked down upon, the capitol didn't really pay attention to it. This is why we can get away with these.
My train of thought was interrupted by a berry landing on my face, making me scrunch my face as Katniss finished a joke with a Capitol accent. The two always told me I was easily distracted, a disadvantage when it came to hunting. 
Though I'd say it's an advantage when I'm not busy daydreaming I tend to spot small animals, like that one bird flying west of me, or that small worm crawling next to me.
Gale tapped my hand, which was dangling from the rock. He handed me a piece of bread, some cheese spread on it. I sat up, one of my knees bent, resting my elbows on it as I thanked him. 
"We could do it, you know?" He said quietly, effectively drawing my attention, as well as Katniss'. "What?" she asked. I only remained silent, biting into the bread as my other foot dangled from the rock, swinging around.
"Runaway from the district, live in the woods, you and I, maybe Y/n too if he wants to, we could make it," He said, I nodded, swallowing a healthy portion of the bread. "You know I want to," I interjected. 
Gale sighed, "If only we didn't have so many kids," Of course, they weren't our actual children, though they might as well be. He has two little brothers and a sister, Katniss has a sister and I have Kunal. There's also our parents, another mouth to feed.
My mom doesn't really have a source of income, so I'm left working the majority of the month, only taking a break at least for a day. Though the three of us split our games, It's never really enough. We still have times where we would curl up on our cots on an empty stomach. It happened far more often than any of us would like.
With my father gone, I was left to provide for my own family. These forests are practically my home, the only thing missing was Kunal and my mom's icy stares.
"I don't want any children," Katniss responded plainly. "I might if I didn't live here," said Gale. 
"But you do," She responded irritably, I glanced between them, chewing on my bread slowly. "Forget it," Gale snapped, sighing,
It would be a lie if I haven't thought of this. They call me a daydreamer because of this, I'd much rather dream of being one with the mocking jays, flying freely without worrying about the Capitol's prying eyes than face the fact that that would never happen.
A trait passed down to me by my father, as I said. We hate the fact that we are treated like caged birds, though used to it, we'll never be comfortable. Unlike my mother.
Sometimes I wonder what drew them to each other.
"What do you want to do?" Katniss asked, making me perk up. "How about we fish at the lake?" I suggested. They both nodded as a grim thought settled in my head.
Kunal turned 12 this year, his name is on the ballot for today, Reaping day. Though only once, there's a slim chance that he might get chosen. He could barely stand against an angry, small mutt, running to my legs whenever he gets scared.
If he gets chosen, I wouldn't know what to do. Surely my mother would resent me even more, why was I her only child left then? No, it wouldn't get to that, surely not.
I clenched my fists as we travelled to the lake, feeling the anger bubble inside me. I remembered one of the many reasons I despised these ridiculous, power-hungry people. 
"I'll destroy them one day, don't worry, pa" I whispered, though I'm sure Gale and Katniss heard me. They just knew.
Words: 1.8k
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henryobsessed · 3 years
The Borrower and Her Bean    Part 14
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Summery: As the door swung open Henry could feel the floor begin to tremor. Were they having an earthquake? he could feel it vibrate through his body. Lina was calling to him, trying to get his attention but he was unable to hear as terror filled his body. Ahead of him was Sandy, but not the young 5ft teenager that puppy sat Kal, no this was a Giant, all he could see without looking up in fear was the large doc martin boots stomping towards him making the ground shake with even more violence. Before he could do anything more several hands manhandled him forcing him under the side table as the large boots stopped directly in front of them. A gigantic hand came into view snatching the phone up placing it on the side table.
Word Count: 1483
Warnings: none
A/N Thank you for your patience through this busy time :) 
Part 13 - Part 15
As the door swung open Henry could feel the floor begin to tremor. Were they having an earthquake? he could feel it vibrate through his body. Lina was calling to him, trying to get his attention but he was unable to hear as terror filled his body. Ahead of him was Sandy, but not the young 5ft teenager that puppy sat Kal, no this was a Giant, all he could see without looking up in fear was the large doc martin boots stomping towards him making the ground shake with even more violence. Before he could do anything more several hands manhandled him forcing him under the side table as the large boots stopped directly in front of them. A gigantic hand came into view snatching the phone up placing it on the side table.
A booming voice yelled, "Henry, are you here?" then muttering "must be an old phone" as she continued down towards the kitchen. Sitting on the ground now body visibly shaking Henry could not focus. The truth of how frightening it was to be so small in a world of Giants overwhelmed his scenes. Small hands found his, as Lina's face came into view. She knelt in front of him her mouth moving but no sound registering. He tried hard to focus as her sweet voice broke through the terror "its ok Henry, your safe now. Listen to my voice, breath with me, In, out, that's it" he took slow breaths with her as his heart rate slowed. Her soft smile and sweet voice helped to calm the new borrower until he was able to think rationally. Is this how she felt when she first saw him? At that moment his respect for the borrowers and especially for Lina took on a whole new level of awe.
Melina was worried about her bean, she knew the terror he would be feeling. Thankfully the group was hidden and safe. She sat and listened as the large Girl was talking to Kal "Hay buddy.....(Giggle) ........ I've missed you too, aww I'm sorry it took me so long to get here. Let me get you some food and then I think you need a W.. A ..L ..K" she could hear Kal's yips and from the sound of his nails bouncing off the floor surmised that he was dancing in circles around her. As the cacophony of sounds echoed around the kitchen she kept her focus on Henry. The terror had gone from his face, replaced with amazement. The 10 borrowers sat waiting, listening until the sound of Human and canine had left the building. All breathing a sigh of relief then moved out into the open.
Henry looked to the rest of the group with a sombre face "I am so sorry, I truly had no idea how my presence must have affected you all." Greg stepped forward grinning as he pulled the big man into a hug whilst saying. "It's ok dude, we've grown up with beans being a regular creature we have to live with, but thank you for your understanding" he saw a look pass over Lina's face but it quickly disappeared as she groaned "Dam she had to put it up there" looking up and seeing how high the side table was, they decided to come back once the puppy sitter had returned Kal and left for the day. The now weary borrowers returned to the safety of the walls.
That night after a long and exhausting effort to retrieve the phone Henry treated the families to the food Sandy had left out. It consisted of Cheese, Meat and fruit. They sat around the platter up on the kitchen bench munching happily, sharing stories of there adventures with Henry. Melina chuckled quietly with herself as she remembered Greg's efforts at trying to teach Henry to throw his hook and shoestring rope. His ability to climb was helped by his upper body strength however it took quite some time to teach him how to through it high enough to catch and be stable. She was surprised that Greg trusted Henry enough to let him use his rig. The three-prong fishing hooks were hard to find and if damaged difficult to replace. She looked across at her bean. His face showed fatigue, his body slumped and yet graciously continued to show full attention to her father.
Standing she walked over and placed a hand on her father's shoulder, "Dad, I think I need to take Henry back to his room. It has been a long day." Her father looked closer at the young man he was talking to and could see what Melina was alerting him to. Wishing everyone good night the pair slowly made the long and arduous climb back up the stairs to his bedroom.
His weary body finally found its way to the bedroom. Barely able to keep his eyes open move woodenly behind Melina. Not sure where she was leading him until she entered the dollhouse. After four thankfully tiny flights of stairs, she entered a bedroom. "Come sit" she led him to the bed helping him remove his shirt and then pulled the covers back for him to slip under. Whist tucking him in she said softly, "sleep Henry, I'll be across the hall if you need me. She leant down and kissed him of the forehead her soft lips the last thing he felt before sleep overtook him.
Melina had been awake for some time, in reality, she had not slept well with the events of the day running through her mind. He had surprised her with his awkwardness in meeting the family. However, as the day went on he's demeanor changed showing an appreciation for who they were and the life they had to live to survive. Without the constant fear of his size and his movements, she began to see his personality more. He seemed to tackle any challenge thrown at him no matter how scary or seemingly impossible. Her bean seemed to be competitive as well, watching him with Greg and Carson as they tried to teach him survival skills. His stubbornness also surfaced as he would not stop until he had mastered the skill. Deciding to get up she had dressed and moved from the small room across the hall and poked her head into his room. She saw him tangled up in the blankets a soft snore slipping past his lips. She smiled her heart clenching at the sight before her. Wondering what their future would hold.  
Henry groaned the night had been filled with the most amazing and terrifying dreams. Sitting up he turned his body so that he was now sitting on the edge of his bed. He rubbed his hand over his face and stood wondering what the weather would be like today he walked to the window and looked out. Reality hitting him all at once, it really wasn't a dream. The view from his window was that of his room, his furniture towering around him. Closing his eyes he shook his head and tried to remember, Lina, her voice was the last thing he remembered. As he left the room he saw Lina climbing back up the stairs, a small plate of food in her hands. She looked up and smiled the sight caused his heart to flip flop falling into an odd rhythm in his chest. "Morning Henry, I'm glad you're finally awake. I was going to wake you for breakfast but you were sleeping so soundly" she shrugged as she moved past him "Let's eat out here" she opened the door to the outside and disappeared.
Finally able to gather his thoughts he followed her around to the small toy deck chairs he had bought. If he had told himself when he bought these that he would be sitting on them in the future he would have laughed. Catching up and sitting by her side Henry reached for the plate of food she offered him. He shifted fully on the deck chair marveling at how comfortable the wood was. There wasn't any conversation as he ate, but it wasn't uncomfortable either the two of them just sat in companionable silence. Both thinking, reasoning, wondering. Above them, two sets of silvery eyes peered at them watching also wondering if this experiment would work.
A/N Hello wonderfully readers, well it is almost Christmas and life is hectic. This story is heading towards a finish probably 4 or 5 chapters left. I have the story arch that I'm following but as GT lovers I would like to know if there are any story tropes you would like to see happen before it comes to a close.
Thank you for your patience during this busy time, I will still try and post a chapter a week but when and how is a mystery to me :)  
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silence-burns · 4 years
No Place Like Here (Except For a Few Taverns) //part 8 (epilogue)
Fandom: The Witcher
Summary: Life on the road is never easy for a lone witcher, but it would get significantly easier if he didn’t have two idiots following his every step. 
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One might think that killing a harpy was as bad as it could get, but the unspoken truth was actually that selling its head was way more difficult. 
Jaskier strummed his lute from the height of his horse to both yours and the horse's dismay. You had to wait for Geralt while he dealt with the business of getting his promised money, and as time passed in front of the withering house at the end of the muddy road, the boredom, along with the sun, rose.
You were sitting on the fence, fanning Jaskier's hat in hopes of chilling the air at least a little bit. Roach feasted on the grass on the other side of the fence. You hadn’t noticed when she got there. She refused to share any answers. 
"Do you think we'll get enough money at least for a beer?" you asked the artist and his suffering horse. The horse only snorted, pulling its ears back and considering throwing its rider to the ground. The artist shrugged. 
"They've been at it for at least half an hour by now. Either they're still arguing, which gives hope for at least a few coins, or Geralt's in the middle of skinning them alive, which results in more coins." 
"Maybe we could get another job," you mused, looking around. 
The sun had already parched wide spots of grass, painting it unhealthy shades of dried yellow. The few trees sticking out in between the houses didn't look much better. A few of them used to bear fruit, but the drought and hunger among the people took them all already. If the rains didn't come soon, the crops wouldn't suffice to feed the villagers. 
The fields on the other side of the fence were a sad thing to look at. Roach was skimming on the bordering patch of thin grass, but the rest didn't look any more promising. Whatever problems the village might have, they were all focused on the prospect of famine. Not many would care to spare any coin to a witcher. 
"Maybe you could play at a wedding? Or a funeral, if need be." 
"Do you see anyone interested in that?" Jaskier gestured to the empty village. "Because I can't see a living soul here. Everyone's roaming the forest and hoping to stack enough food to survive another day. They won't have anything to pay with, even food." 
You winced. That was true. "Looks like we'll have to hit the road again. There's another village, two days down the road…" 
The melody coming from under Jaskier's fingers ended abruptly. You frowned, not expecting him to have any objections, but in the next moment you noticed the reason behind his growing smile. 
Further down the road, coming from the direction you followed earlier, came the merry chatter of voices accompanied by instruments of varied sort. 
You groaned when the colorful crew strodded through the village, their voices booming over the empty houses.
"I know them!" Jaskier squealed and turned his horse towards the newcomers. 
Geralt walked out of the building the moment the bard was enveloped in a hug and drowned in questions.
"More bards?" Geralt groaned and walked to the fence next to you.
"Looks like it. Unless they kill monsters with those flutes."
"Last thing we need is more bards."
"And the first thing we need is some coins. How do we stand on that?"
Geralt pulled an uneasy face. You noticed his knuckles were suspiciously red.
"I'm afraid we have more bards than coins. The bastards here were not completely honest about the funds in their possession." 
Your growling stomach deemed it unfortunate. 
"Maybe we'll have more luck in the city. When do we move on?" 
Geralt eyed the bards booming with laughter, Jaskier's face flushed and more alive than it'd been in weeks. 
As if Jaskier could sense the witcher's eyes on him, he rode back, fidgeting in his saddle. "Geralt, please, can we ride with Crokus for a while? I haven't seen him in ages and we're going in the same direction anyway, so…" 
"Wait, you've got friends? Like, actual friends?" you stopped him. 
"Of course I do!" 
"He does," said the blonde man coming closer. "Although it surprises me too sometimes. My name is Crokus, nice to meet you both. I've heard tales of your adventures, I wish I had such a company with me." 
Geralt eyed the outstretched hand as if it was a viper. He didn't move, but the muscles under the tight leather seemed to tense. 
You slipped in closer on the fence, flashing your brightest smile. "And I've heard a lot about the food and drinks that never leaves a troupe of bards."
"Oh, we have something special reserved for the evening, once we make camp. You should join us!" 
"We'd be delighted." 
The road welcomed you, dust rising beneath the horse's hooves. Following the musicians at a distance sufficient to retain one's sanity, Geralt couldn't stop from glaring at you from the height of the Roach. 
"What?" you snapped at last, as the sky darkened and mosquitos began their hunt. "I was hungry. Still am." 
"We still have some cheese left." 
"You mean the one I couldn't crunch even with my shoe? Thanks, Geralt, but I think I'll try whatever they have." 
"You know there won't be much sleep tonight, though? They are only getting started." 
The bards didn't break off their singing even in the saddles, their merry crew's voices sang clear, and their melodies changed every few notes—showing off to one another. You shrugged. 
"Probably, but it's not like we're joining them for good. Unless you want to change your sword for a lute, which, by the way, I'd pay to see. But other than that, we'll part ways tomorrow anyway, so let Jaskier have his fun for now. He had a difficult past few days," you said. then laughed, remembering the circumstances that led to losing both of Jaskier's shoes. 
"He is having fun," Geralt nodded. "What if he chooses to stay with them?" 
"Well," you said, toying with the reins. "Last time I checked, he was a big boy, usually capable of making his own decisions. Besides, we often part ways and then stumble into each other again. Such is life." 
"Hmm," Geralt said. Roach agreed with a soft neigh. 
Their moods didn't change when the camp settled and the sky was overrun by the stars. Geralt stayed gloomy even when the fire rose high and cast flickering shadows over the figures dancing around it to the fast music sinking into your weary bones. You couldn't stop your foot from twitching slightly to the music and songs as you laid wrapped into a blanket, your cheek pressed into Geralt's arm. 
You watched through heavy lids as Jaskier danced on the grass, his feet bare, and his smile unfaltering as he let the celebrations consume him whole. Crokus was always a step next to him, and his companions swirled around them, never losing their footing. Despite the hour growing late, no signs of stopping could be seen.
You felt Geralt yawn soundlessly. His hand stroked your back and arm and occasionally swiped at the bloodthirsty mosquitoes. 
"He's happy," you whispered into the dark leather. 
"He is." 
There was something in that voice that left room for more words, but they didn't make it to you in time. Somehow, before you noticed, the other voices lulled you to sleep, leading you through colorful swirls of half-made concepts. 
The morning rose a few hours later. Jaskier didn't, engulfed in whatever dreams he had on Geralt's lap, clutching the black leathers. There was a serene expression on his face, undisturbed by the rays of sunshine. 
Crokus and his merry band were in better shape. They had already gathered around the remnants of the fire and prepared breakfast. 
You turned your head to see Geralt already awake. He watched the troupe with a neutral expression, but his hand was on Jaskier's back. 
The road through the forest took you most of the next day and ended way quicker than you thought. It opened onto a city circled with a stone wall, very effective for whatever usually crawled out of the forest at night. Geralt grew even more silent as you cleared the city gates, the bards exchanging warm welcomes with the guards. 
The gates were followed by a rather large area, usually used by the vendors to showcase their goods of various sorts and dubious origins, but they were already packed for the night, leaving enough space to stop the horses. The inevitable came. 
"The journey was most pleasant thanks to your company, friends," Crokus smiled. 
"The pleasure is ours," you said. Geralt was a mute figure somewhere to your right. 
"Take care of yourself," you addressed Jaskier, currently exchanging some notes with one of the other bards. 
He frowned. "Why? Aren't you going to do this anymore?" 
"I thought you'd stay with..." 
The bards laughed, their beautiful voices falling into a melodious chorus. "That wouldn't be wise." 
"Some friendships are best honed from a distance," Crokus explained, turning his horse to the left. 
Jaskier nodded as if it was an obvious truth to every bard. He watched the band disappear into the street, the hooves of their horses echoing off the buildings. 
"So… You aren't really friends," you said. 
"Of course we are!" Jaskier exclaimed with dramatic outrage, but its effect was lost as he clutched the notes to his chest like a mother and her newborn child. "Some bonds are just too great to—" 
"I think that your ego just wouldn't survive that company for long," you laughed. The expression on his face was answer enough.
"Let's go, the night is near," was the first thing Geralt said in a while. He turned Roach in the right direction. You might not have been able to see his face, but the invisible weight seemed to be lifted from his shoulders. 
"I know a perfectly good tavern, right around that corner." Jaskier rode up, continuing to babble about the notes he received from his friend. 
The sun bathed everything in warm reds and yellows, making the picture of the bard and witcher in front of you resemble a painting. You smiled and gently kicked your horse to follow them.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter :D Something might come to an end, but don’t worry, the merry group will be back soon with another adventure, in a separate mini-series! (it’ll be called “Don’t Trust The Chicken”)
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jasontoddshoe · 4 years
Strictly Business // Jason Todd
Chapter 6 - Family Game Night
Warnings: Language, sexual themes, hangovers
Master List
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You woke up with a start. Your skin felt like ice, it was absolutely freezing. You slowly sat up and took in your surroundings, wincing at the sharp pain in your head as you did so. You placed a hand on your forehead as you noticed you were in the living room of the manor, on the floor. Jason laid passes out next to you in his clothes from the night before. Glancing down, you noticed you were also in the same clothes as last night.
You groaned mentally before standing to your feet. Your head was pounding so hard it felt like someone was playing the drums on the inside of your skull. Slowly, you made you way up to Jason’s room, heading straight for the shower. You hoped a nice hot shower would soothe your headache, but really the water falling sounded like bullets being fired every second.
Since you’d already gotten in the shower you tried making quick work of getting out, trying to relieve your headache as fast as possible. You snatched up your bottle of body wash and went to squeeze some out, but nothing came out but air.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You whispered annoyedly. You spun around and grabbed Jason’s bottle and poured some into your hand. “Hope he doesn’t mind” you stated before washing yourself. “Might as well just go all in” you shrugged picking up his bottle of shampoo. “Thank god he doesn’t use 2 in 1” you mumbled.
It didn’t take long for you to get finished after that. You dried off and put on some leggings and a red hood tee shirt. It was hard to come by, but as soon as you found some merch of Jason’s you had to buy it. You made your way back down stairs to be welcomed by a heavenly smell. You rounded the corner to see Jason standing at the stove, cooking breakfast. You walked up behind him and laid your head on his shoulder blades.
“Hungover?” He asked knowingly. You nodded against him, making him chuckle. You winced and weakly hit his hip. “Figured you would be, that’s why I prepared, Jason’s magic hangover juice” he stated, pointing to the counter next to him.
“There’s just a bottle of extra strength Tylenol and a shit ton of Gatorade” you commented quietly, staring at the things in front of you.
“But it works absolute wonders” he retorted. “Take a lot of Tylenol but not too much you OD, and drink all of that Gatorade within about two hours and boom. Good as new” he instructed. You nodded and took a couple Tylenol.
“What’s that?” You asked, glancing into the pan in front of him.
“Omlets” he answered.
“How are you not hungover?” You asked. “You were drunk too weren’t you?”
“Oh definitely. I was wasted. But I don’t hangovers that badly anymore, which thank god because they suck” he replied.
“You’re telling me” you mumbled, taking a drink from the Gatorade he got you. “My head is pounding”
“I hope you’re not nauseous because I made this one especially for you” he smirked, holding a plate with a delicious looking omlet out for you.
“Seriously?” You asked happily, taking the plate slowly from his hands. He nodded making you gasp jokingly. “What? Jason being nice to me?” You sarcastically smiled at him while sitting at the island behind him.
“You act like it’s a rare thing” he rolled his eyes at you and went back to what he was doing.
“You never know what you’re gonna get these days” you shrugged, digging into your omlet. You hummed, laying your head down on your arm as the delicious bite melted in your mouth. “Fuck this is good”
“Glad you like it” he chuckled softly, shaking his head slightly at your audible reaction.
“It’s exactly how I like my omlets too” you commented, examining the ingredients that he put in it. He got absolutely everything, to a tee, correct.
“I know” he smirked to himself. You rolled your eyes playfully at his smugness while pulling out your phone. You had a ton of text messages for Gar and Rachel about last night. You winced before opening it. They’d each sent a bunch of pictures and videos from the night before.
“Jason please tell me why there’s a video of you grinding on me?” You asked, looking up from the video to look at him.
“I think you mean you grinding on me” he tried to correct, but you shook your head. You flipped your phone around for him to see the video of him very clearly twerking on you. “Like I said, I was wasted” he chuckled, shaking his head. You laughed with him and saved the video to your camera roll.
Some of the pictures they’d sent you were honestly really cute. There were a lot of you and Rachel, a pretty good amount of ones with you and Gar, but surprisingly there weren’t many of you and Jason. Your personal favorite had to be a picture Rachel sent you of you and Jason. Both of you had drinks in hand and eyes shut tight, as you both cheesed extra hard with you cheeks pressed together. You smiled lightly and saved that one as well.
Tim walked into the kitchen to get some coffee, and ran into the two of you going through the pictures and videos. He stopped in his tracks, shook his head, and then went about his business.
“What’s that look for, replacement?” Jason piped up, noticing Tim’s actions. You shut your phone off and say it on the counter.
“Oh I was just thanking god that you two are normal again” Tim retorted, making you snort quietly. Both men looked over at you making you raise your eyebrows.
“We’re we that bad?” You asked, afraid of the answer. You knew drunk you was bad, and drunk Jason was bad. But drunk you and Jason together was a whole different beast.
“Yes” was all he said before walking back upstairs with his cup of coffee.
Hip hop music played at a nice volume through the whole bat cave(it was Jason’s day to pick). Damien was currently practicing his batarang skills, Tim was doing something on the bat computer, and Dick and Jason were lifting weights. You’d decided on the more chill route and were doing some yoga near where Tim was sat. You kept up some nice small talk with him the whole time.
Every once and a while your eyes would drift over to Jason. You couldn’t help it. With him being shirtless, covered in a thin layer of sweat that made his body glisten whenever he moved, and his muscles flexing and unflexing as he worked them out was just a sight you had to see. You wouldn’t deny how attractive he was to you, but you wouldn’t let yourself act on it.
After a while of weight training, Dick grabbed a yoga mat and cane over to join you. Jason shook his head at him and continued on.
“You know you should come do some yoga too Jay, you could stand to be a little more flexible” you called teasingly, making him roll his eyes.
“I’m plenty flexible thank you very much” he retorted. You shook your head at him and relaxed yourself.
“Brute strength won’t get you everywhere” you sing-songed, getting comfortable in your yoga pose. “You were never able to beat me with it” you added as an extra little jab. He scoffed and stood up, walking over into the sparring area.
“Prove it” he challenged, holding his arms out. You smirked to yourself, your plan had worked. You sighed and sprung up to your feet.
“I mean do I really have to? My completely clean prison record clearly states this fact” you commented, walking over to him confidently. He shook his head at you and crossed his arms over his chest. His pecs has slightly squeezed together at this motion, and you’d never realized how attracted to cleavage you were.
“Trust me doll, if I had wanted to catch you, then that record wouldn’t be so clean” he played right into you. You sighed as you stepped into the ring. You adjusted the straps on your sports bra to make sure it wouldn’t fall and pulled up your leggings a little bit.
“So you didn’t want to catch me? You’re doing kinda shitty at your job then” you stated, rolling your shoulders back while staring at him.
“Oh shit they’re about to fight” Dick commented, making Tim glance back and Damien stop throwing batarangs.
“You really wanna do this doll?” Jason asked with a sigh, dropping his arms to his sides and getting himself ready.
“Just like the old days Jaybird” you answered with a smirk. He took in a deep breath before nodding. A few seconds later Jason was coming at you. You easily slipped under his arm and elbowed him between his shoulder blades. He swiped a foot at your legs unexpectedly, making you stumble.
You grunted annoyedly and turned back to face him. There was a smug smirk on his face, making you roll your eyes. You cartwheeled toward his in classic Catwoman fashion, as you were taught, but he caught your right ankle and held you upside down. You smirked and swung a little bit to build momentum before whipping around to sit on his shoulders. You quickly turned on top of him and used his lost balance to slam him to the ground, his head in a head lock from your knee. You held one of his arms behind his back and he was laid on the other one. You sat there for a minute, glancing at your nails.
“You’re boring me Jason” you teased. Not even a few seconds later he’d thrown you off of him by rolling over extremely quickly. He straddled your hips and slammed your arms up above your head. “Now that’s what I’m talking about” you drawled with a smirk. His cheeks tinted red, throwing him off guard. This gave you opportunity to bring your legs up. You locked your ankles at the front of his chest and slammed his back against the ground.
His hands grabbed your ankles and pulled them apart. You sat up and with your now free hands you tried to pry his hands from your legs. He smirked and squeezed them tighter.
“Now tell me how brute strength doesn’t beat flexiblity?” He asked cockily, sitting up to put mere inches between the two of you.
“Ok and this seems to have turned sexual. Damien please refrain from watching any further” Dick called making both you and Jason roll your eyes, snapping yourselves out of the somewhat trances you’d been in.
“Grayson you were the only one watching them in the first place” Damien retorted making you laugh a little bit.
“You really want it to be like old times doll?” Jason asked, merely above a whisper. You felt a small shiver run down your spine at the thought but you shook your head.
“We had an agreement Jay, you were the one who suggested it. Remember?” You asked at the same volume. He sighed but nodded.
“Yeah, I do. Sorry if I overstepped” he answered, starting to walk back over to the weights.
“If anyone overstepped it was me. I also over did it a bit. Are you ok? I didn’t hurt you did I?” You asked concernedly. He chuckled lightly and shook his head at you.
“No I’m fine, are you ok?” He asked. You nodded and tightened your ponytail a little.
“Yeah I’m fine” you replied, giving him a small smile. “Hey um, do you think we should practice dancing together? Since this mission is at a gala” you suggested and he shrugged. He thought for a moment as he toweled off his sweat.
“Probably” he answered, tossing a plain black shirt over his head. You nodded and grabbed his phone which was blue toothed to the speakers in the cave. He watched over your shoulder as you typed in the name of a song. When it started playing he backed away from you and walked to the open area between the bat computer and everything else.
He held his hand out for you and you smiled slightly as you took it. He pulled you toward him, stopping you a mere few inches away from him, gently placing his hand on your hip. You reached up and softly placed a hand on his broad shoulder. His other hand met yours as he started a simple waltz.
“Is this really how rich people dance at these things?” You asked curiously, tilting your head as you gazed up at him.
“Haven’t you been to one of these before?” He asked back, making you shake your head.
“No, and by the way all of my dancing experience comes from homecoming in high school so..” you trailed off making him chuckle.
“Yeah, I know. The amount of time you stepped on my feet was almost comical” he whispered so only you could hear. You giggled, thinking back at the memory of that night. It was true, you’d stepped on Jason’s feet too many times to count that at that point he just had you stand on them while he danced.
“Sorry about that” you smiled. He smiled back down at you and shrugged.
“Eh, it’s not a big deal. You can’t be good at everything” he stated making you smirk.
“What do you mean?” You asked, tilting your head. His beautiful blue eyes met yours, making your cheeks start to feel warm.
“I mean you’re good at everything, there had to be something you were bad at” he replied, letting go of your hip to spin you once. When you made it back around to face him, he brought you all the way pressed against him this time, now the only thing separating you being height difference.
“Yeah I’m still looking for your thing” you sighed, making him chuckle. “Seriously, you’re good at everything”
“Not driving, I’m not great at that” he said honestly, making you nod quickly in agreement.
“God yes, I don’t know how they haven’t taken your license yet” you laughed, making him roll his eyes and shake his head.
“Shut up” he grumbled. “You still let me drive everywhere”
“Because I hate driving” you retorted.
“Then don’t hate on the driver” he fired back, making you laugh again.
“My bad Jay” you lifted your one hand on his shoulder slightly in ‘surrender’ which brought a smile to his face. “I guess were just bad at things that start with ‘d’” you joked making him chuckle. “Dancing, driving...” you trailed off.
“Not dick game though” he stated matter of factly. You rolled your eyes and lightly hit his shoulder.
“You’re so sexual” you commented.
“And you act like you hate but you’re the same way” he retorted, making you shake your head with a sigh. “Exactly” he smirked victoriously.
“Whatever Jason” you breathed out a small laugh. A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as you finished dancing through the song. When the next song came on neither of you really noticed, just kept up the simple few steps you had going, and maybe adding a twirl here or there.
Jason slowly slipped his hand from yours and placed around your waist, locking his fingers together behind your back. You placed your hand up in his shoulder and glanced up at him. He was staring off at something behind you, he looked completely content. You smiled slightly to yourself and decided to test the waters. You gently laid your head against him, and instinctively he tightened his grip to bring you closer until there was no space left.
“Are we just gonna ignore this people?” Dick called exasperatedly, tossing his hands out in your direction.
“Again, Grayson, you’re the only one who cares” Damien retorted with a sigh. “I don’t understand what is so important about them dancing”
“You’re just jealous because you don’t know how to dance” Tim snorted, not removing his eyes from his screen.
“No body asked you Drake” Damien’s cheeks slightly tinted pink as he turned away. You pulled back from Jason and turned your head to face him.
“Damien do you really not know how to dance?” You asked curiously.
“No. What of it (L/n)?” He asked defensively, making you sigh. You patted Jason’s chest before pulling away from him completely and turning around.
“I am not going to have that. Come here” you stated, gesturing for him to walk toward you.
“(Y/n) I don’t think you’re in any position to be teaching people to dance” Jason chuckled, emitting a snort from Dick. You shot Dick a quick glare before giving Jason a thin lipped smile.
“I’m not teaching him, you are. I’m just here so he has someone to dance with. You’re explaining everything mister” you retorted. “Damien, come on” Damien turned around defeatedly and started walking toward you.
“This is pointless (L/n), I’m never going to need this skill” He grumbled as he stood in front of you.
“Yes you will Dams, what if one day, you wanna take someone to dance at school? Or bring someone to one of your dad’s galas? I bet you’ll thank me for this then” you replied, making him tinkle his nose but sigh.
“What do I do?” He asked begrudgingly, turning to look at his brothers who had grouped up to watch this.
A confused look came onto Jason’s face as you pushed him into the dining room of the manor. Dick, Tim, and Damien were all sat near each other toward the head of the table. You pushed Jason lightly into the seat by Damien before standing in front of the open chair at the head of the table. The way you’d seated them, Tim and Dick were on your left and Jason and Damien were on your right.
“I gathered you all here because I think you need a little bit of family time, so I grabbed a bunch of games and things and we’re gonna have game night before you guys go out for patrol” you explained, nodding over to the stack of a couple board games you’d found. They all started to protest about not having time for this and things of that nature, making you shake your head and wave them off. Dick even stood up to leave after saying he had to go and get ready to go out for patrol. “Richard, sit your pretty ass back down” You stated firmly,  making him clam up slightly as he walked back to his seat. “I already talked to Bruce and he thinks this would be good for you. Besides he said him and the girls have got this, so we’re playing games”
“You think I’m pretty” Dick said as you stood up to grab a game. 
“No, I think you have a pretty ass” You retorted, making the other boys laugh, even managing a smirk from Damien. Dick smiled, seemingly happy with that response.
“I’m just scared because she called him Richard” Jason said after you sat back down. “She means business” he added, making you roll your eyes.
“Sorry I want you to love each other” You commented. 
What you hadn’t anticipated from Wayne family game night, was complete and utter chaos. All of the Wayne boys were extremely competitive, and pairing that with making them all compete with each other? It was like hell had broken loose and Satan himself had risen in that dining room. You never knew a game of Clue could cause the mass amount of issues that it was.
“No, Jason you’re a fucking idiot. Why the hell would you even say it was Plum at this point everyone knows Damien has his card dipshit. He showed it to all of us, even you” Tim ranted loudly as Jason made him assumption. 
“Well maybe plum wasn’t what I was trying to figure out Timothy” Jason snapped back. “Now does anyone have either the revolver, Plum or the fucking billard room?” Jason’s voice raised, making you giggle quietly.
“Todd, I have Plum, you know this” Damien sighed from next to him.
“Shut the fuck up demon spawn, no one fucking asked you!” He snapped his head toward the younger boy who rolled his eyes.
“You literally asked him asshat, quit whining” Dick retorted at the man sitting across from him.
“You know what you flying monkey, you can take your sassy little comments and shove them up your ass” Jason was yelling at this point. They all were. It was chaos, that you hadn’t meant for, but was entertaining nonetheless. “You know what, fuck all of you I don’t even wanna know anymore”
“Ok then, my turn” you stated immediately reaching foreword and grabbing the dice. You moved yourself into a room and glanced at your sheet. “Mustard, library, rope” you stated, leaning back in your chair.
“Here we go again, another stupid guess. Why would you say rope?” Tim asked exasperatedly, staring over at you.
“Oh my god Tim can you shut up and just let people play the damn game?” Dick asked, placing his forehead on the table.
“When people stop being dumb and acting like we’re all not literally detectives, then yes” Tim sassed, rolling his eyes.
“(L/n), I have one of those cards” Damien stated civilly, passing it over to you face down. You gave a small smile and glanced at it.
“Thank you” you mumbled, handing it back to him. “Ok, go Tim”
“Finally someone will make an educated guess” he grumbled, staring at his sheet. “Peacock, in the observatory, with the candlestick”
“Oh my god what a stupid guess” Jason mocked, making Tim roll his eyes. “Yo dumbass, I have one of those cards” he added, slipping him a card.
“You guys know in the rules it says you’re supposed to go in a cir-“ Jason city Dick off with a scoff.
“Fuck the rules” he grunted. You let out a breath and slid down in your seat. This what definitely not the night you’d expected.
Tag list: @mortifiedmoon @myraticm @brainwashedbyhitoshi @avengerdragoness @thefemalethatwrites @boujeegoblin @roseangel013bf @vividhoods @katsukijason @wolfiemichele @grincheveryday @i-love-sleeping-and-dreaming @fuzzycloudsz
If your name is slashed through it means it wouldn’t let me tag you!
If you want to be added to my taglist just let me know!
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grandpeanutchild · 3 years
cheese fries restaurant
In France, steak frites, which translates "steak and fries" in English, may be a prolific dish throughout the country's brasseries. cheese fries restaurant While the sort of steak and sauce utilized in the preparation has changed over time and between countries, the quintessential French fry is an everlasting factor.  
So why are french-fried potatoes so popular? Certainly there are other side dishes that might pair well with a protein. While speculative, it's believed that french-fried potatoes first gained a following in Europe, popularized by dishes including the aforementioned steak frites and moules-frites. Subsequently, french-fried potatoes became fashionable American soldiers stationed overseas during war I. once they returned home, they sought their new favorite snack to no avail. At this point , however, America was witnessing the renaissance of the fashionable nutriment restaurant. Inexpensive to organize and with an already established clientele, White Castle began offering french-fried potatoes with their hamburgers. The rest, as they assert , is history.
The French fry's meteoric rise from a humble fish-substitute to the world's quintessential culinary accompaniment has been an extended time within the making. Thus, we encourage you to celebrate (and, of course, eat) the world's greatest and most venerated entremots .The Quora recipe took 3 days but mostly zero effort. The post was short on details, so I invented them as I went by . the primary thing I noticed was that they discolored while drying within the fridge. After frying, they recolored themselves but appeared to be the smallest amount crispy, and thus , most disappointing of the bunch. As I ate more and more of them however, it ended up that that they had the simplest , most potatoey flavor and satisfying crisp (as against the boom-in-your-face crunch of the opposite two). I felt like I could eat endless amounts of those guys, which made them the winner for meKenji’s fries take 2 days and are specified to be shoestring sized, so I followed his recipe to a tee. His came out more intact than Heston’s but still broken, I’m unsure how he managed to avoid the broken ones on a high heat boil, but i think that’s why his lead photo is merely of 12 intact french-fried potatoes . within the end, the recipe was about twice as involved as Heston’s, with vinegar and agitation needed, but looked and tasted better with more intact fries (marginally more intact).
The easiest thanks to make homemade french-fried potatoes - www.iamafoodblog.com Random Quora Dude’s Method
The Quora recipe took 3 days but mostly zero effort. The post was short on details, so I invented them as I went by . the primary thing I noticed was that they discolored while drying within the fridge. After frying, they recolored themselves but appeared to be the smallest amount crispy, and thus , most disappointing of the bunch. As I ate more and more of them however, it ended up that that they had the simplest , most potatoey flavor and satisfying crisp (as against the boom-in-your-face crunch of the opposite two). I felt like I could eat endless amounts of those guys, which made them the winner on behalf of me .
Thinking that I could optimize on this recipe, i attempted condensing the method into one long day. By 10pm that night, I ended up with soggy fries that couldn’t hold a candle to their 3 day brethren. Something magical seems to happen on the third day.
Was this easier than simply throwing some Ore-Ida or McCains fries within the oven? No, but it had been far, much more satisfying, and I’m guessing either (or both) Steph or i will be able to be improving this recipe as time goes by, until at some point we’ll just effortlessly be ready to throw together a simple batch of french-fried potatoes which will rival the simplest french restaurants, or McDonalds.
Do you guys have an honest french fry recipe? I’m all ears.
Potato love -Mike
The easiest thanks to make homemade french-fried potatoes - www.iamafoodblog.com
HOW TO MAKE french-fried potatoes reception 1 POTATO PER PERSONPREP TIME: 3 DAYSCOOK TIME: 3 MINUTESTOTAL TIME: 3 DAYS and three MINUTES Large russet potatoes, dig 1/4″ shoestrings Oil for frying Salt
Soak your potatoes for 30 mins to 1hr. Blot dry with a towel and arrange on rack. Dry in refrigerator overnight.
The next day, heat your oil to 375°F. Ensure your potatoes are completely dry (dry with paper towels if needed). Fry your potatoes for exactly 1 minute. Drain and place back on rack, and dry in fridge overnight.
On the ultimate day, heat your oil copy to 375°F. Blot dry any excess oil on your potatoes with a towel , then fry for exactly two minutes. Drain on a rack, salt immediately, and luxuriate in as soon as possible.
See More
5 COMMENTS Peppermint Dolly says: June 8, 2017 at 12:44 am I don’t know if it’d be a weekly occurrence with such a lot prep involved, but still, I’m intrigued to offer it a go!!
Rebecca xx http://www.peppermintdolly.com
Reply Rachael @Rachael's Foodie Life says: June 8, 2017 at 1:49 am It seems like you're making my dreams come true. I even have had numerous fakes attempts at french-fried potatoes reception that I had given up hope. But I can’t wait to undertake these!!
Reply irene says: June 8, 2017 at 6:49 am This is very informative. Are the potatoes soaked in warm or cold water for the 30 -1hr period? How are they dried overnight within the refridgerator, in an open plastic container or left open?
Reply Ruby says: June 10, 2017 at 8:30 pm oh no – the very easiest method (and delicious too) is that the America’s Test Kitchen way of putting shoestrings in room temp oil and bringing it up to boil on high heat. It never sputters or spits and you simply stir them once. Hey presto – perfect fries
Reply gary says: June 11, 2017 at 8:34 pm These make me insane they're so good (use peanut oil), we make them once every week probably: https://smittenkitchen.com/2017/03/easiest-french-fries/
In addition to being the simplest fries ever to return out of my kitchen, included triple fried,etc., they're far and away the simplest . I even have been telling everyone i do know to form these!
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Rescue 5/10
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Enhanced!Omega!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: not much really
Summary: The Avengers are sent in to rescue a group of omegas from the hands of Hydra. There Bucky finds you, an enhanced omega. Can you ever be fully rescued from what Hydra has done to you?
A/N: I love this chapter so much and I hope you do tooooo!!!! You guys are so amazing for sticking with me on this journey. Please please leave me your feedback. I love interacting with all of you, it encourages me so much! As ever SEND AN ASK if you’d like to be tagged, the taglist is still open. Quick shoutout to @all1e23​ who inspires me all the time and wrote the best ABO fic out there, go check out her masterlist. 
Rescue 4 l Masterlist
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You slept fitfully, nightmare faces passing in and out of your vision, always waking to the sound of a ringing gun shot. You’re lying in bed when you’re disturbed by the sound of knocking on your door and Tony’s surprisingly cheery voice.
“Time to get up, Y/N! Today’s the day, let’s go.” You bury your head in your blanket and roll over, chasing five more minutes. Not one minute later he’s back, his knocking more insistently.
“Come on, Y/N, I can do this all day!” Tony chirps and you growl and roll out of your nest. You wrap the blanket around your shoulders and crack open the door. Tony’s scent invades your nose which you wrinkle in disdain.
“Yeah I know, I’m not your cup of tea,” Tony says with a wave of his hand, “Everyone’s already in the kitchen and you’re having breakfast with the team. You’re also starting your training and therapy today. Time to start living, Y/N!” Tony finishes with a clap and then sets off down the hallway. “Don’t worry, Barnes is already in the kitchen,” he throws over his shoulder as he walks away.
You scowl at the implication but you can hardly be mad at Tony for his comment. He’s not wrong. You turn back into your room and quickly get dressed. You move into the bathroom and splash some water on your face and pull your hair into a ponytail with an elastic you find in the drawer. From the female inclined products in the bathroom to the right sized clothes in your drawer someone has been very thoughtful. You suspect Bucky.
You brace yourself and open your door to follow Tony’s path to the kitchen. There you find the team gathered around the table, some munching on toast or sipping out of mugs. A girl with long red hair shoots you a winning smile while the man cooking at the stove waves his spatula at you. The only one you look for is Bucky who gets up to greet you. Everyone else turns their heads your way and the room falls silent. You cross your arms over your chest and fight the urge to bolt back to your room. Bucky steps closer and envelopes you in his scent. You breathe deep and resist the urge to melt into his chest.
“Hey, how’d you sleep?” He asks. You shrug your shoulders non committaly. He nods in understanding. You have no way of knowing it but you’re not the only one who tosses and turns at night.
“Come on, I’ll introduce you.” Bucky pulls his hand out of his pocket and subtly extends it to you. It’s an offer, not a demand. But you want to try to get through this without him so you softly shake your head no. He smiles at you and drops his hand back to his side, turning to the others.
“Everyone, this is Y/N. Y/N this is everyone.” The team smiles and waves and the red haired girl pulls out the chair next to her for you though you make no move to sit down. Bucky rambles on, “The old man with the newspaper is Steve and kiss the cook over there is Sam. He’ll make you an omelet if you like.”
“Best omelet you’ll ever have,” Sam quips with a cocky smile.
“Then we’ve got Nat and Clint, they go together. You’ve met Tony and Thor and next to Thor is Wanda. And that’s the team.” Bucky finishes, turning to look at you. You look thoroughly overwhelmed and he ducks his head down to your level. “How about a cup of coffee?” He suggests. The team deliberately turns their attention away from you to let you try and adjust.
“I’ve never had coffee.” You say so only Bucky can hear you. His brow furrows.
“Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Want me to make you a cup so you can try it?” He asks. You simply nod.
“Ugh, no,” says Wanda, getting up and coming around the table to the coffee pot. “I’m not letting you make her that weird butter coffee for her first cup,” she insists.
"Hey it’s good!” Bucky insists. You pull a face at the thought.
“Come on, no. Please,” Wanda says as she rolls her eyes at Bucky. She gently touches your arm and says, “Let me make it for you. Coffee the way it should be, full of cream and sugar.”
“That sounds yummy,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. Wanda’s face breaks into a huge smile. She finds a cute, flowery mug that says Today is an awesome day and moves to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of creamer. She fills the cup up with steaming hot coffee and tops it off with a generous helping of the sugary creamer. Turning the handle out, she passes you the cup.
“Try that,” she says, her eyes sparkling. You take the cup to your lips and gently blow away a curl of steam before taking a sip. Your eyes light up and your eyebrows lift to your hairline.
“That’s wonderful!” You exclaim. The team chuckles behind you while Bucky groans.
“She’s been out here five minutes and you’ve already corrupted her,” he says, rubbing his hand down his face.
“I’m merely showing her the way to start her day off right,” Wanda says with a little bounce as she moves back to her seat. She settles down, the chair’s still open next to her but you opt to sit next to Bucky, letting his scent calm you. You slowly sip your coffee and avoid the glances flitting your way. A moment later a plate appears before you full of the fluffiest eggs with peppers and onions and lots of cheese. You turn and look up to see Sam giving you a wink before he turns away. There’s a low rumble in Bucky’s chest at the gesture and you instinctively pat his knee to reassure him. You don’t see the look of surprise he gives you as you pick up your fork and dive into the eggs.
“So, Y/N!” Thor calls in his booming voice, “Are you ready to begin your training today?” You freeze with a bite halfway to your mouth and then slowly lower the fork to your plate. Worry fills your scent and every alpha at the table can smell it, no one more so than Bucky. He scoots his seat closer to you and lets you feel the warmth radiating off of him. You shut down at the thought of being in close proximity with another alpha and panic begins to rise in your chest.
“Forgive me, My Lady. I did not mean to cause you alarm.” Thor says more quietly, raising his hands in a sign of surrender. You turn to Bucky with tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
“I can’t. I can’t do it,” you whisper.
“What if I stay with you the whole time? I’ll never be out of your sight. And Thor is a lot more gentle than he looks. I wouldn’t let you near someone I thought was going to hurt you.” Bucky speaks in hushed tones close to you so the others can’t hear. You hide your face behind your hair so they can’t see the tears threatening to fall but at Bucky’s words you feel a little braver.
“Okay,” you say as you nod your head. Bucky swells with pride at how brave you are. You sit up straight and turn to Thor, “Okay, I’ll train.” His face breaks into a handsome grin and you feel a little reassured that this might not be so bad.
An hour later you’re outside on the front lawn of the compound with Thor and Bucky. What you don’t know is that the entire team is gathered at the common room window to watch as well.
“Alright, Y/N,” Thor begins, rubbing his hands together, “how much training have you had with your powers?” You don’t like talking about this. You don’t like remembering your time with Hydra, much less sharing it.
“Hydra never taught me how to use my powers, they just experimented until I was as powerful as possible. They didn’t care about accuracy, they just wanted maximum damage.” The words tumble out of you as panic blooms in your chest.  Both alphas sense your discomfort and Thor offers you another one of his megawatt smiles.
“It’s okay, we don’t have to talk about it anymore. I just want to know where you’re at. Why don’t you just hit me with everything you’ve got?” He says casually.
“What!?” You cry out.
“I want you to hit me with every volt you can conjure. Banner says we need to establish a baseline for your powers. Don’t worry, I can take it,” Thor says confidently.
“No! I’m not going to do that. I don’t want to hurt you,” you insist.
“You can’t hurt me with your lightening, I’m the god of thunder!” Thor exclaims.
“No really, you won’t hurt him,” Bucky chimes in, “he’s basically an alien lightening rod.”  You look skeptically between the two men and can’t believe you’re even considering doing this. Thor looks at you with that same smile and a double thumbs up and you throw your hands up in surrender.
“Okay, fine. I think you’re both crazy but whatever.” You glance at Bucky and signal for him to back up. He jogs about 30 feet away while you move about ten feet away from Thor. Upstairs the team holds its breath.
You take a wide stance and just like last time lightening crackles at your finger tips. Your lightening doesn’t come from the sky like Thor’s. It comes from a place deep inside of you, almost as though it runs through your veins. Lightening begins swirling up your body, zapping out at random places. You focus all your energy down into your hands as you hold them out to point at Thor. A huge crack sounds around you and the god is hit by thousands of volts of electricity. He’s thrown backwards about 20 feet as lightening arcs off you, searching for purchase in the ground. Behind you you hear a thump and a groan.
You whip around to see Bucky prone on the ground and your heart falters. You rush towards him, electricity still dancing up and down your arms. He’s conscience and trying to prop himself up on his arms but his bionic one is clearly fried. It’s gently smoking and there’s occasional sparks coming from it. You recoil in fear when you see what you’ve done. Your eyes grow wide and fill with tears as your hands cover your mouth. All Bucky can do is chuckle at you.
“Don’t worry about it, sweet girl. Tony’s been pestering me to try a prototype he knocked up. Looks like he’ll finally get his way.” Bucky sees the tears streaming down your face and your cowered position and he moves closer to you. He cups your face in his good hand and rubs his thumb to dry your cheek. “It’s ok, Doll, I’m not mad.” You shake your head furiously.
“Once I… I accidentally killed an alpha, and they… and they…” you dissolve into incoherent sobs, your body trembling like a leaf at the memory. Bucky wants so desperately to wrap his arm around you but he doesn’t want to cross any lines. He rubs your arm, trying to calm you. Thor has managed to get up at this point and is crouched down near you.
“Dear one,” Thor begins. You flinch at the sound of his voice but he carries on calmly, “no one here is ever going to punish you. Especially for a mistake.” You look up at Bucky who nods in affirmation. By this time the team has gathered on the lawn, not approaching but watching carefully.
“I need to get myself up to Tony’s lab. Will you join me?” Bucky asks. He’s asking for your help but really he’s offering to keep you close, if that’s what you want.
“Of course,” you say, aggressively rubbing the tears from your cheeks. You stand up and Thor helps Bucky up. Bucky stumbles at the imbalance on his left side. Without thinking you slide into his side and put his limp arm around your shoulders, wrapping your arm around his back. You feel the thick muscles across his broad back and your stomach does flips. Bucky looks down at you softly and you can’t bring yourself to meet his gaze.
The team approaches and Tony shakes his head at the sight of you and Bucky.
“Get up to the lab, Tinman, I’ll get you sorted out.” Bucky nods and the two of you walk towards the compound. You’re focused on Bucky but his super solider hearing picks up the conversation happening behind you.
“What’s the report, Sparky?” Tony asks Thor.
“Her powers rival my own, Stark. She’s barely able to focus them so she’s dangerous, as you saw.” Thor speaks with a hushed reverence when speaking about your powers.
“Well, that’s why we brought in the expert.” Tony quips as he pats Thor on the shoulder.
You get Bucky up to the lab as quick as you can. His scent has thoroughly enveloped you and you’re feeling light headed. You deposit him into a seat and move to the other side of the lab, trying to find fresh air to breathe. Since going on your suppressants none of the alphas in the compound have bothered you, except for Bucky. You can’t figure out what’s different about him but his effect on you is overwhelming.
You sit with him in silence while Tony fits him with a shiny new arm. Tony does most of the talking but as it’s mostly technical ramblings you tune it out. Two hours later and Bucky is almost finished when FRIDAY calls out your name.
“Y/N its time for your appointment in the east wing. Shall I send someone to escort you?” The A.I. asks intuitively.
“Why don’t you send Wanda over?” Bucky asks, looking to you for approval. You nod your head and offer Bucky a small smile as you leave the lab to meet Wanda coming down the hall.
“Y/N!” Wanda practically skips over to you. “It was amazing seeing you in action today. You’re incredible!” You stare at her incredulously. You’re not incredible, you’re a freak. Wanda reads the look on your face easily and gives you a reassuring smile. “Seriously, you were amazing. Thor said you’re almost as strong as him!” You look down at your hands, a lump forming in your throat.
“I hate my powers,” you mumble quietly. Wanda carefully takes one of your hands and you don’t pull away from her.
“I understand,” Wanda says kindly. You look at her full of distrust. “No really, my powers are the result of an experiment too.  Granted it’s one I volunteered for but I wasn’t born this way. I’ve spent a  lot of time wrestling with my powers and how it effects how I see myself. You’ll get there.” You smile appreciatively at her words. You might not believe her but you want to.
You both make your way through the compound, Wanda chatting away cheerfully. Her mood is infectious and you find your spirits slightly lifted after this morning’s disaster training session. Until you reach your appointment. Your heart sinks and you feel the panic rising in you again. Wanda sees your discomfort and reaches out to you but you shrink away from her. You’re desperate for Bucky’s presence but you remind yourself that you want to do these things on your own.
“You can do this, Y/N,” Wanda says confidently, “just be honest.” You clench your fists until your nails dig into your palms and walk through the door.
Bucky finds you hours later sobbing in your nest while cuddling his hoodie close to your chest. You invite him in and he gently closes the door. He crouches down in front of your bed and looks at you, his eyes filled with concern.
“How bad was it, darlin’,” Bucky asks with an understanding smile. You shake your head and bury it into the hoodie, hiding your face. “That bad, huh?” He chuckles. You peak out at him from your hiding spot, his soft smile and intoxicating scent comforting you.
As you look into his eyes you realize you’re exhausted. Exhausted from fighting your instincts when it came to Bucky Barnes. He’s never given you a reason not to trust him. His scent is warm and comforting and makes you feel like you’d found a missing piece of yourself. So you decide to take a leap of faith.
“It sucked,” you say, pulling the hoodie away from your face. Bucky looks surprised that you’re willing to talk about this but you continue anyway. “She asked me a ton of questions and made me talk about Hydra and my parents. It was terrible and I’m not going back.” Bucky chuckles and smiles at you.
“Sure you are. Because you’re brave and strong and I know you want to get better. You wouldn’t have stayed with us otherwise.” How did this man know you so well already.
“Fine, I’ll go. But I’m not going to like it,” you pout.
“Fair enough. You wanna get some sleep?” Bucky asks. You nod your head.
“But you can stay,” you offer softly. Bucky breaks into a wide smile.
“I would love that.”
After that the months pass quickly and you fall into a routine. You still have breakfast with the team every morning. You sit next to Bucky and munch on toast and coffee and listen to the team chat away. It gives you a sense of normalcy you haven’t experienced in a long time and though you don’t say much you feel like you’re part of a family.
Since you decided to let Bucky in you two have gotten much closer. He’s slowly broken down your walls and your trust in him has only deepened. You’re still wary of the other alphas in the compound and still take your suppressants to keep them at bay. But Bucky has never let you down. There’s nothing you love more than sitting on the couch with your head on his shoulder letting his scent soothe you to sleep. He will sleep in your room after a particularly terrible therapy session and he helps keep the nightmares at bay.
You continue training with Thor only you’ve moved to a room called The Cave. It’s a huge room covered in polymorphic tiles that can actually absorb your powers so there are no more innocent victims of your training. Bucky sits at the observation window and watches you work your ass off at improving your focus and aim. Now Thor is teaching you to use random objects as conduits and you’re mastering the skill pretty quickly.
You’ve continued with your therapy and it’s honestly the worst part of your days. Your therapist swears it will eventually get better but it hasn’t yet. Processing your trauma during the days has led to an uptick in nightmares at night and you more often than not find yourself on the couch in the common room with a mug of tea. Bucky joins you most of the time. He’s confessed his nightmares to you and you keep each other company until you’re both ready to go back to bed, though you suspect you’re the only one getting more sleep.
It’s there he finds you one night sobbing quietly into a pillow, your tea long forgotten on the coffee table. Before you can process what’s happening you’ve been scooped up into Bucky’s lap, his strong arms wrapped around you, his scent carving its way through your pain. You lean into his chest, not worrying about the physical touch for once, just craving the comfort of his closeness. He pets your hair and lets you cry until you’re spent.
“What is it, sweet girl? Bad dreams?” He asks softly. You nod your head and sniffle. “Wanna tell me about it?” He offers. You shake your head but then you shrug your shoulders. Bucky continues stroking your hair and waits until you’re ready to talk.
“It’s my parents. I dream about them and I miss them so badly it physically hurts. I never got to say goodbye, have a funeral, anything. I couldn’t even grieve them properly, I was too scared for my own life. And then Hydra took me and turned me into this thing and made me hurt people and I don’t know how to let myself live with that.” You give a long shuddering sigh and sink further into Bucky’s chest, letting his strong heartbeat steady you. Bucky hugs you tighter as you cling to him.
“I’m not going to lie to you, Doll, it’s hard. But it’s possible. I’ve made as much peace with my past as I’m going to. I can live a life, using what they did to me to help others. It’s not easy but there is no alternative. You just have to keep moving forward.” Knowing Bucky suffered the same wrongs and worse at the hands of Hydra and seeing him live his life brings you comfort. He reaches under your chin and tips your head up to look at him. “And I get to know you, and love you, and it makes my world brighter.”
Your heart stops in your chest at his confession. You look into his eyes and can find no lie there, only adoration and longing. Without thinking you capture his lips with yours and kiss him tenderly. He moves one hand down around your waist and the other up to cup your cheek as he kisses you back just as softly. You draw back and look at him again.
“You love me?” You question.
“I do. Since the moment I met you, I have loved you.” He says it so casually but something snaps inside of you at his words. You grab his face and kiss him, pouring everything you’re thinking and feeling into that one kiss, trying desperately to communicate everything Bucky means to you. You kiss him and he kisses you back and you’re filled with his scent and everything is perfect because Bucky Barnes loves you.
Something snaps in your belly, something that’s been tightly wound for months. Heat rushes through your body and slick pools between your legs and sweat dapples your skin. You pull back from Bucky in shock. Your heat has come.
Chapter 6
@fanfictionjunkie1112​ @kiki5283​ @humanexile​ @starkrobb​ @alyxkbrl​ @momc95​ @bullshitantichrist​ @the-omni-princess​ @littlelonewolfgirl @carlya65 @animegirlgeeky​ @acf2510​ @fluffyirwinie​ @disasterwelshgirl​ @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​ @veronawrites​ @guccicloudz​ @holyhumorliteraturelight​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @no-clue-whats-happenin​ @booktease21​ @mymomcallsmefury​ @fafulous​ @asgardlover75​ @susmita121​ @noseyrosey1597​ @jennmurawski13​ @buckybarnesscrunchie​ @learisa​ @kinkywitchy​ @slcvely @mywinterwolf​ @dyanna-corona​ @procrastinating-angels​ @shellbeerocks​
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letterboxd · 3 years
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As the 2021 film festival season kicks off, Sundance Film Festival alumni and this year’s newcomers share their best tips for at-home festival attendance.
With contributions from Joe Talbot, Aneesh Chaganty, Ekwa Msangi, Heidi Ewing, Jesse Moss and Amanda McBaine, Levan Akin, Max Barbakow, Jim Cummings, Sara Hirner and Rosemary Vasquez-Brown, Kentucker Audley and Albert Birney, Alexis Gambis and the Letterboxd Sundance team.
While it’s a small relief not to have to share a bunkbed with Gary from Australia, and go trudging up those Park City slopes in chunky ol’ snow boots, it’s still a challenge to create the ambience that the world premiere of a brilliant new indie film deserves. So, as well as creating a new, official Letterboxd festival hub (Festiville—give it a follow to receive festival updates in your main activity feed), we’ve also called in some friends to help us overcome the barrier of a lonely room, a smaller screen and a too-familiar couch.
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At home, you can sit as close to the screen as you can bear. (‘Paddington’, 2014.)
Bring the mountain to you.
How best to recreate the specific feeling of trying not to break your neck while running across the icy carpark between the Doubletree and the Holiday Village 4 during a tight turnaround? Letterboxd’s West Coast editor Dominic Corry advises getting into the Park City swing of things right from breakfast: “Place a headshot next to your coffee machine to replicate the experience of bumping into an A-lister at the Starbucks in Fresh Market”.
Before your first screening of the day, say Boys State directors Jesse Moss and Amanda McBaine (Sundance 2020), “Stand outside in the cold for sixty minutes before viewing the film, then watch the film while wearing a very heavy parka, and realize you’re very hot twenty minutes into the movie and have to wrestle your parka off whilst not disturbing your fellow viewers.”
Or, don’t even bother trying to remove those layers, says And Then We Danced writer-director Levan Akin (Sundance 2020): “Recreate the sweat-soaked sensation I had by dressing in thermal long johns to outsmart the cold, only to sit through screenings in a pool of your own sweat. Rookie mistake!”
Between screenings, you have a couple of options. “Hit that StairMaster between virtual engagements to simulate the high mountain altitude,” advises Palm Springs director Max Barbakow (Sundance 2020), ”and don’t forget that chlorophyll to catch your wind!”
Kentucker Audley and Albert Birney, writers and directors of Strawberry Mansion (Sundance 2021) have an alternate suggestion: “After a screening, we recommend turning off the heat in your home, getting into your bathtub (imagining it’s a hot tub), and once it’s nice and freezing in your house, get out of the tub with wet feet, step directly into your snow boats and race to the nearest towel, which for some reason is nowhere near you. Then watch another movie and repeat the process.” Seems eerily legit.
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There’s no corkage charged for BYO in the home cinema. (‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall’, 2008.)
Creating those creature comforts.
For those of you who have long since accepted that we’re on the sofa rather than the slopes this Sundance, the trick is to make home as inviting as possible, despite its being far too familiar these days. That could mean moving the screen from its usual spot. Heidi Ewing, writer and director of I Carry You With Me (Sundance 2020) has a three-step plan: “1. Carmel-corn 2. Bathtub with bubbles 3. Play it loud—bathroom-tile acoustics will make it all feel bigger and boomier. That’s my sage advice.”
“Definitely co-sign the bathtub!” agrees Letterboxd’s London correspondent Ella Kemp. “And I’d also suggest watching the midnight-leaning stuff—big horror, big genre, big WTF—first thing in the morning, if you can. I do not have the same energy late at night in my own at home as I do with a sold-out crowd.”
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Expose your folks to a whole new world—make them watch Midnight category films with you over breakfast. (‘Good Morning’, 1959.)
Indeed, energy for film festivals is a thing whether you’re an in-person or satellite viewer—this applies to mental energy, too. “If you’re ever stressed or tired, watch a documentary to reset yourself,” says Jim Cummings, writer and director, Thunder Road short (Grand Jury winner, Sundance 2016), producer, Beast Beast (Sundance 2020).
And, given it’s a seven-day-long haul, feel free to throw cooking plans out the window and follow the Park City diet, in which you “eat nothing but finger foods for the duration of the festival,” according to Moss and McBaine. Or, as Ekwa Msangi, writer-director of Farewell Amor (Sundance 2020) recommends, “get some deliciously flavored popcorn and a hot drink for afterwards!”
Another at-home tip from Corry: “Don’t turn the lights on when you get up to go to the bathroom mid-movie, so as to recreate the sensation of your eyes struggling to adjust to the light in the restroom.”
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Mac ’n’ cheese and a cold one for the last viewing of the day. (‘Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood’, 2019.)
Hell is other people (but animals are cool).
Not all of us live alone, and not all of us live with film lovers. Company is welcome, interruptions are to be expected, but do set some boundaries and decide what you will and won’t compromise on. “If you’ve got to bargain with roommates and family members for your turn to use the TV, be intentional about sound!” advises Letterboxd contributor, Selome Hailu. “Don’t compromise on music documentaries or well-scored horror, but rom-com dialogue might still sound okay with your laptop speaker.”
Housemates not human? That’s no problem for Alexis Gambis, writer, director and co-editor, Son of Monarchs (Sundance 2021): “Make room for your pets, let them be the film critics this time around.”
Importantly, says Cummings, “Be kind to everyone.” Whether you’re at a satellite screening, joining a festival event online or talking about the films on your social channels, “everyone is here to watch crazy weird movies. Remind yourself that it’s all about weird cinema and the creators. Watch movies!”
“And definitely stay for the Q&As,” say Moss and McBaine. “Always incredible.”
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Director Dorothy Arzner and star Clara Bow are dressed to impress. (‘The Wild Party’, 1929.)
Watch the premieres as their makers intended.
Look, filmmakers know what they’re up against in 2021, but it doesn’t stop them dreaming big when it comes to how we see their films for the first time. Sara Hirner and Rosemary Vasquez-Brown, directors of the Sundance 2021 short GNT, have put some thought into this:
“We demand that GNT be viewed in one of two very specific ways, and since we have no control over ourselves or the world at large, we urge you to at least pay us this small kindness!
Option A: You shall view GNT at 3:00am, sans pants, with two-day-old pizza and your laptop perched on your titties.
Option B: You shall dress in your finest garb, slather your face in makeup (please consult the swaths of teenage beauty gurus if you’re unsure on how to accomplish this task), and adorn yourself in your highest heels. These must all be the same color (tone variations will be accepted). Crack open your cheapest available sparkling wine and get to it. We hope you enjoy the show.”
For those whose Sundance dress code extends only to bed-wear, Msangi pleads: “If you’re staying in your pajamas, at least put on a cool beanie to spice things up!”
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Sharing is caring. (‘Shithouse’, 2020.)
Tweets, or it didn’t happen.
Finally, and most essentially, Aneesh Chaganty, writer and director of Searching (Sundance 2018), declares: “It’s not a Sundance hit without insane amounts of buzz. If you like it, tell everyone you know.”
After all, it’s what we’re here for… isn’t it? The last word goes to Joe Talbot, co-writer and director of The Last Black Man in San Francisco (Sundance 2019): “Since so many people at Sundance like to say that, between all the meetings and panels, they just haven’t had a chance to see any movies, let 2021 be the year that if you haven’t seen the movies, you admit it’s because you just don’t like movies.” Boom.
Related content
The ten most anticipated Sundance 2021 premieres according to Letterboxd members
The full line-up of the 37th Sundance Film Festival 2021
All the Dramatic Grand Jury/World Cinema Dramatic Grand Jury winners from Sundances past
Follow Festiville on Letterboxd for daily updates
The Sundance Film Festival runs from January 28 to February 23. Thanks to all the filmmakers for advice, and good luck to the 2021 festival fam!
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scottybrock · 5 years
Traphouse Boys/Girls
Colby Brock:
The Best Gosh Dang Thing (fluff)
Cheating Prank Gone Wrong (a little angst, mostly fluff)
Jealousy, Still Gets The Best Of Me (little angsty, then fluffy, then kinda smutty)
Hickies (fluffy and kinda smutty)
Bikinis & Boys (fluff)
Breakdown, Get Back Up (angst, mostly. then a touch of fluff)
Legs (fluff and kinda smutty)
Sick & Sweet (super fluffy)
Baby Blues (fluff, hinted smut but not really)
Cups and Kisses (very little angst, mostly fluff)
And The Wall Won (fluff)
To The Window, To The Walls (fluff)
Saying ‘Yes’ To My Best Friend For 24 Hours (Shocking) (pure fluff)
Pizza Night (fluff)
Dirty Little Secret (fluff)
What Best Friends Are For (angst)
London Bridge (fluff)
Baby Bump (pure fluff)
This Is Inappropriate (hinted smut, mostly crackhead humor, aka my humor)
24 Hour Handcuff Challenge With My Girlfriend! (fluff)
Bumps & Bruises (fluff)
Jokes On You (angst, then fluff)
Clingy (fluff)
Rockabye Baby (fluff)
Tattoos (fluff)
Colby Giving You Hickies Would Include...
What Best Friends Are For Part Two (angst, then fluff)
Cherry Kisses (fluff)
College Daze (the teeniest bit of angst, then fluff)
Killing Boyfriend Prank (angst)
Doggy Days (fluff)
Colby Brock’s Girlfriend: EXPOSED (fluff)
Watch Where You’re Going (fluff)
Oh My God (implied smut, mostly just making out and grinding)
Yee Haw (fluff)
Happiest Place On Earth (fluff)
Edward Cullen Who? (fluff)
Plus One (fluff)
Only You (fluff)
Cuddly Koala (fluff) 
Bring Your Boyfriend To Work Day (fluff)
Just Say I Do (angst, then fluff)
Boyfriends & Booze (fluff)
Yeah, We’re Having A Party (fluff)
Amnesia (angst)
How To Treat Your Girl (fluff)
Lean On Me (angst, then fluff)
Maybe (angst, then fluff)
Cliff’s Edge (angst, then fluff)
Sunny Days & Picnics (fluff)
Lollipops & Kitchen Counters (fluff and implied smut)
Mama’s Boy (angst, then fluff)
Innocent (implied smut)
Expecting (fluff)
Drunk Words, Sober Thoughts (fluff)
Rude (a little angst, then fluff)
Words Hurt, But Friends Help (little angst, then fluff)
Wouldn’t Change A Thing (a little angst, then major fluff)
Silent Treatment (angst, then fluff)
Bean (fluff)
Crush (fluff)
Not Your Fault (angst, then the teeniest bit of fluff)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow (mostly angst, then the teeniest bit of fluff)
Vampires & Vacuums (fluff)
Handsy (fluff)
First Word (fluff)
Jump Scare (fluff)
Dead Ass (fluff)
Trick or Treat (fluff)
First Steps (fluff)
Jumped (angst, then a teeny bit of fluff)
Panic! At the Pizza Night (teeny bit of angst, then fluff)
Girls, Girls, Girls (fluff and my crackhead humor)
Chug (fluff/crackhead humor)
Cake (fluff)
Karate Chops & Kisses (fluff)
Not Today (fluff)
Breakfast in Bed (fluff)
Happy Family (fluff)
Morning Cuddles (fluff)
Baby’s Gotta Eat (fluff)
Painted (fluff)
Vlog Squad is Shook (fluff and my crackhead humor)
Good Enough (little angst, lots of fluff)
Double Trouble (little angst, lots of fluff)
Grilled Cheese (tooth rotting fluff)
Piercings (fluff)
What Really Matters (angst, then fluff)
Koalas & Elephants (fluff)
About Time (implied smut, kinda fluffy at the end)
Dark Days (angst, teeny bit of fluff)
I Think I Wanna Marry You (fluff)
Crazy (fluff)
Sweatshirt (fluff)
Tongue (fluff)
So Damn Much (fluff)
Boyfriend (fluff)
Didn’t Mean It (angst, then fluff)
Wedding Cake (fluff)
Fanfic (fluff?? and my crackhead humor)
Pterodactyl (fluff?? and my crackhead humor)
Sir, This is a Wendy’s! (literally just my crackhead humor)
Breakup Prank (fluff)
Bad At Love (teeeeeny bit of angst, mostly fluff)
Coconut Oil (fluff)
We Need To Talk (fluff)
Glasses (fluff)
My Songbird (angst, then fluff)
Time to Swan Dive (fluff)
Cuddle Bug (fluff)
Wallpaper (fluff)
Fight Or Flight (fluff)
Dora the Explorer (fluff)
I Love You (fluff)
Car Radio (fluff)
Back Rubs (fluff)
Let’s Bang (fluff)
In The Morning (fluff)
Characters (fluff)
Superman (little angst, then fluff)
Warm Me Up (fluff)
Hero (mostly fluff)
Number One Fan (fluff)
Love You Like Me (fluff)
THAT Florida Trip (lil angst, then fluff)
Parkour (fluff & my crackhead humor)
Tell Me That You Love Me (angst, then fluff)
Colby’s Room (fluff)
It’s A Date (angst then fluff)
Koala Boi (fluff)
Welcome To Chili’s (very little angst, then fluff)
Baby Brock (fluff)
Compilation Complications (fluff)
Sleeping Beauty (fluff)
Staying In My Girlfriend’s Apartment Overnight (fluff)
All Mine (fluff)
The One That Got Away (angst, then fluff)
Butter Sock (fluff & my crackhead humor)
Cartwheels (fluff)
Not Interested (fluff)
Celebrity Crush (fluff)
Meet & Greet (fluff)
Soarin’, Flyin’ (fluff)
Chubby Bunny (fluff)
Tiny Dancer (fluff)
Boom, Roasted (fluff)
VIB: Very Important Boyfriend (fluff)
Bi Bi Bi (teeny angst, lotsa fluff)
Kitty Cat (fluff)
Promise Ring (fluff)
Spongebob (fluff)
Target (fluff)
Faking Death (fluff)
Go (full on angst. Seriously, there’s no happy ending.)
Diss Track (just my crackhead humor)
Happy Ending (angst, just angst.)
If I Stay (angst)
Not Like Him (angst, then kind of fluff??)
One Punch (just my crackhead humor)
Reading Fanfic With My Girlfriend *GONE WRONG* (fluff and my humor lmao)
Bump ‘N Grind (fluff)
Bet (angst)
Stretch Marks (angst and fluff)
Mistletoe (fluff)
Santa Baby (fluff)
Bad Day (fluffy fluff)
Arzaylea Who? (fluff?)
Pranking My Boyfriend (Gone Wrong) (lil angst, lil fluff)
Some Day (fluff)
Truth or Dare (fluff)
Movie Night (fluff)
Cinnamon Bun (fluff)
A Misunderstanding (fluff)
Pamper Night (tooth-rotting fluff)
The Best Of The Best (little angst, then fluff)
Someone Like You (fluff)
Ignoring My Boyfriend For 24 Hours! *GONE WRONG* (lil angst, mostly fluff)
Good Morning (fluff & my humor)
Hibernation (fluff)
Like Your Mama (fluff)
Warrior (little angst, then fluff)
Worth Waiting For (little angst, then fluff)
Baby Names (fluff)
Don’t Dream It’s Over (angst and fluff)
Santa Says (fluff and my crackhead humor)
Naughty Or Nice? (fluff and my crackhead humor)
Feels Like The Very First Christmas (fluff)
My Chemical Romance (fluff)
Oopsie (fluff)
Ravioli Ravioli, Give Me The Formuoli (lil angst, mostly fluff)
Birthday Boy (angst then tooth-rotting fluff)
Happy, Happy, Happy (fluff and implied smut)
Dad Knows Best (fluff)
Wedding Bells (fluff)
So Much It Hurts (fluff)
Meta Life (fluff)
Be Quiet (angst, then fluff)
Done (fluff)
Five Fingas To The Face (fluff)
Surprise! (angst then fluffy fluff)
Blame It On The Alcohol (angst, then fluff)
Mom & Dad (fluff)
Be Mine (fluff)
Merch War (angst, then fluff)
Petty & Pettier (drama & fluff)
Gender Reveal (fluff)
Thumbs Up (fluff)
Right Here (lil angst, then fluff)
Lesson Learned (angst, then fluff)
Without Trust (angst)
Pinky Promise (lil angst, then fluff)
Absolutely (fluff)
Hide ‘N Seek (fluff)
Best Friend’s Son (fluff)
Soulmates (fluff?)
Quarantine For Two (fluff)
Jake Webber:
Kiss Me Thru The Phone (fluff)
Be Careful (little angst, then fluffy fluff)
Baby Webber (fluff)
Style Swap (fluff)
Teeny Tiny (little angst, then fluffy fluff)
Slow Hands (fluff)
The Goat (fluff and my crackhead humor)
We Got ‘Em (my crackhead humor)
My Fault (angst and fluff)
Serious (lil bit of angst, then fluff)
Panties (fluff)
Breakups According To Keem (fluff)
Throwing Hands (fluff)
Katrina Stuart:
Greedy (fluff)
Puppy Love (fluff)
Coming Out (lil angst, mostly fluff)
Forever (barely there angst, then fluff)
Tara Yummy:
Deal (fluff)
I Choose You (fluff)
Cool (lil angst, mostly fluff)
Girlfriend (fluff)
Jealous (lil angst, mostly fluff)
You’re The One That I Want (angst, then fluff)
Brown-Eyed Boy (fluff)
Song To You (fluff)
Make You Mine (slight angst, then fluff)
Devyn Lundy: 
Breakups & Oreos (angst and fluff)
Sam Golbach: 
God Dang It (fluff)
Drunk In Love (fluff)
Beach Babe (fluff)
Wedding Bells (fluff)
Aaron Doh:
Soup, Tears, and Love (lil angst, then fluffy)
Friendship (everyone):
You Were You (angst & fluff)
Kung-Fu Fighting (fluff)
Vlog Squad boys/girls:
David Dobrik: 
S-E-X Babey! (fluff)
Officially Official (fluff)
Meeting The Parents (lil angst, mostly fluff)
Wakeup Call (fluff)
Good Boy (fluff & implied smut)
Jade West: 
Pretty (fluff)
Top Or Bottom (fluff)
Baby Vega (fluff)
Good (fluff)
Getting My Best Friend to Fall In Love With Me (Colby Brock)
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5 
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25
Day 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
Neighbors (Colby Brock)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 10 (alternate ending)
479 notes · View notes
writingkeepsmewhole · 4 years
Rocky Start
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This is part 1 of a new fic I’m starting.   I kinda thought it up forever ago and never thought anyone would like it but who cares I like it haha I hope yall do to. This is also day 5 of my 365 day fic challenge. Where I’m going to post 365 fics before 2020 is done, so stick around for that.
Fic Summary: Alva has a huge crush on the god of thunder her working in castle for years. When Alva is to deliver some ale to Thor’s room one night things don’t go at all like she planed.
Thor Odinson x OC Alva
Warnings: Sexual assault, violence, depression.
Let me know what yall think about this one.
It’s a human thing…. Wanting what you can’t have. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t keep my eyes down when he walked into a room. Or make my heart stop pounding. But even for a god Thor was different. He’s what every woman wanted and what every man wanted to be. It was easy to get trapped in his looks. His eyes what always made me choke on my own words. I taught myself to keep my eyes down so I had some chance of having a clear head when I had to answer him.
My name is Alva one of the servants who got to serve Odin and his family. It was an honor to do so and most of the time I enjoyed it. I stayed in the kitchen, or ran food to someones chamber when they wanted it I was mainly invisible which I was completely okay with. It let me get to see Thor without him seeing me. That all changed when I had to take a tray of food to Thor’s room.
I felt myself practically shaking as I walked to his door. It was the first time I’ve ever had to go to his chambers. I knew it meant nothing. He would take the food and barley glance at me but I’ve never been so close to him.
I took a deep breath and knocked on the large wooden door. My heart was pounding in my chest as the door opened. It stopped when I was met with the sight before me.
I came eye level with Thor’s bare chest. I felt my race flushes I made myself look at the floor.
“Your fare my lord.” I say holding up the tray of meat, fruit and cheese.
“Just set it on the table.” He says or rather slurs holding the door open wider to let me step inside.
I nod hearing my blood rush through my veins as I walk into his bedroom. It was large. Bigger than my house. A great round bed was directly across from the door. It looked like it could hold ten people instead of it’s intended one. It was a dark wood finish it covered in different furs and wools. Many pillows scattered across it. 
The table Thor gestured to was off to the left of the door. It was a dark wooden table sat low to the ground, pillows surrounding it. To the right of the room was a another table. It looked like the one meant for eating. It sat higher up with four chairs placed under it. The chairs covered in carvings of dragons and other creatures.
“Did you bring any ale?” Thor asks pulling me from admiring his room.
“Yes my lord.” I say pulling the skin of ale off my shoulder.
“Give it to me.” He says stopping me from placing it next to his food.
I feel my stomach flip as I stand up and face him. Him towering over me. He was tall. Over six foot at least. I gulp and look down holding out the skin.
“Are you new?” He asks surprising me.
“To the castle. You have to be I think I would have remembered a face like yours.”
“I’m sorry if I offended you my lord.” I say ducking my head farther down.
My stomach knots up and hurt feels my chest at what he said. I know I wasn’t beautiful like the gods but I didn’t think I was that ugly either.
“I believe you have misunderstood me.” He says making me jump when he touches the bottom of my chin and makes me look up at him.
“Your very beautiful for a mortal.” He says holding my face in place.
I blush and look down with only my eyes.
“Thank you my lord.”
“Would you like to lay with me?”
“What?” I choke out wondering if I heard him right.
I didn’t get the chance to answer him bending down to press his mouth to mine. At first I was shocked then excited but neither emotions lasted long. Him wrapping his arms tightly around me made me start to panic.
Pulling away from him I pressed my hands to his chest trying to push him off me.
“Now now stop fooling around.” He says easily picking me up and carrying me to the bed.
“Please don’t.” I say the smell of ale on his breath.
“Relax it’ll be fun.” He says pinning me to the bed his body covering mine.
“I don’t want to do this my lord.”
“Shh.” He says pressing his mouth to mine again.
This time hungry as if he was dying of thirst and I was a pitcher of water. I try to kick him off, pushing and hitting at his chest as tears at my dress. His hands squeezing at my chest and arms.
I feel powerless as he starts to kiss and suck down my neck. It rough and him biting me from time to time.
“Thor stop.” I whisper out pleading with him. 
“What did you say?” He asks lifting his head up to look at me.
I watch as his blue eyes almost seem to clear up.
“Please stop Thor.” I say softly my voice cracking as tears run down my cheeks.
He sits up quickly making me jump. I half expect him to yell or hurt me. Knowing the tales of the god of thunder timper.
“I’m sorry.” He says shaking his head and climbing off the bed.
“You can leave.” He says guilt and confusion washing over his face.
I quickly get off the bed and start heading towards the door trying to use my ripped dress to cover me.
“Wait.” He says his booming voice making me jump.
I freeze in place knowing I have to listen or else he could have me killed. I jump when I feel something laid over my shoulders.
“You can keep it.” He says talking about the heavy cloak he just placed over me.
I don’t say anything only wrap it around myself and grab the door handle ready to get out of there as quickly as I can.
As the door closes behind me he says I’m sorry it he last thing I hear as I rush down the hall, this time shaking for a whole different reason.
I hide in my home the next few days faking ill but I felt it. The knot in my stomach wouldn’t go away and every time I thought about that night I would start crying all over again. I knew my mother knew what had happened to me. I knew by the way she tiptoed around me. Never touching me not unless I could see it coming. Never using a harsh or loud tone. She went threw the same thing when she was young. It only happened once but her assailant didn’t stop. I guess that I was lucky.
I didn’t feel lucky. I felt even less lucky when I could hear my parents softly argue about having enough to last through the winter. I knew I had to return to the castle. We needed the money, even more so when I overheard the news of my mother carrying her fifth child. Father could barely feed us now.  So after three days of feeling like a shell of myself I made myself get up, get dressed and make it to the castle in time to help with preparing breakfast.
“Alva your back. Feeling better?” Eirik one of the other servants asks when I enter the kitchen.
Most of the others turn to me and say there own form of greeting. I smile at them then turn to Eirik.
“Yes just needed some sleep.” 
“Yes rest does the mind and body well.” He says grinning. I knew it was because he favored me but I never gave him the time of day because of my crush on Thor now I couldn’t even think about anyone touching me.
I smile back to be polite and throw myself into work busing myself with any and everything. When it was time to serve breakfast, I felt myself get sick and my hands start to sweat. But I couldn’t slack off I couldn’t lose this job. 
Picking up a tray of food I followed the line of people up to the dinning hall.
“Do you think he will come today?” One of the younger girls in front of me whispered to the one next to her.
They were both red heads they looked similar sisters maybe.
“I don’t know. I hope so. Seeing him is what gets me through the day.”
“Oh my gosh I can’t believe you still have a crush on him his brother is way more level headed.”
“What are you two yammering on about?” Eirik asks him just in front of them most likely hearing just as much as I could.
“You know lord Thor hasn’t come to breakfast for three days now and I’m just starting to worry about him. What if he’s ill.”
“God’s don’t get ill.” I say sharply earning confused look from both the girls and Eirik.
“Well they don’t nothing bothers them.”
“Well something has been bothering-.”
“Shh.” Eirik says as we reach the top of the stairs. 
The door at the top being held open for us as we all pack our own trays in. I stopped when I spotted the large form of Thor. Him turned away from me and talking to his mother. That only lasted a second when he looked up his blue eyes meeting mine almost instantly, as if he was looking for me.
“Go.” Eirik whispers looking at me.
“Right.” I say nodding my head and walking to the table.
I tried to just find a place to set the pitcher of ale I was carrying that was farthest from Thor but it seems that fate had different plans.
The only place was right between Thor and his mother. My hands seemed to sweet even more with each step I took closer to him. Scared he would remember me, would say something would touch me. I couldn’t reject him I would offend Odin if I did.
That knowledge didn’t stop me from jumping when Thor reached out towards me. Doing so I felt the pitcher slip from my hand and drop to the floor. The clay jar shattering splashing both me and Thor with its contents.
I stood there in shock at what had just happened. My first day back from skipping out on duties and I do this. I was done for.
“What do you think your doing? You stupid girl don’t you know how to pour a drink?” Odin yelled making me jump back into reality.
“I’m sorry my lord! Please it just slipped.” I say bowing to him.
“Well don’t just stand there clean it up.”
“Yes of course.” I say quickly dropping to my knees them getting soaked as I start picking up broken pieces as fast as I can.
“You mortal’s can’t do anything right.”
“Now now sweetheart it’s quite alright me and Thor are fine right?” The queen says softly.
“Yes mother I’m fine.” Thor says his voice making bad memories fill my head.
I try not to think about them, only focusing on cleaning up my mess. I hiss in pain when one of the sharp pieces slice into my palm.
“Are you alight?” Thor asks softly.
I nod my head and quickly stand up ignoring the blood running down my hand.
“Here let me wipe this up.” Eirik says him behind me with a cloth.
“Thank you.” I mouth to him earning a smile as I quickly ran back to the kitchen.
I throw away the broken jar and then wash my hand wrapping it up as well.
“What was that about?” Eirik asks coming back downstairs.
“I just got started.”
“Yeah well having a crush is one thing but jumping at the chance he might touch you is a bit ridiculous, don’t you think?” He asks talking about Thor.
“It’s not that.” I say moving to the other side of the kitchen.
“Then what is it?”
“Not important. I need to go clean something.” I say not wanting to talk about Thor or anyone for that matter.
I spend the rest of the day avoiding anyone who even hints at wanting to talk to me. I spend the next few days doing the same. I made sure to be doing something when it came time to serve meals, not wanting to see Thor.
Stayed awake most nights unable to sleep. My dreams making what almost happened play over in my head.
When I did somehow end up in the same room as I still found myself stealing glances but now for a different reason. I couldn’t understand how the person who haunted my dreams was the man who would laugh with his family and friends. It was like nothing happened for him and that hurt even worse, only making me feel more hollow.
It wasn’t until a week after I returned did I have to face him. I was in the playing hall. Where guest in the castle would come and play games like chest or other strategy games.
I was dusting off one of the tables when Thor and his brother Loki came into the room.
“Your not going to beat me brother I'm smarter one.” Loki brags walking to the table farthest from me.
“I’ve been practicing.” Thor says but his voice sounds far away as if he’s not paying attention.
Telling myself not to look up I can’t when I feel eyes bore into me. I risk a glance to find eyes meeting mine.
I quickly look away from them but not before I see guilt in them. It the same look he gave me that night.
‘So he does remember.’ I think as I gather my things for cleaning and leave the room.
‘He remembers but hasn’t apologized. I mean of course not he’s the son of Odin he can do whatever he pleases. Apologizing to a mortal is the last thing on his list of wants.’ I think to myself.
After I was done for the day I didn’t go home. With a purse full of coin I went to town planning on getting my family something for dinner to surprise them.
Well it wasn’t a surprise now I did it every time I got paid but it was nice to have something to look forward to. As I walked I thought about what I wanted to eat, or what my family would like to eat.
As I was walking, I kept my head down trying to to draw attention to myself I didn’t like it much anymore. Doing so made me bump into someone.
“I’m sorry.” I say looking up meeting a brown eyed man.
“It’s okay just watch where you're going.” He says smiling.
I smile back as he steps around me and starts to walk towards the town pub. I put my hands in my pockets glad to still find my purse there.
I turn and go back to what I was doing, the sun starting to set so I had to hurry. Once I had a basket of bread and cheese I started my walk back home.
The streets were dark the only light coming from the fires in the windows of the still open shops. 
I shiver a bit at the night air wishing I would have worn a cloak. It makes me think of Thor’s cloak lying on my bed.
Despite what happened and who it belonged to I slept with it at night. It was warm and thick and I found some messed up from of comfort in being wrapped up in it. Like if the air of the room couldn’t touch me, if my skin couldn’t be seen I was safe.
Thinking of that made me once again run into someone. I was surprised to find the same pair of brown eyes from before.
“Well hello again.” he says smirking down at me. The smell of wine on his breath.
“Sorry.” I say stepping around him not wanting to be around him, fear prinkling the back of my neck.
“Sorry? That’s it?” The man asks but I ignore him continuing to walk.
“Hey don’t walk away from me.” He calls a hand suddenly grabbing my arm and jerking me back. I scream my stuff falling to the ground.
“You bumped into me twice today and your just gonna say sorry?”
“I didn’t mean to.” I say softly his grip on my arm tightening.
“You think that’s good enough?” He asks pulling me closer to him his face inches from mine.
I gulp my stomach knotting up as I freeze.
‘Not again.’ I think as I start to push him away.
“Get off me.” I say loudly opening someone hears me.
“No, I don’t think so little thing.”
“Get away.” I say smacking him.
“Oh your gonna pay for that.” He says drawing his own hand back, expect someone else stops him from swinging.
I stop when I follow the hand on his wrist to the body of none other than Thor.
“Let her go.” He says calmly as a rumble of thunder is heard over head.
The man lets me go and turns around ready to say something but stops when he sees who it is.
“Touch her again and I’ll have your hands, both of them. Got it?” Thor asks looking down at him.
The man nods quickly.
“Good, now go away.” Thor says letting him go.
He quickly runs off staggering and falling over his own feet as he does.
I stand there in shock at what had just happened.
“Are you alright?” He asks softly calmly. Like the way you would talk to an injured animal.
“Umm yes.” I say nodding and dropping my eyes to the ground.
“Thank you my lord.”
“Do you need help getting home?”
I shake my head and bend down to pick up my things. Them fine for the most part. I stand up and start to walk away from him when he calls me name is shocking me.
“You know my name?” I ask turning to look at him, well not at him. Passed him I couldn’t meet his eyes. 
“Alva right? I asked around.”
“Why would you do that?”
“I’ll tell you if you look at me.” 
Taking a breath I make myself look at his face. He’s bright blue eyes boring into mine.
“I wanted to know your name for when I apologized for what I did to you.”
“You didn’t do anything.” I lie not knowing why.
“Yes I did. You were gone for three days so I did something. I almost crossed a line that I wouldn’t forgive myself if I ever did. I pray that you can forgive me, even if you never look at me again.” He says his brow wrinkled with guilt.
“Why do you care if I look at you?” I ask before I can stop myself.
“Because I want to make sure your okay. I’m not good words my guess is you are similar.”
I shrug him half right I only bothered my mother with my problems but I even left her out of the news on what happened.
“It’s fine really. Your forgiven.”
“You don’t have to give it to me. I’ll earn it.” He says smiling a boyish grin it making his bright eyes brighter.
“Okay. May I go now?” I ask not wanting to be in this situation it was hard to think straight looking at him.
I’ve never done it for this long before and now my brain was mixing with him saving me to him attacking me and it was making it hard to know what I really felt about him.
He smiles and nods. He’s eyes were sad but his smile almost masked that.
“Thank you. Goodnight my lord.” I say turning away and heading to my home.
As I walked I wondered what he meant that he would earn my forgiveness. I guess I would find out.
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When You Least Expect It, Part Fourteen
Jensen x Musician!Reader
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Masterlist - Contains Chapter Links & Wardrobe Collages
A/N: This is a slow burn fic that I have been working on for a while. Its a story I wrote for myself and just wanted to share with everyone. Yes, the “Dee” in the story is who you think, but there is no intended hate on her or their actual marriage. It is a work of fiction, that is all. There is also a playlist to go along with the series.
Spotify Playlist:  
Chapter Summary: Jensen takes Y/N away on a surprise vacation.
Chaper Warnings: Floof, Smut, NSFW 18+ Only
WC: 6.9K
Series Beta’d by the beautiful @closetspngirl
“I can’t believe you did this,” Y/N breathed, still awed by the lengths Jensen went to for their little getaway. “For three days, you sure did go through a lot of trouble.”
“Three days is more than enough to be sure you have a good time. But you have to promise me, no work, no business of any kind… and definitely, no calls from Robert.” Jensen raised his brow at her, and she playfully rolled her eyes. 
“No,” Jensen scoffed and waved her off as if she was being ridiculous. “Well… a little. But! Not for the reasons you think.”
“Oh come now, you couldn’t possibly be jealous of that sweet, blue-eyed boy, could you?”
Jensen rolled his eyes dramatically and sighed, causing her to laugh out loud in the back of the town car that carried them from the airport to their final destination. As if on queue, her phone rang from somewhere in her bag on the floor. She bent to retrieve it, and Jensen yanked her back up towards the seat and sent her crashing into him. Y/N laughed harder and Jensen wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close to him.
“What did I just say, Trix? Seriously, woman!”
“Okay, okay!” she said, tapping his arm to release her. “I give! I will turn the damn thing off for a few days, alright? I just want to check to make sure it wasn’t Briana or Mama, and I cross my heart I will leave it off unless we are taking pictures.”
“Pictures? Pictures of what?”
“Us, dummy.”
“Oh no… no pictures allowed,” he shook his head, his mouth engaged in a frown of disapproval.
“But it’s our first real trip together, how can we skip pictures?” she whined, in the way that he knew she was being purposefully pouty. 
“Because,” he started, then leaned in close, pinching her chin gently between his fingers and smiled before kissing her lips softly. “I don’t plan on doing much with clothes on, and we don’t need photographic evidence of that.”
Y/N’s demeanor changed immediately; gone was the pouty, exasperated girl and in her place a new side of her that Jensen had only caught glimpses of. 
“But...” she said, placing her hand on his knee, “the pictures and videos will make it fun for when we get home to reminisce with.” She wiggled her eyebrows as her hand traveled up his thigh, sliding between his shorts and his skin, making its way towards his boxers. Y/N leaned over to kiss his neck as the tips of her fingers found the soft, pliable flesh of his balls beneath the cotton hem. 
Jensen inhaled sharply when she touched him, his eyes immediately going towards the front seat and the driver who was there, thankfully not paying attention, then to her, and the devilish grin spread across her glistening lips. 
“What got into you?” he asked lowly, his nearly euphoric smile was tempered but visible. “Not that I mind, but…”
She shrugged. “I feel like maybe I haven’t properly thanked you for the vacation--”
“We just got here.”
“So?” she shrugged one shoulder, causing the strap of her bra to slide out from under her tank top and down her arm. Jensen eyed the lines of her shoulder up towards her neck then down her chest to the more visible curves of her breasts and desperately wanted them to be in their room already. There was still an hour to go before they reached the Jersey shore, and even longer until they would be alone in their suite at The Grenville. 
“So, maybe when we get there the first thing we do is make sure our bed is comfortable… and then, then we can go do whatever it is you want.”
“What if all I want to do, is you?”
“Jesus… where have you been all my life?” he asked, his green eyes settling on hers and admiring the sheen of defiance he found in them.
“Waiting for you to come and find me,” she replied softly and kissed his lips. “But, you’re right. We’ll be there shortly. What’s an hour?”
 They barely made it into their room at Leo’s best bed and breakfast before their clothes flew off in every direction. Jensen made quick work of taking her to bed, and Y/N certainly didn’t argue. They stayed there for several hours, sweaty and spent, yet continued to find ways to reinvigorate the other for another round. Before they realized it, the room had grown dark from the sun setting across the bay and if not for the deep rumble of Jensen’s stomach, they may not have even noticed that. 
“Food… sustenance... Trix, please. While I am loving this new side of you--”
“New? Who said it was new?” she asked, sitting up in bed and pulling the thin cotton sheet up to cover her breasts. “This is always been me, Jay. It’s just not a side I’ve shared with many people.”
Jensen considered what she said for a moment, and smiled ruefully. “What about Robert?”
She rolled her eyes so hard, she purposefully fell over sideways to exaggerate how ridiculous he was being. “You’re dumb.”
“Maybe, but I’m your dummy,” he teased, making her smile and snuggle into him despite the growing warmth of the room. “What do you say we get dressed, and you take me down to that boardwalk of yours. I’ve been dreaming of a sausage sandwich and a funnel cake for months now.”
“Alright then,” she said and leaned herself on one elbow so she was hovering over him. “Get dressed cowboy, let’s go walk the boards.”
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Jensen barely had a foot on the pavement before he inhaled the delicious aromas of the boardwalk. The mix of fragrant foods made his stomach growl fiercely, and his head was swirling with all the choices that were laid out before him. On the short drive down the strip from where The Grenville lived in a quiet, less populated area of town to the boardwalk proper, Jensen talked endlessly about all of the choices they had to pick from. 
Y/N listened and chuckled to herself as he went through all the cuisine he had tried that on the trip out last autumn. Funnel cake, sausage and peppers, pizza, fried Oreos, zeppoles, saltwater taffy, burgers, and thick-cut steak fries, not to mention the two-story Mexican restaurant with rooftop dining that offered a sensational look over the ocean.
“While it’s not humanly possible to eat all of those things in one night, I am sure that there is plenty of time to fit it all in over the course of three days,” she teased, ignoring the huff of frustration he expelled. 
“I know, but where the hell do you even start?”
“Midway. I need a sausage sandwich. Finger’s crossed, Javier is there tonight,” she sighed and crossed fingers on both hands. 
Now, as they walked the short distance from the parking lot, to where the ramp led to the boards, he was squeezing her hand and nearly yanking her up the planks and straight towards the Midway Steakhouse. 
“Javier!” Y/N exclaimed as they reached the counter of the booth. “How’s it going, my friend?”
“Y/N! You’re back! Didn’t think we’d see you back here this summer,” Javier beamed and leaned over the line to throw a quick peck on her cheek. “Festival’s still a go, right?”
“Oh, absolutely. Jensen and I are just here on a little getaway. Thought I would show him how Seaside does summer. How’s business?”
“Booming, chica. It’s booming, big time! Miguel, he’s been so happy lately, I don’t even know if that’s really my brother!”
Y/N laughed and searched the faces of the rest of the crew behind the line. “Where is the ole meanie, anyway? I haven’t seen him in forever.”
“Oh, it’s his night off. Lucky shit. Him and his girl are down in AC.”
“Awesome! So does that mean you’ll throw me some extra cheese on those fries?”
“Girl, you know I will,” Javier winked flirtatiously, then finally noticed Jensen standing beside her. “Hey man, how’s it going?”
“Great,” he replied through gritted teeth, unsure he liked how Javier was eyeing up his girl. 
“What can I get you guys, besides cheese fries?”
“Two sausage sandwiches with everything, please, dear. And throw in some of the poppers, too.”
“Damn, Y/N. This boy feeding you?”
“He is,” she said and wrapped an arm tightly around his waist. “But he also helps me work up an appetite.”
Jensen smiled wide, loving how she seemed so open and free with him and making him realize it didn’t matter how anyone looked at her; she was with him and that’s what was important. He bent down and kissed her, then looked back to Javier who was watching with a bit of surprise in his expression.
“Well alright,” he said finally and called back the order to the line cooks in Spanish. “Give me a few minutes, guys, it will be right out.”
Y/N and Jensen moved around to the side of the stand and watched the guys to go work on their order. After a minute, she turned to look out over the rest of the boardwalk and leaned against the edge, crossing her arms loosely over her chest. 
“So, whatcha think? Looks a lot different from when you were here last Fall, huh?”
“It’s amazing how this place comes alive,” he mused, taking in the sights and sounds all around him; bells and whistles from the arcades and games were ringing, laughter and cries from families passing by and underneath it all was the crashing of the ocean waves. “I can see why you love it here so much.”
“I mean, there are downsides, don’t get me wrong. But this will always be home,” she said softly, lost in a sea of memories just as big as the one that reflected back the light of the rising moon off to her right.
Jensen slipped an arm around her shoulders and gently guided her closer. She rested her head against him and despite the lively chaos around them, Y/N felt more at peace at that moment than she had in what felt like forever. 
Minutes later, Javier was calling her name and passing their food across the backside of the booth. 
“They had to clear the tables and chairs out for the summer, you know, but Ricky is managing over at Spicy’s tonight, I’m sure he’d letcha take the food upstairs and sit up on the roof, especially if you ordered a pitcher of margaritas. Slow times for them lately, with the new bars up on the north end.”
“Ricky?” Jensen asked, interrupting, knowing the name was familiar but having trouble placing it.
“Yeah, you met him when you came to the Bamboo for rehearsals. Remember?”
“God, yeah,” he laughed. “That feels like a million years ago.”
“He’s over there tonight. I have no doubt he’d love to see you,” Javier added, before quickly turning to yell something to the line cooks on the other side of the booth.
“Well then, I think that’s gonna be our plan,” she winked and took the bag of wrapped delicacies from him once he turned back around. “Thanks a million, Javier. What do we owe you?”
“Please,” he said and waved Jensen off as he went to reach for his wallet. “It’s on me. A welcome home dinner, mi amor. Just promise to stop by again before you leave town. Ok?”
“Absolutely,” she beamed and this time it was her turn to lean over the counter and kiss the big man’s cheek. “Thanks for this! Been looking forward to it for months!”
Looping her arm through Jensen’s, Y/N turned them from the Midway and started walking towards Spicy’s. Despite Javier’s claim of tough times, the main floor of the restaurant was full of patrons waiting--in some places three deep--round the large, mahogany bar. Not to mention a small bunch of people near the hostess stand waiting for a table to open up.
Ricky spotted Y/N first, but she saw him almost immediately after, then made her way through the crowd towards her old friend. 
“What on Earth are you doing here?!” he asked, a smile beaming from ear to ear. “Why didn’t you call? I would have saved you the best table!”
“Spur of the moment trip,” she shrugged and looked up to Jensen. “This one thought we needed an impromptu trip home.”
“On Labor Day weekend? Is he insane or just stupid?” Ricky asked, giving Jensen a curious glance but unable to keep the impish smile from appear from under his mutton chop mustache. 
“He just wanted the full Seaside experience, holiday weekend and all.”
Ricky nodded. “So, insane. I gotcha.”
“Any chance we could take these upstairs and snag a table somewhere?” she asked, holding up the bag. “I promise to order at least a pitcher or two of your top-shelf margaritas…”
Ricky sighed and looked at the smattering of people waiting for tables. He rolled his eyes dramatically. “I suppose, for you, I could make an exception. But! You have to promise me you’ll talk to Mama for me. She’s being a tyrant about rehearsals for this fancy festival y’all got going on. Woman is driving me mad.”
Ricky turned and nodded for them to follow as he lead them up the wide staircase that led to the restaurant’s rooftop seating but continued his rant against the matriarch of The Corsettes. 
“She’s been crazy, Y/N. I mean, you know how she gets! She’s so intent on perfection for this show in a few weeks. It’s honestly exhausting.”
“Yes,” she replied, understanding where he was coming from and how her friend could be. “I will call her and talk to her about not cracking the whip too hard.”
“Thank you. I know if anyone can get through to her, it’s you. Come on, I got the perfect out of the way place for you guys to sit.”
When they reached the top, Jensen paused for a moment to take in the view. The lighting was just enough to guide people and servers to the tables, but it didn’t take away from the beauty that he saw laid out before him. The full, pink moon hung low over the ocean, casting an expansive reflection on the slowly rolling waves. Off to the left, the glow of the rides on the pier were flashing with rainbow-colored lights, bouncing off the wispy clouds and spray against the pilings, while the screams and laughter of their riders were muffled in the distance. 
“Jay, you coming?” Y/N called out, pulling him from the mesmerizing view. 
He met her at the table and pulled out her chair for her, then sat down across from her. Before excusing himself, Ricky promised to have a server come by to bring whatever else they needed, including silverware, plates, napkins, and drinks. Once he had left, Y/N dug into the bag and pulled out all of the neatly wrapped food Javier had sent them off with. 
Jensen watched her as she set everything out, carefully opening each sandwich, then the fries and cheese. Y/N was completely in her element, and he loved seeing how she interacted with these people she’d known for a good portion of her life. From the moment they stepped foot in the vicinity of Seaside, that spark of life immediately reignited in her eyes. Maybe it was the salt in the air or the power of the funnel cake, but it was clear to Jensen that Y/N belonged there. Even if she didn’t currently reside within the town proper, this visit would surely replenish the spirit of the town that burned brightly inside her that made him sit up and take notice in the first place.
She must have felt him watching because she looked up just as she went to lick a dollop of cheese that had fallen on her thumb. Y/N chuckled, as her thumb left her mouth with an audible pop. 
“Nothing,” he said absently and looked down at his food; his stomach rumbling to life again with the anticipation of tasting the greasy mess in front of him.
“Ooookay,” she replied, shaking her head and reaching for a thickly cut potato wedge that was oozing with bright orange cheese. “Oh my God, these are so bad for you…” Y/N shook her head in disgust, but it didn’t stop her from enjoying every last bite. 
“Don’t worry, I am sure we will work all this off later,” he teased, then picked up half of the overstuffed sausage and pepper sandwich. Jensen sighed with happiness as he sat back, savoring every second it took him to chew and swallow. “I know I said it before, but this is downright sinful. How do I convince them to permanently open one of these places in Austin?”
“It’ll never happen, Miguel will never, ever leave Seaside.” 
The waitress arrived, bringing the pitcher, two glasses and a variety of chips, salsas, napkins, and utensils. When she was gone again, Jensen quickly wiped his mouth and then poured them each a drink. He raised his glass, and Y/N followed, lightly touched the lip of her salted rim to his. 
“What should we toast to?” she asked softly. 
“To… a damn good time this weekend. Because honestly, we deserve it,” Jensen said, clinking his glass to hers. 
“Yes, I second that!” She laughed before taking a long sip from her glass then placed it back down on the table. 
“So, after we stuff our faces, what’s next?” Jensen asked before taking another monster-sized bite of his sandwich. 
“Games… arcade for sure. Maybe a few rides? That depends on how you feel about an hour from now,” she laughed and nodded towards the food. “But…” she started, then paused to take another potato wedge covered in cheese, “I would gladly pass up the rides for a walk on the beach. I love the feeling of the cool night sand squishing between my toes.”
“I promise nothing about rides. Even without stuffing my face full of this disgustingly amazing concoction, I don’t think I could do those.”
“And why not? Chicken?” she asked, challenging him seductively with her expression. Beneath the table, she kicked off her sandal and began to run her foot slowly up his leg. “Not even the Ferris Wheel? Maybe we get stuck at the top. No better way to kill time up there then by making out.”
“You know, sometimes, I think you’re only with me for my body,” Jensen replied sarcastically, feigning offense and taking another bite of his sandwich. 
“Mmhmm, especially after you’ve eaten your body weight in sausage, peppers and cheese fries,” she winked and followed suit by tackling her own sandwich. 
Jensen stopped mid-chew and just stared at her for a minute. “You’re incorrigible.”
“You made me this way.”
He stopped and considered her answer for a moment, then shrugged. “I’m good with that.”
A few margaritas later, most of the sandwiches were gone, as were the wedges and poppers. Both Y/N and Jensen were stuffed to the brim, and the idea of eating anything made them both feel queasy. 
“Maybe rides are out,” she moaned, leaning back in her chair and resting her arm across her stomach. 
“Yeah, I need to move around, but not strapped into some metal death trap that spins at an unGodly mile per hour.”
“Ugh, stop saying the word spinning,” she whined and pushed away the margarita glass. 
Jensen laughed, then moved back from the table and stood up. Just as he reached out a hand to help lift Y/N from the depths of her seat, the waitress came by with the bill for the drinks. After leaving the money, plus a generous tip for the waitress, they made their way back down the stairs and towards the boardwalk. 
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Walking for a little while helped both of them feel more comfortable and within a half-hour of leaving Spicy’s, the thought of going on a few rides once again crossed Y/N’s mind. 
“Just one, please?” she asked, but Jensen was being stubborn and shook his head.
“Sorry, Trix. Not gonna happen. You want a stuffed animal? I’ll win you whatever you want--”
“I want… you to go on a ride with me. I promise you, its fuuuun! Yes, it spins, but it stays low to the ground and it plays music. You like music!” she said excitedly, tugging on his wrist trying to plead her case. “Pleeease?”
Jensen sighed and was about to speak when something behind her caught his eye. 
“Alright, I’ll tell you what… how about a friendly wager? Hm?”
“What kind of wager?” she asked suspiciously.
“Skee ball. Best of three games. If you win, you pick one ride and I go on... no questions, no complaining. If I win…” he trailed off, and couldn’t tell if he was being dramatic or genuinely trying to think of what to ask for in return for winning. 
“Well? What is it that you want?”
Jensen’s face slowly broke out into a devious grin, one that bared his teeth and enhanced the gathering of crinkles around his brilliant green eyes. 
“You have to jump into the ocean and sing me a song…” he wiggled his eyebrows at her and couldn’t hold back the laugh that followed as her expression changed to shock and awe.
“You wouldn’t…”
“Oh, baby, I would.”
Her eyes narrowed on him briefly before she stood straighter and pushed her shoulders back before turning her expression softer and kissing his lips. “You’re on, Hollywood.”
 Y/N claimed two skee ball lanes side by side and waited for Jensen to return with quarters. All around her machines were ringing, video games were blaring and from somewhere far away, she could hear the big wheel operator barking at passersby to come and take a chance. Jensen returned a moment later and placed a plastic cup of quarters between them. He rubbed his hands together and eyed her up.
“Oh, I am. Question is, are you ready to ride the Poltergeist?”
Jensen laughed, but under it, Y/N detected a hint of fear. 
“So, that’s a yes?” she asked.
“Oh no… no, no. No rides, but I do promise that you will be wet by the end of the night,” he replied, trying to bolster the confidence he had by silently reminding himself that he was great at sports when he was younger and should have no problem taking her down.
“Of that, I have no doubt, but focus, Jay, we’re talking about the bet, here.”
“Incorrigible,” he rolled his eyes and went to work, putting the quarters in both lanes. The hard, white plastic balls sprung to life and rolled down their enclosure. “Best of three?”
“Best of three,” she repeated and picked up the first ball in the row. “Let’s do this.”
For the next few minutes, both Y/N and Jensen started pitching the balls. At first, he was keeping up with her; for every 100 points she would land, he would hit one a minute later. The first game was over quickly with Y/N winning by only the smallest margin. Jensen pumped more quarters in, playfully giving her the competitive evil eye, that she returned happily accompanied with the most precious smile he’d ever seen her smile. She looked like a kid, her tongue peeking out from the corner of her lips, her focus so intent on the game in front of her. If he hadn’t already fallen in love with her, he could have done it all over again right then and there. Yet, all the love he had for her did not outweigh his desire to win this bet so he could throw her into the ocean; even if it was just in the spray of the breaking surf.
The second game wasn’t even close. Y/N hit the ten thousand point hole twice in a row as Jensen stood there, jaw unhinged in shock. From that point on, one ball after the next she pitched into the next highest point holes with a precision that he didn’t think possible. 
“But… how?” he asked when he looked at the score and saw that he did, in fact, lose the best of three games. 
“Because, my dear… I grew up here. Literally. That lane over there was my lucky one, but this one works, too.”
“You… you hustled me,” he bemoaned, continuing to look at her in shock.
“Technically no. This was your idea, I just went along with it. Why would I out myself as a great skeeball player when I want to win? That’s just silly.” She reached out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him closer and despite his current state of disbelief, he didn’t fight her on it. His expression made her laugh as she continued to pull him down the boardwalk in the direction of the pier. 
“You’re really gonna make me do this?” he asked as they approached the ticket booth. 
“I am. But it’s only because I love you, and I am just trying to give you the entire Seaside experience.” Y/N reached into her pocket and passed the cash through the small window after asking for just enough tickets for them to ride one ride before turning back to Jensen. “That, unfortunately for you, includes at least ONE ride. And trust me, I am taking you on the BEST ride the whole pier has to offer.”
“What makes this ride so great?” he asked suspiciously, finally coming out of his fog of losing and falling back into a state of infatuation with Y/N. As they walked beneath the lights of the ride, the excitement he saw in her face, and the bounce in her step was far too alluring for him to even attempt to ignore.
Y/N shrugged before linking her arm with his as they walked towards the big, black box of a building that housed the ride. “It’s always been my favorite since I was a kid. I think I rode it nearly every day of every summer. I would scrounge for change to buy the tickets and get at least one ride in.”
Y/N stopped them right before going through the turn-style. Jensen looked up at the ominous structure that stuck out in opposition to the rest of the surrounding attractions, then back down at her. She was lost in a memory again, and he was able to push his reluctance aside to give her this thing she clearly wanted from him.
“Alright, Trix. You win. Let’s go on a ride.”
Her face lit up brighter than any of the rides around them. “You will not regret this.” She grinned, the impish gleam in her expression enough to keep pushing him forward. “Now, make sure you hold onto the railings as you walk through the tunnel… it spins.”
“Wait.. what?” he asked, frozen in place before Y/N grabbed his hand and pulled him through the turn-style.
Once they slowly made their way through the rotating tunnel breezeway, they stepped into a large, brightly lit room that was void of any windows and heavy with the remnants of the prior ride’s smoke machine effect. Loud music was booming all around them and in the middle of the room, was the Scrambler, a ride Jensen remembered well from his childhood and the county fairs his parents would take him to. But he had never seen the ride set up like it was here. Off to the far side of the room was a high rise booth where a man sat to control the ride and the music. 
Y/N led him around the outside of the ride and towards the booth. 
“One sec,” she said and climbed up the few stairs before knocking on the booth’s door. 
Jensen watched as she spoke to the operator for a minute, who nodded at her and then she was back at his side, once again leading him around the ride. Finally, she found the one she wanted and climbed in, motioning for him to join her. 
“What did you say to him?” Jensen asked, nodding his head in the direction of the booth.
“Just requested a song,” she said absently, then patted his knee. “So, are you excited?!”
Jensen wanted to say no, but he didn’t want to diminish how excited she was. It wasn’t even that he disliked the rides; they were a favorite of his as a kid. He had just eaten way more than he wanted too, plus the margaritas, and he didn’t want his stomach to betray him and ruin the rest of their night. Before he could say anything, the secondary ride conductor came through and secured the safety bar. Truth was, he was a little excited, but not for the ride itself; he was more excited to see her so happy, all the traces of the summer’s earlier drama gone. 
“You know,” he said, leaning closer towards her ear and leaving a little kiss at the base of her neck, “I think I am.”
The lights went out and the ride started to move. Jensen heard the hiss of the smoke machine starting up its effect, just as the opening beats to Carry On My Wayward Son started to play at a near-deafening volume as the strobe lights pulsating in beat with the music.
“You did NOT!” he yelled over the music and started to slide towards the outer edge of the seat as the ride moved faster. “You are so gonna get it for that!”
Y/N slid back and forth, too, crashing into his side and laughing hysterically as it catapulted them around the room, spinning faster and faster as the song boomed over them. She sang along when she could between getting forced by the gravity of the ride from one side to the other. Jensen tried to move his arm to hold onto her but found himself laughing too as he lost his grip thanks to the velocity of which is rotated. The ride felt endless, and yet with each pass across the center and back out, he couldn’t stop smiling and laughing; he was starting to understand why she loved it so much. 
It was a minute or two later that the ride was starting to slow, just as the song itself was fading to an end, and Ozzy Osbourne’s voice was filling the vast space. When it finally came to a complete stop, the attendant was going around unlocking the safety bars. He got to Y/N’s and Jensen’s first, and he immediately hopped out, then turned to help her down the narrow metal steps, to the floor. 
“I can’t believe you told them to play Carry On,” he shook his head and took a minute to get his knees secure under him. “Such a brat.”
Y/N snickered and leaned into him. “Aw, come on. It was fun!”
“Mhm,” he mumbled, pressing his lips together to suppress the grin that wanted to come. “Come on, let’s go get some fresh air, so I don’t end up losing half my dinner.”
As they made their way back out into the fresh, salty air, Jensen put an arm around her waist and pulled her close. She was quiet but seemed contented as they explored the shops, and played a few games before heading back down past the pier again and nearly crashing into a family of five, bickering about whether they should get ice cream, candied apples or funnel cake. The family’s banter made Jensen laugh as he overheard the father say, ‘Get all three, diabetes be damned!’ because it was something he would say to his own kids… if he had his own. The more he looked around and saw all the families enjoying Seaside’s amenities, he couldn’t help but wonder if that was something Y/N ever thought about. 
Shaking his head of that particular rabbit hole, he concentrated on her in that moment and how beautiful and happy she looked. They continued walking down the boardwalk, the chaos of the games and rides fading behind them. Down this part of the town’s beachfront were a string of bars, hotels, and shops that catered to the vacationers without families. Live music poured from every other bar, some of it sounding pretty good. Y/N tried to pull him into one bar to see a band play, but he was afraid it would set her off, thinking about work and that was the last thing he wanted. 
“Hey, we got to do your thing… now, let’s do mine,” he said sweetly, taking her by both wrists and pulling her towards the wide-open beach. “Nighttime sand between your toes, remember?”
Y/N agreed easily and took his hand as they made their way down the unguarded stairs that led out towards the beach. She kicked off her sandals near the entrance and Jensen followed suit before heading down closer to the water. There were a handful of other couples also strolling hand in hand, some spread out on blankets and watching the stars. 
“Tonight has been a lot of fun,” Jensen said, taking her hand as their toes touched on the cold remnants of the seafoam left behind by a retreating wave. “Despite losing to you in skeeball and having to go on a ride.”
“It has been, despite all that,” she teased and playfully bumped her hip against his. “You seriously hated it that much?”
“No, I didn’t. I do like giving you a hard time about it, though.”
“Mean,” she pouted and let go of his hand and walked down closer to the ocean to look out over the water. The moon was higher in the sky now, but its reflection was enough to keep the beach illuminated. 
“You have your phone?” he asked, patting down his pockets. “Realized I left mine at the room.”
“What for?” she asked, reaching into her pocket and retrieving it. 
“I want to take a picture. Didn’t you say you wanted to take some together?” 
“Yeah…” she trailed off, eyeing him suspiciously. “But you said--”
“Geez, woman. Just give me your phone,” he groaned and taking it from her hand. He positioned himself behind her, resting the side of his face against hers. The pier was their backdrop, along with the moon high in the sky and when he raised the camera of the phone to capture the moment, he noticed how she was looking at him, instead of the camera. Just as he snapped a few quick pictures, she kissed his cheek. 
“That’s a good one,” he smiled and absently tossed the phone to the dry sand. 
“What are you--” she said in protest but was stopped by Jensen picking her up swiftly and running towards the water. Y/N screamed and laughed while hitting his back begging him not to throw her in. “Pleeeasseee don’t!! JENSEN! Noooo!!”
“I told you I wanted to do my thing,” he laughed and ran through the surf, disregarding his own clothes from getting soaked in the process. Another step later, an incoming wave made him lose his balance and they both toppled over into the water as it crashed over them. 
“You’re so dead!” Y/N yelled and got up, only to be toppled again by one last wave. 
Jensen was on his feet and running from the surf, as she closely followed behind. He was running towards the pier, and she paused only long enough to grab her phone before taking off after him. Y/N caught up to him near the pilings and squealed with laughter as his arm darted out from behind one, hooking her around her waist. 
“I’m the dead one, huh?” he teased and pulled her in, his mouth going to her neck and attacking it greedily. 
She instantly stopped fighting him and gave in to that sensation of his teeth and tongue working against her skin. From above, the noises of the boardwalk continued on, but where they were, out of sight and out of mind, they could only hear the other’s breathing change and hearts pounding faster. His need to have her was instant, but the fear of getting caught out in the open hindered his hands from pulling down her shorts and having her right there. Still, he couldn’t pull himself away as his hands continued exploring her body.  
“Come here,” she said, as if knowing his thoughts, and led him further under the pier. They were completely hidden from the public, and just before he grabbed her and flipped her down to the sand, she tossed her phone aside. 
“This is a bad idea,” Jensen mumbled as he went back to kissing her neck. His hand was pushing her shirt up so he could paw at her breasts, her body arching up beneath him. 
“It's fine,” she breathed, working on getting his shorts loose enough to pull down. “I need you, Jay… I want you now.” Y/N ached for him just as badly as he did for her, his erection rock hard and pressing into her thigh. She finally got them pushed down and began to stroke him slowly, making him moan into her neck. 
“Fuuck..,” Jensen growled and yanked her shorts and panties down with one rough pull. 
The tip of his dick found her quickly; the ocean wasn’t the only thing causing her to be so wet. She mewed and whispered his name as he brushed against her clit, swollen and needy for his touch before he easily slid up into her. Jensen positioned himself for a better angle, thrusting quick and sharp while her nails dug into his back, holding onto him for dear life. Neither of them would last long, given the desperation, they felt for this release and the speed at which he was fucking her. The sounds of the boardwalk above easily covered their noises, and when Y/N came, Jensen covered her mouth with his, kissing her deeply. A moment later, he joined her and buried his face into her neck, biting down on her shoulder to keep from being heard by passersby. 
Jensen rolled over and flopped his back onto the sand beside her. He pulled his shorts back up and secured them, as she did the same. Y/N propped herself up on one elbow, so she could look down at him and smile, flushing with warm embarrassment when he finally caught her gaze. 
“That was unexpected,” he laughed, flustered at what they just did under the pier. He reached up to brush a hair from her cheek. He was trying to think of something witty, or sarcastic to stay, to break the bit of the awkwardness of the moment, but all he could think about was how alive she made him feel.
The sound of voices took them by surprise, making them both sit up and listen carefully. When the people spoke again, they were getting closer, forcing Jensen and Y/N to quickly get up and finish securing their clothing. Y/N grabbed her phone and was just putting it in her pocket when another young couple appeared at the opposite side of the pier. 
“Come on,” Jensen said, grabbing her hand and turning towards the exit to the beach. “I think we should grab some funnel cake and head back to the room. Whatcha say?”
“That sounds perfect,” she sighed contently and leaned into his side as they left the beach. 
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Later that night, after finishing the funnel cake and taking long, hot showers, Jensen and Y/N lay in bed, lazily dozing and whispering late into the night. He could feel her breathing starting to slow and knew she would be asleep soon. Thinking back over the night, he realized how much he had thought about them revisiting Seaside one day in the future, and maybe doing it with their own kids. No matter how often he tried to push it again, he couldn’t, and though he knew Y/N loved him and wasn’t going anywhere, he needed to know how she felt about it.
“Hey Trix, you awake?”
“Mhm,” she replied, exhaling a slow breath. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“Mhm,” she repeated, this time snuggling deeper into the crook of his arm and wrapping an arm across his chest. 
“Have you, uh… you ever thought about having kids?”
Y/N lifted her head and through her tired eyes, looked at him curiously. “What brought that on?”
“Seeing all those families up there tonight, I guess. Makes me think about bringing my own kids here one day.”
“So kids… that’s something you want.”
Jensen considered it and nodded gently. “Yeah. I do. And I wanna bring them back here one day to show them where their mom grew up.” His tongue darted nervously over his bottom lip as he watched her realize what he was saying. 
“Jay… I… don’t know what to say, really. I never considered kids because, well, look who I was with. I never had a stable enough relationship where they could even be an option.”
“And now?”
“Now? I…” she shrugged and when her (y/c) eyes met his, she softened and lightly brushed the back of her hand against his cheek. “Now, I can at least let myself think of a future. One that goes beyond the festival. Kids… maybe? I don’t know. I’m sorry I can’t give you more than that, right now, I just know that the future I do see definitely has you in it.”
Jensen kissed the side of her head and held her closer. “Baby, that’s all I really needed to know.” 
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Everything Tags:  @sorenmarie87 // @yallgotkik // @thefaithfulwriter // @sister-winchesters99 // @thymeheals // @coffeebooksandfandom
“When You Least Expect It” Tags: @vickyfarley // @winchest09 // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt // @aomi-nabi // @luciathewinchestergirl // @alexiswinchester // @seppys-return-to-madness // @donnaintx // @deans-baby-momma // @the-is13 // @stoneyggirl // @captaindorit0 // @fanfictionjunkie1112 // @focusonspn // @mrsjenniferwinchester
SPN RPF Tags:  @screechingartisancashbailiff // @winchesterxfamilybusiness // @sandlee44 // @wings-of-a-raven // @negans-wife // @kazosa // @teaspoin // @whiskeyandapplepie // @hobby27 // @breereadsthings // @maddiepants // @adoptdontshoppets // @closetspngirl // @whereismyangel-damnitdeanshare // @katehuntington // @his-paradox // @screechingartisancashbailiff
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badsext · 5 years
Everything in Room 225: Klaus x Fem! Reader
This is a request from @siriuslynore: Klaus x Reader based on the song ‘Everything I Need’ by Skylar Grey.
It’s a lovely song and this is the story it inspired for me. I hope you like it. 😊
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and murder, fluff, suggested sex
There was no application process for becoming a maid at the Luna Motor Lodge Motel. You simply walked into the office to inquire about the job and - boom - you were hired. That should have been your first red flag, but due to your compromised emotional state, you didn’t care. Cleaning twenty motel rooms every day was physically demanding and often demeaning. Used condoms, shit smears, the occasional blood stain, these were all just occupational hazards. After a few weeks nothing shocked you anymore. That is until you entered room 225…
You hear muffled screams coming from the closet. Then in an act of extremely poor judgement, you open the closet doors. Inside you find a strange man in a towel tied to a chair with tape over his mouth. You scream, scanning the rest of the room, but the two of you are alone. He is bruised and bleeding. His face is pleading with you. It is at this point that you notice how attractive he is. ‘Okay, let’s hear him out,’ you think, and carefully remove the tape.
“Please help me!,” he begs. “They’ll be back any second!”
You untie him. He thanks you, then throws on the nearest pair of pants and an undershirt. His back is turned but you still get an eyeful. “Should I call the police?, ” you offer nervously.
“No. Please just get me out of here…Can you take me to the bus station?”
You must have a death wish, because you agree to give the kidnap victim a ride in your car. His long legs land in the fast food trash on the floor with a crunch. “Sorry for the mess,” you chime out instinctively. You both laugh at the absurdity of that statement given the circumstances.
“So why were you kidnapped?,” you ask, now more at ease.
“Honestly? I have no fucking clue. They were hoping to get Information about my brother, and use me for ransom. But the joke’s on them because I don’t know anything and my family couldn’t care less what happens to me, ‘Klaus, the fuck-up.’ I’m sure they haven’t even noticed that I’m gone.”
You stop at the red light, turn, smile, and shake his hand. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you ‘Klaus, the fuck-up.’ I’m Y/N, the fuck-up.” You’ve decided you like this guy. It’s the first positive feeling you’ve had in a long time. When you pull up to the bus station Klaus starts to get out of the car. “Wait. Where are you going to go?”
“Nowhere. Thought I’d just bum some cash and go as far as it would take me.”
“This is going to sound crazy considering I just met you, but I just decided to quit my job and nowhere sounds good. I’ll drive.”
“They’re probably gonna come after me. It’ll be dangerous.”
“I don’t have anything left to lose.”
He looks back at you, reading the sincerity in you face and gets back in the car. You drive all night talking the whole way. He tells you about growing up in the academy. You ask him about his power. When he tells you he can speak to the dead, you start sobbing uncontrollably and almost veer off into a ditch, so you pull over. He comforts you and asks you what’s wrong. You tell him about your best friend who was killed last year by her abusive boyfriend.
“I loved Kara so much. I’d give anything to talk to her again.”
Klaus conjures her right there on the side of the road. As Klaus speaks Kara’s words and listens to yours, he realizes how you loved her deeper than friends, but your love was unrequited. Kara was straight, so you buried your feelings and stayed friends. You just wanted her to be happy. You moved on to other relationships, but your love for Kara was constant.
When Kara met Dylan, she seemed so happy, but then Dylan’s affections turned violent. It broke your heart to watch her endure his abuse. You tried desperately to get her to leave him, to get a restraining order, but she kept going back. You felt so powerless to protect her that you blame yourself for her death. Klaus is in tears while he delivers Kara’s final message: “You were the best friend I ever had, you dork! I love you. There’s only one person responsible and that’s Dylan, may he rot. Now, go honor my memory by enjoying the fuck out of your life!”
Exhausted, the two of you stop at a motel and rent a room for the night. You stand there in the dark with just the light from the parking lot streaming through the cheap curtains. He strokes your tear stained cheeks. You move closer and your lips brush gently against his. Your emotions are running so high, you find the comfort you need in each other’s arms.
In the morning, you head down the coast, ending up in Miami. You get a job at a coffee shop and Klaus tends bar. You are already deeply in love, but it’s messy and it’s complicated. Klaus uses drugs to push you away and suppress his powers, but you meet each relapse head on with your unconditional love and support.
The last night Klaus comes home drunk and high, you clean him up and put him to bed. Then the next morning you decide you’re going to tell him exactly how you feel and see how he reacts. You make him his favorite breakfast and hangover cure: scrambled eggs with cheese and toast.
“Klaus, look at me.” You gently tilt his chin up so you can look into his eyes. “You are everything I need. When we met I was at the lowest point of my life. After Kara died I was so full of grief and self loathing. And then I met you. My angel. You gave me a chance to say goodbye, to let it go, forgive myself and move on.”
You take his hand. “What your Dad did to you was abuse. By trying to toughen you up or whatever he called it, he made you see this power as a curse, something to run from. But remember that it is YOUR power, not his. Reginald doesn’t control you anymore. You’re a good person, full of kindness and empathy. What you did for me changed my life. Your power is a gift. You can right wrongs, give people second chances, help them find closure. Klaus, I…”
Tears fill his eyes and he rests his forehead against yours. “I love you so much,” he says. “But I am just so terrible at being loved,” he laughs.
Klaus finally gets sober and by the next Fall you are headed back to New York, where you will make your home together in the Hargreeves mansion. You go back to school to become a substance abuse counselor. Klaus takes your advice and begins using his power on his own terms. Both of you are passionate about helping people. You are happy now. You are free.
Want more
@moorehollandplz @bubblyani @writingthosedaydreams @helena-way07 @shrimp-rolls @ba-responds @yeetskeetbuddy @renegadesheehan @zombiedixon89 @chipster-21
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Thank you...Next.
When your world gets turned upside down, a knife wielding hero is there for you.
Diego x Reader 
Warnings: Slight violence and language.
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The first time that Diego Hargreeves ever sees you is when you walk into the police station. He has seen a lot of angry people in life, but you looked like fury embodied. The black dress you are wearing hugs you in all the right places and your makeup is still flawless despite your windblown hair. Walking up to the counter your voice holds the calm in the storm between every syllable you spoke, because your eyes were a hurricane of emotion.
“I need a police escort to my apartment please.”
The man behind the desk blinks up at you in confusion, “Why is that ma’am?”
“Because my now ex-boyfriend forced me out of his car onto the side of the road in a fit of rage. A fit of rage that I do not even begin to understand, mostly because we had a great time tonight until he lost it in the car over nothing. Therefore, I would like a police escort to get my things because I don’t trust a man that would throw this girlfriend out on the side of the road in the middle of the night for no reason,” you state your words clipped and matter of fact while your tone holds your rage in check.
Diego can’t help but be impressed along with intrigued.
“I’ll escort you ma’am. My name is Detective Patch, you are?”
After you introduce yourself to the Detective, the two of leave the station and head out to her car. Once you get to your apartment complex you see your car in its usual space with the windows busted out and the tires slashed.
You turn towards the Detective, “I’m going to need make a police report about my car,” you say with exasperation. You are mentally preparing yourself for the fight in your apartment.
“Has he ever hit you?”
“No… but there is a first time for everything and I have work in the morning,” you say with steel in your voice.
She just nods her head and follows you up the stairs of your complex. You open the door to the biggest mess you have ever seen in your life. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time you’ve seen this amount of damage. After his refusal to get help for his anger issues and outbursts, you were done trying to make things work. This man would not put you through hell any longer.
“What took you so long? Have to blow someone for a ride?”
“I’d watch my mouth if I were you,” Detective Patch says angily, obviously startling the man in the other room.
He comes around the corner and in an attempt to be menacing and gets in the Detective’s face.
“Who the fuck are you?” he spits out before you take his arm and pull him away from the Detective.
“Knock it off, I’m just here to get my things.”
“Like hell you are! You aren’t leaving me!”
The Detective flashes her badge and says in a deadly calm voice, “Try to stop her… I dare you.”
You are complete ice as you walk into the shared bedroom and pull your clothes from the closet and the dresser. Your makeup goes in another bag and you grab your jewelry knowing he would attempt to get rid of anything of value if you didn’t take it.
“Do you have everything you need?”
“Good,” she turns towards your ex and locks him with a stare, “If you damage any of her things you will be charged with destruction of property. We’ll be in touch about the car by the way.”
You watch the veins in his neck pop out and his face turn red. You can’t believe this was the same man that you thought was so sweet a few months ago.
Patch was sweet enough to drop you off at your friends place, where you would be living from now on. You were lucky she had yet to replace you in the roommate department, so you could have your old place back. It would make the transition easier at least.
“Here is my card, and this is my cell number,” she says as she writes it on the back, “If you need me just give me a call okay?”
“Thank you, it really means a lot having your help tonight. I wasn’t really sure how to deal with it, nothing like this has ever happened to me before...”
“You handled it very well. Now get some rest and let me know if you need me okay? I’ll have a few friends on the force circle the block tonight okay?”
“Thanks…” you say before bidding her goodnight and shutting the door.
Your friend is in front of you with a hug and a mug of tea.
“Go get a shower and let me know if you want to talk.”
You appreciate the understanding and head towards your bathroom. It’s a couple of hours later, when you are attempting to settle in for the night that you notice a car with a man parked outside of your building. The man looks oddly familiar and it took you several moments of pondering where you had seen him.
“The police station…” you mutter eyes widening before you pull out the detective’s card and dial her number.
“Detective Patch? It’s (Y/N).”
“Is everything okay?”
“Well… there is a guy that I saw at the police station tonight sitting outside of my apartment building…”
“Yeah… you were talking to him before you came over to help me…”
“Who? Is he a police officer?”
“No… but he’s a good guy to have around in a situation like this…”
“Yeah… he wants to protect you not cause you any harm, I promise.”
“Okay…” you say with a sigh of relief.
That night you sleep surprisingly well knowing the man named Diego was there if your ex boyfriend decided to show up.
The next morning you glance out your window to see that his car is still in the same spot it was last night. You get ready and on a whim fix an extra cup of coffee and bagel with cream cheese on it with your own breakfast.
On your way out you walk up to the car and tap softly on the window. The man inside opens his eyes and winces as he looks up at you. You know his neck must be killing him after seeing the position he was sleeping in.
He squints up at you before he rolls down the window and fixes you with a stare.
“Thank you for looking out for me last night,” you say as you hand him the coffee and bagel you made for him.
“Umm… Thank you…” he says obviously confused, “You’re not… scared of me after what happened last night?”
“I was at first… but Detective Patch said that you’re good to have around in a situation like this.”
He gave you a half smile and nod before he took a sip of the coffee.
“He ever hit you?” he asks with an edge to his voice.
“No… and I refuse to give him the opportunity.”
He nods in understanding before muttering a good before he takes another sip of coffee.
“Can I ask a favor?”
“Yeah, what do you need?”
“I wouldn’t normally ask this but….would you go with me to get the rest of my things tonight? Around 5:30 or 6:00 if you can make it… He will probably work late tonight, but I don’t want to risk him being there…”
“Yeah I’ll go with you.”
“Thank you… I uhh…. I have to get to work now… I’ll see you tonight?”
“I’ll be here.”
You send him a grateful smile as you head off down the street in hopes of catching the bus.
Your day was filled with anxiety and dreadful thoughts. You were incredibly confused and heartbroken about what had happened the night before and ended up barely holding it together with multiple trips to the bathroom where you spent way too much time trying to pull yourself together.
By the time the end of the day rolls around you are mentally and emotionally drained. You don’t care about the silent tears that rolled down your face on the bus back to your apartment. All you could think about are the calls and messages you refused to take. Your head hurts from trying to rein in your emotions all day, but you knew there was more to do.
The man dressed in black was leaning against the side of your complex. You noticed the collection of knives strapped to his chest and various other places for the first time. If you didn’t trust Detective Patch, you would think that asking for his help was a huge mistake. However, he greeted you with concerned eyes and was gentle when he asked if you needed him to do anything for you. You just shook your head no and let him lead you over to his car.
“Thank you,” you said as you made an attempt to keep the tears at bay.
“Hey… Don’t worry about it… I know this is rough, but you’ll be better off without a jerk who would treat someone as amazing as you like shit.”
You give him a watery smile and wipe the tear from your eye as you look out the window. By the time you get to your old home you have built your wall back up and getting out of the car you square your shoulders. If this man wanted a fight, he would get one.
Diego follows you into the building and up to your floor. His presence behind you is so comforting and it makes you feel much safer walking into the warzone that you left behind. Your apartment is still a mess when you walk in. Pictures lay shattered on the floor, an almost poetic reminder of the happiness that is now gone. The pillows you had bought to go with the couch you picked out were ripped to shreds and many of your decorative odds and ends lay in pieces on the floor. Diego let out a low whistle when he sees the carnage left behind.
“Wait here… I’ll check the house to make sure he isn’t here to bother you.”
You nod as you bend down to pick up the head of a decorative rabbit that sat on a shelf just yesterday. You turn it over in your hand studying it, begging for anything else to focus on than what used to be your home. You don’t want to show it, but it cuts deep.
After a few minutes Diego comes back into the room flipping a knife casually in the air.
“You’re good to go, take as long as you need okay? I’m not going anywhere.”
You aren’t sure how… but Diego has a way of making you feel safe and protected all while being the most caring man you’ve ever met. And you’ve only spent about an hour with him….
You’ve been packing things up for well over an hour when you hear the front door click open. The booming voice of your ex echoes throughout the apartment and you’re hoping you can finish this visit in peace.
“Wait! He’s with me!!” you exclaim in a slight panic as you rush into the room.
“What? This your new boyfriend? You’re that much of a slut that you’ve already got someone new to fuck?”
“Watch it buddy…” says Diego as he steps between the two of you.
“No you watch it! This is my apartment!”
“And I’m just trying to get my things, we will be gone soon,” you say as you lay a hand on Diego’s shoulder. You can feel the tension in his muscles lessen just slightly at your touch. The two men continue to stare one another down. Your ex nods and Diego follows you into the bedroom as you continue to pack up the rest of your things. Your ex follows as well and begins to make snide comments about every minute thing hoping to get a rise out of you. Diego continues to glare him down all while sticking to you like glue.
It’s another half hour when your ex finally goes too far.
“Dude… I don’t know what you’re hoping to accomplish here, but this little cunt isn’t good for anything other than a good fuck, and even then I’ve had way better.”
Diego is across the room before you can even blink.
“What did you just call her?” Diego growls as he throws him against the wall and pins him there by his neck.
Your ex laughs slightly, “So you know-”
He can’t get the next words out as Diego begins to add pressure.
“Don’t ever fucking talk to her again. Don’t look at her again. In fact, don’t ever even think of her again. Any man that would throw a woman out on the side of the highway is no man. I don’t care what she’s done in the past, I don’t care what she says. If that’s your woman you don’t treat her like a piece of trash. And you definitely don’t talk about her like that when all she is trying to do is get her things and leave.”
Diego releases him and pushes him out the door. You’re so conflicted you don’t know what to do. Grabbing what you already have packed you go to leave the room.
“Hey… don’t worry about him…”Diego says softly as he turns around and catches you in his arms. You slide your arms around him and bury your face in his chest. His arms wrap around you even more tightly.
“I just don’t know what I’ve done to be treated like this…” you get out between sobs.
“Hey… He’s nothing. Just focus on getting your things and we will leave okay?”
You look up at him and nod before you turn to quickly throw what was left of your stuff into a bag. You rush around the apartment gathering the odds and ends that you knew were yours. When you are finally finished Diego grabs almost everything and follows you out the door. Sitting on the floor of the hallway is your ex glaring up at the two of you as you leave.
“I knew you were cheating on me… this is just proof.”
“I never cheated on you… You know I don’t believe in that nonsense… Diego is a good man who agreed to help me get out of a bad situation. In the last few hours of my life he has shown me far more respect and kindness than I think you are capable of… because as far as I am concerned our entire relationship was a lie. If you had ever truly cared about me you wouldn’t have treated me like this for no damn reason.”
“Fuck you.”
“Hey,” all it takes is one word from Diego and he looks away from the two of you.
After you have finished loading everything into the car, you plop down into the passenger's seat and Diego gets into the driver's seat.
“You hungry? I know this great place that isn’t too far from here… I’m buying.”
“You don’t have to do that for me.”
“Hey… You’ve had a rough couple of days… let me do this for you.”
You just nod and he takes you to this adorable little Italian bistro a few blocks down the road. He listens as you tell him about your hurt and your anger. He builds you up when you try to put yourself down and most importantly he just sits there with you as you process everything that has just happened to you. When the two of finally head back to your place he helps you take everything upstairs and when you start to cry he holds you. You’ve only known this man for a few hours and yet you trust him your life.
“Thank you…” you whisper as you rest your head on his shoulder.
“Hey… it’s no problem… plus I got to spend the evening with an amazing woman.”
You give a soft smile, “There it is! I couldn’t leave tonight without seeing that beautiful smile.”
“Stop it!” you say as you look down in embarrassment.
“Hey I mean it… You deserve to smile. You deserve someone that makes you smile… you know that right?”
“Of course….” You aren’t used to being vulnerable. You’ve never felt like you could be anything other than strong and yet... Diego is definitely different.
“So… I’ve got to go… I-I I...uh…. W-wanted to ask y-you if… maybe…”
“I’ve got a boxing match this Saturday… would you l-like to come?”
“I would love to…” you say softly as you look up at him with a gentle smile.
He gives you a smile in return and pulls you into a hug before he leaves. The last few days may have been some of the most difficult, but you’ve found someone who will make the future so much more than your past ever was.
I was not expecting this to take this long! Also... I think I’m going to do a sequel... I didn’t choose the Diego life... the Diego life chose me... Expect the next chapter of Fearless to be out soon!  
@soul-of-a-traveller I hope you enjoy this!!
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ferallymine · 4 years
Worldbreaker Pt. 1
The rubble. The screams. The frantic hands digging through the mess above her buried broken lifeless body. The last stone moving away- seeing the white light shine onto her. A hand reaching out-
Mardea shot up, sweat covering her body. Reaching out to see the alarm clock, she had to bite down a yelp of pain.
“Not…again…” Her voice was tired and straining. Black Energy had marked her arms in the night, leaving burns on her skin and the sheets.
She stumbled into her bathroom, slamming the cold water handle on to fill the tub. Her feet sizzled on the chilled ivory tile, heat coming off her body in waves. She shouldn’t be this hot with just panties and a loose cotton tank top on, but this is one of many burdens of being Mardea Lin.
The water stung her tender burnt skin. Steam hissed from her body, distracting her from wanting to scream. Mardea hadn’t been severely burned by fire, but she imagined they were just as bad as her energy burns. Izzy’s the only one she ever felt the need to explain the difference to. His curiosity was always humorous to her.
The fact that the water was ice cold made the next part easier. Keeping thoughts in her mind to ground her to reality, Mardea submerged herself completely in the tub.
Green wisps flowed out from her palms. Interacting with the water, they went to work cooling her down and resolving her burns. A waterlogged scream escaped her throat, the sensory overload and pain being overwhelming. The burnt skin ripped itself off, attaching to the energy  swirling around it. New unblemished skin replaced it quickly- unnatural if one didn’t have a medic-related quirk.
It felt like hours, but Mardea was done in minutes. The water was grey and heavily clouded when she sat back up, now shivering from the cold. Her stomach churned, and without a moment to react, she vomited into the already dirty water.
“…fuck…” her voice was a quaky whisper. She couldn’t keep going on like this.
The push and pull of energy forces from within herself danced with the outside ones. It was as if something out there wanted her to lose control, wanted Code Black to become the new normal.
The water-vomit mixture spiraled down the drain. Mardea waited until the tub was empty before fighting for strength to rinse herself off with the shower.
Morning couldn’t come soon enough.
“But consider the reverse!” Kaminari shoved a spoonful of cereal in his mouth, “If you had a human head and a bird body, all the villains would be too scared to fight and you could round ‘em up easy!”
“Easily,” Tokoyami corrected, pulling his hoodie as he stood up to leave, “And that is utterly ridiculous.”
Sero set his coffee down, “Does that mean if Hawks was reversed he’d have a bird body and human arms on his back?!”
“Holy. Shit. Dude.” Kaminari looked like he had an epiphany, “That would be…terrifying. I love it.”
Ashido slammed her hands flat on the table, “KIRI WOULD BE A ROCK THAT TURNS INTO A BALL OF FLESH!”
“Noooooo,” Kirishima groaned, leaning back with his hands on his face, “I was already a ball of flesh in the hero test! Unpleasant, 0 out of 10 do not recommend.”
Sero giggled, “Guys, guys listen… Bakugo… Is an explosion that throws out humans.”
An eruption of laughter consumed the living room of the dorms. The noise echoed into the hallway leading to the stairs.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Kirishima wiped a tear from his eye, “Does, ehehehe, does that mean that mean that he’s a continuous explosion or like, hah, one out of every 5 explosions is Bakugo randomly spurting out humans to attack villains.”
The laughter quieted, giving the group time to think, then Ashido spoke, “Can you imagine if the latter was true? Like, if you’re a villain using C4 to break into a bank then suddenly ‘I AM A VERY ANGRY EXPLOSION HAVE SOME HUMANS TO THE FACE!’ Bruh, I’d shit my pants.”
“What about the former?” A sudden appearance of Lin behind Kaminari made him jump and spill his cereal. “If he’s a continuous explosion he’d have to be put in a container to function as a ‘human’ in society. Imagine shoving Boom-boy into a reinforced Smucker’s jam jar.”
The laughter resumed. Kirishima looked up to ask Lin a question, “Hey, what if- wait. Lin you’re glowing.”
A brief panic, “Wh- no I’m not.” She looked herself over, “I’m not outputting any en-“
“No! Your skin is radiant,” A cheeky smile, “Did you do a new skincare routine from YouTube?”
A pause, “…Yes…that’s what I did.”
Ashido’s eyes sparkled, “DEAAAAAA you gotta show me!”
“Maybe later, after you bring your grade to a B.” She winked, “Anyway, I’m hungry, see ya later.” Lin meandered over to the kitchen, where Uraraka was making what smelled like waffles.
“… aaaand voila!” Uraraka flailed her arms in a dramatic manner, “A Together Breakfast!” The platter was filled with waffles topped with syrup, whipped cream, popcorn, and strawberries.
“Wow!” Midoriya’s stomach rumbled, “This looks great! Thank you!”
She giggled, “I made enough for everyone so dig in!” She gestured to those surrounding the counter. “Let our Saturday breakfast tradition begin!”
Lin leaned on Todoroki’s shoulder, the sudden contact startling him, “It’s just me, don’t worry.”
“Hello, love,” He tilted his head to lean on hers, “Sleepy?”
“Training yesterday was that rough?”
“…Yes.” She straightened. Her silent body language purposely telling him that she didn’t wanna talk about it in front of the others. “My whole body feels vulnerable and tender. Like one touch will bruise for days.”
“Take it easy today, then,” He smiled, “Eat something to regain your strength.” A soft kiss to her head, reminding her that they can talk privately later.
“Hey Frick and Frack, save the PDA for when we’re not eating,” Bakugo sat on the counter, munching on toast with tomato and cheese slices on top. “You’re gonna make me puke.”
“Your taste in breakfast food will make me puke,” Midoriya stuck out his tongue.
“Says fucking you. Who eats shitty popcorn for breakfast?”
“It’s not popcorn, it’s pepcorn!” Uraraka tossed a kernel at the blonde, “Popcorn with a pep!”
Bakugo scowled, staring the group down. He swiped the kernel away from him, “You’re not original, this is all from YouTube.”
“Stop being such a fucking killjoy,” Jirou slammed her glass of juice down on the counter. “We get it, your aesthetic is to hate everything and think you’re the best. Don’t you get tired of having your head so far up your own ass? Huh?”
“I’m done,” Lin backed away and turned towards the hallway. “It’s too early for arguing.”
Yaoyorozu stood up, “Mardea, don’t go! We were gonna go out today! The Saturday Flea Market is up in the plaza across town!”
Fuck I forgot “Yeah, right…. Lemme put on proper ‘going out’ clothes.” A snap and she was gone in a green flash.
“Isn’t this fun! Nice to stretch our legs on a sunny day off.” Momo did a little spin, flowing out the bottom of her sunflower sundress.
Tsuyu joined the twirling, though her green romper left little to flow out. “Ribbit, it’s the perfect temperature today. I bet the pools will be packed.”
“Whaddaya think, ‘Dea?” Mina, clad in her pastel blue crop top and matching shorts, “Should we try swimming today or just mingle in the market?”
Mardea thought a moment, “Market wandering sounds good for now. Plus I didn’t bring a swimsuit- I doubt jean overalls would fair well in a pool.”
“Hmm, fair point.” Mina skipped ahead, stopping at a sunglasses stall. The sun reflected off them, making the products glitter and look more enticing.
Mardea glanced around the crowd. Mina was at that stall, whereas Tsuyu and Momo had been lost to the growing population of the market. The tips of her hair shifted to magenta. Her eyes scanned the scenery. Where were their energy signatures?
“Nice trick,” Mardea froze at the unfamiliar voice behind her, magenta instantly switching to lilac, “Color shifting is good for quick blending into crowds, though I feel that this little cosmetic show is a front for your quirk.”
It was a feminine sounding voice- maybe an older woman who smoked on occasion?
“I can feel your thoughts from back here, pumpkin.” A warm hand gripped her right shoulder, “You don’t have to turn around, I know who you are, Mardea. Don’t you think it’s strange that I snuck up on you with your magenta setting on?”
The lilac grew.
“You don’t need to be afraid. I want to help you. There’s a lot of energy in this world, you know. How would it be to not feel like it’ll crush you at any moment? What if you could control it? Not your definition of control- you still let that Code Black sit alone, festering. What if you could harness it?”
“Hey ‘Dea?” Mina’s voice called out, “We got lunch! Where ya at?”
“I will find you again,” The hand left, “Be wary, Mardea. You’re not the only one who knows energy.”
Momo came through the people, “Guys! She’s over here!” She turned, smiling, “Where have you- oh my god are you okay? You’re purple-y.”
Mardea looked up, eyes matching her hair, “We need to leave. Now.”
“Okay yeah. Yeah.” Momo took her twin’s hand, “You’re okay now. We’re here.” Mina and Tsuyu emerged, confused at the color shift. Momo pointed at them, “We’re leaving. Now. Back to UA.”
“You’re sure it was a woman?” Aizawa sat across from Lin in his office.
Lin shrugged, “That what she sounded like. She snuck up on me, didn’t let me turn around.” She pulled her shirt collar over to expose her shoulder, “She bruised me when she grabbed me.”
Aizawa raised an eyebrow, “How did she do that?”
“I DON’T KNOW!” Lin’s stress boiled over, red and lilac strands forming in her hair, “I don’t know who she is all I know is I didn’t sense her and she said I wasn’t the only one who knew energy and that she’s gonna find me again and I don’t know how to not let that happen because if I cant find her then no one can find her probably like how-” A gasp of air, hair returning to normal, as Aizawa grabbed her shoulders, kneeling in front of her.
“You need to calm down.” His voice was calm. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not going to tell you to not worry, because I know you will anyway. All the teachers will be on the lookout for suspicious women around campus. I’ll let the Pro-Heroes know that this happened and see if they can snoop out anything. Okay?”
“Okay…” She leaned forward, hugging him with tears in her eyes, “Thank you…”
A smile, “It’s okay.”
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yaachtynoboat711 · 5 years
Fonder 5.2
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A/N: So this is obvi a follow-up of Ch.5 as well as its conclusion. Hopefully, the plot won’t be as shook up as it was in 5.1 or will it? I hope y’all enjoy.
Word Count: little over 3K
Warning(s): Plot progression, fluff, specks of angst(?)
NEW YEARS DAY 2015, 11:47 A.M, Malibu, California NEW YEARS DAY 2015, 11:47 A.M, Malibu, California
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Peace and serenity—the most fitting way to transition into the New Year. The overlapping sounds of seagulls and crashing ocean waves outside would usually pull Yaa out of her deep slumbers. If it wasn’t the beach sounds, then it was her actual alarm. But let’s be honest: no one really has an alarm go off on New Year’s day, especially if you had the night that Yaa had had. Yaa’s snoring went in sync with the crashing waves and her wavy, honey blonde locs scattered at every which way across the silk taupe pillow case. Boom boom boom. The heavy knocking on her bedroom had startled her out of her post-sex slumber. Who was banging on her door like the feds before noon? The trio of knocks continued until she reluctantly got out of bed and searched for anything to put on.
“I’m comin’...damn!”, she tried to yell, but her hoarseness wouldn’t allow her. She winced in pain as she hopped into a pair of shorts and a tank top and began limping towards the door. She opened the door to see that it was her best friend, Tanisha. “Bitch...somebody better be dead, hurt, or dying.”
Tanisha chuckled. “Well, Happy New Year to you, too. Lover Boy is down there making brunch.”
Yaa looked at her friend in total confusion. “Is that what I’m smelling? Tanisha nodded. “Well, I’m surprised you aren’t somewhere fighting a hangover.”
Tanisha rolled her eyes. “I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. Between you gettin’ your cervix tickled, and trust me, it sounded like he was giving’ you the BUSINESS, and me throwing my night up, I was going through it. Started the new year off on the wrong foot.”
Yaa felt herself turning red and her eyes bugging out. “Were we really that loud?”
“Sis, he might’ve worn you out, but you must have that voodoo pussy. Wanna know why? You got Michael B. Jordan in your kitchen cooking yo magical pussy having ass a 5-star brunch on New Year’s day. If that ain’t power, then I don’t know what the hell is. Done turned this nigga into a damn domestic overnight. Speaking of, text me when breakfast is ready. I deserve whatever he’s whippin’ up.”
Tanisha went back into room, presumably to catch up on her missed Z’s. Yaa went downstairs to see Michael for herself. The further she got down the stairs, the louder the “All About the Benjamins” got. She carefully hopped off the stair landing and Diddy bopped her way through the den, making a slight left to go through the back way into the kitchen.
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She pursed her lips to keep from laughing as she watched Michael also Diddy bop back to the stove to finish cooking whatever he had cooking on the stove. Wearing only a pair of heather grey cut-off sweats and Nike slides with socks, his shoulders and upper body bounced to the beginning of Total’s “Can’t You See”. He placed a kitchen towel over his shoulder before plating his brunch creation.
“So what’s on the menu, Mr. Jordan?”, she spooked.
He seized, clenching the small saucepan he had in his grasp. “Shit!”
Yaa chuckled, “I’m sorry I couldn’t help it.”, she stopped to look over his shoulder, “you still haven’t answered my question.”
“Cajun catfish and cheese grits, fruit, and peach bellinis.”
“Oooh shit! Lemme find out the B in your name stands for ‘Brunch Daddy’! I’ll get Tanisha up.”
Yaa called Tanisha from the bottom of the stairs. Tanisha came down moments later. The three sat at the table passing bowls, skillets, and pans to each other. The room was filled with the sounds of clacking plates and satisfied stomachs.
“Who would’ve known Michael B. Jordan was a whole ass chef? I learned something new today.”, remarked Yaa as she sipped her Powerade.
Michael chuckled at Yaa’s comment, “Word? Well, to be honest, if this acting thing didn’t work out, Plan B was being a chef. My mom taught me how to cook and I haven’t looked back since. Now from what I hear, you know how to get down yourself.”
It was hard for Yaa to be humble, but she managed to keep her cool. “I mean, I’m a country girl. Carrie, my maternal grandmother, taught me most of what I know. She and my Rainey raised me and my siblings when my parents were working pretty much around the clock for a few years.”
“How many siblings?”
“2. I have a twin sister, Farrah, that’s fraternal as hell, and a brother, Jahlil, that’s 5 years younger.”
He laughed at her statement about her sister Farrah. “I also have two other siblings--I’m a middle child. An older sister and a younger brother.” Tanisha, the oldest of four, and Yaa both cringed at him being the middle child. “I couldn’t imagine having two sisters though.”
Yaa shot him a look. “Watch it, son.”
He placed his fist in front of his mouth as he chewed. “So, I heard you say you were a country girl, so how country are we talkin’?”
“I was born in Alabama and graduated high school and college in Alabama, but I was raised in a massive mansion in rural Louisiana, so I’m a Louisi-Bama. You’re a Jersey-Cali boy from my understanding?”
He shook his head in the affirmative, impressed with her knowledge about him. “Ok! President of the fan club is showing herself worthy of the title.”
“Boy, don’t get cussed out.”
Missed Call: Maybe: Winny the Pooh
Yaa tapped on the missed call notification without hesitation. She almost forgot they weren’t talking. Immediately after their last exchange, Winston’s number went to the good ole Block List. Something told her to unblock his number the day before leaving for California. So she did and now here she was, returning her ex’s ca—
“Hello?”, Winston answered.
“He-heyyyy you! Happy New Year! I saw you called and I’m just seeing your text.”, Yaa replied. Silence. You could hear a rat piss on carpet.
“Ummm…”, he cleared his throat, “...so you down for lunch?”
“Oof. I just had brunch. How does coffee or tea sound? Bean in Beverly Hills?”
“That’s even better. Meet me at 4ish?”
“Make it 4:30 and we’ve got a deal. See you then!” Click.
Yaa walked out of the bathroom from her shower feeling renewed. Skin washed away of the little makeup that remained on her face from her...celebration from the previous night. Skin glowing thanks to the best shea butter Ghana had to offer. Locs looking healthy as always. Her glow increased when she saw Michael laying in her bed reading his phone but looking up when he sensed her presence. He stopped looking down at his phone to admire the beauty that was Khalida Abdullah.
Even in such a simple task as putting on clothes, Michael could see why her exes were head over heels with her. Every move she made was graceful. From the little twerk she did to get her chub into her light gray yoga capri pants, to the overhead jig to get into her oversized black monogrammed tank top with a gold fleur-de-lis. She walked to his side of the bed to retrieve her new Apple Watch from its charger. Before she could walk towards the door, he snatched her up onto the bed with him, playfully gnawing at her neck.
“Where you goin’ looking all good and delicious for, hmm?”, he implored.
“Well, Kari, I’m meeting someone for coffee. It ain’t your business who gon’ be there, either.”, she answered with sass.
“I see. Secondly, who gave you this trash ass Saints shirt? I need to get you at least two Falcons shirts.”
She escaped from his grip and returned a sour look. A record scratched in her head. “I-I-I’m sorry. I SLEPT WITH A FUCKING FALCONS FAN?! MY FAMILY RAISED ME BETTER THAN THIS!”
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“Oh, you some super fan or something?”, he questioned.
“I’m surprised Tanisha didn’t tell you. Have you know, one, my family holds minority stake in the organization, making us minority owners, and two, my first boyfriend and best friend to this day is a proud SUPER BOWL-WINNING Saint. Now if you excuse me, I have to rush to my meeting and go reclaim my dignity.”,she bragged as she walked out of the door. But before she could walk out of door, she poked her head through the door and flipped him off.
“You so fucking CHILDISH, Khalida!”
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Yaa had accomplished many things in her life, from graduating college at 18 to receiving 4 degrees before turning 25, but nothing was as nerve-wrecking as meeting up with Winston. Let’s face it: their last meeting left such a distaste in her mouth.
Her left Chaco tapped softly yet persistently against the dark hardwood floors, while the right rested underneath her bottom.With one hand rested against her warm cup of honey-sweetened hibiscus tea and the other texting Tanisha for guidance into this awaited meeting, she attempted to clear her mind of the past and concern herself with the future. Would he be on that bullshit again? Will I have to smack a bitch? Has he decided to grow up? Does he look dusty? She looked out of the window and zoned out as she watched Beverly Hills slowly wake up after the wild night everyone had.
“Khalida?”, Winston called loud enough to pull his ex-girlfriend out of her daze. She shook her head and looked up to lock eyes with her former lover.
“Hey, hey!”, she greeted. She slowly got up and limped two steps to hug him. It was almost like they’d never skipped a beat. For a moment in time, it felt like they were the only people in the coffee shop, which if you exclude the employees and maybe three other people scattered around the shop, they were. Bitch, get offa him. He spazzed on you, remember?
Immediately upon having the thought, she separated from him and she gestured for him to sit. “So, I might’ve ordered a blueberry scone or two for you. I’m pretty sure you’ve put yourself on some depressing ass diet, but treat yourself.” Almost if on cue, the barista placed a small pink box in front of Winston, along with a caramel latte.
“You didn’t have to do that, but I appreciate it.”, Winston acknowledged. The two shared a nervous laugh and got themselves comfortable in their seats. The tension between could have been cut with a cleaver; so much could’ve been said, after all. The two looked at each in an attempt to find their words.
“I wanna apol-”
“You firs-
“No, you fir-”
“Gotdammit! Somebody finna fuckin talk out of sync.”, Yaa finally said by herself. “Guess I’ll start. Lemme cut to the chase—why are we here?” She sipped on her tea as she waited for his answer.
He pondered before speaking, “Well, first, I just want to apologize for acting like...being an ass a few months back. I wasn’t in my right mind in that relationship. Michelle was a nightmare after that night and we broke it off not even a week after our last meeting. I tried to call you, but I’m more than you confident you blocked my number. Hell, I don’t blame you. Now, I called you on a fluke last night and after analyzing what I said and even getting some choice words from my mom, I was wondering if your offer for friendship was still on the table? I messed up twice, and I don’t want to do lose you anymore.”
Yaa looked around the coffee shop and firmly gripped his chin to get a better look at him. “Is this the same Winston that I saw a few months ago? I’m almost afraid to hear the answer.”
WInston grimaced from the pain shooting to his jaw. Though small, Yaa’s hands had strength, or “country strength”, as she called it from years of herding large animals and even people. “Woman, I need to resize your strength.” Winston moved his jaw from her grip and moved it from side to side to alleviate the pain. “If we’re being transparent, I cried just about every night thinking about how I treated you when we broke up. I’m pretty sure I’m the biggest idiot for allowing a woman such as yourself to walk out twice. At this point, I just want us to be back on good terms.”
“Don’t fucking play with me, Winston. Are you sure? Is this what you truly want?”
“Yes. I just miss you. Aside from the romantic aspect, I just miss the little things, like your random calls in the middle of the day about some tea you just got, your spirit, and even getting cursed out by you.” Poor Winston. Though she knew his sincerity, Yaa found it hard to believe his sap story. If he could help it, he would’ve been on his knees pleading for a second chance.
Yaa’s face was unreadable—stoic, yet unreadable. It was a face that was over apologies and all for corrected behavior. A face that was finding itself conflicted with two men. Deep down, she wanted to be back with Winston. After all, he was her true love. But true love is tested. The plane needed to be taken apart, diagnosed, and rebuilt in order for it to be cleared for service. Everything was sounding good, too good to be believed without doubt. Yet, she still felt the urge to suplex Winston for crumbling her heart and her feelings back in June.
Khalida sipped the rest of her tea before breaking the painful silence built between her and her pitiful ex, “Do you want me?”
“What? Of course, Khalida! What are you talking about?”, Winston replied confused and taken aback from the question. Khalida chuckled—shoulders and all—as she nodded her head.
“No,no, no, baby boy. Do you want me? As in a your lifelong partner, forever and always? Not just in the physical or in lust, but as your better half, trusted confidant, your No Limit Soldier, ya yeah wit da yeah? How we should be instead of how we used to be?”
Winston paused to word his answer, “...Yes. You shouldn’t even have to ask me that question.”
“Well, if you want me, then you have to earn me.”
“Obviously, Olivia Pope, but you make it seem easier said than done. How do I earn you back?”
“Stick with me for a moment. You remember that plane analogy I used in Louisiana?” He nodded. “Aight, so boom: right now, the plane is completely outta service, y’eardme? The best way to have it back in service is to completely dismember the plane—start from scratch. Next, we gotta find the parts of the plane that caused the malfunction. We get better parts and rebuild, bit by bit. Soon, we’ll have an improved plane that’s better than the old plane. The crew’s gotten more experience, been with other pilots and co-pilots, and next inspection, the plane will be ready for service. It’s not an overnight process, but we’ll get through it. So...are you in?”
Winston offer his hand to shake on the new agreement, an offer in which Yaa accepted, along with a hug. “To new beginnings. A clean slate. Let’s start: I’m Winston. You are?”
Yaa snorted, “Khalida,but you can call me Yaa.” They shook hands once more, sharing a laugh. The laugh led to two genuine smiles. Their hearts skipped beats as they saw each other’s smiles.
“So...I’ve been meaning to ask, what or who’s got you glowing like this? There’s only so much Shea butter in the world…”, Winston inquired as he stirred the remainder of his caramel latte.
Yaa’s mind flashed back to nearly 12 hours ago when she was calling God’s name more than Kirk Franklin and the Family. Mental vignettes of Yaa and Michael moaning and the sound of skin slapping flashed throughout her mind, causing her to re-adjust her sitting position in her seat.
“I...I...uh…met someone last night. Everything happened so fast. Once the smoke clears and we establish something or the lack thereof, I’ll tell you more about him.”, Yaa stopped herself from turning flush.
While he smiled, Winston felt a small part of him die, but he realized that it was only fair that she get her shot of a relationship. But he knew her and the person she was—she was the prototype. Any man or woman would be stupid to not fall for her in some way. His smile widened as he locked eyes with her. Oh, how he’d missed that look.
The two began catching up about life beyond the romantic aspect. The basic “how ya momma nem?” conversations. After that, they walked about of the coffee shop, but not before he helped her out of her stiffened position from the seat. They hugged once more before going their separate ways. Not even 10 feet away, he turned to speak again. “I’m sorry.”
“You just apologized like 20 minutes ago, moe.”, Yaa yelled.
“No.”, he closed the distance between them, “I’m sorry for not knowing how to be a decent boyfriend to you. You’re a special woman with who needs a special man in her life. I know I’m that man, but just not right now. Whoever he or she is that you met last night, I hope they understood that the moment they laid eyes on you and plan accordingly. I wish I did when I met you. Sorry...I just needed to get that off of my chest.” By this time, his large hands enrobed her small hands and he hadn’t realized it. When he did, he promptly removed them.
“It’s ok, love. Today was fun. I gotta bounce, but be safe and have a happy new year.” She walked to her rental Prius and honked at him as she passed him.
He chuckled to himself as he walked to his car, “Oh, I will, Dr. Duke, I will.”
@muse-of-mbaku @kumkaniudaku @eriknutinthispoosy @whoramilaje @mbakusthrone @mbakuwife @crushed-pink-petals @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @jackburtonsays @randomwordprompts @bartierbakarimobisson @wakandan-flowerz @blackpantherreblogs @babygirlofwakanda @eerythingisshaka @washyourlinens @turn-thy-paige @doublesidedscoobysnacks @wakandas-vibranium @oceanscorazon @oshasimone @destinio1 @sonofnjobu @teheeboo @sarahboseman @iamrheaspeaks @chaneajoyyy @lovelynervouschaos @cay-cah @coonflix @katasstrophey @mareethequeen @jozigrrl @great-neckpectations @thememoireeofme @forgottenthoughtsandmemories @ljstraightnochaser @jellybean531 @yofavcocoa @storibambino @maya-leche @blackgirloneshots @royallyprincesslilly @texasbama @certifiednatural @abeautifulmindexposed
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icannotreadcursive · 4 years
Avengers PSAs: On the COVID-19 Pandemic 5: Food!
Clint was leaning back against the kitchen island in purple argyle pajama pants and a black T-shirt.
“Hey,” he said, making the salute-like ASL sign for hello as he did. “Clint Barton, AKA Hawkeye or 'that random guy with the bow an arrow who hangs out with the Avengers' here to talk about grocery shopping and cooking during these quaran-times.”
He grinned at his own pun, then continued, signing to the camera to follow him. He pushed off from the island and walked over to the pantry and the two large refrigerators that flanked it. “Whether you're ordering your groceries for delivery or suiting up in your mask and gloves to brave the stores, you need to shop according to what kind of storage you have and you preferences as far as what you'll actually cook and what you'll actually enjoy eating.
“Now what I mean by shopping according to your storage is things like, if you have a lot of freezer space—maybe you have a freezer chest in the garage because you hunt, or you have a minifridge leftover from college that you can set cold enough to use as a freezer—then stocking up on frozen food is a good idea. If you don't have a lot of freezer space, then you can't stock up as much on frozen food and need to focus more on shelf-stable things like dry good and canned goods.
“The point is to be able to have enough food in your home that you can make three meals a day for your whole household for at least a week without having to go shopping and without things going bad before you can eat them. That kind of big stock-up grocery run gets expensive fast, and a lot of people aren't working right now or have their hours cut, so it can be hard to afford the kind of stocking up we all need to be doing. To help mitigate that and make things easier for others in your community, if you can afford to buy the more expensive versions of some foods, do so. Leave the less expensive options on the shelves for the people who can't afford anything else.”
He moved farther into the pantry and he segued subjects a little. “If you're not much of a cook or if you're particularly busy right now—working in essential industries, working from home, trying to homeschool your kids, whatever—then you need to focus more on prefab food, stuff you can just shove in the oven or the microwave or stick on the stove for a minute and be done. If you do like to cook or you've decided your quarantine activity is gonna be learning to cook and you have more time, then you should focus more on getting ingredients for cooking from scratch. Everyone should have a mix of both, though, and there are certain stables everyone oughta have on hand.”
He grabbed a box off a shelf, tossed it over his shoulder, caught it as he turned around, and held it out for the camera to see. “Noodles. You want noodles. It doesn't really matter what noodles. Dry pasta is great because it's extremely shelf stable, it keeps forever. I've eaten pasta that was a year past the date on the box and it was fine.
“I know a lot of stores are running low on boxed pasta, so maybe now's the time to try that lentil based pasta you've been eyeing suspiciously for a while, or get some tiny pasta like orzo, stelini, or even couscous that you usually avoid because they're not really noodles.” He put the box of pasta back on the shelf. “You can even make your own pasta if you really want to or you're really desperate. But if you have noodles—or pasta, same difference—you have a meal. Cook a whole batch to eat with sauce for spaghetti night, then save the leftover noodles, fry them up in a pan with some butter, scrambled eggs, and cheese tomorrow for lunch.
“On that note, you want eggs unless you're allergic—or vegan, I guess—and you want your dairy staples: butter, cheese, and milk. Butter and cheese both keep a long time in the fridge, especially hard dry cheeses, but milk is iffier. You canfreeze milk to make it last longer, just shake it up real good when you thaw it out, but you can also get UHT milk—ultra high temperature—that's been heat-treated so you don't have to refrigerate it at all until it's opened so you can keep it on the counter or in the pantry.” He looked around a little. “I don't think we have any UHT milk for me to show you or I would. Stark's bankrolling us, as usually, and we're doing what I mentioned earlier about buying the more expensive stuff if you can afford it, and, well, Tony can afford anything, so we've been getting direct delivery from a local dairy farm once a week—it's in glass bottles, Steve and Buck are thrilled, it's cute. Anyway, another thing you can do is buy a gallon of milk, buy some powdered milk, once you've used half of that gallon, mix up half a gallon worth of that powdered milk with cold water, add it to the half gallon you had left. Boom, whole gallon of milk again, and I promise it's not weird and watery seeming like if you just reconstitute powdered milk by itself. It's good.
“You also want rice, shelf-stable protein like canned tuna, or these funky little packets,” he held up a pouch of lemon-pepper flavored tuna, “stuff to snack on like crackers and whatever you like on crackers, and bread—which is something else you can make yourself, seriously buy some flour and get your bake on, kneading bread is a great way to work out your frustrations.” He smacked a large bag of flour, caught it as it threatened to fall off the shelf, resettled it, and flashed a thumbs up.
It cut back to Clint in the kitchen, sitting at the island now. “For the sake of your own sanity, it's also important to make it where feeding yourself isn't just a chore and you actually enjoy your food. There's a lot of little things you can do that will help with that a lot even if you're not up to much more than throwing some ramen in the microwave.”
A package of Yaki Soba slid quickly across the counter right past Clint—a slivery blur flashed behind him, kicking up a breeze that ruffled his hair, and Pietro caught the package before is skidded right off the end of the island. “Sorry,” Pietro grinned sheepishly as he handed the Yaki Soba to Clint, “my bad.”
“I knew I should have asked your sister,” Clint teased. He rolled his eyes as Pietro ducked back out of frame, then held up the Yaki Soba for the camera. “If you're gonna have one of these, take two seconds before you make it, dig through your fridge, add a little soy sauce or teriyaki sauce to the water before you cook it, give it some flavor. Toss some shredded carrots, coleslaw mix, or even canned chicken in there. Make this stuff be real food instead of I'm-trying-to-feed-myself-in-my-dormroom sadness with minimal effort.”
He tossed the Yaki Soba out of frame, presumably to Pietro, and a plushy hotdog got tossed back to him. He caught it easily. “Hot dogs are great, easy and fast to fry up in a pan, but kinda meh on their own, so have some potato chips or shove fries or tater tots in the oven. Make some chili and have chili dogs.
“Speaking of chili….” He tossed the plushy back and a jar of Prego pasta sauce slid to him—it stopped a little short and he leaned forward to grab it. “We should have practiced this. Anyway. Jarred pasta sauce is totally fine, but you can use it as a spring board for excellent homemade sauce. Brown some ground meat in the bottom of a pot, put some onion through a food processor, cook it in a big pan, add some garlic, process some more veggies, any veggies, add them and some wine to the onions, once that's cooked down, add it all in with the meat, pour in some store bought sauce, feast like a god. I'm not even kidding, Thor loves this stuff, I made a whole vat of it last week. It's easier to do in bulk and it freezes well.  Andyou can split some off, add beans and spices, make yourself some damn good chili. I'll post a recipe with actual measurements and stuff.”
He slid the jar of sauce back and caught a box of dry noodle soup mix that had been thrown directly at his face. “Make this stuff with more noodles—if your extra noodles take more than 5 minutes to cook, put them in the water first, then add the soup mix when ther's five minutes to go. When it's almost done cooking, like a minute left, pour in a scrampled egg or three. You've got egg drop soup, white people style.”
He tossed the soup box back and Pietro threw a pack of premade pizza crusts to him like a frisbee. Clint fumbled it a little but didn't drop it. “Make your own pizza! You can get these flatbread rounds to use as crust, or you can make your own dough—if you have a bread machine, it will make the dough for you. Then, put whatever you want on your pizza. You can go traditional with red sauce, cheese, and pepperoni, or you can get feta, pre-cooked grilled chicken, olives and artichoke hearts—Tony likes that.” He gestured off camera. “The wonder twins over here like carrots on their pizza; I'm not gonna question it. Natasha made herself a bacon mac'n'cheese pizza for breakfast today.”
He flung the pizza rounds away and, judging by the thwap sound, no one caught them. “Just, think about your food. Have fun, experiment, sing while you cook, plan before you go shopping, don't feel like you have to settle for spaghetti-o's and cereal just because you're stuck at home. And, hey, tell me what you're cooking, what you like on pizza. Stay home, stay safe, stay well fed. From me, and Pietro, and the rest of the Avengers—thank you.”
He signed thank you as well and waved before the video went black.
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