#this was sooooo fun to write thank u for the prompt!!!!
player1064 · 4 months
reverse of ur outed!gary fic: Jamie comes out early in his career (all aggressively "so fucking WHAT??!!" about it). Cue closeted gary (who still hates scousers) trying (and failing) to ask for tips on coming out whilst still playing.
Jamie doesn't realise Gary's gay until they're proper friends, YEARS after retirement
I've been thinking this one over trying to work out how I wanna do it and well anyway today I finally sat down to write it and uh at what point does a drabble stop being a drabble and start being just. a fic. bc this one comes in at 1.2k words so like. hi!
“Is Neville staring at us again?”
“I mean –” Stevie quickly glances back over his shoulder, “—yeah, he is, but he’s always had that sort of –” he looks at Jamie and widens his eyes in an imitation of Neville’s default glare, “—y’know, he’s just stare-y. ‘s probably nowt to do w’you, don’t be so vain.”
Except, all day Jamie feels eyes burning into the back of his head, and every time he turns around Neville is there, pretending he’s not been looking straight at him.
It’s Jamie’s first England camp since coming out, and until now he’s been so safely wrapped up in the bubble of the Liverpool dressing room that he’d almost forgotten that the rest of the England squad, especially the Mancs, are fucking dicks. Always have been, and among the Mancs there is none more dickish than Mister Manc himself, Gary fucking Neville.
He’s always ignored the Liverpool players, has always shot glares at them from his little huddle of friends, but Jamie’s pretty sure it’s worse this time around. And only one thing has changed, so.
Homophobic little prick.
Neville may always be surrounded by his little gang but Jamie is too, he’s got Stevie and Mickey and Redders, so he doesn’t have to make any attempts at civil conversation and everyone can just go on ignoring each other, both on and off the pitch.
(And people wonder why it’s been so long since England won a trophy.)
But then Jamie sprains his ankle during five-a-side, and he’s fine, really, but he’s sent off the pitch to the treatment room.
The treatment room, where Neville – who’s done his calf or his hamstring or his who-gives-a-shit – is going through his physio exercises.
Neville stops when he walks in and, surprise surprise, he stares, his lips pressed tightly together.
“Carragher,” he bites out in greeting.
“Neville,” Jamie responds with a curt nod. “Don’t worry your ugly little head, I’ll just go back to my room. Can’t do much to me ankle ‘sides rest it, anyways.”
“No, you should – I mean, you can stay. Makes no difference to me, like.”
“Fine. Cheers, then.”
He limps over to the mini-freezer that holds the ice packs, then hops up onto a bench and rests his foot on a cushion.
Neville keeps staring at him, the whole time.
“’s not catching, y’know,” Jamie grumbles.
“Bein’ gay. So you can stop fuckin’ lookin’ at me like that, ‘s not like I’m gonna try anything. Not w’you, that’s for sure.”
Neville blinks a few times. “That’s not what –” he scowls. “—yer not special, y’know, just ‘cause you like suckin’ dick. Yer not special at all, are you, how many minutes’ve you played for England now?”
“Fuck off, you’re the one who won’t stop starin’ at me. ‘scuse me for not wantin’ to get beaten up by some skinny Manc.”
“I’ve not been starin’.”
“You fucking have. I’d ask if you ‘ave a crush but I think I’d rather take the beating, thanks.”
Neville scowls again, his cheeks flushed, and then he storms out of the room.
Jamie doesn’t speak to him again that international break.
“’ve I got somethin’ in me beard?”
Gary must not have realised he was staring, because he blinks and ducks his head, mumbles a “sorry, Carra,” just like Jamie knew he would.
Because Gary’s always staring, it’s just what he does. Jamie’s used to it by now, that intense focus of his. It’s almost nice, sometimes. Flattering.
They’ve finished shooting for the day and are sat in a pub near the Sky campus. Jamie’s just finishing his third pint, while Gary’s still nursing his second. Probably for the best, really, he can be such a lightweight.
Case in point: Gary suddenly turns all serious, frowning at Jamie and saying, “Carra,” with all the same gravity as if he’d used his full name.
“Yeah?” Jamie asks lightly, because who can be bothered with all that.
“Carra, why d’we never talk about it?”
“Talk about what, Gaz?”
“Me ‘n’ you.”
Jamie splutters into his drink. “You what?”
He must be going insane, is the thing, because he’s pretty sure Gary’s just asked –
“About me. ‘n’ you. And whatever that might’ve – meant. Back then, I mean, obviously not – obviously not now, ‘m not –”
“Gary, what the bloody ’ell are you talkin’ about?”
Maybe it’s the alcohol, or the lighting, but Gary’s flushed a delightful shade of pink. He stares down at where his hands are resting on the table, fidgeting.
“Why’re you makin’ me say it, I were young, it – it’s embarrassing.”
Jamie waits, arms crossed.
“Ugh, fine,” Gary huffs eventually, “since you’re insistin’ on bein’ all obtuse, James, fine. We’ve been workin’ together for years now, I’d like to think we’re friends, and I were just wonderin’ why you’ve never mentioned the crush I used to have on you, in England days. I mean, I know you wouldn’t – like, I am aware, that I’m not – y’know? But you tease me about everythin’ else, I never understood why not that, too.”
It takes a second, to process.
You can’t blame Jamie for that, surely, because what the actual fuck. Like, what the fuck.
Gary’s staring at him again, expectant. Nervous, maybe.
What the fuck.
“You –” Jamie starts, because he worries if he doesn’t say something soon Gary might get all wobbly. “You – Gary, you what?”
Gary’s flush deepens.
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. I know it’s – I know I weren’t exactly your type, back then. Or now, I s’pose, though, ha, don’t think I’m really anyone’s type, am I? Y’don’t need to rub it in, I were just wonderin’ why y’never mentioned it.”
“You –” Jamie tries again, still unable to get past his first sticking point. “Since when d’you like men?” Since when did you like me, he wants to ask, but that seems like far too dangerous a territory for three beers deep on a Wednesday night.
“You what, Jamie? ‘ve you been hit in the head?”
“I could ask you the same! You’re straight!”
“D’you need me to call a doctor? Straight, Jesus. Me? ‘m fucking gayer’n you, I’ll tell you that for free.”
“I – we’ve been workin’ together nearly ten year, why’d you never tell me?”
“Why the fuck would I ‘ave to tell you, you’ve known since 2004!”
“What do you mean, I’ve known since 2004, d’you not think I’d know if there was another gay footballer in the prem, or ‘re you forgettin’ all the shit I went through just because I was the only one.”
They’d not even been friends in 2004. They’d been barely civil, even when they were teammates at England. When the fuck would Jamie have had the chance to –
“Oh my God. ‘re you telling me that whole fucking nightmare of an international break you spent glaring at me like I’d killed your nan was because you fucking liked me?”
“You didn’t know?” Gary screeches. “You’re the one who said it!”
“Oh my God,” Jamie repeats. “We could’ve been doing this for twenty fucking years.”
“What, arguin’? I think you’ll find we –”
Jamie kisses him, both as explanation and because sometimes he really needs to learn when to shut up.
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eustasskidagenda · 8 months
☆Event - Advent calendar: Hot chocolate or gingerbread? 
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Hi there☆ This is my first event so I'm a bit nervous lol. I hope it won't be too messy and you will like it :D But I really wanted to thank you all for the 140+ followers. Since December is slowly approaching, I thought it would be fun to have an advent calendar. I know I'm posting this early, but I want to write the texts beforehand and have the time to write them all without any pressure! ( ^◡^) 
Be polite when requesting. It's really rude to receive messages without a 'hello' or 'thank you'.
Please, also precise you're requesting for the event and not for a normal request.
Give me one OP character, one prompt number, and let me know if you're okay with modern AU or not. If you pick more than one character, I’ll choose my personal favorite in the list.
You can include some details you would like to see in the fic and, for n/sfw requests, please precise if you want some specific kinks (click here to see the kinks I won't write) 
Don’t forget to specify the gender of the reader, otherwise I'll go for a g/n reader. I won’t accept request that basically describe an oc.
For a smut request, please use off-anon and make your age easily accessible on your blog. Don’t be shy, I won’t judge you♡ If you're uncomfortable, I won't show your name on the post. Just let me know if you want to stay anon.
This event will remain open to requests as long as slots are still available
To keep the fun of an advent calendar, the fics will be updated in a non-predictable order. So maybe I'll post the 7 prompt for day one, who knows.
Some prompts are only sfw (the hot chocolate ones), some are only nsfw (the gingerbread one), and for some, you can choose if you want the fic to be smutty or not. 
☆all the characters you can ask for this event:
Buggy, Corazon, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Eustass Kid, Hawkins, Izou, Killer, King, Kiku, Kuzan, Luffy (only sfw prompts with Luffy), Marco, Mihawk, Nami, Portgas D. Ace, Rob Lucci, Robin, Roronoa Zoro, Sabo, Sanji, Shanks, Smoker, Trafalgar Law, Usopp, X Drake, Yamato (he/him) 
Characters I won't write for: Blackbeard and Blackbeard crew, Brook, Roger, Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Franky, Benn, Akainu, Kizaru, Apoo
⇢ if the character you would like is not on one of those lists, just ask in a comment and I'll let you know!
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☆Hot Chocolate 
Let's decorate the home together 
First time at the rink
Catching a cold after the first snow
Let's cook the Xmas dinner together
Hot wine and Xmas market 
Let's build a snowman 
Build-a-bear together
Night walk and city illumination
Adopting a dog/cat together 
Building a gingerbread house 
Snow angel and shooting stars
Santa Claus costume
Ginger & aphrodisiac 
An unexpected gift
Have you been good or naughty this year?
Are you wearing something under this apron?
Let's start our "good resolutions" early
Are you cold? I'll warm you up 
Human chocolate
☆Hot chocolate or gingerbread? 
Snowball fight 
First Xmas together and ugly sweaters 
Relaxing in front of the fire 
Painting baubles together 
Look, there's a mistletoe  
Hot spring 
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☆Exemple of request with all the needed informations
"Hi (I totally agree with the Kid agenda), for your event, I'd like to ask for the prompt 3 of the hot chocolate list, with Kid (obviously), g/n reader. I'm fine with modern A/U. Tyyy"
"Hello, I’m here for the event. I'd like to ask for the prompt 3 of the gingerbread or hot chocolate list. I'd like to have a gingerbread fic with Law and *add a list of kinks you like here*, no modern AU please, afab reader, thank you <;3"
Thank you…(´人`●)SOOOOO━━\(´∀`●)/━━MUCH!!
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dayseternal-blog · 5 months
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Okies, here's my NaruHina Fair wrap-up bingo card 😭💝 The month went by way too quickly. THANK YOU everyone who participated for all the wonderful NaruHina fics and art and moodboards and other stuff!!! Even if it's not on this list, I enjoyed everything I saw and read 💖 I loved reflecting on NH Fair last year, and this Bingo card gave me a way to think more deeply about everyone's work again this year 🔎
This SHOULD NOT be opened in public *opens it anyway* - @iamdslr's nsfw art that she surprised us all with on discord 🔥🤯 absolutely gorgeous depiction of one of my fave positions 🙈 sorry tmi
Flooding this artist with tons of notifications - @shirii My fave was definitely the Evil AU!!! So cute, so evil. A perfect art to match madglow's "A New Dawn" fic! Also I love how saturated the colors are in shirii's art.
I've lost count to how many times I've seen/read this. AND I'LL DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN - "Cruel Angel" by @sessakag The horror and the smut is just soooo Sessakag-style. Like no one else could have possibly written this. Also I don't know who suggested "the world's ending and you're far from your love," but I thought the prompt sounded impossible, and you know what, Sessakag can write the impossible.
Had a bad day but seeing this made it better - "For Ruin and the World's Ending" by @badluckbrebis thank u for reposting this because it seems like I completely missed/forgot about this, it seemed new to me 😓 I love it so much, the description of their world is so vibrant, and yeah, an update from you makes life so much better 🥺💕 !!!
THIS IS WHAT TRUE LOVE LOOKS LIKE - @diyas-diaries-98 All of the short stories in "NaruHina Month 2023" are so cute and stars-in-their-eyes in love, but my fave is "Me in Your Eyes"!! The prompt is already a foundation for the fandom, but you took it to the next level in describing how they see each other🤩
THIS DESERVES TO BE SEEN BY ALL *shares work multiple times* - I have recommended @wickermayne's "Chicken Ramen for the Pervert's Soul" several times, and I will do it again!!! Actually I think "Hinata (Light Femdom)" is the first fic I read/commented on for you....anyway, I love, love, love it. Will always love it.
This is so silly. I LOVE IT! - "Things that Moan in the Night" is just....wow. honestly it was a toss-up between the cold shower and this bingo square, but in the end, it's a really fun smutty fic for me that's experimental in a way most smut fics aren't. I love the writing challenge of switching pov's, especially to 2nd pov.
It's not enough for me to see/read it. I NEED TO EAT IT TO BECOME A PART OF ME! - @lavvdil's "devouring you" for the beauty and the beast prompt!! Hinata's just gorgeous!! I would so love to write that kind of NaruHina, the Naruto who's so close to the demon itself, the Hinata who's so precious to the demon... reminds me of utsu's fic "Monster of the Tales". then @avbocetos's "Kiss the byakugan princess!" art is so, so lovely, the blank period/The Last NaruHina kiss is soooo passionate, and mmmmmm I want to write that so badly. That kind of heart-pounding kiss!
it's sooooo FLUFFY! - "My #1 Supporter" by shineofdawn, ohhh my gosh, so I'm already a sucker for pianist Hinata. But just the way shineofdawn was able to have Hinata's piano music be a support for badminton player Naruto, the connection is so wonderful 😭 and "Promise Rings" by @powerful-niya has gotta be the fluffiest thing Niya has ever written. It's sooo...ugh, love!!! They're in love and promising themselves to each other for forever and it's perfect!!!
FREE - @bornonthebreakofdawn's tanka for "Me in Your Eyes" prompt. I love born's poetry, but this one hit it out of the ballpark for me. In such few words, born touched on how sensitive Naruto must be in the way people look at him, and how different and special it must've been when he saw how Hinata looks at him. Something to ruminate on.
You've already left a kudos/like - @cherpring's "Marriage (Thai Culture)" art!!!! I love seeing NaruHina in different cultures, and then on top of that, this art has so many interesting details, the cushions (?), Naruto's pants, the flowers, their pins... I love their little blushes!!! Definitely one of my fave arts of this month.
I need a cold shower - "Another Baby" by Its_Levioooosaa got me invested, I loved how excited they were 😳 and "Dark Circles" by @bunny-hoodlum ahhhhhhh how exhausted but turned on Naruto was, like, yes, I love that energy!!!
IT WAS NOT FINE - What Is This Heartbreak in "Don't Deny Me" by Imanga 😭💔 "Oh, I can't handle angst" she says, "I don't know how you guys can read so much angst" she says. What a liar lol
OMG they replied to my comment!!! - So by far, the longest comment I left this month was for @nightowl27-writer's "Weird Hinata" because imo it was really just the tightest and most skillful writing all month. There was so much to analyze in every line, the relationship between them was so complex, nightowl developed their characters so well!!! I was so happy that nightowl read and replied to my comment 🙈
This fic is incomplete and I shall never rest again - "Free Day!" by @opttagoyeo was the one that got me in a chokehold. What does Kurama MEAN that Hinata might be one of them??? The other fics in "NH Month 2023" are great, too, but there's a little bit more of a closure for the "Red Strings of Fate" and "Time Travel." Priest!Naruto is like 2 more meetings away from seductress!Hinata pulling his pants down and giving him the time of his life, but also what is the mystery behind them??? I must know.
Why is this a one-shot? I need 6 seasons and a movie! - "A New Dawn" by madglow and "ready or not" by @secrettastemakerland, I am so impressed at how they crammed entire gigantic plots that could SERIOUSLY be 2 hour long movies into short fics. How. Just how did they do that. I'm left wanting more!! And also, I'm terribly jealous, like, I wish I could write my ideas that well. "A New Dawn" is the Akatsuki!NaruHina the fandom's been waiting for and "ready or not" AHHHH fox!Naruto!!!!! I just, love fox Naruto. So does Hinata.
How do I ask for an update without asking for an update? - Bunny!!!!! BunnyHoodlum wrote yoga!Hinata and yet another, new troubled!Naruto unlike one we've ever seen before in "Handsy" and I'm so in love with Bunny's writing ughhhhhhhhh, how Naruto is a yes man, how he's so all-over-the-place, and then Hinata, the good girl, rich girl, out-of-his-reach girl!!! This fic hits soo many things for me!
I am drowning in tears and may never recover - @golubhat's "Goodbye Naruto-kun..." art for war and love... you know NaruHina month had barely started, and golubhat just throws this at us from the get-go. That lost look in Naruto's eyes...jeez louise my gosh....the tears...the way he's gripping her head... on the flipside, my fave golubhat art this month was the Soviet high school students au!!!!!!, like, tell me more about that!!!!
11pm is a great time to start a 100k slow burn - I know Powerful_Niya's "Reckless Love" 2-shot probably isn't 100k, but it's definitely on the longer side of fics posted this month, and I did start reading it around 11:00. Anyway, delinquent!Naruto and angelic!Hinata are to-die-for in this fic. They are both down bad for each other and practically in denial about it!!
I don't think I'll be able to sleep well after that - @spaciousignatius posts NaruHina fanfics like...maaaybe once a year, and "Taken" is so terribly melancholy yet so worth the wait 😭 I love it and just hope that Naruto and/or Hinata somehow gets even against these military guys.
Wow, that might haunt me in my dreams - and I mean this in a good way. Just like born's tanka, @opal-chan's "Rage Room" got me thinking... on family, forgiveness, internalizing feelings versus externalization. Opal-chan does a fantastic job with portraying the Hyuuga clan in such a raw way.
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toodrasticallydumb · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Oh! Hello! I was tagged by @pinkytoothlesso11 ! Thanks for thinking of me pinky! I’m kinda new to the whole fanfic scene so i really appreciate it! This was already a long list of questions to begin with but i fear i may have made it worse…
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Unfortunately just 2, though I do plan to add a few more in the future as ideas flow. Might take me a minute ‘cause my schedule is just a little bit kinda sorta really swamped down with my main child which requires let me you, A LOT OF CARE DONT SIGN UP TO ADOPT KIDS PEOPLE IT’S NOT—
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Phew. ummmm it changes very rapidly (because i’m a girl w suspected adhd and can NEVER be told to shut up) with every chapter but as of this moment is 228,665! wow! i don’t really know how great of a number that is but i’m sure it’s a lot! I told you I can never shut up! (-whispers- Hey kid, u want some dRuGs? i mean- an update? That itty bitty word count is about to take another not regularly scheduled mini-skyrocket so get ready for it ehehe ;})
3. What fandoms do you write for?
For now, just Trollhunters/Tales of Arcadia, mainly Trollhunters despite the fact that the first of the Tales of Arcadia shows that i watched and really enjoyed was actually 3-Below, but oh well my man is in Trollhunters sooooo oopsie but i DO have some random snippets of fics for Miraculous (rewrite), the Star Wars sequels (rewrite), Batman, some for the Dream SMP, and weirdly enough also Raya and the Last Dragon (rewrite). All of which i prolly wont ever post because i wrote them a while ago and yeaaaahhh not my best writing but if i get enough people other than my best friend wanting me to post them, i might…
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
uhhhh i dont actually HAVE five fics to my name, so i’ll just…put em in order (w their long-ahh title names):
Trollhunter!Strickler: Destiny's Ill-fitted Chosen
'A MiStAkE' because I haven't updated in ages--A Stricklake month 2023 prompt collection
but i am so happy for the people who have left so many kudos on my work it really warms mah little heart ❤️
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. At first, I sorta struggled with it (who the heck am i kidding i STILL do) but since my fic USED to be two times a week updates i would feel like i couldn’t respond to a comment left after i posted a new chapter so i might’ve left some comments in the earlier days unanswered, super sorry. Nowadays i make it a point to reply back to everyone in the order that they commented in because (anxiety makes me think if i don’t respond they won’t comment anymore and know that i love reading their comments and that they’re so amazing for actually taking the time to write something back AND I DO LOVE IT I PROMISE IT JUST TAKES ME A WHILE TO RESPOND—) …because it’s pretty chill to geek out w em and see they liked stuff that i loved to write! I do have a backlog of comments to get to i just end up overthinking everything to match the person’s energy to be sure they know i love em.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Unfortunately, i haven’t actually finished a fully-fledged fic to say it has the angstiest ending bUt definitely a contender would be chapter 1 of my 2023 Stricklake prompt collection because i just leave it on the sad note and don’t do anything about it because angst and because spoilers for my actual story fic that will eventually make it to that point.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happiest ending, huh? I like to say that most of the things i will/have chosen to write end happy/hopeful because i hate when books/tv shows end bittersweetly it’s like i have enough with life itself being bittersweet most of the time let me be happy LET THEM BE HAPPY. But that doesn’t exclude me from providing the proper banquet of angst that ends in caretaking, my absolute favorite trope.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Oh heck no. I would be devastated honestly, but thankfully everyone who comments is always the sweetest and kindest people ever and really encourage me to keep going, for that i am only thankful.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. Just no. I love romance but i am a minor, so i’ve never consumed smut nor intend to ever write it. Give me a soft romance and loving gestures, I can allude to greater happenings but not details.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don’t, sorry. I don’t know something in me just doesn’t sit well with crossovers, for the life of me I don’t know why. Like genuinely i wish i could get into them but maybe it’s like food on a plate? i don’t like the foods touching each other so maybe the same rules apply??? yeah i’m drasticallydumb
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that i know of, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t believe so, and if someone did they’re in for a heck of a lot of work there…
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I’d like to sometime but i have no idea how one even goes about making a co-written fic, on top of which i am a very sporadic person in terms of motivation and random ideas produced by a song i’m listening to while writing.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Stricklake obviously is a really big contender if not the winner, the ship that brought me to AO3, writing fanfics, and tumblr. But, if i had to pick other options i’d say Eugene and Repunzel from Tangled would be one of my ogs, another might be uhhh Chris and Aviva from Wild Kratts the og of the ogs.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Chapter 3 of my stricklake 2023 prompt collection, it just has a lot of moving parts and me and my best friend are chronic procrastinators and with the month pretty far gone it might just end up sittin’ there for the foreseeable future 😞 but who knows
16. What are your writing strengths?
Phew, that’s a dozy mainly because i’m not super sure. I’d like to think one of my main strengths is descriptions and really putting you in the mind of the character, i don’t really like spelling things out and i like a little investigating to get you where u end up, u know? I like to think my writing FEELS a little more like a show on a page rather than a true book, most to blame would be my maladaptive daydreaming taking up a lot of time in my planning for my writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ah. How the turn tables. I would say that my weaknesses in writing mostly consist of me going a little *too* far into detail on meaningless things or making it too convoluted for people to understand, sometimes spelling it out is better in certain scenarios and i just really need to get myself past that. Another one i would say is that i go REALLY into detail not only in a sentence/chapter sense but also a complete STORYLINE sense, i hate time skips and i shoot myself in the foot wanting to completely document every moment of everyday w a character and hence it seems like a lot of time in universe hasn’t gone by. Trying to improve and grow tho 💪
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Can’t wait to do more of it! Especially with Claire and her family (including NotEnrique) speaking spanglish w each other automatically mainly because i am hispanic and completely fluent in Spanish and live in a similar household so i just love to add a little ✨personalization✨ to my dialogue and interactions in that way. Other languages………….yeaaaahhh i’m not super good will prolly use google translate and hope.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Trollhunters, my gateway into AO3. HOWEVER. if you promise not to tell, the very first fandom i read/wanted to write a fanfic for was actually, as far as i can tell, Wordgirl. don’t ask why. don’t ask me how. it just kinda happened. But, officially, it’s Trollhunters. (maybe with a side of Warrior Cats).
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Not hard at all! My pride and joy, my youngest baby in the grand scheme of my writing journey, Trollhunter!Strickler: Destiny's Ill-fitted Chosen! A surprise to absolutely NO ONE. It’s honestly so amazing to both write and see people read and enjoy as much as I do, he’s my little man ❤️ And doing so much rewriting and character growth and having so much written and planned for the future, it’s just my absolute fav
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navysealt4t · 1 year
hi blue (explodes in your ask box)
i provide letters with the intent of seeing your opinion on fandom things, please enlighten me
I / O / S / Z
thank you 🙏
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
not really? for the most part its just made me get deeper into fandom lol. like ive started reading botw fics bc of the tumblr fandom and its been very fun
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
ooo i shuffled my liked songs and got the song "after the war" by reinaeiry and. :( it reminds me of lizzie and ayva if they had gotten the chance to be together without any pirate or navy bullshit . oughhh now im sad :( they are so tragic like waghhhh i know u dont know them but. shaking my lil gremlin hands at you they were so in love and ayva just haunts riptide's story sm i love them... daily propaganda go watch jrwi riptide for tragic lesbians..... :(
on the other hand it could totally be about albatrio or polypirates. wagh.
oh and speaking of lizzie/ayva cafe 1930 is a them song. it has no words but. them.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
RANDOM HEADCANON TIMES jay was taught the flute & violin as a kid and while she can play them super good she prefers playing random chords on the ukulele that sound good together :]
gillion he/she and neos pronoun user i will die on this hill sorry . speaking of this genderfluid chip & trans girl jay always. and butch edyn
chip loves singing he sings so much random words while he's doing chores and singing sea shanties arlin taught him or singing ollie to sleep. jay teases him endlessly about the lullabies he sings to ollie
animal lover jay is canon but. she loves animals so much. just adores them so much she will pet any animal that comes up to her she doesn't care about rabies. she's tried to make them get a pet other than pretzel so many times. im sooooo tempted to write a fic where jay smuggles a cat on board and yes it will be navyseal
jay loves sketching like mundane scenes in her life rlly colorfully and dramatic and with a lot of meaning behind it. like u know that one drawing that's like "i realized something about human connection but im too drunk to write it so i drew it" ??? thats how she draws. she dips her toes in landscapes :)
gill loves drawing ppl. his family, his sister, random ppl on the street, etc etc !!! he has gotten really good since when he first started but he goes through random bouts of self doubt where he refuses to draw
chip doodles random shit really and he does it on EVERY piece of paper he can find the corners of their map is covered in tiny doodles. these include angry doodles of niklaus looking very mischievous and pretzel with a big knife.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING BUT UUHHHHH OH im working on a thingy that im hoping to turn into a youtube video :DD basically i love the game unpacking and the way it tells it's story is phenomenal and the casual representation and the art style and music and relatability and everything about the game is amazing !!!! i have been doing so much research and typing in google doc im so excited to get working on it :3 ive played the game at least 10 times i lveo it. this is fan related bc i am a fan and i say so <3
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
how do u motivate urself to write so much! youre like incredible writing several drabbles every day... i can never make myself write like i always lack either the motivation or energy even tho i have sooooo many ideas...
Hi! Thank you for this message, it's very sweet -- and kind of ironic because I didn't write yesterday, so today my brain is screeching that I NEVER WRITE ANYMORE and I'm desperately trying to tell it, CHILL IT HAS BEEN 24 HOURS. But suffice to say: I feel that feel of it being really hard to motivate yourself to write even when you really, really want to do it.
I struggle a lot with acting on "self-motivated"/"internal" motivation alone (and I'm going to blame the ADHD for that). So even when it quote-unquote "should" be "enough" that I WANT to write, the fact that "it's just me" who wants it makes it hard to actually sit down and do it. That's part of why I'm the world's slowest writer on longfics, too! Only I care whether the story gets finished, so like... who cares? (Besides me, and who'm I? The queen??)
The best thing that I've ever done for my writing habits was to start the drabble project, because even though I rationally KNOW that no one actually cares that much whether I fill their prompt, I can CONVINCE myself that it affects someone else whether I write.
Knowing that I can make someone a little bit happy with my writing by filling their request bumps up my motivation from internal to external -- someone's putting pressure on me/counting on me/waiting for me, and I don't want to let them down. It means a lot to me to think that I can make someone even mildly smile with a contribution that I make to their day, so dangling that opportunity in front of me is enough to kick my butt into finishing my daily drabbles.
I think changing the language for myself from writing being an obligation to being an opportunity also helps -- even though my motivator is external pressure, it's still an opportunity to interact with someone through writing, not an obligation to fulfill. I miss LiveJournal's culture of interaction and discussion in fandom, and if I feel like I can recreate it a little bit by filling prompts, then good. I'm using writing to fill a hole that I have in my nostalgia-heart.
I'm also going to say that IT HELPS SO MUCH NOT TO LIMIT MYSELF TO ONE FANDOM OR PAIRING. I love so many things! I want to write all the things! Sometimes I run out of ideas for my biggest OTPs, and having other options to "recharge" with has been SO helpful. Even though it all depends (for me) on who is being requested at the moment, the breadth of pairings that people gift me the chance to write is a further stretch for my creative muscles, and that helps the drabbles work really well as a "warm-up" for longer writing. That obviously wouldn't work for everyone -- a lot of people genuinely have One True Pairing that they're interested in, and that's totally fine! -- but I've always been a multishipper in my heart and being able to swan around from fandom to fandom and pairing to pairing has been so refreshing and nice.
And honestly, the last helpful advice that I have is less fun and won't sound helpful, but it's the most important part: if you want to write, you just have to do it.
EVEN IF no one cares but you, EVEN IF you're kind of out of ideas, EVEN IF the words are all coming out wrong.
You have to choose whether you want to make writing part of your day-to-day life, and then commit to it if you do. I don't write at the same time every day, but I know a lot of writers who "go to work" at the same time every day and just write whether the creativity is flowing or not.
Writing is a creative muscle, and if you don't exercise it, it will atrophy, just like actual muscles. You can only improve if you do it. Reps and gains, or whatever. If you really don't have it in you to write that day, try to read and study writing craft or outline or research or make a moodboard for your story... anything that will still help that writing muscle flex.
The longer your writing muscle goes without writing, the harder it will be for it to "pull its weight" when you do sit down with the energy and creative flow and motivation, and that's super discouraging. And eventually, you stop sitting down at all. And that's a huge shame! If you love writing, you deserve to get to do it.
That's a big part of why I picked drabbles for my "exercise." They're only 100 words each! Pfft, I can do that! I'm all about endurance, not getting swole.
I would rather write a couple of tiny fics every day and know that I wrote than beat myself up for not working on my longfic every day.
And the BEST benefit of drabbles is that they ARE a good warm-up, so I have worked way more on my longfic in the last year than I would have without drabbles. You can cross-train your writing muscle to be able to work your way up to your Magnum Opus Big Honkin' Masterwerk... you don't have to START there.
So tl;dr, I would MOST suggest finding a way to externalize that motivation. Find a buddy who you can write for, or open up your inbox to prompts. Find the kind of prompts that work best for you -- some people love detailed prompts, but I'm a "one word and a pairing" kinda gal -- and remember that people requested them because you share a love for that fandom/pairing and you both are chasing joy. Even though it's external pressure, if it's stressing you OUT, then retool it. And try to just push through and write as often as you can even without the creativity flowing. Sometimes it's just not gonna, but you can poke around at something anyway and try to get those juices going.
If you're interested in trying drabbles the way that I do them -- one-word prompts for 100-word fics -- I posted a few prompt tables on my blog here that are open for anyone to use. :)
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cutegirlmayra · 2 years
I read that one fanfic of yours of Amy dying and leading to a tragic future where Sonic’s grief and rage consumes him, and just basically turning him into a harbinger of destruction the continuation is no short of tragedy either, surpassing it even. Which makes me burst into internalised screaming. whyyyyy author 😭😭
Forgive me for the annoying questions, I still awed at such a fic and would like to ask more about it! So the first, was Dark Sonic somehow able to live until Sliver’s era? (Or did Sliver transported there?). Second and hopefully the last is, if Dark Sonic would ever recognise Amy if she and Sliver ever bump into him?
I love the concept of Amy time traveling (or rather Time Traveling in whole) and was about to suggest an concept when I saw you were close! I discovered your account since last week and have been binging on your fics! Love your writing and keep it up 💕💕
Thank you!!! XD
I'm working on getting through the prompts by combining a few of the similar ones that could work for one story! So please be patient and thank you so so sooooo much for being such a wonderful warmth of positivity in my inbox TwT
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For the first question, if I remember correctly, I never mentioned if Silver lived in that era, but I do believe I intended him to not be too far into the future. So yes, Dark Sonic would be alive, since--these characters are defined by human characteristics--Sonic is canonically 15, meaning he would have lived his life as Dark Sonic TAT
("Why Author?!" indeed XDDD Angst requests, man. I deliver lol.)
As for Dark Sonic recognizing Amy, no. Silver had mentioned he was too far gone when I think she asked about it. He was already crazy by then, it wouldn't have saved him.
It's a fun concept! If the prompts ever reopen (again, I have to finish the ones already there first!) I'm gonna be changing the rules cause this was a bit ridiculous ^^; From now on, I'm thinking...
NO MORE ANON, and- ONLY ONE PROMPT SUBMISSION. no more '3' cause people don't always honor that XP
So there ya go! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and happy binging! I'm always here to discuss stories but thanks for honoring not sending in any more prompts! <3
You're fantastic ;)b Enjoy my fanfictions as well! They're on my many different writing sites~ And thanks for my smile today ;u;
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tonystarkstan · 5 years
I have this idea for myself but it's generic enough that anyone can write it. Where Peter takes care of Tony's wounds, bruises, etc. Or seeks out help from someone to do it, idk. But Peter doesn't like Tony acting like his wounds aren't a big deal, because "hey you don't have super healing like I do so please stop pretending you do".
“Mr. Stark!” Peter greets as he bursts enthusiastically into the lab. “I had this amazing idea earlier today and—”
He stops abruptly, taking in the sight before him with wide eyes. Tony groans and looks up at the ceiling with irritation.
“FRIDAY, I thought I told you to lock the doors,” Tony grits out.
“Actually, what you said was, ‘Keep Pepper out so she doesn’t try to kill me for almost getting killed. I’ve already filled my quota on attempts on my life for the day.’ Sorry, boss,” the AI responds, not sounding sorry at all. “Perhaps next time you should clarify.”
“That’s it,” Tony announces. “I’m scrambling all your data. You’re too much like me. Can’t have too much of a good thing. Pete, are you alive, buddy?”
Peter slowly puts his backpack down, unable to tear his eyes away from the bloody mess around Tony. For all his nonchalance, Tony’s clearly in pain as he tries to stop the bleeding coming from his shoulder while using the hand of his injured arm to open a First Aid kit.
“What—what happened?” Peter asks, trying to keep the panic out of his voice.
Tony grimaces. “Knives are sharp,” he says, as if that explains anything. “It looks worse than it is.”
And yeah, it looks pretty bad. There are a couple bloody cloths littering the floor, and Tony’s hands are covered in a sickening red.
Peter walks over and bends down to study Tony’s shoulder. “May I?” he asks, gesturing for Tony to move the cloth he’s holding to the wound.
“Go for it, Dr. Parker,” Tony jokes before hissing when Peter prods at the gash. “Jesus, kid, be careful, will you?”
“I barely touched it,” Peter says, rolling his eyes, but gentles his touch nonetheless. He carefully places the cloth back before shifting his gaze to where Tony’s fumbling with the First Aid kit. “God, no—here, give it,” he commands exasperatedly, snatching the kit from him and peering at the wound again. “You need stitches,” he decides.
Tony flinches away at that. “Don’t be dramatic, kid. Just slap a band aid on it, and I’ll be as good as new.”
Peter stands up and fixes him with a serious look. “Hey, you don’t have super healing like I do, so don’t pretend you do.”
Tony rolls his eyes. “No need to brag.”
“I’m not,” Peter huffs, grabbing the suture kit and readying the supplies. “Just—you always get mad at me for trying to brush off my injuries. It’s only fair if I do it back.”
“Whoa, who’s the adult here?” Tony protests.
“If I may, sir, if we’re going by levels of maturity, I would say that Mr. Parker surpasses you by far,” FRIDAY cuts in.
“You may not,” Tony snarks back. He eyes Peter wearily as he bends to pull the thread through the wound. “Since when can you do stitches, anyway?”
“Technically? I can’t,” Peter says right as he pulls the needle through. “But I helped May sew a quilt made out of Ben’s old t-shirts last summer and that’s basically the same thing.”
Tony lets out a big breath. “Cool, cool. So I’m probably gonna die.”
“Yeah, probably,” Peter agrees. “But really it’s your fault for letting a teenager do your stitches.”
Tony barely manages to refrain from whirling to give the kid an incredulous look. “You little—”
“I’m joking, I’m joking!” Peter amends hastily, and Tony calms again, pouting childishly.
For a moment, they sit in silence as Peter works with calm, steady hands, and Tony is suddenly struck by the strangeness of the situation. Tony’s used to picking Peter up, putting him back together after bad patrols, and the role reversal throws him off for a second.
“I was joking about the quilt thing, too,” Peter says after awhile. “I mean, we did sew a quilt out of Ben’s old shirts, but that’s not—that has nothing to do with me being able to do stitches.”
“Oh?” Tony prompts, not entirely surprised. Peter’s hands are too confident than for this to be his first time doing stitches.
“Yeah. Sometimes Ben would get roughed up at work—you know, being an officer and all—but he’d always, like, brush off medical attention, and sometimes he’d come home with pretty nasty gashes and stuff. So I used to watch May stitch him up, and I was weirdly fascinated and just dying to learn. So May finally caved and taught me how,” Peter explains.
If Tony’s surprised by how forthcoming Peter’s being about his uncle, who the kid rarely mentions, he doesn’t show it. “Hm. I can’t decide whether I find that heartwarming or horrifying,” he comments.
Peter laughs. “Both?” he suggests as he finishes up. “Aaaaaand there we go! Good as new. Well, as close as you can get without having super awesome healing powers.”
Tony rolls his eyes but smiles fondly, giving his shoulder a look of approval. “Doesn’t look like I need any healing powers,” he says. “I’ve got you. Not that this is going to be a regular occurrence. Stitching people up is my job.”
“No, no, I get it,” Peter says cheekily. “You’re getting old, your reflexes are slower...”
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jinhyun · 2 years
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pairing: han jisung x reader
genre: fluff
request: "hi!! your text scenarios are great <3 can i request prompt "When you say my name, my brain just kind of fries. In a good way, though." for jisung please? i feel like it would fit well in a confession scenario but you can decide on that!! thank u :)"
a/n: i had sooooo much fun writing this, it was the cutest 🤧 thank you so much for requesting, i hope you enjoy!
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scarlet-fantasies · 3 years
Hey! Can u write headcanons about eren and his shy gf or him as an ass man? U can choose the easiest one for u
Hi sweetie, I’m going to write about both because both concepts are important about this man. At first I really thought I made one about his gf being shy but I guess it didn’t actually happen. Like I can’t believe that. So I will link the other post I’m going to do here as well. Also thank you for requesting! And to those who love Zeke, I wouldn’t mind some more requests about him.✨💗
Requests are open
Eren being an ass man
Eren with a shy gf
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Gosh anon you must know me well enough to ask me this since I talk about Eren having a shy gf a lot.😂😂 so thank you for sticking around still.
But anyways let’s get to the point.
We know that Eren is the more talkative, confident, outgoing and more expressive person than his gf bc well, she’s shy.
Shy people—-I can counter this for millions of reasons but shy people usually have none of those traits above.
So the two of you are polar opposites but you make it work.
I think it’s mostly because he likes that you are different and kinda calms him down and can make him reflect on certain decisions he thought of.
Eren likes having a shy girl because it makes him less insecure, cause if his gf was outgoing he’d be worried if she was always around boys all the time.
But with a shy s/o even if she’s around boys Eren could care less cause he knows his baby is too shy to do anything, especially since she doesn’t do much with him either.😂
Apart from this he likes that she is shy because it makes him feel like he is the bigger person in the relationship.🙄😂
Even tho you’ve already told him you don’t care about that stuff I see he does. Cause he’s a dom sooooo . . .
Plus, if his gf is tiny which she probably is compared to him or just in general if she is on the short side he just can’t live with the fact you’d be more in charge😂
Cause he’s like how does my little girl think she’s doing this without any strings attached? Like I said hard dom alert 😂
He also likes his gf to be shy because, this is like the number one reason tbh but, he loves to tease her!
Like it’s ridiculous and he’s just such an ass because he knows that obviously because she has some feelings for him she’s going out with him so—-he’s going to always rub it in your face that you like him and blah blah blah.
He just finds it fun to tease you about anything cause he just can never leave you alone can he?
Gets to see you get butterflies and blush.
And Eren’s teasing can range from it making you blush, to being mad, or making you cry. Cause he can be too much and sometimes you take things literal. He’s such an ass I know.
I’ll put examples to show you the difference.
Blush: you two were kissing which led to making out and let’s just say you moan a little, enough to get Eren’s attention and possibly make him turned on.
“Wow, that was hot.” He’d say smirking at you whilst holding you in place.
Your cheeks would grow hot as you hide your face with your hands. “Mm don’t bring it up.”
“Awww, baby it’s okay that you can’t control yourself. . . I guess this means you like this a lot then?” He’d move your hands away before kissing you again only to have you moan again.
“See there you go again.” He’d laugh seeing you whine as you ended up embarrassing yourself again.
Mad: when he mocks you by what you say or do when you’re shy.
“Mmm, mm—ah Eren!”
“Shut up! I don’t sound like that all.”
“Yes you do, you’re such a beginner kisser.” He’d tease, wiggling his eyebrows at you whilst you pushed him playfully.
“I do not and I’m not a bad kisser.” You’d defend.
“Yes. You. Are.” He’d laugh whilst you rolled your eyes.
“No kisses for you then.” You’d huff crossing your arms.
“What?! Y/n!?”
“Too bad, Eren.”
Later that day he will keep asking for a kiss and you keep denying him till he gets playfully aggressive and tackles you on the couch. He will also rub his cheek semi beard on your face and neck making you jolt and feel tickled.
One time he said you weren’t sexy but he was just teasing he knows your not the type and that your the cute type but it got to you because maybe your bf was getting bored that you weren’t sexy with him, like ever.
One time he said you weren’t sexy but he was just teasing he knows your not the type and that your the cute type but it got to you because maybe your bf was getting bored that you weren’t sexy with him, like ever.
It made you sad a little and you thought he might leave you eventually because Eren would probably prefer a different type of girl. (At least that’s what you thought)
So when he saw that you started crying he was really upset.
“Y/n what’s wrong?”
“D-do you ever . . . think about leaving me?” You’d ask wiping a tear away.
“No, never. Why baby, what’s wrong?” He’d ask sitting beside you.
“You like girls who are experienced so. . .” You mumble as a few tears fell down your cheeks.
“What? Babe, no. I was kidding when I said that to you. I don’t care about that stuff.”
“But Eren how do you just put up with that? Don’t you hate how I suck at everything? I know I do.” You’d sniffle a few tears averting your eyes.
He’d turn your face gently for you to look at him. “It’s because I love you and I don’t care if you don’t know how. That’s why you have me . . . So I can teach you. Right?” He’d tease with his shit-eating grin that made you quiet.
“C’mon say I’m right.” He’d tease tickling your sides a bit.
“Okay. Okay, you’re right.” You’d surrender so he’d stop tickling you.
“Good, now give me a kiss.” He’d smile leaning in before you could and only moan in surprise as you didn’t expect Eren to be this needy.🙄he needy as hell
The topic also ranges from it being about simple random things to like sexual contact and whatnot.
Anyways every day there is just no day you can go without him teasing you.
I will break this up to show where/how the teasing can range from.
Simple teasing:
He wiggles his eyebrows at you all the time just cause he knows you don’t like it.
Eren will lift your head up to look at him when you're looking away or he’ll crouch down to your level and turn his head in the direction you're looking at to see your face because you're trying to hide.
“Baby look at me.~”
"Mmm, go away Eren." You'd blushing only leaving him to chuckle.
When you cover your face with your hands he always puts them down so he can see your face.
He calls you his little baby in front of his friends or in public when you are always by him and just relying on him to do all talking.
Pinches your cheeks and squishes your face when you start blushing and you complain.
“Eren~ your squis—mm me.”
“Hmm? I can’t hear you, baby?” He’d tease.
I can also see him pointing out that you like him even when you don’t admit it.
“Mikasa said you have the hots for me it’s a little to late to lie baby girl.”
“Shut up. I don’t like you that much.”
“Really then why are you going out with me?”
“Because I-I . . .”
“You what baby? C’mon, use your words, sweetie?” He always calls you baby or sweetie to make you shy.
He even asks if you're getting shy because he finds it cute how that question only makes you even redder.
“Awww, are you getting shy, Y/n?”
Okay but here’s what it’s like when the teasing can get a little smutty and whatnot.
Teasing (slightly nsfw): he teases you about having sex especially if you haven’t done it with him yet. Since you’re probably unfamiliar with some things.
“Hey, babe do you ever wonder what it’ll be like?” He’d grin looking down at you as you were sitting in his lap.
“Ew! No, that’s gross Eren.”
“Oh c’mon, I bet that’s all you think about . . . all the time at night.” He'd whisper in your ear.
“Shut up! And for your information, I do not.”
“Yes you do, c’mon if you’re attracted to me, that means you have at least thought about it once.”
“Just because I—have feelings for you doesn’t mean I think of what sex would be like.” You’d mumble the last part getting shy and not wanting to talk about this.
“Hmm? I couldn’t hear you say it louder.” He’d smirk whilst you hit him playfully.
“Liar.” You’d say.
He also will mention popping your cherry but that’s when you’ve been in a relationship for a very long time like we’re talking a few years.
Eren's is also always trying to get you to kiss him and to be more carefree.
He asks you if you know what certain words mean or whatever.
"You know what that means, right?"
"I think s-so."
"You know you're really cute?" He finds your obliviousness adorable.
He once spilled water on you by accident and made a joke out of it.
“Aww, did I make you wet?” He’d tease whilst he handed you one of his shirts to change into.
“Shut up, you’re the one that spilled that water on me.”
“Nooo, you had an orgasm, remember?” He’d laugh whilst you hit him playfully. ( of course this is after a lot of years of being together and you have become less shy but you are still shy and yeah he can just say those things cause he knows you still love him.)😂😂
But he's just an ass-all cause he wants to make you blush.
Now he does a lot of sweet things too.
Like in public he orders for you if you’re shy or you don’t know what to get.
He does the talking for you like when you first met his parents you were shy and maybe a little nervous. But his parents loved you. And they thought you were adorable for Eren’s gf. It's also cause you were so polite.
He ruffles your hair or pats your head.
Stokes your hair and pinches your cheeks to see you blush.
So many forehead kisses especially if you're going to bed early and he’s still going to stay up late.
Puts you in his lap and bounces you on his thigh like you’re a kid. You find it strange but let him do it anyway.💗
If you look a little sleepy or out of it when you guys are with his friends he asks if you’re tired.
“Baby are you sleepy?”
If you’re shy about showing off your body like in a baiting suit or just jeans he finds you cute but he will tell you that you look nice and that you shouldn’t worry.
He defends you if someone is being mean/taking advantage of you bc you're quiet. For example, you were a little down one day and you were getting hit on by this guy while you were out with Eren. Eren was a little further away ordering the both of you some food and you were by yourself and this guy kept trying to make advances at you almost like cornering you. You kept telling him to back off and that you had a bf but this guy just didn’t care. And considering you were already kinda sad he was taking advantage of you. As soon as Eren noticed he pushed the guy's hand away.
“Don’t touch her . . . Can’t you see you make my girl uncomfortable?” He’d give this guy the worse glare ever and he’d take you away from all that and check if you’re okay.
“Are you okay? I leave for five minutes and some asshole is trying to hurt you. Babe, I’m so sorry, next time just come with me to order so we don’t have creeps like that bothering you.” He’d say hugging you tightly which made you smile.
Eren doesn't even like it if friends tease her too much for example his brother Zeke may tease you if he's around and Eren gives him certain looks if Zeke is "overstepping" the boundaries.
For example, Zeke has tried to take you to college parties with Eren but Eren doesn’t like it too much.
I mean he likes to party but he’s worried you will feel out of place and he doesn’t want you getting wasted by accident or something.
“Eren she has to explore. She can become a whole new person, don’t be discouraged Y/n you could learn a lot more if you go.”
“She’s not going, she’s gonna be with me.”
“Oh c’mon Eren, you always drink with me—bring her too.”
“Zeke, she’s not the type to party.”
“Everyone is carefree Eren she just needs to find her space, besides she could make some new friends.”
Eren would give him a very stern look, “No, she’s not going she doesn’t handle things well in that kind of environment.”
“That’s cause she doesn’t explore.”
“Alright, alright I’m just saying. But the choice is Y/n’s, let her go if she wants to.”
In the end you ended up going to the party and liked it. But Eren was being overprotective that night.
Eren does get worried that since you don’t talk you’re not happy in your relationship with him.
Always tries to have you open up about whatever’s bothering you bc he loves you and never wants you to be sad or confused.
In general he just loves his shy gf and would do anything for her to make her feel comfortable. And he loves her shyness like it just makes his day.
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© scarlet-fantasies // do not steal, reuse, repost onto other sites. all writing and ideas are original unless stated otherwise. // 2021-Present.
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Yandere! Jeon Jungkook- You’re My Prey
Why Hello there! ANON ASKS
Greetings! I hope all is well with you! Could I please request a smutty angsty predator Jungkook x Prey Reader with sprinkle fluff at the end? like jk is the readers bully and realizes that he likes her but she avoids him like covid lmao. so he protects her from someone or something and she starts to trust him? oml that sounds like a lot🤣🤣 U are an amazing writer!!
Sooooo I didn’t touch on the smut part, and I’m very sorry! Tbh I was a bit overwhelmed writing this one and I kept getting stressed because I hated every draft I made before the final draft.
So this contains a bit of sensitive material, proceed with caution
You sat in front of the vanity as your mom styled your hair. She hummed as he took your strands in her hands.
“I saw this style in an issue of Vogue...I know you’ll love it.” she commented.
Tonight was perhaps the biggest event of your mom’s career. She has been a avid participant in the entertainment industry for years and she was invited to some crazy event with her celebrity friends and wanted you to come as her plus one. People knew she had a daughter, but they had never really seen you before. You stayed out of the spotlight when you could.
Except for tonight. Your mom had stared as the lead in a huge show, and a party was being thrown to celebrate it’s popularity and final episode. You were honored but nervous.
“Look at you!” she winked at you in the mirror. “Come on, we’re running fashionably early.” she ushered you out the chair.
Ugh, how much longer was this gonna last. Your feet were killing you! Your mom seemed to be having the time of her life though. She was drinking and dancing and carrying on as if she was a young college student.
“She seems to be having fun.” a voice said from behind you. 
“Don’t get any ideas. That’s my mother.” you seethed. You were protective of your mom, going as far as to curse out anyone who set their sights on her whether it was positive or negative. While people didn’t know you as a celebrity, they knew you as the one who knocked the living daylights out of an ex idol who tried to touch your mother’s ass on a variety show backstage.
“Don’t worry, pet. I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Once you recognized the voice, you froze. Of course he would be here! You slowly turned around, seeing Jungkook standing there with a sick smile on his face. “Missed me?”
“No!” you said a little to swiftly. You should have asked if anyone you knew was gonna be there. You felt like an idiot. Jungkook literally sang half the soundtrack for her show, of course he’d be here!
“Oh how rude.” he cooed. “I thought you’d be happy to see me.” he shrugged. 
“You though wrong.” you looked him up and down. “I swear it’s like you’re following me sometimes.”
“You could say that...but just know I’ll always be there for you...watching.”
 “J-just stay away from me!”
To say he had some sort of infatuation with you as an understatement. Everywhere you went, he somehow turned up. It was like he could smell you from miles away. 
“Dear Y/N, don’t make a scene.” he stepped forward just so he could whisper in your ear. “Wouldn’t want to cause a disturbance.” you could feel the smirk on his face and all you wanted to do was slap it right off.
“Stay back.” you stepped away. “Leave me alone.” you pointed warningly. You attempted to walk away, only to feel him grab your hand. 
Tingles shot up your spine as you touched. You shuddered, his skin was hot. You took one look at Jungkook. He seemed to be in a trance, he was staring at your hand, following it up your arm, passing over you shoulder and up your neck to stare at your face. 
When you finally came to your senses, you yanked your arm back. “Don’t touch me.”
“Okay alright.” he rolled his eyes, seemingly going back to normal as well. “Just don’t get into any trouble, pet.” he scoffed. “By the way, you look good in that dress.” he drank you in. You felt exposed, very exposed. You could almost feel a draft. You glared at his back as he stalked off. That’s how it was, Jungkook was nothing more than an arrogant tease that made you wanna strangle somebody. 
“Alright, I’m done.” you groaned, holding your head. You looked for your mom in the crowd. She was busy laughing with a whole bunch of her friends. You didn’t wanna leave without telling her. You’d just leave her a message.
From across the room, Jungkook watched you leave. He hated to see you leave, but watching you walk away was so gratifying. He knew you didn’t really hate it. In fact, it was amusing to watch you lie to yourself. You were lying about not wanting him, about hating him.
He knew you were lying because he would feel if you hated him. Just like he could feel the want dripping off your body. You were simply lying to yourself.
... (A few days later)
Your mom had left for another show, which left you home alone for a while. She would be filming in Japan, which meant you would have the house all to yourself. That meant you were left to your own devices when it came to fending for yourself. You hated calling your mothers assistant, he had his own family and your mom to worry about. You could handle going to the convenience store by yourself.
“Thank you for shopping with us!” the cashier waved you off as you left the store. You threw your trash in the nearby bin and began walking back. It was cold out, which prompted you to hug yourself.
What you didn’t know, is that you were being followed.
You were walking on the empty street. It was late and all the major shops had closed for the night. Your only source of light were the dimly lit tiny restaurants that were still open, and street lights that flickered as you passed. 
You kept walking, ignoring that feeling in your stomach that told you you were in trouble. You just had to speed up, it was like something in you was screaming at you. A few seconds passed and you couldn’t help but turn around.
A man was standing a few feet behind you. It was way too dark to see.
“Wha-...” you began walking away, praying it was just a coincidence. You turned a corner, he followed. You turned another corner, he followed.
You were now certain he was following. You couldn’t help cut cut through the street to get to the other side, but he followed then and there. You couldn’t help but begin to run, now scared out of your mind.
You turned behind you one more time to see him speed-walking. In your haste you didn’t see Jungkook walking out of an alleyways. You rammed into him, only to scream bloody murder.
“Y/N?” Jungkook grabbed your shoulders. You were practically crying. This was the first time you were actually happy to see Jungkook of all people. “Babe, what’s wrong?”
“Someone’s following me!” you pointed down the street. Jungkook took one look in the direction where you were pointing.
You were way too scared to see his gaze harden into a glare. His blood practically boiled. 
“Stay here.” he grunted, storming in the direction towards the man. “Hey buddy!” he barked, strutting over. 
Jungkook glared in the direction of the sorry idiot who dared try and apprehend his catch. 
Jungkook took you back to his place, your home would be empty for the night and you didn’t wanna be alone in that moment. You sat on the sofa, hugging yourself. 
If he hadn’t been there, something bad would have happened, you knew that much. It was the first time you were grateful. 
Jungkook had to gather himself. Rage shot through his body in his attempt to protect you. His senses were still in overdrive and he was sure he looked crazy. He watched you as you got comfortable, still hugging yourself.
“T-thank you.” you said for maybe the third time that night. 
“Y/N. You really don’t have to thank me.” he laughed. “I told you I’d be there for you every minute, or every day.”  He walked over and sat down next to you.
You finally studied his face. His smile that never reached his eyes looked very different now than it ever did. His eyes were dark with something you couldn’t really read. 
“Even after I’ve been so horrible to you?”
“You may think of it that way, but I don’t.” 
“How do you think of it?” you tilted your head to the side. You were genuinely interested in how Jungkook perceived your declaration of hatred towards him.
“You shouldn’t make that face.” he giggled, glossing over the subject. “I might have to ruin your innocence.” 
“Ruin my-” you trailed off. It was only then you realized how close he was. Jungkook towered over you, so it was easy for his body to cast a shadow over yours. “You’re really close.” you mumbled.
“Hm, isn’t that the point?” he winked. “Your skin is so soft.”
To Jungkook’s delight, you didn’t pull away when his lips ghosted over yours. You shuddered at the mere tickle of his touch. It was like a batch of pheromones had gone out into the air because all you wanted in that moment was him. In some way or another. However it surprised him when you were the one to go for it, pressing your lips gently against his. 
A low growl ripped through his throat as he rested his hand on the side of your neck. He returned you affections just as quickly as you gave it. 
You tasted better than he thought. Your innocence was like a drug. It was heavy. He hummed with delight as you reached your hands up to run through his hair. He was happy, you didn’t know it in that moment, but you were accepting it. Your fate as his. After tonight it would be set in stone. 
As you pulled away from Jungkook, you inhaled sharply. “W-woah.”
“Surprised, babe?” he began crawling over you, sending you back against the plush surface. “I knew you’d fall for me sooner or later.” 
You were too consumed by the sight of him above you. The lights casted a halo over him. He almost looked like an angel. “I could eat you up right now Y/N.” he whispered. “Your soul is exposed to me right now.”
He drew his tongue down your neck. Leaving opened mouth kisses along your skin. You were warmed up in an instant despite being cold moments earlier. You practically squeezed your legs together in an effort to ease what you were feeling, but Jungkook was no fool.
Finally he’d get what he’d been yearning for. After so long.
It was the dead of night when you woke up. Your naked body was flush against Jungkook’ in what you assumed was his bed. Jungkook was practically atop you, laying his head on your chest. You tried to shimmy out of his grip and when you successfully did, you sat up.
Aches and pains shot through your body as flashbacks of moments before flooded your body.  You could hear his shallow breaths in your ear telling you how much he adored you. Every bite and scratch he had left burned, but in a good way. 
Words couldn’t describe how it felt enough. 
“You weren’t thinking of leaving me, were you?” You looked down at Jungkook who tiredly wiped his eyes. “Fuck.” He glossed over your naked body. You were practically marked from head to toe.
“No.” you replied. “My arm was falling asleep because you were laying on me.” you replied, laughing dryly. He sat up himself, only to trail his fingertips up your arm. He shifted behind you and began placing kisses along your shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you and practically pulled you back down onto the bed with him. 
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cassyapper · 3 years
any future arcs in wwm/ta you want to blabber about? :)
i can say a couple things tho; i have marinated in part 4 kakyoin thoughts since at least april 2020 so i like to think most of it is thought out at this point. so be..prepared......
AS for specific arcs i can talk abt tho. i am so excited to get into yukako's. it's broken into two parts and it's both kak and aya helping her come to terms w what is and isn't a healthy relationship. and it forces kak to reevaluate some of his own relationships....
the final battle w red hot chili pepper. HOHOhoho i have a couple thoughts. i have a handful of thoughts. i cannot get into details but i will say kakyoin and okuyasu epic bonding moments. man I'm gonna weep it's gonna be so awesome if things go according to my little head's plan. i need everyone to love kakyoin and okuyasu's nonexistent relationship like i do
speaking of i have a very fun and cool tonio and kakyoin moment re his addiction. it doesn't line up w any specific diu arc but it will be very sweet
OH ALSO the kakyoin rohan meeting will be so funny. i can see it so plainly in my head. i am so so so excited to get into it HEHEHE
oh oh and also kakyoin koichi and okuyasu have their own off episode during the "let's go hunting" arc which will be very fun. i am excited. rubs hands together like a fly
also kak wont be explicitly in the harvest arc but he IS the one who josuke and okuyasu call post their fight and it'll be very funny
also i cant say it by name...but there is a very "fun" and ~special~ treat coming up...and it's actually what prompted me to write out the fic in the first place...so heads up
and one last thing. an overarching arc i plan on that's called the perspective arc is gonna come into play very soon....and i hope yalls bones break during it . <3
thank u for asking alex i am so excited abt this fic it's insane <3
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senor-cummies · 4 years
Its not ship and a number but it is a short lil prompt. Maybe a funny-cute of Tony discovering his intern is Spiderman? 🥺👉👈 (You're the absolute best and I love you so and I hope you're safe!)
Jensen you come into MY house on this holy and depressed evening and make ME feel like a bag of polished potatoes when I ain't worth six pence and an ounce of marmalade? No, I won't stand for it, prepare to be LOVED! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🌸🌺🏵💚🧡💙❤🖤💛💙💛💚💛💜🧡💙🧡💚💛💜💘💕💝💕💝💋💕💖💓💗💞💖💕💝💕💋
Tony didn't have a crush on him. He was almost 50-years-old, he doesn't get crushes. He gets relationships with people his. fucking. age. He didn't have a crush, he wasn't jealous of that snippy little Harry Osborn--ugh, gag--and anyone to insinuate such was wrong.
Dead wrong.
He simply cared about Peter. Maybe a little too much at times, but he cares for all of his employees. Does his heart swell each time any other employee comes into his office or calls? Ye--no. That's just Peter.
Does he feel absolutely devastated when all his other employees clock out or miss a day or completely ignore his undying love for them so he drinks whisky and cries in the moonlight while listening to Lana Del Ray? No.
Tony ran a hand down his face, loosening his tie. "Sweet peas and sasparilla," he groaned, banging his forehead on his desk. Okay, maybe he had a teeny, weeny, itty bitty witty crush on Peter but that's fine! Right?
"God, I'm so pathetic!" Tony gasped at the affirmative beep-boop from across the room. "You're not supposed to agree with meeeeee!" Tony whined, peering over his arm at Dum-E. He beeped again, said and low. Tony waved off his apology, sniffling as he read over paperwork, his breath condensating on the glass table top.
A beep came from behind him, and he raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, maybe I should ask him out." He picked up a pen, signing the paper work and x-ing where need be. "Or," he prompted, peeking through his eyelashes to see if he'd gotten Dum-E and U's attention.
"I could change my name and move to Nepal. Kamar Taj is great this time of year." Dum-E and U both made a groan like beep. Tony nodded, "Yeah, I'm pathetic, I get it."
"I don't think you're pathetic, Mr Stark!" Tony jumped, looking at the doorway with a wide smile. "Hiiiiiiiii!" He waved frantically, with both hands. He'd have Pepper reprimand him later for acting so childish, this was important, Peter breathed. He inhaled, and--and then he exhaled, and he said words. He said words to him. He noticed him, spoke to him, he--Tony squinted, staring at Peter's face. He looks like he got hit with a car.
He has a bruise on his cheek, a Band-Aid on his forehead likely covering up stitches, and he's limping. Lord, when I tell you Tony has never felt more rage I mean it. Tony set his pen down, walking to Peter faster than he'd walked before in his life. He cupped Peter's cheeks, gentle, making sure not to touch his bruises too much.
"Peter, are you okay?" Peter bit his lip, nodding quickly and slowly pulling Tony's hands away. "I'm fine, I just--I'm fine. I have this months progress report ready for you." Peter handed Tony a stack of papers. Tony cleared his throat, thanking Peter for the report.
"If there's anything you ever need to talk about, just know that I'm here for you." Peter nodded, smiling gratefully. "Thank you so much, Mr Stark." Tony smiled, waving him off. When his door shut it took every single molecule of his petite, spicy, being not to scream.
He cut off U before she could rear her micromanaging little head "I know! Pathetic!" he slid his hand down his face. "Jarvis, clear my schedule, I have to...Do some research."
Tony wasn't really shocked per se, it fit if you thought about it, he was more relieved than anything. He was glad it wasn't domestic violence,or child abuse, he's glad he was just...A superhero. Tony grabbed a pan, taking out a notebook, much to U's dissaproval.
"What? I was just going to add 'superhero' to the list of things Peter and I have in common. For...Science." U let out a sigh like beep.
"Should I tell him I know? I mean, it would help to know he had someone on his side, right?" U sighed again, louder, and Tony nodded.
"Noted, I will upgrade your processor so then you won't be such a raging bitch." U scoffed, rolling out of his office and back to her corner of the lab. Tony ran his fingers through his hair, "But I should do something, right?" He spun around in his chair, looking out the window at the sunset.
"Ugh! I hate dramatic irony! I'm more of a sarcasm guy myself, I can't not tell people I know things!" Tony his head in his hands.
"Thou shalt not give into temptation, thou shalt not give into temptation, thou shalt not-- if we know we have this in common we could bond over it, leading to a stronger relationship and possibly even dating." Tony groaned, tapping his foot. He knew what he was going to end up doing, the wrong thing.
Maybe he should manifest, ask the universe what they think. Of course, the universe despises him so that might not go so well.
"Universe, if I should tell Peter I know he's Spider-man, show me an Octopus." The tv cut on across the room.
"The male octopus will take off the hectocotylus, or penis tenticle, and throw it at the female to avoid being eaten--" Tony groaned, watching the octopus swim around on screen.
"Fine! You win, I'll tell him. But I will be very asshole-y about it!" Tony grabbed his coat, going to storm out of his office before he stopped and turned on his heel.
"Where does the kid live?"
Peter was fidgeting, sitting on his twin mattress.
"Look, Mr Stark, I know it looks bad but I'm fin--" Tony shushed him, fiddling with stuff on his desk. Awe, a little crochet iron man coaster! he squealed internally.
"Quick question of the, uh, rhetorical variety...This is you, isn't it?"
What? I said I'd be asshole-y about it.
I hope you like it! I had sooooo much fun writing it!💛
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riskeith · 3 years
happy weekend dearest!
other than the snow angels, i haven’t done much.,, just been cozying it up with coffee and blankets at home hehe. 30 degrees... amazing. ideal feeling like a rotisserie chicken weather. 😌 bc of global warming we’ve been having some great summers these past few years. it even gets to 30 degrees as well which was unheard of tbh.
you’re so cute for caring ilysm <3 and aaa! a walk! do you have any perticular place you enjoy walking to or does the winds guide you, hehe? EDITING A FIC... 👀 i’m looking respectfully...... 👀 wait did the event open up for you already? i tried to play it earlier today but it wasn’t there yet... the lost riches one right?
bennett is best boy i still can’t believe it either!!! he’s seriously the cutest he just makes me so happy. when i need to explore and run around i always run with him bc i love his lines so much. what a bebie. you should go for it there are still some days left! + he’s a four star so he’s easier to get. GUOBA IS SO FUNNY he’s just.... a little fucking bear i can’t stop laughing... tbh the little creatures like amber’s bunny too just 😭 have you seen those yt clips of them dancing? obsession..
i need to ask you this bc when i found out i lost my mind: did you know that the japanese va for razor is also the va for tsukishima (haikyuu) and shigaraki (bnha)???? insane!!! it made me consider switch to japanese dub tbh.. which dub do you use?
maybe i’ll send you a little part and you can read or something shdkdhskdjdjf help 😳 it’s not edited or anything so it might take a while plus i’m super into writing bnha these days so.... but hey if You have any prompts you want to read maybe i’ll write a drabble for you. i don’t mind at all! <33333 ask for anything!!
(FIC-COLLAB!!:!/$:)!:&//&/!$:’sidnd HELP.... omg what kind of fic would we write....?)
exactly! i think when you realize that there’s nothing keeping you there anymore that brings you joy, that’s when you need to step back. social media is a bit fucked up that way imo. like you want to be there to be informed and to have fun but it takes so much.. hm. also you always tell me this but i wanna tell you to that YOU are the reason i enjoy social media these days so.. thank you <3
you relate to bakugou and lance? that’s super hot of you.. 🥵 my wifey is a self assured, super intense and talented person.. couldn’t ask for better tbh. i think out of them both i’m pretty much like todoroki.. we’re super similar in so many ways now that i think about it shsjdhdhdj.. how about we just stay c.r and m.a our dynamic is perfect as is LMAO
DOUBLE VENTI! I’D LOOOOVE THAT FOR US. bow users are difficult indeed but venti is one of the easier bow users it feels like... idk watching others game play he doesn’t have as much pushback as say amber for example. 12K PRIMOGEMS..... babe you’re getting your xiao!!!!!! how long have you been saving? also i seriously don’t mind if it comes down to it hakshddkhd i can be your genshin sugar mommy... ;) imagine a c6 venti though that seems insane. literal insanity.
SPEAKING OF SHIPPING.... THE POST YOU POSTED... THEY STOLE OUR IDEA AND IT LOOKS SO CUTE AND ITS CHONGYUN AND XINGYUN WHICH IS EVEN BETTER... THEY LOOK SOOOOO CUTE TOGETHER I’M OBSESSEDDDDD!!!! <3333 dude idk how but we are doing that co-op date somehow i’m super inspired i want that for us so badly... (also i need to say smth... my love language is when people say ‘i thought of you when i...’ and the fact that you said that just hsjdfhjdjdksk shit)
actually you’re right.. the only way we’d get a sequel is if they did something with the mfe fighters.. like kinkade james veronica nadia and ina. idk how attractive that would be tho...
i’m a lady, my dearest *dips* no but my pronouns are she/her!! sorry i didn’t mention it before i thought i made it clear shsjsjdkdj. ty for asking tho ♥️ super sweet!
AAA!!!!!!!!!! EEE!! i’m super super excited. if it’s like,, too public and you don’t just wanna post it i might think about exposing myself or smth... if that would make you more comfy. no matter what you do i’m just gonna be here buzzing, *hinata voice* one more one more one more.
oh!! i listen to everything but kpop sjdjdkdhdk i did have a semi-phase around like 2014-19 ish but dropped it pretty hard . now i have no clue what goes on there anymore i mostly enjoy rnb indie n rap/hip.. my gay ass was considering making a little playlist or smth for u but i want to make it with songs You’d like so i might pull up my old kpop faves hehe..
guess chilling is out of the question then, heh. hope you slept well!! i’m gonna try to wake up earlier so we’ll have a chance to send more messages during the weekend perhaps... mwah!!
YOURS, m.a. <3
happy weekend!!!! hope you can ease up a bit since there’s no school hehe
“feeling like a rotisserie chicken weather” FHSKFHKSDF yes!! but it honestly sucks when it gets any hotter bc we don’t have central cooling in our house so rip... and my laptop fan goes crazy ahaha. 30 degrees being unheard of.. can’t relate! fsdfjs. have you guys had to adjust to those changing temperatures? rip climate change tho :’(
<333 i do!! i usually walk to the local park and then the streets around that.. omg speaking of... do you play pokemon go? DHAFKHSDKFHSKDFHKSDH i got back into it again recently ahaha. it’s for a free bakudeku zine!! hehehe it’s out at the end of jan so 👀
i just checked and the event is open !!!!!!!!! good luck hehe !
yup lost riches!! and the event opens at 4am server time, so since i’m in asia i get it earlier hehe which colour seelie are you gonna go for tho omg i was debating it with my friend last night.. i’m gonna pick gold!!
baby bennett!! that’s true but i can’t risk getting a 5 star otherwise my pity will reset for xiao fhdskfhskjfhkjshkfj next time :(((( but albedo /is/ super pretty and i see a lot of people saying they like him... NO !!! xiao only >:( no omg i don’t think i’ve seen those clips ? is it mmd where they like dance to other songs and stuff ahah
yes i did!!!! and the VA for diluc is giorno from jjba and kuroko from knb!! omg wait and venti’s VA is hinata did you know that? fun fact i guessed it was him when i first heard his voice LOL that’s my secret talent 😩 and i use japanese dub!! i’ve considered using chinese too bc i can understand it but i just like the japanese voice actors tbh and also i can excuse it as “listening practice” AHAH
yes pls!! sending something bnha is fine too, or legit anything else lmao i’m open arms over here~~ 🤗👐 and ooft... it’s hard thinking of prompts that’s why i always ask others HSDKFJHSDKFHSD but i’ll let you know if i think of something!!!
(no clue!!!! but we could each write from a character’s POV so hopefully it’s more consistent 🤪🤪 idk i have no clue how fic collabs work AHAHA)
yeahhh one of my mutuals said “social media is a curse” and honestly hard agree.. we’re all kinda trapped in a way LMAO. and no pls don’t thank me.. you’re the one who found me first 😩💘 ily..
FSDHKJFS pls you’re making me blush come on 😳😳 but yes i love that for us... m.a. x c.r. the only valid ship 😩
woooo!!!! yeah you’re probably right, like given the fact he’s a 5 star his mechanics are probably different.. i know that diluc’s charged attack is different to the other claymore users so! IM GETTING MY XIAO!!!! and hm i’ve been saving since the middle of zhongli banner! so december 10 ish around then? dragonspine was a blessing tbh i reckon i got sooo many primogems from that. FGJKSHFKJSDHFKSDHSHKJFH my genshin sugar mummy 🥵🥵 c6 venti unstoppable..
AHAHAHA YEAH THEY LOOK /SO/ CUTE TOGETHER!!! i wonder how they got so many of the images tho like they must’ve been so in sync?!?!? ugh that could be us but no cross-server co-op be playin’.. (fhdskjfhdskjfhs um!! noted for future reference 🤪)
omg them.. i always forget about them LMAOOOOOOOOO ugh. actually i wouldn’t be mad if we got a prequel of like when keith was in the garrison... or even when shiro was with adam... ugh so much they could’ve given us and they chose not to
*waggles eyebrows* well hello there, m’lady ;) and it’s fine fhdskjf i had some inklings but didn’t wanna assume ya know? ahah :p
no!! it’s all g, i’ve thought about posting it before anyway. like, just releasing all of my WIPs and letting people do what they want with them HAAHA. (i could also just put the link under a read more and less people would see it, so it’s no biggie!) fkdshfkjs the hinata impression omg precious <33
FJHFDSKJ awks ahah which groups were you into tho! if it’s not like scarring for you to think back to LOL. and oooo i like indie too! i think.. or is it alt? honestly i don’t even know, tbh my music taste is pretty diverse and a mess, i can usually listen to a lot of things. except slow songs i don’t really like those hfdskj. and i don’t like rap too much either FHSDKJS whenever my friend gives me a rec i’m just like “oh i liked the singing parts in that” FDSKJF. a playlist tho huh 😳🥺
and pls!! if the weekend is your only chance to sleep in then do it.. for me 😩 i’ve been legit waking up at 12pm these past few days FKJHSKDF idek why like i’m sleeping 10 hours?? yikes. but as always i shall be waiting for your response <3 💌
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ddagent · 5 years
just wanted to say that i appreciate all the work that u do!! i love HHH and i’ll definitely miss the updates but i love the fact that you’re not forcing yourself to write just to meet a deadline even more. i love where you’ve left the story and i have your prompts to read so no complaints here (you’ve given us plenty!) the first ever work i read of yours was the college prof evaluation and i still read it from time to time bc it’s sooooo good!
Thank you so much!
The good thing about HHH is that it’s relatively drama-free: there’s no outstanding cliffhangers, just the question of when are these crazy kids going to get to a Sept (pretty much whenever Ser Brynden is tired of them sneaking into each other's rooms). But I think I’ve got a working idea for Chapter 11, so watch this space! And I’m looking to write as many prompts as I can over the next two days: I just love dipping in and out of so many universes. They’re just so much fun to write.  
Evaluation was the first full-length modern AU I wrote; it was just so much fun (I love writing humour). It makes me so happy to know you re-read it! :D 
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bettsfic · 5 years
betts, thank you sooooo much for writing all these fills. you don't owe anyone anything, and yet you still took the time to fill the prompts that ppl wanted (even with some annoying ppl who thought they were entitled to ur fics, but thats another issue). i barely write, but im trying to write more. I'm in the process of filling one for km rn, and the fact that you wrote 11 is just so inspirational. so again thank u so much, u deserve the world, and u dont get nearly as much credit as u deserve
honestly i’m having so much fun doing these fills, and i’ve learned a ton -- about anonymity (which i am plainly very bad at), and community, and not questioning my instincts. there’s no time to second-guess yourself with km fills. i’m at a point in my writing life where i’ve been misunderstood so much that i’ve started over-explaining what’s happening in the narration itself, which i imagine as a reader gets taxing. after so many workshops of “i don’t get what this is really saying” and so many fanfic comments misinterpreting the work or vilifying it because they don’t see the greater commentary happening, i tend to sledgehammer the meaning home. but with km fills, 1) the meaning doesn’t matter, 2) i’m anonymous anyway, and 3) there’s not enough time for me read my own work through 10 different sets of eyes and try to see it in every way possible before posting. 
it also made me realize how many weird rules i’d developed for myself: atrocious acts always need apologized for or redeemed (which is antithetical to the idea of a km), anything under 4k “doesn’t count”, the story has to end at an emotional resolution, the story has to start at a place of harmony, romance over sex. and like, these are all meaningless, useless rules. unnecessary constraints that make ridiculous obstacles and turn writing into a chore.
when the km is over and not at risk of getting any heat, i plan to write a post/essay about the experience, because i’m having some kind of feeling about it. 
that is all to say, thank you so much and i’m glad you’re writing a fill! 
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