#this might just be my favourite ask ever oml
heartpascal · 7 months
i just wanted to share that someone i know found your spiderverse fic—i geeked!;!!:@! it was one of the highlights of my day, and we both enjoyed breaking down every nuance and still just appreciating your writing overall. i don’t think i’ll ever grow tired of your writing, new or otherwise, because they’re amazingly evocative. every time i read anything you produce, i’m just—as cliche as it is to say—blown away.
and ofc i hope you’ve been doing well 💗💗✊‼️‼️ remember to take care of yourself!!
oh my god ????????!!!!!! HELLO ????!!!! this is so fucking cool omg. i am currently screaming and crying this is insane to me!!! it’s still kind of surreal that people actually read my writing and for you guys to actually talk about it ???? im going to cry. you guys are too kind :’)
i am so so glad you have enjoyed :’) giving me motivation to write rn fr :’)
i hope you’re keeping well <3 thank you so so much for your message :’)
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gemstone-roses · 2 years
Hi Gem! Can i ask for some headcanons about Hannibal with a reader that doesn't believe she deserves his love? Thank you!!
Yes yes yes oml thankyou for this!!!!!!!
Summary: what it says above
Warnings: self deprecation, issues,an unnamed person made the reader feel she doesn't deserve love, fluff, hannibal is not being nefarious here he's just in love, ooc? Don't know them sorry. 18+ only thanku. Female reader. Hurt/comfort
Note: anyone reading this, you all deserve to be loved ok? be kind to yourselves🖤
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-hannibal asks you to join the team for his weekly dinners
-but you always politely decline
-because your not stupid and you can see that it's more than just an invitation when he asks you.
-it's not that you don't like him, the opposite in fact, you were quite taken with the man, he always made time for you and he always brought you your favourite drink without asking, he just knew when you'd need it.
-so hannibal asks again except this time it's just you on his guest list
-he pulls you to one side in a corner of a corridor at work
-"join me for dinner tonight" and it's not a question this time, it's a statement
-"just me? what about the others? surely you don't just want me?" You whisper that last part but hannibal is observant and his brows furrow.
-"of course I do" hannibal uses his fingers to tilt your chin to look at him
-you avoid his gaze, and he runs a finger down your cheek
-"8pm"? He asks so softly and it makes your heart jump
-"ye,yeah sure" you say and hannibal cups your cheek before you part.
-you fiddle with your sleeve at his door, rocking back and forth on your heels, you were glad he couldn't see you because he'd sure have something to say about your nervous habit
-hannibal has the biggest smile on his face when he answers the door.
-he takes your coat and directs you to sit down
-hannibal takes the seat next to you and takes your hands in his
-"y/n" he says sweetly," look at me darling"
-you look up and hannibal thinks his heart might shatter, because hes hannibal and he knows.
-"I have been trying to ask you out for quite a while now" he chuckles and if you weren't mistaken a slight, and only for a second, shyness creeps over him.
-"I know" you sighed
-"i-i like you hannibal, I do, it's just, well-
-hannibal cups your cheek and he has such a concerned look on his face, not because you may turn him down because he's worried for you.
-"I don't deserve you" you whisper and hannibal feels as though his heart is going to tear through his chest, the thought that you, his y/n, didn't deserve his love was wrenching.
-hannibal places one hand on your shoulder, the other still on your cheek.
-"y/n, please don't ever think, that you are undeserving of love, of my love, you are wonderful and you make my day brighter, you are deserving of my love, you are worthy and you need to know whoever made you feel like this was so wrong, I need you to believe that okay y/n?"
-you look up at him, tears pooling in your eyes
-" hannibal" you whisper and he wraps his arms around your neck as your tears spill
-"it's okay, I've got you darling, I'm here okay," he holds you tight, you can feel how much he means what he says.
He holds you for a while, reassuring you once again and also insisting he'd remind you until the end of time that you are indeed, worthy and deserving of hannibals love.
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
Meiko and Gakupo are severly underrated honestly, and Lumi seems familiar (but can’t remember where I’ve seen her before) but from hearing her voice I agree, she sounds so sweet.
AND YES OML THE UTAU SONGS YOU LINKED ARE SO AWESOME!! SIU is an easily amazing song and that cover just goes to show that, and that -Error song?? It sounded so raw and bitter and to hear that coming from a voicebank is just incredible. AND I LOVE DENATSU SORA SMMM YESYEYYSESSS
Mitchie M is easily one of my favorite producers, and Ohedo Julia Night is one of my favorite songs EVER!! Plus Luka Luka Night Fever, 1,2 Fanclub, Vampire DECO*27, Kara Kara No Kara, Viva Happy, Ageage Again, Seraphim On The Ring, World’s End Dancehall, World Is Mine, and Luvoratory are just SO FCKING GOOOD!1!1! And a lot of the others sound really awesome too!!
And I don’t really have any specific song recs, but for the hell of it I’m gonna list some of my favorite Vocaloid songs that weren’t on that list already!!1 (And there are probably a lot of ones I forgot so I might make a proper list later but who knows)
Doctor=Funk Beat
Love Love Nightmare
Plus Danshi (really catchy but pretty weird lyrics,,,)
Mr. Schadenfreude
Kirai Kirai Jiga Hidai!
Bad End Night
Tengoku e Ikou
ok that might be an exaggeration but I seriously LOVE his music and if prompted will go on hour long rants abt the lore to his stuff and what songs are my favorites
but yeah all in all you have incredible taste /g
-the anon who gave the earlier vocaloid ask >B]]
okay so i knew most of these and they're great, u also got amazing taste!!! here's my thoughts on the ones i didnt know before tho:
Mr. Schadenfreude
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Tengoku e Ikou
ah... kikou my beloved... really catchy with wonderful visuals. also going in the playlist. can't stop bobbin my head to it. :) makes me happy even tho the subject matter is fucked
vane lily
listened to six feet under and i can't believe i forgot my mention SOLARIA as my favourite digital voicebank ever. so realistic. so good. oughhh... synthv my beloved i hope it becomes popular. i legit forgot i was listening to a synthv for a second and thought i was listening to vane lily herself wow. just wow.
very melancholy... a good watch! would i put it in my playlist? hmmmmm perhaps if i find soemthing more of a banger or upbeat. but he has a good voice and wonderful visuals
im gonna keep the train going!!! here's some more vocaloid recs:
law evading rock - neru
OGRE - utsu-p
Fools are attracted to anomaly - utsu-p
Android Girl - DECO*27
Poster Girls Prank - utsu-p
DANCE! VR DANCE! - kurage-p
Traffic Jam (cover by miy_yuu)
INFERNO (Solaria, Kevin)
again, tysm!
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strawberrysodaslut · 2 years
‘See You Soon’ - PostAzkaban!Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
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[ sirius black masterlist ]
[ main masterlist ]
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summary: the last words your soulmate says to you is indented on your wrist, although nothing has happened, the words have held you back for years, but with Sirius, you feel everything is about to change
warnings: postazkaban!sirius x order!reader, fluffy angst, happy ending with a sad unspoken ending, abandonment issues? IDK LMK IF I MISSED ANYTHING
a/n: this is the shortest thing i’ve ever written yet simultaneously my favourite thing i’ve ever written just because of the context oml
❛ ━━━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫・━━━━━━━━━ ❜
“See you soon”
Those words have haunted you since the day you saw them on your wrist. Such a mundane phrase, so common, filled with the intent of return.
Everytime you got close to someone, you made them swear, they would never say those words to you. Never. It wasn’t out of fear of them being your soulmate, it was the fear of what stopped them from coming back.
You and Sirius had gotten close, but not close enough to show what your words were. It was quite an intimate thing, to show the last words you’re ever going to hear from your soulmate. You didn’t show them to just anyone, but Sirius was more than anyone.
Though it felt wrong, you were certain you were in love with him. You had a feeling he shared that love, but you weren’t sure. It was hard though, knowing that there’s no way he’s your soulmate, he couldn’t be. The chances were too slim.
You were gonna tell him today, right now. Pushing away the nerves as you walk through the hallway of grimmuald place. It’s quite a beautiful house, maybe if all goes well this would be where you live.
“Sirius,” You say, walking up to him. “Can we talk?”
He turns, his tense face softening at the sight of you. But you didn’t miss the face he was trying to hide. Something was wrong. “What is it?” You ask.
He shakes his head, “There’s something- Harry needs me. At the ministry, I think he’s been tricked.”
Harry was a good kid, you barely knew him, but from the way Sirius talks about him, you know he’s special. Even without the “chosen one” title he’d been branded with.
“I’ll help.” You said, pulling your wand out of your bag. “I can come with you-“
Sirius cuts you off, “We have a team, there might be injuries. We can’t have our best healer getting hurt now can we.” He says, brushing your hair back. “We’ll talk about whatever you want when I get back, yes?” He smiles.
You nod, “When you get back.”
“Alright love,” He pulls his want out of his pocket, walking backwards, “See you soon.” He apparates away.
You feel the fear, the sting that always arrived when people said those words to you. But you bit them back, that fear had been holding you back. But not anymore, not today.
“See you soon” You whisper.
❛ ━━━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫・━━━━━━━━━ ❜
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hugheshugs · 2 years
The morning with grumpy Quinn oml that was so sweet 😟✋my heart but what do you think he would be like if you didn’t like the outfit he chose would he be adamant or let you choose
sugar plum au
im glad you liked it !! and oooo, i like this thought. i feel like it would definitely depend on how you asked, but if you were nice about it he'd let you choose :)
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you were still tired and you knew quinn could tell. he thought that getting you changed might lift your mood, seeing as you always felt pretty in the dresses he bought you, but it only made you dread the rest of the day.
as he walked out of the closet with a pink dress in hand, you felt the air knock out of your lungs. it wasn't that you didn't like it, in fact, he picked out your favourite dress. you just didn't want to wear it. you didn't have the energy to look good or pretend to have a nice day, all you wanted was to stay home in some comfy clothes.
"alright, sugar. lets get you changed," he said as he stood in front of you.
you remained seated on the bed, looking up at him with a blank look. you absolutely hated speaking up for yourself, even if it was just with him. your heart raced and tears welled up in your eyes at the thought of him getting mad at you because you weren't listening. you didn't like disobeying him, ever.
"hey, hey, what's wrong?"
"da— bubby, 'm tired," you whispered as he cupped your cheeks.
"i know you are, but we need to get you ready for today," he told you, causing tears to slip from your eyes.
"why are you crying, sweets?" he asked, voice a bit strained. it hurt him whenever you cried, especially when he didn't know what was wrong.
"i-i'm sorry," you hiccuped. "can i.. i just wanna.."
you almost got it out but failed at the last moment. it wasn't worth it, you didn't want to let him down. with a shake of your head, you pulled out of his grasp and wiped your nose with the back of your hand.
"sorry, bubby bear. here," you apologized, lifting your arms up for him to pull your shirt off.
"no," he shook his head back at you, grabbing your hands and bringing them down. "you're not okay, tell me what's wrong."
his tone of voice was demanding and you knew that if you didn't tell him, it would probably end worse for you. you felt yourself getting worked up again, your chest heaving a bit as you thought of telling him the truth.
the look on your face made his heart ache. he took a seat beside you and pulled you into his lap to help you calm down.
"you're okay, sweetheart. everything's okay.. i'm here."
he rocked you for a couple moments, your hand balling his shirt as you soaked in his comfort. it was only a matter of minutes before you pulled your head out of his chest with dried tears on your face.
"please don't be mad at me," you whimpered.
his eyebrows furrowed. "sweets, i don't get mad at you for no reason, you know that. you're my good girl, why would i be angry?"
"mkay," you nodded, moving some hair away from your face. " i don't w-wanna wear the.. the dress."
"oh.." he mumbled in confusion. "that's it?"
"that's why you were so upset? you didn't want to wear the dress?"
"mhm," you nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"you can wear whatever you want today, how does that sound?"
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Razor: Cuddle HCs
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Hi anon! Thank you so much for the compliment^^ I absolutely adore Razor, he was my favourite to play until Childe came out. Who is Diluc? Sorry? Claymore user?? Empowered autos??? Yeah no, I only see Razor sorry. Hahh, I’m still trying to grind all the materials I would need to 90 Xiao but it’s hard;;
Today’s appreciation post goes to svnflowery. Actual sweetheart oml. One reply and I’m already smitten (❤´艸`❤). One of the few people I can shout my conspiracy theories to about a fictional game but I appreciate you. Really it just devolves into me crying about how upsetting character stories are;; Seriously if you ever want to chat with me, my dms are open do not be shy. I love lore talk so goddamn much you have no idea.
Semi Part 1: General HCs
Semi Part 2: Pre-Relationship HCs
Semi Part 4: Jealous HCs
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@hanniejji​​  @mikeysbike​​ @unionwitch​ @musekala​ @sunnshiii​ @stanzastic​ @akaasea​ @xoneaboveallx​ @adoring-ghost​ @asheseiler​ @childelover​ @dilucsz​ @dai-tsukki-desu​ @thicmitten​
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Razor: Cuddle HCs
During your first interactions with Razor, he was a bit aloof and quiet. He never came off as rude but he didn’t seem like the cuddly type you would have expected. Though, he did live with wolves his entire life. It was cute to see his head popping out of the bushes when he noticed it was just you and running over. He didn’t smile as much as you would have hoped when he saw you but you could get a small one or even a laugh on lucky day’s when you both went exploring or hunting. After spending some more time together and having Razor warm up to you, it was almost like his entire personality did a 180 flip and he became this affectionate ball of fluff. The day he announced you as one of his Lupical was the first day he ever smiled full heartedly at you.
The first time you cuddled was during a really bad rainstorm. You could hear the thunder and some area’s of Wolvendom even sparked blue static before lightening crashed down. It’d be safe to say that it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to try and walk home in this kind of weather condition. Razor seemed to agree as he quickly led you to a small cave hidden under some moss while telling you to avoid the trees unless you wanted to get struck. It was a bit of a tight fit if you both didn’t want to get pelted by rain but it was oddly comforting. Feeling Razor’s soft hair brush against your cheek and feeling him press against your arm. That was until lightening struck down a tree near you both scaring you out of your skin.
Razor subtly jumped at your jumpiness and noticed your shivering and quickly huddled up to you. He felt how cold you were against him but any fire you both could have started wouldn’t have any room where it was safe. Plus all the wood was probably wet at this point. He quickly shuffled closer to you and placed his head on top of yours and letting his body drape over you. It made you short-circuit for a moment before reminding yourself, Razor’s naturally affectionate with people he trusts and he had been raised by wolves. This was something he and his family did during rainstorms. There wasn’t anything wrong with this, just him trying to warm you up. There was no hidden meaning behind this and you should stop over-thinking and let your heart be still or else you might have a bigger problem on your hands.
Razor doesn’t cuddle in the traditional way, he doesn’t necessarily embrace you from behind in a back hug or anything, he was raised by wolves so he cuddles the way they do. At first it confused you the first time you huddle together during that thunderstorm and he just nuzzled into your neck and was basically trapping you under his body but it was a comforting weight, even if the hard ground wasn’t the most pleasant. His soft gray hair was a bit matted due to the rain but you didn’t mind one bit. As much as you tried not to compare Razor to a puppy it really did feel like you were cuddling up to one. Being able to wrap your arms around him, running your hands through his hair, and listening to the rain fall made you slowly drift off into sleep.
Razor’s always been amazed at how soft you are in your own way. After spending so much time living as a wolf, he had scars running over his body and his hands were rough from the grass and the occasional wolfhook that managed to scratch him. The scar on his cheek always made you wonder if they still hurt as you gently ran your hands over them but he never seemed to stir. Whenever you both cuddle Razor ends up falling asleep first but he’s a bit of a light sleeper. You can’t really make any sudden movements but just so long as you’re quiet he won’t be startled awake. Razor is always running around or taking care of his family that it makes you feel soft to see him finally relax, that he’s comfortable enough to cuddle up to you and fall asleep. Plus whenever he wakes up he seems so drowsy that you can’t help but internally squeal.
Sometimes when you’re stressed or just tired and lonely, you’ll go see Razor. He can catch your mood in your scent, not sure on how that works but you really hope it’s just wolf instinct that he’s picked up and not other things, and you can sit down and open your arms and he’ll run up and cuddle into your embrace. His hair is so soft despite being in the wild that you can’t help but sigh into his shoulder and nuzzle your cheek into it. When you’re with Razor, there is no such thing as personal boundary unless directly stated. You might have lost some sense of embarrassment or self-restraint considering how Razor acts that you have to catch yourself from petting Bennet or Sucrose because they both remind you of him. Which ends up making you feel a bit clingy and you find yourself back in Wolvendom searching for a head of gray hair to pop up from the bushes.
Every fiber of my being want’s to stop calling Razor a dog or giving him dog qualities but goddammit he’s such a goodboy.
A bit of a delay but I managed to finish my assignment on time to finish writing this. I’m gonna make these a bit shorter since I don’t have time to write a full fic at the bottom, sorry;; I woke up because I forgot to post this so I go back to sleep now. When I’m awake again I’ll reply to asks^^
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the umbrella academy for the fandom ask game!
Oh great suggestion!!
Favourite female character: idk how popular this opinion is but honestly my favourite character is Grace. I just feel like she’s so misunderstood, and she’s so much more than “robot mom” or “robot wife”. I loved seeing the human version of her in season 2, and I hope we get more backstory about her and Reginald and why he recreated her as a robot; was he preserving her life? did he loose her somehow and built the robot version as a way of keeping her in his life? What actually lead to him building her? She’s definitely a character I want to see more of in season 3
Favourite male character: KLAUS! ABSOLUTELY! I am a Klaus Hargreaves stan first and a human being second tbh.
Favourite season: season 2 definitely. I feel like season 1 was great, but a lot of it is just explaining and introducing things (obviously, because there is a LOT to this show..) and it often feels a lot slower-paced, whereas season 2 is a lot more eventful. I’m also just a huge fan of the whole “modern people get stuck in some sort of time period that they do NOT belong in” trope.
Favourite episode: this is actually really tough.. probably s02ep07 Oga for Oga. One of my favourite scenes from the entire show is when they’re sitting down to dinner with their father around the table, trying to explain what their powers are. I just feel like it sums up each of the siblings up so perfectly, and we also get to see those Classic Sibling Antics™ (“I heard a rumour you punched yourself in the face :))))))))” ect ect). Also the scene when Luther and Diego are calling Olga Forolga because they are useless himbos is comedic gold 10/10
Favourite cast member: THIS IS LITERALLY SO HARD OML! I mean I absolutely love Elliot Page because he’s just so adorable and wholesome. Robert Sheehan is hilarious and I have pretty much seen every single interview he has ever done because he is so entertaining to me. But, as a diehard (secret) theatre kid and Hamilton fan, I think I'm gonna have to go with Emmy Raver-Lampman because she is an absolute queen and that’s that on that
Favourite ship: KLAUS AND DAVE! They are my absolute OTP I live for these two! I also loved seeing Allison and her husband in season 2, as well as Hazel and Agnes in season 1, but Klaus and Dave will forever and always be my OTP
A character I’d die defending: Hazel!!! Yes I know he is a murderer and he has committed several (hundred) atrocities but have you considered perhaps that I love him?
Character I just can’t sympathise with: The Handler. Ugh. I mean, she’s an extremely compelling villain and I really appreciate the character for that but god she is absolutely evil. She’s always working at some sort of angle, and I really thought that in season 2 she was going to get more of a redemption arc when we learnt that Lila was actually her daughter, but it turns out she was just using her all along as some sort of weapon and I just immediately lost my ability to sympathise with her all together..
A character I grew to love: this might not be a popular opinion, but Luther reeeeally grew on me in season 2. Idk what it was, he was such a pain in the ass in season 1 and I really didn’t like him, but in season 2 he was actually really funny and charming and I totally love the scene where he sees Vanya again for the first time.
My anti OTP: well obviously my least favourite ship in the entire show is Luther/Allison. “bUt ThEy’Re nOt TeChniCaLLy reLAteD!1!!” uhm yes they are? They were literally raised as brother and sister that’s nasty as hell??? So they’re my least favourite, but I also dislike (and, yes, I know im gonna get an insane amount of hate for this but it has to be said) Vanya and Sissy. I just feel like Sissy is an annoying character, and the only reason she even exists is for the “make Vanya gay” fan service. I also get the feeling that she’s sorta manipulative and is sorta using Vanya and taking advantage of her kindness (the whole “you can literally never leave the house I need you to raise my kid for me, random stranger I barely know” thing) but hey that’s just me. People can ship what they want to ship.
Ask game!
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sierice · 3 years
i copied some of my favourite parts to comment on them lol
He blinked hard, hoping that the names of those lost would stop playing behind his eyes like the world's most awful PowerPoint presentation. 
this is the most apollo thing i’ve ever read i love it
“...But I might consider if it means I don’t need to listen to this guy.” She finished smugly, jabbing a thumb in his direction. 
Apollo’s past-self scowled at him, his expression clearly saying how much he regretted giving Leo the instructions to get the Physician’s cure. (Apollo could sympathize. Those six weeks with him and Calypso had not been fun.)
sksks i laughed so hard at this, because i feel like it really represents how petty apollo is
“You are not a street urchin” He agreed, mostly so that she wouldn’t bite him in front of the whole Council. 
i love how he’s just going back on his early statements to avoid megs wrath😭😭 it’s beautiful
Percy crossed his arms, his face like that of an obstinate baby that didn’t want to spit out the sand they were eating.
Percy was shaking Meg's hand like they had just done a business deal, thanking her for not dragging him into this, all while roaring with laughter.
I raised my face to the heavens . … recording my humiliation to share on Snapchat. Cecil Markowitz, layer of the terrible beat (long story), tilted his head from left to right, like he was letting this information evenly spread through his brain like paint.
“You guys have Snapchat?” He asked. 
Hermes thumped his son’s back. “Of course we do!” 
Cecil nodded meekly, no doubt wondering the horrors that could be over there.
OMFG JANSKSKSKS IDK HOW I MISSED THIS WHEN I FIRST READ THO. also all i can think of is like zeus sending jawline pics or poseidon with his trident and jawline and snapping random mortals from quick add😭😭
-in conclusion; I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH, and you capture lester and megs essence so well (omg my brain tried to say mester and leg), also you’ve made my night. also don’t forget you’re awesome<333
Hello Danny!!! 💛💛
this is the most apollo thing i’ve ever read i love it
Ty!! This line came to me just before I was about to post the chapter sksksksk, I'm glad it worked <333
YES SKSKSKSK 🤍🤍 Meg and Lester are just <333 the best-
sksks i laughed so hard at this, because i feel like it really represents how petty apollo is
Sksksks yes 🤣🤣 He may have had 6 months of character development, but he's still incredibly petty <333
i love how he’s just going back on his early statements to avoid megs wrath😭😭 it’s beautiful
Pfff yeah- though lets be honest, Meg would TOTALLY do that in front of all the gods 😂😂
My man is so annoyed of the gods, he's just glad that someone else is taking care of these guys sksksk
OMFG JANSKSKSKS IDK HOW I MISSED THIS WHEN I FIRST READ THO. also all i can think of is like zeus sending jawline pics or poseidon with his trident and jawline and snapping random mortals from quick add😭😭
DANNY. DANNY I JUST- OK SO WHEN I FIRST READ THIS PART I ABSOLUTELY LIKE JUST BURST OUT WHEEZING AND GASPING WITH LAUGHTER. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE THIS FUNNY DANNY ADLFKSFDLKDFS. The idea that the gods use snapchat to talk to random mortals is SO cursed and I hope you know that I am so glad to have read this. You're brain is just- so big Danny. OH the headcannons about that sksksks- just- absolutely wild 🤣🤣🤣
-in conclusion; I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH, and you capture lester and megs essence so well (omg my brain tried to say mester and leg), also you’ve made my night. also don’t forget you’re awesome<333
sfhdsdfjksdf 😭😭😭 No YOU are awesome 🥺🥺💚💚💚 You're so very sweet Danny 💛💛💛 You even took the time to write all this I'm just- You're so very kind Danny <333 😭😭💙💙💙
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Can you do the manager hcs that act like Alice Nakiri from SnS for Inarizaki, Shiratorizawa, Fukurodani, and Nekoma? (like she is BEST GIRL; so confident, adorkable, impulsive, carefree, have a mischievous side, has cute bossy tendencies but at the same time she is really caring, polite, and very very rich (she doesn't even know what a Bento is)
Hello my love!! Ahhh I just love receiving asks from you. You're honestly a psychic, I was actually just fangirling over Alice Nakiri when I saw your ask, because I'm on season two of sns.
I have the HUGEST crush on Hayama Akira omg. Definitely my favourite character from the show, his visuals and character are both just god-tier. Who's your favourite male character from the show? I think Akira, Takumi and Isshiki are such cuties. Although Isshiki's fashion sense is just so questionable oml
@k-sakusa-old (I CAN FINALLY TAG YOU IM SO HAPPY!!) ❤️🖤
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Rich manager headcanons.
Characters: Inarizaki team, Shiratorizawa team, Fukurodani team, Nekoma team.
Warnings: none :))
Manager preferance: as stated, she's adorable, funny, and rich, and an excellent cook! Has a mischievous side, and a curvaceous and beautiful body with pretty features.
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Ahhh alright, it's my little fox babies!! They see you around school with your best friend pretty often, and they're struck because you look so different.
Like they've honestly never seen anyone like you, with your eyes and hair a different colour, and the way you carry yourself with so much grace and class, yet you also have the cutest expressions.
I think they'd all be subtle simps for you even before getting to know you, because they find your mannerisms really cute.
Definitely push captain Kita to ask you to become their manager.
So you're with your best friend, and you're teasing him (REAL SNS FANS KNOW ALICE IS NEVER WITHOUT RYO) and Kita bows and asks if you would be the manager for their volleyball team.
To vex him further, you tease him before agreeing to help, and he looks relieved, albeit a bit traumatized. He definitely wasn't expecting such a sassy girl.
Kita reports back to the team that you've agreed and will be manager starting tomorrow.
Back at home, you remember Kita's face after teasing him, and you decide to cook the team something as a peace offering, also hoping you'll make a good impression.
You cook them something extremely fancy, using your extensive cooking knowledge and effort, and the end result is something worthy of being served at a high-class restaurant. You go to bed satisfied, after asking the butler to prepare and pack the food for the team at school.
After school the next day, you smile happily with your butler by your side carrying the food you've made.
The entire volleyball team is just ":O"
You smile cheekily and tell them to dig in, introducing yourself as the new manager.
They're in a bit of shock, because they never knew you were; a. Rich, or b. So generous.
Flashing them a gorgeous smile, you crack jokes with them and ask them how they liked the food, later revealing you've cooked it.
The team is just so??? impressed?? Like wow she's so adorable and sassy which kinda makes her hot, and she can cook so well?
Please cue Osamu falling in love as he subtly decides what to name y'alls children.
I mean, a girl who can cook better than he can? He'd be so eager to learn from you and cook together with you, he's already getting dizzy just thinking about it.
Atsumu would probably be pretty whipped too, and not just because of the food (he's such a foodie, that's just a bonus point). He totally thinks any girl who can crack jokes and make him laugh has the key to his heart, and he loves how you're unafraid and mischievous.
As you warm up to them and begin attending their practices daily and getting closer, Aran just starts getting more and more impressed about how funny you can be.
Your antics and pouts totally make him laugh.
Suna probably strikes this relationship with you where he plans pranks and you're just gutsy enough to execute them. You're also more likely to get into trouble but whatever. While he's just recording you from somewhere
So he thinks you're really cool :] and you can really just tease him mercilessly and he wouldn't mind.
Kita just finds you so capable and brilliant, but he's also pretty shy by how confident and cool you are.
I think he'd try his best to talk to you and slowly and eventually form a bond with you based on something you both like.
In general, the team is just constantly in awe of you and they find you so exceptionally cool. Extremely blessed to have you as a manager and can't resist but show you off every single chance they get.
Like "in your face Itachiyama we have this gorgeous queen on our side here, alright?"
And you're loyal to them, trash talking their opponents even better than the Miya twins, yet keeping this innocent smile and façade up which makes the entire teams' hearts just squeeze at how hot you look when you do that.
10/10, Inarizaki adores you.
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So this is a school for rich kids, luv I think everyone is rich and unfazed 😭🤚
You become the team's manager because your teacher says it's a "hard position" and "no one has managed to keep it for long" which definitely just fuels your need to be the best at it.
But it doesn't go without careful planning, you wait at the gym to greet the members without revealing yourself as their manager.
You meet Ushijima first, and he's as silent and stoic as ever, which leads you to start teasing him and asking for attention.
Which he doesn't grant you. As you know Ushijima, he's probably gonna get annoyed :(
Ugh farmer boy doesn't know how to loosen up and have fun can someone teach him how to be cool?
So NGL you're a bit disheartened, until you meet your next favourite human being, Tendou Satori.
He just starts cracking jokes and matching your energy pretty well, you guys vibe so well together!!
And you feel like thinks might just be looking up. You plan on telling Tendou you'll be their new manager, when you meet another member of the team.
Goshiki is just a blushing mess when he sees you. I feel like he would not know how to act around girls and his brain just short circuits when he sees someone as BEAUTIFUL as you are.
You probably spot his nosebleed and joke with him, gently wiping his face with a tissue.
Which of course, causes him to faint on the spot, can we get an f in the chat for him?
Tendou helps him up and you're just laughing silently whilst coming face to face with Semi Eita.
So you're totally the type to be vocal about things and if you find someone cute, you aren't beating around the bush, so you're just like “hey I think you're so cute!”
And Semi is just like “omg okay what”
He definitely laughs it off and finds you brave and cool, and you kinda earn his respect for being so straightforward.
And he's pretty happy about the compliment.
You follow them into the gym and introduce yourself as their new manager, and they all promise to work hard and cooperate with you.
You get along well with the whole team, but for some reason, you and Ushijima just don't have the same connection you share with the others.
Like your jokes with Tendou, or your playful and mischievous nature with Semi.
Or even how you tease Goshiki.
You're determined to fix it.
So one day after a match, you round the whole team up and bring them to your house, instructing they wait by the dining table.
And you whip out some really fancy food you've just prepared, calling it a celebration for winning :)
They don't know you've cooked it yet, so you tell them and they're all just so impressed but not surprised, since they know you're capable and amazing at anything you do.
But Ushijima is just like?? Wow??
Because the flavours and way you've prepared the food touches him and he's just so proud to know someone who can make other people happy with their cooking.
And he tells you so, causing you to blush for the first time in your life.
The team is so soft when they see you flustered over something their captain has said, and they're glad you guys are slowly growing closer.
Each of them kiss your forehead and thank you for the meal before heading home, even Ushijima! (Which was super unexpected. You just expected a curt nod of a sort, but he gave you a gentle peck and ruffled you hair)
You smile to yourself because you're finally on good terms with everyone :)
The team totally thinks of you as a little sister, except Goshiki who views you as the coolest senpai ever loves bragging about you to his friends.
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[ Ari's note: Nekoma and Fukurodani will be out in a few hours!! I'm sorry I have a deadline to meet for some reports and although I've done my work my club members haven't submitted some stuff yet so I have to wait till they do😭 it's so stressful, but I'm the president and I'll technically be held responsible if this doesn't go well, so uhh wish me luck? 👉👈❤️ Love you guys! Thanks for reading ]
Taglist: @osamusriceballs @k-sakusa-old
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writesowhatnext · 4 years
annoying? yes. boring? never. // james potter
Summary: James’ best friend has always been a muggle and, despite what everyone thought, they were just that; friends. Right?
Request: Hello there! If you write for James Potter, would you mind writing for him with the cliche prompts 'there’s people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow you’re close', 'blurting out a confession of love' and 'I’ve been in love with you for years' Thank you very much!!!
A/N: I fucking love this oml thanks for this request it’s literally made my week
Reader: female
Warnings: swearing, a mean boy, fist-fight?
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At ten years old, James Potter had been pampered for a whole decade. His parents, who loved him a great deal, gave him everything he could ever wish for and more. So, when he came home one day after school with a friend, they did their best to accommodate, despite the fact that said friend was a muggle. Even at ten years old, you knew something was wrong with the Potter household. Some things moved if you looked at them for too long and you swore the eyes in the paintings followed you. Being a particularly bold and shameless child, you decided to ask James just why his house felt like it held its breath every time you came over. Being a particularly bold and shameless child himself, he told you that his family were wizards. From there began a very lovely friendship.
You spent every day at the Potters after that and whilst his parents made a habit to not parade magic around in front of you, James would often tell you magical stories about elves and wands and sweets and broomsticks. Most of all, he told you about Hogwarts.
“I’ve never been,” he said, lying on his stomach facing you as you lay on your back on the carpet of his massive bedroom. “But I’ve heard it’s amazing. It’s a massive castle and you’re put into four houses-“
“Houses?” you asked, sitting up and wiping dirt off your arm; you’d been playing in his garden all afternoon.
“Yes! Everyone is put into a house that’s most like them-“
“Like when we picked what Jungle Book characters we would be?”
“Exactly!” he smiled; glad he’d made a friend that understood him so well.
The week before he left for Hogwarts was one of the most bittersweet weeks of your life. You were excited for James and, thanks to a good word from the Potters to your parents, you could spend the whole week with him, but you were devastated that your best friend would be leaving you for a magical place you could never go to, to make friends you could never dream of.
“James,” you started, turning to face him. You were both lying on his floor, feet up against the wall with the Beatles playing in the background from his record player. “You won’t forget me at Hogwarts, will you?”
“Crikey, Y/N,” he turned to you, nudging your shoulder. “If it was that easy to get rid of you, I would’ve done it ages ago.”
He laughed at your gasp of mock offence, his guffaws only growing louder as you pushed him over and began to wrestle.
The first year without James was hard for you. At a new school, having to make all new friends with the knowledge that whilst you were doing maths and biology, he was learning about magical creatures and ridiculous spells, you struggled. It did help, though, that you received a letter from James almost daily. You weren’t sure how they got to you but once or twice you saw a strange looking bird fly away when you found them. His letters were full of his adventures and excited for you to meet his friends, he’d described them in detail which, although lame, you found very endearing. You were glad he hadn’t forgotten about you.
You were surprised that his parents hadn’t either. You got a call from Euphemia Potter on your family home phone around June time. She’d asked whether you were at school the next Thursday; you were, but she didn’t need to know that. And so, on that Thursday, you went with the Potters to Kings Cross station and waited for James to appear at platform number nine and three quarters. The whole journey there, they told you how much you’d grown since they last saw you and you didn’t understand what they meant until you saw James. He’d stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas and so you hadn’t seen him for nine months when he appeared with a trolley of bags, dressed in strange robes. He looked so different. He was taller now and his hair was much scruffier. You thought it suited him.
You’d never been so excited to see someone and you were pleasantly surprised that the feeling was mutual as you raced to hug each other. You spent most of the summer together, making up for lost time. He told you all about his lessons and teachers and how he and his friends would play pranks constantly.
“I’m shocked that you have friends.” You remarked, helping him put posters of Bob Dylan and Buddy Holly on his walls. You were very glad that he was being cultured on the taste of the time despite the whole wizarding boarding school thing.
“Now that’s just cold.”
You laughed at his wounded expression.
“Go on, tell me about Serious and Remy.”
“It’s Sirius and Remus, you know that. And Peter, too.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said, smiling so he knew you were only messing with him. “Strange names your lot have.”
Despite how much he wanted to tell you about his adventures, he always asked about how you were doing and what life was like at home. It was sweet, you thought, that he wanted to hear about your life. You told him about new friends you’d made and about how boring the lessons could be, fully aware that listening to someone talk about them would be just as dreadfully tedious as actually going. It didn’t matter, though, because for a whole summer you had your best friend back and life had never better. You tried not to think about how in September, he would just disappear again and you’d be left with another nine months without your favourite person.
The next months went by extortionately slowly and whilst you tried to be happy around your friends, nothing felt right without James. When you got a letter from him in the middle of English class, an owl, of all things, tapping at the window, you were beyond excited to hear that he would be coming back home the next week for summer. He said he was bringing his friend Sirius because his parents weren’t the nicest and whilst you were excited, you couldn’t help but feel nervous about meeting his friend – what would happen if he didn’t like you? You had to wait till the weekend to see him; your mum had found out about your ditching school last time and forced you to go in until the school finished for summer. On that Saturday morning, you all but ran to James’ house, hammering on the door in excitement.
When James opened the door, an ear-splitting grin on his face, you were surprised to see how much he’d grown in four months. He was taller, again, and he looked nice, a thought that repulsed you in a way. Heat rushed to your cheeks at your thoughts – this was James, your best friend, you didn’t see him like that. He didn’t even say hello before he pulled you inside and hugged you like there was no tomorrow. The hug didn’t help how flustered you were, his warm arms surrounding you tightly, but it was long overdue.
“So, this is the infamous Y/N.”
When you pulled away to find the source of the noise, you saw a tall boy with long dark hair and mischievous eyes.
“Does he talk about me?” you asked, elbowing James in the side before offering your hand to Sirius. The idea that James talked about you made you strangely happy.
“Does he ever shut up about you?”
James spent the next few days partially regretting combining the two greatest forces in his life. You and Sirius teamed up constantly to tease James, often sharing stories about how ridiculously headstrong he could be. Though he should’ve been mad, he enjoyed his best friends getting along immensely and something about seeing you and Sirius at the same time made something within him feel right.
“Has he told you about Lily?” Sirius asked, lying across James’ bed whilst you and James sat on the floor, staring at a chessboard. He said he needed the practice for something or other.
“Who’s Lily?”
You looked up at James to see him blushing and a strange discomfort came over you. You tried to convince yourself you weren’t jealous.
“She’s this Gryffindor girl-“
“Your house?” you asked, knocking over one of James’ bishops with a less gleeful grin than you had before. “Lions and stuff.”
“A perfect description.” James teased, earning him a flick in the forehead. He frowned at you, pushing his glasses up.
“Exactly.” Sirius smirked, resting his chin on his hand. “I think James here might be in love with her.”
“Oh really?” you asked, trying to fill your voice with as much curiosity as you could; you didn’t have the stomach for it, though. “Checkmate.”
You didn’t notice the sly smirk Sirius sent your way at your response, too busy looking at James, whose reaction to losing was, as always, piss poor.
They spent the rest of the holiday trying to teach you Quidditch which, as imagined, was hard with only a football and some sticks. You enjoyed yourself, though, and spending time with James and Sirius was so much fun. You began to understand the general idea of the game eventually, and James loved to see you pretend to fly on a stick as you threw the football at Sirius.
“You’d make a great beater.” He said over dinner, cutting into his food.
“Of course, I would.” You replied, earning a snort from Sirius.
“You’d probably make a better chaser than James, too.”
“Oi!” James flicked a pea over the table, earning a half-hearted scolding from his Father and a kick under the table from Sirius’ rather heavy boots.
“You should come around for dinner tomorrow, love, too.” Euphemia said as you stood at the door, ready to leave. James didn’t miss your apologetic expression.
“Sorry, Mrs Potter, my Mum wants me doing schoolwork tomorrow.”
“We’re going back to Hogwarts the next day, I won’t see you.” James said, pouting. You would’ve teased him but you felt the same; saying goodbye to James was always your least favourite part.
“You’ll just have to write to me every day.” You hugged him, oblivious to the eyes watching both of you.
“Of course, I will.”
He didn’t. It was the first time since you met him that you’d gone more than two days without hearing from James. It had been six already and you were worried. Part of you, undeniably, was jealous; his last letter had been about asking Lily to go on a date with him. You knew you probably would’ve liked Lily. From the way Sirius described her, she was tough and smart and you suspected you would’ve been good friends if she didn’t have James wrapped around her little finger. With your life getting busier with exams and school, and friends, you paid less attention to the fact that you hadn’t heard from James in months. It hurt, to say the least, to have your letters unanswered. You gave up sending them after a while, bored of only being hurt. You wanted to tell him that you’d been on your first date, if only to make him jealous for a moment before you told him about how awful it had been. You wanted to tell him that you’d gotten first prize at a competition at school. You didn’t though, he didn’t want to hear it.
Just before Christmas, you sent Sirius a letter. You felt desperate but you just needed to check that James was alright. A sick part of you hoped he wasn’t so you would feel less bad about him forgetting about you. To your surprise, Sirius replied in just four hours. How his owl flew that far, you had no idea, but you were grateful for any form of reply. The letter was short and blunt but quite kind, which you were grateful for. He said that James was busy with trying to get Lily to fancy him, an actually important issue with Remus and trying not to get kicked out of school. Though it hurt, you were pleased to know anything happening in his life. Sirius also said he was surprised James hadn’t replied to you, because he still talked about you non-stop. You figured that was Sirius lying for the sake of your feelings. You sent him a shorter letter back, thanking him, and then decided you got out of the habit of writing letters.
It was boxing day when someone knocked at your door like a man deranged. When you saw James standing there, on the verge of tears, the coldness in your heart that he’d caused thawed instantly and you beckoned him up to your room, despite your parents’ protests.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to ignore you, I swear, I just-“
You wrapped an arm around him as he cried. He took his glasses, off, rubbing tears from his eyes with his hand.
“I couldn’t tell you about Remus and that’s all I’ve thought about and there was nothing else to say- I couldn’t write, I couldn’t bring myself-”
“It’s okay, James, it’s okay. Go on, you can tell me, what’s wrong with Remus?” you asked, pushing his head under your chin to hold him closer. 
That night, he told you everything. Between sobs, he told you how worried he was for Remus when he turned (you were mentally trying to cope with the idea that werewolves exist), how his friends had turned into animals to protect him. Most of it went over your head, but you tried to listen for his sake. When he went back to Hogwarts that January, he wrote to you every single day without fail, sometimes twice if he had the time. Somehow, along the way, you felt like you had your James back – the same James but with very different feelings.
By the time summer rolled around, you were doing everything you could to take your mind off of him. You even started flirting with a boy to try to convince yourself you didn’t like James, a fact that seemed more improbable when you considered you might actually love him. You didn’t know when his term ended, he hadn’t said, and so you made yourself busy until he arrived, unsure of how you would react to him given your newly discovered but ever-present feelings.
You stood next to the corner shop, not having that much fun when he appeared. You were standing next to the boy you’d been flirting with and a couple of his friends. They’d been making jokes about something or other – you weren’t listening at all, even less so, when a familiar voice called your name.
“Oi! Y/N!”
You turned around to see James Potter, impossibly taller and more handsome and more James-like than you’d ever seen him.
“You alright, Potter?” you shouted, grinning as he came closer. You went to greet him but the boy next to you, jealous as anything, stepped in front of you.
“Who the fuck are you?” he said, trying to square up despite being dramatically shorter. At first, James didn’t reply. He just looked over the boy’s shoulder at you. You shrugged, frowning.
“My name’s James. I’d like to talk to Y/N, please.”
“My name’s James.” They mimicked in high pitched voices. You rolled your eyes.
“Alright, I’m leaving.” You went to leave when the boy opposite James grabbed your arm.
“Let me go.”
He didn’t.  So, with a sharp exhale, you drew your other arm back and punched him square in the jaw. A bark of laughter escaped James’ lips before you realised that three rather angry looking boys were staring at you both, one with a bruised jawline. James grabbed your hand and you ran.
You barely saw the alley but you guessed that was the idea as James pulled you in after him. Your back hit the wall and suddenly he was very, very close and you were both breathing heavily from the running. He hadn’t realised how wide the alley was until you were centimetres from him. That was, to say, not that wide. You barely noticed the boys run past, completely missing your hiding space.
“Why were you hanging around those muppets?” he asked, noticing how pretty your eyes were up close.
“My muppet left to go to a magical school for tweens – needed a replacement, didn’t I?”
“You’re so mean-“
“Am I so mean?”
“Yeah, you’re always rude to me-“
“Well maybe if you weren’t so-“
“I’m pretty sure I’m completely in love with you.”
You swallowed your words in surprise at his confession.
“I’ve been in love with you for years and I never realised.” He continued as if saying it out loud gave truth to something he’d known all along. “And I think you punching that guy in the face was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen some pretty magical shit.”
You nodded, a small smile making its way onto your face. The blooming feeling in your chest wouldn’t go away; it only worsened when he smiled. It was a familiar smile, a smile that reminded you of home more than anything else could.
“See?” you said softly, biting your top lip. “I might be a muddle but I’m not too boring.”
“What did you just call me?”
As if that were the most perfect thing you could’ve said he tipped his head to the side and looked at you. His hand lifted to tuck your hair behind your ear.
“You have never ever been boring.”
And with that, he leant forward and kissed you. You tipped your head against the brick wall, grateful that you had a best friend as stupid as him.
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saijspellhart · 3 years
Writing tag game!
I was tagged by @jamiehascateyes.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Once a Thief Always a Thief
Velvet Soft
Kibbles and Bits
Bleached White
Bully Me with Kindness
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to respond to most comments. Because I love talking to people, and interacting, and having conversations. But sometimes I just don’t know how to respond. So I don’t. And sometimes people leave hateful, or mean spirited comments, and I’ve taken to deleting those.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhh. Hmmm. Bleached White, and many of the Floofy-eared Chat Blanc stuffs have the most angst, and the angstiest ending. Just because the concept of akumatization and the problems it causes leaves lots of room for angst and hard feels. And being purified causes the Akumatized victim to lose their memory.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most of my stories haven’t ended yet, so as of right now I think Once a Thief has the happiest ending. But Chained to You might also be up there when it ends, probably also This Side of Me.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve tried writing crossovers in the past, but I’ve mostly moved away from that. When I was a teen I wrote a pretty silly Megaman X and Bleach crossover. I dunno what I was thinking. It’s kinda stupid now that I think about it.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
OML, have I ever. One person on FFn decided to harass me everyday on Chained to You for six weeks, sometimes up to tree times a day. Just lots of hateful, mean, guilt-trippy, harassing comments. And I’ve had lots of people leave complaints on Chained to You on AO3, because they don’t like something about the fic. Be it how Yugi wears make-up, or that he’s bi and not straight. Or they bitch about Kaiba, or some other part of the fic. I’ve never received so much hate, and complaints, and entitled whining from any fandom, on any fic, as I have from the YGO fandom specifically on Chained to You. And it baffles me, because most of the people I’ve met in the YGO fandom are sweethearts.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have and do write smut. I write all kinds of smut. But my favorite is writing kinky monster/creature/ghost smut.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I’m a writer and an artist. I’ve had everything stolen. It’s a pain in my ass.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
People have asked, and I’ve given permission, but a I’ve never actually seen it happen.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Once upon a time I worked on a fic with my best friend. But that was forever ago. I hope to do a writing collaboration one of these days, but right now I’m just illustrating a fic, and that’s the closest I am to collaborating on fic right now. Hopefully one day, when things calm down for me.
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Hell if I know. I like shipping everything, and current favorite tends to depend on hyper-fixation.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I want to finish Blood Orange Soda, Serious Entanglement, and Bleached White. But so far I’ve not felt the motivation or muse to work on any ML fics. Maybe eventually.
15. What are your writing strengths?
People have said I do dialogue pretty well. So I guess it’s that. Otherwise I have no idea.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing smut is very hard for me. Also I overuse the word “just”, and commas. And I always have to go back through and delete a lot of them.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Just make a footnote with a translation, so people understand what they’re reading.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Bleach. And the fic was stupid as hell, and it’s still online. I wrote it over twelve years ago.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Uhhh, that’s tough, cause my favorite fic tends to be the one I’m working on in the moment. Once I finish a fic, or move on from one, it’s no longer my favorite anymore.
TAGGING: @nedjemetsenen, @shinayashipper, and anyone else who wants to do it. I can’t think of people to tag atm.
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bitchiha · 4 years
Wydhrjuf- I was watching ”Karen Freak Outs” on Youtube and I start wondering how would Naruto characters react if they ever encounter one? Lol
A/N: OHH LOL I LOVE THIS YOU WONDERFUL LITTLE ANON!!! Can’t believe I never thought to do this! This ask was so tempting I had to answer it ASAP 😖
Btw for those unsure of the term Karen: white suburban moms who always ask to speak to the manager / just wanna fight you LOOOL. Look up Karen moments like the anon did, you won’t regret it lol shits funny asf
✎ Naruto Characters Encountering Karen’s
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Omg he always encounters Karen’s. Whether they’re Karen’s yelling at him for fighting w their bratty kid on the playground or yelling at naruto for cutting supermarket lines — they’re always there waiting.
But they don’t phase him as much now that he’s used to them. Karen wants the manager to sort this out? Nah hoe. He’ll fight her right now.
He’s the final boss all Karen’s fear.
Always fights them LMFAO. “What’re you looking at, old lady?”, “I think somebody forgot their essential oils today, wrinkled hag.”
literally has the best comebacks for Karen’s.
The Leaf village Karen’s fear him because he won’t back down when they try and put him in his place
And my G O D they tick him off so easily oml. And we all know how crazy Naruto gets when he’s ticked off.
Always fights their bratty kids. Like it always starts somehow w the kid.
This one brat just stomped on his foot because he wouldn’t give up the last box of instant ramen at the supermarket, so now they’re roasting each other as they should 
and all the sudden the mom comes in.
The interference of Karen is the only thing that stopped Naruto from pummeling that kid LOLL. “Let the kid sort it out for himself, ya old lady!”
Has the best boomer roasts. That’s one of the first attacks he makes on Karen’s.
“Ok boomer.” Usually frustrates the fuck out of them and angers them enough to storm away.
If they somehow withstand that, he goes in for the essential oils disses and keeps bringing more and more weapons out until they’re running away quaking.
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Nah sis
The first Karen to ever try and pick a fight with him is scarred for life. Seriously. He whipped his sword out and was about to end that hoe, luckily Kakashi stepped in.
Has 0 tolerance for that bullshit.
Karen’s fear both Naruto and Sasuke, but they handle them very differently.
Now, I think some Karen’s are intellectual, when they’re not demanding to speak to the manager of course.
So naturally, many of them get the message that they cannot mess with Sasuke Uchiha. One glance at him and the threat of getting them kicked out of the store dies on their tongue bc they realize if they don’t shut up they might actually die hdjdjsjsjsj
Lots of angry glares.
Won’t give them the time of day, like they wanna fight him for taking the last lavender essential oil. Sasuke is a slut 4 lavender essential oil you can’t change my mind. So he turns to face them and gives them the “im done w ur bs” look and the signature “tch” and they immediately back off.
Literally imagine Sasuke and a Karen having a staring competition over the last essential oil. Goodbye.
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This man is a KAREN! Sometimes at least lol
He doesn’t encounter many horrible Karen’s though
If they ever wanna try him he probably turns around surprised — looking like that shook pikachu meme
He’s so offended like who does this old lady with a Starbucks frappe think she is?
“Excuse me... what?”
Literally just stares at them repulsed while they yell at him for taking their last bottle of their favourite shampoo of the shelf.
“But this is my favourite shampoo as well. It does such a good job in my hair and it makes it smell like vanilla.”
Then all the sudden they end up bonding over shampoo
Still keeps the last bottle for himself tho like he clings to it for dear life
Probably ends up getting invited to their PTA meetings
He’s the Karen’s poster boy
They all lowkey think Nejis fine asf
Naruto and Kiba tease the crap out of him for being the Karens idol, but the Karen’s won’t hesitate to protect him
It’s like the 5th great ninja war but with Karen’s VS 2 sixteen year old boys and Neji just watches it all go down 
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I headcanon her as a Karen
Someone probably just butted the line in the market and she’s about to tap them on the shoulder and give them a piece of her mind, but another lady does the same
Time stops
They just look at eachother knowing exactly what they have to do
And they fight the line skipper together
Then as a parting gift after their bonding experience, the Karen gifts her a bath and body works candle and some essential oils.
She too is now invited to PTA meetings.
Also invited to sewing club, cooking club, etc.
Sakura is a slut for essential oils so we already know she’ll fit in with the others
And she likes herbs and stuff so she talks about remedies with them
They all get along so well with her because she’s literally just a mini Karen. Like a soon to be Karen
Praised often for beating up Naruto, he is the Karen’s arch nemesis after all
Rock Lee
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He cries when he encounters his first few Karen’s
He was running through the village one time when a little girl cuts in front of him all of the sudden and he hits her
He quickly catches her before she falls though
But her mom — a fellow Karen, was loosing her shit.
Cries and begs for her forgiveness
Is literally on the floor crying
The Karen is satisfied with this and let’s him go with very little verbal abuse lol
That’s how he handles most of his encounters
“I’m so sorry! Please, ma’am, forgive me!” Really excessive crying and laying on the floor because Karen’s scare the fuck out of him
Some feel bad for him and sprinkle some essential oils on him to calm his aura or some shit
They like that they can push him around tbh
Probably refer to him as the “respectable young man who knows his place”
Does chores for any Karen that asks, he's too scared to say no 
He also gets special treatment when they find out he’s nejis friend
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junevnti · 4 years
I love ur writing!! Can I request relationship hc with khun AA (TOG)? Thank you (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
TOG: General relationship hc's
featuring: Khun aguero agnis
notes: shj oml anon you're so sweetttt 😭 this legit just made my day, tysm! 💕💕🥺 I hope you enjoy this! ♥️
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he's not the best but he tries, he isn't familiar with romantic relationships and such
he can be romantic if he tries maybe, he'd be a bit awkward with romantic affectionate gestures but he'll get there
you'd have to read him well or be patient with him, he has a lot of walls around his heart because of his childhood
if you initiate holding hands with him in public or hugging him in front of his friends, he would scold you but he doesn't brush you away and everyone could see the light red hue on his cheeks and ears
he's much more affectionate in private, hugging you longer than usual, initiating in holding your hand first
he never wants you to be hurt, he may nag or lecture you when you get hurt but you'll see him nursing you anyways
he teases and bullies you on a daily basis, it could be about literally anything, like how you didn't like that one food or even how you like something
but once you had enough and lash out on him or even cry, he drops his teasing grin and says sorry, it may come out as a little late and awkward
but hey at least he said sorry, after that he beat himself over mentally for making you cry, sometimes he would wonder why someone like you is still with him?
if he was you, he would've already broken up with himself but yet you didn't you stayed with him all these while
after the entire fiasco, he started trying more, like leaving short notes behind for you to read or buying you your favourite foods
he starts smiling a bit more around you, the teases and bullying lessens and becomes harmless
he knows where to stop now, he does his best to comfort you when you had a bad day, he would join you and trash talk with you about the person you dislike
he wants you to know at least the basics of fighting or anything that can aid you in battle, he would give you a weapon for you to use when someone attacks you
if you didn't know how to fight, he would take it upon himself and ask his friends to teach you the basics of what they're expert in
if you were to ever get critically hurt or die in battle, he would never forgive himself and would climb up the tower thinking he should've been stronger to prevent that incident from happening
when you recovered back to full health, he would be extra protective over you and the activities you partake in. you might find it irritating but please try and understand he just doesn't want to see you get hurt to the point of near-death ever again
when he's stress, all he wants is to lay in bed with you and cuddle for the entire day
once he settles down with you, he settles down with you forever
he wouldn't know what to do if you've left him, it would be like the light in his world had just died down
he doesn't intentionally does it but he says the most cheesiest and cliche lines subconsciously and wouldn't feel embarrassed okay yeah maybe a lil but he'll never take it back
overall, he loves you and he says 'I love you' in every single roundabout way he knows until he's ready to say it to you which wouldn't be very long, mans smitten
"Would you like it if I said I want to spend my entire life annoying you? I won't be taking an 'No', you're tied with me forever now."
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mx-piggy · 3 years
i’ve been watching boy meets world for the first time, and i’m on season 2 rn.
anyway, i have some thoughts, even though nobody asked:
the show’s way funnier and wittier than i thought it’d be. i assumed it’d be like full house (pretty much the only other 90s family sitcom i’ve watched, since i’m a bri*ish teenager who didn’t grow up with them) in the sense that the jokes would be mostly kinda corny and kiddy and mostly only funny to kids. but, i’ve been pleasantly surprised. like i’ve laughed out loud at it so many times.
harley, frankie and joey are amongst my favourite fictional ‘older than the main kids’ bullies; i love them so much oml.
as someone from a lower-income, non-perfect-family background, i like how a character with the background of shawn is a main character in a show like this. i won’t act like my life is as tragic as shawn’s (i’m aware of the shit he goes through throughout the show) but it just feels nice that not every single character is from some middle class, pretty standard family (not to sound like i’m low-key bashing full house again).
if i ever end up becoming a teacher (at this point it’s a major possibility), hopefully i’ll be as good as mr feeny and mr turner. i’d like to be the cool teacher if i can’t be the cool kid rn. jeez that sounded sadder than intended.
anyway, i might make an update about my thoughts on the show when i’ve watched more of it.
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ttlmt · 3 years
1, 8, 14, 23, 37, 48 :)) all I know about gifs are “🥺prettie” so pls forgive me asking a lot lol
no need to apologize!! ty for the qs it was fun <3
1. what are your top three favourite sets you’ve made?
i guess it’s not a set exactly but my whole dapgbee series is something i think i will always be proud of and it really helped me grow a lot as a gifmaker. this set always makes me emo whenever i see it again i love it sm. i also just really love this edit.
8. what gif trend do you hate?
i’m not a big fan of like purposeful miscaptions? like when you put captions from something else onto a different media? mostly cause it confuses me esp if it’s not clearly labeled and i think there’s other ways to webweave
14. how long does it usually take you to make a set?
depends on the set and the source material really. i have actions (shortcuts) set up for dnp gifs, so i just need to adjust the colouring to make them work each time depending on the lighting and their outfits and such, so i can usually do them in like 10-30 minutes. i find dan’s emo lens and phil’s wall bg a bit difficult to colour sometimes tho. for like tv shows and music videos with more complicated lighting, it can take me closer to an hour and for like proper gif edits it can be a multiday project tbh
23. what is the thing you gif when you don’t have anything else you want to gif?
pinofs. there’s so many cute, funny, and quick, clips and i can take and and all the colours in phil’s old background are so much fun to mess with
37. what sets if any do you have planned to make in the future?
i have so many spn ones planned you have no idea alsjdj and theres a couple from more recent phil vids that i still havent got around to yet. i’ve also been meaning to try to do more complicated gif edits/graphics, but i need inspo first. i’m thinking i might do something with dodie or louis lyrics.
48. how much would you say you’ve improved since you first started giffing?
gosh so much oml. colouring alone, i had no idea what i was doing when i started and now i love playing around with changing colours and adjusting the lighting and such. i also didn’t know how to adjust the framerate for the longest time or how to export properly. this post is a really cool direct example of my first ever gif to a year later.
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wndmxmffs · 5 years
Corpse Bride
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For the spoopy selebration!
Pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.7K+
Warning: paranormal stuff; the reader is basically dating a breathing corpse lmao
A/N: heyy! so, finally i’m back and in time to post my first piece for the spoopy selebration! hope you will enjoy reading this one, i had a lotta fun writing it even though it might be rushed which i’m sorry for :((( got so dark at the end oml
It was a long, cold and lonely night. The fog had just started settling again and you tried to speed up a little to get home as soon as possible. You didn’t necessarily live in the safest part of the city and you weren’t planning to get attacked on your way home through the not so well-lit streets- your quarter wasn’t the richest one either.
As you speeded up and turned the corner, you saw a slightly dirty white dress flowing around the figure of a redheaded woman in the wind. Your heart skipped a beat and you almost let out a scream before placing your hand on your chest with a racing heart. You looked into her glassy eyes and started to feel uncomfortable but still approached the woman. You weren’t sure if it was the clever thing to do, but she seemed lost and alone, and you didn’t want her to get into trouble.
You crossed the street, looking both ways before stopping a few inches away from the stranger who slowly turned her head to you. You could clearly see her mouth moving but all you heard were incomprehensible whispers. You shook your head and stepped a little closer, asking her to repeat what she had just said.
“I’ve locked myself out,” she repeated a bit more loudly. You nodded and looked around on the street. You could see a group of young boys turning the corner and you felt a sudden sense of anxiety in your stomach as they looked at you with raised eyebrows- before continuing their chatter and laughter down the road. You let out a small sigh and turned back to the stranger woman who seemed lost and – even though she tried to hide it – scared. The light breeze flew some of her red hair in her face and she was quite slow to react- she put it back behind her left ear like she was already dying. You had no idea why, but you felt even colder around her and something off about the beautiful stranger that spent shivers down your spine. However, you simply ignored the bad feeling in your gut and told her to feel free to spend the night at yours- your apartment was only a few feet away. It was obvious that she didn’t have any back-up keys and you couldn’t let her wander around the cold street throughout the night.
Once the old and spooky elevator in your block of flats arrived at your floor, the redheaded woman looked around a bit shy and her eyes wide open.
“I know it doesn’t seem very welcoming but I hope you’ll like my flat a bit more,” you said smiling at her, letting her inside and dropping your keys on the shelf right next to your front door. You led the oddly beautiful stranger around your apartment before sitting down for a tea with her, getting to know each other. You found out that her name was Natasha Romanoff, former Russian spy but that was all in the past. You listened to her talking about herself in her low voice and watched as she was getting more and more comfortable opening up to you.
And from that night on, you kept seeing each other, all the while Natasha grew quite fond of you and you knew that you felt so much more than attraction to this woman. Yes, it was so much more- you felt like you were in love for the first time in a long while. And you had never felt something quite like this before. Natasha was more than a simple human being- she radiated a particular kind of mystery that you weren’t able to solve and that was what made you feel such a strong attraction towards her. Natasha was everything you had ever dreamt of.
When you first started going out, it was a bit awkward and hard to find the right topics, but eventually, you started getting to know each other even more. However, Natasha still acted weird every time you were walking around the town- like she had been sent here from another planet or simply another century. And little did you know that was the truth.
At first, you didn’t have any suspicions. You simply thought they were silly thoughts and chased them away as quickly as you could. But, over time, your anxiety started taking over. You knew that something was up, that something wasn’t right. Natasha had never actually told anything important about her life besides her work and his favourite things. She always looked sad and pale, and her choice of clothes didn’t help the situation either. She either stayed quiet all day or spoke at such a low voice that you could barely hear her. At first, you thought she was simply ill, maybe had caught a cold but after months, you knew that something else was the reason.
At first, you didn’t even give a second thought to these odd things about your girlfriend. Everyone has their quirks, right? But there was a single week that managed to change your mind and led you to believe you were simply crazy. There was no other explanation for everything that had happened.
It all started on a cold night. You were bundled up in your blanket and were sleeping peacefully when you reached out to cuddle your girlfriend, half-asleep. When your hand landed on the cold surface of your bed. You furrowed your eyebrows and pushed yourself up on the bed, looking around with your eyes slightly open. You scratched the back of your head while getting out of bed and headed towards the door to look for your girlfriend. You had already reached for the handle on the door when you heard a loud scream in the kitchen. You froze for a moment, then quickly opened the door and rushed out, already looking for the closest weapon when you saw Natasha standing by the window all alone, looking at the full moon. You looked at her with wrinkles on your forehead and touched her shoulder gently, causing her to let out a small whimper and look at you with eyes wide open.
“I’m sorry, love. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just heard a scream and…” But you couldn’t finish because Natasha simply turned towards the corridor and went back to bed without saying a single word. Later, you remembered that her feet didn’t make any sound while walking on the parquet, even though they were creaking all the time you walked on them.
The next day, Natasha told you that she had some stuff to do downtown and you had a hard time letting her go. You were sitting on the top of your kitchen table with your girlfriend between your legs and her lips intertwined with yours. You couldn’t help but giggle when she gently caressed your back, saying that she needed to leave. You looked sadly and still desperately at her as she stepped out the front door, finally wearing something from this century. She even seemed less pale and much happier than those days and you were convinced that the events from the night before were simply a part of an awful nightmare. However, as you went to the bathroom to wash your hands before making lunch and looked in the mirror, you could see her standing behind you and you let out a cry before quickly turning around. You couldn’t see anything but your old furniture- Natasha was long gone. Your stomach was jumping up and down and you needed to sit down to take a moment before going back to the kitchen. You buried your face deep in your palms but all you could see was Natasha’s pale face and glassy eyes staring at you in the mirror. You knew you needed to get out of your flat, so you grabbed everything you needed and reached for the handle- which didn’t even move. You tried to push it down, pull it up but it was steady and stubborn. It didn’t even let out a squeak as you kept trying and you simply couldn’t believe all this was real. You hysterically started looking for you keys and you even dropped them before trying to push it into the lock. However, it didn’t fit. You had no idea what had happened- all you knew was that you needed to get out. You felt warm tears rolling down your cheeks as you looked around, trying to find a way out and the moment you turned towards your living room, you saw Natasha again- she was dressed in her white Victorian gown, much like a bride’s dress back then. Your girlfriend looked at you from under her eyelashes and her lips slowly formed a terrible smile on her face. You started screaming at the top of your lungs and banged on the door multiple times, hoping someone would hear you- only then you remembered that you had only two neighbours- one of them was at work and the other one was a deaf lady.
You saw Natasha slowly approaching you with that smile of a psychopath on her face and you were sure it was the end. However, you didn’t give it up so quickly. You grabbed the vase from the bookcase and threw it at the beast you had called your girlfriend not so long ago. She hissed and pressed her hand on her forehead while you had time to escape- the door suddenly opened up and you ran as fast as you could down the stairs and out the front door of your apartment. You weren’t stupid, you knew it was not the end, so you had to cross the street as fast as you could while also avoiding getting in the way of an approaching vehicle.
You were already on the other side of the road when you saw the woman dressed in the white gown looking at you while laughing, spending shivers down your spine. You were ready to continue running but a loud crash and an otherworldly scream made you stop. You turned around to see blood flowing out of Natasha’s head and a panicking driver getting out to see the damage, or, in your opinion, the blessing, he had caused.
Suddenly, you could feel the anxiety and the odd coldness you had been constantly experiencing for months leave your body and you knew that she was actually dead this time. You were safe now.
Please, leave your feedback in my comment section or my inbox. It would mean the world to me. Thank you!
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